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Las diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode. errata to I pelure, 3n d n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■■*iWliMii».- E EXHIB] COMPU' C TABLl AUTHOI THE IMPROVED uilmi ^^islatt! AND EEADY EECKONER, EXHIBITING AT ONE VIEW THE VALUE OF MORE THAN SIX- TEEN THOUSAND DIFFERENT QUANTITIES OF COMPUTED AT SIXTY POUNDS TO THE BUSHEL, AND ALSO CHANGING ANY GIVEN QUANTITY OF POUNDS INTO BUSHELS; ALSO TABLES GF INTEREST, SCAKTLTNG, WEIGHTS OF IRON, &c. BY J. M. SCRIBNER, AUTHOR OF ENGINEEK'S AND MECHANIC'S COMPANION, &C. MONTREAL: R. WORTHINGTON. 1869. . Price— Twenty-five Cents. I. \ PEEPACE. The following Tables will be found to be of yrezt utility to many classes of business men. especially ^f^Tl" ""^^ ''''"''• ^^'"y °^^ ^' ^" acquainted i with the business, must be aware that computing and paying for many hundred bushels of grain per day purchased out of sleighs and wagons, would consume the entire time of a competent and accurate ac- countant, whereas by the use of these tables the same amount of labor may be performed with the most unerring certainty, in a very few minutes. Besides, in the daily purchase of produce, the price IS constantly changing, and the invoriable occurrence of fractional parts of a bushel in each purchase renders the most accurate and able person, in the hurry of business, liable to commit error To ob viate these difficulties, and expedite the computation of each purchase, as well as to give the most entire i satisfaction to both buyer and seller, was the Author's ! aim m presenting to the public this little volume of ^ ready-calculated tables. i A sot of tables similar, in some respects, to these were published in Rochester in the year 1831, b^ J-T'-^ -'."^^^f """: ^^ ^^^^ ^""'^ competent accountant, iWi iiii itaiiT" #/ •f - PUEFACK I mu his co.nputalions beiiij; based upon prices in I .-.ate aloi e. ^he general plan of ihis volume was ■ .^..?,?es,ea by ,l,e former, b,u .|,e prices bein<. ba ed ; >on .101 ars ami cents, the resnuLf each e^JpZ tion are (liferent. Hencp «-hii, ..■ -j ■, . ., „ . . 'i'-nce, Millie sonilardy exists to ,!•- oertain extern. •</.,,/,:> doe-.' not ' j ■' i;';;^!'"-'' '!''athe..e t.Mes, embracins as they ; "; "'° ?■■"='•'« -"'•■'■■-.ily I-aitl for^rain in any m.i. I Ue. are so happily adapted to the wants of the inner I nncl n-,,ller, that no on. will presttme to di..pe s^ Wth , th ,r use. fndee.!, whe:, they beeon.e lcno,vn to the I l"'W.c generally, they will be used in all pr duee broke^! '""' """■ "■'"' '^^ '^'■"^■^•^'■^ «"1 The Tab.les on Scantling, Wood, Iron, Interest, &c.. Will render this little volnme exceedingly eon- venjet,. and useful to all who have occasion o'trans- act business m either of those branches In conclusion, the Author will merely add a hone Uuu tins little volume Will fully „,eet the expeeta nons of those for whom it is principally intended o '-^nefit, and that it will meet wtth their favor and paironage. "^^ j THE AUTHOR MlDDLEBURGH, N. Y., i:i Wit. Maij Ut, 1850. 1 L. ■ ■ CONTENTS. rAr,:,B I.-l»rice and value of Grain per buihel . ll.-Sc-tntlinjr .un.l Tijnber Measnre . . in.— A<;cura(eVVo(j(l-Mea.surer - . . IV.-Pricc of Wood, Per Cord . . . . v.— Wei;rlit of Round Rolled Iron - . . VI.— VVei,■,^'lt of Square Rolled Iron - - . VII.— VVfi-hfofFlMr, Har Iron VJII.— VVaye:^ l)y the Muuth, JJay, Ovc. - - IX.— Tables of Infero-t at Six j.cr Cunf,. . X.-Tai)Ies of Interest at Seven per Cent. PAGE 7 /•) / / 76 79 79 SO 81 s-> S5 4^ EXPLANATION. The ,>rice per bi;sh,l v.-iH be fnund at Die head of each pa-^e Ihti rm,nh,r if lm^h,h avd thn numhn' nf ,>oumts wJU be ■ound m tlie column heade.l x\o. The value of bushels will be found at the left hand of the number, an<l tlie v.lue of pounds Will be found at the right hanfl. , E-KAMPLE.-Suppose you wi.h to know tlie value of 32 Dushels and ;w pound* of wheat at .^1.42 per bushel. Rv refer- ring to page 70, under the price $1-42, and opposite the' No 3^^ you have ^Ao-AA, then runninir down the .ame commn of num^ I !rr ' '^^"r" '^ ''' -^"^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^'^^ ^-^sht ao-oo, which, ^ added to e-15-44, makes Uo-?A, the sum sought. «**^Bi.. EXPLANATION. [ h,M "i''.." '.''° "■''' ■"■ ""• ^' """"• '"« P"" "OS cent, ner bu.heV' and you have 883-40, and at the HgM of N, 9 y, u hav.^20 cent., Which, added ,0 WS^Cmake^ «23-60,'he sum NoiK-The Talue of pound, in these tables i, computed at W pounds to the busi.el. Consequently, for Barley, R^e Corn *c.,you must add the foilowin, percent, to the'ialu.'in the thflte for^f /^ °"'" ^"J"' °"''"' P"""""' '» '"e answer in me laDfe for the trtie answer for Corn For Bax'ley and Buckwheat, add | for the fru€ value. SiANDARD WEIGHT OP GRAIN. Whe»«t ' Rye . » Corn Barley • Oats • • • 60 Ibi. to the bushel. - 56 *< u u • 56 « «( (i . 48 « « u • 32 " moat generally by measure. S£ED8. Clorer Seed Timothy . Flaxseed . 60 lbs. to the bushel. by measure. 60 lbs. to the busheL THE FARMERS' POCKET ASSISTANT. """' T il PRODUCE TABIiEg. 1-4 Cent per Article. 1-2 Cent per Article, THE FARMERS* PRODUCE TABI.es. 1 Cent pet Artlelo/ II I 1 2 8 4 fi 6 7 8 9 j 10 ( n 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 ] 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 € Ota. -oi •02 •03 •04 •05 •06 •07 •08 •09 •10 •11 •12 :i3 •14 •16 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 •23 •24 •25 •26 •27 •28 •29 •30 •31 •32 •33 •34 No. 85 87 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 66 56 67 68 69 60 66 70 75 SO 100 200 800 600 t Otf. 2 Cents per Article. No. •35 •36 •37 •38 •39 •40 •41 •42 •48 -44 •46 •46 •47 •48 •49 •60 •61 •62 •63 '64 "56 •66 •67 •68 •69 •60 •65 •70 •76 •80 1^00 2 00 300 500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 t Ota. •02 •04 •06 •08 •10 ■12 •14 •16 •18 •20 •22' •24 •26 •28 •30 •32 •34 •36 •38 •40 •42 •44 46 •48 •60 •62 •64 •66 •68 •60 •62 •64 •66 •68 No. 35 86 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 "7 4" 4b 60 61 62 53 64 66 66 67 68 59 60 66 70 76 80 100 200 300 600 f Ota. •70 •72 •74 •76 •78 •80 •82 •84 •86 •88 •90 •92 •94 •96 •98 •00 •02 •04 •06 ■08 110 112 114 116 1^18 1-20 130 140* 1-50 1^60 200 400 600 1000 POCKET ASSISTANT. •70 •72 •74 •70 •78 •80 •82 •84 •86 •88 •90 •92 •94 •96 •98 •00 •02 •04 ■06 •08 •14 •16 •18 •20 •30 •40* •60 •60 PRODUCE TABLEIS. 3 Cents per Article. No. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2-1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 8 cti. •03 •06 •09 •12 •16 •18 •21 •24 •27 •30 •33 •36 •39 •42 •45 •48 •51 •64 •57 •60 •63 •66 •69 •72 •75 •78 •81 «4 •87 •90 •93 •96 •90 1-02 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 64 55 66 57 58 59 GO 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 600 $ cts. 105 108 Ml M4 M7 1-20 1-23 1-26 1-29 1-32 1-35 38 41 1-44 ■47 ■50 53 56 59 62 1-65 1-68 1-71 1-74 177 1-80 1 95 210 2-25 2 40 3 00 600 9 00 15 00 4 Ceiit'j i>cr Article. Xo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 13 14 15 J 6 17 18 19 20 21 oo 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 se 33 34 S Ota. •04 •OS •12 •16 •20 •24 •28 •32 •36 •40 •■^4 •4S •52 •56 •60 •(>! •68 •72 •TO •80 •84 •88 •92 96 00 •Ot •08 •12 ■16 •20 124 1^28 132 136 No. 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 4o 4(5 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 65 66 57 58 59 CO 65 70 75 80 100 200 SOO 600 $ eta. ■40 44 48 62 56 CO 64 68 1^80 1^84 1-88 192 1^96 2-00 2 04 2-CS 216 2 20 2-24 2-28 2 32 2^Ci5 2-49 2 ■60 2^E0 3 -CO 3^20 4^00' 8^00 1200 20^00 10 THE PAKMERS' III POCKET ASSISTANT. tide. !-00 li PRODUCE TABI.EIW. 7 Cents per Article. I 8 Cents ipci, Article. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2i 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 $ eta. •07 •14 •21 •28 •35 •42 •49 •56 •63 •70 •77 •84 •91 •98 •06 •12 •19 •26 •33 •40 1-47 1-54 1-61 l-;i8 1^75 1-82 1-S9 1-96 2-03 210 2-17 2-24 2^3i 2-38 No. 37 38 39 40 41 42 4:3 44 45 46 47 4.S 49 50 51 52 53 54 300 500 S cts. I No. 2-45 2-52 2-59 2^6« 2-73 2-80 2-87 2-94 3 01 3^08 S-15 3-22 3-20 3-30 3-J3 3-.-)0 wot 3-64 3-71 3-78 55 3-85 56 3-92 67 3-09 68 4-06 59 4-13 60 4-20 65 4-55 70 ,4-90 75 5-25 80 5-60 00 7-00 (»0 t 1 .f\/\ 21-00 35-00 1 •> ^^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 34 15 16 37 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 8 etc •01 ■U ■2^ •3JJ •40 •48 •5« •73 •80 •88 •96 1^04 1^12 1^20 1-28 1-36 1-44 1-52 1-60 1-68 1-84 ! 1^02 2-00 2-08 2-16 2-24 2-32 2-40 2-48 2o6 2-64 2-72 Vo, 35 36 37 38 39 4*0 41 42 ! 44 \\ 45 !! 46 I ^7 48 II 49 !i 50 ii 51 . 52 'i 53 ' 54 I ' 55 ( 50 57 58 59 60 05 70 75 SO 100 200 300 500 $ cts. 2 80 2-88 2-90 3^04 3 12 3-20 3-28 3-36 3'i4 3-52 3-00 3-68 3-76 3^84 3 •92 4^00 4-08 4^16 4-24 4-32 4^40 4-48 4-56 4-64 4-72 4-80 5-20 5-60 6 -no 0-40 S-OO 16-00 24-00 40-00 12 ' i ■» m THE FARMERS* PRODUCE TAB1.es. 9 Cents per Article. 10 Cents per Article. /. til -j r POCKET ASSISTANT. 13 ' PRODUCE TABIiES. ■■ •tide. . 11 Cents per Article. 12 Cents per Article. $ cts. 1 Ko. $ ct«. 1! xo. $ cts. No. $ cu. I| No. 1 $ CtM. 3-50 3-60 3-70 3-80 3-90 400 4-10 4-20 4-30 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 •11 •22 •33 •44 •o5 ■m •77 •88 ■1 35 i! 30 !i 37 i 38 ! 39 ; 40 ii 41 ! 42 3-85 ■3^96 4-07 4-18 4-29 4-40 4-51 4-62 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 •12 •24 •36 •48 •60 ■72 •84 •96 ' 35 ! 36 ! 37 '■ 38 39 ! 40 41 i 42 4-20 4-32 444 456 4-68 4^80 4^92 6 04 4-40 ( 10 1 •99 110 ; 43 4^73 4^84 10 • 1^08 1^20 43 44 616 6^23 ■ 4-50 4-60 4-70 4-80 11 12 33 1-21 1-32 1-43 '■ 45 1 46 ^1 47 4-95 5^06 6^17 11 12 13 1-32 1-44 1-56 45 " 46 47 "5 40 6-62 6-64 4-90 5-00 610 5-20 5-30 5-40 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 l-o4 165 1-76 1-87 i-98 2^09 2-20 i 48 i 49 50 51 52 53 54 5-28 5-39 5-50 5-61 672 5-83 5-94 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 l^GS 1-80 1-92 204 216 2-28 2-40 , 48 49 50 61 62 63 64 676 •5-8C 600 612 6 24 :6 36 6-48 5-50 5-60 5-70 21 22 2-31 2-42 55 56 605 616 21 22 2-52 2-64 55 66 660 6-72 H 1 5-80 6-90 6 00 6-50 7-00 7-m 8 00 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2-53 2-04 2^75 2-86 2-97 3^08 3^19 3-30 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 6-27 6-38 6 49 6-60 7 15 7-70 8-25 8-80 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2^76 2-88 3 00 312 3-24 3-36 3-48 3^60 67 68 69 60 65 70 76 80 684 6-96 7-08 7-20 ■7-80 8^40 900 9-60 ;^H ^^^1 00 0-00 31 32 3^41 3-52 100 1100 31 3-72 100 12^00 )00 200 22-00 32 S-84 200 <Mon [)00 II 34 iiU6 300 33 00 33 3-96 300 36 00 ■ .. J J 3-74 500 55 00 34 4-08 1 600 6000 1 •%«.i*a£iB^, 14 THE farmers' PRODrcE tabi.es. 13 cents per Artlele. ( 14 Ce^^^i^^^^,:^;;;^ POCKET ASSISTANT. PROUUCE TABJLES. 4-90 5 04 5-18 5-32 5-46 5-60 15 Cents per Article. 16 Cents per Article. 16 THE FARMERS* iim^tfm: POCKET AWI3TANT. S cts. 6-30 6 -48 6-e6 6-84 7-02 7-20 7-38 7-5G 7-74 7-92 mm^:^^l0^:;i:^f^^ fHfi PARMEns' POCKET ASSISTANT. «0 Cent, per B„«hcl. I 31 Cc„t« per Ba.hel. V»l I .. . -- I — — . 8 r TIIK PARMElia' PUODUCJE T.lBI.ItlH. ii3 €ciit» per KiimIm;]. 3^ Cents prr Bii»<hel. :■»«»»•«• ^memm- '•>! •J3 •141 •14! •Hi •15; •15 -m •ifii •17' •ITJ •18; •i8i ■IS] •191 •lol •19 •20 •20 •20 •21 •21 .o.> K 'CK£T ASSIS:ANr. 1-KODLCE TAKI.es. l-_____^ _" • ^^ ^«^n»« per l{ii«hel. I ■"SUBili: 10 THE FARMEKS' PR01>i;€£ TAKINGS. 96 Cent* per JBiiithcl. 37 Ccuts per Bushel. POCKBT ASSiaTANT. II PROOUCB TABr.ES. Val. ol" Ibi. $ ct.t. •16 •16 •17 •17 •18 •18 •18 •J9 •19 •20 •20 •21 •21 •22 •22 •23 •23 •24 •24 •25 •25 •20 •26 •27 t*3 Is: 3 rs 11 Ck Li 93 C«iit» per Bu«h«l. I ao Cent, pet B..,hel. •I M 13 THE FARMERS* 1 PRODUCE TAWLJLJZH. 30 Cents per Bushel. Val. of buch. t (cu. •50 •60 •90 1-20 1-50 1-80 2-10 2-40 2-70 300 3-30 3-60 3-90 4-20 4-50 4-80 5-10 5-40 5^70 600 6-30 660 f 90 '•20 7-50 7-80 frlO 8-40 8-70 9-00 930 9'60 9*90 1020 No. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lb>. $eu. •00 •01 •01 •02 •02 •03 •03 •04 1 •04 1 •05 •05 •06 •06 •07 •07 •08 •08 •09 •09 •10 •10 •11 •11 •12 •12 •13 •13 •14 •14 •15 •15 •16 •16 •17 of buihcli. $ cts. 10-50 1080 IMO 11-40 11-70 1200 12-30 12 60 12-90 13-20 13-50 13-80 14-10 14-40 A<) (KJ 15-30 15-()0 15-90 10-20 16-50 1680 17-10 17-40 17-70 18-00 19-50 2100 22-50 24-00 31 Cents per Bushel. sn-nn 60-00 90-00 15000 Value of bushels. $ eta. 10-85 11-16 11-47 11-78 12^09 12-40 12-71 13-02 13-33 13-64 13-95 14-26 14-57 14-&8 15^19 15^50 15-81 1612 16-43 16-74 17-05 17^36 17-67 17-98 18-29 18-60 20-15 2170 23-25 24-80 sroo 6200 93-00 15500 IVo. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 iUU 200 300 500 Val. of Ibf. $Ct8. •18 •18 •19 •20 •20 •21 •21 •22 •22 •23 •23 •24 -24 •25 •25 •26 •26 -27 -27 -28 •28 -29 -29 -30 •30 5$ CO ^1 § I '9. I I I POCEET ASSISTANT. 13 Bualicl. lue if lels. eta. 1-85 >16 •47 •78 !'09 1-40 i-71 •02 •33 •64 •95 •26 57 ■88 '19 •50 81 12 43 74 05 IVo. 67 98 29 BO 15 70 25 30 JU 30 K) M) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 36. 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 Val. of Ibf. $Ct8. •18 •18 •19 •20 •20 •21 •21 •22 •22 •23 •23 •24 •24 •25 •25 •26 •26 •27 •27 •28 •28 •29 •29 •30 •30 1 <l ? s. PROI>l/rK TABLES. 39 Ceats per Buieiiel. 