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CHIEF JUSTICE HARRISON i- y Tendees for the purchase of this Library will be received by Messrs^ MowAT, Maolennan, & Downey, Toronto, up to the 15t?i day of May, A.D. 1879. The Library may be inspected on the premises, Englefield, Spadina- Avenue, Toronto, every day between 11 and 4 o'clock. For further particulars, application may be made to Messrs. Mowat^ Maclennan, & Downey, Solicitors for the estate. TORONTO : ROWSELL & HUTCHISON, PRINTEKS. 1879. aJfeJ^'-r-r — ■■ #'■1 r 2 3 4 5 REPORTS. Addame's Eeclesiaatical, 2 vols. London, 1823, calf j vol. 3, part 1, paper. Adolphus & EllisV 12 vols., calf, (good,) 1834. Alcock & Napier's K.B. (Ireland), calf, 1834. Allcock's Registry Cases, cloth, 1837, 3 numbers. Ambler's Chancery, by Blunt, 2 vols. . ,. 6 American Reports, vols. 1 to 23, current- series.^ ''. 7 « " Digest of vols. 1 to 12 in 1 vol: • 8 American Railway Reports, vols. 1 to 4, and 6 to 8 inclusive. 9 Anderson's C. B., 1664. .< . • 10 Andrew's K. B., 1791, calf. * 'j • >^ '' ", ^ 11 « K.B., 1791, half calf - ** -»,' » «v* 12 Anstruther's Exchequer, 3 vols, in 1; 1817, calf, (good.) 13 Armstrong, McCartney & Ogle's Nisi Prius (Ireland). 14 Dublin, 1843. 14AAmold'8 C. P. London, 1840, 2 vols., old calf. 15 Atkyn's Chancery " 1794, 3 vols., 16 Ball & Beatty's Chancery (Ireland), 1839. ■ 17 Bankruptcy and Insolvency 1853-55, 2 vols., half calf. 18 Barnarifiston's, vols. 1 to 3, 1744. 19 Barnes's Notes. London, 1790, 1 vol., old. 20 Bamwall & Adolphus's, 5 vols., old calf. 21 " & Alderson's, 5 vols., calf. 22 " & Cresswell's, 10 vols., old calf. 23 Barron & Arnold's Election. Cases. London, 1846, calf. 24 Barron & Austin's Election Cases, 1844, calf, (fair.) 25 Batty's K. B. (Ireland). 26 Beaven's, vols. 1 to 17, cah'. 27 Belle we's Cases. London, 1869. Bell's Crown Cases. Bendloe's K. B., 1661. ^„ Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases, 5 vols., sheep. 31 Best & Smith's Queen's Bench. Philadelphia, 6 vols., sheep. 32 Bingham's C. B., 10 vols., old calf. 33 " New Cases, 6 vols., calf, (fair.) 34 Blackstone's (H.), 2 vols. 35 *' (Sir W.), 2 vols. 36 Bosanquet & Puller s, 3 vols., 1826, calf. 37 " " new 2 " " " 28 29 30 38 Bridgman's (Sir J.), C. B., 1G59. 39 « ( " O.), 1823, 1 vol., old calf. 40 Brightly 's Digest. Philadelphia, 1858, sheep. 41 Broderip & Bingham's, 3 vols., old calf. 42 Brownlow's Entries, lo93. 43 Brown's Book of Entries, 1675, folio. 4^ « Cases in Parliament, 1803. old calf, 8 vols. 45 " Chancery (Perkins), Am. Ed., 1844, 4 vols. 46 Brownlow & Goldesborough's, 1675. 47 Bruncker's Irish Digests. DuHin, 1865, cloth, 1 vol. 48 Buck's Bankruptcy Cases, 1820, old calf. 49 BuUer's Nisi Prius, I vol Dublin, 1791, old sheep. 60 Bulstrode's K. B., 1688. 51 Bunbury's Exchequer, 1 vol. Dublin, 1793, calf. 62 Burrow's K. B. Dublin, 1785, 5 vols. 53 Campbell's Nisi Prius, 4 vols, (old broken binding). 64 Carrington & Kirwan's, 2 vols., calf, (good). 55 " & Marshman's,l " calf. 66 " & Payne's 9 " calf. 67 Carter's, 1688. 68 Carthew's, 1728. 69 Gary's Chancery. London, 1870, old calf. 60 Cases in (Chancery, 1735. 61 " Equity (abridged), 2 vols. ; vol. 1, 1732, vol. 2, 1756. 62 Case's Temp. Hardwicke, K. B. (Leigh), 1 vol., old calf, 1815. 63 Choyce's Cases in Chancery. London, 1870, 1 vol., calf. 64 Chitty's Bail Court, 2 vols., (broken binding). 65 Clarke & Finnelly's, 12 vols, calf (good). 66 Cockbum & Rowe's Election Cases, calf. 67 Coke's Entries, 1671. 68 Coke. By Eraser. Cloth, 6 vols. 68 Coke's Select Cases, 1659. 70 CoUes's House of Lords. Dublin, 1789, calf. 71 Collyers' Chancery, 2 vols., calf. 72 Comberbach's, 1724. 73 Comer's Process, Practice and Pleadings. 74 Common Bench Reports, 18 vols. 75, « «. " N. S., 19 vols. 76 " Law " 1854-5, 3 vols, in 5, half calf. 77 Comyn's Digest Real Property. London, 1822, 8 vols., calf. 78 Comyn's. London, 1792, old calf. 79 Condensed Reports Supreme Court, U. S. 80 Cooke & AUcock, Part 1, pages 1 to 199. 81 Cook's C. P. London, 1872, 1 vol . I ■n «2 Cooper's C. P. Practice Cases, 1838 to 1841, half calf. SZ " 0., 1815, calf. 84f " (Lord Cottingham), old calf, 2 vdls. 85 " Temp. Brougham. London, 1835. 86 Corbctt & Daniell's Cases, calf. 87 Coventry & Hughes' Digest of Reports prior to 1756. London, 1867, calf, 2 vols. 88 Cowper's. Dublin, 1788. 89 Cox's Cases, in Equity, 1816, 2 vols, in 1. 90 " Criminal Cases, 13 vols., 1843-47. 91 " Magistrates' Cases, 1859 to 1864, calf, new, 2 vols. 92 Craig & Phillips' Chancery, calf. 93 Crawford & Dix's Abridged Cases. Dublin, 1 vol., old calf. 94 Croke's (Charles) Reports, 1655. 95 " (Elizabeth) " 1669. 96 " (James) " 1659. 97 Crompton & Jervis' " 2 vols., half calf, old. 98 " & Meeson's Reports, 2 vols. 99 " Meeson & Roscoe's Reports, 2 vols. 100 Cunningham's Reports. London, 1871. 101 Curteis's Reports, 3 vols., old calf. 102 Curtis's U. S. Supreme Court Decisions, 22 vols., sheep. 103 Davidson & Merivale's Reports, 1 vol., calf. 104 Davis's Reports. Dublin, 1762. 105 Da/y's " 1677. 106 Deacon's " old calf, 4 vols. 107 Deacon & Chitty's Reports, 4 vols. 108 Dearsley's Crown Cases. 109 Dearsley & Bell's Crown Cases. 110 DeGex's Bankruptcy Cases, 1 vol. 111 DeGex, F., & Jones, 4 vols. 112 " & Jones, 4 vols. 113 " Jones & Smith, 4 vols. 114 " McNaughten & Gorden, 8 vols. 115 " & Smale's Reports, calf, 2 vols. 116 Denison's Crown Cases, 2 vols. 117 Douglas' Election Reports, 4 vols. 118 " K. B. Reports, best edition, 4 vols, in 1. 119 Dowling's Practice Cases, calf, 9 vols. 120 " " N. S., 2 vols. 121 " & Lowndes's Chses, calf, 7 vols. 122 " & Ryland's Magistrates' Cases, 1823, 3 vols. 123 " " Reports, 9 vols. 124 Dow & Clark's House of Lords Reports, 2 vols.,' calf. i 6 125 Dow's House of Lords Reports, 6 vols. 126 Drury's Repoi-ts, 1 vol., calf. 127 Drury & Warren's Reports, 4 vols. 128 Durnford & East's Reports, 8 vols. 129 Dyer's Reports, 3 vols. 130 East's Reports, 16 vols, in 8. 131 Eden's " London, 1827, 2 vols. 132 Edward's Admiralty Reports, 2 vol. 133 Ellis & Blackburn's Q. B. " 9 vols. 134 Ellis & Ellis's Q. B. " 3 " 135 English Law and Equity. London, 1854, 3 vols. 136 English Law and Equity Reports, 35 vols. 137 " " " " Digest. 138 English Commcn Law Reports Digest, 2 vols. 139 English Railway and Canal Cases, 6 vols., sheep. 140 Espinasse Reports, 6 vols, in 5. 