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Toua las autres exemplairas originaux sont filmte an commandant par la pramiAra page qui comporta una ampreinte d'impreasion ou d'illustration at an terminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una telle amprainte. Un daa symboies suivants apparaitra sur la derniira image da cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — »■ signifie "A SUIVRE ". le symbola V signifie "FIN". Lea cartea, planchea, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmis A des taux da reduction diff^rents. Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour etra reproduit en un saul ciichi. il est film* d partir do I'angia supAriaur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en baa. en prenant le nombra d'images nicessaire. Lea diagrammas suivants illustrent la mAthode. 2 3 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2l g ^g * * '6S3 Cas! Ma.r^ ';tr««> ^ "^ ^^ ("6) 288 ^ 5M9 -Fa, REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS, ECHINODERMS, COELENTERATES, Etc. PART B: CEPHALOPODA - - By S. Stillman Berry PTEROPODA - - - By William Healey Dall / / (2, 1.3 670 1 9 1 3 C2t V. 008 pt . B OTTAWA r. A ACLAND PRiN-TER TO THE KINeib MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTT luucd Aug. 6, 19^5 Tart A Part H I'art C Part D Tart K Part F: Part G Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 VOI.IMK I: (i i:\KRAL INTROUI t TION, NABRATIVE, ETC. Part A: \f)J!Tlli:it\ l>AIITY. IU13-18 (To he vrennred) Part I): Sof THKWN I'AUTV, l«13-lfl. lly Hu.lolph Martin And.non ....(/» prfparS! VOM .ME n: MAHMAI.N AND BIRDS Part A: MAMMALS Ol' WKSTl lt\ AU( TIC AMKKICA. l)y Hudolph Martin AnderK>n. PartD: lUKDAOV \\yMEn\ A\{*'" ('l*«"i Dfomber 10, tm). ■ Dfl'TFH 7''"""' l.N.SKtT.S. Hy Nathan Bank, .AU^fijJlyti. im). Craiie-tlies. Ity Charlo P. Alexander. Mii3«l»'r f=,',h«"n il»»<'^ January 10. 19t0). ?3J,U^.l^} ^■^'^- "V ■ ^'' ^Valker (heued .Srptrmbir 4, 1910). IXSFCT I.IFj; ON THE WKSTEKN ARCTIC COAST OF AMERICA. By Frits PART r rvvPirwVviSpY '^'""f^ November 7, 19tl). PART L GLNFRAL INDEX (hmed December, 19t»). VOLUME IV: BOTAXY FRESHWATER ALtiAE AND FRESHWATER DIATOMS. By Charles W. Lowe. %. . ,;;x.;,' ; ■, ; v.- ■ v v. {haued February 20, 191S). i^-VV-U>^' ,^ V^^^-•r "'' ^- ^- C"""" »nLANT.S. By Theo. Holm daaued February 10, I9t2) GENERAL Note.- ON ARCTIC VECiET.VTKJN. By Frits Johanser. (Issued October 7, 19!i). VOLIME VI: FISHES, Tl XICATES, ETC. FISHES. By F. .lohan.ien (/, preparation). A.SCIDI.VNS, ETC. By .\. G. Huntsman {Issued November 19, I9tt). VOMME VU: CRISTACE.4 B^'iT^y*?^ CRLST.VC F.ANS. Ity Miiry J. Rathbun (Issued Auaual IS, 1919). SCHIZOH )D < R ISTA( LANS. By Waldo L. Schmitt (Issued September fc! 1919). i .