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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too targe to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the uppor left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmAs d des taux de reduction diffArents. Lor^que Ie document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmi A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, di gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nomhre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 WITjH TjHE (OnPLiriENTS OF THE I I oncrarn >Huh nq OF THE !l|0p} ianabian ^nt\{ ihik t f ^^ ^oyal 6ai]adiari Yaclit 61 ub ■«»<i»^s/Q^\.»i>>~- STATION-TORONTO, CANADA 1^1 f f By-Laws and Sailing Rules. Established, 1854. Incorporated 4th March 1868. .Date of Admiralty Warrant, lOth July, 1873. T R O N T O : THE COPP, CLARK COMPANY, LIMITED, 18 9 0. 1 «( ^ •> «■ /^ c:? r d^ CONTENTS. — • — Paok OKKrCRRS FOR 1890... 7 Act of Incorporation 9 Flags 10 Uniforms Admiralty Warrant Jo Instructions as to Warrants j3 Useful Information ,» Constitution Sailing Regulations o, Timr Allowanck 41 Time Allowance Tables 43 Members 45 l^Lf. lfS<^ ^ ^im i. .■i'.« - i <J l » »J!) w i itui" ' i i | . |it i » '» t w nm^i mtmmmmmmmm OFFICE-BEARERS, 1390. ilatioue : His Royai. Higiinkss tue Prince of Wales. His Royal Hkjiiness the Duke ok His Excellency the Goveknok-Oenekal of Canada. CTominobor C : A. R. BOSVVELL, E.S(|. 13ii*e-Commoborc : Thos. McGavv, Es(j. (!ra|jtaiu : C. A. B. Brown, Esq. S. Bruce Harman, Esq. (Eommitlcc of Jttanagcmmt F. Arnoldi. Hume Blake, g. boulton. A. M. COSHY. G. E. Evans. J. MiTCHINSON. L. V. Percival. A. PiDDINGTON. J. E. Robertson. R. F. Srui'ART. <;^90i6tant ^wretari) : Jeffery Foin, Town Club House. AN ACT To Incorporate the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Whoreas the persons liereiiiafu-r named, with a hirj^a- number ol others in 'I'oronto, and elsewhere, in the dominion of C'anachi, have assoeiated tliemselves for the e^tahlishmriit of a t hil>, for the juirpose of eiicoura^in}; N'aeht Ihiildinj^ and Sailinj; in t'anadian Waters, and have )>rayed to he incorporated l>y the name of "The Royal C'athidian \'acht C lul)," having been [»erinitted l^y Her Most (Iracious Majesty to assume the style of " Koyal " ; a!id it is ex|)edient to tyrant their prayer: Therefore Her Majesty, by and « it h the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly i»f Ontario, enacts as follows: — 1. Kdwin M. Ilodder, (ieorge 11. Wyatt, 15. R. Clarkson, 11. L. I lime, and William Arnistroni;, l',s(piires, the Otlicers, and such other persons as now are or herealler shall bect)me meml)ers of the said Association, shall be and are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in deed and in name, by the name of "The Royal Canadian Yacht Club," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal, and shall have power, from time to time, to alter, renew, or change such common seal, at their pleasure, and shall by the same name, from time to time and at all times hereafter, be a!)le and capable to purchase, accjuire, hold, possess, and enjoy, and to have, take, and receive to them and their successors, such lantls, tenements, and hereditaments, and real and immovable property and estate, situate, lying and being within the City of Toronto, as may be necessary for the actual use or (occupation of the ('orporalion as a Ciub-1 louse and dependencies ; and the same to sell, alienate, and dispose of whens(<- ever the said Corporation may deem it proper so to do : and by the same name shall and may be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, implead anti be impleaded, answer and I'C answered unto in any manner whatsoever : antl the constitution, rules and regulations now in force, touching the admission and expulsion of members, ami the management and comluct generally of the affairs and concerns of the said Association, in so far as they may not be inconsistent with the laws of this Province, shall be the constitution, rules, and regulations of the said Corporation, provided always that the said Corporation may from time to time, alter, repeal, and change such constitution, rules, and regulations of the said Corporation. _ ,„; ,^, ,,v 2. All properly and effects ncnv owned by or held in trust for the said Association, are hereby vested in the said Corporation, and shall be applied solely to the maintenance of the said Corporation. 9 : i I 10 3. No n)cinl)(.>i' of the Corporation sliall l)e li.ihic for any of the flrlils llierrof lieyoiid a sum which sh.ill l»c' c<|iial t') thf amount of the orii^inal fnliaiuc fci', ami I'lc annual snl»scri|)ti( iis which may remain un|iai(l hy sU(h Picinlui ; ami any nu-nihcr ,>f the (lull, not hi-injjr in arrears, may retire tlu'relnun, and shall cease to he such niemher, on j,'iving notice to that el'fecl, in such form lis may he ri(|uiretl l»y the hy-huvs thereof, and ihereafler shall he wholly free from liahilily for any <h'ht or enj^aj^ements of the Cluh. 4. Il shall he lawful for the said Corporation to issue slock to such extent as they may deem necessary, not exceedinij, in the ^}^},'ref^ate, the sum of Thirly Thousand I )ollars, in shares of Fifty hollars each; such stock to he suhscrilied for in a hook to he opened for that purjutse, hy a Committee of ihe said Cluh, and to he paid up in such mamier, and within such time, as may he determined Ity the said Committee. 5. The funds arising; fr(»m such stock shall he applied exclusively to the purehase of lands or hiiildin.'^s, for or to the erection of a Cluh- I louse and dependencies, and o( hirnishinj^ the same. 6. The shares «)f such stoc!; shall he assij^nahle hy delivery and surrender t)f the certificates to he issued to the holders of sucii shares, respectively, and hy assij^p.ment on the hooks of the Corporation. 7. The holder of such slock, duly paid up, shall he i proprietor of an undivided share of the real estate of the Corporation, and of the l)uildin{,fs thereon to he erected, cind shall he exempt hoin all lial)ility l)eyond the extent of the struck he shall aciually liold. 8. It shall he com|)etenl to the said Corporatioi. to pay off so much of the said slock, from time to time, as the Conniiittee may deem desirahle ; the share or shares, so to he paid off, to he selected hy the said Commiltee hy hallot. 9. The said Cor|)or.ition shall make and furnish to the Lieutenant- Governor and to the Leijislalive Assemhly of the i'rovince of (3ntario during the hrst fifteen days of the lirst Session thereof, in each and every year, a full and unreserved statement of the affairs of the said Company, and of its fund.s, property and securities. FLAGS. The Cluh Flatj shall he a hlue lUirgee, with a white cross, a crown in the upper s(|uare, and a heaver in the lower — hoth yellow — and shall he hoisted at the mastdiead. Pattern to he as follows : triangular, not less than three feet lonu; hy two feet in luff. Kach hoat shall he provided with a Distini^uishini; Flag of the same size and shape, and of such pattern as the owner may select. The Cluh Ensign shall he hlue, with the crown in the Hy. With the view of assimilating the practice of the Royal Canadian Yaclu Cluh to the usage of all other Yacht Cluhs, the hoats of the Cluh, when sailing in any organizeil meeting, shall he at lilierty to hoist the following flags only, viz., the Cluh Flag, the Distinguishing Flng, the Otiicial Flag, and the lilue Ensign. The Conunodoie's Flag shall he five feet long hy two feet six inches wide — /vV./, with yellow crown in centre ; the Vice-Commodore's Flag, the 4 FfT^i»S"T«P'»^.'"' ■'■•^^mm^'mrw i^,^ ■ i^ i'-j^fis^'j^. fmsm 'It^ for any of the "'i- .imoiinr of iiii- '•icli may iviiiaii, '"'•. not Ix'inj^r i„ J^i'tli iiUMiil,(.r, ,,„ ' IV<jUilt'.| ],y the 'loni liahility for vsuc «iock to siiih n the n'^f^rviraiv, ly I><'llai.s each; for (ha( |»in|), '" Mich niaiiiier, il Coinniittee. •'1 I'xcliisivel) to "•"' of a Cluh- l>y delivery and Of sucii shares, J'oration. I pr(j|)rietor of f>", and of the >"i all liahility ly off so much tee may deem '>e selected hy 'L' Lieutenani- ce of Ontario in each and s of the said f^'^s, a crown yellovA — and •• triany^ular, 'oat shall he liape, and of liall he blue, tlie practice other Yacht ^ed meeting, Club Flag, '^^ign. The hes wide — • l^'lag, the n same shape and dimensions, It^/iih' with hlue crown in centre ; the ('aplain's, ('o,, do., />7i/f, with white ciuwn in centre. The I,ake Yacht Uncin^ Association's cmie of signals has het-n adopted l»y the Club. UNIFORM. Tlu" Clult unif(.rm shall he a dark Mne jacket with ('lui> buttons, white or blue doth waislc«)at, iilack frowst rs and black lie : the jacket to have a falling collar, double breast, eiglil buttons on each sitje, four buttons on the cuffs, with gold braid, lining black ; blue cap and badge, of the pattern of the Koyal 'Ihames \ A ., and a badge on each shoulder as follows : Commoclore, Crown and Anchor on Crowfoot (gold); Vice-Commodore, Crown on do.: Captain, Anchor on do.; Secretary-Treasurer, two «iri| os of }.;old lace, three braids in each ; (undress) officer's coat, two stripes of three braids, each i}4 >n. long, and ^,4 in. between each stripe on each shoulder ; the dress uniform shall be a blue tailed coat, double breasted, rolling collar, lapels to side pockets, with three large buttons on each, six buttons on each side, lining white silk ; black cloth trowsers and black lie. COVERNMKNT IIoUSK, (^UEHKC, Al'GUST 41 H, 1854. Sir, — I am commanded by the Clovernor-(]encral to iafornt you that Ilis Kxcellency has received a dis|iatch from Her Majesfy'j, .Sccietary of Slate for the Cohmies, stating that he has laid before the Queen the Petition of the numbers of the I'anadian N'aeht Clul), praying that !ler Majesty would be j>leased to permit them to assume the style 01 " Koyal " ; aiwl that Her Majesty was graciously j)leased to comply with their prayer. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient .servant, [Signed] AUO. T. John Ettrick, Esq,, Secretin y, C. V. C, TORONT(J, C. W, 1 1 A. MILTON, Mil. Secy. ^ / 'If ! ' i!i 'II • i;,£- mmmmmma iaMMa »mtmmm-,-i%miwxmm^''-%'ki^J?i^m' mmm«lMm'sii!^ WARRANT By the Commissioners for Execntmi^ the Office of Lord Hii^h Admiral of the United Kiui^dom of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. Whereas we deem it expedient that vessels belonging; to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club shall be permitted to wear the Blue Ensign (rf Her Majesty's fleet with a Crown in the fly. We do by virtue of the power and authority vested in us hereby warrant and authorize the Blue Ensign of Her Majesty's fleet, with a Crown in the fly, to be worn on board the respective vessels l4lonLMn£r to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club accordingly. Given under our hands and the seal o» the ofiice of Admiralty this tenth day of July, 1878. /> (Signed) A. W. A. HOOD. GILFORD. By command of their Lordships, (Signed) THOS. WOLLEY. L.M.M. Admiralty, 1st August, 1878. 1. As there appears to be a want of knowledge on the part of Secretaries of Yacht Clubs, of the conditions under which the Lords Com>r.!ssioners of the Admiralty grant Warrants for Owners of Yachts belongmg to the several Cabs to fly particular flags, My Lords have caused the following circular letter to \w. drawn up, and copies to be sent to the Secretary of each (Jlub holding a Warrant from the Admiralty. 