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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method : Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s & des taux de reduction diff brents Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 A partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 rimpi COLLECTION OF SUCH ACTS OF THE SYNOD OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA, /// IN CONNECTION WITH THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, AS APPEAR TO CONTAIN STANDING LAWS AND RULES OF THE CHURCH. EXTRACTED FROM THE RECORDS, By the rev. ANDREW BELL, Dundas, CLERK OF THE SYNOD. i; '*Kcc Camen r<3^- TORONTO: /^i PRINTED BY SCOBIE & BALFOUR, KING STREET, 1847. Price 7^d. — The profits to be paid to the Synod Fund. \'' M; mamaaibi , 1 I • : U \} / ■ i i / *' '\ / At ^iUlnift^ to q/lM /ilf, qfJMimg Xmm Mtf iiiilii «ic» i — «^i**».„ -, .-™^,,.v- :<■ ■J (J, .1J.:^H ./^-n:Hl^A .-'M ;■■; {^ . -f ( •i\ W 4 %V ^ a: iJ^ii V %._ ' /; A/f./; T J 5 : ■■'^O-HO'I • • «■ i /~. -^ -r y^T ':• A k-^ ■bfif?'l b«»a7^..fti'; '3" fino y^i v ; ^v,'■:e■' ;>.; i -.; TMiiesy iit Otienrtiai^llina m. of Oi^ ttuttMOslbr ^d/«^^ CHlitteE I i ii t»dhK#itoi0oteitsef Ididlrito aiid'pitlkim. •••<;h'^-rf:R' !;?iiEOl)« UUi if« o! , ' m 9 Vt^^vJ^ :? -'i '^ii-^iii, ,'J j'AniLjifjt] *'>;;, -Kv} ^^•?h'■^-J;^C^* J'V The Synod called for fietnnia to the Overture on LegislatiTO Enactments. The Synod agreed to Unnsmit the Overtore again, in the following amended foim :-t- ipegolarly ttanakwed: toiite aeimd^tPhn^rt^eiy and ibi^ ti^iTlf ^he 4isi^ht of a majdnt^^ thi F^W- Ahall bJ» held aa%;ih»ved/ andly^^^ri^^^ "^ tfjM^ed to' the etnictments of diii 4nii!iiitt6eediiif ii£> v-_v*-^..-- ACTS OF THE SYNOD ^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1^^^^^^^ idOVm 'dl^l 10 8T3A butions fcN^'btiiMhic^iiChi^hes without the permission ana attestation of the Presbytery of the>ounds. The SjTiiM ha^ikanRiiitM to jhem^ ^ir^mmiitee on Bills mi WMm;W^wSiSmmaSDim f3i|^MMii)g. tUi#>. pMioa\\iilf unauthorized indiyidaals ' ^t^fif<^|ntopni5iTO|1 _ , ^ shall first hare wSinSd ^^i pftrmi&iniror'tWftir^iiawtec* tire Presbyteries to that effiuBt, /md that aecounts of all monies so eollectedy tog^er with statements of the apiMatteidOteSioe^MiyAliJkitei^ rttqiABtire eries for thei^ ; "" * ts, be furni^dc j^tt^OtTpSi i I i e affl^mft olafor.Pri »r8 -i'^ hn£ 4Md«LWiMte6«/dPtQiieenfft!iyaliege^' ^it wy Ml WMos^;^^ FKSSORS, AMD TRUSTEES^ OF QuEEN'S COLLEOl^io^v I> [^ ^dt»^Mntfi^ly3tfWa4ttiiaitelare the Con- i ! i ^pipHMPBHiBMBaaaB I f \ COMTiKimnQ STANDlNff^LAWS. '-'->y^X;;?