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 So mnch English treasare, and, more than that, so many valnable 
 English liyes, have been squandered on the search for the North- 
 west Passage, that the dreary and frostbitten regions which form 
 the extreme north of the continent of America have become objects 
 of great and lasting interest to many of ns. Of late years also the 
 immense territories of the British Crown in that part of the world 
 haye assumed a new importance by the erection of the colony of 
 British Colombia, which, if it could emerge from the difficulties 
 imposed on it by its want of communication, and consequent unat- 
 ractiyeness to emigrants, might soon become the home of a teeming 
 md prosperous population. Under these circumstances, we need 
 lardly apologise to our readers /or carrying them once more among 
 he natiyes of the extreme north of the American continent ; and in 
 '^' >rder to do so we shall make use of the narratiyes recently pub- 
 hed of two expeditions to these regions. We haye grouped them 
 gether on account of the geographical a£Gnity and the similarity 
 the social state of the races which they seyerally describe ; though 
 the mode of treating theii subject, and the point of yiew from 
 hich they approach it, the writers of them exhibit quite as much 
 'erence as we might expect to find between the productions of an 
 erican explorer and a French missioner.* 
 Captain Hall, unconyinced by the eridence published by Captain 
 'Clintock in 1859, undertook his expedition in search of the sur- 
 ying members of Sir John Franklin's crew (if such there were) ; 
 in the hope of clearing up all doubt about the history of their end, 
 the eyent of their haying perished. He was baffled in his attempt 
 reach the region in which he hoped to find traces of the objects 
 his search, by the wreck of the boat which he had constructed f *■ 
 e enterprise ; and his ship being beset with ice in a winter which 
 * Life nith the Etquimaum. A Narratiye of Arctic experience in search 
 the Surviyora of Sir John Franklin's Expedition. By Captain Charles 
 rancis Hall, of the whaling*barque George Henry. London: Sampson 
 >w and Son. 1865. 
 Dim-Huit Ant Chez Let Sauvaget. Voyages et Missions de Mgr. Henry 
 araud dans Textrtoie Nord de TAm^rique Britannique. Paris : B^gis Buffet 
 Cie. 1866, , . i. . r^ i. 
 n :N.W. History Dept 
 set in earlier than usual, he spent more than two years — ^the interval 
 between May 1860 and September 1862 — among the Esquimaux on 
 the western coast of Davis's Strait, in order to acquire their lan- 
 guage and familiarise himself with their habits and mode of life. 
 He is at present once more in the Arctic regions, having retunied 
 thither in order to prosecute his enterprise. He is now accompanied 
 by two intelligent Esquimaux, whom he took back with him to 
 America ; and who, having now learnt English, will serve him as 
 interpreters as well as a means of introduction to the various settle- 
 ments of Esquimaux whom he may ha^e occasion to visit in his 
 travels. The results of his present expedition will probably be 
 more interesting than those of his first. If we test the success of 
 his first voyage by the discoveries to which it led, these were con- 
 fined to correcting the charts of a portion of the western coast of 
 Davis's Strait, and to proving that the waters hitherto laid down as 
 " Frobisher's Strait" are in fact not a strait, but a hay. As a voy- 
 age of discovery, its importance falls far short of that undertaken 
 for the same object in 1857 by Captain M'Clintock. Captain Hall, 
 however, was enabled, by comparing the various traditions among 
 the Esquimaux, to arrive at the spot where Frobisher, in the reign 
 of Queen Elizabeth, attempted to found a settlement on " Kodlu- 
 nam" [i*. e. " White man's"] Island (the Countess Warwick's Island 
 of English maps), where he found coal, brick, iron implements, 
 timber, and buildings still remaining. This success in tracing out, 
 by means of information supplied by the natives, the relics of an 
 expedition undertalcen more than three centuries ago, makes him 
 confident of obtaining a like success in unravelling the mystery in 
 which the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions is still 
 wrapped, by a similar residence among the Esquimaux of Boothia 
 and King William's Island, which were the last known points in 
 their wanderings. This is the region he is now attempting to reach 
 for the second time. But the real value of his present volume is the 
 accurate and faithful record it gives of the author's impressions, 
 received from day to day during a residence within the Arctic Zone, 
 and the details it gives of the habits and character of the Esquimaux. 
 The origin of this people is, we believe, unknown. Another 
 Arctic traveller has suggested that they are " the missing link be- 
 tween a Saxon and a seal." They are rapidly decreasing in num- 
 bers ; yet, if measured by the territory which they inhabit, they form 
 one of the most widely-spread races on the face of the earth. Mr. 
 Max Miiller might help us to arrive at the ethnological family to 
 which they belong, were he to study the specimens of their language 
 with which Captain Hall supplies us. Judging from the physi- 
 ognomy of two of them, whom the anthor has photographed for his 
 frontispiece, we should say that they certainly do not belong, as 
 M. Berard and, we believe. Baron Humboldt have supposed, to those 
 Mongol races, which, under the names of " Laps" and " Finns," 
 inhabit the same latitudes of the European continent. They seem 
 rather to approach the type of some of the tribes of the North- 
 American Indians ; and the resemblance of their habits of life and 
 traditions points to the same conclusion. They are small of stature, 
 fire feet two inches being rather a high standard for the men, but 
 of great strength and activity, and they have a marvellous power ui 
 enduring fatigue, cold, and hunger. 
 The name " Esquimaux," by which we designate them, is a 
 .French form of an liidian word, Aish-ke-um-oog (pronounced Es-ke- 
 moag) — meaning in the Cree language, " He eats raw flesh ;" and in 
 fact they are the only race of North- American savages who live habitu- 
 ally and entirely on raw flesh In their own language they are called 
 Innuit — i. e. the people par excellence. Formerly they had chiefs, 
 and a sort of feudal system among them ; but this has disappec /ed, 
 and they have now no political organisation whatever, and no authority 
 among them, except that of the husband over his wives and children. 
