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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont film6s en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAie page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaltra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon ie cas: Ie symbols — ►signifie "A SUiVRE", ie symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre fiimis A des tauK de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour itre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant Ie nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 12 3 4 5 6 BY-LAWS or THH HMBOUR COMMISSIOmS ov MOIsTTHEA-L. PASSED 2Ut APBH, 1859- SANCnONED, 31«t MAT, 1859. PRINTED BY JAMES STARKE & CO. 1859. ■> ^. k BY-LAWS PABSBD BT TBI HASBOUE COMffllSSIONESS OF MONTREAL, AT A MEETING DULY HELD AT THE CITY OP MONT- REAL, ON THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OP APRIL, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIPTY-NINB. a/V^'W*'^^'^'^^*^^^^^^^^^^'^^' BOARD REGULATIONS OF THE CORPORA- TION. Article 1.-— A Chairman shall be elected by the Commissioners from among themselves, annually, on the first Monday in January, or at the earliest conve- nient period thereafter ; and shall hold office till the first Monday in the then ensuing January, or till the elec- tion of his successor. Article 2.— The Chairman shall preside at all Meet- ings of the Board, and shall have authority to maintain order and regularity ; but in his absence one of tiie Commissioners shall be chosen by vote to perform his duties ; and during such absence ahall have all the powers hereby conferred upon the Chairman. Article 3.— All Debentures to be issued by the Com- missioners, shall be signed by any three of them ; all checks shall be signed by one Commissioner at least ; and all deeds and other documents whatsoever, shall be executed by the Chairman ; and no debentures, checks, deeds, or other documents shall be binding on the Cor- poration, unless signed and executed in conformity with this By-law ; and then only, provided they are counter- signed or endorsed by the Secretary. Article 4.--Anj three Commissionerg shall be a quorum for the despatch of business. ^r/jc?e 5.~The Corporation shall have no dealinea JZZrl^'^ '''A''''^ "^ ''' °^«°^be« ; nor shall any member thereof bo concerned directly or indirectlv^n any con ract that may hereafter be enUd LTapLi but all such transactions shall hereafter be condS ^^a^d through the Secretary, with the approval of th^ or ts:^„^^^"^s:rrr!4i fer Master, or any person or persons rctSndlr h^„t' s ;si;nth"ar^^^^^^^^^ '' '^^ ^^^^'^^'^ Jer any ^tC ^t ^^^-^.^ ^--ge, p.mpt or ARRIVAL OF VESSELS. ^'^rid^'^^^^'^KJ^^^ or person in charge of every before hJX^l K 1^Y^?'' '^*"' without delay, anS WharfinL^Offi '''^^^^^^^^ ^"^ deliver at the wnarnnger a Office a true and correct report in writino- signed and certified by him, of the arrival of su^hZ' S i^''^lSo.o{ the value thereof, ^f her Tnnl^e" andof her draft of water ; and shall paV all due Tn^s: pect of such vessel and of her cargo, to V Whifinr: such TCs^oI T,r„f u " Corporation m respect of ZrJ ' ' "^ ^" ""«"' ™ »»? P-*™"' voyage may see fit ; and such assignment of a berth may be made by a verbal notice to the Master or person m charge of such vessel ; and either on each trip of such vess3, or for the whole business season. And no vessel shall take up or occupy any berth in the said harbour, unless such berth shall have been assigned to her by . the Harbour Master : provided always that the Harbour Master do assign a berth to such vessel withm twenty- four hours after her arrival in the said harbour. » 1 • ;.,/• ?Ti Colors to be shown Article 9 —The colors of every vessel arriving in ^ntiivcssous reported the said harbour shall be kept flying until the report -a berthea. mentioned in the foregoing By-kws, shall have been made and delivered, as therein provided : and until the Harbour Master shall have allotted a berth to such vessel. , - 'J • Anchorage, or berths Arttde 10.