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Standard Built and Equipped. Automatic Air Brakes. Trains Lighted by Electricity. Elegantly Equipped Parlor and Buffet Sleeping Cars. Careful and Polite Attendants. SAFETY. SPEED AND COMFORT. ^-^Z^J^Z^^. .": been established by years of careful consideration of the requirements of the people. D. POTTINGER, JNO. M. LYONS General Manager Canadian Gov't Railways. Gen'l Passenger Agent Intercolonial Railway. MONOTON, N. B., CANADA. ( \h ;«• >v,>v,vv.>v,s-/,s;'''Vi'' retofi. ^> v.,.v.sv.yv,sv. NV-.v-/. V ^,\ r*i\ /.\ ^,\ ^.\ ^1^ \'y FOR leekers and , Splendid Views. ICE. lins Lighted )leei>ing Fares. Its :ellence has equirements yONS. :oloiiial Railway. )*• I^ '. j ;. MAP OF THE >j HTiaBcoLaiiuii ^ BAitwii^ ■■^■''■- ■-" '^ AND ITS ' , ■.. ' lii i r' ii ' i i jJ. \ ^ ' \ Iii i i' ii I*'!! .Ill C "cm the I R drapery - i thein cor friim the ;^ From ih( ;ri gladness, that the i jacciit set lo slay til where cv ■^ ocean ; ji to llie Ijui sweet pas zat ry f— will Hnd r to him as c5 f * '.V ( « I |om€tfiing dbowf S^^lGursIons. ^^MI.KI. A ,.s a Inml .,f h.nnorisls. nn,l ,h.. o^m■,li„^; h,„nnr „f i,s people ^ s nnc, or. h m ,l,e.r h„,,i,s ..f life. Lifc ,.,.s made ... 1. .,.j.,,.l. ami .h.y v..< ^..joy .. whether ,he sun shines or not. No, that they are an i.lle peoph' J cV f..r hey are notoriously the reverne. In.t that they pass through l.r.I Lis w ,ch wouM test even the jollity of Mark Tapley. an.l profess themselves .leli.ht- ln..nl.u«s. ,..nnen,e.l t.y Hies - crushe.l, wilte.l. worried, driven half mad - Ihey. with mimite humor, term all this, pleasure ! - Ami.l such a scene, while lyin^ half stitte.l in a sn>all. hut hiL'h.price.l cell near the ..ves of s.une la.,e l.u. well crowded hotel, the wJ.ry traveller kitLu.e drapery of h.s couch from around hin,. an.l lies down t.. trouhle.I .Ireams \mid hen. come vK,ons .,f a lan.l whi.h lies hy the sea. an.l is fanned by cooling hree.es -n .he ocean. In this lan.l are green hills, sha.ly groves and fertile vaZ 1mm ihe distant mountains the cry.tal l.ro..ks come leaping with the music of «h,ness,an.I,nn with nol.le rivers in uh..se ctear wate'rs dwell lordly .Sa „„m an scarce less lordly Trout. Near at han.l are forests, as yet so little disturbe, that the moose, card.n. and bear, now and again visit the farm-yards of the a.U .lacent settlen.ents an.l ga/e in i.ewiidere.l surprise at the man whose haml is raise.l n slay then,. Along the shore for hundre.ls ..f n.iles, lie land-lockcl harlnws Wtere even the fra, bark canoe .nay tloat in .,fe.y. yet upon the waters f, I: >c nn ; an.l „p.,n the smooth sand beaches ..f which even a chil.l may venture in t- .he buoyant .alt water and fear n.,t. In ,his country is scenery at times of .sweet pastoral .n.plicity ; at times ..f .ubliu.e grandeur. It ,s \ land where c.vll,zat.on has made its way, an.l yet not .narred the beauty of Nature I, il, willtV r,'*-' '""■"" "'"' """ "' ""''^^ "f conventional "excursions'. W.I hnd much tha, .s n..vol. much that will charm, and much that will ever r m" n to htm as a sweet remembrance of a pleasant clime. 4^ •iOMETHtXr. ABOIT fXClf/tS/OXS. Ah! s,>.hs the .lr.-an.ir, "«.n,|,| il,ai such n lot were ininf. Such i.lnces there may I*. I,ul whc.e arc .hoy? My ^-„i,le l,o,.ks (,.|| „n, „f ihrm. T.: hnH • hem, one mus. aKan,l..n ih.- r..mf.,rts .,( ,|,,ily lif,, ^,„ ,,r Inv-.n.! rcarh of .laily mails an.l lel.Krams. Ik^c,.,,,,- isolauM from ihr Im.y «..rl>l, nn.l live hun.lr. ,k of miles from lliiTonlincs of civiliiation." Not so. Vou have |.crhap.s l.cn .town (h.- Si. Luvrenro as far as Ouehcc (Vom which, as ,he d///m« //,;,/,„, your .x. ur.i..,,, y.,u r.luriu-l ... your' horn... Take your map an-l Ira.v .ha. li,,,. which Ica.K fr.,m (,)u.Ih-c .low.. .h.> S. Lawrenre across ... New hrunswirk. ami .l.,wn i., caM .„ \.,vn S.„.i,,, whcr. i. rn.ls a. the ( ity ..I Ffal.fax. T.. il.c tast ami wtM. .mis aa< li n, |>i,.|..u. Sv.liuv nn.I S. John, ami amMher hranrh Iraverses I'rinw K-lwar.l r>lan.I. 'ihi^'i. i|,e In.cr- rolonul knilway. '.Th.. IV .•. Uailw.,y." ...... .,f ,|,o ,„„>, ,„|„,an.ially rons.ruc.«l ami k-s. rqui,.|,o.I liuos in .1,. w.„l,l. M .....s ihr-.u^l ..Ir.ds of miles of juHl Mich a coumry as has been men.i.Mu.l. I'kaM.n- ni..I s|...r. m;,y 1„. enjoyc.1 m numlK-rless pla.^^s an.l ye. .he .ravdier will l,c wi.hiu i|,o r.^arh ..f .laily mails ami .he .elcyraph. ami may live like a prince ai a ^uy m.Hkrnlc ou.lay. I. IS the lan.l f..r which you have siyht-.l ; try .. a.ul I,e ,u„vinre.