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At l,i\i>r|iiiiil III' Siiiiiliaiii|itiiii In' I'liiliai'ks mi mim' iir other of a '41'lei'li'il iiiiiiilier (if the liiiest li'aii- laiiileilat Montreal, (^lehec. St. .loliti, N. I!.. Ilalifa\, liiistoii or New \ iirk, aeeordliin Ik the vessel he hasi'hosen. Atlilsii inarkeil ha\e lieeii the ilii|iriiveinents In the ^jreat passenger lines. Iiotli In speeil anil satet.v.as well as in I'oiiveiiieiii'e ami llixiir.v, so /ealoiis have heeii the ellorts to make tlie short voyaKe a veritalih'|ih'asiire trip for the evi'r-lm'i'easinf; niimlier of people who aie no |iiii|.'er I'onteiit. to limit tlieir travels to Knrojie ami tlie frin;;eofthe Meili- terraiiean, that the passii).'e across the .Mlaiitie. oiiee a drawliaek to extemled travel, lias now liecome one of the iiiiliii-ements. DiiriiiK the ^reati'r part of llie year it is tantanionnt to eii,|oyinK the seaside in the societv of a parly of friemis who, heiit on enjoying tin niselves, eiintriliiite to the enjoy nieiit of others. I'leasant ai-ipiaiiitaii<'eshi|i, and sonietiines vaiiialile and liieloiiK friendships, are made dnriiiK a voyage which is u;enerally admitted to have lieeii spent with nne\peeted pleasure. Should tli<> traveller i-hoose one of the ranadian liners liriiiKiiiK liini direct from Ijverpool to Montreal or (jiiehec, he will timl the passuK*' of the St. Lawrence not the least attractive and iiiteresliii;; portion of his route. I )nrinK the last two days of his Atlantic journey he will he within siKlit of land on hotli sides of his ship, passing; scene of liistorical interest, made nienioralile hy .lacqnes ('artier, <'hani|ilaiii, and other early Kreiich adven- liiitTs who discovered Canada and penetrated its wilderness, and passing' scenery, which, of its kind, is unei|ualed liy that of any other sea-Kolnn route in the world, until the vessel stops at (^nehec, where a sUiy of a few lionrs is iiiiule. QUEBEC. The tourist, however, may dlsemhark here and spend such time as he pleases in visitin^j the I'lains of Ahraham, the scene of Wolfe's last victory, which chaiiKcd the nationality of Canada: the heantiful falls of Mont- morency, which ari' reached after a short railway run thro'iKli a pretty and distinctly Kreiich-Canadian settlement, and in inspecting the ancient and unique city of (^iieliec, so unlike any other on the North Aniericiin con- tinent, with its semi-military, .senii-eci-lcslastical appearance, and its menientos of the early wars hetween the Kreiich and Knulish. and siihse- ipiently hetween the Canadians and their neiffhlioiirs of the New KiiKland States. If he desires to remain over for a day oi two, he will tind the new Canadian I'acilic hotel. r tin- Ottawa Kiver anil tin- n>inanli<' <'liaiiili<'ri> l-'alls, so intiniati'ly connci'ttMl witli tlir Krcncli anil Indian wars of tin- st'vi'nIi'iMilli ri-ntury, and now tlic power w'liieli runs the ari'M sawmills tliul make Ottawa tlie I'hief lumlierin;: eentreof tile world. From ottJiwii westward the route lies throuKii eountry rich In timlier and Iti name, luit as yet oidy sparsely settled. Lake Nipissin^. formerly a highway to the jrreat lakes for the Montreal voyaKeiirs to th" west, Is loiiclied at North Hay (where passengers from Toronto join the trans- eoiitinental train), and on the seeond day out Lake Superior is reached. I'itssiuK within si(;ht, for mneh of the time, of the elear waters and pie- tnresi|ue Islands of this greatest of fresh-water seas, the (lasseniier is I'arried through and over marvels of eniiineerlnn work wliirh of themselves explain the prophecy- happily falsllled which predicted that a railway neither would nor could he hullt through such a conidry, until he reaches Fort William, on th)> Kamlnistiiiida. The transconlineutal train may he left at Sudhury, celebrated for its rich nickel mines, , -mil passiii); ihroUKh .Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota (chief cities, St. I'aid and Minneapolis! and North Dakota in the lidled Strifes, via the Soo-l'acilic Hue, he rejoined at .Moose Jaw In the Canadian Northwest. THUNDER BAY AND FORT WILLIAM. The charms of Thunder Hay, and the frt^ipient discovery of minerals In this district, together with the enormous grain shipments from the lualries, eomhlne to make Kort William a place of ^'reat and );row in*; importance. It is the I^ikeand I'ralrle termliuis of the Canadian I'acilic Hallway and a city of urowlng Importance. I'assenp'rs from t lie Kastfrewcn Sound to Fort William, where connection is made with the transconti- nental trains. This break in the railway journey is a pleasant aiul a very popular route. Leavin;? Fort William the route proceeds throut;h wild and ruKHed eoimtry, which nevertheless has attracted some settlement and is drawing! more, thiniKh it is not without its value to sportsnu'h.anil is, in the vicinity of the Lake of the Woods and in the Seine Hirer a. id Hainy Lake re(;iutis to the south, of ureat mineral richness, which is now inviting the attention of mining men. These gold lields are reached from Wahigoon and Hat Portage, Hut when the train crosses the Hed Uiver into the city of Winnipeg an entirely new kind of country heglns. WINNIPEQ. The tourist Is now on the edge of the world's great wheat lields of the future, which even in their infancy have for several years raised ;i large surplus of the linest wheat besides otiier grain. The traveller w ill probably stoi> over for a short time at Winnipeg, and inspect tlie city, wliich a few years ago was merely a hamlet of Indian traders gathered around a i;iid- son's Hay Company's post, but now has a population of about 47,o!iiosc.Iaw tourists from tiie Miihile Slates passing throuiili SI. Paul and Miimeapiilis, :iiid Iravilliiig by the "Soo Pacilic l;oule"jciiui lie main line of tlieCaiiadiaii I'ai'illc Hallway. l''roni a little west ol IhisjMiint to . m ar the Hock Mountains, .'ibiiiit another four hiiiidn'd miles, and stretching away south to the lioundary of llie Inited Slates, and for some distance north ol the railway line, is (lie r.incliing i-ouiilry of tiie great western territory of Can- ada, not so many years ;igo tlie roaming grounds of v;ist herds of biitlulo and the huuting grounds of the Cree and Klackbiot Indians. side: trips. .\t several points— Portage La Prairie, Hrandon, Hegina, Merilplne ITat and Calgary the tourist Is en;ibled to journey north or south of the main line on one or other of the branch lines whose junctions .are at these points. A stop-over of a few days at Hegiiia enables him to t;iKe aiioiher train and visit the prosperous sciliement at Prince All>cit,on flic iinrlli br.inch of the Around The, World Canadian Pacific Route Siiskiilrlirwiin, ami hUdt ixiinls nl a ili>ti'i<'i ui Hit' ;;ri'at lijuliway of till' lliiilsiiii's liay ('Diiijiaiiy's liiisiiM's>. l-'mni Mcillfini- lint ihc cniw 's Ni-vl I'ass ltail^^av t Hit- l,i'tlilirlilu<- ami Macli'iiil.tlii- li(-ai|i|uai'li-rs nl (lie raiii'liiiii; iii'at in nriMl lirit (II Siiuthci'ii lli'itisli ('(iliiiiiliia. A fast s)t\ h'I' l>y this rmili' lins ],m> inaiiuiiratfil, cnnnfctliiu' with thr cvrrllcnt strainlmat s\st<'iii nt tli*- 1 aiia- iliaii racllir Kali way Cuiuiiaiiy, vlidscnim'iiilli'rnt Ih-i-t nf sti'aim'i'-.ii|ii>i;iii- (III the |iririi-l|ial waters of this region. At ('alk'aiy aimlhi'i' liiNi'isioii may III' iiiaih- anil thi> train taken for l':ilnioiitoii, fortncrly the chlif i-iii|iorliiiii of till' llnilsiin's Itay Company in tiir Saskatrlu'wan Counliy, now a Ki'mvinn town, till' I'i'Mtri' of one of the most tcrtiic mixi'tl farniinu illslrirts of Ihr Wi'st. The iii:|)(irtanct' wliidi this placi- oiici- posscsscil In tin- liiillalo- hiintin;: pnloil of till- I'onntry has lii'ni I'l-plaiTil liy that ilciivcil from llic K'ri'al aKririiltnral vaim- of tjir niillloiis of ari-cs within rcarh of it. l-'rimi Calvary the tourist may also take train for the south, ami visit tlii' ^rcat rani'hliiK ilistrii'ts ami tlir roal mines almin the Crow's Neck I'ass HuilMuy wliii'h arc making Soiitlierii Alhcrta famous. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Leavliii; Calvary, the principal city of th<- plains, the KiN-ky Mountains art' plainly In sl;;ht, ami In alxiiit tliri'c hours' timo Ihe train cnti-rs " riu' (iap," wiilch is tho ItcKiniiimcof live huiiilreil milesof the wil-*est ami most pietui'(!si|ue scenery on the I'ontlneiit. It is not the intention to attempt. In the llmitiMl space of this pulilicatiiMi, any ilescriptioii of even the chief points in the several ranges of mountains throuKli which the tourist pass«'s lietweeii the prairie and the sea. The ruKgeil, hare, fantastic monsters of the KiH'ky Mountains, of which the Tliree Sisters of Cauinore, Cathedral Peak, Mount Stephen, at the sinnmit, and the Ottertail Kanne, are the chief |M>intH, as well as thi; verdure-clad, snow-capped titans of the Selkirks, with their precipices and ulaciers, silent of ail life, except that of mountain ^ame, but overliNikiiiK the jumping, splashinvr. roaring lllecillewaet and Heaver Kivers, tearing in and out of the valleys hclow as if the salvation of man depeiulevl on their reaching the sea vsitJioiit half a moment's delay: these and tlie multitude of t'leir kind must he viewed, not ilescrlhed, for no man ever has or proliahly ever will desiTilie them to the satisfaction of him who sees them for himself, s('«'s theni in their varying; colour ami realizes their grandeur fashioned hy Ids own mind. AT BANFF. lint the tourist should stop over at Itantt, in theCaiUMlian Hockies. a station clKhteen miles west of "The dap." Here is an excellei-.t hotel built liy the railway conipaiiy at some hot sulphur sprint:s of rare curalivi' projM'rties, ami for many miles around is the National I'ark, a plcturesipie district set apart liy the Dominion (iovernment, and preserved for tnc pleasure of tourists and sportsmen. To live tike a sybarite where, until recently, the footsteps of the wandering Indian alone disturbeij the solitude of the mountains, and to rule and drive with couil'oit amidst the ufitndest mountain scenery in America is at t lie opt ion of thennest at the Ha nil Motel. Naturally euou;;li, under these circumstances, tlie hotel durini: the season is always well occupied witli pleasant family parties and leisurely niolie- trotters. A short distance west of Haiitf is Ka^jfran station, at ■ 'lich the tourist stops to visit Lake Louise, the iielKhbourliiK filacicrs, and liie other "Lakes in tlie Clouds," where provision Is also made for the traveller's comfort in picturesiiue chalets. No wi'ltten description can ailei|ual"iy convey their beauty to the mind's-eye of the reader. Many li.ive wiilteii .•iliiiiit tlieiii, but aliafrree that they must lie seen. And as the trip either from IlaulT or the comfortable hotel at the r till' Ciii;!- iiiTM>|n'i;il<' Vi Tsidii im:i> f ••liiiHirjiiiii >\\ ;i KiKwIiij; IrirN III Ihf thr luilliilo- •• tans of the , I'xcei't Uii't iijr. roarliiK allt-ys below wjtiioiit hair it III' Vit'WtMl, I'SlTilll' lllCIM licin III tlii'ir VII iiiIikI. Ill l!i>fkl«>>. a i.t lintel liiiili are ('iirative I pictiii'esiiue r\('il for tne wlit'i-e, until llliesoliliiile the vrraiKlcNl Haul) llolel. 'Z the season ■iiirely j;lolie- II • 'lii'll the lul ihe other e tliivcller's I iiileiniat<'ly have written i- trip eitliei ily arraiiKeil iiiilil make a Hints evpeii- .111 who will lie < 'aiiailian . wliieh may UKt'iits. ami iliiieil ill lill-- lie laUes lialer IliileN hell lliillse.'' siteil at leis |>e:ii\ of the I marvellous lhe"Kraser ifiolis of the ilver re^'ions ;i station on Around The World Canadian Pacific Route the main line on the western eil^e lit the Selkirk Ifaii^i'. Iiy hiaiieli line lo the iijipei' .\rro\\ Lake, whieh with the Coliiiiilila river forms a ilelmlitrnl waler unite liiihe vailoiis iiiinlii^ eeiitres. The ( aiiailiaii I'aeille's eleiiaiills tiirnisheil ami vpeeilj sieaiiit'r> ply on llie>e waler>. The raineil CarilnHi i.'iilil lielils are leaeheil h> sla;;e floiii Asherolt. The iiioiiiitain> lielie.' passeil, the iiiiirl>t soon reaehes N'aiii'oiiver on lliirranl liilei ainl, if the sleainer is nut ahoill to sal I linmeilialely.piestotlie Hotel Xani'iniver. owned anil operateil hy thcCanailian ra"illi' Uailway ('otii|iaiiy, iioteil as one oi the liest III .Miiei ica for t hose 'pia lilies wlileh ).'oto make I he sum of a tra\eller's eomrort. lint i'oiieeriiiii)x these ami many other things on the traiiseoiiil- neiitiil juiiriiev.are they not writleii in t'leliook of "'I'lie New Highway to 'he < irieiit." \v liii'li may lie ohtaiiieil fxratiiltoiisly [roin any of the Caiiailiaii I'aellle i;ailway<'oin|iaii>'s au'eiits'.' Itefore startiii.i; oil his trip Hie tourist sill III III also proenre froiiioiieof tlieeompaiiy'sauenls one orotln'r oi ehariii iiiu'ly wriiien little (niiilesealli'il "Wesiwarii to the P'ar ICasi," ami "Kasi to Hie West," wlilrli will tell liiiii jiist what he reipilres to know ahoiit .lapan anil Clihiii, anil how those liilerestiiiK eoiiiitries may lie leaelifd hv ronie^ wlih'li lie thi'iiiiKh the west or throiiu'li eastern lands and waters, and as a means of liriellv. Init iieeiirately. reeordiin.' his jmirney aeross theeontiiieiil he will tliid a I'lipy of the eoiiipaiiy's Aniiotati'd Time Talile iiivalnahle, and they will ••list liliii notliin;;. A steamer runs daily aeross the straits to N'ietoria, on \'aiieoiiver Island, the capital of the provinee and aeity well worth ii visit. All trans raeihe steamers .stop at the harhoiir-moiith of Vletoria. eiiahliii;; passengers to einharU. Kroiii Xaneouver the routes aeross the I'aellle diverp', that of Hie Caiiadiaii Paeille's Kmpress sleanishlp line to .lapan and China heiii); nearly due west, while that of the new Canadian-Anstralian liiii' lies southwest to Iloi'ohiln, !l. I., Krishaiie. and tlioiiee to Sydney. Aronnd-lhe- World passenp-rs hy these two rout«'s would meet iiKiiili at Coloinho, Ceylon. Those iiitendili^' to visit lioth .lapan and Australia would meet at Sydii*>y. We will llrst follow the I'anpress route via .lapan and China as far as Coioniho. ON THE PACIFIC. Thore is a I'harni in sailing the I'acilie to whieli everyone yl»»l(ls. The Slimmer Sea, as Kurd Dutferin ealls it, has its own pleasant advaiitav.'i's. and it is redolent ol the most romantic maritime history that has lieen written. In person you arc on hoard a triumph of the ship-liiiildinc art, with siirroimdiii^'s that fastidiousness itself is eompelled to praise; in spirit yon are with Ihakf and l''rol)islier and the daring hiieeaneers of nood i^uf'iMi liess' tliiic, who rohheil the Spanish nalleoiis in ihesaered naiiieand with the same chei'rf 111 relifiions i^eatwith whirh the Spaniards had phiii- ihM-ed the Ineas and other Indians of South .Vmeriea. .\ sail in si^dit on til!' I'acilic siiu'cesis a pillt'on ••seapiiifi: ;i second one.ahiiecaiieer in chase. The steamers tniverslnjr the raeilic Ocean have lieen inferior to those of the .Vllantic lines hitlierto, hut the three Canadian I'acilic twin-screw steamers. Knipri'ss of India, Kmpress of China and Kmpress of .lapan. superior In speed, safety and luxury to anythiiii; that hase\er s;iileij Hie I'jicilic, have yivcii a new charm to this viiya!.ie. The I'.m presses take a Sjiecilied iiiirthern course lietween \'aiicoiiver and Vnkoiiaina which is tlie slmrtesi transpacilic route hy ahoiit three hundred miles, and which also usually enjoys tile most pleasant weather, on smh an ocean In Mich a sliipii is iiiipossililc not to enjoy the trip from N'ancouver to .lapan. ;\iid there i^ iiuicli of novelty : the wavs of the .\tlainic liners are not those of the I'aciUc. There is an eastern air in Hie latter which will lie new to many. Tin servants are not called "slewards," hut "lioys:" they are not lihuk jacketed Kuropeaiis, hut while-fidi'ked ( elestials. There is no liinchion on hoard, hut there is luMirious ■• iilliii." and -.d on. VOKOHAMA. In ahoiil ten days aticr lea\liu: the shores of Itritisli Cohiinhia the sieamship is in .lapaiiese waters, the tirst port reached hein^' Vokohaina. I iiless III a very ;:icat hurry indeed, the tourist will here leave the steamei .'ind take a little time to see , lapan. There In no much to he seen, and iiiiicli of wh.it is to he seen dependim: on the lime oi year, that for delailed iiilor inalioii a toiirisi must turn to either of the hooks already mentiiined, '•Westward to the Kar I'last," or "Kas| to the West," or he can ohtaiii a " Murray's (liilde to .lapan" or ".Japan ,is We Saw It" on the train, and with one or other of these can reirnlate his daily |iro'_'raiii with the greatest economy of time and money and the ina\iiiiiilii ainoiml ol si;:lit-si-eini;. .lap.ill has lately hecoine the desired ;:oal of all w ho lijivel for pleasure, and who, jaded with the Old World and the .Vmcricaii continent, desire in see a phase of eastern civili/ation iiiiliUe that to he met elsewhere. The Around The. World I I V T M H Canadian Pacific Route ilfHcrl|itli(iis of It writH'ii liy Aiiiold, (iriiUs, oiipliaiit ami otlirr iih'II of llli'iary ri>|iiitatioii \\n\i' IIdmI tin' ih'sln- of tli<- an-iistoini'd liavclh-r to vhlt llii- lariil of the clirrry IiIonsoiu anil thi' <'lirysaiitliciiiiiin, ami iioiio liav>' r<"„'ri'ttf(| till' trip. A I'oimtry wlili'h, diirliiK tlu' iircscnt ^ciH'ratioii, was a si'alcil liook to fort'lKiicrs, with wliiili tlicy roniil trailc only iutosh a l>iiilt;t' aixl iimlcr u JcaloiiH wutcli, siiililculy oviTllircw tin' cliii'f (iHlt'cr of stall'. irNt'itliii; to otin of still iiiori- ainii'iit rrKiiiii', ami at tin- saiiii' lliiu' opi'iii'il Its ports, piiri'liasi'ij strainslilps, ixillt railways, ailopti-il l'°.iiropi'aii I'ostiiiMi' ami I'liiropraii aims, ami p'liiTally <'llrrl«'il tin' limsl rxli'iislM- pi'ai'i'fiil Involution thai tlii'Worlil has cmt sim-ii. .lapaii Is now i.'i thai I'omlltion III whirli till' lwosyst<'iri.