— During the prevalence of any epidemic, ^r voBsete^with aici.. or when there shall be cause to apprehend the spread ''««°'' of any infectious or contagious disease, the Harbour Master shall have power to designate and set apart some certain anchorage, wharf, or place, for every Steamer or other vessel arriving in the said harbour, having on board more than twenty passengers ; where such steamer or vessel shall remain, until such sanitary precautions shall have been used, as shall be appointed in that behalf by a resolution of the Harbour Commis- sioners ; and upon the delivery of a verbal notice of the appointment of such anchorage, wharf, or place, with a copy of such resolution, to the Master or person in charge . of such steamer or vessel, either before, or immediately upon its arrival in the said harbour, such steamer or vessel shall forthwith proceed to such anchorage, whart, or place, and there remain until the terms of such re- solution shall have been fully complied with. Artide 11.— Every vessel entering the said harbour wai«^/„»^fi,ro' shall have a water gauge marked conspicuously and ac-showuou every, cu'rately on her stem and stern ; and her name painted on the stern, bow, or quarter, so as to be easily dis- cerned from the wharf; and the tonnage of eaxsh river n»me, veB- 6 craft entoring the said harbour shall be out into the face of the foresido of the beora, fonning the after part of the main hatch, in figures not less than four inches in length, in such a manner as to be visi- ble from the deck. whicTTosTote'with Article 12.— No vessel having more than twenty-five toroKe Sibo'^' Ppun vo«hoi Artide 15.— m tne even, oi i""/^ tn the orders '•""-""Bbik authority rerson or persons on board of any vessel to tne oraers Ke Harbour Master to remove the same, under the nowe^ coierred unon him by the last preceding sec- Jbn Ser sucrresistance be active or passive ;^t Z\\ J lawful for the Harbour Master to take ^Bses- Jion of such vessel, and to remove the same , and he shall have the power of employing a sufficient ^m^er of men for that purpose at the expense of the Master^ owner or person in charge of sucli vessel, to aid bim iZl^g Buch removaf ; and shall l^^/^ "g^*^f, moor, anchor, or make fast, such vessel at such other place as he shall see fit. a J- Rafts, cribs, floating Artide I6.-N0 raft, crib, "t^^^TA.? A^ anv S^ss -^^^^ timber, shall be or remain attached or secured to any g^,i,„„ faster, wharf or to any part of the beach, in said harbour, withoit the exp4sWBBion of the Harbour Master ; lid i wespective of the penalty hereafter provided fbr, . , SeCK Master shall have the power without a^y notice to any person whomsoever, to cut adrift any ratt, oKt bottom, or timber, which shall be so attached w s^c^ed without his permission ; and such raft, crib, ^fbStom! or timber s^ cut adrift BhalHhere.f tor c^^^^ Sue to be and remain at the Proper nsk of the ^wners fhfireof respectivelv. And no raft, crib, ratt bottom, or timC^hall, under any circumstences whatever, ^cupy a berth in the said harbour above the Victoria SJr be anchored in the stream within the limits of the said harbour. Ariu^ 17.-rNo vessel shall anchor within the limits v^-oi, shau n^t^aj^ of the said harbour in such a place or position a^ to pasBaga. prevent a free and unobstructed passage for all other. ?eS to and fro in the said harbour ; and to and from Ihe L^cMne Canal, or any wharf in the sadd harbour. 8 ^w''t"e "* 'tT' •^'''^^^ 18. — No hawser or rope shall be run or fast- faaicned!^ "*"* "ened across any part of the harbour, excepting for the express purpose of hauling a vessel in, or out, im- mediately, or for the purpose of hauling a vessel off the ground ; in which cases the hawser or rope shall be slackened in order to give a free and uninterrupted pas- sage to any other vessel that may require to pass. anchor out, ui^^ to Article 19. — Vessels lying at any wharf, or within hauiouiorin. ^ tier, within the limits of the harbour, shall not have an anchor out, except for the purpose of immediately hauling in or out. how same must bo Article 20. — The shore fastenings of every vessel made fast. within the harbour, shall be attached to the rings placed on the outer edges of the wharves, or to mooring posts, and shall not in any manner cross or traverse the said wharves, or be attached to any lamp post or to any matter or thing on the wharves, other than those spe- cially provided for that purpose. JKs to^void Qo. ^rtide 21.