\,1 ^, •, "i;^^- '', • <-'"i';i" (Issued October IS, 1920). . ,., 'iri, 'r, ^*' • '■• '*"""'■'' (Issued November 10, 1930). .\.MI im'()D.\. Ity ( liirence R. Shoemaker (Iiaued September 7, 1920) ,')■■ rr',!^!'-^"-'^- '*^' '■<■""■'■ f'ole (issued Januarys, 1921). El Vn\ LI.Ol'OD.V. Ity F. .lohansen (Issued May 10, 1932). S^l'n'i J,".'.' . ''■!^)- ]**■ '■''"""■>■ Juday (Issued June !S, 1920). OS! RA( (IDA. Hy G. < ). .S:,rs (/„ prenaralion) 1,'f U'iUi^-^"'^* ' '"''■''• 'I^-^- f'y C"- DwiKht Marsh (Issued April '/, I9t0). MARINE COPKldDA. Hy \. WiUey (Issued J urn. < I9S0) ^'v\H^,1J?.lS P-'l'^-'.V^-^- ">■ (-harles B. Wilson (Issued August , 1920). ( IRIIIPEDI.V. Ity H. .\. Pdibrv (In vrei.aration) THE CRUSTACEAN LIFE of SOME ARCTIC LAGOONS, LAKES Axb PONDS.' By F. Johansen (Issued December 30, 1»M). Part 1: Part .1: Part K: Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D Part E: Part F: Part A; Part B; Part C; Part A: Part B; Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D Part Er Part F: Part G; Part H Part I: Part .1: Part K Part L: Part M: Part N; REPORT OK THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS. ECHINODERMS. COELENTERATES, Etc. PART B: CEPHALOPODA By S. Stillman Berry PTEROrODA - - - By WiUirm Healey Dall OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO TEE KINC;>' MUST KXCELLE.VT M.\JF,ST» lli2i Issued Aug. 6 1925 i ^ The Cephalopoda Collected by the Canadian Arctic Kxpeditlon, I9I.M8 Ih S, Stii.i,\ian IlfJitiv, lit illtniils, ('iilij'iiriiiii, 'III'' «-.|.t.:il. ,(..„,■. .ull.rlcl l,y ll,r ( 'jUlMtliilll Antic lApr.ll u iliirillK l(n' years l!(|:i |.> I'Mti .uiiiiMiM- .mly a IVw riatsin.iit*, |.iiiiripa..\ iii:iii(iil>li'M, lak.ii In.iii tlir stuiii.'icli-. nl' two >,|Hci.s ,,t .m-iN. the, /•.'/((//i(i/'i//x h|Mr i.lciitilieiitiun ..I' .siicli iiiatfiial at the vciy 'iccniiut is lia/afiliius. Hut Irnm tin' iiulcs, ami liiori' . .■.|M.('iall\ tnmi thi; timiivs ({iv.'ii, it i> just |i.issil.le tlial a Way will lie j.fl ,,|>i'ii lor llin.HiiiK a iiiiiii' illiiiniiiatiiiu liulil u|miii tlic inal. rial at > .me tiiui' iu the luturt'. It i-. liii|M(| that the Mliliniii.ipliii'al piirtiuii liiily ot tills list .vdiiws. .M \ I i;iii \i, Coi.i.i';! iKi) l''..r luliVeliiiiHr in II 1(1 nee, t lie Inilerial ('i.llecteil 1^ ii-tr.l in .irdcr aeeiu I- lllll tM the uuilllier- miller vvhi.h it is eiilere.j ill the aulhi.r's ea; . lenister. |T2ti| Niiiiieruiis liMjiliieiils taken Iruu, >toiiia(li i.l" l'li„ni hi.-y the fraf^ments. 1 mandiliie from stomach of I'hurti hispi'lo Sclirelier, .station 20/. aI)oul 30 fathoms, lat. 70° l.'i' .\.. Ion;:. 1 t(l° .")(l' W ., a little e.-ist of .