PLEASE KEEP THIS CATALf^GUE. AUCTION SALE OF THE LIBRARY — OF THE — LATE W. H. KERR, Q.C., D.C.L. COMPRISING One of the best private Law Libraries in Canada. Collected during Forty years of Active Practice at the Bar. Containing Complete Sets of THE ENGLISH LAW REPORTS THE AMERICAN LAW REPORTS COX CRIMINAL LAW REPORTS SUPREME COURT and CANADIAN REPORTS Also, a very Fink Collectfon of INTERNATIONAL LAW BOOKS (PU15L1C AXJJ PRIVATE.) LATEST TEXT BOOKS, English and American FRENCH WORKS and COMMENTATORS ON THE CODS NAPOLEON ALSO, A very fine Collection of SPORTING BOOKS Works on Political Economy & General Literature SALE TO TAKE PLACE On MONDAY, 25th February, 1889 And Ibllowiiig (hiy^i, at 9 aii 156b Virchow — Post Mortenj Examinations 157 Hands — Solicitors' Crown Practice. Lond, 18(>3 158 " '• " " 1803 159 Gude— " in King's Bench 2 v.)ls. Lond. 1828 160 Corner — Crown Office Forms. Lond. 1844 161 Ryland — Crown Circuit Companion. Ijond. 1836 162 Crown Circuit Companion '' 1811 163 Hulton— Law of Convictions " 1835 164 Payley — Summary Convictions. 5 ed. " 1866 6 Lot No. 165 Joy— The Aumissability of Contcssioiis. Dublin, 1842 101) Willcocks— Office of Ccnstablo. London, 1827 1G7 Jones — Constnblc'rt Manuel. Toronto, 1882 168 Jervis— Offic'u and Duties of Coroner. 2 ed. Lond. 1854 l(j() Glen— Jervis' Acts (Justices of tbe Peace). Ijond. 1868 170 K()d;,^crs— Tiie Lnw and Medical Men. Toronto, 1884 171 Chitty — .Medical Jurisprudence. Lond. 1884 172 Taylor (Penrose) — Medical Jurisprudence. Phibi. 1866 173 H;iy— Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 4 ed. Bost. 174 Stephen — History of Criminal Law. 3 vols. Lond. 1883 175 ILvle— Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. Lond. 1736 176 Trcniainc " " " 1723 177 Kast " " 2 vols. " 1803 178 Hawkins " " 4 vols. '' 1795 17c, u u u Vol.11. Dublin, 1788 180 Stone— Petty Sessions. 7 ed. Lond. 18G3 ISl Ilurd— Habeas Corpus. Albany, 1858 182 Church " '^ San Francisco, 1884 183 Kerr, W. H. — Maiiistrate's Acts. Montreal, 1871 184 Saunders — Practice of Magistrate's Courts. .Lond. 1858 185 Arciibold's Snowden's Magistrate's Assistant. 3 ed. Lond 1857 186 Deacon — Guide to Magistrates. 2 vols. Lond. 1843 187 Lewis— Manual for " Toronto, 1884 188 Okc — Magisterial Formulist. 4 ed. Lond, 1868 189 '' " Synopsis. 2 vols. 10 ed. Lond. 1868 190 Cox— Digest of Magistrates Cases from 1856-1869. Lond. 1870!^ 191 ^ I Manual Military Law. 2 vols. Lond. 1863 192 Bent't— Military Law and Courts Martial. N. Y. 1864 193 Commentaries Martial Law. Lond. 1867 194 Forsyth— Trial by Jury. Toronto, 1876 195 Worthington — Powers of Juries. Lond. 1825 196 Saunders— Precedents of Indictments. Load. 1872 197 Train and Heard " " Boston, 1855 198 Pearce a « . 199 Burns— Justice. 5 vols. 22 ed. Lond. 1814 200 Arnold— Duty of Justice out of Sessions. Lond. 1860 7 • Lot No. 201 Clarke— Treatise on Extradition. 2 od. Lond. 1874 202 Blondel— " " Paris, 1858 203 Report of Committee on Extradition. Lond. 18G8 204 Patterson — Liberty of the Subject. 2 vols. Lond. 1877 205 Williams — Precedents of Burn's Justice. Lond. 1801 200— On Riots. 2 cd. London, 1848 ' [1874 207 Horriu'an and Thompson — Cases on Self-Defence. St. Louis 208 Old Bailey, Sessions. 3 vols. Lond. 1818 209 Salmon— State Trials. Lond. 1 737 210 Wharton " " of the United States. Phila. 1849 211 Dunphy and Cumminus — Remaikable Trials. N. Y. 18G7 2i2 Brown and Stewart — Trials for Murder by Poisoning. London, 1883 213 Kendall— Trial by Battle. 3 ed. Lond. 1813 214 " Trial of Pelletier. " 1803 215 '1 Trial of Lord Melville " 1806 2ie " Trials of Brodie &c. Edinbur<,'l., 1788 217 Keling, Sir J.— Grown Cases. Dublin, 1789 218 Foster— «« *' Bed. London, 1792 219 Leach— " '< 2 vols. 4 od. 1815 220 Russell and Ryan— " " 1799-1824 221 Lewin— " " on Northern Circuit. 1822-33 222 Moody— " " 2 vols. 1824-1844 223 Dennison— " '' 2 vols. 1844-1852 224 Jcbb— " - 1st Am. ed. 1842 225 Dearsley and Bell— " " Reserved. 1850-58 226 Bell— " " " 1850-54 227 Leigh and Can;— " " '• 1861-65 228 Cox— Criminal Law Reports. 16 vols, 1843-88 229 •' Digest. 1850-1862 230 Temple and Mews — Criminal Appeal Cases- . 1848-1851 232 Finlason — Queen vs. Gurncy et vl. London, 1870. 233 • " Queen vs. Eyre. LoL>don, 1868 234 de Colyar — Law of Guarantee. L')nd. 1871 235 Fell- Mercantile Guaranties. Albany, 1872 236 Brandt — Suretyship and Guari'atce. Chicago, 1878 237 High— On Lijunctions. Chijago, 1873 8 Lot No. 238 Kerr — On Injunctions. 2 ed. Lond. 1878 280 " •' " 1867 240 Joyce — Practice of Ltiw of Injunctions. 2 vols. Lond. 1 872 241 " Doctrines and Principles of Injunctions. " 1877 242 Burtros — Insolvency Lond. 1783 24:{ CanipbelJ — Law of Insolvency 244 Clarke — Insolvent Acts, 1877. Toronto 244b Abbott. J.J. C— Insolvent Act, 18G4 245 Pophani — Insolvent Acts. 18G9. Montrei;] 24<; " " " " " 247 Edgar and Chrysler— Insolvent Acts, 1875. Toronto 248 Loriujer — Institutes of Law. Edin. 1872 249 " " •' Lond. 1883 250 Erskiniis " " Edin. 1777 251 Maine — E irly History of Institutions- New York, 1875 252 Cox — Institutions of Eu2;lish Government. Lond. 1863 253 Ilt'ineccius — Ad Institutiones. Edin. 1822 254 P.irk — On Insurance 5 ed. Lond. 1802 255 Clarke " Toronto, 1873 256 May — Law of Insurance. Boston, 1873 257 Phillips— " 5ed. 2 vols. New iTork, 1867 258 Sansuni — Digest of Laws of Insurance. Chicago, 1876 259 Walford— Guide and Hand-book. Loud. 1867 260 Wcskett — Insurance. Lond. 1781 261 Arnould — Marine Insurance. 