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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 9rrata to pelure. n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 V N NOTES ON ARITHMETIC FOR THE USE OF THE CADETS OF IHE |lopI Pilitarg College d Canada. BT EDGAR KENSINGTON, MAJOR ROVAIi AKTILLERY. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTILLERY. Price, ^0 Cents. KINGSTON : WILLIAM BAILIB, PRINTER. 1880. \ N I J ■I v*^ ' ^:^ ^rv^*^ NOTES ON ARITHMETIC FOE THE USE OF m y.^y/ THE CADETS OF 'HIE |l«pl Pilitarg Ctllegt af Canak. / BY ^'^ %'^ EDGAR KENSINGTON, MAJOn ROYAL AUTIIXERT. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTILLERY. Price, 40 Cei^s. ^0 '1^'% ^"^l!^ KINGSTON : Wn,UAM BAILIE, FltlNTER. 1880. o i ' -\ ,g NOTES. ■nnm (1) A number is divisible by 2 if the last fiL'ure is divisible ^™P'« 1 __ „ ° properties ot numbers. by 2. A iiniuber is divisible by 4 if the last two figures are divisible by 4. A minibcr is divisible by 8 if the last thl-ee figures are divisible by 8, and so on. A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3. A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9. A number is divisible by 11 if the sum of the digits in the odd |)laces eqtials the sum of the digits in the even places or difters by 11 or a multiple of 11. (2) 13]3 109 14]2 196 15]2 223 16]3 256 17]2 289 18]3 324 Note particularly the squares of 13, 17, 19. 23 8 33 43 53 125 63 "216 2T I 64 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. Note particularly 2''=32 ; 2^^=1024. 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729. 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125. 7, 49, 343. (3) i/T= 1-414 V'3'= 1-732 KB 343 19]3 361 83 512 201^ Squares to 400. 400 9 Cubes to 1000 729 Powers of 2. Powers of 3. Powers of 5. Powers of 7. VT= 2-236 V 1 -96 = 1 -4 f/ 2-89 =1 >' 4-84 = 22 Ex en Sin 4no— ^ _ ^2 1-414 _-_ i-x. ^^i; Din. 40 = --__=:::; = = -=-707 aDDrox. V 2 '2 2 Approximate roots. Ex. (2) Sin. 60° = 4/ 3 1-732 = •866 Ex. (3) Sin. 18" = i^^-Hl = 1^^ = .309 4 4 approx. approx. 3 (4). It is generally best not to multiply out factors. Es pecially in tlie case of fractions reduced to a coimnon de- nominator, the denominator should at first he left in factors. (5). The simple rules of Arithmetic refer only to abstract numbers, no unit being given. An aljstract number is always a ratio. Ex. (I). 3 is the ratio f just as much as I is a ratio. (6). A concrete lunuber consists of two parts multiplied together, viz., a certain si)ecified unit and an alistraet num- ber denoting how many times the unit is to lie taken. Ex. (1). The concrete number 3 horses = 3 X one horse. One horse is here the unit, 3 the abstract number. Ditferent numbers or ratios may express tlie same con- crete number or quantity, provided ditferent units are em- ployed. Ex. (2). Forty minutes = 40 X !""• = | X l^""' (7). Concrete numberx, of like natuve onlij, can he added or subtracted. First, bring both to the same denomination ; then add or subtract. Ex. (1). 3 horses cannot be added to 4 hours. 3 feet added to 4 inches = 40 iiu-hes. (8). Concrete numbers can be midtipUcd toijdher in cer- tain cases only ; namely, when the multiplication of the units gives an intelligible result. There are two most important elementary cases, 1st. Length X length = surface. '2nd. Length X length X length = volume; also, of cource, surface X length = volume. 