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O '^ Z. w a CHAME (Plaintiff i = >» " w ? M ? pi > "0 TJ m > r (0 a m PI \ \ w \ htmm Lowti Lowtr Casadt, to wit : IN THE aUEEN'S BENCH. A.I>I>E-A.L SIIDE. ^\^RIGIIT CHAM BERLIN, ( PlaiiiliJ in the Court Uelow.) Appellant, — A Nn — OR VIS IiA.LL, ( Defendant in the Cuurl Uelow, ) Respondent. -A-DPFEXiXj-A-ITT'S 'i'hia appeal is from a judgment of the Superior Court at Sherbrooke ren- dered on the 18th day of June last, dismissing the action of the Appellant. The action was brought against the Respondent, Ball, as endorser of a Promissory Note, dated Sherbrooke, May 17th, 1858, made by one Jolui Turner, and payable ten days after date to tlie order of the Respondent. The note was endorsed by the Respondent, by endorsement in blank, and delivered to the Appellant upon the day it bears date, and was duly protested lor non- payment on the 3 1st day of May, 1858, (the 30th being Sunday) and the Res- pondent duly notified of sjich protest. Besides a defense en droit (which was dismissed) and a maker only, in consideration of Appellant's not giving the full value of the note, I^ougce, the Respondent's principal witness, and the only one who professes to have any personal kuowleilge of the transaction, admits that he never saw the note in question, and " ivas not present when the bargain was made between "the Plaintifl and Defendant in this cause. The conversation which 1 have fcnclunt with ro- ction to the ad- ten contract de- Inqiiete, and the of a similar na- indent adduced that the consid- value of about lence as to the 3808 for the Ap- rs. In support fidence, nor did the Appellant it was rendered, /ounsel, as well e as upon the I, and upon tlie ' the Defendant ptions by him by the Defen- F's looking for resentment for d no notice of ereon is fully iff's motion to !s the action of le costs of this rooiip, the De- lio relics for a 1 the following payment, and itment, protest avail himself h protest and dence is inad- mtradict a va- t of his plea )lc to support ppellant huni- which he has 'le time wlien il look to the ue of the note. o professes to never saw tlu; Hide between which 1 have «' mentioned in my cxaini nation in chief took place sliortli/ after the bargain ! " have spoken of. I was not shewn the said note by cither party, and 1 did " not know what were the terms or the conditions of the said note, nor even " who was the maker of the said note." The pretended agreement attempted to be proved was mhsetjuent to t/te endorsinn of the note, and is not pleaded by the Respondent, being entirely different from that referred to in the Respon- dent's second plea. No evidence whatever is adduced to show that, at the time of the transfer of the note, it was understood to be sold for less than its full value, an