2 vols. Lond. 1866 262 " " " 2 vols. 4 ed. Lond. 1872 263 Crump — Principles of Marine Insurance. Lond. 1875 264 Hopkins— Manual " " " 1867 265 Parsons — Insurance. 2 vols. Boston, 1868 266 Bunyon — Life Insurance. 2 ed. Loud. 1868 266a " Fire " London, 1867 267 Bliss— Life ■' New York, 1872 268 Crawley " " Lond. 1882 267 Sharpstin's Digest of Lite Insurance. San Francssco, 1872 270 Bigelow — Life and Accident Insurance Reports. 5 vols. ^ New York, 1871 271 Bennett — Insurance Cases. 5 vols. New York, 1872 272 Bates' Digest of Fire Ins. Decisions. 3 ed. N. Y. 1873 273 Hare— Ou discovery. 1876 9 Lot A"o. 274 Stephens — Joint Stock Companies. Toronto, 1881 275 Freeman — Judgments 2 ed. San Francisco, 1874 ,-:^,;^^ 276 Pigotts — Foreign Judgments Loud. 1879 _i---.'- 277 Griffith — Practice Judicature Acts. Loud. 1875 278 i\I:icleunan " " " of Ontario. T(u. 1881 ' 279 Austiu — Jurisprudence. 2 vols. Lond. 1871} 280 Amos " Science of. Lond. 1872 281 Husclike — Jurisprudentiae Autc,usliniana3. Leipsig, LSGl 282 Dixoti — Liivv of Divorce. Lond. 188rJ 283 Dicey— On domicile " 1879 284 H;ir";r;ivos — Juridical Ariiuments 2 vols. Lond. 1797 285 Bushby — Election Luw (Ilardcastlo). 4 ed. Lond»1874_ 28(j Leigli and Le Marcliant — Election Law. 2 ed. Lond. LSi'74 - 287 Cobden Cl8b— Systems of Land Tenure. 2 ed. Lond. 1870 287a Markby— Elements of Law. Oxford, 1871, witii Sup. '75 . 287b Kiune — Law Conipo.idium. New York, 1840 288 Smith— Leadinr, ^ases 2 vols. Lond. 1802 289 '^ '^ - '' " 7ed. Lond. 1876 290 Ross " in Commercial La\Y. 3 vols. Lond. '53 291 Tudor " Mercontile and Maritime Law. 2 ed. Lond. 1868 292 Hare and Wallace — American Leading Cases. 2 vo1:l_ 5ed. Phila. 1871 [Boston, X?;!] ? 293 Rcdfield and Bigelow — Leading cases on Bills and Notes. 295 Leading Cases done into English. Lond. 187G 296 Liability for Representations (Mercantile Agency Case,»)f - N. Y., 1877 ' '"-■■:-'' T: 297 Thompson— Liability of Stockholders. St. Louis, 1879 298 " Officers and .i-gents of Corporations. '' 1880 299 High — Extraordinary Legal Remedies. Chicago, 1874 300 Parry— Lord Campbell's Libel Act. [1881 301 Odger's Libel and Slander (Bigelow). lAm.ed. Bostot, 302 Flood " " Lond. 1880 303 Bigelow— Estoppel. 2 ed. Boston, 1876 304 Cross — On Lien and Stoppage in transitu. Lond. 1840 305 Bannings' Limitations of Actions. Lond. 1877 306 Angell's " " Boston, 1869 307 TillingVast's — Ballantyne on Limitations. Albany, 1829 308 Folkard— Loans and Pledges. Lond. 1873 .C B .'■' ^ . - - ■ '-M - 10 Lot No. 309 Ralpiige and Lawrence— Law Dictionary. 2 vols. Jersey City, 1883 310 Burn's— Law Dictionary. Dublin, 1792 311 Lawson's Concordance, St. Louis, 1883 312 Janiieson— Scotch Dictionary. 2 vols. Edin. 1808 313 Ogilvy— English " Loud. 1864 314 Fleming and Tibbins— English and French Dictionary. 2 vols. New Orleans, 1878 315 Brightly 's Digest. 2 vols. Phila. 1858 310 Wiilianis " 2 vols. Lond. 1809 317 Parsons— Maritime Law. 2 vols. Boston, 1859 318 Ingcrsoll " Roccus. Phila. 1809 319 Young — Maritime Digest. Lond. 1865 319.\ Weudt — Maritime Legislation. Lond. lS68 320 Wood— Law of Master and Servant. Albany, 1877 321 Noy— English Law Maxims. Lond. 1757 322 Brown— Entries- Lond. 1670 323 Levinz " " 1702 324 Talbot— Cases in Equity. Dublin, 1742 325 Jeremy — Equity Jurisdiction. New York, 1840 326 Boyd — Merchant Shipping. Lond. 1876 327 Maclacllan " 3 ed. " 1880 328 Foard " " 1880 329 Maude & Pollock " 2 vols. 4 ed. " 1881 330 '' " 3 ed. " 1864 331 Abbott ■ '^ 12 ed- " 1881 - 332 " " 4 Am. ed. Boston, 1829 333 " " 2 ed. Lond. 1804 334 Smith— Mercantile Law. 9 ed. Lond. 1887 335 Argle— French '• 1882 336 Willmore and Beedell— Mercantile uud Maritime Guide. ^ Glasgow, 1856 337 Hoffman— Ecclesiastical Law in State of New York. New York, 1868 338 Ecclesiastical Judgmeuts in Privy Council. Lond. 1865 339 Tidd— Forms in Law Courts. 8 ed. Lond. 1840 340 Cavanagh— Money Securities. Lond. 1879 [vols. 341 A. & B. Municipal Laws of Montreal and Appendix. 2 342 Howell — Naturalization in Canada. Toronto, 1884 — ■'/. 11 Lot No. 343 Sarnders— Law of Negligence. Lond. 1871 344 Campbell ^' " '' 1^71 345 Wharton " " Phila. 1874 346 Sherman and Redfield— Law of Negligence. 2 ed. New York, 1870 347 Whittaker Smith— Law of Negligence. St. Louis, 188G 348 Daniel— Negotiable Instruments. 2 vols. New York, 187fi 349 Graham and Waterman— New Trials. 3 vols. New York, 1855 350 Buller— Nisi Prius. 6 ^d. Lond. 1793 351 Leigh " '^ vols. Lond. 1838 352 Selwyn— Abridgements. 2 vols. Lond. 1808 353 Gushing— Notarial Forms. Montreal, 1887 354 Brown- Savigny on Obligations- Lond. 1872 355 Foran— Obligations 356 May— Parliamentary Practice. 7 ed. Loud. 1873 357 Todd " Government in British Colonies. Boston, 1880 358 Jefferson— Parliamentary Practice. Washington, 1801 359 Watson— Powers of Canadian Parliaments. Toronto 1880 360 Taylor— Are Legislatures Parliaments? INI ontreal, 1879 361 Mcintosh— Canadian Parliamentary Companion. Ottawa 1878 362 Cox— Antient Parliamentary Elections. Lond. 1868 363 Parliamentary Papers, 1660-1796. 