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Additional commanta:/ Commantalraa tupplAmantairat: L'inatitut a microfilm* io moiiiour axamplaira qu'il iui a 4tA poaalbia da aa procurer. l.oa dAtaiia da cat axamplaira qui aont paut-Atra uniquaa du point do vuo bibiiographlqua. qui pauvant modifiar una imaga raprodulto, ou qui pouvant axigar una modification dana la mithodo normaia da fllmaga aont indiquAa ci-daaaoua. |~~| Coloured pagaa/ Pagaa da couiour Pagaa damagad/ Pagaa andommagiaa Pagaa raatorad and/oi Pagaa raatauriaa at/ou palliculAaa Pagaa diacoiourad, atainad or foxai Pagaa dAcolorAaa, tachatiaa ou piquAaa Pagaa datachad/ Pagaa ditachAwi Showthrouglv Tranaparanca Quality of prii! 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Tous lea autrea axemplairaa originaux sont filmAa an commen^ant par la pramiAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreaaion ou d'illustration at en terminant par la darnlAre paga qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaltra sur la darniAre image de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: la symbola — »> signifie "A SUIVRE", le aymbola V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent *tre fiimAs i des taux da rMuction diffirants. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour *tra reproduit en un soul clichA, il est film* i partir da I'angia sup4rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, mn prenant le nombre d'images nAcesseire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 m-- it I I I I fe . I I 1 W- 5. ,! ( v r yii: • x t AV . i. .^ i ■' vggg. 1 S T: Bl^tnsH -•:'f-«v.;-y.. . ^ ,^ m §*■•- 7 ,iiy *■.'''■■ I '^i-i.-i L^^fe ; ^ «r I'^'^lH ''''% P-'-'-'^H p'- - -Mj '^'^B i( ; . % m P ' & '^mi U'^Wm Cfc w ^^xiflin 1 ' ', ■ u 'tifi^ffll K'S.-:#iB >^' < I I w r ^w^ ' m '*' Visitors can he shown over the Ho]]\ Tuesdays and Thursdays from -J to p. m. The friends of the children may /vi] on Saturday from 3 to o p. m k ' \i V he Nineteenth Annual Report -OF THB- British Columbia .^ fiji ovej' the Ifoiii fs froni o to dreii may ri^\ . ni VICTORIA. B. C. FOR 18 91. « ♦ * VICTORIA, B. C. MQNBOE MlIiliSB. PBINTBB AMD BoOKBIMIiKB, 77 JOHNSON BTBBBT. 1892. 1 i l> miinnM OFFICERS FOR 18 92. I r^ : ! !f> ^M F. H. WoBi^ooK, Esq Pbesiui\ Chas. Haywauu, Esq Secueii Jas. Hutouehon, Esq Tueasij COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. Rt. Kev. Bisnop Cbidge, Rev. C. Watson, Rev. p. McP. Maoleod, Pekcy Bkown, Esq., GiiAS. Hayward, Esq., David Spenoeu, Esq., Herbert Oarmichak.l, I R. P. RiTiiET, Esq., N. Shakespeare, Esq., f. h. worlock, e.sq., 1£y. Jewel, Esq., James Hutcheson, Esg. LADIES' COMMITTEE. Mrs. Cbidob, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Kent, Mrs. HuToiiESON, Mrs. F. Adams, Mrs. Hkujins, Mrs. Dr. Milne, Mrs. Sabcison, Mrs. Hayward, Mbs. Gillkspik,. Hi kNAGEMENT. TljE NINETEENTH /QNNU/fL REPOf^T OP THE BRITISH COLUMBIA WEST/fNT ORPMNS' MOME. In sulmiitting to tlie 8iil)scribers their annual )rt for the past year, the Committee