\laska-Vukoii bouiularv. .Vpril I, 11I14. A sin^de dorsal mandiMe from the same stomach as the ;.))ecimeiis entereii as \o. 720 is larjter than the others, .altogether .lifferently shapeo, ami entiri'. Its cutting edjre is sharp and strongly curved, as in many 1 niandilile from stonuich of EriiiMiUiint l>arli(ilu--< ( I'.rxlelien), Stati(Ui 42;/, Bernard ti.arhour. Dolphin and Cnion strait, Northwest Territories, October 22, This is a single dorsai mandible somewhat resemlilinji Xo. 727, but with the cuttinjj edire appreciably shorter and stouter (I'itr. 3). This .specimen, which is ])reserved dry, is very likely representative of a third species. lig -f M:,ii.|il.l,-,,f.v|iliiil(ii).i-lfMm stitiun IJo ir.'si, iMiiii'moullin.'. -:ini.'MMl.'u^ I'is. ^. In the diarv of Captain Uobert A. Bartlett, Kejuirt of the Department of the Naval Service for the Fiscal Year endiuf-- March SI, HU."), Ottawa, i). 3."), there is an entrv under Nov. 21st, (lOlU): "1(1 a.m. Soundinjr, 3ti fathoms. Dredse to-dav secured an octoi)us Lat. 72° ,")()'- I., pi. 2. f. .S. ISSJ. Hcf'ords OrlDjiiis iirii'iliniiliinia from I'oint l?Mrrow, .\lMska. Okwiii iisr, H. \V. ISIVI. 'I'he iiMlurMl histor\ of the order C<'lMceM, and the oceanic iirliMhilMiils of lli(> Arctic regions, p. i xx, I '1\H iXW), with miii'erous pK. mikI li^s.. 8 vo., London, \K'i I. ('onl.'iilis note i)\\ Si jiiii iimi iilaiiihcn. li. >p. ( ikiukii iniilnn, p. I'tiii), from "( IreenlMiiil Sea--, ' Miid VMrioUs reference- to ceptiMlopods as food of .\rclic whales. K.sriiUK II r, I). 1'. JS:{(). Cirroteuthis \riilleri. einc iieiie ( ialtiliifr der ( 'cphalopodeii t)ildcnp. I5"))i-(i().] Keconls Si jiiii Inliijn and S. oclnpodia from (ireenland. (iiUKc, J, A. ISiUJ. BidraK til kundskalien uin \'(^sflandefs mollusker. l?er}reiis Museums AarhoR, no. 10. i p. 1-33, pi. I, ISfltl. IJecurds Hossf: (ilaucdiU'i from KM)-!")!) fath.,off Kraak^skalien; 120 fatli., otT liaardshMUii, Selhi^niefjorden; Mild 110-70 l.alh., Iljeltefjorden. Scpioln rin\(hletii from Kraaki^sk.'iileii and CiodgSsund, (Ireenland. l'.)0',l. Brachiopods and mollusks with a siippli'inent lo the echinolii, text f. 1-10, nia|)"! pi. l-;!;i, ISSC. ( )n p. 222 (rives summary of k Tidskril't, v. I, !>. 7f)-07, 1842. 1/ists folli)\vinji fcphaloixMls from (irccrilaiicl: Onychotcvlhin Fuhricii Onycholciithis? aminna n. ^<|). HosKin palpehrosa Cirrotciilhis Miilleri (Mopvs grnnidntyK M(mti Statistisk liiskrivcisc af (iii.ciil.nid (H. l{iiik), !>[>. 7.")-lt)0, Kj(.i>ci»liavu, 18.')7.I Following Groonland ccphalopods li.-^tid on pp. 8S-y,l (^^/( .loiian sen). Octopus grocninndicus Cirroieuthis Mndlcri Jakobshavn * Rossia pnlpehrosa liossia Modlrri Leochin hypcrborca (lovalus Fahricii Aniikok ? Sipiolo atlanlica OWKN, R. IKM. iMolhisca -Cephalopoda (with preliiiiinaty note hy ,1. ( '. IJos.