*yyo3ei>^' '>:< > ^c^> »ni nrtcipal for the tow (>3P«|i. ^feU%Ltt^ Trustee ex'officio,) shall h^ 14^iij^ the Board, except in ever|rl^Fi»UKth'*>yiMit; j[ai8,.18IO, &c., when only Two Minis- I tam«DdrTbi^Mlieynfen jhalL rsUf ftrrjunt . ;|baJJr4 ' libtairiiitettpfntil^^o^inginaniiV^ min^rm^ »m^Su1ffSi ?^' fb' thW miilta^(?'6rfhiikeei%n^ ^«ffl^FM# ih# i^tiljpiil^for ^'i,U!j-;H ?t !i i AOTf OF TBS fVVOD )•> '^^f^0^0^0t0^m0^0^^^0^0^^t0^0^0^0^^^0^0^0k^^^^>^^^^^^0^0^0^^^^^r>i^^*0^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ■■ third TMT (1848, 1846, 1849, iw.>, nomiiiate oot fit and difc civet Ptivoai Wbig a memMr in fall oommunioiL witli tiit ChuMy M •ligilile to fill tlMoOUsaar Tnittae of tht Collafss uim which Lay Tmateee thill be ehoten, to fill the Tacandea occunioff it thi Board dttiing each year.*' '^ All Stattttet, Rolea, and Ordinancei, abide bythi TnHteat, in to fltr at they rtgaid the perlbnnance of Dirine flenrioeift the College, the dntiet of the Profetton in the TheologMal Department, and the Studiet and Ezerdtet of the Studentt of Diflnityj are to be tobject to the intpection of the Synod, and avtto be fiirthwith trantmittfd to the Cleit of 'theSjrnod, ttd^ be by )ikn fadd before the S^fnod at their next iDeetiiig ht their ip(k«(ral,.and«tttil inch upptoyrtl, dniy aattheiitieatia W the tfgnatQMt It WIS vaaolved^thaty iaatmnon as there ar», in yvanM pttrti of thd BtOTinoos many commiiiHties of Prssby^ tWrifliiB #ho dbsira to 1)6 conneeted WiOi'this dbitirdtf^ wl'.to teeeiYe dttdipimoes fiom the Ministers of this fifyiioi^.who |»e not jet ripe tox sett^emefi^ aiid in^^iA milQO^sjIlie people m tips situatioon being but selaom ¥isitadil)y owlkGiiistem or Bieaohers^ are apt to be led sway by peieons who go among them from other deao-^. mfnatim ; and moreorer^ as it is highly desirable ^lat atik Miaisters and Missioiiaries, when thejr visit stK^, fihbmd hiite some persons with whom' thev cia^ 1 i^d ^do||ipanicfl^/ leigiid t0 the s^iritail ItijiN^^/as ^U 8^^ yt6^^ be eojmned, ai fiiey b^ are, to use dili^noe H : oiig^anizine . msih Piesbjpl SSBS I COMTAnmfO STAMDIIIO LAWS. [ Act admitting certain Professors in Qneen's CoUege to sit in the Chnreh Gourts. MontretO, M My, ISA The Synod enacted ^ That erery Piofeasor in Qneen^i ColleffBy Kingateny being an ordained liiniater of this Church. shalT be a oonatitaent member of the Preebjf- tery of Kingaton, and as auoh^ entitled to sit in all meet- ingf of Synod.'' VU. Act anent Public Baplisnu ''';;h/1".'