-.ni'i' Working slilf by sidr- llicoiiiMli'vrl- oplnn, till! otlirr dyhit;. It Is thiTcfoio u most inti'i'i-slini! tlnii- to visit tht- coniitry whilr yet most of th<> ri-nialtis, and am-li-nt doiiicsth' riis- toms and traditions siirprisi> and dcllKht tin- Kiiropran stranger. OTHER CITIES OF JAPAN. Tlit> tcmpli's of Nikki), thr lia/.aais n or New York. Ky ronsulling the gnide, to wiileh retereiu-e has heeii made, it will he seen that there are a niimlier of trips to he made In Japan, taking Vokohaimi as a starting point, 'i'okio, Mkko, Kioto, N.-tgasakI, Fujiyama, lliesaeied mount whose general appearance iithoiisaml .lapaiiese artists liavi- made familiar to tin- world; the several points on the Inland Sea, and even Hakodate, a very eharaeteristle .lapaiiese sejiporl In the north, may he si>en In ii short time. There are railways to the cliief ei ies, and ii .lapaiiese eoinpaiiy has steamers plying hetweeii Yokohama and the ports. • iiiides, wlfii reipiired, and servants are always to he had without delay; there Is a regular seiile of p:iyment, on a moderate h;isls, for every .servlee the tourist reipilres, and everything an, oven if his so doing she;:!') necessitate hurry in other jilaces; but by waiting over for the ne\*: steamer following that by which he arrived, he will have thr«'«» weeks .)r a month in .likpan. besides ample time to see the most intert-sting plai'(>s In China, Australia anil India, as well as In Kgypt and the .Mediterranean. From Yokoh.'ima the steamer proceeds to Kobe, the two cities being also con- "•""''"'>••""• THE INLAND SEA. Most of the leading foreign linns doing business in .lapan are repre- sented at Kobe, (t is the starling point for Osaka, one of the brightest and most attractive of .liipanese cities, iind also for Kioto, as well as for other interesi!' ; points. From Kobe the steamer route lies through tlie Inland Sea anil on to Nagasaki. Tin- passjige of this suuM>th, Ishiiiil-ilolted water Witt suggest to the American audi 'aiiadlaii travellers the'l'housiind Ishunls of th(> St. Ijiwreuce rennived to .lapan ami iH'opled with the )»olite little people with whom sain|>ans take the place uf caiioi'S. Nagasaki is oin- of the most interesting cities of .lapan. It was the llrst -.'Ity, and for about two centuries, tlio only one at which foreigners were peiinitt»*slma, which is connected witli Nagasaki by a bridge, and Kiiropean trade with .l.'ii)aii was carrhil on through them. I!ut even the most sketchy desr-riptlon of what the tr.'iveller will tiiid ill .lapan to interest and delight hini is out of the ipies- tion within the prescribed bounds of tliis ]>iiblicalion. SH ANQHAI. A run of about four hiiinlred miles from Nagasaki brings the tourist to the Woosuiig Kiver. on which .Sli.'iU};liai is situated, 'riieie is a Cliinese town at Woosung, where iKisseiigers ale transferred into smaller steamers for Shanghai, and aboutado/en miles up the river the great mercantile ii'iiter of NDithcrn China is reached. As it is approached, after passing tin' bar a Illtle jibove A\ Oosung, the traveller sees in the fleet of junks, the forest of masts and the presence of l':uropean nieu-of-war under various fl.igs, eviilenies of Sh.'iiigh.ii's commercial importance. It is the chief seal of trade of the Vang tse-Kiang Kiver, and the northern i>arts of Cliliia, it iM'ing the most northern of the five treaty jiorfs oi>en to foreign trade. I'.esides the Chinese town, tin-re are three foreign settlements, the l'".iiglish, Aiiieriiaii and French. The Fnglish and American form one miiniciiiality, while the French have laws and regulations for tlieniselves. There is no want of social iiitermingling and amusement amongst the residents. Ill each of the seftieiuelits is a good hotel, and tliere is an ex- cellent dub ill the town and aiiotln'r in the country to which ladies are .'iilmitted as members. Willi a luoiier introduetiou, the traveUer will find time (lass i»leasanlly rnoiigli at Shanghai. In the season tliere is excellent shooting in the lowr (lals of the river. If time permits, the tourist can take Around The World lav THE Canadian Pacific Route ii sti'iiiiiiM' !•• Ilaiikiivv, till- ui'iMl ii'.'i |iiirl, nil till' mail (•> vvlilrh lie w ill |>as> Nankin, nlifnl tlic iiiunI ri>lclirt tin- rltltw nf ( liliia, litil mil' wliirli, iiiil lifliiK a treaty |>iiit. K rliccd to fii!rli;ii liaili'. Kimii Sliaiiu'liai, I'miiirriiii;; sti'aniri's run to 'rii'nl>>lii, IIk' |> jiiiirni'y ill 1)111' of tiir Canailiaii I'arillr Italluay Co.'s 'Nti'aiin'rs, ami next anchors at IIoiik Koii};. HONQ KONQ. 'I'liis is an islaiiil lyiiiK'nlV KwaimliinK, of \\liii'li |)i'ovliiri> Canton istlii' rapilai. It is a llrltisii Colony, iiicrapital aii'l iniii'i'il tin- only i'it> ot whii-li is Virtorla, tlioii^'li ni'iirrally rrti'irfil to In ninM'rsallon as Ijon^; Konn. It lias a iifiiiitlfiil liarl)i)iir, \\lili'>i Is K<*ni'rally i'IdwiIi'iI with nii'irliant M'sm-N of all nations, niinicroiis junks, inniini<>ral)lr sanipaiis, or natlvi' hoats. ami usually si-vi'ial nii'n-of-war. 'Ihi'ii' an- nooii hoti'ls here, ami a wril inanaui' to Macao ,'iml Canton, respectively forty aiitl ninety-live miles ilistant, .Macao is an olil PortiiKnesc setllenient, ami is well worth a visit. Canton, however, Is the city wliich a tourist leachiim Mont; KonK will nutiirally he most anxious to see. It is the capital of the KwuiiK-lnnK province, anil was Inaccessihle to I'jiropeans until ii fell heforc the coinhineil I'IiikIIsIi ami French attack in IS.'^k. I'rior to this I'jiropeaiis visittxl only .-III outer portion of the city sepai.'iteil froni the main city li\ wall ami \vater, ami ilevoteil to the lion):s ami resltleuccs of the forel|.'ii mereliitnts. Now, Imwevei-, the patfiMlas, yameiis ami exliaonliiiaiy streets of C.'iiiton may lie tiaverseil hy foreicners. It is a citN alive with population, anil its principal streets are well tllleil with cinlo simps. There are several steaim rs which rnii regularly heiween IIoiik Koh),' ami .Manila in the I'hillppines, a distance of Ixaween unn ami T(i() miles, and sonietlines they call at .\nioy en route. HONG KONG TO AUSTRALIA. ToiirlstH desiring to see Australia, as well as .lapaii ami China, can .'it lloiiK KouK take passa^'e hy a sttMinship of the '*Cliina Navi;.'ation Com- pany." or of the '• Kastern \ Australian Steamship Company" ami iiroi d via Torres Stniils to Sydney, calling at several jKiints on the w;iy. At Sydney the direct .Viis'iralian "Around the World" ItDiite, presently to he descrihed, Is aKaiii jollied. SINQAPORE. Kroin MouK Kont;, the tourist coiitinnes his Klolx'-<'ir<'linK trip in one of tile I'eiiiiisular & Oriental or North (ierin.'in Lloyd sleaiiicrs through tin- China Sea to Sinrapore, aliont live days' .oya^e. SliiK.'iporc is a ver> hiisy and lni|)ort.'t' tm- Ih'itish Kast India Sipiadron. a larue trade lieint; done with the Mal.iy reiiinsul.'i. Its population comprises men of e\ery eastern race, and tlieie ;n'e a niiinher of iiilerestini,' places to visit oipside lhe|o>\n. II is ranioiis for its tlowers and frnits. Kroin Siii);apore the route to Kiirope is continiieil 'hroii^'h the Straits of .Malacca, via reiianu to Coloniho, where murlsts from Australia join the main route COLOMBO, In Ceylon's spicy isle, is one of the most inter)*siinu' p*>>nts mi the route. There are some iiood hotels in Coloiiilio, and it is noted for the heauly of the drives in its vicinity. It is a jireat placi- for jewellery of all descrip- tions unseen in shops at home, as well as f()r pn clous stones, imit:ition ones and otlier curios. Some of the thiest jewels seen in the shops of l,mi- doii, Paris ami New York are piircliased ;it CoIohiIhi. Kainlx . the capital, is reached hy rail hy a picluiesipie route. AUSTRALIAN ROUTE FROM VANCOUVER. We will now return to the alternale '•.Vroiiml the \Voi lil' Kmilc. The lirst i»ort of c.'ill on this route after leavlnir N'ani'oiiM'r and \icioria. Ii. ('.. is lloiioluhi, the capital of the Hawaiian Islands, whicii is reached after a run of ahoiit seven days. Steamers as a rule arrive in Honolulu early in the morning, and usually their stay is from eicht to thirty hours. 