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Un dee symboiea suivants apparaltra sur la damiAre ii.nage de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: le symboie — »> signi/ie "A SUiVRE ', le symboie V signifie "FIN". Mapa. piatea, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoeure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, aa many frames as required. The following diagrama iilustreta the method: Lee cartea, planches, tableaux. «tc.. peuvent dtre filmte A dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit »n un seui clich4. ii est filmd i par^ir da Tangle supArieur g«uche. de gauche k droite. et de haut en baa. an prenant )e nombre d'Imegee nteessaire. Lea diaqrammes suivants iiluatrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 \<r' Price List THE Great West Wine Co. Canada s Large "it Muil Order Liquor House Importers and Exporters High Grade Wines and Liquors formerly operavng at . ^ Montreal, Que. Winnipeg, Man. Dryden, Ont. Virden, Man. Edmonton, Alta. Saskatoon, Sask. and Kamsack, Sask. * Our remar\ahle growth and phenomenal success during the past is accounted for by only one ivord — and that^word is VALUE We Guarantee Quality and Service All Orders Receive Prompt Attention •^VPO^-' :) Over 40 Tears in the Liquor Business The Great West Wine Co, P.O. Box 991, Montreal, Que. Prices subject to change without notice /j^A^ ^'^ ^ ^-'W^., Canada's Largest Mail Order Liquor House COGNACS AND BRANDIES Fine Old Cognac XXX Laberat Freres XXX , Fournier XXX Deleyto Spanish Brandy Renault X Renault XXX P. Angers XXX Martel'sX Martel'sXXX Hennessy's X Hennessy's XXX Foucauld Bouquet Medico-Tonic Foucauld 20 Year Old Foucauld Long Neck 5 Star 1 Crown Foucauld V.S.O.P Foucauld V.V.S.O.P "Foucauld's Cognacs are of a very One One Gas? Five Bottle 12 Battles Cases $1.25 $14.00 $ 85.00 1.65 1.85 2.35 2.60 3.10 2.50 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.60 3.10 3.50 4.00 7.00 19.00 21.00 17.50 30.00 36.00 29.00 29.00 34.00 29.00 34.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 75,00 high quality »» One Gallon BULK BRANDIES Fine Old Cognac. $ 8.00 Laberat Freres XXX 9.00 Fcucauld's Finest 10.00 Godet Freres. ... * 12.00 SCOTCH WHISKIES Valley Dew Selected, Qts Valley Dew Selected, Imp. Qts Glendale XXX, Qts Glendale, Imp. Qts Ferguson's House of Lords, Qts Ferguson's House of Lords, Imp. Qts.. Stenhouse XXX King George White Label King George Gold Label Old Mull Lawson's Liqueur Kilmarnock Red Label Kilmarnock Black Label £>UC*iMiiuii e JL>iaCK QC Wniie. One Bottle $1.25 1.75 1.50 2.00 1.75 2.35 2.60 2.60 3.00 2.60 2.85 3.00 3.25 n en One Case 12*Bottles $14.00 20.50 16.00 22.50 20.00 26.00 30.00 30.00 32.50 30.00 32.50 34.00 37.00 OA An 90.00 100.00 130.00 145 00 175.00 140.00 140.00 165.00 140.00 165.00 145.00 170.00 195.00 220.00 370.00 Five Gallons $38.75 43.75 48.75 58.75 Five Cases $65.00 97.50 75.00 107.00 95.00 125.00 145.00 145.00 157.50 145.00 157.00 165.00 180.00 1yie AA S,-SSJ SW Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded No charge for packing SCOTCH WHISKIES — (Cont.) Bottle 12 Bottles Cases Dewar's Special Liqueur $3.00 $32.00 $155.00 Dewar's Extra Special Liqueur 3.25 36.00 175.00 Gilbey's Spey Royal 2.60 30.00 145.00 Rob Roy Red Crest 2.60 30.00 145.00 Rob Roy Gold Crest....! 