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Additional comments:/ Commentaires suppl6mentaires: L'Institut a microfilm^ la meill" . ■^ ^:4^iy M \ ♦ !»'i'. ^•. m\ ii *'!?::;•.■■ «' i -:-fiy • ■ i-f Hi *'"'■ vJI gj^p^' j 11 ■Kt'l 1 .;>'■''*■ -■?•' 1 m * V DATID STABR & IMP01tTEl{S oi' 'K ton, ^Utl ^ftdf jarbtoare. CDTLERY, WIHDOff SLASS JAIHTS & M^ ;WE| .4'!^^ KVKBY »i:scR.'f no.v OF Bnilders' fliird ware (Seal CM, GuiiiM»\%€lci% I^aird and Macliint' ^ Oil, Bt'^ltins* K»w9ii, Flle% and all k^lndw ol* :VIIII Mupi>il«^ii. ^ ¥ » THE FULLEST LINE OF 4, House Furnishing Hardware 1 TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. THIRST Wi To Wholesale CASH FIJRCHASEBS we oW^r ^ Special Inducements. DAVID STARR ft SONS, Sheffield house, Nos. 14 aud 16 Mi aM 214 M 216 Hollis Simiti ,1 fiegwa. 01 0** Ilk HAXIFAX, 31. ». jt «: '' /«>*• MINUTES OP THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE WE8LEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OP EASTERN BRmSH AMERICA, AND OP THE FIRST NOVA SCOTIA CONFERENCE, AND ^mST NEW BRUNSWICK & P. E. ISLAND CONFERENCE OP THE HELD IN THE WesleyaxL Glmroli, Gliarlottetown, F. E. Island. iegan on THUBSDAY, JUITS 85fih, and Conolnded on FRIDAY JlJhJ 3rd. 187i, '1 lb % HALIFAX N. S. : WILLIAM MACNAB, PRINTBB, 12 PRINCE BTRBET, 1874. ll 00 1^ i« g 9 4* I « , • • • • 'E&-H^tftftftfOQpQ 8 00 e8 OS n •♦» ■♦i •♦* ccbcbc 'S ''^ "^ 03 WPh C^PWK«Wm<=^Pho>m I - HO * Q a ft csA : QDp >i I alls GQ pj^W -m OJ pq ^pq 52ip 1^*11^ si? si-is gi?lls-illlal ^►2 S*S.5i2^«S'2 S PILE'S flj -5 fl^«S 'i cj':i08a> "TScfloH "^©wH '~j©e8 I2 0) CO )0 IQ If3 I GO GO 001 QOi r,0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO 00 GO : I Take Rev. it Wh CONNE C C a 1. V E B C CI Whi s^r^ \ I MINUTES OF CONFERENCE : Taken at Charlottetown, F. B. Island, from the Twenty-flfbh day of June to the Tfaird day of July, 1874. Rev. JOHN MdVIURRA Y, President. GEORGE S. MILLIGAN, A. M., Co-DeUgate. JAMES TAYLOR, Secretary. n u .^." Question I. . Who are now admitted as Ministers into full' CONNEXION with the Conference ? . . . Answeh. S5 GOOOGO c ^ 4 1. James Strothard, William Maggs, Ralph Brecken, A. 6., Henry J. Clarke, Waldron W. Brewer, Caleb Parker, Charles Pickles, ..1* Thomas Marshall. QU^TION II. What Preachers now remain on trial ? John F. Betts, Jesse B. Giles, W. H. Evans, W. Dobson, Jonathan R. Borden, Solomon Matthews, Joseph Hale, A 30^/i % MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [187'J Is: Answer, 2. WiUiam Baines, George W. Fisher, John T. Baxendale, W. Harrison, E. S. Crisp, Thomas H. James, John G. Currie, Aquila Lucas, Simeon Dunn, Silas James, Jeremiah Embree, Eben E. England, Abr. E. B. Shrewsbury, Wm. Swan, These have travelled Three years. i2. Eobert McArthur and John C. Berrie are permitted to retire for the present on account of ill health. 8. W. J. Johnson, Edwin Tume', Arthur Hockin, ' James Crisp, C. M. Tyler, Joseph M. Fisher, Michael G. Campbell, James Scott, William Ainley, James Nurse, Charles Myers, Thomas W. Atkinson,! « George Boyd, William Brown, John Astbury. 1. ( 3. J. W. Doull, who is allowed to rest for one year onj account of ill health. These have travelled Two years. 4. Hibbard E. Baker, A. B., George J. Bond, John P. BowcU, William Fenna, Eichey Bird. Who have travelled One year. Question III. What Preachers are now received on trial ? Answer. 1, John W. Shepherdson, William Lawson, William Purvis, Joha Craig, ] ( 4. ( 7 W Ti and ( H callei twen tion [187'J Fisher, n, James, IS, gland, permitted th. i874] EASTERN BBITISH J^EBIOA. Charles Nicklin, Edwin R. Bruneyato, Jabez Hill, Joseph Parkins, John Pratt, George H. Bryant, Edward Bell, Arthur H. Clayton, Alexander McGregor, Samuel Snowden, Robert W. Freeman, John Dixon. Who have travelled One year? 2. lev', ), Wisher, '> le, W. G. Lane, Benjamin Chappell, , Henry Lewis, Anthony Hill, D. Vf . Johnson, A. B., Joseph Robson, Joseph Lister, >^ George Paine. ,, Stifdents allowed to attend tJie InatittUion, 1. Charles W. Hamilton, ] ^^^ ^^^^ ^T''""'^ *^'!! Francis G Willov f y®*"* *^^ ^^^ ^^® y®*^ J at the Institution. ^vpn ^ l^' William Tippett, who has travelled three years. "^ \S. W. A. Bennett, \ \. t. x, ^i. * ■ who have been one year at the Institution. own e year on |ond, ma. Ison, W. A. Bennett, \ Hiram Davis, > Charles W. Swallow, ) 4. Chas. H. Manaton, Robert "W. Smith, John King, t B. C. Borden, John Gee. , -► ^ : - ,V 'I .,./.. Question rV. What Ministers have died since last Conference ? • ." : Tv V-:' AnSWEB, .^^.■,.. m> i.' -i: '.: w; ■ Thomas Smith, who was born February 17tb, 1812, and died June 1st, 1874. He was a native of Bermuda, and from that Island called to the work of the Christian Ministry when twenty-two years of age. He labored under the direc- tion of the Missionary Committee in Liverpool, Halifax^ MINUTED OF COK]i£li£NC£ OF [I8M vv\ ^"i and Maitland, and was ordained in Charlottetown, P. E. 1. From this province he was sent to the West Indies. On one of his stations in the Island of Domi< nica he was prostrated with sickness, from the cftects ot which he never fully recovered. Ho next spent four years in Hamilton, iBermuda, and from thence was sent to Newfoundland. He preached with acceptance and success on the Port De Grave, Bonavista, 8t. John's, and Brigas Circuits. In Bonavista he witnessed a great revival, the fruit of which remains to this day, a.s numbers are there who were converted through hin ministry, and to whom his name is fragrant with blessed memories. He was next sent to Nova Scotia in the year 1861, and stationed at Truro, then Mill Village, then Barrington. Six years ago ho was compelled to retire from the more active work of the ministry, to do what he could as far as his strength would permit. He preached occasionally, assisted i» the prayer-meetings, and took part in the various services in the town. During the winter he grew feeble, and only once came to the house of God to attend the service of song. He was im- pressed with Bunyan's words : ** After that they shut up the gates, which when I had seen I wished myself among them," he said, " I wish myself among them." His last public act was at the funeral of a friend, when with tremulous voice he prayed for the bereaved family, and touchingly breathed forth the hope of reunion in heaven. For a few days only he stood on the brink of the river of death. He responded fervently in prayer, as a few hours before he died he was commended to God. He was trusting on the atonement. His last words were, " Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory." And thorn he calmly slept in Jesus, in the sixty-second year of his age, and the fortieth of his ministry. He was a good man. He manifested a deep interest sp \: [18M1 ^«"^J «AStEim BRITlSIfAMERK^A. etown, p. tho West of Domi- ) oft'ects of pent four ) was sent tatice and >t. John's, led a great 9 day, a.s rough hin rant with )va Scotia then Mill I from the b he could preached I and took uring the the house was im- they shut ed myself g them." nd, when d family, union in brink of prayer, tended to His last counsel, them he lar of his interest in the welfare of the Church of Christ. He was for\'ent in his prayers. He preached only Christ — Jesus and him crucified. To say there w^re no infirmities,- — no errors of judgment, would be to say he was not human. His sermons and prayers were filled with tho words and spirit of the Bible. But his weariness is over. His protracted suflerings are ended. The warrior is disarmed. The victor is crowned. The aching, the pain, the watching have ceased. The pilgrim has passed over Jordan, he has entered into rest. The servant has gone to his account. The memory yet lingers. -; " How beautiful it is for man to die Upon the walls of Zion ! to be called, * Like a watch-worn, and weary sentinel, To put his armor off and rest in Heaven.** Question V. "What Ministers become Supernumeraries the present Conference ? V,..,-; _ ,._ . Answeb. -s. j :. John A. Clark, A. M., Eichard Weddall, Robert Wasson, Geo. M. Barratt, F. W. Harrison, Geo. W. Tuttle, J. J. Colter. » '•>!/•?/ ■.f .'V .'.".• Question VI. What Supernumeraries return to the full work of the Ministry? » , ":;.?} Answer. None. Question VII. Are there any objections to any of our Ministers (r Preachers on trial ? d HINUTSS OF CONFERENCE OF Answer. Thej were examined one by one. [187^ ••;?'- v',{(, ^^> ' ' Question VIII. • ^^ ■ •* - • Who h»ve now ceased to be recognized as Ministers among us? ^\ ■ :,-v'sy None. ^*' Answer, r . .'i:tJi'■'^''n-'^]c\^^y■:■'<■ -Question IX. .•.•■;■•?,,,• -m How are the Ministers and Preachers on trial sta« tioned for the ensuing year ? : . 4. Answer. As follows, viz. : • ' 1 i I !i ' r ;; NOVA SOOTIA CONFERENCE. :,or I.— HALIFAX DISTRICT. ' 1. HalifaXy Northy (BrunswicJc Street) — John Lathorn • (Kaye Street) — R. Brecken, A.B.; (Charles Street) James Strothard; Ingham Sutcliffe, and Edmund Botterell, Supernumeraries; Robert Mc Arthur, who has permission to rest and visit Scotland on account of his health. 2. Halifax^ South, (Grafton Street) — -John Read ; H. Pope, [A] Supernumerary. Conference Office — A. W. Nicolson, Editor and Book Steward. 3. Dartmouth — -I. E, Thurlow; Thomas Angwin, Supernumerary. 4. Windsor — A. S. DesBrisay ; M. Richey, D.D., and B. Morton, Supernumeraries, bv\ • [187^ 1 1874] EASTERN BEITISII AMEBICi. ' ■ ■,>,"'. -r :'?l, finistera ;rial sta- iathorn ; !S Street) Bdmund jArthur, land on ^ad ; U, ^d Book igwin, IB., and 5. Hantsport — John McMurray. 6. Horton — W. H. Heariz, ; David W. Johnson, A.B. Geo. Johnson, C. De Wolfe, D.D., G. W. Tuttle, Supernumeraries. 7. Kentville — Wm. J. Johnson, under the superin- tendence of Bro. Heartz. 8. Nftvport — R. Alder Temple. 9. AvondaU — Cranswick Jost, A.M. ' '. 10. Burlington — E.B.Moore; one wanted. ' 11. Musquodohoit Harbor — W. G. Lane, under the Superintendence of Bro. Bead. 12. Moser River — One to bo sent. 13. Sdmhro — J. "W. Shepherdson, under the iuperin- tendence of Bro. Lathem. 14. Margarets Bay — One wanted. < ; 15. Bermuda, {Hamilton Sf Symersety^J , Cassidy, Chap- lain to Wesleyans in Army and Navy; CM. Tvler. » • 16. Bermttda, (St, George* s 6f Bailey's Bay) — T. Watson Smith, Chaplain to Wesleyans in Army, Joseph M. Fisher. John MoMureat, Chairman, Cranswick Jost, A. M., FinH Secy, - I.— TRURO DISTRICT. 17. Truro — Job Shenton. 18. Hc«ow—W. C. Brown. 19. Stellarton — W. H. Evans. 20. Biver John — R. Barry Mack. 21. Bay Head — One to be sent. 22. Maitland — John Johnson. 23. Shubenacadie — R. O. Johnson. fv '..» Vt-v ■ ^ '■■*■< 10 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [1G74 ^f m ' It 24. Middle Musquodohoit — James Tweed}'. 25. Onslow — William Ainley, under the Superintendence of Bro. Shenton. W. C. Brown, Chairman. ' Job Shenton, -PmanciaZ iS^c'i/. "• i"-'' III.— CUMBERLAND DISTRICT. 26. AnOierst — Robert Tweedy ; one to be sent. 27. Nappan — John A. Mosher. 28. Wallace— A., D. Morton, A.M. 29. Pugwash — R.A.Daniel. 30. River P^iZip— William Alcorn. '^ '^- ' 31. Wentworth — One to be sent, under the superintend- ence of Bro. Morton. ' " 82. Parrsboro—B, B. Scott. '^ ' - '^ -t 33. Maccan — One to be sent, under the superintendence of Bro. Scott. 34. Athol — Joseph Hale. 35. Five Islands — One to be sent, under the superin- tendence of Bro. Scott. ,. . ^Q, Advocate Harbor — William Brown. ,. Robert Tweedy, Chairman, ' A. D. Morton, A.M., Fin, Sec'y, IV.— -GUYSBORO AND C. B. DISTRICT. 37. Ouysboro — E. Brettle; one wanted; James Buckley, Supernumerary. 38. Canso — Jesse B. Giles. 39. Manchester — Thomas D. Hart ; one to be sent. 40. Ooldenville — Richey Bird, imder the superintend- ence of Bro. Brettle. 41. Sydneif, (South) — Joseph G. Angwin. 4 4- 4i 4 4: ^^v. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55, 56. 57. 58. 59. 00, [1G74 I 18U] intendeuce an. al Sec^y, [". .■'\ '- fc. EASTERW BKITISK AMERICA. It « f-M* 42. Sydney (Mrth)^Wm. Baincs, under superintend- ence of Bro. Angwin. 43. Gabartwi — George F. Day. 44. Block House Mines.—One to be sent. 45. Port HawIcesbury—A.V. Weldon. ' . * 46. Port Hood and Margarie — William Purvis. .^ ^ 47. Ingonish-^Sohn Astbury, under superintendence of Jjro. Angwin. Elias Brettle, C^aw-mrtw. • * Joseph G. Angwd^, i^i. ;SfecV. > •;-K>3 m perintend- ntendence e superin- . Sec^y, tICT. I Buckley, sent. )erintend- V.— -ANNAPOLIS DISTRICT. ■! 48. Annajwlis — C. Lock hart. '§t. 49. Cranville i^rn/— James R. Hart. ' I 50. ^^%^7«-;S. F. Huestis (Mission), Charies Nicklin, T. H. Davies, J. P. Bent, W. Sargent, oupernumeraries. 51. m7mo<— J. J. Teesdale, Eben E. England, 52. Aylesford— John S. Addy. 53. ^m^iH— George B. Payson ; one to be sent. 54. Canm-^-F H. W. Pickles ; J. G. Hennigar, M. riCKles, oupemumeraries. 55. Scots' Bay—One to be sent. ^/T, ^ ^ / / 56. Hillshury—John L. S jonagle. ^ ^ ^-^^^t i^ 57. JDiyby — James England. 58. Weymouth — John Craig. 59. Dighy iVec^-— Joseph Eobson. - 00. TF^^i^or^-Edwin R Bruneyate, under superin- tendence of Bro. England. James England, Chairman. ^ S. F. Huestis, Financial Sec'y. 12 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF VI.--LIVEKPOOL DISTRICT. [1874 61. Liverpool — Joseph Gaetz; Jos. B. Hemmeon, Su- pernumerary, r - , ' 62. Milton — One to be sent. /"';. . ;• v U 63. Caledonia — Caleb Parker. w^ ; , 64. YarmotUh, (South) — Leonard Gaetz. 65. Yarmovih^ (North) — Jabez A. Rogers ; R. Wasson, Supernumerary. , • 66. Yarmouth, (East)— ZohnM.VWe, SA-d/l^ Ud 67. Hebron — One to be sent. 68. Barrington — Joseph S. Coffin. 69. PoH La Tour—i. R. Borden. 70. North East Harbor — J. W. Howie. 71. Shelburne — Paul Prestwood. ■ ' ^' ' 72. Port Mouton — J. G. Bigney; one to be sent. 13. Mill Village^A, S. Tuiih. ...\,v 74. Petite Riviere — Thomas Rogers, A.M. 76. Lunenburg — Richard Smith, A. Hockin. 76. New Germany — James Scott. 77. Bridgewater — A. H. Clayton, under the superin- tendence of Bro. Smith. RiCHABD Smith, Chairman, Joseph Gaetz, Financial Sec'y, NEW EEUNSWIOK AND P. E. ISLAND OON- FEEENOE. I.— ST. JOHN DISTRICT. 1. St, John, (Germain Street) — H. Sprague, A.M. ; John A. Clark, A.M., Supernumerary. [1874 1874] EA.STEBN BRITISH AMEBICA. 13 eon, Su- Wasson, w ha it. 1 * , s supenn- 2. >S/. John^ (Centmary) — Henry Pope, Jr. ; Henry Daniel, J. R. Narraway, A.M., Supernumera- ries. : 3. St, Johuy (Exmouth) — Edwin Evans. 4. St, John, (Portland) — Robert Duncan. 5. St, John, (Carleton) — S. W. Sprague ; George M. Barratt, Supernumerary. 6. St. John, (Carmarthen Street) — William Lawson, under superintendence of Bro. Pope. ^ ,, 7. FairviUe— H.T, Teed. .. . V^ 8. Sussex — C. W. Dutcher. 9. Apolmqid — W. W. Lodge. . . .i , .. j* 10. Hampton — Samuel Ackman. v ». * . 11. St, MaHin^s — One to be sent; John J. Colter, Supernumerary. 12. Grand Lake — George W. Fisher. '^ IS. Jermalem — Thomas Allen. ,. 14. Wehford—C.W.DocknW. 15. Kingston — William Maggs. Henbt Pope, Jb., Chairman, Robert Duncan, Financial Sec^y, n, Sec^y, OON- A.M.; ' II.— FREDERICTON DISTRICT. 16. Fredericton — H. McKeown: R. Waddall, Super- numerary. 17. Marysville — Robert Wilson. >( ! .^ 18. Gibson — One to be sent. 19. Kmgsclear — R. W. Weddall, A.B. 20. Sheffield— E, Slackford. 21. Grand Lake, West — One wanted. 22. Gagetown — Isaac N. Parker. I - ? u MINUTES OF CONFEUENCE OF [1874 'It .^1 r 23. Woodstock — Joseph Sellar, A.M. ; F. W. Harrison, Supernumerary. 24. Benton — Thomas Marshall. ' " ■ ■* ... 25. Canterbury — Edward Bell. 26. Hartland — E. Turner, under the superintendence of Bro. Sellar. 27. Jacksonville — Robert H. Ta3'^lor. 28. Florenceville — Isaac Howie; one wanted. 29. Andover — Waldron AV. Brewer. 30. Tohique — Silas James. 31. NashwaaJc and Boiestown — W. W. Colpitts, M, Campbell ; one wanted. 32. Miramichi — J. Waterhouse, James Crisp. 83. Bathurst — Charles H. Paisley, A.M. 34. Dalhomie — One to be sent. ' H. McKeown, Cimirman, EoBT. Wilson, Financial S^cy* \ t i ( il IS III.— SACKVILLE DISTRICT. 35. SachvilU — Joseph Hart, H. Pickard, D.D., Agent Endowment Fund. Eduaitional Institutions — Charles Stewart, D. D., Thelogical Professor and Chaplain. Students in Theology — C. W. Hamilton, E. G Willey, who have travelled three years, and been one year at the Institution; W. Tippitts, who has travelled three years ; William A . Bennett, Hiram Davis, C. W. Swallow, who have been one year at the Institution ; Chas. H. Manaton, R. W. Smith, John King, B. C. Borden, and John Gee. [1874 arrison, 1874J EASTKKN BRITISH AMEUICA. 15 dence of its, M. S.'Ci/. , Agent D. D., F. G nd been ts, who Jennett, ve been anaton, m, and 36. Point de Bute — Douglas Chapman. 37. Baie Verte — Geo. Harrison, John Ellis. 38. Moncton — T. J. Deinstadt ; S. Humphrey, A. M., Supernumerary. 39. Coverdalt — Wra. Harrison. The brethern at Mono- ton and Coverdale to exchange regularly. 40. Shediac — Benjamin Ohappell, under the superin- tendence of the Chairman. 41. Dorchester — Wm. McCartv. 42. Ilopctvell — Wra. Dobson, 43. Ililhhoro — Charles Comben. '. 44. Haveloch — Edwin Mills. ' , 45. Salisbury — John F. Betts. \ 46. Hiclihucto — James A. Duke. William McCartt, CJuiirman, Joseph Hilrt^ Financial Secretan/, IV.— ST. STEPHEN DISTRICT. 47. St. Stephen — John Prince. 48. Milltown — lames Taylor. . * 4o. St, Andrews^ — Wm. Tweedy. 50. St, Davids— W.W.VQVci\Q\. ■ 51. St. James, East — One wanted. 62. St, JameSy West — H. R. Baker, A. B., under the superintendence of Bro. Tweedy. 53. St, George — One to be sent. 54. Deer Island — John T. Baxendale, under the super- intendence of Bro. Tweedy. a . \ 55. Grand Manaan — One wanted. ^ ^ - John Peince, C/taiV-waw. v James Taylor, Financial Secij, \ i I 16 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [1874 v.- PRINCE EDWABD ISLAND DISTRICT. 56. Charlottetown — Duncan D. Currie ; Robert S. Crisp, F. Smallwood, J. V. Jost, Supernumeraries. 67. Cornwall and Little York — G. O. Huestis, A Lucas. 58. Pownal — John S. Allen. The brethern on the Cornwall and Pownal circuits to exchange with Charlottetown, each once in six weeks. 59. Bedeque — John S. Phinney. 60. Tryon — H. P. Cowperthwaite, A.M. 61. Margate — A. E. Lepage. 62. Summerside — A. R. B. Shrewsberry. 68. Egmont — One to be sent. 64. Murray Harbor — Henry J. Clarke. 65. Georgetown — "Wm. Penna, under superintendence of Bro. Currie. 66. Souris — One to be sent, under the superintendence of Bro. Allen. t, » - \ 67. Alberton — Levi S. Johnson. Duncan D. Curbie, Chairman, H. P. Cowperthwaite, Fin, Sec^y, I H *• I" I! . I NEWFOUNDLAND CONFERENCE. ST. JOHN'S DISTRICT. 1. St. J6hn*s — Geo. S. Milligan, A. M., Joseph Pas- coe, Joseph Lister ; one wanted. 2. Bonavista — John Goodison. 8. Twillingate — John Reay. ^# 1874] EASTEBK BBITISH AMERICA. MP 4. Burin — George Forsey. 6. Grand Bank and Fortune — C. Pickles, C, Myers. 6. Petites — Solomon Matthews. .. , . ; '• .? :, 7. Channel — James Nurse. , v 8. Exploits — Simeon Dunn. 9. Gre^nspond — J, Erabree, George J. Bond, under direction of the Chairman. - 'f. -^ ' . '■ '■''' "*■■: Home Missions. \. 10. Musgrave Town — One to be sent. ^ ;•, .r. 11. 3fi«(7rav« jyalor— Henry L^wis, -v^ • , 12. i^bf/o— William Swan. , ... r • ;;r 13. Change Islands — One to be sent. ,.' !,•„,:;! 14. Little Bay Islands — One to be sent. 15. TiU Cove — .Samuel Snowden. y 16. St, Anthony (^French SJwre) — Alex, McGregor, 17. Flower Cove — .John P. Bo well. 18. Bonne Bay — Jabez HiU. ; •. : v 19. Bay of Islands — One to be sent. f "* 20. St. Pierre — Joseph Parkins. 21. Fortune-^C. Myers, during summer months, 22. Flat Islands — Thomas H. James. 28. Sound Islands — One to be sent. '' ' ' II.— CAEBONEAE DISTEICT. 24. Carbonear— J Skmes Dove, J. G, Currie. 25. Harbor Grace — C. Ladner, 56. Bngivs — Thomas Harris. One to be sent, Wra. E. Shenstone, Supernumerary. 27. Bay Bohtrts — George Boyd. 18 MINUTES OJ;' CONFERENCE oF [1874 28. Blad- Head — John S. Peach, G. Paine. 29. Island Gove — B. W. Freeman. 30. Perlican — Thomas Fox. 81. Hant^s Harbor — Anthony Hill. 32. Catalina — J.Pratt. ' I ( 5\. P\' Question X. ., , What is the number of members in our church and those on trial? * Answeb, i. — halifax district. Circuits. Halifax, North 896 10 South 191 2 Dartmouth 28 Windsor 120 Hantsport 76 20 Horton 151 35 Kentville 68 Newport 78 Avondale 88 18 Burlington 1G3 20 Circuits. Maitland 91 Musquodoboit Harbor. 45 Mid. Musquodoboit.... 82 Sheet Harbour 6 Shubenacadie 70 Marg Bay & Sambro... .'>8 Bermuda, Hamilton... 183 St. George's. 201 u 1 3 6 2 8 Incrcaj?e, 80, 2095 125 ,\\ !: I [1874 1874] EASTERN BRITISH AMEBICA. 10 > sent. summor rch and ^ •^ ^ .. 91 1 p. 45 3 . 82 .. 6 . 70 .. 58 6 .183 2 .201 8 )5 125 II.— ST. JOHN DISTRICT. Circuits. I ^ ^ ,5 St. John, Germain 8t...l77 " Centenary 230 12 *• Exmouth 180 8 « Portland 94 42 " Carleton 76 " City Mission 50 6 " Zion's Church 23 Fairville 75 St. Andrews 47 St. George 4 3 Deer Island St. David's 98 1 St. James, East West 26 3 St. Stephen 140 32 Miiltown 144 20 Sussex Vale 2C0 17 Grand Imke 84 6 Jerusalem 62 2 Welsford 29 6 Kingston 90 2 Upham 115 7 1944 167 Increase, 47. III. — TRURO DISTRICT. Truro 80 34 Onslow 104 7 River Philip 210 6 Wallace 180 10 Wentworth 61 4 Pugwash 188 5 River John 144 15 Stellai-ton 38 Pictou 62 1 Guysboro 132 18 Goidenville 15 5 Manchester 136 7 Circuits. | ti Sydney 36 6 NorthSydney 25 Gabarus 130 Block House Mines.... 12 Port llawkesbury 87 7 Port Hood & Margarie 19 Ingonish 30 14 1677 151 Increase, 81. IV.— p. ¥.. ISLAND DISTRICT. Oiarlottetown 374 472 Cornwall & Little York 220 C<) Pownal 89 Bedeque 126 60 Tryon 160 120 Margate 56 60 Summcrside 60 40 Egmont 16 20 Murray Harbor 30 2 Georgetown 33 3 Souris 12 Alberton 45 2 1210 859 Increase, 136. v.- -FRKDERICTON DISTRICT. Fredericton 191 19 Marysville 62 Blissville 59 Kingsclear 83 H Sheffield 64 Grand Lake, West 29 Woodstock 52 37 Canterbury 91 Knowlesville 72 10 Jacksonville 151 1 Florenceville 127 Andover 24 20 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [1874 ii Circuits. | Tobique 42 Nashwaak and Boies- town 119 Gagetown 74 Miramiohi 104 Bathurst 90 Dalhousie 31 9 Increase, 140. 1466 87 VI.— 8ACKVILLR DISTRICT. Sackville 144 7 Point deBute 93 14 Baiede Verte 286 Moncton & Coverdale 87 48 Dorchester 52 Hopewell 170 6 Ilillsboro' 68 1 Salisbury & Elgin 114 8 Richibucto. 73 9 Amherst 100 50 Ilavelock 100 3 Nappan 100 6 Parsboro' 311 6 Advocate Harbour 97 10 Shediac 1<5 10 ' ; 1 1801 177 Increase, 154. VII.— ANNAPOLIS DISTRICT. Annapolis 60 15 Granville Ferry 69 15 Bridgetown ....130 13 ♦* Home Mis- sion 15 21 Wilmot 225 49 Aylesford 150 10 Canning 140 68 Berwick 224 35 Circuits. g ^ si s Hillsburg 100 4 Digby 86 Weymouth 60 . Di^byNeck 65 Brier Island 14 7 , , 130? 237 Increase, 62, . . , VIII.— LIVERPOOL DISTRICT Liverpool 102 60 Caledonia 73 5 Yarmouth, South 110 10 Yarmouth, North 120 4 Yarmouth, East 60 10 Hebron Barrington 130 Port La Tour 165 3 Shelburne 70 7 N. E. Harbour 74 1 Port Mouton 131 8 MillVillage 100 30 Petite Reviere 165 118 Lunenburg 280 60 New Germany 82 5 Bridgewater.. 19 16 1691 327 Increase, 109. IX.— ST. JOHN'S DISTRICT. St. John's 400 155 Bonavista 280 10 Twillingate 162 197 Burin 402 20 Grand Bank, &c 203 I Port aux Basque 37 1 Exploits, Src 157 10 Greenspond 210 60 Fogo 117 9 MusgraveTown 67 60 [1874 1871 r>j EASTERN imiTlSII AMKUICA. 21 ^ 1 J F^ ^ s O ..100 4 .. 85 .. 60 .. 65 .. U 7 1307 237 ISTRICT ..102 60 .. 73 5 ..no 10 ...120 4 ... 60 10 » • • ...130 ...165 3 L. 70 7 ... 74 1 ...131 8 ...100 30 ...156 118 ..280 60 ... 82 5 ... 19 16 1691 387 STRICT. ,.400 155 ..280 10 ...162 197 ...402 20 ..202 I .. 37 1 ..157 10 ..210 60 ..117 9 .. 67 50 Circuits. S ^ Muspnrave ITavbor 20 36 Little Bay Islands 220 200 French Shore 30 46 Flat Islands 226 12 Bay of Islands, &c. 1 4 -/, Bonne Bay, ] 4 oo St. Pierre Fortune Bay 2538 863 Increase on the part oi St. John's and Carbonear Dis- trict, as compared with New- foundland District, 837. X.— CARBONEAR DISTRICT. Carbonear 440 90 Harbour Grace 140 10 Bripfus 96 5 Porte de Grave 56 6 Blackhead 392 29 I.«landCove I?6 48 Perlican. 240 20 Hant's Harbour 140 40 Catalina 46 13 Trinity 45 44 Circuits. S ^ & Shoal Harbour 85 40 Green Harbour 82 1856 377 Increase of St. John's and Car- bonear Districts as compared with Newfoundland, 837. RECAPITULATION. Halifax 2095 125 St. John 1944 167 Truro 1677 151 P. E. Island 1210 859 Fredericton 1466 87 Sackville 1801 177 Annapolis 1307 237 Liverpool 1691 327 St. John's, N. F 2633 863 Carbonear 1866 377 17,680 3370 Increase, 1646. Question XI. What has been collected on the several circuits for the Missionary Society, the Contingent Fund, the Home Mission Fund, the Supernumerary Ministers, and Ministers Widows Fund, and for the Conference Educational Society ? ' Answeb. As follows: . .> -^ , 22 MINUTES or CONFKUEXOE oF 1874 I.— HALIFAX DISTRICT. Circuits. i f. I I -!l Halifax, North Halifax, South Dartmouth Windsor Hnnteporl lloi'ton KentviUc Newport . . Avondalo Burlington Malilaod IVIusquodoboit Harbor Middle Musquodoboit Hheet Harbor &c 8hubenacadic Bambroand Marg!?ret's Bay Bermuda, Hamil jn.. " fcft, George's . . . . . Loss ExpensoB Ministers' Subscriptions. . . . Mis. Boc. Co. Fd. U. M. F. Sup.Fd. Ed. So. $6f.'8 85 $124 39 |t697 60 JJ114 57 $133 08 546 84 51 Ort 1214 20 65 98 105 50 10 75 6 40 27 7» 5 60 2 10 217 03 19 70 206 92 19 50 8 50 21 60 2 50 22 00 2 76 1 25 87 60 12 00 70 01 10 60 6 35 24 47 1 55 19 30 1 75 1 80 25 48 2 81 33 28 3 10 2 12 7? 40 IS 00 68 19 6 30 2 55 82 18 8 00 69 05 4 20 3 60 36 27 4 50 42 18 6 25 2 25 19 10 2 70 35 11 2 01 2 35 30 20 3 19 4U 59 2 87 2 16 16475 6 00 17 67 2 07 70 3 15 4 20 4 15 4 CO 3 01 490 72 18 00 9 00 27 00 10 00 371 03 15 05 12 15 19 33 6 45 2064 22 294 99 2577 10 296 78 293 60 17 80 16 30 180 00 48 00 2646 42 294 99 2560 80 470 78 341 66 II.-ST. JOHN DISTRICT. Circuits. •M u «t t« 11 Bt. John, Germain Street . " Centenary Exmouth Bt Portland Carleton City Mission Zion's Church.... Fairville Bt. Andrews fit. George Deer Island &, Grand Manan St. Davids Bt. James, East ♦♦ West St. Stephen Milltown Sussex Vale Grand Lake Jerusalem Welsford Kingston Upham , Less Expenses Ministcrs'Subscriptions ... $244 64 370 00 94 83 80 67 60 14 22 75 27 91 23 95 80 00 6 85 68 27 36 62 57 55 42 52 2 74 10 25 4 48 25 44 1208 61 37 40 1171 11 Co. Fd. H. M. F. Sup.Fd. $45 00 $231 63 $120 92 60 00 331 93 100 00 22 CO 66 00 26 90 12 19 67 04 18 01 10 37 61 44 10 00 2 -0 2 60 4 35 33 40 20 30 6 50 36 06 6 f/0 6 40 65 77 6 87 8 00 82 12 6 00 50 36 50 18 85 44 48 20 85 12 60 17 8) 16 00 12 50 74 70 8 00 5 00 33 00 3 00 4 00 17 20 2 00 4 50 11 00 2 50 6 11 47 48 8 00 7 10 40 51 6 70 247 97 1238 00 35 60 384 65 • 1202 50 150 00 247 97 534 55 Ed. So. $31 08 63 83 17 62 21 05 4 50 2 60 12 60 1 60 2 40 3 00 10 02 3 40 6 00 2 00 1 75 1 75 2 60 2 85 109 23 54 00 253 25 |'lb74 1874J EASTEKX BRITlJill AMKlllCA. 23 >.Fd, Ed. So. 4 57 J 98 J 50 ) 50 2 75 60 75 10 30 20 25 IIT.-TRURO DISTRICT. $133 08 105 50 2 10 8 50 1 25 6 35 1 80 2 12 2 55 3 50 2 25 01 87 2 35 2 15 07 CO 00 33 70 3 01 10 00 6 45 78 293 60 00 48 00 78 341 66 Fd. Ed. So. 92 $3198 00 63 83 90 17 62 01 21 05 00 4 50 50 2 50 30 12 60 f/0 1 60 87 2 40 00 3 00 20 85 10 02 16 00 3 40 8 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 75 2 50 1 75 8 00 2 50 6 70 2 85 199 25 54 00 "253*25 ^ drcults. Truro Onslow . . . River Philip Wallace Wentworth Pugwnsh River John Stcllarton .. Pictou OnyHboro and Canso GoUU'nvillc Manchester Sydney North Sydney , Gabarus Block House Minos Port Huwkesbury Port Hood and Margatic . . . lugonish Less Expenses Ministet's Subscriptions.... Mis. Soc, $104 27 84 45 29 51 60 31 13 30 32 92 52 32 15 83 40 ro 84 48 3 00 15 56 65 85 27 32 39 07 30 30 697 99 23 56 Co. Fd, 674 43 $l(t 00 2 38 6 73 8 1 7 57 65 25 H. M. F, 9 00 7 25 8 00 13 17 1 75 6 00 6 00 00 00 4 2 7 00 100 76 100 75 i6S OJ 70 70 46 38 18 17 41 19 65 74 11 42 20 00 80 53 7 29 14 59 39 50 16 80 12 40 32 50 Sop.Fd. Ed. So. $10 20 530 21 13 32 516 89 70 8 67 9 21 88 50 00 .0 $5 30 2 40 10 00 10 52 1 38 2 84 4 20 2 80 2 10 5 50 94 00 150 00 244 00 75 24 00 60 00 00 13 00 50 10 00 00 20 75 3 00 52 'J4 39 00 91 84 IV.- P. E. I8LAND DISTRICT. Circuits. Charlottetown Cornwall and Little York. Pownal Bedcque 7'ryon Margate Bummersidc Egmont Murray Harbor Georgetown Souris Albcrton Lass Expenses MInistors' Subscriptions. . . . Mis. Soc. Co. Fd. U. M. r . Sup.Fd. Ed. So. $895 71 52 00 $184 08 $50 00 $19 00 507 40 19 00 285 54 12 75 3 25 13 98 11 50 17 98 4 42 1 75 196 27 16 20 108 62 10 69 3 30 315 10 15 20 82 61 6 00 5 60 88 20 8 00 63 63 6 00 1 30 28 03 6 00 37 60 5 00 3 50 4 30 1 67 16 00 2 70 1 50 lo 50 3 60 23 00 1 00 50 10 31 3 61 38 19 4 93 2 65 6 00 4 22 7 30 6 35 1 00 42 10 3 60 60 77 1 41 1 26 2072 90 142 60 915 22 110 25 44 61 21 54 7 96 70 00 21 00 2051 36 142 60 907 27 180 25 65 01 nn ! t 24 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [1874 v.— FREDERICTON DISTRICT. Circuits. Ft'cdcricton Marysvillo BHasviMo Kingsclear fihemeld Orand Lake, West Woodstock > Canterbury Knowlesville Jacksonville Florenccvilie Andovcr Tobique Kashwauk and Briestown.. Gagctown Miramlclii Baiedu Vin B.ithurst Dalbousie Less Expenses Ministers' Subscriptions. . . . Mis. Soc. Co. Fd. H. M. F. Sup.Fd. Ed. So. $105 75 21 80 7 00 12 00 G 00 2 50 195 16 10 69 148 49 9 24 7 98 42 65 9 40 28 15 5 21 1 85 642 59 5 00 80 60 613 63 3 00 145 52 115 98 59 98 18 41 1 50 140 00 39 00 624 18 145 52 612 13 255 98 98 98 VI.-BACKVTLLE DISTRICT. Circuits. Sackville Point de Bute Bale Verte Moncton and Coverdale . . . Dorchester Hopewell Hillsboro Hnvelock Salisbury and Elgin Uichibucto Amherst Nappan Parrsboro Advocate Harbor Less Expenses Ministers' Subscriptions. . . . Mis. Soc. Co. Fd. H. M. F. $150 27 $18 27 $87 76 $15 87 $50 65 24 82 8 30 28 62 8 02 3 20 57 58 20 00 82 13 12 00 4 00 58 31 9 53 46 45 7 50 3 00 31 82 7 94 51 18 3 30 2 50 77 75 10 00 39 20 6 00 2 40 22 81 6 17 14 84 25 75 2 54 11 85 5 60 46 19 2 15 2 70 11 15 6 06 52 88 2 27 7 20 29 14 6 05 17 65 6 00 2 25 47 80 10 00 64 00 7 75 4 50 28 55 5 26 26 50 4 25 3 00 48 45 11 00 56 66 7 00 3 00 26 00 569 81 5 10 22 00 1 50 2 00 129 23 635 96 108 36 92 94 22 85 23 72 .' 546 96 129 28 130 00 • 36 00 612 24 238 36 128 94 Sup.Fd. Ed. So. Kl ri874 1374] EASTERN BBITISU AMEBICA. .Fd.! Ed. So. 00 ft20 00 00 3 75 28 2 75 00 3 10 95 ' 00 3 00 J 00 2 00 i 00 1 50 ) 00 3 00 I 30 1 30 I 05 1 75 L 90 1 30 1 00 3 2.5 r) 00 2 50 9 24 7 98 5 21 3 00 1 85 5 93 00 59 98 39 00 5 98 98 98 p.Fd. Ed. So. 15 87 8 02 12 00 7 50 S 30 5 00 25 75 2 15 2 27 6 00 7 75 4 25 7 00 1 50 ft50 65 3 20 4 00 3 00 2 50 240 2 54 2 70 7 20 2 25 450 3 00 3 00 2 00 L08 3G 130 00 92 94 y 36 00 238 30 I 128 94 Vn.-AiVNAPOLIS DISTRICT. Circulta. inaDOlis rantllle Perry lidgetown . . . . lilmot flesford inine Irwick llsburg Jby..... fymouth rby Neck..'., per Island.... M Expenses . listers' Subsciiptions. Mis. 8oc. $13 82 33 08 120 00 107 50 63 50 51 20 51 24 38 68 57 76 25 44 12 00 574 22 14 34 5S0 88 Co. Fd. S4 52 6" 9 8 7 8 00 10 00 25 60 00 50 00 10 75 28 62 10 62 10 H. M. F. $13 30 35 60 93 oe 66 50 50 50 63 89 17 82 17 00 42 68 24 60 6 00 418 2d 16 60 401 79 Sap.Fd. $4 63 8 87 8 80 8 10 6 80 8 00 634 00 00 40 00 37 58 71 110 019 168 71 25 Ed. So. 80 92 8 60 00 10 SO 64 00 67 25 60 28 32 81 86 00 68 81 Vin.