'The recent acipilsition liy the t'nited States of the Hawaiian Islands has ;,'iven them jireater political ;iiicl commercial importance, luit to tlie tourist they possess other intl'|■esliIl^; cliar.-tcterislii's. 'The scenery of the chief island is the most attractive of its kind: the views ohtained, hotli of land and sea, the liery lirilliance of the Kilaiiea Volcano, the driM's and rides tlirmi;;h luMiriant urowtli, and in a soft ;'i'iilal climate, and the custoiiis am! oi-ciipatiotis of one of tlie most inlcrestiiif; of Southern races, coniliim- to make a short stay in the Kanaka KliiKdoiu a pleas.-int experience. Kxcel- leiit arranL'cnieuts exist for the acconimodation. hotli while stoppiiii.' and £r;nelhnj;, of tourists visiting; .ill the islands. I-'rmii lloiiolnlii the roule is 6 Around The World M V T M E Canadian Pacific Route riilllllMli'il to llrKliilllH, t/IK-i'tlsiatlil, llir MillllKi'vl ii| .\llNlr:ill,i's I'lipltillh, ami tlirni'f tlic lourlst imMTt'ds in Sviliif> . Nt-w Sonili Wulis. 'I'lic \mii M'm liiti'ii'sl 111 llH'st' riilciiiii's liiiN til lali- vi'arH lifcii liirni-lv iiii-n-ascii |p\ tlii* i|fvi-l(i|iiiii-iit of llii'lr I'DiiiiiD'i'i'f as wi'll as by lliclr ikiIIIIi'mI uniwili ami as|ilralli>iis. Syiliiry anil Mi'IImmii iir an- now only ts\o of llic Inijioi'taiit I'llirs Insicail of lii'liiu, as tlii'V onri' wen-, lln' oiil> l.vo. Aili'lalili', lliis- liaiii' ami ollici's air rusliliiK to ilir fronl of •omiIIh'IIi rliii's, ami |iiTHoiial olth' '-vatloii, Willi)' satlHlyliit: those who ilt'sjri' to unih-rsiaml tin' (irrsi-nt and |Mirntiirc of lircat llrilain In llic soiiih sras, is maih' an auii'i'alili- ta>U III a coiiiilry whci)' l'jiro|ii',;MH ami Aiin-nrans llml so niany naliiial t'oiiilltloiis rcvfi'Mfd, anil wImT)- Inc hiMirlami- of scnil irojilcal i.'i'owih siirroiinds the ideas, t'liHtoins and iiianiiiTs of Noi'thi'rn l''.uro|ii'. 'I'lii'mii. strni'lliiii of liillways In Australia lias niadf rasy of n-arh the Kii'al wool- ralsiiiK jilalns, till- rlrli uojd llclils that lii'l|icil so nuicli to niaki' Australia fainoiiH, and has (■iiahli'd tiiurlsts to visit onr rolony aftiT aiiotli<-i' )'asll>, and In a short lliiif. Sydiii'y Is (anions for Its hraiitifiil liarlioin, ami its •■arly I'XiNti'iicc as tilt* hcadi|iiartiTs of Kovn'nnii'iil and I'l'iitn-ot luisini'ss In till- llrst half of the I'l-ntiiry, has kIvi-ii it a pre-rniiiK'Ht distlm'tiun. In Ihf |iro|)ii Sydney then* Is steamship coiiiiiiiinlcatioti with Tasmania, the two chief cities of which are Lauiicestou ami lloliait. Kriiin Sydney, New Zealand -perhaps the most Interesting Island in the Aiistraliisititi Kroiip is reached. These irems of the southern s)>as, which KiiKland compiered almost foot liy foot from the .Maoris, the llnest and most llite|||);i>nt of all natives of ihese latitmles, have aci|ulred celelirity liotli friiiii the commercial value of their Inihis- tries ami from the peculiar heaiityof their scenery and luMiiiousness of climate. Their imiimtHitis, lakes and cascades, tiicir geysers, of wlilcli travellers liave s|Kiken In such enthiisiaslic strain, are siii {ii m ris, I aiise tli(> latitude and cliiiiato maki* lliesi- vistas unlike correspomliii^' freaks of nature III iiortliern climes. Wellington uiul Auckland on North Island, and himcaiti and <'lirlst<'liiircli on South Island are the principal cities. From Sydney or .Melhoiirne the ".Vroiind tlie \\ lU'ld " toui ist crosses the Indian (Ureaii to Colomlio, where those takinu the .lapaii'Ciiiiia route are met. Here those travelling; via the reniiisnlar itnrieulais, N. Co's Line have the option of eoiitiniiliiK the journey sinii;.'lil to .\deii. or deviatiiiK to lloihhay or to Calcutta ami tlirou;;li llimlostan to the Araliiaii Sea; those travelling by the Orient Line, the Nortli (leriuan l.lo\d or .Messajjeries .Marltliiies proceed direct across the Araliiaii and IJed Sea*. INDIA. Should tliP latter route lie chosen, the tourist is transferred to another I'eninsiilar^i Oriental steamer, and in alioiit four days readies the IIookIiIn , on wliicli <'alciitta is liiiilt, alioiit ninety miies from tiie sea. Calcutta is tin- seat of the siipreiiie }.Mivernmeiit of India, tlie capital of the commerce of IteiiKal, and from its handsome liuildiiiKs lias liceii called "The City oi I'al. aces." Its history Is almost the history of tlie lirilish in Imlla. It was founded liy Iheestahlisliineut of a small trading' post in KiiNi, and remained in that insiKiiilicaiice for nearly a century, until ('live, in aveiiKini; the liiii)iilty of the "lllack llole"of Calcutta, deposed Siiiajali l>owla!iaiiil coiii- meiK'cd the operations military, political ami commercial thai resulted in the present Indian Kmiilre. Calcutta is the sol id iiv of I'.nrope ^railed on tlie h; ■■• ' ' ' '•' ••■ • •- ■'• ■- ' "• ■ ' ■■ ^ ■ •'■■ II II- |r|1-:M-|ll lieiKIII i.lil|l||l'. « tilt llll.i IS I III- ^IMMUl ,> <>l l.llll'|>1- f;iilll1-|| (III iiii- arliarlc splendour of the Kast. The fashions and mauiiers of London jostle .lie customs and traditions of the Mo;;ul lOiiipire. It is associated with the names of I'.iiKlaml's vcicatest soldiers and statesmen, and lis liisloi> is a story of the most marvellous triumph of western over eastern clvili/alioii that the world has ever read. Calcutta has a nimilier of ^ood hotels ami other conveniences 'or the comfort of tia\elleis, ami every Infonnalion can readily he olitaiiied as to the several routes into tlie interior. There is rail toCawnpore, Liicknow, \iivti, Delhi and other places made famous in the Se|Niy miitiuy and re-comiuest of India in Ix.'iS. The hcaiilifiil cit.\ of .VKia. wliicli in its own way is witlioiit a rival, is a little to the iiorth of (lie main route to Itonihay. Here is the cclelualed Taj, which Sir lidwiii Arnold declares to he the crown of all the trlumplis of .Mo^ul art. The imperial lomli, liiiiUof white iiiarhle, cost three million sterling: and occu- pied twenty thousand workmen for seventeen years. .V little lieyond .\irra is Delhi, tlie city of Aiirunn/elie and (he capital of the Moyul Kmpire, tlie capture of wliich,witli tlie seizure of the kin;:, w:is the cr(..vniiijr victory of the llntlsh arms in the^reat iiiiitiny. ISomliay, on the Araliiaii Sea, is perhaps the pleasantest and most lieaiilifiil of the i;n«lisli cities in India. It is innlli'v iiiktiirc ol it> liullaii |H)|Miliitli>ii. Tin- Kiin>|t)'aii ihicII'Mi I> I'l'inarkalilc for lln' hatiiKoriir ii'sldfiicrs of iltr iiirifliaiits, in wliicli art ami srii'iiiT liavi- lio'ii i'imiiImmmI |o |asM'iiucis liilt-mliiiu to \|sii Muviit. tlisriiiliarU. EIQVPT. l''roiii iHiiialla.thi'n'lHralli'oiuiiiiiiiii-atlon toCalroanil Ali'xuiiitrlit, from •'Itlii-r of wlitrli points lilt' loiirlsi <'aii lakr passimi' Inom- of thr iniicli-w ill- t<-ii-alioiit Mil- l>ahalii'alis jiml Icisiiii'ly rxaiiilin' iId' land of tlii' I'liaraolis, clinili thr |i>t'amiils umloi' wlilcli tlifvarc Ihiih'iI, niM'siiuntc tln' S|ililii\, ami If III- ilfsji'cs \ Isil siiiiH'ol tl: ' liallli'lii-l<'> In tin- rci'i'iit wars against Aralii I'asliaamI till' Maliili. p'roni Ot'iolit-r till Ma\ is tin- season fo,- iloinu Kuypt ami tin- Nllr. Afln thai tin' wratliiT lid'onirs warnici than Is a;.'ri-r ulilt> to thf ina|oi'lty of lOitopran ami Aini'riran tiavi'lli-rs, ami on:- srrvli'i' of lioats spi'cialiy lirslKneil lor such tourists is illsronliiinril. THE MEDITERRANEAN. TJH'ii at liJM li'lsiiri", always ri-im-iiiliciiin; that his ili-kt't Is i;ooi| for t\v<>lvf iiionllis from tin- ilali' of issiii-, tin- tourist ii'iiirns to Isnialia ami srii-i'ls till' ronti> l>y wiilrli In- will travel to Kimlaml. 