('■('.' ■* " ^'* ' ■" 1 ' .,<*.. * '* ■' , ■ - y >>■ . ■ .4^ > ^ ■ *\ ' f- . V " - « V w ■ . '•«. • ' ^ " ^ • ." ' '^ ^ . ' •.. 1 ■' . ' , • ■ " ^ ' ♦ . .' ■ # * t ' -V • />''■, i * ■ V, . , n ■ , •i^ :. # » -, ■ * „ ■ , , * . . " ■■ \ - ■/-»■■ • • "^ - • ^ ' . . <^ * . ' ' ^ ■ ««» ■ ' ' .. / * ■% ^ .* :- •• ■ . ,„ 1 . , ' • , ■ ' 0,^ ' , -. . * # . • "■" ! . - , . ,, ..J t. ••■ - ♦• ' ' • ■ •' - ■ ' ■ : • - ■ ■ y '\ . « . A • ' ^ "■ ^ - '«^ ■ ■ . . ^ ' ' . , .fi ' ' • , u # - . ■ ■• , ^i '.■■'---'- 1* ' .' \i >' "t ^ f >^*** ■Q IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MTr3) >% *♦ ■** Gorpacatii .& ■*. . ' .tf .i. CIH Microfiche Sepleis . (ii/ibnographs) ^m, 4>- r ICMH Collection de microficlies (monographies) inadian Inititut* for HtetorlcaHKHcroraproductlont / Insfltut Canadian da microraproductloiw Mstoriqiiaa . I y ' ..^X i tp^' ^ -* TlMiiWlitMtillM«tlMii»«idtoobtiintlMb««orlfiiMl copy avaUiMi tor fHMlnf. FwtMrMofMtMPVivtiMi I llM MMMl HMtliorf of ffHniiiit. ara L'lfwtitiit a w to oflliM la wwalllaMr aMniplaka qii'il M a M poMibto dh ta proawar. Lai dMaMt ia eat anamplatra 4hI lont pawt-tta j wi^i^pa dv point 4i voa lillilloMMhlMH. aulaiiiTir " fapiofliina. on 4Vi paiiMiit axiiar i oaiN la MMtnooa nonMaa oa ffHniaia lOOt inoMiuat □ ColoMfad eevafa/ Coovartofa da aoolavr □ Cewaft CoMwartura □ Covara raMorad rnid/ot laminaMI/ CoiMartiira raitaiHia at/ou paNieyMa DCovartMai La titra da eewpartuia manqua LJ Cm«bi ftofrapliiqiiai an OBulaMr ; □ ColoMrad ink (i.a. odMr tlian Mua or Maefc)/ Enara da eoidatir (i.a. aiMra thMMaoa ott noira) □ Coloiuad Plata* and/or illintratiom/ PlandM* atAMi iHtHtratiom an coulaMf □ 0ound with'othar nutimM/ MiaHft avac d'antrat doaomant* 0Ti#it bindiiit may caoaa diadovra or distortion alonf intwrior mariih/ La ralhtra larrte paut eam ar da I'onibra ou da la dUlordon la ^n| da la marft intAriaora Bifnii laavBS addad diirinf railoration pnay < writliin tlia taiit< Wnanavar poMiMa, tn^a nava baan omittad from fibnint/ llfapautqiiaeartainaspaietbMidia* afoutlat bn d'inia rastaoration a ppar a i M ant dam la taxte, mait. loraqua cala MaitpotdWa, cas papn n'ont pM Ma filniaas> V as: P~l Papa rattorad and/or laminatad/ L^i^iXhfM rattaurias at/ou palllcuHai 0^ Ds: ditaowiirad, ttainad or fomd/ dIeolorAat tachatiai ou niouAat 1/ : '■. '""-y-Z-'-} ■■ '■%. r^Showtfiroiiih/ UfLl Tran ip aranaa Qualitv of print varias/ Qualiti intialada rimprasiion □ Continiiow pagination/ P agination continoa D Indudat indax(at)/ Comprami on (dat) indax Titia on haadar taban from: / La titra da I' an-tlta proviant: TitIa paga of iMua/ Pap da titra da la iivraiton □ r~~n Caption of itwa/ D L Titra da depart da la livraison . Mattnaad/ Giniriqua (ptriodiquas) da la livraison r**7) Additional conHnants:/ LJlJ C o m m a ntairas suppMnjfantairas: IrreguTar pagination^ iv, iii, ido. This itam is fibnad at tha raduation ratio chaebad baknv/ / Ca doewnant ast fibni au taux da riduction indiqui ei;dassous. 10X 14X 12X IfX tax m 22X 26X 30X 20X 24X 28X D 32X ^^ TIm copy fllfiMd iMra has bMi| r«produe«d thanks to tha Qanaraaity of: .AnilMlfen Churah of CMiatfa QMwral fynod ArahivM^ Tba Infagaa appaarlng han ara tha baat quality "^ poaalWa conaldorlwg tho oowdWOn and kglblll t y of tho original copy and In kaaping wHIi tha filming eontraet apaolftoatlona. Origlnil oopiaa In printad papar oovara aia fNmad baglmung with tha front eovar and anding on tho Ia4t pagO wHh a printad or inuatiatad •Ion. or tho book eovar whan appropriata. AH othor original ooplaa ara fHmad beginning an first paga with a printad or INustralad Impraa- skNi, and anding on |ho laat paga wHh a printOd or Mlustratad Imprasslon. Tho last raeordod frama on aach mtatrofloho shaN contain tha symbol -^' (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tho symbol ▼ (moankig "END"), whiehayar appNas. Maps'. plataa..fthM. atOw niay ba flimad at d i f fa ran t raduetlon, ratios. Thoaa too larga to bo antiraly biehidad in ono OKpoaara ara fNmad baglnning In tho upper left hand oomer. Iet^i< right and top to bottom, aa many frameaiMirt required. The following diagrams iUustrat^ihO . method: *. ^f , ■ ■ ■ . , • r. L'exemplaire fNm* fut reproduh grioo A la generoene do: AnfUoMi Chuidt of Canads ' QMwral Synod ArsMvw Lss Images telvantaa ant ale reproduiies aveo lo plue grand soin. oompto tenu do la oondnlon et do la natteti do rsKomplelre flim4. et en eonformhi aveo lee o ondWons du eontraf^ iMtk mumiuiWmm nrliiliiiiii dont Is oottifttrtuM Ml papier eet Imprimeo sent fHmee eh oomnien9ont per le. premier plat et en termlnaiit salt par la ^ detfilAfM BAOA niil ^anuMMta ihm MMfataita dlmpraoelen ou dIEuetratlon. soH par la seoond plot, eelon le eae. Toue lee eutiae oRemplelres Origlnaux eont fwnee en oommen^ont per la premie r e pege qui oomporte une omprehite , dlmpreeewn ou dlNuoMtlon et en termlnent per is demMre pege qui oomporte une telle tin dee ey m bolee euhrents apperaltra sur la demMro Imege do eheque imcroflehe. sOlon let eae: le symbolo — »• signlflo "A SUiVHI". la eymbole ▼ slgnHIo "RN". Lee oaitae. planohee. tableeux. eto.« peuvent eire fllmde A dee tavx do rMuetlon diffArents. lorsque le doeument eet trop^gOKWll pOur Atro reproduK en un eeul oNehA. w eet fNmA A parthr ,da rengle supArlbur geuohe* do gauche A drislte. et do haut eo baa* en prenant la nombro dim e gee nAcaaeake. Lss dis g r a mmas suhiants Muetront le mAthode. 1 ■-' 2 ■■ • . : - ■■ r/ ■ ■ ■■ ■ / •3,7 <( ' 7: n 32X AN6LICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 0. r GE^flERAL SYNOD .* >»■ •s*«* Church House Toronto '■■■■-■ ■■■.'.■■..„■■ , ' ■. ■ ■ . ' - . ' ", ■ ' ' ■ ■'' ■ ■ ;•,:■■■■. ^ ;'■.■,» -1 ' *'•., 4-: 4 ■» . * ' ^ ■■-?.' "^ 'fe- 1-> ■ -J-. »1 •f:' v.. •■£i&! r/" INF ANT BAP^ IS Mi ; I :;;'"" V:;,j;'... 'Ill;; V Hire H . . THE iLliGHi or INFANTS' f ■> A':^*' IP ' (*■ '"%■■'-?■.• ■-• -J • y^ #4ii---THjr. r* SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM, is i»RbvED FROM scripture; ■•■;•:'*' » -^. ^^mm^Ajm ^M)M $P9 tmAL OBJECTION^, ..; '. 'If, •f: V ■."<' At^p CONFIRMED l^iR PRACTICE OP THE FOUH flK9T '^Rii^iiMi^MtanM^ I Jy C ttAR t EiS IN G L I ^ k Ji: * ^ vpta LiTTtB CuiL^iiKit* AKD iibyi9tb .inow-iriKr to C0114 . '4 '* ^ - . ' 4M«tt&. jdx. 14. CiMMM^bwrni ChrimH w8r^ Cmifim ir#f4n» f«£>» >( ImI jtmp^ffiatt. \ AogQft. Pe Verb. <A^ft. Sra. 1. *f :^«||paB: »■«>—*;*—«»%. 9: ' *<- mi NE W/t ORK ^ i»tt|p«.t: h: G AIKfi^ AT T« BIBLE ^ir^ft^WHl • ' In Hahotbr-Souari, Mf* •'fcj^ ■*■*. ,'"'', , *»*'>, 1^ ■ *T- Tl«»- >«. .f,w,- ii-t •!)> , ! i. « ^. •i*"- • - -— — J- r— ,,^* ■ ^PPR", ^%^^^'^^^M^^'r'^ fr*cJi»v feti VJ ■■4 1,- I T a **»*'' The Hon o'u i a b t ■ fOSEPH RfiADEi. 1 ^ AND . iBiOpiitEs/WARDENSj . HORSMANDEN, J - ' . To f ;».i 'he worthy Gentlemen of the VESTkY T R I N I T Y C H U R C H, A N^© BEE 8 OP THE V To ALL THE OTHER ■ ■ ' • . (. . HUkGH OF ENGLAND IM NE W-YO RK, ■■•A; ■ --m The FOLLOWING . E S $ A Y» ..^^^A Testimony of sincere EiTEEM--r— * % %, V: • ' t i ¥ f. #' K • il "".} .^ Is. HOMBLY Inscribed. ■i .'it J|i#-%oiiE:, July, x a, 1768, -r-j-. ^ I ■ ■ ♦.■• ; .*-l >> -N W\i^ '%%' N> T\s] I N T R O D y C f I O N. ■ ■• ■'■■- ■'•■ •'.^■'■"'^^ '"' '^- ^* rW\m Natwn rf Orifiian B^ijm hi,fy *^U»md^ P,gc ,| Sect. II. Our Smnm't CmmiJKm /# *ft» ^/!/?///— to baptife afl Ntdbns-, nipimmd't tM whitb Infants wtrt included^ at will apptar fnia ,,,thijyardi rf thiCmmiJImn, and frmtbi^j^fHa if hapRxi2 ^ . • , Sect. III. ^ \ WkijMiny hiwiM Ciramuifim 0nd BaM'tfm ctnfiJtnd^ gfid th\ JrinuHt anjmg tbtnet m Fawur if Infant Baptifmjatid, p. 36. Sect. IV * 'I Wjtrr, and of the Spine, he cannot enier'^inio the Kingdom rfGod— «^,wrfj e»i ilu Niufftj ,f tnfmt BMifm £Aui " Sect. VJ. ' " ?• M Tijiimnmfrm Wrttin rf tbifiur firjl Cmhtriis in Favdit Infant Bapttja^ . V . . ^71 ^ Sect. VII. **• /* mtimtng Infant Baptifm, . ^. ^?T,i '^ . . , Sect. VIII. ^- *"1 mitbif ttu lawful u aimmfiir Babtifm fy Spping trlmmnfitA ^RiP'ii'^ •n thifrfl Bifi »f Jhtip0daattirm..w it, prififA Sme^^^fraJidwititbatjfP^^ tb,<f^J muipmlupunii, rf tbi Firmer^ ^ -.: > p. 144I «^^;^!i««^& i«^ At £udmu. fir IfiM Bsf$,ir\ h \ « t" 3fe .' S P Rp E ^ A CJ £• /o^lp^HE f WWt w4 lor4 Falb^amo kM eUitVid,— '* That* tlwrc AmvM U.m Httk bitttrMft ia a tiMiilk of am- trovtrfy, M in A Wta-lttttr." It wtn i»jw4 muck i» wiOitd, tkat in all wUfiom w n u anmi i m at kai, biwt* ■•(•,iMlkcaa4mifr«prtiinitadmw«i«laifdaft4«. Tnitk ftukU aoc in n«cd of fnch cxpedlcatt to fiimrt it.\Tk«7 woald oafy (U%ni^ . it, were tliey to appear on its idtv and prajndict paopk a^aiaft M, When the mind is calm and dil)paiionate, tiien oaljr it is ul a pm> per ftate to inveftigate, perceive and embrace trvth. Harfli Laa- fuaffe irritates and |>rovolccs, and utterly anfits the auad for aaf of uiele. Befides, acrimony and reviling are direfUy oppoftte to tha chriftian temper— are very unbecoming the followers of the asedc Jisus* and the advocates of his caaie. And yti alas I hoar oftea do we. fee men indulge- themfelves in thefe without refiiaiat, and coBtfl«d ia^ iht mokmiekri/tim muma abom cht trathi oC-Chiil^ anity, 'VF^ In the following MJSn, I have ftncUoufly endeavoured to avoid * tvery thing that had the apjiearance of harihnefs, or even of aa- kindneis ; and if any thing in the heat of arrumeatatioB lutth in- adverteady dropt from my pen, that looks like either, I do keie #BtraA it To rui/om, not to rmi, wu-my deign. I was confident of the goodneft of tke can^ I bad undertaken—that there were ar- gumentyn abaadance to fupport it, and tkat nothing was wandng but to flppefe in a proper light. I bear no ill-will to Anabapdfts. On the ^ditrary, I nave muoi perfonal efteem for foveral of theai with whom I am acquainted ; and' think there are many pious* fincere chriftians among them, altho' they are in an error u to ilkfaat . baptifm, , Anabapdfts think they ^ve a right to vin<licate thf ir pfinciplet f and accordingly, are very'^ii^dUforion* in fupportina diem ftom tibia prefs, the pulpit and in converiation. OertainlvtLea, they caiiB0% olame others for defending themielves and tkcur piiaciplet { elp»- dally againft fuch atucks as would nnchnrch wem, and leava theni neithetr miniftry nor ordinance ; but would make them to be .jKO mlbre tkan a parcel of anbaptized heathens. r Indeed the zeal of Analumtifts to propagate their priadpleaiMl^ caftoned the writing of this Mjsjt, Tho*, by the way, I canno^I•- eoncile their xeal for dipjpine with the low «Riination in which thev ieemtoholdbaptifinitfelf. Somuchearncftaeftforapardcalarmow of baptixiBg, and dipping is no more, I am apprehenfive will be apt ^^U> draw the attaitioa of too man}r from the inward part or thing fig- niied in that facraiaent, and fix it ontyon the oatwaid vifiUe im or fonn in baatifiB. Several of Dr. Gilt* pamphlets agidaft lafott ;bapt^' are, diftiibated about., A large imprdtoi^hia M^k^ iniag p eyp l a^ «v'» ivh* \^ ■! v-rj.li . 4 • F M, M W A b E^ ' , ,,fc| Mt this amirovttrrXi wtre ftamr«d abovt tW Imt- fkh-Ji •t y^hmt b«pcifim «ft«r mdiag fiidipMifkktt, it it ipt t»>t wiMiJ at. llAoy moBbav oi tW cJmucIi •f EAflaad cx- I wmgfi, a iium diin to Im tlM Mgwamm ia fiivovr of iafaat bap- '^maK$ami$ A •» aoodMr parfiM iwintd wilUag lo ■i|«krtakt it, >kattikdtv«lvtdoaa«. I mb imfiUt tiMt tiM («kj«a mag lit kara •aity fiJlaa iato bcttir liaa^.— Ha«r«v«r, cImA wko ai« caadi*! will MadUy aocapt aay w«U-masat attoipt to ftnra tiM caaft of tratK aroM altko' it our sot ba lb wall axacutad aa thajr coaid arifli. laan aAaatad by a faaM of doty i and a conicioafneu that I havo i acat aly aadcavoaiad to difchai^ it, will fnficieatly coaaterrail asy ♦b^aftioat that may ba aada to my parfornuMCff ot lo lay aii- fitgiai; ia tbia omitroverfy. / ^ : .;. v. AkW it mu none of mr ba/iaaTi to retnrn a jproMbd aalWar to 'Dr. GUfp. aad bit aaoia is not once mantioned in tba feUowinf ^^ .• ¥er tba jcadar nriU pkiUo to obienra , that cvary arpuBfeaf acaiaft' ia^hnt bapcifia in bai ^9^$ fo far m I can recoUcA, that dewnrca ■ottca^ M amoag otban^Mnr refuted. I mentioned not bia name, nor tbat of any other Anabaptift writer, on purpofe to avoidNiikl perib- ■al redaaaona aad c^ttafta. I wroi wrote againit priaciyki , fnch aa they vivre, not asaiiift pmbot. Ffoai priadple, i» wall a* ditoofilion, I am an avowed laMay"|» •vatyfoedaa of pimeaition— especially perfecutioii Sot confdence ilka. TUa lattecu to be fore one of the blackaft i aadi tbat evar iafcHadtba cardk; Too lonp and too often bava ir# bloody bannara baoi difpUyad/tn the chriihan world. Too fttqaently have the fol- lower! of th^/4oly Jisvt croydad under them— armed with mutaal ' * and .violence ^againft each other) when they ftoald like brethren, as their divine mafter hath commanded. ,iadaBd, has often bad reaibn to bklh for her children i >MM be God, the rights of confcien^e are better new ikm ftavMrly. However the prefent iwe auiy be a daganaracy of aumners, yet a fpirit of towrance and tens to pfovail in mbft denominations of chriftians. ■ay that Mrit ptavail more and more daily, ^nntU perlecataoa itally baaiihed henceto in native bell. But to aMMM/ Mrm/fy th* pitk tm» AUvtndfih Jmmtt^ mn^itfi it be done wi^de- ey» caadoor and charity, is fo far from being periecatioB, that aa abfalnm doty. Thde roles I have not knowingly traa%ref- iUi aadltfolydedare that I foal ao emotions, bat ttiMe of pinr, :cbaiity and baaavdcnce to Aaabaptifb. It is ny defire to Uye m liiBtbarlr loffo and good followlbip witb^a*. /I ^d not writo |g^|f ifctMU bot /tr the mtmberi of that oo«ua«at^ «o which 1 ';ialoag*|. and to gaaM tbofo, wbali pnmdaoce has ii paro oom- ■owy>€aK, mao waac i appcaienn lO'Be a otiigOTOOi onw* SiaartbB iril fife of tbaoo«ttow^.iboat-iofaiit baptjhi^ fe<|B 4 '«3;kt- I. \ F R E F A e K. allw tW fdbnMtkm. i^iFmlibtowfflMnlttv«lMiriia*tlIliiiL JMdM wkAl WM wrkm by X«fiir, Cmk/im^ C# w^b^, ^# i i> " * VUmt fer«igMni fcrnid pcrfiiM «( oat ««« aa^ kM« Jiite- t«iihcd tMUtlw Ui ikU oMtroveriy— Aick m Dir. JImmmJ^ MU' yMf^. BUhop r«pJbr,Mr. JMMr, Mr. WiBt, Hm. W^H^Mm* W^ m maitkm no oclim. It it wy aificolt co fiijr «•/ tUagMw^a |«M«a tlMC kaf bMtt trmtid b^ lb Mmav «0iiMRt luuid*. l*ht ! ■ ■>■ mi rvwkrwiU p««0iv« tbac Ikwr« Bvi(tt«a myMi oT tboft who wMt. bi(brt BM I tbo* r UB MX indtbced to any of them fi> aocb at •» Mr,lf^Jtl and toasyp«rionwlK»dtlU« tobe wtMpcMiokMadlviib tbif contioverfy* I wooM rfconmtttd tbo pernfia or bit lcanwl» ja4kioiu, caomd aDd^laboraia Ab/try •flm/tmt Bmftifm,\ Howowav* Ibava pufTuadtkat aiaduMl which app«ur«(i to bo aMi i|aMitl aaA piH>p«r, and made fach refleaiioni aa occnired to ^m ^ tba SS" trat faMatib i withofit coaliaiiif myfelf lo the ordcir^iargaii^patt of any ouata. Wherever I hava^oted any aatbor, I m|w «Miika# the quotatioB with inTcrtcd conanat } at|d whara I hava yb4jMi« wma that ochcra aM before, which ia unavotdabla in wrtcihgl^BBiflr beaten fabjeat I have nrea (heai in aiy own laaiapga. ft caA dltf Ay I hare auida uie m no aiga ieat which did aataaoaar aaaM convincing in the inftance where it ii produced i and f hava A«te4 the objeAaoiu of Anibaptiib in all their Ibrce. <« » : v ' If I had had more leidiie, xi iti)robable. thii IJkft hadappanMl avich ftwer impericlUons. Parochial duties and other avocationa gave WM eou^tiiirl^iiptrnption. Weeki have oiUn pail^ iiAoail waa bmn, without being able to write, or even think any thkf aboi^tit. I^ent to it, anddepac^d from it, juft at bufijidii anl 4u<ict of anbther kind would mermit me. NotwithiUnding tha inconvenienciet arifiog hence, I have, fo fiir at waa confiftcat witli . the limitt I had preiR»ibed to myfelf, omitted notlung that I thpogkc necefTaiy to, elucidate the fulgeA, iatiafy the reaibnable, impartial inqoirer after tyudi, or make the argaments in fiivoar of tnliiit baptiim, intelliffibte t» the weafcefl capacity. Aad whilft I endea- ▼o«iad to vinmchte the ctufe of truth, I haire lieatad iliofe wb4 piiliciplea her^ confuted, witb tcnderneft iiUt charitjr* ' er if KKadventuroat aa t6 appear ia' print In theft timely ^ .ft to jpafinOiro! tlM ord&l «3f an aaary eraminatiaa aad 'aaftvcr. Shoum^tUtbe mylktti iM^ retura fifomoie bat, pity aad fileace-r-cbnftiiak/ forbidt .me to lay — con- tempt. 1 idlMr aOjveater diftbaiigiemettt fifom reptyi^^ to a boolt, than ita beiag i&d i^ abi^' a«d flander-*-wJiiNi inwediva fappliea tha pUMce of ai:g;fiiiieiM« 4M dfrontry that of troth. How- ■ * r '■--.• ad <f4| - V; •ni '.*>■* t ■ ^ CSybadB>ant a aaaaacaifcali^A hat a man af e^^ aiflii^ aggjaMiS^ »mA --J, 7 « • • ^ V « - « • ' /• m . m ■ * V • • '•' * , - • tf^ "^ ' - . , ■ , , . . V N. ) ' . • » t^ . . -^ i « ■ \ Jf <7 •■ JPP' " • " " .."' . " ■ • k • *f^ . / " ... s ■ • ,. ;:,^:, ;,:;:, p ^ ^ p j C '^'*/ ^v - #d ibr ilie memben of the church of EngUnd,— it wilt be Jdndty : leoeivedy provided it be dcme With candour, decency and temper. To beingennoQt, I have no relifli for controverfyi; and nothing lint neoeiBty coiild induce me to continue the preient anjr longer. My indioatiOBf lead like another way. To make known the riches of jtoeeming love;- — to fet forth the wifdom and goodneif nX God, as manifefted in our redemption, — to point out the Lord Jisirt at the <mly Way^ tbi Lifit and tht Truth, and to perfuade finners to take fimAnuy in him': Would be an employment far more pleafinj^, ah4 inuch oeher fnited to my difpofition, as well ai confiftent with the ^nrfe of my jtudi<^s. An {^ on thofe fubjefts I would undertake' with more pileaf ttre than this on infiuit baptifin was undertaken. And . Ihottkl HI, in whofe hands are the ijiw •fUf$ md drnk, bepleafed , to (pare me, it may be the caie one day^ ""■ I iumre only this requeft to make to tne reader, at pt e(ent, that \t wUf fttfpend hu judgment of any particular ^|irt of this MJmt vntU he has icad the wh<4e, and then ojudge with candour. To ^liAOwr the will of Ooo, is my fincere defire. I have diligently learched after that will; and I mayjuftly claim that charity and indulgence Ibr my involuntaiy failures, which I am willing to fhdiv to thofe "Of'nchen* ■ifek .jM^^^te ^m^^m^ jSttilllltiak iCttMSlk iSftMBk gmmf^m^ amj^^m^ MM^ !• I 1^ ■1*- /^ , E R. By A X A» • I ^AGB 22> line 4 from the Bottom, in the No^s, fi>r De Jnre|Tat« M/Qent. read-^-De Jure Nat. et Gent. %/^ t, i 5 from the Bottom, in the Notes, read the famc^ ^ 84^ 1. a^, for 50, read 40. ^ ^ 80^ 1.9, for ^4, read 56. 1 9J, 1. 28r wet Rmiffi$mofSi«St r. 'mas wUvtrfiifft Miveil fy ' ;^^ X^ Or^fii^ i^gea^ to tie Nic»mECtiit9»*. • ^ tii6, 1. 30» dele^^ 118, 1* I3» afker Nie^, r. ^ Trade t( C^trt-^M-Mahtr,^ nubtaiiUfctarotreada Chefter in tbeJBM* - ] ":\: V^ iWd. 1. 34, totrtfemhkf t, reJ^Ui* V: ibid. I.3J, for y«i««»f>^ ^ 180, lit the ChrQii6lo|icalTible<^ Aiitfaors^, after Ailgtif? %h r.»98^C%/^liarf'C^|^ tt pt eient» thit ■ - -s ■ ■, :y*» -• ' ■ ■ »■. 'I., :■■ . ■'.■•< ■■■ / V, : '■■ . ■■-■ 1^ V- ,•»■.■ ,,..■,■■. . ■ '■ ^'- VJ', • V ' ■■^ , tJR, Sftvtour hi» inHitueed two fokfrin Qir- dWnces in hts GckfpeU wMch akexsalled Bsieraihents. Thcfe Sire fceiddnl RitM» iM* Seals of the Covenant of Gtiice. «< They are not'Otbtf Bi|dge»or TpldcnsHof «' Chri(tian M«fl^« Proferioni^Bitt mthn^^ h thcy^^ttr*»fe Witndlbi^ Ittid ^efeau^ i%nt of «« <5race, and God's good WU wwafds !)|#®br *e *• #hich'he doth Work invifibly in iir^^^ K ^nly qiitcfkcrt,butAlfo tjoiilfirm dur^akhii^liiiilt r^. l%cfirft of tbefc Sacraments k Baptifmv^ilj^xwhieh •ferfons a^profely«i?d toI<*fttg/Chrillv OT^^ roVenant wkh hirti. Theiecottd'wthBv (iOrd'flSiippar^ ^y which t^kofe who ^ere^entcr^ into theiQofpeJ; Coie^ Riant by Bapttfm^ and ar^ dthiffwife <d% qualified, &t, [forth the Death of Chrift^ ri«|i6Mr-^iri Covenanty m^ [drengthened and confirmed i# it 'duio* SHyinelGraoe^ The fii^i^^hde; namely ©i^tiioi, is^ho^S^ of )ur Gonfiderat»on ill pfrefent %. 'a<i« it ix^ill bt;4>toc&ry. to ^afe the JJiiture of the Gontroverfy, treaite^ jof in the foUowif^'El&y,, before I proGieed further ^ liftft ihe^ttea- ~ rr fhptira'mifbwe^'^As contr^ireited which it iq;reed »nr; or % tc^Andii^ Things that - are ckociitiftantial 7ith 4i^iK^ bf ^ E^ncc of Bafkiifmvhi^ ^Aittehtim Idrawttfiromiihc^attei^ An^ thc^wnier. ' ^r ' \ The Gontw^teftr^l f^^ feefonfrint tobe admietM CO &i|i^^ iibttipimtiiA^s^n^ *ffiy arecgener^l/ eiiiedvitM^iS9i,^iit6n4 1^ t See the 25* Article tf thcehnrdiof England. i, ;,.Jf ^lyji'lllV thv Bapdfin>V bca^ to ftcn as tM^ ic jContrciverfy w not— Whether thofc, who have )tifm in their Infancy, fhould he bap- ttiiii proper Subjefis of it j and accordingly they baji- ozc ihcm. ■ T|M *t«^ f^en-^ro^ granted they (hould be bap- tized, if properly qualified} altho* the niore ignorant AnakaftWi feem to think adult Baptifm is denied by all -KiJitthcfAftlves V and % ConfeqMcncc of this look on It^erylnlUooe of, an Adult's Qaptifm in ScripHUrc to be ,^l:E^oHlt their Favour, and w make agaiiyft P^dolmf^ Mjts'O Whereas i» Truib'the latter adminifter Baptifi^ to !AdutoiIif not biiptlMfd before, M well as they. Nor .«:dbithe;B&aiices of adolt, Baptifm in Scripture make ^ M^iMPiMaptip $,m mpre than the Inftances of Men £>nartakiwpoi [the LiOrdV Supper, make againft the Cuf- sioi^of admit^g WotlKH to that Sacremeni. Neither .'dc^ tlrft liiftanceaol adirit Baptifro» ancl thi^ Want of ifaiilvxpc^fs Mention of an Ini^tV Baptifiti in Scriptu^, opibVdaiiy T^ing ii» i^^our ot Anabapttfts In thi$ pon- «ti^Kferfy;'/anj[ mOre than the inftances ojF Men receiving * tha Lbrd's Ju|^rf tfnd the Want of any exprds Men- r tiq^^ii Wq^n refieiving it» wpidd prove any Thing t in favoiic of^fueh as might take it into their Heads to ttfbfcahat SicftuDftntfimWo^ i: ^BfiftJiirther. .T^e C«itcoi^riy is not concerning the Modt'ol adminiftnng BapcMin* whether by dipping, or' ) pourihg Water Ofi the baptized Perfon. This is made mBoiBit ji3^ great Moment by ibme ignorant People. i Th^ talk iaiit this was the pr^Gipal M«ner in Difpm^e, J or as if it was eflentiat i whereia in RqUity it is j^o ^jnorethan aCircumtoce which affedt not theEBenipe otthe Sacranaeiit.; Butii^tfe th^ Cfeiwih of Englajd « therelanoGiiufeofC^otentiiinon^isHead ihe f immns her Minifter9 1« bapli^ Chil^ (Upping ilieiit iSllifiiteetlir and warily if theSppnfors will certify that Uiey \,* may w^^fodiireity* which is die Modb contended ror iC i .u ->W'' . / • by Anabaptiftt. «V But if they cordfy thef m wieik, '' it (hall luffice that they oour Water upon them.** And in baptizing Adults, me epjoint that they mtybe either dipped, or have Warer poured on thcm±., Ilo#^ far this Permiflion to admtnifter Baptifm by Amifion, or pouring Water, is lawful and right, (hall be confiderciiL in its proper Place. The Queftion then in this Controverfy is— Who trc the Subjeds of Baptifm ? Are grown Perfons, Adults only to Be adnlitted to Baptifm, as Anabaptiih aflert I Or, are Infants alfo, as well as Adults, to be baptized, as the Church of Chrift in every. Age fwhich Jhall be made evident hereafter) has taught and prkdifiod ? This' i^ the true State of the Controv^srfy, which I requeft the Reader to bear in Mind« B z r ., ■ ■ « * ■ . . ' . " ..-■.'-... t Set iii Ruhria in thi Offietf •ffMbUcB^tiJm 9fUftm»tt Md «f th^i who MTg €UHt t» riper Ttars,' rn^f- ' '■■If ^■:. r^- '■:■': ^ -■■■ '. ^, m '0: %. ft. SECT. w -♦*■< WJ S E C Tl O N I* ^ wpldned. Vm^wnviV! I^^tter to fudoe and dctcrrtune concerning thit T PomtT^n SeTreviouO, necdftry to confid« ed to them.' Tothefe «hey »»«*»» w?*"*/*^ Content, of Ae Inftrument « #«* «. ««^;f»S tifmand -the Lord's Supper, ;»«^,5r\™rf CotfS ' RighteoirfSeft of tbofe who ^^^^%^* Ri|httoufne&, and the Troth of hu ^'^^^;,^^^ ceWedthe Lord's Supper. Lull* x«i. if. . *f«*W wSbaptiz^ Aas ^iT 13. Thefe partook •* ** «^ S^WtliTdidnotptoatbythein. For Aeonftbctray- teSlld went S his PIkc : The o*sr fecca«e» bUfphemou^ApoitaefifomtheTnirtil^ . __ _^ Chriftian BaptifmanCfts of two ^r^.'*f^ »< wardTifibte^igo. and *• f'*"*^??' "^SfL The outward Si^. or Form m_ Btoptilm. coo^« wafhioK » Petfo»%kh Water to the Name of the FMh« sTinS Hoi, Ghoft. Thii Ueiprejive rf wrn^ State. We Itt homm &•, mA *r* h f^f 9^**% ^b Pfalmli, 4. Ephef. ». 1, »• Th. A&o. of S£n« w^ Wa^r pie&ppofrth the Deffl«awnt of ow NaSf wMchha. iSJaa^aJl defceirfed from iWta^; ft iOfodenoteth ow de^afinp br the^ and^Spfaj *^ See Dr. UghtftW"* T«iy>*- »»»»««• ?■» **•«*• '*^*'' *^ LakexxU,2i'' " t;.-*---'^- ■•''"='■ ^ ■■■•;. " .^..' i, rUUJivifi- DiB^u. Bam. 1 . - — ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ,•>;,■ -,i^'5- o 'i*-^'^. • y^ , All mfitf on IffMt Baptifm. of Chrlftind that Purity of Life to which the Sacri: nent of Baptifm pbligeth ui« «* The inward Part, or Thing fignified in Baptifm, ** It a DeadiunloSin, and a new Birth unto Righte- .«* nefsj" of which the outward Part is a Means, and •n expreflive Sign % Thefe fhould never be fcparatcd iR^yen we confider this^Subje^ ; as both are neceflfary to conftitutc true, ChriftVan Baptifm, We thcrefoie re- cciVe outward, vifible Baptifm, that we may partake of thc»inward and invifible, by God*s Spirit ;' to wMch the iormer leads, and without which it is inefTectual. By Baptifm our natural State i» changed, and we are put into a better State $. We art brought into the Fa* miiy of God, and enrolled among its Membcts, 'where wcare foedprally intitled to, and enjoy the Means of Salvation. For hereby Admiflion is given us into the Church of Chrift, which is his Body, Coll i. 181 /That Church IS a Society of Chnlfs Appointment, where the pure Word 6f God ts preadhed', ;|ind the Sacramenta duly adminiftred. It is founded in Oppofidon! to the Kiii^omofDarltnefs, ijfhich the Adverfary of Souls, or as our Saviour calls him— Ti^^ Prince of thisWorld^ Jolm xii. lu and xiv. jo, the Devil', < had ere^ed on the Ruins of o^tir Reditude and Happinefs. Of this ho<k lySodety, Chrift iaSiipream Head; and into it we are tranOated by Bapdim out of the Kin^bm of Darknels^ «ndpartake of all its Benefits and Privilejges* • From this Change in our State by Baptifm, ;, and its being ft Sign and Meaoaof an inward Change^ i^s called liy St. Paul, the f^afiing etljmer a/ Regener^^ . te Vfbicb tbe renewing 0fibeHofy Gbcft ^longs^ Tii.ms $. On the^me Principle our Saviour calls Cbiriftian Bap- ..,-> ,•■, . .. •• '^ V .• ■ : ' ' ,• , .tifin t See.tke S7tli Art^df of the Chuich of Enirland. Vide edi JohiBnK|3erlurdi L6c. ConUn. De Bapdfiao. fioi . p. 268. x ; ' i**!NoneIfnppoie will deny, jfajft'tUpim OMdUarM J BiOnf^ •* Patrick, bat that 41 lelativeChange it herein made, i,e. in Bapti^; ^ andib mach Gnce-and Fanwr is conferred, Aat weftand npon ♦r better Terms than aacer Nature didinftatg us in," Dj/cawfi tf ,9^^/^ p.4S9* -• V f v.-\ tifin anew 9irth, or being ^ «^ ^.f^^^^rtfjl ' / Jwri/, 7«*ii m. 5. And hence the Chriftiin Church from the ciriieft Times, hath given to Baptifm.theName ^ oi R0generatpM ', and called thofe vi]^ were baptized, . ^^^Th«« hi l?cen a Controverljr between (bpjc Prote(^ '\ tants abput the Nature of baptiftnjil Rcgcnerationr-and \ the PnQpriety gf calling tbpfc regenerate who^ receive that Ordinance.' 1 am no Way concerned m this Con- , troverfy, fincc both Parties, jfo far a^^>n<>^» fg^ >" the Explanation I give ot Baptil^i. I fliould therefore, pafs it overinurely, vcre not the Exanrimation of it ne^. c^^ to throw Light pn the Tcftimomcs I (hall hfrcat^ t^producc from the priipitive Writers m Favour gf In- fant Bapdfqci ; nor (hall I meddle witbjt any farther than may Icrye to elucidate thole TcftjqnoiHcs, . tiir >i :/ apprehend this Controvcrfy x% rather a^u^ Words thin Things— that it hw arifen from an^c^ing difierent laeas to die fame Words; andthat both Parties, h^ew warmly they may contend, meanln^ Reality much ^c fame Thing, this often happeris to be the Cafe m lib- rary Coi^s, and ispnc <rftjie fore LviU th^t ar^ wf bic (een under the Sun, ^ . />*!*:•«. Nothing is more certain Aanihat priming CH^ftiwa by a well known Figure of putting the Efi^^ for the Cau(c,or ratiier for tHcMeans in this Cafe, calledBaptiim by the Name of-Regcnerat^oi>, apd ^engminatcd th^ . v^o were baptiiy, ^generate. Of J^^ fomc Inftances hereafter. The Church of England, fol- lowing in this, as in other Points, the Example of the ^ PrimSvc Churcii, c^lls i^fcjrho are b^(cd.^rege. "^To unde^(bnd this the better, we (houldcwft^lyjdl(t:^ tinguiih between a Change of S/n/^ T'j'V^**?? ^ g4, and «p.Ch«ig^ of ^/^^ + Fi>r this, Md tlw odier Nimw by ^^^JW^^ the primitive Church, See Mr. EingWs Chriftiaa Andft. 1^ XI. Cjbap. I* -,. .V i ,.: . : :-^"- —^— . ■■. >=» m -A All Wsf ^ W^ Jftiftf/8^ I kidf. The one \$ re|«^ve m^ foederal ^' the other Is Int lernaF «od moral, In Ei^Km wc enter into Covenani wthGod,r-?our State U changed i for thofc who were #• byNaturc born It Sin. and Childtcn of Wrath, are •* hereby m^iaethe QildrcnotGracc^'-ihcy are brought IntoaSuteof Favour With God, and have the Pardon of their Sibs iealed and confirmed. Thus Mr. Calvin, whom for fcveral Reafons I chufe to quote here, fays-r •• Bap]tifia is the Sign of Initiation, by which wc are " takcii into the Socij!ty pf thi Church, that beina ^f grafted into Chrift* Wc plight fee accounted the Chilr «« dren of G^d." And ^ little aft^r, he add*--" Baj^ ^*« tifmis a»it were a figncdlnftrumcnt, by whi|sh we have «* a Gonfirmatioii from God,' that ill our Sins arc blot- ^ *« ted out, erafed and obliterated, ^tthey will never «* ctfmein his Sight, nor bt remcmbVed or imputed" J. -fc^ 'Again be fays— •* It is not difficult ^ perceive now in Ti**%hat the two Sijgns," meaning Circumcifloii and ' Baptifm, " were alike, and in ^lehatihiey differed. Tho f* Pfomiie, in which wc have fheWed&eE<Jicacjr of the . «* Signs confifed, is the fame in boipi,— ntmdf, the *« patenial ]^^vour o^ God, Remiffion i^Sin$, and Life f« eternal, Ag^in, the Thing figured was aHo one and «« the fame, namely^ Regeneraiiort'^§.r ^ ^ . 'a Change of l^atote co^iflls in a Renewal of die H^ by tSe divine iSjririt.— it is a jJrcwrcffivc, fntemal iertovation of ,jSc Sbjal ; ^ftlercby Sn 8 mprtificd, and diat Reaitude, or 4Wn<' ^tlif^ in^Wch Man was firft cw«ted, is in fomc McaibriS reftored, bei% necefl^ryto prepare us^ for Hcaveii. Thus A^iflin tcl&os,.-« The *• Renovation after thfe Ibikge of God is liot effeaed ii^ aMopcnt, like tha^Rcg^npratipnin Bsiptifm, whid| Is done in a Mobent,' 6v the Remiffiob of Sins***. JiioA^g^-^* i^^^^ Infanti, thei^^ •j^RcEcneraaon goes oeibrt y ^l^d tP'they^ tiicrtbrcpe iii S I bid. Ca|>. 16. it.4> ^ ' r g4pgi1ft.De Tiiiiit.Iib,i4. Ca|. 17 An Ej^l0ikkfm ^^M i >• Myftcry or Symbol oJ libkk w» previouQy wctti^ «i in the Bodly'* t <^* «**" Ciiwgc,Bapdfi(aJitiit«|pi and Mcan».-» tKw it k«d*. l:^^^. /^ Thefirrt ef thefc, viz. A Change of StaWy by wfaick we m brought into the Family ot God^fhave a Core^ nine Rclatioii to him, with the Pairdoa ©♦ onrfdrsier Sins > » what I underftand by Rcgrnera«OD, mhiMo^ plied to Baptifoi. In this Senfc, Awftia manlMlf Mndcrftood it in the Pafiagps now r«ciied j a»«ctt « the firft Chriftitn Writers ift general, to hi M I Un ludgp* TWs alio appears tjei be the Scnfe €£ the Chtifc)^ ofEngltnd inher baptifoitl Offices andCoiechifow and }n thflc excdleoc Collea where we pray the Ahaigktf that^-'^ We» being regenerttc,. and made WsChtWww «* by Adoption and Grace, may he daily leoawwlbf w hit holy Spirit*' t. '■: ^3^^-^^^vn^.:;: ''.