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 ' .1 
 Under I9th and 20th Vict,j:!ap. 107, 
 i ■ 
 If' . ■ , 
 •U . 
 (t'l : 
- + 
 1 75% 
 TnE following are the BY-LAWS, RULES and 
 EEGULATIONS, for the management of the KINGS- 
 TON HOSPITAL, adopted by the Board of Govern- 
 ors on the thirteenth day of December, one thousand 
 eight hundred and fifty six, under the powers conferred 
 on them by Statute 19th and 20th Victoria, chap. 107, 
 sec. 6. 
 ' '^ * 
 • 7 
 =.-' •■ ■ *'': 
 ^ •■• 
 / ; 
 or TMa 
 Board of G;overnors. 
 1. A meeting of the Board of Governors shall be held ' 
 at the Hospital on the first Saturday of every month, at 
 three o clock, P. M. ; these meetings shall be the ordinarv 
 Monthly meetings^ ' , "^ 
 2. The Board] of Governors shall, at such monthly 
 naeetmgs, examine and audit all accounts against the Hos- 
 pital, and if found Correct, give orders for the payment of 
 the same by cheque, and no money or account, except for 
 petty expenses, shall be paid without an order from the 
 Board. The board shall also examine all the Books kept 
 by the Secretary, and the book of Orders and Directions 
 given by the Visiting Governors, to be appointed as here- 
 fttter mentioned, and approve of, or alter them as they may 
 insider proper, and all such orders and proceedings of the 
 Visiting Governors, unless especially altered by a minute 
 of the Board, shaU be held to have been approved of and 
 confirmed. *^ 
 8. All monies received on account of the Hospital 
 amounting to Ten Pounds and upwards, shall be at oric^ 
 deposited in one of the Chartered Banks, and no money 
 shall be withdrawn therefrom except by order of the Boani 
 by cheque, signed by the Chairman and Secretary. Sums 
 of money not amoi^ting to Ten Pounds, shaU be paid to 
 the Steward, and entered by him in a petty cash boot, and 
 accounted for m manner specified in Rule No. 41 
 4. Extraordinary meetings of the Board may be call- 
 ed at any time by the Chairman, or on the requisition of 
 any three Governors to the Chairman, or in his absence to 
 the Secretary, and may be held at such place within the 
 t/ity ot Kingston, as may be deemed convenient by the 
 (chairman or Secretary calling the meeting. 
 Visiting governors. 
 5. At each, ordinary monthly meeting, the Board of 
 (jovernors shall appoint two of their number to act as Vis- 
 mng Governors untU the next monthly meeting, when 
 Uiey may either go out of office, or be re-appointed by the 
 6. TheVisiting. Governors shall visitthe Hospital every 
 day dunng the time for which they are appointed, and 
 shall enter their names in a Minute Book to be kept for 
 the purpose, whh subh observations relative to the«tate of 
 the Hospital as they may from time to time consider ne- 
 7. They shall give all orders to the Steward for the 
 purchase of stores or other necessaries, or for such repaira 
 on the building and premises as may feom time to tinw be 
 required : they shall also give such further orders and di- 
 rections for the proper regulation and management of the 
 house and its inmates (not inconsistent with these rulesV 
 as they may see to be necessary, and shall cause all such 
 orders to be entered in the Minutia Book, and laid before 
 the Board for approval at the next monthly meeting. 
 8. Any Visiting Governor who is unable to attend to 
 his duties, by reason of absence, illness, or otherwise shall 
 procure some other of the Governors to attend in hia 
 place, and to perform his duties during his absence. 
 9. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the 
 Board of Governors, take minutes of the proceedings of 
 such meetings, i^nd transcribe the same into a Muute 
 Book to be Kept for the purpose. . 
 same. . ^nug, and obtain approval of the 
 and after being siCTedhv^for-u-^'^^^s for approval 
 m^tmgB, he shaU also nottfv th. r "^ of extraordinary 
 ?rT^£!^ oi mee^g.'^' ^°^'"^°^ ^^ ^^^ ol^S 
 W and Ex^S,: ofttrSut' "^r* o^tJ^e 
 monies received from whatevprL *?*?°' including aU 
 the end of each moShTand lav kT' ^"^^^ '^^ «a^e at 
 next monthly meeting ortgeKd^^"^^*^ before the 
 Medical Offieers. 
 of wiL'STaSr^^^^^^^ two 
 Medical Officere, and one of t W, ^^^'**'^ of attending 
 Hospital every day. * '^^^' *' ^<^, shall visit (S| 
 Attending Medleal Ottsmmfa 
 ber and for ttir«e months^fr^ ff ^„^ ^^^ of Novem 
 May, and such attending iSalOffl ®™^' *^ ^^t of 
 examine and admit or reieot^f L?®T' °f ^<^^ sh^l 
 commended, or mav mS?* tSr P^V^^ts who mav be^ 
 ring the r^eijod in%£^ilj'^^'^Z^' f^^^ Z 
 tibey shjH also order the S.S ^K""^^^ ^ ^^^^^e : 
 be cured, or who may h&veh^if^^H'^*^^'^^ «s iSv 
 teinedin the Hospit^ bT ^'^^.^^^^^ tobe^ 
 incurable or other^ ^luTZylt^^ ^^ 
 i|Lhi,-i,.^,,.'.,,,i4**i'- '■ • 
 I ! 
