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Las diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 PETITION. 1 To the Honorable the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada in Provincial Pavliatnent assembled ; THE MEMORIAL OF "THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE" iV Respectfdlly Sheweth, Thnt the Legislature of this Province did some years iigo determine on canying into effect a Geologicnl Survey of the Country, and nominated Mr. (now Sir William) Lognn. as the Director of this undeitaUing. For proof of the wise anil well-judged foresight, which, in the opinion of Your Memorialists, characterized this determination and selection, Your Memorialists would beg to refer to the Report of ihe Select Committee iipp linted by Your Honhle- House during last Session, " to report upon the best means of making public the valuable information already obtained by the Geological Survey, and completing it at an early period upon a uniform system," Your Memorialists being a Society established by Royal Charter, for the promotion of Science. Literature, and the I riicticiil .\rts iiffecting the social ailviinceraeut of this Province, feel it their duty to ri'cord their sense of the importance of this Survey, and thf^ir hifili iippr. elation of the services of Sir \Villiinn Lognn. in its conduct, and to urge the necessity of pla.injr aiiditicnnil means at his c( iiimand, in furtherance of tliose lal.'ors which are i ven now begimiing to bear fruit ; inasmuch as the Survey is will known to luive already coiilriliuted very vh nable scientific and practical results, and through the zeal and energy of its Uirt'ct(;r in liOndon, and more recemly in Paris, his been the means of publishing to other nations the material wealth and the present and prospective iniportance of this country. Therefore, considering that the Geological Survey of Canada is universally recognised to be of the hig'iest scientific importance, and calculated, perhaps, more than any other public service to develope the vast, though hidden resources of the Province, and that the most valuable and beneficial results may be confidently expected from its further prosecution under so able and zealous a Director as Sir William Lognn, Your .Memorialists most respectfully pray Your llonble. House to take the matter under your consideration, with a view to make further provision for carrying on the Survey on a more extended scale, so as to ensure its completion in every detail at the earliest possible period : And Your Memorialists, as in duty bound will ever pray, &c., &c. (Signed) GEORGE WILLIAM ALLAN, President. E. A. MEREDITH, Vice-President. JAMES BOVELL, M, D., Vice-P,esident.