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AMU,^ >dl the troubled waters of the pre,oat warlike and i«nie-.trick« t,me« where shall „. tod rest for the sole of our foot? and who wiU «,.»* «,.«hve branch of peace and goodwill? Yet, public activity, and jo,, Z ^ef, must have the.r quiet intervals, though it may be few and fi be- tween ; then, perhaps, an old Family Friend may bo welcomed once more, and happy times renewed with old familiar faces. And now yiewing our past and present performances, as in a lengthened tapestry r^ll of the antique fashion, on which industrious Angers worked con muously from year to year, we ask our«,lves auxiously-havo we wrought wU «„ portmn of our storied web ?-arc the colours as fresh and tasl- fullyassorted-the patterns as harmonious, truthful, pure and graphic as before ? h oUier words, have we worthily maintdned our fitk tft" honoured position we have so long «;cupied in the homes of England ? We make no pause for a reply,-that has been given to our highest satisfaction m the eoutinued mcrease of our subscribers, and the steadfastness of those who^have been with us from the commencement of our long and successM Often, when we have reflected on the vast number of readers of intel- hgence and refinement to whom we have so long been a household ^dl! w have inquired what has been the secret of this rare success f^iZl on^y solution we eoiUd iind was this-thatwe have been in Jr: ^^^ ot wo k-that wo have religiously adhered to the object and principles wia which we commenccd-that we have introduced nothing in '„ r^ , ™ atmg for the sacred precincts of the domestic temple. Without boasting, we may say of the volume now respectfully submitted «« any of its predecessor,., it takes its own ground for variety of topic and '^'-^F' It PBEFACE. itjfi; profusion of illustratiMi wT^ZTl \ ' " — - o-ful attention .„ uJ^^^^Z TC'^'' "''''* " ""» VM that the more we discover tho n ' *"'' ^''^" «^ philosophy and therefore do t 'ir;;^ ^^f- --ins to be discovered'; -portance; therefore do'.; r^rXurWds^^^^^^^^^ "[ "^^^^^«^ -^ ^ve upon the reputation of the past but stV "'* """^^''^ ^ inteUeotual recreation, and carve out . . '^'^ ^^ "'^ «^"-^« "^ literary wealth by wh ch we !1 . '''"'"' ^''"^ *^^ "^i°^« of ofwhich, andthe'e^^tt J :i7r^ '''' ^''' '^''''''- ^' -t In the meantime- '* ""' -"^^^^« P^P^Jarly unkno^vn. Our thoughts will still be burning With affection deep and strong ; To our household shrine still turning, , " Homo, sweet home," shall be our song. In once more taking leave nf n,,^ f • j Chri.tn.as wm con.e tf thl ll^J^l):' ^Tt,!^, ""^-^^ baa, on U, wing, ,.eate, blessings to the^n I'Ziti^r"^ '* kt:'1 DEI AllCfl^O! Comfoi CrtHluli Curate Custom Dccisio Doubt Duplici Exquisi Extrava Fashion Importi Inoorrlo Infatuai Inspirat Irascible Irrclevai Infirmitj Joy , . Latitude libel . Misery . Modesty Opportun Persuasio Presumpt Principle Propr'':ty Progress Bepr, ach "waiirhtfoj Wonder Wratli . CuLTn A Pleasant, An Eastern Bishop Hall ship of a : Comforts an Conversion i Consolation Dangers of II Definitions Despised Tn Difficulty Ad Doing what i Evil Speakinj Pear of not S Poibles of Wi Generosity Good Nature Gnef . Hope the Sui Heart Humility How to Pass t' Iiifluoneo of L( ijife . littles .' .' ■ Maria Theresa of . . ;^an's Heart ." 'UiiKlsofModei Uv^ t wo have paid treme care to miid. >f usefulness? 3f philosophy, Jc discovered ; sefulness and ot purpose to iw- sources of the mines of ence of most 'ly unknoAvn. approaching 'ancing year INBEX. DEFINITIONS OP COUNCIL. THE Allegory -^T ^«»*a' Culture . . ^T HOUSEWIFE'S PBIEND Small Misc. ies . ilhrce sorts of Nobility Too much Fancy . ' 1 he Race not always tolho Truth ■ " Doubt . ; 20S Duplicity 208 Exquisite ..;;••• J^ ixtravagonce . . ] ' ' ''^f. Fashion , • . . «« Importunity '.'.'.'' ,?Z £Sff : • • • : : f, Sffi- ; : : : : iSJI?;;^!^"'"^"- Multitude- Irrelevant , \^l Infirmity . ^" Joy . 329 Latitude .' ^'^ Libel . 299 MiseiTT , 299 Modesty 26 What'a Man Against . should Guard" 8,) 205 290 85 85 200 200 85 85 279 279 83 143 51 236 27ft 270 83 279 296 FAVOURITE FLOWERS. Wild FtoviBua. Had Kyes Barrisfer's Pudding .' "Cdroom* . {|««'Ue8, to Destroy : .' "ullaces, to Preserve . Caramel Conserve . . Cherries, to Dry. . ,9^F,"■/«•'. to Candy . .' afeS"R^'«-for. . 51 Chloride ofrmo ; .' ' ' ,^ Clouted Cream . . J ' "^ Cold Feet **3 Cold Pudding.' : ' • ' -1^ Cough. Cures for " W ?^ Cream Cheese . •®^' Jf? ^r™Sl'«f^M'«itations'oi; '"^ Opportunity." ', [ [ • ' ??2 f ^"^berof Physidana a- L ^o™ Uutte^MlIk Persuasion . . " * H ^ ''ee Simple . , "' ' ^;^ Croup. Receipt for t Presumption! .' ' " ' • 23S A Horsc-FJy rresumpl Principle Progress . . 'ill Bepr, ach • • . - i^r 208 1 26S 1 A Lady '8 never to Determination holV'st^te '?*'•■ ""'' "'« CULTIVATBD Flowebs, A Pleasant, Cheerful Wife An Eastern Sa.-e's Motto 113 206 85 200 206 r.. .-- - 'JJ A f;^™on'ea8 irishman -'«*ightfor»vard . * * f« a rir'-^'Ved Countenance All of a Size .' ^2 Bad Tempered Judge' ' ' no Deau Knots . . * ' ' • ]]^ 113 206 85 206 113 236 292 219 279 61 85 sum of a Mother. . n. Comforts and Anxieties ' ' ii^ ane;'"-^^'-*«'^«-i-?ii Despised Truth : ." [ ' ■ ,^?. Difficulty Advantageous' ' ""^ Both Wavs p°"Jf ^ife.'B Gallantry .' Sh Hnn.' Complim^euts tearfL"ai'.*'^^-"8^' "^ Chtfe ""'1' *^« ■ ■ Lacon: Main Currant Jam of all Colours' Currants. Preserved " lamp Beds. Danger of * ' Dams^ons. to Kee| and Pre-' Deaftioss; Rem"ed> for .' ' " ,40 S'SltSr''- ■■«.• I ^^m. to Boil . • • • ^;*® |;^yes,theCareofth'o ' ' ' ,ff l^re in the Chimnev ' ' ' ^t^ fSSo-a,: ■••••: I Furniture Polish" .* * " * ^? ''SnJ'''"*'««-'Pt«W " Gjnger Beer ' l^ 280 — '" k-jjcaKing 113 113 206 BomgwhatisRiggt ' pjs m"*"'!?""'"'^ difficulty vn« , ^ - . .» z-reserv Evil Speaking ." .V' ' • 206 Metaphysical Poet .! ' ' oof ^'"^^n Gages. P«3e Metrics] . • • • . ^95 Grease Smts tn rI^ Right of FUion ' ' ' -"■" '"-—?"*-''*« Re™o^« li'^al Remembrance .' .&!"»?*" at Home 292 292 206 Foibles of wj-^-"Sr • . «5 Generosity • • ^'^ Gg Nature.' .' ; ; ; ; "'^ Hope^i^heSuAbe'am"sof'thc"' Humility 206 HovvtoPa8st"ho"Day' " ' lo- rnfluencnofLovc . ' '^^2 Life • • • . 60 Littles ," 113 '■*Iaria'We.s;,Las'tWo"rds:^*^^' -M^an's Heart ^^^ 'grinds of Modera"te"caiib;o:29S oi"?:"'^'* Fhenomenon Stutterins Soldiers ibe Irishman ther Bed The M' and the Fea- 113 . 295 85 113 206 295 To 206 n ,, • 206 Theory a,7d^Pr7elgr. '""••' "^ uSSt^"^*'^°«'""ke"r e Mystery Solved iJlakeaYoungOm What Wind dTOs" a" Hungry' Sailor like best . ^^ WhyisLovelikeaTatoc?" Your own Trumpeter 295 85 295 295 113 295 Gingerbread Nut's . Gooseberries, to Preserve oon Grapes, Green fn p-„ • ^^ Gronn h^l^.l to Preserve . 