2. Clause 19 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, sets forth, that —-"Every British ship must be registered in manner hereinafter men- tioned, except, (I.) Ships duly registered before this Act comes into operation : 13 u (2.) Ships not exceeding fifteen tons burden employed solely iiaviiintion on (/w rhers or coasts of the United A'tn^do/n, on the rh'ers or coasts of some British possessions within ivh the manas^inii oioners of such ships are lesidcnt : (3.) Shi|is not exceeding thirty tons burden, and not liavinj whole or fixed deck, and em))loyed solely in fisliing or trad coastwise on the shores of Newfoundland or parts adjac thereto, or in the Guif of St. Lawrence, or on such portion the coasts of Canada, Nova Scotia, or New IJrunswick as bordering on such gulf: And no ship hereby recjuired to be registered shall, unless register be recognized as a British ship ; and no officer of customs shall giani clearance or transire to any ship hereby required to be registered for t purpose of enabling her to proceed to sea as a British ship, unless t master of such ship, upon being refjuired so to do, produce to him su certificate of registry as is hereinafter nicntioned ; aiid if such si attempts to proceed to sea as a lirilish ship without a clearance transire, such officer may detain such ship until such, certificate produced to him." 3. Clause 105 sets fort';, that — " If any colours usually worn by II Majesty's ships, or any colours resembling those of Her Majesty, any distinctive national colours, except the Red Ensign usually worn merchant vessels, or except the Union Jack with a white border, or the pendant usually carried i^y Her Majesty's ships, or any pendant anywise resembling such pendant, are or is hoisted on board any sh or boat belonging to any subject ot Her Majesty, without warrant fi so doing from Her Majesty or from tlie Admiralty, the master of .sue ship or boat or the owner thereof", if on board the same, and evei other person hoisting or joining or assisting in hoisting the same, shn for every such offence incur a penally not exceeding five hundrt pounds ; and it shall be lawful for any otTicer on full pay in the militai or naval service of Her Majesty, or any IJritish offi er of the custom or any British consular officer, to board any such ship or boat, and I take away any such jack, colours, or pendant ; and such j ick, colour or pendant shall be fo'-feited to Her Majesty." 4. In all app ications for Warrants for Vessels required by the Ai to be registered, it is essential that the following particulars be stated :- Name of Vessel. Length, per Register. Breadth do. - Tonnage do. (to decimals) . . - . Port of Registry, Name of Owner. ^ ^ Applications for vvarranls for Vessels not required by the Act to L registered, should, in addition to the dimensions, etc., of the Vessel, I - S. ■»*R!*9es!g*t» irden employed solc/y in 'he United Kiui^doni, or possessions wii/iin 7vhich ) esidcnt : iden, and not havinj; a lely in fishing or trading Hand or ])arts adjacent e, or on such portion of New IJrunswick as lie shall, unless registered, i)f customs shall giant a 1 to be registered for the British ship, unless the lo, produce to him such )ned ; awd if such ship without a clearance or until such, certificate is rs usually worn by Her se of Her Majesty, or Ensign usually worn by \i a white border, or if ips, or any pendant in ited on board any ship y, without warrant for ly, the master of such 1 the same, and every oisting the same, shall xceeding five hundred full pay in the military jfii er of the customs, I ship or boat, and to mtl such j ick, colours, required by the Act particulars be slated : — 15 accompanietl by a statement of the name of the former Owner, in order that the Vessel may be identified. t5. Warrants are granted to the Secretaries of Clubs, and My Lords onsider the Clubs resi)onsible for the return of the Warrants. They •ivould, therefore, suggest that a rule should exist in the Club requiring the return of the Warrant wherever it becomes obsolete. I Whenever a Warrant cease"^ to be in operation, either by the ;;ale of Ihe Vessel, or from any other cause whatsoever, it is the duty of the Secretary of the Club to return it to this Office, so soon as possible, in order that it may be cancelled, and each Warrant should be accom- panied by a statement of the reason for its reiuri'.. In the event of a Warrant being lost, the S«crelaiy must acquaint the Secretary of the Admiralty of the same, and the letter should be accompanied by a statement from the Owner ol the circumstances under which the Warrant has been lost. Until Warrants are returned, or a satisfactory expliination of their non-return is afforded, fresh Warrants will n<tt be issued. It is requested that copies of the lists of Vessels of the Clubs may be sent to the Admiralty once a year. :; By command of their Lordships, / (Signed) ROBERT HAI.L. ed by the Act to be etc., of the Vessel, be -idaM je USEFUL INFORMA1 ION. M (From Dixon Kemp's " Maimal of Yachtinjj.") % Admiralty Warrants. — Warrants granted to Clubs and the members thereof, granting permission to fly the White Ensign, or the Blue Ensign, or the Red Ensign with device on it. An Admiralty Warrant also enables the owner to ship excisable goods, such as wines, Spirits, tobacco, tea, etc., direct from bond without payment of duty ; «nd to enter ports without paying harbor dues (this does not include dock charges) and to make fast to mooring buoys laid down by the Admiralty, if such buoys be not required by shij)s of II. M. fleet. An Admiralty Warrant is also useful in foreign i)orts as it at once estab- lishes the nationality of a yacht ; and the port authorities usually show greater civility to yachts carrying an Admiralty Warrant, securely berthing them, and fret|uently foregoing harbor dues (not dock charges.) IV/ien a yacht changes hands her Warrant must he returned through the Club Secretary to the Admiralty, It is compulsory that every yacht of and above fifteen tons internal eajiacity shall be registered. Yachts smaller than fifteen tons must also be registered before application for An Admiralty Warrant can be made on their behalf. Ensign. — If an Ensign other than the Red be flown by any vessel without a warrant from the Admiralty, a penalty of ;i^500 stg. may be inflicted, and any Custom House or Consular Officer or other officer in ^^jl. M. Service on full pay may board the vessel and seize the flag. I^Although the Red Ensign has been assigned to the mercantile marine, lo device can be put in it other than the Jack, witliout the permission )f the Admiralty. The jurisdiction of the Admiralty only extends to lags flown afloat, and any Ensign can be hoisted on llagstatfs on shore. *When a Warrant is granted to a Club to fly the White, Blue or the Red Ensign with a device, this Warrant does not of itself entitle a member of the Club to fly either Ensign on board his yacht ; before he can legally do so he must also obtain a warrant from the Admiralty through the Club Secretary, As many Warrants must be obtained as he belongs to clubs if he desires to fly the flag of each club. When the yacht is disposed of, the Warrants must l)e returned through the Club -Secretary to the Admiralty, and if the owner obtains a new yacht he must get fresh Warrants. Ensign, Hoisting of. — Ensigns and Burgees are hoisted every morning at eight o'clock (9 a.m. from September 30 to March 31), and hauled down at sunset. It is a slovenly habit to hoi«t or haul down colors at irregular hours. At sea it is only usual to hoist colors when passing another vessel. 17 ill ill i n I il 1 1 ! 1 : 1 \ i 11 1 t 18 Diri'iNd TMK Knsicn. — The Ensign is lowered f)r clipped a; means of saluting a Commolorc, etc., or member of a cluh. junior member shall he the first to dip. Soinetinies, if no Ensij,ni flyinj;, the Hurgee is dipped. It is usual io "dip" in passing a M; of- War or Royal Yac'il. A Royal Yacht never answers the salute dipping her Ensign. Strictly it is ctitpiette for the IJlue Ensign to to the White, and Red to the Blue and White. BtiRoek, Etiquette of. — It is considered etiquette, if a yacht is a station where there is a club established, and her owner is a mem of the club, that the flag of that jKivticular club should be hoisted as yacht arrives on the station, although the owner may be the Comn dore, or Vice or Rear-Commodore of another club. If his yacht schooner he can fly his pennant at the main, and the club Burgee at fore. If several yachts are lying at an anchorage where there is club, the yachts will fly the Burgee of the senior oflficer present, but there be two officers of equal rank present then the flag of the o whose club is senior by virtue of the date of its Admiralty Warra will be flown. The senior officer means the one of highest rank, ai where the rank is equal, the seniority depends upon the date of t Admiralty Warrant of the club which conferred the rank and not upc the length of service of the officer ; but a Vice-Commodore of a seni club does not take precedence of a Commodore of junior club. By tl same rule when several yachts are present belonging to clubs that ha no Admiralty Warrants, the date of the establishment of the sever clubs would decide the seniority of officers of equal rank, but clubs vvil Admiralty Warrants always rank before those without. — (See '* Royi Clubs.") Boat's Etiquette. — If the person in charge of a yacht's boat desin to salute a passing boat containing an Admiral, Captain, Commodoi or other person of^ consequence, he directs the crew to lie on their oai as the boat passes, and to raise their hats or caps. The owner o leaving his yacht with a party is the last on the boat, and the first oui and on leaving the shore is the last to get into the boat and the first t board the yacht. Salutes. — It is usual to salute a club Flag-OITicer on his firs hoisting his flag on a club station at the beginning of a season, an when he hauls it down at the close of a season, by eleven ^iins for Commodore, nine quns for a Vice-Commodore, and seven guus for Hear- Commodore, respectively. It is etiquette for a Flag-Ufficer of club to return a club salute, or a salute by a squadron, with one salut of the number of guns he is entitled to. He returns a Vice or Reai Commodore's salute with the guns each is entitled to, unless he receive a salute from both, then he returns with the number of guns he himsel is entitled to ; strictly, however, the Rear should not salute the Com modore in the presence of the Vice unless he obtains permission fror the Vice to do so. A royal personage does not return a salute. Thi practice used to be for a yacht to "salute the flag" on arriving at i »'»^^l^'*^^^ "^ds^"*^*'^ ! •^»fi^wii«Er>»t!P!«WA'3:?i?si»n. ■ ■,..5.)s*i 5t»^-n*»' Ft«»fn*"'ii»»»^Bfi*W(#.>i»l*i«ltoflwf*^t MflWiMltWWM«a«MIMil Dvverecl or dipped as ;i cmher of a clul). The tliiues, if no Ensijrii is ip" in pa.ssiM|r ^ M-^„. r answers the salute hy the IJIue Knsigii to dip itiquette, if a yacht is on her owner is a member should be lioisted as the r may be the Comnio- lui}. If his yacht is a d the club Burj^ee at the "age where there is no r officer present, but if Ml the flag of the one its Admiralty Warrant ; ol highest rank, and upon the date of the the rank and not upon Jonimoiiore of a senior ^t junior chib. By the ,nng to clubs that have ishment of the several lal rank, but clubs with /ithout.~(See "Royal 19 station ; this |)ractice is still in vogue in America, a junior always saluting first. ;? Salutes : Royal 21 guns. Admiral of the I'leel 17 '* Admiral 15 '* Vice- Admiral 13 " Rear-Adnural il " Commodore 9 " A captain or other officer's salute is returned with 7 guns. Royal Yacht Ci.ub. — A club that has obtained permission from the Home Office to use the prefix "Royal." An Admiralty Warrant obtained from the Admiralty does not confer the title, but a Royal Yacht Club that has not also the Admiralty Warrant can only fly the Red Ensign, and this can have no device. A club with an Admiralty Warrant take? precedence of a club that has ordy a Royal Warrant. Winning Flag. — The racing flag which is hoisted immediately after a race, to denote that a yacht has wcm a prize, is hoisted immediately below on the same halyards as the burgee. When the yacht has saileil her last match she hoists as many racing flags as she has won prizes during the season. If a yacht has won more prizes than she has racing flags, it is usual to make up the deficiency with code signal flags or burgees. 