o - „■, ..'.K .»-». .* . H II > T •t' I ,;^J';V,V\X1 ' ■ W -1> >•!••'. '< »< ' «S-; .»... » - i,.« .\ >.' ♦ • ;;l; ^ s "* -ri •!* ^■^ # { ;n: j^ ^ ^ <.*,.* 1 1 V aJ 7 V ■. J f\^* .y^; - i A l>i. J- ,i <■> i » > t ' ,1 ^rtJ ..■/i "-m ►Ji; I l! u r. ft A 3i * iff'- arY!«-. t-.#v»X»P.^*i|M .•i.-*ti«t-J'v^l**^>^=lP.■W,^iW»*'a,«g»»n^p«(r■«|N•^w^***^»i^ r»?;;*'«i*. ■, 1t,^»t)««.« iiiu ' ^■'.T' ' .» ■•* ■';v". •'.■f 5 .* .•,rA O'' i ' ' 1. ■ t ■■' :)V) ■. f ■ ll i l.f.i 1 ,:'♦ -( ■ ' - • * « • * •t ♦ •.It •BJ'S?*** ".ii- ^»53»f«-, , ' .>rjt ii* h^>/' j* tA A61 for making more eff€61:u4 Provifion for the Government of the Province of §li^ebec in North HERE AS His Majcftjr, by Prtamwi. His Royal Proclamation, bearing bate the Seventh Day of OMer^ the Third Year of His Reign, thought t to declare the Proyifions which had been ade in rcfpeft to certwn Countries, TerfH ories, and Iflands in v^^fm^^, ceded to His [ajefty by the definitive Treaty of Peace* oncluded at Paris on the Tenth Day of ^ekruary. One thoufand feven hundred and xty-thiree: And whereas by the Arrange- ents made by the faid Royal Prochma* ion, a very large Extent of Country, within hich there were feveral Colonies and Settle- ents of the Subjects of France^ who claim- ■uj. A a cd ^- \-; ^ .♦N-S-, T h :..^r ' .»••;■' t^ »»-^*i**«^i^*' '-'"% nM»i>, followm^ the faid Bank, until the fame (hall be interlef^ by the Northern Boundary, granted by the Charter of the Province of Pen^ama^ in cafe the fame ihall be (o interfcftcd ; and from thence along the faid Nordiem and Weftern Boundaries of the faid Province, until the faid Weftern Boundary ftrike the Ohio : But in cafe the faid Bank of the faid Lake fhall not be found to be fo interfe6ted, then following the faid Bank until it (hall arrive at that Point of the faid Bank which ihall be neareft to the North- weftern Ancle of the faid Province of Pen' fylvmna^ and thence» by a right Line, to the &id North-weftern Angle of the faid Pro- vince \ and thence along the Weftern Boun- dary of the faid Province, until it ftrike the River Obio \ and alone the Bank of the faid River, Weftward, to the Banks of the MJ[if' Jippiy and Northward to the Southern Boun- dary of the Territory granted to the Mer- chants Adventurers of England^ trading to Hudfon's Bay, and alfo all fuch Territories, IQandsj and Countries, which have, ftnce the Tenth of February, One thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, been made Part of the Govermnent of Newfoundland^ be, and they are liereby, during His Majcfty's Pleafure, annexed to, and made Part and annexed to th« Parcel of, the Province of ^ebec^ as created Province of and eftabliihed by the faid Royal Proclama- ^' *^* tion of the Seventh of Oiioher^ One thoufand feven hundred and (ixty-three. Provided always. That nothing herein con- Not to affeft taincd, relative to the Boundary of the Pro- of'anrother** A3 I . Vince Colony i rf^fl 'M A .^•^' -■M, PiPiiM mmmmmmm r ■ i nor to make void other Rights for- merly granted. Former Provi- iions made for j the Province to be null and void after Mqj/lt 1775. 'jfnw Rsgnl Juimo fMario yince ci^ehet, (ha)l m any wife aSed the Boundaries of any other Colony. .1 ^rrti^Nn Provided always, and be it ena^d* That nothiiur in this A£t contained fiiaii extend, or be conftrued to extend^ to make void, or to vary or alter any Right, Title, or Poflfeffioti, derived under any Grant, Conveyance, or otherwife howfoever, of or to any Lands within the faid Province, or the Brovjnces thereto adjoining } but that the fame fballre- Unain and btf in Force, and have £fie£t, as if this A6t had never btdn made. And whereas ' the Provifions, made by the faid Proclamaiion, in reljpeft to the Civil Go- vernment of the faid Province oi ^utiic, and the Powers and Authorltiesgiven to the Go- vernor and other Civil Omcers of the faid Province, by the Gran^ and Commiiljons ilfiied in Confequence thereof, have been found, upon Experience^ to be inapplicable to the State and Circumftances of the faid Province, the Inhabitants whereof amounted, at the Concueft, to above Sixty-five thoufand Perfons, profefling