-^i. Nar- rative Second Voyajio in Seareh of a North-West Passage, etc., hy Sir John Koss, C.H., etc., .Vppendix, Natural History, i)p. xcii-xeix, pi. B, f. 1, pi. C, June, 1834. (Conii)lete work dated 183.")). Records Rossio palpebroso n. (len. and s\\ from i;iwin hay. Prince Hppent'.s inlet. [Somerset islaml, Kegent inlet.] Pfeffer, G. 1908. Cephalopoda. Nordisches Plankton, 9 Lief., pf. 4, pp. 1-1 Hi, text f. 1-120, 1008. I',tl2. Die ( 'ei)halppoden der Plankton-l'Ai)edition. Zugleieh i-ine mono- Uraphische I'lxTsicht der oef:or)siden Cephalopoden. J'jKelmisse Plaiikton-F.xpedition der Hnmholdt-Stiftuiif?, Bd. 2, |>p. i-xxi, i-S|."), atlas of 48 i)ls., 1012. On p. 241 records Conatufi fahricii from liiianiik .■iiiC.' W. ;it!l lath., hit. (■,:, :',(■,' \.. Iniiu. .MP -.M' \V. •j:!.") i;itli., hit, (wr I'.r n.. i,,iic. .'.ti" 2s' \v. /I'l'--'.--/" (iliniiiijiis Wrst ( !i('cnl;iliil. /I'oy.s/i; Ihiiilli ■-'."> .T) l;itli., Iiii.ui.ik Ml r.Mtli., I'r<^vrn. Ullsxill nil IJII jlli I'll ;>4!l latli., lal. (i.')' ;'>(/ N., |,,iijr .-,(, ji' \\ Waiwil, la(. (;iC II' \. ///«' illmhnisiif! I'Vcilfriksliaali. Airhiliulliii.s -p. IIiilNlcii'-lMiry:. (iiiiKitiis I'lihririi ■luliaiicliaali. I\imul, ( mmIi li.iali. Siikkrilk iiiiili'r.soKtn. Koiificlifro Daiiskc \i(lciiskal)criics S.'Nkalis Skrittcr (.")l. iial iitviilcii- skalicliK <« inathciiiatisk Atdciitiu, v. I, pp. .".H-T'J [l-'-'il|, pi.. 1S17. OiiDjiiis iirrtinis n. s\i.. dcsciilicd liulii (iiccnlaiul. Kti.\n.\Ri)i', ,(. T., .WD I' ir, V. ISlti. OiiiSciadcplKinis Miiilcfi ( i:>c|ir. i. Kdrijicliyc Dan-kcX id( ii>kahirii(> Sclskali- Skrit'lcr, v. 12, pp. |(i.",-221 [l-IO]. |)1. I-."., IMii. Stkkn.stim 1', J. J. S. 1S.")('). H('ct()C(ity|cii ii(ps < )i'|i>p(M!-l;ic(iicnic .Vrumi-iiiia i>n 'I'lciii- s Srl>kalis .^kril'iiT (T)!, i.;itur- vidciiskaliclii; oj; mat liciii.a! i-k .Mdcliii};. v. t, i)|i. l*^."i-2Hi i>l I-'' Oil p. 2(111 dc-crilic-. I.iiiiliKi lii/jii rhami ii. >]>. I'iniii \(irtli (liccii- k'liiil. I.S.")7. Ilc'ctii in .\ii;(iiiaula and Trciihirtdpus cxplaiiicil i)y iiiiii;itcislii'|)li,inliiii' Hliirkspnittf IS iii(|li\ nlcs I'cir- liolil. ( )v('rsicl over ili'l Koiiifcli^ic l);iii-k:ilicn)('s Scl^kalis r',.ili;ili(lliiitJ.|- ISMI. pp. 7:!-llll |l-lll|, i:! f. ill text, pi. :!, ISSd. Ndlc nil (li>l riliiit ion nt 'I'mliinnlrt ami (hiiiiiiilnxhi jilii n III! p. 107. Oitniiiiloxhi jihi s llarlriniili rccipiilrd I'ldiii .stoiiiaclis of fisli taken in I) I 1- strait, etc. 18X1. I'liifc—iir .\. I".. N'crrils |\rriill| tn iiyc ( "cpliilnpiMMactclcr; Si hciiutciitlii- ii'4 IiC«li)lciillii~. ('\(i-iiil ci\cr (let Koiinclinr I)aii-kc' \'i(lrlisk;ilMTiiis S.