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 limed to cover work in IL Form of Sigh School 
 ^' J. GAGE & COMPAI^Y, 
 Entered according: to Act of Parliament in the oflSce of the Minister of 
 Agriculture, iu the year of our Lord, 1886, by W. J. Qaqi St Co. 
 The necessity for the issue of a Second Edition of ' 
 Parts I. and II. has given me the opportunity to 
 make a few verbal corrections, and some addition, 
 required by our advancing knowledge. Otherwise 
 the work retains the form in which I am glad to 
 know ,t has proved acceptable to teachers and 
 November, 1882, 
 J. E. R 
 This work ,s identical in plan with my Six Ledum on 
 Expenmental Chemistry, but different in style and 
 much extended in ^ge, so as to include the 
 amount of knowledge of fact and principle usually 
 expected from junior Arts, Medical and Pharma- 
 ceufcal StuJents, as well as from the higher classes in 
 Intermediate Schools. 
 The system pursued in this book is designed to 
 pelts r' """^'^ ^ ^'' "" --ecffe ! 
 h.mT r ^""'-'i"^'"'^ ■•" -m-and to assist 
 1 ^ wterpreution of his results, and in devi- 
 drawn from them. Thus while acquiring a tolerably 
 amomuTf ■°''^'^^ ''^ ^'"''^ '-eifes a cenat 
 rZ. / '"^'" "'^ P"^^'y 'experimental 
 method of mveshgating Nature. If this trainin.. be 
 mea"ns' of' ^'""^V^/'^^-'-y "-t prove a valu^ab^ 
 means of mental education. How far the particular 
 P^ pursued in the following pages is liketyto con 
 tribute to such a result, I must leave «th<..= L .•,.^-. . 
• •• 
 VI 11 
 I ! 
 but a reviewer of my Lectures was so good as to 
 say : — * In these Lectures the author departs widely 
 from the usual routine of elementary treatises. . . . 
 We believe that he. is right in the plan he has 
 adopted, and that instruction of this nature 
 would greatly facilitate the acquisition of clear and 
 distinct ideas of the leading facts and laws of 
 Chemistrjr.' (Chemical News, vol. xxix. page 227.) 
 This work is divided into four parts, each one being, 
 as far as practicable, complete in itself. Part I. is 
 introductory, and deals with first principles, and 
 with the chemistry of the typical elements, hydro- 
 gen and oxygan, and their compounds; Part II., 
 with the rest of the non-metals ; Part III., with the 
 metals ; and Part IV., with organic chemistry. 
 The experiments described are, Whenever possible, 
 those easily performed ; in some cases, however, 
 methods are necessarily detailed which the student 
 may not have either the skill or the means to cany 
 out, but he should endeavour to see these operations 
 carefully conducted. It is assumed throughout that 
 the reader can obtain some practical instruction in 
 glass working and the construction of apparatus. 
 It is only necessary to add that the complete work 
 will contain the solutions of all the problems in my 
 Lecture Niote Book, 
 J. E, R. 
 CHERflCAL Laboratory, 
 Trinity College, Dublin i 
 Xvovember, 1880. 
 Prenminary experiments-Difference between physical '^"" 
 change Che .^'f^^-^^^- ^f effecting TeS 
 Change-Chemical attraction -Mechanical mixtures 
 and chemical compounds . . «iixtures 
 Experiments with Silver Nitrate and Magnesium-The 
 ^'kS'^w^^ ""^^^^""^ -^ Hydrogen-Equiva- 
 lents-^Chief characters of Jlydrogen gas . . . 
 Experiments with Hydrogen and Oxygen gascs-Con^n • 
 tion of water-Electrolvsis rhI5 ^^'^^^'"'^P^si- 
 _ ^*c^ifOl> sis — Chief Drnnpwioc ^c r\ 
 gen-uombustion of candle in air ^"-"-'"^" "' '"^^■ 
 Experiments with Hydrogen and Oxysen continued- 
 Specific gravities of gases— Effects of changes of tern- 
 perature and pressure on gases— Avogadro's law — 
 Dual character of elementary molecule — Gay-Lussac's 
 laws — Atoms — Atomic weights of gaseous elements 
 determined — Atomic Theory 
 Experiments with Silver, Copper, and Magnesium— Capa- 
 city for heat— Specific heat— Dulong and Pedt's law- 
 Atomic heat ••••.... 
 Table of Atomic weights— Distinction of metals and non- 
 metals — Electro-cht nical changes — Chemical for- 
 mulae, how deduced — Empirical and rational formulse 
 —Atomicity or quantivalence — Equations • • • 
 Experiments with Acids, Alkalies, nnd Salts— Bases — 
 Classes of acids — Radicles of salts — Simple and com- 
 pound radicles .••••••• 
 Farther experiments with Hydrogen — Preparation — I ro- 
 perties- /lame tests — Hydrogen as a reducing agent — 
 i^er riduit •••••••• 
 Experimental determination of the volume occupied by 
 one centigram of Hydrogen gas -Correction of gaseous 
 volumes— The VoL-Calculations— Absolute tempera- 
 ture— Law of Charles .... 
 Further experiments with Oxygen gas- Preparation -Pro- 
 perties— Oxides— Acid producing and basic Oxides or 
 Anhydrides-Indifferent Oxides -Oxyhydrogen flame 
 —Ozone— Preparation — Characters— AUotropism— 
 Isomerism • , . . 
 Experiments with water-Purification of water bydistilla- 
 tidn-Latent heat of steam-Effects of cold on water 
 —Maximum density of water- Latent heat of water- 
 Solvent action on solids, liquids and gases-Water 
 supply-Hardness of water-Mineral springs-S°a 
 water-Peroxide of Hydrogen -Preparation-Proper- 
 fA7P'?'^'°" °^~'^'^'' ^^^ ^/^^^-Hydroxyl-Law 
 of Multiple Proportions . . / ;' 'iw 
 Modes of chemical change-Laws of Berthollet 
 Experiments with nitrogen — Atmospheric air — Its an- 
 alysis — Composition by volume and weight — A 
 mechanical mixturje— Effects of animals and plants 
 upon— Changes in, caused by burning candles, gas, or 
 coal— Causes of uniform composition — Graham's law 
 of diffusion of gases — Impurities in air, how detected • 
 Experiments with compounds of nitrogen— Nitric acid 
 — Its preparation, properties, and tests — Nitre— Gun- 
 powder —Nitrogen peroxide — Preparation and pro- 
 perties—Nitrogen sesquioxide and nitrous acid — 
 Preparation and properties —Nitric oxide— Preparation 
 and characters— Nitrogen monoxide — Laughing gas — 
 Preparation and properties— Physiological effects — 
 Ammonia — Prep-^'-ation and properties — Ammonium 
 hydrate — Salts a., -erivatives . • • • . 
 Experimsnts with hydrochloric acid — i reparation and 
 characters— Analysis oi—Aqua regiu—QYiXoxvat — Pre- 
 paration and properties — Synthesis of hydrochloric 
 acid-Chlorine water-Bleaching action of chlorine '''°" 
 ~?ertr'r ^'"^'"^ li-e-Potassiu.n c 
 rests for chlorates-Potassium perchlorate- Pr. 
 paration and tests^Series of chlorine'acids " ,^^ 
 Experi„,ents with iodine- Separation of iodine- Manu 
 facture from kelp-Its characters -Hydriodl acid 
 Preparation and properties - Iodides - T sU for odiT 
 acid and anhydride . -resistor iodic 
!: il' 
 ChemVry has for its object the discovery of the laws 
 which govern the composition of all material things 
 and the action of one kind of matter upon another in 
 all cases mvolving change in composition. This 
 knowledge is acquired by experiment, accurate obser- 
 vation of the phenomena presented during an experi- 
 ment, and careful reasoning upon the result. The 
 lollowing pages contain numerous illustrations of the 
 application of this experimental method of inquiry in 
 the study of chemistry. ^ 
 Experiment l.-Let us commence our course with 
 a simple experiment. 
 Hold by means of a small pincers or tongs a piece 
 ot thin wire of the metal njntinM 
 • «• \tt.i\. xitmiv \jk (( 
 Fig. I. 
 2 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 spirit lamp, as in fig. i, or in that of a Bunsen gas< 
 burner. Observe that the wire soon becomes red-hot 
 and glows as long as it is held in the flame ; but, 
 when removed and allowed to cool, it resumes its 
 original appearance, and if 
 weighed before and after the 
 experiment, no difference is 
 observed. Therefore the 
 change from cold to red-hot 
 platinum is but a temporary 
 one, the metal remaining un- 
 changed in form and sub- 
 Experiment 2. — Now 
 make an identical experi- 
 ment with a piece of mag- 
 nesium wire or ribbon. Ob- 
 serve that the metal # soon 
 begins to burn and emits much light, even when 
 removed from the source of heat. It also gives out 
 white fumes .and leaves a white substance behind 
 which, though retaining some of the form of the 
 original wire or ribbon, can be easily powdered when 
 cold, and is seen to be utterly unlike the metal 
 which produced it. Moreover, the white substance 
 is found to iveigh more than the magnesium originally 
 taken. In this case, a change has taken place on 
 heating, and it is per ma?ient. 
 The temporary alteration of the platinum wire is 
 not accompanied by any difference in composition, 
 aftd IS spoken of as a pJiysial change ; that of the 
 magnesium, as a chemical ^nange, and the action, as 
Prehminary Experiments. 
 ^//«W«^//i,„, because a material alteration in com- 
 position has taken place, as shown l,y the gain in 
 weight; and a new body has been produced, evidently 
 possessing characters which serve to distinguish it 
 completely from the metal magnesium, and, indeed. 
 Irom all other known substances. 
 All observed changes in matter can be placed in 
 one or othe' of the above classes, but it is with 
 chemical change and chemical acti.m that we are 
 principally concerned. 
 .h /?u"'^ experiment with magnesium it was sho«n 
 that the application of heat served to bring about 
 chemica change, but we shall find as we proceed that 
 chemical action can be determined by other agents— 
 namely, \>j Mechanical Mce, Light, £/eetricit_y, and a 
 peculiar force called Chemcat attraction, or 'affinity ' 
 which acts on ly at excessively minute distances. 
 Expenment a-Place two or three small crystals 
 (not more) of the salt called potassium chlorate in a 
 stone-ware mortar, powder the substance and add half 
 as much sulphur, also in powder. Mix gently and then 
 give the mixture a sharp blow with the peslle. A 
 report follows, indicating that chemical action has 
 jaken place, in this instance determined by mechamcat 
 Experiment l-Again, dissolve a few crystals of 
 s^ver nitrate in half a test tube of water and paint 
 the liquid over some ordinary writing paper in a 
 darkened room. Then divide the paper into two 
 parts : preserve one in a .irawer, and immediately ex- 
 pose the other to full sunlight or diffused daylight. 
 .^,._„ ^^^^, ,,,,, s.^ortiy aiscoiour and assume 
4 lutrodiiciion to Experimental Chemistry, 
 a cliocolato ])rown tint, or even a bronzy black colour 
 --the result of chemical change brou^Mit iibout by the 
 ac;ency of j//////i^///, lor the paper preserved from light 
 does not suffer any api)areni. change in the same time. 
 The art of photography depends upon similar changes 
 brought ab(yijt h\ light. 
 Experiment *). ^ rrw take the little galvanic cell 
 described isl pugc 6 ^ ee fig. 2, a; and attach a small 
 slip of sheet platinum to the end of the wire from Z;/, 
 F,o. 9. and connect a slip 
 of copper with C«; 
 dip bo'h in a strong 
 solution of copper 
 sulphate contained in 
 B. Remove the slips 
 after a few minutes 
 and observe that a 
 reddish deposit has 
 formed on the slip 
 connected by wire 
 with tlie zinc plate Zn, of the cell. If the action be 
 continued for some hours, a considerable layer of red 
 tfieta ic copper is obtained on the slip as the result 
 of chemical change determined by electricity in the 
 solution of copper sulphate. The art of electro- 
 typi)-ig de):)ends on this power exerted by electricity. 
 Experiment 6.— Finally, if we add to a small 
 globule of the liquid metal mercury, or quick- 
 silver, contained in a mortar, a few fragments of iodine, 
 and mix them together with the pestle, the metal 
 and iodine gi .dually disappear and a powder is 
 formed. If the proportion of iodine used ht-. larfyp 
 • * " CJ-7 
Preliminary Expcrinients. 5 
 the resulting powder is red in colour ; if little iodine 
 be enij)loyed, the colour is a dull green. Here the two 
 bodies named produce a new substance when brought 
 near to each other, and this change is alone due to the 
 chemical attraction of one body for the other. The 
 exercise of this attractive forcp is facilitated bv tie 
 liquidity of the metal, and the c.ange is hastened ^y 
 the addition of a fc v drops of spirit of wine, which dis- 
 solves some of the iodine and thus enables the par- 
 ticles of the latter to move more freely. 1 nis chemical 
 attraction differs from other forces in the important 
 particular that it only acts at excessively minute dis- 
 tances. This may be further illustrated in the following 
 way : — ® 
 Experiraent 7.— Mix in any dry glass vessel, such 
 as a benker or a tumbler, a tea-.spoonful of 'bread 
 soda,' or sodium bicarbonate, and the same quantity 
 01 hnely powdered tartaric acid.' However closely 
 the solid particles are brought together by stirring or 
 rubbing, no action takes place, provided the mixture 
 is dry. Add now some water to the powder, and 
 violent effervescence ensues, indicative of chemical 
 action. Water added to die acid or the soda separately 
 does not cause any effervescence and merely dissolves 
 each body, the violent action observed on addition of 
 water to the mixed powders must therefore have been 
 due to the mutual attraction of the two solids leading 
 to chemical action ; but that action could only take 
 place v,rhen, by solution in water, the particles of each 
 body were endued with greater mobility than in the 
 'Or the contents of the two papers sold as 
 powder • may be mixed instead of the above. 
 ■ Seidlitz 
 6 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 solid state, and were thus enabled to get within the 
 sphere of each other's attraction. 
 We thus learn that chemical action is greatly facili- 
 tated by the solution or liquidity of one or all of the 
 bodies engaged. We shall find later on, Experiment 
 53, that a fine state of division of a solid tends to a 
 similar result. 
 In some of the experiments already cited, the 
 student will have observed the evolution of heat 
 and light during chemical action. Thus, when the 
 magnesium wire burned in air, much heat and an 
 intense light were proauced. But electricity is also 
 freely developed in certain chemical actions, and in 
 fact the source of electricity in an ordinary galvanic 
 cell is chemical action. 
 Experiment 8.— The simplest form of galvanic 
 cell may be easily made thus : — Take a glass vessel, 
 such as a tumbler (a, 
 fig. 3), and fill it about 
 two-thirds with water, to 
 which one-tenth part of 
 A oil of vitriol (sulphuric 
 y acid) has been added. 
 Next cut a slip of clean 
 sheet zinc, Zn^ a little 
 longer than the glass ; 
 its width may be equal 
 to half the diameter of 
 tlie vessel. Make a hole 
 through one end of the 
 slip, pass a piece of bright copper wire through it 
 and fasten securelv hv twisfinor th^ wirp Prpnnr** 
 -" J -• ^o — _ .^^.-^^ 
 Fig. 3. 
Preliminary Experiments. 
 a similar slip of clean copper, Cu, with its wire, and 
 , he apparatus ,s complete. M'hen the two ^2 
 are connected, as shown, and the plates immer 7d 
 m the hquul, wuhout touching one another, ,he znc 
 a^one dissolves m the acid, the copper not being cTe! 
 n^ically acted on, while a current of electrici.yVows 
 ^ong the w,re, and may be easily detected by bringin; 
 m of a toy compass. The needle tends to se 
 ction be"f ""f r "" ''"'' ""' -^ »•- 'hemi ' 
 action be stopped, by taking the plates out of the 
 1-qu.d, and the connecting wire be brought over the 
 -leedle as before, no motion takes place! as°he JJe 
 no onger conveys electricity. The compass need e 
 therefore, serves as a detecter of electric cu^ents' 
 circulatmg through copper wires. ' 
 as Z"\T^: T^ "' '""" =™P'« g-^'vanic cells 
 «ay that the zinc plate of one cell is coupled with 
 the copper plate of the next, a ^afyanu MttfJ of Z 
 simplest kind is obtained; but for details conceit n' 
 Again turning to the experiment with burning 
 magnesium, we rind that it is capable of afford"" uf 
 another Item of information. We pointed out fha 
 the white substance produced when the met^I bums 
 ^Ue to Itself some' oth/r ITdy thS cTi^d'r ^^ 
 derived from the air in wl^vi, .u , .^ ^^ 
 The chemical action th^indu'c^aVh^.-ri 
8 Introduction to Experimental Cheynistry. 
 \\\ • 
 ill I 
 combination^ or the union of unlike kinds of 
 Experiment 9. — The same agent — heat— is capable 
 of effecting the reverse change. If we take a small 
 quantity of the well-known white, crystalline and trans- 
 parent substance called silver nitrate^ and heat it gently 
 in a small dry test tube, the body is seen to melt to a 
 yellowish liquid, and, on continuing the heat, bubbles 
 rise through the liquid and ruddy fumes pour out of 
 the mouth of the tube. If we continue to heat until 
 all action is over, and brcalc the tube when cold, the 
 residue is seen to consist of pure white metallic silver. 
 In this case the chemical action brought about by 
 heat resulted in decomposition^ or resolution, of the 
 silver nitrate into the metal silvt ;, and some other 
 kind of matter seen to be driven off as coloured 
 vapour or gas. 
 Since chemical action may result either in com- 
 bifiation or decomposition, it follows ihat chemical 
 substances may be conveniently divided into two 
 great groups: first, those forms of matter which do 
 not suffer decomposition by the exercise of any force 
 at our command; and, secondly, those bodies capable 
 of resolution into some two or more members of the 
 first group. The forms of matter included in the 
 first group are called elements, and those in the second, 
 compowids. The decomposition of a compound into 
 its elements is spoken of as a process of analysis, and 
 the production of a chemical compound from its 
 elements is termed synthesis. 
 The researches of chemists up to the present time 
Preliminary Experiments, 
 names of the most important of these are given in 
 the table, which will be found at page 64. But it is 
 necessary to guard carcrully against the idea that the 
 ' elements ' so-called are certainly simple bodies- we 
 cannot at present prove them to be compounds -that 
 IS ail we can say. 
 All known chemical compounds are the result of 
 union bet^'een some two or more elements; but the 
 important question now arises whether this union is 
 m the nature of a mere mixture, or of sometlung 
 much more intimate. ^ 
 Experiment lO.-Make a mixture of iron filings 
 with about two-thirds of their weight of sulphur (the 
 flour of sulphur ' of the druggists). A greemsh-grey 
 rowdei results, but distinct particles of iron and of 
 sulphui can be easily recognised in it, not only with ' 
 the aid of a magnifying glass, but also by stirring 
 some of the powder into a considerable quantitv of 
 water, when the heavy particles of iron fall quickly to 
 the bottom of the vessel, while the lighter sulphur 
 more slowly subsides and collects as a distinct layer. 
 Or the iron can be still more easily separated from 
 the sulphur by means of a small horse-shoe magnet 
 If the latter be passed through some of the powder' 
 the particles of iron are attracted by the poles of the 
 magnet, and attach themselves so firmly that the 
 particles of sulphur-which are not attracted but 
 mechanically adherent-may be blown away, leaving 
 the metallic iron behind. ^ 
 The constituents of this mixture can therefore be 
 separated by mechanical means. Moreover ,>. r..^_ 
 perties partake of those of iron and sulphur. ' ^ '" 
 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 iii ' 
 Experiment ll.-Nowheat very strongly a portion 
 of the original mixture in a tube of Bohemian or hard 
 glass ; note that the mixture becomes pasty and then 
 gloivs for a short time. Cool and remove the result- 
 ing dark substance from the tube. When examined 
 with a magnifying glass, no particles of iron or sul- 
 phur can be detected, if the mixture was sufficiently 
 heated ; moreover, it is noc attracted, or but slightly 
 by the magnet, and therefore does not any longer 
 contain/;r^ metallic iron. The iron and sulphur are 
 no longer separable by mechanical means, and the 
 properties of the body resulting from the fusion do 
 not partake of those of free iron or free sulphur. In 
 fact, the glowing observed on heating the mixture 
 was due to chemical combination between the two 
 ^ elements, and the product of that union-a body 
 termed iron sulphide— possesses a definite group of 
 characters which not only serve to distinguish it from 
 the free elements iron and sulphur, or a mixture of 
 them, but from all other known bodies. 
 Experiment 12.— Mix twelve parts by weight of 
 finely-powdered charcoal (a form of the element 
 carbon) with sixty-four par^s of sulphur, also in a fine 
 state of division. The mixture is an opaque, almost in- 
 odorous, dull, yellowish powder that may be exposed 
 to the air for an indefinite time without loss of weight or 
 other alteration. Now obtain a specimen of the liquid 
 termed ' carbon bisulphide,' which is a chemical com- 
 pound of carbon and sulphur in exactly the same propor- 
 • A glass which fuses with great difficulty, and hence may 
 be suitably used in operations requiring a temperature so high 
 as to easily melt ordinary glass tubing. 
Preliminary Experiments. 
 tions as the mixture of the two elements already made. 
 I his liquid IS perfectly transparent and colourless, 
 and has a most disagreeable smell, while it is so 
 volatile that a few drc . let fall upon a plate disappear 
 m a very short time. We thus learn still more clearly 
 that a w;de difference in properties may exist be- 
 tween a definite chemical compound and a mere 
 mechanical mixture of its constituents. The special 
 properties of the elements can be easily recognised in 
 the mixture, but not in the definite chemical com- 
 pound, unless we decompose the lattei and sever the 
 union of Its components. 
 .n J''"^^/'^"-"^ ""= "y"*^^''^ °f ^ "ew chemical 
 compound from its elements, the philosophic chemist 
 performs an operation which approaches more nearly 
 than any other to a creative act. 
 ' For the preparation of this body see Part Tr „,™ 
 It must be handled with c»re. » it is Zr^lZJ^^^ "^^ 
12 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 ! 11 
 CHAPTER 11. . 
 A KNOWLEDGE of the chief Laws of Chemistry can be 
 more simply and naturally attained by the study of 
 chemical compounds in the first instance than by the 
 detailed examination of simple bodies or elements, 
 'I Fig. 4. 
 and the most easily managed compound with which 
 the beginner can experiment is the silver nitrate. 
 It has been already proved by Experiment 9 that 
 Silver Ni crate is resolved into metallic silver and 
 coloured gas, when otrongly heated in a glass tube. 
Silver Nitrate ami Magnesium. 13 
 Let us now examine this case of decomposition 
 with the aid of a balance or delicate scales, one of 
 the best forms of which valuable instrument is repre- 
 sented in fig. 4.1 
 Experiment 13.— Break up in a perfectly clean 
 mortar some clear and pure crystals of silver nitrate ; =» 
 then press the powder between folds of white blotting- 
 paper, in Older to remove any trace of moisture. 
 Next take a stout test tube of /lani glass, measuring 
 12 centimeters long and 12 millimeters in diameter ; 
 take care that it is clean and dry; then place it oti' 
 one pan of the balance and counterpoise by placing 
 a small pill box on the other pan, and adding grains 
 of shot or pieces of tinfoil until equilibrium is estai)- 
 lished. Next place in the pan, along with the shot 
 or foil, weights representing 170 centigrams (=17 
 grams), and now pour into the test tube on the other 
 pan the powdered siher nitrate until the weights 
 are balanced. The test tube then contains 170 
 centigrams of the silver compound; Now support the 
 tube in a slanting position in the wooden clip shown 
 in fig. I, and gently heat the bottom of the tube with 
 a spirit lamp, or a Bunsen gas-burner of the icjtm 
 shown in fig. 5. The silver nitrate melts quietly to a 
 ' Much cheaper balances than that figured can now be ob- 
 tained, which will indicate less than i milligram when loaded 
 with 25 grams. When the student cannot obtain the use of 
 a balance, he should perform the experiments as described 
 without weighing the materials or products. 
 * The crystals are alone certain to give satisfactory results, 
 as the ' Lunar Caustic,* sold in sticks, is sometimes adulterated 
 and often ia.pure. 
i m 
 M' ' 
 14 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 clear liquid. If the temperature be now increased by 
 bringing the flame closer, sHght effervescence is ob- 
 served— due to the escape of bubbles of gas. Soon 
 reddish brown fumes appear, and these pass away 
 mto the atmosphere, while the residue in the tube 
 loses much of its transparency owing to evident 
 dep<)sition of solid matter. The heating must be 
 continued in such a way as to prevent any loss by 
 spirting solid particles out of the tube, , and until 
 the ruddy fumes are c<:>mpletely dissipated and pure 
 silver alone remains; finally, let the flame play on the 
 sides of tiie tube so as to ensure the decomposition 
 of any particles of the nitrate that may have yet 
 escaped the full action of the heat.» When cold, 
 replace the tube oii the pan of the balance and 
 adjust the weights in the other pan so as to restore 
 equilibrium ; the weights required represent the pure 
 silver thus obtained from 170 centigrams of silver 
 Two separate experiments made in the way de- 
 scribed afforded the following results : 
 Weight of metallic silver obtained from 170 centi- 
 grams of pure silver nitrate. 
 I St experiment 
 108*22 c.grs. 
 108-40 c. grs. 
 The second experiment was made by a young student 
 but little skilled in chemical manipulation. 
 ' The ultimate decomposition may be thus represented : 
 AgNO.-Ag-tNOs + O. 
 f « 
Silver Nitrate and Magnesium. j t 
 Now, it is found that the more carefully the experi- 
 ment IS .na.le, the nearer does the result approach to 
 io8; we may therefore say that 170 c. grs. of pure 
 s. vtr nurate contain 108 c. grs. of the n.etallic element 
 silver. W hatever may be the source of the .silver nitrate 
 taken, pMd it be pure, and whatever the quantity 
 employed m the experiment, provided the decompo- 
 smon be carefully conducte<l, the weight of metal left 
 after heatmg is always in the ratio of .08 to 170 of 
 the silver nitrate employed. Thus we learn 
 1st That pure silver nitrate is a compound body. 
 2nd. That 170 parts of it contain 108 of pure 
 elemental silver. ^ 
 3rd. That it is constant in composition. 
 froJ!r''"'.f'': "'' '"^''^'"^^ ^'^-^^'y '° Redrawn 
 from them is that chemical compounds are constant in 
 composition. This inference is completely borne out 
 by further experiments in the same direction, for" 
 has been found that every chemical compound which 
 possesses a group of characters serving to define it 
 and so to distinguish it from all other forms of matter 
 de ecl'V'^r^'^''"^'^ ^°°^'^"^y of composition £ 
 detected in the case of silver nitrate. 
 Upon this great principle, often termed the 'First 
 Law of Chemistry,' the science really rests 
 rh J''^^'^'"''''°".°' "'^ constanr-. in composition of 
 chemical compounds leads us to expect that chemical 
 combination takes place in definite proportions, else 
 It were impossible to obtain an adequate expla- 
 nation of the fact that the constituents of such a 
 compound ,s silver nitrate are always to be found 
 "i cne Doay m fixed proportions. We can put this ' 
 * ' 
1 6 Tntroductiou to Expcnwcutal Chemistry, 
 inference to the test of experiment in the following 
 way : — ° 
 Experiment H—Di.sMlve two or three meniu.n 
 crystals of silver nitrate m half a test Inbc of water, 
 nnd throw in a sir.nll slip of mngnesiiim ribbon. Now 
 observe that the ningnesiuin soon becomes coated with 
 a dirty grey material which can be readily detached on 
 shakmg and then ildls quickly to the bottom of the 
 tube. As the powdery substance is shaken off the 
 slip, a fresh coating forms which can be again detached 
 by shaking, leaving the magnesium thinner each time. 
 i his goes on until one of two things happens : either 
 the magnesnmi slip disappears altogether, leaving the 
 powdery deposit behind it if a relatively large ouantity 
 of silver nitrate ' was taken in the first instance ; or, if 
 the silver nitrate was used in a relatively small propor- 
 tion, the magnesium slip no longer becomes coated 
 and may bs allowed to remain in the liquid without 
 undergoing any further chani^e. 
 We have next to examine the grey substance. 
 Remove the magnesium slip, if any remains, and then 
 pour off the clear liquid and drain it away from the 
 • In this case the clear liquid should still contain some 
 unchanged silver nitrate in solution. To test for this, add to 
 some of the clear liquid, poured off into a test tube, a fen 
 drops of solution of connnon salt. If the fluid becomes milky 
 and lets fall a white precipitate, silver is present. This tett . 
 for silver depends upon the fact that silver easily unites with 
 another element, chlorine, and forms therewith the insoluble 
 body termed silver chloride, ^^■hich separates out. Common 
 salt contams the necessary chlorine, and thus acts as a nap-ent 
 . for Sliver. For an equation representing this change see page 
Silver Nitrate and Ma-nesium, ly 
 grey d^^osit as much ns possible. Now trike out 
 some ot the moist matter with a glass rod and place it 
 on white l)iottmo paper. Jfdrifd ne:.r a fire, the deposit 
 becomes hghter in colour and appears as a Tmc powder, 
 nhicl), when rul,l)ed with a polished knife blade as- 
 sumcs a silvery lustre. Ily this means, and by ( hemical 
 tests which will be described later on, this powder can 
 be shown to consist of pure metallic silver in a very fine 
 state of division. We conclude, then, that magnesium 
 acts chemically on the silver nitrate in solution and it, precipitating metallic silver, while the 
 metal magnesumi disa/)pear.s, evidently owing to .solu- 
 tion in the liquid. 
 By a slight modification ofthe above experiment 
 we can easily find the weight of pure silver deposited 
 during the complete solution of a given weight of 
 jmre magnesium. 
 Experiment 15.-For this purpose, dissolve about 
 200 c. grs. (=2 grams) of pure silver nitrate (the pre- 
 cise quantity is immaterial) in about twenty cubic 
 centimeters of distilled water contained in a perfectly 
 clean porcelain crucible, which latter has been gently 
 heated over the lamp flame to dry it, and then, when 
 cool, counterpoised in the way already described in 
 the experiment with the glass tube. Now take a piece 
 of carefully cleaned and bright magnesium ribbon 
 weighing about lo centigrams-the exact weight must 
 be accurately ascertained— and add it to the con- 
 tents of the crucible, stirring the magnesium about 
 occasionally with a short piece of glass rod, which 
 latter must not be removed from \\^f^ rmriM^ „«.n 
Fig. 5. 
 18 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 tlic experiment ends. Silver separates as before, and 
 after some time all traces of the magnesium disappear. 
 The mixture is now allowed to stand for a uhort time, 
 in order that all particles of the heavy silver may 
 settle to the bottom, as much as possible of the clear 
 liquid is then carefully poured away without disturbing 
 the precipitate of silver. Some 20 or 30 cs. of dis° 
 tilled water are now to be added to the deposit, the 
 latter well stirred up with the fresh water and then 
 again allowed to stand, when the clear liquid may be 
 decanted off as before without 
 loss of silver. This process of 
 * washing by dccantation' of the 
 silver must be repeated five or 
 six times in order to secure the 
 complete removal of all soluble 
 impurity from the metal.' The 
 crucible with its moist contents 
 is next placed in a warm place to 
 dry, and is then carefully heated 
 over the spirit or gas lamp, as 
 i" fig- 5» ^OJ* a few minutes, m 
 order to ensure the removal of 
 all traces of moisture. When 
 cold, the crucible with the silver 
 is replaced on the balance pan and the weight of the 
 metal accurately ascertained. 
 An experiment performed as described afforded 
 the following result :— to centigrams of magnesium 
 were added to 200 c. grs. of silver nitrate in solution, 
 and the silver collected after the magnesium had 
 wholly disappeared was found fn u-Pmh ss 
Stiver mtrate afid Ma^tesium. 19 
 By the foll( ving simple calculation we can find the 
 wei^ It of migncsium required to precipitate 108 c. grs 
 of saver from 170 c. grs. of the silver nitrate, in orL 
 to I nng the statement of our result into harmony with 
 that of our former quantitative experiment:— 
 ^^ ; 108. MO ; 12-2 
 However frequently we repeat and vary the form of the 
 above experiment, we Imd that for io8 c. grs. of pure siU 
 Zwl ^'T: '"' " "■ «"■' '^ "^^ -""'trials are 
 ab o u,e,y pure) 01 metallic magnesium dissolve. I„ 
 other words .2 c. grs. of magnesium exactly replace 
 108 c grs. of s,lver contained, as we have alreldy een! 
 m 70 c grs. of silver nitrate. There is therefore no 
 doubt that metallic magnesium and silver nittte act 
 upon one another, or interact, in d'/fni/e proiort/ons 
 A 1 sum ar expcrin.en. have led to precisefy the same 
 result hence the -Second law of chemistry;'- 
 A// cnemual substances interact in definite proior. 
 twns by nieig/tt.' i^upor. 
 The change on heating silver nitrate was one of 
 deeon,pos,t,on, for 170 c. grs. of the compound bX 
 "il'ttL^r I '"• °'^''^"'''"'^ '^ '■ ^- °f '^-o'- 
 term",! . f^""'^ P™visionally group under the 
 InTthl -?' ^" ''"">"'"''<'" -1^0. between the silver 
 defin t. ■""" ^^^^ °"g'"'"'y "^^^^ place in 
 aehnite proportions. r = m 
 Again, the change consequent unon the action of 
 and of combmation, for while the silver n,>r„. „J 
 • »«vtvu rros 
 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 decomposed And. its silver separated just as completely as 
 by heating the body alone, the 12 c. grs. of magnesium 
 W/;/../with the 62 c. grs. of Miitrate,' and in fact 
 the solution contained at the end of the experiment 
 magnesmm nitrate weighing 74 c. grs. (12 + 62 c. grs.), 
 and that weight of the new compound thus formed 
 could actually be separated from the litiuid. 
 I m 
 i :! 
 I 'i 
 ■\ ■ i 
 j: f 
 \ 1 
 Experiment 16.-Half fill a test-tube with water to 
 which two or three drops of oil of vitriol (sulphuric 
 acid have been added. Now plunge into Ihe liquid 
 a shp of magnesium ribbon and note the result' 
 Brisk effervescence takes place, and the metal .peedily 
 tZlZ'- ^'^^t---"« ■»-' be due 'to Z 
 of he tube the gas takes fire and burns with slight 
 explosions, but emits very little light while it burns 
 silver fror "fSnesium, which displaces metallic 
 Silver trom silver nitrate 
 causes the evolution of an in-' 
 flammable gas from acidulated 
 water. The next step is to 
 collect some of this gas and 
 examine its properties. 
 Experiment 17.^Take a 
 glass tube closed at one end 
 and about 20 centimeters 
 long, and 2 centimeters in 
 diameter, /, fig. 6; fill it com- 
 pletely with water acidulated 
 withyjjth of its bulk of sul- 
 phuric acid; thennlacen mW^^r^ — au^.^j ._i 
 a ground glass plate, over the mouth of the tube and 
 Fm. 6. 
 hitrodttcHon to Experimental Chemistry, 
 invert it. Next bring the month under the surface of a 
 larger quantity of the acidulated water contained in the 
 wideglass beaker,^, and support by means of the stands. 
 So long as the mouth of the tube is under the 
 surface of the liquid no air can enter, as the water is 
 retained in the tube by atmospheric pressure. Now 
 take a piece of magnesium ribbon about 20 centi- 
 meters long, crumple it up and rapidly pass it through 
 the water and under the mouth of the inverted tube. 
 It will ascend into the tube and cause effervescence 
 as before, but the gas cannot escape into the air and 
 therefore collects in the upper part of the tube, while 
 It displaces a corresponding volume of water. As 
 the magnesium dissolves add fresh pieces until the 
 tube is filled with the gas. 
 Pass the plate under the water and close the 
 mouth of the tube, then detach the latter from the 
 stand, remove the tube, still closed with the plate, 
 from the water, and examine the contents. 
 a. Note that the gas is free from colour. 
 b. Turn the mouth of the tube up quickly and 
 apply it to the nose, No peculiar odour is perceived. 
 c. Refill 1 the tube with gas as before, and apply a 
 Fig. 6 b. 
 ' Instead of refilling the large 
 tube, the charge of gas collected 
 in it in the first instance may be 
 transferred to three small test 
 tubes, if the latter are filled with 
 water in a large dish or trough, 
 inverted and held with the mouth 
 of each under the surface of the 
 liquid. 1 he large tube of gas is 
 carried lo the wat«»r- nn/l fKo i^^.,>u 1 1.. . - - 
 .-# ii._ «_i„, „„^ „,^ Mivuwi wiwu^iii unaer one oi the 
Mag7icsium and Hydrogen. 
 flame to the mouth. The gas takes fire and burns 
 witli a pale l,lue flame. 
 c.fL ff '"f " "v "'' '"^" with gas, turn the mouth 
 of the tube up-.c.ards and remove the thumb. After a 
 few seconds brmg a flame to the ,ou,h of the tube 
 No combustible gas is found in the tube. 
 We are therefore, warranted in slating that the produced when metallic n.agnesium acts^on a idu! 
 lated water ,s colourless and inodorous. We may 
 further assert that it cannot be soluble in water to 
 any extent as we are able to collect it easily over hat 
 quite nsoluble m water. It is combustible and is 
 much hghter than atmospheric air, as evidenced by 
 he rapidity with which it escapes on holding the 
 tube wuh Its mouth directed upwards. The gas 
 possessing these properties chemists call RvbrogS 
 and regard it as an elementary body. 
 Although hydrogen is an extremely light bodv- 
 m fact the lightest ku<,w„ form of matter- t admits 
 of bemg weighe<i like all other material thi^ 
 set to work in order to answer the important question 
 What weight of hydrogen do ..-, centigrams of mag 
 nesuim displace from acidulated water ? ^ 
 ilTobtainy "" ^"^^^^^ '° "'^^ ^"-- - ^^ 
 tube. Several tubes mavthus b^ fin.^ ,.,uu _-_^" ^^''. ^^'* 
 iarge vessel. , - ^ ~..v« rrxw* gua ixoia & siugie 
■I m^ 
 Fig. 7 
 ■ i 
 24 Iiitroductioti to Exptrinicntal Chemistry. 
 The flask a should be very light, and of about 50 
 cubic centimeters capacity; the little glass apparatus 
 a should also be very light, and its tubes c and d must 
 be fused into the glass. The 
 . tube e, like c and d, is open at 
 both ends, but tlut within the 
 apparatus need not ])roject into 
 the ilask as shown in fig. 7, but 
 may be cut off close to the cork. 
 In order to use the appa- 
 ratus, fill the small inner flask a 
 to the extent shown with strong 
 oil of vitriol by removing the 
 cork carrying the tubes and 
 dipping a under some oil of 
 vitriol, contained in a beaker, 
 until the mouth of d is be- 
 neath the surface of the liquid. 
 Suction applied at c causes the 
 acid to enter to the desired 
 extent, when the apparatus is 
 remove d from the acid, washed well externally with 
 water so as to remove all acid from the exterior of 
 a and fioiii the mouth of the tube d. Before re- 
 placing the cork in a, drop into the latter exactly 12-2 
 centigrams of clean bright magnesium ribbon, along 
 wiih ihe amount of water indicated in the sketch: 
 then fix the cork in its place, plug the opening of 
 e with a small piece of wax, dry the outside of the 
 flisk with a soft cloth, place it on one pan of the 
 balance and accurately counterpoise the apparatus.* 
 ' The apparatus, when ready for experiment, should not 
 weigh more than 50 grams. 
Magnesium and Hydrogen. 
 Next remove the flask to a shett of clean white 
 paper, slip a small piece of flexible tube over c and 
 force air very gently into a until a few drops of oil of 
 vitriol fall from d into the water in a containing 
 the magnesium. Gas will soon be evolved, and this 
 gas we already know to be hydrogen. It has no exit 
 save through the tube d, and after bubbling through 
 the oil of vitriol in a it escapes from c into the at- 
 mosphere. In its passage through the liquid the gas 
 loses any moisture that it may cany with it, as the 
 oil of vitriol possesses the convenient property of 
 absorbing water with great avidity: hence only pure 
 dry hydrogen, mixed at first with some air, escapes 
 from c. As the evolution of gas slackens, a litde 
 more oil of vitriol can be forced over, and diis opera- 
 tion repeated if necessary until the magnesium dis- 
 appears. When this point is reached, remove the wax 
 plug from e and place it on the balance pan, next 
 "apply suction to the flexible tube at c. Air is thus 
 drawn in at e and replaces the last traces of the 
 hydrogen thus sucked out and dried in its passage 
 through a. The flask is wiped carefully, and replaced 
 on the balance pan. It will now be found lighter 
 than the counterpoise, indicating that it has lost 
 matter during the experiment. The matter lost we 
 know consists of the pure dry hydrogen gas, and the 
 precise weight of it can be ascertained on restoring 
 equilibrium by addition of weights to the pan on which 
 the flask a rests. 
 When the experiment describe d is carefully con- 
 ducted, I CENTIGRAM almost exactly restores equili- 
 biiuiii; thereiure that is the weight of hydrogen 
 fr m 
 1 08 
 26 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 evolved during the solution of 12 centigrams of pure 
 magtiesium' in acidulated water. 
 The results of the quantitative experiments hitherto 
 performed may be stated thus, neglecting decimals :— 
 I centigram of Hydrogen was separated by 
 c. grs. „ pure ^^AGNES1UM, which also 
 „ „ pure Silver from 
 >, „ Silver nitrate. 
 The numbers so obtained are called equivahntSy 
 because they represent weights which are of equal 
 value in chemical changes. In all such changes 
 hitherto examined, hydrogen has never been found to 
 directly displace or combine with less than its own 
 weight of any other element or compound, or indeed 
 with less than three times its own weight of any other 
 form of matte hence it is properly taken as tlie unit 
 of a scale of equivalents, which really includes all the 
 simple and compound bodies known. On this scale, 
 magnesium, silver, and the compound silver nitrate 
 occupy the positions assigned to them above. 
 A familiar illustration will probably render the 
 meaning of the term 'equivalent' clear. A single 
 brilliant diamond of purest water, weighing but one 
 grain, has approximately the same purchasing power 
 as the weight of 
 Gold represented by . '. 3 sovereigns. 
 Silver „ „ . . 60 shillings. 
 Bronze (an alloy of tin and copjier), by 720 pence. 
 A diamond of a certain quality will purchase more 
 iv.3 \jv!:i.i. wci^lit 
 ^" of any uthcr substance s the 
Magnesitim and Hydrogen. 27 
 economic value oidi unit weight of diamond in exchange 
 is therefore greater than that of any other material 
 found in commerce. Similarly the chemical value of 
 a unit weight of hydrogen in exchange is gieater 
 than that of any other element known to chemists. 
 As 170 c. grs. of silver nitrate are equivalent to i c 
 gr. of hydrogen, the student will now understand our 
 reason for selecting the weight of the silver compound 
 that we operated upon in the first quantitative experi- 
 Experiment 19. — The mo«it convenient method for . 
 the preparation of considerable quantities of hydrogen 
 Fig. 8. 
 gas for experiment is the following. Take a glass bottle 
 of the form shown in fig. 8, place in it some clippings of 
 sheet zinc and sufficient waterlo occupy about one-third 
 of the bottle Replace the cork and pour some oil of 
 vitriol — about a teaspoonful— down the thistle funnel. 