 Their theology — so far as we can arrive at it — teaches that there is 
 one Supreme Being, whom they call " Anguta," who created the ma- 
 terial universe ; and a secondary divinity (the daughter of Anguta), 
 called " Sidne," through whose agency he created all living things, 
 animal and vegetable. The Innuits believe in a heaven and a hell, and 
 the eternity of future rewards and punishments. Success and happi- 
 ness, and benevolence shown to others, they consider the surest marks 
 of predestination to eternal happiness in the next world ; and they hold 
 it to be as certain that whoever is killed by accident or commits suicide 
 goes straight to heaven, as that the crime of murder will in all cases 
 be punished eternally in hell. They seem hardly to secure the attri- 
 bute of omnipotence to their " Supreme Being;" for, in their account 
 of the creation of the world, they affirm that his first attempt to create 
 a man was a decided failure — ^that is to say, he produced a ivhite 
 man. A second attempt, however, was crowned with entire success, 
 in the production of an Esquimaux or Innuit — the faultless proto- 
 type of the human race. A tradition of a deluge, or " extraordinary 
 high tide," which covered the whole earth, exists among the Esqui- 
 maux; and they have certain customs which they observe with 
 religious reverence, although they can give no other reason or ex- 
 planation of them except immemorial tradition. " The first Innuits 
 did so" is always their answer when questioned on the subject. 
 Thus, when a reindeer, or any other animal, is killed on land, a por- 
 tion of the flesh is always boned on the exact spot where it fell — 
 possibly the idea of sacrifice was connected with this practice ; and 
 when a polar bear is killed, its bladder must 1 e inflated and exposed 
 in a conspicuous place for three dcys. And many such practices, 
 equally unintelligible, are scrupulously adhered to ; and any departure 
 from them is supposed to bring misfortune upon the offending party. 
 Though the Esquimaux own neither government nor control of 
 any kind, they yet yield a superstitious obedience to a character called 
 the " Angeko," whose influence they rarely venture to contravene. 
 The Angeko is at once physician and magician. In cases of sickness 
 the Esquimaux never take medicine ; but the Angeko is called, and 
 if his enchantments fail to cure, the sick person is carried away from 
 the tents, and left to die. The Angeko is also called upon to avert 
 evils of all kinds ; to secure success for hunting or fishing expedi- 
 tions, or any such undertaking ; to obtain the disappearance of ice, and 
 the public good on various occasions ; and in all cases the efficacy of 
 his ministrations is believed to be proportioned to the guerdon which 
 he receives. Captain Hall mentions only two instances, as having 
 occurred in his experience, of resistance being made by Esquimaux to 
 the wishes of the Angeko ; and in both cases the parties demurred 
 to a demand that they should give up their wives to him. Though 
 more commonly they have but one wife, owing to the difficulty of 
 supporting a number of women, polygamy is allowed and practised by 
 the Esquimaux. Their marriage is withou'j ceremony of any kind, 
 nor is the bond indissoluble. Exchange ci wives is of frequent 
 occurrence; and if a man becomes, from sickness or other cause, 
 unable to support them, his wives will leave him, and attach them- 
 selves to some more vigorous husband. For the rest, the Ebquimaux 
 are intelligent, honest, and extremely generous to one another. 
 "When provisions are scarce, if a seal or walnis is killed by one of 
 the camp, he invites the whole settlement to feast upon it, though 
 he may be in want of food for himself and his family on the morrow 
 in consequence of doing so. They are very improvident, and rarely 
 store their food, but trust to the fortunes of the chase to supply their 
 wants, and are generally during the winter in a constant state of 
 oscillation between famine and abundance. The Esquimaux inhabit 
 the extreme limits of the globe habitable by man, and they have 
 certain peculiarities in their life consequent on the circumstances cf 
 their climate and country ; but in other respects they resemble the 
 rest of the nomad and savage races which people the extreme north 
 of America. In summer the Esquimaux live in tents called tupicSf 
 made of skins like those used by the Indian tribes, and these are easily 
 moved from place to place. As winter sets in, they choose a spot where 
 provisions are likely to be plentifal, and there they erect ighoa, or huts 
 constructed of blocks of ice, and vaulted in the roof. If they are ob- 
 liged to change their quarters during the winter, either permanently or 
 temporarily, they build fresh igloos of snow cut into blocks, which soon 
 freeze, and in the space of an hour or two they are thus able to provide 
 themselves with new premises. The only animals domesticated by 
 the Esquimaux are their fine and very intelligent dogs. They serve 
 them as guards, as guides, as beasts of burden and draught, as com- 
 panions, and assist them in the pursuit of every kind of wild animal. 
 The women have the care of all household affairs, and do the tailor's 
 and shoemaker's work, and prepare the skins for all articles of cloth- 
 ing and bedding — ^no unimportant department in such a climate as 
 theirs : the men have nothing to think of but to supply provisions by 
 hunting and fishing. Sporting, which in civilised society is a mere 
 recreation and amusement, is the profession and serious employment, 
 as well as the delight, of the savage. And we find in the rational, 
 as well as in the irrational, animal when in its wild state, the highest 
 development of those instincts and sensible powers with which God 
 has endowed it for its maintenance and self-preservation, and which 
 it loses, in proportion as it ceases to need them, in civilised society 
 or in the domesticated state. 
 The Arctic regions, though ill-adapted for the abode of man, 
 teem with animal life. The seal, the walrus, and the whale supply 
 the ordinary needs of the Esquimaux. In the mouths of their rivers 
 they find an abundance of salmon ; various kinds of ducks and other 
 aquatic birds inhabit their coasts in multitudes ; reindeer and par- 
 tridges are plentiful on the hills ; while the most highly prized as 
 well as the most formidable game is the great polar-bear, whose flesh 
 affords the most dainty feast, and whose skin the warmest clothing, 
 to these children of the North. 
 Captain Hall lived, for months at a time, alone with the Esqui- 
 maux. He acquired some proficiency in their language, and shared 
 their life in all respects. He became popular with them, and even 
 gained some influence over them. He experienced some difficulty in 
 his first attempt to eat raw flesh (some whale's blubber which was 
 served up for dinner) ; but on a second trial, when urged by hunger, 
 he made a hearty meal on the blood of a seal which had just been 
 killed, which he found to be delicious. After this, cooking was en- 
 tirely dispensed with. Those who have visited new and " unsettled" 
 countries will be able to testify how easily man passes into a savage 
 state, and how pleasant the transition is to his inferior nature. There 
 is a charm in the freedom, in the total emancipation from the arti- 
 ficial restraints, the feverish collisions, and daily anxieties of civilised 
 societj which ia one of the most secret but also of the most powerful 
 Agents in advancing the colonisation of the world. Captain Hall'i 
 enthnsiasni, which begins to mount at the sight of icebergs, whales, 
 and the novelty and grandeur of Arctic scenery, reaches its climax 
 when ho finds himself in an nnexplored region, the soUtary guest of 
 this wild and eccentric people, and depending, like them, for hii 
 daily sustenance on the resources of nature alone. 