141 Exchequer " 11 vols. 142 Falconer &; Fitzherbert's Election Cases, calf. 143 Fitzgibbon's Reports, 2 copies, 1732. 144 Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium, 1730. 145 Forest's Exchequer Reports, no title, 1800, (old) half calf. 146 Foster's Crown Cases, 1 vol. London, 3772. 147 Foster & Finlason's Reports, calf, 4 vols. 148 Fox & Smith's Reports. 149 Eraser's Election Cases, 2 vols., calf 150 Freeman's Chancery Reports, 151 " King's Bench Reports, 8vo. 152 Gale & Davison's Reports, 3 vols. 153 Gilbert's Chancery and Exchequer, 1742, 1 vol., calf, folio. 154 " Law and Equity Cases. 1760, (old) calf. 155 Glanville's Election Cases. London, 1775. 156 Glascock's Reports, K. B. C. P. &> Exc. Dublin, 1832, calf. 157 Glyn & Jameson's Bankruptcy Reports, (old) calf, 2 vols. 158 Grotius on War and Peace, 1738. r f 159 Haggard's Consistory Reports, 3 vols. 160 " Ecclesiastical " 4 " (old) calf. 161 Hall & Twell's Chancery Reports, calf, 2 vols. 162 Hardress Reports, 1693. 163 Hardwicke's Cases, Temp., 1851, calf 164 Hare's Reports. London, calf, 11 vols. 165 Harrison's Digest, with Supplement, 1856, 6 vols. 166 " ' " continued by Fisher, 1858 to 1868, 3 vols;, i ll. 167 Harrison & Wallaston's Bepcrts. 168 Hayes & Jones's Reports, 18'43, 1 vol. 169 Hayes's Eaports. Dublin, 1837, 1 vol., (old) calf. 170 Hobart's K. B., 1671. 171 Holt's K. B.. 1721. 172 " Nisi Prius. 173 Hetley's C. P., 1657. 174 House of Lords Cases (Clark), 11 vols. 175 Hudson & Brooke's Reports, 2 vols. , 176 Hughes's Reports. 177 Hurlstone & Coltman, 3 vols. 178 " & Norman, 7 " 179 Button's C. P. Reports, 1682. 180 Irish Reports, Common Law Series, vols. 1 to 11, 1867 to 1878, half calf. 181 Irish Reports, Equity Series, vols. 1 to 11, 1867 to 1878, half calf. 182 Irish Law Reports, 1878, parts 1 to 5. 183 " Common Law Reports, J 7 vols., calf. 184 " Chancery " 17 " 185 " Law " 13 " 186 " Equity " 13 " hal/ calf, 1838 to 1850. 187 Jacob's Chancery Report, 1 vol. 188 Jacob & Walker's Chancery Reports, 2 vols. 189 Jebb & Bourke's K. B. (Ireland). 190 Jebb's Crown Cases, reprint, 1842. 191 " Crown Cases. Dublin. 192 Jebb & Symes's K. B. (Ireland) Reports, 2 vols. 193 Jenkins's Reports. By Barlow. 1771. 194 Jones & Latouche's Chancery (Ireland) Reports, 3 vols., calf. 195 Jones's K. B. & C. B. (Sir W.), 1675, 1 vol. lOfi « « (Sir T.), 1729, 1 vol. 197 " " (Sir T.), 1779. 19g « « Dublin, 1848, 2 voii., old calf. 199 Keen's Chancery, 2 vols., old, half calf. 200 Keilwey's K. B., 1633. 201 Kelyng, Crown Cases. London, 1873. 202 " Chancery and K. B. London, 1873. 203 " Notes of Cases. London, 1819, old calf. 204 " Sir J., Reports, 1708. 205 " SirM., " 1764. 206 Kerr's New Brunswick, 3 vols., half calf. 8 207 King's Cases in ChancoTy, 1760. 208 Knapp's k Ombler's Election CaSM. 209 " Privy Council, 3 vols. 210 Latch's K. B.. 1661. 211 Law Reports, 1866 to 1877, complete in 114 vols., half calf, and current Nos. of 1878. 212 Leach's Crown Cases, 1815, 2 vols. 213 Lee's Ecclesiastical Reports, old calf, 2 vols. 214 Leigh & Cave'n Crown Cases, 1 vol. 216 Leonard's K. B., 1689. 216 Levinz's K. B, Dublin, 1793, 3 vols, in 2 vols. 217 Lewin's Crown Cases, 2 vols. 218 Littleton's C. B., 1683. 219 Lloyd & Goold's Chancery Reports, 1 vol., old. 220 Lofft's Reports, 8vo. Dublin, 1790, 1 vol., calf. 221 Longfield & Townsend's Exchequer. Dublin, 1843, calf. 222 Lowndes & Maxwell's Bail Court, calf. 223 Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock's Bail Court, 2 vols., calf. 224 Luder's Election Cases, 3 vols., old calf, 225 Lutwyche's Reports, 1704, 2 vols. 226 " " 1718. By Nelson. 227 Maddock's Chancery, old calf, 6 vols. 228 Manning & Granger's C. B., calf, 7 vols. 229 March's Reports ; or, New Cases. London, 1648, old. 230 Marshall's C. B., old binding, 2 vols. 231 Maule & Selwyn's K. B., 6 vols. 232 McLean & Robinson's House of Lords. 233 McLeland's Exchequer, calf. 234 McLelland & Younge's Exchequer, sheep. 235 McNaghten & Gordon's Chancery, calf, 3 vols. 236 McNaghten s Select Cases. London, 1850. 237 Merivale's Chancery, calf, 3 vols. 238 Meeson & Welsby's Exchequer, 17 vols. 239 Moak's Law Reports (English), yeprint, with notes, 18 vols. 240 " Digest, vols. 1 to 15 in 1 vol. [sheep. 241 Modem, 1817, calf, 12 vols. 242 Montague & Ayrton's Bankruptcy, 3 vols. 243 " & Bligh's " broken binding. 244 " &Chitty " old. 245 Montague, Deacon & DeGex's Bankruptcy, 3 vols. 246 " & McArthur's " 247 Moody's Crown Cases, sheep, 2 vols. 248 Moody & Malkin's Nisi Prius, calf. 249 " & Robinson's " calf, 2 vols. 560 Moore's C. P., 1818 to 1824, old calf, 7 vols. 251 " Privy Council Reports, calf, 14 vols., 1836-61. 262 " " " now series, 2 vols., 1862-C5. 253 Moore k Payne's C. B., 5 vols., old calf. 254 Moore's, Sir F., K. B., 1(100. 265 Mosely's Chancery, 1744. 256 " " Dublin, 1793, old calf. 257 Mylne & Craig's Chancery, calf, 5 vols. 258 •' & Keen's " calf, 3 vols. 259 Neville & Manning, K. B., calf, G vols. 260 Neville & Perry, " " 3 " 261 New Sessions Cases, 3 vols, of May 1844 and 1849, vol. 4, 262 Noy's K. B., 1656. [parts 1 to 4. 203 O'Mally & Hardcastle's Election Cases, vols. 1 and 2, vol. 8, 264 Owen's C. B., 1656. [part 1, paper, cuiTcnt series. 265 Peckwell's Election Cases, calf, 2 vols. 266 Palmer's K. B., 1678. 267 Parker's Revenue Cases, Exchequer. Dublin, 1701, 1 vol. 268 Peake's Nisi Prius Ca^es, 1790 to 1812, complete, calf, 1820. 269 Peake's New Cases. London, 1829, boards. 270 Peere, Williams, &c. London, 1737, broken calf, 3 vols. 271 Perry &l Davison's K. B., calf, 4 vols. 272 Perry & Knapp's Election Cases, 1 vol., (old) calf. 273 Phillimorc's Ecclesiastical. London, 1818, 3 vols. 274 Phillip's Chancery, calf, 2 vols. 275 Plowdon's K. B., (old) calf, 2 vols. 276 PoUexfen's " 1702. 277 Popham's " 1656. 278 Price's Exchequer, calf, 13 vols. 279 Prize Reports Can. Prisoners. London, 1839, paper. 280 Queen's Bench Reports, 18 vols. (Ad. & El. U. S.) ; vols. 1 to 15, calf; 16 to 18, sheep. 281 Raymond's (Lord). Dublin, 1792, (broken binding), 3 vols. 282 Raymond's (Sjr T.) K. B. Dublin, 1743, 1 vol., folio. 283 Reports in Chancery, 1836. 284 " in Six Circuits, 1 vol. 285 Ridgway's Parliamentary Cases, S vols. Dublin, 1795. 286 Robinson's Admiralty Practice, 6 vols. (1 to 4 London, 1801 to 1804, vol. 5. Philadelphia, 1807, vol. 6, 1808.) 287 Rolle's K. B., 1675, 2 vols. 288 Rose's Bankruptcy Cases, 1813, (broken binding) 2 vols. 2 10 289 Kowe's Interesting Case3, K. B. Dublin, 1824, 1 vol., (old). 