 Chemical action quickly commences and hydrogen gas 
 is freely evolved ; for zinc, like magnesium, easily dis- 

 28 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 places hydrogen from acidulated water— i centi- 
 gram of the gas being set free by 32-5 c. grs. or 
 one equivalent taf pure zinc. Tne gas is conducted by 
 means of the glass delivery tube under the water in 
 the ' pneumatic trough,' and it is there collected in 
 glass jars or bottles previously filled with water and 
 inverted, keeping the mouths under the liquid in the 
 trough. A small shelf supports the jars over the 
 delivery tube. It is advisable to allow the gas to 
 bubble through the water for some time before collect- 
 ing it in jars, or uniil the air is judged to be expelled 
 from the gas bottle and its place taken by hydrogen, 
 as the latter forms an explosive mixture with atmo-' 
 spheric air. 
 a. Remove a jar full of hydrogen from the water, 
 keepmg its mouth downwards. Take a piece of 
 Fig, 9. 
 Fig. io. 
 lighted taper attached to a wire and pass it rapidly up 
 into the jar, as shown in f^g. 9. The gas takes fire at 
 the month c\^ fJio fnK^ „.^^ 1 ^1 
 ' "* ^"'- ■'"'-■^ «ii^ uuiiib there Willi a paie 
Magnesium and Hydrogen. 29 
 blue flame, but ihe taper is extinguished ; on brinmntj 
 It down to the moutli of the tube again, it can be re! 
 kindled there. Therefore hydrogen, tliough a com- 
 bustible gas, does not support the combustwfi of a taper 
 which burns readily in air. 
 b. Take a dry glass jar, hold it with its mouth 
 downwards and V^ring under it a jar full of hydrogen 
 carried from the trough with its mouth downwards! 
 Now invert the jar of hydrogen, bringing its mouth 
 under that of the dry jar, as shown in fig. 10. After ten 
 or fifteen seconds remove the lower jar and bring the 
 lighted taper under the upper one :^a slight explosion 
 occurs, and fl^me is observed, indicative of the pr^^- 
 sence of hydrogen ; therefore the latter body is so 
 much lighter than air that it can be poured up through 
 the latter, and will nccumulate in the upper part of any 
 vessel previously fuli of air. 
 c. The same point can be elegantly demonstrated 
 by removmg the gas delivery tube from the water 
 drying u, and introducing the end into the neck of a 
 small collodion balloon. If any zinc remains undis^ 
 solved in the generating flask, a few drops of fresh acid 
 added through the funnel will hasten the evolution of 
 gas, and the latter passing into the ballon will expand 
 It. When fully distended, detach the balloon from the 
 tube and set it free. It will ascend rapidly through 
 the air of the room until arrested by the ceiling, and 
 will remain there untii much of the gas escapes and the 
 residual hydrogen is no longer sufficient to buoy up 
 the balloon. The latter then falls and may be re- 
 served for another experiment 
3© Introauction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 Fig. it. 
 Experiment 20.— As we have already proved that 
 hydrogen gas bums in air, we may evidently .construct 
 a small apparatus which can afford us a stream of the 
 gas for combustion at a jet. 'i'he most convenient 
 form is that rcpr^ented in fig. ii. The gas delivery 
 tube of fig. 8 is replaced by a short 
 piece of straight tube, which passes 
 through the cork of the generating 
 bottle and through the cork of the 
 wide tube, /, which latter is filled 
 with fragments of calcium chloride, 
 a powerful absorbent of moisture. 
 Through the second cork of / 
 there passes a small glass tube, 
 drawn out so as to form a rather 
 fine jet. The flask contains strips 
 of zinc, and water, as before, and 
 on pouring oil of vitriol down the 
 funnel tube, hydrogen is evolved. Let the stream of 
 gas issue freely from the jet for some time before a 
 light is applied,^ else an explosion will occur; then 
 kindle the gas. 
 ' It is well to cover the jet with an inverted test tube, and 
 to remove the latter, mouth downwards, when it is desired to 
 test the gas, and then to apply a flame to the test tube. If 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. 3 1 
 a. Note that the hydrogen flame is of a pale 
 bhnsh colour, and emits very little light ; but it is 
 intensely hot, for if we introduce a Hne platinum wire 
 into the flame it becomes nearly white hot, and emits 
 much light. 
 l>- It we take a glass ti;be, oi)en at both ends, 
 about one centimeter wide and 30 centimeters long 
 and pass the jet up into it, the flame is seen to sud- 
 denly elongate and a musical note results. The note 
 emitted by ihis chcmual Imrwonicum depends on the 
 dwmetcr and length of the tube; consequently tubes 
 varying m these particulars may be used to produce 
 diflerent sounds. 
 c. It will be observed in these experiments that 
 the glass tubes are bedewe,i when they approach the 
 hydrogen flame. Next place the flame under a large 
 W /""■' n-, '"'^"■' °'^' " ^ '"g'^ ^'y wide-mouthed 
 bottle. The inner surface of the bottle is quicklv 
 bedewed with moisture, and presently drops of liquid 
 rickle down thfe sides and collect at the shoulder. 
 When some drops of the liquid have been collected 
 It can be examined, and is then found to possess all 
 the properties of water. Now, since the calcium 
 'Chloride m the drjing tube completely removes 
 moisture from the nnbumed ,as, and the latter does 
 not bedew a coKl surface against which we may allow 
 U to impmge, the liquid we observe to be deposited 
 from the flame must be a product of the combustion 
 of hydrogen in air, just as the white substance, see 
 the gas burns quietly, it may be safely kindled at the jet ; but 
 rf with explosion, it is still unsafe, and the testing must be re- 
 i^vaicu uucr a icw minutes. 
32 Introduction to Experimental CItemistry, 
 Kxpcriment 2, is a product of tlic combustion of mag- 
 nesium in air. • By means of the next experiment we 
 can prove that the water prcduced in the combustion of 
 hydrogen weighs more tlian the gas l)urned, and there- 
 fore that the process is one of chemical combination 
 in progress between hydrogen and some constituent 
 or constituents of atmospheric air; the resultant water 
 is consecpiently a compound of hydrogen, or of the 
 water generator (l^cwp, water; yeriuw, I generate), with 
 some other kind of matter. 
 Experiment 21.— Take aU tube of the form of ^, 
 fig. 12, fill the wide limb very loosely with fragments 
 Fig. 13. 
 of zinc and insert the cork b whicli serves to prevent 
 the zinc falling out when the tube is inverted, but 
 which should be perforated so as to allow liquid to 
 flow freely in and out. Pass the narrow limb of the 
 U tub«i ihrou£;h a good cork c which fits a test tube 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases, 
 about 2 centimeters in diameter. The cork also 
 carries the glass tube s provided with a fine glass 
 stopcock which can regulate the supply of gas to the 
 jet in which the ti;be terminates ; the wide end of this 
 tube is sufficiently large to pass through the cork c to 
 the bottom of the test tube /. The latter is now filled 
 with fragments about the size of a pea of dry and 
 porous calcium chloride, and by turning the tube 
 nearly on its side and tapping, the tube of s can be 
 passed down along the glass and the cork inserted as 
 shown. Now pass the wide limb of a through the 
 neck of a light flask of about 80 or 100 centimeters' 
 capacity, containing diluted sulphuric acid, and secure 
 the tube a in the neck by means of slices of rubber 
 cork, but without interfering with access of air. On 
 turning the stopcock s the acid rises in a and acts 
 upon the zinc, hydrogen is evolved and passes through 
 the drying tube / before it can escape from the jet. 
 The evolution of gas is allowed to continue until all 
 air has been expelled, then the hydrogen can be 
 kindled at the jet, and once it is found to burn freely, 
 the stopcock is turned off, the evolution of gas ceases, 
 because the latter has now no exit through s^ and 
 accumulates in a, forcing out the acid through the 
 perforated cork b, and therefore away from contact 
 with the zinc. 
 Before the experiment, th*" appaiatus is accurately 
 counterpoised, and a quantity of dry gas is then burned 
 at the jet, under conditions to be presently described, 
 and the stopcock again closed. If, when cold, the 
 apparatus be replaced in the balance it will, of course, 
 U I 
 Introduction to Exftrmenial Chemistry. 
 weigh less than before, and the weight lost is the 
 weight of dry. hydrogen burned. ' '°'' " «"« 
 Another piece of apparatus is now to be prepared" 
 This consists of a small paraffin lamp . himney "fig 
 ..connected by means of a corl, as shown, « th tht 
 U tube V filled with calcium chloride. This is our 
 water collector, and is to be attached by the w" e 
 hook to the arm of a balance and carefully counTer! 
 poised before an experiment. counter- 
 Diec« "nf"'' "" ^''P^"™^" f'us : counterpoise both 
 flexible tube an aspirator^ p, as shown, so that a 
 stream of air may be drawn slowly through the water 
 collector during the combustion of thf hydroTeT 
 Now turn the stopcock .. immediately kindl7"e 
 hydrogen, and pass the flume well up into the tube i 
 chiefly m v. When the hydrogen has burned for 
 some mmutes. dose the tap ., and stop the current of 
 a.r through i.; allow both pieces of apparatus to cool 
 —r'T^l' *^".'''— « -1 weigh each 
 separately. The gam m weight of the dryins in 
 paratus represents the weight of water prXfd t 
 tJe jet"! ° "' ""*'"' °' ''^^^"e- burned at 
 When the experiment just described is conducted 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. 
 with great care, it has been found that for every centi- 
 gram of hydrogen burned almost exactly 9 centigrams 
 of water are obtained in the drying apparatus ; thus it 
 can be proved that the hydrogen gains in weight • 
 on undergoing combustion in air; and, further, that 
 the product of combustion weighs 9 times as much 
 as the hydrogen burned. 
 The next step clearly is to resolve water into its 
 constituents, or to decompose it, in order to isolate 
 the matter which hydrogen must have obtained from 
 The conipound water, whether in the liquid con- 
 dition, or when gaseous (as steam), withstands a com- 
 paratively high temperature without decomposition; 
 similarly light alone is without action upon it, but 
 electricity is found to decompose it with facility, and 
 the current derived from a Grove's or Bunsen's gal- 
 vanic battery consisting of two cells is sufficient for 
 the purpose. 
 Experiment 22.— If we attach to the copper 
 connecting wires of such a battery small slips of 
 platinum (taking care that the connections are per- 
 fectly clean and bright), and then plunge the platinum 
 terminals or * poles' into some water acidulated with 
 a few drops of oil of vitriol, in order to make it a 
 good conductor for electricity, bubbles of gas are 
 seen to rise from each pole. Note that more gas 
 seems to be evolved at the pole connected with the 
 zinc end of the battery than at the other. In order 
 to collect the gas it is only necessary to arrange the 
 apparatus shown in fig. 13. The vessel v contains 
 the acidulated water. The two test tubes are tilled 
 D 2 
 • i 
 36 Introduction Jo Experimental Cliemistry. 
 Fig. 13. 
 with some of the same water and then inverted with 
 the mouth of each below the level of the water in the 
 vessel V, and supported close 
 together by clamps. The 
 platinum poles are now 
 arranged as shown, their 
 wires being attached to the 
 binding screws s, s, which 
 latter are also connected 
 with the battery. The wires 
 are dried and then com- 
 Pletely coated with sealing 
 wax, from the platinum slip to the point c, so as to pre- 
 vent any escape of electricity, except through the plates 
 when they are immersed in the water. Each platinum' 
 pole IS then brought under the mouth of a test tube and 
 secured m position. Gas bubbles arise from the pole, 
 as before but mstead of escaping into the atmosphere 
 they collect m the tubes placed to receive them 
 A marked difference is observed in the amount of 
 gas g.ven off at each pole, and it .s presently seen 
 TO fuT"' ' ' " "'" '"" °' ^^ "^^ ""'«''' "^"^ 
 In order to examine the gas in each tube, remove 
 the wires, then close the mouth of the tube containing 
 the largest volunie of gas with the thumb passed under 
 the surface of the water in the vessel v. Invert the 
 tube shp the thumb, and quickly apply a flame 
 o the mouth of the vessel ; the gas takes fae.nd ' 
 burns with a pale blue flame, and this gas is hydrogen 
 A similar experiment is made with the contents of 
 the second tube, but the gas it contains does nnf tot. 
Hydrogiii and Oxygen Gases, 
 fire. If, however, we dip into the gas a splinter of 
 wood with a glowing tip, the wood bursts into flame, 
 and active combustion ensues. This gas is, therefore, 
 incombustible in air, but is a supporter of combustion. 
 This body, like hydrogen, is an element and is called 
 The process of analysis by electricity just used is 
 termed electrolysis, and is often employed in effecting 
 the decomposition of chemical compounds. During 
 the electrolysis of water we have already observed 
 that twice as much hydrogen is evolved as oxygen, 
 and the presumption is that those are the proportions 
 by volume in which the two gases unite to form water.* 
 But we have not yet proved that water consists of 
 hydrogen and oxygen ofily. If, then, we take the 
 mixture of gases evolved from water, consisting, as we 
 know, of two volumes of hydrogen and one volume 
 of oxygen, such a mixture must be capable of repro- 
 ducing water // the latter consists exclusively of these 
 two elements in tl proportions stated. 
 Experiment 23.— Take a stout wide-mouthed 
 phial of about loo c.c. capacity. Fit it with a 
 caoutchouc - -zk and, having bored a hole axially 
 through it, a.^^ert the short limb of the narrow but 
 strong delivery tube bent in the form shown at d, fi'g. 14. 
 The wider tube shown can be filled with fragments 
 of calcium chloride when a supply of the dry gaseous 
 ' 100 cubic centimeter-, of water dissolve only 2 989 c. cs. of 
 oxygen at mean temperature and pressure, and 1 -93 of hydrogen 
 gas under the same conditions ; the solubility of each gas is 
 therefore so low and so nearly the same, that the above in- 
 ference may be faiiiy drawn. 
38 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 mixture is reouired. Then pass two stout wires of 
 platinum through the cork on each side of, and close 
 to the glass tube, and attach small slips of platinum 
 ton to the ends of the wires that project within the 
 bo tie. Nearly fill the vessel with water containing a 
 little sulphuric acid arid insert the cork, connect the 
 wires projecting from the cork with the terminals of 
 the battery, as shown, and a steady supply of an 
 electrolytic mixture of hydrogen and oxygen will be 
 Fig. 24. 
 Fig. 15. 
 obtened When .t ,s judged that all air has been 
 expelled from the bottle and tubes, collect some of 
 he mixed gases m a small test tube over the liquid 
 meta mercury, contained in a small and strong plass 
 rough, as m fig ,5. This mechanical mixture^? he 
 two gases may be kept for an indefinite time without 
 comb,„at,o„ taking place, but if we remove the tes 
 tube from the trough and apply a flame to the momh 
 -a flash of hght, and a rather violent exolosion 
 i;jiiniv. irini.-Mfirirr ♦u ,k -.i = ... - 
 follow, u 
 -iojcuting that chemical union has taken place.' 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. 39 
 We thu", learn that combination of the gases can be 
 determined by heating them sufficientlj.^ 
 Experiment 24.--A stout glass tube closed atone 
 end IS now taken ; it should be about 50 centimeters 
 long and i centimeter in diameter. Two thin 
 platinum wires pass through the sides and are sealed 
 mio the glass near to the closed end, and opposite 
 to each other ; but their extremities within the tube 
 must be kept at a very short distance apart. The 
 object of this arrangement is to leave a gap so that an 
 electric spark may be sent between the wires within 
 the tube, and thus, by heating the mixture of gases, 
 determine their combination. Such a tube is called 
 a eudiometer, and must be stout so as to resist the 
 force of the explosion that ensues ; it is shown at b, 
 fig- 15- 
 Fill the tube with mercury, and when quite full, 
 close the mouth with the thumb, and bring it under 
 the surface of some more mercury, contained in the 
 small trough /, fig. 15. Now half fill the tube with 
 electrolytic gases from the apparatus shown in fig 14. 
 Then remove the generator and pass a pad of india- 
 rubber under the mercury and under the mouth of the 
 tube. Press the pad against the bottom of the trough 
 with the tube grasped firmly by the hand. When 
 the tube is in this position, pass a spark from a coil, 
 a Leyden jir, or a small electrophorus, through the 
 gases by means of the wires sealed into the glass, one 
 of them being connected with the earth by means of 
 wire, the other with the apparatus that is to afford the 
 1 Qaa r'linnf.av TV t^ : » f.1 .. 
 en name* 
 11 ' 
 40 Introduction to Experimental C/iewistry. 
 spark. A flash of light passes down the gas in the 
 tube and a jerkT is felt by the hand, and then all is over 
 On relaxing the pressure and moving the moutli of the 
 tube from the pad, but keeping it under the surface of 
 the mercury, the latter rushes up so as to fill the closed 
 end almost completely ; the gases have therefore been 
 condensed,' or rather, the product of their union is not 
 a gas, but must b. either a liquid or a solid occupying 
 an exceedmgly sniall space as compared with that 
 previously filled by the generating elements. If we 
 examme the upper part of the tube carefully with a 
 lens, we can detect between the mercury and the glass 
 mmute drops of liquid. This liquid can be proved 
 to be water. It is therefore certain that water con- 
 sists only of hydrogen and oxygen, and that those 
 elements combine to form water in the proportions 
 by volume mdicated by the results oi electrolysis. 
 Experiment 25.— A similar experiment to that 
 just described may be performed with the apparatus 
 shown mfig. 16, termed a 'Cavendish eudiometer' 
 because itw.swith such a vessel that the Hon. Henr^ 
 Cavendish demonstrated the composition of water in 
 the year 1781. The strong glass vessel, fig. ,6 
 IS provided with a glass stopcock c and a stopper 
 through which wires of platinum p p pass, and th.s 
 stopper IS retained in the neck of the vessel by means 
 ' As a matter of fact a small bubble of hydrogen remains 
 after explosion ; this is chiefly due to the loss of a little oxvtren 
 by solution in the water of the bottle d, fig. 14. and further bv 
 conversion of a very small proportion of the element into a body 
 called 'ozone.' If all the oxygen wore evolved as gas there 
 would not be any free hvdiofri>n a(t^r th» «».,x!» .:-.- 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. 
 of the damp a. The brass stopcock b allows the 
 apparatus to be screwed to the plate of a good air- 
 I)iimp, and when exhausted of air, 
 B and c are closed, and not opened 
 until the tube is screwed to the brass 
 stopcock of a bdl jar similar to 
 that shown in fig. i8, but containing 
 some of the electrolytic gases. On 
 opening the taps the mixiure of 
 gases rushes in to fill the vacuum. 
 The stopcocks are again closed, 
 the eudiometer screwed to its stand, 
 and a spark passed through the 
 mixture. A brilliant flash of light 
 accompinies combmation, and the 
 sides of the glass vessel are bedewed 
 with the water resulting from the combination of the 
 The experiments hitherto made have led directly 
 to the conclusions we have already drawn from them 
 respecting the composition of water, but they also 
 afford complete proof that atmospheric air contains 
 oxygen ; and we thus learn in addition that the great 
 heat evolved "during the combustion of hydrogen in 
 air is due to the chemical union of hydrogen with the 
 oxygen of the air. Finally, we are led to suspect that 
 all ordinary cases of combustion which come under 
 our notice are due to ihe rapid chemical combination 
 of atmospheric oxygen with the body burned. Under 
 Experiment 2 1 a method was described by which the ^ 
 Wcigut Oi water produced during the combustion of 
 I c. gr. of hydrogen was determined, and it was stated 
 42 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 that 9 c. grs. of water resulted. Since we now know 
 that the gam in weight could only be oxygen derived 
 from the air in which the gas burned, the equivalent of 
 Oxygen must be 9-1=8. 
 When the metal magnesium burns in air, a white 
 solid only IS produ. _d, and it is found that 12 centi- 
 grams of. the metal afford 20 c. grs. of the white 
 body, that IS to say an equivalent of the element 
 magnesium (12 parts) unites with an equivalent of the 
 element oxygen (8 parts), and produces an equivalent 
 (20 parts) of the compound body termed magnesium 
 oxide or * magnesia '—for 
 12 + 8=20. 
 The truth of the statement is not so evident in 
 the case of a candle, for when the latter burns per- 
 fectly m air, the matter of the candle is apparently 
 destro3^ed. But since we know that matter is inde- 
 structible, we conclude that the candle is resolved bv 
 combination with oxygen into invisible products. 
 These products we can actually collect if we burn a 
 candle m the apparatus, fig. 17. 
 Experiment a'J.-Attach the small paraffin candle 
 c to the peiforated cork, and insert in the lamp 
 through which a bent tube passes which serves to 
 connect the lamp glass with the U tube. The limb 
 t^L T\ ''.^'''^V *^^ ^^"^P g'ass is filled with 
 lumps of calcium chloride, and the second limb with 
 fragments of caustic soda When the cork c is placed 
 m position, the apparatus, with the rp.nH!- ic amch-d 
 to one arm of the balance and carefully' counte'rpoi'sed. 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. 
 The tube / is then connected by means of a flexible 
 tube with the aspirator a, and a current of air gently 
 Fiu. 17. 
 \ ' 
 \ ^ 
 yf 4 
 M\ • 
 drawn through the apparatus. The candle is removed, 
 lighted and replaced, and then burned within the lamp 
 glass, while the products of combustion are obliged 
 to pass over the absorbent materials in the U tube. 
 When the candle has burned for five minutes or so, 
 put it out and allow the whole apparatus to cool down 
 to the ordinary temperature. Then replace in the 
 balance and observe that the weight has increased. 
 Therefore, not only has no matter been lost during 
 the combustion of the candle, but it has actually 
 gained, and, as we shall see at a later stage of our 
 study, the gain represents oxygen derived from 
 atmosnheric air, and chemically combined with the 
 matter of the candle during combustion. 
44 Introduction to Expetimental Chemist. 
 11^7 ^T ''?"-'''^ "^" ""^S^" S^^ '■' - con- 
 stituent of atmospheric a.r-though it is not the only 
 one-and of water The study of the composition o^ 
 he latter has further made the curious fact 
 that oxygen requires twice its volume of hydrogen 
 gas to forni water, and only i„ this proportion does 
 a,rect combmation take place between those elements 
 Iherefore the two gases unite in as definite propor-" 
 tions by volume as by weight, and it is evidemlv 
 probable that an intimate connection exists between 
 weight and volume combination in this case- hence 
 we must investigate the point more closely ' 
 Experiment 27.-The first step in this direction 
 ts to select a globe of about ,l literi' capacity Z^Z 
 with a stopcock, and to exhaust it of air a' com 
 P ete ly as possible, by means of a good aTr pi >To' 
 the plate of which it can be screwed ; then cTo e' 'th^ 
 tap securely, remove and counterpoise carefully on 
 the balance. The globe is next taken from the balance 
 and connected, as shown, with a vessel containing 
 pure hydrogen gas, and the stopcock opened, hy 
 _- -^_„ . ....„€. „, auu uiib tnc giobe. The stopcock is 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. 
 Flu. 18. 
 again closed, after the levels of licjuid within and 
 without the jar have been equalised, and the vessel 
 re-weighed. The increase in weight 
 is that of the hydrogen which has 
 entered. The globe is again ex- 
 hausted to the original point as 
 determined by the gauge attached 
 to the pump, and again filled with 
 gas, but this time with pure oxygen, 
 whose weight is then determined. 
 Now if care be taken to exhaust as 
 completely as possible each time — 
 certainly to the same extent — and 
 that the bodies are pure, and the 
 temperature does not vary so as to 
 unequally expand or contract the 
 gases, the weights obtained are those of equal volumes 
 of the two gases. In a particular experiment con- 
 ducted in this way the hydrogen weighed 11 centi- 
 grams, and the oxygen gas 1 74 centigrams. The specific 
 gravity of oxygen as compared with hydrogen, or the 
 ratio of the weights of equal volumes of the two bodies ^ 
 when hydrogen is taken as the standard, and =1, is 
 or as nearly in the ratio of i : 15-96 — the true ratio 
 • — as can be expected in a rather rough experiment. 
 Therefore oxygen gas may be said to be 16 times 
 heavier than hydrogen. Now since one volume of 
 oxygen requires two volumes of hydrcgen for the 
 production of water, it follows that 8 centigrams 
 46 Introduction to Experimental Chcmislry, 
 by weight of oxygen must unite with i centigram 
 of hydrogen to form 9 cc.uigrams of water- -a result 
 Identical tluit ol)tained by the direct weighing 
 of the water produced in the combustion of a mven 
 we-ght of hydrogen. Therefore, a very close connec 
 tion exists between combination by weight and hw 
 vohime. ^ 
 It may be added that the specific gravities of all 
 gases can be determined by the method just described, 
 and smce hydrogen .s the hghtest gas known, it is 
 taken as the standard for reference. 
 ' The experiments already made with the two gases 
 hydrogen and oxygen, place beyond doubt the fact 
 that they are perfec Jy distinct forms of matter as far is 
 chemical characters are concerned, 
 but they evidently resemble each 
 other in certain physical cluu 
 racters, for they are both colour- 
 less, invisible, and inodorous. 
 Let us now see whether this re- 
 semblance extends farther. 
 Experiment 28.— Take two 
 tubes of as nearly as possible the 
 same diameter and length. Close 
 each at one end and bend to the 
 form shown in a and b, fig. 19. 
 The short limb may be about 
 20 centimeters, and the longer i 
 meter, in length, lake one of 
 \ . A -1. ,M ^^^ *"^^^' ^^* ^^'^^^ water acidu- 
 iated with dilute sulphuric acid and invert over the 
 po.e ^iig. 13) froi-a which electrolytic hydrogen is 
 Fig. 19. 
Hydrogen anU Oxygen Gases. 
 being evolved ; collect enough of the gas to about 
 half fill the shorter limb of the U tube, then close the 
 njouth with the thumb, remove aiul make the gas pass' 
 completely into^he closed limb: this can easily be done 
 by bringing the tube to a horizontal position while the 
 shorter limb is uppermost. When the gas has been 
 transferred, bring the a|)paratus into the position shown, 
 and adjust the level of the liquid in both limbs ot the 
 u by sucking out the water in the long limb by means 
 of a pipette wi»h a flexible tube attached, which latter 
 should be of sufficient length to reach nearly to the 
 bend. Fill the second tube to the same extent and 
 in the same manner with electrolytic oxygen, and tie 
 the two tubes securely together as shown. 
 When the apparatus is plunged up to the point a 
 in a large beaker nearly filled with water at the boiling 
 temperature, the gases in the tubes are found to expand 
 considerably. The expansion cf tho hydrogen is 
 seen to be the same in amount t^ that c^'the oxygen. 
 Simi-arly in cooling down again tO he te nperature of 
 the air they contract equally. 
 We learn from this experiment that the two gnses 
 resemble each other in another particular, namely, 
 that they are eff"ected to the same extent by equal al- 
 terations of temperature^ when observed under the 
 same conditions. 
 Now replace the hot water in the beaker by some 
 at the temperature of the room, and leave the tubes 
 undisturbed for several minutes, in order that the gases 
 may acquire the temperature of the water in the large 
 vessel ; then pour mercury into each wide tube until 
 nearly full, and the column in each is of equal length. 
4? Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 Wd InH "' n' '°'"'"'"' °f "'^•^"'y rise to the same 
 lrl!i 1"' "^ P'"'''""* ">^°" ">« g^^es equally in- 
 creases, they contract to the same extent 
 If we remove the mercury, the gases expand equally 
 and regam their original volume when the pressure is 
 reduced to that at which we commenced 
 Therefore hydrogen and oxygen gases, when com- 
 pared under the same conditions, are affected in the 
 same way and to the same extent Oy cjual alterations 
 0/ pressure. When the same n,ode of investigation is 
 applied to other gases, whether elementary or com- 
 pound, they are found to sufTer very nearly equal 
 changes of volume when subjected to equal variations 
 of temperature and of pressure. 
 _ The conclusion to be drawn from all the data 
 before us ,s that all gases ^«<^t\n physical constitution, 
 however niuch they may differ in chemical composition. 
 This conclusion is independent of any hypothesis that 
 may be founded upon the facts, but a most impor- 
 tent one has been based on them by the distinguished 
 physicist Avogadro. He assumed that all gases (as 
 wel as solid and liquid forms of matter) are made up 
 of almost numberless, separate little particles, termed 
 molecules (from molecula, a little mass), and that 
 e^ual volumes of gases ontain the same number of mole- 
 euies, when compared at the same temperature and pres- 
 ol'; \TT '^ '1""""""' "f Avogadro's, or, as it is 
 often called. Ampere's law, for to the last-named 
 philosopher IS due the credit of having specially drawn 
 he attention of scientific men to .he importance of 
 the principle enunciated by Avogadro, when the 
 t!at«m'>t<r rif \, ~„,i. u.. .u_ . . ' "* 
Hydroj^en and Oxygen Gases. 
 : \'^-^ 
 completely overlooked. It follows from Avogadro's 
 law that the ratio of the weights of equal volumes (con- 
 taining equal numbers of molecules) of hydrogen and 
 oxygen gases, compared at the same temperature and 
 pressure, must represent the relative weights of the 
 free molecules, or ultimate particles, of the two 
 bodies. We have already found (Experiment 27) 
 that a given volume of oxygen is sixteen times 
 heavier than an equal volume of hydrogen under the 
 same conditions : therefore the molecule of oxygen is 
 sixteen times the weight of the molecule of hydrogen. 
 Let us proceed a step farther. We know already 
 that one volume of oxygen and two volumes of hydro- 
 gen gas unite to form the compound water. We may 
 now express the same thing in the following state- 
 ment : — One molecule of oxygen unites with two 
 molecules of hydrogen to form the compound wpter. 
 But the question then arises whether one or more 
 molecules of the compound water result from their 
 union. We can obtain an experimental answer to 
 this question in the following way : — 
 Experiment 29. — Take a eudiometer tube similar 
 to that already employed in Experiment 15, 6 milli- 
 meters in diameter, and 80 centimeters in length, and 
 fill it not more than one-third with the electrolytic mix- 
 ture of oxygen and hydrogen as before ; now place over 
 the tube the glass jacket/ as shown, which is connected 
 above by a cork with a flask/ in which water is boiled 
 and by means of which the jacket can be filled with 
 steam- The lower end of the jacket is also closed by a 
1$ I 
 50 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 tube /which serves to convey away the excess of 
 steam. * 
 When the gaseous mixture in the eudiometer is 
 heated, it expands 
 until it acquires the 
 same temperature as 
 the steam. When 
 the mercury ceases 
 to fall, mark its posi- 
 tion in the tube by 
 means of a flexible 
 ring slipped over 
 the jacket, and also 
 measure as accur- 
 ately as possible the 
 height of the mercury 
 in the tube over the 
 surface of that in the 
 trough w, then nress 
 the mouth 01 the 
 tube firmly down on an india-rubber pad, /, passed 
 under tht mercury for the purpose, arid explode the 
 mixed gases as in the former exper ment. This can 
 readily be done if the wires fused into the glass sides 
 of the eudiometer are connected with short wires which 
 pass between the cork and the glass jacket, as at w 
 and Uf\ 
 When the pad is removed from the mouth of the 
 tube after the explosion, the mercury is seen to rise 
 in the eudiometer ; but, before measuring the amount 
 of contraction that has taken nlace in the ^as it is 
 necessary to restore the original pressure by de°pressing 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases, 
 the eudiometer in the well b, of the pneumatic trough, 
 until the dififcrence of level between the surface of 
 mercury in the tube and in the trough is the same as 
 before explosion ; it will then be found on measuring 
 the gas (water-gas) remaining in the tube that the 
 contraction amounts to one-third of the original bulk 
 of the mixed gases, while the temperature has through- 
 out been maintained by the current of steam. 
 After explosion we can have but water-gas, or 
 steam, in the eudiometer ; but the steam is prevented 
 by the high temperature and low pressure from con- 
 densing to the liquid form. We have therefore 
 measured water-gas under the same conditions as the 
 mixture of two volumes of hydrogen and one of 
 oxygen before explosion, and found that the water-gas 
 OQ.c\y^\Q.%\}[\^ same space as the hydrogen which generated 
 it* Now if, as we have seen, the two volumes of 
 hydrogen represent two molecules of that body, the 
 two volumes of the compound water-gas must, accord- 
 ing to Avogadro's law, represent tivo molectdes of that 
 body. The result may be stated thus in the form of 
 an equation : — 
 Hydrogen -f Oxygen = Water-gas -|- Water-gas. 
 2 molecules i molecule i molecule i molecule. 
 * The comparison of the results of a large number of experi- 
 ments of this order led the illustrious French chemist Gay- 
 Lussac to the following generalisations : — 
 1. Gases and vapours combine in simple proportions by 
 2. The volume of a compound gas or vapour always I fars 
 a aimpic n>ropoiiiun lu tne vuiuuica oi gases or vapours from 
 which it has been formed. 
 52 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 Reasoning upon this result, it is perfectly clear 
 that each molecule of so produced must 
 contam oxygen, and, if the law of definite proportions 
 be true, as we know it is, each molecule of water-gas 
 must contain the same quantity of oxygen, conse- 
 quently a semi-moleciile of that body. Hence*, 
 though the free molecule of oxygen is not divisible by 
 any known physical means, it divides under the in- 
 fluence of chemical attraction into t^vo parts. Now the 
 weight of oxygen corresponding to the semi-molecule 
 of that body is the smallest quantity of it that takes 
 part m chemiral change, and as it cannot be further 
 divided, even by chemical means, it is called the atom^ 
 O! oxygen. 
 Later on we shill find that the molecule of hydro- 
 gen IS also chemically divisible in two parts or atoms 
 Now, \{ the weight of the molecule of hydrogen 
 be taken as = i, the weight of the atom of hydrog-n 
 must be represented = \, but since less than i part 
 by weight of hydrogen is not known to act in chemical 
 change, it is convenient to take i as the atomic 7vei^ht, 
 or vveight of the semi-molecule, of hydrogen. The 
 weight of the molecule of hydrogen is therefore =rr 2. 
 As we have already seen from Experiment 27, the 
 oxygen molecule is sixteen times heavier than tliat 
 of Hydrogen ; therefore, since the molecular weight 
 of hydrogen=2, that of oxygen must=32, while the 
 atomic weight of oxygen is 16. 
 If, then, we desire to know the atomic iveight of an 
 elementary gas, it is only necessary to find its specific 
 gravity, /.^,, to weija:h it as in ExDerimpnt '>n affainc* «« 
 ' &ro/ios, indivisible. 
Hydrogen and Oxygen Gases. 53 
 equal volume of pure hydrogen under the same con- 
 ditions. The weight obtained, referred to hydrogen 
 as the unit, is the atomic weight of the body. 
 But the information that our experiment affords us 
 does not end here, for we can deduce from it the 
 specific gravity of water-gas, referred to hydrogen as 
 our standard. 
 We have already learned that two molecules of 
 water-gas, which must contam the hydrogen in two 
 molecules (i.e., 4 atoms) of that body, and the oxygen 
 in one molecule {i.e., 2 atoms) of that element, occupy 
 the same volume as two molecules of hydrof^en. 
 Therefore one molecule of water-gas occupies the 
 same volume as one molecule of hydrogen. Now, 
 one molecule of water-gas must have the relative 
 weight 18 (16, weight of the semi-molecule of oxygen 
 + 2, weight of the molecule of hydrogen) referred to 
 the hydrogen molecule=2 ; this gives the ratio of 
 9:1; therefore 9 is the S[)ecific gravity of water-gas 
 compared with hydrogen gas as the unit. 
 It may be useful to add the following definitions ; — 
 A molecule of an element or compound is the 
 smallest portion of a body that can exist in the free 
 An atom of a chemical element ' is the smallest 
 portion of it that is known to take part in chemical 
 change, and is almost invariably the semi-molecule. 
 An (quivalent of an element or compound is its 
 replacing or combining value compared with an unit 
 weight of hydrogen. 
 liiv, sn.vjf.j.iix. liic-wiy \}i uic ujiistn.r'"^ pniiosopner^ 
 * A chemical compound has not atomic weight. 
If et 
 ij n- 
 S4 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 Dr. John Dalton, of Manchester, was one of the first 
 substantial attempts ' to account for the law of definite 
 proportions t^iat we have seen to so remarkably govern 
 chemical changes, and we may now state the theory 
 and the differ eiice ;n form between it as enunciated 
 by Dalton (in 1804-8), i lid as adapted to the present 
 state of our knowledge. Dalton supposed, as Avogadro 
 did, that with all matter a point c^ i be reached at 
 which further mecbmical subdivisoa is impossible, 
 and it was to tliese ..timate particles he applied the 
 tetm atom— the atomic weight being a constant for 
 each element. The molecules of the present day are 
 the representatives of the atoms of Dalton, and we 
 have already learned from our expei iments that the 
 molecule of an element, though physically indivisible 
 as we suppose, can divide under the influence of 
 chemical attraction into two— but rarely laore or less 
 than two— pa»ts, and to each part we now apply the 
 term atom. Dalton further ass-med tAat chemical 
 action takes plact only beu^h^-n the .doms of matter, and 
 in proportions by weight -^^kic^ are determined by the 
 relative atomic tvei;:his of the detnmts. 
 In the Daltonian tlieorv- as tl us modified ^± 
 have an explaiiation of the law of definite proportions, 
 but it is necessary to guard against the supposition 
 that tie law of definite proportions depefids on this 
 hypothesis. As we have seen, the theory is founded 
 on two assumptions, both reasonable, it is true, but 
 which are not at present capable of direct proof. We 
 ' The fundamental conception in the • Atomic Theory » was 
 distinctly enunciated by two Dublin chemists—Kirwan in 178.1. 
 and Hiji-lns s.i 1789. ' "" 
Hydrogot and Oxygen Gases. 
 may, therefore, use the theory as an important help 
 in our inquiries, but not as a support on which we 
 may rest in full confidence. If, however, we desire 
 to go still farther, and to enqui-e how it is that these 
 elementary atoms possess the power of uniting with 
 each other, we must simply confess that this is one oi 
 the many mysteries that still lie hidden from the view 
 of man. 
56 Introduction to ExperimSttal Chemistry. 
 It is obvious that the method of weighing an element 
 in the form of gas against the same volume of hydro, 
 gen, when we desire to determine atomic weight, is 
 only apphcable in those cases in which the element 
 IS either a gas at ordinary temperature and pressure 
 or in which it can be converted into gas, or vapour, at 
 a moderate and manageable degree of heat. Neither 
 Sliver nor magnesium can be vaporised at even 
 moderately low temperatures: hence we must seek for 
 some other mode than that above referred to of 
 hxing their atomic weights. The equivalent, or re- 
 placing value of silver stated in terms of the hydrog'^n 
 unit, we have already proved to be io8, and that of 
 magnesium 12. Now it is evident that the atomic 
 weight in each case cannot be less than those values 
 but It may be more, for we have already seen that in 
 the case of oxygen the least weight of that body that 
 takes part as a whole in chemical change (the atom) 
 IS twice the equivalent. ' 
 ^ Experiment 30.-Make the following curious and 
 mstructive experiment. Take a five shilling piece » 
 ^ ' Although the coin is not pure silver, it is sufficiently nur- 
 ior liiiit lough experiment. ' *" 
Stiver, Copper, and Magnesium. 57 
 and fasten it securely to a piece of fine binding wire, 
 lake a piece of copper of the same ^veiirht and thick- 
 ness, and attach it to wire. Now, while holding the 
 wires dip the two pieces of metal into some water 
 boihng in a kettle, or other vessel. After ten minutes 
 or so remove the pieces, let them drain for a few 
 seconds and attach the wires to a rod. At first the 
 metals arc equally hot to the fingers, for they-Iiave 
 evidently been heated to the same extent; soon, 
 however, the silver will be cool enough to be held 
 between the fingers, and to be pressed against a 
 piece of phosphorus without igniting it, while the 
 copper will be still too hot to hold, and will easily 
 kmdle a test of the same kind. The silver, there- 
 fore, cools more rapidly than the same weight of 
 copper under the same conditions. As the two 
 metals do not differ materially in conducting power 
 we infer from this experiment that silver at koo° c' 
 (the tempcnmire of boiling water) contains less heat 
 than the same weight of copper at the same tempera- 
 ture---in other words, a less quantity of heat is re- 
 quired to raise the temperature of a given weight of 
 silver to the same extent as an equal weight of copper, 
 hence the eapacity of copper for heat is greater than 
 that of silver. » If we could conveniently replace the 
 th.t'o?siL'' *°w ^ '^! '^'"^' ^''' "^ ^^Pf^^^ '' greater than 
 hat of silver Water has the greatest capacity for heat of any 
 reftrred to that of an c.^mi .vei^rht of water as unity : thus the 
 capacuy of sUver for heat is about ,Vth that of an e'ual weight 
 ih.Z7.'r"7 T^Tl '""^ """^ '^5701 : I. This ratio is 
 the spa^fic heai of silver. The a^oruu; heat of aa, element U 
 \ ' 
 i, ■ 
 A ..t 
 ii'" 'i 
 J* I- -i 
 58 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 copper by the same weight of magnesium, the dif- 
 ference in rate of cooling would be still more marked. 
 This dirterctice amongst solid bodies in capacity foi 
 heat has long been known, but it remained for two 
 eminent French phyncists, MM. Dulong and Petit, 
 to point out the fact that the elements luiving the 
 highest eciuivalents are those of the lowest capacity 
 for Jjeat, and vice irrsCi, and they showed from 
 numerous observations that the heat capacity of an 
 element is inversely as its equivalent. This 'law of 
 Dulong and Petit' attracted comparatively little 
 notice until Professor ( 'annizz led the state- 
 ment of it, and drew attei ,,v . great value as 
 serving to aid the determin ition of the atomic weights 
 of many of the solid elements. The law, as it now 
 stands^ may l>e stated thus: -77/^ atoms of elementary 
 mat*er have the same capacity for heat. 
 If this law be true, toS centigrams of pure silver 
 and 12 centigrams of pure magnesium when heated to 
 100° C— the tempf.)ature of boiling water— and then 
 allowed to cool, ought to give out on cooling to the 
 same extent the .ame quantity of heat^ if the above 
 numbers represent tl e relative weights of their atoms. 
 Experiment 31. — By the method now to be de- 
 scribed we can apply this test to the two mttals. 
 The atometer, fig. 21, is really a large spirit ther- 
 mometer with a test tube inserted in the bulb, as 
 shown, and hermetically sealed therein. The shaded 
 portion is full 9f alcohol, coloured red in order to 
 the product of the specific heat by the atomic ^veight, and if 
 about 60. Thus '05701 x 108 =»6i S7. 
Fig. ai. 
 Silver and Magnesium. 59 
 make its motions in the stem more evident. Tlie stem 
 s should be about 30 centimeters long, graduated 
 clearly in milli- 
 meters. The in- 
 strument ought to 
 be so constructed 
 that the t^read of 
 liquid should ad- 
 vance through a 
 length of fully 30 
 millimeters for an 
 increase in tem- 
 perature of one 
 degree centigrade. 
 The bulb of the 
 atometer is bed- 
 ded, as shown, in cotton uool contained in any con- 
 venient beaker, or better still, a heavy tumbler. A 
 small piece of cotton wool is passed down to the 
 bottom of the test tube /, and ont ubic 
 centimeter of water accurately delivered into 
 the previously dry tube from a measuring 
 pipette, or dropping tube, fig. 22. The whole 
 apparatus is left in a cool place until the thread 
 of liquid i the stem becomes steady, i.e. 
 until the ii. 'ument acquires the same lem- 
 Now taker ^jiece of pure metallic silver 
 weighing exactly j centigrams, and of 
 such a shape that it cau easily pass mto the 
 *^ -. xxxvsx, -. v: Liis. aiuincic,. i'iace tile centigram 
 atOLi of silv r in the test tube //, which passes rather 
 Fig. 2a. 