33 €eias« per BimlieK 352 3-84 4-16 4^48 4-80 512 544 576 6^08 640 6-72 704 7-36 7-G8 8-00 8^32 8-64 8^96 9-28 9- SO 9•(^2 10-24 10-56 10 88 21' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 •11 •J2 •12 •13 •14 •14 •15 •15 •16 •16 •17 17 •18 17-6() 18-24 18-56 18-88 19-20 «)^80 2240 24^00 25-60 32-00 6400 9600 16000 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 •29 •30 -30 -30 -31 1 6-93 7-26 7-59 7-92 825 8-58 8^91 9-24 9^57 9-90 1023 10-56 1089 11-22 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 •11 •12 •13 •13 -14 •14 •15 •15 •16 •16 •17 •18 •18 •19 1815 18^48 18-81 1914 19-47 19-80 21-45 2310 24^75 26-40 33-00 66-00 99-00 165-00 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 -30 -31 •31 32 -32 14 THE FARMERS' PRODUCE TAI2I.es. 34 Cents pc? Bushel. Val. I I Val. of iIVo.l of $Ctfi. •34 •08 l'()2 1-3G 1-70 2-04 2-38 2-72 3-0(3: 35 Cents per Bushel. i PO. \Sr i SSISTAN7, 15 r Bushel. IVo. nO 00 loni {>0| 2(K) 00 1 300 ' 001 500 I*ROI»lJCX: TABIiKS. 3« Cents per Bushel. 37 Cents per Bushel. Val. of bush. •36 •72 1-08 1-44 1-80 216 2-52 2-88 324 3-60 3-96 4-32 4-68 5-04 5-401 5-76 6-12 6-48 6-84 7-20 7-56 7-92 8-28 8-64 9-00 9-36 9-72 10-08 10-44 10-80 IMfi ii-52 11-88 32-24 No. 1 2 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $cta. •01 -01 •02 •02 •03 •04 •04 •05 -05 -06 •07 •07 •08 •08 -09 -10 -10 -11 -11 -12 •13 •13 •14 •14 •15 -16 -16 -17 •17 -18 •10 -19 -20 •20 Value of bushels. $ cts. 12-60 12-96 13-32 13-68 14-04 14^40 1476 1512 15-48 1584 1620 16-50 16-92 17-28 17-64 18-00 18-36 18-72 19-08 19-44 19-80 20-16 20-52 20-88 21-24 21-60 23-40 25-20 27-00 28-80 72-00 108-00 180-00 No 35 36 37 38 39 40 •1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5/ 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 Val. of lbs. $CCB. •21 •22 •22 -23 -23 •24 •25 •25 •26 •26 •27 •28 •28 •29 29 •30 •31 •31 •32 •32 33 34 •34 •35 -35 inn 200 300 500 5 « ft Val. of bush. $CtB. •37 -74 1-11 1-48 1-85 2-22, 2^59 2-98 3-33 3^70 4-07 4-44 4-81 5-18 5-55 5-92 6-29 6-66 7-03 7^40 7-77 8-14 8^51 8-88 9-25 9 62 9-99 10-36 10-73 11-10 11-84 12-21 12-58 No 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .}! 32 33 24 Val. of $Ct8. •01 •01 •02 •02 -03 •04 -04 •05 -05 •06 -07 -07 -08 -09 -09 -10 •10 •11 •12 •12 •13 •13 •14 •15 •15 •16 •17 •17 •18 •18 •19 •20 -20 -21 Value of lbs. bushels. $ cts, 1295 13-32 13-69 1406 14-43 14-80 15-17 15-5^1 15-91 16-28 16-65 17-02 17-39 17-76 1813 18-50 18-87 19-24 19-61 19-98 20-35 20-72 2J-09 21-46 21-83 2220 34-05 25-90 27-75 31-60 3700 74-00 111-00 18<-00 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 T«l. of lbs. $cta. •21 •22 •23 •24 •25 -25 •25 •26 •26 •27 •28 •28 •29 •29 •30 •31 •31 •32 •33 •33 •34 -34 •35 •36 •36 100 200 300 500 1 16 THE FARMERS' JPROSIJCC: TABI.X:s. CeutD per Bunhel. Value of bushcli. $ cU. 13-30 13-66 1406 1444 H-S2 15-2!) lo58 lj«i)6 l()-34 16-72 1710 17-48 17-86 18-24 18-62 ID'OO 19-38 1976 20-14 20-52 20-90 21-28 21-06 22-04 22-42 22-80 24-70 26-60 28-50 30-40 3800 76-00 114-00 lU«)-00 IVo. 30 37 38 39 40 11 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 50 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 Val. of Ibi. Scti, •oo •23 -23 •24 -25 -25 •26 •26 •27 •28 •28 •29 •30 •30 •31 •3? •32 •33 •3^ •34 -35 -35 '3& •37 •37 IS- \ V. Mi I i POCKET ASSISTANT. n • i^B PRODUCE TABIiES. [>cr Bunhel. 39 €eaiU per Bushel. 40 Cents per Bushel* f Vnlue Val. 1 Val. Val. Value Val. Val. Val. Valua Val of IVo . of ^H of I¥o of of No of of No. of of IVo. » at* of bushcla Ibi. Scti. 1 buah $Ct8. J lbs. $cts. buihelB. Ibi. $cu. buih. $Ctl. Iba. $CU. bushels. A^ ^M» lbs. $cu. $ CU $ cts. $ CU. 13-3t ) 3j » "22 1 •39 1 •01 13-65 35 •23 -40 1 •01 14-00 35 •23 13-6f ► nr •23 B •76 2 -01 14-04 36 -23 •80 2 •01 14-40 36 •24 14 0« 37 -23 H 1^17 3 -02 1443 37 •24 1-20 3 •02 14-80 37 •25 1444' :)H •24 B 1-56 4 -03 14-82 38 -25 1-60 4 •02 15-20 38 •25 14-82 39 -25 fl 1-95 5 •03 15-21 39 •25 2-00 5 -03 15-60 39 •26 ir>-2!) 40 •25 1 2-34 6 •04 15-60 40 -26 240 •04 16-00 40 •27 loo8 11 •26 8 2-73 7 •04 15-99 41 -27 2-80 7 •05 16-40 41 •27 15-i)G 42 •26 ^H 312 8 •05 16-38 42 •27 3-20 8 •05 16-80 42 •28 l()-34 43 •27 1 3-51 9 •06 16-77 43 •28 3-60 9 -06 17-20 43 •29 lG-72 44 •28 1 3-90 10 •06 17-16 44 •29 400 10 •07 17-60 44 •29 1710 45 •28 1 4-29 11 •07 17-55 45 •29 4-40 11 •07 18-00 45 •30 17-48 46 •29 H 4-68 12 •08 17-94 46 •30 4-80 12 -08 18-40 46 •31 17-80 47 •30 H 507 13 •08 18'33 47 •30 5-20 13 •09 18-80 47 •31 18-24 48 •30 fl 5-46 14 •09 18-72 48 •31 5-60 14 •09 19-20 48 •32 18-62 49 •31 B 5-85 15 •10 19-11 49 •32 6-00 15 •10 19-60 49 •33 ID-OO 50 •32 1 6-24 16 •11 19-50 50 -32 6-40 16 •11 2000 50 •.33 19-38 51 •32 B 6-63 17 •11 19-89 51 -33 6-80 17 -11 20-40 51 •34 11)70 52 •33 ^w 7-02 18 •12 20-28 52 •34 7-20 18 •12 20-80 52 •35 20-14 53 •33 'fl 7-41 19 •12 20-07 53 •.34 7-00 19 •13 21-20 53 •35 20-52 54 -34 B 7-80 20 •13 21-00 54 •35 800 20 •13 21-60 54 •36 20-90 55 •35 ■ 8-19 21 •14 21-45 55 •36 8-40 21 •14 22-00 55 •37 1 21-28 56 •35 ^f 8-58 22 •14 21-84 56 •30 8-80 22 •15 22-40 56 •37 ! 21-06 57 •3& f 8-97 23 •15 22 23 57 -37 9-20 23 •15 22-80 57 •38 22-04 58 •37 9-36 24 •16 22-02 58 •38 9-00 24 •16 23-30 58 •39 22-42 59 •37 ■ :-isi' 975 25 •16 2301 59 -38 10-00 25 •17 23-60 59 •39 22-80 60 M 10-14 26 •17 23 40 60 10-40 26 •17 2400 60 24-70 65 W 10-53 27 •17 25-35 65 10-80 27 •18 26-00 65 ^ 26-60 70 S' W 10-92 28 •18 27-30 70 .« ^P^ 11-20 28 •19 28-00 70 ^ 28-50 75 ■^."^ M 11-31 29 -19 29-25 75 11-60 29 •19 30-00 75 30-40 8i) ;;?«a Ji 11^70 30 •19 31-20 80 12-00 30 •20 32 00 SO I. 3800 100 3 S* '^ } 12^09 31 -20 39-00 100 12-40 31 •21 40-00 100 76-00 200 &•« .'f 12^48 32 •21 7800 200 §•« 12-80 32 •21 80-00 200 114-00 300 •"'a. -? 12-87 33 •21 117-00 300 ^8, 13-20 33 •22 120-00 300 tUOOO 500' i TO, i 13-26 34 195-00 500 13-60 34 •23 200-00 500 fk It i 18 THE FARMERS PRODUCE TABI.es. 41 Cents per Bushel. of bush. $Ct8. '41 •82 123 1-64 SOS 2-46 2-87 328 369 4-10 451 4-92 5-33 5-74 6-15 6-561 6-97| : 7-38 7-79 8-20 8-61 902 9-43 9-84 10-25 10-66 1107 11-48 11-89 12-30 1271 1312 13-53 13-lM No. 1 2 3 4 5 C| 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val, of ]bs. $Ct8. -OJ •01 •02 -03 •03 -04 •05 •05 •06 •07 •07 •08 •09 -09 -10 •11 •12 •12 -13 •14 •14 •15 •16 •JG •ir •18 •18 •191 •20 •20 •21 •22 •22 •23 Value of bushels. $ cts. 1435 14-76 15-17 15-58 15-99 16-40 16-81 1722 17-63 18-04 18-45 18-86 19-27 19-68 20-09 20-50 20-91 21-32 21-73 2214 22-55 22-96 23-37 23-78 2419 24 60 20-65 28-70 30-75 ]Vo 35 36| 371 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 41-00 8200 123-00 205-00 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56j 57 58 59 60 65 70 Val. of lbs. $cts. •SM •24 •25 •26 •27 .07 'Wfl -281 •291 -29 •301 -31 -31 •32 •33 -39 •34 •35 •35 •30 •37 ■37 •38 39 40 40 43 Cents per Bushel. Val. of bush. $Ct8. •42 •84 1-26 1-68 2-10 2.52 2-94 3-30 3-78 4-20 4-02 5-04 5-46 5-88 6-30 6-72 7-14 7-56 7-98 8-40 100 200 300 500 8-82 9-24 9-66 10-08 10-50 10-92 11-34 11-76 12-18 l,i VkJ 1302 13-44 13-86 14-28 No. Val. oC Iba. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18l 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 $Ct3. •01 •01 •02 •03 03 i •04 -05 -06 •06 -07 •OS -08 •09 ■10 -10 -11 •12 •13 •13 •14 •15 '15 •16 •17 •17 •18 -19 1 •20 •20 '21 •22 •22 •23 •241 Value of bushels. $Ct8. 14-70 1512 15-54 l^-OO lb-3S 16-80 17-22 1764 18-06 18-48 18-90 19-32 19-74 20-16 20-58 21-00 2I-42I 21-84 22-26 22-68 23-10 23-52 23-94 24-36 24-78 25-20 27-30 29-40 31-50 33 60 42-00 84-00 120-00 210-00 No 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 Val. of Iba. $cU. •24 -25 •26 •27 •27 •28 •29 •29 •30,^ -3li ■si 321 3a 34, •34; •35 •36 •36 •37 •38 •38 •39 •40 •41 ■41 100 200 300^ 500 I i •^ i 4 'A I POCKET ASSISTANT. 19 s. pei* ISushel, Value of busbela. $Ct8. 14-70 1512 15-54 15-96 lb-3S 16-80 17-22 17-64 18-06 18-48 18-90 19-32 19-74 2016 20-58 2100 21-421 21-84 22-26 22-68 23-10 23-52 23-94 24-36 24-78 25-20 27-30 29-40 31-50 33 60 42-00 84-00 120-00 210-00 IVo. Val. of Iba. $CU. 35 -24 36 -25 37 -26 38 -27 39 -27 40 -28 41 -29 42 -29 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 i •30, •3li si •32( 3a •3i •34 •35 •36 •36 •37 •38 •38 •39 •40 •41 •41 100 200 300^ 500 I PRODUCE TABIiES. 43 Cents per Bushel. Val. of bush. $ cts, •43 •86 1-29 1^72 2-15 2-58 3-01 3-44 3-87 4-30 4-73 516 5-59 6-02 6-45 6-88 7-31 7-74 8-lT 9-03 9-46 9-89 10-,32 10-75 11-18 11-61 12-04 12-47 12-90 13-33 13-76 14-19 14-62 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $ cts. •01 •01 •02 •03 •03 •04! •05 •06i •061 •07 •08 -08 •09 •10 •11 •11 •12 •13 •14 •14 •15 •16 •16 •17 •18 •19 •19 •20 •21 •21 •22 •23 -24 •24 Value of bushels, $ cts. 15^05 15-48 15-91 16-34 16-77 17-20 17-63 1806 18-49 18-92 19-35 19-78 20-21 20-64 21-07 21-50 21-93 22-36 22-79 23-22 23-65 34-08 24-51 24-94 25-37 25-80 27-97 30-10 32-25 34-40 43-00 86-00 129-00 215-00 No 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 Qa 100 200 300 500 Val' of lbs. $Ct8. •25 •26 -26 •27 •28 •29 •29 •30 -31 •31 •32 33 •34 •34 •35 •36 •36 •37 •38 •39 •39 •40 •41 •41 •42 2 •"* a «^ §•« 44 Cents per Bushel. Val. of bush, $Ct8. •44 •88 1-32 1-76 2-20 2^64 3-08 3-52 3-96 4-40 4-84 5-28 5^72 6-16 6-60 7-04 7-48 7-92 8-36 8-80 9-24 9-62 10-12 10-56 11-00 11-44 n-88 12-32 12-76 1Q.0A 13-64 1408 14-52 14-98 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 OA 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $ Cts. •01 •01 •02 •03 •04 •04 •05 •06 •06 •07 •08 •09 •09 •lOj •11 •12 -12! •13l •I4I •15 •15 •16 •17 •17 •18 •19 •20 •20 •21 -00 ^^ •23 •23 •24 •25 Value of bushels. $ cts, 15-40 15-84 16-28 16-72 17-16 17-60 18-04 18-48 18-92 19-36 19-80 20-24 20-68 21-12 21-56 22-00 22-44 22'88 23-32 23-76 24-20 24-64 25-08 25-52 25-96 26-40 28-60 30-80 33-00 44-00 88-00 132-00 220-00 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 Val. of lbs $cts. -26 •26 •27 28 •28 •29 •30 •31 •31 •32 •33 •34 -34 •35 •36 •37 -3 •38 •39 •39 •40 •41 •42 •42 •43 100 200 300 500 a ^?' a « (ft I ■.,i| Ul I f 90 THE farmers' POCKET ASSIUTANT. ft. per Bushel. Value , of I buahela. $ CIS. 16-10 16-50 17-02 17-48 i 17-94 18-40 18-86 19-32 19-78 I 20-24 20-70 21-16 21-02 22-08 22-54 23-00 23-40 23-92I 24-38 24-84 25-30 25-76 26-22 26-68; 27-14 27-60! 29-90! 3220 34-501 36-80i' VaL. 45 -34 46 -35 53 -40 54 -41 46-001 )200! i8-00) JOOO 100( I SiJ 200 I ^ 300 " 11 500 § 48 Cents per Busliel. Value of bushrlt. $cto. 16-80 17-28 17-76 18-24 18-72 19-20 19-68 20-16 20-64 21-12 21-60 22-08 22-56 23-04 23-52 24-00 24-48 24-96 25-44 2592 26-40 20-88 27-36 27-84 23-3:^ 9009 O-IOOC No Val. of Iba. $Ctl, 35 •28 36 •29 37 •30 38 •30 39 •31 40 -32 41 •33 42 •34 43 -34 44 •35 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 5i 55 56 57| 5-3 59 CO 05 VO 75 85' •36 •37 •38 •38 •39 •40f •41 •42 •42 •43 •44 •45 •46 •461 •47 :C3 r9o SCO I a « -'11 ti 29 THE farmers' PROBVCS TABIiES. 49 CenU per Bushel. Val. of buali. $cu. •49 •98 147 1-96 2-45 2-94 3-43 3-92 4-41 4-90 5-39 5-88 6-37 6-86 7-35 7-84 8-33 8-82 931 980 10-29 10-78 11-27 11-76 12-2.') 12-74 13--23 13-72 14-21 14-70 ioiO 16-17 16-U6 No Val. of Ibi. $Ct8. 01 02 oe •03 •04 •05 7 -06 8 -06 9 •07 10 •08 11 •09 12 •10 13 •11 14 •11 15 •12 16 •13 17 •14 18 •15 19 •15 20 •16 21 •17 22 •18 23 •19 24 •19 25 •20 20 •21 27 •22 28 •23 29 •24 30 •24 31 •25 32 •26 33 •27 34 •28 Value of buaheli. $ cti. 1715 17-64 1813 18^62 1911 19-60 2009 20-58 2107 21-56 2205 22-54 23-03 23-52 24-01 24-50 24-99 25-48 25 97 26-46 2695 27-44 27-93 28-42 28-91 29-40 31-85 34-30 36-75 39-20 4900 98-00 147-00 245-00 No. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 Val. of Ibi. $cla. 35 ^28 •29 •30 •31 •32 -33 •33 •34 •35 •36 •37 •37 •38 •39 •40 •41 •42 •42 •43 •44 •45 •46 •46 •47 •48 50 €ciits per Bu!«HeI. Val. of bush. o f>.. $Ct8 •50 100 1-50 2-00 2-50 3-00 350 4-00 4*50 500 5-50 6-00 6-50 700 750 8-Ob 8-50 900 9-50 1000 10-50 11-00 11-50 12-00 12-50 1300 13-50 14-00 14-50 15-00 lo-oO lG-00 16-50| l7-()0i IVo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ^9 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $Ct8. •01 •02 •03 •03 •04 •05 •06 •07 •08 •08 •09 •10 •11 •12 •13 •j3 •14 •15 •16 •17 •18 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 •23 •23 •24 •25 •20 •27 -28 •28 Value of bnafaeli. $ eta. 1750 18-00 18-50 19-00 19-50 20-00 20-50 21-00 21-50 22-00 22-50 23-00 23-50 24-00 24-50 25-00 25-50 26-00 2()-50 27-00 27-50 28-00 28-50 29-00 29-50 30-00 32-50 3500 37-50 40-00 50-00 100-00 150(10 25001) No. $cta. 100 I si 200 |;j 300 ^ g. 500 POCKET ASSISTANT. ss. ts per BuAhel. PIt©3>UCE TABI^ES. al. ol bB. eta. •01 •02 •03 •03 •04 •05 •06 ■07 •08 ■08 ■09 ■10 ■11 12 13 j3 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 20 27 28 28 Value of biufaeli. $ cti. 17-50 1800 18-50 19-00 19-50 20-00 20-50 21-00 21-50 22-00 22-50 23-00 23-50 24-00 24-50 25-00 25-50 26-00 26-50 27-00 27-50 23-00 28-50 29-00 29-50 30-00 32-50 3500 37-50 40-00 50-00 100-00 150(10 25001} 31 Ccntn per 13 u she!. 5^ Cents per Bushel. 94 THE FARMERS* PROBUCJB TABI^KS. 53 Cents per Bushel. 54 Cents per Bushel. Value of buthelt. $ cts. ]8-90 19-44 ]'J-9H 20-52 21 -OU 21-60 2214 22-08 2:}-22 23-76 IVo. 24-30 24-84 25 38 25-02 264G 27-00 27-54 28-08 28-62 29-16 29-70 3024 30-78 31-32 31-86 C240 35-10 37-80 40-50 43-20 54-00 108-001 ;-oo| 270-00: 500 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 481 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 5 58 59 60 65 75UI. 80jJ^ lOOj I g^ 3oo; '" I a of Ibt. $ cu. •32 •32 •33 •34 •35 •36 27 36 39 40 •41 •41 •42 •43 •44 •45 •46 •47 •48 •49 •50 •51 •51 •52 •53 t? I POCKET 1S8IITANT. r Bushel. of tlielt. ) eta. 18-90 19-44 10-98 10-52 Jl-OU 11-60 S-14 2-08 •{■on 3-76 4-30 4-84 5 38 5-92 r4G r-00 ^54 i-08 1-62 1-16 •70 24 -78 ■32 ■86 40 10 80 50 20 IVo 35 36 37 38 39 40 A\ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 58 59 60 65 70 75l 80i of Iba. $cu. •32 •32 •33 •34 •35 •36 37 38 39 40 •41 •41 •42 •43 •44 •45 •46 •47 •48 •491 •50 •51 •51 •52 •53 GO 100' 1 S' 00 2U0l§.S 00 1 300 '" 1 oo; 500 S r PBOI»VGK TABIiKS, ftff €eatB per Bushel. Val. of buth. $Ct8. •55 I^IO 1-65 2-20 275 330 3-85 4-40 4^95 5-50 6-C 6^60 7^15 7^70 8-25 8-80 935 990 10-45 1100 11-55 1210 12-65 13^20 13-75 14-30 14 85 1540 15-95 lC-50 17^05 17-60 1815 18-70 I¥o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 a3 34 Val. of Ibi. $cu. -01 -02 •03 •04 •04 -05 •06 •07 •08 •09 •10 •11 •12 •13 •14 •14 •15 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 •23 •24 •24 •25 •26 .an •28 •29 •31 •32 Value of buihela. $ eta, 19-25 19-80 20-35 20'1K) 21-45 22-00 2255 23^10 23-65 2-1-20 24^75 25-30 25^85 26^4() 26-95 27-50 28-05 28-60 29-15 29-70 30-25 30-80 31-35 31-90 3245 33-00 35-75 38-50 41-25 55-00 11000 165-00 275-00 IVo 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 Val. of Iba. 75 $cu. •33 •34 •34 -.35 •36 •37 •38 •39 •40 •41 •42 •43 •44 •44 •45 •46 •47 •48 •49 •50 -51 -52 -53 -54 •54 & i?