3 vols. Lond. 1797 363a Laperriere— Speaker's Decisions. Ottawa, 1872 364 Dicey— Parties to Action— Truman's Notes. Jersey City 1882 365 Dixon— Law of Partnership. Lond. 1866 366 Lindley " " 2 vols. 3 ed. Lond. 1873 367 Pollock— Digest of " " ^^'^^ ggg « 't «' St Louis, 1878 369 Story— Partnership. 6 ed. Bost, 1868 370 Troubat— Limited Partnership. Phila. 1853 371 Curtis— Law of Patents. 4 ed. Boston, 1873 372 Agnew— " " London, 1874 373 Law— American Digest of Patents. N. Y., 1877 374 Whitman-Patent Cases. Washington, 1875 12 Lot No. 375 Hiir<^in.s — Digest of Patent Cases. Lond. 1880. (paper) a76 " " •' " " 1875. 377 TuriaT— Fawn-Brokers' Acts. Lond. 1872. [1876 378 Fraser— Liw of and Wife. 2 vols. 2ed. Edin. 370 Sterling — Lectures on Philosophy of Law. Lond. 1873 380 '• " " " " 1873 381 Brown— Philosophy of Law. N. Y., 187G 382 Cunningham and M.ittinson — Precedents of Pleading. Lond. 1878 383 Mitford— Pleading. London, 1787. 384 " " (Duplicate) 385 Chitty— " 144 Am. ed. 3 vols. Springfield, 1866 386 Went worth— " 9 vols. Dublin, 1799. Vol. 2 missing 387 Pollock's Jurisprudence and Ethics. Lond. 1882 388 Morgan — Essays on Law of Pjvidence. 2 vols. Lond. 1789 389 Batenian — Excise Law.s Lond. 1843 390 Copinger " Dublin, 1799 391 Jones— Pledges. Boston, 1883 392 Hopkins — Port of Refuge, Shipping. London, 1873 393 Archibald — Practice. Personal Actions and Ejectment (Chitty). 2 vols. Lond. 1849 394 Balfour— Practicks of Law of Scotland. Edin., 1754 395 Griffith— Practice. 396 Hill— Practice in the Church Court, Edin. 1837 397 Cassils — Supreme and Exciicquer Courts Practice. Tor- onto, 1877 398 Stevens — Rules of Supreme and Election Courts of New Brunswick. Toronto, 1880 399 Chitty— Prerogative of the Crown. Lond. 1820 400 Cook — Procedure in Church Courts of Scotland, 4 ed. Edinburgh, 1870 400a Forbes — Procedure in the Inferior Courts of Scotland. 3 ed. Edinburgh, 1869 401 Rules of Procedure, Presbyterian Church. Halifax, 1874 402 Lloyd's Law of Prohibition. Lond. 1849 403 Haloombe Private Bills. Lond. 1838 404 Holt — Canadian Railway Law. Montreal, 1885 405 Hodges <' . . 6 ed. Lond. 1876 406 Redfield ' » 2 vols. Boston, 1869 13 Lot No. 407 Redman — Law of Railway Comptmies. Lond. 1880 408 Godfroi and Short— Law of Railway Go's. Lond. 1869 409 Lacey's Digest of Bullway Decisions. Chicago, 1875 410 Melville and McNamura — Railway and Canal Cases. Lond. 1855-1874 411 Lely's Railway and Canal Traffic Act. Lond. 1873 412 Rebllion Record, U. S. 7 vols. New York, 1874 413 Williams— Law of Real Property. 8 ed. Lond. 1852 414 Hunt — Religious Corporations. New York, 187(5 415 Heard — Wallace on Reporters. 4 ed. Boston, 1882 REPORTS. 41 H English Admiralty Reports. 9 vols. Boston, 1853 417 English Common Law Reports. 18 vols. Am. re-print, Phila. Comprising Vols. 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 25, 32, 34, 88, 41, 47, 61. 418 Shower — House of Lords. 1694 419 Moore Privy Council. 6 vols. 1862 to 1870 420 Saunders — King's Bench. 8 vols. 1666 to 1(578 421 Pollexfen " 1669 to 1(585 422 Holt " 1688 to 1710 428 Salkeid " 3 vols. 1689 to 1712 424 - " " Vols. L&n. .1689 to 1712 425 Ravmond " 2 vols. Lond. 1748 426 Strange " 2 vols. 1716 to 1749 427 Burrow '' 5 vols. 1757 to 1771 428 Cowper " 1774 to 1778 429 Douglas « 2 vols. 1 790 430 Durnford & East King's Bench. 8 vols. 1785 to 1800 481 Maule & Selwin " 6 vols. 1813 to 1817 432 Barncwall & Alderson " 5 vols. 1817 to 1822 433 Barnewell & Creswell " 10 vols. 1822 to 1880 484 Ellis & Blackburn Queen's Bench. 8 vols. 1852 to 1858 485 Ellis & Blackburn & Ellis " 1858 486 Ellis & Ellis " 8 vols. 1858 to 1860 487 Best & Smith " ' 6 vols. 1861 to 1870 488 Blackstone (H.) Common Pleas. 2 vols. 1788 to T796 439 Bosanquet & Pullers " 2 vols. 1804 to 1807 14 Lot No. 440 Parker— Exchequer. 1743 to 17G7 441 Austruthcr " 3 vols. 1792 to 1797 442 McClelUrid k Younge— Exchequer. 1825 443 Younge & Jervis— " 3 vols. 1826 to 1830 444 Croiupton & Jervis— " 2 vols. 1830 to 1832 445 Crouipton k Meeson— " 2 vols. 1832 to 1834 440 Crompton,Roscoe& Meeson— " 2 vols. 1834 to 1836 447 Meesou A: Welsby— " 16 vols. 1836 to 1847 448 \Velsby,Hurlstoa& Gordon— " 11 vols. 1847 to 1856 449 llurlstou & Normau— " 7 vols. 1856 to 1861 450 Hurlston & Coltniun— " 3 vols. 1862 to 1865 450a Fish— Exchequer Di-icst. Philadelphin, 1855 451 Espinasse Nisi Prius. 6 vols. 1793 to 1807 452 Campbell— " 4 vols. 1808 to 1816 453 Foster & Finlason— Nisi Prius. 4 vols. 1856 to 1867 454 Pickering— Modern Reports. Vol. II. London, 1757 455 Brown — Reports of Cases in High Court of Parliament. 7 vols. London, 1779. 456 Peters — Admiralty Reports. Philadelphia, 1807 457 Woodbury and Nemot. First Circuit. Boston, 1847 458 Cranch— Supreme Court of U. S. Vol. II N. Y., 1806 459 " " " " Washington, 1835 460 Peters— " " " Vol. 14. Phila, 1845 461 Gray— Massachusetts. Vol. III. Boston, 1864 • 462 Zabriskies — New Jersey Law Reports. Vol. III. Trenton, 1853. 463 Wendell— Supreme Court, N. Y. Vol. 26 N. Y., 1860 464 Hill— " Vols. 2 and 4 " 465 Sumner— First Circuit. Vol. II. Boston, 1849 466 Johnson— Chancery Reports. Vol. IV. 2ed. N. Y. 1859 467 The English Law Reports— complete to date including Digests and Imperial Statutes. 469 Irish Reports, Common Law Series. 15 vols. 1873-1888 Equity Series. 15 vols. 1873-1888. 470 Green's Digest Irish Reports. Dublin, 1879 471 Ferguson — Divorce Qases. Edinburgh, 1817 472 Best — Law of Evidence 15 Lot No. 473 Powell — Principles and Practice of Evidence. 