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Mapa, plataa. charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many framea aa required. The following diagrams illuatrato the method: Lea cartaa. planches, tableaux, etc., pauvent dtra filmto d dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour itra reproduit en un saui ciichA, 11 est filmA i partir de i'angie sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut an baa, an prenant la nombre d'Images nicib^ssaira. Las diugrammes suivants ilivstrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 , JTiterHrj} l^slti^timu -r ;»^ INSTITUTED 7th JULY, 1853, ."M- " Scire Volunt Oiimes^* — Juv. Riskj)iN(J makes a full man ; writincs, a correct man ; and SPK A KINO J a ready man." — Baco??^ #■ i^- ^i* -v«f ^ * t TORONTO: ! PIUNTKI) AT THK LKADKU OFFICR, KI.W STUEET, 1857. «*■-, ■Mtl ^# ■..--•*... -^ -0®. ■«?. ■i "k f^ LAWS V, OF THE TORONTO Ifiterarg %%stimtm. INSTITUTED 7th JULY, 1853. ^^ Scire Volunt Omnes."— Juv. Rbadinq makes a full man ; writing, a correct man ; and SPEAKING, a ready man." — Baco». J TORONTO: PRINTED AT THE LEADER 0FPIC3, KING STREET. 1857 m At the Annual General Meeting of the Associa- tion, held on the 6th day of November, 1856, the name of the Society was changed from "The Toronto Literary and Debating Society," to "The Toronto Literary Association." At that time numerous suggestions were made for alterations in the laws,, which were submitted to a General Committee of the Office-Bearers, with power to amend the laws. The Committee subsequently re- ported to the Association the following Rules, which were adopted and ordered to be printed for the use of Members. JAMES BEATY, President. W. B. SULLIVAN, Secretary. ] ^ w '%' \ V THE TOEONTO la- ;he to tiat )ns ral to re- ich use ^ )\ LITERARY ASSOCIATION. ry. ^rcstticnt : JAMES BEATY, ESQ., Barristir-at-Law. Vice ^tcslncnts : THOMAS SELLAR, The Press, THOMAS HODGINS, B. A., Student at Law. JOHN HOLLAND, Mexchaht. ^ccretav^, 9x0 tern : ALFRED HOWELL, Studbht at Law. Assistant Secretary : u ^ STreasutev : ROBERT SULLIVAN. €:ottTiciUot» : MM8M. ROBERT EDWARDS, I ^S^fr/moore WALTER R. Mcdonald, B. a. I robbrt moore, E. T. FLETCHER. 2L(3t of irHcmfccvs. Honorary Member s, KOBT. A. HARRISON, Esq, B. C. L. | T. J. ROBERT^^ON, Esq. Corre&jjonding Members. Geo. T. T^vEED, esq Zoiulon, England, F. H. Hardin, Esq '' , r, ., ^ ARCHIBALD Geikie, Esq Edinburgh, Scotland. Henry Boaouans, Esq Dublin Ireland. DiocLESiAN LKWI3, EsQ., A. M., M. D ITeio \orJc, U.S. David Scott, Esq " " L. L. DuNOAu, Esq Yale College, U. S. CiiAULES biggs. Esq Mcago " M. TALB0T,ESQ London, C W. J. H Flock, Esq " T. Miller, ESQ., B A ^'"^^fl^y,^^ H. W. PETERSON, ESQ., M. A Guclph, C. T^. J. H. g ' ^t^g^t^p TCq r> ■ ■ ^ , . — -^..^immilion; G. 7K JOHN Creasor, ESQ Oweu Sound,C.W. JOHN McKeown, Esq., M. A iramiltan, 0. W, Samuel Might, Esq .^. . .^ • . -***-• PirHope,G.W. Brooks P. ListsrT^., B^ Bm^on, G.W. Geo. H. HUGHES, Esq Gobourg,G.W. THOMAS WHITE, ESQ ^T T r'w W. H. ponton, ESQ ^'^^'T.?;V^' FREDERICK Jones, Esq Brockville G.W. JOSEPH S. LEE, ESQ ^r^'T'f'^jr John BARBIE, ESQ Montreal G^E. Thornton Smith, Esq Quebec, CE. Matthew H. Warren, Esq Thomas H. Grant, Esq '' '* WM. McCABB, Esq WhitbT/, G. W. Geoegb A. Young, Esq ITamUton, O. W. HENRY Turner, Esq., M. D MUlhrook, C. W R.P. Jellett,Esq BellemUe,C.W. Egbrton R. Griffin, Esq.,M.D Bran1ford,aW. V. McKenzib.Esq Elora,G. W. V Ordinary Members. Esq. ncL r. v^ Adams, Dr. J. Arnold, W. \r Arthurs, Geo. Arthurs, Wm. V Augusta, A. T. V- Ballard, J. McL. Barber, E. Barber, F. W. v' Beaty James. yr Beatty, W. H. Blake, S. H. Britton, B. M., Burns, N. Cameron, IT., B. A. V Carnegie, D. G. Cawthra, II. Clarke, P. M. • Crombie, E , B. A. »/Crorabie, M., B. A. Crooks, A. M. A., B. 0. L. ^ Cumberland, F. W., 0. B. Day, C. 0. Dewar, J. ^ Eastwood, D. v^ Edwards, R, X Haigh, J. V' Harper, W. J. V' Harrington, Jno. ^ Hector, Thos. vHeyden, L., Jr. \/* Fairbanks, W. N. Fergusson, A. J., M. P. P. v-i Fitzgerald, J. »^ Fletcher, E. T. Fotheringham, D. \r Gamble, 8. E. Glassford, H, A. Gildersleeve, 