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' '^ ,"■..'■ ■■..■/».rrS*.M.t -J •:■'■*■ •■ ■ • ■'■,;■ '' y' :•■■-.«■«%■ .. ■ ' ■' " 4.'-:«v *:.: AOTIIOW Pf *<"«U.i tv J-» n** I. ■ ^ •.■#•> I'ASTURES AND still* WATEfS, , FOR THE LORD'S |10CK. :i. ■v.:!' ^^«Y TUB RBV. JAMBS SMITH, AUTHOR OF "TIIRBRLIEVRR'H DAILY KKMKHIiBXXCKK," RCT, BOARD OF PUBLICATION, PRB8BtTBRlAN CHUBOH OF CANADA. MDCCCLVI. ^'i■ t > ).k r|Vs«> W, '^ i I ..- . i -^ It; -# LiJ^Sikiuiiu^ ./••■• .,-.1 , ./ PREFACE. The great Shepherd has made ample provision for his sheep, and the pastures are always fresh and green ; hut too many neglect the provision made for them, and are therefore weak in faith, feeble in effort, and uncomfortable in their lives. • This little Work is intended to attract the ^ock . to the pastures provided; it preients a portion of spiritual food for daily use. Here is an inspiied text, a verse ^f poetry, and' a brief sentence—each calculated to inform the mind, cheer the soul, and regulate the life. In busy times like the present, brevity is important; and in such a season of temptation, spirituality is necessary. Beader, turn every portion-into prayer, then meditate upon it, and endeavour to reduce the whole to practice. This is the way to enjoy peace, obtain blessings, and do good. May the Holy Spirit, who alone can render any work effectual, bless this little Volume to thousands, and exalt the Saviour through its feeble instrumentalityi ; James Smith^ L JiONOOV, MDCOOXLVII. t I •'»(f N * t., t ■ ■> JW|g>tgi.r-M0BNINO. : Mt grace is Bufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.— 2Cor.iii.9. I am your *8wre Almigbty friend, Who loving, loves you to the end ; I'm ever hear you, and will shew . My grace sufficient is for you. The grace that is in Jesus is for us; and the weaker we feel the more earnestly we should seek and expect it. .^ ^ SJanuatg 1.— Evening. LoBD, let it* alone this year also.-— Luke xiii. 8. Lord, inelt our hearts to mourn the pist, And let us henceforth fadthful be ; And if this year should be our last, O may our souls repose with thee. The intercession of Jesus brings down in- numerable blessings upon us; and^ it is employed for us to-night ; let us, therefore, look up to an interceding Saviour, and ex- pect blessings from his hands^^ ^ .!■!' ■v.. X: ; Konuats 2.— Morning. Gale upon me in tKe day of trouble ; I will deUyer thee, and thou shalt glorify me.— P&.il6. In the dark day^ when troublos rise. To me direct thy earaest cries; . I!ll send deliverance from, my throne. And then Shalt make my glory known. Troiibles are sent to stir us up to prayer ; and, in answer to prayer, God sanctifies and removes them. / /^i v V ^ Santtatg 2.— Evening. Search me, God, and know my heart; tiy me, and know my thoughts.— Ps. cxxxix. 23. / Search, O Lord, and cleanse, and save us ; Heal us by thy power divine r Burst the bonds that here enslave us, . That we may be wholly thine. An honest heart will expose itself to God*s all-searching eye, and desire to be examined as well as cleansed and comforted. / i ? .*- Trust in the iord with all thine heart; and leaq not unto thjge o\ffl undeirstjtnding. — Prov. iii. 5. Trust him, he will supply your needa^ Aixd listen to your prayers ; His w<^rd is true, he cannot change, ^ On him cast all your pares. We can never trust the Lord too confi- dently, for his word is truth ; nor is jealousy over our own hearts ever unseasonable, for they are fSalsa /^'u 'i.> fanuatg 3.— Evening. The Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all meansi— 2 Thess, iii. 16. ' By thy passion on the tree. Let my griefs and troubles cease; O remeB(iber Calvary, ». And give me holy peace. Peace with God is an invaluable blessing ; it flows from the atonement^ ai^d is the antidpteof human. misery. .1.^1 ^ ■\ > . ■ ■ » ■ 10 OBIEBN tABTUBRH ! : r ,.■.'"- . "- - . o . JfOIUiatg 4.— ^MOBNINO. ..■■■■ * ■■"■■■■ ' - .' Let tifl not be weary in well-doing ; for in ' ' •■' due season we shall reap if we faint not.— ' r 0BlYh9. ■ ; . Then let us work, withoiut complaint, The work of God» and never faint; , . • .^-'. Thoiigh now by weariness opprest, T^e end is eyerlasting rest. If our actions are directed to the Lord's ■-■ • •■ glory, we shall be assisted by the Lord's strength, and be crowned with the Lord's • blessmg. 1.^..^^:^ * ; C ■ ■ ';:.■>■--' JTanuare 4.— Eveiiino. . ■ ^ - ■•■-'■ ■ a Havino, therefore, boldness to enter into ■■ . :•.• ■. the holiest by the blood of Jesus, let us .... ■ . : \'--. ■;-., draw near.— Heb. x^l9, 22* , .' '.- ■ -', _■ ■-.' ■■.'■■ ;■ • Since by a ne:nr and living way .Access to God is given, ^ ^ «.'■'■-! • ... ; V P^or sinners may with boldness pray, ?^' And earth converse with heaven. / ■ -..' ; ■ '. • The sacrifice of Jesus removed every impe- .- diment out of our way in approslching to m , - . ■ •. God, we have now liberty to come with ' '■ • boldness, i^^,, _, i - . ■ ■ " . ■-■ .' ' 1 "-■"■■ ■■ ■ . ■ ' ■■ , * ■" ' ". s \- :■ ■■. ■■ . ■ ■ " - ■ / ....... . ■■ .: . y\\' . '■': \' ■' ^,■ ; ■'■^'■'''j "l^B^f* -•!•'•: AND STILTi WATERS. 11 *** ..six o ' Sfanuatg 6.--Mornino^ p in • ""■-.'• 1 1 TBfft Lard thy God will hold thy right / hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will j help thee.— Isa. xli. 13* , rd's rd*s • ■ Fear not, I am with thee, 6 be not dismayed ; : I, I am thy God, and will still give thee aid ! I'll daily sustain thee, and cause thee to stand. Upheld by my righteous omnipotent hand. If we keep the Lord's way we shall be sure of his company and support; he will both cheer and help us. > z^i^ / • into ■ ^ JfonuHts 5.— Evening. . 9 . us ■'■■'■ . '■ • ; Remember me, my God, for good.— Neh. xiii. 31. ipe- «.'•'■■■ Yes, when these fisdling lips grow dumb. And thought and memory flee; , ^ When thou Shalt in thy kingdom, come, V Jesus, remember me^ ;;to ?ith -t Jesus ever remembers his people ; they may forget him, but he will never, no never, forget them; jl j^t. * ■ ' .■■■*•.. - , » ■ ■;.">, . ■ '. . ■" . Look thou upon now, and be meroiftil unto me, as thou usest to do imto those that love thy nama— Pl3. cxix. Lord» look thou upon nfle, thy mercy I seek. Accept me though vile, receive me though weidc;- ' Forgive my transgressions, my nature renew. That I with thy people thy glory may view. . If we look up to the Lord in prayer, he will look down upon us in mercy; yea, he has so looked upon us already, or we had never looked to him. ^ l^)U\^- Jfanuars ^•—IvBNiNOr I WILL pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.— John xiv. 16. Ctome, Holy Ghi>8t,^into my mind, / Fill me wftit heavenly light; Kindle my heart with fervent zeal^ '"^' To serve Gk)d day and night. The Comforter comes in answer to the Sa- viour's prayers, and abides with us in honour of his perfect work. . ^ , ■ ■ j -' 1 Sa- / inj f ^. ■;■■■- '■■■ ■-.■■(■■ ■ ■ f ■ gawuatg 7.— MQBNtKGf. Fear not, Abrai^i I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.— Gen. xv. 1. With Bins, and fean, and fiends I'll flght^ My shield shall put them all to flig^ht ; The conquest gidned, I'll quit the field, ' And triumph in my glorious shield. God lis oiir shield, and will come between us and all that would really harm us> there- fore-we shou'a not fear. > . ,, ;Janu?t$ 7.— Evening. It pleased God to reveal his Son in me.- GaLilS, m ^ Father, in me thy Son reveal; Teach me°to know and do thy will; " Thy saving power and love display, And guide me to the realms of day. The gospel reveals Christ to tis, but the Holy Spirit reveals Christ iii us; both are necet>sary to gur ^salvation and coinfort^ ^. I^~ ■ <*.-, Jdnuatp 8.— MoBNiNo. Thm is the will of God, even your sanctiii- cationvT—l Thess. iy. 3. V Be Christ my pattern and my guide, His image may I bear. Oh, may I tread iiis sacreid Btep8» And his bright glories share, ,■ if sanotification is our object, if all things are made subservient to this, then our will is as the will of God. r , , He that lovetliVme shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and manifest myself to him.— John xiv, 21. Lord, send thy blessing from above, And sweetly to my soul appear; I Behold me with a Father's love. And fill my heart with filial fear. ' The Father loves all who love the Son; . ■ * and Jesus unfolds to such his beauty and his love. _i^ m 1 % /I 1 idn; ••• ■ V and ■ '■*.■. ganuarQ 9.— Mowmia WhXt is man, that thou art mindftil of him T and the son of man, that thou visitest him ?— Pft. viii. 4. Lord, what is rnan? so greatly blestl Tbiuo eyes attentive o'er liim rest ; Or wliat the sons of men, to proyo Th* eternal honours of thy love I • f Mali, as a sinner^ is a criminial, and yet God pities him ; he is a rebel, and yet God par4; dons him ; he is a worm, and yet God com- munes with him. / /i Sfawutttfi 9.— Evening. The steps of I a good man are ordered by the Lord.--Ps. xxivii. 23. While passing through the wilderness, : Full of temptations and distress, What comfort does the tliought afford, Our steps are ordered by the Lord. 11 The Iiord neve^llows his children to wan- der without iipide, or ro:g^ust where inclination prompts; but he watches over and leads them in the way which they should go. ^-^it' V • / »|[^iw ^ * jfanuats 10.— Mobnino. Thouoh he slay me, yet will I trust in hiuL — Job xiii. 15. Jl ■WW I , Why should I dread Jehovah's hahd. Though it might crush to duall Tis love tlutt gives his arm command, . Andiu that love I trust. If we know that the sword is in our Father's hand, and are persuaded of his love, we may trust and not be afraid.^ \ ■ ': V ' \ fanuatrc 10.— ^Evbnino. Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.—! Pet i. 5* 'who possess true fidth and love, This daily, by experience prove, That they who simply put their trust In Jesus Christ, can ne'er be lost. Our inheritance is reserved for us in heaven, therefore that is safe; we are kept by the power of God oh earth, therefore we are 5^ l^, V • Bt in iher^fl ■.■:,■ ■ imfty ■•■■'. • ough aven, rthe 9 are .'■ '■"-'■■'.. AND BtlLIi WATBBl ,^^^S^ 3l«nuarB H.—MoRNiNi^ Other foundation can no man lay than that id laid, which is Jesus Christ;^—! Cor. UL 11. When: all foundations else will fail, ThOM buiU on this will then prevail ; And lift their heads with JoyAil praise,. To hi^ who this foundation lays. : The only foundatioUi^of a sinner's hope is Jesus; on him we must rest the entire weight of our eternal concerns. -^ , Jamtarg 11.— EvEioNo Thebb will I meet with thee, and 1 will commune with' thee from above the ijueroy seat-^Exod. xxv. 22. From every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling: tide of woea^ There is a calm, a sure retreat ; . llie Savioiur, on his mercy-seat. Heroy is enthroned on the blood of atone- ment^ and now sympathises with sinners u n der a ll their s orrowa ^ B l^i^f # ^' <<■■'* '■ W^"^- Hy % . ganufttc 12.— MoRNiNO. Fear^ not, stand still, and see the salva- tioi^Srthe Lord, which he will show to you to-day.~Exod. xiv. 13. Give power and will, and thaniwmmand. And wo will follow thee ; And when we're ftightoned» bid us itand, ' And thy salTtttlon seev • When the way appears to be impassable, . then stand still, fix the eye on God as your lead||;and you wiMU^at salvaUon i^ just at hand. ^^ . ittPV: ; "^ fanuatp 12.— Evening. ., ILISSED are ye that hunger now* for ye "" shall be fiUed.— Luke'vi 21. „ . . ■^P^'" From him the poor are nev6r driven. He lifts the prostrate flrom the du0t» ^ ^ . Byblmtherobellsfoiigflven, - - .[ ' " And In hlVMuone Is taught to trust. If we hunger for spiritual blessings, it proves that we have spiritual life and Jesus will satisfy us : for he filleth the hungry with good thixiga. \^^ :W ■^ ■o- • AND STILL WATIRB. . aianuarj 13.— MoRNiNo. The Lord liveth ; and blessed be my rook; and let the God of my salvation be exalted. —I^xviii. 46. He lives, and blessed be my Rook! | The Ood of my salvation lives : The dark designs of hell are biroke ; Sweet is the peace my Father gives. - If the living God is our support, we shall never fail; if the God of salvation is our fmnd we ouidit to exalt him* / , ^ ; 3fattttatB 13.— EvENiwa. U»TO you therefore which believe he is precious. — 1 Pet. ii. 7. - The name of Jesus predous is, A rock, a sure defence, a tow'r,-* * • No name a virtue has like his, . 'Tis life and health, 'Us grace »nd power. , IVue faith always leads us to prize the Ssr yio ur, and the stronger our fait h, the more iweoious he becomea . . .-.-.'■■ *^* * ' 4 t J • • • • ■ 20 CmEBir PA8TUBB8 (^ 'Januatfi 14.— Morning. The Lord direct your -bearts into the love of God, m^ into the^patient waiting for CJiristr^2 Thess. iii. 5i "' ■^: I tbirot to drink un:qainfl(led love From the pure fountaiufhead above; iBfy dearest Lord, I long to be Emptied of sin and fullloftbee. -, If the heart is directed into God's love, it wiU be influenced l^ it : |and this will make us both holy and hftppyl.^- ^ t ^ / •' aanuavg 14.— Evening. . - ■■'♦■" It is not in man that walketh to direct his "steps^— Jer. 3c 23, : ;, , , y'. : The Lord* our leadel^ goes before^ V tnd'were the dangers man^ more, Welhteed not fear with such a guide. Kv^fe would go riglit, we must daily cry to theLord for wisdom; he alone <»n direct us into the right path: and in answpr to prayer he wiU. ^^^^ -^^ ^; ; ^ ^ %l •fvi-O'-'-vx: • t \. :-■ '"--'^ to the love wraiting for K)ve; od's love, it IS will make -• ./ 1 Gr. ■ ■•"■:;. ";'/V- '■ ■■ "ll." o direct bis ■' re,. e; ■. lore, ; - k guide. ' ■ daily cry to 3 can direct f Q answer to . .■:-.• ..•■■ : i rn BULL waXebb. 21 dannaxji 16.— Mobninq. In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. --1 Thess. V. ia ' yi'-: lMd,iiA^% sense of sovereign grace Out best affections move. That while our Upa thy praise proclaim. Our hearts may feel thy love. We have always so many mercies left us, that we never can be consii^tent unless we are grateful and thankfuL ij^i^- SonuatB IS'S-EvENiNQ. In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the foigiveness, of sin&—- CoL 114.-.. ' \. _ ■ . ^ Jfesus the sacrifice 1i)ecame, To rescue guilty souls from hell : .The spotless, bleeding, dying Lamb, Beneath avenging Justice felL The death of Jesus was a real sacrifice for sin; it procured our pardon, and is the pricie of our redemption.^ ^ . «^ ^v* - ■ ' :■ • %; .'" I 22 /GBEEK PABTUBEH This U a fitithfal saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the worl4 to save sinnbrs,-—-! Tim. 1. 16. Transgressors of the deepest stain In bim salvation find; His blood removes the foulest^ guil^ His Spirit heals the mind. . ■ ^ He cfime to save exactly such persons as you are; look unto him and expect to be 8aYed~l>y him, and you shall not be disap- pointed^ \ , . , . ;» .•:■'.', ' ' ' " . '.*."■■■■■,"■■ '";,-.■'■ Jfatnuatrs 16.— JBvENiNO. A MEBCiFnii and. faithful High Priest in things pertaining jxh God.— fieb. ii 17. Cioth'dlwith our nature, still he knows The weakness of our ^ume, And how to shield us froin the foea^ '■''• /; Which he himself o'ercame. ^ V v Jesus is ever touched with the feeling of bur infirmities, and while rigidly faith^il, is tenderly mercifiiL ^^^ ; ...'■■*"■'■■ V persons as xpeot to be ot bediRap- J.■ •..v■■"■:^^,■^.;-.■.■■. h Priest in 3.iil7. knows ^ e feeling of dJyfeithfiil, afatmars 17;— MoBNiNO. I HAVE set the Lord always tefore me : he is at toy right hand, I shall not be moved. ,-J^ xvi 8. ':' , .:•■';■'■-: :v ■*■■'"■:■ ■ •"■-:' -^ .■■'■■■ ■ Before my eyes the Lord I'll place, ITe'er shall my soul forget his grace— . Near my right hand, my guard confesti lly God, on whom unmov'd 1 rest. Keep the eye on the Saviour's example, and steadily rely on his aid. ^.^^.^^ f atiuatfi l7.--^vi!NiNQ. ■ .- ■■•■ ' ■ - ■ "..-.. --'■ , • The Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee ; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee^— Deut. xxxi. 6. • Jesus, when I have safely pasB'd^ ' Through every conflict but the last, Still, still unchanging, watch beside " My painful bed, /i»r«ft(>uAartdfotJ/ ^ v The Lord will not only be with us in life, but in death; and th6n we shall be with ^himJfor ever. .-/'^'r- gaimats 18.— MoBi^o. Mt God shall supply all your need accorii- iug to bis riches in glory by Christ Jesus. --PhiLiv.m ' What «7ant sliall not our God supply From his redund^t stores? li'What streams of mercy firom on high The wealth of the universe is in Jesu% and this is the fountain opened for our supply; what can we desire more 1 ' It is God that worketh inyou, both towiU 9/id to do of his good pleasura— PhiL iL 13l Assisted by his graoe^ We still.pursue our way ; And hope at last to reach.the prizes Secure in endless day. ^^ Notwithstanding all that God luusr done fc>r us, we daily need the Holy Spirit^ to direct^ our willfi^ and strengthen our soids. 1 5. ^ '/•/r • y - ganuatfi 10.-^-Mobnino* ijEiBVE not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye axe sealed unto the daj^ of redemption. ^.-Epkiv. 3a ^^ Forbid It, Lord, that we Who from thy hand receWe The Spirit's power to make us free. Should e'er that Spirit grievie I The Holy Spirit is a divine person, and. should be honoui'ed by us in all our pur- poses, plans, and practices: HeisourCom- fbrter, guide, and friend. /^^ ^ i . The Sphit of truth, which proceedeth&bm the Father^ he shall testify of ma-John XV. 26;' r- ;;■.;■■' ;'. '-.'< ./'■'r''^^r ■■"' Come, Heavenly Comforter, com© I Sweet witness of mercy divine, / And make me thy permanent home, ' And seal me eternally thine I The Holy Spirit always speaks of Jesus, leads us to Jesus, and testifies of him to the heart and conscience. ^^ ^ ■ ■.■,■■•■.■■ \ • '».' 'r-- P#. -#■-: gutttiarg 20.— Morning. " rf They that know i^iy name will put their trust in thee ; for thpu, Lord, hast not for- saken them that seek thee.— Pa ix. 10. Ii^ thee shaUall thy ^ople trust, ^ Who know thy name, aU-gracious Lord.. Since thou hast ne'er fbrsoojc the just Who seek thy fe^aud love thy woi^ I No one can really trust in God. until he ! know^ him ; and no on>^ know him \ who does not trust in him. V ^ ' famtatB 20.— Evening. ^ - Therbporb wiU I lo(* unto the Lord -I wiU waii for the God of my salvation^- Jfljcah vu. 7. l^e can be so o'erwhelra'd with grieil BufheinChrist may And relief;, AU misery; however great, His comforts can alleviate. If we look to the Lord in prayeiv and wait for him m &ith, relief or deUverance is certain: therefore look, wait, eipeoL and ireceive. ^^ ,^ . .^. — :- — - I ■ -yy 7 janu^tg 21.— MoBNiNG. SuBEiT I know that rt BhaJl be i!jeU w^ them tfet fear God, which fear before him. -Secies, viii. 12. The men tliat fear the Lord In every state are bleat; The Lord will grant whatever they want, : Their Bouls shall dwell at rest. If we fear to ofifend God because he is gra- cious, he wiU make all things work together ^r our goo4.> £:. ; 1 -• V 3Janua^ 21.--Evbnino. ^HOSCXEVBR is bom of God doth not com- mit sin^l John iii. 9- Teach me by sweet experience, Lowi, This heavenly birth to know ; And thy perpetual aid afford, ,. That I in grace may grovr.,^^ No#irian is really smless; but aU who are. born of God, hate sin, strive against sm, wid forsake sin: toy do npfeUve in sin,or in love with sin. y>/^ I--... y -*. /* :/ 28 GRSSN PASTUBB8 ;3^anuatQ 22.— Mobnino. ^ ^ MT people, what have I done unto thee? and wherein have I wearied thee? testify against me. — ^Mic^h vi. 3. ^ Lord, we have wander'd from the way, like foolish shoep we've gone astray; Our pleasant pastures we have left, And oi their guard our. souls bereft. . In backsliding, we speiik against God, and bear a false witness to men; in returning, we acknowledge our faults^ and endeavour to repair the injury. • , t,y> ^ Sfanuarg 22.-^vENiNo. To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. -.^Phil;! 21. ,. Ah, give me, Lord* the single eye, -~ Which aimirt at nought but thee; . I fain would live, and yet not I— Let Jesus live ii^ me. ^ The life of th^^ristian should be a practi- ; i cal exhibition of Christ, in his spirit, temper, I disposition, and doctrine : then to live ! would be Christ, and to -die eternal t^ain, :■ ; " .■ \ ■■.■•. ^ :l' i-i /. . AND 6TILL WATERS. / 3f anuatij 23.— MoBNiNo. I witL be a Father unto you, and ye shaU be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almightyr-2 Cor. vi. 18, My 8on« and d«^8^" y®^ "'^ *®V , Through the atoning blood ; And you shall claim and find in me A Father and a God. I Those who separate from the world, and forsake sin at God's command, shaJl always be his beloved children. /_/* g^anuatfi 23.— Evening. Chwkc died for Our 6ins according to the Soriptores.— 1 Cor. XV. 3. ^/ , He sunk beneath our heavy woes V To wdse us to his throne ; There's not a gift his hand bestows, But cost his heart a groan. ' . , Jesus had undertaken to expiate our sins: in the Old Testament this was predicted; in due time he died, and fuUy atoned for them. :'»■■■ ;...^'-:- ■■. ^■■■■^ ! ^ ;•■.;••■ . Mr §0 dRieiN PASTUBKQ' ; S anitatB 24.— MoRNiNoi ¥t defence is of Ood, which saveth the * upright in .heari-.|^yii. 10. • The Lord id Judge-liioforo his throne All natioufl shall his justice own : . Oh may my soul be found sincefe^ And stand approv'd with courage ther* Uprightness of heart will produce Woliness of life; and such as are truly holy are always )safe.j^^ ■, Januatp 24.— EvEifiW. Beoausb thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord.— ^ 2 Kings xxii. 19. ' j \ 6, fbr that tenderness of heart) ' 5 * Which bows before the Lord; 'I ' Acknowledges l^w Just thou lire, ] . And trembles at thy word ! : / Sin hardens the heart, but grace softens it ; the more grace we receive, the tenderer our hearts will be. /.^ J.; u^^-!^- '^A/fJ^A./^^-^^J^inf^U. il*;-'"*""*""""""""^' A»D «niL WATlBi S attti«tf» 25.— MoBNiNO. A ram^D loveth at all times, and a brother is bom for adypreity.— Prov. xvii 17. His lovo no end nor measure knows, No change can turn its course, :. " immutably the same it flows From one eternal source. Such a friend is Jesua-bis love is without vwiableness or the shadow of a turning ; and he is the brother who befriends us m adversity. i^L i,^ ^■■. ' ."■- -^ ■..'•-: ' ■■■ •.•"'■ ■■ ' ':■■,'/:■: ganuatfi SS.'-EvBNiNO. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.— J*s. li. 8. ' • ; Give my dejected soul to prove. The joy of thy forgiving love ; Pour baim into my bleeding breast, And lead my weary feet to rest If the Lord proclaim pur patdon, it fills u$ with joy and peace ; but no voice but his can raise us from gloom and sadness.^^^ r^ 82 OBtKN FASTtmiS \' /■; '^ ^anuarfi 26.— Mobnino. \ If any man sin^ we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteousw-^ IJohnill/ ' " '"^ • >. Look up, my soul, with cheerAil oyd, Sqo whoro tlH) groat Rodocmor Btftuda^-M. ■ The glorious Advocate on high, " , .With precious incenso in his bands. "".' ^> When Jesus died and suffered for us on earth, he pleads on our behalf in heaven ; therefore our sins are forgiven and our pei^ ■SOiUM%ro accepted. >/^'^,.vj :::jlr''''K^^¥--2 ; ^anuato 26.— Evening. * Tb shall be hated ofball men for my name's .■''■■V — ^ . .-. i*: ,'' ■,- ■ .:,..: , ... ■■■ -, If on my fece, for thy dear name, . *.i Shame and reproaches be ; ' I'll hail reproach, and welcome iSharaei If thou remember me. k,\LiAj Hfe condemns a sinful world; hence thdNopposition that is manifested to it : let us aim to be holy; then though hated of men, we shall be happy, i,^- \ •,^P».#-L""»«^f*?: f •m^^^Wf ^^;^^¥^^^^ aianuavfi 27.— MoRMiHQ* ' The Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep ypu from ovll.— 2 Thess. iii. 3* ■■■■'■ ^.:;-r ' ■ • • . '• ■ '• ■■• ■ , „• :. ■■ The liOin! fs falthM still to gul<to '; V, JLnd guard us ulgUt and day j^ .:-. . ^ ' „; '" The Lord Is ftijthftil to provldo, . ; ^\ ^ : <' And keep us lest we stra3^ ;• ' : _ V Walt clfigeljjv^^ifeClQd, and he will fait.h- fully preserve you from SftU|^tMi4«»^iliS^ : t- ».' » : ■" dt ,. I- ■■■'■•'■,;. 31 attuatfi 27*— EvKNiNo. ; 1 ik thine, save me ; for I h^e sought thyprecepts.— Ps. oxix^94. :, . ..»; 1 Teachmy weak heart, O gracious Mr i, With stronger faith tp call thee mlutf| - "Bid me pronounce the ttUssful word, • aiy JirtA«% flW, with jo^dl^ Interest in God givesus a claim upon and should strengthen our souls in prayer to Qod. ui I (^ • * ::k • &■:■ #■ »■ ' V ^ ^i t i^" ^V- / i " ajanuavB 28;— MoENiNG. The needy shall n6t alway be forgotten: the expectation of t^e poor shall not perish for evj5r.--JPs.ix. i^l 6e11 not forget your suppliant prayer, • * Ye humble Boulb awhile opprest I The poor Wi^plenteous grace shallshare, Nor hopie deceive th* aflMcted breast ^^^^^ Thd prayers, of the needy are sure of an .a;i8wer, fey God 4s true*!; and the hopes of yihe poor? in spirit will in due time be ^ realised. ^.> ;\ ', * e Januats 28.— Evening. Tewtt arfe the same, and thy years shall not feiL^-Heb.! 12, No change of mind our Jesus knowfl^ . A true and constant friend ! Where once the Lord his love bestows, He loves xinto the end* Everything, and every one wround us changes, but Jesus is ever the same: nothing can produce the least change in '•fW^ff^'^^^T' AND STiUi WATERS. 85 I : 1 » . ajanuavg 2».— Morning. - It is the Lord; let him do what seemefii him go(ML— 1 Sam. iii 18. ■a One good I coveit, ftad that good alone-^ To choose thy will from selfish bias free, And to prefer a cottage to a throne, , ^ And grief to comfort, if it pleases thee. AIT Qod's appointments are wise, aild all his di^)ensations are gracious ; it becomes uSy therefore, not only to submit^ but to be pleased .with them. ^ ^ i. ^ * . JfajWIltg 29.— EVBNIHG. Because thy loving-kindness is better than life^ my lips shall ptiiise thee.-^!^ IxiiL 3. When troubles like a gloomydoud. Has gatheired thick and thundered loud. He near iny soul has always stood, ; , His loying*kindne«v O how good^ " ■ • ' ' ■ ift ■ ' ' ■ Though life is preferrod by sinners before everything else, the loving-kindness of Qod is preferred by the saint to tltot, , ^^^^ "^^ ^ijM^'^M^^'^ % , \ giiinttatg 30,-~MoRifiNO. Hereby perceive we the loV6 of God, be- oause he laid down his life for us.— 1 John .iiiia-^.^ ,..-::;■:.■■."■■■.■ Guilty and weak to thee I fly, . On thy atoning blood rely, And on thy righteoiwneea depend, , My Lord, my Saviour, and my Fpiend. The Lord Jesus is God, he is also man ; God and man in one person: as such he loved u^ lived for us, and died for us.^^^^ Sfaituatfi 30.— EvENnsto. Thboxtgh him we l)otU liav© access by one Spirit unto the Father.-— Ephes. ii 18. In Chri8t» our medium of access, ^ We've inMon, rest, and righteousness J . . The l&iither draws, theSpirit seals* And everlasting life reveals. , There is no access to God for sinners but through Jesus, but every one that goes in his name Is sure of acceptance and a blessmg. i^:^^.^:,.";}-:^ .. '"-' V X ^S! ^^: ., 7/ 58 ■ " m 'r . . ' ' - ■■■.■'■' o ^ ^- AND STILL WATBBB. ,87 aifiNO.^ ■:"■':• .■■•'- :9 !_. ?■■■.' J«tttt«ta 31.— MdBNINO. ■ •■■■4 )V(B of God, be- !H Wha.* shall I render unto the Lord for ail •i: for us.— 1 John 1 his benefits toward mel I will take the .1 cup of salvation, and call upon the name of -, flyi::^^■^;^;^• /;?:■- the Lord.— Pa. Ci?vl 12, 13. , ■ ■ ■. . " ■ ■* • . ■ ' '1 " depend, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 myFpLend. ^^B The best return fpr one like mft '■;• So wretched and BO poor, * Is from his gifts to draw a plea, i-i 16 is also man; H And ask him still for more. oil: as sudi h^ B Whatever comes from God to ua is a bene- lied for US. ■; ■ fit^ however painful ^^2 j, ■ ] ' .'■ \ ■ ■■ '. ■ -^ <■-■"■ ' ■ t • ENINO. .. - 1 Sanuatfi SL-^vENiNO. re access by one I Tf?j that loveth not knoweth not God; for , phes.iL 18; H God is iove.i— 1 John v; 8; »eS8, ■ ..'■'■■ ;H His sympathies to Israel's race • btebusness; ■ In sweet oompasaions move ; Itseala. ■ He clothes his looks with softest grace. '■ '-'^^B And takes his title— IiOVB. ^ • • ibr ninners but 9 If we experimentally know God, who is ^ me that goes in 1 love, the effect win be that we shall love eptance and ft ■ all that love him: and, as he is love, we . ■ — — r— — ■ shall be lovely. t>. . ' . ^\m^^^ ■ ' iFiebtuats 1.— Mobning. ; Thkj is his name whereby he filiall be called, Hie Lord our Bighteousness. — Jer. • • • ■rfl' ' - " F ■ Oh,,tIiat my fidth could Jeinis claim, ^ No more should doubts depress; Fain would I triumph in his name, The Lord our RighteouiSieaif The righteousness by which we are jjiSti-* fied was wrought out by Jesus ; and is im- pute^us of free grace, ^/.y u k Who iis gone into heaven, i^ is on ijtie right hand of Gk)dv;^lP6tiii, 22. r ^ Now though ho i^gos exalted hi^ - yf X HifloTe^sUHasgreat^ * v 1 "^ ^ ' *, UTell he reniembers CalysiaT, " • . 'Norletourwulsfinvei ' ■ -, ■*■-:■. ■ ■■. - r :,■ 7*,' . ■.• ■-■.-■■■ ■ J^UB loyecT US in hearven, thereilfore he came to darth to diefor us ; he loved us on earth, and is^ow gone to heaven to "plead for u& ■^^ /*..; . ;; ip ! li tia. tlwrefbre cWie boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace, to help in time of need.— Heb.iv,16. Beholdthe throne of grace! * The promise calls me nearf There Jesus shows a smiling face, ; V And waits to answe^r prayer. Believ^'thy God is on the throne, Jesus is 6^^ the throne, aud thou art called to 'the throng. 'iL^;;', ;^'-^--/:-- :>.'; :/^ "f-:'.'-:J- "■■■".-■- ' ■ ■ " ■'■.■.«■ "■'■■I ■ '"■-'-■"*■-.- V vdFthmxs 2.-EvKinNa. Who hath also seated us, and given ihe earnest ^f the^^pirit in our hearts.-2 Got; Come, Holy Gho8t%. all^ulokening flreb Come, aiid in me delight to refct ; / Grant the supplies that I r^ , ' . t^ . O come, and consecrate my breast I llThe ^^>int as ah earnest, is a part of the ■ inheritance, and a; pledgaof the foil posse*. Bion ofit; V I; r » ., T ^ • .'■ V- »# \ro <^Aiy^ Mil. Mky 4 ^ f* iFiebtuarg 3.— MoRNiNa. • ; Hold \ip my goings in thy paths, that in;f ^tsteps slip not— P&. xyii 5. , With conscious weaknQS8;pTone to stn^y, • Lord, let thy grace uphold my w^ay ; Be thou my Leader/ thou my Ouid^ ^ Else my unstable feet shi^f slide. Keep the Lord's way, be jealous of your own heart) seek the Lord's stren^h, and n ^, iFiefrntatg 3.— Evenino. ' ; Hb will npt fail thee, neither forsake the0 : fear not^^ neither be dismayed. -^Deut. zzxL'B.'.' ^ ■/':'■.■'■■,■■■■•;■'■ ; Then let the lAnrdifisr ever idlgn, And sway us as he will ; ] „ Sici:, or In health, in ease, or pata, , ' :__^ Wei are his people stUl. v \ . - The Lord will never break his word> or forsake his people, therefore their fears are groundless, and their doubts sinful ^^t- ly paths, that TO J ii. 5. , ber forsake the4d: ismayed. — Deut. ak his wor<)j or re their fears are ts sinfuLyXi: AND STILL WAtEll8.v 4X A NEW commandment I give uhto you, That ye love' one another; as I have loveii you, that ye also love one another.— John .xiil 34. f:^ '^'.V :'^^ ■ ■■■ ■ ;: ■; ■ ■■ ■^■■''-'■■'' ■■■■^ ■' :'::V ■ Let l<We through all my amduct rfdne— ^ An image fair, though faint, of thine I i ■ ^Andthus xnay I thy| (bUower prove, • Great iPritwie of peace, great God of lcf*«i Love to ^nts as such, irrespective of ex- ternal circumstances, is a strong proof of the n©w bjrth. To them gave he power^to hecoine the sons of God even to them that believe on his name.'-~John i. 12. Saivatiok in that name ia foun^^ Balm of my gnef and oare|^ ^ A med'oike for my every wound. All, all 1 want is .there. / Every heliever\is a child of God, for feith r proves his vegenerationy and every child should call God^atijier. ^ j^ ^. >r;>; --J x^ 42 GREEN PASTURES iFtbtuaru 5.— MoBNiNo. Blbssp) be ye poor; for yours is the king- dom of God,— -Luke vL 20. ■•r These are the souls whom Christ will bless With all the riches of his grace; - And these are they who soon shall rise To a bright kingdom in the skies. The poorer we arerthe moi« we need the Saviour; and the jnore we need him, the more welcome we are to h\n\ , ■ ^ .V> Am) came and preached peace, to you • which were a&r off-^-Eph. iL 17. / • ; Then if thine eye of faith be dim, ^ , Rest thoxi on Jesus, sink or swim; ' And at his footstool bow thy knee^ His precious blood thy peace ishall bOv Jesus made peace, preached peace^ jgives peace, imd preserves peaCiB: He is our ;peace,,^--^:-,^; V- -, \. .-./■:; :;V■^;^^,^ **fe T^ ■■« AND STII^L WATEB8. 48 m iF^brnatj 6.— Mobnino. "OTHOii<rflittiefwth, wherefore didst thoti doubt?— Matt. xiv. 31,, - ** Faith hath for Ite foundation broad A stable rock, pn which I stand, The truth and j^ithfVilness of God ; A.U Qther gttitimd is sinking sand. , j" ■ ■■■■■ ' ■/ '.■ ■'• ■■.•.:.' ■■ ■' ' ■'■■■, , '•■ •■ ■ ' ' '. Our doubts dishonour Ggd, disturb our peace, and give Satan power over us; let uTEold fast the faithful word, knd expect the Lord to make it good. ^^^ ^iFfeituats 6,— Evening. W Thbt that be whole need nolTa physician, but they that are sick. — ^Matt. ix. 12. See, in the Saviour'a dying blood. Life, health, and bliss abundaut flow 1 lis only this dear sacred flood ° j .; 1355 eaaetfiy pain, a^ woe. ^' ^ 'the self-righteous do not feel their need of Christ, but every one taught by the Holy Spirit daily feels it more andmorfBt z^ 7 I- Yield yourselvea unto God, 119 those that are alive from the dead.