4 ed. Lond. 1875 474 Phillimore " " •' " 1850 475 Halstead ' " " ' N. Y., 185« 475a Tait — Treatise on Law of Evideocc in Scotland. Edin.'24 476 Taylor — Law Evidence. 2 vols. 2 ed. Lond. 1855 477 Norton— Law in India. Madras, 1873. 8 ed. 478 Dumont — Bentham's Judicial Evidence. Lond. 1825 479 Joy — Evidence of Accomplices. Dublin, 183(5 480 Stephen— Indian Evidence Act. Lond. 1872 481 Agnew — The Statute of Frauds?. Lond, 1870 482 Brown " " 3 ed. Boston, 1870 483 Bigelow— On Fraud. Boston, 1877 484 Kerr— Fraud and Mistake. 2 ed. Lond. 1883 485 Bacon — Laws, Government, »&c. of England. 4 ed. Lond. 1739 486 Hern " " " " 1867 487 Brodie— History of British Empire. 4 vols. Edin. 1822 488 Buckle's " Civilization in England. 3 vols. Lond. 1873 " Canada. 6 vols. Montreal, 1866 James II. Lond. 1808 " England. 2 vols. •Now York, 1849 " Canada. Montreal, 1872 Southern War. 4 vols. N. Y., 1863 494 Trescott — American Diplomatic History. Boston, 1857 495 Madox — History, &c. of Exchequer. 2 vols. 2 ed London, 1769 496 Stubbs — Constitutional History of England. 3 vols. Ox- ford, 1874 497 Knighton— Hi.itory of Ceylon. Lond. 1845 498 History of the Four Inns of Court. Lond. 1780 CANADIAN, ENGLISH k AMERICAN KEHOKTS. 507 Stephens' Digest L. C. Reports. 3 vols. Montreal 508 Robertson's " " " 1860 509 Pike— Kinir's Bench. 1811-1810 510 Stuart — Reports King's Bench and Appeal Court and Vice.Admirality. i810-1835 489 Christie's 490 Fox 491 Mahon 492 Miles 493 Pollard 16 Lot No. 511 Questions, Soignorials Lelicvro and Angers— Lower Canada Reports. A. & B. Montreal, 1856 512 Supreme Courts Reports, Cannda. 13 vols. 1877. 513 MontnMl Law Reports, Q. B. Vols. l-v2-3 ^^•* " " S. C. 1-2-3 vols." 515 Quebec " 13 vols. 1875-87 51 fi R.nnsuy—rndex to Reported Case.s. Quebec, 1865 517 Stuart's— Vice Admiralty Cusei?. Lond. 1858 518 Kiiby— Lower Canada Law Journal. 1, 2, 3, 4, in one vol. Montreal, 1866 510 Kirby-Lo-ul News. U vols. 1878 to 1887 cor>iplete 520 Lower Canada Jurist. 27 vols complete 521 Canada Law Journal. 1874-1883. Vol. X.-XX. Toronto 522 Armour— Canada Law Times. Vok 3, 4 and 5. " '83 523 Law Magazine. Vols. 2, 3 and 4. Lond. 1875 524 Weekly Reporter. Vol. 21-36. 1872-88 525 The Monthly Law Reporter. Vols 25 and 26. Boston 526 Monthly Law Reporter. Vois. 23 and 24. Sanger & Fleard Boston ' -00 '^^'l^'"''''- Vol«9toll. 6 parts. 1863-5. London 0-8 Hall s American Law Journal. Vols 1, 3 and 4 Fjiil-i 529 Weekly Notes. 1874. London. 530 American Law Reports. 1868 to 1887. 59 R.J. , vols, complete ^1 '^ '• ^'cest. 1-12 J^^ ;; " " 25-36. "* , '" ' Digest of. Vols. 1-48. Al- bany, 1879 534 Digest Supreme Court, Louisiana. 1860-1870 535 American Law Review. 16 vols from 1 to 21, less vols 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, piissing ^ 541 Houck— Rivers. Boston, 1868 542 Halifax— Roman Civil Law. Cambrids^e, 1775. 2 ed 543 Lord Mackenzie— Roman Law. Edinburgh, 1870 544 Tomkin. & Jenkins- - «. London,^1870 540 Gutterbock-Bractou and the Roman Law Phila. 1866 546 Goudsmit— Roman Law. London, 1873 547 Poste— Gaius Elements. Oxford, 1871 17 Lot No. 548 Abdy — Roman Civil Procedure. Cambridge, 1857. 549 Clark — Early Roman Law. London, 1872 550 Abdy and Walker— Gaius. Cambridge, 1870 551 Corpus Juris Civilip. Elzevir edition. 1004 552 Manuale Juris Synopticum — Pellat. Paris, 1862 553. Benjamin — Sales of Personal Property. London, 1808 554 •' " •• " H ed. " 1883 555 " " " " 2 vols. 4 Am. ed. Jersey City, 1884 550 " " " " 3ed. Boston, 1881 557 Campbell " of Goods. London, 1881 558 Hil"ird—OD Sales. Philadelphia, 1800 559 Story " Boston, 1853 bOO Langdell — Select Cases on Sales. Boston, 1872 501 Blackburn — Contract of Sales. 2 ed. London, 1885 562 " " " " 1845 564 Baker — Law of Salmon Fisheries. London, 1866 565 Jones — Law of Salvage. London, 1870 560 Hull— On the Sea Shore. 2 ed. London, 1875 508 Kay — Law of Shipmasters and Seamen. 2 vols. Lond. 1875 569 Greenhow — Shipping Law Manuel. Lond. 1803 570 Olivers (Roche) " " " 1879 571 Lee — Law of Shipping and Insurance " 1873. 9 ed. 572a /Leading Cases of Slander and Libel. 1 o • v v iQ7y 572b \ vs. The Mercantile Agency. j- copies. i>. 1.18/rf 573 Townshend— Slander and Libel. New York, 1868 574 Starkie— '< " *' 3 ed. Lond. 1869 575 Montesquieu — Spiritof tho Laws. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1793 576 Dwarris — Law of Statutes. 2 vols, 2 ed. Lond. 1848 '577 Potter and Dwarris — Law of Statutes. Albany, 1871 578 Wilberforce— Law of Statutes. Lond. 1881 579 Maxwell " " " 1875 580 Hardcastle — Statutory Law. Lond. 1879 581 Sedgewick " and Constitutional Law. 2 ed. N. Y. 1874 584 Collection of Statutes re Customs. 2 vols. Load. 1780 587 Houston — Stoppage in Transitu. Lond. 1866 588 Stevens— Stowage. 4 ed. Lond. 1867 18 Lot No. 589 Oolin — Intestate Successions. London, 1876 590 Bootc — Suits at Law. Lond. 1795 591 Burroughs— Taxation. New York, 1877 59:i Cooley «' Chicago, 1876 593 Hilyard " Boston, 1875 594 Scott and Jarnagin— Law of Telegraphs. Boston, 1868 595 AddLsonrWolferstan)— Law of Torts. 3 ed. Lond., 1870 596 Ball— Principles of Torts and Contracts. London, 1880 597 Bigelow— Leading Cases on Torts. Boston, 1875* 698 Cooley— Law of Torts. Chicago, 1879 599 Hilliard— " " 2 vols." Boston, 1859 600 Hargraves— Tracts. Vol. I. Dublin, 1787 601 Selden " " 1583 602- Blackstone— Law Tracts. 