— All vessels lying at the wharves within tog^damago to each the harbour, shall have their yards topped up, their booms and outriggers rigged in, their jibbooms rigged in as far as practicable, their studding sail boom irons taken off, their sprit sail yards laid fore and aft, and their anchors secured,^so as to avoid doing damage to other vessels. &of vSiJS ^ -^''^*^^ 22.— When two or more vessels are lying at inauer. the Same wharf, one outside of another, a free and un- incumbered passage over the decks of those nearest the wharf, shall be allowed to those lying outside of them, as well for loading or unloading such outside vessel or vessels, as for the purpose of ordinary communication with the shore; provided such outside vessels have gangways of their own, extending to the wharf over the decks of the vesdels nearest thereto. 9 Article 23.— No Master or other person in charge of, ^;;j*^»te^»/„J^K or on board of, any vessel within the said harbour, to out nouce. which any other vessel shall be made fast by any rope, hawser, or chain, shall cut or cast off such rope, hawser or chain ; or cause or permit the same to be cut or cast off, without giving ample and distinct notice of the intention so to do, to the Master or person in charge of ^e^ vessel so made fast. Artide 24.— Every steam vessel, at any of thes|^^«j^tohay«^^^^ wharves in the said harbour, or at any landing place at mght on gangways, within the limits of the same, shall provide a good and sufficient gangway from such steam vessel to such wharf or landing place ; with ridge ropes on both sides, supported by wooden or iron stancheons, not less than three feet high ; for the use of persons going and com- ing from 'on board such steam vessel : and on dark nights a light provided by such vessel, shall be placed on every such vessel near such gangway, so that such gangway maybe seen clearly from the wharf, and from on board such vessel. Arttde 25.— All steam vessels, except those using ^"•J'iheiJ^hiin- coal for generating steam, shall, while within the limits ni~. of the said harbour, have wire caps fitted over their chimnies so as to prevent sparks issuing therefrom ; the interstices of which caps shall not be more than one quarter of an inch square. Jrtide 26.— Any vessel aground within the said harbour shall shew three bright white lights over that side or end of such vessel, nearest which, other vessels must approach in passing her. VESSELS LOADING AND UNLOADING. Artide 2T.-Raft3 or cribs loaded with boards. un^dJnRof^^re.^^^ planks, firewood, or other lumber, shall not be permitted to remain in the berths assigned to them, unless the unloading of the cargo thereof be commenced im- mediately, and diligently and continuously proceeded 10 Working day.s for witb, and, wheii anloading firewood alongside of any .Oil lug uud uu oad- ^^,jjj^^.|-^ j^^ ^YiQ rate of not less than twenty-five cords per, day. Article 28. — Vessels arrivino; in the harbour with cargo shall be allowed for unloading as follows : — ". Two working days for fifty tons of cargo, or less than fifty tons. Three working days for over fifty tons of cargo and not exceeding one hundred tons. One working day additional .for every fifty tons of cargo ex- ceeding one hundred tons. And for loading : — One working day for fifty tons, or under. Two working days, for over fifty tons, and under one hundred tons. One working day additional for every fifty tons of cargo exceeding one hundred tons : provided always that vessels that shall be discharged, or loaded, in a shorter time, or that shall have ceased discharging or loading from any cause, shall not be entitled to retain their berths, should the Harbour Master see fit to order them to remove : and provided also that on application to that effect the Harbour Master shall have the power, if he sees fit, to extend such time for a further period to be named by him. VcsselH unloailiriR, must providii good stages. Arlide 29. — Vessels loading or unloading, whether on the wharves, or into lighters, or into any other kinds of vessels, shall have a good tight stage or spout, in order to prevent any portion of their cargo from falling into the water. i1>rSt°of"aVarTo; ^rtlch 30.