 Tlie Esquimaux are sociable and cheerful, and, in Greenland and 
 the neighbouring islands, hospitable to strangers ; but those of their 
 race who inhabit the continent of America have a character for fero- 
 city, and arc the most unapproachable to Europeans of all the savage 
 tribes of America. Even Captain Hall himself expresses Tmeasiness 
 from time to time leut he should become an object of suspicion to 
 them, or give them a motive for revenge. They are one of the few 
 peoples of the extreme north with whom the Hudson's Bay Company 
 have hitherto failed to establish relations of commerce. Many tra- 
 vellers and traders have been murdered by them on entering their 
 territory, and the missioners of North America regard them as likely 
 to be the last in the order of their conversion to Christianity. Skil- 
 ful boatmen and pilots, perfectly familiar with their coasts, with great 
 intelligence in observing natural phenomena, and knowing by experi- 
 ence every probable variation of their inhospitable cUmate, as well as 
 the mode of providing against it, they formed invaluable assistants to 
 an expedition for the scientific survey of a region as yet imperfectly 
 known to the geographer. Their sporting propensities were the 
 chief hindrance to their services in the cause of science. No sooner 
 were ducks, or seals, or reindeer in view, than all the objects of the 
 expedition were entirely forgotten till the hunt was over. No motive 
 is strong enough to restrain an Esquimaux from the chase so long 
 as game is afoot: 
 " Canis a corio nunquam abstenrebitnr mncto.** 
 Seals are captured by the Esquimaux in various ways. Some 
 are taken in nets. At other times they are seen in great numbers 
 on the ice, lying at the brink of open water, into which they plunge 
 on the first alarm, and much skill is then required in approaching 
 them. In doing this, the Esquimaux imitate the tactics of the polar- 
 bear. The bear or the savage, as the case may be, throws himself 
 flat upon the ice and imitates the slow jerking action of a seal in 
 crawling towards his game. The seal sees his enemy approaching, 
 but supposes him to be another seal ; but if he shows any signs of 
 uneasiness, the hunter stops perfectly still and ** talks" to hint- 
 that is, he imitates the plaintive grunts in which seals converse with 
 ■one another. Reassured by such persuasive language, the seal goes 
 to Bleep. Presently he starts up again, when the same process if 
 repeated. Finally, when within range, the man fires, or the bear 
 springs, upon his victim. But the Esqnimanx confess tliat the bear 
 far surpasses them in tliis art, and that if they could only *' talk" as 
 well as " Ninoo" (that is, " Bruuj"), they should never be in want 
 of scal's-flcsh. When the winter sets in, and the ice becomes thick, 
 the seal aits a passage through the ice with the sharp claws with 
 which its flippers are armed, and makes an aperture in the surface 
 large enough to admit its nose to the outer air for the purposes of 
 respiration. This aperture is soon covered with snow. When the 
 snow becomes deep enough, and the seal is about to give birth to 
 it*" young, it widens the aperture, passes through the ice, and con- 
 structs a dome-shaped chamber under the snow, which becomes the 
 nursery of the young seals. This is called a scales igLo, iwoL 
 its resemblance to the huts built by the Elsquimaux. It requires a 
 dog with a very fine nose to mark the breathing-place or igloo of 
 a seal by the taint of the animal beneath the snow ; but when once 
 it has been discovered, the Esquimaux is pretty sure of his prey. 
 If an igloo has been formed, and the seal has young ones, the 
 hunter leaps " with a run" upon the top of the dome, crushes it in, 
 and, before the seals can recover from their astonishment, he plunges 
 his seal-hooks into them, from which there is no escape. If there be 
 no igloo, but a mere breathing-hole, he clears away the snow with 
 his spear and marks the exact spot where the seaVs nose will pro- 
 trude at his next visit, an aperture only a few inches in diameter; 
 then, with a seal-spcar strongly barbed in his hand, and attached to 
 his belt by twenty yards of the thongs of deer's-hide, he seats him- 
 self over the hole and awaits the seal's " blow." The seal may blow 
 in a few minutes, or in a few hours, or not for two or three days ; 
 but there the Esquimaux remains, without food, and whatever the 
 weather may be, till he hears a low snorting sound; then, quick 
 as lightning, and with unerring aim, he plunges the spear into the 
 seal, opens the aperture in tlie ice with his axe till it will allow the 
 body of the seal to pass, and draws it forth upon the ice. The mode 
 of spearing the walrus is more perilous. The walrus are generally 
 found among broken ice, or ice so thin that they can break it. If 
 the ice is thin, they will often attack the hunter by breaking the ice 
 onder his feet. In order to do this, the walrus looks steadily at the 
 man taking aim at him, and then dives; the Esquimaux, aware of 
 his intention, runs to a short distance to shift his position, and when 
 the walrus rises, crashing through the ice on which he was standing 
 only a moment before, he comes forward again and darts his harpoon 
 into it. Ordinarily, the Esquimaux selects a hole in the ice whera 
 he expects the walrus to " vent," and places himself so as to com- 
 niand it, with his harpoon in one hand, a few coils of a long rope of 
 hide, attached to the harpoon, in the other, the remainder of the 
 rope being wound round his neck, with a sharp spike fastened at 
 thb extreme end of it. As soon as the walrus rises to the surface, 
 he darts the harpoon into its body, throws tlie coils of rojie from 
 his neck, and fixes the spike into the ice. A moment's hesita- 
 tion, or a blunder, may involve serious consequences. If he does 
 not instantly detach the rope from his neck, he is dragged under 
 the ice. If he fails to drive the spike firmly into the ice before 
 the walrus has run out the length of the line, he loses his harpoon 
 mad his rope. 
 But the sport which rouses the whole spirit of an Elsquimaux 
 oommonity begins when a polar-bear comes in view. "Ninoo" is 
 the monarch of these Arctic deserts, as the lion is of those of the 
 South. The person who first shouts on 'seeing " Ninoo," whether 
 mac, woman, or child, is rewarded with his skin, whoever may suc- 
 ceed in killing him. Dogs are immediately put upon his track, 
 and, on coming up with him, are taught not to close with b^or., 
 bat to hang upon his haunches and bring him to bay. The men 
 follow as best they can, and with the best arms that the occasion 
 supplies. The sagacity and ferocity of this beast make an attack 
 upon him perilous, even with fire-arms; but great nerve, strength, 
 and skill, are required, when armed only with a harpoon or a spear, 
 to meet him hand-to-hand in his battle for life, 
 " Or to his den, by snow-tracks, mark the way. 