2 vols. Oxford, 1765 603 Adams -Law of Trade iMarks. London, 1874. 604 Daniel — " '» u iftTfi 605 Brown- " u g^^^^^^ jg^3 ' 606 Cox— American Trade Mark Cases. Cincinnati, 1871 607 Sebastians— Digest of Trade Mark Cases. London, 1879 608 Wood— Law of Trade Marks. London, 1876 609 Sebastian— '^ <« London, 1878 610 Waterman— Trespass. Vol. L New York, 1875 613 Finlayson— Folkestone Ritual Case. London, 1877 618 Kendall— Croke, case of Horner vs. Liddiard. Lond. 1800 619 » Personal Injuries, Denholm vs. G. N Ry Edinburgh, 1867 620 ^erry— Trusts. 2 vols. 2 ed. Boston, 1874 621 Lewin— Law of Trust. 7 ed. London, 1879 622 Hill— Trustees. (American Notes). Philadelphia, 1867 622a Brown— Usages and Customs. London, 1875 623 Brice— Ultra Vires. London, 1874 624 " '< 2ed. " 1877 625 Throop-The Validity of Verbal Agreements Vol I Albany, 1870 626 Coulson and Forbes— Law of Waters. London, 1880 627 Redfield— Law of Wills. 3 vols. Boston, 1876 628 Antrobus & Impey— Brevja Selecta. London, 1663 19 FRENCH WORKS. Lot No. 650 Brass & AppletoQ — Actes sous seing priv^ et de la posses- sion. Brussels, 1870 651 Dupont — Actions Possessoiros. Paris, 1861) 651a Dejean — Actions Redhibitories. Paris, 1887 652 Parlement de Toulouse — Arrets de Catellan. 2 vols. Toulouse, 172:^ 653 Parlcment de Toulouse— -Arrets de la lioche Flavin. Toulouse, 1682 654 Gauvet — Assurance Maritime. 2 vols. Paris, 1862 655 Montluc '' sur la vie. 5 ed. Paris, 1870 656 R^boul " '• " 1865 657 Delalande " contre I'i.^cendie. " 1886 658 Agnel — Manuel dcs Assurances " 1861 659 Boudousquie — Traite de I'assurancc contre I'incendie. Paris, 1829 659a Alauzet — Traito des assurances. 2 vols. Paris, 1844 660 le Berquier — Barreau Moderne. Paris, 1869 661 Lepage — Lois des Batimens ou le Nouveau Desgodets. 2 vols, in one. Paris, 1822 662 Freny-Tngnville — Legislation des Batimens. 2 vols. 2 ed. Paris, 1881 663 de Pitaval — Causes Cdl^bres. 26 vols. Amsterdam. 1775 664 Causes Cel^bres Etrangeres. 5 vols. Paris, 1827 665 Causes Politiques. 4 vols. Paris, 1826 666 Causes Criminels. '' *' 1827 667 Le Brun — Traite de la Communaut<;. Paris, 1709 668 " " *' " 1754 669 Perrin — Dictionnairc de Constructions. 6 ed. Paris, 1886 670 de Bellefeuille— Code Civil Annot^. Montreal, 1879 671 Beaudry — Questionnaire Annot^ du Code Civil. Mont'l '72 672 Poncelin. Code de Commerce. 2 vols. Paris, 1880 _, 673 Marcade & Pont— Code Napoleon. 13 vols. Paris, 1868 674 Marcade— Mariage. Vol. VI. " 185.5 675 Demolombe— « 2 ed. 31 vols. ** 1860 675a Demolombe — " de la Minorite. Vol. I. Paris, 1861. 2 ed. 20 Lot No. ti76 St. Joseph — Concordance entrc les Codes Civils Etrangers et Code Napoleon. Paris, 185(3 «)77 M;'i«ieres— Code Sacrd. Paris, 1835 678 Code Civil du bus Canada. Edition officiel, tranyais et anglais. Ottawa, 1866 678a Code de Procedure Civile " »< 1867. 679 Lorrain — Code de Locateurs et Locataires, Montreal. 1885 680 Agnel — Code Manual de Proprictaires et locataires, &c. 4 cd. Pari."*, 1863 681 Gilbert— Code Annote- 3 vols. Paris, 1870 682 Alauzet— Code de Commerce. 8 vols. 3 ed. Paris, 1879 683 Mathieu— Municipal Code. Montreal, 1887 684 Code Civil des Francuis. Paris, 1806 685 Lussinre — Contrainte par Corps, Paris, 1863 686 Rousseau — Traitd Correspondence. Paris, 1877 687 Robert— Contrat par " 1869 688 Boucher— Consulate de la Mer ou Pandt^ts du droit Com- mercial et Maritime. Vol. 2. Paris, 1808. 689 Pouillet — Dessins et Modeles de Fabrique. 2 ed. Paris, 1884 690 Rolland de Villargues — Dictionnaire du Droit Civil. 9 vols. 4 ed. Brussels 691 Dictionnaire Historique et bibliographique portutif. 4 vols. Paris, 1777 692 Chaniponnierre et Rigaud — Dictionnaire des Droits d'P]nre- gistremeuts. Vol. 5. Paris, 1851. 693 Dictionnaire de Droit Maritime Gauraoiit. Paris, 1867. 694 Luisignan — Decisions Judiciaires. Montreal, 1872 695 Troplong — Donations et Testaments. 2 vols. Brussells, 1855 696 Coin de Lisle— " Pari.s, 1855 697 Troplong — Droit Civil, Contrainte par Corps, de la Louage. &c. 2 vols. Brussells, 1845 698 Baudry Lagantinerie— Droit Civil.3 vols. 2 ed. Paris, 1885 699 Boistel — Droit Commercial. 2 ed. " 1878 700 Becane " " Poitiers, 1833 701 Bedarride " " 14 vols. 2 ed. Paris, 1867 702 Golfavru " " ^ 1863 21 Lot No. 703 Delaniarre & Lcpoitcvin — Droit CoDiiucrciul. (J vols. Paris, 1861 704 Namur — Droit Commercial. 2 vols. Brussells, 18G6 705 Masse— " " , 4 vols. Paris, 1861 706 Nicolin— " " " 1868 707 Veyrieres— " 5 vols. " 1862 708 Fresquet— " " iMaritime. Aix, 1871 709 Arcon — , *' Francais. 2 vols. 710 Ar^ou — Institutions (lu Droit Francnis. 2 vols. Paris, 1764 711 " '• " " " *' 1762- 1787 712 Le Sellyer— Traitc de la Criminalite. 2 vols. Paris, 1867 713 Thonissen— Droit Criminel. 2 vols. Brussells, 1869 714 de Montigny — Histoire du Droit Canadicn. Montreal 1869 715 Pougct — Droit Maritime. Paris, 1858 716 Wodon— Droit des Kaux. 2 vols. Brussels, 1874 717 Mackeldey— Droit Romain. 3ed. " 1846 718 Bourjon — Droit Commun de lu France et la coutume de Paris. 2 vols. Paris, 1770 719 Edits et Ordonnances, Royaux. 