-LIVERPOOL DISTRICT. Circuits. erpooi edonia mouth, Soutli. ' North. ■ East . . ibron rrington rt la Tour elburne B. Harbor rt Mouton U Village tite Reviere .... inenburg !w Germany ... idgewater !8s Expenses nlsters' Subscriptions ^.^ i> %.-:: Mis. Soc. $39 00 Co. Pd. u. U. F. Snp.Fd. $10 20 |31 18 99 00 1 03 1 10 251 69 18 87 166 65 23 60 207 69 15 36 200 00 19 14 17 33 3&9 24 09 684 24 00 400 28 00 6 60 67 87 6 30 76 22 640 17 94 436 8 67 6 26 24 60 6 00 81 80 600 16 82 5 20 26 12 4 16 18 37 600 24 61 6 70 62 62 9 89 49 20 9 41 86 31 12 50 93 86 20 60 600 1 00 25 67 100 6 60 1 00 14 60 1 00 824 44 103 30 786 56 123 49 4 11 465 » K , -■ ) I-. 100 00 820 38 103 80 78191 228 49 Ed. So. ~$7 76 1 15 10 05 12 32 2 15 1 60 220 160 084 820 1 20 8 00 10 10 080 60 63 86 89 00 102 36 2 26 MINUTES OF C0NFEBE17CS OF [187^1 IX.-ST. JOHNS, N. »., DISTRICT. 1 1 1 i \ Circuits. 8t. John'i Bonavifltft. •.... Twiiliogats Burin Orand Bank and Fortvne .. Port au Basque Xiplolt 8e Moreton^aiHarbor Greenspond. . . . IfusgraveTown.. ♦~ Harbor LitUe Bay Isl'ds k Tilt Cgto French Shore Flat Island and Sound Island Bay of Islands It Bonne Bay St. Pierre.... Fortune Biy. . ••••••••v» Less Expenses If Inisters' Subscriptions. . « . Mis. Soc. Co. Fd $881 50 175 46 06 56 1«3 98 203 91 108 78 87 88 26 37 116 47 6 40 7 08 1722 98 147 81 H. M. F. Sup.Fd. $1883 20 $140 00 SO 00. 17 60 8 SO 8 10 29 05 9 45 42 18 11 60 57 04 13 00 500 15 50 20 60 3 10 28 08 8 25 200 40 1229 53 54 78 $44 40 70 65 20 00 800 11 00 6 00 4 4 4 4 11 2 190 11 190 11 $80 13 4 4 5 8 5 2 2 1 ( 1 126 24 V 160 rs 2£6 71 $14 13 5 2 8 3 1 1 2 2 1 40 Vu: I le( 18 6fbr [18741874] EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 27 RECAPITULATION. iSBp.pa. ftl40 00 17 60 8 10 45 11 50 13 00 15 60 8 10 8 25 200 400 8 70 Ed. So ~|80d 13 Itl 4 1;l 4S| bit in 5q 2n 1 ( 1 281 20 855 56 586 76 F. 5 K) 6iip.Fd. 923 00 19 00 16 00 400 126 )0 16 00 K) 6 00 >0 4 50 K) 200 25 4 01 K) 2 02 )1 1 50 90 11 97 98 168 78 Difltiictfl. lalifax . t. John. ruro E. Island.... redericton .... kckville inapolis Iverpool John'u, N.F. irbonear (88 Expenses Inlsters' Subscriptions. . . . Mis. See. $2664 22 1208 51 697 99 2072 90 642 59 569 81 574 22 824 44 1733 28 1269 17 12257 13 213 01 Co. Fd.lH. M. F. $294 99 247 97 100 75 142 60 145 52 129 28 62 10 103 30 147 31 54 78 $2577 10 1238 00 530 21 015 22 613 63 635 96 419 29 786 56 1568 69 190 11 1428 60 9473 77 121 44 12044 12 1428 60 9352 33 8165 59 1370 07 Sup.Fd. $296 78 384 55 94 00 110 25 115 98 108 36 68 71 123 49 231 20 97 93 1621 25 1544 34 Ed. So. $293 66 109 35 52 84 44 61 59 08 98 04 32 81 63 36 126 90 49 72 1016 07 854 00 Ed. -$14 13 5 2 8 8 1 1 2 21 1 49 , CIECUIT AID AND CONTINGENT FUND. ■I . Question" XIL ^■.•:i ''■•■:' v^v^ What 13 the amount of the Circuit Aid and Con- igent Fund ? And how has it been appropriated ? Answer. As follows, viz : Grant from Home Commit^e, £2,250 stg., S10,960 00 Receipts from Circuits, 1,428 60 APPROPRIAlTONS. »1 2,378 60 11 I 256 71 Dutncta. Benwvals. Circuit Defie ilifax, «235 00 .» 733 00 . John, 100 00 695 00 uro, 90 00 714 00 E. Island, 107 00 325 00 edericton, 128 00 761 00 ckville, 281 00 ' 1520 00 mapolis, 103 00 735 00 verpool, , , 192 00 . 875 00 lboSei,}N«^<^^^^l*^d 3384 64 irmuda, *> ^ 796 37 f » J -' ! '!»<■':"■" S1230 00 »10,638 91 «11,774 91 ■HF- ff 28 MINUTES OF CONTEHENCE OF SPECIAL GRANTS. [18 Printing and Stationery, 861 70 Printing Minutes, 80 00 Expenses Examination Ck)m.y 4 00 . Bro. Paisley's Board, Dartmouth, 1872, 16 00 Extra Rent, Pownal CiTCiiit, 30 00 « Canterburj', 10 00 " • Upham, 12 00 Question XIII. What are the resolutions respecting the Continge Pund? Answeb. 1. The Conference, in view of the pending changes our economy, would suggest to our societies and cc gregations the necessity of continued and increas liberality in sustaining this fund. 2. The rules for the support of this fund are here reaffirmed, and their observance urged upon the sup intendents and preachers on trial. ■» J" r\ f _ 1'! 'K HOME MISSION FUND. Question XIV. What are the resolutions of Conference respe ing the Home Mission Fund ? i 1. 1 Answer. The Conference has great pleasure in recording continued and steadily increasing success attending important department of our work. It recognizes great satisfaction the deep interest felt by our pe( in the Home Mission Cause, as evinced by their lib] contributions to its funds ; and is thankful to be i 1 1" 174} £AST£RN BRITISH AMERICA. 29 report a gratifying advance in the receipts of the )ciety from the various circuits during the year. It [so records with devout gratitude to God that the past jar has been one of great spiritual prosperity on our Jome Mission stations, and that a large increase in |ir membership in those stations has been realized. le Conference again commends this enterprise to the ^ayerful and practical sympathies of the Methodist iblic, and trusts that in the new relationships into lich we are about entering this valuable interest of ir church will continue to receive the attention and ipport it deserves. For Report, &c., see Appendix B. SUPERNUMERARY FUND. Question XV. lis fund are here» "VVhat does the Conference resolve respecting ed upon the supej^ Supernumerary Ministers, and Ministers ^idows Fund ? Answeb. inference respet 1. The Conference most gratefully observes that this [portant Fund has received, during the past year, jreased attention from its supporters, as indicated by increase of contributions in most of th^ districts. |2. Our Supernumerary Ministers and their families committed to the Church as a sacred trust ; and wo ^1 assured that according as they are sustained, who re been worn out in the service of the Master, and confidently reposing upon the benevolence of a )ple whose interests are to them an increasing and lausting responsibility, God will bless and prosper cause. L The Conference once more appeals to the Church t "!i! iH ii4 ■lii! j^ 30 MlirUTES or CJOBTFEEENCE OP [1874i for such an augmentation of pecuniary gifts and annua contributions to this Fund as shall render its resource? ample to meet all the demands which the Providence o:' God may permit in the Tuture to fall upon it. 4. The 15th of the established ** Eules and Eegula tions " of this Fund having been suspended, for tlu time being, by the unanimous vote of the Conference in order that the modifications in them, which an^ rendered necessary by the impending separation of thi Conference into three annual conferences, it was re solved: 1. That hereafter the committee shall consis^ of the General Treasurers of the Fund and the Minis-j ters and Laymen, who, according to section 40 of th\ articles of Union, are appointed from time to time froi the annual conferences of Nova Scotia, New Brunswict P. E. Island, and Newfoundland as members of th Central Missionary Board of the General Conference, and that the committee so constituted shall mee| annually at or about the time of the said Central Mia sionary Board. 2. That local or Conference Treasurers for the Fun( shall be appointed by each of the aforesaid Annual? Conferences — one Minister and one Layman in each. 3. That Mariner Wood, Esq., and the Bev. IIj Pickard, D. D., are requested to continue in office General Treasurers of the Fund until others may appointed by the General Committee. 4. The Conference gratefully acknowledges th| devoted attention which the Treasurer, Bev. H^ Pickarc D. D., has given to the working of the Fund, and hij success in promoting the interests of its members fol many years. The thanks of the Conference, are hereby presente to Bev. A. W. Nicolson, the Secretary of this Fundi [1874|l874] EASTtttN BBlTISa AMERICA. 31 CHILDREN'S FUND. Question XVI. What are the resolutions of the Conference respecting the Children's Fund ? Answer. In accordanco with the standing rule which makes provision towards the support of the children of our l^linisters, from a certain rate of contributions in pro- )ortion to the membership. of the church, the following Itatement has been prepared determining the number of (hildren to be allotted the circuits, within the bounds |f the three annual conferences for the present year. NOVA SCOTIA CONFERENCE— One in 40. DISTRICT*. MEMBERS. CHILDREN. Halifax, 1852 401 Truro, 671 14| Cumberland, 1247 27 Guysboro and C. B., 610 . 13i Annapolis, , 1807 28;^ Liverpool, 1691 37 .' •7378 160i ^EW BRUNSWICK AND P. E. ISLAND CON- FERENCE.— One IN 46. DISTRICTS. St. John, Fredericton, Sackville, St. Stephen, P. E. Island, MEMBERS. CHILDREN. 1625 33 J 1466 32 1153 25 459 10 ' 1210 : 26i 5813 126i 32 MINUTES Of fONfEKliNCli: OF [1674 , I ': !' • • NEWFOUNDLAND CONFERENCE.— One in 125. DISTEICTS. St. John's, Carbonear, MEMBERS. 2533 1866 4389 Children. 201 141 35 H 'Mi SABBATH SCHOOLS. Question XVII. What are the resolutions of the Conference witll reference to our Sabbath Schools ? Answer. ^ This Conference gratefully recognizes the goodness o © God in being able to report some increase in thi | department of the church's work, but deeply deplore that the actual falling off in nearly half of the district of the Conference, renders the nett increase mucll smaller than it would otherwise have been, 1. Resolved that this Conference reaffirms its convicj tion of the importance of this institution of our churchy recommends to its members their most earnest anj prayerful effort to increase its efficiency by establishinj new schools wherever it is possible, and by giving aj possible encouragement to the officers and teachers those already in existence, by the frequent presence aiij kindly counsels of the superintending ministers, tha the Sabbath Schools may be in reality what it is ii| name, the nursery of the church. 2. The Conference would express its approval of tl introduction, wherever practicable, of the internationd series of Sunday School lessons, as affording valuabj assistance to the teachers in imparting instruction, aw^ < i EASTERN BRITiaU AMERICA. 33 -One in 125. lo the scholars in an intelligent apprehension of the CHILDREN, leaching of the Holy Sciiptures. DISTRICTS. nference witli [alifax, It. John, iruro, ^ E. Island, fredericton, [ackville, innapolis, Liverpool, 5. John's, irbonear, Increase, SCHOOLS. Last Year. 40 38 37 40 31 49 22 32 62 351 This Year. 40 44 43 36 30 45 24 35 24 35 356 TEACHERS. Last Year. 337 395 202 185 215 295 141 234 479 2483 This Year. 357 443 230 190 205 281 169 256 180 260 2571 88 SCHOLARS. Last Year. 2644 3004 1303 1884 1691 2175 1065 1691 4090 19447 This. Year. 2796 2316 1615 1912 1601 2050 1355 1798 2083 2211 20635 1188 iims its convicj 1 of our churcl it earnest anil by establishin by giving a| and teachers nt presence anj ministers, thd y what it is ij EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. Question XVIIL "What are the resolutions of Conference respect- ig the Conference Educational Society ? 1. The Conference call the special attention of the [iends of our church to the increasing importance of )e cause of Christian Education. 2. The rapidity with which stirring events transpire long the nations of the world, and the persistent and Ividious efforts of the enemies of the cross to subvert 84 MINUTES or CONFERENCE OF [1874 the principles of Christianity, render the subject oi education one that must commend itself to every eu« lightened mind and philanthropic heart. 3. The Conference directs that the constitution o this Society shall be so amended that the aims of th- Society shall be confined to supporting our Educationa Institutions at Sackville, and assisting young candidate for the ministry, and trusts that this important enter- prize of our church will commend itself more warm); in the future than it has done in the past to the sym pathy and liberality of the friends of our church. For Reports, &c., see Appendix A. The Conference directs that the constitution of th' Educational Society, as amended, shall be binding upolj each of the Conferences, viz. : the Nova Scotia, tli New Brunswick and P. E. Island, and the Newfound land Conference ; and that each of the Conference shall appoint a committee, with a secretary and trc£ surer, who shall report and remit at the close of eacj Conference the amounts collected to the Gener; Treasurers. In consequence of the division of the Conferenpe E. B. America into three annual conferences, and i| order to provide for a central committee, it is resolveil that hereafter the General Committee shall consist (| the General Treasurers of the fund and the ministc'j and laymen, who, according to secuon 40 of the articlel of union are appointed from time to time from tlil Annual Conferences of Nova Scotia, New Brunswiclj and P. E. Island and Newfoundland, as members of tl Central Missionary Board of the General ConferencI •' r and that the committee so constituted shall mej annually at or about the time of the meeting of the saj Central Board. That Eev. C. Stewart, D. D., and Wra. B. McNu^ Esqrs., be requested to continue in office as Gener Treasurers of the fund until others may be appoint^ by the General Committee. 11 '* »i 874J EASTEBN BniTlSIl AMERICA. 35 he subject o;| f to every eu- jonstitution o le aims of tlin ur Educationa )ung candidate iportant enter f more warralj) ast to the sym r church. stitution of thj >e binding upo! ova Scotia, tlij the Newfound the Conference petary and trc£ he close of eacj o the Gener; e Conference ( ferences, and il je, it is resolvei shall consist (| nd the ministei of the article! time from tbl S^ew Brunswicl members of tl eral Conferenc| ted shall me( Beting of the saj ^m. B. McNui office as Genei nay be appointi PROVINCIAL WESLEYAN AND BOOK BOOM. ^ Question XIX. . What arc the resolutions of Conference respect- \g the Provincial Wesleyan and Book Boom ? Answeb. # 1. The Conference is gratified to learn that since the loval of the Book Concern to more ch'gible premises Granville Street, the business has been largely in- jased, and believes that with improved facilities the >ok Steward can place within the reach of our people md and wholesome literature at prices decidedly antageous to them. »• 2. The Conference highly approved of the action of Book Steward in giving special attention to books itable for Sabbath Schools, both in regard to quality ' price, and believing that good guarantee is hereby )rded of diffusing among our families a safe literature, •dially recommends to those responsible for the selec- |n of Sabbath School libraries, when practicable, that jy should obtain them from the Book Eoom. The Conference has heard with great satisfaction I the steady increase, during the year, in the circula- of the ** Provincial Wesleyan,*' and most cordially [ommends our connexional organ to Methodist Fami- j, and believes that its weekly perusal will greatly »mote among our people an intelligent appreciation [all the general interests of our church. , (1."^ The Conference recognizes with great satisfac- that a Colportage Fund has been established during past year, in connection with the Book Boom, for rulating sound and cheap literature in poor and des- ite localities, and gratefully appreciates the benevo- ;e of the friends who have contributed to its support. i I » > \ H ■ .111] I »• 36 MINUTES Oh' CONFEKENCE OF [18: (2.) Deeming it of great importance that the fui should be fully sustained for the advantage of Hor Mission interests, particularly in New Brunswick, No Scotia and Newfoundland, the Conference most earnest recommends this fund to the sympathy and liberality all people. (3.) The Conference tenders to the Bev. A. W. Nic( son, Book Steward and editor, its most cordial than for the arduous labor which during the year has bei devoted to the miinagement of the Book Koom ai "Provincial Weslcyan;'' and greatly rejoices in t marked ability and success with which those importa connexional interests have been administered. MOUNT ALLISON INSTITUTIONS. Question XX. What are the resolutions of Conference wi respect to the Mount Allison Educational Insti tions ? Answer. 1. That the reports of the Mount Allison Wesle;i College and Academies have been received with gi gratification. 2. That we record with thankful recognition of good hand of God that the efficiency of these insti tions is to-day as great as it has ever been ; that gentleuien presiding over then continue to give pi of eminent adaptation to their work and are assisted thoroughly competent associates ; that the number students in attendance during the year has been m largei' than for several years past ; and that the } has been distinguished by successful work in the rious departments, by freedom from the visitatioi 1 1( I £AST£UN BRITISH AMERICA. 37 h, and also by the gracious influence of ^he Holy it, especially in the students in the Ladies' Branch. . That the Keports of the Professor of Theology, of the examining Committee respecting the Theolo- 1 Institution for the past year have given us unmin- pleasure, and that the laborious and responsible tion of Professor of Theology has been filled to the feet satisfaction of the Conference by our beloved her, the Rev. Charles Stewart, D. D., whom, toge- with his work, we commend to the sympathy and ers of the members of our church. That W'C are pleased to learn from the Report of iRev. Dr. Pickard, agent of the Educational Fund, the fund has now reached the sum of fifty-four sand dollars ; that we do now renew the expression lur earnest conviction recorded in the minutes of erence last year, that, while an endowment fund om seventy-five to one hundred thousand dollars is edingly desirable, one of at least sixty thousand rs is immediately indispensable for the raainten- and advancement of our educational work ; and in accordance with this continued conviction, we le with pleasure to the request of the Board of tees and Governors, and do hereby reappoint the Humphrey Pickard, D. D., to the special work ected with the raising of this fund, pledging, our- s to assist him in our several circuits to the extent lur ability. Tliat the Conference learns with pleasure that the go in the constitution of the Board of Trustees and ernors, sanctioned by the last Conference, has been |mplished by act of Provincial Parliament, and be- s th'at the change will increase the interest of the ni in the welfare of their alma mater, and promote rosperity of our educational institutions. That the following shall be the course of study inted for probationers for our ministry, and they > ■■ I ill H '. ;-l'' MINUTES or CONFERENCE OF are required to be exainined upon it by written paj in answer to questions to be furnished by the secret of the conimittee for the examination of candidates the Annual District Meetings : — Works vpon which examination will he based : FrnST YEAR. Angus' Bible Hand Bo Wesley's Notes : Matt,, Mark. " Sermons: 1 to 26. Fletcher's Appeal. Ist Part. Wesley's Notes : Luke to Acts. Sermons : 31 to 52. Fletcher's Checks. ©I3CONI> YEAH. I Angus' Bible Hand Bi 9tiH Pnr+ 1 -. Tmill> YEAH. Wesley's Notes: Bomaus to Galatians. Wesley's Appeals, Garbett's God's Word Wrii Watson's Institutes : 2rid I^ Grindrod's Com. ; 1st & 2d I^ T'OXJIITII YEAR. Wesley's Notes : Eph. to Rev. Ori^. Sin & Chris- tian Perfection. Butler's Analogy. Watson's Institutes: 3rdi 4th Part. Grindrod's Comp. : 3rd 4th Part. ! I I.! UNION. Question XXL What are the resolutions of Conference with pect to the proposed Union of the Conferenc Canada and the Conference of Eastern Br America ? ,,; ^ , / * Answeb. That the t>lan of union prepared by Joint Commi of the Conferences of Canada and Eastern Br America, having been approved by these Con fere ^yv-t y EASTEHN BRITISH AMERICi.. 31) Bible Hand Be art. H. Bible Hand Bi| Part. B.. B God's Word Wrr 9 Institutes : 2rid d'sCom.;lst&2d! LTl. Institutes: 3rdj Part. „ - d's Comp.: 3ra Part. by almost the entire number of the Quarterly ings under our Conference, and the acconiplish- of such union having been sanctioned by tlio sh Conference at its last session, we do now declare nion effected, and will before the close of our pre- session make the final arrangements required by thange. CONFERElSrCE COMMITTEES. Question XXII. lat are the Standing Committees fop the year, and lom are they composed ? ., Answer. ■ > - immittee op examination of theological stu- dents foe the present year. .. D. Morton, A.M., Sed'y, Eev. Geo. Harrison, :. Pickard, D. D. " T. S. Deinstadt, I-obert Tweedy, " D. Chapman, - Foseph Hart. subsequent years an equal number be annually [ited by the Conference of New Brunswick and Edward Island, and by the Conference of Nova I. onference with the Conferenc )f Eastern Brj by Joint Commij md Eastern Bt y these Conferej [I. — COMMl OF BIGHTS AND PllIVILEGES. It the following Ministers and lay gentlemen be a iittee of Rights and Privileges for the several An- Jonferences until such time as the General Con- shall meet, viz : , Presidents and Secretaries of the three Annual Conferences, I. S. L. Shannon," A. A. Stockton, Esq., LL.B. I. C, Young, LL.D. J. J. Rogerson, Esq. ^ . ,. * I 40 MINUTEH OF CONFERENCE OF [1' rii ) i I ; ^- MISGELLANEOTJS EESOLUTIONS. Question XXIII. What Miscellaneous Resolutions are adopted by tj^j Conference ? j Answer. ^ I. — THANKS TO THE DELEGATES TO THE BRITISH 'oH CONFERENCE. hk The Conference has heard with much satisfaction t'l reports of its esteemed Representatives to the Briti Conference, and desires to express its sense of gre obligation to the Rev. C. Stewart, D. D., and the E-^ H. Pickard, D. D., for the judicious and effectual mS ner in which they have discharged the duty devohj," upon them ; and the Conference would further reccMf its gratitude to Almighty God for His Gracious Pro^ dence over these dear brethren, by sea and by lar^ while absent on these delegations, as also to the succ^ which He has vouchsafed to their important mission.^ II. — GENERAL CONFERENCE. — M. E. CHURCH, U. sil That this Conference has been greatly pleased to ceive and hear read the address of the Methodist EpJ copal Church, in the United States of America- cordial in its spirit and highly encouraging and instrij tive in the intelligence it conveys, and would mJ warmly reciprocate the paternal greetings of (j American Methodist brethren, as exp essed by thl honored representatives, the Rev. "VVm. R. Clark, D.i and the Rev. Wra. H. Elliot, to whose eloquent, aifl tionate, and suggestive utterances ive have been pril leged to listen, and for whose future happiness a] success in the cause of our common Master we m( earnestly pray. ' ■■; il' ^ J EASTJiUN BEITISH AMERICA. 41# CHE BEITISH CHUECII, U. SJ III. — BRITISH CONFERENCE. hereas the preliminary arrangements for the in- led union of the Conference of Canada and Eastern ish America, with altered relations to the British re ice are now completed. id whereas, this is the last opportunity which in the )nt relation to each other wo shall have of express- >ur regard for the fathers and brethren of the British rerence, and our sense of the obligations under Sh we are laid by the kind consideration we have received at their hands, it is resolved : That we gratefully record the fact that before and the organization of the Conference of Eastern |ish America, in 1855, down to the present time, wo been most affectionately regarded by our fathers bret^ ren in the British Conference and by the nonary Committee, as evinced not only by the lov- and encouraging words which they have sent us time to time, but by the substantial aid they have tinually and so readily granted us in the prosecution mr work. That we heartily appreciate the cordial reception |n to our representatives at the last meeting of the pish Conference, and the generous treatment of our )osals to change our relation to that body, by enter- [into a union with the Canada Conference, involving lindependent Canadian organization ; and that the jlutions on the subject of this union passed by the fish Conference, together with their cheerful consent issist for some time the work of our missions in ^foundland, Bermuda, and Labrador. That we sincerely reciprocate the well wishes ex- jsed in the above named resolutions, and do earnest- Iray that upon our fathers and brethern of the British Iference the prospering blessing of God may ever le, and that Methodism in the old countrv, in the 'I W' ! I i I I i Mil .> MINUTES or CONFERENCE OE Dominion of Canada, and wherever she may no hereafter exist, may be true to the mission to \ God has called her, and which our fathers so zeal fulfilled, of spreading scriptural holiness throughoi land. IV. — SYMPATHY. 1. The Conference desires to express its deep pathy for the Eev, G. M. Barratt, Rev. 11. We and Rev. G. "W. Tuttle, in their retirement fron active work of tlie ministry, after a long and fa service in the Lord's vineyard, and to assure esteemed brethren of its earnest wish and si prayer that that gospel which under their instruui lity hae been made a blessing to thousands, ma} means of continued and abundant consolation to own souls, and that under its cheering influences may abide until at length they hear the maste " well done." 2. The Conference also deeply sympathizes several other ministerial brethern, who on accoi failure of health are compelled for the present to Supernumerary relation, and while remembering] useful labours in the past would earnestly praj these brethren beloved mav be in a short time I restored as to be able to resume the full work ministry, T. — THANKS, ETC. 1. That the thanks of the Conference be presei Bev. John McMurray, President, for the faithf successful discharge of the duties of his office, ai^ to the Rev. Geo. S. Milligan, A. M., Co-Delegj the performance of his duties, 2. That the thanks of the Conference be pr( to Rev. James Taylor, Secretary of the Conferen] the Rev R. A. Temple, Journal Secretary, for vices rendered by them. EASTERN URITISU AMERICA. 43 That the Conference of Eastern British America lot conscientiously close its present session without ig upon record a clear and grateful recognition of [important services rendered by Bev. H, Pickard, L, on behalf of the Conference generally during the le period of its existence. It now acknowledges its )tedness to Dr Pickard for earnest labors in all the d relations ho has sustained, and especially for of the past year, as Financial Secretary and Con- Ice Agent. That the thanks of the Conference be presented to C. Jost, A. M., Eev. J. A. Eogers, Eev. A. D. [on, A. M., Sub-Secretaries ; to Eev. J. Pike, As- it Journal Secretary ; Eev. J. G. Angwin, Assist- financial Secretary ; to Eev. Eobert Duncan and ^H. Sprague, A. M., Conference Letter Writers, V. Jonathan Borden, for their valuable services, red by them at this Conference. hat the thanks of the Conference are due and are [y given to the Eev. S. F. Huestis, and the Eev. [argent, Secretaries for the Home Mission, for their [ul and efficient labours in connection wdth this believing that .the success of our Home Mission )rise has been largely owing, under God, to the [nd energy of the s nior Secretary of the Fund. iThat the most cordial thanks of this Conference he and are hereby presented to D. Henry Starr, 1 for- the hospitality and unremitting kindness and shown by him to the young men, candidates for ^inistry, on their arrival in Halifax, receiving them home, and at great sacrifice of time and means ng them to their Circuits, 'hat the thanks of this Conference are hereby •ed to George H. Starr, Esq., of Halifax, for his icent donation of iS!80'0 to the funds of the Educa- Society of the Conference, and the Conference |;s that this expression of thanks was inadvertently ?d in the Minutes of last vear. ./•-*-' V I ! i .) f I I ; ! Ill ' ! iifl IM i u MINUIICS Ot° CUKIEUEKCE OF [18 I Ji 8. That the thanks of the Conference be presented j the executors of the late Hon. J. H. Anderson for ti prompt payment of the instahnents of Mr. Andersoii bequests, made for the benefit of our Conferen Punds. 9. That the thanks of the Conference are due a are hereby presented to Joseph Lawrence, Esq., Ea Keswick, Wetherby, England, for the very great inter* he has continued to take in the progress of our belov Methodism in these provinces during the past year, a would especially acknowledge his important services our connexion by finding suitable candidates for o ministry, in some cases furnishing them with scholas advantages at his institution, and supplying them \vi valuable theology and other standard works, and » sending to Newfoundland religious tracts and otl periodicals for. circulation. ^■ 10. That the thanks of the Conference are due tor] Superintendent of the Charlottetown, P. E. I. Cii'dl for the satisfactory arrangements made by him for t| comfortable accommodation of the Ministers attendi this Conference. 11. That the ministers of the Charlottetown, P. E.j Circuit, be requested to ejcpress from the pulpit m Lord's day the thanks of the Conference to the me^ bers of our Church and other friends, for their kindnl aifd Christian hospitality in entertaining the ministi who have attended the present Conference. 12. The Conference presents its thanks to the pj prietors of the railroads, steamboats and coaches, the special advantages afforded in journeying to aj from this Conference. » -".■'■■-'■ ^ TI. — TEMPERANCE. 1. The Conference, deeply impressed with the cj viction that intemperance is a sin against God, most destructive to the best interests of our race, EASTERN URlTISIf AMKIUCA. 4.1 the use of alcoholic liquors, even in moderation, Is to the increase and perpetuation of drunkenness : lesolves — (I.) That in view of this great evil, we lid reiterate and earnestly enjoin upon all our people most careful and conscientious observance of that given by the Rev. John Wesley to the societies jer his care, respecting the use of intoxicating drinks, I — " Neither buying or selling spirituous liquors, nor iking them, unless in cases of extreme necessity.'* }.) That we hail with dfelight all well directed effortvS hidividuals and organizations to promote the cause emperance, and, so far as practicable, will heartily )perate in those laudable efforts. ►.) That as the Church of Christ should be the most jtual promoter of moral reform, we pledge ourselves >newcd efforts to purify and preserve her from re- [ch by discountenancing all complicity of her mem- with the great evil of intemperance, whether by iking, manufacturing, selling, signing petitions for ase, or furnishing or renting places for the sale of ixicating liquors. . . Question XXIV. , ', , 'hen and where shall our next Conference be held ? •i Answer. '>.