 18. At each visit the Medical Officer in attendance 
 shall write such prescriptions, and give such directions as 
 he may deem necessary to the Steward, Resident Medical 
 Officer, Matron or Nui-ses, and shall 'prescribe a form of 
 19. The visiting hour shall be at eleven A. M., ; 
 throughout the year. 
 20. If any Medical Officer be prevented from attend- 
 ing to the duties of his office while ne is in charge, he shall 
 procure the attendance of some other Medical Officer of the 
 Instftuiion, to perform his duties in his stead. 
 21. No capital operation shall be performed except in 
 cases where delay might be dangeroijS} withbut giving 
 notice thereof to all the Medical Officer^ belonging to the 
 Hospital, nor without the concurrence <)f the majority of 
 tho^ present, and the nature and positi<i>n of the operaticHi 
 to be performed, shall also be determined in the same 
 manner. " , <- 
 22. The attending Medical Officer, or Visiting Gov- 
 ernors shall have power to dismiss any patient who shall 
 go out of the Hospital without leave, or who may be guil- 
 ty of drunkenness, or of profane swearing, or who shall 
 otherwise violate any of the Rules of the Institution ; and 
 no patient who has been dismissed for suih offi;ncesby any 
 Visiting Governor or Medical Officer, shall be re-admitted 
 by any other Visiting Governor or Meiiitial Officer, except 
 with consent of the party who dismissed him, no such pa- 
 tient being re-admissable without such <|ousent, excepting 
 by the Board of Governors. 
 Resident Medical Officer. 
 23. A resident Medical Officer shall be appointed as 
 soon as the circumstances of the Hospital will aamit of it, 
 and until such appointment, his duties, as hereinafter des- 
 cribed, shall be performed by the Steward as far as practi- 
 24. No person shall be eligible to the office of Resi- 
 dent Medical Officer^ unless he shall lay Itefore the Gover- 
 nors 8atis£Eu:to]ry testimonials of his mortl character, and 
 shall be a licensed practitioner or a medical student of 
 Queen's Colleger 
 26. The resident Medical Officer shiU visit the res- 
 pective Wards every morning, and at al!. 
 times when he 
 may think it jiecessary^, and be prepared to report to the 
 attending Medical Officer, the 8tate of the patients since his 
 last visit and it shall be his duty to see that the. prescrip- 
 tions and directipns of the attending Medical Oflttcers are 
 regularly attenOed to, and the Medicines carefully and 
 promptly administered. 
 26. No. operation shall be performed by ,the resident 
 Medical OflScer, without special directions from the attend- 
 ing Medical Ofl&cers. to whom all eases requiring imme- 
 diate attention shall be at once reported. 
 27. In any case of a very urgent nature, the resident 
 Medical Officer shall give, immediate notice to the attend- 
 ing Medical Officer, and if he cannot h6 found, to any of • 
 the other Medical Officers of the Institution. . 
 28. He shall not have power finally to admit ^ny pa- 
 tient, but he may, in cases of urgency, suCh as accidents, 
 &c., give a patient admission in the meantime, and until 
 exammed and finally admitted or rejected by the attending ' 
 Medical Officer. Nor shall he have power to dismiss a pa- 
 tient, but shall report any improjper ^duct, or other rea- 
 sons which he may conceive call for his dismissal, to the 
 attending Medical Officer, or to the Visiting Governors 
 who shall deal with such patient as they think proper 
 subject to the approval of the Board. ' 
 29. He shall allow no i)atient to be removed from one 
 Bed or Ward to another, without the order or permission 
 of the attending Medical Officer. . % 
 30. He shall compound t^nd make up all Medicines 
 required for the Hospital, according lb Uie formula from 
 time to time prescribed by the Medical -Officers : he shall ' 
 dehver no Medicines whiph are not ordered by the attend- A 
 mg Medical Officers, nor shall he permit any Aledicines to 
 betikin out of ]||^Hospital, excepting bv outpatients 
 under the directio^K the attending Medical Officer. 