 And drag the struggling savage into day." 
 The polar-bear is amphibious, and often takes to the sea. Then, 
 if boats can be procured, it becomes a trial of speed between rowing 
 and swincuuing, and an exciting race of many miles often takes place. 
 In the open sea " Ninoo" has a poor chaiice of escape, unless he gets 
 a great start of his pursuers ; but the Arctic coasts are generally 
 studded with islands, and, when he can do so, he makes first for one 
 island, then for another, crossing them, and taking to the water 
 again on the opposite side, while the boats have to make the entire 
 circuit of each. The sagacity of these animals is marvellous, and 
 proverbial among the Esquimaux, who study their habits in order to 
 get hints for their own guidance. When seals are in the water, the 
 bear will swim quietly among them, his great white head assuming 
 the appearance of a block of floating ice or snow, and when close to 
 them he will dive and seize the seals under the water. When the 
 walrus are basking on the rocks, " Ninoo" will climb the cli£fs above 
 Ihem and loosen large masses of rock, and u> ?n, calculating the curve 
 to a nicety, lannch them upon his prey beneath. When a she-bear 
 is Attended by her cubs, the Esquimaux will never attack the cubs 
 until the mother has been despatched ; such is^thcir fear of the yen- 
 geance with which, in the event of her escaping, she follows up the 
 slaughter of her offspring by day and night wiUi terrible pertinacity 
 and fury. 
 The Esquimaux stalk the reindeer much as we do the red deer 
 in the Highlands of Scotland; but the snow which lios in Arctic 
 regions during tlie greater part of the year enables them to follow 
 the same herd of deer by their tracks for several days together. 
 Such, then, are the life, the habits, the pursuits of the Esquimaux. 
 Pagans in religion, they stand in need of that faith which alone is 
 able to save th"*'* race, now perishing from the face of the earth. 
 Their life is a coiu > ;mt struggle with the climate in which they live 
 and the famine \:'iih which they are perpetually threatened. A 
 hardy race of humors, they exhibit many natural virtues, consider- 
 able intelligence,- and a strong nationality. The true Faith, if they 
 embraced it, while it secured their eternal interests, would at the 
 same time be to them, as it has been to so many savage races, the 
 principle of a great social regeneration. At present they are wasting 
 away as a race, and will soon become extinct. Polygamy has always 
 been found to cause the decrease and decay of a population ; and 
 any human society, however simple, will fall to pieces when it is not 
 animated by ideas of order and justice. 
 The Esquimaux occupy the extremities of human habitation in 
 North America ; and if we pass from their territory to the south, 
 we enter upon that vast realm called " British America" — a re^^on 
 sufficient in extent and resources, if developed by civilisation, to con- 
 stitute an empire in itself. Of this vast territory the two Canadas 
 alone, on the north bank of the St. Lawrence River and the chain of 
 mighty lakes from which it flows, have been colonised by European 
 settlers. The remainder is inhabited by the nomad tribes of Indians 
 and the wild animals upon which they subsist, the British govern- 
 ment being there unrepresented except by the occasional forts and 
 stations established by the Hudson's Bay Company as centres for 
 the traffic in furs, which the Indians supply in the greatest abund- 
 ance and variety. 
 In our next Number we shall endeavour to interest our readers 
 in the inhabitants of this vast region. 
 [ 493 ] 
 Smhhm antr Copptrsbms* 
 Part II. 
 The French, who were among the first to profit by the discovery of 
 Columbus and to settle as colonists in the new hemisphere, have in 
 their conquests always planted the cross of Christ side by side with 
 the banner of France. Though they have failed to retain the dominion 
 of those colonies which they founded, yet, to their glory be it said, 
 their missioners have not only kept alive that sacred flame of faith 
 which they kindled in their former possessions, but have spread it 
 from one end of the American continent to the other, beyond the 
 limits within which lucre leads the trader, and even among the 
 remote tribes who as yet reject all ordinary intercourse with the 
 white man. Monseigneur Faraud, now Bishop of Anemour and 
 Vicar- Apostolic of Mackenzie, has published his experiences during 
 eighteen years of missionary labour as a priest among the savages 
 of the extreme north of America,* with the view of giving informa- 
 tion to future missioners in the same regions, and inspiring others 
 to undertake the conversion of this portion of the heathen world. 
 The proceeds of the sale of his book will be devoted to founding 
 establishments for works of corporal and spiritual mercy among the 
 tribes of Indians in his diocese. The narrative of his apostolic life 
 is highly interesting. Bom of an old legitimist family in the south 
 of France, some of whose members had fallen victims to the Beign 
 of Terror in 1793, and cuxcfully educated under the eye of a pious 
 mother, he offered himself to the service of God in the priesthood. 
 Being of a vigorous constitution and of an enterprising spirit, he was 
 drawn to the work of the foreign missions, and at the age of twenty- 
 six he started for North America. Landing at N«w York, he 
 passed by Quebec and Montreal to St. Boniface, a settlement on the 
 Red River, a few miles above the point where it discharges its waters 
 into the great Lake Winipeg. Here he fixed his abode for seven 
 months, studying the language, and acquiring the habits and mode 
 of life of the natives. At the end of this time the Indians of the 
 settlement started on their annual expedition at the end of the sum- 
 * IHz-huit Ant chez let Sauvagei. Voyages et Missions de Mgr. Faraud 
 dans le Nord de TAmgrique Britannique. R6gi8 iiuflet et Cie. Paris, 1866. 
 [ I 
 mer to the prairies of the west to hunt the buflfalo — an important 
 affair, on which depends their supply of buffalo-hides and beef for 
 the winter. 
 For this expedition, which was organised with military precision 
 and most picturesque effect, one hundred and twenty skilful hunters 
 were selected, armed with guns and long couteaux de chasse, and 
 mounted on their best horses. A long train of bullock-carts fol- 
 lowed in the rear, with boys and women as drivers, carrying the 
 tents and provisions for encampment, and destined to bring home 
 the game. The priest accompanied them, saying Mass for them 
 every morning in a tent set apart as the chapel, and night-prayers 
 before retiring to rest in the evening. 