have to tliank- ju'knowh^dge the liberal support given to the tie, and the expressed willingness of many to in- ise tlieir support should it be required. It is with unfeigned sorrow that we have to )rd the death, during the past year, of our niuch- )ved President, Mr. A. A. Green. Only those have known and witnessed his kind deeds, no* in connection with the Orphanage, but also in [business relations, can understand how truly his nces were a work and labor of love and how great 5s the Institution has sustained in his departure n our midst. The nnmagement of the Home by the Matron, i. Walker, has been most satisfactory. The house- td arrangements have received very careful atten- ^tf f ^■. ,.v. ^ I r-v 4 tion from the Ladies' Conunittee, and to tlicir tioiiH the continued 8iicceH8 of tlie InstitiitiuJ largely due. While the children have on the whole oiijA good health there has been some sicknesK ii Home during the year. Thanks, however, to thcj professional services rendered by Dr. Miltie,. children, with one exception, are again in theeiii nient of good health. The total number of children cared for audi vided with a home during the year was 58. Admitted 13 Taken out 6 In the Home at present 45 Girls 24— Boys 21. In June last the Treasurer received $1,0001 " A Friend " as a donation to the Institution, u\ July, $40 was placed on the collection plate oil John's church from " A Friend" to the Home, August $15 was received from collection in Metij ist church, AV^estminster. In December the Wrights' and Caulkers' Association donated Also in December there was received from G Hyde, Esq., Westminster, Executor of tjie latel E. Hitchcock, a legacy of $200. In addition to the cash subscriptions else« acknowledged, kind friends have contributed cl rovisioiiK, fruit, vegetables, etc.. for all of wliicli inininittee return grateful tliaukK. lltMvtofore the l)uilth,C 1 00 rues, G 5 00 )wn, M. C 2 50 00 00 00 00 irns, G. H 5 icberat & Oo I^rnsteiu, H !tt,F IwellA Irving 5 00 averman, 1 2 50 brridge, G 10 00 irgess, J. P 2 50 C. Land & Investment Company 20 00 £er, E. C 5 00 irns, Jas 5 00 ler&Son 2 50 3, Thos 5 00 )wn, R. H 5 00 >wnBroB 5 00 idge, liev. Bishop 5 00 ipbell, D. E. & Co 2 50 ^il '" ."I ' ' >"J ■ Hw i iiiipMiiW n lii; \ |, 1^-;.. ' 1 'i ' p \ . 8 Crane, McGregor & Boggs 2 Currell,W.D 2 Came & Munsie , 5 Clarke & Pearson 2 Cameron, W 2 Clerihue, J. & C 5 Cowan & Wilson 5 Croft, Hy 10 Corporation, City of Victoria 20 Carter, G. C, Langley 3 C^vton, J. A, T. & Co 2 Griijbell, F 2 D Davies, Joshua 5 DeCosmos 2 Davidson Bros 3 Davage, P. C 2 Dowler, W. J It Denny, Wm 5 (K Doherty, J 6 Driard 2 » Dalby & Oaxton 5 (i Dunsmnir, Mrs. R 50 (|i Drake, Jackson & Helmcken 15 E EUis&Co low Earl,T 10 » Erskine. 3 « Eberts & Taylor 5tt F Findlay, Durham & Brodie 10 » Flewin Bros 2 a Flint & Williams 5 Fullerton,J 2M Fox,G.T 25) 9 .... 21 .... 2( .... 5( ••• 2; ... 2; •.. 5( ... 5( ... 10( ■.. 20((| .. 31 .. 2i .. 2' .. 5( .. 2; .. 3| • 2,' ■ 2ai . o( . 2»l ■ 5m . 