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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. n 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 L^ ,iift«ii<8'S*^ m BROWN'S SHORT CATECHISM 10 u YOUNG CHILDREN. TOPwONTO: JAMES CAMPBELL, 9 Toronto Street. « "►l55S?a?j m I ., I • » r I'. » ;■ i ; ■ ( 1; ) t i > I j^^s^b ■^"*"^*''^'^ ^i-L ! ,K1 ■-«*■« ' ii (I SHORT CATECHISM Foa YOUNG CHILDREN BY THE REV. JOHN BROWN, LATl MINISTER OP THB GOSPBL AT BADOINOTOX. A KBW EDITION, ORBATLT IMPROVED. ifi A'- I I TORONTO: JAMES riATifPnuTT -^ — -— — -— .-« I. i-' xa JJ Jj J 9 TORONTO STREET. A SHORT CATECHISM FOR YOUNG CHILDREX. 1 Q' WHO made you f A, God. ^ 2 Q. Who redeemed you f A. Christ. 3 Q. Who sanctifies you f A, The Holy Ghost. *. 9;^ Qf^^^^ ««»•« you madef A. Of dust. , ^ Q' What doth that teach you? « '-n J*® ^"™^^e and mindful of death, o Q. For whai end were you made f A, To serve God. ^ ©• Why ought you to serve God? A. Because he made, preserves, and re- deems me. 8 Q. Hoto should you serve G^f A. By believing Sn his Son, calling on his name, and obeying his commands. * BBV. J. BBOWN's ^.1 ^m ^ ^'*^ ^st^^ y^ '<» pray r A. To God only. !f ^•/^**"' '^•^'*'* ^^^^ y^^ ^opray to Qodf n* VV 1?^' 7®^^ morning and evening. daily to (Mi ""^"^ '*'"^* ""^^' y^" ^^ /^«y A. That he would bring me to Christ. '^z:iT''' ""^'^ ■"' "»• ""^ ""p naJwr ?' ^^^ ^^ndofa heart have you by f^ n ^nl^ ^"^^ "^'^^ *" unrighteousness. .?• , ''* y^^^ mcked heart make all your thoughts, words, and actions sinful f A. res, I do nothing but sin. ik ^W ^Y\^^^^ ^° trespasses and sin. - 1%^' 'V^^^^» can change andmelt your rebellious, hard, and stony hearts 16. e. ^a/A Ood promised you a new heart, pardon of sin, with every other bless- tng, and commanded you to ask them from ntm by prayer/ •' A. Yes. n Q. For whose sake aught you to seek these mereiM Un^ n^A z^ ^L.Jl ^^ ^'^ A, Only for Christ's saice. 8H0BT OATBOHISM. 18 Q. Why must you be no eamett in praying for an interest in Christy newness of hearty and pardon of sin f A. That I may live always in readiness for death. n Q. h your life very short, fraiL and uncertain i A. Yes ; perhaps I may die the next mo- ment. 20 Q. What shall become of you if you die in your sin / A. I must go to hell with the wicked. 21 Q. What kind of a place is hell f A. A place of endless torment, being a lake that burns with fire and brimstone. 22 Q. Who are the wicked that go to hell at death f A. Those who refuse Christ, neglect to read God's word, and pray to him ; or who lie, steal, curse, swear, profane the Sabbath, and disobey their parents. 23 Q. Who are the v>kcd men's compan- tons in hell f ^ A. The devil and his angels. 24 Q. Where do the righteous go at death f A, To hoaveu. 26 Q. What kind of a place is heaven F A. A most firlnriniia hrAv anA \,n■^w^.^ ^i . aa r\ Trri ° ' ""V > ""•-* "«FF/ piauS. 26 ^. Who are the righteous that go to heaven at death 9 " 6 BBV. J, BBOWN^S 9« o ^'f^l^^'SeU and glorified saints. * fJveni " '^" *^'^^ *^^ o/ffetting to ingin Wm^^'''"^ *^® ^^"'^ *^^'"'» *°^ ^"^J** &JL?l5'^''' 5^^^ y^""* ^^i^Jfy foreman. A. Uy Creator and Redeemer. ^' '^^ Relieve and obey him. d* ^^^5i^^® **'• ^^^y Scriptures. fq n'^'^lJiP^*?