^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) h 'o < <;' /. % p /. ^ 11.25 Ui|21 12.5 |J0 "^^ ■■■ :!f 1^ 12.0 U 11.6 <5«^ '/ ■'v/ Photographic Sciences Corporation # V tf TTcjr mfim 7lncci WEBSTER, N.Y. MS80 (716) 872-4503 L1>^ \ c\ . AXI. TO TIIK WORD «P IllH IIRACK. WBIHI I* AHI.K I Tf> H 11.1) vol n- AM) 11) (IIVK vol AX IMIKRITAXCE AMOMl All. rllKSI WHO AKK HAMTIHKK .■ — i Acts, XX,, 32. -»• -• • *--'•« TORONTO: PRINTKD AT THE fILOBE BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, 1^59. SERMON J I'RR.vrnKD :n Ti:n rRKsnvTiiRiAX cnuRriiEs, sc Anr,( nn >, c. w.. x( i\-i:mi'.!:i! c, i>.v.i. IIV Ti REV. JOHN LALXG, " AM. .v,w ;».Kn:i;K.v. 1 <,,.m.vks.., v,„- t am, to ti.k w..ki, ,„■ !!>■ m: ^,k, w.im'h ... ,,;i f T.) l:nu. vol- ir ,.M, 1„ oiu: ■,.„• .»• iNm.KU.A.V.'K .M.,.V.i .^- ,.,>.«, w,.., ,KH s,x,,,MH. •*- TO RON TO: PKINTK D AT TIIH (iLOBE BOOK AND JoB OFFICE, 1859. Dear CnRisiiAN Friend*!, At the urgent request of several among you, whose opinion I have learned to respect, I have been led to put into a permanent form the Discourse which I preached when last I ad- dressed you. It appears almost verbatim a« then delivered, as I was afraid that any alteration, by way of improvement in style or expression, might detract from the Sermon a« remembered by you. While thus sending these farewell remarks into your houses may 1 not hope that they may be more blessed to you and yours than thej were when orally delivered. Such at least is the prayer of Yours faithfully in the Gospel, JOHN LAING. CoBotBCi, C. W., Dec. 185D. i SEKMON. rhosc ntoa [ ad- as I le or you. ay 1 thej *' And noir brethren^ I commend yon to Gnd^ and to the word of His irratr, which is able to build you up and to <^h'e you an inheritance amon^ all them who are sanctijiedy Acts, xx, 32. When a Christian mother sends forth her son into the world, after giving him suitable counsel, she presses the last fond kiss on his cheek, gives him a Bible bearing a a mother's name, and before the farewell blessing has died from her lips, kneels down in her closet to commend her first-born to God. Feelings of a somewhat similar kind undoubtedly filled the mind of Paul as he delivered to the Ephesian elders his last address. For three years he had laboured faithfully and incessantly in Ephesus, " teaching *' publicly and from house to house, testifying repentance ** toward God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ." At length Demetrius the silver-smith, and those of the same craft with him, whose gain by making shrines for the god- dess Diana, was fast disappearing before the worship of the true God and the destruction of idolatry, made a tumult and the apostle thought it better to leave the city. And now as he is returning to Jerusalem, he sailed past Ephe- «U8, not calling there, but stopping at Miletus. Though he did not visit the church at that time, still he felt the deep- est interest in it, and sent for the elders to meet him at Miletus, where he might deliver to them a solemn and part- ing charge ; at a later period also this deep anxiety appeared ';, ";= ''''''l'';""etl.,.r wi.ic!, licwro,c.u,tl,o ,„,■„„ a, E„I.c.«„. wisl 10 leavo wll, y„„ a, ^ far-nvdl mo„,,?c.. I»t llicn let rnc remark from our levi TV,,,/ /; " :'.ir '"'Ti^r"" ,"""«- '-"-- -vayt .;, »ee„,anu.er;eart?^rcxut:s:r place, .hat Jadaizing .„acl,e„ from Jerusalem would .1 among them, who would try to soduce them frZ e dTc' trmc of salvation by grace through faith alone and L I ,' preach the necessity of keeping L law of Mose, andt ..fication by obedience to thai taw. He knew 1, ■* atsely so oalled-to overturn the fonndations of el, j.,• am,y, denying the Lord that bought them, shameTesita " .ng the lowest prineiples and practising the worst la,i J" cnurcii. All men have not faith," manv are nn -.ofcepLfand,ofS;s:r^-,:,^,t^:- t' loved to have the pre-eminence; or some Hymeneus or Alexander who taught heresy ; or some lawless, filthy dreatners who defile the flesh, wandering stars, who are spots in the feasts of love ; some Nicola itanes or followers of the woman Jezebel might arise, to distract and corrupt the church, scattering the flock and subvening souls. And my dear friends, in like manner our approaching separation cannot be contemplated without fears. No Judaiser or bold blaspheming Anti-christ may enter into waste you ; and yet I do regard with no little concern the prospect of some among you, and particularly of the youns- whose religious opinions are yet unestablished— being exposed to the various errors which abound in our day. I fear lest Legality, a dependance