280 Preserve . 280 I Indian Trifle 292 I Ink for marking'steel' * * o?^ Ivory, to Gild • -236 Jumbles . " I-enionade Powder ' ' ' " l-oaf.howto distinguish onp that contains Alum from one that does not ""' 'ctei *° ^'- « fine Meals Moths, PrcVentiv'eiigains't .' 61 292 292 139 61 236 61 Hd HovslwiPK'a FaiiNo, eoHtinutd. Faa* Muiilli" to Take Ink out of . 61 Orangei, to l^rexervu . . . 280 ^•njfe Peel, to Preserve. , 280 OraiiM Pudding aoj Ortajlttn*, to Rout .... 65 Paint Ponders, WUlto Cos- metio r . 97 Pears, to Keep ....." 280 Perfbraed Hoop 83 Plants, Oatbering the Per- fumes of 61 PluniH, Preserved Dry . . 280 Poached Kjrgs 43 Bazor Pastes .....'.' 83 Rhubarb Preserve .... 2S0 Khubarb Martnalodu . . . 113 Blbbons, to Cover with Gold 83 Sally Luns 292 Salmon, the only way to Pickle . . . . . , ,230 Scidlitz Powders aaj INDEX. MISCELLANEOUS. Paq, 208 360 351 261 A Good Man's Wish . A (ioodCupofXaa. . A Oood Cup of Coffee . A Jeu d'esprit Active Women 277 Aire of Man ...... 131 Alexander the Great ... 14 Alphabet, the 199 Animals, Eyes of .... 99 Animals, Memory of ... 73 Antipathies 138 Baron de Hoscnval . , . , ibh Hells and Chimes ... 24 1 Uooks for the Fire . . . ,18) Charity .90 Pag* . 1S8 . 31 163 MiaciLwiriocs, conlinutd. Music, its Oriffiu . . New CalculatrnK MaelUne Ocean, the Ueautirs of . ,„, Ortolan, the . . . S Our Hotel • • 04 Paner Flow#»rs, the Art of Making and Modelling Parrots, Treatment of . . " Perseverance Conquers all L'"'"?' •.•.-.• • -100 4S 196 Ml 196 200 316 41 111 Silver Tree on Glass ... 83 Small Pox, Prevention of . 293 Smoke, to Diminish ... 61 Strawberries, to Cultivate . 236 Strawberries, Whole, to prc- „ »erve 280 6»»«' • 03 Sugar, Degrees of Prcparinff 278 Sugar, to Clarify 279 Sugar, Coloured, for orna- menting Calteif .... 279 Sugar Paste .... 279 Swollen Face from Tooth- .„«;he 83 Taint d Meat 83 Tea, best in the Evening. . 83 Teeth, the Anatomy and Tnm'^aVJ p^F °^ 97 1 Garden NovcIty TZhP^^TP- • • •• 292 General Havelock Tooth Powders . . . 07, 236 Turkish Marrow .... 61 Wall Papers, Chcice of . . 236 Wounds, Healing Oinlmcnt for 83 Yellow Ink ." 2a6 INTERESTING STATISTICS. Curious Calculation . , . 2(;C Fish, Consumption of . . 62 j Hog, Commercial value of the 266! S2 63 83 82 63 82 Human Life, Av< r igo of . Kremlin, Great Bell of the . Longevity in the United States Languages, the Number of Spoken in the World . . Light, Speed of London, Daily Increase in its Population . . . . o« Marriages 52 •Mountoins, the Highest in .^ World 266 Aewspapers 83 Railways ,* 14^ Rain on the Atlantic ... 53 Respiration 2H6 Shaving '. 82 Wrecks and Casualties op our Coast ni Children, Comforts of Children and Flowers China and its Great Wall Coleridge on IJeligion . Composition, the Art of . . ^x. Coral Heefs 254 Corrupt English . . . .' 304 Country, a Walk in the . . 305 Cromwell's Letter to his ^Wif« 226 Dropping Wells 225 Dr. Walcot and Opio . . . 210 Eggs and Poultry .... -12 Evening Star, the .... 45 Examination 125 Eye, the last Image on . . 244 Fairies 222 Fashion 7 Fireside Saints . . . . ! 12 Flower Stands, and Glazed Cases for Window Plants 218 Fortunate Dreams .... 14 Frog, the ,' 194 111 .... 330 tiiant of the Sea .... 160 Gold, its Chemistry . . . 323 Good Breeding 324 Harvest Homo 258 Hastings Fishermen . . .307 Heroes joi Hesitation 173 Historical Facts . . .52, 260 Hogarth's Opinion of Genius 101 How Darius was Cured . . is How to Walk and Sit . . . 253 Imagination jjo Indian Names, Glossai-y of . 327 Insect Life lei Last Word, the 158 Life in London in Eliza- beth's Time asi I-^ffic 313 I-'Ook up ]8i Lord Mayor's Day .... 311 Lunatic's Ball, th3 .... 322 Marriage 275 Muccaroni Eaters . . .* ! *"lO Masters and Servants . . .125 Moot's Champagne Manu- , f-'ctory 201 Moments with Parents . . 314 Morning Air 200 iMoth, the 285 Mountain Gr.'>.vs, the . . . 1S9 806 71 311 ftil 138 82 278 308 162 804 199 43 Perfumery, Curiosities of Playthings of Antiquity . Plaster Ca. is of Leaves and I Flowers Pleasures of Tropical Life ' Poets, the Graves of the . Popular Phrases, Origin of " Preserved Fruits . . . ." ^,- Pmutuality j « Raven, the ,* ijj Kemarkablo Comets . . ." 151 Remember the Poor . . ,3(9 Kobin, Song of the autumn" Rooks, Haunts of . . . Rose of Wood Shavings . Ruling Passion, the . . Ruin and the Cottage . . . ^ Sparc Moments .... an Spider's Thread . ..." so 8taft-ofLile,the . . . im Songs of the Alfsctions . .227 Selfishness ^ Sinaapore .' ! 162 Sunbeam, Dewdrop and Rose 41 Sound, Fatal Eifects of . .800 Snake Plants of America . 202 Tjsnants of the Garden . . 282 The Princess Royal . . . 350 ine Alhambra 301 Toad, the ...... Truth in a Pit . . . Two Roses, the ... i Waikinir and Talking . . Water Colour Painting . , Water, Dietetic use of . Watts, Dr. Isaac . . . Wedding Cards Who is a Gentleman ? . " M ho will Carve " . . Windsor Castle, the Royal Kitohon of . . . Winter in Olden Times .' .' Wit and Beauty . . Wolfe, Grave of the Poet' .' Woman, Pictiu-e of . . . , ■ 262 143 313 m 146 141 197 191 74 346 314 79 78 308 203 MODEL LETTERS. President's Introductionnnd Rules 25 Lmter I.— From a Daugh- ter who has spont her New Year's Day with Relatives m London, to her Parents 65 Letter II.— From a Gcritle- man to a Mercantile Fli' n, oirorin,',' his sprviccs. , . 80 Lettkb III.— From a Niece to her Aunt, offering her Consolation on tlio l>eath 0' her Untie lie Mooit. ; Lima 1 to a i his intt Lrttkr \ tcr at I her Fal intimat mercini Lrrrsn V from a an oifcr LlTLlB VI the abov LiTTBH V[ tieman t Domei COHtiHU0d. Pag* ' m' .•> • • "^ r Mac'liine . 31 tin of . . 162 64 ^ tlie Art of lodclling . 196 ent of, . . ^i onqiiert all • ,/, • • • 100 OHiticg of , 806 itiquity . . 71 Leaves and • ,• .v.- • '» (pk'ol Life . jui H of the . . 138 .Origin of. 02 • ... 278 68 • • • . .132 ets ... 161 oor . . . 3J9 le autumn 908 r .... 162 ttvmgH . . 8M tl»e ... 199 togo. . . 43 • ... 80 • ... 80 • . . .139 stions . . 227 • ... 63 .... 162 >p and Rose 41 yts of . .800 rnerioa . 202 irden al ... 356 .... 301 .... 262 . . . . 1« . . . . 313 Ing. . . 131 'ting . . 146 3 of . . 141 . ... 197 . . . .191 in? . . 74 ' ... 346 he Boyal . . . . 314 nies . . 79 .... 78 ) Poet . 308 . . . . 203 ITERS. ;ctionniid . ... 25 1 Daugh- herNew Kelatives ■ Parents 65 a Gfiritle- ileFlrn, ;cs. , . 80 1 a Niece ring her 10 l>eath . . .116 INDEX ¥ Mont LiTMM, continued. .rnnSv" fJ:.'^'*',"^^ *i47 '""■■ ): — '.rom a Dnuirli. LmBK v.-i-romaDnugh.' her H her, on roceivini^ Intimation of his Corn LrrTEEVI.-LerterofLive from Gentleman, wkh tVll ^''iT'^n angwer to the above from the Lady 237 LiiTBHVrri.