290 Russell's Ohanceiy, 5 vols. (4 vols, calf; vol. 5, parts 1 and 291 Russell & Mylne's Chancery, 2 vols., cdlt. [2, paper. 292 " & Ryan's Crown Cases, sheep. "93 Ryan & Moody's Nisi Prius, 1 vol. 294 Salkeld's K. B. London, 1795, 3 vols., broken binding. 295 Saunders's '• 2 vols, in 3 vols. London, 184-5 .. calf. 296 Saville's " 1675. 297 Sausse & Scully's Chancery. Dublin, 1840, old calf. 298 Bayers's Reports, 1775 fclio, presented by R. H. Dixon. 299 " " K. B., 1775. 300 " " " Dublin, 1790, old calf. 30i Schoales & Lefroy's Chancery (Ireland), 2 vols. 302 Scott's C. B. London, 1835 to 1541, v^ld calf, 8 vols. 303 Sidei-fin's K. B., 1683, 2 vols. 304 Shower's Cases in Parliament, 1698. 305 " Parliamentary Cases, 1876, 306 " Paoianat, 1740. 307 " K. B. London, 2 vols., 1704 ' 308 Siraons's Chancery, 17 vols., calf. 309 " " N. S., 2 vols., calf. 310 Simons & Stuart's Chancery. London, 2 vols., 1794. 311 Skinner's K. B., 1728. 31-2 Smith & Battv's K. B. Dublin, 18C0, calf. 313 Smythe's C. B. Dublin, 1840. S14 Spinke's Ecclesiastical abd Admiralty Reports. London, 1855, 2 vols., half calf. 315 Starkie's Nisi Prius. London, 1817, 2 vols. 316 Stuart's Lower Canada K. B. Cases. 317 " Vice Admiralty. 318 Styles's K. B.. 1658. 319 Swanston's Chancery. London 1821, calf, 3 vols. 320 Talbot's Equity. Dublin, 1773, calf. 321 Taunton's C. B., 8 vols., calf. 322 Temple &; Mew's Crown Cases, calf. 323 Turner & Russell's Chancery, 324 Tyrwhitt's Exchequer, 5 vols., calf, broken. 325 Tyrwhitt & Granger's Exchequer, 1 vol. 326 United States Digest, Abbott's, vol. 1 only. 327 " " " Criminal Law, 1 vol. 328 " " Statutes, 1789 to 1855. 329 " " " Digest, vols. 5 to 14. r I 11 ■' 330 Vaughan's Reports, 1677. 331 Ventris's K. B. & C. B., 1696. 332 Vernon's Chancery. Dublin, 1783, (old) 2 vols. 333 Vernon & Scriven's K. B. Dublin, 1789. 334 Vesey's (Sr.) Reports, tolio, 1772, 2 vols. 335 " " Reports, 1771, 2 vols. 336 " (Jr.) Reports, 20 vols., calf. 337 " & Beames' Chancery, 3 vols, in 2, caK. 33K " & Hov^nden's Supplement, 2 vols., calf. 339 Viner's Abridgement, 24 vols., half calf. 340 " Supplement, 6 vols. 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 3^'6 367 Watson (Trial of). London, 1817, cloth. Welch's Registry Cases. Dublin, 1841. West's Chancery, calf. Wharton's United States State Trial«. Philadelphia, 1849. Wightwick's Exchequer. London, 1819, half sheep. Willes' C. B. Dublin, 1800, old calf. Williams's Justice of the Peace, 1812, 4 vols. Wilson's K. B, 3 vols., 1779. " Chancery. Winch's C. B., 1657. Wolferstan & Bristow's Election Cases, cloth, 1 vol. & Dew's Wycombe's Corporation Cases, by Rumsey. London, 1830. Year Book, Edward 3rd. P. 2, " " 1 to 10. " 3, " " 17 to 39. " 3, " " 40 to 50. " 6, Henry 4th &; 5th. " 7, " 6th, 1 to 20. 7, ''• " 1 to 39. " 6, Edward 4th. " 10, Long's Report, Edward 4th, anno 5. •' 11, Edward 5th, Richard 3rd, Henry 7th, and Henry 8th. In all 10 vols., folio. Yelverton's K. B., 1735. Young & Colly er's Chancery, 2 vols. " " Exchequer Equity, calf, 4 vols. Young & Jervis's Ex<'.hequer, 3 vols., sheep. it <i t< iC li STATUTiES. Statutes op Upper Canada and Canada. 568 Statutes of Canada, 1792 to 1812. 369 Statutes Upper Canada, 1823. 370 " " « 1791 to 1831. 371 Revised Statutes Upper Canada, Public and Private Act, 372 Consolidated " " " 1859. [2 vols., 1840. -373 Consolidated Statutes of Canada, 1859. 374 Statutes of Canada, 1851, half calf. 375 376 377 378 379 « u « « 1854. 1860 to 1866, 13^vols., 1840-5. 1864 and 1872. 1868, 5 copies. 1867 to 1878, 15 vols., some duplicate. Statutes of Lower Canada. 580 Statutes Lower Canada, 1793 to 1819, 1821-27, 1829-36 381 " " " Index, &c. [10 vols. 382 " Quebec, 1869. 383 " " 1870 and 1874. 384 Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, 1 vol. 385 " « Nova Scotia, 1 vol. 586 Statutes at Large, 20 large quarto volumes, down to Geo. 3rd. 387 " " vols. 21 to 85, inclusive, 42, Geo. 3rd to 388 Index to English Statutes, 1878. [1865 389 Table of Statutes. Ontario. 590 Statutes of Ontario, 1867 to 1878, 11 vols. 591 Revised Statutes, Ontario, 2 vols,, 1877. .392 Imperial " " Ontario CoUection, 2 copies, 1866. 593 Statutes affecting Ontario, 1876. Ordinances. 394 Ordinances, Lower Canada Special Council, vols. 1 to 3. Quebec, 1836, half sheep. 395 Ordinances, Lower Canada Special Council, 1838 to 1840. Quebec, 2 vols., calf. 396 Revised Acts and Ordinances, L. C, Montreal, 1845, cloth. 397 Edicts et Ordinances, Quebec, 1856, half calf. 598 « " 3 vols. 599 « « 2 vols. 400 Ordinances,. L. C, 2 vols. t 1, / ) 13 Criminal Acts. 401 Criminal Acts, Ottawa, 1843, half calf. 402 '• '' " 1875. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS, &a 403 Journals Legislative Council, 1797. 404 " " Assembly. 405 " House Commons, 2 copies. 406 Plans of various Lakes and Rivers. 407 Maps appended to Report of Canada. 408 Ist and 2nd Report Public Expenditure. 409 Public Accounts. 1850 and 1851. 410 General Index, Assembly 1841 and 1851. 411 Reports House Commons. 412 Trade and Navigation. 1851-8, 413 Census of Canada, 3 vols. 414 Table of Statutes, U. C, 3 vols. 415 1st Report Practice and Pleading. 416 Commissions relating to Quebec. 417 Report on Education in Upper Canada. 418 Final Report King's College University. 419 Census of Canada, 1860-61. 420 Tableau of Navigation. 421 Trade and " 1860-1. 422 An Act Amendment of Law. 423 Report on Public Debts. 424 State, &c., Province Quebec. 425 Present Jail System. 426 Debates on Confederation, 1865. 427 Answer to Introductions. 428 Report of State Trials, Montreal. 429 Andrew's Report on Lake Trade. 430 Rules and Standing Orders of Legislative Assembly. 431 McGee's Speeches. 432 Report Crown Lands. 433 " Trade, India. 434 " " Montreal. 435 " on Treaty. 436 Howe's Speeches. 437 Public Accounts. 438 Rules and Orders House of Commons, Ottawa, 1858, calt. 439 120 Reports, Ministers, &c., in numbers. 440 1st Report, Survey of General Prison, 1844, cloth. >.4i Or.A « '« « " 1847. cloth. 14 . 442 Votes and Proceedings, H .use of Commons, 1871, half calf. 443 Reports, Commissioners Land Office, Washington, 1867. 444 Patents, Canada, 1824 to 1848, cloth. 445 Trade and Navigation Reports, 1852, 4, 6, 7, 8, 60, 61. 446 The Parliamentary Journals and Sessional Papers are extensive, and groiped in 199 volumes, in addition to above enumer^tioii. MISCELLAJSTEOLS MAGAZINES^ &c. 447 Law Journal Reports, 1858 and 1859. 