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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, ii est filmd d partir du r&i7gle sup6rieur gauche, de ga iche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. by errata ■ne'i to lent une pelure, faqon d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 r.T.6. }i^ij . i UNION MANIFESTO. " Her Majesty's Government have given to your Despatch, ami to tlie ResoUitioiis of the Conference, their most deliberate consideration. Tliey have reffarded them as a whole, and as liaving been designed by tliosu who have framed them, to establish as complete and perfect an union of tlie '.vliolc into one Government, as tlie cirenmstances of tlie ease, .'.nd a due consideration of existing interests, would admit. Tliey accept tliem. therefore, as beinjr. In the deliberate judgment of tliose best qualifu'd to decide upon the sub- ject— the best framework of a measiu-e to be passed by tlic Imperial Par- liament for obtaining tliat most desirable result." Desjiatch, Colonial Sccrctanj to Governor General, Dee. ."), 1SC4. ^ K. 1st. The time has arrived, iu the opinion of the undersigned, when the common accurity, and future prosperity of British America urgently demand a Union of the Provinces. 2nd. A project for effecting such Union having Jbeen prepared at Quebec during the year 1804, by delegates from all the Provinces ^x■'p^ i**^*^ so^ tp^gecure as far as prJoTiA'^a^atair representation of public JMcNcill Purkev, il! Jy.- ■^V " ' 'EdAr,av'l BilGll^r ,- 1^.. ^ ^ai , J. Lfi'-'"^'^"^®'^^' "'"'^ lu til us es i j\r ConnorA" agre- .^ ^ --ghly recommended as a basis of Union, we commend it to the favorable consideration of the Is"ova Scotia Legislature. 3rd. We believe that a Union of the Provinces will strengthen the tie that connects them with Great Britain, and will indissolubly unite and consolidate them, for all time coming, with the British^Empire. 4th. Under the terms of the projected Union, provision is made for the immediate construction of an Intercolonial Railway to connect Halifax, and, by existing and contemplated branch railways, several^of the larger towns of Xova Scotia, with the "Western and Southern por- tion of this Continent, and upon terms better and every way more favorable, than could ever before be obtained, and such as ought, M'e think, to be accepted. 5th. If the project of a Union of the Provinces were rejected in Nova Scotia, and with it the terms for securing an Intercolonial Rail- way, we see no prospect of it ever being constructed. 6th. In view of an abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty, we are of opinion that every rer.sonable encouragement should be afforded for creating and sustaining a manufacturing interest in Xova Scotia, iu order that the farmer and the fisherman may find a home market as far as possible, for their productions, and the manufacturer, in turn, a nation of consumers for the proceeds of his skill and labor. Other- wise we believe that a heavy drain for the precious metals in return for foreign manufactures, will speedily set in upon our people, and tend greatly to the impoverishment of the country, and the embarrassment of all classes. 