-FroraafJen: tieman to hi. Wlf« „„ her t^hrlnimaii Vioiot." the " ''ahe?""^ "''« ^ Hfppineiig. . ." • • ,,. Hie and Mine * * * ' iZ* lffl»peruj 1'* Home . ." * ' • 1 wonder when "i to m "u'/''?" "^e dear ^2i\ "^^"^ilFW FACTA 22 I Lleetric Telegraph Pro^j}}, ""'""/tWjt'^^'^-thet.p"* SCIENTIFIC of the Finger eome Dome4ic Economv *' 'rh"r^-^-^i?""'-Vothc; 2«« Novel Trawlin, An, 114 114 ^'" 1 i:!^p*L^^?"«u'"(&'c""*"" ■ ''« 267 Daughter, Newly Married ft«t.irer. Soliciting The CuHom of onewhod«J» in his Merehaudise . ! 328 I'ASTIME. * ' " I A««ng Charades . ,,^ Arithmetical Puzzln 9no o, A «!" Charades 29. 57 sl^' 2' 9-289 177,209,239.269 299 32»^'^' Christmas Gaine» ' "' ^^^...^ Little Words* ."""'""■• ' %32« | SoTiaSS T; 7 i" •"'?'« Love. 328 ' ""^"'"•» ror Sawing 114 Memorf.*: ! ! ! " ' ' 'l^ I "'gS'^^'^'^' "^"ong the AVisionofChristnift," * ' ot] Call to be a Wife ' ' ^'* ^''','?:'«7 «n VVed.Ung Dayi 9*/ Music I Night .;•••• |Olrf^Venr-.ariTe;tho: Resfgimtion .'.■'* nuth 145 . 81 . 81 293 22 326 81 315 ChriHtnias Conundrums i!ni?mag 28, 330 27.329 The D Poet, T&X^^^^l^i^"^^^^'' fe-toLoveme: l '. g =S^'^ ^ &rtoMa> • • • • •?'« Seftherr • •' :)erB Dying little J M* ■ f'SMres ot Hp( f^„ ■ dunes for ¥e Kainbow , leroglyphio VAl«nf .' • • ?? Thoiiarhts nn ri,V*~^ Hieroglyphio valentne Mathematical Question "ss 60 239 . passing 326 S26 205 358 358 235 119. es, 149. n 30 27 120. 300 3.94 I 27 I ghts on the The Celandine " • 23 The Maidenis Wish'. '. ' ' ,?' Ti^^^T'"n(fI^OTer. " ,'i?, Temple of Fame. . * ' i*-^ Ji-y and Trust 205 Voices oFtiVeBe'ns!'*' '' ' ^ Woman's Love Oovemess " ' ' Motlier . nr--- Husband . ffl^WJ,"" : • •• ■ 1 184 341 290 318 31 la 46 47 61 14 17 Kcture Rebuses Practical Puzzles '. mzle Proverbs sr J49, 210, 210, 270 Mrt"^' ^^"' 1 ^^"'s of Memorv n«> Wonder of the Ag, PHENOMENA Op MONTHS. S March . 63 ' nrworr, Uprii. . 84 % . 116 I Jane. 144 July. ; 174 Uajmst .''•-•.. 304 21? 155 262 293 TIIE ^oodlandStreani.tW .' ; S? 50 353 358 September.' 234 Pwtry, Puddtafi*. &o. . ■ our Poets , POPULAR AUTflOBS ^r'thi'^^tr Murderer, "^ *?« Author of 'OaolChaplaiu" the .8. 0. jOctobfer. jNftvember " iDMemb^ .' 264 294 325 340 33 18 By POETBY, A Man . . lASimlle * ' • • • .146 [Abience. 358 ^PrilRain 113 112 .--Sla/^""'''""!" Patty Returns Hom'e UnVr" ^^'^ pecM Visitor. ^y^poSj^" '*pR"T''??^''»'^^<'»W '"^ -efefiS^3??|crSS^^^^ cation. By ii^^^'^^*' BuJwer Lytton The Little Shepherd ^ ^«e Two Roses • • • 40i ,'rwoWivenhe ^eii Thirst for Gold * • • • « WarmMa.?Se- l ' ' ' ?Jl Willow, story of th; [ ] " J^ WONDERPUi, THINGS Annelids Golynos Oait, the * * " ' ,?* '^Se-^of^'-^''.' W"' TI>e^ande,o;^- ; ; ; WORK TABLE." BY MBS. WABBJIfi Bible Markers . Birdciwe Screen . . " ' * Bailee. Pen.,,p,r- W Bed Furniture Fringe* ' Kn^f^hr Covert; Knitted Moss Stitch »« 277 261 98 . 77" . 286 10*.' 190? Iff Gift in Otne. :EdH: Edward - — '-"»«d Applique 126 D'Qyley' .* sia. 200 I m I ! M VlU WoBE Tabmi. eoHiinutd. Paat rUikl Atroctlun igtt Flower Va«e Mat with Cr;i- Ul Uordor 220 Flower Un.sket, fiuii|)en(lln)f 103 HTBcinth (iloHi Miit . . . 334 irUh Point for various Trim- j mlnir* . 135 Lady'H Jacket, or Children'* Drawvri,Patt«ni tor Trim- | niinjf 39 INDEX. Won Tablb, «>«rt«K«J. Pag* Momlnif Cup, Maltcau Pat- tcni Mot in nymntlno Work; or OIlWH MoKuic . . . , Point Lace D'Oylo/ . . | Perforated Linen Work In the Flomliih Htyle , . . . Po«!kot Handkerchief, Comer '«' » 287 Pride, Gsiay on igg 98 105 101 312 Woait Tablb, roHtinuml. Pun. , Kobe of the Prince Imperial or France ... 137 Striped Antlmuconiittr . ! ' 75 Hofii Piljiiw in Fluted or Uihbcd iJerlln Kml»r«)ider¥ 199 Toi et CuihioiK or P,H,kot Handkerchief; Point Loco for » Toilet Dottle Mat . . ' " nsi wutch-hook . . : : \ :^t [The Not. rf/er lo the Para- arapht.^ Air, Elasticity of . ... 77 Alabaster Ornaments, how to Clean 64 Al)felira, Uerivationsof term 120 Amalgamated Hilvcr, in what does the process diflTcr in Haxony t^om that In America? 23 THE EDITOR AND HIS FllIENIXS.-APPRNDIX. 113 AnRlcfH, Hintj for , Apple Oin^er April Fool s Day .... Aquarium, Cement for Glaz- ing an Artiiicial Rookwork.tomake 110 Bake-well Pudding, what kind of DiBh to make it in P Bell Ringing) in County Parishes on Shrove Tues- day, Origin of Bees, the best Work on . . Bees from Fighting, the best Method of Preventing . , Berlin Work, Raised . , . Birds and Animals, the Art of Stuffing Black Cosmetic Books, to Marble .... Butter ailulterated with Lard, to Detect .... Captains Biscuits, Receipts 106 Carpets, to take Grease out of 41 Cards, the Origin of . . .119 Chess Player 40 Church in England, the most Ancient 14 Chicory with Coffee, to De- tect 68 Cockato, what country is he a Native of P 22 Coifs 117 Complexion, a Wash for Im- proving the ..... 66 Oonvection of Heat, What is meant by 69 Cloth, Blaek, How to Dye . 89 Crape, to Restore .... 108 DandrifT, Remedy for . . . 72 Diving Bell, the 17 Double Chess 16 Ducks, the best way to form a little Pool for .... 61 Earliest Living Things . . 44 Embroidery on Linen, to im- press Patterns of ... 16 Eyes, Receipt for Weak . . 10 Fairies ng Feet, Cure for Hot and Dry . 110 Ferns, the best Method of Drying 87 Flowers, the best Method of .,.Drying 91,107 Flowers for Vases, to Arrange 114 fountain, to Make a Cheap 121 French yy French Polish for Boots an(i Shoes, to Make a Cheap . 29 Galvanic Coil, Book on its Construction 78 Gardening Books .... 74 Ginger for Dessert, to Pre- serve 67 Ginger Wine that has turned Sour, to Restore .... 1 1 Glass, to Stain g Gloves, hoo. to Restore . . 66 Grease fVom the Collar of a Coat, to Remove .... 35 Gun Barrels, to Bronze . . 24 Harvest Mouse 13 Hair, Rosemary Wash for '. 37 Hair, Oil for the .... 90 Hair tuniing prematurely Grey, Remedy for . . , 96 Headache, Cure for the . . 90 Involuntary Blushing ... 58 Jereminh, the Tomb of . . 30 Kenilworth,towhombelong8 the Ruins of 80 Kid Gloves, to Dye Brown . 45 Lamps, to Clean the Chim- neys of 9 18 Lavender Water, Receipt for ' 81 Lettuce Stalks in imitation of Ghiger, to Preserve . . 73 Leoves, the best Method of taking Fac Similes of . . 60 Leaves, an easy Method of taking Impressions of . , 47 Leaves, to preserve skeletons 116 Lemon and Orange Peel . . 82 Lithographic I nk, Receipt for 70 "Llan." the Meaning of the , prefix Ill Low Spirits, Bemedv for . . 49 M or N, origin of the use of these initials in the Mar- riage Service 62 Metrical Psalmody . . . '78 92 Memory, Aid of . . . . . ' 39 Miimows, Bait for . . , 1 Moles IVom the Skin, to Be- move 20 Muslin, MatcrialforTracingon 38 Muslin Dress, to take Fruit Stains out of ... . 