^^ 56 €ents per Bushel. Val. of buah. 100 200 300 500 s 2; s $CU. -56 1-12 1-68 2-24 2-80 3-36 3-92 4-48 504 560 61() 6-72 7-28 7-8-1 8-40 8-96 9-52 10-08 10-64 ir20 11^70 12-32 12-88 13-44 14-00 14-56 1512 15-68 16-24 IG'80 17-36 17-92 18-48 1904 I¥o. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of Iba. $Ct8. •01 •02 -03 -04 •05 •0(i •07 •08 •as •09 •10 •11 •12 •14 •15 •15 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •21 •22 -23 •24 -25 •26 •27 •23 •29 •30 •31 •32 Value of buahela. IVo. % cu. 19^60 20^16 20-72 21-28 21-&4 22^40 22-96 23-52 24-08 24-64 25-20 25-76 26-32 26-88 27-44 2800 28-56 29-12 2968 30-24 30-80 31-36 31-92 32-48 33-04 33-60 36-40 39-20 42^00 44-80 56-00 112-00 168-00 280-00 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 60 Val. of Iba. $cte. •33 •34 •34 •35 •36 •37 •38 •39 •40 •41 •42 -43 •44 •45 •46 •47 •47 •48 •49 •50 •51 •52 •53 •54 •55 100 200 300 590 si ~» % J 1 26 THE PARAIERS* ^•ROKUCE T ABIDES. POCKET ASSISTANT. Snshel. 37 Vai. IVo. of lb». }$ cts. 35 •33 36 •34 37 •35 38 -36 3<» -37 40j -38 41 -39 42 -40 43 -41 44 -42 45 -43' 46 -44 47 -45 48 -46 49 .47 50 -48 51 -49 5~' -50 53 -.-,1 54 -52 55 -f^f 5() -54 57 '55 58 '56 59 -57 (30 55 '0 & ^5 <5^ R. 50 V< iO 5 Si X s 0. I-^- ^' i : PRO]>irCB YABI.E8. 59 €eiitfl per Bushel. v*i. of bush. ^ $cu. •59 1-18 1-77 S-36 2^95 3-54 4-13 4-72 5-31 5-90 649 7-08 7-67 8-26 8-85 9-44 10-03 10'62 11-21 11-80 1239 12-98 1357 14-16 14-75 1534 15-93 16-52 1711 Ty.TA AT s\^ 18-29 18-88 19-47 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 in 31 32 33 of lbs. $cu. •01 •02 -03 •04 •05 -06 •07 •08 •09 •10 -11 •12 •13 •14 •15 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 •23 •24 •24 •25 •26 •27 •28 .nn -30 •31 •32 3006 341 -33 Value of buihelt. $cU. 20-65 2124 21-83 22-42 23-01 23-60 24-19 24-78 25-37 25-96 26-55 27-14 27-73 28-32 28-91 29-50 30-09 30-68 31*27 31-8G 32-45 33-04 33-63 34 22 34-81 35-40 38 35 41-30 44-25 59-00 11800 177-00 29500 IVo. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Val. of lbs. $Ctf. •34 -35 •36 •37 •38 -39 •40 •41 •42 -43 •44 •45 •46 •47 ■48 49 50 51 52 53 60 Cents per Bnshel. Val. of bush. 55 •54 56 •55 57 •56 58 •57 59 •58 60 65 70 ^ 75 ;3 50 •y*^ 100 ^S 200 e val nds. 300 500 S $cts. •60 1-20 1^80 2-40 3-00 360 4^20 4^80 5-40 6^00 6-60 7-20 7-80 8-40 900 9-60 10-20 10-80 11-40 12-00 12-60 13-20 13-80 14-40 15-00 15-60 16-20 10-80 17-40 ^18-00 18-60 19-20 19-80 20-40 _- Val. Wo. I of lb>. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 $cti. •01 •02 •03 •04 •05 •06 •07 •08 •09 •10 •11 •12 •13 •14 •15 •16 -17 •is! •19 •20 -21 •22 •23 •24 -25 •26 •27 -28 •29 •30 •31 •32 •33 •34 Value of bushels. No $cts. 2100 21-60 22-20 22-80 23-40 24-00 24-60 25-20 25-80 26-40 27-00 27-60 28-20 28-80 29-40 30 00 30-60 31-20 31-80 32-40 33 00 33-60 34-20 34-80 35-20 36-00 3900 42-00 4500 48-00 60-00 12000 180-001 300 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Val. of lbs. I eta. -35 -36 •37 •38 •39 '40 41 42 43 -43 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 7H 80 100 200 30000 500 •45 •46 •47 •48 •49 •50 •51 •52 •53 •54 •55 •56 •57 •58 •59 & § 1"^ §•3 Hi ri 1?-8I 13 42 1403 14-64 15-25 1586 16-47 17-08 17-69 18-30 18-91 19-52 20-7' ***•*•*•»*!£•%'•''¥> n • Bushel. ?f lIVo, liels. J00|§ S POCKET ASSISTANT. PBODUCE TABr.ES, 29 so THE farmers' PROI>irC£ TABI^KS. 64 Cen.« per Bushel. 65 Cent« per Bu.hel. Val. of buali. |cti. •64 1-28| l''J2 25(> 3-20 3-84 4-48 512 5-76 6-40 Vnl. Value of I of lbs. bushels, leu. 13-44 14-08 14-72 15-30 IG-OO 16-64 17-28 17-92 18-56 19-20 19-84 20-48 21-12 21-76 .no •30 $ cts 22-40 2304 23-68 24-32 2-1-90 25-60 20-24 20-88 27-52 2810 28-80 29-44 30-08 30-72 31-30 32-00 3204 33-28 33-92 34-50 35-20 35-84 30-48 37-12 37-76 38-40 41-60 44-80 48-00 51-20 6400 128-00 19200 320-00 5(> 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 •58 •59 •60 •61 -63 1305 14-30 14-95 15-00 10-25 10-90 17-55 18-20 18-85 19-50 Iso-isl 20-80 21-45 22-10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 -23 -24 •25 •20 •27 •28 •29 •3U •3J •32 .•>o •34 •30 •37 Value of biishe' s. $ cts. 22-75 23-40 2405 24-70 25-.r) 20-00 20-05 27-30 27-95 28-60 29-25 2990 3l)-55 31-20 31-85 32-.50 33-15 33-80 34-45 3510 .35-75 37-05 37-70 38.35 39-00 42-25 45-50 48-75 52-00 85=00 130 00 195-00 325-00 IVo VaL of lbs. $cta. •38 •39 •40 •41 35 ,3(5 37 38 39| ^42 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 52 5.3 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 J 00 200 .300 500 •43 •44 •45 •46 •47 •48 •49 •51 •52 -.53 -.54 •.55 •56 57 •58 •5RI •GO -62 •63 •64 I •I * Bushel. lue 1 Vnl. f !Ho . of lels • lbs. cts $cta. ■7t » X • -38 •4< ) 3( » -39 '05 > 37 ' -40 •7( lib •41 •3.') m •42 •0() 4(] •43 •05 41 •44 •30 42 •45 i)r> 43 •40 m 44 •47 25 45 •48 m 40 •49 55 47 •51 20 48 •52 851 4<) •53 50 i •54 15 •5.1 «0 52 •50 45 53 '57 10 54 •58 r5 55 •5R to 50 •00 )5 57 •02 (0 58 •63 55 59 •64 )0 60 55 0.i »0 T*"* t*l I s i) 80 J^ /\ «• ^ "^ «. w jOu ^1 200 300 500 POCKET ASSISTANT. PRODUCE TABI.E8. 31 66 Cent, per Bushel. I 67 Cents per Bnshel. S'llVa. ''otrS'MjVolrf;- Vlnr ^'^>- Value ^ »h. lbs. buahels. ^"' ^t .,1 ^®- .«f . of IVo. \? $cta. •66 1-32 1-98 2^64 330 3-90 4-62 5^28 5-94 6-60 7^26 7-92 8-58 9-24 9-90 10^56 11-22 11-88 12-54 13-20 13-86 14-52 15-18 15-84 16-50 1716 17-82 18-48 19-80 20-46 21-12 21-78 oo. 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 on 30 31 32 33 $ cts. •01 •02 •031 -04 •06! ■07 ■08 09 10 •11 •l«l •13 •14 •15 •17 •18 •191 •20| •211 •22] •23 •24 •25 •26 i •28 •29 •30 V'^l"" |„ I Val. ^ of JVo. of bushels. lbs. •31 •33 •34 •35 •36 341 -37 $ cts. 2310 23-76 2-1-42 2508 25-74 20-40 2706 27-72 28-38 2904 29-70 30-30 3102 31-68 32.34 33-00 33-00 34-321 34-98 35-64 36-30 .30-90 37-62 38-28 38-94 39-60 42-90 46-20 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 65 70 $cts. •39 •40 •41 •42 •43 •44 •45 •46 •47 •48 •50 •51 •52 •53 •54 •55 •56 •57 •58 •59 Val , of (IVo, bush. 52-80 60-00 13200 19S00 33000 80 100 200 300 500 •61 •62 •63 •64 $CtB. •67 134| 2-01 2-68 3-35 4-02 4-09 5-30 603| 6-70 7-37 8-04 8-71 9-38 10-05 10-72 11-39 1206 12-73 13-40 14-07 14-74 15-41 1008 65116-75 17-42 . 1809 §5 18-76 19-43 20-10 20-77 21-44 22-11 22-78 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $cts. •0^ •02 •03 •04 •06 •071 •08 •09 •10 •11 •12 •13i •15! •10 •17 •18 •19 •20 •21 •22 •23 •25 •20 -27 •28 •29 •30 •31 •32 •33 •35 •30 Value of bushels. 37 -41 38 42 44 ^49 $ cts 23-45 2412 24-79 25-40 20-13 20-80 27-47 2814 28-81 29-48 30-15 30-82 31-49 32-10 32-83 33-50 34-17 34-84 35-51 36-18 36-85 37-52 38-19 38-86 39-53 40-20 43-55 „„ 46-90 70 tq 50-25 75io R. 53-60 80p^ 67-00 100 I Si 134-00 3711 201-00 38 335-00 200 300 500 f(3 32 ' i 1^ n THE farmers' PROOUCC: TABI^fiS. 68 Cents per Bushel. 7-48 816 8-84 1 9-52| 10-20 10-88 11-56 12-24 12-92 13-00 14-28 14-96 1504 16-32 1700 17-G8 18 36 19-04 19-72 20-40 21-08i 22 44J 2312 No. 10 $ cts. Value of busheli. •24 $ cts. 23-80 24-48 25-16 25-84 26-52 27-20 27-88 28-56 29-24 29-92 30-00 3128 31-96 32-64 33-32 34-00 34-68 35-36 36-04 36-72 37-40 38-08 38-76 39-44 40-12 40-80 44-20 47-60 51-00 54-40 35 68-00 36 j I loo-OO 204-00 340-00 rvo. Va!. of Iba. 69 Cents per Bushel. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46l 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5() 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 $Ct8. •40 •41 •42 •43 •44 •45 •46 •48 •49 '50 •51 •52 •53 •54 •55 •57 '58 •59 •60 -61 Val. of buah. Wo •62 •63 •64 •66 •67 $Cta, •69 1-38 2-07 2-76 3-45 4-14 4-83 5-52 621 6-90 7-59 8-28 8-97 9-66 10-35 11-04 11-73 12^42 13-11 13-80 s loolls: 2001 a. ;: 300 ■ £, 500 g 14-49 15-18 15-87 16-56 17-25 17-94 18-63 19-32 20-01 20-70 21-39 22-08 22-77 I23-46 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. I of lbs. $cts. •01 •02 •03 •05 •06 -07 •08 -09 •10 •12 -13 •14 •15 •16 •17 'IS •19 •21 "22 -23 •24 *25 •26 •27 •29 •30 •31 •32 •33 •34 •35 •38 •39 Value of bushels. $ cts. 24-15 24-84 25-53 26-22 26-91 27-60 28-29 28-98 29-67 30-36 3105 31-74 32-43 33-12 33-81 34-50 3519 35-88 36-57 37-28 37-95 38-64 39-33 40-02 40-71 41-40 44-85 48-.30 51-75 55-20 69-00 138-00 207-00 345-00 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 .58 59 60 65 70 75 80 Va.. of lbs. $ctai •40 •41 -42 •43 •45 •46 •47 -48 •49 •50 •52 •53 •54 •55 •56 •57 •58 •60 •61 •62 •63 •64 •65 •66 •68 inn 200 300 500 Buahel. m Va.. ! ^** . of .' lb.. $cta h 5 3t 5 -40 ) 4 3f 5 -41 ? S'J r .42 2 3S ! -43 I 3fl •45 ) 4C •46 > 41 •47 J 42 •48 ' 43 •49 44 •50 45 •52 4f) •53 47 •54 48 •55 49 •56 50 •57 51 •58 52 •60 53 •61 54 •62 55 •63 Sf) •64 57 •65 58 •66 59 •68 60. 65 70 g^ 75, 80^ -0^ 100 1 5t 200 i ^1 300 • 500 s POCKET ASSISTANT. il 54 THE PIRMERS' PRODVCK TABI.E8. 73 Cents per Bushel. Vnl. of buali. $Ct8. •72 1-44 216 2-83 3G0 4-32 5-04 5-76 6-48 7-20 7-92 864 9-36 10-08 10-80 11-52 12-24 12-96 13-68 14-40 15-12 15-84 16-56 17-28 18-00 18-72 19-44 20- J 6 20-88 21-60 22-32 23 04 2376 fS4-43 IVo. 1 o 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Vftl. of lbs. $cta. •01 -02 •04 ■05 -06 •07 •08 -10 -111 •12 •13 -14 •16 •17 •18 •19 •20 -22 •23 -24 •25 •26 •28 -29 -30 •31 •32 •34 •35 •36 •37 •38 •40 •41 Value of buahela, $ ClB. 25-20 25-92 26 64 27-30 28-08 28-80 29-52 30-24 30'96 31-68 32-40 33-12 33-84 34-56 35-28 36-00 36-72 37 44 38-16 38-88 39-60 40-32 41-04 41-76 42-48 43-20 46-80 50-40 54-00 57-60 IVo. Val. of Win. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 431 44 45 46 47 48 $Ct8. •42 •43 -44 •46 -47 -48 •49 •50 •52 •53 •54 -55 -56 •58 73 Cents per Bnshel. Val. of bUBl). $Ct8. •73 1-46 2-19 2-92 3-65 4-o8 5-11 5-84 0-57 7-30 49 -59 72-00 144-00 216-00 360-00 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 •60 •61 •62 -64 •65 •66 •67 -68 •70 •71 100 200 300 500 s 8-03 8-76 9-49 10-22 10-95 11-68 12-41 13-14 13-87 14-60 15-33 16-06 16-79 17-52 l«-25 18-98 19-71 20-44 2117 21-90 22-63 23-36 lYo. 1 f) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .18 19 20 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $Ct8. •01 •02 •04 •95 •06 •07 -09 •10 •11 •12 •13 •15 •16 •17 •18 •19 •21 •22 •23 •24 •26 -27 •28 •29 •30 •32 •33 •34 •35 •37 •38 •39 •41 Value of bushels. $ cu. 25-55 20-28 27-01 27-74 28-47 29-20 29-93 30-fi6 31-39 32-12 32-85 33-58 34-31 35-04 35-77 36-50 37-23 37-96 38-69 39-42 40-15 40-88 41-61 4234 4307 43-80 47-45 51-10 54-75 58-40 7300 146-00 21900 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l| 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 VaL of Iba. $eu. •43 •44 •45 •46 •47 •49 •50 •51 •521 •54 55 -56 57 •58 60 •61 •62 f)3 •64 •66j •67 •68 •69 •71 •72 100 200 dOO 36500 500 ^ a s ST POCKET ASSISTANT. 35 Bushel. V«L !\o. of Iba. $eu. 35 •43 36 •44 37 •45 38 •46 39 40 41 42 43 44 45| 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5G 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 •47 •49 •50 •51 •52< •54 55 -56 57 •58 60 •61 •62 f)3 •64 •66j •67 •68 •69 •71 •72 100 200 300 s ST 5oo| r, «< I Ml rRODrCE tabi.es. ~1 I 7* Cent, per Bushel. J m Ce„.« p„r Bu,I.«,. $ cts. Value of busfaelg. •01 •22 1 Ut -^ h'Ol •2(5 •28: •30 1 I "3^ ^6 -32 27 -33!, 281 -34 29| -36 30 -37 31 1 -nal •68 32| •3q| ••12 33 -41 •J6 34 lO $ cu. 25-90 26&4 27-38 28-J2 28-86 2D-G0 30-34 3l-()8 31-82 32-.16 33-30 34-04 34-78 3,152 3fi^26 37 00 37-74 38-48 •Jji.OO 39-90 40-70 4J-44 42-18 42-02 43-(56 44-40 48-101 51-80 55-50 59-20 rrA.ru\ «1 \J\! 148-00 22200 370^00 Value of bUBiiels. $ C(«. 20-25 27-00 27-75 28-.)0 29-25 30-(;o 30-75j 31 -51; I 32-2,> 33-00 3375 34 50 3.-/25 3y-(io 3(^75 37 50 38-2.5 3900 39-751 40-50 41-25 42 00 42-75 43-.')0 4425 4500 48-75 52-50 56-25 fio-ooj oof 00 00 IVo. l$Ct8. »ls Si e« O ill 00 500 36 THE farmers' PBOWrCE TABI.KN. CcBjts i»«'r IS iimIicI. IVo. i$ctv 23-56 25-08 25-84 26-95 27-72 28 41> 2!i-2(j 30-03 3G-8U 31-57 32-34 33IJI 33-88. 34-65 35-42 315-19 36-9(5 37 73 38-50 39-27 4004 40-81 4J -58 42-35 43-12 43-89 44-6(5 45-13 46 20 50-05 53-90 5775 61-00 • f.k* 2f 44 56i •741 •75! 15400 9-31 OO 385-00 POCKET ASSISTANT. »l'ie ( I Val. I ';<" 'IVo. of ' cts.j 7-7:2 i'lU >03 ;-8U •ri? I-34 I IJ :-88 •651 •42 •19 •li() 73 50 27 04 81 as 35 12 ^9 )() 13 >0 )5 10 '5 35! -45 30; •4HI 37 -47; 2S\ -491 39 40 41| 42 43 44 45 40 471 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 58 59 GO 65 70 75 80 •51} •52? •54 f 55' 561 58 59 •60 •621 •63 •64 •65 •67 •68 691 •71 1 •72; •731 •741 •75' 200 300 500 37 PRODVCC: tabj.es. Val. Vnl V.l... .. . ■ No 3-90 I 8^58 I 9-36 1014 1092 11-70 1248 1326 1404 14-82 15-6P 16-38 17-16 17-»4 18^72 19^50 20-28 21-06 21-84 22-62 23^40 2418 24-96 25-74 26^52 Value of buaheli. 3510 35-88 3660 37-44 38-22 39-00 39-78 40-56 41-34 42-12 42-90 43-68 44-46 45-24 46-02 46^80 50-70 54-60 58-50i 6240 78-00 156-00 23400 390-00 38 THE PAflMKRs' PRODUCE TAIXr.KM. SO tJeutH per Buithcl. Val of biuii. $cu, •8() 1^0 2-40 3'iJ() 4-0(l 4-8(1 r)-4(> S0() ! 8-80 ' !