— Boards, planks, oars, staves, fire wood, fi?owomrbaiiHst*'to ' ^'^^ ^^^ lumbcr whatsoever, and all ballast, rubbish, to 1)0 coiivoj ofi away rcfuso matter, cinders, or ashes, or other things not as Boon as landed, forming part of the cargo of any vessel, landed on any ., . . wharf in the said harbour, or on the beach thereof, shall be conveyed away as fast as landed, by the master or person in charge of the vessel, from on board of which such substances shall have been landed ; and a like penalty to that hereinafter provided, for the breach of 11 lOr iiiu oa the foregoing portion of this By-law, shall be incurred for every period of twenty-four hours during which such effects, or lumber, ballast, rubbish, refuse matter, cinders, ashes, or other substances, shall continue to remain on such wharf or beach, as the case may be, after being landed thereon. ■ Article 3I.-N0 goods or cargo of any kind (other J;;-;'>-';;;^.^:i than of those kinds mentioned in the last foregoing tuo wharvu.. Bv-law), landed from any vessel; and no goods or cargo, and no ballast, placed upon any whart in said harbour, or upon the beach thereof, to be shipped on board of any vessel ; shall be allowed to remain upon " such wharf 'or beach, for a longer period than twenty- four hours, after being landed or P\aced there ; and a like penalty to that hereinafter provided, for tuo breacU of the foregoing portion of this By-law, shall be in- curred for every period of twenty-four hours, during which such goods, cargo or ballast, shall continue tore- main upon such wharf or beach, as the case may be, Tfter the expiration of the period of twenty-four hoi^rs hereinbefore allowedfor their removal ; Prov^^ed always ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ihif the water casks belonging to any vessel may do ,„„i^,r aiders of the Dlaced upon the wharf at such place, and for such time, na..o«r Master. £ mly be fixed by the Harbour Master ; but at the ex- ^irSof such Le shall be held to be within the provisions of the last foregoing By-law. -I J- 7x, QO K!n fronds shall be so placed on any how goods must bo Article oJi. J->0 gOOUa audxi ""^ °^ Y „ -1 placed on the wharves wharf in said harbour, or on the beach thereot, as to rbsTructthe thoroughfare thereon, under the penalty here nafter provided for the breach of any By-law, and it- sTpla /shall be removed forthwith by the owner or person in charge thereof, upon the orders of the Harboui Master to that effect, under a further like pen- nUv And no goods whatever shall be placed upon any wSrf, nearer tS the edge thereof than eight feet there- from • and no cattle or live animals shall be al owed to ^^^,,^^^^^^^^^^^,, remain on any wharf or beach for a longer period than , th^ee hours, and t iu,n only under the control and man- lament of competent drivers, and persons m char^ thereof. I- ou the wharves. 12 Barbonr Master my Article 33. — In the event of the breach of either of ttXing'on th^ "' the last three foregoing By-laws, or of any part of either 'i^ntilnot'ih^%.o^ ttem, it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to i*w«. remove, or cause to be removed, any boards, planks, oars, staves, firewood, lumber, ballast, rubbish, cinders, ashes, or refuse matter, or other thing, not forming part of the cargo of any vessel, or any goods or cargo which shall remain on the wharf or on the beach of said harbour, longer than it or they are permitted to do by the said last three foregoing By-laws, or by any of them ; and such removal shall be so made at the cost and charges of the owner or consignee of such effects, or of the Master or person in charge of the vessel from which they shall have been landed, at the option of the Harbour Commissioners ; and such costs and charges and any further or other reasonable costs and charges, in respect thereof, and of the custody and safe keeping thereof, and all penalties incurred in respect thereof shall be a lien upon such effects ; which shall not be de- livered up by the Harbour Commissioners to any person whomsoever, until all such costs, charges and penalties be paid. And notwithstanding such removal, such effects shall continue to be at the risk of the owners thereof, and if the costs and charges thereon, and all penalties due in respect thereof be not paid, and such effects taken away, by the owners thereof, or their repre- sentatives, within thirty days after such removal ; such effects may be sold by public