5O0(| 15fl| 10 (vl 101 3r^ 51 lOQll 5tfj 2i 2 SI riend,A 2 00 lewin,T 100 tolayson, Rd 5 00 iterre & Jones 4 00 iend, per Mrs. Ross 5 00 lummerfelt, A. C 25 00 riend, A, per Mrs. Dr. Milne D2 00 f-ell&Ck) 10 00 Q Jray, A. B. Co 5 00 iacre, L 5 00 jrdon, B 500 Jaresche, Green & Co 2500 Jregg.Mrs 3 00 H [udson Bay Co 25 00 lelmcken, Dr. J. S 20 00 [arvey, R 5 00 [arrison & McAllister 5 00 liggins, D. W 5 00 [all,R 5 00 [enderson, T. M 5 00 [enderson, J. N 5 00 [all, Ross & Co 10 00 [art,J.J 2 00 [eisterman & Co 10 00 [elracken, Dr . J. D., 1890 5 00 [olmes, A 100 ibben,T.N 5 00 largreaves, G 5 00 [iinter, J 10 00 lay ward, C 5 00 lutcheson, J. «fe Co 5 00 i saacs, J 1 00 'IT* T H i m ; ^;t\ r 1 \ , \ 10 J .lohiiHoii, 10. M 'J '•Ji •lainiHoii, l\ol>t Ti .loiioH, A. W. .V Urid^^t'iimn [\\\\ .loiiHtMi, Win r> («i .1<>lTii«>, Win 'l\i\ tl«»liimoM, Kh|)Hloi),.l 'j .)inni(r»((> '.! .'iii K Koi r \' I 1»»h:k '2 Hi KiMw;hum A- Minor 1! Krnt, (5 r, KiiiHiumi, .1 'J L liovoll,.!. H Ill Lul)l»o,Tlu»H 10 I n 1(1 1 i«>ooh, I'. .1 .'"i I ion/ .'fr I j«>i»or .'"i I .nuKloy A- Oo 10 i L«)nKl\urHt, .Tnrv«>H '2 Vi litMsor, S 'J ,Vi liJin«loy, \.,\ '.10 HI M Marvin, M \V k (^» .'.iV Mr(^uu»lo, I', k MdiiH 5 MoHH, MorriH '.i '*' Mcrjcun iV- Slowart fi iV McTaviKh, (3. ;\ f. (V ISraynisni, JainoH 1 ISroCaiulliHh, J '2 .V" Mi(olu»lI,.TjVH T) (>i 11 • ■ T) III ' • Ti I J • n III • '^ h\i • •'• iti . 'Jr w, lIollmMl Ac Co y r»(» loiTiwtn, iMlkillOWH, 1)1- r, (Ml Dr. J. li 5 (HI liMcKiilitC'i" * AmJnrwui 5 (HI iMilrfA. ri r, (HI jMon', A. W 2 TiO ]Mayimt«l,U(!o 5 (Kl |M<'l'<"iiiaii A IVf«rP<»!loy 10 (Ml [Mnnnw .V. lliij^fioH, ^nxinrloH 5 0(1 iMrMilluii, .1. Ki r. (HI N iNorUiroU, W. W 5 (Ml NnrriH, Vml 2 'Ml Ni(!li«)il«'H«'^- Ii<"i'»"r rt (}(} \Vv.nm:, |{. W '2li}(K) iNifidrny, W. .1 H (Ml rornlxiriori Ar, Hon 5 00 lra«ft,J 2 Wl il'ow«-,ll,(} 2 (Ml I l'r.irit, 'prior, F<:.(; r, 00 Vu'.m-.y .fe (V, 2 .71 1 \v\ (larHon, UU'.IDX, J, |{. (t. (>» 2 .7) J 2 (Ml I'hillipH 10 fjO I'uidforn, C. E 5 (Ml I?/)if|, .1. M 2 .71 liHHKiMMi mmmmmummmm .P: ■lit J I; 12 Riley, Mrs 5 00 Reid, Dr. Jno 5 00 Richards, F. G 5 00 Rand Bros., per Mrs. Milne 20 00 8 Strouss, C. & Co 10 00 Steele, Peter 5 00 Sehl, Hastie, Erskine Go 2 50 Smith, A. J 5 00 Sinclair, T.F 5 00 Snowden, N. P 5 00 Shore & Anderson 1 00 Switzer & MoClusky 2 50 Smith AElford 5 CO Shakespeare, N 2 50 Sayward, W. P 6 00 Saunders, Hy 5 00 Shotbolt, T 500 Spencer, D 5O0 Surplus from Xmas tree 3 25 T Turner, Beeton «fc Co 10 00 Todd, J. H. & Son 5 00 Turner, John 5 00 Tye,T.H 5 00 Thompson, C, W. R 5 00 w Weiler Bfos 5 00 Ward,J9rO lu 00 White, E 250 Williams, R, T 2 50 Wilson, W& J 5 00 Walls,J. P 250 Whyte, Wm 5 00 Walker, Miss L. M 5 00 13 Wilson, A. &W 10 00 Warren, Capt. Wm 5 00 Wilson, Major John 5 00 Worlock, Fredk 10 00 Waitt,M. W 6 00 Walker, Pemberton & Dumbleton 5 00 Wilton, Thomas 5 00 Wilson, Wm. & Co. . * ' ' * 5 00 Y Yate8,J.S 500 Young Bros 2 00 14 LADIES' COMMITTEE. OoiiLEOTEl> BY MI88 B. WiIjSOK. Mrs. Nuttall • • $3 UOl Mrs. Moffatt [\m Mrs. Brown