on creature merits or crca- ture obedience in your own doings and feelings, may be set before you in place of trust in Jesus ; and lest your eye may be turned away from the Blood of Christ, and His per- fect Obedience to your own faith, or repentance, or feelings; lest you may be taught to trust to some lying refuge of self- righteousness. I fear lest the sneer of the Sceptic, or the vaunted candour of the Free-thinker, may abate your rever- ence for the word of God, or lead you to (juestion and to doubt the certainty of the mysterious and awful doctrines of eternal Truth. And within the church some may arise to trouble you. Misunderstandings have their origin in small matters, and I fear lest these small oflences may be mn-s-Tied, lest the busy tongue of the accursed tale-bearer and ^vliisperer may separate very friends ; lest unchristian and unguarded Ian- guage may fan the flame of discord, and cause smouldering fires, hitherto kept down by christian influence, to blaze forth and consume you. These things are to be feared. Many I know, of whom 6 w« hope w. il for iho fninro, are not c«tablishiHl arinly ni thoir holy fuitl,, have nocom|.rd.cnsive or t-onnected views of God's truth, und ure in danger of being carried about with every wind of doctrine. And pardon n.e while in faith- fulne8,i I speak it, there ure U;ing8 which unless conducted with prudence and in a spirit of christian love, may be turned by the great enemy of your souls into means of dis- cord and unseemly strife. But I do not wish to dwell on tins topic-though I have my f.-ars and more fears than I have mentioned, I have my hopes too : and to this I wi^h to direct your attention in the second place. II. We remark that Safiin ma,, be found in " God and in " Ihc word of His graced God is able through that word to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified. And in view of a separation the Christian minister feels it a privilege to commend his /lock to a Covenant God, a faithful Redeemer. God is your portion, your strength, your shield. Often have I told you this. Ye are my witnesses how I have ever sought to preach, not myself, but God in Christ, and to lead you out of yourselves and away from man to a bleedin- dying, living Saviour. Jesus is the Beloved on whom vo'u' must lean as.you go up from the wilderness; cease fmm man then, and let your sole trust be in God. Oh my dear hearers, you lo 'e me, and I love you, but God loves you better by far. His is an eternal, unchan- ging love, because a love that cannot be deceived, a love that many waters cannot (piencli nor Hoods drown. The Church is the object of God's special regard, " God is in the II midst of her; she shall not be moved ; God shall help l,er "right early. She is in his sight as a vineyard of red " wine, I, the Lord do keej) it, I will water it every moment • " lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day." He may take His b^'Ioved into the wilderness, amid desolation and gloom, but it iH to speak noinfortably nntolier. Every fiery trial is for her good at th«; latter end. And as (iod loves you, s(» almighty power and unerring wisdom are engaged for you. All means and agencies, all men and things, are at (iod's disposal for your good. He can supply your wants and defend your cause in all eir- sumstanccs. The fiery pillar {;an light you in darkness, and guide you as you journey heaven-ward, and by any means or without means, above means, or beside means, God can advance your best interests. His wisdom makes no mis- take; He gives and JFe takes at the right time; He sends one to sow and another to reap ; and when one instrument becomes dull and useless. He can prepare and use a better, but He does not err in His dealings with His church. But further than this, God has given to you His word. I have not sought to get you to re.st on my word or my rea- sonings, " my speech and my preaching have not been with " the enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration " of the spirit and of power, that your faith should not stand " in the wisdom of man but in the power of God." Yes, dear friends, to the word and to the testimony, I commend you, to the Word of His grace. To the Bible, the Bible ai which ignorant men sneer as a Jewish fable, or a device of priest-craft, to that word " which God has magnified above " all His great name." Give no heed to men's doctrines or traditions, but" search the scriptures, prove all things, hold " fast that which is good." Feed upon the great, the astoun- ding doctrines of the Scriptures in which God is revealed in brightest glory, and man's character is traced in darkest but truthful lines. Drink in its holy precepts, and copy its pure morality. The Bible is the chart of the church to guide her to the heavenly inheritance ; a lamp to the christian's . . 