7th. In case of a disturbance of the public peace between Great Bri- tain, or any of her Dependencies, and the United States, from any causo jffitill;-M- whatever, wo coiisidor the L^iiioii of I?nlish America a cliief means of our preservation us an int(',i;ral portion of the Empire. But as a preventive a,t,'ainst tlie ealamitic:^ of war, notliiiix in our esti- mation is so essential as (.;omi>Iianee with the rc(;ommenthition of tlio Britisli Govern) lent, to unite with each oilier, and therohy, in the language of llcr .Nrajosty's I'j'iucipal Scerctary of State for the Colonies, " HOcure for their posterity throu.iihout all i'uture time the advantages whieh they enjoy as suhjeots of the .British (."rown. hy establishing as complete and perfect a Union of the whole into one Govcrnmon:, an the circumstances of the case, and a due consideration of existing interests will admit." 8th. Upon rofereneo to puhlic documents, it is ascertained heyond doubt that in 18G3 the people of Xova Scotia paid into the public trea- Bury in Customs and Excise duties, collected under existing tariffs, at the rate of $-2.ij0 per liead of the population, while Canadians under their tariffs paid but $-2,M per head. We therefore feel confident that such a Union as that projected by the Quebec Conference, and recommended by the Imperial Government, is not likely to prove oppressive to tliose who are accustomed to pay tlie larger tax per capita, even if the comi-ion country ahotdd demand further sacrifice for common protection, while under the projected constitutic -i tariffs and taxes will he uniform, and 80 adjusted as to hear equally upon all. 9th. We further believe most coniidently that the pres(i(je which Union will give to r.ritish America, the security which it will ob- viously ensure to its people, and the prosperity at homo and the credit abroad which it promises to the country as a whole, contrasted with the great pecuniary burdens which, for many years to come, must be borne by the people of every other part of Xorth vVnierica, will, with continuation of a peace for^^ai^ich the proposed Union is the best l-co, :d below 10th. The subject of a Union of all the Colonies has, at various times, engaged the attention and secured the advocacy of nearly all the leading public men of Xova Scotia. A pj-ojcct has at last been worked out by men of diverse Bcntiments, of adverse politics, of various reli- gious beliefs, representing all classes and all creeds — Ilor Majesty's Government have had it under consideration, and already stamped it with their approbation — the British Press has ranged itself almost unani- mously upon the same side. It is now about to bo committed to the Legislature for consideration. AVc trust it will there receive that grave, calm, and candid deliberation, whieh a subject so momentous in all its aspects aomands. It is so transccndcntly above and heyond all local, sectional, or party questions, that, wliile discussing it politicians may, WO tbiuk, forget the past, and look with a eiuglo eye to the future. w I i -Mv B. Wicr, (B. Wicr & Co., iiici'cliautrf,) Ch;is. 11. BLu-k, (Bliiok, JJvos. & Co., merchants,) Jolui T. Wyldc, (B. Wici- & Co., lucv- cluints,) E. W. Chipmau, mcrcliant, J. T. Twilling, (Salter & Twining, mer- chants,') Samuel Tapper, jr., merchant, A. J. Kickanls, mcrcliant, 13. Henry Starr, (David Starr & Sons, merchants,) Geo, Julnisun, druggist, J. S. McLean, (McLean, Campbell iSc Co., merchants,) Isaac J, Wylde, barrister, D. Falconer, Eobt. 1). Clarke, (11. 