448 " Recorder (Ireland), 6 vols. 449 " Register, vol. 4, less Part 9. 450 " Times Repoiis, 37 vols., 1845 to 1855, 25 vols. 451 " " " 1858 to 1859, 6 vols. 452 " " " to 1867, 6 vols. 453 « « " new series, Nov. 1859 to March 1866. 454 Legal Journal, 1858 and 1859, Pittsburg, half calf, folio. 455 " Observer, 26 vols. 456 Jurist, The, 7 vols. 457 " "11 vols. 458 Revue Critique, 1871, Parts 1, 2, 4. 459 Scottish Law Magazine, vol. 1, N. S., Glasgow, 1862, half 460 Solicitors' Journal, 8 vols. [calf. 461 Weekly Notes, 1866, '67, '68, in cloth, 1875-6 in sheep. 462 " Reporter, 1858 to 1865, 13 vols. LOWER CANADA REPORTS. 463 Lower Canada Reports, Segnorial. 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 « « « (( « « «■ « « u Questions, 2 vols., A and A. Reports, 8 vols. Reports, 1859, 1865, part of 9 vols. Jurist, vol. 2, less Feb., Mar., Aug. Parts. " " 3, less Jan., Feb., June Paiis. '• " 4, complete. " 5, « « 7, less Feb. Part. " " 8, less Nov. and Index Parts. " 9, 8 Parts only. " 10, 3 parts only. NEW BRUNSWICK. 475 Pugsley, N. B., Repoi-ts, 3 vols., half calf. 476 Puffsiev & Burbridgre's Reports, vol. 1, Nos. 1 to 4, current tj ft' — — — series. 15 ] UPPER CANADA REPORTS. 477 Taylor, 1 vol. Draper, 1 vol. 2 vols. 478 Queen's Bench, old series, 6 vols. 479 " " new series, 25 vols. 480 Common Pleas, 16 vols. 481 Chancery, 12 vols. 482 Harrison & O'Brien's Digest, 1 vol. 483 Robinson & Harrison's Digest, 2 vols. 484 Queen's Bench, vols. 26 to 41, half calf. 485 Common Pleas, vols. 17 to 27, half -calf. 486 Chancery, vols. 13 to 24, half calf 487 Error and Appeal, vols. 1 and 3, half calf. 488 Appeal Reports, vol. 1, half calf. 489 Chancery Chambers Reports, 3 vols. 490 « " " 1 vol., half calf. 491 Chambers Reports, 2 vols. 492 Practice Reports, 2 vols. 493 " " vol. 4. 494 Queen's Bench, vol. 42, Parts 1 to 11. 495 Common Pleas, vol. 28, Parts 1 to 10. 496 Chancery, vol. 25, Parts 1 to 9. 497 Appeal, vol. 2, Parts 1 to 4. 498 Chancery Chambers, vol. 4, Parts 1 and 2. 499 Practice Reports, vols. 4 to 6. 600 " " vol. 7, Parts 1, 2, 3. 601 Chancery, vol. 19, Pai-ts 9 and 10. 602 Supreme Court Reports, vol. 1, Parts 1 to 4. 603 Robinson & Joseph's Digest, pages 1 to 1712, Parts 1 to 8. 504 " " " Parts 9 to 13. 605 Canada Law Journal and L. C. Gazette, 1867 to 1877, 11 vols. 606 " " " 1878, whole year, in Parts. 607 " " " 10 vols., old series, 1855 to 1864 inclu- 608 " " " new series, 2 vols. [sive. TEXT BOOKS. 509 Abbott's Insolvent Act Quebec, 1864, cloth. 610 " National Digest. New York, 1867, 4 vols., sheep. 511 " on Shipping (Perkins), 1854. 512 Addington on Penal Statutes, 1782. 613 Addison on Contra, t", 3 vols., sheep. 614 " on Torts, 2 v is., sheep. 615 Agnew on Frauds, 1876, cloth. 516 Allen's Prerogative of the CVown (latest date printed, Jan. 517 Amos's Ruins of Time. 1856. calf. [1830), cloth. BB" 16 " on Archbold's 618 Angell and Ames's Corporatioiui. Boston^ 1846, sheep. " on CarrJers. Boston, 1849, half calf. « on " 1868. " on Corporations, 1875. ^ " on Highways (June), 1868. " on Limitations. Boston, 1847, sheep. " on " 1876. " on Tidewaters. Boston, 1 854, sheep. " on Watercourses. Boston, 1850, sheep. 1877. Bankruptcy. London, 1844, calf. 1867, 2 vols. Civil Pleading. London, 1837, calf. Commitments. London, 1828, 2 vols,, calf. Criminal Pleading. London, 1867, calf. Crown Practice, 1844. Jervis Act. London, 1857. Justices of the Peace. London, 1854, 4 vols.,. Landlord and Tenant, 1864. [calf. Magistrate's Pocket Book. London, 1839. " Queen's Bench Practice. London, 1855, 2 vols.,. " Sessions Practice. London, 1836, calf [calf. " Snowdon's Assistant. London, 1857, calf. Amould's Marine Insurance, 1872, 2 vols., calf. 542 Atherley on Marriage. London, 1813, boards. 543 Atkinson's Real Property. London, 1833, cloth. 519 620 izl 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 (< « !*' 544 Bacon's Abridgement, 1807, 2 vols,, old calf. 545 Bagley's New Practice, 1840, calf 546 " Chambers Practice, London, 1834, calf. 547 Barbour's Law of Set-off Albany, 1841, sheep. 548 Bamham's Questions, London 1840, half calf. 549 Barrington on Statutes, 1775. 550 Bates's Digest Fire Insurance, 1873, sheep. 551 Bauer's Orthopaedic Surgery. 552 Bayley's Commentaries, London, 1840, sheep. 553 " on Bills. London, 1830, calf 554 Beame's " Ne exeat regno," 1841, sheep. 555 Beawes's Lex Mercatoria, in 2 vols, London, 1813, calf 556 Beck's Medical Jurisprudence. Albany, 1851, 2 vols. 557 Beebee and Anthony's Analysis of Blackstone. New York, 558 Benjamin on Sales (author's letter), sheep, [1857. 559 Bennett's Practice. London, 1834, half calf 560 Bentham^on Punishment, 1830, boards. 561 J5est on JJividence, 2 vols., sheep. 17 I 662 Best on Right to Begin and Reply. London, 1823, boards. 563 Bentham on Codification. London, 1817, old half calf. 564 Bigelow ©n Estoppel, 1872, shoep. 565 " Life and Accident Insurance Cases, 1 voL 666 " Overruled Cases, 1 vol. 667 " on Torts (Leading Cases), 1875. 568 Billing on Pews, 1845, calf. 569 Bills of Cost. 570 Bird's Pocket Conveyancer. London, 1830, 2 vols,, calf. 571 Bishop's Criminal Law, 1872, 2 vols., sheep. 572 " Law of Married Women, 2 vols. 573 Bissell on Partnership, London 1847, half calf. 574 Blackstone's Commentaries (abridged by Warren), 1855, clo. 575 " " (byChitty). Philadelphia, 1832, 576 " (Priestt's Letter to.) [2 vols. 577 Blackwell on Tax Titles, 1855, 1 vol. 578 Bliss on Life Insurance, 1874. 579 Book of Costs. London, 1856, cloth. 580 Bourke's Parliamentary Precedents. London, 1857. calf. 581 Bowyer's Constitutional Law. London, 1846, calf. 582 Boyles's Law of Charity. London, 1837, boards. 583 Boys on Coroners. Toronto, 1878, sheep. 584 Bradley on Distress. London, 1828, boards. 585 Branch's Maxims. London, 1824, boards. 586 Brice on Ultra Vires, 1877. half calf. 587 Bright on Husband and Wife, 1859, 2 vols. 588 Brooke's New Cases. London, 1873, calf. 589 " Notary, 1867, cloth. 690 Broom's Common Law, 1873, sheep. 691 " Legal Maxims, 1874, sheep. 592 " Philosophy of Law, 8vo., 1876, cloth. 593 Browne's Dictionary, 1874, cloth. 594 Browne on Fixtures, 1375. 595 " Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity, 1875, sheep. 596 " Statutes of Frauds, 1870. 597 Browne on Trade Marks, 1873. 598 Brough's Law of Elections. 599 Bryant & Stratton's Common Law. New York, 1 861, sheep. 