3f a yacht's boat desires Captain, Commodore jw to lie on their oars caps. The owner on oat, and the first out, : boat and the first to ig-Officer on his first ing of a season, and by e/even ^uns /or a and sezien guns for a n- a Flag-Ufficer of a Iron, with one salute turns a Vice or Rear- to, unless he receives er of guns he himself not salute the Com- ains permission from eturn a salute. The ag" on arriving at a c I I s jffi •1: M IH 1. BY-LAWS. As amended at the Speci ' General Meetings of the Amalgamated Club, Jan. 26, 1889, and April 26, 1890. 5 • i I. All former By-laws are hereby rescinded. 2. The object of this Club bein^' ilie encouragement of Object, of I'Yaeht Building and SaiHng in Canadian waters: // /j^'"*'' %tnaciti/, that the funds of the Club (after paying the necessary ■ |f Current expenses) be appropriated to prizes of cups or money, r as may be decided by the Committee of Management, to be 'sailed for as may be decided by the Committee. ^ 3. The Club, through the Committee of Management, Races l"" may allow races, open to all comers, to be run under the '*''®" *^ *" yClub patronage and management. In Club races, and all ices under Club management, the time allowance of the -,ake Yacht Racing Association shall be used, subject to such prariations or alterations in Club races as the Sailing Com- littee shall think fit. - MERTtNGS. 4. Politics and religious questions of every kind shall be Meetini^B. absolutely excluded from open discussion in the Club. 5. The (General Meeting of the Club shall take place on Quorum, the fourth Saturday in April in each year at the Club House, at eight o'clock p.m. Nine members shall form a quorum, 2 21 !!i n Hppcial (i«>iit-ral Mi'»'tinirH. Billiard and ('anl KnoniH to lie dose*! durin;,'-tJeiie- rul Meetings. 22 The ConiiiKKlore, or, in his absence, the Vice-Coinnio(hJ or Captain, sliall lake the chair at all Chib meetin^^s ; in til altsenci" of these olVicers, the members present o( such meii inj; shall elect a chairman. 6. The Secretary shall summon a Special General Meetiil of the Club at any tinie, on receivin}; directions bom til Committee of Manaj^enunt ; or on a requisition siy;netl 1 not less than live members of the Club. In all such caHiI there must be at least seven days' notice of meeting, jmstel in the Tim>/t Club House, and in the Island Club lIoit\ behveen the 1st of June auU the 1st of October, which notic shall state the object of the meeting;. All notices thus postci shall be considered sufficient as rej^ards meetings of the Club 7. When any (Jeneral or .Special Meeting of the Club i: about to be held, the billiard-rocmi and the card-rooms in tlu Club House shall be closed at least a quarter of an houi before the time, and remain closed during the meeting. * OKFICKRS, ETC. 8. The Officers of the Club shall consist of a Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Cajitain, Hon. Secretary-Treasurer, The Officers, and a Committee of Management shall be elected at the Cieneral Meeting in April, and shall take oflfice forth- with ; the Officers shall be ex officio members of the Com- mittee of Management ; and with the exception of the Hon. Secretary-Treasurer, they shall be owners of Yachts, or joint owners ; })rovi<led always, that the other joint owners are mend)ers of the Club. Election of g. 1 he Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Captain, Hon. Officers. ,. „, , ^^ • r \m Secretary- J reasurer, and a Committee of Management shall be elected by ballot, as follows : Within three weeks of, and at any time thereafter up to one week of 1, the General Meeting in April, or any Special General Meeting called for that purjX)se, any member may, in writing, Nomination communicated to the Secretary, nominate one person for andCommit- ^^'^ office, including ten members for the Committee of tee, etc. Management ; and the Secretary shall, from day to day, as received, post up in the Club the names of all Offi'irs of Clul). I 23 the Vice-ComnuKJoif CIul) met'tiujrs ; in the present of such ineet- pecial (Jeneral Meetinj^ ig <lirections from the requisition siy:ned hy 1>. Ill all such cases :e of meeting, posted e Island Clnh House October, which notice All notices thus posted \ meetings oflheClulj. eeting of the Club is the card-rooms in the a (juarter of an hour ng the meeting. sist of a Commodore, [ary-Treasurer, The nt shall be elected at \\ take ofTice forth- lembers of the Com- ception of the Hon. s of Yachts, or joint er joint owners are t ■ re, Captain, Hon. e of Management s : Within three ip to one week of ' Special General ber may, in writing, ite one perscm for the Committee of ill, from day to the names of all persons so iiominaittt, with ilic names of the respective nontinators sul>scribe<l tlicrcto ; an<l the election shall take |liace at the (leneral Meeting;. In the event of no iinniina- tions being made as aforesaid or no election'' taking place at such ( leiu-ral Mi-t-ting, the elections shall take i)lace at a Special ( ieiieral Meeting cllcd for that ])urpose in the mnnner provided by Rule (), but no such elections shall take pJace until nominations have i)een made As before provided. Nt.v nominations may be made at such general or special New iioinin- lueetiiiL';, but personw s(i nominated must receive a two-thirds* """*■ vote (»r those prt'scnl. The OfliceiM and the Committee of Management shall hold oCfico until their successorn are holding ap|)ointed. ofHcc. 10. The Committee of Management shall consist of ten ('onunittee members, in adilition to the ^'.r officio mendiers. It shall Mmiuife- appoint all Sub-Committees, Assistant Secretaries and '."^■"•'• ' t'oWtTH of Bankers, and shall have all the powers of the Club except as sauie. to rescission or alteration (»f Hy-Laws, or additions thereto, election or expulsion of members, and annual election of officers. Four shall form a quorum. Quorum. 1 1. The Connniltee of Management shall apijoint a Sailini' Aiii»ointni"'t _ . , , ■ • '•' '^».\\\\\v. Committee, and such other Committees as it may deem Connnittee. necessary, - '•;-■ ■,-^. ,■>-.- ,-. ^. ■-,. '.---■■■^ 12. The Committee of Management shall have power to AsHessm'nts. levy an assessment of not more than $lo in any year upon every mendier of the Club, including Life Members, but not Honorary Life Members, subject to the approval of two- ihirds of those present at the Annual Ceneral Meeting of the Club, or at a Special ( leueral Meeting of the Club, called for the purpose of considering the same. 13. The Committee of Management, at a special meeting Fillinj,' of of that body to be called for that purpose, of which m-.-eting at ^.o^,||"[itt^.J'' lfa.1t three clear days notice shall be given, are empowtned to of Mun!i<;e- II up any vacancies that may occur durmg the year m then- own number or that of the Officers of the Club. No member ^_._ .i.:. shall vote u])on any cjuestion in which he is personally in t crest e<L 14. Should any member of the Committee ot Managf^menl Meml)ers ) 'I 34 almciiliiiif thlMllMI'|\«'M holdiii}; olHcr. hiitit-N of Hull. s*-*'. ■ 'I'rtMiH. AHHt. St'O. DiiticH of Auditor. Klfctioii of new iiiein- bor. BaUot. he alisL-nt from all ineiMinj^s held in ;iny two consecm months wihont n satisfactory e?;iiise to the other nietniK lie shall cease to hold oftitf, nml his place he Jilletl acctirdi to lly-iaw No. IJ. 15. The lion. .St'cretary-'rrea>urer shall keep corr Minutes of the proceedings of the Clul), and shall also rece all Clul) moneys nuA pay all accounts. The Assist.' Secretaries, whtt'.er memhers of the ("luli or not, sha duriii},' their I especlive tenuies of office, have such priviles. only in the Clul) as may from time to time he ncconled ///<•;// by the Conimittee of Manaj,'ement, shall hold offi durinj; the pleasure of the ( ommittee of Management, ai shall discharjje all duties assi{.jnt'd to them hy the .Secretar Treasurer, and «.hall he paid such salaries as the Commiti of Manaifement .shall decide. 16. The Auditor shall examine and audit the Ch accounts, and report thereon to the ("ommittee of Mana^i ment yearly. 17. Each c.indidate for ailmission as a member shall 1 proposed by one member and seconded by another (sue proposer an I seconder not beinj^ Honorary Members), by propijsal in writing,', statinj; the candidate's usual residenct rank, profession or other description, which shall be entere in the book of candidates for that purpose provided,' an sitjned by both proposer and seconder, which nomiuatio shall be posted on the notice board, at the Tcioit Chi House, ami at the Island Club House, between the ist of Jtin and 1st of Oetober, for at least one week ; after the expiratio of such week, the Committee shall proceed to elect suci candidate, unless the Secretary shall have been notified b; any niend)er of the Club of his desire that a ballot should hi taken. In case a ballot shall be demanded, the l)aliot shal take place between the hours of two and nine p.m. of tli( first Saturd.ay after a clear week's notice has been poster that a balU)t has been demanded. Each member votinf shall write his name on a card to be provided for tha purpose, which card shall be placed by such member in i box with the white or bl.ack b.all, and the Honorary .Secie tary, or by his direction, the A.-sistant Secretary, in tin '''^■'"'^"' I ' " iVIf M 1 1 [ I •>r, I any two cdiiseculivi i<» llic other members, I'lace l»e /illed accord iiv^ IT shall Ueep correct il>. and shall also receive loiints. 'I'he A'^sistani u- (Jul) or not, shall, liave such privilei^cs o time he accorded to nent, shall hold ol'fuc ; of Manngemenf, and hom hy the Secretary- rics as the Committer and audit the Chili 'ommitlee of M;inaj,'c IS a member shall lu- (led by another (such jrary Members), by a Lite's usual residence, kvhich shall be entered )urpose provided,' and er, which nomination , at the Ttnun Cluli hchveen the ist of Jmu k ; after the expiration >roceed to elect such lave been notified by lat a ballot should he ided, the ballot shall nd nine j).m. of the ice has been posted :'^ach member voting; )e provided for that y such member in a the Honorary Secre nt Secretary, in the presence of a member of the Committee of Manaj^ement, ihall open the ballot box and deL'lare the result to the ('om- mitlee of Mana^;ement ; a separate ballot -.hall be taken for each candidate ; votin>^ f'V /"<>.\y shall not be allm^'ed. 1 8. No ballot shall be valid unless twelve members actu- »lly ballot, and one black l»)ill in seven shall exclude. No candidate who shall have been rejei.ted shall be eligible t(» be ])roposed attain within six months. No person shall be admitted a URMuber unless of the hill age of sixteen years, except otHcers of Her M.ajesty's Service, provided that no member shall have the riyht t(» vote «)r take part in Club Meetings unld he attains the age of twenty-one years. 19. funior resident nuMnbers may be ailniitted between the •liitiiortiuMii- Xages of 16 and 21 without jiayinent of the entrance fee (Ui payment of $10 annually. 