-slkali- l''iirli.inilliM;jcr ISSI. pp. |1-27|, text f. \-U, pi. I, ISSI. \a\ 1 1 111- 1- kn, i;. [IV.17. Die I'.iiliia iiihI I'Iil)ii(i(irapliy. as well as scciiriii)! ('(Tlaiii nf tiic works ilnMcin tiotcii, thanks arc due- to .Mr. I'lits .lolianscn, forincriy of the (an.ailiaii .Vretic llxpcilition, liUiS-lS, and to l)r. Tlicodor Mortcnscn of the ( 'oprnhaficn .Musciiin. For colli parison of t lie .\rctic ccplialopod fauna with that of I lie AnlalLtic >tc Bhuuv, S. S. I'.tl7. Ccplialopod.i. Australasian Antarctic i;\pc<|itioii, l'.UI-l!lll, Sci- entific K'eports Scries (' Zoolojiv and Motanv, v. 4, |>t. 2, pj). I M'J, text f. I ;{(), pi. Id I I. -Ar.'irch. hil7. .\nd the paper- cited in I lie fiirthi'r liil)liof;raph.\ there ajipeiidcd. The Pteropoda Collected by the Canadian Arcvic Expedition 1913-18, with description of a New Species from the North Pacific Bv William IIi.\li:v Dall' lldiinriinj ('iiraliir nf MnlliisLs, I'niliil Slalis Xnliinnil Miisinni. A small ciillcctioii (if l'ti'i(i|Miila was rct'ciicil to nu- Uy ilic Arctic I'liliiicaliipii-; ( '(iriiliiittci' l'(ir a i('(|U('st. for a report upon ihiiii. Tiny consistcil Tiiain'y of material collected liy Mr. I'rils Jolialisen, liio|oj;i,-l with tlie (aliailiaii Arctic J'Apeilition, with a lew Opist hoKrauchs ami other speciinelis added Irom other liortlierii Canadian localities. A i>eciiliarity of the e.\i>editi(iii series is the ali~enee in ureal measure of adult specimens, nearly all the specimens uf I'licm and all the spec'inens of S/iinildld {LiiiKiciiKi of authors), were younu. especially the latter; altliuujih .Mr. .lohaiisen fre(iuently mentions its iiresence. not a siajile adult specimen is contained in the series. .\s most of the speiimens were obtained near shore, it may indicate it is the haliit of tin' youn^ to ;i\oid the opeTi sea until mature. Clione borealis I'hipjis. .■Station I) «. /'.- Latitude .")(i° 2ti' N.. longitude l.'iirW. .lupelM. l'.n:i ( (iie Spinililld .and one \iiiuij;' (linn, olil.-iined at the surface .and the sur- face lF.,I.). St.ation '.Ut. I.atituile .").'i^ '_>' \., lonuitiide 111" W., ,Iune 27, liij:!. W.iter tem- perature at I i).m. .")!" to .")!".(> I'. Several youni; (I'ihh and many SiiiifiUliii. I l'..l.) Station \2a, f. Latitudi' M' :i^° X.. longitude l,")7^ I.")' \V.. .lune ;{0, 1<)|;{. Water teinperaturc .")t)°.7 to "il".-) I". .M.any .N'ouiif; (liinii ami one Sfiinitilbi from, at or near the surface, il ..l.i Station 14. Latitude .M" 2:r N., lonuilude If. 4° -».'>' W.. ,lul\ 'J. P.H.'i. < )ne younfi CliiiiK olitainei! at th.e surface. (K.,!.) Station .")7((. ('ape Smyth, near Point Harrow. .