 81. He shall rfijike up the different Medicines for the 
 Wards, and annex to them labels containing the names of 
 the patients, and the directions for takmg them, and shall 
 send the Medicines to the different Wards by the respective 
 Nurses. '^ 
 82. He' shall have charee of all the Suivicallnstni. 
 ments, Medicines and materials belonging to the hospital 
 shall be responsible for the same, and for their good order! 
 88. He shall insert in the Begister under his charge' 
 an aocouttt of all the operations performed in the Hoepital' 
 Jby whom pei^)teaed| Mid ti ieiri^ul t Br — / ■ ' 
 . -^ 
 - 1 
 ^'^uiAU * 
 .." .. '^W- -,v-.^,i'A-!i , 
1 i 
 • .- - <■ _: „ ' ... O ,■< 
 ' ' fi4. . He shall notify the Steward o^all patients j 
 ed, and of all directions as to diet, extras, &o.. 
 #^^' 85. He shall keep a Book or. Register of all patients 
 adinitted into the Hospital, in which shall be inserted^their, 
 names, a^, countries, religions, diseases, times of admission, 
 name of Medical Officer admitting, distinguishing whether 
 pay patients or paupers, tim^ of discharj^e, whelmer otu%d, 
 relieved, irregular or dea(^ ; and shall draw, up amoiithly 
 report of the state and nuinber o:^ the patients admit^ted and 
 discharg^ and cause the same, with the book -or regu^er, 
 to 'be laid before* the Board at their regular Monthly 
 86. It shall be his duty to perform all yaocinations, as. 
 hereinafter teqvured. '^ " .'^^ " 
 87. He shall tr^msaot no other posineas butthat of the 
 Hospital, without special permissioQ froia^ the Board of 
 ! J 
 88. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the Office 
 of Steward, no one shall be appointed to that office who 
 has not previously laid before the Board of Governors sat- 
 isfactory testimonials of moral character and education, and 
 of general fitness for the office. 
 89. The Stet^ard shall purchase and receive, under 
 the direction of the Board of (JovemoxsL or of the Visit- 
 ing Gt)v^:iiors for the time, all stores brought into the 
 Hospital j and he shall keep a stock book of the same, add- 
 ing all stprves purchas^, and deducting from ^me to timcL 
 such as have oeen 1i8|^d^iILihe house, 'so tha,t it may at m 
 times belseen what amount of stores of etfch k^et is actual- 
 ly on hand, and he shall give timely notice to the Visiting 
 Govera^ when spa^ of the stores are nearly expended. 
 40. li^Le shall aXsokeep a daily diet table,Snth a col- 
 umn fi^ extras, un^ the directions pf the attending Medr 
 41^ He shall keep P^ Books, into which shall bet- 
 tered Ul artides purchased' from &ose tradesmen viwx 
 whoiia/^ccountB xosfy be opened by order of the Bqwd, or 
 of the^ Vinting Governprs, and for all other articles he ahalL 
 oldiauii/ i^yoic^ all of which he i^aXi lay bdfore £he Board 
 ibijEoWh lihe SeoreUiry, onee a inontH at their regular 
 moodily ijoeeting, tma the Board shall audit sam^ and if 
 approved, give orders for payment t^eceo£ 
 -.-J.. . 
 ' / 
 .VlJW^^f^S^P*^P«% Cash Book, in whi<* he 
 «f fl^* ®^*^ *^ ^^^'y monthly meetinff of the Board 
 of Govamore, report the state^f the Hospital. anTalS^hB 
 W th?^rjS^ of pa^ente admitted SSr^d dS-! 
 a«t ^'SifS,?^!?** ?'«'™<J to take «i- 
 <rf.p*li^/ ? ***'^ forthe aeryioe 
 ^\ ' . ! 
 49. He shall hang np in the hall of the Hospital the 
 names of *he visiting Governors for the months and of the 
 mbdical officers, and he shall also dailv enter m a book the 
 name of each medical officer and the hour of his visit. 
 60 He shall, immediately on the admission of patients, 
 take an inventory, in a book to be Ijept for the purpose, of 
 their clothes and other effects shall order the clothes to^ 
 purified? if necessary, and shall be accountable for the^fe . 