auction, for the benefit of whom it may concern, and the Harbour Commissioners shall only be accountable in respect of such effects for the nett proceeds of such sale, less all such costs, charges, and penalties. bSZSdVS^ ^^^^^^ 34 —No gunpowder shall be landed or ship- ^'^ ed m the said harbour above the part of said harbour where the wharf formerly stood, which was known as Gilbert's Wharf. And it shall be in the power of the Harbour Commissioners, by a resolution to be passed for that purpose, to prevent any gunpowder from being landed or shipped higher up than any other point below such wharf: which point shall be designated in such resolution. 18 . Artkh 35.-N0 gunpowder shall be landed until g;^"^^*". i"^;*-* there be on the wharf, a suitable vehicle in readiness laadad. there, to convey it away ; and in such case, no greater quantity shall be landed, than shall be sufficient to load such vehicle once, until such quantity so landed, shall be taken away in such vehicle. Artwl^ 36.— No gunpowder shall be brought <»» or Gunpowder, m^^^^^^ placed upon any wharf for shipment, unUl the veSsel shipped. in which it is to be shipped shall be ready to receive it immediately on board ; and only one cart load thereot shall be brought to such wharf at one time ; and no second cart load shall be brought to such wharf, or placed thereon, until the last previous cart load, shall have been placed on board of such vessel. Artide 37.-N0 gunpowder shall be conveyed to^jjer^nTV- or from any vessel, in an open boat, unless it be com- pletely covered with tarpauling or other suitable covering ; and no person on board of such boat shall smoke, nor shall any fire be used therein, for any pur- pose whatever. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Artu^ 38.— The Master, or person in charge, of any HatgjwB5.^'j«»eiB vessel, lying alongside of any of the Wharves, or ad- hatches or gratings, loining to any other vessel, shall cause her hatchways to be securely and completely covered with hatehes or gratings, immediately after the work of loading or un- loading, as the case may be, shall have been finished for the day ; and shall cause the same to remain so covered until the tim. when the work shall recommence in the morning. ArtuHe 39.-No fixes shall be used, or suffered to re- ^If^Ti^^lSt main alight, on board of any vessel in the said harbour, be kept. except in close cambooses of iron or other ^etal, or ot bnck or stone, when made on deck, or in stoves ot simi- lar materials when under deck; and when made on deck, such fires shall not be lighted before sun-rise, and shall be extinguished at sun-set : provided always, that 14 LiRhtq allowed on board vossols, when and how. Boiling of pitch, tar grease, Sic, &c. fires necessary for generating steam, may at any time be made on board of any steam vessel, with a competent person as a watch on board. Article 40.— No light shall be allowed, after the hour of ten of the clock, P.M., on board of any vessel lying in the said harbour, except only in the cabin thereof, and then only under the constant supervision of some person in attendance ; but this By-law shall not be held to apply to vessels arriving or departing, or load- ing or unloading, after the said hour. Article 41.~No person whatsoever shall boil or heat tar, pitch, turpentine, rosin or grease, or cause the same to be boiled or heated, for grading or breaming vessels, or for any other purpose, in any vessel, or on a»y part of the wharves, beaches, or jetties, in the said liarbour, except in such places as the Harbour Master may point out ; and in every case, a proper person shall be placed in charge of the pot or kettle in which the same may be boiling or heating, provided with a shovel, and a suflacient cover, for instantly extinguishing any fire arising from the ignition of such tar, pitch, tu'rpen- tine, rosin, or grease ; and for extinguiphing completely the original fire, when the purpose for which it was kindled shall be accomplished : and no vessel shall be graded or breamed within the limits of the said harbour, without the permission of the Harbour Master. oif the'^^harTCs witJi- Article 42. — No person shall make or dress any out permission. masts Or spars, or do any carpenter's work, on any of the wharves, beaches or jetties in the said harbour, except with the express permission of the Harbour Master previously obtained, and at such place as he shall have designated for the purpose. fvor'"to*r'thTown ^^'^'^^^ 43.