^:j. ; vt v^ -j To recite the Sentiments of the federal DiTRiet qf the Chufchof Eitghmd who l^rc tailgh^ this, hkhiM lie too ledious* licertainly waatheDoaiinrol^ our ftft He^ formers I aa appears not only ffont die Qficfa» Caie» ichifm, ltcwi» our Prayer Book, butaHh from kbehr /Other Wrings. Thua Arehbiih(W> Cranmrr, wiiii«a» an illi^ftriOttftlnCbument in the Reforanation, ai^ under Gpd, thePerfon who chicfty biouriit k ahottl, fty»*-^ >♦ For thif €aofe Chrift ordaSned Baqficifai m Water, ;(• that » iuMf aa we iee, feel and toiKh Water witli •« our Bodies, to affuredly ought we tbbeliet^ when ww ." be baptiaed, that Chrift is verily piefcirtwkhua, and •* that by him we be new born i«asn fjMBtiially, and ^ waflied from our SiM, M gnM to the Sttckol «« Chrift't own BodPfla thaiYiAhB Devil Kadi nei 5* Pow^f againft Chrift,^ >fo hadx-he none againft ui^ fy f • long a» we remain grafted in d»t Stock |*\ Of thofe who wrote iince, I ^U mentioa but one* 1^^ Amft. Pe Bap. lib. t. C^. a4' JC<^ for CJiariftamt P ayi ■X W-: f CWkft for Canftamt P ayi 4 Cnuuner oftheLor4's Sapper^ lib. i. C-is^ ¥ -' >:\: .« ' MM • "^'^sT*: '■ . • r'- ^: ■-•>. ,. // # ; An Etgf Wi JnfMi M^lfm.' « Perfefi who htd thoroughly examined diii Subject, and whole great Penetration aiftl:,Learnin| enabled him (oformasjufta Jucignient of it, as any Ferlbn what- ever. It is Mr. Falkner. Speaking on the Subjeft of l^ptifmi^l Regeneration in Infants, he fays—" But this <* Regeneration is mainlv relative, fo that beina rege^ ^y nerated by Baptifm, they are no longer the Children y of Wrath, and under the Curfe due to original Sin \ ** but are brought into a new State, to be Members of «* t& Body ot Chrift, and thereby Partakers ^of the *f Favour of God." He adds a little after-*^-** Yet that ** Regeneration .of an Infant in Baptifm^ whereby he *^' IS received into a State of Remiffioiir and Salvation, ** is very diffnvnt from the Regeneration^" i. e. Renor vation, ^* of an adult Perfon, whereby his Soul and ^*. Life is moulded according to the Form o^ the Chrif- «* tian Doftrine, and brought into a Conformity to the «* ImageofGod"1% ' ' " "^ ' \ This laft Change, qrReneiralof our Nature, is that only which/lome underftand by Regeneration, and hen^c the Controverfy on this Subjeft. They juftly deny that Regeneration in this Senfeis attained by Baptifm i which none that I know of among*^ Proteftants affirm or maintain} but a relative Chan^ in our State, which they ex^efs by Regeneration. . ; Le»us\noir exaqBiiie the Propriety of applying the T^ms, Regetieratibnand regenerat^to Baptifm, and to thofe who receive it ; and alio what Foundation there 18 font m Scripture. ^^^^^,^^^^^^, . ^^ ^^^ ; ^he \^rd niaiyym«-i«. Regeneration, fignifies proberlya^w,or fecond Sute, or Birth ; and according- ly has iKen Changes or which havi A in a Variety of Inftances to denote great evolutions. Thus our Saviour ftys— 7<f f avowed mt in the Rf^nuratmr natK»yy**w%»^ wbmtheSonl^ManJbdlljdinthetkrvH pf Ui Qkry^ ' t Falkaer's ijfibertas Ecdeg. Book i. Chap 5. Sc^. 3.Sec»lfo the learned ]>r. ^aterUnd on Kegeneration, where |ie proldredly treattof this Soltfii^ :" '■y > Kntffaff on Mm BdptlM*^' f yi 0lf§ JhaJl/il ^ iwehi Thtfus JMditng tU iitfihi THiet 0f IfraeU Matth. xix. 2I. It Regeneration be joined to the termer Part of the Sentence, it fignifies the new, Gofpel State \ it to the latter Part of it, it Hgnifiea the new State after the Refurredlion, tho* the former it the more probable Inrcrprc tation. Some of the primitive Chriltians applied it to the millennial State they exped- ed, when they looked for a new H<*avenanda new Earth t and to the Refurredion of the Body. n«>»yymff»« ufed by the Pythagoreans, , who held a Tranf was migration of the Soul from one Body to another, to iignify the Return of the Soul into a new Body, . after the Ueceafe of the former. The Platoniftt - ufed th6 Word to fignify the Renovation ot the World, after certain Intervals and Revolutions; and the Stoics ufed it to fignify the Renovation ot all Things, after the Conflagration t* * ' From the Ufe of the Word in the above Cafes, to de- note % new or fccond State, it may with the utmoft Pfb^ priety, ht applied to Baptifm, in which there is a Tranf- lation from a State of Wrath, to a State of Favour-— from the Kingdom of Darknefs to the Kingdom of Light and Grace. And this is adually done by ^t. Paul, which 1 fliall now (hew. ' The Word n«AiyyfH«'»«, Regeneration, it* found only in two Places in the New Teftament^ Oiic IS in Matth. xix. 28. already mentioned. Thi other is In Titus iii. 5 where St. Paul applies it to Baptilm,cal« ftng It the W^/bingw lutver of Regeneration^ Aoorfto fmXiyyn^tof ) denoting, as is moft probable, thatChahge 6f State I have been confidering, in Contradiftindidn to the Remmng rf ihHohGboft9orCh9ne!solNtitu)[tryfhk& he mentions immediately after. To'^the fame Furpofi^ 6ur Saviour tells Nicodemus-^£xr<;^/ a Man he torn of ff^aier and tbeSpmi^ btcanmt enter into the Kingdom rf Qody which undoubtedly relates to Christian Baptifm^ John f See the CoameBtators on Match, xix. 2% And StacklM>«ie't Bodyof]>iviiuty,Parts<^C;iiap.ui. p.970. EditiJj^(|iL^ 0' I . -A "'^¥". M r JblMtfil s, Bom igrin* and regenfrate, trt oite ifid Aa ffinc Thins i and born again is predicated, ai^d affirmed ol clua tp^apaiml Waeer, at w«U as of the Spirit. So tlvM$ ciicre are plain Scripture Exaoiplcs for applying the ^^W Regeneration to Baptifm, denoting a CKange df ^|tti| i and by natural loficrcncc, thofc who have tlicif'^roitc thus chano^, may be called regenerate. It is f ur£er obfcrvable, that in Scripture there are many Exhorutiona to Cbriftians to be renewed more and morei but the Woid regenerate ia not ufed in thefe Cafes. Thus Sfc Paul, cx£)rti the Romt^M'-Bt ye trMu/crmd h $hi reMtwing of ymr Minds, Rom. xii. 2. To the £phefians he ivj%"00rtnf%ved intbt Spirit of your Mind. Ephef. iv. 23. ^Jh inward Mm is rsnewed Day hy Day^ 3 Corinth, iv. i6« In this Senie we are exhorted to^^w its Qrate,^ and in the KmrnUd^o of $be Urd Jifus^ a F|et, iii. 18. And in pUafing God^ $0 abound mon and mcrtt 1 Thcf. iv. I . All thete Telftt refer to a Change of N a- Tvaii, a Renewal of the Heart, which it progreffive. and admits of an Increafe, as we are more ti^nd more conformed to the moral Pcrfedioni HIJj^f Wherca our Statx ia butoJi chaog^, aiiji|pBL|ofln<tiilfe| andthia ia the Reafon why we ar^WRTdnce baptized, becauie therein this Change of State is eflfe^ted* To thia ^ ^fo; it bath been o^lo^ed* H That when Chiftians ''% the reftoring them is not called regenerating . bbl renewing them by Repentance, He)b. vi. 6." ^maijiiftly (hews the Propriety of applying the regencv^te to a Change ot State ^ and relieved to aChangrof Nature. In the ifvcral Articles, Catechifms and Confeflions of ^akbof Profepftants that I have feen, this Do^rine is ei% ili(v elfarly taufdit, or virtually contained and implir Wiit^^k^:^^^^ ofex^cflTingitin fomeofthem may IpfiiMpdiffisrent from thaa.of the Cburcb of England. f lay thii with Plcafure \ fince it Is certain that Harmony <imflpg Protgftanta muft rcflcdt Honour on t he Refor* .rJ.-f^ .W ;* y ."',:Mi/^' 'mation^ ^1 Muin M their Divifiont muft fretdf ^iWw ^ «c LuthcMOt it ii well knofwn, ctrefuUf pieltnwtfw Viftinftioo between a Change of 9iite, ml CbMr J Nature, and accoynt the termer to be aeneiaialpnffii , The Heidelberg CatechMttiv which it itceiv«d fcjy th^ Dutch Reformed Church, whtere Baptifm ia tfeatcdyt,! fays, •• Chrift hath appointed this cxttrnal Wafliing ••with Water, adding thereto thii Promilr, that lam « ascertainly walhed by his Blood and Sbwit fcrom rite •* Polhition of niy Soul, thatis, from mmy SHisi ai'l " am waihed externally ^ith Water. Tlic Prolific of «« Chrift for thii Porpoie ia contained in eh* Inftiltttiott •* of Baptifm, Mat. wrriii. 19. ^nd Kfofk im. 16. This Promife iA aMb repeated where the ScHpturc calls Baptifm tbi wafinng tf Rigeneratioih *ifd tk$ waOi^ awn ofSiih Tit. io. 5; Aasxxli. ie*f. ;f -i^ ' Thosalibin the Confefton of Faitb oF^thc ftme Church—** Theirfore he, Chrift, hith con^ttUindcd ill •* thofe who arc his, to be baptized in the Name of the ••Father, and . of the Son, and of the Hohr Ghioft^: •« Thereby toiifying to iis,'that as Water waHe^awiy •« the Filth of the Body, when pourtd i^iow 1^ andb ^ ieen on the Body of the Baptized, when fpripkMiiD- •• on himi fcdoththeWdod ofChfift, by the Foi*f fof the Holy Ghoft, internally fprmklc the Soifii and cleanle kof its Sin^ and rcsgffiertitfeMBa f rom C*^'- «« drenofV^rath,'untoChildiTcn pf God"!. — w Tins agi«es perleaiy ^ith the Chufchof Qn^tfidl|iand ifeems f«tber more fiill and explicit » and th«re it ctt- tamly great Hegard due tothe Tdftimonyiof fo itsTpec- aablea Church asthat of Holland is» ia the Eftimiuioii ^«f (ill^r#icfl»ou. m:^^'-^-^^. ^'y'^ '"''''"• .•'^■^:i'^'^l, \ In thelarg^r Caf^hilhi amreedop biy the Aftdttiif of fiivinei at l^eftmmfter^ it is fttd-^-U Bap^ Hk^tl^ 9ft« «« craSMtfCof theKew IFi^ftttn^ iwheitsiiChiiftlMih »8eeTdmQeiMAV0wttiDn^>h^ A 4C '. «. -^ J_L -I ...-;. » -' ::^:^v^,-^..,^^rj^ Infant Biptifik. ^^ •fforclaihcid th«wt(hing with Water, in the Name of 'V' the Father, and of £e Son, and «f the Holy Ghofi, i^* p9 be a^Si^ and Seal of ingrafting into himfelf, of Re- .^ miflion ot Sins by his Blood, and Regeneration by his ■3^. Sfliriti/of ^option, and ReAirre^on to eternal Life :"* \iVnd whereby the I'arties baptized are folemnly admit- . ,-^*> ted inlio {the viflble thfirch, and enter into an open t^^ and brotefied Engagement, to be wholly and only ■^■^% thr Lord^ %** In «1^« Part of the Directory agreed upon by theifamet Aiiembly, which is concerning the Ad- minlftratibn of Bapttfnri, theMmifter is direded R> pray— r^V That ;ihel;oitl4>woiild join the inward Baptifm of his >fH Spirit ."MthtbeoulwardBajptifm of Water ; and make :^ this Baptt^tti to the Ihfant a Seal of Adoption, Re- ■:^* miflioii 6f Sips, Regeneration, and etfernal Life, and " all other pixMnifet o\ the Covenant of Grace ;••". >^ '■ In theiePaflages, that Change of State made iii Bap* ftifm and. : by Reafbn, of which the |>rimitive^ Chriftiaris . ^denominated die baptized Peribn regenerate, is implied aiidetprefled. So )that in Truth there is greater * Harmony m this Point than ibme are willing to alloW^ between the Dodrine of the Church of England^ uiing the Language of the primitive Church, and the other :Pjx>teftaAc Chylrches* * And I freely coitfefs tUlt I am ionedf thofe whoreioice at the mutual HaA^onyiof PfO- r^teCUnts, and would gladly feie their Difierences Iconcilb! atcd, infteadof being widened. / v/ ' f BMlftillitoiay be faid--^-^^^ That the bareidftelm^ •* wafhing with Water cannot regenerate, jor rentit , *• Slni." Herein I fglly agree with thofc w|^ fay io. , i't:',,.r. ..'i':-_: -A'^: ',/■—' \:-- For '^ I Qseft* 165. See alTo the Confeffion of Ftidi by die fKfD» 0- ^ S«eliri Bingham's Freach ChprchV Apology ibr tfaeChiirch of * Bn^bad. Book 3; Chap. 1 8. where hie fliewt die French Pkoteftuitt X teiftlTdietef ]>oariiie widi dw j^^ of Sn^andit tlis PoiAt.v ,iie motet KiVet, an eminent Calvimft, whoaJiertt inOppofitionI -to a>lBit^'< It u moft fiOie that Calvin or Beza ever iJud. Oat any '« bapdaMIi^ttwbaIdhedmnned,ifdieydied in In6^ brfbie " d w y c c pi ii i iita att aiSin.'* T Kyf >-* -^ ■» ^ ^ - i« <c «« cc An Efty on tifmi^ Bspiifin. if For tills would be no other than the dangerottt exploded Doarine that Sacraments center Grace ex ppere ip^M9^ thatis, by thedcad,outwardWork wrought. • Sacramcntf»' as the judicious Hooker obfcrves^** are not phyllcal, ** but moral Inftruments pt Salvation--which unlefswe perform as the Author of Grace requireth, they ;are^ unprofitable. They ferve as the moral Inftruments of God, to derive the faving Grace, which Chrifl origi- ginally iSj or hath for the general Good of his whole Church, feverally into the Members thereof* The " Ufe of them is in our Hands ; the EfieA of them hi «' his J for the Ufe of them wt> have his eyprefs Com- «« mandmentj for the EffeA of them his conditional » Hiomiie" f ^^^-^i^^t^i^:^.-^;--^-^-^---^^ The Grace of God is what makes the Sacraments and othei^Chriftiaii; Ordinances effectual to Salvation. The outward vifibi^ 3ign therefore in Bapt^fm, can avail nothing, without the inward fpiritual Grace^ Butfince we have the Almig^hty*s Promife for this, of which more pre^ntly, we may juftly expcft th|t Grace will be given to all whpduly receive it.- ^ • Upon the whole, 1 apprehend the Propriety of ap- plying Regeneration to Baptifm, fignifying a Change of State, may be juftly defended, and is agreeable to Scripture, , and the Pra^ice of the Church of Chrift. The Wonl Regeneration is but twice ufed in the New Teffament. In neither of theni does it (ignify a Change of Nature^ butin one, it is diredly applied to Baptifm. And in the primitive Chur<;h it was generally ufed to (ignify that Ordin^ce. The Difpute is chiefly about Wordsy as I faid before ^ but when we explain what we mean by our Words, it fhould remove all Controverfy*. when diere is no fiirthef Difference. \^c;|ptipuld notquar- rel about Words. ^ . ; ,, I am leniible that many have latterly ufed the l^ord Regeneration to fignify a Change or iR.encwal of Nature t J feokWtEcdct. Polity. Book 5. Sca.S 7. w l«l*f ii^*IWmrf<:f*crt, feveral eminent Di-v^flC* iA4it >CKjitfc^*ri^ft«i«i But I would fubmit it t»che Juilg^ rmm^^f^i^lJmn^Ati&ly^Qtxn^x^%, K«4tct|icrthis hath >i^-«*<bai*raff«Pthc Subjcft, and involved it irt niuch -^Ffenrfexity 1 'Whtther ft woirfd not be better to adljei'e 'IffthC LanffbtffEC ot Scripture ind Antiquity, as our firft iRtfortfim^id: The primitive Chriftiansdifti»igu«rhed -ttuch more accurately on this Point than the Moderns j ^wid departing from their Ufage hasoecafiortcd j^^ '^iidtdle^ AJtfJfcation, and many Errors. ^fe#L r- ;iri<^ proceed to cortfider the Obligations 't^^^^tie «mkr in Bftptifm, and the Advantages reliiUingiroiii •it*-'-^- ' ' * " ' ' ' 1^ mbStScd Perfon, in this Ordinance, » folifcnnly ;.dedicaeed to the Almighty. In his -Service andGovc- >iiarit he is engaged % ^here the Devil and a« his Wortia idtuft for ever be lenounced •, where Jcfut Ghnft is to *« %b Saviour, «s Pfophet. Pricft and King; whehidie liaw 4f Jefus is to bethcfuturc Rule of hi* Condu« i i%hcrcAe^vine Spirit i« to be his Sanaificr, who m Time will enable him to conform to that Law,-jl« put mffibe oUMmiy which utom^^accdrding Id theOicjttfltf ijfisy audio put on the ni^Manr which after God fstrt- vetoed in n^ HolinefSr Eph. iv. aau .*4- > For to be baptized intheName pt the Father^* Swi, ^dHdy-Ghoft, is not barely to 1)e baptkcd in^the - Belief df the Trinity; but alfo into a Similitude aftd Con- ' temity to tlic Divine Nature. :We arc thereby, enKr«4 CInto a Religion which leads and obliges w tothis, and -•i^Rjrds the fiecefllfry Means for that Purpofe. B^«fe "«• Bapdfm repreWnts our Pfofeflion, 'whkh is to to"ow ^^%xampic of Cbrift, and to be made like unto Wmj" ^isAe^Churdiof England in her biptifm^ Office moilt truly obferves. -^ \, ^ ^^ .^^ , ^ ^- III a Word,.-** lUpditatic^ whdt*y they fodake mA^ and Fmth,^hcrcbf t^iey ftedfaftly l^^ w- a^ and revealed Truths of God," arc previouQy ;■>..'•■" jt" wGcdistrt- .. bound to MieyeiSf p. do «»-*«fcJM^ (« d>eif Suteto tbeo undertodi for them j/f^Wj . P* .Mb that l^ the Grace of G<*?' *«y mtS^raP ft ^M»ow^ themfclves faitMoMy, «> «*fej^' ' ^Sli M the,, by tJ«ir own Confdton.^^.' « ed »r. And thU folly anfwCTs ^ Mm^ foJafidn which AMb*ptilhconten4?very Perfon IWit^ S^ember of Chrift'* mytkioa Body, tte Wy.p^ heresiisaiiQnaoBfered. wd "^""^.ith^-GS h«* •mrtttd into that Covenant of Grace w^h .if"* "5 '» .. •■9*''/ yr ff,^^' »^.-^i'«-i 5» "1 1 iii>'' ^jy^--?!a>i»i' '?^a-.ig: -; 1^ MIL M t$Pf 4m h^t ^t BeiyfittlsfdifttCovtfoaftt confirmed to him in his Bap' limi. Fdrhareb/ the «« Pjromifes of Forgivneh of Sins, «• iiici 6Ur Adoptloh to be the Sons ot God by the Hdy «* Ghoil, are vi0bly Agned and ibaled," And la^]y» Asdiii* Saviour has proofed to h with bisiCbunb t9 $%$ Mud eftbeiVM, M^i. xxviii. 20. we can haven^DoUbt, ^t he will accompany hU Ordinances with a Bleflltig 1 tfid that fuch a Meafure of his Grace and Holy Sjpint V attends the Ordinatice ot Baptifm, as Is (bitcd to the \Pcrfbn*s Slate, whether Intatit or Adult, whcti the Sacra- fheiit is duly adminiftred and received, llie Sacraments of CMft are not dead unavailing Rites. |^o. They are JMieahs of Gracc*^moraI Infti'Uiiients in his Hand, by #hich he conveys t<> thofe Who worthily partake of 'tiliem^ the nele^ry Supplies of Grace and Aid of his ' li^ed Spirit. Hence proceed their Benefit imdEflicacy •— ^eirquickehing, Itrengtheiiii^gJPowef. , "if his is, clearly intimated by $t. Paul, with ReQse^ 10 Baptifm, which we are nowconfideHng. When i^eak* ing ot the Unity ot Chrift's Body, the Church, lie coiil* jiires it to the natural Body. As tht Bod^^ is oHe^ ikya ^^ and bath tHaiti MeMerSi and all the Mmbm if that oimBodffy kHkiMom, aire one Body r So alfo is Cbr0. KlieRealpn he immediately Ibbjoins. For iy (me Spirit ^e we all baptized into one Bodyy i. e. this ojie Boay of Chriil, the ^hurch, wbetberwe be Jevoi & Gentiles^ vobe-^ iberwebibofidorjreei and have all been made tb d^k moonei^t. tCtir.%iu i2, 13. Here is aplainlh'4 timadpn tlfatpivine Grace was iitipaited thfo' the Ot- ^lianceof Ba^ptifm, whether at, <>r after the Admini- ftrationi matters not ; and was theCaufe of Unity in % Body or Chrift. For altho* dvat Body was com- fSM <ftf diSbrent Members, apd varitius Glf& w^ be^Wttj oh theie : Yet they flowed frorii OAci ittid iilb iame $^irk> which w^i conferred thro* Ba^tUiil, and €o)nimtti^ted fiom Time ix>' Tittie m.fiich i^tahm r^iitis tot ike 8iiMua««t dt tig I^Mi^ IMM ^ liett;,^M^«>thcApoftitflwwitliittitoSoo3^ orA^ "/c '••■- ibil§^ oft Ji^ *i SOclilsthcNttureiand fuch ire the Privilege of JDiHsttfoi, bywhichthcK^cat Bcnetit of it appears. At otorSaVioar has appointed it to be the Sacrament of Ad- miflion into His Church tain Covenant, it followj,^that licme cte have Jlny regular Title to the Ptmlcees of hu ehiirchi hoKtn|foBdcial Right to the Benefits of *at (Eotwlahti Without partakihg of it. And fince lnfiint| arc capable of thefe Privileges And Benefits t (whicW flildli^fliei^ed hereafter) it is expedient and ncceffarv Acf Aooldbcbaptii^. It would be unjuft and cruel tedchy thenkfuch a Ble&ng. ^ ^ , , . , - ^ Salvation, and thfe Means which lead to it, aff^the lite Gift of God Ato* Jefus Chrift. Man has no Meni bV whlchhfe can dttiwkheiri. They iiW the Purchalc of the Redfcem^i Merits. To procore thedi fot Sinnerji hii precious Blbod was fhed. Why fl»?^d,^ «^^*"^^^ any froih thcfe Benefits who %rfe cApablc of tftcro#^^a Worn hfe has not eicluded ? There is ^Sw^^^ 1<^ Bcde- itcoiiV«y«4by Bsttrtifmv or there is uonc. It^thete it Why (hould Infants be debarred frotti that Benefit, when incortoratcd with the Lord in 1^* Supper ; but to be regeaeratwl «« by hM Spirit in Baptifin*" Bez»SW*pc. + To this Affeument that " IiA^ BiJfifc^.^lSntiieWKere«e^ fi?um capable ^Sli&: SoarcJelU-^/ttt^WU^^^^ ksidie MerittoT feau J^^tb theiiifor Jh^clttioa, ^^ of be- lidier finilar Caftt bc&g td fiifantii which make "^^W™ . pwMrtadneceffitfyibiitthejr bdongiiot to Belb, and g^fcj^ '% ;V i! r,u. ■■/ / ' / H k. •« (- V'. ** .; " An j;^ on Mil Ai^^ Sf'S^^^^f^^'*.?^ of It, and areat cipableoT it m •dult Ferfons ? Chnft never forbade them to be brought u ?.V**?^®" *^ ^*^^''*^' ^^ difpl^afed with t£lc whofor^deii. By denying them this Ordinance, we ftemto think that we cannot receive the Gifts of God. tinl^wthave fortcthinjj to deiervc th4i— fomething by urtHch we can purchafe and merit them j which indeed isnotjtrue. ^ Even the Faith and Repentance required in AdqJ^can lay.no Claim, in Point ot Merit, to Bapfifm^ ■nd ks BeneHts, They are only Qaali6«&itions; luitcd W theirAge, to ^are them for thii Rece^ of ^ucJ^^J* **^* Graces, thefc C^alificfations, are the 'Omo^God. The Innocence of Inlants, I mean thelf rTS "S ^?i?«'» ^•'^ *cm ii FJacc c^Kepentancei .and the Faith ofthofe who^reicnt th^to God in Bap. *aith of the ancient Patriarchs iras tb procure Circum- ttfion for their Intoti, or the Syix>.pheoician Woman*s .*>^-Y;-1--J.' ■', -^a ■iMfel^^i^^^^l^^M^i^^-:^^'' '^^®'>SM'^--'I An Bgif on '^iifim. SECTIAJIill* (Q^^0af^^ Cmm0im to his Af^ks—to baptize til Nations, txMmdi in which Infiu$ts wen itubuUd^ 4u will appttarfim tht Words of the Cmmiffion^ and Jrm ; the Fraffice^hapti»m;lnfdntramonz the Jews, ^rynHB End ofChriiV coming into th6 World wat 'X ^^i^A^^^i^i*^** His Religion was calciilatedl ibr that jpurpofet isid all Nations were to be admitted into it. TI^Mpde pf Admiflion was By Baprirm » luid accordinff |y u) his laft ComtailTion l|p his Apoftibi» by which hcdel&ated fuch Powers to thenr is weie n^l- farjffbr fhe^ork ofthe Miniftry, forthe edi6^ii| hi| <^urch^ be con^mandtd them-Gi? 7^ andieaehdUHatkns^ MPtkit^ tiim ps fhe'Namerftke Father^ snde/the Son, Midefthe ff^ Gkt^^Jfktth. wviii. 19. t^the Audiii^rityjgfihhCommimon, theChitrchof Chi-ift has ailwayi^aami^tJra j^^rfons into her Communioii by Baj^fmi N^w fince' Inhints and Children conftitute Part ot a Natioi^'^ 'asnioch 1^ eitVcf Men or Wcmien, cpnfidered Separately, they are of Gourfe includedtn this j^eheral Cofirfmiffioti^ This is nece^arily implied in the V^flialAcpeptattonot the Word.' p0r When wettfeihe 'Wordiy^/Miff,"^ we Include ih k.ill Soces, A^ sM ftanksoit PJBOple. ' iKtiig^fire not^ieiitloiied anjr^more duui Iiifiuitf.j^^pd fhmA a&tthtf.^ii^t\Mfid ? tJn- ibubttfdl^r q#^MM)d, As^beifig Part oH Nation, and (ppnfequentnrwiixlkd in^he ml&n\ -ClmipiOrion. Why rthenihbuld»ie o^ beiMhofidlrom Bfi^fm, and not the other^ wbto^'l^'are «^iia% Part of ^Nation, and as iildl inchidbd in 4ie Comwifl^ ' J^'tlt mSf ^objtdficl, *^ That the Apbftla arelMce <« <3ofiiMniibded'to^^^^^ and then liaptize. . But mpt^f^ <i being taught, ani thoe- ^teli i pt l zri . ** — - — r I "'f\ f* ». v r jll An iyif im /S»j(^ I iofwer, this Obje^ion prooecfls firom a Miftake eon; cerniog the Word, /Mi^nTiuraw, which it trinflatedL teach V but prc^rly figpifics to profclytc, or malce Difr ciph^. This is oblervdi by almoft every Commentator (on th^ Place, and is well known to thofe who under* ftand the Original. And in the marginal Reading of larger Bibles it is rendered, make mjcffies^ or Cbr^Mtu r ef ali NatiottSr whi^h is by far the ju^ Tranfla^ioii. So that to teach Mere is the fame as t6 profelyte, and Bap- dfm was the Form. or Ordinance by which the N^tion^i >y;K^ to be profe^ytcd or diftipled, A ppiiUr E^^prcfljon tochli, and which wiilhdp to explain it, you will fin4 Johniv. I. where ii; \% ipdrv'Tbi tfUnftis btari that Making Wcipl?! hy «aptif|ii l^c, it the fame u /f'#5n*.i« the Nations, iM)|i9fl^in&$|fi:ipl^ of them ^ pf Bdptiun, m our Sayiour^t Coii>|mflio^ to ihf} AppV tle«. This Obf^ryation is fbU lur^r coqE^^ by th^ Wofds which follow in the n^ Yer^ for our Sfviour , jaddsr-^fwri^ijjl /^ ^^ r fercnj 111 theOri^mM^froo) li^jit in^ %merTf}S, }w iiMnovfif^ fod %n$es tf(^^Y to |ii(tr#, ^ . or Prolelyte into any School Of Soi^, u)d invf$e4 -^^SyMablefof what ^to be lie^riK^ thf^; Tl|b ffaj fnie of the Chriftinn Chmk ©r Socicfi, wUcd may *e^xail<d theSehw^^o^^^ of w<Hhjr irt^W^ Jews, wbofe Bbra&olMi, mmm^ Mmm^mfSL be p«44^^ ^M mi^^ <i*i ftilS "«^. r An mptsfjoa Iiif^ B0f^: %$ Chrift) ^* tnd faidi, make me i Prbftly^ that tboo ^nayft teach me" *. But as Infaois are not esc^refily mentioned in thia Pla^e j)y-our Saviour, Anabaptifts affirm ihe CommWon does not extend to them •, and confcquently that they are not to be baptized. And4t ia trye, ^ cfommiiSon it couched in general T^rms. It makes no expref; Men- tion of Men, or Women, or InUnta \ bujc onJy injoina ;the Apoftlet to prqfelyte all Nations by Baptifm. How then (hall wc knq^ whether Ififws w^re infiW«4 ^ ihUCommiffion? ^ : ; I ti^ke it to be an eicceHent Rule tor underllftnding the N^eaning of any doubtful PaiTages or Phrafes In Scrs|ir lSffe» to confider in what Sen^ 3wy were probaWji^lwn Inthdt Place, and among thqfe People* where they ^"^f* delivered. Now if it appears th^f the *Jews pr^ctifed 9apti(in, and th^t they proftjyted Heathens, IxkhPfM US well as Adults, by Baptifm, of wniph the Apoftles being Jeiys, co>)ld npt be ignorant : It will neceQHr% foUow, that jJie Appftles muft have undcriU^od (^ Commiflion^ (9 hapa^zfi all Nations^ was to extend to, an4 Include, tnfapta. % I An4 thU in Truth wj^ the C#ft. Bapri?;ing Infwir profelytcs wascuftqmasry with' the: Jews, and wt^ll know^ among them. Nothing therefore can be more reafonnblf di^ that our Saviqnr'sConunilUpn (bould be iqtei^reted Vaf%t well known C^%)m of bapti;ring Infants- An4 4neehedid not forbid them, their Title to B^ptifni 4^ndagopd.« I (Hall now proceed to (hew that theRupr film of Inlint prqfel^jtes ^s^ 0Smmf WOOf W -Jews. ■ ;•■■",;:.:;■' '■■-^■/-■.■::-.<. ^-/■^■• •.:-,■■■-'■■ ■■■-.■ ■ It ii evident fi:pip mtwy P^agei in Ae feiir Evaag^ liQ^f that Bi^fitiim Wa9 nota new ^ite^, ^uc wfaiihow4i 10 the Je^ in our S^viwr'^ Time, When Jfqhji ^ j^l^^itfiiff , gieat Nu him from Jeru* ■-"^•:..rv...;,.:---^'".- v.,^- .&^> *■,'■■. : ■'.-:•■ "■.;■■• ■■'..':.■■::••>.;■ vftlfm,' ^v#.- / ""^^ m0.:^- V: . M«th Ui. 5, 6 Had B.ptifm b«n . new ThinI, • t^ totbeObfcnrKionoftheni, «,d fo .verfe to admitting , ^yjfc'ng new or foreign to thole Cuftomi, would by . no Meant htve {ubmitted tdlt. ■ ' 4 "^^ IS^,^ «Wi Time looked for their Mljffiah. The leventyWeekfol Daniel pointed out this Peril ft. parti! oUarhr that not onlv the Jew. expeftcd m^btOvmr VM/d^omew,/, Ifriel < but all over the Eaft,' it was the gereral Opinion that an extraordinary Perfoh would •nfe out of Judea about thU Time, whofe Dominioa would anirerfUljr prevail C, ' . .#1:^ ' ' ' • /^™" ri^^^?^''"^!^'^*^^ the mean Time. >ndhn extraordinary Sanaity. drew the' Atteni gonofhuCountry-roen. All Men accounted him i O^ft ;k V? ,.^P°"„,^".**'"'''"8 *« he was .he ^^A^ »fl«d him^iy tapiiztji tbou tbtn t v. 25. , They did not all; huniliat he meant by Baptifin. nor did they make any Scruple about its Nature 6t DdSgn , kn^^t*iri''"'.?l!r"f""**t«''"' than that tSe^ kne*^ It well enough ^ore from theif own general Praci nSiw!! JTi.^' Audibrity^nd Perfon, hot f aptilm, (beV qw^oned him about.' They jifked how he'^caihe^ bnwu Jews, fince he was not the Meffiah : for He». S«Mrr'i^^f?'''*"'*fP^' »"«J not Jews. Ac-1 «^to theirinterprttation trf Exod. %4. .0, the • with Qod^by Bnptifin , ind htnce they judged it urT^ '52ft *»t«r of their Poferity ^U bfb.yrf ^S75^ This waj rif« the Cafe with Prof^S^ Ao Wff4tf oil Infani Baptifm. tl tered into the Covenant, were not bapti7fd \ for they edfemcdcheBaptil'mof the Farentsin thatCale fufficicAC Bti! fuch Children as were born before, their Parents were profclytcd, were cenerally baptized with thrir Ptrents. ^ The J(»ws expected gredtCKii.gps ih ihHV Awrt at the coming ot the McHTiah. Tluy probably might look on the baptizing of Jews to be one of th^rm, which in- duced tome of them to fubmic to John's Baptilm* while they took him for the Mefliah. But wlien John denied that he was the Chrid, they aflccd him wliy he biptiied Jews, contrary to thieir uliial Cuftom, which he» not eing,the MelFiah, had hot, as they judged, fulBcienc Authority to^lter; Upon the whole, the great ConcouHe of Jews which cathe to John's Baptifm, fully evincech that Baptifm yvas at this Tiinc k Thing pracHfed, end %eli known. y But it nVsiy be faid, that there is no Mention hcte of Infants, or that they werfe baptized *. Ti"\ic---and 1 on- ly intended hereby to fliewthat Baptifm was at this Time known to the Jews, and that they were acquainted with Its Ule. Bat we have the fulled Evidence in the en« tint Jewiih Writers, as well as in thdr Talmud t» that Sv.v^ ••..-':^^' . '■ '-• :• ; " ■■■■■>;•.••; ■■ ■.'•::*'^;.;;. the ^ The Reader is to ohfervp however, that ISt. Amiwofb fiiyt JolUl 4id baptize Infents. Amb. Com.Lib. i. ia Lac. Cap. t. AM Dr. ji^ight^t wa9 of the fame Opiitiun. - _ t It may hot be improper td inform the Reader, that th« Nwifll Talmud confifts of two Parts, thc>Ii<hnaand Gemara. The KliAna l> what the Jews call tKe Oral, or Traditional Law. They iiMpolb It was delivered to ^iofes at Sinai, when he received thq tw^4v|l«t pn which the Ten Commandments were written ; and fay it WM «Qii* veyeddown by Oral Tradition a^ong their Elders from the Tint of Mofei till the Year after thrift \\%a\ when it was committid ^ writing^ Rabbi JudaHakkadoOi. They efteem it eqiMlI/.afimi* gdc ^th thfr written Law J altho» by it they ofiea made 4t iawof Godof ridneEffeai as oar Saviour charget them, Mark vtt. o-.|«. Tlie Gemara ii the ComQientof their RabMes on the Mifluii. and >^ make what is called theTalmod. Theivare cwoTalai«dKlhe ' lera&lem amlBabyloiufli. The Miffinais the Text la both i hot tht Co«iBentmade>y thoRfbUesof Jttdeait called the JenMilMni t^ f!Mid, ftatl^y th*K«bfeto Of BabyW;^^^ The . :M ■ * . • >i I ^.l s^ : .^\fty I / ■ ■■/"*'' i*j "V- tj' M All 4^ on 4^«tf Aryi/()ii. ■ A»InAo«f»f Hwchen. were profelyted by Bapciliiu rl.S'-'^frf.^"'^":. Ihi,will.ppeirfi3?the Teftimoniet 1 (hall now produce, as they are colltfted by learned Men. of whofe Candor in this Point no Per- foj «*r h«l. pc^ indeed with Rj^fpn cw^e, «,y ' .. L • H' •*""■"" T*"" ''y 'hree Thlngilfra,.! enter- JT ^7"^A: "'*• By Circumcifion, and Baptifm, '• vndSacriHce. Circumcinon was in Egypt, as it is !! S"!?"* •■^' 'TL"^'/"^ Pnfinjball tat lb, Paffover. ?♦ E«od.xii. 48. Baptifm was in the Wildernefs Wore P Ae Kiving of the Uw i as it is writieJi— &i,fl,^ tbm -^ J«-fy«»^7<>-»»rr«», «^ UtthmvajfrthHrOitbtt. , , llxod. XIX, 10. And Sacrifice, as it is writtenJ.-.,4k/ ; Wit waiaconftant Rule with them, that irfierefe; fver the walhing Of Clothes is mentioned in the Law it •h«iysme«stfteB»tita, or Wafting of the whole t^^fiftm, p. ^. (Jap, ^^ i. V TWs Intcrpitution they «vcof Gcnci. xw. a. where ^cob injoins his Hpufliold; « to be clean and chanee fltir Gwmentt. which they fupppfc meaneth the waffi. 2*5 ^^? "^^9^^ ^'^y^ *"^ ^«*» *is Text deduce Uk jlrft Origin of BaptiOn. ^^^ ■■: --^.^r^M Jit is no Mattcf whether theft Interpretations were juft a 4 *i Ail^wMth't Aaoot. on Genet: |ira. V ' ♦ 1m BO^ DtJn*eK«l. ai^ Qent. joxta Diftfrt, Hdh» lib i f^ liofl, i| UfnQugli for my Pufpofe, ^ d|f Jew« §g(0tfiiit^ iiich fl^crt tQ relacc to Baptiffn i $nd tbi|( tHey made chem the Foundation ot their bipti^9g Pfolc*- }yt«A. C^ifttMl B«ptiiin reftt f^ot on thefe Tqctty or . on thf ir loicfprctation of theip. Our Inquiry at prcfeill if concerning their Pr>^cc in our Saviour's 1 ime, re^ l«ting IQ B^lHiini. 1 heir Pn^ice they deduced from itfiefe 4nd Olh^r Tcits which (b^lJ be prefeiuly mentioo- fd ( bujt ?f hrJ^hcr theic Dedu^ons were right 9c wEon^ jHflPeds nor the Argument I would draw thenc^ A^ they thPMght the Ifrsielijcea entered inco Covenant by Cir^Milvcilion, Haptifm and ^^q-^iice | and as it i| ipt*gilfm» afi4 slfi finr tht SirMign iffttf f^^if^th %vUb jmr, an Ordi^me for am- vUk y^i m yt fr#, faMH f^ Sir^ngn' h hfm ib$ L^4^ N^^i^ xv. i5r--S« ihey conclijded thence that no H>?ptheii or Stiver lpowl4 be duly made uProiclytf, t>ut by Circuni^Utba, Bfipiiifm ^n4 SHcri&ce, i| \\ was % M^le 1 Hki by jfapr lifm V^ Sia^riiice, if a Fe^nli. Thus the GensafV*-^* PiO<«lyt(s 4i4 a^ ^ntfr inii I* Coveonntbut by Cii^u^K^fipm Pwifm* tHlgrink-, i^ ling of Wood''. Gm. ^4 rtW. Qkmfk- Qiff- a t> Thus 4lfo M^imonides, tK^ gren Imirpii^tq? pf 4^ jfcwiih jU»w,rr-«* la «lt Ages't fays hn^ <^w^ 4ffF ^ Gintile was willing to enter into the Covenaiu* to be «< gathered upd^r the Wingiof the divine Mmly* mad ^« to undertake the Yoke of the La«f» kf Wkouffdto f« have Circumcifiqn WiBwirrn. anfl.i(]|h^-!P9erm|"i jpid iC« it vfit f Womm, ^^BaptiAiiiwd (| SfipripoT, '*lt%Mild b^ obi^rved tljiai Smifici^ for iniiiiM^ l^i^ Wffrr ^^ ull^ M^ # P^^ ^M i^m{a(V An. £Mf M, W thai htioA #<jM : wrm onrfn^i hmm the Jem hadraiMir f «wic^ 'ML ' -»i ^f "•.