0. F. Graham, A. v^ Green, C. H. \^ Grier, J. IIodginB, T., B. A. Ilogan, J. Pheridan. Holland, J. Hope, H. P. Howard, A. McL. Howell, A. Jackson, Henry J, Jarvls, E. J. Johnston, W. T. Joseph, F. J. Jones, H. J. Jones, Rev. Joseph. Judge, Edgar. King, E. F. Kirkpatrlck, A. S. Lees, R. Lewis, Richard. Macdonald, Douglas. Marling; A. Mathcson, W. M. Maughan, J. McFadyen, J. McDonald, W. R.,B. A. BIcGlashan, J. A. Meudell, W., B. A. Moore, R. Morphy, H. B.,B.C.L. Murray, Wm. Musson, E. Murray, \V. V Nordheimer, Samuel. Northcote, H. Oliver, J. S. Orris, F. Ormiston, D. O'Coi iior, T. J. O'Doiiohoe, J. Patterson, J. H, Paul, T. S. Piddington, A. Proudfoot, F. 6 s^ Rattray, W. J. Robertson, 0- 1. Roche, A. R. fioche, F. T. V- Bampson, B. At eellar, T. Bisson, J. Small, W. tmelllng, R., B. A Bpragge» W. *^ Bpry, D. V Stewart, J. A. Stevens, D. F. Sullivan, R. BulUvan, W. 13. Tarbutt, J. 0. Taylor, A. J. Wallbrldge, T.O. Wilson, John. WilFon, G. M. Wlman, Erastus. Witcher, W. A. Wood, 8. G. Wright, Jamea. Young, f . H. c I c Y ' n. LAWS OF THE TORONTO The Toronto Literary Association, instituted for the Cultivation of Literature and Public Speaking, enacts the following Rules and Regulations :— Section I.-General Laws. Article L This Society shall be called " Tub Toronto Literary Association." J t V Article 2. All Subjects shall be open for debate ex- cept such as inyolve the Christian Religion. Article 3. No alteration of the laws shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, and that with the consent of two-thirds of the Members present at Buch meeting. Article 4. All essays read before the Soeicty shall be considered the property of the Society, and as such shall be delivered to the Secretary. ^ Section II.-Members. Article 1. This Society shall consist of Ordinary, Honorary, and Corresponding Members. 8 /. Ordinary Members. Abticle 2. Ordinary Members shall consist of gentle- men resident in Toronto. Article 3. Any gentleman desirous of being admitted an Ordinary Member, shall be recommended by one of the members, in open meeting. Article 4. The Election to take place on the meeting following after such recommendation ; and to be decided by a show of hands. Article 5. Each Ordinary Member shall subscribe to the Laws, and shall pay an admission fei of at least seven shillings and six pence, to bo his first years sub- scription, and afterwards an annual contribution of seven shillings and six pence, to be paid to the Treasurer, and to contribute any further sum that may be imposed by a voto of an ordinary meeting. Article 6. No Ordinary Member shall be entitled to vote or take any part in the proceedings of the Society, while his admission fee, annual contributions, or fines, remain unpaid. II. Honorary Members. Article 7. Honorary Members shall be persons thought deserving of the honor by the Society. Article 8. Honorary Members shall be proposed by a written motion read to the Society at two separate meet- ings previous to the meeting for election, and to be elected by a three-fourths vote of such meeting. Article 9. Honorary Members shall bo eutitled to all the privileges of the Society, but shall be exempt from compulsory duties and payment of contributions. ..(^ 9 III. Corresponding Members, Article 10. Corresponding Members shall consist of persons residing out of the City of Toronto, desirous of contributing to the objects of the Society. Article 11. Corresponding Members shall be elected in the same manner as Ordinary Members, and shall be exempted from the payment of fees, and all compulsory duties. Section III -Office Bearers. Article 1. The Office Bearers of this Society shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, and five Councillors, who shall manage the affairs of the Society. Article 2. The Office Bearers shall be elected annu- ally by ballot, by the majority present at the " Annual General Meeting" to be held for that purpose on the first Thursday in November. j^RTiCLE 3. Members to be eligible as Office Bearers of the Society shall be nominated at the ordinary raeetmg immediately preceding the Meeting of Election. I. President and Vice-Presidents. Article 4. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all Meetings of the Society, or in his absence one of the Vice-Prefiidents, or in their absence a chair- man chosen by the meeting. Article 5. At the first meeting after the " Annual General Meeting" an introductory address shall be de- livered by the President Elect. II. The Secretary. ;r Article 6. The Secretary shall keep an accurate list of the names of the members, and shall obtam their signatures to the laws in a copy kept by himself, m which also he shall insert all alterations, which may from time to time be made in the Constitution and Laws of the Society. Article 7. He shall make minutes in a proper book of the business at all meetings of the Society. Article 8. Ee shall at every meeting read the minutes of the previous meeting, and also the minutes of the Committee of Management. ' Article 9. He shall conduct the correspondence of the Society, arrange the Vusiness of the meetings, and bring it before the Society in the order prescribed in Section IV., Article 9. Article 10. The Essayist and debaters for each ordin- ary meeting shall be appointed by the Secretary, with the approyal of any two members of the Committee of Man- angement. The leading debaters to be chosen only with their consent. Article 11. He shall intimate in writing to members not present, the duties they may be required to perform under Section 4. ' Article 12. He shall be a member of all Committees without being specially named on them. Article 13. He shall be required at the Annual General Meeting in November, in each year, to furnish to the Society a statement of the affairs of the Society certified by the Committee of Management. in. The Jssistant Secretary. AKTIOI.E 14. The Assistant Secretary shall aW the Secretary generally in the performance of his duties. IV. The Treasurer. Article 15. The Treasurer shall collect the admission feetrrmL contrihutions, -dingenerjthe who e funds of the Society, and shall be responsible for the same •when so coUected to the Society. A.TIOLE 16. He shall keep regular Accounts _and Minutes of all his transactions m reference to the affair, of the Society. ARTiOLBlT. The Treasurer shall be required at the Annual General Meeting, in each year, to furnish the Society with a statement of the financial affairs of the Society certified by the Committee of Management. V. Committee of Management. Artiolb 18. Each Member of the Committee shall, at each meeting of the Society, hand to the Secretary, in writing, at least one debateable question to be entered by the Secretary in the Case Book, from which questions the one to be debated at the following meeting, shall be by them chosen under the penalty prescribed by Section Article 19. They shall select and appoint questions for Debate according to the preceding Article under the penalty for each default prescribed by Section V. 12 Section IV.— Meetings, Article 1. The Meetings of the Society shall be either PRIVATE OR PUBLIC. Article 2. The Meetings of the Society shall^ during the first period from the first of November to the first of June, be held " weekly," on each Thursday ; and during the second period, from the first of June to the first of November, " monthly," on the first Thursday of each month. The hour of meeting in all cases to be seven o'clock, p. M. Article 3. Meetings of the Committee of Manage- ment, or Special Meetings of the Society, may be called by fhe President himself, or at the request of any five Members of the Society. /. Private Meetings. Article 4. Private Meetings shall be held to be the ordinary meetings of the Society. //. Public Meetings. Article 5. At Public Meetings the Public at large shall be admitted, subject always to the authority of the chair. Article 6. During the fi^rst period above mentioned, each fourth regular meeting shall be a Public Meeting ; and during the secend period each second regular meet- ing shall be a Public Meeting. Article 7. At Public Meetings no preliminary busi- ness (except the proposal and admission, and introduction of new members) shall be transacted. 