\las|v;i, .Vu^u^l 'i. llUCi. Several Cliiiiic were obtained at or near the surfaci' in .a stionn mirthi^rlv current. (l'..l.) Station '2'>h, c. Ten miles e.ast of I'oint Marrow, .Mask.i. olT the I'lover islands, Aiifiust •_'7-'JN, 1!)i:?. Water teinper.iture :!(•'._• to :U\\:', \\ Depth aliout {\\u fillhiiiiis. ( (lie r//(i/(( iilitailied. (I''., I.) Station 27c. ( '.imden Kay, inside of ('oljin.^on ]ioinl. .\laska, Septcinlier 1">, l'Ji:{. Several r//()/i< captured. (I'.J.) St.ation 27". < >tV ( 'ollinson jxiiut, .\laska. Oct. .">, l!ti:!. ( >ne ('linni fiom under t(ii inches of ice in about six fe( t of w.ati'r at a temperature of .'Ht^ "> I''. ' My piTiiii^ssiur, -if til," DinM-li.r Ml ili,- I'dit.-.i St;»ti-^ ( ;.■ iIhukmI Survi-y. ■ Thf cull. 'ft II. i.i!- ;ir.' ;iMMtii'.r>l ill i iri I.T fr< .in \\.--l lu ,-ji-f. 9b I 10 n CtiiKiihiui Arrlir Kxinilitivit, L0I3-1S Sliit^oii 2Sl:. Jjin. I. 1!tll. ('iimdci: \ki\. inside ( 'nllinf.oii point, shMllow xvHtcr llll(liT^luiir led of ice; u.itci limiu'liil me JX^.'t I'. (I'..i.) 'riic lulliiwitm (l;il:i MIC (li'iiMil III Ml Mr. .Icili.'uiscu':- imtcs: One iitlult ' Itoiii wi.n ;{() iimi. lony;, tlic .s|)if;i(l of tlic tliiipcis 20 nmi. «ti(ii ;iliv('. 'J'lii' iini>cl('s of tlir tiiil wiir ilcarly \ ihidiiuli llir ti:iii-<- |i:ii«iit lioily. The puipli-li tint i.l' ihc t.iil cMcikIciI witli ilccicasiiin iii- tcii.'^ily rorwaiil IcH' ;il"iwt '> iiiin. 'Ihc oml li'iit;iclis were (ici'|> rose purple; llic ocsopli.iKHs rose foloiir, ;i> :i|mi I lie ciluc of the ImhIv .•iroiiinl the l)ns(' of the par.-ipiHli.i: (lir ilitolinal iiKr-.s was lilacki>ii liiowii, 'I'lic rot ol ilic IxmIv was pale anil Iiaiisliirciil. Tlic prolrmird oral tentacles were alioiit 15 mm. loiiji, the iiouk licaiiny; captaciila w !ieii fully cxIcikIcc, appcarcil li>iiM:er. Wiieii swinimiiiK, '''«' |>arap4)(lia were hciit toward tlie \iiiiiai .-idc, returiiiiiu to a ;■. ally liori/cintal pi»iiioii. and npcatinjr. The animal came up witli tlic water in a hole cut ihiduuh the ice and was caught swiminint; just below the surface tilm of new ice. I'lacci! in a liotllc of sea w.-iter which Kct;an to freeze, the animal hicame imnioliile ainona, the ice pailicle.s. Only ;ifler arrival at camp when the ice lie(r;in melt iiijj ditill alive, thounh le-s acli\-e and this was con- tinued tor a week. .Ianii;iry 12, ii died, having: lieen kei)t for I'iulil ila\s without renewal of Hater or lood. St.ation ;57c. Inner h.-iriiour at Ficrnard li;irl)(.ur Dolpliin .and liiioii strait, Oct. Hi. MM I. I'nder toui' ii dies ,,(' ice in almul scnch feel of u;ilir ;il a temperature of ;{ll". I !•'. One adult Clii'in . [V..\.