9^ Myrtle, to Rear from a siin" 123 Ne.:ralgia in the Head, Cure for 2 11 Oil F'aintlngs, to Clean '. ' m Pancakes, on Shrove Tw». day, (Jrigin of ... . gj Parasol:!, for Restorinir Faded « Parachute .... "103 Pewter and Tin, Pusto '. '. j Pumpkin Pie .... g Pier Glasses, to Clean " .' 33. 48 P\asU>r of Paris, to Clean . « Physiognomy, Works on . 75 Pictures, Cheap and Easy way of Framing .... inj Radiated Animals . . ' al» .... tore the faded 'iolet coloured » . . . . ) nt . . . . nes of Sub- enter into the of ... . Paper . , , Preserve . the Air . . w .... Clean . . . 3», to remove from ... 19 on of . . . 4 sPienehway 122 move . . .112 ', the Philo- plained . . 102 ament, w it I Clergjman ministers it, iiiself? , . 20 Li^htinjr, to Distances of 101 sterlous Dis- )f a person table ... 21 •'rancis . . 61 ■then . . . W re when im- rlet Fever . 101 B .... 86 sh for Boots 109 ' .... 79 nrataritomizlU No. 0. \ CHAPTERa ON WKDDrNO DATS. CHAPTERS ox WVAnnm DAVS "All went merrrM»n,a„,^.b,u,.. SoMK men leap into ma. about to take a Jlo„ge in the dark, and cared not to Bcan beforohand tho dangers to which they wght be exposed. The waking-up which follows Buch a precipitate step is not always the mostagroe- into the chains of Hymen graceful!y__gontimentaVT — a« if they were about io enact a sort of life poem, full of thrilling inddTnts ana ranrnnmia .i-i- I i *»■■ ^-•■. . : r.,. ■,>-i.:-v , and "'""8 incidents ^, ^y^j^ aeli berate proportion of 1" ._?.*.''. *'.''«^«'eening fondnn,, f..T£' ^,„J'^ " "t ^aie Which curea on once in a life, and whiph ;« rri" I "''^> '"" «*' strong afffiofinr,-"""! ""P*"'"o«s to prove, on the who e a Tprv f 1 t^ ^Pulses. He waJh?, "'"%?'',?'««•"'"'*« condit on,— with \tl a ^ tolerable and her nvT . "'* "'other's darlinj? cares and comforts of? P^-^P^rtion of contribLd n r'"» ^«'"'»««« for S Such peopiroft ^,n;re"w7.r "'^ "^J'^y^" the natural' SuT' '°™«.^"** *° '"^-^^ " Bensible' matches," and 1 f theT."""^'? ^'^'^ '»« "LlTe '"cSh^^'^l' *'^«'-"«'«'-- enjoy much of the sunshine of iT '^'^ ?°* "« determination fv.?*''^ he expressed do they encounter many :J^f:'r*herprofe88io?Srse^^ *^« "''^^-a Now Prank NetherbTThe hero n?""'" N'" di^positioT thi? hi? T.^" '•"'**''^ *» present " chapter " d.Vl «!.^ u "* **f my ready assen/L 1 • . '"ther yielded a these commoTjiaee ''modes'r T «^>y«"« "rthe* me,?vt'"\^"^ "^'^^ married,- he ^WaS I: 1^**'"» Nge of thirteen h«f^^J^u^ '^^''"' «' the jnatrimony! a metifod £1 SlT'^ "'*« K^^^^ *"th« The family estate bein^ en a^C "''r^' ^'^^''d or bullet awaS' ^^'^''"^' *han eldest son, there remaned to t •" '"'''"' *' ^^^ " «S «„ "T {^ ^ ««"«r, branches of the family l,nf«l! a •'""'O'' came home worE !!? °^ *^'"^« ^ears, tations of futur^ ;th ^^''Jj^'- ^'^P'^^- effects omj^l^di"^^^ ^''^ «'« tS2 '<•. Tin, \i ■ . id I Jigom he became impatient for a more •ctive hfe,-«o that great wa* his deJigh? on being appointed to a ship then under orders for China, which was at that tTme ^nf xl .''f- ^" *^"« new sphere of dnjy IVank found ample scope for the Si'ri T:.''yf^^^ "-ture; and. in the course of hi^ Driental campaign, distin- gu)^h«i hi..self more than onS' by the gallantry of his conduct, which was nLed J^ith approbation in the d'jspatches of hifl commander. How eagerly those de- ^.atches were devoured at \i paternd home, need not be related heref Even Hit ^^ ^^^ ^"°»">' acknowledged tha" this "scapegrace of a boy" was a credit to ^L^rv'- f^^^' *^^<^ "fa« hoped he niight live to drink his health ^as an ^nairu." No. was the domestic «Ircle le^ joyous when, at a later period tidings rea^^hed them of the promotion to a 1 "u tenancy of their "young hero." and of Ws consequent withdrawal for awhile from the active duties of his profession.- a cK cumstance which would aljow them the gratihcaticn of welcoming him home. Frank Netherby had scar-elv completed his twenty-first year, when he returned hone to be idolized by his mother and Bisters, and spoiled by the fairer portion of his acquaintances, who, like all others ot .heu- sc;:, had an innate love of jrlorv ana a passionate admiration of all those who had won ,t on flood or in the battle! voIpH .i "'''* '^'^''^'' ^^^""^ «^«« the de- voted champion of womankind. Whether «he were dark or fair, young or old if am-e to find in Frank a faithful and preux cbe..lier^' Whh such a dis- position. It may readily be conceived that Cupid's shaft, had been more than once «ucoessfully aimed at our hero's h^-t iiut these attacks had heretofore proved ro light and harmless that they had onlv A graver peril was now at hand. By way of doing honour ue hor ^allan eo^f Mrs. Netherby had invited a large party ^ome. The dashing young officer was gladly welcomed by old aoquai stances, and eordially greeted by new one. Amon^? CHAPTEB8 ON WEDDINa DATS. the former were ^rs. and Miss Fleetwood thewidowaiidorphan daughter ofaliS Annie Flli " f^ '^"^'"^ °*" his country. Annie Hee wood was a pleanaat, bright freshnessofh^t:S'conS4^^-:S ™« ™f li" dress, reheyed oiSy brblue nbbors harmonized well with the aX^ expression of her countenance FraS once claimed old acquaintanceship witt fh 1 r't''' *"^ daughter; ranSnS^ the latter how he hid insisted on^SS ing upoi: her a parting salute. wWhe y^rs Lforf*'' f l!^^^ ^ ^ middyS.„; years before, and how very prudish uhl had been on the occanion. *^°"'» «M "You were really quite angry. -at lc»st you pretended to be so/' addfS^he. saud^ Poor Annie coloured deeply at this rl' miniscence. and only observed in repU that she remembered he Lad alv/avs SI a very troublesome Loy, and theirgames had^been much quieted after he wafg^ if Zf^' ^^^J ^""^^ "y "'"ch duller too if you would only have the hores^ /to Sr^*j;;7%'^^°-^-»""^- talk of tV, ^* '^ ™^^'' "« 'l"'^^^ °ld to after all, there is no time so agreeable aa the present," added he, bowingVr^Ltl^ lthtIvtb^.T^ ^^'^' Then, touching lightly the blue ribbon which floated from Annie's waist, he added, « I am g?ad t^ see Miss Fleetwood, that you have th col^ur.''^^ *« ^d-Pt truelblue as yot' th;\"i!?\!P!!'