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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. ita lure. 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 f «<%«»*»**iMIM»«AI«ftft!ili(?M«»*Mi*»**«MMMM^ PROVINCIAL SYNOD or Tin Sliutfb (S^hmtl of (gngland and |rriand iN CANADA. 3 I 4 1 1'; ■i 1 1 a t t 1 1 if CONSTITUTION, CANONS, RULES OF ORDER, &e., WITH THK >» ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE OP THE PROTINCE OF CANADA. QUEBEC: PHINTED BY Q. T. GARY, " DAILY EVENING MERCDRT " OITICB. IV if '^-iJc t t t t i t t i t t t ^ »W#W##>h»fJWiiTi?Wm?«i 283.11 • C41 f^. mmm OTMPViB PROVINCIAL SYNOD or THB liiilci) ^Inirclj of dJnslaiwl nnd Ireland IN CANADA. CONSTITUTION, CANONS, RULES OF OIIDER, &c., WITH TUF. ACT.^ OF THE LEGISLATUEE OF THE PllOVlNCE OF CANADA. QUEBEC: PRINTKl. lir G. T. C.VUY, '^ DAILY EVENING MKRCUllT " OFKICK. 1873. TABLE OF CONTENTS. J Actfi of Lcpinlftturc Pago 1-2-3-4 Canons : Of ttio Nomination and Election of a BiRliop of Montreal and Metropolitan 16-17 Of sul r.iHrtion of Cltrpy to the Canons of tho Provincial and 11^ I' I Syti^ids 17 Ofi.: of ill Metropolitan 17-18 .'4 • aiJ-Hhop 18-10-20-21-22 . ; Con • i \ppLJ»l of tho Metropolitan 22-23-34 ",''->.. r iu . dsiiCM 24-25 OfLottt... icstLronial. 26-26 Of Episcopal Rosi^jnations 26 Of the Sub-DiviHion of DioccHcs 26 Of the Officiating of Strange Clergymen in a Diocese 26-27 Of Missionary Bishops 27-28 Constitution of tlic I'lovincial Synod 6-7-8-9-10 Declaration 4-5-6 Or • of Proceedings of the Lower Houue , 12 Permanent Order of Proceedings 10*1 ^ Rules of Order 12-13-14-15-16 ■ ♦ f ( f I / ACTS OK TIIK LKdlSI.ATUUi: OF TIIK IMIOVINCI': OF CANADA. 11U20 Vii't., Oluip. 121. An Act to enable Meuibeis of the United Clniveli of England and Ireland in Canada to meet in Synod. PuocLAiMEi) May 28tu, IH57. WILKIIEAS doubts exist whether the members of the United Church of Kn.i,Mund and Irehuid in this Pro- vince huve the power of ro-uhitin- the titUiirs of their Church, in mutters rehitins,' to discipline, and nooeHsary to order and good government, and it is just that such doubts should bo removed, in onlor that they may be permitted to exercise the hume rigiits of Hclf-governmonL that are enjoyed by other religious communities ; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council an.l Assem- bly of Canada, enacts as follows : I. The Bisliops, Clergy and Laity, Members of the United Church of England and Ireland in this Province, may meet in their several Dioceses, -hich are now, or may bo hereafter constituted in this Province, and in such manner and by such proceedings as they shall adopt, frame constitutions and make regulations for enforcing discipline in the Church, for the appointment, deposition, deprivation, or removal, of any person bearing office therein, of whatever order or degree, any rights of the Crown to the contrary notwithstanding, and for . the convenient and orderly management of the property, k :■: "'■>• .«....,, ,„. „ ,:' ; '• '■'■'"■"•■- -" - , «.• ..f h i ...t" ;' ""•',''•'•' '"■-"'■•■' "i»«>-., !!■ II..' Il„l,„,,-, CI,,. , „,„, , „„, I <-h">vi,„r|.;n;;i„„,i,„„i ,,,|,„„| „;,'''"'"" "" ' ""«' -"'""i I ■■o^iLi:: '::::;.:;::'''>• '■ - fe ^^innuiit ot tlio NiiK C'liii-cli in «l.;u 7> ■■"' '^ '-.-"..rz ::!::::,:::■'""""" '■"ions. „",;., 7-',,"; ""■ ^'"^' "»»';'"ti0M» or ..•„„.. i A i 22 Viet., Chap. UJ9. All Act to explain a.ul unioiul the Act miM: *'Au Act to enuWle the Membern of thr Lintea Church of Enjrhuul and Irehuul in Caiuula to meet in Svnod. ' ;\!«SKNTEI) TO AfUlMT l«>tn, iHtJS. t|rili:in-:ASclouUs ..xisl wl.ctho.. iu tl.o Act im.«ca in Iho \\ ScHHio. l.ol.l lu tlio nineteenth un.l t »->ntioth your, ot iter Mujostyn Jlei^-n, intitulcl: '• Au A to onublo t u- Menihcr. ot" the United Church of Kn.l.u.d u...l Irelamlu. Canada, to n.eet. in Syn.Hl," HutUciont proviH.on -h made for the vo,,rcHC,»tation of tho Laity of th. IJtutod Clnirch c Kn..lund and I-ehmd in tho hy tho .aid Act authon.od to bo hold, and it is expedient that MUch doubts Htumld 1.^ ..omovcd: Therefore, Her Mnjenty, by with tho advKC And consent of tho LogishUivo Conncil and Assembly ot Canada, enacts us follows : I For all tbo r'lrposos of tho an.rosai.l Act, tho I/.uty shall moot by representation; an.l until it shall bo otherwise dc- tcrmbied bv the Synod in each Diocoso, one or more delegates (not exeoodins three .n any case,) may bo elected at b-^ annual Easter moetini^^s in each parish, mission or euro wtthm tho Diocese, or in cases where there may bo more than one oongre-ation in any parish, nussion, or cure, then ^^^ cacu such con^n-euMtion, or at meetings to bo specially calleo for the purpose by each Clergyman having a separate euro of souls , and all laymen within such parish, inission, or cure, or bclongin.^ to such congregation, of tho full ago of twenty, one years, who shall declare themse'vcs in writing at such „.cetingsto bo members of the Unite.l Church of Kng and . and h-oland, and in belong to no other religious deno- ■ mination, shall have the right of voting at such electmn. 1 „. . , '^'-"""""' »' III- ^'lection, wliici, 1,0 b1,.,|| — ii..ic. who,, onllcl „„.,„ »o „ j„, „, „,„ sy,, ,. ,t^^ B . . „ ,,,0 Bioooso .„ .„<,, ,i,„o „„„ ,,,,..