1st. Consider what is meant by multiplication of one inch by one inch. An inch multiplied by an abstract number means that number of inches added to one another endways. An inch nniltiplied by an inch means an inch added to itself not lengthways but broadways as many times as its Niuubt'i's ill factitrM. Alistnic't nuiiibiTH. C'oncri'ti! luinibfrs. Atlilition 'ir subtrnctioii of ('(jiicri'ti' nuiiit)';ri<. MuUiiilii-iu'i, of Concrete iiuiiil)i'rs. M a . ,' f I i i f 1 I . . . \ f J-- a, •■ 1 7,»S J (•.'• '^ ""*' ;iw»r ^■*f*:fii'^ * : IS t? i brciidth is co:itained in its length. Thus the result is a square inch. It may be ol)jecte(l that a line has no thickness, but this means no appreciable thickness, no thickness that can be reckoned on, in fact a thickness that is less than any that can be described or imagined. To multiply length by length, the units must be multi- plied and the numbers must be multiplied. Ex. 3 inches X i inches = 12 square inches. 2 yards X 3 inches = 21G square inches. li square feet. Similarly one square inch multiplied by a linear inch, irives one cubic inch. (9.) There are three elementary units on which all units einj^loyed in scientitic researches may be made to depend. VIZ. (I). The unit of length (2). The unit of time. (3). The unit of mass. Some of the other more important units are : (*) m, . „ , . space The unit of velocity = TjT.r;; ; Ll 111(3 s = vt. 81)306 (5). The unit ot accelerating torce=rj~-n 2; s=^jt^ (6). The unit of weight = mass X force ; W — mf. (7). The unit of momentum = mass X velocity ; J/ =1 mv. .„ (S). The unit of dynamical energy =mass X vel]^ ; Energy =^- = -^ (9.) The unit of circular measure for measuring arc , , , antjles = — r. — = the ratio between two ° radius lengths. Of these only No. 4 can be considered here. Ex. A man walks at 3 miles per hour for 4 hours ; he walks 12 miles, obtained by multiplying the velocity by the time. Units. rf— I I. i 1 ' i 1 •,K;.<;"> .; In such examples care must be taken to use the same units of length or time throughout ; or, if it be necessary to alter them, to perform the necessary arithmetical operation. Ex. A locomotive goes 44 feet per second, how many miles does it go in an hour ? 44 Ans. 528U N.l). 30 miles per hour 44 X 3600 = 30 miles. 44 feet per second. Here 5280 v: i.e. the No. of miles per second. 3600 = t : i.e. the No. of seconds the journey lasted. (10). It is evident that correspondmy to every ca^e of Division of maltijdication there is a converse case of division. nnmi^M'rB. _ ,^^ surface , , space , . hx. (1). 1 — -r = leno;th : \. - = velocity. ^ '' length » ' time •' N.B. It will be found a safe rule to put the symbol of division for the word " per. " „ 3 miles 4*4 feet JiiX. Velocity is 3 miles per hour = , , == ^s n •' *^ 1 liour 1 sec d T^ . . ^o.^ 1 $3.60 $1.20 lOcts. rrice is $3.60 per yard = -7 :t = r? — ; = T^ — r ^ ^ J 1 yard 1 toot 1 inch 5 1 Rate of interest is 5 per cent := -^.rrr = -^ Concrete numbers of like nature can he divided, the quo- tient being an abstract number or ratio. Ex. (2). How many times will 2ft. 3 in. go into 3 yds.? 3 yards _ 9 X 1 ft. 9 _ 2 i\. 