^* V^ somewhat roused at the thought thci he might possibly ml. pose she had adopted this odour ouH con^phment to him; and. with a heSh? ened colour, she re,>lied. " You forget I suppose, that I am a sailor's daughter How could I forget it," was his reply, when looking at you; for sailo/. daugh^ tors are generally the prettiest girls and" added he in a low voice, « make the Jb^t wivos m the world !» This nautical compliment brought a still deepar blush to Annie's cheek • and If fi^- "'T''* ^y *^** *^he was displ'eased at finding .lerself during the course of the 1:^^ h. 1 i 1 ■ . [138 i'leetwood, ter of a gallant n before sacri- >f his country, jasaat, bright. This was lier d the simple ting of a clear I only by blue th the artless 3e. Frank at aiceship wita '; raminding 3d on b««t»w. ute, when he middy intny prudish she Ty,— at lcs«t d he, saucily, at this re- 'ed in reply alv.'ays been their games he was gone ti duller too, bores-'/ to sailor's re- juite old to syne;' and, igreeable aa ? gracefully I, touching loated from m glad to I have the le as your t roused at )8sibly sup. our out of 1 a height- 1 forget, I ughter I" I his reply, '"'k. daugh* jirls, and" e the Jbesi •rought a icek; and lispleased rseofthe evening the special obiecfc of th^ . jailor's uttentio^n. Onirefl rn^ too, as sho sat near the open wi^dc^' busied with her book and her neS her' thoughts nncunscicusly reverteaTolome of the Mattering sav'-n^s whiPhhn^ ^ p|.«red into „er^e„/„„"^e^r^'„t„^™ ;: g, and she involuntar: v «tartf ] , i'tty alter day found Frank NethprW wurrt f ^"">« ^^^^^oi eaX? n. I drawing-room and the So ZZ ^^''"^back, he was ever n-aay to attend her steps; and Mrs Ful* of slnh soant,^ .^"•'"'"ngerson neet;LTi^st?°?r'' ■"" *■'• like n^-n. • t""*** «"d I '^onld live "fZIT p>'^ ^'? '"''^"'^ «« this." "if ml °^ -'"/eplied Sirs. Fleetwood we^rwirr-,?y-«^^^-tw^ wishes in the matter? But now th.^^ have your consi-nf » „^j j , ^ '"*' I is rilThe's'a?nVS^„rV« '° ^^' "^^-^ and tender-h^UeH-o mZ^Inr^'^" me unhappy by refusing." ^' "^"^^ "^^^ «.em^"t^^l4l-XVrs'at^^^^^^ m rather a doubtful tC ^^^^t*^*^ 'Veil, then, let me scHU it * dear Mrs. Fleetwood » xSued pSn^"/ the same time catehin ITk ?"'^» »' h.nd, .„y the youthful lovers during that even- ing nde was somewhat different from that w^ich was arrived at by their parents on that important subject.-for Frank urged most strenuously his determination never to leave England without first calling Iw^ ^"u.T"' *"*^ ^^^'^^e'- disposed Anme might be to attend to her mother's prudent advice, ?he found it hard to gain- say the arguments of her lover. «om1-*^® following day, Mr. Netherbv paid his promised visit to Mr Fleetwood • Had on his return home, after a length- enea interview, he met Frank at his own haUdoor. "Well, my boy," said he to the anxious youth, «'we have settled all about you. Mrs. Fleetwood consents to give yop her daughter whenever you are a post-captain, and have got a lot of prize- money." '^ 1 " *]?f,P08<;-captain, read lieutenant, my dear father," replied the sailor; "and as OTAPTBB8 ON WEDDING DAIS. It whenever our enemies are so good m S go to war with us." *^ ^ ^ ,."7?^ »re an incorrigible fellow '» «. phedthe old gentleman? laugE7'«bTt I hope you will ^et a Uttle cLm?n-sense some of these days." "*® The next few weeks sped rapidly awav with our youthfiil loversras time J S does in the case of those with whomTs wSaT." th •''^"^ "' "«•»« A» S full *?7'^«'!h«PP'^inthe present, a«d full of hope for the fiiture. But a shadow came at last to fall upon this sunny period : an official desi^tch arrive from the Admiralty to infom Frank of his appointment to the "Hercules." then stationed at Portbmouth. ln.w7^''°V*y* "'** ^ *>» « monstrous ucky fellow to get this appointment so Aflnie with the news. " And so would I think, too." added he. "at any other fame; but«o«,it is a terrible borei hav.' ChSr l^ twenty-four hours' notice. Clieer up. however, my darling Annie" continued he, as he observed a teaj to tremble m the eye of his betrothed, "the 8h.p, I understand, is likely to be fo^ some time on that station, so I^may oftenZ! trive to run up and see you for a day or tZ ' ft [f°»ember what I have told ^ ^~,K '^'^^ 'lever leave England with- out calling you my bride !" hZ^t ^""^^^ P"**^°» ^«* a «ad one; hope, however, was buoyant in both their young hearts, and they trusted soon to meet again Many weeks, however passed on without Frank's being able t«; obtain the expected leave of absence, and the frequent, though hurried notes he contrived to write in snatches of leisure f^ffi, f '"«TP«»s*«on to poor Annie for the loss ofhis daily visits. Dreary winter was now como, and mood looking out on the smooth green sward on which she had so often strolled «^ith Frank during the preceding summer, when the servant entered the room and handed her an official-looking lettor. On »peniug it, her heart was filled with ipprehension by perceiving that it was a telegraph message from Portsmouth. She ' i;^-:^. II ^il Iff Y: 'then thought it must be some iiTZI T — Frank, but her evp w "®^" *<>»» on it for a momenTth^r "^""'^ ^««*«» tenor wa, T JfffeJe^t in^'^'t^ *b« had anticipated The n,^" "^^"^ ^''^ follows:--^ -^^^ "*««»«e was as her handr CiwJ^ ^^ T" P*P«r in Her first feeW tT^.^^^P^'-pk^e^^ •confusion at such^a^sZ h! ."*'1«'^y sent tQ her bv f^f!!!?l ^^^'^^ ''>een jears, and those te5w« 1 *^'^ words—" if not ^wi, * fi ^i'sterious and obsorvine her rfan^i,!^-, '"® '^^'n. a^kedwhatw^thJintS a' ?4***'°°' her the messaged' S ^»'« landed J^ank is,"^1ai„,ed its* jSl/^!!^'^ "'Of com-se you will «f "' *^«e'wood. word that such a thn ^ ""^ ««°<* J»™ come to answV U'hVS?^ e^r ^IS^' merry voice at the door wK- , ^'^^'aimed a recognized in Ihl ***^'^'.^hich we quickly of S Zi^ H r®'""^^ dusk f2r that »traightove??oS*"r°*- »« talked mo|r^:L?/,^^,^-y^^ enquS\Tt"hfr'r?h?'™^'"^^" bye to yiu aS and T^ 5*'°'^ ^'^ ^^^ »««l I go." ^ ' *"** ''^ ff«t Jnarried before inJmCl^'^''^'' ^« »« ^-claimed hav7SeiS^afR„r'"'*^''' replied he. "J hours, and LftSr^irt ^*^' *he Wtwo Fleet;rd>^"^ ''^ *'^'** i* with Mrs. fofetEvowal'bTp'^**r« ^hich as. usual, in hiFSftJ !ff K ^ ^ *"^^' win from the eldera of the ?wf °** ''^^' ^ to his wishes, and Se ST'^^ ^'^"'^'^* over, he had fX if- • *^® evening was ding, which wan f« *„i ^ ^^ the wed- of £y8. and wh eh i« pI^ j" a couple very jolly affai^SS^ said, should be^ lcero£:fr.VtV:lr'' P^^^^^-hand. to have any^crvbli^ i^^ "°<^ ^sh I mean it to S TnT" *^^ ^^''^^^on. told Mrs. Fleetwood ro?^r'^"S'^ I ^^'-twodays&Sf^^^^ook / h' ' 'J ■ .\3' ?36 GENERAL HAVELOCK. ThTi®"*i'* ''^' ^ ^^^'' ^^ present. ihe first tear* probably which fell on the occasion of Frank Netherby's marriage, were thpse bitter ones shed by his yonn^ br.de, wlien a week later, «he t: ok leavl ot hun at Portsmouth, and watched the gaUant ship "Hercules" speeding its course towards the Southern main. The disconsolate young creature accompanied iier mother back to her early home, where she spent the years of her husband's ab- sence m most sedate and matronly re- tirement. '' th5*"^/®i^" ?