<VV'.. ■''■ 4 .- .S-- \'- • v Mt m t Ml*l ^i' niuiii^^^^^^^^^ Ai€ l^m^ ii?lien they admit if liiy of th6(e Prolelytci^ who were iius r^vedimo ^ Coventni, and^athered under the Wingi of the di- vt<io'Ma|e%, haid Chadren, they were gtneriaJy received iiin>^ Cotrenaht in the fame Manner with their Pa* foiti. C^^^ on the Profeiii- •^ii#i£heii' Parents \ as they were convinced it was Idr . ■ thefr; Benefit tr:'^' '-.-^S- ^ik'^-r''' 'V- > -h:" : -^ Th*y bapdzed the young Stranger ar Profclyte^*, €m.Ba^l,yiii!cUtMhth:Ctf. ip P They bap^ *^ dzea little Prbielyo^ according to the Judgment of ** thieSi^^ t.e* as the Comment on the Place es^t^it; n if he be deprived of hisJFathcr,"'and hia t^ Mother brihgs him tp be made 4 Profervte, they V'ba^ze hini^ (becaufe-none becomes a'Prqleiyfe with* ^^o^Circumcifioh Mid Sapti(m>) according to the ^\ JvtMjniicatti the Sanhedrim^ i. e. that three Miin be ** mi^t at th^ l^ptiiili, who are now inftead of a V Father to Ito^ JB«M CSftihii^* Fol. 1 1 il . ¥' Astbernfefitiof Prowlycet were thiSb as^mtited on the Pioreflion of their Parents, fo the tulmts takenCap^ $rt in Wm ^ thit i^Airvife tail ftttb their Hands, . .*^i *^ Paitntaii wwr#«ired lotoiiir Covenant *, 9 m I* > ^m^m^ Cliartl&':ai«AiiSii, |s-**M*#^*^ ^iLiS^':;;;''^-'- j i' ^- ;'"' P^*:^#*^^«';' •V.h' lOfT. ••TKey bif«i^ thelafimt^or litdif Strangtr,*' h^$ M^0oMe$i ** on th0 Knowledge or Underftanding <« of tb« Houie of Judgmcni*'. MW«. I/^.Bial The Houfe of Jqdgmeiit confiffed of three Men, %o^ according to the Law of baptizing Proielyt^, had' the Care of the young profcl^te's Bi^ptiim, and anfwcred in its Name. Theft promifed to inCtruft the Froielyte in its Ehi5, when coriie toTears of Difcretipn, aiid inform 41 of theEttgagcmen^itwalitinder, in Co^ifequcncc of beeomiog aProfelyte}, Thus far the O^ceand Duty of the HoUfe of Judgment ref^mblcd thofe p| Sponfors for iCbil^n who are chtcr«l into the Chriftian Church. TWieuftom among the Jews was very ancient. Uriah* thePrieft, and Zcdiariah, arefuppofcd to have bfcrt ^Oodfathers, or&ponfors acthe CifcamcifioQ of Maher-^ fflirtdhaihb», Ife. ▼iii^ fll.** ' ;. V . ' ■ 4 Again, •• An Uraclite"* Jays Maimonidcs, *« that '<• tSes a little Heathen ^hild» or that finds an Heathen ^ In&nt, a^d baptizes him tor a Proielyte t Jehold •• he b aPwAlyte-'. Maim. Hakch M, Cap. 8 J. «« Behold, one fields an InfsMKT) 6ii|ft; out,, and bs^tiz^ «« Inm in the Name of a Sorvanr: Do yod allp 0rc!om- ' «« cife him in te Niuxie ol a Senfftnl: Bucif he M(K^it ^* him in the Name oLa Frc^an :fDQjN»ii#iictitum- <• di^ bimitt the Name oT^llQemaii^ Im^aLytm- mth.Fak %%%f. hoikiQOCbe filkl diattiie Gemantoi^* lAich is ' not lb aiifci«i**»**>MWi^ aod Ac latf >w#?f#**^ ffloitipi^ii^ fMdyiHiir^ l^fiii^ For #^lli|hilHi» or <^ tiii^i comii^fifed to wHiS%% i/^a^ ■' «■■ *4^''''w^<^?^'?'%- r^-.- .?i^l. •V". «-f ^<". "•c-r tg^ W': \ ft. f..;.- .•Br* u All i|^ M. J|M A^^«^v : tiiHis lliiC ^R^ien^ in Ule in dor SftVbur^ ti i^ tnd lon|; betere iv fpe^ irieprd»ly <lf it. Thfls the Miduitf whetf the Pdrtions to be paid to Virgiiis are ttfrndjof^ ifayt-*« A Proieiyte Girli whoiwis mack^ aptoftiyte ** before (he is three Years and a Day old, &ail ii|»v« too Zvm*\ (Pietes Of Money fo called} «« ior her l^rtion<r, But if ihe is not made a profelyte till (he is ^oVe three Years md a^Dkyold, ihe fliall havcf *« but iOd Ztizae. M^na^ Sit, Cbmbotk, tktp. u To be aPtdle]ytew«$thefiimeastobe^rid iiitK» the Covenant by Baptifm; In their Langoagf^; it wai fithilar to being chriftened in ours. Now as Pi;oleiy» Girls under this^ge of three Years and a Day ol4 «« expr^fiy menttonedi it is evident that intanis ii^,i;n^ tmd into the Covenant by Baptiiiii^ Accordingly, Mr« Seldeh^ Ithikii Whom notie underftood • the , jewiiRi Rites imd Antiauities better, obfertes on the above Cafes of 6iris intheMiflinil^lllibothiiU eyldenti^^ 'm^xtA ^iSmidix^^l^ Pr0le)y6*ft in Childhoodi i. e^ «^ idi^fi^i t0iD tht Covenant by mp^^.** It is i^kfi to qtkote any more lM|is to this Pur^ |0%^ For it is evident Iroin the(eaiic^t ai^ au^n^ tic Wftinigsof tilt IcWSi, ti^ |^i^^ U\9m W^^ ft^ii^ll^^^iiet^'v^^ byBap* ^^''''lhm$^»,.^mlm^^^' iw^luicwWH ^as muck taxjf mm d^^%ifc|»iiii^Mte Meaning of de»^«riottr'a Cotgidiaoi^^l^ipfe 40 MNMi ^fj^m^jim, hf llt^iWfel t^be^die^^easiofjlllt^ im^m^ W0«e%, m4. I^fch To »i;TOtip %:!iiv^' hi An JS^ Dfc JSjM* Bi^Jk. i> Td evade the Force of this Argument dhi^KOnitihi lewifli #ra£Bce bf baptisiifg Meithen Infants ^1^9 J^ p^elvtedt or entered into the Covenanl:, aii^ ^^ beara nard on the Ot>poirera of Intant Biptifm ; It vm Wenobjcftedt " that the Teftimonies arc too \m^ *» That the Talmud and Jewitti Books cofttaln matJf «• fabulous Stories, and are njot thetefor^ to be r^im ••on I confcqucntly, the iFaft itfelF. viz/ bagelfrnjji ' «« Heathen Infants^ is to be qudltohed*^ But thdfe Ob- jeaions are Without any juft vf dUndatioh. iThcVJiiVt been often confatstd. Kolhing but fti-Oitg TOW- iicccanadmit them to have any Weight. F6tm lleader^s Satisfa&ion, 1 Aiall here giVe s^ IBort, b^ tim ikleiit, Anlwertothcm^ - ^ I. Rabbijuda Hakkadofh coninutted the MimH» 1» iiridrtgt An: 0om. ^Jbv that ^^^ 50 tears a^«fer the 'lypoftles. Botli the Hiflina And Qemara, efpecially m ferntert confined of Traditions which hadteen hk)^A down from Fatier to Son, For many Ag^t bcforfe Itdf Saviour*s time, ** They are, fas Biftiop Chartdlttr bba» <« %rves} ft Cc^te^ton of Authorities long befbrt lh)6ll^ t •« AlR, and lAyrt the 3enfe of theii* Fathers not oiiljf ill i «♦ d&llFa irfflie; but bni before it^**. So that npthlttt tan be objefted to the Lacentfs, of H^ir bat^. i a. there is the exaftcft H4i^mo«y between thJTe J^' llhTradidonsMid Cuftoms mentioned in theGdpel, am tho^ bfthe Talmud +. From hence wc inay rely .on the * t^ftiniony mm tft uie talmud cpncehdng the Baf^lM pf btfants, when profelyied to Judattili* For if life Uft a^Bin^ that the teftimony li trtle in th^oile Cafe, i^hitn we «r«k what f^albnabkf l)oubt caii #e have id tih^ . 3. Itwould^e^lroythc Ai^ty Jf att ttlftK^ tb loSa, iliftn arbi&an^Maiirtir^thc tfeffiinbhy of Witel* eoii^ming the Maitners ahd Cuftoms o| th^r 6wii m- tM» /:. V i;;*'^-''., tti ' ^1 "u JSf,iu -' - ■ -' .A« fhASfo^M^ Hon. PorHbouldbeobferved,idiitirU^^^^^ aert0f Opifiioii in any IpeculaciyeFoite^, but tbe TiMi of Teftimony concerning^ Fias, tliiC ia conwiided for. Xini Tacitus, to; ait dcpertdcd on for jhe Twth of thole F<a8 they r<?!ate. Their V^eradtj^ii rdied rni ki tlie Relacion they give of th^gomtn Tranfaaiont, C^tf- ioint and Manners, not onlf of their own Time^^bui of thdfe whi^ were trtuch more ancient % however %c mtw^ their judgment in Theology, or thfc reli- ^ B£non& ihey relate. • In like Manner, the many ...^kNis Stories recorded in the Talmudic And other TcwiibWriteri, or the wrong Judgmtnt thef mUn in tbeblomcaf Pointa, c«nc^ airtt thdr Temmonr^^^^ Ibttttm of Faa, as to Cuftomty Manners, &c. ^ Uw iliioog themielves. . '/'.. . w 4. K the Baptflto of Infant PiNi^lytes, was not pf«j- «dbourSa^difr'sTlmc, aWbe It, aa the Til. niudifts and otter Jcwifli Writers teltte, then it will *t- ccfiariW folkwiV ih^t the Tcwsborrowed thisCuftpm woili JcfuspfN^rethandhisIXfciples, wfcom^hCT heWw airfed, and that it a Time when their Hatred to qp«> inanity, ,wa» At the ffeateft HeTg^t This Is uttw^ij. crtdible, if we confi*r theftiong Aver0oti they hatt Jo Cbriftians and their W^^^V, i •^ ^^ !^J^^St nentt^therr owi^IUteS and C^Aot^i. cfpeciwy «Kf ^ ' the Babylooifli Capdvity. \' . . \ «. Thofe who have made the moft dmgent Inqfnnf inS the Jei!»ilh Cuftoms, Rites, &c, una^tetoi^ A^ that Baptifm was one of *e Ritesby whSdh Jcwt;^ad- .mltted Profelytes to ^r R^ligte^ be^j fs^J^ after, our Saviour's Time, /pp^tng itfcTf is foM- deht, from tbe Teftimony of ^heif own wrttcr% (whidi Teftimony there is not the Ifeaft Shidow of iMil^Ja doubt) that nothing but Pftjudfice, and an^Apf»««n-* fibn of its beuk unfiiendl)^ A^lfOBdobapd^ iBwM cavilatit. . f^ ^' / ./■ ;' - l^ly» ttis«tain tbat4M*tan;A Sl^ In tigbtgin»l«fe^ tfiA^gBiloiifrr ^ — ■ — ■ . '- ^ — ^ ' » ' y*^ ' • : — :: — • — ' — "-^ >„.?^'r"*>'iE >, h V, *^^»*' %\ 'l5 1*4 W , HV>. Ik" -i^y^iS All Efffif m InfMi B0ifm. ^ ^ ttf %%, Jph^ died, calls Profelytes to Judaifm, )3fC«f»9f«f ' ififlbcdat baptised, out of Ridicule*, This has been^ uhfierRood by Icarncd^Mcn to refer to the Jewilb Cuf-: torn of baptizing Profelytes, and ^deed the Paflage cao-j nptvnell Reinterpreted in any other Senie. Arrian'a*^ #6irds^ icconjhn g to the^4'ranflation o f the inge nioiii^ aiid feamed Mifi Carter, are thefe— •• Why do you a^ . **'aiew» when you are a Greek? Dbnot you iee pay M whatTer^s each is caHed a Jew, a Syrian, an Egyp-' « dan ? And if we fee any one warring, we arc wont to^ » i«y, this IS not a Jew % but adi one. Pot when he af- ' «* fumei the Sentiments of one who hath been bapti^ed^ «« and cticumcifed, thcQ he both really b, and iscalle4^ *• ' *■ jew"*.- ■ :\'--'y''' y-'-'^'-''K '■■■■" '■■■ v''^.-'- ^^ ■/■•...•^'.;;->- ;: lirpon the whole, we. m^^ thatther Jew^in our Saviour's Tittie, admitted Gentile Converts to meirKeli^oiiby Baptiini. the Obje^ons againfl it are weak, and groundlefs : the Ei»idence for it is cl,ear and 0fong. T^ Pri^cewas frequent, -eftablifiied aod^ 'llicieti^,^" -■■ •■'' ;:ff'-- •■,^^.^-':'--'' >:'■'■ v^' ••-■■■■ ■ ;>■;•:■ v.- •■■;'f: :a" ^ jHi^ce we ISi^r^ieai^ d^e li^loii why^ a jirticu-^ )ar Qtffipitmd JT^ notgiven for b^^M^ins Inlants. U was altogcxher imhecelSnr ; bccaufe the Baptifiw of In-. JaAts was wed knq^ po the A|wjftles. They k;ne#^illal^ ,| IWams, wo* jdintendf J5^^ *^ ^^'**^ I lUid ffbeii our SHyioor comflMi^dcd, mntw- iffl N«|iQiip to M^^ &|l1»ipiied^«i^#^ BiMt i for thr I^NSi* ?#^ <^lf«^^^a*iSufcjea*lrfta^^ :/'■ I .- .:/.■ m^ ~i! ■ .»V."* / .^n^l^ — %fE^9 *f ^y^ V - 4>^ ,J' n ■ Jttid 9^$n been ft Thing « ncpr and uBknbwa tp ^Apc^mcif as Cincuincirion was to Abraham, w^p 4c AlSiirfity inftioM tba$ Ordinance^ no Pbut^t 6ur -^^Wr wouW hav^ jnentipned matt particularly v^Jo mi^ ba Sttbj5a» oi 5i, But tbi?. ^HW not the Gal^. %;^atwir 9«r Baptifqa i^aa already U^nv ^W our ^yiouc tpok h; up as he t^oj^nd it^ pmp^Uf « «2 1^^?*^ ^j^altiBd Puipofe. As tha AwAlcs Sad a pcrfca iCnow- lam a^y i^biag fl)K tW >iead, Mnf;e Chr^kt mt^dcH i;^d^ WhatherM«W»I*<^'«^^^J^^^^^^ ^%|^s,tD he u64 m tda^inplring ^ 9^ff^ TOs -he accordingly prjcfcribcd, and commanded |hc t>a|at, 1^ i^ifil^^imjf tbi^l^: < *^ 'P'wr, 3 Hut it »w b«ci? objcAcd---** TM our SavioMT rays- 4%fL i6» *^hecc taid* is jneatipned b^r^J^lmi « imd confeqiiiirty lil who are baptized IhouW Ufft j^- i»«pW But' ][#a^ cawapt begcYa,^ andj^t&rc «S^I wd*i f^^S^ Mai^ In^^Wni^ |^d| j^pkich,;.!!^^ t« tt^c l^^lrpoiB^ptitov^ pie o«i«ffiiry# gm^ !Mm» wow^tfiey aw y,,^^ ^^ii-^ii- But: thla no^ore proves dut dtef ««1tt^ '<: v'.- *'-^ '^■; no m» Tbe Apo(ll< aMBwnandcd, T^ai if m9> wmli Ma vmkt mUktr^jutU'lhirftst. Batlafilftis CAnnoft iiwl^ tMefove-r- Whic I WJiy, wttt yon «o<ofieiudc«r«tlief«f fore, th«f ihmiM ili|fi^ but be, a«rml.-'-^it wouldiit m4 ^ good fft^ AdM aa tbM lioMUmnod in ^TbeApoft|€lk€oiniqmM^n^ ooncdmed tiibfe ___ #1^ W««e oiowii i|pn^-,wlio wcwInHeakb, And <Ahff^ fri^ c^bk^ 9^i9!0r]Hii«|. If theis did noe work, neither iIMmiM tbfy €A( t toSicbtkwM m>li€able, And not to Inftnti. And tbui our SayIoiu^s Qfclftr«tion-*.|/# ito M<f«i^» 4»4 Ui^ml» ii^h Jmtdy jx^ thofe 9iMy wbp Afc CApaWe of belWftg: Iflof idoes it in tbe ||A0; fimdvdclnlAfitf ffom BapCifin^ iwttbditt tt>iilkablc li^tMin* but 10^ Adults. i^^^^^^ T J J?k^iAptift« Ia^ <^i^gftc*of LAlik^ It itrv«l| fcr 4i«^8 PMilKlftf Al)d Endi} And it mAf W iightlf .^ipiftrcd whfoibflfie of tiiore £ndA cah be aiifwBfed, iiltb^^ lh«re QAay beap Iii€a|>aci|]r ibr amiajuig ^htfi. ^ haptiiwd n^th ^ Bap^iiti o^ Refientme. artd Iptbgr IcaM lotb^ fc»pk the fttmiffion of dtfr SMf |^$aM0^ WAji bi$«r«^ 1^ fmkto leplnii ci; or fi« be fHcdened^ Nor could Irit bt ^ IP bAV9dii^ i^Wtbln AelkidBAb:^ fd in |b0Ce wKiim ;^ cvincetk "•^-^ iN^^iA «c» pi»littAneei>f ' ;of4 Ferteaa i«>imf £nd%idi^^ firooi %> irbeft he It (»q^ Ift «|9n(9| wAtfii fMbA be ot^f&^ «HAt the Bwdfin 4)f 9Mif ilfld tbAI irf Cbftft iveie diffnr^i^ And ooni^ iliiemk 1^:119 AlUCiimoyit $wl be diidocod from y^ifA *--^^Chri» JA M X^ pm %^kaxi mim^ '^bodi^^sdpi^idid ib w AA^ /#ipims pfRepencAnce, ikiidt|»»iAlAaorf to tfci^^ N ■ 'i [ 4. ?4i;t**i i^ , A -JJ >"«Sr. . ;> *J. ^Vt-..^ •\ 3*^ smm^p^efi UfMtBsptifm. Profeffion nr Mief of Wm i^«« wM Immediately tp come. iSSin John^i, M well as Chritt^i Bt!>tlfm, Jcfus wit the Obiea of Flith. the one relpcaed him as future— die orfierM>tready come. Befides, both Bapnfms were ^ (tme tor Subftwice, 4)ut modifi^ao^rding to- d^ tcreneCircumftaiKes and limes/«d .i'«5^""g <^t»^,ff VAU agree that one End for wWch Ch#lft ^ bapti^d 4ai to&aily Baptifin f^>r^fe;^t h<^ can i^^ *c iiOd If he " ftcePftd not oui Bajjufm, but^ th^ mu difierentffom itf^ AaDr. Lightfoot luRly xjbfeiirctV Thm Infants, even fupppfing them uncapabk -tual Faith and Repenumce; y& are capable of U^tL 4cdfcated to God.M»f^08^'«^«^.Cowna^^ |iim^M)f feceWing the Benefits and Privdcgct of Wi Church and CovSantl They arethewfbre prW^ icas of Baptifoi, fof thde are die principal Ends fw ^^^^ ;^ They «^/«i;?Wf*;^ "^ Ifct Words of a Icarcicd Writer, *f of all the Ends df ••it. as it isinftituiedforaSign firomGpd tow^rdsus, , V to afibre us of his F«rbu^ ant I© confign u^ ♦* BcncfitsofthcCovenaptof Grace. For their ChiW- \ M hood doth not hinder, but that jihcjrmaybp made •« Kfembcr* of i^e Chnrch, ^fX wf^mAu^m- « other Society i nor doth ir incapacittte^ them any •• mow from being adopted the Chll4ien d[X5od, than ^^.theChittreaof anytjther Perfi^^ ^*T***ViS «* cabable of all Aaa of Favour and Honour frwn^G^ «f ti^ of it, norimdcift?^ Wliyii dliJlWilc^Wment^ i I' i. Daii.,a5, f^dfia. ^ al. UH; 4tt>> •■'^- Wicli Regard t^olit^ ImWiig qd Pttefj* for btftWng infm^ 1 1>*ve MifvMemi that alreadf . i It wit imne^f** iufn 5'hc Ajjoftjct .knew tkae Heathen Infant! were ilvr^yaprofclytodby Baptifm, «wcll a» by Clfcuimi4 fioni Irtd when they were fcni to profclyte Heathen Na* tioot to Ghriftiantty by Baptifm^ nothing could be mof«» o^io^« than that the v were to remain' Sul^eftt of it, (inc^ not excluded by om Saviour. >iad he continued: ^ircumcifiofti and commanded : the Ap<»ftles— ^Go y^ aiiJi profclyte all Nations, circumcifing them in ttii Ninne of the Father, Son, and Hqly Gh^ft— 4 Cvyfaik all will own it would be unnecei&ry to noention Infantum becawfetheApoffl^muft neceflarily. ha^e underftood' ^ComoMflipn wat toextendto themi as they were «al- r^yi circunicired. Now as thfe^Ufe orBaptifrtl wat^ |wn a well m tha« of Gircumcifion, they mUft .hav# xen the CommiflTi^' concerning kin the fiim^ S6ofci ^ ^Ufi^fe the So4mif for the Propagation pf the jGdfr m1 ,m Fottign Ifartiia were to fend MiflEMmaciit liean^v V^(i/ome Nation #f Indians on this Continent, aiid^or^ V^^cm to profelyte thofif HcHthens to Chrlftlmiar „ J|pti(#, thefcwouWbefioNe«eflkytomcntioiii|t fam pj^nticuUrW. > Aod why i ^Bcall^ diefe^Mifllona'* ^f^K knowing the J^radice of di^Cfauncli of Engli^ lii» b^iWg|n^Ki» Vifould undeiibnd tlie Order inchided f#ints. TheC#otthc Apoftles wai pJjifeai^ ft^ if; They kp^ akeady tW« InJwits*WnsjSubj«ai ^op 114 Qifxif^ pwrtki^My inJthdf^CioBiH ; JM ^tte^iiSee^ol Jwij^ Btm^Ei^mnotiiavetKe lei^ Wt^wiibinrf*^ M:- ifnpi : t . -f, I f - t ^■l*» IS th^^gbfpcls,. yrhiik ^ontttatbc Hiftory. ^-. -7— m * jA^ *<^ -J/ / .,x.. diWr Snitdut^ft fimb. Life and DmH, it ttue A^ of tiw ApelUet. The Traniaaiont rtlaihi in ibe GoP- St, - WCM pfior tQ our StTiour'tCbmowfiion to bApikse. leAAa contain ohiy a (hortSkttck of the Apoftkt Li^teiaod TrtinfiiAiionft for the Space of aboHt lo Years, oroKkr. We have not a mtnvite Detail of all they did iQ (that Tioie v but only a general Account of their BrwMeiim%i^ aAd that chiefly confined to two Apoftlet^ V^hat< Wofidie!r then, if there it no Memion made of lucb i^irctimftaAce at the baptizing infanu K ^ It Letriks^take the Hiftory of the Life of any ancientFa- the^iW modem Divhie, and we may find the fame Omiflllojn, tho' ^eii^ay be cerumfbey baptized Intantt. r^mnneotiettfeach, fpr Example— St. Ofprfan and Afch Bifliop Ufher. The Life of the lormar it >irrktf il faybliDeacofiyPomiut--^That^th^iatferbyDr. PiH-. AltlMi(cthiBn[|;briea^pirticular Account of the Mliiilby, add^tbckr tftdhaioot in piibiic $lid pirivate, df VKefe MNicnIoieflicPratoa, ]pcttbeydotioc fty that dther 'tlMmr^ptiBdiimliilaiiiiaiidnoiiritM^^ ' notibiilfce kaft^DDubctttt each of tfeMii bif^O^ ^M^^«' . Theiihat of thi^ ApoftltB iiem not urdie to gm m •B^UOidMy of Qi»tifiD I but a gtneral AtediWtoW Qh^AUibity fpretdan ibiit e«ity FetM. Vft Jhikd tiot BabJl flu^ W^ iM»t 00^ S)kd^ ^ifidadrciidy ooftlfinn^ XHtfr^i iv^AAilMM ««i^adr tlOK M^mm^ fj Ui nicifcttt<^ ur, 1^ ■ ■-' liefo theti<Mi^ ♦TV t^frt^it t mM df LvdiiiL Ada. sri. 15, a i, is* im cmhm^ ixpoftc^ la a HiiNM^F^ ^itdll Infiuik ilmiifiiii. or to eilhorc Cfa^liM % CfofipK '* ^- ''JW 1 ^'J .y *\. ^-* I>- as wSl appear hcrejifwf . 4C fcTthU Argument, if it « sUowed wy Weight. Vomeh Suf be eiduded from the Lord's Svpp«n «d e7«> SdvatChiWicnof Cbriftian parent. "«ft,'f. "f"*"" Inftince ot fuch being haptizeo.^ i ; ,.. ,*'■ -jj:._Jj,'i. ^Jtere « rhcrt a *t*c«.t or Ejcample for "^f?"!^^, recd*the Sacrament of tfie tord'« Supper ? J^j^^ SiSnt l» totally filent with Regaf to r«f P-*^ or Example. Should they be therelore "cl'^j^™ that Sacrament? Certainly . the S.|en« «» Scnpwre mould h^easmuch Weight m *» Jp^**-^'} fci»Bt Wty^'*' I«MMiotjperceive the MRHMOvw M. Reaibn to allow it morein the one than the «*«• . If it be f«id— That from the Nature of the Orfhianee, Jthe ASlogy tf Fir,h.^it i» ctear Wc^n « weU« Men. (hould P«rt«»« "^ *«•f•*'•^f"*^£„^JfBe!■ Supper: Juftro,fty I. that f«>» *«N*"5J~^ 2?e^dt«AatlSfcould iK^tizJ^ •a A«u«ent that c«» be. ufed t6 P****^ -""^^ Wpta*a«rtih«W« TVuAattdAawotMe. ^ -"! It *did'be eBffll* ^w***"* JB» '««^^ lii irtii*lJhJi A^gBiWtat. fcom i*««lte^ aMMi>k«irtii^Bat)(ifii<tff »y «*»*»***iS22S t*^. Tn.'-; CMdM y^ ..V- I BodkoTEfth^.' ShduM we th^oet conclude that die Authcr Wit tn Acheift, And bcUevcd there wit no God? I (hall produce no more Ini^ancet of this fort, tho* enough tre at Hand, to expole the Weakncfii of thk boafted Argument; which indeed ti the moft plaufible •gainR Ititant BapclTm : But (hall juft obfcrvc— That if any Perfon took it into hii Head to refufe the Sacrament of the Lord*! Supper to Women, or deny ftmifih to the adult Oflflprihg of Chrifttan Parents, both which Anabeptifts contend for % he would have as much Ke»> Ion and Arguiheiit to lupport htm, as thofe who, irom the Silence of ScriptuireV rrjed Infant Baptlfm. v trsj..' > I a: ♦'^*- : r» ♦•#. >'rr^'\ ti-ys E C T I 6 N III. + ^ ■i <•>• > i,t^'/t fbi Aiuitij h&mm Gramq/bH mi Baptifm iwjUertd^^ ■^MdtbiJilimmsri^ikmtfirl^famBsfU^ f!f«iEDilp«^ <M|* M jpKmmim to the Chrilliao PUpepfadoni ig|| Mlbg^i^PWK was the tr^^ of God befoW^ oiii&ivMnr^t locamation. Th^ life of their Church iimiMfcdaied from the callMii'Ab^ Hf waa caQi#toiifaiiMiiH»>us W|^ to the Kno^^edge aiid1l^fbi^.oflhe^oiie trMeGod. T^f Almigfai^ chofe hkB to be tlii BfMdand CM^>K^ ^iaic P^^ tbke^lMifartokimiel^ and from whinn the future te ctataer miiid arifc. - -^ a - W^Abrahum the AUmphqreiitdied intt^ Covenmit } > andthmCovtoinc wai the lame for SiU^ftance which w$ are -3 An 1/9 on K^tftf B^il/kh $t ti« no# uhdef.-tiz. theCoten»nt ofGna*. This if cf kknc, from the Procnife roide to Abrahtin— TA#i iM hhSud,i.i.in Jcfoi Ch? Ift, fimtld sil Nsihm •/ tb§ EMth hi Utjfed. Gen. xxli. 1 8. And—Thsi k$ Jtumid hi PiUhirtlt. the fpiritutl Father if many NstiiMs. Gen, Thit •ppetri itfo ifrom St. Piul'iReiMng, Rom. It. :where he 6/ec\tire%—Thai Faith wasnckimd to Ahrahsm fir Rkhtiiufmlu hy which hi wssjufiiM ^^^ ^ ^ thi Psthir if thi Faithful, if all them that hiliivi, and waikmthi Steps of that Faith if air Fathtr, Akraham. ^ Fir thi Pnmtfe that hefhiuld he Heir of the fVirld^ was | tut ti Ahraham thn* the Law, hut thn' thi Riihtau/ke/i^ if Faith, therefore it is of Faith that ii might be if Craci\ and ti the End thi Promife might he fure ti edl thi Seed, not iufy to that which isofthe Law^ hut ti that al- Ji which it if thi Faith if Ahraham^ who it thi Fathir if mall. ■■.\--v':-'-7- ^■-■.: . "•■■> '''\t: We htve thii confirmed further by the fame Apoftle, in Gal. iii. Ht ih^rei'\n\orfMW-"That AhraSamheliived Cidt and it f$as accounted ti him for Rightentfmfs» And thm whkh sre of the Faith, are the Childnn if Akraham. fir thi S^ipturefirefeeinf that Gad wiMjtfiify thi Hett^i theis thro* Fmth, freached hetori thiGe^t ti Ahraham^ ^ jMf I In thei fhatl all J^ations he hlejfed, Afordingbf thitCivinant with Ahrahm, which was anfirmid hefon ofGidin Qbrifl, thi Uw which was given 406 and ^G^. Tears afttr at SinaiySd mtdifannui, that itjbii^ m^ thi Promifiif tiMi Mfea. 4, ^. • Strillb fpetkbg* «&«« Wb ■ two-lbl4 0»vcMiit witli Ahm- kam. oiifiplritntl, ^hi«h . wu mt ewrMug C&vnmt, «a4 an4ef mUik^HmimtfibeB^hjImM^eUi^imbii SjUi th»t ii, aj St. Ktol wpliUiu it, Chriil.' GaL iiL 16. The odwr trnporal, li wiA tlM^lWof GsMMi WM ptondfed to him, i. t. to bis Poftof tinw laddbTtae. ^nwlatitr was febfement to tkeforoMr { and tClK&etifiuioaiotio ]Mrs» wtiaa iimkd mthe pramiicd Lana, ^mtmS^iSiaVifAuAViMt^^ Urn, ac* corfuStSllt Paul ooSinrd 1 fibaJoiyrfr^^^^g* " ■"•"•■A.' .^.-_4tt....... >.» ^ 7' 'vFi'-j ■'.<<<■». j- V*** «M ^e««iMlb Mil. ^^ ^^^ ^^ '^ i^* ggj^fy Mrd^ i^ fie ^^' ^^ tfCbri/l^ i. e. «ht Wir %llb» %iMo b^ WeibtfilM il( Hint SiMDi^un idcelidf iocn^ aiiH dirl^ Siiii«i|il^ilie Ataili^ €43l^|»lui|#4 ^This Covenant wai again rented with the Ifm^liitfi^ 4ni#«j?lbiiiiiiiiiMM a RicoKl iiT an^nMii W<m^ Of m^'QbmmmSLi Cii^mn^ktfH iMt itie In&iiJitcir^ .^idHii Wat^ Ifc #it that OftSiiiaKlce by n^ii^ Abi^hiW^i ItoiftifiM, ifoA iil^ ^^Am^ weit^i^ be idmictod Mtti dhi Mil Od^K^iMc "^Hvli jA^liiitittn; It «irro ibmtjt fbrtli^ IM^ #^p(^ tiliteii ite |si«tHh €lMir<ti %ir1in i um^ :^wt by the expttls Cc^maiilliliN^tht'Aillf^tyt CMklren ware to be drcumctied, and entered into Cor ffv^llicBwce ti^h as ftria^g In A^giime|it, and u 4, . , • . \ IKfptiiiii&Jnipf the CoirclMUit of Grace, "is teiM fo «i Tfm^ SjMttkwi, « For ' the Old iUid *rc# TdK f MAU" » ia& the WdrtJs of in ingeiiioii$ Writ^. " ••^^y **?^ JWaiChi^i the fcrmtt^ «p ju Hiiitfe ^mamt^mmsfn^m fmm ns its A\iipf ttjfl eS£ •* migj^i both as their comm^ dancreio^^fb '**:* O0^illt{ othi^i fiiir he iralll A^^ «». The <J%«iiihfcfilteti^f ChM^^ 11^ iteCD6hBai«fi» ivfifi»i||frcifliidfi^ eattii)t mea^ Ik^ iii^|X9iiBiMl!Girciiiioifi|>ii^>flil^/^ m^ lyu^. ^ ♦1; p^ttjfeit i^«*P*«y mentioned. Atf/i^ rf At fie ^laft- ^€N#^ -.laiHii^ ^ m 1FTP. fr "'J' * ' .',■. ■♦v Se^ muS^JI^^^ llrielM^ Cii0ons cM#^ 4^^ the ^.^^ ^ J|c|pi<vii of the Hiftihcii Phtlb|^(^r»» and ^ no. ieCi p9^^kiou9 Frinci|>l«i of chc^ Icwii^iKiiiQ would |»iii)l>«f^ j«(b|ci^lj|^ Cilcciiii(i!Qifion, oin ONri^aii Con- ^ ix> i4it^ the |e^: w«Fic io .atcjiiehiea^ 4^t tthey ^ght it wiui ncceflf^ry ' for Chriftiin Convftits to ^ fubmie . j/^iu wniktsfm Sbiw m tie Fkjb % tiny cMtHrmu y0n[i^ from 1^ Yolte of the^ <^fcijDoni<»« St^l^l frequent- If Oiewi^ W iin^ ikliv^.by. the Go(()rl:Di^ifcntetioo^ '^ittw )w leiliithe ColojQSa^it^ fkif w^re, dud wUt CSuiifi '^mOft'll^!^^ Ceil. itzowTlitl^eafoA m trni^ ef|ie^ly, ofth^r be^ delivered froi<i€iinitiH 'ifSSSim^ hc'^&^^M^u the >|tl^i Verfe, the FaOkgeiioiRfoe- ;^e os^tr^r %ciiiie .Clu^tt^hid Jnaitutedi Babtiftn in 0ie llaoe 0* jQf^iQciaoii, vducli anTwetcd & iif £nd9^ Tbiaw^dieptrirof!^^ whfdifiiiibofifiiid the former Ctrc^o^pon,; «»d;iMe '. it imneceflbrj^ ami of whicH the Cbloffiant ifverc theicfore to beim^^nu |. All ihf M^ EifHsTltOfijaident, and nddem,: ^itc I have mei ^idj, J|^|)r; fi^JMS«K to ClirlftMiii Bit^ m^l Amoi^g die Mp^frm whoido To, 1 reWOie RiSi<. dertothofe i)^iitk>nedJbd^|^. Of die AacieoifBi4ll^ \ >,;. - • / ; •' • * .•' ' >''^ -'-for LiaJ!ook*iSy8^. Clitic, oa , ,* f f:« ^»^ giv€» Cm <!» oiwOirt! without %w wi x^'^^^/^'^frf A(»iipaihiHitfidcifi^n*tctim*»t^^^ t.<j •'/^,#r ^ne that }» ^ the ^^^»? S&^J^^ #« ^i^&nife^u t^A Am. niiv receive thiA Cii<iHnO«0ll 44' '■"mn Mam calU.Biffitifm our QN«»fe^;rW . mdi miJmi Him:^ '^^'ch aris ;iR«;^pr# thi& Paffage, iai have done, to Chnftiaii l!*^J%i I Sid ottei, to tfe 6me f^ S? that ^^%m^t^^^ $'^'^^'^i^J& m \m M«^ )*f i** «^ ^eginiMn^ of i^^hCenr Qiokiy<^i|l #at '4": .'*,>->'- xMa« i*t i\ _'•'*-'». «■ ' A \» (H'J .Si >^^ /. i. • '^V which' ifirovnd^ iit ,,_ .. Ill & «« Nitifti of Godt? imipifioii oMbaed its aMglatedTiinc;^! «< tUl tl^l^lier Clrctsmci^on was fuWtiitcd in ii •* Phav . mmdjf^ the Law cjf Rcfl^crttido*.*' He JM t6 M^^ tfcniiHtiina^ons of Prbcdtaniy, ai W(9I al Fi^fi^ "liQfltiiiin^^^ agree, thatBacllfoi in the thnOhn tSiwt^ r^fmliet'd^Jace pf Clncunicilhitiii ^ Xewifl^ iUia wat hfimme^ m tti Stead. But It i« ne^ Mfod#eUoii ihit lohgser. Whoever wwild deny « Ffltot^ib erideot* or that ^Ciovenant with Abr^hain, JnuKeorhiiCfL and have a hift Chum toour pttt. The? tftM, t^MttVtnt&tr for dw <me, jm % the other. ^? Ss^SJ^iP^ WM.arniindfiop • Itim^f ^ti, W^lPWth? So hiJNi)^, ' Oe ^gfiiel Coveut ^ CiioMr )^«a« bf^ to A<i tVrin of theior- tei(*%^ lotdwft «f die ht«er. f>wNfc <><^ *eii^ fB^«^ nor '$iit' .j^Kjk ^fi9 ^' - ' In dicie «nd (Hber |nft|ince0t(iftc might lie menttofiidfv iiS^ lio^ one 4^^ *» tb^ otlier ? m^l^ttfii If iiif %^hb. 1^ to colli ^litef, i»fwd«?r dcrtisnot nfuchlimMct^isoi^ It; t^ it QOCr^fl^a; Dtihondllr OH 6^^.ti>%](»f«i||9 «i^: iir (N(9Ul^£b to betfoercc} into Cpf^ittiilM^ jII d^Ur^ to bein^ €^^ralant wi^^ M^ '0t0tt0fijb^tmime^ iMd^mmt^f^ the Imtsfy <<#% Wdtbf £4tdwi^G^m$e(b witk tbee tAisDt^. Dent ipfcix; »o» II, t«- Ifth^jJiwrc ir4 Stat< «fi Jnftiia m JB^ the ftme that titey wm thei)^ whi^^ 1 %t^ none wUldetty;. I caiiiH)t cQii^ve any fceafon wKy they ilioQid notbe Bt Sub|r^ fbr enteiing tnto Oymiant. with tfi#Ataight7 pb«r,: «w^^ *lTOIkl>c.ffidT~ tKM*>fiwits,at«not<i«M^ of th# ISnjh of Batotiihi ? Bot tttSs is DinOf^fHy »lft. Vha^ Hii^l^ dented tAQod. Thcljr maf lir; tittered intKl ^tieoimtwith hitn, ao^^^OQicthiercl^ entfcled to the I |*ilytf^tfNis iOovenaot; thejr tnftiLbe tranfia^ D^t^tatftdfWnith tbtStatcbtFVitQar With G :itfidfl)(it^ the Pro0|ife$iif 66d f^irfed ^nd Cgnfirmed i^ikiMd^ to totter |^l€|fe^ . iiyi | fagag y y c| ' aBSuHcu nb r ' • fatBiii>tifinr Tm I .1 fi 'litSefo*^ , '.•••* -''\ fliidii initn Ordintnce 9^ Inifiitioii inip aOivtiianc of F«iclit . Tec liiftntir ^,thee3t(Mrefi CmhiikiiA of the Naw^tlbfiiiclit Wdii^^ Argvimeiit whick it frequendi^ bioiigbt for excluding Uifii&' train Bap* fifm, m^Njr/their W»iicoi,ii^ual Fi^th. For here : we ^nd th«tliila^ lnvcadoal Filthy were entered 'W* % Coveniiit ii Fudi, and lofeckoiied. amc^g the Peiiple of God f' aiui ihat^ bf ao AMmance wbick wu « Seil of the lU 4r^ b^thif th^ twoOrdi|iaiicei» Ctrcun^ofio^fM 9i^>dfin^ ire eandhr &niltr* yi\i9Xicm Cifierence in Circuni:^ ftanccs Of lictie or |iq Mollis^ been between the^» jet in tUt thef per^fftWegkee « end here it It tjiit thior Apeement it of Weiffht In the iu^p^nent beforfVi. Forlt4eirl]r ennce^ >h«t Ii^limt'ina; be iilimttedtQttiA.prdinftiioe» fimUer to Cir^mdj^oiu, and luifwcringdie lame Eftdi r lluit they f^aj bNe jeherebf dedicatedib God» tidcekiirto Covenant with ld/b» be entitled to the FrivUegra and benefiia pf ^ Covehao^ tidid u> be fcckooed among hi^ F^^e* ;i I ihallhere add * few R^eaiona, which ^}) be^ o» great W^g^ In tlds Foiim; if doff attf nded, . ft. Tbete «e many ThfcMpi whidli, being necef- $idlf implied in* ai$d jiiflir djBdMdble Iram^ S^^ HHe^ aie timttf bindiQg wim Iholethat ere expii^ i^mciadeo^ , Ot^io otlwryWotdis, an iibpl|e4 0% mn4tiif<^Forcewidioiie,thattte^^ Forh^ Ibnce. Aft^ivWallow that tt jjn e Dm ifictiiiibeiit 09 Chriftiant MmsttA:^ ^ thefubiic Worfiiii^ piM^ ^ Simdays. Yet;^re it noenjireit CopnoiaiM^iok: thif Fipaice inth^Kew^Teft^mmiU St^ Faul inifeed ^ ippiwvct of ttiQie who fmfim thi iftmk^, 0i0m Wlvr ioi. Alt Forpole.Heii/x. ac. BuicUaaitiMp in ■• f^'v^ m^ Pr* .V'C«g| HMMH'' raff flAtal C^MMMkAM^H^M^M^M :^im 401 Subftmtt of ttlftftcRiid IWet ,,^, Tdte w Inf m''?/:' u^m^p^!:^ iotoiii-loilili f'-iVi- ;W^ ;^ '- <ffi ,>4;iS? '■?•*!,> 1^1 ||j|NipH|i|i^'^''fp -Mlf* -^ *W 'fl ^^^& ■■i\4- W ^^l''":^^^Fm _1^ •4« ■; r^«t«M¥ to ihmitnimP^ ^S^mTiuot of tKe DWiie B^^ IVi hmfWm fclM«^lS^li.W' :^' v*>v -r*^?"?^ I ...^ ■■*-*#^>']^'^B|§8f'^*!!B^Sl^ V - v-^.;, .. T'W- '-^^'"t^ ss^l^^^^mL ^ ^* ./ ^ '■ <•■►" ,, -!>»*'! rW^ U'1^' ^ ■"»'(j >* . ^"Jl ^^ }'■: ■ . r -Ji * , ,, ^^^mi %* A<^. ■^J m^^j^^' ^M-WI^?:^' J > .*-.-» J ■^v <;■•<';, i'vw;\'rr 'v ■,'». ..^*^.. »»t.>J m •#. . ».'-.l'<. '■/,'( ■, ■• u •Ni^s^ i-'. I^li m eiS^'^ ft. =:^<Kfcap^^^- '.^v;-,f;_v;<>; jf-M. ".•■i-.-aip ' ?**#■ I."-.-. t»^"*'« r't^' I'^'frm'fi ^«^.^ ^*-^.»'V» ''#*.) - "« • .V-'^ 1* **"**;^t=^ >|^ w 4 ^.; >;<.-*?(■■• .^'1 Mf'^rf':^ *'<?r -w ^,W ' It;^^ 'k^-^-^'^^^^m^^^ ..l^*^ i''':':^?Ei';/Sf>t'i ■ ■■■■ .:m T^ c hXiI »!*.' y '4 .■■ t,£'>1 h^: '. ' *>"■ ni'>/ IS(»"-*' r^*^. :..:^ik^'&£SJ^5«,f^£,j^^ ». 'v ^ s . # S I/, ?r ^. vr 'M'' i^» Nf j*s-Vf ^ '-^^ ■ *1* *• •r.-^n"- . ,4 -arj^ ;j^;' ',:y^'. •j^ ■'^''»m ^im^*-% iUi *£ ^it'^n "^iT. h4v. ^!S« u-^li-^-g 'AVwfl- ifK'\ JtrM V, V ■■■7.. ■/'-'Si >I«l''. .'1 ■/ '^-V^i-', ..J., . ,J'^ ,«"f -•'I'/i »■ f-'^'^r''% >-#W.«':>^4;. #.., .. ,0 '*i ......i^-.t v^./,. Soy-' \Ur ^1^'% ■)Pt'A ..r' ••■ -1? < fe ■A '^,1 »((^', ^«^-: '-i^ mm- , W v,*' I'Y /:^' *rr •m 'h'^'k?'^*''*:-?,.' 0»f-J'' ii .^c'j ri.,=«»i * •*•'». »*/ :\ m ij^ ■^^i. r^J^:, M Bi r: «?ii& ■Ms: riK m Hf^tf-^t,.M. ^, 'f^^'^'i^. /: -A^^. -ii-j. tr=''i'l *■%'(• ;r' ' XM/i yo^^^:m\ JS '^'i!i ^'^*^i *^»t ;W.-' ; /^'. .. *^^??fe^"«" LP' ^.^?«''-'«''«;^%w' V&i'' ;t. ''-. ^ <4f*#ij# %^^.v^*%^^-*«v^^*j;-^ii9iW '.\^3 U' f-'r m (.! . '■J ^ r.;^':':5» ^^M^;w^s{^^ .■:5-'=''i>U. 'L>f'-\:>*f> '%:^ tft«vm»c||r. ■^y ^|.; w •f-^yw »•»' Fi ",. •ii?f^*W'''Al ■r- ^1 ^^^^^O^ /;/••'; '*. '' *i "^ -p ■. ";;(''. . ...,' J^ ' ^ ^ * ' ** \ '•d*!»«''>'''m&r{*iLaMl ;'"»•■ ,^lPi ■m-::'^ . ■ .,.-,1 ii>,. d4'-J^....r&J!^ .i...: ■6.' w^x^f-'X'"^^' ^tk .y •* tf r-' i. 1?' I.''''V 'A;:.,, jfM '^r i?*^]' ^ £,.*,. ^w* ' Sil f. •i^-Atf^ Slite * ■i.* ■AiAdV 7'^Tfr' ri, ♦ ''^a !"— i IMRtr E<i< ''^m--^fm^%ms$^r, mm: ^ ^t.t g*i»'i^/:^/^^^mM UiMli 4^ ■'■'.'l-*'i-. '- f I > V •^*^»ISS»Jf .* «■>(««''. v',^^r^r:m the iflliiiiial Wfllnrt fiitUr CO JcAity ihit lie BDttMtt pii# H, ■^. i^'Vt.Apiv; V- wkh aa IiiiMloli oltMinf TvnA^ ■3^ai;.^«.;5_ #:^'l!l" ■•^V*^- ^^'^*^'*; ;-t-i.- ■^*'; ■to^r'^jp* ♦ ' V 4i( ^■hh ■ 'f 'I 'iutjf'xl w t< tTiaa,.*i.ii- . ^% * • 5. rf"^'^ »■*.'(( ri^3 *•< ,tm ^ M 'X p *t ''¥4 '^«^ltl5 Ixn fe>4*^ TlMt.ik* CUUm* shm «(|^ MMHOMathrtiw bt braightiM him < Mt : W>V*M Mk h»«Upleia(d at Moodier juft RMibit ttil tp(iA%lK#n 'ilhan the one ia«itlf|iiwe« vU; XM ^< ,f|iMtii, Md ludhhittegH. «Ml«;M0>M li not to cttmftii iiti jy „ lieif«ii. -^TWi^MiW * < 19., .pBfc-,0«r «»w#«»:,.Jg4■■ . ir- |> f Hour b ^ to Wdooe ? Chrift is not mmp^oih f: dl£S«. "^IIM^ il W Ofdiiuice by liWi^ Infiui^ iiiio^ik ^ MkiUBd to ^u i^l^duifeiBedlkbMM^ ortcvolEcdHisDficlmtiofi^^^m^ mt fiJSrr And if he hath i»^ citti t^fe ^|«» ^- WAIi^ttbtobcdcdkpidlto^l^ bcwiMft out diiir Cue. Tliey ^ atniftbehiiA depo(Ucd 1^ S**cTi# *»»«»** tlH^ pomiMiida wo. ^^i^loldkig them iiovi Uielbdeetner I In fkp* Itoliiitt ttdir, ii tmtin fimOmptd, whci^ he wat •1. 