| TOURIST TICKKTS, On sale from 1st of June .o joih Novcmlier, can Itc hai C. J. CARTKN, C. M. DAWSON, T. E. HENDKKSON. . GEO. PIIILP^. E. JOHNSON, D. R. McDonald, . T. D. Sini'MAN, union ticket ofiick, r.. W. KOHINSON. - N. weatmerston, E. KIN.;, of Sep.emlier, ami go..,i f,„ passat;e u() t.i im I a. ihe un.lerineii.i..ne|"irl iiKiy he I llii" rcnrli of \(ry iii">rli.r,ilc vinrcil. it;c u|) t.i i-t iz : MiccI, Halifax Truro Station )iict()n Station reel, St. John liathani Town Jucbcc Kerry) it reel, (^)ucl)cc li-nac, (^)ufl)ec fi:t, .Montreal lock, Toronto I reel, Ottawa iX ri ■A. Tour No. TOURS FROM HALIFAX. ROU rE,-r. C. K to SI.' I„hn. Hay of Funcly S. S < o. lo Ann.n|)(,lis, itnd W. & A. Ry to Halifax, Toi;r No. 2 -- Halifax to Sydney, C. li., ,„• North Sv-lney, C. B and return (all rail) '. _ '_ '8 25 KOUTK,— r. C. R. to .Sydney VikNc'w V;iasKow and •Mulgrave ; return same route. Tnt-R \„. ;{ Halifax to I'ietou. Ch.nrloiteU.wn, Suniniersidc. Point du (.bene, Halifax ., 1130 ROUTE.-I. C, R. to Pictou, Cliarlottetown Steam i\av. (.(.. to Cliarlottetown, and P. E. I. R'y to .Summcrsi.je, Clinrlottctown Steam \av. Co. to Point duUiene, I. C. R. to Halifax. .Side trip, Painsec junction to St. John and return, add $2.fiO. Toi.R No. 4 - Halifax to NFagdalen Islands, ,>nd return, via Pictou. . 12 10 1 ■ , ' '• ^' ''^' '" ^'ctou, Steamer Olaf lo Mag- dalen Islands; return same route. ToiTR No. 5 - Halifax. Sydney or North .Sydney, Pictou, fharlotte- i.r>il"r*"' '"""'""lerside. Point du Chene and St [ohn. 16 40 KOUrE,— I. C. R. to Sydney, or North .Sydney, thence I. C. R. to Pictou, Charlottetown Steam Nav. Lo. to Charlottetown, P. E. I. R'y to Summersidc, ( harlotletown Steam Nav. Co. to Point du Chene. I. C. R. to St. John. Tour No. 6 - Halifax to St. John, Fredericton. Chatham, Halifax . . 14 45 FvOUTE I. C. R. St. John, C. P. R. Fredericton, Canada Eastern to Chatham and Chatham Tunction, I. C. R. to Halifax. ToUK No. 7 - Halifax to Caspe, Kaie de.s Choleurs and return, via Dalhous.e 17 00 ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Dalhcusie, Steamer AdmiVal to Ciaspe ; return same route. Tour No. 8- Halifax, .Sydr.ey or North .Sydney, I'ictou, Charlotte- i.niT'4ii"' ''^""VV^T>'''''' ''^•"' ''" ^■'^*^"''' Q"«l>ec. . . . 22 90 K0UTE,--I. (.. R. to Sydney, or North Sydney, thence I. C. R. to Pictou, Charlottetown Steam Nav. Co. to Charlottetown, P. E. I. R'y to Summerside, Charloltelown Steam Nav. Co. to Point du Chene, I. C. R. to Levis. Tour No. 9 -Halifax to Sydney, Pictou, !'. E. Island, St. John, .\nnapoIis, Halifax 20 90 ROUTE, I. C. R. to Sydney, I. C. R. to" Pictou, Charlottetown Steam Nav. Co. to Charlottetown. P. E. I. R'y to Summerside, Charlottetown Steam Nav. Co. to Point du Chene, I. C. R. to St. John, Bay of Fundy S. S. Co. to Annapolis, W. & A. R'y to Halifax. roi'/^s rno.v Halifax. Tour No. 10— Halifax, Kiviere du 111 Loup, Kdnuimlston, N. I!., St. John an.l llnlifax ^ ••■:■••.• ^'"^^ ^ •!.^... t /' I., to Riviere flu Loiii), Tcmiscduata r. K. to St. John, I. C. K. to Tour No. U ROUTE,--!. C. 1 R'y to Lilmuiulslon, C Ilalilax. Halifax to I'ictou, Charloltelown. Sumnierside, Point ^^ (lu Chcnc, Levis, Halifax. . • • • • -» • KOUTF —\. C. R. to I'ictou, Cliarlottctown .steam Nav. Co? Chariot tetown, 1'. K. I. R'y .Summersi.le, Charlottetown Steam Nav. Co. I'oint du Chene, I. C. R. Levis ami Halifax. For side trip. N^^ Clas^ow to Sydney or North Sy ROUTE, I. C. K. to Levis, C. T. 1\., L. i . K. or Steamer to Montreal. Agents will issue an exTh.inge order on either the (^ P. R. or G. T. R. al Mon real for transportation, Montreal to lioston via .lirect bne. Boston to St. John. !. S. S. Co . St. John to Halifax, I. C. R. If rail Boston to St. John, add $d.&U. 00 ;. 1!., St. nisciitinta C. R. lo $2:3 55 <\v, Point b'n Sttnm ninerside, •nc, I. C. llasp)\v to 20. ;ilifax .... I'. K. -.1 , I. 1 . K. . (Ill 1,. 'lip ;r to Mon- N. Co. t" itlaiul .... . 1'. U. or ) I'ortlnnil, ;f order on r transjior- Ncw York, Lo. to l!os- 1. & H. to ;w York . . . C. P. K. or C. A. Ky !alif.ix C. I'. K. or :) Portlanil, icket Agent C. 1'. R. or tation. St. John, C. P. R. or an exchange al Montreal [I direct line. 1 to Halifax, $3.50. 25 m 26 (X) 2S »1 2<> 5f» 18 (K* 26 85 I 20 00 31 00 si .2 c o o en X e < o TOURS FROM HALIFAX. Tour No. 19 Halifax to Out- liec, Monlreal, Charlottetown, I'ictou, llalifijx KOUTi;,-I. C. k. to Levis, (J. T. iV." C iVk/or Steamer to Montreal, thence Black Diamond Line to Charlottetown, ('harlottntown Steam N. Co., Char- lottetown lo I'ictou, L C. R. to Halifax. $29 9U Tot'R \o. 20 ■ ILilifax to Quehec, Afontreal, Toronto, Niagara Falls, New \(.rk, IJoston, St. John, Halifax 4« (JO KC)UTi:.- I. c . K. to Levis, G. T. R., C. F'. K. or SieaiiHT lo Montreal, C. P. R., (i. T. H. or R. & O. X. Co. to 'roronio, (meals and berth included on ^learner), (;. T. R. to Niagara Falls, X. V. C. & H. K. R'y to New York, Fall River Line to Boston, L S. S. Co. to St. John, L C. H. to Halifax. If all rail Boston to St. John instead of Steamer, add $8.50. Tour No. 21 Halifax to Dalhonsie, N. B., and return ROUTE, -L C. R. louR No. 22- Halifax to St. John, Boston an.l Halifax .. ROUTE,-L C. R. to St. John, L S. .S. Co. lo Bos- ton, C.A.