^()0 lU-40 l'2-(Hl )'i-8() i:i-(;.') 14-40 J5-i>0 JG-IU) J(i-80 17-(M) 18-40 I9'20 JO-OO 120-80 122-40I 2:{-2{>! 24-00 j 24-80 2fr40i 27-201 rvo. 1 2 3 4 r> (> 7 8 i) 10 11 IS ](>, 17j 18 1<)| 20 ' 21 23 1 24 1 251 20 1 :^7i •aS'i op! 30 j 31 32 33 3^1 Vnl. of ll>s. !$c(i. I -01 I -();« -(H -o:. -07 •(H •00 •II •1,» •13 -Ki: •!-, •2')' ■21 •23 -24 :.) •»>■ -28 •29 -31 •3-ii -33! •35 1 •3()! •37| •301 •40| •41! •43 i •44! •45' Value of bti«licl«. $ CtK. 28-0,) 28-80 20-(H) 30-40 31 20 32-00 32-80 3300 34-4,> 35-iO 3(5-00 3')-80 37-(;o 38^40 3020 40(M; 40^80 41(50 4240 4320 44-00 (4-80 45(50 40^40 47-20 48-00 52-00 50-00 60-00 ()4-00 80-00 240-00 400-00 IVo. Vsl. 1$ oil. 81 Criii. per Hu«hel. Vn!. of liuih. 35! 3.{' 371 :i8i 30' 40; •*•; 42 43 44 451 4(1 47 40 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 581 59 (50 ()5 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 47 -48 -40 -51 •52 -53 •55 -5(5 -50 -00 •01 -03 -(54 -(55 -(57 •(58 -(SO •7! ;2 •73 7'> •81 1()2 243 3-24 4 (15 4-8(5 5(57 (5-4H 7'20 810 8!)|| !» 7-J !(l'.)3i 1 1 -34 1 I -,'•15 I J OH 13-77 M-5H 15 3i) 1(520 •7(5 •77 '70 •5. '1 1701 17-82 18-(53 10-44 2025 21-0(5 53 |22-(58! £. 23- lO ,55 2430 •25-11 25-02 , 2(5-73 S j 27-54 j No, 1 o 3 4 I 71 81 !»' lOi III 12| 13 14 15 10 17 18 io| 20 21 22 23 1 24' 25; 2(i| 27| 28 20: 30: 3l! v«i. of $C(I. •01, -03, •04 •05 1 •07! •08| •00' •II! •I2| -13: •15, •1() •18! -10 -20' .0.1 •2(5 ! •27| •281 -301 -3l| 33 34 -321 •34 •35 •37 •38 •301 •4l| •42! ■43 i •45 1 •4{i Value of buthali. $ eta. 28-35 20 1«J' 2907 1 30-781 3150 32-40 ; 33-211 34-02' 34-83 1 35(5Gj 3(5-45 1 37-2;5i 38l)7J 38-881 3!)^()U| 40501 41-31 1 4-212I 42-93 43-74 44 55 45-30 40- 17 40-98 47-79 48-(>0 52-(55 5(5-70! 60-75 64-80 81-00 H)200j 243-00 405-00 IVo. 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 Val. of iha. $cu. •47 •40 •50 •51 •53 •54 •55 •57 •58! -60) •61 1 •(52i •04 •(W) •(5(5 •(58 •69 •70 •72 •73 •74 •76 •77 •78 •80 100 i 5^ ioo 300 500 Co POCKIT AMUTINT. • Bunhel. ilu< "f IlVo. hall, I eta. ^•:)r» > 10' i!l7| )-78l I •.>•»' l-4{h lail l-(W| l-H3| ••(iGj i1)7| •K8I •(i<J| 501 •31 1 •J'2| 93 74 r)5 30 J7 98 79 m t!5| G5 7i)! 70 35 3H 37 38 39 40 4J 4'^ 43 44 45 4(> 47 4H 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Val. of Iba. eo 75 80 DO 100 m\ 200 30 300 JO 500 $cta. •47 •49 •50 •51 •33 •54 •55 •57 •58! •GO) •Gil •(ii>i •04 •(■>5 '{]{] •()b •G9 •70 •72 •73 •74 •76 •77 •78 •80 •^1 V.I. of buafa. $cta. •82 1-64 2-46 328 410 4-92 5-74 G-56 7-38 8-20 9-02 9-84 [lOGG ir48 1230 1312 1394 14-76 15-58 16-40 17-22 1804 18-86 19-68 20-50 21-32 22-14 22-96 23-78 24-60 g» Cenu per B«,h el. J 83 C^. per B..M 211 -29 2S'49 26-24 2706 27-88 ai .An 32 -43 33 -45 34 ^46 a-i UUi 16400 246-00 410-00 V«Iue , nuahela. $ eta. 28-70 29-52 30-34 311G 31-98 32-80 33-62 34 44 35-2G 36-08 3(;-90 37 72 3H-54 39.36 40-18 41-00 41-82 42-64 43-46 44-28 4510 4592 46-74 47-56 48-38 49-20 53 30 57-40 61-50 65-GOi 75|^^ 80j-«^ lOOj I' 200 g-cj 300 • S. 500 § 40 THE FARMERS' ■■ U ■\. ',< 84 Ci^ pe,<jB„,hei^ sii CeJits per U iVal. of buib. tcta. Value , bushela lue r "' I bushels. •28 9-24 1008 10-92 11-76 12-60 13-44 14-28 15-12 15-96 16-80 17-64 18-48 19-32 20-16 2100 21-84 22-68 23-52 24-36 25-20 26-04 27-72 33i -461! 252-()(> 23-5»J: -M --J^^i-JOl. •43 I 84-On 45ii IfirtUO ...helj /- iVo. 29-40 30-24 31-08 311)2 32-76 33-60 34-44 35-28 3612 36-96 37-80 38 64 39-48 40-32 41'1{] 42-00 42-84 43-68 44-52 45-36 46-20 4704 47-86 48-72 49-56 50-40 54-60 58-80 63-00 67-20 I -^^-'M 'M $CtB. 29-75 30-HO 31-45| 32-30 33-J5, 34-00 j 34-851 .rr7»| 36-55 37-40 38-25 39-JO 39-95 40-80 4 J -65 42-50 43-35 44-20 45-05 45-90 40-75 47-60 48-45 49-30 50-15 5100 55-25 59-50 63-75 68 00 os.nn -.^.. I 00 200 00 :m\ Val./ of / lbs. 1$ eta. 35i -49 36| -51 43 60 44 -62 a 5r 26-f 27-,E 28-2 29-2 POCKET ASSIBTANT. PRODVCX: TABI.B8. 86 Cents per Bushel. I 87 Cent, per Ba.he,. Val. , Dueh. 9-46 10-32 11-18 1204 12-90 13-76 14-621 15-48 16-34 17-20 1806 18-921 19-78 20-641 21-50. '22 36 23-22 24-08 24-94 Oc.oaI 26-66 27-52 28-33 129-24! I Value , bushela. $ cts 30'10 30-96 31-82 32-68 33-54 34-40 35-26 36-12 36-9W 37-84 38-70 39-56 40-42 41-28 42-14 43-00 43-86 44-721 45-581 46-44 47-30 48-16 4902 49-88 50-74 51-60 55-90 60-20 64-50 68-80 48 -69 49 -70 54 -77 86-00 172-00 258-00 430-00 I $ Ct8. •87 1-74 2-61 348 4-35 5-23 609 6-96 7-83 8-70 9-57 110-44 111-31 112-18 13-05 13-92 14-791 I15-6g| 1 16-53 17-40 18-27 19-14 1 2001 120-88 21-75 1 22-62 (23-49 24-36 125-23 126-10 l%0. of of lbs. busheli. $CU.| $ cts. 1 -01 2 -031 3l -04 6 -09 26-97 27-84 28-71 29-58 , -231 17 -251 18 -26 21 -30 22J -32 23 -33 24 -35 25 -36 26 -38; 27 -391 28| -41 i 29; '421 30 -44 •45! -4dj •48 34 -49 30-45 31-32 32-19 33-06 33-93 34-80 35-67 36-54 37-41 38-28 39-15 40-02 40-89 41-76 42-63 4350 44-37 45-24 46-11 46 98 47-85 48-72 49-59 50-46 51-33 5220 56-55 60-90 69-60 87-00 174-00 26100 435-00 $ct«. i 'I t 43 THE farmers' PRODUCE TABI.BS. 87i Cents per Bu.hel. S8 Cent, per lla.hel. Val. of buih. $Ct8. •87 1-75 2-62 3-50 4-37 525 612 700 7-87 8-75 9-62 1050 11-37 12-25 1312 1400 14-87 15-75 16-62 17-50 18-37 1925 2012 2100 21-87 22-75 23-62 24-50 25-37 26-25 27-22 28-00 28-87 29-75 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26| 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of Iba. $Ct8. -01 •03 -04 •0<) -07 •09 •10 •12 •13 -15 •16 •17 -IS •20 •2-2 •2:j •25 •26 •28 -2y| •31 •3-2 •33 •35 •36 •38 ■39 •41 •42 -44 •45 -47 •48 •50 Valut of busfaali. $ cu. 30-62 31-50 32-37 33-25 34-12 35-00 35-87 36-75 37-62 38-50 39-37 40-25 4112 4200 4287 43-75 44-62 45-50 46-37 47-25 48-12 49-00 49-87 50-75 51-62 52-50 56-87 61-25 65-62 7000 Val. of bush. 37 -54 07.50 175-00| 26250 437-50 inn 200 300 500 $cu. •88 1-76 2-64 3-52 4-40 5-28 6-16 7-04 I 7-92 I 8-80 9-68 10-56 11-44 12-32 1320 14-08 14-96 15-84 16-72 17-60 18-48 19-36 20-24 21121 2200 22-88 23-76 24-64 25-52 26-40 28-16 29-04 29-92 IVo. 1 o 3 4 5 6 ■^ 8 9 10 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19| 20 21 22 23 24 25 2f} 27 28 29 30 »51 32 33 34 Vai. of lbs. $cu. -01 -03 -04; -06 07 •09 -10 -12 -13 •15 •16 •17 •19 •21 -22 -231 -25 •26 •28 -29 •31 •32 •33 -35 -36 •38 •39 •41 •42 •44 -45 •47 •48 •50 Value of bu»beli. $ cu. 30-80 31-68 32-56 33-44 34-32 35-20 36 08 36-96 37-84 38-72 39-60 40-48 41-36 42-24 4312 4400 44-88 45-76 40-64 47^52 48-40 49-28 5016 5104 51-92 52-80 57-20 61-60 66-00 70-40 8b'00 176-00 264-00 440-00 IVo. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 Val. of Ibi. $ cu. •51 -52 -54 -55 •57 -58 -60 •61 •63 44 ^64 45 -66 4G -67 •69 •70 •72 -73 -74 •76 •77 -79 -80 -82 -83 •85 •86 g POCEET ASSISTANT. Snshel. I IVo. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G 47 48| 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500! Val. of lb*. $ cu. •51 •52 •54 •55 •57 •58 •60 •61 •63 •64 •66 •67 •69 •70 •72 •73 •74 •76 •77 •79 •80 •82 •83 •85 •86 g PRODUCB TABI^SS. 89 Cents per BuNhel. Val. of buih. $cu. •89 1^78 267 3-56 4-45 5-34 6-23 712 8-01 fr90 9^79 10-68 111-57 12 " 13 jj 1424 1513 1602 16-91 17^80 18'69 19-58 2047 2r36 2225 2314 24-o:i 24-92 25-81 26-70 2759 28-48 29-37 30-26 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Va!. of Iba. $cta. •01 •03 •04 -06 •07 -09 -10 -12 •13 •14 •16 •18 •19 •21 -2-2 -24 •25 •27 •28 •30 •31 •33 •34 •36 •37 •39 •40 •42 •43 •45 46 •48 •49 •51 Value of buiheli, No. of Ibi. $ cu. 3115 3204 3293 33 82 34-7J 3J-60 36-49 37^38 ,38-27 391tJ 40rO5 40-9t 4 J -83 42-72 43 61 44*50 45-39 46-28 47-17| 48-06 48-95 49-84 50^73 51-62 5251 5340 57-85 62-30 66-75 71-20 89-00 178 00 26700 445 00 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 44 45 46 47 48 49j 50 51 52 53 54 55| 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75U 80 ;^ 100 I 200 I. 300p 5U0l 5 $cu. •52 •53 •55 •56 •58 •59 •61 •62 •64 ■65 •67 •68 •70 •71 73 •74 •76 •77 79 •80 •82 •83 -85 90 Cents per Bushel. Val of buah. •90 1-80 2-70 3-60 4-50 5-40 6-30 7-20 8^10 900 9-90 10-80 11-70 12^60 13-59 14-40 15-30 16-20 17-10 18-00 18-90 19-80 20-70 86 1 21-60 88122-50 23-40 24-30 25-20 2r)-io 27-90 28-80 29-70 30-60 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 "27 28 29 on MM 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $cu. •01 •03 •04 •06 ■07 •09 •10 •12 •13 •15 •16 •18 •19 •21 •22 •24 •25 •27 •28 •30 •31 •33 •34 •36 •37 •39 •40 •42 •43 •46 •48 '49 •51 Value of butheU. $Ctli. 31-50 3240 33-30 34-20 3510 36 00 36-90 37-80 38-70 3900 40-50 41^40 42-30 43-20 44-10 45-00 45-90 46-80 47/0 48-60 49-50 50-40 51-30 52 20 5310 54-00 58-50 63^00 67-50 9000 ISO^OO 27000 45000 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43! 44| 451 46: 47' 48 1 49 50 51 52 53 54 Val, of Ibi. $Ctll. •52 -54 -55 •57 •:^ •60 •61 •63 •64 -66 •67 •69 •70 •72 •73 •75 •7() •78 •79 •81 55| 56| 57 ,58' 59 1 60 65 i 70 1 ^ 75 ,^ o. lOO'eSi 200 » « •82 •81 •85 ■87 88 tq 300 500. I 41 THE riRMERS' PROOrCE TABI.E8. »1 Cents per Bnahel/l OqTIZ " ^-_________ J ''-' *^«"»«» per Bushel. Value I I Va' I v-i J T u ' — , of lYo. of- 1 \i' Lo ""i' ^'''"« I buihes. ik. Ik.. u ^^®' f^f ' of hv« 'b8. I bush. lbs. bushel, ^**- JO-OJ J 0-92 ll-83i 12-74 13-65 14-5G 15-47 JG-38 17-29 18-20 19-11 12002 20-93 21-84 2275 23-66 24-57 25-48 2P-30 27-30 28-2! '29-12 30-03 .'{0-94 32 -48 33! -501 34! -51 $ cts 31*85 3276 33-67 34-5H 35-49 36-40 37-3J 38-22 3913 40-04 40-95 41-86 42-77 43-68 44-59 45*50 46-41 47-32 43-23 49-14 50-05 50-96 51-87 52-78 53-69 54-60 59-J5 6370 (58-25 72-80 j l^i-Ool 182-00 I 273-00 {.'>-)• 00 35 36j -54 37 -56 38 -57 39 -59 42 -63 1 45 -68 46 -69 47 71 48 -7'; 491 -74 50 -7= 51 "77! 52 781 53| -80 541 -82 8 -12 9| -14 lOi -15 |l9-32 [20-24 I21-J6 122-08 12300 I23-92 |24-81 |25-7(; |26-68 (27-60| II23-52 29-44 30-36 31-28 17 -26 18 -27 19 -29 20 -31 j 21 -32 99 .341 271 -41 28, -43 29, -44 30| -46 3l( -47 32 -49 331 -50 341 -52 S cti. 32*20 33-12 34-04 34-96 35-88 36-80 37-72 38-04 30-56 40*48 41-40 42-32 43-24 4416 4508 46-00 46-92 47-84 4876 49-68 50-60 51-52 52-44 53-36 54-28 55-20 I 59-80 64-40 69-00 73-60 92-00 184-00 27600 460-001 $cts, 35! -54 36 .55 37 -57 38 -58 51 -78 52 -80 53 -8? 54 -83 200}!,* 300 ." I. POCKET AS.SrSTANT. f i& l*J!tOB>UClL: T.%s21LES. i -81 ^ -83 I -84 f J -86 ■ J -88 ' -89 •91 I 46 THE TARMERS* PRODUCC: TABI.ES. 95 Cents per Bnshel. Val-L jVal. Value I bushela 1 21 -8.-. i2:i-80 ;24-7(»; ;2.Vfi.l; ,y.)-r;0' I27-05; |28-50i i2l)-45; '3()-40: !3i-35' 132 .Siji 241 -381 2n| 'Sg! $ eta. 33-25 3420 3515 36-10 37-05 38-00 38-95 39-90 40-85 41-80 4275 43-70 44-65 45-60 4655 47-50 48-45 49-40 50-35 51-30 52-25 53-20 5415 55-10 56 05 57-00 61-75 66-50 71-25 76-00 95-00 190-00 28500 475-00 96 Cents per Bushel. Value of bushels. $ eta 33-60 34-56 35-52 36-48 37-44 38-40 39-361 40-32 41-28 42-24 43-20 44-16i 45-121 46-08 47-04 48-00 48-96 49-92 50-88 51-84 52-80 53-76 54-72 55-G8 56-64 57-60 62-40 67-20 72-00 70-80 $cta, 35 1 -56 49| .781 50! .80j 51 •82i 52 .831 53 -85 54 -86 55 59| 06-00 h}2-0o' •53 il 2^^-001 480-00 ' I 5 ^ loo; s Si 2{)o: 300 5U()i 3 CO ■io POCKET ASSISTANT. 47 VaL of lbs. •59 •61 •6-2 •641 •66' •70 •77 •78 •801 •82i •83| •851 •80 •88 •90 •91 •93 •94 t*3 1! I?»©2>UCE TABI.es. 97 Cents per Slushcl, Val. of bush. $Ct8, •97 1-04 2^i,l 3-88 4-85 5^eo| 6-7J 7-76 8-73 9-70 10G7 U-iU 12(U 13-53 14'55i J5-o'>i ia-4Di 17-4g! 18-43 li)-4[) 20-37 21-34 22-31 23-28 2-i-25! 2(M<ji 27-l!iI •28- J 31 29'lo! 30-07J 31-04 32 01! 32 98 IVo. 1 2i 3' 4i 6. 7l 81 9 10 11 I- 13 1 14! 15 16! 17i 19' 2j: I 22i 23| 24 1 Sal 26i o~ C 28 2i»i' 3U 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. tp Cti, •02 •03 •05 •Oo •03 •10 •11 •13 •14 -13 •18 •lj;i •21 ii •23! •24 •2.') •27' •2'J •3] •34 •35 •37 •3<J •40 •42 •44 •45 •47 •48. Value of bushels. IVo. $ct«. 33-95 34-92 35-89 36-86 1 57-831 3C-80| 39-771 40-741 41-71 42 68 43-65 4402 45 50 47-53 4vH-50 4<»-47i 5(_»-44l 5i-4]i 52-36j 53-35 54.32 5520 .'30-26 57-231 58-20i G3-05 67-00 72-75 77-60 i 35! .30! 37! 38 1 39: 40! 411 42 1 43! 44; I 45 i 40 ! 47 i 4Sl 4d; 50 i 51 ! 53 54 55 56 57 58 5U\ 60; 65 1 75! Val. of 11)8. $ct«. -58 9S Ceuts per Xtnshcl. Val. of IjUiih. $cts. •98 1-95 60 2^04 •01 I 3-;>2 •03 I 4-90 ' l]5 I 5-88 00 S O-HO 80 •08 1 7-84 •00 t 8-83 •71 j 9-dO •73 ;iO-7S -7<l ; 12-74 { •77 j.!3-72l •70 ii4-7t)i ■m J]5-i;:-i! •K'JSlO-CG; •8^s;7-<34| -soliy-o-i! •87 jli»--'iO{ •89 |-:;;-58! •9;) ki-r>i)\ .()■> ?-)i>- •:,-(,' •94 ?2J 52i •05 j-24-50i — 525-^:8 1 j|2{;-40| t*: 27-441 28-42 29-40 ^" •soil 97-00 •52 i| 194-00 •53j! 29J-00J 300 •55 !| 4&5-00; 500 100! I S 200' * .?0-38 31-30 32-34 :\5-32 !So 1 4| 51 10 11 12 13 14 15 16| 17! 13 19 20 21 .0.) 25 20 Val. of lbs. i$ cts. I •02 1 •03, •05 •06 •10 .J I '13: •15 •10; •isi •19, •21' •23: •24; •20 i •2Si •31 i •331 •34! •30 i •37! •30 1 •41 31 32 33 34! 27| -44 28 29 30 •47 •49 •50 1 •52! •54! •55 i Value of busJiels. IVo. 34-30 35"28 36-20 i 37 241 38-221 39 20! 40-I8| 41-10 42-14 43-121 44- 10! 45-0^^' 40-00 47-041 4S-:t2 49-00 49-98 5.'i-90 51-94 53-90 54-83 55-80 5084 5782 r>8-80 63-70 68-60 73-50 78-401 98-00 l'.)0-OI) 2;i400 49000 Val. of Ibi. •57 -59 •60 •62 •63 •65 •67 •68 •70 30 i 371 38 i 30i 40' 41 42 '^•^, 44 ^72 45| 46 47| 48 49! 50 ! 51, 521 53; .5^1; 55! 50; 57i 58, 591 60, ~ 651 70 75;.« 100; I 200! 1 300 •" 500 •73 •75 •77 -78 •80 •81 •8;{ -85 -80 -88 •93 -91 •93 -95 ■90 « ;; I ^'1 i ;,' Id THE farmers' PKOSrci: TABI.E8. 99 Cct, per «««!„,. I $I^^^^^^^^^~^^ PnCKET ASSISTANT. 