'il^^^i<>jB%ho.''oAte G^^^ yirll^ Ijei^ H AiMiovtf etAiof To great an ^ did^ W«r^ diem this Bc^ wJlii^irii#''i#"^-^'*^' «''««t If-' ,fl' ^'.u K si I ?» JSwTif. .fter tK.jK.w been jiiftfu«te*trf in fa^ifll^ ? uRMOv'tSed with Mc«M M bettenM^ScMet tf 1^ tiifcik«ed»th*iiiM«W*rit«ww*<S««Uii *^7"ir • k HOC in their PoKrw foMi^t • Re«i%*»toft «• TI» Ktotifal F.d»tt, M f»fen*»f .Men, W« n« left A«iB in lb 4epl<)n|bl« •'SA»i*^on. H« hMftpphed die pn»4 ■ Iter M«ws to couottiiia *!• Bwl i "od; « row pose 9iily ntufttbe BlsOne Ue, *l» perie^t^ diftegard Hit . 11. The next Pa(BgeI ftiil! conftdcr which ^^«^ the Ncceflity of Infant Balptiftn, andlhewt thcErittic^- ' otthe Chriftian Church in this Nfcltwin thffc Time •! iheApoftlci; ii iConvit. 14- ;.. . - ' IV* In 5iU Chaptff rii« Ap<*lc ii refoWmg jome €*!«» iipdnibicncc. which the Gorinthiana had feiy-n^«« llUg thefe wew the foUowing. ♦• Whi^ t H^ •vwho waa« BcUive^, ftouM put away4«s Wifc^bekig « an Unbeliever i or whiither A believing Wile Ihoiikl^ « depart from an Infidel Huftjmd?- St* Paul dctt^- miBeJ that in both Gafea they (howld cohabit and hv# logethci^ and he affigiii'' » Rt^oft Jw 11.-^^^^^^^ I ihall firft msk» foitte Obfefvaiww on thia Texr. . Aen ^ve Ae Senft of iti end. Jaftly, point dwt tlie Argulnent for Infiuit Japtifm ariSflg *cncc. ^ 1^ . fkjWord Siiii^JWheie, is the i&iiea8lobi;niMver I V*.. l»ililiy J ^nd ia ftmlir la Sj. r«tert fxpt^^ ■^11 <*' - r^! i 'v. '• _i*j »^WA. ..kU {bfl f V^lV'ifilri■|-|-■^^'^*^«a^^■'^^-^i■^s<^i* .,fy J", ,»«-j£^„«assi»si^*.-i«v!K • r t vip-;^ -'^*^- ^5*pV««Ik^^ Word fanaiSt^^^ »» tHc ffcfof T^ ^fj^. \m^Xm9mnJB \nf» pift Strife* k^sim/miiM. For At fe*^ «icii by the , jr^€ W^riyndriw, mfmim to CbUdreii.^ fwri j^jRW*iirii^ •^He«*eft §cg»^iibt ttt Ciymi«a^ In this SenliirSt* l^uoddlowl Ilk 1^ htiliiiW ^preach tO^tlic Ipi^ C9ieiiii«( ¥* G«*. . A|i4 lfi**d tfeey M lor ^w %i4«ltoricy q| t|^ Pm)Ms 4«l^ 6«qiiciMclf cA«ea- O^ iam\mi ii» iCto|*tifepn t<ii*B|ew, who fi^inCo- ^iU andiiJMttiklMMm^ '^ ih^i^* k n^0mm^B$M S^s inAe i^W- ^«i-«. '^ » .'Vj).i' ^,Jt,(4^ubeH4nts. Rom. L 7. Qwlriku^ions iwr? MtoLsmi^e ibi It^r mi not h^m ^9 $ai9fif jt Gor. iri. i^ 4llibi$0mis^ pbfHppi/Jfpmphmc^ St. * la^Kii qI dieferTcJCtt, »iid inany jnorc thjn pybl l^pradueed, the Wi^rdivrHich is trfii(UtcdSaii[^ts« ii #DI luneln cl^ Origini^.with ^06^ in die PaSge befim iiii i'lmii tience |t 19 fn^ni that Siuiit was then ufed in tlii le S^$Bit i^ VVJbrd Cjfirlftian isuied by ut now. k ^.lific^ alt who were entered into Goycnant with G04 h» Baptifm, and profcflcd the Religion oi Jeftis Clttift. iUiitiswonhy our Obfenration here that the eai^ #rii^oftheprinnW Church, whoartainiy undei^. ife)b<i the Style of Scrtplj>rei>t Icaft a§ ^ «» w€;,^^rfk4 ^lofc who were hltpt^ &a^edi i. t.& t^t hm^ ftoGodvand dedicated to J^ Service ; inlprhkhjSenfe, thi^ " J^TordSaw^fied iao^cnu«Min Scripture. TkJCy^ianr- t^ He^tte i« born, iays hiP, ought m 0Jm^ z^%nd «* iiinaifiwiV' Th|u aIfc^,J^i%<^iiiir^^ itencw before us^ I Gcf, yii# ji^ Jays, " mrt^n « 11^ then," i.e. when v^^wrc|p this. E^ die CoHtttliwns, ^> |Chri|%i M^ liho were fanftlt «* ficd, i. e. baptized^ iome by the Au0iartty of on^ " Parent, fotnc by the Confeat of both f** T|»treA<^on}y twpSofCsof Holineft^--one rehtive^ and the <^cf inoral. In th^ former S«»le* the Templ^ Altar, Vefcls, ipcc, Vcre ^i^ to be holy, .-becaufe (ft Iipart,a9d dedicated ^ pMt Serytce c^f Ood./ In the UK* , W^ ^fe Perfons are holy in whom Sin is mgrtiftBd^ il^ m^^ Livcf ftt^ Xjtmj^ are conformiBd cp the , .i». \. *■ t*'Ti V v'*' W'^^'f^'- .0t h*-*, »f<?:-«V' lo liodi Am^Oibn^of tlieWord ; for ^ if#lK)t only '^^^*S*«Jfe6od I but they mttkfo motkWf aM «ttr- *l»ly* luteM can faive w ediep than i i«Mve ' Pw Gr«c*«iid SMiHif «fe not pNifmumA by .>^^ AW ire ci^y boril in »■, and ,.,,,, ««^ Infanta' tbetefeit can be^towim- wmiKfi^m^'S^AxM, onl^as they aieJeiKeaicd to Q^. ^||^& proper infU^itediiode of d^sdid^g^m j^i^ onJb^ GolfN^^ it % BaptMin. fliicy aic lily^ orMttOt when devoted to^od, enteti^iiito his iifniiy attd Co*v^ant, anddc^ica^ to Mt Sendee in. ill^^ I b»t cannot with PWprtMfty be c^leA holy in a|y other Segl^, under the Chfi^i^n Economy. The TeiilSen may be thus paraphisafed— Widi Re- |M^ toyoar QlMft^s* whether a belte^uM; HoAiaod 4]iH«#inff ^)N!^ 1N>^ depart frcnft her unbefieviog Huf- 'bmi I^CMl^is* thai the bdieiring^Fai^ Ihcmld iveattd cobiMM^ith the iinbeKei^ng, ptOffMidbe lat- ScrbenW^. The Eea^ on which my BUemuM- ilea bfamp, ii|hs»— Beideathe Coaimifid of God, Wi fiiUM hN»«^n of Marriafi; iHiicb i4i% tl^ iiiiiS^^ifetolivetfineihiBr; it b#%0fMfit)y '^fldmk UOfOkmt baabaeft1p!M#t^om L tttm Tiiinf^fwi, mmt] ntr tfri i|.4pil Htf li i ifciii' 'Wfe by ^ .aai- litirjili, 4ie {3^**^^^ ■ttt^sdt^m^ """^^^J^^. " , r. J V "S I i ( ' ^' ,1- *^ lNyA«l mA tbe Qvmmmk u tbe Oiiidrm of ife. luiootliiiColiifidnt|on» tlutt^^ ^^.^^ A mi ionvcda^OBof clidr Pttenct» or IW«^ Mmk biitdtttl'tlKitf M driftter ibiqf wlU be hrtm^ liNki dw Mtl^ iMia ui the Pnaioe of It-rthev tie hdy, Mtf m UM^ m CMftMnifc Th* ufiiwarfii tidlicc itlMiilllVtbeai into CoveofQi with God bf BaifirfD. jmrnmiUBn^. I hftvecikeo in the Apt^kslUt. iii||^ia^ie£ontest. This is the plain, fM^ Senfe ^AiPa^ttewe are confidering i and tromh^nce there _iiiismff0km1ff&^ and Evidence, that Infanta were then ;iti|^ttBd to B^tifm > and conif^uently, fhoold be ad- ' oiMKl ^ aliEo* ' • tdt«vadethfaf Evidence^ a forced Iniplpretation* of ;^^tat has been invent^, an gonerallf & the Cale» * Ttit bears hard on a Favourite Tenet, which _ kaie refold at anf Rate to maintain. ^' It is ^ Wd ^m uttdepi bare uMians ille^mate, and holf > li#» fiiiiie «r iUtiflia^' ' ' '' ^||#7teiieiifioME^^«ber In the Wonk, OfihjeAfr QsaHmpiiee lUa btef^^ ,^„.^ d^mmt^9^^ iilrj^tiiiate Chiidf jl^lMk. Nifif Is liie wofspviik^ thi^, aiM|^ t^^jwd hU A ___ _,^^^ CliW&iin ff Hei^eii Aienai, bom in WecObclE* Ig-hjifeiti/* M Ac C^ren of any Chrtftiat <^ #iliPir j^ |«c#|f sifilftiindean ^ the 4pdftle% 'Ek iiiasdi^' lj|i^^^ •^'.tn * pspitiiiPi if ;^ib foietgn fo >(| , f- Jt' ^1 B' - ■'( > 1, « ^,\ « *^" ."'"gey** ' 1 .*;i •"i'i^' T' , M. . *v ^. k' f '\ 1' M ' r' ■'^^rjH^ ►"C/- ^p3«iiiasi of i)i^ bdliiv% •• W ' ■ ' '' 'j'^^" '' ■ dOt Raifoii, M tvmkidt die Cprtifl^lai^l dil(^<!|illifcn o» belleffegttiena. on tii^^wnp. _^|lifttlm^ brtMcdiei^ t^ itt ^ Mih» »wi^^ aWlfc iioSl be bw^fc c^^ *^ifcirtjri UMltberdbrc tKcy (houW llv^tog^dier. Tbwt ' ' rlaftanceof Chiklneii beNig holy o# biptod M^jpi UNMUctition thit tbey wiU becdttcmd Inldbiir* f;.ibf 4^ betkviiig Pimb» it Only tf^roto«i ' r4ii4 congrni ^ A]Kiftk| 0eleniitn«tioii» Md UiibtHtm Ai0iiBll«« «ie^ ^mkS^^ TiMf biit no Cod. iMuSiiidmo^'SiMWi to mfaife oi" tli» of Hi M-to^iip^ e^u .SaZJ m^^m,- ." M -^'■'^^^■>s*$^s^^v#i*;*^ ^ppiff^ i*«n Lb>^^ J*; .:!iSi m "^ • - T-t .. ^^' 'S,.^H ■a4#'>^ ,'H 1#^ h |"^v'#^' fi.,a.>^'''t ««, "i.t.' <^»i .V'l': ,.^1;^ iCoritoancHebtlofi tbG6d ; But on lliis ifti#ofi itafe tiify wUjLlie rfjia^ in the Chm»ik i^kh^Mi profers* tti^ «re now hitjAfr-mtaimd rmMUm mto the C)^^ , US, u f laid before, w$t • ftrong Armiweitt t^ '" >rtiheA|K)ftIef Determination I and perfeAljf ani^ ^ to theKeafoni^nivhtdi be founds it. tiavfb^ the more fan in ejcplaiiiin|^^if Teikt, as ''^ »rapfo^ient Proof ihat Infiincs were baptized urn* ly at that Time. It has been oft6i eirpTain^ - " by the andent Chriftjans i aiid iirfgd in «^^.«rry by. fcrcral mo^m Writers, d^t^ bf die learned ind accllcnt 0r. mmmom. Ifjc ^^me liiierpittatloto,! biitjiia ?e^ alt fi^ tonk Jip Itoner fo'peiiM^ tKatnMnyReaderii»oii$| ^% ;ti«#^icnfion ^oni itfer P#ge In SMp; ^^. — •- ^ h^ ;t^J| Mi Ti *■' ^*^ghj- ■^'g*^^'^ ^ik^'" 1*1 •,«*fS'lr "Si p»''I-"VJ«; Ki' 'W*^^'" 'TT .It . ■■.'J .'y.yi 4* ^t^l ,1 tilled ifttliaKbleofj^ ^ :^ ^ , K«»ii^^|^iidptioii^fl^^ neibeairify ex. lead t»fA W whcNii^die:^ ktM4ci ami here the ' Pm»Ut i«ip|Mrcriry AkI m^^fo td ch^tr; Children. ITtepliiii Coiileqticiice of wltich it, that ' -- HMNiid be btpdted, tnd iliaDebjr broughi Di%eitfiitioii4 AndtbdffJC&ildfenreeiiii ed on purpde to prtcriide 8ii|r Objeftkuithtt WifAit be made on their Account, lomfreiiibradngdtciCEH ]Fa^k|^ hmhf it appeared^theirBencfit was coiiiiilted, ' ""*i|iie Frivilegf s fecurcd to them, at in tbe/ofi _,addii.. . , , - .. ^ . If be find their Children or lofmtt (houjU not bo ^ iMdy thef« will then be thit manifeS Inconff^^ncr In thti Aj^Hlet Wdrdt.--Thi| aMm* tbf Pr<Hnm irat madi ai|ita^to Fprenttand Cliildt«n» and urg^ii i^ Aeafon titer thif AiM^ of ilelPf^irldidnotlfplffSftt^ andthePi- I Tbelatii^noti«ltbl|andioethcf jpi^fe^ •ajMiriii. TWi li^ldbicliaig^g dk Apoikb Aittutoent ^'^ 1 'N9'^i^W Tfito iloSfe It ^i iiiiir i hii i#«iMiayi j© ^; |)g||^ 4^ the "■••^T 5SC ■%5-m-l^ tt fhlt lit w Lw' =^#^,■=•1!. ^f»'iH^ i' . f^ • A NN,^ t^t '-ti > \'Ia' I M> id ctii Bi»4btai^«^iiir MMm» In txv^ 95. uH tlitl in ordtr 10 leiMrvc tMr for fheir Childivii't Siie^:** Itwill nodnead „„ ^ For foppofimbii to bctnic wKkkitM mon^ r&&>^6nj^m, imc fM|)^o(rttNl with nmcli l^«>bilM^« ^ioii ft lUier the CAtU ihdeChildfca were tummm wi^ ^ the Iwconfiftei^jy mencioMd aboye feimilM sflitiForce,tfiiocfrcMer, Fcur theP«kKitle##liidi ^..^fooiiiBd a« lUiObii for their wcctvt n g) ^ [iia h i l » ym ^«i»Uf mm ci^ their Children, wsAf^^^m» iobeSd^ fcom^ Btjitifiii.^ thu Ewiiifitiiii ww^ '^?^s llpm. le^fc, iUm^* they weietdmiied into the iiiw jCMiiipcJV Aipcifin, yet their Chi ^j^ism (Mi^ ttiofts may i^iiif , ^ i(fipnr or Mtfli Acabce of a fttderd _ Wmlsm^^^^ >#>^nf » <>r o^<^^ Ordifiaocet : Itc ^%^^ ttie jefi m ^^ 'uch Notion. ThiEfy deeoMl of tiMs In* 10 Ooi* komihdKB niak:4heie Jew* NiM's thus morisd M #• Ae^> <^E»"% ^^f^ ChiUitn wcie not «»lw lUBted'^twr word* IniiM «%<i u* ccrtun mft. ,^-v 'I ibeir iiil|fapA of ^t ^^^mk^^^ m^ iHMwnfoin i soiicicia mm hmmw im imfte rflpif Forni, «fili iff tMi of pHB mm Ad^ ^^luiOtc* 5'l(tik)ia^ tljMMi wai done either bt^ iiiQSt, 9mi0tmkt£^ when Kit Deiign was mift||ken» ip^^M^ Ule voy diBi^t ircmi what 1^ sh^h fiid^ he retOffied • diftloa Alfff^er to'ea^h oflhele. 'A^u^iili, iiuirhiUf om^^ Here you have die fitefultoMiii JtidgMietitlii thlt Matter.?.- « TN£ffi^itM former I^irtoiiH^^^^ faiphc, « ia ver diidl jiertiiiaciQiiQjr^Tcte^, or, the Jfiipdm of Iitfaiita^ d^a unc!^ _^, „ Babes to ditlHhgerifirf ill e^^ *^'I^^lit»ni ^ii^iihere to mover; Sue «* an e«tt*ora^ whidi Godtoi r ' -^-•"■ «« to us I fce i&iti %«hog^^ •4^*ht^tM^mihio^ii0mo^Bt tdient^f iwir;hl_ „ , ^-, M Mm lies, rohiri&Ch^^<^liie:Gifti Gho(!^, an^ HlMeio t|i€ PrmHei%an. luopo^'thio^ fecel^GodS ^ %4 d4 #i(ite Seiileiv Jtkher, ddfar^ lai ayie«tl^Plfp6lltte^ '''»*Mi&''flAlliiilMllir Jtfe I'^^ ifiMti9ir^^ai^i#i^, C^a 'geaeiii; 114 i.«l«j|w# vV^ t« ^'•^^n»* K*-«?^ rvafifC^- .j<«j ^' . „ '')U( .■ . J>^ k ; ,■ Hi, . V :;;i:^-f^ ^ B^w^' tH ^■>^-<^<iir^ • J i , •*. >W^^. .. ' ■ <i(|'*jfe' , ;Hi'^- ' V .^/,_.,|U •■ ., ^ 'A ^rS^ U.i^-' -■V '' ■*p'mr:.m V.'- il-.,?;^ im ^if^^M ■■;-'^ T-:^»#^''4 mr^McS' ''■^^^'•C*-. ii ^X^^^ ^^^"^^" tR^^P fitf^bit fllidtf y»''<m Wv^: •'"v%' v^'-M^'^^ikT^^-'-^'^ ^m ':^r'f^^^:^^imi^ ^v?^ _ 'm%itw- 'T.ynj' as? ' . ■ J i'^:^%«i^< m -.r:( yfe '^';,^%ii. 43,i^Vf^»A 2»^. 'fi. •t^ . " -ftj ',1;,,,. 1 , ► 3I ^ t «' 1* '^ X f^' W^'''*' * . .V - ^4 •* . Qt f^eceuicy* vjamk intants are m uanger ot dyin|^ A&d "^ probably his $eli-Contradi£tion, M Singularity of Opinion in this Point, proceeded ft^ the Leavnin of ' Montanifm» to t^iictt he might fa%ve been Verging* Third Cbhtury. ♦ji^ LIGEN, was bom 8« iTjears after $t Jean's Jbe^, botdidii^ffiNjriflias a Writer tilt tbcm lie fitBdoaing jof the Third Ctatucy.^.pc W^ one of thr ipbft emin^t Men. who lived at thtt Timib, i bt Lc < l g iittLitt4 Abihti i i, He wrote \ and Comments ion tjpe Scrij ^Oi^p9*lof taaSL of thefe is loft:;, but we ha?e a l&iitb Iranflatioa c^ many made by Jerom and. s. - Kumnui. ). lie MttslnlbMn'M mailffm ^n^f" "..* <C.^I .^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) K / 1.0 t^m ■» Itt ■Z2 ui IT 1.25 : la IM 1I& 1.4 WiU 6"i I*. :/'■■ .1^- 1/ l<k * 1 • JfliJ^SlI ^Vt .SdfflK3eis Carporalion 23\WBTMAMSTRHT • , 'M»STK,H.Y. 14310 „ ! (716) •72-4503 ''*i*-. .j^,. ;^^.^.ri.-«^.,J|*iy^.,^ ^i^^:l « ,'<?^ f ,^^i!if' "v 'I ^-m^ 1^1 cr;'*^-f^ii*#^^ '* jp^-^-^i^j^**^ m0, H*/5 >'*f J t^t^TSfrifltoS lt.> :fe^^^ , ix 'ir. frt -i,. I? , J J«W^,»*«^Wfew%fe^ll^ ^A;sl'.v^\. -' /. ^'i '! , , i' . V ' '*'*■> 1-1 V ' ^ 14 •s , ' r '■> ' '«' i. ^ ' >.,r'/,?,., ' ■ 1 • ■ M', f ^ , vs^^-, ', fej/^i r^*' .■ '^% P^r is • ••»' wt. -.^/rf^, <«t:i'^l6 . •,itS, la Churches* dr adiOKt CSblMliM^ «^iiice in thcil4lt|i. If ntconlder wrMKfe wtv BoContiovetfy dmi about' &•« iliciAmic be fMi|)raedil^flioiM^'|»^ ^%ib B fc ,itt ' tie -P^thMT^^ ' in#iii| now bjr C%Mpiim|Qi%^ fc»fe -he woirid 'fciiiilil mM^MC SeeQHuQ4i«dTe9r»h«n6f» lull \ffyt^ d^<B|{Plhl^ OIK. 4fei?,ir mim- ^t.i.^*'. - ir^c,- /. i'.x^-.. r- ./>; r Vi. W *■ / ! ,t>*:"-. ?»f''^ 45^'-||MW*'^ *W mtm^iStm mMiWrnwrnHUk •5^ it'i -s fftd«rM|k<«« lill liiUi'Mbiii -tUft'di not iiiULuif 11111 ilii Miiiiii tiiiiiliii :^ - #**#¥. '*!.:«:* ^ 'i^'iT. </kr i.-^ t .;^: '^\ S* — "f"! — I : — "" — ~~~ ~ — ~~~ — ~~i : ? — ' ", ' .' 7 ' ■ }. ■ i^i^'vijr ^aj\.ijfcfeliw»a&^ .^<yi3ii&ffig j:.^ij«ti !^^S^aSto j-^'*^'*' - ** ^^2^*^^ii^i^*sy ■f :**'. '* mtk God. Aiif i«M W^ISoo^^tooirc^^ mt ftir AfJitkMiil/ Foltflflfliiitiaftbr NaciirabomJ^^ ^jK>ciMmMoii|tthi PrMlcges of Hie GoTpel State, |Mi%il(K%«d nr tlmi— if they ctlMiot bt idtt|Eted fo tbeft Prifikgef^norliiye any ioedenl Right to tiem ^n4^ Biptift|i.v cleitfJy follow, diattheyihoi^ Mhif^uii Thefe are ^ |>liln Scripture Grooodt lOO which PrinUttye Believers proceeded In this Matter. ! The firft Century aflFordi other Teftimofiies fintUar to 'JiKkfe now produced. T^^expea fuller ii uiuealbiiable m4 Abfurd^ aa the Writingi of thit Period, jiUchhave peached Hi ait foiew. andfthe Nature of tikj SMteu < tieafied of m th^m iik)h, as H»«nild no^^^ But the aeader ihoold oWerve. that as tiir firft Century >iPomitieiiGtdfrofir4ie Birth of 0^^ and both he Jind his ApoiUel Hted in it, whateterTeftimonies are ^wn fhun thel4ew*Telhuiie^in Behalf df Infant Bip- ci(m, are to be referred to the firft Centuiry. Eaich PiooJF fcom the Niw-Teftament for Infant Bakif^V in^ the »«irwr1SeaiMis, jr* Froof fi^ ^ firft Centiiry • Thi^ iiMy>li»ffe)EO obisiatt wharis^ f^ faid^-^iiid liud imlf;^imh^^ Ignorant, aiid prdud^thjnn |«ttiiftIVp^^ aftmdino JNooa forlitfiM .Many of the Apoftki 11^ ^^1% latter Bod of th^^^ one'of mm tp tlit * ittiog of the lecond Century i for St. John is fup- tDh«ve^iyi.Doito. i0|, His Q<%1, which W0^m^m^1^mtiStdssi&s^ Arguments in this Coif. $timrSfii^^lmtltM the Requeft of the Afiatic Chur- ^I^BBI^ ^ ixmfiite the 'HerefiM^^ o^ Ebion and Cerinthus, Hie Year o^Cbrift ^7j which wes only four Y^ar» ^^|p^»eath:t^.::.' J'' ,::-^j^,U:lk^,. .L. Aildk0|Mii^ ' jAiif iHJl in imiT ___ _ ] i kTItt <. 1 *«,». H(fa t of ';;?V')Bti I '^ ■■'•■. ** * -■■-.' . ^^ :''■:':■ tu ■ '•if \ s^fivei ▼ic t ©h 'A "' y^ *1 ^^ "Xm ' ' - aX Jii^^M'^lbMpliflliAi' 'f '.i: vi oondf latter, iltrto mable bhive But Nitury 6th he nvt tBip: TOof ktbe i raid <,th(nn tp tht is fup- VKfaich sCoif. Chur- mthusy Yj^art e Scrip- be cpm- tmr CO die Stcood CeaHuyi and aHhi^ ^ WiHle«r ilMif Autli0f» wii>wote in cbt 1^ lie IH^ciECiBCi cd ihew whit Ckuffdi WM then omctfii^ .i^' HAieVtaaii^cf ^ |. t%e ii^l^CMer ofi^ie Centinyv ii Jiiftiiil4y^ ^. Juftf a Wis tkmi onljr chm Yetn elixr Sc Jolm^ iliitb, and wii igdhvikfled to Chriftia^t when SO ^ «¥tfirt da. AlxHit leiren Yein after his Converfion^ i. t / 4torqr Years afiterjie Death of St' John, he wrote an ^Afihp for thelhen w riecdted Cf riftians; and ft^ mied iCy in their Behalf to die £«ipefor» AnomuHis 1^ He ii'laviMbcibiethe Emperor fome of the Doarinea >^^>of^Jtfas Chir$i particiilarly thofe rdadng to Chaftiiy i luldciietfOa^ Words rekiing to it, from the r |th and 1 gdi Chafi^' ol St^Mstthew*s Gofpel; He the^ ' T%s^«< Thei« are many afnong us off both Sexes,, who •* hare been profelyted, or made Difciples to Cfarid ^* «* fiomthdrChihihood^ and have epndniied b Aoc- «*Jeft Virginity 6o or ^ Years '.^ i ^ -^ • liris worthy our Obfervadon, that Juftin iifes Ihife 'liune Word hinrf, when he i^^ made tM^ oiples ffonr Childhood to Chrift^He ufes, liay, the yiverf -fimic Woid,^ i|Mi9«m9iiMmii, which our Sa- viour uied; when he conunanded tte Apoftlesto profe^ vv^llffie, or makePifi^itoof all NadOns by BatM^. This' f pSsinly fliews diey t were pfo(elyte^ i. e. tNmdxed id lotocy^ and diat Juftin oOls dKklisi Childm ^iA^es idia were dius defied t^^ Aiidai theie ..' • -^ •^■'wei#- A ,: •>*t-. ,-A m t, iMw 3jpifie of MfUff ^"^PS^mMSom of Ignttint an^ m^m*f» writtoi by diole who w«re preftiit wlieii dmr foftitd, ir«gtai«r with afew Fi^gBMits coUiSMdi by Dr. GrtbCk m fiit ' ' S8. ''-<::' ji- |s|* Mstt. i^pplifi (,ir^||i 0^ 1^ .0s« .-■.-' ^'^ It I '.^i- i ifc ip yi i0 OuML \» f. %fpTitfff £ ftvtfil YcMi iifoiv iniiiife>rfajia JhWiiV^iippnftigltittp, ill the Wonb fioiii Iiimi^pMviioct ftiid cowfeyiiiity '■lw|iiiid fwhtt f iniuimibte Miiklitrfe ol tiMtv^ iMfp lodakcA f ioilltiiiioii t;** ITIib OMUaM Umwi tliofe who life tbeir JiitieinMrtiici» nod dm 4»lM>|mrc iKfcspM * io CliiMlKNi4 irtioftUl i»^^ in $ioiM Vkgiiiitjsi ;die CMftiio IwmMlq^ Inftniaioqr «ip«bleof foaraMitdie CfiorEbio Xwmoelqf Inftniaioqr ^ die mAy^mk^miilfkil^ Bi^m; k the MXt Aiidior I IWiniiitf^ jH^ wiM-loAnidcd Sthc WttgtoititifltfChpaitiityt itai vi|irf^u«h Iff ^^ ipn^iifi«8^ lA#i 70 ¥tM»^ Swthil fit* Mini ^ cfaedJieitivaiifiiiMiM^ l^^kkfili^i ^Iftcfj who eiiifge* ht w«9l^ tibia* CMT^ ^ » fe Ilifi|iici» he »«lo^ ]WM iNr'Nttk OKI he faMaeleLe Itttlb iWiipigiitiiWpBljiyittttioiteg^ He«ia&» tioiiliiiitrtfllrtrlM^ heiojl n^memtr lo ^Goi^ «ilMptij;id,ei tgeoeril Pn^ce, M)Con(^uctice.o£ou|V •SP^^W^fti^'*P^W^' ^"'^^^^ ■" ' --"*.- ■•■,.fl -^^S: r ^,' '■■' J^ ■■ v. ~ . ." •;i*».! ■'■ .« -■ \f,' ' •«•• • ■ ^.v -•fe. i. > . ^. ' ( i T ■^ n. ► .V:. til et IM » 4hi fill km - /cei :- it 1 Pi £ K ml hi p At ' imi ► .,*» - if ^ < Ao JVGv <» ifm$S4^ w^ TKb Tcftinumy^iiig lb cxpliti^ and of lb much W«^, tteOppoKrtofliiiMC Btfidfin, hive done ail ttMj^mild todll|!arage and cradc it. But all in vain i at wm appear by conudenngthe Obje6Hont that are made m it« whiih are thefe two-i. It it Uid that this is only « barbarouit uncoudi Tranflation ot Irencus, and there- fbfcnot 10 be depended on. a. Thafclrtncua does not % Infant! were bi^zed, but rMnerate, which the MieAan conceive to be a dtfiereocThing. . ; ^/Ai to the firft-It is acknowledged that a great Part dl ^ Original of Irencus, which war Greek, isk)ft| and further that i£e oU Ladn Tranfladon we haye, cootaina many barbarous Words. But what then ? I do not con- /oeive that its containing barbarous Words, (bould pre- >rtot its being a tatthfuT Tranflation, which in general Jt is. Such Words can convey ourtdeu with as mudi Prectfion as thofe that are elmnt. |t is not the £la» gance, butFalthfulneft of the Tranfladon^ are con* terned about, and this latter ftands gninipMched. Caf- j^io and Baca tranOated^ New-Teftamenftnto La^ Caftalio's Tranttation la very elegant i Beza^a la. dba ^Reverfe, is in many Places barbarous enough v y^ it la ttenerally4ilowed to be more literal and jjoft than the fbi^ ^ler. The late learned Editorof Irenciiittn England, Or. ]Crabe,has retained thia old Tranflation, barbarous u it Is, even where he hid the Original before hiin. This he Srould not havedooe, had he not efteemed it on the whoIetobejuft> add itfiLcertain, that it is as faithful asnioft TraoQations, where the Original is extant to jeoa^pwelfwitiL" Thia TranOadon was made by ibme Ckrorttiin in France, while Irencus was alive, or elfe Wf%on after hip peatht, whkh gtvesit the more Attthorkyv ' ' Ppon the whole, thu O^edion is weak* fnvoloiis, and $Sf&£' not the Argument. It is only inaidk, bmufe none of anf Wdgbc can be made, and femediing to fave Appearances inuft be j^jeded: But it * + / u All Jg^ on Lfdithfi^ h ftmige to hear thofe obfrd i#die BiijbMbtf TrinflatkNi^ who have neithei^ OrigiiMlo^ traiil Uf^rout or elegant, to piodooa in Bdialf of their q^nion. ^v^ * Vith Regard to the ftcond Objeftlon-^It it mOft certain* that Irenasut, like the pribiifSte Fidi«ra iii ge- neral, by Regeneration underftood Baptifm^ and e!s» prefled It bf that Word. See an Inftance of thli from Juftin Martyr, at p. 54 of this ElEiy, and more will oc» cur' hereafter. It it pretended that Irenteut by Re||eoe- vadon, doet not mean Baptifm* But let ut hear the good Father himfelf. In hit third Book he it difputihg ^nft fome Heretict, who uuffht Jefut wat dinerenc from Chrif(, and that the latter defcended on the former, and only fuffered in Appearance. He quotrt feTenU Textt to confute thefe Abfufditiet i and favt—** Again ^ when Chrifb gave the Po#er, or Authonlr of regene- ^ rating to the Difdplet, he faid to them. Go and teach ** alliKationt, baptizing them in theName of the Father, f* and of the Son, and of the HotyGhoftf." Where the P^mer pf regenerating it evidently the fame with that of baptiziog. Regenerating and baptizing are Synonimoua Word^indiit Pkcc. "• Andther Inilance of thit we have where the Original It preierved, and the old Tranflation it u literal andjuft it poOible. Speaking of the abfurd Notions which fdme 0f theGnofticHeretics held concemtnff Redemption, am} their A^fe and Pervertion of Bapd7m,^-he fayiK— .i^ ^ This Sj^iet of Heretics wat ient by Satan^ tti' ** i{«^»«i'iir9li B»«irirfiliTt( mt uf 0Mf mmytnunrnfi fte the ** denving of Baptifm, which u our Regeneration uiitu' ""^ God, and for the I>efh:uaion of the whole Chriftiaa Faith i. People whbi *^ : determined to cavil, ma dilute, and nliake Diftinffiont to evade i ' * t Imi. lib. 3. Cifi 19. p. 143 I* Ircn. Lib. t. Cip. 18. p tt! \ I 4 r,. I' <■■• ¥ \ ■i r 4- ;t %*"" *■ tm w^ Truth ^ tlittc dnt nuif boc^ lod bow ir^ ifoat kivv |^ te^ aeiiH f iut it b impfl^^c for •^ovdit6lNtaAoR(«Mr orc^fweitchaiitliofiiiiciiecwo M l^iAifetv'are, lo^ IhrF (hac Irmcut alls Bapd^ by the NiMpc of Rcgeiieriiioii, Mifi itccounted tbofe wbo were b^ud» rtgencrtne. And fince he oientioni Iih hiicig «nd little Ones aqnoog thofe whdHiere regenerate* It tt evident bftuit^ were then hepdxed. There wu no bc^viAble/inaicuted Way bf ^hkhthey could be Meneikceto God— have their Sate changed* and en<i tercd into the Covenant of Grace. i. • The Teftimony of Irencui, it the mo^ to be regarded u he lived fo near the Time of the Aooftlet. Hf waa born before St. John died— wai inftnided in the ChriC- ^anFiuth by two eminent Biihopt, who were Difciplel vTof St. John I and uTertiillian obfervetof him— •« Waa f* a mof^iiligent Inquirer intojill Opinioni and Doc- « trinas v^; Ichorevatled in the Chriffian Church t" T% thismay be added. That he wai a Man of great Learn- ing, Prudencf « ll^ility, and Charity i and aa M. , I>upi^ fayi— «« % may be affirmed, that he wanted no- ^* thing^thatwas necrfliuyfortheQualificationof agood M ChiliHan, anaccomplifliedBiihop,andanableeccto* >• fiaflical Writer 4.** ^ ' - ' I 5. Clemens Alexandrinus was cotemporary witlf' Irenfleiis, tho' fomewhai younger. He dieo in the Be^ kinning of the third Century ^ but as he wrote and ppb- jifhed his Writings in the lecond, I (hall elds hU^ with the Writers of that Century. He was Mafter of the , famous Catechetical School at Aldumdria 1 and mv^ ^ towards the latter End of the fecoiid Century, probably ^ from the Year 89, to the Year 94, afttf St JMui* In many Places Clemens fays, we are reg^ndraiad by Water or Baptifm. Thus QiesJung of our Savioar»--« 'ie formra us om df tbeDof T f. T«rtttl.advtr.ViieBt Cs». e. p. i%|8. regenerated uswitli Water* i;. dots Bit cmrclUf mmdotl^ In fe ataf ^ theifCl<iifhfegt ipd lathtOiiiimcaiftlMf 0i0«|kl ijjitngii bt mentioiit the Scab they fl ioii. «< Lctoit'iiff lit, «« cbufe fol^. AiiiOMy)Cliir'UUii9^ be mentioiit the Setb tbty fliouMI uie fbrKtIr Rioip. ^ Letm," fiif t ht, «« cbufe ki^ •• our Se«l t Doire» or e l^ilh» or % Siif^-tod if toy onl ^ bet FiflitniNio, let hip be mindfdl^the ApoAli^i. . •• end of the Children thtf tic ttken out of the^tttr*.'*'^ Ttkiog Qildrenw fut t»f the Wtteiv ^m • Phrtfe bfH . licb their BtpcHmnrtt ci^figd, tccording to tlin^ vfutl Qiftom off plun^g dMrmi tnd thit Plo^ ntnii^ Ibftly ^ludtitDttielrBtpoi^^ Tothit tlib it it reot ia; z probtble, the £xprfflioiit Mn thtt Hjnk^ which itd lunofig the Workt of Clefnent» tlludi^ where Jduf ' Chrtft it ctlled, «« the iHreAor, the Guide off Inftntr)*.^ There wtixhen no Contronrfy about Inftnt Btptifnit » no more thindbout WooMnyiBoe^ify the Eochtfi(^,>^ or the Ltlty*# i^omfnunicitbi In tmt K4ndt» reaving * thtjCui^ttwflUt Braid- fd >peft ^henfom, thtt > eo any of dMfe Mntt» tt it chey had been cgmtroverted, would jmnniialpntblc* Thn freqttently drop Hintt,-* nhiih faliPliirly l<tfr ihHr ml^- h r-^ \ --* -^-ff fj[tt ^g|in^d »er<piBt the Judynent of iN!^ who ti« > ; ^T^^H^t^Mlan dkl ^ tiUnetriheMddlf c «niiMKi mA ifiotn manrTbngi in^Uie lati^ &d of ^ thellMid^^C^^ hn.0Mf l» conWe;f«d tt a .Writer f ing. llliiMlM 1^ toaMyr iniwuif JxiMeMt. fi|||li^ t« Cip. u. ^ 92. . ^U'' ^'. . '■• 1 i •/• i. i^ . ^ , Ah ^^ on /iifiiil Bi^fl^. I9 Llfei litftllinlotlitHff«^o£Moacamii, who ctlkd hlm^f Ae Pacackiff, or womfortok promlM by our SiHpar. .KT'.. ^: ' ' *^- . ■>*'. ;■: Then ire nuiny Ptfllam in Tertullian which (hew thitChUdten were bepdied in hii Time 1 pimiculirly thefispofidoaliegivetof 1 Corinth. ▼iiri4. which is much the tune witb thtt I liave^fen ilreedy *. ^ ..Itiitrue« he edvifei Che Delay of bringing Chmiren to l^>ti^m 1 1 and Antipoeclobebtifts have laid Hold on thia, u if it fenred their Caufii. But in Troth the Paflage laagainft them* and ia a plain Teftim6ny that . Inf aiits ' W|be then univerftlly bapdtad. For, i. He therecon- tfjMjifts what he iayi in other Placet, a. He deliver! it a^ nil private Opinion, and only advilei, that the Bap- tifin of Children (hould not behtftencd^ but in luch a "^.Manner tt pUinlyfliewt the univerfal Pradice to have D^n otheriAre. For thde ate his ^Words- — «« Accordinj^ ^ to eveij one's Condition tand Difpofition, and alto ** their A^» th^delayingof Baptuin is more profit- ** able I elpecially in theCaib of fitde Children. For S ** what Occafion is. there, ^unlels in Caies of Neceflity, that the Sponfors, or Godfathers (hould be brought into Danger ? Becauie th^ may fail of their Promife by Death, or be deceived^ by the C^hUd'a having « «• wicked Dt^fition. . Oorl Loid indeed fays, Ftrkid ** ihm m$ t§ €9mi to m. Let them come iheretore when - *^ they are grown up — Why (hould i^ieir innocent or ** gliOflela. Age halten to have Fmj^vneis of S^iis?^' (lere the Reader mav oblerve, that his meotioning^pon- {m who p tdeh t e d Children to Baptifni-<~his afliing why they (hould haften to it, as weH as the Tenor c7 thfc whole Paffiige, evidendy imply that the univerfti CuiP torn was Ctbajpliae them i for#hy cUt f&ddh»idvife fhem«gatnft it ? Would it not havt^baen^vi^ a^uitl to advllh d|^ ag^ft wliat w^v^ prtt^Ued. tir y^f '* IWtilBtt. Bii|ahai;'l^ifl|i f. ilHU^Qwf. IS. '^ ^ '^ //f •/• 90 ^Wvfm^^ |. He advifes in die itine Piftee, diafe itf iifimirri«cl Per-- fons— thofe who were ne^^r mtirrkd, at welt fi tlio6 ki a Sttce ot WidowMbd, (honU not be baptiird, imtH they were fo far confirmed in Continctice at to be ^ft Danger of TempcadoiK Hit Words are— •Mh«r nofcfa. «« Reaibn unmarried Pcrfons aretobekeptfofv i.e. from. ««, Bapdfm, who ihay fall into Tempudon, Jb^th thofe *• who were never igarned» on jfkccoimt of their coming «« toRipeneis» at well il thofe who are in WidowhcMNlT •« thro* the Loft of their Partner j until tbej[ niarry, qi; <*^are^nfirmedinConfihence^'* * I ■ l^hitOpinoiiitjufflatgoodinthe Ca&of uniiiar*^ riedPterfont,to dehiy ^r9#p01m, Win thatch Infai^ct^^^^^ yet Anabapttdt do not follow the former. (Jpon t|Me whble, Tertullian here gtvet full Evideiiice Ibat Ihf antt . w^re then baptized, and he hitnfelf allows of It in 'C^ of Neceflity, fih$n Infants are in Danger of dying. Aid Probably his $elf-Contradiaipn« M Sihmilarity of Opinion in thii Point, prbceeiled ft^ the IJiEai^n of Mqntaniim> to wliicb he niighcWe ^n Verginfi. - ' '. . . ' .• . *' f /■ Third Cbmtury. ' ^ ■ ' ,.■'.. IIG£N,.wat bom 8« Vjetrs after St jobn*a Death, but did not &arifh at a Writer till , , |M[imliig pf die Third Century. He was jne of t^ ipoft emiDent Men. who lived at that Tim^fc, ibr Lcmng and Abili^ He wrote. m^nyi Mt^uliily HomUiQft aad (Comments on the S^rij TheGredkOmiudof mofl of thele itlpft^v out mt hate a tiiitiik Tranflttioii df maay made by Jerom andt C Ruffinui.. ' I "Cmil* UU* Tie ftgacioaft .Reader, Idoaht aot, ftetfion* he eMmm" pSShum fa9m% jnul yetL „_ _ _^ ** Uk^iim'^/atKifdi iwiitefol becaafe «a^Nm» X v »; hit' Tra m ' tjfco gini colli Ofij dia • Err< « 1 *«:f « I «^ I cbi Teil r —if » imtil nokfS: ?• ffotn. ity of rtSn of tig. *V' RiblQt. JcromadWfid i^riaiy tothe Otigiiiftl in all hb TmflilMifit* isbimielf declares : In the Preface to htiJliaii^aikMi <>fOrigen on the. Canticles, he ftys— - •• Tliefe Traas I hare .tranflated rather faithfufir *;-%5^liw*}y+'r He iays much the fame of hi TrailSlaaon of Origen^s Homilies on 5t. Luke. Bifhop P^oo ohfenres how eiaft diis TranHation muft have iieeia,^fien|tuffimis, after cornering it with the Ori* giiialtiien ekiant, on turpoie to find Fault with it^ SSlS'l P^^ ^M^^* ^^' were not in th^ Qn^^.^ And yideed Jmm'sTranOationsofOriffen'a Wg^wet^ip Itedandtw^^ chargpcfWiih p^diftwyig :E^. particularly thofc conSined ia M^w^Pfu^ he. ^^OJg^^ i^out approving, and hia SS^S^**^?PSr»^^'"- ^one can have theleaft f^mJi^«a^ a^nft Ruffinus |. '^^^"^•JiJ^ %s...«« I will here ^^^S^Sh!^ ^^ Inquiry among IS^^v^l f*«V««>«pt«zedfortheRemiffioS ^^ *^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^J»« Time did they fin? «vOf1i^lii|aiiyR«Ubnof the Lavtr hold ^^ ^52^^^?^ ^^'i^^Scnfc wc meiSonedbe. ^^^i^^^?^^l??S^*^» becauieby the « ^^^l*^— the Mlutioh of our Birth is q^trifent on m Epiftie to tlii Romans, he adds withal •i^^rt^ i^ ^^^ Via! t t .■'■i,;'-^;'ir tftJl i^ VI ? Sin, «« dNrCfuBireii iiM^ » "TlWfdo^ tM*^ ^« from d^ AMWif tt^^l^^ It would be |me t6olg«ft CO thefeM Tmiflationt wtre l|teMl»^^^^ ^n«l» tndAeQsAb^ioilliMiW u his Tranflation; IzfBttfghiiidbkrM Au Origen beingcaimiii^cdti^ then in Vogue, Mmu tlie C^nle of lik iall|i| |ilta k^^^ nl Errors coiM^n^ the SoidW Fm^mmm cte lt^ttil6li|)»^ ftttimi Sttte, aic. Thffio EriOfiiiiife i^^ £beniiet«*-for He )iad icivera|«r-«ve together i|Mt:€(^ be wiMd to hli fli^lipft^ never WfsUiiiibd ibr teidibig I3k BbmUi. of Inltai Biq>tifflt, nhkb h^4^m-tod(ptM}^hAm^ Eyen Jerom, wliQtrMifiaffdmfnf olTftk^Ji^^ demned hii £rftirs.in che^Diteie he had #ich IMIiii vet never Wfinei Um inr m iMiit All iildci|i«o- ly (belli chiC Infiun Bi^tUiQiiii v^SmtUk ilfffi^^ and prafticed« Forhaa|tbee9deeflid«a^XfraK(#l^ cageriyiyiiildOtigepi'^Eiieiiiiet h«^ ti^ tMl^on It^ ^cMpito wiH^k? But tlA ^Wpll 8. 0j^ran, iWh^iof Cbtlbtt^^BtiliH$P^ Middleoffhe Third Oin^r,,l£ii^ ter d«ft Afottei. 11^ bi^M^v for % litler, d ^|*i tefi^iadnrfti^ ' Jc'iHii'iilMttwiii a GiuiitrfiMf 'Of ,ftii,.^lli^«ri> ^ '^Tiai fti.l^rillNi,.ini |, ■ • -• Wlf^ *#1 •'■•-■■';'^ ! ''.: I., wilk^ S,:;^!WilV A« 4^ on hfwKj^iJUl I ^ PrQiimcirido,aiA Pi^oe 1^ which Bafitfin IntaAd,^ I (hill now rojite t|i« Anfwcr of *p;Couiicff>vto.(tfclt if* Wf ; hate jtradrlyoiit l^tet^ moft ^r firiOtlifer^*^ V , And «f to what concerns th« >Caule of Infaat^ wh^ !5i^^ not Jbe> Uptiacd, yoii fty,: m thefc<ibnd of' |tthird Day after they aire bem,.