8 feet, and a light to his path. Fie who hears it aright lives. It IS the meansof sanctification, and ho in whom it dwells nchly, knows the peace of Cod which passes all under- standmg, and rejoices in hope of the glory soon to be re- vealed w,th a joy unspeakable and full of glory even now w tu ^t 'f '"'. ^'"'^ '' "'^'^ ^" "^"'^'^ y°" »'^r«"g»> the vod byH,s6>n/. The Holy Ghost has been given to end the Church mto all truth, to call to remembrLce all thmgs whatsoever Christ has spoken, and to apply them to us The Sp.nt abideth with us forever. Are you then ...besm Christ P From that inexhaustible treasure' he Hoi v Ghost can feed you with the sincere milk of the word Ar^ you men .n Christ? Then the strong meat is thei-e by which you are to be fed <'till we all come in the unity ^^ o. the fa.tn, and of the knowledge of tho Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of th,' ulness ol C n.st.'' You have all much to learn, much nstmct.on and much correction to receive. To the Word hen 1 commend you. And as you study the sacred pages |-Ic up, pay and wait, for the promise of the Father an.i t o Ifo y Ghost wdl be given you to shine into your hearis, to establish and comfort you in your most holy faith. He IS able also to give you an inheritance among all t ..Mu tl,at are sanctified. Is not your prayer from day to ' l^.re t'"7 :,' ""' ^ "^^^^ ^"^^'' ''' ^-"- ^'-t thou r St, unto thy people ; O visit me with thy salvation, t . may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice n the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with hlne -hcruance ?" God is able through His worS to'answ t " s prayer tor you. Many are the temptations to which you are exposed, enemies within and enemies without ; lusts andpassumsragmg and rebelling; gilded baits to le;d you to destruction ; snares to catch you unawares ; wicked men leagued against you, and spiritual wickedness roaring like a devouring lion to spill your souls. Muf iJod is able lo deliver you. So says the Apostle elsewhere, " I was "delivered out of the mouth of the lion, and the Lord will "deliver me from evciry evil work, and will preserve lue " imto J lis heavenly kingdom. God is faithful who will not " sutler you to be tempted above what you are able ; but " will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that '• ye may be able to bear it. Fear not little lloek, it is your Father's good [)leasure to give you the kingdom." For you it shines brightly, for you Christ ispre[)aring u 'ilace, and soon you will obtain the inheritance, soon yoi ill walk with Christ in white, and follow the lamb whithersoever Ife goeth, up and down on the hills of Holiness in the blessed inheritance, which is incorruptible and undefded, and that ffideth not away. Faithful is He who calletli you, who also will do it. Ah, dearly beloved, these are the thoughts that sus- tain me, and that should sustain you in our separation. There is much to fear, but "if (iod be for us who can be "against us.'" Your haj-piness, your holiness, your final salvation and glory depend on no man, but on God, on (Jod in Christ working in you through the word of His grace — and to Him I commend you. I go, but Jesus remains; the preacher's voice may be heard no more, but the voice of God's Spirit speaks; my discourse and exhor- tations are ended, but that blessed volume whose riches I have tried to unfold is still your treasure ; my watehings over you in the Lord are finished, God's eye follows you still. He loves you with a tender and with a more ellec- tive love than mine. His arm is stronger and His heart is wiser; nay God can and if you wait on Him aright. He will make this painful separation work together for your good. 10 'riolTrr"^ "°°'""8 "'"k 'hall be abl. ,„ say He doe,h all .h,„g. well. Th„s, then, dear brethren, I 'w " s .ni ""' '° "T """ "' «'» «-« »"-^^» " amo„r»n ,1 T "P ""'' '" 8'™ y™ »° inheritance among all them that are sanctified." And now my dear friends, so far a, ,„an can see, this i, pas. r On T. ""'. ' '"T" ■'" P""'^^"' '° ^ddressVo. a M severed. For five years and a half I have laboured ».no„g you in the gospel. I„ ,„», time ye havefaNv known my doctrine, manner of life, „„d pnr^se ^e al' to 3 7 '"""• 'r' " """ •" y™ "»' "• ""-l 'haTi ha e to render the account for these years, nor shall I refer to the past^further than , think may now