 delivery of the same to the patients on living the Hospi- 
 tal, or in ease of death, to any person whom the visiting ^ 
 Governors may. authorize to receive the same. Provided 
 that if theclothM of any patient are in such astate^as to ren- 
 der it necessary that they should be burnt, it shall be done, 
 if sanctioned by the attending ^^''f^'^^;.-^ ..^^ 
 51 Ou the death of any patient, he shall giv^ irtttte* 
 diate notice to the medical officer under whose charge he 
 w^and shall instantly cause the body to be removed to 
 the dead hcmse.^^^^^ absent' himself from the H^pital 
 exceptingon duty or by permission of the Visiting Gover- 
 \ '■ 
 58. A fit and proper- person shall be appointed as 
 Matron as soon as circumstances will admit oj, i\;^ _^ 
 54. No one at any time shall be appointed Matron nn- 
 ta she shall have produced unexoepti9nal te«t*°«>»"»'« J* 
 moral character, suavity of temper, and fitness tor the 
 situation.^^^ shall make repeated visits to the wards during 
 the day, and occasionally at night, to«ee that the wards are 
 im>perly attended by the n««^ »;^,f^'^'^\ t ,CS^ 
 Sem their respective wards, and uhall report to the resi- 
 ^a m«Kcal ofc. or to the f^^^^^^'tl^I^^^^r^ 
 patients as ai« abwnt without leave, from their r«^aVo 
 ™^6. She shall oversee the conduct of the V^^^^{^^ 
 servants, and take care that the wwds, ^Pj^^®^.,^^ 
 SotheOinen, &a. are kept clean ^^i'^l.^^J^^^y,^^ 
 67 Sheshallhave charge of all the furmttoi<e,^bed8, 
 bedding and dresses, belonging to the HospitaJ iflBue4 by 
 Se Stewai^, aafaTas regardsV departmen^ v^j^ _ 
 M. Shi shall report to the attending mediod oft^. 
 I , 
 SM^i *KJW» ' . i ii *,iffl|.» k.,'|'MmWi4.'f4>a!^'*A*^^^'''- 
 patients or servants, or any irregularity which may occur 
 in the house. / 
 69. Slv? shall prevent any thing/being taken into the 
 Wards excepting what is ordered. / 
 60. She shall not permit any person to see any of the 
 patients excepting at the times ordered by the J3oard or 
 visitme Governors. •' c^ » 
 6L She shall superintend the diet of the patients, and 
 be particular that the said diet is. given in tibe quantitr 
 and at the time prescribed and nothing else. 
 ^ 62. When a death occurs, the Matron shall imraedi- 
 wely report the same to the resident medical ofl&cer or 
 63. When a patient is seized with violent of alarminct 
 S°5P^"^i'*® ^^ immediately report the same to the 
 Medical Officer m attendance, and in his absence, to the 
 resident medical officer or Stewanl. ■ • 
 64. Immediately gfth e death of any patient, she 
 shall report the same W^he resident Meuical Ufficei^ or 
 Steward, and shall at once have the body removed to the 
 aead-house, and there washed and decently laid out 
 . Nurses. 
 Ttr J^: ^?^ Patients are admitted, the Nurse of the 
 Ward to which they are ordered, shall immediately wash 
 thwr feces and hands, necks, arms, feet and legs, with temd 
 ^i ^iT'^r *^l»».\0eoeral bath, and shal? give Uem 
 hospilal shirts and night-caps, if they have none, and shall 
 deliver without delay to the Steward, their clothes, after 
 an mventory has been taken. ^ 
 nm ^^' ?t^ N'lraes shall state to the attending Medical 
 Uffioer, at hi^ next visit, such circumstances as may tend 
 ^ ii'^'^.u^'^''®'''^® ?**^ <*f*h« patients admitted, and 
 ' iiJP ^""^^ *' ®**^ succeeding visit. 
 i»«* ■ • /■* *^ ®^®^* ®^*"^ P*''«°' being seized with vio- 
 jent^or alarming symptpms, they shall give immediate no- 
 **~^^n^to the attending M^dal oW, or in hU X 
 »W to t^ rgident MediSil Officer or Stewiu^ 
 «T,-«5:'*i?^^?^^.^^^'J ordered by ^he Matron, shall 
 ohanoe the paU^nto^, ^inen, bed clothes anS bedding. 
 A^*k ^TJ^^»^*¥f wseive no Medicines «nt from the 
 fMi£S^i^iu^Ki.'L>4.iiMLia<.. .' ' J.II ,':>,4>>>AJMi4< ''wi>i.b '>.'. .%.' . .<.4^i> 
V 1 
 70. When a death occurs,- the Nittse of the "Ward 
 shall immediately give notice thereof to the resident Medi- 
 cal Officer, tynd to the Steward or Matron. 
 71 Th^ Nurses shall clean, and dry rub with a brush 
 to be provided for, the purpose, the respective Wards, at 
 e%ht o clock, A. M. every day in the year, and shall attend 
 to the vessels or utensils as often as neceasary. 
 72. The Nurses shall be diligent in complying with 
 the orders of the Medical Officers, Steward and Matron, 
 and shall behave with tenderness and propriety towards 
 the jiatients. 