-; .._• ^hose members of the Conference, who by the sta- sheet just read, are appointed to Nova Scotia, shall jt, or as many of them as can attend in this church afternoon at 3 o'clock, to organize, as the Nova bia Annual Conference of " the WesleyaiL Methodist Irch of Canada ;" and in like manner those who are jointed to New Brunswick and P. E. Island, in the >ol room of this church at the same time to organize > New Brunswick and P. E. Island Annual Con- . C * II ^f ri'ii ! i i 'I III na k^S . i! '^ J' (! 40 MiNUTica OF coNri:RENC£ or ^'1 forence ; and those appointed to the St. John's, ^*f| foundland, and Carboiiear Districts, as soon as pra cable, at the call of the Co-delegate of this Confercr to organize as the Newfoundland Annual Conferci and that the minutes of these meetings be pubii'^ with the minutes jist read, as authorized supplcme thereto. Signed on behalf and by order of the Conference. * JOHN McMUliRAY, Presiden 1" ' i JAMES TAYLOE, ^ecrdar?/. ^ FINANCIAL ECONOMY. The Report (No. 2) of the Special Committee our Financial Economy was adopted, and is as| lows : — The Conference recommends to the Quarterly Mj ings of the several Circuits the folio winjr planJ which it is hoped they may the more effectually rj the amount necessary to mfeet the allowance of| ministers and preachers, and which will make collection of class and ticket money hereafter necessary. !• Let the Quarterly Boards at the beginnin| each financial year estimate the amount needet the year. 2. Then ascertain from each member of the chuj and, as far as practicable, from each attendant ofl congregation, what each proposes to give as hij her weekly or monthly contribution. 3. Let these sums be entered by a steward] pointed l^r that purpose in a book which he keep as Treasurer of the Quarterly Board. 4. If the total amount of these sums does equal the amount needed, then let the stewards a[ £AHT£R5 BRITISH AM£R1CA. 74 the deficiency among all such as are willing, for \»Vb sake, to assume such deficiency, setting Id to each person, with bis or her consent, the loual amount which they think he or she ought [ly or monthly to pay. Let the stewards then adopt and carry out a by which every one shall have the opportunity sgularly contributing each week or month by [lope or otherwise, not grudgingly or of neces- 'the sum which has been pledged by him or her. these contributions be paid over regularly to the [ard appointed to receive them, and be brought by him to the quarterly meeting. The said %rd shall keep an individual account of all these res and contributions, and shall pay over the L under the direction of the quarterly meeting, le preacher or preachers authorized to receive [That quarterly meetings adopting the envelope |m be recommended not to include in their esti- the claims of Forejgn and Home Missions, but )vide for these funds as in time passed by special ;tions and subscriptions. That in the opinion of this Conference, the mm salary of the ministers should be $750 in- of $650 as heretofore. I That in the opinion of this Conference, the turn amount of Young Men's salary should be instead of $150 as heretofore. I That in the opinion of this Conference the sa- ){ ordained, but unmarried ministers, should be STANDING ORDERS. * . *^ . . . . ., .; ; OX' I. — DISTBICT MEETINGS, i 7 « [The Chairmen of Districts are peremptorily re- ^1 > 48 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [16: i 1 quired to procure three complete copies of the minute oi the several annual and other meetings of the Di; trict Committees, fiDaneial and ordinary, duly signe \ by the Chairman and Secretary ; one of these copir^y shall be inserted in the District Records, the secouj shall be reserved for the use of the Conference, ai the third shall be delivered to the Secretary for pr servation in the archives of the committee. Furthci more, it is required that the last mentioned copies li handed in on the forenoon of the day preceding till on which our first preparatory committee meetin| may be appointed to be held, that the secretaries may prepare classified lists of all matters which are j come before the Conference, and thereby expediy business. 2 2. That AS much trouble has been caused at difierel sessions of Conference jn consequence of altcratio!^ made in the District Minutes, it is determined th when the minutes of the several districts shall ha been signed by their respective chairmen and secre ries, they shall not be altered, except by the sped permission of the Conference. , . > - * ' II. — PROVINCIAL WESLEY AN. • 3. That in regard to subscriptions for the Froxk cial Wesleyan, enquiry be instituted in the Distif Committees respectively, as to the fidelity of ei brother responsible for the collection of such monj — the accounts being previously sent to the chi men, and distributed at the Annual District Me| ings III. — CANDIDATES RECOMMENDED. 4. Eacft District Chairman is required to iDstril young men recommended by the District Meetingl probationers for our work, to attend the meetio J the Committees for the examination of Candidates] ] ElSTEBir BBITISn AMERICA. 4v rv. — inSStOKART LISTS. Each BuperikitendeDt is required to present, at I Annual District Meeting, prepared on foolscap |r, and made up in Canada currency, a perfect list Missionary monies coUecled on his Circuit ; and chairman is required to present such lists to lissionary Secretaries in a state ready for pub- Eon, on the day previous to the meeting of the fionary Committees. - -* • y. — children's fund. ; i The Financial Secretaries of the several dis- are required to send to the Secretary of the Irenes Fund, immediately after the Annual [ict Meeting, the names of all the ministers in respective districts who are claimants upon the Irf 8 Fund for the current year ; and to state the ^ children for whom allowance is claimed ; as tar as possible, the name and date of birth of of the said children, VI. — SPIRITUAL REPORTS. Besolved, That at the Annual District Meetings, tmary of the Spiritual Reports, and of the Sab- School Reports, for the respective Circuits, be kared and entered in the District Minutes, to be Ibefore the ensuing Conference. The Chairmen jistricts are made responsible for the execution of (order. VII — BOOK ROOM ACCOUNTS. Besolved, That every Minister and Preacher is tptorily required to settle his account with the Steward each year, at or before the meeting of ference. 3 50 MlirUTES OF COKFEB£irCE OF [1^ TIME FOR COLLECTIONS IN AID OF Ti CONNEXIONAL FUNDS. ! General Conference Collection Aug! Supernumerary Ministers' and Ministers' Widows' Funds : — (1) Collections in Classes SeptemF (2) Public Collection Decern^ Contingent Fund — Yearly collections, classes. . .Ma| ;* " Public '* "^ Public Collection for Education Society Ag The Annual Conference Collection M ■ « J I w :<.:(-( l^ rf.^ ik ! : «■ ■'>',;.. '_; ^'i'i ■■ * '*1i!lill EA8T1SBN BSITISH AMIJtlCA. 51 APPENDIX A.— EDUCATIONAL. Itb Annnal Resort of the EicatioDal Society. le Annual Meeting of our Conference again calls retrospect of the workings of our different Insti- ^ns, and among them of the Education Society, ^rhaps there is no branch of our Church work that bs more closely our personal welfare than this. red in its social, political or religious aspects it is }d many-sided in its scope and influence, and pos- claims that deserve to be heard and supported, looking at our past history as a connexion, we that the value of Education has always been rated Taken from the busiest and most engrossing oc- Itions of life our fathers in the ministry were [ys abreast of the advancing intelligence of the age. knowing well that an enlightened mind always js and holds the truth with the greatest tenacity, laboured earnestly to provide the means by which ' people might grow in knowledge as w^ell as in In the mother country, as well as on this con- it, large and commodious buildings give evidence of solicitude to make provision to conserve the in- 3ts of christian education. to us is given the work of perpetuating tho I, and of handing down to our successors such a 'd of work performed as will make them to act in matter even more nobly than ourselves. *ie labor that we have already expended has not useless. Our institution at Sackville has made its umce felt in our midst, and now stands second to no \\hr institution in the maritime provinces ; but al- igh much has been done more remains to be com- 62 MIHUTES OF CONFSBENCE OF [1 pleted. The governors of our institution desire J make improvements, in harmony with the increasi demands of the age, and we appeal for a nobler siisty tation in the future, that their laudable ejQforts in f direction may not be thwarted for lack of means. E, the children of Methodism may receive a liberal ed tion, in which, whilst being led through the branch earthly knowledge, they may at the same time directed to the fount whose living waters they drink, and drinking find that they shall never t i^gain. ^ Moreover we desire to provide means by which t}| young men who feel themselves called of God to pr^ the everlasting gospel, may be assisted in securing sU instruction as shall make them able ministers therl The age demands an educated ministry, men, who I the careful householder are able to bring out of treasury things new and old, able to '* hold forth , word of life,'' with such wisdom and zeal that tht | different may be aroused, scomers rebuked, and belies ' edified and built up. The Financial Statement is as follows : — EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. Bb. Subscriptions and Donations 81391 07 Interest from the Jubilee Fund. 189 22 Interest on Monies Invested 109 92 S1G9 Less Printing expenses 4 Cb. S164^ One-third of the above amount, or $548 40, is appoitio to each of the three objects of the Society. $1645 21. We cannot close this report without reminding friends of Christian Education that at the present ti the enemies of Christ and his cause are making spei efforts to introduce elements antagonistic to those ti t EA.STEBN BBITISH AMSBIOA. 53 )red and God approved principles, which underlie system of Christianity. The conflict in different itries in Europe, and the agitation which marks si ire of passing events in the Dominion of Canada,- l-ell as the United States, indicate the importance' ;hod by all classes to the subject of education. IS Methodists we shall betray the trust imposed us to spread " scriptural holiness over the land " fail to advocate as one of the great requirements le times, or hesitate to demand, as our right, an Ltion for the youth of the land based on christian nples. "^ 54 MINUTES OF COKFERENCE OF i'ti [ISj Names of Life Members, aud other Subscribers, to t Educational Society : and the Amounts contributed . them Those who have paid ¥ifty Dollars are hereby ci stituted Life Members. I 1874. I HALIFAX DISTRICT. Halifax, North Bell, Joseph Bliss, A. A. DeWolfs, Thomas Fraser, B. W. Hamilton, W. B. Jack, Peter Jordan, William Lathern, Rev. J. MoNutt, Wm. B. Morrow, J. B. Richey, M. H. Bmith, J. Wesley Smith, E. G. Btarr, D. H. Suteliffe, Rev. J. Starr, John Webb, W. H. Woodill, John Wright, Chas. W. Collection, Circuit. $ 300 300 3 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 3 00 IG 00 5 00 10 00 3 00 5 00 10 00 3 00 3 00 85 08 $139 08 Halifax, South Circuit. Anderson, Thomas A. $65 00 Belcher, Jos. S. 5 00 Binney, Mrs. S. N. 5 00 Brookfield, S. M. 2 50 Coleman, W. J. a 00 Kicolson, Rev. A. W. 8 00 Read, Rev. John 3 00 Shannon, Hon, S, L. 6 00 Collection, 21 00 0111 50 Dartmouth Circuit. Angwin, Rev. J. G. 3 00 Collection, 2 10 $5 10 Windsor Circuit. DesBrisay, Rev. A. S. 3 00 Oollection, 5 00 Subscriptions (no list) , 3 50 • f 11 50 Hantsport Circuit. McMurray, Rev. J. Collection, H Horton Circuit. 5 De Wolfe, Rev. C, D. D. f, Heartz, Rev. W. H. | Collection, ^ ii Kentville Circuit. Collection, Newport Circuit. Temple, Rev. R. A. Collection, :f Avondale Circuit. Jost, Rev. C. Collection, Burlington Circuit. Moore, Rev. E. B. Collection, Maitland Circuit. Johnson, Rev. J. Collection, MUSQUODOBOIT HARROB ClRCl| C9llection, $| Middle Musquodoroit Circi Tweedie, Rev. J, Collection, .^' Shubenacadie Circuit. Howie, Rev. J. W. Collection, J.1 ilH N, w EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 55 lUBSCRIBERS, to ouwtB contributed liars are hereby d TSPORT Circuit. Rev. J. TYiLLE Circuit. «rpoRT Circuit. ;v. R. A. ONDALZ Circuit. LiNGToN Circuit. ^ £. B. iTLAMD Circuit. Lev. J. oboit Harbor CirciI MUSQUODOBOIT CiRCl iev. J. ENACADiE Circuit. V. J. W. iBRO AND Margaret's Bat^ Circuit. ection, $3 01 ^MUDA, (Hamilton Circuit.) (iday, Rev. J. 3 00 sction, 10 00 «13 00 Bermuda, (St. George's Circuit.) SnUth, Rev. T. W. .^ 00 Collection, 6 45 Total for the District, |9 45 $344 66 St. JOHN DISTRICT. r. John, Germain Street. rue, Rev. H. A. M. $ 3 00 ^tion, 31 98 $34 98 John, Centenary Circuit. \, Rev. H. J. 3 00 iway, Rev. J. R. 3 00 lotion, 63 83 $69 83 . John, Exmouth Street. B, Rev. B. 3 00 Etion, 17 52 $20 52 John, Portland Circuit. bnn, Rev. R, 3 00 Iction, 21 05 ^24 05 John, Cableton Circi;it. rue, Rev. 8. W. 3 09 ^tioD, 4 50 $7 50 St. John. City Mission. ^8, Rev. W. 8 00 sctioD, 2 50 $5 50 3t. John, Zion's Church. ken, Rev. R. 8 00 lotion, 12 60 Faibville Circuit. be, Rev. J. kction. 815 60 3 00 1 60 $4 60 St. a ndreWs Circuit. [halt, Rev. C. 3 00 Action, 2 40 St. David's Circuit. Percival, Rev. W. 3 00 Collection, 3 00 $6 OU St. Stephen's Cibcdit. Clark, Rev. J. A. 3 00 Collection, 19 02 Mill Town Circuit. Taylor, Rev. J. Collection, Sussex Valb Circuit Dutcher, I^cv. C. W. Collection, $22 02 3 00 8 40 $6 40 3 00 6 06 Grand Lake Circuit. JohnBon, Rev. R. O. Collection, Jerusalem Circuit. Allen, Rev. Thomas, Collection, Welsford Circuit. Dockrill, Rev. C. W. Collection, Kingston Circuit. Parker, Rev. J. N. Collection, UpnAM Circuit. Ackman, Rev. 8. Collection, $8 00 3 00 2 00 $5 00 3 00 1 75 3 00 1 76 Sis 3 00 2 50 «6 50 8 00 2 85 $5 40 I Total for the District, $5 86 $256 25 n 31 'Pm fi ■I 11 I ilii!) !Ji' MINUTES OV COWrEEBNCE 01" TEURO DISTRICT. [18 Truro Circuit. Btaenton, Rev. Job Collection, Onslow Circuit. Collection, $3 00 5 30 $830 $2 40 RiTER Philip Circuit. narrison. Rev. ii. 3 00 Collection, 4 75 Wallace Circuit. WassonfRev. R. Collection, $7 76 3 CO 1 24 Wentworth Circuit. Collection, $1 00 PUOWASH CiRODlT. Daniel, Rev. R. A. 8 00 Collectien, 2 60 $5 60 RrvER John Circuit. Uaok, Rev. R. B. 3 00 Collection, 3 00 $6 00 Stellarton Circuit. Morton, Rev. A. D. 3 00 Collection, 4 00 $7 00 GOLDENVILLE CIRCUIT. Collection, $1 10 PiCTOU CIRCUIT. Brown, Rev. W. C. Ives, Mrs. J. T. Small Sums, Collection, 1 2 7 $16 GurSBORO AND Canso CIRCL'I Brettle, Rev. B. i Buckley, Rev. J. , 3 Collection, 4 Mancheater Circuit. Hart, Rev. T. D. Collection, Sydney Circuit. Alcorn, Rev. W. Collection, OABArus Circuit. Day, Rev. (i. F. Collection, 3 1 a 3 1 5 Port Hawkesbury Oxrcuit Weldon, Rev. P. Donations, Collections, North Sydney Circuit Public collection, Total for the District, $9 P. E. ISLAND DISTRICT. POWNAL CfRCUlT. R< Collection, Oharlottetowii Circuit. Carrie, Rev. D. D. 3 00 Donation, 2 00 Collection, 17 00 r — — - $22 00 Cornwall Circuit. Hnestis, Rev. G. O. 8 00 Collection, 8 25 $6 25 Colpitts, Rev. W. W. lie Bedeque Circuit. Phinney, Rev. J. S. Collection, ■ABTIKN BKITISH AMBBIOA. 6? I AND CANSO ClRCLlT v.B. 31 ev. J. , "^l 4 CHESTER ClBCOIT. fDNET Circuit. v.W. iBAFUs Circuit. a. F. lAVKESBURT OiBCUlT.i lev. F. >OWNAL CfRCUlT. Rev. W. W. )EDEQUE Circuit. Rev. J. S. 31 Tbyon CiBcmT. [perthwaite, Rev. H. P. 3 00 lie collection, 5 60 $8 60 Margate Circuit. lage, Uev. A. E. 3 00 ection, 1 30 JTso Summerride Circuit. ^er, Rev. "W. W. 8 00 fection, 8 60 $6 60 EoMOMT Circuit. lie collection, $1 60 Murray Harbor Circuit. Clnrk, Rev. H. J. 3 00 Collection, 60 ISM Georoetovn Circuit. Collection, $Sk 6S SouRis Circuit. Collection, $1 00 Alberton Circuit, Johnson, Rev. L. S. 8 00 Collection, 1 26 Total for the Biitricl, 14 26 $7161 PEEDEEICTON DISTEICT, FRBDERICT05 CIRCUIT. ^z, Rev. L. Action, 3 00 20 00 $23 00 Martville Circuit. ^on, Rev. B. 3 00 ection, 3 76 $516 EiNos Clear, Circuit. Idall, Rev. R. 3 00 ection, 2 76 $6 76 Sheffield Circuit. Hson, Rev. F. 3 00 Dction, 3 10 $6 10 »and Lake, Wkst Circuit. {lie collection, 96 Woodstock Circuit, ^eown, Rev. H. 3 00 ection, 3 00 $6 00 Cantfbburt Circuit. 1, Rev. J. S. 3 00 pction, 2 00 I , $6 00 Jacksonville Circuit. |rlow, Rev. J. B. 3 00 ection, 8 00 $6 00 Knowlebville Circuit. Public colleotiovi, $1 50 Florenceville Circuit. Howie, Rev. Isaac, Collection, Andover Circuit. J Re Collection, PayBon,Rev. G. B. hi Tobiqus Circuit. Collection, 800 1 SO $480 8 00 1 75 $130 Nashvaak Circuit, Seller, Rev. J. A. M. 3 00 Collection, 8 25 $6 25 Gagetown Circuit. Slackford, Rev. £. 3 00 Collection, 2 60 $5 50 Miramichi Circuit. Waterhouse, Rev. J. 3 00 CollecUon, 7 06 $10 08 Bathurst Circuit. Paisley, Rev. C. A. M. 3 00 Collection, 1 85 Total for the District, $4 85 $98 98 1. 58 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [18 SACKVILLE DISTRICT. ( I i i n Sackviixe Criguit. AIHbod, Mra. C. F. Allison, J. F. Allison, David L. L. D. Black, Joseph L. Bowser, C. A. Dixon, jas. D. ^ > - Fawoett, C. Ford, Oeorge E. Hart, Rev. J. Inch, J. R., A.M., > Milner, W. 0. Pickard, Rev. H., D. D., Pickard, Thomas, Bmith, A. D.,A.M., Smith, Abner, Stewart, Rev. C, D. D., Wood, Josiah. A. M., Collection, $8 00 3 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 8 65 959 65 Point db Bute Oibcuit. Chapman, Rev. D. 3 00 Hemmeon, Rev. J. 3 00 Collection, 3 20 $9 20 Baie de Vrbte Cibcuit. I^eed, Rev. S. T. 3 00 Collection, 4 00 Hope WELL CutcuiT. Taylor, Rev. R. H. ay >1I( Colleetion, '• ' ; / HiLLflBORO Cibcuit. Comben, Rev. C. Collection, A Moncton Cibcuit, Ddnstadt, Rev. Thomas Humphrey, Rev. S. Collection, $7 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 $9 00 Dorchester Circuit. McCarty, Rev. W. 3 00 Collection, 2 50 $b 60 Havelock Circuit. Mills, Rev. E. Collection, Salisbubt Cibcuit. Colleciion, $' Richibugto Cibcuit. Collection, ^ Amherst Circuit. Tweedie, Rev. R. I Collection, | Napfam Circuit, Mosher, Rev. J. Collection, Pabbsboro Circuit. Scott, Rev. D. B. Bctts, Rev. J. F. Collection, Advocate Circuit. Collection, ¥otal for the District, i »; ANNAPOLIS DISTRICT. Annapolis Cibcuit. Tuttle, Rev. G. W. 8 00" Collection, . 80 $3 80 Bbidgetown Circuit. Huestis, Rev. S. F. 3 00 Giles, Rev. J. B. 3 00 Collection, 8 50 Gbanville Febby Circui Hart, Rev. Jas. R. Collection, WiLMOT Cibcuit. Tensdale, Rov. J. J, Evans, Rev. W. H. Collection, EASTBBN BBITISH AMEBICA. 59 SWELL Circuit. [iRBORO Circuit. V. C. AYLESFbRD Circuit. Bdle, Rev. W. Iction, Canning Circuit. kes, R*v. F. H. W. fction, Berwick Circuit. J, Rev. J. S. lotion, HiLLSBURO Circuit. itt, Rev. G. M. bctioD, jiSBURY Circuit. HiBUGTO Circuit. iherst Circuit. :iev. R. rAPPAN Circuit, Lev. J. .RBSBORO Circuit. 7. D. B. V. J. F. DVOCATE Circuit. the District, $1^ HYiLLE Ferry CiRCun V. Jaa. R. Wilmot Circuit. J, Rov. J. J. lev. W. H. 8 00 2 10 iTio 3 00 6 20 «9 20 300 264 8^64 3 00 200 iToo DiGBT Circuit. England, Rev. James Collection, Weymouth Circuit. CoIIeetion, DiQBY Neck Circuit. Dobflon, Rev. W. Collection, 8 00 2 67 JTer 1126 800 60 $3 60 Briar Island Circuit. Collection, Total for the District, 23 $68 81 LIVERPOOL DISTRICT. •• t' Liverpool Circuit. [z, liev. Joseph 3 00 lotion . > 7 75 $10 76 Caledonia Circuit. ler, Rev. Calub 3 00 )ction, 1 16 Iarmouth, South Circuit. la«le, Rev. J. L. 3 00 fction, 10 06 $13 05 iRifOUTH, North Circuit. Jrs, Rev. J. A. 3 00 ^tion, 12 32 $16 32 TARMOUTn, East Circuit. Rev. J. M. 3 00 lotion, 2 15 Harrington Circuit. J, Rev. J. 8. lotion, $5 15 8 00 1 60 $4 60 IPoRT lA Tour Circuit. len, Rev. J. B. . 3 00 potion, 2 20 Shelburne Circuit. Prestwood, Rev. P. 3 00 CoIIeetion, 1 60 $4 60 N. E. HARBOR Circuit. Lodge, Rev. W. 8 00 Collection, M $384 Port Mouton Circuit. Biffney, Rev. J. O. 3 00 Collection, 8 20 $6~20 Mill Village Circuit. Collection, $1 20 Petite Rivbrie Circuit. Rogers, Rev. Thomas, 3 00 Collection, 8 00 $11 00 Lunenburg Circuit. Smith, Rev. R. 8 00 Collection, 10 10 $13 10 New Germany Circuit. Collection, 80 Bridgewateb Circuit. Collection, Total for the District, 60 $00 36 60 MINUTES OF COKFBttlNOE OF [18 St. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, DISTRICT. St. Jork'b Circuit. Milligan, Rev. O. 8. pMcoe. Rev. Joseph Donations, 300 8 00 80 00 $86 00 BoNAviiTA Circuit. Ooodison, Rev. J. 8 00 Collection, 18 10 Twillikoate Circuit. Reay, Rev. J. Collection, BuRiM Circuit. Poraey, Rev. G. Collection, . $16 10 3 00 4 15 JUTu 8 00 488 $7 38 Orakd Bank Circuit. Bnke, Rev. J. 8 00 Collection, 6 00 $8 00 Port au Basque Circuit. Pickets, Rev. C. 2 Collection, < $11 Exploits Circuit. Collection, ^5 Orken'b Pond Circuit. Matthews, Rev. S. Collection, ! Collection, Food Circuit. ii Little Bat Islands CiRcri Collection, 3: Flat Island Circuit. Collection, Totol for the District, |15( II OAEBONBAR DISTRICT. Carbonear Circuit. Dove, Rev. Jamos 8 00 Collection, 14 40 017 40 Harbor Grace Circuit. Ladner, Rev. Charles Collection, Brigus Circuit. Harris, Rev. Thomas Collection, 300 13 60 $16 60 8 00 6 62 $» 63 Port de Grave Circuit. Collection, $1100 Black Head Circuit. Peach, Rev. John 19. 8 00 Collection, 8 00 Island Cove Circuit. Collection, Perlican Circuit. Fox, Rev. Thomas Collection, Hant>s Harbor Circuit. Hale, Rev. Joseph Colloetion, Catalina Circuit. Collection, Thinitt Circuit. Collection, Shoal Harbor Circuit Collection, $0 00 I Total for the District, iii. EASTERN BBITISH AMSBICl. 61 PLOITS ClBCUIT. 0*000 OlRCVIT. RECAPITULATION. ^ [aliff.x District $344 66 It. John " 266 26 [•niro " 91 84 Prince Edward Island District 71 61 I'redericton " 98 98 lackville ♦• 140 94 Lnnapolis •* 68 81 Liverpool *♦ 99 36 t. John's, Newfoundland " 160 90 parbonear •* 67 72 ail,391 07 i^ UTALiNA Circuit. •*' r the DiBtrict, 62 MINUTES OF CONFEBENCJE OF [1 l! I I ' ^ I ! if Mil II APPENDIX B.— HOME MISSION FUND Report of the Home Missionary Society for 18 With profound gratitude to Almighty God, the Hi Missionary Committee beg to state that the past } has been one of special and most encouraging suci in connection with the operations of this Society. It has been a year of satisfactory financial advai ment. Our people have respondrd with even more t their accustomed liberality to the appeals addressed them on behalf of this noble and increasingly import cause, and the contributions to the funds of the Soc are far beyond those of any previous year. The 1I( MissioJi circuits have themselves creditably sustai the financial interests of our Church. Many of th besides contributing largely to the support of their ( ministers and to the llomc Mission i'und, have i manifested commendable activity and zeal in the o tion of church OS for the worship of Hod, and parson for the accommodation of those vvbo labor among in the Word and doctrine. Otlnrs ha\'. added ne( repairs to existing edifices, while in several cases ( which had long crippled and embarrassed the worl God have been removed. The financial statement for the year is as follows I.-INCOME. Balance from last year $i) Collection p,t Anniversary, Fredericton Interest . ""* Third instalment of the legacy of the late Hon. J. 11. Anderson 2( Collection at Brunswick Stu-et Church, Halifax on reception of yoimg men from England Subscrii^tions and Donations 94' 5SI0N FUND. ear is as follows [] EA8TEEN BRITISH AMERICA. G.*i lowing an increase in receipts from circuits over ear of $2171.68, • II.— EXPENDITURE. finff Report S300 00 ;Lsinjj and local exixjnses 120 44 [tary's expenses I.') 00 S43.5 44 |8tii(lent3 for supplying Missions durinpj vacation 97 08 filing exi)en8e8 of candidates from llalifax to Ihoir Circuits 162 00 )val exjienses of ministers 330 00 ts to Missions, (see Schedule) 8267 76 [al grants made by the Committee, as fellows : — Jerrie for serious and protracted affliction, in- volving great expense 340 75 jpolis— rent of Parsonage 60 00 )val expenses Bro. Tuttle 20 00 [onia Mission for rent 40 00 LePage— affliction 30 00 S 9783 93 Balance on hand 5453 68 SI 5,237 61 10 Committee have great pleasure in acknowledging )llowiug very liberal donations towards the funds lis societv : — re II. Starr, Esq., of Halifax S500 00 [Steer, Esq., M. H. A., St. John's Newfoundland 400 00 Ayre, Esq., St. John's, Newfoundland 200 00 te Hart, Esq., Halifax 150 00 Hart, Esq., " 100 00 jE. White, M. L. C, St. John's, Newfoundland... 100 00 rson & Son, " " ... 100 00 ?e Gear, Esq., « '• ... 100 00 Inder Gibson, Esq., Marysville, N. B 76 00 bd J: 3t, Esq., Halifax 50 00 [^iunn, Esq., Harbor Grace 40 00 ir3hall, Esq.,St. John's 40 00 |S. Rendell, M. L. C, St. John's 40 00 jnd to Missions— Windsor 35 00 ^y of the late Solomon Wright, Bedequa 40 50 rt Kay, Esq., Guysboro 30 00 §'" f u 64 MINUTES OF CONrEBENCE OF [ R. Robertson, Esq.. Carleton, St. John, N. B J. Wesley Smith, Esq., Halifax W. L. Black, Esq., " David Scott, Esq., Windsor W. A. Robertson, Esq., St. John S. H. Black, Thomas A. Anderson, W. J. Lewis, Mrs. G. H. Starr, M. P. Black, C. H. M. Black, R. W. Fraser, Rev. J. Lathern, W. B. McNiitt, D. Henry Starr, W. H. Webb, of Halifax; Wm. Rogers, Yarmouth ; J. L. McNeill. Carbonear ; Charles Dudee, M. H. A., St. John ; S. March, Nathaniel March, John Woods, St. John's, Newfoundland, each twenty dollars. The past yeab ha3 also been onb of Tebbitobj Expansion. For the first time since the organization of thi ciety all the Circuits placed under its supervision been supplied during the greater part of the ye many of them by ministers appointed at the last ference, and others by candidates for the ministry arrived from England last antumn, and by efficient i local preachers. Several of these Circuits com localities and sections of the country that have sc or but rarely been visited by the Methodist Evanj Some of them having been almost entirely withoii services of any Protestant minister. The following facts are gleaned from reports furr by Missionaries stationed in these new fields of will be found interesting. Sheet Harbor and Eastern Shore, w^hich for a y two past has been occasionally visited from Middle quodoboit, has since October Irsc enjoyed the serv Bro. J. W. Shepherdson. He describes his Oir( extending over 62 miles and having six preaching and over this ground the preacher travels ever}] weeks. Considerable opposition has been experiT but our cause is gradually gaining favor with tlil pie, and there is some prospect of a society being formed. EASTERN BBITISH AMERICA. 65 JB OP TebritoeiJ jer Island in the St. John District is another en- new field of labor entered upon during the year. labors of* Bro. Lawson on this station have been \\y blessed to the reclaiming of backsliders and the 5rsion of the impenitent, and a number of persons [professed themselves anxious to be identified with 'hurch. )ldenville, which was referred to in our last Report senting a promising opening for Missionary effort, iiipplied during the summer months by a Student Sackville and subsequently by Bro. Craig from md. Two new preaching places have been recently )d on this Circuit — one at Port Beckton where had boon no religious service for nearly a year, mother at Fisherman's Harbor, at which place but m sermons have been preached since its settlement years ago. Bro. C. is the first Methodist minis- [ho had visited this place. jonish, on the Island of Cape Breton, is an entirely md a most interesting field of missionary opera- It comprises a population of about 150 families, whom are Protestant. With the exception of ^lrvis, who was sent thither in November last, is no Protestant minister on the ground. Shortly [his arrival he formed a small class, which has since largely increased in numbers by a gracious revival, ►mising Sabbath School has been organized ; a icdious Church for the accommodation of a!l Pro- it denominations is in course of erection; and the have raised a very respectable sum for the sup- )f the minister. )diac, having been separated from the Moncton it, was supplied during six months of the year by Tas. Elder, an esteemed local preacher. He found of the people destitute of the means of grace ; [erson stated she had not heard a sermon for 17 He was successful in gathering quite a number the Church of Christ. Ir ; 66 MINUTES or CONFERENCE OF The Tobique Mission in Fredericton District lui ceivecl the appointment of a Home Missionary - presents encouraging prospects of success. Dalhousie Circuit wliich has remained vacant destitute of Methodist preaching for many years been energetically worked by an esteemed local Bnj and bids fair to become a jflourishing and prospc station. The Mission in connoctioa with the Bridgetown cuit embraces a number of settlements situated oi North and South Mountains. Special services he one of these places resulted in the conversion of a forty persons, many of whom united with our bran the Church. The Hebron Mission, near Yarmouth, is conij: almost entirely of places not hitherto occupied b A Church is in process of erection at Darling's I and a blessed work of grace seems to prevail. Bridgcwater is a new and a most promising Sta Two or three new preaching places have been estiil ed, and a goodly number in these localities have u with the Church, The entire expenses of this Mi| have been raised upon the Circuit. In Newfoundland new Missions have been opei the following places, viz : St. Anthony, French Flowers Cove on the French Shore to the exi North of Newfoundland, from which station placi the Labrador will be regularly visited, Placentitif Bay of Islands and Bonne Bay, St, Pierre, Gl Harbor an^i Musgrave Harbor. From the first mentioned place Bro, McGregor three months after his arrival there : " There wi class meeting when I came, we have now three I classes, numbering in all twenty-eight members, have three Sabbath Schools and I expect to coml another next Sabbath. The number of classes h:i| been increased to five, and every month soulr been converted to God. EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 07 Bonne Bay the labors of Bro. Hill have been sed to the conversion of a goodly number of )n8, and a class of six members formed shortly his enteriag upon the dutiea of his circuit now (bers over thirty. rom Placentia Bay Bro. James reports great pros- fy. Special eervices held at the commencement le year were instrumental in the quickening of ;hurch, and the conversion A sinners, inong the most important of our recently opened lions is that at St. Pierre. This island, a depend- of France, is inhabited chiefly by French Roman iolics, but artiong them there are quite a number inglish and American settlers, who have long red the services of a resident Protestant Minister. jr wish having been brought to the notice of [ercnce, St. Pierre was placed on the Home Mis- list at the beginning of the present year, and [uctions were given to the Chairm?i.n of the St. is District toturnish it with a suitable suppl}'' at (earliest possible period. In accordance with arrangements, Bro. Joseph Parkins, a gentlC' I whose knowledge of the French language and [• qualifications peculiarly fitted him for the posi- was sent thither early last Autumn, and entered his work with encouraging prospects. Services been held twice a Sabbath in a building that jeen temporarily fitted up for that j irpose, and ngregations are generally good and very atten^ A Sabbath School has also been organized, |s attended by all the Protestant children of the Arrangements are being made for the erec- ^)f a more commodious place of worship, and the jxion at large is appealed to in behalf of this commendable enterprise. |een\s Ilarbor, a place where much spiritual desti- ln prevails, has been satisfactorily worked during If jyi ' ' i:'i I ( I ii 68 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [ the year. The Missionary reports baving prea in a locality where no message of mercy had heard for twenty years. On one part of the Cii the number of classes bad been increased from oi three, and many souls have been converted to ' Trinity, after having for many years reraa vacant, has recently been reoccupied. Much op| lion was at first encountered, but the effect has to render our cause the more stable and prospei The number of church members has bean doul and the congregation tripled during the year. In connection with Newfoundland Missions sp recognition ought to be made of the service Joseph Lawrence, Esq., of Weatherby, Yorks England, through whose influence, and in some c at whose expense, about twenty young men been secured for our work in that Island. From the facts above presented it will be seen tne year now closed has been one of Great SriRr Prosperity, and that this is the case appears further from reports furnished by brethern labo on some of the older stations. Salisbury, in the Sackville District, has enjoj work of grace exceeding in power and exten thing previjusly known in that region, resultir the conversion of many precious souls, and the tion of a goodly number to the church. Advocate Harbor, in the same district, has en a similar situation, and about eighty persons been brought to Christ. Caledonia, in the Liverpool District, has also the scene of a very gracious revival. Bro. writes from this place under date of November " After days of darkness and coldness it has p the Lord to visit us in a very gracious m * * * * Heads of families been soundly converted to God, backsliders I EASTEBN BBITISH AMEBICl.. 