 Tftirodndion to ExpcrimcnUtl Oicmistrv, 
 II ' 
 Fiu. aj. 
 loosely through the cork of the flask / fig 23 The 
 test tube sho^uld be closed by a small stopper of cork 
 or vulcanit»\ Throu^jh 
 the cork of the fla>k 
 another tube passes 
 which is open at both 
 ends, and which gives 
 exit to the current of 
 steam produced when 
 the water in the flask is 
 boiled vigorously. The 
 test tube and the con- 
 tained silver are thus 
 heated to the tempera- 
 ture ot steam, i.e. 100° 
 C. if the pressure be 
 760""". After ten minutes heating in the steam bath 
 the metal will have acqirred the tiesired temperature: 
 then remove the tube // quickly, bring its mouth near 
 to the mouth of the tube / of the aiometer, withdraw 
 the cork /, and so invert h that the lump of silver s 
 may ciuickly drop into the water in /, where it parts 
 with its heat. The little piece of cotton wool prevents 
 the lump of silver from breaking the glass. 
 If the temperature, as indicated on the stem s, be 
 noted just before the introduction of the silver, the 
 thread of liquid will be seen to. rise almost immediately 
 after the silver has been dropped in, and will continue 
 to rise imtil it reaches a maximum. 
 In an exj^eriment made in this way the thread 
 of liquid in the atometer rose from 10 to 30 (20 
 divi'clrknc\ qft-Av »ka t,*o ,. ./••i _«_•> 7\y 
 '■ "-'^-- ■•"■- •-■« ^. ©la. oi siivci iiau ueen mtro- 
Silver and Mag.Hsium. 5| 
 luIt.Z^f'^^^ centigra>ns of pure >„a«ne.ium i,> 
 JTrooo r ?,"' '•'•■''"^ ■' '" '•'' '"'»-• '> ""'' heat 
 u,i •? ^' ""•' ''"'"^ '^■•■'y ''s 'he silver. 
 . h.„r . u "'"Snesium is heating, pass a wire with 
 a hook a the en.l nuo the tube of the atomcter and 
 Z:^ '° ''^" T •\°'' ""= ■-- '" ™"- woot 
 1 er h H ^ ;""' " "'" '"■"" "' ^'l^*^^- After the 
 silver with a force,« and push the cotton Lack under 
 the water then remove the wire. At this time the 
 liqutd m the stem . will be still above the point fro.u 
 whtch It started in the experiment with si ver tl er" 
 ore remove the bulb . and blow upon it, or o cool 
 we re,,u,re; now replace in the wool, an.l allow the 
 temperature to gradually rise, until the silver starting, 
 pomt .s reached. By this time the magnesium wm 
 have been heated to .00° C, and it is now to be 
 plunged into /. as in the former experiment, and the 
 nse in temperature noted. t 
 In the particular experiment above referred to. the 
 .quid expanded from .0 to only aj (,5 division ) or 
 as o ,oT" "/'f ""^ '=«'■""' """ " ^^ -the 
 case 01 108 c. gis. of silver. 
 The conclusion we draw from this result is that 
 l» c. grs. of magnesium at .00° C, contain but half 
 the quam.ty of heat that 108 c. grs. of silver do at the 
 same temperature. We therefore infer that the weigh of 
 magnesium that would contain the same quantL of 
 heat at loo" C. as ,08 c. grs. of silver is 24 c. grs and 
 Z^T^l^.^^^-^ 'his larger'weight. 
 - «:..;.; uic 5an.c conuitions as betore, we get an 
 : til 
% I 
 62 Tiitroduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 expansion winch is nearly equal to that caused by the 
 silver. Now, according to our definition of the term 
 e<iuivalent, silver cannot have a le^s atomic weight 
 than 108; neither ca.: it be greater, because the pro- 
 duct of the equivalent into the specific heat of silver 
 (see foot-note, page 57.) gives the number 6-157, which 
 accords, within narrow limits, with the highest product 
 similarly obtained with any element whose atomic 
 weight can be independently fixed* by means of Avo- 
 gadro's principle. Hence the weight of a solid ele- 
 ment that contains at 100° C. the sam«' quantity of 
 heat as 108 parts of pure silver at ioo« C. is the 
 atomic weight of the body. 
 Therefore, according to Cannizzaro's modification 
 of Oulong and Petit's law, 24 is the atomic as distin- 
 guished from the equivalent weight of magnesium. 
 It is right to add here that several exceptions are 
 known to this and the preceding law, but these will be 
 dealt with in tlie proper place. 
 The annexed table contains a list of the principal 
 nyarogen. O for Oxygen, N for Nitrogen A^ for 
 the nil r ""^ ''"" '"""''^ « "'^ beginning of 
 tLZ °f '""re elements than one, /L letlrs 
 i^Jt^TiL^ iTt "" '°'°"' "^ ^^ 
 Beryllinm ' °' ''™'""'«> '""^ '^ for 
 Aun^mf and ekht c ur^ ^e\? f ' ^^' ^''^ 
 /-c. grs. Of ACsit": ?hrz;::i!!«:/---: 
 m order in the .ablerbu t ilTs ^I^ 
64 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 I i 
 Antimony {SfiNiim) 
 Beryllium . 
 Bismuth . 
 Hromink . 
 Cadmium . 
 CHl-ORFNii . 
 Chromium . 
 Copper {Cuprum) 
 Fluorine . 
 Grold {Anntut) 
 Iron (t'enitm) 
 Lead {Plumbum) 
 Mercury \ llyiirar^yntm) 
 Nitrogen . 
 Platinum . 
 Potassium {Kalium) 
 Selenium . 
 Silver {Argentum) 
 Sodium {Natrium) 
 Strontium . 
 Sulphur . 
 Tin {SUxnnum) . 
 Zinc . 
 Symbol Atomic Weiijht 
 II. o 
 1 18.0 
Experiments with Metals and Non^ Metals. 65 
 divide them in two great groups, of metals and non- 
 metals, respectively. The names of tiie former are 
 printed m the table in strong Egyptian type, and those 
 of the latter m capitals, in order to facihtate reference. 
 J he most strongly marked members of each class 
 admit of easy distinction. 
 Experiment 32.^Take a slip of copper, about 
 ten centnneters long, and a roll of *cane brimstone' 
 or sulphur, of the same length. Compare them and 
 ti. That the red-coloured copper exhibits that 
 peculiar lustre termed metallic, while the yellow sul- 
 phur has a greasy lustre of a perfectly distinct kind. 
 Fic. 94. 
 b. That when one end of each specimen touches 
 the surface of some boiling water, the fingers which 
 grasp the other end quickly feel the heat conducted hy 
 the copper, while those holding the sulphur have not 
 any sensation of warmth conveyed to them. 
 c. That the copper, O/, fig. 24, when used to 
 connect the terminal wires of the galvanic battery 
 B With the galvanometer o in the circuit, conducts 
 the electricity along it, as shown by the ctrnn« d--. 
 flection of the needle. When the copper is removed, 
m L 
 66 Introduction to Exi^erimental Chemistry, 
 and the wires connected by sulphur, the needle is not 
 I'he metal copper is therefore distinguished from 
 the non-metal hulphur— by the metallic lustre, and by 
 conducting heat and electricity freely. These broad 
 distmctions are sufficient for the present, but it must 
 be stated that the members of each group cannot all 
 be so sharply defined, and in some few cases it is by 
 tio means easy to determine whether in the free ele- 
 ment-arsenic, for example— we have to deal with a 
 metal or wiih a non-metal. 
 Experiment 33.--Again, take some crystals of 
 blue vitriol,' or copper sulphate, and dissolve them 
 in some hot water; now plunge into the solution two 
 platmuin slips attached to the terminal wires of a 
 strong galvanic Imttery. Immerse for a minute or 
 80, and observe that bubbles of gas separate from 
 one of the plates; withdraw the slips, and note that 
 a red deposit of metallic copper is obtained on the 
 slip connected with the zinc end (the negative pole) 
 of the battery. No deposit takes place at the other- 
 pole, but It was from this that bubbles of gas were 
 separated, and this gas could be shown to be oxygen 
 if collected and tested. 
 We learn, then, that when a compound of copper 
 with a body which certainly contains oxygen is elec- 
 trolysed, the metal makes its appearance at the negative 
 pole, /.^ that connected with the zinc end of the bat- 
 tery The reason commonly assigned for this selection 
 of the negative pole by the metal is, that the latter 
 t»etng electro-positive is most strongly attracted by the 
 unhkepole, while the non-metal, oxygen, being elecint. 
Experiments tvifh Metals and Non-Metals, 6y 
 negative, makes Us appearance at the unlike, in this 
 case the positive pole. This is true, not only of the 
 copper compound, but of other compounds of a metal 
 with a non-metal, when subjected to electrolysis ; thu«. 
 while the metals are electro-positive elements, non^ 
 metals are electro-negative. 
 Experiment 34.-Make a fresh solution of copper 
 sulphate and place it in a phial; suspend a clean strip 
 of iron wire mthe liquid by means of a string fastened 
 o the cork of the bottleJ A deposit soon forms upon 
 the iron, and if the bottle be shaken it falls to the 
 bottom ; when the iron is taken out of the liquid it is 
 seen to be coatea with copper, and the deposit in 
 .nni n .J' """''"•' "^PP"'- '^^'^ ^^''^^ SO^^ on 
 until all the copper has been separated from the 
 solution by the iron, the latter metal dissolving in the 
 liquid. Metallic iron therefore displaces copper from 
 solution without the assistance of a battery 
 Experiment 35.-Next dissolve a small quantity 
 of the poisonous 'corrosive sublimate,' or mercuric 
 chloride m hot water in a test tube, and plunge into 
 the liquid a clean strip of copper. The latter soon 
 becomes coated with a greyish deposit, and if we 
 remove the copper, wash it with water and rub it. a 
 bright silvery surface is obtained due to the separation 
 of the nietal mercury, or quicksilver, from the solu- 
 tion by the copper— the latter metal dissolving 
 Experiment 36.-Again, dissolve a few crystals of 
 silver nitrate in some water in a small phial, and pour 
 a few drops of pure liquid mercury, or quicksilver, into 
 i- - «.*can oieKi kuiic 
6S Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 the solution, and allow the latter to stand for a day 
 or so. At the end of that time beautiful needle-like 
 crystals of metallic silver will be seen in the liquid, 
 separated out from the solution by the mercury. 
 We thus learn that the metals are not equally 
 electro-positive, thus iron being more tlectro-positive 
 than copper displaced the latter from the solution •, 
 for a similar reason copper displaced mercury, and 
 mercury the silver. 
 Experiment 37. — The displacement of silver by 
 magnesium already effected in Experiment 14, is 
 another case in point, and the well- 
 known ' lead tree ' is a further illustra- 
 tion. In order to prepare the latter, 
 dissolve about twenty grams of * sugar 
 of lead,' or lead acetate, in half a liter 
 of water and place the solution in a 
 white glass flask. Seaire a piece of 
 dean zinc to a string and suspend the 
 metal in the solution as shown (fig. 25). 
 The metallic lead separates from the solution after 
 some hours in beautiful plates or leaves, while the 
 «inc slowly dissoWes. 
 From the results of experiments of the kind just 
 described, we can draw up the following table of four- 
 teen metallic elements arranged in electro chf»mical 
 order. Each metal is electro-positive to those above, 
 and electro-negative to those below it in the list. 
Chemical Formul<e. 
 Tin. • 
 nature of the liqu.d m which the experiments are 
 andlir?"''""™ '" '^^ ^y^l^o's of the elements, 
 and have to to what uses they are put in ex- 
 pressmg chemical changes. 
 of a^v'^n'^rt ■r'^u'' ^-^ '■"" "^""'^ "P ">= ''■°"nula,' 
 exnr^i T "'"'"'"'"' '=°"'P°'"'«I. and such an 
 expression mforms us of what kinds of matter the 
 body ,s composed, and in what proportions the several 
 constuuents are present. Thus 'the formula NaC 
 expresses the composition of rommon salt, H,0 tha 
 of water, and AgNO, that of silver nitrate 
 If we desire to find the formula by which the 
 composmon of common salt is to be expres ed, we 
 have to ascertain in the first instance o/'what e^! 
 mentary forms of matter it con.sists. With the aid of 
 Je methods of ,uaUt,Uive a^alysn we can pH 
 that .t consists of the two elements, sodium and 
 ^onn^ Our next step is to find the proportion of 
 e«h element pre^^t, and this is accomplished by 
 ; Si 
 fO Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 the methods of quantitative analysis^ and the results 
 are stated below in percentages. 
 100 parts of common salt afforded on analysis : — 
 Chlorine . • • , 60*62 
 Sodium ..... 39-38 
 1 0000 
 These are facts, quite apart from any hypothesis ; 
 but in order to fin' I the relative number of atoms of 
 each element present in the compound, we divide 
 the percentage of each constituent by its atomic 
 weight, thus— 
 :i7 and 
 Hence there is an equal number of atoms of each 
 element in the compound, aiitl the ratio of Na to CI 
 is I : I. The formula of the body ij, therefore — 
 iNa : iCl, or, more simply, NaCl, 
 for each symbol represents one atom of the element, 
 and the approximation of the symbols without any sign 
 between indicates that the definite compound, called 
 common salt, is the product of the chemical union of 
 the two elements sodium and chlorine. .The chemical 
 name ofihis compound is sodium chloride. 
 Again, 100 parts of water afforded on analysis — 
 Hydrogen . , . irir-f- ix=ii«iiora. 
 Oxygen . . . _88^ -4-16= 5-55 or i. 
 1 00 00 
 • The atomic weight of chlorine. 
 t The atomic weight of sodium. 
 Chemical Formulce. 
 formula - ^^ ' ^ ^^'^ '^ expressed by the 
 analysis- ^ °^ "'*'" ""^"e aflorded on 
 Silver , 
 ^3'5»- 08=: 588, or I. 
 f'^-^ 14= -5878 „ X. 
 28^25^ '6=17656 „ 3. 
 The quotients, •c88i and -eft^a 
 equal that we n,ayVa.rly set Ij h'e 'sliX d^"'"'" 
 luent ; it is therefore a miH«,. ,.r • i- ^ cxperi- 
 tennwe employ to divide rUlr'"''""^' ''•'''^'' 
 the quotient is a's ne^;' pLs'sS , h'""'' Tf 
 we have the same'^f ato„, 0^!",'' "h 
 expressed by the foSl '••"" "'°"'"= ^*"°-'' *«» 
 cal ro^i ^Tfb^ran^ r «'■"" °"'^ *"■'-'• 
 its percentage compo L:!." be^'^I^h '" >"' "'"l 
 this problem is exceedinX i^l i^;/"'"""" °' 
 m &,i steg k to find the mo/auMr weigJU <rf the 
||L 72 Tntroduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 body, i>. the sum of the atomic weights of its consti- 
 tuents—thus : — 
 Ag . . . . 
 N . . . . 
 Weight ot molecule 
 Three sums in simple proportion then obtain the 
 desired information. 
 = 14. 
 « 48. 
 = 170. 
 170 : IOC.-. 108 : 63 52 the percentage of Ag. 
 170 : IOC.-. 14 : &.23 „ „ N. 
 170 : 100/. 4S : 28-25 „ n O. 
 The symI)ol AgNO., is called an empirical formula, 
 because it ex|)resses only the atomic ratios of the con- 
 stituents, ;ind iJoes not convey any idea as to the way in 
 which the elements are grouped within the molecule. 
 Jf however wc write silver nitrate thus, 
 we seek to convey the idea that the atom of silver is 
 united by means of one oxygen atom to an oxygenated 
 group, NC)^, and this is termed a rational formula. 
 We shall presently meet with -mmy such expressions. 
 If we examine lists of cIh mnal formuije, we can 
 easily select a number oi ^ .mplet;, such as the 
 following : — 
 Fonnuloe. Names. 
 ^ j HCl • , • Hydrogen Chloride. 
 (HF , , Hydrogen Fluoride. 
 «. HjO • , Hydrogen Monoxide. 
 Atomiciths of Elements, 
 3. AuCI, 
 4. CCI4 
 5. PCI. 
 ^5 MnF. 
 Gold Trii hloride. 
 Ca bon Tctratl, ride. 
 I'hosphorus Pentachlo- 
 Manganese Hexafluoridp 
 All these compounds are binary ronpounds or .K«... 
 Con,amn,g only t«o ki, ,1, of nfatter Tn ,'.,rce dis 
 met elen.ents unite, they forma /-«„n.c!,", o 'd «,' 
 B.H er nura.e, AgNU It is to be no,e.l that "re ter 
 this o-Turs only m the names of bijry eompo.m". 
 Aga,n the syml.ol written ,0 the left han.l fn S 
 formula ,3 , at of the ..ost .l^tro-posiUr. J " w 
 and th.s ., also a general rule, Ihou.h there a rZ 
 excepttons ,0 it. Lastly, the „f a^om. , the 
 bX^er " '=°"^"r "' '" ""^ -'-"'euLiii 
 i!.l the consideration of these formula; leads u. 
 H and CI, as well as H and F, comhine atom (or atom 
 (anu as a matter of fact, in no other prop.-rtiS Ind 
 are therefore .said to be e,,ual in chen.i^al po," r B« a 
 s-ngle atom of oxygen can a.tntct and a'tach'o itself 
 t^oo, but not more than two, atoms of hydrogen Ist 
 water. Again, one atom of the metal^on U! 
 Cham as u were three, but not more than three atom 
 .ton. LT'"\" " «."" '"'^"'"'''^^■- «in.ilarly one 
 atom of ca bon can fix the maximum number of four 
 atoms of chlonne, as in carbon tetrachloride . .h. ..IT 
 pno^piiorus atom, five of chlorine, as in 'the "pento! 
 ■^ 1 M 
 ■ 50 ""== 
 tb u 
 II 2.5 
 1 2.2 
 ^^ 1653 East Main Street 
 r^^ Rochester, New York 14609 USA 
 ''^ (716) 482 -0300- Phone 
 SSS (716) 288- 5989 -Fax 
74 Introdjtction to Experimental ChemUry. 
 chloride ; and the manganese atom, six of the element 
 We thus learn that the atoms of the elements 
 differ widely in chemical power. The atom of man- 
 ganese resembles in this respect an open chain of six 
 hnks, each one of which can attract and hold strongly 
 one atom of the element fluorine ; phosphorus, a five 
 hnk Cham ; carbon, one of four links ; gold, one of 
 three ; oxygen, one of two ; while the hydrogen, 
 chlonne, and fluorine atoms are represented by single 
 Imks. ° 
 We can thus divide all the known elements into 
 those whose atoms are 
 I link, or Monad, like Hydrogen. 
 Diad „ Oxygen. 
 Triad „ Gold. 
 Tetrad „ Carbon. 
 Pentad „ Phosphorus. 
 Hexad „ Manganese. 
 This hydrogen or chlorine fixing power of an ele- 
 ment IS often spoken of as the ' atomicity,' ' quantiva- 
 lence,' or 'valence,' of its chemical atom, and is thus 
 mdicated m the symbols by the marks shown •— H' 
 0",Au^Ov,pv, Mnvi.i ' 
 But the atom of an element does not always act 
 with Its full chemical effect : thus nitrogen acts as a 
 pentad m sal ammoniac, NH.Cl, as a triad in am- 
 monia, NH3, and as a monad in nitrous oxide, N,0 
 or laughing gas. Returning to our simile of the'chain] 
 » The atomicity of each element is marked in the Table of 
 Atomic Weights. 
Atomicities of Elements. 75 
 we say that the five link nitrogen atom may also act 
 with but three hnks or one, the other links {i.e. centresof 
 attraction, ' bonds,' ' equivalents,' or 'atomicities ') be- 
 com,ng.atem or inactive in pairs, owing to mutual sa- 
 tisfaction. If we regard the atom of nitrogen as a chain 
 of five equivalents or links, we can easily illustrate 
 the suppression of links in pairs. 
 Let the following diagram represent the nitrogen 
 atom, acting as a pentad, by an open chain of five 
 l.nk« each one having but a single free point of 
 attachment, i.e., at a bend or angle ; the chain should 
 therefore consist of oval and triangular links. 
 Fig 26. 
 Ifwe close the chain by connecting the oval links, 
 Fig. 27. 
 three points of attachment are still free, and we have 
 a representation of the atom of nitrogen acting as an 
 apparent triad. s » ^n 
 The next diagram represents the monad condition 
 ot the nitrogen chain, in whiVh hn* rsr.^ k^^j • 
 free for attachment. 
 J i\ 
76 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 The. disappearance of the points of attachment in 
 Fig. 28. pairs is thus seen to be a mechanical ne- 
 cessity in the case of the hnks of the 
 A triad clement, such as gold, would 
 be represented as a chain of three links 
 —one triangular and two oval, and this 
 chain when closed would represent a seem- 
 ingly monad gold atom, thus— 
 Fig. 29. 
 I' '1' 
 We are acquainted with a number of compounds, in 
 which the gold atom acts as a monad elem/int. 
 An ekment which is never more than a monad, 
 such as hydrogen, is best represerced as a single 
 circular \v[i\., as if^has but a single centre of attrac- 
 In this way we can symbolise the elements of 
 uneven atomicity, or pcrissads. The atoms of elements 
 of even atomicity, or ajtiads, may be represented in a 
 similar way. Thus the manganese atom acting as a 
 hexad — 
 Fig. 30. 
Atomicities of Elements, 
 as a tetrad— 
 Fig. 31. 
 as a diad — 
 The element carbon is a good example of a tetrad 
 atom, and may be represented by a chain of two 
 tnangular and two oval Imks ; the closed chain corre- 
 sponds to the carbon atom acting as a diad 
 An element which is always diad can be best 
 representeu by a chain of two oval links, as in the 
 next figure, in this we represent the composition 
 of the molecule of water, which, as we have already 
 ZTr:. ''Tn """"^ ^'^"^ oio^yg^x, in union widi two 
 aioms of hydrogea * 
 Fig. 33. 
78 Introduction to Experimental Cltemistry. 
 The circular links are atoms of liydrogen while 
 the pa.r of oval links represent the .torn of oxygen" 
 Such representations of monad, diad triad i^. 
 elements may be easily made in a h;rr^me b^ 
 cuttmg some stout copper wire into equaT e gThs o'f 
 about lo centnneters, and bending each inf^ 
 or other of the forms of hnk JTIZ Z^ 
 can then be permanently coupled np into chai s so a' 
 to represent .uoms ; and the latter can be employed ' 
 m ,lh,stratmg chemical combinations in Zlt 
 already pointed out. ^ 
 In using these aids to study the hpamn«. 
 carefully ayoid regarding them as tpr^f " LT'ol 
 Sciairr"^^' "'' ■" ^^^'' - -'- ''^^ -e 
 The student will do well to attach the 'atomicity' 
 marks, as ,n the table, to all chemical symbol t 
 w.ll thus be<:ome soon familiar with the relcL and 
 combining values of the atoms. ^ ^ ^ 
 SrequSn-"""""'^ '' ''""'"' ^^''^-'"- 
 2H' + 0"*=H'20". 
 is intended to represent that two atoms of H and one 
 .hat every „„k of cha,„ is'.llv e^d. ' " """"■ 
 lhe//«jsign + signifies 'added to 'or ««,i,o« j 
 II 4- 
Chemical Equations, yg 
 of O, when brought together under the proper con- 
 l^'tions, unite and produce the compound water. 
 The number of atoms of each kind of matter on one 
 side of an equation must evidently be equal to that 
 on the other hence we say-//,. .,,,4./,,, o/lAepro^.a 
 or products of a gtven change, must be equal to the sum 
 of the weights of the bodies taking part in the reaction. 
 Again — 
 indicates that the compound water has suffered de- 
 composition, and that the products are cne atom of O 
 and two atoms of H. In other words, 18 c. grs of 
 water can afford on decomposition 2 c. 2xs of H 
 and i6c.grs. ofO. fc> • ^^^ xi, 
 These examples are sufficient for the present, but 
 many otners will be given as we proceed. It mu^t be 
 added, however, that the student should not look 
 upon every equation that complies with the above 
 me as bemg necessarily a correct one ; it must not 
 only equate, but represent the facts as accurately as 
 possible: therefore the quantitative experimental test 
 IS the only true one of the accuracy of an equation. 
 i ' 
 ' 1 
 f . 
«0 Introduction to Expr. imental Chemistry. 
 Ill m 
 Experiment 37 A-Take some common hydrochloric 
 or 'muriauCaad, dilute it with about twenty bes' 
 tnste and that a piece of blue litmus paper is red- 
 dened when dipped into the liquid. Then add a small 
 quantity of common • bread soda,' and note that brisk 
 effervescence takes place, much gas being evolved. 
 acid and Tf ^^■~'^t^ '°'"' '^"'' -f"''"' °' """c 
 ac.d, and dilute it to the same extent as the former 
 acid with water. Note that it also tastes swir 
 ^^T Tf' '"^^ ^^"'"^ effervescence when bread 
 soda is added to it. 
 Experiment 39.-Again, take some ' oil of vit iol • 
 or sulphunc acid, and dilute it with twenty times it's 
 bulk of water, adding the strong acid to the water 
 arjjp by drop, and stirring witli a glass rod. This 
 solution is also sour, reddens litmus, and sets up ef- 
 fervescence when bread soda is added to it 
 ...H T^ ^^"'^"ded our experiments to all known 
 ac ds which are soUible in, or can be easily mixIS 
 with, water, we should find them to possess in a 
 greater or less degree the characters detected in the 
 All!,''"" ''•?'^'' "''■''''' '=''"'*'"' " '""'y <=al'=d acetic acid 
 i t 
 \ I 
Adds, Alkalies, and Salts. gj 
 HCI . 
 . HydrocI'loric acid. 
 . Nitric acid. 
 . Suiphuric acid. 
 tasu ; that it does not redden blue litmus Daner hm 
 ../^^^the colour of the paper .Xr.^C^X 
 cause anv Iff' "'°" °^ " ^""'^'"^ ^^"^ ^^^s "Ot 
 Ss appl;""^"^^""' °^ ''•" '^ -^ ^- of 
 Experiment 41.-DissoIve in a similar way a small 
 t'st t r/ r"'" P"'^^"'' °^ potassium hydrLe,an1 
 test It in the same way. 
 calle?'thr,''!f !j"rfP'^"'"^"'^'''^«h are often 
 caJied the l.^ed alkalies,' or ' bases,' the latter term 
 being generally applied to bodies which posset 
 characters opposed to those of an acid. The foraute 
 of the two bases are the following- 
 NaOH . Sodium hydrate, or caustic soda. 
 *^UH . Potassium hydrate, or car tic potash. 
 canSlTlX';'''''""'' ^'"''^ ^'' '" ^h^^^«-^^ 'hey 
 can easily netiirahse one another 
 Experiment 4a.-Take a piece of caustic soda 
 .1 ' 
 j . ^jg Iv 
 ■ ■* 
 82 Intf-odnction to Experimcutnl Chemist}'}'. 
 about the size of a bean, dissolve it in about 30 c cs 
 of water. Pour the liquid into an evaporatin- basin' 
 f>^ fig. 34, and throw into the liquid a strip of blue 
 litmus paper. Now. add, drop by drop, colourless 
 hydrochloric acid, stirring the liquid in the basin after 
 each addition until the litmus parser begins to assume 
 a reddish colour. Tf we now taste the solution it has 
 a salt taste, the action of it on litmus paper is neither 
 acid nor alkaline, and the solution is said to be 
 ;/^///r.//; the acid character of the hydrochloric acid 
 iias been exactly counter-balanced by the alkaline 
 Fig. 34. property of the caustic soda, and a 
 salt is the product. If now we place 
 the basin on the ring of the retort 
 stand and apply heat, as shown in 
 fig- 34, the solution soon boils, and 
 the water is gradually converted into 
 steam or vapour, and is driven oflf, 
 or evaporated. When the liquid has 
 been thus reduced to a very small 
 bulk, little granular crystals separate. 
 Pour off the liquid and allow the 
 crystals to dry. They will then be 
 found to possess the familiar characters of common salt. 
 Therefore that body is produced when we neutralise 
 hydrochloric acid by caustic soda. The formula of 
 common salt is NaCl. 
 The following equation expresses the change :»— 
 ' If 'bread soda' instead of caustic soda be treated with 
 hydrochloric, or other soluble acid, a gas- carbon dioxide, or 
 Carbonic acid '— is evolved, as in Experiments 37, 38, and 39, 
AciJs, Alkalies, and Salts. 
 Na^03 + «'C1' = Na'Cr 
 Sodium hy. 
 drate, or 
 caustic soda. 
 chloride, or 
 a-, or H in HC, b^he'Z"?:::™' "^""^ 
 is con,n,on ni"e. ' "'"" '""^ '"^ "^"'''" »°'"tion 
 £53 + g-No, = K,V0, + n^ 
 hydrate, or 
 caustic potash. 
 nitrate, or 
 * nitre.* 
 the solution and hard crystal nf .1! , ^^^^"''^^ 
 sulphate, K,SO., separate"': in Ims Ta';!!'-'- 
 y^'OH) + H^^SO, = K.SO. + .„,o. 
 ^•""^ ^SSr- ^ ^ 
 requires for neutrahsation twice as 
 ^!!!3 *Ji2L ■ NaCl . H,0 . CO. 
 B-d^a. Hv.^ co;;;^„ ^^ ^-^^ 
 '**"• add gas" 
 t ! 
I 11 
 m- i 
 S4 Intyoduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 much (/>., two molecules) caustic potash as the 
 mo ecule of nitric acid did. The reason for this is 
 that the molecule of sulphuric acid contains two 
 atoms of H, and, as we have already seen, each atom 
 of H requires an atom of monad metal such as K to 
 replace it .-. two molecules of KOH were required 
 because the necessary number of atoms of K could 
 not be obiamed in any less quantity. 
 But, as we shall find later on,*it is possible to 
 displace only half the hydrogen by K in such an acid 
 as sulphuric and to form an acid salt, KHSO,, or acid 
 potassium sulphate-a body which still contains 
 hydrogen capable of replacement by a metal The 
 compound, K,SO„ is the neutral or 'normal' salt » 
 ^ Although It is not desirable to go much further in 
 this direction at present, we can evidently draw the 
 following conclusions from the foregoing experiments 
 aad statements. 
 1st. That acids do not necessarily contain oxygen 
 else the undoubted acid HCl could not belong to that 
 class of bodies. ^ 
 2nd. That the acids used contain H replaceable 
 by a metal, with the production of a salt This is 
 true of «// acids. 
 ^rd. That all acids do not contain the same number 
 of atoms of replaceable H within their molecules. 
 1 hose acids containing one atom of replaceable H, 
 ' A group of bodies termed * double salt. ' is known ; com- 
 Z^^lT IS a good example of such a salt, for in it we have 
 suTohate''%rr '^^''>f\^'^^^^^ sulphate and aluminium 
 K ^n A . Tc^^?'"""'^ °^ anhydrous alum may be thus writtea- 
Acids, Alkalies, and Salts. 
 or.bas,c hydrogen; as it is sometimes called are 
 . ™ed mouobosic acids, and those containing two 
 t^'acids^ir'-'^'""^^'''^- ^'*'- -d''-^- 
 "a, ac ds, likewise exist, containing respectivelv 
 three and four atoms of basic hydrogen. General ' 
 monobasic acids are the only members of the clas ' 
 which do not form acid salts. 
 It may be added that we can recognise in all salt, 
 an electro-positive constituent-the metal Vltl 
 tld S/r"!"" f ^'-"-%'ative constituent or 
 actd,a,/Hlc When the latter ,s an element such a, 
 ™o J?' " '^ " '"'"' """'■' ""' '^ -^ "" •« 
 KNO,, or SO, m K,SO,. it is called a cou^ln^ 
I Ji;! 
 86 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 HvDROGEN. Symbol H'— r T l^.t 
 «^«^/if^ _-.2. — ihis element, which wae 
 discovered by Cavendish in X766, has already bl^ 
 expenmented with, and we have found it to be " 
 colourless modorous, and extremely light gas which rL^vsnrirweZhr^ ^'- ^--•^ 
 een'SrIt''* ^ ''■'''^' terrestriarstorehouse of hydro- 
 fart'h « ^ ^ °'''" '" "'^ fr«« ^'^te upon the 
 volcanoes. It is a constituent of animal and veeetable 
 tissues, and of all true adds. vegetable 
 The hydrogen can be liberated from water as we 
 Which case the compound is resolved into its consti- 
 H20=2H + 0. 
 wate^'^whl"*"'* ^'•rH>''J^°gen is also separated from 
 .Te s ze o " 7eZ?"' " ^'''' °' "^^ ■"''-' ^odinm 
 dish Th/ K^ i°™^ '=°''^ '^^'^^ contained in a 
 a<! rt,,. „vi, 1 \r "-"""'1'"='™ witn a his 
 as the g,obule of metal rolls nn ,1, 
Further Experiments with Hydrogen, ^7 
 and if a flame be brought near to it, the hydrogen 
 gas evolved is ignited, and burns with a yellow 
 flame, until the sodium disappears. If we do not 
 Ignite the gas, the metal also disappears, dissolving in 
 Na + H,0 = 
 Caustic soda 
 or so ium 
 The caustic soda can be recognised in the water 
 by Its property of turning reddened litmus paper blue 
 bee Experiment 40. • 
 atom of H m the water molecule and a mtallu 
 hydrate .s formed, or sodium waler, i.e. water in which 
 the hydrogen rdle is played in part by the Na ' 
 «'0"H' • . . . Water ' 
 • • • • Sodium hydrate. 
 53.periment 46.~If we substitute a pellet of the 
 t^e nfp^Tr Z '^' '"^^""^ ^" '^' ^''' experiment, 
 hydraTe ""' "'^^ ^'^^"^^^ P°^^^^i"™ 
 = K'O'^H' 
 potash or 
 But in this case the temperature of the evolved 
 ' It is possible to displace the second atom of H in water 
 by another atom of Na. h„t «nt ,« «^ r . " " ^^^^' 
 ft« in »»,- - • ' ' '" *'**'°^"^'= w* m«cn iicc water 
 as m the experiment. 
 'A ! 
i i 
 Fio. 35. 
 88 Introdiktion to Experimental Chemistry. 
 hydrogen is raised by the heat of chemical action to 
 such a point that it takes fire in the air, and burns 
 Experiment 47.-As we have ah-eady seen, the 
 colour of the pure hydrogen flame is 
 a very faint blue, but the yellow 
 flame observed in Experiment 45 is 
 due to the presence of a little sodium 
 vapour, which communicates to the 
 flame the characteristic tint ob- 
 served.. Any compound of sodium, 
 such as common salt, NaCl, will 
 also communicate a strong yellow 
 tint to an otherwise colourless 
 spirit or gas flame, if we introduce 
 a little of the solid supported on 
 a loop of platinum wire, as in fig. 35. TWri^here 
 fore a flame tat for sodium. ^' 
 c^!Tnt^ r'^f '"" ""^ ''" compounds communi- 
 flame ^ ^ characteristic reddish violet colour to 
 •Experiment 48.-Hydrogen can also be displaced 
 from water by the action of red hot iron on steam 
 Take an old gun barrel, fig. 36, and fill it to with!n a 
 few centimeters of each end with bright iron turningsor 
 furn^f^ V "P^'S^ 'he tube through the little charcoal 
 !nT f i^ and connect one end b by means of a cork 
 and leaden tube ,/with the flask ., in which some 
 steam. Attach a cork a and gas delivery tube , of 
 lead or glass to the other end. and let^L ..„^ 
Further Experiments with Hydrogen. 89 
 the surface of the vater in the pneumatic trough/ 
 When the iron tube has been heated to full redness, 
 Fig. 36. 
 boil the water in c and pass in the steam. Gas will 
 issue from the delivery tube, but most of it is air at 
 fir^t, and may be allowed to escape; a few tubes 
 full are then collected, and may be tested as in Ex- 
 periment 19. The following equation represents the 
 3Fe + 4H2O 
 Iron. Water. 
 ^ — , — -- 
 oxide of 
 In this case a metallic hydrate is not formed, but 
 a metalhc oxide is produced. It has been found by 
 careful experiment, that three atoms of the iron' or 
 168 c. grs. (56 X 3), liberate eight atoms, i.e. 8 c. grs'. of 
 H by weight, and these data enable us to calnjlate ^K« 
 weight of H which can be evolved by any given 
 ;t i 
 n t . 
 90 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 OJ steam. Thus m the case supposed :— 
 168 : IO.-.8 : X ( X = -476 c. grs'._^«..). 
 acid bv^Tf ° .""" t° ^' '^'"'^^^""^ *''°'" ^"'Ph^ric 
 acid by the act.on of magnesium, as in Experiment 
 17, a J by iron or zinc, Experiment 19. Zinc is the 
 metal most commonly used 
 Experiment 49.-Fit „p ,he apparatus as in 
 Exper^ent 19. Having introduced .he zinc, and 
 filled the bottle one-third with water, replace the cork 
 and pour two or three cubic centinfeters of T^Td 
 Mual ;„ t !J°'"'"' °^ ^''' J"''g^<l '° b« about 
 equal to tw.ce the capacity of the bottle, to escaoe 
 and then collect in jars for experiment a^ before' 
 ^ + H',SO, = Zn"SO, + ^H 
 Zinc. "rr — ^7- — - 
 ^'oc sulphate. 
 In this case, the single atom of diad zinc displaces the 
 ubhT^h ^'"°"'' " *°'" *^ ^"'' -d form i 
 sulphate which remains in solution 
 Experment 50,-When all evolution of gas 
 Sf ehrboti"™"«^ '=°^'' '"•" f °"^ *^ <^-'«" 
 of the bottle on a filter, supported by a funnel as in 
 %._37,'any undissolved zinc, and particles of carbo!, 
 A.filterislhusmad<!. Cut a circular piece of whu. k.-k 1 
 paper about a decimeter in diameter doX hVs^o a,.' r "' 
 a semicircle, and do :ble again so as totla , °™ 
 conve.,.hisi„toa paper -n^ ^^^r.^SsX ''Xer Z 
 one side, and one fold or thickness on the other pK,!,- 
 ™o.„wards. in .he funnel, as shown, a^d lis^^:^; 
Fia 37. 
 Further Experiments with Hydrogen. 91 
 lead, and other impurities not dissolved by the di- 
 luted acid are left behind on the filter, while a clear 
 liquid passes through, and the latter 
 when evaporated (as in Experiment 
 42), until a pellicle or crust begins 
 to form on the surface of the solu- 
 tion, deposits fine needie-shaped 
 crystals of the salt, zinc sulphate— 
 a body having the composition 
 ZnS04,7HjO. The water included 
 in the formula is termed ' water of 
 crystallisation,' as its presence is 
 essential to the existence of the 
 crynals as such, but not to that of the compound zinc 
 sulphate, as almost every trace of the waCcan be 
 driven off m the form of steam when the crysmls are 
 carefully heated to a temperature of 26o» C 
 Experiment 51.-After repeating former exner! 
 ments take a gas jar standing over wato i^Z' 
 trough, half fill with hydrogen an'd the rema nd „i h 
 air. remove and quickly apply a flame, and an ex 
 o a,r:'r ?"''• '/ P"-"^ °^yS^" "^ "=ed instead 
 of atmospheric air, the tube should be two-thirds 
 filled with hydrogen and the rest with oxygen in 
 the latter case the explosion is more violent and i" 
 .s^well to wrap the jar in cloth before applying 'the 
 . Hydrogen gas, when inhaled into the lungs of 
 animals, causes death by excluding air 
 Hydrogen forms two compounds with oxvgen- 
 Zr::i".5 *^'^ --P-*- - have ILdy 
 — c...„„^^, «,,cl a uuay lermecl peroxide of hydrogen, 
92 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 or oxygenated water, H,0,, whose preparation and 
 properties will be referred to later on 
 Experiment 62.-The ease with which hydrogen 
 combines w,th oxygen renders it a useful 'reducing' or 
 ^W»w^.agent, especially when heated. Take a tube 
 about I centimeter in diameter, and 20 centimeters long! 
 Place midway m ,t, at a, fig. 38, a small quantity of 
 black of copper, C«0, and connect the tube as 
 shown wuh the hydrogen bottle b, taking care to 
 Fig. 38. 
 interpose the drying tube d filled with calcium chloride, 
 so as to remove moisture from the gas. Generate 
 hydrogen as usual and keep up a steady current 
 ^•igh the apparatus. When all air has been ex- 
 pelled, but not till then, apply heat to the tube so as 
 to raise the temperature of the copper oxide at a-, the 
 latter soon begins to glow and steam issues freely 
 from the end of the tube. The lamp may be re- 
 moved, and when the glowing ceases the tube is seen 
 to contam a red body, easily identified as metallic 
 copper. The change is expressed by the equation— 
Further Experiments with Hydrogen. 93 
 Qm"0" 4- 2H = 
 Cu + H2O. 
 This reaction was employed by MM. Dnmas and 
 Bouss,ngault m order to determine with extrem" pTe 
 cision the composition of water by weight Thev 
 heated to redness a carefully weighed fuantity of 
 pure copper oxi<le in a current of perfectlj pure and 
 dry hydrogen gas, and collected and weigl^d The 
 water produced.. I„ one of their experLentt le 
 cupric lost 59789 grams of oxygen, and he 
 tion of this weight of water is, therefore— 
 Hydrogen . . . ^ 
 ^"^8^" 59789 
 Calculate the peranta^^e composition of LL and 
 deduce the formula from these data by the method 
 given at page 70. ^ metnod 
 Experiment 53._Substitute for the copper oxide 
 in Experiment 52 some iron rust in fine powder The 
 red rust-consisting chiefly of a sesquiox'^de^ of iron!! 
 Aen becomes greyish black when heated to rXlI 
 m hydrogen, and water is produced. The Wack 
 weighed quantity of hydrogen e^ih/Jlh/r" '" ^""""^ » 
 being collected and weight ^ °' water produced 
 I to'.fT/"'"'"""' ""'' * ^^' f"' *e ratio of Fe to O i. 
 I to l|; but since an atom is inHivic'Ki^ ♦!. • "* ^'= ^o v^ is 
 for the oxide i. Fe.O " '^'"^^^> *« amplest expn^ssion 
 If I 
 I * i 
94 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 body left in the tube chiefly consists of metnllic iron 
 in a very fine state of division, in which condition the 
 meta eastly takes fire, if the warm powder be poured 
 out through the air.'- In this condition the metal is 
 said to \i& pyrophoric. 
 Fej03+6H=2Fe + 3H20. 
 Thus prepared from pure oxide, the metal ronsti- 
 tutes the Ferreduit, or Fenum rcdactum of the British 
 Hydrogen gas is absorbed by water in very small 
 proportions, loo cubic centimeters of the latter dis- 
 solve only 1-9,^ c. cs. But some soli.i metals absorb 
 hydrogen, noiably the metals platinum » and palladium. 
 The atter take up no less than 370 volumes of the 
 gas at ordinary temperatures. 
 M ^lt?7r^^" ''"' ''"'" '■'•^^""y condensed by 
 M P ctet of Geneva to a liquid, exhibiting steel-blue 
 metallic \^,r^, under the enormous pressure of 650 
 atmospheres, and at a temperature of 140° C. below 
 v^o: 1 ^t' u'f' *''"■'*''""'• *° ^ ^^Sarded as the 
 vapour of a highly volatile metal. 
 ' The same weight of iron in the form of wire would but 
 slowly rust or oxidise when exposed ,0 the air, the Ibove ex 
 penment therefore well illustrate., the effect of a fine s,I!e"; 
 division in determining rapid chemical changes 
 For a descripUon of the Dobereiner lamp see Platinum. 
 Tlt^r ^^"'^^^ ^'^'""^ ^'^"^ Experiment i8 that 
 ac d"^&:r' H '' '^'^^^^" ''' '^ -^1-d from 
 aciauiated water dunng the solution of 122 c grs 
 of pure metalhc magnesium; we, therefore know h^w 
 to get our unit weight of hydrogen. In he exnen 
 ment cited we allowed the gas to escape we 3,l"i 
 now collect the gas and measure it. 