— Boni. vi. la ■ -■■...■■■■ , •■.•■ ■. '..f ■■■A ■ . '-'■ : Loye, this gentle admonition, Whispen soft within my breast ; " Oholoe befits not thy conaUion, . ■ ^oqulesoeitce suits thee best" We should yield our understandings to his word, our hearts to his influenpe^ and our lives to his disposAL , ,j V '^'Bm Z^ therefore had received the vin^ar, he said, Jt is finished.— John xix. ■301 ■■ \' ■-■>:, •; •■■ '^ ..-/;.:...■■-■; Ju«tioewas./W^8atl8fled, ,v ' - AtonementyW^ made ; ' The law was A2^^ magnified, • ^>^ And wondrouflvlove displayed, Jesus k»ew t«to he\ had ^mdertaken, and for vihm he had ui^dertaken ; his work was now finished, for their salvation was secured. :i^^.- l JK- AVD STILL WATfltB. 45 |ife(ruats 8.-— Mobnincl > I HAVE trusted in thy mercy; my heart ebfdl rejoice in thy salvation.— Fls^ liii 6, Tis Boercy buries all complaints, ^^ r : ...; GlTeapleaaurw ever new; /:"'//. ■ Oh/ how it triumphs o'er the laints; >,^ . J^ Confidence in Qod's mercy will prompt us to fervent prayer; and fervent prayer will be crowned ivrith joyful success: faith is the root of j)»^9^* v^ JFeitfttits S.—BvKNiHCL . Thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.r— Ps. liz. 16. in every t»xmbla, sbaiT and ifcras^^ My spul to ^esua flies, -My anchor^old is firm in him \:When swelling billMfk rise. In trouble it is well to look back and see how the Lord has befriended us, and then to exercise faith in him afreet ^ : , , 46 OBESN PA8TUBB8 ; JFebt u«rp ».--Mornwo. . §, will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.— RsL cxlv. la , Tho«e feeble desires, those wishes so weak, Tis Josus inspires, and bids thee still seek': His Spirit will cherish the life be first gave, . You never shall perish, if Jmus can 8a?% The heart Is as the desires are; if we ar- dently desire spiritual things, we are spi- ritual, and God will ftilfil our desires. Jebrtiatg 9.--EvENiNa II • V ; He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.— -1 Cor. yi 17. To Jesus joined, we all that's good From him our Head derive; ■ . r We eat his flesh, and drink his blood, , And 6jr, and i» him live. * The Holy Spirit brings us into union with Christ, and jceeps us in union with him: if he unite us to Christ, he will make us likg -r i •V* AMD STILL WATEB8. 47 •^ Unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.— JMaL iv. 2. j||^.' ;.'.' iA^ i\ To foartby nam«, to tnwt thy grace. To learn thf will be my employ, , •nil I shall We tbee face to face, '■_'.' ■^ Thywlf say heaven— thyself my Joy. ' The best Christiana are sometimes in the dark: this is necessary to try them; but light is sown for them, and deliverance is not far from them.. / * • * JFebtuatfi 10,— EvwfiNcf, . Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us.— Eph. j. 2. For us the Salrfdur's blood alraili, Almighty, to atone The hands ^e gave to piercing nails^ Shallleaa us to his throne. The sacrifice of Christ is but the effect of his love, if therefore he so loved us as to gilFe himself for us, he will^ot.deilyu8an7 gobdthing.^^, t. , ^ , , ^ :. •'■f ^\ ' JFeiituats 11;— MoBKiNi}^ - Pbesebve me, God; for in thee do^l piit luy tnistr— Bs. jcvi I* s AlnUghty God, preserve my BouI| I trust thy arm divine ; ; ;My steadfiMt iiEiith, thou Lord oi^ all. Delights to call thee mine. He that tnidteth in God may expect to be preserved by God: nor shall such ezpecta- tions be disappointed.^ I^|;ji^ , Jtifuata 11^— EvBNmcK Tmfi Holy Ghost^ whom the Father will send in my name^ he shall teach you all things.— John xiv. 26. He quickens the dead, by the word of hisgrap^ . He opens the 6yes of the blind, ' Then leads to the Saviour for pardon and peace. And blessinga of ovary kind. In all that Jesus did, he glorified his Father; ahd in all that the Holy Spuit doea^ he glorifies tiie Son. » ^ .^ ^ IWT'^;' AND 8TILX* WATKBB. 49 ININQ. - 1 JtbtttWfi 12.-^0BNINO. 1 thee do^l piit ■ Of hl8 fulness have all we received, aiid grace for grace.—- John L 16. ■ i y Boul, ^M wdoralt ■ All things I want ; but one ia nigh > My want of idl things to supply ; Pardon, and peaco^ and liberty, Jesus, I all things havei in thee. ' Ely expect to be H 1 such expectar H All fulness is in Jesus | it is there for his people ; they are always welcome to it : you cannot be more welcome than you are at this moment; go and receivi|^~and thus glorify Wm. ^/^^^^ NINCK H • '■■'•-' > le Father will ■ '^^ !j^^ teach you all ■ I WILL hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. — ^Ps. IxxL 14 (Wdofhisgraoe^ ^M 'don and peaces ^M In all our troubles may we wait. And meekly tdss the rod ; Peliverance never comes too late . To those who hope in God. »>. SedTiiB Father; H Spuit does^ he B Unless we expect /rom Qod, there is no proof that we beUeve in God ; nor will daily praise ascend to Qod. i^, ^ — ^ '-J 50 GREEN :PA8TtJBES . JFebtuatB 13.— Morninq. I The eternal God is thy refuge; and under- \ neath are the everlasting anna— Deut. ) xxxiiL 27.. ■ ■ ■ ,,,;■■ .■■,/^: •'. On everlasting arms 1 lean; These only, can sustain my hope ; These have till now my refuge been, And these through life still hold me up^ JThe strength that supports us isomnipo- tent^ the refuge that preserves us is eternal; \ why then should we fear ) l^ i^ Jlf^ «■« iFei^tuatg 13.— EvENixa. The desire of our soul is to thy name, and ^to the remembrance of thee.— Isa. xxvi. 8. Deliverance to my soul proclidm, ; And life and liberty; ; Show forth the virtue of thy namey ? ,4i^d Jesus prove to me. Spiritual desires always lead to the Saviour, and fix the eye and the heart on him; they also produce zesl for God and a concern to glorify him.. ,i. yy , (^ tots 11— MOBKINO. I im^JWi yme yoa comfortless; I will come to you.— John xiv. 13. Thanks to thy name, aU-gradotui Lord, For every promise in thy word ; But oh, with this our hearts impress, ** I;«rtU not leave you oomfortless.** Jesus nevep' lea,ves his peopl^ though, he sometimes hideis his face from them ; he* always sympathises with them in their sor- rows, and turns their sorrow into joy. JFcttttarg ll—EvuiiNa. / SBRViNa the Lord with all humility of [mind.— Acts XX. la -■'•.' ..'■■■•. # Humility the Lord beholds ' ' With ui Approving eye ;- In humble souls he doth deUght, For such on him rely. le humtie servant keepe his eye on t^e jrd's glory, Works in his Lord's strength, id is sure to l?e hon o urecL ^ > '■■■■ 4,- ■ . , ■ » ■ ■*■■.■■ Behold the vL^m|> of God, whibh i»ke%' away the sin t>f the w6rlcL--Johii l 29. - ■ .V- ■;'■'■'- Ixueyeiy iptate^ and time, and place; • Fiead only Jesus' blood; t However wretgbed be your caiB6» * i :| r' "Behold the lAmb of God.''^^^;, Looldng to Jesu8> as' the sin-bearing Lamb of Qpd, will ^ulet the conscience, cabn the minct sano^^ the hearty and 'correct the t '. Where sitialMunded, grace did much loore * aboun A-Jlom. V. 2a r . ■ e ■■-♦,■ . . - ■■-,■ ■'■ The vQest pf rinnen forgiTeness have found, ! For Jesus was humbled that grace might abound ; . Whoever repents of Ids dn dgafpst God, 'Shall surely be pbdoned through Calvary's blood. The grace <rf t|p iD^ite mi^^ exceed 1^ sins of Ihe finite: grace isQod glorifjdng hiinSeltr ^ ^ , . ^ /.. oiiist iujlAitely b: grace jB God ^un6 mu* wiTSBB. 58 JFebruatrg l6.-^-MoBNiHO.. Keep me aa the apple of the eye; hide me Ainder the shadow of thy wiiigs.~Pfl. xvii ^ '';':■:.:■ Jf:::' \ ■:'■: '' ' '' 'i '\ * Tb me tby WtpbfW care APPI7, ' '^ Quick as the sliade which gtUQrd's the:e^e ; V Witt* round my TOul thy meit^ ^ '. * ,The AelVitng shadow of itn win|(au , • !" The Lord ivpl tarefuUykpepa^^ 66m-; fortably protect iliosd who put their trust.; ■ ■ ■BoiadMB - • ' -i ... -P ...■ ,<■ •.. ' f .»'-■■» ■ * ■ . ■ , • g \ <■ ■ ■' . • .■■■..' I " * ■w^' ^ ■■-■.■.■ * , 1. » Behold my sei^aiit^ whom I uphold ; mine electa in whom my soul ^^ighteth.-rrtsai ^t Jesosy.in oondescendlniSr lo^e, • ,Thus makes his grace appear; fie left the Ishiniug realms ahove^ \ To be a swvant here. JesuSy as the servant of the^I^iBtther, came into our World to rejeem, collec^ and mye ^ aTI hia hft loved children.' jy " % » *>, * ' I ^ebtuats 17.— BioikNiNa BbhoU), CkKi is toy salvation ; I will trust and not be afraid— Isa. xii. 2. \ To the Eternal thanks beloniji :* Whohastbecomeourstrengthahdflong. ' ■ In Jesus we adixre thy grace^ Which saves and saucttfles our itoc. .^ ; Our Saviour is Gtod, and in savings us he displays all the glories of his character. ^ Him hath God exalted with hi$ right band to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentancQ^— ^A^ v: 31. The lAobb is exalted repentance to giye: ThlEtt sin may be hated, while sinners believe; Contritipn is sauted, and God justified, Th'e sinner is humbled, i^id self is denied. ' ■ ,■ ■;' ''■'.'■ ■ ':■ ■' ' : ■ .« ' \ '^■'' -■ ■'■--■ ■ ' ''"'■■' ':■ ^ "■-"^ Bepehtance is daily nedessary, and 4s daily required; as Jesus vi exalted to giye it^ let us ask and receive i% aud so liv^ exer- pi8ing.it. (^,-; .; ■-:,;:: ;.-:\' " ... v;-.:.; V ■:;■', AND 8tlLI» WATEB8. 55 JTebtuare IS-'-^ornino. God resistcith the prou:d,but^ivetl> grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves there^ fore to GocL-^§nxes iv. 6, 7. * Quarrelling with God's decrees ; \ Waj'ward nature Attds the occariou-J- , .•Xis her folly fl^diseale. ;,^ Humble jjiiAa may obtain anything from the liorvb^* *^!^ P^<>^<^ ^^ meet with .aVepulse.j^/ . c ' iTeivuaiTJ 18.— Evbninq; . Best in the iiord, aad ^ai* patiently for him.--Ps. xxxviL ^. . P for that sweet simplicity, ^ ' * * / >Th<&t rests alone on Christ; Hangs on. the mother's breast; In all times of trial, perplexity, and difli-. culty, we should rest with steady foith on the Lo r d^s faithfu lness, veraqity^ and^ove^ z:i' ■>i: •n, vw^m^ ► * ifebttiarj) 19.^Mobnino. liET this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.--Jl^ 6. . CJome, let us imitate his love^ > And walk as Jdsus walk'd below; ^ ^13^ attempts approve^ ; And we shall his salvation show. ■■■■■:■. ::.-. ■■ ■.; " '♦ , . ^ y ■ ■.,:■. ■..-. • "v;. ' . The mind of Jesus was characterised by peace, holiness, humility, truth, confidence, and love. iTebtttatg 19.— EvENiNa. AsiD when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both.— Luke vii 42, , Tis perfect poverty alone, that sets the soul at lai^, While we can call onip mite our owii, ;> We ha^e no iwi dischai^e. ' ^ tJiitil we feel ttiat we are utterly4ost^ we shalFiiever enjoy dotaplete salvation ; tJuie _ who can pay^no^ng are i^^ ftU. v ■■~~- ^ ' ^^ '-" ' ■ - ft ■ ioh was also in fc^i^^JxaJ} AMD BTn4< WATXBi Our fathers trusted in thee; they trasted and thou didst d^Bliver them. — ^Ps. xxii. 4. Fromwimfc-offidtliourBon'owBflftw; V ;; " JShort-stghted mortals, weak and blind. Bend dbwn ^heir eyes to earth and woe, j' And duubt if providence is kind. / , Our iatl^ers were seve^ly tried, but they, trusted in the God who^tried them^^d he honoured their trust by deliverin/them. iSt%VXAX^ 20.-^VENING. ' j Mt kindness shall not depa;rt from thee^ neither shall the covenant^of my peace be removed^— ^sa. liv. 10. • N; Flrin as his tbrone his 'covenant stands; .Though earth shoufd shake and skies diepart, You're safe in, your Redfeemert hands,' ' Who bears your na^iies iipoft his h^ • The kindness of God is unchangeable^ and his covenant secures the present and ever- lasting: weH^ oteverf saint.^ : „4- -—^ ■-■' . J *^ iF^bntavs 21.— Moenino. Wht dost thou strive against him1 for he giveth not account of any of his mattera— Job xxxiiL IX Confess him righteous in his just decrees, . .'.m- Love what he loves, and let his pleasure please. Die daily, from the touch of siu recede. Then thou hast crowned him, and he reigns indeed. Nothing can be more irrational and absurd than for a sinful creature to strivb with his Maker. Wb wgich have believed do enter into rest. ;— BebJiv. a • . ::)<-rrJ-, ■■■:; ■ By Christ ^ enter into rest, ' ♦ And triumph o'er the fidl; Whoe'er would be completely blest^ Must tnxst to Christ fbralL V ' Believing in Jesui^ we rest from eiJavish fear8> gloomy doubts, and all controversy [iter into rest. ^ AND BTILL UrATERS. 69 I WILL heal their bqicksliding, I will love them freely^— Hosea^v. 4. Though I have griet'd t"hy Spirit, Lordj 'His help and comfort ■till afford J „ And let a poor backslider torace ° The wonders of restoring grace. If God love a backslider at all, it must be freely; but he loves just because he wiU love, and looks for no cause out of himself 7 :ffthtam 22.~3BvEHnsro. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him ; and he shall briiig it to pass.— Ps. xxxvii. 5. ^■'■;; might I doubt no moi-e, :-/ But in his pleasure res^ Whose wisdom, love, and truth, and power, v Engage to make me blest. In the exercise of faith we should lay every- thing before the Lord, and caknly leave all oi]ff affairs in his hand : this ds both our privilege fuid duty* ~ ,■ "-■'.:: ■ • ■W-^- '^ 60 £ OBIIN PA8TUB18 ' ^^Wbtuatp 23.~MoRKiiro. 1 Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted.— Micah ii 10. It needn our hearta b« wean'd from 0aith» It needt that we bo driven. By loss oi every eiuihly stiy, ,. To seek our Joys in heaven. H^ The earth, in its present state, is not in- tended to be the home of the Lordf s family : their rest is above. ■/-■■^: d^tttnvqs^ 23.— EvENiKo. WiTHotiT controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh. ^1 Tim. iii. m : : Almifirhty God sighed human breath I The Lord of lifei experienced death! . How it w;as done we can't discuss;* But this we know, 'twas done for us. It is indeed a mystery how God could be- come man, and especially that he should do so to save his foes: but mysteriouaas it ia. — »T 9r «k T '—^ '— ' r '■ ■■ ^ TTW-" ■ : • : — -^- AND STILL WATERS. >f- jfcbniatfi 24.— MoBNiNO. , Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivei^th him out of them aU.__Pj8, ixxiv. 19. ''""». Numerous waves of trouble rolllnfl^ Olt his humblo iialuts oppress ; But the Lord, their rage controllings Saves his sei-vants ft-om distressu 4' * Affliction is the furnace in which God trii his gold, he intends purification, not injury? deliverance is sure when the dross isje- moyed. JFeljtuavfi 24.— Evening. God imputethrightebiisness without works. —Bom. iv. 6. Imputed righteousness alone, Can bring the guilty nigh ; » Give boldness at Jehovah's throue^ ' And right to joys on high. The sinner cannot procure a righteousness, but Jesus procured one for him ; and what J^^^^ prncured for him , the Father imputes to him. ;it Irf*. m 'S-v^ C.^'. \ !■ \: t'w;«(*w*,'^a ^., Chrkt our passover is sacrificed for lis; therefore let us keep the feast.— 1 Cor* v. 7,a •■■■ ■•^■-- ■■;: :.:-■■".■. ../.'.,■..■■ Once Je8U9, (18 thy surety, bled ; Was crqwned with thorns, to Calvary led. From sin and curse <^ set thee free ; : His blood's a peaceful sign to thee. The Lord passes over the sins of his people^ and saves their persons, because Jesus died in their stead* ■"•^ iF^btiiati^ 25.— EvENiNo. Wb are saved by hope; but hope that is seen is not hope: foir what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope fori— Rom. viil 24 : 'Tis by hope the saints are saved; \ Living hope to Jesus goes; ^ Draws^^ Ufe through Jesus' mdrit, " V And no other Saviour know& The merit of Christ alone saVes us from death, but hope saves us from despondency and despair. / IH whom we have bpldness and access with (Kmfidence by the feitk of him •■ ■ '*•■..•. • . ■. ■ ■■■,■■■■■■■■■■■ •The terrors of law and of God Wth irie can have nothing to do ; 4Iy Saviour's obedience and blood Hidd all my transgressions from view. ^s As believers, we are not only permitted to approach God, but to open our mouthaand speak f reely b efore him, confident of ao- ceptance and success. . JFebtuatB 26.— Evening. Have mercy upon me, Lord, for I am . weakr— Ps. vi. 2. >< <> I'm h?lp(less as a little child, J . And Jike it I would rest. - Sh jw me, God, a parent's heart I Give me an infant's trust. We are never SO safe as when we dee^lyfeel jHirweakn^s; for then it is that we look for promised strength, and receive it. , "t" jfebtitats 27.— MoBNiNO. ' Thb peace of God, which passeth all under- standing, shall keep your hearts and minds ti^thiough Christ Jesus.— PhiL iv. 7* ■ Will my God this peace reTeal, f^Si When my heart and flesh shall faiT? yW_^ ; A, Then I'll sing in Jordan's flood, ; Sweet's the peace that's made by blood. It is onl^ as we place unhesitating confi- dence in •the'* atonement^ and cast all our cares upau God^ that we can enjoy peace. Sp have I sworn that I would not be wTQth with thee, nor rebuke thee^-rlsa. liv. 9. * Though darkness Spread around our tenV Though fear ^vall and joy decline, > God will not of his oath repent, Dear Lord, thy people still are thine. ^ . As God swoBO that he would no more de- stroy the earth with a floods so hath he sworn thaVhe will not bei wroth with his belpved people. ^. • 'N f I ifebtuats 28.-iM:oBNiNO. -^"■'- ■■'■ ■ ■• -.■ ■/ Set yomr affection on things above, iiot On things on the earth.— CoL iii 2. -^^ / ; lUsei from these earthly triflesyliae On winga of faith and love; • - AlK)ve yoiir chiefest treasure lies, ^^^ And be your hearts above.- L^t us think of heaven as the residence of God and his saints, as the .region of holi;^ ness and love. A ^ ffthviavQ 28.— Evening." The tiord will give grace and glory.-^Es, .lxxxiv.ll.' .;.-:■;. Oh 1 HM^ I priMJtically show, ; . 'v My interest in thy grace; ' .■^': / ' B6 aU ^luoo, and have, aiid do, ' Devofed to thy praiee. Grace fits lis for glory, and is introductory to it; the two are inseparably connected: if grace sfinctify us, glorjr will crown ua ^^ ■^:^- •\ i ' ■ ■ ■- • \ ,-■ .;. \ "* ■'*■ ] \ .;■. . 'is .'■■/. '-■'\y-'Xi'-- -v. EsEJ^back thy servant also frotn presump- tuous sins; let them not have dominion over me.— Ps, xix. 13. From eadi preminptuotts way r^stra&i, Nor on my heart let guilt remain : Then shall my spirit stand sincere, From guilt's allows dominion clear. There is nothing so bad, but, if l^ft to our- selves^ we shall flail into it. j,^ . J^efitntan) 29.-^EyiBinMfo. , Bt the obedienceof one shall many be made- righteous.— Bom. v. 19. iniough hellish smoke my duty stain,.,, ' And rindoform'me quite ; ' ^ The blood of Jesus makes me dean, ^ And his obedience white. Adam made us sinners, Jesus makes us righteous ; union to Adam brings us under condemnation, union to Jesus delivets us froni'it.' \^v./ •v^^"'..^: i-- ■■:-:''■[: :*-■'■ . ■■': ; , - . ,. ■ ^ \ .;>il« Din presump- VQ dominion estra&i,' re,. . i loar. f Ipft toour- Lanybemade- r stain, ,,: " . slean, 13 makes us Qgs us under ) delivets us Itaa Lord is pur judgp, the Lord if ourlaw- giver/tKrLoir^is our king; he will save us. r-Isa. xxiiii. 22. ^ / ^^ lufiiiite poW(Qr and iMundless grace - XuUm unite their rays; ' ^ itfyou have^r behold bis &ccf, ' / Can you rorbear his praise? JesuSy-as our king, rules over us; as our lawgiver, he gives laws to us ; and as our judge, he vill pass sentence upbn us. He is all and in«lL , ^ wt 'Wi ,#: If ye through the Spirit do mortifythe deeds of the bodyj ye shall #a— Rom; yiii 13.* Jesus, my life, thyl^f apply, ! t ^ Thine hallowing Spirit breathe • '^^ ■'*' Uy vile affis'ctiona crucify;- " Conform me to thy death. > *' * Being justified freely by grac^ oju^ilailj Jjuamjfia Js- to oifticify the flesh >idth its affections s^d^lusts : and for ^ois l^urpose the Holy Spirit is given. -m^ A ^' tt«y f»^p love nsot tte Lord Jeaua a V << .*, 3 vi''- X:. MP\/ ; Wbni'heaitl^utmufit detest!. / ' , Bure Christ AVsenei* the noblest plaice . In ev«(ry hiMoatt breast - i Paitli in CJkrtefc. always produces lore to Mm ; ,jf we Idve him> j^ofc, we do not bejeve ^ in')to, and shall therefore i^acoiii^sed ' wheii hia^om^ i\.. ^ • ' , . '; '^ '^ ' :^ ' ittatC?) 2.--1VBNIK0. * I SAID .not unto the seed of Jacob, , , me in yain.^8a. xlv. 19. I _y Belieye, and ask again; ' .ifbou hast his kind and faithful That nqne shall ask in vain. If the Lord speak with powAr ''Seek,*' the soul obeys; and every kml rho^oes seek wflLfindi-T^ • ii V (^ ty w. J V iki^ STXLL WATBR9. 09 & there not an appointed time to man upon earthV Are not his days also like the days of an hireling l-nfob vii 1. ; >^ Oitr days MW iiumbefr'd, let us §1^ Our anxious hearts a needUisa care ; ' »^tMn» to number out our days, ;, And ours to(gWo them to thy praise. There is no chance where God reigns ; he who gav9 i;is life#x^its linai^^l,, - 't <) (■**■ S" fSLKXOi 3.— EVBHINO. He was rece^j^^^^Jl^if>ll9T^ and sat on the right ■■^f: ^xvim ^ caii Chi^ti^aliavetoliBar; \* ■V- „ „Jti they view their Sayiout tl^|tet < ^ V ^ fieUidVanqwriied/heavetta!^?«^««d,^^^^y ^^ (Gk)dL is recondled aiid pleased. V ^ ' ^ ■t Tttid presence of Jesus in hli^n ^Sc^ our arrival i%;^ and all the s#^es if*- iieed niitil 4»Mift: he is there Bt ':^ he willplf £;^ntil ^e arrim **\^.: ^'if- i'iHl ■^^^^-^> . \i. _±. •■i '■. i :■*?; ■ '■«<ifflaA r •*: ^-^ .'1 \ :, •.!■■ V" i ^-; ■. :^ \AL ^J^4^^y/S »/c I WILL be merciful to their unrighteous- ness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.— Heb. viii. 12. I Cheered by the hope of pardoning' grac0, I come thy mercy, Lord, to prove ; \ , tike weepinfr Mary, let me taste A pledge of thy forgiviug love. When Qod pardons a sinner he does it ^lo^'- pletely; it^for ever.^^^^^ 7 S^ HSTOICB in Christ Jesus, and bare no coni. fidenceintheflesk— PhiLiiia "^ "Wtiatever be thy frame, Though dull and cold as ice, Ifo change has taken place in him, ^ Then in the liord rc;Joice. I ■■■■■'♦. ^ ■»'" Chricrt^ bas for us all we want, and is made unto lis all we need; therefore we should rcrjoice in him at all tiniei^. v^ ; I laye no coxi4 AVt> BTILL VTATEBB. 71 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liben^ly, and upbraideth not;>nd it shall be given ^. ^■wJame8i.5..^;\.v ■"'■■:'",•■/■■ •m-^'.' Of godly •onrow give; j : ■^ ! A strong desiriDg confidence , | .. ■ 1 To hear ihy v<doe and live* " ■' \ - , We need wisdom to manage our trials, ex- ercise our gra^s, p^irform our duUdly and ''conquer our fbeajji.:.:' ■■..■ "'"k'-V- ',-':'\:'- \' 0' rj \V CAsrma all your care upon him ; for he caretlji for y ou^ ^^^^ ^. .; To^j ,« a| • All *orra-born cares are wrong; "[ May wante but little here below. Nor wants that little long. Earthly cardftsreaken faith, hinder itteditar tion, and obstrilct our progress ; let '^ them all to Jesus and leave them wi * J^ 0^ ^mt,^!^ ^ -^7' %. •^w. ' V v- QBIEM' PASTURES ^'^ ■.>:..ft ''^ ^ iH«rd^ 6.— MoRNiNo. # / BELfefif^ in the Lord yoilr God, so shall ye ^ l)e established; believe his prophets, ,so^ shall ye^rosper.— 2 Chron. xx. %0. Ooi^hat closer I could cleave / T^thyjtonder/lovingbreactl / » ,^ive me fiVmly «kbelleve, , ^^ \ • ^.AndtoeutWii^reat %j * Faith in (|||, is^^feseniil to f^th in his word ; and gfleady faith in his word is At ^^the root of oi|[||||abiUty M^d fruit%iesSj^ , '"•. - : M\i' --'i:-'^ ■■^:- -. ^.V; ,,; » -^'^ ■ . 't^'^. %- ».t p »MM things^.ii behlfed lim to be^made 7 » [vapKO,* d mm to be liie unto his brethreiL^Heb. il 17. OhHst your fellow-sufforer see^ .» He was iu all things like to you; Are you tempted? so was he; < -• Deserted? he was too. Jesus has experienced all the varieties of huiaan woe, therefore he commid.wiUkjmr^ p^hiafl with (BBPswwp^ f':f ■ '* ■.■ ' ■*#. ,' L. 4' his SNOt JL ' lade s of yWi!-> ■1 •'. ^ m£uJL/SL |lftatCf> 7.— MOBNING. Tap will of the Lord be done.— Acts xxi. I '^ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■•■■■■ '-' ,_j)ull restliappylnthylowcatate, | \ JMpr JIip ft, nor wish, to b« esfceem'd or great; , j To tfliibe ImpreMlon ©f a will divine, \.. Bo that myj|>ry, and those richei mine.^ | The will ot ^d is regulated by holiness, wisdom, and love, and must, therefore, be preferable to burs. / ^t . ^platclb T.—EvENiNO. After ye weije illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictionsr-Beb. x 32. Many and great otur triato are, ; : But every trial we shall bear, : While we the word of God regard. And cast our burdens on the Lord. No one now can be singularly tried, for many of the swnts have passed, and are passing through the same affl i ctions. . ■^«,-i ki! '^.' ^•''T'^ Jllatcf) 8.— MOBNINOw '/■ Behold, I come quickly : hold fast that whiclji thou, hast, thi^ »a ma| take thy crowa — Rev.iii. 11. ' f . ,: ''.■'■. ■..'"'"■ , lord, may t then exulting atand Among the sheep at thy right hand, '" Before the angels stand equfoifc^ And hear thy Upi proclaim me blAst. Hold fast the truth of God, it is your char- ter ; hold fast your c0nfideDce in God^ it is your strength; add hold fast yop profes- sion, it is your hoiioUr;^ . Thb Lord trieth the righteous.-— Ps. xL 6. Trials may press of every sort, # •; ' They may he sore, they must be tmrt; ^We no^ believo, but soon shall view,. The greatest gloHes God can show. Trials are t;he Lord's fux^aoe^ in which he tries our graccis and purifies our persons; if we have not been tried, w e are not safe^ « AMD StII/L WATERS. i ^a(tc!j 9.— MoRNTOO^ ; ; Thou wilt save the afflicted people ; but wilt bring down high looks.— Pa. xviil 27. Down then with self exulting thouglitl, Thy faitli and hope employ, To welcome all thai he allots, And suffer shnme with Jojf. ' ' When afflictions produce humility, and bring us nearer 'to God, salvation is cer- tain; but the proud will fall 4^^, iHarc^ 8.— EvENiNo. .; The very God of peace «mpC!!^you wholly. — lThess.v.2a ' V\4^: " V,,"" . • • Bule in me, Lord, my foes-ooTitrol, Which wouldnot own thy sway ; Diffuse thy likoneei through my soul, / Shine to the perfpct day. ' Every soul ilhat is sanctified at afl, longs and prays to be sanctified throughout, in body,, soul, and spirit: and he that begaii work will complet^^it. ^^ • ; ■■'Mi. 4ulij~ 4^^^i^U^ ys Sath not God chosen the poor of this wprld rich in faith, and heirs of tJieBtfg-, dom^-James ii. ftr ' i.: Be dxuvini iRpom huihan Uttlexiess ^ ^ His gi^nddur and ri^nown: ^ Arid generous hearts with joy cox^esa The triumph aU his own. In this world, generally; the rich hatAheir good things:^ so the Lord's poor, theirs lain TiAo-vrAvk ... . -' » IS in M,. ^atcQ 10.— EVENjwa. ^Thb Lord will strengthen hujja uinm the bed of languishing:— P^ xli; a. /I i ^^; ■■...''•;' '" • .:' •■ ■■.'• ■ .',■■■■ r'- ■ "'^V- ■'' 'vi':. '' ; V J®8««»lwUt>edi^ ' - Thy goodphysidan, nay, thy nurte^ ' ; > ■ ^ toaketlqr hed shall condescend, /v ' '^ ■r \An^ from the aflUction takeihtf^curse/ ; v - The promise belongs especially to; hearted and liberal, who a*eme%Hrtne poor ; yet eagh believer haS an int^sBnbTir — . — = — - ^ >' fiM» AND BTILL WAtBBS. 77 l^T I majltnow hiiQ, and t|:^0 power of his resurrection, and the fellowship o£ his sufferings, being made conformable unto his deatk— PhiL iii. IQ. ; -^ -■■■'■■ - ■• ■■ . ."■ ■■ ■ \\'''--'''\ ■ ■■■J:"^:^ '•> .. ^Tia Ufe to know the dying iaipb; ;:. : Eternallifeisinhisname; *' \; majr I in this knowledge grow, '^ r And daily more of Jeips know. i.\ To know Christ experimentally, is our high: est attainment : daily seek it. .- • ^ ^ :flflavcf) ll.~:EvBinNG. - i v: •T(HB Lord God is a sun and shieid.*-^B3. .-Ixixiv. 11/ .:;»•.. ■;■■:: ■■'l'-- -/V v.. •■.-■; ;■;-■' -\ '■■• Let not my hopes he overcoat, ■\- ■'■ liith shadowiB of despair; f; Dart through my soul thy qidckeniugbcaijp, . i . J^ slune for ever there. ^. Our Qod is at once j>he light jthat cheers a.nd guides us, and the dueld that protects and defei^ 1^: our comfort and safety. Let /^s look to him in darkness and danger. -*»- A -i ■*.. ■» ■f^ AA,f4^ ORKEN PASTUBES ■ " ' i " « I* . J. tff r rA 1/ ^ ^arrf) 12.— Mobning. B^J%eful for nothing; but in every thing by piUyer and supphcation with thanks- giving let your requests be made known unto God^-^Phil. iv. a / - Ah^vainly anxious I leave the Lord f v^ To rule and to dispose; - Sweet is the mandate ofhis word, . And gracious all he does. We shoifl^ do with our cares as we do with o4r sins; cartythem to Jesus, and cast them ■oihiin.,^^. ,,.;.-■■ Aotv being in an agony he prayed mor^ earnes|;ly.^uke xxii. 44. . If thdu df murm'ring wouldst be cured. Compare thy griefe with mine ; ' , , - Think what my love for thee e«dure^ .■ '.And , thou wilt not repinW ' the sufferings of Christ in the garden were ipimediately/rom the hand of God: it waa Jehovah.bmsing arid putting him to grief for us. ^ 6 y' M ■U No tion poif alar; It is «ayi and L., iHATCi) 13.— MoBi^iiio. ^ i No man should be move? by these 4ffli<>. tions: fo^ yourselves kiibw that we are ap-^ pointed thereunto.— 1 Thess. iii. 3. ^ Sov'reign lovo apt^oints the measure And the number of ^r-pains ; And is pleased when yte^find pleasure In the tiials he ordains. ' f Afflictions, like storms, often agitate ^4 alarm us, but without cause. ' 0' -*• * )^ $■ ' . ftiuxcf) 13.— EvENmj^yf i fe: It is the voice of my beloved tlat knock saying, Open to me, iny sister, n^y lova-rr ' . Song V. 2. (kme quickly in^ thou heavenly guest, Kor ever hence remove; But sup with me, aiwi Ibt the feast , Be everlasting love. 4* . *' ' •' 1^ _'.'•■■■ /«8i^ is seeking fellowship' witifc lis this eirening, let us go into*l(^Qret with him, and pour out our hearts baTore him; ; "^ ■• I ■'- > */, V *^« §$AXtf^ 14. — MOBNINQ. I SHAH, be satisfied, when I awiUce^ with thy HkenesB.-— Bi xvii 15. ■.: Unlike my God, I cannot rest, ^ For rin is perfect misery; \ S , But stamp thine image on my breasL Conform my panting soul to thee, ^x:, ^o peipfect satisfaction here, but when #e, are like God, and for ever with God, we shall be satisfied to the foil, and satisfied for ever. ^ , ^^^'> . '"^ \. -' .' . ' ^ ' iWwdj 14.— EVENINO. K^ CxjBANBE thou me from secret faults.—. f^m^ 12. '■■■.'..-'■■■^^■.■:;.. ■ ■ .^,, , : P deapsemfr in a JSatviour^WotKi^ J*^ • Transibrm ine by thy power; ' * : ' And makeine thy beloved abode, And let me rove no more. V ■.^:' There ar0 many fetdt£r>hi(% do not strike us, frona these we n(^ to bcB^ans^ and for this plean^dpg we should frequei^liy pray. " '' ■■■■•■■••" -•'■■-'■■ ■■•^'- --■ ^:--i',-^ *;■ ■ '\. n.l -A. 'utr.* ; " „. ! !,. ' ■ ■ ' , ! ¥ ''1> '1$,') ' ' .•^< '■9 - .V ;'."'.. '^ * ^ . ■ ^««... .^ » ■.»>>■ . . "it!" '"'■<»*« ' / AfD STILL WATIRS. 81 f^^XCtf 15.— MOBNINO* "H , 1 ..J. J I AHvthd Lord thy Qod, which teaclieth thee to profit which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.— Isa. xlviii 17 l«««onji of a God's inspiring, NeitBor time nor place impedeis ; Prom our wishing and desiring OurunhappinessproceMis. ' ' t. ■il 'k • ,'. If the Xord is our teacheiv we ^ learn to converse with him, work for him. and carefully imitate hint , . ' ^ Trumt our feHowship is witi^ the JVrther imd with his Son Jesus Chrisi--lJolmi. a With God sweet converse I maintain, ^^ / Great as he is, I dare be free'; " I tell him all my grief and pain, And he reveals his loveio me.- " -' H recouped to (^Ciro shaU livftin fe^ ship with Ood, and this is the stapdiii^ . eiri4eac^ofthegi^Q^ ■/ I II. I , • - i T '- ' ■' \ " ' f^ ' 1 1 , l i ii I 3".' ■/:•%. ■ ■.! ■■,■,« .W' t„ .. ■■•,••1. "■,. » ■■. « "1 / . « Ju3 k'b H I . I !■ m ■■M ■ ♦*' -#*- 82 OBEEN ^ABTURXS i- w I wniii pour itpon the house of tfemd^ ^d upou the inhabitants of Jlsrusalem^ thto Spirit of grace, and of supplications.— Zech. xii. ip. \ ' Come gridous Spirit, heavenly Dove^' ^ With light and comfort from' above; » '' Be thou m^.guardian, thou my guide, " ^ ^ , O'er ev^ry thought and step preside, ■ All real ppayer begins with God ; it k tl^e Holy Spirit that ©hows us our wanted leads to the throne of gtace,' and helps ouninfiri mities ther^. „ , lA'^ fo'-Wl : iWfftii^ 16.t^3Eventno. Lor©, lift thou up^ the light of thy «mnte- narice upon us,r-I^ fv. ft^ ^ ^' Xift^vp tb;^ eodhtcNQancA serone^ " . ^ ^ And kit thy happy child ' ' ^ ', ' ' .^ .BehoM; without a clo^d between^"'* * My J^atfaer roconciled. \ ' When thp'Lord shines upon uk wedt^ happy, contented, and strong; bui Wjien ^le hides his fece, we a^ troubled, dai^tisfied, and feeble. . . 't.jf, . ' ■ I I I »'i ji I t • , m-^^^ m * ''t. -€/^U _pf ages past inquire- - '^-^\ ; „ ^ T^JiaTo oup own deairo. „ 'C' -^ lot for hw people. , , , . . " °*^ 1 ' ■ \ ; " •••■V ■ \ ■■ ' ,':;■ ■.■■.■■ .■:i^ ,■'■■. •''■,'.?' ^ ■ > . ,,(i . .' ''^'. ■ '■ ■ " '■ ^W■ ■-*•*• I^ him tiAe hold of mjr .iTCmrtE k^Ahi^ •: Ccmld I of thy rtrength (aOce liold "^ .And always fe^thew»e«r , ° tJonfident, divinely bold, ' •^" , " 3fy soul should aeorn to The strragth of God is in Chri«f »i,a • xi. -*»" / ■ I ■' \ Who his own self bar» our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness.—! Pet. ii. 24. He bore our sins, our BorrowB fell jtdfce mount^ns on his soul; like rising seas he saw ^in swell, Like raging billows foil. ^ • '] Our gins were imputed |i) Jesus, puaished in Jesus^ put away by J^us, and we par^ doned for the sake of Jesus. ^ ( x.- ^ ^ ^ ^ iHatci^ 18.--EvENDfo. t AM Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. — Rev. i. 11. .^ ^ All the names that love could fltod. All the forms that love could take,— Jesus in himself hath joined, ^hee, my soul, his own to matee. Jesus comprehends in himself all tliifc if great, good, or glorious; all we can desire, enjoy, or employ; all we caur need in time or eternity. wK/ ; ^ K I " ilflarcft 19.