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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (/111 OFPIGIflL PROGRAMME. ^ *!((**)|t ************** ********* ♦*****«*«**»*******)((* Poodle Dog Rotisserie and Restaurant THE FTRST-CLASS PLACE OF VICTORIA FREN(m DINNERS, Etc. AMERKLVNS AT HOME HERE MRS. R. C. DAVIES, Proprietress. 49 YATES STREET Enjoy the Celebration But do not forget thet the STERLINO has In stock the best assortment of StyHfh Goods, Fashionable Blouses and pretty Sundries In the city. THE STERLINO, 88 YATES STREET. R^l^tnn Store "4 Yates St., 1*^1'"** ^-'l^VrlK^ Kew doors above Dougl-is. ALIv THE RAIvSTON AND OTHER HEALTH FOODS IN STOCK, INCLUDING NUT FOODS AND BISCUITS. RALSTON BRAN LEMONADE OUR SPECIALTY. REFRESHMENT ROOM. ... I H t.... FEDERAL LIFE S. W. BOD LEY, Agent, Vancouver island. MONDAY, MAY 23rd. '^f' ^F "^p ^s '^^ " 10 a.m. — Miners' Races— Fnotiacc o\yv n rourst' of .■ibn\it two miles tliroiigh piiiicipal strci'ts of the lity. Course : Start fvoin corner of Douglas ami Yates streets, along Douglas street, roiuid the Fountain, (iovernnient street, Yates street, to starting point. (Kaeh competitor to carry a Pack of 60 lb«. ) First prize, .$20; second, .$10 ; third, .$5. Conditions — Connnittee to provide packs; compt'ti- tors to provide their own harness or carriers ; each com- petitor to produce a miner's license for the current year. Competitors to keep on the road — :iot to use the sidewalk. Five to start or no race. Seven to start or no third prize. Miners' Race for Pacl< Animals— Fii«t prize, $20; second, $10; third, .$5. (Jourse : Start from ct)rnerof Yates and Douglas streets. Government, Fort, CV)ok, Yates streets, to starting point. CJondit'ons — Animals' pack and gear provided by the Committee. Ej^h competitor will be allowed one .issistant to hold the animal whilst packing. No assistance permitted in catching the animal or during the race. Entries will close on Monday morning at 8 o'clock to either of the following, of whom further particulars may be t)btained : (Jhief Deasv, Fire Hall; W. H. Cullin, City ; R. t^hurton, 70 Douglas St. •m 10.30 a.m.— Northwestern International Yachting "Asso- ciation Regatta and Victoria Yacht! Club Regatta— Under V.Y.C. Hules :— A Chiss — First prize, cash, .$50; second, do $35; 3rd, do, .$20. B Class C Class— D Class— $40; .$.35; .$2,5; $30; $25; $20; $20. " " $15. " *' $15. 4th, do, $10". yacht win- B Class- •i ■ A trophy may also be ^presented to each ning a first or second prize. Rating — A Class — Yachts rating and over Yachts rating 3 and imd"rO. C! Class— Yachts rating land under 3. D Class — Y'achts rating under 1. RULP]S—St.\bting— Preparatory gun will be fired from Starter's, near Outer Wharf, at 10.30 a.m. Starting gun for A Class (which will be the preparatory gun for B Class) will be fired at 11. Starting gun for B Chiss (which will be the preparatory gun for C Class) will be fired at 11.15. Starting gun for C Class (which will be the preparatory gun for D Class) will be firedat 11.30. Starting gun for D. Class will be fired at 11.45. The following Hags will be hoisted when the preparatory gun for each class is fired : A Class, white ; B Class, blue ; C Class, green : D ('lass, yellow. No sailing canoes, as