^ "^y Fatberand portion, a// Lt r^' "^ ^" ''^ '"'^ ''"' ***-* an^sote: ml" ''^ ^^^"^"^ ^ ^--^^' 34 g. /n what is God «o ArtW to you / -4. He gives me my life, healtli, food andraimAnf* an/l ^er 1 ^. '. ^. .' '"""' aU good things with him u SnORT CATE0U18M. 7 85 Q. Where lien yofur chief happineu f A. In the enjoyment of God. 86 Q. What is Oodf A. God is a Spirit. 87 Q. What kind of a Spint in Qodf A. Ue is an infinite, eternal, aud un* changeable Spirit, 33 Q. Doth Oodiee and know all thingnf A. Yes ; ho knows the very tboughti of our heart. 39 Q. Can Ood do whatever hepUaseth f A. Yes ; for he is Almighty. 40 Q. Can he do or approve any thing einful ? -4. No ; for he is infinitely holy. 41 Q. How many Oods are there f A. One only. 42 Q. How many persona are there in tht Godheads A. Three: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 43 Q. la each of these three peraons the most high and only true Godi 44 Q. Do not then these three persona make three Gods / A. No; they are one and the same God. 45 Q. In what are they the same f A. In substance. 8 BEV. J. BB0WN*8 46 Q, In what are they equal? A. In power and glory. alnrinS:/^ ''""^ '''^'* God far morc great and glorious than we can conceive ? A. Yes. 48 Q, Had ever God a beginning f ^A 2* ^^^^ ^^^ ^^'^r have an end ? lasfbg ' ^^ '" ^'''"' everlasting to ever- ginni^'i^^ '"'"^ '^'""^ ^''''^' ^'^ « ^" A. Yes. anlnd? ^^'''" '''''*^ ^^'""^ ^''^' '*"'* ^'^^' rv^fo^veV.*"^'^' '''^ '""^' "^ '"^^ «hall Sgfnthtg!^'"'^""'^^'^'^-^^^ 54 g. % what did he make all things? -4. In the space of six da vs. ^A %' ^t^^^^^^^^^d did h^ make all thinas^ A. hoT his own glory. *^ *«i«ls^* ^^ ^^^* condition did he make all A. God made all things very good. SnOBT CATECHISM. 9 68 Q. Do all things still continue to be very good? A. No; sin hath made devils and men very had. Q. Which is the worst thing in the toorld ? A. Sin, that abominable thing which God hates. 60 Q. What makes sin so *>xceedingly had? A. It offends God and b »ks his law. 61 Q. How many kinds of sin are there? A. Two. 62 Q. What are these two kinds ? A. Original and actual. 63 Q, What is original sin ? A. It is that sin in which I was con- ceived and born. 64 Q. Doth original sin wholly defile you^ and is it sufficient to carry yo\f, to hell^ though you had no other sin ? A. Yes. 66 Q. What is actual sin ? A. It is the sin which I daily commit in thought, word, and deed. 66 Q. What are the wages of sin? A. Death and hell. 67 Q. What are you then by nature ? A, I am an enemy to God, a child of Sa- iaUy uiiu ail ucii ui ucii. 68 Q. Were mankind originally created in this sinful and miserable state ? a5 10 ^^^» J. brown's wet crea'tedL. ^' 7?^. ^*™ ""O Eve, ^. J(o, they fell from it. TO Q. Sow /ell they/rtm Uf natar.1 poXX "'"'^'^ '^^ »" 'hei; W ^^Ho«,manycot,manUanth^el "^t-oJ^r"""" "^"o^Hand the cove- n^MofJk,) "'«»»*W <?«/««*. <A. CO... teAy.'^'"' ^^' ^°' ^'^^ <^i hfa m- ^^ Q' With whom /7.V A ».. ., tiant of grace? '" "'^ '""'^^ ^^^ ^^^' SHOBT 0ATB0HI8M. 11 m and Eve, lappj state. xthol^ and ated/ f Ev6h first fruit. 'his fruit f it? ^ir eating covenant, all their here? XtB? he cove- th^ c<yoe' his pos- n.e cove' A. With Christ in the elect's name. 79 Q. What was the condition of the cove- nant offoorka ? A. Adam's perfect obedience. 80 Q. What is the condition of the cove- nant of grace ? A, Christ's fulfilling all righteousness. 