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I.aa diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. ■M 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 l'^' ,s^.. * - . * I,, * ..tyii-" . i r. V. »mi t,i-v: ".*r/..-l-,i3-i ■„...' ,, '^i ' f y' ■'■v. fif V: , «■. ,^.:',;, ■f-vv I.. r to th< fits trc CO] i« ani ■'.■ 1 E eni i8i V ■ ' ad' dif *" - "f: , eft • ^tl« ^^ . • U btf r ' r %. 4» # I /-> To Nervous Sufferers. o W It i» not a very pleasurable task ^e haya undertaken,^ that of issuing a treatise tcr; Nervous Sufferers SLnd those afflicted wttib^ Chronic Diseases. What we chiefly wish is to gain the confidence of our patients anct the publioj and hope by a straightforv|rail?4^ £* statement of our object and plan of ^^ treatment to permanently merit tiial ]J^ confidence. But we have many difficultief ; ^ and prejudices to overcome before that E end can be obtained — the greatest of these is the fact that numerous imposters haVf advertised worthless preparations aft difi'erent times, andthose who ha v^ io often beesi deceived fear again to trust tll«i]i80lTes to advertised - --^^^'i^ , .. t^ *' England our firm has for inany years overcome this prejudice, but in Canada it is only of late years that we have been advertising and selling our remedies^and BO of course we cannot expect the publio to recive us with confidence unless we can prove to them that our Intentions are strictly honourable, and thatt we practise not merely to Extort money from our patiexlts, but that our earnest endeifours IS to do them good as well as reimburse ourselves for our time and knowledge. The question now is, which is the best ymy to attain these objects? When l^e first established an agency in Canada it y$^ our intention to sell ])z>, j. Bell json's Specific and Tonic PtUi iljTf l>ut the great demand for them at^d 4^ frequent requests for special tireatmeni <|Bcidea us upon having one of t&e medical gentlemen connected with tU^ En^ish firm come to Canada for H^ piir|>ose of visiting those places where ]:i|i services were in request. Dr. Simpson's partner, who arrived in Canada in the early pari of the present yi^iir (1874); has had many years expwiea^^. t v.fel m with Br. J/ B&LL SncpsoK in'^LoKDOK, BuoLAKi^ H6 iatended at first to remain feirafeW months only, and, visited' several towto and ^ know Vfb&t we claim to be able to do ifH to advertise. M ^ Br. J. Bbll SimpsoX; the oldest partner in the firm of J. Bbll &iip80K A Co;, ims in youth the pupil and in later yean the partner and friend of the late ])m. W. Willis Mosblby, of London, England, acknowledged to be the greatest authorily in the world on Nervous DiseascB from whatever cause arising, and than whom nlD man in the histpry of medicine has /bonle a more wide spread reputation, iHiA consulting rooms were constantly filled with patients — numbers of whom *jM)Jced among England's* nobility. Himdreds came yearly from long distances (tbl consult him, and his correspondence was. enormous. His fees were often as high, as ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS for ii^ dbttstiitation. In such a school did Dr. J; Bbll Simpson first learn the science of th^ successful treatment of Chronic BUeaseSj and he has ' himself attained a ^ei^ui^Eition equal to that of his talented trf^iibr, Although we by no means desire £o be thought %at we can in every case eilibt a cure, for there are some^ cases wliich will deiy every effort^ still we do claim that from long experience in the itnetropolis of the world* with every opportunity of closely studying every % mariner & Co., r years ie Dm. gland, Jiorily f from whom le has ^tion, tanily whom bility. :ances dence en as 8 for iDn. iceot \ronie led a mted lesire 'case cases re do I the 5very 5very ill- phase of disease^ with experience in the largest hospitals in Europe, we are in a position to offer hope even in the most aggravated oases. We do not claim to have any particular