'I'liere are several at Ills option, varyiiiK somewliat by the illtlerent lines, lie ean iii> l>y the all'sea route thron^'li the Meiliterranean. ealliim al Itrlmlisi ami Malta, ami passing (iihraltar on to l.omlon ; or liy Marseilles ami Straits of (illiraltar: or from .Mexanilria to llrimlisi or Naples ami (ieiioa, the liirtli- plaee of Colninhiis; or he may illsenihark at Itrimlisl, Naples, (ieiin.'i oi Marseilles ami eoiillniie his Ji»'rney overlaml thioiiKh l%iirope. Ity the thi.e lie reai'lics London the (' ; : ' ii I'aeille liailway (oinpanys Klohe-eln lint: tourist will have had an opportunity to see the latest and tin olilest eivili/a- tlons In the wor'ii The frontiers ot the l.ir west have lieen sneeeeded hy the doiilde ri\ ih . .ions of the .lapaiiese, l><'-<'iri'liiiK I cxcMirs'iDiis has Imm'h so niarki'd that tlir ('oiiipaiiy has ai'raiiK<'i'lviK'(;€'s aiul new anil attrai'tivi- routes. Tickets for the tours hereinafter ileserlheii.ean he ohtaineil at the rates nanieil, and nunierons variations and side trips ni:;y l>e niade either free of char;;e or at slight additional cost. Sterling payini-nt, as named, iir Its (Mpdvalent, ., dl be ri'ipiired in all eoiintries except on the American t'onliueut, where jiold, as named, or Us LMiidvaleht, must he paid. 'I'... ..!.'/. .......Il.u .•'Ml I .iiiaiiiM- eiMi I iii'iiii- vMiiwis Mil. iiii-ii main line andToronto or Alontreal, can he ol)taiiiedlivholileisofUoiind-tlie-\Vorld Tickets for *:f.,or$;M>.n()Kold. Canadian I'acilic Kailway meal coupons will Ixs }r'"»l for meals only while in transit an;enerally reniiired are k:ii itiil iixl •itul t\\,\ I 'ikttiikit III' iirill It/it- 1 1 t^m/kfi iPii I'oflltiil iiit Iiittlk:i>i1 /•! tl i i li tt i^ ... -..., (lint bll^ J«/Illl|1_>f •«lllt li;^ IIIIIIK liril.' ........ .......f ..■ .. otherwise stated, can he arrai'ined in either directional option of passeu- iii'T when tickets are purchased. In all cases return to the starting point "f ticket is Included. ROUTE 1 £120, OR $585 GOLD. Hallway, London to Liverpool or Southampton. *('h(»ic(' of Transatlantic Steanisliin Lines Li\erpool or Kouthani])ton ^uehec, Montreal, St. .lolin, N. IL, ilalifax. Huston or New York. Canadian I'acilii' Kailway direct route from (^neliec, .Montreal, '■■'•■• "'^ " ■■•• "•■■'If— ' " li"— f New York or JJoston to(; ( St. .lohii ROUTE 2-£l20, OR $585 GOLD. Kailway, London to Liverpool or Soutliainpton. ♦Clioice of Traiisatlanlie Steamsliip Lines, Liverpool or Southamiiton to (^uehee, Montreal, St. .lohii, N. 1!., Halifax, Hostoii or New York. Canadian I'acilic Hallway direct route from (^iieliec, Montreal, St. .John. N. I!., or Halifax, or direct rail lines from New York or Hoston to .Montreal, tiieiice Canadian I'ai'itic Hallway to Vancouver. Canadian I'acilic Hail way Conii)any"s Hoval .Mail Steamship Line, Van- coiivi'r to Yokoliama, Kolie.'Na.gasaki and SliaiiKiiai or Hong Kong. North to Sydney, Australia. Nortli (Jeiniaii Lloyd "SteaiiislilpCompauy's Line. Sydney to Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremaiitle, ColomlM). Aden, Suez. Port Said, Naples. Genoa, Southampton and rail to l..ondoii. ROUTE S-£ I 25, OR $610 GOLD. Same as Hoiite :i U: Syal, St. .lohn, N.r..,or Ilalilax, or ilirect rail linos from New York or Hoston to M(Uitre;il. tiieiic<> C;iiiadian I'acilic Hallway to Vancouver. CaiKidiaii i-'acilic liailway Company's Jioyal Mail Steamship Llne.Vau- couver to Nokohama, Kobe. Nagasaki! Slianghai and Hong Kong. CI; ilia Navigation Comiiany's, or Eastern it Anstrailaii Sleamslii|) Com- pany's, Steamships Hoiig Kong to Sydney, Australia, tliroiigli Torres Straits. * Sf>e note headed " TranHatlnntio Hteiimers," piiKe 12. via N. I! IViiiiiMiliir & Orifiitiil Sli-ain Navijiiitlon Coiiiiiiiiiv's St»'Hinslii|i I.iiii'. SvdiH'V to .McUiininii', Ailclaiili'. Kiiiu ticorjr*''^ SoiiikI, CoIihiiIm). AiIimi. Isinail'ia, I'orl Saiil, Hriiulisi, .Malta ami l.oiid or Tort Sulil. Mars(•illt•^ and Ivondoii. ROUTE 8 £147, OR S725 GOLD. (for reverse of this &=e route 7.) rptiinsiilar & Oriental Sicaiii Navi«ali< n Coiiiiiany's Stcanislill" Mnc, I/indon. Malta, I'.rindisi lor .\rarst'ill«'si. i'ort Saul, iMiiallia, Adfii. Co- hiiidio, Klii^' , or Kaslcrn ^ Australian Slt'ainsliip Conipanv's. Stfamships Svdiicv to llonii Koii(i ilir,'li Torres Straits. Canadian I'acilic itaihvav Comiiany's Knyal Mail Stcainsliip lane Sliaiinliai. Nagasaki. Kolioand Yokohama to Vancouver. Canadian I'acilie liailwav direet route to .Montreal, (.Hieliec, St. .lolin. ! , (u- Halifax, or to Hostoh or New York via Montreal and direet lines. ♦Choice otiiansatlantic Steanisliin Lines to Liverpool or Southampton. lUilwav to London. ROUTE 9-£l8l, OR $785 GOLD. Cfor reverse of this see route 10.) Sanif as Koiite 7 to Svdncy, .Australia. North (li'rnian Lloyd Steamship Company's Line. Sydney to .Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantle, ((domho, Ailen, Suez, J'orl Said, Naples, Uuuua. Southampton and rail to London. ROUTE 10-£I47, OR S725 GOLD. (for reverse of this see route 9.) Kailway. London to Southampton. North (iermaii Lloyd Steamship Company's Line Southampton to (ienoa, Naples,. Tort Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Kiiii; .. llalifax, Hostoii or New York. Canailiaii I'acilic Kail way direct route from <^uebei', .Montreal, St. .lolin. N. I'.., or llalifax, or direct riiil lines from lioston or .New York to .Moiitre.il. thence Canadian I'acilic Kailwav to X'ancoiivcr. Canadiaii-.Vustralian Koyal .Niail Steamship Line to S\dnev. Connect iuf; Steamer to llobart, 'Tasmania, or \Velliiij;ton, N. Z. Shaw Savill ^: Albion Comp;iuy's (Limited) Comiiany's (Limited) Steamships via .laneiro and Tciierille lo I'lyiuoiith. Kailwav or Steamshi|) to Lomlon. ROUTE ie £157, OR $765 GOLD. (this route is not reversible.) Same as Koute If) to \ancouver. Caiii'diaii I'acilic Kailway Company's Koyal Mail Steamshi)) Line \'aii- coiiver to Sdkohama. Kobe,"Na;;asaki", Sliaiighai and llong Koiij;. China Navigation Company's, or i^astt^ni & .\iistialian Steamship Company's, Sieamships to Sydney, Australia, via 'Torres Straits. ( Oniiecting Steamer to llobart, 'Tasmania, or \Velliii>;ton, N. Z. Shaw Savill it Albion Comnauy's ( Limited), or New Zealand Shipping Comiiany's i Limited) Steamships via Cap<' Horn, Moute N'idcoor Kio de .laneiro and 'Teneritlc to I'lynioiiih. Kailway or Steamship to London. ROUTE 1T £125, OR $610 GOLD. • this route is not reversible. I Kailway or Shaw Savill \- .Ylbioii Company's iLiii'itein. or New Zealand Shipping Coiiipany's i Limited) Steanislijps, London to riyiiKiuth. Shaw Savill & .Vlbioii Company's i Limited i, or .New Zealand .shipping Company's Steamships via 'Teiieritle and Cape Town to llobart. 'Tasmania. Coiuiecting Steamer to Sydney, .Vnstralia. Canailian-.Vustralian Koyal Mail Steamship Line to llrisbane, Honolulu and Vani'ouver. Canadian I'acilic Kailway direct route to .Montreal, (,mebec. St. .lolm. N. 15., or Halifax, or to Uosto'ii or New York via .Montreal and direct lines. *Choice of 'Transatlantic Steamship Lines to Liverpool or Southampton. Kallw.iy to London. * Sen Hole liemloil "TriiiiHiitlantic Steumfirs," piiye I'i. nilltllllll, .11 I.< Illll^MlII, ,^ . l4t ( Limited), or New Zealand Shiiipint; Capi' Horn, .\biiite Video or Kiode route: ie £i45, or $706 gold. (this route is not reversible.) Same as Route I" to Sydney, Australia. Cliiiia Navi«ati(iii Coiiipaiiy's, or ICa.slcrii it Australian Stcaiiislii|) (khi- pany's, .stcaiiisliips to llonn Koiij,'. ('auadiaii I'acillc Kailwjiy Coiniiany's Uoyal Mail Stcamshii) Line \ia .Shauuliai. Na^iasaki. Kolm ami Voj^oliania to \ aiK-oiivt'r. Canailian I'ac'illc Uailway dirt'ct route to Montreal, (^iiehei', St. .lolin, \. I!., or Halifax, or to lioston or New York \ia .Montreal and direct lines. ♦('Iioiceol'lransatlantic SteaiiLship Lines to Liverpool or Soiiiliani|itoij. liailway to London. VARIATIONS WITHOUT CHARGE. Tiie following' variations in route in either direction uill Ic allowed rtitliout extra cliarKe, provided applieation for same is made at time of ipurcliase of licUet or at Hie ollices of the Canadian I'aeilic liailway at b)iidoii, ICiin., Liverpool, lOnj;., New ^'ork, Montreal, \ancouver, \ oko- liaiiia or lloiif; Koiik, at th" olllce of the Caiiadiaii-Aiistralian lloval .M.iil Line in S>diiey,at tlieolliees >f the Peninsular iV < »rieiital Steam Navigation Company or North (ieriuan Lloyd Steamship Comp.aiiv at Londoiii V.ui:., Ilony; Koiik or Sydney, or at tlieolliees of the Shaw SaVill & .Mhioii Coiii- iiaiiy (Limitedior New Zealand Sliippinu: Company ( Limited i at London, llohart or WeilluKton, or at the otllces of the Messageries Maritiiues in Loudon or Svdney. rroiii New York to (libraltar. Malta or Naple.s via North (ierinan LIovil S. S.Co.,orfrom New York toCiliraltar or Naples vi;i llaiuhiirK-.Viuerican Line I during winter season only); theiiee via Peninsular & < »riental Steam Navigatio made. 1 f l>assHimi>r provider Ids own irMnsatlantic passa^K, an allowanoe of XIO.