 78. They shall pay particular attention to the patients, 
 supplying them with the drink as prescribed, as often as 
 necessary ,placinK the vessel or vessels containing incommo- 
 diously within their reach, aud in all cases assisting lihem 
 when unable to assist themselves. 
 74. They shall see that the patients take their medi- 
 cines as m^scribed. 
 76. They shall on no account allow anything to be 
 brought into the Wilrds, or given to patients except that 
 which is ordered. 
 76. They shall give immediate notice to the attending 
 Medical Officer, or in his abseaoe to ^he resident Medicd 
 Officer, Steward or Matron, when any patient shall have 
 violated any of the By-Laws of the Hosptal; 
 77. They shall take their meals in the appointed 
 Towns, they shall not unnecessarily leave their respective 
 wards when on dutv, nor shall th^ leave the Hospital 
 without permission m>m the Resident Medical Officer. 
 78. Thev shall always keep themselves deun and 
 respectably dothed. 
 79. Medical Students of Queen's College, on paying 
 to the funds of the Hospital a fee of one pound eurrencyr 
 ■ball receive a ticket entitling them to attend the piaotioe 
 of the Htispital, while they renudi^ Stn^entt of the College; 
 this fee, however, is not to be exacted ftom Stndenta who 
 have matriculated during the present l^^onorpreTimiBlT, 
 who are to receive suoh ticket tew of cwrgd. 
 80. Students shall be permitted to be present during 
 the visits of the Attending Medical Officen, and to remain 
 in the Wards during such visits, to see the praotioe^ and 
 the Wa,^;f£X'Yhi^ V ^V^r'^' »<^ but 
 when^Li«.-4i^lfd;"^ t^^^^ ^^-« the ^rn ataliy time, 
 or on an? sneSial cK?.«^n7 '^ Attending Medical Office? 
 to be ^Ked^rould 1? S""!" °Pfr*'«° « «»«« 
 considerthatS^Sn^nJht^^'^M'u"^ ^^''^^ ^cer 
 interest of the pitienr^ ^ ''^'^'^ ^ prejudicial to the 
 the Mi!^nnTilhr J^'.hP'^P".''*/ ?°^ <^^o™- '"^ 
 Kules and KegulaSona shalf »i \'' . "1^ *"^ ""^ '^e 
 expulsion, at thrdiJ^ttn 1<?1i,'"SJ-*^'.*° *''« t^e''*"^ of 
 Attending Medimi oE ,.f thJ' ^'«\*'!»« ^^^ernbi/ or 
 or inmate of ZuSSn "^"P^*"*^* ^^ ^^^^ «ffi<«^ 
 * • 
 Officers of the :^S^hI^f E? **M^* ^**»«' ^edioaf 
 fioaUv adnSL S^i^* t"' *^'*"' **»« Patient shall be 
 •dmission. *°** "P^'*^ *>J^ *»™ to b« a fit sulgeot fw 
 diaeaS? wWlF^®"' h»bouring under insanity, or under an v 
 ted whose oane and ftiJ«SrElSi^ /""^ "*^ ®»« *» •dmii- 
 i* J DOT shiSr^TwSol^r? t ?ot positive^ ixrquiw 
 tf-^Li-^i ) ^ , 
 I SiaiSi4M:ai.Jii,x!Txwini,ij^f 
 87. Such patients as are unable to pay for their maia* 
 tenance shall oe received as paupers, and those who are 
 able shall pay at such rate ^er diem as may be ordered by 
 the Yiditing Governors, subject to approval of the Board 
 at their next monthly meetmg. 
 88. No patient shall smoke or spit in the Wards, or 
 on the galleries, make use of any obscene or pro&ne Ian* 
 guage, be guilty of swearing or other improper conduct ; 
 nor shall they leave the Ho.spital without the permission 
 of the resident Medical Officer, nor the ward in which they 
 have been placed, without permission of the attending 
 Medical Officer. 
 8^. The patients shall not play at cards, dice, or any 
 other game. 
 90. They ^il conduct themselves with due reqpeot to 
 the officers and, attendants of the Institution. 
 91. ifo male patient shall, under any pretence what- 
 ever, enter the apartments or wards for the' females, nor 
 shall a female patient, enter the apartments or w:ards for the 
 males, without express Orders from the attending Medical 
 Officer, resident Miedical Officer, or Steward. 
 92. No patient shall use, or allow their friends to bring 
 them any thmgwhatever, without permission of the attend^ 
 ing Mcaicpd (Mcer. 
 98. Eveiy patient shall retire to bed at nine p. m. from 
 first May to first November, and at eight p. m. from Nov-i 
 ember to May, and those who are able shall rise at six a. m. 
 in the summer, and seven a. m. ii^ the winter. 
