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Dear Header, One day a book was given to toe to read called The HOLY BIBLE. 1 was told that it spoke of won- derful things, and that it was the written message from the great God who made the Heavens and the Earth, to the people who lived in this world. I felt curious to know what it had to say to me, and the first thing I read Was ^hat ♦• All scripture is given by inspirat-on of God, ahd is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for conectiou, for instruction in richte- ousness." 2 Timothy iii. 16. . Next, I was greatly surprised to read what GOD thought of men's characters in these days, " For men shall be lovers of theii- oAvb selves, coVetoUs, boast- ere, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, im- 'oly without natunil affection, truce-breakere, false accusers, mcontment, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highmiiided,loviersof pleasures mote than lovers of God; having a FORM of GODLINESS, but denying the POWER theieof : from such turn away." 3 Timothy iii. 2-6. and that the course of their every-day life, was, "Wherein in time jjast ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spint that now worketh in the children of disobedience, among whom also we all had our conversation [or dwelling place'\ in tames past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfiUing the desires of the flesh and of the mind ; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as otliers." Ephesians ii. 2^ 3. The desciiption of people In general, who are called in these days "Christians" astonished me 4 Krcaily as H was alniont tlio vorv 8ame as tluit 1., tho oDly difference being that we had a FORM of frodhnesH (Religiousness) which the old Pairan dolaiers had not. J little thought that God looked upon UH all as no better than heathens, and that S;Tr%^"'' ALL Eternity were terrible To think of, for it was written, " That at tlmt time ye wtsre witliout ClmHt, beiiiff aUens frnm ti^e commonwedth of Igrael, and 8trangerB from tl covenanS mi2t\tet tT "^^^^^.r^^aled from heaven with Hia K iiot ancT l?T"/^i^'' **^?t.» VENGEANCE Oil them that r^?nw . Nr iL ^VV^'^* "% ii«t the gospel of oiir Lord Jesus fh. «, - ""^^ ^^^^ be pUhiBhed with everlasting desta^Sn from "The Lord ooraeth with ten thousands of His saints to •* ronJtLmXrfh*^-"' and to coKvtKOE all JhatTr^iu; ?3fS ?A "^I" their ungodly deeds which they have unLlly committed, and of all their hard speeches which unjwX ski^ nere have spoken against Him." Jude U, 16. "^^^y ^m- ii, "^"^ ^ ^*^ *h® **®*<^' 8»nall a»^ation8 : that the trial of your faith, being michmoTeS .Jesus Christ : whom having not seen, ye love • in whom though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice wiUv unspeakable and full or glory." 1 Peter i3~H ^ ^ ^•Therefore asby the offence of one [Adaml JUDGMENT came upon all men to condemnation; even s^ by the righte ousnessof one [Jesus] the FREE GIFT e^me lUrall mtn unto justafioation of life." Eoinam v. 18. ^ Peelin^^ that I was thoroughly undeservinft- of so great a gift, and that I was under the Judgment to COME, I could not believe that such good news wa^ Tovr^^fi M^'' ^ ""^^ ^? "^y surprise that GOT) LOVED ME nevertheless : son that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him should not ly^rish but have everlasting Ufe." John iii. 16. ^ ' .J ^^"".\out also that I was earnestly invited to ZS&^!^^X^:1^t^L^^.> -- - wen . TT- '•/ '-^'^'-^ «-" t"i" ii'om evil ways to Him, so as to escape from eternal judgment. " Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hiith no money ; come, ye, buy and oat ; yea, come, bny wine and milk without money, and without price. Wliorefore do y.t spend mone^ for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which Hatisflotb not? lioarken dilif?ontly unto me, and cat ye that wliich is good, and let your houI delirliovers in Chi-ist : I But the anointing whi(!h vf Imve receiv(» and upbraideth irot ; and it Hhall be giv(m him. liut let him auk in faith nothing wavering." Jamoi i. l>. And what was more wonderful still, 1 read that God was even BESEECHTNCt me to come and he friends with Him, that I mi^ht ho made ])('rfof'tly righteous in His sights '" (lod was in tJhrist, reconciling the World ftnto ttimR(df , not imputing their trespasses Unto thctai ; and hatli committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now, then, we are amhassfwlois for Chiist^ as though GOD did BESEECH you by us: wt pmy ^ou in Christ^s stead, "be ye reconciled to God* For He natli made Him to be sin f«p ua, who knew no sin, that we might ha made righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corintliiam v. 19-21. 