defined by the A.C.A. rules, will be allowed to take part in these races. Any yacht crossing the line, or any portior of any yacht being over the line before the starting gun is fired, will be disqualified unless she comes back and r«sroeses thr line. 29744? ryrro'TTrrinnnnr DRINK Thorpe & Co.'s SPARKMNQ LEMONADE .... AND vo GINGER ALE. UlJUUlJUUUlJUUl Don't \Iiss the z=:: Bicycle Races ! AND Vaudeville Show at Oak Bay Park rionday Afternoon, at 2:30. For a Nobby Suit, Go to J. T. BURROWS, Merchant Tailor, 88 Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C. FOR PAINTING, GLAZING, GENERAL DECORATING, YOU CANNOT DO BETTER THAN CALL AT , lARDINE'S -^1 GOVERN^,ENT STREET, The Best Workmanship Guaranteed, and a Fair Price Given. f f ;! rk >r, rG. ■T OFFICIAL PROOKAMMK— roXTINUED. Each yacht will cany (listinKniNhin^ niimhcis on each side of mainsail ; to be supplied on application to the Secretaiy. Should the Stake Boat he carried away, all yachts to round it wherever found, ami shoidd it he fouled by any yacht, sucli yacht to be dise five yachts start or no fourth prize will be awarded. Aleasiuement — The measurement of yachts must be length of load water line (L.W.L.) and of sail area (S. A.) according to the following formula ; — L.W.L. X S.A. ^ 6. 0()(t= Rating. Head sails mejtsured as one triangle, whose base is the distance from the foreside of mast to the point where the line of luff of the foremost headsail cuts the bowsprit or hull, and whose perpendiciriar is the distance from the deck, at the mast, to the point on the mast or topmast where it is cut by the line of luff of tine foremast headsail. Sails other than head sails are measured separately by triangulation ; any excessive " round " in the head or leech of a battened sail being measured separately. Topsails, if carried, are nteasured. Spinnaker not taxed or measured, unless spinnaker boom exceeds the length of b.ise of fore-triangle, in which case measvu-ement of head sails shall be calculated on such greater base. It will facilitate mattei-s t<» have the following data for rating (certified by an officer of any C'lub) sent in before the date of racing, viz.: Total sail area ; length of lode water line with crew alMjard. If measurements are not made prior to an-ival. it is recpiested that yachts be in Victoria Harbour in gootl time to l)e measured before races start. The Club re-serves the right to re-meiisure before and after the race. ...EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE IN... Books, Stationery, Magazines, Papers at ORMOND'S, 57 YATES STREET. Subscriptions lecH'ived for all iMagazinea and Pwpers at publishers prices. To purify the Blood and improve the general Health take Teague's Sarsaparilla. B.C. DRUG STORE, - 31 Johnson St. •PRES(!RIPTIONS A SPECIALTY » A A ^1 AVnr^M Diamond Setting and Riiainelling a Specialty. Old Jewelry Made into New Designs. Watchmaker, Goldsmith & Jeweller, 29 Fort street, VICTORIA, B.C. THE NARROW TREAD RACYCLE ...Leads All Wheels... WHEELS RENTED AND REPAIRED AT BLANK'S I.X.L. CYCLERY 63 YATES STREET. 