69 reclaimed, and numbers of young people have brought to God." At one place the member- has increased from one to twenty -five, and the ibership for the circuit has been more than )led. lew Germany has been visited in a similar man- The spirit has been copiously poured out, »s have been convinced of sin, and made partake bving grace, and about forty have been added to jhurch. jvivals more or less powerful and extensive have been experienced on the Hantsport, Welsford, Hawkesbury, Murray Harbor and Kingsclcar Uons. Several other of our Missions, though not ^ing so largely in revival influences as those ^e mentioned, nevertheless report gratifying pro- is. the Onslow Station, in the midst of difficulties, jwhat peculiar and trying, our cause has been iessfully maintained, and we believe consolidated |extended. From Digby Neck Bro. Dobson re- " While there has been no special awakening, |we are encouraged to know that Methodism is day taking firmer hold upon the community. who have been its bitterest enemies are now riends." rier Island, formerly visited occasionally from last mentioned Circuit, has had the labors of a )ned minister during the past year, who has been issful in winning souls to Christ, and building le cause of God. ihe Stellarton Circuit monthly preaching has established at the Vale Colliery. There are a )er of French families at this place who are ;sil)le to us, and hail our visits with gladness. ices were established at New Glasgow at the iniug of the year, but the destructive fire of w ii ro MINUTES OF CONFEEENCE OF [ April last made it necessary to suspend them foi present. Bro. Morton, our missionary here, stro recommends the appointment of a man to labc New Glasgow and the surrounding country, ai confident that his support would be largely pro\ for by amounts contributed by the people. Labrador was, as usual, visited during the mer by Bro. J. S. Currie, of Carbonear, N. F., as above intimated, will this year enjoy the visi an additional missionary. It, 111 CONCLUSION. From the review thus furnished of our I Missionary operations, it will be seen that the di originally contemplated by this department of C tian enterprise has been more fully realized tht any previous period. Through the labors of Society not only has the work of God been strer enod and promoted in Circuits where previou had been very feebly and ineflSciently sustained it has been extended to communities hithert( sparingly furnished with the services of our church, and in some cases almost entirely destiti the appliances and privileges of any form of P tant Christianity. Moreover the efforts put fo this direction have been followed by substanti: glorious results. Congregations which had Scattered by years of neglect and religious pri\ have been re-gathered ; churches that had languished for lack of spintual nourishmeni been quickened and revived ; and not a few, their relations to the Christian Church had lon| " strangers and foreigners," have become ' citizens with the saints, and of the houselj God." May we not therefore with increased e| ness and confidence call upon our people toi M EASTEBN BHITISn AMEHICA. 71 eularged sympathy and aid to this noblo and 5cent undertaking ? To all sound and loyal iodists, to all who value the souls of men and ixtension of the Redeemer's Kingdom, to all who [e the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity," would the mittee appeal to join in the endeavor to spread ►el Truth and scriptural religion throughout lands. " Lift up your eyes and look on the L for they are white already to the harvest. Ihe that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth [unto life eternal, that both he that soweth and he •eapeth may rejoice together." S. F. HUE8TIS, > e . • WM. SARGENT, ] ^^^^^^^ries. lave become " iel 72 MIWUTES OF CONrEPETCCB OF I! I i i CO § l-H I— ( o W ^ 1 1 s s s \o OO ot 00 r © ^ t- t- •s 2 ^ 58 • •<« A OS tH C en •-• o** O t o iH iH i^ 1^ »-H p «» • 1 o o oooo •'S © O Q O O la o o o o o 8t- c eo ooco t-> O •«# »« O O •-• e-i ;0 •-• OS •<«• C»>ft ' CO r-t ft 9^r-^ •-» CO « CO C« ri e «» • §§§SS5S tA O OUa 99 fH oo d o : O OMOC o« ^ O O0S00C4 •p^ O CO -^ 'J* CO «^ b- 00 to CO ob -^ ud o 22 w-"* «eo CO ro OS t* »>. «c «o o oo O f-l c OS .« * efl t Q (3 1-1 pH C^ N CO CO CO 00 eof-t c • o o oo ooo §88888 8885^ o O O O OO U3 o CO CO oo t- t- CO ^ «» »o 00 O —1 e<« O 00 CS M I H O i» O O l-H A to -it« O CO 0»0 vrt OS «0 "-^ I" > 00 CO t* ^ t- i-i eo C* CI CO t- t- 1- CO CO t- w t • 4» • O ' oo o 53 a 9 o o o o g B o g o oo CO M OS d9 00 eo CO a • §88g§ 8 oooo oooo s ;S'o oooo oooo s 2 o eo eo X 00 I— «0 eo Oi-i Oil O 00 CO OS «0 -^ lO eO W Tji M ua c< i> GO tH CO • OOOQOOO O O O O O US o oooooo O O O CO OOO '^l^ o o o o o o eS o oo es o CO 00 USUdUS o O O "* O •-• «5 »o «o C4 c^ eo ;o «9 ;o OOO"* 03 lO f-t »0 O «5 OS o «0 CO « CO «0 iH eo 1— I l-H »0 «0 CQ eo eo «> iM e • • e ■ d ; I g : i • g ' s SS ■*» ', OQ « 9 |i^ o •^ ' ^N M ca » o 09 00 A : s M J > ^ is ll il , c • c il ii 4 1 ^1 IS il I! 1 1 > B 1 a 1 \4 ■. 1 il 1 1 « » 1 • k » il 02 CK or [IS EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 73 §25 . -i i-t 101 78 73 37 310 00 291 00 342 00 227 00 151 77 311 00 lA M f-4 OOe4COC<5| o o oo o ti »ft S o> -n Si Oil tr I I o O io5eoeo eocowi-"Mi > t 2 5 ^ 140 76 28 53 « s oco A O 129 00 60 00 42 00 80 44 276 00 o '^ r« e oeo o — tooooo tA r-' to O -4 C« ^ 00 o e^ 00 >o OO 00 260 00 177 82 1 S272 8L 675 80 170 67 94 00 370 00 275 (K) 176 56 340 00 •* J»CO t- o t- 00 eo-Kt o •-• w f3 '-^ •■" "51 CO eo t- c^ t>-l 5 o H i-ie o ooo w C4 t>»04 o oooo oooo o « o r^r- o 01 ^ •-• •« 00 lodooodd do dS t> ^ CC -^ >Q Ol 00 ^ o o ;o 00 00 o 00 CO 90 «0O4 -^ ■^ CO t- o coco oo o o oo 00 eo o o «0 eo a o s «o eo 0222 oooo COO"-" c^ eq ko oi t^ o O o o ol O oo O 3l o 00 eo Ol b-l 00 tH CO o| 'SOOOO U30000 eo o OO o i-i c« eo I-H CO gOOO OOO OOOOOO o» •** as -«• H« t^ 00 ko o) CO (-4 eo to 1^ SS ss fHOS o o o o to o o o i-i to »rt "3 CO o ^ o s O O CO ol o © -^ =1 o o o ■-* ol rH I-H »0 CO "5| CO CO «> (N ' >M o o 00 004 w «« ■-• C4 <0 C4 sssss sssssss ss ss o>o t>t«o O O* 00 -* 'O e«iO04CI<0 04 O ^ O >"4 to O m 00 «0 to to Ol OS 1-04 e>4 «0 »4 eo eooi 3 s eo a o a 04 S ^ SS IS- ^» I? PS o OB H U3A4 o 00 C4 o OS ^ 9 ri .^1 MrarTEs or confeeekce or i: k ' •I I 'I I § "tl i ►< . 2 e S e* • o •s o» o i ssss «0©0 00©0 «0©^eo©(Ncoo© O 1 W5 ' s M ^ W CfJ O) O 00 «0 0> CO 00 ooot-ooo?>cooo CS ( •^ in to ^:oosoi(5iOi'*coco O J o Ct-ei90 ■<♦' ' «3 trt CO Q CO (30 (0 u5 O «0 i-i o © CO ;o -^ OW'*«00 t^ 9 09 C4 tA LQ cH CO «0 CO CO '*'^Tj .moD -• ua .^ ^ g 1 d i a • o . . S o O . * w.^--: » 1 S " > a isa •00 w 5 • Q 1 w ' • < • >s • • OS •^ p : > • ,P ; » ' o ft 00 < 1 . » • ; K . • C S i 1 1 i1 11 4 IS IPC o til i "5 1 a li Bridgewater IX. — St. John 1 '■I i £ c 1 > 3 • ;^ '5- a n 1 . O PS o > NCE or [1 KASTERN BKITISn AMERICA. iO NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS \ne Dollar and upwards^ to the Home JUissionary Society, for 1873-74. eo © »o 00 o o ec 0(N CO o O 00 o ^ w o o Oi Ci 05 '«»' w "^ O X I.— HALIFAX DISTRICT. > © O »rt O O » © t> t- eo © < o © ow^S H 5 lo «o <* ^ © a. 3 CO © © 00 O © 3M© ©«000 -I 00 © © (c » ?« «-" o c| in -*| (J ^^ Oi 8- M O o • ''I o n o 00 50 00 50 00 TAX, North CrRCuiT. I^"^ hy J. W. Smith and 't McXntf. T. B. SI2 00 bseph 2 00 /..linA. 2 00 IJ. H. 4 00 W/L. 25 00 M. P. 20 00 C. H. M. 20 (X) Miss C. H. 5 00 [A. A. 6 A. B. 1 im, S. 1 bell, Rev. E. 2 2 Peter 2 00 I, W. A. 6 00 Jon. legacy of 10 00 W. 2 00 foii,.T.R. 4 00 W. J. 1 00 [f, C. P. 2 00 R. W. 20 00 1 00 1 00 ira, A 4 00 tins, jas. 1 00 kton, W. H. 2 60 IJanios 1 00 }eo. F. 3 00 'e r 4 00 )n, Geo. 2 50 h. Thos. C. 1 00 Kdward 50 00 fn, B€v. J. & Mrs. 20 00 Lonpfard, John D. Longard, E. J. Marshall, Judge Miller, C. F. Morrow, J. B. Morton, Arch. McDonald, Rod. Mclnnes, Jc hn McLaren, P. McLellan. Geo. McMutt, Mrs. A. McMutt, W. B. Northup, Hon. J. Ray, W. G. Richey, M. IT. Schwartz, II. A. y Smith, J. W. / Smith, E. G. Starr, D. H. Starr, Miss Sweet, Jas. Sweet, R. J. Webb, W. H. Woodill, John Wright, C. W. Small sums 5 00 2 00 10 00 1 00 10 00 6 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 20 00 10 00 1 00 2 50 1 00 30 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 4 00 1 00 30 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 $433 50 Collected by Mis8 Chambers. Boak, Edward 1 00 Dymond, Mrs. 1 00 Eckersby, John 2 00 Forrest, John 1 00 Gammon, Wm. 1 00 Jordan, William 4 00 76 MINCTES OP COlTFEIiJCNCE OF if:..; Kaye, Joneph 85 00 McArthur, Rev. R. 2 00 licKinlay, George 1 00 BlortoD, Chas. 1 00 Mo8her, John 1 00 Mumford, H. 1 00 R«id, William 6 00 Small sums 1 76 »27 76 CoL by Mrt. Naujffli and Mrt. Youru/. Duffield, Mrs. 1 00 Lamphier, Mrs. 1 00 Larder, Mrs. 1 00 Naufft8, Mrs. 1 00 ODonnell, Mrs. 1 00 Read, Mrs. 1 00 Umlah, Mrs. 1 60 Watt, Mrs. 1 00 Toung, Mrs. 1 00 Small sums 4 76 \ 814 25 Collections after Sermons. Brunswick St. Church 36 80 Kaye St. Church 7 87 Charles St. Church 6 17 Collection at Anniversary. Brunswick St. Church 66 17 Kaye St. Church 19 .':5 Charles St. Church 12 84 Collected by Children. Charles St. S School 70 30 Interest on deposit 3 90 Expenses 8697 60 9 00 8688 60 Halipax South Cm Collected by G. H. Star Anderson, Thos. A. Atherton, W. T. Abbott, Richard Brookfleld, S. M. Black, Dr. R. S. Black, Samuel U. Binney, Mrs. S. N. Brown, Gould N. Braine, Robt. T. Belcher, Jos. S. Coleman, Wm. J. Coleman, Wm. J. jr. Crowe, A. H. Caldwell, Alfred Cooke, Charles J. Cooke, Thos E. Chipman, Jas. E. Caldwell, Saml. R. Cunningham, Wm. Crowell, H, J. Doane, Arnold Donkin, Robt. De Wolfe, John M. De Wolfe, C. E. Davies, Joseph Bvans, Jas. £. Fitch, R. S. Friend, Mrs. J. H. Foster, John Friend to Missions Godkin, Benj. Hart, Jairus Hart, Reuben J, Hart, Levi Hart,W.H. Hart, Geo. W. Harrington, W. M. Hennigar, F. A. Hoiloway, Thos. Jost, Thos. Jost, liCwiB £ent, Geo. A. Laurilliard, H. O. ¥^! £A8TKRir BBIT18U AMELICA. 77 )n. Edwd. W.J. ird, Chad. II. Wni. [, Edwd. )y, W. F. isuray, Miss )we, J. i W. S. 3r, John BV, John F. jlian, R. John D. ieck, Miafl bton, A f, J as. B. Rev. John Geo. H. [Mrs. G. H. ion, lion. S. L. I, o. O. D, ler.'», R. )end, S. Bll, G. H. Ciii)t. E. A. L. 111. Robt.P. \\\ Collection jrsary *' 2 no 20 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 5 2 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Collections 18 70 327 70 6 00 600 00 20 00 10 00 4 00 I 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 60 00 100 fiO 3 20 S1214 50 1 60 1 00 1 00 6 00 10 00 1 00 2 00 1 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 RTMouTH Circuit. n, W. K. 2 00 [Martin 2 00 % S. A. 2 00 ly, Mrs. 1 00 |n. '^B. 1 00 Mrs. N. 2 00 M- G.T. 1 00 T. W. 1 00 m, Mrs. S. B. 1 OO sums 1 00 WiNDson CracTTiT. Collected by Miss EU&n Scott. Allen, John Allen, James Aylward, Capt. Thomas ifarker, W. H. A family Black, Samuel G. Esq., Co wen, Theophilus Card, Capt. Elisha Chandler, John M Crowell, Mrs. II. A. Curren, John E. Curren, Frederick Davison, Mrs. Capt. John, 1 00 DesBri8ay,Rev.A.StevFart2 00 DesBrisay, Mrs. 1 00 DesBrisay, Bessie Even- ing 1 00 Dill, William 2 00 Dill, Watson 1 Francis, Mrs. 1 Franklin, Newton 2 00 Friend to Missions, 85 00 Goud^e, M. H., M T-., i oo Graham, Jamrs 1^. 3 00 Morton, Mrs: 1 00 Morton, Mist Mciry Fellow, Mis, Pattison, litsoi^o Reddin, George Richards, Joseph Robinson, Joseph Robinsr^n, Annie 1 00 Robert<*on, Elizabeth 1 00 Scott, David 25 00 Scott, Benjamin 2 60 Scott, Bessie 2 60 Scott, Georcje E. 1 00 Shand, J. Caldwell, 1 00 Scott, John M. 1 00 Smith, Bennett 12 00 60 00 I 1 00 00 1 00 2 00 9 00 1 60 uhu 78 MINUTES OF CONFEEENCE OF !' i ! ; :! Hi ' f M : ;n It Kjf Miiij Smith, Mrs. Marianne Smith, Julia Smith, Sophia Smith, William Smith, R. Morton Smith, Geo. W. Smith, Mrs. Joshua Smith, CD. W. &wife Smith, Albert Sterling, John Webb, John Wilson, George Wilson, H. ». Wilson, Mrs. Benj. Wood, Frank Small sumo Sabbath Collections Anniversary Collection 8 00 2 00 1 00 6 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 15 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 6 77 6 00 13 15 • - $206 92 Hantspoii:. Collected h/ Mrs. Toye. Beckwith, Capt. N. 3 00 Bond, Thos. 1 00 Brown, John & family 2 00 Churchill, John 2 00 McMurray, Mrs. 1 00 North, J. B. 2 50 Tippett, John 1 00 Small sums 70 Collection 1 30 »14 60 Mount Vernon, Collected hy Miss Davies. Jones, Mrs. 1 00 Layton,J. N. 1 00 Michener, E. 1 00 Michener, E. 50 Ckjilection 50 »4 00 Falmouth. Collected by Mm Taylor, Taylor, Miss \ 00 Sums under $1 Total HORTON CiRCl Lower Horto Col. by Miss Floreru Armstrong, John Bowser, J. B. Bowser, J. B. Mrs. Bowser, Emma Bowser, J. H. Bowser, S. Avery Black, Amos Brown, Miss Crane, Miss Crane, W. Curry, Capt. A. Curry, F. G. Curry, Mrs. F. G. Chipman, Dr. & Mrs.j Cutten, C. H. Dennison, Annie Dimcanaon, Martin Faulkner, J. L. Faulkner, W. Harris, Susan Harris, Mrs. J. W. Humphries, Milindc Johnson, Rev. Mr. McDonald, Ro* lericj" McGrigor, Mrs Newcomb, B. Newcomb, Wentzelj Parker, Robt. Palmeter, D. Patterson, A. McN.| Simson, Louisa Trenholm, Robt. Trenholm, Geo. Trenholm, W. E. White, E. P. Small sums and Cc EA8TEEN BRITISH AMERICA. 79 Total HORTON CiRCunj Jj&wer Horton. I. bi/ Mm Florence astrong, John Yser, J- B. svser, J. B. Mis. 5V8er,Emma wser, J. H. wser, S. Avery ick, Amos awn, Miss me, Miss me, W. iTy, Capt. A. rry, F. G. Lrrv. Mrs. F. G. Lipman, Dr. & Mrs. itten, C. H. ^ jnnison, Annie iincanson, Martin lulkner, J. !<• lulkner, 'W . arris, Susan _ arris, Mrs. J. w . umphries, Milmda ahnson, Rev. Mr. [cDonald, Roaerick IcGrigor, Mrs rewcomb, B. fewcomb, Wentzel >arker, Robt. Mmeter, D. . 'atterson, A. Mcrs. a Hmson, Louisa Crenholm, Robt. Drenholm, Geo. frenholm, W. E. W^hite, E. P. . Small sums and CoUei^ Wolfville. eded hy Miss Young. lell, J. W. 2 lell, Mrs. J. W. }ell, Miss I Mrs, Mary lfe,T.A. S. )r. m, W. J. ^art, C. ;n, Dennis fefell, John S. R. [man, W. 1 00 [man, Jas. 1 [worth, J. E. 1 (, Mrs. 1 f, Lottie 1 00 sums and - lections 3 92 2 00 1 00 \ CO 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 JS24 92 1 for the Circuit S70 01 ENTviLLE Circuit. Greemoich. . Beck man 1 00 L. Bishop 1 00 L. Bishop 1 00 A. Forsyth 1 00 arah Johnson 50 Neary 2 00 . Neaiy 2 00 tion 4 00 Kentville, A. Cogswell lomas Lydiard [ex. Mclnnes Is. Neary »12 50 1 CO 100 1 00 2 00 Mr. G. R. Sangster Collection 1 00 80 6 80 12 50 Total for Circuit $19 30 * ■ Newport Circuit. Ne2vpo7't. Allison, H. W. 2 00 Allison, Miss J. 1 00 Armstrong, D. W. 1 00 Dimock, J. S. 1 00 Dimock, Mrs. J. S. 1 00 Forrest, lizra 1 00 Forrest, Geo. 1 00 Johnson, F. 1 00 Johnson, George 1 00 J. IL J. in memory of J. B. J. 1 00 Mosher, Jas. & wife 1 00 Mosher, Lewis 1 00 Smith, Thos. A. 1 00 Smith, Morton 1 00 Sterling, Jas. 2 00 Sterling, Jas. L. 1 00 Sterling, Mrs. J. L, . 1 00 Small sums 4 35 Collection 2 43 S25 78 Hmvdon, i -.SM ^ ' Murphy, Harry 1 00 Murphy, Mrs. H. . 1 00 Walker, Henry 1 50 Walker, Mrs. H. 1 00 Walker, John & Jas. 1 00 Wier, Mrs. Elias 1 00 3mall sums 1 00 »7 50 Total— »33 88 : 'Hi!!!: MINUTES OF CONrEUENCIB OF >l il : If :i' (I i|H: ■#■ AvoNDALE Circuit • Avondale. Collected bi/ Miss Curry. Allison, Jas. AV. 1 00 " Mrs. Jas. W. 1 00 " John G. 1 00 Armstronp^, Mrs. 1 00 Austin, Mrs. 1 CO '* T. «!fc 11. 1 00 Burgess, Carrie 1 CO Chambers, Mrs. N. 3 00 Curry, Mrs. F. 2 00 " Nicholas M. 1 00 ** Mary 1 (!0 •• Fred. jr. 1 00 " Rufus 1 00 Forrest, Wm. 1 00 Harvie, John A. 3 00 " Mrs. Ira 1 00 " J. Weston 1 00 Jost, Mrs. C. 1 00 Mosher, Mrs. N. senr. 2 00 • " James 2 Of) " Mrs. James 2 00 «' Hannah 1 00 " Annie 1 00 «' Fred. A. 1 00 « Wm. A. 1 00 " Mrn. W. H. J 00 « Jas. L. B. I 00 " Daniel, jr. 1 00 " Mrs, fMniel, jr. 1 0(» " Mrs. Daniel, senr. J 00 " MissM 1 00 " Nicholas 1 00 " Mrs. Nicliolas 1 00 Mounce, Wm. 3 00 Sinclair, Joshua 1 00 Thomson, Geo. 1 00 Wallace, Wm. 1 00 Small sums 5 38 S52 38 Col. at Public meeting 3 81 Oakland. Col. by Miss Patty Ber Allison", Robt. W. Edward " John Bennett, John S. Mrs. Wm. Small sums S50 19 Total— 1 Burlington Circui Burlimjton. A Friend Burgess, Mr. & Mrs. Wu: Card, Miss IT. M. Harvie, (leo. jr. " Mr. &' Mrs. Abel " Panielia A. " Mrs. Andrew " Ezekiel k Magg Hayward, Mrs. & Miss Mann, Capt. John Nicliols, James Nichols, Joseph Salter, Norval Salter,, Geo. F. Sanders, John Sanford, Dr. A. San ford, Anthony Thompson, Geo. E. Small suais Collection Kempt ^' Cheim\ Collected hij Miss Burgess, John Charles D. John G. Dr. F. N. Hi u EASTERN BBITISH AMERICA. ^ley, Eneaa & Mis8 Mrs. Mahala It, Mrs. M. B. I, Josepn C. )er, John A. Moses |ng, Capt. John Capt. Jaines Mrs. James Arthur |r, Mifs Phebe >rcl. Mrs. Edgar |h, David Lewis M. ■ Mrs. Lewis M. T, Thomas 11 sums kction 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 i>9 2 1 1 1 1 1 KF.CAPITULATION S2G 09 • ngton arie 32 90 26 09 Total— S59 05 Maitland Circuit. SelmaJi. V) Mrs. K. Woodworth. fen, T. G. 1 00 |, William 1 00 Ju<;al, Lsaiah 1 00 (ulkiier 1 00 r, He- so & Maggie 1 00 I D. K. 1 00 Wilbert 1 00 W. M. 1 00 B )wden 1 00 Leonard 1 00 Mrs. W. M. 1 00 George 1 00 Kvorth, Robt. 1 00 "sums and CoL 2 25 Tennycnpe. Col. hy Miss Manj Parker. Church, VVra. " Mrs. W. •' Eliza Mason, David " Sarah Parker, Stephen " John Rolf, Eleaser " John Small sums and col. 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 1 25 00 1 00 1 1 2 00 00 12 »15 37 Bumcoat. Col. hy Miss C. Faulkner. Faulkner, David 1 00 " James 1 00 Mosher, John 1 00 O'Brien, Mrs. Joseph 1 00 Mrs. W. Y. 1 00 " Miss, box, Walter 81 Smith, John 1 00 " Mrs. J. 1 00 Seabrook, Henry 1 00 Woodworth, Mrs. J. 1 00 Small sums and col. 75 816 25 SIO 56 Total- «42 18 MUSQUODOBOIT HaRBOB Circuit. Home Missions. Gaetz, jr. Mr. &; Mrs. Isaac 2 00 Gaetz, senr. Mrs. Isaac 1 00 •' Mr. Henry 1 00 ♦* Mr. Alex. 1 00 " Jeremiah 1 00 " jr. John 1 00 Martin, Mrs. S. B. 1 00 McKinlev, Stewart 1 00 Ritcey, Joseph 1 00 "«r== MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF liijjjh f!!ll (i ! MM ¥'.>*'■ Eitcev, Mr. & Mrs. Simon 2 00 " ' jr. Joseph 1 00 Reeder,Mr. &Mrs. 2 00 Sypher, Mrs. J. P. 1 00 JSmall sums and col. 4 22 S20 22 Pleasant Point. Hawkins, Alex. 1 60 Kent, Robert 1 00 " Mrs. Robert 1 00 " John 1 00 " William 1 00 Nanffts, Esq. John 1 00 " Mias Miriam 1 00 " Miss Civilla 3 00 Thompson, Mr. Thomas 1 50 Small sums and col. 2 89 14 89 20 22 36 11 Expenses— 4 00 »31 11 Middle Musquodoboit Circuit. Laytonville, Bates, William 1 00 Deller, Miss S. 1 00 Guild, Mrs. Thos. 1 00 Harrison, Mrs. Dr. 1 00 Layton, William Esq. and family 4 00 Logan, Mrs. Robert 1 00 McMullen, Alex. 1 00 Scott, Alexander 1 00 Mrs. A. 1 00 Miss Eliza 1 00 Miss Mary 1 00 Taylov, J. H. Esq. 2 00 Tweedy, S. J. Mary 1 00 {( « Clara & Reynolds 1 00 Small sums Public collection Higgimville. Higgins, Simeon '* George Jennings, Josiah " Mrs. J. Kent, Robert " Mrs. Robt. White, John Small sums Public collection Meagher's Grant. Dunbrack, Peter Lay, Alexander Seaton, Mrs. James Scott, Timothy " George " Ella & Ida Shaw, Mrs. James Small sums Public collection Total- Less expenses Shubenacadie CiRl Raiodon. Blois, Mrs. H. Hope Custance, Josiah " Hannah Sim, Robert Public collection Nine Mile Riv\ Bloiy, Samuel " Mrs. Samnel " Margaret HM^ llll. 3E OF W EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. $-2\ US )llection Hiffffinsville. Simeon George 8, Josiali Mrs. J. ,obert Irs. Robt. .John ums !ollection Meagher's Grant. ick, Peter lexander , Mrs. James Timothy George Ella & Ida , Mrs. James sums c collection Total— jCSS expenses [UBENACABIE ClE^H Baxmlon. 3, Mrs. H. Hope ance, Josiah Hannah , Robert lie collection Nine Mile River. it«, Samuel Mrs. Samn«^l Margaret m in, Robert 1 00 lie, Joseph 1 00 pson, P>en 1 00 collection 68 Shuhcnacadie. JJenjamin 1 06 , Kev. J. W. 3 00 collection ■'^0 Sambro, Wesley Crooks, Total - «17 67 lARETS Bay. &C.C1RCUIT SWirets Bay Col. 1 40 83 1 76 1 00 $4 15 Bermuda, St. George's and Barley's Bay. Inglis, Albert \ 22 Smith, T. W. 1 22 Smith, Mrs. T. W. 2 44 Smith, B. E. & S. 1 09 Rankin, Miss 1 22 Collection, 4 96 $12 15 U.— ST. JOHN DISTRICT. MAIN Street Circlit. \ed by Mrs. G. E. King, and Miss King. )y, B. mi 00 rung, A. 1 00 LJ.-W. 1 00 \Yd, S. G. 1 00 an, J. C. 1 00 I, Wm. 1 00 |,D. »n, J. R. :, Mrs. Jaa. Chas. r, Mrs. m, Mrs. Jan^QS 111, J. P. Ill, Mrs. Hdwin VI rs. C. A ir, A. M^'liiomas ir ^TB. 1 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Gard, Mr. 1 00 llfitheway, Dr. J. C. 1 00 Hatheway, Dr. Canby 1 (K 0( Hardwick, G. A. Hargreaves, Mrs. 2 0( Jlenuigar, M. 1 00 Hambert, T. C. 2 00 Jordan, W. M. 1 00 Jordan, 11. J. 1 00 King, Hon.G. E. and Mrs. 4 00 Marshall, J. R. 1 00 Maxwell, Chas. 1 00 Purdy, Mrs. J. D. 1 00 Rankine, Mrs. J. 1 00 Ray, Mrs. G. T. 2 00 Ray, Chas. R. 2 00 Robinson, Mrs. Thos. 1 00 Rogers, Mrs. 1 00 Robertson, W. A. 25 00 Whittaker, Chas. 1 ao Wilson, Alexander 1 00 Woodburn, J, R. 1 00 Small sums, 60 »79 00 ' Biirmaii,'* 60 00 «|, "mjij H 11^ I iii i ! I 84 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF Sabbath S. Contribution, 42 50 Public collections, 30 03 Local Expenses, Nett, 201 ^S 1 i:o $200 03 Centenary Circuit, 1873-4. Quarterly Board, 250 00 Sabbath School, 6(5 10 Collection at Public Meeting, 15 7G »331 92 ExMOUTH Street Circuit. Collected hy Misses Hale and Porter. Bowman, W. 11. 1 00 Collins, Miss 1 00 Hale, Jas. 1 00 Hayward, S. 1 00 Kee, George 1 00 Kirkpatrick, J. 1 00 Porter, Miss 1 00 Rhodes, J. H. 1 00 Tweedale, W. A. 1 00 Small sums, 1 00 »10 00 Harris, S, T. Irvine, J. E. Jone^, D. W. Likely, G. Likely, J. A. Myle»,Ja3. Sullivan, D. White, Jas. E. Public Collection, Total for the Circuit, Portland Circi Collected hy Mrs. R. 1 Miss Jordan. Austin, M. D. & H. A. Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Gale, Robert Holt, Richard Hunter, Geo. D. , Jordan, Miss C. Matthews, A. T. Murray, Mrs. Wm. Price, James A. Shaw, Stephen Shaw, A. W. Shaw, Mrs. Duncan Stubbs, Thomas William James Sums under $1 00, Collected by D. W. Jones. Adams, Alex. Albin, Mrs. Bell, John, Cochran, H. Calkin, J. Clawson, Wm. Eaton, Miss Eaton, Miss Jessie Friend A. Graham, Mrs. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 Collected hy Misses ^\ and lounf/\ Culbert, Mr. and Mr( Harris, James Lingley Lewis, McKee, Miss McMurtry, A. C. Myles, A. Myles, A. Jr. Myles, John H. EASTERN BBITISH AMERICA. 85 Collection, for the Circuit, SOj Portland Cmcunl ied hy Mrs. R. ^^o^^H Miss Jordan. ^ in, M. D. & H. A. nan, Mr. and Mrs. , Robert , Richard ter, Geo. D. an. Miss C. thews, A. T. •ray, Mrs. Wm. ;e, James A. w, Stephen w, A. W. ,w, Mrs. Duncan bbs, Thomas [Ham James QS under $1 00, Trs. H. in. Jr. k A. McN. kus, Thomas fder §1 00, m, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 Td s» 18 2.5 23 Oi) 07 0\ I 50 Amount, SG5 54 tLKTON CmcuiT. hy Miss Mc William mil Miss Carr, Irs. T. G. ] 00 Z. 1 00 Mrs. W. A. 1 00 r. H. 1 00 , Mrs. W. 1 00 Wm. 1 00 Ir. 1 00 1 00 C. 1 00 lis. M. 1 00 IS. W. J. 1 00 hiience & Sutten, 1 00 Salter, M it L. 1 00 " R. & R. H. 1 00 Sprague, Mrs. ] OD Trueiiian, R. l 0^ Taylor, J. R. 2 00 Thompson, Mrs. J. 1 00 Tippett,'B. Jr. 1 OO White, Mrs. Maria 1 00 Small sums, 3 o.5 Collection in Chapel, 10 35 Collection by Minie Salter 3 92 bySuttm Clark I 50 by W. Taylor, 2 52 by M. Green, 1 10 Reb. Lahey, 3 00 t< Robertson, Robert »0l 44 30 00 S91 44 [r. R. IS Mrs. R. Ihlan, Mrs. liss K. A. lam, Mrs. Irs. H. J. )n, R. Esq. )n, J. C. A., Esq. irs. 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Zion's Church. Brecken, Rev. R. 3 00 Collection, 30 40 S33 40 Fairvtlle Cfrcuit. Westfield. Col. hy Miss Matilda Jackson. Buchannan, Mrs. 1 OD Brundage, Ida 1 {jQ Brundaoe, Morris 1 00 Crawford, George 1 00 Gregg, Mrs. 1 oO Luwry, J. R. 1 oo L )ng, William, Fairville 1 00 Lingley, J. B. 1 Go McCurdock, James 1 00 Millican, John 1 oO Millican, William 1 00 Stevenson, W. J. l oo Stevenson, Sarah 1 00 Small sums g oO 86 MINUTES OF CONFEEENCE OF ii!^!H s 'i J ! tt ! ;M Collections 6.50 Anne Stevenson's Juve- nile Card S28 00 40 $28 40 Collected at Piaarinco. Miss Cunningham's card S4 25 Small sums 3 40 »7.G5 Recapitulation. Col. at Westfield I>o. at Pisarinco Expenses $28 40 7 65 S36 05 2 80 »33 25 St. Axr rew's Circuit. Alger, Miss Balson, John Breen, John Graham, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. David Hutchinson, Miss S. Little, Mrs. Moloney, Miss C. McLaughlin, John Magee, John S. Stoop, Mr. & Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Small sums Collections SI 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 74 7 63 $29 37 Bocabec. Groom, Mr. Hanson, Jer. Esq. Hanson, Burpe Hanson, Addie Hanson, Miss Mary Turner, Fletcher Small sums Collections Digdeguash. Armstrong, J. H. Carmichael, John Go wan, T. Johnson, R. Ludgate, Mrs. McCallum, M. A. McFarlane, R. Small sums Collections Re-^apitulatio Saint Andrews Bocabec Digdeguash Total St. David's Cir( Collected by various Baker, Josephine E, Clendiiining, Chariot] Clendinning, Harris Dick, Mr. & Mrs. Jolij Dean, Julia & Sarah Gibson, John Gibson, Jane Gibson, Sophia Hill, Amanda Hill, William ' '* EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. St. David's Cmcuij \llected by various peri^ cer, Josepliine E, ndijining, Charlotte Qdinnins, Harris !k, Mr. & Mrs. John m, Julia & Sarah )Son, John )soii, Jane )S(>n, Sophia 11, Amanda 11, William Mrs. William 1 00 p:iizabeth 1 00 jy, Samuel 1 00 foseph 1 00 'rederick 1 00 Idney 1 00 latthew & Mrs. 1 60 iJohn 1 00 Mrs. Thomas 1 00 Bon, Mary Fohn lancy feorge iddie Henry Japt. Jacob ider a dollar col. 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 S36.50 ference of cur. 4 38 imount $32 12 James Circuit. Oak Hill. \Mi8s Lizzie McCann. [cCann ^raser [ennedy )ulti)n fobin mkins ;Gaw issell [ussell Ciiristie ICann Moulton Je Clinton toulton fiiuiuer iRussell Ims «ll 00 1 00 1 00 100 100 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 4 00 Collection 1 GO $22 CO LymfiM. Col. by Miss Mary Getchell. Mary Getchell 1 00 John G. Getchell 1 00 Benjamin Getchell 100 Sergeant Getchell 100 George Pinkerton 100 laabell .Jenkins 1 00 Bi)bert McCrossen 100 Frederick Pinkerton 100 Small sums and col. 3 35 S11.35 Pomeroy Ridge Col. by Mr. S. Hannon, Allen Hall 1 00 Lucy Clarke 1 00 Harriet Tyler . 1 00 Charles Spence 1 00 Small sums 3 25 Collection 1 16 $8.40 Total 42 35 Less difference of cur. 5.85 Less expenses S36.50 2 00 S34 50 St. Stephen Circuit. Col. by Miss Phedora Fraser. Z. Chipnian, Esq. 2 00 Fanny Fraser 1 00 Mrs. H. Owen 1 00 J. F. Beek 1 OO James Grant l (X) John F. Grant * l 00 88 MI^irXES OF COyFEBEUCE OF M . ! •lA William Ellis A. Oiepp Samuel Connick William Fra.«er Pliedora Fraser Kmma Morrison John Olasie J. G. Fra«er Mrs. II. Hut ton Thomas C. Stevenson Thomas A. Harrison U. W. Toal Mrs. H. Toal Tliomas M. Boyd Emil> Thompson Mrs. H. Fudge Geo. Trimble F. M. Minchie Cash M. Cunninp;ham Lawrence Barber Mrs. T. Hardy Miss Lizzie Cochrane Less dijfference in cur. Collection 1 CO 1 00 1 (0 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1(10 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 ] 00 1 00 100 1 on 1 00 $£0 00 3 00 27 00 10 96 «37 90 Old Ridge. Col. hy Miss Thyrsa Nishet. Andrew Murchie 1 00 Mrs. Andrew Murchie 100 Wm. Fraser 100 Colin Murchil 1 00 Small sums 2 50 Collection ,, 75 - ■ -.- ," . . »7i5 Less difference m cur 73 6 52 Total 844.48 Maitland Cmci Upper MilU. Col hy Miss Ki) Albee, Mrs. Henry King, R. M. King, Mrs. & Miss McCoul, David Porter, Mr.s. Anna Robinson, i^ydney Torvers, Mra. Scott, George Sums under $1 Collection MilUoion ij* Vm Collected hy Miss I Hamilton, Claude Hill, Stephen Tobin, Mrs. Small sums Gitchell, Harrison Total Less difference in cui X. S. currency Sussex Vale Cn Sussex. Col. hy Miss Hattie Ander.son, Mrs. Arnold, Percy N. Barnes, George II. Mrs. G. H. Brown, Thomas Dodge, H. P. Dysart, John Fiewelling, Mrs. M.| Hagarty, Robt. A. " Miss A. Hayward, Henry, Hayes, Orin EA,8T£BN BRITISH AMKBICA. 89 MilUoivn 4* ^^"'"'1 Collected hj Miss ll(\ milton, Claude 1, Stephen )in, Mrs. all sums chell, Harrison rotal . 5s difference in cur. S. currency Sussex Vale Circ Sussex. )l. hy Miss Hattie 'S/j iderson, Mrs. :nold, Percy N- xrnes, George II. Mrs. G. IL rown, Thomas odge, H. P. ysart, John ie welling, Mrs. M. agarty, Robt. A. *» Miss A. ay ward, Henry, Esq! 