1 found, too> that this inheritance had only ONK . [Jesus said] "I am the dt>of> BY M15 if ahy man ent»»r in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." •John x» ^. "Neither is there Halvation in any other; foi- there is NONE OTHER NAME wider heaven given among men, whereby mm; must be BaVedv" ACU iv. 12v * Whenever passages are maAed with a star, see Thrht'iulnrf '« thrln^h *fl!^a m" "r"^*? ^°?'. ^^^^efore, men and brethi-en, that I did not find this door at first, so I tried to set in by climbing up some ladders that the devil had put there to mislead souls : one of these was called aELF-RiaHTEousNEss, and another was called Works. iaith-Z^In!T [.^^f ^^/«^?wr of God] are ye saved through Lnvb' ? . * ** ""^^ ""^ yourselves; it is the gift of God: Not of urorks, lest any man should boast." Epheuam ii. 8, 9 fnr^^r/"^''?.^''!''^ ^^^^ '^ ^^« ^«'t« impossible tor me to get m by any such means as these, be- sides I was (jailed a thief and a robber for trying to Ar!l7'^^^:u^'^l^' ^ ^^y ^"^*« yo"' He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way the same is a thief and a robber." John x. l! ^' .Ja f ^?r'*J ^^""^ ^''''''^ '^^^ ^^«*' sooner, had 1, in^ od tL p!?. f '''^' *^7^^* ^*^^"^'« *^^^ "^^^ J^«t «^aVch. od the Bible more for myself. the'y'^plvr/!^ more noble than those in Thessalonica, in ttiat they received the word with all readiness of mind and searchpd the scriptures daily, whether those things w^^ so Thei^ft^ many of them believed." Acts xvii. 11, 12. meieiore Then I should also have seen ihe verse, mv^olce^I ififl^* *^^"i^^^ ^"^^ ^««k: ir any man hear S Z «n. -.1?^ -^ "P'^*^ *^^""' ^^^^ ^ ««™e in to him, and win sup with lum, and he with me." ReveUtion iii. 20.* ^vl'l i ? K?''^'^ ^"*? ^"^^ *^^« inheritance and be wl\L^i ''^^''' everlasting life, also that He was waiting to save me ; so believing these messao-fiH ii-umi^oD to be really true, 1 entered gladly, and now found the title to my inheritance : L 9 ••In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard tho word of truth, the gospel of your salvation ; in whom also, after that YE BEMBVED, yc Were sealed with that Holy Spirit of pi-omise, which 18 the earnest of onr inheritance, until the redemption ot the purchased possession, unto the praise of His fflorv." Knhe- 8iam i. 13, 14. r . y Alfcio of my deliverance and forgivenesH, ''Who hath deUvered us from the power of darkness, and liath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son ; in whom ^^-.o ^'®.^®^®"^P*^®°' ^^^" ***® forgiveness of sins." Co/;w 1. 13, 14. ■r,.?Jj^*^ ^"*** y°^' ^^^ children, because yonr sins ARR FORGIVEN YOU, for His Name's sake." 1 John ii. 12. I found also that the genuineness of my faitli should be tested by my works, or conduct in life : "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." Luke ix. 23. "And be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble." 1 Peter v. 5. "What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath laith, and have not works ? Can faith save him ? Even so faitii, If It hath not works, is dead, being alone." James n, 14, 17. ''Know ye not that the friendship of the world jnmity with God? whosoever therefore will be the friend of the world.' is the enennr of Godv" James iv. 4. "No man can serve two masters. Ye cannot servf; God and mammon." Matthew vi. 24. ^u " a°^ ^ ^f ^^'" ^^^^ ^^^ ^®^^' y^ 8^a^l ^ie ; but if ye throu^rh the Spint do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live " JRomans viii. 13. "We know that we have passed from death unto life, becansc we love the brethren [of Christ] . He that loveth not his bro- tlier abideth m death." 