— MoBNiNO. *^opr hast delivered my soul from deatb, mine eyes from tears, wid my feet-irom fallings— Pel cxvi. 8, » And norw, lii the stretigth he has glTbn, ^A.nd pledged his own word to bestow, I'll fight through my passage to heateni And Sing of his loye as I go. . i y r- Past mercies should animate us in pi duties and trials. ^I'l. fHwcti) 19.— Evening. Examine me, O Lord, and prove me;\;by my reins and my heart.— Ps. xxvi. 2. ^./ Since all my seicretways ■■''- ,\ Are mitrk'd and known to thee. Afford me, Lord, tliy light of grac«f, i;hat I myself piay see. An unconverted^siniier never dei his own true state anid character, truly regenerated soul does^ P^ 1£p ^'■- ■/:;• .' - . > fSk^/ r rj^ Tft--^ // -~s. ,1 ffixtt^ 20.— MoBNnro. imii bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, them as gold is tried.— Zeoh. . • ■ , .- .*.;■,■ ' «B" ■ ' ■-■ ■ , iTge away nouglrt but my drpw, : let him aflUot, I'll adore ; !^.. • >Ajk1 cheerfmiy bear up the cross, Which Jesus has carried befolre. Every Christian must haveiiis cross; but very few are satisfied with the o»ijjk pointed fbr them. . ^ ■»■„,' fSLzxti^ 20;— EvitNiNo/^ ^ LoBi>, I am oppressed ; undertake for me. — Isa. zxzviii 14. -V God knows the pains his servants feel,i He hears his children ery; : / , To hdp in weakness and in want, ' f , His grace is ev^r nigh. : ■' ' The trouble that drives US to. the l!K)r^ does us good ; it is only the burden that is too heavy fol us that we are willing to cast uponGod. ;\i:--":.-y-:---^-^,-- ■ 1 the led, 9oh. w. bi4 As one whom his mother comforteth, bo idll I comfort you; anii ye. shall h6 com- forted. — Isa. Ixvi. 13. \ .3^ :^^iM Christians find rich consoMioii, . . ■ W. Solid ground on which to rest; f ^. • ^ Trusting in the great salvation, H' Kot deserted though opprest. ■ -^ ■ ■ • ' Our God is the God of all comfort; let utf therefore look to him under all our sorrows, he will comfort us. y ^ i> 1 me. '^■-: 1 ►rd, bis ast ^ * JUit^ 21.— EvBNiifo. , . * Peacb I leave with* you, my peace I give unto you. — John xiv.' 27. • The peace which Inan can ne'er conceive, \ . The love and joy unknown, ^ > ; Now, Saviour, to thy servant give, " And claim me for thine own J^ No peacCcan be compared to that which Jesus gives ; it is pure, powerful, and per- manent:- to procure it^ cost him his life, but he freely gives it to us.. ./ •- li<l L I' n m ^1 «4iw' $ '■.■■'•''^'X-''\ ■A - 1; . •? . -fi '. ■ ' ■ - " ! ' *•' . ■ ■\ l> ' ■ '. ."■ ■■■■ ''* ■ .' '-■ '■. ■■■ • li ' ■ -■ .* . . '•- -' > ; f B ■*' ' '* ■ .. '/ '■" .■^' \ ', ; :\ W ..- .. ' .4 "' - * ■ . ''k'^ ■■;.■•■ . ; ♦, <L ^« -\ ••.».■■ \ ,■;. ■■.■'• - : * < ■■ ■ : . * i ■ ■ -■■-.' "' . ■""■ • -^ - ■ ■■ .* . *■'... .1 - ■ ' ' " "* # • . w^ - ; ' ■: 1 r • / 1 • 4^ . \ '. » . * • 4 i' \ r • • 4 r * i • * •. > ■ IT- I MldOCOPV RISOiUTION TBT CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No, 2) , \ 1.0 Ifi JU8 ISA' lift |3^ Itt |a6 Itt lit u |4g 2^ 12.0 1.8 "T*-" . <^ A /jPPUEDJVMGE Inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 -5989 -Fox USA Have no fellowship with the linfruitful works of darkneas^ but rather reprove them. —JBphes. V. 11. ; % . . ' ^ ■ ' ' . •■ ■ ■ ■-■. ■ '/^ -A:; . ,■ . For Gk>d industrioudy empl<^ ■ Whftte'er his bounteous grace hath glv*n ; And run thy course with sacred Joy, And closely walk with him to heaven^ • Fellowship with sinners is contaminating, while spiritual fellowship is improving. I HAVE wi^ited for thy salvation, Lord.— Gen:xlix.l8. Give us quietly to tarry V ' ' / JTill for all thy glory meet— r Waiting like ati^nti-'e Maiy, - Ha^iy at the Saviour's leet.. Sahratipn is before us, even pe^^ct and eternal deliverance from all sin; let us pa- tiently wait for it. . . , V ^ tful em. mg, "(K,-' |«atc!) 23.-MORNINO. BEEntoRB unto me the joy of thy Salvation, and uphold me Vith thy free Spirit.— Ps. ;;1l 12. .^:::-i; ■■'::. ^^:■^:v■':^^,.^ ■-.'■■'::. ■'{:-^\ Dear liord, thy absence I deplore, Tliy saving joys again restore ; And let thy Spirit, gen'rous. free I Uphold my future steps with thee. Sin extinguishes the flame of holy joy, and wheiikonce it is extinguished, only the Lord can reldnd^ it: let us walk warily and u^ . tightly. I nd )ar U When he was in affliction, he besought the liOrd his God, and himibled himself ^greatly; — ^Chron. xxxiil 12. '. < • .> x V AfHtctiona, though they seem severe, - V>^ \ In mercy oft are sent ; I They show the prodigal his sih^ I ^nd lead him to repent;, Prosperity has led many astray, but adver- sity has been sent to reclaim them : affliction is a father's voice crying, « Come back.'*: ± J ^ • •-• ftiat^ 24.y-jifl[oiiNi»o. In Christ Jesus neitlier circumcision avail- eth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.-— Gal vi. 15. , . Now, Loiji, I would be thine alone, And^oUy live to thee; ^ ' % But inay 1 hope that thou wilt own A worttiless worm Uke'ifle I * It matters not whether we are Jews or Qen- tilee^ we must be born again. /-; i^V Ye have oyercdme the wicked one.-^I John I Lord, bring me toythls glorioujl^endl ) And firom this heart of mine, ' ;- O drive and keep away the fiend, ' Who fears no voice but thine. ; ;? Satan is emphatically the wicked one, being in evfery view of him wicked : he can only be overcome by steady faith in Jesus, and oon^fcant resistance. : ■-_.■■■■ , i-^V]/- -, •■'■■ ■ :^;.-^ .r ANi) STILL WATISEB. / 91 Now the God of hope fill you with all- joy and peace in behoving, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghosts— Rom. ZY. 13. CJheer my desponding heart ■" With consoltftiona 8wec|t, ; • N ■^' - ^ Give laeto lie with huD»ble !||jppe . ^ v:^ . At my ^deemer's foet, : >^ ilie author of our hope is the source of our joy ; no one can produce a good hope^ in a sinner's heart but Qod,^\j^ . -^'^4 He was wounded for our trarisgifessions, he was bruised for <iuriniqmties.--Isa.li^ 6. ; That dear Wood, far sinners 9piUv , Shows my sin in all its guilt ; '-: ;• Ahl my soul, he bore thy loadr- '. ' '"-- Thou liast slain the Xiamb of Ck>d. ; - Our sins being imputed to Jesus, the desert of them was laid upon him ; he suffered whatwedeswved; and now we einjoy what he merited. ^ 4^ t ,. :^atci) 26.— Morning. Ought not Christ to have suffered thesa things and to enter into his glory?— Luke - xxiv. 26. ■' . ■-:,. ^'" '/■'.■, 'Twa§ Justice that wreathed for his head The thorns that dncircled it round; Thy temples, Immanuel, bled, I That mine might with glory be crown'd. The engagement of Jeisus to Suffer for his people was voluntary, but after he had en- gagec^ his sufferibgs hfbamp necessary. ^ - matcf) 26.— Evening. , Jiiou shalt fear the Lord thy ^fedT shali thou serve, and to him ^^Slialt thou cleave.— J>eut. X. 26, _^^_ „ '\ f ■ Shouldlfrom'tbee, my God, rembvei liire dould no lasting bliss afiTord: My joy, thie isense of pard'hing love; My guard, the presence of my Lord. Filial fear leads to holy obedience, and pre^ serves us from wandering from God. : AND StltL WATBBB. 93 7 i»atd) 27.— MoENiNQ. : Give linto the Lord the glory due unto his name.— i Chron. xvi. 29. No longer then thou wilt encrdach On hia eternal right ; And he shall amilo at thy approach. And make thoe his deUght. ' As God is the author of all good, all that is good should be ascribed to him. We can- not ascriiae too much^ God, nor too little to man..i- /«. i^ l^';:-_^^"-yr. :■■■/.:'.■. l^m> then a law, that; when I would do gogdi^il is present with me.-JU)m. Yii. 21. ^t'ar worse than all my fo^ ^ The enemy within—' • ; ^ ^ t^e evil heart— tixe; carnal mindr^^ ^ \ Mine own-insidious pin.. ' . We are in morcydanger from inbred cor^ rtiption than frptoi Satan and aU his hosts; the enemy within is worse than the enemy without, t^ -. — --j*^ Jr^^ m a iWatd^ 28.— MoRNiNO. Lord, be merciful unto me: heal my soul, for I have Qinned against thee.--Ps. xli. 4. See^ in the Saviour's dying blood, Life, health, and bliss abundant flow ; Tis only this dear sacred flood -i^ ease thy pain, an4 heal thy woo. In sio^ess and sorrow we can only appeal to i^ercy; but the appeal is always ho- nored, and healing and health is conferred oathesouL, ; "" ;:/^;- ]■■ '■':'^.^l-i- ^ ■■'■■•■■ ' ..' iWatc^ 28.^-iEvj8Nriro. Ip children, then heirs; heirs of God, an4 joinijrheirs with Chrisi-^m. viii 17. ^ €ome, then, my God, mark out thine heir; Of heaven a larger earnest give I '^. .■ • "With clearer light thy witness beai^ '1. .If ore sensibly within me live. Every believer is a child, every chjld is an heir, and every heir is united Joi%ftgius, who is heir of all things. What gloriotis honour thisl ^^^f. ^.. I 1^- irl.ii'r '-■'^rHTiifilMiiii ^ — r-f :^ 1 ■ AND BTILL WATERB. W •'■' ,■ • .■■ ■ '-v .■■■ ■ ■ . • ■ ■ |H«c!) 29.— MoBNiNO. Hi, 4. Who knoweth what is good % a man in '» J this life^ aU the days of his vain life 1— '* . . •ocles. vi. 12. ..c: 1 My Fatfes wiadom cannot orr. 4 V .. 1 } ,,. . His lovo no change or failure knows; H — Be mine Hs counsol to prefer, . *' '. H Aftd acquiesce in all ho does. . \ .■ • ■ 1 )al If we did but believe in God*8 love to us, ':' ' ' ''.• v". 1 o- weuflhpuld be satisfied with^e provision 1 9d ■ i*" ' ■ he has made for us. i^ V Hfttft^ 29.— EVBNIUCL 4 1 Blessed is the man whom thou chasten^st, \ I. , Lord, and teachest him out of thy law.— 1 ■ : \ Pa. XCiY.M2.. ■; : ;; ■ ■' * * 1 ' « Tts good tibat siiints should trust the Lord, And seek for comfort in Ws word; There all they read will tend to proye, .>,- :. ■■ ^ ; That their afllictions aria in love. '■■^ tt if the Lord love us, he will teach us; if he \ i ^■:--:"'-; •■■":■ V teach, he will correct us ; and by 6prrecting, r / ^ •y :^ instruct us.--^^ ;.,/•:•;;■■ ■ '■ ■ •■ A- '--•'" ■' ' .■'. • ■ ■# . ■ \ ■ ' '■: T_ ■ "■• /; -:.■■■:;•■■ :V' ; - ■: [ '■; vf- '. ■ :...■ '!\ 'y' ' ;?>; ■'. ■ ^arcl^ 80.— MoRNiNO. Il^ the world ye shall have tribulation : but be of good eheer, I have overcome the world. —John xyi. 33. . Buroovory cross % mercy iSy . A blessing every thorn,— i That tells me, here is not my bliss, I am for nobler bom. In the world trouble, in Jesus peace; this is the Divine arrangement: and the trials we meet with in the world greatly endear the Saviour. \ ■ ittfttCf) 30.— EVENINO. For yet a little while, and he iiSat shall come will come, and will not tarry. — ^Heb. A few more days, or months, or years. In this dark desert to complain ; Afew moresighs, afewmore teiurs, And we shall bid adieu to pain. The Saviour mil soon appear, and then our labours will cease, and our sorrows will end; all beyond will be light, joy, and peace.\,j_^-'\ .*■■■.■'■ -r^- \ I I \ I ■-/ Ittavct) 31.— MouNiNO. -5- Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker. — Isa. xlv. 7. Ylojd to tlio Lord with Blmrlo boart. All that thou Imst, and nil thou art ; Bonounco all strength but strcugth divino, And peace shall bo for over thluo. Opposition to God is opposition to a wise and holy father; it is highly criminal, and as foolish as the traveller kicking against a rock.i^,£_-^,„ ;." " ^ |»atc]|^ 81.— JEvENiNO. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.— iJohn iv. 4. Through seas of Wood, and fields of death. We march with dauntlisa courage on; Immortal, till God takes our breath, Immortal, till our Work is donet, •.'■'■:■ . ■ ^ ' ■ God, with all his glorious perfections, inha- bits every believer ; we dwell in God, and dwells in us. \/^ ■ - 1 98 OBBEN FABTUBES SSptU 1.— Morning. Tht Maker is thine huaband ; The Lord of hosts is his name. — Isa. liv. 6» t He ii of rolatiy«s a store, A Friond to help in thrall, Thy brother much, thy fathor more, Thy buKband most of all. This relationship calls for confidence, de^ pendence, love, and obedience: if Qod is our husband, all will be well , ^ i I-. JSpvCl 1.— -EVENINO. Taon standest by faith: be not high- minded, but fear.^ — ^Rom. xi. 20. TtMBt the Lord in life and death. Trust your aU in Jesus' hand; Ti-ust him with your latest breatfaf For by fuith«aloue you stand. True faith brings us to Christ, and keeps us with Christ ; but an unbelieving hei^ de- parts froni him. i^-C i' of IS ;h- US ilptil 2.— MORNIKO. Who remembered us in our low estate; for his mercy endureth for ever.— IWm oxxxvi. 23. Ho raised roe from the lowest itate, "When hell was my desert ; ^ . . I broke his law, and, (worse than thatX : Alas I 1 broke his heart. Sin would have sunk us to the lowest hell, but grace raises us to the highest heaven; God's remembrance is deliverance, i^^ glptil 2.— Evening. ^i All things are for your sakes.— 2 Cor. All things for our good are given* 5 Comforts crosses, staffs, or rods: i All is ours, in earth and heaven, I ^ We are Christ's, and Christ is God's. | In every purpose he formed, in every work ho wrought, in every circumstance he per- mits, the Lord's eye is upon the good of his p e ople: al l is for tl»eir good, vj ■.*'■ s • ► ■"■■■ ("■ mjr f Bbjoioe^ because your names are written, in heavenw^Jiuke x. 2a Keer \aA you been convinced of sin, , ; Or sought the Saviour's love. • • TJnleM your worthleafrnameB had been '. BurolTdto^ * If God write. lu^%^^^ strive to write i* o^ S^^J^t tt^ proof that our names lire wrMitSn m the Lamb's book of life. ^^- 1^ v ^ 1^walkbyfiath»notbysi^^ 0.ini^Ileani,inevery8t8te « To make his will mv own ; .: And when the joys of sense depart, To walk by feith alone. . ■f"^*' Every step of <mr road is new toiis, and we S^Bot what is before as; if we would go forward comfortably, we mi?sk trust the ^1^ ir'aay man i^ come afker me, let ^ deny himself and take up his cross, ^ f^yllow me.— Matt. xvL 24. : That we should bear the cross »« Ws commiuid, DletotheworldandUvetosolfuomore; Suffer unmoved beneath the rudest hand, ^ ^tiy««^^i^'»Wpwt^okedasw^^^^ Selfi^al is the first ehristto ^^belx)ra,liei(;i«bebathm obeyed. /^ *(•• «. Who is he that wiU harm you, Ifye h^m lowers of that which is good-1 Pet.'Mi. 1^ Thou^i am weak, and Satan strong, . And often to assault n^e tries; - When Jesus Is my shield and song, ^ iJ)a8hed the foe before nie f^ If we keep the eye oiTGod's glory, and%he ^Irtinid'sw^nothinglnei^ can naPly i^^^«^^«-^ ^^ absohitely safe^ 102 aBiBir PABtlTB: 7BSS V ai^a 6.— MpBNiirtL/ Hn hiMih cUhw aU tMngs well— Mark i^. How soverei^, i^ondeictol, 5^ *«®» l8 aU bis love to sjaftil me; .1 He plu<ied joae aa a bread from hell. My Jemssltiath done all things weU. The (tonduot of Jeaus is always right; for love, wisdom, and power regulate aU his aotions. Vt^-L-'^'' -■' ' i/-: -:•■ .•■.■■ My righteous serCant ^justify many 5 for he shall hejtr their iniquities.— Isa. liiili ^ God oor idis imiwtes to Wm, ' imputeftoushisrigtteouBneBS GuUty Wdotb C!hrist esteem, And giltless 11* confess. 1 \ Jesus, havii perfbrmed the wq^^?^^ of the law An our stead, is said to justify us ; for we/are pronounced just on account of what hA did. vt 1^ ^ .jf AND STIIiL WAT1BB8. 108 aiptil 6.— Mqbnino* thee, when my heart Ib overwhe^: 1^ me to ihp rock that 18 higher than L-J^a Si:;^'^ldeemer HI spread i^ complaint. In eTery new trial, to him will I wy, **Wi me to the rock that i» bigber than I. JesuB iB the rock xm which we «^«^^ where we may find supplies ; to him let us repair in danger^ and apply in want, u^i , LAY flp for youxs^es treasures in heaven. ^Matt.vL2a With anxious cares let others press . : • To read their w6rldly fete; only for assurance wish Of my celestial state. The earthly inind only rtriwa &' «««^ things, but the godly maa has hiB hope, his heart, and his treasure in heaven. ^ *■ I <S J ^7% i(T4 ORBltK PABTUBE8 gipra 7.— MOBNINO. Can two walk together^ except they be 1— Amos, iiL 3. * may my heart with thine agree, ^^ '" Pursue thy glorious end; ,^ ^ ^ Then shrtlU walk to heaven with the^ My everlasting Mend. BeconoiUaUdn to Q»4 throughiheWood^ Jesus. *nd sanctifiiation by the Ho^ rit, are absolutely necessary to WaDong \ «..\ \.\^ ' •poB^emm those things thiit^ beWnd^ imd reaching forth unto those^^^^ are before.— PhiLiii 13. ^^ V^ SuppoHed^y thy changeless love^^ ' I tend to realms of peace; ? .^ Where every sorrow shall remove,^ .. . And every sin shall <»a^^ / (j What we have attained W aa^Jothin& in comparison with what is before, us, t^^ fbiap press forward. p,^% T_ u AKD BtlLL WATEBB. 105 i aptil 8.— ^MOBNINO. Hir^il turn agaiti/lie wiU h^ Bion upon U8r-^icali viiv ^V V Saviour, whUo after thee I inoum, : ^^ . Thou -wilt cornpaaalon Bhow; s In mercy to my Boul return. And aU my 8la» »»^^^®* remains unchanged r and when we aw BtdtaWy affected with a sense of our sins, KT^m turn and manifest himself a^/ , ., •■'■' ' - . -*^^"^^^T*^ * ' . ■ '■■".■• ' -■ '■-■..'--' • I AM trouWed ; I ambowed domi grea% ; I gomourmngall^ daylong P8.xxrvnLa men trials yex my doubting mind, Jesus, to tbeorn fleer No shelter can I elsewhor^flnd. No refuge but in thee. -^ if the eye is takenoff Jesus we ar^ SS^riefb<,wsusdown,an^ is to mourn. |;,p^ ' ■*' t ■*■' -♦"■''' 106 aBSSN PAOTUBM THa Lord is good, ^ «t^«^g*^^ ^ *^^^^^ of trouble y and ho knoweth them that trust in him.-^ah. i^^' ^ * W6 run in diBtress^oJoBUs our tower,. ^ ^dWt in bis g.«ce, W. taruth. «.d his pov^^^ C^est bfilieyer he know, and appi^jea. i^d saves us for ever, whom freely he loves. The goodness of Ood shmes fortti conspi. Jy in <^ troubles «?d *^J^ «^ idways supports and delivers those who trust in him. J! ^-^ y.- ■ • Be ffllent, O all flesh, before the Lordv- ; Zech. iL-13..---^^'-'>"- """"''t^'- -"^^ ■, ';:■.■. .--V : Thentumtheetothy rest, my soul. And kiss the needftil rod; /.^: V Nor se* thy SovMreign to oontK^ -, But know that he is God. We may always trust the Lord's wisdom, even when we do not see the design he has in view: he willmake no mistake, nor shau hift work contradict his word. ; ^^ ^ ASD mitt. wAimui. aytil 10.— M0B»™* ■ ' HB that touohethyou touoheth the ftppte of his eye*— Zech. ii. 8. v IfcruA»d<m«fertJithofoQtooinp^ ' ^ ; Foelixig the iujury, ^ > The head above cries out In pain, . ** Thou pemecutest me." ■The muonVHrtween JesuB «»d his p«»0^ BO dose, that his sympathy .^th them » 80 tendl»r, that in all their afflictions he w afttiotei «-;', lovers; yot^rcrtAimagam^ I^()j(i-ljer;^-iii .1*^ ;;;;:; :\;- ..:.. {^^^ Owadi ine fax the Savlourt blood; Transform me by thy power ;i - " And seal ine thy beloVd abode, . And let me rove no m<^^ However basely we may WeWokd^ our God calls us to return, and promises to Lira your light so shine before men, tliat they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.— Matt. THie light In US ^ ' Thou, Ix>rd, dfawt ita rays, ^^ ^^^ ^^ • Bo shall It show Its source divlno^ "v .^ .>^d glorify thy grace. Cbnyei4aftbn and conduct should agree ; that men may see that our principles pro- duce our practice, ^.i, . . . * > •• iKptil 11*--EVENI»0. The things which are not seen a^re <rternal Thanks ftMpmerdes past receive; _-y.''%,^:'^ Pardon of my dns renew; ": Teach me henceforth how tqUve With eternity hi view; Every thing on earth is temporal, therefore of small importance; every thing in the otherworld is eternal, therefore of infinite jnomeni^i.^^, o e!^d)i^i^ / AMD BTILL WATBRi. ftptU 12.— MOBNl»a. Trotj in him at all timea; yejpeople, pour outiSSilieart before him^PB. Uu. 8. Now let tlie people trust M« name, In every time Wb mercy claim r . ^ Pour out your heart before hlaaoe. Our reftige is the God of grace. Our confidence in God should be coi^an^ and ouri?^ to God pejEetual, BO ^^^^ we enjoy hislove.i.i t ^^, ^ WflAKOiuvERye do in word o^_^^^^ ^e name of the Lord Jesu8.-OoL m. 17. Be all my hearty be aU my days, Devoted to thy aiogle praise I Andletmy gladobedieuce prove How much I owe, how much I love. The wthority of Cihrist sKould be^ur war- rant in aU we dp^ and his. glory the. end of , ^^ word and action: this is p^tical cSrifltianity. i-f;t^ dB^^Asnniis aprCKW— Mo"""""- Now abideth ftdt^hope, ohwity, thw ^1 Cor. xiii. 13- Faltb the toundatton sure remidni, ' Th6 anchor, hope, our soul wstalni. But, rooted In thy grace, we ptote, . . The greateat of the three to love. Faith beUeves God»8 word, l^ope expeete 5X blessiBft aud love devotes us to the Lortfg t^ry- V^^7> -■'■'i^ta 18-— ?''•""**• ."■-:■. ■ ' 6 LOBD, thou art our Father; we «w the day, «id thou our potter.-l8a. Uiv. & My potter from above, Clay In thy handa I am; / Mould me into obedtentlova-^^ — ^ >nd Btamp me with thy name. We a«/ produced by the di^ ^P^ ^d^thedi^^^ ^iheiviuei^wne, to^r^ S gl<»7^ VU 0.. ■ Hf«*T'»?3'^^#9(pr 7 t>u .•■"' t Jlptil 14.— MbBNiNO. Whatsoever ye would that men Bhould do to you, do ye even bo to them.— Matt. vii.l2. '/ J08U8, thy Spirit's power itopart, ^ — Write thy commandmenU on roy neart, And sai my righteou* lift) shall prove, . The perfect law fulfilled in love. This precept must commend itself to every man's conscience; it is so simple, that we must understand it, and so just, that we Imist approve of it. /^_^u;^ flptaU—EvBNiHO. Thou gavest also thy good Spirit to instruct theuL— ^eh. ix. 2a Thy BpW*.0 God, in mo shod abroad; ^ And shbw me my interest in Jesus'B blood ; Then, then shaU I prove thy peace fromabove, And fly to thy throne on the wings of thy love. The fioly Spirit is a ftee gift, and he is be- stowed by the Father in answer to prayer offered in the name of his Soa v.- : m M' Itol^BhaU see the King in biB beauty. tnii zixiii. 17* 1 long to beboldWm arrayed ^ With glory and light from ^ , Tlie king in hU boftuty. HU beauty of hoUost lov«. ■i^- Every Chrirtian loigs for a Bight of the Er. and God will satUfy every such SX soul; Jesus v,iU soon come to be ^i by all them that beheve. v ^^ ^ flpta 15.-^BVBNIM. tnay endure for a night, but joy Le morning.— Ps. ixx. 5. ' t 4lB9^^^& endure for a night, 5o ^bwWtWug WJesus is found. P^nt sorrows are to prepare us for future joSI the night of weeping ushers m ^e - ' -^--"less.^ ^ jff ^ /2 sH^ r.( '/ flpdl 16.— MOKNIKO. Hb is not ashamed to call them brethren. — Heb. ii 11. Wo coll him brother, tfnd mftjr claim ; The sympathloa of that doarnome ; OurBpiilta, tromblhig, fulnt, and weak, From hlra roposo oud reit may ■cok. ^ If Jesus is not ashamed to call such sinners as we are brethren, let us be careful that we are never ashamed to own thftt such a Saviour 13 our Lord, Ui.h R»riI16.— IvBNiNO. Ckilliient^ ms only begotten Soni into the world, that we might live through him.—- lJohniv.9. ^ Such was the pity of our God, He loved the race of man bo well. He sent his Son to t*ear our load Of sins, and save our souls from helL We should never lose sight of the great ob- ject foif which Ghrist came into our world, namely, that we might have life and live for ©ver.>^> jjki.£ e • /^^^ ftpttt 17.— MOBNINO* Thotj Shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward re^ceive me to glory.'^BB. Iziiii. God will for all my wants i^^S^ And sare mo for his ineroy^ sakpi.^^^ Mo by his counsel he will guide. And afterwards td glory take. If we are willing to be guided by the Lord^s coimsel, we shall escape imratoerable snares and disappointments/ 8^d shaH certainly reach heaven at last. i-'i. A > Mt covenant will I not break, nor alter tbe thing that is gone out otioiy lips.— Pa. Itttit. 34 ■,.■/,■. v;':."' \.> ^-x. '■■':-■■. ■■;' ■, The Lord will scourge us if wo stray, y Andtwound us with distress But hePWill never take away His covenant of poa6o. - "^ . What God hath spoken oiftse stands for ever ; nothing can affect his purpose, or change his mii^ : this is pur security^ ^/- ii V : Slptil 18.— Morning. BLEtexn) is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.— Matt. xi. 6. • P may 1 never, neve? 1)6 <)flfended at thy wor^ ■^.:^ But Bteadfly obedient, prove ; ;; The blessedness of simple lOve. Strong love to ChrisiPwill enafcle'us to bear any thing for Christ, and to be |»lea8ed with w^yery thing in Chnbrf*. i^/, /.-^^ ; . ; v * » /^ aptrt 18.— EviNiHCU ' Wash me, and I shall be whiter ttan snow. Wash me, and seal me for thineown; Wash ine, and mine thou art; Wash, me, but not my feet alone. My hand^ my head, ncgr heart. ..#>•• The blood of Jesus will eradicate the deepest stains, and make the foulest sinner as spot- less as an angel of light: its effLcacy is in- finite. :l>t ; , \i^:^if;i3P"^ 116 GREEN FASTUBES V Mpvil 19.— MoENiNo, : Fear not, little flock ; for it is your Father's good pleasure togive you the kingdom,— Lukezii.32. Tour Father will a kingdom glTO, And ^ve it with delight; His feeblest child his love shall call To triumph in his sight. The Saviour's flock is his delight, for his people a kingdom is provided, and he will welcome them to it at last, i^j^- My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord.*-Heb. xii. 5. ■ Had I but knowledge to discern .^iiy Wisdom, love, iind power, T ^m every sorrow I should learn -^ c/ To thank thee more and more« Afflictions are ohastisemehts, they are sent by a fetther, andare regulated by wisdom, pity, and love : t<i| despise them, is to reflect on him. j^ 1 lbs J^^O^vZI^mT/^/ Slpril 20.— MoBNiNo. 1 J soul out of prison^ tliftt I zoaj nama— Bl cxlii, 7. ■^.- . ■'.■■' • < From bo ir'age, guilt, and fear release^ My God, tljy name to p;rai8e ; Then shall the righteous round me presfl^ And view and trust thy grace. When guilt rests on the conscience, and unbelief works in the soul, we feel as if en- closed within prison walls, from which state npne but the Lord can deliver us, i j , '' ■ L ■ ' ' ' ■-■ ■■ ' .'-'...■ ' -•■ ' ■■ ■ ■■■'-*.,■.■■ .- '. ■ ■ . ' ' "'.■;■■ ^ ' ■ . 'I '- ' ■ ' ■.'''. '.'*." Sljjvil 20.^EvBNiNO, The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of iny cupr-P&. xvi. 5. Thy g^fb^ Lor4 cannot suffiod^ % . Unless thyself be given ; Thy presence makes my paradise; Where'er thou art is lieaven. ; The soul that really knows God, can never be satisfied with any thing short of Gk>d: he is never at rest but as he can say, *fhou art my Ood^\ In the Lord put I my trust : how aay ye to my soul, flee as a bird to your mountain. — RsLxi 1. Thou mayeifciaee: he tells thee wfaero Tells thee to Jesus CSiiiat to fly ; *An4 while he sees thee truithig there. There's only mercy in his eye. Man saiys, «Flee to creatures, and seek isafety in them;" God says, «F1^ to Jesus, and* thou art safe."r i £l^tfl 21.r-EVBNIN0i Tdrn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hopa— ^duix. 12. V - ' O Jesufl^ to thee I turn me for aid, Whosemercy for me atonement hath made; Accept of me freely, thy love shed abroad. And let me now feel thee my Saviour and God, In every time of danger, in eyeiy season of distress, let us turn to Jesus for safety, suc- cour, and supply : he has them, and he will bestow them. \ ,^ , H - ^ r •iMta nsoners do; IGod, asonbf iy, suc- hewill AND BTIIL WATWia. i > 119 ll|>til 22.— JdOBNING. OfiE BhaJl say, I am the Load's.— Isa. zliv. 5. ■ -•■ I am the Lord's and he is mine ; He drew me^ and I followed on, Charm'd to confess the voice divine. ■ • . -.'■ The moment of decision is the most im- portant in a man's life, and is fraught with the greatest blessmgs ; if we are indeed the Lord's^ then all that he has is ours. 1.1.1^. ' •*, SIpvil 22.— EvBNiKo. ,:/;f :■;■;,' That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted In Christ.— Eph. L 12. • What are my works but sin and death. Till God his quickening Spirit Jbreathet In nothing Willi trust beside \ The finiah'dvorkfOf Him who died. The Jews first trusted in Christy and thus glorified God ; we now do so, and thus brmg honour to his name: fearing dishonours^ teustmg glorifies him. ^Lj^^ ■J '•,'■ ■•-■/:'- '■ t L_ : J 1 / 120 'OIUEBV PASTUBBS aptft 28.--MoBimTa* ; »^.; And he said, I beseech thee^ show me thy glory.^Exod. xxxia 18. , May we Iwhold thy glories shine, A ^ ^ ^ , With gentle t)eams of love diviiie; ; ^ v' And h^or thy secret voice proclaim •Thd vi^OujB wonders of thy name. The glory of God dhines forth in the person and work of Jesus, and when the H0I7 Spirit shines upon the soul, we behold the gloiy of God in him. V V^ gtprft 23.--EvENns[o. - KEEP my soul, and deliver me.— Ps. xtv, 20. '. \V. ■. ,. Keep me safe ih)m air delusion, v Well protected fhtm all harmi^ Free from sin and all cdnfusion. Circle me within thy arfiM. 4 V We need to be kept daily, yea hourly, for we are liable to fall by every temptation ; - I letusdailycry,«i;or(]?^eg/?^«^^^ I \ ^ ^ AND STIUi WAT^^ 121" i' ■ ■•:■-.■■■•..■..■"■■■;-■:.••-,■ fipxil 24,--MoRNiNO. ^ .Ax<L manner of sin and blasphemy shaU be forgiven unio men." — ^Matt. xii. 31. . ' • '. ' Xord, I expect the promia'd grace, And when thou bast forg|ren, Pardon shall lead to holiness, And holiness to heaven. .■;.;■■'"■ ; .- .■ No sin is too great for God to forgive, i^o stain' is too deep for the blood of Jesus to remove, and no sinner is too vile for God /to accept and bless./, jj,. ■ '■ V *■."■■■■■■■■"■■■..-■. .....V'. ':,| - ■■.■■:2l|»tfl 24.— Evening. , , ■".'. ■' That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us.— Eph. iL 7. ■■■■'»:''' 'TWAS grace that quickened me when dead ; ^^^-^Twas grivo6 iny a^^ Orace brings a sense of pardon'd sin, .V Md grace subdues my Itikts within.. |p . \ The riches of grace elceed the powers of calculation ; every act of. kindness flows from grace, p^ w^ * ' ■ . ^ ,.-,..■. ■ . . . » -■ r ■ / flpttt 25^MoBNnro. ^Ik^ isiuapeople- Jacob is ;thelpt of hw jnheritiuioa--J)eut. xxjJL a ' That I am thine, my aoul would hoart; / ' And boaat its dalmto thoo; / ,»«• ahaU Ood'a property be loeL »or God be torn from ^e. derfhl-that God should be our porfcio^^ take us to be hia v2> i^ - ■ /^ ■J. /■■■:'^ O^BD, how manifold are thy works: in wisdom hast thou made them alL-Pk civ.;24 -. ■ ; Omnipotence wlto^ '^I!^ Lord axe to be studied «f ^oyed, thcgr are a glass in wM^ju, 18 to be seen, t i^***"^ :V;^i.> ■y^i*- AMD tfriLL WATBBB. 128 aptil 26.— MOBNINO. ■ ■ ,':;;■■ J^ BBXTIBED reed shall he not break, and the sinoking flax shall he not quench.-^ Isa. ** . ■ m.^ ^■■■■'^■"^■v•■■^>/-■r■.;^■■•■: ■.■:^-' No, I find be never will, ,(Je8UB is a Saviour still;) Be who kindled my dedre. 1 Will not let the spark expire. . ■■ ■.'■ -^y ■• No heart is so kind — ^no eye so penetrating —no ear so quick— no hand so gentlo^-as the heart) eiye, ear, and hand of Jesus; here 18 our con&fort and security. > , ; glptil 26.— EviNTifo. i The Lord is good lihto them that wait for «;■ him, to the soul that seeketh him.— Lam. ■'* ':-iii»5..;.:;- r,: ■: r /,,-:., :y^, j r-/ , .v % ■ Be listens to my low odmplaintfl; Enlivens idl my mourning days^ /• • * ■. Bevives my spirit when it fEdnts, And turns my falt'ring voice to pndse. The waiting soul often questions th6 Lord's goodness to him, because he does not ap- ^ pear for faim \ but he is infinitely good not- Withstanding. 1; , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■. "■ .■-^;-- r- • ■• ^ *J-^ ■;< . ■ . ■■^- .. ._.-■' '■■■'■/.. ■ •■■/■■•;■■■■■.',■'■ ^'^-z " y -'.-■'. .' :.■■•* •-■ .'V ' ■ ■ • . ' . '. - * "fMW^>F' ORECN PASTURIfl DATm encouraged himself in the Lord hia God— 1 Sam. MX. a ; Whatthough our moi^ ctomfbrtgibd^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ _ And drop like withering flowers; ' . wmch makes Jehovah ours. ■v men «U within us is dark, and aH awmnd us IS depressing, then is the time to turn aptfl 27.— Evening. 4 Yomi Pother knoweth what things ye have »eed of before ye ask him-Mi^tf^ a Om filler knows i;rtiat's good and fit _ And wisdom guides his love: To thine appointments we submit And ev'ry choitJe approve. * As 1*ie Xord knows what we need, ^e has '■ r — -^ — ^^^ ■ —^ ' U-^ ^ ' .' " ' T ■■ — ■ — ■■ fl|IVtl 28.~MOBNINO. "I wotJiiJk^iave you without carefulness.— lCor.vii/^ ~^ My ca^s, I give you to the wind. And shake you off liko dust. ^ . WoU may I trust my all with him, With whom my soul I trust. -Confidence in Qod is the cure of care, and Hhat we may have confidence in him, he has given us his word, his oath, and his only begotten Son. / ^/ japrrt 28.— Evening. Whereforb doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins? — ^Lam. iu.39. Wht^te'er thy sacred wOl ordains, r*\ give mo strength to bear; And let me know my Father reigns^ " And trust his tender oare.^ AeI we have always more than we deserve^ it can never be just in us to complain:, we s hould r ti tth e r bo cont e nted and th a nkful. , . > ■■;■ ^'-^■L ':^^m- ^^'i ^ »pta 29.— MOBNINO, Who may abide the day of his doming.? and who shaU stand when he appeareth?-^ MaLiil 2. ; ► The men who Awely pardoned here. On Josus' doath depend : .' BhaU boldly at tho bar appear, ' _^1 And find the Judge their Friend. ""• Jesus is coming; he is coming to separate the sheep from the goa^ his coming wiU be awfully grand ; aye we prepared for it ? ■■■'■%■■-■■' -.■'■■■■•■■-■.■•■• '•:•.-'■ ■■'■■■■-.*• ^H Tra Lord is nigh unto them^hat are of a broken heart ; and saveth such as be of a oontntespirit.— Pis. uxiv; la ; ^ To calm the sorrowa of the mind, - Our heavenly Friend is nigh, ^^ Towipethe anxioua tearthat startai > t^ ; Or trembles in the eye. '" A sorrowful Christian should never feel lonely for with such God is especiaUy presepw " .. ....«-- »- ■ ir i^i \ 7j aptfl 80.