(>h, or trill. (HI, will III) inadi'. I f passeimer provides Ills own trar.Hatlantic passajie. and alsti passai-'e tielween Atjanticport ot landing' ami VancouvHr or Vicloria an allowhiici) of jLl.'i.HH,;!d, or :f7*i.o" wi 1 1 lie made. Tiiroiito to .Montreal, via St. Lawrence liiver iind Hapids (meals and hertlis extra;, tl i:is, or .•ss.uo. l''roiii Colnmlio to .^deii. via l*(>niiisiil,ir \: Oriental Steamships to Calciitt.'i. thence raiiwav diiec't, \ ia .Vilalialiad and .liihliulpoor to I'.omhay, thence Peninsular it Oriental Steam Na\ igat ion Coin |iaii.\'s Steamers, .t;,"i.,"is, or SJ.-i.."!.") gold. I'liiin Colouiho to .Vden, \ in Peninsular ^ Oriental Steamshiiis to Calcutta, thence raiiu.iy. \ ia N. old. Kroiii Uiliidisl to l-oiidoii, liy ovt'iliiiid niiiti' i iiii-ludiii}; shH'piua '"nr on liiil JoiiriicY) £11 UisCid, or $.".T.rM(,'old. NoTK.— If luiHKenKerproviileH for Imh own tnin«it, KrlndiHi, Niiplea, QBiioit or MarwHillen to l.oiiiloii, mm iillowiinoe of iiS, iir |'J4.ail, will lip iuihIh. Should p:is>.cii;:<'rs dcsiic to arraiip' otlicr vaiiatioiis iti tlie roiitt^ llirv art- rt'i|i"''^tt'd to coiiiiiiuiiii-atc witli tlic agents of the Canadian I'ai-ili'c Uailway ('(>ni|ianv. TICKET CONDITIONS. The following are the conditions on which the tickets will be issued: Tliat tiii'v will not In- transft'iii'd. That tht'V will hr ^ood for passaK*' within twelve niontlis from date of issue. That they will be used in the direction in whieli issued. 'I'hat I hey will Include meals and berths on ocean steamships and on Canadian I'acilic lal\e steamships between Owen Sound or Wiml.sorand Fort Williaiii, but not on railways oiotlier steamers. That they will admit of stop-over at any steamship port of c.ill m any msliip IK Its of II |ioint on tlie Canadian I'acilic Uailway or points of Interest on Indian railways. In other respects the renular rules of the various companies 'iiterested will apply, and passages are issued oidy on the <'onditions staled in tlie passaj;e tickets and hand books. BAQOAGE. Tlie Canadian racilic Uailway Company will, on its railway and sieaiii- sliip lines, allow li.'iO pounds of ha^Kage free for each adult ticket, propor- tionately for half and ipiarter fares. The sameallowaiice will be made on Canadian-Australian. Peniiisiilai & Oriental, Shaw Savdl & Albiiuiand New/ealand SliipiiiiiKCo."s Steamships. Tlie North (ierman Moyd Steamship Company lietwfeii Southampton and Sydney. IIoiil; Koii;^ or Shanghai, and the Orient Liue will allow n> cubic feet measurement. Tlie .Messageries Maritiines (Frenc)i .Mail Line) allow 300 pounds free for each a(hilt jiassenger. The Transatlantic Steamship Lines will allow 'JO cubic feet measurement. All ill excess of tliese weights will be charged for at regular rail's. The free baggage allowance on tin- luiglish and Indian railways is (uilv IIJ pounds. Across Ktiropean continent, Itrlndisi to London, the Krencfi r;'iUvays allow only 511 pounds free. The Italian railways make no free allowaiii'e, cliarging ationt 4s -id per 20 pounds on all baggage. liaggage for steamship cabins sliindd not e.xceed a feet in length, t foot It Iticlies in width, and I foot ;i inches in depth. All baggage should be marked with owner's name and address in paint. All baggage is entirely at owner's risk unless insured. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE TO JAPAN AND CHINA Consists of the Steamships Kmiiress of India. Kmpress of ,Iapan and Kmpressof China. eaclNsrifeetiii length and ii.ikhi tons gross register. Tliev were launched in the Spring of ism, and have already made some rciiiarU- alile records on the Transpacilie Uonte, bringing Yokohama within tweiit,\ - one days of London and biurteen days of New \'(uk and Uoston. The\ aie the (uily twin-screw steamships on any I'acilic line, and they have ail the moileiii improvements and latest appliances known to marine ari'liltects to insure spee horse power) havi' developed a speed of (ivcr nineteen knots, ner hour. The saloons, library and staterooms an' marvels of beaiitv am! luxury. Tliev are llglited throughout liy electricity, are thorouglily well ventilated am) for c(unfort excel anvthing alloat. THE CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE Consists at jiresent of the Steamships Warriuioo and Miowera, eacii ;i.")7 lect in leiigih and a. rontons gross iei;ister. wiiii a sjieed of seventeen knots ami the Steamsliii) Aorangi, ;(S!i feet in leni'th and 4.ri Ltd.). NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO. i Ltd. . ORIENT LINE, NORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND MESSAGERIES MARITIMES (FRENCH MAIL LINE. The lleets of these conipanii'sare composed of magiiiliceiit, full-powered THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, I'lic longest coiitiiiiious raihvav in tne worhl iiiuii'r one niaiiagciiiciit. extending from the .\ilaiitic to tlie I'acilic o\t'r ;i.ou i miles of iiiiinicrriipted line, has been so thoroughly well described in other pulilications that it is here only iiccess;iry to say that it is the most comfortable, iiitcresiiug. shiu'test and cheapest nuite .across the western continent. Its sleeping' and dining cars surpass all others in elegance and conveniem e, and rail- way travel is made a nleasiire insiead of. as lierelofore. a weariness. Tlit.' giealest natural wdiiders on the continent are on the line of the ranadian rai'llii' Itajlway. I c? l\/IXkF=»- SI'KCIAL attciitidii is (ltrci'te of this Folder. It is not llic iiitentloii to turn tlip old world iiiisidr down, Itnt only to properly show the course as well as the advan- taKes of the C'anailian Fatillle Koutes around tlie world. We are so aeenstonied to view the picture of tlie world on Mereator's projection that we are apt to forget that Mie world is rotnid, and that a deniee of lont^ltnde at 50° north latitude does not measure the same as at tlie eipia- tor. At tht^ eiiuator it is M) miles to a di'tiree, while at lalltuile r.(i" iiiiiih, only :».)) ndles. THE CANADIAN PACIFIC, JAPAN AND CHINA ROUTE IS THE SHORTEST around the world, llie wlication free of charge. MURRAY'S 6UI0E.-This well-known publlcatioii, which deals exhaust- ively with tht^ route taken by the Canadian I'acillc IJailway tourist, can be obtained In the Canadla:i ra<'ili(! Uailway trains or steain.ships, or at any of thi^ hotels, for .iii.j.rHKabont Hs.od.i THE PENINSULAR & ORIENTAL POCKET GUIDE.-Descrlptiveof the Pen- insular & Oriental Steamship routes, to be obtained at any of the Peninsu- lar Hi Oriental Steam Navigation Company's otllces. I'rice, '.'s «d. SHAW SAVILL & ALBION COMPANY'S (Limited) and NEW ZEALAND SHIP PING COMPANY'S (Limited), ORIENT LINE'S, NORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAM- SHIP COMPANY'S and MESSAGERIES MARITIME'S (French Mail Line) HAND BOOKS OF INFORMATION.— Descriptive of the routes taken by their Steam- ships, to be ol)tained at any oltlce of those ciunpaiues respectively. The Canadian Pacilic. Uailway Company also issues several pamphlets— "(iuebe(%" "Montreal," "Western Canada," "Hrltisli('olnml)ia," •'Summer Tours," " Fisiilnn and Shootlnn," " Hawaii," "Climates of Canada," Trans- Paellle Handbook, "The New Uonte to Australia," "Cold F'ields of New Ontario," The Klondik(> and Atlin Lake," etc., some of which are hand- somely illustrated, contain a invent deal of useful inforinutiou, and are dis- tributed gratis. DISTANCE TABLE. London to Liverpool . . . MILES ■-'01 Yokohama to Shanghai, via Inland Sea , Shanghai to Hong Kong . . MILES 117H Liverpool to Quebec . . . '.>(h;i SIO Liverpool to Montreal . . . l'8:b Hong Kong toColondio . . ;io<.m; Liveriool to St. .lohn, N. P. . i;7'Ji \ ancouver to Honolulu . . 2435 Llverjxxil to Halifax . . . •J342 Honolulu to Prisbiine, (^d. . 4.120 Liverpool lo IJostou . . . 2! 197 Brlsliane to Sydney .... 510 Liverpool to New \ ork . . . .tl.JO Sydney to Colomlio . . . 5442 Sonthami)ton to New York 3101 Sydney to Hong Kong, via Torres Strait 4!NMI (Juebee to Montreal . . . 172 ColondioioCalciitta . . . 12(14 St. .lohn to Montreal . . . 4H1 Colomlio to Pomliay . . , S75 Halifax to .Montreal . . . ~rA; Coiondio to Port Said . . . .'USK Poston to Montreal . . . Ml Pomliay to Port Said . . . 30.W New York to Montreal . . . ■SM Porl Said to Itriiidisi . 