&I'..S.S. Co. to Halifax. If all rail .St. fohn to Boston, adil $8.50. Tour No. 23 - Halifax to St. John, Boston, Varmouth, Annapolis and Halifax ROUTE,-I. C. R. to St. John, I. s! S.Co.to' Bos- ton, Varmouth S. S. Co. to Varmouth, \V. C. R'y to .-Knnapolis, W. & A. R'y to Halifax. If all rail to Boston, add $8.5f). 11 00 15 00 17 25 Tour No. 24 - Halifax to St. John, Boston, Portland, to Quebec via ,.^.;1.1"-' '^'OuntainS Quebec, Halifax 30 (if) on, R & M R'y to Portian.i, M. C. R'y to Dudswell Jet Q. C. R y to Quebec, I. C R. to Halifax. If all rad St. John to Boston, add $^150. Tour Nn. 25 - Halifax to Mulgrave, Crand Narrows, .Sydney, or North Sydney to Halifax ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Mulgrave, Bras d'oV S.' S.Co to (Jrand Narrows, I. C. R. to Sydney, or North Syd- ney, S. .S. Harlow to Halifax. 15 05 Tour No. 26 - Halifax to St. John, Boston, Fall River, New Vork Albany, Bufialo, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Mon- treal, Quebec, Halifax 4e «e ROUTE, - I C. R. to St. John, I. S. .sV Co. "to BoV- ^ ton, O. C. R'y to Fall River, Fail River Line to New Vork, Day Line to Albany, N.' Y. C. & H. R. R'y to Niagara Falls, Grand Trunk to Toronto, R. & Q Steamers, C. P. R. or G. T. R. to Montreal, R. & o" Steamers, C. P. R. or G. T. R. to Queliec, I. C. R. to Halifax. If all rail St. John to Boston, add $3.50. Tour No. 27 — Touk No. 2« Tour No. 2t) - Toi'k No. ;J0 - Tour No. SI Tour No. 32- TouR No. 33 Tour No. 'M Tour No. 35 Tour No. 36 Tour No. 37 Tour No. :W Tour No. 39 — Tour No. 40 nUA'.S /-KiKM IIM.ll.W. Halifax U) St. JoIjii, lioston, New N'urk, .\ll)any, Montrual, (,)iiebcc, Halifax ' . . $:«! - lon, Kail Kivei Line to Nt-w NOrk, N. V. t". iV 11. R'y to All)aiiy, I). \ II. <(). to Ruu.sc's I'.mit, (i. T. U, lo Montreal, K. & U. Steamer, t'. I'. H. or li. T. K- to QiiehfC, I. c;. K. to Halifax. If iill rail St. |<.hii to Boston, add $3.r)<). Halifax to Oxford Jet., I'uj;wasli, 'ratainayoiiche, rictou, Halifax 7 ."^J ROUTE,- I. f. R. Halifax to Little .Meiis and return 14 So ROUTE, -L C. R. Halifax to Oraiige ROUTE,- I. C, K. Halifax lo Grand Narrows ami return 7 70 ROUTE, -L C. R. Halifax to Sydney or North .Sydney and return S 25 ROUTE,— L C. R. Halifax to Cauipi)elllon and return 11 ki to Port Hood, steamer Olaf to I'ictou, I. >m Boston ami New Vork who wish to reach llalirax direct can lio so as follows : Leaving Uostoii \i;i Inlernationai S. S. Co. to St. John, thence Intercolonial Iklliiw:)}'. " Yarmouth S. S. Co. to Vannoutli, thence rail to Halifax. " Canaila .\llaiiiic iV I'Jani S. S. ("o. direct. " " The All Kail Line to St. John, thence Intercolonial Railway to Halifax. Leaving New York. —Tourists from New York will take All Kail or Fall River Line to Boston, thence as above. li ^ ^ ^ TOUKS f-KOM ST. JOHX. r fi. TOURS FROM ST. JOHN. TOUU No. II Si. JkIiii Id ll;ilini\, .\llli;i|)(ili>, Si. |ii|in koU'l'K. I. C. K. I.) Ili\lit.i\. U. \ A. Ky i<. .Xiiiiapolis, jiiiy (»f Kinuly S, S. ( o. ii. Si. Inhii. Toi K N'n. I'J - St. Juhn Id Mdncliin, Chailuiui, IVudoiiclnii, Si |i>Iiii ixOl'Tl'!, I.e. 1\, toClKiiliani J unci ion, ('aiuiil.i i'.a-i- cm to Chalhaiii, ilu'iut.' to I'Vudcriciori, C I'. K. in St. John. Tom; No. Hi St. Jolm in Point i!m ClKiif, Suinuuisidi', ( li.ulnilc- lown, I'iclon, M. lolin KOUTK, -I. ('. I!, to I'oiiii iliirhenc, C'lcoluttcinwn Steam Nav. Co. to Sinnnicisiilc, 1'. I':. 1. k'y toChu- lotti.-lown, CiiarlotU'iowr. StiMni .\a\. Co. lo I'ii-ii.ii. I. C. K. to St. jolm. ToiK No. U Si jolni, .Syilmy or Nortli Syiliiuy, llalifiix and loturii (all rail) ... ' KOUTK, -I. C R. to Sydney, oi Norili Sydney. via Halifax, New (iiast^ow and .Mul^rave and relmn direct. Toi'K No. l") — St. John, Point du (,"licne, Snnunerside, t'liarlottetovvn, Pictou, Sydney or Norlli Sydney, and lliilif;i\, . . KOUTK,--!, C. K. to I'oint du Clienc, Cliarloiuioun Steam Nav. Co. to Sumniersiiie, P. K. I. K'y to (liar- loltelown, Cliarlotletown Steam Nav. Co. to I'ielou, I. C. K. to Syciey or North Sydney, thence I. ( . K. lo Halifa.\. ToiiR No, 1(5 St. John to Magdalen Islands, and reiiirn via i'iclon . . KOUTK, — I. C. K. to I'ictou, Steamer Olaf I'iciuu to Magdalen Islands and return, I. C. K. I'ielou to St. John. Tour No. 47 St. John to Point du Chen", Summerside, Charlotte- town, Pictou, Mulgrave, Sydney, Halifax, Anna- jiolis and St. John ROUTE,— I. C. R. to Point du Chene, Cliariotielown Sleam Nav. Co. to Summerside, P. K. 1. R"y to Cliarlotletown, Charlotteiown Sleam Nav. Co', to Piclou, I. C. R. to Sydney, and thence to Halifax, VV. iS: A. K'y lo Annapolis, Pay of Fundy Steamer lo St. John. Tour No. 4S — St. John, C^)uel)ec, Montreal and St. John KOUTK, — I. C. K. to Levis, rail or water to Mon- treal, C. P. K. to St. John. ToiiK No. U) — St. John, (^ueliec, .Montreal, IJoston, St. Jolin ROUTE, — I. (7. R, to Levis, rail or water to Mon- treal. Agent.s will is.sue an exchange order on either C. P. K. or G. T. R. at Montreal, f(jr transjioriation to IJoston via direct line; Boston to St. lohn, I. S. S. Co. If all rail Boston to St. |ohn, add"$:i50. $ !l IKI s :.'