 Experiment 54.-Obtain a tube about 40 c ms 
 long and 2 c. ms. internal ^ ^• 
 c'lameter, graduated into 130 
 cubic centimeter divisions, a, 
 % 39- Dilute 50 c. cs. of 
 oil of vitriol with about a liter 
 of water in a jug, and throw 
 into the liquid a few scraps of 
 metallic zinc. Hydrogen will 
 be developed and the liquid 
 will have nearly or quite satu- 
 rated itself with the gas in a 
 few minutes. Next pour some 
 of the diluted acid into a tall 
 -ffow „ i, a„u, naving filled the graduated tube 
 Fig. 39. 
111! • . 
 11 ,t 
 96 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 completely with the same liquid, invert it in the acid 
 in the bjaker and support it as shown. 
 Now weigh out 12-2 c. grs. of pure and clean 
 metallic n)agnesium— the weight of the metal that we 
 know will liberate i c. gr. of hydrogen—and place it 
 in the bottom of a narrow test tube, c, to the middle 
 of which a wire is attached to serve as a handle. The 
 tube is then filled with water and plunged under the 
 surface of the acid in b, and the upturned mouth of 
 tiie test tube rapidly brought under the mouth of the 
 graduated tube, and even passed up into the latter. 
 •Very soon the acid liquid displaces the water in the 
 test tube and th6 metal is attacked ; the hydrogen gas 
 evolved passes into the inverted tube and there collects. 
 When the last trace of magnesium disappears the 
 action is at an end, and we have confined in the 
 tube the volume of pure hydrogen gas that weighs i 
 centigram. Now depress the tube in the acidulated 
 water until the liquid within and without the tube 
 stands at the same level, and read off the volume of 
 the enclosed gas. Immediately afterwards read the 
 tewpmitiire as indicated by a thermometer in the 
 neighbourhood of the apparatus, and the pressure as 
 indicated by a barometer. 
 A more precise experiment can be made with the 
 apparatus, fig. 40. The stand a supports a tall glass 
 cylinder, r. Through the large india-rubber cork 
 which closes the lower opening of the cylinder the 
 U tube c is passed, great care being taken to avoid 
 breaking the small t connector c. The outer limb 
 of the U tube is provided with a glass tap t. The 
 limb within the tall glass cylinder is sufficientlv wide 
t^o/ume of I c. gr. of Hydrogen. 
 to contain 150 cubic 
 centimeters in the ex- 
 panded portion, which, 
 in our apjmratus, 
 measures sixty centi- 
 meters in lent^th. The 
 graduation cannot be 
 conveniently carried 
 beyond fiftlis of a cubic 
 centimeter. At the 
 point shown an india- 
 rubber tube ,g is at- 
 tached, whicli can be 
 closed at will either 
 by a good clip or by 
 a stopper of glass rod. 
 The glass side tube c 
 serves to connect the 
 measuring apparatus, 
 filled to o with water, 
 with the generating 
 vessel D, which is a 
 long and wide glass 
 tube placed within the 
 cylinder. The glass t 
 tube E is connected 
 by means of rubber 
 tubing with r, while one 
 limb passes through the 
 india-rubber cork of d, 
 and the other is con- 
 nected by another 
98 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 piece of rul)bcr tubing with a fine tube of the long 
 pipette F (of about 20 c.cs. capacity), which {)rojects 
 through the cork. .This connection must be suffi- 
 ciently long to admit of the clip being applied as 
 rhe large glnss cylinder b is filled with water, in 
 ordei a maintain a steady tcmpeniuire, the value of 
 which can be known by means of a thermometer 
 immersed in the water. 
 A determiiiation is made with this apparatus in 
 lie following way: — H.vjng disconnected the T tube E 
 from c and removed the clip, the tube d is taken 
 out of the water of the cylinder, the cork carrying the 
 pipette, &c., withdrawn, and then 12*2 c. grs. of 
 magnesium introduced into the tube d. Before re- 
 placing the cork the pipette f is filled with diluted 
 sulphuric acid by suction at e, while the small 
 glass tube opening on the under side of the cork is 
 closed by a finger: the clip is then applied. The 
 exterior of the pipette is now washed with a little 
 water, and the cork, with the apparatus attached, is 
 then replaced in position; the tube d again immersed 
 in the water of the large cylinder, and the joint 
 between e and c securely made. Before making the 
 connection the water in the graduated tube should 
 stand at the zero of the scale, but after securing the 
 joint the pressure within the apparatus is usually 
 greater than that without. As the air in the tube D 
 cools down to the temperature of the surrounding 
 water, contraction takes place; but should the water 
 not return to the zero, equilibrium is at once restored 
 hv nnpninor the finp ir: '!a-r!ihh*»r fnK* 
 • t (^K^^TA VVtl,^^ 
 ^' I a few S 
Volume of I c. gr. of Hydrogen. 99 
 seconds, and then closing in such a manner as to 
 prcyciu any imssible escapf of gas. 
 The acid is brouglu in contact with the mai^ntsinm 
 by removmg the chp fron. the india-rubl,;, ,2 
 connected wuh the p.pette; the r .. nt then fa 
 upon the metal at the bottom of the tuOe D. Hydro 
 gen >s volved and .1 .places water from ., the Ikp °d 
 the U tube by a!lo«i„g the water displaced to run off 
 by means of the tap t. When the evolution of gaf 
 tt ?r • '. r'"" '"'^' '^ "^^"■^''^'1 by .neans of 
 r!!-t '' T^ '^\ '°'"'"^ °f S^^ P™fl"<^"l "> the 
 reacfon then read off on the graduated tube ; the 
 tet.perature of the water in the cylinder . i, ,1 en 
 thTti'r '/' '"'!,'' **^ '"-"'S'^' °f "^^' baron,cterat 
 A student obtained, as the result of an exi eriment 
 madetn this way, xai cubic cemimeters of "c bu 
 moist hydrogen, measured at 16° C. and 7s= milli 
 meters pressure, during the solution of 12-2 c l s ■ of 
 magnesium in acidulated water. • fc • "i 
 So far for our experiment : we now have to find 
 he volume this gas would occupy if dry and measured 
 at o C. and 760 millimeters-the ' standard temp, ra- 
 corrected, for reasons that will presently appear 
 The corrections are three in number-namely: fo, 
 temwn of aqueous vapour, iox pnssure, and iox tem. 
 r . ^, .xxi^^uiiiy m rne saiupie of metal. 
 H 2 
 S t 
 * I 
! ,J 
 100 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 perature, and we shall deal with each in some detail 
 in order to illustrate the method of solving such 
 I. Correction for tension of aqueous vapour.^ — We 
 find from the annexed table of tensions for different 
 temperatures that at i6° C. the pressure exerted by 
 vapour of water =13-5 mm., that is to say, the 
 pressure exerted by the aqueous vapour within the 
 tube tended to balance the atmospheric pressure to 
 the exter.t of a column of mercury of 13*5 millimeters 
 in height ; therefore the actual pressure under which 
 we measured the confined gas was 
 755 — 1 3 "5 =74 1 "5 millimeters of mercury. 
 Tensions of Aqueous Vapour. 
 M i 
 Tensions in 
 ot mercury 
 4'6o 19 
 6*53 20 
 9-16 30 
 979 40 
 10-45 50 
 iit6 60 
 II "90 70 
 1 2 '69 80 
 13*53 90 
 I4'42 100 
 2. Correction for pressure. — We learned from Ex- 
 periment 28 that when a confined mass of gas was 
 ' The student must refer to a work on Physics for full 
 details of corrections of ffasos^ 
 Tensions in 
 of mercury 
Correction of Gases, loi 
 compressed, its volume or bulk diminished with in* 
 crease of pressure, and conversely, increased in volume 
 as the pressure diminished Thus, if the pressure on 
 a given mass of gas be doubled, the volume is reduced 
 to one-half, and if trebled, to one-third, and so on. 
 When the original pressure is restored the gas returns 
 to its original volume. If now we reduce the pressure 
 to^ one-half, the volume of gas is doubled-, if to one- 
 third, the volume is trebled, and so on. These facts' 
 find expression in the law of Boyle or Mariotte : 
 * The volume 7c>hich a gas occupies is inversely propor>. 
 tional to the pressure to which it is subjected: Now 
 741-5 mm. being a lower pressure than the standard 
 760 mm., our gas would occupy a less volume at the 
 greater pressure ; how much less we find thus— 
 760 : 741-5 /. 121 : X (>,; =118-5 CCS.). 
 3. Correction for temperature.— Eyi^&x\m^\\\. 28 also 
 showed us that gases expand equally when heated, 
 and contract when cooled. If we begin with a given 
 volume of gas at the temperature of melting ice, i.e. 
 0° C, and measure the gas as we raise its tem- 
 perature at a definite rate, we find that for each rise 
 m temperature by 1° C. the gas expands ^|,rd of its 
 volume at 0° C. That is to say, 273 c.cs. at o°-C. expand 
 to 274 c.cs. if the temperature be raised to 1° C. ; or 
 to 280 c.cs. if heated to ')° C. ror to 289 ccs. if heated 
 to 16° C. ; the pressure throughout being constant. • 
 Similarly, 289 c. cs., cooled too° C. contract to 273 c. 
 cs. Hence we can easily find the volume that 
 118-54 ccs of gas at 16° C. would occupy if cooled 
 289 : 273 ••. 1185 : X (K=iti-9c.cs.). 
 I' f 
 i'"- * 
 102 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 The final result is that i centigram of pure dry hy- 
 drogen, when measured at o° C. and 760 mm. pressure, 
 occupies as nearly as possible 112 ccs. As we have 
 already adopted the centigram as our unit of 
 weight, we may conveniently take the bulk of i 
 of hydrogen, measured under standard conditions, as 
 our unit of volume, and call it briefly a vol. Thus 
 when we speak of i vol of any gas, we mean 112 ccs. 
 of it measured at 0° C. and 760 mm.' 
 The zW as thus defined is a small and convenient 
 quantity of a gas, which is well within the capacity of 
 the ordinary measuring vessels used in laboratories ; 
 moreover it possesses the great advantage over the 
 liter as a unit of gaseous volumes, that its weight in 
 hydrogen is identical with the atomic weight of that 
 body in centigrams; consequently a vol of any 
 other elementary gas weighs the number of centi- 
 grams indicated by the atomic weight of the element. 
 Thus — 
 Name of gas 
 Oxygen . 
 Weight in centigrams 
 of I 7W(at o°C. and 760 
 mm.) or 112 c. cs. 
 1.0 c. gr. 
 16.0 „ 
 14 o 
 A number of^/^/ tubes may be prepared by cuttin- a good 
 cylmdncal glass tube 4.2 centimeters diameter into lengths of 
 7.8 centimeters, one end of each tube is then close 1 by a glass 
 plate which is cemented on. Each tube or jar should hold 112 c 
 cs of water We have a number of these jars prepared and 
 hlled with different coloured wool, in order to illustrate the 
 volume reiauons of elementary and compound gases. 
Chemical Calculations. 103 
 Hence in order to find the weight of a given bulk 
 of gas, for instance, of 900 cos. of hydrogen at stan- 
 dard temperature and pressure, it is merely necessary 
 to proceed as under :-^ ^ 
 112:900/.! : X(X=8o3c.grs.}. 
 But if the gas were oxygen— 
 ii2:9oo.M6: K(K = 128-57 c.grs.) ^. 
 n X at. wt. 
 Generally — 
 K = 
 Smce the w/ of hydrogen represents the semi- 
 molecule of that element, the molecular weight being 
 renrZn, T ^'''''''' '"'" '^''^ ^'^^ 5^)' ">^ ^'"^"'^o 
 represents the sem.-molecule of any compound gas- 
 water gas for example-consequently the weight of 
 one po/ of a compound gas is half the molecular 
 weight m centigrams. Thus— 
 Name of gas 
 Molecular Molecular 
 I roimula i weight 
 "Water gas 
 gas . 
 Ammonia , 
 Marsh gas 
 Carbon dioxide 
 Carbon monoxide 
 Weight in centi- 
 grams of one 7JoI 
 (at o"C. and 760) or 
 112 C. CS- 
 c. gr. 
 The numbers in the fourth column are identical 
 kMI Tl''".. S^^^''!- °/ the gases referred To 
 S ffll 
 104 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 in centigrams of a given hulk of a compound gas—^ox 
 instance, of 1200 c. cs. (=i'2 liters) of ammonia gas 
 at standard temperature and pressure— we say 
 112 : I200.-.8-5 : K iX=9i c. grs.). 
 If the gas were hydrochloric acid gas— 
 112 : I200.M8-25 : x (X = i95-5 c. grs.). 
 Generally — 
 «_x sp. gr. 
 when n = the number given in cubic centimeters of 
 dry gas at 0° C. and 760 mm. 
 Instead of the' z/^/, we may use the liter as our unit 
 of volume. The weight of a liter of pure dry hydrogen 
 at o°C. and 760 mm. is -08936 (this weight is called by 
 Dr. Hofmann a crith), A liter of oxygen weighs 16 
 criths, of chlorine 35-5 criths, of nitrogen 14 criths, &c. 
 A liter of water-gas weighs 9 criths, of ammonia 8-5 
 criths, of hydrochloric acid gas 18*25 criths, &c. 
 We have already learned from Experiment 29 that 
 the specific gravity of the compound water gas is half 
 its molecular, weight; and the above table tells us the 
 same thing for other compound gases. If then we have 
 presented to us a gas of unknown composition, we can 
 determine its molecular weighthy first taking its specific 
 gravity, as in Experiment 27, and that vakn, when 
 doubled, should give the molecular weight of the com- 
 pound. Thus, ammonia gas has the specific gravity 
 Z'^, its molecular weight is therefore 8-5x2= 17. 
 ^ Hydrochloric acid gas has the specific gravity 
 i8-2^ ; the molecular weight of the compound is 
 therefore 18-25x2= 36-5. 
Absolute Temperature. 
 Fig. 4t. 
 There are a few exceptions to this important rule, 
 Which u'lU be noticed in the proper place 
 ^ ExperimentSS.-TnkeaUtubeoftheformshown 
 m lig. 41, with Innbs 60 centimeters long. Let one 
 Jimb be hermetically sealed at 
 the top and the other open. 
 A stopcock is provided near 
 to the bend of the open linib- 
 Now fill both limbs completely 
 with mercury so as to expel 
 all air, then insert the cork u 
 through which passes the end 
 of a small tube open at both 
 ends, and filled with fragments 
 of calcium chloride. Now open 
 the stopcock s, and allow about ' 
 half the mercury to flow out, 
 while //ryair enters through the 
 drying tube c. Next transfer 
 this dry air to the closed lirub 
 by inclining the tube suffi- 
 ciently. Then bring the mer- 
 cury in both limbs to the same 
 level by drawing off some 
 through the stopcock. Should 
 the volume of air in the closed 
 limb be less than half the tube 
 full, after levelling, transfer 
 sufficient to make up the de- 
 sired volume, and level again, but this time by remov- 
 ingf the cork and nnnrinrr ;«f^ 4.1 !• , ^ . 
 ---— r --o "^«-^ i"c open iimo suJiicient 
 mercury. T he cork and tube c need not be replaced 
 i>, ' . 
 « • I 
 106 Introduction to Experime?ital Chemistry, 
 We have now a confined xnass of dry air in the 
 closed limb. Place over this tube a glass jacket/, 
 which IS stopped below by (he cork /, through which 
 the closed limb passes, and the small side tube m. 
 Fill up the space between the exterior of the U 
 tube and the jacket with pounded ice. This will soon 
 cool down the air in the tube, and the gas will con- 
 tract m volume. When no further contraction takes 
 place, again adjust the level of the mercury in the 
 two hmbs, and mark off as accurately as possible in 
 the outer tube the position of the mercury in the 
 closed hmb. This iparks on the tube the volume 
 occupied by the dry air at the temperature Ox melting 
 •• ^, i.e. at 0° C. 
 Now pour tepid water into the jacket/ ; this will 
 melt the remaining ice,' and the water will flow off 
 through the side tube m, which is opened or closed at 
 pleasure by the pinchcock or clip/, that compresses a 
 piece of india-rubber tubing attached to m. When the 
 ice has melted, and the water been drawn off, remove 
 the pmchcock/, and connect the tube h, by means of 
 vulcanised tubing, with a flask from which a good cur- 
 rent of steam can be obtained by rapidly boiling 
 water contained in it ; the steam rushes through the 
 jacket and the excess may be allowed to pass off into 
 the air through the tube in. As the air n the clos'id 
 hmb becomes heated it expands until it has acquired 
 the temperature of the steam. When it ceases to ex- 
 pand, adjust the level of the mercury as before, and 
 mark on the tube the volume occupied by the dry air 
 9X the particular temperature. 
 Now divide iha interval between the two points 
Laiv of Charles. xty 
 marked into loo equal parts, by transferring the 
 length to cardboard, and plotting ofif the intervals 
 With the scale thus obtained, measure the distance 
 from the position occupied by the mercury when the 
 gas was cooled to the temperature of melting ice, to 
 the sealed top of the tube, and it will be found that 
 the end of the tube is reached, as nearly as possible at 
 273 DIVISIONS of the scale. This point is termed the 
 absolute zero, for it is evident that the contraction of 
 the gas could not go beyond this point, even {{ it con- 
 tracted with regularity nearly to its limit. U then we 
 represent the top of the tube as absolute zero, or 
 00°, the enclosed air at the temperature of melting 
 ice will occupy the position 273°, and that of free 
 steam the position of 373°, on such a scale of absolute 
 temperature ; hence the ' law ' enunciated bv Charles 
 that the volume of a given mass of gas, under constant 
 pressure, ts directly as its absolute temperature, i.e., 
 as Its temperature measured from absolute zero. This 
 IS 273+/, t being the number of degrees above the 
 freezmg-pomt on the scale of the centigrade ther- 
 f f 
X08 httroduction to Experimental Chemistry 
 I t 
 OxYGEN-«5>w^^/, 0"=i6. I F^/ wei^r/is i6 e. grs. 
 Molecular wei^ht=^2,—\N(t have already proved 
 conclusively that oxygen is not only a constituent of 
 water, and that it forms |ths of that body by vei-ht, but 
 also that it is present in atmospheric air. Later on, we 
 shall find that it is met with in most of the chemical 
 compounds of which the solid crust of our globe is 
 composed, but in the air alone do we find the element 
 m a free state (/. e. not in chemical combination), 
 though mixed with four times its volume of another 
 gas called nitrogen. We do not possess a convenient 
 process for the direct separation of oxygen from air, 
 hence we always prepare it from one or other of its 
 compounds. Oxygen can be '• prepared from water 
 by electrolysis, as already described, Experiment 22, 
 H,0=2H + 0, 
 or more conveniently by heating certain bodies which 
 easily yield oxygen— ior example— mercuric oxide, 
 or the salt called potassium chlorate. 
 Experiment 56.— take a tube of hard glass, /, 
 fig.^ 42, closed at one end, and fitted with a cork and 
 delivery tube as shown. Place in the tube about 200 
Fig. 42. 
 Experiments zvith Oxygen, 109 
 c. grs. of red oxide of mercury, the * red precipitate ' 
 of ihe druggists. Heat gently at first, and then 
 increase the temperature. Gas will soon escape from 
 the delivery tube and 
 bubble through the 
 water in the pneu- 
 matic trough. After 
 expulsion of the air, 
 the gas collected is 
 found to have the 
 property of rekindling 
 a match with a gib wing 
 tip, and is oxygen ; at 
 observed that bright 
 metallic globules con- 
 dense on the sides of the tube /, and, if the heat be 
 contmued long enough, the pure mercuric oxide is 
 wholly resolved into oxygen gas, and globules of the 
 liquid metal mercury or quicksilver. Thus :— 
 Hg" O" = 
 ^-^ , 
 Mercuric oxide. 
 This process is not an advantageous one for the 
 preparation of oxygen in quantity, but it possesses 
 special interest, since it is the method by which the 
 element was first prepared by its discoverer, Dr. 
 Priesttey, in'1774. 
 Oxygen can also be obtained by heating manga- 
 . o.e ^xw ^. i;.a. ui ngu anord i6 c. grs. of O, the 
 weight of one vol at o°C. and 760 mm. 
 , .;: \.:. 
 1 1 o Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 nese dioxide, in which case the following decom- 
 position takes place— 
 3MnO,=:Mn3 04-f2 0. 
 Barium dioxide and other similar bodies also afford 
 the gas, and the processes will be described under 
 the respective compounds; but the most convenient 
 method is the following : — 
 Experiment 57.— Fit a flask— a clean Florence 
 oil flask answers well— with a cork and delivery tube 
 Fig. 43. 
 as shown in fig. 43. Break up some crystals of the 
 salt potassium chlorate (KC102)in a mo.tar, then mix 
 with about one-third of its weight of black oxde of 
 mang:anese (manganese dioxide), and pour the mix- 
 ture into the flask, but resen'e a small portion and 
 heat the latter strongly in a test tube before applying 
 heat to the contents of the flask. If no violent action 
 takes place when the small quantity is heated, the 
 manganese used may be considered free from any 
 dangerous impurity, such as charcoal, soot, or lamp 
 th which it is sometimes accidentallv mixed 
 ui.13.-^ n., TV 1 
Preparation of Oxygen, 
 or even adulterated ; ' then heat the flask. After 
 expulsion of the air, the gas can be collected \\ several 
 jars or in w'"de.mouthcd bottles over the 
 water )n the pneumatic trough, as ico ^ 
 CCS. of water dissolve but 2*989 ccs. of \ 
 gas at 15° C. If it be desired to store 
 a (]uantity of the gas for a number of 
 experiments, the gas-holder shown in 
 section, fig. 44, is to be emi)loyed. 
 The heat resolves the potassium 
 chlorate into oxygen gas and potas- 
 sium chloride, which latter remains in the flask at 
 the end of the operation along with the black oxide 
 of manganese ; for the latter body is not known to 
 undergo any chemical change during the operation, 
 though its presence undoubtedly enables the oxygen 
 to separate at a lower temperature than it other- 
 wise would. The following equation represents the 
 ultimate change : — 
 K'C1'0"3 = K'Cl' + 3O 
 The potassium chloride left is easily soluble in water, 
 whereas the black oxide of manganese is insoluble ; 
 we can take advantage of these facts in order to sepa- 
 rate the two bodies. Add some warm water to the 
 contents of the flask, allow the mixture to stand for 
 half an hour or so, and thf n throw the dirty black 
 mixture on a paper filter. The clear liquid passes 
 ' Several fatal accidents have resulted from such admix- 
112 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 through and is collected in a l)eaker, while the solid 
 pnrticles of the insoluble manganese dioxide are 
 retained by the filter and thus separated. When aH 
 the liquid has passed through the filter, place the dish 
 on a ring of a retort stand, and evaporate (as in 
 Expeninent 50) until all the water is removed, and a 
 i!ridf '""^ ^"""^^ ''"''''"'• '^^''' '' '^^ potassium 
 With the aid of the equation just given we can 
 easily calculate the weight and the volume of pure 
 oxygen gas, at 0° C. and 760 mm. that a given weight 
 say 100 cgrs., of the pure potassium chlorate can aficrd 
 T J°"?^^^^^ '^^''^^P^^'tio"- '^he molecular weight 
 of K UO3 is 122-6, and this is found by the general 
 method of adding together the weights of the con- 
 stuuent atoms, /.. K=39T, 0=35-5, 3 0=48 
 ^10 X 3}. bince all the oxygen is evolved when the 
 salt is strongly heated for a suflicient time, it follows 
 that 122-6 cgrs. of K CI O3 can afford 48 cgrs. of O. 
 Hence the weight of gas 100 cgrs. can yield is— 
 122-6 : ICO.-. 48 . K ( K =39-15 cgrs. Arts.). 
 We have now to find the volume:- 16 cgrs. of oxygen 
 at 0° C. and 760 mm. measure 1 z'^/( = ii2 c cs ) • 
 now ' 'I > 
 16 : 39-I5.MI2 : K (X=274 ccs. Am.). 
 The general answer therefore is- 100 cgrs. of pure 
 potassium chlorate afford 39-15 cgrs. of oxygen gas, 
 which occupies the volume of 274 ccs. at 0° C and 
 760 mm. The same method is employed in all similar 
 calculations, as for instance in the calculation of the 
Experitiieiits toit/i Oxygen. 
 volume of oxygen that can be collc< ,cd on heatins a 
 given weight of red oxide of mere ury ' 
 VVe already kno^v that oxygen gas is colourless, in- 
 o< orous. and a powerful supporter of .omhustion. 
 th^l '' '•■"■' °' °"' -^fsas already collected n,ake 
 tne lollowino experiments -^ 
 Experiment 58 -Take a small Unnp of charcoal 
 and tw,st a piece of copper wire round it. Hold the 
 char, oal m the spirit or gas flame tmtil it is kindled, 
 and then plunge it into a jar of oxygen. The char 
 co^ burns energetically in the pu'fe gas, enii fng 
 much hght and heat. In this and si.„ilar experf 
 men s it is well to provide a cover for the jar of 
 cardboard, through a hole in which the wire passes. 
 VVhen the combustion is at an end remove the char- 
 coal ami pour into the jar some clear lime water- 
 no e that the latter becomes milky when the mouth 
 shaken. The reason is that the product of the com- 
 bustion of charcoal (carbon) in oxygen is a gas called 
 carbon dioxide, this forms insoluble a,/i, or calcium 
 carbonate, when it meets with lime water (solution of 
 caelum hydrate); the latter is, therefore, a Ust for the 
 gas. 1 hese reactions are thus represented— 
 C + 2O = CO2 
 " ^ ' ^ , — ' 
 Carbon. _ ^ Carbon 
 weight of a body required to afford a given volume of gas. 
 ... , " '""" "^.^^^^ ^« '^^^<^^ in a jar of pureoxv^en it do.« 
 iiut Dccome lurbid. " '" 
 t li 
 1 14 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 CO2+ Ca"(0Hy2 = Ca^'COa + HgO. 
 Fig. 45. 
 The chalk is the calcium salt of an acid HXO3 
 formed by the action of water on the gas CO.,. 
 Experiment 59. — Place a small quantity of 
 sulphur in the iron spoo'.i, fig. 45, and 
 kindle it, when feebly burning plunge 
 it into a jar of oxygen. The sulphur 
 burns with a beautiful blue flame, 
 and )\ gas — sulphur dioxide— havi. g 
 "N-' A a suffocating oclour, is the product. 
 Remove the spoon, pour some water 
 into the jar, close the mouth with 
 the hand and shake. Now test the 
 water in the jar with some blue litmus 
 paper. It ill be found to redden the 
 paper, and to have a sour taste. In 
 the first instance — 
 S +20= SO2. 
 The sulphur dioxide gas when dissolved in water 
 pioduees sulphurous acid, thus — 
 SO2 +H20=^ H.SO.,. 
 Experiment 60.— Clean the spoon used in the 
 last exnerilYient nnd nlnrp in if n vprt/ email Ar^r .^."^ 
Experiments with Oxygen. 1 1 5 
 of phosphorus.' Kindle and plunge into a jar of 
 oxygen. It burns with great brilliancy and produces 
 white fumes in abundance; these deposit a. a white 
 l)owcler on the sides of the jar, if the latter be nearly 
 dry. Remove the spoon and pour some cold water 
 into the jar and shake as before. The white sub- 
 stance disappears, dissolving in the water; this solution 
 also is found to contain an acid. The first change is' 
 thus expressed — 
 2P- ,+ 50"= 
 P2O5 +H20= 2(HP03). 
 phoric acid 
 In each of these experiments, then, an oxide was 
 the product of combustion in oxygen, and the oxide 
 produced an acid when added to water. The name 
 of the element^ signifying 'acid producer' was given 
 m allusion to this property, but it is now known to be 
 only one amongst several elements which can give 
 rise to compounds exhibiting acid characters. 
 Experiment 61.— Take a piece of thin iron wire 
 and coil it into a spiral, twist one end of the spiral 
 round a small sfjJinter of wood coated with sulphur. 
 Now set fire to the latter and plunge the coil into a 
 ^ ' Take care to cut this under water, as phosphorus is easily 
 Ignited by friction, and it burns with great violence 
Fig. 46. 
 316 Introdtiction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 large jar of oxygen, as shown in fig. 46. The sulphur 
 and the match burn and soon raise the temperature 
 of the iron to such a point that it 
 undergoes strong combustion, molten 
 drops falling from the point of wire 
 into the water covering the bottom 
 of the jar. When the combustion is 
 ended, the jar is removed and the 
 solidified drops examined. They con- 
 sist of an oxide of iron, but they do 
 no^ produce an acid with water under 
 any conditions, nor do they exhibit any 
 alkaline or basic characters. 
 3Fe + 40=Fe304. 
 Again, when hydrogen burns in air or in oxygen, 
 it produces 7vater, which we already know to be a 
 liquid that does not present the ordinary characters of 
 an acid or of a base. 
 We thus learn that all oxides do not produce acids, 
 though some do; further that some oxides do not 
 produce either acids or bases, and may be classed as 
 indifferent oxides. 
 Experiment 62. — Place a small piece of the metal 
 sodium in the little spoon, shown in fig. 45, heat the 
 metal until it fuses and begins to burn, plunge then 
 into a jar of oxygen. The sodium produces a white 
 or nearly white body (NajO) which dissolves in water 
 with a hissing noise and produces a liquid which ia 
 strongly alkaline to test paper. Thus — 
 2Na' +0"= Na'oO". • 
Then — 
 Experiments with Oxygen. ny 
 Na^O +H20= 2(NaOH). 
 Sodium hy 
 drate, or 
 caustic soda. 
 A similar experiment can be made with the metal 
 Experiment 63.~Finally, burn a piece of mag- 
 nesium wire or ribbon in air or oxygen, and throw 
 the white sohd produced (magnesium oxide, or 
 magnesia, ) into a small quantity of water. » Although 
 he body does not seem to dissolve in the water the 
 latter acquires an alkaline reaction if allowed to stand 
 for some time, and a piece of reddened litmus paper 
 left m the liquid becomes blue. 
 :'0" +H20=Mg''(0H)V 
 oxid'e-^'cao'''„l,'""'' "^ '""""°" * l'"^'''™^.' or calcium 
 oxide CaO-used in morlar, when added to water falls to 
 powder and dissolves to a small extent, uflording an a'ka ine ol ^ 
 ovTr :L: t: X"\ '' .""^ ' '""''' "-"'"^ °f watt be poutd 
 over the lime, it is absorbed and the mass crumbles to a ^wder 
 zrVh :tri^.^'!-:.s^'"")c™-H hea.r:tg 
 Part III.) ""'"" " '"'' """^ """ ''^^^'- i^ee *""her 
1 1 8 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 RwhIBSb i 
 Our results may be thus tabulated — 
 Acid producing Oxides — 
 Carbon dioxide 
 Sulphur dioxide 
 Phosphorus pentoxide 
 Indifferent Oxides — 
 Iron oxide . • , . 
 Basic Oxides — 
 Sodium oxide .... 
 Potassium oxide 
 Magnesium oxide 
 The members of the first class are termed acid 
 anhydrides, and those of the third class, basic anhy- 
 drides, because the corresponding acids and bases can 
 yield these oxides when the elements of water are 
 abstracted from them. 
 Experiment 64.— Fill a stout gas jar with water,i 
 and invert in the^pneumatic trough in the usual way, 
 introduce oxygen until one-third of the water has 
 been displaced, and then hydrogen until the jar is 
 filled with gas. Slip a glass plate under the mouth of 
 the jar, remove the latter from the trough and apply 
 a flame. A violent explosion takes place, as in the 
 .similar Experiment 23, and water is produced, as we 
 nave already proved by Experiments 24 and 25, 
 when we exploded the mixture of "gases under such 
 conditions that the resulting water could be observed. 
 lA/P cV»oll -n/Mir «-Mol:r£> fU^-v ^,.^^^.._ l-.x. 1 • .1 
Fig. 47. 
 Oxyhydrogen Flame. 1 19 
 Experiment 65.— Connect the tube h, fig. 47, with 
 a small rubber cloth bag full of hydrogen by means of 
 a flexible tube, and with a similar bag containing 
 oxygen gas, the stopcocks s and s' being closed. Apply 
 ^^//.^/ pressure to the bags, and turn on a little hydro- 
 gen by cautiously opening the stopcock s ; the gas 
 passes through the meslies of the wire 
 gauze g, placed over th^ opening of 
 both tubes, and enters the little chamber 
 c, whence it passes by the narrow tube 
 t, to the jet at which it is to be kindled. 
 While the hydrogen burns, producing a 
 flame 3 or 4 centimeters long, turn on 
 tlie oxygen gradually by opening s'. 
 The flame shortens considerably as the 
 proportion of oxygen increases, up to a 
 certain point, but if too much oxygen 
 be introduced, it is extinguished with 
 a snap, then the stopcocks must be 
 turned off and the same plan of lighting 
 repeated. When burning properly, the 
 oxyhydrogen flame is of pale blue colour, and emits 
 little light, but it is intensely hot—in fact the hottest 
 Vxio^fxx flame. 
 a. Introduce into the flame the end of a piece of 
 platinum wire. The metal melts eae:ily to a globule, 
 though it is almost infusible in our most powerful 
 ^ b. Introduce an iron or steel wire ; it also melts 
 quickly, and burns, emitting brilliant sparks. 
 - ^.^-.-^ ix. tii^ liaiiie a picLu 01 quickiiiiit;, or one 
 of the cylinders of the same material, commenly sold 
 120 Iniyoduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 for the purpose, /, fig. 47. The lime does not m-It, 
 but it becomes intensely hot, ahnost white hot, and 
 emits a brilliant light. This is the oxyhydrogen, or 
 * limelight,' which is used for various illuminating^ 
 purposes. ** 
 Ozo^Y.— Symbol, O3. Molecular weight^^%. 
 Experiment 66.— Pour a layer of water on the 
 bottom of a tall and wide-mouthed bottle, and intro- 
 duce a stick of clean, freslily-scraped phosphorus, 
 takmg care that the latter shall not be immersed in 
 the water through more than one-third of its length. 
 Partiafly close the mouth of the vessel with a piece 
 of card-board, and let it stand for half an-hour or so. 
 i\1iitish fumes soon appear, and ultimately fill the 
 bottle : on opening the latter, a strong and peculiar 
 smell is perceived, and when a strip of moist starch 
 and potassium iodide paper » is plunged into the air of 
 the bottle, it is quickly discoloured, while pure air is 
 almost without action upon the paper. The peculiar 
 smell and the effect upon the test paper are alike due 
 to the presence of a small quantity of a body discovered 
 by Schonbein in 1840, and named by him Ozone? 
 The strong smell noticed when an electrical 
 machme is worked, or electric sparks are passed 
 through air, is due to the formation of a little ozone ; 
 and if the oxygen evolved on the electrolysis of water' 
 as m Experiment 22, be examined with the test-paper] 
 » Easily prepared by soaking pieces of white bibulous paper in 
 fodide"'' '^""''^ ^^''^' """^ ^'^"'''"' '°^"*^°" ^^ potassium 
 * ''O^w, I smeii. 
Experiments with Ozone. 121 
 it will also give the colour change just observed. Dr 
 Andrews, of Belfast, has proved that ozone is nothing 
 but free oxygen in a remarkably active condition, for 
 pure, dry oxygen can be partially converted into 
 ozone by the silent electrical discharge, • and the oxygen 
 dunng conversion is found to contract in volume In 
 fact, It has been shown that three volumes of ordinary 
 oxygen form t^^ o volumes of ozone ; the molecule of 
 the latter therefore contains three atoms (unlike so 
 many other elementary molecules, which contain two) • 
 hence, ozone may be correctly spr^ken of as a chemi- 
 cally condensed and active modification of ordinary 
 oxygen, and its symbol written O3. On heating 
 ozone to 260^ C. it is reconverted into ordinary 
 oxygen, and the gas returns to its original volume, 
 while It loses the power of afiecting the test paper. 
 1 his remarkable instance ol" what is termed alhtro. 
 ptsm s not the only example of an element occurrinff 
 m two forms which differ in physical and chemical 
 characters, and yet consist of the same matter : for we 
 shall meet, later on, with analogous allotropic forms of 
 phosphorus, sulphur, and of carbon-the black and 
 dull charcoal and the colourless and brilliant diamond 
 being but allotropes of the element carbon. 
 Isomerism in compounds is the condition analo- 
 gous to allotropism of elements ; we are acquainted 
 with pairs of compounds which contain the same ele- 
 ments m the same proportions, but exhibit different 
 ' - ^^7 '^'^^^-^ favourable circumstances the proportion 
 of ozone formed m a given volume of oxygen rarely exceeds 
 one-tenth of the whole, ev^n w>,«. „ c:„lT__. I '-^ceeas 
 electrical ozoniser is employed. 
122 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry. 
 physical and chemical characters ; for example, lactic 
 acid, met with in sour milk, and solid grape sugar. 
 But we have in two bodies, whose empirical formula is 
 in each case CON2H4, illustrations of a special kind 
 of isomerism. One of these substances, ammonium 
 cyanaie, is easily converted l)y heat into the second, a 
 jDody termed tirca, and the latter is identical with a 
 well-known product of the animal organism. (See 
 Appendix aud Part IV. for details.) 
 Experiment 67.— Pour a small quantity of per- 
 fectly bright c}ean mercury into a short wide test tube, 
 and lower the hitter by means of a string into the jar 
 containing ozone used in the last experiment. Note 
 that a very short exposure to the ozonised air suflices 
 to render the surface of the mercury dull, owing to 
 the production of a film of dca oxide of mercury. Pure 
 oxygen does not afifect pure mercury under the same 
 conditions, but the mo'e energetic ozone rapidly tar- 
 nishos or oxidises the metal. 
 A piece of rubber tubing 
 is also quickly attacked by 
 Experiment 68. — Bend 
 a tube about 50 centi- 
 meters long and 1-5 cms. 
 diameter into U form. Fit 
 one opening with a cork 
 carrying the bent gas de- 
 livery tube, as shown, fig. 
 48, and through the cork 
 pass a stout platmum wire terminating within the tube 
 Before inserting 
 - - ^ 
 Fig. 48. 
 in a strip of foil of the same metal 
Experiments with Ozone. 123 
 the cork, coat it (but not the platinum) thoroughly 
 with moMtx, paraffin, as the latter is not affected by 
 ozone, and serves to prorect the cork from the in- 
 fluence of the gas. Let the end of the small gas de. 
 livery \ ibe dip under the surface of a small quantity of 
 ether contained in the phial p. Now connect the wire 
 w with the platinum end uf a small two-cell Grove's 
 battery, and insert the other pole in the open side of 
 and well down into the bend of the U tube, the 
 limbs ot which have been previously half filled with 
 water acidulated with chromic acid, or, if the latter 
 IS not available, with sulphuric acid (one volume of 
 strong acid to three of water). Oxygen containing a 
 little ozone will be evolved from the plate iv but 
 haying no exit save from the gas delivery tube, will 
 bubble through the ether. The latter dissolves the 
 ozone, and after some time becomes so charged with 
 that body that it instantly discolours the ozone 
 test paper when a strip is dipped into the liquid. 
 Moreover, when some of the ozonised ether i? shaken 
 up with water, coloured of a pale blue tint by * sul- 
 phate of indigo,' the colour is destroyed, and the 
 liquid thus bleached. Ozone is also soluble in 
 turpentine and several essential oils, but it is dissolved 
 to a very -mall extent by water : according to Carius 
 only o'5 c.c. in 100. 
 Experiment 69.-Expose a piece of ozone test 
 paper freely to the outer air for a few hours, shading 
 It, however, from sunshine. Even prolonged exposure 
 to the air of a large city rarely produces discolouration 
 of the paper, but pure country air usually causes a 
 uistmci browiiish colouration in a {q\j minutes. It 

 124 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 has been proved that ozone is present in pure air in 
 . mmule proportions, though other .bodies are occa- 
 sionally met with which hkewise discolour the paper. 
 It IS supposed that the bkie colour of the ' sky ' is due 
 to the presence of ozone. 
 It is not surprising that city air should contain 
 but httle ozone, as the organic and other impurities 
 destroy, and, we may add, at the same time are de> 
 stroyed by the ozone, which latter, therefore, acts as a 
 natural disinfectant by reason of its extremely energetic 
 oxidising power. 
 ^ When highly 'ozonised oxygen or air is inhaled 
 into the lungs, much bronchial irritation results; but* 
 a small proportion does not produce any sensible 
 We have thus studied in some detail the two 
 strongly contrasted and typical elements hydrogen 
 and oxygen— the former a type of metals, the latfer of 
 non-metalsT The products of theifurfion irow require 
 further examination at our hands, in order that we 
 may complete the first stage of our inquiry. 
 re air in 
 e occa- 
 ' paper. 
 ' is due 
 I ■ 
 are ele- 
 cts as a 
 ts; buf 
 le two 
 itfer of 
 lat we 
 Our previous experiments having placed beyond 
 doubt the composition of water by weight and vokime 
 and its molecular weight (H20=i8), we have now to 
 examme some of the more prominent characters of 
 this most important of all liquids. 
 Experiment 70.— Arrange the stoppered retort a. 
 Fig. 49. 
 fig. 49, Liebig's condenser, b, and receiver c, as 
 Siiown. iiitroduce some rain or river water into a, 
 ll<< » 
 126 lutroductm, to Expenmcnlal C/ia,nstrj, . 
 s,tf '„!"""<=''""' "^'-' P'-n-ose, a„.I apply „,e heat of a 
 s mt or gas flame, taking care to n.ove >he la.ier 
 about at l.rst an.] to wipe off drops of moisture 1 
 form on the bottom of the retort VV|,en t he v te 
 has l,een ,l,u, warn.ed at first, the hu,.p flam , Uy 
 allowed to play steadily on the retort. After a hort 
 time the water ^w/.i vigorouslv and ,h. ! 
 into fh,. i,„.i, r .1 "^'t'"'""'*'/' and the steam passes 
 nto the beak of the retort, and idtimately in o the 
 ■n'^^r glass tnhe ^, of the condenser ; here il is cl ed 
 [he in nhf t '">"=' I"««i"g water-tight through 
 the tin plate jackety.hs cooled by a current of rolH 
 ::L?of tT "-'""^ '''""'' ''"^ f'-nel/arthe 10 2 
 poin of the apparatus, whUe the warmer and there- 
 most of Its heat, is carried away by the tube t it ,h^ 
 "pper part of the condenser. "iL first po toin of e 
 condensed steam, or &////„/ „,„,,,., ^ J ,„ "f^^ ' n 
 away and the rest collected in the receiver b Tt^^ 
 not advisable to continue the distillat L" 'aSr 1 e 
 quid in the retort has been reduced to one fifth of 
 1^ original volume. The water thus colleaed is 
 almost chemically pure. "'■cttea is 
 ,nH^^'"'''j'"" "'"' P'""' '' ^ C"Io"rless,« inodorous 
 and msipid „c,md, which at ordinary iemperIrS 
 .he .„nosp„er^ a. the .! IfH:':::':?;':"",:' '" """ °' 
 ture is ico° C at -76-. n, '"i,"^ ^'^^^ «fwatc this tempera- 
 .iscs .™„ fans With increased I J:^^^^^:^"' """' 
 Great ,«as.,e. of pure water have a distinct bluish co,„,ar. 