3 in. - 2ix~[ ttr = 2i ^ *' ^•®- *^" abstract nntnl)er, because the concrete unit of length has been divided out. Ex. (3). How many times will a gallon go into a cubic foot ? 1 cubic ft 1 gallon n;„„„ \ »i «»bic ft. of water weighs 1000 ozs. ) , ^'"'^^ I a gallon of water weigfis 10 lbs. \ "^^^''^^ 1 000 X(wlia t holds 1 oz. of water) __ _ 1000^ ^ 1 6 X 10 X (wliat holds 1 oz. of water) ~ 160 — ^^^' .JS* r rr" ! ^ 1 WW ! 5!: i - I i n \^ n iii nil / ^;-:v;,»-t Here also the unit of capacity divides out, leaving an abstract number for the quotient. (11), A correct appreciation of units and dimensions is of the greatest importance in Mathematics, and forms one of the simplest aids to memory and a frequent means for de- tecting errors in work. See Notes on Algebra, page 3, sec 10. (12). A concrete number = the abstract number X the Rules for U7iit. Only concrete numbers of like nature can be added numbers or subtracted. summarised. Concrete numbers cannot be multiplied tog'ither except in certain cases, of which the simplest are Length X length = surface. Surface X length = volume. Velocity X time = distance travelled ; s = vt. Concrete numbers cannot be divided except in the corres- ponding cases, and when both are of like nature, in which case the quotient is an abstract number or ratio. (13). Troy weiglit, 1 lb. = 12 ozs. =12X20X24 grains Weights. = 5760 grains ; only used for precious metals and special purposes. Apothecaries' weight, 1 Ib. = 12ozs. = 12x8x3x20gr8. = 5760 grains ; only used for drugs and chemicals. Note the similarity to Troy weight. Avoirdupois weight, 1 lb. = 16 ozs. = 7000 grains Troy ; used for all general purposes. Note that the grain is the only connection between this and the former. The pound and ounce are both different. N.B.— In England 1 cwt. = 4 X 28 lbs. = 112 lbs. In Canada 1 cwt. = 4 x 25 lbs. = 100 lbs. (14). The clue to the measures of length is this : 22 yards = 1 chain = 100 links. 4840 sq. yd8.=l acre=10 X [22 yards] »=10 square chains. Length and surface. !• I i H i . I ; 'i ' rr .•• - i 1'! 4 ■' ( ' ( ;' < -1 i! ,it .V^' k _ t Then it will be seen that I pole = 5^ yards = \ chain = 25 links. 1 furlong = 220 yards = 10 chains. 1 mile = S turlonj'8 = 80 chains. Note. Chains, poles, links ; cwts., quarters, pounds; dollars, quarters, cents ; I exactly correspond, and liave the advantage of I being decimal measures. A ton would correspond to a twenty dollar bill. A mile would correspond to a bill for eighty dollars. Ex, (1). Reduce 3 tons, 17cwt., 3 qrs., 9 lbs. to hundredweights. ' ' '' 84 Ans. 77-84 cwt. = 7784 lbs. Ex. (2). Reduce 3 miles, 5 fur., 37 poles, 2Jyd8. to chains. 240 chains -f- 50 chains + OJ chains -f-TTTSo'chains. Ans. 299i + i = 299| chains = 299-375 chains. The great use of measurement by chain is that 1 acre=:10 square chains. Ex. (3). Reduce 37 2-5783 square chains to acres, roods, »fec. 4 roods poles 1 0-3132 40 2528 X ~ 4 or 632 11 yards fbot 6952 11 76472 9 2528 ^Oi 5840 632 6 472 9 5 8248 I 12 9,9376 I 12 inches 119'25l2~ This reads as follows : The vertical line serves to mark the position of the deci- mal point after dividing by 10. :.„.* n Mi; ! 