2 vols. Quebec, 1803 719a " " " Vols. 1 k 3. Quebec, 1854 720 Barclay — Eifets de Commerce dans le droit Anglais, Paris, 1884 721 F. Laurent— I'Eglise et I'Etat. Paris, 1865, Vol. I. 722 de Recy — Theorie de I'Expropriation. Paris, 1871 723 de Marmol— Traitd de •• 2 vols. Liegp 1868 724 Levesquc— Faillites. Paris, 1847 725 Renouard— Traits de Faillites. 2 vols. Po" Is, 1857 726 Gadrat " " 2 ed. •' 1864 727 Esnault — Faillites et Banqueroutes. 3 vols. Paris, 1843 728 Boulay Patty " " 2 vols " 1849 729 Lainn^ — Commentaire de Faillites et Banqueroutes. Paris, 1839 730 Laroque Saissinel '• " 2 voK«^. " 1860 731 de Pensey—Traite des Fiefs du Dumoulin " 1773 732 de Freminville— Principes des Fiefs. 2 vols. " 1769 733 Laujardiere — Infanticide. Paris, 1865 733a Troplong — Influence du Christianism. Paris, 1808 734 Ortolan — Institutes de Justinian. 2 vols. Paris, 1883 22, Lot No. 734a Ortolan — Histoire de la legislatioa Romaine. Paris, 1884. 12 ed. 735 Rey — Institutions Anglaises. 2 vols. 2 ed. Paris, 1839 737 Laujardi^re — Ivresse. Paris, 1866 738 Jurisprudence Francaise. 2 vols. Paris, 1750 739 Pagnuelo—Libert^ Religeuse dans Canada. Montreal 1872 739a Domat— Loix Civiles. Paris, 1756 740 Di^'glin— Contrat de Mariage. Paris, 188;^. 741 Braun — Marques de Fabriques et de Commerce. Paris, '80 742 Casper— Medici II Legal. 2 vols. Paris, 1862 743 Devergie " " 3 vols. 3 ed. " 1852 744 Paget — Miso en Doraeure. Paris, 1870 745 de Visme— Science des Notaires. 2 vols, ^'^aris, 1761 746 Larombiere — Obligations. 5 vols. Paris, 1857 747 Savigny— Traite de droit romain ; Traite de la possession Traite des obligations. 10 vols. Paris, 1863 748 Pothier— par Dupin. Nouvelle edition, (complet) 11 vols Paris, 1824 749 Ouevres— d'Espeisses. 3 vols. Lyons, 1750 750 " Terrassou. Paris, 1737 751 Salle— L'esprit des Ordonnances. Paris, 1771 752 Serpillon — Ordonnances de 1667 '' 1776 753 Ordonnances de la Marine 1681. " 1714 754 " of Lower Canada. Quebec. 1795 755 Labbe— Perte de la Chose due. Paris, 1869 756 Lange— Practicieu Frangois. 2 vols. Paris, 1755 756a " " » u u 757 Troplong— Prescription. Brussells, 1843 758 de Bretagne. '« 2 vols. Paris, 1869 "59 Petit— Loi sur la Presse. Paris, 1882 [Brussels, 1844 760 Troplong— Privileges et Hypotheques. 2 vols. Nouv. ed. 7^1 Pont << u Paris, 1859 762 Chauveau— Procedure Civile. 2 vols. Paris, 1867 763 Bordeaux— Philosophic de do. Evreux, 1857 764 Ravaut— Procedure Civile du Palais. Paris, 1788 765 Coulon— Questions de Droit. Paris, 1853 766 Richards et Mauoorps— Responsabilitd en matiere d'incen- die. Paris 1883 [1852 767 Sourdat— Responsabilitd dommages-intgrets. 2 vols. Paris, 23 Lot No. 768 Delangle — Soci^t^s Civils et Commerciales. 2 vols. Paris, 1843 770 Vavasseur '' " " " " '83 771 Ohassat— Des Statuts. Paris, 1845 772 Roger— Saisie-Arrets. 2 ed. Paris, 1860 773 Le Brun— Traite des Successions. Paris, 1743 774 a a " " 1775 775 Chevalier — Systeme Commerciale, 2 ed. Paris, 1853 776 Blanche — Transports par le Chemiu de Per. Paris, 1866 776a Dupin — Traitds. Secoades Noces. Paris, 1743. 776b Guins — " Representation du double lien. Paris, 1698 776c Dunot — " Le Mainmorts. Paris, 1760 776d Rouelle— '• Des prises. 1763, Paris 777 Tioplong de la Vente. 2 vols. 5 ed. Paris, 1856 778 Reveu des Societds. Vols. 3, 4, 5 and 6 779 Reveu Critique de Legislation ct de jurisprudence. Vols. 34 and 35 INTERNATIONAL LAW. 800 Wolff— Jus Naturale. 9 vols. Leipsig, 1756 801 Hall. Oxford. 1880 802 Halleck. New York, 1861 803 Abdy Kent's International Law. Cambridge, 1866 804 Philmore '' 2 vols. Phila. 1854 805 "' " Vols..I. &IV. 2ed. Lond. 1871 806 Woolsey " 2 ed. New York, 1864 808 Wildmaj, " London, 1849 809 Historicus " " ^863 810 Bar " Edinburgh, 1883 811 Drouin Petrusheviez— Code du Droit International. Leipsig, 1861 312 Heffter— Droit International de TBurope. Berlin, 1866 513 Burd '* " Paris, 1883 814 Foote — Private International Jurisprudence. Lond. 1878 815 Wharton— Conflict of Laws. Phila. 1872 816 Savigny " Edin. 1869 817 de Lioncourt— Conflit des lois personelles. Paris, 1885 24 Lot No. 818 VVheaton — International Law Principles. Boston, 1863 819 Westlake— Private International Law. Phila. 1859 820 " " '' - London, 1880 821 Kane and Magron— Droit Int Privde. Paris, 1883 822 Despagnet " " '• 188G 823 Pradier-Foderer " " <■<■ 1875 824 Brocher •< " a vols. " 1882 825 Foelix •« , .'2 vols. *' 185t) 826 Vaquette " « « 188'4 827 Kent — Commentaries on Inter. Law. Boston, 1840 828 Story— Conflict of Laws. Boston, 1865 829 Asser— Conflit des Lois. Paris, 1884 830 Martens—Law of Nations. Philadelphia, 1795 8H1 " " Loudon, 1802 832 Twiss » 2 vols. Oxford, 18G3 833 Vattel— Law of Nations. Phila. 1863 834 Wards - 2 vols. Lond. 1795 835 Wheatqus " New York, 1845 836 Poison « Lond. 1859 837 Pufeudorf '' and Nature. Lond. 1729 838 Manning— Commentary on Law of Nations. Lond. 1839 839 Laurent— Droit Civillnternational. 8 vols. Brussels, 1880 840 Field's— International Code- 2 ed. New York, 1876 841 Atkinson— " Morality. London, 1851 842 Fiore — Droit International. 2 vols. Paris, 1868 843 JoufFroy— Droit Naturel. Paris, 1841 * 844 M. B.— Institutes de Droit Naturel. 2 vols. Paris, 1866 845 Burlamaqui— Natural and Politic Law. 2 vols, in one. Phila. 1832 846 de Bohm— Droits des Gens Europ^en. Paris, 1823 846a Rutherford— Natural Law. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1754 846b Gardner—Moral Law of Nations. Troy, 1844 847 Kluber— Droit des Gens. Paris, 1861 848 Ahrens— " Naturel. 