40 j lbs. $c'.». -58 I -CO •(52 •63 •65 •67 •681 •70; •72' •77 •78| •80 •82 •83 •85 •87j •ss- •90 •02 •93 •95 •97 •98 5i ,0 fi. « 3: PROI>U€S TABIiES. $1-01 per Bushel. $1*0^ per Bushel. Val of bash, $Ct9, 101 ;2-02 i3^03 1404 (5^05 606 7^07 8^08 9-09 10-10 IMl 1212 1313 1414 1515 16-16 1717 18-18 1919 20-20 21-21 22-22 23-23 24 24 25 25 26-26 27-27 28-28 29-29 30-30 32-32 33-33 34-34 IVo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Val. of lbs. $cta. •02 •03 •05 •07 •08 •10 -12 -13 •15 •17 •18 •20 •22 -24 •25 •27 •29 •30 •32 •34 •33r ■37 39 •40 •42 •44 •45 •47 •49 •50 ■52 •54 •55 •57 Value I of Na bushels. $ cu. 35-35 36^36 37-37 38^38 39^39 40*40 41-41 42-42 43-43 44-44 45-45 46-46 47-47 48-48 49-49 5050 51-51 52-52 53-53 54-54 55-55 56-56 57-57 58-58 59-59 60-60 65-65 70-70 75-75 80-80 101-00 202-00 30300 50500 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 Val. of lbs. $Ct8. •59 •60 -62 -64 •66 •67 •69 •70 •72 •74 •76 •77 •79 •81 •82 •84 •86 •87 •89 •91 •92 •94 •96 •97 •99 Val. of bush. c» $cts. 102 2-04 3-06 4-08 5-10 612 7-14 816 918 10-20 11-22 12-24 13-26 14-28 15-30 l<)-32 17-34 18-36 19-38 20-40 21-42 22-44 2346 24-48 25-50 26-52 27-54 28.56 29-58 30-60 IVo. 34 31-62 31 -53 102-00 32-64 .32 -54 20400 33-66 34-68 •58 Value of bualtels, $ cts. .•^•70 36-73 37^74 38-76 39-78 40-80 41-82 42-84 43-86 44-88 45-90 46-92 47-94 48-96 49-98 51-00 52-02 53-04 54-06 55-08 .56-10 57-12 58-14 59-16 60-18 61^20 66^30 71-40 76-50 81-60 IVo. Val. of lbs. $cu 35 •59 36 •61 37 •63) 56 30800 510-00 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 •65 •66 •tiS •70 •71 •73 •75 •76 -78 -80 -82 -83 -85 -87 •88 -90 •92 •93 •95 -97 -99 1-00 •"I ||!' 50 THE FARMERS'' H'KO»irCE TAni.ES. IVo. 1 VaU ' of Iba. $CC8. :?5 •01 .•{() •J)2 .•i7 •(i4 :v3 •(30 :w •<>7 4& •(i9 41 •71 4t> •7:^ 'l.'lj •74 44| •76 45! •78 ^(j! •80 47i •81 48 1 •8:5 401 •85 5()! •SC) 511 •e8 5ii| •O'J 53, ■f»\> 54 i •!..;} 5,5 •95 50 •fJ7 57 •f);t (0 i^ '5!^ ft. s POCKET ASSISTANT. 51 PBODUGS TAB1.S:S. $1*05 per Bnshel. Val. of bu>h. $cu. 1^05 2-10 3*15 4*20 5-25 6^30 7-35 8-40 9-45 JO 50 11 '55 nm 13(55 1470 1575 16^80 17-85 18-90 19-95 21^00 2205 23^10 2415 25-20| 26-25 27-30 28-35 29^40 30^45 31-50 33-60 34 65 ;i5-70 No 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 n-§ OX 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $cu. 02 -03 •05 •07 •09 •10 •12 •14 •16 •17 •19 -21 •23 •24 •26 -28 •30 •31 •33 •35 •37 38 •40 •42 •44 •45 •47 •49 •51 •52 '54 •56 •57 •59 Value of bushels. $ eta. 36-75 37-80 38-85 39-90 40-95 4200 43^05 44-10 45^15 46-20 47-25 48-30 49-35 50-40 51-45 52^50 53-55 54-60 55-65 56-70 57-75 58-80 59-85 60-90 61-95 63-00 68-25 73-50 78-75 8400 1 05-00 21000 315-(J0 525- (10 No. Val. of lbs. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 $cU. •61 •63 •65 •66 •68 •70 •72 •73 •75 •77 •79 •80 •82 •84 •86 •87 •89 •91 •93 -94 •90 •98 I -00 1-01 1-03 • a. a *06 per Bushel. Val. of b(uh. $CtB, 1-06 212 318 4-24 5^30 6-36 742 8^48 9-54 10-60 11-66 12-72 13-78 14-84 15-90 10-96 18-02 19-08 20-14 21-20 22-20 23-32 24-38 25-44 26-50 27-56 28-62 29-68 30-74 3180 32-86 3392 34-98 36-04 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n lb 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $cts. •02 •03 •05 •07 •09 •10 •12 •14 •16 •17 •19 -21 •23 •25 •26 •28 •30 •32 •33 •35 •37 •39 •41 •42 •44 •46 •48 •49 •51 •52 •55 •56 •58 •60 Value of bushels. $ eta 37^10 38-16 39-22 40-28 4134 42-40 43-46 44*52 45-58 46-64 47-70 48-76 49-82 50-88 51^94 53-00 54^06 55-12 5618 57-24 58-30 59-36 60-42 61-48 62-54 63-00 68-90 74-20 79-50 84-80 10600 212-00 318^00 530-00 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 Val. I of I lbs. I $cts.l •62! •63] •6r •69 •7a •74 •76 •78 •79 -81 -83 •85 •87 •88 -90 •go •94 •95 •97 -99 1-01 1-02 1-04 tS s s Si Ml i TD TIIK FARMFHs* rilOJOlCK TABLES. r ?t' 1 ■*' Si'Or per BiiMfaci. 5?l*OS i»rr Rimlui. POCKET ABSI8TANT. 53 1^ PKODUCi: TABIiES. mIk'I. $1*09 per Bushel. Val. of buih. $cti, 109 218 3-27 4-.'36 5-4.> G-54 7-63 8-72 981 10-90 11-99 13-08 14-17 15-26 16-35 1744 18-53 1962 20-71 2180 22-89 23-98 25-07 26-16 27-25 28-34 29-43 30-52 31-61 32-70 ^-79 34-88 35-97 37-06 No. 1 o 3 4 5 () 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Val. of Iba. $ Ctf, •02 •04 •05 •07 •09 •11 •13 •15 •16 •18 •20 .oo •24 •25 •27 -29 •31 •33 •34 •36 •38 •40 •42 •43 •45 •47 •49 •51 •52 •54 •56 •58 •601 34 •Oil Vuhie of bushels. $ cti. 38-15 39-24 40-33 41-42 4-i51 4300 44-69 45-78 4687 47-96 4905 50-14 51-23 52^32 5.341 5450 55,59 56^68 57^77 58-86 .59-95 61-04 0213 63-22 64-31 65-40 70-85 76-30 81-75 87-20 109-00 218-00 327 No. Val. of lb(. 35 3(> 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5J 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 7-00 100 200 ■)4.>-00| 500 $Ctl. •63 •65 -67 •09 •71 •73 •74 -76 •78 •80 •82 •84 •85 •87 -89 -91 •93 -94 •96 •98 1-00 1-02 1-04 1-05 107 *10 per Biiahel. Val. of biuh. $Ctl. MO 2-20 3-30 4*40 5-.50 6-()0 7-70 8^8() 9^90 11-00 12-10 13-20 14-30 15-40 16^50 17-60 18-70 19-80 20-90 i2-00 23-10 24-20 25-30 26-40 27-50 28-60 29-70 30-80 31-90 33-00 34-10 35-20 36-30 37-40 No. Val. of Ibi. 1 2 3 4 5i 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ]( 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 $ eta. •02 •04; •05 •07' •09, 'IV •13 •15 •17i .181 •2o' •24 •26 •27 •29 •31 •.33 •35 -37 •38 •40 •42 •44 •46 •48 •49 •51 •53 •55 -.57 •59 -()0 34 -62 Value of builiela. ( eta. :i8-.5o 39^60 40-70 41-80 4290 44-00 4.5-10 46-20 47-30 48-40 49-.50 .50-()0 51-70 52 80 53-90 5» 00 .56-10 57-20 58^30 59-40 00-50 croo 62^70 63^80 64-90 66-00 71-50 77-00 82-50 88-00 110-00 220-00 330-00 550-00 I¥o. 35 3(i 37 38 3!) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 VaL of Ibi. 100 200 300 500 $cts. 'M •60 •68 •70 -71 •73 •75 -77 •79 •81 •82; •84 ■86 •88)' -901 -92 •9» •95 •97 •99 roi 1-031 1-04; 1-061 ro8| ^2 _- , Val. I Val. XVO. of I of lbs. bush. THE Farmers' PBODrCC: TABI.BS. •13 per Bushel. IVo. Val. of Ibi. Valua buihela. 12-32 33-44 14-5(5 15-68 10-80 17-92 19-04 20-16 21-28 22-40 23-52 24-64 25-76 26-88 2800 2912 30-24 31-36 32-48 133 60 !35-84 :36-96 |38-08 12 13 14 15 16 1' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 95 26 27 28 29 30 o-i 32 33 34 •20 •22 -24 •26 -28 •3o: •32 •34l •35| •37| •39 •41 •43 •45 •47 •48 •50 -52 •54 •56 .era •60! •62 •63 $ eta. 39-20 40-32 41-44 42-56 43-68 44-80 45-92 47-04 48-16 49-28 50-40 51-52 52-641 53-76 54-88 56-00 57-12 58-24 59-30 60-48 61-60 62-72 63-84 64-96 66-08 67-20 72-80 78-40 84-00 8960 38! -71 391 -73 40 -75 41 42 43 44 45 4(i 47 48 49 50 51 52 531 I •76 •78 •80 •82 •84 •86 •88 •90 •91 -93| •95 •97 -99 54 1-01 224-00 336-00 50000 55 56 57 58 59 GO 65 70 75 80 1-03 1-05 1-06 1-08 110 iirj 200 300 500 2 o 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 POCKET lOSISTANT. 55 iliel. No. Val. •r $cta. 35 -65 36 -67 37 -69 38! -71 39J -73 401 -75 •76 •78 •80 •82 41 42 43 44 45 4() 47| 48 49 50 51 52 531 I •84 •86 •88 •90 •91 •931 •95 •97 •99 54 1-01 55 56 57 58 59 r>o 85 70 ?5 30 nj /O K) K) 1-03 1-05 1-06 1-08 110 PRODUCE TABIiSS. 91*i:ii per Bushel. Val. of bush 112 2-25 3-37 4-50 5^62 6^75 7-87 9-00 10^12 H^25 12-37 13-50 14-62 15-75 16-87 18-00 19-12 20-25 2137 2-2-50 23-62 24-75 25-87 27-00 23-12 29-25 30-37 31-50 32-62 3375 34-87 36-00 3712 38-25 IVo. 1 2 3 4 I, (i 7 8 9 lU 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3^1 Val. of lbs. •02 •04 •06 •07 •09 •11 -13 -15 •17 •19 •21 •22 •24 •2() •28 •30 •32 •34 •3'; •37 •39 •41 •43 •45 •47 •49 •51 •52 -54 •56 •58 •60 •62 •64 Value of bustieli. $ClB. 39-37 40-50 41-62 42-75 4387 4500 46*12 47-25 48*37 49-50 50-62 51-75 )2-87 o4-00 5512 56^5 57-37 58-50 59-6-2 60-75 61^87 63 00 64-12 65-25 66-37 67-50 73-12 78-75 84-37 90-00 112^50 22500 337^50 562-50 IVo. Val. of Ibi. $cu. •66 -67 •69 •71 •73 •75 •77 •79 •81 •82 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45: -84 4(3 i -86 47 48 •88 -90 491 -92 50 ^94 51 52 53 54 55 661 571 58! 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 •96 •97 •99 1-01 1-03 105 107 1-09 1-11 $1*13 per Bushel. Val. of bush. $Ct8. 1-13 2-26 3-39 4-52 5-65 6-78 7-91 9*04 1017 11-30 1243 1356 14-69 1582 16^95 J8^08 1921 •20^34 21-47 22-60 23-73 24-86 25-i)9 •27-12 •28-25 29-38 30-51 3164 32-77 33 90 35-03 36-16 37-29 38-42 No. 1 O 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2^4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of Ibri. $cts. •02 •04 -06 •03 •09 •11 •13 •15 •171 •19 •21 •23 •24 •26 -28 -30 -32 •34 -36 •38 -39 •41 -43 -45 •47 •49 -51 •53 •54 -58 •60 -62 •64 Value of bushels. No. $CtH. 39-55 40-68 4r8l 42-94 4407 45-20 46-33 47-46 48-59 49-72 50-85 51-98 531 1 54-24 55.37 56-50 57-63 58-7(5 59-89 61-02 6215 63-28 64-41 65-54 66-67 67-8!) 73-45 7910 84-75 ru\.An inj -IV 113-00 226 00 339-00 565-001 5(K)! 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Val. of lbs. $cts. •66 68 -69 -71 -73 -75 -77 -79 •81 1 •83 •84 •86 •88 90 •92 -94 -96 -98 -99 1-01 1-03 1-05 57 1-07 58 59 60 : 65 S 70 1 1-09 1-11 tq 75i^tt. 100, § §i 3 c* 200! §•3 300, • e. 56 THE farmers' I Iv PKOBPCE TABI.K8. M 135 34 |3r>-48 37{r,> 38-70 POCKET ASSISTANT. sr $Ct8. •07 •C9 •71 •73 •75 •77 •78 •80 •82 •84 •86 •88 •90 •92 •94 •96 •98 100 11*05 1^07 109 I'll 113 PSO]>U€£ TA1II.S8. $1*16 per Hiiitliel. Val. of buah. $cu. 116 2-32 348 464 5^80 6-96 8-12 , 9-28 1()^44 1160 1276 13-92 1508 16-24 J 7-40 1856 ]9'72 20-88 2204 23 20 24-36 2.5-52 20-68 27-84 2900 3016 3132 32-48 33-64 34-80 3596 3712 38-28 39-44 IVo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 J9i 20 21 22 23 24 2(5 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lb«. $cta. •02 •04 •06 •08 •10 •12 •14 •16 •17 •19 •21 -23 •25 •27 •29 •31 •33 •35 •37 •39 •40 •42 •44 •4() •48 •50 1 •52 -.54 •56 -58 •60 •62 •64 •60 Value , of /No, busheli $ cia, 40-60 4176 42-92 44-08 45^24 4640 47'56 48^72 49-88 51-04 52-20 53:«) 5452 ,55-68 56-84 58-00 59-16 60-32 61-48 62-64 63-80 64-96 6612 67-28| 68^44 69-60 75^40 8 1^20 87-00 92-80 116-00 232-66 34S-00 580-00 Val. of lbs. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4:* 44 45 46 47 48 49 .50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58| 59 60 65 70 •ly per JBuaJiel, Val. of bush, $cu. $ct». -68 -70 •71 •73 •75 •77 •79 •81 -83 -85 -87 -89 •91 -93 •95 •97 •99 l-OO 1-02 1-04 1-06 108 MO 1-17 2-:i4 3-51 4-()8 5-85 702 819 9-36 10.53 1170 12-87 14-04 1.5-21 16-38 17-.55 18-72 19-89 21-06 •22-23 23-40 24-57 25^74 26-91 75 80 100 2{M) :u)o ,500 112 llS-08 114 |ii9-25 30-42 31-59 32-76 .33-93 35-10 37-44 38-61 139-78 I¥o. Val. of iba. 3 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12i 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 oo 2.3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 :^2 33 34 $Ct8. •02! •04! -06; -08i •10! •1')! •14' •lOJ •18| -19 -21 1 •23 •25 •27 -29 •31 -33 •35 •37 •39 •41 •43 •45 •47 •49 •51 •53 •54 •56 •58 •62 •64 'tW Value , of IVo. buahela, I AA •IP' * 4* $ eta. 40^9j 42^12 43-29 44-46 45(>3 46-80 47-97 4'J-14 .5031 51^48 52- ()5 53-82 54-99 5616 57-33 58-50 59-67 60-84 62-01 63-18 64-35 65.52 66-69 ()7-86 69-03 70-20 76-05 81-90 87-75 93^60| 11700 2.3400 351-00 .585-00 Val. of Iba. 3(H) ^1 .5(X)| 68 THE PIRMEHS' PROBUCS TABI.K8. $V1S per Bushel. ^1*19 per Bushel. Val. of bush. $Ctfl. 1-18 2-36 3-54 472 590 7-08 8-26 9-44 10-62 11-80 12-98 14-16 15-34 16-52 |l7-70 18-88 2006 21-24 22-42 23-60 24-78 25-96 27-14 28-32 29-50 30 68 31-86 3304 34-22 35-40 36-58 37-76 4012 ■ ' Val. Wo. of Value of bushels $ Ct8. 41-30 42-48 43-66 44-84 46 02 47-20 49-38 49-56 50-74 5192 53-10 54-28 55-46 56-04 57-82 59-00 60-18 61-36 62-54 G3-72I 64-90 66-08 67-26 68-44 69-62 70-80 76-70 82-60 88-50 94 40 11800 236-00 590-00 „ I ^ 36-89 200 iL« 3808 300j •"' g, 139-27 500| § I40-45 ■hel. Val. ¥o. of Ibi. $cta. 35 •69 36 •71 37 •73 38 •75 39 •77 40 •79 41 •81 42 •83 '3 •85 44 87 45 ^89 46 47 48 49 50 51 •91 •93 •95 97 99 l-Ot 52 103 53 105 54 107 POCKET ASSISTANT. 59 PRODUCE TABliDS. $1*30 per Buiiihc]. Val. I of |I¥o, bush, $cis. 1-20 2-40 360 4^80 GOO 7-20 8-40 9-60 10-80 12-00 13-2a J140i 15t>0| J 0-80 1 J 8-00 ■ 1920 20-40 21-00 22-80 24-00 25-20 26-40 27-60 28-80 3000 31-20 32-40 133-60 34-80 36-00 L 39-60 33 40-8{»; 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 it! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2y 30 37-20 31 oa-4Ui oz Val. of lbs. $Cl8. •02 •04 -06 •08 •10 •12 •14 •16 •18 -20 •22 •24 •2t)| •28) •30 -32 •34! •36 1 •381 •40 •42 -44 -46 -48 -50 -52 -54 •56 -58 1 •60 -62 04 -66 Value of busheli. $ cts. 42-00 43-20 44^40 45-60 46-80 4800 4920 50-40 51-60 52-80 54-00 5520 56-40 57-00 58-80 60-00 01-20 6240 6360 64-80 66-00 07-20 68-40 6960 70-80 7200 78-00 84-00 9000i 9600 120-00 i 24000 360-00 No. •031 600-00 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5ll 52 53| 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 Val. of Iba. $CU. •70 •72 -74 •76 -78 •80 •82 -84 •80 •88 •90 •92 •94 •9(5 •98 100 J 02 104 1-06 1-08 1-10 1-12 114 1-16 1-18 ^21 per BiiMhel. Val of bush. 100 200 300 500 $Ct8. 1-21 2-42 3-63 4-8.1 605 7-26 8-47 9-68 10-89 12-10 13-31 14-52 15-73 16-94 18-15 19-36 •20-57 •21-78 •22-99 24-20 •2.5-41 26-62 •27-83 29-04 3025 31-46 32-67 33-88 35-09 36-30 37-51 :J8-72 S, 139-93 !4M4 ^ ft. No. Val. of Iba. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 m\ -32 171 •34: 18 -.^6' 19, -38 20 21 $ cu. •02 -04 •06 -08 •10 •12 •14 •16 -IS •20 •22 •24 •26 •28 •30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 •40 •42! •44 •46 •48 •50 •.'52 •54 •56 •58 •60 •62 •64 •66 34 -681 Value of busUeU. $ CtB. 4Sy35 43-56 44-77 45-98 47^19 48-40 49-61 50-82 5203 53-24 54-45 55-66 50-87 58-08 5929 60-50 61-71 G2-92 64-13 65-34 66-55 67-76 68-97 70-18 71-39 72-60 78-65 84-70 90-75 96 80 No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56| 571 581 59j OOj 65 70 75 80 Val. of lbs. $Ct8. •70 •72 •74 •76 •78 •81 -83 •85 •87 •89 '91 •93 -95 •97 •99 1-01 1-03 1-05 1-07 1-09 I'll 1-13 1-15 117 119 121-00 ino 24200 36300 605-00 200 300 500 {«1 at Is 60 r THK farmers' PRODUCC: TA11I.es. fiaa per Biistel. 