medicine which will cure almost every known disease. Wo treiat pcvtionts on sciei iac principles, and in coiiiplicrted cases have to vary the treatment accotcing to the symptoms • But for one disease we do claim a SPECIFIC and that is m the one known as Nervous Debility. We might enter into a long explanation of the symptoibs and effects of this disease, but of what use would it be ? it would only satisfy idle curiosity in those not requiring trei^Eiient^' and jj^rhaps needlessly idarm those already suffering. Few are so ignorant of the fearful effects of this mort teirible affliction, or of its extent^ as to xnake it necessary to enter into particulars. Thousands yearly sink into premature gHv^^ from its effects, while thousands more su£fer silently, nardly daring * to aeknowiedgev even to themselves , the fearful misery - it . entail0^^|^Nor>isj|Jit 4*^.> r (bdnfihed to 6n^ sex alone ; in both we find the same symptoms, the nerves tremulous^ mind eovfitsed. lassitiide^ debility, weakness of the organs^ loss of memory y pacpftaiion of the heart, pains in the back and limbs and kead^ dvlness of visionj incapacity Jor toork, languid and pale connte7ia7ice (in females, hysteria), da:rk circles under the eyes, melancholy^ anemia, dizziness, shortness oj breath, loss of confidence, unwillingness to look any one in the face, and many others, not to mention the most distressing of all jrhiqii v.nless checked, by a daily or weekly 4ram on the system, produces all the ^^9fgfiii|tjSi nientioned above, and proves an ^i^iiripountable obstacle to marriage. Nor need it be supposed that all this is alwsya brought on by a fault of the person sirftering« In many oase^ it is herfeditri^iy TT^eakness^ or constitutional, or i^ui^ed by a .deat or disease, as well as by errors of youth. •'■•['' Itid ft* bfl^^ r^My for this hteidtitihs disease that *#e have OPEKBD ii^ office ih HABtelrOic aW'^e iiiVtte all to acoef>t advipe/ ^t* iirk dr^ ^^^^t^ iKh Wi^i^dtfi? ^Henbed. Tlie fadb is that fftrtkm Bmiiiy dt^ot bie qtifckl}^ ct^d. it' y H^iS^iMi m^ xaAxxtk bf iOM^ ib lb suppose so. The constitution must be graaually I'estoredy and even with care and attention this occupies considerable time. Again they fear excessive expense, but to this we answer that our charges are as moderate as possible^ rarely exceeding $10.00, and in many cases not more than half wat sum. We tell our patients candidly what we think of their case, whether hopeful or not. If hopeless we tell them so and ask no fee, if hopeful and they entrust themselves to our care, we do our best for them kt as little expense f o them as possible. But we think we will to agreed with when wesay that it is much baiter for any man to put up with any othfr inconvenience than want of health, and that money spent in regaining that should never be regretted. Many have a habit of grumbling at paying a doctor's bill^ forgetting the benefit they have derived from his treatment which often amounts to being snatched from death itself. ' - ■' ' ' • Again patients do not follow our directions strictly. They continue to indulge in bad practices, and continue the t be e and time. but re as dding than ients case, ss we I and >, we ^ense i will nuch I any lalth. tbat kvea iter's have >ften eath oup i to tho 11 use of those oursbs of makeind— -alcohol and TOBAOOo. If alcohol and tobacco were never known we believe disease would be deoreased one half. They also allow thaniselves to dwell on their troubles, neglect proper precautions, such as exercise, bathing, &c., and then wonder the medicine does not cure them more quickly. So much has been written and so many things offered to the public as a cure for OoKsuMPTiON and Lung Diseases that we hesitnte to offer our services to that class of sufferers, not from any fear that we cannot relieve them, but doubting if we wiU be allowed a fair opportunity of doing 80» In aggravated cases we can give the patient ease and quiet, iii