„ I 'll 'ir, ; ; ""' ''""^'''-s""""-^ -".i" .1.0 , ,.,0 be 'ipu,.so„lorl by lit Irast ono ilclegnlc. II. All i„.oooo(li„gs |,o,-cl„fo,.?. ba.l in a„v Di„c„,e ,„„lo,- tne afi)i'i!sai(l Act ul,i,.l, , . " ""''*• "'""^i n,v,vr • . , '"'■^' '"-'"" TOiifoi'mable to the P.0^, ,o.„ „r ,hi, Act,«hall bo 1,01,1 ,„ bo valW a, if ' «.mo had lako,, place ailor the pa^si,,,, of, hi. Act III DECLARATION. "-0, U,o Bishop,, of Iho L'„ilocl CI,u,-oh or E„Ha,„| ,„. J^oicgalcs tro>„ tho Clergy and Laity of the Diocesan .Svno,k now a«.o,„blod iu the fir.t P,.„vi„ci,U Svnod undeTIyal „ ^ "atto^ t inl, a """" """ '^^"'™""' "I'™ »-'« a'dh ;.tlf7'"!r"'" '"--l"-— t h„„.blo nable^ a'-":,'" "' "™^ "» " Motropolita,,, Ld .hn,, iwoKe. ", the na„u. ol' hi, only bogollen ,Son, for the eon -Bofo -0 ontcnng on the busine,, for which wo are at u.oJ :::;:": r° "r ''"'"■■"'^'" '--o«.ep™.ci;ie ; vvu.cli ne propose to proceed. ^ i I We .lesirc the Church in this I'.ovincc to continue, M it ""i 'l^rrbcr. or that Ohnveh, >vo vocognizo the true Canon of Holy Sen,,tu.-o an sot forth by that Church, on the t ,tin ony ,>f he 1-imitivc Catholic Church, to he ho rulo :: riua «f Kait,. : «.e ae,<now>c,>«o the Book o Connnon Prayer an,l Sacran.enls. l..gcther the fh,. .}-iunc Xn te of Kcligion. t„ l>e a true and faithful .leclarat.on o U rtHnoB c^nainea in Holy Scripture; wo ..amtam the form of Church .ovevnnuuu by Bishops, Triests and Deacon, t" ;.pu.ral a,:! AposloUeal; and .0 deCre our firm and "nJmnu. rosoluti,,,,, in dependence on Divno a,d, to prc^ Tve those doctrines and tha: forn. of government, and trovci-nmont ana t>u]ntiii.u j^ r , •• .v'aothor ecclesiastical or civil, as set foi thin tiio 3mTr rrtilof Ueligion: and we that sncH -"'''■^■"""^- '•' '1':: -ra:;;':;— ation to conane our Tt i« our earnest ucsiit iun.i "^ „. m e'-r ons to matter, of discipline, to the temporal,t>es o , e Clu r ard to such regulations of order, or modes of e : n Vmay tend to her efficiency and e.tens.on : and r;;:;:::: :I-o^ or authority over any but those who ar. --i::;:r:::t=;"eh,iueo.ectsnr. MTcomcunder our consideration, and lead to act.on on our P^^"''' . • V ♦!.;< <vr\c)d and to rcffulato 1 Tn form a Const tiUion tor thib ^>noa, diiu t= fhe-time a^placc of the n,eetings, and the order and manner "':T*'i^'V the proper exercise of ecclesiastical I' « ■). Toi>r„vi,l<., with consent oftl.o Crown,, (when ncoded) fit roguht.on., lor tho «,,pointn,o„t of lii.hops, Priests an.l l)oacon.s n, n«.or,IaM«. will, tu c.r.ons oC iho Universal dmrcii. ■».To provide, will, tiie <„„.,ont of the Crown, for the d...»,on of tho Province into new Dioeeses, as occasion nuty 5. To procure iVom tl.o Ct.lonial L.^aslaturo any laws or modifications of laws, which Iho circumstances of th'o Cliurch may require. 0- To promote tho further consolidation and united action ot the whole of tho Dioceses of Britisli North America Proceeding upon these principles, wluch, as we humbly hank ,od, were, under His good, first among the olonutl Churclies, publicly set forth amongst ourselves, and have been sustained by the acceptance of our brethren through a large part of tho Colonial Dominion, of our beloved Queen we firmly rely and depend upon His continued blessing and guidance ; and wo humbly pray that Ho, who is tho (Ld of unity and peace, may ever be with us, and so chasten our aftections, purify our motives, and guide our judgment, thai we may be enabled to contribute to tho efficiency, concord and stability of the church in this land. 's l( ■ CONSTITUTION OF THE PIJOVINCIAL SYN^OD AS ADOPTED BY THE LOWER HOUSE, WITH AMEND MENTS AGliEED UPON BY THE UPPEK HOUSE. 1. Tho Provincial Synod shall consist of tho Bishops of tho United Church of England and Ireland, having Sees within tho Piovinco of Canada, or executing by due authority the llclcs^tcs chosen ftum 1.0 , ^^^^^^^^.^ ,„„, ,,,, „fe.chO.-aor from ouch iHoocse. ^^.„,,„„Uv ol' Sop- ,o,nhcr in ovory """' ;?' ,„„„wtU,.> or .,.y iwo l'.W.«,»., ,.Uoaat tho nv,,oi„toa pcnol, "' .""'^,„^,^,, •„, Canada. ,o,iui.iUons, by tho Sciov B-'-l " ^'^^f '; „„, „,, t„an a L A quomm of tho Synod '>'»» ^^^^ „" „,.f„,„,h of Iho maiority of tho I'.Uhoiis and not Ics, rhoLofoaohO,.do,.ofthoLo.^^^^^^^^^^^ ,,„,, ,. The Metvopoman o. some ^J 1 ^^11^^ _^^^^^ ,,__ ,^^ .hall ho the«t of ^''<= 'P ,^ ,,,„„ elect or.e of vacancy of tho Sco tho Uouso of l..>ho,,. ,hcU- own nutubcv to pfc^.de ^^^^, ^^^, ^^^^.^, p^,„. locutor, to bo chosen . » .t ^<>« that House. • , „ SecrotarV or Secrolavios, 9. Each lEousc .hall appo.n "^ '°^;^^^j. , ;„ ftoir „„„ shall l-«l>-'S"'»'-»r°;!:";bools m-ovidod l-of the own llouso, shall record ^'^^'^^i^./doouments under purpoBO, .hall preserve '"^^-''^'Y^^X „,„,, ,hall attest all he direction of «'« r.-osWont and P o ocu , ^^^ public Acts of the Synod, and dcl,^er ovet ' aoeuments to their — °- ^„„,, ,, ,,„videa for, and iU 10. The oxponsos of tho ^} uuu P % ■t ill H # 8 linancinl c,mcon,» nuuasod by ,. Cmmittoo of tho Lower House uno.. a ,„a„„or to ho approved by both irou»o. nn 1 u,lc., oj o..der, ,u,d ,„ay p„bli,., „,„,, of it, proceeding, af icay ai)pear ildvisablo. ° 12. The ITppc,. H„,„o .hall propose ,o the Lower any bn,,,„cj., they ,„.,y ,|e«i,.e ,„ h„,, ^,.