1). Clarke & Sons, commission merchants,) Jdlin Hunter Duvar, W. S. Syniouds, (W. S. Symonds & Co., stove dealers and manufacturers,) Vj. C. Twining, merchant, W. II. Weeks, M. D. . P S Ilaniilton, Chief Commissioner of Mines Jas. K. Jcnnette, (Jcnucttc & Taylor, merchants,; John D. Nash, Alderman, James Steinson, B. W. Salter, (Salter & Twining, mer- chants,) J) McNeill Parkev, M. D. \ "\Y. J'. Lewis, M. :D. ' Joseph li. Ilea, LL 1). B. O'Neill, (B. O'Neill k Co., mer- chants,) W, T. Townsend, J. E. Misencr, Michael Doran, jr., Michael Walsh, Jeffery Donovan, W. C. Walsh, Henry Wcthcrby, grocer, Alfred Jacques, James Johnston, jr., barrister, James Swan, William Cornhill, T. B. Rogers, James Tweedell, Wiley Smith, Maurice Downey, John Dowling, Alexander ilobertson, Walter Oldmixon, James Wilson, Albert Wilson, WiUiam i\Icaglicr, James Joy, James Flinn, S Nichols, J Gwatkin, George Chapplain, .1 Branch, Thomas Kcyno James Hopgood M Conroy ! John ]'' Crowo I John Whitman William Newcomb E N Kinsman George C Newcomb John Wilson Henry Wier, junior W II Scott M W Morris Thomas P Way D Campbell John Kow John Ilawley John BcardwcU John Hughes Dennis Macarthy James Findlay William AVoodaniau Peter Furlong Isaah Snow David Hunt I Frederick Bossom I Robert Bustar I John G Fisher I Joseph Fisher Wi^'am J Fisher John Laraccy ;Ed.v.;ard Hunter ^j M Connors John P Murphy Thomas O'Connor jNIichael iNIurphy William Caluan John Cose George Matheson George Bossom J A Bell ^Villiam Smith George Barron W Moir John McNeil David Miller John O'Mulliu Thomas Gooley Patrick O'Mulliu Michael Cody II Andrews John DeGruchy William Keegan S H Forsyth J McCabe John H Archibald Patrick Coleman William IMooucy Henry Sutton Joseph Royffb Edward Carroll D li llounscfoll John Drummoml Simon Frasnr A McLoiiu Sinclair Edward Grant Adam Nelson Thomas Kennedy Harding B Sandl'urd James Piircoll .Tamos Kerr Murdoch Campbell William ]\I Innlon Hdward Bronan Charles .1 ililxson W S (.Irtiham William llillman Jolin Cr Grant a W Wolfe .Tamo;: Sinclair Rev ,lobn Mc^Murray, editor of the Wcs- Icyan James R DcWolf, M D W Wesselhoeft, M D Adam Burns, ji Firm of Burns, Neal & W II Neal, S Murray Rodger Cunningham, merchant tailor Henry Browne Matthew McOorraack Charles L. Ilawbolt, merchant W Wbytal & Co ji Far fuihaijio n, mercha nt tailor Smitlicr.s>w^r'ns ^ / J Gordon V : , merchant 4< -L Firm of Wctmoro & McCulloch. Firm of W J Cole- man & Sons T McCulk- ; ^ ,; N S Wotmo. j, •; W J Coleman, W J Coleman, Jr E L Coleman, John E Cabot, merchant tailor Henry Found Charles Romans, (Gr.