1 !iM I f! 1 I . I'- i ' ;v • -:;»-:. ;i 'K. ' i.u;- 1,1 8 372-5783 sq. cliains=37-25783 acres. ucres roods. = 37 1-03132 rood poles. 1 1-2528 rood pole si|. \ih. 1 1 7-6472 rood i>ole sii. j-ds. st]. ft. 1 1 7 5-8248 rood poll? sq. yds. sq. ft. S(\. in. 117 5 119-2512 (lo). Break nu the multiplier into simple factors, if Compound ^ ^ * Multiplicat'n acres =37 neros =37 litres =37 iieres = 37 possible, and multiply by them in the most convenient order, Ex. (1). Multiply 2 miles, 2 fur., 13 poles, oj yds. by 308. 3087=4 X 7 X 11. Multij)ly first by 11 to get rid of yards and fractions, for 11 half yards = 1 pole .-.11 x 3^ yards = 7 poles. Multiply next by 4 to get rid of poles. 2 : 2 : 13 : 11 25 1 : 30 4 100 ^ 7 miles 706: 1 f. Ans. Much time, trouble and consequent risk of error may be saved by a little consideration of this kind. Secondly, if the multiplier cannot be broken into simple factors, the best way is generally as follows : Multiply by as many 10s as necessary, and each line by the corresponding unit. ». d. 13 : 3i 26 ; 12 ; U " 266 : 9 : 2 Ex. (2). Multiply 2 by 239. 4 = 200 X 2 9 = 30 X 7i = 9 X 13 : do. do. (/. 532 : 3 X 2n^i line = 79 : 9 X 1st line = 23 : 18 : 18 : 19 : H 636 : 16 : 84 In special cases other methods of breaking up the multi- plier may be found more convenient. i M 1 :' I Ul w ' ' J ,1,. umimmmmmemm- r (16). No sucli process as the latter can be adopted for di- vision ; but it is generally' best to break up the divisor into factors, when possible, so as to work by simple division in- stead of by long division. £ ». d. Ex. Divide 2 : 13 : 3^ by 308; 308 = 4 x 7 x 11 4 ) 2 : 13 ; 3^ 7) 13 : 3f for the remainder 3^ divided by 4 is f. 47 47 . 11) 1 : lOgg- for 5| i.e. -y remams to be divided by 7 Compound Division. 616 The fractions must at each step be left in their lowest terms. If any of the fractions is improper, i.e. > 1, it is a sure sign that there is n mistake. (17). It is usual, in reducing fractions to their lowest *3i. C. M. terms, to divide out any simple factor of both numerator and denominator that can be observed, before resorting to the lengthy process of finding the G. C. M. In like manner a question in G. C. M. can generally be much shortened by observing such simple factors. Rule. Strike out simple factors at any time during the process, retaining tlwse only which divide both divisor and dividend. These latter fractions multiplied by the final result give the required G. 0. M. Ex. (1). Worked at length by the ordinary process. 10395)16819(1 10395 0424)10395(1 0424 3971)6424(1 3971 2453)3971(1 2453 352)583(1 352 1518)2453(1 1518 231)352(1 231 935)1518(1 935 121)231(1 121 iio 583)935(1 5^ 352 IfglHIIMKtMitK 10 It id unnecessary to work further, for tlie result \\i!l .!vidcntly he 11, heciiuse 11 is the (r.C.M. of -| Yl^ '■ It is shewn in "Notes on Algehra", \k 1.'), that this G. CM. the G. C. M. ot every pair, v,z. : -^ ^^.^^.^ ^ ; - ^^^.^. ^ ; \ 3971 ) . . ( n52 ) ( 231 ) \ 121 ) I 0424 f *-^^'' '^'^'•' \ 583 f ' i 352 ) ' ( 231 ) Iftlien at any time (lurin[' any pair can he seen or ohtained by a direct method, tliis is the required G. CM. V ■ , \ ;^J'>2 = 11 X 32) ,, . . r or instance - -„., _ .. ' ... ,- ; tins is easy to ^ee ; now 32 and 53 are prime to one another, therefore 11 nnist he the G. C M. Same Example worked by the above rule. 5)10395 16819, fur there is no 5 in 10819. 