.-> II IHI Pi :m Hi III II 70 L'O !)() 21 IM) •1{\ (HI JOHN. Ill $ !l IHI vV A. U'y !<• I. John. dull, Si jiiliii S '2't , CmikkI.i i-'.a^i- 1, ('. I', k. t.i lie, ( li.illiillo- II (HI (..'ll:illiillt'l<>\Ml . k'y in Cliii- Co. In I'icllill, llalifiiN and _ I.', :^t «'< trill .SyiiiKjy, vc and ifliini .'liaili»tlct(iwn, lid llalifaN... U\ II) L'liarloilL'lDWn . K'y to (liar- '(I. lo I'ictiiii, tncc I. ( . U. 1 via I'itimi . . II 7U ■r ()l;if l'iLM..u K. I'iciDU lo le, Chariot U'- lalifax, Anna- liO IHI Cliarlotitiiiwii K. I. K'y to Nav. Co. to :e to Halifax, dy Steamer to n 2t (XI later to Moii- t. John 2V> (H) i.-iter to Mon- rder on either transportation |ohii, I. S. S. TOl'/tS /-/(OM .ST. Joil\ 111 R No. M Si. Julin („Ol lOl'Ti:. ~l. SliMuier t{ Si. Ii.lin, (juebe Niw Vork, KOLTK, -I. C. trual, C. I', k., 'in(i) (iiii-ah and t.. Ni a^ara Ka Fall Uivcf L If all rail litj.^ion Toi'K No. r>J ~ St. lohn to I'arrn kOUTE,-I. C. Co. ti) !'arrsl)i)r.). I. C. K. to S TouK \o. 'm 'I'OUK \o. ikJ- Tnl!K Xo. 57- ToiiK No. 58 Tour Xo. 5!) Tni-R No. 00 Touk No, 61 Tour No. 62 St. John to Malliiir- ROUTK, I. C. K • St. John to C'hnrlo ROUTE, - I. C. \{ - St. fohn to Dallioii KOUTi:,~I. C. R St. John to C'ani|)l)i ROL'TE,--!. C. R St. John to Miili'r.T ROUTL, -I. CR and return, add $2 $:{.5(); Arichat, C. and return, $2.(X) ; via .steamer I^imousi — St. John to Liiilc M ROUTE,-!. C. R. — St. John to RiniousI ROUTE,-!. C, R. — St. John to Hie ROUTE,-!. C. J e 'v'^flxf'- $LtJ 75 ". R., t'. I'. K. or "otcuu, C. A. K'y Ottawa to iVfoii- i<. I. C. R. to St. lottelown, I'ictou, «) .V) i>r wattr lo Mon riotifinwii, ( Iwr- . I. C. R. t(. Sf. 1 Sydney, I'ictou, :i', Monin d *7 J(j . R. to Sy. ncy or t. C. R. to Levis » rail or water. 0, Niannra la lis, I ) r water ttj Mon- ). N. ( o. to Tor -iiincr), (i. T. K. <'y to New \'ork, i.."o. to Si. lohn. .50. ^"■n 7 (» Lt., C. R'y \ C. Sjjnng Hill let., 7 5/ /,'.V /-/CO.)/ v/-. ,/o//x. 'I'ouK No. H4 I'OLK N(\ 05 TOL'K No. fid — ToLR No. (57 — Si. Jn|,n luOxlu,,! |„„,.,i.,n, |'u£;wash, Taian..-iL'm,clie, ictou Ch|,r,.iu-..MM., Smnn.crsi.le, I'oint ,|„ Rorn:.- 1. 1. r. „, piam,; ' ;ia o;c(bniiunc[i;.;; l..i.lone.nun N.v. Co. u> Cha.lotte.own j" I'. K ' K y lu SuMunersidf : Cl.a.lottet.uvn Nnv. Co. t<. I'.'.ini '111 ( liiriif: I. C. K. loSl. John. - St. John lu Mnlynuc, Mnl.ou, Piciou, .S,. John via lAvloi.i I unction ■' ROrrt;.-i. C. K. to -Mulijrave, .;iean,er Rimoiiski to Mal-u.,, stfanu-r (.)|.,l ,o I'ictou, I. C. R („ s John. ■ '^' ' ""'' •St'!"j-'lin"''''''''' •^"'"'^'•'"''' '^'^^""""'h. lioslon, ROUTE,-! C. R." uV Jlalifax, VV. & 'aV RV to Annapolis, W. C. Ry t., Varn.outh, Varn.ouih S, S Co. to Boston, I. S .S. Co. to .St. |ohn. If all mil from Boston to St. John, add $3.50." St. John to Mulgrave, Grand Narrows. Sydney m ,u.,^'rV^ •>'"'^>'' "^''''^'<' «'• John ......: ^ KOLIL,-. C. R. to Muljjrave, Hras d'Or S." .s". Co to Grand Narrows, I. C. U. to .Sydney or North Sydney, steamer Harlow to Halifax, I. C. R to St $]] (H) U 75 17 25 21 55 Tour No. 08 Tour No. 09 Tour No. 70 Tour No. 71 Tour No. 72- Tour No. 73- St. John to Annapolis, Halifax, Cacouna or Riviere aw Loup, Ldmundston, St. fohn W. \ A Ky to Halifax, 1. C:. R. to Cacouna or Riv- iere du Loup, rennscouata R'y to Ednum.lston, C. P ^:i:.^:fe'&o.,^:d:;^r°'^^"^"^^^"''^^'-"-^ - St. John to lloston, Portland to Quebec, via White Mountains, Oudrec and St. John K(A 1L,-1. s. S. Co. to Boston, H. & .\I.' Rv to .t aiK , M. C. R^uKj^y to Dudswdl 1 unction, Q^ C K y to (^)uel)ec, I. C. Pi. lo St. John. • . «-• SI. |,,l,n to (,)uebec, .Montreal, .Mhany, HoMon Si lohn ■' ' !^' T I'^T V' ''^•,''' *^"'^'"^'^' "^^^^ ^^^''^'■'''' ^i-n- ..n,l( o. .oAlhMin. 1!. .V \.lVy lo Boston, I. S. ,S. <^ ;l'. E. I. "<). to I't.int '!■ John via U 75 • Rimouski '. k. to St. h, Hosioi), 17 25 A. R'y lo ouih S. *>!. If all rail Sydney or 21 55 I'Or S. S. or Monh R. to St. jr Riviere 2;s 55 \nnapolis, la or Riv- on, C". P. return via •la While 24 50 I. Ry to on, Q. C. l^tiMl, Si. 28 do to .\Jon- lliulson , I. S. S. ^'urk . . 22 50 rncrs, C. Rouse's y, N. V. 15 00 i. S. Co. rail Ircin 9 75 ni 10 75 i I lift AT is S.l/1> OF I UK IXllUiCOl.OXlAL. What is said of the Intercolonial Railway by a Distinguished Writei^ and Recent^ Travellei's. w\ m\ Whal the disiini^iiislied writer said of (he nini,'niliccnt Si. I.awrt-iin' Riva, llie slioris of wliicli are skirled !))