-.nt, Romans li Co.) E G W Greenwood William Wilson, A Mar tain Payno, (J Silver & Co) Vaux Brothers J R Creed Thomas Hopewell James Hardy Samuel Strong, I ^g ^^ ^^ ^^^ J M Brown, S C Dellatorro, (Dellatorrc & Co) George A Kent Wm Murray, (Burns, Neal & Murray) Harry Forrester Theodore Cossman Joseph Stamper Thomas G Hopkins J C Allison John Bayno M P Black (Bhick Bros & Co.,) R TfMair D M^Walsh R S Brohm T B Granville John A Boll & Co Jeremiah Donyhoo G Knowling Amos Hunt George Ramoy Samuel Thomas John Green Thomas Abbott — firm of Thomson, Ab- bott & Co. John N Grant Alfred Briand William Mahood George Drillio John O'Connor Gregory Tobin J Henry Tobin W H Tully Stephen Tobin Henry Reeves James Hickey John Stewart II F Bush— firm of Elliott & Bush Michael O'Hearn Lawrence Lawlor Joseph Freckeltor. Lieut Col John C Campbell Henry Hills James Sponsor Thoraaa Right "Samuel M)blo" John T Cbmpton, (Compton & Co) Robert Hillman T H J Bell George W Dupo F H Phelan S R Phelan J W Stafford Richard Cahill George Abler Wm Rennels Daniel O'Brien Alexander Robinson John E Butler Thomas A S DcWolf M II Ambrose W A DeWolf Michael O'Brien John Frcdcrickson, Jr Timothy Regan Patrick Godfrey William Morley James Mulroncy & Co Richard O'Ncil Peter Ilogan John Ilogan Alexander Bain John Laidlaw Robert Davis John J Bennett James C Hobson -4 y V. , Ab- -4 P H \Val3h Michael Drew John I<: Walsh Patrick Howard Stephen Pearo John R Wilson John J llickarils Bartholomew Walsh Batsou & Co William IJ Hamilton Philip W Creighton p]dward Jost llcnry C Tiilly John Woodill Michael Reid James Little Maurice Wren John Lindsay Robert Lind-say William Lindsay George Lindsay Joseph Lindsay Dennis O'Brien The mas O'Brien William Johns William Carey Mortimer Dwycr Henry A Schwartz Edmund O'Donnell Thomas Martin John Hinch Jnmes Fog. I ' William Rhodes Cornelius Buckley Richard Flinn Terrence Foster William Fogan John Purcell John Flynn George G Gray M M Lindsay Thomas J Ridgeway Joseph P Lindsay Edward Dockerhill Walter Currie M Lownds W Anderson E Hancock James H Towney P Forristall James Stephens Patrick McManu Charles Lang- Patrick Delaney Angus McGilvray J F Burnham John McFatridgo Edward Power Walter Graham Frederick Major Henry Trenaman John Wood I Thomas Hcmsworth I James CuUen, Alderman James Hcnncssy James Tracey John Delaney William Delaney James Lambert George S Brown H A Wright R JNIcFatridge Charles Drysdale Charles Parker Robert A Brchm James Arthur Philip Wounncll Thomas Hainsworth John i\T',lvay Alcxaniler McLaren John F Hills William Mars George Rent, Jr Alexander McDougall Joseph Harris James Han Is I Patrick Meagher John Heenan James Shea John Connolly John Madge Michael Kecfe James W Betcher , ., James Kennedy John Erwin John Erwin. jr Louis Adamore John McLachlan John Archabold Charles i\[oLearn Charles A. McFadden William H Rounds j James W Simmons Alfred F Erwin I Richard Sullivan I John G Gossip j Hugh McKenzie Alexander Munroo I John Little i James Walsh i Thomas Symons i C H Bartlett Henry D Louis Jtvmes Norris Laivrence Holland Patrick Lyons James O'Donnell John Lyons Daniel Kilno Thomas Toc!c Arthur Wright Thomas Shcan David Parker James Hefler Eawar.! Tiifl.' OlIllCilM Wiuitllll John Cahill JamoH I > nidi' rick- Robert Wiul-lcll .Fiiuici .MDrriscy Williiiiii .lulli'ii Williuill WlKld.'ll Joliii Stiirr, li;iiihv;iro iinTcliiiiit AVilliuiii M McN'iitt, lianlwaro nu'rcliaiit .fi)liii(J IJoiiriiH-l. ('(iitdf (if liopoi'lor Frederick \V(in(lill, driiu'.