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I am endeavoring to win this election on the merits of r.iy case, and I shall not stoop in that attempt to the miserable j^ractice of heaping calumny on the head of my opponent. I shall leave that pastime to my consistent friend Dr. Cranston. If perversion of facts, distortion of an oi)|)onent's state- ments, and slangy expressions, are evidences of literary ability, then verily the Doctor's circulars are brilliant productions. We are writing to professional, educated gentlemen, not to the common rabble, k and Dr. Cranston must believe the Physicians in this Division are exceedingly obtuse if he thinks they cannot comprehend his tactics. Every statement made by me as to the methods used by the Doctor to prevent a free choice on the jjart of the electors, is true and well known, and his own judgment, if nothing else, should have told him it was unfair to monopolize the honour a third term, or fourteen years, and had he any generosity what- ever, he would admit it was now the City's turn to choose the representative. He claims his statements made in 1880 were only opinions not promises, but it is universally accept- ed that opinions openly expressed by a candidate to influence an election are pledges given, and thus when he pronounced the idea that Dr. Mostyn wjs showing "a selfish and avaricious disposition" to seek the honour a second time, he therein pledged himself that if elected then, or in the future, he would not strive for the position again. His conduct now indicates that he considers he has a lije interest in the distinction. Once more he tries to coerce those who signed his nomination into voting for him, and he seems to be blind to '.he fact that this very attempt is driving many supporters from him. He has 70 not 72 names on his nomin.ition, six of these do not reside in this Division and cannot vote here, 22 have officially withdrawn their support, 9 others have withdrawn by letters written, leaving him just 33 possible supportersi I have 81 votes intelligently pledged, or certainly the "vast majority " out of 117. Every city member who signed my nomination had the free choice between Dr. Cranston, Dr. Powell and me, and it ib very much to be regretted that Dr. Cranston should degrade himself by expressing a common falsehood in this connection. I was requested two years ago by some of the physicians here to seek this election, and it was on their request that 1 did so. It is true I was elected President of the \ Ottawa Medico-Chirurgical Society for 188990, and in that capacity I successfully accomplished the incori)oration of the society afid the adojjtion of a new set of by-laws. It is also true that two years ago I compiled a comprehensive and complete Tariff of Fees for this city, and every^one who has seen this work unhesitatingly pronounces it the UKJSt complete scale of medical charges in (Janada to-day, and it is further the only It gal medical tariff in Ontario at the present time. I am happy to say this tariff has likewise been adopted for the rural portion of this Division. Again a year ago when a registered (juatk Haunted his nauseating advertibcments in the face of the profession here I was asked by the physicians to take action in the matter. I did so, and dre v out a petition to t'-'e Council to erase his name from the register, which resulted in his being tried by che Committe on Discipline, and tiiey recommended the Council to erase his name, which no doubt will be executed at the next meeting in June. All this labour done in the interests of the profession and indicatmg a willingness on my ])art to work for every purpose which may assist the medical prac- titioners, clearly demonstrates why my loiifrcres here have so unanimously and loyally sup|)orted me in " this election. In regard to Dr. Powell, who is an able physician and one of my personal friends, he ' retired from the contest because he did not wish to sjjlit the city >ote, and he is now supporting me, and he was quite as much incensed at the means used by Dr, Cranston to carry this election as I was. -f~" "1 Afi;ain it was Dr. Edwards, of London, and not Dr. Cranston, who secured the services of Mr. Webb for the Council, and I will quote what Dr. Bergin says about the present representative to show the way he vorks in our interests. "As a matter of fact Dr. Cranston has always sided with the school men and has helped to block nearly every move in the Council which aimed at increasing the standard of medical education in this Province." This is Dr. Bergin's opinion, not mme, and it is worthy of serious consid- eration by the n.embers in the Division at the i)resent time. Likewise, I respect the degrees from all the medical schools in Canada, and I know the value of British qualifications, because I hold some of them myself, but everyone, no matter where he graduates, should be required to pass all the examinations of the Council before registration. The test of medical knowledge adopted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is sufficently severe, but does that affect the question of the overcrowding of the profession here? Cejtainly not. The only means available to arrest that is to raise the standard of pre-medi' -1 education to an arts degree, or an examina- tion approaching that requirement. By this means the supply will be curtailed and the profession made better and more valuable. If elected, I have pledged myself to work to this end, and to always labour in the interests of the medical, practitioners of this Province. In conclusion, gentlemen, I desire to return my sincere thanks to my professional brethren in this city, and throughout the whole Division, for the hearty supi^ort given me in this election, and for the many kind words and acts vouchsafed me during this contest. If elected, I shall carry out my pledges, and do my best to merit your approval. May I ask you to fill out your voting jiapers as soon as received. I remain, yours faithfully, A. F. ROGERS, M. D. Ottawa, March sth, 1890.