. ■ . ,libn^ose duty it shall be to yiait iffrery fMpipnj^n u^|i^^the care or the i^ieab^tecy by whonirtaey are reepectiTeiy appointefi. d'ue hoticanat- ^mimTiHin Vy the Yiiiter, or V^time when rach risitation is to be held in each em^fa^ioii ; tt' hkpkiif^ the diebharge *oreign Missions ; to obtain answers ff^lWM^ti^SQl^feiBjE^^ W^jLhe Statistical 8o)Md|aI^.:-to direct attention and oDMun intormation in i^tt^^^l^^atm "l^^ting which special duties (dMMififtnidiJtfaVefil'oD Seseiteia and^iCeiigfe^lMtt by x^MS^ni^ orPMsbytei^y^ Itofffiteeomifel attjua ITis^ "^•ifi^mtCttmiAmSi seetioaasfti w^ itiy /nrirttefjafieetifla^tiia tiriiwyn ufcfls^rtif JtkM ithdttimy lie ^lA to^iSMy and, in conjunction with the Minister to prepaMftyilib- E>rt on the state of religieB4» each congregation, to be id before the Presbytei^jtfif^the bounds for their deli- id, together with said defiye- 1 ?i k-ff * t'Tf -^Ui) QlJ, i<^li^"i6f^:i^-i h sflykSlt^ Ot^j'J Oir-Jiljiil jgad naiit. &isa. 4 fo-igferT'r tee ■g^^-fHiawNy ' FiM m ■pa .ii M gJ^y^gmgUBJljIlgllgigllg I j^|p^^WM»»W»*M>*M«^^»<«»«^^^^^^<»»W»^ eont^^^W^ ffT^npin^ juwt ;'i>^r Qtit larnvji Offf to iinq si!.' no rit»jfSWv['NjWiw6fe*W4 lfi^H#^;¥iim|iillS^l9 as haailMiDili qifaai)r \w mJbM &^Mil9«SlS»BA by thb^Churcli as & preparation for tlie c^n^ ef the Honr M^i7^,%A^ under the usiiial tows. them toeri^1»]S^»i$d%aM^»^ of the |>racticai beariftgs of t h o se principles whi<^ h^Te so unhappily divided ueij^lnirbh of Scotland^ inralpeet eithertp aqy, inOringerafti^t of the spiritual independeiM;e i^v^mk, i0oi^|i^i^s%Msteaifir«aSo the oonneeUo^^^j^^ Soptuind;ancL mjs l^nien' ff i "i i «l*»" i " ii ->rn"if i T i n i nn i ' i rir ii r i 'r i r in 'f i t 'rt t i i rrr > ' rl'r'r i ***" * < ' i ' r* tHeir people aouud aod scnptural information )Mi.)tl^ %W^mj,mm^i^K}CP^^7j^^^^^ m - ia<: i^ mX^MWM i >Sii^yM,w.,sf'«» «» •» »iw i^ t mf ■% i t w l 4 but -bytfae General Assembty of tire IBhnirii i)ofe&ditle«lf »1»jra^f<»ifa t>]pie«iat ei^ I our dired interferimseriri«^a^^r.^^'>lb«!M(^^ J«F* \ M Mki ■I i It .« v/ %bW»r tmtt nmB < ^^^ uumdriffm irjiViq ►11 m^ m m whatscMiver) in any form or W4)i^?%i!|^ j^ that in all caias that n Mt y com e before it for iodgroent, the decisions and delivecWKMfs of this Synoct smUl be .-t. yenaheaithye JSyppAkJind eo^ 8l^nFt)^0|( of W%#i^^)f^^ $ynody << in oonnec- m their power, rdfist ofidof » n I M •Ji Srttt-tr lM«|riMiMy^ibti4etei«iiiifd!li3P«oi[^ ftoiin the iiihrrfBt power of the Pretbyteriap •yttcmj.aa a tcriptaral institute, to adapt itself to every variety of eircttin- v'%#iinl^ik'iiMr^ liiW^iP^ td< tl(d|e>#l»^U«f IfiJMil f illL f COMTinifltO &tJtHtliHt^ tkW8, mf ^Ui^mfi AMf'thU ^pf«M^> mWl f^to jliHi«fflMi6^^ li0i(mi iiifmi4^fne Minister's char£e»,witkseparate Sessions in eaoti* tbe SMbHif^i^ ^ttlNifj'd)^l§r it joirit>m«Miagt^^ ^tfMm* tMttrWthiittf^iiev^^b^ ' 'ifittfMcfrs/ihftttn()tiiB^dim^ea^l^^ db%^iiim^'^ t^rnfingx • the /odndttMn r^i tlRBV|i«w^ d ln y^Ml idii^ \ind bf "giTitef ot)|imi^8iitk^taoni Act reqrai|iing Presbyteries to s^nd up jto HiesSvnod had transmitted tt>^(i£^ttt;1i Bii9^ 6miiHiPi«sb9UinM(iAf m^hidisikfbk^fmim teMmJ^ l. m i co»-fmitiic^WtAVtttf& lAWs. m fiToceedings as may bo 4f historical interesf, fdr lh# of &riiod, aH9^r|irtm ^y jwm ,.,,,.,„^^„-_ oondenseq reoort of iheiir pnnoiral |> ioWW fi!gl dVimg th^Pubt)^^^^llti<^nK>se o^ in ; »iiyii0 30^01 ^{i>i43 aviliijnaaifq^l *^^MBii|liIP.^^ ^fliJosm Imam oxlt latliB gtoom owl : tM8i:^«Bk^Md»N^^ i ■I com/uasno^ attAW^mo, lawi. )9 I I ^W»l»a«>»<«MM>»^»«rf*»««iO»»«»W«»»»iW^<»«l>««»^»»»»«»*VMMMW«»*»^«»»»»^< »»»^»i|»i^WW^^*^^^^^^^^^^ fWWtMM rf3f/«^fthBla*K.» /oA na «^mjX; Ifl'oM-wc ,,ij ♦ »* »>iiHw •;'>tt«np ?fr -— iioiii)*:;'-' *t nYi s fu nni . n offf^ flw«w ii»m fWaftit^ffw.fO pag^lmff been, or mav^E^JjIot on its ^^oonneotioiiiRiih J^^liiirak of S(BoU»ii4#^^flir always bedi^ now is, aad -1 mM lis nuMiilieiis and over thi rio .Bv/.' Aowov TRB mnO'^o:* thi«4ynfMliio ARond^jliaiiitrntur tn Al«irl:tan4«vtood by,t)iem tluit 1;hj» nwmlMianoa of stioh juriMiotioii is a ion. from alF^P^5i|M4ih^ itandaids of doctrine and -discipline as this Clmfehy who shall prodace suffici^fi^Tidenoe of their ohaiaeter at^d good standing, and o( tbcdr having nvdjsrgfme such mrs^^ydooiftiK^ limmfp&aMi^mdiamt^fiBmf as haaSMii.iBr ocdiuMy oaMsJifljid A>\btfailffiaifot by this Church as a preparation for the oniee of the Holy ]||8iiiiry^%^^eifr^«oin£ng nnder the usual tows. no;4>^ii4iiJiD(»idafl«i»>M(itfaAilS(re8ihrti4Mfi^^ in Jiify^ 18il8»#hisr%(iQiiyb:^ii6iiidfe0brlli HnifcgAtiliidicdto them to oiiteMBcdiDpidhsaaBfliaBiar Aitnkm^MlllkmimimiB of the praetiOal bearinesjillhose principles trhiChhaTe so iinhtiq(>pily divided the €kireh*of Scotland) inrespeet inedtion ^jftjcn rfwf^^f r iJftW m" Scotland and tlw synoa^^-tDWcoiiByt^ neither ini- plj^iMl|la#plriltilU(fiilii|^tion on the part of the former Ji Jiw noH^Mifioo '* an no 3 Agr emoinuigi \Bm 10 ;ns'3d ©vfid ^«iu "to 4 IMWh mtood a is a hmtthy iiaeter eraeh I H0I7 ■rfltiii IlidcdtD hhare idenoa if 9^ IfCB of Of iin* foniMir ! •I- Mli^ of ooMTAamnnumBK^ ii4wt. 11 |<» W VWW^»<»»«»^»»WWV^^^S#WM»*W»»^>*wWwV«>^MW^W»^i»KM»«V»^^^^«iiiiflai;lMiMii^ iPMwliolfttbiftQg tlm rwbiQfi of CteifobiGpfeiNaynl lilflptliiUfHM^piiniMmt^'b^ jlMiliiiw. t lif !#yo ano1 "inn n i: (loTOoeJsii w ,i tamTj,!>j4'*'^,i ^£3*^'*^ najiifj (run Jiidi ao-^; » 1!/^ ;u Jjudj" I \ I ?.i.'