1 John iii. 14. I saw now that in order to retain the precious assurance to my own soul that this Great Salvation was really mine, and also to glorify my Saviour in this world, I must show by my life that I was a faithful diHi^inJA nf flKiMuf Ktt liSn'^.. «^^^_,i: a.^ His Word, as for instance, " Whereby arc given unto us exceeding gi-eat a)id precious 10 Sirf ^^J«*^"** ''^ H'T y** ™^^* t,e partakers of Uie divin6 na- luBt ' SW^TtJ^' corruption 4at i« in the World ^01^^, So'teml^rn^i *^ f ^ *« knowledge teiperane^; ana to tempdrailde patience; and to patience tfoSlness- an^ tA 'its ^"&^"'t.^««' r^ to'brothe'^l/aiL' n*? iLoi,?^ ^'u ^e^efore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make youi' caUing and election sure i fot if ye^rthtisf thinJ, ye shall never fall." 2 Peter i. 4-l0. tMngs, "1 fceSeech you therefore, hrethreh, fcy the nterciea of God tt^^ P'««en*Z^'^ ^^^«« ^ ^^^^ «a«rifi^' holy, IccepteWe LtS.^f '.T^^'^^'i/T 'ea«onabIe%ei-vice. AiSVnot con! fo^mi^d^hir^^ •• ^'^^ ^ ye transformed by ther^new „g of cieave'to7hlt^?*^"* dififiimnlatioh. Abhor tbut ivhich is evil; othe^wlih his, f '? ^''^.* ?" ^"^^y affectioned one to an^ "oi siotnmi In ;r/w«] businPBBj fel^rent In t^irit- ^ervirii? fhp stantinT'^^^J>.T'.P^*^^^* Iri tHbulatl^hTdonSfgS! cSrsenS! ^' "" ''**^'^*' pei-Becute you; bless, and "BecompensB to no man evil for evil. Provide all thi««i heth m you, livd peaceably with all Mm, Kivl Wm&!^*^^"' '^""?y ^V^^^'- ^^«d ilk i if he thirst. Slhead B^^i L!" '"^ ^«^"? «^«« Jhalt.heap coals of Are oh good " io«^^^^^^^ -^'^ ^^^' ^"* ^'^'^^-^^ evil ^vith ^^ '^Abstain ^rom all appkaranoe of ^vil.'^ i ThessaUians " What ! know ye not that lotiB BotJv is Tni^ temple! Of ti^f ?nf Jn,^^''! J"^^^^ ^' ^" y««' ^Wch ye have of S, ahd ye are GodTv^Tifl. f^y^-^e^««^htwi4aprice; therefflo* This last Scripture was almost too Wowd^rfuJ to Relieve, that T, a poor sinner, should beeolne the of the Holy Ghost. I saw now why riZ? ^'^'^'''^^}y *«[^to avoid all contiections ami 'i---- TT 15.11 i*iiuv;iiuvuns ; "«^yonot unequally yoked t.-rotl.M- with nnbolievow : fot' \ 11 ^hat fellowsiup hath righteousness with unright( uusness ? and W?;^^'^'?'^?'i.*'?•*^! "^^* ^^^^^ darkness? and what concord hath Chnst and Behal? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? and what agreement hath the temple of God with Idols? FOR YK ARE THE TEMPLE OP THE LIVING GoD ; aS God hatti said I >^ dwell m them, and wclk in them ; and I wiU be then- God, and they shall he my t)p ,. Wherefore come out from among them and BE YE 8E i .ATE, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean; and I will looeive you, and wiU be a Father unto ypu and he shaU be my eons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians vi. 14-18. I felt that it was quite impossible for me to do all this by my own strength, but I saw that I was promised all necessary help : •' The eyes of your understanding being enli<*htened • that vp TL^Xrv'of #*^^T ^' ^^« W^' and^wtTL*S 3iW^?^ *^T^^ His power to us-ward who believe, ac- in & wtnT"^^ ^^. S' imghty power, which He wi-ought m Chnst, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at pahty, and power and might, and aominion, and every name ^z^::t::t Ts^^ -^-''^ ^^^ ^^- ^ *^^* ^^<^^^ m::- S7tl^^^l^' ^^^^^^ ^^^* ^^^^^ sixeng^ieneth vp"« w^t*^ '• ^^'^n*'' T^^ *" ^^"^ «^"ad toward you ; that ye, always havmg all sufficiency in all things, may alouid to every good work.^' 2 Corinthians ix, 8. ^ *T,r ^"i* 1*?^^ *^^x* ^^^^ "P®" t^^ ^o^^ 8^a" i-enew their strength • they shaU mount up with wings as eagles ; they shaU run S not be weary, and tLy shall walk, anLot faint" SaTxl.Tl And I received great comfort in this assurance, IL ^i: 4. ^od 18 faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above ttiat ye ai-e able : but will with the temptation Ilso^ke a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 1 Cm'^S "And in nothing terrified by your adversaries- vrhioh ia ♦« 12 I man now became, by God's mercy, a totally different "And that He died for all, that they which live should nnf thZtn*]' ^^"' ""*? themselves, but m^to Him ZTZi ?or them, and rose again. Therefore if any man be in Christ hi IB a NEW creature: old thi, ,« ai-e passTa^ay behold all things are become new." 2 CoHnthiaL v. 15-17 extoHLem'''«^n^•\'''''^!