81 Q. Which of these tvoo covenants is most excellent and glorious ? A. The covenant of grace. 82 Q. Wherein is the covenant of grace more excellent f A, Its blessings are more large and free, and it cannot be broken. 83 Q. Why cannot the covenant of grace he broken? A. Because Christ cannot fall as Adam did. 84 Q, Did you and all mankind break the covenant of works in Adam's eating the for- bidden fruit ? A. Yes. ^ 85 Q. How can that be^ since you were not then bom? A. Adam represented me, and I sinned in him. 86 Q. What did you fall frotn by Adam^s eating the forbidden fruit ? A. A state of holiness and happiness. I> Mty, I. bbown's 87 Q. Intoahat did you fall by Uf «» «. J» there any reamru fromth, ^^,. «/ «» and misery, info «hi!h^a7 breach nf 9*0 o "^ e»e^y thing I do is sinful. ..gt4^! ""^ "*in by no means clear the yo'r ot .^T/ '^^ """-^ '^'^' Mi" for dnio rfn/ ^ '"'"°°' ''^'' '•"«« fr"" oddiog 93 e. J5v)m wAoOT hath God received .„t itfaettonfor your tin f ««w« tat- O ^n """J^'i Jesus Christ. « ransom for many ' ** «'""' •"* '«'« fJl3, S "<«'« ««•« ««< C^ritt tatitfu SHOfiT OATEOHISM. 18 A. Because none but he could bear infi. nite wrath. 96 Q. But wlio ia this Jems Christ f A. He is the eternal Son of God in cur nature. 97 Q. Who provided Jesus Christ to be our Redeemer f A, God, whom we had offended bj our flin. 98 Q, What moved God to provide this gloriom Surety and Redeemer for us i A. Nothing but his own free love. 99 Q. How many offices hath Christ f A. Three. 100 Q. What are the three offices ofmr Redeemer ? *> j A. The offices of Prophet, Priest, and King. 101 Q. For what end do you need a Re- deemer toith this threefold office. A, To cure ray threefold misery. 102 Q. What is your threefold misery i A, Ignorance, guilt, and bondage. 103 Q. How doth Christ as a prophet cure your ignorance ? A. By his word and Spirit teaching me. 104 Q, How doth Christ as a driest re- move your guilt / A. By obeying God's law, and dying for me. "^ ^ 14 JWv. /. bbown's einindXtSr^'-e »«f«"» *he power of *.K/'^*'" "" '*« "" ««<««. o/o»r mat ^'"' '"'*"" °f OH wd the nature of iB^fctr.n^StnTo'r''""'*'' SHORT 0ATE0HI8M. Ji'ing rescue ^e power of f/* CImsi f tures of WAT B nature of II eternity f ^letemityl w heeome Diore than nmtohe? erson. '>ntinue to hnstbom •ionF uan, in a It 115 Q. What kind of life had Christ in this toorld f A, A most afflicted and sorrowful life. 116 Q. What made Christ's life so afflicted and sorrowful i A. The wrath of God and the contra- diction of sinners. IIY Q. What shameful and painful death did Christ die i A. The cursed death of the cross. 118 Q. For what end did Christ endure all these sufferings f A, To satisfy God's justice and atone for our sins. Q. What became of Christ afiw his death / A, His body was buried, and his soul went to heaven. 120 Q. Bow long did Christ's body con- tinue in the grave / A, A part of three days. Q. Did Christ's body corrupt in the grave f A. No. 122 Q. How came that f A. Because he was without sin. 123 Q, What became of Christ after lying in the grave f A. He rose from the dead, and ascended into heavAn. 124 g. Where sits he (I £ref u wsv. J. bkown's ^. At the right hand of God. -A. x'or ever. A. Yes. n' n?.''"''se the world. and ihe dead. "^ "'"' """> "»* «"> <l»l«k to (?