^irit (Miark's ( iraliain, clerk Ueorije IMaiklock, Imildor .lamcrt Utitler, niercliaiit Micliael Doraii, linlid kceju'r V W S liiissel, clerk ll()l)ert Xohle, Seiir, iiiercliant J \V Kelly .K)liiisli)ii, liarrister ThoiiuiH .Niartiii, Nioro koe[ior ilaiiieH JJiitlor, shdeiiiaker DoimiH Miirjiliy, sli(iciiiakc-r .Idlm II iV'llcr, sliociaakcr J)aniel C .Miiridiy, Hlioeiiiaker 8amiiel Xolde, iiioreliaiil, li McCarty, Hfurekeejier ratri(.'k linMiiian, clerk Williaia O'Coiiuor A I'] Siayiier, iiierehaiil William Leahy, luorchaiit E II JiariiBtead, leatlier ileulei ])()iiald Scott, merchanl ireiiry I'cter.-i, imihlcr K 1) ("larko, di-, coinini. sioii iiieriduml V.'iliiaiii Pyke, bntclier M Mcllreitli, clothier Thomas F Kiiijrlit, cashier Saviiii's IJank TTeiijamtii (MKRia, crulThier / • AVilliam KoliinsDii, clerk dosoph II Cri'sskill, ('ro-:skill .S: I'onrinot pnhlisliers George Laiiiir, huihU'r Donald Murray, mercliar.t Frederick Allison, mercluuit Thomas .Mtdvav. hatter doliu JI. I'liillii'is, clerk Thomas A\'alsli, painter ,)olin H. AVetmorc, carver and .'iildor William (uuil, shop keeper .lolm Kearney, sliop keeper .Micliael Dwyer, mercliant AVilliam Kyan, merchant Lonis Kstano, tinsmith Donald ."Mitherland, clerk .lolm A\^att, tobacconist Patrick Walsh, hardware merchant "Wm C'ompton, (Compton \- Co, publisher!- S Atwood Doane, clerk Henry EUiott, architcot John I'n^h. mi^rcbant Peter Me I 'hoe, merchant David Coppin, shop keeper (t L Chipman, justice of tVie peace dames J JJromncr, niereliant James D. Oxley, mercbant AVilliam A Penny, publisher Jobu Dowes (S; Son, book-bindcr.s Charles Crowe, hotel keeper Georg'c "W Dowes, printer James C ]3owes, printer John II Ijauld, store keeper John .\hir|ihy, nldcrninn I'ctcr linlixcr, saddler (.ieorj,'e Smithcrs, (( i Sniilhers iS; Sons) (ieorire '1' SmitherM, do William T Smithcrs, _ do Kobert (i l*'raser, (IruiC'-'ist W JI Xewinaii, jeweller Charles Warmuiide, jeweller William (lossip, stationer James (i().ssi[i, siationi'r Chai'les Kaiser, I'lirrier ]'rederi(d< W Pishwic!: tloseph Austm, n'ua.u'cr Joiin V iirauder, ealiinetiuakor .)onn liiehai'dson, cout'cctiuner i'eter Donaldson, clerk Edward A Dentley, watchmaicr (J II Crosskill, mannt'aclurer James Dunohoe, stationer Kev U K Morris J Cornelius, jewelhM' Edirar Dodsoii, vieiua.ller KolierL l>rander, I'abinel malvci- William T Eraser, [liano iorle maker J T Eraser, piano Jorte maker Thonnis Eraser, cabinet maker John Harrison, cabinet maker James I'.laek, cabiiu't maker Will Lambert, cabinei maker (JeorL^eU (.'onrad, cabinet maker Edward U Jost, cabinet maker .lolm L French, carjienter William 11 Sehra^i;-(', earper.ter A W Cobleut;;, car[ienler P liecain T F 15ruteher, baker James Ryan, shop keeper John d Sdi'iven, bakqr ,, , John JInilter, <;'as ii(tcr ' Robert Wri-'hr. ,;;'as titter Patrick Monajidian ir A Taylor, drMn-tjist Josepli Kaye, merchant John Saunders, merchant William 11 Jov, clerk- Thomas E Everett, hatter Henry L Everett, batter W (i Wisswell, carpenter L J ^'o^iTSwell. (lru,L;"i;'ist AVilliam Cam[ibell, clothier James F Avery, ^i J) Thomas Boiri>'s, liardv.are inerchani Jolin R Murray, clerk AVilliam A I lesson, clothier