„„,„, ^,. J .t^hall be ,„c„mhont on the Lower Ho„,e to take,, I Jispose of Mteh b„.i„c.s i„ proferenee to any other, Commutee to report to the Upper on any subjeet, on whieh hoy n,ay desire the judgment of the Lower, r L app^in «.o,r portion of a joint eon,„itteo ; or n,ay .„„.,„ ftt Lower to a confei-enee. 14 Messages from the Upper House shall be delivered by an olho^rof the Upper to tho ..eoretary of the Lower, by whom they shall bo communieated to the Prolocutor who shall communicate them to the House. ' 15. The Lower House may present to the Upper anv matter which they eoneoive to bo .-, griovance or to require amendn.ent, even when they have no proposition to make on the same ; and the Upper House shall thereupon place it in order lor cons.deration, with a view of providing a remedy ; and sha , before the conclusion of the session, declare to tho ■Lower House the result. 16 The Prolocutor shall have tho right of admission per- sonal y or by Committee to the Upper Hou.,o, to communiJato the desu-e or decisions of his House ; and in such case he shall ascertain by message when ho or the Committee can conveniently be received in the Upper House, and act accord- ingly, n. It shall be competent (o the Lower House to request •. jomt committee or conference on any special object, Lyond those submitted to it by the Upper House, or to priosefor I -I aU<n«M.m any «P-;";;":j;V. ,, ,,o „,,ti f .>« I'lH- 18. Who,, oithc- «""':;'•'",„ ,,,.„,„ ft,,, either »h..U bo „„.e„.Uo hy "- '"X P -to; l-.o„aMy ,.■ by com ■ r:::::?^:;rt:;.t.ain«to.hou„peM 20. If the Lowe,. . «.-; -^ ;^ :„,,e„„cu,.,.c„co, .tato the r,.,K-, "->■ »f' ';. ; :^ :; p,op„so a„ amcnamct, of their ivason ; a„cl .«.>> - „„,„n,lme„t to meet veq„c.. the IIV>P<='- "«'■'''■ '" ;":" ! t,ei,. ,..^0,, -; -1""-,;;,:;/ rle,„. i„ a ve»o,utio„ or 21. If tl,e Uppe,- »"■'"'■>' i t,,e,, „on-eo„eur rencc, either ntate then ^^^^^^^ ^^^ p,,paro PO- r 'T r^^oiir " .;t,,ce. t. whi., the Lower an ameivAmcnt, n apP**'"" shall be appointed hy "^^ r''— , ,,^ ^^^^,,,, by the ■23. ^0„ Bha c c ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^,^,„ ,,„„,„„ Provincial Synod, «n .1 " 'r.'° .^.,, ^y tl,„ President in ofhothHo„sos,«hiehBhuTlhc j ■writing. ... House, or of the two ,, Co,nntHtce. ^l^^l^,. aaring in f iV 10 _ 25. Nu altemtion oi' the Constitutio,, or (.'nnm.s .shall come .nU, opomtioM unlil it has boon eonfirnuxl at a ..oconcl .session oftho rrovincial Synod. 20. Kach mcoth... of the Synod .shall he invmlod or com- moneed hy Arornin^. I>rayor and a Scrn.on, if so ordoml hv lhcMolroHitan,and on th. (i.-st day of su.h n.oolin- (he Holy Conimuni.)n ,sj,all ho mhnini.stoi'od. ° 27 The h.isinos, oroaeh .lay .shall he cornnuMKed hv prayer fur tho Wvine ....idanco and hIe.<sino, aceovdino- to^c fonu aulhonzcd hy tho UoiHo oi'Jii.shops. 23 The dMclion or tho Clerical and Lay Delegates nhall be corUhod unuor tho hand and .eal of tho lii.hopof tho Dioco.e which they represent, or. in the absence of the Bishop the i ha.nnan of the Synod, and s.,eh ce.tilieate shall be tinal and conclu.sivo, which :ortitieato .shall bo forsvardod by the Secre- taries of the Diocesan Syno.l to iho Secretaries of the Lower House of the Provincial Synod within ibnrteen dav.s after t>aid cleeiioii. I I \k y li:jiAL\XKXT Oiumi OF I'ROCMKDlNfiS AS ADOPTKD HY noTll llUUSKS. 1. The Provincial Synod .shall nieot at thoplace of deliberv lon Ou,t.ce bein^ previously given by the Metropolitan or hiBcloputy of tho (in.e and place of mooting.); the Bishop, u. the.r proper robes, and the Clergy in their gowns, c^^ocks, band.s and hoods ; and shall proceed in procession o ho Cathedral for Divine .service, on which occasion the Holy Communion shall always be administered. The Litany Bhall be said by the junior Bishop ; tho Preacher shall be api)Ointod by tho Metropolitan, and .peeial prayer shall bo made for tho Synod. Tho collcaon shall bo applied to tho current expenses of tho Synod, unless otherwise ordered by the Metropolitan. *^ id vf ... At ..„ «1>1."-"WJ ''»"■ • " ', ,,^ I,,., ,,,,,00 of doliboruUc... ■ of the Synoa »!..>" ':';":::; ',,,,,i'.o:.., V.o .l.uU inro.-.u «hcvo, »fU..- tUo I'-;;- ':;,;: ,,„•„. ,,,aoo of .«co.-,n., «-' 3. When U,o l'-''':f' " 'r l(;,„,ivma", aceompan.rf nt 4 TUo Vrcsiaent sluUl then sta ^ ^j,,,, „f the Lowei House, Biiccvfyinii;. ""^ aesh-o it to l.e taken up. ^ ^j_^^„ „,, „„,„i„n.e In. 5. on \m i-etu..n, tl.e 1 ["'"^ „,„i u,™ introduce t.. own deputy 0" -- "J ^^t U,.- ^->- "-" '" the nou«e tho bu«ne.s on engage themselves. „,,; Uie Sym"l shall I On every duy of f > - ^ j^,_.^ „„j. ,„„i„os, J;t at 9 u.,n., and shaU proeeod t ,, ^,_^ ^^^^^^^^ ^„ ,„„ i, Hnnounoed, to Mor„.ng la ^^ ^^^ ,,Ueo appointed, •-''""« /j;; s.sic,n, the I'residen , w > ' 1. Before the conelus.on <>" . ^„,„ us.e a sel-edule, the consent of the «-- f f'^^ natter of business no.v lelaring the state in jv"" ' "' .^. ,,,, f.por House and lands .-hiei> has ^-^^^, reserving aliunhn.shed nromulgateit to the Lo^ « '^ ,v,ug tho Synod. Cinest to the next ^--o". » ' 1 ,„ ,,:i„a,de of prorogat-o,,, 8. i^te Proloeutor, '"-^ ,'t„,„„„ieate it to lus House. ,hali, at the first oi^P^-^' ^^^;,.,„, ta.ond that day. whieh shall not prolong Its s, . / 12 ORDKltOK I'UOCHKDINCJSOI' Tin: LOWKI; I10U8K 1. After Trayov, tho Clerical and Lay Secretaries Hliall fall tlic roll ot'lhoi'- respective orders. 