the Religion of the Church of Rome, and enjoying an eftablifhed Form of Cbnftttiition and Syftem of Laws, by which f heir Perfons and Property had be^n protcdcd, governed, and ordered, for a l&ng feries of Years, from the Firft Eftabliihment of the faid Province oi Canada 5 be it therefore further en- a6led by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Proclamation, fo far as the fame relates to the faid Province of ^ebec, and the Com- miflion under the Authority whereof the Go- vernment of the faid Province is at prefent adminiilered, and all and every the Ordinance and fcafifid the il arrtiiiMJ la^ed. That ii extend, or void, or to NT PoOefliQti, iveyance, or anv. Lands ^ Rroi^nces ame (ballre- EffitA, a»if ■' ;:'a;? •• made by the he Ciril Go- ^udiCj and n to the Go- i of the faid Coinniailjons have bem inapplicable of the faid 3f amounted, Bve thoufand f the Church hed Form of iSj by which t^n protected, :>ng feries of nt of the faid *e further en- id. That the fame relates nd the Com- ;reof the Go- is at prefent he Ordinance and r 1 • ■* ii Georgii III. Regis,^\ and Ordinances . made by the Governor and Council of S^ebtc for the Time being,, relative to the Qvil Government and Adminiftration of Juftice in the faid Province, and all Com- millions to Judges and other Officers thereof, be, and the fame are hereby revoked, an- nulled, and made void, from and after the Firft Day of May^ One thoufand feven hun- dred and feventy-five. And, for the more perfed Security and Eafe. of the Minds of th^ Inhabitants of the faid Pro- vince, it is hereby declared, That His Majefty's Sut:je6):s, profefHitg the Religion of the Church of RMiexkznd in the faid Province oi ^bed may have, hoid, and enjoy, the free Exercife of the Religion of the Church o£ Rome, fubjeft to the King's Supremacy, declared and efta- blifhtd by an Ad made in theFirft Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth^ over all the Do- minions and Countries which then did, or thereafter (hould belong, to the Imperial Crown of this Realm ; and that the Clergy of the faid Church may hold, receive, and enjoy, their accuftomed Dues and Rights, with refpcdt to fuch Perfons only as fhall pro- fefs the faid Religion. Provided neverthelefs. That it (hall be lawful for His Majefty, lv.z Heirs or Suc- ccflbrs, to make fuch Provifion out of the reft of the faid accuflomed Dues and Rights, for the Encouragement of the Proteftant Re- ligion, and for the Maintenance and Support of a Proteftant Clergy within the faid Pro- vince, as he or they fhall, from Time to Time, think neceflary and expedient. 7^,,.* «.,^,.,,. i,;.,. ... ,,Xi ^^,., Provided cj InhafMttntsdf S^itebeermy profefs the Romijb Reli- gion, fubjeft to the King's Supremacy, as \iyAJLUEUz, and the Clergy enjoy their ac- cuftomed Dues. Provifion majr' be made by His Majelty fortheSuppert of the Prote- ftant Clergy. ,^ ■■^u ? / No Perfon profdling the E»mifi Reli- gion obliged to take the C^athofi^iiis. but to take, before the Govemor.^r. the followiofl: Oath. The Oath. 7 V 'J Anno Rigni decimo quarts Provided always, and be it enacted^ That no Perfon profefling the Religion of the Church of Romey and refiding in the faid Province, (hall be obliged to take the Oath required by the faid Statute ptfled in the Firfl Year ot the Reign of Queen Eliza* betby or any other Oaths fubftituted by any other Act in the Place thereof, \ but that every fuch Perfon who, by the faid Statute IS required to take the Oath therein men- tioned, fhall be obliged, and is hereby re- quired, to take and fubfcribe the following Oath before the Governor, or fuch other Perfon in fuch Court of Record as His Ma* jelly (hall appoint, who are hereby autho* rifed to adminiiter the fame \ vix, y A. B. do Jincerely promife andjwear^ That I will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to Hi? Mte '*^j»a^ lieretofbre made concerning' or reljsecting the #^^*^^r!£?i! ^id Cdlonies and Plantations, (hall be, and " ' are hereby declared to be, in Force, within •^e faid Province of ^ehic^ axidi every Part thereof. '^7 I ^b'/TiJ >« iifciii ,.^jUi>t j«;