^^'1V°^*^"^^^^•*^«' "«r ^^^lers. nor some of vl' u, ""^^"^ *^^^ ^^''^^"^ «^ ^«d- And such were iRE^ni-fipS t ^l^""^^ "^.^'5^^' ^"* -^'^ ^^« sanctified, but ye rorsvr^irj:;^io"TL'^«"^'^"^ '^ *^^ ^^^^'* arrstctiLT'' 7&?;^.\f ^^^^^^^^^'^ ^^" ^^ *^- ^^^t And I who was once so poor and needy, and in danger of th^ condemnation to come, now enjoyed abundant riches, peace, and even divine honour : whicra'^\%te^r ''t: /^ CONDEMIIATION to them wnicn aie m Christ Jesus." liomam viii. 1. pT^lii^i!'^ *^^ ^'T^ ""^ ^"'^' ^^^«^ Passeth all understandin/r in'pbS'^i T ^"?'* )^?^ ^"PP^^^ *" ^'""i" »e^' according to His nches m glory by Christ Jesus." PhiUppiam iv. 19. He'love^^nf '7^'' is rich in mercy, for His gi-eat love wherewith toLthei 2b Tk ^w!! ""'^ '"'"' '^"^^ ^" '' ^' ^'^t^ quickened us Stir^hpv^'^^^J^'*"^.^^*^ *'" ^^^^d)5 and hath raised tT,rf^"^*'*i??'^i^,^^^^^°^ ^*^«*' w^ich passeth knowledge iu 19. '""""^ ^" ^^'^ ^^^^ ^^ *^^ ^"^"^«« °^ God." E^rs " Unto Him tlu.fc loved us, and washed us from our sins in G^Zffis^'Cb''^^^^^-'^ r ^^^"^^°-' PRIESTS imto and ever A J ^. J *^^?"' ^ ^^^^ ^^ dominion for ever ana evei. Amen." Revelation i. 6, 6.* -Delighted as I was with the peace and joy that I now experienced in being quite freed from all pen- nor 13 ally and blamtD in God's sight, I neverilielcss saw that thei-e was a caution against carelessness of conduct in my overy-day life : "And you, that were Rottietime alienated, and enemiee in yom' mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and uureproveable in His sight: IF YE CONTINUE in h« faith grounded and settled, and be not moved awa^ from Uve hope of the gospel, which ye have heard." Volomam u 21-23. "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be timt the Spint of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the ^^^K""^ ^^'* ^^ ^^ N^NE 0^ HIS. For as many as are LED by the Spirit of God, THEY are the SONS OF GOD. " Homam viii. 9^'l4, I also found what ti^atment I must expect to receive fi-om the world j " Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer l^ersecution.' 2 Timothy iii. 12. " If the world hate you, ye know that it h&ted me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the worid would love his own; but because ye are not of the worid, but I have chosen you out of the world, theref oi-e the world hateth you.*' John xv. 18, 19. Be constantly in attendance at the Gi-eat Store- house, not only to get fVesh supplies, but to take and to LBAVB there all your ti-ouoles* "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in every time of fceed." Hebrews iv. 16, '^ •^ " Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.'* Psalm Iv. 22. Carry all your sins there, and go JUST AS YOU ARE, a guilty sinner ; DO NOT PUT IT OFF to some other time, you may not be alive to- morrow; NOW is your day of grace, butTO-MOR- EOW may be your day of judgment ; the DEVIL 18 always urging: us to delay our acceTitanne of this FREE GIFT OF SALVATION. " The Purchaser of the inheritance has already 14 paid tho penalty of your sins for you and He ia Nave ALL those who come to Him l>entanoe." g I'eterVLd ' "'*' """"' '" "'" .^r4^8'r39"' '"^' '■"«'' '^ *" IS .o wait for the Lord Jesus, who is cominff down from heaven (o take His saints up toHimfol-evrr"^ i* I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME " TP.-^* ^„,. ^.'ii t ■ . . . '« for thrs^vi^^rii'^^T^ 'f ^ ''*'"''*''' ' ^^^"^ ^^ence also we look for the Savionr, the Lord Jeans Christ; who shaU change the 16 Uie^gW^of our great God and Saviour JenuBcSP^ft^ F.B. t Bevised Translation. I WAS ONCE A CHILD OF WRATH I AM NOW A CHILD OF GOD. THE WRESTLING WITH JACOB. • V* THE BOOK OF RUTH. ^9. 4. EXODUS XVI.. THE MANNA. • ^9 PETER IN PRISON. ACTS XII. • %0m .^^^^ BAPTISM ACCORDING TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. • Vm * THE BRI DE OF THE LAMB. WH O IS SHE ? THE MYSTIC CITIES OF SCRIPTURE ■ HON AND BABYLON, ' ^SEPH LOVBDAY^RINTER AND PUBLI«HBB, OTTAWA, CANADA.