600 Bullen & Leake's Pleadings, 1868, calf. 601 Bump's Constitutional Decisions, 1878. 602 " Bankruptcy, 1877. 603 Bunyan's Fire Insurance, 1875, cloth. 604 Burges' Colonial Law, 1831, 4 vols. 605 " Manual Corporations, 1854. 606 Bums's Justice of the Peace, 1831, 6 vols. is 607 Burns's Ecclesiastical Law, 4 vols. 608 Burrett on Evidence, 1 850. 609 Burton on Real Property. London, 1857, caJf. 610 Bushby's Practice of Elections, 1874, cloth. 611 Biitler^s Index to Statutes of Canada, 1867, half calf. 612 Byles on Bills. Philadelphia, 1856, 613 « " " 1S74. 614 Bythewood on Conveyancing, vols,, 1851. 615 Caldwell on Arbitration. Burlington, 1863, sheep. 616 Cameron's Digest, 1840. ,o.>i u ir ^e Qlj « Rules and Statutes. Toronto, 1844, half calt. 618 Canadian Parliamentary Compendium, 1867, 1 vol. 619 Carpmael's Law of Patents. London, 1836, half sheep. 620 Chalmer's Colonial Opinions. 621 Charwood's Digest. London, 1836, 1837, 2 vols. 622 Chipman on Governments. Burlington, 1852, sheep. 623 Chitty on Bills. London, 1834, 2 vols., half calf. 624 " "2 vols. 626 " Collections of Statutes, 1 85 4, 4 vols., broken binding. 626 " on Contracts, 1874, 2 vols., sheep. 627 Chitty's Criminal Law, 1826, 4 vols., broken binding. 628 " Equity Index, 1853, 4 vols., broken binding. 629 " Forms. London, 1856, calf. 630 " Medical Jurisprudence, 1836. 631 Chitty on Pleading. London, 1844, 3 vols. 632 " on " 1868, cloth. 633 Chitty's Practice of the Law, 1834, 4 vols. 634 ' Prerogative of the Crown, 1870, boards. 635 Chitty & Temple on Carriers, 1856, calf. 636 Civil Code of Lousianna. New Orleans, 1838, calf. ' 1 ' 637 638 639 640 641 (( of Lower Canada, calf. of " 1866, half sheep. of Procedure. Albany, 1848, half calf, vol. 1. as it is, 1864 to 1865. of Napoleon. New York, 1841, sheep. 642 Clarke's Chancery Reports, with Moak's Notes. Albany, 643 " Criminal Law. [1^'2. 644 " on Extradition, 1874, cloth. 645 " Insolvent Act, 1875, half calf. 646 " Insurance, 1873. 647 Clergyman's Assistant. Oxford, 1807, calf. 648 Coke's Institute, 1817, old binding, 2 vols. 649 " on Littleton, 1817, old binding, 4 vols. ^60 " " • 1830, •• '• 1 vol. 19 * b ' 1 ' €51 Cole on Information, 1843. 662 Coldwell's Maitland Distillery Gases. 663 Collinson on Lunacy. London, 1812, calf. 664 Collyer on Partnership. Boston, 1848, sheep. ■ ' ' 666 Collyer's Criminal Statute? of England. London, ;i832, 656 Common Law Procedure Act. [boards. 667 Comyn on Usury. London, 1817, calf. 658 Constable's Guide. 669 Cook &L Harwood's Charitable Trust Act, 1867, cloth. 660 Cooley's Constitutional Limitations, 1876. 661 " Taxations, 1876. 662 Cooper's Equity Digest, 1868. 663 " Justinian. New York, 1841. 664 Coote on Law of Mortgage, 1851, boards. 666 " Probate Practice. London, 1860, cloth. 666 Copinger's Index to Precedents, cloth. 667 Corbett on Pawns, 1841. • - : 668 Crabb's Digest and Index. London, 1824, 3 vols., calf. 669 Cripp's Law of the Church. " 1850, cloth. 670 Cross, on Liens, 1840, calf. 671 Cruise's Digest, 6 vols., old. 672 Curtis, on Copyhold, 1847. 673 " Patents, 1854, sheep. 674 " " 1873. 675 Cushing's Legislative Assembly, 1866. 676 Daniell's Chancery Practice. London, 1 837, 2 vols., calf. 677 " " .« " 1841^ yf^i ^ part 1, 678 " Negotiable Instruments, 2 vols., sheep, [boards. 679 Darby & Bosanquet's Limitations, cloth. 680 Dart on Vendors and Purchasers, 1876, 2 vols, cloth. 681 Dax's Book of Costs. London, 1847, cloth. 682 Day's Common Law Procedure Act. London, 1868, cloth. 683 Deane's Conveyancing, 1874, cloth. 684 Debates on Confederation. Quebec, 1855, paper. 686 " Congress, U.S., Albany, 1802, sheep. 686 " Parliament. Ottawa, 1865, paper. 687 " " " 1870. 688 " " ** 1870. 689 " « « 1871, 690 DeColyar on Guarantee, 1875, sheep, 691 Dicey's Parties to Actions, 1876, sheep. 692 Diclanson's Quarter Sessions, 1846, calf. 693 Dillon on Corporations, sheep. 694 " Municir^al Cornorationa. Chinfloro. 1 872. shAon. 20 695 Division Court Rules, Official, 1869. 690 Drake on Attachment. Boston, 1858, sheep. 697 " " 1873, " 698 Draper on Dowers, 18G3, half calf. 699 " Rules and Forms. Toronto, 1855, rough boards. 700 Dred Scott's Cases. New York, 1857, sheep. 701 Ducet's Laws of Canada, 2 vols, in 1, roan. 702 Duer, T., on Insurance. New York, 1846, sheep. 703 Du Ponceau on Jurisdiction. Philadelphia, 1824. 704 Dwarris on Statutes. London, 1848. 705 Eagle's Magistrate Pocket Companion. London, 1839. 706 East's Crown Law. London, 1813, 2 vols. 707 Eden on Injunctions. " 1821, 2 vols., half roan. 708 Edgar's Insolvent Act, 1875, cloth. 709 Egremont's Law of Highways, London, 1830, 2 vols., cloth. 710 Election Act and Rules, 1 vol., half calf. 711 Ellis on Insurance. London, 1832, boards. 712 Elmes's Architectural Jurisprudence. London, 1827, half 713 English Laws. London, 1837, cloth. [calf. 714 Erichsen's Nov. Syst. Jur:, 1867. 715 Erskine's Insolvent Statutes. London, 1842, calf. 716 " Speeches. London, 1810, 5 vols., old calf. 717 Enchiridion Medicienne Hufeland. London, 1855, roan. 718 Ewart's Index to Statutes. Toronto, 1872, paper. 719 " " " " 1874. 720 Exchequer Digest, by Fisher. Philadelphia, 1855. 721 Exposure of Misrepresentations. 722 Fearne's Posthumous Works. London, 1817. 723 " on Remainders. London, 1820. 724 Federal List (^Holliwell), 1842, sheep. 725 Fenall on Law of Parliament. London, 1837, half -calf. 726 Fenian Trials, 11 copies. Toronto, 1856, paper. 727 Ferguson's Common Law Proceedings. Dublin, 1853, cloth. 728 Finlason's Common Law Procedure Act. London, 1855, 729 " Leading Cases in Pleading, 1847, calf. [calf. 730 " Queen v. Gurney. 731 " Tenure. London, 1870, cloth. 732 Fisher's Annual Digest, 1867, 1868, 1869. 733 " " " 1870 to 1873. 734 « " •' 1875 to 1878 (1874 wanting). 735 " on Mortgages. Philadelphia, 1857, sheep. 736 Folkard's Starkie on Slander and Libel. London, 1876, calf. 737 Forster's Writ of Scire Facias, 1851, calf. f / 1 .. 21 t. .. 738 Forsythe on Composition with Creditors. London, 1844. 739 Forsyth's Constitutional Law. London, 1869. 740 " History of Lawyers. New York, 1875. 741 Foss's Judges of England. London, 1870, 1 vol., cloth. 742 Freeman on Co-Tenancy. San Francisco, 1875. 743 Frost's Trial for High Treason. London, 1840, boards. 744 Fry on Contracts. London, 1868, 1 vol., cloth. 745 Gale's Act for Better Advance of Judgment. London, 1853, 746 " on Composition, 1840. [boards. 747 Gamble's Digest to Irish Equity Cases. 