Cornelius Phalcn, tinsmitb Thomas Kelly, tinsmith Daniel Creamer, clerk (ieorn'c A AVoodill Thomas Jiaine, mercbant Edward Louo-arcL ])lumbor S Sclden, editor (of Christian Mosscnger) "William IF Stimpson, mercliant Edward J Lordley, mercliant J C Mcrntosh, clerk Thomas AV , Johns, clerk Alexander McLeod, mercbant J E Sinclair, mercbant Jobu B McNab, merelumt Vi F AVarrell. clerk lleniy Ci Hill, arcbi( • Georii'c Anderson . ,uc( -V ''r IIS) ,iW( cngor) .lulm li Whylal, l)i)()l iukI .-"Imo inauuf'uc- tiinT, .!( Ill McXiil), tniilor .loliii M Svm(>ii(lr<. im-rcliiiiil W II Uuii'Kl, iiuTchuiit .laiiic.s I'lirki.'!', iiU'i'cliiiiiL K ii Siiikc, ji'Wflioi" J Miii'iiliy Williaiii'.NUXal", luinlfr MinilVod A SliiitlcT, priiilcr Aiiiiii (:niiit,(iiiL'cii'.s niiiilcr .loliu C'aliill, [iriiitiT Tliomaa Lcaliv, nturckoopcr William Di'vim Arcliil.aiil McDonald William .IdIhis William Twiniiiii;. banister .!ami.'s Aiidcrsoii, tiutfiier Joromiali C'ollaliaii, nlioj> keeper .r(diu ii Towiisi'iul, clerk T Short, clerk Minor II l^a\Ywon, printer Louis I'ayzunt, ^Toeer iiieliard M Kiii.u', grocer Thomas S Ueid! tiilhert J{. Frith, jiiiir (ieory-e Tiiomp.sou tiohn Whelan Thomas A Walsh Simeon Wiiidden Silvester O'Doiiofj-hue d r. Caul David Thompson John Shirrell:' Andrew Wood William Bishop M i^haiyion , A niCenncdy Ivhvard Delaucy Timotliy Tohin Daniel Kouncen Felix E. Northup James Sauiulers Robert Reeves James Brown John Mooney Thomas Jardino M I'ent John Kissop George West James Connor Patrick McCJlinii David ^IcCliuii Willianr Taylor Daviil Corbet AVillianr lioso Samuel Campbell Patrick Sullivan Joliu Sullivan Gustavus Aird Xcil MeAuley Michael ]\Ialiar "William ]jowe M ^leDonald Edmund Corbett John llagarty Stephen Taggart John Lynch Joliu Davoual Edmund MePhai! Jamoa B llowell Dauiel llickev Hdward W Ifowell John Larkin Hdward I'halcn W 11 Wisdom .lames Kelly Fra.d< i-l iJundnil Michael Uooney Thomas (iuin William .Nierriek .1 M Thompson James Simpson ( icorge VickJer -lohii Kirby John Allen David Thomson II Foster d Ilumiihrev Chailcs F tyler Patrick Lcary Daniel Walsh Maurice Murjihy \ M' Alpine Michael Murphy Maurice Cochran Robert Chambers William Kellv iiobert Kelly' William Cass Charles Kelly John iluiit Robert V'anstou William Duneannoii Charles Stokes Thomas Stol'-s J'alrick Shells (4corgo J)ixon John Pearl , Michael Fiidan Michael Clinton Mii'hael Slaiiey '.'harles Connors William Twiman J'^dward P O'Donuell James McDonald John Fanning James Ryan John Corbett J Rose W Symonds W Lawrence Alexander JSrittou John Woods Kicholas Gumming Cluirles \V^. Fairbanks John Atwell Robert Kelly Robert Brentou AVilliam Cormack Robert Alien (iCorge !Muirhcad A Edward Caliill Thomas Bropby X McLean AVilliani S MclS'ally Tlenry Fisher Win ilenry Gainca David Silverthorno A. Eraser S W Brydeu J McDonald William Crowe Matthew' Condon ■,■*• *.. Hobcrt CLanncey Doniild FniHiT FrctU'rick [I Wlictmoro W'illiiuii ■( \I()rri!