«ndxhatthcLaw of n/^aiwient CJrf»miiijB6n Ihould he cobfidcred* fo thac ?f lyoM imagioe none (hcH»d bfc b»|)ti2cd and fanai-r V frd^h^ioic the eighth Day atoiitUbotn^iiWe all . g.Ofithc Council were of a.qutte: difiercnt OpIniOir/ Fofygf to whJjt TOP judged fit, toibidow, iM>toneofuV ^tijj^ of youj-Mind > bgt wc aJfjiidgcd the Qrace^ato4 «« Meir jr ut God^wete notto he denied lo liny iha^rifp f IJWi»:VHer0^lliey ^ve ihi?.»^o«iir%ihe (Rute ©e CiircMiiidapn at eJghtDay^ old.was to be laid rfide,' an* W^<*fi5f vtti with Ke|;ard to Ba|>ii(«i i jmd Jheii prot SipewforewethJnk thatno BcrfdB^i^ v!!^ *??V^*^'^'*'« iheGrace, i. et Bapt^ hy thic Lawi N'^#bich wii©w«pi§infted J nor thi^fpirittiir aircumcifiour •^i^Jllefcibp^ttitfJan are moil certaihiy *f^mm Graojof Chrift^^Biit if iWy Thing AouJd4Kr4Mt* « qWlacle toP«ptole*^i^ *cG»iitcrii^Adi*^an* w Growi^ andoWerPerfoniw^ldltatto ^(^*^r gn«iW? $iiwi > Moi¥<Hn»i ftf , tlta,grtat*ft %^mmmr widihofc who' ]h%fe Jnwii invdi orain^^ •« G«>d»ihavethft lUrmiflioii 4)fi Aejr ?im grartiwiSiein;^ ^« atlCT they hav^ and „o jRichT^lon is re!' VA^wdfi^m*^ Hownmk •^ left Reafon ismmm Jorbid an Infanu which bei <^5 wkch iw an^nl^^ ^^coiiiet^^B^ « * •x ^'^..i.-i as ■ m^ ^W **»!''' t * # ■ a;-&-;|i'>A.. ':(5^' ■ Hi )» iiii|t%Uq#ii| bittiviibibavft aiit^diitiiri .'.'S '■ -f > ■ >•(.'■ ' ■' • ■ ■ I. - mtkim Brother* di^ was our Opini-^ , iiMC |o #«Hb«<4hk»M be icftraiAfd ti llnwilikdSlio^ 4ir God* ^«ilio b iBct^M imd |in^^ V concbrnbgiitiVtifc^^^^ cHlitk conbming .■^^' ^ HdpawdtlMDIvtiMmrcy^aiv the rather beMaitted if. ibecXuie thai bftheii^ weeping ftMwitlm^ irheil ihe^ %^i<firft,c0me i^iloi tiiei fWorM, they ib^atei nbthing .¥ ib much u tiHieyict implo^^ / iitfe^£«|data^|^Itffmoii, cQiw^^ Jkiiii^fiSMjifliii^Stiic l#lk. ^^^)1^ hiHi^ ihoKrllVlbkilttg iiij }ri»M libt d^i^^ti^i^iim^H^ i^tMwtTjr^quqe^ 1^^^ in the Pelagutti ^oin iiiiwttS^iigUie88idelofihde Bdb^miiom\ni^(^^ £4 mi tAuilR» III <me gl hit IbtiMi^:i^ ■#:>M Wcflc^Cyllliii .^^ MM^iif f|e# l)iN^» ^fbuCriEthend «0jm un^^ Falthbf |hi lAur^h i«^i^ 4i#iiufd t|^ who'lthou^ IhotfiitW Ug .h^CK^imi^ymmmMitk^ end idlpia 'Qli^iiV^or^hisIiSM^ ^here am loiher tiifdaM^' ', -'5 Jl V,. V ■i'.- ,•■..»• ' J opeor ill ant nnoa* ait Jiilha^l^iPljMXL^thia -i — ^ 6Mf ihaC mnitt 1 «f" "fC;^. 8|iL 6f« adfitoi. p. 15I— i6i* ,/ y: " \ '■ " . . . . . ■ . , **o "wrote ta*^Wto«ta Cwfefo»fefyo^^ !^^**J*« <«"«». •«*! legittntag of the aftS * cSrJS"**!**^ »»1«fia tt it wJTvwgS * Wb Peifcaieiiiii tfcb Life »« WS^»?^S T* riS-**V?^ «wy g-pt into Hburifteff ^ 'tte ■• Ml i;)oubt— Foi^vbat Aeafen are Wanti ixatiud. ♦"• ■U.v 4 «iwl'trf?*'**,***"^ "• *V«««aMS5f )f$> An jySgr oil Irfw^ Bi^Hfi»: .. •• ATnt0'i TMtin Baptifm tbfir Si^i ro«y U JW 'v"^?lCi|To«. W they liicurrcd ,t b.pf •^ Thing loofed that itm never bouml ? • ; • o*%f •• Attio. Doyou aik me ? Tha^ trunipet of the :her of iro' aU 'ji^fih «vi» w&iif/twh bsdn^JmmafieK lift : ^ i^^MWkAtaw^h'mi*^ Rotn. v*^<H.Hf, ^t iaan^ Ift* «^ ;&|it^ IS U>oied JkiBainiim I^ of his l^ora- ^irattir I he that is dT^Ag^^r is.by i^p^ ol thrift. l*:Jx^UtlK^\^lk,^^'^^ that which ;;M' iide^^vedii^ni^iobtb^ ^-';.;' ...■!.'." ■■ ..■.;>n;,"i -j ; :;^« Afid thatyoo l»iy not ^nfc^^^ ?«^iri^ ^etical, ^if » the bldTed Mim jCypniiiffTr ^ te Wiot^ to Billiqp:^^^^ ^ pi^j^ $1 j|## ihe ^ofiiMjf^ ip*jdf I ^ik 1 r ' ■' ♦ i» -^^ .< <• ^r» Vi ^ ^"-'-W A' lUmr of the of the all.ihe %* ; an III'* isFora- tthrift. t which J *?; . i',; iflUttedL 1 >i ,' An i|^ on A^ Bijp^ • f^t ^ The beloved heier mentioned wat Origeny icMbi; of whHfe Errors the Pelagians defended. He taodhi a lW>^ exiftent Suie of the Sou), in which it finocd. and Im' which it was punifhed in this Life. • ' * ii. Auftin fifeqiiently ufed the lame Argument with f^rom top^oveCfnginal Sin agiinft the Pdaffains. 1^* qaotet many Texts to fiiew that thofe whom Jelus Chri^. oaOieto lave were Sinners, and in a loft State. Fromi which he inferr^-»^That thofe do not belong ^ hii"' Diipenfation, who have no Need of Deliverance andSiU*^ ▼atton bv him. Confequentlf^ Baptifmi^ not necefliirf < f6r thole who had no Need of Forgivnefs, and Reedn- !^ ctliatioawithGod* But fince it wis acknowled^^thai^ it was neceflary to Infants to bebapti^ : It follo^edi' that they were in a Sttflfe of Stn» and ftood in Hobj ef^ Pardon and Recoiidiiafion. y >-:l "^qnptt died ifbf Sinhtrs/' (ays he, «< and if Irif iiHttf, j^ vW^i^lt is ceitii%/<ik^inmitted UttSiti in their Lile» * .«^ W not held Cd^ive under thcf OHginal B^ (ft SiH ^ Mteher : HowpbChrift^ who :>Md for Sidnei^» ditf ' ^t Ibinchtml I^^M^^ir^nokdifeafi^ any Siduiefir' ^^f Origin^ $ii^%>hyaf«thefca»fled^^^ Chrift^ thtf' P Phylkian, to^riod^ the Sat^jfitkienebf $alvarKgi(-|^^^ «^ j^ pious Fdkrl^tteir Friends, #ho run %if'-^'^^^* f*^ to it f^ Why bitmi^t Ikid to^thiraPia the C^ «i Carry bftcR ^ii^ innocent Greakuret : Tfi^- «<' ncM liibt a Phydtian. but iliey that «« llckff IS^IIf^ ««^ eanfe tiot td leaU W IUgh|!(^ buif^^^^^ «« Sloftrangeathilig^everwai iaid, MPverlkyl^ ^" M iv«r wilf^ iUdr Uti the Qmdt^ 0# Glnift ^:* > ' A^n, heilyi^^ Now therefore finccthey, i. ji ^'* '« 'pSaghws,f £^t)to iiif|intimuft|ii feittpdM u n#f «<'^og able>'fO ng^' the A:adi6f% .of the ii^fo t *^Chl£dh; v^lmpi ^9iibci^4l^v^red%our t<oi^'^ •* and his Apo^ I ^^ ^^^ confequently grwst diac .?iiti>*> Ctp.gr6. *t ./■ / v" / ■. . :1 *%'■ ^ «• dfth^Fakhf^Uaii^ip being ;• Body, thcjr miy be recpiiciM x^m God •.•? ^ , j^ -%^»^Umag l^.chfrewM a Mjddje^tp betWn BNveo aod Hell, ; to iftiich. they, fimoftd, unb#|Mtizeif InfaQtf went. From hjpnfe they mii$D « Diainaioi?; lm^tta ^^vadofli m^ ^ Kfiig^. of; HeAyenf a^di IM» jlJN fi^Koe miy b^ r^^ a|?ho' t|bar did qoii go. ^mfJhagihm, J% itmobtbk th^, hjW HeooMfie m ^Notioa toeveftt^rti^f oi^of tb«f Arguwiit as^inilv tSm^ai^rA from UpM^illg Infcw > an4' tha^ cheim ' ^ k flpmi 4|«)lii(|U)eo^,Coi]$(le^ Frinfj ^ ii4i«n A«y a^^ jie^ b#pii»Ki; t JlemiQ^ Of^^^ tliil tjMnr; inigbt. obtMili ih|g|dom <^ Hibtven. ^ ^'i^v f^tJ "^'v . i^ * *t* 3^ NfTtiofl . ot f :14i44k Sl»tr. and 5jQ|iwtt ofi ; I &<pi|(|f |i^|K||g|, nvMl^r 8|ii|i, whicb« ^ f^ *0I. J?^ /W^P^«W4;iofl«^ iti^ %gfirMoiitb»fei|fcfil^ kin^i^ ti^liiftg^i^^^^ MiQ^iKtbat^)iievoK«i^ rf>^ SPf* ^^^ofit^Mgit. 4( Rem^. Omtnfidftff. lib. i« ?6 ^4^-' t- ,-4 • V! * " .'■ {■ ■ ' t# ctWffn HFit tn^i •«?!!& I. e» Md wbkm .' ^■^■ .-i,.,^^-0 V ■ II »in^ -^-._^iwfirt*;to^^3»i|to bom ill SliH indiiimiieii ot WiilKi tfie ikigy be mnit^ ^ QjiMiSi^^mm t'w briefif recite the Opinion pf fo « jQfthiMwtyr^ in IHi tM\ idg^of oof Sa^oOr^s iBaJic^it^ .^^ ,, <^lMdw; fk did' ndrc^Ae^filJfRi^ <« caoff^heUiiiiiMn bib iiA<^l^^ «< tkit'ilicSt^lil^irD^l^^^ «• rieitbe^ did htt^ AdM^lt ib V foik 0iA cmS^i d * of the Sciptfnt; t-*\ ^ iRnr,' f t trib w Al iii»' lofthif^ i« wtyh the Qicoi&ifidn'of^ainir fatoifiiif, pittd^ff . ** offAdw, vMWhdiA; beirt^l^ / 1^ detdv«^P«Kdb#Q^Ghri% by-^hm' bdi^jiiftl* «f tfliliiiB^ ^ jlBiiiL Bwi 'P>:^:h K iI^Cwbu ?^^ ::.j|- ,;r*ii .I--!..: -.i , \^f^mjhfmit§i^l/l$s %i^!^^^^M^^ the Bctttftaiiigft I ^t ^hao. if •i ^ U^^ yc^*;*<pftof tfe|fltyri|iWBg there. W &^^^T:2S^#^ fjbfrTWuil tbiH iSe per. lFyM5«-*4*iiM ^ly II It W Duty to feck after; [3 5'?^'»9**jf^i^^^ had. butlfaikvei ^^*'3^?W ^ 'Wnifed tQ,thii Divtnd AeTr Sm-doomed. With their F<^ty,, ;to Labour wd cc .'V'' / «2^?^1^ ?^ ^^5^ 5*N#59^*^ the :0ii?jne ^t.S^'?»Wment..-Go<f dkJ noTenvy Adam when he trie. cK?j3M * -5! l*e hotti crof cM ig there* ftre per- lEDJikif Ailktk ik iter; 3 Divind Mempo- s De^eb,^ » fecond ^rlMddcii ctatof idiiir for ouriirtd :ctrpthc s Ffgiti' ig 4at Nrhemhe ibrWd W^ %« recra^reti liiil ChUdrtw Mdlil ib«* diiPM|M't IT M lihetiCmidi^ IhMildl^ M qiofQihoutd Wf1)lief €Wav'#lio b^^^t^ V all f^^BIs DifnbrcHBi^etill^iNltiieirft T «.« firmed out of Bu$Sh» ^^MiMM «lie'tiiii#Ul f^X^pulfidn thence, tudofilt tlMbi^*E»>lli wliltk aneiw * H|e then proceeds to tfiew how Mill il delitered ftofli thele Evils from .the Pollution of Sin, and reftond Hi Paradife, after' the RefurreAion, throP Jefui Chrift. > 1 fretirut in manyPlacea, Contfafts chieEVifi hvooriit on us by Eve, with the Benefits we receive from tbci Virglii Mary— the Difobedience of Adaiti« with the Obedience, of JerusChrtifc. He declardi*-*^ tha human Race, in V Confequrnce of Adam^l Sin, by the Subtilif cf iStM V Serpen^, to' be' bound oVer to Death % bur ladM ** from th«>re Bbnds by oiur Saviour f. Thdi Mm Mt ^^ formqd in the Image of God* \m that Image^-^ <f thai^ we became Offenders; Ocbton/iiid Bnemiei'tQf *f God, by Adam's Siii— rhit ife werii tn^ Oimlfttlr' <« to thfi Devil 1 But ani^vered by the W0f4'|ki& V Chrift^-are formed aifeir in the Image of^l^gdi abd V recon^ed.by ^he fecond Adamf. TKat^wkiteVcrwe <• loft t^ Adam, as to the image of God, me woilvar «* again by » Jefus Chrlft..^.^^_^.That' - IftfH^bmMl' \V the drong, loofed thof<^ that were weak^ ^iAttWed* *| Salva^onupon Man, who waa^the V^c^UW^^mA" ** Hands, deftroying Sin— that he flew Sio# inade *!( v^id Death, and raifed Man to t fpiritua! Life|.** And^'firequeotly mentidni fiaptifm as die ordinary Meana by which '0epuukt of there Benefia ^ : ^ f .0' , ■ • .. ,1 ^ ■ ,:,■ <■••.'':',< '•.»'• 9^ %pM^ A^ii^^^M Ktoo» tei|.toa,i f im. adver. HeriBi lib. c. Cap. io» it, Wt^**J * 't :^^ t Ibicl, Uh. ). Oip. aQ.^> , Ibid* lib. It Ctp* i8« . I «r •• 4.* f '««4i« lib; 5* Cap* t5< \-i I ) >'. . 'I t^.ji'. • % m; .pioiMs tnd tccom- 'mgkMlimt^ fktt filch Book/ No ^f^tm^l^jf ^ ^»^ Fall in Ad W^ ilm lie'lKct,^ Nor is liclefi'cl«tr and llH>liiiip»| fili Siri^-^-and our X$;, M|||i(ka^4i^^ to God by Jffus Chrift, flrlM»ithc5feii6dlilhe«« fecond Adaibi" that Iqi^lljim iM i|it to britoe#ed| have the Divine Iimige pflfofedtOiUfv indfliudlyrbe reinftaicd to oiii loHeiced Hetipoi*! . . ". r • .^ ^^:?'^..'» .. - ■ ., TmuUiiiiV*Opiiiioflup9^lit ItofiiO'PftilgeaiiiM ihMa hiiil«]V S4* Thirlndced; he contradidcd, whrri ho Wi iiiioibmli ungular Notioot about ddayi^g Baptifih; OOdindlfied lo Moficanilm* But chat bii SehtiiMit» iiffeidieiMVl0ii|A tbii Mnl^lriih ocherChrifttaro; befbrtf 4M|Cvl»j9MMt«)»^ 11 irridonc from feveral Paflaget in hit* yMm.K BufOeallrlT^ In MrBook oU tht f^hmnif «f lAa..JMif «* iillvhich,? liMcDopinobfen^i, 'f fiiicef 1«t||PCtdOrll«tfjMMiy Fobc-ft^ ofcj ^*llpilliDlft|» wo magi^Ulve itwi •^ vmm^yftion htfihpMMfeii^frofo in tillcA'Pli^ %^ TcnutUa^ ^S^]^0«U Stou^ tbi Aogel of Byil'i-^bf whorf^ fM^lramlfreiil^ chathc^ *" " * ihf poninuuiii^nt of' God, and wai( \Xo Ikicbi froln'hehce cke^ whol^ btmi^it ittfoAodi'andpnrtdLek* •i^5Wili4IlM0mna*mi'j? • - - / . f^ . ItJfvotU&ibrt too^MioM' to r^He^ Teftiiii6itfei'of ^4ltthli^»Eiibflff!/bcfew^ P6la|ioi. The Sp«cJinenItteT6 ' let down fiom thetarinAlortheint willihcircheir 5enti<iM 'I litnts on diit Point. The reft i^ g^eraTrun in che fame; Qnnodi »cmi^hc|iQ«fpdci^ iHanyt hetaiH tained laughi Thi f« ifiMMd bomi oTiBa] nocen »« am 1»« wii « hd ^^••fai '*bafiii *« thf ^« fin •« ffi ' It meat Alk fom t'Wibial Sin, •nd out F»ll « Adwn. He. MM. ' StbTAwHwo* foiwi n«w Opiiuw, i»*M> >««"«» Sried further thwi »«»»«~*^^ "**'"''*. ^T*^ ftetwKtht rtotbing tb«t w« n«», Th«.Doaiioe » «««* uu^ht by theChriftiM Cfi!«^. »f> we^^ **"'*'*^^ * ^Ubiiog-tteCafc •nd^theBjp^n. ••'J"*"^' •w founded^ the Andemion thw Doarinji to occ»p. Ifeiied fooie to rtpoft of PdMJu*. who^au^** J^w oftBapcifm. 01 thi. he* om^niMd « • .Jj*^.*;!;:', iwcent, Bifliop oJ »«*». " Meo toid« iw^ J«ytl ,. he. " a»il l!<»eniedtheS*OTme»«olBaptlfiwWto»^^ M withiut Ihelle«kil»pti«»0t Chhft. W*«rc»4 *wr . «• bwd, nQiiefeii of ..^f impkwi M***^*" J^J** «».f«,tM«£ W«ntt>" VJ» th«nhB« flwM* "•• ^> ^*b«IpSed- " Ppr who ii «» igno«»n(i<rf'w««j'*'"«f »» ^fUecdWiV- f»y iti * AiA. «hy* '**»;^!I»tJl!l!?. »* Wocd* , irtm can -be fc( int^ofu •» »' ■'*^;j"'*"t. "' f» nMtae thenwiAft ofithrfOknfed^mirtJ.HeWMT ^jMHl k «ti»fi«rirar ki^aid; «« •*» '»'^*'^ JJPT ■ ' It fcould be obferyed, th« Peliffu* wm • Man of no meaJPartt or Leaniiiik^ Hfchad not only tr»veU«4 tcmetTiKm N**n*tof l*«M«l«»* ^w»>'"^ •ff ■'A . ■ m f Apia Aiig»ft. Ibtftt^. Origin. Ctp. 171 l«* / ' ■N t <?■ ^^\*^!.V ^1 ,'i m'o <*■ ^.'r 'f i#4 ^ jfif^ 4lie^^fghakni ,4niwh fbm Ihftnt Bapdrrn, to Wve Ori|ifial Sn ^ ind altho* it had greatly ferved his Catife to i^roduttt any Inftance iwherc Infant Bapc tfni was hdt vfiKT, orti^acicwas but alltePraaice : Yethe could ^doneither. •'*'' • ■ ^ • ; v^^n:. >urh; 'v:'--: ■ >'.■-".. ;b..iTr- • :;^^:^ : • Thefie%^ftimonies iof the primitive Chriftians being io ckArin Favdur of Infant BAptifm, and Anabaptilts liOtWi^hgaity Thing of Weight to oppofe tothem^ en? deavburCb evade the Force of them» by finking the Credit of the Fathers. Thty fw— That Infant Commu-* ition,' ^ ^aditiiniftring the Sacriment ^f the Lord's Stijp- per ib Infants^ was ks fr«f«nient in me'pAiii^iye Church' ai Ipffaht Bapdfm. Thit lK>th were Errorsi which crept intbihe ChUrth ^ and firtetth0 Fathers were confefiedly wroi^g iH^oihtof Infant C0mniuiiion,th^ flioi|ld M^ be d^raicid Wirongin bajp^ibglnfisnts. ^ , > Hai# Ifkdlf^ ii the Fate of the p^^^ Their Ufl^ ^rte dti^ot^ to theirDivine^Mafter : in his Ser- vice iheyOridtnrent painfull' 1^ hat^ «id ;^^ Sidcftl^ Aftar eshibtting IHuftri^ 0^ il^^li^ of the Pfki^ of fats*ftdi»^^^ ¥ery muhf ' ofthim i<m^itwithtiieir'P And^eveirnow, their ' Alfa«t ire'ni^t jpmnitted to?fl«e^ in P Kew Pcirfe- ' cutiofii^i^ lyuMf «gji^ th^ For ktjhetr Writing^' but ccmtrldii^inf liew, i^ft^rc Ofnnicm^^^^ F^iUng^<-<4i)idl^]^^ in^dv ' liaH«^^.^^t9itiH^K^ l&f^mrikfidt^^ proclatttitidi And not only tliit) but th^ are bnoded' «i^&im^>attd Crimes as theb firft Pcrfecutors lerved ' tbnn, of which they never were guilty ♦ l" To a:\ • 0f^^^a>r9, twp f^mut hm^kn Sfi'^Daille, HrwSk ia&^ ft^iiWM«^£ii«n, 'M^ Itjf fcii^MmiK #it diofe who l»ve a violent am to Hipcerodox Kotimif^ m^Nu^^ propagtte the#, oithg^ wlio iBGL to bo To the above Allegation, I •n(wer.^<J«Wtt %J pofing it true, which it is not, th it Infant Commwgoit JJas pradifcd in the primitive Ghurch i and Aippofinf it alio to be wrong, which it ceminljr it i yet no^.ftlir Conclufion can bt drawn hence that will be preftidiciai to Infant Baptifm. For it will not follow, that becaufe Infant Communion if wronfe Infant Baptifm « ^J^^ng idfo. Bccaufc |he Nature of Baptifm 18 quite di^nt rrofti that of thejEucharift/ the one ia^an >nH»*«»nf Ordinance, by ^bich Pcrfons are dedicated to God, ana tntcM into Covenant with him. Infanta art at capable of this at A<^alt8 J and accordingly, Infants, by the txr prefs CommJ^nd pf the Almigjity. wrc thu$ dedicated „tO»im«:. . . ■..„■.■ ■. -V ,-• „ ■-,■:•, '■ «'•■■' ■■■■; _^^.^ . ' The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, ts a commemori- tinaOrdiliancfe, as appears by thcWords of it? Inftitutioa. It Stobc cclebraftd in Rimtmbraiiceoi pur Saviour i *hi<;b COtomcmoration, Infants arc incapable of j and the Ordinance therefore is improper for them. - Oreven if there was no fuch Difference ^twecn the Sacraj- ifiits, -Ifis but weak Realoning' to (ay, that becaufe ' ncicnts erred in the . one Inftance, therefore they erJtftin ^brother. It is much the fame as to infer* bccaufea JPerlbri is wrong in one Cafe, he there§?re can- iot be right in any. , ', \r ^ Butl anfWer further— The Opinion that Infants re*- bcivedth^ Communion for the firft 400 Years after Chritt, and t liiight fay much, longer, is one of thoie ▼ulftar Errors"' that hath been Cwallowcd without Exa«» ^ ^ V > mination ■Ai- :,i. jz^ik^ g^M ,9% I lifUer tlia4 «dM*iSi^«» «' thole #holw<wUtt!e about them, ait lSS«l^«flioto^iJ»fe wliodeiw«dat| ^ Fathers. Jtuch tjppro- ^o^Sdoimm^ ta4g«iige hii*1keii wwreAdii them sand y«< ^^^^^^^^mUy*^^^^^ .Honour*© tielB SiAy of ihem wh«^ poquence, Learning, and AWlfties, woibch, ¥iL. hSif^ beeilV]fidi<aMniUyfiDnitli^i;^gei 1»»«^ ^Onft tkSby >lN atevftwofdif sAuchort, and by diaay ofhen. t r^ii lic^lar'Enli^. 1 d<:tiy lelk l^ii^, txAth better E^enc« IgpiDdiiMibr 4t than tiaf yet ^ppeaifd. Th6re wiu no Itith tlifaig in ^ Chn^ari ChMr(;h, as Infant Coipina- ttiioh^ fanitAr and |Mroperly f|^idcilig, during ihe l^eriotd 3 Isiire inmuoned. 1 TbeVery firft who menitonedany Tiling that faronre^ this Ylodon, or lobkedthi) Way* w48 C^i^^riah, i|i hiK Book concefningthe|Lf|^ 1. e. thole ^6 \k:\\ in Tiiiie bf Perlecu^on^ w)ii<ih the jeacned ^earToti, and Fdl* hfte |»li^d 4ii. DOift, ^ii j« Til^ i 6M; >^ I^lirehts ibili '^ in Hafte from the JPerlectitici^^ iiifis carelfftfjr «'|eft irith her Nurfc. thfe 6irl Ir^ ^^ lierMurfe to the Migii&atti, ^ho^aVe ti^r foiqc «* Bread and Wihe» which j^mained or th^ifHe^heo ^ Sacrifice. Afi^rwslrds her Parents r^eiy«l jch^i^^^ . «* an4 her Mother ^ng her nn ^fkinmf of Chts- ^ ftians, (he frequently M into Convvl^ona in the ^ Time of Grayer. Vilien 1>ivlne SerVjce ifU endc4^ ^* and the DeacQfn w^ handipg theEuchari%i»I Cmp «• thofe who w«;re prefeht|eacE received it iii Ws it'urni *^ but when he camcito tMiGii^li'ihe turned away Ikerfacc^ «* ihut her Mouth, and refuM ^fe Deacon «* hdwevcr^fiM»and fiw ^ ** into her Mouth } upbti which % was iov&ed wi^ f. f* VoitiittQg -y and the Sacrasbent'did liotfi^yln hfx ^%Iouthv at^diiddy, that had:been before jlolluted'^:^ v^^^hlsistheSubftance of What Cyprian relates ton* cerningthis Matter. Ifef:!eisihe^iAliod|ii^y InftaiiCii of ttel£iiid-*-the oiily J^roK^ 6>r fefa^t Cbnintiiuoii ^ is ||M«QQ^ £E>r the 6ift #J9ttr Hibiiiifli ¥«pi9i^^ |^ fwr 5a^%iiir f. Afl4 itisaW^ii^ .Child, ptob«bWat^vc!«Mrfixye«r»oMttle»ft. For ^,mi« w«b.nffl«dtwoY«mJTomC«rtkaM. bjm «terhi»Ravrn*»t hewa. prtfent wtitti AU A^ hippened-hwr long iftsr J» pot "JF"'^? ^" 2S arfmoft have been three or fogrTeOT old when left & ha>arei»»» for otherwife Ihe co«dd not W etf of theHeadien Sacrifice of Bread »nd Wipe, i^ ^ -: The moft that can be drawn troro thi« InWnee ft, thatChildren, notlnfantv *«•« W^"'*"?." S^^ muoion. And it u granted, that the pnmitive Chnftwiu ■did tometimei admitJPerfons to that Sacrament mwA younger than we do. ^hia they d}d fromp^^ertwU JioniWtives, to train *«n %"in the bjbw^ Vfe^^ •fci. Ordinance, as *« carry Children to CMt^.F^ ^r Citcninftances, they judged that Childtpa *oni fix to right or ten Years pld njijjht ««a«^«*J*'?*J ment i %A aocordingly. fon>et«roes, adnwrnftred it to them : We, ftom the Circumftances rf our Time, think it improper, and therefore ^o "^i^ «^^*. JXTri^ it. Iti» ce^that in Piwntpf Age, It mi^ht be rig^tlj >.:.'A. 22^^ wlfiSUdth«S«ift n<w Lade. «na mAe. itfimify, -A*^ ZCZ&Xnif. I iW«l tkMittfcly believ* he tad <«?• §W >»r';/^ j__ '^1 IT II il ii liiiiTi'itllMhii iiiiltlirrt I" I It' .^ / y^Jb^nerthfui it iswppMpi, rveif by t^/Qniigrft im^lii<;t|fif t und Dcrli^j^ if the fimr bi^iani^i^if th^t iC ^jpirit of %4U Pie^^^ lOpuih llfltprevtikd among primi^ia.^ Chrirfilni» jriR tnii^t; it ihe feme Agf ai they did^, ' #!^m4tComiou- 1 Rrom; Cyprian to Agftin. and Irinoccnf, Biftop ojf iRbnie'Vw « vtndje of tt^ore^^^ too Tears, in wlii#l| **cr!od, nkhg* the CKrfftiaii Writers were ^merous, jpK 1$ no ^^0^|tionpf Infants receiving the Commupioo* n the two (liter, and ibmr otiicr Writers of tncir fkiip^ there are fonoe general Expreflions to this I^i|:pofc-r-* « fhat none c?w have ctcriml l-ife, except they eat tlie «!jI3eOi;6fdmft, anddrinfeh^ BIood*-^ffbA)¥^ce (om^ feariidp^Men havetoo haftily concluded^ that tjSey klfl It j^iolutd^^^ nece0ary for Infants to receive th^ EOi^^, inprd^ 0be tayed ; and from theocfiiig^ l^j^jred dicPradice of Infint ComifnMnipiu^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^, V^^^ ' wi tte v#ry learned t>u WaterUnc^ wh« ; treife l^r^kwity aind^Ju^^^ that t(iis Opi^ ^{oillsVithdcit any FouVidation %, By a careful IhVcfti^' «rioh pf^h^t thefe^thcrs belieycd cbncerningBjmtifit* ftr hiJth provei that^ fliey 1)elic^ no luiphj l^eceffity p| ftceiying the Eu^iharift. 'They judged that the Particif pation oi Chdg^ajk% and filodd, whleb was Mtt^rf to the Salv^tioii^^ Infints^^as^ obtitlned^ in Baptiihi^ Accordtnjjilyt i^^ oftwipr^wc<td pur Saviour^Wprd^ ipiii) viv 53. to/evince the ffeceftity of Baptiftfi, y\x^ Fulgentius, as quoted by Mr. Bingham f, founds th^ Kcceffitypf iton that Texif, arid fays-^-" Fdrismu^; <« aiitnf)irf b< perceived hy any conpderatc Maki, thlt «v thi^ ]^le(hbf Chrift iseat, and his Blood is dnink iii; f^ the Laver of Regeneration^ ^ In anotfier PJace quoted \ t^SeeliSflMQiryeoiicenungfn^t Oommiinkm, at A? Bnd^ ii$ SeeoBiiVfli1iiii»drSermonionfevcralimpoitiBt8«l;j^ Ice* ; f CMsiM l d^' B o ok ir> du y * iP> f ^^ fi.>i-^<k,- rcyiiled pre bri: in yiUk^ y cat the' that i&ef five th^ fi tTtM , IhVcfti^ ecffitypi Bftpcifm, I. indt ih^ tkf* thiS^ Jffink u^ |e^» Ice* s lion il RTOUtld^ ^ ii^MMiict^Mibii^k ho iaarr" i« iM«d 4if Aft Ewi mil » % »irti •« liirelf Mio^ «i4 iMiiht 1)f ^ He <hei| addttctt Fkii^ fSriciAitll ctusiflft Afient^^ . > ■ m^ Ids^ wli6lroiii grMMt mckradoiit of thefe Finiicri CMeerakig tlie Neotfliey of eating iho Pl«(h of die 601I of mIa and drinking Ilia Biood, ha«ie ooneluded tAief belioredit was neceflary for Infants to rtotivvtlii CoRimnnoii. ' in ihort, tliere U ii6 «letr EtrldeM, liiii mctr fi|/iMa i*tire dUittedtoilie Communion before che laner End ^i^^b$b^ «nd Seginningor the ninfk Ccnturies^^ when IflH0»anoe ond farlMfity had ovc^l^Mid Bmc^ i mA mmy «o6 Efior* had crept, or began to «fiipl teto the L^ Abom «iC Feriod^ i^fli^ €b«imunkii mm onAMitacedly praftiled \ but e^a 1*. JiKdarkiacaie'of iktCbofdi, k ib«iO€ g«ier4« iio# ^iing ^ondnuance. Asdid IMbiHioT TfanfilbiUnli^^ dicUmgiiiied^Intofi CoainnMiioo left. Ground % itid wa^ fofvaslciiilnrth giMrJ^liad i^ fore the ^eformattbn } tho' perhaps retained in a tew. Places, I3|ntil sibout ^at Time. f ^ • From thiaNotipn diercforc of Infant Cojrihiuniott there is no Reafon to wesdcen either the Teftimony pr Audiority of the Fathers of the four firft Centunoi in Favour of Infant Bapdfm. For it is certain, that theife was ik>ri|ch Thing as Infant Conuaunion in the ChrilP^; tbnGhtfrch,withvuhat Period. ,^' ,v^ I OiaUjuftobierye further by Way of Conclofion ta this Seftion, That t|i^ Authm who aiord fiiAtlwr CroA l«r MM ^^ttftHk affiJKtuiilibv that Mlvtodet it Wroon mr sitanc oapniB% unnipwii 4^111191^ in t|^ qhn^p<^h^ jn^ -J ^nccrn. laf. Com. p. 114* 'J.yi 't. „■/>■■' if^^'-^'f-^' sir . An mpv on hfimi Bsfifp. Illation no more. fSMirwIei iirw^ " 'j|»lbrthcTnlihof ■tb^mmmm^W^'^. Prophecy--;nay. todifprovethefeFadi. tf they coifld v whlch> however* Ibey could not do, w the Perfons on whom thev were wrought^ were living tdconlute them, had they at- ifow if Infant Baptilm be fuc^ Error as Anabap. ^s fancy, hovTjhaW we reconcUe the univcrfal Prac- Vice of it in the primitive^ Church, K^th this Interpof^ tion from Hcaveii In its/Bchalf ? If liecording to theif Opinion, Infant Bapdim be invalid, then there was no 'iSc Church at tthia^ime. Can ^e iuppofe that ow layiQur^ who hat^romifedto 1^ with his Church to the gndof Ae Worrat would permititeveninitslirfwg^ fell into fuclMm Error as would unchurch «nd dOToy it J and yc<, at the fame time, ftretch forth HisH*"* to fupport and enUrge it by Miracles ? How mcwdiWe* how^ious would the Suppofition bo I :' :^'- ■■:,,': :^:'^: y^: rim ^' : • ■ #■*■ ■ 1 '^. •• it -„i.l t--"< ■ ■■ < ,<••, %■ ■ M,c ■ *. I'll ■ J "■-.'* »^-v^f4 i 4 bewfc fiMir. HBNi. % *• C»t#^ f-fc **♦«*. »()» *!'•■; , ;--*s'- P RO tb< theuniv that Pei admit Ii Abou who opi diftingui ter Wal France, posdoba nyingic tion, an ample o will al^ fuj^Ort Wen ceive th juftify t Infanti WakkD how^ it, or^ JUniffl] .«*•. •A'" t>^-i rUchof lealing ed for sAtheni mtvtu . f were vtf at- '■ -■^' ■ ''I' nabaprr I Prac- tcrpofi^ (o their wasno hat oiir :Ktathe fanqr to denroy s^Hand ;redlbk# ."■m ■-f ■>■ ^.^^i •■•1 -v^ , ■•■■•■>^■ An^^ tok lifantBuptiJm: Iff ;*■*'■ 'ii S EC t I ON ♦:.♦•$•< II . "^ ■■<- '^'-t-f "■ y f iV ■ ^*- JBC*t 4fi9r^ Enquiry into tbi Pfsfffice of /&f Waldenfef and' ^^ ^Aibigcnfci^ j^^ FROM the Time! of Auftin to the twelfth Ccntuiy; the Evidence for Infant Bapttfm is clear. It was theuniverfal Praaice of die Chriftian Church during chat Period, as Anabaptifts themfehrcs acknowledge, tt>^ admit Infanu to that Ordinance. *a :' ^ ^ About the latter End of the 1 2th Century, a People '\ whooppbfedthe Errors of the Church of Rome, were diftinguiflied by the Name of WMnfii^ from one Pe- ter Waldo, a wealthy and learned Citizen of Lyons, in France, who was a famous Leader of that Sea. Anti* pootobapdfb, claim tbefe as their Predeceflbrs, in de-^ ' nyinglnfuit Baptifm \ plume themfelves' with the No* tion, and exult on having their Authority and Ex- ample t>n their Side ; as thole who have a weak Caufe^ will al^Fays catch at any Thing that will contribute to itipportit. . ■ . : ' : ;■ ■' •- v.; -'rr^' '/-■■-.,,- ': ;^Were their Claim in this ever fojufli I cannot <30ii^' cdve the AcquiMon would be mat* orihat it would*' juftify their Pra6Hce* F<)r the Contiiy<lk^-cond^ Infant Baptifm muft beinaltyidtatfi^mtiii^^^ by the Opinion or Praaicie of ^ Wald^df^ but by the An- Aority of Scripturi^ If Scriptbr# be againit itt the Waldenfes, fuppbfiiig; them to be Poedol^pdfts, cDHCild', not ibjitiortic^ fiut if It be tat^t iii Sbnpture* and fiiA^ly dediiiirible theifce; die Authority ^f4ie WakieniiM»^ hdwicafiM: <bev# tb^ «^^ oppdfiiip it* ^^)6smm^ttxm^ cannor ov^threw it. We^ tolMteady fiJBWhil A Scripture af» l^lii^daUf pf JifuiBi^^ idlb the fipfti^ I 1 . ■ ■ » i / : . ■ Y >* = K V ,{« of the fcur firft Cenmriei of Chriftunim whlth i^ukkfci'dttKreMeft of «ny hum«n Authonty-'-r .-J ilf». AnaltiDtiiU in qoiet Pofleffion of their fanaed Sn! • BdtTce tSft pioS. perfecuted People, we juft- &«S ffilwliMft. & «ite Truth, of thereof. 5ff5^»W.Qpp>to of the Er«)» of ^P«^V;! XkTiiwj Of » Ac learned wA excellent BlO»pN^^^ t^c^hdirai-.-" The Proteftanu of thii A^ t : -- Kfn^'"!^" to .Bq^ire whether th^were ^^i^^lt:^'?^ i. involved i»^«*.c1h Sf^SftSn^otAe »eater Part of then Records SSrf AmoubW of them flom tWfe v*o weie their Ene- ^ iMof^e «•« 2; MrfSc* diAated. to j«ftrfy gKMlent'«d eontr«fi&nr. *»^^ " ^^l^JS"? faLnus Criel » wane at any* Certtrtty.. However, • SS^»^S**«Sfaft W»cta« Evidence to conv«« .^^*^Sn^^ *»t *e Waldenfes we not _iiiiiiarror Cm Book I. ^l«J^ !• P- •• V > An I5^t * *** *'*>^ *•* indcUcd by fcv««l Nwnetv «uch •iV.lknfe., Vm« dS.. Lwnift.. Paurine.. &C. ThU UM«nd.ntly t^^ S ^who have trMtd the Origin, Optaiom .nd P«al. ^*^.hrfe P«.pl«. '"ith as much Accuracy as tM Memorials ol them, yet wmaming. would admit. The^ Saw flirwed that the' true Chriftiah Doftane. as noW Lfeffed and taught by Pmteftants. waj P^^^;«<^ S,em, from thel-ime of the ApoMes , •«fM&om t« TeftimonSes of even their Adwftwi. haye cleared them of thofe Alt«r8oni that were thrown up6it thenu Indeed Rayneru., an Inquintor againft them, in % Middle of the i3th_ Cehtupr. i. «• ^ ^"t-,^^ Its*, owns the Antiquity ofthe Vaudris* «f L<N»i^f ?. Of all the Sea. that art ^haW bf n»' fay. h^ "none »for"'^**J**j2*f*I^^'«iwfe " ODOtMeft of Lyons, tot thrte **•«»». |. BecWft f. ^ from the Time rf '^'^..SL 1^ « thetlmeoftheApotl*^ a, ''fi^^JriS^ « numerous. This Seft hath crept mto »''?'«>« wry .. Country. 3. Wherea. olher Se^» .by their WJ^he. « theLe5.ift. hath the Aj^araiice of great Mw» "for they U« hoi*tly in the Sight of Men, .. £uew aUThinm ri^oy concerning God. «Bd aH « the Church of Rome oiHyt- Anobl? T<iftitoon| ««SSiSS?tKiS^^ *w Ae'AjSaenfa, ft t«»eifKH!i AH>y, inthe Swr ^;^'^^Mdthe^^ ^ I ^^Pe» Iccta- 1^ * *^ ««P «',M'' ■ .« "K ■* / Irf4 An i^.on li^M B^m. yrtldenfet, being origjnftUy t Colony from them, iiid JMoreed in Pfinciplet with tbem, longbctore the Time 0fWtldo$. Mr. Wall fuppofes that ** amons the Waldenfea ••there were leveral Sefts, and tbitmme of them dc- •< nted Infant Baptifm V* If by Waldcnfcs Ijc means, 'ALL thofe who were called fo by Ronian CM|iplic9, he judged right. For there were feveral Maopieet that Jived among them, often diftinguilhed by (!b$ Name of CMtlmrit who denied all Water Baptifm. Thefe were confounded with the trueWaldenfes, and the latter char- ged with their Principles. But if he meant the real Waldenfca and Albigenfes; who were Members of the ETangelical Churches, in the ValS^s of Piedmont, and ibuthem Parts of France, I differ Irbm him in Opinion. I think itisevi4ent,|hat thefe were Poedobaptifts, and that it wa| thdrft^eral, uniform Plraaice to b^tize Infants; altbo* pMne Iiidiylduals mi^^eni^ruin^enttmf nts con- cdrnin(^ themtureof it difi^nt from thofe of others, which IS probably the Ctfe in e^ry 'Church now upon Earth. Before! |>ro<;ced to 4)&1» that this was the Cafe« ««#, It '«^ 4 tfflWiti nlii fifpnu AlBx's Reml^lu on the Churches of the 'Jklbimret. JPrbm f(^ U iai4 i>y toe two excellent Writen, c^^ecially'tlie.utten itappcuvilMt Mr.Limboich,iwho wrote about the ikiiie Time with him* jni wtong. in aflertinfl^hAtthe Walden- fct and AHyimfti were ^mifTeicnt Seai/'inMdd diffetont Opi- siohi," : the latt*r heing ^eUned to Mankhteifni. ^Hift. of the In« fluifit. Bode I.. Chap. 8. The Albig4pnf«s,pro^ly inch, hdd the lam* Principlet. with the Waldenfes ; nor were they «any more tinc- iured with MarticKdfai thy they,* at Lidilk>i^ mppdfes ; but falfe- ^ charged with it by thexr i Adverfaries^ . on who^ Calnilnniei he loundf his Opinions hThiiaOphiion/Ji^ the more' Wprking, as he «WBt — " That many of thofe impioua Ti^ets t^ar* afcnbed by 4< Banmius, &c. totheWal4en(e8 and Albige&Yes.. were invented «< dot Of mere Hatred, iind torehder them del^iAI^ lh«>7eople.»* tehwtsMofaably ledintoit;4>yfindmgiik^MinQtesoftheI^^ iSmmidreExaminations of ManichcMamonr thofe <9f the latter d^ fthner ; Whidi oiihr ihewi that AeMank^*W«)rerotore BomerlMia amoitg tbv -Albigenies that tib' Waldeniet^i ^^ eUe .j yyc mow I iWall'i jrK_ Bajp. Pan a. Chap. 7. V, rflvK .-, »1? ;,' .*» -•ih^' ^uf-; nr^ c were Tchar- le real 1 of the nt,. and pinion, indthat nfants; Its con- others, W UpOB leCafci « of the Writen, Dte about Walden- cnt Opi- F thein« held the tore tinc- but falfe- nnies he ijj;, u he nbed by invented lofthela- t&e Utter re ' y Ad EJfaf on Infimi Bspajm. »«8 it will firftbe neceOarv to inform the 1Uid«r; whei% and how thefe MamcWscame amonff them, .r The Manicheei were a pernicious Seft of Writic^ who had their Rife from one Manes, in the third Cent tury, in the fourth Year of Aurelian's Reign, accordm^ to Epiphanius, which coincides with An. Doni. a74|^ pr according toothers. An. Dom. a??- '^he foilowt; ^ iiig are fome of the wild, blafphemous Tenets thqr h^Idr — •* Thit there were two inde^df nt, eternal Beings* « the one good, the other evil, between whom there *« was perpetual Difcord— That every Man |i«d two «* Souls i a good Soul from the good Being, *n^U «* Soul trom the evil Being, and frpm thefe orocced^ ** theoppofite Motions -of Good and Evil in MfukuKt^ ** That Chrift had hisXRefidence in the Sunt ^nd wa§^ « the Serpent which tcrtjptcd Eve— Tbut the Evil ^ " ing gave the Law to Moies— That Maw J^^^J^^ w Paraclete, or Comforter, promifed Vy Chri(t--Th^ « Bapiifm was unneceffary, and therefore to be reicOed' « —That Wirte was the Gall of the Princ? of Patlwfi*^ <* which they, on that Account, laid afidc iB^the EiH *« charift.-- That it was unlawful to marry, thQ; thff *« wajlowed in che greatcft Impurities— That ijw«^ «' l^nl^wfviltogotoWar, to eat Fleflf,Eggt, Chee^» ♦i or Milk, as proceeding from the Evil B^iig » aii4^ H they denied the Reftirrcaion of the Body V «npwuj and extravagant as thtfe Principles wcfc, aad det^e4 . as their A^ctors wer^ by Chriftians : Yet, to the Dil^ mrace of hu^ian Nature, thejr had many Fpltowcw,. iuid continued long in the Ghriffian Churrfi, *• The Time and Manner -of thefe Herptics comma : among the Waldenfcs and AlWgcpf?!. . is felated: % Hfteran4Allw, putdfZonar*»>p£oth?r Writers, in the jfollowing Manner. In the Tenth genturya Theodores, Pifltt^ of :A0tiq^[li f^bligfldrtljP ^f$^m Iphnrlfcii^ifcw, 19 baniSi ite'l4llBrt>W» wfcQ *^^mv ' '■ •••", . ■\-\' -'".