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Las diagrammes stsivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 J. 5 ft '9^ " iwiorimms €PM JVorfoikP^ REQUISITION. Sir :— The uiulersigned, yoi'v old constituents, and friends ." Civil and RoIi',ri;ui.s Libcnl \ , ;u tlio County of Norfolk ; in view of tlio peculiar state of parties in tlie Province — the very im- portant questions of public policy now agitat- ing the public mind— your long tried and faithful adhcronco to those i!;rcat piincip!o.-3 of Reform and Pioifross, held in common by the party to which ivo arc proud to belong ; most cordially and respectfully, yet ennieslly ask you again to lend your invaluable ser- vices to the country of your early adoption, and to stand as a Candidate for the Represen- tation of this County at the approachMig Gen- eral Election— pled;'iug ourselves, should you comply with our request, to use our be>t exertions by our votes and inlluenco, lu pu- sure your triumphant return to Parliament. (Signed,) I. \7. Fowia.r., and C03 others. TO TJIF. FREK AND INDEPENDENT m OF THE COUNTY OF HOIFQLK. O'ENTLEMKN':— I clio-'ifulJy accept from you the high invitation to servo our common country in the Provin- cial Parlitiment ; and I tliank you for I lie generous manner in which that invitation in con- veyed. The magi.itude of the trust • you so confidingly repose, the proud position long sustained by "Glorious Old Nor{blk,"and the high and honorable expect- ations of its eiilighlened Elect- ors, camiot tail to make me cn- giige in your service, at this juncture of alUiiis, with diilid- eiice and concern. Twice in Ibrmer times, by me never to be fbrgotleii, MID- DLESEX invited me in com- preliensive terms, to serve UP- PER CANADA. A similar commission, breathingthe same high vioAvs, noAv comes to me a second time from your Avel- come hands, veteran Electors of Norfol k ! But it has a Avider range ; for it comprehends Can- adii, United Canada, Ujiper {tnd LoAver Canada ; — the just inte- rests and ex])cctations of both Avhich, I; shall cAxn- alike con- scientiously regard. You ask from me no pledges — but, be assured, this coniid- ence, justified in your vicAV by our past intercourse, Avill only demiuul from me the greater solicitude to retain and deser\'e it. Wliiie I shall duly regard the Prerogar...'s of the' CroAvn, as Prerogatives for the benefit of the People, and shall consiitu- tioufvlly preserve the most ami- cable veiations to the Mother Country; you Avill find me nu- cha aged in my opinion, and nnabiited in m'y zeal, in the ])ur,suit of every' measiu-e con- ducive to equal, civil and reli- gious rights among you — to the revision and simplification of the existing system of Law and Equity— to the equaliztition of the Kepreseutation — to an lioiiest, just ;uid economical {idininistration of your public aiJairs— and to an ample and unimpaired enjo3aiient of your present Constitutional liberty. The su])jeets most engrossing'- your iittention, are the religious questions; especitilly from'their inagni tilde tlie Clergy lleserves. Ther(> is in the lumd of every Refiirmer of Norfolk, I am told, the ivpiibliealion of jny A'ieAVs, recorded in former Parliament- ary debates, upon these ques- tions. Such jue my present vieAvs; Avhieh seem to receive your saiielion now as Avarmly'as Avhen, proudly clothed Aviththe Representative cbaraeter from your iumds, [ fJ >rmerly express- ed them, as I hope to do again, in your name and behalf in your House of Parliament. It may be right to remark that subsequent legislat ion on the Clergy Reserves, has surround- ed the question Avith fresh 'dif- ficulties, Aviiich have noAv to be met and adjusted in the attainment of a satisfactory result. Respecting sectarian grants and schools, I shall be anxious to favor any plan Avhieh Avill terminate all religious dissen- sion on the subji'et : provided it be a 1 ike libei-. 1 1,, and con- siderate toAvards the religious feeliiig:; and educational inter- ests of both Catholics and Pro- testants. Of the possibility of satisfactorily framing the prac- tic:!! d'-tiiils' of such a phiii. I individually entertain no doubt. Under the guidance of those principles, Avliieh characterized our former political relations, I desire to legislate upon the sub- ject in the same spirit Avith Avhich Protestants Avould be sa- tisfied if Catholics had a nume- rical and legislative superiority. Such is an outline of some of the leadmg matters, Avhich it Avould be my duty and inclina- tion to su])])ort in Parliament and reconnnend to the fin^ora- ble consideration of the CroAvn. But every governmeist must have its character stampt upon it at the hustings ; and official assurances or exertion given in- dividually or collectively in pub- lic life,are imavailing,unless the people in the conscientious ex- ercise of the elective franchise, elect to the popular branch of the Legislature, smcere and trust worthy representatives, who Avill faitlifiilly aid in carry- ing out the ])olicy desired iu a wise, prude ni, and constitution- al manner JOHN ROLPH. Simcoe, Nov. 19th, 1851.