^?" ^^"^ ""*" «» '^ i?'"* (iccmnf tio^;. ^^ "^ °" "■""6''"'. ^""Js, and .c- mo' '^'^''?'?!"y PO"*"- of God. 8H0BT 0ATB0HI8M 17 '■St continue ? affain to ntoitf ne again at ^e last day f the quick ve account » and ac- raisedup od. all man- 'pon his handf A. The wicked. 185 Q. What shall be the sentence of the righteom i A. "Come, ye blessed of my Father, "inherit the kingdom prepared for you " from the foundation of the world." 136 Q, What shall he the sentence of the wicked^ '' A, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into " everlasting fire, prepared for the deyil and " his angels." 187 Q. What shall become of tlie wicked after the passing of this sentence f A, They shall be cast, both soul and body, into hell. Q. What shall become of the righteous? A. They shall triumphantly pass into heaven with Christ. ©. What shall the vncked suffer in hell f A, They shall be tormented with fire and brimstone for ever and ever. 140 Q. What shall the righteous for ever and ever do in heaven ? A. They shall behold the glory, and sing the praises of God in Christ. 141 Q. How may m attain to that blessed itatef — ' —J gv/vvxijQ csi4 uivsi^say «u \>urifiii ana his righteousness. 18 BBV. J. BBOWN's 143 Q. Can p(m hope for admission into tTZr^ '^' ''^^htcou^ess of Christ, Z A Ten "^^^^ ^<^^<^n^ of God are there f 146 q. Upon what did Ood of old write these ten commandments f A. Upon two tables of stone. A. Four. eeeondf' ^^ ^^^^ commands are in the A, Six. 148 Q. mat doth the first table of God's law contain / y v^ w • A. Our duty to God. Q. What doth the second table contain f A. Our duty to man. 8H0BT 0ATE0HI8M. 19 151 Q. Whatu the fulfilment of the whole law of God f A, Love to God, and love to man. 162 Q. What doth the fret command re- guire of you f A. To take the Lord alone to be my God in Christ. 163 Q. Why must you take God as in wHRiST /or your God? A. Because it is only in Christ that God is reconciling the world to himself. 164 Q. What doth the second command re-- quire of you i A. To pray to and praise God, and read and hear his word. 166 Q. What doth the third command f'^'^ bid you f A. To curse, swear, or speak lightly of God. 166 Q. What doth the fourth command require of you / A, To remember the Sabbath day to keep . it holy. ' Q. What doth the fifth command enjoin you / A. To honour and obey my father and mother. Q. Wluxt doth the sixth command forbid youf bour. y\f mttTroAir *\i» !*»«» rkAvtfwn^ V£ AXUXC ZXXJtSVSJL VA ^^^^J* ^^VXC^XA~ 20 ^BV. J. BK0WW»8 MM^J^' ^'^ ''^ *^-^ command ^^;|i. tyuig. and .peakUg evU of m^t/h' C. WUtdoth the tenth command /ortidf •jl. Perfectly and conBtantly. ^«*«^^™L*,^^"«''*«» ^o»-d8, and deeds 16« Q. W7«a< doth the leoAi hr^^.h^Sv commands deserve f ^'""'^ ^-^ '^^*« -oa «t^lC"'* ^^^'^^ y-'^- --/>* ^orf', Bin^rf ^ "^^"^ ^^*' *he '^J-'^tj of lost onnat^h done and auferedf ^ chown." * " ^"^ "'^ ^'^^^^^ ^"* <'ew are m 8H0BT OATEOHIBM. 21 th eomtnand language. ^andfctrbidf I robbing. and forbid f »f my nejgh- id forbid f waat is my you to keep its manner^ hreak the deeds. ^h of these se. oape OocTs y cf lost dbytohai few are lea ^yho may warrarUably expect tal- vaiioii through Christ f A, Such as truly believe in him, and re- pent of their sins. 170 Q. Can you believe and repent of your- *elff il. No; faith and repentance are the gifts of God. 171 Q. Are ymt not a ttranger to Ood and far off from, him by nature f A. Yes. Q. How are »inner» brought near to Oodf A. Only by the blood and Spirit of Christ. 