4 ^ V, 13 Article 8. The Oliairman for each Public Meeting shall be appointed by the Cemmittee of Management. Article 9. The Essayist and Debaters for each Public Meeting shall be selected by ballot at the ordinary meet- ing next preceding such Public Meeting. Article 10. The time allowed, for speaking, to each Debater shall be limited at Public Meetings to twenty minutes, and to the Leaders in their replies five minutes. III. Conduct of Business. Article 11. An Essay shall be read and a question debated at each meeting of the Society. Article 12. The business of the Society shall, at each meeting after the chair has been taken, proceed in the following order, with the exception set forth in Article 7. Sec. lY, for Public Meetings :— 1. Reading the Minutes. 2. Notices of motion given. 3. Motions discussed and other business transacted. 4. Proposal of new members. 5. Admission and introduction of new members. 6. Delivery of the Essay for the evening. 7. The DiVto for the evening. 8. The Chairmans review of the arguments. 9. The decision of the question according to article 19 — section IV. Article 13. Every notice of motion, and motion, be- fore being read to the Society, shall be first handed to the Secretary, in writing, with the names of the mover and seconder. 14 Auticlb 14. In case of an equality of votea on any question, before ibe Society, the chairman presiding shall hare the casting vote. Article 15. One of the members shall, under the di- rection of the Committee of Management, be required either in person or by substitution of another member to deliver an Essay to the Society. Article 16. No Essayist shall occupy more than twenty minutes in the delivery of his Essay. Auticlb 17. No member shall speak twice during the same Debate, except the leaders on the Affirmative and Negative, who shall have liberty to reply after the other Debaters have spoken. Article 18. No Debater at any ordinary meeting shall be allowed to occupy the floor for a longer time than fifteen minutes, nor the leaders of the Debate in their replies, than five minutes. Article 19. The Question Debated at each Private Meeting shall, after a summing up of the merits by the Chairman, be decided at the close of the Debate by the majority of the members present: and at each Public Meeting by the majority of both the members and visitors present. Article 21. The decision of the chair on questions of order shall be final. Article 22. The members shall be entitled to introduce their friends to the meeting, but no stranger shall be per- mitted to take any part in the Business of the Society 15 ARTICLE 23. No motion for the expulsion of a member Bhall be made without tWo weeks |)revi6u3 notice ; and no member shall be expelled without the concurrence of the majority of the members present ; to be ascertained by Ballot. Section V.— Fines. The following Table of Fines shall be imposed under Sec. IV., and members withholding payment of the same when incurred, shall be liable to expulsion ;— 1. Failure by Committee of Management in giving to Secretary the Questions required un- der Article 18. Sec. III. each Os. lid. 2. The failure ot Committee of Management in appointing Questions for debate each Is. 3d. 3. Failure in reading Essay 2s. 6d. 4. Failure of Leaders in opening Debate each 2s. 6d. 5. Non attendance of Debaters or their ap- pointed Substitutes Os. Tjd. 6. Disobedience to the chair ; discretionary with the chair ; but not to exceed lOs. Od. Section VI.— By-Laws. 1. The following motions shall be in order at any time, and at any meeting ; (a) To adjourn the Meeting. (6) To Postpone the Discussion. (c) To refer to the General Committee. 2. The General Committee shall meet on the evening of each Meeting of the Association, at 7 o'clock. 16 3. There shall be the following Sub- Committees of the General Oommittee. (a) On Debates and Essays. (6) On Finance. (c) On Laws. 4. Vacancies in the Offices of the Association during the year shall be filled up in the same manner as at the Annual General Meeting. the ring the