IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) k A .' «' RULES ^HU. //.rf AND REGULATIONS or THB BE^VEM €E,UB. Instituted in 1785* •Pi«ppii MONTREAli'j Prikted by W. Grat, 18J9. ^ *• •f^ »," -^-^ » J*-* -w»-^ _..:;. vi^rc^r,*;!--' r^ f/.M^ -- * ■-'•*~- •• H* -»<{-•' '• :i :,:s ■ ■ v ■■41 I. ■.■-■■•.I. -, ifc»i ?>/ r « > ."vcfmoi" iZiis.'^.': 3$ra\jer ClulJ* I The BcavcT Club was Instituted at Montreal in the year l783, by the Merchants then carrying on the Indian Trade of Canada. The number of which it originally, consisted, was Nineteen Members, being all Voyageurs, having wintcr-.d in the Indian Country, and having been engaged in the Trade from their youth. The object of this convivial meeting, was to brmg to- gether at stated periods during the Winter Season, a set of men highly respectable in Society, who had passed their best days in a Savage Country, and had encountered the difficulties and dangers incident to a pursuit peculiar to the Fur Trade of Canada. At these meetings they could call to mind, and>ecount to each oilier the particulars of scenes in which they had been engaged, which, with whatever peril they had in reality been attended, now offered gratification in the re- collection, to which, after the usual emblem of Peace (the Calumet) had gone round, and the officer appointed for that purpose had made a luitable harangue, a cheerful glass, and the animated Song of ih^ Voyageur greatly contributed. Another object of this Institution was, to afford a means of introduction into Society to such Traders as might from tunc to time, after a long absence, retire from the Indian Country. They were first invited as guests, and if eligiWe ;;.'■* *^'t'"^**f^j?f^ «*o^«r.^ .^I,.**,^ from fstanding and character, became by Ballot, Membcf« of the Club. The whole of the Original Members, (with on- ly one exception,) ahd many of their Successors, have been removed by the course of nature, and their places filled up, by Gentlemen considdWd eligible by the Society, and admitted by Ballot. ■ *he Beaten ^l^b has, wltk little interfuptiwi, continued Ift meet »egulaiiy,f«»ii the ^od of its first establishment, under various rule* and regulations, which from time td ante, ftB occa^nft required, n^re framed for its govern- ment Bnt, as might natumlly be expected, these regula* Uons being inserted in the book% and in the powession of the Secretary of the Society for the time being only, they irere sometimes forgotten by the Members 5 and henc« 90me irregularities crept in, which, if unchecked, might in time endanger the ej^stenoe of the Club. In order therefore to obviate such an inconvenience, it has been resolved at a full meeting, that each Member should be furnished with a Printed Cc^y of the Rules of the Society, which oonsiit of the following— being selected from the different ie«wfe-M 1783. 1799. Tear of AdmissiM. NAMES. // 180T. Pierre dc Roch^blavf: John Fqrsytb John Richarclion JohnFinlay Eneas Cameraa // Wm. M'Kay t808. John Johnstone o John McDonald /. A. N. M'Leod // Alex, Mackenzie 1809. John Wills ly Charles Chaboillcz Alex. M^ay J. D« Campbell 1810. John Sayer 1813. James Hughes // Kenneth M'Kenzie 1814. Archd. M^Lellan // Geo. MofFatt f/ W.M'Crae // Henry M'Kenzie 1815. Jasper Tough // J. M. Lamothc F. A. La Rocqu© Thos. M^Murray Robert Henry J. W. Dease Charles Grant 18ia David Stuart 1817. Wm. Henry // // // dead dead !^ad dead dead i^ 12 '•"ZXr "^7 NAMES. laterior. AtoiBdra. 1799. 1817. Jacob Franks : 1807. ^^ David David 1807. 1817. John M'Laughlin HughM'Gillis John McDonald Allen M^boneU James Grant 1799, // Johii Siveright J. C. M i > id HONORARY MEMBERS. '// 1789. Captain Featonby, of the Eweretta Captain Gibson, of the Integrity 1791, Monsieur le Comte Andriani 1792, Captain Edwards, oi the Indian Trader 1793, Col. Daniel jRobertson 1796, Major General Doyle 1800, Captain Edward Boyd, of the Montreal Captain Patterson, of the Eweretta 1«07. Major Clerk, 49th Regiment ^ 1808. Lord Viscount Chabot Captain Sarmon, of .the Mary.