 94. Such patients as shall be considered able, shall as^ 
 sist the nurses and other servants of the Hospital, in nurs- 
 ing the patients, nuiking beds, cleaning the wards,'and do- 
 ing such other work as the resident medical Officer may 
 direct , 
 95. Any patients who shall not have been previously 
 vaomnsted, or who have not had the small-pox, shall, «& 
 adnussion, be forthwith vaccinated, unlosa it be fbrbiddea - 
 by some sufficient cause. 
 96. In every case where any patient, maj desii^to 
 have the services of a Olergyman, on such patient expresf 
 sing a wish to that effed to.the Stewart or Matron, it sbaU' 
 be the duty Of the Steward, immediately to ascertain from; 
 such patient, the individual OIei|urman or Clergymen of 
 suqh pailiOular denomination, as he may wish to see, anid! 
 he shall immediately seiid a note to such Olsrgjmm eiL-' 

 • «f ♦v,^^' ^^"^'f 'o^shall also be granted to snch Clergymen 
 of the yarious dertominfttions of the city, who may dSiro 
 Jf> to celebrate Divine Service in a room in th"lYoi?J 
 to be appropriated for the purpose, at such houre aa^m^t 
 from time to time be appointed by the Visiting Governora 
 at. which such officers and servants as can be- sparS aS 
 SdtoC^^d."™'^^'^^''"^^^"^°^' shall O^t 
 Po^?®;-^"^rPL**'f°' "*** conforming to the Rules and 
 ^ QQ A{,^^r? ^^'^'^ Officer, or Visiting Governor, 
 ahftll hn^ l2 ^ f /"^ P*'^'®"' ^y'n? '" tl^e Hospital, 
 twentv fo.^r'"''''-^^ ^^^ interment^ until after the lapw of 
 ^enty-four hours m summer, and of thirty-six in winter 
 Offi^ '^"'*^'' permission from the Attending mSQ 
 n'nl Ji?^' .7'^^*"'^ ™*J > admitted from three to five 
 <'^«°k daily, except on Saturdays and Sundays. 
 lUl. Any visitor conducting" himself or herself with 
 tion, shall be liable to immediate expulsion bv the Attend 
 ing Medical Officer Resident MediSal OffiS, or VisS 
 Governors, and shall not be en itled again t(^ enter thf 
 Institution, without the express order oFthe BoaS 
 Out Patients. 
 *i, -J^2. Advice and Medicines will be given imitia at 
 m. No Out Patient shall loiter about the Hosoital 
 S^rSIIT'^.^^r'l^'' P'^''*^*^ '^"^^ come di^ to 
 the place appointed for them to be received, and assooh as 
 l^veXS:?^S!^ ^'"^ '"^^^ ^" ^^^ ^-' ^«^^s 
 n 1 ^<^-*-4;"y Out Patient who shall violate anvof tU 
 By order bf the Boards -" / ' ,, 
 The foregoing Rvlea and ReguUxttona were mib' 
 mitted to His Mccellency the Governor General in > 
 Canmcil, on (he 23r(2 day of December^ 1856, and 
 approved ofi 
 ..K,' . M,i, . II. 
 J,.*.^^ i.f.' i.. r.'«^»«. vr^i-w. 
 k^.t. .u.v"\.,.'<i.uiit.,. iv.v.Ui'! rtA«'ji«{i*ii.^kiii.«..V.j(t(j£wi!Ma^''^ 
' r'V ^ 
 AN ACT to amend and 
 laws relative to the 
 of the Kingston Hbspitcfl 
 -*■ I. 
 as amended, the 
 incorporation of the Trusted 
 l{A«^tis» TO In JoiT, VIM.] 
 Ty HEEEAS it is expe<iient to amend the lawa 
 TTin^I^^w ® * V f^ ipcojporatibn of the TrMtees of the 
 jKjngston Hospital and to consolidate the same as amended- 
 I rJ??' f^^^ajestj by and with the advice and eon; 
 rnaJ.teilfe!'^''' Ck,uncil^dAs8embly^0a«yta. 
 J. The Act passed in the Session held in the twelfth 
 year of Her Majesty's Reign and intituled An Act to «W 
 pcrra^ thi Trustees of Out KingsUm' Hospi^l shaU be aSs 
 hereby repealed. mm» 
 *i. ^ vF'^^^^?^ *^' *^® passing of this Act.the Jtfayor of 
 theCityofKmgston, for the time >ing, the WawEft ^ 
 ^e United Counties of Frontenacu I^nox and Addington. 
 for thetime being, the Judge of the United Cpup^of 
 Sh«SffTk-^??°f Ti ^^^"gton. for the time feeing, Ae 
 Shenff of the United Counties of Frontenao, Lenn^and 
 Addmgton, for the time being, one of the Medical Pro^ 
 ^rs of "Queen's College" to be nominated annuaUy by the 
 SSS^i**'^'^*' *&"^ Sampson, ± D., the HonoraBle John 
 Tf^« ^^*^® Honorable John Alexander Maodcjttdd. 