3.10 34.00 165.00 Rob Roy Black Crest 3.00 32.00 155.00 Perfection (Original Mallet) 3.10 34.00 165.00 Beggs Blue Cap 2.60 30.00 145.00 Try a case of Rob Roy — we recommend it BULK SCOTCH WHISKIES O^on Oairons Valley Dew Selected $10.00 $48.75 GlendaleXXX ... ".00 53.75 Ferguson's House of Lords 12.00 58.75 Whyte & Mackay (old stock) 15.00 73.75 Mackie's (old stock) IS.OO 73.75 Usher's (old stock) 17.00 83.75 IRISH WHISKIES Bottle 12 Bottles Cases Maguire's Fine Old, Qts $1.25 $14.00 $ 65.00 Maguire's Fine Old, Imp. Qts. 1.80 20,00 95.00 Rourke's XXX, Imp. Qts 2.00 22.00 105.00 Rourke's XXX 1.50 16.00 75.00 Burke's XXX, Qts 2.10 23.00 110.00 Burke's XXX, Imp. Qts 2.65 30.00 145.00 Jameson's XXX, Qts 2.25 25.00 120.00 Keegan's Eight Cro,vn, Qts 2.10 23.00 110.00 Mitchell's, Qts 2.10 23.00 110.00 BULK IRISH WHISKIES G^So'n GaJrons Maguire's Fine Old : $ 8.00 $38.75 Rourke's XXX 9.00 43.75 Mitchell's 11.00 53.75 'OIMO ^"® One Case Five iallNO Bottle 12 Bottles Cases Red Bridge Holland (15 to case) $1.75 $25.00 $120.00 Red Bridge Holland, medium size (12 to case) 1.25 14.00 65.00 Our money-back policy your guarantee Canada's Largest Mail Order Liquor House /^ffKfQ fr'r^„4\ • One One Case Five V»11^0— k^O"f'y Bottle 12 Bottles Cases Melcher*s Canadian (15 to case) $2.00 $28.50 $137 50 Melcher's Medium (12 to case) 1.50 16.50 77.50 De Kuyper's Holland (15 to case) 2.50 32.00 155.00 De Kuyper's Medium (12 to case) 1.85 21.00 100.00 Moyser's London Dry.... 1.60 18.00 85.00 Batt's London Dry. . 1.80 20.00 95.00 Burnett's London Dry 2.25 25.00 120.00 Gordon's London Dry 2.60 30.00 145.00 Gilbey's London Dry 2.20 24.00 115.00 Barclay's Old Tom 1.60 18.00 85.00 Booth's Old Tom 1.90 22.00 105.00 Gordon's Old tom 1.90 22.00 105.00 Booth's House of Lords 2.60 30.00 145.00 Bell Brand Sloe Gin 1.50 16.00 75.00 Gilbey's Sloe Gin 1.90 22.00 105.00 Ross's Sloe Gin 2.00 23.00 110.00 Coate's Plymouth 2.00 23.00 110.00 BULK GIN.i QaUon Gallons Fine Old Holland $8.00 $38.75 Canadian Gin 9.00 43.75 Fine Old Tom 8.00 38.75 Fine Old Dry 8.00 38.75 n f Tail • One One Case Five *VW1VI Bottle 12 Bottles Cases Extra Old Jamaica $1.30 $14.00 $ 65.00 St. Louis Old Jamaica 1.50 16.00 75.00 Ross's Rum 2.00 22.00 105.00 Finzie's Gold Medal . . * 2.15 23.00 110.00 Gilbey's Governor-General 2.40 24.00 115.00 BULK RUM o^Sn c^!S.s Extra Old Jamaica $8.00 $38.75 St. Louis Old Jamaica 9.00 43.75 iTi^^:^*^ ou l...>.»:^. 12.00 SATS S 3Za£>i» S •'^iXA USSS£a2VSS .........•.■■•..'•• — Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded No charge for packing CLiARETS Case Cases Domaine St. Julien, Qt« $10.00 $45.00 Barton and Guestier Medoc, Qto 13.00 70 00 Barton and Guestier Margaux, QU 16.00 75.00 Barton and Guestier St. Julien, Qts 17.00 80.00 Barton and Guestier Pontet Canet, QU 18.00 85.00 Barton and Guestier Chateau Larose 24.00 115.00 Barton and Guestier Chateau Leoville 24.00 115.00 Barton and Guestier Chateau Lafite 29.00 140.00 Barton and Guestier Chateau Margaux 29.00 140.00 Care of 24 pint8/$2.00 extra SAUTERNES S^ cJJL Domaine Sautemes, Qts $11.00 $ 50.00 Barton and Guestier Graves, Qts 17.00 80.00 Barton and Guestier Barsac, Qts 18.00 85.00 Barton and Guestier Sauternes, Qts 19.00 90.00 Barton and Guestier Haut Sauternes, Qts. ..... 