m Mrs. Wilson O o(i| Mrs. A. J. Smith 5 Mrs. Tiedeinan 3 0(J Mrs. Glnrk :} (Xi| Mrs. Ohudley '.] Mrs. S. Wilson 1 ftl Mrs. Simpson '6 m Mrs. Borthwick 5 0{ | Mrs. Soriven fi Mrs. Stamford 3 0(i Mrs. J. Dunsmuir 10 Mf 8. McCuUock 5 Hi Mrs. M. Young 3 Mrs. Molnnis 3 Mrs. A. Qreen 3 Oli Mrs. Gapt Lewis 2 Mrs. Robson 3 (Xi Mrs. Wise '2 00 Mrs. D. A. MoTavish, 1890 and 1891 10 (Xi Mrs. O'Reilly 1 A Friend 51) Mrs. G. A. MoTavish, 1892 5 COLLECTEU BY MltS. HiGGINS. Mrs. Earle 4 Mrs. Elford ;i5 Mrs. Archibald 1 5(i Mrs. Higgins 5 Mrs. Keefer 1 (Hi Miss Angus 5(i Mrs. Yates 25 Mrs. Tuck 50 16 • «3(J0 ■ fiool . 5 ■ '^ Oij| •'i mil ;j 3 5 I « (kJ 10 Oi 3()(if IHil 2 5(1 1 10 ail 10(1 ill) 5 ft) im 150 5 00 1(10 50 25 50 British Columbia ROTESTANT ORPHANS' HOME. CONSTITUTION (adopted OCT. 27, 1873.) INCORPORATED IITH JULY, 1883. 1. Thin Tiistitiitioii sluill hv. vnWvA the " liritiAh \»liiiiil>ia I?rotest{int Orphans' Homo." 2. TIh^ olvject of tliis Institution is to roceivo » liid to provide a home for orplian, (lestitute and kther cliildern, under the age of ten yearn, requirin^r ludi cure* ; and to educate them in the Protestant [aitli, and instruct them in the elements of secuhir knowledge. i 8. The management of this Institution sliall ^ vested ill a Comniitteci chosen from tlie sul)scri!)ers, Lt tile annual meeting to he hehl on the second fucsday of Decemher, in each year, said (Jommittei* consist of four re{)resentatives from each Protest- lit deiioinination in Victoria, of whom at least one lall he a (Jlergyman, and not fewer than two Lay- il tmmmt m i«»i I* f'.-. IP' ^' :. I r 16 men, and one-third of whom shall constitute quorum for tlie transaction of general business. 4. It shall be the duty of such Committee their first meeting, to l)e held not later than oiJ week after their election, to appoint from their oJ number, a President, Secretary and Treasurer ; meet at least once a quarter, and oftener if requiicHij to provide for the support of the Institution by inearj of voluntary contributions and otherwise, as tlij may deem advisable. 5. The Committee shall also, at their tirJI meeting after election, appoint a committee of ladit composed of an equal number from each denominil tion to take charge of the internal management (| the Institution. Such committee of ladies slii appoint their officers and make their own regulatioJ equitably according to the spirit of this Constitutid and the basis on which the Association is forniecl On approved monthly requisition they may draw the Treasurer for necessary funds, and shall therd with pay all bills. They shall also present to President a monthly report of the state of the finano and the condition of the Institution. 6. The religious training of these orphans slial */■."' be conducted according to the doctrines and tenelj uv i#. held by the orthodox Protestant Churches. In thl '■'' - Constitution those Churches are esteemed orthodol Ccd -\ I 17 •]\ liold as tlu3 foundation of tlioir fiiitli the IfiiciiMicv and antliority of tlie Holy Sc'ri()tnre for vatioii -Holy Scripliiro boino; llu* (*(»ininonly Ecived liooks of tlio Old and Xow Tc.