2. The elcitioii of tho now Socrotaricbsluili bo made by Iho Clergy uiul Laity respectively. A Treanurer and two Auditorn Hhall also be appointed, all of whom nhnll hold their offices until their successorH .shall be appointed. ;j. Allc this the order of business shall be as Ibllows: — (1) Heading, correcting and approving tlje minutes ftf previous meeting. (2) Appointing Committees. (3) Presenting, reading and referring memorials or petitions. (4) Presenting reports of Committees, of Treasurer, or Auditors. (5) Giving mnii-r (»!' motions. (0) Taking up ui. .nished business. (7) Consideration of motions. (8) Orders of the day. (0) Before the fmal adjournment of the Syjiod, reading, correcting and approving tho minutes of the last day's pro- ceedings. i liULES OF OIIDEIJ. 1. The Lower House shall meet on the day and at the hour and place appointed by the Metropolitan or President, unless otherwise ordered by the House, and on each succeeding day at ten o'clock; and the mid-day adjournment shall be from one o'clock to 2.30 p.m.; and the business, except the work of Committees, shall conclude at six p.m., at which hour tho House shall proceed to the Cathedral for Evensong. Tho clergy shall appear in gowns and bands. When the Prolt- CUtor has taken the Chair, every member shall sit uncovered. 13 1 .. iind dcioriun, w»»^ .„.„ aeoiao uU 'l"-"""" ;>;•„,„ „,„, when cuUod upon to .IccUlc u vo.nt of '"-'°' ■ ^.„,„,„„,„ . t„ tho c»»o, «Uhou. ur«umcn . - ,^^, ^,_^,, ,„, „„., » Wl.™ any •"-""''" " "' ' «, No .notion or nn.c nd "-" • .^j 1. No nuMubcr, «avc tl-o "'"^^ ^^ .„„,^ than once, „„„r •« entitled to .■cplj. »''»» 1 "cop;, by po.™--'°" ?f ^';: ":; i, ,..,.,„U,ed by the Cb...>v. 8. A nvombor n>ayr.»o W«l'™ . „„ „f ,„««, *aU bo ,,. No original n>otio,„ ««f„;" ^^..on of the Houec. „h.U bo decided without deba e ^^ ^^_^ ^^^^^^^^ ,j, ,,.0 n. Who,- a »»-7 '"=^^,'^; ;„ .vi.bont the eon.eut ot Proloootov. it c«nuotbc,«ul.u the nonae. . j^ j^, no niotio.i slutU bo 12. When u „"e,t,on » "ndu do ^ ^^ ,j_ „, received by the Chair, ""-::„, or for the previou. - lay it on ;'-;t:;:\!::n «: a„e,ul™cut to a prol-cd :r:::e:for"a nation »haU bo in cnj..^^^^^^^^^^ 13. A .notion to adjourn »hal al« a> ^^^^^ ^,^.,„ ,,, U. Motions to adjourn or to lay decided without debate. i u 15. A I.. Mi^poiul n Uulo of Unlci- shall lake pivoo- iloncg or all olhor motions, ,u..l «liall l,o .leoldu.l without UcbiUo; and no ]itil., „f Onler .shall ho MUMiu.mU.l, except uinm the voto or t\v.).thinl,s of tho Mornhoi-.s present. !<;. A Mombois If not inhTniptin^ a hp-mker, may mniiro nny motion in UlMcu.^iun (o W> ron-l foi- hj.s infurnuUion, at any time (llll•in^' the (luhato, IT. When uinen.lments are niaao fo anv motion, tho ainen.lmonLs ami tho on-inal ruoti.M. .hall he put in oi-.I-m- Iho revevHO of that in whieh they were hruu^'ht forward. J«. When a <itie.stion is tinally i)uf hy tho Proloentor, either an original motion or an amendment, no fiirthor dt-hato shall bo aUowed; tho Prolocutor lirht d.vl.'.rin- ih.-u the (luestion is finally put. 10. Wla-n Iho I'roloeutor is putlinij n quo.slion, noMcnjIier sLail ri-so from Ids seat ; an.l c-vcry member present, when a question is put. vliull he re<iuirnl lo vote on the same, unless excused by tlu' House. 20. In votin.LC. those who vote in the atlirmative shall first rise, and then those who vote in the ne/,^'ltive ; and in case <,i' an equality of votes tho .luostion .shall bo deeided by tho castin- vote of tlie Prolocutor, wJio may also vote on tho motion. I'l. When required by (wo Clerical and two Lay Delegates, the vote of the House upon any question may bo taken by orders voting separately ; and in that case a majority of both orders shall be necessary to an affirmative vote' 22. Oi: a division, the names of those who vote for or against a question shall be recorded in the ,A[inutes, if requir. on by throe Members. ^ 23. A question being onco determined shall not again be '>i'awn into discussion in the same Sesbiop, without the unanimous consent of tho House. ,,,„.„ wl.i.-l. fuUoNv «V"<< "•» '"'"l"'"" '" " ■■""'""' Miiuiiva 11 l''immitli'o. i,,,. l»,on „:!;,1 who.o rulai.,.. i- .lolilK.,.,.,-..., .1.0 I--'-'-- "^» mitloo i» "I'l"'."''"'' . ii,„ Muv.v of tl." •>i! Wlioi. .. (.■o...i"'ll«' » "I'l"""""'- 11'" ""Y". ■ ■ , , Ll-i...' In.- .1." < ■""">"»''" »'"'» '" "'" '''"'"''" T ; : wl.- u .■..™l...i.>.. i» «.o,...o,l .0 » corn- .1.0 co..>"»ii- 1 ''"•',"'>■ '•""" ';'^;':';■:';v,.i.•,■,.^ -iK"e>i b- ••1 T!,.i,ort»cif('omiiiitloo« slii.lMw .11 «.niv. h JnX. .".a .Ml '--ivo.i ....-,.«.. i.ut ,,,,3. 1,0 .nmlo fo. .•c.o.u.nitU.l. c.„...nUtcc. 2H Motion» will, rcfcrc.ico to llcpoita 11. . 11' ,',.•„ „,-ccodonco ..rolhor motioiw on tlio pniK'.-. ,w.ueo.....o „.,t -f-;';;; :/;r:: tit ,,i„co«c, to fill thch- ,.l...-o ; a.,a ... ovlor "'^"- " ' \"P^ ,„. ,IrtirtodlUt,orcle,-Ual,.,Kllayaologaj..- Kcnt to .1.. feccK flric-. shall bo sent l.y H'^.u to tl.o r.-oloc..tor. ,ory of the ,amo to b .0 t to o e y ^^^^^_^^^^^ ^_^^ twcty-ono .lays boloro il» '""'-;'"" notices »l...llsta„dfeto,,tboo,-clcr of tbo.laj. 31 A .SluiMliM^' rninmUtfio of on., n«iFinl iin<I otw Lay l>clf^«to from omh Dioroso hhull bv appointed oi, ||u. Hrstduy of the mooting of the Syno.l, luui hucI, (,'onui»itlo». „|,«|| ,,nungo for un.h (lay the onlor of prc< t'don.i. of iho Mcvoml n.olionH, of which nofi.0 hnn In'on ^Mvcn, iind have ihoni prinlcl. 