 JohnRB-orsYtL Thomas Kirkpatrick, John WatSS!' 
 ^es HopkirTc, Thomas Askew, John Paton, William 5 
 HmdaanJ James Harty, Esq^uirea and thei? raoeflBora in 
 the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall be, within the 
 toeamng of^^he "Itrf^reitotipn Act," A bodPoorponue. bv 
 flie n^me of the " Qtnrernors of thi KingMon iSStf*^ - 
 \?lSTh *¥^' ^'i^ t^lPoteiB by tie saidlSliii. 
 tioned Act conferred upon bodies odrpoiate or Corpoifttfbni. 
 have power to hold the said HospitaTand all the land Md 
 jte:g^Ygtedln_%e Truste es p^^hs^ j^ 
 ',-|V .,.^Viijvia 
 the Act hereby repealed or in any manner whatsoever, all 
 which and all property now vested in the Trustees of the 
 said Hospital, shall be and are hereby vested in the Corpo- 
 ration as hereby constituted, whicn shall in law bo the 
 same Corpc ration with that created by the Act above cited 
 and repealed, and shall and may be capable bf receiving,^ 
 taking and holding from Her Majesty, or from any person 
 or persons, or any body corporate or politic, by grant, dc" 
 vise or otherwise, any lanas,*or interest in lands, or any 
 goods, chattels or effects, which Her Majesty^ or any such 
 Serson or persons, body corporate or politic, may bo 
 esirous of granting or conveying to them for the use and 
 support of the said Hospital, or for the endowment thereof. 
 IIL The eleven persons named aforesaid, and any per- 
 son who may have pawJ, or may hereafter pay th6full sum 
 of twenty -five pounds towards the support or endowment 
 of the l^ospital, and cqpitinue to py thereafter, the sum of 
 one pound yearly, on or before the first day of November 
 in each year, shall be and are hereby made Governors of 
 the said ^sroital ; and the ufor^mentioned eleven persons 
 shall holdbmce during life ; and the Governors other thaa 
 the eleven persons aforesaid shall hold office so long, as their 
 annual subscriptions shall be regularly paid.' 
 IV; If any one of tBe sjuid eleven Governors^ shall die, 
 remove fi^m the county, resign office, or become incapable 
 of acting from an^ cause, his said office shall thereby be- 
 come vacant, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary to 
 the Board of Governors (to be appointed as hereinafter 
 provided,) to communicate, such fact to the Governor of 
 this Provmoe. ' 
 "V". In the event of any vacancy, as in the last section 
 mentioned, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor of 
 this Province, in Council, to supply the sjud vacancy 
 within three months after the Secretary shall communicat]^ 
 . asl aforesaid, the fact of such vacancy, and if the said 
 vajcanby be not supplied by the Governor in Council with- 
 in \ha period aforesaid, it shall be lawM for the Board of 
 Oovernors, to proceed, at their first Annual Meetinc there- 
 after, to the election, by ballot, of pne Governor to fill each 
 •lOM^ vacancy as aforesaid. s ;,. •;.. i;; >; /; ,;.,«* 
 YI- It shall and may be lawfiil for the Board of Govern 
 ho^ feo m time^^Q^ 4iffi%4& mak ft JBy-^ ^^^ ^ 
 the admiflsion into, and for the internal management and 
 regulation of the said Hospital, or for the leasing oee man- 
 agement of such of the lands or property of the said Hos- 
 pital as may not be required for the immediate use thereof, 
 and eenerally to make such By-laws and Rules for the in- 
 ternal management and regulation of the said Hospital, a? 
 shall to them seem meet and expedient ; Provided always, ' 
 that such By-Laws or Rules shall be laid before the Gov- 
 ernor of thia Proviffce, in Council, for his approval, within 
 thirtj^days after the same shall have been made or adopt- 
 ed, and may be by him disallowed within one month after 
 the Siime shall be received when transmitted by the said 
 Board of Governors ; And provided always, that if no 
 notification of approval or disapproval be received by the 
 said Board within one month after the same shall "have 
 been transmitted to the Governor in Council, then such 
 By-laws and Ilules shall be deemed to have been approved, 
 aud shall, then forthwith be in force. 
 Vir. Any five of the said Governors shall form a quorum 
 for the transaction of business. 
 VIII. The annual general meeting of the Board of 
 Governors shaUrbe held on the first Monday of November 
 in eaxjh and every year: The first meeting to be held on 
 Wednesday, the fifth dav of November, in the year onethou- 
 sand eight hundred and. fifty-six. 