20. On the election of each new member the Secretary Notittcution , ,, T ii 1 • 1 /■ • 1 1 • 1 I to new nifin- snail notify the same to him, and furnish him with a printed hi rs. copy of the rules and regulations, and re(|Uest him to reniit the amount of his ^ntrance fee and subscription to the .Secre- tary, and until the same he paid he shall not he entitled to the y^^^^^ ,^^ j^^ prn'ilex''''' '*/ fhe Clnl>, and if the same shall remain unpaid V '•' within for one month ojter sneh noti/ieatton, his eleetion shall oe null f,.m„ ,1,^(4. ,,f and Toid, unless such default shall be explained to the satis- notiflratioii. faction of the Committee of Management. 21. No member shall be alloweil to take i)art in any All suhHcrip- proceedings of the Club, or vote on any subj' ct connected *'""*'' ^['"^J*' therewith, or use the Clul) House, //;//// he shall have /^//i/ pui'l before ,, J I -J..- I . , ■ I I'rivilfjjfs of all arrears and sitoscnpt/ons, as also any assessment 7viiich ciuii (.an hi- may be due by hirn, tOi^ether ivith rents of boat houses and »«t*''- raehs, and all aeeounts due the Strivard which ha'<e remained unpaid one loeek after presentation. 22 Any member wishing to withdraw from the Club shall H,.Hijrnatioiis give notice in writing to that effect to the .Secretary, and shall be allowed to withdraw on payment of all arrears for subscriptions, assessments, rents, and unpaid accounts. 23. Any member wilfully infringing any rule or regulation |.^xi)ulHi( of the Club, or failing to pay his annual subscription by the 'roni Club. iHlOfl iVJi*^- Hours for Club to re main oi)en All Club l.ills to be paid before leav- ing house. Complaints. Cames. first Monday in July, or failing for one month to pay assessment, including the annual chanje which may be ni l)y the Committee to meet the expenses connected with Launch, after the same shall have been levied or imposet being guilty of any ungentlemanly conduct, shall be liable expulsion by a vote of two-thirds of the members presen any meeting specially held for that purpose, seven c notice of such meeting having been previously given to members. 24. Any memjjer who shal' withdraw, resign, or be pelled, shall forfeit all right or claim in or to the C property or funds ; and any member who shall be expel .shall forever thereafter be ineligible to be re-adniitte( member, and no person who has been expelled or struck as a defaulter, and not restored, shall be admitted to t Club or any of its entertainments. This rule should a apply to those who have been excluded by ballot twice. 25. The Club shall be open every day for the reception members at eight o'clock in the forenoon, and shall be clos and the lights extinguished at such hours as may be order by the Committee of Management ; and no member shall admitted into or remain in the Club after these hours on ai pretence whatever, unless specially authorized by the Coi mittee. . , 26. All meml)ers are to pay their bills for every expeii they may incur in the Club before they leave the house. 27. Any cause of complaint that may arise is to be v/ritte and signed by the mend)er so complaining, in the Complai liook established for that purpose, or by letter to the Sect tary, which complaint must be specially noliceil by t Committee of Management at their next meeting ; and a overcharge, inattention, or improper conduct on the part o servant, is to be stated by letter, over the s ^nature of su memL'er, which being -put in the Secretary's box, must laid before the Committee at their next meeting 28. No game shall, on any account, be played for mone except whist, ecarle, picquet, euchre, billiards, and poc nor dice used, except at back-gammon. one month to pay an ii>;e wliich may be maiii nses connected with tltt 2en levied or imposed, i 3n(uict, shall be liable t the members present ,i at purpose, seven day, previously given to llit draw, resign, or be ex aim in or to the Cliil who shall be expelJei: le to be re-admitted , II expelled or struck <»li all be admitted to the 'I'his rule should als, ed by ballot twice. day for the reception of oon, and shall be closci nirs as may be ordered nd no member siiail lu fter these hours on any authorized by the Coin- bills for every expend y leave the house. ly arise is to be written, ning, in the Complaint l)y letter to the Secie- -■cially noticed by tlic ext meeting ; and any onduct on the part ofa the s^nature of suoli retary's box, must \k t meeting be played for monev. l)illiards, and pool ; 27 29. No higher stakes than ten cent points sha'l be played StakeB. for at whist, nor shall any bet excee<l one dollar. , 30. The games of 6cart«i, picquet, euchre, billiards, and L'"?'* "* pool, may be played for limited stakes, the limits to be fixed by the Committee, and the Committee shall have power to fix a limit to the hours during which cards shall be played in ,,ar<i playing the Club, and to make such regulations in respect thereof as *" ''*' **"*** circumstances may hereafter call for. tee. PRIVII.KGED MEMBERS. 31. All members of Royal Yacht Clubs and of the United Privile<red , .. .. memneru. States Yacht Clubs shall be admissible as privileged members during a period not exceeding one month, on being intro- duced by a member, and any such member so introduced being an owner of a Yacht, shall be entitled to take part with his Yacht in any race of the Club, except that fur the Champion Cups of the Prince of Wales, Marquis of Lome, Marquis of Lansdowne, the Murray Cup, the Cosgrave Cup, the McGaw Cup, and any other Champion Cups of the Club, provided that the Club to which such member belongs ex- tends the same privilege-to the Yacht-owning members of the Club. 12. Any ordinary member may have the privilege of intro- ViHitinjj: " . r • 1 -1 1- r 1 ■ -1 / members, ducmg a friend resident at a distance 01 thirty miles from Toronto for a period not exceeding one week, provided the name of such person, with the written recommendations of two ordinary members, be submitted to and approved of by ' ■ one member of the Committee of Management, and his name be entered on the Visitors' Book. The person so Term of in- admitted shall thereafter be a ])rivileged member of the Chih {ov o>/e 7i>eci% but no person shall be so admitted more than once in the same year on the introduction of any one member, and ttot more than three times in the same year under any cireumslances, 33. No i)rivileged member shall at any time iniroiluce a friend to the Club, or attend the meetings, or give his vote on any matter connected with the Club, or in any way interfere with the management of the sam_'. The member introducing a friend as a privileged member shall be answer- troductions. 28 - able for any del)t he may incur to the Steward durinjf ^ jjeriod, and for any damage done by him to any of the property. Privilegefl -ja The names of privileged members, with the duratl nietnwnj , 7 • • • i n i i • • » names to be ot their privilege, shall be posteil in a conspicuous part of posted in f>, , Club Room. '-'■"^• FEKS, Fees. 35. The entrance fee shall be $15. The annual si J .scription for resident members, which shall be held to incluj persons residing in the city of Tore o and within five mill thereof, $15, which shall include the fee for the Stea Launch ; for non-iesident members in the Dominion Canada, $5 ; and for memliers residing out of the Dominii of Canada, $2. All owners and jiart owners of Yachts ( Sail Hoals of not less than 3 tons burthen, .shall be entitle to admission in the manner provided by By-law 17, withoi payment of an entrance fee ; and in the case of those undi 21 years of age, at an annual subscription of $5, until the Wh n to be attain the age of 21, payable th (ufvance on the first Monda paid. in /^/. // in each year. All entraiKe fees, annual subscriii tions and asses-;ments shall be paid to the Honorary Secre tary-Treasurer. ,. , : . ■" Certain 36. All ofTicers of the Army and Navy, and officers of tin bradmitted ptii"!^'!*^"^ I'orces of the Dominioii of Canada, on acuta lor six service, and members of Royal Yacht Clubs and Unile( months. ,. ir 1 /-.i 1 1 ■ r ■- 1 1 States Yacht Clubs, and strangers coming from hngland, o from any foreign country, may be elected members for th period of six months or le-s, on payment of $i a month but they shall have no vote ni>r voice in the management o llie affairs of the Club. This rule shall also apply U strangers from British Columbia, .Manitoba and the Maritim Provinces. Names of de- ^7. The name of every member failing to pay his annua faulting: , . . , u c »/ 1 • T 1 • , members to subscription by the first Monday in July in each year, shal cUrRoom" '^'-' exhibited in the Club Room. If not then paid he shal be liable to pay an additional sum of $1 for each month, portion thereof, he is so in default ; and if the subscription with all fines, be not paid on or before the first day of Augus HIM J>e Steward clurinjr sai,; him to any of the Clnl l^ers, with the duration conspicuouspartof tin ^5- The annual sui,. -shall beheld to > ^nd within five miles '^e fee for the Steam "I the Dominion of 'k' out of the Dominion owners of Vachts <„ Uien, shall be entitJed >y Ry-law 17, ^vithout e case of those under tion of $5, until they ^^ on the first Monday ft^es, annual subscri|,- > Jlie Honorary Secre- T. and (officers of the 'f Canada, on actual t Clubs and Ifnited "k' Troni Kn-Iand, o. tw! members for the -"t of $1 a month ; the management 0/ ^'•all also appjy („ •ia and (he Maritime 'g to pay his annual in each year, shall t then paid he shall Air each month, or if the subscription, first day of August 2y follow im,r, he shall then cease to be a member, and his name be erased from the books of the Club, unless otherwise ordered by the Committee of Management. 38. Members leaving the Dom.inion of Canada, on anpli- AJmentee , , ^ * , , inenilitni. cation to the Committee of Management, may l>»'come absentee members on payment in advance of $2 jier annum, COmmencnig from May 1st following their departure. Should an absentee again become a resident member iie shall pay $l per month between the months of August and November. VISITORS. 39. A book shall be kept in which the names of all visitors ViaUors' 1 ,, , , , Hook. shall be entered. 40. Any member, at his sole expense, shall l..ive the privi- ViHifcors at lege of introducing a hicnd to the Visitors' Room, and at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, jMovided the name of such friend shall have been previously subscribed in the Visitors' liouk. 41. fiuests who are non-residents of Toronto, shall have all the privileges of the Club for the day, with the exception of the IJilliard and Card Rooms, provided thv;y have lunched at the Club, and while the member introilucing them is present with them. 42. Ciuests of members shall have all the privileges of the (Juestsprivi- Club after seven o'clock in the evening, provided they have ,fj|v!^*^ ' """^ dined at the Club, and while the member introducing them is present with them. AMENDMKNTS, E 1 C. 4J. All members having any new By-law to propose, or Amend- , - , , . r . . ,. I merits any suggestion to make for tiie alteration of existing liy-laws, must forward the same in writing to the Secretary at L'ast eleven days previous to the Annual (leneral Meeting, or any Special (ieneral .Meeting, and such communication, or a copy thereof, shall be pointed by the Secretary in some conspicuous place in the Club for at least seven days next preceding such meeting. At such meeting the same shall be discussed, and if approved of, then adojited. ... _. 