748 Gazette, Canada. 749 " " 1869. 760 " Ontario. 751 «« " 752 Gilbert's Treatise on Exchequer, 1768. 753 " Uses and Trusts, 1811. 764 Gilder's on Common Law. Cambridge, 1836, cloth. 756 Goddard on Easements, 1877, calf. 766 Godefroi and Short Railway Companies, 1869, cloth. 757 Goldsmith's Equity, 1853. 758 Gooche's Constitution of Canada. Ottawa, 1867, 2 copies. 759 Grady on Law of Fixtures, 1866, calf. 760 Grant on Banking and Bankers, 1865, cloth. 761 " on Corporations, 1850, calf. 762 Greenleaf's Overruled Cases. New York, 1840, half-calf. 763 Grifl&th's Judicature Act, 1875, leather. 764 " Married Women's Property Act, 1875. 765 Gude's Practice of the Crown, 1828, 2 vols. 766 Guy's Forensic Medicine, 1868. 767 Hale's Common Law. 768 " Pleas of the Crown. Dublin, 1778, 2 vols. 769 Halstead's Law of Evidence. New York, 1866, 2 vols. 770 Hammond on Actions. London, 1817, calf. 771 Hammond's Treatise. London, 1826, calf. 772 Hancock on Conveyancing, 1861. 773 Hand's Crown Practice. London, 1805, boards. 774 Hardcastle's Election Petitions, 1874, cloth. 775 Hare on Discovery. New York, 1836. 776 « " 1876, cloth. 777 Hargrave's Judicial Arguments. London, 1797. 778 Harrison's Common Law Procedure Act, 1856, half calf. Yirg « « " interleaved,1870. YgQ « « " sheets, 2 copies, 1870. 781 Hiu rison's Municipal Manual, 1867. 782 " " Rciiorts, 1 half calf, 1 in boards. 783 " Practice in Chancery. London, J7r)7, calf, 2 vols. 784 " Rules of County Court. Toronto, 1858, 2 vols. 785 " Statutes. Toronto, 1857, half calf. 786 Hatsoll's Precedents, House of Commons. London, 1796, 4- 787 Hauserman's Conveyancing. London, 18GI, cloth, [vols. 788 Hawkins's Construction of Wills, 1763, cloth. 789 " Pleas of the Crown, 1795, 4 vols., lialf calf. 790 Hayes's Conveyancer, 1839, calf, old. 791 Hayes & Jarman's Forms, 1869, old calf. 792 " on Limitations, 1824, old calf. 793 Hayward's Statutes. London, 1832, calf. 794 Haywood's County Election. London, 1812, calf. 795 Henning's Maxims. Richmond, 1823. 796 Herman on Executions, 1876. 797 Hern's Pleader, 1657. 798 Heron's Jurisprudence, cloth. 799 Higgins's Digest Patent Cases, 1875, cloth. 800 High's Extraordinary Remedies. 801 Hill on Trustees. Philadelphia, 1846, sheep. 802 " " " 1867. 803 Hillyard on New Trials. Philadelphia, 1872, calf. 804 " on Taxation, 1875. 805 Hindmarch on Patent Privileges, 1847. 806 Historical Essay on Laws of Rome. Cambridge, 1827, calf. 807 " Law Tracts. L. D. Kaine. Edinburgh, 1761. 808 " " Thrupp. London, 1843. 809 Hodgins's School Law, Parts 1 and 2 in 1. 810 " Voters' Lists, 1878, calf. 811 Hoffman's Legal Study. United States, 1836, 2 vols. 812 Holcock's Leading Cases. New York, 1847. 813 Holcombe's Law of Debtor and Creditor. New York, 1848, 814 Holt on Libels. London, 1816, calf. [sheep. 815 Home's Principles of Equity. Edinburgh, 1778, calf, 2 vols. 816 Houcks on Rivers, 1868. 817 Houston on Stoppage, 1868. 818 Hovenden's Treatise on Frauds. London, 1825, 2 Vols. 819 Howard's Colonial Law, 1827. 820 Howard's Solicitors. London, 1827, 1 vol., boards. 821 Impey's Mandamus. L^v ;i=:Tv 182C, calf. 822 Indermaur's Common Lav ('.-ies, 1874, cloth. 823 " Trials, Excheouer, 1874, cloth. 824 " Leading Cases in Equity, 1874, clotL. " ■• / 1 1 23 826 Irving's Civil Law, 1837, boardH, ,„.^ , ,, ,f ^20 •* Index to Statut*j*. Toronto, 18o0, half cait. 827 Jacob'H Common Law, 1733. 828 James on Bankruptcy, 1867, sheep. 829 Jarnian on Conveyancing, vols. 1 Uj 7, i) and ll,and othera, 830 " on Wills. By Perkins. 1859, 2 voIb. [btst ed. 831 JarviH on Office of Coroners, 1854, calf. 832 J ebb's Convict Diwcipliue, now in operation. 833 Jeremy's Equity. New York, 1840. 834 Jones on BailmentH, 1833, calf. SSb " on Salvage, 1870, cloth. 836 Joyce on Injunctions, 1872, half calf. 837 Joynoa on Limitations, United Slates, 1844. 838 Justices' Guide. New York, 1825, 2 vols. 839 Keole's Law of Upper Canada. Toronto, 1844, sheep. 840 " Provincial Justice, 1843, sheep. 841 Kelham's Norman Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1823. 842 Kent's Commentaries, vols. 2, 3, 4, only 1840. 843 Kerr's Common Law Procedure Act. London, 18oi, clotn. 844 Kerr on Frauds, 18G8, cloth. • ,oso i .v, 846 " & Thompson's Common Law. London, 180^, clutn. 846 Kinnic's Law Compendium, 1 vol. 847 Kyd's Corporation. London, 1794, old sheep. 848 Lacey'a R. R. Digest. ,,. ^^,„ 849 Lane's Exchequer Practice, folio, lOoT. 850 Lapierre Decisions, pamph., 1872. 851 Laudervale Currency. London, 1812, calf. 852 Law Macrazine and Review. London, 1806, b eb., May, JNov. 853 Law Magazine, 31 vols., 1828 to 1844. old binding. 854 855 856 857 858 i< N. S., 24 vols, 1845 to 1855. 8 numbers, unbound, and Review, 1875, Nov. " 1876, Feb., March, Aug., Nov. " 1 vol., complete. 859 Leading Cases done into English. 860 Leake on Contracts, 1867, cloth. 861 Leigh and LeMarchant oa Elections, 18/4. 862 Leith's Real Property Statutes, 1869. half calf. 863 Les Turin's de la hey. London, 1865. 864 Lewin on Trust and Trustees, 187o. calf. 865 Lewis on Dependencies. London, 1841, boards. 866 Lewis's Laws of Perpetuity. London, 1843, calt. 867 Lilly's Entries 1791, 2 vols. 24 860 Lindley on Partnership, 1873, 2 vols., half calf. 869 Lives of Chief Justices of United States, N.Y., 1875. 2 vols. 870 " Lord Chancellors Campbell's, i^ew T^ork, 1875, 10 vols. Index to two sets. 871 Lloyd on Compensation. London, 1877, cloth. 872 Loix Civiles Le Droit Public Office, folio. Paris, 1777. vol. 1, 873 Loome's Physicians' Diagnosis. N. Y. 1874, cloth. [cal£ 874 Lonsdale's Criminal Statutes. London, 1339, calf. 872 Longe on Sales. Boston, 1839, sheep. 876 Lorde's Protest. London, 1767, 2 vols., culf. 877 Lowenstein, Report of Trial of. Albany, 1874, half calf. 878 Lowe's Charter Parties, 1813. 879 Lowndes on Average, 1874, clotn. 880 Lumley's Statutes. London, 1844, cloth. 881 Lund on Letters Patent, 1851. 882 Maddy's Digest of Cases, 1835, half calf. 883 Magistrates' Hand Book. 884 Male's Law of Elections, 1820, calf. 885 Mallory's Entries. Dublin, 1791, 2 vols., calf. 886 Manning's Digest. Exeter, 1823, sheep. 887 " Exchequer Practice, 2 copies, 1827. 888 Mansel on Demurrer. Albany, 1828, calf. 689 " " Limitations. London, 1839, boards. 890 Manual of Parliamentary Practice, 1851, cloth. 891 Map and Estimates. St. Lawrence Canal. 892 Markham's Common Law Acts. London, 1864. 