11311 New York to Toronto . . . 558 Port Said to London, sea route 3215 Montreal to Toronto . . . XW Port Said to London. via Mrindi ■^13.570 Toronto to Owcu Sound . . 122 Plvmoutli to Holiart, yia Cape Owen Sound to l'"orl William .554 of (iood l|o|ie 1 1(!30 .Alontreal to N'ancouver . . 2!KM! Wellington to Plymouth, vi I Toronto to \'anconver.via Hail 27l>lt Cape Horn 11830 Vancouver to Yokohama . . 42.s;t DISTANRFS BV SEA ABE IN NAUTICAL MILES ; BV LAND IN STATUTE MILES. CONDENSED TIME TABLES. The time by railway or sicaiiisiiii) given lierein is not guaranteed, as it is subject to change, 'steamers may leave ahead of time shown at inter- mediate ports. it Is given for information of passeugcrs to assist them in mapping out their tri|i. Close connections lietwcen trains and steamships or between steamsliips at iiorts of ciuinge, although they can p'uerally lie (lepeiidcd on, are not guaranteed. For full and latest particu- lars llie current time tables and handbooks of information published liy the diirerentcomiianies are rccounueuiied. EIUROPE. Trains leave London for Liverpool, Southampton or Plymouth, and vice versa, bv the various railways .•ilmost hourly. Transatlantic steamers leave Liverpool for Canadian and Liverpool and Southampton for t'nited states ports, and vice versa, almost daily. NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT XRAINS LEAVE New York for Montreal, and vice versa, mornings ami evenings. Time about twelve hours. New York for Toronto, via Niagara Falls, and vice versa, mornings and evenings. Time about sixlceii Imurs. Halifax for Montreal mornings; east-bound In evenings. Time about twetity-sevcn hours. 18 t^iH'hce for Montreal, mornings, noons and eveniiu ings, afternoons and eveulugs. Time about four and a Montreal for Toronto, and vice versa, mornings i about idue hours. r()ronlo for Owen Soinid and Fort \Villlam via I^i three limes a week, as advertised iu current time tali Fort William, ditto. Time about forty-six hours. Montreal and Toronto to Wlninpeg and \ancou\ bound from Vancouver about noon. Time four days li in winter. Canadian Pacific Railw ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP 8TEAM8RIP8. Fuip'sof India lOiip'sof.lapan I'^mp'sof Cluna lamp's of India lOmji'sof ,l:ipan Kmp's of China WEST-BOUND. Vancouver. lYi'kcih:inm kitlnv , NaK''^^iki Leave l.t..'ii. I Ar. ulHuit ' Ar. alumt i Ar. about .Ian. i,l!M»o.lan .Ian. 2!l, t!MK) Feb. 12 Feb. 2ti, I'.NN) Meh. 1' .Mcll. 20, 1!HN» .Vprll ;• A|Mili(;,i!MK), .Vpril:)0 May 7. i!K)()i .May_2i EAST l.'ii .Tan. 17 .I:in. Feb. 14 Feb. ,Mch. 14 .Mch. April 11 April May 2 May May 23 ,May_ sou M D. I!) Ui Hi 13 4l 2.51 Steamships. Kmp's of .Jajiau Kmp's of China I'^mp s of India Kmp's of .lapan I'Jep'sofChiint. K mp's of I ndia HoriK Kniitr Leave \ Sli.iiiichiii ' (W.iiiMiiiK) Arrive. Nagasaki. Arrive Dec. 20, 1800 Dec. 221 Dec. 2r> .Ian. 17, l!NH)( ,lan. to .Ian. Feb. 14, 1'.MMi Fel). Idj Feb. in .Meh. 14, liHH) Mch. I(!i Mch. lo April 4. l!MKt, April (\\ April April2.'), liNio Aprll27l ApriLlo And about every three weeks ther< CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN STEAf \A/ EST- BO UN D. Steamships. Vaacuuver Leave llnlinlnlll Lv. aliout Brisbane Arrive 1 Leave .VorangI Miowera .\orangi Warrimoo Jan. 5, litoo Feb. 0, 10, looo .fan. 13 Feb. 17 Mar. 17 April 14 .May 12 .lune .Ian. 27 .Ian. 2!) Mch. 3 Mch. 5 Mch.3t April 2 .\pril2.s A|iril:{( Miowera Aorangi .May 4, 1!KK) Juiie l.liNM) Mav 2(1 .May 2s .June 23 .June 2.- EAST-BOU N D. Steamshii-s. Sy«liiey Leave Brisbane Arrive I,.* live Hunnllllu Leave Ian. .") .Ian. 17 Feb. 21 1- .Miowcia .Ian. 2, 10(H)i .Ian. 4 Aorangi F'eb. 6, I'.hk) F'eb. ,s Feb. o Warrimoo Feb. 27,1!MI0 ,Mcli. I Mch, 2 .Mch .Miowera Mch. 27, 1'.MX) Mch. 20 Mch.:«i April I Aorangi April24, 1!«)0 April2ti Aprll27 May Warrimoo .M ay 2i, iimmi May 24 May 2."> .Juni And about every four weeks thereafi PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STI EAST-BOUND. Leave London for Hrlndisi, Port Siiid, Aileii and Hen uHiiiiily calling at (lihrajtar and MarxeiileH, jiiid for .bill. 11, I'JOti, and iill<*rnat« 'J'liiir«dayn, arrivin« Hriiiillsl 12 diiyH. Adi'n IH days, Hombay 23 days, Colonibo 24 da.v Overland Speoial, London to HrindUi, leaves Friday in wt of Hteaniers, overtaking tliein at lirindiKi. Leave boiobay for ('olonilm, .Ian. Id, l!)0(l. and alternate ' l,eave Ooloinho fur Calcutta, .Ian. 17, IIXH), and all^ Singapore and Honu Konu, aliout .Ian. '22, I'.KHl, and n!day!«,a \A/EST BOU N D. Leave Tlonn Kong for Sinuapore, I'enanu and Colombo alternate Saturday, at 2.IJ0 p.m., arriving Colombo in aboi Leave Sydney for ('olonibo, Saturday. .Ian. 13, IIHIO, an day, arrivint; in about 10 days. Steamers leave Melbourne days after leaving Sydney, calling at .Vlbiiny. Leave Colombo for boiabay and Colombo for .\den idirf and I.,ondon about 21 liours after arrival from Itonit Koitj^ i! run tliroin:li direct to .\den. etc.i, arrivinu Homlwiy in abi Port Said, 12 days; Hriiidi«i, 15 days; London, overland fro via (libraltar about 24 ilays. Leave Caloiitta .Ian. 2it, liKlll, and alternnte Tuesdays, for Leave Hombay for .Aden, Port Said, Hrindisi, Plynio Saturday at 2.01) p. m., taking about one day less for journey CHINA NAVIGATION CO. AND EASTERN i STEAMSHIP CO. Steamers leave IIouK Konu for Sydney, and Sydney for 1 month, via Torres Straits, callinu at Port Darwin, Tliiir: Brisbane, etc. Time, aliout 2.") days. SHAW SAVILL .St. ALBION CO. Limited Kxpocted to leave I.ionilon ,Tan. IH, 130(1, and every foui land Plymout li on .Saturday f«»llowini.[). arrivinu Teneritie in about 2(1 days, lltibart about 3ili't William via I.akc Hoiiti' in siunnii'i- vcrllscd Incuni'nt tinic tahle; I'ast-biuind ficmi !• alxml l'(irty-si.\ lionrs. () to Winniju'i; ami Vancouver. inorninK>i; t-ast- o\it noon. Time fonr days in siinnner, tivi- day<< Pacific Railway Co.'s kL MAIL STEAMShHPS^ \A/ESX-BOU N D. -. lYi'kohanm I K(il>e. INaKusaki ! Ar. alKiut i Ar. aliout Ar. alMiut HM)l Jan. ir>i Jan. 17 Jan. lit IKKI I'Vll. I'Ji Felt. 14: Kcl). k; HHi Meli. l-'l Mfll. 14 .M<'ll. Ill MH> \\)r\l ',ti April 11 April i:; MH) April.foj May _' May 4 KM): May Jill May ■.':> -May 'jr.| EAST- BO U N D. At. iilnmt Jan. 20 \'\'h. 17 Mcli. 17 April 14 .Mav r. May '2ti Hnlltl KollK. Arrive about .Jan. 'j;!. liXHi Kfli. 'jn, liHKi .Mcll.'J*). I'.MK) April 17. 1'.tlMI Mav M. I'.NM) May -'It. HKn> I Sli.ii.Kliai j Naga»„i,i (^\(Hl!iltlll{|l I Arrive. Arrive m.y Dec. '.'ji l)p INK) Jan. i:i .Ian. '." HHii Kel). Hi] Kel). lit '.KK) Mcli. liij .Mcti. lit iKH), April c, April i) iHKi Aprll'J7! April3(i Kolic. Arrive Tokoliama Leave. Dot', '-'i; .Ian. 23 Feb. 2(1 .Mch. 211' .\prlllo .\ray 1 Doc. 211 Jan. 21! Feb. 2:! .Mcli. 23 April i:i May 4 .I;in. 10. llKHi Feb. 7. IIHMI .Mcli. 7, r.KK) April 4.HKK) April 25. IlKK) .May Ki, U»oi) lit every three sveek.s thereafter. BTRALIAN STEAMSHIP LINE. NA/ EST- BO UN D. ir Honolulu nrishane Sydney j IINMI Lv. alMiut Arrivi' i Leave Arrive about I .ran. 1.3 Jan. 27 .Ian. 2!) Jan.;ii,liK)o.. 11)00 Fell. 17 Mch. ;{ Mch. -, Mch. 7, iiHKii... IIKK) Mar. 17 .Mch. 31 April 2 .\iiril 4, liHH) . . .May 2,liK)o.. 11100 April 14' April2s Ai)ril:«) llKK) .May 12 .May 2(! May 2k May.fo. ii«)o:... IIKH) .lime It .lime 2;i June 2". Jime27.iiKH)i.. EAST-BOU N D. nrisb.iTip liKN) Jan. IlKH) Feb. IIMX) 11K)0 IIMIO IIKM) Mch Mch. 2! April 2f May 24 l.pave 4|Jan. .'i s Feb. it 1; Mch. 2 Mch. ;«) \liril2 Honolulu Leave Vancouver Arrive Jan. 17 Jan.2,"), litoo.. Feb. 21 .Mch. l.liKKi.. Mch. 14.Meli.22, lltOO.. April 11 .\prilii),i!)oo ,. May It. May 17,1!kh).. May j.'.")| June G.lui ie 14,11K )0 . loiit every four weeks thereafter. ! AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIPS EASX-BOUND. itlini, I'ort Said, Aileii iiiul Bombiiy every Thiirsilny, lliir iinil Miir«ellles, niiil for (^olomho iintl Syilimy, I 'J'liurHiliiyH, Hrriviui; hrinilisi in 111 tlayn. Port Sitiil irabay 28 ilays, ('oloinbo 21 ilays ami Sydney 44 iliiys. to Hrliiilisi, loiiveH Friday in wt^ok following deimrtiir*" in at liriiidisi. iibn, ,Iaii. Hi, IIMKI, ami alternate TiieKdayH, iloiitta, tian. 17, IIHHI, and alternate VVedneHtlays; for abotit dan. 22, llHHI, and usually every alternate Monday. tliB mail steamer from l.omlon. ney. about .Ian. 'ii, IIKKI, nml alternate Mondays, nrrivinu ilatde 14 di!y«, Mel bourne l()tlayH,and Sydney about lit days. WEST BOUND. Sin«aF)orH, Penann ami Colombo, .Jan. 20,1900, and every p.m., arriving ('oloml)O in about 12 da.vs. iinbo, Satiinlay, .Ian. IH. limO, and every alternate Satnr- ays. Steamers leave Melbourne 3 days, and Adelaides L-allinK at .Vlbitny. bay and ("oloiitbo for .