b'e profitable To „! I ," I am sensible of many short-comings and of error, whfch have committed ; and I am ashamed before God It he thought of them, because I fear le.,t my errors and fa'/i,^^" p"re^n"d\tmV''"""'''™''''"^'"°'''-^' °-^y'' v^ prevented them from receivmg due edification from mv mmstrattons. Let tne then ask forgiveness of any whom I may unconsetously have offended, as I cordially forgive all who may have said or done aught unfavonmbfe to7e And let me thus publicly tender my hearty thanks to ,1, many among you who have by unremitting kindne., from ..me to ..me, .nanifested your goodwill to me, and.hrougT me .o Him whom J serve. F have ever met with a w5 come ,„ the houses of my people, and in those rlL no'," co,,nec,ed with our church, and few indeed we""," estd^VtU'"' "f""'"" '"''*'^»'^ >- "-» "'^ tested. I hank you foryonr gifts, " I have all and abound smell, a sacrifice acceptable, ^vell pleasing to God, and 11 " my God shall supply all yon need according to His riches " in glory by Chrisl Jesus." Notwithstanding the imperfections to which I have allu- ded, I would venture humbly to say, my conscience also bearing me witness, that I have sought faithfully to dis- charge my duty. For the first two years, I was much hindered by bodily weakness, and for the last two I have been much occupied by public duties calling me away from ray more immediate charge, but I feel guiltless of having wilfully neglected a pastor's duty, or spared myself in serving my Master and you. In my preaching I have endeavoured carefully and pray- erfully to set God's truth before you as it is revealed in ills word. Ye are my witnesses that I have declared to you the whole counsel of God, keeping back nothing that was profitable for you, and I have studiously striven so to open up the scriptures that you may be able to study for yourselves, nor have I when it was possible come before you to minister with that which cost me nought. During those five years, f have preached a series of discourses embracing almost every point of doctrine and practice. I have endeavoured to set clearly before you scriptural views of our church order. I have lectured consecutively over a great part of the gospel history. I may add that my aim has ever been to reach the conscience and affect the heart, as well as to enlighten the understanding. I have not forgotten on the one hand, that I was addressing perish- ing sinners dead in sins, and going down to eternal death, who knew not their danger, and cared not for God ; and so have I from time to time tried to arouse the thoughtless, that they might be converted and saved. Nor have 1 for- gotten on the other hand, that as a pastor \ was set to feed God's sheep ; to deal out as a steward in God's house the i n child «;n-s br.,-,,1, ihal il,r„„gl, /;,i,|, „nd o,„„fo„ „f ,|,o or,p.„rc» .l,ey n.igh. I,„vc I,,,,,.. N,„ ,;,,|„i,, ,„ ..^^ ..f ^ll"',!!;^ T'?"'' '" "": '=''"''-='™''-. plain .l™„„ci„,io„» m.»'„r f,, "T" "f,"-" ''"""-ling, ™|.ah,.bl. doc li.m,> of ,I,c gospel would be relished bv all, I never -vpecod. Tl,a,s„m, have been offended" a. 1 preae, -n« has no. ..rprised „.e, nay, , ra.l.er feel .hereby ^^ . Zu] 7 , "' " "'''™ "'^' ' ™ '"' '"""wed Chris,, . , ..hey who ha.o Hi,,, should ha.e ,ny doc.rino also. An, nZ ;■" ''^ "' ''"^™^" """=" '"J' I-^^^'^S -ay fro,,, Mme .0 .„„e have sni.od .he ease of indivi■ ™^' " '" '•■•''P"- ™^' -"•- Lahl ,'' ""-'"■ "'"'""S'' ' ''a™ -•- aimed a. )Uo,c God In looking back over my minis.ry, I feel iha. « no, been .oo plain or .„o s.rie.-, bu. if I'^Lve er^d li^t , has been on .he o.l,er side, in sparing where I should .hem .o sha ? n"" """" "'" "'' ''""^er, bn. allowed ihen, lo s,nk ,n.o hell socnro and believing a lie The"„',Z„'m 'fT' ' ,','•"" '"■*'"''>' 8'™" '"^* sa.isfae.i„n. „1,C T ''''™"'»g»«='^«'«a.y, and .he time .l,„s spen, on d^ road, rendered i. imprac.ieable for one .o make'fre- qnen v.s„s ,n any par. of .he wide field over whieh ,„y pe,^ple are seat.ered. I have no. willingly, however ne 1^ eo.«l.