Experiments with Water. 
 gives off invisible vajraur, and diffuses into the sur- 
 roundms air ; hence, water can be slmvly but whoilv 
 evaporated by, simple exposure to the air. When 
 heat IS applied it can be rapidly and completely 
 converted into steam-one volume of water affordiuR 
 nearly 1,700 volumes of steam at 100° C and a 
 pressiire of 760 mm. One gram of steam at 100° C 
 passed into ice-cold water can raise the temperature 
 of S37 grams of the latter i» C. The ' latent heat 
 of steam is, therefore, 537 thermal units. Water 
 . becomes solid when sufficiently cooled, either by its 
 own rapid evaporation, or by the application of external 
 in ,^Ti,*"f°* "-I''^^« '^ f-^w drops of pure water 
 in a watch-glass and suspend the latter over a basin 
 containing strong oil of vitriol, standing on the plate 
 of an air-pump. Now cover the whole with a small 
 bell jar and exhaust the air. As the pressure 
 diminishes, rapid evaporation of the water takes place 
 while the vapour is absorbed by the oil of vitriol' 
 The quantity of heat abslricted by rapid conversion 
 mto vapour is sufficient to cool the water down to he 
 freezing point in a. very short time, and a small piece 
 of ice IS qu.cKly produced. Several ingenious ice- 
 prkciple."'" ' ''''' ''''" ^°"^'™^<^d o" this 
 Exneriment 72.-Take a tube about 30 c ms 
 long and 4 ,„m. internal diameter. One end musi 
 be closed and expanded into a bulb. Pour in water 
 the bulb and half the stem in a beilcpr nf ,.„.„ ;.. 
 cold and containing ke. The water in the stm fir« 
 i ; 
 t St 
 f "f" 
 128 Introduction to J'.xperivtcntal Chemistry 
 rises, owing to the contraction of the glass on cooling 
 diminishing the c ijucity of the vessel and pushing up 
 the column of water ; as the water cools, however it 
 contracts more rapidly than the glass, and the level 
 of liquid sinks below the starting point until it be- 
 comes stationary and, if the external water be really 
 ice cold, then rises acr(mi in the tube. If a thermometer 
 could be plunged in thc^ water within the bulb it 
 would be found to mark about 4° C when the liquid 
 commenced to rise. Now remove the bulb and plunge 
 It into a 'freezing mixture'' of ^Glauber's salt' and 
 common ' muriatic acid/-the salt just covered with 
 acid. The expansion of the liquid goes on until a 
 sudden check is observed ; if the bulb be then re- 
 moved, it will probably be found cracked and con- 
 tainmg ice.2 l^hus water, when cooled down, contracts 
 until the temperature of 4° C. is reached; then it ex~ 
 pands axain up to the soluiifying point, and still greater 
 expansion at that point suffices to burst the containing 
 vessel, if it offers any obstacle to the free motion of 
 the ice, for the latter occupies, ^weight for weight, 
 more space than water at 0° C. The temperature of 
 maximum density of water is 4° C, or that temperature 
 at which one cubic centimeter of water has the greatest 
 weight, i.e., one gram. 
 ' Poumled ice mixed will, half its weight of common salt 
 may be used instead, but the mixture given above ii convenient 
 and eflective. 
 « This sudden expansion on freezing aids materially in the 
 d.smtegration of rocks, as the water contained in the cavities 
 and hssures, wlien converted into ice, expands with great force, 
 and breaks up successive layers of the material. The same 
 Cause Ifii ' • ■ ' • 
 kIc i,-\ »K< 
 ig of Watcr-pi 
Solution of Solids. , j. 
 If similar experiments are made with alcohol oil, 
 .and other hqu.ds, they will be found to contract £ 
 not to expand again as the temperature >s r^du Id 
 hus water .s the great exception to this gene^lTat' 
 and m thts respect stands alone amongst the hautl' 
 hitherto examined. "quids 
 seem toTT' ""'"^'' "''^ P^P^"^ "^ "«'« may 
 seem to be, its consequences are of ereat mnm-.„. . 
 mankind Thus, if water obeyed L^ZC^ 
 ^ nvers and lakes would s,K,n become mCeT of Lud 
 .ce, their fish would be destroyed, anftte heaTt^ 
 summer would be unable to undo the effm rfth^ 
 ioTlXbir" ''"^ -'' equatorial regiL ai- 
 We thus have 'evidence of design ' in this excen 
 honal property of water, which exceeds in im~t' 
 any a orded by the animal or vegetable ki gdC 
 When .ce at o°C. melts, it absorbs without el J^tion 
 of temperature ^^ much heat as would raise thHet 
 perature of an equal weight of water from o»C to L-C ^ 
 Lm STr '"; "' "^"^'^^ ^° ^"^"^e '"/L^e 
 irom solid to liquid water, and is spoken of as its 
 latent heat, ,>, hidden (insensible) heat 
 place m each ,00 c. cs. of cold water. Weigh out 
 "noer" sH ^T °[ ' "'"^ ^■''™' ' ^"y»''"""d 
 copper sulphate), and introduce into one of the' 
 a2l;'°fr'' °' "' P"'^"'"'" ^'•'•"-"'^e, into 
 anoUier ; and 50 grams of common salt into the 
 Of 79 tinicfc Its weight ol water i^C, 
 1 30 Inirodticiion to Exp^imental Chemistry, 
 third. Now boil the contents of each flask : note 
 that the copper and bichromate alike dissolve com- 
 pletely on boiling, each body communicating its 
 colour to the liquid. But even long continued 
 boiling fails to dissolve all the common salt There- 
 fore common salt is less soluble than the other two 
 bodies in boiling water. As a mitter of fact, bodies 
 vary greatly in solubility : some dissolve to such a 
 small extent that they are commonly spoken of as 
 insoluble, for example, chalk and glass ; others so 
 freely that they are almost indefinitely soluble, for 
 example, caustic ptotash and calcium chloride. 
 When the contents of the three flasks are quite 
 cold, it will be found that beautiful crystals have 
 separated in the copper and the bichromate solutions, 
 and these crystals can be made to disappear and re- 
 appear by alternate heating and slow cooling of each 
 liquid. It is therefore evident that heat increases 
 the solubility of both solids in water, and that the ex- 
 cess of solid ' over and above that which the cold 
 liquid can dissolve separates out, thus leaving a 
 solution which cannot dissolve more of the particular 
 body at the given temperature, and is therefore said to 
 be a cold saturated solution. A hot saturated solution 
 is obtained by adding the desired substance to boil- 
 ing water until the solid ceases to dissolve. The 
 • When decomposition does not accompany the act of solu- 
 tion, the crystals which separate from the hot sohition h-we the 
 same composition as the body originally dissolved. If d« com- 
 position precedes solution, as when sodium and potassium 
 dissolve in water. Experiments 45 and 46, the body in solution 
 must be different from thar intrrMhirnd. 
Solids and Liquids. x\\ 
 solubility of a non-volatile solid is usually determined 
 saturated a a known temperature, until the solven 
 IS completely expelled ; the dry solid residuum ,s then 
 accurately weighed and the ratio ol the solid to the 
 solvent l,q«,d thus directly determined. ' 
 Experiment 74.-Pour off into a large test tube 
 some o the cold and clear saturated soluL of com! 
 mon salt prepared m the last experiment, now boil 
 dol'no.''^"^'''^'^'"""'"" ^^"' the latter evidemy 
 the solubility of common salt in water is nmrly the 
 ^««.ath,ghand low temperatures, and in this respec 
 S ' i ,M ''■""''^'''^ ^^<^^Ption to the general ?ule 
 that solids are more soluble in hot than cold liquids. 
 I.m. ^vater (seepage 117) in a flask, and note that the 
 ome of T" '"'''• , '"''= '^ '"^ '° "-^ separationbf 
 some of the previously dissolved lime, its solubility 
 . ; boiling water being little more than hllf that nea to 
 on to the general rule, as it is las soluble at 
 than at low temperature. '' 
 .,.K^''-l'^*°* 7e.-Take four test tubes and half fil' 
 each with water. A.Id a k^ drops of alcohol to one, 
 of chlorofor,n to another, of oil to a third, and o 
 g ycenne to a fourth. Note that the alcohol and 
 glycerine dissolve in, or mix with, the wa.e" 
 «he„ the contents of the tubes are shaken up, and 
 «,..' ^"'" "fU'^'ed with one salt can dissolve others • thus . 
 rrrrlr.^"^ -""•.--■'- stilldis^tveeithercoi: 
 r- •-. "i i^u turoinaic oi potasoium. 
 K3 ' 
 132 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 t1>e water can take up an indefinite quantity of each. 
 On the other hand, agiiati.on fails to make the chloro- 
 form or oil disappear, but when the clear water is 
 poured off from the layer of heavy chloroform, it has 
 the odour and sweetish taste of the latter : therefore 
 chloroform is shghtly soluble in water. The oil, on 
 the other hand, fails to dissolve to any sensible ex- 
 Hence water is a good solvent for some liquids as 
 well as for solids. 
 Experiment 77.— Obtain a bottle of* soda water.' * 
 On removing the ffressure of the cork, a rush of gas 
 takes place. Whtin effervescence has subsided, pour 
 some of the liquid into a flask anc^heat : effervescence 
 recurs, and a cork lightly inserted in the neck of 
 the flask is quickly blown out, owing to the es- 
 cape of much gas. If the liquid be boiled and then 
 allowed to cool, it will be found to have lost its brisk 
 taste, due to the presence of the gas, for the latter has 
 been wholly expelled by heat. 
 Place another portion in a beaker or tumbler, and 
 the latter on the plate of an air-pump, cover with the 
 bell-jar and exhaust. As the pressure within the 
 receiver diminishes, strong effervescence commences in 
 'fhe liquid and continues as the exhaustion proceeds, 
 until all but the most minute traces of gas are 
 removed from the liquid.' It is clear, then, that the 
 ' The amount of ' soda ' present is usually so small that we 
 may regard it as a solution of carbonic acid gas in water. 
 ' Although the weight of any gas dissolved does not, gene- 
 rally speaking, diminish regularly with increase of temperature, 
{■Va/er Supply. jj^ 
 gas present in this solution-called 'carbonic acid 
 gas -i« rather freely soluble in water, unlike hydro- 
 gen and oxygen,' which we have already found to 
 d^lve to an almost insensible extent; an.l later on 
 a art II ) we shall meet with much wider differences 
 n solubihty; but the fact is that all are n.ore or 
 Jess soluble in water^ 
 .nd „1 our experience proves it to be the most general 
 solvent known. ° 
 Owing to the general solvent power of wate. it is 
 from ,r r «r°"'''"d ^ven solid impurities 
 from the air through which it passes, and from the 
 soil on which it falls. 
 The prime source of all water supply is ua- 
 doubtedly, the ocean, since in nature thirl is a c^ 
 ttnuous circulation from the sea to the air, then frol 
 air to rivers, and, finally, to sea again. The air a 
 contact with the ocean becomes quickly .saturated with 
 the vapour of water, and then, bemg carried by 
 currents over the earth and suddenly cooled, lets faU 
 ^e, u.kiU ,H. ../„„,. ,v M. sam^M all fr^^ura (Henry-. 
 H„.?° IT'"''!."''' °' 2" '" *•■"" "" ^ determined by „p,a. 
 tiogtogelher known volumes of gas unci i„ a graduTced 
 tube elosed by :nercury, and „, ii„g the volun.e abLbei it 
 constant l.mpcrature and pressure. •■'■'«)ri«j at 
 • At„,osph..ric air is soluble to a very small e.v:e:,t in water 
 loo CCS. of the latter dissolvin,; only ,., c es of .|p 1 ' ' 
 te;nperature. Small ,h„„g„ .bis amoL. L",: to be it sTrl" 
 ^.s source that «sh obtain the air neces^rv for thl Ml*!;™ 
 u - 
134 Tntroduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 much of the aqueous vapour in the form of rain.* 
 If the soil be not very porous, small streams are 
 formed (which wash out soluble impurities from the 
 surface soil), and these flowing into a common channel 
 produce a river. If the soil be porous, the water 
 percolates through it, and may drain away again at a 
 lower level and form rivulets and/ivers, or it sinks into 
 the subjacent permeable strata, thus serving to main- 
 tain the supply of wells and of natural springs, often 
 situated at a great distance from the place of rainfall. 
 If the permeable strata are not overlaid by those only 
 slightly pervious, \ land-springs not rising above the 
 surface are obtained over the district ; but if the strata 
 dip between two impermeable beds, an Artesian spring 
 is obtained on boring, at a lower level, through the 
 upper bed to the water-bearing strata. Water in its 
 passage through the rock strata, often under con- 
 siderable pressure, dissolves out more or less of the 
 soluble constituents of the strata, and makes its 
 appearance in land-springs and natural or artificial 
 Artesian wells or springs as a mineralised water. If 
 the rocks, through whose substance cr fissures it 
 passes in its downward course to find its level, happen 
 to be the older metamorphic, granitic, or quartzose 
 rocks, or green-sand beds, but little impurity is taken 
 up, and the springs usually yield a supply of very 
 pure water. If the rocks are cretaceous, or magnesian, 
 or both, the water is then charged with lime and 
 other salts, to an extent dependent on the particular 
 * If the rainfall of a district be known, the calculation^ for the 
 catchment area can be easily made, if it be remembered that a 
 fall of lo inches of rain yields 226, 170 gallons per acre. 
Mineral Wafers. 
 of the latter inhelinnln K ''"^ '^''^°'^'^^ l'"' ""'e 
 acid, since tie ami of chalr^f' -"-""onic 
 taken up bears a dire rehtfon J H "'"" '"'""^"=> 
 ciis.solve(l carbonic !"] I ''"''"'''^ °'" ''"^ 
 of the Cnrara snrin!« I ^°""'™«' as in the case 
 probably Tder fs Ire LT'" '"",""' '^''"^=^^. 
 acid and with chalkln!; " """'"'■'' ^^"^n' ""1' 
 loses much of its f ko"f °"r"':« '"™'" 'he sot.rce 
 is the depos,°[o^oT.t°"chal\ oL"' 'T\ "' ""^ '°- 
 tion by the acid in !! ? •' P'«^'°"sly hel.l in solu- 
 Mme, '2Z^t:'T^. '"-"gh stmta containing 
 with carboni :'c°; ^^iTin't' !'' "^.'" '''^'^^^ 
 Posable ferruginous ~th°Cr Ten'"""- 
 portion of their iron as ll.^ I ^^''' "I' * 
 dissolves in the excess of IT- ^"'^°"''"^. 'vhich 
 the water of a chaj:! IpT Tt "''' ''"'^ ^°™' 
 meet with in volcanl dttr Cj aJd aT "^"^T" °'''" 
 bourhood of the coal measTres' In .h T '" '^ ""'s''- 
 -e rarely fai, to „,eet not oX' ^Uh st""' '"^'""''^^ 
 less worthy of the name rh, , '^'"'springs, more or 
 > ot tne name chalybeate, but we also find 
 carbonate dissolved by carboni, \°\ "" ''''"'' "'••'gncsi,,,,,) 
 water, and is called ■ ,emD„;m' " ""'"""=^ "J' •»"i"S 'he 
 boiling is . perma en, h"Ie7. and T ' ' """ ""' '""»'='' by 
 or sulphate of calcinn. ll" 1!'! '"'' " ''"* '° *»«"'«! chlorid; 
 Calcium, and I'art IV ,' Soap'^""'"'"' '^'' ''""""• P"' "I-, 
 h I'. 
 h : 
 136 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 
 the sulphur spas, the sulphuretted compounds of which 
 have been ctuctly derived iroui the decomposition of 
 SI piiidcs, always present in the shales and true coal 
 beds, by infiltrating water charged with carbonic acid. 
 The most celebrated of tnese rnmeraiised waters 
 of medicmal value may be thus grouped, accordmg to 
 their chief constitueiits : — 
 Carbonated ami Alkaline^ as those of Vichy, Bilin, 
 Ems, and Malvern. 
 Sulp/iatcdi^o(X\\va\\ Carlsbad, Cheltenham, PuUna 
 (Magnesium), Epsom, Sedlitz. 
 Sulphuretted, iJarrogate, Aix-la-Chapelle, Lucan, 
 Chlorinated^ Leamington, Harrogate, Clielteaham, 
 Wiesbaden, Homburg, Kissmgtn. 
 ChalyOeate, iSpa, Tunbndge, Harrogate, &c. 
 In addition to these, we meet with special pro- 
 ducts of the action of volcanic gases and steam in 
 the — 
 Siliceous waters of the Icelandic Geysers. 
 Boracic waters ot the Tuscan lagoons. 
 Sea water is the product ot continual land wash* 
 ing, and m it enormous quantities of saime matter 
 are stored.-* An analysis ot the water ot the Iristi 
 Channel, made by Messrs. 'I'horpe and Moreton, 
 afforded the following results ; — 
 > Sea water is easily rende,red potable by Dr. Normandy's 
 process for providing pure water lor ships at sea. Salt water i$ 
 distilled, as iii Experiment 70, but in l.ri;e iron reiuiis (or 
 ttiUs), the salt- are Icli in tiie retort, and uit condensed and 
 pure water, wl. Ji is flat and insipid at hrst, is rendere ^ bri:,k and 
 agreeable by .rcing it to di .solve ome atmospheric au m « 
 i>|)cciai apparatus. 
Peroxide of Hydrogen, 
 looo parts gave — 
 Sodium chloride 
 Potassium „ 
 Magnesium chloride 
 >» nitrate . 
 Calcium sulphate , 
 V carbonate 
 Lithium chloride . 
 Ammonium „ 
 Iron carbonate , 
 Silica , 
 Water . 
 • « 
 volumes) of the water .s 1024.8, if pure water =,000 
 the Dead Sea is so large that the specific cravitv of a 
 AsX:r'? ''''■'' '° '' "'*■ (-'- = oooj 
 foil" tt^'" ■'''•''"'''• '^ '"^'y ^-'Sh^rlLn xroo. if 
 follows that an average man wouM be buoyed ud 
 !h n' r''' f '^' ''^"^ Sen, and could not sink 
 wholly beneath its surface without some effort 
 Peroxide OF HvDRoGEM (Oxygenated WaterW^,«. 
 Experiment 78.-Add, with frequent agitation 
 about 5 grams of barium peroxide (liSTbi 
 ^u"'"!_' ^- <^- ."'^ '"-""g a-:"! ; filter, and add som. 
 "..=1 to a portion of the filtered liquid and a fe^ 

 138 Introduction to Experimctttal Chemistry, 
 drops of solution of red potassium bichromate, and 
 shake. Note that the ether (which is but little miscible 
 with water) rises coloured of a magnificent blue tint, 
 which is evanescent. . 
 Barium peroxide and sulphuric acid afford hydro- 
 gen peroxide (or oxygenated water) and barium 
 sulphate. The latter body being insoluble is filtered 
 BaOa + H2S04=EaSO4 + HjOa. 
 The chromic compound serves to detect the pre- 
 sence of the peroxide of hydrogen formed in this re- 
 action,* as it is characteristic of that body to produce 
 an unstable and highly oxidised blue chromic com- 
 pound which is soluble in ether, and less quickly 
 changes in that liquid than in any other. The solu- 
 tion of H2O2 made as above is dilute; when carefully 
 prepared in the first instance, and then evaporated 
 oyer oil of vitriol in the exhausted receiver of the 
 air pump, a syrupy liquid of specific gravity 1452 
 (water =1000) is obtained, which is colourless and 
 inodorous, but has a strong somewhat metallic taste, 
 and can be cooled down to — 3o°C. without freezing! 
 This is the pure peroxide, but so unstable is it that 
 a slight heat suffices for its decomposition into water 
 and oxygen, and even the dilute solutions of the body 
 sold are easily decomposed in the same way. 
 Experiment 79.— Take a long and moderately 
 A'7^^ peroxide, like ozone, sets free iodine fr-rm potassium 
 iodide, and therefore colours the ozone test paper This 
 colouration by the peroxide takes place even in presence of 
 •green vitriol ' or ferrous sulphate, unlike that due to o.nn« 
Peroxide of Hydrogen, j 39 
 thin glass tube, scaled at one end, tliree-fourths fill 
 It with mercury, and the remainder with as stromr 1 a 
 solution of the peroxide as can be obtained : then in- 
 Z% "!. """TT' ^' '''°^^'"' ^S 50. If the tube be 
 inchned, and the portion occupied 
 by the peroxide gently heated by f.c 50. 
 means of a spirit or gas flame, 
 bubbles of gas will quickly make 
 their appearance. When sufficient 
 gas has been collected, pass the 
 thumb under the mercury, close the 
 mouth of the tube, remove from the 
 - mercury, invert, and test for oxyiren 
 by plunging a match with a glowing 
 . tip into the gas. 
 HaC^HgO + O. 
 This decomposition of peroxide of h3'drogen into 
 aTd of reir^"" ^"' ^^" '^ ^^^---^^^ -t'out h: 
 aid ot heat by mere contact with— 
 and^arf f rrf"'"''''-.''° ""' "'''"^^'^<='' '''«^' -change 
 and are therefore said to act catalytically Mox exaunt 
 -gold sUver, platin.™, charcoal and fibrin o b ood 
 b. Bodies wh,ch lose oxygen at :he same time ^ 
 give a substanfi'al *.vr^I-,„»..•„• _r ., . i''^"^"^ unable to 
 Tha. brings aSuTc^eS^han' "in'Xerit °' "^"^ 
 itself suffering sensible alteration ^ ""' *"^<"" 
 Iniroduction to Experimental Ckanistry, 
 Experiment 80. —Moisten a sheet of writing paper 
 with a solution of lead acetate, and expose it to the 
 fumes arising from a few drui).s of ammonium sulphide 
 sprmkled over the bottom of a shalluw dish. The 
 paper becomes quickly chscoloured, owing to the 
 production of the dark-coloured lead sulphide (PbS). 
 When stained a dark brown, remove the pai)er and 
 dry It, then charge a brush with a solution of peroxide 
 of hydrogen, and draw a design on the stained surface. 
 The (lark lead sulpiide will be rai)idly bleaclud by the 
 perox'de, and the^ design will appear in white on a 
 dark ground. In this case, the peroxide actsas a power- 
 ful t?.r/^/>///<,r agent, converting the dark lead sulp///^^ 
 into white lead sulp/z^/^, (PbSO^), thus— 
 PbS + 4HaOa=PbS04 +4H2O. 
 In a similar way, discoloured oil paintings and 
 engravmgs can be bleached by careful treatment with 
 dilute solutions of the peroxide. The latter has also 
 been largely used to bleach dark hair, and change it 
 to the golden colour, lately fashionable. 
 The chromic test, described under Experiment 78, 
 is another example of oxidation effected by the per- 
 oxide, but in that case cdlour is developed not 
 destroyed.' * 
 ' Another case of oxidation by the neroxide accompnnied by 
 a colour change is the following :-Add a {tsv drops .of a fresh 
 alcoholic solution of guiacum nsin to a few c.cs. of water, then 
 a few drops of solution of the peroxide to the turbid liquid If 
 to the mixture a little colouring matter of blood be added a 
 beautiful turquois blue tint is soon develo; ed. In this case 
 the blood determines the decomposition of the peroxide whose 
^ Hydroxy!, 1^, 
 Although the peroxide cannot be converte(! into 
 gas, and have its specific gravity taken in that con- 
 dition so as to determine its molecular weight its 
 analysis, and the reactions already cited, leave no 
 doubt that its formula is H^O,. Its relation to water 
 may be thus shown — 
 In the peroxide we assume that the two double- 
 link oxygen atoms are united, and form a chain, to each 
 end of which IS attached a single-link hydrogen atom. 
 If we break this chain at the dotted line, it is evident 
 that we get two -r', each containing one atom of 
 oxygen and of lydrogon, and each group is expressed 
 by the symbol III. Ve should not expect, and do 
 not find, these i m..j,s to exist in the free state, 
 because each wouid have one link of oxygen free, and 
 that is contrary to the general rule ; but we might 
 look for OH in combination. As a matter of fact we 
 meet with the group OH in an immense variety of 
 oxygenated compounds, and this group acts like a 
 single atom of a monad or uni-link element, and is 
 commonly spoken of as the * compound radicle,' 
 hydroxy!. The molecule of the peroxide of hydrogen 
 contains two hydroxyl groups, and therefore is to be 
 regarded as the free molecule of that body. 
 The study of water and peroxide of hydrogen 
 —two distinct compounds of the same elements— l^ds 
 atom of available oxygen at once oxidises the finely divided resin 
 into the blue coloured body. This is Dr. Day's, of r^dnn., 
 test for biood. ' ' "*' 
 J • 
f ' 
 . i 
 J42 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry 
 ot fcis *.;;:■ "'"'« «i>™"> ««,.««: 
 I' i 
 11 ' 
 '" f ' 
 l^.<' I 
 may be referred to one or other of the following divisions 
 As one or „,ore examples of each kind of changroccur 
 ofe eacrcaTe^KT""™'^' '"^ '^'"^^ '' ""vised o 
 rcier each case he has met with to its proper division 
 In order to acilitate this process of general isa^n a 
 smgle exan,p,e. with its reference, is Jven uXTach 
 I. Cases 0/ direct combination of elements, 
 (Experiment a.) 
 Mg + ^ - MgO 
 Magnesium. Oxygen. Magneslu^xid.. 
 2. Cases oj simple decomposition, 
 (ExPBrtlMBNT aa.) 
 H^ - 2H + o 
 Water. Hydrogen. Oxyien. 
 3- ^<^e5 of double decomposition, 
 (Experiment 14.) 
 AgNO, + NaCl » 
 ver nitrate. 
 ^L"r„*'.°n?« Sllv.rclUor.d.. Sodiun.' 
 Jit 1 
 4. Cases of decomposition by substitution. 
 Zn + H,SO, - ZnSO 
 ^ ^ + 2H 
 Zinc sulphate. Hydrogen. 
 5. Cases qf decomposition by reduction. 
 CuO + 2H - Cu + 
 Copper oxide. Hydrogen. Co^cr. 
 6. Cases of rearrangement, or isomeric change. 
 J (Pack laa.) 
 Ammonium cyanate. Urea. 
 Two conditions tend so materially to determine double 
 fng Ta^.T "' *""'" *"" '"""""'"=" '"« fo""- 
 I. Two bodies in solution will always decomoose 
 each other, .f it be possible, by double declmposiS, : 
 produce a new body to soluble than either of the two 
 original substances. ** 
 • ''<•'■ e'"»n>Ple-silver nitrate and common salt orodur* 
 insoluble silver chloride. (Experiment ,4.) 
 alwnv. 7 "^'^ *''*" """^ "■■ heated together will 
 ^-Tm j'"^'""f«''« ^^-^h other, if i, be possible bv 
 double decomposition, to produce a n^w k!S ^ 
 ^olaHU than either of the tw^o :^;"arsubsTanc:s.'' '""'" 
 car^It rd'K.^^t-c^td' "/""r ''^''™«- at ordinJir;::,-;^. ''t^^Z\T'' 
 Fic. SI, 
 abn.^r^*''*/^-^"' " P'^^^ °^ phosphorus 
 Swlf z. V as ' '' -'^ ^-'^ ^~ 
 paper, and place it in the 
 small porcelain capsule r, 
 fig- 5i» which floats on the 
 water in the pneumatic 
 trough. Fire the phosphorus 
 by the touch of a hot wire, 
 and immediately invert over 
 it the bell-jar, which is at 
 first full of air. The mouth 
 of this jar must be under 
 the surface of the water so 
 as to completely inclose the 
 gas it contains. Bubbi*a ^f «•- ^s.-^^-^ ^^ i:_ 
 * " '^ "''■ i''- «*i msi, Owing 
4 ,■ 
 1 i 
 1 : 
 f ■ 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 to expansion by the heat, hut soon contraction takes 
 place and the water rises in the jar. The white fumes 
 produced during the cornbustion of the phosphorus 
 are the same in composition as those formed in Ex- 
 periment 60, i.e. P2O5, and we already know that they 
 dissolve in water and form phosphoric acid ; thus the 
 oxygen of the confined mass of air is removed in the 
 form of solid oxide of phosphorus, and the latter is 
 washed away by the water \ the gas in the jar there- 
 fore contracts in volume. Now it is obvious that if air 
 consisted only of oxygen, and we used sufficient phos- 
 phorus in our experiment, all the gas would disappear 
 and water would completely fill the jar ; but, as a 
 matter of fact, the phosphorus soon ceases to burn, 
 and then, on allowing the jar to stand over water until 
 the white fumes disappear, we find that a consider- 
 able volume of colourless gas remains behind. 
 Now transfer this gas to smaller tubes in the 
 manner directed in Experiment 17, and make the 
 following,' observations : — 
 a, A tube full of gas when turned up is found to 
 be free from smell, if it has been washed ihoroughly 
 from all fumes. 
 b. A burning taper plunged into another tube full 
 of the gas is immediately extinguished. 
 c A little Mime-water' shaken into another jar 
 of gas is not rendered milky, unlike the result ob- 
 tained with the carbon dioxide gas formed in Ex- 
 periment 58. 
 Therefore air from which oxygen has been re- 
 moved is colourless and inodorous ; it is incom- 
 bustible, does not support the combustion of a taper, 
Experiments with Nitrosen. 147 
 and does not render lime-water turbid. This gas 
 Nitrogen' — Svml>ol fi^ — t . , rr t •• 
 Nitrogen does not support anima! life, and is 
 sometimes called azote » in con5Pn„„n tI • 
 ^li<.l-.l« .„i, ki consequen ;. It is very 
 sligl.tly soluble m water ; i cc. of water dissolves 
 only 001478 cc. at 15° C. ais.olves 
 Free nitrogen is one of the most indifferent gases 
 <ve are acquainted with m its chemical relations !nd 
 hus contracts strongly with the energetic oxygc^ Pure 
 K^7 wT:'%'T '°"'"^ °^ t'-e.wo''dissi,u 
 gasts. have to determine the proportions 
 m which these bodies are present in air. The r"u "h 
 result, for when we measure the maximum height to 
 which the w^ter rises in the jar after removaf of he 
 oxygen by phosphorus, we find that about o>Mof 
 Indf.orf '"'"P"^"^'^- A similar, but muchlwe 
 f^foCrw:;™' '''^'""'"" -^ '^ -"^^ - ^^ 
 Experiment 82.-Fill the gra.'uated tube a, fig. ,3 
 wuh .00 CCS. of air, taking care that the vo nme s' 
 measured when the water stands at the same height 
 confin.? '".'r.'- ""*' P"^' ''•Sh up into, the 
 confined air a small stick of phosphorus at arhed to a 
 stout copper wire Secure the wire in its place ^d 
 ' From ►iT(>w, nilie, and y,n«,, I generate. 
f r 
 lj i 
 Experimental Chemistry, 
 leave t^e whole for twenty-four ^ ours. The phos- 
 phorus slowly combines with and removes the oxygen, 
 and leaves onlv nitrogea In order to measure the 
 Fig. 53. 
 PtG. 5«. 
 ' \~<$ 
 latter, withdraw the phosphorus, adjust the water, 
 level again, and read the graduation. If the temjjera- 
 ture and pressure are unchanged, the residual nitrrj^f^n 
 — ■ a- — 
Anafysis of Air. ,_j„ 
 th,,^d.ference. or oxygen absorbed, is, thcr.forl! nearly' 
 Or another, and very rapid, method of anilvsis hv 
 IcJ^^fT""^ 83.-Take a cylindrical tube, , meter 
 tong and about i6 millimeters diameter nL j 
 h "corLdl,'"'''^'^ r '"^ '"•-• ^- -o e 
 drops to rail into the J^Z d7„ t 'I ai ra^r 
 a1> rau rj' a?;' ^^ T^c °T ^^ '""^ ■"-" ^'^ 
 tX back .„°h ' '"•°" "^ "'^ ""''"■'^ Bring the'"';' 'I' ""'^™-'- 
 liquid rapidly runs rfr™;Th.TT"''*' "l^"-'" ^^ "'« 
 tion h-« fl-nn 1 . ^ '^""' "°«'- as absorp. 
 before Re" ^!T ^'''''" ^'°'^ ^ ""^ P^°<^eed is 
 — ^. «ii the bulb co«,ple,ely with waterrdos^^; 
p '; 
 * ^ 
 I., I 
 I ' 
 1 50 Experimental Chemistry. 
 • with the thumb, and invert in a tall vessel of water 
 On opening 5 the heavier dark liquid flows out, and is 
 soon replaced by pure water. Adjust the liquid to 
 the same level within and without by depressing the 
 tube to the reciuisite extent The water should'then 
 stand above the second ring, or, on a graduated tube, 
 at 209 divisions out of too of air. 
 Experiment 84.--Fill the eudiometer used in 
 Experiment 23 with water in the large pneumatic 
 trough, and allow about one-third the water to be 
 displaced by air ; adjust the water to the same level 
 withm and without the tube, and note the volume. 
 Now pass in half the volumo of pure hydrogen gas, 
 level again, and read the total volume. The hydro-en 
 ^n be easily obtained from the apparatus used'' in 
 Experiment 68 if dilute sulphuric acid be employed 
 m It and the wire w be connected with the zinc end 
 of the battery ; gas should not be collected in the 
 eudiometer until sufficient has been separated by 
 electrolysis to expel all traces of air from the apparatus. 
 1 he tube instead of passing into the bottle, as shown, 
 should, of course, dip under the surface of the 
 water m the pneumatic trough. Press the mouth of 
 the eudiometer on an india-rubber pad placed between 
 It and the bottom of the trough ; now grasp the 
 tube, hold It firmly against the pad, and pass a spark 
 between the internal wires. After explosion rela. the 
 pressure on the tube and allow water to enter ; adjust 
 levels again and read. One-third of the total contrac 
 Uon observed represents oxygen present in the air. 
 for we already know from Experiment 23 that two 
 volumes of hydrogen and one volume of oxygen unite 
Analysis of Air. 
 to form water, which latter condenses at ordinary tem- 
 If, in a particular experiment, loo parts of air are 
 mixed with 50 of pure hydrogen, and after explosion 
 the residual gas measures 87-3 parts, the pressure and 
 temperature being the same at the beginning and end 
 of the operation, we can calculate the composition of 
 air by volume thus :~The contraction after explosion 
 IS 150 - 87 '3 ^627 parts. Then «^ = 20-9 - the 
 Tie. 54. 
 proportion of oxygen gas in the original 100 parts >- 
 volume of pure air. The difference, or 100-20-9 
 — 79"i, IS the percentage of nitrogen gas. 
 Experiment 85.-FiIl the tube of hard glass, a, 
 fig. 54, with bright copper turnings, support it 'as 
 shown, and heat with a large gas or spirit flame • 
 connect the end by rnean^ of an india-rubber tube 
 with a glass delivery tube, /, which latter dip under 
 the water in the pneumatic trough. The flask/ s. yii^ 
 onlv contain water efQUf^* ^'^ r>^..«.- ^u^ .^ j _/• .. 
; 1 
 i < 
 ' ^L^^ 
 t$2 Experimental Chemistry. 
 funnel tube. Now apply heat to the tube contalnine 
 the copper turninss and when a red heat is reached 
 pour water into the limnel tube of the flask ; air is 
 thus mnde to pass over the calcium chloride in </, 
 and then over the hot copper, which latter combines 
 with th.- oxygen and forms dark copper oxide, CuO 
 while nitrogen gas bubbles from the delivery tube' 
 through ; he water!- 1 trough, and should be col- 
 Scribed ' " ''^ *" "'^ ■""""" '''^'^^y 
 This experiment illustrates the principle of the 
 method adopted by Dumas and Boussingault in their 
 precise determination of th<- cc,iui>..,itiop of air by 
 weight. They caused pure dry air to pass over red- 
 hot coj.ptr contained in a glass tube, and thence into 
 an exi;.- psted glass globe ; each portion of the appa- 
 ratus w^^ accurately weighed before an ex|,eriment 
 itie Pbe and globe were separately weighed after an 
 exper,n,ent. The former gained in weiglit, owing to 
 the combination of the copper and oxygen, and the 
 gam of the globe was due to nitrogen ; the sum of 
 «iese quantities was the weight of air operated upon. 
 The mean of a number of Laborious experiments of 
 this kmd, m vhich every possible precaution against 
 error was adopted, gave the following results, which 
 for convenience, we compare with those of the volu- 
 metric analysis of air already de'^cribed ;— 
 Percenlage of By w. ,h. By volume 
 Nitrogen . . 76-995 . . \^.^ 
 Oxygen. . , ,3.00. . , j^.^ 
 If nitrogen and oxygen were of the same specifio 
AiraMixtun. 153 
 gravity the percentage composition of air by weinht 
 and volume would be the same; but we have already 
 O- r /u"" '''^"' ''"■"'"y °^ N = i4 and of 
 , ^"7'^' '"="■= "S oxygen is, volume for 
 volmne, a lutle heavier than nitrogen, it follows 
 In" fi'J!!! ^fT^ °' *'''>*'^" """ «<='K'^ """•' than 
 one-fifth of the total weight of five volumes of air 
 although oxygen forms but one-fifth by volume of the 
 m ^^\ '^^n?^" ^'^'''^y ^^ P"*-^ ^^y ^'r is 1447 
 1447 cgrs.''^'"'"' ''"' ^'^ ^''- "' "•"'•> ^^^'Shs 
 Atmospheric air is ^..^r/^ constant in composition, 
 ihe results of numerous precise analyses of pure 
 air collected at various and widely-separated points 
 of the earth's surface, and at considerable heights 
 above sea-level during balloon and mountain ascents, 
 prove that the variations in the proportion of oxygen 
 are well wuhiu one-fifth per cent, by volume In 
 tropical countries, however, the oxygen has been ob- 
 served to drop suddenly as low as 20-3 per cent 
 owing to some hitherto undetermined cause. 
 ^f//*^^ air were a definite chemical compound of 
 nitrogen and oxygen it shuuld be absolutelv constant 
 in omposition, and we know that it is not quite on- 
 8U ^>^^^^^ox^ it is not a definite chemical cow tound. 
 Again, oxygen and nitrogen are not present in sim- 
 pie atomic proportions in pure air, the ratio b. mg ro 
 atoms of nitiogen to i of oxygen. If the inclusion 
 just stated be true, a mere mixture of the v..o gases 
 in the proportions indicated' by analysis ought to 
 fwsic^ -Oi the propertit ii of air. To test this, make— 
 if i 
 'S4 Experimental Chemistry. 
 >n ert ,t ,„ ,he„o .rouf,h : introducr as 
 n.trogon gas (prepared as in Kxperimcnt 8,)\r will 
 d>sph,re four-nrths of „,e „,ter, and a, m„c ^ vgl 
 fill llie jar. I his .» an evi.lfnt mixture of the two 
 gases, and no heat i. develo,,ed, nor .:an «c find . nt 
 ease, M„„ ''''■"'-' l>^«>»«-'en the two 
 Tand ,f '^™°''-' "" ■"•" '" ""^ "'"='' «-.-.v, invert 
 t TnotT? "..T" "•'"' '"°*'"e .ip into the j.ar1 
 ■t .8 not rekindled as it would be in pure ox>4a 
 to bTn^ "r?/"'"' '"'° '"^ «^^- ^"'' " -«^"- 
 lo Durn a.^ it did in air In fart .« «n 
 .his mixture or the two galL at lljXo! 
 t o,e of"o "' •■"' ".^ '^•'"•■'^'=" '^f "^« '=•«--« 
 ndfferent h'T" '""'=' ,''"""•■'' *'"' J"« ^"^h an 
 ndiflerent body as we know nitrogen to be We 
 .M,^ have ,,.«M./,. evidence in favour of the mix.i: 
 rath!''^'*^T *''-T'"<e » "■'''k capable of holding 
 rather more than one liter, fit u with an india-rubbl? 
 S 71X: "'"' '"^^ "' ««• 55. but the short 
 tube of the latter must not pass quite through the 
 cork. CompUMy fill the flask with clean and fresh 
 ram water, and the bulb tube also ; insert thecok 
 carryng the latter in the ne, k of the flask in such a 
 «ay as to have the flask and tube quite full of wat r! 
 Let the delivery tube, d, dip under some of the same 
 rturmf d '" .r"'^" '™"^''- """ -vert-"™ 
 a test-tube filled with water. Apply heat to the flask 
Air dissolved by Water. ij. 
 and gradually raise the water to the boilinR point • 
 bubbles of gas «i|l |,e evolved all the time and col- 
 cct in the bulb b ; this is air previously dissolved l.y 
 ^nM ' T. '^l """"^P''^''- When the boiling 
 ^11 r f """ '"=•'"" '''^"'^"'^•^ P"*hes the air 
 recuve it If the boilmg be continued for some time, 
 expelled and collected with little loss in the test-tube. 
 Flo. 55. 
 should afford ,7-95 c.cs., but this volume is rarely 
 obtamed.' If the test-tube be removed from he 
 <^ater, then inverted, and a burning match be now 
 plunged mto the air extracted from the water thi 
 comU,st,on of the wood will be n.uch more a^t ve 
 for a feAv seconds than in air We are thus led to 
 oXn' thf ^':,.^'"^^'"^'' fr-" -a'er contains more 
 oxygen than ordmary air, .nd when analysed by any 
 ' The residiial water is quite flat aixl insipid. 
 . !| 
 '56 Ex/icrimental Chemistry, 
 of the methods aheady given, it is found to 
 in loo volumes:— 
 more sohiF.)^ tk- '^ ' utcause the forn^er s 
 for .f U was a chemical compound the t ^^u^^lk 
 Sniall though the proportion of air dissolved in 
 wa^er ., u makes all the di/Tercnc. betwS 1 e Ind 
 death to fish, as the oxygen they can withdraw from 
 water by their respiratory organs- 
 the gills-is essential to their ex- 
 istence. Hence it is necessary to 
 secure the due aeration of water 
 m a^juana, either by frequently 
 changing or by making a number 
 of fme streams of air-bubbles pass 
 through the licjiiid. 
 Experiment 88.~-Arrange a 
 bottle as shown in fig. 56. Put 
 .he cork carrying Z^l^:::::: ^^ ^^ ^^^ 
 'hrou« Ihe ime :.rru.' i.™';"' ' """ ''"''"«'' 
 ^ 'iL 
Ana/jysis of Hxptnd Air, ix^y 
 mdexhaie air from the lungs through the tube- ih. 
 a.r from the lungs bubbles through the lil'^^^ 
 and the latter soon becomes turbid '""^-"^^^'•' 
 We have already learned from Fx '*'*'• ^^• 
 penment 58 Uiat the lime-water acts 
 •as a detector' of carbon dioxide or 
 carbonic acid in a gas ; therefore the 
 expired air differs from that inspired 
 by containing much carbonic acid 
 Experiment 89.-^Expired air is 
 analysed by collecting it in a gra- 
 duated tube • over mercury. A few 
 drops of strong solution of caustic 
 potash are then passed up through 
 the mercury into the confined gas 
 from a curved pipette, as shown in 
 H' 57. Thecarl>on dioxide is (piickly 
 absorbed by the alkali in the pro- 
 duction 01 potassium carbonate, thus :— 
 £0a + 2KOH = K.COa 
 mg for ievcJ, gives tlie proportion of carbon dioxida 
 Inve'r.Il'in'^h'"'""'"','"'". ''"''' """' "'"' "•""^'''X ""d then 
 rr he „'LT'« ''""*■ .'^ '"'" "f 8la»». curve,] a, one end 
 nnJintoTTK « '-'• "•""'^ '" """'r ">« «ir from >h. 
 hinp. mo / I he hm ,k„.,o„s of air expelled from the mouth 
 forcing it tlirouah the ae"".". L-u- . " """"™' '•J' 
' 58 Experimental Cfiemistiy. 
 If a small quantity of strong solution of pyrowllic 
 pi^,:"" '"f-t"^--d, a further conirJZ S 
 ™ thi"' '" ^''''«""'<="' «3, to absorption of 
 ox)gtn , th.s ,s measured, and the residual .as is 
 nurosen, whose volume is then deter.nined In h , 
 way the com,K>sition of a sample of air exuirel h! , 
 man was foun-i to be. in too volumes- ' ' 
 Oxygen . 