< Jdim MiLt'Dil J'oti r oot and shoe maker .John lioue, artificer James Roue, artificer Johu Slayter, M J) John Kennedy, grocer John McDonald, grocer Donald McDonald, grocer .4 1 ^ — , Co) Potor Lynch, Itarr'iHtor Jamcn H Sinitli, ij (', niul KcgUtrar Viuo Adiniriilt^' Court Charles Twimiii,', Q C W" II Keating, barrister niid County Regis- trar Beamish Munloeh, Q. C. S r FairliaiiUH, (-1. C, and ComniiHsiouor Crown liundrt Robt (-} Iliilil)iirti)n, Imrrintur I[ Olilriufht, harriHter W Myorrt (iray, J N Kiti'hie, l)arriHti;/ Fitzperalil Cochran, barrister H \V DoIUoi^, barrister W A •folinston, barrister iS \V (J ray, barrister, William II Hill, barrister Alexander Primrose, barrister "William llowo, barrister and Registrar of I'robatc James II Thorno, barrister Andrew J Cowio, M 1) A llattic, M D A Forrest W 11 Davics, M D, Edinburgh Arthur Moren, M J), Edinburgh A Campbell A 1' Chambers, artist 1) V Allison John Longard, plumber James Dorgio Edward J Small Thomas Spolman John Kennedy George T Windsor, grocer Peter D oyle, grocer ^ , _ "Tclcr Flcmming, grocer John Flemmiug, grocer I Patrick Wallace, grocer II Donaldson, grocer Peter Clarke, grocer Michael Ilawlcy Alexander Eustac* ir Ware John Dillou Isaac Peck Daniel Smart John English Edward TIanoy John Buckley Edward Doran S C Nash, merchant Stephen Carcw Patrick Malono James Bowen Joseph Davies James Griffin A W Boyle Edward Doran Michael Sheehau Robert Blois Scott Litson Thomas S Sutcliifo Richard SutclifFo John Baker George Kempt F. W. Blaiklock, builder R Power John R Willis H Simpson 1 James L Coston Wil James Casey Robert Tlioman •John Minn Henry Romami •lohii I'lUton Archibald Mathisori James Doininy William H Smith IJiiberl 'rimnuis Henry M<:(lill .lohn Mumlord, Aldcrmnn Thonuis ,1 Mnml'urd I'ldward iiulter M McDermott Samuel K Wilcox Martin J)oiiovau J Scott Uutton, principal dcnf and dumb Pchool William (1 Simpson Robert Carr J'ctor Artz Henry Villiors Francis S Beamish Eiigono Bureham .roseph Rickards William J Wisawcll J'cter Colli n James A McDonald Daniel Mcl>onald (•harles K Tyler troseph 11 Jo3t James Webb Isaac Patozam W Wallace James Wilson James McCarthy iam Coleman Jolui Gerry Henry Rhodoa Albert House AUVed Birmingham John McDade Edward Corbitt Charles Ciirrau Charles Brown (Toorgc 1) Ross Daniel Scintou, Henry D Woods Mark Elwood John ^fason James McGoogiu Michael Healey L McPhcrson Michael GrifEn James Porter Joseph Davis John Mctjucen (icorge Dennaford AVilliam E Fredericks Thomas Burgess F C Mahon James Shand, jr Levi Hart, (B Wier & Co, merchants) W M Richardson, merchant James S Scott, merchant McLean & Keith, brewers A II ('rowe, merchant J W Nutting, barrister and prothouotary George Eraser, merchant John O'Brien, grocer J F Phelan, merchant Edmund Ilcflor J E Pcliticr Ccorf^o C lliu'vcv, merchant W S^Moorc liov John Pryor, I) D, Granville atrcct Baptist churcli D G Keitli, (A Keith <§>, Won) merchant John D Cuniminy, grocer J 11 Carre, (R Goreham' & Co) merchant S N liinncy, hanker Joseph llagarty Jolm Muir Charlea ^IcCarthy, grocer Thomas Miteliell* iron founder Charles Archibald Adam .McKay Duncan Grant •lames lieardon M J O'Brien P James Kelly Charles Sullivan David Hall Peter Grant vJ Beamish William Mulr Willir.m Stoker James Fraser Patrick Mahony .lohn Allan David ^[cPhcrson Ebcnczcr Moselcy Alexafider Forsyth, (Cogswell k Forsyth, druggists) J C; Wier dosepn iVrcur.. Frank Lawson William IE Lcsscl A