1342 1464 1586 17-08 18-30 1952 20-74 21 -96 23-18 24-40 25-62 2684 2806 29-28 30-50 31-72 32-94 34-16 35-38 36-60 37 82 39-04 |41-48i 11 12 13 14 15 1() 171 18! 19 20 21 23 24 25l 26| 27 28 29 30 31 ?m\ •Ml -26 •28 •30 ■3-2 -34 •37 •39 •41 •43 •45 -47 •49 •51 1 •53 •55 •57 •59 •61 •63 •65 •67 Viilue I $ cu. 42-70 43-9-2 4514 46-36 47-58 48-80 50^02 5124 5-2-46 53^68 54^90 56-12 57-34 58-56 5978 60-001 62-221 63-44| 64 66 65-88 67-10 68-32 69-54 70-76 7198 73-20 79-30 85-40 91-50 97-60 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l| 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Val. of lbs. $CtB. •71 •73 •75 •77 •79 •81 -83 •85 -87 •89 $1'JJ3 per Bushel, 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 -91 •93 •96 •98 1-00 1-02 1-01 l-0() 1-08 110 122-00 i 244-00 i 1-12 114 1-16 1-18 1-20 tq 691! 610-OOj 5001 lOOl I si 20i)i|,^ •wOi ■ J:^ V.il. o(' buiih. i-2:i 2-46 3-69 4-92 6-15 7-38 8-61 984 "11-07 [12-30 13-53 14-76 15-99 17-22 18-45 19-68 2091 22-14 23-37 24-60 25-83 2706 28-29 29-52 30-75 31-98 33-21 34-44 35-67 36-90 38-13 39-36 40-59 41-821 IVo. 1 o 3 4 u 6 7 8 9 lol 11 12 13 14 15 16 17i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 341 Val. o(- lbs. Value , of iVo, buahula. $cts. •02 -04 •06! •08 •10 •12 •14 •20 .oo •27 •29 •31 •33 •35 •37 •.39 •411 ■43! •45 •47 •49 •51 •53 •55 •57 •59 •61 -63 -66 •67 •70 $ cts. 43-05 44-28 45-51 46-74 47^97 49-20 50-43 51*66 52-891 54-12 55.35 56-58 57-81 5904 60-27 61-50 62-73 63 96 65-19 66-42 67^65 68-88 7011 7i-:m 72.57 73-80 79-95 86-10 92-25 98-40 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Val.. of Ibi. $ eta. •72 -74 •7S -78 •80 -82 •84 -86 •88 -90 •92 •94 •96 •93 100 102, 1-05 1-07 53 1-09 54 111 12300 246-00 369-00 61500 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 113 1-15 1-17 1-19 1-21 100 "00 .iOO 500 I? 'I POCKFy ASSISTANT. ei ushel. IVo. PRODUCi: TAJBIi£S. ^l*flS per Bushel. 26-04 27-28 28-52 !2y-76 31-00 32-24 33-48 34-72 35-96 37-20 38-44 39-68i 40-f;^'^ 42-16 50-25 57-50 58-75 60-00 61-25 62-50 63-75 65-00 6625 67*50 68-75 7000 71-25 72-50 73-75 75-00 81-25 87-50 93-75 10000 250-00 375-00 625-00 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 94i •96' •98i l-W)i 102 104 1-06' l-08i MOl M2l l-)5 117 1-19 121 123 iOO 200 300 500 t»5 S 02 THE KAKMEns- PKOOUCE TAJSff.ES. !*I*a6 per ISiiMhcl. 39 40 41 i4.2' ,13-86 15-32! ig:i8 17C4 2u-lGi 2J-42! 2-2-G8 23-94 J2O-20 129-4 f) 127-72 128-98 i 30-24 1 31-50 32-7fi 34-U2i 35-28 3G-54 ^ POCKET MATilSTJ-JiT, Ilil!icl. $Ct8. 451 52,1 r; 541 114 ''5.?- 14-08 15-36 IGW 17-92 19-20 20-48 21-7o 23-04 24.^3 25 00 26-88 2816 29-44 30-72 32-00 33 28 34-56 35-84 3712 38-40 on. CO 40 42 43-52 i fir THE farmers' PRODUCC: TABI.£S. $1*30 per Buahel. $1*31 i>(*r Bushel. 40*30 41-60 42-90 44-^l f 4 I Val. Ibi. •77 •79 •81 •83 •85 •87 •90 •92 •94 •9t> •98 roi 103 105 1-07 i^oa 112 114 116 I^IB 1-25 1-27 1-29 h Si •s.^ ^'^ il P-H «^ » POCK£T ISSIiTlNT, PRODUOS TABI.BS. $1*39 per Bushel. $cu. 1^32 2^64 3-96 5-28 660 7-92 924 10-56 11-88 1320 14^5'> 15-84 17-16 18-48 19-80 2112 22-44 23-76 25-08 26-40 27-72 2904 30-36 31-68 3300 34-32 a5-64 36-96 38*28 38-60 42-24 43-56 1^5 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 •02 •04 -05 •09 •11 •13 •15 -17 •20 •22 •24 -26 •29 •31 •33 •35 •37 •40 •42 •44 •46 •48 •51 •53 •55 •57 •59 •62 •64 •66 $cta< 46-20 47-52 48-8 1 50-16 51-48 52-80 54-121 55 44 56-76 58^0fc 5940 6072 62-04 6336 64^68 6600 67-32 68*64 69-96 71-28 72-60 73-92 75-24 77-88 79-20 85-80 92-40 9900 O;V60 V«l. Oi buih. ^ $c n, 1-33 2-66 3-99 5-32 6-65 7-98 9-31 10-64 11-97 13-30 14-63 15-96 17-29 18-62 19-95 21-28 22-61 23-94 2527 26-60 27-93 2926 30-59 :ii-92 u8 i ij-2-00 100 f §i 41.03 •73 34j -75 J96-00 300 660-00 500 ^64-00 200 1^ 42^56 e. 3458 3591 3724 38-57 39-90 43-89 i-22 1*33 per Baahel. IVo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7| 8| 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '5 .6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of Ibi. $cts. -02 •04 •07 •09 •11 •13 15 •18 -20 i •22 •24 i •27 •29 •31 •33 •35 -38 ■40 •42 •44 46 •49 •51 •53 Value of buthelf. •57 ■hi I •ti, •w •66 •69 •75 $Ctlk 46-55 47-88 49-21 50-541 51-87 53-20 5-53 55-86 57-19 58-52 59-85 61-18 62-51 63-84 6517 66-50 67-83 69-10 70-49 72-82 73-15 74-48 75-81 77-14 78-47 79-86 86-45 93-10 99-75 106-40 13300 266-00 399-00 66500 IVo. Val, of Ibi. 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 $cu. •77 •80 •82 •84 •861 •88 •91 •93 •95 •97 1-00 102 1-04 106 1-08 1-11 113 115 1-17 119 1-22 124 126 128 l-3t) 801 !:>.?. 1001 200 300 500 1; I i THE TARMEnS* i i PRODUCC: TABIiES. $1*34 per Bushol. Val. of bush. $cu. 1.34 2-08 4-02 536 0-70 804 9-38 10'72 1206 1340 14-74 1608 17-42 18-76 20-10 21-44 22-78 24-12 25-46 26-80 28-14 29-48 30-82 3216 33-50 34-84 3IS-18 37-52 38-86 40-20 41-54 4C\.oa 44-22 45-56 IVo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 «>^ 33 34 VrI. of Ibi. $cu. -02 •04 -07 -09 -11 •13 -16 •18 •20j -22 -24 •27 -29 •31 •33 •36 ■38 •40 •42 •45 •47 •49 •51 •53 •56 •58 •60 •62 •65 •67 •69 •71 •74 •76 Value of buaheli. $ eta. 4690 48-24 49^58 50-92 52-26 53-60 54-94 50-28 57 62 58-96 6030 61-64 62-98 64-32 65-66 67-00 68-34 69-68 7102 72-30 73-70 7504 76-38 77-72 79-06 80-40 87-10 93-80 100-50 107-20 134-00 20800 402-00 67000 IVo Val. of IbB. $1*33 per Boshel. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 500 •78 •80 •83 •85 -87 -89 •91 •94 -96 -98 1-00 105 I 1-07 109 1-11 1-14 116 1-18 1-20 1-23 1-25 1-27 1-29 1-32 Val. of bush, $cts. 1-35 2-70 4-05 5-40 6-75 8-10 945 10-80 12-15 1350 14-85 116-20 17-55 18-90 20-25 21-00 22-95 24-30 ■25-65 27-00 28 35 29-70 31-05 32-40 33-75 35-10 36-45 37-80 39-15 40-50 41-85 43-20 44-55 45-90 IVo. Value of bushels. $ cts 47-25 48-60 49-95 51-30 5205 54-00 55.35 5^70 58-05 59-40 60-75 62-10 63-45 64-80 6615 67-50 68-85 70-20 71-55 72-90 74-25 75-60 7695 78-30 79-65 81-00 87-75 94-50 101-25 10800 135-00 270-00 405-00 675-00 IVo. 35 36 37 .38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 V*l. of Ibf. $cta. -79< •81 •83 •85 •88 -90 •921 •94 -97 -99 i I-Ol 1-03 1-0 1-08 1-10 ria iiy 117 1-191 1-21 1-24 1-26 1-28 1-30 1-331 100 200 300 500 POCKET ASSISTANT. 67 v»i. of Ibf. •81 •83 •85 •88 •90 ■92 •94 •97 •99 PKoi>L€c: TAiir.ii:8. $1*36 per Uiiahcl. Val. of buiJi, $cu. 1-m a-72 4(W 5-14 G-80 8-J(i 9o-2 loss J3G0 14-9U 16-32 17-G8 19-04 20^40 21-761 231v 24-48 25-84 27-2U 28-56 29-92 31-23 32-04 34-00 35-36 36-72 3808 39-44 40-80 42-16 44-88 46-24 IVo 1 it 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' Hi 12 13| 14 15' IGl n: 18; 19, 20 1 21! '■2V 24l 25; 26i 27| 28 29 301 31 33 34 Vul. of I eta. -02 •04 -07 -0!) •11 •13 •16 ■IS •20 .0-: •on «•/ •32 •31 •3!J •38 -41 •43 •45 •47 •50 •52' •54 -57 •59 •m -63 •66 •68 .70 •75 •77 Vrtlue I of jIVo. biuiieLi. $ Clii. 47-60 48-9(i 5o-:;2 51(3d 53 U4 54-41)1 55-7iil 57- J 21 5,S-48| 5'J-84| fil-2!)| ()2-56 63-92 65-281 ma-v 68-00 6i)-36 70-721 71-08! 73-44 74-80 76-16 77-52 78-88 80-24 81-60 88-40i 95-20 102-00 108-80 136^00 2720U 408-00 680-00 35 36 37 38 39,' 40 i 411 42 431 44j 45 1 46| 47i 48j 49 50 ! t^ 53 54i 55 57 i 58i 59| 60, 651 701 75^ Val. of lU. $ C14. •79 81 •84 •86 •88 -91 •93 •95 -97 1-00 102 i-04 I 1-06 I 109 111 113 1^16 M8 1-20 122 1-24 129 1-31 1-34 5g«l*37 per BiiMhcl. Viil. I of IVo. lAish. 89 "|«^ loo'^l^ 200 5-^ 300 500 1-37 2-74 411 5-48 6-85 8^22 9-59 10-96 12-33 13-70 15-07 16-44 17-81 19-18 20-55 21-92 23-29 24-66 2v5-03 27-40 28-77 30-14 31-51 32-88 :J4-25 35-62 36-99 38-3(> 39-73 4110 42-47 43-84 45-21 46-58 1 2 3 4 5 ♦) I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Vdl. of Ibj. $cta. •02| •05, -071 •09 •11 -14 •10 -18 •21 •23 Vnltio ot buslit'ls. -.30, •32 -34 •37 •39 •41 •43 •46i -43 •50 •53 •55 •57 •60 1 •62 •641 •66| •69 -71 •73 •76 •78 $ eta. 47^95 *19.']2 50-69 52-06 53-43 54-80 56-17 57-.)4 58-91 60-28 61-65 63-02 (54-39 6.5-76 67-13 68-50 69-87 71-24 72-61 73-98 75-35 76-72 78-09 7946 80-83 82-20 89-90 95-90 102-75 109-60 13700 274^00 411-00 685-00 IVo. 35 .36 37 .38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5.^ 58 59 GO 05 70 80 Val. of Ibi. $Ct8. -80 -82 •85 ■67 ■89 -92 •94 •96 •98 1-01 1-03 1-05 1-08 1-10 112 115 117 119 121 1-24 1-26 1-28 r30 1-33 1-35 inn 200 300 500 ^^ 2 Si OS «J • a. s . — I I THE farmers' PKOAUCE TABI.es. $l'3rk per Bushel. I ^1-38 per B«i,hel. Val, bush. $Ct8. 1-37 2-75 4-12 5-.50 G-87 8-25 i 9G2 [1100 11237 13-75 1512 16-50 17-87 19-25 j20-6:- 22-00 23-37 24-75 20- £2 27-50 28-87 30-25 31-02 3300 34-371 35-75 37-12 38-50 3iJ-87 41-2.' 49-62 J •OC 45 37 140-75 I 1 2 3 4 5 / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 i7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 of lbs. •02 -05 •07 •09 •12| •14 •16 •18 •21 •23 •25 •27 i •30 •32 •34 •37 •39 •41 •43 •40 •48 •50 •53! •55 •57 •00 •62 -64 •66 •69 •71 -76l •7H! Value of busheid. $ cts. 48-12 49-50 50-87 5225 53-62 55-00 56-37 57^75 59^12 GO-50 61-87 63-25 64-62 66-00| 67-37 68 '5 70-12 71-50 72-87 74-25 75-62 7700 78-37 79-75 81-12 82-50 8937 90-25 103-12 110-00 No 35 36 37 381 Val. of Ibn. $Ct8. •80 •82 •85 •87 39 ^89 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 801 •92 •94 •96 •98 1-03 1-05 1-08 1-10 1-.12 1-15 1^17 1-19 1-21 1-24 1-26 1-28 1-31 1^33 1-35 N 137-50 275-00 412-50 687-50 100 200 300 1 500 &•« Val. of bush. $Ct8 1-36 2-76 4-14 5-52 6-90 8-28 966 11-04 12'42 13-eui 15-18 16-56 17-94 !l9-.']2 20-70 22-08 23-46 24-84 26-22 27-GO 28-98 30-36 J31-74 33-12 .34-50 35-88 37-26 38 64 40-02 41-40 42-78 44-ir) 45-54 46-92 IVo. Val. of lbs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 $cu. •02 •05 -07 •09 •11 •14 -16 •18 •21 -23 •25 28 •30 •32 •34 •37 •39 •41 '44 •46 •48 -51 •53 •58 •60 •62 •65 •6' •69 •74 -76 •78 Value of butheli. $Ct8. 48-30 49-08 51-06 52-44 ,53-82| 55-20 56-58 57-96 59-34 60-72 6-2-10 63-48 64-86 66-24 67-62 69-00 70-38 71-76 7314 74-52 75-90 77-28 78-06 80-04 81-42 82-80 89-70 96-60 103-50 110-40 13800 276-00 41400 69000 No. Val. of 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 $Ct8. •81 -83 •85 •87 •90 •92 •94 •97 •99 101 103 1^06 1^08l 1^10 1^13 ( M5 1-17 1-20 122 124 1^27 1^29 131 1-34 1-36 tq '■mL POCKET ASSISTANT. 69 $CU. •81 •83 •85 •87 •90 •92 •94 •97 •99 1-01 t PROi>irci3 t\'l:3JjM^» $I*;J9 pea* USusJiel. $1'40 per Bnshe!.^ Vai of bush. I $ ots. 2'7<H 8-:n ii-7'A 11-3-2 !j2-51 1&G6 ld-i)7 '25-02 ieii-41 |i>7-80| koi9 |:ii-97 !3ti-I4 3V^.53 38-92 40:51 41-70 4309 44-48 45-87 :47-20 No. Val. oi lbs. 7 8 9 10 '.15-20 11 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 23| 2(> 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 $cts, •02 •05 •07 •09 •llli 'IV •IG •1« •21 .ox' •281 •30! -32j -.^.>! •37! -3ii •42 •44 •45 •4d •5i •5.] •55! •5a j •i;o| •021 -05 •07 •00 •72 •74 -70 •78 Value I of Irvo. bushels. I $ CIS 48-05 50-04 5 1^43 52-82 54-21 55'(VJ 5,')-l!9 5S-38 5r/77' Gi'IG 62-55 6;i-i)4 05-33 00-72 OS-Il 09-50 70-89 72-28 73-07 75- OG 73-45 77-84 79-23 8(fG2 8i2-01 83-40 90-35 97-30 104-25 111-20 139-00 278-00 417-00 695-00 35' 30' 37i :j8| 39} 40 411 42: 43 Val. of I lbs. l$cts. ! .81 • -83 •85 •36 •9fl •92 •95 •99 Val. of bush. $cts. 1-40 2HU 4-20 5-00 7-09 8-40 o-so ii'2;» 1-02 i!i2-o;) 1^04 hi-oo 1-0'". f 15-40 I-IH 18-20 MSllD-OO 1-15 L'21-00 1-18 ?2-2-40 45 40' ]-(!8.*lG-8a 47 48 49 50 51 i 1-20 f 23-80 52 i 1-02 ^25-20 53; l-:v:5 ;2.>-G0 54; l-27,f23-00 •""w' 1-29 ^9-40 50; 1-;J2 [:30-80 ""' 1-34 ?32-20 1-3G I 1-38 5/ 1 58 i 59' 60 ' 05 70} 75 80 t>! 100! fi s 200il^ 3001 ^' g. 'I 500 ;33-<)0 35-00 30-40 37-80 3!!-J0 40-00 42-00 43-40 44-80 40-20 47-00 IVo, 7 8 9 10 31 12 13 14 15 IGl rrj 18 j fOi 20! Val. of lbs. Value of bushels. 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29i 311 32! 33 34 $cts. ij $ cts. •02 i 4900 •05 •07 •09 •12 •14! •161 •19 I •21 1 •23! •26 •28 -30 •33' •35 •ri7; •40/ •42:1 -44:1 •47! I •4911 •51 •54 ■56 '58 01 63, 65 68, 30! ^70' •72 •74 •77; •79 50-40 51-80 53-20 5400 56-00 57-40 58-80 60-20 61-60 6300 64-40 65-80 67-20 68-60 70-00 71-40 72-80 74-20 75-00 7700 78-40 79-80 81-20 82-60 84-00 91-00 98-00 105-00 112-00 149-00 2^^-00 420-00 700-00 IVo. Val. of lbs. $cu. •81 •84 •86 -88 •91 •93 •95 •98 1-00 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 441 1-02 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 j 56 57! 581 59 00 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 5001 105 1-07 109 ri2 114 116 119 1-21 1-23 1-20 1-28 1-30 1-33 1-35 1-37 Is s ! 70 THE farmers' PRODUCX: TASI^fiS. $1*41 per Bushct Val. of bull). $cu. 1.41 4-2:j 5(>4 705 8-4G •J87 ll-iJ8 12-Gl) 1410 1551 16ih^ 181-} lSJ-74 2115 2i2 5G 23-97 25-38 2G-71) 28-20 29fil 3J0-2 :i2-43 33-.S-II 35-251 3G-aG 38071 39-48 1 40-8!) 42 30 43-71 1 45-12! 4t;o3 u — • . IVo, I o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 2.^ 29 30 31 32 33 Val. of lbs. •02 •05 •07 •09 •12 •14 -16 •19 •21 •23 •2G •28 •31 •33 35 •38 •40 •42 •45 •47 •49 •52 •.54 •56 '59 •61 •6^1 •6G -m •70 •73 -75 •78 ^3 Value of busbeU. $ cts. $ cts. 49-35 50-76 521 53-58 54-99 50-40 57-81 59-22 6063 6204 63-45 64-86 6G-27 67-68 69-09 70-50 71-91 73-32 74-73 7G14 77 5.5 78-96 8037 8178 8319 84-60 9165 98-70 105-75 11280 14100 282-00 42300 "')5-00 IVj>. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 100 200 300 SO.) Val. of lbs. $ cts. •82 •85 •87 •89 •92 •94 •96 •99 1^01 1-03 1-06 1-08 111 113 1-15 1-17 1-20 1-22 1-24 1-27 ■29 .32 .34 36 39 ^2 C/> $1*49 per Bushel. Val. of bush, 1-42 2-84 4-26 5-68 710 8-52 9-94 11 -36 12-78 14-20 I5G2 17-04 IS-4G 1988 21-30 22-72 2i-]4 •25-.5G 20-98 23-40 29-82 31-24 32GG 34-08 35-.50 3(5-92 3834 39-76 41-18 42-GO 4402 45 44 1 4(5-Si5i I¥o 1 n «*. 