 Carbon dioxide 
 evwinlv in i T" •' '°"'""'"^'* '" 'he proces^ 
 evidently m the combustion of tarbomsed n ateriaL 
 evolved. An adult man thus expires about 450 liters 
 of COj in twenty-four hours. 
 Experiment 90. -Pour 30 or 40 cc^ of lime-water 
 >nto a bottle ; now plunce a burinl 
 burn for a short tm,e ; then remove the tauer do,! 
 the mouth with the hand, and shake. The lime-w tl 
 becomes very turbid, therefore carbon diSe w^l 
 produred durmg the combustion of the taper 
 A snfljlar experiu,ent may be m.ide with the flame 
 of a small i^etroleum lan.p or of roal-c^s o w , h 
 Pjece of red-hot coal. In' all these ,^es carl o„ 
 dmuie .s a product "f the combustion, and the r 
 tec on of tins particular nro.luc, proves he pescnce 
 of the element carbpn in ne br^y burned. ' 
 We have thus detected several sources 0/ con- 
Fig. 58. 
 ^cf^on 0/ Plants on Carbon Dio:ade. ,59 
 We knoi that y^'r . i!r f""""^ '° '"-• 
 process of purification mth^ "' *'''"' "'""'"' 
 ■i-|.e next e!y.ri„,enrwm Lp '"0'""'^ •'' "■°^''- 
 nature of this process. ^ understand the 
 Experiment 91._vVe tair» t^. 
 other of the following JZV- °" ^"''^^^ °"= °' 
 the common .4««./}<,„i, /j,,^;,^. 
 5f ; ""'''""• to te found in our 
 ditches and rivers, Ehdea cana- 
 1'nus, OratophyUum, if.uoma, 
 Sp,rogyra, or any whose leaves 
 have large stomata 
 % 5«) with water saturated 
 wKh carbon dioxide by the 
 method described later' oa 
 Attach a ,^„,on of the p,ant, 
 *'th as many fresh leaves as 
 Pos'-ble. ,0 a piece of ^Z f„ 
 order .0 sink it in the water ,n " - 
 and secure Tin d^1o„ h ' '" "^^'"^"^ ^^^^< 
 Fill a test-tube wi,r«a° ^ '"'""■"' °^ *"^ ^'^J'* 
 over the tube ofX ^n '..rir 'S '""^ '"-"^ 
 'hat no change takes pla;e in 7^1, r'? T 
 c^'I'ose the whole arranceml. . ./ ^^ '*'"• ''"« 
 »ome houi. =^-. ..,;!''''""*"* •" ''"Kht sunshine Mr 
 ""•' """"'«* "f Ijas will J,e evolved, and 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 will rise through the funnel and collect in the test 
 tube. When a sufficient quantity has been collected, 
 remove the tube in the usual way, invert it, and 
 plunge into the gas a match with a glowing tip ; note 
 that it is rekindled. The gas can be easily identified 
 as pure oxygen thus evolved from the plant. A care- 
 ful examination of this process of separation of oxygen 
 has shown that the latter is a product of the decom- 
 position of CO, in the green or chlorophyll cells of 
 the leaves ; in these cells the carbon is fixed and em- 
 ployed in the production of various carbonised bodies, 
 starch, woody fibre, &c, while any oxygen not re- 
 quired for similar purposes in the plant -organism is 
 returned to the atmosphere in the gaseous form, 
 as we have seen.' We learn, thus, that the carbon 
 dioxide which issues from the lungs of a man or other 
 animal, from the burning candle, the factory fire, and 
 many other sources, and that would, if allowed to 
 accumulate, soon render the atmosphere deadly to the 
 higher animals, is rapidly decomposed by vegetation 
 under the influence of the solar rays. Thus man is 
 saved from slow poisoning by the depurating action of 
 vegetation on impure air, and this action is, moreover, 
 the chief cause of the nearly constant composition of 
 ' In additifjn to this decomposition of cariion dioxide, which 
 hi only eflfecttd in the chlorophyll cells under the influence of 
 light and chiefly of the yellow rays a process of nsptration 
 analogo' ."^ to that of animals takes place in all parrs of the 
 pian», and is not dependent on the action of light ; but this ah- 
 «<».ption of oxygen and evolution of carbon dioxide is so very 
 /eeble that the loss of carlxjn involved is insignificant when 
 ciimpofeil with the enormous gain of carlx»ii l»ydecuuipoiU»ono/ 
 its dioxide in the chlorophyll cells. 
the test 
 it, and 
 p ; note 
 A care- 
 cells cf 
 nd em- 
 not r«- 
 nism is 
 » form, 
 »r other 
 re, and 
 wed to 
 f to the 
 man is 
 :tion of 
 ition of 
 B, which 
 lence t)f 
 i of the 
 this ah- 
 «o very 
 It when 
 mXMM of 
 Fk;. 5^ 
 Diffusion of Gases. i6i 
 the air, aided as it is by the action of atmospheric 
 currents arismg from alterations of temperature, and 
 the operation of a curious physical law in virtue of 
 which the constituents of a gaseous mixture tend to 
 diffuse or distribute themselves eciually throughout 
 the mass. This principle can be easily illustrated by 
 the following experiment. 
 Experiment 92.-Fit the doublc-riecked bottle h 
 as shown in fig. 59. The tube / passes through the 
 cork nearly to the bottom of the bottle, 
 where it dips just under the surface of 
 some water coloured with litmus or co- 
 chineal ; this tube is drawn out to a rather 
 fine jet at the end c Both corks are best 
 of india-rubber ; through the second passes 
 the long tube m ; this, hke /, should just 
 dip under the surface of the water in h. 
 The end outside the bottle passes airtight 
 through the cork c, which closes the porous 
 earthenware cell s. The latter is one of 
 the small porous cells used for galvanic 
 batteries, and should be new md clean. 
 AH the corks, if not of rubber and very 
 tight, must be coated with paraffin. Having 
 prei)ared the api^aratus, fill a rather large 
 jar with hydrogen, and bring it mouth 
 downwards over s. Almost immediately gas bubbles 
 from m through the liquid in the bottle, and as it has 
 no exit It w confined in h and exerts considerable 
 pressure upon the surface of the coloured water, 
 whu b latter is, in consecpience, driven up through / 
 ?.nd ia^ucs from <, iarawng a temporary fountain. On 
 3^ I 
 162 Experimental Chemistry, 
 withdrawing the jar the reverse action takes place—air 
 enters through /, and the liquid rises in ;//. 
 The reason for the accumulation of gas within the 
 apparatus at first, and consequent increase of pressure 
 IS that the hydrogen rapidly diffuses itself through the 
 air m the cell and vice versd, while the porous cell 
 walls do not oi)pcise material obstacles to mis process 
 of diffusion, though sufficient to intercept mere currents. 
 But hydrogen gas, Jx^ing so much lighter than air (in 
 the ratio of i to 14-47), rushes through the pores at a 
 higher rate than the heavier air can pass in the oppo- 
 site direction-corisequently gas accumulates in the 
 cell and the evidence of this is the increased pressure 
 withm the apparatus, which suffices to raise a column 
 of liquid to a considerable height. If oxv^rcn wer^ 
 present at first in the cell, the pressure would he still 
 higher, owm^j to the greater specific gravity ot that 
 gas^ The law regulating this diffusion of gases is 
 allied 'Graham's law,' as it was di3covered by the late 
 Professor Graham, the last scientific Master of the 
 British Mint, and its statement is that Mv diffmion 
 rates of two misses of gas in contact are inversely pro^ 
 pomonal to the spmre roots of their spmfic gravities, 
 1 hus, comparing hydkogen and oxygen, the specific 
 gravity of the latter is 16, and the square root of 16 is 
 4-therefore, according to the faw, four times as much 
 hydrogen as oxygen will pass through i\xt cell wall in 
 a given time. 
 In the case of air the two constituents do not diffuse 
 out into the external hydrogen at the same rate the 
 heavier oxygen passing out in the above proportiorL 
 una the somewhat lighter nitrogen nt « hii/iu-- ^-^-^ 
 ■Q-.NM. ««*tp4M 
Carbon Dioxide in Air. 
 iMruRiTiEs IN Air. 
 The impurifics commonly met with in air are 
 the noatmg solid parti,:lcs~the 'motes in the sun- 
 beam beautifully seen when a beam of sunlieht 
 passe, through the air-and the gaseous or vaporous 
 bodies we should expect to find, viz., ,arlm.. dioxide 
 water, ammonia, and ozone; while we , «:casionallv 
 meet with carbon monoxide, marsh gas. and other 
 hydrocarbides, sulphur dioxide, sulphuretted hydrogen 
 t^T.^ t-'™^'"; ,''"°"""' ""'^ "^^""''^ emanations 
 fron the skms and lungs of men and other animals. 
 Experiment 93.-Exposc in a dish a quantity of lime 
 water to the air of some open space for a few hours • 
 the water will soon be covered with a white pellicle' 
 owing to the formation of chalk arising from the 
 action of the carbon dioxide, always present in ordi- 
 nary a,r, upon the hme in the water (see Experiment 
 The usual proportion of CO, in good fresli air is 
 from C-033 to 004 percent, i.e. 3t0 4partsm ,0,000, 
 bm tJie a.r of confined and ill-ventilated sp.tces ,s 
 often much less pure, as it is rapidly by animaj 
 respiration and burning illuminating material 
 An adult man exjnres about sixteen cubic feet 
 of a|r per hour and about ,«,th of this 1. carbon 
 dioxide. A single gas-jet which consumes three cubic 
 feet of coa gas per hour (equal to about ,50 grams 
 of oil or mt) uses up more air th^m two men. 
 When the proportion of carbon dioxide reaches 
 0-C9 to 01 per cent, the air is clogft and * fu=tv ' £0 — - 
 senses, and is unwholesome. The late Dr! VmhL 
 I *? 
 1 1 
 164 Experimental Chemistry. 
 held, and we think rightly, that air should be con- 
 sidered unwholesome for" human beings when the 
 carbon dioxide present exceeds 006 |)er rent., or 6 
 volumes in iq,ooo, the carbon dioxide being in this 
 case taken as a measure of the general purity of the 
 atmosphere. • Good ventilation aims at keeping the 
 atmosphere of a room well under this standard, and 
 for this purpose 3,000 cubic feet of fresh air must be 
 introduced per head every hour, and about twice 
 this volume of fresh air per hour for each gas-burner 
 that hourly consumctJ three cubic feet of coal gas, un- 
 less the products of combustion arc removed by 
 special means.* 
 Experiment 94. —Take two plates ; expose to the 
 air on one some lumps of calcium chloride, and on 
 the other some common pearlash— impure potassium 
 carbonate. After a time both substances will [)e found 
 in a moist condition, having absorbed aqueous vapour 
 from the atmosphere and dissolved in it, or deli- 
 quesced ; if exposed long enough each will become 
 completely liquid, and a strong solution of calcium 
 chlorfde be formed in one case and of potassium car- 
 bonate in the other. Both substances are spoken of 
 as hy^roscopii\ or moisture-imbibing bodies, and thus 
 serve to prove the presence of water in the air. 
 ' Two methods will t)e found in Chapter XX. for the esti- 
 mation of CO., in air. 
 » The amount of air-space required for healthy adults in a 
 foom is at least 300 cubic feet per head \ hut it is well to aim at 
 a hijiher proportion. A room la feet long, lo feet wide, and 
 10 feet high contains, when free from furniture and inhabitants, 
 I.aoo cubic feet of air, and mil therefore accommodate four 
 Sviiithy udutis if uu^ajuaic veniiiaiion be provided. 
Moisture and Ammonia in Air. 1 65 
 Experiment 95._Piace a few pieces of .ce in a ; the sides of ,l,e are soon cookd 
 down nearly ,0 the .em,,era.ure of m.hing ice. and m 
 tun ,hcy cool the a,r immediately m contact wnh the 
 exte nor of .l,e tube : moisture is then seen to be de 
 posited on the glass, because a,r nearly saturated 
 wuh aqueous ■ .our at a comparatively h,..h tem 
 perature deposits much of its water when cooled neaHy 
 th. !, \'^'r« P"'"'- " '° ''ny temperature k-low 
 would suffi ■ """""" °^ ^■"'""' """•'•"y P^'"^"' 
 salumtion point is passed, the excess semrates in 
 he form of dew, cloud, or rain. Therefo e. by the 
 atracuon of deliquescent and by the method 
 of coohng, we learn that ordinary air contain, 
 aqueous vapour , the amount of this is. however 
 extremely variable. "uwcver, 
 of h^owr"^'"* °''-: ''"' " '^^8^ S'-^^' beaker capable 
 of holding two or three liters with fresh and clean 
 am w^ter ; add to the water about ,0 c.cs. TnI^Z 
 /«/ solution,' and let the mixture stand after mixinr 
 Few samples of rain water fail ,0 show a pale yel ot 
 colour when treated with the test, which lit, r is hi 
 moisitirp in nJr « .u '-naptir A\. for estimation of 
 1 Ti t»'^"«'»i iiufyect of liyi^rometry. 
 io<,i„i'"sr,i;r;z. °' "" "'"""" " ""^^-^ ""'" 
 ' *>0 delicate Is this tt^t fW •'♦ »':" J-Js • __ 
 I part of .mrnonia 1„;r"" "' '"""""' "* 
 Exfierimem, Chemistry. 
 Jht animoma (NH,) in air rarely exceeds one 
 ^^en c tnH A T ^- ■"'""' "f ''""• ''"'°""'» '° be- 
 tween 5 and 6 lbs. per acre annu illy, and from this 
 source vegetation on uncultivated soils derives some 
 Of the nitrogen necessary for healthy dew! mment. 
 though ao the elaborate experiments of Mess,.. Lawej 
 and Gilbert at Rothamstead have shown, the agrirul- 
 tural importance of this aerial ammonia has probably 
 been exaggerated. ""luiy 
 VVe have already (Experiment 69) learned how to 
 test for ozone in air, and the characters of the other 
 accidental constituents of the atmosphere already 
 enumerated will best be dealt with under the severi 
 compounds. >- waj 
 CHAPTER xrv. 
 f IS. io. 
 nitrogen, potassium, and oxvirpn in n,<. 
 indicated by the iorrc^Z^Zl' '''°''°«'°"' 
 NtTRic Ac.n= HNO,.-J/,w^^ „^,i^,= 6, 
 _ Experiment 97.— Plar^ in , ...i...i-._. . 
 % 60. about 30 gran, of nitr^ and ;:;;'';" e7hwit;' 
 W' • 

 15.0 "" 
 ■■1 yy 3 A 
 ■■ 1 4.0 
 •A u 
 ^ /APPLIED \^J\A\3E Inc 
 S^. 1 653 East Main Street 
 r.,S Rochester. New York 14609 USA 
 SS: (716) 482 -0300 -Phone 
 SaS (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax 
1 68 
 Experitnental Chemistry. 
 \ ' ■ 
 strong sulphuric acid; connect the retort directly with 
 the receiver /, which latter is supported by the dish 
 d containing cold water ; gently heat the retort and 
 raise to the boiling point; a heavy fuming liquid of 
 a yellow colour distils over and collects in the receiver, 
 which latter should be occasionally cooled by pouring 
 water over it. When the distillation is at an end 
 allow the apparatus to cool, when the residue in the 
 retort will solidify to a crystaUine mass easily dissolved 
 out by water, and consisting of acid potassium sul- 
 phate, KHSO4. The contents of the receiver are 
 now to be examintJd. 
 a. Allow a drop of the liquid to fall on a piece of 
 blue litmus paper ; the latter is instantly coloured 
 red and then bleached, while the paper is soon de- 
 stroyed—therefore the liquid is a strong and corro- 
 sive add. 
 b. If a piece of white silk, some wool, or coVk be 
 immersed in the acid it is quickly coloured yellow, 
 and, in the case of the cork, soon destroyed. The 
 skin is likewise corroded and stained yellow by the 
 c. Add a few drops to a solution of indigo ; the 
 blue colour of the latter is instantly changed to a 
 dirty brown. 
 d. Place a few fragments of copper in a test-tube 
 and pour over the metal a small quantity of the acid. 
 Deep ruddy fumes are rapidly evolved, and a blue 
 liquid remains in the tube. 
 The acid possessing these characters is nitric acid, 
 or aquafortis, whose formula when pure is HNO.3. 
 A he foiiowmg equatioii represents the change liia-t 
Experiments iviik Nitric Acid. i6g 
 takes place when nitre and sulphuric acid are heated 
 together — 
 J^NOa^ + £^J^ = ^NOa + KHSO4 
 Potassium Sulphuric Nitric Potassium and 
 nitrate. acid. acid. * hydrogen sulphate. 
 On the large scale the cheaper sodium nitrate 
 (NaNOg) or * Chill nitre' is used instead of the potas- 
 sium compound ; moreover, in order to avoid wa{;ve 
 of sulphuric acid, two molecules of the nitre for one 
 of acid are used, but the heat required to complete 
 the operation is much higher than that employed in 
 the Experiment 97, and the residue in the large 
 retorts used is neutral sodium sulphate, Na2S04— 
 2(NaN03) ^ H2SO4 = 2(HN03) + Na2S04. 
 Pure nitric acid has a specific gravity of 1-510 
 (water = i -ooo), ^ 
 The best commercial acid is a colourless liquid of 
 specific gravity 1-420, and contains about 30 per cent 
 of water. When exposed to the air it emits an acrid 
 corrosive vapour, and begins to boil when heated to 
 121° C. 
 The acid is distinguished by the characters and 
 tests already observed, and we have in the copper 
 test (d) an experiment illustrating the fact that nitric 
 acid is a powerful oxidising agent, since it easily 
 suffers deoxidation to a low oxide of nitrogen, to- 
 • The colour of the ordinary acid is due to the presence in 
 solution of oxides of nitrogen ; these can "be removed by making 
 a stream of air bubble through the acid. Other impurities 
 OiiSn lOUHvi jn t«v eoinmercial acid arc sulphuric aod hydiO- 
 chloric acids ; for their tests see the respective acids. 

 Experimental Chei,nistry. 
 gether with loss of hydrogen. In the case of copper 
 the reaction in the strong acid may be thus written— 
 f.^ + ^J^3 = N2O3 + 2(Cu(NO,)2) + 3H2O. 
 Copper. Nitric 'Nitrogen Copper Water' 
 The ruddy fumes observed in the experiments con-' 
 sist in part of the sesquioxide of nitrogen, and the blue 
 liquid formed contains in solution the blue-coloured 
 copper nitrate,* which latter can be separated by 
 evaporation and crystallisation. 
 Experiment 98.— Put a lump of red-hot charcoal 
 on any suitable support under a flue. Take up a few 
 drops of strong nitric acid in a long glass tube and 
 allow the acid to fall on the charcoal. Note that 
 violent action at once takes place, the charcoal burn- 
 ing rapidly in the oxygen of the acid. 
 Experiment 99.— Add some of the acid to a solu 
 tion of ferrous sulphate or 'green vitriol;' it at once 
 communicates a black colour, which is changed to 
 brown on boiling. 2 This is the iron test for nitric 
 Experiment 100.— Place a crystal of the alkaloid 
 Brucia on a white plate and let fall a drop of the 
 strong acid upon it Note that a fine orange redzoXom 
 is developed. 
 Experiment 101.— Place a few cubic centimeters 
 of nitric acid in a capsule, and add caustic potash 
 solution until the acid is neutralised ; then evaporate 
 ^ For the action of tbe weaker acid on copper, see page 179. 
 * Foif the explanation of this, see page 180. 
Experiments on the Basicity of Nitric Acid. i;i 
 until a peilicle forms and allow to stand On cooling 
 crystals oi nitre separate— 
 HNO3 + KOH = KNO3 + H^O. 
 The analyses of nitric acid and of nitre lead to 
 the formulae just given as the simplest expressions for 
 their composition ; but the discussion of the analytical 
 data cannot tell us whether nitric acid may not be 
 represented by the symbols ^ H^N^Oe, and nitre by 
 K2N2O6, or some multiples of these values. Moreover 
 the vapour of nitric acid is so easily decomposed by 
 a high temperature that Avogadro's law cannot help 
 us to decide between the above formulae. How then 
 are we to pro.-eed in order to determine which of the 
 formulae, HNO3 or H^N^Og, for example, is correct- 
 m other words, whether nitric acid is mono- ordt-basic} 
 (See Part I. page 84.) A little consideration will satisfy 
 us that if the acid be di-basic and its formula H,N,0, , 
 It ought to be possible to form a second potassium 
 salt-one containing KHN^O^. We must, therefore, 
 make an expeiiment calculated to deiermine this 
 Experiment 102.-Take two porcelain capsules 
 perfectly clean and dry, and place one on each pan of 
 the balance and counterpoise exactly; then mark one 
 capsule A and the other B, so as to know which pan it 
 belongs to. Remove the capsules and place In each 
 10 CCS. of the same strong solution of causti6 potash 
 coloured blue by the same quantity of solution of 
 litmus. Now neutralise the potash in A by nitric acid 
 added gradually, without loss, from any convenient 
 measanng vessel Note the quantity required for this 
^72 Experimental Chemistry. 
 purpose. Next add to the caustic potash in B double 
 the quanuty of the nitric acd required to just neutra- 
 lise the first. Place the two capsules dose togetiier 
 on a small tray of sheet iron, the bottom of which is 
 covered w,th a layer of sand, and heat this 'sand bath' 
 ZZT\^ V ^"f """'P'"' "'^'"^ underneath, so as 
 l^Vh . K r """^ '" ^""""^ '^•'"'^"''^ »'°»''y evaporate 
 without boilmg or spirting. When the solutions have 
 been concentrated to the some extent small crystals 
 separa'^ ' "o difference is observed in the appearance 
 of these or m their apparent amount, but during 
 evaporation acid fumes are freely evolved froin 
 left ?r T \ ^'""' '^^'■' """• ^ dry mass is 
 left m each capsule and acid vapours are no longer 
 given off; then when cold, replace the capsules t 
 Aei respective balance-pans. If the operations have 
 been carefully conducted the capsules should still 
 counterpoise, proving that the same weight of matter 
 was produced in each case ; and when each residue 
 .s carefully examined it is found to possess all the 
 detected there by a great gain in weight and by 
 differences m the characters of the safts obtained 
 m the two capsules. No new salt is separated, but 
 merely a mixture of nitre and excess of nitric acid is 
 obtained, and the latter being volatile is dr ven off 
 during evaporation. Therefore nitric acid is a monr! 
 basic acid, and its formula must be written HNO, 
 ?'.-.p,nment I03.-Introduce into a test-tube some 
 solve the latter, and heat No fumes will h^ <.v.i„„^ 
B double 
 t neutra- 
 which is 
 id bath' 
 \ so as 
 •ns have 
 i from 
 mass is 
 » longer 
 ules in 
 IS have 
 Id still 
 all the 
 rm the 
 nd by 
 :d, but 
 acid is 
 en off 
 o dis- 
 Gunpowder, its Composition, 1/3 
 Cool the liquid and add a cubic centimeter or so of 
 oil of vitriol ; violent action soon begins and ruddy 
 fumes are freely evolved, just as in Expernnent 97, d. 
 In this case the metallic nitrate is inactive ; but on 
 addition of the powerful sulphuric acid the salt is 
 decomposed as in Experiment 97, and the nitric acid 
 thus set free at once produces its characteristic effects. 
 For a similar reason a metallic nitrate reacts, as in 
 Experiments 99 and 100, only after the addition of^ 
 sulphuric acid ; hence this addition cannot be neglected 
 in testing a salt of nitric acid. 
 Experiment 104.— Mix a very small quantity of 
 nitre with about one-third of its weight of powdered 
 charcoal in a small porcelain crucible, and apply heat 
 Violent action almost amounting to explosion takes 
 place ; the mxture is said to * deflagrate '—the carbon 
 or charcoal burning in the available oxygen of the 
 nitre. All nitrates » cause this deflagration. When 
 sulphur as well as charcoal is mixed with nitre, gun- 
 powder is produced The proportions of the ingre- 
 dients differ somewhat, according to the purpose for 
 which the powder is to be employed, but the per- 
 centage composition of good rifle powder is— 
 Nitre ..... 75 
 Sulphur . . . .10 
 Charcoal . , , .15 
 Such a powder when fired affords about 280 
 times its volume of gas, corrected to o" C. and 760 
 m.m. ; and this gas is found to be a somewhat 
 variable mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and 
 ' For the characicrsi of particular nitrates, see Part 111, 
 m. :' 
 174 Experimental Chemistry. 
 carbon monoxide gases, with much smaller pro- 
 portions of other gaseous bodies. A solid residue 
 rich m potassmm sulphide, results from the decom' 
 position, and this, when blown out into the air from 
 the muzzle of a gun, quickly burns and forms potas- 
 smm sulphate, of which the white smoke chiefly 
 consists. v-'iiciiy 
 By the aotion of phosphoric anhydride on strong 
 nitnc acid colourless crystals can be obtained con 
 tammg N,0, This is nitrogen pentoxide, or nitric 
 SS'th^s-'^" '''''' '° -^- " «-- 
 NsO, +*H20 = 2HN03. 
 The same anhydride is produced when dry chlo-' 
 rme gas is conducted over dry silver nitrate: silver 
 chloride and oxygen are likewise obtained- 
 2AgN03 + 2CI = 2 AgCH- N2O5 + O. 
 Poisonous action -Strong nitric acid is a powerful 
 corrosive, colouring the skin or mucous membrane 
 yellow, and destroying the tissues. When swallowed 
 It acts as a strong irritant poison and produces violent 
 vomiting, great pain, loss of voice, difficulty of breath, 
 ing, and ultimate death. When much diluted with 
 water the acid can be safely taken in small quanri ty 
 ^«A^<,*..-Calcmed magnesia or dilute solution of 
 borax, followed by oily or mucilaginous- drinks. 
 Nitrogen PERoxiDE=NO,orN,0,.J/^/;K,«^/,/=46. 
 I^perLment lC5.-Take a tube of hard glass 
 closed at one end ip, fig. 6.). Having introduced 
Experimefits with Nitrogen Peroxide. 175 
 about 10 grams of dry and powdered lead nitrate into 
 a, bend the tube in the form shown ; then apply heat 
 to the salt ; presently deep orange fumes are given 
 off, and these pass down the tube b\ if che bend r be 
 immersed in ^ freezing mixture of ice and salt, or a 
 mixture of hydrochloric acid and sodi'iru sulphate, 
 Fig 61. 
 the fumes condense and form drops of a blue liquid, 
 which solidifies to a white crystalline mass if cooled 
 to - 10° C. This body is an oxide of nitrogen whose 
 formula in the state of gas is NOg,* though often 
 written N2O4 for reasons that will be stated when con- 
 sidering another oxide of 'nitrogen. 
 • When electric sparks are passed for some time through dry 
 air, a mixture of oxides of nitrr»oron jc fx—v-r^,! . i. . ., . 
 body occurs. 
 Experimental Chemistry 
 prcsIL'r"'"""" ^' '''' '^^^ "'^-'^ - thus re. 
 ?b;W03), = .NO, + PbO + o 
 Lead nitrate. 
 • oxid?' '''^'" ^'^ ^-^ "^'^'^^ "^^h the nitrogen per- 
 .> KnKM ' 'u^ ^""^ '''"^' ^'^'^ the delivery tube make 
 t bubble through .// ./ ,//././. Note that much of 
 the ruddy fumes dissolve in the acid th.T 
 escaping. ^^^^' the oxygen 
 Of n^^ietlTl'"^"'^ ^^^'^^ '° '- -'>-^"- 
 ^NO, + H,0 = HNO3 + HNO, 
 N,TK0GE._S.SQ„,0X^, OR N.TROUS AnhvorzoB 
 Nmous Acm=HNO, J/./,^/,,, ^.^^/^^^ 
 blue hqu.d, or when passed into ice-cold waTekfbiue 
thus re- 
 'e make 
 nuch of 
 vo of 
 ^6i ; 
 ne of 
 Experiments with Nitrous Add. ij^ 
 solution is obtained. The formula of the body is N.O 
 The reaction ,^hich affords u .s thus expressed^: " 
 AS2O3 4- 2H.,0 
 ^ -f- 2(H3AsO,) 
 2HNO3 + 
 The arsenic acid remains in the tube. We have'alre.rfv 
 anMride, ,i.e N^O,. and^SI dSrbut te" 
 events o?r:r '^''^ "'-^ -•-'' ^'^^^^^ 
 N30a + H,0 = 2HNO, 
 rt will be remembered that this is one of the two 
 aads^a^ady known to result from the action o/no: 
 b. Add a few drops of the solution of nitrous acid 
 ° pot'i'umT' '^ ' ""'^ ^""'^^'^ """^ »n 
 whh wh chT P'™^"«'''"^'^' ^ body rich in oxygen 
 v.ith which ,t easily parts, and then loses its fine pu^l" 
 tc. ^ In the above case, nitrous contains less nwl' .L?^f J° 
 ' 78 Experimental Chemistry. 
 HNO, + O = HNO, 
 mikfnU correTpondrJ:"''' ""^ Pe"nan,a„ate. by 
 ^ '-urresponding experiment. 
 or Joo ci' of^wat"'' °' "" ""^""' "^'^ '° "° 
 i„jj "'"^'^ containing a little Doh«,„m 
 IJiuuucea Jt the so ution be vrrv Hi'ii,*^ 
 'iodidrof s'ta'ch . 'fn th"'" ^^'^-g'y ^o'o-ed 
 hydrate. oxide 
 Nmic Ox,BK=NO or N,0. Mol. ..^,,=3, ,,,,. 
 Expenment 107.-Take the bottle, fig. 6.. used 
 water ihe ,.e,„ „„, beir^dt .'::;::" "''-*" '- -» 
le nitrous 
 disinc: or 
 in dilute 
 nate, by 
 to 200 
 v^ colour 
 ite, or a 
 e to 'the 
 I of the 
 acts as 
 n atom 
 f nitro- 
 in the 
 ' or 60. 
 , used 
 5n, and 
 in well 
 Experiments with Nitric Oxide. ,;g 
 '" tJie preparation ot hydroecn oas nn^ • . j 
 some copper turnings or v.refmo^r.. "•'"''"'* 
 with some warm water and in 1-t 'l "'"'' \ "'«••" 
 the thistle funnel. NoV ?i" 1 ^^°l^ ™^^>'"« 
 a liU>e strong nitn^Idr ct ^ a^'"''^' '"'- 
 commences and „n,<:h gas is evolved ?hl r '''°" 
 are allowed to escine m,l .^ ' '^'''■■" P"""'"^ 
 usual i„ the ars As' 2 , ^'' " "'"" ^""""-•'ias 
 jars. As the evolutiot, of gas slackens, a 
 Fig. 6a. 
 little more acid will make it brisk arrafn Ti. • . 
 gas should be allowed to ^fJZ ^ i ^^ ^^'' ""^ 
 short time in order Zf h T ""''' '^' ''''''' ^^^ ^ 
 generally a^X ma^SSth^ ""^^^ ''''' 
 leave the gas colourless. ^ ' '" '^' ^^^^^ ^"^ 
 follcSli^JLnilii^r^^^ P^°^"-^ - the 
 g reaction with the somewhat if//u/e^ acid— 
 SCu'' + 8HNO3 == ^Cu'YNO ^ ^ ^Tr^ 
 -» • IV 
 :' S: 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 Fig 63 
 a. Remove a jar full of the colourless gas, covered 
 with itf glass plate as usual. Withdraw the plate and 
 note that brownish fumes are instantly produced when 
 the gas meets the air. This is the most characteristic 
 property of the gas, as it rapidly passes into one or 
 other of the higher oxides of nitrogen— N.Og or NO — 
 on meeting with a sufficient proportion oV>.. oxygen 
 This property is of the utmost importance in the 
 manufacture of ojI of vitriol. 
 A Place a piece of phosphorus in the spoon, 
 lig. 63, and touch it with a warm wire ; while it is 
 just kindling or burning feebly, plunge it 
 into a^jar of nitric oxide— the flame is almost 
 or quite extinguished. Now withdraw and 
 again kindle, but let the phosphorus burn 
 briskly, then plunge into another jar of the 
 gasj vivid combustion now takes place. 
 In the first case, the temperature was not 
 sufficiently raised to decompose the gas 
 and render its oxygen available; in the 
 second this decomposition occurred, phos- 
 phoric anhydride was produced, and free 
 sTnZrVt ^r ^'^ -^Pe^n^^ents may be made with 
 sulphur and wood. 
 c. Make a strong solution of ferrous sulphate 
 (green vitriol) m water and pour the solution into a 
 jar of the gas, close the mouth quickly with a glass 
 plate or the hand, and shake. Note that absorption 
 occurs, as the plate or hand is drawn tightly up to the 
 mouth of the jar, and the contents of the latter 
 become dark-coloured. Therefore the gas is easily 
 soluble in solution of ferrous sulnh.-.fp .j,„„„i, , / 
Fig. 64. 
 Experiments -mtk Nitric Oxide. igj 
 of pure water dissolve only ? c r. nf ,1 
 definite comtwunrl i- f„ j • '''^ S^^' A 
 niula is no' FeSO ^ If'Th !," f ''"'°" ^^ose for- 
 the nitnc ox de ifdriven off' ''"''' ^' "'""^'^ 
 brownish solution le Th f '' ""'^ " ^°'"^^^''« 
 compound is fo med in.^ 7 '. "^"^ dark coloured 
 the nitric acid and the rv'J f '" <^^°'<'d'ses 
 nitric oxide-then d«!>l '^1°'^"" "^ reduction- 
 ExpertaenJ "oa-F ;r: L'eVf^r f ^""*^'^- 
 %• 64, with mercury, and "n vert in ™ '^°""' 
 stout tumbler ; now in ™^'''^"y '" '^ 
 troduce as much nitric 
 oxide gas as will about 
 half fill the tube. Pass 
 tip into the gas, through 
 the mercury, a pellet as 
 large as a pea of the 
 metal potassium (iiie ,at. 
 ~y Jfth 'r fhS:,Tf -^^^^^ 
 sium can be thrown ilth/"''."^ ' ^'"'' '"^^ P"'^^" 
 any mercury theT p T^ " ™'''°"t "saving 
 tube still uLer the furfur V'\""™''' ^''^^^ "^«' 
 end a depressed 1 1 f "'" "'^'■^"^y ^"d the 
 potassium the m!,^''°""' "'^" "PP'V heat to the 
 with the oi r/l'":L^lt1?^ ^°"''"^^ 
 mtrogen gas. Allow the apmrntus t ' f"^. ^"^ 
 that the mercury has r^^ZT. ^^'^L""'^ "°^« 
 Penment be properly co„du«,,Th;- ^^' -J- 
1 82 
 Experimental Chemistry, 
 .assuming that it contlt , "^S^^^"'"' Justified in 
 Heat the copper stronp^v = ^ Experiment 52. 
 Fig. 65. 
 nitrogen when co.,:ct;d'l1i:Ld^ 7^ '" °^ 
 IS abstracted by the copper just TsTn ih ? °''^^'" 
 but to find the eXL tl ^ ''"°^"' *^ have 
Cotnposiiion of Nitric Oxide, 
 specific grav r i! o„ ' °^'" t"'' '"'>'^^"' ""^ its 
 .4'99 X 2 -J:.'s f ; ' "■■'"^ ""^ conclusion, for 
 gasfor the ^ekhfof two /'"°'''"'" "^'^ht of the 
 and one ^/l erSrffrc 't-""''«^-^- 
 certainly NO. '^rmuia ol the gas is 
 But the nitrogen atom is pentad nr fi i- i 
 and that of oxveen H,-o^ Pentad, or five-hnk, 
 ..^ -ui ^-xygen diad, or two-linV o«^ 
 unatticJr/.''Ir:eTarrrer2^ ^"^ °"^ """^ 
 the general rule that frle J.T } I ^^^^V^^ou to 
 links (i.e., centres of atacSnih"' '" *•='' 
 atoms enga-ed Som/ll ^ • ''^"" ^mponent 
 this ^^X-J:2:^z2^o'': " ^" °-' 
 weight acc:<;::;T: i::;s:r,r^ r'^^r 
 far above its conde„t^ ^f"^ ^' '^-"P^^^^^^ 
 NO, whicl! sTrlTlkf^^^^^^ '° '"^^ ^"""""^ 
 is cooled down 7fs t V / ' •'"" ''''''" '"^^ gas 
 ^3 (H = r) t^nVr ;K cE Ir^"!: ^^'"^ 
 Point-the latter number gvesth. °ot' 7"'^"^'"^ 
 92 and the formula N„0.^ t,! .! l","'*^^"'" weight 
 assumed in the ca<ip of V;.'- "T '"" conibmation 
 case of nitric oxide can be distinctly 
b I ' 
 I ^4 T^^xferimental Chemistry. 
 validate' rgnlrui": ."Tf °"' '^^ "°' '"- 
 show that the!:rcoi; rwh.c'h" ,£ 7:^ 
 or * atomicities ' nc fk^ "'"xcn imjcs, 'bonds,' 
 Nitrogen Monoxide (M'/rous oxij, „ , ,■ 
 weight =^^. o ■• ■'^99^-gn. Molecular 
 J^xperiment 110. _ Pour some 
 30 or 40 CCS. of strong nitric acid 
 '"'° "", evaporating basin (see fig 
 66) ; dilute with an equal volume of 
 water, and add gradually the strong 
 commercial 'solution of ammonia' 
 until the acid is neutralised; this 
 point ,s ascertained by ,est-paper 
 n the way already described. The 
 l.qmd in the dish is now a solution 
 ot ammonium nitrate— 
 + NH4OH = NH,N03 
 * Solution of 
 + :i.o 
 "t:]r.-,sr,Ax- s.^ 
 ich best 
 not in- 
 ?rve to 
 c acid 
 e fig. 
 ine of 
 onia ' 
 Experiments with Nitrous Oxide. , gj 
 when cold, is removed from th^ hn.- ^ 
 'n a well-closed bottle ITw^a ^"" ^"'^ Preserved 
 Experiment 11 If t Vn o f ''^"''''"' ^y- 
 the preparation of oxyg n L 6,^'^ "'''' ""' '°' 
 the flask about 30 grams of fh ^'^^ "''°''"'" "«° 
 prepared as just descr L ^ ^^mmonmm nitrate, 
 corlc carr,ing\he dS^'^bfanHll '^T' ''' 
 matic trough with /,^, . ' , '""^'^ 'he pseu- 
 The salt mf,„,?d etlr ^f' '^' ^^P'^ ''^^t. 
 the temperatur; Shes "o c" rf '"'•^'^''" ^^ 
 -^30 u The gas is termed 
 Fig. 67. 
 cloudy at fir.f „, ^ ^ ^"'■^ "^ generally 
 carried oyer ^ .11"^ '° "'''''''' °^ =^""« "'«'er 
 - ..... uaocner jar of gas plunge burning phos- 
 Expertmentac Chemistry. 
 nearly as vmd comDmtion ensues as in oxygen 
 but all the bodies, more especially sulphur, rjqmre 
 to be burning strongly in air before they are brought 
 into the gas, else they are extinguished ^ 
 c. Transfer a jar of gas to a vessel of cold water • 
 allow about one-fourth of the gas to esc'ioe ThL' 
 firmly close the mouth of the jaf while unde 'water the hand, and shake up the gas with he wa te 
 tl™th" ft^^'" '''; ''^"'^ "'""^ drawn aS 
 waters ^'"■' ""f °" ''""«^'"g *^ '^«^^ under 
 water and removmg the hand the proportion of sas 
 iToVX'^ ^r'^T"^ ^^'^"-<^' '"dicating'tfa 
 some of the gas has dissolved. By reneatin^ tw,. 
 treatment several times, the gas, if fiLlm 2 S 
 be completely absorbed. Therefore this gTs unlike 
 oxygen, is tolerably soluble in cold watef in "act 
 i-oo cc. of water at 15° C. dissolves 07T78 ca oi 
 bom^g^prt" '^-"^'^-■ve inwate/nearto%hi 
 Experiment I12.-Heat some potassium in a tube 
 Experiment T''' '/ '""'''^'^ ^°^ ""™ ^^^f In 
 toper ment ic -md note that the gas does not 
 th?Z /" rT" ^''^^ ^^''^-' decompoSn by 
 the metal and the residual gas possesses the properties 
 of pure mtrogen. Therefore the n>olecule oi this g^ 
 u«at of nitric oxide, contains ... ^. if^; 
 By the method adopted in Experiment 109 it can 
 be shown that this gas, like nitric oxide, contains hd" 
 3-.6/c".:nhf^""'""" '"^-^ '-perature abscbs 
 Physiological Effects of Nitrous Oxide, 187 
 its volume of oxygen. It therefore contains, for the 
 same volume of oxygen, twice as much nitrogen as 
 nitric oxide, and its formula is N^O. 
 The change that takes place on heating ammonium 
 nitrate is therefore represented by the equation— 
 NH4NO3 = N,0 + 2H,0 
 The molecular weight of the body should be 44 = 
 (14 X 2) + 16, and its specific gravity (H = i) ought 
 to be —= 22. The experimental number is 21-99 ; 
 therefore the above formula is correct. Consequently 
 I vol weighs 21 '99 c.grs. at 0° C. and 760 
 Experiment 113.— Take a jar, that we may call A, 
 containing only air, and hold it mouth upward. Take 
 a jar, B, of NgO, and turn it mouth upward also and 
 remove its plate. Now slowly pour the gas from B 
 into A, just as you would pour a liquid from the 
 vessel, and test both jars with a taper having a 
 glowing wick. The taper is re-kindled in A, but not 
 in B, thus proving that the gas is so much heavier 
 than air (1-52 times) that in can displace the lighter 
 air just Hke liquid. The gas cannot be retained in 
 an open vessel for any length of time, as it escapes 
 by diffusion (see Experiment 92) into the atmosphere. 
 It is liquefied by a pressure of 30 atmospheres at 0° C. 
 The gas is often termed laughing gas, in allusion 
 to the curious property Sir Humphry Davy found it 
 to possess, when mixed with some air and inhaled 
 of causing temporary excitement and a sense of 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 exhilaration. When unmixed with air or oxygen, and 
 pure, nitrous oxide produces insensibihty if inhaled 
 tor a short time ; at first ringing noises are heard and a 
 general sense of pulsation ' is experienced, then sleep 
 supervenes, during which any short operation, such 
 as the extraction of a tooth, can be and frequently is 
 performed. A few full respirations of pure air restore 
 the patient, and no unpleasant after-effects follow the 
 administration. In the latter respect nitrous oxide 
 IS superior to ether and chloroform as an anesthetic 
 U.e., a body used tp procure insensibility to pain) but 
 the gas can completely suffocate if too long inhaled 
 Ringer says of it : ' It appears to me to produce its 
 anaesthetic effect by preventing oxidation of the ner- 
 vous centres, and this chieiiy by depriving the blood 
 of its supply of free oxygen from the air.' Although 
 there is more oxygen in nitrous oxide than in aiN 
 it IS chemically combined with nitrogen, and thu's 
 we have, m the comparative action of nitrous oxide 
 gas and air on the animal economy, a remarkable illus- 
 tration of the wide difference in characters that may 
 exist between a chemical compound and a mechanical 
 mixture of the same elements. 
 We have thus recognised the existence of five 
 oxides of nitrogen, two of which are anhydrides of 
 distinct acids. If we assume that the molecule of 
 n„rL^'^^"' '''''^^ ^'' '"^'"^'^ ^°^ '"^^1'-^^'°" should be 
 purified from ammonia and higher oxides of nitrogen by 
 Gb hging It to pass in succession thro«gh sulphuric acid and 
 uLkT . r? ^^"'P'^^^' "^ S'-^^" -^"°'' contained in 
 suitable wash -bottles. 
