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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■^ SALlEGAO^!ON ^. , .;!■> .;■>., , iJ^^cyoaoXTt^J ^:rlij(iHy J j-ajjQ^Qj:,, .gy . i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. H i:XPLORATORY SURVEY, 1871. m THIS SHORT FORM OF SERVICE FOR SUNDAY, INTENDED SPECIALLY FOR THE USE OF THE SURVEYINa PARTIES, HAS BKEN COMPILED BY I THRIVE C LEROf MEN' OF'TKE ^f CHURCHES OK.r^O:>:E, lilx-ittHAND." AND^ SCOTLAND, AND IS • » - BY THEM RECOMMENDED AS A PROFITABLE DEVOTIONAL EXERCISE. {See explanations and suggestions on the other side of this page.) OTTAWA, MAY, 187 1. ^.'iv '^^vc^NQA--?: y, e<-i '-■,.;■.>■■■ fc- ^g[c>oe,':■ eg q-^ -; ■ - ■ . ■.?>S ' EXPLANATIONS AND SUCxGESTIONS. A great number of exploring parties will be engaged during the present year at various points across the continent of North America. Each of these parties consisting of from 18 to 24 persons will be isolated for the time being from the world and from each other. This condition of isolation from all the privileges of ordinary communities will extend over a considerable period. It is proper and seemly that persons so circumstanced should all unitt in the group to which they respectively belong in a humble recognition of Him who appointed the Day of Rest, who is their constant Protector and the Author of their being. None feel this more than those who hai^e experi8n<>ed a prolonged absence from home on similar expeditions. It is more than i)robable, however, that the members of these surveying parties will belong to different churches, and hence may arise, as on previous occasions, some difficulty with respect to a form of worship in which all, without scruple, could join as members of the same group or fimily for the time being. To accomplish the desired object and to avoid embarrassment to the heads of parties on each return of Surday morning, it was considered advisa- ble to appeal to the good offices of three well known Clergymen of the Churches of Rome, England, lyid^qptland, in the city of Ottawa. These propriety the sub lanction to the short yet beautiful, aatL appr,Of.;'iate form of ser^ which is now published, and thp^^rgoommJndSt tiot:^4%im£lr^ every respect perfect, but as a proHtable devotional exercise in which any one may join whe- ther he belong to the Roman Catholic, the Anglican, the Presbyterian^ or any of the Protestant Churches. It is therefore suggested that the Engineer in charge of each party, as its head, and in this respect resembling the Captain of a ship at sea, may very properly consider it his duty to invite all under him, on each Sunday morning, to assemble for a few minutes while he, or some one whom he may appoipt, conducts the fol'owing simple service. SUNDAY SEin ICE. ]]'hcii all are cluly asrseiiihled, lln apj)oint- ed offlccT shall begin as follows : Fellow Christians,— The Lord has said — '^Remeinber that Ihoii keejf holy flic SabbatJi DayT Though lor the present \ve are deprived of the regn- hir service to which we have each of us been accustomed, yet we know that wherever nun meet for the worship of God there He will be to hear and to bless them. He is the Father of us all, our constant Guardian and Protector. Let us, therefore, as is most fitting on this Holy Day of Kest, unite as one family in the solemn duty and precious privilege of worshipping Him ; and let us V^eseech with earnest prayer Our LoKU Jesus Ciikist, "Who is the straight path of those who journey, and the unwearying salvation of those who sojourn, that He may bless us now assembled together in His Manie. May He help us worthily to i^raise Him for His mercies, and ever to acknowledge Him m our rising up and lying down. Let us commend ourselves to His care, :hat He may make us stroi'.g in bodily vigour, direct us in the way of jieace and prosperity, accompany us on our weekly journeying, and bring us back to our homes in joy and safety. „ LET US PRAY. I I »x, G-od, Whoso proporty is always to havo morcy and to spare, receive our huiii})le petitions: tliat we, and all Thy servants who are bound by the chain oi' sins may by the compassion ol' Thy goodness, merciiully be absolved ; accept, we pray Thee, this confession of our utter unwor- thiness, and grant us pardon and peace, through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Saviour, Amen. Almighty God, Who, though dwelling in the highest Heavens, yet vouchsafest to regard the lowest creatures on earth, we humbly adore Thy 8acred Ma-jesty, and with all the powers of our souls exalt and i>raise Thy Holy Name for the inlinite blessings Thou hast so fully bestowed upon us: for electing us in Thy love, and cre- ating us in Thine own image ; for redeeming us by Thy Son, and sanctifying us with Thy Holy Spirit : for pre- serving us in all the changes and accidents of this life, and raising up our thoughts to the hope of a better ; more particularly, for Thy gracious protection during the past week and for bringing us safely to this sacred day of rest. Continue, O Lord, Thy mercy to us, and as Thou hast to- day awakened our bodies from sleep so raise our souls from sin, that during this week and ever we may walk soberly and chastely, as in the day, in all holy obedience before Thv face. Deliver us, O merciful Crod, from the evils that sur- round us, and guide our feet in the way of peace. May we carefully avoid all occasions of sin, and when through frailty we forget Thee, do Thou, in Thy mercy remember us, so that as often as we fall by the evil propensity of our nature we may always rise again by the assistance of Thy grace. Make us diligent and faithful in the duties of our calling, and in all the cares and crosses of the world may we be submissive to Thy divine will and plea- sure. Let Thy blessing be upon our