■ iliis |io|)idar railu.iy ; "TlK-ve i. in N.Mlh Amrrica a inii^hiy river, luvin.; iis head in reiuoi,. I.d.e. Nvluch, tlu.uyh many in nmnher, are yel s„ .rreai il.al .,ne .,f liu-n, is knn^^„ as tl- largest i..dy „f fresh ^^■ateK un the s^lohe, with a ll.m as plad.l and pulseless as Ihe -real I'acihr itself, yel as .wilt in places as the average speed of a railway train. Its waters are pure and a/uie-hued, n„ mailer how many turl.i.l streams attempt to .lelile them. It is a river that never knew a freshet nor any dryin- up no matter how ijreat the rain or snow fall, dr how severe the .h-ouyht on all its thousand miles of drainage or of flow, and yet that retjularlv. at siaie.l iiiteivals swells and ebbs within certain limits, as surely as the .spring tides each year d.b and How in the liay of Fundy - a river so rapid and yet so placid as to enchant every traveller -so grand and yet so lovingly beautiful as to enthral every appre- ciative soul - which rises in a great freshwater sea, and ends in the great Atlantic -some places sixty miles wide, at others less than a mile : a river tliai never has yet had a respectable hi.tory, nor scarcely more than an occasional artist to delin- eate its beauties. "It lies for a thousand miles, belween two great naticms, vel neglected by both, though neither coul.l be as great \n iilioul it ; a river as giand' as the^La I'iaia as picturesque as the Rhine, as pure a. the Lakes of Switzerland. Need we say thai this wonderful slream is the Si. L,wience. ihe i„,blesi, ii,e pure.l, most enchaining river on all Cod's • i)eautiliil e.ulh.' " Whal recent travellers havt' said : "II has decidedly the advantage iVoiii ihe standpoint of pictures(|iienjss. It skirls-- and I only refer lo ihe through loule Ihe shores of the beautiful Hai,. des Chaleurs following f,>r miles the cuives of the bay, each ben.l revealin.- a scene of ever changing beauty. Leaving the sea .h,,re it foll,,w. the winding.-Tof the Resiigouche and Melapedia now dashing wiMly ah.ng an .uerhanging declivity with Ihe fuamcresu,! uateis of the rushing river below -bye and'^bye approaching a chasm only to dart across an iron causeway setting aside the barriers ol nature -here are toweling hill,, looking lo-day, despite a ga.ment of smns , dark ami threatening, but lo-niorrow the buds upon countless trees will be thr- iiciil'iiiL'er s ol a luNurianl summer'- h ,\wav lo th until ii reaches the shores of the mighty .St. L e north speci the II an ever-cluingiiig panorama of river scenery. .NLiiiy railroad possess far less charms than the Intercolonial. It iwreiice, where eveiy mile presents s, more talketl about, is not a tid bit of sc enic pictur- 12 n//AT /s s.irn of the LxtercoloniaL IIM ■is o mri •;' "'" 'r"--^"'" ^^ ^^^ --■'•'• •" -^-^-^^^^ fortune i„touris, .ravel of many a ra.lnu.i ; Ua a co..>:.,., p.vs.n,a.,on of such scenery until it culminates urotrTh "'•' "^"^^ ^:"rV""''^"'^' '"^^'^-^ "»-" ^^^ sigLs .he tourist ap. nverw.ha w..les,rc,cho( water on either si.ie ; the lowering heights of Mont- m..renc. w.th the migh.y falls tumbling into the still nughtier St. Lawrence the anc.emc..yof guebecwith i,s myri.u. of tin roofs .eLting the ^..2;^ gh the owern,g he.glu cappe.l by ,he hi.tor.c ci,aj)/iV^ t.'^ii.. r ' u..^i. u' 1 r .. , ^ " s"^'^i ^"^'■""^ ^fi'O' 0/ our -western (Oimtrv Thp in the forests and held, of ih p o . • Tl T ' M '" "'V'"'"" ""'''''" road is brought to the proud od'c.;oul relr.^" '"^' "" "' world, and here has an' oppor.uni.y to v s ih M "Lf of A."7 '"''; "" " Quebec St lohn J,\ h r connects .he famous ci.ies of pV„:r„v:Hd;;tr," '■;;j:::„'=u,;;: ?■„; «'- --^ -^ ^^^ »> AL. line in tourist travel ' until it culniiiiaies It as the tourist ap- n the centre of the ; heiglits of Mom- St. Lawrence ; tlic the (laz/Jin;; sun- slill holds the key I was fouylit that the majestic river s, l)ui a merchant )ut none are more aspe ; return same route. Tour No. 75- Quel)ec, Point du Chcne, Sumnicr>i'''"^>' "' ■'^y'ln^y. Halifax ' 22 90 KUU 1 1, -Same as lour N.i. 8 reversed. To extend this trip to Quebec, add $10.0(). Tot)R No. 76 -Quebec, St. John, Montreal. Ouebec . oi nn ROUTE -I. C. R. to .St. |r,hn, C. R R.' to Men- ireal, rail or water, Quebec. ^ Tour No. 77 - Quebec Point du Chene, Summerside, Charlottelown, rictou, Halifax ' on in ROUTE,-! C. R. to Point du Ch'ene", ChaHoUeti.'wn Meam Nav. Co. to Summerside, P. E. 1 R'ytoC'har ottetown Charlotletown Steam Nav. Co. to Pictou, .';it. lohn, Levis 9fl nn ROUTK,-L C. R. „, Halifax, W.'& A'.'R'yto Annapolis, Bay of Fundy S. S. Co to St. fohn, C P R. to hredericton, Union Line Steamers to St. lohn. I. C . R. to Levis. "' Tour No. 82 - Quebec, Halifax, St. John, Fredericton, Chatham, Levis OR T ROUTE,-! C R. to Halifax,' L C K. tosi.' !;[,«; ^^ ^. v. R to Fredericton, Canada Eastern to Chatham, and return to Chatham Junction, !. C. R. to Levis. 