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 321 33! Val. of lbs. $ cts. ■02 •05 •07 -09 •12 •14 •16 •19 •21 •24 -2G •28 •31 •33 •35 •38 •40 •42 •45 •47 •50 •52 •54 •57 •59 •61 •G4 •GG •68 •71 Value of bushels. $ cts. 49^70 5112 5254 53-96 55-38 .56-80 .58-22 59-64 6106 62-48 63-90 65-32 66-74 68-16 69-58 7100 72-42 73-84 V5-2G 7G-G8 78-10 79-52 89-94 82-36 83-78 85-20 92-.30 90-40 10G-5t) 113 GO •731 1 142-00 •7«r| 2:^-;-(io: -7^1;; 42*;-ii(>: i IVo. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 VaL of lbs. $Ct8. .83 •85 •87 •90 •92 •94 •97 •99 101 44; 1-04 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 j 53 54 55 56 57 .58 59 60^ 65 70 1 75'. « 80,;' 1001 a 200 S. 300 •" •06 ■09 11 13 16 18 20* 23 127 1-30 1.32 1-35 i-.3r, 1-39, I a.! POCKET ASSISTANT. 71 hel. VaL o. of lbs. $CU. 35 .83 36 •85 37 •87 38 •90 39 •92 40 •94 41 •97 42 •99 43 101 44 104 45 106 46 1-09 47 Ml 48 1-13' 49 1-16 50 1-18 5] 1-20 52 123 53 1-25 54 127 55 1-30 56 1-32 57 135 58 1-37, 59 1-391 PO; B5 70 t*l ^- s /.> .o ?;, 30,^,5^ wi s r )0 S.^ ){) • ^! PK01>U€£ TABLES. $l*4:i per ISusltcl. Si '44 per Bniihel. Value of buslicls. No. $ CIS. 50-40 51-8.1 53-28 54-72 i 56-]6| 57-60 59-04 GO' 48; 61-92! 63-3«)j C4-S(»; 66-2 ij 67-68 69-] 2 70-5(; 72-00 •:3-4 1 74-88 j 7(i-32| 1 1 tb' 79-201 80-64 82-081 83-52| 84-9()| 9!;-60| 103-80I lll-OOi 118-20| 144-OOi 28.S-00i 43200^ 720 00' 35 36 37 38 :» 40 41 42 43 44 47 48 49 Val. cf ibi. $cta. •84 •86 •89 •91 •93 •96 •98 101 103 105 45' 103 46,: J -10 113 115 M7 50' 1-20 51 1-22 52 1-25 53! 1-27 54| 1-29 55! 1-32 561 1-34 571 1-37 M 1-39 59' 1-42 60 — 65 70 ^ 75 «5» ft. m\ I ^ 2001 §-« 3oa|' I, 504} I § 11 72 THE F A wi ME us' PROAUCS: TABf^K.^I. $1*45 p^r ISushel. v«;. of buth. 1-45 4:ii 5-80 7i>5 8-7U llU-L'i 11(50 1305 14oU 15-95 ir4i)l IB'a'ij xi()-3t) ii]-75 li.M-65 '•J7o5 ! 10-45 31 -yu 33-35 34-60 3(3-525 37-70 31)15 40-1)0 4-2-05 43-50 44-95 46-40 47-85 4^30 Va of lbs. I. 'i Vai\ie of bushels 1' 3 4 5i 10 II 12 13 14 15 l()l 181 191 20 21 2"" 23; 24 1 25} 26 27 29 3o; 31; 32; 33 34' |$';U.jj $Ct8. 5*; -75 52-20 53*f)5 55-10 •Q2;| •asii -rr:, •19!l •24|| •20:! -2<r •31|' •SON •38 i! •4Li •4:}'| •401 •48| •51! •55 i •58' -GOj •63 •65 i •G8i -70 i •75; 145-00 •77 1 2L>0-00 •79!i 435-001 •82 ! 725-00! iVo.l ot Iba. 5()^55 58-Ooi 59-431 (^•94»i 62-35,' 63-80J 65-25' fH)-7u; (>8-l."' j m-iyu\ ! 71-05! ! 72 50 73-95 75-40 76^83 78-30 7975 81-20 82-()5 fe4-10 85-55 87-00 94-25 101-50 lOS-75 116-00 35 37 38 39| 40 4i' 43| 44 45 4(5 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 $cts. -84 •87 •89 -Shi -04 •9{) •i>i» roj 104 106 1-08 Ml l-V.i I'lO 1-18 1^2i l^2:'. 1-25 1-30 $1*16 per Busliic]. Vnl. of biisli. $cts. 1-46 2-92 4-:{8 5-81 7-30 8-7(5 10-22J 11-6S! 13- 14 1 14-(J0 KJ'O'J 17-52 18-98 ^20-44 21-90 2:}-3(5 24-82 J26-28 4 56 j 571 581 59 (50; (551 70 Hi] 1-33 1-35 1-37 40 42 looi 2 5 200 ! 300' 500 1 5J «> i 27-7 )529-20 30-(),'! 32-12 33-58 35-OJ 3()-50 37-9(5 39-42 40-88 4234 43-80 15-26 46-72! 48-18 49-64 IVo. ■St 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 IJ 121 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 ■*^*-^ 23 24 25 2(5 29 30 31 32,' 34' Val. of lbs. $Ct8. •02 •05 •07 1 •101 •12 •15 •17 •19 •24 •27 •20 •32 •:ii -3(5 •3i) •44 •40 •49 •51 •53 •56 •58 •(51 •().•! •(5(j -m •71 •73 •75 •7S •8(;'! Vnluo of hiishels. $Ct8. 51-10 52-5(5 54-{»2| 55-48 1 50-94 1 58-41,11 59-8(5 61 -32I (i2-7.^i (il-24i 65-70 ; (57-1(5! (i8-02| 70-0 ■ 71-54 73-00 74-46 75-92 77-38 78-84 80-30 81-76 83-22 84-(58 86-14 87-60 94-90 102-20 109-50 116-80 ]46^(!0| 292-00 1 730-00, lYo. 3(5; 371 3.S; 40 411 42 43 44 Val. of It)*. |$Ct8. •85 '^S •90 •92 •95 •97 l^OO 102 1-05 1-07 A!S 1-OU, 461 1-12 47! 1.J4 48, 1-17 1-19 1-21 1-24 1-26 1-29 1-31 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 05 70 1-34 1-41 1-43 80jJ^ iOOiA.^ 300; ^ a. t Vftl. of Iba. •92 •95 •y/ 1 l-OO ; H\2 l-O") 1-07 1-OUi l-la 1-J4 M7 i*1 Si , POCKET ASSISTANT. 73 PRODUCE TABI.KS. $t*47 per Bushel. ! Val. of bUBIl, $ct«. 1^47 294 4-41 J bo 7-35 S-82 10-29 ll-7() 13-23 14-70 10-17 17-64 9-11 '20-58 2205 e3^52 24-99 2C-4r) 27-93 2940 30-87 3234 33-81 35-28 36-75 38-22 39-69 4116 42-63 44-10 45-57 47-04 48-51 49-98 IV© 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Val. of lbs. $cts. •02 •05 •07 •10 ^ •17 -20 .(DO ■27| •29! •3-.>l -.341 •37! •39J •42 •41 •40 •49 •51 •54 •50 •50 •61 •64 •66 •m •71 •73 •76 •78 •81 •83 Value of bushels. $ Ct8. 51-45 52-92 54-39 55-86 57^33 5880 60^27 61-74 63-21 (hl-68 66-15 67-02 69-09 70-56 72-03 73-50 74-97 76-44 77-91 79-38 8O-80 82-32 83-79 85-26 86-73 88-20 95-55 102-90 110-25 117-60 147-00 294 00 441-00 73500 No .351 'Mil 371 381 39; 40 41 j 42i 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 .52 .53 54 Val. of lbs. I $ CIS. \ -m '83 $1*4S per Bushel. 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 1-30 200 300 500 ■91 •93 •95 •98 l-Ol) 1-03 1-05 108 rio 1-12 115 1-17 1-20 1-22 1-25 127 1-30 1-32 Val. ol buiih, 1-35 1-37 1-39 1-42 1-44 ^1 •I $ CI.S. 1-43 2-96 4-44 5-92 7-40 8-88 10-36 11-84 13-32 M-HO i6-2a 17-76 19-24 20-7 22-20 23-68 2516 2664 28-12 29-60 31-08 32-56 34-04 35-i 37-00 38-48 39-96 41 ^-l 42-92 44-40 45-88 47-36 48-84 50-33 IVc, 11 2 6 7 8 I) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 Val. of lbs. $Ct8. •02 -05 -07 •10 •12 •15; •17| -20! •22 •25 -27 •30 -32 •34 •37 •39 -42 •44 •47 -49 •52' •54 i •571 •59; •61 ! •64 •66 i9 30 31 32 33 34 •71 •74 •76 -79 •81 •84 Value of Luahels. $ Ct8, 51-80 53-28 54-76 56-24 57-72 59-20 60-68 6216 63-64 6512 66-60 68-08 69-56 7VM 72-52 7400 75-48 76-96 78-44 79-92 81-40 82-88 84-36 85-84 87-32 88-80 96-20 103.60 111-00 118-40 143-00 296-00 444 00 74000 No. $cta. 35 -86 100 200 300 500 i 4 ml 74 THE FARMEKS* t h \i b. h POCKIT ASSISTANT. r 75 SOANTlillVQ niEASURi:. 3 by 3. 1 =^5 OO :i6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0*9 39 46 5-3 6- 6-9 76 8-3 9- 9-9 10-6 11-3 12- 12-9 136 143 15- 3 by 4. ii ^6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1' 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- lo- ll- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 3 by 5. 11 I^S ^6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-3 6-3 7-6 8-9 10- 11-3 12-6 13-9 15- 16-3 17-6 18-9 20- 21-3 22-6 23-9 25- 3 by 6. 1-5 J36 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-6 7-6 9- 10-6 12- 136 15- 16-6 18- 19-6 21- 22-6 24- 25-6 27- 28-6 30- 3 by 7. |5 ^6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-9 8-9 10-6 12-3 14- 15-9 17-6 19-3 21- 22-9 246 26-3 28- 29-9 31-6 33-3 35- 3 by 8. fs 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 10- 12 14- 16- 18- 20- 22- 24 26- 28- 30- 32 34- 36- 38- 40- 4 by 4. 4 by 5. f5 ^6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 90 1-4 6-8 8-0 9-4 10-8 12- 13-4 14-8 16- 17-4 18-8 20- 21-4 22-8 24- 25-4 yfi-8 is ^6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 1-8 8-4 10- 11-8 134 15- 16-8 18-4 20- 21-8 23-4 25- 26-8 28-4 30- 31-8 4 by 6. ^5 ^6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 '«) 2- 10- 12- 14- 16- 18- 20- 22- 24- 26- 28- 30- 39- 34- 36- 38 40- 4 by 7. 41 |'5 ^6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IT 18 19 'A* 2-4 11-8 14- 16-4 18-8 21- 23-4 25-8 28- 30-4 r2-8 35- 37-4 39-8 42- 44-4 4(Jv« 4 by 8. 4 by 9. •f=:i 2-8 ^5 13-4 ^6 16- 7 18-8 8 21-4 9 24- 10 26-8 11 29-4 12 32- 13 34-8 14 37-4 15 40- 16 42-8 17 45-4 18 48- 19 50-8 20 53-4 ^'1 ^6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3- 15* 18- 21- 24 27- 30- 33- 36- 39- 42- 45- 48- 51- 54- 57* 20 ; |W)- '^^lE^yr. i «g^^:-,: THE FAUMEHS' If f ■ m -F i SCAIVTE.IIVG MEASURE. ^ by e.iiS by jO. ^I 1 C-'H i'5 33-4 j6 40- / 46-8 8 53-4 9 m- 10 G15-8 1] 73-4 ly 8(j- 13 8G-8 14 93-4 15 100- IG 1068 17 113-4 13 120- 19 126-8 iiO 133-4 POCITET ASSISTANT. V 4 10 5i4 28' 32' :3C- •lO- 44- 48- ii2- (50 {>4 63- 72- ?{)• 80- [)68 13-4 >o- >6-8 13-4 ,. TABLE III. ACCURATE WOOD.IVIEASURER. LENGTH, EIGHT FEET. ExPLANATioN.—Find the width of the load in the Ipft h«nH column of tJie table; then move to the rUtron the Jnfe ^.^?. Ill you come under the height mfeet, and you have t hi con' tents m feet : tlien move to the ri<dit, on the same 1 hi p fill v.^: cSmems^ "fee^fl'r % T^'V^'^i wiil hlve"^?he"Si'lS coments in leet lor the heiiflu m inches. The sum of (Hprp tv^ friKVnf r'^'l TT''':: '" ''''- F"^ ^«^ds 12 feeHonk aS one half, and (or 4 leet. subtract one-haK ^' £xample.~lf a load of wood be two feet 10 inches wiSe and 3 feet 7 mclies hi-h, what are the contents? A-ainst o fiit JO inches, and under 3 feet, siands 68 ; and undlr Hnche/ ar the ccp, stands 13: then 13-i-6S=:Sl, the true cZents in feet ' 76 THE farmers' FEET. 1 2 3 4 5 ti 7 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 84 88 92 96 104 112 120 128 TABLE IV. PRICE OF WOOD, PKK COfiiD. $ cts. 1 so I CtN. 1 75 001 001 002 0-02 003 0-04 0-05 0-06 0-06 0-07 0-07 008 0-08 0-10 0-09 Oil 019 0-22 0-28 0-33 0':{8 0-44 0-47 0r)5 0-50 0-66 0-61 0-77 0-75 0-88 0-84 098 0-94 109 0-98 115 103 120 1-08 1-26 1J3 1-31 1-22 1-42 1-31 1-53 1-41 lf)4 1-50 1-75 » OO 2 35iSi SO 001 003 001 000 0-08 009 Oil 0-12 0-25 0-37 0-50 0-63 0-75 0-88 1-00 113 1-25 1-31 1-38 1-44 1-50 1-63 1-75 1-88 2-00 Wmk, is $1-88^ a^ Rien v/7fhe va^^^^^ Tr^eTaV^^'V^ ^!^j^^ 91-02. So of all similar exampks ' ^^ ""^"^^'^ "'^'^^"^ J P0C5 r ASSrSTANT. 79 i'ABLE V. ■ XHIBITINO THB V'EiOHT OF A LINBAl FOOT < IRON, ROM ^TO 4 INCHK8 DIVMKi jLLED Weight in pouiida. 165 •373 •6()3 1043 1-493 2-032 2G54 3-360 Diam. in inch, i i Weight u pounds. 4-172 5-oiy 5-972 7-OiO 8128 9-333 10616 11-988 I.Di ! Weight in pOUIKJB. 2i ! I 3 13-440 14-975 16-688 18293 20 076 21-JM4 23-888 25-926 Diam. [Weight in in inch. pcund«. 3i I I pounds. 28-040 30-240 32-512 34-886 37.3.32 39-e!{>4 42464 Example.— What is the weight of a bar of rolled iron li inches diameter, and 1 foot in length 7 ' * In column second lind IJ, and opposite to it is 8-128 pounds, which is 8 lbs and tVo T of a lb. In the same way we may find tJie weight of any other diameter in the table. ^ TABLE VI. EXHIBITING THK WEIGHT OP A LINEAL FOOT OF SQUARE ROLLED IRON, IN POUNDS, FROM ^ TO 4 INCHES SQUARE. iSize ir inches. Weight in pounds * •211 •475 •845 1-320 1-901 2-588 3-380 4-278 Size in inches. f Weight in pounds. 5-280 6-390 7-604 8-926 10-352 11-883 13-520 15-263 Size in inched. Weight in pounds. 2i i 17112 19-066 21-120 23-292 25-560 27-939 30-416 33010 Sizp In inches. I Weight in pounds. 35-704 38-503 41-408 44-418 47-534 50-756 54084 Note.-ThQ application of this table is the same as the ore- ceding one. mcpzc IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V /, if LO 1.25 ^.^ 1^ 2.5 21 I 1^ 12.0 18 JA IIIIII.6 PiiOiograpliic Sciences Corporation ?3 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4S03 ^ iV iV « ^<b O" ..^ ^^ . » o^ ^m. ^"^ % >" . ^^ C/j "'/, k 80 THB FIRMER!' Si TABLE VII. BXHIBITINO THK WEIGHT OF ▲ LINBA.L FOOT OF FLAT BAR IRON IN POUNDS, FROM 1 TO 4 INCHES IN BREADTH, AND ^ 'lO I INCHES IN THICKNESS. Breadth incbei. 1 H H H 14 If 1* U Thick- iiesB in inches. Weight in pounda. 0-84 1-69 2-53 0-95 190 2-85 106 2-11 317 ri6 232 3-48 1-26 2-53 3-80 1-37 2-74 4-12 5-49 6-86 8-24 1-48 2-96 4-43 5-91 7-39 8-87 1-58 317 4-75 Breadth iochea. n 2 2J H 2i 2i Thick- neu in inches. 2| Weight hi pounds. 6-33 7-92 9-50 1-70 2-53 3-38 0-90 1-79 2-69 3-59 0-95 1-90 2-85 3-80 1-00 '2-00 :i-Ul 4-01 502 6-02 7-02 106 211 317 422 5-28 6-33 7-39 111 Breadth iuchei. 2| 2i 2J 4 Thick- ness in inches. Weight in pounds. 3-33 4*43 554 6-65 7-76 116 2-32 3-48 4-64 5-81 6-97 8-13 1-21 2-43 3-64 4-86 1-27 2-53 3-80 5-07 2-74 5-49 823 2-95 5-91 8-87 3-38 6-76 1014 POCKET ASSISTANT. 81 TABLE ■BOWIIfO THE AMOUNT OF WAGES PER WEEK AND YEAR AT A GIVEN SUM PER HOUR AND DAY. Per day of 10 faoim. $ CtM, Par hour. ctfl. in. •10 10 •15 1-5 •ao 20 •25 2-5 •!?0 30 •31| 31 •35 3-5 •37i 3-7 •40 40 •43| 4-4 •45 4-5 •50 50 •55 5-5 •56i 5-6 •60 60 •62i 6-2 •65 6-5 •68* 6-9 •70 70 •75 7-5 •80 80 -m 81 •85 85 •87i S-7 •90 9-0 •93| 94 •95 9-5 1^00 100 113i 11-2 1-25 12-5 l-31i 131 1-37* 13-7 1^50 !50 'ion 'am Per week of 6 days. $cta. •60 90 1-20 1-50 1-80 l-87i 2-10 2-25 2-40 2-62i 2-70 300 330 3-37i 3-60 375 3-90 412i 4-20 4-50 4-80 4-87* 510 5-25 5-40 5-62i .570 600 6-75 7-50 7-87i 8-25 900 12<i»» Per year of 53 weeks. $ cts. 31-20 46-80 62-40 78-00 93-60 97-50 109-20 117-00 124-80 I ^^-50 140-40 15600 171-60 174-50 187-20 195-00 202-80 214-50 218-40 2S2-00 249-60 253-50 265-20 273-00 280-80 292-50 296-40 31200 351-00 390-00 409-50 429-00 46800 «)240n TABLE GIVING THE AMOUNT OP WAGES PER DAY AT A GIVEN SUM PER MOflTH. Per month of 83 days. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 :^8 Per day $ eta. -19 •23 •27 •31 •35 -38 •42 •46 •50 •54 •58 •62 •66 •69 •73 •77 •81 o4 •88 -92 -96 •00 :)4 •08 -II •15 •19 1-22 127 131 134 138 142 1-46 1- 1 1- 1- 1^ 1- ■4 THE FARMER!' TABLE IX. TABIiES OF INTSREST EXPLANATION. The principal, beginning at 01, and proceeding to the highest sum in the tables, will, in all cases, be found at the head of the page. The iime, for which the interest on any piven amount may be sought, will be found in the left-hand column of the ta];les, from 1 day to 1 year ; that is to say, from 1 to 20 days, in regular succession—then passing to a month, and then pro- ceeding do'*'n to 12 months. The interest required for the given time on the given principal, will be found against the time contained in the tables, and directly under the principal. So we have, on the same page, the interest on the sum required lor years, months, and days, for any period of time from 1 day to 1 year. If the interest on any given principal be required for a longer period of time than for which any provision has been made in these tables, we have only to double the amount of interest shown for half that Hme. Thus, if the interest on #28 be required for 2 years and 8 months, the tables show the interest for 1 year and 4 months to be $2-24 ; consequently, twice that amount will be the interest sought If the interest on months and days be required, add the interest for the given months and days together ; and, in like manner, for the years, months, and ia.y». POCKET ASSISTANT. 