*''•' P"*^^'* aw«y since «S' f'tt ^Tl N^'^herby is now the sober father of a family. Very recently, I overheard him ex- liortmg Lis eldest son, a fine boy of twelve or thirteen, to be more diligent in his studies and steady in his conduct at school. An involuntary smile probably flitted across my countenance, for Prank immediately turned towards me with one ot his quick and humourous glances, and no iwoner had the boy left the room, than he said to me, "1 perceive, my dear madam, you have a very good ntmory tor olden times, but remember I wish my son to take after his mother rather than after me m solidity of character. In one point, indeed, I shall be glad if he re- sembles me in after life. Heartily do I hope." adderJ he. looking tenderiy at " The Wife's far dearer than the JBride." * — ^ AnOLO-SAXOIf AND LATIN.^It WOUM b«» moderate length consisling solely of words of Latm derivation. ]iut there are mauv Avhich can be rendered wholly in AnS Prayer entirely, as it is in present use almost entirely, Anglo-Saxon. ^But for eachof equivalent. J or " trespasses," we mnv tnals ; for " deliver," " free •" -mri f „. ; r.r^'" "."Hft*-.". ^'- Trench pist SlI.^'"'"^; "brightness;" but ^hirwe S.^^.'tw ^ ^"^"^ substitute, although we jre unable to suggest a better.-- Zitemy GENERAL HAVELOCK-WARBIOR OF INDIA. Ami> all the names of those noble British her^ in India whose deeds of valour have done high honour to our arms m that land there is none shine more HavSS ^"" '^ ''""' '' ^«"«'^I Ho was bom in 1795, at Bishop Wear- mou h. Sunderland. His father wa^ a gentleman, whose ancestors had lon^ re sided at Grimsby. Lincolnshire, anSVho had secured an independence by com! merco and shipbuilding, at Suncferland. Ingress-park, near Dartford, in Kent, be- came his fathef. residence by. purcha^. ?iii". T*'^'^'' descended from the famUv of Ettric^ which, for generations had re- sided at High Barnes. af St? 5*^?°^^' tlie son, was educated at the Charterhouse, London. His father's fortunes having declined, the estate of ' Ingress-park was sold to Government in inid, and Henry waa entered to be a awyer of the Middle-temple. He attended the lectures of Chitty. the eminent specia pleader along with the late Sir Thoman Talfourd William Hayelock, his elder brother had distinguished himself in the wars of the Iberian Peninsula, and at Waterloo; and Henry, in accordance with the penchant of his relatives, endeavoured through his brother's interest, to obtain a commission in the army. hof?r'*^*?,*'?^*'f^'^"®'"^™t'> after the battle of Waterloo, was accordingly ap- point^ to a commission in the Rifle IJrigade (95thregiment), where he received rJft!!!! T *.f ^""'^^ ^'^»*«^ by Captain (afterwards General) Sir Henry Smith, the conqueror of the Sikhs at Aliwal! Uur hero now served for eight years in each of the three kingdoms ^and at last! exchanging his commission for one in the 18t3,fo?Lf"^*'^'^«-^-k««i.- 5T, Ys9? S® fi^-st Burmese war broke out m 1824, Henry Havelock was appointed Deputy Assistant-Adjutant- General, and was present at the actions which took ml f?*P"^'^' Pantanago, andPaghau.. When this war ended, he wa^ associated with Captam Lumsdeu and Dr. Knox, m I : WARRIOR those noble xse deeds of to our arms shine more of General ishop Wear- ther was a ad long re- re, and who e by com- 5underland. I Kent, be- ^ purchase; the family ins hadre- is educated lis father's ! estate of nunent in I to be a e attended mt special ir Thomas his elder lelf in the 1, and at ancewith eavoured, ) obtain a ■a Jnisflion to the court of Av« ^ 7~ the capital of the Burmp-l ^ ~^'"'"^'"'^ In%he followht^';:;;l*tbrTi'l'• «Hi8tory of tb/TL n^ ^'•''^^^ '*»e which ^'o cornZte1^l,^;Sr^\t- transactions of the war Uli '^"^ year he recoive^i the an««- / ^^"^ **™« jutantof the MUitary Et"at"c? "'^J" formed there by Lord Sh ^*>^™«rah, after this, he maSn^ ™®'"^- ^"^ ter of the lal Cv n ' T"°g^«t d«ugh- tist MissionL at* sL^""^''"*". Bap. breaking, up^ tho ^rw ^''^' «" the rnent.HteU%eturnedTo5?^ ''*?^^^'^- He afterwards Went to r-,!.""^^"*""*^- the examination in th^ l^n "**"' ^^'^ •college there and wa!, ^^"^"agres at the William StrnckAS-^'^PT*'/ ^^ ^^'^ then under theSnfal/nf ^'' ''''P'' w^jGene.,)lrH:;?e;fS-^(^^'^- as atr;tr,^r,^^^^^^^^^^ y- a company i^ 1838 H Pf""^^^'^^ to panied the army collected f^r f^^" '*'^'^.'"- of Affrhanistan,"^on the s 7ff ^^ T^'""'' SirWillou^hbvCotton w "^ ^'■'"«''«1 the Afgbxn campaign alfn ''''''^ "''■°"^^' the stormino. of r^ ' "^"^ P^^^nt at; pation of clbul He"th '"'."'^ «^«"- Indiawith the ftpn? , ?^". ''^*"^"^d to ieave to visil^^S.^^^^^ "i^'^'^^f prepared a "Memoir of thrAfoJ^?'^' Paign," which was nrhifp/ -^ r" ^^™- Having returned t^ t^e Putab in T*"'"- of a detachmpnf u ^'^^l^o m charge Havelock was m^Jl ' ± . Tezeen, and at all fh^ ' ^^^ "^^O" at British forcelill tt ^'^T'"""*« ^^ the He had ?n eon n ?• ^ '^^^"^^^ Jelalabad. GENBEAL HAVELOCK. April. 1842, wL^va^T'*-"^ '^^^*'' ^'^ raise the sie^e Hp I ^^•^"/'O'npelled to column, aydeftated7r^^ *^« "^^t the other columns Im^ '"''™^ ^^^o*"® assistance For f h- "'? ^•'™*' to hi. ™oted?oaBreviM'- T''" •>« ^«« P^ panionship ofTeft"\r *^^''«^«"»- pointedpLian interpr;tert S p'n "l M'Caskill's force and Si'*^ .^'' '^°'"» wS^^^hl^t^ ^*"'-^- o^^S^y In^tfufceefeir/tr ^^^^^^ea" to a Regimental M«f«% "^^^ promoted P. rsian^iSifrTn n^' «»d appointed (afterwards vrseti.°«^fr^ Sir H"gh in-Chief. '^^o»°t} Gough, commander- Towards the end of lSe Sikh., ofthecampaicrnon t>,oy\i • f "® ®"e «PPoinLf„t""'o *"i,^"^,«;' \^ -f vf General of the OuPPn'^f ^ "^ Adjutant- On the brealdr?. out of"T' '' ^""^"^• «''tl> the Sik s ?1 r. f.'"''''"'^ "^^^ WiHiam Havelock ^ i^T^^'r Colonel tion at Ranmugi in 1848 n ''^.^ '^«- own regiment H.p ^q V ^- ^»'" Zero's and ho retur^el^aj^r""™'"'^ to wffer, an" h^' tt Si'^'; "» "««» 338 OKNERAL HAVELOCK. m:^ ^:__ it Nena Sahib had rted and defeated Buicidej but thia e Timet writes : General for more b intimately, and that he ha« never ler, in the strict > word can he be ' WTien he em- 824, in company Majesty's 13th iit of assembling tiled on to attend and he occasion- ptures to them were allowed to loey Dagoon pa. )n, and there, in he cross-legged t be seen little the lap of the *nd more of the ind Lieutenant ses of the living mtly of the re- jrvices, it was a keep these men 3 in a conquered Christian prin- ed ' Havelock's d-in-Chief, Sir le occasion of a night, finding lily a suflScient e officer to call I can always,' . They, at all for duty,' ?gimentaldnty I the religious Company with sembled them religious ser- }re displeased roceedings, as JUS communi' e made to the William Ben. 1 as a strait' ihd withal a utancy of the I Lieutenant Havelock wa« a candidate'for it, and"^ strenuous efforts were made to premithU nommation. Mrs. HaveWb „! v " pened to beat sSkmZlt ,L '''*° ^^P" b'eing then in t^Trth' W^'tS on Lord William to Xh?