14 Tour No. 83 — Tour No. 81 Tour No. 85 Tour No. Sfi Tour No. 87 Tour No. 88- TouR No. 80- TouR No. W Tour No. 91 - Tour No. 92 Tour No. 98- Tour No. 01 - Tour No. 95 Tour No. 96 - TOURS FROM QVEBEC. « ()ii°l)ec to M.nj;diilcn Isl.nnds anuct)t'c, Si. John, llalifav, rirtoii, Charlottetown, Siimmt:r>llt'lirr. QiieU-r to I Mini dii Ch.n.', I'. K. Isl.ind, I'irlou In (,)iit;l)t-, viii Truro liOUTK,- r. C. R. lu I'uini .liiCluTi,;. Ch.irloitelf.wn Nav. ( o. to SiminuTsi.l... P. K. |. K'y |„ (hnrlottf- town. ( harloliLiowii Nav. Co. lo I'i( k.ii, I. C R to QiK'liec. '.)utd.cclo Muljjrnve. Pur! Hu.mI, pjctoi, lo ( )uchc.-. via Oxford junclioii ' ROUTK.-I, C. R. to Midn;r,ivc. simmer Rimouski lo Port Hood, Mcamcr Ol.if |„ Pkinu, I. C. R. to 'Jitelicc. •.'"•■1.CC lo Halifax, Annapoli.. St. |nli„, Kdmundst.m, Kivierc du I-oii[) to Oiielitr ROUTE,-!. C K. t„ Ih.lifnx. W." ^ ' \.' Ky u, Annapo ,s, Bay of Pnndy S. .S. Co. to .St. |„|,n, C. P. K. lo hdmundston, Teniiscouala R'y to Riv. du Loup, 1. (. . K. lo Quebec. -Quebec to St. John. Boston, New Vurk, Albany, Montreal lo QucIhjc i)^iM?^^^' ".'•• *'• '■'•J"-^'- .f"''n,'i.S: S.Co; lonostun; I'nll River Line to New York, N. Y. C. \ H R R'v lo .AllMny, Del. & Hudson Canal Co. to Route's T'oint, •. .." V 1" '^'"""■eal, rail or water to i (uebec. If all rail St. John to Boston, add $3.o(). -Quebec to Halifax, Annapolis, Yarmouth, Boston, Portland, Montreal to Oiiebcc. ROUTE, -I C. R. to Halifax, VV. & A. ' R'y to .\nnapois, W . C. Ry to Xannoiuh, Yarmouth S. S. Lo. to Bcston, B. & M. R'y i„ Portland, ti. T. R'v to ■Montreal, rail or water to (^)uebec. <.)uebec to Mulf-rave, Grand Narrows, .Svdnev or North Sydney, Halifax to Quebec. .. ' ROUTEj-I. C. R. to .Mulgrave. Brasd'Or .S.'s.'co". t.> Oiand Narrows I. C. R. to Sydney or North Nydiiey, .steamer Ffarlow to Halifax, I, C. R. to •Quebec. lA $2:^ (N) 23 no 2n fin 2fi 05 :«) oO m 25 :« 25 19 HOH- TO KF.ACH THE IXTERCOl.OSl.M. AT QVEHEC. HOW TO REACH THE INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY AT QUEBEC. Leaving; Hoslon vi.i nudNWcll fiinrtion nml Slifrlirjiokr to (Jnelicc. " '* I'Drllanil and .Slicrl)rc)okf In (^>iu-ln.c " " Wliilu Mmiiilain Umitc to (^)iiclur. " " Si. Alhnns and Monirial It) (^)iicl>cc. " " Newport anil Montreal to (Jiicl)tT. Leavini; New Yolk, up Ihf Hudson KiviT and rail to Niajjara r.dl.> ; ilu-nLO \u Toronto and Montreal to (,)ui.'lic( . via N'ia^jara Fails ami Thousand Islands, Montreal to (^)ueljfc. via llif tlrcHii Mountain Kou(( lo Montreal; tlRMce loi^dnjlier. via Saratoga, Lakes (ieorgc and Cliaiiipliin, Montieal to <^)ucl)cc. Tourists from the West can rcaeli (^)iiel)ec via Toronto and Montreal, all rail or by water, from Kinijston and tin Tiumsand Islamls. ti II II ti ^ ^ ^ I'F.nF.C. AT QUEBEC. I".ill.> ; thence In It real to (^iieliec. llciici' 1(1 (^)ii(tiec. ill, Montical to ^liiiilrcal, all rail Toi- Tor Tor- Tom Ton i TOUK Toi; I Ton Tour TOURS PROM .ITOXCrO.V. 17 TOURS FROM MONCTON. TofK No. 101 - Moiicloii, Spring Hill, I'mrshorci, X. S., and Moncton. KOUTE, — I. C. R. toSprini; Hill Id., Cumberland R'y& Coal Co. to Paiislidro, return snmc route. Side trip from Parrsboro to Ilantsport and reiiirn via steam- er, add $2. $ i 10 ToiR No. 105 TotR No. 106 Toi;r \o. 107 — Moncton, I'oint du (bene, Summersidc, Charlotte- town, Pictnu and Moncton ROUTE, I. C. R. to Point du Chene, Charlotte- town Steam Nav. Co. to Summerside, P. E. I. R'y to Charlottetown, Charlottetown Steam Nav. Co. to Pictou, I. C. R. to Moncton via O.xford Line. Moncton, St. John, Kredericlon, Chatham and Moncton HOUTE, — I. C. R. toSl. John, C. P. R. to Fred- ericton, Canada Ensicrn to Chatham, and return to Chatham Jet., I. C. R. to Moncton. Moncton, Halifax, Annajjolis, Si. John and Moncton. ROUTE, - I. C. R. to Halifax, \V. & A. R'y toAnna- poli.s. Bay of Eundy S. S. Co. to St. John, I. C. R. to Monctnn. 8 40 TOUK No. 108 - Moncton, .Miilgrave, Sydney or North .Sydney, Halifax and Moncton ROUTE, -r. C. R. to Sydney, I. C. R. to Halifax, I. C'. K. to .Moncton. ToiTK No. KM - Moncton. Summeisi.le, Charlcjltetowii, Pictou, Sydney or North Sydney, Halifax and Moncton KOUTl'!, — Same a.s in Tour No. 45. Tour No. 110— Moncton, Summersitle. Cliarioitetown, Pictou, Syd- ney. Halifax, Annapolis, St. John and Moncton. ROUTE.— I. C. R. to Piiinl du Chene, Charlottetown .•^leam Nav. Co. 1 1 Summerside, P. E. I. R'y to Cliarlottttuwn, Charlottetown Steam Nav. Co. to Pictou, I. C. R. to Sydney and Halifax, \V. & A. R'y to Annapolis, Jiay of Eundy S. S. Co. to St. John, I. C. R. to Moncton. TotiR No. Ill Tour No. 112 — Moncton. St. John, Eduiundston, Riviere du Loup, Queiiec and Moncton ROUTK,-!. C. R. to St. John, C. P. R. to Ed- mundston, Temiscouata R'y to Riviere du Loup, 1. C. R. to Levis, L C. R. to Moncton. Moncton, St. John, Montreal, Quebec, Moncton ROUTE, - I. C. R. to St. John, C. P. R. to Mon- treal, rail or water to Quebec, I. C. R. to Moncton. 