'ayes, Orin , M. G. 1 00 ii'vs, Miss A. P. 1 00 C ■R)l)t. Esq. 1 00 Oscar 1 OO Alonzo 1(0 jal. A. 1 00 pi. A friend of 1 00 I'eter 1 00 i\, Mrs. A A. 1 00 Mrs. F. W. 2 0i) W. A. Esq. 1 0') C. W. 2 00 Miss Helen 1 00 , Clarke 1 00 Harry 1 00 Mi^s Julia 1 00 Luns and col. 5 00 S33 00 Cnrsonville. y Miss Eliza S) ittrp. Joseph 1 00 Isaac '' 1 00 I ratio 1 ro lames 1 50 folm 1 00 .Z. 1 00 ^llen 1 00 ^nrnard 1 0) Miss Hannah 1 00 olin 100 iss J. 1 00 W. A. 100 lus and col. \ 3,') $13 85 s Creek ^ Nexotown. M'ss Delia Gosline. ^11 ss Jane 1 00 . Xtls n 1 00 \ H. 1 01) Mis9 Delia 100 TTavri.son, Brown 1 Parlee, Mrs.. H. S. 1 Pearce, T. C. 1 Taylor, Stephen P. 1 Small sums and col. 1 ro ro 00 00 10 SOLO ; Millsfream. Col. hy Miss Lititici Folkina. Chai)uian, J. W. 1 00 F. Ikins, Lewis, Esq. 1 00 McLean, Lauchlau 1 00 Ryan, Mrs. James 1 00 Rvan, S. F. 1 <'0 S*iarp, HeberF. I 00 Wright, G. N. 1 00 «7 00 • Sprinaficld. j Col. hy Miss Eliza Myleii. Bettinson^ James 1 00 J Gill is, Lemuel 1 00 ! M.\les, James 1 00 ■ Reed, Jjhn 1 00 Reed, VVm. James 1 00 Small sums and col. 1 25 . »6 25 Expenses 74 TO 7 00 Nett— S67 70 Grana Lake. Durost, Emilv J. 1 00 Farris, John M.P.P. 1 00 Jjhnson, W. M. in memory of 4 00 Johnson, Horace L. 1 oO Johns )n, Libbie E. 1 00 Johnson, W. Harrison 1 00 ^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ /, (■/ ^ .Uection 00 f)0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 40 30 (10 50 30 00 00 L>o 96 819.28 \jRiver Philip. Irs. 67 r. &Mrt.B.L. 2 00 Black, Mr.^. Rufus 1 00 Copp, Alfred 2 00 Cilhorne, George 100 Cove, J. W. 4(X) Davidson. Mrs. 0. B. 1 CO Donkin, Mrs. 60 Donkin, John 76 Donkin, Lewis 50 Parrel, John 2 CO Schurman, Mr. & Mrs. J. 2 00 Public collection 3 06 ■■■ 820.37 Oxford, Black, A. P. 1 00 Blenkhorn, W. 1 00 Davis, William 100 llawson Geo. D. 200 Harrison, Rev. Geo. SCO Gihj Perrin, Ella 1 00 Perrin, Edmund 100 Perrin, Jacab 100 Perrin, Fred, & Ilulbert Mrs. 100 Parrin, Divid Mra. & Burns Mm 100 Moral, Mrs. & Ilingley, Susan 1 00 Bjf;^er8, Mrs. James lOU Small sums and col. 107 $1(5 67 Bay Head. Col. hy Mm^y Jane Stevens. Banyman, Alex. 1 00 Holmes, Wm. db Hender- son, Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Mrs. George Joice, Mrs. Bobt. Johnson, Welwood& wife 1 50 Mclnt )8h Ed. & mother 1 00 McDonald, Maggie McDonald, Robt. Jeasie & Mrs. Angus Mattatall Sarah, Joice Mrs. John & Mrs. Obed 1 00 Slade, Joshua 1 00 Small sums and col. 1 00 100 100 100 100 125 »1176 Barrmoa. Chambers, Mrs. David & Beid, Maggie 1 00 Douglas, Nellie & Boss, Elizabeth 1 00 Dawson, Jessie & Margai«tl 25 Dawron, John & McNutt, Thomas 1 09 Mattatall, Jacob 100 Mittatall.Pred. & Marysr. 1 00 Mattatall. Geo. & Jasper I 00 M^ttitall, Nimrod & ' Pdton. James 1 00 Ro=}8, Alex. & Weatherby, Hannah 1 25 Reid, Geo. & Boss Wm. 1 00 Weatherby, Peter & wife 1 25 Steel. Mrs. F. & Keid, Jas. 1 00 Weatherby, Mrs. I). & William senr. 110 Weatherby, David & Bobs James 1 00 < Small sums and col. 1501 $16 35 YowtKe Branch, Minnie McDonald S. S. Mi8i»ionary Box Morley P. Langill Barbara Mattatall Lottie Mack Minnie Perrin llavelock Langill Smith McLeod Gross amount Expenses 4 05 2 82 1 69 67 O60 O40 O40 34 10 97 $55 741 8 0fl Net $52 74 PiCTOU ClBCUIT. Brown, B. W. E. Gunu, John Ives, Mrs. J. T. McEenzie, Small sums, Collection, •90 XABTISN BBITIBH ▲MBBIOA. Vh GUYBBOBO CntcuiT. \lUded by Miu Maria Hart. Bttle, Bey. E. and Mrs. 2 00 [ickley, Mr. J. H. & Mrs. 1 00 fnningham, E. £. 1 00 |irt, Alex. McL. 2 00 t, Lavinia Miss X 00 ).iiy WiUiam, 1 00 b, Joseph 1 00 krt, Abner 1 00 kfiFemaDyHon. W.O. 150 Idley, J. W. 1 50 ly, Robert. A religious Vow paid 30 00 |>'ir, William 1 00 3tt, Wm. S. 1 00 fleeted b^ John Gaetz, 2 00 IS contributed under bne dollar, 98 Iblic col. at meeting, 6 60 854 68 (Jape CaiMo, }. by Mrs. OUy (7. Whittnan. 3t, Samuel 1 00 |tthews, John 4 00 len, Mrs. 4 00 bert8,WiUiam,Jr. 100 |iitmaii, OUy C. Mrs. 1 00 ly, Mr. B. andfamily 1 00 ig, Mrs. J. 1 00 18 less than a dollar, 11 00 )lic col. at meeting, 1 95 for Circuit, expenses, Nett, 826 95 80 6f; 1 00 879 58 GOLDENYILLB CXBCUTr. Pascoe, Mrs. 1 00 Public collections. 6 29 87 29 Manchbsteb GiBCurr. Col. by Mita C. V. McKmmgL Hart, BeT. T. D. ft family 4 00 CBrian, James & family 1 00 Small sums, 1 75 Collection, 72 87 47 Intervale. CoUeeted by W. Fm-yuwn. Ferguson, William C. 1 00 Ferguson, Thomas, Senr. 1 00 Ferguson, Jas. A fanodly 1 50 Small sums, 2 74 Collection, 88 Total for Circuit, 87 12 814 69 Sydney Cibcuit. Sydney, OoUeeted by Mi$s L, Cam. Alcorn, Eev. W. 2 00 Burchell, J. E. 2 80 Burchell, Mrs. Geo. 1 00 Bradley Matthew 1 00 Bums, Stewart 2 m Bums, Mrs. S. 1 00 Brookman, Phubee 2 00 Brookman, Margaret 1 00 Brookman, Oitpt. 8i 4 00 Dobson,Jo8Bph 1 00 Ckin, I^dia 1 00 Greig, If rs. Jm. 1 Q9 Jost, James 2 00 1 I ^*\ i -#' M-' f,^, \\ ^ n Mnrmns of covvxbkvoi or [18 1' I" I Iji h :. I'D! fill ,#,11. Il 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 4 50 Jo8t, Mr«. Jas. 2 00 Lorway, Mrs. B. 1 Liscomb, Frank 1 Liscomb.M. H. >1 00 Matherson, A. Matherson, Wm. A. Muscraye, Mn. Chas. McKinnon, Mrs. J. Mills. Mrs. T. Bove, Mrs. Wojdill, W. Morly, W. Small sums collected, Total, 939 50 Expenses, 2 00 Nott Amomit, 937 50 NoBTH Sydney Cibcuit. Sydney Mrnti, Collected hy Mr. It, Viekeri. Bonar, Mr. 1 00 Clark, Mr. 1 00 EUiot, Mr. 6 00 Vickers, J. • 2 60 Vickers, H. 1 00 Vickers, Jacob 1 00 Shepherd, Mrs. 1 00 Vickers, Joseph 1 00 Vickers, Joseph Mrs. 50 Vickers, William 1 00 Collection, 1 80 816 80 1 50 Expenses, Nett, 915 80 Gababus GiBcu.r. Louithurffh. Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Gardner, 1 50 Mz. Si Mrs. Joseph Town- sesid, 1 00 Thomas Townseid, Senr. 1 Thomas To wnsend , Jr. 1 Lech male Townsend, 1 Small smus, 3 Collection, 2 Miffs Am. Stacy's card, Miss Bagnal's card, Sll S12 Port Hawksbuby Cibcui Poti Ilawkeburv and £ear\ Itlana. Collected hy Mines Martha A > lia and Lavma Lmith. Barllent, John Challen, Miss Embree, Daniel Embree, Hen»r Embree, Sa?an Embree, John Grant, ^Villiam Grant, Mary J. Grant, Mary J. Martin, Daniel McKenzie, Annie Small sums and collec. 10 1 Pwt Hood and SmUh*» Itl Collected by Mines AUce Sn ana Louisa Netts. Smith, Mrs. John ll In memory of a departed friend. Smith, Joshua Smith, Hezekiah Tremain, E. D. Bsq. Card, 0. Smith Small sums and collec. Sill BASTBBN BRITISH AKIBIOA. 99 IV.— P. E. ISLAND DISTRICTJ ICharlottetown Cibcuit. Col hy ifn, Trenaman. Jrace, Geo. {oyle, Wm. Jrown, Wm. iiUbeck, Hon. H. G. SI 00 166 300 8 34 fawson, Mr. & Mrs. W. E. 15 00 iryandBear^oxxstJin, no. odd, Hon. Thos. awson, Mr.A Mrs. W. F. orsey, John Die id collec. 2 10 d Smith^a Jtl fittea AUce St ohn f adeparted la >kiah D. Bsq. ith and coImc. D.D. avies, Geo. Iccle, H. C. ill, Ghas. od intentions I.C. logins, Jas. »t, R. Knight Page, Wm. N. ngworth, Mrs. R. wden, Mrs. Geo. rd, Hon. W. W. rd, Artenius ^Page, Fred. ore, Edith Stone tchell» Nathaniel rris, Thos. Murray, S: W. yne, Miss [rkin, C. B. naman, Mrs. S. eks, W. A. 100 4 00 100 100 3 24 162 2 26 100 100 200 100 100 100 200 1 25 162 2 00 100 2 00 100 100 2 00 400 100 162 163 Butcher, Mrs. M. , Brecken, Ralph Drew, Mrs. C. Dawson, Thos. Davy, Mrs. Findlay, Mrs. W. H. Heartz, Richard Hodgson, Mrs. James Johnson, Dr. Richard Johnson, Mrs. Dr. JuiT, John Ladner, Wm. Moore, Mrs. F. S. Matthews, Mrs. Uriah Macqowan, Miss McMillan, Mrs. Morris, Wm. F. Moore, mem. of Mrs. Ed. Moore, George Perkins, Hugh Smallwood, Mrs. Snelgrove, George Taylor, Dr. F. P. Turner, Mrs. James Weeks, Mrs. Wm. Yeo, Mrs. Small sums & friend 96712 81 7ol by Miaa Mary Booyer. Iderson, W. W. 1 00 ir, mem. of Hon. Geo. 4 00 sr, Dr. Frank D. 1 00 9r, Geo.R. 2 00 fdges,Bobt 8 00 100 16 00 100 800 100 100 300 100 2 SO 260 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 3 75 $70.76 Bible Clas8,Wm. Heard*8 39 00 Collection 7 21 Total #184 08 Cgbnwall and LITTLB'YOBK Circuit. ComwaU. Col. hy Mm S. Sinoard. Corbin, John $1 00 Frizzle, John 1 00 Frizzle, WUliam 1 00 f ;^ m 100 MIVVTIS OF CONFIBIHCI OF Gray, Mr. A Mrs. B. 1 00 Hourriel. Mr & Mrs. W. 100 Howard, James 2 00 Howard, Sarah 1 00 Howard, John 1 00 Howard, James, 2 ^9? Howard, Samuel S 00 Howard, Mrs. S. 1 00 Howard, Golding 1 00 Howard, William 1 00 Huestis, O. O. . 1 00 Huestis, A. B. 1 00 Hyde, Lemuel 1 00 Mayhew, Z. » 24 Mayhew, Emma 1 00 If cCollum, John 1 00 Collection ^ 70 824 94 West JRtv#r. North River » Balderflton, Benjamin Heard, C. D. Houniel, Bessie Howard, John & family Boper, Charles Boper, Mrs. C. Roper, Ma«^gie Roper, Richard Seller, J. and family Warren, J. B. Warren, Mrs. J. B. Ck)llection, Col. by Miee Mayhew* Boyle. Michael 1 00 Boyle, Mrs. M. 100 Boyle, Robert 1 00 Bourke, Mr. & Mrs. 1 00 Crosby, James 1 62 Crosby, John 1 00 Crosby, Elizabeth 1 00 Drake, James 1 00 Drake, Richard 1 00 Drake, Mr. & Mrs. E. 1 00 Drake, Mr. A Mrs. R. 2 00 Hyde, Henry 2 00 Hyde, Mrs. H. 1 00 Hyde, Mrs. L. 1 00 Hyde, Samuel 1 00 Hyde, Francis Hyde, Mrs. S. Hyde, Elizabeth Hyde, Artemas M!ayhew, Celia Small sums, LittU York, Crocket, Donald Crocket, Lizzie Crocket, George Cook, John GiU, WUliam Gill, Mrs. A. Harper, Henry Large, Mrs. Large, Miss Lucas, Rev. A. Seaman, Downing Vessey, Thomas Vessey, George Vessey, Richard West, Amos Small sums. Jewelry, Collection, 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 72 6 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 25 3 1 1 849 .2 2 1 823 South WUtihire, C me, James Crewys, Mrs. ColwiU, Walter ColwiU, Elizabeth 824 l5tColwiU,S.E. 1 2 2 1 1 lARriBH BBIIiSH AMKBIOAt lol Smith, Jonathan 1 00 Smith, Sarah 1 00 Ward, Samuel 1 00 Small sumB, 00 Collection, 48 •11 48 North WiUthire. Collected by Miss Onah Clow, low, George Saster, Mrs. G. Edwards, John lodfrey, Thomas [atthews, Wm. J, Small sums, ~)llection, 1 o WW 1 1 1 7 1 00 00 00 00 00 72 09 014 81 1 00 2 00 Collected by Miss Godfrey. )alderston, Hon. John 3 00 ^derston. Deacon tlow, George ;eacon, George )eacon, Mrs. G. ^eacoh, John ^eacon, Marcus lodfrey, George podfrey, Mrs. G. rge, William rge, Miss Imall sums, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 246 016 64 |otalf(JrN. Wiltshire, 081 86 Prince Taion JRoad. 7oUectedby Thomas loUar. [bbott, Theof alius 2 00 rson, Mary 3 00 )k, John 1 00 Dollar, Andrew Dollar, Mrs. A. Dollar, Hugh Dollar, James Dollar, Mrs. T. Ford, Edward Ford, Eeziah McDuff, Francis Proud, George Proud, John Proud, Mary Renoroff, Mrs. Sentner, Joanna Small sums and coUec. Highfield. Collected by Miss Seller. Johnson, John Johnson, Mrs. J, Murley, Eliza Seller, George Seller, Mrs. G. Small sums, Collection, 016 68 Brackley ^\M Mood, Collected by Mtss Jackson and Mtss Bryemton. Bryenton, John 1 00 Bryenton, Lydia 1 00 Bryenton, Susan 1.00 Bryenton, Jemima 1 OO Bryenton, William 2 00 Bryenton, Susanna 1 00 Ck)x, Charles • 6 00 Cox, Mrs. C. 3 00 Jackson, George 1 00 Jackson, Mrs. 1 60 Pfowse, William 6 00 Prowse, Mrs. W. 2 00 P]rowie> Mrs. (senr) 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 26d 021 69 Uer. a 00 300 1 00 4 00 4 00 74 0i ■J \ ;i ii I v I,; ■ il r I ■ '? /"^ wmm m 102 MimJTES OF Prowse, Agnes Prowse, John 1 00 1 OC .ij Prowse, Joseph 2 00 1 Wright, Mrs. L. 1 00 r Smail sums. 5 14 1 j Collection, > 2 86 ^9 50 HecapUulation. Cornwall, 24 04 West River, 24 86 1 ' North River 49 90 1 ' Little York, 23 86 South Wiltshire, 11 48 North Wiltshire, 31 83 Prince Town Road, 21 69 Brackley Point Road, Hi^hfield. 39 60 16 68 Union Road, £4 85 Stanhope, 17 25 8285 64 Union Road, Collected by Mm Seller. Ahbot, T. 1 00 Ayres, Thomas Clements, Robert 1 00 ' 1 00 ! Clements, Mary A. 1 00 I Clements, Margaret, 1 00 Parkin, James 3 00 Parkin James, 2d 1 00 i Seller, William 1 00 '*'eller, Mrs. W. 1 00 Seller, Jane 1 00 Seller, Isaac 3 00 Seller, Mrs. J. 1 00 Seller, Bessie, 1 00 • Seller, Waldron B. 1 00 Small sums, 6 15 i I Collection, 2 70 1 i 1 •24 86 >2fF£BENCS OF [1^7^ Stanhope. Collected byMise F. J. Hught Auld, Mr. and Mrs Wm. 1 Auld, James Brown, Robert Higgins, Mrs. C. Hughes, Benjamin, Small sums. Collection, 1 1 1 1 2 1 •8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Collected by Miee Alexander, Francis Douglass, David Douglass, Joanna Poster, David Green, Henry Higgins, Neil Watts, Mrs. Watts, Edward Small sums. Total for Stanhope, $17 ^^'}^1^ PowNAL Circuit. Alcorn James 1 Bourke, Mrs. P. 2 JBourke, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. 1 Drake, Samuel 2 Drake, Henry 1 Enman, Thomas 1 Jones, Mrs. Alexander 1 Music, Peter * 1 Sheidon, Joseph 1 Vaneidistine, Mrs. 1 Wood, Robert 1 Small sums, 3 Public collections, 1 •17 1874] XASTEBlr BBlTlsa A^tRIOA. 103 SouRis Circuit. Rev. J. C. Berrie Thank offering Collection 2 50 1 30 2 50 87 30 Miss en BCUIT. :s. J. R* I 2 Bbdequb Circuit. Centreville. Col. hy Messrs. N, Inman and Colin Wriffht* Beer, John Esq. 2 00 Beer, W. W. 1 00 Black, M. G. 1 00 Clark, Ewen 100 Cook, William 1 00 Inman, Nelson 1 00 Morris, Joseph 1 00 Seacord, Henry 1 00 Seacord, H.Mrs. 1 00 Strong, W. G. Hon. 1 00 Strong, W. G. Mrs. 1 00 [Strong, C.E. 100 iRcid, Andrew 1 00 IWright, Colin 2 00 Wright 1 00 ^right, Charles 1 00 ''right, Major 1 00 '^right, Maurice 1 00 ''right, Jesse & Son 1 00 JVright, Stephen Esq. 2 00 '^right, Solomon Legacy 40 60 ^ublic Collection 3 75 ider ). 8, •17 ♦71 25 Freetovm, fb/. by Misses Eliza A. Crosby and Anna Rogers. [rbing, John 1 00 iuld, Daniel 1 00 posby, Eliza A. 1 00 [axileld, Charles 1 00 Read, Mrs. Rogers, Anna J. Rogers, Thomas P. Vessey, Solomon Small sums Public collections 100 100 1 00 100 50 165 810 15 South Shore. Col. by Misses Harriet Wright and Stbsanna Atkinson. 100 100 1 00 150 Strong, Mrs. Jesse A, Wright, Benjamin Wright, William Small sums $4 50 Searle Toton, Col. by Misses Jane Black and Emma Huestis, 100 100 100 2 00 Black, Sarah Jane Black, W. W. Dobson, Elizabeth Holland, A. E. C. Huestis, Emma Lowther, Mrs. David Lowther. Mis. D. T. Myers, Tliomas Myers, Mrs. Thomas Phinney, Miss Phinney, Bessie V. Phinney, Jessie E. Wright, Lewis Mrs. Wright, John R. Small sums Public collection 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 60 822 72 I \ Vi\ \ Totel 9108 62 JL,i '■ * , mmm 104 HINVTEfl OF CONFBBINCI OF - 1 Trton Circuit. Col. hy Mr, George Hood. 100 200 100 100 200 100 100 1 00 100 100 200 200 200 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 $88 00 Crapaud. Col. by Miss Sarah J. Wigginton Cameron, Donald 1 50 Cameron, Richard 1 00 Howatt, George 1 00 Howatt, Mrs. James 1 00 Hudson, Rich. 1 00 Inman, Mrs. T. 1 00 MarshaU, William 1 00 Nicholson, Deborah 1 00 Newsome, Albert 1 00 Newsome, Peter 1 00 Reid, James R. Mrs. 1 00 Shaw, Archibald 1 00 Smith, Matthew 1 00 Smith, George W. 1 00 Stordy,J.W. 100 Stordy, John 1 00 Cameron William Calteck, Albert D. Clark, Mrs. Thomas Clark, Syrenus Dawson, Thomas Dawson, Mrs. B. Hudson, Richard, Esq. Howatt, Creorge A. Hood, George S. Hood, John M. Lea, Richard Lea, William Mrs. senr. Lea, John B. Lea, William C. Leard, John N. Leard, Francis Leard, James Mrs. senr. Leard, Samuel McRae, James Mrs. Wright, Charles Woods, John Collection Wadman, Oliver WijBfgintcn, George Wright, James G, Wright, Ms. J. Collection SmiUlsums [1874 100 200 100 100 4 20 300 828 70 Cape Traverse. Col hy Miss Eliza Clarke and Rev. H. P. C. Bell, Charles Cowperthwaite, Mrs. 1 00 Clarke, Isaac 1 00 Muttart, Lewis 2 00 Muttart, L. Mrs. 1 00 Muttart, Montague 1 00 1 Muttart, Newton G. 1 00 1 Muttart, Mr.&MvB.Lifelet 1 50 Telegraph operator 1 00 Muttart, John 1 00 Lillickar 1 00 Small Eums 1 Collection 2 Gross amount Expenses 915 9] 82 611 2 5C| Nett amount 880 ll| Margate Circuit. Col by Miss Dorcas Dennis. Bently Hannah Bently, Mrs. G. W. Bently, John Bowness, Andrew Brynton, James Dennis, William Dennis, Mrs. Wm. Darrah, Doctor Friend parreti ludgfi aneyj .arge, ickerj Ofickeri [1874 1874] EA8TERK BRITISH AMSBIGA. 100 100 200 100 100 1 OOi '' 100 100 lOOl 1 2 CUXT. !a Dennis. 1 1 1 101 1 101 1 1 X Friend Glyden, Samuel LePage, Mrs. A. E. McLeod, Hugh McKenzie, Mr. Proctor, Edwin Pridam, Daniel Pound, Wm. Pound, Mark Woodside, Wm. Small sums Public col. Granville. Ooi. by Miss Emma Haslam, Thomas Haslam, Mrs. T. Haslam, Robert Henry, Edward Esq. Moms, Robt. Morris, Mrs. Bobt. Morris, Cyrus Morris, Albert's box Morris, Capt. Geo. Morris, John Mallett, Geo. Parsons, John Parsons, Mrs. J. Smart, Mr. Taylor, James I Taylor, David [Small sums and col. 100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 $24 04 Senry. 1 00 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 21 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 916 81 Stanley Bridge. IGarrett, G. R. 1 00 FIudg8on,JohnInmem. of 1 00 laney, Thomas 2 00 arge, John 1 00 4cKering, Albert 1 00 dickering, Theodore 1 00 Pickering, J. A. W. Pickering "1 Jemima Wine J Harriet Public Col. & small sums Large, John 105 100 100 330 100 $12 30 Pleasant Valley, Murray, James Mrs. McPherson, Murdoch Weeks. Mr. & Mrs. John Weeks, Henry Small sums 00 00 50 00 98 $10 48 Total $63 63 SUMMERSIDB ClROUIT. Col. by the Minister. Berthram, Joseph 2 00 Rev. W. W. Brewer 1 00 Caldwell, James 1 00 Clark, Chas. R. 1 00 Doull, Geo. M. 1 00 Frizzel, Thos. 1 00 Gardiner, Hon. J. R. 1 00 Gardiner, Mrs. J. R. 1 00 Hinton, George 1 00 Newsom, W. B. 1 00 Robins, Wm. A. 100 Strong, Chas. W. 100 Strong, R. A. 1 60 Strong, F. W. 3 00 Schurman, David 1 00 Vickerson, James 1 00 Wright, ElishaH. 2 50 Wright, Mrs. E. 2 60 Wright, Norman R. 2 00 Weeks, John T. 100 Collections 6 00 Expenses $36 50 200 ' i i i "Hi t :.' u li;: fi- 106 MUrUTES OF CONFEBINCE OF [i874 Murray Harbor, Brehant, George 1 00 Brehaiit, Henry 1 00 Prowse, Mr. & Mrs. 10 00 Penny, James 1 00 Small sums 3 00 Collections 7 00 Total 23 00 Gbobobtown Circuit. Oeorffetown, Collection 93 35 Lower Montague, Phillips, George 100 Poole, John sehr. ' 100 Poole, John junr. 100 Small sums and col. • 365 • 96 65 Montague Bridge, Astbury, John 100 Emery, Mrs. 100 Poole, C. M. 100 Poole, C. D. 100 Sprague, Richard White, W. C. 100 ioo White, Edwin ioo Small sums and col. 8 f 9 815 59 Union Road, Lane, John 100 Lane, Edwd. 100 Lane, Edson, subs, and col. 2 31 Hellish, John and family 2 30 Mellish. Albert 100 Moore, Jas. and family 150 Ross, John 100 Small sums 2 49 $12 60 Egmord Bay— Fifteen Point, Col. by Misses Gamble ^ Hibbtt. Gamble, William 1 00 Ives, Miss Mary 1 00 Phinney, Rev. 'J. S. 1 00 Small sums 6 02 Total 89 02 Lot Sixteen, Col. by Mrs. Harriet Yeo, Birch, James 1 00 Henr^, Miss Flora 1 00 McKmnon, John 1 00 Yeo, Mrs. Nancy 1 00 Collection 1 98 •5 98 Total 838 19 Total 815 00 Albbrtok Circuit. Alberton. Colby Miss Lavimn J, Muttart. Ashley, John 1 00 Ball, John 1 00 Bell, Susan 1 00 Bell, Robert 1 00 Champion, T. C & J. E. E. 1 50 Champion, J. W. G. 1 25 Champion, C. A. & B. E. 1 50 Fairy 1 00 Hudson, J. C. 1 00 Hudson, Wm. 1 00 Hubbard, Capt. Geo. N. 1 00 Johnson, Rev. L. S, 1 25 Johnson, Mrs. L. S. 1 25 Johnson, Agassiz, P. 1 2.5 Kelly, William 1 00 Larkin, James 1 00 Leard, Edward 1 00 Leard, M. R. Leard, R.T. 1874; I«ard, McFet McRa< Rackij Weeks Weeks White, White, Small t Collect Colby, Beairstc Bownesi Frbi Amount the W Pred't Missio A. Gibso Public C( King Barker, I \ 00 ^tter, R 1 00 ^**6'« ^ nch, Le( ^ 874 89 02 ■r. eo. 100 100 100 100 198 E. 1874] I^ard, Thomas McFee, Rebecca McRae, Charles Rankin, Jessie Weeks, R T. Weeks, Mrs. H. White, Robert White, Mrs. R. Small sums Collection T. MuUart. 100 100 100 100 150 125 150 1 00 100 100 100 1 25 125 125 100 100 100 100 lAITSBV BBITI8H AMEBIOA. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 162 2 51 $32 63 Montrose* Ool. hy Miss Fannie A. McRae, Beairsto, George 1 00 Bowness, Benjamin 1 00 Grigg, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 44 McBae, Samuel 1 CO Oliver, John Weeks, Aletia Collection Total v.— FREDEBIOTON DISTRICT. Fbedericton Circuit. Amount appropriated by the Wesleyan Church in Fred'ton, toward Home Missions MarysviUe. A. Gibson, Esq. Public collection SIOOOO 8100 00 976 00 24 00 8100 00 KlNOSCLEAB CmcuiT. Keswick, Barker, Dr. J. H. 1 00 hotter, Richard 1 00 J XX )otter, Miss Maiy 1 00 ^nch, Leonard 1 00 McKay, Robert Small sums Collections Kingsckar, Everett, S. Kilburn, Miss Annie Kilburn., Miss L. Small sums Collection Birdton, Bird; Samuel, Sen. Bird, James Bird, Henry Bird, Fred. Haynes, Chesley McLean, John Small sums 107 100 1 00 103 87 47 Lot 7. Cook, Mrs. H* 100 Cook, Elijah Dalton, Michael 100 100 Lidstone, Elizabeth 100 Locke, Miss P. 100 McNeil, Charles 100 Strang, Jesse Wright, R. T. 100 100 Wright, S. M. 100 Collection 167 10 67 860 77 87 50 84 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 ■ I 1;^ i I r ii ^ 108 Collection Total MINUTES OF COSmBEirCI OF [1874 I 187 176 99 25 821 58 Sheffield Circuit. Sheffield. Burpee, Mrn. Chas. 82 00 Barker, Chas. 1 00 Harrison, Wm. Esq. 2 00 Harrison, Moses C. 2 50 Harrison, Wm. H. Taylor, Isaac, Esq. Taylor, O'hos. P., Esq. Taylor, Wm. Public col. Camterburt Circuit. Hay Settlement. Hay, Robt. & Mrs. 3 00 Dr.. Sma 85 60 LakeviUe. Public col. Expenses WooDsrocK CmcuiT. W.J. Barker Connell, Ella Fisher, Mary Fisher, John Hay, W. W. Holder, J. D. Holyoke, Oeoree Harrison, W. H. Jordan, James McKeown, H. Bey. Snow, Joshua Thompson, A* Thompson, A. J. 100 2 00 200 2 00 4 85 819 35 260 Collection S^iff Lake. Gould, Solomon McKay, H Esq. Thomson, Robt. Wright, S. F. Small sums and col. Total Enowlesvillb Circuit. 260 100 100 100 100 3 93 7 93 813 53 UIT. Ja Butle Cowp Hali; Kami Payso Simoi Small CoUec 82195 50 821.45 IT. 100 100 200 100 1 00 100 100 100 200 Victoria Comer. Col. by Miss Annie Jones owrfj ^^^^] Jesse Hume. Collect 200 95 100 100 815 95 R. S. Bowser J. B. Bowser J. T. G. Carr John Crawford Benjamin Gallupe Alex. Hume T. Marshall M. Tompkins Small Hums and col. HartUmd. John Barrett Mr. Clandfield Abner Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Matheson John McDonald R. McKinnon C McKinnon Mis. & Miss Tucker 815 9 Paysoi Paysoi Colled ?l If Co\ C Squirel 9. Squirel Gibersi Small ii' [1874 I 1874] EA.8TERir BBITIBH AMXBlOA. 100 riT. Dr. J. S. White Small sums and coL Total Less Expenses 100 496 915 46 3139 036 S31 03 Jacksonville Cibcuit. 7 93 S13 53 Butler, E. Cowperthwait, H. Hall, Mr. Hamilton, Mrs. Pay8on, John Simonaon, J. Small sums, Collection, 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 40 IRCUIT. SU 00 Florencbville Cibcuit. Collected by Frank Lewin 3 44 Fanny Taylor 3 87 Phoebe Lunn 4 55 Sll 86 Andoveb Cibcuit. Payson, Mary A. Payson, Alder Collections, 1 00 1 00 9 33 Upper Kent. Collected by E. Turner. Aomour, .Joseph 1 00 Aomour, John 1 00 Thompson, Mrs. Margret 1 00 Small sums, 2 99 815 9 on »r 1 1 1 1 H 2 1 If I 811 33 ToBiQUE Cibcuit. Wicldow. Collected by E. Turner. Squires, George, Senr. 1 00 Squires, George, Jr. 1 00 Squires, Francis 1 00 Giberson, Francis 1 00 Small sums, 1 30 Bath. Phillips, James A. Esq. Phillips, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Smietll sums. Total, 85 99 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 36 84 36 815 65 Nashwaak and Boiestown Circuit. Nashwaak. Collected by Miss Annie Young, 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 Bell, Jeremiah Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Langan, Emma McBean, William McBean, Mary Munro, William O'Leary, Maud & Lizzie Seller, Morley H. Seller, Willie E. W. Young, James Young, John Young, Annie Collection, 1 00 1 1 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 85 30 Boieslown* Boies, James Cameron, Kenneth Calhoun, Joseph Fftirley, John 813 00 1 00 1 00 50 500 ,< ■» % 4 .i i h m 111 110 MnnJTES OF COmrSBENOE of 2 1 00 f-0 50 (50 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 00 00 50 1 1 Pairley, Scott Fairley, Robert Ho vie, Alex. Haye^, Peter Jainew, Rev. Silas McDonald, Alex. McLeod, Donald, Jr. Parker, Mrs. G. Parker, Mary J. Pond, Mrs. Moses Palmer, George Scott, William, Senr. Scott, Francis Smith, Mrs. Alex. Spencer, William Draktotim, Gilks, John Redolin, Dr. F. L. Total for Circuit, Gaoetown Circuit. Collections, 6 20 Slack ford, Rev. E. 1 00 Slackford,Mr8. 1 00 Slackford, John kE. I 00 Slackford, W. & Alice 1 00 Friend A, 1 80 S22 10 812 00 MlBAMICHi ClBCUIT. Chatham. Collected by Mr. J. Brmvn. Anslow,Mr8. 1 00 Ericsson, C. Oscar 1 00 Friend A, 1 00 Friend A, I 00 Jackson, Robert , 1 00 Kelly, Mrs. W. M. Johnston, Mrs. Muirhead, Mrs. W. McNutt, James Mother, Mrs. Oulsson, C. F. Fallen, Dr. John Stepledon, Bartholumew 1 00 [1874 1 40 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Tweed ie, Joseph Waterhouse, Rev. J. Small sums. Public collection, Ketocastle, Willeston, Judge Public collection, 1 00 1 6 00 70 8 25 830 35 2 00 29 08 1 1 1 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 00 00 1 1 831 08 Derby. Col by Misses Wilson ^ Crocker. Bryenton, Mrs. C. 1 00 Bryenton, Mrs. John Bryenton, Mrs. George Bryenton, Albert Barron, Archibald Bubai', Mrs. J. C. Crocker, Roland Crocker, S. W. Crocker, Mrs. C. 1 00 Crocker, James 1 00 Crocker, Mr. & Mrs. W.T. 1 00 Clarke, Alum 1 00 Donoghue, John 1 00 Fraser, John 1 00 Graham, Mrs. John 1 00 Harrigan, Mr. & Mrs. L. 1 00 Harper, Alex. 1 00 Harper, Messjs. J. & R. 1 00 Hasford, Miss Fanny 1 00 Hussey, James 1 00 Miller, J. J. & T. C. 1 25 Miller, Mrs. J. C. 1 00 Miller, W. J. 1 00 1874] lASTEBir BBITISH AMEBIOA. Ill 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 6 70 8 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 Morp^an, Joseph 1 00 Mertch, George 1 00 Palmer, James 1 00 Purker, Mrs. C. 1 00 Wilson, Mrs. 1 00 Wilflon, Miss 1 00 Wilson, R. & N. 1 00 Wathern, James N. 1 00 Small sums & Public col. 12 12 843 37 WiUiamstrnvn. Collected by Miss Ttoeedie. Cochrane, Mrs. John Graham, William Hosford, Benjamin Hos^-rrd, Wesley Hosford, Emma Hosford, Hannah E. Hosford, Susan M . Hosford, Joseph McLean, Annie McLean, Esabella and Elizabeth Peabody, John Peabody. Stephen Quails, Robert Tweedie, Mrs. E. W. Tweedie, Amelia Tweedie, Robert Tweedie, Mrs. Jaines Tozer, William Steans, Isabella Public colleciion, Bourne, C. F. 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 50 8 13 1 00 •22 13 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 English Settlement. Collected by Miss Copp. Bourne, C. P. 1 00 Dermitt, Mrs. 1 00 HoBford, Jonathan 1 00 TTosford, .lohn Hcford, Mrs. John Hosford, Josei)h Hosford, Jonathan Hosford, Annie & Sucy McLean, Wm. McCombs, Robert Shaddick, Mrs. Shaddick, John Shaddick, Wm., in re- membrance of deceased son, Shaddick, Christianna Shaddick, Mary Shaddick, Fanny Sutherland, Louisa Stevens, Mrs. Stevens, George Public collection, 1 00 1 (10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 OO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 56 BecapittUation. Chatham, Newcastle Derby, Williamstown, English Settlement, •21 56 30 35 31 08 43 37 22 13 21 66 S148 49 Bathurst Circuit. ^athurst» Ferguson, Mrs. John Si 00 Buttimer, Mrs. James 1 00 Buttimer, Annie, Alfred, Malvina 1 00 Miller, John 100 Collection 6 20 Expenses Total 8110 20 64 •9 56 : i I ,■■,<: a . i il it 112 MINUTE8 OP C ' ' Tatagouche. Col. by Miss ffinton. 1 Emmerson, A. P. 1 00 Kent, Michael 1 00 Mcintosh, Robt., Mary & Lizzie 2 00 Vance, John 1 00 Small sum? 1 75 Ck>llection 2 95 $9 70 New Bandon, Col. by Miss Dawson. Dempsey, Nathaniel 1 00 Dempsey, Wm. & son 1 00 Dawson, Mr£>. Richard 1 00 Ellis, John 1 00 Hodnott, Garret 1 00 Homibrook, Ed. & Thos. 1 00 Wiseman, Joseph 1 00 Sums under 91 1 25 >Nr£B£NCS OF [1874 Dalhousir Circuit. CampbeUon. Conley, Miss SI 00 Hardiman, Mr. 1 00 McKendick, Mr. & fam. 4 00 Parker, Robt. 1 00 CoUection 4 81 SIX 81 Dalhdusie. Trewin, Rev. W. & wife 4 00 Windsor, Joseph 1 00 Windsor, Joseph, jr. 1 00 Windsor, John 1 00 Collection 3 29 •8 25 S10 29 Armstrongs Brook. Bent, Mr. & fam. 2 50 Canada Side. Campbell, Mr. P. & wife 4 00 Doherty, Mr. 1 00 Collection 1 00 $6 00 VI.— SACKVILLE DISTRICT. Sackville Cibcuit. AlliFon, Mrs. C. P. »5 00 Allison, David, L.L.D. 2 00 Black, Joseph L. 2 00 Bond, George A. B. 1 00 Bowser, Charles 6 00 Dixon, James 2 00 Dixon, Mrs. C. 1 00 Pawcett, G. C. 2 00 George, James 2 00 Hart, Rev. J. & Mrs. 3 00 Inch, J. R., A. M. 2 00 Mellish, J. L , A. M. 1 00 Stewart, Rev. C, D. D. 4 00 Trueman, Thomson I 00 Trueman, Mrs. T. Trueman, R. A. Wood, M. & son Sun^s less than SI Public col. Total Less expenses «87 I «85 Point de Bute Cibcuit Atkinson, John SI Bowser, Charles 1 Bowser, Humphrey 1 BroTn Casej 00| Chap Davi( Paul Good Good 761 Good 891 <^ood Good 8^ Good( Good< Goodt Harpc Quito Sidda Turne [1874 I 1874] EASTEBir bbitish amebioa. UIT. SI 00 100 ,ni. 400 100 4 81 •1181 ife 400 100 1 00 100 320 S10 29 rook. 2 50 \e. wife 400 100 100 eeoo 100 100 600 8150 17 2C Chapman, Martin Esq., 1 00 Chapman, Lydia 1 00 Copp, Hiram 1 00 Delesdemier, Henry 1 00 Hyslop, Wm. 1 00 McQueen, Hon. Mr. &. Mrs 1 50 Oulton, Samuel 1 00 Oulton, George J. 1 00 Oulton, Edward 1 00 Smith, T. Travis 1 00 Smith, Howard 1 CO Smith, Hazen 1 00 Tinyley, Josiah 1 00 Trueman, Martin 1 00 Trueman, Howard 1 00 Trueman, Benjamin 1 DO Trueman, Stephen 1 00 Trueman, Charles 1 00 Trenholm, Hiram 1 00 Trenholni, Martin 1 00 Collections 5 12 $87 76 189 085 8'; ClBCUIT. »10( IS 82862 Baie Verte CmcuiT. Baie Verte. Collected hg Miss Annie Ward. Brownell, Mr. 81 00 Casey, Henry L. 1 00 Chappell, Miss Nellie 1 00 Davidson, Richard 1 00 Faulkner, H. W. 1 CO Gooden, Mr. & Mrs. Steph.2 50 Gooden, William 3 00 Gooden, Edward C. 2 00 Gooden, Robert 2 00 Gooden, Amos 1 00 Gooden, Gilbert 1 60 Gooden, Rufus 1 00 Gooden, Edmund 1 00 Harper, Pred. 1 00 Oulton, Miss Sarah J. 1 00 Siddall, Charles 1 00 Turner, Barker I 00 Turner, Comelfus Turner, Wesley Ward, John Wood, Weldon Collection Bmtfield. Collected by Miss Clara Allen, Baunerman Allen, Elphraim Allen, Stmng Allen, Richard Allen, Raglan Buskirk, Colin Van Crane, Mrs. Fred. Dobson, Avard ])obson, George Friend Jones, William Jones, Mrs. William Spence, Oulton Trenholm, Ge«r^e W. Trenholm, Amelia J. Wells, William Wells, 'Allen Small sums and col. 113 100 200 200 100 138 830 38 Dobson. 81 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 300 820 00 Bristol. Col. by Miss Copp. Avard William, Esq. 1 00 Avard, Charles 1 00 Avard, Mrs. senr. 1 00 Copp, Robt. 1 00 Copp, Mrs. Robt. 1 00 Copp, Adam 1 00 Davis, Joseph 1 00 Dobson, Richard 1 00 Gooden, William C. 1 00 Collection 1 -00 81000 I* f 1 !.V 114 MIirVTES OF COTTFERENCE OF [1874 Upper Cape, Col. hy Miss Guaaie RaywortJi Allen, William 1 00 Allen, Albert 100 Main, James 1 00 Mitten, Wellington 100 Ray worth, John 100 Rayworth, Willie 100 Ray worth, George 100 Small sums and col. 1 25 »8 26 South Shore. Col. by Mrs. Richard BaAter. 100 100 100 1 00 100 1 00 100 100 2 60 Baxter, Stephen Baxter, Mrs. Stephen Baxter, Richard Baxter, Mrs. F. Black, Charles Black, Gilbert Oulton, Busby Ward, Burton Small sums and col. ;810 50 Tidniah. Chi. hy MtM E. J. Hamilton. Gooden, Bedford 1 00 Gooden, Annie 1 00 Gooden, Willie & Leonard 1 00 •3 00 •82 13 Expenses 2 00 Nett $80 13 MoNCTON CrncuiT. Collected hy Miss M. McCarthy. Bloise, O. $1 00 Golpitts, R. 1 00 Elliott, Wm. Forbes, G. V. Forbes, J. T. Gordier, J. P. Hunter, F. G. Henderson, J. W. Luttrell, R. Luttrell, Mrs. R. Luttrell, Amanda In memory of Augustus Heaven. Luttrell, Samuel Marling, William Moore, Geo. Moove, Mrs. Geo. Milliken, Mrs. £. McCarthy, E. Robinson, W. J. Robinfon' Mrs. W. C. Selig, Samuel Small sums 1 JO 1 00 i 00 100 00 00 00 00 00 in 100 1 1 1 1 Oo 00 00 00 Collection Less Ex^^enses 100 2 00 1 00 1 00 100 2 00 »27 00 460 3160 4 40 827 20 cus Small Coverdale. Collected hy Misses Trites and Chapman. , Chapman, X. ] Chapman, A. & wife ' Chapman, G. T. ] Milton, A. ] Trites, M. A. ] Trites, G. A, ] Trites, J. L. ] Tavlor, O. C. j Smith, C. ] Weldon, B. ] Small sums ] Collect Bishop, Chapmi Chapmi Dobson Dobson Jdgett, Taylor, Taylor, Parsons Newcoi Jeffrey, McKiivi 874 1 JO 1 00 i 00 100 400 100 1 00 100 100 in ICO lOo 1 00 100 1 00 100 2 00 100 1 00 100 2 00 »27 00 460 3160 1 4 40 1 »27 20 1874] Ck)llectioD8 Moncton EASTZSK BRinin AMEBICA. 