|.sieko, .he dying. Several have been .m"^, Ztu M " " r- "' '"'"'" ' ™''l"""' '>"■'"' "'a*' only a sligh. Illness, and ,n .hree ins.ances, I regre. .o say, deaths oecarred connee.ed wi.h ,he congregalion, which I did no. i: hear of till aflor iIk; lnneral— ollieis died whim I was absent. Jn these cases, I think no hlnuiv can be attached to me. And in ordinary cases of siekness f liave visited aecordinjr as I had opportunity, or (h;erned my visits useful. In my pastoral visitation I tried to be faithful, seeking the advaneJ- Mient of family religion and the godly upbringing of ilie young. From social visiting I have almost wholly abstained. Not because I did not wish to meet you on such occasions of friendly greeting, but because, it being manifestly im- possible lor me to be on terms of social intercourse with you all, 1 could not have selected a few as associates, without allbrding ground of complaint to others. Besides, saeh social visitings, if followed to any great extent, must have stolen many precious hours, cither from the study, or »he sphere of active ministerial labour, and could not have afforded much opportunity for religious intercourse. Com- plaints I have heard once, and again— complaints I believe, dictated by allection and desire. I have tried meekly to bear the insinuated blanK;, and if at times I spoke fretfully, I ask forgiveness ; but I take this opportuity of saying, that in visiting I have not spared myself, but in order to accom- plish it, I have denied myself to a great extent of the hap- piness which I might otherwise have derived from the pro- secution of favourite studies, and which I ever find in my own domestic circle. I could have wished for more intercourse, and would have been very happy to have seen more of you, and oftener at the manse, but my frecpient invitations to you to meet me there have not been responded to. During my ministry about two hundred and sixty-six have been added to the church here. During the same 14 period over ninety have removed to other parts, and twelve have gone to tiieir long home. Of those added to the church about one hundred and thirty w.^re examined by me and gave such evidence as w,. hop,> .„ay be connected 'with a work ol grace. Of th.-se, about cighty-eight are still connected with .his church. Over only'a very few o hesehavel been called to sorrow, as walking inconsis- ently with the profession they made. One hundred and forty-five children, baptized by me, are still connected with these congregations-and over two hundred youths have to a greater or less extent been taught by me in Bible Class In thus reviewing my labours, my heart ascend, in thank- fulness thai I have been enabled thus to labour, and thank- tulness that my unworthy and humble labours have not been in vain in the Lord. No,- can I doubt that more good will yet appear. Some who are impressed and are yet undecided, will hereafter come out on the Lord's side J have sown the incorruptible seed, another may reap the harvest, but I do confidently expect that many of you who have heard my exhortations and entreaties, hitherto to no purpose, will yet be brought into Jesus' fold bv the instrumentality of some other, and he who sows and he who reap., will rejoice together. And may I „ot ho. . that the word which I have spoken may ye. be though; of by you when my voice is not heard, and that when I am -on;- away, you will come .o value more than you have yet done my message, and to believe the yearning love of him who Christ "' '"^ ^'''"^'"^ ''^''' ^"^ '' "" ^'"bassador of LiWe children, ye lambs of the flock, 1 am not unmind- ful of you. \ regret that f have not been able to meet vou more regularly in Sabbath School, and that the most that I could do for the greater part of you was to lend my influ- 13 ence in encouraging others to take part in your instruction — let me address to you a parting word of affection. Young though you are, you may die, many of you will not live to be men and women, oh, then, remember your Cre- ator, seek Him early with all your heart. Jesus loves little children, he delights in infant prai&e— give Him then your hearts, trust in Him, love Him, serve Him, and then if you die young, He will send bright angels to take you to His own bosom of love, and il you live to be old you will be happy and useful. See to it dear children that you choose that God as your portion, in whose name you were bap- tized, and that as your parents solemnly dedicated you to God in baptism, you yourself take hold of the covenant. And my yonng friends^ you who are rejoicing in the opening of manhood and womanhood, happy would I have been, had you all availed yourselves more regularly of bible class instruction. I leave you sorrowing on account of not a few that are not well instructed in the truth. Happy would I have been had more of you sought private confer- ence with me about your soul's salvation, and had I been privileged to be your spiritual guide. Now it cannot be, and another must lead you, if you are ever led to Jesus. Oh, let me beseech you to abstain from fleshy lusts, which war against the soul, flee youthful lusts. I have warned you against