9)2079 for there is no 9 or 3 or 10819. 3[23T " 77 = 7X11 11 is the only taetor of 10395 that divides 10819. There- fore 11 is the G. C. M. Ex. (2). 110)1335510; 8)115872 3)12141 1 14484 3)4047; 4)4828 1207)1349: 1207(17 120" . 2)T42| 71 which divides 1207 exactly. .-. G. C. M. = 2 X 3 X 71. Here by striking out simple factors, the original luim- bers are reduced to ■! 19^7 [ whose G. (X M. is 71. Observe that tlie next pair is | ^^^r. t which is sinipli- lied again by striking out the factor 2, which is not contain- ed in 1207. 2 divides both. 3 " 11 Ex. (3). Find the G. C. M. of 805, 1311, 1978. Strike cut every tiut t which is not contained in every one. Thus S05 reduces to 23 a prime number ; if then there if any G. C, M, it can be no other than 23. 5)S4)5 3)13)1 2)1978 7)l6l 437(19 989(43 23 23 1 92 m 69 Ans. 23 It shouUl be noticed, witliout dividing, that 23 divides 437 and 989. The rule given above is intended to supplement, not to s\ipersede, the ordinary rule. Lengthy processes should always be avoided, if possible, l)ecau8e they lead to error. (18). In the ordinary process the rule is to divide by prime numbers only. The rule may be shortened if composite divisors are used with care. Rule. When using composite divisors, divide each num- ber hy as many of the factors of the divisor as possible. Rule. Shorten the process at any time by crossing out any number which is contained by another number in the same row. (Shewn below in block type). Ex. 10) 72, 30, 36, 220, 275, 99, 162 12) 36, 3, 22, 55, 99, 81 33)3, ll> 55, 33, 27 Au8. 10 X 12 X 33 X 5 X 9 = 600 X 297 = 178200 The result is the same as the following : 5) 72, 30, 36, 220, 275, 99, 162 2) 72, 6, 44, 55, 99, 162 3) 36, 22, 55, 99, 81 2) 12, 22, 55, 33, 27 2) 6, ll> 55, 33, 27 11)3, 55, 33, 27 5, 3, 27 L. CM. «i>n»MMHV9v<'w3cn&#«)%*< ^ • iC.'i .dK [ < I- - ■ «.. 'M'l ^t^?ii-i]aateiu :V-i— 3. ^' 12 There is a far shorter and more practically useful inethod of ascertaining the L. C. M. in factors, at sight. Consider the highest power of each of the prime factors of all the given numhers. Thus, in the above example. Highest power of 2 is 8 contained in 72 " " 3 " 81 " 162 " " 5 " 25 « 275 n " U " 275 and others. .-. L.C.M. = 8 X 81 X 25 X 11 = 200 x 891 = 178200. The least cointnou multiple is generally recpiired for the addition of fractions. (19). If the above nunibers represent the denominators of several fractions, mnltiply the numerators as follows : That over 72 i.e. 8x9 by 9 X 25 x 11 30 " 2 X 3 x 5 '■' 4 X 27 X 5x11 30 "4X9 " 2 X 9 X 25 X 11 220 " 4 X 5 xll " 2 X 81 X 5 275 " 25 xll " 8 X 81 and so on ; that is, in each case, by the remaining factors of the L. C. M. (20). Generally reduce mixed numbers to improper frac- tions. Except; for addition or subtraction, keep thenj as mixed numbers. (21). Put the symbol of multiplication for the word "of." (22). Avoid cnminy out so much as to make the work difficult to look over. Rather take two or three extra steps, (23). Invert and multiply. (24). Avoid the clumsy process of bringing the nnmera- tor a common denominator and likewise the denominator. But multiply numerator and denominator by sncli a number as will clear away the compound fractions. Ex m i--i_+i_4-i2 + 9_ 1 "■■■ •■ If this elementary form of complex fraction is well un- (lerstood, others of greater complexity will cause no serious Addition of Fractions. Mixed nunibHrH, Compound Fractions. Siniplificati'n of Fractions. Division of Fractions. ('omplex Fractions. •(.i "'• t'l ; L.,.._ ¥ 13 difficulty. Care must always be taken to distinguish the central line of the fraction. 