2 05 $15 05 27 20 S42 25 DORCHESTKR CIRCUIT. Dorchetter. Collected by Misa A. Chapman. 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Atkinson, Jas. O. Atkinson, Miss Chapman, J. W. Esq. Chapman, W. B. Chapman, Alljert Chapman, Lissy Cole, Mrs. Chappell, Benj. Dixon, Wm. Dixon, Mrs., in memory of John, her son, 1 00 Hopkins, Annie 1 00 McCarty, Mr.«. 1 00 Palmer, Mr. & Mrs. Mar- cus 3 00 Small sums, 50 CoUection, 2 90 $18 40 Rockland. ^^ Collected hy R. A. Chapman. Bishop, Captain 1 00 Chapman, R. A. 2 00 Chapman, Wf9. B. A. 1 00 Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. 2 00 Dobson, Mrs. Jr., 1 00 Edgett, Georges 1 CO Taylor, David, 2 00 Taylor, Jonas 1 00 Parsons, John 1 00 Newcomb, Joseph 1 CO Jeffrey, Mrs. Thos. 1 00 McKilvie, Mr. and Mrs. 2 00 Smith, Robert Smith, Wm. Collection Dover. 115 1 00 1 00 6 50 S24 50 Collected by Miss Boyd. Beattv, Mrs. S. 1 00 Colpitt, Bessie i 00 McFarlane, J. A. 1 00 MuUin, Aaron 1 00 Small sums, 3 25 Collection 1 03 88 28 Recapitulation. Dorchester, 18 40 Rockland, 24 50 Dover, 8 28 Less Expense 851 18 1 25 «49 03 Hopewell Circuit. JSTopewell JSTill. Collected by Miss M. Rogers. Racon, Wm. 1 OO Peck, Lehiel 1 OO Rogers, James 1 OO Rogers, Wm. 1 OO Rogers, Alexander 1 00 Wright, W. C. 1 00 Collection, 1 20 HopeioeU Comer. Anderson, Owen Anderson, Andrew Barber, John 1 00 Kinnear, Gilbert 1 CO Murray, Dr. I 00 $7 20 1 00 1 00 •» I '1' !i" 1 116 MINUTES OF CONFEBENCE OF [1874 McClellan, Hon. A. R. Oarn worth, James Styles, Alonzo Wood, Mrs. Geo. Wood, Herbert Small sums, Collections, Alma and Point Wolfe. Col. by Miss Elliot. Alcorn, Andrew 1 Hoar, Stephen 1 Kyle, William 1 McGibbon, William 2 McGibbon, Mrs. Wm. 2 Matthews, Thomas * 1 Strong, Deborah 1 Wiight, Robert 1 Small sums, 1 Collection, 1 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 95 2 80 615 75 Sharp, Geo. H. Taylor, R. B. 1 1 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 06 612 25 HiLLSBORO ClHCUIT. Beatty, George Beatty, John Blight, James Comben, Rev. C. Darrah, Neal Haddon, Wm. Kinnie, Thomas Mitchell, A. Simpson, Richard Small eums. 1 00 1 00 Spring HiU. Col. by Mi88 Baskin. Baskin, W m. E.sq. family Baskin* Miss Rachael Carson, Hazen Jackson, Edward Small sums $4 50 150 100 100 100 75 Canaan. Col. by Miss Margaret Hayward, Wm. Esq. Hagerty, Edwin Perry, George Perry, Daniel family Patterson, Sol. . Patterson, Mrs. Patterson, Miss Sarah Small sums collected S5 25 Perry. 100 100 100 260 100 1 00 100 2 00 610 60 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 1 4 00 00 84 614 84 Havblock Circuit. £favelock. Col. by Amos Hicks. Hicks, Amos 1 00 MilJs, Rev. E. Wife 1 60 $20 35 Youthh Branch. Donegal. Mary A. McAfees Card. McAfee, James 90 McCuUey, Jane 1 10 Small sums 1 17 6317 Thomas Btistard's Card. Bustard, William Bustard, Robert Chambers, E. M. Moor, A. Small sums ISO 105 100 100 2 67 S •712 Col. Addy,| BishoE Colpiri Colpiti Carrol,] Claws( Ea-IesJ C^owJai Henry.] liUtz, ^cNauJ m 1874] EASTSBN BBITISH AMEBICA. ir LOO LOO rio $5 25 $317' \Card. Elida C. LockharVs Card. Lockhart, Thos. family 1 80 Small sums 1 75 83 05 Annie D, Lochharfs Card. Adar, Moses 1 15 Adar, Geo. family 1 00 Lockhart, Wm. 1 00 Lock hart, Alex. 1 00 Small sums 4 55 »8 70 Mary NicohorCs Card. NicoIsoD, Thos. family Yeoman's Chas. family Small sums Collection Expenses Total 8100 1 12 98 83T0 70 846 19 300 84319 180 105 100 100 2 67 Salisbuby Cibcuit. Salisbury, Col. by Miss M. I^fcNaughton. Addy, Tobias 1 00 Bishop & Chapman 1 00 Colpitts, S. S. 1 00 Colpitts, S. B. 1 00 Carrol, Edward 1 00 Clawson, Dr. E. 1 00 Eaj^'es, David 1 00 Gowland, William 1 00 Henry, Walter B. 1 00 Lutz, Richard 1 00 McXaughton, James 3 00 McM urray, John 1 00 McMuiTay, Mrs. J. 1 00 Tippitt, A. P. 2 00 Trites, Gilford A. 1 00 Weldon, R. B. C. & Coke 1 60 Wright, A. L. 1 00 Wilmot, S. S. & Mrs. 1 60 Sums under one dollar 7 80 Public collection 8 76 833 55 Mechanic Settlement. Bailey, Alex. 100 Cochrane, Mrs. Geo. 100 McGee, Thomas 100 McGee, Charles 100 McGee, George 100 McGee, Richard 100 Public col. 108 87 08 Little River. Collected by Misses Gooden ic Gifwd. Colpitts, John 1 00 Colpitts, George 1 00 Colpitts, William 1 00 Colpitts, Noah 1 00 Colpitts, Isaac & Mrs. 1 00 Colpitts, Jonathan 1 00 Colpitts, Enoch & Geo. 1 00 MoUens, Egbert & Mrs. 1 75 Sums under one dollar 2 00 Public collection 1 50 Total for Circuit Expenses 812 25 52 88 168 85130 ifc ,. I I 1 ¥.f , , I rr 1'^ i 118 Mi;7UT£S OF CONFERENCE OF [1874 RlCHTBUCTO CmcuiT. Kingston. Atkinson, J. R. Friend McBeth, Mrs. Collection 2 00 1 00 1 00 4 74 $8 74 West Branchy Welford. Curran, Thomas 2 00 Curran, John 1 00 J Curran, T., Esq. 1 00 Worthan, Nancy 2 00 Collection 1 91 Expenses »8 91 200 Amhebst Circuit. Amherst. Black, Joshua, Senr. 31 00 Black, Hiram, Esq. 1 00 Black, Rev. A. B. & Mrs. 1 50 Black, Rupert 1 00 Black, Asher 1 00 Black, Eliza & Fanny 1 00 Black, D. A. 1 10 Bugjley, James 1 00 Church, John W. 1 00 Davison. Mr. & Mrs. A. 1 fA) DonkiH, Mrs. C. & Fred. 1 00 Dobson, W. P. 1 00 Elderkin, J. K., Esq 4 00 Elderkin, Mrs. J. K. 4 00 Huestis, Mrs. R. B. 1 60 Hodgson, Thaddeus 1 CO Pugsley, Gilbert, Esq. 4 00 Styles," David 1 00 Thompson, John H. 1 00 Small ^Mms' . 1 17 Collection ' i 83 931.60 Warrtn, Baxter, 8. A, 1 00 Embree, Mr. & Mrs. Thos. 1 50 Phelan, John, Esq. Phelan, Trueman Smith, Edward Trueman, William Trueman, Henry Truoman, Robert T. Small sums Collection PidnUh, Baxter, Willis Beharrell, I.«aac Beharrell, Mrs. J. Beharrell, Benjamin Beharrell, Jane & Alma Wood, Embree, Esq. Small sums Collection Shinimicas, Campbell, Alex Davis, Heniy Ibbittson. Thomas Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Thomas R. Smith, J. Wesley Sonieis, Daniel Small sums Collection 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 97 98 810 45 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 215 140 89 55 00 00 00 00 001 00 00 2 CO 2 80l Total 812 4( 64 0( Nappan Cibcuit. Nappan. CoUeeted by the Ministers. Crates, Robert 1 Od Dickinson, Mrs. Daniel 1 0(j Dickinson, Clarence 1 04 Dodswi Hatfielq I-eake, Leake, l^omeifl Tuttle, Ward,. CoUectii J74 1874] EASTEBN BBITISH AMEBICA. 110 100 150 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 97 98 »10 46 Higcs, Abyah Mosher, Rev. J. A. Mosher, Mrs. J. A. Mother, N. Allen Pike, M. Pugsley Pride, John Roach, Thomas Esq. Read, John W. Bead, Mrs. John W. JoggvM Mines. 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 CO 00 60 00 00 $13 50 »9 55 Collected hy the Minister. Bambill, Mrs. Alex. 1 00 Barnhill, Brunswick 1 00 Cameron, James A. I 00 Coleman, Timothy 1 00 Coleman, Mrs. Timothy 1 00 Fawcett, Mary 1 00 Moss/rhomas 1 00 McDonald, Mrs. L. 1 00 Coleman, Mrs. John 1 00 Redpath, Robert Redpath, Mrs. Robert Stephens, James A. 2 CO 1 00 1 00 $13 00 Total for Circuit, 826 50 Pabrsbobo Cibcuit. Parrshoro. ftl2 40} Dodsworth, Mark V. 1 00 64 Ool Hatfield, John W. 2 00 Leake, Thomas 1 00 Ixjrr. i Leftke, Charles 1 00 Loomer, George 1 00 1 Tuttle, George 1 00 Ward, Joseph 1 00 Collection, 1 34 Port GreviUe. Elderkin, Mrs. Jane 1 00 Elderkin, Brenton and Gervia 1 00 Small sums, . 2 75 Collection, 1 23 Unist^rs 1 0( liel 10( 1 ^ 89 34 85 08 Maccan Mountain. 1 00 Bird, Richard Brown, Eligah 1 Mills, Henry, Jr. 1 MilLs Silas 1 Mills, Samuel 1 Mills, Hibbard 1 Mills, Howard 1 Mills, Emmeline 1 Lodge, Mrs. Matthew 1 00 Lodge, Adelaide & Almira 1 00 Lodge, Joseph 1 " ^ Lodge, Wm. A. 1 Nelson, J. E. 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01} 0) 00 Sprout, George H. Small sums. Collection, 1 00 1 60 1 14 «16 64 Athol. Baker, Mrs. Reid 1 00 Boss, Jo:^eph 3 00 Boss, William 1 00 Boss, Mrs. Wm. 1 00 Donkin, F. A. Esq. 2 CO Donkin, Mrs. F. A. 2 00 Donkin, Earnest & Flora I 00 Dodsworth, Mips Annie 1 00 Elderkin, Jeptha 3 00 Elderkin, Mrs. J. 1 00 Hodgson, M. D. A. 2 00 Miller, George 1 CO Smith, Thomas H. 2 00 Smith, Mrs. J. 1 00 ^ *(! i vn 120 MnrUTIS OF OOITFEBSNCE OF [1874 187 Small sums, Collection, 1 00 1 60 824 60 Itecapitulation. ParrsborOi 9 34 Port Greville, 5 98 Maccan Mountain, 16 64 Athol, 24 60 S56 56 Advocate Habbob Cibcuit. Blenkhorn, Capt. E. filenkhorn, James Blenkhorn, Joseph Brown, H. Batty, H. 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 Borden, J. Dew is, Albert Dewis, Joshua Deming, Tristram Knowlton, Capt. C. T. Livingston, Thomas Mills, Wm. McClellan,D. McNiel, Robert Morris, N. B. Morris, G. A. Morris, Enock Morris, Erastus Morris, D. Nichols, A. Suthergreen, Mrs. J. E. Wenters, Bejamin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 822 00 VII.— AJNTNAPOLIS DISTEICT. Annapolis Cibcuit. Coh hy Misses Rice 8f Lettiney Bonnett, P. Esq. 1 00 Gates, Mary 1 00 Lockwood, Mis. Arthur 1 00 Potter, Israel 1 00 Rice, Henry 1 00 Rice, Harriet 1 00 "Warren, James 1 00 Vroom, Wm. Esq. 1 00 Small sums 2 60 Public collection 2 80 Expenses 813 30 200 81130 Granville Fbbbt Cibcuit. Ferry. Col hy Miss 8, Mills. Amberman, A. E. 81 00 Friend Hart, Rev. & Mrs. Irvine, Hugh M. Lettany, Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker, Mrs. A. D. Pickup, Samuel Remson, Mrs. Spurr, MissD. Webb, W. LeCain Withycombe, J. D. Small sums Collection 818 60 Johi McW Mcl^ Scofi( Smal Collet Bb Co Bath, J Burns, Carrell, Carrell, Carrell, Carrell, Carrel], Clergyn Oaviea, I^avies, Dodge, Fellows Friend Giles, R Huestis, Murdoci Murdocl ^pper, Wheeloc 100 2 00 100 160 100 100 100 100 100 100 174 4 26 IWheeJo ^mall s Lower GrcamUe, I Col. hy Misses M. j* C. Anthony \ Anthony Coleman Anthony, Mr. & Mrs. W. Connelly, Capt, T. H. Connelly, Capt. D. H. Hayden, Nelson 1001 200 1 OOgent, S. 1 00 ^«nt. B 1 00 '®"t» A Col m 'f i74 1874] EASTEBN BBITISn AMERICA. 121 Johnson, Joseph, senr. Mc Winnie, John senr. McWinnijB, George Scofleld, Mrs. E. Small sums Collection 100 100 100 100 4 50 260 $1710 K22 00 818 50 Total $35 60 Beidgbtown Cibcuit. Bridgitoum. Col. by Miss Wheelock. Bath, Mrs. Ahner 1 00 Bums,Wm. H. 2 00 Carrell, Mrs. John B. 1 00 Carrell, Henry 1 00 Carrell, James 1 00 Carrell, Mrs. John 1 00 Carrell, John 1 00 Clergyman, Presbyterian 5 00 Davies, Rev. Thos. H. 2 00 Davies, Sarah 2 00 Dodge, Enoch 1 00 Fellows, Joseph 1 00 Friend 2 00 Giles, Rev. J. B. 2 00 Huestis, Charlie & Eddie 1 00 Murdoch, George 5 00 Murdoch, John P. 1 00 Tupper, Miner 5 00 Wheelock, Joseph 1 00 |Wheelock, Miss 1 00 jSmall sums and col. 6 00 Bent, Lois Bent, Mrs. E. Bent, S. Berry Bent, Mary Ingles, Alfred James, Beriah James, S. D. Kent, Isaac Kent, James Kent, Maria WiUett, J. A. Anbhimy 100 843 00 W. 200[ lOo! 100 1001 Kentville, Col. by Miss Kent. ent, S. E. ent, Busby ent, Asa 6 600 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 200 500 200 100 300 S27 00 OranviUo* Col. by Miss Hay, Bent, John F. Bath, Mrs. S. Clark, Mrs. Emma Longley, Robert Longley, Mrs. Jas. Parker, J. B. Parker, Chas. W. (late) Parker, Obadiah Pay, W. R. Ray, Mrs. Alfred Ray, Richard Troop, J. B. Troop, 0. Troop, Eugene Troop, Valentine Walker, Mrs. Wheelock, Jas. A. Small sums Collection 100 00 00 26 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 2 75 $28 00 Total 893 00 Expenses 2 00 Nett 89100 )» ■n i ■>■ * 122 lilHUTES OT OOlfFEBEKCE OF [1874 H li I ' WiLMOT ClECUIT. Middleton. Byard, Miss Chesley, Wm. Dodge, Joseph Finall, Mrs. Gossip, Mrs. Mack, Misb^ Mary MortoD, Joseph Phinney, Edward Phinney, Elias Phinney, Mr8.E.<& Palmer, Robinson Palmer, Hennigar 81ocomb, Jacob Taylor, F. Toung, Isaac Young, Joseph Collection 400 100 500 1 00 5 00 100 200 200 100 Minnie 1 00 1 00 100 800 1 00 100 100 200 S33 00 Lawrencetmon. Coh by Miss E, Whitman. Beals, C!ooper 1 00 Seals, Elias 1 00 Dobson, Mr. 1 00 Durling, Eeuben 1 00 Hall, John & Annie 1 00 Pierce, Abbie& Whitman E.l 00 Whitman, James 1 00 Whitman, Jeremiah 1 00 Whitman, W. John 5 00 Collection 2 25 815 25 Nictaux Falls* Col. by — Alien. Barteaiuc, Mr. 1 00 Drew, Solomon 2 00 Foster, Dean 2 00 Foster, Hermon 2 00 Gordon, A. James 1 00 Hoffman, Abel 125 Martin. M. Mrs. 200 Martin, Mrs. senr. 100 Martin, Mr. senr. 100 Nixon, Samuel 100 Ritcey, George 100 «15 25 Collection 200 Total ^17 25 $65 50 Atlesforp Circuit. Aylesford East. McMahon, Francis 1 00 Morton, John 1 00 Morton, Eliza 1 00 Nicholas, Stephen 1 00 Nicholas, Mrs. S. 1 00 Parker, Mrs. H. 1 00 Parker, Mrs. J. 1 00 Parker, Mrs. C. 1 00 Patterson, Johnston 1 00 Taylor, Harris 1 00 Tweedie, L. R. 1 00 Tweedie, W. M. P. 1 00 Tweedie, N. E. H. 1 00 Small sums 1 00 814 00 Aylesford West, Armstrong, Edward Buskirk, Henry Blair, Mips E. Clarke, Richard Clarke, James Clarke, Edward Cook, James Foster, Willis Foster, John Foster, Byron 187^ Mag€ Mage Mille Neile; Neile; NeileJ Neilei Pierct Palmf Smith Tuppe Tuppe Walke Welto] Weltoi Col. Bent, E Brown, McJ^ear McLean McLean Roy, Jo StronicI Small SI Aylesfor Aylesfor Margare Total OOl^xpenses iNett Can ^ CoUected . 0( Bentley, : 0( Borden. A 1874 I 1S74] EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 123 $15 25 200 $17 25 $65 50 riT. Magee, William Magee, Boyd Miller, Edwin Neiley, Zebulon Neiley, Hennigar Neiley, Elizabeth Neiley, Joseph Pierce, Watson Palmer, Ed nund Smith, John Tupper, Hanley Tapper, Mrs. H. Walker, Archibald Wei ton, Joseph Welton, Mrs. J. SHOO 100 100 100 2 00 100 100 100 1 00 2 00 100 100 100 1 00 1 10 100 S28 00 MargardviHe. Col. hf Mrs, C. McLean. Bent, David 100 Brown, Mrs. S. 100 McJ^ean, Christopher 100 McLean, Mrs. J. 100 McLean, Mrs, W. 100 Roy, John 100 Stronick, Mrs. G. 100 Small sums 160 ssso Aylesford East 14 00 Aylesford West 28 00 Margaretyille 860 •Borden, Rufus 1 00 Borden, Mr. A Mrs. S. S. 2 00 Borden, Mrs. J. N. 1 00 Borden, Mrs. J. A. 1 25 Burbridge, Mr. <& Mrs. A. S. 2 00 Burbridge, Mrs. Chas. 1 00 Clarke, J. A. 6 00 Dickenson, Jesse 1 00 Hamilton, Mrs> C. C. 1 00 Harris, Stephen 1 00 Hennigar,J.E. 1 00 Lockwood, Miss 1 00 Lockwood, Mrs. C. E. 1 Miller, J. S. 1 North, John, Senr. 1 North, Amos B. 1 00 Northup, Chas. R. 1 00 Rand, Leander 1 00 Shaffner, H. C. 2 00 Tupper, Mrs. Silas . West, R. D. Sums under one dollar, Collection, 100 100^^ 1 00 Nett lOO 100 10( 10( 20( Total Expenses $50 50 150 349 00 Canning Circuit. Canning. Collected hy Miss Annie Eaton. \ XJ Bentley, Mrs. A. 1 00 ^ QJBorden. Mr. & Mrs. C. E. 2 00 00 00 00 1 1 00 00 75 2 90 835 90 Scots Bay. Collected by Mrs. Miner. Fraser, Mr. & Mrs. S. F. 2 00 Jess, Geo. L. 1 00 Jess, Lottie 1 00 Lockhart, Mrs. D. 1 00 Loomer, Mrs. A. 1 00 Miner, Mrs. E. & S. 1 00 Miller, Geo. 2 00 Rogers, Jas. N. 1 00 Steele, Jos. 2 00 Steele, Judith 1 00 Steele, J. E. 1 00 Sums under one dollar, 75 Collection, 2 74 $17 49 tt. ■► I 3 i « 124 MINUTES OF CONFEHENCI OF [1874 ( ! ! 1 I I i' ! ! f i i Heeapitulation. Canning, 36 90 Scot's Bay, 17 49 953 39 Bebwics Circuit. Addy, Rev. J. S. 1 00 Addy,Mr8. 1 00 Bent, A. N. 1 00 Bishop, Silas 1 00 Brown, N. 1 00 Condon, Henry 1 00 Collins, Bobert 1 00 Foster, Mr. & Mrs. E. C. 2 00 Halladay, J. A. 1 00 Porter, Joel 1 00 Tupper, James 1 00 Small sums, 95 Public collection, 1 87 Grafton, Best, Leonard Bowles, Wm. Isenher, Mrs. Expenses. $1482 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 17 82 2 20 $15 62 HiLLLSBUBY ClBCUIT. HiUsbury. Collected by Miss Jones. Barratt, Rev. G. M. & Mrs. 2 00 Bent, Mrs. W. G. 1 00 Blakslee, Mrs. Henry 1 00 Harris, Henry 5 00 Harris, Richard 1 00 Hardwick, V. T. 1 00 Jones, Mary E. 1 00 MarsbaH, Mrs. A* 2 00 Small sums. Public collection, Less Expenses, 30 70 17 2 00 00 315 00 Digby. Armstrong, Edward 1 00 Armstrong, Mrs. C. 1 00 CYowley, William 1 00 England, Mrs. & Miss 1 00 England, Willie & Eddie 1 00 England, Mary & Lizzie 1 00 Everitt, Mrs. 1 00 Fenwick, T. B. 1 00 Henderson, Geo., Esq. 2 00 { Henderson, Mrs. G. 2 OOl Holdsworth, A. B. 2 OOl Holdsworth, Mrs. A. B. 2 0( Hawkesworth, Harry Letteney, James Letteney, Miss Letteney, John B. McRae, A. Esq. Morrison, Mrs. Russell, John Raymond, Mrs. Ed. Smallie, Daniel Smallie, Mrs. D. Stark, Joshua Stark, Benj. Syda, John 'Trask, Charles TumbuU, Augustus 1 0( Titus, Henry Wade, James Warrington, James Warrington, John Warringtoii. Fletcher Small sums & col. 1874 Y Bent, Durlft Engla Moreh Moreh ifcNei McJVei McNei Small I Collect Li"v 001 CoUectet 0( 2 Borden. JJ Campbe] ^ Day, Mr ^ Drew, M ^ Eaton, A JJ Freeman JJ Gaetz, R S G^aetz, M 2 gicks, M JJ lemmeo ^ larringt ''^nness, C 'cLeam, arshall, right, 1 hitman umsund oUectioD h [1874 1874J 30 70 17 00 2 00 »15 00 EABTEBN BBITISU AMERICA. 125 WEYikiouTH Circuit. St. Mary's Bay. Bent, Ghas. Durland, Major England, E. E. R«y. Morehouse, Jones, Capt. Morehouse, J. Almon McNeil, J. S., Esq. McNeil, Bernard McNeil, Alfred Small sums Collection [T. 100 lOJ 300 . 100 100 100 100 100 100 2 70 »13 70 Weytnouth, Dexter, E. 100 John, Edmund 100 John, M. Miss . 10b Ilamm, E. 100 Hankinson, Miss 100 Oakes, E. H.,Mrs. 100 Payson, W. 100 Payson, W., Mrs, 100 Small sums 26 Collection 265 • 010 90 Total 24 60 DiOBY Neck Cibcuit. Collections »500 VUI.— LIVERPOOL DISTRICT. Yarmouth, South Circuit. Col. by Mt88 Minnie Lewis and Mrs. James Lewis. LrvHRPOc Circuit. Collected by Misses Freeman and outherland, Borden, B. C. Campbell, Mrs. T. Day, Mrs. Thomas, Drew, M. J. Esq. aton, Mrs. reeman, J. N. |6aetz. Bey. Joseph aetz, Mrs. icks, Mrs. M. D. emmeon, J. C. arrington, A. nness, Capt. Joseph 'cLeam, Mrs. M. arshall, J. N. S. right, Mr. hitman, Fred. A. 1 0( 5ums under a dollar, 1 :;ollection, 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $42 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 18 4 00 931 18 Allen, Mrs. G. Bruce, Mrs. Butler, Jacob Butler, Geo. R. Butler, Mrs. John Caskey, William Crosby, Mrs. Amos Davison, Mrs. Oscar Dane, Minnie Doane, Howard EUinwood, Mrs. Robert Flint, John Flint, Mrs. John Flint, T. B. Gardner, Heman Gardner, Diadamy Uurlburt, James Hamilton, Miss E. Holly, Robert Jenkins, Mrs.. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 2 50 1 1 1 1 1 00 00 00 00 00 1 50 ^ .(. , I ■'■' It .i»; :» >s 126 MINTTTES OF CONTEBENCE OF [1874 Leonard, W. H. 8 00 Lewis, N. B. 1 00 Lewis, T. M. 10 00 Lewis, Mrs. T. M. 10 00 Lewis, G. M. 10 00 Lewis, Benj., Jr. 1 00 Jjewis. Minnie 1 00 Lewis, Mrs. J as. 1 00 Jjewis, Capt. H. 2 00 Lewis, Nathan 1 00 Lovett, Mrs. John 1 00 Mack, Mrs. Andrew 4 00 McGill, Mrs. Wm. 1 00 McRough,Mrs. 1 00 Moses, N. 5 00 Moulton, J. C. 2 00 Murray, Maria 1 00 Myers, Capt. L. 10 00 Poole, S. S. 1 00 Poole, B. G. 1 00 Powers, William 1 50 Bichan, Capt. E 1 00 Richardson, James 1 00 Rogers, Wm. Senr. 20 00 Rogers, Joseph 4 00 Rogers, B. E. and wife 6 00 Rogers, William, Jr. 1 00 Rogers, Benj. Jr. 1 00 Sponagle, Mrs. J. L. 1 00 Stoneman, A. F. 6 00 Taylor, H. A. 2 00 Wetmore, Edwin 1 00 Small sums. 3 50 Col. at public meeting, 12 65 S156 65 Yakmou'1-h Nobth CmcuiT. Col by Mm KUlam. Allen, Geo., senr. 2 00 Allen, Edward 1 50 Allen, Mr. & Mrs. J. 200 Allen, Thomas, jr. 400 Atwood, Mr. & Mrs, 100 Burrill, Joseph 10 00 Blethon, N. W. 10 00 Bryant, Charles H. 1 00 Cook, Geo. L. 1 48 Cann, Mrs. Harriet 1 00 Cann, Ann M. 1 00 Cann, Fanny 1 00 Cann, Lyman 5 00 Cann, Mrs. L. 2 00 Cann, Joseph H. 1 00 Cann, Mrs. Hugh 1 00 Cann, James 2 00 Coming, Bowman 5 00 Cook, Howard 1 00 Dudman, Wm. K. & fam. 5 00 Dudman, ft. B. 1 00 Davis. Mrs. B. 1 00 Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. F. 10 00 Gardner, Nelson 1 00 Gordon, Hiram 1 00 Hibbard, Miss 1 00 Hilton, Mrs. Jacob 1 00 Hilton, Mas. Edward 1 00 Harrison, Miss 1 00 Hood, Mrs. Geo. A. 1 00 Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. G.W. 5 OO Killam, Mrs. John H. 5 00 Killam, Mrs. Thomas 3 00 Killam, Mrs. Frank 1 00 Kimball, Miss C. 50 Law, William 5 00 Lovitt, William 2 00 Lovitt, Edward 50 Lovitt, Joseph 50 Murphy, B. 1 OC McMullen, J. W. 2 OO Porter, George 2 00 Rogers, Rev. J. A. & Mrs. 10 OC Rogers, Joseph C. 5( Richards, David 6( Sleeth, Joseph 1 0( Wetmore, Mrs. 5( Young, John 4 0( Young, Mrs. J. 2 C( Young, Miss 1 0( Boyd, 1 Boyd, J Marsha] Trefry, ] Wilson, Pike, Re Collectic [1874 1874] EA8TEBN BBltlSH AMERICA. 127 Young, Miss A. M. Young, Biflwell P. Small sums 1 00 100 284 9129 32 Contributed hy Mrs. Youngs CloM. L. H. Young Ella Ra^niiond Maria Parker Abbie Kimball Elizabeth Killam Elizabeth Starr Harriett Nisbet Annabell Richau Jane Dud man Elizabeth Porter Ellen Killam Eliza Cann Lizzie Gordon Sarah Brown Laura Black Priscilla Nickerson 200 100 100 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 100 1 00 816 00 Col. after Ann*y Sermons 14 00 Col. at Annual meeting 17 31 Sabbath School col. 23 07 Total 8200 00 Yarmouth East Circuit. Col. by Miss Ella Bobbins. Arcadia. Boyd, Thomas E. 126 Boyd, John 100 Marshall, J. W. 100 Trefry, Forma n 1 00 Wilson, Raymond 100 Pike, Rev. J. M. 2 00 Collection 300 810 25 Brooklyn. Morrel, Capt. Calvin Pitman, Benjamin S})ear8, Robert Collection • Hebron* Public collection Darlings Lake, Gee, Rev. John Churchill, David Harris, George Collection Steele's Hall 100 100 100 317 86 17 196 100 100 100 1 50 1 21 85 71 Total 824 09 Barrington, Coffin, Thos. 2 00 Coffin, Rev. J. S. 5 00 Coffin, M. Hip 1 00 Doane, Warren 1 60 Ells, John 1 00 Friend 2 00 Kendrick, Smith 1 50 Kendrick, Edwd. 1 00 Small sums and col. 13 00 828 00 Port La Tour. Bethell, William 1 00 Crowell, G. A. & Wife 6 00 Dickie, Dr. 1 00 Nickerson, Geo. L. & Wife 1 00 Nickerson, James 1 00 Revnolds, Seth & wife 1 00 Sniith, A. C. 1 00 Smith, David 3rd 1 00 Smith, Harvey D. 100 t« i \ 128 11INUTX8 OV COMF12H£NC£ UF [1874 Scow, Mrs. Cornel ilia Snow, Mrs. J. F. Taylor, Capt. ?hos. Small sums and col. 1 00 100 100 10 74 »27 74 Green Hill. Borden, Rev. J. R. AMrs. 1 50 Crowell, Edward 1 00 Tattersou, Willie 1 00 Smith, Rebecca 1 00 Snow, Stephen 1 00 Snow. W. II. 1 00 Small sums and col. 7 53 814 03 Cape Negro <$• Clt/de and Blanch Coffin, Capt. J. Smith, James Slute, Martin Swaine, Mrs. Ezra Swaine, ileman Swaine, James F. Swaine, Joseph F. Sewell, Mary J. ^ Swaine, John B. Small sums and col. 2 00 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 1 00 100 11 28 Juvenile Collectors. Laura Bethell Mahala Nickerson Rezilla Christie Ida Taylor Aldah Smith Alex. Christie Catherine Thomas S2128 02 SiiKLiiuRNB Circuit. Atwood, W. W. 100 Crews, Wm. 1 00 Crowell, J. C. 100 Mack, Mrs. 1 00 Muir, Mrs. Thomas 100 McGill, Wm. J. 100 Perrin, Dr. 100 Public collection 167 88 fi7 North East Harbor Circuit. North East Harbor, Greenwood, Mr. & Mrs. Alex. 1 00 Greenwood, Mr.&Mrs.Ed 1 50 King, John 50 Layers, Mr. & Mrs. 2 00 Littlewood, Jas. 50 McLean, Wm. 1 00 Perry, John 1 00 Perry, Joanna 1 00 Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Levi 1 00 Swaine, Nathan senr. 1 00 Svwiine, Jno K. & Mrs. C. 1 10 Cohection 30 81190 Rosewaji. Doane, Mr. & Mrs. Jno. 7 6 42 ; Doane, Miller A. 3 3 2 1 1 68 28 09 80 03 $24 32 One half to U. Mission 12 16 Total 876 22 Expenses 8u J[ett 874 42 Doane, Miss Matilda Doane, Wm. Harvey Golden, Samuel Hagar, Elijah Hagar Charles Hagar, David Hagar, John J. Hamilton, Alex. Esq. Hamilton, Jas. Wm. McKenney, John McKenney, Lewis G. Perry, Jas. E. & Wm. Perry, James A, F. 200 100 100 50 1 00 200 100 50 50 2 00 150 100 50 100 Q50 1874 1874] IA8TEBN BBITISH AMSBICA. 129 100 1 00 I 00 1 00 100 100 100 167 »8 67 RGUIT. 100 1 50 50 2 00 050 100 1 00 1 00 100 100 110 030 811 90 200 100 100 50 1 00 200 100 50 50 2 00 1 50 100 50 100 50 Friend Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Collection 50 1 50 40 819 90 ITotal 881 80 Port Mouton Circuit. Pbrt M&uton. Col. by Mt88 E. Campbell. Ilunfs Poftit, Col. by Miss S. Malman Collection 148 49 8197 Bigney, Rev. J. G. Moore, James Leslie, Alfred Small sums Collection 100 100 100 2 18 8 05 88 28 Sable Hiver. Col. by Miss O. Letcis. 2 82 Master John McRichardaon's Juvenile Card 2 00 84 82 Port Jollte. Collection 85 823 12 Ragged Islands* Col by Ed. J. Harding, Decker, Lydia 1 00 Orchard, Thomas 1 00 Small sums i 75 \ 88 75 Little Harbor. Col by Miss E. Stoansburg. 100 100 100 50 Mill Village Circuit. MiU Village, Col. by Miss Alice Mack. Colter, Mrs. J. J. 2 00 Dantz, Emma 1 00 Mack, Mrs. Jojhua 1 00 Mack, Benjamin 1 00 Mack, Allen 2 00 Mack, Mrs. J. D. 1 00 Mack, Mrs. Doran 1 00 Mailman, Mr. and family 1 50 Vogler, Ann 1 00 Collection 1 21 Small sums 3 90 Harding, John C. McClaren, Mary S. Decker & Harding Craig, Caleb 83 50 Port Medway, Bisher, Miss Amelia Bell, Mrs. George Cohoou, Peter Cohoou, Mrs. Simeon DoUiver, Mrs. John Teel, Miss Selina Vogler, James Eldred Wallace Mrs. Sarah 816 61 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 88 00 824 Gl ..» I i' ■ 130 MIKXTTES OF CONTERENCE OF Petite Betiehe Circuit. Col. hf Miss Martha Drew and Miss Annie Sperry, Drew, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. 1 50 Drew, Mrs. L W. sonr. 1 00 Drew, W. S. Esq. 2 00 Drew, W. S. junr. 1 00 Drew, L. W. junr. 1 00 Drew, L. Mrs. Junr, 1 00 Drew, L. W. Esq. 1 00 Drew, Mrs. Mrry 1 00 D.iuphney, Capt. Thos. 1 00 Heck man, Oeorge 1 00 J thneton, Samuel 100 Manthom, Mr. 1 00 Publicover, Clara 1 00 Bieder, John 1 00 Bieser, Daniel 1 00 Bogers, Mr. & Mrs. 5 00 Bogers, T Aveiy 1 00 Sperry, John D. 1 00 Sperry, John C. 1 00 Sperry, Mrs. E. 1 00 Small sums ' 6 75 Public col. 2 35 S34 60 Broad Cove. Col. hy Miss JRosma Rhynard. Conrod Godfrey 1 00 Hurmon, Daniel 1 00 lilewellin, Mr. & Mrs. W. 1 25 100 1 00 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 100 1 26 Mouser, James Bhynard, Bosina Buj'nard Emma Smith, John, Esq. Smith, Benjamin Smith, Samuel Smith, Lavinia Stewart, Israel Teel, Capt. M. Small sums Public col. Petite Biviere Total [1874 1 10 S14 60 34 60 S49 20 Lanenburg. Town. Col. hy Miss Emma Seleg, Anderson, George, Esq. 2 00 Harmon, Sophia 1 00 Harmon, David & Mrs. 1 00 Hopps, Mrs. Eli 1 00 Morash, Mrs. Stephen 1 00 Miller, Bosanna 1 00 Morash, Esq., John 1 00 Baf use, George 1 00 Smith, Miss Laura E. 1 00 Scott, John 1 00 Seleg, Benj. & family 1 50 Seleg, Miss Annetia 1 00 Seleg, Joseph & Mrs. 1 00 Seleg, Esq., James D. 1 00 Whitney, Mrs. Capt. J. 1 00 Westhaver, Capt. M. 1 00 Wilson, Henry 1 00 Zink, Eliza 1 00 Zink, Mrs. John 1 00 Small sums and col. 8 40 Senator Kaulback 2 00 33190 ^Ribcy^s Cove. Col. hy Mrs. Capt. Cook. Baxendale, Bev. John T. 1 00 Cook, Samuel & Isaac 1 00 Gow, John 2 00 1 Gaetz, Jacob 1 00 Heckman, Isaac 1 001 Heckman, Mrs. Carrie 1 00 1 Lohnas, Mrs. Ephraim 1 OOJ Myrar, Mrs. Daniel 1 OC 187 McC Bite Bite Bite Beisi Bitc^ BitcJ Bitcj Bitc^ Bitey Bitcy Bitcy Bitcy Bitcy, Seabo^ Col, Knock, Beiser, Beiser, Beiser, I Beiser, , Beiser, '. Beiser, ( Beiser, j Beiser, 1 Beiser, J 1 Beiser, I Seaboyei I Small su Col jKiddie, H [Hoy, Will Tader, Is Lftder, H( fader. Mi Jtrum, Caj 874 110 14 60 34 60 49 20 leg. 2 00 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 100 150 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 100 1 00 8 40 200 $3190 look. 100 1 00 2 00 100 100 100 100 IOC. 1874] EASTEBN BBITISH AMEBICA. McGregor, Doctor Ritcy, Jacob & Mrs. Sitcy, Joseph & Sarah Ritcy, Stephen Reiser, George Ritcy, Thos., let Ritcy, Joseph Ritcy, Eli Ritcy, Enos Ritcy, Daniel Ritcy, Jacob & Mrs. Ritcy, Thonian, Jr. Ritcy, Simeon, 2n(i Ritcy, John, Jr. Seaboyer, Gabriel Base Bay. Col. hy Mrs. Capt. Cook. Knock, Mrs. Mossman 1 00 Reiser, William 1 00 Reiser, Joseph 1 00 Reiser, Samuel & Mrs. 1 50 Reiser, James 1 00 Reiser, Lemuel & Mrs. 2 00 Reiser, Charles & D. 1 00 Reiser, Mrs. J. S. 1 00 Reiser, Esq., J. S. 1 00 Reiser, Joshua 1 00 Reiser, Rufus 1 00 Seaboyer, James 1 00 Small sums and col. 6 45 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 1 00 100 1 25 126 100 ^24 50 Slaughtenwait, Mr. Strum, Allan Westhaver, Isaiah Small sums and col. 131 1 00 100 100 8 80 819 95 Mahone Bay. Ool. by Mrs. Strum. Kiddie, Henry 1 00 Hoy, William 1 00 "ader, Isaac 1 00 ader, Henry 1 00 ader, Mr. & Mrs. N. 1 00 trum, Capt. E. & Maggie 1 00 817 80 Recapitulation. Town 3190 Ritcy's Cove 24 50 Rose Bay 19 96 Mahone Bay 17 60 893.85 Expenses Nett 8 85 890 00 New Germany Cibcuit. Nortii/leld. Mackay Solomon 1 00 Brvden,Miss 1 00 Loliones, John 1 00 Small sums, 2 25 Public collection, 77 86 02 New Germany. Chesley, Nelson 1 00 Whelock, Morton 1 00 Morton, Edward 300 Varuer, Matthew 1 00 Toung, George P. 1 00 DeLong, Abraham, 1 OQ DeLcng, John 1 00 DeLong, Isaac 1 00 Chesley, Israel 1 00 Hacksworth, Edward 1 00 Palmer, Mrs. 1 CO Scott, James 1 00 Scott, Mrs. James 1 00 Small subscJiptions, 1 60 Public collection. 3 15 ii i.k- 1 819 65 133 MU^UTEI OF CONFEBENCE OF [1874 Bridoewater CmcuiT. Davidson, E. D. 2 00 Davidson, Frank 2 00 Davidson, Mrs. 1 00 Davidson, Miss 2 00 Wade, Captain 2 00 Powers, Ephraim r ; Whitman, Robert Macman, Mrs. Sums under one dollar, 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 50 $U 50 IX.— NEWFOUNDLAND DISTRICT. St. John's Circuit. Collected hy John Steer and George Gear\E8qr8. Angel, James 6 00 Angel, John 8 00 Ayre, C. R. Esq., M.H.A. 200 00 Ayre, John B. 4 00 Blackwood, A. & R. 6 00 Duder, Chas. Esq. M.H.A. 20 00 - " 4 00 100 00 40 00 20 00 20 00 4 00 8 00 2 00 100 00 BoNAvisTA Circuit. Brown, Mr. James Brown, Mrs. Jas. Friend Goodison, Mrs. Saint, Mr. Jabez Saint, Mr. Jamep Public collection Bird Island Cove 100 120 100 100 100 100 18 65 6 25 Duder, Henry Gear, George Marshall, A. March, Stephen March, Nathaniel MacPherson, P. Pippy,J. Pitts, J. S. Rogerson, P. & Son Rendell,Hon.S.,M.L.«. 40 00 Steer, John Esq, M.H.A. 400 00 Shiran, A. F. 8 00 Woods, John 20 00 White, Hon. Edward, M.L.C. 100 00 Collected after sermons, 108 06 Collected at Annual Meetings, 56 15 Donation from Sabbath School, a token of the interest in Home Mis- sions, 60 00 1^30 00 Expenses, S1333 20 2 00 $1331 20 Burin Circuit. A Friend to H. M. Bishop, Daniel Brushett Richard Collins, William Friend Forsey, Winifred E. Forsey, Mary Charlotte Forsey, T. Patten Foot, Martha Foot, Thomas Foot, William Foot, Samuel Hodder, Richard HoUett, Mrs. Emma Reach, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. John Pine, Owen Pine, Thomas Pine, Sarah Hannah Pine, Mary Ann Parsons, Willis Vigus, Robert 00 00 00 00 ool 0( !|i ' I I r. 874 1874] EASTEBN BBITISH AMERICA. 133 I 00 Small sums 5 75 1 00 1 00 Total S29 95 2 60 ,^ k ' , , -, GRAND BANK CIRCUIT. 