 In this way they journeyed for a week, making about thirty 
 miles in the day, and camping for the night in their tents. Let the 
 reader, in order to conceive an American '* prairie," imagine a level 
 and boundless plain, reaching in every direction to the horizon, fer- 
 tile and covered with luxuriant herbage, and unbroken except by 
 swelling undulations and here and there occasional clumps of trees 
 sprinkled like islets on the ocean, or oases on the desert. After 
 marching for a week across the prairie, they came upon the tracks 
 of a herd of buffaloes. The Indians are taught from childhood, when 
 they encounter a track, to discern at once to what animal it belongs, 
 how long it is since it passed that way, and to follow it by the eye, 
 as a hound does by scent. For two days they marched in the track 
 of the buffaloes, and the second night the hunters brought a supply 
 of fresh beef into camp — ^they had killed some old bulls. These 
 old bulls are found single, or in parties of two or three, and always 
 indicate the proximity of a herd. Accordingly, on the following 
 morning the herd was discovered in the distance on the prairie, like 
 a swarm of flies t»n a green carpet. The hunters now galloped to the 
 front, and called a coimcil of war behind some undulating ground 
 about :: r^ile and a half from the buffaloes, who, in number about 
 three thousand, were grazing lazily on the plain. All was now ani- 
 mation. It would be difficult to say whether the keener interest was 
 shown by the men or the horses, who now, with dilated eyes and nos- 
 trils, ears pricked, and nervous action, pawed the ground, impatient 
 as greyhounds in the slips and eager for the fray. The plan of action 
 was soon agreed upon — a few words were spoken in a low tone by 
 the chief, and the horsemen vanished with the rapidity of the wind. 
 In about a quarter of an hour they reappeared, having formed a 
 circle round the buffaloes, whom they now approached at a hand- 
 gallop, concentrating their descent upon the herd from every point 
 of the compass. The effect of this strategy was that, though they 
 were soon discovered, time was gained. Whichever way the herd 
 pointed, they were encountered by an approaching horseman, and 
 they were thus thrown into confusion, until, massing theui^elves into 
 a disordered mob, they charged, breaking away through the line of 
 cavalry. Then began the race and the slaughter. A good horse, 
 even with a man on his back, has always the speed of a buffalo ; but 
 the skill of a hunter. is shown (besides minding his horse lest ho 
 gets entangled in the herd and trampled to death, and keeping his 
 presence of mind during the delirium of the chase), in selecting the 
 youngest and fattest beasts of the herd, in loading his piece with the 
 greatest rapidity — the Indians have no breech-loaders — and taking 
 accurate aim while riding at the top of his speed. In the space of 
 a mile a skilful buffialo-hunter will fire seven, eight, nine shots in 
 this manner, and at each discharge a buffalo will bite the dust. On 
 the present occasion the pursuit continued for about a mile and a 
 half, and above eight hundred buffaloes were safely bagged. When 
 the chase was over, there was a plentiful supply of fresh beef, the 
 hides were carefully stowed on the carts, the carcasses cut up, the 
 meat dried and highly spiced and made into pies, in which form it 
 will keep for many months, and forms a provision for the winter. 
 The buffalo (which in natural history would be called a bison) is the 
 principal source of food and clothing to the Indians who live within 
 reach of the great western prairies. But the forests also abound 
 with elk, moose, and rein-deer, as well as the smaller species of deer, 
 and smaller game of other lands, aiui iiie multitudes of animals of 
 prey of all sizes which supply the markets of Europe with furs. 
 The abundance offish in the lakes and rivers is prodigious. The 
 largest fish in these waters is the sturgeon. This fish lies generally 
 near the surface of the water : the Indian paddles his canoe over the 
 likely spots, and when he sees a fish darts his harpoon into it, which 
 is made fast by a cord to the head of the canoe ; the fish tows the 
 canoe rapidly through the water till he is exhausted, and is then 
 despatched. Besides many other inferior lands of fish, they have 
 the pike, which runs to a great size in the lakes, and two kinds of 
 trout — the smaller of these is the same as that found in the rivers 
 of England; the larger is often taken of more than eighty pounds in 
 weight. The. Indians take these with spears, nets, and baskets ; but 
 a trout weighing eighty pounds would afford considerable sport to 
 one of our trout-fishers of Stockbridge or Driffield, if taken with an 
 orthodox rod and linj. 
 A fortnight was devoted to the chase ; and between two and three 
 thousand buffaloes having been killed, and the carts fully laden, the 
 party returred to St. Boniface. The settlement of St. Boniface was 
 founded by Lord Selkirk, who sent out a number of his Scotch 
 dependents as colonists, and induced some Canadian families to join 
 them. It was originally intended as a model Protestant colony ; 
 but the demoralisation kd.\ vice which \oi:'>\.ii out in the new settle- 
 ment brought it to the verge of temporal ruin. Lo:-d Selkirk then 
 called Catholics to his aid, and three priests were sent there. Religion 
 took the place of fanaticism, and ever since this epoch the colony has 
 never ceased to flourish and increase, and has become the centre of 
 numerous settlements in the neighbourhood of friendly Indians con- 
 verted to the faith. This is one of many instances which might be 
 quoted in which the noxious weed of heresy has failed to transplant 
 itself beyond the soil which gave it birth. St. Boniface has been the 
 residence of a Bishop since 1818, and is now the resting-place and 
 point of departure for all missioners bound for the northern deserts of 
 America. It was here that Mgr. Faraud spent fighteen months, 
 studying the languages of the northern tribes of Indians. Lord 
 Bacon says that " he that goeth into a strange land without know- 
 ledge of the language goeth to learn and not to t avel." This, 
 which is true of the traveller, is much more true of the missioner, 
 as Mgr. Faraud soon found by experience. He made several essays 
 at intercourse with neighbouring tribes, like a young soldier burning 
 with zoal and the desire to flesh his sword in missionary work. But 
 the reception he met with was most mortifying, being generally told 
 " not to think of teaching men so long as he spoke like a child." 
 He applied himself with renewed energy to acquire the native 
 The dialects of most of the tribes of the extreme north of America 
 (with the exception of the Esquimaux) are modifications of two 
 parent languages, the Montaignais and the Cree. By acquiring 
 these, Mgr. Faraud was able to make himself understood by almost 
 any of these tribes after a short residence among them. Eighteen 
 months spent at St. Boniface served as a novitiate for hi ns- 
 eionary work, at the end of which time he received orders to start, 
 early in the following month, for Isle de la Crosse, a fort on the 
 Beaver River, about 350 leagues to the n.w. of St. Boniface. 
