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Les cartes, pianches, tabfeaux, etc., peuver.t fttre filmis d des taux de reduction diff6rents. Lorsque ie document est trop grand pour dtre leproduit en un seul clfch6, il est film6 A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants Mlustrent la n>6thode. n 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 / BY-LAWS OF tmt 0f m^\^% i^^\tt, ^N-o. lO, R. 3sr. s. ^ELD AT ^YDNEY pAPE ^I^TON. HALIFAX, N. S. : PRINTED BY WILLIAM MACNAB, 12 PRINCE STREET, 1877. PRINC B's^JS This Chupte title of " Piinc This Chapte the second W "and November way at any tin Priest by sumi expressed in tl tjiat specified s The officers Priest, King, Sojourner, Ro; Vails, Treasure At the regul following office ballot, viz. ; Hi Treasurer. Th by the Bigh Pi tion of new offi< Every memb quarterly to th who shall be tw summoned to p; BY-LAWS o» PRINCE OF WALES CHAPTER OP I. This Chupter shall he designated, and known by the title of "Prince of Wales " Chapter, No. 10, R. N. S. II. This Chapter shall hold its regular convocations on the second Wednesday in February, May, August, "and November in each year. A Chapter of emergency way at any time be called by the authority of the High Priest by summons : the reason for calling it shall be expressed in the summons, and no other business than that specified shall be entered upon at that meeting. III. The officers of this Chapter shall consist of High Priest, King, Scribe, Captain of the Host, Principal Sojourner, Royal Arch Captain, the Masters of the Vails, Treasurer, Secretary and Tyler. IV. At the regular convocation in May of each year the following officers shall be nominated and chosen by ballot, viz. ; High Priest, King, Scribe, Secretary, and Tre&surer. The remaining officers shall be appointed by the High Priest, after his installation. The installa- tion of new officers shall take place at this meeting. Every member of this Chapter shall pay fifty cents quarterly to the funds of the Chapter. Any member who shall be twelve months in arrears, shall be specially summoned to pay the same ; and if such summons shall not bo complied with, he may be suspended from th. privileges of the Chapter until the arrear be oaTd «nf] eXr foT ::^:t'' "- '^. rr^- ^-"trsti^ of offi ers or " nfh"' '" '"'''^'^ '' '''''' '' *^« «J«<^tion Lent Si ^ ^/ "''!'', connected with .he Chapter except balloting for candidates. ^ ' VI ^^^i^^nV'^L^^^^^^^ ^or the appear, the proposition .X^eJrM,''^^^^^ propositions, except the elections hereinbefore named 8hal be determined by a show of hands n bano^for candidates every companion present must ca^t ht vofe VII. «»,n^ff '**''' Of candidates for exaltation or affiliation VIII. rSm /? °^ ^''^^'yr'^o dollars and fifty cents (^^^.50), this sum to include reeistraHnn ^r.A v 7' from the Grand Chapter. ^^^S^^^^^^ion and diploma b^ proposed as in thVcIi rf a t"dl L ' ^k'^'";' ^■"' shall be accompanied with tw„ dollar if .L "^r "°" has been reffisteppH In thi, ■ ■ ". ?"' " '"e applicant dollar, and fifty «nt if V r'""'""'.""' """^ "'"» ''""^ Tf .1.. 1- "'v ."^^ofs It he has not been so reffistei-pri ." ly ^er^'eT '"' ""' '"''"'^- '"' '<- '» "o '-Tdt: X. The funds, furniture and jewels of thjs Chapter shall be vested in the High Priest. King and Scnbe, for the Ume Wng; hut the funds shall be at the disposal of a mXrity of the members present at a regular meeting. H however, the amount to be voted exceed forty dollars, ^decision thereon, at the request o any J- membe,. shall be postponed until another meetmg of the Chapter speciaUy nodfied of said proposal, which meeting may be either regular or special. XL At the resular Convocation in May of each year, a Commlrt:e of Audit and Finance, consisting of three members, shall be appointed by the Chapter :-It beThe duty of this Committee to inspect and audit at least annually, and whenever directed, the books, ao counts and vouchers of the Secretary and Ireasure.^ and eport thereon in writing at the regular meeting n Mavof each year; also to see that all books, papers. Kndoth'er property in the hands of the^re^^^^^^^^^ Secretary and Treasurer, are handed over to then sue cessors. ^^^ The duties of the Secretary shall be to issue sum- monses to all the Companions ^^r - '.lar and em^^^^^^^^^^ meetings of the Chapter, keep the m nutes of its pro c^edings, collect and keep record of a I dues ke^P ?;" account of all monies received and paid by him to the Treasurer keep a register of all the members of the Chapter, transL toL Grand Secretary the names of elect^ed Officers, and obtain the registration of and certih^ Gates from the Grand Chapter, for companions, upon S exaltation, or joining for which duties he shall receive twenty dollars annually from this Chaptei. XIII. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to receive all the monies of the Chapter from the hands of the Secretary Zd to discharge all debts and demands against the Chapter which have been passed, and are so certified by the High Priest and Secietnry ; to keep a icigular ac- count of all receipts and disbursements which shall bo produced and ready for inspection by the Audit, or other Special Committee, at oil reasonable and necessary times, or when ordered at any regular Convocation. XIV. No unaffiliated companion t-hall be entitled to visit this Chapter more than twice in each jcar. XV. In speaking to any question before the Chapter, every companion shall respectfully address the chair, confining his remarks to the question, and avoiding personalities, and no companion shall be allowed to -speak more than 6fice upon a subject, unless by permission of the officer presiding, or in cases where explanation is necessary. XVI. No By-law shall be suspended, amended, or repealed nor shall any new By-law be enacted without the consent of two-thirds of the companions present at a meeting spe- cially called for that purpose ; in which case nine mem- bers to form a quorum. XVII. These By-laws shall be signed by all the members of this Chapter and all matters not particularly provided for therein, shall be regulated by the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia, and the general regula- tions and ancient usages of the Order. Approved August 9th, 1877. (Signed.) BENJAMIN CURREN, Grand High Priest. Attest (Signed)' JAMES GOSSIP, Grand Secretary. i