< Station 4;i(/. OIT ('(icklmrii iioini. Dolphin and Cnion sir.ail, Septeinlier l:!, li'l"). Water trinperatiire 111' ' I", alioiil tifly fatlioins deep. One ('I,,,, a: obtained. (l'..l.; In view of the fact that so inan\- (rood dissections have been l)uli|ished of tliis s])ecies, and that nearlv all the specimens were immaturi! and not in the b(.'st condition, it is not thoujjiht woith while to attempt aiKitomical work uiioii them. It may be noted that .vouiif; are more dei'ply limed than tlu> adults and one si)ecimen of which Mr. Johanseu has made ,i iiiu;;h coloureil sketch is (piite uoticeabK' red. while others are h'ss so. Ct lili(il(ii>iKla mid I'UriiiKxIii 11 n Spiratella pacifica DmII* Tlli^ licriiis is iiiorc Kciirrally known hy tlip nanif i)f Litniuiiiii. 'I'hc minute yoiinjj s|i'ciniciis in the collection, iwrhaps from Ix'itiu preserved -.villi lormalin, have lost their shelly mutter, and it is impossiMe to s;iy whether they lielonij to the Paeitie tyj)e or to the hetter ktiown and inueh more common Atlantie species .S. htlicina I'hipps. Station V.\ii. Ii. Latitude ,">4° IJIt' N,, ionjjitude ahout l.")7' W'., June, l!»i;{. In marine jiiankton, numerous youiiit mixed with youun rlinni. (F..J.) Station l)«, h. Latitude .'•ti'' 2li' N., loiitntu.le LW \V., June 2t, l!)i;{. One Spiinlclhi from the surface. (1*".J.) Station !)'(. L.atitude .")o° (12' N., huicitudc 144" W., June 1>7, i!ti;i. With marine I'lankton, numerous larval or very vouiiij specimens mixed witli voune ( :<>m'. (F.J.j • •* Station 12(1, /. Liititude ."il° :W N., loncitu.le l,")7' ).">' \V., Jnne W, U»13. \yater temper.iture :>(»". 7 t.. .">1°.:5F. Due SpnateUn with manv voung f7/()«c, from at or near the surface. (F.J.) Station l.>, f. Latitude TA° [W N., lonRitufh- LJU" 42' W .. .Inly 1, lOL'l. WatiT teiini>crature 47°..") to 48°. I F. Manv Siiinilrlla at or near the .surface (F.J.) Station l.'w,/. L.atitude .V)° 22' N., lonnitiide lt),")°4.">' \V., Julv :i, I'.ti:}. Noon to ;i p.m. Mnny Sjii mil I In. iF.J.) Station 2I)(/. Clrantley harhour, I'ort C'lareiU'e. Alaska. Julv ;!(), l!l|;{. .Several Siiiratillii from the surface. !l".,l.) Stati(m 4(l(/. ( i(T Hernard harliour, J)ol|)hin .uid rnion strait, June S, 101."). Depth of water nine f.ithoms temperature :i2° F. Si.x vertical liauls tlirough a hole in the ice to live latlioins depth, produced several veli^er larvae of SpirntiUa. (F.J.) Station 4()/,-. 0(T west end of Chantry island, in l)ol()hin and I'liion strait, June 10, IDK). Depth of water aliout eight fatlioms. the tem|)erature 32° F. .\ vertical ham throufih four feet of ice to de|)tli of five fathoms l)roduced several veliner larvae of Si,inil,llii. (F.J.). Sl'K( IMENS FhO.M OTIIKK SoURCK.S Clione borealis l'hipi)s. 1. Half digested yoiinn from the stoma<'h of Myot:ir, iihnln.