6+4+3 Ex m - *+*+* _ 12 ^13 1 6x7x9 12 5 x7x3 _ 105 _ 17 8x11 ~"8S"- % Ans. Note.— Fur 5 X 7+5x9+7x9 = 5x16+63 = 80+63 Considerations of this kind hicilitate mental calculation 1 1 Ex. (3). , , X - -, = — X =- ^-- X ' - ^^ 14. L 11 , , 4 - 11^^37 -3T Ans. 1 _ 1 .33 1+36^ (25). Ex. (1). Reduce 6«- 7f- to the fraction of r- 9^'- ^^- ^'- = 7«T^ X r- 9"- .-. The Answer is ^^ = ^1 >Ui>ii\d by 'i.s many cyphers as non- recxiri'huj places of decimals. Thus tlie above example 58-394-iS57i becomes 5S39422732 „ 39428532 99999900 '^'"^^99999900 V Those would l)e found, after much trouldo, to reduce to 10219 _ , 69 , 175 ^^'"''^''^700 ol)tained so easily above. (34). Rif.K. Place the dc(!imals in order for addition. Mark off by a vertical line all non-recurring fio-ures. Complete each recurring section to the right of the ver- tical line. Continue each recurring decimal by a complete section at u time until all terminate at a second vertical line. Add, taking care to carry the correct number; and the result between the vertical lines will recur, 2-4: 7847841 1-2 2026261 .Addition or Sul)tra(.'tion. Ex. (1). Add j \^ I i.e. ( 2-4 784 11-2 26 ^'•^• f 3-704741 i Ans. Ex. (2.) Subtract the same numbers 1-2522158. It may be observed that the number of recurrin'-'"f a out theie is a shorter method. Concrete number. Ex. Reduce 4^. Tfl- to the decimal of a pound. 12) , •• -'; . 20)4^625 Sliilliiigs. £•23125 Ans. Ex. (2). Reduce 11 seconds to the decimal of 5 days. 60) 11 seconds. 60) -183 minutes. 1 2)-0030B hours. 2)-000254629 5)J00127314814 days. ^000025462T~ Ans. in one''''"''^ ^^'^ '"'' *'^'' '^'^''''*"' ''''"''^ ^^ ''^"^ '"^''^ ^^^''3' Ex. (2). Reduce 6 furlongs, 41 yds. to the decimal of a mile. 6 furlongs 41 yards. 20) 11 )205 8 )6-1863 fa rlontTS. •7732954 of a mile. Ans. ' ^^^ 1 ?\f !:l; MM m m t;;' ^u. ! 't i. i* ' . ♦ < * 19 (3S). Tliere are three type cases of sums to be considered. First. A compaund concrete number multiplied by a large abstract number. Ex. £2 : 13 : 3 J x 239. See Art. 15. 239 2 239 _2 £ 478 I38 4d = ix2 159: 6: 8 -239 X id= __^9^11^ 636: 16: 8^ Ans. 9. £ 478 10 is'^ 119: 10 2«:6*l.i 29:17:6 6'1- 1 5 : 19 : 6 3 the quantity into aliquot parts. 8. d. 5: 7i J) 2 : 10: 7i = value of 9y'is. lft.6'«>=iy'i. 2: 9f = " ift. 6"'- 1ft. =|ye added together. Kx. Add log. 296-|-log. sin. 32'> 18' 53"-f-log. sec. 54o 41 • 28" log. 296 = 2-4712917 log. sin. 32o 18' =9-7278277 D = 1998 t 80 999 20 666 8 999 log. sec. 54041' =10-2380008 D = 1784 20 594:7 6 178i4 2 59|5 .