14 50 Grand Bank. A Friend 2 00 A. 0. M. 1 00 Duke, Rev. J. A. 2 00 • Foot,Margan 1 00 100 Foot, Mrs. M. 1 00 120 Forsey, Ann 1 00 100 Hickman, Thos A. 1 00 lOO Hickman. Aaron James » 100 in memory of 1 00 100 Lovel, Benj. 1 00 18 55 Lovel, Wilson 1 00 5 25 Small sums 1 84 ^^3000 ai3 84 • Fortune. • Bennett, Mary Ann 1 00 100 Bennett, Sarah 1 00 100 Bennett, Amelia 1 00 100 Hickman, John 1 00 100 Tiake, William Pitman 2 00 100 I^ke, John, Senr, 2 60 100 Lake, Grace 1 00 e 100 liake, Sarah 1 00 f 200 Lake Samuel Morgan 1 00 1 1 oc LaJ <^ Dinah 1 00 1 1 0( LaV; ,i times 1 00 1 1 o< Lake, Mrs. James 1 00 1 1 o< liake, J'^hn E. 3 00 1 1 Lake, Philip 1 00 1 10 Mearing; Rev. C. i Tuck, Marj^ Ann 2 00 1 1 c 1 00 H 1 Snook, Mrs. James R. 1 00 1 \\ )| Small sums 5 84 28 34 1 4 Total 13 84 ^^H S42 18 5 75 Port aux Basque Circuit. Channel. Grossman, Charles, J. P. Dicks, Mrs. Evans, John Evans, Mrs. John Evans, Veletta B. Evans, Ada Evans, Stella & John Foote, Thomas Forsey, A. Junr. Forsey, Mrs. A. Junr. Ford, Mrs. Jas. Ford, Mrs, Joseph Genge, Mrs. Mercy, A debtor to Pickels, Rev. C. Poole, John & Mrs. ' Poole, Thomas Poole, Mrs. Thomas Thomas & Evangeline Warren William Petites. Anesty, Mrs. Aaron Bonnell, Amelia E. Bonnell, Edward Bonnell, Ellen Bonnell, Lydia Bonnell, Saul Senr, Bonnell, Mrs. S. Senr. Bonnell, Mrs. S. Junr. Brock, Mrs. P. H. G. Emlee, Rev. J. Manger, Phoebe Style**, Mrs. G. Tipple, Mrs. F. White, Mrs. Chas. White, Mrs. John Whittle, John Rufus Small sums ai 20 1 OOv 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 80 4 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 »28 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 05 1 31 1 05 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 63 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 50 ... , i !■■ # $47 44 • 134 MINUTES OF C0I7FEBENGE OF [1874 Oaria, Baker, Matilda Embree, Kev. J. Stacey, J. E. West Point, Tipple, Frances Strickland, William Strickland, George Warren, Thomas Small sums Total Oreen^s Fond. Allen, George Matthews, Rev. Sol. Samsbury, Japheth Winser, Thomas Winser, Lewis Winser, John White, Emily M. White, Annie White, Carrie Collection, 1 00 1 00 1 00 S50 44 1 00 1 08 1 00 1 00 2 50 $57 02 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 03 1 00 10 60 820 60 FoGO Circuit. Foffo and Change Islands. A. S. 1 00 Ledrew, James 1 00 Ledrew, Jacob 1 00 Ledrew, William 1 00 Lucas, J. G. 1 00 Pike, Alfred 4 00 Pike, Alfred, Jr. 1 00 Swann, Rev. W. 1 00 Tavlor, Robei-t CoUec. Change Island, 1 00 14 08 .'. .' «v 826 08 Placentia Bay. Butler, Henry 1 00 Collins, Edward 1 00 Collins, John 1 00 James, Kev. J. H. 1 00 Joyce, Charles 1 00 Joyce, Christopher Parsons, Jon. B. 1 00 1 00 Senior, Samuei 1 00 Collection, 4 34 812 34 Little Bay Iskmds . Charles Myers, 84 00 i 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 34 00 1874] EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. X.— CARBONEAR DISTRICT. 135 Carboneab Circuit. J. L. McLeod, Esq. Public collection 20 00 24 40 S44 40 Harbor Grace Circuit. 100 Apsey, John P. Bemister, John, Esq. Hippisley, James Munn, John, Esq. Parsons, Bernard Parsons, Geo., Capt. Pike, Geo., Capt. Squires, John Thompson, Jabez Small sums Public collection 600 200 40 0*) 100 100 100 100 100 8 56 9 10 $70 65 Shoal Harbor Circuit. Shoal Harbor. Atkinson, Rev. J. W. 2 00 Pp.lmer, Miss Susan 1 50 Tilly, Aaron 2 00 Tilly, Moses 1 00 Northern Bight. Public collection 86 60 »3 25 Wh^e Hock. Dalton, Josiah, collected 81 56 Total for Circuit 811 31 ChreerCa Harbor Mission, S. Brace 1 00 Small sums 1 00 82 00 .0 W •--«•». -r- 13« MINUTES or CONFERENCE OF [1874 li CONTINGENT FUND. Omitted from page 28. Amount Income from p. 27 SI12,378 60 Appropriations from p. 27, 1811,774 91 Special Grants from p. 28, »2 1 3 70 Funeral expenses late Mrs. Howie, 40 00 '' Mrs. Butcher, 40 00 " Mrs. Payson, 40 00 " Mrs. Coffin, 40 00 Supply during illness Sheffield C't. 20 00 *♦ i' •* Richibucto" 46 80 Special district meeting, Annapolis, 6100 Sundry Brethren for Medical Ex- ] penses incurred by personal I 102 19 and family affliction J 603 69 »1 2,378 6( u « u « (i « 874 1874] EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 137 378 60 5,378 6( O I— I EH CO H O H P3 H Fm o o o Xl s o o es GO B3ajTl[0^ OQO o o © I IC « P >rt © : OO O W »« M I 8op©«»© © ao «3 © © t» <-• o o t- ?0 'flUBjoqag t-»-©©©©0«0>C©©>'5' eo>«t-© Mn I riffl I— •Siaqouo^L waoHJO oi © 1-1 ITS eq ^ o QC 00 ^H »o eo o» N«ei^© IS 'siooqag ^MiHr-< «(N iMiH N ^eirHM CO C4 CO X3 9 'sioidunj tj»it-©oo»c>3t-©eoor5««o CO ►-»-«« 3 11 'Ba8tj|ijBj{ O 91 • a CD •Blinpv •^ eoeowf coo kO 5©OpeOift t^(X)C4>0(OSr)0>ACOeOClSd^«COO >o CO 8 •BaniuiB^ JO ox oc0©o©ia©>ootOLQp Q©99 0> >A 1^ © © ^ © oo «0 <0 CO ^ in t~* lO lO H i-i T-l iH rH r^ r->r^ © oo IBMX aO ©e< ©»« oogrHco ft CTCO rH CO «e4ao to J3 t -3 'SJdqaiaK 9<~^aQS i«e« & • ^ • • •Beg) II^il^K es ^ 2«- C3 c8 as^'S'H - ^ « «8 s a ^g*S = 5?5«^5?SS V V S'ACOt^SQfiQ ll, ' I ;! \ f! '1 138 MINUTES OI CONrEBENCE OF [1874 OQ sauinio^ 'S' I iR lA tA r4 ICO 61 CO CO 'sjvioqog w^9ceSSSS^<$Sa S^SSSSSooS CO '840qOB»X pun 'siooqog leico coeo9i(0'^ci ^94-^ C4>0 eoeoNto ^1^94 o a (fi s •BJinpV l-UXWM CO (oe^iOiH rHee CO 's^uBjai ^nt^&' as ss O 'Bi«np|A|p -u| JO ox lis 2\ to I «oi«e4k« •gjaqoqajj '001 '84aqaia]i( ^ O 187 '8jap«d7 B8«io 0(0040X0^ ciei totoaofHcOf-icoio 8 rH t«iHrH M « 04 I t> 8e{j( tu n uiddna | c« -^ CO '8Jd)8lU(I^ iHfHrNOIr-rHi-li-lrH s CD H 2 K H X • • • • ^ • • • Co • • • O 2 Q0>. : * *•« 2 a JO ^o ^ • « • ^« « <* <• • aa ® C « . ■a c — — ^ - • — — sj, .^- — *^ S OJ 5'g8»2lS§eS-«t^ V o >5 c: es SO) (b* OQ at H CC OQ QQ QQ 19 OQ O S>r4 Q . C* c-S 01 e iN< CI S ^ S90 Oi 9 aow5§c 00 oo L874 I 90 ^ « s CO 9C gj - s 110 ll "^ 18 1874] EASTERN BBITISH AMERICA. C Q QO <— 00 * 35 ceo cOv^nrH 139 a S8*SS552S5«S* SS 2 "^ oo*i!Hivaoc4 ^cOoo ss*aiss s IH ««ON«ON«iHiOi-l«CiH CO •^ PH 9 §s l-H s 00 00 »,«© eocoe<«i-^'*<«ao s « •J JDiHO ««i-cowojow f-teo !« CI 1H pH I" 00 r-t -t « »! (N O (N «0 "H eo •^ r^ Osl 00 s ^^coo«5;«C3oeggj 1 5S§SSSiSSa*'*"S CO ~ l-OQ©©350i»-e0Qift»5O0»Qt-5J o«o«5«o*coeo«ec5^iHrH'nAOoaoia«ot-eci-«i— ''^•coo «094ia ii— inoi-iocioxoaoot-ioo 'o i-'-«rH l-H r^ 1-4 i T»t eO«rHi-^i-( ,^ ^t«;00^>o>o iHao>oto«o CO ^ ^ p^ S2 *- 3 1-1 o I-t s 00 CDOEH*Sao5 L. rf o « o at o a : « V e . o g a> b^QO P"a3 o • a »<• I t"l I i I 140 o o A 08 US OQ saiunio^ MINUTES OF CONFEEENCE OF [1874 •50 «C P s s ift CO C>l X fl M O© g "?PP »fl^p «?■ -' (Ml ■siKioqog IS 1-1 11 * o» S S t^ » 5S rH 'gjoqoBax 5a OOflO i-IO^- tH iH tH »-i «•»*' « (M r^r^ 94 f^ IH 'fliooqog fHC^ C4«o t- W»H C0 00C0C0C0Sit->>C&1C4^Ot-O OtCO •Baspoai 89BJ0 eo eorH «eeoeoeoeo i^«?-t«e cO'H 9 0JOq31I94■— t. « (U o n 2 si's J 1874] £AST£RK BBITian AMEBICA. 141 S 8 5 if 1 lei ■v IS VI '^ rH eO iH C* i-t rH r^ »- rH C< iH 71 S9S •1 f-4 Si r^ pH i-l 1^ S8??sss?js'*a*"25s § SSSSS'-a*'* § eieoo>iHe<3««^iHeO'^«fl09i iS C*pH« «COlHWfHlH»«lHlH a J3 ^w^ QO <«>e4t>>o<4oc«ao^ s fh eoTfi «o <-i CO ^ CO e« 91 9 OO « OO iH « rH 00 «t»i-40>«« s pmCO (O 91 V CO s i(3^oc«a»^coiHeoc4 rH rl fH i-i -H KS iH 3 lOfHCIiA^O <0«DiHe4 8nQ^ !

QOO>AOeOOQQiQO |C4 toao>np-i«Dt«ooooaoo0> lo >oeo>o^t^Ar>iOk->Saoi(5f-t leo 1 fe«<«Oi-ia0C0 IS 1-1 ^H l« IH 1^ « C4 1^ W-iWCIi leo rt s i;!: 00 Q > 9 n > *» • « : > .3 a . o2 ^ % 00 o .JO = 2 a o s aeJri te til's « O'ttOiJSja.^'-' i.t. i '4 II i|;i^V II l:^ \r^ rir iili ^ m 142 o o u QQ a n H.xunio^ MINUTES OF COXFEREXCE OF [1874 'liBloqag 18: S*i «e M 5 "? s "t ^' "-I I- ^ •'• a ' «" ® 5 ■?« *' p 5 P 2 Q I puB I I I «-« ^if1rHi-OrHFHi?li^C»i-ifH t I ^' •8[0oqag ri ^iHe^iH>nci^^pH»inc0>OCC19O>0O«00O«0C<3 :s •flWCIf-tMCC^^M >o ^ ?J Se5l?J::;S'°3«« 'fld8u(jJ«K nb>eopHe •B^inpv ®31 iH CM O) r-^rt ■"♦eO'* 'B^uojai 1-1 rSi-IC0C4i-li-1«'l^ '8(«ap{A{p •ui JO -ox JO ox <0 CO CO •» ^ ^" © I ' ft ® 2 9 9 I ^ QC 25 »- C< fl 5 iSiiir ?8 00 e<»l F^ "^r-t d t»t-dS N» «5t-o S oeo £Jeo»*M Meo hi « • IBIiJ. UO loo^o eot«iHoo ooo e koeo SSSS'^'^Sg* ' Bidqaiapi eiC0©OOQ«5O-1<>-'O>«OiN0> oi--iH5locrtwt»b»eooio05rr^ ■iidptsaq 88«io CO i-i 3 a sji* h-tt s=:aJj3rt. — w « fl •O cj o fl {•vfl'H'? 09 ; 5*5 .o 1874 1874] 1SA8TEMN BKITISn AMKHICA. 143 ?e iM c* 4l-4 S ^««c<>fl«-ie<3^-<*i«oiH ^ O Nt-oo«oao»0'^ •saiiimv^ JO -OK S • 3:2 •l«|JX ao •Ot— I— "05t-t-t— t^-SOt- eOOUSiftOOl-eOf^^^Ol'- rl 1-1 fl 00 f-H M eo 00 eo Bjaq mopi lO^t>-©«0t-«l>-i-^?0© ©^t-r-i?D©©©eowa ©©;oc^^aoeo«0>«oc> *BJ9pvar[ 88B]0 1-1 C-• 00 BJ9qOB9J j 'OOI I ^ ^ rH CO »« eo C^ ■89U9ainajddng '8J9!)Siai)^ ►<.eoi-HC« w^ -^ f^ f eo©©->*^©'^t-c»co S M H CO • • : S g ^ « o 2 . '? >^ © eo © © © C4 eo CO © eo eo eo © © 00 00 © _eo O I— © r-4 ^ t- »0 r-1 © C<1 © C^ © M< © Cft fc- © »o © eo t- X © i*« oo»-(^^<<*ib<.p-t'«ii° ^affilwtion >t. for the time, our ForeL M— *'"»' ''etermined, contuiued in connection^? 2°^ ''°* «''«''W "i 't was also stipulated VhlV^- * ^*'*''* Societv ; ^ge number of defit J and Hn"°"'^^'""?«'»> °f ^e »ced under our care, we shnni-T "" • ^^^i"" Ciwuits ,>ce from the iBs^ZyO^'T'''' t"'''^'^ <"««- Jation has continued Zn^^/^*' ^^' «ffili«ted l» entering upon a th;!S "">?"?«»» years. Wo " . h- ^)<>^onCn^^Vs^^'f otjur Church C fn so altered as to form on^Glf °f^ ^i""""* ''»^e r--^ «>nual Conferenceslt^CSKraS ) t^- * .' r :J 146 MIITDTES OF 0ONFEBE5CB OF [1874 1 M be "I CO em am bo I the rep] ceni T will Methodist Church of Canada. Former arrangements were always understood to be temporary, but the or- ganization of which we now become a part is designed to be permanent. It is believed to be capable of adapta- tion to the most expansive and widely extended growth. Our confidence in the plan of union was greatly strengthened by the cordiality with which, after thorough examination, it was concurred in by the cautious and eminently conservative British Confer- ence. We have also deemed it a coincidence worthy of note, and one that seemed to indicate a common guid- ance — the presence of Him who was with the ancient Church, as a pillar of cloud and flame, and who still walks in the midst of the golden candlesticks, holding the stars in his right hand — that the Australian Metho- dist Churches, without any thing of concerted action beyond their bounds, are for the accomplishment o like objects effecting an organization, the same in prin-l 'Q^t< ciple and similar in details to that which we havoj ^^nt inaugurated. I ^jiss It was thought necessary, in a movement of suchMirec great importance, involving fundamental change, bringJ ®^h ing us into r;loser relationship with more distant parta <^us of the Dominion, not only to reach unanimous concluJ ^iH I sions amongst ourselves, as the united Pastorate of thJ-f'^^ci Church, and to obtain the sanction and approval of th J plied Parent Body ; but also to secure the full concurrenci becon and co-operation of the membership of our Church al "-A represented by the official meetings. It was thereforl'*6por< provided that the " scheme of union " should be subl^cclesi mitted to the judgment of the quarterly meetings il^nurc March last. Had the vote been adverse the wholf^ofray previous action, so far as our conference was concerneJj^e m would have been nullified and made void. The resuJJ^ith of that appeal has, however, been almost unanimousfunds in favor of union. We regret the necessity of movirl^Dieric in 80 important a measure in the face of a eingf ^ the { [1874 gements the or- designed ' adapta- growtb. i greatly >h, after I by the L Confer- ti'ortby of ion guid- le ancient wbo still I 8, bolding in Metbo- ted action sbment of ne in prin- we have it of sucb ige, bring- ilant parts |u8 conclu rate of tb )val of tb jncurrenc [Cburcb a tberefor id be su" jeetings i bbe wbol] joncerne 'be resu lanimous [of inovi a Bing 1874] adv< EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 147 erse note. The much esteemed brethren who c<^n- stitute the niiriority will, however, we doubt not, cheer- fully acquiesi e in the decision ; and we cannot but believe that in this matter the good hand of our God is upon us for good. When the Conference, now in session, shall have completed its work, the brethren assembled will, accord- ing to appointment, arrange the several annual Confer- ences of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and P. E. Island and Newfoundland. The ministers residing within the boundaries of these Conferences will meet annually. The General Conference composed of Delegates from the Annual Conferences with an equal number of lay representatives will meet quadrennially in the chief centres of the Dominion. The most important change consequent upon Union will take place in the department of Missionary work, instead of dual organization Foreign and Home, and contributions to the funds of the parent society, the mission work of our Church will be placed under the direction of a Board composed of representatives from each Annual Conference. The extensive and prosper- ous Home Missions of the Church, East and West, will be sustained with continued and augmented vigor. Foreign Missions will be prosecuted as fully and multi- plied as rapidly as the financial resources of the Church become available for that purpose. " Arrangements have been completed," says the last report of the parent society, " for the financial and ecclesiastical independence of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Canada. It has been agreed on our part to defray for the present certain expenses connected with [the missions in Newfoundland and the Bermudas. ith this exception, all payments from the Society's 'unds on account of the British Dominions in North merica will cease ; and the widely extended missions o the native Indians, and to the immigrant settlers 148 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [1874 ;"^^ i' im m vie\ rapi mac the mu8 futu throughout those vast regions, will be carried on by the Canadian Methodist Church exclusively. These ar- langements have been effected in a spirit of perfect harmony ; and the parent society, looking at the won- derful growth and development of this her giant child from the West, invoking the Lord's continued smile and blessing upon Canadian Methodism, may well thank God and take courage." ,^ We cannot, without recreance to our trust, discredit! g^j^^ to ancestral distinction and disloyalty to the Great n^ ^^ Head of the Church, relax in Missionary work and infli^ enterprise. The great commission is imperative in its wouI( requirements. Only in the measure to which responsi- princ bility and obligation are realized and acted upon can wc hope for the continued and abundant blessing of Hin who, for the accomplishment of His purpose, the gospe is preached to all nations promised, " Lo I am with yoi always even to the end.*' The unity and consolidation of the several branche of Methodism, into one strong and influential Church [q j^" is an essential object contemplated in the plan of Union the col As Churches we have a common origin. We have th( j^ • same doctrinal standards. Our ecclesiastical organizai)f ^^j^ tions are framed according to one pattern. We sinifj^ ^ J the same glorious hymns. We proclaim alike a presenw>j,|jj- free and full salvation. We have a common missioiljj^j g^ " to spread scriptural holiness throughout the land M\re y^^ The same importance is attached to distinctive provisio«epj.j„ for Christian fellowship. To exist as separate bodies ficrJit; to loose strength, and it involves unnecessary expend! ^^'jj^ ture of means. We cherish the hope that union ( forces will constitute new power and higher efficienc and that in due time not only the Wesleyan and Ne Connexion, but other important Methodist Churchi may be comprehended in the one United Methodi Church of Canada. igi^^ ^ We have been compelled to look at a united Methof ^^ speak compc is not oursel of viti be in the p gement, libera] een mo nd of ti nt time an [1874 1 on by the These ar- of perfect b the won- jiant child smile and (^ell thank /^ *^'^*^^^^"1«HAMEBICA. 14b' on can wc g of Him the gospe' 1 with yoi branches m fr * ■^*^ ".any mi'lion/of peon e°"' w^"" ''^°°'« t'"* home o? the fact that the iSat.V^ , ^ """r* ^ wsensiWe to must inevitably JvecLL^^"" "/*''« n«^ Wy^rs' the Great ffJV ,t^ Methodist Church e,^?^;^- ?^^ ^''^ con- work and i^fl*° *i!«,Prflc. constiSc the t^«/""° *'"' ^tJ«»- responsij^^^'t/^odiiy centralize it^ stwnrth V^ /merica. oncLwt sCfc.*^"''"^^ dear to 'll SL? ''''"' Sreat _ .X. TT. speak With a clearness ami f!- ^"*' are at stake pompel the attention of n^?iL-""'*^*«^ that wo^d « not desirable that as'^ r^""! »»<1 "ftesmen. It ourselves to any one noL ."'*''• ""> «hould commit of vital importance .SSe^H"^^' ''!'* '^^^^ ^-Ss 1 Chu;;hin kn^ P""""" »« onTconiJ ete oZ"***;'*' °"8ht to of UniontL "^"*S« sufficiently Jxol^ orgaw/^tion, to speak have thfit7"f ^ *° ^*'"- «°d hS ^"^ '^' I-ogisWe of provisiole ^f;°y.y "'"* ^^M-nostly denr^at "'''°°' '-^^t^m- .bodies rI?''V^' "P""*'/ of what wSt Tl ''**"'»?* *« expendfthe^id '"/"^'""^J^ '-erira^e "'' *° ■"• " «°»»»on Methorwi""'- ' ^''"'"»«««. than at the pL P^ are ^tified to find that the Book conce^. Ion, • ' 1 '^* ,ii'- i ill,'- 'iT 'Si f • 'I j|. 'na m: f .„ i 150 MIinJTES OP CONFEBEKCE OP [1874- *■ a source of solicitude, is entering upon a new course, with every promise of financial prosperity and of con- nexional usefulness. With unfeigned gratitude and joy we acknowledge the special favor and abundant blessing of God, in this last of the Conferences of the United Eastern Provinces. The sessions have been characterized by great harmony. The several meetings both of devotion and business have been pervaded by an atmosphere of spiritual life. An " unction of the holy One " which challenges afresh our confidence in the resources of an earnest and faithful ministry, has eminently rested upon all our assemblies. While compelled under present circumstances to give much attention to ecclesiastical questions, and to pass over many subjects of practical interest and importance, usually embraced in the annual address of the united pastorate to the beloved people of our charge, we do not overlook the great spiritual and evangelical aspects of our work. Effective organization and abundant resources are all insufficient without personal godliness and the accompanying power of the Holy Ghost ; " Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." « From different parts of our Conference field we have been gladdened by tidings of revival power and blessing ; and by larger accessions to the membership of the Church. The increase reported is l,6o0, with overj three thousand persons on trial for membership. To God| be all the glory. The past is richly fraught with en couragement for the future. With renewed strengt and higher resolve, we go forth in the prosecution of ou great mission. " Thanks be unto God who alway causeth us to triumph." "In order that these cherished anticipations may b realized, we earnestly solicit your co-operation ; to th Lord Jesus Christ your love and loyalty have beer 1B7 Plig you) Chri ritiv tiona of th the cases reprc powe quest, 8elf-dc Savioi of oui n the Salem, lot rer ly mo «ign] 'harlotj BRl IN VERENJ In th nvey to I [1874- |iB74] ^ course, I of con- aowledge I, in this rovinces. larmony. business itual life, ballenges nest and all our s to give to pass )ortance, 5 united ^e do not stsof our esources and the Not by ha Lord we have ilessing ; of the| th ^ASTEBJT BRIftsn AMEBICA. 151 jplifirbted T)i * riSve A f * $■•'*• '^'> «osAaer:f!!7/, P-'Toses of ntive duty of everv (-'hrJ.*;. ;,""" ^^^ most imne- o* the world. Th/ TocTl* r*^""?'*^ *° ^h* «St the present day, even t L ' '^*'' """ ««"8einent8 of leases fraiioKf '^i . • " '^'igious cirple« »>» • ' L_ '™"gnt with dancer ffc-.. ' .®'i "'e m many reproach of the Chi^i^h rt^ '"^ *''« ^^'''ness and Ipower, the resoun.es ^f the cirhT' "^ «^g««'«ve Mest.a,u,t be ultimately deter^? J'"/'''"*"«' «««- Nf-demal. self-sacrifice and nf*'' ''■^ *''« Jevel or Saviour We covet for the Ln'-Pr"" ''«^"«°n *» the f our Chuwh alike, the sniri? »f? V"^ fflembership b.™" rP''-*"' declaration f"i75'S'' '^t^ "PressiJ^ Mem let my right hand for«t her T^ *''** ® *''"•'- «'^ed on ^eh^^fa^d-h^^trt/tl^o^Sc?^"' Phariottetown, P K T Tf ^! Tatioe, ^e„rfan^. " ' ^* ^- ^- July 4, 1874. THE ANSWER OP TBB th over! op tbb S^J ""^H CONmUNCE OF ,873 i^ith en jtrengt n of ou alway may bJEVEREND ^j^jj ^^17^1 ; to thJ J^ ^, -^^^^ B^ETHKEN,— f** « it , I. If. i' Hi *;;■. ,(iM- 152 MINUTES OF CONf EEENCE OF [1874 llC !1 i: a 8 and love. It was highly gratifying to us to find, both from the language of your Address, and the oral testi- monies of Dr. {Stewart and Dr. Pickard, that the good hand of our God was still upon you for good in the prosecution of those hallowed labours to which you have devoted your lives. In this you will readily dis- cern proof of the Divine faithfulness. Ever mindful of his word, the great head of the church sustains his servants in their arduous toil by supplies of His Holy Spirit. We joy with you in reviewing the tokens of pros- perity with which the Holy Spirit has gladdened your societies and missions during the year, especially that most grateful sign of the Divine favour, the accession of many new-born souls to the church. We earnestly pray that in the anxious work of preserving the sheep you have gathered, you may be able so to watch over them that not one may escape from the fold. If these new converts hold fast their confidence, you will, in future days, gather from their ranks a supply of faith- ful labourers whose charge it shall be to carry on thci work now entrusted to your own hands. Be assured^ also that we account any occasion for praise to ourl Eedeemer which may be given to you, an opportunity! field granted to ourselves of joining with you in the Apos-IMaca tolic Doxology, " Now, thanks be unto God who alway;- inen causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place." At this our annual Assembly, we have not, as lasl year, to report a decrease in our numbers. The return from the Districts show a net increase on the preceding it> wit] year of one thousand seven hundred and thirty. W( highest have now three hundred and forty-eight thousand fiv ^t has, hundred and eighty members ; with twenty thousan 'he libc eight hundred and forty-four who have been admittei -onnect on trial. We accept this token of the Divine favour al We c a challenge from our Heavenly Lord to renew our ^c.'pinds ti th ea( of rer Jm anc «ll.y selv kno and ever ftppe' of w reaso his cf ourse] Ameri We Christ [1874 I 1874J find, both oral testi- >t the good od in the vhich you eadily dis- mindful of [Stains liis His Holy s of pros- Bned vour cially that accession earne ^-«T.fiK BBinsH AMERIC. ^53 anfJ devotion, and n ^ «*-^d in readin^J^f ' P^^^^^^"^ incitement ahvays to To teach, coTvinceT ' ''^"'^^^ ' And build themTn rr,^' '"^^^'^^e. V The Miniif«« f ''"' "1^ ^n hohest Jove." ^ « -^'^iuutes of our r*.^^*' and .hi' *"' '"'*'"•«''' into "osT Tr ''«?««'We Thomas I earnestly , selves, but aZ .P!^"*''' endeared him nnf ?" """*■"■ r of faith-j appellation of ''^'Thf'r °^ S'°^' J"s% entitled f .u ry on the of whom the Churches PT't*'."^ ^o'-the'^n 1£ ^*'«' e assured! reason to rMni^ "rtnes m that country l,o„ ^ ' """ se to ourlhis career of^" «» affectionate rememLnT k*''"°,^ .portunitj field of WshM"!?' '» ?«"««• 'S veLl^*^ •"'"^"'l the AposJMacafeehTvp.^ '':?'''''»' Thomas Waul *?'A" *''« hoalwayJmen ^ve -o we,l t" ''"P"''*'''' this hfe fu^^""^ ^"^el imanifesJourselve .ndh'""'r and highly e^tefi^!'^ """^nent )t, as lasf VVe resard vn a ■"niisa e returnJChristian edu^It: ?P concern for thn ^,t • precedinjit. with greatw' "^ ^""^ ^«»'o"" effort/l*""^""* "^ rty. Wl-ighest e^eetitfoL''"'' ""*** ^^^nestly p^'/tlr'"''*'' isand fivft has, moreov.i • '''""'cmingit may bS! J""' thousanfhe lib^rT ^^t^n'a ?.''«n "« mSch ^l^,lreVf'''^ admitteJbonneeted witl. ,"ir "^ i'""'^ Funds «1 • n ^^^ "^ favour! We lu^trZrfrZrft''^'^^^^^^^^^ ''"' ' °- -f nd. touching the pret f/LUtl *'"' "?»""«- of U " P'"*"*' nwossities of your 3' t 154 MINUTES OF 0ONF£RE5CK OF [1874 8fl ar yc th pii th tai] the N home population, and the adaptation of Methodism to meet those necessities, is as powerful as amongst us. Perishing souls demand our sympathy and help, and, by God's grace, the demauil -thall not be made in vain. An influential Committee of this Conference has given to your proposal for union with the Canadian Conference its most careful consideration. We have full confidence that this most important measure will , issue in the much wider extension of the work of God among you ; inasmuch as it will enable you to meet the forces of evil against the truth as it is in Jesus with an united army of faithful men. The fulfilment of your hopes concerning it may be looked upon as certain, for " the battle is the Lord's.'' We have agreed to certain resolutions relating to the proposed Union which, we trust, will enable you and the Canada Conference to adopt such measures as, by the Divine blessing, may conduce to the growth, conso- lidation and increase of Methodism in the extensive regions within which the proposed Union will c&rry forward its operations. ». . To the addresses of the beloved brethren who havclrlf6Sl6 represented you we have listened with much interest J and we most willingly accede to your request that thJ Kev. John McMurray should be appointed the PresidenI of your next Assembly ; and that the Rev. George ^^ -gj.^ Milligan, M.A., should act as Co- Delegate. You wi ' rejoice to hoar that in the several sessions of our pn . sent Conference, and in the public services connectc ?; *-" with it, we have been favoured with manifest tokens the Divine presence Our people have been edilie We ourselves have been strengthened, and shall retur paster] ive uti The to our several Circuits with purposes of renewed con^i oration to the duties of our sacred calling. As share in the blessings of *' the common salvation,'* and as oi with you in all that concerns the pr<)> kingdom of our great God and 8aviour ^ev. C. on fere ordial ody w€ deratic l^ml^^^l — »„„„,„„,^^ sthodism to imon^gt us. . help, and, lo in vain, feronce ha3 B Canadian We have leasure will )rk of God :o meet the JUS with an >nt of your certain, for ting to thej e you am ires as, bj ii;h, conso- extensiv< will carry tVo ;„Z;ti" o7Ll::r *"/.'"' *'>'-°n« of g«ee I„ who hav K interest t that th > Presidenj George ^S You wi >f our pri connect( ; tokens m edilie ^all retu ved cons A.S share and as or ty (jf t us Chri: BKITISHTONFEEENCE, I874 lev. !_,. iStewarf H "n ■'*«'»'• -n. rickard D Ti .» j t«' ^ Ij i 156 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [1874 Wo liavo listened with deep interest to the address with which you have been pleased to favor us. Wo thank you cordially for the renewed assurance of frater- nity and good will which it contains ; and with pleasure we avail ourselves of the opportunity now afforded us of convoying to you an expression of the respect and love wo have ever cherished towards you, and of the satisfaction with which wo have treasured up your affectionate and judicious counsels. Wo joy with you in the tokens of success with which the head of the church has crowned your labors in the interests of a soul-saving Christianity, and wo pray for the souls committed to your watch-care, that their love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment ; that they may approve things that are ex- cellent, that they may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ ; being filled with the fruits of righte- ousness which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God. We sympathize with you in the In ,s your connexion has sustained during the pu>tt yoiiv, by the death of so many honored Fathers and Brethren, who having finished the work assigned Wem, have gone to receive the fulfilment uf the Master*?, promise, '* Where I am there shall also my s'r\ant bo." It is with chastened feelings we have received the tidings of the death of the late Dr. Scott, who by his administrative ability, his courteous demeanour, his eminently appropriate pulpit ministrations, and his devout and hallowed spirit while among us, as President of the Conference, won our esteem and love ; and who from that period to tha time of his der.th. continued to serve us as the reprpsent.o- tive of our interests in your midst. Of him aTui of his services we shall over cherie-h most grateful recollection. Tou will rejoice to kn^^w that in many parts of the wide field over which our labors extend, there have been ^aciou;i seasons of religious revival, some of 1 1 [1874 bo address lis. Wo of frater- h pleasiiro fTurded us spect and fid of tho up your ith which ors in the > pray for their love md in all it arc ox- ffence till )f righte- jlury and annexion ^ih of so having o receive re I am hastened fch of tho ility, his pulpit fit while ron our fclia time reseut-fl- id of his llection. i of the re have. >ome ofl 1874J 1 . "Oil ■^J*-EnjCA ^'i our connexinnni p . ^^^y ^^ Appeal, for mini, """"' "'"ong J," h,. „-"'^'"« '« still '•«. and to the "■■'"' ""PP'/ are co,.H''"''iP''P"'««on. "f <""• Homo m""'" P^^P'''. bv th2 ?u""^ '•*"»«W"g «t"no meas?! /'■'""'" Movement „ '''"'"'' ""PPort <""• peoDlrT-ri. '''"'^e Of I'orei»n M- °."'' ''O'ne work- to gK for ti;T%""'! 'heir ;:f,^;^-'on^ is doart tl.» ^„.i. '"' *'•« salvat on ,>»• ^.""'ost desire and ,,„„... our DeonuZu '''"'«<' of Foreign Tit • °."'' ''ome work- to gK for ti;T%""'! 'heir ;:f,^;^-'on^ is deart Event, of reee,,rSSn°"'r"'«"''o™ ' """•'' ~''Sr j;;af ":re,fe^ to deepen ^"■stain towardr^t,'"'' "'"• Educat^^ln "? *° t*"" >'n- that these insHtntf"':, »'"' ^0 rS f •''?. ^''"'"fe of been during ttenasT:' '^''^''^ "PpS i.°fl '"'"'•'" ■>'°» ever before, and fh * ^'""'' '"ore lar^Z '!"""' ^"^e highest degree enr'"'°^P«<'ts oftoiC""^^'' th»n -tablishZtln^L'V" ^"S-iartrn^ ""''^^^ -^".eperat/or-aX^^Jn^P^^^^^^^^ ^ our beloved brother, ii» f 158 MlNtJTES or CONFEBEKCE OP [1874 I ii»i i; "!' I! i : i: l!i»t» Eev. C Stewart, D. D., as Theological Professor, during the past year, have been in the highest degree accep- table. Ten of the candidates for our ministry have this year been permitted to attend our institution at Sack- ville Under the able management of the Bev, A. W. Nicol- son, our Editor and Book Steward, the " Provincial Wesleyan," our Conference organ, still maintains its efficiency, and is acquiring more extended circulation. Our book-room you will be pleased to learn has so far improved in its financial condition that it is now free from the burden of debt which for so many years crippled its operations, and is to a larger extent then ever instrumental in diffusing our Methodistic literature throughout the land. Thirteen promising young brethren having honoura- bly completed their probation, and by gifts, graces, and fruits, having given proof of a Divine call to the duties of the christian pastorate, have this year been cordially admitted into full connection with us, and solemnly set apart to their great work by ordination ; while twenty- nine have been received as candidates for the same sacred office. Two of our aged brethren, l?ev. G. M. Barratt and Eev. R. Weddall, are obliged to ask for supernumerary relation. These honoured senior members of our Con- ference who have been laborious, exemplary and useful for a long series of years, we commend to your undi- minished alfection, as only infirmity, the inevitable consequence of the rush of years, compels them to seek such a relation. Several oi' our young brethren have obtained permission to desist wholly, or in part, from Circuit work this year, in order that they may thereby regain their wonted strength to labour in the future. Through the sparing mercy of God our death roll this year is brief. One agod minister, the Eev. Thos. IIS74: r, (luring 3e accep- lave this at Sack- '^. Nicol- rovincial ains its julation. is so far low free y .years ^nt then kerature Dnonra- !es, and duties 5rdially nly set wenty- 3 same tt and iierary r Con- usefi.! undi- i^itable 3in to ?thren I part, may In the h roll Thos. 18U] ^^smx BRrnsn j^,^,,^ of the Lorrf T» .