— No ballast, coals, ashes, cinders, hay into the water in the OF straw, or matter Or thing whatsoever, shall be thrown Stob^d.'ulur'^al"f^'0^ .any vessel whatsoever, or by any person whomso- ever, mto the water m the said harbour, and no placards or bills shall be stuck on any of the walls within the Harbour limits, or any disfigurement whatsoever, caused thereto. as Article 44.-N0 person or persons shall place, pjle,{j,<>,ff Jl^,fr uf, or deposit, any stone3,dirt, rubbish, snovr, ice, or other w...vos.«r r^^^^^ matter or thins whatsoever, upon the revetment wall, pueoa by imrmu^ion, or upon any of the wharves or jetties in the said harbour, on tuo ice. or upon any pai-t of the beach thereof, or upon the roads or open spaces therein, or upon the ice thereon in winter, except in the latter case, in such place as may be desig- nated for that purpose by the Harbour Master, or the Ilarbour Engineei ; and for every twenty-four hours during which the same shall remain upon such wharf, ietty, beach, road, open space or ice, a further penalty shall be incurred by such person or persons, to the same amount, as that to which he or they are subjected, for the breach of the first portion of this By-law. 1 11 i. • ^„ Rcpilatlons for cnti j^,,'fjp 45 No person or persons shall cut ice, or tu,. lo, and making M-VllCVe "iO. XI w pu*^v.". r 4.V,r.Y.r.rin roads on ico. Penalty make anv hole in the ice, or make any roaa tnereon,^^^.„j^^i„gpi„tet3ot Tr occupy the same in any manner, within the limits of otuer .ar... the saidLrbQur, except at such place or pl-^^s thei.^^^^ as shall be allotted and designated by the Harbour Master or the Harbour Engineer, for those purposes re- Tc ively ; and no person or persons shall convey away, Tstroy, iujure, or deface, any pickets, or other marks, pkced on the ici, for the purpose of indicating the limits Sn which such road or roads may be made, or ico cu or within which any rubbish, snow, or ice, may be deposited ; or shall destroy, iniure, deface, or carry away, any Tckets, or other marks placed on the ice by the Harbour Engineer, in the.^performance of his duty. Lote may be leased Article 46.-The Wharfinger shall have P^J^r, on cor j.ow^^^^^^^^^ behalf of the said Harbour Commissioners, and under their directions, to allot, let, or lease, any space or por- tion of any of the wharves, piers, or vacant ground, nThe said^arbour, for the piling thereon of firewood or other lumber, or of other articles, subject to such 1 ate of char<^es, and for such time or times, as may from time ?o time be fixed, by the Harbour Commissioners ; and such alio ment or letting shall be evidenced only by a ."eimit, signed bf th^ Wharfinger ;wn^^^^^^^^^ permit shall in all cases be exhibited to the Harbour 16 Master, or to any other OflSccr of the said Corporation, by the person holding or using any such space or por- tion, on the first demand of such Harbour Master, or other Officer ; and if such wood or other articles be al- lowed to remain on such lot or lots for twelve hours after the expiration of the time denoted in such permit, without a renewal of same, at the Wharfinger's office, '' such wood or other articles shall be liable to be removed, by the Harbour Master, in the manner provided by Article No. 33, of these By-laws, and without any notice being given, either verbally, or in writing, by the Harbour Master, to the party owning, or representing the same. Ught-boMes, buoyg, Arttde 47. — ^If any floating light, light house, buoy, to bSrfe"eS''wi?S! ^^acon, or other mark, placed or to be placed in any part of the said harbour, or within its limits, shall be re- moved, carried away, destroyed, or injured, by any ves- sel, or raft, or by any person or persons, whomscever : the same shall be replaced or repaired, as the case may be, by the Master, owner, or person in charge of such vessel, or raft, or by such person or persons, forthwith, and within forty-eight hours from such removal, des- truction, or injury ; failing which, such Master, owner, or person in charge, person or persons, shall incur the g malty hereinafter fixed for the breach of any of these y-laws ; and shall also be bound to pay to the said Harbour Commissioners, the expense of such replace- ment or reparation, as shall be necessary in the premises. 