63 YATES STREET. Ol'FICXAL I'lUKlHAMMK- CONTlNrKl). •s Bra fl t. ity. Infoniiiitioii rtMiuii-cd lor cut ly of yachts Tor Ucgattii : Naino of Viicht of RiK Loud- water line, with crew al)oai 125 m 1.8 40.18 4.1 88,01 0,4 111 40 8.7 120 50 1 9 4.S..")S) 4.2 80.89 0.5 112 20 8.8 127.05 2.0 4(i,'i) 4.3 01 11 (> (> 113.03 8 127.57 2 1 4$) 78 4 4 02.20 0,7 113 80 0.0 128.05 22 52 02 4.5 03.44 (i,8 114 50 1 128 .54 2.3 55 ;ji 4 04 57 (> 115 3() 0.2 120 02 2.4 57 . 87 4.7 05 (iO 7,0 110 08 .-^ 120.52 2 5 00 HI 4 8 0() 80 7 1 IK). 78 0.4 130 (K) 2.6 02.04 4.0 07 01 7,2 117 45 0.5 130 50 2.7 01 87 5 JK) OO 7 3 118 U 131. (Mt 2 8 07 (H 1 1(K)()5 7,4 118 70 0.7 131 48 2.9 00.07 5 2 101.07 7.5 110.40 0.8 131 9() 3.0 71 (Hi 5 3 102. (M) 7.0 120 03 0.0 132.43 3.1 72 08 5,4 103.02 7.7 120.00 10.0 ll^^.JK) 3 2 71 8.'-! 5 . 5 103.05 7 8 121 30 3.3 7() ()1 5.0 104.85 7.0 121 03 11 a.m.— Baseball Match at Beacon Hill-Wtars«)f Nanaimo V. Maple Leaves of Vivtoiia. 1 p.m. — Cricket Match. — Nanaimo and Fifth Regiment, at Beacon Hill Park. ONIONS & PLIMLEY RED BIRD CRAWFORD BICYCLES Up-to-Date in every resi^ect. 42 Broad Street, Victoria, B.C. FRANK CAMPBELL I I T«e OLD RELIABLE TOBftGGONlST The latest news hikI nil the news biitletine'!. Setttt's TImei. arrives in Victoria every niorniiiK- Twolve hours later War News than any I'nget Sound paper. . . WAK- San Francisco Bulletin. Twelve hours later War News tlian any San Francisco paper. . Kach of these papers will be fleli\ ered anywhere in tnis city for 50 cents J month. Leave yonr order. New York Sunday World, Herald, Journal and Sun. All the city papers on sale immediately on pnblication. Reading and Card Room, rear Gigar Store. 92 GOV'T. ST. GO TO Lawrences For the Best Heal, Ices, Candy, Cakes. This is the finest establishment on the Coast. E. Andernach 57 Yates Street, YICTORIA, B.C. MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER— Jewelry Makinga"'' Hepniring, .Vriist'c Dian otid Setting, Fine Ergiavingand Enamelling, oold "^d Siivi r P aiing, WVtchei and Clocks Kepaireri. OFKUIAL l>K(M)UA»IMK — CONTINUED. 2.30 p.m. I. Bicycle Races at Oak Bay Park— A mat ••ur. ill', iiovicf. 2. Oiu- inilf, ojH'ii. ;{. Oiu' mile, lioys 1 9 1. (»ii.' null', iiovicf. iJ. IJiu- mil*-, (>|><-ii. ;{. iiiit-iiiilc, iioys l(t ycar.s hikI iiiulj-r. I. Diu'-tliird inilc open. ">. Two inil«'.s, lap nice. H. Five inih-s, opfii. Tiick liii yclc lidiiiK. Ii'K'" ilasM vmulevillf acts, and Fifth H»Ki«"«'iil Hand. Kiitrancc, 25 cents. 8 p.m. Assault-at-Arms-Ry'x'l'^t Hattalinn, ntl. HoKinH'nt, ('.A. Drill Tiall, .lauH-s Hav. Monday. Tuesday find W «'d- nesdiiy, 2:iid, 'MtU an«l Snh', Mav. IWW. Opi'nin^ Selfcti«)n by tJH' "jtli l{»'Kiin«'nt Band. HoxiiiK Contt'st. Has not Kxorcis*' by Ji Scpiad of Ifl) men. Exhibition on Paraihd Bars. Diunb-bHl Kxertise by Pultlif School Boys. Field (inn Ihill. Sword \K. Bayonet Contest. Physical IHll" by a Sipiad of '.V) men. Mount 1 "^Nirtal Condiat, between the world-famed warriors, the Bar«m of NValloposki .md tlie gallant Majo' of the 1 --nowned Hindostani Antedehuians, mounted upon their Hrey untamed ^val• steeds. Sword Hayont»t Drill by a .Squad of HC men. Exhibition by Mr. St. ("'lair's " Lion's Cubs." Fancy Marching by a Scpiad of 5() men. Exhibition on Horizontal Hai-s. Camn Scene with Songs and ('horuses. Single Stick Competition. Exhibition of Tund)ling etc., etc. The whole to conclude with a realistic exhibition of the taking of DARGAl HKUUITS in which Her xMajesty's Forces displayed unexeinplitied bravery. Joe Grinialdi and Ixnus Clacini the two old favorite Clowns will Iw in attendance. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats 75 and 5() cents. Reserved Seats may 1h« had at 3Ir. George R. Jackson's Gent's Furnishing .Store. 57 Government St., up to one o'clock each day; after one o'clock at the Drill Hall. Doors open at l.i^) p.m. Commence at 8.15 p.m. sharp. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Major Ben, Williams, President, .S«'rgt. W. P. Winsby, Secretary. TUESDAY, HAY 24th. 8:30 a.m.— RifleMatch at Clover Point.— M'ltt-hes commence at 8:80 a.m. sharp. Open to all coniers. Competitors must provide their own anmumititm. Ranges : 2(X), 5<»() and (5OO^O^^O00<3' But call at the Olympic Cyclery 74 Yates Street, and get a "Victdv," "Stearns" or "Reuiiiig- toM wheel. They are ^♦♦♦0000^000 O00O0O000000§ the best. T G, MOODY. Jr.. Proprietor. Planis OF TEN WEEKS— STOCK, ASTER AND OTHER ANNUAI.S, 20c. per dozen. GKRANII'MS, FUCHSIAS, etc. , 50 cts. per doz. A large assortment of CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER BRUS- SELS SPROUTS, Etc., TOMATO, CELERY. JOHNSTON'S SEED STOREr 82 Douglas Street. "««vouR BOOTS AND SHOES Repaired at C. NANGLE'S, the Prize Boot and Shoe Repair- ing Depot, 56 Fort Street. Flexible and anti-creak; en.sures graceful and easy walking. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME— CONTINUED. I! Match A— 2(X) yards, eight, prizes $20. 00. Match B— 5(X) yards, nine prizes 20.(K). Match C— 0(M) yards, ten prizes 20.(M). Match D — Aggregate in three foregoing matches, ten pi-izes 30, (X). Markers' fees 50. Martini Rifles will receive two points from all other rifles at 500 and 0(X) yards. H. M. anmninition can be obtained on the range at, per round 02. The match to be condncted nnder a committee consist- ing of Major Williams, Serg. Lettice, Serg. Bailey and Secretary W. G. Winsby. Post entries. 10.00 a.m.— Lacrosse Match, at the Caledonia Grounds. Victoria and Vancouver. Senior Lacrosse Match. Vic- toria (blue and white) Vancouver (grey) Entrance, 25 cents. 10:30 a.m.— Trap Shooting Tournament, ruder the auspices of the Victoria Gun C'lnb, at Beacon Hill. 1st Event— Team Shoot. 25 Birds. Entrance, $1.50 per man. Birds free. 1st Prize $2.5.00. 2nd Prize 15.00. 8rd Prize 10.00. Teams to consist of three men from any one city. 2nd Event — 15 Bird Shoot. Entrance 5f» cents. Birds free. 1st Prize $6.00. 2nd Prize 4.50. 3rd Prize 8.00. tth Prize 1..50. 3rd Event— 10 Singles and 5 Pair. Entrance 75 cents. Bii'ds free. 1st Prize ,$8.(H). 2nd Prize fi.(M1. .3rd Prize 4.(M). 4th Prize 2.00. 4th Kvent — 15 Singles. Entrance 50 cents. Bird.'^ fiee. 1st Pi'ize ....$0.(K). 2nd Prize 4.50. 3rd Prize 3.00. 4th Prize 1.50. N. B. — All .-hooting to be at miknown angles. Class firing rules will be observed. T^iuich and Kifreshments will be served to shooters on the gromids. 1 P.M.