^' * *®*^ jnent He -id he tXtt gtXt till the next day On lioi. /.„ii- ^^Pv for a biindle of letter, .lout her hud si;tt'nrt,!:CoS»f-i;?; Majesty's service. I will alan 5!^ therepjy to these attZ^ks f tl^rlt Jrn which I have ordered of the 8tat« nf .f- BEMEllBEK THE POOR. "EEMEHBER THE POOB" %^4l"e™"^'"^- '^>Eve,y setf m order to afford them relief /?. better their condition. ' ""'^ ^ Jmi^^Z ^°" »° ^^ ^^^ pantiy-r^. ■memoer the poor, and loot if ^\.i i. any cold meat u ij+ii i. *"®'*® ^ hread, or mX which t ^"'^"' ^"'*«^' which woKe£V°^r? '^r' ^^•i " hungry fa„.5r ' °^ "^^"^ «ee if you cannot pi^k up^ Z^^^''' •1'* coat, a coat a nair of »Li,- ' * ^*^8*- -aistcoat, Vfometw^S/frr f ohaxrs. a pan, a bedstead, aToo^t s'omeT thing else that you can hi,v ^ T order to help some destltLT m'^P' "^ house has beJn b^oke^u *?£tIrK ^^ **»"«« 5. When you have ^«h''°''»'*P**^«rty idle, ren^fnbl trL^^^'Z "^"^?^ whether it mieht not ^ ^ ^consider lSw.r^,'ssj^o„t5^ ™s! how they live anrf 1 *"?^'' ""^ ««?« their ea^ninS aJd tt^'' 'T^'« ^°t« theirfamiliS^xJJli^touTi? '***« ''' be in great danger KLSJ^^^^^ ^"^ ^ 9. When you ta?e stSjf S S'l*^"- Jl.^TS./lt?sTe™^«-"^^' thencA,youa^ret;.J,Llt^«,^'''>->"ot atl'dlsS.?^™^^:' -^^- *«ken up tastes salt, nauseous, and fitff^^ by keeping : it pnnf«;r.» "^^^^"^i " punfics Great Britain, S oni?°".*^' ""'^«*« °f one thirty-eShSHf Talt *Thr'^^^*^ *^ lately examined byavervai? f\^ater meter, two succesX^ If ^ accurate hydro- is to SistilleTSr as S ."* .V^^^^ ' ho ds in solution a thffiiSh '^^*^'d sahne matter. The niS- ^*^ fi^"^' of sea water dep;nd8 in S^""® ^"^^t^es of the muriatefiesia :tl«*/».oasure "pou a neutral substance fonlfS^'."'' "^^""^ i^ the earth of ^"^1™/ °«t"rd^^ salt, and whicKvJs' sTa w«f ^'l** ^^ ^'^^^ taste; the other klSpn^lf'^**®'' '*« fitter common cul nL saft S"^ ^^^ ''biellv proportion of selS ealt * ^«^y smafl 340 THE MONTHS. THE MONTHS. ♦ '■^/^e.-L- «4 , .""■ .iW.i.l. Ifi jewelry, ami a clear keen-bracing atmoRphore and a joyous c hime, like the «onjr of au ungel ohoir - Hinging ot the new birth, of the great nsurree L and of death «svuil„wed up in vi.to,V? To ot u! be We niourn for the fViend d..p ..-ted, bu not as thoio who nmurn without hope" we gH "vefor opportunities of good neKleeted, and bloihrs and privileges rejected or misused ; W. pra/for fo^vfv-- nessot past su.s, both of.miission arulcommi ,C and we res.,lve to do better for the hi , ™ i"ut frrl^ ?^ December, HO called by the lioinnifs from d«cm ten. it being the tenth month i. tl e r calendar: and xnider-monath, „r winter-nioi th 1 v the Saxons, who, after they' had receiml Chr ^^ tmnity, named it A«/.>A, or holy nmnth >, erJ fonr^f ^^r T',* *'« e^Pfessed with a horrid" nd fearful aspect, clad in Irish rugffe.or coaise tWe7P girt upon him: instead of « garlaiTupon hu" Head, three or four "ight-eapsfwith a Ckish W« '.r "*?/ "^'^Pl'"^ ^° l^e^tion the propriety of the portrait drawn by Spenser .— i'^ceea to vJ^IT!! ^^'^1 "^*' *''^ chill December. Yet he, through merry feasting which he mado And great bontires did not thicold remember ^ ^tl^^^T^ '"u'**' «° '"'^"h his mind didS' Upon a shMggy bearded goat he rode, *■ The same wherewith Dan Jove, in tender vean, I^S^i^^T "."""u'''^'^ ^^ the tean mdd: ' And in his hand a broad deep bowl he bears Of which he freely drinks a he^alth to all Ws peers " . With Phillips this is altogether a month of mAr riment and easting, andhis emblemaUcKr^nd i8. woven of the "glossy foliage of the ivv Tnter mixed with itsvermilioi berifes, trZ t,Te'ce„.4" S™ 1; tl- ^'T '"•memorial it has been the custom m this country to decorate the churches and houses at Christmas with wrcHths and branches of evergreens; and still, at this festive season when we meet to celebrate the birth of the sKir of inankind.ortoofferourdevotionstotheMostHigh "nJ'*' *L"^t^':*"i^^'"'"'^« charm the eye, er the bright holly's gay greeu leaves." KBAix dull Docomber in hn™ f..< the twelve-act drama whtoT; we ha^^'"" '" more witnessed. The pall beared of thVv"'* J>a» eorae, the funeml-Sear 1. read, an^l^h" bare tree, stand around iTke mournm awai.ln^'' Iho interment. What shall it i,oS!^' '"?^" ""!< Bheotof fog. and rSnj'i^VSl^f :^3l- mZZ "'.^c'-ohanK'n? forms, with ^01^ muffled bel s and a leaden pall over all wei„h 'ng the spirits down to the very vera^o 7.1,1 grave: or of driven snow pure and spot'^Ls'wfh^ an azure arch above, and a wreath of nuture's I heiiti''^'fll.!''"r ^^"^V" '''"'''"'^ "^'■".""d ^varm jneartg within, for without, all is as dead' nni &dr'""'i'' °° laugh of merr/tabourerS the helds. 1,0 pU-asant sounds of ruraloccupaiio is s^«?.inf M^"""'- ^"J " ""'«• "«arly nuspended m^' 8ong of birds: no buHy hum of Insect life. PcrViaJs "Humphrey with his fl^iil" S,'j?n"'"^'^r"'"'"P-"'umping away upon the bar ,. floor, if "mea.tcr- has not already sent hL pam to market and turned it into n^i. aifi threghin machines," which the said HumiVlm.v cannot abear." The dormouse, like a w™e ,.„' Iruped, IS now asleep in his snug retreat and' hn" lo ,.l.nn iT ,.HaPPy creature I no chilblains bill.tnoiSng'^ "^^•''"^f-! noChristn^- And the flowers are all gone too; not asinH^ blossom to be seen in, field or woodland *K Ts^Ka °^ " ^'"«?"°"'' nalurTthc Chri ?mS Thev ;^P f """' 'T''^ **P?ncl8its pallid l.lossoms I hey are cone-nirgo^e; and we mourn their lo"s cfeif r-' ''""*" ^'">* ■' ** but f»r a t me, and we cherish their memory as thatofdear friends.sajiirg! Winter, let thy winding-sheet. All unsullied as should be Covering for ihings so sweet. *all upon them tenderly; Tn the sun. Decked with many a rare device, .. /V'J*' l^*. *he inscription run— Out of sight the lovely flowers wait the resurrection hours." There they lie enwrapped in sleep bheltered from inclement skies. «r *"T 'c* "<' mourner keep Watch with tear-distillinir eyes- Speak not of them as thing! dead— Fled for ever, lost and gone. Stem and leaf are perished But the root still liveth on. And again in genial hours. Up Will apriug the lovely flowora. i"-lMt «oone In wo have one* 'Per of the year ready, and the urnem, awnitln^r he? a windlDff. full of phantom . with a toll of over all, weiRh- ry ver^o of the id spot lc'88, with ;ath of nature's (ircH, and warm B aa dead' and rry labourern in ral occiipaliotis Kuspended; no' Jtlife. Perhaps *il" GRANDFATHER'S DARLING the'll'^^hS/J-; " ''^« «^-« «« you, so-still . And ff/'^^"'"^ ^'^ t'^" to-do, for he W..7 n ' ^'^'^ ^«« «^e" «nd had laid Ta S' S' " '""^ ^'^"». ^ollars; but hi7greSt tt:? "' '^"^^^^^ dear and e-onrl .1/1! ^^^^easure was a -daughte'Xuicanl^^ ■^'^''^ '^'^^ ^ your umt£_^Lr/*'''' '^' '^"^^ jears old, two vln? "^^^ ^'^^<^^«" living in the viHn ^ ^^" '^^''^ ^'^en AntoVthe othefeni^ -''"' "^^^^ Waok bair'aTSS'' '"^"" «^ ^^^ Antony was the son of a poor widow; GBANDFATHER'8 DABLINO. )l -^l nothing but vhTi. ', , ^"* 1»« liad two baSdranfa or ^Vo'ld' ?