the snares and pleasures of youth ; I have spo- ken plainly of vain company, and carnal delights, and worldly amusements. I have charged you to have no fel- lowship with the unfruitf'il works or darkness, and to avoid the tavern, the ball room, the gaming ♦able, and the theatre, as you desire peace or value your souls. You think that you may enjoy these things yet awinle, and then turn to God. Take heed, oh, precious souls, lest your delay ruin you, and in dismay you may find at last, that God is not to 16 «d you a.e no, saved CI a"e sll '" '""="• whom my bowel, more peo„ r "a m To7 '"I "7 imp«,sed_vo„ are ineiLd towards 70^0^ V 7'' beenawakened, butev.n ir„ "■""■'"'« Lord. You have -^ing truth im'per ec ,; ZZ"l^,!Z "" " ^^' ™'^ been my happmes, to ha e led yt, f„l °''' "7''"''' '"'^'' J would rejoice to do l,v !„,. ^u '' """^ "'"'' "««■, wise done face , ft ^ ^tLr„t' ""«"' ""■" '"<="<■'"- yon, seek ,l,e Lord and Hif " tr n "f- f V'"'"''' '"'"™'"'»"' the Lord. I have ever ,^! , ?^ ' '"""" ^ '"' >"" know "o.anyo.herr„::rc«'x^rrd"'r''''"' want of me drive you to Jesus I'l, ^^ ''• '"' ^'»" hear,, and if you do so f atrno f ar H ,7"" '" '"" over you while God has all ,11!, f '" ^" ''J°'™ B"' strive to walk a tho . J^J^r' f" "^ '^'■=■'• from their " vain convel, 7 .*""" '"" ■'edeemed "He might p„^r„n,„T'°"',r'' '""" "" '"'l"i'y. 'ha, "of goo5 Trf "f^^-f-" peculiar people .ealous "jealousy; for 7 have o^„ ' T'' "''" ^"" «•"" ''"ly " J may pise u voras? T' ^°" '" """ '"'*='"''- """ "fear Ls' by ny mean? ITT, ""•"'" '" ""'"''■ B"' ' ">hronghhissab,fli,v !"' "'l' f --P"" beguiled Eve "rromti simple*;: '^in^cr^^^r rrr you keep your g,™,„, «nspo„ed ftom^ ' «, ",'""' no. ,he world nor ,he ,hings ot ,he worM f ^"™ "ons above, and oh, scek°so ,0^7 1. J,'"" '"'''^- your good works may glorify your F,,l,' ' '"""^ Strive, dearly beloved, '< .olCvf , 1 'V" '"='™"- -::o:"nfi:-£F--";-r':: -^^nd,ycovered^.::fLt,dt:s;;;;'LTL;:£:rh: 17 are over you in tlie Lord, and to one another; and let the elders and trustees see to it that they fuithlnlly discharge the duties entrusted to them, as those who have to give an account, with all patience and meekness. " He not weary II in well doing, for in due time ye shall reap if ye faint " not. Let your conversation be as becometh the gospel of " Christ ; that whether I corne and see you, or else be II absent, I may hear of your affairs, tliat ye stand fast in "one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith "of the gospel." Tlxere are yet others of you who have ivaited on mi) minhtnj as mere hearers, who have come in to hear from time to time Some of you belong to other churches, and others of you hold aloof from all church connection. I trust you are per- suaded in your own mind concerning your church connec- tion, and have such reasons for your conduct as will satisfy your holy Judge. I have never overlooked you, though in my converse with you, J could not ^ut feel restrained to some extent, and even now I can only say that if I have been the means of comforting you, or helping you on Zion- ward, I rejoice, and my prayer still is that many of you may yet find the Lord, and that though we may never sit at the same table of love on earth, we may nevertheless all meet at the marriage supper of the Lamb. I am sorry that several who used to attend occasionally have fallen away If It was from dislike of me, I hope they will return now when I am removed ; and I would entreat those whose visits to the house of God have been few and irregular, and who now deplore lost opportunies, to redeem the time hence- forth, and diligently to improve such opportunities as the Lord may be pleased to afford. My message is now delivered. For the last time I address you, for the last time I beseech you « be ye recon- /^/f 18 ciled to God." Hencef<3rih another form will HU this place on Sabl.atli ; another voice will proclaim God's mcs- *f God's remembrance before the great while throne. Oli, dear friends what a meeting that will be. To meet onee more pastor and /lock, minister and people, either to rejoice for ever, or to sink together in the gloom of hell— to be forever separated, or to be gathered in together to (iod'8 house, and to abide for ever in the heavenly temple. Till then dearly beloved, farewell, and may you and I be found of Jlim in that day in peace. " Now unto Him that is able to keep " you from failing, and to present you faultless before the "presence of His glory wiiii exceeding joy, to the only ''wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion " ^nd j»ower, both now and forever. Amen."