32. In any unprovided cumo rt-Hort Mhiill h«» had to the Idilet of Order of tho jfoiwo of Assembly in Canada for guidance. 1|\ r Canon I. I'^iWrni: NOMINATION ANDKMK'TK^NOF A IJISHul* OK MONTlUiAl AND Ml/rUOI'oMTAiN. I. Whonevcr theSeoof M(»ntrt'al hoconu-.s vacunl, it. mhull he the duty o. the Very lie v. tho DeHn<»f Montreal, or in crho of his doafli or ahsonce from the Province, of the Senior Anhdea((.n .»f the Dio.oHe of Montreal, to notify tho fact of Hueh vueai.oy iniiuediately to the Senior iJishopof tho (Church m Canada, whn shall thereupon at once summon a apodal rneotin^rot the House of Bishops to he hel.l in Montreal two months from the date of sal.! n.dice, for the purpose of nominatin-,' two or more persons to he presented to tho niocoHan Synod of Montreal, li.r the choice of one of them as the Bishop of tho Uiocose of Montreal. L*. That the House of Hi^liops at said spCv^ial moelijiir ,,hnll nominate at least two perHons to he presented to llie Diocesan Synod of Montreal, in order that sinh Diocesan Synod may <'lioose one of such persoii.s m bo Hishi>j, "f the said Diocese and (ho of Bi.sho^.s vhall continue . uch nomiiiation-i until the Diocesan Synod of Montreal shall make choice (.fono of fuch persons as of .Montreal. 3. That in the event of tho Diocesan Synod of Montreal rejecting tho canon frr tho election of a Bishop, which gives the nomination of the Bishop to the House of Bishops ; then ■•\ ■< I It a,i.l In such CMC, on tho occurionco of a vacancy in tbo Soo of Montrodl, tho BUboi, of Montroui f.»r tho tiin') bc'-nK Khali not, a« Bi.hop of Montreal, bo tbo M».' opolitun Hi.bop, but tho «li>clion of a Motrr)i.olit,.« \\\^\v>v ^"^^^^^ '» '*"*-•»' ^'""" '"; TMtod In tho Iluu^o ..f JUsbop,, who ^bttll un.l may prococl to«ucb election at hucI. time un.l plm-o wilbin thin Provmeo AS tho Senior IH.hop of tho Cbiirch in ('arw.Uunuy .loterminc. but within three n.ontliH nfter «.uh vueaney Iuim taken pUuc, nn.l on ,)no month'n noti'.-o «iven by him to tho other Bishop, of tbo HoUHOof Hi.hopsi tuxleaeh Bishop ho electeci Metro- politun Hbull have nil the power. privileKOH, unci author.tiOH conforrea by the Canons i.f ihiK Synod upon a MotropoUta.i liisliop. Canon II. OF SUHMISSION or C'LKitl.l TO IHE CANO.^.^ oF THE PliOVlNClAL AND IJIOCKSAN SYNODS. NolViMhop nilbin Ibis Trovim J hbul' hereafter grant his heenco to any cler-yman to tbo euro of 80uls unti' such cler-yman has tirst subHcribe.l and declared his Hubmission to tho Canons of tho Provincial Synod, and of tbo Sync.) of tt.o Dioceso of such Bishop, in tbo following form: I ''A. B.,) uo williii/^ly subscribe to and declare lluit I asf^ent to and abido by tbo Canons whic .1 bavo boon, or shall be, from time to time passed by tbo B oviucial Synoil, or tho Synoil of tho Diocese of— Canon III. OF THE POWKBS OF THE METBOPOLITAN. 1. Ti.e Metiopolitiin sluill have precedence of all tho other Bishops of tho Canadian Dioccsot, and tho said other Bishops shall bo hie Sutlhi^'ans. 2 Tho Mot vopolitan shall preside over tho House of Biwhops, and shall convouo the Provincial Synod and be the Presi- dent thoroof. I i r I 18 3. Upon a memorial Bigned by two-thirds of the Clerical *:id Lay AlemberH of any Diocesan Synod, certified to be such by tJjo Clerical and Lay Secretarien of Hiich Biocer^Qn Synod, rerjiiestiiig the Metropolitan Bishop to exercise vi>itatorial jpovver in hucIi Jtiocesc, the said Metropolitan Bishop shall liuvo full power and authority to visit such JJioccsc, and the iJishop thereof, and duj-ing such visitation, to inliihit the « :orci!>c of all or of such part or parts oi'lho ordinary jurisdic- tion of such Bishiip, as to him the Meti-opolitan Bisho]> shall «com expedient, and during the time of such visitalion to exercise by him elf, or his commissaries, such power;-, func- tions, and jurisdiction in and over the said Dioceso as tho Bishoii thereof might have exorcised, if ho had not been sahibited from exercising the same. Canon IV. OF THE TKLVL OF A BLSIIOP. Offtnces for which a Bishop may he tried. I- (A.) Crime or immorality. 2. Advisedly holding and teaching, whether publicly or privately, an}- doctrine contrary to that held by the Canadian Branch of the United Church of England and Ireland. 3>. Wilful violation of the constitution or canons of the Provincial Synod, 4, Wilful violation of the constitution or canons of tho Xiioccse to which he belongs. 1. (B.) All charges against a Bishop shall bo made in writinf', aravl shall bo signed by seven male communicants in good •«f.aj3<ling, of whom throe at least shall bo Priests. Action on Rumors, 2. Whenever a Bishop of this Church shall have reason to iselievo that there are in circulation rumors, reports or charges Affecting his moral or religious character, he may, if ho please. il a t 1 I 111* I' ■ 19 if aetinff in conformity with the written mlvice and consontof " A.,v two of his brother Bi.liops, demund of the Motropohtan, or if the Metropolitan bo the Bishop umK^tedby such rumcmr, then of the Bishop senior by consecration, to convciw* » Board of Inquiry in the mode liereinaftcr set forth. •] Accusers may choose a lay advocate in preparing proa& and charges, &c.. or they may prepare such charges tliem- selvos, and in cither case the grounds of accusation must t« set forth with reasonable certainty of time, place, and cir- cumstance Charges to whom to he Jdwered. 