! mmM ^ow,;a«d|, ■ri! repeateqly, ana in mosi ezpiicii Terms, amrroeo. nei ofHjTlby'ifBetf) bufBf the General Assembly of "H^ so}9 3'Xiitliip ^sbiailiGliuiiclicsiMidvhatis baSn^hiivsfgsa^ iKtimximfiwilkkf bs^cHtniitsdM^tbar^liflyaM Iciili^TMJniiia oaf dirset intsrfereiiae>pi9(|S1Klil^^#lM«)fterliSiiifitiv< immkdjnwmi^^mi Jtl^t^telslfi^mslliiiilvTeiliiO ihillaa^sMit fsl ifjai»fiWMic Jitniiid^aol; in' oi^^ "''^'^ ' HUpwsmftiti^uiAa^tttseiaiiti in If . ? wMflir iMMVC ;MMtl^;tm MkiiM«#«| EklMt/'Clwibbliemlwrtriadt wgM^ ii|id«r>its ii«i»» wMKMt Um rlgbioT Mwi«Mf, aqpytd^iflfHik whatMeyer, in any form or iitidM:Mn^|irMniM'(^«Mtt that in all cases that may oome before it for ia«kRieiit» the decisions and delivenuigps of this Synoq sGul be final :-?^And this. Synod' loriher deolaijBS. ihat if any BOM, CQQit or oourre wHatsgeTer^then Am 9m aM Werf MMl^Vilreb^ their power, resist ond opu^^nnfriMBift li^iiilkoit^ Wsm^ eoQi ueiBijWKityr misnBproseiiceci t>F mMiy pel dNdMri$1tt^^MMri^i#l^l% W •of (Mig{»piMnti\7^'iy^^ Him the iiih«jr?tttj|P9^ of the Pfcsbyterisnsi^sBBiiMra g«;rfptOf«t iiitttluli^ ad«inii«lff5~«1^«rf frntW^ltimaBa-- elai<«itL>t^n^^#hileiM4MiesrisH^ jM&flion oi(f»(th«BGfe(ifldilitei%ieiiiahlCUniii^^ ^Ims^ M^^isklh^ «mi(mtetr)iilteilst!iRtttwfii yMtn^imGmtind -^9he fihiiiyi ef{J8ciBti9aMb^piWilAi^iSi»*iieteftiiiiwy^ j p emiiifiyisid o tot tJwse(iidioil«ait;«Mny d^iiei aig>miiil onH (^>th0^MMiMit|9i»#lUt afMf iMidillrai')tiai»4nR3Fii^ tiwwnwtt^attt*^^^ tBRBBsasBBasaasBSSSBsaasBa fi JUnB'Mt/tMM tYlWB r/O) I **^W«V«^<»<»<»^^ l^^tWMKOW QoWWilil Jiiagl^md OfltliM^; M OtWtHii illMi :lll#i feiMoat of SDoli vamni OflOgcegationt, onlvy •• ui? • bMA fttllj omniwd by thovoaoe baTuiff hmd Miiiiiler% thdU b« adnilMiblo as ooHMinient MemDera of Pratby* WnKtUKtlTmffQnnmi^fj^ Turn V tWm JlT Wt j^ 'I m Uu ^ WUWt9 IVf O or mora oongragatiooo are, or hai!»^lMwti>»ao ' b>a^J5Jtf»fjU5o«noni la oaoh. tbo wh Miriiswrial cbarge sbaHLipr ^tlMi^iig^«ii,iqi''!oiSdir UtfVI^' lo&OT casf Yfittf ^bftfjo iycT irea^^ Presf|>]r|6rie8 to send ud to ^illM l^rnod bad ^"HWR*^^ ft *1— -7 -, r^ liipiup [ ff III f TuiiilyiwiM I iiif ■■ill uffinlliMii|iiMipal BBM commnvot wtawdw^ lawu. m ! praoMdingt as mty be tff luftoriaU intorMt Ibr te tW^jlWry^U^N^^iNlrpoM of beinf enibodMd m prinoifNil Mi«im)pioDMt|9P,^^ _^ M it woald be desirabM jhqald ap^ar in IM fmi minQlM of Synod, m histbrloil dala* enoi, J tho Synod are rery negleclfuli>i their duty in retoMdg IbpretentatiTe Eldeis to tborChareh Conrts, tbe Syndd enjoin Seeeions to t»e grm^ diligence in this natlir. iliiltrtinife( flMnrtr'nlnin Ih ma Qionths after the annual mee^g of die iMtitoi of the Presbytery of tho NMtti^llif^h* e u^Mi^ii BBg UioeiiaiwiherBynod : diat lii^^^i^ ^Mit^ltHttdemMitt^^A^ iri^t«tei^ jiiiiiinfiNii^Bii^iaiM'^ 'SRnI mi flbi m^liifili iiiiinliaaf I ^mU e w»lhwie idulr nriitijirt u Ml\ brfliiii ^ ihiiMiii I ■tfilTiarfniefhi isl ilneii • «Mfc 'airfiiJfc>nt|ito|iigjin^^gat < ■^w ■PM .