 • 53*$ pe? omU hy weight, as against 23 per cent, in air. 
 N2O2, or NO. 
 N2O4, or NO2 
 Experiments with Ammonia. 189 
 each oxide contains the same weight (i.e., 28 parts) of 
 nitrogen— althv u.jh we know this is not quite true 
 in one instance at least-it follows that the group of 
 known oxides of nitrogen is a complete series of com- 
 pounds resulting from successive additions of single 
 oxygen atoms to the lowest term-i.e., nitrous oxide. 
 Thus — 
 Nitrous oxide , , 
 Nitric oxide .... 
 Nitrogen sesquioxide, ornitrous 
 anhydride .... 
 Nitrogen dioxide . 
 : Nitric anhydride . 
 In this group of bodies we therefore have additional 
 evidence in support of the law of multiple proportions 
 already deduced from the examination of the two 
 oxides of hydroi^en. ( Vide Part I. under Experiment 
 Ammonia = NH3. \ Vol iveighs ^-^ c.grs. 
 Molecular weight =-17. 
 Experiment 114.~Boil some metallic zinc with 
 strong caustic potash solution in a large test-tube • 
 the metal slbwly dissolves and a gas is evolved which 
 burns at the mouth of the tube, and can be easily 
 shown to be hydrogen, and zinc potassate is left— 
 Zn + 2KOH = Zn''(0K)2 + 2H. 
 On the addition of a few drops of nitric acid or a 
 little mtre to the solution anH ckn^\r^ i,^«*.«„ *u 
 "ft""' "^avijig, tiic pun- 
 gent smell of hartshorn is noticed, and a piece of 
 i: J 

 J 90 Experimental Chemistry. 
 pour We r ''"'• ''''''"'' °' "" """"'"' ^^- 
 the hydrogen, 'no'lo^^e^::;; ; Vufwh/nT "he' 
 «<,...«/ .state, quickly , he nitre form „! 
 nitrogen of he nitre and forms ammonia gas which 
 lajter^ evo,.d^.hi,e potassium hydrateTiSt 
 KNO3 + ^H = mi^+ KOH + .H,0 
 Ammonia. Potassium 
 Experiment 115.— Pass a rnrr^nf r 
 hydrogen through a hot aiic^iin^e sX To ofnitfe^d 
 ra e':/r 1? ''' "'* ^^'^'^-^'^ litmus-paper No 
 trace of allcahne ammonia can be detected if tZ 
 materials employed are pure, and care be Ikl t^ 
 prevent any of the liquid reaching the paper '° 
 ^^«.f fo experiments well illustrate the difference 
 rJ TJ .''"'"""" ""' comparatively stable free mole 
 condhL;'':rf "^ *^ "^^ ^■^"^"' - *~' 
 condmon-i.e., at the moment of liberation of its 
 atom from a compound, and, as some suggest before 
 It can meet with another atom in orderTform °he 
 Experiment I16.-Take a tube of hard gia.s 
 closed at one end, and one-third fill it wirpites 
 of horn, bone, gelatine, feathers, wool, hair, or, if the 
 From naxrn^. l-rt K/» 1 
 y ■»--- s^« uvm. 
Experiments with Ammonia. 
 Fic. f S. 
 Teat \L '"^' ""'• ^"^'"^"'^ °^ '°=^'. and apply 
 heat. The organic or carbonised matter soon ri7 
 voTErtt r '""'ir^^ °^ '"^ heatand variot 
 to bluu All the bodies mentioned agree in cnn 
 taming nitrogen-even coal contains from to 2Z 
 Wise present,ii^:;^:rmlT 7.1 '''-'-' "^^" 
 nitrogenised animal and vegetable 
 bodies afford more or less ammonia 
 m this way, not only at high but at 
 ordinary temperatures, when they 
 undergo slow putrefactive change or 
 decomposition in presence of mois- 
 ture-in fact, much of the atmo- 
 .spheric ammonia is derived from the-e 
 ^ Most of the ammonia employed 
 in the arts is obtained from the tarry 
 ammoniacal liquors collected during 
 the manufacture of coal gas. The pre 
 paration of sa/-ammomac and similar ji^ 
 TndSs oH '""'^^ .'^'-''^--^ will be referred to 
 unoer baits of Ammonia ' in Part III 
 aJo!^T' '^^-^---^y powder some ../. 
 with rather more than its own weight of slaked 
 '' Or distillation attended by decomposit 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 hme in fine powder, quickly transfer the mixture 
 to the flask / fig. 68,. insert the cork carrying the 
 delivery tube d, -nd invert over the free end of the 
 latter the dry h tie On applying a very gentle 
 heat to clrr mixti, n , / abundnnre of ammonia Kas 
 fs evolved, \ht pungei.^ smell ot which is quickly 
 perceived, ^vhiie red litmus-paper passed up into the 
 gas is instantly rurned blue, .md white fumes are pro- 
 duced when a glass rod," moistciied with hydrochloric 
 or acetic acid, iff I'lfought to the mouth.' Note that 
 the pure gas is colourless. 
 2NH,C1 + Ca(0H)2 = 2NH3 + CaCl., + 2H,0 
 Fig. 69, 
 a. Pass up a lighted taper into a jar full of am- 
 monia. The flam- is extinguished 
 without igniting the gas. 
 A Take a dry gas jar and at- 
 tach a piece of red litmus-paper 
 near the top inside by means of 
 gum. Invert the tube, and bring 
 under its mouth a rather larger 
 tube full of ammonia gas, as shown 
 in fig. 69, and slowly invert the 
 latter. The colour of the litmus 
 in the upper jar quickly changes, 
 proving the ascent of the ammonia, 
 and the flame of a taper is ex- 
 tinguished if passed up into the gas. Therefore am- 
 ' Any other ammoniacal salt may be used instead of the 
 chloride, aad potassium or sodium hydrate instead of lime. 
 ying the 
 id of the 
 ry gentle 
 onia pjas 
 into the 
 are pro- 
 fote that 
 f- 2HnO 
 I of am- 
 and at- 
 cans of 
 d bring 
 ■ larger 
 5 shown 
 'ert the 
 is ex- 
 )re am- 
 d of the 
 Experiments with Ammonia. 193 
 monia {slighter than air, and displaces the latter from 
 the upper jar. Its specific gravity is 8-5 (H = i) or 
 but httlc more than half (0-586 if air = ,) as heavy rri 
 air. ^ 
 c. Fill another stcit bottle with the gas, close with 
 a glass plate, and remove, still mouth downwards 
 to some water ; withdraw the pla! « when ti.e mouth 
 Fig. 7a 
 IS under water. Note that the water rapidly rushes 
 into the jar and nearly fills it ; therefore ammonia gas 
 IS very soluble m water-in fact, i c.c. of water at 
 15 C. and 760 dissolves 783 ccs. of ammonia 
 gas, or 783 times its volume. 
 ^^ SAperiment I18.-Prepare ammonia gas as be- 
 fore, .-ut wasli it from impurity by making it pass" 
 '94 Experimental Chemistry, 
 through the small quantity of water ' in the little wash- 
 bottle z£/, fig. 70, and then conduct the gas into a 
 measured quantity of water contained in the bottle 
 b, which latter is cooled by immersion in a beaker of 
 cold water, as heat is evolved during absorption of 
 the gas. Apply heat to the flask/ and pass the gas 
 through the water in b as long as it is absorbed, but 
 when bubbles pass through without sensibly diminish- 
 ing m size it may be concluded that all the gas has 
 been dissolved that the water can hold at the particular 
 temperature and pressure. Measure the bulk of the 
 liquid in b after Ijhe experiment, and it will be found 
 to have increased to the extent of about one-half its 
 volume.2 This 'solution of ammonia ' is colourless, 
 with a characteristic and very pungent smell, and 
 strong alkaline reaction to test-papers. The specific 
 gravity of the solution is about o-88 (water = i). 
 When the solution is heated, ammonia gas is 
 expelled, and after boiling for a short time almost 
 every trace of the gas is removed ; thus ' solution of 
 ammonia ' is a very convenient source of the gas, and 
 we shall use it presently for this purpose. Ammonia 
 gas is also easily soluble in alcohol. 
 The extraordinary solubility of ammonia gas in 
 water, accompanied as it is by considerable evolution 
 of heat, IS commonly regarded as due to true chemical 
 combination— a new body being formed which closely 
 ' Rather more than 50 c.cs. of water should be used for 
 every 100 grams of sal-ammoniac. 
 ''The process employed on the large scale in the manufacture 
 of liquor ammonia fortior-^ of the British Pharmacopoeia is 
 identical with that given above. 
ExperimenU with Ammonia. 195 
 resembles potassium and sodium hydrates in its 
 h^hly alkalme character and power of neutralising 
 acids (e.g. „,tr,c acd, Experiment .10), and forming 
 hence the liquid may be fairly regarded as a hydrate 
 similar to those of the metals above named, in which 
 hydroxylis united to a monad compound radicle 
 NH „ which acts like a monad metal and is termed 
 ammonium.^ Thus— 'c.mcu 
 J^ + HjO = NH'.OH 
 Ammonia. ^T '"~ — "" 
 - ' hydrate.* 
 Water saturated with ammonia gas at o° C and 
 under the pressure of 760, may be regarded as 
 nearly pure ammonium hydrate, since it contains a 
 weight of ammonia equivalent to about 96 per cent, of 
 JN II4OH. But a slight elevation of temperature suffices 
 to decompose this body, and nearly all the gas can 
 be expelled before the liquid reaches 100° C Thus- 
 NH,OH = NH3 + H20. 
 From the above experiments we learn how to pre- 
 J's'oLt. f"" "^"''^"^ ^^"'^^^^ ^"^' ^"d '^ obtain 
 solution of ammonia 'of the British Pharmacopoeia, 
 or ammonium hydrate. 
 Ammonia can be condensed to a colourless liquid 
 by cooling the gas to a temperature of - 40° C or F. 
 ' See further, Experiment 124. 
 .Z ^"lf^\ compound is known, which is intermediate in 
 composition between NH, and NH.OH ; its composition is 
 represented by the formula NH..OH. and ,> i= ..^^TuTJ^ 
 been replaced by the group OH or hydroxyl. 
 196 Experimental Chemistry, 
 (and, it may be stated, this particular temperature is 
 the only one indicated by exactly the same value on 
 the Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometer scales) by 
 means of a freezing mixture of two parts of snow and 
 three parts of crystallised calcium chloride. 
 The comparative ease with which ammonia gas can 
 be liquefied by cold leads to the presumption that it 
 admits of liquefaction by very moderate compression 
 at ordinary temperatures. By means of the following 
 Fig. 71. 
 cheap and effective apparatus we can reduce the gas 
 to the liquid form. * 
 Experiment IW.-A species of U tube of stout 
 wrought uon is made of the form shown in fig. 71, 
 ALB. A IS about 40 centimeters long, B 30 centi 
 meters, and each is 2 centimeters internal diameter • C 
 is about 25 centimeters and 5 or 6 milhmeters internal 
 tubes. The whole is fastened to the wooden stand A 
 A is provided with 
 ucv^uw a;.icw-cup n^ tne joint 
Liquefaction of Ammonia, 
 being rendered gas-tight by a leather washer. B is 
 also fitted with a strong screw-cap with a deep head, 
 through which a conical hole is bored ; the long glass 
 tube t of the apparatus / passes through this hole to 
 the expansion c, which should fit into thg cone and 
 be there secured by any good cement. The screw-cap 
 m therefore carries the glass apparatus, which latter 
 is a form of pressure tube now easily obtained through 
 good instrument-makers. The liquefaction is to take 
 place within the glass tube /, which must of course be 
 very strong ; the length of this tube is about 25 centi- 
 meters, and at first it is open ; the wide reservoir o 
 must have at least ten times the capacity of / ; the 
 reservoir terminates below in a rather narrow curved 
 tube w, which is always open. The glass apparatus 
 must be filled with dry ammonia gas by connecting w 
 by means of a flexible tube with/ fig. 70, affording 
 a current of ammonia gas, but freed from moisture by 
 passing through a long tube packed with fragments of 
 fresh quicklime. When all air has been expelled— 
 and a good current maintained for ten minutes is 
 sufficient to effect this— the flow of gas is allowed to 
 slacken and the capillary end of / securely sealed at 
 the blowpipe ; the tube is removed from w and the 
 latter at once dipped in mercury, which enters and 
 prevents escape of ammonia. 
 Now remove the cap n, and • pour mercury into A 
 until the metal rises nearly to the top of B ; then 
 introduce mto B, allowing the mercury displaced to 
 overflow into a vessel placed to receive it, and screw 
 home thp rnn ttl l\u\\\r\\ r\f f^rxuraa. 
 uc piOViuec 
 with a good leather washer). We have, therefore^ 
 V Is 
198 Experimental Chemistry. 
 nothing but mercury between the gas in and the sur- 
 face of the metal in A. Next remove enough mercury 
 from ^ by a pipette to leave a space of some 1 2 centi- 
 meters between the surface of the metal and the cap ; 
 then fill up to the top with the strongest 'solution of 
 ammonia,' and screw down the cap n, and the 
 apparatus is ready for experiment, which is performed 
 in the following way : — 
 Gradually heat the portion of A -containing the 
 solution of ammonia by a Bunsen flame occasionally 
 applied; as the temperature rises, ammonia is 
 expelled from thg solution, but since the gas has no 
 escape, considerable pressure is exerted in A on the 
 surface of the mercury, and the latter, acting as a 
 fluid piston, compresses the gas in 0, which steadily 
 diminishes in volume until at last the mercury rises 
 into view in / ; > and if the heating of A be now care- 
 fully managed, the compression proceeds until a layer 
 of colourless liquid is seen to form on the surface 
 of the mercury in /. This is the liquefied ammonia, 
 and IS obtained when the pressure reaches about 6-5 
 atmospheres at mean temperature. 
 If the joints are well made and the heating well 
 managed, it is easy to maintain a steady pressure for 
 a considerable time, but anything like violent heating 
 must at all times be carefully avoided. On allowing 
 the apparatus to cool, the mercury recedes in /, and 
 the liquefied ammonia disappears. This apparatus is 
 always ready for experiment, though it is desirable to 
 'It is well to cover / with a large cage of fine wire gauze, 
 lest the glass should give way when first subjected to consider- 
 Su»e pressure. 
Covibustion of Ammonia. 199 
 unscrew the cap of J occasionally and change the 
 kSbV. '"""""'^ " ^""^ '^^"^^S^ ^^^ '^ i' 
 Experiment 120.-As we have already seen ^x- 
 penment 117, <.) ammonia does not burn when a light 
 .s appued to the cold gas. Now pass it through a 
 narrow glass tube heated to redness near to the point 
 at gas issues, and it can be easily :gnit"d burn- 
 2' It :ror""'-^^"°" "^-"^ '" the'oxygen'ofX 
 Z^^ K i""^"'^^^ ""roge" gas and water, hence a 
 Sed'asrj"'° *^. "^^ ^^ ^'-^^y ^ 
 2NH3 + 3O = 2N + 3H2O. 
 somr'.^i 5 ' "l '""'^^"^^ ^"^ (^b^^i^^d by heating 
 some solution of ammonia ') issuing ^ 
 from a jet be surrounded by oxygen 
 gas and then ignited. The little ap- 
 paratus, fig. 72, enables this experi- 
 ment to be easily performed. ^ is a 
 short brass tube into which oxygen 
 gas can be admitted through the side 
 tube ^ ; « is a glass tube delivering 
 ammonia; this passes through the 
 cork . which fits the brass tube a. Ammonia is 
 allowed to flow through n, and then oxygen gTs de 
 nved from a bag or gas-holder, is turned on camiously, 
 this' fppamtur if ' ^•'''"'■' P""^P ^' "'^^g^^'^^^ ^^-ided in 
 tms apparatus, it is inexpensive. Before usinjj any form 
 ,°'„??!!^i"\^«^^^P--"^« o-he kind described.1t Z,d T 
 Fig. 72. 
 Ej^periinental Chemistry. 
 while a flame is applied to the jet. When the propor- 
 tions of the two gases are properly adjusted a tolerably 
 steady flame can be obtained.' 
 If in the last two experiments, but more especially 
 in Experiment 120, we dry the ammonia by passing 
 the gas through a tube filled with fragments oi quick- 
 lime (CaO), the appearance of water as a product of 
 combustion is proof that hydrogen is a constituent of 
 ammonia, while the mode of generating the latter 
 from nitre adopted in Experiment 114 leaves little 
 doubt that nitrogen is another constituent of the body ; 
 but the following experiment affords us complete evi- 
 dence of the composition of ammonia. 
 Experiment 122.— Fill the eudiometer (fig. 73) 
 one-fourth -h say 20 ccs. of dry ammonia gas over 
 mercury. Measure the volume and pass a series of 
 sparks from an induction coil between the wires within 
 the tube.2 The confined gas is thus intensely heated 
 ' In these experiments the rapid oxidation of ammonia in- 
 volves complete decomposition; but when slowly oxidised, 
 especially in aqueous solution, it first affords nitrous acid, thus— 
 NH3 + 30= HNO, + H,0. 
 The nftrous acid then unites with another atom of oxygen, and 
 produces nitric acid, thus — 
 HNO2 + O = HNO3. 
 The organic matter of sewage readily affords ammonia on 
 decomposition, and the latter then undergoes slow oxidation as 
 just stated ; hence in sewage -contaminated water nitrites and 
 nitrates are usually to be found. 
 2 In this case a Leyden jar must be placed in circuit in order 
 that the maximum heating effect may be obtained. For this pur- 
 pose it is merely necessary that one of the coil wires should be 
 in metallic connection with the knob, and the other with the 
 external coatinL-^ of the ian 
Analysis of Ammonia. 201 
 and decomposed, and if the sparks are passed for a 
 sufficienttime the volume of gas increases to 40 c.cs., or 
 IS doubled. Having obtained the maximum expansion 
 note the volume, and introduce 20 ccs. of pure oxygen 
 and explode in the usual way. After correcting for al- 
 teration of level, the residual gas wiU measure only 15 
 CCS.; therefore 60 - 15 = 45 ccs. of gas have dis- 
 appeared, two-thirds of which, or 30 ccs., must be 
 hydrogen and the rest oxy- 
 Fig. 73. 
 gen (see Experiment 24). 
 As 20 ccs. of oxygen were 
 introduced, and 15 ccs. 
 have thus disappeared in 
 union with hydrogen, the 
 residual gas in the tube 
 must contain 5 ccs. of 
 oxygen. This residue 
 measures, as we have 
 seen, 15 ccs. ; hence 
 15 — 5 = 10 ccs. of ni- 
 trogen left. J To sum up, then, our experiment proves, 
 firstly, that ammonia gas contains only nitrogen and 
 hydrogen ; secondly, that it is completely decomposed 
 into its constituents at a high temperature ; thirdly, 
 that the resulting mixture of gases occupies twice the 
 volume of the original ammonia ; fourthly, that this 
 gaseous mixture contains one volume of nitrogen and 
 three of hydrogen— consequently the molecule of am- 
 ' By passing up a few drops of caustic potash, followed by 
 a strong solution of pyrogallic acid (see Experiment 83), the 
 that it can be easily identified. 
 Fig. 74. 
 202 Experimental Chemistry. 
 nionia gas contains one atom of nitrogen and three 
 atoms of hydrogen, and must be represented by the 
 formula NHg,^ and its molecular weight by 17 
 (14 + 3). This result is confirmed 
 by the specific gravity of the gas, 
 which, as we have already seen 
 (page 49), is 8-5, and 8*5 x 2 =17. 
 I vol of ammonia gas (112 ccs. at 
 0° C and 760 weighs 8*5 
 Experiment 123.— Pour a few 
 drops of strong commercial hydro- 
 ^ chloric or 'muriatic acid' into a 
 wide-mouthed bottle ; cover with 
 a glass plate and turn the bottle 
 about so as to distribute the acid 
 over the sides. Fill another bottle 
 with ammonia gas, bring its mouth down on the 
 glass plate that covers the first, as shown in fig. 74, 
 and then remove the plate from between them so as 
 to leave them mouth to mouth. White fumes are 
 instantly formed in abundance, and they deposit a 
 white saline body on the glass after a time which is 
 ' We can recognise the nitrogen acting as a one-link, or 
 monad atom, in nitrous oxide, N'-0"-N', or N.,0 ; as a threes 
 Imk, or triad, in ammonia, N'^H',, and as a five-link, or pentad 
 m ammonium hydrate. N'H',(OH)', the monad group hydroxy]' 
 OH',^ satisfying the fifth link. In the case of sal-ammoniac,' 
 N'H'^Cr, we also have evidence of the five-link or pentad 
 character of the nitrogen atom. In all these cases the links or 
 bonds appear or disappear in pairs. 
Ammonium Amalgam, 203 
 identical with sal-ammoniac or ammonium chloride 
 ^_NH3_^+ HCl = NH'4C1 
 Ammonia. Hydrochloric Ammonium • ' 
 acid. cliloride. 
 Thus at the commencement of our experiments we 
 decomposed or analysed sal-ammoniac, and now we 
 have reformed it or effected its synthesis, and we have 
 written the formula of the body in such a way as to 
 indicate that it is the chloride of the compound radicle 
 ammonium NH'4, already referred to under Experi- 
 ment 118, rather than NH3HCI, the formula directly 
 justified by its mode of formation. Now the former 
 view assigns to the group NH'^ a pseudo-metallic 
 character, and it may be fairly asked whether am- 
 monium has been isolated, and, if so, whether it pre- 
 sents any of the metallic characters. As a matter 
 of fact, ammonium, NH'4, is not known in the free 
 state, but a curious body can be prepared which is 
 supposed to be a solution of ammonium in mercury. 
 This body is easily obtained ir the following way. 
 Experiment 124.— Introduce about one cubic 
 centimeter of mercury into a wide test-tube ; gently 
 warm the metal over a lamp an'', directing the mouth 
 of the tube away from the person, drop in a fragment 
 of clean metallic scditwt about half the size of a pea. 
 If the mercury be warm enough, the sodium will at 
 once dissolve in it with a little explosion— if not, heat 
 gently. Then introduce another piece of sodium 
 of the same size, and after its solution a third. A 
 Slavery white amalgam of sodium is thus prepared 
204 Ex'perimental Chemistry. 
 which retains the metaliic lustre' Now pour out 
 the warm and still liciuid amalgam (for if allowed to 
 become cold it will become pasty or solidify) into 
 about 250 CCS. of a cold saturated solution of sal- 
 ammoniac (see Experiment 73). The amalgam 
 quickly mcreases to at least 15 times its original bulk, 
 and ultimately becomes a large pasty mass, light 
 enough to float on the surface of the liquid. This 
 mass can be removed and washed with water; it 
 presents a brilliant metallic appearance, but it is very 
 unstable and soon decomposes, evolving ammonia and 
 hydrogen gases, and after some time nothing remains 
 but the original mercury. This body appears to be a 
 true amalgam of mercury and the metal-like am- 
 monium, the latter taking tlie place of the sodium • 
 thus— ' 
 JlgxNa^ -f NH.Cl = Hg^^NH^ + NaCl 
 Sodium Ammonium 
 amalgam. ' amalgam. 
 The amalgam then breaks up in the following way-^ 
 Hg^NH^ ^ Hg^+ NH3-f H. 
 There is therefore some experimental evidence as 
 to the existence of the compound metal ammonium, 
 and the close analogies traceable between its saline 
 and other compounds and those of potassium and 
 sodium confirm this view; but it would lead us too 
 far out of our course to examine this question here ; 
 ' Alloys of metals with mercury are termed amalirams ; in 
 some cases these are mere mixtures of metals, in others feeble 
 chemical union takes place, but the product in all cases retains 
 the •metallic appearance. • 
Expenmcnts with Iodide of Nitrogen. 2c ^ 
 hence we- shall reserve this part of our study until we 
 have to deal with the compounds of the alkali metais 
 in Part III. 
 Experiment 125. - Powder half a gram or so of 
 iodine and add it with frequent stirring to 20 ccs. 
 of ammonium hydrate solution ; allow it to stand for 
 half an hour until a black powder has completely 
 subsided, then pour away the clei\r liquid and dis- 
 tribute the black residue on pieces of bibulous paper. 
 Put these in some safe airy place to dry. When the 
 black substance is dry, a touch suffices to make it 
 explode, when violet vapours of iodine are evolved. 
 If small quantities are operated upon and reason- 
 able care exercised, the experiment is not attended 
 with danger. 
 The black substance is called iodide of nitrogen, 
 and is really a mixtute of ammonia derivatives. Dr. 
 Gladstone's formula for the chief substance is NHIj, 
 or ammonia in which two-thirds of the hydrogen has 
 been replaced by iodine. Analogous bodies are pro- 
 duced by the action of chlorine (chloride of nitj-ogen) 
 and of bromine (bromide of nitrogen) ; but these are 
 amongst the most dangerous explosives known, and 
 have caused so many serious accidents that any de- 
 scription of their preparation is undesirable. 
 Many other derivatives of ammonia are known in 
 which various groups of elements replace one dlhiore 
 atoms of hydrogen in NH3 ; these will be met with 
 later on in our course, but wt may here give the 
 formulae of three of these important bodies— 
 Ethylamine. Diethylamine. Triethylamine. 
 NHalC^Hs)', NH(C2H,)'2 N(C2H,)'3. 
 Experimental Chemistry, 
 ■ ^ 
 Hydrochloric Acid (Afuruitic add) = HCl i Vol of 
 gas weighs i^i^'ic) c.grs. Molecular weight ^ 2>(,-c 
 Experiment 12a-Mix some sal-ammoniac-am. 
 monmm chloride, as we shall term it for the future- 
 with strong sulphuric acid in a test-tube. Even with- 
 out heat a quantity oj-gas is evolved which has a very 
 pungent smell and fumes in the air ; it does not burn 
 or support combustion of a match, but it reddens blue • 
 litmus-paper, and produces whitg clouds if a rod 
 moistened u'ith ammonium hydrate be brought near 
 the mouth of the tube. ' ^ 
 ^ The gas evolved is therefore an acidg2.^ capable of 
 uniting wuh the alkaline ammonia, and' this 'body is 
 termed hydrochloric acid, and its symbol is HCl Thus 
 in Experiment 1x7, we liberated ammonia gas from 
 NH.Cl, and m Experiment 123 re-formed the latter 
 by effecting the combination of ammonia -with 
 hydrochloric acid. We have now broken up the 
 compomjd agam, but in such a way as to make it 
 yield itTacid constituent ; thus— 
 2NH,C1 -f £,S0, = (NH,)^4 + 2HCI 
 Sulphuric Ammonium Hydrochloric 
 acid. sulphate. acid 
 In this case, each group, NH„ takes the place in 
Hydrochio.ic Acid Gas. 207 
 the sulphuric acid of ont. atom of H, and the latter 
 unites with the CI of the ammonium salt and forms the 
 acid. Ihe specific gravity of hydrochloric acid gas, 
 detcrmmed as in Experiment 27, is 18-19 (H = i) • 
 and I vol weighs 1819 c grms. Its molecular weight 
 is therefore 36-5 (if CI = 35-5). 
 Experiment 127.-Make a similar experiment 
 with common salt or sodium chloride, and note that 
 the same acid gas is evolved. In this case 
 2NaCl + H,80, = Na^SO^ + 2HCI 
 <^*^lo'''^e. sulphate. 
 Lower the test tube from which HCl g2i% freely issues 
 into a small dry gas jar standing mouth upwards, and 
 loosely cover with a glass plate. After a minute or 
 two slip aside the glass plate, rapicly remove the test- 
 tube, and pour in a few cubic centimeters of water ; 
 cover the mouth with the hand and shake up. Note 
 that a vacuum is produced, as evidenced by suction 
 of the hand, indicating that the gas has been absorbed 
 by the water ; now test the latter with blue litmus- 
 paper and note that it has acquired an acid reaction. 
 Therefore hydrochloric acid gas is soluble in water and 
 produces an acid liquid. As a matter of fact, the gas 
 is very soluble in cold water, as we shall find presently, 
 for I c.c. of water at 15° dissolves 450 ccs. of the 
 gas at the same temperature. It is a strong solu- 
 tion of the gas in water that constitutes the liquid 
 hydrochloric acid ('muriatic acid' or 'spirit of salt') 
 of commerce. 
 Experiment 128.— A glass flask, / fig. 75, is 
 provided with a cork through which passes" the^gas 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 delivery tube bent twice at a right angle and passed 
 to the bottom of the wash-bottle w, which contains a 
 very little water, which a tube leads from 70 into a bottle 
 b containing cold distilled water. Place about co 
 grams of common salt or sodium chloride in /and \o 
 c cs. of water in /;, and connect the apparatus as shown 
 Measure 50 ccs. of oil of vitriol and add it gradually 
 Fig. 75. 
 and with stirring to an equal volume of water contained 
 ma porcelain dish ; when cool, pour into the flask, 
 and then, if necessary, apply a gentle heat to/. HCl 
 IS freely evolved as a colourless gas and passes through 
 the water in w, where the first portions are absorbed, 
 and then into ^he water in b. When all air has been 
 txpelled from the solution, the bubbles that pass into 
 the water disappear before they reach the snrfarP fhe 
Hydrochloric Acid Solution. 209 
 gas is so easily soluble in water ; but when the latter 
 IS saturated they pass through without apparent 
 diminution of bulk, and thus the end of the process 
 can be recognised. The bottle b must be kept cool 
 throughout, resting in the beaker of cold water. » 
 When the gas is being freely evolved it is well to 
 remove the delivery tube from b, dry it, and pass it 
 to the bottom of a gas jar placed mouth upwards and 
 partially covered ^^ith a glass plate. When the jar is 
 judged to be full of the gas, remove the tube, close 
 the mouth and bring it under water. The latter 
 quickly rushes up and almost fills the jar, or quite fills 
 It if all air has been expelled. 
 . ^ The solution ultimately obtained in the bottle b 
 is a nearly colourless and strongly acid liquid, emit- 
 ting white fumes which have a pungent smell. Its 
 specific gravity is about i-i6 (water =i-o), and it 
 contains about ^2 per cent, by weight of actual HCl. 
 When heated this acid loses gas until the percentage 
 of HCl is reduced to 20-24, and a solution of this 
 strength boils at a constant temperature of 110° C if 
 the pressure does not vary from the normal (760 m m) 
 The common ' muriatic acid ' of the shops always 
 has a yellow colour, owing to the presence of iron - 
 other impurities commonly present are free chlorine' 
 arsenic and sulphur compounds. Appropriate tests 
 for these impurities will be found under their respec- 
 tive heads. 
 ' The process given above is that directed by the British 
 Pharmacopoeia for the preparation of the pure acid. The crude 
 commercial acid is chiefly obtained as a by.product in the 
 manufacture of 'salt-cake,' or crude sodiuL su//>Ta)e!'' sL 
 irart III. p. 283. 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 Experiment 129.-Mix a few drops of the colour- 
 less acid prepared as above with ten or twelve parts 
 of water, and add to the diluted acid a few drops of 
 silver nitrate solution. Note that a white precipitate 
 IS produced that becomes curdy on shaking. Let the 
 precipitate subside, pour off most of the liquid and 
 then divide the precipitate between two test-tubes. 
 a. To one portion add some moderately strong 
 nitric acid and boil Note that the precipitate does 
 not dissolve. 
 b. To the other part add NH.OH solution ; the 
 precipitate soon dissolves completely, and can be 
 repreclpitated wheh the ammonia is neutralised by 
 nitric acid. 
 The precipitate possessing these characters is 
 silver chloride, which is formed when silver nitrate is 
 added to free HCl, :r to any soluble chloride such as 
 ammonium or sodium chlorides— 
 HCl + AgNOg = AgCl + HNO3 
 Experiment 130.— Add a few drops of solution of 
 lead nitrate (Pb(N03),) to some diluted hydrochloric 
 acid ; a white precipitate is obtained if the liquids are 
 not very weak, and the body dissolves to a consider- 
 able extent in boiling water and separates out in white 
 crystals on cooling the solution. This body is lead 
 chloride, thus formed— 
 ^^^^li3 + 2HCI = PbCl, 4- 2HNO3 
 ^1,1, ...:.4_ 
Experiments with Hydrochloric Acid. 2 1 1 
 For another useful test of hydrochloric acid or a 
 chlonde, see Experiment 137 ; and for the distinction 
 of the acd from free chlorine, see E neriment 147 
 acid wrh""?* ^^^r"!;'"'^ ^°"'^ ^''""S hydrochloric 
 acid with water, and add caustic soda until the acid 
 IS neutrahsed, as m Experiment 42. The solution 
 cTrairoffh" " '"°"'!' °^'°""^" ^^''' '^"d affords 
 crjstals of the compound on evaporation - 
 HCl + NaOH == NaCl + H^O. ■ 
 Other metallic hydrates afford corresponding chlo- 
 ndes when used to neutralise the acid 
 Experiment 132.-Add some black oxide of copper 
 to a lutle of the acid in a test-tube ; the oxide dis- 
 solves easily and forms a green-coloured solution which 
 contams copper chloride— 
 Cu"0 + 2HCI = Cu"Cl3 + 2H,0. 
 Other basic oxides are acted upon in a similar way 
 by hydrochloric acid, and produce metallic chlorides 
 and water; b.-t certain peroxides, such as MnO„ give 
 chlorine in addition (see Experiment 137) '' 
 Experiment 133,-Plunge a strip of zinc into 
 some of the diluted acid in a test-tube. Brisk efc 
 vescnce takes pbce, and the gas evolved burns when 
 a flame is applied to the mouth of the tube. The eas 
 is hydrogen resulting from the reaction- 
 + 2H'a' = ZnXT^ ^ 2H 
 If iron be used instead of zmc, hydrogen is also 
I ! 
 I I 
 I F 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 evolved, but ferrous chloride ^ferrum^;,^^) is ob- 
 tamed in solution— 
 Fe" + 2HCi ^ Fe"Cl2 + 2H 
 In each case thg. solid salt can be obtained by 
 evaporation, of the solution ; for details, however see 
 the respective metals in Part III. ' 
 Experiment 134.-Take two' test-tubes, pour into 
 one 3 CCS. of strong nitric acid, and into the other 
 4 C.CS. of strong hydrochloric acid. Put into each 
 acid some pieces oi gold-leaf '^nA apply heat. Neither 
 acid IS able to dissolve the gold, or ' royal metal ': but 
 on mixing the contents of the^est-tubes the panicles 
 of gold disappear almost immediately; hence the 
 mixture of acids is called aqua regia, because it alone 
 dissolves gold or platinum, which latter is also classed 
 ad a noble metal. 
 When the two strong acids react, particularly on 
 heatmg or long standing, the following products are 
 obtained — 
 aHQ 4- RNO3 = 2CI + NOCl + 2H,0 
 The solution of the gold (or platinum) is due to 
 the action of the chlorine on the metal -^ 
 Au'"-f 3Cr = Au"'CI'3. 
 '^\sftdilutednitro-hydrochloricacid{^. P.) is prepared 
 by mixmg the strong acids in the above proportion 
 (3 •' 4), standing for twentv-fouf honr« tn nArrp.v v,«.-i.. 
Fro. 76. 
 Analysis of Hydrochloric Acid. 2 1 3 
 complete change, and then diluting with .5 parts of 
 assmJf r° r"'^""^"' ''^P""'"" ^e have hitherto 
 L "rnont ? ""^^ *""' "^^ ^as evolved when 
 sa -ammoniac or when common salt is heated with 
 ^ulphuncactd. We must now examine this bodjmore 
 use thiTITf """"^ '" '^°'"'"°" «"• "'« ^hall now 
 aadJas ln^ 1 T°\^ '"^'"""^ f^°'" hydrochloric 
 ac d gas. Kill the U tube, fig. 76, with hydrochloric 
 acid by passing a rapid current of tlK gas throuX t 
 for some time ; then close the .stopcock . ^ 
 and immediately pour sufficient mercury 
 into the open limb to close the bend / 
 and partially fill the tube as shown. Now 
 adjust the level of mercury by opening 
 the stopcock for an instant, as the gas 
 must be under a little pressure, then mark 
 he position of the mercury in the closed 
 limb and fill up o completely with mer- 
 cury containing some sodium amalgam, 
 rrf "J '" E-"''^"'"^"' '^4. Next g asp . firmly 
 m he hand pressing the thumb on the opening Tnd 
 tailrth ^ '' "'"'^^ "'^°"g'' 'he mercury con- 
 tain ng the sodium, at last transferring all the c"s 
 not t'hat r J""'- ''T ^^-"^^^ *' 'humb ^^ 
 the mercu ; thTr'^""'''. '" "' ='<^J"« '^e level o<: 
 «">b occupies only /..// ti." ;;L.^rof' thT h^r 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 chloric acd. Fill up o with plain mercury brinir , 
 flame near to the jet, and cau iously openT-the 1 
 Sidual gas ru*es out and burns for anfnstant T t 
 Experiment ISe.-Bend a tube in U form as in 
 ^5f SI"? •E.ri ri-r£» 
 Fig. ^^, 
 Now plunge the carbon poles ^ into the arM Jn fi, tt 
 tube OS «h^«r« r- • , ^ ^^^^ ^" the U 
 tube as shown. Gas is evolved at each pole-colour 
 and neither burns nor rekindle J^tcT ^aS 
 2r^^l f however, a piece of moistened blue litmu! 
 paper be Ia.d over the mouth of the tube it is soon 
 mll^Z tT T' *" "''''• ''''"•'== P'^'i"'™ would be 
 ^.acked by the chlornK evolved during elcc.oly.. of ,he 
Experiments with Chlorine. 
 allusion to its greenish-yellow colour ; its symbol is CI 
 and atomic weight 35.5. The voU mes o7the two 
 gases evolved during electrolv.ic; . " "" 
 eoual whpn fi.^ V \ ^'^^"oosis are approximately 
 equal uhen the hquid becomes saturated with chlo- 
 rine. The specific gra^ ity of chlorine gas, determined 
 as m Experiment 27, is ^r.,8 m - r\ .u "-'"'^^'"^^ 
 r=ii2 r pc: \ „,„• t ^o "^ ^ ')' therefore i w/ 
 ^-112 CCS.) weighs 35-38 cgrs. 
 wethfis , l"-\°"^ ''*°"'' °f '^"'^^g"'' -hose 
 c%ni IS I cgr. Now, since 36-? - i = ,c-c «r 
 almost exactly the weight of x t./ of chlorine we 
 conclude that the molecule of hydrochloric add Is 
 consists only of hy< ogen and chlorine, and of bf^h 
 chemical y combined without condensation. AkhoS 
 this proof IS complete, it is well to coni^rm 1he co„ 
 ThlorTne i» o '° °'^'''''" ''''^8^^ ^"'-'"i'ies o 
 that demenr "7 ''"'\'"^ ''"^^ "'^ -characters of 
 that element. (For synthesis see page 219.) 
 Chlorine a.=35-S. i ^^/«'«^/« 35-36 ..^. 
 Molecular weieht =. 7io_n io „k ■ , , " 
 rhlnri^ o„-j u ''°- " 's obvious that hydro- 
 chloric acid ought to afford an abundant supply of 
 chlorine rf we can remove its hydrogen and avoid 
 mon salt. ■"' """"-^ ''"'"' ^^'^*""» in com- 
 1 b 
 i i 
 Experimental Chemistry, 
 presenting at the same time a body that can combine 
 with all the chlorine. Experiment 132 proves to us 
 that a vionoxide like copper oxide will not suit our 
 purpose, since the metal can unite with all the chlorine 
 displaced by the oxygen, but if we use a peroxide of 
 a metal whose atom requires but two of chlorine to 
 satisfy it, the excess of chlorine should be obtained in 
 the free state. We shall, therefore, make the follow- 
 ing experiment vvith a body of the kind referred to 
 that we have already used, viz., manganese per- 
 Experiment 137.— Heat a little manganese per- 
 oxide (MnOa) in a test-tube with strong hydrochloric 
 acid ; note that a greenish-yellow gas of suffocating 
 odour is evolved which rapidly bleaches moist litmus- 
 paper laid over the mouth of the tube. The gas is 
 chlorine, resulting from the following change— 
 Mn^vQ^a + 4H'Cr= Mn^d'a + 2QV + 2H,0.» 
 The manganese chloride (MnCla) remains in solu- 
 Experiment 138. — Mix a little manganese dioxide 
 with common salt and sulphuric acid in a test-tube 
 and note that chlorine is evolved. In this case HCl 
 is first formed by the action of sulphuric acid on 
 common salt, as in Experiment 127 ; the hydrochloric 
 acid then acts as above on the manganese dioxide. 
 Experiment 139.— Fit a Florence flask with a 
 delivery tube bent twice at right angles, as shown 
 • According to Dumas, MnCI, is first formed and then de- 
 composed by heat into free chlorine and manganese dichloride. 
Experimoits with Chlorine. 217 
 in fig. 78. Introduce into the flask about 20 grams 
 of MnO.2 in lumps, and 100 c.cs. <^i crude but strong 
 hydrochloric acid solution, and apply a gentle heat. 
 Chlorine gas is so much 
 heavier than air' that it Fir.. 78. 
 can be easily (ollected 
 by displacement of air as 
 shown, the colour c^i the 
 gas enabling the experi- 
 mentalist to observe the 
 rate of filling. As each 
 jar fills,, remove it and at 
 once cover with a glass 
 plate slightly greased so 
 as to enclose the gas se- 
 curely. Fill several jars 
 in tliis manner, and make 
 the following additional 
 experiments, which, as 
 well as the generation of the gas, should be conducted 
 near to a good draught, as the inhalation of chlorine 
 is attended with danger, owing to the irritant action 
 of the gas on the delicate tissues of the lungs. 
 ^ Experiment 140.— Plunge a burning wax taper into 
 a jar of the gas (see fig. 79). Note that while com- 
 bustion continues iis character alters, for the flame 
 is dull reddish, and much black smoke arises from 
 it, acid fumes bein^ freely produced. The latter 
 ' As already stated (p. 215), it is 35 -5 heavier than hydrogen, 
 and, since air is 14-47 times heavier than hydrogen, it follows 
 that chlorine is almost 2\ times heavier than the same volume 
 of air. 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 consist chiefly of HCl gas ; and the study of the 
 change leads to the conclusion that the combustion 
 in chlorme is due to the rapid chemical union of the 
 latter with the hydrogen of the wax (a compound of 
 hydrogen, carbon, and a little oxy- 
 gen), but the carbon does not unite 
 directly with chlorine, and therefore 
 most of it separates, and in the finely- 
 divided state of black smoke or soot. 
 The attraction of hydrogen for chlo- 
 rine must therefore be very great ; 
 but the following experiment illus- 
 trates this important point still more 
 Experiment 141.— Moisten a strip 
 of blotting-paper with a few drops 
 of turpentine (C.oH.e), previously 
 warmed, and, holding the paper by 
 tongs, plunge it into a jar of chlo- 
 rine. Spontaneous combustion soon takes place and 
 torrents of black smoke and acid vapour are evolved 
 as before. 
 ^ Experiment 142.-Take. a strong and well-filled ' 
 ^ jar of chlorine, and another of the same size full of 
 hydrogen gas. Bring them mouth to mouth, and 
 keeping them close together, invert several times so 
 as to mix thoroughly, then separate and cover with 
 glass plates. The mixture has a yellowish colour. 
 Remove the cover from one of the jars and apply a 
 flame ; an explosion results, and acid fumes of HQ 
 are produced. Bring the second jar, which should 
 be very securely closed bv a wPiL^r^oo.^ . 