/" "'^'^ '"'« ho was obliKod to n5, ''* f^^^ge* which f ther. I«|„,fry wis S"*^' ' "^" "^*«- duatrioM he wafi.io.if- *''« ^''"''l ; «nd in- "'^tfai,. tr„':jk:t.nifrsr'-'-*? mother easy and c«,nfortaWe ^'" "^^'^ anothTr^:;! 1w,f r, ?°^^' ^"^ - have been /UooTiS f \ ""«'*' *« wtoderft,! band W ru ^"'' '''^ ^^""^te a things,. fcnt fcp,rj«.; : ^° *"®d '"any forester, went fd 7Sd 7 ' ^'i"'' " a little whUe. No on?!? ^^.^*^ ^"^J' ^"^ nor how h^Ld S ^"«^»^^»'at he did, in the connWuttirSrV'^^^here him by his Srn,,f ^'"''^ ^'''""^ '«ft to town ihe e Cd 1:i/°'"^^""«« "^ the -ithwhom he hadirr V''^'^^' worked, and vet win? , 1, , ^e never I afte? the manner 5^*1,^''^ «*"«"««» would be tX 'her '"^^'^ P'^^P^^- He pretty she wt Lt '^rr^ """"'« ^°^ handsomer madden and .I^f If^'' "'«" ^ other in the JirW whl "^ *''"''« ^«« "<> Of marri«r 1 ^^homho would marry fear MaSl^ °Tf • "'■' ^^'^''^ ^vas7o' scarcely Se„'dtrb-'"f "' allforFrai,k! always VeX?.ter ttT ^"^ know who it was th..f Ii %• , , '^ ^"^ ^^n was Antony, wLilid? 'Y '""'^^ " free and opSl' „ tS. • '' r^^""*^ «"« as my MaiVry ^"'"^ J"«* ^^^ same oftTotwI^^ThiU?'''^",-^^^-^ now saw him su^h a t, i '1 "''' "^ ^^^e fellow, so it wriatumr^J^^r^-?^'"''^'^ him still mom It afi ^ '^T^^ ^°^« would have^onn fi. ^ "fT^"* Antony for her slke^" R if Tg^» ^^'^ ""^ water spoke not'of-t. ^tyT^J'' Y '^^^ sorr^. The best way would I 343 OnANDFATHEB'8 DARLING r. , m have been for him some fine morning there outside under the linden tree to have laid their hands one in the other and said, Antony you are a brave feUow: here take the dearest object I possess in tJie world — my daughter !" But he did not say this, for Antonv was as poor as a church-mouse, and that was an objection which Meyer could not got over. No doubt it is a comfortable thing to have plenty of money, but no one should love it too well, for to-dav it IS here, to-morrow there. It is neither a S HM^r "'^'^' "•*'• ^ '»«"fc before ; •• ^,P^?i^P'' now-a-days values an upright and faithful heart above dl gold • but then, before he had learned the true worth of a man, he thought otherwise. It was mdeed an anxious time; people lived as though a thunderstorm darkened the sky, and they could scarcely draw breath for the sultry air. Thunder came at last-war thunder: the enemy broke into the land, and fiir and wide terrible things were spoken of. In one place they had plundered, in another they drove away the cattle, burnt down liouses, ravaged the helds. and ill-treated the inhabitants Our village was for a time imdisturbed, although all lived in fear and terror; wherever you went you saw uiixi^ius faces, each one was deeply con cerucd for his own safetv Thpv Lf in the moniing mied iSUut:^ peT tation and timid and trembling weK bed at n ght. How could tW "w quietly when they feared every ^minu to be wakened by an alarm of^robberv ttirtat; ''''' ^°"«^« ^-* «^^- At that time black Frank was absent oftener than usual, and when he came home he clinked money in his pocket and laughed at the neighoVs' akTght nJ one knew what to think of hinf. Some said his r >„sin the broker, employed hha at al sorts of business, by which t p knowing fellow made mon^ Tfa t a SS- «*h«™ thought he hJd taken to bad ways and was a spy. to hlL^r' '^\ °^*^^"»- " " ea«5er to injure a man's character, than to make It clear and sound again in the eyes of must be prudent. Just at that very time while he was thinking about Frank, the young man came in and said he had long wished to speak out on a matter that lav on his heart: he loved Meyer's daughter Mane and wanted to marry her nhlff'-^'%'"*P^'^'* .^^y^*"' "you choose a bad time for marrying. k "I don't think an" „» "T" ' "it ;« . *'.^ 1 ' «"»wt'red Frank mono,," he .ddej bo„,tfi,nv ,"""' "' llio hard dollar pi«M ^' '"'' '"■^'"> f>lT"'LVTMe;r'^ "'-''«*■'■ He noflded hlg head anrl i- i . turned red. for he Baw wV ll.-f 'f^ answer would not be in hi Jalt"**''^ doesUloToVr'^' ^'^''^ -y daughter HalXhfnr ''* ''^ ''^' '*"^"'^' ^"^ "And if she did love vou " nnn*- ^«yer. "I should first w^ntfoT""^'' what way vou rnml I *° ''"O"' '« without wo?k S'tY ^,T '"^"^y- know that ev^ry Snv tr'l ^^^-'^e to was fairly and ^hS .^ ^"''^ y"" «Pend stain upon i?" ""'"^ "''™«d. and no Frank reto'rted insolentlv—" Tl,«. ^ny ways of making inevwr wise man does nnf +„ii iu y* ""t the big bell. I tn« J.1.1" the,n all to the % bell I hone r T *»"«'"«» to the -eforathiefT Jobg'^/^" ^^'^'^ take M(;yer!'^?o?5'5fn?'k''^*'1'" '^'^^^^ low ; however wi D""^ T^'** y«» tbl- to >ne thlSes t^^^JoS^^ 7^'^* " be able to read him „i% T^'^^^ »n»st gospel." ™ "* <^™^y as in the -To"Xgtr>'^sl-n-f ^'ve Ja.h/ng eyes. Kthe ^ntt f''' head swelled angrily up wiS ^J" ^?'*«- He hardly waited tL „ Passion. cried in ^ii7,age « Yo^ Tu''' ""^ tlmt, as surely af'mv nL *" "fP""* Frank. Think^ upon i? .^T. " "*? rushed forth. ^"** *^en he Three days went by- Frank hu^ nobody knew whither ?« \5^ ^°"« night about eleven oVinI *^*' ^''^ knocked loudlyTn th?iA '^''^ °°« old Meyer spranrsuXl"**;?' S V'^f and cried. " Who's there ?» ^^ enemy will bo hor« tk ' in the tnomin*^« along the byc^ ,' ths „l"f. *^'''""i'- ^ "n p-Satotr^t^f-j-'-^'e ;too^eddownand^Vm;seV?„Vet,[ oftn^*rSj^l^'^"^''*-'ther which miXf if« •;. "*''* ''""^0 or farm tor and Frank « ivr„ • ^ « " "»"gh- lettDher^staVr ^''1 "«* *»»»k "J schemes bLk^yrnk'm'Jr ^°"? "''•** I'eadP It was on fLf ^ ^"*''*' '" W« desperately. T'll Lin" T^""' ^ ^'^ «« and through the fori J ^'^ °^''' "'« ^ill at Burgsd?rf . hp/r *? ""^ «'*^ aunt's the mS. that no Z"" " ''^ '"^^^"^ °° For heaven' sake MLe^f ^"r/^^'^'- ^e : I'l, stake myVf ff Lrl"^* ^'«' *« ter!tt°^?hrj?arar!f-"'-daugh. bed as soon a si r'^J ''''' ^^^ her and ^toodMlfdrtellfr'^^^-^' opened the door. Amfnfif .^'*'" *^*'»«'- Poing on in the timid ^^ '*/""»»'« ^«« ShecouH not bertr*^'"? ^^"""»«- and yet the thon^v,f ^T" ^«'' P^ent, with terrfbl aS/.*^'""^^ filled her .three daystf^KTaTf^ [^ -^en in a rage he met haJT • *°® bouse well, ani spoke confidenr^.V^^."^ "^« next time I come ?t wTu t ol?f' *^« as njy wife .. say that to you? fetW i '^'^^ fS^g^'^Ih^Ztry^VV'^- lost, and that made the sS ^ V'"'" *° ^^^ parting easier ^ ""^ mournful Ht%trHow""/'^« '1^^' -on- The tall corn gCmetrn.'"'* P^^^"!-' gieamed and swayed gentiy i GRANDFATUERfl DARLIXn. to and fro liko wuvm of rflver. Mevor , oould follow the fti^itive* with hit ey« for ajftfttt