-REGATTA AT THE GORGE. OFFICIALS. St.vrtehs : Capt. .L D. Warren, Oapt. Gandin, Capt, ^^'alb'•an. (Vi-Starters : Lieut. W. O. Booth bv. P.N.: Lieut. G. C. Cavley, TI.N.: Lieut. Leake. R.N.; Mr.W. H. Langlev, Mr. B.H. T. Drake, Mr. T. Pooh y. .TriHJK: Cajit. F. Finnis. R.N. Rkkkkkk : Cixpi. Adair, R.N. Measurek : Mr. S. Lawrie, Visitors BEFORE GOING HOME SHOULD HAVE THEIR PHOTOS TAKEN BY SKENE LOWE, at 63 Government street. THE LEADING PHOTOQRAPHER. ACCURATE WORK. MODERATE CHARGES. A. P. BLYTH, Practical Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician, 65 Fort Street, . . . VICTORIA, B.C. The Publishers of this boolc called in 99 1-2 Douglas Street for the copy of an advertisement and found thit all hands were too busy to thinl( it out. ^4^ Forresters ...Gasii r« sm, 99 1-2 Douglas Street. Between Johnson and Pandora Streets WALL PAi EB, WINDOW GLASS, PAINT BRUSHES. ARTISTIC MATERIALS PAINTS OF ALL KINDS. IT WILL PAY YOU T O INS URE IN THE Ontario Mutual R. L. DRURY, iVlUNN, HOLLAND & CO., General manager. Agen ts, Vidoria. WE SUIX YOU Mow; than one way. Our work always Rives satisfaction. Can)pbell A Co., The Leading Tailor?. Opposite Colonist Office. .^-3fc—_ — CorQer Broad and Trounce Alley. i OFFICIAL PROGRAMME — CONTINUED. ,i Clerks of the Course : Mr. (Jase, H.M. Dock Yard, and Mr. Cartniel, R.N. Single shot opens Regatta. All races to be called by bugle. Two minutes after bugle sounds race will be started. In all Naval races the following will be the distinguish- ing flags for the various boats : Iniperieuse, Admiral's flag ; Amphion, red; Phaeton, blue with white cro:;s; Pheasant, yellow and l)lack diagonal ; Sparrowhawk, black bird on white groimd; Virago, yellow with black Maltese Cross; Dominion S.S. Quadra, Maple Leaf, on white ground. Tiie following will be the distinguishing flags for Indian races : Blue flag, Valdez Island ; red flag, Kuper Island ; white flag, Cowichan ; navy blue flag, Thenitheuilage, ('owichan ; pink flag, Saanich Arm ; l)lack flag. South Saanich ; yellow flag, Pertchena ; green flag, Beechy Bay ; Port Madison and Lumley, two canoes, American flag. 1. Ten-oared Cutters — Course round Island and return to baige (about three miles) — Time race; one minute be- tween each boat. First prize,. $40; second, $20; third, ,$10. Entries — (a) Iniperieuse, I; (be) Amphiim, 2; (d e) Phae- ton, 2; (f) Pheasant, 1. 2. Four-oared Lapstreak Boats — Amateur. Post entries. Three-quarter mile straight away to starter's barge. 8. Indian War (?anoes (under 40 feet) — Coiuse round Island and return. Prizes, $4, $2 and $1 per paddle. Entries— (a b) Valdes Island, 2; (c) Kuper Island, 1; (d) t'owichan, 1; (e) Themthendage, 1. Post entries. 4. Naval — Whalers, 5 oars — Course roimd Island and return. First prize, $20; second. $10; third, $5. Entries — (a) Iniperieuse, 1; (b) Amphion, 1; (c) Phaeton, 1; (d) Pheasant, 1; (e) Virago, 1. (f) S.S. Dom. Quadra. 1. 5. Double-scull School Boys' Race — Under 18. First prize. Two silver cups; second, two silver medab;. Post entries to J. St. t!lair. 0, Indian Two-men Canoes — Course, round Island ami return. First priw, $12; second, $0; third, $2. Entries — Valdes Island. 1; Kuper Island, 1; Cowichan, 1; Klon Cloneltz, 1. Post entries. 7. Naval PiniKues — 14 or 10 oars — Course round Island and return First i)rize, $0(1; second, $28. Entries — ■ (a) Ami)hion, 1; (b) Phaeton, 1. 8. Double Dingy Race, with lady coxswain— Coui-se, straightaway from .Mr. Snowrize $25; second. $1.5; third, $5 (a b) Ini- perieuse, 2; (c) Amphion, 1; (