 On his way thither he was the guest of the Governor of the Hud- 
 son's Bay Company at Norway House, where he was most hospitably 
 entertained. Mgr. Faraud bears witness to the liberal and enUght- 
 ened snirit in which the authorities of the Hudson's Bay Company, 
 as well as the government officials in Canada, render every aid and 
 encouragement in their power to the Catholic missioners ; and he 
 quotes a speech made to him by Sir Edmund Head (then Gk>vemor 
 of Canada), showing the high estimation, and even favour, in which 
 the Catholic miesioners are held by them. Whatever permanence 
 and stability our missions possess in these vast deserts is owing to 
 the protection and kind assistance rendered to them by the British 
 authorities ; while, on the other hand, it would be hardly possible for 
 this powerful company of traders to maintain their present friendly 
 relations with Indian tribes, upon which their trade depends, without 
 the aid of the Catholic missioners. 
 After five months spent at Isle de la Crosse, and three years 
 after his departure from Europe, Mgr. Faraud left for Atthabaska, 
 one of the most northerly establishments of the Hudson's Bay Com- 
 ]k,any, whither the various tribes of Indians, spread over an immense 
 circuit 400 leagues in diameter, come twice in the year, early in 
 the spring and late in the autunm, to barter their furs, the produce 
 of their winter and summer hunting. This was his final destination 
 and field of apostolical labour. It is often said that it is the happi- 
 ness of the Eed Indian to be totally ignorant of money ; and this, in 
 a certain sense, is true. But money has no necessary connection 
 with the precious metals or bank-notes ; and any medium of circu- 
 lation which by common agreement can be made to represent a deter- 
 mined value becomes money, in fact, if not in name. Thus the 
 market value of a beaver's skin in British America varies little, and 
 is nearly equivalent to an American dollar. The Hudson's Bay 
 Company have adopted this as the unit of their currency, and the 
 value of other furs is reckoned in relation to this standard. The 
 following are some of the prices given to the Indians for the furs 
 ordinarily oflfered by them for sale : 
 The skin of a Black Bear yalues from 6 to 10 beavers. 
 Black Fox 
 Silver Fox 
 Red or White Fox 
 „ and so forth. 
 Twice in the year the steamers and canoes of the Company, laden 
 with merchandise, work their way up the lakes and rivers to these 
 statiops, where the Indians assemble to meet them, and receive an 
 equivalent for their furs in arms, ammunition, articles for clothing, 
 hardware, and trinkets. 
 Two of our countrymen, Viscount Milton and Dr. Cheadle, have 
 lately published an account of their travels in British America, of 
 which we give a notice in another part of this number.* The descrip- 
 * The M>rth-West Pottage by Land. By Viscount Milton, M.P., and 
 W. B. Cheadle, M.D. London, 1865. 
 I ' 
 tion they give of the prirations they endured and the difficulties they 
 had to overcome in merely traversing the country as travellers, 
 furnished as they were with all the resources which wealth could 
 command, while it reflects credit on their British pluck and persever- 
 ance in attaining the object they had in view, gives us some idea of 
 the obstacles which present themselves to a missloner in these regions, 
 who has to take up his abode wherever his duty may call him, and 
 without any means of maintaining Hfe beyond those which these 
 districts supply. The object of these gentlemen was to explore a line 
 of communication between Canada and British Columbia, with a view 
 to suggesting an overland route through British territory connecting 
 the Pacific with the Atlantic, — a most important project in a political 
 point of view, upon which the success of the rising colony of Columbia 
 appeal's eventually to depend. The territory administered by the 
 Hudson's Bay Company, reaching as it does from the Atlantic to the 
 Pacific, from the coasts of Labrador on the n.e., to Vancouver's 
 Island on the s.w., contains an area nearly equal to that of the 
 whole of Europe. 
 Mgr. Faraud remained fifteen years at Atthabaska. He found it 
 a solitary station-house, in the midst of deserts inhabited by idola- 
 trous savages ; it is now a flourishing mission, with a vast Chris- 
 tian population advancing in civilisation, the capital of the district to 
 which it gives its name, and a centre of operation from which mis- 
 sioncrs may act upon the whole north of British America, over which 
 he now has episcopal jurisdiction. Such results, as may be supposed, 
 have not been attained without labour and sufiering. In the com- 
 mencement the mission was beset with, difficulties and discouragements. 
 His first step was to build himself a house with logs of wood, an 
 act which was accepted by the savages as a pledge that he intended to 
 remain with them. A savage, whom he converted and baptised soon 
 after his arrival, acted as his servant and hunted for him ; while with 
 nets and lines he procured a supply of fish for himself when his 
 servant was unsuccessful in the chase. In this manner he for some 
 time maintained a life alternately resembling that of Robinson Crusoe 
 and St. Paul. He soon made a few conversions in his neighbour- 
 hood, and in the second year, with the aid of his catechumens, built 
 a wooden chapel, ninety feet long by thirty broad. He was now 
 able, when the tribes assembled in the spring and autumn, to converse 
 with them, and preach to them, and gradually an impression was 
 made upon them. They invited him to visit them in their own coun- 
 tries, often many hundreds of miles distant ; and these visits involved 
 long and perilous journeys, in which he several times nearly perished. 
 In the fourth year he began building a large church, surmounted by 
 a steeple, from which he swung a large bell, which he procured from 
 Europe through the agents of the Company. It was regarded as a 
 supernatural phenomenon by the sarages when "the sound of the 
 church-going bell" was heard for the first time to boom over their 
 primeval forests. As soon as a savage became his catechumen, he 
 taught him to read, at the same time that he instructed him in 
 religion. The soil was gradually cultivated, crops were reared, and 
 cows and sheep introduced. In the tenth year a second priest was 
 sent to his aid, \fho was able to carry on his work for him at home 
 while he was absent on distant missions. 
 There are thirteen distinct tribes inhabiting British America, and 
 Mgr. Faraud devotes a chapter to the distinctive characteristics of 
 each. But a general idea of these savages may be easily arrived at. 
 Most of us are familiar with the lively descriptions of the red man in 
 the attractive novels of Mr. Fenimore Cooper; and, though the 
 stories are fiction, these portraits of the Indians are drawn to the 
 life." We have most of us been struck by their taciturnity, their 
 profound dissimulation, the perseverance with which they follow up 
 their plans of revenge, the pride which prevents them from betraying 
 the least curiosity, the stc^ical courage with which they brave their 
 enemies in the midst of the most horrible sufferings, their caution, 
 their cruelty, the extraordinary keenness and subtlety of their senses. 