-. required log. = 22 •4373799 (39). State the sum (without calculation if possible) in HuL-stor the form of proportion, so as to agree with the wordincr. KuleofTliree The third term must be of the same nature as the answer. The f rst and second terms must be of the same nature, and when brought to the same denomination, may be treat- ed as abstract numbers, because the concrete unit divides out. Consider whether the answer should be greater or less than the third term, and arrange the first two terms ac- cordingly. greater : less : : greater : | ... "^- I less : greater : : less : | ., "^- I ( if greater, j Reduce by dividing out common factors from the Ist and 2nd or Ist and 3rd terms. ► 1 ; ; ( /"■_ • ' i' ■ "'■" ' ' -■- . ^r 1 1 -'l^. • ■ ! r ■■ -• '■■ :{'■' If > 1 . *^ i H li i| k ■ ^¥: '■ »^-.',. ■^.'- .' \ ■ V j, 1 . -', ' r- * ■ ii. ' h i 1 1, • I;' 1 V * fnaAiKIB X 21 m Multiply 2iul and 3ri8count, It !^2 IS the interest ot $100 tor any length of time, then $2 is the discount of $102 for the same time, and $100 is the present worth of $102. If this is clearly understood there is no difiicultyin work- ing examples. The statements are as follows : Ex. 2 percent for 3 rnos. i its interest \ 3 100 102 102 .:{ its discount 2 ) its present 1 ^^^ '. : The sum : its Interest. > : : The sum : its Discount. worth I .. Thesnm-.iU Present Worth .a If r ■^" « i ' ai'ii m . 22 The interest of $100 for any fixed time and rate is the Inti-n'st, time nuiltiplied by the rate. Hence the rules. Present wonU I^or Interest. — Multiply by the rate and time and divide by 100. J'^or Discovjit. — Multiply as before and divide by (100 -\- the multiplier). J^oi' Present worth. — Same division, but multiply by 100. The above rule for interest is better, for more reasons tlian one, than the method usually taught on the American Continent, which is only applicable to a Decimal coinage. The above rule is applicable to every coinage, and is fre- (juently shorter even for a Decimal coinage. Ex. (1). Interest on $556.50 for 1^ years at 8 per cent. HerefxH ^^ 1 100 ~ 100 ~ 10 .*. Interest = 55.65 An 3. Ex. (2). Interest on £1534 6s 3d f 11 168178 8 9 15 48 5 85 .-. Interest =r £168 15 )r If years d. 5-85 at 8 per cent = £168 15 5il '^"^• 20 Ex. (3). Discount on $487 due 5 mos. hence at 7 jier (ient. 5 X7 35 ^, ■ „^ , 35 _____ _ Discount on 100-|-|^ Interest on $100 : 35 35 .-. 100 + J2 1235 247 12 35 7 : '- 487 __7 247)3409($13.80|~ 247 939 741^ 1980 1976 Ans. 40 .-. The Tresent Worth = %^nz.\^f Miiii l aiiiH j 1. mtf - pj ^ 23 Ex. (4), Present worth of $340 due 5 mos. hence at 6 per cent. ^""^ 100 : : 340 100 + 205 41 12 100 680 13600 123 180 128 on )|331.70|i- Ans. 70 41 2yo 287 30 11 ThecH6connt=|8.294j (42). If Ji stock is quoted at a sum diiferent from 100. Tlie interest will be found in the same manner, but the divisor will be the sum quoted, instead of 100. Ex. Find the yearly income from $1008 invested in the per cents at 84. 1008 X 6 ^^^ . Income = — g. = $84 Ans. Brokerage increases the cost of the investment. diminishes the proceeds of sale. (43). The following Algebraical formulse may be advan- tageously inserted here : — Let P = Principal or Present Worth. 1 = Interest for whole time. M = P + I = Amount. D ^ M — P = Discount on M. Hence it is evident that I on P = D on M. Let r = rate ])er cent. R = 1 -f- ~ = one dollar plus its interest for 1 year. Let n = time in years. Stocks. Brokerage. Intureat. .-. I = Pin 100 .-.M := P + 1 = P 1+ "'I ^ ' 100 J .-. P = M _ 100 M 1 + rn 100+ rn 100 .