893 Marshall on Insurance. London, 1808, calf. 894 Marshall's Law of Cost, 1808, cloth. 895 Matte's Interest Tables, 1875. 896 Matthew's Criminal Law. London, 1837, boards. 897 Maughan's Law of Attorney. London, 1839, cloth. 893 Maxwell on Statutes. London, 1875, cloth. 899 Mayne on Damages. London, 1877. 900 May's Constitutional History, 2 vols. 901 " Fraudulent Conveyancing. London, 1871, cloth. 902 " Insurance. Boston, 1873. 903 McArthur on Court Martial. London, 1813, 2 vols. 904 McKenzie's Book-keeping, 1858, cloth. 905 McLeod's Trial. New York, 1841, paper. 906 McMahon's Insolvent Act, 1874, calf. 997 McMillan's Manual of Costs. Toronto, 1865, calf. 908 Mence's Law of Libel. London, 1824, 2 vols, in 1, calf. 909 Merrifield's Laws of Attorneys. London, 1813, boards 910 Mesere's Coiieetion of Several Commissions 911 Mayhew on Murder, 1861, cloth. ijOuuon, 177x» i\ S5 912 Miller on Administration. London, 1839, calf. 913 " on Civil Law. London, 1825, boards. 914 Mirror of Parliament, 2 copies, 1860, half roan. 915 Moak's Van Sanford's Pleadings. Albany, 1873, sheep. 916 Montague on Lien. Exeter, 1824, sheep. 917 ■• on Set-oflf. London, 1828, calf. 918 Morgan's Legal Directory, 2 copies. 919 Morris on Railroad Stocks. Philadelphia, 1856. 920 Municipal Manual. 921 Notman's Handy Book of Elections, 1867, 922 Nova Scotia Archives. Halifax, 1869. 923 O'Brien's Division Court Rules, 1866, calf. 924 Oke's Magisterial Formula. Londoii. 1838, calf. 925 « " Synopsis. " 1856, cloth. 926 Oliphant on Horses. " 1854, calf. 927 Paley on Conviction, 1866, cloth. 928 " " Principal and Agent, 1833, boards. 929 Palmer's Practice on Appeal Privy Council, 1831, pamph. 930 Pamphlet Cases, cloth. 931 Parliamentary Practice. Kingstone, 1828, boards. 932 Parson on Contracts, 1873, 3 vols., sheep. 933 Patent Lawp, U. S., 1870. ; 934 Paterson's Lib. Subjects. London, 1877, haif calf. 935 Paterson, McNamara & Marshall's Practice of Common Law 1856, 2 vols., cloth. 936 Paterson on Statutes. London, 1855, cloth. 937 Peel's Acts. London, 1830, boards. 938 Pemberton's Letter to Lord Langdale on Privilege, 1840. 939 Petersdorf s Abridgements, (old) calf, 2 vols. 940 " Law of Bail, 1824, calf. 941 « Index to Precedents. London, 1822, calf. 942 Phillimore's International Law. 943 Phillips's. Curran, Grattan and Emmet Speeches, 1 vol. 944 " Law of Evidence, 1852, 2 vols., calf. 945 " Mechanics' Liens. Boston, 1874. 946 " on Insurance. " 1840, 2 vols., calf. 947 « « New York, 1867, 2 vols. 948 Piatt's Covenant. London, 1829, boards. 949 Plowden's Jura Anglorum. London, 1792, calf. 950 Pollock on Contracts, cloth. 951 Pomeroy's Constitutional Law, 1868. 952 Pothier on Contracts. Edinburgh, 1839. 953 « " Obligations. London, 1806, 2 vols. 954 « « Partnership, 2 copies, 1854. UimmMSm imiSiiiimmmmiM 955 G.)6 957 958 959 9ti() 901 9(J2 9()3 9G4 905 966 967 908 969 970 971 972 973 874 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 Potter's Dwarris on Statutes. Albany, 1871. Powell's Law of Evidence, 1875, cloth. " Mortgages, 2 vols. London, 1826, boards. , on Precedents. " 1826, " Preston's Conveyancer: London, 1813, 3 vols., old calf. " Law of Legacies. London, 1824. Price's Solicitors' Book-keeper. London, 1829. Prideaux on Judgment, 1856, cloth. Prior's Conveyancer, 1857, calf. Pritchard's Admiralty Digest, 1848, sheep. Puffendorf's Law of Nations, 1717. Pulling on Attorney. London, 1862, half calf. Quarterly Journal, Jurisprudence. London, 1827, 3 vols., Questions on Practice Common Law Court, 1836. [boards. Railway and Canal Cases, vols. 3 and 4. Boston, 1851, sheep. Raithby's Index to Statutes, 3 vols. Raithby, Study of Law. London, 1816. Rawle on Covenants for Titles. Boston, 1860, sheep. " on Titles. Boston, 1873 Rawlinson's Corpoi-ation Act. London, 1868. Ranshay's New Riile§. London, 1838, boards. Ray's Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity, Boston, 1871. Real Property Acts. Redman on Awards. London, 1872, cloth. Repp's on Ancient Juries. Reeves's English Law, 5 vols. Dublin, 1787. Richardson's Chancery Practice. London, 1838, cloth. Ridgeway's Cases in Parliament. Dublin, 1795, 3 vols. Rights and Liabilities of Landlord and Tenant. Roberts on Conveyancing, 1800, half calf. " on Frauds. London, 1845, calf. " on Wills and Codicils, 2 vols. London 1826, boards. Robinson's Criminal Statutes. London, 1829, boards. Robson's Bankruptcy. London, 1870. Rogers's Law of Elections, 1857, calf. " on Election Committee, 1857, calf. Rolle's Abridgement, 1668, 2 vols. Roper on Husband and Wife. London, 1820, 2 vols., calf. " on Legacies. London, 1804, 2 vols., half calf. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. London, 1878, cloth. " Digest Criminal Cases. London, 1857, circuit. " Nisi Prius. London, 1875, circuit. Ross's Vendors and Purchasers, London, 1826, calf. Rowe s vmuicaLiou ui jjiu/CJA-auuiie. juuiiuOn, xouu. 27 999 Rules of Law Society, Upper Canada, 1838. tOOO Russell on Awards. London, 185G, calf. 1001 " on Crimes. Philadelphia, 1877, sheep. 1002 " on Factors and Brokers. London, 1844. 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 101 1 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 Sansum's Digest of Insurance. " Interest Tables. , . ' 1* Sargent's Principles, Laws of England. London, 1843, calf, Saunders on Convictions. London, 1846, half calf " on Elections. London, 1854, cloth. " on Indictments. London,, 1,872. " on Negligence. London^ 1871, cloth. on Uses and Trust. London, 1813, 2 vols., calf. Scobie's Municipal Manual, 2 copies. Toronto, 1852, paper. Seton's Forms of Decrees. Londop, 1830. Sedgwick's Constitutional Law. New York, 1872. Sedtnvick on Damages. New York, 1847, sheep. " " New Yorki 1874. Sellon's Practice, 2 vols. London, 1798, calf. Selwyn's Nisi Prius, 2 vols. London, 1859, calf. Sewell on Coroners. London, 1843, half calf. Shand's Sessions Practice. Edinburgh, 1843, 2 vols., cloth. Shelf ord on Lunatics. London, 1833. " on Railways. United States, 1855, 2 vols. Shelf ord's Real Property Statutes. London, 1850. Sheppard's Touchstone. Philadelphia, 1840. Shearman & Redfield on Negligence. New York, 1870. Simpson on Infants. London, 1875. Sladden's Registry Law. Toronto, 1857, half calf. Smith's Action at Law. London, 1848, half calf 1860, half calf Constitutional Law. Philadelphia, 1848. Smith on Contracts. London, 1868. [calf Smith on Joint Interest (ownership). London, 1840, half Smith's Leading Cases, 2 vols. ." 