4 Char-es prepared in either of the modes mentioned sbali be delivered to the Metropolitan, if he be not the accused; ii he be the accused, the charges shall be delivered to the Bislic?^ senior by consecration. 5. Accusers must give security for costs, in the sum of one. thousand dollars. Board of Inquiry hoir constituted. C The Metropolitan or senior Bishop, as the case may l^ shall appoint the Deans, Archdeacons, and Chancellors of the difterent Dioceses of the Province as a Board of prclimini«-y inquiry, the majority of whom shall form a quorum. Notice to Members. 1 The Meu-opolium or senior Bishop, as the case may be^.. shall o-ivc notice thereof to said Board, and direct them to attend ra the lime and place designated by him and orga-^^^'-e tnc Board ; and it shall be the duly of each member so notdvtd to attend. The place of meeting must be within the Diocese of the accused. The Metropolitan or S.nior Bishop shall seitd at the same time a copy of the charges to the sen.or digmtir^ of the Board. i 20 8. Tho Sittings of the Board sball bo private. 9. Tho Rules of evidence adopted by tho Board shall bo thoso of tho Civil Courts of this Province; but two wilnesscs Khali be necessary to the proof of any cliarge. Presentment. 10. If tho majority of the Board present shall be of opinion that there are sufficient grounds to put tbe accused Bishop upon his trial, they shall direct the Chairman to prepare a presentment, to be signed by such of the Board as agree thereto. 11. The Chairman shall transmit to tho Bishop from whom they received the charges, tho presentment thut; signed; and the Bishop shall send to the accused Bishop a copy of the same. 12. If a majority of the Board present shall be of opinion that there is not sufficient ground to put the accased Bishop on his trial, in such case tho charges, together with the certificate of the Metropolitan, or senior Bishop by consecration, of its refusal to make a presentment, shall bo prepared in duplicate, one to bo sent to the Secretary of the Provincial Synod, to be deposited ;;mongst tho archives of tho Synod, and tho other to tho .Members of the Diocesan Sj^nod of the Diocoso whore tho Bisliop has boon so charged. No proceed- ings to be had thereafter by way of presentment on such charges, except upon affidavits of two male communicants of tho Church, of good standing, of their discovery of new testimony as to tho fticts charged, and setting forth what such testimony is, which affidavits shall bo transmitted to the Chairman of the Court of Inquiry, who shall decide whether they afford ground for a second investigation; and in caeo he decides that such second investigation is necessary he shall notify the Metropolitan, ox- senior Bishop by conse- cration, as the case may be, who shall direct an inquiry as U X I ^ fit hcrcinboforo ordered ; and if ho decides it to be unneceHsary, ho shall notify the Hamo to the Motropoliian, or Bonior Bishop by consecration, as the case may bo. Limitations of Time. 13 No presentment shall bo made in any case unless the allc.^od otlence shall have been committed within two ycn.s next before the day on which the charges were delivered to the Metropolitan, or senior Bishop by eonsecrat.on,_ except the charge bo of such a nature that it woukl subject the uccuscd to indictment before the civil courts. Triid. U When a presentment .shall have been made by Iho Board of Inquiry, or the majority thereof, it shall be the duty of the Bishop forthwith to give to the accused written notice to attend at the place appointed for the trial. 15 The Court shall be formed of the Bishops of the Pro- vince, the majority of whom must be present, excluding the accuser, if he be a Bishop, and the accused. IG The Bishop to whom the presentment was made shall communicate to every Bishop that he is to attend as a mem- ber of the Court ; he shall also appoint the tirae and place for the assembling of the Court; the time shall be within two calendar months of date of such notice, and the place shall be within the Diocese of the accused Bishop. The Bishop to whom the presentment has been made shall inform the accused Bishop, by written notice to be left at his usual place of residence, of the time and place appointed for the meeting, and summon him then and there to appear and answer. 17. The Bishops shall appoint a legal assessor at the time ° is'^f the accused refuse or neglect to appear, then the Court shall proceed ex parte to pronounce him in contumacy, and pronounce judgment in the case. 9'> u m Aecu>K>d may have counsel, the number of which is to SM n^^nilatod by the Court. 