178 Q. What are the ordinary meaiia of our (acquaintance with Oodf A. The word, sacraments, and prayer. 174 Q. When ie the toord a mean of our acquaintance with Oodf A, When read and heard with faith and love. 175 Q. How many taeramente are there f A. Two. 176 Q. What are these two sacraments f A. Baptism and the Lord's Supper. 177 Q. Who appointed these sacraments f A. Jesus Chnst, the only King and Head of the church. \tja n KVvM »nh/tt ^M/7 hnth nhriai amnnini' ed these sacraments f »KV. J. BEOWN's -4. To rJ.^.?* ^"^ ^^ **^^ tapHam and (he ^f'rSX'^S^i^^ in the church^ ton i? TT?\* ^ ^^^^'^^ coming. ^«9 n ^°°^ ^""^ ^P^"* Of Christ. ?^V- ^^^^ ^^at sin did y<m need to h^ washed in ymr infancy ^ "* ^^ ^^^« ^"^ *« m/n^ my original sin. >l T?* *{'^ *^^^** '^T^ ««''« y^ baptized? Hofy oSost.' "'"^^ '' *'^ ^'^^^^^^ ^°» -d tiamf ^' ^^^^ ^i^yo^renwnce iny(mrbap- and Asr''' "' ''^ '^""> *^« ^0'^d» In n^ w **^.® *^® ^°''<^ a^one to be my God 8H0BT OATEOHISM. 28 y himself «wc? (he hi \zed9 ■ in bap- t. of Christ psin. eed to be iptised? >on, and our bap- world, In your oy God if bap' A. I must pray daily to God for grace to enable me. 188 Q. Can you pray aright of yourself f A. No; but I must earnestly plead that Christ would teach and enable me to pray. 189 Q. By what means doth Christ teach us and enable us to pray f A. By his word and Spirit. 190 Q. What special pattern of prayer has Christ left us in his word? A. The Lord's prayer. 191 Q. Can you repeat the lord's prayer f A, Yes; "Our Tather which art in heaven," &c. 192 Q. How many petitions are in it? A. Six. 193 Q, Which is the first petition in the Lord's prayer? A. " Hallowed be thy name." 194 Q. What is the second petition ? A. " Thy kingdom come.'*^ 195 Q. What is the third petition? A, " Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." 196 Q. What is the fourth petition? A. " Give us this day our daily bread." 197 Q. What is the fifth petition ? A «* Po**"'^** "o f*"** debts, or sins, as we forgive our debtors." 198 Q. What is the sixth petition ? 24 BHOBT OATEOHISM. tt Lead not io temptation, but deliver us from evO." 199 Q. How doth Chriies Spirit enable you to pray F -4. By giving me a praying heart, and showmg me what I ought to plead for. 200 Q» Will not Ood accept the requests of your lips f ^ j ^. Ko; unless they proceed from my heart. ' 201 Q, Can you pray with your heart before it be renewed by the Spirit of Godf A, No. 202 Q. What is ths prayer of the wicked in God's account i A. " It is an abomination to the Lord." 203 Q. Will you then receive Christy pray earnestly ^ and live soberly, righteously, and godly? A. Yes; through the grace of God ena- bling me I will. 204 Q. What will your sincere faith, ear- nest prayers, and holy life issue in at last f ^. Jji my full enjoymg of God in Christ, and triumphantly praising him for ever- more. mt idon, but rit enable eartf and for. 'equetts of from my mr heart Godi wicked in Lord." ristf pray U8li/y and rod ena> aith, ear- It last? Q Christ, or ever- L'dM,.