11 > DEPARTURii OF VESSELS. Vessels mnst report outward cargo and outward cargo and '^rlicU 48.--No vcssel shall Icavo the harbour until KKour "*''■ *H ^^^^^ ^^ P®^^°^ '^^ "^^^^^ thereof, shall have toade and delivered at the Wharfinger's Office, a full and cor- rect report in writing, signed and certified by him, of her outward caigo, with the description thereof in detail, and its value ; and also of her draft of water ; and un- til all dues on such vessel, and on her cargo, and all penalties incurred thereby, or by the Master or person in charge thereof, and all costs and charges with which such vessel or the Master or person in charge thereof shall be chargeable towards the Harbour Commis- sioners, shall have been fully paid. or th ca Vf 61 a a d i f 1 17 VEHICLES. Arlide '^^9 ^No person shall drive a horse or horses If^l*^ Z to'mov* on any of the wharves, or on any of the ramps leading to a^f -,,,th- -aiw, the wharves, at a quicker motion than a walk ; and all ja.p --t^^^ - carts, trucks, and other vehicles going to or from any g„j„g. vessel in the harbour, shall take the ramp nearest to Buch vessel. , It. 1™. 1, «o»f No vehicle to obatruot Article 50. — No omnibus, cab, caleche, trucK, can, ^^y ^harf or pior- or vehicle whatsoever, shall be permitted to stand onana no^arwer^im- anv wharf or pier in the said harbour, in such a manner ger or other person. as to obstruct the passage to and fro, upon such whart or pier,— or to or from any vessel arriving or lying at, or departing from, such wharf or pier ; nor shall any driverof any such vehicle, or any other person, obstruct, importune, or annoy, any passenger or person landing from, or embarking on board of, any vessel in said har- bour. Article 51 — No omnibus, cab, caleche, cart, truck, Jfo ^l^f'^^„^eg '"p. or vehicle whatsoever, shall stand or remain on the p^««^ to^ -y^ «jeam wharf in front of any steam or other vessel, or on any parting. ramp leading to such wharf, on the arrival or departmre of any steam or other vessel ; but the entire spaxjc be- tween the whole length of such steam or other vessel and the revetment wall, shall be left free and unob- structed by such vehicles, both previous to and after the arrival of such vessel. Article 52. — No omnibus, cab, caleche, cart, truck, J^R|J»«°°8j;j^igta„4 or vehicle whatsoever, shall stand or remain on the wh^rr «.d^ the.r ap- Island Wharf, on the arrival or departure of any steam- and store-houaes. er within ten feet of the shed or store-house erected bv the Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Company : nor shall they stand or remain on the said wharf or any other wharf so as to obstruct or impede the passage, or 'wav. to or from the said shed or store-house, or to or from any shed or store ^ -use that may be erected on any other whar£ m Drirers of vehideB Article 53. — Everv person in charge of a horse or shall remain beside . n i. ■ i j i. i_ «_ their horses until call- horses, or 01 any vehicle drawn by a horse or horses, fnVor'dtecTargta'r'* ^^^^^ remain beside such horse or horses, except when such vehicle. loading or discharging such vehicle, and shall not then leave them so far as that they shall be beyond his con- trol ; and no cabman or driver of any 'omnibus or other vehicle on any wharf or pier in said harbour, shall leave such vehicle on any pretence whatsoever, until he shall have been called and his vehicle engaged. FINES AND PENALTIES AND THEIR COLLECTION. Article 54. — ^Every person, in whatsoever capacity he may be acting, who shall violate or infringe any of the By-laws hereinbefore contained, and passed this day, or any part or portion of any one of them, shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds currency. Artide 55. — Every person, m whatsoever capacity he may be acting, who sha.l fail or neglect to obey any one of the aforesaid By-laws, or any portion of any onia of them, shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds currency. Article 56. — The Master, or person in charge, of any vessel, which shall violate or infringe, or fail or neglect to obey, any one of the