— MoBKiNo. : r Thirb remaineth therefore a rait to the people of God^— HeU iv. 9. . O, if I, as ono forgiTon, . :,.,.-:'■; Reach at la/kt that happy shore; . J|[ow shall all the hosts of heaven V Bhoutk imdjTOi^or^ and adon -: Here wo must llR)ur, in heaven we shall rest ; here we must suffer, there we shall i be filled with joy; here we journey, there we shaU enjoy repose, ^^i^^^. ,7 ' JSl^cil 80.— EvsMKo. WHOif have I in heaven but thee; and there is none upon earth that I desire be- side thee.— Pb. Ixxiii 25. . /^ All my treasure Is above, All my rtohes Is thy love, . ' ' ; Who the worth of love c^n tell Infloite I unsearchable. ■ ■ V ■'■.■■■ ..." ■■*- Happy is the. soul that can honestly end thoug^tftdly use this language. Header, canyour^,4, •»• m ■I*. m i .».&* ly Y^# /' ,» 1P» *- / \^ 'f?*^!^,s*(S!ap5w^' ORBEN PASTURES 1 '^\ ifSiW^ 1.— MoRNINCk Thou sh^lt call liis name Jesiw ; for he shall save his people from their sins, -— J9i^8« iu thy transporting namo What glories meet our eyes J !niou art the angels* sweetest theme^ . The wonder of the skles,^ , ' Jesus will not wear a name which he does not deserve ; he is the Saviour, and he saves all who apply to^hiuL^,,:^;" - JWafi 1.— Evening.* They shall' never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of iny hand.--John ' Thou my fortress art and towtit>; ^^ , Having thee I want no more f Strong in ihy ftill strength I stand, 'Koue can pluck me from thy hand. Jesus is able to do what he has promised, and as he ha^ pledged his word that his sheep shall nbt perish, he will doubtless keep them safe, i^^^^ «,, , . . >' " ■ .•' ■ • . ■• _- . ■ SuBELT goiadness and mercy shall follow meall the days of my life.— -Ps. xxiiL 6. Through all the Ending maze of life. His hand hath been my guide ; ' And iu that long-experienced care, Ify heart sh^ still confide. The mercy of God will sympathise with us in all our sorrows, fmd his goodness will supply all our wants, until we reach his holy habitation. » , / /, . The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. •^^ cxi.2. Of may mjr 8001 ^th raptui« trace Hiy works of natui-e and of grace; Explore thy sacred name, and still Press on to know and do thy will I » The Christian should see God in every one of his work's, and have fellowship with him through all he has wrought >, I • 130 OREBN PASTURES What is a man profited, if he shall ga4 the whole world, and lose his own soul!-^ Matt.xvi2a If for a worid a;fioul be lost. Who can the loss supply? ' More than a thousand worlds it cost. One single soul to buy; V^ > The care of the soul is dup principal busi- ness, let US make sure work fop eternity, nop rest satisfied short of well-grounded; confidence* ^1^ i , It is good thai; a mfth should both hope and quietly wait fop the salvation of the Lord.-JLam. iii 2a , i^*y Ood^ my Father, be thy-oame / IM^sola^ >, ■■■■'""■'.- in mercy seal my humble dain^ And drive my fears away; : Hope and patience should be exepdsed by uSj when seeking Jfeliiferance from the Lopd^shand., : • ■ f ~ , ■ ■ ■ * ■,..-. ■,■■:■■■■< <^a^ 4.-^0RNiNG. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.^— Isa. xxvi. 3. Happy the souls alone, " On theo securely sUiyed f Nor shall they be in life alarmed, ■ Nor be m death dismayed. >-- Jehovah in Jesus is the support of our soujsi on him alone we should rely, so should we eiyoy perfect peace. ,; , , iWafi^.— Evening, r Thb desire of aU nations shall oomew-^ Haggiul ii 7. V Yei^'JcMsus^ thou art our de^i«^' lathee ourwisfaes meet; Nor caii the whole c^ Afford a name qo aweet. Every thing desirable is in Jesus, he is all we could wish him to be: as such may wo live upon himy and rejoice in him ^^^ ^ KL.: X ■>. I- • ' \W«5 5.--M0ENIN0. Fear thou nat^ for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God ; I will strengthen thee, yea I will help thee, yea I will Uphold thee.-^sa. xli. la x£/ L /^ , ^^N On this Buppoxt my soul shall lean, ^ "^ And banish every care; T^U--^- The gloomy vale of death must smile, IfOod be with me there." God Will be faithful to this promise to-day and every day; let us therefore plead it, and trust in it. l^l^ L\ A MAN shall be as an hiding place from the win<^ and a covert from the tempest.— Isa.xixii2. Save me fitnn the fttrious bl&st^^^ . A cover{;-from the tempest be; " « . Hideine, Jesus, till o'ekjMwt, ; ^ ; ': ThcyrtonA of sin I seie. ' - Jesus is our hiding place in eYeryaflBictioni omr covert in every storm; in iii^ we find comfortandaafety;'*, , -/.^^^^^^ • - '; y k ^mmmmmmamviwmuv 1 .. *l ■ ■ *. ■ » ". ,:■/.■ 'm ■ ^^^^ ittafi 6.— MwNiNo. Mart sat at Jesus* feet^ andheard hid word. r-lAikevX. 39, ^ .'■--^ '■■ V .^■■./■■■■■■■::^-- •'; O mt I throtjgh faith may sit " • • ' V Wi^th his beloved on^^ ; ,- Happier at my Saviour's feet, . Thwd monarchs on tlieir thronea! ' The humble soul, who sits with attention at the feet of d^^susy will learn his will, and * imbibe his spkit.- , ' . iWafi 6.\—EvKisriNa. l^sm sfud Jesus unto the twelve, WOl' je fto go ttwayl--46hn Vi 67. ^ vTo go away f)^^ ] ^^ ^ V ; Wha^t sin and folly ^w^ Who firom a smiling 06d would flee^ " To meet a ttovrxAau curaet -' ■ i ■ . :■':' ■ A ' ■ "■■• ■ ' •■ -'■ IV^o has not been tempted to leave the Saviouri and whph&s not been affected by tht qiieatipn, " Will^ye also go away?" ^. v/>w *v 7 ' \ %) -/. •* i: I ■ 184 dRBBN PAS'CUBES J • Xia. Wm that^riorieth glory in this, that he mide^standeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord.-Jer. ix. 24. » a-ui All else which I try ti^astJTO call/^^ ^^ -^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^v May in one fatal jtnoment fall ; V ^^hat hia happiaess cto move^ ^ • Whom Go<J, the blessed, deigns to love? ^WOod aright is an unfailing sciirce <tfjcy and peace; 6r aJl who know him tnist him, and find peaqe: j^j^ ' the paths of nghteb^isness for his name's sako-^-J^is. joiii; 3. ' :y^~^ - ^ebrings iny wim^ When I forsake his ways; ' And Idads me, for his mercy's sake In i^tha of truthandgrace^ ^- I:— v Every eheep in the Saviour's fold is prone to wander, and incessantly need6 hia watch- iiu care and correction. - ,«^^^^?^_?!^^RPfS^^ifcT?|^|^. , ^^^ AND StILL WAJKRS. • 186 Hftagg.— Morning^ \ .My God, my God, why hast thou forsateb mel— Jdatt. xxvii. 46. . ., * ^ Thou all my sin and curse Iiast took, ^ IThat I may blest lujd holy be; J^^^^^^ T^ : '. • ' /^ That God may ne^Br t^bajidon me. * t '.■ '. ' ■ ■* ■ .-■ rj ■ ^ ' Marvellous was the experience of Jesus when forsaken by his God ; well can he . "* " sympathise with us when suffering from the hidiag of our Father's face. '..: * '■ r--^-- ■ , V'*- ' ' : ^^^-- ■■■• ■:• ■ ■* ■ '■* - " ■ i ■ '.'.r^:.:/:'^:- ;: ^^OJi 8,— EVENINQ.' - y.,y ,/[}■-■: '-\:::-. .,■■'■ ■ ■ ■ The gifts ^nd calling of God are without ' repehtance.-^Bom( xi. ^9. ■', '•'■ ■ * Lord, let not groundless feaili destroy. The mercies now possess'd : . / y^ I'll praise for blessings I enjoy, ; ■' And trust for all the rest ■ i ' ■ " . " r Where the Lord gives grade he will give glory, for he never changes his niind ; if he call UB by his grace, he will conduct to his ■ f^ ■ 1^^'>^^^^ ^-:., ;/ >■- ;■-. ■" ■', ■ '.-"■■ ■;■. V ■ -\;V^. >^i, V..^..;..;-, . . ■ ■ ■ " ■ ■'■-■■ :-'.:^\- ■;■■■. ■•■ ^ ■■.... ■ , '*,;-. ■ '• ' ■ ■ ■■■■- •> ■■ ■ ■ ..' ■■.■. ■ ,. .A^' 136 OBEKN PASTURES , . ■ » . » ■ ^^ustified freely hy his grace, thr6u^ f '.'^howjIoriouaiatJiygwcel When In thy n^me we trust; Our fWth recelTes a rIghteoua,;e8. • ^*^* makes the ainner Just ^ • J^fication flows ih)m grace, and is by the imputation of the work of Jesus tous^ oa the ground of this, eyerj me^e^i: pronounced righteouaV^ J^ *>elievep ia. Blessed is the man that kuAeth tha t^a : ^^^Wform the work b^^'^ Jesus, the sinners friend. ' Je^j^ the lover of his own,^,> . Will loyo mo to the end. ^ may tiTist theXord for aH he has bro- ^d, imd his pn>miscs embra^^Iu ^ in the Lord shaU be safe. ^.^^ ■f \thx6vLgh Jesus.— id is by IS to US ; .J liover is ^B Lord aspKK we can usteth ii 4-' ■ 1. ^ AitDBntli WATVBS. , lls7 ' vV', , '■;V, " i»a|) 10.— MoBNiNo. ; ■:.\>.\i ■ ■ , Did not our heajft burn within us, while he talked with us by the way. — Luke xxiv. He came flrom Wiren to kindle flrev In eartbly hearts like mine; NoW, Lord, the flamo of love inspire^ Which may for ever shine. ^ ,/ Fellowship with Jesus will spften the hearty ' inflame the afifections» awaken holy desires, and impart solid joy. ,, * • — — . • .. IHaS 10.— EvBNiira. Hb that humbleth himself shall be exalted. .' '. "'^ yi-, Is not haughtiness of heart : ; X ThegulfbetweenmyOodandmet ^ ;■ Meek Redeemer; now implttt \rThine own humility; - ■ Let US reflect upon our origin, our conduct^ ; and our desert *, let us visit Qethsemane ana Ualvary, and so become truly Humble. •"■7 ■ f ( ^¥^' twt »'m»?WF, ORBENT PASTURES athatlieareth my word, and believeth on ^im that sent me Jbath evorlasting life — John V. 24 / ^^"' Blest with tbb folth that works by lovo . Blest witl» eternal life thou art: ; Thou hast <ihe life of those above ■ ^ The seed ofglorjriu thy heart . Fdth is the root of every Christian grace, and the germ of eternal life; he that be. iieves m Jesus lives t^o Ood. , If je endure ohasteriing^ Odd dealeth with 70U as with sons.-Heb. xii. 7. ^ ;. Did I meet no trials hero/ : ^ .No chastisements by the way; ' , : Might I not with reason fear, * ; V I afliould prove a cast-away; i' * • Every child of God needs chastening, and every one receives it : nothing but discipline wUl produce obedience and submission. ^^^■iX^L^ M ifmim^^'-i'-''^;ymmm^f0''mmtmaiiK,«t.!m>. V And btilii wateri, ; • 139 i*afi I2.--M0BNINO, i Yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.^ — Hab. ill 18. God is the treasure of my soul, A source t»f sacred Joy; i, jWhicli no afflictions can control, Nor death itself destroy. ' 1 ' ■ *^- Christians should not be too much affected by second causes, but should live by faith in Qod, who is the great first cause of all 7 i*la8 12.— EVISINO; • In God have I put my trust : I will not be afraid of what man can do unto me. — ^Pii Ivlll. " . ^. No longer let me be afraid ', - The promise shall take place : His strength's in weakness perfect made ; -: Sufficient is his grace. ■ . . ■■ '■ - ' a He that trusteth in God i^eed not be aJfraid of any one, or any thing, for omnipotenoe ■. ■ ' ' " ; IS nis Irientt ana aeiender.ij, . # .■-■■■ '^i-^ .f.' "''■■' .0 ' '. ■ ■ . ORBBir PASTUHVQ jRlaiQ 18. — MOBNINO. ^I^I^"" ^®*^® '^ *he midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust m the nam© of the Lord.-Zeph. iii. > ?bor and afflicted though we arck In thy atrong name we trost; '^^**'*' *^® ^'^^ of aoverelgn lov^ / ^ w*»lc*» Mfta us from the duat. Our circumstances are not the effect of chance, but the result of arrangement, and ^".J^.J'^^forua •• ^«5 18.— EVEBTIKO. Whosobvur doth not bear his W and ^£^ cam^t be my disciple^ Pot eyer here my rest shall be, . ^??^ *o *»»y bleeding^ side; TWs all my liope and all my plea, For mo the Saviour died. r <^ '^ b«u- the cross after Urn in '^V^^iBIW^'fW^*" '^^i^^ti^^A-^i jUbJ t fM ftk N m . _. ^«pl4.— MORNINO, ;■ ;^ MAKB%y face to shine upon thy senrant: save.me for thy mercies' sake. — Va, xud. 16. One ray of light and comfort dart, Ode ipark of ftUth into my heart t And let me feel thy spriuklod blood|^Jm| And lee thee now, my {lord, my ^bI^^^ ->•. A- When we cui cUsoover no good thing in onraelvea^ we ought to look up and ask every good thing of God. A- The Lord also will be a refuge for the op- pressed, a refuge in times of trouble.— Bk ix-O. t, : ■ .V . ■■: ' ■■■■■..:•..■ » ■.■■■ Otlier re^lge hare I none^ Hang« my helpless soul <m theory; Leaver ah, leave me not idone, >-|* ' Still support and eomfbrt me t< * . When sin, Satan, and the world, oppress us, Jesus is a refuge for us ; and in him we shall find solace and relief « « \ \ ^^^^^^^^^^m ^"'•■^.'jp^*?^^/'*'"" ■ '■••■.'•- ■.■ :, m^m ' r-* — —J >': ^H'- ■ ■ , 1*' ^^^^^^M •■ ■ ^*2 GREEK PASTURES ■ ^«|> 15*— Morning. ■'. "■- ■ I HAVE given you an example, that ye H should do as I have 4one to you.-John ■ *■■ ^ ".: Sc th .^H V ^ i ;^o^^»a«t a lovely one Indeed, ' '^^^B - 1 A perfect pattern given: {^■V . 7 ^^ 8*^® ****^*^y steps to tread, ^^Jl 1 -Ajstt bear our cross to heaven. A If Christ is our pattern, our lives will be both ornamental and useful ; let ua daily 1 strive to imitate him. /./. . ^^^ ■■.■■■■■■■v^---^;^ -■■;:•■--—-■■■;■ ■v,;.:;--;;:^.:!.--:- jRla» 15.--^VENIN0, ':■■.; . -♦ . th ri< so .^H Who was deUvered for our offences, and H was raised again for our justificaticML— -^.•■■■, .-. ., Eoni.iv.25.. v.".- ■■ H -'^^^1 When from the dust of death I rtse^ ' -> To take my mansion in the skies, ^' tirJSv'n then shall this be all my plea, "Jesus hath lived and died for me." ' '•' '( ;.■ ■: * ■ ' ' ■'■ ^^^H Aa pur substitute Jesus was delivered to male satisfaction ; as our surety he was raised from the dead, having ©aid the debt. TV at w -^H .- 1, « . % f , ■ ■^ <«r 1 s ut*. ." *" a be ^ 1 l^as 16.— MoBNiNO. Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be foigiyen thee,~Matt. ix. 2. " M Pronounce these words of peace ; And all my warmest power* shall Join To celebrate thy grace. . A sense of the pardon of sin is one of the most powerful antidotes to the mise^ ries of human life, and should be earnestly sought until eiijoyed. i^x*) ^ ■ IttatS 16.— EVBNINCL HAvmafbod and rai&ent, let us be there- with coni>eirtrf—l Tim. vi. 8. f Ohre me a calm, a thankful heart, Prom every murmur freej * : The blessings of thy grace impart^ 7 And make me live to thee. We have always more than we des^e, and as much as we reaUy want, therefore we ought to be contentei , ^^ A ^^ 4t^hi^^c/^^ ^^/!/^^ 7. 144 . ^ ' ' ft i^ /<^/^ OBBEK PABTUBSS \ f^t 17.— MOBNINO. Hb 29 lie rock, his work is perjfect ; for all liis "wrajB are judgment ; a God of truthv and without iniquity, just and right is he. -^euix3Exii-4\ ^ HolsOiorook<mwhomwer«rt» V And firm on that foundation staadl ■ Divine <x>nipas«on fills bis breast— His word is s«|^e^ and strong bis hand. Gur God is a rcfek, on which we may res<^ and a fountain, from which we may always obtain suppliea . -As many as are led^by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.— Rom. viii 14 Lead mo to God, my final rest^ In his ei:J<>ymeut to beblest: # Lead me to heaven, the seat of Miss,! Where pleasure in perfection is. t The Spirit leads from iselj^ to Jesus; from sin, to holiness; from earth, to heaven; if we aire led by the Spiri^^ our sonship is un- questionable. ^ , for all \ truthv t is he. iJways fGod, .14 firom en; if isun- ' l^ftas If— MoRNiKo. ; inr Father, if this cup may not pass away . fironi me, except I dn|[j^ — Matt, xxvt 42. ^~" * Thus my mibmlMiye soul would bow, And, taught by Jwus, lie as low; Hy heart, and not my lips alone^ Would say, Thy ^ Wiiat a Ipyely example of submission to his Father's will, eveia in the most c|ji»- tressing circumstances. /. A H15W heart also wffl I give you, and a new ; spirit will I put within you.— -Ezek. xxxvi Give me a heart resfgn'd and meek, s My dear Redeemer's throlie; ' \ Where only Christ ii^heard to B^>eak^ Where Jesus reign« alone. : ^ No proncttse is more suited to a sinner thwi thi«^ and no one should be xnore frequently or uigently pleaded Vic- i* ^^\: > ■* •■1 ^ iW«8 191— -MORKINO; Ghrist JE8U% 6f Qodj is made, unto us wisdomvUnd-i^ghteousness, and sanoti^oi^ ; tjor^ aucf rddemptiou.— 1 Cor. i. 30.. , A gu|aty,\Mk, and helpless wonJ^ «|, , OntbylJislarBQjpifoll;^ *■ y. ; ^ Be thou iny Btrengtfa aad righteoiunesa^ '^^ ■ ~» ■-. ...■.' *" ..' ' . ' ' Etfiytiing we need is in Jesus, and in Jesus foi^ u»; let. xm, therefore, look awisiy from C(elf tp hiiti. l^l.- ■ ■•>•'■- •••' ^' i< Wb also joy in God, . through qvap Lord ' jj^esus Qirist^by whom we have now re* Geived the atonement.^ — Rom." v. 11. Who in heart on thee believes, He the atonement now receives ; \. Ho with jcqr behelds thy face, > Triumphs, in Ay pftrd^ing grace. Jei^ m^e th(9 atonement when he died ; the gospel present^ it to us, and faith re- ceives and rests upon it. .^ ; t •> I AX' come that the J aiid might ha that they might have it faiore abuhdai^tiy The Shcgberd^ bIcHxl the sheep jmutt he^ • . ' may wo all its inlluqnce feel I '^ V. Till inwordi^ deepi ex^iience show, t ^ Christ calcr begin tfheaveu 'below. 'A h There Id life iii Gliriflt^^i^ souly' abundapce.of life ; ?t6 him let u$ repair ' ' for thelife wejieecL, v^ * " < -i- ' • ^ :■■■■■ ■i^*^\.;v-/"i:^'->v;-^^ /• ■■■■■;■ ■*'*?*'/...■ ■. . ■■•■•. A /< •iV ■^ Ck)HB now and let myason together^ ^th the LoEd-rOsa. i 18. - ^ ' * -- ' */"'■.■ ''.': ■<* ."."•■* \;: :---^' ■ Arise my soul fbbm deeptUstress, ^ ^^ -^ And bauishM^ry fear; ', ^f; ' • .He,calls thee to his thrbne of gracoi « J; To spread thy Borrowsvthere. ^ - . In the gospel, Qod' reasons^ with us; in: prayer, we reason with him : sweet view of prayer this— it is reasoning with Qgd^ ;^i^i^ 4 '^ #la8 21.-^0BNIN0. • , V ■■ r ■ . ..'■■,■ AsTD: Abraham called the name of thai place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day^ In the mount of the Lord it shalj. be seen.— Qen. zxii 14. • / The rointit should never bo dismayed, - . •; Nor JHnk in hopeless fear; For when they least expect his aid. '' The Saviourwiirappear. , . ■ ■ "-'<'■■•'* -^^--rf ,«l^^ '■—-.,1 A^en our wants are greatest^ God is near- est i the time of our extremity is Qod's opportunity.^^,. ^ i^ag 21.— -Events &BHOiJ>, he that keepeth Israel shall neimer slumbei^ nor s^eep. — ^Ps. czxi 4. \^ Be my gruide in every peril, :' Watch ioe hourly night and day; - , filse my foolish heart will wander, ,■■■ Si ,' From thy Spirit fiu: away. * The Lord will trust no one to keep his people but himself he loves them too well ly hands but his own.^ V' U l-^K ^^ 9 • that > this all be near- Qod's H »m( er p his ) well RU. -M" Thou hast bdiMd In €(7017 need^ > ^ ; ^^ : ; This emboldens me to plead; v After 80 much meit^ post, • ^ Canst thpu let me sink at lastt ^ ■■'"■V ■ . ■ " -- ' -■ :-■ ;.'' ■ We daily need the renewing of the Holy Qhosty let us then seek and expect it.^, ^ i fiCVQ 22.— EvmnNO. ' Shall we continue in sin/ that grace may abound ?— Rom. vL 1. Lord, let me not fhy gifuse abuser And ^in becaum thdulrt good : But fill my inmost soul with shame^ That I thy lo;7e withstoodi If grace has abounded in our experience^- ^ttre shall tremble at the idea of indulging ^m sin; grace always sets the h^iirt against . sin. i'i--^ ,;. -„-.i.--fcSBt|-ii( O ^fW»«?^l •■*'.f ■•-I" IffO OBBBK PABTUBE8 ilAaS 28.~H0BNINCI^ And when they came to Marah, thej ooiild not drink of the waters of Marih, for they were jiitter.— Exod. XY. 23. ^ ; The orqss on wliidh the Savtout* dioi, Andoonqiier'dforbisiaintB; ^ This is the tree by fidth applied, Wmch sweetens all oomploints. Qre^tuM often raise 6ar expectations 6nlj to di&ppioiht them } but sanctified trials * prove i«al1te9iitgs. i v !I^o^ Jiast desth)yed thyself ; bnt iamejs eilp.-^Ho8, xiii ft # JsiiviB^ in whom the Godhead's rays B^am forth in mildest m^esty, i.ffSe the&liUI of trutix and^grace, __ _ _ . ijid come for all I want to thee. restraction atid misery originates with; purselyeis ; salvation ^nd happiness flows £;om.Gk>d alone. -rx^; I— ^ ■•■*" ■^" " « AKD STILL WATERS. •151 i^Hii Thb righteous orj) and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their trou- l)les;-'-P&. XXXV. 17. ' . • Afflictions made' them lovb tbe word,, "* ; Stiv up their hearts to pray'r; ; '" ■ And many precieils proofs |ffprd Of thoir Redeemer's core. | ' Prosperity bften generates indifference, but ^^ctions stir us up<to seek the Lerd with full purpose of ' ••< "irr:i>:' ■y T-* Our help is in thenattie of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.— -Ps. cxxiv. 8. V ' „ ■ ■ , ■ ■'''■'.-..'. >; If rouigrh and thorny ]bie iby way, ; , My strength proportion to my day^ ^ Till toil, and grief, and pain, shall cease, / — — Where aUri s re s t , an d joy, and peaBe,_l_JL: The omnipotent Creator is our help, he is engage^ by promise to hplp and deliver us: to him let U3 look in weaJcnessvand fear. . 1 V 4 . mJ ■J 152 OBIKT PA0TUBIS. ^<B 2ff.— MOBNINO. I Win, come again and receive you unto myseH that where I am, there ye may be alsa-John xiv. a l f^ : Depending on their iklthtal Lord, To oome again and fetcli hia bride; % MiUiona have Uved upon thia word, And for thia heavenly promlae died. Jesus never foi^gets dr loses sight of us for one moment^ and he wiU very soon oome and fetch us to be with him for ever. JJtap 25.— -Ev^mro* - The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit^ that we are the children of Qod.— » Bom. via 16, Assure my cdnadenoe of her part In the Redeemer's blood ; And bear thy witness with my hearty That I am bom of God. The Spirit witnesses with the word, and Batisfies the soul of its adoption, r^enera- faon, and salvation. . J fSii^ 26. — MOBNINO. And Nathaiidsaid to David, Thou art the man.^ Sam. zii. 7. Ijiet those >vho think thqy stand beware, . For David stood befuru; -^ Nor let the ftillou soul dospidry , __ ' For mercy cau restore. ,. ' ft • _. . . ■■ Sin deceives us, and then hardens us ; but grace teachefl, humbles, and then restores us; let us beware of sin, and daily cry for ^afi 26.— Evening. • Bexnq made free fix>m sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. — Kom, vi 18. k On iiie, my )dnft exert thy power; V- y Make old things paw »w(^ { Transfbrm, and draw my soul to thee Still nearer every daji # - If we are justified and freed from the chai*ge of sin, we are delivered from the love and power of amr ^^'^. • .. ' f- — 104 ORJUN PASTUaSS ^«ff 27.~MoBNi»o. God iiaid, Aak what I shaU give tbee.— lEingsiiifi. ,, ,« sv Hore of thy presence, Lord, Impart; Hor* of thy image let me ie»r ; Erect thy throoo within my hear^ » Aad reign without a rival there. Prayer is asking of God to give us what he has promiwed, and he has promised to give ua all that we need. »-/.,/ f^t^ 27.— EvjBNnro. "The love of Christ conatrai»eth us. vii4.^- .,- ..;."■:..- . - ■ .. -Vs "IHien Shan thy love oonstraln ' This heart thine own to be ? When shall the wounded spirit gain A healing rest in £heet The love of Christ shed abroad in the heart is the root of holy obedience, and the priu- oi yle that purifies the w hole person, . % , / ..W " .1.. -^ Mt iheep hear my yoice, and I know t and tjw follow me.— John x. 27. i V X follow whore my Shepherd le«d% ]» And mark the path ho drew. ; "; ' . ' ' ]ly Shepherd's f«ot mount Ziou treads, '■: - :|| | . And I Shalt reach it too. Jesus speaks in his word, he speiucs to his people, the Holy Spirit opens their ears, ; they hear hiin, approve of what he s^ys, and obey him. 7^^^^^^ • Hb humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the oross.-^ PhiLiia Hy w0)rthlesa.heart to gain, ° \}; ■ The Qod who gave me breath, , Wiui found in fashion as a man. And died a cursed death. Here is oi:ur example, humility and obe- dience should always be our aim ; lese not only continued, but ^■^■ ^th. I # ''i. l^^iL-M^i^t^. ip^r^^n 156 OBBSir PASTUBBS iP.^i ^ i»a8 2^-^dBNiNa. Aurb the iwrens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh m the evening; and he drank of the brook. T-1 Kings xvii a More likely to rob than to feed, ''■'''■ '^'y>^ I. . ^6** *«v«iMi who live upon prey; ^ ': ^ But when the Lord's people havoneedi - His goodneas will find outa wdy. All creatures are under the Lord's control and direction, and he uses the whole of them, for his peopk's good* 7> ;. V >^ % ■ . ■ •.: -^ ' . "■■-■■■.■•.- '-.-""'■ ■ • . ' *■ ■*'■'*•■■* •' . .' ■ • •■ ■ " "■ ''■,■.". ■ ■ . -• ,'■'-.! r :^«fi 29.-javBNING. i, ^ I BnadBB myse^ to liave always ft con- science void of diafence Toward God, and toward^aen.— ^Actsxxiv. 16. V I wimtajwinciple within V ▲ tender. wniBe of rising sin, Api^iofeelitneiir; - A tender conscience is im invaluable bless- ing; whereveV it is,, there is a^ fear of oflfending either God or good men.> iSlafi 80.-^MoBNiNO. What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.^-John xiii. 7. : Jemu,y/reioyni thy aoveroigA hand,- Thy foithAiI care wo own ; ^ Wisdom.aod love axti all thy ways, Wheajaost to us Unknown. It is the busing of faith to believe God's wt^d ; and of patience to wait God's time. a iHlag SO.— EvKNiNo., The Lora is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.— Ps. cxlv. 18. Jesus, thou didst shed thy blood; , On this rock bur hope we raise; "* Thou host brought us nigh to God ; Thine the work fui^ thine the praise. / ■ '■'.* Faith and prayer brings God and the soul together, and thus friendship is realised. tmd intimacy commences. J^ 4^ ^ ^<'/^- \y* 'A^ 158 •■'> GBSBN PASTnBES Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heavea-rMatt. v* 3. In vain the 8oni of wealth and prides Despise your lot, your^opes deride; In vain they boast their little stores, Trifle| are tJvin, a kingdom ywin. No one knows his poverty until he 4$/ enlightened by the Hol> Spirit ; but au" the truly poor are willing to be served in God's way. ,, :^.i<: ■^^ irtig 31.— EvENnm. On, do not this abominable thing that I hate.— Jer. xliv: '4 ■■■iff ** '■■';■• May, I firom every sin, . As fh>m a serpent, fly; Abhor to touch the thing unclesuQ, '"And rather choose to die. ■ ■ •■■ : ■• ■■■■ ■ ■■ ■• ' /■ '" \ The sin of the saint toucheilHhe heart of God'; nothing affects him like it, therefore he speaks so st^ngly and so tenderly about lb. . • ■ " » June 1.— MoBNiwo. It pleasied the Fathei^ that in him should aU fulness dwell.---CoLi. 19. * . ' Lot me now, O Lord, receive ■ '^All thou dost to sinners give ; All thou hast, and all thou art, Dwell for ever in my heart. Every comfort We can need in time, and every blessiiig we can enjoy in eternity, is in Jesus; let us therefore look to him for ail in life and in death. . ' , " r ajune 1.— Evening. ^^ m Behold, I have given him for a leader and commander to the people.-»-Isa. Iv. A Behold I he leads the way: We'll follow where he goes • ' ^ We cannot IBul to win the day. Since ho subdues our.foes. » ^^ If Jesus is our leader,(^we should carefully follow him; if he is our commander, we should cheerfajly obey him. •:/. Sune 2.-'MoBNiNo. V Tbubt y© in the Lord for jever: for in the Lord Jehovah ia everlasting strengtL-^ Isa.zxvi4 ««. Mow Mtfe and how happy are they W ■ .■'■'' Who on the good Shepherd rely; He gives them out strength for the day, Their wants he will surely supply. Creatui^ ane shifting and cHangeable^ and therefo# not to be trusted at anjLfenae ; but God is immutable, and tEerefore to be trusted at all times, i^ < , ; v^ "aftttte 1— EvEimro. Wmar wilt thou comfort me ^-Pa cxix. 82. Lord, let me hear thy pard'ning voice. And make my troubled soul rejoice 1 ' Then all my powefs shall jota to bless ' The Lord^ my strength and lighteouemess. iWe are sometimes more concerned to be comforted than sanctified, and then it is no wonder if the Lord refuse to comfort u^,^ this is the will of God, even our sanctifi* catioa i^i> ^ / » • ^^i!.' ; JUni 8.--^0BNIN0. Bb still and koo^ tliat I «in God ; I will be ex^tt»d amon j^ ii^e heat^^ xlvi To thee we ^d ^ur comforts np^ " "^ '• To theb our Uvea |e^^ In straits and dangers ri<^ and safe^ * . If lire and ours an tiiii^' Under sotne diss^nsatloxiA we must l)e. <dumb^ silently adoring the Bivine sove- June $.— ETMrnra. /^ » The law of thy mouth is better imio me than thousands of gold and sUver.— 4i. ;. O mjBf the leastomisslon pain.- ■y:^:/']^}-. My well-instructed soul, ■'^ ^ ^ y And drive me to thy blood sgain, ,/< Whiohmakei the wounded Whole. '■■ ■;; ■■■■ "' " ' ' ■' '■■' ■ '■" ^ i\ ' "' ■ He that thuerValues Qod's wor(^ ban neyer be poor; nor will he oyer want for ^m* fort in the day of trouble, . .-. " » i*!*. ^1 :': \ to obey; dam ibwiyi^ |r^t)^ a practioal f oiibf the Simoitf ^cii^ not loye . Mjhi; j^ M^Os of . Jea^s ij^^ ' f J. n if! \i :,■: '^ > ! . '■■A' IWl^^m. »< : ,„A ■ {.> V ■■ ■*•■ > : coni "«<■' JUiVifriett if(^^ the Lo_, -:.•;!■:-■ ■ " " ' ■ ■ ■ ' .-'•*. .' ."■ ■■■. ■ .■■ _ ^piei^di may l&iU but })e will tftke|;oa, • V- ' fAjid Bupply^j^r utmost need; V^^^^^!^^^^^ \ .>:>^ , N^ Jesuse'er fin^ce you, ^ . jBttt'iu paths. otM^mbad, ■ : ,> . Clotures generally fEuHis when we need ' them most tobut when they faiV the Lord _itepsT^a2ia displays his {mwetand:' IB^^ '•^j ■ft. > ->t^ ■>- "'• ' !i u 9i Wm 1 M 1 W r M •^1 'If »^ ?l^- '»? X * ' ^ > r IT Sb.J 4 t * AND STILL WATERS. 16a ^ 9une 5.— MoRNiMo. he EUvino therefore obtained help of God, I ; continue unto this day.— Acts xxvi. 22. Through mjiny dangers, toils, and snares, . I have already come ; * , ' 'Tis grace has brought roe safe thus fiur, ' And grace will lead me home. Not&ing could hiave kept us but grace, and the grace that has hitherto kept> will keep iiB unto the end. , ^ ^ ^s Sfune 5.-r^EvENiNo. " ^ ' • /' '■ ^ • " • ■> Ip we suffer we shall also reign with him; ^. Nor would v% dare repiite ; , But give us stilUo find thee^iiear. And own us still for thine. If we. prefer suffering to sin, we may jusffy look forward' and expect to be crowned with gloxy. ■ w r> 164 OBBBN PABT17BI8 • Sfime 6.— MoBNiNo. I AV ihe Lord, I change not ; tHerefore ye sons of Jacob are not con8umed.-*Mal. Ci'oflaes iind oliftngM an their lot. Long as they Bojoum here ;. But since their Ifoviour chan;g:e8 not^ What have the saints to fear f Wliat the Lord was to his saints of old, he is to us; and what he is to us at this md- meni he ever will be, u i> jtme 6.— EvBNiNo. ; - ^ It is aa evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord JihyGk>d.--Jer, u, 19. ■ Frbm thee that I no more toiay party • ' No more thy goodness grieve, AT The filial aw^ the holy hewrt, !rhe tender conscience give. - 7^ forsake Qod is the w^tJihing we can do, nothing but sorrow, iafouble,^ and bitter ^mqrse^a resi|tt &om it. ^^^ H-: Jt^ '^\f^ ▲KD STIXJi wiTlB8| 165 T "■ ' Suite 7.^-MoBNiNo. Hb led them forth by the right /Way, that they might go to a dty of habitation^— 1 They often murmured by the way, I ]3e6au8e they Jpdged by sight ; ' y . ^Btt were at length constrained to gay; / ; I ^The Lord hath led them rig^ ij The Iidnl^s way is often rough, but it is a!?; 3j^ ways right ; there is but one right way, and that is it by which the Lord is leading us. 0utte 7.— EvENiNi3|, I WILL guide thee with mine eye.-^]Pi^ xzxii 8. .; ■:.■;■;''■.''■■-.■■■■. 'yv;.'-.-^ '--:: I ■.'■■ I. A I Are we blind and prond to error? Gtod Touchsafes to l^|^|[M^{de{ . Are wo £Eunt and fliU tHPImrt I : He Itself is on ourooe. Ill all times of difficiilty and perplexity, in all seaiions of trouble aiii distress^ let us beHey^ andTpIead^^EhSs prfKous promise. t* • ./ #♦ ^1 -w^m "•;t fU^ f) Utte 8.— MoBNiNo, Lord, wluii wilt thoa have me to do ^^ I wovid not a^, but in thy light ; I would not walk, but in thy might; Or work« work^ or speak a Word, Or^uk a thoilght, without my Lord. '* The Lord would have p believe in his Son, rest on his faithful promise, aild walk by his holy precepts; this is the'^ of God^ conoeming Us. / , fc 2l '^ 'r-A •*■*• ;& June 8.— EtgiHo. # WATOBf and pray, thai ye enter notjail^ iemptalion.r--Matt. xxvi 41* ^ ^ tT* *^ li>ene'er temptations firight mya Orfiire fl^ foot aside; *^ "- HftGod 1, thy powerful ||id impart» -^ y guardian and my |;uide, We are always exposed to temptation from Satan, the world, and our own lusts; con- ' sequently wcT should always watch and IWtt^ m •V -:-'U #/■ »■ 4 ' As lov XV. Mb he the ' wa Na wr( lea *■";#■'■ '^- DD« by lod*.. '* "<. .«W: .-»•■ . Sie 9.— MoBNiNO. ^^' hath loved me. bo have I f loved you: continue ye in my love.'^ohn /T, . , Bo ■uitfto oonstan^^d V) strong, Do hnSKlMmionts prove, , t v^ \, 4 may thei^ ui ergy'^rovail ■; To fix lupP^sbveb^ ■§;.,'*':.■''' J!8 the Father cannoW»ve Jesus mor^than he does, Jesus cani](oO>ve us more than he does ; this should fix our hearts imd our thoughts on him. ^ ^ . ■■' ■■■■•■ ' ' ■ ■ ■ ^^ '■ . '' ', '^ ^ ■■$0. ?:- v^ - Jttnie 9.-~EvENiNa. ' I WILL instruct thee and teach thee in the way in which thou ^hidt go. — ^Ps. zxxii, |b ••■■>• ' 7--. • ■ .■ ■■■ ; . ; ••. ■ With oonfldenoe I seelctiiy &oe; 4^ Thy gradoua promise, Lord, ftilfil; ^ And grant mo light, aud grant me gnce, * * ^<* know and do thy perfect will, ; ■ .■ ■■'*'''■ ■ ,,,■■■-. "■, Nature is prone to choose and prefer the wrong way ; divine teaching is necessai^ to vl lead and keep us right. ^^ XA^^ ^^^ June 10.— MoBviNOw Look unto' me, and bo ye saved, all the ends of the earth ; for I am God.— Isa. zIt. ' , > Thongh 7our htart hM loMf b«en lym][4ii*(^ Look on nM^ It toft ilwllfivmf ^ * Past trMsgreMiont ■hall be i»rdou*4. And ru WMhyott wbitf m snow. By looking on the forbidden fruit bur first parents fell, and by looking to the Lord *re«8U8, the tree of life^ we rise and live for 'ever; Jfitne la— EvENiNO* Takh heed, brethren. Jest there be in any of you an evil heart of unWief.— Heb. iiil2. . ^Lord.wtttithtaguUt3rheMtormin«L , ;^ TothycUwronwIflee, And to thy gnoe my loal replgn, * TatM ftnewed by thee. Faith leads us to Gfod* unbelief leads us fixwn him ; faith gives us confidenoeL unbe- iiel£lkJisjrilL ' '■ ft-. doubtb t I' ^S:y I' , 9ttne 11.