 The Indian savage is profoundly selfish ; gratitude and sympathy for 
 others do not seem to enter into the composition of his nature. The 
 same stubborn fortitude with which he endures suffering seems to 
 render him indifferent to it in others. Intellectually he is slow in his 
 power of conception and process of reasoning, but is endowed with a 
 marvellous power of memory and reflection. He bias a great fluency 
 of speech, which often rises to real eloquence ; and there is a gravity 
 and maturity in his actions which is the fruit of meditation and 
 thought. Cases of apostasy in religion are very rare among the 
 A savage visited Mgr. Faraud soon after his arrival at Atthabaska. 
 He had come from the shores of the Arctic Ocean, where his tribe 
 dwelt, a distance of above six hundred miles, and asked some ques- 
 tions on religious subjects. After listening to the priest's instruction 
 on a few fundamental truths : " I shall come to you again," he said, 
 " when you can talk like a man ; at present you talk like a child.^' 
 Three years afterwards he kept his promise; and immediately on 
 arriving he presented himself to the priest, and placed himself under 
 instruction. On leaving after the first instruction, he assembled 
 a number of heathen savages, at a short distance in the forest, and 
 preached to them for several hours. This continued for many weeks. 
 In the morning he came for instruction ; in the afternoon he preached 
 the tniths he had learned in the morning to his comitrjmen. Mgr. 
 Farand had the curiosity to assist unseen at one of these sermons, 
 and was surprised to hear his own instruction repeated with wonderful 
 accuracy'and in most eloquent language. In this way a great number 
 of conyersions were made ; and the instructions given to one were 
 faithfully communicated to the rest by this zealous savage. The 
 name of this savage was Denegonusye. When the time arrived for 
 his tribe to return to their own country, the priest proposed that he 
 should receive baptism. " No," he said ; " I have done nothing as 
 yet for Almighty^God. In a year you shall see me here again, and 
 prepared* for baptism." Punctual to his promise, he returned the 
 following spring. In the mean time he had converted the greater 
 portion of his tribe ; he had taught them to recite the prayers the 
 priest had taught him ; and he brought the confessions of all the 
 people who had died in the mean time among his own people, which 
 he had received on their death-beds, and which his wonderful memory 
 enabled him now to repeat word for word to the priest, begging him 
 to give them absolution. Denegonusy^ was now told to prepare 
 for baptism ;^but he again insisted on preliminaries. First, that he 
 was to take the name of Peter, and wait to receive his baptism on 
 St. Peter's day — " because," he said, " St. Peter holds the keys of 
 heaven, and is more likely to open to one who bears his name and is 
 baptised on' his Feast;" secondly, that he was to be allowed to fast 
 before his baptism forty days and nights, as our Blessed Lord did. 
 On the vigil of St. Peter's day he was so weak that he walked with 
 difficulty to the church; but on the Feast, before daybreak, he 
 knocked loudly at the priest's door and demanded baptism. He was 
 told to wait till the Mass was finished. When Mass was over, the 
 priest was about to preach to the people ; but Den%onusye stood up 
 and cried out, " It is St. Peter's day ; baptise me." The priest 
 calmed the murmurs which arose from the congregation at this inter- 
 ruption, and the eyes of all were suddenly drawn to the figure of this 
 wild neophyte of the woods standing before the altar to receive the 
 waters of regeneration. A ray of light seemed to play round his head 
 and rest upon him, as though the Holy Ghost were impatient to take 
 up His abode in this new temple. 
 ' Cases are not unfrequent of " half-caste" Indians reared in the 
 woods as savages claiming baptism from the priest as their " birth- 
 right." They have never met a priest before, nor ever seen their 
 Catholic parent. They are not Christians, and do not know even 
 the most elementary doctrines of the Church. Yet they have this 
 strange faith (as they say " by inheritance") through some mysterious 
 transmission of which God alone knows the secret. One of these 
 "half-castes" met Mgr. Faraud one day as he was travelling 
 through the forest, and asked him to baptise him. " I have the 
 faith of my father," he said, " and demand my birthright." Then, 
 inviting him to his house, he added : " My wife also desires bap- 
 tism." The priest accompanied him to his hunting-lodge, and was 
 presented to his wife, a young savage lady of some twenty years. 
 She was a veritable Amazon, a perfect model of symmetry of form 
 and feminine grace ; there was a savage majesty in her gestures and 
 gait ; she was a mighty huntress, tamed the wildest steeds, and was 
 famed far and near for her prowess with the bow and spear. She 
 welcomed the stranger with courtesy, and immediately presented him 
 with a basket full of the tongues of elks which had been the spoil of 
 her bow in the chase of the previous day. But as »oon as she learned 
 the errand on which he had come, her manner changed to profound 
 reverence, and, throwing herself on her knees with hands clasped 
 in the attitude of prayer, she asked him for a crucifix, " to help 
 me in my prayers," she said. The Indians do not pray. Her hus- 
 band did not know one article of the Creed. Who taught her to 
 pray ? — ^to venerate a priest ? — ^to adore the mystery of the Cross ? 
 — to desire baptism, and yearn for admission to the unity of God's 
 The three principal difficulties in the missioner's work among the 
 Indians are to " stamp out" (to use a recently-invented phrase) the 
 influence of their native magicians, and the practices of polygamy 
 and cannibalism — though several of the tribes are free from the last- 
 named vice. The magician, as we might expect, is always plotting 
 to counteract his advances and to revenge them when successful. 
 When a man has been possessed of half-a-dozen wives, and has 
 perhaps as yet barely realised to himself the Christian idea of mar- 
 riage, it is a considerable sacrifice to part with all but one, and some- 
 times perplexing to decide which he will retain and which he will 
 part with. Then the ladies themselves have generally a good deal 
 to say upon this question, and combinations arise in consequence 
 which are often very serijug and oftener still very ludicrous. 