44. No addition, alteration, or amendment shall be made to these Hy-laws, unless notice thereof in writing shall be given as provided in By-law No. 43, nor without the consent of two-thirds of the members present at such meeting. SI tl C c ii SAIbINQ REQUIdATIONS, sn, , No yacht shall be entered on the Ck.l. List, or con- ^^^^l^^^^^^' .idered a Club yacht, or be entitled to 7vcar the Club Colours ,,^,,t. unless <nmed exclusively by a member or mem^^ers of the Club, and such owner or owners shall be entitled to a cer |fi- cate of racing length, to be given by the CommUtee in the following form : Royal Canadian Yacht Club. ^C ircrcb^ CCVtlfy that the Y'jrht built, at present the pi operty of is in ivater line leni;th ....•••• ■••••• feet racing Itugtn, and ''leasures -^ , /.ahe Vaeht Racing Association measurement, and tu the (T7i<uer oj the '^}d' Yacht' at' pres^uyacknorolcd^cd as such by the Royal Canadian Ya-'ht Club. Secretary. Mcasurin- Officers .18 Any yacht chartered for the season from one member to Chartered another and entered on the Club List can enter and sad .n any race, and shall be deemed for Club purposes the p.ope.ty of the member in whose name she is entered. Note. -This certificate to be produced, if required, at the time of entry for all Club Matches. , The Club course shall be a triangular one of not less Club course, than thirty nautical miles, and sh dl be decided upc>n .y the Sailing Committee at least three days previous to a race. 31 m I'' ( .. 32 P.ofW.Cnp. ^ 'I'jjj, ^jj^.g f^,r ,},g Prince of Wales Cliami)ion Cup shall be over tlie Club course, unless otherwise special/y directed by the Sailing Committee, and shall be sailed for annually on the 7th of September, the anniversary of the visit of Mis Royal Highness to Toronto. The winner of the said Cup, before taking possession of the same for the current year, shall give security o the satisfaction of the Sailing Com- mittee, for its due and safe return to the Club by the 1st September following, and the winner shall receive a medal to represent the Cup. A medal shall also be given by the Club to the second yacht. 4. This race, as well as those for the Lome, Lansdowne, Murray, Co:;grave and McGaw Cups, are exclusively con- fined to yachts belonging to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Lome Cup. 5. The Mar(|uis of Lome, while Governor-Ceneral of Canada, having presented a Cup to be sailed for at the Annual Club Regatta, the conditions attached thereto will be .such as the Sailing Committee shall from year to year appoint, governed by the General .Sailing Rules. Lansdowne Cup. 6. The Mar<|uis of Lansdowne, while Governor-General of Canada, having i)resented a Cup to the Club to be sailed for by Yachts of the Club, under 40 ft. L.W. I., length, the conditions attached thereto will be such as the .Sailing Com- mittee shall from year to year appoint, governed by the General .Sailing Rules. Management 7- All races, and all yachts sailing therein, shall be under of races. fj^^ direction of the Sailing Committee of the Club. All matters shall be subject to their approval and control ; and all doubts, questions and disputes which may arise shall be subject to their decision. Their decision shall be based upon these Rules so far as they will apply, but as no rules can be devised capal)Ie of meeting every incident and accident of sailing, the Sailing Committee should keep in view the ordinary customs of the sea, and discourage all attempts to win a race by other means than fair sailing and superior speed and skill. The decisions of the Sailing Committee shall be fsnal. No member of the Sailing Committee shall lake part in the decision upon any disputed question in which of me thfl dis of un 33 T shall cted uiUy His Cup, year, L'om- ist nedal y the he is directly interested. The Sailing Committee shall awnrd the prizes, subject to Rule 26. If any yacht i)e discjurdificil, the next in order shall he awanled the pri/c. 8. The Sailing Committee, which shall consist of five I'oHtlwne- members, three of whom shall form a (jHomm, shall liave raetH. power to postpone any race, shoulil unf\iv(»rable weather render such a course desirable. Measitremknt. 9. The measurement of yachts shall be of k'njjlh and sail Measnro- ment. for sail firea area accordii*^ to the following formula : L. W. L. -f >/ Sail area. I .! — = Racing Length. Length to be measured from the forward side of stem at the L(.„jrti, load water line to the load water line at stern, wherever found, exclusive of any part of the rudder. 'I'iiis measure- ment to be taken when the yacht is afloat and in her ordinary trim, and without the crew on board. The Measurer, at the time of taking his measurements to ' aflfix a distinctive mark at each point. The sail area is to be ascertained by taking a perpendicular i>erpen(Hcu- along the after side of the mainmast from the upper side of ''''*• the gaflFtopsail block or sheave on topmast to the upper side of boom when resting on the saddle, or on the lowest part of goose neck ; the length of which line is to be recorded by the Measurer, together with the other points used in measure- ment. 'Jut the measurement to be recorded as the height of . the perpendicular shall in no case be taken as less than the distance from the upper side of main boom to the under side of the cross trees, or if the yacht have no cross trees to the ; .; ~ ^ under side of the main rigging (in the case of cat boats, per- _^ ; pendicular to be taken from the upper side of the throat halliard sheave), with four-fifths of the length of the gatF . . added thereto. f On schooners, cutters and sloops, a base line to be taken Ml S Base line. 34 i i Method of olitaiiiinjf Hail area. from the heehole or point of contact of the jib-stay on how- sprit or flyiny; jib-stay on iil)-l)Oom to the end of the main- boom, with onc-([uartcr of the lenj^lh of the nKiin j^aff measured from after side of mast to end aiMed thereto. Any extension of cither <;aff <tr boom to be considered part of the ^aff or boom. On yawls a base line is to be taken to the end of mizzen-boom witlior.t any addition. On cat boats the base Hne to l)e the h.'ngtli of the boom, with % length of gaff added. Where the jib is set flying tiie measurement will be taken from the pm of the outhaul sheave. 'i'he area from these figures is to be obtained by multiply- ing the base by the perpendicular and dividing by two. To the square root of the area, as ascertained, add the length, as ascertained, and divide by two ; the result is the measure- ment for time allowance. Time allow- ^py change in these measurements to be reported to the ance. . ,. i i ■ Measuring Committee, 'i'ime shall be allowed on arrival for difference in corrected length according to the annexed scale, increased or decreased in proportion to the length of different • courses. Mixed races. In mixed races, schooners shall be rated at 85 per cent, of their sailing length, and yawls at 94 per cent of their trailing length. Entries. Entries. 10. Entries shall be made with the Secretary of the Club the day before the day appointed for starting each race. In case of a Sunday interveni^.g, twenty-four hours shall be added. An extension of time may be granted by the Sailing Committee in the event of delay be; i shown to their satis- faction to have been unavoidable. Form of entry. . Form of Entry. II. Form of entry for yachts to be signed by the owner, or his representative, previous to the race. Please to enter the yacht for the race at on the Her distinguishing flag is , her rig is ; and her racing length, in accordance with Rule 9, is feet. I undertake that '•yff^'^r'nurf'^iir' -I 35 while siiling under this entry all her ballast shall he properly stowed under the platform or in lockers, and shall not he skilled or triinmcd in any liuiy lo/iaiei'cr : that none of her ballast shall be taken out, nor shall any ballast be put into her, within 24 hours before the race ; that I will obey and be bound by the Sailing Rules of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club ; and that I will provide a scrutineer, who shall be a member of the Royal Canndian Vacht Club, and whose name shall be submitted to the Sailing Committee on the morning of the race. Signed this day of Sijiued The foregoing form of entry is binding upon y:ichts classes sa'.ling in races under the Rules of this Club. )f all Should any yacht duly entered for a race not start, or, No new en- , , , , . , 1- , , , , . , t"»^s *o «tart havnig started, should give up or be disabled during tlie in postponed race, such yacht shall, in the event of the race being resailed, '■'"-■''^• be entitled to start; but no new entries shall be received under any circumstances whatever for a postponed race. Postponement op Races. 12. The Sailing Committee or officer in charge for the postponed day, shall have power to postpone any race should unfavor- r^ces- able weather render such a course desirable. v 13. When a prize has been offered for competition, any yacht duly entered may claim to sail over the course when the number of entries required have been made, and shall be entitled to the prize, subject, however, to Rule 12. Declaration that Rules have been Observed. 14. The Sailing Committee shall have the power, if they Declaration deem it advisable, to place a scrutineer upon any yacht ^^f^n q^^*"^' entered for a race. They shall also, upon the request of any rules, yacht owner who has entered his yacht for a race, place a scrutineer upon any other yacht or yachts he may name. Every scrutineer placed upon a yacht as aforesaid, shall be a member of a Club belonging to the Lake Yacht Racing _ • ii 'i^ ■ tl ■f: % ; >;■ - ifi ! 86 lilt n i' I Asv-ociation, and '^hall si.i,Mi a declaration that the yacht under his chai^;i' has strictly conformed U> all the Sailing' K«'};ula- tions, as follows : I hereby declare that the yacht , whilst sailinq i,^ lj,e race this day, has strictly observed the Sailing; Rules and Kcj;nlations. S(!^HC(/ . I )ate DlSIINOltlSIIINd Kl.AlJS AND Nl'MBRRS. Distinj-uisJi- 15. Each yacht must carry at her main topmast head or ill),' fliifxs. main. peak, a distinguishinj,' (\ng of a suitable size, which must not be hauled down unless she ^ives up the race, except in case of Rule XXVI. Nuiulipr. Sails. Crews. Each yacht must display her distinjruishing number in a conspicuous manner on both sides of the peak of the main- sail, and any mistake arisinj,' by any yacht not so displaying her nund)er shall be at her own risk. 16, Every yacht entered for a race shall, at the time of entry, or as soon after as possible, be supplied with written or printed instructions as to the conditions of the race, the course to be sa'.led, marks, etc. Nothing shall be considered as a mark in the course unless specially named as such in lliese instructions, or in the chart of the course, should one ])e furnished. Sails. 17, There shall be no restrictions as to sails, or the manner of setting or working them. Crews. 18, One man shall be allowed for every five feet or fraction of five feet of a yacht's racing length, exclusive of one owner and scrutineer. And in the case of first and second class yachts, exclusive of the cook or any l^ofia fide member of the press, neither of whom shall, however, in any way assist in the working of the yacht. 37 Running Aground. 19. Any yacht running on shore or foul of a buoy, vessel Huimiinf or other obstruction, may use her own anchors, boats, warps, '''<'"^""* • etc., to get off, but may not receive any assistance except from the crew of the vessel fouled. Any anchor, boat or warp used must be taken on board a<jain before she continues the race. Fouling Yaciith, Marks, Etc. 20. Each yacht must go fairly round the course ; and Fouling 111 11 1 • jachts. must not touch any buoy, boat or vessel used to mark it out, but shall not be disqualified if wrongfully compelled to do so by another yacht. Any yacht causing a mark vessel to in Marks, etc. any way shift her position to avoid being fouled by such yacht, shall be disqualified. If a yacht, in consequence of her neglect of any of these rules, shall foul another yacht, or compel other Yachts to foul, s^e shall forfeit all claim to the prize, and shall pay all damages. Starting. 