— MoBNUfo. :^- Thet that be whole need not a phjalfliaxk — Matiiiia. Lmrd, I «m tlok, f«gia^ vy AudMtmyipiritflree; . >' Say, oanat thou let a doner di^ . ' '• ' Who long* to Ure to thee! , -^^v The very things that deject and distress us are the things that fit us for the 6avioU!r| if we were not sinners we should not need the Saviour;^ « i ^: «* i -. •>■ 3funen;*^-Evmrt!fo. v^ Crbatb in me a clean heibrt, O Qod ; and renew a right spirit within me.^ — ^Ps. li 10. ' 00 thou my ains aubdae, Thy Bov'reigQ loTO make known; The apirit of my mind renew^ And aave me in thy San. ^ ^ Only the Lord can make* our filthy hearts dean, only the rene wings of the Holy Qhost can make and,^keep us what we should be. «?,>•: *,*■• 3fuiie 12.— MoBUiNG. Call unto me, and I will answer the^ and shcsw thee great and mighty thjings that thou knowest not,— sTer. xxxiii 3. Fear thou, not, distTCA^^ , * " v Venture on hid mighty name ^ : .. He is ablo to deliver, * " , And his love ifl atill tho same. ' " . In every place the throne of graee is uear,. at all times Ocid is accessible t6 us, and every trouble fui'nishes us with a message** to him. 3Pttne 12.— Evening. What is your lifeJ It is even a vapour. — Jam^ iv. 14 ^ My days are shorter than a span ; , . A litUe point my lifo appears; HoT^ frail, at best, is dyiug nian I How vsdn are all his hopes |ind fears. / We ar&^ot sufficiently affected with the brevity of life, if we were, our thoughts, desires, and hopes would be more taken up (\ » with eternal i thmgE i^ :■■; ■'■-/ '■ I hoj * ■;■■."■■-*• ^ Ch 4 ■ sai he . -v'"- ,: Hi ,'■■'* an< r ■.-:■■■ < * '.■■■■- W] lee ' res ev( » I A' nd lat ad ir. 16 .8, A » .\ m A .1 31lunc 13.— Morning. T*His mystery, which is Christ in yoii, the hope of glory.— CoL i 27. . ; / - \ ' Je8UB.-to yq the scbret telK , Thyself^ t]be gOC unspoaka)>lo, ' .• •*" The^ope of heaveulyi bliss impart, ^ The glorious earuest io my heart Christ living in ns^ is, the source of our sanctification ; if .he pleads/or us in heaven, he will dwell in us on earth.* 3Jutte 13.— Evening. Hb shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that^ believe, —2 Thess. i. 10. ' Oglorioushourl Oble$tabodeI I shall bo near and likemy. God I \^ „ And flesh and ain no more control <» Th6 sacred jj^e^isures of the soul. "" ,\;- When Jesus coihfes his «people will be col- lected, j>erfected, and glorified ; eac^ will ' resemble . him, and reflect his glory' for ever. , . . ' " .' *' , 4 ^ \ ■ . V '' t\ I V ■ \ '"^ -^ , I- Cl c> W^/^^^f/^:^^- yi^^t^^/2 1^ ■.* (km, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath^shined in oiir hearts. -^Cor.iv.a : \- ■•'.:■■■■:■■.■ -■i,-^^ '■ ..^ - ■ ', .:. Shine, mightylSod, with vigtmr sWhe^ On this benighted heiEirt of mine ; ^ And let thy glories stand revealed^ As in the Saviour^s fooe t>eheld. Eeal religion always i)6gins with God, his communications produce our aspirations ; we never pray until he has quickened., V .: * : ■:,■;■; /; V .Jmie 14,^Bveotno.^- ',' WoKSHip the Lord itt the beauty of hoKr hesa— 1 Chron. ivi. 29. > The deepest reverence of the mjbul, :■■■■;:;//.' '^ -Pay^QmysQjnl,.ijoGod; .'V^'/^p-:;--'' '•:./';/ - ; P V • To his s^Wime abode, p : Hblinesis Is: the beauty of ait intelligent- beina it is the beauty of the Most Hi^h, Und^W beauty ^f every believer. ^» t ^, « . AND STILL WATEB8. , .t ■ ■ . ■■ ■ 178 Siiiie 16,--M6iiNiNa* Is the Lord's hand wa^ed short i-^|{]^m, 'How oftea lias he brought relief; ' • And every want auppHed; ''*^' Tet soon again our unbelief » Says/ "Can the Ix>rd provide?** Kothing dishonours Qod more ^an |<mr doubts; and yet we are so fi^uently doit3^ng,'it is to be feared that we do bot realise it as a sin, . ■^'* ftine -EvEikira. When he is tried, he shall receive |fa^* crown of life.— James i. 12. Vf> A/. Then why, my soul, complain o^ feart The crown, of glory see I ^he more I toil and suffer here. The swejowr rest will be. /Rie present is the time of toil and trial, the time of rest and triumph is before us, ^ let us look forward whenever depre^^. ^ - J- ■H W ■ %'* %x I-. .^ i :^ in r>^ OBBE^ PABTDRE9 ;pftti»e 16.— MoBNiNO. ^ V "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.— Heb. vi 19. Steadfast and sure, it cannot fail. It enters d^ep within tbe veil. It &8tens on a land unknown. And moors me to my Fathei'^s throne. Faith has most to do with the promise in God's word, but hope with the blessing in God*s hand ; it is expecting from God what he has proniised. T.- ^ \ •■ - -:■■■:. : ^ > — '''*■■ V- .■ '•;'■■■■ * Ifune 16.— EvENiNo. Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fear- ful in praiseSj doing wonders.— Exod. xv. 11:: '•;:•- ^■■■: : r;.- ' ^ Who can behold the blaztngriigixtr s' Who can approach consuming flame f "^ None but thy wisdom knows thy might, None but thy word can speak thy name. Our God is incomparable ; and the^ore.we contemplate his glories, the mo/ehumHa resigned, apd devoted we-shall be; .- ^ : " "T- ^- ! »" I' s-\ . ' ^: S-V ■^'^WMiW I I * I I Al^D BTILii WATERS. 175 3fUH« 17.— Corning. ■ .♦ Mart hath chosen that • good 'part» which shall not be taken awaV from her. — ^Luke x42. ^ • ■■■; >^.Vv ■;■ • ■■^"■:;/ ■"■■ ■:-:-^^ Let grovningr beaHs the wori^ admirOr v; Thy iQve is all that I requir<^ V . V ** Gladly I may all else resign, ^ • . " \\ If the one needfhl thiug be mine. The choice shows the state of the heart : if the heart is right, fellowship with Jesu» is valued and sought. ^ » . 1 . *»i- ■•\ '/ FoRBEARiNO One another, ^d forgiving one another.— CoLiii. 13. 1 : ^ * ■ I hope for pardon through thy Son, ' ' For all the crimes which I have done; ^l O may the grace that pardons me, ' , Constrain me to forgive like thee. . • _ " ■ - c ■ • . In oui* .present imperfect state, we must, daily bear and forbear with each otheiv • iMtt3 forgive «« we hope to be forgiven. ■\ ;•' ^^ J /^ '\ ' <;i .V > *, OBBBN PASTUBBS / > Jfttiie 18.— MoBNiNtf. " ; - / '^z^Diorocified with Christ: ney^hejei^ I livei^t not ^ but Ohrist lireth in me.-* QaLiiSa / V : » ' BedMd,myhefui» towordljrttiian^ '- BB'd6adtoetei7.8ia: - ; / "^^ !•'■'" ■•:/ ... kaA tell'thfi boldest foes withouv ^ . Tlwkt Jesus feignir within. / , '. T; • ■ ..' ■ ' ,' . '■'■"■ ■■'» ,"." ■.:^ Bealiaing union to Jesusy Tfo pei^ceive that ^ 9ftB interested in ail tb^ he did; and ni^e-find ijjbiat he liveth inns as our life and hope. /^ ' * ' ' ' »• ' • . . - Jfune la— EvBittsc^ * :.. Tab Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve xHe unto his hea- venly kingdoin/-*-2 Tim. it; ,18; ^ ' Jesui Va» Lord shall gaar4' me «Ub 'P^tomeyeryillNdesign; -^v '^ And to, Us heavenly, kingdom Iceep . This feeble fouL of mine. . • ' -^ We were preserved in Ohrust^ and are pre> served hy Christy we shall be preserved/of ■Christ ^Arr.-v -.:.,:■:•:.:; :;■-.■ /, M/A >^* Tbb thei Deal wprl char Fob and 17. Ever site alwa c If// ^ i> .•i r AND STILL WATEBS. 177 y C June 19.— MoRinNjl ^Thb end of all things is at hand : be ye therefore sober, and watch Unto prayer.^ ^>^i-^. Ah, give me, Lord, the sobjermind, The heaVen'inBuriDg cat So shftll I pafM the days bejkind, In watohfulnoM and |>ra^ BefttE will shortly; remo^ us from this world ; therefore sobriety and prayer should charaoterise us. . Jttiw 19.~£tenino. 'di.: !\ Fob the flesh lusteth against the Spirit^ and the Spirit against the fleslL — GaL v 17. How long, dear fcriour, shall I fedK These struggles in my breast? ^ When wilt thou bow my stubborn will, ' Anti give my conscience rest t Every Christian has two distinct and oppo- site principles within him; and these aro always in a state' of conflict. , \ s ••% i 0' K, v5. Jlttlte 20.:— MORHINO. Ho! G^efj one that t^rsteth oome ye to the waters, and he t^iat hath no money; comeye^— Isa. Iv. 1, /^ _X 'v Tis thus the Lord/his )6Te revealv, To call poor liiUieni/hoine; ' , . HonI thau a Fathor's^love he feel% ' , " jMl4 welcome! idl-^^t come. :m le fuhiess of Jesus is thrown open to iis io-day ; let us accept ^e invitatiox)| apply for the blessings^ and be happy. ' ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ "' ' ' ■ v.?' ■ . ■■^i' June 20.— EvBUNo. OoNBiDEB him that endured sucltlbontrar diction of sinners against himself^-r-Heb. xiL 3. X \ Ky soul rcjjolces to puriuc The steps of Him I Ioto ; Till gloty breaks upon my ^ew,^ lit brighter worlds abore. r* Our thoughts should be daily directed to Jesus, and we should dwell upon all he said, and did^ and suffered for us. ^ « / '. • •;y • « / '. # : >, Jftttte 21.— MoBNiiro. The Lonf will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.— Pis. jutix. n. f v pis nature, truth, and lov«j ^ Engage him on their side; When they aro|rrieved, his'bowels njove. And pan they be denied? Our wants appeal to the Lord's benevo- lence, and, as a Father, he gives us what- ever we ask of him in faith. f tttie 21.— EviHiNo* Tht word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.— P^ cxix. 105. m S-"" may these heayenly pages b# - My ever dear delight; ' - * And still new beauties ttiay I aee^ ^ And still increasing light I " ' The word of God > for ^ti^ iJ^^ seasons of darknei^ and sorrp w we leam its . vah^e, and prize its contents. /v^ k ■"-*■ '^'I'r'i** \ »' ^^s^ 11' ■ ■■. * not — Luke xxii. 32. . Our JoBUB livoB to interoode, That fkith niaj|BU| prevail ; r He will "uppojg^^Wio of need, And Satou'^iPll fail. Faith is tbe'bbjdoPHpSatan's especial b*^ tred, he tries by all means to weaken and sbake it ; but our Lord keeps bis eye upon it> and will preserve ii ^ . '-.'.J'^-: i' * I ,M %' 0Utte 22.r-EvEi«NG, &B will magii|[y tbe law, and make it'lia- jiourable. — Isa. xlii. 21. '■ ; ■ I ' . s ■ ■ - ■ ■.-•-. »■■ f . ■' : Here I behold thy wonders, Lord I' ' How ChriBt hath, to thy law, restored Those honours, on th' atouint; day, . Which' guilty sinners took away. The subjection of Qod incarnate to the law, and the obedience he rendered to i1^ exalts and throws an endlesss lustre around ,A " '» „ V ' 'SUttt2l--M0BKlNO. Thbt that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed. /'1BB.0XXV; 1. "■''". • 'That they who In the Lord oon<ld!Bb ^ • . ; Though foes as&iult on every aido^ ; 0»hnot b« mov'd or overthrown, FoKiiresua knakertheir cause his own. v'^^ a bruised reed and like the fi^ather exposed to the windsi trusting to J^sus, we are stable as the mountaiiw, and safe ad the rock. '%/■■■'■■■ -'^y'' st^ ' "^ ' ., .. " FATHteB, forgive theta^ for tiey know not what they do,-rLuke xxiii. 34. V , , • Hark, hbw ho prays ! (the chfirming*soun4 ' Dwells on his ^ying lips,) • ' Forgive I • And every groan and gaping wound Cries, *Fatheri let thp rebels live 1? If Jesus prayed for his enemies when they were putting him to death, much more will he pleaH for us who are Seeking to promote his glory. L^ - '^ •C _l 1 1 ^ u» • :■ i- ^ IJ 1 1' ' \.U-' 7.V-':V ''4' ,v-.\.-. ■.' ■ i,-. '. / -■. .». , -►-■■'", ■'•■'■ .ft * ■ » ■ • * - « «'■' ■ ■ .■ . ■ *■■■ ,»'-'. ■. •■ # • • ♦ ■■• .•■■■■ t • 1 « i ,■ ;■ '. ■'. ■' . ■ .■■ . '■■ ,■ P J ; :-. . ' ' ■^■■- ■ . ■ :■ • * \ • * 1 4 . ■ ■ . . ■ . \ „ ' - ■ » *. r ' .^... IV V • . . '■ "■' :f f.-... ■ ■ "'.,-. ^ •' , '»••■. * 4 , •/■'/■' ' ■" 1 •■ :■:■ ; »^ '. , , , \ * > • ' , • ■ \ 1 i ^. - ' " , ' ' ' ■ \ * - \ • 1 • 1 ' . . '^? . - / " \ •..•■■'"■ « t - f ., . ■ ^ .. ■, ■ ■■ \ '■' > ■■•. .■ • ■ '■ • - . ■ ' I ■# w 1 • « » 1 " • * y . ' 1 1 ^ 1 1 ^ ' ■"_ • • * • > ^ • * 1 i * P » . > ^ ■'< • ■•^ Mictoconr psouinoN tbt chart (ANSf and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) M..* p: ,%- / tat . u U u. Wtou I' I 1.8 1.6 1 •*. r. . "^v- ^ >PPUED liyt/GE' Inc S 1653 Eairt Main Street '' • S Roch««Br. New York 1460a. U3A (716) 482 - 0500 - F»hon« (7Ha j?88 - 5989 - Fox ^4. Jfttne 24.--iloBNxwa, ^ WnOBOtvifSR shall call upon tjie name* of the Lord shaU be saved.— Rom. x. 13; Jesus rescues Satan's slavos; His dear wounds still plead, "Forgive.'* Jesus to the utmost; saves; .^ / Look to him, my soul, anoiive. Faith in tiie gospel always produces prayer —prayer appealing to God's mercy' alwais -prayer appealing brings Balvation« 0une 2i.— EvEOTNo. * He is able lalso to save them to the utter- most that come unto God by him.A-Helx ■vii.m;,-:.:^:. ../:■;/ ^ ^z^-'^:' ■■;-■■ :o;-.-'/-^ Our Jesus saves from flin^nd heU ; His words are true and sure, 'i. And on this rock otir £uth may teat .Immovably secure. ■ ■■■. - . ■ '..v ' ■; - .■> ■ -• .■. • ■'; •■ ■'-■; : . ■ ■■ ■ '■ '■ ,■ ■.■•■-■•■. ..■*.■-.• ■ ,■ If we come to God by worfcsf, we cannot be .accepted ; but if we come to him by Jesus^ we shall be saved. / V - .*<^- %^ % % S- ^/^/Hf/t^^^^:*^i■^f:lJi^^:fr )t^^/f :2jfrf^. June 25.— MoRNiNCL Xifye i)e'rei»roaclied for the name of Christy happy are ye.— 1 Pet iv. 14. -^ , Blandcrdd in the cause of Jesiu^ When we suffer for his name; ^ Jesus then delights to bless us, *' Jesus dignifies our shame. If impropriety o^conduct Brings reproach upon UBy we ouglK to be deeply huitibled ; . but if our devotedness to the Saviour does, we should rejoic iiine 2fiU--EvBNiN0* ^ /The mercy of the Lord is froBi everlasting to everlasting upon tl^em that fear him.-^ B8.ciii. 17. •His sovereign ineicylkhows no end, .i^ . Bis &itbfulnes8.shkll still endure; And those who on his word depend " Shall find his word >f promise sure. Sovereign mercy is the f« mntain from which all our comforts flowy-^md-to mercy wa-- should ascribe every privilege we enjoy. , #i J^v. fs ill'* 'u jy^?^ 3ftt1« 26.— MOBNINO. Herbbt we know tha^he abideth in u% by the spirit which he hath given us.— 1 John let us Jn this khowledgo grow, Hc^d fast the earnest given, I'm J^esns will himself bestow " The ripest Joys of heaveni The spirit of God is in*veiy believidr.as the spirit of faith, love, and holiness: .t is the proof^tlfit we are the-'Lord'sji' that he is ours. / . SJttne ^6.--EvE^NQ^ ^ c^ed you friends; foi* all things that riie^rd of my Father I have made known untaj^j3b^^Johi% xv; 16. He tolls a worn) hislftieiiid. He calls himself my God And he shall save me to the ehd^ Through his owu blood. To be the friend of Jesus is the highest honour we can enjoy, and yet poor and de^ praved as we are, this honour is ours. :«?* JUtlC 27.— JSiiORNING ^ In Christ Jesus, ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.— Eph. ii.13. Draw me, O Lord, with (Quickening grace. • And bring mo }'et more near; Hero may I see thy glories shine, And taste thy mercies here. ■ '^ "# *■"..". If we know anything of nearness to God, we sigh for greater nearness, and cljiily mourn over our distance from him. **; Jftine 27.— EvEMNo. The word of bur God shall stand for ever. ^fea.xL 8. ■':-■} r ■ ' ■-•' 'r^ ■■ - May this blest volume ever lie Close to my heart, and near my eye. Till life's last hour my soul engage. And b«> my chosen heritage 1 . The word of God is like- his niiiture, un- ol^ngeable, we cannot believe it too confi- dently nor trust it too firmly. ^ ^ fu- /" 8fttl« 28.-JtfORNINO. Bbdbbmino the time, because the days are evil— Ephea V. la ^ Great source of wisdom, teach my heart . ^ ■ To know the price of every hour ; • ' \"x. That time may bear me on to joys, ^Beyond its measure and Us power. He that knowis the value of time will im- prove it, aii4 ^eill zealously buy up all opportunities oi^ usefuhiess which offer; evil times loudly call upon us to do good. ■■■. 'K ,-. ■. *i "■ 3fUtte28r~EVE^NO, The Lord will perfect that cemeth me.— Ps. cxxxviii. 8. Grace will complete whafegipace begins, To save from sorrows and iV-om sins : The work that wisdom undertakes Etemid mercy ne'er forsakes, The Christian is always dependant on hfs God, and the more he is sancjbified, the more he feels his dependence and prays for divine keeping. A.. 'I ■ V ,*i» '■■'''■ ■ • ■■ - ■ " V . 1 ^ 1 ' t t \ ■ ■ A H : ■ \. ■j '\ ' . ■ \ ■■ ■■'. ■ - ;^^ '•■'■ ■ £ t V f^yjrr^^ yi^''^-yrk ■ r • "X :*^^- t :jz '^:^ .':*. ,/ /^ AND JBTILL WATERS. 187 -Nta 3ltine 29.— Morning. Why are ye fearful, ye of Uttle faith ?— .Matt.viii.2a Our passage lies across the brink Ofmany a threatening wave ; * The wdrld expects to see us sink, * But Jesus lives to save. >,_ Bangers are to try our faith, to stir us up to prayer, and to give the Lord an oppor- tunity of displaying his power, faithful- n^sSj and love. Vf:- STutte 29.— EvENnro. Se hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he Jiath covered me with the Tobe of righteousness.— Isa. Ixi. 10. ' This spotless Tobe the same appears When ruin'd nature sinks in years: No t^e can change its glorious hue; The robe of Christ is ever new. Sin has stepped us naked, and exposed us to shame; grace clothes us and introduces us to glory. ^^ . \ . ik.'b.iufii^ ■.**■ 3fune 30.— Morning. It is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.— Rom. xiii.ll. Still wo for salvation wait, Every hour it neai-er comes ; . > .Death will break the prison gate, . And admit us to our home. ■ '■■- - ■ ■ . ■ ■ *■ '■ , We are now saved from the power and guilt of sin, but we look forward for com- plete deliverance from its in-being and all its effects^ w SKttne SO.^EvENiNo. Christ is the end of the law for righteous- ness to every one that believeth.— Rom, To se6 the law by Christ fulfilled, And heai' his pardoning voice, « Changes a slave into a child, • " And duty into choice. Nothing will deliver us from the spirit.of bondage but a right view o/, and steady Iftith m the work of Christ. .7- e 3fUl8 1.— MORNINO. The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. — Prov. xviii. 10. Jesus, thp everlastlyg: God, Thou art thy people's sjifo abode; Ia;every storm their refuge tower, ^ The same till time shall be no more. The name of the Lord reveals his nature, and shows us that idl, his perfections are united in our salvation and to do us good. ■■: .■■;! (K. i'- • x:; fttlB 1.--EVENIN0.' I AM^^ptashamed Of the gospel of Christ : for^vis the power 'of God unto salvation.— da. i. 16. .■'.'' ■'■'. ♦ Here Jesus in ten thousand ways, His spul-attracting charms displays. Recounts his poverty and pains, And tells his love in tnelting strains. To be ashamed of the gospel, is to be ashamed of that in which God glories; 'let us not be ashamed of it, nor a shame to it. ^- St3 \u^. Jfulff 2.— Morning. ' This is the love of God, that we keep his commandments; and his commandments are not grievous.—! John v. 3. Th' effect must flrom the cause proceed. And thy dear genuine children prove in truth, reality, and deed, Obedience is but ndwA love. All acceptable obedience flows/from love, and all true love produces cheerful obe- dience; we do not love Qod if we do not obeyhim. ;3lulc 2.— EvEN^a. Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my dis- ciple.— Luke xiv. 33. ■ -A-- ■ ■■'■•■■.■•. I'd all on earth forsake ; its wisdom, fome, and power; And him my only portion make. If y shield and tower. Every Christian must have the spirit of a martyr, and be ready to give up every thing if Jesuil call for it. '^>i \ Sfulfi 8.— M0BNIN9. Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints. — Jude 14. , ''^ YoJust,thofhUhflilOodandtruo, ,;, Comes to be glorified in you; R^olce to seo the Judge descend, Aud boldly moot your heavenly Friend. The second advent has always been an ob- ject of hope to the Lord's people; let us dwly anticipate it. ■ -— 12' ■■■ ■ WW « Julg 3.— Evening. "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine h^art-^Ps. .xxvii.l4. '\: .-.y:- ":'■■/ I W^t, O believer; on theLord^ . And rest with courage on his word; • Wait, for his arm will strength impart. Till endless triumph glad your heart In waiting on the Lord we gain strength, obtain grace, and secure deliverance ftom aU our foes and fears. . i^ ■ ■•■. r- . ■■).•: I fc:: N ■ V- \ • I A- I ^ t^ A. U- ^'S lOS / ORBKN FABTyBM gulp 4.— MORNINCh. \ Mt son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. — 2 Tim. ii. 1. i My flfraco would soon exhausted be, '^ But his is boundless as the soa ; Then let me boast, with holy I*rtUl, - That I am nothing, Christ is all. There is grace in Jesus for us ihii oR^; just that grace which we want, anill^ we ' can want ; let us therefore look to Jesus for all We can need A'-^^U + i Sttlg 4.— EVBNINO. ^E shall gather the Lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom.-^Isa. xL 11. ' <. Jesus, shepherd of thy slieep, Oather mo within thy arms; • Safelji^in thy bosom keep Free from dangers and alarms. ^ ^^ Jesus takes particiilar care of all has weak and feeble people. ^. • W^^:/Ty>J"\. /^S''kr' Airo BTItt WATBR8. J93 Sulp 5.— MORNIKO. Let your conversation be without covet- ousness; and be content with such things as ye have.— Hob. xiii. fi. Art thou a Bjnnor, O my soul ?^ f Then how canst thou complain f ' What aro thy troubles horo, if welgh'd With everlasting pain f ^t^^r*".*" • ''"**"• «>«».« ProMo Bouroe of unhappwess; contentment k a ^tian grace, and a Uviflg spring of com- lort and peace. m i \i 1 .«» » #. / '. *■ t JUlg 5.— EVENINO. KoR any other creature, shaU be able to separate us from the love of God, which is m Chnst Jesus oui* Lord.— Rom. viii. 39. Things future, nor fhlngs that are now.^ Not all things below or above *• Can make him his purpose ibregou Or sever my soul from his love. ^V The love of God was fixed upon his people m Jesus before the world w^ and nSf the circumstances of time can remove jt. ■f^: ^ /v' r\ .9 w * , '? / v.^ ^ Slulg O.^MdfeNlirG; Fear not ye ; for ikriow that ye seeVJesujs, which was cAcifieA-^att. JxyiiL 5, 6. Tpjook to Jesus as he roaie, ' ' . tmflrma^my feith, disarms my fo«4^ /* Satan I shame and overcome, k ^ ^pointing to thy Saviour's tomb, The.Tesurrection of Jesus proves the per- ^feotion of his work, and the completeness of his conquest; he conq»^r^d f therefore we shall conquer and triumph too. viu* gttiB 6,^EiraNiN0. Thou saidst, There is^ijo hope : no ; for I have loved strangers, Mid aftep them wflll g6.-mer. ii, 25, :f Does he ^nt slaves to grac e his Or rules he by an iron LoVes he the deep despairing groan? To be a tyrant, or a God. Theiil la no hopl^for the sinner who lo^a and lives in sin, but^e very one thatconfesses ^d forsakes sin shall find mercy. ' ' * -■-.:; •-.-:■■. :■...■;'■;■ ::: : ^''u :■■'- — -- — ■•'•, V:" - / -■ • ■ '■ ■ ■ -■ i^ % r- •e l^ « I . •' • - r J': -./■ ■>9 • . s,. ^ AWD STILL WATXBS. ^^^ Mea^ to dep,^ and to be with 9^t ; which is fer bett^^^PhiL i 23. ^WJesus dwells my «oui^^^ ^nts my much loVd Lord to see: *^»tiafitt. better to depart. v^ To hav6Christ with us here is fy^ bless. I :*2?««',^^* to be with Christ inlloit i«^c< blessednesa ^ ^ £^^ J»ft 1*4 with the fevour ' St^:"*^ "^^ «^ peopled ^«fr ^ly w«/to hi, h«,d» Mpply, Thou shalt caU his name Emmanuel, which bemg interpreted is, God with us.^Matt. Beign sovereign in my breast; Emmanuel, God with us, thou aft» And on this Bock I rest. ^is the true God God m our place ; God with us ; God for usf^God as near like us as he possibly could be. ',, *^ y S^»THiw thou me according unto tiiv ^w4r-J^ cxix. 2a ^ , / J M^im frailty; deareit Lord I ChBcefa O steel this timorous heart of mike with ibrtitud« and iove divine, ' The Lord has promised us strength, our duties and trials teacb us our need of it and m answer to prayer, we receive it. ^ ■ .' •■ - ■:-" • ' V- ' '■ ^ ■ V • : [ ' i;^ ■^ i-^ (#:, J \ iS^-.- f'.\».\K\>.\, •* ^fft-l^^^ ^tWnfeB are caked and opened unto the ^tWngs in one unchanging view; . ^h creature Hves beneath the gaio Of " Hfa, with whon, ^^ j^^^^ J^„ JJaperson^ thing ;can be concealed from the 4)ye of God ; let us then tS S and not be afraid. . ^ ■£.' t- BmoEto what maimer of We the Father hath b«rtowed upon uat that we^ould bo caUed the sons of Go4-i John m.\. Jo n» the priTilegs Is giTBB To be Uie K>ns and heiia of heaven • B™«^rtheOod that reign. «.i^ And hdn of j(^ beyond the sky, ^Ipw oTGod, as it shines fbrth in 0,^ -j^:-: I I 198 0BBElv'^]>A8TnRES fttlfilO.— Moa< SoMB trust in chariots, and some in horses : but we TdU remember the name of the liord our God.— P^ xx. 7^ V Fn^ children of dust, imd feeble as ftaiL >^ ^ thee do we trust, nor find thee t6 feu ; * ^y ^'f^B how tender. hW firm W the end, Ourlfaster, Defender.'Redf emer, ak Friend.^ The name of God warrants our confidei^ and his faithfuhiess to his people encour rages ufl to toercise it. , ■ . ■• ■, : /' '^■"-'■:-'/>. ■■■-■■■" ■ .■ /-. s»' 0iilfi 10.^-EvBNnfo. Liwmtegrity and uprightness^p^^ — Jra.xxv;21. . Be thou my ail-fiuflleient friend, * Till aU my toils shall oease. GiMTd me through life^ and let my end Be everiasting peace. Integrity and uprightness are not only or- jwwnentsto the Ghristi^ but are essential w his character, and preserve him itom <*s 9'\ t s AND STILT. Waters. "1 109 pHRffiT is entered into heaven itself now *o appear in tl;e presence of God for us.-- Heb.ix.24 ^ Exalted ton hfa glorious throne, I see him mako my cause his owii| Then all my anxious cares subsida I^r Jesus Uves, and wiU provide. Christ is now in heavenj^ t^ he advo- cates our cause, and wiU bring us off vic- tonous. , * &■ ,^ jmrii.-~E:vBNiN(;L^ TBtou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by ihy blopd-^v. v. 9. . "^OmevBhrdk^ the Bather's laws. • The dying Qott atones: Oh, the dear mysteries oUbis crossi . Tha triumph x)f his gwa I ; The Lamb of God was slidn as a sacrifice, his blood IS the price of our redemptio^ therefore our songs should be in honour of hi&name. - * ■■''Cr'-i.-r L^ J OBBEW PASTURKa .■ ■ . « ■ gttlfi 12,— MOBNINO. ■ ^ wmcn are above.— GoL iii i. I Abovey^urehoicerttrea^^ / ^d be your hearts above. - 1° roge^®^**i<>n we rise from death in o- and our desires and affectbi^ s£^^^ ^y ascending to him. ~ ®^°^ ^ I Stili? 12.— EvBKnro; : ''^^^ let thy Jo« p™^ ■ . _ I*e glorioM work it h«s beeun • And let our hearts be thjne alone ' V i^-i^'i^ N- hose U AND STIIL WATEB8. 201 - 3ttlfi IS.— MoBNINO. ^r^"^*^ *^" *^^°e that is appointed for me: aud many such things aiB^A him..^ob ixiii. \L y W^ •'^^^pointa my daUy lot _ And ho does all thiiiga well. And lise with him to dwell th^W ""^^ *"" but the fulfilment^ tHe Lord's purposes of eiace • aH ,« i however bitter. , S«^. aU is love ^ # / afulg 13.— EvBNnra. I Blest soul, that can sav "nh^;-* , , a worshipping posture. , , ^ ^ "^ " -?^ 203 XJRIBRK PA8TURKS &r^2'^r? *^' I'ord, that hideth his ^ • , His wlsdbm, love, andpowex; %r ^ Are all engaged fot you. WUl bring^you safely througl,. l^^Ki^ ^^ Btould confess our W J^ I i"?^^ ^' ^^ ^« «^ould pray tf ; he conceal |ux«se]4 wc should look Chlrf them. *^ 5^ •PP«»' « pa«Iouing AND STILL WATSBfi. \ Stilfi 15.— MoRin»<». ^Bmssbd iflrthe man whose ftfrAn«4W • • > Megfc are the men wlSH, lean on thee, ^o trust thy strength alone ; ' Who ta their Oo(|»alimhiess see; And worship round his throne. If we depend on the strength we posses-. we shall fail • hii+ if «,« x T . P*^®*S i»u , out u we trust in the ttrn- mis^ we shaU overcome. , , ^"^"^"^ .i#. 3ful2 15.— EvEifiNo. iv. 12. ^^"^ *<> try 70u.r^l Ptet. THals may preasof eveiy Borti ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^- ^^ ^,^^««^theymustbeshort: '"^ We now beUeve, but soon shall view r The greatest glories God <an show The C*^"6''fi«'7 trials tol|t«.dp^ ^1: f V ^ •M, -v/. ■ ^1^ ■ 9ttlg lA— MoBarao. Jbto Otonrr, the same yesterday, and to- day, «^or ever.-Heb. liii 8. ^ ■ ^" "^•'"•PowrW" flock to guart- The Mnw hl« bounty to reward: The Mme W. MthftUnoM and lo« To nlnta on aarth and uinto aborc. ffJe^ were not God, he could not be im- ffluteble, If not inunutable, not always the Sftllfi 16.— EVENIKO. Thk is the record, that God hath iriven m eW life, and this life is in h^Soa^ 1 Johnv; 11. ^ believe the record true, .God to you his Son has given: Te may now be happy too. Mad on earth the lifeittl^n^ :, God hath given Wrnal ]^ to every be- ^r^ a^ this lifois in hisSoaiif we believe, eternal life is Qurs. P i' 1- »'T*PP'W '."9' ■ AND 8TILI, WATIRS. 20^ ^ 3ful5 17.— MoBWNo. Bb thou faithful untodeatLatid Tunii • theeacn>wnoflife.^C.ii 1^^ Bo '^thmi unto death, nor ftw " jJi'f7"*»°rt day. of strife, AorowaofendioMjuil The faithfulness of Owl t« , «« to be faithfal tolL 1^ "^^ "^"^ ■;■'*.' 3fttl8 17.— EVENINO. and the will should obey. ■s^rwf ■%j.. .,,,»-.■•.,< 206 -•-*■ OBKIN PASTURia •V . JUlff 18,— MOBNINO. I BAIDfl am oast out of thy sight ; yet will I look again toward thy holy temple. — • Jonah ii. 4 .\ . . Tea with my depth of i^^maon gnilt, My wailingfl, wAQ^lpl woo. To that rich blood olf^vary split, ' I'll look, I'll hop^ ri> i^. If there is oho monument of mercy more remarkable than another, it is Jonah ; and yet inconsistent Jonah is saved : why then should I doubt ? afttlp 18.— ItoMTO Who died for us. that whether we wa sleep, we should live together with him.-^ li«l|rer in the traitor's plabe, " '"^tmen^-surprisinggracel / rebellious angeis by— for ml^jPldar Saviour, why? JesilLS was our Substitute, and as such he died, that whether we live or die, ^ may be with him and like him. H *';f r^ ■-f^' n mil ). — • ore knd ten III he ay ">^ ^■. -.' ■ AND STILL WATSB8. 207 ^ ^ T.T'^^ ^"^ ^^ «v«n unti) the end.— Matt, xxviii. 20. , inm my grace .hftll stwngtn mippU . Proportion'd to thy day " ^ «upply, and console us; whoever leaves i^ Jesus renmina. w leaves us, Sr^^^**^"«* through the faith " <tf the opei«tion of God-CoL a 12. W we now where Chriathaa led Following our exalted Head I .Made like him, like him we rise; Ou» th» croii^ the gmve, the Bkloii With Chnst, and by faith rise* with him to 4 ** * \ w I> ^ (f -'< " ' . [" ■■ " T' 'y , - > ^ <.' I- ViT— gillg 20.— JiloBfoo It is written, The just shall live by.faith How blest it is to live byjlMtb, ' * And cast our burden oil the liord; * 'To orti^t what the Saviour ss^th. And rest, confiding ill his word !,^^ By faith we'epibrace the Sayiojir's ng^^^ edusness, jfnd sbvbeconie just ; being justi- fied, we Uve believmg^^ Oc4> pr<in^ ^^ i«alking ita truth.^ , ;:-^^^^^ -^ i ■ > ■■:■.,-.■■ ■ ._■■: ''.^■rl-.y-'-f^-'^ ■■:■. ^ Julg 20.r-EVBNIN<J. ; ^ JBbhot©, I lay iilSion i jjhief c^nier st<»ie, :^ct, predom— 1 I^t. ii. 6. ' Thy people long thil^Blkmehavrftrie^ , "V fclall ^ * FloodsTji^temptatipii bey in vain,-^ WeU doth t«8 r(^ the*hoiiae sustain. Jesus as the comer stone unites all his ■pepple in one, whUe as a f oundatipn 4ie , sustains and b^rs. up*ttfe whp^ fabrip (^ ..^ uth and .; I tone, 1 his no of , ittlg 21,— MOBNINO. Cm: thy burden upon the Lord, and h6 flhidl siistaiii thee.^— Ri Iv. 22. t Why should this heavy load Fresa down your weary mind f ♦ Haste to your heavenly Father's throne, ' And sweet refreshment jBinf^ T*he iiordp Tiffing Jq, re whatever we carry to him, and:1hi^ will either remove our load, or give us more strength to bear 'it. ,:■,.■■■: ■■-. '■-■- •;..-■■.- --.c ■} 'i* * 3WB 2t~|JviBNiNa. : Thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold Or hot^^Rev. iii 15 j Corner deareirtLorf, thy gwice^^ ■ V To yrarm this hikewarm, stupid heart, /: VRllall its ^wers and passions movtf In melting griif and ardent love, Ndthing is more ofiensive to the Sa^ur than lukewarmness, let us be decided and zealous in his cause. , X L>'' ^ f 210 OBBEN PABTUitBS ^ 3^Ul8 22.^-MpBNINO. So shall we ever be with the Lord.-* 1 Thess. O giorioWhour I it eomeB with Bpe6d ; ^ We shall ^hold, from darkness freed, . Th' Incaipate One who died for man. And praise him more than angels can. At the resurrection, all the saints will be colliected^ perfected, and be satisfied With Ghrisfs likeness. 3ttlfi 22.--EVBNINCL > Thb Lord is risen indeed, and hath ap- peared to Simon.— Luke xxiy. 34. Jesus, once number'd with the dead, Uniseals his eyes to cAeep no more; And ever lives their cause to plead, ^ For whom the pains of death ho bore. The Saviour's resurrection secures oiurs, and is the standing proof that his sacrifice i? accepim : in this let us rejQice^ i,^ 'U AND STILL WATERS. 211 Am they not aU ministering spiriti^ i^nt forth to minister for them who shaU be hens of salvation T—Heb. i. 14 Angels, where'er we go. attend Our steps, whate'er betide. With watchlul care their chai^ defend And evil turn aside. * -^gels to present With US, and have charge of us at this moment ; and through this day wherever we go they wiU accompany JfUlB 231-~EVENIN0. Is this thy kindnesa to thy friend ?— 2 Sam 3^. 17. - .■' ]■:-::'■ ':-■':'::...: •;..■.•■.,,■ •' Sure Were I not most vile and base ^,Icould not thus my Friend requite: And were not he the God of gmee. He'd fl?own and spurn me ftom 'his sight. Eve^ Christian on reading the text will thmk of Jesus, and conscience will point to those thmgs which were unworthy of us. and dishonoured him. ^ J -* * ^■'^u. ' ^ Slrtfi 24.— MOBNINO. ^ Whatsoi&yer ye shall ask the Father in nry name, he will give it you.— John zvi. 2a ' /^-i --^-rr- ■■■■■:■■' r::.:^--^'' ■■<■■. Thy blood and spotless righteousness Are our continual plea; And ^vhilst the Father we address. We do it still throug]ii thee. To pray in the name of Jesus is to pray as authorised by him, and to ask for^ sake ; he bids us go to h& Father, and pray thu& gtttf)24. — EVENINO. That I may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy natioui— JPs. cvL 6, * , O may I see thy tribeiB re{)oice, And aid their triumphs with my voicel ; This is my glorjr, IxwJ, to be Join'd/to thy saints^ and near to thee. . ■ • . . / • .