2 vols. 6 ed. Leipsig, 1868 849 Bluntschli— Droit International. Paris, 1870 849b de Reyneval— Institution du Droit de la Nature et des Gens. 2 vols. Paris, 1832 850 Deane— Blockade. London, 1855 851 **. . " . '' 1870 25 Lot No. 852 Lee — Captures. London, 1759 853 Wheaton " New York, 1815 854 Home '' London, 1801 855 Pistoye & Duverdy — Prises Maritinios. 2 vols. Paris, 1869 85G Pratt— Contraband of War. London, 1801 857 Moseley " " London, 1861 858 Stapleton — Intervention & Non-intervention. Lond. I860 859 de Keyneval — Liberte des Mers. 2 vols. Paris, 1811 860 Scriptor de Jure Nautico. Magdeburjjj, 1740 861 Hambro — Maritime Law. Hamburg, 1769 862 Azuni " " 2 vols. New York, 1860 863 Haslitt & Roche — Maritime Warfare. London, 1824 864 Upton " " and Prize 3 ed. New York, 1863 865 de Burgh " Law. London, 1868 866 Jacobsen- .Sea Laws. Baltimore, 1818 867 Cauchy — Droit Maritime Liternational. 2 vols. Paris, 1862 868 " " "2 vols. ^Leipsig, 1856 869 Hautefeuille — Des Droits et Devoirs des Nations Neutres. 3 vols. 2 ed. Paris, 1858 870 Hautefeuille — Droit Maritime. Paris, 1858 871 Hanuay — Maritime Rights and Obligations. Lond, 1862 872 Ortolan Regie International et Diplomatic de la mer. 2 vols. Paris, 1864 873 Weiss — Droit Maritime International. 2 vols. Paris, 1858 874 Molloy de Jure Maritirno et Navale. 3 books in one. 3 ed. London, 1682 875 Cockburn— Nationality. London, 1869 876 Prize Causes. 5 vols. 1756 877 Katchenovsky — Prize Law. London, 1867 878 Prize Tracts. Bound separately. Remembrancer on American Treaty. 1794 Croke on Schlegel, Letters of Sulpinis, Memoire of Northern Confederacy, &c. Azuni. Droit Maritime. 2 vols. Jacobsen Collection. 2 vols. Marten's, Armature's and deStcck's Essays D 26 Lot No. 878 Prize Tracts — continued. Prise 8ur Mer. Pliocion and Randolph's Speeches — Neutral Trade. Comniencouient of Wars ' Al'io' ican Interests. Randolph, Tallyrand & al. Britain Independence of Commerce. Spence tfe al. Madison — Neutral Trade Busch — Seas Schlegl — Cod voys Henninir's Collections on Neutrality Pliiseldet — Danish Neutrality. Letter to Viscount Howe, &c., re Post Offices. Tetens — Belligerents and Neutrals at Sea Consolatio del laare — Prize Law Suppression of Riots — Jones 879 Cushiuo— Treaty of Washington. New. York, 1873 880 Fetherstonehaugh — Ashburton Treaty of 1842. London, 1843 881 Jenkinson— Collection of Treaties. 3 vols. 1648-1784. Jjondon, 1785 882 Geneva Award. London, 1873. With maps 883 Lawrence — Conflict of Foreign Treaties re Marriage. New York, 1871 884 Lawrence — Visitation and Search. Boston, 1858 885 Lendy— The Art of War. New York, 1864 886 Grotius — War and Peace. 2 vols. London, 1715 887 Van Bynkershoek— Law of War. Philadelphia, 1810 888 ThoniDson— " " London, 1854 889 War in Disguise. 3 ed. London, 1806 890 Robinson— On Wars. London, 1798 891 Proudhon— La .Guerre et le Paix. 2 vols. Paris, 1861 892 Martens Guide Diplomatique. 3 vols. 5 ed. Leipsig, 1866 8£'3 Diplomatic Correspondence. 2 vols. Washington, 1865 894 Barton — Freedom of Commerce. Philadelphia, 1802 895 Martin's Causes Celebres du droit des Gens. 5 vols. Leipsig, 1858 896 Reveu de Droit International. Vol.2. Paris, 1869 27 Lot No. 897 Journal du Droit Internatioinil Prive. 4 vols. Pans, 1884-87. 898 Pamphlet?. 2 vols. Historicus on laternational Law Deane on War. The Trent Neutrals and Belligerents The Dutch Ships International Law Americau Neutrality Trial of John Y. Beall Precis Historique Cussy Propriety Priv^. Cauchy. Librar y of the late W. H. KER R, Q.C. CATALOGUE m OP MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. jot A'o. 900 Fleta and Seldon's Dissertation. Loudon, 1G47 901 Smitli— Wealth of Nations. 3 vols. 10 ed. Lond. 1802 902 Draper— Civil Policy of America. New York. 18G5 903 Dunkeley— Charter of the Nations. Lond. 1854 904 Kaincs— Elements of Criticism. 2 vols. Lond. 1788 904a Kanies— Sketches. 4 vols. Edin. 1787 905 Price — Principles of Currency. Lond. 1869 906 Thompson'.s — Social Science. Phila. 907 BoUes' Political Economy. New York, 1874 90S Jevon's " " Lond. 1871 909 Buxton— Ideas of the Day on Policy. 2 ed. Lond. 1866 910 Mills' Autobio^^raphy. New York, 1872 911 Clarcraont's Fortesque de Laudibus Legum Augliae, 1874 912 Sabine's American Loyalists. Boston, 1847 913 Bentham — iMorals and Legislation. 2 vols, in one. Lond. 1823 Defense of Usury, &c. . " 1816 Factique des Assembles Legislatives. 2 vols. Geneva, Plea for the Constitutiou. Lond. 1803 [1816 Chrestomathia. •' 1816 Codification and Public Instruction. Lond. 1817 Special Juries. " 1821 Government or a Comment on the Commentaries. 2 ed. Lond. 1823 Parliamentary Reform. Lond. 1818 Rationale of Reward. " 1825 914 Gentz— State of Europe. 2 ed. Lond. 1803 915 Hii^tory of Anti-Corn Law League. 2 vols. Lond. 1853 916 Niebuhr— History of Rome. 3 ed. Phila. 1844 917 Universal History of Scriptural Principles. 6 vols. Lond. 918 Dawson— The Federalist. New York, 1864 919 Simonde— Commerciale. 2 vols. Geneva. 1803 920 Godwin— Rccherchessur la Population. 2 vols. Paris, 1821 921 Mackay — Navigation. London, 1804 922 Glassford— Scottish Courts of Law. Edin. 1812 28 29 Lot No. 923 Bishop— Every Wouiiin her own lawyer. New York 924 Shaw— Existence and Deity. Montreal, 1872 925 Rush— Memoranda of Court of London. Phila. 