rthnr Murphy Itoucrt Urquhart ^ Thomas S Stevens Hugh Munroo James Laughlan D Woods A n Munro, Pastor S"orth Baptist Church W A D Morse, barrister J B Young, C E S G Archibald Joseph 11 Bennett C II Belcher John S El sell (:!ec."gc Adama looter Farquharson .tallies M Fi^rt^uharson Jacob P;,ynr Henry R 1 awlor Toseph ■ 01. .::! Jc^^n r'^epeiey rx'.'l. -rt . ell t ohnStephcna II R Frett-vcll L Puricncr F Ellishausen Adolphus Von Guzman Philip Keizcr John Parker Richard Bishop George Mason Jeremiah Murphy John Belohon James Regan John Speuco W H Gloudinning n W Gloudinning M A Corhctt G Cushen M Devan J Young George H Campbell, Jr George Campbell Patrick Donolioo JOdward Richard T B DcsBrisav, M D E L VanBuskirk, M D W II AVccks, M D R S Campbell, M D P Fuller J E Eawlor (J E Lav-lor & Co) T A Hyde Paul Farrell John Brown GAS Crichlon W S Symonds Joseph \V Allan (,J E Lawlor & Co) James MouU Ar.gus Mclnucs C W Glendeuning Matthew Brennan Alexander Russell J WDakin AVilliam Morton Thomas C Davidaon Edward Young George Jackson John Harris James Lylc Howard Symonds John Graham John Cam]ibell George A Mackenzie !\Iiohaol Donnochy Peter Conrad Charles M DesBrisay i P Corbett AVilliam Coleman ! Henry Wisdom ; J Royer Smith, junr ; John Graham i Howard Symonds James A Alurray James Lylc Gavin Ilolliday John Forbes John Bowes Edward Bowes John Gillord Jonathan Gillord Henry Watt James Warner Thomas ]\Iumfcrd C C Kimball Reuben Carver H. Lynch E Broadarick J A Thomson Williani T Paw John Carey Robert Kelly William Bolton Leonard Lcadley, Esq. George Mason Hugh R Eraser George AVells John Walker I H M W St A J( El Jo So Fi j: N / > r 4 Hcn.y Findlay M Hurley William O'Connor Stephen Bizzett Allan McDonald John Costly Ebenezcr Lisnor John Wills Samuel Giles Francis Drake J R Glendinning N Marvin Robert Moyso Thomas Bowes Jameu Ready W A Gammon Francis Mumford William Greene Leander Mumford David A Sandora James Drady Michael Drady, William Henry Smith Daniel Murphy Thomas Jenkins Robert Warner, Senr Daniel Warner Hugh Green Thomas W Preston John Patterson Michael Lahcy John Smith Edward Whebby, Sonr Edward Whebby, junr Robert Warner E Hoyno John S Campbell Charles Dart tHsoigo Ijoner Tobias Millar Andrew Robb Gaspard Conrad Edward H Millar Garrett C Kingston John Gaston John Parker Richard Bishop David Falconer, J P W S Symonds George A V Paw Henry Y Mott, J P Michael Tobin Edv.ard Tobin William Wilson James W GrahaiA John Lingloy W H Clarke John C Middleton G L Marshall James Whittaker Thomaa G Elliott Joseph Lockwood James O Baird Alexander Cruickshank* Charles Sullivan John McBain Thomas M Marshall Ale-sander G McKc .« T C Meagher John Mount James Sprigga B C Wilson Joseph Salter William Davios Adam McCluety William A Church Sidney Salter John Thomas William Martin James Richards Henry Martin John Hill Mark Polylaso Joseph Thomas Benjamin Thomaa Henry Tutton William Poolcy Thomas Opio William Opio Robert Atkinson William Wood NicholasTiedinnick Eiclfard Pearco Edward Martin Samuel Phillips Bryan Kennedy Joseph Curtis Joseph Thompson C W Roach Angus McQuarritt John Doran James B Laidlaw Thomas R Johns W A Nicholson Thomas Jenkins Peter Brodi© Patrick Choiman