• '^ ■' _ . ■ Every tnie believer rejoices in the pros- perity of the Lord's cause; and desires to shareyin the trials and triumphs of ^he .chur4..wi u^-vV/y ■■.;■/■■ '^--■; bher in hn zvi. pray as is sake ; tythua ■;^^:^^- chosen, I of thy e pros- iires to >f^h< e sA m ' ailrtg 25.--M0BBriN0. THEblood of Jesus Chmt his Son cleaaseth us from all sin.— IJohn i, 7. Here will I bathe my spotted aoul, And make it pure and fidr; Till not the eye of God discern One foul pollution there. lliere are no limits to the efficacy of a Saviour's blood, it never was more effica- cious than it is this morning. # ■ -■.....■■■ - ■ n 3(uls 25.— Evening. Whosoever will^ let him take the water of - life frelly.^Jlev. audi. 17. Te doubting sinners come and try. For Christ will not his grace deny ; Then draw with joy, your vessels fill, ^ Conae draw and drink, whoever wilL JNo mvitation can be more free, no blessing more valuable ; let us therefore go and re- ceive freely, i ; / ■;Ji ■ ■' 7 ■.• / ■^.: '3fttl9 26.— MoBNUWh " As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.— James By worioB our loving fiiith we alwmv Our aenao of siiis foi^ven. ;t •v.i;\ And walking in his steps we go After our Head to heaven. Faith m Christ confonns us to Ciiiist ; if our feith is real, it will be active; and its effect will be good works: no gpod woifej no feith. Slfttls 26.— EvpNoro. I wni, water it eyeiy moment: lest any hurt itj I will k^ep it night and day;— Isa. xxvii. 3. ■ , Bach moment ^ate^d by thy care. And fenced with powerdivine, Fruit to eternal life shall bear ; The feeblest branch of thine. livery moment We^^eed divine communi- cations, and every moment God has pro- mised to give them ; here is our comfort and our security.. , ^ -L.-^ . \ «£- ■n^. dead, so —James Irist ; if and its I woi^ 3st any y^.—- isa. imuni- IS pro- omforfc gills 27.— MoBNiwo. That every one whick seeth the Soi^ and belieyeth on him, may have everlasting life.— John vi 40. ,*■ ■ ■:"■.■.■■■■. ■■ .-.'X . . ■- ■ ■ f - " '" ■ . o l^t imtuM clphge, and riittk, and die, Josus shall xtdse his chosen high, And fix them near his stable throne^ In glory changeless as his own. Perceiving the dignity of the Saviour, we place our dependence on him, and relying ; on him eternal life is ours. / JttlB 27.— EviNiNo. I HAVE blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions, and as a cloud thy sins. Iiight like a flood bursts o'er my soul, . As Jesus se^ms to say, ' ^ «• I've blotted thy transgressions out, I've washed thy sins away," Free grace removes the cloud of our sins with the same ease as the sun chases away . the morning mhts. , '- — ' ' i ' } , -^ ■ — — / ^' Chriot is all, and in alL— CoL iil U. my Savioui; Shield, and Sun, ^ ■y Shepherd, Brother, Husband, Fr^^id. Bvery precious name in one^ ' . I will love thee without end. ^ Every believer i» in Cfhrist ; and Christ is everything to the believer; he is aU he needs as a sinner, and all he desires as a samt l' ■i. / / ^-_ ; ftll^ 28.~EVENIKO.. When they were come to the place whioh IS caUed Calvary, there they crucified him. >— Imke xxiii 33. He that distributetf crowns and thrones, ^ J[***«*<»****«^ and bleeds and groans; The Prince of Life resigns his breath; / , TheKingofGloiybo^t»dea^^ / Bee what man did with his Makers when he put himself into his Bowei^TX^ ' ■ ■- ^ " " . • ' i^ - :■.. ' 't. 1 11. -?y. id. Christ is I aU he :es 98 a > whioh )4 him. y - ■ ben he * f-s / AND STIU^ WATEB8. a 217 I / 3fWlC 29.— MOBNINO. / Our God is in the heavens: he hath done • whatsoever he hath pleased.— P&, cxv.k3. Our God ia heavon his throne maintains, Our God o'er all the earth he reigns; And when his ways are most unknown. Through the whole world his will ia done. Our God is an absolute Sovereign, his will is law; he doeth just what pleases him, but he will only choose to do what is holy, just^ and good. ^^ Jttlp 29.~EvBNiNa. Qop hath from the beginning choi^enyou to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.— 2 Th< iiia: ■;:■''■:"' :y-.,;: ■ Loved of my God, for him again With love intense I'd bum : Chosen of Thee, ere time began, , .; I'd choose thee in return. Election is the root of salvation, sanctifica- tion is the vital sap, belief of the truth its verdure, and good works its fruits. ■^^ .-i^-' ■i>. 3fUls 80.~MbBNIKO. ^^ Th<ht art my <Jod, my times are in 4^. ^i. No^I^t the Lord for everTeW ^ _ And .way us M he will- ■ SIckorlAhealth^iueaaeorpata^. Wo are his childreir still. ^Sl' . even the most minute ; let us therefore fi^' • tte^eyeonGod'shand.and«equie8oe"n£^ *«!» 80.— Evmmro. Mt beloved is white aadmddv, the ohiefest among ten thousMd-^ng ^ la 7^ ■ M^JeMynorepredou.b^ ■ Htawor^boalamptoourfeetl '"M.wetothI,wnden,e«roam mu brought In hi, presence to meet I Tbo beauty of ^^esus can only be aa«n k, tt,H^eofftith,and when Jn^"eJ^^ be fUly set forth by any human lang^^ ~i ' — — T. — '- ' ~ — : : — ' : r— — : — '■ — - — : ^ — '—I :.>!>- AMD STILL WATIBS. 219 I JUlj 81.— MOBNINO. If ady man be in Christy he is a new orea- ture.^2 Cor. V. 17. /^ ' Croate ali^ew, my w!U control ; . Subdue the robel in my soul ; ■ Chase from my mind^th' infernal foo, And peace, the fruit of fiedth bestow 1 Heal religion is not merely reformation, but it is a new creation ; the heart must be thoroughly changed, and then views, mo- tivesy desires, and pursuits all become new. \ Know ye not that ye are the temple of Qod, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you.-^ Cor.iii.ia ' His blest renovation begun^ .- He dwells in the hearts of his saints;. Abandons his temple to none. Nor e'er of hift^ealling repents. Every believer is consecrated to God, and is his temple: the Holy Spirit dwells in, and is worsh i pped by us all . ^Ugwrt I.-MOBKIKO. - , ^ «*" ***® <'*^^" Johovoh boart Salvation is the doaroat claiin. That gioriou. «,u„a well ploawd he hears Au^d owns Emmanuel for hU name. ' . We need an almiglrty Saviour, and our God wiU not trust that work out of his own wes us by his grace. V ■ ' ■ ■ ^ ■•■*■- ■' - " ' -v ■ ' * ' '' auflU0t 1.— EvijNiNa. ^' WoBK out your o|i^ Salvation witi fear and treml)ling.-PhiL ii. 12. /^^ . ' ^nfl^nwt us, gracious Lord. _8weot Influence from thy throne; Thework to be perfbrmedig ours, The strength is authjr own. 1 Bdievers are Often in dangers, from which their^dehverance caution and holy fear should be exercised. , ,. ^-i^ I. salvatioa hears. 0. I our God his own is power, ^//l^fCt^ /3/j/l y^h "Y^-- ^ — -yr- AND STILL WATBR8, 221 ^^ ■ V -f-^- — rvf — , %\ — - — • 9u0M0t 2.— Morning. • * • Jbbus said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?— Mark x. fil, Tlie fooling hfoart, tho melting oyo, < , Tbo humblo mind boBtow, . And shino upon mo from on high, . To mako my graces grow. * rWi ' There ii nothing too hard for Jesus to-do, and he is willing to do any thing for us which will promote his glory and our good. rith fear 1 which ffecting ly fear aUflU»t 2.~EVENING. ? Our gospel came not untJ^you In word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Qhosi— 1 Thess. i. 6. . Whene'er to call tho Saviour mine, t^ ^ With ardent wish, my soul aspires ; ^ v Can it be less than power divine , Which animates those strong desires? The wordof the gospel comes to all, but it is accompanied with the secret wid invin- cible energy of the Holy Spirit to the hearts of Qod^a elect. J» .,«s i ^•t,lS«4\,. •i*(^ji , f ■ 1/ ^1 ■ . Y ■" \p wn^>^^^^-^^-^ r ■» ■ " %ymxA 3.-^M0RNIN0. Y Blessed are they tfcat are persJuted for*. rigltteQusnessVsake.^iyfatt. V. ja ' 4^, Thoil|lx noon despise me» or revile, I count the trial small; > Whoever fro wnS, if Jesus smUe, It makes amends for alL -■■>. |f our liv€fs are holy, and our conversation spiritual^ we must expect persecution from " the world ; but m this w§ may rejoice, for ^i^ovrgloiy,^,; .^^^ The Lord opened the eyes of the blind.— BstcxlviB. ♦ .,; ^«open9 the eye^of the blind, / o "The beauty of Jesus to view: - « ' He changes the bent of the mind, " . ^t - The igfloiy of God to pursue. i '^ If the Lord open our eyea^ wo shall Setf our lost stlate as Simiers, bur need of a Saviour, and the exact adaptation of J^us to us. ■ ^\ ited for*. ►; U.. rersation.. ion from "^ joice,for blind.-^ se^our Saviour, us. — -x^ ■n:{^ AND STILL WATERS. 228 iaUgU»t l-^-MOBNlNO. WB^iare not an high priest^ who cannot be touched with ttio feeling of our infirmities. — Beb.iv. 15. The love that brought Wra fh)ta the sky, .' For m^ to sufifer, weep, and die^ Prompts him with pityinff heart tofhare Each secret grief his followers bean ■ The sympathy of the Saviour is exquisitely ^ tender ; this should cheer and console us in /the darkest day; X- vj , ^uflttJrt 4.— -Evening. - W?BN I passed \ij thee, and looked upon thee, behold, thy time was the time of love. — EzeLxvia Lord, 'twas a time of wondrous love, Whea thou didst first draw near icaf sold, And by the Spirit from above, ^^ My risiag passions didst control. If /the Lord had not sought us, we never rfiould have sought him; if he had not loved us wheH we were unlovely we had never toved him at alL r/^ 3IP 224 OBEBir PABTtTBSS' auguKrt 5.-.HowaNo* Now once in the end of the worlk hath he appeared to put away sia—Heb. ix. 26. Iamb of God f<^r ainners^oimded. Sacrifice to <iancel guilt I T Kone shall eveir be confounded. Who on him their hopes have bliflt Jesus came to expiate our sins, ^nd he has done so; sin is put a^ay, so th^t it shall never condemn us. / / I wm stew thee my faith by m James ii 18. y ^ works.^ ave I that &ith which looks to CJhrist, O'ercome* the world and sin, ceives him Prophet* Priest, and King; And makes thff cbnsdenoe dean; True ^th pr^ubes^ood works: leaves and fruit are not more n^cessaiy to prove the life of th6 tree, than are good works to PJ^ve foM^^genuina , ; ,; * " ?■■:■ ■^d. 2-J.l AND STILL WATJSRS. : $26 V Bbcausb ye are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts.— GaLiv.6. , The spirit of a child, Lord, give, ' O may I "Abba Father " say ; Bless'd by thy love. Lord, let me live, Bless'd by thy love. Lord, let me die. Adoption makes us soni? regeneration gives us the nature of children, and the Holy Spirit working in the hearty enables us to claim the relationship. ii ' ^ttgU0t 6.— EvENDro.' WiMi thou not reyive us again; that tiiy people may rejwce in thee WPs. Ixxxy. 6. Betamand revive me Once mbre^ With Joys that are pure and divine; ' - Thy presence is what I implore, * • X> grant it, and comfort is mine. . ; 'The earth does not more need the lefresh- mg showers, than we do the reviving in- fluwices of the Holy Spirit; for these let usdaily pray; 226 GBEBN PAStUBES V aiiflUjrt 7.— MoBNINOw ' I BEHELD, and, lo^ in the midst of the jfchrone stood a Lamb as it <had been 8lainJ---Bey. 1*0 him whom men despise and slighV • To him be gl0ty given ; • ' The cro^n is his, and his by right, The highest place in heaven. °- Jesus, who was once in the manger, ind on the crogj^ is now on the throne ; thwe he reigns, #id receives homage from iiU the inhabitants of heaven. f'l Slitgufift 7.— Evening. ;T0RN you at my reprftof ; behold, IwiU pour out my Spirit iipon you.— Provt i. 23. Let thy kind Spirit in my heart % Foreier dweU, a Ood of love! ^ Ahd lijBfht and heavenly peace impart— >■ ' Sweet eJGunest of the joys aboVe. If we would receive the promised Spirit^ we must listen to the word, bow in humi- lity before the throne, ^d earnestly plead for it. , ,. . ' '• f He that pvercometh shaU inherit all things ; and I will be his God, and he shall be niy floiii— Eev, xxi 7. What an heiltage wert thia^ An etendty of hlias I Heaven below and heaveja above. Oh, the miracle of love I fOur ancerity and courage must beXied; /but <if we fight in the strength of giice, Victoiy is certain.* f\ *— i Thy people »haU be willing in the day of thy ^wer.--Ps^ ox. 3. • The stubbornest will he can bow; ' "The foes that dweU in ^ And none can he trodden so low, - V But he can revive thetii again. If we art wiping to be saved by Jesus, and to be his loyal subjects, the Lord has made m so, his ppwer has been exerted, for none are so by nature. . — ^- -j*-^ -v / / 228 OBBBK PA8TUBE8 /':- ^ Wis have obtained an inheritance, being ^predestinated according to the purpose of : him who worJceth all things after the counsel of his o^n will— Eph. i. 11. - ■ *■ ■'■. , •■ ." '">■,'■■■> Jesus, ypur Shepherd, Lord, andChief,, . Shall shelter you from ill ; jLad not a worm or shaking leaf ■ v ' .'Can move but at his will. ^■ Qod*s hand As in every event, and all things are directed to acpomplish his will and gloriiy his naine. i^y . * SlttBtt«t 9.—- EtrJENmo. ■ '■■ ■ ,. ■■■-■■ TftAT I mig}it rest i^ the,day of trouble.— : ■Hab.iii..l6.'^-''; Ob, that closer I could cieave^ V " To thy bloedinft dying breast I ;Qiv» meflrmly to believe^ { • V : And to enter into rest. '^ ' :^ ■^ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ' ' ■■.■.'■■''■-. V Sin produdeis trouble, only faith can giv^ us lesti.but in the greatest trouble, faith in Jesiys will bring, us sweet repose. . ^, ■ •* ■ ,■ ■• '■■■■.... 1 ': '■' ■ 1 ■ t ce, being ^'■#:- iirpose of : • fter the i LI. > '''1 ■ N . > ■■ * 1 ^^^^B .■-■..;. :» * - and all 1 t his mil ^1 This is. the victory that oyercbmetlx the world, even our faith.— I John v. 4. One hope them is tliat succour brings, .; Where thickest 4art8 are hurled: * •' The humblest faith to Christ that cUngi^ Shall overcotno the world. ,, This faith is a persuasion of the reality of heavenly things, and a cojnfident expecta- tion of enjoying them. , , ( ' .. "♦ - ■ "-^ , ' / attgtt»t 10.— EVENINO. The righteous also shall hold on his way. —Job jtvii 9.* Tes, I to the enct shall endure^ . As sure as the earnest is given ; Moi-e-happy, but not more secure, The glorified spirits in heaven. Nothing can be more positive than the Sa- . vibur's promise, that his sheep shall ^Ver perish, or more plain than the assurance, that the righteous shall hold on his way. "^-T. ^■■■U l^-. '^^^^ OBSKN PA8TUBK8 fl^ with the aflfections and lusta^al V Td nail my passions to the crosi ^ Where n^y Redeemer died; And aU things oount'but shame and losat For Jesus crucided. ^ ff we^the disciples of Je8u^w«,a^t^ •-^^U.HvoinIussorvii.a„a4^^ ■ •■■:- '.' .'. ./■.\' ■ •■■ . ;■,. ■;.■■ ■'■ ■;.■. ■;•-'■ '■■ • .. : ' ■ : >.^^,:. 8Itlgtt«t 11.— EVENINO. ■^««^ ye^believed, ye were sealed -' <^«"l<>eftomUM>i)«werofrfn f V : _And seal me thins abode: ' ' V ™w ioMge stamp, and make me ihi^ A temple meet for flod. ^'--"' >s;v Wten «ie believer receives the Spirit of' ^bo«, to saactify hi„, he has theL»e2 **i Bian cified the sts.--&al we must r and aim 9 seized ■r'JE^hes. 1 pirit of earnest/ itothe '■- ' « . • " -k ■ ■ ," , ■ ■-y\ llli I ' Ml Ni I ni l 9UStt»t llr-MOBNIKO. ^ ;% i» *I PRAT not thatthou l^houldest take 1^1^ out of the world, but that thou Shouldesi keep them from the evil— John xvu. 15. Asman, he pitiea my complaint, His power and trijth are all divine; ■ ;i. Be will not fhil, he cannot faint; BalTatiou'a sure, and musfbe mine* Me are kept in the world that we may do good; it is full of evil, therefore we daily neeid Divine keeping. t--*t t^' » SIttjSttftt 12.— S%i9|tro^ ^^^ How long will it be ere they believe me ? --Num. xiv. 11, Lord, Tibelieve I O chase aWay The gloomy olouda of unbelief t V Dissolve my heart in sacred grief t Nothing is SO unijeason able as to doubt the word of the God of t jnith, and yet every Christian is so u nreaaohftble at times , t ^ 233 OBBBlf PASTURES aUflttrt 13.— MORNINO Thou whathavo I, tbmiA »^k t„ # - My .to «d folly , p'^J«^ "«*• t" «■««« , . HIde.pondwhil»hei,uear. - Jesus has undertaken for us, and haa m^. ^r £fr jrs ^T^ confide in lim, ^ '^•* Pnvjlege to aufluat 13.— EvBNiNo; Happ,iaUiypro«iou.l„ye. , content, wf i^tn^Stf ' "*'"«• t«.t^entis*.ways JSi^^'"^ fev L^: » . />. AtlD STILL, WATERS. 233 Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out^-^ohn vi. 37. ^ " In no wise !•• mighty word of foith. What more can sinners need ? " ,; Sinners, believe what Jesus 8aith> And with Jehovah plead. The Saviour never refused a sinner on 'his first application, nor a backslider on his return, and he asisures us he never will aU0U«t 14.— EVBNINO. ; They shaU be my people^ andl will be their Ood.— -Jen xxxii. 38. | ' ■■■■;' -'.■■■■ ■ ■ ■ .-■■ ■ ■-- ■■ '"■ ■•■■ ' '■ ■. ^ '■■■■ ' ...■■■'■*• ■■ ^1 else, which we om- treasure calL May in one fiital rfioment fall; But what their happiness cai/move. When God the blessed deigns to Ipye? pie people of Godare his choice, his care, and his portion ; and he is thek^confidenca finmfbrt^ and all . ; ^ • ...A ^^ '*■ ■ crliniir pAimrRis «aStt«t W— MoRKiKo. S, L^'l1?f "^i'^r .*•»* "ked not after What, but tho Spirit from abovof- Or whom doth he not fWiely lo7»f ■■ R«J reJigion always begios with GoS- ' ^ The vUeat out of heU and heaven. ■ ^ ■■ ^ ■: - ■-■ ■■'''Ha, ■.. .' ... Airb itTLL WATKRS. vijtt vatufliwt 16.--MoRi«nro. Tffrwill be done in earth, a« it is in heaven, "■^att. VI. la ■ -.■■-:;.-:"'■■ vrv •% . ; HowswdottoboallQwcdtopn^ • , ./ To Ood tho Holy One I With filial lovo and trust to u^: ; ^ God, thy will be <ii^. • " '^ <»n never he happy, but as our willa «^ conformed to the will of God ; resigna- tion should ever characterise Gh^iatia^ '■"■■'.-■:■"■■■■■.••'■'■" -: - . ' ' '• ■■■'' tA-'^' aUgUJJt i6.-~EvENIN0. Tkou shatt love the Lord thy God with'aU thy heart— Deut vi 5. . ^ Where'er my ibplish wandering heart Attracted by a creature's p^er?^ Would from this blissful centre stiw. . -^'**»fi»itther8tost»yaomore| Jehovah claims and deserves our hirfiest and constant love, and it is at on^^^^ ^ and our happiness, to obs^ve ^h^. ^receptr *^V, >V j»^... % \ \ *••«««« 17.— MOBMINO. Shau, we Sin, because we are mi.^nader # ^ Could Jesus sufler for my sin _AndInotdread it worse? ' against tte ^rd.-^xo(J. xv^ ■ "^^^l . IwouW submit tiv^lthp^^^ n _ *V)r thou art fifood And wise • • ^*te^ry aiHcioUs thought be stilL Nor one fetot murmur rise. -^^^ >?^^"™i«r against any of God's inatr., pnmtaWetous. , ^ "^ w oe | ■ * ;■.< ■"^'Rr^*r'3W5^^ nots under >d forbid— . to win » ■ iJomnutted stus,bu1^ r 'sinstru- himself; a^'or be - 0tUSU0t 18.~M0BNINQ. ^im my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with jny spirit within me, wiU I seek thee early.— Isa. xxvi. 9. TbovL art my only trust, V My portion and my joy; No more let vanity and dust yt My heart and hopes ©mpl<^ * They that sincerely desire. the Saviour earnestly seek him, and ^very one that seeketh findeth. , • y auflttrt 18.— EvENmo. "^ Behoi^, Ihave graven thee upon the pahns of my handsi— Isa. xlix. la , f^ My name from the palms Irf his hands. Eternity will not erase; r Impressed on his heart it remains , Jnni^ The naik by which our Saviour was fast- en^to the tree/or tw, engraved our names onlbs hands. ■ .'W'- <\\ 238 ^<v /; OBKEir BABTDBBS ^ art niy hiding^i^oe ; tli6u shalt pn^. serve me from troubla-^ ^ That, ahdtei^d near tliy dde^^^ . ^ I »JV my fierce accuser fooe,^ And teU him, "Thou handled.- Jesus wiU preserve us from ftJif^n*- „ l^urtful, and sanctify to^,„!^*'''*^^y fill- hei«At,« f-^ '^ '^ aU that is pain- *«*, ne IS our protector. , . *^ f€^. <^u Shalt pre- Ki.*» ■•■...:.;. ■; hat is really ^t is paijQ- at I could ' charity^ I iBt, ■f-. G<4and we have, ^stiana AND'STILt WATBBa «ttgtt»t 20.— MoBimra. f"*^^i<J^^inme,andiinhim the anaturt His«race»ewards the just '^'~»' S^ *' P*^"?^ ^« »»^« enough fo ^i^f^^^p^^^^p^s Aui^ne are thin^ and thine are miii^ .fd^^am glorified in tlieni.^ohn^S ^ V a^st. and love, anclpraise is m^^ • ^^^ gave MB hh Son jtiie Sonioves - r^y^^ ^^ ^"^ ^ <«ir devotedneaa. ; Wb Wd gtotUi TJ^J^Bt-JVov; U. ft • "J?^ *¥"•»"*<> audi the grace-. A«d<htlart,weeU,„„tobyl.v«. s«e ^.earnestly seek it, and peraereriarfv expect i<v the Lord wiU bestorit * ^ ■J .■■/.< . . . ■ - . "- ?ATO STILL WAtJjmg. ^^J ^'^^^ J^^been li^help, therefb^ ■■■■/^ -■•,■; '.-^ ^ • .' « -^ Mycomfbrtfoy each fiiture hour ^' j : ' never weary of ^^g_^ ■ ; . l^™, **^ " . ^ *. .v/'. race— love. I^rd daily rdently d^ raeveringly if :':--.::' ■■:■■.: ■■■ Hto tis, p for i^ rest «„ ^^^e^^q xwwe rest on Helpmetodoibyhciy wilL \ : • Le|duty bites dispeiwe; • ' If we ^t oft the Lord's f«»*i, a,i j ^ »ayi„«tlriook to hto fS^?£.^^ iealiow^tolpokin vaia *' ^ J \ \ -X •!■ hww^t*'!."**'?!'''^ '"'-Pv'IW^ 249 ORBBN PABTUBBS p I^Eii Kreturn unto the Lird thy God: for thou hast faUen by thine iniqW-^ :iyjere(bw should I longer WM IietmetomyOodTeturn; On his Judgment* mutely p^ndei; Andtheiraacredleasoueleani.' , V and pemtencs we return to him ; let u^ l>el«eyek pray, and mourn over our siiis this mormng. _ lhTy!^A ^* «*'^t= fet« now M into the hand of the Lord._2 Samnxiv, Lt Tha time ofgreateat atnit^ / Thy chonn time has been. To mmifert thy power le great. , , . AndmalcethygloiyMen. /^ I tt the hand of prbyidenoe briifg us into stmts^let us fan into the hand of meJ^ fe^L ""^"i"^ "^^tter wiU sS- • ^ ir awruirt 24^oBNiKOi i^i^^m^^"^ ^t God^ ^5!^' ^^^^ ^en^l J . ^y^th^j4«tdymeiuu^ to plead, ^^/^^^ ^^M* Cheer and eor^ m^to^y to rtoember, God tlunketli upon ItetJRN, ye backsliding children, and I ^U l^ealyouri,ackslidings..^x^ia^ ^ Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live. - How fteely Jesus ctoibi^^^. J. ^' •. ■.\-: >. OBKBir PA'STUBXS ii. Caot down, but not destroyed. ^2 Coi% J^<*ugh sore beiet with guilt a^^ Ixamiot» dare not quite dein>ftfrr If I must perlah, would the Lord • •"•^ ^»«»»* my l»eart to love hid wordt W<.de8ei^T6<fetn^ for ain, but are pre-' f«^^ It bygraoe; cast down we may be^^ we are ^new: destroyed we ebaU •not be^ for we are believera » • r— •-^-' ^i^afld Saviour Jesuis gS^^ p^ | freoept and promise still uiil^ To make this service our delight; To growiu gmce,-this/8urely this, " Uie trimscendehcy of bUsa . ^ ]^<^ is- p-ogres^ive; there is first the Wad^ then the eaiv aM then the fuU corn intheear.>i>,v ^ 1 ia first the le full com 245 1 ^wrt 26.— HfoBimm. ^ J^ not, therefore, ye ait) of more Talue tHan many sparrowa-Matt x 31. V . aothe the grw In rich anwy . cam he «ee « child in need, And>«hihl«ejeawnyt v! >^ ^ CkxTs care is extended to the whole of Uu ^ md peculiar, r ^ *^ *^*® ^'®I^ ■ \. 'I- -.1. .'■/; ■^^ _ attmirt20..--EvE»iNo, ^^^. conformed to ttiis world ^ but be ^ transformed bvth« r^..^ ^' "^^"^J? . >>««ar to heaven-, eteialj^a? l^^venlySd ali^rr^' "^ «^^^^ ^^ our behL^ y "°^ ^"^y ^^ ^^^ry part of "V'N- '\^ .,X ' > 246 OBIKN PABTUBM august 27.-M0BNIN0. Hu hath made him to be sin for us, who W no Bin, that we might be made the nghteousness of God in him.—? Cor. v. 21. 'Wliatwondrou. love I what mysteries _ln this appointmeut shine I My breaches of the law are hl«. And his obedience toine. ' /Jesua. 88 our substituH has inade a foU ' *^«°>«t for our Bin, and the righteous- / placed to our accobni . ; ■ >-— -■.: % ^kti7.^EvBiairo. A^d keep the^croWn of Ufoin view.1 T^ew, tot us daily pray, and daily live, so r ■, in for us, who fc be made the .— ? Cor. V. 21. s made a full I II the righteous- ied to us. it is : repays kritly kept in Mj live, so L our course AlfD tTILL WATIBS. ftlititttrt 28.^MoBNiira. Let him that thinkftth he standetk take heed lest he falL^i Cor. j. \% - Though much exalted In the LorcL ^My strength is not mj own; Then let mo ti^mble at his word. % -^"^^ »»o»o •»»»" cast ilne down. Jffid-feM- ia our great preservative in afl Srwvt'°^*t*''"" '«>«1»11 not feU into tnat which we fear. , "* * ■^/.•^ attfltirt 28.— EvENnro/ - Hb that overcometh shaU not be hurt of the second death.— Eev. ii li. »ous<^Touse,niysou^^^^^ ^Should earth and hell op^ • ^ """^ Though thou art not; thy Swour Is ; A match for aU thy foes. ^J'^'T^ must therefbre^ghtand overcome every foe if J^^wo^d be crowned ly the L^ ir-< . ^ 248 <^^MMti rjununm •ufifttft 20.-MoBjri»<i. To have Jehovah fop our God iftn K. ♦ , blessed : for ho i»riii i, "<^ » to be truly » dress ou^SevLI^ T "'"'• P"^^««^ '<»- i« ««rgnevances, and supp][jr our want*. 1 Tim. il a ^<; OT doubting.- If wrathful c^dmibtinft we are ,.„«** j , '0°4 every tW . 7 ,"*''°' *»•* »>«««ve- P«ye^ "^ *""**"<' PJ««» « suited fo. I Airp triLL WA' BiWAUBB tbou hast kept ih^rl^f ^r pajence I also ^iH keep thee frotnZ hour of temptatioa-^Key, lii lo. Jo«uMn8ortt<,mpUU<m'«hc»irJ " May! not tru.t thy g«06 Md power? • AndhMgcmthymiffloIontgnwr ^ WL?':fT^ be tried, but ^Sesus *«?P tw^ we BhaU overcome. . ' , «' 1 V unfitted for id believe* WJitedfor ^ , *«tifl[U0t 80.— eVknino. I ^ : Ire8tupi>nthypromf8e,Lorf, _ And trust thy love andpowc*; And in the final hour. ' £ we trust in men, we shaU be disappointed and discouraged; but if we tru^tKf ^^ w o B ha U be aaf eandsucSSif^ 250 r V 0B«2N PA8TUBB8 >■ Obd M not S man that he shouia lie^ neither • H»«o«iwor4den.Md,my«,di^. '^V; ^n»t«aii.nnbelief reply f ^ ■ ^ •5"1* '''^' •"'I nw lilfll, '^ ___ ™'»''««,«ad therefore «at: ^ST *^ «od toe tl,e o%riag ctf ^ ^ *^ ^ throne, j^., ^, Fwth has to fight with corruption within ■ ^'^V/ ■'•■■■■ ■''•-.^--^^•-^- ■•■■■■ .^^ T ^ Jdlie,neitW )uld repent^-. saidiV'' wUl. y offspring of tfce, and the e chaingeleiaB^ is existence; h ■'%■:■■ :■■■.::■ ■^.: lay hold on ■ -¥^ " iion^thin, 'here is no life^but bj AND (BTILL VATXBa 251 * (J ■■"..-■ ■■»■,■ ^ ^ . ' .-■""'"" • Sriitemitt 1.— Momino. I HAD feinted, unless I had believed to see £«^^«^i.theUndef ^^AflUcted by thy sovereign rod. l|My WUl bad fainted by tl»6 w^ »^ But for her confidence in God, ^th in k^ for overwhehnmg fears and gloomy despair- never let us cive im /%«« A^ j **wip»ir , fiathfw ^y "^ "^ ««> ., 9«re would I «.ttiU light „ta«.; * lem. 1-t- -i»»*^ V 4.*^ 252 OSBSV PAfilUBis M diaU dialiver thee in six tm„Ki in Beven there ahall^^ *^^^ •^ v; la * ^^ «^ touch thea-. • - I TbJes^ then ,^ trouble briiifl. ' *, "«_ -''-..."■ ■ ■ V^ -.' . **«*?•,«»,., AVD triLL WATERS. deliveraQOd; and he is ly benefit 253 2S K '''^'^^ and holiness, Had^.thronsrtOTe the wit^ - i^ • QMrtB,odrtn*lthtomyb««t ' .^ Bepttmhtt 8.--0Evwrtiro. " When my father and mv n^ha^ f ,_ W»l VT •"J"""" "y hope, depend. E^ cre«iture inay .art ns^^^ I*rd never wiU ; jjea. ^hen tW t<^ fil' K: \ •" .■■V",i "^ >«^- /M Thbt comfort wherewith we 6ursel~ ir« " ^ Bo mine the comforts that wcham •ijrThe soul from Satan's power- ' ' ~ ^ ' ^t-malM me bhish for what I am/^ *nd hate my sMitlie mow. J, / j^tf ooiniferts come directly from GH ■;^'r ■•/ ^jMoer8> tfe, word, and not ieaw« »% de9«T«« y»«r pwa sdvea^-S Injaln religion we i)rof^ ' > % : ./ We buUd our house, i^tl^^^^^^'. ^ pmmisejbut ol)^once to his commands • .■'^- '^"lW!"*¥*!J!RS*^ ourselTBs ire 4. / ' ■ I » or: 1 1 am,. «fr tlj from Q9d, 3d| aodni^e not aearers Fe&T--James mand; \ commands i; e religion* ^1/ Vl A»D 81TE.L WATIB8L ■Ilk ij S«5 ,1 ? S»ptem6« 6.-M6wnW Tb were femdtiniea .darknesa. !>,,♦ ^A yft light Inlhe Wd^^Stl rv.T''" I -^c«eSA?;ijX;™*^''*"' .^-" . <\ ^ September Bw-ISyxsM ^foW..„ithe^Vthei„iWe.- «ets them. , '^ ®^ **®^e8 or for- *«" f ,■ ■,■:■■■ -'A *.; fripr an occaeion tolfiie ipur lleaits jmploriB I in mfihteoiifttifia- 1^4 ^y^^ ^ _,. ^ Z?^^ »< ..'-,;> ^^d 9n GodA-je,^ ia 22. ' ^ .f.' ^^^ to AAleedlng SaVlotuv * • ;.°^ «>me ftir life, «fid peaoet CSanour burden'd soub^leaie. \ iMeep humilitji return to his^ anitfiwiidy confess our Bins J mid not confeaj but fbrskke thenL'4>\ ^ *, ; ■"'^ '-3?»?!?ai^ A i!-^^ "»" . :- ''l*B « \ ■AND STILL WATXRS. -X. I' — ^d^aJif h^ ""^ *''°« »>««»«» '"•V > .. Man's Wisdom is to wiek HlsrtrengthinjGo . And ev n au angel woSd be weak Who trusted in his own. There is sometimes more mercv in •?^- SepteiftBet 7.— Evi!nik<*. \ ./'-V Ohletgy8pIrii»tirtayhearfc-.% ^'^ I , ^'^'^-othemytroubled^o'ugrito^eei.: j > ^ "^^ The Wort%ithin iia nft^.,, ^ ^ J * \ • vived, and never more than when w« #^ J A all is goinff on weK * ® fenc^^l ^ ^"; BtpUmhn 8.— MoimNo. Ti ard d^ and your Jifeis h^ ^th Ohmt m God-Col iih 3* ToX^ Though many foea boMt your «t»d. "'^^ Aud feeble it your arm; • Tour life to hid with Chiiat In^od, ;V ^Pndtheraachofharm, i • If dead to the law^ and united to JesuiL^ If dead to ttie world, and alive unto God our safety fa perfect, and heaven is sure^ J hohness IS the earnest of heaveiU- - M SefitemBet 8.-^VENiHoiif! - XEiDme ia thy truth, and teach ^e ; fbr thou^art the Ood of my salvatioiL--IVi. XLV, O, ■ .■ Sliow me how vile I am by sin, _^ And wash me in thy cleansing blood; Oh» make me willing tp be thine. • ' And be to me a covenant Ood* If the Lord lead ua, he wiU teach us ; and If he^teach us, we shall know the truth and practise iti v/ -^?%'*^ '('inL^.^f^. /■ , •%59 "N,. .^•;>' itoT r^ <'"*r 'eet to lie; Tbou^rm not lie me lower fl^ -^«»pne can higher «y; ^ , ine mow iiumble ir« i^.» *i. i. ° ■■■ • .' >», ■•■•■ ■■• ■ -I ■. I i'): a' ■'■•v X. '<^ ■■!■ 1 MEbiTATB on aU thy work«. t w. «»»Aork of thy W-ft:^^"« <« _ And «,tu« good ImpiorpV^ K ' «Pect to thrive ,rfSkt»^"*^'^"'«»»W '■'■'. •«' » ■h Ala. ■»■ OBKIN PASTURK8 ^ we are members of his be^v^ of his l^h, an^^f ius bonea-^h.^^ 3a ^ For all he Is, or haa, is theirs ; ^ Their 111^ their surety, and tljeir aU. ^ Theumon betweeo Jesus* and hia people U most closi^ tender ait ppofitaMeVtod it IS for even . *^ V *i^^ :,.v :■■.;: -V aT'^''- ' «*':' '. **.'-'•' m 1^ ye hee6^smmQ^^ *^w not when the4ini^^|.^^^ ^^ ' M '^^^^^ ^ _^ ,^TIor soon the houi-willSbnie v ^ PH That OttliBuft^BB the etotkaww^^ ■^. V Tq c|p> eternalJhotne. and bx praying #^ obtaiti strength fo^ .^watdung^; ■.,,,,:. /,;.,#-■:■;:•* , '^ ^^^' ' '^*' ININO. betdy, of hia > Yt 30. . WB, indrdrfiOl, iralL - d hid peoplii ^fitaUe {toil o: larli ,■ ■' . ■'■"■ ■*■ itofj>ttiyer, i^ei^gth for ■■^;- . wnoip.ihou hMt aeut-John xvii. a ^ °» '"»*««, we aw sure of » sup- - "^ 26^ '■#fri OBWir PASf UBXS •Wnniet 12.— Mowmra ?M* g«oe «f God I «„ ,h^i i^£ * ^^r, xv, 10.',;'.'T '■■''/ ^^.■f''^- ■■'■■' ■■■. ^^ are saved. 1,7^ ^ ^7 grace we -V.- ■■•••■.•■■■ ■.■.^■:; .■'■ '■"■ : ■ ■'■ ; t •■■■■■■■.". ^ ^^ «fptemlet U--^viia»^ ^«>^d«,u^h<^ofthe^^g^ IWth to .ighfc, and prayer to p^ # AlID iTlLL WATIBS. 208 f^ffjT'i*^* her perfect work:thiit yo itMyhe perfect and en>i-~ -. »• thing-Jam^ i 4. ? r^ """"f ""^ •," -l! ^^. 118 as tilt daily live jpectation. \%- -..;; ^ 'a « '. ■ ^TOBW PA8TUB|;S . . ■>* /■ ■ ,- ir ■.., - ^ rT^ ^! ^ broth* Bad noidied. ;,,^'- <»"*'■>» ca.mot«ld; '!?'. f-^-uchSlfSd^^S^f^ ho sends the tniTiTiH j^ *"' ""» •'«* ■■>*,■ ••'^^•j „ '.■•■■■.■■, ■"■■■.■■ .. ■~~'" - ■■^'™»'"« grace. are reja^ ""ow.y^ V?S^»piw Ke:E?!oofe of love th«„ :, «gned to ifflpr^^r^l *% are de^ *«»• fcL I f *- ""' P^*?* oar <5hamo-i ^ w A, * • c' ■,^-' '■\: ■>■■•'>*- N 5, Lord, if thou Had not died. 1; >g8 hat, i >©^ftll as; but ? display hi^ !fO. J thou the » # 'N^. • A * n- ley are de^ ^ cliarae.;^ AND gftU WATX^ *^* I. *: seff" «e perfections of God are t„ t.- wia;^ tie wines of «r * his peopfe ^ their comfort^"- 3*^ Protection and ■^^•^WD your wava kn^ ' ' ' 0% the^ VoioT^^^i^"' <»?«8«V and inseasoa r . ^^®^^^<xiia«Iway8 •■;* ^•' 269 ^tMMFAnvnta a doeth .coordin^ to to witt_D^ i,. 5^© will of God iw ^k^ f * -- •*«^» and it siiall ba cm\«.« ^ ^ ye d»U find.^^t^^^'^" y««i «ek; and n . ,,■ ' Will.— Baa iv. AJto MILL WATERS. m , ■_ ' ■ "^ ■ ■■■*....■ ■ ^ laadiedt ^ and ex- ■n . ,, the Lord as th« ^/^ *^®^^^^M## ;:.i. ^ "^^^^ cover the se^l^ If Be thou thrtf.**h 1 ''^'« W name, «^?"firh heaven and earth adoi^d. :'V^ J- r-e-"«.ven and earth adorU IJl ^fe .H. ^. ■ ■ m< OHBBjf PAgtORK., -.■ -*,¥- yi.. To him who on the fo^rfi * ' ■ ■ ' ) 38> :■■■/■■ /\-— I... ■ i' ■ • #■• ..0» . ./n;^ ■ ^^m justice, wr,,,^ J^ : ./''' ^kiio^ Christ is one of fKii^ . t. ine World is lit^ etemd. , ° *^'^ ^'"flSS wUoh are .--■./. .-. JT- •"■•*;«?' w ^Sv. ■T- S ■ ^^ How kind •lida^n-ir^*^*^^ ^ •«»aiiWg»neit)U|iheli«thb«eii. ki ^« ^-.r- -J r-'' wmtiinially" ai,d ««w» we walk ^«wai guide fiwa. ^^JD^pen the and will sup «▼; m. '» throne. imuniou ^ «n Songla^ ^ * *?^*'^* P°««d forth.- yj*!* muse of Jmii. ••« . t 1 Jeaus i» , '^ •« the mow prwaous The mercy of my Ood- . ■ W - •Woreverwanf.* ^^^* '■• " ei: want « tongue to spread " . ^^'^^'tpraiaoabttJ/^^- Tbe Simple ha^ ««„fij i ' aK> JL^;" A ■i 272 V^ With thyuvtoe. celestial bwiui; >^ ^ BEnrc »°7 JustiW by his Wood" we8h«n ^-«1 from w«th thr„„g^ j^.;^£l ^¥^^: ORNINO. / ich came down tt of this bread, I vi.5i. , rivea,' ■■•.'■"■ snt it givo« I t, we are dead daily food, we ^d, we^iaU i death, _. ,. "■ ■ , " " ■ • d, his work at wdrk we alvation 13 ^''D STILL WATKRs, ■■4dt.. \.^ «« you from on high. r... •i*ie Weak arA ♦»>* ' • ^ ....■.-- . , ^^"e here hv^^ ^^^^ rene^i " ■"t •^Ji \,%^ \ 274 OnERtt PA«TUBia Chrkt is the head of the ohun,h, and he « the Saviour of the body.^Eph7v.T since Chrit and w are on«i ^ "''"^Mj^mben there. ' Christ andjH^^/.*vi^ head, *e"Wf t?^' *" '^'>- ^ « the ■■■'■•-r-r- ■■■■ -:■..■■■■■.■ -■■.^■'^i>- ■■■ ^8J» heaven afflict-^ I'llnotrepine Comforts that shallo-erdeat*^^ And journey with me through^;^ Jhehord alwaiys acknowledges his n«oni« tJEQ OBNIlfO.' church, and he -Eph. V, a ■"■• «s , -^ ear? throne^ .; ,'^' ). >n©; he is the is thd foanda- NINO. double; thou rereitiefc^Pl^ :- •: :■: .' ilue; pevail, he vale, 8 his people ra^ sanotiges^ ^'''> STILL WATtRs. «7a A happjr Christian i. . * P«»f««o„, but a^,^^ °™«»'ent to hi. . "♦ irbI ChROT loved the " ~='^«.' -differ it-^^^ AN gave hi„. Sure there wmi «- , P'^chi^e Of i^ 2^ ^^ ^ love and th^^^ y \ I* m \ ' ■In- Jilt ■•' '#y ''jV'^ V ■ I . ■ i. ;. ' . ' ma-'^: m: •I ■ ' I . -4 , • ' '■■,-. •..