^ ijruiilandicwi. Nain, Lalirador; collected hy Owen Bryant, lOOS. 2. Port Hurwell and Wakuhain Hay Unpiva, Xt'iilunc Kxpc.iition; collected by A. Halkett, I!I(I4. 'A. niack 'I'ickl , Labrador; collected hy A. Halkett, HM):j. Lar^'al Gastropod Station i:iiMlic. :iiiil N'urtli I'licilic >|>cr'(> nt (insinijiti run iii'i' III ;i rcilili^li coldiir >i>tiijkli(l i|iii>cly will] il:irk<'r ri'd (liii>. 'I'tic luci'iit Inrtii i^ of ;i iiiiiliiiiii ilu>k\' -l.iic ciildur mill nl' ;i >ui:iIIit >izc tliiiii \\\v I'acific ^<|ll■(•i(•» (IcMt ilicil liy liiillll. U i> Mil Illtfn'SlillU ;i<|i|ilii>li In the »|(,||>.I' \\>\ (if klHiWII s|MTir-. I'lii' -|>ri :iil (il ill" )iMr;ipni|j;i tulals III III l.'ililMI., till' IrllUlll ill' till' lioily iS |ti II liiiii. ill >|iiiil-.i. ill ihr li\iiin -I. ill' il u:i» |iri>l':il'l.\ Jiirurr. 'riir .'inliTiiir -liiilil i- .iliiiul iiiii'-llnnl tin- wlmii' Iciiulli ipI llif Imily. i.ikr //. 11)11/ lirinii , il l.nk- .'I |i(i-liri(ir l!;inrlliiiii uii I In' inaliljr. rji V\'i I (;n.,u-i-iirn l»:ill, m-w -p.-riiw,, ilursiil ;i-|i>-rt; riL'hr. vminil. X 4. I pprr <'ilt linr tiKlirr, Ii;itur;il -!/• Eiifis of flsh? Staliiin ~ii. h. Laliludi' .V)° 42' N., Imiiriliuli' KJI'i^ 20' W., .Imii- 2.'), HHS. Kpgs, pnilialijy uf (i>li, wrvv loiinil lloiitiiiM; mi tlic >iirt'ii('c. (I'".. I.) Young of Sipunculoid worm? Statiim "iT. 1 raltioTii in iiiarinc planklon, nfT ('ai)c Siintli, near I'oiiit Harrow, Alaska. Tliis puz/.icil (lur I'xpcils, liiit is Icl'l willmut positivr ilrtfrininatidii, being hailly coiiliaclrd liy llii- piiscrvaf ivi'. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri Repon ' •*>* <««04774 B 13-18 voLtus Tini MMXi'SKa, acwNODKaMS. coiLKVTBBATn. mrc. Put A: MOI I U8EB. RECINT AND PIEIBTOCENI, By WiUtem H. DiUI. Mr>I.rt'flKS(«opplwn«»t«fr). By W. H. DtUI • ^iZHHHIl!^ U' '.'oLV,' P«rtB: Ci;l'H.\I.OI'»)I)A AM) I'tlliolf >bA il-ph»lopoEMi>N, P.tRAMITK HORM.H. PKOTOZOANS, CTr. Part Ar OMOOCIIAi;] A. I.utnliriniliilip. !lv IrHiik .D GEOGBAPHY P^A: THE ,C.F.OIOO OF THK ARCTIC fOA.'^T OF CANADA. WEST OF Till: KFNT Part B: MA[i-:i^V/i^ol^?^ii'iAi:''jl^.rtS. By Kenneth C.Chipn,„„:!^;^^^ ..«. . _ 'l>suni July S, Wti), ^OM.ME XII: THE COPPER E.SKI.MOM PartC: TH|.]^lyi5o!!\- VTfli^VVESTKUV AVD CEXTHALKSKni^r^ ""^ "' '""'• HyJol.n Cameron ih.uclJunf tS. 1913). VOLIME XIII: E.SKIMO KOLK'-LORE :.rtA: '^^'\r^;;,\^.'";y.^ AXnT^^^^ AI.A.«KA, Tin; MACRFN-zIE DELTA Part B: ST,i\^C V^ilt'^^^!^ Jll^a^Vic' ^SK^C^.'^ D: aV„„e«.V.V. .-.^"^li^rC^/^ iUk VOLfME XIV: ESKI.MO SONGS BONGS OF THE ("OPl-ER E.SKI.MOS. By IMen H. KoU-rU and D. Jcnness (/, pn„). VOLIME XV: ESKIMO LAXfil AGE AND TECII.\OLO