 At Fort Resolution, on ^he great Slave Lake, the missioner met 
 with a warm reception from the neighbouring tribes of Indians ; and 
 as the greater part of them embraced Christianity, he set himself to 
 work in instructing them. He explained to them that Christian 
 marriage was a free act, and could never be valid where it was 
 compulsory, and that in this respect the wife was as independent 
 as the husband. This was quite a new doctrine to ths savages, 
 with whom it was an inveterate custom to obtain their wives either 
 by force or by purchasing them from their parents. The doctrine, 
 however, was eagerly received by the women, who felt themselves 
 raised by it to equal rights with their husbands. The men were then 
 instructed that the Christian religion did not permit polygamy, and 
 that as many of them as had more than one wife must make - up 
 their minds which of them they would retain, and then part with the 
 rest. It would be difficult to explain the reason why marriage, 
 which is a serious and solemn contract, and which in mystical sig- 
 nification ranks first among the Sacraments, is the subject of jests, 
 and provokes laughter in all parts of the world. The savages were 
 no exception to this rule; and while they set themselves to obey 
 the commands of the Church, they made their doing so the occasion 
 of much meniment. The following morning a crowd of them waited 
 upon the priest, each of whom brought the wife with whom he in- 
 tended to be indissolubly united. After an exhortation, which dwelt 
 upon the divine institution, sacramental nature, and mutual obliga- 
 tions of matrimony, each couple was called- up to the priest after 
 their names had been written down in the register. The first couple 
 who presented themselves were " Toqueiyazi" and " Ethikkan." 
 " Toqueiyazi," said the priest, " will you take Ethikkan to be your 
 lawful wife ?" " Yes," was the answer. " Ethikkan, will you take 
 Toqueiyazi to be your lawful husband?" "No," said the bride, 
 "on no account." Then turning to the bridegroom, who shared 
 the general astonishment of all present, she continued, " You took 
 me away by force ; you came iv our tent and tore me away from 
 my aged father ; you dragged me into the forests, and there I be- 
 came your slave as well as your wife, because I believed that you 
 had a right to make yourself my master : but now the priest himself 
 has declared that God has given the same liberty to the woman as 
 to the man. I choose to enjoy that liberty, and I will not marry 
 you." Great was the sensation produced by this startling announce- 
 ment. A revolution had taken place. The men beheld the social 
 order which had hitherto obtained in their tribe suddenly over- 
 thrown. The women trembled for the consequences which this daring 
 act might bring upon them. For a moment the issue was doubtful ; 
 but the women, who always get the last word in a discussion, in this 
 case got the first also ; they cried out that Ethikkan was a cou-^ 
 rageous woman, who had boldly carried out the principles of the 
 Christian religion regardless of human respect ; and what she had 
 done was in fact so clearly in accordance with what the priest had 
 taught, that the men at length acquiesced, and the " rights of wo- 
 man" were thenceforward recognised and established on the banks 
 of the great Slave Lake. 
 i I 
 In one of his winter journeys throngh the snow, nttended by a 
 party of Indians and sledgo drawn by dogs, Mgr. Faraud was arrested 
 by a low moaning sound which proceeded from a little girl lying under 
 a hollow tree covered with icicles. Her hands and feet were already 
 frostbitten, but she was still sufficiently conscious to tell him that her 
 parents had left her there to die. It is a common practice with the 
 savages to make away with any member of the family who is likely 
 to become a burden to them. The priest put the child on the sledge, 
 carried her home, and, with proper treatment, care, and food, she re- 
 covered. She was instructed and baptised, receiving the name of 
 Mary. This child became the priest's consolation and joy, a visible 
 angel in his house, gay and happy, and a source of happiness and 
 edification to others. She was one of those chosen souls on whom 
 God showers His choicest favours, and whom He calls to a close fa- 
 miliarity with Himself. But after a time the priest was obliged to 
 leave on a distant mission, having been called to spend the winter 
 with a tribe who wished to embrace Christianity, and whose territory 
 lay at a distance of several hundreds of miles. What was to be done 
 with Mary ? To accompany him was impossible — to remain behind 
 was to starve. There was at that time, among his savage cate- 
 chumens, an old man and his wife whose baptism he had deferred 
 till the following spring. This seemed to be the only solution of 
 the difficulty. Tliey had no children of their own ; they would take 
 charge of Mary, and bring her safe back to " the man of prayer" 
 in the spring. Bitter was the parting between little Mary and the 
 priest; but there was the hope of an early meeting in the fol- 
 lowing spring. The spring came, and the priest returned ; but the 
 old savages and Mary came not. For weeks tli priest expected 
 them, and then started to seek their dwelling, about fifty miles 
 distant from his own. He found their house empty, and the man 
 could nowhere be discovered. But in searching for him through 
 the forest, he descried an old woman gathering fuel. It was his 
 wife. Where was Mary ? The old woman made evasive replies 
 until the sternness of the priest's manner terrified her into con- 
 fession. " The winter had been severe" — " they had rim short of 
 provisions" — " and — and — " in short, thei/ had eaten her. 
 But if the difSculties, disappointments, and sufferings of the 
 missioner in these American deserts are great, requiring in him 
 great virtue and an apostolic spirit, his consolations are great also. 
 The grace of God is always given in proportion to His servants* 
 need ; and in this virgin soil, where spurious forms of Christianity 
 ■ are as yet unknown, the effects it produces are at times astounding. 
 The missioner is alternately tempted to elation and despair. He 
 must know, to use the words of the Apostle, " how to be brought 
 low, and how to abound." Monseigneur Faraud has now returned 
 to his diocese to reap the harvest of the good seed which he has 
 sown, and to carry a Christian civilisation to the savages of the 
 extreme north of America. He has left his volume behind him 
 to invite our prayers for his success, and to remind those generous 
 souls who are inspired to undertake the work of evangelising the 
 heathen, that in his portion of the Lord's field "the harvest is 
 great and the labourers few." 
 ^n 6picpram of ^rtnitus. 
 "ExTopi filv Tpoi'ij av/KdrOave' ov^ en ^(Eipa^ 
 avrijpev Aavaicv vaujiv iTrepyofiivoii' 
 TleXKa ^' *A\c^avtpte avvavuiKero' iraipttei apa 
 avBpdaiPj ov varpaK uvtpe^ d'yaWofieOa. 
 Hectore sublato, perierunt Pergama : Graiis 
 Troja dedit victas debilitata manus. 
 Pella et Alexander simnl occubuere : virorum 
 Omat honos patnam, non patria ipsa viros. 
 Troy sank with Hector, and no more defied 
 Her foes : with Alexander, Pella died. 
 'Tis not his country makes the hero great. 
 But brave great men that glorify their State. 

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