■■'. ■* ' \ -* ■■ .■ • ■ '^ . ^ ...■•• ■ ■."'■ i ' ' ■■': ' '■ ' ■ . •■ ■■■■■# ' -- ■ *■■...- ' '■■ * ' * • • -• - . '"■■'.■■ -■, ; ■'■ ' • . / '■- '-' ■ .'.;',''.;■■ .. :'-r- ' '■'■': ■ « * ' . -•■'■. ' , ■.* , • :- J*- : ■ ;•■■ ■■ ; # . ■ ■ *• - ^ • • ■ .....^^ .*-.3. ^«-^'v - „. c ll « .1 /•, I.:: ■ '• ■ . ■'. -*•''':■ -■ '' \ : ■" ■' ,:''-y.:p\: \ J \ * ■ ."■ ■. ■ '■■ ■':■".'■' "* ' ■'■'■.■' ^'^Jv'^v' ^•^:J:.;*g^^^^:-j;; ■' ■ .« ' "' .'- « •-^:-':: ; . '.•■•. ." .V;; /';■■.;■■' ■•■. ■•' ''• ■■ \ ' -. r • —. ^»^ — — : / ..... If . ■ ■■ ■_;. ■ ■ '. ■.'•■'■-■ \- ■ ■■■■ ~^- '» ■ — : ^. ~^- ^^ MpCtOCOPY RBOIUTION TBT CHAlfr ^ (ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No. 2) • A*. Mmm |2j8 L£ H^H UA yj UA M& 1^ la ■ 40 HI !■■ I .' ■ 2.2 ■ 2.0 1.8 i.6 / M APPLIED IIVMGE I Inc 1653 East M<l|n Street Rochester. NeW York 1 4609 USA t7T6) ^82--D300^ - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fox Sejitembe«26.^MoRiriNG.^ It is good for me that I h^e been afflicted ; that I might leatn th;^tatutes.^Ps. cxix. 71. „ Afflictioiuimaki^a love the word, Stir up ourXearts to prayer; ■ And many a precious proof afford Of our Bedeeper's oari% ' 9* Every child of Qod is sent to the school, of affliction, here the piost valuable lessons are taught, and so taught that they can- not be f&rgotten. . K ; * SSeptemict 26.^JEvENiNo. My son, give me thine heart.-^Prov. xxiii. ' 26. .... .,-.--./-.-..■. ^ Tes, thou shalt surely have my heart, My soul, my strength, my idl* v~ Wi^h \{{q Itself I'U freely part, ^ , ^ My Jesus I at thy call. The Lord created the heart for himself, he claims it, he wiU be satisfied with nothing lesa^ and it is robbery tof keep it from him. ^ -■'-: y'0.''- '"■/':■ ..,.^'.- ',-''.: ':■..■:,:■.' . ■: ■ ■ ■"■ ;■ ■-.,. yV A f ro. ' nafi^cted; ,^Ps. oxix. i • e school, of ble lessons ; they can- 8. -;:;: Prov. xxiii. art, : himself, he th nothing from him. -rVV ^^cjptembct 27. — Mobnikq. That ye be not slothfui but followers of them who through faith and patience in- herit the promises.^--^eb.vi, 12. . .P<^*'*">y fcy sloth, new vlg^r^ve, " My fiUth and patience, Lord7>^ve; With .holy fervour make me run, ■ To win the prize, and wear the crownT Sloth dishonours Gk)d, and injures us ; let us therefore copy the lively, devoted, zeal- ous servants of God • - \ ' September 27.--EVENING. I Jbbxjs w:ep1;. Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him.— John xi. 36, 36. I Still his compassions are the samt^ ; H)Q knows the.fhulty of our fhune 1 , Our heaviest burdens he sustain^ /^ . - r; . Shares in our sorrows, and our pains. f TIte love of Jesus is strong as omnipotence, and his symj^thy is exquisitely tender ; let us appeal to.it in every distress. :i^ 278 ORBEN PASTURES |be|item|>(t 28.— MoRNiNi>>.^ I WILL put my fear in their hearts, i^t they shall not depart from me.— Jer. i^aii. 4a' v-.-^- The feat of the Lord forbidg us to yiek. It sharpens our sword, and streogthemi our aliield. Then cry we to heaven with one loud accord. That to us be gwren the foar of the Lord. * . In the new covenant Ood not only pro- mises us blessings, but engages that we shall noifinalbr foi^eit them. . / Septembet 28.— Evbnino. One is your Master, even Christ ; a^d all ye are brethrea— Matt xxiii. a Jesus, my Master now I call, . And consecrate to him my all r' Lord let me live y&d die to t6ee^ Be thine through all eternity. H0 that saves us, ought to rule us a the i^U t)f ^pst is our law ; in the churdi all are brethren, and ought to live in the exer- cise oi fraternal love. , . :r: Jbeptembev 29.— -MoHnino. Yb are not your own, for ye are bought fdthaprioe : therefore glorify God— 1 Cor. Lonl, we are thine, bought with the price OHhy^roost precious blood; ^ By thee our souls have been set free, ' By thee we joy in God. If the blood of^ Jesus purchased^us, the Spirit of Jesus will claim us, and the word of Jesus must rule us,i^ , *■.':■'■■ T ; ' ;■ . ".■■ . Vl * ■;'. ^eptembet 29.— Evening. ^ He shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him frbm those that cohdemn his souL—Ps. cix.^1; / In prosperity be near, I To preserve me in thy feat; In affliction let thy smile All the woes of life beguile. / tan stand to resist uii, Jesus will de- fend us : whoever may be our accusers^ Jesus will be our advocate. , 1 < c 280 OBBSN FABTUBES Shew Hfe a token for good ; that they which hate me may see it and be ashamed- Pis. Ixxxvi. 17. f . , that my Saviour woi^Id impart Some token of his love, "^ To comfort my despndipg hearty And make it mount above. A ray of light ^m God*s countenance, and t|ie interpositiobs of Divine providence, are tokens for good which we may earnestly seek and expect. ' '^ SeptemBct 30.— EvBNnfa. The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shoEfcly.^Eom. xvi 20. Let Satan do hia vw)r9t, 'r" And he his worst will do ; \^ y. — But I have made the Lord my trus^ ^ And he will bring me through. . Jesus has bruised Satan under his feet, and our God will soon bruise him under ours, and clothe him with everlasting con- fusion. t-/. :^ jf<.y ©Closer 1. — Morning. The Lord will not forsake his people for liis great name's sake.— 1 Sam. xii. 22. It . Though Bometimes utgperceiyod by sense. Faith sees him always near; ', ^ . A Guide, a Glory, a Defence, Then what have you to fear? The grace that made us Christians will ^^P^ a? y the Lord will not abandon us for his name's sake, r V(-. ■<- •^ ©ctobtr 1.— Evening. -V. One is your Father, which is in heaven.— Matt.xxiii.a 4*t-tb«wm /tJpon the catre of such a friend; \ And only wish to do and be Whatever seenieth good to thee. Our Father ever liveth, ever loveth, and ever careth for us ; we Mthnever be orphans, or have gi^und for despondency or despair. ■'■ \ . 282 OBEBir PAI§TURB8 ©ctobet 2.--M0BNIN0. Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you -r-John viaa V / Increaro our faith, and hope, and love. Lord, give us all that's good; We woiild thy ftill aalvatiou prove, • And eat thy flesh and blood. What food is to the body, that Christ is to the true believer's soul, aSd the body could as well live without food, as the soul with^ out Christ, f t> ^ctabtt 2.— Evening. Who then is willing ta consecrate his ser- vice this day unto the Lord.^1 Chron. /. Fain wonid I now surrender make Ofmy whole self to thee; * Jesus, the humble off'ring take Unworthy though it be. It is well often to renew our consecration, to give ourselves afresh to the tord, and to dedicate our talents to his service, x ;»• 'nr ^ffT hn of man, life in you. [yhrist is to body could soul with^ >t6 his ser- -1 Chron. isecration, Lord, and rice.X ©clobei: 8,— Mobnino* Help me, Lord my God : save me ac- cording to thy mercy.—Pa cix. 26. Help me to trust thy graciou* word, Help me to watch and pray; / And give me patieutly to bear , The trials of the way. / A sense of weakness is a preservative from danger, for this preserves from self-de- pendence, and urges us to cry to the strong for strength. />v ■ ft ®ctoi« 8.— Evening. Thou art my hope, O Lord God ; thou art my trust from my youth.— Pis. Ixxi 5. ^ 16 early years thou wast iay guide And ofmy youth the friend; * A^^ as my days began with thee. With thee my days shall end, Ihe Lord has been our hope and our con. fidence hitherto, and he wiU not forsake us 284 ORBBN PA8TURB8 «""•• ©ctobct 4.—M0BNIN0. If I do that I would not> it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in ma- Bom, vii. 20. V Lord, free me from this deadly foe, WhUsh keeps my faith and hope so low ; ' I long to dwell in heaven my home, ^ Where not one slufUl thought can" come. The Christian's heart is turned against sin, he hates it, and longs to be free from it • but it still dwells in him. , . ' .,: ■. /■, ' , ^.- ■;■■■■ ■ y <^ttbtet 4.— Etenino. I wiLi, bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel— P^ xvi. 7. -^ . His counsels and upholding care My safety and my comfort are ; And he shall guide me all my dayat Till glory crown the work of grace. The Lord hath counselled us in his word, in reference to every subject of importance ; happy IS the man who takes counsel of his pod and abides by it. ^ .^ I— Pi AND STILL WATKRW. I . . ' 2W <!dctoiiet 0.— MoBNTNO. The iniquity of Israel shall be sought for> and there shall be none.--Jer. L 20. Their sins more numerous than the start, In Jesus' blood are drowned : And Zion's Ood in love declares " Their sins shall not bo found," . So completely does God blot out our sins when we believe in Jesus, that we stand before him as though we had never sinned ; completely justified. ^ ^ <!^ctobet 5.^ Evening. ^F But it is goocl for me to draw near to God. — P&. Ixxiii. 28. O teach me, Lord, to watt thy will. To be c ontent with all th ou dost ; . For inelBy grace sufficientltnC .^_ With most supplied, when needing most ' It is not good to .complain, or murmur or give way to doubts and fears; bu* it is good to cast all our cares on our God, and leave them there. T / * ©ctober 6.— MoRNiNo. Let him trust in the Lord, and staj upon his God— Lsa. L 10. When W0 in darkneu walk, '. Nor fool the heavenly flame; Tilts is the time to trust iu Qod, And rest upon his name. JDarkness sometimes envelopes the child of lights this distresses him, but it ought not to disturb his confidence, for God is his Father still ^ ®(tobet 6.7-EvEKiiro. Hope thou in God; for I shaU yet praise him— Pis. xlii. 11. *^ lB>y. wh^n storms around you gather Should your trpmbling spirits sink I m liook to Qorl your heavenly Father, ^ ;^d of his sweet promise think. ,i However dark the prospect at present, it will soon brighten ; "however dreary thw! nighty it will only make the day of deliver- ance more welcome. , -d ''•%*\ ijupoa 3hild of ;ht not is his praise I mt, it jr tW liverr ©ctobet 7.— MoBNiKo, Thy shoes shall be iron ana brass ; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.^Deut. xxxiii. 25. . ^^t »♦>* thy hoftrt despond and say, *• How shall r stnnd the trying duy T Ho has eugjigod by firm docroo, That as thy days thy strength shall bo. * The day and the strength are always con- nected; not strength before the day, but w the d ay, and as the day, . ♦•• *r (October 7.— Evbnino. He that taketh not his cross, and foUoweth after me, is not worthy of mo.— Matt. x. 38. Jo them the cross with all Its shame, • With all its grace is given; . • * Their nanie-^u evorlastiug name^ Their joy— the joy of heaven. We must bear the cross after Jesus, if we would wear the crown ; now we foUow him m te^rs, soon we shall stand before hfin with songs. > c» "•J * •,<» / % ■*■ ■/ ^ October 8.— MoBNj^o* WHOmaketh thee to ^fier from another and what hast thou that tfiou didst not re! ceivef-I Cor. iv; :^ * What waa there In jroiilihat btmldmeitt eitiin Or give the Oeator delight? *^ * v 7 * / Twas (vento, F^her,jon ever must alng, BecaiMUHemedgoodittth^tiffht. / If We differ in a spiritual sense from those around us, grace alpne made the difference, and if grace made us to diflfei^ we ought to be humble: »'.--'j^' „>••''? I>mji^m^ O Lord, from mine enemies: I'flee unto thee to hide me,-^:Pl8. cjdiil a ^*."^ »o thy name confide^ V v ; ■ Let me in thy hotom hide; ' J > ■ ^ero'ih safety would I stayi " : In eveiy time of dangei^ in ^ery s^ feaiv we may look to the I^rd for deliver^ anoe, and seek shelter and: safety in him. / . ' ' ■ ' '' ^ '■'■■' '■- ' ■ ' L' .> aiibther, Btnotre- »^^fQ*; •m those fference^ mghtto aemies : Ma asdQof leUyer- him. V. AI^D STILL WATERS. 280 ©ctobet a—MoBNINQ. My medita^on of Wm shaU be sweet: i w41 be ^ad in the Lord.-^. dv. 34. Tis sweet to meditate 'on him. I • Who saved nay soul from death; While he allows me breath. - i If we meditate on Jesus'^ shaU We him: a^«* tbe^more we love Uin, the more we shall m(3ditate upon him. \^ ©etoier 9.— Bvbbiho. laui^I sl«U not se^ the Lord, even the I*rd. ;p the knd of the living. _ !«, _ Scenes in dark and fearful shade. Yet why should thy soul be feinting. "- Wl prospective woes afraid. ■ 7 ■: ^y besides Hezekiah have made such a W^e; nature is always in haste: but grace IS wJhng to wait. 2P0 ORBBN PA8TUBBS 0Ctobet iO.--^OBNINO. / THAT I were as in months past, as in the days when Ckxi preserved me.-^ob xxix. 2. O that my soul as heretofore,, Could with delight and love explore, ^ , Those sacred sweets in Jesu6' name; That once my raptured soul o'ercame. If we would be as we were once, we must retrace our steps, and return to the Lord afresh, 6xercising faith in his word, and hope in His men^ 2._ j,i That ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer^ 2Thess.i.'5..;,v.;:. >;,?-; ■ ":'v:.v. ■■':■".:;: ::i^:.: ■':■.■ They suffe#with their Lord belgw. They reign with him abov^; I .: Their profit and their joy to know! pPhe mystery of love. '^ A bold, fearless, profession .of Chiist often ^--ttpeaekto suffering, bi^t it is an honour to suffer for jesus, and such sufferings will terminate in glory. ,> ■Wt;^: .- ■■■■ ,•;.■ ■>'-V :•;:-;■■-•.; ■ AND STILL WATERS. 201 Cast, me not away from thy presence • anri tJcenott^Holy^S^^^ The high and lofty One Wm dwoU In humlilo broken hearts. We ^^not more indebted to the work- of Omat for our justification, than wl^ to ^-koftheaotySpiri^fori;^^ ■V.-- ■■■■.-;- .-Ww. . >■ mttAev ll.-EvENiNa. I woDip seek unto God, and mito God WiJuld I commit my cansa^ob v. Z design, and^l the load of life. miat moment you remove; Its heavy tax, ten thousand cares iJevolve on one above. ' In eveiything we should consult God's will Sf ^^*^^-^^^d submit SS and holy providence. , V "™ wise ^r ^■ ®Ct0b(i: 12.-^M0BNING. HjB was strong in faith, giving glory to God. .--7^m.iv: 20. ■:;-■'■.": /■.:J^—'''.'-t' :'■'■■■ " O could I, with a steady faith, Believe what Ctod my Father saitli, Then should I glorify him more, Aud his uubouaded grace adore. *^ ' fothing can be more plain than God's pro- inises, or more simple than faith ; and yet it requires the power, of the Holy Ghost to make us believe them^ .:''■■'* <!&ctoiei: 12.— Evening. * When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as ^old.— Job. xxiii 10. ■ ..■■ ' ■'.'■■- "■- ■ >■' ■' '■ . ■ Saints indeed are sorely triedj v Troubles rise on every side ; Nor are they exempt within, Nothii^ tries like inward sin. Every trial is limited, it has an end to ao^ complish, and when the end is answered, it wiU be immediately removed. I /y^ w^. )rtoGod. od'spro- and yet jrhost to ae forth I to ao- swered, P^^^ tectobet 13.--MoRNiiro. , HiB shaU feed hid flock like a Shepherd.-- Dear J08US, be thou my Shepherd aiid Guide, No want shall I know, since thou dost prbvid«. ^ When danger attends me, to thee I would fly • ;^ The arm that defends me, my needs shall supply. Jesus has a shepherd's eye and a shepherd's heart, he watches over, and is intensely interested in, his fld<jk: , ; ^f^tojin 13;^EVBNING. / AMi po^er is given unto me in heaven and m eMth.— Matt, xxviii. 18. •» ' All power to Christ is given ; He ever re^s the same ; ' 'I Salvation, happiness, and" heaven. " : - ; -^reallinJeiiUs'name. Jesus has not only omnipbtent powen but universal authority : he can do ^ he wilL and what he wills is done. / . ■ /■ ■ ■-.'■ ■■. ■' ., , ■ ■ "" ■ -.■ — — — — — 1 _ — « 1 Comb unto me, all ye that labour, and are heay Men, and I will give you rest^ Matt. XI. 28. ; On Jesus cast your weighty cafea, And lean upon,Jiis breast; His love shall silence aU your fears, V For he yill give you rest. The wordaof Jesus are always the same, good, ** I will give you rest ,^' approach and prove. /^^^ ^- J^ ^^^^^ 14.~EvENiNo. : Sfliii, he that contendeth with the Al- mighty instrux5t him.^-Job xL £ I would not contend with tliy will _^ ^^atever that wiU may decree: ' ^ But 0, may each trial I feel, ' Unite me more firmly to thee. ^w formally contend with God, but most of us do so in spmt, but in this we display ourfony, and pride, and ingratitude. Und are a rest.^- le same, >i* stands pproach the Al- t most display -n-- AND STILT. Wii^VRR. m \ ; X ^(tobet 15.--M0BN11T0. Svk^ur he hath borne our griefs, and cai^ ried our sorrows.-r-Isa. liii^4i Our woes the prince of Ufe has borne, He felt the scoui^fire and cruel thorn; :• The sorrows of his bleeding heart Pardon and life to us impart. Jesus was punished, in our stead, he expi- ated our sins by his sufferings and death, wi^at we deserved he endured. , ' ©ctobet 15.r-Evro«No. I HAVB^ chosen thee in the furnace of ^ tioa^Isa. xlviii. la / In the furnace God is nigh, ' A ■ Feels out troubles, hears our ciy; ^ ^ngsusout, and by it proves : : Tlwt he (Owstens whom he loves.^ ^^^X X ^ JTie lord (^ose his people in 0te^ he makes them choice ones in the fbrnace of aflaiction J there he purges, and mates tnempirre./ ^:*. ■^ i r 6HK-<<t7, PASTUBBS : ^ttohevie.—MoRNim. \^ ^ JoR so is the wiU of God, that J^ ^ ';K^*^P-t to Silence the i^ttun^" of foohsh men.— 1 Pet. u. i^. t«"°^<^ mther than by our words ; they may refuse *■■,■■■ ■ , ■ xtii^ '"' ©(toiler I6.--.livm^ October 17.— Morning. Help us, O God of our salvation ; for the glory of thy name.— Pa. kxix 9. Help us to see thy graclouB care* 111 each diviue supply " Thatwe^ayldvft^hehipinghan^ / Ihat brings salvation iiijfh. . . TLe God that saves us from our sins wfll Mp us out of our troubles J he can glorify lus name by so doing. ^ ' "" «'°™y ©ctoftet 17.— Evening. • Wto the LoM cast off for ever ; and wifl lie be favourable no more.— Ps. Ixxvii 7. Cease that dark anttcipaUon. ' • Still let love and faith abound: ' For the day of tribulation Strength sufficient will be found. V ^ The L^^hath not cast off at all, it ia only^ our unbehef Ihat conclucles so : he is stiH gracious, merciful, and abundant in ;ffood. ) M ,7 ORKKW PABTUnitfl v^ctobet 18.— MoBNiKo. Tbebm is therefore now no condemnation to then, which ar^ in Christ Jesua-Bom ■* • ^» ^ - * Ye tempt«i ,and triedjTo Jeeu. draw nieh There a no. condomnatioi, to themthat beW The blood of Jesus blots out every charge • ■ ' ■■ . . /I'... /--.,■• ■■ ■ ■ . . '.' ■ I ' *ctebcr 18.— Evening. Aot> he, bearing his cross, went forth into a place caUi^ Golgotha.--John x£ n. »hj;<^iie bo«, Is Ufe and health. .Thouj^ shame and death to hlnT H^ople-s^hope, his people's wealth, ^ l^eiijiiverlasting theme. ^ tl St ■ AND VTItZ WAflfMtk 9on aniDation 8.— Rom. K ■'■'..'■■ y; liovo.' charge; justifies t th into 17. i^rtobtt 19.— MOBKINO, Tmt Lord is thy keeper ; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.— Ps. cxxi. 6. Presorvo mo from the snares of Bin, Through my remaining daya ; , And in me let each virtue shine, To my Redeemer's praise. / %e need an omniscient eye, and an al- mighty- arm, to keep us safe ; and both are constantly engaged for us. . , , , ^ctoiiei: 19.— Etenino. Hi giveth power to the faint ; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. ; ^ He gives the conquest to the weak. • Supports the sinking heart; ■'■■ And courage, in the evil hour, His heavenly aids impart. I Wea^ aristians are the special objects of if" ^f^ «»™; he is always nigh to [ strengthen and support them. ' 800 ORRKW PAnTTTRRR October 20 — Mornino, AU we like sheep havD-gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way and tha Lord hath laid on him the f^^^^ quity of us alL—Isa. liii. a ]^J^%»»»««P ^« hare rtrayed In foify and hUx But Je«u.I« made a surety divine i ^ He for our offeucoa did mily atone. #F^ That he might advance ua to sit on hli thrpU Wo wandered, and our Shepherd bore the blame ; he died for us, and ^^ live for e^ W ^**<>*f«^ 20:— EVENINO. ^^ Say ye to the righteous, that it ijdl be ^®" ^th him,--Isa^ 10. /^rTvell whien bn the inount> * ^^^&^*fr on JeBua'lovo; ^ righteous ^^^oh4p«ation, n^ cursivno separallllkchr^but every- thing must ultimately issue in our welfare. >ND StriiL WATBlt8< 801 October 21.— Mow«ii*o. My presence ghall go with thee, in4 I will give the^ reBt--^E^.qS. xxiii. 14. ChoorftU ru walk thb desort through, If with thy pr4jjouoo bloss'd ; Nor fear what earth or hell can do^ For thou wilt givo me rest >\ Our God has engaged to go with us every step of our journey, and to introduce us to eternal rest at the end of it. U. 'JM'' <Jcto!iev 21.-~EvENiiro. us,||j||(ura*A our days, Ifcat iye may Fy our fiearts imto wisdom.-2tP8. xa 12. AlmigHttliK Maker of my name, Teach rhe the measure of my day*; Teach me to learn how frail I un. And spend the remnant to thy praise. our days at best are few and uncertain, it should be our first concern to^repare •Q^^^roity, and spend our time for Qod^s ^ ^A^ > V u-'^-"' f«:ii^<li& «^ ■f ( . r 302 'V^ ^' ,*Wm|'' OBBE^ PASTURES ^W ^S^ "^y soul for death prtpare ^'. To mo that wisdom givv ^lastlhave worVgyes m an actual «adines8 to m^ [ ^TW habltiyJly ready. t. , ■ oanteep ■4r < ^saij^ Lord hath forsaken me ^nd But God has ne'er foi^^tenyefc. ■' - One ^ that sought his fece by pmyer; Our^ are often rash arid ,m ^e<^ and ^ distress ouri^:^ ^e least reason for it. ^^ s ^^^ T^Afldos in his o meet e, and xl4. un- kout : Jeroa his Ufo 8 ransom gave, H« freely ajed our tools to sbto; Hw-rtlMt sinner who belleTes. Jesus procured uur pardon ^y his saoMfice. and pur heamjy Rrther be^ows «k^ us m his name, and for Hs sake; we We ^^aonthegroundofanii^uite iSctobet 2a— EvBNiirG. * Bbhql^ h^re am I, let him da to me as seemetfi godd unto liim.-2 Sam. xv; 2a -M my heart -Takeaway the heart of stones And may I, with true aubmisaion, Meeklysay, "Thy willbedo^V - When he thus put.himself unto the hands of the Lord, and left himself to his di^ l> ."•••"v 304 >•.. ■•■■ /, " ■ .A ^BKK|tPASTU^ H^^ loved hfa own whiclAwe«» in ihe T^J he lov«d them mrto theW.44<S Wh^ troubles attend, or danger or 4ife J^slov^ wm defend ,nd guarfusT^^^^ Ajd^ei^ we are feinting; and ready Vd^ ^eyer i« wanting lus hand wiUsup^y V uevpr vw7>^ving once loved hia peonle h^ lov^ themWe end. , , . f ^^ ©ct^et: 24.— EvBi^ifo. i^ch ha^ cdUed you is% •■ - ^^- •■ - ^a^l be. averse to sin, JlnH w i51^' meroiful, and true; to a holy heaven, i, „ '"'^^"^ *»<! go ai.:^-^ AND STILl, WATERS. 805 ^wAd be actl^ In ttiopath .Of duty here below; . ; ;«^ile flteadfesfc hope and lively faith r Support and bear me throu^. Wefhould ever keep the coimna of Je«J^ in view, and so act lis neitherKiS oraslu.n,edtoxne.tlumatan;;^ sent help m troubla— Ik xiyj. j. ■ JfHio view a Saviour near? '^''°^°?» > Whoae voice forbids their fear. .^ ^ Ood as our refuge we should repair £ Inin^as our strength we should t^^ -.l^aspres^V^ ^'0 >MM My nob o powers wore not designed To rest in aught the world can give Oletmeinthyftilneslive/ / Oovetousnoss grows upoir4 insensibly, and ^m^us as itgrows; it assumes th4k^ 2^ and makes us idolatem: « Ta^ I;viLL restore comfbrts^^^^ Jus moumei^-Isa. Ivii. la ^ ; ^^^mournen canst thou lan^ ^^^^'tl^e great Consoler's feett^ He can give thee joy for anguish:' . Seekhimatthemercy^seat. A ' ^destroys our comfbrfe,^a^^ tliem, and clears our sky . ■ . ■ . • /•■3'-"t../. ^■■■. ■■•<; .:;..; ,. , ■■■-■ ■ ■ . ^ ■ , L^-' V. ibly,and ^h.e place "Take and to IS with ^stores AND STTLL WATERS. 807 ©ctotier27.~MoBNiNo. I ^uW the Joys of life resign. ^ •" . r^Andwaittoseemyend- ^ ^^^UbutWthltiartmiue^^ J^fy Saviour and my Friend nower of faith, and a source of sweetest -P^«?«« ««r <5omfort« shroud. V ^ ^ ^^^^ ^Anddaricdistresseslower. ^ I H^^Bite^inbow on tie cloud _ ^^«^<^«^J^"^esthn,„ghthesho4en - ^ patience, and pi^vslioulji always oe m exercise: we sTiiiM \ *"^ aiwajr« patiently do the ^fl 5S ^ *" ^^J' I7 call 4>on God. -^ ' '^"'^ H*^*- •■■,■■■ I'-'i ■/. r— --i >%^ -/f/^^^ /:^^^mp ■. i.- ORERW PASTURES ®cto6er28^MQBiHNo. JtaBB we live, we live unto the Lord V -?--Kom. xiv; a ^ . ' f Wle I live to live to theel . Let It be my steady aim, ' Still to glorify thy uam^ feims and his glory should be our great end m hfe and in death ; that it mi^2 ' ; ^etoiei: 28.— EvBKiNG ,^ts M^ always In his keeping; ' < _ And healways keeps them well; - ^g, resting; waking; sleeping;^' ^ f« preserves frqm death and heU. (^ one^eeds keeping more than^ Ohris- ^n, and it is his merc^^^^ the greatest care : the Lord keep^mt the apple <rf his eyb. , ^ ^ ^ "=X7 \ AND STItt VtATtEB, the Lord* the Lord, great end fht be so tis Holy ^t love ' Ohris- pt with; him as _^ _ An that boundle« We could giTO. ^ . ®ctoBeti9.--EvENiim. I '7«' "y comforts .till increase, '^V ' ^O-ay, "My Father sen*, tiemril." • ' 'I 810 OREEN PA8T0BES _ ^"^t^^tn, their gloriouBi,^^^ ^'^-^^J^u. proves th.thi3 .-^d prove ur^ust to men. ' ' - — -• ■ ■ - ■■ ■ . . ■ i^"- . ad, and be- lt slept.-^ rieve, lead. ' that hig I ibuiida- tumbh jp this suffep- ■■/.. AND STILI. WaTEBS. Jathey on hia thiyna-Jlev. iii. 2i. ^ f To him bo glory given; ^ ^ once conquered for us, and he wi) - ■ ■ ' ■ ■ * •-.■.■■ . /" ■ ■ / ^ And mortal firmness shriX' " ./ Our anchor fastens Jnt^eSSi ' - ^"'^^^knofltormcansinr ^^^^^^^^^^^^: Qod raised Jesus frorri ih^ a j» l»w promises, and exnJ.f «.Tf " ?^ '*^®^« ^/^'^ 812 OBMW PA8TUBX8 /?'. ^ iT!:'''y°'™''<>'-oroniier«» ^-S:^\f'°"«'' ^ '«; -• «* down - bis" l^J'^S "i-**" -« copy his example. ;" ' - ^^"^ '«* "? • ««. % t«ne ia short^i O,^ ^ ^. ,■ '• AND STItL WATERS. aid , :^: , ■ — — _ strength b. proportion, to thoTt ■ - Be„„„b-riusr that we.ro but oll^' Our God knows us neHanH^ j loBes.sight of our fraSJf. ^.*r'' "''^'"" no fatter eyer pi«TL. '."?"""'•« ' pities us. ^ v' r!ri >'*""'<*'« God . ^obembet 2.-EVBNIN0. •>^«^ erer gracious Father-No. Dosa ^* rJn^n' n ^'® ^^^ solemn pur- *T' ayieWtohimobocIleiice'du^ ,TP"M, he will bless us. <,«v « good «ad gmt /^ "'^ *""-o«' of aU that • l-'jlt-'-.. ■ . ' ■ Itll, our faith; >o strong ; is. '•---Song c/^^ fe and ins, wJ nthat Auri ■TIM. WATIR0. S' ''K bl6 Bo for ever to thp Uaih """*"* •. . , Jolmxv. U - -^ ^.^^ friends.^ J^glXt live to dod alone; Aud be in gpi A one. Jestis died for ua Xk^ . us lufl friends^a^dfc "^'"'^ *^ ^^« > t> now iiVe to h im , and for Jbiin, ~ — — ^-^ — i-— ^__i:- ' ; -L-^'^- 1% i {r «, '^ .M . f v^n;,4^ *m. ■•* l. ^h The love of Christy /^hich passeth know- ledge.-r^;pt iii. 19. ' / Whenik think of love like this, / ' . Joy and shame our hearts possess,/ . Joy— that thou couldat pity thus, , ^ Shame— for such returns from us. V The love of Jesus is infinite as liis nature, and eternal as his existence: therefore be- yond our knowledge. O to enjoy it more. Nobembet 5.— Evening. ^ I WILL give them an heart to know me.— Jer. xxiv. 7. . , t . ,, Give me Thyself: fi-om every boast From every wish set free; * J^'" Let all I am in thee be lost, ^ But give thyself to me. ^ »,Jr^ We never know God until he gives us the heart to know him ; and after -we do know him, we can be satisfied with nothing short of himself. , , i<' : Kobembev 6.— MoRNiNO^ After he had patiently endured^ he/ ob- tained the promise.---Heb*vi. 15. And with humble patlenco still, I would wait my Father's will ; In the path of duty run, Tijl the task of life is done. Faith believes the promise, hope expects it, and platience quietly waits for it. Be- lieving, hoping, and quiet waiting, make a Christian happy, i. ^ ^^ Nobembet 6. — Evening. God, according to his promisa'^raised unto Israel a Saviour, J£»us. — ^A<>ts xiii. .23. ^ A Saviour doubles all my joy^. And sweetens all my pains. His strength in mvxiefence employs, ^, Consoles me aiux sustains. There is no name so precious as Jesus, no' office so glorious to that of Saviour: God hatn raised us up a Saviour, and a Gbba:^ :^ «uide me through life o«/i i * Ti« /.„„»! X. ^ "^6» and let my end :_., lie ^vorlastirig peace, - ^ Our safety is in our God let i,<, +i.^ i. ■ -■■ -.• ■ ■^''■-■: ■■-■''' :'-..^t-'- ::■:■.: ^ ; •-:/ 1 •'acoD IS our refuga^Ps. xlvi 7 ■■■v.- '.V ■.;■■'■. God teourjoy and portion stilL .,^*^!^frtWy good retires; ' Wh« i^ !;w ^'^'^^ «"««^n and fill When ^rtl^ifcself expires. ' The persu^ion, that God^^w^ , M present ^th us. shonl^ ^'^*^ ^ence, courage, ,^^^^- shield; Brefore | expect AND STttL WATKJIS. ^^^«i«ber 8.— MoKNiNG. They gav^ ^heir own selves to the Lord.- 2 Cor. viii. 5, . Lord, I am thine by various ties. ^ And thine w-ould ever be • f 1 ' •■ od of :OSts )llfi- NobtmSer S.-.-Evmrufo.'" ^ not feithles^ b„t beHeving.^ohn «. ' ^s" ^:^*^J^«?'^°«s our'sorrows flow; ' . Shortsighted mortals, weak and blind Bend down their eyes to earth and woe And doubt ifprovidence is kind. ' By faith we conquer, through unbeUef we r^Sf ' by feith we honourGod, to by unbelief we give place to Saiau. . , ^ y .;* f OKREN PAS^TUBES ■* fiwj^J .fbrtli ther^foi^ toits worthy of re- pentance.— Luke iii. a ^ 01 re- ; ; Let nay repentance bo sincere ^ ;; J^feithiu all it! fruits appear; Xnfluye my heart with holy love _ , And fix my hope on^thing/j^boyl ■ 2 ^ '^P^'^i^ genuine, reformation fm IS sure; faith produces penitencT and penitence is proved by holin^^ ?^ ^"^- I^ without ceasing -^1 Thess. V. 1^ 17. ^ . r^"S^^^^ . lo^eveiy joy that crowns my dak V -In every pain I bear^ - ". "^^ : N(^ng wiU keep^e flame of joy alive but constant feUowship with Q<Sl-^2 ^i?;:^v*""^"'^'"«^'^^^^ ceasing pray, i :. . -. ( , V Ml. thy of re- 'itnation snitence, nuatibn 3easing. alivjB, if we Lthoiit / -.• " / ANDTsTItl, WATEftS. 321 Notoembcr lo.-^ORNiKcK Tmo^ our outward man perish yet th« ._Andfill me with dismay; ' Renew me d^ by day, be^taten dowat %tHe soul way be^^ «nd more eonfonned to Jesu& s . Nobemiet 10.— EvEwiiro thee, for God is m^ defen<«.-.P8. lii. »; ' , ■*"""»"» well since hdedbrtlMie.- Seeing'a.d is strongs anS can deliver- k engaged^ us by promis« and ivill ie W upon him alone should ^ wait. , ' 06EEN PASTURES \ - ' • > NToWemfier U.-Mobmdto. ^ .^ wifl be w:th him in troubk.-^ ffls ear regards our mournAlI opy; - f^^fi^iouaaidiseveruigh:^ ■ Audseebhlshe^pbyardentVmyer. ~ ;^ -^^^^^^^^ the b,i^ - MigM chwg. It, name, and pX a toW '■■t*. 11 answer ibl©.— Ps. r prayer, sing we AND STILL tVATBR^. 'NobmhtV 12;-»M0BNING. 823 BEHGLD,.he Cometh with p]n»^c - ; Savour Mn that awful day ~ . Keep our hearts from sinking ' '# . Of the season thinki^^ . iet us ieep the cominfr nf t« ' •in view, and liverSaK^T ^^^^ app^ring; .^ . ^ 5a^7 e^ectation of his it dis- ne. ?and ^ it is com- r f -^ Gted, even % Go(i_pjg, j^ y^ ' : 4«« thy God,-.welVthink of thk. /^ dRlEBN PASTURES Kobembcr 13.— Morning. Jto portion of J^^^ the J^rd of hosts IS his name.-Jer. x la 1^ Jacob Aeed not look to earth, * w^^"°® ^^^ portion is THK Ixmo . Worldly cares and worldly mirth, . ) With Us choice woiUd Ul acc^ J Every believer iai God for WsportW and "T,^. "» W" portion shoSd he liv" and of Ood as his portion should he boast' Tffobmhtt 18.— EvEunrer ' # I E*"^' f*^r °^ *''''^"^ that is wis. • =.#>">•— ^^obxxviiL 28. ■ .J. > ">».,«,_. • • ■;.■■■■..- '■•".■: Who wisdom ilnd are truly blessU ' J ThetreeofUfeisthenpossess'd;^^^' . " Of all that's valued this is best, -nspreseftt and eternal rest. • ^ 3Tie ^ar of the Lord inchides faith, lore ^liip,^and obedience: such as^uis^W Mod are truly wise* ' ; 9. fcheim ; the S.16. rtion, and I he live, he boost. i-i. ... *is wis- hj love, lusfear ^l7JMy^^^/^A/2 Ii^the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.-Pa. y. 3 7 ' ,:: '"aU the duties of the day " ■ ^^"PPO'fcrae by tihy power; Direct me In tby holy way, / And keep me every hour.* If tiieaiad W spiritual, it wiU mturaUy inup the eye to God, and, in answer d SS. ''"' g^^-u^ly. look dowt_ Etebt one that loveth is bom of God. and" knoweth God.-l John iv. 7. . ^ TIi^lB the centrjfl point of bllae, L^S" "^ '^'=M'»««»'<i of this, ., •"woutit/am poor indeed. € Lovetohe great eWdenoe of the new birth. SeS^'^'^^^^*''^^-^^^^^^^ S26 ORKEJf PASTUIUIS ^nd groat is your reward, ^V is the only road. ' - ® '"'"''S^ ^^^d "s go to him as such. ^^'^'^^ ^«* L ch discou* . xii.4. ^gged, it Jgh road and to /' ' ylost By let '/I // r'f . J/>^ -^7^^^^!^ AND OTtMj WAtRRg. Lord, I wiU praiae the^HIso! m i. The^tort their Saviour i., and Ktoj Th,cro«,thelr.,„p,audheave,.?Ul,„„,. Prafae should ascend to God daily -» hourly; and yet there is „o duty tt whf^ we are more baokwawi +k,c ingratitude. ^^'^T™-*'^^^ P«>ve8 our Iffobcmbet IC-EvENiNo. ■ ' AXLtKings are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Chrisi^Cb^ ^ ^lu^h event of life how ci^ . " ., Thy ruling hand I see- ' ; V E^blessingto mjr soul moro dear ■Because conferr'd by thee. ' . ." All thipgs that pertain to our rerfim^f; ^n.m«on.a„dfiualsSurt""^ - — — '~ ■ x.t^- 828 ORBIW PA8TURR8 ■■ ...7 ^■•■ ---r -. ^ Nobemftet ir.^MoRN,No. him. while :rwrd"'^'.'"«-*'^°'» before him. u ^ ****^' reverence Ur**"'^«^'»^-he.ve„.,x>rhe^ and long/fJrftl,".''?^. »>»* waits for Chrtat-s coaltej^*"'^ J""* «> "^ould we AKD flTILL WATER% ii^ / Nobembrr 18.-,MoRNiNa. ■■ /many.— Heb. ix, 28. .- 1' My ovorlftsilng hopo roUca On his atouin^r BAcriflco ; , . ( My guilt rQmav«d, my siu foi^vea 1, . The one offering of Jesus made . fuU »nJ everlasting atonement for aU our s!,^ hTis »urfie««,:believingthis,weshalH^i;m " * ■■■.