24.00 115.00 Barton and Guestier Chateau Yquem, Qts 41.00 200.00 Case of 24 pints, $2.00 extra COCKTAILS Congress Manhattan . Congress Martini Congress Bronx One Five Case Cases $18.00 $85.00 18.00 85.00 18.00 85.00 LIQUEURS Amer Picon Anisette Anisette French Apricot Brandy Blackberry Brandy Blackberry Brandy, R.D.V. Cherry Brandy Cherry Brandy, R.D.V Cherry Brandy, Neissen Cherry Whisky Cherry Whisky, Finest Cherry Whisky, Fremy Fils Greme de Menthe One Bottle $1.70 1.45 1.95 2.20 1.45 1.95 1.45 1.95 2.20 1.45 2.20 2.95 1.45 One Case 12Bottles $19.10 16.53 21.85 24.60 16.35 21.85 16.35 21.85 24.60 16.35 24.60 32.85 16.35 Our money-back policy your guarantee Canada's Largest Nfail Order Liquor House LIQUEURS-(co„/.) ^^. °^^ Creme de Menthe, R.D.V $2.20 $24.60 Creme do Cocoa 2.45 27.36 Creme de Cassis 1.95 21.85 Curacoa 2.20 24.60 Chartreuse Yellow, Pts. (24 to case) 1.80 42.40 Chartreuse Yellow, Qts. 3.45 38.35 Chart -euse Green, Pts. (24 to case) '. . 1.95 45.85 Chartreuse Green, Qts 3.70 41.10 Grenadine 1.95 21.85 Kimmel 1.45 16.35 Kirsch 1.95 21.85 Marasquino 1.95 21.85 Peach Brandy 2.20 24.60 PORT WINES ^ei^B'^JtlS Fine Old Port, Qts $ .55 $ 6.45 Fine Old Port, Imp. Qts .80 9.25 Special Stag Port, Qu 95 10,85 Oporto Special, Qts 1.25 13.60 Oporto Extra Special, Qts 1,.50 16.35 Morano's Rich Port 1.50 16.50 Morano's Old Douro 2.00 22.00 Morano's Baronial 2.75 30.25 Morgan Bros 1.75 19.10 Convido Port 2.75 30.25 GUCDDIITQ O*** OneCase On£<l\IVl£<0 Bottle 12Bottles Fine Old Sherry $ .75 $ 8.85 Jaurez Special 1.00 10.85 Jaurez Extra Special 1.25 13.60 Amontillado Sherry 2.50 27.50 Burdon's St. Maria 2.00 ?' 00 Morgan Bros •. f 1.75 19.10 VERMOUTH ^eS:>SS Italian • • $1-80 $20.00 French 1»S0 20.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded No charge for packing CHAMPAGNES STe clZ Ro al Auror, 12 Qt3 $40.00 $195.00 Royal Auror, 24 Pta 45.00 220.00 Ritz-Carlton Special, 12 QU 50.00 245.00 Pommery, 12 Qta 65.00 320.00 PommekT. 24 Pts 70.00 345.00 Montibello, 12 Qts 45.00 220.00 Montibello, 24 PU.. . : 50.00 245.00 We recommend "Montibello" CANADIAN WHISKIES c^ Gooderham and Worts Old Rye, 12 Qtg $13.50 Gooderh&m and Worts Special, 12 QU .15.50 Hiram Walker's Old Rye, 12 Qte 13.00 Hiram Walker's Imperial, 12 Qts 14.50 Hiram Walker's Canadian Club, 12 Qts 16.50 Corby's Majestic, 12 QU, 14.50 Corby's Special Selected, 12 Qts 16.25 Seagram's One Star, 12 Ou 13.50 Seagram's 83, 12 Qts '. 15.50 Seagram's V.O., 12 Qts 18.50 Seagram's White Wheat, 12 Qtb 15.50 BULK RYE WHISKIES oSlon olnon. Fine Old Rye $4.75 $45.00 Extra Special Rye 5.75 55.00 Walker's Imperial , 7.00 67.50 Seagram's 33 ^ 7.50 72.50 Corby's Special Selected 8.00 77.50 Canadian Club 8,00 77.50 One . . Gallon High wines 50 O.P $12.25 Alcohol 65 0.P 13.00 Special prices on large quantities F.O.B. District Toronto. Cost of Barrels included. Cartage in Toronto Cases 25c. fach. Barrels 75c. All other points F.O.B. Distillery. Our money-back policy your guarantee. 1 S«id Tour Orders to Canada 6 Largest Mail Order Liquor House and become a Satisfied Custom^ We Guarrmtee polity and Service Special Attention Given to Telegraphic Orders All Goods Shipped Same Day as Order Received » Over 40 Tears in the Liquor Business The Great West Wine Co. P.O. Box 991, Montreal^ Que. Vk -^