8 90 10 00 12 (« 18 30 20 P5 22 SO 24 00 18 TOURS FROM MO>^CTON. Tour No. 113 -Monclon, Si. John, Doslon, .Monlieal, Quet)ec and Mnncidu $27' 75 KOUTE,--I. C. K. to St. Jotni, F. .S. S. Co. to Bos- ton, Montreal to Quelxrc, rail or water ; I. C. K. to .Moncton. If all rail .St. John to I5oston, add $3.;V). Agent will issue exchange order on ticket agent Bos- Ion & Maine U'y at Boston for transportation Bo5 to .Montreal by direct line. Boston Tour No. 114 TotiR No. 115 Moncton to Oxford Junction, Tataniagouche, I'ugwash, Pictou, Halifax, Moncton 11 15 KOUTK, — I. C. R. Side trip Pictou to Charlottelown and return via Charlottelown Steam Nav. Co.. add $3.00. .Miincton to Oxford Junction, I'ugwa.sh, Tatamagouche, Pictou, Charlottetown ; return same rf)ute. . . . .' ROUTK, — I. C. K. to lictou, Charlottetown Steam Nnv. Co. to Charlottetown, I. C. K. to Moncton. S 80 Tour No. 116— Moncton to Mulgrave, Port Hood, Pictou, Moncton.. 12 «0 KOUTK. — I. C. R. to Mulgrave, steamer Rimouski to Port Hood, steamer Olaf to Pictou, I. C. R. to Moncton. Tour No. 117— Moncton to Mulgrave, Mahou, I'ictou, .Moncton 13 10 ROUTE,-!. C. R. to MuJgrave, .steamer Rimouski to Mahou, steamer Olaf to Pictou, I. C. R. to Moncton. Tour No. 118 — Moncton to Mulgrave, Cw-ul Narrows, .Sydney or North Sydney, Halifax, Moncton "'0 75 ROUTE,— I. C. 15. to Mulgrave, Bras . If all rail St John to Dostun, adrl $H.'i(). TofR No. 12t - I^K „,,,, u.U^h., lioston. St. John. Moncton 17 15 KOLFK,. I. C. R. i„ Malifa.v, C. A. & I' s s Co to Boston, I. .S. .S. Co. to St. fol.n, f. C. R. t.'. Moncton. If all rail St. John to Boston, add $H.50. Tov K So. l-Si . - jYuncto,. to Sydney or North Sydney and return .... 9 90 ^ ^ ^ TIME OF, AND C0NNECT10.VS «ITH, FORHION LINES NOT GU. GUARANTBEO. ao BRAS U'OR LAKES, C. B. Bras d'Or Lakes, C. B. What Charles Dudley Warner says about the famous Bras d'Or Lakes in Cape Breton along the Intercolonial Railway : -" The way was more varied durinji the nex! stage ; we passed through some pleasant valleys and picturesque neigh- borhoods and at length, winding around the base of a wixuled range, and crossing its point, we came upon u sight that took nil the sleep out of us. This was the famous Bras d'Or. " The Bras d'Or is the must i)e;uiliful salt water lake 1 have ever seen, and more beautiful than we had imagined a body of salt water could be. If the reader will take the map, he will see that two narrow estuaries, the tireat and Little Bras d'Or, enter the Island of Cape Breton, on the ragged north-east coast, above the Town of Sydney, and fl(jw in, at length widening out and i)ccupying the heart of the Island. The water seeks out all the low places, and ramifies the interior, running away into lovely bays and lagoons, leaving slender tongues of land and picturesque islands, and bringing into the recesses of the land, lo the remote country farms and settlements, the flavor of salt, and the tish and mollusks of the briny sea. There is very liitle tide at any time, so that the shores are clean and sightly for the most pan like those of fresh water lakes. It has all the pleasantness of a fiesh-water lake with all the advantages of a salt one. In the streams which run into it are the speckled trout, the shad ami the salmon ; out of its ilepths are hooked the cod and the mackerel, and in its bays fattens the oyster. This irregular lake is about a hundred miles long, it you measure it skillfully, and in some places ten miles broad ; Imt so indented is it, that I am not sure but one would need, as we are informed, to ride a thousand miles logo rouml it, following all its incursions into the land. The hills about it are never more than five or six hundred feet high, but they are high enough for reposeful beauty, and offer everywhere pleasing li les. "What we first saw was an inlet of the Bras d'Or— called by the driver— Ilogamah Bay. At its entrance were long wooded islands, beyond which we saw the backs of graceful hills, like the capes of some poetic sea-coast. The bay narrowed to a mile in width where we came upon it, and ran several miles inland to a swamp, round the head of which we must go. Opposite was the village of Hogamah. I had my suspicions from the beginning about this name, and now asked the driver, who was liberally educated for a driver, how he spelletl 'Hoga- tiiah — Why-ko-ko-iuagli. "' 'Or Lakes in varied during rcsque neigli- and crossing riiis was the 'L-r scfn, and If the reader at and Little coast, above ing the heart the intericjr, i of land and the remote Husks of the ire clean and pleasantness reams which ts depths are "his irieRular I some places mid need, as its incursions ed feet IukIi. leasing ii les. the driver — hich we saw I. The bay miles inland he village of e, and now ;lled 'Hoga- > Q > f^ THE SVnS'EV HOTEl.. THE SYDNEY HOTEL. -►>«C-^ What id said of this Hotel. One