®''°*'- These h^ "'■''• ^-D., have been »1 ""nistrations in *i " '*"" ^Wo and «»d adZ :7*g«d and pr'^'flt'ed t {'/"P''' "'"' -« g'-iouatrfu5s''of *'* ^"•''^«'«'' the' 2^ '' "''"'' "ast country !,„, ? O""" «"nmon e^r;;* • P'?S'«S8 and »''daC?o,?andr""""^*''"'"'« of tS^r^on, have ■n e»do=i,y,d re,.,.;i .*.''• And we st7j? of y„ur '"""»"*='' ^'•''•-'Uctiou to give * 160 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OF [1874 I !■ expression to our gratitude for the fostering care and generous support which have been accorded to us by you in the past, we may reiterate our opinion that the time has arrived when the work of God among us in this Dominion should be placed upon a more comprehensive and commanding basis. We are pleased to be able to inform you that our Societies have adopted almost unanimously the scheme of Union with the Conference of Canada. And now, dear and honoured fathers and brethren on this occasion so momentuous to us, and the numerous societies and congregations on which we have the pastoral supervision, — standing upon the threshold of our new career — solicitous that it may issue in the increased glory of God, in the salvation of immortal souls — allow us to assure you of our profound attachment to all that is distinctive in the doctrines and the effective polity of our common Methodism. Our prayer is that we may ever be one with you in the sublime and God-like purpose of * spreading scriptural holiness throughout the world.' We ask and shall ever feel ourselves highly favor- ed to be remembered by you in your entreaties at the throne of grace. Bear us up fathers and brethren before the mercy seat of God in the effectual fervent praj^er that availeth much, that we may be fitted for the duties and respcnsibilities that lie before us in the future. Signed on behalf and by order of the Conference. John McMurray, President. Jame3 Taylor, Secretary, Charlottetown, P. E. I., July 4, 1874. :'|ji lili [1874 ?" care and d to us by in ion that od among" 5n a more We are Societies 3heme of brethren and the which we ipon the it it may Jalvation I of our ve in the common r be one pose of e world.' y favor- 8 at the >rethreu fervent tted for re us in ence. esidenl. isr4j --«^-HV BKnxsH .H..,e.. t^l i"'^"; olir ^'^- ";Cr ''-^-'" -.rot To send von StV- ,. •'^ "® '"Dds of °f the fi tw '^'^'^''on an 'trif'"*"'^'^ «fford8 .system of Tralf" "'"n ever befo v. Z"^'*' ""'or a i" "'f «cbeme oflr *''"P'«^ b/ thet^o r "" ''^ "'o these now lahn '"^^rchange of T; '^''° ^e made "'« ■'^eXanrf n"«^'''tbe%°tfin^';'«ter8, some o? fe ^bat Te^^o^''^, atmosp,;t:; 15 the e'oo, " the work of ?» ?" *° ^fod, and rpn ' '^"""'atinff ■ «««' vinuali/or. !"*"■'"' of WoZ ' ' *''« earnest 'J9f *l 4, ■iB"«ill 162 MINUTES OF CONFERENCE OP [1874 w L^. ^ which stood in the way of union of their Body and ours, which we trust will be consummated at an early day. You will be glad to know that in all thinors per- taining to the temporalities of the Churrh, we are, by the blessing of God, in the enjoyment of abun- dant prosperity. During the past year many new churches, most of them of a fine style of architec- ture, have been opened for Divine worship. The income of the Misj^ionary Society, of the Superanu- aiion and other Funds, exhibit a gratifying increase, and our people are more than ever impressed with the importance of increased ministerial support, re- cognizing the value of that Scriptural maxim '* The labouirer is worthy of his hire." Neither are we untrue to the traditional character of Wesley an Methodism, in providing for the educa- tion of our j^oung people upon Christian principles. The Wesleyan Female College at Hamilton continues to enjoy a large share of public patronage. During the past year a Collegiate Institute at Dundas, in the West, another at Stanstead, in the Enst, and yet another at Winnipeg, in the Far West, have been opened under the most encouraging auspices ; and at this Conference arrangements have, been made for the establishment of a second Female College at Whitby, Ontario. We are happy also to know that, with the payment of the amount now subscribed to the Endowment Fund of Victoria College, the En- dowment itself will be an accomplished fact. Nor have we had to mourn over the absence of S[jiritual power, without which sinners cannot be converted to God. But while your hearts have been gladdened by the presence of revival influence in diflerent parts of \our widely extended field of hon- ourable toil, we too have cause for adoiinjz gratitude and lUanklulnesB to the Great Head of the Church, i'li Ik 1874] EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 163 cter uca- ples. nues ring the yet been id at for e at bat, dto En- Ice of ]t be Ibecn Ice in bon- litude luicb, for the out-pourings of the spirit and the ingathering of many souls, enabling us to report an increase in our membership of more than three thousand. Cheering intelligence too has reached us from Japan, our far distant mission station. Already have the hearts of our missionaries been cheered by the conversion of two precious souls — the first fruits of what we trust will be a glorious harvest; whde in the Providence of God, the way has opened for the preaching of Christ in the interior of the country, and in the very centre of superstition and idolatry, where the Gospel was never preached before. Surely the language of the blessed Saviour is applicable to this distant field of labour, *' The fields are white unto the harvest." We cheerfully consent to the transfer of the Rev. John Burwash, M.A., to your ministerial ranks, with a view to his employment in your Institution at Sack- ville, where he has so successfully laboured in the past. And now in the closer relationship we sustain, bearing each other^s sorrows and sharing each other's triumphs, we have great joy and consolation in your love, anii entreat the co-operation of your prayers, that the enlarged copious out-pouring of the Holy Ghost may descend and rest upon the united Metho- dist Church of this Dominion, hallowing all our or- dinances, fertilizing and giuddening every field of labour, and cheering the hearts of His servants by the salvation ol thousands and tens of thousands of souls. Signed by order and on behalf of the Conference of the Wesieyan Methodist Church in Canada. Edward B. Ryckman, /Secretary, IlamvUon^ Ontario, June 11, 1874. •> I le utterances, and stirred our hearts by their fervor of spirit. We have rejoiced with you, in the greatness of your work, in its territorial expansion, its ii;5».terial development, in the milli^ms comprising your con- gregations, but above all, in the va^^t number of precious souls gath**red to Christ and worsnipping ai your aitais. We have a Conference of two hun- dre<» and five ministers, with a membership of twenty one thuusaad, including probationers, while our min- [1874 1874] EASTERN BRITISH AMERICA. 107 :paoA, £ lates, te your ktly Vioa- ) distia- ni as the \ States, ev. Win. an occa- |\ed emo- eloqnent lour deep 111 in their e before Jie Lord lices, and i.tne8S of lufiterial rour con- tiinber of •snipping Itwo i»un- )f twenty our rnin- iRtrations reach one hnnrlrcd thonpaiid of our popn- lation. Nearly twenty-four thousand of our youth are under instruction in our Sabbath Schools. In this work neither tlie moral destitution in our own lands, nor the call from foreign climes, has been disregarded. As an evidor»ce of this we point to c>ur missionar}' income of twenty-two thousand dollars, being an avera^>e contribution to this purpose of more than one dollar per m« mber. Toward theso spiritual and material results the success of the past year has largely contributed. Tlie higher educational interests of our country have also enlisted our attention and found enlight- ened expressicm in the Institutions we have estab- lished for a complete acadeuiic, collegiate and Theo- logical course of l raining. This most important department is entrusted to gentlemen whose high Christian character, scholarly attainments, and pro- gressive policy, commend them to our fullest confi- dence. Before this shall have reached yon, our present ecclesiastical organization will have united with the Canada Conference, in forming the Wesl yan Me- thodist C hurch of Canada, the area of which will compiise the entire British possessions in America The Church thus constituted will, in its numerical strength and general resources, rank among the very fiisi in our Dominion. The triumphs of high international arbitration, which has at once satisfactorily adjusted intricate questioi's pending between our two great countries, and given to tlie world an illustrious precedent, is our common pride and pledge of perpetual amity. Hencefoith we anticipate only a glorious emulation in the divine mission of nations. R(»joicing greatly in the unprecedented success with which the great Head cf the Church has « 168 MINUTES OF CONrSRENCE OF [18U crowned the wise administration and interesting de- votedness of your EpiHcopute and pastorate, we unite in praying that the Ood of all grace may prosper you yet more and more in your manifold undertakings to evangelize the many millions of your own vast territory and to carry the Gospel to the regions beyond. John McMurray, President, James Taylor, Secretary. ■{ ..-■! m [18U 1874J EASTEEK BMTMH AMEEIOA. 169 APPENDIX B.-MISCELLANEOUS LffiM. y^^ OF MINISTERS AND PROBATIONFRO Ranged according to seniority tkeZ i "^'*^• ^''^^ of :^:l^::^'--^^ *^ 1828 HenniRw JG 1828 Bent, Joseph F. 1&1« A Jt"W' John 1836 Addv JoBn S. 18^7 Dx^y* James DeWolfe, a, D.D. ^-ngland, James % Jost, J. V, Pickard, H., d.d. fl8is S'^^^^ood, Fred. ftl? £®^^^' John S. ^1 Morton, Roland U2 Smith, Richard 1845 Mccarty, Zi?^ »46 Huestis, G. 0. Pnnce, John |848 Brettle, Elias 8 u « it n u it 1849 Temple, R. A 850 Tuttfe, gV' . u ^h^Dney. J. S. lOKo J^^edy, Wm. r Pfestwood, Paul 1 o., Stewart, C, d.d. guncan, Robert Hart, Joseph McKeown, H. u ^^^*^' B. lA^ i^®edy» Bobert 1865 Comben, ChariM ^ pove, James ^^ Uthem,John IRKP Tr®®^' Jam«8 i«56 Alcorn, Wm. u £as8idy,John ,, Pox, Thomas Humphrey, StephcB Teed, S, T. ^^«^ Bfown, w! a « S^^aP*^ Douglas « 5"N» James A. « |f>wie,JohnW. Ilead,John . ttn'^R^^^" 1858 Hue8tis,'s. F " Scott, D.B.' 170 MI5ITTEi or OONFEUSNCS or [1874 Ki^il ij 1858 Teasdale, J. J. " Thurlow, Isaac K. " Tuttle,A.B. " Waterhouse, John " Pickles, F. H. W. 1869 Wilson, Robert 1860 Colter, John J. •* Evans, Edwin ** Goodison, John " Hart, James B. " Hart, Thomas D. " Shenton, Job 1861 Bigney, J. G. •* Coffin, Joseph S. , Gaetz, Joseph Gaetz, Leonard Harrison, Fred. W. Harrison, George Jol^nson, John Ladner, Charles Mosher, J. A. Pascoe, Joseph Slackford, Elias 1862 Allen, Johns. '* Angwin, J«8. G. , Celpitts, Wm. W. Dutcher, C. W. T. Heartz, W. H. Jost, Cranswick, a.m. Percival, W. W. Parker, I. N. Sogers, J. A. Sprague, Howard, a.m. Taylor, Bobert H. 186S Deinstadt, Thomas J. •* Johnson, R. 0. " Cowperthwaite, H. P. ** Hemmeon, J. B. 1864 DesBrisay, Albert S. •* Howie, Isaac " Moore, Ezra B. «• Pike, John M. •* Clark, J. A., a.m. 1865 LePage, A. E. " Sargent, Wm, «< (I it u <« arlottetowD p'pi I ■estj 3 Davia, Hiram rStute-'l^^^^town; W^-g 2 rtH) jl^ Day, George p™"t)-..SackvilJe. n! B.' » 2 I 2 *' ;*'i !••••• :::::; || p^^Zi^-^--::::::::^''''^- ^- -• ••■••::.:::::::::.i ^aie Verte, V.'b.'.V. ^ "*" /".2 r 174 MINUTES OF CONFEEENCB OF [1874 I li i. Ill N; 1871 Embree, Jeremiah Greenspond, N. F 1 1837 England, James Digby, N. S 4 1871 England, Eben B Wilmot, N. S 1 1860 Evans, Edwin St. John, (Exmouth) N. B 2 1870 Evans, W.H Stellarton, N. S 1 1871 Fisher, Geo. W Grand Lake, N. B 1 1872 Fisher, Jos. M Bermuda (Bailey's Bay) 1 1866 Forsey, Geo Bi*in,N. F 3 1850 Fox,T?homa8 , Perlican, N. F. 3 1873 Freeman,R.W Island Cove, N. F 1 1861 Gaetz, Joseph Liverpool, N. S 2 1861 Gaetz, Leonard Yarmouth (South) 1 1873 Gee, John (Student) Sac^^ville, N. B 1870 Giles, Jesse B Cahso, N. S 1 1860 Goodison, John, Bonavista, N. F 3 1870 Hale, Joseph Athol, N. S 1 Hamilton, C.W. (Student)Sackville, N. B 1864 Harris, Thomas Brigus, N. F 3 1861 Harrison, F. W. (Sup'y)... Woodstock, N.B 1 1861 Harrison, Geo Baie Verte, N. B 1 1871 Harrison, W Coverdale, N. B 1 1853 Hart, Jos SRickville, N. B 2 1860 Hart, Jas. R Granville ,N .8 2 1860 Hart, Thos. D Manchester, N. S 2 1862 Heartz,n.n Horton, N.S 2 1863 Hemmeon, J. B. (Sup')... Liverpool, N.S 1 1826 Hennigar, J. G. (Sup'y)... Canning. N. S ^ 1873 Hill, Jabez Bonne Bay, N. F 1 1874 Hill, Anthony Hants Harbor, N.F 1 1872 Hockin, Arthur Lunenhurg, N. S 1 1857 Howie, J. W North Kmi Harbor, N.S 1 1864 Howie, Isaac FloreTiceville, N. B 3 1846 HuestLs,Geo. O Cor/iw/ij/, /' F jf 2 1868 Huestis. S. F Bridgetowij, N.S 2 1866 Hlimphrey,S.,A.M.(Sup'yMoncton,N. B 3 1871 James Silas Tobique, N. B 1 1871 James, Thomas H Flat Island, N. F 2 1830 Johnson, Geo. (Sup'y)... Horton, N. S. 5 1861 Johnson, Jno Maitland, N. S , 2 1863 Johnson, R. Shmbonaca'^ie, N.S 1 1868 Johnson, Levi S Alberton, P.E.I 2 1872 Johnson, Wm. J Kentville,N. 8 2 1874 Johnson, D. W., A.B Horton, N.S I 1862 Jost. Crans^ick, A.M Avondale, N.S 31 1837 Jost, J. V. (Sup'y) Charlott«town, P. EI '^' II ...1 ...4 ...1 ...2 ...1 ...1 ...1 ...3 ...3 ...1 ...2 ...1 ...l ...3 ...1 ...3 ...1 ...1 ...1 ...2 ...2 ...2 ...2 ...1 ...^ ...1 ...1 ...1 ...1 q 2 (Hi 2 iii* 3 1 2 5 2 1 2 2 I 3 ii6 s g^^e*--^^^^^^^^^^^ 1873 i^^^^^'^no.,.. ^"fquodoboit Harbor *i^-Q-? ml L^r^"> >^illiam;;;; S«^/«^' Brunswick S? ^N %'l 1874 ff^^S^®' A.E S^- John, jv. B. (Mission^' ®' ? i«^ fockhart, C. ^t- Johns, JV. p '''^'^•■P^ 1 1871 T ^®' ^- W.;;; ^nnapojis, JV. S ^ 1866 Mack, R. Bariy. Cornwall, P. E. I 1 l«7f ^^aton, C. H i^^^er John, N S ^ 1873 M^'n^'*^' ^^•... n^^'(*^' ^^' S. (North) 185? JJ^^^^S^^^' Alex £^^f tester, N. :^^'^^^ TfiTn ^^^"""ay, Jno -V^dericton, JV p 1 1^4. ^'"'' Edwin... St. Johns, 2^. F. " 1 iSfifi H^^r®' E. B.... HaveJock, N. B, ^ ml M^'^^^^' J«o. A^^^ ^indsor, N.S, ] ma N^^""^' Charles... '^^fP*"' J^- S.... * • -^ te/: ^. vigtti:« ««-::::::::::: ^ 1869 p^'?®' George . gfthurst, JV. B. i llm P^^^"' ^«^c ^V. ^lackhead. JV. F. ? 187? p'*'",^?^' Caleb •;?agetown, N. B..' J 186? pf^^^s Joseph .:; ^f^tj!onia, JV. g.. ;; I iRri E^^^oe, Jas...."^ |f- Pierre, JV. F ^ 1840 P ^',''^' ^' B..'.' «*• *^°^'^'«' N. F.' ^ I1860 p®"^^ ^»i Biackhead, JV. F I r,ll837 i-'\"°«y' J. S.... St. Davids, N. B. "' I 2 1 i0J7 Pickard. II nn 'i Bedeque P p r 3 1 Endowi'em Funlf''^^ . ' "-^^ ^ 2 .2 .6 176 MINUTlt or* COVFEBimCB OF [1874 It. - 1827 Pickles, M. (Sup'y) Canning, N. S .,3 2 1S68 Piciaes, F. H. W Canning. N. S 8 1870 Pickels, Charlea Grand Bank, N. P I 1863 Pike,Jno.M Yarmouth, East, N. S 2 1814 Pope, Heny(A) Halifax, N. S 30 1844 Pope, Henry (B)...., St. John (Centenaiy), N. B....2 1873 Pratt, John Catalina, N. P I 1862 Prestwood, Paul Shelburne, N, S 2 1848 Prince, Jno St. Stephen, N. B I 1873 Purvis, Wm Port Hood, C. B X 1857 Read, Jno Halifax (South), N. S 8 1866 Beay, Jno Twillingate, N. F 2 1821 Richey, M., D.D Windsor, N. S 6 1874 Robson, Jos Digby Neck, N. S I 1862 Rogers, J. A Yarmouth (North), N. S 2 1866 Rogers, Thos,, A. M Petite Riviere, N. S 2 1865 Sargent, Wm Bridgetown, N. S 1 1866 Seller, Jos., A.M Woodstock, N, B 1 1868 Scott, D. B Parsboro. N. S 3 1872 Scott, Jas New Germany, N. S 2 1860 Shenton, Job Truro, N. S 8 1828 Shenstone, W.E. (Sup'y) Brigus, N. F 7 1873 Shephardson, J. W Sambro.N.S I 1871 Shrewsbury, A, R. B , .Summerside, P. E.I 1 186) Slackford, Elias Sheffield, N. B I 1837 Smallwood, P. (Sup'y)-...Charlottetown, P. B. I | 184t2 Smith, Richard Lunenburg, N. S 2 l'">57 Smith, T. W Bermuda, (St. Georges) 4 li^74 Smith, R. W., student Sackville, N. B l&'^S Snowden, Samuel Tilt Cove, N. F I 18o3 Sponagle, J. L Hillsburg, N. S ....1 1838 Sprague, S. W St. John (Carleton), N. B a 1862 Sprh'gue, H., A.M St. John (Germain St.), N. B.2 1853 g tawart, Chas., D.D., Theo- logical Professor, &o... Sackville, N. B 5 187i Stiothard, Jas Halifax (Charles St.), N. S 3 1831 Sutcliffe, Ingham (Sup'y) Halifax,N.S 2 1871 Snow, William Pogo,N. P 2 Swallow, C W., student... Sackville, N. B 1846 Taylor, Jas..... MiUtown,N.B 2 1862 Taylor, R.H Jacksonville, N. B 1 1856 Teed, S. T ....Fairville,N. B 1 J849 Temple, R. Alder Newport, N. S 9 1858 Teasdale, Jno. J... Wilmot, N. S 2 ;871 Tippett, W. (Student) Sackville, N. B , [1874 8 I 20 N. B....2 I a • ••••••••111. 8 2 5 I S 2 2 1 • •••••••••••^ >••••••••• m%M 2 > ••••••••• sQ 7 1 1 I 9 2 ) 4 • ••••••••••^ ....1 . B 3 ). N. 3.2 o • ••••«•••• ^ 2 >••••••••••• • »••> •••••A. 1 • •••■•••••4y • •••••••• A^' •••••••••y ■'8741 » 1872 Turner Erfw 1^7 1850 TuttIe,'Geo W'>«-V;-H8rtl8nd N R IRK? SL"'°w, J. E Mills VilWe i "ii 1 1^ ^««:?y. Bobert. ?*• Andrews, N b ' 1^ JSr^ddall B. W Wy^-lredericton jv^B I '-JMarysTilJe, N. n ^j If ' ■ '■ I. MINUTES or THS NOVA SOOTIA CONFERENCE. In oonneotion with the Wesleyan Methodist Church, of Canada, taken at its inauguration, at Charlottetown, F, E. I., on Friday, July 3, 1874. Rrv. JOHN MoMUBRAY, President. " R. ALDER TEMPLE, Secretary. Question I. What ministers are now elected chairmen, and who are appointed Financial Secretaries of the respective districts. Answbb. Chairmen. Halifax Districtt The President. Truro *' Rev. Wm. C. Brown, Cumberland ** " Robert Tweedy, Ouythoro^CB, ** " Eliaa Brettle, Annapolis ** *' Jas. England, Livsrpool ** " Richard Smith, Fin. ftEc'Y. Rev. C. Jost, A.M. Job Shenton, A. D. Morton, J. G. Angwin, S. P. Huestis, Joseph Gaetz. « Question II. What ministers are now elected as representatives to the General Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Canada ? W Isr OJi MiJ K( Tho J. JS Wm. Abnc Wl Rev, Wha 'er Com 3E. ^thodist iration, July 3, f. and who sspective ftEC'Y. 3st, A.M. Shenton, . Morton, Angwin, . Huestis, ?h Gaetz. itivcs to Methodist ^874] MllfUTES or »OTA «vvr, ^ • Wm. c. Brown. What L Q'^^«noK m. "erai Conference ? ^ ' *^ ^^P^esentatives to H^n. 8. L. Shannon, -Israel Loagw^orth, Esa^'' ftj-ostTBs^^^- Thomas, M^Leml' Esq J- Newton Freeman, Xq., AjTSWEB. ^bnerHart, -^^ternates. Halifax, » ^ewport, -Iruro, ^ivep John. Bridgetown, ^armouth, -f'lverpooJ. HaJijfkx, ^uysboro. ,t t . , ^at minister i« "^""""^^ ^^- ^ ' |*«1 J^ssiona^V^rSr '^'^^ ^ --ber of the C^ Kev. Stephen p. Huestis'. , What minister is ^""T"^ ^• ^' a-mmitte^f^" " "-«^-ted a member of the 1^.. 180 unruns of ths [1874 r ! It in Aniweb. Bev. Alexander "W. I^icolson. QUBSTIOK VI. What are the standing and other committees for the year, and of whom are they composed f Answer. I. — lilSSIONABT COMMITTEE. The President and Secretary of Conference and the Chairmen of respective districts. Eev. C. Lockhart, , . ' r " Jabez A. Bogers, " William Alcorn, " Job Shenton, " Leonard Gaetz, " A. 8. DesBrisay, D. Henry Starr, Esq., Halifax, N. S,, Hon. S. L. Shannon, " " Samuel Bettie, Esq., Truro, Edward C. Foster, Esq., Berwick, Charles Northup, Esq., Berwick, J. Newton, Freeman, Esq., Liverpool. T. M. Lewis, Esq., Yarmouth, Abner Hart, Esq., Guysboro. F. A. Donkin, Esq., Athol. ^' n, — BIEOUTIVE BOOK COMMITTEE. Bev. J. McMurray, *' B. A. Temple, Bev. A. W. Nicolson. Bev. J. Lathem, " John BiiKl, [1874 )s for the and the Athern, a£«d. ^OTA scorn OOKFlHtKCE. 181 1874J III.— COMMITTEE Prto « :: ft vC :: w Gt'- J- 1'. Sponagle, ., wV??''"««3^. ^ Bev. Jabez a. Bogeps " *'^' Thomas Rogers, ?• Henry Starr, '♦ Kev. I. E. Th„ri^;S. MaoNeill, w fwMcial SecreLriS of th'!^'^ *»' Conference th« J««'e8B.Mom)w, 'Esq., /Treasurers. »i!-^W.^iao«X^;ftheCo.ferer- W. IT Webb, Esq. f ^'•^wr^r^. 182 MIKUTES OF THE [1874 !f''l: rN I it '" Eev. G. B. Payson, James Mosher, Esq. James R. Hart, . W. Henry Allison, Esq. Joseph 8. Coffin, F. Gardiner, ♦* R. B. Mack. VIII. EDITCATrONAL COMMITTEE. The President of Conference. Rev. F. H. W. Pickles, Secretary, W. bJ MclSrE;,. } Treasurers. Rev. J. Lathern, T. M. Lewis, Esq., Yarmouth, John Starr, Esq., Halifax, I. Longworth, Esq., Truro, W. H. Allison, Esq., Newport, C. H. M. Black, Esq., Halifax. ii t( i« (4 J. L. Sponagle, J. R. Hart, W H. Heartz, W. C. Brown, A. S. Tuttle, J. Read, IX. Sabbath School Committee. Rev. A. S. Tuttle, Secretary, ** E. B. Moore, S. H. Black, Esq^ Halifax, •• Jas. Tweedy, W. B. McNutt, Esq., " " John A. Mosher, J. W. Caldwell, Esq., " ** Thomas D. Hart, T.M.Lewis, Esq., Yarmouth, '* J. M. Pike, J. Sterling, Esq., Windsor, '* John Johnson, Wm. Harris, Esq., Pictou. *' J. W. Howie, Abner Hart, Esq., Guys'ro, J. North, Esq., Canning, X. Children's Fund Committee. Rev. A. D. Morton, A.M., Secretary, L. Gaetz, Treoswrcr. (I <( XI. Special Committee to Prepare a Scheme for a Parsonage Aid Fund. Rev. J. G. Angwin, Rev. A. W. Nicholson, J. G. Hennigar, " L. Gaetz, Rev. Job Shenton. (* [1874 Esq. on, Esq. (( •mouth, ruro, Bwport, lalifax. lifaz, B'OR A ISli] ^-^A SCOTU CO^T^BEKC. ^"- Committee om Pn«« 183 The Book ^f ^"«^^««^«^T8. "-'--'^(^^ **na Oruysborough QOESTTON VII D -Answer. ^Dfl: Committee, 9 ^;;5^f'^«i^' ^^ne 15^/^_Q, .. *:-d¥v'- °■'"'^*"■-°• r4?ri.fS-rp-r-— ...., . -, QoESTIOIf VIJI. hel?"" <"«» where shall our „ew c . nejt Conference be IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 m u ^^ 13 A |2j8 |25 ^ S^ 12.2 m 1.25 II 1.4 iim < 6" - ► Hiotographic Sciences Corporation ^^^ 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WIBSTfR.N.Y. 14SM (716) •73-4503 '^ Ill II '^^^mmm^ 184 MINUTXB OI* THS Kt 8. COHm T TCE. [1874 Answer. On the third WedDetday in June, 1875, at Halifax, South. Signed by order and on behalf of the Conference. JOHN McMURRAY, President, E. ALDER TEMPLE, Secretary, tH SI. St. toil Chm 'i^X MINUTES OF THB New BiisfM aoil F J. M Cinta In Connexion with the Wesleyan Methodist Chnroh of Canada, taken at its Inauguration, at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on Friday, July 8d, 1874. Rbv. henry pope, Jr., President. Kbv. DUNCAN D. GURBIE, 8ecretarys QUSSTION I. What Ministers are how elected Chairmen, and who are appointed Financial Secretaries of the respective Pistricts ? Anbweb. Fnr. SBchr. Bey. R. Duncan, R. Wilson, « OHAiBinqr. SI. John District, Rev. H. Pope, Jr. J^-edericton '* " RMcKeown SackvUle, " ** Wm. McCarty, *' Joseph Hart, St.8tephm " " John Prince, " Jas. Taylor, F,£, Island, •* « D.D.Currie,ReY.H.P.Gowpeit';.waite, Question II. What Ministers are now elected as representatives to the General Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Cbnrch of Canada f 18« MINUTES OP THE NEW BEUNSWICK ri874 Answer. Rev. H. Pope, Jr., President, Rev. D. D. Gurrie, " H. Pickard. D. D., " Joseph Hart, »' C. Stewart, D. D., " John Prince, '* James Taylor, ** H. McKeown. Question III. What Lay-gentlemen have been elected at the respective Annual District Meetings as representa- tives to the General Conference ? Answer. ' Edward E. Lockhart, Esq., St. John, N. B., Z. Chipman, Esq., St. Stephen, N. B., Hon. L. A. Wilmot, D. 0. L., Fredericton, N. B., Alfred Rowley, Esq., Marysville, N. B., David Allison, Esq., L. L. D., SackviHo, N. B., Richard Lttttrell, Esq., Moncton, N. B., Hon. Wm. G, Strong, Bedeque, P. E. I., George R. Beer, Esq., Charlottetown, P, E. I. Question IV. What Minister is now elected a member of the Cen- tral Missionary Board ? Answer. Rev. Humphrey Pickard, D. D. Queston V. What Minister is now elected a member of the Transfer Committee ? Anstter. Rev. Robert Duncan. R91 (( it (( H 1874] AND F. E. ISLAND CONFEBENCE. 187 ■!.;J I. I. Cen- of tbe Question VI. ' What are the Standing and other Committees for the year, and of whom are they composed ? Answer. ' i. — missionary committee. The President and Secretary of the Conference, and the Chairmen of the respective Districts. Rev. H. Sprague, A. M., Secretary. Fev. Joseph Hart, ( Treasiirera E. E. Lockhart, Epq., ) treasurers. Hon. L. A. Wilmot« D. C. L., 1* redericton. Ralph Brecken, Esq., Charlottetown, P. E. I. Hon. Judge Young, " '* Mariner Wood, Esq., Sackville. Joseph Prichard, Esq., St. John. Wm. A. Robertson, Esq., '* , A. C. A. Salter, Esq., Carleton. S. D. McPherson, Esq., Predericton. J. B. Snowball, Esq., Chatbaip. Hon. Wm. G. Strong, Bodeque, P. E. I. . r David Allison, Esq., LL. D., Sackville. n. — GOMMrrrEE for examination of candidates. >ri Eev. C. H. Paisley, Sec'y, '» P. Smallwood, " S. W. Sprague, " Geo. O. Huestis, ** J. S. Phinney, " Edwin Evans, Rev. C. W. Dutcher, W. W. ColpittB, S. T. Teed, I. N. Parker, A. E. LePage, John Prince. tt (I (( in.— thbolooioal institution committee. The President and Secretary of Conference. Rev. H. Sprague, A. M., Secretary, '* R. Duncan, A. A. Stockton, Esq. } Treasurers, t 188 1CINUTX8 OF THI HEW BBUKfiWIOK [187^ Rev. S. T. Teed, *' T. J. Deinstadt, <* £. EvaDB, Rev. H* P. Cowperthwaite. W. W. Colpitts. 0. W Dutcher. i< << T !^ yv. IV. — COMFERBNClfc TKBASUBBBS OF SUPERNUUBRART FUND. Rev. H. p. Cowperthwftite, William S. Dawson, Esq. y.*^OHILDREIf's FUND OOMIIITTBB. Rev. D. D. Currie, Secretary, it James Taylor, Treasurer. it it H TI.—OOMMITTBB OF PRIVIIiBOBS. The President and Secretary of Conference. Rev. H. Pickard^ D. D. Robert Duncan, James Taylor, H. McKeown, " H. Sprague, A. M., A. A. Stockton, Esq., LL. B*, Joseph Prichard, Esq., David Allison, Esq., LL. D., Hoi . Judge Young, LL. D., William E. Dawson, Esq., C. H. B. Fisher. Esq., Z. Chipman, Esq. Vn.*-<-0OMiaTTEE ON OONFERBNOB STATISTIOt. Rev. Joeeph Hart, '* R. Wilson, *' S. T. Teed, M T. J. Deinstadt, Rev. C. H. Paisley, A. M. H. P. Cowperthwaite* Isaac N. Parker, William Maggs. tt !l :■ Vni. — OONTINOBNT FUND OOMMITTEB. Rev. R. Duncan, Secretary, (« E* Evans, Treasurer. 1874] AND P. E. IBLAltD OOHFSSIHOI. IX. — SABBATH BOHOOL OOMUnTBB. 189 Bey. Samuel Ackman, '« Edwin Mills, «* William Tweedy, *' A. E. LePage, " H. J. aarke, Rev. J. S. Phinney, " J. S. Allen, " L. S. Johnson, *' W. W. Peroival. *' James A. Dake. X. — EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE. The President of the Conference. Bey. Jos. Hart, Secretary, Bey. C. W. Dockrill, B. Duncan, Treasurer, " C. Comben, J. Waterhouse, " W. W. Lodge, it *' D. Chapman, " E. Slackford, it a Bey. G-. H^rri^OD. B. W. Weddall, Thomas Allen, V u \ ^: ( ^waite, TU — COMMITTEE CM COhFERI»fCE TRAyELLINO AREANOB- MEMT8. The Superintendents of the Charlottetown, St. John, Fredericton, and St. Stephen Circuits. Question VII. What shall be the Order of Business for the Con- ference of 18T5 ? Amsweb. 1. Freparatory Day, — Tuesday , June 22nd. — Sta- tioning Committee, 9 o'clock, a. m. ; Committee on Conference Statistics, 9 a. m. ; Committee for Exami- nation of Candidates, 2^ p. m.; Missionary Committee, 7 p. m. 2. First Day. — Opening of Conference, Wednes- day, June 23d, at 9 o'clock, a. m ; Contingent Fund Committee, at 2J p. m.; Sabbath School Committee^ at 2\ p. m.; Educational Committee, *l p. m. iJ'..ja.-« ■nil ■HP 190 MIKUTM OF THE NIW BRUNSWICK [1874 3. Second Day* — Thurnday, June 24^A, Conferenoe Sossion, 9 o'clock, a. m.; Stationing Gommittee, 2} p. m.; Theological Institution Committee, 2) p. m. 4. Third Day — Friday^ June ^^th^ Conference Ses- sion, 9 o'clock, a. m. Question VIIL When and where shall our next Conference be held ? Answer. On the fourth Wednesday in June, 1875, at St. John, N. B. Signed on behalf and by ordeiofthe Conftrenjce. HENRY POPE, Jr., President. DUNCAN D. CURRIE, Secretary. !> '■\ '■ % 1874] AND P. E. ISLAND COKTIRSlfOE. 191 be St. CHILDREN'S FUND. Memorandum prepared by the Secretary. Forty-Five members to provide the allowance for one child. OHlLDBXir. 34 32i 25| lOJ 27 DiBTBICTS. MXMBERf. St. John, 1526 Fredericton, 1466 Sackville, 1153 St. Stephen, 459 P. E. Island, 1210 / 5813 129i ERRATA. 4— Question 2. Add the name of John Ellis, who has travelled three years. 41 — Tenth line from bottom, for that read oho. tt «rf.. ^_^.*.. CONTENTS. is - Page. Address, Pastoral 146 Address, British Conference 151, 166 Address, Canada Conferenpe 161 Address, M. E. C. in the United States 164, 166 Children's Fund 31 Connexional Funds, Contributions to 21 Circuit Aid and Contingent Fund 27, 186 Course of Study :,38 Conference Committees 39 Conference, Sessions of 2 Conference Statistics 137 ConfeMnce of 1876, when and where held .46, 184, 190 Conference Nova Scotia 178 Conference New Brunswick and P. E. Island 186 Educational Society ; 33,61 Financial Economy 46 Home Mission Fund- ;. 28, 62 Members in Societjr, Number of 18 Mount Allison Institutions 36 Methodistic Union ,..«t 38 Miscellaneous H«)solutiohs 40 Ministers admitted into full connexion .3 Ministers who have died 6 Ministers, Stations of 8 Ministers, Besidences of 173 Ministers and Probationers, List of 169 Order of Business fo * the Conferences of 1876 183, 189 Proyincial Weslejan and Book Boom 36 Preachers on Tnal 4, 5 Supernumerary Fund 29 Sabbath Schools 82 Standing Orders 47 SubscriMrs to Educational Society 64 Subscribers to Home Mission Sociely 76 Time for Collections in Aid of Connexional Funds 60 I *ACHB. ...145 1,165 ...161 4,166 .....31 21 «r,186 ...:.38 , 39 2 ....137 34.190 ... 178 185 .33,61 46 ..28, 62 18 36 38 40 q 5 8 172 169 183,189 36 4, 6 29 82 47 64 76 60 Oav« Srwr A Sons; • • HALIFAX. N. s. • MANUFACn^;^^, AGENTS Pfcl MB.4GO CHtciBtfis ' '•""' ^"^<>»- ,» .•> ^i. •>• «• * 9. . -^ .w / m "'**»S*- ,■■.." 'ftajf 'I* .', i-Lff'ti We^teyan Conference Office AND METHODIST BQOK ROOM, IM HisBvllle ii,, ilalitax* S. 8 fiUtionenr, Blank Books, SohoolBttoks, Motto**, CNirdt, Ac, kc.tC Sandsy Schools, always In stoek. W^ STANDARD MKTHODlflr and other KBU ilOUS WORKS pO^"*)>«d in Great Britain and U) United States, eir sr kept on hand or obtained at the shortest notloe».itii sold at very low frices. 4^ A very great vai y of Interesting Bonks suitable Air Sabklit Schools and Family Llbrartes.^vM^^ be kept in stock, and speetalj tention will be given to fllllng ord^m ||>r these at the lowest possible rM|| Orders are reapeetftHly Kolieited by the Book-Stewart. Liberal Dl cmnt to Cleif ymen, Stndentsi Sunday Schools and the Trade. ▲. W. SnOOLSOK.! A Weiekly Rellglow Newspaper, published at HaHlkt,' onder the ttm don, and m the of«an of the Wesleyan If etbowiil Oonfereaiee of laecipni BrMeh Amerif*;.^ " ■■%■ PMC«, f^OO I^R YsaK IN Aifl^CK. ^ EDITOR :.,:....nev. A. W. 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