^-rr kAcn ow TUKnmoD y.oo jAiri^4«9l9ififlg Mi€^,Api^p^W W€|,S«>U^^ , tk •J i Act anent Fresb^tei^ Clerks collecting | for the ^JQ^d Fund. j tr||bii|l^ to tbef S^ynod Fand, and to payWtt^haviuiie IliMBftii' ililfeod Minn ltwi» iliirul ulit ' ■^ c BC an sasE MffiMl r i I ■MlillMaMliliiilSii ■"^.''■" ! I* i m ! ''1 ' t •'/i-v-^ #'■1; 'ir -ii K^% l\ [| ^ !l ►••I r^'Mjt>~g4^".>f»^ gjtgjUSBJtutmiJtltgjgja dtti «^ i y jf^.y> »W(j i gp t.% £ ooiiTiaiiUiiGi In^isoMi ^wa. Il •^'■^^^ irf<»^^^^^^^^^iWi^Ni^^^^^^^^^^^^g^^^^^^^^^^^i^^^<»^^^N^^^^WV^^^MSA^^^^^»rf»^|i^^»#^>M^^^^^M^M<»X -^Lr; J fmmim Mid Goiu^uAipa f^ oMo ,fm^ im Ine .sjaoa^^^^ W^ajw receive jjmy^^ I I • ih« pp^rty rf tilt; PN^1»^ *««* ifiviW ^jlm th The Trustees sballlw penons In {tMt&mi^tti^ \fiA^ Ckiirdi» fjor. wk^ ^^JdMiile ilieiivittteiltlaa efi Wins^ee^at the eafli^t oj^i^iii^d il^^ atiailli^ .^^*tf, ^*/^ ) ''Mt.. I ;.'.(• 7 IP I' »i(<9^M^m shall hcti>lim\ lie i^- li'll Sfiiodii to I}|0 folibwkiji cMrenuiM i*-*^^*m -^^m^ iilllimilittii^tlir^ »'iij'« " W[ rit) » ! '" H \ . t ''- r i oiP^i ^ wxMI Wi^ ■^4mx [¥ '■^M -" Euln '^q:~m^ gSp* ** 3. That every such Probationer or Minister shall reside at least one year within the bounds of the Synod after his being received, and be reported to the Synod by the Presb^ery^ before he can receive a call from any congregation in this Church ; but he may, in the meantime, M employed as a Missionary, under the direction of the Presbytery. " 4. That the whole proceedings of each Presbytery in regard of receiving any such Probationer or Minister, shall be read and approved in S3rnod^ previous to his being ordained or inducted as a Minister of this Church. *' 5. That before receiving any Probationer or Minister known to be under censure of any Church, in communion with this Church, Presbyteries shall correspond with such Choich." XXIX. Act anent Presbyterial Visitations. Toronto, lith September, 1847. The Synod had transmitted to them, by their Com- mittee of Bills and Overtures^ an Overture from Mr. George anent more fully carrying out the provisions of the Act of 1842 anent Presbyterial Visitations. — The S]^nod, having referred to the Act of 1842 anent Visitations, alter due deliberation, recommend that Presbyteries shall take full inspection of the several congregations within their bounds by Presbyterial Visi- tations, or such other means as may by the Presbyteries be deemed more for edification, and report to the Synod at next meeting.