of the drawbacks to a jiroper enjoyment of a summer outing in glorious Cape Krelon hitherto has lieen a lack of first class hote. accommodation. This cry can no longer be raised, for the splendid new Iniilding which has just been opened for the entertainment of tourists who may favor it with their patronage is m every respect the llnest public hoiise in Eastern Nova Scotia (which includes I'ape Breton.) Fitted with evcy convenience which can in any way tend to the ccimfort an the p., r among sinnmei resuris. The ground on the opposite side of the espiana.lc. rear .iown t„ the wau r front, being the property of the hotel company, an unobstructed view is obtained, and easy access to the shore matle possible, on the beach of which row and sail boats are always in readiness for the use of guests who nmy wish to go sailing or deep-sea fishing in the harix.r or out upon old orenn ; an.l first class bathing accommodations have been pro- vidsd. Within a stone's throw is the .anchorage of the English and French warships, which annually make Sydney harbor their rendezvous during the summer months,' and owing lo the great depth of water are moored within hailing distance of the hotel, from the verandahs of which one has a perfect view of their decks while enjoying the music of the excellent bands. THE SVDXEV HOTEL. L. I); in glorious atiofi. This las just been patronage is lich includes I-ny and c ' ;,. 1 ' •'"""""" "'"'^•'''^•^ "^ "'^ '^'""'"i '" <"«l -nv ...*c. that a.c .:X::Z^JZ^ ""'""""^" - ^ '^^ ^'^ ^'- '^— whiC, we -st'h:r:;:^;;;j':;;:::;;:; ::;!^;;;.::; :;•""-' •->.sea,to«e.....r. ,.. has .een ever Krowing t.Lel w id t-en . "-..-Khout ,n order lo accomm..,iatc .he "- -pec, perhaps. 4 ^^^^ ZZ^L '\ 1:1^ i ^h""? ^" «'tl. h... water, fitted with eler.ric bells ....l li.'h. "i . thrm.Rhout - in P'en.y ; a tine billiard r". , le 1 ^ • [ ^■'"'""!^' ' " '"^'^ '"'^"' '"« r ns, nnd light and airy l.edro .n In T . 'r .»^r''" '"^ '"""«■ n.anner. K % H If-' Q N T/iOA- T/Vz/'v ()rA'A' rox.vf-cr/ovs. S5 :ii S?5.- ^ H M rn u^ w- u ui hj g ;5 ,75 1:; .^ « J Mf-^ .^C ■^ 5 fl 5 i? 3 5 •->• -t M ^: K s Ti C >~. Q ^ ^M '^1 I M Tl -^ — f- 5 i'5 2 2 s — fM — t'- ri — . -^ X <^ ■= '--^ lu. y. V t/3 :-. :^ s 5 ! c V •^0 — # = . Ci - -■ > - Q U X : n c ~ .t: o ^ t '•^'^x.t^'^.zLCi « it r= o « U a: . ix ii -^ ^-^ X ^ Si '3 X x'>^" X ' -r -r- y. :^ ..'X^ ^ c - .- ^ ^ — T " :>'. %J ^ .i. ? jr. y >-.T = — ; CS c 13 ■ <<» X -.'.<-. :- :i. X - '-. w .<•. X :; < H /< :;^ - n2 x w /S X X >5 s "K o '"■ - ii . .'d. C ^ * X -^ -T ^' " >-: n ' is n n:^^ u. c; CS S K Q <<;» uu ooo::: s V5^ u u I c ■_> i ^ i O u 'X t/J •5 c u u a. 3 S 3 o _3 cj O o a IS^ 02 r. w tfl 1 73 s/iiF. T/i/ps tn-Kti co.wvjicr/oxs. sa c P y. o o o t— t H U u O k D w a ^Y/JA- -/•/? /■/>.? OI'EK CO.VX£C7VO.VS\ 1^ <-< (M -* tt O »+i ® •-• J 5 u H^ C C3 c5 -■« c .■ -5 17 r .f O I. 5 c 2 £ c 5, o a. c 5 -a -r i: rt = - = >," ■r, or: zZ - c •~ X « ii c lU c .;:; 5i -?>- c Ec/: = u d "- u5 t; - c ~ c . ir c rt > i >, c - c n o . C — ■" '/^ t:^ — _ V. 5j ^'r: C o 2; ■> o t^ J- i s-^ c; ^.2 o a. u c O CS Ss . •? i; a (5.S i .hJ r^ sr^ C5 .-J c IPIICIIOF? 10 IlCra AGEKTS. The foregoing Touins can be extended, and other Toura made up from the list of Side Trips over connections herein and tlie Fares in Tourist Rate Memo. No. 399. Summer Tourist Rates, 1894. When Return Rates are given and no Return Tourist Form supplied, issue two Single Journey Forms at the Return Rate. Tourist Forms are not to be used for .straight or ordinary summer excursion return business, but only m connection with round trip tours. When niaking up book, stamp each form and report each book separately. For St,-aight Return Tours (going and returning same route) «hown herein use Summer Excursion Return Ticket. Do not include under one cover the tickets of two or more persons, but supply each p.. rson with a separate book. ^^^ Use blank Tourist Form (T. lilank) to cover route for which you have not been furnished with regular single or return (orm. Tourist Forms can be issued betnoen 1st Jnue and 80th September, and are good for passage till 1st November, 1 894. ' P-, r.. J^^- ^- Lyons, Railway Omce, r- in Moncton, N. U., May ist, 1894. "^' I'assenger Agent. TiMR OF, AND CONNECTIONS WITH, FOREIGN I.IN SS NOT GITARANTEED. memokani>xjm:. I Goo( 5( Fi Also ROUND TRIP ^ ^ ^^. TOURIST TICKETS, AND SUMMER EXCURSION SEA BATHING TICKETS. '__^_^_;_^_^__^reJ o^ Sale at all^ the Principal ^oilwfli] and gteomslijp Jl^mm IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, SummerJTours; Also Ttme Tables. = CAN BE HAD = £^M_on_Application. Also From -^ -«, f JNO. M. Lyons, General Passenger Agent, Moncton, N. B. THE . Famous Summer Resorts. , ^ OF AMERICA ARE ON OR REACHED BY THE Intercolonial Railmii of Cioiiado. FOR . TOURISTS . PLEASURE- SEEKERS. SPORTSMEN AND iNVALi ns. kA