21. The yachts shall start from moorings, anchors, or ''Starting, under way as directed by the Sailing Committee. Half an hour before the time of starting a gun shall be fired and a flag hoisted, as a signal for the yachts of each successive race ; in case of a start from anchors or moorings, to take up their stations for the start with headsails down, or all sails down, as the Sailing Committee may direct; or in case the start be a flying one, to approach the starting line. Five minutes before the start a preparative gun shall be fired. At the expiration of five minutes exactly the flag shall be hauled down and a third gun fired as a signal to start. No time shall be allowed to cross the line. In a flying start, if any yacht, or any part of her hull or Flyinj? spars, be on or across the line before the signal to start is made, she must return and recross the line ; a yacht so return- ing or one working into position from the wrong side of the line after the signal to start has been made, must keep clear of all competing yachts. Should the gun miss fire, the lowering of the flag should be the signal to start. 3 'I I ■■^\ !| 36 Mkass of Propulsion. McariB of 22. No towing, sweeping, poling or pushing, or any mode *^ *^ " of propulsion except sails, shall be allowed. Anchorin(;. Anchoring'. 23. Yachts may anchor during a race, Imt must weigh their anchor again, and not slip. No yacht shall, during a race, make fast to any buoy, stage or pier, or send an anchor out in a boat, except for the purpose of Rule 19. Sounding. Sounding. 24. No other means of soundmg than the lead and line allowed. Side Lights. Side lights. 25. All yachts sailing in a race at night shall observe the statutory rule as to the carrying of side lights. Man Overboard. Man over- board. 26. In case of a man falling overboard from a competing yacht, all other yachts in a position to do so shall use their utmost endeavors to render assistance ; and if it should appear that any yacht was prevented thereby winning the race, the Committee shall have power to order it to be resailed between any yacht or yachts so prevented and the actual winner. Protests. Protests. 27. Should the c' ner of any yacht, or the person acting as his representaiivj, consider that he has a fair ground of complaint against another for foul sailing, or any violation of these Rules, he must, if it arise during the race, signify the same //y shmving the Distinguishing Flag conspicuously in the main rigi^ing till the conclusion of the race The protest shall be made in writing, and under such regulations (if any) as the Sailing Committee may have determined, within twelve hours of the arrival of the protesting yacht, and shall be heard by the Sailing Committee and decided, after such inquiries as they may consider necessaiy. They shall also, m ftT* r »v ■ '» 39 without a protest, disqualify any yacht, should it come to their knowledge that she has committed a hreach of the Rules. Rkmoval of Flag Boat. 28. Shoulil any flai;, vessel, boat or buoy, be remove*! Removal of r • . 1 . . • . , . . "1*^ boat, from Its proper position, either by accident or design, race shall be sailed over again or not, at the option of the Sailing Committee. 29, — Right of Way. 1. When one yacht is approachin}:; another yacht "so as to Yachts ap. involve risk of fouling, one of them shall keep clear of the ^''°*^ ' ^^' other as follows : 2. A yacht free shall keep clear of one close-hauled. Yachts run- ninjjT free. 3. When both yachts are close-hauled, or both free, or Yaciht* both have the wind aft and have the wind on opposite sides, ^ ^**" *" the yacht with the wind on the port side shall keep clear. 4. When both yachts are free, or both have the wind aft Two yachts and have the wind on the same side, the yacht to windward ""^""'"K '""c® shall keep clear. 5. A yacht with the wind aft is deemed to have the wind wind aft. on the side opposite to that on which she is carrying her main-boom. A yacht with the wind aft shall keep clear of a yacht on any other point of sailing. 6. An overtaking yacht shall in every case, as long as an Overtaking overlap exists, keep clear of the yacht which is being over- taken. 7. An overlap is established when an overtaking yacht has Establish- no longer a free choice on which side she will pass, and overlap, continues to exist as long as the leeward yacht by luffing, or the weather yacht by bearing away, is in danger of fouling. 8. When of two yachts one is obliged to keep clear, the Avoiding other shall not so alter her course as to involve risk of fouling. °" *"*' 9. A yacht may luff as she pleases in order Ij prevent Luffing. 40 !| Beariniif away. another from passing her to windward, provided she begins to luff before an ov^erlap has been established. ?, : 10. A yacht shall not bear away out of her course ) as to hinder another in passing to leeward. Passing on 1 1. If two yachts are meeting end on, or nearly end on, so SvJi/oom-^*^ as to involve risk of collision, the helms of both shall be put si-^n. to port, so that each may pass on the port side of the other. 12. A yacht shall not become entitled to her rights on a new course until she has filled away. Yachts 13. When two yachts both close-hauled on the same tack yacht to lee- ^J'e converging by reason of the leeward yacht holfling a Kward. better wind, and neither can claim the rights of a yacht being overtaken, then the yacht to leeward shall keep clear. Overlaps. Ma .ks. Yachts in danger of running aground. 14. If an overlap exists between two yachts when both of them without tacking are about to pass a mark on the required side, then the outside yacht must give the inside yacht room to pass clear of the mark. A yacht shall not, however, be justified in attempting to establish an overlap, and thus force a passage between another yacht and the mark after the latter has altered her helm for the purpose of rounding. 15. A mark in any vessel, boat, buoy or other object used to indicate the course, and does not in the preceding section involve any question of sea-room. 16. When a yacht is in danger of running aground, or of touching a pier, rock, or other obstruction, and cannot go clear by altering her course, without fouling another yacht, thvn the latter shall, on being hailed by the former, at once give room ; and in case one yacht is forced to tack or bear away, in order to give room, the other shall also tack or bear away, as the case may be, at as near the same time as is possible without danger of fouling. Penalty for Disobeying Rules. jc. Any yacht disobeying or infringing any of these Rules, Penalties for disobey- ing rules. which shall apply to all yachts, whether sailing in the sam.e or difTerent races, shall be disqualified from receiving any i 41 prize she would otherwise have won, and her owner shall be liable for all damages arising therefrom. Should a flagrant breach or infringement of any of these disqualified T. 1 1 1-1 ,- . . . , . for discbedi- Kules be proved against the owner of any yacht, he may be dis, ence or in- qualified by the Sailing Committee, for such time as the Sail- o^*^?^^"*^ ing Committee may think fit, from sailing his yacht in any race held under the Rules of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club ; and should a flagrant breach of these Rules be proved against any sailing master, he may be disqualified by the Sailing.' Com- mittee, for such time as the Sailing Committee may thinK fit, from sailing in any race held under the Rules of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Classifica- tion. <( (( <( (( (( (( (( $t Classification. The classification of yachts shall be as follow-; : 1st class, over 46 feet corrected length. 46 foot class, 46 feet corrected length and under. 40 " ' 40 " 35 " " 35 " 30 " " 30 " 25 «' *' 25 " And each yacht shall be entitled to sail in her own class and Jto other. TABLE OF TIME ALLOWANCE. The allowances in this Table a>"e based upon the rule Time allow- accepted by naval architects, that within economic limits *"^^" opportunities foi speed vary in different vessels as the square roots of their respective lengths. As strong winds are required, however, to give to larger vessels the full extent of their advantage in size, and as such a scale of allowance is not adapted to ordinary summer racing, 40 per cent, only of the allowance due to the rule is given in the table, and may be stated thus : I ! ^ Time equals .4 36(10 3600 "I i/LJ : 3,600 representing the number of seconds in an hour, I the small yacht and L the 1440 1440 larger one. Practically the formula is ~7j" of 3,600 being 1,440. ^/L 4-ioths 42 RULE FOR USING THE TABLE. Rules for The figures which appear in the table are calculated for using table. ^^^ nautical mile, and the time which any yacht has to allow for this distance is shown opposite to the figure which denotes her measurement. I ake the time of the larger vessel, and deduct the amount of it from that of the smaller vessel ; this will give the allowance for one nautical mile; multiply this by the length of course, and the resulting amount is what V the smaller vessel will receive expressed in seconds and decimal parts of a second. EXAMPLE. Example. What time will a yacht of 30 feet have to allow to one of 25 feet on a course of 20 nautical miles ? The time opposite 25 feet is 161. 71 30 " 136.61 2y 10 20 502.00 Or 8 minutes, 22 seconds. For pai t of a foot use the nearest fraction that car be ex- pressed in tenths, and take its proportion of the difference shown in the table between the time stated opposite to the figure to which the fraction is attached and the next higher number. What time will a yacht of 30 feet have to allow One of 25,8 feet on a course of 30 nautical miles T The time in table opposite 25 feet 161.71 '• 26 «' 156.12 156 12 Difference 5. 59 2-20 of difference i.n Time for 25.8 feet for one nautical mile ii;7.2-? "30 '* " 136.62 Yacht 30 feet allows yacht 25.8 feet for one mile . . 20.61 618.30 Or 10 minutes, 18 seconds. r 43 TIME ALLOWANCE FOR ONE NAUTICAL MILE IN SECONDS AND DECIMALS t ii 0) c Allow- ance. Measure- ment. , < is 1 Allow- ance. Measure- ment. < 130 .00 101 16.99 72 43.42 ^ 43 93.31 129 .49 100 17.70 71 44.61 42 9.5.91 128 .98 99 18.43 70 4.5.83 41 98.60 127 1.48 98 19.17 69 47.07 40 101.40 126 1.99 97 19.91 68 48.34 39 104.30 125 2.50 96 20.67 67 49.64 38 , 107.31 124 3.02 95 21.44 66 50.97 37 110.45 123 3.54 94 22.23 65 *y^ttj^ j 36 113.71 122 4.08 93 23.02 64 53.71 45 117.12 121 4.61 92 23.83 63 55.14 34 120.67 120 5.16 91 24.66 62 56.59 33 124.39 119 5.71 90 25.49 61 58.09 : 32 128.27 118 6.27 89 26.34 60 59.62 31 132. a5 1T.7 6.83 88 27.21 59 61.19 i 30 136.62 116 7.40 87 28.09 58 62.80 29 141.11 115 7.98 86 28.98 57 64.4.3 28 145.84 114 8.57 85 29.89 56 66.14 27 1 150.84 113 9.17 84 30.82 55 67.88 26 156.12 112 9.77 83 31.76 54 69.67 25 ; 161.71 111 10.38 82 32.73 53 71.51 24 167.65 110 11.00 81 33.71 i 52 73.41 ■ 23 173.97 109 11.63 80 34.71 51 75.35 I 22 180.72 108 12.27 79 35.73 5C 77.36 ' 21 187.94 107 12.91 ' 78 36.76 49 79.43 1 20 195.70 106 13.57 ( 4 37.82 48 81.56 ' 1 19 204.00 105 14.23 76 38.89 47 83.76 1 18 213.10 104 14.91 75 39.99 46 86.03 17 223.00 103 15.59 1 74 41.11 45 88.38 16 233.70 102 16.28 73 42.25 44 90.80 t ii i *' -i » • Comt ( ] F. A ] ] 1854 1854 1864 1858 1866 1869 1882 1882 i860 1882 1882 1886 1872 1865 1884 1865 1869 1^' ^OYTlh C^13:^Di:^]? YTICP CLUB. 1890-91. i OFFICERS. Commodore— A. R. Bosvvell. Vice-Commodore— Thomas McGaw. Captain— C. A. B. Brown. Honorary Secretary— S. Bruce Harman. Auditor— W. S. Andrews. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. F. Arnoldi, Hume Blake, Gerald Eoulton, A. M. Cosby, George E. Evans, J. Mitchinson, i-. V. Percival, A. Piddington, J.. E. Robertson, R. F. Stupart. HON. LIFE MEMBERS. 1854 Armstrong, Wm 1862 Stupart, Capt., R.N. 1854 Heath, C. W. 1883 Murray, Capt. J.G.,R.A LIFE MEMBERS. 1864 Baines, C. C. 1872 *Furniss, A. H. 1858 Baines, W. J. 1889 Fakonbridge, Hon. Mr 1866 Barwick, F. D., Q.C. Justice 1869 Bickford, E. O. 1882 Blake, Hume ^ 1882 Gooderham, Alfred 1882 Bolte, Auguste 1888 Gooderham, A. E. i860 Bosvvell, A. R. 1869 Gzowski, C. S., Jr. 1882 Boyd, Gardiner 1882 Burns, P. i860 1862 Hawke, G. M. Hime, H. L. 1886 *Clarkson, B. R. i860 Hope, W. 1872 Cochran, R. V ' 1865 *Courneen, R. 1884 Clark, P. M. 1883 Irwin, J. D. 1865 Eccles, F. H. 1881 Magann, G. P. 1869 Fulton, A. T. 1888 Millar, Charles » Non-resident , \ Junioi I 45 46 1 886 Moffatt, L. Henry 1859 Morris, Jas. H., Q.C. 1867 Mulock, W., M.P. 1884 Murray, Captain J, 1 88 1 McGaw, Thomas 1874 Perram, W. H. iSW" Postlethwaite, C. W. 1883 Reid, G. P. 1868 Robertson, Alex. J, 1868 Robertson, Jas. E. 1888 Saunders. B., Jr. 1854 Shortiss, Thomas 1870 Spragge, Dr. E. W. 1866 S'tephens, R. P. 1883 Walker, Harton 1882 VVinnett, Henry 1888 Wright, John MEMBERS, 1886 Aikens, Dr. W. H. B. 1888 Aikenhead, Thomas E. 1881 Allan, A. A. 1867 *Allaii, A. Rae 1889 :Allen, S. H. 1888 Ambrose, E. H. 1888 *Ames, A. H. 1871 ^Anderson, J. Weir 1838 J Anderson, A. C. 1882 Anderson, B. 1887 Armour, E. Douglas 1887 Armour, Douglas iJiiiiL ^Armstrong, A. E. 1874 Armstrong, H. D. P. Ui^ Armstrong, C E. 1882 Armstrong, Victor 1887 *Armstrong, Chris. 1 88 1 A mold i, Frank 1883 Arnuldi, Fulford 1888 Arnoldi, Charles 1888 Badenach, E. 1890 JBadgely, G. W. 1885 Bain, John, Q.C. 1874 Baines, Dr. A. M. 1880 * Baines, E. Hanley 1889 JBaines, A. H. 1889 Baines, W. B. * Non-resident. 1886 1887 1888 I«93 1884 1881 1886 1887 1888 1888 1881 1887 1886 1889 1886 1887 1879 1880 i88i 1882 1887 1889 1877 1884 1885 1889 1874 1883 1885 * 1881 1 887 * \ Junior. Baker, Charles Baker, F. M. :rBaker, R. L. t Baker, G. A. Baldwin, R. V. Baldwin, Morgan Baldwin, L. H. Baldwin, W. W. +Baldwin, S. Y. *Baldwin, D. C. Ball, Reginald L. Ball, F. W. Barrett, F. W. Barwick, Walter JBaxter, D. W. :J:Bayly, E. Beardmore, W. D. Beard more, George jBeardmore, F. Beatty, J. W. Beatty, W. H. Beaty, J. H. JBeatty, C. W. Beck, H. T. Beddome, W. C. Bell, George Bentley, W. H. Bethune, G. S. C. Bethune, R. H. *Biggar, W. H. Birchall, T. Shivers Black, C. H. *Black, Wm. 47 1865 Blackstock, G. Tate 1 88 1 Blackstock, T. G. 1890 Blackwood, A. H. 1883 Blake, Hon. E. 1883 :B]ake, E. F. 1885 Blake, W. H. 1886 tBlake, S. V. 1885 Bloodgood, H. K. iS§^ Bog, \V. A. 1889 JBoftnell, W. H. M. 1877 Boomer, G. A. 1877 Boomer, J. B. 1890 Boultbee, Reg'd 1885 JBoulton, A. iM% ^Boulton, Gerald 1888 ^Boullon, A. C. F. 1890 Boulton, Melfort 1887 Howes, R. H. 1885 *Boyd, VV. T. C. 1885 *Boyd, M. 1889 *Boyd, A.J. 1886 Boyc'., George 1890 Branchaud, A. L. 1887 Bredin, R. S. 1883 Brent, Charles J. 1879 Bright, T. G. 1885 Brock, Henry 1885 Broderick, A. B. 1885 Brodie, J. L. 1888 Brooke, G. H.C. i860 Brooke, D. O. 1890 +Broughall, H. I,. 1887 Brouse, W. H. 1886 *Browne, H. H. 1888 Brown, C. A. B. 1889 Brown, Hugh 1889 Brown, P. J. 1887 Bruce, John I^fB ^Brumell, W. B. 1887 Bryce, J. Eraser. 1889 Buchan, E. 1886 Bull, S.J. 1881 Bunting, C. W. 1887 Burgess, R. K. 1888 *Burk, E. G. 1890 Burk, A. W. 1888 *Burnet, Wm. 1886 Burnham, Dr. G. Herbert 1886 Burns, S. W. 1886 Burns, John * Non-resident. 1887 Burritt, A. P. 1889 iButler, W. 1889 Cameron, Sir R. 1883 Cameron, Hector, Q.C. 1890 Cameron, M. G. i8:,o Cameron, D. E. 1888 ^Campbell, Alex. M. i%e Campbell, F. J. 1888 Cane, F. W., M.D. 1888 :Cane, G. F. 1886 Canniff, J. Foster 1883 Capreol, A. H. 1877 Capreol, J. L. 1882 *Carmichael, A. L, 1889 *CarnUhers, J. B. 1889 Carter, E. T. 1870 Cassels, W. Ciibson 1877 Cassels, R S. 1887 Cassels, W. G. P., Q.C. 1890 Cassels, G. C. 1889 *Caulkin, F. W. 1885 Cavvlhra, Henry 1885 tCawthra, Victor 1888 :::Cawthra, W. H. 1865 Cayley, Frank 1888 Cayley, F. O. 1881 Chadwick, E. M. 1888 :J:Chadwick, A. E. 1889 :Chadwick, V. 1887 *Chisholm, R. W. 1888 *Chisholm, Geo. H. 1885 *Clark, B. W. 1885 Clark, A. D. 1890 Clark, L. H. 1884 Clarke, J. B. iSm :Clarke, H. L. 1888 Clarke, B. Stanley 1890 Clarke, C. H. Stanley. 1885 Clarkson, A. M. 1883 Clarkson, E. R. C. 1885 Clement, W. H. P. 1889 Close, A. J. 1884 *Coate, F. S. 1881 Cockburn, G.R.R., M.P. 1889 itCockburn, C. 1889 tCockerell, L. t Junior. I 1 48 1885 Cockshutt, C. 1890 Coles, H. L. 1889 Cooper, R. K, 1 88 1 Cosby, A. M. 1882 Cosgiave, L. J. 1883 Cou'son, D. 1 88 1 Covernton, Dr. T. S. 1888 :tCowan, II. S. 1889 :|:Cowaii, R. 1888 Cox, E. W. 1889 Cox, E. S. 1889 JCrean, G. C. 1883 Creelman, A. R. 1888 Creelman, Wm. 1880 "^Crickmore, Edwin 1874 *Crickmore, S, Roper 1887 Croil, A. W. 1871 Crombie, Marcellus 1876 Crooks, WilloughLy 1889 Crovvther, W. C. 1 88 1 Cumberlami, Barlow 1890 1881 1887 1887 1883 1888 1884 1882 1886 1889 1888 1884 1867 1890 1884 1880 1887 1880 1890 1889 1888 1887 1889 1861 Dallas F. Dalton, C, C. Darling, Andrew i^'arling, H. W. Darling, Robert Darling, Walter l>avidson, John I. *Davidson, Wm. * Davis, John *Davis, C. S. Davison, W. F. Dawson, Lt.-Col. G. D. Defoe, D. M. Dempsey, C. Denny, James Dick, B. Dickey, F. S. Dickson, Wm. Dodd, A. W. -- Dodds, E. King Donald, R. C. Douglas, Wm. ^ + Drayton, H. L. Duggan, E. H. * Non-resident. 1889 *Duck, H. F. 1888 Dunnet, Thorn is 1890 Dyke, Gavin 1888 Dunston, Geo. 1867 *Eadie, G. W. 1889 :Eddis, II. C. 1882 Edwards, E. W, 1888 Edgar, J. F. 1889 :Elliott, H. 18S0 Elli^ J. E. 1885 *Ellis, R. Y. 1886 Ellis, H. D. 1S87 Ellis, J. F. 1882 Evans, G. E. 1880 Evans, A. T. K. 1889 Ewing, J. M. 1887 *Eyre, George 1887 Fahey, Wm. 1887 * Fauquier, E. F. 1875 *Ferguson, Dr. J., M.P. 1870 Ferguson, J. H. 1889 Firstbrook, W. 1 88 1 Fisken, J. Kerr 1889 Fitton, H. W. 1890 Flynn, Thomas 1873 *Ford, H. A. 1890 Forsayeth, B. G. P. 1881 Foy, Augustine 1874 Foy, J. J., Q.C. 1881 Gait, Chief Justice Sir Thomas 1872 Gamble, A. W. 1881 Gamble, H. D. 1873 Gamble, R. D. 1888 tGarrett, Bruff 1882 *Gates, George E. X Junior. i88i 1889 1889 1881 1878 1889 1878 1885 1890 1890 1888 1882 1886 1881 1882 1881 1882 1890 1874 1876 i87S 1888 1889 1890 1887 1887 1889 1882 Geckles, Clamble (jibson, J. Gray Gibson, A. Cecil *Gill, Robert Gillespie, George E, :J:Gillespie, H. F, *Gilniour, l.t.-Col. Allen Gilmour, R. Goad, C. E. Godfrey, C. H. Gooch, R. N. Ciooderham, C. H. Gooderham, George :{:Gooderliam, G. H Gooderham, Henry Gooderham, R. T. Gooderham, W. G. *Ciosling. F. J. *Grant, W. J. Grasett, A. W. (iraselt, Dr. F. L. Grasett, Lt.-Col. H. J. jGray, C. C. jGray, F. H. Gray, H. A. Gray, F. M. Greene, H. V., H. M. Grindley, W. 1877 1886 1887 1888 1879 1882 1888 1889 1890 1864 1876 1862 1875 1888 1870 49 Hagarty, G. F. Hagarty, J. H. G. Hall, Dr. J. B. it Hall, H. B. *Hamilton, John Hammond, H. C. Harcourt, F. W. Hardy, Hon. A. S. Hargraft, G, R. Harman, George F. Harman, H. VV, A. Harman, S. Bruce Harman, D. M. Harrison, T. M. Harrison, A. B. * Non-resident. 1886 Harston, C Greville 1887 Harte, Wm. 1889 :J:Hartsiiorne, H. 1887 I laverson, James 1879 llawke, Widmtr 1885 Hay, J. D. 1890 Hay, K. 1874 Heath, C. D. 1881 Heath, Stuart 1887 Helxlen, Edward F. 1888 Hector, A. 1886 Hedley, J. 1888 Hees, T. R. 1887 Helliwell, A. A. 1881 HenderscM), J. 1). 1881 Henderson, Chris. M. 1 88 1 Henderson, David 1877 Henderson, John 1883 Henderson, Wm. 1890 *Hendrie, J. 1889 Hickson, R. J. 1888 Higinbotham, G. W. 1890 Hiiion, F. A. 1881 Holland, Charles 1886 Hoi man, C.J. 1890 JHorn, W. 1889 Hoskin, Alfred 1883 Howard, A. McLean 1 88 1 Howland, O. A. 1878 Howland, Sir W. P. 1888 Hoyles, A. L. 1 88 1 * Hughes, J. E. 1888 ^Hunter, H. S. 1890 JHunter, J. A. 1881 Ince, Wm. 1888 Innes, P. Long 1888 :irving, L. E. Wentworth .!1 •t » 1886 Jackson, W. 8. 1888 Jacques, D. B. I Junior. 50 1 889 1886 1885 1881 1888 1886- 1887 1888 1889 1890 X 1880 i860 1876 1877 affray, R. a«i;er, C. H. anes, S. H. arvis, /Emilius ennings, H. ennings, W. T. ermyn, T, J olinson, T. E. ohnston, W. C. ohnston, G., Jr. ohnston, S. ones, T. W. ones, Clarkson ones, Beverley oseph, Frank J. 1888 Kappele, George 1888 Keefer, Charles H. 1887 * Kelly, E. 1881 Kemp, J. C. 1889 Kenny. J. J. 1883 Kent, lohn G. 1888 Kerr, ). L. 1887 Kerr, J. K., Q.C. 1888 Kertland, M. M. 1889 *Kilvert, F. E. 1887 *King, John 1888 King, ]. S. 1887 Kingsford. R. E. 1879 Kingsmiil, N. 1881 Kingstone, F. W. 1888 Knight, H. V. 1890 Lacon, J. B. U. 1885 Laidlaw, VVni. #669 LaVenture, W. J. i888 :i-aw, T. D. 1889 Laws, Henrv J. I.. 1887 iLeacock. VV. H. 1874 Lee, Arthur li. 1 88 1 Lee, Burdetle * Non-reeident. 1885 Lee, Thomas B. 1887 Lee, H. 1888 :Lee, W. Cecil 1890 i^Lee, W. C. 1888 Leeming, R. W. 1888 Leeming, Frank 1888 itLesIie, Harry D. 1880 Leslie, Dr. Joseph 1874 Leys, John 1885 :Leys, W. A. 1889 Lightbourne, E. T. 1883 Lockhart, James 1889 Lockhart, R. R. 1887 Lord, R. Fred. 1888 Loveys, George C. 1887 *Macdonald, Sir John A. 1887 *Macdonald, A. E. 1887 Macdonald, Walter 1887 Macdonald, Wm. 1878 Macdonald, Dr. A. A. 1888 Macdonald, James S. 1888 Macdonald, J. Gordon 1886 Macfarlane, G. F. M. 1881 *Mackellar, J. A. iW^ Maclean, F. W. 1888 JMackendrick, W. G 1888 Mackenzie, George A. 1889 Mackenzie, Alex. 1885 Macmurchy, D. J. 1887 Macmurchy, Angus 1882 Macnamara, M. J. 1887 Macnee, J. H. 1883 Macpherson, A. F. 1887 Macrae, H. H. 1890 Macrae, J. F. 1890 Mainwaring, R. A. 1884 Malloch, Frank 1 88 1 Manchee, F. D. 1884 Manley, F. F. X Junior. «1 1881 Manning, Alex. 1888 ^Manniiiii, H. A. 1888 *Marlatt, Cecil (). 1888 Marlatt, W. T. 1880 Marriott, C. 1887 Marsh, Alfred H. 1876 Martin, Ed., Q.C. 1 88 1 Mason, J. Herbert 1 88 1 Massey, John 1890 Matheson, A. F. 1887 Mathews, E. 1884 Matthews, Wilmot D. 1882 Matthews, \V. C. 1888 Mathews, James T. 1886 May, Samuel 1883 Merritt, Wm. M. 1867 Mickle, H. W. 1887 *Millar, J. B. 1888 Millar, Kenneth A. 1889 :MiIes, E. 1887 Mitchinson, J. 1880 *Mofiatt, K. O. 1881 *Monk, r. F. 1889 Montgomery, J. D. 1890 iJi.Moniizambert, II. St. J. 1890 Morphy, A. W. 1889 * Morris, A. W. 1 889 *Morris, E. D. 1890 Morris, E. 1889 Morrison, Curran 1888 Morrison, J. B. 1882 Morrow, John 1880 :Morse, J. Wilton 1882 Morse, H. V. Morson, F. M. ^Mortimer, C. Whyte Moss, Charles, Q.C. ^Mott, John T 1885 1875 1868 1883 1888 1888 'Mott, I Uiott B. Muir, J. F. i8go iJiMulock, William 1 88 1 Munro, George 1887 ^Murray, Arthur H. 1886 Murray, Charles B. Murray, John A. Murray, W. T. Musson, George Mutton, George Myles, R. 1881 1874 1887 1887 1882 1881 McCarthy, D'Alton, Q.C, M.r. i8J^9 McClain, K. 1889 McCuaig, C. J. 1887 McCulloch, k. O. 1887 McDonagh, Dr. G. R. 1884 McDougall, His Honor Judge 1888 *McElderry, Frank 1885 *McEwan, D. 1882 McFarlane, Dr. L. 1889 JMcGaw, T. D. 1890 McGee, J. C. 1885 Mcintosh, R. 1889 +McKenzie, J. M. 1888 McMaster, Frank i89cr Mc.\ aster, J. S. 1888 McMillan, H. 1862 McMurray, J. Saurin 1888 +McMurray, Leonard L. 1888 :McMurray, L. S. 1874 McMurrich, (ieorge 1888 *McMurrich, J. B. 1885 McNab, Allar 1887 McNally, P. J. 1884 McFhillips, P. 1881 McWilliams, W^ G. 1887 Nairn, Alex. 1884 *Nanton, H. W. 1888 Nattress, Dr. W. 1883 Nelson, Charles H. 1890 Newbigging, Et.-Col. 1889 *Nicholson, Capt. J. 1885 Northcote, Reginald 1888 Noxon, W. C. 1889 :Niinn, H. C. ii * Non-resident. 