1833 ^ . 926 Schrevelli- Cicero. 1 vol. in parchment. Amsterdam 1661 927 Pope— Homer, Odyssey 2 vols. Iliad 3 vols. Illustrated. 928 Mason— on Shakespenr. Lond. 1798 [Lond. 1802 929 Walker— Corpus Poetarum Latinorum. London, 1849 930 Homer— Iliad. London 3 ed. Heyn 931 Franklyn's— Sophocles. 2 vols. London [1859 932 Lite of Douglas Jerrold, by Blanchard Jerrold.^ Boston, 933 Lareau— Littcrature Canadienne. Montreal, 1874 934 de Maries-Marie Stuart. (Illustrated.) Tours 935 Borthwick— History of Montreal Prison. Montreal, 1886 936 Bibaud— Histoire du Canada. Montreal, 1878 937 Pindar — Anacreon. New York, 1837 938 Nobile— Miscellaneous Translations. Toronto, 1883 939 Gibbin-s— Index Expuriratorius Vaticanus. Dublin, 1837 940 David — Biojiraphies. Montreal, 187G 941 Ranke— History of the Popes. 3 vols. Bohns ed. 942 Ockley— " " Saracens. " 943 Lucan— Pharsalia translated by Riley 944 Koightley— Fairy Mythology. 945 Bossuet— Oraisons Funebres 946 Meon— Roman de Renart. 4 vols. Paris, 1826 947 Crabbe— The Borough. A Poem 948 Manuscripts de I'Ancien Abbaye. Paris, 1825 949 Frere— Combined View of the Prophecies. Lond. 1815 950 Roberts— On Billinrds. London 951 Clarke— Memoirs of Shipwrecks. London, 1821 952 Terrific Register. Vol.2.' London, 1825 953 Hawker— Shooting. London, 1854 954 Sporting Magazine. Vols. 35, 37 and 38 London, 1860 9-)5 Prentice. Manchester 2 ed. London, 1851 956 Foreign Relations of the United States. Washington, 1876 957 Valpy — Latin Dictionary. London, 1828 958 Noodt's Discourses, Sovereign power, &c. London, 1781 959 Clavis Horatiana. London, 1823 960 Sketches of Picture Galleries of England. London, 1824 961 M addon's Travels. 2 vols. Phila. 1830 962 Dinarbas. Continuation of Rasselas. 4 ed. London 80 Lot No. 9H::5 Bryiins— Lectures on Niitiral Philosophy. Lond. 1806 904 between Gcrm;uiy ai.d France, Daily News. Lond 1871 9f;5 PunishmcMt ot Deatli. Morninj; Herald. Vol. I. Lond. 1836 966 Somer.set— Christian 'rheolo^7 and Modern Skepticism. New York, 1872 9(57 de Musset — Oeuvrcs. Paris, 1876 968 Paul de Choniedy. Montreal, 1885 969 Rose— Cyclopedia ol' Canadian Biography. Toronto, 1886 970 Gentoo Laws. London, 1781 971 VValde— Select Library. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1841 972 Montai-ue— Essays. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8, Paris, 1825 973 Magasin des Adolescents, parxMde. le Prince de Beaumont. 4 vols. Paris, 1802 974 Esprit de la Ligue. 3 vols. Paris, 1767 975 Goldoni— Comedie. Vols. 1 and 25. Livurnus, 1788 976 Lsbrand— Embassy to China. London, 1698 977 Malthus—Political Economy. London, 1820 978 Sailly— Thesavros Litaniarvm. Paris, 1599 979 Calvin— Commentaries on the Acts. Lyons, 1563 980 Dacier— Horacu-Oeuvres. Vols. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. Paris 1709 981 Poems— Green, Campbell and Rogers. London, 1796 982 Millot— Elemens Hist. France. 2 vols. Paris, 1801 983 Boursault— Theatre. 3 vols. Paris, 1725 984 Lafont— " Amsterdam, 1746 [rare 985 Petrarcha. Canzoniere et triomphi. lU'd— very old and 986 Sieur D.— Oeuvres Pi verses. Paris, 1685 987 Memoirs d'un Homme de Qutdite. Amsterdam, 1756 988 Lords' Protests. Vol. I. London, 1767 989 La Harpe— Correspondence Turque. Paris, 1801 990 Young— Enquiry on Public Mind. London, 1798 991 Anecdotes. London, 1764 992 Aristotelis de Rhetorica. Vol. III. Oxford, 1805 993 Hero King— Lite of Geo. Castriot. New York, 1860 994 Alison — History of Europe. New York, 1842 995 Rollin— Ancient History. Vol. II. Lond. 996 Laws of Nevis. Lond. 1740 997 Dawson — Origin of Laws. Lond. 1694 998 Brown (Sir Thos.)— Works. Lond. 1758 999 Hume— Essays. Lond. 1758 31 Lot No. 1000 Cujiicii— Opera. 4 vols. Frankfort, lo95 1001 Laws of Peiuisylvnnia. Phila. 1742 1002 Contemporary Review. 27-33 inclusive. Lond. 1870-78 1003 International Review. Vols. 3. 4, f). New York, 1876-78 1004 Fortnightly " 21 and 22. T.ond. 1877 1005 Paul's Grecian Antiquities. Oxford, 1834 1006 Barthe— Souvenirs d'un demi Si<^cle. Montreal, 1885 1007 Miscellaneous Pamphlets. 9 vols, bound 1008 New Monthly Ma-az-ine. Vol. 11. Lond. 1824 1009 Quarterly Review. Vol. 35. l.ond. 1827 1010 Stevens — Countrie Fanne. Lond. 1600 1011 Weber' English and German Dictionary. Lond. 1833 1012 East India Register. Lond. 1842 1013 Otto— Girman Grammar. Heidelburg, 1852 1014 Edinb. Mag. Vol, IIL 1759 1015 Madox— Hist, of Exchequer. Lond. 1769 1016 Ainsworth — Eng. Luiin Dictionary 1017 Beawes Lex xMeicatoria. 5 ed. Lond. 1792 1018 Laws of Kings of England Irom Ina to Henry from year 712 A.I), to 1100 A.D. Printed a.d. 1568 1019 Lettresde Change— Girouard. Montreal, 1860 1020 James— Curiosities of Law and Lawyers. Lond. 1882 1021 Lewis— Influence of Authority in matters of opinion. Jjondon, 1875 1022 Cobden Club. Local Govt, and T;ixanon. Lond. 1882 1023 Ouevres Choisis d'Ague^seau. Paris, 1863 1025 American Political Economy. Francis Bowen 1026 The Romance of Trade. H. R. Fox Bourne 1027 Four Lectures on Subjects connected with Diplomacy. Monta-ue Berard, M.A., Prof. Int. Law at Oxford 1028 Villi'ge Communities in the E;ist and West-. Six Lectures delivered by Sir Henry Maine, at Oxford. 2 ed. ^^ 1029 Comparative Politics, with the Unity of History. 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