■■■■'- :-^ ■:■'..:' .-\< ■■■ lettecl • .^/' . __!-*_. !_-„.i-_ , ^'_. ■ _"!. - ._ : 1. ^ ~> ■:■*'. X, y ■■■ /■■■v. • r ibAeidiiiS«ft|lNiitNWeft. The; feitkd Iniufgi- tUy aftcnraitfs kl Ddintti*^ ind itMn th«nce were ^NNMlhl dt W«ftem Parts of Europe %, Finding the Waldlnib, Mid fM^Kt!^ « pMcetble People, and like Hitmfelmi pirlMuad, itii|>robablethtt this wu 'llMRMibnwIif oMny #f the Manichee s took up their Reidca<% aiidlQliM^ Yvlth them. The firft Mention ' ^tflettliil^UiJf MdTuioMiy, wss, according to Pr. AHiiii irtMVttlia Year loij i in Aquiuin, about 'v|fc» Ya« f€>io. ■ . A' ^- :\ i v«. if Iteiaufk diefs lMiiddiiet> fi^l AfcW^ ^ii IWiiwMillle WlidtttfesAnd Alb&genfelin the fame <i> PlMM, tbtjf wotbfiiided by tht Fapifts with the ««* tCMniiloii WMi oft Heretics, and Enemies of the « AfMbUeS^: Thif iwis partly owing to the Igno- •• iaiMtt add QMkffiietsd^ibiiiai partly tothededgned . ^ Myke ol otllerki diat the Waldenles and Leonifts, *« iitibiy eilkd tbM, might be beKeved tobe polluted ^ #i«ti Che flililt ^Errora as the Manichees and Cs* ^ 4m^^\:^ TW» is Ithe real Matter of Faft. The W^tHMSx^ and iAMgionleiii ivere artfully confounded iKth tlitMaHkhljest And hence discharge of Mani- di^l)liiiiie^.iMM igainft thefe iHnoSmt People, liii piirj^ f^ttni^edieni odipus» aiid|oftify the "^ttk^ \r AllMgilte A$erfiotisfdirof«mby Roman ditholica lAi Air WiidedfeKiiMl A)b%eaf<ii, one was, thattliey' HdiniMliifiht B^^piiftn. tMa 1 Aattiitfw Aiew toi be fal% iMi^«bieiilb]fwe^^^^ Byarceumfingfof and refutioi^llSfli Chttffei. - t.; By eitpntia TdTimoniet fRwt^llielledM^of JftM&T^denfi^ and Albig^nies, in Vin!«iit« oT infant BiffCiim. ; ^j? * i^[ {: r The €hittgetr AMSj^i^t^^ ^ 4^. i5«^ t Uli. ibid. is5«^ p* aji, 254. . ^■.,Mi-.rf« * •<•* tiM Accufiitlofi of ^eir Adirerririet, thtt dicf denied infuic Btptiim, chiM— <« The Wtldenfet, for foam «* , Hundftdi ot Yeart, being conftnuned to iiifiler their «« Childrtn to be btptized bf "^Priefts of the Chtircb pf # Rome, theydeferreddoing«Chereof ti long ii tHey «« could, becsufe they had in Drieftition thott humin ^ Inventions that were added to the Sacrament. And •• forafmuch at their own Ptftort were many Ttmci «* abraoii, employed in the Seryice di their Charchet, '* they could not have Baptifm adminiftredto their Ii». ** fants, by their own Minifttrt. Fbr this Caufe th^ Ji^kepi them long from Baptifni : Which the Pricfia^ ^"perceivini^ and taking Notice of » charged them widi f ; this SlandSr V V*9. Thole who denied Bapdfm, either Infant or Ad^lt, amone the Waldenfes, ind Albigenfes, were in Truth Manichees. This is manifefl, from the Mi- nutes of their Examination in Uftier, AlliX, and oth^ to tranforibih xrhich would^ be too tedioua. So that when we read of Waldenfes, (o called by Pftpjfts» who at their Examination, or when otherwife nMntion* cd, are iaid, by their Adverfaries, todenjr Infant Bap- dfm, wearenottherefbrt to conclude, that thev ap- proved of adult Baprifm. For Manichees rcjcAedbothi fmd only nnentioned Infont Baptifm, as the more abfiird ofthetwo^ :Of thislwillgiye si pbin Iiifti^e from one Egbfrtos 9choi|natigienfts, who wrote a Treatife iiiout An.I>«m:> ti^, againft fome of the Cithari» which appeisred ih Germanip. nHe fkys, «« Of Bapdfm ••they (peak variouny^«>-tbatBaptilm doesnoGpod to •* Infants, becaiife they cannot ofthemfehres defireit, •« and becadliB they cannot profefs any Paith. But there ^ is another Thing #bich they more generally hold •• concerning this Point, tho* fecretly, viz. That no « WaterBapdfni does any Good to Salvation i^.^ » Pbtrhi. Hia W«kL lib. I. Csp; 4. hi WtUl^ft. M- BiK^ lyt:s^ eHap!.;^ la. :,:;:.,.. ,;..■:,> , ^. ' -J.-:"^:-': !^^- tdtHis. A jpifelfiipt ;^ one of the ipleswere idyecbf ,:*. ii« y. Am Effiof o^ Jt^ B^ The^fiune Author tells us, tl^it thefe held Marriage CO be umivfulii wpuldeatnoFleOi, a^ being the Crea- ture rfthf Pcvil, and thought Chrift had no human Naiuie* FlMiitheie, attd other Circuinftaoccs, it is evident thoftiieiienmlWMichees. Yet they ufed the above A|em^ ^^^ Baptifin, which are «uch thel&iirith W^ «no^» notbecauiejh^ iq^^ "^^^^^ they tlk^i^caeavlPWjlA^ imret*wW^ mndia^ lAi^i their Adver- fiuMiQOi^lOfiiidM^ ipoorSil^Ma^ ftw ¥e««iei;tt>hc the^t^^ SoiitbefnPwiriiiW rfAte^ His not li^uch better thin thole of theManich ^ ^^, , , luftHoife, wt4 Aaamtkfe ofitcal,^ he led' taptive to Ills Errors, fomeMly Men and Women^^ali of them Very ign6rant--maoyoftheninolefs pp)^^ lal Feribns of undoubted -Vertdty who were prdcnt at liis£xhibtnons in the pr^uhing Way, have afliired me he taught^ die following Doftrines—^ Tfiat there wcrft •« feycn Periods of time, each bf Whlch'^^M » diftina «« SMo^ : Mofcs was one* of th<^ Sa^kiufSif^ Je<us ^ i^ft:iiiither,each of ^Km for the Ferjod iiii which •• hi feed^ as bcito « 0f the preiedt Fenod--t^hat'thc.3|oo4t# 4 ftvuled n^tldpg to Salvitipn-^noi im^^e dia^lH^er^ Jle ufed a Compariiba too impiousv >t» be repeiMcd. *« that he^mi&fy v^was *e Clay iinadc?^^^ •t oiir Saviour, when he healed a blind, Maa^t^— w|ti| Ihai^fee%1md^ppke with hlb often.r His Look^ ^i^Wiam affirnoed^to me in the f^i^h^^Svers ^iE^ons, " T^lat he once convedGbd f« with God Atmlghtyr and akerw^rds iri^ th^ Peril. ** u iM Man converim with another.";, Pr fpokeia Pi. f. *<.^ &e :y An ^||ftf on Infimi Baptijk, 119 the tt)oft reviling Manner of both the Sacraments, pird- cularly Baptifm ; but moft of all qf Infant Bapdrm. He frequently demanded a Proof from Scriiflbre for In- fant Bapdfm, and affirmed repeatedly — ** That^t waa invented in '* Hell.*' This bedid, not that he approved ft Jot more of Adult Baptifm, than of that of Infants 1 but he thought it would perplex and embarrais me more^« JBut to return. 3. Another Reafon why the Waldenfes, and Albigeh^ icswere charged with rejeding Infant Baptifm, was their denying the Efficacy attributed;by Paf»Ks, to Cere- monies and the external Part of the $acnunents. • Tfaefe pious People oppofedy. with great Zeal, the various. Er- rors that were then introdMced. One of theie wai^ *^ making Renovadon td confift in the Dead, outward ** Work in .Baptifmy". called Opus operatum^ attd ** grounding all Chriftianity in the Ule of external ** Means*" ThcieErrors,among.other8, were warmly inveighed againft by the. Waldenfes and Albigenfes, as we (Hall fee pFefentl^U The doing this was iufficient to/ bring on them the Charge . of denjing Infant Baptif if we conitder die Management of u)me of their ■-■ Adv< faries, and the ||}f« R^orts fpread. to their. DiM^ tion% tagff, without tl A Specimen # the Readttf witK iAx>iji thattheCobfeiTlons ok Procefe agsunft themy wdre they had ma^e » and tfaiit thb Sentiments iof their Berfecutott* for charing them with the moS: ,£xample-;; il^' \ ^•^'^m -irrif. -«;*;-"?'i3, siSi^*"'^*, t"G^ «c; u the For v*t «*In>die Year- 1487, one Vl <* carried mt a Procefsagatnft iAm. ** of theiii— Whether he believec^l «* ,in the Sacrament of the Mafi* ^*^PI^, "tiie Body of Chrift waa In ••» M J>-' f I. ■'■ 4 extcnlM. « It wwon the Croft ? and die Vaudoto 4 MfwUd. Tfcat it w« not . Viletty frwied hi. An- 4 ftMrMK That he h«l confeflW, th»t he did n« f' beliefreinGod,pr«t leaft, his Scribe by hi. Order. AUb K dm aflccd him, if die Sai«» were to be inroc»«d? K He Inft«ted, Not : And thgriramed it in Wming* « diatrhe had cotfcd, wd <gl«:«'» °f "** ^^te '« TheValked, Whedierihe Virgin Majr "« «»J* «. «tor&ifl«d, and prayed to ^.9"" ^^^^a^I^ « airfwefedrNo: They write. That he had fpokeii « BhSy of d« ViVgin Mary'." From hence we may juSgewW Creditisto be awnto the ^^^ ^1^ of diefe People by fuch Adverfarie.» and whedier dieir denying die pfw «^««(im or outward mS 4«e inTilfm «. be fuffieto. w«^not Han- dk<^^«och«tised>ein widiwjeamg Inf»ot Bap- xTl ihaH add aoodier Confideradon, «*•* ViH conrtbute much to«cul^ th^f e«lfe»«d AMm^ ffnfe. from die Charge of Annpoedobaptifm, and « w ST-TTiatfiich po|M» Writer, a. wrote againft. ot «|^ *« »^ .SifSt^^ySj ^m- •#^s;5<j>'*; ii'.ijti* ^l?;--?^. i'-*"^ iii^if. ^' ,-: Mi •ftlkst and «nosiieme9 tbdr p. Tct lli never idiirgtt ihem iMaKm been toy F6an4«^^<; :kdy Man of their Advdiaftci, . !!*«»• thenr with nor wrtt*' -t"! ; "CI few ■! 1^.. i^^* "'..^iiLji . **■'; '»** Tina ■Mo ;Thu«o«,' »-«lfli|I.J!ii i^w^sTL-/ 'liwi fut^Win t And Ihw PopUnsiMMplN «Wf «• lMaSS*wd«Wfl«ipoiAiw^^Mr.«^ « SSnAlenfo. <me ot t% MtolftC^ *^j*r^^* * which trcftlB extant. Moiwwefj »SL'**'SSS •» me tKat they iaw the Aracles of the«*»«b, w««l» V wewi!«moldXable», »nd perfeftfy oorforBMM* Ip " die Doftiine rf Prottftanttt-** . ^ tl .w Charge of Mtipoedobaptifev bfought«g?m» die W* denfefand AJblgeofes br djdr Adwrfw,«i..on whC ^ Charge Anabaptiftstonnd dw«r Qpmwn of^nji *tT >iro atert^ftrong pK<^«pJ'«i^2S**^i,^^^ ?ente anl Aftigenles, «»^f«=^'*f?^; J^M^ 4ras the Cafe, I »*« now flwiw from didrown T^l«g py and expiefc Declatadws ia'f a»<»"f,<*"'*%5Tv'' Mr. Moreland, hadk trtflfcrlbed fevorrf jtflfcjirAr- dcK^feBtohlof Fifths «^:«««*i #»!.j^*- Swte%«fcM BaptifA. ThM 5 V#?^J«r«^ off aidi madfrJ>I dje Miniftfrs, and. Head* qfFaoM^ SfeiL, is^ *X#reftlJ affirm 1*^?^*^^ *. ,^c.^ilfe^d^;. Wr^ ot God-u«e d«fc^<^ fclUSiSySitoWriSt. of'iood {.pate » d* M. 14 "rf ISJ ayinSbfintBaptifin. ■ ' 7 ' / ■s *fy I **i ruck «< €^|iiDef9% 0f d^ Sacrameni <^ HW dM^p^ % (he Hiilgp^ jfc^ripra^^ (b^M^ htfi<6 •*><liift i» lUfiiipH tlic othirir,tbe £ucbairj «* li#epf!fmMMeii we'%ere hapii«r4^ «^ €liisld««ii Ml mofcover inRemeinbrii • -'^ mmt BHtcfitJ^vca lOvUs byr Jefiis Cliriftf • vJi «aQii0t be im» cthiC th^ aechired f(ir tiftpytter the lUfonnttkn ooif « which Im ^ f br befiite thi^ tber ilSiciiMci^ t^^ above lo ^ .^ ^^^ : trlp^of iMr FoKtiuheft, as was ind*^ tl^^^nitJi ? In^ihodier C^iiMkHi of Faith prefehted by tl^ Wal- ^(|i^nibLto.l.^li^^ Xjo|r of Boheaua, An,TMmtsoK .^fhich was nine xeair ^0re the nrft Dawn of tlie Re- i9hn«iioiir^l»h^^ther wrote: agaUift In^eii^ m AefcW6rd*?n?iv':4i 'jr^ •■-. = ..;.... /;-.v:-'-,v.;.';'..>^fe^r'v < s. V' * % " the^X e. m 1??ald^nfc$, ittaurh ^tliii^aptifW «« aodaddiedtothie6ofo«]* bTwhWhbepoiill^ ^« leth, andifanaiMimChiirchl^^^ •♦ Ukewifethey^|M<^i^tt|k^ «< unto , Salyaiioii; 4l^i||pil^ ac-: «« cordingiQ, his Woidil^t^ JSf/^ t^ Ihouici b« obferved, tha^ in the l^|<fe of '^i|s Coi^iQii.^ t^. allb' declare thai it <;6ii^^ <* the «* .Boftrinei^ch they had received fro^^|ii<4^ <« tors»'* iiod was the fame widi «< tB^ Jp^iit ot *« theif Fttdi^^ Religion »ndI)oarine |^% tlkir «< Minilfeii lisd Ecdefiafl^s^ in former A^iTQ^ leven^l " Ksng^» F^nnc^ andotheisyWho^ by¥aiii^^i^ «c >■■'■#■'■.■ •• eccli «« fon as can! Neccflj Article orexpi ^ Icoi People Brcvir proved >aluab "Expi^l Opinio oiit, \ Mr. writtci thcW a muci withn iment;, AVei the far teflnfl ticies,' of the! fuppoj Corru Aich i Worfl tionini whi^ •« itii « W< «f bla •M if"'- the «< ecclffiAfticfd or fccular Power, had demanded a Rea- « ion thcr^f."-Hcrc we l>avc m full Evidence as can be given, that thefepipuar People believed in Necelfity ot Infant Baptiltn, and pradifed^itr The Articles of Uie Church of England, ^re not more f uU or exprefs for that Puroolc^^^^^,^-^ I could produce ot^erTeftimbnics to evince theft r ' People were Pc^dbaptiils ; but (hall, for the Sake of Brevit3rt omit tjiem, nnce enough hath bceii produced ta ftovp^hu I intended. There is however an ancient* yaluable Treadfe of tijc Waldenles, in which are fome Expr^0ions iuppofed by Anabaptifts to . favour their Opinion ^ ther^ore it will be neceflary %6 fay fomething oi it, and obviate their Objedions thence. < V Mr. Modand gives us this Treatile *. He favs it wat ^ written abftt An. Dom. 1120, and preferv^d among the Waldenfes in the Alps ; tbo* Mr Wall thinlts it of « much lal^r Date. Be that as it will, it is writteir with muci^t Simplicity, Spirit and Strength of Argu- iment^ It bears no Mark of a wild^ ungovernable Zeal. A Veijiof ,warm, rational Piety runs thro' it ; and at the fanoll Time, it difcovers^ much Humility and Defire tef Inftru^on in the Fftith. It coniifts of feVeral 0- ticies,' in„whidi they fet forth their Principles, and Caufe of their Siperation from theXhurch of Rome; i The ^H Article is concermng Antichrift, whom the/ fupj^fe to be theChurdi of Rome, then funk into much Corruption,^ The Works 6f Antichrift are enumerated, fiichailnirocadQa -of Saints, Adoration of the Hoft^ • Worihip of Iniafges, Purgatory, &c. i^hich are inveighed ag^l^. With iivuch Spirit and Firnmefs.^ After men** tioniiig wim they call vthe firft Work of Antijchiii^ whi§i th^ jfay is *^ taking away the Truth, and changing •« itintoFalfli<>od, Hm|f^ fnd Error rand his fec^ « Wbrit, which is to covets FaUh^od^ i?jth !i S^ <f' blance of Truth, and ihsdntainiftg and aflerting Lyes •* by^he Namie of Fauth andGrafccs," &c, , Thic ■ \ I* u .«/ •.^ "■"Sw^ T >i' ^^ 1^ Jrf JVS9 «A J^!/^ TSt Twitifc lh«n prooeed*^*^ Whiit •« thf! W«rkg ■M cMc pfocaed from fhtft adi Works ^ Aijlwer > Tliclc •♦— Thcfirfth, tlit it perverts the Service of Ltlfei«» w i. e. die WoiOlip properly due to God aJtoe^ by •• tfvingit to Aatichrift hknftlf, and his W^rks— 1<> «• Male »nd Female Saints dc^eaCed* to Images or «* Relicks. His >^ksare the Sacrament^, elpccially •> the Sftcianient ofthe Eucharift, whfch be adofetb ¥ aaGod, •ftdjwJefiwChrHT-.. ; :; ^ >.v /. H The leeofid Work of Antichriffc it that he rol^ •« beth Cbrift ol his Merits, together wkh all the Siif^ H i^iency oi Grace, of Jumfication of Regeneration, m IWffloaof ^n»— Sanaification, €oiflniiatkm--and «« iiiiputes the fame to his owfi Autholh^, Ho a Fort» , ¥ ot Words, t6 his em Woriu j tmi» Jpints, and •• cheir Inten^flkm, and wtht Fire of Pjifi^ ¥ The dlif^Workof AiidchriftoonMss intliis, thai m he attrfbiNCf the Renovadon of the Holy Sjp&nc iNita» •« the dcadi outward Work, bapdriag ChUdltti irt V that Faiih» and ttischkig thai^ thmby i«t>^m; and # Regeneration nii!tbehad,nndthereinb6c^fe» tod «« b(%wa Orders, iuid o^r SaciaiiieMs, aiid g^NHHi|^ «• det^ therek^, ill his C!hriftianity, which is ag^nfr ¥ the Hdy Siarit t^ ^ c i .^ ^> ^ . . ^ This latf CfittA la lltt#^ i»«^ Bi^rt^; Ktthey nrf^ i»ith tqual fmOik %|oft ihtfWaldenfcs^Wiittiii^ ^atty theLordVSupper^ ^^hwi^cf %^«^t*^J?«^ # tf Aiitidl#Wth«Sii3«ii^ Bui^iatift, Itor^lKfey^^^ ■'^^k„ ■■■' ■ „ ■ '■< ♦ 5xV.- -^te^ Korit^ii woukli onlyth< . vizw TJi r4/0, b' exprefsj /« in at "outu •^ F«/i npthiii{ theBai erronec ror of waidV i* r. di aslettti Renon demnei oppofe fimihur ceptior Thfc Bapdfi Rome; ^ventl roiikoa conini flnpHfl •* mkn HttpO «« put -v«-: Thtte f* by ^8 or lofectt nulla* H» iflt UHnt i>,'-6 ■?■■■■ V •'. Kortt^k]er»in4nife(t» that this Pailkge which AJft|bMdfts would interpret imheir own FaTothr, does not coMcmii B^ifoiin gKHeral* nor InfantBApcifm in particithiri.but only the Abufleof it, intheDoArinetheniai^^t byPa^fti, . vizw Thtt this Sacraiffifent did confer Grace^ «ar jNrr a^- raio, by the dead* omward Wfrk Wrought. This. they exprtislysi^mion--'* ThethirdWorkofAai^hrift confifta /«. in aaribtxmgtheRdnovation of the Sfiirt to the dead /'outward Work, baptising Infants in that <rr«iiaiiKf <^ Fa«/i^-grottndiog thereinall hUCbriftinQtty.'* Thtreii npthifig In thia agaihftinhint Baptifrnmore than agfnnft tkeBaptifinol'Adtdiis, had they been baptized in thaif erroneous F'aicbu it la wholly levelled againft thaii Er-^ ror of attributidg inwird Renovation to the dead, outr ward Woak ^ iHuch was •< agaiiia! thcl Holy^ptrie*-^ 1; r. ^on tra g y ta his Dechiratidn^ in Scripture, as wetf as fttttng afide the Kece^ltty of lis IlhlA^ce to €jSb6^ Renovation. It is not the bapth&inrlnfantl finifily^ but baptKBUigthem mchat, errdieous Tutb# thaft is £on«/ dprnied. Mauf. ProteOant WHter|» in their 2eal t oppole diis Roffiiih Error, have dmpiBd Eaiprcffioi fimifau' to thefeof the \|SydettC»' i i^tmtk motetm^ ceptionaUC) if c^nfideredieparatii^^l^ f^m Thefourdi Ankle 6f tM$ TmAk h cdaceriiing Bapdfm,^ and the- oth^ Sa^hriimeilt»of^tha Choidi «# Rooie. G|[era they jpaitfculitly^eiUMnerftie e^ery Thing;^ ^van the minuteft CiraikaBftttidB^ whkir they judg^ er^ ^ ratkoaa' in aha Praftice of tht ilbttiair Cath^s, c0is#^ cenifo^Bapiifili I buc donot lay i^cad agpiiitt Mant Bapiifirt; <^ That nhieh iaof no Moaffifyln th^ M^ •« mimftri|ibn of B,«Mifih/'' iajHl' ^Article ••; is W ^« EtM^m'r iW biialhini^ ocv the ftip of ^ CMh; H. ofknr ihrliifan^ Bitafbaitd Fdidw|3^ thrSal^^htti' >r put iMo hif liietetfit J& StM#p«^ >K Y, — ^f^-J A:_.v^ ' .-r«.^ ■, .*:-*. * 'If" '■*•/■ "•j-.-;v. ■■^■>,:/i'y.^^}''^^''^. • . r" / • 'Ifc. :% S: •^:^-*: . ■ ■, "^ ■ . ■■ .■■.;■. ■ ■ «, three Tfine*, fcc. •H thefe Things, commonly * praftifed about the Adminiftration ot thU Sacrament " lire needlefs, aabeuignotat all of the Subj^ance of^ ♦• or requifite to, the. Sacrament of Baptifm .^ / Here they fpeyk profeffedly concernmg Bmtifin » and it b certain, that thi» ii «»» Ungiage of Padobap- tifts, Bot of Awipoedobaptifts. They cqndemn thrfe Additions which were made to.Baptifm by their Ad- yerferies* and they conceived to be jjoog; and amwg rhere«trii>e Iilimerfibn was one. There is not «SyU*- ble either in this, or in fcveral other Treanfes, Amd«. Confeffions of Faith, written by diefe Peorfe, which . may be feen inMorland. AlUx. and whm-there unpt, I fay, a Syllable in thefe aga«n*^»f»"*^»P**T' ,J"* only Paffwes which haw any Appearance A«w?r. are thofe r have now produced, and were quoted for thatReaioni andnothing but reading them is necefliry to (hei* ttey do not favour Anabaptifts. Now^it is utter- ly incoocdvable how thefe People, *ho cenfured every Thing they thought erroneous^in tte Church of llome, with fomuch Freedom, would pafs wa I"»»* »^" tifm. then tmverftUy i*aaiied, had they (honghi « '-Upon rfie wliii5--fr<i^ \f iiaciifes in Favoir of Infant Baptlfi^ fcVeral Years, bcfoieriis well as at die Rcformatiqn^f rom the fcveral Titatifts, Amde«, Catechiftns, atod Sojwaw ot ous, and orthodox: rrt»y^«n^ ^Ti^^ ^^ Sue Waldenki^cre P«^obaptifts.^an^^^ nicWfaiV andttatlheChateof theit^^^^^^^ SS, aiid b<^gdnto^^^ maf be idkicod to t^^^ Sngl? Fmnf?^-WWhcr i^all ^Slr^^ the Tc^inopy ^ their ^ opp<l^ fraieKi;th( norwhai cruel F| judiced' minings Alcho intended to exam ..Errors Q Time, i voured 1 tenikd t the real ieo%r.i a winusjn Bereogi Itfere lived at Thattl] h)ky ai l^W '^*\ • Morbad, iUd. pi ITi^ '-T^^_'^%i-^-^ ^ 4< . : ' iVi lohly inent ifm } sbap- thofe rAd- mong; Sylla- rides, ivhich iinot. The Wty. d for cflkry' utter- cwry lomei Bip- of die. Years* leveral ies of d^ pi- at the hMmt of the oeftioii tr fhall «!»% idver- 4ftriev An ^ffiif mk J»fM Bsprifii.. farlc^ \^ftb enddivouredlfco blacken theih, beciotii fter opp<a^ their Errors, and fcparated on jaft Oioundi froai; the Communion of their Chotch ? Who acciifcd theii^i df Manicheifni, Antipoedobaptifoi, and I know nor what Errors* to make them bdious, andjulbfy their cruel Ferfecurions of thefe innocent Ptoole ? No unpre- judiced Perfon^ I t^nk^' can hefitatie a Moment in deter** . minino; which of thefe diould beineg^rded moift . Altho' I have faki more of t^ Wl4deh<M tl|an 1 firft intended i it will be npqeflary befpreT<:lofe ibis SecUon toeseaminethe.Caie of ibme others who oppoledthe Errors e;f the Chiireliol Rom^, bdfoii^ ; and^ about diia Time, and are faid by ibine Anabapiifis, to have fa^' vouied^thejr dpiqion^ ■■-;■-; i>.-:^' ;,,' ^'■'V/^■;;■_^.■;^■, :-:<■;.., ;-^ // Th^firftj (lUU. mend$>n is Berirnganus* Jtispre^ ten<!^ that he was an Opppfer of^ Ipfai^t Bimtifm, about the Tesir 1035, and (bme Time a^ter. ' But the . I^re^; ienQo;t;is deftitute c^ ^y folid PrQot. r It is founded on a P«0ag!B' pf a Letter liviritam An/ Dpm. so49» by Deo^^ wifi% ' BiPioaof Liege* to Htvii^ (. liing of FrsiAce;v Af .Inhere is a Report con^ favf" iQieodA Winus intittt l^ttei^ -^ that ;fHeie twp^ viz. Bi^uhpsind Bereng^iis,,tl^l^ B^l^ Arfbdeai^oa of Aimi^^, ** dapiaintiiin thj[t ^ Lord^s Bodyi i* e^ « Che .|lof^ifl^^: »^ ^^fe j^aadc^ ind t^« Flgurfcolt^ Lorn Bp^. i A»44iat |£ey: do dtf-. r art^id ;)«ii#ll U^^ in thcni^jw, H pyefthjrowtlieB2p$ifi|A^^^^^^ . l)<;re tke Rmer may tHar Oed^i^Nifs* wha live^vatia^gr^at I^^ That^ the^ Heportjcill^^ bwrtluwSii &mfi ^iie. appears from tms^, That ^itho^ m^ ^^enu demiBdMaiinBi^ Yet he #as never charged with drying Infant Bipmm. — — T K-« — BerengprittSit t yt4|U6.])e9«c]iit.9a9.lr8cit.Cip. 7.* I Hf ^,»9^ * .♦i «|^-. J •^ ^ '-'*l ji^iv^a"' . ji"*^'^ 'm^ ' f i 1 An MfcopHoiiimM. denied ^ «T»Sf*?. T'S^S?!!!" tMWtaftT Tfck w* the «e« Error of which he wuk. Extnaeofthe Proceeding*, «nd Mmow of Councils held effnnft Mm , end there itnot »Word of his bemg m AtSjadotartiftin «.y ofthem. Ufccr conclude. W,Aec^of fim inthefeWoid*-" """nj^r^^ M Synods th«i«re held tgsinft Beitnmnus, we do not 4«id there was MV Ch«ge of An»b«p(ifin, brought «• MMBfltMm : Nordotho&whow«iie reponedfo have |ft3afalttotB«p0finw»rf$«f»^ ?J^*"^j**S • to hm denied «y mote, tbii *«t Bipdfm Ad not •^ confer Gwee Md SdttfioBi «r ir*<^*t»^}M. ** «* deadoMtw«rdWorkwroM*tt"F*tBeyj*»8^^'*^ 6tKew*s ne*e»rtJio the EfBttcr of «»« ^^^'S*' « :teSe5e tddtV wfcch ttwW, Be ^K|?bftni«^ •» 5 AodEhipii.. who yu « Rom« <^^«^'J*J*J|J .TASiifc** l.ptifin_ww nun , «jf^«f «^Nj •» IkwfiilMturiicn. htputsixxmgJUiftt to rtjife «> >1»«MB wiSout Kffinffion: Tet. loi*fmuch at «* ifcftliro ibw «e not eonwuned m tlw WRbng^ * of B»t«ogifiu«, and' were mw chagjed ^ hw|. .Am bron^or^oiAuthorfi ai^ AatchfcAr fromRe- > autotaWngthem, aor e^eMbHEpd »rtm«*e"» '^^^LS'thein* <»>" KtMbrofiaa. a^Hen- ^.- . ^■: Vv *■ ru ac- fevertl juncils being kdudes t many do not iroughc :o have If feem M fioc by the itdi^ind nent^as fty$ of eKeving ftioying E^ufe all luch as mntiiigs ^nbrni," roBiRe^ npol lor aaftheon ^ tanglkt l^<iFol^ AdHen- OMNOlcrs leivrc^lt ^ iny m «<* Record of P^ter De Bniifi fo tbtc wc fcircekiiow •« anj^ Thing of what concerns him, but what im <« have from tl^ Report ,of hia Enemies » and thrtt «< Enemies too tothat Do^ee, that they uied Fire and «* SwDcdtodeftroyhimt* Hewu burnt An. Don. The l^crobru&ins iuid HenHdani/ are fild te Im held the ftme Principles. One Peter, Abbot of Clugny# ^m)te an EpUtle againft Peter Dc Bruu befoi* be wa burnt4 but it was not publUhed until ^eTear iji4<>9 Thereif^ charge 0e Bcuis, and his Followers, with denying--** That Infams can be iimd bt tt*-**"!*^ <« when they areiinder the Tears of ReaioQ, fome Manichean^ Principles. Pr-AHix^ *e . ^^ Advocate ol thqfc People, denies that they^ were m»^ cbcesibatthiratsPetfcrOeBruisn^hthave, ^» revpini ** the Erw of the Hieraci^s, whomEf)ipBiM>{^ fflj^ On looking into E|ttphanius, I ind he ^% the l<i^ lowing Account of thele Heretics. , •• "Fliey wtrc ctf M ** Hieracites, from om Hirracas, iheir Fwndcr, i*f /•^ lived in the T<^o of Leonto, irt^^I*. ^.P;* « Man of Learo|i». <kSJbdin l»hyfic>^ and^tJK^ |W% « ctoof Sdeoce. He 4aiifld the Rdumldioni»f the -• feirituit^Ifc^ .^ SlbepMoKar Jp tiielWI Teftamen^ but iwklimtt of Si^iim riKeie •tdie and their F<ar ehiixii^ |:bem Aliif I Ep^lMn. Mbrsrs. Bgret. Ii|^» 67 , * < • if J' ^L ^ In fuoMfing Dc Bruit might have revived the Efrtr of Ibe Hiemilet: Or whether they were not clear of all thefe Errori, (incc we have no Account of them ongin- ftlly but from their Enemiei. who were aftuated by ' Malice, and therefore to be juftly fufpeded : It wbuld be difficult, I fay. to determine with Certainty, which ' ht thefe if the truth. And as it is of little Conlequcncc in the prefcn^ Controverfy, v^hich foever of them ii the Truth,^i Ihili n«th^r ifUXt my Time, nor lire fhe Rea- to*! Patience byinquiring into it Wrther. ^ ^v . * Gundolpbua hath alfo been mentioned at denying ^lahntBap^fin before tBSk Yeif lo^c: He waa an Ita- Eoi kriti the Account of hit Priiiciplet that we have ffOOt the Minutes of a Synod held at Arras, in the 5m ioa^» ftp Gerard, Bilhop of Cambray^and Arras. I which- ^ of the FoUowtra of Gundulphua ^licfc examifMd't* ' TIfey owned themfelvet to be the Volloi»enof Gundulpbosi and it being reported of them tbac diei Abldkra) Baptiitti, Ofcrard mtenogateddiem tin tbatPoint % tliy infwered— " The Difcipline we hive received from our Mafker^*' 1. e. Gundulphus-- ^ confifb ''tn letting the ^ Worlds in bridling carnal «* COrtCiiiifiie^^ i? prtvidina a Ii?(rfyhcK)d by the i»« Lab0vir Ofjourtfantts, in hSrdnglib Body, andaf- ■■^^ ibml Qamj to aUSirhb'iur zealijia to the Profe- ■«* ca^Qa^>fdlb6urDerigo; 'NowWthit.RMjhtcoufocft W U ibfeWt there ^' l« ho ^eca d^BJ^ «« andiriM^i Btpdfc bmndt, aVaU td Srfvation. «< ttb k^ttbSoni MOiir }i^^^ to which the «« life ofB^fm canfpperadd mkbing.^^ They then ktiodbA to iSniee^ llm^ alu^nft Bap&fihiri^general; jdiou^tomtiffifeldbniMstbaif'Ad^^^^^ _ ' XWb tern to W^ 1*11* I «n^ it •?- Itt^ fiom thia Acd6telrW fficto/ Whether t\ff were fTT .' ,■ ^ ; - f • . ■ > >" M a nicheet 4 Smib Accout of this Coondl or SxBod firom theMipatcs of it, ABdin]>ttpiiiibid. Ckif. la* ..^*^ -^^4 . . ^ . « <c il .1,- > t'ti' ^_ri-2.- n- !noror r of all origin- ted by w6uld which qucnce 1 is the lenying in lea- e have in the 1 Arras, lulphut be the of them xlthem line we )hus — carnal by the andaf- 5 Wofe- foufhefi ijptifm ; IVatton. ich the ijr then teneraU Ijf they •■*'■' .•■' Miltip« 5f- were uiicheek An Eff^ on Infmii B4tptijm. , , i|i Manlthcei or m^, that they rcjea«! all Witer ftptifm. Dr. AUixhimfeltowns, " they did not fct anv Wt •• Value upon it r he mi^ht have laid none at al^ if this kclation is to be depended on. They held Baptiftn to be quite ufelefs. It is very abfurd therefore to men- tion thefe People as joining in Opinion with Anabap- tiftt. They feem to have been the Qoalcers of theif Time, as toBaptilmi but do not in the ^^, Itvwir the Anabaptifts Scheme. ; It hath been faid that Widiff, in the Middle of the i4th Century, denied Infant Baptifm. , Now it Hap-" pens that Wialiff was (b far from this, that he expreflea many Do^btt, whether an unbapti^ Infant c«n bf favea. In Cafes where Baptifm is milled by fbmt Ao» ddcuc tho'defirei fey the Child's Farenti, he iicljnef to the merciful Side % yet even there hefiuta. Taki| his own Words-—" When an Infant of Believers i| «< brought to Church, that according to "ChrifPs Rul^ «< it may be bapjtized i and the AVater, or Ibme ^r •< Requifite, is Wanting— And he dies in the tuean «« Time by the Will of Godi it feems l^d to d^tie «< pofitively the Daibnatipn of fiich an infant i when «« neither the Infant or People have finned, that |)| «« (hoy Id be damned.'* And again~^«* In fuch Ca(b,ai a dumb I^an, \ am filept^. humbly, confeffing my Ignorance, ufing conditional Words : Becaufe it is not dear to me wl^ether fuch an Infant (ball be lavef| •* or danmed i." - ^ t iij.^ After this, how it (hoold enter Info iiqr<Me*sl^^ that Wicliff denied Infant Baptifm, pei'haps would puz- zle aP^rfon of plain Senfe and Honefty to conceive. % And to mention no more— It is pretended t)uit m Lollards inEngltand, were Oppofers of Infant ^apt^foT* To tfai» Ilball ai^r by only pitodiidnga ^anVzfb^ louvof their J^i^i^N^ :»/.■,■■■■■■' * , ■.:■.-•'-.■■ r ■' Ml 9^i'* c< ^i; .'■■"■1 ■■■'i- \' ' ' ''Wm , ■•'■ .i-^^m. • ''. ""T^ff^ ' ntcsofit. I V^diTtTrialogtts Lib. 4, it, iS/ quoted by W|]1, tl^ I ^cWPtTnalogus i«iD. 4, f^. Bap* Parr 9. CEap, 6. S 7. n' " ' • **<■■• i^ <* p l^^llff* lil tMtfenentb Arcick thef men- % ^^ i|^^ Uk Aindemken by Women, ^^^^^^ the Oatfion ofkpciibie 1^ lp^|bi^i^rft» beORif i ^ofe Kunk to Mwawn Coti^ r mift^in^efi trinpci theai to pipcure Abortion, •nd ^ «tfr%|)ie^ they are bafscTzed *''->• llire we find th«ttaki|i^ away the Livet4>l thcir,Chi1- ;iiiit|» IMmi 4(V weiie bipi^Md,^^ it reckoned and charg- * ffegriwgm, How abford then is it to fup- Italf^ oQCmhftandtng, denied Infant 1^ tXlim Loltardt wai much chciame with that ". . ,Tiu)f> Lollards taught, thai unbap IfiptlNS'jlved ; aiidthis was^liifficient in ^ JlP^faoeet i"^o almoft all Religion iQOMtJiffpdKQtmi anidi acne t liJ4»^ftMptili^ to draw on them |h6 •^ - '4^ %.A' ••.■*^';:,ii,.,j j-^;-f ;■*<'■. fHrfval wdlifl |f.^^<'''JBafMM aininc JMfti intrA by^H] - ^ ofid^lftrlM papjtifm^^^ fan, Wenmifki^ii^M^ 'ClnuMfi, Al%^ ani^. ts.k k Vol . I . Itopf 6. p. 59 >. , ■ f . lit. iUi /;l* t ' . ' ^' » t ■» » tllCfl %, is AMnciiy D, .•fid chiirg- ivttion to Alp- . . . % ■ ., _j .^„..jt_: .. If'''""' neiit m Letlg^oii It avne em ih* f^^%^ *-■'« • tmdr ribe4 by fti? tKt iofaiitto hteChUd •^ -« is sit. iUi An Jl^ •n As/kir iiigwp. ^ lit # |6 we*.** Thlt Wt i/^it by Cuftrnft 'genfnlly terfv«lfl> whA tJtW Hic immedkitts Objcd ci Ui^ffiif uilliit l^y, ii^Qceraifikt^ Sv^jeas^ nit Modir, «t fiMCifiii : Ycc fince AMbtf^niamji^W'^ i fcrrcftion of tbe Ordinwice, it will be {Mbj^r t6 eiB*^ l^lllIlewhtdie^lWfbo9eBermiflkm^ kMrfiil, «iid Ae Brniftier fi[iufili«4«fi kjiiftiiWMfc. . ;? . " ^. i^ H The Modcof adpiimftnnK Baptifsn^ whcAer by ttw- nitrfipn, or Afui^, or f^iikling^ it not detisniiioed by^Mir Stvlottf in hisComnilffion to die Af»ftlf». He only injoinB^tliemlto gb'tiid prc^Wyte dl Niwioiw, b^rtlnng them in the Nome of the Father^ tnd^ «f te Son, and of th^ Holy Oljdft. So itoat we niii ie«« ihr Meaaiiigf bf ' die JfVo«l Atffti^ Hen nW, 4h)m its A&ilfcation ai^ Ulfe in the Bible. Cm ' any Thtngbe moHb iradofial ^ fair dian thiil if ^ V^ordisii«qucndyuied'indiefaci«4 W^ngsi aiewe not to Id^m' tei Meaiiingin)f» die Senfe in whieh It is ^i» ufed and^stt)^iM r^Hind fience it muft appear to •iny onprejSdIcM Ptet^,^ t^ dili Caft;^ go ramWiiig 'after Heathi^i^ Wilttw, aiid tiailbe d^ Interpieters ofdicftercd WHterss^ if^ undetftoo* the Meaning ^ jdieir Words better Aaa die Aand ^ "Writers themielves. * ^ ; * V' \.» The Wctid^ fh^i^ ^ ^^^ <iiet with fn die New T^fbwhent; and rn^e 'S^a|^fit Traofladon of die OW. fegeiiifil-MeanIng 'fa^^ tadAi^^ tber by dipi^^'pourli* Waiar loi^ die Kvipoft of Wa0klng. &v^«ji4«^iu^<i^^^ .ftmeWoidi%i^ «f diefeModes. r Were it neceflary, kould <|«K)ti Li|ica> graelienenc^ t« i^Wnee'diis. Biwr»fe fignififll to Jwafc fiiiip^^W^wit implying any d^^ InniiBr- fion lofwhichtaiedwtofcwingfctooes. '^imisiffiy em mu bM^ $hi rrMlkhn ^f tk JOdwH: Mi ^btn itif C9m frm th Uarketr mefi ibnf .■•*■■•, ■V- ' 41 m- ■ I ' m JTjjrfJiiifffitif cmsept tbey m bapdzrcl, /it«jf HQ^iJm^ M^* ^ **» «**^- Mark yiL fiAr^ASr^ ourSaviQUr fay*. Br 'I ifi«i»f find *a$*af«Wiig if applW to figmty we MQiiiig tMr WarnK V^s aad Beds^hefe B«^ whkiiwerc ufai wh^ ttey «i^ were wafti^ or Iwpriz- «d by Ipii^i^r And thai tE^y.wafliedth^ir Hanas* teHaildi+. And m a |y^ IwiliW and baptiied mmfi^ »apt0bt, , tlMtt he .had not hf^ m bi^^ed, befm Dimur. Luke jri. 37* S?- ."^^f, " ^ui^er:Inftancf^ j^ Haijflj # ^^^ . Wtet^ St^Paiil ft«|kji« pT^ Ifi^erfi^n ^ifcadcr iaay b^convi^ JS^Pd, lOMX^ V i^m4i«fe InfUnces, |i9thing can Jbe more evident, tiaii th^t this Word Baptilin b wajQung fi^ply > and to bim^ze U theianae as to waih^ ' S^tt^t indeed niay, iji^Dg ft^titis alu> moft ce^rCMQ, firom the Ii^an* '.^. ••!■ *•. ■.:- the t yi4r Ptowc^ Nol. MUcd, C*^^^ '*,'* .m Wnowpfoduced.^ it k iife* t|^;^^ wbertmtv'iiisnly poured; ot wen fpffrt^ed.- Snce the Word Baptize dtereftire wutesn 4fttM»gto> 1.eSl Senfe. St wm .^fliay ftlUS^r^***,*^ 'militf to feaptoe all K«l<*4, d.