20. The decision of the Court on all the chnrge« «hali bo c^Jueod to writing., and signed by who a««cnt to it. who catLci ionn a majority of the Court. -II. .Sentence of the Co.irt, if the accused be found guilty, ^a)l be euher admonition, suspension for u delinite period deprivation or degradation. V , ' J2. The judgnient of the Court to be eo.nmunicated to evciy Lcclc^sKistical authority within this Province, to the IronncKd .synod, and to the Synod of the of the •erased Bi.hop; an,! sucli Diocesan Synod .hall forthwith proceed to enter and record .ucl< judgment. A full record of Its proceedings .shall bo kept by every Court 23. The assessors of the Court shall have no vote in any «U50 whatever. "^ 24 A charge for erroneous doctrine may be made against ^jBi.sliopof thi« Church or by any other in .om- ^.union with this Church, not under suspension, deprivation, or degradation. 25. In case of r charge of erroneous doctrine made by a BisLop as aforesai. if the Bishop accused be afterwards put apon his trial, the Court shall be composed of all the Bishops ^^^xcept the accuser and accused ; three Bishops must be present, and the consent of the majority shall be necessary to ^OjGviction. I rioi Al Al Bit VO afl ei 81 Canon V. COURT OF APPEAL OF THE METROPOLITAN. now CONSTITUTED. The House of Bishops, presided over by the Metropolitan ^3r President of tho Upper House, or Senior Bishop in their ^^bscnce, with two or more asscst to be from time to time i 28 nominatod by the M House of Bishop., shall bo the Court of Appeal from the juclgmcnt of any Diocesan Court. Thro'^ --hops shall constitute a (luorum of the Court ot Appen I the decision of the majority of the Bishop. Bittino in Appeal shall bind, and in the event of .n c.inahty of votes the decision of the Court appealed from .hall sta.vl afllrmcd. . , ,,„„„4 The Bishop of any Diocese, who ha. given any judgment cither alone or in any Diocesan Cour'. in, or is a parly to, anj case, shall not sit in Appeal in such case. OVFICEllS OV THE COURT. There Shall be a Ilegistrar of the Court ol' Appeal, and such other officers as the Court may <leem necessary, to bo appoints from time to time by the Metropolian. AVIIEN ArPEAL SIIALI- LIE. An Ai.peal shall lie to the Court of Appeal, in all cases adjudged by any Diocesan Court, on behalf of any p.u-ty to the case or proceeding in the Diocesan Court. There shall be no appeal for any error or defect in form in any proceeding or judgment in a Diocesan Court. An Appeal shall lie to the Court of Appeal from the judg- ment or decision of the Bishop of any Diocese. PROCEEniNGS OF THE COURT. The Court o^ Appeal may sit in any Diocese, at such times and places as the Court shall, from time to time, order and direct. , ., t. ^^-i The Appellant shall give notice of Appeal to the Eespond- cnt and the Bishop of the Diocese in the Court of which tho judgment appealed from is gi-n, within one calendar month after such judgment. •.!.•„ +„r^ The Appellant Bhall give tx) the Eespondent. within two calendar months after ench judgment is given, a bond ^ith I * ^ 24 Bufflciont »ccurilica, to bo approvcl hy tl,o ]!o^-i,trar of tho Court o Appeal, i„ the ...m of 8400, to ..c,,,. the Ko , o j ent for tl.o co»t, of appeal, in case tl.o appeal U ,liMni»«el Every Appeal .,h„,| bo prosee..ted lo a hearing ytho Appellant w.thin one year after sueh ju,l«n,ent is given, i[ „ to rt of Appeal ,l,all »it within .u-I, period of one ye , ,, of the Conrt of Appeal ai>er «.el, year shall have expired. such h,f"'f ."""'' ™'"''" ""■"" """"J"'- '"""'l'» "ft" judgn,ent, br,ng into the Court of Appeal and lilo wiih Reg,„rnrof the l.ioeesan Conrl.or the Bishop of the B oc o whose judgment is appealed against. If any of the proceedings i„ the next preceding four ocfons are not taken within the respectively iTnra herefor, the Appeal shall bo eonsidered dis' nissed,"^. ' judgment appealed from shall stand. mont,,snot,eo ,„ wr.fngof the hearing of the Appeal. Th Court of Appeal shall make such rules al/d orders as Ih Court"'!' mV"'"".''"" ™" "'■=""™' f-» »" -«'«. <« ™eh Court .shall from time to time deem neeessarj. Cano.\ Vf. OF 3IINISTEEING IN PAKISHES. 1. No Clergyman shall absent himself from his char.^e for ™o..e than four weeks at a time. Without the written cote of the B,shop, or, ,n his absence, of his Commissary -. No person shall be permitted to eelebrato Divine Service or perform any office of the Church, permanently orocel on ally, except he sh.all h.ave been Fpiscopally and C, non^X orda,ned, and it shall bo the duty of id Incumbent „,ns absence, oi the Church-wardens, to demand proof of such i I I i ordination ^nd of tl« good standing of .ho Clergyman b«foro ^T;'" "i: ;r:- ...e .... of !.>■ «eador oKOor. ho »^ttr:!h:nt::;;:.u..ude,,uofan^Th<. nffipiatinir when thoro is a necessity for it. 3 No c'lev,ynn.n »h.ll oOiciuto in uny Mi..un or Par. ■ IL ^JtLto - U.-e^,he.. or a, .^ - s;;''::rX;h:rvkdhin.e,fof.,i.i^^ 1 r th licence of the Bi.hop or the Bishop's co„,m,«»avy. 4 No B hop of one Diocc.c shall perform ,u,y Ep^copal fuLfon, n another without the sanction of the B,»hop "-0 in the ease provided for hy ^^^^ to the nowors of the Mctropohtan, nor shall .my f'SZv such functions in any vacant Diocese except by Lt c": V m t,. Metropolitan., or, in caseof the voidanco rnri.ioccse, from the Senior Bishop of the Prov.nce. Canon VII. OF LinTKUS TESTIMONLVIi. When ■. rri.'stor Deacon in good stanJins is desirous of , . D ocese 11 shall he the duty of the Bishop to g.vo r 1 UU eTo'stthe usual "Letters Testinronial." hut the ,., n„ veceivin.' the same shall continue subject to the E Sw J X ^on ef the Bishop till the Letters Testl- ^P ?1 ,u-e been presented according to their address, „on,al shall ';"°;'^^ ^^.