83 |_TABLE OP INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. I i< 84 THE FARMEIRS' TABLE OP INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. $11 $1» $13 $14 $is 916 $iy $18 $19 9W ^1 <S2 1 1 1 1 1 "3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 10 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 11 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 12 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 13 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 14 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 15 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 16 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 17 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 18 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 19 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 30 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 30 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 40 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 60 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 63 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 90 16 18 19 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 93 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 23 29 31 100 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 30 31 33 200 36 39 43 46 49 53 56 59 62 66 300 54 59 64 69 7 74 79 84 89 94 99 ii 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 |2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ^3 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 29 30 4 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 5 28 30 33 35 38 40 43 45 48 50 6 33 • 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 7 39 40 46 49 53 56 60 63 67 70 8 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 9 50 54 39 63 68 72 77 81 86 90 10 ^5 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 11 VJl 66 72 77 83 83 94 99 1-05 110 IQ ns 12 78 m 90 Ufi 1-02 1-08 114 1-20 ^ r. 19 9W 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 9 10 12 13 19 20 20 21 28 30 29 31 31 33 62 66 94 99 10 10 19 20 29 30 38 40 48 50 57 60 67 70 76 80 86 90 95 100 •05 110 •14 1-20 POCKET ASSISTANT. tA TABLE OP INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. f [^ 1 ! I n« ) TICF 3 FARMKrtS TABLE OF INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. 1 $30 $35 84rO $45 $50 $55 $60 $65 $70 1 di 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ai 1 1 1 1 9 2 2 2 2 03 1 2 S 2 S 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 fi 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 1) 4 5 6 7 7 8 10 10 10 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 6 7 9 10 11 12 i3 14 15 iS 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 10 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 17 8 10 11 13 14 15 17 18 20 18 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 • 19 9 11 12 14 16 17 19 20 22 ' 20 10 12 13 15 16 18 20 21 23 30 15 17 20 22 25 27 30 32 35 40 20 23 26 30 33 36 39 43 46 60 30 35 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 63 31 36 41 47 52 57 62 67 72 90 44 52 59 67 74 81 89 96 104 1 93 46 54 61 69 76 84 92 99 107 lioo 49 58 66 74 82 90 99 1-07 115 200 1)9 115 1-32 1-48 1-64 1-81 1-97 214 2-30 300 -1 1-48 15 1-73 18 1-97 2-22 2-47 2-71 2-96 3-21 .3-45 20 23 25 28 30 33 35 1? 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 ^4 45 53 60 68 75 83 90 98 105 60 70 80 90 1-00 110 1-20 1-30 1-40 5 75 88 100 113 1-25 1-38 1-50 1-63 1-75 6 90 105 1-20 1-35 1-50 1-65 1-80 1-95 210 1 7 105 123 1-40 1-58 1-75 1-93 210 2-28 2-45 8 1-20 1-40 1-60 1-80 2-00 2-20 2-40 2-60 2-80 9 1*35 1-58 1-60 203 2-25 2-48 2-70 2-93 315 10 1-50 1-75 2-00 225 2-50 12-75 i 300 3-25 3-50 ii 1-65 1-93 2-20 ii-h 2-75 1303 1 3-30 3-58 3-85 islrso t 210 2-40 1 2-70 300 i 3-30 1 360 300 4-2& POCKET ASSISTANT. 87 $70 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 35 46 69 72 104 1-07 115 2-30 .3-45 TABLE OP INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. f^|?^{^85 $90 $f>9|9100i$900 $300 $4»< 5 7 10 13 15 90 20 26 25 33 30 39 35 46 39 53 44 59 49 66 54 72 59 79 64 85 69 92 74 99 79 105 84 112 89 118 94 1-25 99 1-32 1-48 1-97 1-97 2-t53 296 3-95 311 414 4-44 5-92 4-59 6-12 4-93 658 9-86 1315 14-79 19-73 1-50 2-00 300 4-00 4-50 0-00 600 8-00 7-50 1000 9-00 12-00 10-50 1400 1200 1600 13-50 1800 1500 2000 16-50 22-00 18-00 2400 nil lAEIflKfl' TABLE I. TABLES OP SIBfPLE INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. OALOULAUD Of DOLLARS, OBNTS, AND MILL!. PrioeipaL |:! ;! » Qbnts. 60 70 80 90 DOLLl 1 S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 900 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 IWMk. lea. 08 09 1 2 3 7 4 7 1 4 1 1 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 8 121 13 5 26 9 40 4 53 8 67 3 80 7 9 94 2 1 7 74 1 21 2 1 34 6 J I manth. I moatlM. $ «. m. 06 1 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 11 17 23 26 350 40 8 46 1 52 5 583 16 7 75 333 91 7 50 83 66 7 41 7 5 83 3 $ e. m. 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 8 2 4 6 7 5 2 7 105 12 2 14 15 7 17 5 35 52 5 70 087 5 1 50 22 5 40 57 5 75 50 250 00 8 75 10 50 12 25 14 16 25 17 50 1 1 1 1 3 5 7 6nMath«. $ e. n. 28 31 1 1 5 5 3 70 10 5 14 17 5 21 024 028 31 35 70 5 40 1 75 2 10 3 45 280 3 15 3 50 7 00 1150 14 17 50 21 24 50 28 32 50 35 I jmt. $ «. m. 4 3 4 9 56 63 70 14 31 280 35 42 49 560 0630 70 0. 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 400 10 800 500 200 90 600 6 30 7 00 00 00 I to WHEAT OR PBAg. 39 ( t , N<JrOf I Foandi. j 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 100 1-05 110 116 1-20 1-25 lao 1-35 1-40 1-45 1-50 1-56 200 2-05 210 215 2-20 2-25 2-30 235 2-40 2-45 2-60 2-55 300 305 310 315 3-20 325 3-30 3-35 3-40 3-45 3-60 3-55 4-00 405 4-10 4-15 4-20 4-25 POITNDS. Wo. of Ba. Iba. , No. of Pouods. 270 275 280 286 290 295 300 306 310 316 320 326 330 335 340 346 350 355 360 365 370 876 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 No. of Bu. Iba. 4-30 4-36 4-40 4-45 4-60 4-66 5-00 606 610 616 6-20 6-26 6-30 6-35 6-40 6-45 5-50 6-66 6-00 6-06 610 6-16 6-20 6-25 6-30 6-35 6-40 6-45 6-60 6-55 7-00 7-05 710 7-15 7-20 7-25 7-30 7-35 7-40 7-45 7-60 7-56 480 486 490 496 600 606 610 616 620 626 630 636 640 646 650 656 660 566 670 675 680 585 690 595 600 606 610 616 620 626 630 635 640 645 650 656 660 605 670 676 680 686 ifo. of Pounda. 1130 1186 1140 11-46 11-60 1166 1200 12-06 1210 12-36 12-20 J 1226 12 30 12 36 12-40 12 45 12-60 12 55 1.9-00 13-06 13-10 13-15 13-20 13 25 13-30 13-35 13-40 13-45 13-60 13-65 14-00 1405 34-10 34-35 14-20 14-25 34-30 34-35 34-40 34-45 14-60 1455 $0 WHEA.T OR PEAS. ( POUNDS. So. of Ko. of 1] No. of No. of 1 No. of No. of No. of NoTof Pounds. Bu. IbH. Pouudi. Bu. lbs. Pnunds. Ru. lbs. 22 00 Pounds. Bu. lbs. 900 1500 1110 18-30 1320 1630 26-30 005 16 05 1115 18-35 1323 22 05 1636 25-36 010 1510 1120 18-40 1330 2210 1540 25-40 915 15-15 1125 18-45 1335 22-15 1646 26-45 920 15-20 1130 18-50 1340 22-20 1560 25-60 025 15-25 1135 18-55 1345 22-25 1656 25-M 930 16-30 1140 19-00 1350 22-30 1660 26-00 035 16-36 1146 19 05 1355 22-35 1565 26 05 040 15-40 1150 19-10 1360 22-40 1570 2610 046 15-46 1165 19-15 1365 22-45 1575 2615 050 15-60 1160 19-20 1370 22-50 1580 26-20 955 16-55 1165 19-25 1376 22-66 1585 26-26 oeo 1600 1170 19-.".) 1380 23-00 1590 26-30 065 16-05 1176 19-35 1385 23-06 1696 28-36 070 16-10 1180 19-40 1390 23-10 1600 26-40 076 1616 1185 19-45 1396 23-16 1606 26-46 080 16-20 1190 19-50 1400 23-20 1610 26-60 085 16-26 1196 19-65 1406 23-23 1615 26-66 000 16-30 1200 20-00 1410 23 30 1620 27-00 090 16-36 1205 20-06 1415 23- 5 1626 27-06 1000 16-40 1210 20 10 1420 2St^ 1630 27-10 1005 16-46 1215 20-15 1425 23-45 1635 27-15 1010 16-60 1220 20-20 1430 23-60 1640 27-20 1016 16-66 1225 20-25 1436 23-55 1645 27-25 1020 17-00 1230 20-30 1440 24-00 1660 27-30 1025 17-06 1235 20-35 1446 24-05 1656 27-36 1030 17-10 1240 20-40 1460 24-10 1660 27-40 1035 17-16 1246 20-43 1456 24-15 1665 27-45 1040 17-20 1260 20-60 1460 24-20 1670 27-50 1045 17-26 1266 20-65 1466 24-25 1676 27-66 1050 17-30 1260 21-00 1470 24 30 1680 28-00 1055 17-35 1265 21-06 1476 24-35 1686 28-05 1060 17-40 1270 21-10 1480 24-40 1690 28 10 1065 17-45 1276 21-16 1486 24-46 1605 2816 1070 17-60 1280 21-20 1490 24-50 1700 28-20. 1075 17-55 1286 21-25 1496 24-56 1705 28-25 1080 18-00 1290 21-30 1600 26-00 1710 28-30 1085 18-06 1296 21-36 1606 26-05 1715 23-35 1000 1810 1300 21-40 1610 25-10 1720 28-40 1005 1816 1306 21-46 1516 2616 1725 38-45 1100 18-20 1310 21-60 1520 26-20 1730 28-60 1105 18-25 1315 21-66 1626 25-26 1736 28-56 U! WHEAT OR PEAS. No. of Bu. Ibt. 26-30 25-35 25-40 25-46 26-60 25-M 26-00 26 05 26-10 26-15 26-20 26-25 26-30 26-35 26-40 26-45 26-50 26-65 27-00 27-05 2710 27-15 27-20 27-25 27-30 27-35 27-40 27-46 27-50 27-66 28-00 28 05 2810 2816 28-20. 28-26 2830 23-36 28-40 38-46 28-60 28-55 n *»OUNBSIk No. or Pounds, 1790 1795 1800 1805 1810 1815 1820 1825 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1865 1860 1866 1870 1876 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1916 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 ~!To7Sr Bu .lba. 20 00 2906 2910 29-16 29-20 29-25 29-30 29-35 29-40 29-4r) 29-60 29-66 30 00 30 05 30-10 3015 30-20 30-26 30-30 30-35 30-40 30-46 30-60 30-66 3100 31-06 3110 3115 31-20 I 31-25 I 31-30 31-35 31-40 31-45 31-50 , 31-56 2126 3200 2130 3205 2135 3210 2140 32-15 2145 32-20 I 2160 32-25 11 2165 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2fm 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2060 2065 2060 2065 2070 2076 2080 2085 2090 2096 2100 2105 2110 . 2116 2120 No. of Bti. Iba 32-30 32-35 32-40 32-45 32 60 32-65 33-00 33 05 33-10 3315 33-20 33-25 33-30 33-35 33-40 33-45 33-60 33-65 34 00 3405 I 3410 34-15 34-20 34-25 34-30 34-35 34-40 34-46 34-60 34-65 35-00 36-05 35-10 35-15 85-20 35-26 35-30 35-35 36-40 35-45 35-60 35-56 No. of ^ PoiindH. 2160 2106 2170 2176 2180 2185 2190 2195 2200 2205 2210 2216 2220 2225 2230 2235 2240 2245 2260 2265 2260 2266 2270 2275 2280 2285 2290 2296 2300 2805 2310 2315 2320 2325 2330 2336 2340 2346 2350 2365 2360 2366 n»°\?^ II No. of I No. of Bu. lb«. I Pounda. Bu. lbs. 36 00 36 05 3010 3615 36-20 30-25 36-30 80-35 36-40 .•56-46 36-60 36-56 3700 37 06 3710 3716 37-20 37-25 37-30 37-35 37-40 37-45 37-60 37 55 38-00 38-06 38-10 38-16 38-20 38-26 38-30 38-36 38-40 38-45 38-50 38-66 39-00 39-06 3910 8916 39-20 89-25 2370 2376 2380 2385 2390 2396 2400 2405 2410 2416 2420 2425 2430 2436 2440 2445 2460 2456 2460 2465 2470 I 2475 I 2480 2486 2490 2496 2500 2605 2610 2616 2620 2525 2630 2535 2640 2546 2550 2556 2660 2566 2670 2676 39-30 39-35 39-40 39-45 39-60 39-65 40 00 4005 4010 40-16 40-20 40-26 40-30 40-35 40-40 40-45 40-60 40-55 41 -O* 41-06 4110 41-15 41-20 41-25 41-30 41-35 41-40 41-45 41-50 41-56 42-00 42-06 4210 4216 42-20 42-26 42-30 42-36 42-40 42-46 42-60 42-66 WHEAT OR PEAS. ^oxjuns. . Fo. at ^> S68U S685 9500 2695 2000 3005 2010 2015 2020 2025 12030 20S5 2040 2045 2050 2055 2000 2005 2070 2675 2080 2685 2090 2695 f760 2705 2710 2716 2720 2725 2730 2735 2740 2746 2750 2766 2700 2766 2770 2775 2780 2785 Ho. of Bu. Iba. 42-00 4805 4810 4315 43 20 4325 43-30 43-35 43-40 43-45 43-50 43-o5 44-00 44-05 44-10 4416 44-20 44-25 44-30 44-35 44-40 44-45 44-50 44-65 4500 4506 45-10 45-15 45-20 45 -25 45-30 46-35 45-40 45-45 46-60 45-56 46-00 46-05 46-10 46-16 46-20 €6-25 2fo. of I No. of jl" No. of No. of Pound!. I Bb. Ibi. K Pound*. Bu. lb«. 1:790 2796 2800 2805 2810 2816 2£20 2826 2830 2835 2840 2845 2850 2855 2860 2865 2870 2875 2880 2885 2890 2896 2900 2905 2910 2915 2920 2925 29l«0 2935 2940 2945 2950 2955 2960 2965 2970 2975 2980 2985 2990 2995 46-30 46-36 40-40 46-46 46-50 46-55 47-00 47-06 4710 4715 47-20 47-25 47-30 47-35 47-40 47-45 47-60 47-55 48-00 48-05 4810 48-16 48-20 48-25 48-30 48-35 48-40 48-45 48-60 48-66 49-00 49-05 4910 49-15 49-20 49-25 49-30 49-35 49-40 49-46 49-50 49-65 3000 3006 3010 3016 3020 3025 3030 3036 3040 3045 3050 3065 3060 6065 3070 3076 3080 3086 3090 3096 3100 3105 3110 3116 3120 3125 3130 3135 3140 3146 3160 3155 3160 3166 3170 3175 3180 I 3186 3190 3196 3200 3205 60-00 50-05 60-10 6016 60-20 60-25 50-30 50-35 60-40 60-45 60-50 60-56 51-00 5105 61-10 5115 51-20 61-25 61-30 61-35 51-40 51-45 61-50 61 -55 52-00 62-05 52-10 62-15 62-20 62-25 62-30 62-35 52-40 52-45 62-50 62-56 63-00 53 06 63-10 6316 63-20 63-26 K No. of Pounds, 3210 3215 3220 3225 3230 82.T6 3240 3245 3250 3255 3260 3265 3270 3275 3280 3286 3290 3295 3300 3305 3310 3315 3320 3S26 3330 3335 3340 3346 3350 3355 3360 3420 3480 3540 3600 3900 4200 4500 4800 5100 6400 5700 No.of^ Bu. n». 63-30 63-36 63-40 53-45 63-50 53-56 54-00 64-06 54-10 6416 64-20 64-25 64-30 64-36 64-40 54-46 64-50 54-55 55-00 56-05 55-10 66-16 65-20 65-25 65-30 66-35 55-40 66-45 65-50 65 -56 5600 67-00 68-00 69-00 60-00 65 00 70-00 7500 80-00 85-00 90O0 96-00 i of No. oT^ Ddi . Bu. Itw. 10 53-30 16 63-36 20 63-40 25 63-45 30 63-50 as 53-55 40 5400 46 54-05 50 5410 55 6416 50 54-20 56 54-25 ro 54-30 J5 54-35 ;o 54-40 J5 54-46 K) 54-50 )5 54-55 K) 66 00 >6 6505 66-10 6 65-15 56-20 ' 5 65-26 55-30 5 55-35 56-40 5 65-45 ) 56-50 5 56-65 66-00 67-00 68 00 59-00 60-00 65-00 7000 7600 8000 86-00 9000 1 95-00 1