aforesaid By-laws, or any part or portion of any one of them ; and the master, or person in charge, of any vessel in the conduct and man- agement of which, any one of the said By-laws, or any part of any one of them, shall be violated, infringed or disobeyed, shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds currency. Artide 57. — In the event of the contravention, or neglect to obey, any of the foregoing By-laws having reference to the landing or shipping of gunpowder, the landing or shipping, as the case may be, of each keg or package of gunpowder, shall be a separate offence, and shall give rise to a separate penalty of five pounds, against the offending party. 19 Artide 58.^The owner of any cargo, lumber, or effects, or of any matter or thing whatever, landed from any v;88el ; in respect of which cargo lumber or effects, mJtter or thing, there shall be any violatjon or mfr^^^^^^^^^ ment of, or disobedience to, any one ^^/^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ By-laws, or of any part of any one of them , shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds. Article 59.— The owner, or person in charge of, any goods, lumber, or other effects, deposited for shipment on any wharf, or elsewhere, in the said harbour ; in re- Zc?of which goods, lumber, or efl^ts, there shall be aS^y violation or infringement of, or disobedience to any one of the aforesaid By-laws, or of or to any part of any one of them ; shall be subject to a penalty of five pounds. ' ArttcZe 60.-Any person who shall be convicted of infringing any of the said By-laws, or any of the proSe of tie Statutes now in force in this f>rovince providing for the management and improvement of the Sarbour of Montreal, and the deepening of the Sbp Channel between the said harbour and the Port ot Quebec ; and who shall be condemned to the payment of any Ucuniary penalty for such intnngement ; and who shSlmake^ default in the payment of such pecu- niaJv penalty, and of the costs of such conviction, may KprTsonSfora period of thirty days, unless the atnount of such penalty and costs be sooner paid. INTERPRETATION. AHicU 61.-Theword « vessel" when made use of m the foregoing regulations, is to be understood as com- l^heSg and leaning rafts and every other descrip- tbn of flofting vessel ; the words « working da,ys" are to be understood as comprehending and meaning days onww'h work can legally ^^ ^^^^^ 'Jh J!^v "owner" shall comprehend and mean a part owner or owners; Hie words "Harbour Master" shall com- prehend and mean the Deputy Harbour Master also; the wS^^goods " shall be understood as comprehending 20 lumber, firewood, ballast and merchandize of any des- cription, together with all kinds of live stock ; and when more persons than one are hereinbefore made subject to any penalty, in the disjunctive, the said Corporation shall have the option of proceeding for such penalty against such one of such persons as the said Corporation may see fit. Article 62.— All By-laws passed by the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, prior to this date, shall be and are hereby repealed, except so far as they may be necessary to enable the said Corporation to collect any dues or penalties that may have accrued thereunder, or to continue any action at law that may be pending, or to commence or continue any action at law for oflFences thereunder ; and except also in so far as they repealed all By-laws, orders, rules and regulations made by the Trinity House of Montreal, for the regulation and man- agement of the aflfairs of the Harbour of Montreal. I hereby certify, that the foregoing By-Laws, numbered from 1 to C2 inclusive, are respectively the copies of the By-Laws of The Harbour Commissioners of Mortreal, duly made ai.c ■ nA at a Meeting of the said Corporation, held at Mont Jl, oa the 21st day of April, 1859, and sanctioned and confirmed by His Excellency Sir Edmund Walker Head, Governor General of British North America, &c., & &c., on the 3l8t day of May, 1859, md r-tsblishec? in " The Canada Gaxettef published by " authority ;' ^a tne 11th day of June, 1859. In witness whereof, I have signed this certificate, and ap- pended the seal of the said Corporation hereto, this 14th day of June, 1859. ALEX. CLERK, To the Harbour Commissioners of Montrtdl. /