 IX. The said Governors shall at each Annual Meeting 
 to be held as aforesaid, appoint a Chairman to hold office 
 fbr the then ensuing year; the Chairman of the preceding 
 year shall hold office till the appointment of his successor 
 X. The said Board of Govemora. shall have power to 
 appoint a Secretary and such other*f)ffioers for the proper 
 management of the Hospital as they shall consider necessary, 
 with power to remove the said Secretary or any such officer 
 at pleasure, and to appoint another or others in his or their 
 places. ;, ^ 
 XI. It shall be the duty of the Clerk or^ Seoretaiy^ to 
 attend all meetings of the Board and to keep minutes of 
 their prooeedinm, and to communioate vaoauoies as heiein- 
 before provided, an^' generally to perform such othei' 
 duties as may bo prescribed by the Bpard in a By-law for 
 regulating his office. 
 !to^^4i5iiSiL'jaiit*lkto«».is»5i'Wt^i(ii,iiii- ''in.V,!,'' •Ji(WiS«iikAA„th'5(|aii/ 

 '£ •»«--!r ' ".v'T^-s'ffl 
 ^Jfv ^._^ 
 ft jWi ^. /# ^# <>^ ,*^'^ 5wd erf Covor- 
 I VK?W(, Uk ^ood, sale and ^^dent iecUritiep, . 
 m^|ijj§B^KqVia^ ^ijgr time coine into their handa, 
 l^,^.-^ ^ Bvgm^ of the said HospitaJ, whiph nmv 
 ^ jte Ija^UiJeA fi^t the i^un^diate e3^i>enditute of the saine ; 
 >«JK — ^1^ ^ time, j^h^n required bo to do by the 
 |fiQuB Province, to render an account in d^tiul 
 reqeiyedby them, as Governors 6f the said 
 ifynig the SQiirce* fj^ni which the same hay^ 
 tt^liwy'pjf lij^ VBceived, and the manner in which the s^e 
 ^e ijMi inyi^ted or expended, and all such jM^rticulars 
 jwpM^be peceB^ to s^iew thd state of the funds oren- 
 ^Vran^t,ifW»o?the8aiaHa^ and the said Board 
 "* "^"^ ^ -i-i» pleo Iji^ji^Juaiki^a. statement 'of "the • 
 ,^l;S^rtbpt^p:otvip9ttiieI*g^ : 
 , . ^ . fix^ the conmiexioemeiiLt of eaqu sessioa. 
 . , , ^y ., , . ,.. , _^^_ said Bo^ of Govemork by tlie. corporate 
 V nam^'aferesaid, shall have, in adcUtibn to the powers co^- ' 
 ^feraed bv the " Interpretation Act" aforesaid, power ixf' 
 dirtcain pr any i^t qr rents of aay kndaor buiMing^ or 
 any account wnatever, and .to dJiaMwin fpr jpenta when th^ 
 |nme are in arrear and unpaid, and to alpt in all matters 
 toi^cl^^ l^he bollebtioii and oohtrol of the mnds of ihe said 
 Hbffie^ Mid the management and disposinbn of any lands 
 %^0iigihg to i&e same, as shall appear to them to be moM 
 Ittd¥eto'thi9itttefe8tec(thesaidnospitea. V 
 XIY. It shall and m«j^ be lawfiil ibr any Bfedioal 
 ,vAqt^ in the saiii, City oi Kinij^tQu to vii^t the wards of 
 -^^al^ j^oi^iti^ and attend the^tipon the bayment of such 
 " --^ 'i|i(Ed^ s)).ch regttlaiaioQs aticl ins&uctions as the 
 ,.^^^,^yj^i,e*«b7ernors shian an4 may by any By-law 
 m>m Qine to time direct and appoint, ana with the sanction 
 «f-ai«.Mte»dirtg M<«^iod Oajoeip. V r,^^.j^ 
 • .'tS9|. ^iSTiotha the xepeiyt of tiie Act1ierdint)ef<»e repealed, 
 IMor/llift ohatige hereby mfme in jthe ooipqi^te name of or 
 -inihe iMunpoeitlen <^ ^JO^^jii^pn. th^liy constituted 
 «&dilieraby oonttiiiied, f^l in any wise a^^^ 
 ■■ any procesdings heretofore bona fide made or had puinmaiD^ 
 to the provisions of the said Act, or any ot^er Act relatlnfr 
 .-i^i^smii mA^mtptm^im Aot sh^ ap^ to ihip i&ll 
 ttu^g^^erev^r the ^rbvisiona of this Act are inopnsii^^ 
 -, ii"'«y 
^<k l^Vfl^' 
 V -^ 