Synthesis of Hydroc/Uonc A cid. 2 \ 9 
 glass plate, into diffused daylight, but not into direct 
 sunlight.' Note that the yellow colour slowly dis- 
 appears, and when the contents have become quite' 
 colourless, carry the jar to (he mercury trough, bring 
 the mputh under the mercury, then remove the plate 
 and note that the gas has not changed in volume, as 
 gas does not escape, neither does mercui-v enter to 
 any extent. Now pass up a few drops of water by 
 means of a curved pipette, and note that the mercury 
 now rises in the tube and will completely fill it if the 
 original gases were pure and mixed in equal volumes 
 We have thus effected the synthesis of hydrochloric 
 acid referred to under Experiment 136, and equal 
 volumes have united without change of bulk, and the 
 fact of their union is proved by the solution of the 
 product in a small quantity of water, by which a mere 
 mixture of hydrogen and chlorine would be very 
 slightly affected. Synthesis therefore completely con- 
 firms the conclusion drawn from the analytical data. 
 In these cases 
 H + CI = HCl. 
 Experiment 143.-Plunge a small piece of dry 
 phosphorus into a jar of CI, using the long spoon 
 _ 'If the tube were exposed to direct sunlight, almost 
 instant combination of CI and H would have taken pice with 
 exr^osion. Small and thin glass bulbs are sold ready fdled 
 with the mixture of gases, and when exposed to direct sunlight 
 (or to the light emitted by burning magnesium, which is also 
 rich in chemically active violet and ultra-violet rays) the bulb is 
 sha teied to fragments, owing to the sudden expansion of the 
 contents ].y the heat evolved on the combination < of rh. ._ 

 ' 1 
 Experiiuental Cheviistry. 
 for the purpose. The phosphorur. soon takes fire 
 , in the gas, and produces a mixture of chlorides of 
 phosphorus, PCI3 and PCI.,. 
 Cl^ can also be made to unite with sulphur, though 
 heat IS necessary, but it does not directly combine 
 with either oxygen or carbon, though compounds 
 with these elements can be obtained by indirect 
 means. ^ 
 Experiment 144. -Powder some metallic antimony 
 very finely, and shake the powder into a jar of CI 
 As the particles of metal fall throu-h the gas they 
 burn, evolving much light and producing a most 
 irritating vapour of antimony trichloride— 
 Sb'" + 3CI' = 
 Chlorine acts upon arsenic with equal energy and 
 when aided by heat, on all the true metils also,' 
 forming therewith chlorides, in which it acts as a 
 smgle-link or monad element. 
 Experiment 145.~-Write across the printed matter 
 on a piece of newspaper a word or two in black writing 
 ink, and plunge the paper into \ jar of CI. After a 
 short time the writing ink, whose colour is due to 
 gallo-tannate of iron, will be bleached, while the 
 printing ink is unaffected, as the colouring matter 
 of the latter is finely-divided solid carbon, which 
 IS not attacked by chlorine. Chlorine is therefore 
 not an universal bleaching agent. 
 Experiment 146. -Remove a jar of dry gas to the 
 pneumatic trough, and, having allowed some water 
 to enter, close the mouth with the hand and shake 
 up the gas and water ; the hand is drawn in. nrr.vJn. 
Chlorine Water. - 23, 
 that absorption has taken place, and on renmving the 
 hand under water the hitter in tl,e jar-there- 
 fore CI IS moderately sohihle in water, i cc of 
 water at 15- diss6lves 2-368 ccs. of CI fras. 'surh 
 a saturated solution of CI in water forms the Z,-pu,r 
 CA/on of the British Phannacopa-ia, and is easily 
 obtained by passing chlorine gas evolved from hydro- 
 chloric acid and manganese peroxide through a little 
 water in a wash-bottle (as in ng. 75), and then through 
 distilled water, until gas ceases to be absorbed. A 
 hquid IS thus obtained which rapidly bleaches indigo 
 solution, writing ink, &c., and possesses the character- 
 istic odour of the gas. If this solution be cooled by 
 surrounding the bottle that contains it with melting 
 ice, fine white crystals slowly separate which, when 
 drained froni the liquid in which they are formed 
 and analysed, are found to consist of Cl'sH O 
 Very slight rise of temperature suffices to decoinpose 
 this body into chlorine gas and water. Faraday first 
 succeeded m obtaining liquid chlorine by sealing up 
 some of these crystals in a strong glass tube anS 
 melting the solid, when two layers of liquid were 
 obtained, the lower and heavier consisting of liquefied 
 chlorine, the lighter of a solution of chlorine in water 
 Experiment I47.-Take two to ^ tubes half full 
 of distilled water, add to on . few drops of the 
 solution of rhiorine, and to t.. other a similar quantity 
 of diluted hydrochloric acid. Kow add to each a little 
 silver nitrate solution and note that a similar white 
 precipitate is produced in each case. Repeat the ex 
 periment with fresh solutions, but add potassium 
 locliae instead nf <.iKro». „.v^^*.„ ^„j . , 
 _. ...,,^^ xiitiatw aim note limt no 
 Expei'iniental Chemistry, 
 change follows its addition to the hydrochloric acid, 
 while a strong brownish yellow colour is developed in 
 the free chlorine solution, and a black precipitate if 
 the solutions are strong. This change is 
 due to the separation of iodine (see Ex- 
 periment 159), and serves at once to dis- 
 tinguish free chlorine from pure hydro- 
 chloric acid. 
 "Experiment 148.— Take a tube of the 
 form shown in fig. 80 and quite fill it with 
 solution of chlorine ; ' now expose it to 
 strong sunlight and observe that bubbles 
 of gas are evolved and collect in the top 
 of the tube, while the liquid gradually 
 loses its yellow colour. Note that the 
 liquid acquires a strong acid reaction. Since we have 
 only chlorine and water present, and a colourless gas 
 is separated, there is a strong presumption in favour 
 of the gas being oxygen liberated from the water by 
 the superior attraction of chlorine for hydrogen, and 
 in accordance with the equation — 
 2CI + H2O = 2HCI + O. 
 We have already found the acid ; we now test the 
 gas by filling up the little side tube with water, if it be 
 not already quite fulL then closing the mouth with a 
 finger and so inclining the tube as to oblige the gas 
 collected to pass into the small limb. Then have a 
 match ready with a glowing tip, remove the finger and 
 • In this experiment the chlorine solution could not be con- 
 fined in a tube over mercury, as the latter is quickly attacked 
 by free chlorine. 
Bleaching Experiments. 
 test the gas, when the wood will be rekindled and the 
 presence of oxygen ascertained. 
 In the absence of light the same change can be 
 effected by passing a mixture of chlorine and steam 
 through a red-hot porcelain tube.' 
 The ease with which chlorine decomposes water 
 and sets free the oxygen leads us to e'nquire whether 
 water plays any part in the bleaching action of free 
 Experiment 149.-Take two perfectly dry stop- 
 pered bottles, warm them and fill each with chlorine 
 by displacement of air, but dry the gas before it 
 reaches the bottles by making it slowly bubble through 
 some strong oil of vitriol. Now place in each bottle 
 a strip of red flannel (madder-dyed) previously dried 
 thoroughly by heat, insert the stopper and expose the 
 flannel to the action of the chlorine for half an hour 
 If proper care was taken to exclude moisture, no 
 material bleaching effect will be observed. Now in- 
 troduce a few drops of water into one of the bottles 
 and the colour of the flannel will slowly fade while 
 the dyed stuff in the dry chlorine will retain its colour. 
 In this case, then, the bleaching effect of chlorine is 
 indirect, and due to the powerful action of the nascent 
 oxygen (see page 190, and note) derived from water • 
 and similar experiments have shown that in most cases 
 the presence of water is necessary, though we shall 
 meet later on with some exceptions to this rule. 
 » We infer from these H. >ts that chlorine does not tend to 
 unite with oxygen directly, and it is not known to do so ; never- 
 theless many oxygen compounds of the element are ohfnmaKU 
 oy mairect means (see lixperiments 151 ^/ seq.) 
 Experimental Oiemtstry. 
 Chlorine is used in enormous quantities as a 
 bleaching agent, but neither the free gas nor its 
 solution in water are now employed for the pur|)ose, 
 as It is more convenient in practice to liberate the 
 body from ' bleaching liriVe ' and analogous compounds 
 in contact with the materials to be bleached (see 
 Experiments 151 and 152). 
 Experiment 150.— Introduce a few drops of am- 
 monium sulphide— 2i yellow liciuid of very offensive 
 smell— into a bottle and gradually add chlorine 
 water to it with agitation. Note that the unpleasant 
 odour disappears, and the smell of chlorine is not 
 detected unless too much of the latter has been 
 added. In this case, then, the free chlorine acts as a 
 deodorant, and it is commonly used for removing un- 
 pleasant smells, for which purpose a small cjuantity is 
 generally sufficient. It is, moreover, believed to act 
 as a disinfectant, either by direct corrosion of disease- 
 particles or by its indirect oxidising action, though it 
 is improbable that it usually produces much effect 
 unless employed in large quantities. The most con- 
 venient source of chlorine for these purposes is 
 ♦bleaching powder,' which affords the gas when a little 
 acid of any kind—vinegar, for example — is added to 
 it (see Experiment 152). 
 Experiment 161.— Instead of dissolving CI gas 
 in water, pass it into cold solution of potassium hy- 
 drate (KOH)'— the Liquor Potasses (B. P.) answers 
 ' If NH^OH be substituted for KOH in the above experi- 
 ment, a very different change occurs, for a quantity of nitrogen 
 gas is obtained instead of a bleaching solution, thus - 
 4NH.OU + aCl - N + iNHf-i J. aU n 
Experifnents with Hypochlorites. 225 
 well; when partially saturated with the gas, stop 
 the current. The solution so obtained is colourless, 
 and smells somewhat like ' bleaching lime.' A few 
 drops of any acid added to a portion causes the 
 evolution of chlorine, which is easily recognised by 
 its colour and odour. 
 The action of CI on KOH in the cold results in 
 the production of a mixture of potassium chloride 
 and hypochlorite in solution, thus — 
 2CI + 2 KOH =r KCl + KOCl + H,0 
 If into this liquid a piece of madder-dyed wool be 
 stirred, the red colour is not destroyed, as the 
 alkaline hypochlorite does not bleach, but, on the 
 addition of a few drops of dilute hydrochloric or 
 other acid, the colour is discharged. In this case the 
 bleaching agent is chiefly chlorine, resulting from the 
 following reaction — 
 KOCl + 2HCI = KCI + 2CI + HA 
 Potassium hyp : jrite is therefore a convenient 
 ^ source of chlorine for bleaching, deodorising, and 
 disinfecting purposes, but in all these cases acidulation 
 is necessary in order to obtain the bleaching or de- 
 odorising effect. 
 The solution of chlorinated soda (B.P.) is obtained 
 by passing CI gas through solution of sodium car- 
 This is, in fact, a good method for the preparation of nitrogen 
 gas, but the ammonia must always be present in excess, else 
 there is risk of forminc the damreroua chloridp n( nJir.uro,, ^e»- 
 under Experiment 125). 
 Experimental Chemistry, 
 bonate, when sodium hypochlorite and chloride are 
 formed, and carbon dioxide gas is evolved — 
 Na^COa + 2CI = NaCl + NaOCl + CO2. 
 Experiment 152. — If we line the interior of 
 a wide-mouthed bottle with moist slaked lime 
 (Ca"(OH) ,) and pass a slow current of CI gas mto 
 the vessel, the gas is absorbed and combmes with the 
 lime, forming the ' bleaching lune' or chlorinated lime , 
 of the B.P., commonly called 'chloride of lime' » :— 
 Bleaching lime. 
 4CH-3Ca"(OH)'2 = cH^T^c^ciwr+liEo 
 hydrate. chloride. chlorhydrate. 
 On the large scale the slaked lime is spread in thin 
 layers on shelves in large chambers to which Cf gas is 
 admitted ; the latter is absorbed (just as in the bottle), 
 and ' bleachmg lime ' obtained as a dull white powder 
 with a feeble odour like chlorine and only partially 
 soluble in water, calcium hydrate separating and im- 
 purities in the lime used remaining undissolved. The 
 aqueous solution contains the two calcium salts above 
 named. Bleaching powder or its solution affords HOCl 
 and CI gas on treatment with any acid (as in the case of 
 KOCl), and is therefore a most convenient source of 
 those bodies for bleaching or deodorising purposes. 
 The three bleaching salts above referred to are 
 derived fron^i the acid named hypochlorous acid, 
 H'0"C1', which is best obtained by the action of 
 ' Its empirical formula is Ca^Cl.O.H,, which requires ^9 per 
 cent^of chlorine. ^ The best samples rarely contain more than 
 l^'% percent., and aiwap contain mere or ics.s caiciuai chlorate. 
Potassiu7tt Chlorate, 
 its anhydride upon water. The anhydride is prepared 
 by passing dry chlorine gas over dry mercuric oxide,' 
 placed in a tube which is cooled. An orange yellow 
 gas results from the action of the CI on the oxide, 
 and this is the anhydride Cl.^0, which can be easily 
 liquefied by reducing the temperature to — io'» C. 
 4CI + 2HgO = Cl^O^^ + Hg^Cl^O 
 Tlie gas is very explosive, the heat of the hand 
 being often sufficient to decompose it into 2CI and 
 O ; it is therefore not a safe body for the junior 
 student to prepare, i c.c. of water dissolves 20 ccs. 
 of cthe gas, and forms solution of hypochlorous ax:id— 
 CljO + H2O = 2HOCL 
 The solution is a powerful bleaching agent 
 Experiment 153.— Instead of dissolving CI gas 
 in cold potassium hydrate, pass it into the boiling 
 solution until gas ceases to be absorbed, and allow 
 the liquid to cool. If the potash solution were 
 originally strong, colourless crystalline plates will 
 separate out even before the liquid is quite cold ; but 
 if these crystals do not separate on cooling, evaix)rate 
 the solution down to half its bulk and then cool , 
 collect the crystals deposited on standing and throw 
 them on a suitable filter ; pour a small quantity of 
 cold water over them to wash away impurity, repeat 
 the washing if necessary, and then dry. This body, 
 » Prepared by precipitation. See Tart III: 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 when pure, has a cool saline taste and is sparingly 
 soluble in cold water, though easily dissolved with the 
 aid of heat ; its name is potassium chlorate and its 
 formula KCIO3 or K'-O"— O"— O"— CI', the body 
 from which we have already prepared oxygen gas (see 
 Experiment 57). In its preparation »— 
 601 + 6K0H = KCIO3 + 5KCI + 3H,0 
 The KCl is a very soluble salt, and therefore 
 remains in solution, while the slightly soluble chlorate 
 crystallises out. When the latter is heated in a test- 
 tube it melts and gives off oxygen, which can be easily 
 recognised by its property of rekindling a match with 
 a glowing tip. Here — 
 KCIO3 = KCl + 3O. 
 The white residue in the tube consists of potassium 
 chlorid(, which is easily distinguished from the 
 chlorate by its solution affording a white precipitate of 
 silver chloride (AgCl) when tested with silver nitrate. 
 Potassium chlorate does not give a precipitate with 
 ' Instead of pure caustic potash, as above, the B. P. directs 
 CI g,ns to be passed through a mixture of solution of potassium 
 carbonate (K.CO,) and slaked lime {Ca(OH),). In this case- 
 I3C1 + K,CO, + 6Ca(OH), = 2KCIO, + CaCO, + sCaCL 
 + 6H,0. 
 The mixture is afterwards boiled, then filtered from excess of 
 slaked lime and the chalk (CaCO,) produced in the process, 
 concentrated by evaporation, and the chlorate crystallised out 
 from the solutioiL 
Tests for a Chlorate. 229 
 sil /er nitrate, because silver chlorate is a very soluble 
 salt. • ' 
 Experiment 154.— The ease with which the 
 chlorate parts with its oxygen renders it a very power- 
 ful oxidising agent ; hence, if a few grains are mixed 
 with a little powdered charcoal and heated on a knife 
 blade, explosive combustion ensues. 
 Experiment 165.— Pour five or six drops of strong 
 sulphuric acid into a test-tube and add a very small 
 crystal of the chlorate, and gently warm ; the mixture 
 becomes yellow, and a yellow gas is evolved which 
 explodes very easily ; hence a loud crackling noise 
 occurs on heating. The gas is a mixture of oxides of 
 chlorine, which decompose into their constituents 
 with explosive violence on gentle heating. This 
 effect is very characteristic of a chlorate, but in apply- 
 ing the test direct the mouth of the tube away from 
 the person. 
 Experiment 156.— Powder separately a gram or 
 so of potassium chlorate and of dry loaf sugar ; mix 
 the powders on paper with a glass rod, place the 
 > F-ee chloric acid (HCIO3) is obtained by adding to a 
 saturated solution of potassium chlorate a strong solution of 
 hydrofluosilicic acid (HjSiF,, see page 267) ; the potassium 
 unites with the latter, forming the sparingly soluble salt KjSiFg, 
 which is precipitated, while monobasic chloric acid remains in 
 solution — 
 2KCIO, + H,SiF, = 2HCIO, + IC.SiF«. 
 No anhydride of this acid is yet known. We are ac- 
 quainted with another body, chlorous acid (HCIO,), which 
 is intermediate between hypochlorous and chloric acids, 
 but, like the latter, it is not as yet of any practical importance. 
 The anhydride CljjO, is known. 
 Experimental Chemistry, 
 mixture on a metal plate and touch the powder with 
 a rod dipped in oil of vitriol; violent combustion en- 
 sues, the sugar (a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and 
 oxygen) burning in the available oxygen of the 
 Experimei t 157. — Dissolve some of the chlorate 
 in water, add a few drops of indigo solution, and then 
 some strong sulphuric acid. Note that the blue 
 colour is destroyed ; as might be anticipated, this 
 bleaching action is due to oxidation. 
 Experiment 168. — Again heat some potassium 
 chlorate in a tube of hard glass. The salt fuses as 
 before, and oxygen is given off ; but, if the heat be 
 steady throughout and not very strong, the contents 
 of the tube become solid, and the evolution of gas 
 ceases. On raising the temperature still higher, gas 
 is again evolved, and in larger quantity than before. 
 The check just observed occurs when only one- 
 third of the total oxygen has been driven off as gas, 
 and the residue is found to consist of two salts, 
 potassium chloride and potassium perchlorate— a 
 body which is very slightly soluble in cold water, and 
 which is therefore left behind to a great extent when 
 the cooled mass is digested with cold water. The 
 following equation represents the change — 
 2KClOa = KCl + KCIO4 + 2O 
 The perchlorate is much less easily decomposed 
 than the chlorate, but ultimately yields up all its 
 oxygen like the chlorate. Hence, in ureuariiiff oxy. 
Oxides and Acids of Chlorine, 2^ i 
 gen gas from potassium chlorate, the decomposition 
 takes place in two stages, though we commonly express 
 the change by means of a single equation. 
 When potassium perchlorate is heated with strong 
 sulphuric acid, an acid distillate is obtained which 
 Roscoe found to contain perchloric acid, HCIO,— 
 one of the most powerful oxidising agents known, as 
 mere contact with it suffices to kindle paper oi woodJ 
 No anhydride corresponding to perchloric acid has 
 been obtained. 
 Neither the acid nor its potassium salts are as 
 yet of any practical importance, but much interest 
 attaches to the former as the highest term of the 
 following series of chlorine acids- 
 Hydrochloric acid 
 Hypochlorous acid 
 Chlorous acid , 
 Chloric acid , 
 Perchloric acid . 
 CI2O; (?) 
 All these acids contain but one atom of hydrogen 
 within the molecule replaceable by a metal, and are 
 therefore monobasic. They may be regarded as 
 successive oxides of hydrochloric acid (HCl), and 
 their formulae will be most easily remembered when 
 they are thus viewed. Moreover, the series of bodies 
 may be cited as remarkable illustrations of the Zavt 
 of Multiple Proportions, 
 " The perchlorate does not bleach indigo in presence of 
 SUipisunc aciu, and « ihus caaiiy diaUuguishcu from the chlorate. 
 Experimental Chemistiy. 
 Experiment 159.— Dissolve in water, in a test- 
 tube, a few crystals of the salt potassium iodide 
 (KI), and add a few drops of chlorine water to the 
 liquid. Note that a brown-red colour is immediately 
 produced, and black, heavy particles separate from 
 the liquid if the solutions are strong and sufficient 
 chlorine is added. When the particles have subsided, 
 pour off the coloured liquid, and drain it away as 
 completely as possible from the deposit. Now, with- 
 out drying, apply a gentle heat to the black substance ; 
 a violet-coloured vapour is produced, which condenses 
 on the cool upper part of the tube in black, shining 
 metallic-looking scales, the water present volatilising 
 and condensing at the same time. This metal-like 
 substance (or ' metalloid '), characterised by its easy 
 volatility and beautifully coloured vapour, is an ele- 
 ment, and is called 
 Iodine — F =127. 
 The compound with potassium used in this experiment 
 is easily decomposed by chlorine, as we have seen ; 
 the latter seizes the metal and forms potassium 
 chloride, while iodine is displaced, thus — 
 K I^ -h Cr = K Ci' + V. 
Preparation of Iodine. 
 Experiment 160.— Potassium iodide and chloride 
 are obviously analogous bodies ; hence the method 
 already used for the separation of chlorine from its 
 metallic compounds (Experiment 137) might serve 
 for the separation of iodine from the metallic iodide. 
 Mix the latter, or its solution, with some manganese 
 peroxide (MnOj) in a test-tube, add a few drops of 
 strong sulphuric acid, and apply heat Violet vapours 
 of iodine are given off, and condense on the sides of 
 the tube as before ; the by-products manganese and 
 potassium sulphates are left — 
 2KI + MnOa + 2H,S04 = 2I + MnS04 + 
 K2SO4 -h 2H2O. 
 The reaction is therefore precisely analogous to that 
 in which chlorine is evolved by the action of MnOj 
 and H2SO4 on common salt. 
 Iodine is widely distributed throughout nature, but 
 in small quantities, and always in combination, though 
 chiefly with potassium, sodium, or magnesium, and 
 sometimes, though rarely, with silver. It is present 
 in many mineral waters, and in sea water ; ^ from 
 the latter the iodides are extracted by various sea- 
 weeds, and these, when collected, partially dried, and 
 burned, afford an ash which is termed 'kelp,' and 
 from this ash much of the iodine of commerce is 
 extracted. The process of extraction consists in di- 
 gesting the kelp with water, which dissolves out a 
 considerable number of soluble salts, including the 
 iodides (and bromides, see page 250) ; the solution 
 ' It is also present in small quantity in 'Chih nitre '—sodium 
 nitrate — in cod-liver oil, sponge, &c. 
234 Experimental CJumistry, 
 is filtered, evaporated, and the kss soluble salts 
 crystallised out and tlius separated from the very 
 soluble iodides. I'ho remaining licjuor is treated with 
 strong suli)huric acid, and some sul[)hur is then sepa- 
 rated and removed 'I1ie acid li()uid is next poured 
 into large stills or retorts, manganese dioxide added 
 and heat applied Iodine is separated from the 
 iodide as in the above experiment, and distils over ; 
 Fig. 8i *' ^* condensed in a number of 
 tubular receivers, from which it 
 is removed, and, when sufficiently 
 dry, is sent into commerce in a 
 somewhat crude condition. Free 
 iodine and some of its compounds 
 are largely employed in medicine, 
 but it is desirable that the crud€ 
 element should be purified before 
 it is so used. 
 Experiment 161.— Place a few 
 grams of crude iodine in a cru- 
 cible, which is to be covered as 
 shown (fig. 8i) with a flask con- 
 taining cold water. A gentle heat 
 IS applied to the crucible, and after a few minutes 
 the flask IS removed ; then the small (juantity of iodine 
 deposited upon it, with a few whitish needle-shaped 
 crystals of ' iodide of cyanogen,' which usually accom- 
 pany It, must be scraped off; the flask is replaced 
 and gentle heat again applied. After some time large 
 crystalline plates of pure iodine will be found attached 
 to the bottom of the flask ; these are to be removed 
 and preserved Tf fh*» i/v^in^ ^^^r.A ;« ^.u- £__. • 
Experiments with Iodine, 
 were pure, no residue should be IcP. in the crucible 
 at the end of the operation. This process is one of 
 sublimatwn—m which a solid is deposited from a state 
 of vapour. 
 The specific gravity of pure solid iodine is 4ot; 
 The element gives off vapour at ordinary tern- 
 peratures, and it becomes a li(juid when heated to 
 ri4° C. ; it boils at 200° C, and afTords its mag- 
 nificently coloured vapour in abundance, as wc have 
 already seen. The specific gravity of the va|)our is 
 125-9, but the atomic weight is slightly higher, or 127. 
 Experiment 162.— Add to some water in a test 
 tube a few fragments of solid iodine ; shake, and 
 allow to stand for some time. The water gradually 
 acquires a brownish yellow tint, but the proportion 
 ultimately dissolved is very smal', a$ nreful experi- 
 ments have shown that iodine r„H njres learly 6,000 
 time^ its weight of water at rnti's^ ter; perature for 
 Experiment 163.— Add some litmus to a pi»rtion 
 of the dissolved iodine ; little or no bleaching is 
 observed, unlike the rapid decoloration that takes 
 place with chlorine. 
 Experiment 164.— Rub a few pieces of common 
 starch with water in a mortar, and pour the mixture 
 into a capsule. Heat nearly to boiling, with constant 
 stirring, and when the mixture thickens and becomes 
 gelatinous remove the source of heat. Stir the ' made 
 starch' up with warm water until a thin 'mucilage' 
 "•" ^-' """ j-scricivc iiiis lor use. /Aod a few 
 drops of the mucilage to half a test-tube full of 
236 Experimental Chemistry. 
 aqueous solution of iodine, and shake ; a beautiful 
 bl«e l,.,u.d ,s obtained, owing to the formation of an 
 Ill-defined compound of starch and iodine. This is 
 an excellent and most characteristic test for the free 
 element. Heat the contents of the test tube nearly 
 to boilmg, note that the colour disapfears, but, or, 
 cooling .t reappears. Therefore the starch test should 
 always be applied in cold liquids. 
 JExp3riment 165,-Add a drop or two of starch 
 mucilage to a solution of potassium iodide.' No 
 change whatever is observed ; therefore iodine in 
 NoTn*;! r?i '•'°" ^"^^ "" eive the reaction 
 Now add to the mixture a drop of chlorine water, or 
 of strong brownish-coloured nitric acid ; iodine is 
 instantly set free and the blue compound formed. 
 Experiment 168.-Again, put some pieces of 
 lodme into a test-tube with .some water ; we already 
 know that very little dissolves, even on long standing ; 
 but now throw m a few crystals of potassium iodide 
 and observe that on agitating the liquid it becomes of 
 a deep reddish-brown colour, and the solid iodine 
 disappears as the potassium iodide dissolves. The 
 10 .de solution han in plain water. In this case so- 
 ution IS probably due to the formation of a potassium 
 tri-iodide of the formula KI I2. 
 of the T'"^" '' !f'''" °^ "^'^ ^"^' '" "^^ preparation 
 spirit of wine is the solvent, the solubility of iodine 
 » A very dilute solution. 
Experiments with Iodine, 
 Fig. 8». 
 in alcohol also being increased by the presence of 
 potassium iodide. 
 Experiment 167.— Add a few drops of chloroform 
 to a simple aqueous solution of iodine, and shake. 
 The chloroform subsides on standing, and has a fine 
 purplish colour, as it carries with it the iodine, which is 
 very soluble in it, and is thus easily removed from the 
 water. lodme is also soluble with ease 
 in ether and in carbon disulpiiide. 
 Iodine does not burn in, neither 
 does it directly combine with, free 
 oxygen ; but it readily unites with 
 many metals and non-metals. 
 Experiment 168.— Rub a frag- 
 ment of iodine with some mercury 
 in a mortar ; a reddish powder is first 
 produced, which becomes green if a 
 little more mercury be added and 
 the trituration be continued for a 
 sufficient time. * The resulting com- 
 pound is 'green iodide of mercury' 
 — Hg"2l'2 — thus formed by direct 
 union of the elements. 
 Experiment 169.— Take a large . 
 and wide test-tube— about 10 ccs. 
 long by 3 CCS. diameter; introduce a few frag- 
 ments of iodine, and support the tube in a convenient 
 holder. Apply heat to the tube so as to convert the 
 iodine into vapour, and when the latter half fills the 
 ' The addition of a few drops of alcohol hastens the process 
 Dy uissuiViiig MJin-^ ui Ulc UXItiic utiu mUa iciCutiaiiii^ Cficuiiw&i 
 action, as in Experiment 6, I'urt I. 
eiG. 83. 
 23 8 Experimental Chemistry, 
 tube plunge into the vapour a very small piece of 
 (fi« E7 Tr 'r'^r' ^" ^'^ ^^^-g^ating spoon 
 (ng. «2). 1 lie phosphorus takes fire in the iodine 
 vapour and burns for some time ; 
 if the phosphorus be in excess,' 
 the colour of the iodine vapour 
 disappears, owing to complete 
 combination of the latter with 
 the phosphorus, an iodide of the 
 latter body being formed— thus, 
 P + 3I = PI3. If, when the 
 tube and its contents have cooled 
 down, a few drops of cold water 
 'are allowed to fall upon the dark- 
 coloured body left in the tube, 
 a fuming gas that reddens blue 
 litmus-paper will be given off- 
 <his gas proves on examination 
 r. , , . . , to be a compound analogous to 
 hydrochloric acid, and is termed hydriodic acid--HI- 
 the only known compound of the two elements. We 
 shall now repeat the exi)eriment in such a way as to 
 afford a considerable supply of this gas. 
 HYDRIODIC Acid = HI. , Vol mig/.s 6376 cgrs. 
 Molecular weight = 1 28. 
 Experiment 170.-Fit up a llask as shown, fig. 
 83. Remove the cork and tubes and introduce into 
 two grams of red or ^amorphous ' phosphorus-not 
 th. ordmary waxy variety, as its use in .,uan,ity is 
 --.- _,. „^,„ ,^ grains oi puwuered 
Preparation of Hydriodic A cid. 2 39 
 iodine A very little heat serves to determine the 
 union of the two bodies, and a nearly black mass, 
 consisting chiefly of phosphorus tri-iodide, is formed, 
 as in the last experiment. Insert the cork and 
 support the flask as shown ; then close the stopcock 
 of the funnel and half fill the latter with water. 
 Now turn the stopcock so as to allow the water to 
 fall drop by drop on the iodide in the flask. As 
 each drop of water falls, a colourless and heavy gas 
 is evolved which can be easily collected by passing 
 the straight portion of the delivery tube into a dry 
 jar ; the air is displaced and a jar full of the dense 
 gas obtained. In this way several jars are to be 
 filled and then covered with glass plates. The hy- 
 driodic acid gas thus obtained results from the 
 following reaction — 
 + sHaO = 3HI + H3PO, 
 Hydriodic Phosphorous 
 acid. acid. 
 The phosphorous acid remains behind in the flask. 
 When sufficient gas has been, obtained, stop the evolu- 
 tion by turning the stopcock so as to prevent the 
 entrance of more water until a further supply of gas 
 is required. Now turn to the jars of gas. 
 Experiment 171.— Note that it is colourless, but 
 on removing the plate from a jar it fumes in air ; it 
 has an irritating smell and acid reaction to litmus - 
 paper. Pour some chlorine gas from a lube in which 
 it is generated (by the action of asi acid on a little 
 bleaching powder) into the bottle of hydriodic aad 
 maturity the bcauuful vioiet vapour of ire^ 
240 Experimental Chemistry, 
 iodine appears, thus proving the presence of that 
 element in the gas. In this reaction— 
 CI + HI = HCl + I. 
 Experiment 172.— Take a large beaker or a turn- 
 bier and drop a little strong and brown-coloured 
 nitric acid into it Then pour from a considerable 
 height hydriodic acid gas from a jar into the tumbler, 
 and note that free iodine quickly appears in the latter! 
 We thus prove that the gas is decomposed by the 
 powerful oxidising agent nitric acid, iodine being 
 liberated ; and we also prove that hydriodic acid is 
 a very heavy gas, since it can be easily poured, like 
 a liquid, through ^air. Its specific gravity is 6376 
 (H = i), I vol weighing 6376 cgrs. Its molecular 
 weight is 63 76 x 2 = 12752, and its formula HI. 
 It is nearly 4-5 times heavier than air. 
 Experiment 173.— Remove the plate from another 
 jar and immediately bring its mouth under the surface 
 of some water. The latter rapidly rises, proving that 
 HI is very soluble in water. 
 Experiment 174.— .V, strong solution of HI gas in 
 water is used in medicine to a small extent, and it is 
 easily prepared in the following way. Take a clean 
 jar, introduce some water into it, and allow the 
 delivery lube of the flask (fig. 83) to approach the 
 surface of the water, but not to touch the latter. On 
 allowing water to fall slowly from the funnel on the 
 remaining phosphorus tri-iodide, more heavy hydriodic 
 acid gas is evolved, which then falls on the surface of 
 the water and is at once absorbed. If the delivery 
 tunc HinTV>H xynAt^r i\\et etirAir>A n.C ^\ .js.~*-s- -i-_ ^' . ^ 
Salts of Hydriodic Acid, 
 would take place so rapidly that the solution would 
 rush back into the flask. A liquid can be obtained 
 containing 57 per cent, of hydriodic acid, whose spe- 
 cific gravity is 1*9, or almost double that of water. 
 The aqueous solution and the gas are easily decom- 
 posed when exposed to air and light, iodine being 
 liberated and water formed— 
 2HI + O = H2O + 2L 
 The iodine is not deposited from the aqueous acic' 
 unless decomposition has proceeded very far, but ib 
 dissolved by the acid, in which the element is very 
 freely soluble. 
 £zperi]r.ent 175. — Pour into a capsule some of 
 the dilute solution of hydriodic acid prepared in the 
 last experiment, and just neutralise with solution of 
 caustic potash ; then evaporate the solution until a 
 crust begins to form on the surface of the liquid, and 
 allow to cool. Small cubic crystals separate out which 
 are identical with the potassium iodide employed in 
 Experiment 159. The following change takes place 
 on neutralising the hydriodic acid with the alkali — 
 HI + KOH = KI + H2O. 
 This is the easiest mode of preparing potassium iodide 
 and many other iodides (Le., by saturating the acid 
 with the hydrate, oxide, or the carbonate of the 
 metal or other basic radicle), but much of the com- 
 mercial potassium iodide is prepared by the method 
 employed in Experiment 1J81. 
 • We have already seen that potassium iodide and 
 diluride are analogous bodies, and can aiford the 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 non-metallic radicle by similar treatment. Now we 
 know from Experiments 126, 127 that a chloride affords 
 hydrochloric acid v/hen treated with oil of vitriol ; we 
 have therefore to ascer^^<in whether or not an iodide 
 will afford hydriodic acid by similar treatment. 
 Experiment 176.— .\dd a few crystals of potassium 
 iodide to a small quantity of strong sulphuric acid 
 contained in a test-- ne, and warm. Instead of the 
 colourless hydriodic .cid gas we should expect to see 
 evolved, violet vapours of iodine are given off, while 
 a yellow body that can be idei .Mfied as sulphur 
 separates in the tube, and a suffocating smell is 
 perceived (sulphur dioxide), or an odour of rotten 
 eggs is developed (sulphuietted hydrogen). The 
 sulphur and its compounds separated ir this rerHtion 
 are all produci « of deoxidation of sulphuric acid, and 
 the most prt>b.ab]e cause of this is hyd iodic add, 
 which, as we uready k?iow, puts easily with itf. 
 hydrogen, and tht latti- then available forms water 
 with more or less of the oxvge-. of the sulphuric acid, 
 and iodine is set free. Here ,, though hydriodic acid 
 is doubtless Ibrmed according to the equation 
 KI + H2SO4 « HI + KHSO,, 
 H is inirnediately de.^tfoyed in the way just indicated ; 
 but the ietailed exami?\ation of the reaction must be 
 reserved ui til w, study oil of vitriol. 
 If this view be correct, we ought to get hydriodic 
 acid gas alone on heating the iodide with a strong acid 
 not so readily reduced or deoxidised as sulphuric acid 
 Experiment 177.— Heat a few crystals of the 
 potassium iodide as befhr<*. wirh ct/ntt^ j.Lj^..j.l..^^ 
Tests for Iodides. 243 
 acid} and note that hydriodic gas is evolved and little 
 if any iodine is sei)arated. 
 Experiment 178— Add a few drops of silver nitrate 
 to a solution of potassium iodide, and note that a pale 
 yellow precipitate of silver iodide is formed— 
 AgNOg + KI = Agl + KNO3. 
 The precipitate is insoluble in dilute nitric acid, and 
 IS very slightly soluble in anmionia solution. 
 ^ •Experiment 179.--Add to some disscaed potas- 
 smrn jodidea few drops of lead nitrate solution. Note 
 tha: a fine bright yellmv precipitate of lead iodide 
 IS ai once obtained — 
 2K'r 4- Pb" (NO3)', ^ Pb"I, + ,KN03. 
 This precipitate is somewhat soluble in boiling water 
 and separates out on cooling in fine golden spangles. ' 
 experiment 180.- To another portion of the 
 iodide solution add mercuric chloride (Hg^Cl^) or 
 *corro.sive sublimate.' By the addition of the first 
 drop, a precipitate, varying in tint from salmon colour 
 to bright scarlet, is obtained, but this dissolves on 
 shaking the liquid. On continuing the addition of 
 the mercury solution, a point is reached at which a 
 scarlet precipitate is obtained which does not dissolve 
 on agitation ; this is scarlet mercuric iodide— 
 Hg"Cl, + 2KT = HgIa + 2Ka 
 This scarlet iodide is easily soluble in excess of 
 potassium iodide, producing a col'ourless solution, as we 
 have seen ; the latter contains a soluble and colourless 
 double iodide of mercury and Dotassinm Ua\ 
 * See Phosphorus. 
 Experimental Chemistry. 
 A strongly alkaline solution of this double iodide 
 constitutes Nesslet^s test^ for ammonia (see page 21). 
 Hydriodic acid and iodides are thus easily dis- 
 tinguished by the reactions we have learned in the 
 course of these exper'ments. 
 Experiment 181. — Warm some caustic potash 
 solution in a test-tube, and add iodine, in small 
 portions at a time, until the liquid assumes a per- 
 manent yellowish colour. The element dissolves and 
 forms two salts— one potassium iodide^ KI, the other 
 potassium iodate., KIO3, thus — 
 61 + 6K0H = sKI + KIOj + 3H,0. 
 This reaction is precisely similar to that which occurs 
 when chlorine acts on a hot and strong solution of 
 caustic potash, as in Experiment 153, but the iodate 
 cannot be separated from the iodide^ quite as easily 
 as can the chlorate from the chloride. 
 Pour the solution into a small porcelain dish and 
 evaporate to complete dryness. Remove a small 
 portion of the dry residue, which is a mixture of the 
 ' NessUr's test solution is thus made — Dissolve 5 grams of 
 potassium iodide in a very small quantity of hot water ; add to 
 the liquid a saturated solution of mercuric chloride until the red 
 iodide just ceases to redissolve. Now add 12 grams of caustic 
 potash, previously dissolved in a little water ; mix and make up 
 the total volume to 100 cubic centimeters .vith distilled water ; 
 finally add a few drops more of the mercuric chloride solution, 
 allow to stand, and draw ofT the clear liquid for use ; but it must 
 not be filtered through paper. For the action of the test see 
 under Mercury Salts, Part III. p. 104. 
 « The separation is best effected by evaporating the solution 
 to comolete drvness and dicestincr the residue with stromr alco. 
 . . .. .. — J, 
 hul, which dissolves the iodide but not the iodate. 
Preparation of Potassium Iodide. 245 
 ^vo iodine salts ; dissolve in some water in a test- 
 tube, add a drop of starch mucilage and then some 
 dilute acetic acid. Note that a blue colour is quickly 
 developed after the addition of the acid, proving that 
 lodme has been set free. In this case the acetic acid 
 displaces hydriodic acid from the iodide, and iodic 
 acid from the iodate, and the two acids thus liberated 
 at once react, producing free iodine and water 
 thus — * 
 HI03 + sHI = 6I-}-3 HjO. 
 Now return to the dry residue of evaporation ; 
 powder It m the dish and mix with one-fourth its 
 bulk of powdered charcoal. Heat the mixture until 
 It is seen to melt, before which it glows for a short 
 time, owing to the combustion of the charcoal or 
 carbon m the oxygen of the iodate, carbon dioxide 
 gas being formed and evolved, while the iodate is 
 reduced to potassium iodide— 
 2KIO3 + 3C = 2KI + 3C0^ 
 Then allow the mass to cool, add some hot water 
 and filter from residual charcoal. The solution now 
 contains only potassium iodide (which can be crystal- 
 lised out), for on adding starch and acetic acid no 
 olue colour is produced. 
 Most of the potassium iodide of commerce is 
 prepared by the process just followed, and samples 
 of the iodide can be tested for iodate by the method 
 Potassium iodate is sometimes used as a test foi sul- 
 Dhuroiis ac'd ''«'*» fKnf k^^.a : .r^ s _ • 
 * " ''^'" "' '■""■- '■^-^j) i" ucciiv, rtuu uluer acids : 
 the iodate used for this purpose may be separated from 
246 Experimental Chemistry. 
 iodide as stated, or, better still, may be sperially pre- 
 Tn H ,7 .":^ /""o^ing instructive method directed 
 m tlie Br tish Pharmacopteia 
 Experiment 188.- Heat together in a fla.k two or 
 three grams of powdered iodine «ith an oiual wei-ht 
 of potassium chlorate and ab„ut .0 ccs. of wa'ier 
 acdulated with 5 or 6 drops of strong nitric acid. 
 Lhlonne gas is evolved, and the mixture is diffested 
 untd ,he colour of the iodine ^n- ■' Hisap,,ears ; 
 then bo>l for a minute or two , ,( 'Jj „„j' 
 mto a capsule, and evaporate to dryness at a gentle 
 heat 1 he residue consists w!,;,lly of potassium iodate, 
 the chlorine and the nitric acid having almost coml 
 pletely disappeared. 
 This amounts to p replacement of chlorine in 
 potassiu.n chlorate by iodine, thus— 
 KCIO3 -; i = KIO, + CL 
 The small anaount f f nitric acid used facilitates this 
 replacement by libeniting small successive quantities 
 This decomposition is remarkable, because it 
 proves that chlorine is displaced by iodine from its 
 ^«<//«</ compound (he chlorute, whereas we already 
 know that chlorine easily displaces iodine from the 
 umxidtse^ compound KI. The order of • affinity ' of 
 chlorine and iodine is theretuie here detemiin^d by 
 he presence or absence of oxygf : aim this is ound 
 to be generally true. 
 Iodine is converted into iodic arid wh-n h„ii»H 
 m a dask with str. iig nittK acd, and colo ..les^ 
Constitution of Iodic A ctd, 247 
 crystals of H IO3 are obtained on evaporation. WTien 
 these crystals arc heated for some time to 170'' C 
 they are decomposed into water and iodine pentoxide 
 (IgOj) or iodic anhydride, thus— 
 2H1O3 = r^Oft" + h 1. 
 The anhydride, when further heat, d to the tern- 
 perature of boiling olive' oil, is resolved into iodine 
 and oxygea 
 Although the formula of iodic anhydride is pre- 
 cisely similar to that of nitric anhydride (Nv.^O",), it 
 IS not necessary to assume that iodine is a five-link' or 
 pentad element like nitrogen, or that it is more than 
 a monad or uni-link body, as the constitution of the 
 iodic anhydride and acid can be thus explained on the 
 latter sui)position — 
 Oxide, r— O"— O"— O'— O"— O''— I'. 
 Acid, H'—C'—O"— O"-— I'. 
 The salts of a still higher acid are known, viz. 
 penodic acid-HI04-the analogue of perchloric 
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