those not so far adv^uiced a good hope of perfect restora* tion, and in recent cases a certainty of cure# About this we will say no more. . Could we but publish the communica- tions we have received the last few months wid could convince the most skeptical that wa can cure these frightful diseases, but as we regard al! communicationi as strictly confidential, we never use any 12 Utter, even with the addrest and iiiUBe cut off. We sympathise with the affliotod aj^d would sooner forego profit tbotmneAVba than have our patients be sulsject toUti^ slightest suspicion. For this purpose w)^ haye our office arranged so that tbeVBlm no liklihood of one patient beinj; seen i|y another, and wd regard all commun|C£^tibl]B as sacred as the confessional. Parties from a distance wishing to con8i4t ahould write beforehand, and have ^ h^W ati*^nged so as not to be disappoixiti^|. piS the Poctor is sometimes irppi hpni^js. When he intends visiting any tQwn or cMg^ it will be announced in the local pfl^p^fSi dtktitig when and where he is to be seeni .('f^ Advice can be given by.letter fre^, all letters will be cheerfully and ptiMtpi answered and medicine expi^essedto-tt^^^ part of the Dominion. Our Post OBtiie. address is J. BELL SIMPSON & Co,, Drawee 91, P. 0., Hamilton, Qvt. l^he Specific and Tonic PilUMe fopoale by all respectable druggiieitsy or will be sent by mail on receipt of. 8L60 for ft box of each, or $7.60 for six bosceft of eacii^ securely wrapped from ofoserviiriion. '?&. 13 A "WOBD TO LADIIPS. Any ladjTvWho entrusts her case to im> may rely on having our best services^^ Chrome I>w€a5e* peculiar to females receive special attention^ and satisfaction is guaranteed . Whac has come to be widely known as Dr. J. Bell Simpson's favorite prescription for FEMALE DISEASES can be relied on as a specific m these cases. '« All communications will be regarded as strictly private and letters promptly - answered. Children's diseases will also be successfully treated. In conclusion we will only re-enumerate I the diseases to which we give special attentifpil^ although it by no means follows froin this that wo. do not treat other diseases than those specially mentioned^ ; for a knowledge of one necessarily involves a knowledge of all to a greater or less extent. However, to resume: We pay special attention to the treatment of Nervous Debility fronz. mrliatover^causo arising^ Diseases of Women and Childreiii 14 Cliroiiib Biseaseii of the LiTer^ Chronic DiseasoB of the Kldae^Sf Chest Diseasesy liims IHseases^ Bronohitisp \ Rheumatism, Epileptio riti, * . r , , Diseases of the Heart, iT^hether orf^aaio , 0T fimetional. Indigestion, '^^*" ^^^' Stomach Complaints* ^ , i^ And those diseases in either sex which are better left unnamed, but from which unfortunately only too many erring and often ijepentant sinners are yearly sinking into premature graves. We ask all suffering to give the above their earnest consideration, and promise them that if they will call at our office or write to us, they will receive at our hands the greatest considerationy strietest privacy andmlfulirmtmmt^ 4 IS ■I 5 I M: t -f rf io Br. J. Bell Simpson's Specific and Ttmic FtUs mil be found a certain cure for all cas^ of Nervaiu Debility^ but where^ complicated with other diseases wa r^coioinend special treatment as above. Wher^ more convenient to obtain by mail^ the juUs will be promptly forwarded on receipt of money. But we will mot be responlibie for any moneys lost in tran#it unless the letter is registered. I- k :'i/ ch sh id re 3e [>r:;c' Is "h *» ' ^V- 'i " )■ » .'• 16 TE^TIMONl^l r "v, 7i rrj J)emilioeb^Jliiti9 mt^ bf DEL ^. !£1^1«, He has also r^0(Mti»^dkitW6sa'1^M^^" others and always with satisfactory residt. Otlifers write— T " I feel like a different tnsm/ .s^?"^'-"** < your medfioines, I feel mydelf restored to health again." aboTe are ot# sjpecimens of hundreds of liittfii« we have receiT^. \Vj '1 I |. 11 ,.V "%