1879 O'Keefe, Eugene 1879 O'Reilly, Dr. C. 1879 Gates, E. F. J Junior. r 52 1886 Ogilvy, Thomas 18H7 Osier, H, H., Q.C. 1877 Oskr K. B. » < - 1887 1880 1888 1880 18S1 1886 1889 1882 188S 1889 1882 1 890 1883 1889 1887 1890 1889 1884 1886 1890 1882 18S5 Parrish, H. E. I'anions, \V. H. :J:l*arsons, II. C. Paterson, J. H. *Paton, Hugh Paton, S. :Pauw, J. K. ; . Payne, H. V. ' Peaice, W. K. Pearson, James I'ellatt, Henry I'epler, Dr. W. H. Percival, L. V. tPerryn, K. G. H. :i>hillips, \V. Q. Piddinjjton, Alfred Pinkerton, W. Pingle, U. Plummer, Alf. ¥.. Poison, F. B. Pope, Hon C. R. Price, James Pyne, "Ur. R. A. 1888 Rankin; A. 1890 Ransom, W. W. 1890 Read, C. Percy 1889 :Reed, J. C. 1800 +Richanlson, G. H. 1882 Richmond, J. _ 1889 ^Ridley, H. E. 1888 Ridout, Donald C. 1881 Ridout, Percival C. 1888 Riordan, Dr. Bruce L. * Non-resident. 1887 Ritchie, George 1887 * Ritchie, Owen 1890 itRitthie, P. E. 1 88 1 Roaf, James R. 1886 *Rol)arts, A. W. 1890 Rohl), C. E. 1888 Roberts, G. H. 1889 Roberts, D. i88i Robertson, L. H. 1890 Robertson, G 1883 Robinson, Charles E 18S1 Rolph, T. T. 1890 Rolph, Frank 18S9 :J:Rowland, V. J. . 1888 Rose, Wm M. 1898 Rose, G M., Jr. 1 88 1 Ross, Dr. James, Sf. 1885 Ross, Dr. J. F. W. 1884 Rutherford, J. W. 1887 Ryan, Hugh 1874 Ryerson, Charles E. 1 88 1 Ryerson, Dr. G. S. ■ 1 1890 *Sandford, Hon. W. E. 1885 Sanson, J. 1888 tScholfield, Percy G. 1889 tScholfield, H. C. 1873 *Scarth, W. B. 1881 Scott, Henry J., Q,C. 1888 Scott, James, Jr. 1889 tScott, A. W. 1889 TSeaver, J. R. jAm JShavv, H. A. 1884 Shepley, G. F. 1886 Shuttleworth, E. B. 1888 Simmons, H. D. 1886 *Sinclair, Alex. 1890 * Skinner, H. 1887 Sloane, W. P. 1887 Small, Sidney 1875 Small, J. T. 1887 Smith, G. B. 1887 Smith, James E. 1879 Smith, J. C. J Junior. 53 E f. E. C. I.S.S6 1.SS4 1S84 1.SS7 I.-S8 I HH() 1H90 1HS8 IS 78 188^ 1889 1 889 1888 1885 1890 1884 1889 1889 1888 1889 1889 1880 1888 1878 18S1 1S7S 1 88 7 1886 1885 Sniiili, L. \V. ^Smilli. \V. A. Smith, W. II. Smith, A. \V. Smith, AUred W. S.jiKy. J. M, Spaiiin^;, F. +S|)r()att, Alan Sprmilc, ('. II. Sproulc, (!. I'. Spioiile, K. K. Stark, A. *StJirr, D. A. Stanton, Frank :tStc\vanl, II. W. Stewart, F. J. Stewart, T. B. P. Stewart, John Stimson, (i, A. .tStovel, C. J. *Slran<,'e, [. K. Strathy, j. K. *Stralhy, K. \V. *Stuart, J. J. Stuparti^ k. F. ^Snthcrland, C. N. Sutherland, K. \V. Sutherland, I, N. ^Sutherland, "ll. L. Sweatman, Rt. Rev. Arthur Symons, Harry 1889 Tail, Thonia-; 1883 Tassie, W. T. 1887 Taylor, W. J. M. • 1890 Taylor, M. J. 1883 Thomas, F. 1882 TJiomp.son, Samuel 11. 1 866 ^Thompson, Walter S. 1 880 ^Thompson, W. D, 1887 Thompson. J. E. - -~ 1888 Thompson, W. E. 1889 Thompson, J. H. 1890 -tThomp.son, J. T. * Non-ivsideiit. 1890 !882 1884 1 88 1 1884 1887 1879 1885 i8to 1880 1880 1886 1889 1889 1886 1858 1885 1887 iionip.Mjn, F. C homson. J. I). homson, W . ( '. home, R. F. 'home. Iloiace iiley, L. A. isdale, Ft. -Col., M.P. odd, I'iiilip orrance, 11. I', otten, Henry ownsend, ( '. j. ownsend, S. 1 1. ownsend, (Jilbert ownsend, S. E. ownsend, |. T, urnhull, J. urnbull. Ft. -Col. I urner, Fred. A. urner, P. E. .^' F 1887 *Us>.her, !•:. S. 1 090 +VanKouj,dinet, G. M. D. 1887 Vernon, H. F. Harcourt 1884 *Vickers, J. A. I). 1 88 1 Wade, Henry 1886 *\Vade, Frank M 1870 *Wadsworth, W. 1888 Wakefield, W. 1887 Walker, IJ. E. 1888 * Walker, F. II. 1885 Walker, David 1885 Walker, II. R. t Innior. R, 54 1890 1888 1886 1888 1882 J 889 1890 1888 1888 1889 1887 1890 1887 1877 1888 Walker, Dr. H. Ward, P. ]l. Watson, G. F. Walson, J. P. * Watson, H. M. JWedd, M. DeS. iWedd, L. E. Welch, H. W. Wells, I. K. Wey, H. T. (l Wliitney, Clarence T. Wickham, II. J. Widder, Charles Wilkie, D. R. *Wilkeson, Will. " ^ Non-resident. 1890 Wi lianison, T. Ci. 1890 Wilson, J. M. 1882 *Wiinan, Erastus 1890 Wishart, Dr. J. T 1887 Wood, Hon. S. C. 1S87 Wyatl, II. ]'". 1884 Wyld, Fred. 1 886 'Young, U. St. h. 5 .T\inior. <N: * - s- \ ^ (^ IJ «>, I i „ _The Annual Meeting will be held m Shaftes- bury Hall on Saturday, 25th April, at Bight o'clock, p.m ROYAL CANADIAN YACHT CLUB. Toronto, April 7th, 1891. The Committee of Management, in submitting the Annual Statement for the Financial Year ending 31st March, 1891, beg to report as follows: Expenditure. — The amount $2114 expended during the past season on Capital Account and for improvements and repairs appears large, but when it is taken into consideration the nature of these improve- ments, and that they are of a substantial and lasting character, it will be readily seen that the expenditure has been well and judiciously made. Amongst the most important of these improvements are the purchase and erection of a suitable Steam Engine and Boiler and Steara Pump which were found to be absolutely necessary for .-.upplying, at all limes, a plentiful amount of water for the building and for maintaining the grounds in proper order, which 'atter, at the close of the season, were pronounced to be in excellent condition. The increased pressure obtained adds materially to the protection of the buildings against fire. Club House.— The Club House has been enlarged by an addition to the south-west and Ihc new building properly furnished, thereby afifording increased accommodation to the Steward's Department, a want hitherto much felt. To the Cooking Department has been added a large Steel Range of modern iksign, the stove formerly in use having been condemned as useless after several years service. Furniture. — A large outlay has been occasioned in purchasing Carpets for the Dining Room, Hall, and Main Stairway, as well as Tables, Chairs, Cutlery, etc., for the Dining Room. Grounds.— A suitable Lawn Roller and new Water Service are among the improvements to the Howling and Tennis Grounds. Launch. — The Launch has been furnished with new Cushions and Oilcloth. Yachting. — The Racing Season of 1890, may be said to have been a successful one. Club Races. — There were sixteen Club Regattas held during the season. L. Y. R. A. — On the 15th August, the L. Y. R. A. Circuit Races were held under the auspices of the Club anc' proved a decided success, all the Association Clubs being fairly represented and each class well filled. Carnival. — On the 2nd July, was held the Carnival Regatta which brought together seventy-five yachts, the largest fleet ever witnessed in Toronto waters, and in the evening the illuminations at both Club Houses and on the yachts presented a scene of great brilliancy. Fleet. — The number of Yachts at p'-'-nnt in ^" fleet is fifty-one, and it is expected that threi' or four of the most modern type of boat will be added at the commencement of the season. Prize Monev, etc. — The total sum devoted oy the Club to the interests of Yachting for the past season was $1824; of this amount $1372 was expended in prizes; i.e., $835 for the Annual Regatta, and $537 for the Club R.ices. Ci.UD Cups. — The Races for the Club Cups were all successfully sailed to a finish. The Racing Season opened on the 31st May, and closed on the 27th September. L. Y. R, A. —At the Annual Meeting of the L. Y. R. A. held in Toronto on the 9th November last, several Amendments to the Association Rules were carried, two of the most important being the following : (iST.) That the table of time allowances be altered from 40% to 50V, as per Rule on page 41 Club By-laws and Sailing Rules. (2ND.) That the only Cliisses in which Professionals shall not be allowed to handle Yachts, shall be iiiose for bv its of thirty feet corrected length and under. Visitors. — On the 30th May, their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, were entertained at the Lsland Club House, on which occBsion His Royal Highness graciously consented to be- come a Patron of the Club, Ball — The Club Ball held at the Pavilion (Horticultural) on the 4th February, under the dis- tinguished patronage of their Excellencies the Governor-Cieneral of Canada and the I^dy Stanley, of Preston, who honoured the Ball with their presence, proved to be the most brilliant entertainment ever witnessed in Toronto, the success of which was due to the energies of the several active Committees who had charge of the arrangement.s. Queen's Cup. — The Committee took the opportunity of His Excellency's presence in Toronto in February last, to make application to him — as Her Gracious Majesty's Representative — for a Queen's Cup, and he very kindly expressed himself on the subject, and at his suggestion a memorial to Her Majesty was prepared and forwarded in due course, and your Committee have every hope of the request being granted. Members Resioned, Died, Struck ofe List under 35, etc. — During the year six members were removed by death, 32 resigned and 15 were struck off under By-law No. 36, making a total of 53. On the other hand 99 were elected of whom 57 are resident, 10 non-resident and 32 junior. This compares most favorably with the previous year 'vhen the total number removed from the Club List was 74, with a new membership of only 86. Present Strength. — On the 31st March, ult., the Membership amounted to 718, as below. Honorary Life Members 3 1 .ife Members 41 Resident Members 471 Non-Resident Members 99 Junior Members 104 Total 718 All of which is respectfully submilte-J. f^ ■ ^ "7 ' fi 11 lj^fjy-\- S. BRUCE HARMAN, Hon.-Secretary. ROYAL CANADIAN Statements for Financial Year Receipts. INCOME ACCOUNT. Expenditure. I Knthan<'E Vkkh suiwcbiptions: Resident 7792 50 Non Ucsident 432 00 Boat RAf*." Lai'Xcii Hookh Lu<!KAKij UKIiATTAS : Sub8crii>tion •IfHI «• Dinner TiekeU 177 65 .Stkwakds UeI'AKT.MENT rtii.LiAKiis AM) Cards Sai.k of (JARI'ET 810 00 ENTERTAfNMKNTH 442 20 Be(iatta« '-'•■«•■' 0« SSlM oO 244 00 204 afi '>ar> 00 077 tl5 701 64 ;«> fl.'i :,'> 00 Island Ci.iiii ; Maintenance '^lO 32 Wftges 874 00 Hoard, Servanta 190 00 Washing 216 25 Fuel »n 4.5 RentandTaxes 163 79 Repairs • . 78 39 Sundries 36 ">0 Town Cll'B : .Maintencnae 213 70 Wiiges 523 50 Washing 40 76 Kuel, (ias and Water 182 68 Rent and Taxes 191 21 Repairs 28 86 1964 70 1180 7 Laincm : Maintenance 272 15 Wages 714 28 Kuel J80 42 Repairs 167 80 Rooks 33 85 GnorNns : Maintenance 54 81 Wages 265 .'to Trees, Plants, etc 1 12 45 .SRCRBTARy A.VD AlDITOH Books anh Stationery .... Periodioaij* Printinii and Advertising. IMERE.ST I.SiUkASCE Balani:e ; Transferred to Capilal Acrl. 1668 50 432 .50 860 00 180 20 41 40 141 50 750 50 124 50 11.37 18 11276 09 11276 09 YACHT CLUB. Knding 31st March, 1891. Receipts. CAPITAL ACCOUNT. Expenditure. Cahii ill Bank and on hand, Ist April, 1800. Inoomk Acvodnt, balance tranaferied Sdiiscuiition!!, 18UI, paid in advance Sdjjdby Ckkditobs H2() II Ii:t7 18 4.30 50 .S97 IK) $27S,'> «0 MoKTdAiiK Account ToBOSTo Vaoiit Clcii, .Stock Club Housk Pbop'jbtibs LArsoii FiiBNiTuhE, etc Stock ok LiynoBs and Cioars Insubanck, unexpired Cash in ISiink and on hand, ^Ut March, 1801 . .SOO 00 l.->0 00 imift 10 ■200 71 484 93 208 87 I.-. 00 298 09 $27H.') 69 Dr. Profit and Loss Account. Cr. To Pbopbbtiks Acct., amonnt written o6F Launch, ■• " FdbNITUBE, m 11 292 10 206 71 284 92 By H/LANCE at credit, Ist .\pril, 1890 ... 10983 46 Incomk Account for year ending 3Ut March, 1891 1137 18 Dbv Dock. Appropriation 352 .50 (Surplus from Jlall, 1889, credited in error last year.) _, "BaimncEI 3l8t March, 1891 109,->4 .35 $12090 64 tl20!)0 64 By Balance at credit, Ist April, 1891 10954 US Assets and Liabilities. Island and Town Club I'BorKETiES 208<K) 00 Launch. 1500 00 FuHNITlBK, etc., Islond and Town Clubo 1400 00 .Stock tn Liquobs, etc., on hand 28:t 8, Insubanck. I'beviu.m,'ibed 45 00 C;ash, in Bank and on hand <><)» OQ |24:i2tt.96 Mobtoages 1 1900 00 Stiickholdebs, Royal Canadian Yacht Club 150 00 Stockholdeus, Tobonto Yacht Club 90 00 SrnsCEiPTioNs, 1891, paid in advance 430 JH) Sundby Cbeditobs 449 55 Interest, SIst March .300 00 Insurance, m 60 (M) Sundries 89 !)5 Dbv Dock .352 56 I'BOEIT AND Loss Account. . . : lOl'M 35 $24326 96 Certified to l^e correct, (Signed), W. S. ANDREWS, F.C.A., Toronto, 7th April, 1891. AUIIITOB.