-. D = M- P Mm ~ 100 + rn Hence the Rule. Interest. Hence the Rule. Present worth Hence the Rule. Discount. ««■ — '-■ - - I 24 (44). All interest and disconnt onglit, in justice, to be cal- Compound cnlated at compound interest. Interest. Let Mj, Mg, &e., M„ mean the amount at the end of 1,2, tfec, n years respectively. .-. M, = P I I + j,'„) j = P R = new principal. .••M3 = Pr{i+-LJ ^PKXR=PR^ .-. iM„=PRn Quostiouh in conipouiid interest should generally lie cal- . •!ulated as logaritlims. To find present worth and discount : P = - ^" R" — 1 ( 1 1 .•.d = m-p = m.-V=m{i-j^„1 (45). Let P he the annuity. Present A. . 1 ,. T-, ( n-l n-2 ) Value of an mount at end ot n years = P|riri_ii} Annuity 1)11 1 I J calculated at = i' X u ,'. Present Yalue = R-1 P, (Prove by dividing out), SnTS' R"-l R-l R" "■(R-l)R" .*. Present Value of a perpetual annuity =P. P loop ~R-l-'r i.e — the sum whose interest is the annuity. (4f)). These are generally examples of Rule of Three, Percent. 100 being the 2nd or 3rd term of the proportion. (47). Rule. As the sum of the given parts is to any one Proportional of them, so is the entire quantity to be divided to the cor- **"'"^* responding part of it. See examples in any book on Aritlurtetic, (48). It will be observed that the method of pointing squaro Root^ adopted on the American continent differs from the old method in use in England. There is no apparent advantage gained by the alteration, but it introduces confusion into the minds of those who meet with both systems. , I f,; * J te jur O MBHW l TC M WW liM 4i 25 The learner must Ijear in inind that the dots merely serve S-<^wJW**^*»'*^' i^,,i4#i<*a^ 9 ^ ^fttKwMMmwmr*^ * * * ' „| l,llMfl»lM -•■'"' I. II 'Ml«fl'1l iwi fi iii i ii w ii N f y i-. %■/ 36 column ami place two cyphers on the right. This is tlie '^'"i"' H- trial divisor, which is not ver}' reliable till after two or three fiynres of the an^iwer have been obtained. Place in the answer the probable quotient. Place this number in the 1st column, on the right. Add in to the 2nd column the product of the number and the 1st column. This is the real divisor. Divide and bring down the ne.\t three figures. To obtain a third figure we get a new first column by trebling the last tiguro (i.e. by trebling the whole answer already found). We get a new 2nd column by adding in the square of the last fiiruro found to the two last rows in the 2nd column, and placing two cy]>herson the right as before (i.e. by treb- ling the sqiuire of the whole answer already found). The proof depends on the Algebraical formula. {a +6)3 = a^ + 3aH + 3ah^ _±b^ = a» + ^ (3'*^ + ^ "3'* + *)• Whenever a cypher is found in the answer, plsvce one cvi)her on to the 1st column, two cyphers to the 2nd column and bring down the next three figures. 264|609!28S(642 Ans. 216 Ex. lS4=3ti+/> 10800 = 3«2 73()=/X3«+''>) 1922 Ex. 2101 21030 1 1530 •'««' divisor. 10 48609 46144 1228800= 3844 =3(.«+/>)2 2405288 1232644 2465288 . 1470000 2101 344-5(7-0102nL"nrly. Ans. 343 1472101 1 1500000 1472101 14742030000 27899000000 Additional figures, two less than those already found, can be obtained by common division. Thus a total of 6 figures can bo obtaitied in the last example by using the last real divisor. See Todhunter's Algebra. T ;"*a!3esferii;-fa-^i^'"'Siag '