\deii idirecti. Port Saiil, UrindiBi after arrival from llonn Koiik isteiimers from .Australia n, elc.i, arriviiiK Hombity in about 3 days; Ailen, 7 days; I, 15 ilays; London, overlanil from Hrintlisi, 17 ilays, ami 191)11. iind alternate Tuesdays, for Colombo. II, Port Said, Hrindisi, I'lynioutb and Loiidon. every U about one tlay less for journey than from ('olombo. ON CO. AND EASTERN &. AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIP CO. unn for Sydney, and Sydney for HoiiK Koni.', about once a , days. Sl ALBION CO. Limited STEAMSHIPS. Ion .Ian, IH, IIHK), and every fourth Thursday thereafter •followiuK), arrivinu Teller ilin in about 5 days, Cape Town 311 days, and New Zealand about 44 days fioiii J'lymouih, Zealand .Ian. 4. IIKIH, and every Imirlh Thursdiiy thore- neiro in about 2J days, Tenerilfo about 3.') days, I'lymouth about 41 days from New Zealand 14 NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY Limited . Kxiieoted to leave London .Ian. 4, 19iJ(l, and every fourth Thtirsday thereafler land I'lymouth on Saturday rollowiiiKi. arrivini{ Teneritte in about .'i days, Cape Town about 21 days, llobart about 40 ilays ami New Zealand abotil 41 ila>s from I'lymoutli, Kx|i«t'ted to leave New Zealand .Jan. IK, 19(«l anondon alioiit 43 days from New Zealand. ORIENT STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE. EAST-BOUND. Leave London 'Tilburyi. .Ian. 6, IHnO. and fortniuhtly Ihereafter. oalliuK nt Plymotilh, (tiliraltar, .Marseilles, Saples, Port Said, Sueit, Colombo, .Vlliany. .Adelaide and Melbourne, and arriviuK at Sydney in about 43 days. NA/ESX-BCaU N D. Leavt Sydney .Jan. 21), lltKI, and fortniithtly thereafter, calling at Mellioiirne. .Viielaide. Albany. Co jombii, Suez, Port Saul. Naples. Mareei I les.C J ibraltar. I'lymouth, and arriving at l.,onilon 'I ilburyi in abiiitt 42 ilays. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIPS EAS-r-BOU NO. Leave Southampton .Jan. I, I9IIII, and alterniitn Mondays thereafter, for Shaitithai.eallinKat Oenoa, Naples, Port Said. Suez, Ailen, Colombo, .Singapore, and reac-hinx Ilium Kodk in about 1^ days and Shanuhai 12 daya. Leiive Southampton .Ian. X, I9IJII, and every fourth Monday thereafter, for Syd- ney, callinn at (lenoa, Naples. Port Saul, Suez, Aden.Colomljo, I' remain le, .Vdelaiile ami .Melbourne, and arriviuK at Syilney in aliotit 49 days. WEST-BOUND. Leave Shaimhai and IIouk KnnK fortniuhtly, calliiiK at Sinttapore. (^ilonibo, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Naples Oenoa, and reachinK Suulhampion in abotit 42 dajs after departure from HoiiK Kong. Leave Sydney dan. 24. liUlll, and every fourth Wednesday thereafter, calliuK at Melbourne, Adelaide, Kremautle, Colombo. Aden, Suez. I'orl ^Hl>Hiiliaiu, Continental Trartic .\).'ent. 8 (.luai Taverniers. Uaydt & Co.. No. 1 line au Snore. Hichard Herns, 132 Avenue du Commerce. .\iieklnnd. New Zealiind, New Zealand ShippiuK Co.; Titos. Cook A Son. Iliiltiiiiore. .Mtl., C. (i. Osburii. Freiultt and I'ass'r Auent, I'J'.i K. Kallimore Street. Uerllii, (.eriiiuiiy. International Sleep) nit Car (Vi.. till I Inter den Li iiileii. itomhuy. Inillu. Ewart. Latham & ('o.; Thiiii. Cook ,t Son. 13 Uampart Hon. lioslun. .Muss.. II. .1. ('olvin. District I'lissentier Aitent, 197 Washington St. lirUhiint', Qiiefiisliind. Ktirns, I'hilp ic Co.iLtdi. Ilriissels, llelirliiin. International SleepiiiK Car Co.,f>ri and Ih line de L'Ecuyer. Itiidii IVsth. Tlniijcury, International Sleeping Car Co.. (iraiiii Hotel Iluui^aria. lliilTulu. N. v., .\, .). Shulniiiu, City I'asseUKer and Freight .AKeiit, 2:!:i Main St. <'iilr(», ICic.vpt. Internat'al Sleeping C^ar Co.. (ihesireh Ptilartt ilotel. i-oriespondent'.. (Mlciittu. Inillu. Sydney llaywoud. Kastera Travelling Aialliousie Si|uare, (Jillanders, Arbuthnot A Co.; Thos. Cook ii Son, U Old Court House .Si. t'aiie Town. N«iiilh .VlVteii. Win. Anderson & Co. ChleuKit.lll.. .1. Krani'is Lee, (ien'l Axent, Pass'r Department, 22H Stuith Clark Sl. Coloicne. 4ieriiiuny. Inlernatioual Sleeping Ciir Co., Cenlral Station. Coloiiihii. Ceylon. Hois Hrothers; 'J'homas Cook A Son 'K. H, Creasev. CoiMtiiiillnoiile. Turkey. International SleepiiiK Car Co., IW) Cirande Rue de I'era. l'o|i4'n)iii|r<>ii. lleiiiiiHrk, .loacltim Praltl, (^irrespoiident. Iletrull. .Mhdi.. \. K. Kdmunds. City I'assenuer Anetit, 11 Fort Street West. Kriinkrorf. Imtiiiuii.v. International Sleeping; Car Co., 1 Kaiserslrasse. l^luMtfow. Sctiiluiid, .Archer Haker, K-tiropean Traffic .Manauer. 117 St. \'incenl Street. Ilitlinix. >. H., .J, 1). Cbipman, ticket A^-ent. Id.'')'-., and lil7 llollisSt. ilainhurit. ('erniuiiy. Wulkow& Cornelsen, Klosterstrasse I, International Sleeping Car Co., Ilambtiruer Hotf, No. 6(jiosse Bleichen. iluvre, Frunee. ilernu. I'eron A Co., Ticket .\Kents, 4 Place du Commerce; U. Odinet, 4 and 14 Hue Ed Larue. Iloinhui'tf, ^MTiiiuiiy, Inlernationat Sleeping Car (N).,H4 Lotiisenstrasse. Ilonic koM|c. < hlnii, D. E. Hrown, (ieneral Atfent, China, .lapan. etc. Honolulu. 11. L, Theo. II. Davies & Co.. Ltil. Kobe. ilii|>uii« G. Millward. Liverpool, Liiif.. .\rcher Haker. European Tralflc ManaKer, 7 .James St. l/ondoii, Knic., .Vrcher Haker, European Tratllc Manager, t>7 and lis Kin« William St., K. C.. and 30 Cockspiir St., S. \\ . Mudrlil. Villain. International Sleeping Car Co.. IH Calle du .Mcala. .>lalta. Turn bit II, ,lr.. & Somerville. cnrrespondents. .Muriiu.llc. Mleh., ( leo W . Ilibbard, (i P, A., 1)., S. S. 4 A Ity. MellMiurne. Aiislfallii. A. I'. S N. C'o. iLld,); Tlios. Cook Jr Son. Mlnueniiolls, Minn.. W. I{. Callaway, (len'l I'ass'r .Vyent. Siin-I'aiilic Route .\loNti*4'atlo, Moiiaeo. International Sleepitii; Car Co., Hotel de rari?.. Moiilreal. Que.. Rohl. Kerr, Pass'r Traffic .M»jr; C E. V. IVsher, (Ien'l l'iiH?.'r Aitent. Mosi'oiv. 'tassiu. Internat'l sieep'n Car Co., Honlevaril Sirasno.v , Maison Ischishotf. Naples. Italy. International Sleepin« Car Co., Z'*)* Via Rtvierii di Cliiaia Mee, Kraiiee. Internal ioniil Sleepiuu Car Co., 2 Avenue .Massena. NewYork, \. \'., E. \'. Skinner, (ieneral Eastern Aueni , 3'>;l Hroiiilwa>. I Int4'rnationiil Sleepiim Car Co.. 3 I'laie de l'< Ipeni. I Ilentti, I'eron .4 (\i., lil Honlevard llatissman, and 95 Hue iles .Mitrais St. Martin. T. Cook .k Son. I Place de rOpera. Pitt .V Scott. ■> Rue Scribe and 47 Rue Cainbon. L. Desbois, '.I Rue de Rome. IMilludelnhla, i'a.. H. McMurtrie. Kieik'ht and Pass'r Auent. 112.1 »ai Cheutnut St. Uuehee, i|iie., E. 11. Creiin, City I'assenuer Auent, opimsiie I'ii>t ( Iffii'e. ICoiiie, llal.v. Internal ioitat Sleepiiti; ('tir Co.,3I and 3J Via Condotti. i{<»tteriluin, Holland. H. KarlsbeiVtV Co. Sl. John. N. I(.. .\. ,1. Heitth, District Passenger Airent. »•(. I'unl. Mliiii.. W. S. riiorn. .Ass't (ieneral I'lisseiik-'er .\i;eitl. Soo-I'iicitic Route. >•(. I'elerslmrit, ItasxIu. Inlernat ionitl SleepiiiK Car Co.. 2 Petite Morskaiii ••uii KraneUco, Cal.. M. .M. Stern, Disl. Ert. and Pass. Awenl. Palace Hotel. 'Xliaatfhal. Cliliia. .lardine. .Miitlieson \f\)tJ^n\>'l.~-'^\^ ^Apjgf^^^*-^:^^'^ *&M>MvalJ EAST 75 FROM GREENWICH N y VMALDIVE *' 'islands V [loape ^ '^ •• '.LACCADlVE ' .." •• ISLANDS "••-lie. wolior Ajmc Dhond \i JjBOMBAV a^i «*1 «i\« »ocotrV\-0'* ^^^ O r £ ^ H A in A U JT ^\,o>' D f S iuiiachcc Hyilrabad < Joilhpore Jeypore r\a J\A P / T A N /^" K 5 •. V t'-n**'*^*/' «C- E I. u c »^i :ir , , KEUAT '5- O. ♦ "''^ '4> W ^^ ^ li ^Bushlre 4 , ^ 77 u ggiiljftr"^ ' ro^lBW '/»si* ^^ .C^::::^:^^; BaBKora •? Samarkar ^iWl'^lCrSa^a TEHERAN N^ c^ ,Vtr' Ni- ,lku«h :a rU H , K I K G H I S., OS?"^ yf Krasnovodsk '0 r^ n AlpxKlii v./ ^ rt. 8ari-oi» , ">, _ ISLANOa 6t. GEORGE Q- l»'^"W,N,VAHi| KORTON 'SO. ^^> A Y< L A V S L^"* SSL A ^^/ ^^"^"^ S(S<7.^ >o'K^^ Q"'- «i«EnT "^ =>U«o I vOlUBk ■'Tobols CjTo Orell Siiiol'V 165 \ oriihX^a oWRO H A W A^4 A N OR..,. -----er-W "HO HONOLULU \ MOMie SANDWICH IDS \ \ Sf^^ '■' -rnr 7 a ft. ""1/ '*''in,i '"•leffl ATy '"""'CyUl^-jR; jOg'lon •■R ''-•IWS/T'^ "'ZONA San vie%oJ ■•Saj 1" "*.*^- Manzonl DIai OofTMomjp 1863, BT Pool 120 LONQITUDC WEST 105 ^»r^T^^{«»»0(|,f LAND /l* lia ma \ Ea»le MoncloviST''^ /'SJinlonio acdo I- %. Moll ,e>«y atamoros E \S. Luis rejIsl^Tampluo iS. *iO". T::-\\ Querctarol^ ^ C ■^ "^ ^ it B »►.» it B ^ > &'»'•* tt Xo'Ui^ .nil* *( 05 FROM GREENWrCH ■^^5^ V ^ / / / *.♦/ ^^/ \ SERMUOAa cV .& ¥ ^^/ Oi / y /^ ^/ y ^y y' 9 45 60