^^^^ j,;^,,,, the Clergyman Tt inesented within three months after theirdate, they may w I I V J . I I bo consiJorod nn void by tho uiitliority wlionco tlioy proceeded, and whuU bo void unless tlioy bo pro'-ented within six montbs. Canon VIII. OF Kl'LSCOPAL RKSKIXATIONS. Tf a Hishop sball desire to rosiji^u his IMocoso, ho shnll givo in his resignation to tho Metropolitan, in writing, or (if ho be himsolf'Metroi>olitan) to tho Bisjjop senior by Consecration: but such resignation shall not be accepted unless a majority of tho House of Bishops consont. Canon IX. OF TIIF SUHDIVISION OF DIOCESES. The House of Bishops shall have tho power of subdividing existing Dioceses, or of forming a new Dioccso out of portions of existing Dioceses which may be contiguous, with tho concurrence, or upon the a[>j)lication, of tho Synod or Synods of tho Dioceso or Dio'joses atfected, and it s)iall 1)0 tho duty of such Synod or Sj-nods to consider, without delay, any proposal for the subdivision of a Diocese which may emanate from the House o." Bishops. Canon X. OF TUK OFFICIATim; OF ST11AX(;F CLFIKrYMEN IX A DIOCESE. When a Bishop is aware that a clergyman not of his Dioccso is officiating or about to officiate in his Diocese, and when tho said Bishop shall have good reason to believe that doubts exist regarding the clergyman's orthodox}', canonical ordin- ation, or good morals, t!>en tho Bishoj) may ifdtibit him from officiating within his DioccsOj by a writing addressed to him, and to tho clergy ; and any clergyman, after tho receipt of tho Bishop's inhibition, permitting such inhibited porson to 27 porf'onn uny eluricnl function in lus Church, or Mi>siun Clmpel, shall bo procoeiled againht by tho Bi»h'»i» for brouch of Canonical obedience. Canon ^I. OF Ml.SHlONAiiV BbSlluPS. 1. Tho Vrovincial Synod may elect a suitable I'riesit to be a Missionary Bishop over a ilistrict not within any organized Dioccso or over a District wh'ch includes wilhin tho now Tcr- t \ ritory a part or i)arts of one or more existing Dioceses, and ij wlien tho JIouso of Bisuops shall bo sati^ticil that adccpiato provision has boon made for tho support of a Missionary Bishoj), tho Metropolitan or presiding Bishop ma} convene tho Provincial Synod for tho purpose of electing such Mis- sionary Bishop, by tho Joint action of tho lippor and Lower Houses, which election shall bo coiidacted in tho following manner: — Tho Houho of Bishoi^s shall present to the Lower House one or more names for election by ballot, and if nono of these names sliall bo accepted by tho Lower llouso further rimes shall be presented by tho Upjjcr IIouso until it shall aiginfy that it has no other name to prcsont. All namo3 prosent'^d to tho Lower IIouso shall bo before it for election until an election shall have been made. A majority of votes Clerical and Lay shall bo necessary to an election. 2. In case a Misslonaiy Bishop .shall bo appointed in the man- ner hereinbefore mentioned over a District which includes or consists of a part or parts of ono or more existing Dioceses, tho Missionary Bishoi> shall exorcise no jurisdiction over any such part or parts of such other Dioceso or Dioceses, until tho Synod or Sj'nods of tho Diocoso or Dioceses affected shall liave consented to his so doing, and it shall be tho duty of such Synod or Synods to consider without delay any such proposal- 3. The Bishop elected, as aforesaid, shall exercise his Epis- copal functions in such Missionary District in conformity i will) t!io C'Dnstilulioii and Cuiioim of this Province, no far M thoy can l)o niti'lo applirablo to tin) comlition of liU District. I. I-At'i'v Missionary llisli»)j» HJiail ho ontillod to a hoat in tlic IIiMisu of MisliopH, and Niiall ri>|)r)i-t to the Molropolitan, lor tjjo inforrnulioji of lliu Provinriu! Synod, at owry niootini^ of tlio Synod i'oni'ornin,:^ tlio stafo atjd conditirtn of tlio (-'liuruh ill his Missionary* l)i.strict. r>. in thu ovont of a vncant-y octuirrin:,' in any Mis*«ionnry Dioee-o, (ho Provincial Synod ^hali lu; sunitnonod, within hIk montlis, Lo clott anotlior Missionary IJisJioj) ; provided tho rotfuiai" nioi'tini^ f)f tiio Provincial Synoil sliall not taico jdaco within tv.'olvo ni;."'''*' .iftor hiicli vafaiu-y, in whicli case tht) ulcction .sliall ho postponod until such regular mootin;^, nnd in tho nioantiiuo, tho tlutios of tho lato Bishop shtdl dovolvo, so far lu, thoy can hoiliscdiargod hy him, on a Conunis- sary, wlioni it, .shall ho tho duty ofcvory Missionary Bishop to ai»point on Ms conHccratioUj and from time to time, an tho offloo shall loconio vacant. 0. Xolhiny containotl in ihc first clauso of thi.s Canon shall provont iho clootion of a,--sionary IJishop at this Session of the Synod, or at any adjourned session of tho same. 7. Any Dioooso of tho Province may, if it desires so to do scitaralo and set apart any portion (»f its Territory as a District suit ihlo f(jr Iho ostablishinont therein ol' a Missionary Bisliopric, and such Territo v .so sot apart may bccomo a Missionary Diocese and a l.,sho]) bo appointed thereto in accoi'dancc with the foregoin*^ (Janon.