■■■■. " ■ ■ ;•■..■■■.'■ ■■■■•*'. ; { WobemJet 18.— Eveotno, To give yo» an inheritance among aU them that are sanctified-Acts xx. 32. ^ pur aouls aspire to noble things. • OurTr^'^' '-"'W our porti^Ues; , Our Father is the King of kings And gives us everlasting joys/ ^'s gracious wol-d is intended to build •»: % \ \ 380 8«M» PASTCBM *^°*--%h- ilH^ ^'^3^ gift of *»•« limits of 1L°e*tT*'''^'^''''«^»d V faith, and *i>© gift of % n the uii- dness ancj lustb^^ JoJatioD, ' Thess, eyond us a AND STILL WATERS. dtfl Beloved, now are «re tfin 1 John iii. 2 r^ ^e tile sons of God.^ '■,"'■■■■■■•*■ Tbsib righteousness i« nf * '^ , My strength and nXecL^r"""'' # It to US. , "^ "°» and gives . Nobembet 21.^Morning. •/ Prating always witH all prayer and supplif cation in the Spirit.— -Eph. vi 18. "^■- y v.^ ; ■.■■■•- ; ■ ■ ■■■ : •/ . Lord, let my prayer like incense rise Before thy throne above the skies; And my requests accepted be, Through Jesus pleading there for mo. i Prayer i^ always seasonable, always ^eces^ sary,and always profitable ; therefore prayer Ijoth publicly and privately should be of- ■fered.:'-/ ! I^pbember 21.— EvBNiNa. A FRp3n> of publicans and sinhers.-^Matt. xLi9.;:.:'--. ,; ■,-,,:v;.::; ■.>,', ;/\ ,: We need not be ashamed to o^, - That he on whom our hopes depend. Though now he fills the highest throne. Was styled on earth ** the »inmt'» friend.** It was the enemies^of Jesus that gave him this title ; but it was so honourable to him, and so encouraging to us, that he has con- descended to wesg: it ever since. ^^^^ ^^ AND STILL WATBBB. 88a In tte Lord shall al^Bged of Israel be justified, and shall gliPP^sa. xlv. 26. ' O may my soul fo^ ever pttusa V Hisfree, hiBJustifying grace; , A ^ ^ ; And by a holy conduct prove , " My interest in his saving love. * Union to ;fesu8 gives an interest in all that he has; therefore all who are united to hkn, are justified by his'obedience unto death. Nobemtet 22.— Evening. Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and ^alk therein,and ye shall find rest.^-Jer. vi; 16. Were once our vain desires subdu'd, _ The -will resign'di the heart at rfest, 3^^ , In every scene we should conclude, ^C The will of heaven is right and best. *^ The old path is beUeving God, the good way is obeying God, imd in faith and obe- dience we shall find rest. ^ ^ f ■ ■? 334 <}BB£N PAStCBES S^' Iw Ml these things we a^ thwi con* querors througH\im that loved usi— B^m. viii;37. . ■■\.>- v^-: :::■-.■■:..:.-,- ' ■*" ' -Gufib6s are stirong; and many-fpo," ^ . ; V * v^t wlyr these doubts and fears? ;>- ^BV)r while WB keep our liord in view, ^^^ - f pur strength is liiorei than theirs. The strength -of Jesus is glorified in -our weakness, and our conquests are to the : honour of his* naipe. ' v ; .:;: ^;.-;^ ,.;.:_;. /^ ■-..;■: - •, ■ ,.;V''- ,, '' . ■'. -.; .i^^ ' ' ; y * / Ncbemfiet23.rT-EviiNiNg^ ' Tet God, Whom thou servest continually he will deliver thee.-— D^n. vi. 16. ' . Through waves, ancLdouds,, and storm's, ^ He gently clears tSy way ; *. : Wsdt but his time— thy darkest night ' ^ Shall en4 in brigl^est day. The diligent sei?van1b shall never be ne- ,glected or deserted by his Lord in trouble; to him deliverance is as certain as fihati^ 6od can sehdii > < . V,, r 1 ' • " AND BTILL WATEBJt ^! . ^88t^ T - ' '^[- Nobembct 24.— iMoBNiNO; . V "V -" con* R6m. Ohmst hath redeemed us from the curse ' of the 4aw, being paade a curse for us.— ; * ' « ' " /'• Jesus has bolme the cuwe. for me^^^ . . ' ; v * From dvery'chai^e to set nie free, -^ ,* 1- -l ^ • Why 8houl4Iyieidto>lavishfearf^- 'V If Gdd himself pi^)iioimce mtj cloar?:^ ^ "* ; ^ ^ ' *' •our the *• e What a mystery is this ! the "Blessed 0ne^ -' ■ '^ made a curse, that we accursed dCies mightf \ ^•- inherit a blessing. .^\.^ ,' * ' •; .\ v ' . . *. 1 • For when wje .were- yet Without strength, in due time Ciirist died > for tiie ungodly.-^: . laUy, - . Rom. V. 6. ^ \ ,. • f^ And cotfldst thou, tiay Saviour, die,- , * ! To rescu6 me from endless 'w6e? - ' Enough ! there's noaie tnoro blest than I, : , Rincethou cbuldst love a sinner so. . , • «*" ne- ible; that, ^ ■ * Jesus died .for ungodly sinners, and he died for them %b redeem them from iniquity . and'restqrethem toGocLy^, • ,^ , v. \i{ > K^ : ' ■ ^ 1 ^— — TP • ' ^ * s , - 886 OBEEN f ABTUBSiS /■ ;f 'Here have we no continuing qity, but we seek one to come.— Heb. xiii. 14. J ''■'■•■■-■. ' ■ .i ' WeVe no abiding dty here, - ^ . Then let us live as pilgrims do";' \ . Let not the world our rest appear. But let us haste A-om all below. This is an enemy's land, we are onty pass- ing through it^ heaven is our <home, no wonder then that we meet toils, ipsM^ and troubles. , , ' ;> i ; I^obemijet 26.— Evening. The Qod of all grace hath called us unl his eternal glory ^y Christ Jesus.—! Pet.\ ■ '■ ■ . ■■ ' •'■■"'' ■ ■■ . -• ■' " " ■■* .<'-' '■■ ■ Grace I 'tis a sweet, a charming theme ; < Hy thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name: . Tel^ angels, dwell upon the sound, :V ; Te heavens, reflect it to the ground. | ^;, God IS ibfinitely gracious, and he has dis- played itw by calling insignificant worms to inherit his ^orious kingdom, i , ; ' — . ■■ ■- — - ., .. ■ -•- — ■ — - — \ y V:' ; ■ • •-■ nylL* ■i. >-\ f 'T ■ .■■.■,.■,:;;■ ■■ ■'''.' #* ;; " t . r A??D STTLt WATkRS. V I 887 J ' ■ ■ j-^v--'^ ^NTobembtt 26.j-^MoRNiNO. i ^ ^ but vre . >■■■"". ' . ■■' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■' f My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.^^ames i. 2., ■ ■»■■ « . 'V, ■ , ■ 1 ■ ^ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ ""V ■- ■ " ■ '■ . -■■ V TriaUi prove and atrengthen patience; ; . ' J Trials purge the dro^ ; . Trials sweeten expectations Of a bright and glorious day V vl; ■ ':■■■■% ypasa- me, no iIfl and ''"<■ 1 l*emptations in this pladb are not solicita- tions to evil, but afflictions, pMrseoutions, and crosses. ' ♦ [ ^ . -' ' '• . ■■■■■ "^ \ ■ - ■ \- \, , Nobeittbet 26.-;-Evi!NiNG. '^ ■ ,'■ IS unto -1 P©t)y \ ■■' ■'.f- Aiii things were made by him ; and with- . ; out him was not anything tnade that was made.— John i. 3. ^^ ■■;, ■ ■■■..'■-■ • ■ ,■"'";■:■ ''■ ■■'■ • By his owu power were all things made ; By him supported all things stand; , j^ He is the Whole creation's head, A^d angels fly at his command. las difl- ►rma to / ? ■ ■ \ He thai made all things is God, but Jesus «>made all things, therefore Jesus is God: he "^ho created all ihings is our brother. ^ -'' ■ ■iv-7'; \ ,■■■■ .^■•■- ■ T ■■..':■ ^ '':.•:.":'' '^-' (- . ■ ' - \ - ';■■"■ ^ '• .' *-'■■■ 838 ^- ORBBN PARTURRS }f I >■ • ::•/. x'^- t HAVE learned in whatsoever state I lam* therewith to be content.— PhiL iv 1. : O teach thy worm, whatever hia state, ! Therewith to be content; ; ^ , Thin© hand to bleaa, thy tlipe to wait, » > And leave to thee th' event. Kb one but :tha^^^ ^^ lesson; flpvf learn jt^ and no wonder j for but few pray and strive to learH it j carnal nature cannot love it. » Wobembcv 27i— Evening * , ►rc^'is on them that fear him from JISP to genei'ation.-^iiuk e i. 50. To those that fear a»^ trust the LoM,* His ineJrcy stands for ever sure ; ' Prom age to age his promise iivesi And the performance Is sQcure. , , yWie mercy of God is hke the sun, ever communicating, but never decrying; it . ^1^ fixed on all that fear Gbd. , tiTl-— • '' ■ ■ i X -'— t- XND STILL WATERS. ' > ^obeml&cr 28.— Morning, Thb meek will he guide in Judgment j and the meek will he teach his way.— Ps. xxv. 9. < With J^osus for our fi:trf(!e, y The path is safe, thbiigH rough; The promise says '• I ;will provide,** , Aud foith replies, " ^uough." The meek how to Gtjrd's sovereignty, yield to his will, consult his word/^and aim at his gloiy : and such he favours; . ^ . ' !Mroi)cin%ev 28.— Evenhtq.. . Believe on the Lord Jesus Christy ^nd ' thou shalt be saved.— Acts xvi. 31. ^ * - ■ ' '" ■:'/ ''^:.-:";-:- .:. : ."':■. ■ '■ ■„■ ■ : ' ■■■ ' '■''-'■':■■'■■ '■ tVitti melting heart to him apply J '^^ '' ^ 'Boli6Ve, and yqu shall never die; ,* J - ■ Tour souls, your all, to Jesus give; ^ l : *^; '' .-] : IIVm- heiias bled that you might live. ^' V -' ' '. ■• ■ . " >. ■ ' ■ ■, • ... .- v ■ ■ ;- ' . To the doubting ehristian^ as well as the Imquiring &innei\ these words may be ad- jdressed : th e y ar o applicable to b^ ali ker- ^ ; /. ^.,. u 840 ORBKir PASTURES' Kobember 29.— Mornino. Father, I will that they also whom thpu hast given me be with me where I am.— Johnxvii.24. ;^ Then» Lord, remove whato'er divides , Our lingering souls fVom thee ; •^ Tis fit that wliere the Head resides, "^ The members too should be. *■ The presence of Christ is the joy of his people, and their presence with him is the reward of his work; as his reward is sure, our glory is certain. . ^; , N'obembft 29— Evening. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acc^uainted with grie£— Isa. liii. 3.- . ■. v, ^:^:-;--y, ■■,:.■ ■/'■■:■:■'■■■..■ R^ected and despised of men. Behold a man of woe I Grief was his close companion still, _; Through all his life below. Are you despising Christ ? or rejecting him ? If not, do you feel your need of him, and desire to possess him? This is a proof of the new birth. "TT^ \-. \-; Noiiimbet 80.--,MoBNiwo. If thoa faint in the day of advertitj;^"^!^ strength is smaa— Prov. xxiv. 10. - / . Faint not. Christian, though the world f] Has its hostile flag unfurled; ; Hold tho cross of J08U8 fast, . % . Thou abalt overcome at last. \. ' , The heavier our trials press, the more firmly we should grasp the promise; this will preserve from fainting, this will bring relief / i * ^w\,' • l^obem^et 30.--.EV1CNING. Be is the head o^ the body, the church.— GoLi.l8. ' V ^ All our immortal hopNes are laid In thee, our Surety and our Head I ' yhycross, th> cradle, and thy throne. Are big withglories yet unknowii. Jesus rules his church, as its Head ; but he aJao thinks for it, feels for it» provides for if^ pratects it, and supplies it. '^^^^^Bt^t •■%. ^ IDecembev 1.— MoBNiNo; ^ PouBtLESs ,thou art our Father.— Isa. kiii^ I have called thoo Abba, BVitlior, .■^■;. ■ I havo set my hoart ou thee; fUorins may howl, and clouds may gathor» Airmuflt worteibr good to mo. . -• However dart the day, however trying the path, however severe the discipline, it is for faith still to claim God as a Father, and say *M^? w weUP , ' m ' ■ jBecemfter 1.— Evening. Sat to them that are of a fearful heart. Be strong, fear not.— -I&a. xxxv. 4. if Shall tdistnis^ my Saviour's love, . • Or doubt his promised grace? - ' Sooner shall rocks and hills remove Than his compassions cease. Though our fears and doubts dishonour the Lord,.yet he is concerned for, and ten- lier over his doubting oiies. j^ ; * •I •'$ Al «;,; of V*' '■' If or ca • W bl( • • ■ ■■ . AJ > ''in Fa #. aur en- ■'■' ■■ A ■ -J. 4Nb BTILL WATKR8. ** Sccembetr 2.— Mounino. And exhorted them all, that with purjiose of hteart they would deay© unto the Lord. ActflxiiSJa ' • holy Srtvlourl IHond un«eohi ^ Since on thine arm thou bldst us )oau, Help us, throughout lifu's changing scene, ^ By faith to cling to thee. ; , ^ If Satan can get us to take our eye off Jesus, or withdraw our confidence from hi^i, he can conquer us with ease. / - .' ' — I "^ Mecemhzv 2.— Evenino. , Who hath blessed lis ^ith all spiritual blessings iu heavenly places in Christ.— ■Eph.i.3...' ■;■ ^- : -., ■ Father, I wait thy daily will; Thou Shalt divide my portii)n still; ' Grant me on earth what socms thee best, Till death and heaven reveal the rest All spiritual blessings are in Christ; they are ^ in Christ for us, as the gifts of our heavftnly Father: let us then daily apply for them. ^ — ^ . /v.. A ( 844 OBEBN PASttTRBS; ■■ i IBewmlbei: 8,T^MoBNUfo. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly of heart.— Matt. : Give me the meek; the lowly mind, I would obedient be; v^ v . / And all ijoy rest and pleasure find In.learningv Lord, of tliee. v ^^ Never was there suchia jteacher as Jesus^nor are any l^ssond like his; let us take our place at his feet^ i^nd leara of him to-dav '.''■',■:' ■ -■.■-■■' ■■■■-■ .:■.' ;■ • ■ ::/-:..i^.'- - ^^o, fbr tile joy that was #et before him, endured the crossj despising the shame.— ■ ifeK-xii. 2.' ..:■■■■■'■"•--:■■■..■■.-.•■..-; ■:■•■:.■ ■' * ■" ■ ■ « - • ■ .,■■- ■ ■ '- . ^ ■ - '•■-■; . v.» ■ ' . . ■ . ^ . ., ' .. ■ ■ ■ .■ : " O, the sweet wonders of that cro^s^ Where Gk)d the Saviour loved and diedl Her noblest life ray spirit draws From his dear wounds and bleeding side. Jesus kept his ey^ <m. the crown ^hfle enduring the cross, so should we : the cross is the way to the crown, 1* V ' * .:«!: Uk . '; ■• api saV . ■ ( . Wl ■ ■ '; offi the live ORNINQ. But the day of the Lord will come aa a thief in the nighi^-2 Pet. iii. 10- ' Oh tlappy (JjQr l|When we shall see ■ * : Anid cast our Ibngfing eyes on thee ; , Oh thee, our lightt oui' life, our love. Our ALL below, pur heaven above. As the day of the Lord will come suddenly, and unexpectedly, we ought to he always ready for it. y, ■; • if e e . .--' ■ . ■ -■ «■■ \ • v^;- ■■■ > \ l^etembet 4.— Evening. Unto theiii that look for him shall he appear the second time, without sin, unto salvation.— Jleb. ix; 28. - Now seated OQ his glorious throne, I He soon will come to claim h^ own ; Soon shall they join his countless train, Nor sin, nor death, afflict again; , When Jesus came the first tii^e, it was to ofifer a sacrifice for sin ^ but when he comes the second, time, it will -be perfectly to de- liver his people, il- . '< L Heccmliet 5v— MoBNiNa >Q0D shaU wipe away aU liears from their eyea.^UdY, vu. 17. /"^ . /Tisthusthe Wbasfix'dad^^ To wipe bis peo^e's tears away; Their toils, and giiefe, aud conflicts past, Heaibring them to himself at lasC Alt our soitowig are bounded by time, we may weep on earth, but not in heaven; J^ wept once, but lie is ftdl of joy now, and so fihaU all his people be soon. Btttmhtx 5.— Evening. The Amen, the faithful and true Witness. Bev. iii 14. . Jesus, the faithful Witness now, ' ^ Speak by thy Spirit to my heart: ^ Befprg thy throne my soul I bow, O, bid my doubts and fears depart I Jesus came as a witness from God, and as a witness for God: every word he spoke was with^ the soleamity of an^ oath; hence bis " Venly, verily, I say unto you", f. i.-'l^' P' -2l. ^ T* b( h[ in f V Becember 6.— Morning. ^ The Father of lig-hts, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. — Jamesi. 17. ^ A ^; Oh let me then at length be taught ' — What I am still so slow to learn, That God is love, and changes not. Nor knows the shadow of a turn It is one thing to admit that God is un- changeable, and another to realize the fao under all our changes. > . , ^» ^ December 6.— Evening. TjHB God of my mercy shall prevent mm — :Ps..lix.ia' ■ ■•■ l^ '■'-■- '^-h, , Let mercy, lK)rd, pi^event me still, \ ; And guard my soul from every ill; ' Let mercy Gompiass me around, And guide me safe to Can^ian's ground. To prevent is to go before, in order to benefit; the tord has ^always been before- hand with us ; his m^rcy is g^eat, prevent- ing, and free. i^< •|\ ^mS aBecembct 7.— MoRNiNQ. Hb«i^ spared not Bfe own Son, but deli- v^ad^him up for us aJV how shaU he not with him also freely give us aU things !- Kom. Till. 32. • -. ^^«?**^ *^?'*^*^^<> f^^ the best ^i"fir>vo|p( all beside; Assured each seeming good we ask r Is evilif denied. '. ;M good things come to us with' Christ and through Christ; having Christ, aU we want IS secured. /^ > ~* we - - ' 3Decem6et 7.— EviuiriNo. Seek not ye wh&t ye shaU eal^ or what ye' shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. — ^liuke ill. 29. 7 O, save me from the di^adftil snare Of discontent^nd worldly care I Iiesfc I through unbelief depart Froip thee with an unthankful heart. The concerns of time ^should always be se- condary, and a dilig^t use of means should everbe accompanied with trust in God. r \. : '■ A] • ■ ■ . 4Bh ;■■■'.;■. ' <* So th v _le£ v. '►■■ ■ W ,'■■■. ■- • be ■ " '/ N, .~- ■-*■ " ' ■*' .- \; ■ . A w ■■■ ■ :i:- ■ W8 :# he ;x\ 3D c c tmhtt 6L— l^oBNiNO. All that will live godly ii^ Christ Jesus «hall suflTer persecutiqij.— j^ Tim. iii. 12^ v ..In midst of dangors, fears, and <^^ih, /^ Thy goodness I'll adoi'e; ^ - / And.praise thee for thy mercies past, * , And humbly hope for-more. Somei persecute with the temp.er, some with the tongue, some with the sword: more or less,' all the godly suflfer from it. *, « I f cemiet 8.— Evening. Where I am, there shall also iuy servant .;* be; — John xii. 26. Where Jesus is, 'tis heaven to be, 'Tis heavMi the Saviour's face to see ; ^, ., We know, thou^ all the world revile, ' ' Celestial joy is in his smile. r / We are now where Jesus was, and cut Jesus was; we shall soon be wherfi he is, and (zs ^ he is. /-. , i 9^ >>' ^1 ,\ 1 ^\ |0|^I cai^ nVef repay,* W|^w![*»^fc amount I view, t f, ' /''. . nWpiti $tiU ^om day to day; ' •' % , : ^e God thap^ves us suppli^ us,>iid^if • wouldl^rffaiiu^ with wonder. , ^ V ^v'v -,'; ''" -^--r ,' JSef eiHiei! 9.'— Evljniro. ^Ito to«ght«%Way& ,tp pt^- and not to - feint>»-I,ulfe xvitt j: ^ J > W**.'®*"? pray, and nev^ feints \ ' \ Thb prayer k •foith can aH thi Ao • ^Employing thfe, the feeblest sayHI ' •Cai^ meet and vanquish everyfoT^ ^prayer is not specify answered, we afe apt to get weary, ana fancy that God wiU not hear us; but he 'loyes earnestness and importunity, m „ - ' '"^ . ''V , '^t'^r^ '?r r •JM AND STILL WATERS.' — » ■ : '. 851 - ' i " i if i ) i ii » j llecemjbet lb.---M6BNrNo/ ye not stiff-necked as yotir fathers ire, but yield yourselves unio the Xiord. ^ Chrou. XXX. & ; . . /; Ih;. Lord, for ever, at thy side, 'f% May'my place, mybortion be; " ' 1"^' Strip me of the robe of pride, ^ ^lothe roe with humility: 4^ Bf bullion yfiil bring rebukes; but yielding yM ensure a blessing; qnly th^hilfclble . ^/^ happy. ^, ,^ ^ IBi^^embet 10.— EvEiriNQ. lii ctiimren, your sins ar ;is name^s sak6.-JBl JoSTiiJ 12. y soul, foiTget not what is d%i . - ! To him #hose suflf'riu^ pardon brings j ' \ Nor cease to keep ttiUcross in view : The crosp will teach the^ wondrous things. ' 1 1 .» .; ft child of God is pardoned; his par- flows to. him through J)h||Ma:oss of isus, and is bestowed upon %(CTMifc mo-, ment he believes. 852 GREBN^ Pastures V. I9cfemtrer ll..~Mo»Nwo. I'ET your speech be always with ««. «oiK)d with salt.-CoL i^ T^ ^"^ "^ Time Is precious, we'll improve ffc"^ . ^""^oVtRence our comfort spriugs tnw, ironr natunes are hoV so wiU om^^ de^res H and then God wilfUt ^"1 ';'r>- TT ■* . / •■■'■■f AND STILI^ WATfiRS.- 363 • j ^ecembev 12.-^Mornino. We know that all thiDgs work together for good to tl^em that love Gocl,-r-Bom. viii. 28. . TThe (Christian ybuld hot havo'his lot Boother tKatt it is; \ For while his Father rules th© World ' He knowscthat world is his. \^ ? In ey wj^thing the Lord does or perinits, he aims at our good; and we nci&y be quite sure ^lat he never misses his mark. / V:- ■A. \ ti / jic Cumber 12.— EvEtriKa^ Put yeVon the Lord Jesus Christ, undma^e not provision for th^ flesh.— Bom. xiii. 14 ; PIMm hot proyisiou ftn* the W . ^';|^t mortify its powers: ^^ttt^Oh the Savi^q(IM^ "^ And victory ^ffli be yours. V ;[ If we would be just before God^e must put on the wbrfe of Qhrist ; and if%e would be consistent before men, we must put on the temper of Christ i. „ , . ^ z ."%' ■• ■ /::.-, i /■": I • #♦ P^ 354 \ OR] PiiSTUBBS %' aetemSt 18.-MUBHW0. f JT,.*^"^ *'"' ma^fcr the prize of the h.gh calling of God in Christ Je«u8.- WuL HI. 14. ^:.\ > «w^ I . ^^ Haste thee ou from gi*oe to glojf '*^ Arm'd by faith and wing-d by pityot % ?LT'* ^'*™'*^ ^'^y* »>°f°w thee. ' r. I Ck)d • own h^dshaU guide theetiito*. Life is a race;^rfb(rf.ion is ^Jfe^;^: nesa our cours^ and glory our incorrufte •iw . ID^cembctiS.— Evening: ''' Whatsoever thy hand^eth to db,^o it- with thy might^^cIesX 10. .' ' Whate'er ou*Jands shall flnft to do Torday may ^ with zeal pursue ; * • ^ *igir ^"P «®°*infir moments as they fly ' ' And itw as we would wijft to-tfic/ Every Chnstia^Wiould be a dilig^t man S ^o time to loiter or delay. HA.viNW|!)[iado peacft^krough t^ bipod of his cross.— CoJ. i. 20, ^ 44*' % * • The cross I its burden, O h(i|jgroat ! 1 i No strength but his could liUPtho wbigbt ; No love"lgit his would undertake** Jfc * ^ To bear it for the sinner's sake, ,^'am,. ;|fc We have peace with God, because Jesus atoned forlour sins, and answered all the claiins of divine justice. *- - / ISecembet 14.— Evening. Blessed are they that hear tl^^ word of God and keep it. — Luke xi. 28. ' To read thy word my heart incline; ■ , " To understand it, light impart: 1 O^aviom^ make me wholly thine t Take rau possession of my heart.. It is an unspi^kable privilege to have God*s word, but it brings great responsibility with it: may we read, believe, and prao- tise it. -'=^1^^ # ♦'iff -^k.i / t- ^ 956 • I ORRBir PASTURES ''%i. JJecember 15.— MoBNiNo. My sou^ wait thou only upon Qodj ibr mv expectation is from him.--P8. kill O toach mo. Lord, io wait thy will. iJ** ^"^'^"t ^ith ail thou dost; • "^ f-or mo thgr grace Buffldont Btill ._^ W't*' «»o«t«Mppliod when uoo^llng moat.'- ^ inGod should always be accompanied with waiting upon God; we may confi- i dently expect aU he has promised,^but we ^ must wait his time, which is alwj^ ^^i;- ■;» ^^ thou cast down, my soul? and wjy art thou d^^^^^ > rAnd whence thia anxiou^ji^' - y . -^Pa check the rising tear, i^ . ♦T' t'i8''t not to give wa^ to gloomy «thep turn everything into pwjrer. .*■ ' , .> ^': -n AND StlLL WATERS. 867 IDecembev 16.— MoRHufo, Lit, us run with patience the race iliat is set before us^ looking unto Jesus. — Ueb. xii.^, 2. ' : May I dally grow in graoe, And purHuo tlio heavenly roca^ ' ' ' Trained by wifldoni, lo,d by love, . . Till 1-roach my rest above. v^ . . The eye and the heart should be kept steadily fixed on Jesus every moment: no running the race with patience without this. >•';'■> ■■.•;'-'^ ... ': -,;.::/-.■■ -. : '.-.■ ;■■■/■■ l> . ' ^ _,*,, . ". ■.-..* ' "' .' '.■■■.*■.■ jOectmbet 16. — Evening* We trust in the living God, who Saviour of all men, specially of thoBe that beljieve. — 1 Tim. iv. 10. -, ' /Faith finds each promise sure; ■ Hope looks within the vei^ ^« , ' Love boars the disciplinct diving k And cleaves to Jesus still. '^ ."■■■■■■■■ ^ iif The living God is the universal preserver, in him we must trust, and in him alone. fc .^li GREilf PASTtTBES^ 7^. V ammierir^^ ■.■■•.:■■,.■*■ '■»■'■■ ' : ' ■' '■■■■■ ■ > . . ' • '"•'..,■ '■ ' ^ ' ■ > ■ ■■ '- .' ,:•. . . ,, Believe whate'er Jehovah calth- ' ^ U T^^J^^Ifir'ori/yhinxrno^ And hjs unbounded I«>ye adore. V' '' Met It b7 earnest ferrent prayer- he^iv^rfK ^|^His^«ee:.,^J-tS ■■::■■■■■■•--'■:'■ L. ■■•,:- ;:-;^-; :;-.: ■:■■/- -■■".■■:--^ , niyi soul Waiteti upon Qod . Av. _ .. .And wash meih thy blood: ' ,. • — .-fr* ''• , ■ ■■/»■■ „ ■.■'■■"> ■ ■ 1.. - ■ • , Upen Whom slwuld we waif K»*' deliverfir? ir,. i T wait but upon our n '/5 ffrif "«» \, • . : 'A^D STILt WAtERS. , » « 1. • -I 85b -Ub i;» 'i » "i I 'T^T- ' ' II I I I' I II (, Mm i ' i i He whicli hatH begun a good work in .you wilflpei^nittituntUthe'.dayofiffesusChtist ' -^hiLi;'^: .' ]>-\: ' .■' ' ■ ''• "■ The v^-k w^iijli tiffl tf^cfnesa tjcg&n, . • ' And nevM'jvjMS forfeited yet. . ■• ' Tlie Lor4 knetw us 'pijpfeoilyjbefpre hebegan*: .his good work in .us, Vo^tihing cati aifise now to change his mind. > > >« '.\ *: Secembet 18.— 'EvEjtnNG. \ * • ■ „ \-- . ' WHATSOEVER ye shaiU ask in;my name; that -will I do, that the Father may be glqnfied xa the Son.-^ohn xiv. 13. * r . ^ J, Then let his name for ever be - ,° ' '^ _ To us supremely dear; v .\. > ' Our only all-prevajling plea, . , ' "** '^t- '"' ' ' . ^ Fo' ^''11 our hope is theie. ^ il'^uth^rizes.us'to take his name, and. :e use of .it beforj© the Father, and cres U9 of^ucce^s i|i so doing. ^^ ^ <0 ■ " n c f /•"• ^> 86a If the Son therefore shaU make va„ f /e«haUbeireeindeed.>!SJS "^ ' ^;fr^ this world's vile iflavery; : v Almighty Saviour, set me free; ' A^d^ a« my treasure is above. : r ? Be ther« my thoxzghts, be there ^y love. t^^rf^'""''''^ he will set ul fee *roin the bondage of si„, tife slavery o^ Satan, and the tyranntrnf +1.^ siaveiy of ^^^^ ^ ne tyranny of i,he present evU ' ^ endless eoto«(?H iri the skies; - - S^t^^ f^ ^ and al^er the oaviour, we are undfir f*»^ ui- • ooip&rtissure I *'*? W««^«g, and /. Tree Y of eva' ley le id r ©ecembei; 20.— Mornino. * -^ Give me un^eirstanding, and I shall keep thy law.— Ps. cxix. 34. Oh may thy word my thoughts engage ^ Ih each perplexing case ! . Help me to feed on every page, And gfrow in every grace. ^^ We do iiot really understand God's word, if we do not obey it: if we know it .we shall be sancti^d by it, ^ , "■I ^' i •■•■<$» ,*- / Behold, my witness is in heaven, and, my record is on high.— Job xvi 19. My soul, arise ! shake/Off thy fears. And wipe thy sonrbwg dry ; . Jesus in heaven thy witness, hears. Thy record is on high* . i ^ There is one who witnesses every transac- ^^^\ tlbn, and records 'BT^ery event: if we are . stodered now, he will clear our charactei'lf\f, by and by., \ ■ '• V» J,* ^y^ S«B5S Iiave on the ri j&'^' OKBEN PASTURES Becembevh.-.aMoBKiNo priest, \^ throne ^o is set '^-^^^^^^:^r^f^ Toucb'dwitli a feeling of vroQB, AllourmflrmiUMheld,,dZ^ ' :. • 0>irsoul8arelnhisiUn4^ M' Onr High Priest is offici»t for us at «.• moment, i„ the holiest of Lf. fet^lf '' fo«f«wnightoGodwitrboldnr'''" -■■.••:-^- .'■- y.: ■;■; ^:.- ■■ i ■ ■■:..■■ .•..^:,_v:;.h/ I^ooKiNo ibr the mercv i>f All,, ta^ t ; ' ■? ' ^ Thy merc^ O my gracious Lord! / v ! ' '. ^.JiM^^d death can help afford, ' ■- , And fit me for the realms ab6ve ' «- flr^^al wasto «e«^ ,^ -^^ ■:^'" J?:.-,. 1 ■->.«'. h' -Yh ""t^',.* . ^<'.,io /■ "/' V *'' :■ '-?. " k- " December 22.-^M9RNiNO. Whoso ptitteth his trust in the Ii#d shall be safe.— -Prov. xxix. 25. , :^ " Did we but trust our heavenly Friend, . And on his faithful wprd depend!, ^ - '*,'^ \ , ^Then should we fearieas view' the grave, ■ ^Aud death itself no sting would have, ■ . s* -■'■■■•■' Jehovah is the only legitimate object of trust, and they that trust in him shall be as Mount Zion, which cannot be removed. ^ Hecentbev 22.— EvBNINc^. ' ,, , The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. — Rev. xiii. 8. ' . The Lord in the day of his anger did lay Our sini^ on the Lamb, and he bore them away : He died to atdne for sins not his own ; The Father has punish'd for us his dear Son. Jesus is the Lamb appointed as the sacri^ fice for our sins ; sel^ apart in the purpose of Gf od before time, and offered up in the fulness of tim^. t / , 1 3 , » ( ,v "T I ■! ' r I i iii( | i«.ii ^ | t I , I i ( j |i I ifH^-^i—llmmmiat 86i If Sf 6% in Give ■;^;^^lii^ 'i^lWii/a' iQe' •Mftiaj ■ ^ VI ) „.v. :.:; i;?i r -• ^• •■:« r/ >, -fc:';;:;f^-^^>' " ■J t *«■' <,\ „;yf(^s;|ii;^^:'' ;■;".■;'.;.■»■«■• /'V • °»;i*if,|»ii|^i6^;iovfe -^ . ■' ^:.'i' ■. - ;(:^w(,- y-h [;;,•.., -'-:,#', ^^JL.:..'- -^ -.-^'^ ■■■^ roiii AND STILL WAtBR9. /' te 1:' •ty '" ■, ■ ■• :■■■■; • ^ ^\- ..■:f'^': ■■■■■• -■ . '■■'..■. , -r y IBecembet 24.^^ The Lord is good; his mercy is everlast- ing ; and his truth endureth to all genera^ •tions.-^Pa.^ e. 5. ";-' -' ' ■■• ."■■■■■" ■■ .; '■ »• »'» »«.i ..,^, ;.'.•• ,': .^>^-' Wide as the w6rl4 is thy conaman^ Vast a« etornity thy love ; . Finn asd. ruck thy truth shall stand, Whe;n rolling Worlds shall cease to move. Let US believe in his gopdness, trust in his mercy, and expect the flilfilment of his trath.. / ' , ■ ■ -^ ■---■. ^- m -x . . I . ' - \ .- . ^ ISecember 24. — Evening. • A I have longed for thy salvation, Lord.— Ps. cxix. 174. View, dearest Lord, 'my longing heart, ; ^ Which pants and sighs for thee ! * , . And O, thyself arid heaven impart. For there I long to be» ■ .'■ . ■■ '' ■ . ■ . ■ ■ The believer daily longs for complete deli- verance from sin, and the possession of 1' ' perfect holiness : this to him is S8^vati6n. , ..li-J '^¥f^ 1 If € m ili^BB 366 9 OHEBN PASTURES Tbb Word was madB fl. u ^ sioners. 1^ ^"iners, tlie chief of font of days, y^t th« , °'°*''«'-' »» «" ays, yet the everlasting Father ::t dwelt tHis, ouid fcJie if of ' 3Becembet 26— Morning. ^ Who shall separate us from the love of ^hjsisi-Jlom.'viii. 35. V We clasp ow hands exul^ting In thine almighty favour. The I0T6 divine that made \u thino ^ ' Shall keep us thine for ever. i" The union between Jesus and his people can never be dissolved; his love whicl^ formed it is changeless and eternal j^ rl 11 IB a IBccember 26.— EvENiNo. / Beware lest thou ^oig(^ the Lprd.— D^ut. vi. 12. ■ *. • '-■ \ . W ■:/:-- ■:/■.:.■•''■"-■■■•'■%.,' My stnfiil nature proves th(lced, '.. . Tliat I this caution daily need; h \_' < may it in my heart be stoi'cidr - \ Beware lest thou forget the Loid. The Lord who giive the Jaition^ aftcriirards. complained, ** My people have forgotten me:" let us treasure it up and be admo- nished by it. , , ^ j '■:?'-' ^* ■■-■ ■Hi ■>■ S68 OBEEIT PASTURES ^ ^, : : ,' '■ ■ ' ■ ''[' r. "!■ "r ;^ ^tctmhn 27.-Mobnino. Christ being raised from the d^d .fi'«f». no more; death hath no SiTol over him.-^Rom. vi. 9. iM»^*'"'^°^°'^ • , Ho rises Who mankind AasW ^.^t'r^^' '; «P«*k a worid frU nought. . Twaa greater to rqdoom. ^ 1/ .S,r?n'? °^ Je«us secure ou,« ; it f >s both the pledge and the pattern • Td 1 , < I3ecembet 27.--BvEmo. * ' ; Horelovo. eternal love, abomd^ A deep celestial spring ^ . • . v„ ^■■■: :'"! TiRP ",-'.' AND griM, H^AMRi. Hecfmtn' 28.-MOBWKO. Bbino Mly iwrsuadeU that, what he had ;P->-c,he.asab,«a..'to;i:j:!^ Injmbclloflstagjrcrnot,^'. . For God hfttb spoko th^bH. ' Sr *V|- d L»Z • * !f *° P«'-fo™. nor did he ever disappoint the soul wJiich trusted in him > '- :X':^ '^ ■■'■'■ ■ . : ^^ ^^i^i^the faithful witness, and the first begotten|f the dead;-llev. i! 5. ^ ^ He promised a crown when ho left ue a cros« A kmgdorn jvogaift. the reward of our^<^ ' ' Togoryheoad8.audtohimlen,scleav?^ Tho faithful true Witness will never deceive ^"■f' '»«■ 1 a/' V/. ;.':''*^^* ' :;^ .■■\ 9 V Wisa^^Ji ■A. :.':■••*'' '^ ;.,/ * \ »•'•''!' • "M ;■*■ .^'' .'- ' ^ \ ■ ""' ■■'.'■ ' • ' '■ , '- / '• , «» \ 1 •■ # %m ^ ' ■ ■ , • . > ': , * « .; ''■ ,'"'4 , ■ « , • • '• ■' ' r^ > .' -■ t ^ & • - j^'r . /■ H » i / • -* - "' ' " ■ ; (Q> ' ; / fS f ' , « • .*. ■ " J ^ MKXOCOrV RBOUITION TBT CHART (ANSI and IsO TEST CHART No. 2) iv;- #• %^ s. 1 1.0 1.1 ■ 2.2 i2.0 3.6 4.0 Itt Itt U ■tUu 1.25 iu 1.6 .'I S /APPLIED IM/IGE I inc 1653 East Main Street Rochester. New York 14609 (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax USA K '■ ecemtev 29.— Mobniho. iSiB love of God is shed abrdad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost.— Rom. v. 6. ; ■ .-.'..■ . V ■"■■*■ '" ■ ; ^ . ■■ . '■ ■ - • ' Author of my new creation, » Let me now thine influence prove ; : '^ - Make my soul thy habitation; ^ Shed abroad the Saviour's lova Nothing will draw out our love to God but a sense of his love to us; our love is the effect of hia t^i . . God is al^le to make all grace abound to- ward you.— 2 Cor. ix. 8. v ; Plenteous grace with thee is fCund, . * Grace to pardon all my an, Lot the healing streams abound : llake and keep me pure within. Whatever we need is , comprised in the word Grace, and whatever grace we need is provid(3d in Jesus ; and what he has he will bestow. V ^ . ^m. ^>'X I 8 - .4 la ♦ " ^- . • HtctwAev 30.— Morning, I CAN do aU tlSngs through Christ which strengtheneth 6ie.-^Phil. w. 13.. - Oh liorji 1 thy Birengito in mo roMW. " Keep me from ev^&W; ; Nothing without tbee can I do, ' The strength of the wW CJhwch is in CJhrist; by faith we receive it from him, aiid having done so, should, employ it for him: ^K.' 4.' ^ 1lece«i!>et80.— EvBNiNO. Him that overc^mieth wiU 1 make a inllar in the^mple of mrGod,>nd^^^^ iioxQore out— ^v. "i- ^^- ^ * A few wiccessfUl stiruggloB yet; ;^ ; f «a ThMx not a conflict more; ^ ' Satan^nd Bin shall ne'er assauH , ; . On the celestial Bhore. • The conflict wiU only cease with life, we must die with our axmour on, a^d only put it oflTtq receive the crown. ^ < - ^ ^'^' ■■;, ■:^''S!-. V* -Ik "v ^^:i..S,;' 1^ ■ . * *'JfflL'"rT' fi « f^*. tr * . ■ _^, . ,. . ■ p ■ ■ '::^-J,-~: ..-v:~;i,r, ;■■ ■, --■-aw , ,, 8||t^ QBBEN PASTIMES, ETC. ' ^ •: . Heccmbet 81.— MoBNiNa. The Lord shall reign for ever, even thy God, Zion, unto all generations.— Ps. • cxlvi. 10.- ■•■'■■'• '['■- /■ ■:: He loves his saints, he knows them well, : v But turns the Wicked down to hell; Thyjaod,OZion, ever reigns; :'■"'■ ; * ' •^.i V :^^ise him in everlasting strains. > SeasdBS change, creatures vary, time flies, ^ but the Lord keeps the throne, and remains immutably the same, ^.Lt * > 5 i^ecembet 31.— Evbnincl That ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.~0^ iv. 12. U Grace will complete what grace begins, To save from sorrows and from sins : ; . Thework that wisdom undertakes, . ; " Eternal flSercy ne'er forsakes. Every Christian' should set his heart upon completeness, and 4abottr fervently that he may stand complete in all the will of God. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY T. NELSON AND SONS. .1 /n. :.«(MC«wi«M. \ M, /«! Mi * • •e,