>« not ; piwlftly detw- m^theMbdfe dTadmlMftring B^ptrfm-;^. n« »b^ «raln it to dipping, hi pOUrhiK, pr fTOnklinp;. K> tte^ Word is uffd in Scripjnare jn eachy tfcefe A«*ptttton^ Bap^fijS hiaylie Hlirty jd^ftroi l^ W<rf^«^^^^^^^ Ae'BI& Dt Wafcing in two Pi«*;^/t^^P«rf^^ » fiphes, V. 46. where he: fiij*H2M jfiSNWK jj* Biirffm? The- other «r'Tip». Si, fc^^^««J^,"» feaptifto /fe»'«*«V%«w»''«««; T^ t>r%dns evince that Wiffiing, either by kmiei&m <# thert>) wisdeemed'lu^tiln adminrfWiig tiw OMi^ n«i«, 'anilttreanndaliwentiyv iSttr coflWAe Ph>p^ ot thefe EjtiJreffibhj • Be defendedf w«e ImmwfioOk %hichirb«'bi«^rticoJafKiBdrf«^ii%/^^«^ proper and lawftilMddd bf idmimftrmfc^ Papdfln. W »• for; «ft coMoer tne oaptumai "■•""TS v«."-—~- Wid»»roi>r^, *hf with al imich Pi^ - M/. Wall's OWeWadoB bvery j«ft« M*^l«^"«* *» ihis Point. Heftyi, » TheChriaUn. «»» *jfe,»Tj ^« hiifeverar^ord* to fimiJywaOiing. Thw ^ Aem ptonafolrtiOy for the ftcn^nsratt^^*"^ *« Zlfor otHet^Waings. It » die Chriftian. fince *« that have appropriSttd the W«d *^ftwt»tte«r^ ' w mei«il Waihing 5 ..much after, the iame lUue »< it"- .)':♦•. -v , •* UlCf =r— r ^~^ • "- : — • — — ■ — — — - — ■ — • — — ■»- ^ ■ ;/ > xt- •• ttar tmi fpMoriitod the Wbtd Bible, which ip ^ (imkiiaiir^ of God I or the ^^ - ^ lit >hi* lo the Scfteture ^^ inJ^ the divine WVitiiigi^." fhi> W««r inA^^J^ 1^^^^ B«Aor Font 101^)01 iT^And hence it isminifeft, thkt KeSrainiii|; wmAc Soiptot ifpi^ Handk iplt^aier fiiriMt Pf]^ ihi|lfe^i(MiMeth4 ^, ceiiiMg Om «riWi« of ^^Bao*,*" wluch fey?p *4C ^MJ^P^'<^1lM - ' - -■^m AKdl Water* «rt poured iqiiii «^ Han^ • yeftI.T WMwqiwd. inAlikr^,C*p. \»i t-t ' • - • i * Ami *« 'Ml* » «' ' :'p5tft£i^»^-^'''- tfcejr4i|t i^HnahoveOfiosMiMi .V 71, 1^ ^f'* I/: * . -H And tliU Mode «JfW««iigU<!rfle*llHFtaS«: ^Wf Mr wiftuw tr Affiiton, but fprinWing ta iMtatieftt •blfOated £i06tat; iii*iifc« w«» fpriitikW. wwCMt*. beiMtiied^'iif th. InftucM » »«?« •n?"**'"'^^!*'^^^^^^^^^ f«tr i That foppdbM^ cfMi Hwds had been aft, WB WW S^ll fcW « be baptijed. I.«* ^J^^ T«w» in oae ot *#*F«ko iliWdf «*»«*"rf'**^ *S 6n Volcv If then *^PW&n, fc? j»«<*«i»»»Wf^ c«f«ed with W«t» U dtmrAMui . W^«*ii igS!# ' rv I ilw Account #e haw of Ipha- « >^«**«2*S1 ioicdtoillode to I|tam«r(kiii» #^if he ftf **^M> 4r» ►* ) , ' » .it could ooibeirtiifmeirfiQii : Koc >td liientioli tbefr. I/«y, ^is iitterljr Vlcmilbtei I migl^t fa^ impoffil^t chttlhe TtM^ TtioiilM who w€rt b«»eized, Adi ii. 4 ■ • coaM viweiiw t^tOldln«iu:e h^f Di^ For as cheS^ene o^ttotmiCa^it^lpraa the City of Jerufatenti is it pro- ^blt a fofieieot C^i^titf; of Water toM be pTOeured lor Che I^HfOfef Aodai the 4c<^nt iiAt>tle$* that all tfcifl#gidohetheiai|ieDayi.can any oneimagine that there <«r6uld be Time todip 'IThfee Thot^fimd ferfoos ? St. JPll|i^1lra5 biptited in : hia Bedt^Chtmber; as maybe gil^ieitd from the: t^aivattirc that is givenV AAs \£. jfS^iTt- But ia*ai ftobabaity is diei« diiit he war phi^Mdlor that Bijrpofe» after ConfinedientcobtdM, • and mfting three Bays; and in aChamber»? ^i^fy^ai# iWi^rt*!^!*^ ifll^ ^a^ converted; «i*(^«Wfcil<«u^; #Sbf^^ 1^^ This ^ done:: But la ihemilJhirvlNift 0^^ ofi^obability tfiiat tbey^ wlA«lHl|g4iel#l^ llippi^^ Flaeq? lJVlial^wiri^#il^afWB<^f %^ of Wttttrlor^^t Fiii^fe ? Or>»he(ice touid it be procured ihfb^Ort a Ttta^^at tl^t Hour of the Ni^t ? Anj^. PeirfpD ^^ iiifficoi^felfe^fistheM^ii^ m^ iioth«iltiiiite%^eviliglito^ in tliefe Timasi by -Afi^m 01^ ^rinkling. " For my FM^ LIm A^ iJEtfuadedr^^t^^ in- difimhtiy adMhuftre^ bf«i^1<»r other of theft Modest or%^Mm«il^ juft as J^^ iwould Jdmtt: And Itwill i^pear to a Berlib'wholiaaWengaged hjm- lelf torn Fi^iwci^^ thatb^^&tr^^ whidh Pe^e haiire rualnto on* tMs Head---Some affir- miagtliafW/vifere dipped, akid o^era as po^vclyaflfcr- tingliiat «Hi^ were dj{>ped.- : : ■ ^ Ag t»^^ Fraiftlce of iherMniil^e Chdft]i« after tlie Atfiftlei» it^ia generally aUofiPcd that the ufuid Mode ot^ttttfeiofe.iras. by Immariioii. Thja was thoughtto •If reprefcnt ^ v.- ,j9 ' Am J$9 otk^i^ ^ifV miricniip • pQfr IMy Mwifi^, the pWi, Bi^ t^JUftimaiiMiirfourSttlouri uwellrat iwrPetilt Bi^Tmn h ftoiUd be oliierved, that the prin^mv^ QbriftiMis di^^not >udMi ImnierfiQii to be effbticlil by iMMiim^ to Biptifoi 1 ina iccordjjgly *ey ifeiiil«(^ dmioiftred >t by Afiufion or SprinkUiigi THi» Is ^^^ dqit» ffofti thrfr baptising fick Vwp>yi on theii ^ Bedi, who iroai xxiin t Bed, were ctlted CliiMct^ and their Bapdfm denoimoated Clinic B»Ptifo. Fre^t queoc Inaihcet of thiit Sdrt huppened j and Clinic Bip^^ . tifm waa adminifircd by Afiufipn, or iprinkKng* widi deented equally vtiid widi' Bawwm bf Inwierfioii. £; Oflbii we have an incmitemble i'roof in "C^y^ni^ •BW lis Yeara after St. Johni and hii Teftjaioiiy if of the grcaier Weight in tidt Cai^, ft he waiititrtiiflehr' ri^ in his Hotioiw of Baptjfm^ioiiwich % ihic^' ^ Baffin by Hwtics, howeWr iulyidmi^Oi^in^^ , IuSAs V yet being ow of d^^^ r belMili OncM«gn«»'twiSrtitt! him oiil^ relaiiiig toBfl^Md(m. C^ tlinj, wWch waa idniiniflri^ AflSifioo,. was Iwtfcl' i>,» t ;^« imd vilid ?'Cypfiananfwer» . ^ . . «« You »Ho ii^aiiv, moft dear Son, whttt^niy Opmion « is of tMe whotec^ve the 6nM«,* tneaMi^sB^ytirm; «' inSic^ls s whether thofe^ to be wxxio^wM hM^ "fall Chrima»4 who are iiot; v^Jh^ omtr %ith ** the Water^^ Sgil^ation, bur JUy*hai« it ^rcd: <• 4i|^m. U which M«tfier--4feidt^ to toy j^ ** C^ity, 1 tWnk *ia--^hat\Ae Di»jn« ^^^ni « k& ihaiitl^1»hi)fc (if i^ a:^ « Benefit ##*|i|lWeiyedwidi »M«««i «gf»l^ « Elides hqdirftti«G»y<r w»d Reieiircr. a For *^ ^ Coomdm^l^^m^^ the^^y^ ^ niui^^^ Skin^andBody «< k^^bedp^ ^ ^ cpQimpo Bath ; . So as there is Need of ■/.' ■ ■ i » || . Wl , ^ /" ' ft 14« ^^^jM|-^r4lriff L^m firm .^^ i*.-fe ^■. " -' tliink t&at t&nr o&mi ao Bmtfit. i:»ii j^*'- .1 ^!^^ * i^^tS^'" ■ *7^w^ _ 'jgot. Ite & deceived at t» nipr >^ ScKi|#, they »rl«>1)e tkey hti^'^aAvCaiiftofi ,\ vW" <-vv(&'* **ycifr 'A \ , -*?'-»L' r i ~ 4 «« yet I .«• butt neit in E9t§4 cqudO •• figni " Gw< *• equa •« Sex *\ on a ** Aca anochei diati^lv^ ** Gm •« is b; ** mini •**'c^v« •* Cft)| cerninfl £3(trad c6hfut( Mo4e. AflTulio will' (d ,more1| ^*Ptlf| anyalid wete n Tkoes, theiei! ^ , 1 "Jl - i * < ,»;. ■:t . ■ ' «« «< ^ An i|^ PQ, .&/4iif i^iti/k>^. «4t ^ jiet not In 4h oqiml S^te with othm ? , B|f jno Mctbt) «« &SC. The Holy Ipirfcji nQigiffnby fisvtfil l^(i)lumr^ . *• but it wholly ip^recf on Wieirwi.^r*^T: \.'^t]-f! i^ Here ^e proceeds lo diew, that jthit was ^adoiiHi 9Pj4 in EftHl^M, i8. whde every; perfonijfaitpliiife^r.fiV^ equal Omer q| N^anna ' <« By whicb,"^ fayi he, >« V«% .«• fignified, that the Pardon ot Cbrill» li»d, heiyc^i!. ! ** Qrace which was to^ come .Iftarwarda, Was t^ Jmi ** equally divided among alU wUhout^y ;l)iftin^H>i7^ pi *« Sex ; that the Gift of Grace w|a tp i^,pburef)''pu^ *\ on all the People of God, without any Oimiieoce ooi "Account of Age* orRefped of PerJ^;^^Thifia another Te(Kni;onyln favour of JnfaacB<ptiii|ii9^ip»i^ diaijel^after,' he adds—!* Certainly jt^e tanlt ^i^^q^ " Grace w^ieh b received by all Belieyetftfi jiipliilin», is by pur future Life and Condu^ increafed'or V4i^ miniflied I juft as in the Gofpel, (lie S^ waa^qui4l9i « lowed, butfccprdinff to t^e Variety pfSofl, dl^fi;-] «• c^ved it; ibme perjytM* W»e pr^PCfd pi^idej^^M *^ Crop, and incre^to 30, 6o» or iA ipp|?p)d If!-. tt Thel^ were the Sehjtti^nts ol^^^^My M<M^>J^7, cerningBaptilm by AI^Qon. I taye jgiven tfis Ww Ei^traSof hisEpiftle, al" what Wttys may (kijgiM di^futp the idle &b)edipnsth^aib qoiT; pf^i^t WI^ Mpdie. There were ptber Caies. in .which Bajp^te :|b)f AjTulion was pra^fe<l 1 but u. .vifM^ , I iiinagiiif, will' denr that 'this Mp^ iwaay^^^ ffi^ : jii the Primitive Church, it is needldsr^to adduce ^ any more t^tnipni^^ Thpft indeed <^i^ reived ,C^if ^aptiffn, wte^eofenJen^^ Tj^ jR^foii 1^ potlwcatife^l if«| #pe4 ^^)e^|ea^t pT anyalidvi<Hr tti^iifeft^os^ were i>rdained. Bg| tbe Rei^ •Hmes, ^n Hea#^ iisas;thfsp^^ dieie were.many^ ^bo» ahho* tto Jn^^hrifti^iqK 49d afl;^otajljo|ts.f:)pa;$iDe^ yet ;ddsirt;t^^\W!<9?f> v\ 1 ■iV" ■ ;.; iS, ■■' ■».. ^SSSIw^MtertMl With- «*d€rin»**»rt»«i<<n. li MKs turn M»^ i»«iattetd. *^«***^i^^J^^ IfAM'iie ilMiftrW'Med, ft (k (INtikiMit. It » Uot tWe ** - Srttended ■■•s- -* «■».■ K ffin m cd ivikin- ftlvith htthy Mil the 9M in W! iceh iffc ihay )«) Re- aver liia e ^bicH tAtd tUf rtot t)fe lattended <Mlft( yec, ( think. none miV Ay thic Miy.qi PlNV^ c|Qloti4l toichc riftbt Paitic^Qn of jt, or «iip^ /ttocli ^Ncdtfl^r to follow ^ew. 4^tviqn<u()pv0M£^ nferfioiiwcre the only Mode on Recocfi i|i qcfiiym Joii tdminiftring Baptilm, which, however, ii not true, yet Imidaribn woMld not be eflentUl to the ^^iu^mmi The Resfon it, it it but a Cfrcumftance which can m Way affed the Eflfence of Baptilin ( becaufe neither our S^Tiour, norhit'Apoftlcsyinidetha^ (^qgle eflentialtt^ itt who only had Authority to do To. J. Thofe whp pr{i<ti(;ir Jo^ndeiiioii ^n bapci«)ng, jk hot to be condemned on that Accpbnt i Yor altho^^pl .is no jwfitive frreccpt for it, yet it m j^lfiifry fl^V^ed by fome Scriptute Examplea % not to lAetitidn die *^unial Praaice t>f the Piifnii;ive Church. ?or ithat pk 4k Churches at thti Pay. in ifvhich Aa(^,i| a^^i \if Immerfion. But to ii^rqi the E|C^% on" (;he Sacratneo^. dq>en^s ji^pop it^liT^^ m\ 4. Thde4rej»^i6a^^ dmanc^ iuimioittred by AlKufiop or&ri^ii^: S every Benefit of t|^ Sgcmment u tmf^ W&^ eitt^^r of theie Mq^ea as wieUX '^ lrtl]£,4Nr MmJ^ |hcy w eaiwllf fH^rfc^blcco^r^o^Ji ^^tWfum^ :ripture Examftlet m FaVour cif Ae l^niayiddfjui, liepiefn^tiQ^^ re^ioo, ,wh^^ tewro^ .prjUL.. ^ 9fM »4W' VW V r - p« M immerfioo wpreliBt. the Bori.l.ol .deid Perjon : -«r2?.SrS!?AS:'m., be ..Ucdupinchc '''** ^ JQL— . Vt J ir.^ '*;k. i,f>^: '1, >i I -— -V SECTION IX. >J*a:„ S^ Ae A«dq«t, <rf Ant.p-d^^^ rtacMt^ thw' amnot twee the Ongm ot it, ^K" wiy lilSS^hiSerdun •»«« the Year .5»3. « «••«?>« ^utJAm^ SMfk Thomai Muncer, and otncrs^cxnac W^^Z^to^ upon that illuftrious Reformer i Time prewMea w rr A^iiT Thf no* *• That Infant llSfir^.^ tobTenduwd in the Kingdom of « £SeBS.«M be Jtfpt in^ fucb Sul,^ , by «ltheirta»aords." ' ' ;'-- ^tdw the Ci» ofMtafter j «ne» tnef ff"* # f^-'. «hirg«blfrwith thdr Pfocwdingfc oprimt wWi them in aiiyTbrng, but U^ th«r OwpoRtJon co1oUiit9aptito. Except this fingloPolfit, AntUjptifb. m^^ f I ^« Iftrn, boW in general the lamePrwapIci with o^r ^ro- ceftancs i and difappi)pvc the violent Fro«~>'J^5 thefe German Enihufiaflii. But (liU. tliai wat tte Pjpiiod ^n^'^^ . -^'^^'^ it, Hifc I and theie w«if. This much wu nec^ffiir ^^ irtio the Origin rf th] liowever to infult any frhcn Antipopdoba the People who bn to be land « when Opinion i which is not^ hold it now I for befidcs that I would^ chufc.io tieat them with fendernefi I there isnoihinp more dilagFI^ able to ahumaoc Mind, than gifmg Pain too! _ __ About the Time of the Reformation, tod before (t, uicr| were feveral Societies of People who feparatcd Iroii^ Uif Church of Rqme, and were unanimous in oppding its Errors, tho* they might differ, in fome Particulars, fiom each other. But there is no authentic Account in any Author of Note I have met with, ihit any of them wtm Antipcedobaptifts. There was a^^ter Wfoi^ Ifom Bohemia toErafmos, in the year^^9, cowemingl Sea in that Country, called Pyghards. The^^teri| quoted by Mr. Wall, and fays-.-" Such n conw?. over •« to their Scft, muft every one be haptizid anew mnvtm Water •:'• The Letter docs not fay they oppqM|nUpf; Baptilm •, and as their fuppofed Errors, anid dimn^i(k« ina Tenets are ihehtioned, we may conclude they were not Antipcedobaptifts. It is probable they though thai the Baptifro which was admipifbtdinfo cornipta Qiurch as they cfteemed theChurch of Rome, ¥>iu ibvalidiand Ibot&e reNptiaed tbojfe who came to jfwm hop iU i ihouldhave p*0W thta Inftance over, did noc Ann*, i^sadbaptiftt drag it in a« favouring them i which they J^^^^^^i^m^it will; te ^ wdl or 111 tea£/ ISv^h*"*"*^^^* it dotinotifervcthdrCtufe. ^ /■-/-• ' ' ' — • :\ — — — - / f WtU'i i^Inf. Ba^Farta. Clitp.8. I4. ^ , *•• * ,s igm, lad ildc MailSa^fi^lf^ttHie ot any cimr- i#iiift IMtit Bicidfin i uiMs TemilKiti may &A, ithdldVifW the EWiy of their Biptifm, iitto t Maiinar as ckarly f^ln?es the imiverral iWtfHaHiHil^ Timci ym tg bi^iae Infantl 4. Hk Ci^fiaib^fa ahckcff ctonM^ There were indeed IWiiyH^i^cib >*^li6 at teireral Times, totatty rcnoun^ 1^ m^aH WWr Bapdiiti, or gready pcrrcrtcd it. Such ¥m eteAlcbdnitife, theMarcofians, Valeniinians.Qjitn- ^drQMIti, Aid^iiiq» SeltkiansiMamchees,^c. mentioned by VeMi^ £t^fisnitii, Attftin, and O&ers. TD Mmh^iti^ nAtb ht confidefed is Ai^tipomi^ , %iU is ^MBa^fts^ If fao ttjeaed all Baptifiki 1^ Mr "^i rupt^ore diat any Ifill chtife to dito any Con^- Ili^Hbniifiththem, or btiild on their Authorinf. u \ Wfiertfmh^feeKjnoiwtf Jefoswasprp^ jfttti th^ IfV'orld'^m %e the diifbenc Piitl of Afii, Af- vif^ MidEiirJM, the^^J^ of Bapti^h^ Ih^mCI IbMtffih^Vnait^^l^^ IttsweHlciiowfi lAiitttte^^nt ihfilfefftant Ciitirdtes bdn^ t^ftota^^ l?hfeiliie4s doiie in «te <5 add In tfti ekmt 6i Rome. ^ Tlie Ab^flcaies and Ct^d of Af ri- ,«fN^A^Hkibd«k£^ H^torians, Mdcklces, » Ifnc^aiieit liaiFt die Advantage of Time. Let MmJPBuiWcd, '•^ ^.CfaapdMd, from Ma Infiuicy. let luin be d^dkaied ftooi ^'" -•v: ■'•■ ftffm the •ft! *1 -T»-# •«,;' »■ the Eaft-Indies, deferve pnicultt NcOfe* fj^ fftm ♦• ThomM thjy kept thfe Faith, J JSSfSro&ni, KingofPortugti. " or BraSTwete brought to him, on wbicb tncni t» .-iiiy' ■ 4.jr:M>r_ -*-^^ m f^tftei^,,,; Ai '^f^f'iin StfiMt §apii/kr K, ■ » W>^tK liiuciiWicuI^, iiitcrpittcd the Letteri on dicfe ■•* Tablcf; They coitMncdtGrittit made to St. Thomas if by the. King, who tb<tn reigned there, ot a certain '** (iiltttity of Li^,.where htlhould build •Temple % bipCe fiiifiriti^-thb* not b fore the fortieth Day altar «^"^ W*W itmDangrrby Sick- •^*^nfefs-^^ K^w^it is very rpmarkablc that thcfe ^hHife|ttSi>fSt; Thomas, w^^ fittle or n6 €bn- < fie^kS^wiai it^y t^thttf Chtifti^^^ ptt^eir ^di^CTfiW Wihe^^fijct^ft^^ fl^ouM baptize fiiftfnfi,^ y*wdrai^lq*ei4(i*K6^ l •tW^tia^ibilfeblY^^^^i^^ fifofii the niRl» li'>ti5a<Jo^^^ i?iSt tw?ntjci^ % it not^ipriijng ttitk dW«n«i^ iftb6ia^^!linibit?^^^^T^^^ whateircir #ii» hi^t M^fldd^ii oAor Matters, yet ia ^in^atito ^tni^titt^, ' Ati;ihould litiiniimoui:. ►*^ ife btih^ juft J^^ ctn^pbffiWr be ferjiiSi^ bvr the, |)l^n, obirwus ^i^hmt i and diat the Apoftles, wherever ^iififi06^t tairtlht their Converts to bap- its i r* \ werefome Dutch Refugees thiwcatoeowt&on ^>KPirsi^i|: m. I^itfaLctjer he wrote li ii^^. l>l^f^c^e tor iome tMi^^ ^ i|le^ c^mnri ikys-^^^V There is Kv^'.v-j :..\.i.-';^i. ,.: ^ !,>:>•.■, a ■::■■ .; > <. , »- ■■■/■;.: - -'^ great ' V ^ i|^«Bii^'Oiini» I>« Ribnt a^ Bmande gdlit. lib. j^ *iMmSmm ^ Wm^ Ami inBimi^ft Enqoiik^ Jec. "CiMup.. ^o* ;•'•■■: •■'> ■ ,, ,..^^'?V:•:v'J•;..^v-'r♦<^'■^.»-'.:■ i v ^ '/^V-?;/,- \ 4 Hienm. Olbritts iMd. ^ io$'» lOt. — ' " ■'■'"' -' '~^ it%> 'gailheiE ings^ Anab mt(A who c •Chun • -Th whicfi '* often ^-¥V -.y W'l.^ , ;-^' •aii.«.ii.\» -. ' '\ ". '.". ' j4^^ ^ An J^ on ii?^ '^ ttitatReriba think God on ttti A«6Mflitj A«t ^» Thear hot of any EngUlh-maii whoil indined tpthat ■" Madneis. I wonder that luch monftroui Opirtioni ♦* (hotild corhcintj) the Minds of ahp Chrlftiani J.** ^Vht Iblldwing were fomc of the Qpihibni bithefc Ana- bai^tfe,Which he 6\\% mbhftrous— •• Infants a^e not to «* be baptUed---Chi1ftian8 ought not to uf^ the Sword *< .^Alf Oaths arc UnlawftilM*-Chrift took not Flclh of " the Vlfgih Mary." From thi» Pafl&ge 6f Mr. Fox^ it^atjpdirs that Ahtipoedobaptifm hadnot at that Time gailied ihuch Ground in finglind. It was ill the fucercd- •Sigs feigns oi JAMES L and CHAHLES I. that Anabapiifts incre^ in thirt Kingdon^i but they chicfliy flouriihcd during the Ufurpationdf Cfom^clJ, '^hd en^rkged alrnot cv«t Scft that 5»do!d oppofc the •Church of England and PrefbytcTians,»rti6m h« wanted toJiumhleand reduce alWch as po^ble *^ i!'' f -j"^- ^ 'Tik firft -ftbok that appiawd in fngHfti ISoT vmdicat^ AntipOBdobaptifm, waspne tSiiafe|B4fi^^ priiitcd Anrl^om. 16181 "^my^mmmimyylim inadeilhc inoft exaa. diligent Search 6f any Man^ inlcf Iheft Mkttcrst/ li^WJd h«mcntion!f fonie Booltt Ibund upon Jeiuits bc%e that a^nft Infant Baptijmi which they intended to difperfe.|^efe J^^ts^^**! often known to diiputc ^nd preach againft^ Iniant * '■"-.. BapUirti^ * TheAaabwptiftshcwevef wmthorougtediij^^ at wp^ well Jiefo^e WsPtt^, nbtwithftandlne his Mv\mf»t *^^^^ firom their Pentioii, to King tpiiark* "• whUe at^niges; in wlu<!i^ tliey lament^ thatthcy were fo touch impofed on by Sim. ^ Among; d&ef ^THiiito dwf fay--'^ We knofw not whetherwe have jufter3«at- . •« ter<if Shame Or Sonw ^toiiiiiftred to ni» when w^takc aR«ffcx " V«W9fwrwft Aa>oMt^«>»^fi^ *P*® die Commiffion of ■0 what Crimes, Impieties, *c» we have been led,^cheited, cou- •Vfened and betrayed, by tW. grand Imp^^A^ « Hypocrittu thatcfetejba,te€^ V oSbriiim^ MankM,^t Landfldp of toiquigr, UwtS^k of « SaTthatCompendittmoTBafcnefi, who nSw catt» him&ff out I ^ I* .^m •/.^ : V- th« •ftBTtWri'rMMfiptoi WK ri»u» unMflsrfl, »«^^«r , TWogl*»W«w»*M(> Anarchy, *«3f ««•?«<=« .Wlghj H»« tuM tarn fo'ttiBoifmi' ■ • ;v ; -si^ il '«. • ', ^T»S«Hiwt«nd unfterW hM **CT tlK^«a>ce of jbrfS^tg ttSw.^'<l*'<«J »» it « « *i? P^*'. *™ FniKet cf «te Cbwch pf Cboft w w wwnw Agf j«r Ju^Tima&wl ip » wjf iiiawfidfabte N»mbor^=^ » ^w 9i0t9^^m im^4^ uiw>lMnC4i]r FaUiofP of ofiify^ .XV XcMwy of thei», and tjbfi $piriS tljicjr hrc^thc, W .#"»« i# A*t4p««»aptii«i^eadude*a W«iir*«i» vthc^Pn- ^a^^a irf die Q«rfpcl, 4jy ^d«i^ln|^m «ic%ctore^liey«Hne »> ithe ¥«•» -of Knpw Wk, and i» fit tp be l?aptizcd as Adute^^^ . nds of Separation. x- ^ . ' ;■ . " • . . ' "~ ,. • :-^^K. 'l^ ftpj»v Wcrf ' . * - < ■ .1 iCC of thro' Q Ae ufev ndples c fti- i ^ fr ^ ^ Mod IW Ift Jl^ on ii^ Btfl^ dfcllefdd ofChfift, rrtdubedto tlxSltii^of Hcitheiiib and left to dieai thcjr were born» witbo^l Mng crtnfl^. ted from ft State of Wrath lb a State, of 4F«vouf , by tkai Oi^inance which our Sairiour appoiatipd for that very Porpofe. This ii forbidding th^fe fo come to Ch^ whom Chrift never forbade— It is, as Bifhop Tayloir Obfenren; *« expofi;^ RabestotheDanger ofan eternid^ *• LofS|^ from wliich there is no Way ip reooner* but'' ^ an extiWdiniry Way* >riii^^ bath not rcveiU • A ^ to \i%,^ -'p-^ '■^■%H'>^':' ■:■-<: :^r\---\ v.::--'.-*:v: ■■ # Again. The Practice of R^-bapdzing thc^ who ?pero baptized ii> Infancy, founded on the fame Pf inciplesit isthennoft uncharitable ^at caii be, to fay no worle« t^r'l9|Eirkitwe)l, u allih^^ Frofefibrs ot^ CHrifManky on EmhareA^dobaptiill, except this HtllrHftQdiiu of Anabaimfts: Whatis tlUi, but declaring them all (9- be aSet ofunbaptized Headiens-^without Churi^ or any true Ordinance I It i$ lifichurchii^tie 1»ho^ ChriA tian World. So that AntiMdobap^fin ckiei iib&militai^ agunft one Denomination^Ciuciiliana oinly-^^the Gon>r « lioverfy is not inth tbisjor that Church 49^ wikh all the Churches on Earth-^>wtth all the 'dii|riit |)0ock ' minationsi^at cal^ theNameof JefusC^ft. „ If Infant Baptifmbe invalid, tho Principle oa^ whif4i Ediaptizingis ibufidedf €hen all ^i$intftratiMS' in . j^ Chrfltiaq Church, of whlE^ind ibev^^ffw^ ^ alio, in J^atCale, theiGaKa ^ HipMiave pc«^vi^d| a^ainft the'Church of C%rfft, nor taim there bemp v«tipii in it. For Jk)w can there be Sal|i(|on« I mean ysk the oniinary appointed Way, in a Cblrch withom # Miolflfy^ Withoiit S^e^^ sof <5ras5C» if triftejKl filch tSodet^^^ Cbiii^^ Certainly tMePTinc^^ and i!hat Frii^ior^ fMk^««teffiunly 4mw^^A^ as ^imk^xoa them,' 0i4!htQ9 bemodh ^iiMSM* ^ ^Mh my one I^)i0t#ltu9 ii|i<«ri«tt^ t»nmon, ripu Hiac all ^ . £mC'BiptifitM»iiiviEilid» ftiidwa4Mla Pert$fjio|ii sfmii^^ V- \ ^.•» .. iasssss^c 1 I r M..*i' |j-^', -■■'' .1 V-' i/C «|niy; trifUng y^ the jnoft ^tcaa enter intp wh mm. Ke- «s .^cbnfifteht With jN|Na«ire and IS^idSted fa *it Ligl^ J»^Cbn^^^^^^^^ til fwtamv Inftn» ""^ *!?*«^. i**. ."^ I th«*«««oftfW into Cdwn«l»tliW'* "'?'• iwmeriy oWwlHl Jewifli DifpenUiKf. .But by ^tetScifc when they tt^taptia ttole^l^. loin thein. Kw.TXt it~ demonftrably true, that all thefe aii un9. .. , _^i«._ii_.a^-.^ifQin their |ft Life etttT lly Ba]p^m» . om twice.** ■ ' - . y* : Canonsv npt 8/' ire. ^ ^i, imoiig /ftdntcifyini i'^^eftifion ^S?en«simar.lly ««i -ectffiirUy^^ "^Pflnctale. andPraffice. >^ ^j. ^ .,.i SEt^. ii vUA.«.»«^lSliimc the &mej fine* » ; 4 «* c^nfiirtd and «xmd«Bmftd aU Todi j » !# ■>9 ^ Effivf on Infant Baftijm. ^^^^r^^ r v:>*^;;<; SECTION y.. {»«>■ ■»-.Js' ^$Condiifim^'in, which the Evidmnfor Infant B^ !(/« an hritfixfummd if- >.i''' ^a'vl:?: » HAVING thus confidcred the Nature of Baptifi|«*^ ftnd the Evidences which evince that lof^W mould be admitted to that Ordinance, I (hall condudp this Effay by brfeHy recapitulating thofe Evideiwrs, and throwing them together, that the Reader may fc^'them in one coUeaed View^ . . ^ " ^^^^^^^^^^ It appears then—That Mankind in their jprclcnt^ fallen State, are born in Sin, and arc by Nature Childrcii of Wrath i confcquently, thut the Redeemer'a McriU are neceffafyto ALL, whether young or old, to attain Sal- vation. Accordingly,we find that in all the pilpenfationa of God froS m Beginning, in Subferviendr to the great Defign of Man's >Reden)ption by Jefut [Christ, there wasa gracious Provifion made for Infantk as well m Adults. They Ihared in tbrState of their Parents, and were adniitted totf ^ iate'ii^enan^^ ^ the Al^ lifflfe^ /Tfce Child that was nofthusenterocl' intoCoveSmtiafli J(|i^^^ igfrmhis Teople^ i. e. wasnot«i0artaltfMthePnv|. Usxs of God's Peoi^, BOr accouftt^ one orthcm> J|pr JfCsi^^QttL'xyn. i4t/ tIBl waiidlb ^ Cafe^nder^ Part JPUfepleof Godi--were^ M and cont^lPlfi) until our Sav^rixras incarnate. The ^ PI Afi^ghty /••: T< ^f - F Ciitii;^ V, Annot. on Ocn., xvii. i4i tiia Nnmb. «fr Annot. on Qeii., xvii. ly amvnm 'tMo^esaadAron. Lib. 6. Cb^. i. ::£,■' l\y.. ^[^. ,.;-m . ' -(; 114 Jto lfer<m iijM ll^^ Almi^tty c«M» Childfen his Servthti* Levtt xkw, 41, 4a. Tbey Are laid to enter into Covenant with him. Deutcr. 3(ix. 11. la. ^ If tppctri— that Baptifni^ fttcoflifdf, and fupplies the Place otCircumcifion. Throne is the Ordinance of laiiiatioQ into tlu: Oiriftian, u the other was into the J^iih, Difpenlation. Both were Difpenfations of the Covenant of Griice—confered Salvation only thro' the ^iniin tff Jefiia Cfarift > wiiowas equally the Centre an4 OkfftAof both, k l61U>wa€Rerefofe« that Infanta (houl4 ie «dfiiilted «o tf»e one as well as the other. For Infants -^^ -mm M capafak of entering into Covenant with Gjpd» . tkafe iafheiune l4ocefllty tor it, as lormerly, , „ Thit tt was our Saviour's Intenttoa ..they Ihould thu|^ ^ewMVcdilico his Church and Covenant by Haptifm, apotiffi f ram his Declaration in their Favour, when lie i^ffiukistbi Kk§dm 4 i^Mvui v i. e^^ FnVl. llMiofifae GolpeU «re defigned for, «nd i)clong <o, ihem; |«t heiiqprefsJyMfirms— Art^^iyw hthrn iffmmvmd^ ^ i^/MTf^ i. e- be bapt»<sd, he unmt iwt& im itat Kii^m. Baptiim is the initiating Qrdi^ 0iiiee4io4iaiapMiinted for admitting all into the GoC' tel Difpn^ttioti* It is thoMUily inftitueed Way to par^ iidKoflkt Privilege. By denying Baptifm to Mantis thcyaiiei^ilded Immr tlKle Benefits and frivikges, tho' ovr'^^nrioiir fiiytfhey were deligRed^for diem. Fo^ ipi^'andcr die |ewifh Wpeniacion, the C^li^rV^^ jgjiAt aiaugiclfed» >did liat partake of ch#F»ivikg^ Wthe 4/Umigli^'* €o^Kdfi0aU or People, i^i%r waa dkooMKedai ^nt of the ktier : fip under m Qofyd ^ifetitfiidion, the I^rlM w^ >b iili>apnjB«d4^ Mun^Bal^ifemberofC^^ irifible €hufdi, is m^ ttdmiti^fioks*i^rtvilMBea,inor«^^ family ,4r ad+.- • ^- ::::..., .;;5t* J .T-'^^^^^ difiit$ diw would oWervc— that lie rofoii* ^^ * Prinrinlrt. ithat what hf ,»Jv V»^^ ahoye > flo batii.coBdiMni.ioaU'^ H^dSdobaptilb Amt^ «i hfmt M*p^fMk Jit m A^Mnrt^n whick, uhir Ikhc Gt^« it irtvcn i^ ftjch aA iiitrft«ntettd intD Coirena^t with Chfift oy lap* HIM, and to none beftdo. i C*. vii. 14^ tht T«- Hour of the whole Ptffiige, and Drift bf the Afoftk*^ Rfeafonlnk in the Plicr. evince that Chiiditn were ilM fcirpiited;- He is fohringa Cafc which was put 10 htm ^.•« Whether a bclieV^ing HuiBalid or Wife fliMld Uvt w)lhan unbclleviiigPartner.'* H^*«fminti iheyikiHil^ 1 srovide^ the wnl^KeTiog Party were willibgi and for chiiileafon^ among ocherl— That there wa» n Urong FrobibUity and Freftmption the Unbeiicfef woirid h^ won o^fcr to Chriftianity by the ijoovertilloa •! f%Be«- liever. To illoftraOB and confirm his Pttefmipil lo^ he appeaU to a fimilar Faft, that was vltry, well JsiiMpP QnaHrtiilarPrefumptioti and Pr^abHity tWMtCWldrca "^ would be eduofloed in the i'^nctpks of the ChritM Faith— iraioei g) inthe Priftice^flpsProcepBa %«!« ]ftftru£tion and Exairole of their Paiteti: FNey wwf holy, i.e. S^ts orChfiHiaot* they ^^ vdedimed t0 God^ and entered intAyCowMUit trith him.iqr B^ tm. For their Molinefbbouid he no ocher ^fS^m Which is rditivc and fwdaiAi «id was «o .«I«Wh «tsaiiiia»le i^ianhy dedicatky chemiipiGildlaJfcapi^ Were 4t not for this prefumad 8ticceft#l^thc ¥mtmt% lBftni6lidrt«nd®«»ni|^ to bring tfac«i«optiiitte Faitli : Child^^^billd be 4iAcleafir>^^exciiided^ram« GolMuttMic i(ri^«B(d<>d, hketieAtiKm,4^ ^iitedlK^ptifm, or Privily of hiiCbtnrti iaadCo- 5i ajter «ffirmi#«uit ^ a»wimi(c lof Ww(itM>n H #a^tt*i8. Adts. ii. f9. ThroidiaaKC of Iwnatioo j^ ''::iy- ^'-^^ ■■> ■-' ':■■-.. ^f:---..' -■■.,.-■.: -~^" ■'.■■» ■ •. --t -■/■:■:-.■-: lo ^wiu««iHmEzsK» .?"- _ /: ^ ** aKa#fcr<dwr*. te \\ -Tt^ > . ^ \ •, •^: t *•■ ,f^< ,^ die CdWnwt of ciiri^ tnd Piltlcipation df iti Ben* fruftrntefo ftr ts in us li^flETPfS^ fliut thofc fron^ tt> whom it, wtimndeby the Almighty. The ftirtf^poftU! calif Inf tnti, i)f/iij^«» <or they w<(ire to be ciri^iplfed, had Circumcifion continue^. A'^s xv. lo. AkiSnt maniteaiy ftiewi that Infants are not excluded f^ any Privileges they formerly enjoyed, and their Rkiitto be Members of Chrift's Church ilill conti- SS. GliAft never deprived them of thofe Privileges, nor eidulcd them from a Fart in his Covenant. He Iwlv had Authority to/do thU i and fince nf^M no« • it,hii Will cbnceming^them is manifeft from ^ ■"iiff K' ^2na, and %y remain poifcffedot what they formerly ' 'tnioved ■■■■"" 4-<'^ <§^- -"i ■'■■'-'' \rr.i:.-'-it^--v-^ :-^r 'i^-^:Af^j , lumpcars— Thft Ba|ti(m was one of thole %c8 by whichtoTjcws admteei Headien IProfelytcs to their ^tMxm Am^y. tiP Infartf of thofe who em- brawd JudaiiSf andVere gathered under the Wings ot the Divine Mjjififty, were baptised with their Parents. Slants alfotak^^aptivein^ar. oithat were bought. -or had been e»poled4 burt^^^p fl^^^*^ .?«>*«: " WttdbylUptM^^ and Applitation of ' &pti(m, thcNttuw of*a^l^ m5i«if. And when Wcoimanded them to prolelytt liKirffNarions bmlaptif^ withputany Reftri£faj>n or Li- '^mitation.wha^r. they could have underftopd him ill naotriwtfcnfe llHm that Infants were ftill to contir^oc Subieaaof it ai-formerly, and were |o be profelyted by it From hence the Reafon may be learned why there wai noexprefs Commandihcntforfiiptiiing Infants. It V99» ttocceffary i fince they were^ Su^ds^of Baptifnr befiie* as well as of Circomcifioii, in the place (fl %hm. Chriftian Baptifm fucceedW Infants are a con- vjerable Partof eyery Nation |ind when our Saviour e^mmanded th e Apomes y^/ rofel y« i all N ations b^ S^^ii, Aey wefc included^ thi; ^^W*^"^" forbid forbid Chrifl thole difpic M Ac ceflar tifm» our I \ thercl Faitk II are o Ikfrom^ JMne tiaal tHe.j|i thenq bead lai^h and : Biit t jcfts t^atl Tim , aRei requij iprcui iy>Biit -w- 1 9 • ^p It s kne- If wc thofe The to be \ lO. luded their :onti- leges. s not from merly tcs by their ocm- Vings irents. wght, profe- on of flour's )1elyte orLi- d him fiitii^tae ted by ' there iiits. It lAptifm ace # laviour Dns by I. T0 forbid % fmWd them thciffow m>4wH.lii|iiidb^tiii^ JpwqfcN^ » Chridt it tocounr^raft Hit CoaMlifli»^i|»«^'il^^ thofe from coming 19 ,him« whom hit tii¥icicd« md wi§ dl/jplc*^ at thote whafbrbadc'thfm. I4 AcbiuU F«ich,«fK) Rc|Kiit»fic«> v not aWbliiiify ni| Cf flary in Bapcifm, as appears from our SavkNM^ Aup tifm, which >e fuhmitpi ta l» OrcW .tafiuidifrvit for ^ our Uie, among other Realboa«i< Ht had noSki^ fad ^ thcrefoit co^ld DOf repents netthrv^dld he ftfod^Miad c^ ^aith in a Redeemfr, nor coiMd hie hine fuch^ Faith, k% is re<iuired in us. That Faith itod Rcpfoaindl arc ootJipply neceOary in ff^pdSmi wffmmAlti^iim^ from ^ AdmlOiQn €f lyfama <tti#tOwii»iilit:ttlfariifc ^ G(^ byCircumcifH>ni.whi€h.wtg*Scal#4htt|U^^ Jkrncis ot Faith. /Ripip, iv. | K under • DtTpenMofiiii* *i!litJ^hich ftipc^M * Hcdcsemer iiim^siMiiiiCM^ Mi^lHpeiipitiont aiid oo$4^rfd S^fatioiMhiitWpiiiKl . V^hiiCif ciimiO^nivnfttQ iM J»i«Hh^ ihrfaMliBiim ,tq the C^nmaA<QUpfpf#t|PQ.sl«if^MNxi«iiti^ iHlitne Furp(;>(es,^ tho* mc^ Mjplj^'ii* W #M^ the. vai^ pt r^ DilpenffriOfK'u'll; JiiiIm be adfnitted £9 ^^9^^^ff^ Afirii^iU4^ ^ lUi^h would 1>e interrupte4^th« ConaPrvoftif ttie jp^y ine Procedure would be deftroyed. In Adu|jbK FtUh and' Brpentance are previoully ncceflary to Baplifmis Biit confer from thence that Adaht are iibi^0^1$i$- jcfts of Jlaptifiti, wouid;!^ jfu^ l^jOrfiird* ^ mSifof thatlpCihis (hcm)^ not, oi^;,bec|i^fe^ tkal if 4m iOMidnoi workymitlMir fioM kt4§i. >t!Thds. iji^ 10. A Profcfl'on of Faith^i^|th^*<Mie True OM*: aiD^ a Renunciation ^f irHeir fbri^$r:$icai» and Jteligioii, Ifm requiffd in Adult Pi-ofelytef to Judfiifm bdoMtli^ svire fircumciled'^. As thisboweiritr (^4io&pftvent Imnto . • fl^m were tf^ S6rts ^ Profij^ to JajIM&il 7«* 1^ wwe called i^f/ifyits gftbiCtwftmt, Mi^tfpMitffk^j, vJIMju Tlbc^ were i^daiitted to ilm^ft ~ ^^ .A ■ ri !t1 feil?'^! iji J3J •w I < ,-^\ fiotiim Wf i\MBk l^riMkMi or RenuQcUckMi : So nci- Ummt teM the l<lcoefBty «f FMtli and Repenuunce in Aduin In or^r to be btptiicd, pwvent Inlanct from being pro- jHrr Sbbi^at of Baptilm, tltbo* they have not aautl fali&iMi RctienaaiKic. __j,.. ., WIlevpi^caioQ ifoin the ^fTiwrdf i 'Comnnand to M|pt^iattncsy itwieakmiid impertinent. For belides ftbsk heing indttdbd: in the Command to baptize all Kalionsi iHydi etimdcd to all who were capable of k MtatMpJ^ laliiMi^te then, by the Authority of God, iaffcflelBoii .qf the ii»ijht to a Covenant Rilarion to MH(UI|^.irMv4i#hithJ|iMdefH'ived themof-the Gram ititedd^^ remains val^), and in iMiyBaNc.; ToffOM^ k^^asunneceirary, at there wa!i Hn iliiMlf airTQntfliaiir rriftd sboucitHI lb thtl^ not for- hlMini ihrhiiTi m -^fr rinlf-'' is a fumcient Pro0f ^kmA J^MiiMy^ IWUL eoneemiftg tf^m in this Pbint it;oitlten0i£' !(.# be ptbdaced where the (iaMsli%!>^Mliide# l«^ fMi 1^ f ritUeges ofhtsP <6flMiiMMK4fa«ibilkiMMtH^ ihouM dedicated to lwmMiiiiij*iifa^;|ui4>tbc Foiiit hUI^m ^ven up. But fiiciMtalh^ibrky wM bB<iedaire iiii thisCaie ^ and for ;sart- ,«-Ht4>*X ;n*.t.,^^;i^^^,^^.;.; •:. ..,;, /:/^'/. -y>}7 7.-' -' ■ .-^ >th»' - IS^fff. Tl>cy Wiiaiifiw^ pt4rcttmcii}:d, nettle obferyodt . to obrervic whit were called tble AM»^V^ 5ki^ VIM. i^l^di were m fttlowt. 1. Of ^«9;iM^ Cmfifin, oTflniaft eituig t||« Mcinber of aaiy Md ■«c l?*?^ •« C(dWSi ^Cidld^i Hi^' IcuBt '^ fine "RiBi ^Pil««u Tlm^>tty ilfti^ 175^* Gqdt nifter ItUaci ;hattj lijEedt dreno InfiKM neitbfi / und di jents^ /iBvcryii Mfnit 1 no pra Term lea /oaptii reafon •chettl tObje^ •fhey.fl iOonio <paAed aed%i .wffie 4ii]ec Tiiune^ hadn ?^,. li>^W' *■• God. (9T nfif Qitfu maik by hiai> M<f ^4 Wiyitii# . .^ TiKivif tto CnniffyaDd ift (b miny WpnAi IP fMr nifter the Eucharift to Women; neitW it ttieiie nn jiv^ tUsce in Scripiune ih«t my W^oum #i ffc^if^e It &• of $\m tb< Adult Ofl^prUig q^ CbfiftlMi ri^mirirfrr niff lijEsd. I h« SiifDcr of ^Cfif^urie in/ fOiMilfy v^id »! Mcludr Wjohemki Irooi t|m£ii(clMinftf V fns 4di|l| idUt ^en of ChriDtnii Formes frpfp |la|^ifi)a» ^ tf cjifuuidf tMiiif the Oidinavoff , fr^ni i()e AiiMmr ^r mid divine PfQQediure, id^^T liK ftigbt pf >r.