-tamcnt, — so lat, wliatscKJver is not rofwl tliorcin or may not lio k»v('d tlicreby, is not to Im rwjuif(!(i of any that it loiild l)e believed as au article of the Christian litli or he tlioiif^ht rt'(juisiie or necei-tJary to salva- )ii (Art. 0, C'li. of l'^Ti<^.); and Aviiich also ludd tlie tides of tlie A{)ostlos' (^roed as troths of our eoni- )n redemption, on the ground that tliey may I'e )ve(l hy most certain warratits of Holy Scripture. therefore, wlio ItoUl any ofKc« or authority «s k'i" the orplians sliall l.e and eontinue to be Protest- kts of ifood character and sound in the faith. A nil of prayers prepared for tlie pur})ose, tofi;ether ith portions of tlie Old and ^cav Testament S<;rip- kres, sliall be read njorninii: and eveniiifj daily. 7. The orphans shad, in charge of tlie inatnin, [gularly attend divine service on >Sunday (inornings) the \''ictoria (/hurches of such of the ortluxlox )testaRt denouifnations as are or shall be from "• 10 to time rspresjentL^d on the Geuoral Coniniittee, k follows : — That is to say, the attendance shall he Iven in quarterly (tri-montlily) periooniniittee, as shall also otli* questions or exceptional cases tliat may from tiinei time arise. 8. One Minister of each Protestant denoniim tion as aforesaid, in quarterly rotation, shall he \\ Minister or Chaplain of the orphans, with paston authority over thein for that time as over a portk of his own flock, providing he does not in the exerci, of such authority, violate any Ilule of this Constitt tion. 9. No alteration shall be made in this Coiistiti tion except by a vote of two-thirds of the whole Co mittee sanctioned by a majority of the subscrilie j)resent at a general meeting, of which thirty dav: notice shall be given. Such notice to specify tt cihaniies recommended for the consideration of tl meeting. 10. It shall l)e lawful for the Committee froiiH time to time make, vary and alter by-laws for government of the Institution, and for all matt© and things relating to the conduct and managemeii of its affairs, provided that the same be not inconsii tent with the fo.'egoinop Constitution, and that noticf I tfUHi 19 to tliat dononiinafiij its several churclia sliall be in the dJ 36, as shall also otlj lat may from time; jiiiy pi'opoi^tMl alteration he given at a regular lo'jtiiii' of the (/ommittee at least one month leviously to such alteration heing made. N. 1*. -Tlje following gentlemen constitute the Irovisioiial Hoard of Directors : — rKi't^iDKNT — Honorable W. J. Macdonald. Skcuktarv — John Robbon, M. P. P. TKKAsrBKu— David Spencer, Esq Tlie Very Ilev. Dean Cridge. Rev. S. McGregor, M. A. Alex. Munro, Esq. Robert Wallace, Esq. ade in this ConstiJ Is of the whole Con) ' of the subscrilJ which thirty daTf 3tice to specify ti- onsideration of lie Committee froj QT by-laws for \\ and for all mattej it and mana^emeii; ne be not inconsij on, and that notici ra.