1867. 1876, calf. " Manual Bankruptcy. London, 1862, cloth. Philosophy of Health. " 1865, " Real and Personal Property. Philadelphia, 1845. Wealth of Nations. Edinburgh, 1837, cloth. Snelling&; Jones's Chancery Orders. Toronto, 1862, half Snell's Equity. London, 1874, cloth. ^ [cal£ Spencer's Chancery Jurisdiction. Philadelphia, 1846, 2 Origin of Law. London, 1826. [vols. Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu's), 1793, 2 vols. Starkie on Uriiimiai rieading. Louuun, io-u, ^ vuw., uoxx. 2d 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 lOoo 1089 Starkie on Evidence, 2 rols, in 1. Philadelphia, 1843, sheep. « 1876. Starman on Elections. London, 1827, calf. State Trials, Montreal. Montreal, 1839, vols. 1 and 2. vol 20, 1771 to 1777. " '* General Index. Statesman's Year Book. London, 1870, cloth. Stephens's Common Law Practice, by Lush. London, 1866, " Digest of Criminal Law. [cloth. " Law o f England, vols. 2, 3, 4. London, 1842, half Nisi Prius, vols. Philadelphia, 1844, sheep, [calf. " New Brunswick Digest, 1845, sheep. " on Pleading. Philadelphia, 1845, sneep. " & Rennicke on Average. Boston, 1833. Stokes's American Constitution. London, 1783, calf. " Liens of Attorney, London, 1860, calf. Stone's Session and Practice. " 1850, calf. Storer & Heard's Criminal Abortion. Boston, 1868. Story on Agency. London, 1874. " Bailments. " 1839, calf. « ' « 1870. " Bills of Exchequer. London, 1860. Commentaries on Constitutional Law, 2 vols., U. S, Conflict of Laws, 1841. " London, 1872. Equity Jurisprudence, 2 vols., 1839, calf. 2 vols. Boston. 1873. Pleading. London, 1848, sheep. 1870. " Miscellaneous Writing. Boston, 1852. on Partnership. London, 1841, calf. " " " 1868. " Promissory Notes. " 1868. "Sales. " 1871. Southern Quarterly Review. New Orleans, 1844, Oct. 1847, July, 1850, April., Sugden's Law of Wills. London, 1837, boards. " Letters. " 1829, " " on Powers, " 1831, calf. Property Law. " 1855, cloth. Sugden's Property Statutes. London, 1852, cloth. " Vendors & Purchasers, 2 vols. London, 1846, calf. 1857, calf. Surrogate Court Rules, 1864. DWinoume on wius. uuvnn, i.fvo. Swinton's Trial of Cotton Spinning. Edinburgh, 1838,cloth, « tt tt u (( (< t< a u it (I tt u tt « i ^ 29 1 1090 Tapping's Mandamus. London, 1848. 1091 Tancred on Warrants. London, 1830, calf. 1092 Taschereau's Criminal Law, circuit 1093 Tayler's Precedents of Wills. New York, 1843. 1094 Taylor's Chancery Orders, 1868, half calf. 1095 " Equity Jurisprudence. 1096 " on Evidence, 1868, 2 vols. 1097 " Medical Jurisprudence. Philadelphia, 1861, cloth. 1098 " on Titles, 1873, half calf. 1099 Ten Thousand a Year. New York, 1876. 1100 Theobald's Common Law Practice. London, 1839, boards. 1101 " Imprisonment for Debts. " 1838, " 1102 " on Wills, 1876, cloth. 1103 Thomas's Jurisprudence. London, 1829, calf. 1104 Tickiling Legal Estate. London, 1829, boards. 1105 Tidd's Forms. London, 1824, calf. 1106 " Practice, 1837. 1107 Tidswell & Letter's Division Practice. London, 1860, cloth. 1108 Tillinghast Adams, Ejectment. New York, 1846. 1109 Todd's Pa,rliamentary Government. London, 1867, 2 vols. mo " " Law, 1848. 1111 « Private Bills, 1868, half calf. 1112 " " " Practice, 1862. 1113 Toller's Executors. London, 1818, calf. 1114 Tomlin's Digest. New York, 1823, sheep. 1115 " Law Dictionary, 2 vols., 1835. 1116 Toronto City Council Minutes, 1867, '8, '9, half calf, 3 vols. 1117 " Consolidated By-laws of, 1876, Presentation copy. 1118 « " " " 1870, 1119 " Practical By-laws of, 1870, calf. 1120 Townshend on Slander. N-,w York, 1877. 1121 Tracts on Government of Canada. London, 1791. 1122 Trail's Medical Jurisprudence. Edinburgh, 1840, cloth. 1123 Tremain's Pleas of the Crown, 1723. 1124 Tremaine's T^'leas of the Crown. Dublin, 1793, 2 vols. 1125 Tripp's Chancery Forms. London, 1858, cloth. 1126 Turner's Copyrights. London, 1849. 1127 '• Quieting Titles, paper. 1128 Tyler on Boundaries. Albany, 1874. 1129 United States Digest, 1st series, 14 vols., sheep. 1130 " " " new series, 8 " " 1131 Vaucher's Marine Insurance. London, 1836. [calf. 1132 Van Heythuysen's Evidence, Marine. London, 1817, half 1133 Walkem on Wills, sheep. 1134 Watkin's Law of Descent. London, 1829. 80 1135 Wallace Reporters. Philadelphia, 1856. 1136 Ward's Law of Katidns, 2 vols. Dublin, 1795, calf. 1137 Warren's Introduction to Law. London, 1845, half calf. 1138 Waterman on Trespass, 1875, 2 vols. 1139 Watkin on Conveyancing. ' ' 1140 Watson on Awards, Law Library, new series, vol. 43. 1141 •' on Sheriff. London, 1848, calf. 1142 Webster on Patents. London, 1844. 1143 Webster's Patent Law Acts, 1854, calf. 1144 Wentworth's Pleading, 10 vols., catlf. 1146 West on Extents. Iiondon, 1817. 1146 Westlake's International Laiw, 1859,, calf. 1147 Wharton's Agency. Philadelphia, 1876. 1148 " Law of Negligence. Philadelphia, 1874. 1149 Whelan on Trials. Ottawa, 1868. 1150 Whitaker on Liens. London, 1812, 1151 White & Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity, 4 vols. 1152 Wicquefort by Bigsby Ambassadors, 1716. 1153 Wigram on Discovery. London, 1840, calf. 1154 " on Wills. London, 1834, boards. 1155 Wilcox's Medical Law. London, 1830, old calf. 1156 Williams on Executors. Philadelphia, 1849, 2 vols. 1157 " Justices of Peace, 1812, 4 vols. 1158 " Notes to Saunders's Reports. London, 1817,2 1159 " Real Property. London, 1862. [vols. 1160 Willis on Interrogatories. London, 1816. 1161 WiUs's Municipal Acts, 1870. 1162 Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. London, 1862, cloth. 1163 Wilson on Judicature Acts. London, 1875. 1164 Wise on Riots. London 1848. 1165 Withrow's American Corporation Cases, vol. 2. 1166 Woodeson's Lectures, 3 vols. London, 1792, old calf. 1167 Woodfall's Landlord and Tenant. London, 1867, cloth. 1168 Wolferstan's Election Petitions. London, 1869. 1169 Woolrych on Waters, London, 1830. 1170 Woolrych on Window Light Laws. London, 1833. 1171 Wordsworth on Elections. London, 1835. [boards. 117:2J Wordsworth's Railway and Canal Cases. London, 1851, 1173 Worthington on Juries. London, 1825, calf. 1174 " on Wills, contained in Law Library, No. 44, 1175 Wotherspoon's Insolvent Act, 1875, half calf, [new series. 1176 Wright's Conspiracies. London, 1873. 1177 " Tenures. London, 1768. 1178 Wrongs and Rights of a Traveller, half calf. 1179 Wvnne's Eunomus. London, 1829, . ". ■t < 1 t . '. t < ■}