actions, and Thy grace direct olir intentions, that both may tend to advance Thy glory, the good of others, and the eternal salvation of our o\vn souls, throuo-h Jesus (Mirist our Saviour, Who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth ever one God, -world without end. Amen. O our God, Who art present every Avhere, bestow Thy favourable regard on us Thy unworthy servants who are iar removed from the (\)urts of Thy llouse and the solemn assemblies of Thy peoph\ Cause us to ieel assured that even in th(^ lonely wilderness, in the track- less forest, on the mountain side, Thou art ever at hand to hear us when we call upon Thee, and that w-hatsoever place may be hallow^ed by Thy true w^orship shall prove to us none other than the House of God and the Gate of Heaven. To Thy fatherly kindness and protection w^e solemn- ly commend not only ourselves but our gracious Sove- reign and her Counsellors in this Dominion; moie espe- cially we implore Thy blessing upon our beloved relatives and friends from whom we are at present separated. We earnestly beseech Thee to remember them with the fa- vour Thou bearest unto Thy people and visit them with Thy salvation. Graciously hear all these our supplications for the sake of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. A^nen. Here shall, be read aloud by the Officer A PSALM OR PSALMS. Wliich being ended he shall sap: w ■ Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to THE Holy Ghost. AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW AND EVER SHALL BE, WORLD WITHOUT END. Ameu ^ Here A IIymn, tVom llijinns Anrient and Modern, may be sung, at the discretion of the Oificer and party. After which the Oificer shalt sa/j, LET us PllAY. Lord, have mercy upon us. C/irist. have incrrij upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Our Father, Which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation. But fleliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. ';<'• O Lord, shew Thy mercy upon us. And grant n^ Thij miration. O Lord, save the Queen. And guide alt in authority/ under tier. Endue Thy ministers with righteousness. And make Thy cliosen people Jo ijf at. Make our country prosperous and peaceful. And let Truth and Justice, Religion and Pielt/ flourish and abound among us. O God, make clean our hearts within us. And tak6 m)t Thi/ IIol'i Spirit from. us. O Lord, deal not with us according to our sins. Neither reward us according to our iniquities. Be unto us a tow^er of strength. From the face of tlie enemi/. Let no evil happen unto us. Nor the son of iniquity approach to hurt us. Blessed be the Lord daily. And may the God of our mivation malm our goings prosperous. May tho crooked ways be made straight. Antl the rough ptaces jilnin. May the Lord give His Angels charge over ns To keep us in all our ways. O Lord, hear our prayer. And let our cry come unto Thee. LET us PRAY. tt'^f Grod, who didst lead Abraham Thy servant out of Ur of the Chaldees and preservedst him unhurt through- out the days of his pilgrimage ; we beseech Thee to take us Thy servants under Thy Almighty protection. Be unto us a Helped" in our -expedition, our Solac> by the way, our Shadow in the heat, our Covering' in the storm, our Comfort in the cold, our Supi)ort in weariness, our Guardian in danger, our 8tatF in slippery places, and our Physician in sickness, so that Thou being from lirst to last our Ruler and Guide, we may be^in, continue, and end this our present undertaking in safety, returning to our homes in peace and joy, and when all our mortal pil- grimage is over may we sha^-e the joys and peace of Thy Heavenly Home ; through the grace and love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. After which, all standing up, shall be said : We Praise THEE, GOD ; we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord, All the earth doth worship Thee : the Father everlasting. To Thee ?11 Angels cry aloud : the heavens and all the powers therein. To T/u'f, Cherubim and Sfrn/thint .' rontinunUy do erf/. Holy, Holy, Holy : JiOrd God of Sahaoth. Heaven tnid earth are fiili of the Majeati/ : of Thy i^'Jory. The gloriouK company of tho Apostles : praise Tbee. The }];oodly felloirrJu'p of the J^ro/fheta: praise Thee. The noble army of Martyrs : praise Thee. The holy Church tJiroughout nil the irorld : doth ackftoivfedge T/iee The Father : of an infinite Majesty. Thine honournhfe, true : and only Son ; Also the Holy Ghost: the Comforter. Thou art the King' of Glory : O Christ. Thou art the everlasting- Son : of the Father. When thou tookest u/nm Thee lo deliver man : Thou didst not abhor the Virgin's ivomb. When Thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death : Thou ' ' didst open the Kingdom of HeaA^en to all believers. Thoti sittest at the right hand of God: in the glory of the Father. "We believe that Thou shalt come : to be our Judge. We therefore pray Thee, help Ihy servants : whom thou hast redeemed with Thy precious Blood. Make them to be numbered w^ith Thy saints : in glory everlasting. ' O Lord save Thy people : and bless Thine heritage. Govern fhem : and lift them up for ever. Day by day : we magnify Thee. And we worship Thy name : ever world without end. Vouchsafe, O Lord: to keep us this day ivithout sin. O Lord, haA^e mercy upon us : have mercy upon us. O Lord, let Thy mercy lighten upon us : as our trust is in Thee. O Lord, in Thee have I trusted : let me neA^er be con- founded. Here A Hvmn may be sung at the discretion of the Officer. After ivhic/i, the Service shall, conclude by llie (i/>puinled O/ficer sti/jui<^ : The LOUD biess us and koop ns. The LORD make His face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. The LORD lift up the lii»-ht ol' His countenance upon us, and give us peace, now and for evermore. Amen.