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J 32X 1 2 3 t 1: :! . !■ r ^^^ i :*■ 4 5 6 01000 "•;•*-. :»''.^V p . \ •' North Biding^of Ha.Uogs| p^jgj^j^ jjQrp J^g j^ j^^^|,y given to the Electors of the Nortl^ Riding of Hastings that in ohe* Twenty-Second day of vSeptcmhei* instant, I require the presence of the said Electors at the TOH^^JV HALL in the Jowuship of Huntingdon in the (bounty of Hastings, on the Eij^hth day of the month of O.f'oftrT, at OIXE o'clock in tlit! nfhM'noon, lor the purpose of electing a person to rcpresont them in tli;^ L v^islutivj Vss'.nMy of this Province; and (hat in casi; a Poll shall Ik; demand-, cd and allovv(!d in the ii!iiui(!r by law prescribed, such Poll will be o""""-' "n the Sixteenth day of the month of ( )ctober next ; v/z : In the Township of Rawdon, in the Tttrn Ifnff, Stirling, do do of Huntingdon, in the Town Hall, of llnngerford, in the Tcmii Hall, '■ of Madoc, including Tudor and Khirar, at thi^ Town Hall, f lastings, of Marmora, including Lake, at Mr Daniel F. JBowen's, Marmora Village, Of all of which every person is herehy required to take notice and govern himself accordingly. Given under my hand, at Belleville this tw«;nty sixth clay of the month «)f Septemlnir, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and tifty-six. J. W. D. MOODIE, Returning Officer,. do do do do do do