«»iKP ^Uli^ 0DC Sacranfut, imd of MmIiPs (|orii qf /Qhfifliim ^«r jftntif to the Q^ifirS«CF«ilient, cflfi bf ^'m^kmA' Am «vcfy Argumenc from Region, jIiqiii ibc NaI|i«| 9f lffIH» jtAfm. from the AniJogy of Ffiitb m4 Ditm tPm^Ml% iopvc^«chefe: WilliOfo^^fie, iw 9fil}r,(d)|ng)iw^^^^ Termn to vindicjiu fbe mm ^flt^mmSf Vmii^v V It «ppcarji-r-Tbftt wh<9le |^9fiHtiiil^NilH(9i^i^;^^ K|Kii9d, A<^9X¥i. lA, la* f f^w!. I- iif ^mm^Mi^wm reafonablycoocludetnerewwfaPflpi«tf|»Wfrf9>J^^ •fhntthe Jews, ^i^^m (bietdy IP ^rfI Fj|^ m'ly^ie fObje^ioit tolheCkiMyv)er{[^je|$te4«pihe|L|^ -they fixcludiBd MdiiMnK9mitf^mli #>tf£i^ Aqb|r ftk>niD<fbd. Ha(lihUl)i9jmthfiM)(e» ih^Qisviriirgiilf) Ime >pa|icd Iton^ inSilcofie/i copfi^ecMtt k^jMchl)^!^ ilied atC»ifte0a«c|LeUtiO0'ti»<;;^ ^wrbi9h WirQ^r^ weie po^flN, fltoiWaqi#(9^4)b9^ ^ m^rc |u^cuft»nMdWhttV# ch^r CbH<^ I9dn^|||tfd 91 1^^ jfame (jpiHttHil JBItffliga with iheqnjf [v^ » fft^^^y. tt^ HjVeiiy great Blefling, and accounting thofe uriciean who had not a Covenant Relation to God. An Exdufion of M s . Jtfs ,h'.'. pm»wiMiJptir< — v.>, t ■ r .< fA ..-..v_.^t_ l^AWrij incredible tnd jncimlfeeM with «.« taft iSift pet/ea Difpentatioh for the Recwcr, of «. loft '^JS'C the Almighty never h«depriv^^lnto««l. '^Bkffi-gs, and to be «£««"«:^ 3«;' h^l^S^^ tet the Ort»fer» of infant B»ptifm |*»^"5* "V","" t?.««irS«iouror W» Apoftlwhave exdwW Infants '& C^orS^ant Relation^.P<>d.--troni the^^^^ ?"^1^1„ S^Sument. and we Ih* he ready B 8«»«P '» *'r^ io It. But if this cannot bedone. to t«y dld^ 5Xp.fflW! in the facred Writings, as tftliertttno ff*^!,'ftj;;fc^^^^ "'•if'* *,S«^efl^ldnOtwith-hold tbofe fHWl ctift^^ k^oSTto be broorfit to him ;' b« SSieSto him In that holy. OnhMoce. bf hath ■ >Pr^«' *Aft"lS.n; Baptlfm w« praffifed In the W ^«mfniM and Hernias, who n»ed iii the ^te lS?w ^'Sul«.S tW, principle. «b '^^ AndeSTprincipally founded theJWece^ of % !^^W <>Srb^ogbSm in a Sta^ot Sin-that m ctAf fortjr Years after ^*V i^^^^ i:: «*^Ss^^^p«^ "^^ left ikdi Bi.*i»^.« : ^^'V^rhou^^. Article ». ilud. ■T 1^ /. I f laft aloft nts of. enefits ^roplc, PUce Infants initia^ ace be is Sort 5 ready edone* ,ngSv<a$ #1 vj^ant, totiodi;^ tfeftom • m-, but hp hath d in the mention ill th« >les ^ ce^&tyof -that ift nfirmed, mention Apology iK^'that. thfi there were f hen many ^ChrifHanswho.w^retMrolefyted, r «« or difcipljpd.tQ^Chrift.from their Childhood, inohad; / «VcontinUed in fpottefs Virginity 610 or 70 Years.?*/" tk uies the (imt Word tp expreto their Pf»fihiijlk go, Chrift, which our Saviour liimfelf ufed whfn lie ^cofi-, gian^ his Apoftles to prosklyti aU N^tSituLhi^iiz^ il^4hmin the Name of the Father^ So%, oM ffcfy Gbtfi,, An^ thofr mentioned by Juftin, ntuft have been pr^fe^. lycfd or diicifjed to Chriftyi. f* baptized* in Childhood/ while many iot the Apoftles were Hying; .lor he wrote thl^ but 40 Years after St. John, as I faid &fore, and f hofe^ Frofelytes had continued in fpotleis Virginity 60 or 7a Years. Thi^ (ingle 'teftimqny is fufficient to convince any unpjrejudiced Perfon, that Infant Baptifm wasprac* fifed in the Apoftles Days, and in the next fucceixlln^ Period of the Chriftian Church. ..^ ^ It appears, — that lrenaei|8, wfip wrote his two firft; . Books aealnft.Herenes, abbut 70 Years after S|.John, ' and moft probably was himlelf baptized in Infancy^ declares that Chrift ^nk *« to fave all Men by himfelf: V All who are regenerated to God, i« #. baptized,. In* «* fahts, juid little Ones, and Children, and Yduths,and ^ ** old Perfons." That by regenerateant means kaptizedi there can be no reafohable £K)ubt ; for he freqi^iently and exprefsly calls Baptifm by the Name of Regener'adon,, isccordingto the Language of primitive Writers in ge^- neral, as; we have feen already. JTertuUian, who lived fomewhat later than Irenieius^ . 4)ears T^ft^ony that it was the Fraflice to baptize In- fanu in his Time, whjlft he declares that in his private 'Opinion he is againft it; and would difiliade Chrift ' ti^s fromnt. Tertulliaii was extrenoely whimlical in this, and in other Particiilars; and^hts^Ficklenefs^of ' ^Ppc^ lead him at laft t^ leave the Church and join I^Montanifts, a mo^ erroneous Scsfl of Heretics. Hit .j^tcempt to diftUade Chriftians^^n^ baptizing Infants^ pind his aiking *l why fhould their innocent Age haften ' " "^-./v •''"'■: . '- ■■■,■■'■■ .«ra O - ' i SmV '■fit. AA 6n i?/to« i^tip*^ ' SKf Arittti«d«U Pfllte»eM ariinft tfceGodh^d SweitWfty # Jete» Ctwift-ttathe *as v^ "J .il.<.<i OmI Dte* not the Oppofition or the Mrrc SSSTd^ntJfom thote oliWh JkMbaptitofound AekOWofittcMwit. : ' „:-*u ^ffi^^AlBiifKlriitM. t*o i«»««eifipOr.ry wiA rcMllttt. ^ho a« town o!«*f ^ t* -f ft*^?ilde» fcAePwaiia tf b^tizingJhfaBts at that Ttm^ a^^ ^r Sn *f pteigmg or «Kppi«g them b BaptUli|| •»4« «fe St. Wjni,>«fiitta$ not only that Irthnts «ere JStoTbotthatS^y «^ BapHi^on d.is Ac^unt, « iMnfe b* the Saerftrtent of Baotifm, the Mlutitm «.S«» Binh is token away ; jjnd for thb-R«fon, »^ •*/afi. (heChitf^h Wieeii-ed a t««tion^ Orter froW « Ae Aerflto t» te<«a*e InfaBB," By ha^ng tbft TPollodon of «ir BJWh taken awayv^e ««««. S^ TnUniM ftoma Stttiof Wrathto a State of Favom ^ jl:. ■..- ^•\' *• \ to ft* head rtbb- <re in atid firft ants? ptifW Tiine \^ id, hckifd th his fdudd '^^1 od° of tpTOr liiud^/ iCvaiaj^ iptiftiH ut isil: tswere ccount^ ^ticm ifon, ite" crirbttt Jng the Fivmirt chisOfi. erf Ocrf V to to be the Sentititents .of the primittvo CHnftisMlt^ in gi^ neral concerning Baptifm \ and hencjc^ there :ii a» oogfiif Proof of their admitcibg Infants to it. \ . Cydrian li^ but a few Years atter Origwi,---about i5oTears'aftcr rSt^ John. He, with a Counal of 46 Bifliops, unanimouny d^rmtoed that an jdifint of any Agp migHt be baptized \ and that its Baptifm. di««ld not^hc delayed, wltil the ciglythfiav alter ^^ CWW't Birth, as Fidus a neighbooring Bi(lM>p> feeiiied*io fup* p^e» and aiked the Opinion orthc Council ^OflKiernlng It. It (hould be pbrerved that Fidusi did n^t heficaie whether an Infant ihould be baptized^nor did he<:onGilt the Council oa that Head. Buf^bc hcfitaiod who)*eiP \ the Law of Circumcifion, which enjoined ttiatiChildsen Tdig^t be circumcifcd at eight Days pld^ (houHJ npt be qbfcrved. ^ For as Baptifm fucfeeeded Circumcifion,.and fiippHcd its Place, he whimrically .(woi^gh fi;q;ip(rfedithat no Mantflsould.be baptised utttd i« wa^ eight Piys< oldi On Sis Point he defircd theOpiidod of the Copjicilv> who all agreed that„ the L,aiw ofCirajmcifion whicjf enjoined the Adroiniilration of that Oi^inance alt aght bays, did not now hold good wi^ p||ard to B^pli^ ; fbt Infants might be baptissed at ^yAgf^--b«fw were eight Days old, --ev«^**wlicndewly;b<i^r«''> for, /'«• thefpirituaJ C\x(^fti(^v^^ mining Baptiimi y^^ dPti ^ « ^^y^ifti, rcftrainediy^thc Cilbw^^ in "theFlelh". v , The Teflimonies in favour of Infant Baptifm, whiijl f occur in the Fwrtb Ccdtury, are very ounaerous. The 'Works of many eminent Fathera who flouriflie# a« this Perbd, are ftill extant^ and fufni%4»cbdcar gvidence . fcrthePfaaice <^ Iiifi»£ J^p^iilv tJwt .Ani^i^tifts grant theU&geof j*«CifatiiNft Ch^ ^^*- mit Infants 10 that Sii<cr#ittcat. Several of themr w^reicn^ pgwi in^odt|«^«NM:^ ^^^\ one prindpjd^ijgpg^ to^^ •M-'. m^\-:-.['^ if V .^*Wtf»fc. I^Jirm^ " thiit in Btpdfm their Skis may I «« dqntdy-^ie that is an Infant is loofed in Baptifr f ... /}■ t^ ^»?JI^ on hfant BapHJm. be pa'r- _^ ^ m irom ** ^ Bond of his fore Father ; hi? that is orAgc, is hfy ^^ Blood of Chrift freed from his own Boitd -, mi ^* iMb from that which is derived from another." ^•^fjChrifk died for Sinners, /«rx Si. AmuHm, and if <' Ififaiitai nho it is certain committed no Sin in their «* tkt^ are not held cajptive under the original Bond of «• Sinneidier : How did Chrift, wKo died for Sinners, *« die for them? If they are not difeafed with any Sick-. *« ncfs of original Sin, why arc they" carried to Chrift, *« the Pfiyfician, to receive the Sacrament of Salvation, ** by the pious Fear of their friends, who run with <*tliemlo ic Why is it not laid to them in the •* Church,— ^arry back thefe innocent Creatures: The « Whole nf«l nouft Phyfician^ l^utthofe that arc fick-, *< Chrift came not to call the righteous, but Sinners? <* SO'ftfaQgeAThhig never was faid, never is, or never « Witt be ftid in Ac Chuich of Chrift." And again hp fays,-^*** Now fincc the I Pelagians grant that Infanb <*^poft be bapcited, as j not being able to oppofe the *« Authority of the whole! Church, which v^s doubtkf* ** ddiverod by our Loid and his Apoftlcs, they mv0 ^ oonleqii^iicly grant that Infants (land in need of a <« Mediator/' &c. ptlig^»» to-do bniY Jisftice, did not oppofe the Au^ thoriw of the Choesh in this Mat^r^ and exculpated himftif from any fuch Chargq^ hi^ Letter ^ Innocent, Btfl^ of Rome. '*Meir (Under n^, ^ i^, as tf 1^ «* doMcd^ Sacf^Mient of Baptifm to I^nts, and pro^ *f nifedithe KiAgdom of Hcsaven to any F^r^Mi^wMh^ *« 0uriheRcdeflilpii(% of Chr^V Whereas! never hear^V ^* nocevcB of apy imf^oot^licretic that m:m\6 fay that ** of Io6uits^^-<'-iiamely, ^&m %y ^ouM em be bap- iMd.^** h^tW^i^, wbo qm laeio ti«^;)foiis as «> Wnw <**'. * ^«^-'«* *'; •:^>- ■w. ... .■■'■ %' ■;.:••; vt. " v;. ■ :"l7 ..,.._ , , ^C*:: ^ <<:«»' dKii' tmi!^<V'ii&^'^:-.i.,^^..iil£t'^'f^^ *'Ji r.\ Had Pclagius been able to (hW that Infikit Baptifm was an Innovation,— that it haid crept lately into the : Church, and was contrary to the Nature of th* ^^'^''\, mem, and Chria's InftitudonoMt: It had delivered *| him trom one of the moft perplexing Arguments that was brouglit againft him in th!s Contioverfy. And; altho' he ncidier wanted Learning, Parts, or fufficient* ' Knowledge ot ecclefiafticai Affairs, to have done this, had there been any Truth k it : Yet he neither atcemp-^ ted it, nor was it in his Power, ^ ... [ Ceieftius, an Iri(hman,$ was the Coadjutor^ of Pela- gius, in propagating his Herefy. In a Council held ac Carthage, Celeftius endeavoured to bring , himfelf off"^ by laying ** concerning the Derivation of Sin, I h^vc* " heard fevcral in the Catholic Church deny -it, and •* fome 1 have heard affirm it. It i#« Matter of Cbtt-^ ••trovcrfy, not of Herely. As for Infants, I ^ways; •* faid they ftand in need of Baptiim, and that they ate «' to be baptized." Upon which Auguftmc obl«fves,— ' *« He fpoke this with an Intgftt to fignify, that ifhe had' ♦« denied that Infants ought to be baptized, then indeed « it might have been jud|;ed Herefy, butriow that he '• conteflcsthcy ought tobebaptized, tho* he ^ivenot tfai" ♦« true Reafon of th^r Baptifm/' namely, their l^ng by Nature born in 381, and Children of Wrath i •• yet ** he fuppdbs he does hot eiriiii Matter ofFakhtAi^^^ ** dfaeretore is not to be accounted «n l^Ktic J." V^' Aoftin had faid clfcwbere th«t he ncve^ read> ttor heard of imy Chriftian, whether Catterfi<: w Sisaaryi Itt^^ deniei^ that Infants were baptized for the Rwimon ot. j^^ iliucb lefs, certaunly, did he read or hear of ^ " "^ idthatihcyfhouldbel:0ipthJcdM:alt|4o#if« •'?! iar„ '^' 'He $ierpm|iyb thtt Ctleftiiif w«i^« Seo^feti^*^ ■*f ^ art* <*« ^rr^ / " ;-'i...\, ■-,.»■ a.,,. mfih^Mm*^^^ '■-^m^^m^l^mi^A'^S^imit- "I»i««K.! « / ^ t.^ MttOdarad thtt thU gwtt M«a Iwed only »boot 300 ! YawXr St J«hiir-*at he M t moll i!!)om«« ^rtl iowdir IW wten it wM^firft p»»«ed, fe I fo thM he dr»«r up a vary pmSt tuxmMjS the ilHewfies vrfiich mfcaed Cbriftwiuq^ unol hwowa «iii»i if •UthU.I fay, be cotfidered, ciil.we conceijr^ ^ it Boffibta tWt he fcould not be »ble to le«rn ditt the !^2ffiwof thefirft «id,fecondGenturie»welfrAiin- ftSbS^ if in Rediti ther were fi«hr ItU mterly . ^^SK, I might fey, impoOible, tWtt be^wouU Mt tilii? in >^ primitive Writer— -that_ChrJlia« w.A,, SS Seir^BldreD from Baptifm ; hut '^ ^^ '^^ Sre- th«« if »U *« Evidence th«t can be «»• SSl.dX«l. that boA in and fmce the Apoftle. TS?£«»iverf*» PraAice of Chrifti«« w« «> bap- - fiotoJtttt. Korean the private Opmion of .one or ^SficilP«)p»« who were for delaying Baptrfm, .- 3 SSoff for R«afoo.-totid)y difereot ?^m ttofe XrASbqftifbnoF urge, be juftly deemed an E«^ "fiSiS^^th.t the g»«erri Pmffice of the Chriftian ^IJXlSto tl» tattWh^tfct twelfth Century, wai » ^eZ^uid^ rf B«W we«, on thtt Accowt, ch^ SlSSSTirtiviioWB* *e P'wop'" ofMameheifa SiS^ IsmiMGC and Maiice. becanft Aole rioui tSSSSfawLo-mainion of the C^^^ Jgg*23^2S5p«d acunftiu Erron., Tfiefc are A^^kiKeSiS^ a» Arir Pwideceflbrvin oRiormg .1"'-- ^ •:• ^ ' : ?: V-''"'. .,.',:...■.' ^■■'' "^'vi An Effkr oti IwfMi Mapiilm. •% v ihM tlicy w«re P*fcd6baptiibi Their Priaciple* we«* Hie fame with thofe of Pfoufttntt in general u thit Bm They were indeed the ProteftMts of tjieir Tinw, wh^ bore TeiBmody tgMnft the Cotruptions of theLiw ^ ehurch 5 and fwppofed by tomt to be the mtmJfisH^, mm U Propbefy in Sackcloib^ mentioned in Rtv^ ». §i The Praaicc df baptizing In&nts wm then, at it w« before, and hath been fmce, diffufed throughout the Ghriftian World. Wherever theName of Jatut C«RWr was worihippcd, and his Gofpcl believed m the dm^ - rent Parts 16f Afia, Africa, and Europe i^-thtre the Infant OBFspring of believing Parents were dfldicaced to God, and entered into Covenant with him by B tpifr i> Nations ctttirely dwjoined from each oibery-^*dilElFk>g as much in Manrttars and Principles in many Rcfpcas, M in their Climntls; IPethave unanimoofly and unl^ tcrfally agreed in admitting Infanta to Bapttfm. ^ > This is the Gafc at thii ptefent Day*, The difierciit Denominations of ProteftantSi-"the Members of the Greek Church, of the Church ofRome, with the Pio^ feflbrs of Ghriftianity in Africa and Afiaj are Fftdor - From all iliti,^fr(im the re^ed Wbtd^ of 6od. ffom the Uniform Teftirtiony and Pradice of tfvc . Church of Chrift, it appears that Paedobaptlftf, aft sgreBtbte^ to the Will and Intention of Hiii who i« ftipromc Head and Legiflator of his Church, when they cnlift their Inftmts under his Banner in the Ordinance Of Baptifm. The Will an^ Lawa of the.mUd, the holy jBsci coincide exaftly with the tender Emotions of L<*ve to our OfiilpriBg, which prompt us to ftck their Welfare* Suffer it$He OfUdren^and fmrbid tbm net t» m^a ^ M»(— is his graoio^ Declaration concerning thenar- Jsref/nibis fbi Kinfdme/Hmfen. ' .V ) O ftifer them then to come to Wm. 3n«tch than not i^om his^ outftretched Arms of Love that wouU. embuce them. He ca^b, he invites, he cammandt X. ' - 4 "^' ;-.-thcm .■f)\ w >. .^■Wf ■,'<»" : ;»** til , A^ J'Efti' «» */** "*'^'"" !L. u> be bfbi.Kht uiwo him. SluU wo thenllften w *?f? 1. r^r 4t and turo • *!«f Ear to him ? O iAirhnf thev Oiould even rtvac US lor uuiiig n^Umm •SStU M?Si2S ^'Sns,!"' r T "f who hath pfe'«"*°7y. ' ,u„r, who ate in Darknefi. . him evneftly to «"''g^r *fL*S^^^^^^^^ *hat tunc— at leaft, none ouiinc j^ f^^ the ^^■l^^S'^^'^ *^ Sineent, u you do. SSS^te p/wr therefoie, but low the Man. In the ^^Jrtit.k^f$ ftrive u reft««e him, ihould » F»- SP'^f •^'' ..„ iS? lufeech the Almighty to bring dimly, after rightly each (] •"Infinr how It we ex our A (houk with ' \. ?• dimly. Wc are liiblc to Error ind I>ctf tfoii e?J^ ' after our moft cireful Rcfctrche* and Endcavourt to bj rightly informed. Should we not therefore bear witli each other, and Ihew Charity and Compaflion to the •-Ilifiniml«i>f bur Brethren ? How many ImperfedKoni, how much- Guilt do we find adhering to ourlclves, when we examine our Lives by the divine Law, and weigh our Aaion* in the Balance of the Sanctuary 1 Thia Ihould humble us in the Sight ot God ; and mfpirc ut with Tendcrnefs, Forbearance and Charity to ihofe who are in the fame impcrfeft State with us. And it is my fmcfrc Def»e that this little Effay, may, ihro' thejii- vine Bleflirtg, be inftrumental in promoting fuch^a Difpfefition, at the fame Time that it points out to the Reader theLawfulncfs and Neceffity of Infant Baf- Trsii, and confirms him in thisJPart of , the Ftfi/^ «»r# delivtred to the Saints. / &. ^,1 i. « 1 here are two Particulars withi^ich I beg the Rc»- der will permit me to conclude this Se<Slion. , i - *i. It were much to be wiihcd that Sponfors who wi- fent Children to be baptized, were mirtdful of their Duty in Confequence thereof, an4 punctual m difcharg* ing it. There is Reaibn to fear, ihat many look upon anfwering for a Child at the Font,^ to be no more than a decent Ceremony, or Compliment paid to t*^c ChUd^ Parents, which ifi no more to.be thjwght on or regarded attjcr the Bapiifm is finilhW. Th&i^ a very great and dangerous Miftake, as well as fcrverlion of the End and Dcfign of havingSponfors. ' ^ ; - . Sponfors for ChikJrcn at BM)tilm.were very eariy ufe^ l^s^ inentions them }arfd in^fucha Mjmi^ general, and of Ends tMt may be \ in the Chriftian Church. quite TOO *^cani alter the in a Parage already quoted a»]p ncr as plainly evinceth ttic U^gi long ftanding. Belid^s other t- wifwcrcd by thi« Praaicq v Sponfoififire a very prudent^ ncctftry Sc<:uriiy to tbeChurch^of God* that the Infant ■' W ^v-: , -^ .• :, ■;?/:,..:■;■.: ■-.,■.■; -.::-^' .?^;;;-.\ \ 'r'.. >'^-.Vadmittcd #! t^( > > ' '-Td . .- -■ . , •"- NV-' ■ ■'■'/•■■. ,i^^ V . , ,•,, ..-.!' I.;- ■•/■■; . f. 9 I • ■•(;■ iQmlltea and made t M<niybcf thereof willbi virwouj; ittiitr. and brought up in the Nurture afi4 Admomtion ^f the Lord. We (Kould confide r a Sponlor as the »eprdentaiivt:or Deputy of the Parent-ckofe^him to Jedicaic his Child to God. and «or the more elfcauai AttMnment of thcfc eurpofes; and indeed Parentn (hould beeaiitious — entremcly cautious tn the Choice they f^Mcor<!^ to the Order of the Church of BH^land,\t k the ParTand Duty of Sponfors.-" To fee that the •♦ Child foclMch they arc Sureties, be taught, to toon ii ^ it (IsidBbl^ ^ ***'^" ^^** • tolcroli Vow, Pio- »♦ mife SHWcOion it hath made by them. And that •« itmayiW^thefc Things the better, tljy ihould w call u^hitto hear Sermons— and chiefly provide •« that it may learn the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and ^ Tea Commandments, in the vulgar Tonjtue, and all •* either Things which a Chriftian ought to know *• Ind bcMeve to his Soul's Health ; and that^|t .may if :^ virtubufly brought %to1cad a godly and Chriftian ^^^ • T^ is the Duty of Sponfors tScy folemnly en- ^ MB^ perform eaehof thelc Paiticulars. But if ST^negleftthcie, and pay no R^g^J^ ««> *?;i- f*^^^ EjiBg the Font, are they "^t guihy of Bn^ich o^^ ■^^ Prevarication in the Si^ of God and Dns, and engaged to difchafK theChriftian, benev^ khtDutics aboye-wcn^^w^ ^ ^ tiien diat you negled SSyour ^uty V norletthe Blood c^th.Unfant^^^ intiTchYWi flood, cryag»infty«u#tthclaftl^y. There bound to do^NotJiingW what * ChnHiaiiv *Hitiri^ SS^PerfiHi of a beneSoigir Difo^ ^ncllus *c ^ofGodatHcart,flKmldd«liglit». YTill y4W S 1' •^w^ M' .:^ 171 not- not lye fe (fidcfi ^ HKift it fo etly, ii well ts pleifing ^^^-^^^ w_ _. J You will tell fne oerhapt— TB^^^Mfre obligtf to inftraa th«V Children--t(i||^HBr up in the Nurture and Admonition <A t^^^^Hp I gf*« «*^cf are— the Ties of Nature, and the Lmsof God, oblige them to this. But tbiir Obligation no more acquitiTiir fromdifchargpngywr Duty ; than your Obligation m* quits the« from difcharging tbiirs. If Parents do their Duty to Chfldren, Sponlors certainly havethclefeto doi yctftill they (hould fee that the Child be " virtuoufty *« brought up to lead a godly and a Chriftian Life/' But are there not many Parents who negleft their Duty ? "Who pay little or no Attention to their own Saiytti^ or to diiat of their Children? ^ ^ ^^^ t He^e more efpecially the Sponfor ihould wkc Cart and exert himfclt. T:o guard againft the iH Effe^ which refult from foch Ncgleft in thefe Cafes, is oo»- principal Realon, why the Church of God requires Secu- ^ rity for tke Chriftian Education of thofc Childfen whidi* it admits to be its Members. But this pious Caution ii entirely fruftrated, if Sponfors neglcdt their Duty. ^ If you arc a Sponfor therefore, do not UA\ to be mind- ful of your Obligation. The Intercft, of Religion, the Honour of God, with the Benefit of th^Child you prden- ted toBaptifm, are all nearly conneaedwithtbcDiicharg« of your Duty, k will alfo tend to wi Jc vff the Reproach of Gainfayers, who make an Handle of fuch Dcfefts as arc iuftly (Ajrgcible on' Individuals only, againft oufr Church ipffenferal. 'Bcfides, pious « emulations and orf thodiut Pfifictples, joined with unftund Praftice, arp *by nt Means cpri^nt, nor will the fohner idonc avail ui any Thing. Av^il ti?, did I % ? ;rhcjr iwll rifr in Jud^ejlt $g^pft us, apd aggravate Oiir Guilt, It wc a8^coh|itt«4tiiifSththcm. , ^ >J 'i i^. «Lt-^ r i. ' r^JUt your Prayers then afccnd toGod itillch«|forthe tn&nt W haV€ dedicated to him*--that, «• being re-- :' *t generate. .\ .'y»? ■ • ■i.'^ii^kiJm&iiii' ■ . . «; . »■% H.y * *?* *v o V. ■ a .* - • V i ,- - <» ' *t . '*• t» fp / » M ' - 4 ' ' » «5f • ^S A ,; 9* ■ ' . iP . w ■ « • '- * ""-- ' . * "- - . ' • a * ^ « , . 4 •fi ^v •jw- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) *. • HO 1.1 ltt|28 m m 22 2.0 ■1:25 114 11.6 t. • * . , ■' '■' } ' ■'■: . • : '^, • , • .6 4 s," - ^ <s ^ ^ ^4^ -^^^ pjy. ^ ^ ^ /^j V Gdrporation 23 WBT MAfl STRHT WIBSTHI,N.Y.'l4SM (71«)t72-4S03 ■ I, BScK i-('- a ^ mw be daily renewed by hi« holy %"" -7l~V* i4 fiorily ttuin the End .imed « ^.^«±^^^y -S.nd%ll other Graces efen ««f!«»f "^'X"^" •hUPurbore a%fooD a* Reafon dawM H» «a cenacr M?JTtL *t l^ught the folemn Vow andPromife SS S^ by y«. *Ad,m.mfc it of tfo Du^.t owe. S^God and JeV.ieth.tltbe>ftru6tedm*r^^^^ Spks ot our holy Faith^ Hereby, you '^'^Jf^ ^wx Du«, and deliver your own Soul v ««» if it pe- iT ittbUwd cannot be required at your Haipls. "rhfn^rMdTaft Thing whioji I choofe to enlarge -n^tST bSe Slture ot our Baptifih*! Engagement SeAlmiKhty. The infinite J^ovah, became_ W ?-«««« fiod.-the Holy Jtsos became our Mediator, i?^S;dStolSaVhurch. enr^leda. it were^i,. iS^FSSr^S inWattd into his Holy Covenant i 'wL«hSw. «Quired • foderal Right to the BlefTing?, ffieLTtt^Pi^ifaot that Covenant. Hence we 'SCT»J»«CHa»T tor Pardon Wd Ac^pt^ce ffi Grf--ror Juftiftcation through his ""i^^^^^Sa- crS« SdRwhteoufnifv ^^ *« Aid of his Sp«r w "w£SS2?Sr:^b« Almight^forvouch- ^S*SSy«.im«ti«dIfe^^ ^^^n«gJ<«,Wl^^ * tranflatedusintoaState^fneraincw j«'^^»-. toma State of Wrath and Condeynaoon!^.^, v^ ^ ■^ntWLuld.refiea further, that in Baptifm. which •«. God, all the Day* of onr Lite. I jm I if *«t •* cow 3(11 rMp us,i Wfl^mt flmm^mMf ^ iiptettiiiFigiyBicot. Qg a* i lif rt i lm it MetMit <f fcring adautiBd into • Stib 4«ii«lif Suieiirckiiafea> Inh our Natun maft^ ht «hMifenl«Wi. l^iilM diic Ch»i^ of Scute. % tte {feQM of RegeMTitkHi ^ but ntiiMce me noc^ m tf I 4|lmt bf Ibift t R^ovadon o^ the Heart. wltbollC ^wMch a Cbaegeofoiur Slate wilt aTail nodiing tb Sal* fwiiofi. I gaye ft thtc Nime, becaiiic lio$md it nloft afliteablei9^t)ie8l«letf iScriptore. aod diei:4uigi]l«|e 4irikii Fii6(iiU«e CmiftMiia. and ol our Refbrmefi. But I jm not anxiona ^bont Nlmet^ CiM this ivwinl Ck«i«ie.<^His Cifowfih in Gtndt^ by tbe Nanse of Rcgn*' Jifna^oiift K^wfratiQA. or what fife you pleda^^lila imitait. If you JmH but cheTtof itil^, you mfmt jpnfiifhf vfkmfer Wohi you thinly noftlidtablf. jtiQom]^^ i^ Bapcifitt lioth fmdbit un^ yf^:. ^^m PioM^mW vrUch it lo follow thelEsa«mli ol /j^-OocSiriourClmft* and to be oiadt l|Hjf imto^hlal } if that 4tk# died ior uv and rofe iigatiipili fliould M ^ WlMftare hi{K^ die from Sin. and ^ib again mio «f Ri|^b«eoorMf I conttmiallf vnordf^ng our evil and ^ coenipt AtMioatt and daily mboep^ng in # Vir« f^ iiieimd QodlineAof Living;^ Hda^ itielPiuag igptfedlil ft^mr^^ratdtit we fliould afpire. and ior ofiQuifti iMbenand* like unto Umi e»ternaiBif« ,^(inJliilMit:aiviflilf1o^8alyMion.fiv/^^ '^ . ir- . s rir^'^iVt taiori NMe ill Bapdfin^jSi^ jr>ter milmm^ ^!l^ ilMNU ti!f )0f^ tOkir^ eo bgoaHed 9;> ^GMfti*oi» eiidpiar Oiftiii^^ take Oft 1^ I |ar .^f JOiHciinii it 9«iU#^ mMk « fetlCbMpli -^NMi«iBnl4fWmil| aiQTaoiX Mgan^pBe|f>'M|^.^S2fW t..-= :■.■ ;. ^ >. "car dcid M*to former Stoli but «>«~."^*?* H to free Spirit-We «t«««i;^. '^j ^ Si ^^ . _ 0.1. /:i„S nuoht 'to know ountivef lor %iottcd>t Mnong thert; He A«lwe» ivw«i_w «f^ «a«r»ri»i»'fa%Wcfh, pwrs a Flood otLig^ lile he WW « Mm •/ *»»»»■?» f^JSSSSiZ 7 ibcfcfore the.Dutv li^alfocl Almig^t Happioe wii^y fo mkadinci U$ toHc lee die L theBli^ Temixei^ under tK would til per, Dii] *■ CKM ^of •• tbati :"* ^WWf** t«r . i ;M I^^imtr. N^uft m)t;6ur Oer new and Trmlffwfllofii Ihcfcf ore be more bctnotta* morcti^^nxtd tk^ tHeirt 2 As Biptifm khus itpiefiBntt our l^rofeflion, and it is the Dutv of tuofe who ar? iwipuzcd, to follow the £x« aio^^Chnft, and be made like unto him : So this tt,alfoeflenti4]r neceflary to tfactr Haraineis. The Alm^ty hath infeparablyconneaedjoar Duty vithoMT Happiof (s I kf that when we d^it.from^ the one» wt defltroy the other. The Almighty's Iiiiunaions. are wii^y founded on the Nature of Thingt^^his Conn mimdmeoti are not grievous or uhteaibnable. He ^Is m toHblinei^i bccaufe without Holiaefs no Man can lee the Lord, pr be happy with him.^ In ojder to.enjof the Blift 9t jHeaveQi we muft iiave a Difpofition uind Temperfittedfor K. For how could a. Soul which ii under Uit^ Pominion of Sin, and averfe to the Ways, the Laws and Service pf God, be happy in % Prefcnce t What>( there in HeavcQ fuited to the Diijfxifitionof iiich a^^l ?' Alas I, Heaven would ykid it bo Joy i nor would the Company dt Angelsi and the SpiritI of ju|t Mefi made prrtea, afibrd it any Flexure. 1 There can |]^^OpleafingIfiiercourie or Fellowihip between imel- ligeflii fieingii whi^h ^e opppfite j^ their l^iture».Tom» ' pcr,^t)i(jpoGtioii aod'Pefiresi '^^' .>;';-?i'/ -■^---•y ^'':.^v•^■■^■>^^^ Heair on this Suijea;, the pious jnd animated ^Bifhop HaU^** Whensin ftaods Hfqppineis, fiysM if not im « iMir^near. Eelemblance of Chrifti Why wtt Waij ^^ created hqppy, but beUufe in JGod^. Imagei Th <t^ Gtoff of Paradilc,/ the Bimtty of his Body, the Dut >* of i|i^Cre||tures, could not give hio^ Felidty, wi^'' "f^ OUtt^Lii^n<^ iphis^C Behold, what ^ k^i^Qiir^Negk^ w<B„rocotfr in out Mifcr^^ «« CMlNt^ to fhi Image of dw Son of Qod •* thaTis QOllikiiiiiiElder^ £^ cog^ jo Qr^, and in the Knowkdgt oi .k:~- ■ j ■■ ^, /. /t ham |;_::- ' ,' • V , w w^ w r' wt " *' . .;k:-y / '^ l.,,^,:^ ----W-— •*v; ■>-v ■ ;^ V ^ -/■'•■ ^7 • ■ ■> - ' \ :;.\ x.,.:..:,:. ''-■' _L - ./ . .'.iM fejJK^gj?^! B^M jMMMi ii mjim wm f^ 7 TT :'/ ^ oUiflMli himv tmlwi**" «»»».«««•"" "n««»7«" ^ '^irSotlfc 'HSSili* ^*enlrMl«!. Sm God. Tto gWtt H,!^ JlJ^ttewf iKi.^ il--«i»^ f^^^BP '^.'l!!^^ i.!^L^roB-. to to f»£«ti» *»"«»» Swl ontrfthB Sl«iitol»fp«>fi«*<««*»^^^ ■ •u^ioiow^ww*!**^:!:^ >, -•=f; .■ m^^ -'^. Apptww Melfewl wimwid tm. H At Mi that En Spirit, lean pi tint ] iheabc neftlyj idom ^ which' Che Hi HtlOr) •VThi ^*thc «whi ••ttt •or* X ^^ 'J •,■■■' cmii fMkt, when hk Heit «•» tftrtuplji tW Fittf .^Men would iiercebc Iww Tain mrf »« «r jk^nnoct of Rdi^ i^miltft chry bwiA «-» Smmu m C^ftUT jBtos i-^-unlcfii Oitef fni m m ...Mid^iit iM the iBW M«m I iWm^ ^iTir Gi^ u tndkdim >M. l^wotiM hence lBtf$ to look on Of^^ all tli^ Exteviale of Relig^b'in their pfO|)trLI|bt» ti2. At Miami only^/I^OT^r ^n^j^'^f ^!^ that End b thUKenoviuH^ ofCbe Spirit.:- ^i^--'-^ ■ ^^ -- ' f .-•''- 1 ' l^^i "w ^I cannot clpfe this Seai<|jii better than iddr dw^- of thepioua,)carn|4aiidju<>ick»s Dr.&jT/* jmc ihe above Troths iiT a ^liking Ught, and which I neftly lecommeiid to the| Reader's moft ferkmt A tion/ Having made aJjuftDiftiftaion betweeii JUMon tf iU ^Mit confifting in thofe internal Gi wlUch the Go^iel aima «i p^ndnginour Heatti, bet the H»w Man wc aie ko |Hit ^n which fits iw for "' ^n; aiid die iW%*wi^ *t Atoiw, wWchjco^ts of lialOrdinailoes* leading to diatEnd, tb«I>o^P„^ ** This Rel^on of die Mm ia of no fiitthttrUfc \^* dK5 i»»^>t andWie«? w» *^ S?^***^ ? ^* it an tfeduid Meina ef the iUbdon of dit F «• which b ft ^rfeftl^ diflf n£t Conf&radon ftook f« foriner : For it wbbhi be no Advantage to us to h M fiedi«* difpoted for HtcJNcaufe Pleaftitr, ^hidi •« fSaiNte Thkitf.i^plie^iCorrefi»^ ^«« «e»t<t)etweenSeO^€§pd.thcl^ ♦•emof^it* «ut4othrlimyerofevwwiaiWM 4^ wkach liMoft aU ehaAe» puie and ^pMii«lk< «att aevir ^ Graj tit . - x^ A %v, ,^-iW*,-jvt i!WT--, %-— «Wi^«H "W^WT-''*' i-r V t. -5 «• Soul. ForsfhiitCoiiooid am there be bctw«:t V |i»l iMid d«Fili(h Spirit, and %Founttm o^ «» Uj i.$nd Ooodnefc ? between • knftil and carnalized on* .« that underftandt no othet Pkafurea but only ihofe of W||ic Fleflu and thofc pure Virgin^Spiritj jhat 4ieither Muxm drinks but live for ever upon Wiidom, and HolMi* and Love and GontfcnipJaiion r Certainly* •« 'tiHopr Mind, is cootcmpeied to the f^veuly State, •••ndwcafe of the fame Difpoftiion with God, and i** AiWl«. Wd Saint!,, theie » no Pleaftire^ fii Hgven «Mh3^wba(a«reolbtetaui• For, arforthe Main, V« we A^ bftoTthc fame Temper andDtfpofition whfil i« ^ owie into, the other World, aa we are when we «« leave this I it being unima^nable bow a total Change «*.(hould.be wrought in us merely by paffing wt ot <)nc .n .World Inioanother. And therefore as iii this WoirJrf, <« it is Ukenefs that does congregate and aflbtiate Be^ «* ings together. To, doubtleft it is in the ^er^too. ••So that if we carry witb us thither our wicked and «• deviliih Di^fitions, (Mweftalldoubtlefsdo, unlefe «« we fubdu^ and mortify them here) there will ^bc no «• Company fit for us to affociatc with, but only the <«dcvi|iih and damned Ghofts of wicked Men, with •• whom our wretched Spirits being already joined, by «• a Likenrfs of Nature, win mingle themfelves, as loon «« as they ate eicommunipated from the Society of ••-Mortals- For whither ihouW they fiock^bi* to Birds ••of their own Feidier? With whom flwuld they ^ ««(aa«B» b»t9"ththofe malignant Spiritt to whom they ^ are alffa^joined by a Owimttnity^ Nature ? So Htha^rfqppmng, that i^hen they land in Eternity, it Hweie tell !• thdr<nm Uberty togoto Heaven or ^ JE^ iBW^hcSoclettMifc^ fleW ^•H i| plw thai Heaven wuirid be no Place for them, %^ the Aiti of that bright Remon of eternal Pay, W woidd imm«^ theu^ black and helltik Ni^ ^Sfi^.fkJ«»Jl what AoliU they do iiiKH^^ ->* »>. n \ An'Efif on InfMUBspHjk. » if9 •« blefled Beings, /8itc inhabit it, to whole' Gdd like *• Natuitt, divine Contemplitionfl, and beaycnly Bn»> «« f^oymehti, they have io great a Repugnancy and «« Aveifation ? po that belidet the having a Risht to «• Heaven* it liTneceflary to our enjoying it» that we •« ibould be antecedently difpofed ' and quafificdlbr iu^f -* ■■ ^ '.-> , > ►i-f ■' ?!' cficd g:'-',;. .:.;■ .:.,;i ■:'Ji \ % ^ ■ ■♦ ,:::l-;v;§i '■;■■ v. '■■'■■ . ■;-■ '■. -. ;' ■■ '. ■ .f ■■ : " f-- 'V;M; ■" " ■.■'/' *•.'■■';■, ■' ■" '""' ■•■ ■''■■'■'•;;- . ■ ' ■ '■ ■■;"'"''''^' .,,.■-,■ ,, » K '-.^...^^ma- •';-*• ■ v •■« IlHHoi Owe. Dupin, Ecluudi or others indiffisreBtly, mAi. aB-Mtdw be moftprobrf>le «nd tgreetble to Tfu^wSwa eooeerning mjfelf with tbeii Chionolo- ; jM EHfeOM. \..,v ^ , . , /■ : •; ' '''''^^'^^^ ^i»/^MMltf Bwiola, per M»c Vofiam, AMd, 164^ Sj^pJKvU^^ ApoftoUco., per Coieler. a Vc^. %ii:i'.: . I .70 Jw TSSudMOjpmf^ WaSm» \ LJ ?* cimbi r:^- .w^ _ .^'SlL l*l», wrof W» ■<«&S' 1 '♦, I i i jf_^^' i Ml »tiOii I the »le to nolo* '*: ' I 171! l. p. I7<^ \v t6|8 \\, »> iToa :r« I 1*. IOCS - Ifc 17W ' yi 1616 ' orofUi ateCii:- j«y tfc«f. ^ a'" ... . ; \ ■ ,■■' ■- ^ \ '' ' y ■ .1 ■" - ; ■^^:-^ : I '#" f • \ ■1^^^ " i x^ ■' rf--. •1>-- # '«^ 4^ ® V 4> # • ki