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AN othar original coplaa ara filmad boginning on tha first paga whh a printad or Hluatratad Impraa- •ion, and andlng on tha teat paga with p printad or Wuatratad impriNOion. ^ TIm laat racordad frama on aach microficha ^ ahail contain tha symbol -^> fmaaning "CON* -^ ^ TINUEO"!. or tha symbol ▼ (maaning "END").* ^ L'axamplaira f iimA f ut rai^roduit grAca i |a ' gAnArositi dai .^^ UbibliotMqutdi* ArdtlvM V iiitbfwlas du CafMda ^ "•°«" - ■ .-. Las imagas suivantas ont AtA raprodultas avsc lo plusgrand sein. e^nipta tanu da la condition at da la nattatA da I'axamplaira f ilmA. «t an confermitA avAc las Aonditions du contrat da ' ffinraga.' ; ; ■ , ' y Laa aRamplairas originaux dont la eouvfrtura an papiar a«t ImprimAa sont f limAs on commancant par la pramiar plat at mn tarminant soit par li damlAra piga qui aomporta una amprainta dlmpraasioil ou dlllustration. soit par la sacond plat; salon la aas. T«us laa autras axampififras briginaox sqiit fllmAs an comman9ant pair^a ~ pramMra paga qui eomporta ung amprainta dimpraasion ou dlNustratlon at an tarminant par la damiAra paga qui cOmilfprta una taila ■ oihprainta:; .. I " ' ,. - Un das symbalas swivants spparattrasur^ damiAra imaga da chaqua microfiche salon la cas: Is symbola^^^ signify "A 8UIVRE". la symbola 9^^ignifi» '!Pm' '■ -J- 13 32X '-■■ Ikllapa. platas. efians. ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduetion ratios. Thosa too larga to bo ,Y^ ontirofy bieludad in ono oxpo^ra ara fHmad baginning In tha uppAr laft hand comar. laft to right and top to bottom, as mf ny framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams Hlustrata tha mathod: . ^^ ' t 1 2 t * .;'.'■ * •,. A 1 c. Las cartas, planchas. tablaaux. ate. pauvant Atra| filmAs A das taux da rAduetion diffArants. Lorsqua la dacumant ast trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul clich4. 11 ast filmA A pprtir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha^ droits. at da haut un bas, an pranant la rnimbra d'imagas nAcaisaira. Las diagrammas suiva'n^s illustrant la inAthoda. . 2X % :■. 3 e '^i "^. w ALL PRBVIOflS LISTS AND DIS- COUNTS CANCELLED. 1898 ILLUSTRATED CATALOQUB 01? THB ') r PATEN'T BALtisEARINCl Lli=TINd JACK^ I For alFcliMses of heavy Itftiitf; and Nort«alMI.B4twiaf 10-teji "tera Drap* IMPROVED "SURE DRQP'^ TRACK MANUPACTUREb av A: 6. NORTON, l«7 OHvei^ St., BOSTON, MAS^, U-^.. 4114 Coatlcook, Pi^v. QltabaCk r W,*' ~^^ '% %' «.v \ \ > A s •,, !f-^ a..*;' h:^ \^.»^iSb-%M-*'i ) '■. A. O. Nortoii« Boston, FlaM., U. 5. A., and Costicook, P. Q., Cmamtm We manufacture for afi kinds of heavy liftini: /k-..; WB MAKB ONB CLAIM ONLY FOR THE r > NORTON PATENT BALL-BEMING SCRM^ ANB SURE DROP TRACK/ JACL^^^^^^^^_ > , \ V .^ . 'THEY ARE THE BBSt IN THE WORLD Economy is Weiiilth-.-.—- -^■^■Bib. ' ,, # .■ ' ^ , ■ = ^' . ■■■■. ■ '^^-^^ ' ■:"■■ ■'■ ■'■• ■ ■ ■ .■.^■"- ■ ■'■ :-' ' \ ■' Th9 total cost lor repairs on over 4.000 Ball-Bearlng Jack*, ff^oi 10 to 70 ttona Capacity (mmm «f th— In service since 1891) In Railway sind othsr hepvy service front Jaaoary 1897 to Jannary 1898, avorac* 29 CENTS PER JACK FOR THE Y6AR;'' Coalpit this with the cost ol alcohol and rapairs on hydianlle lacks In the sanM service, and NOTE THE, DIPPQRBNCB. • r . * ' Mannfact««d hy A A Bjl-^^— ."' OLIVfiRSTRBBt, BOSTON. M A\ /\« %Jm i^OCXOIle- and COATICOOK. PROV. QUBBQC. CANADA. 7 Prices snbioct to chaago . wlthaot aotlca. . v- >^ \9 ■; t -yi. Pabraary 1. 1898. Cancel an pf s i r l ons Lisfs. f-f u A. O. Nortoa, Bostoii, Mmj., U. S. A., W Coatlcook, P. Q./Canmia. THE NORTON BALL-BEARINQ RATCHET AND gCREW JACKS. ■\ THE Norton Ball-Bkaring Ratchet Screw Jacks are c«^nstructed on an entirely different principle from any other jacks in the world; as will be seen by the duts, they have a stationary standard and 8hdi.ng'8leeve fitting over the same. The standard has a removable nut (usually Phosphor ;pronze) fitted ''J!? .;*t ;i*^*'"^°°**^*'"^'*^'*^" ''^'''^ *^* *^'^*'' *"™'' <^^\ standards are fe//ow, and c^rnM fiiUd with oiA^us Iceeping the screw constantly lubricated.) To the uj^per end of the s<^rew is fastened a steel gear; a hardened tool steel plate encircles the bub, and rests on the\body of said gear, on which are placed circuhir trains of hardened steel balls, held in pl^ce by rings betwe^ the rows (as shown in cut.) In the top^or head of the sliding sleeve (which is bored to fit standard) is placed another hardened tool steel plate witb a hole i^ the centre through which the end of the screw projects. .... ■ ■ -^ •; > principle idard and ize) fitted ed a steel ire placed ) In the teel plate •^ A,. O. Norton, Boston, rtass., U. S. A., and Goatlcook, P. Q., Canada. When the jack is assembled the sleeve s^es down over* the screw ^nd standard, the bearing plate in the head resting on the balls on the plate O]^ the gear, so th«t the v^oj^, weight is carried by the balls (between the stieel plates,) which act as a thrust-bearing between the s'cre^ and head 5>f sleeve, reducing the f ri|tion and ir^creasing the lifting power of the- Jack. "^-^ /■"'*... "^'V. ■'■ •' , ■ . ' - ^^;~~~~-~*^ The sleeve which revolves on the standard, allowing the lever to be iis^^rom either side^ carries the load, and is raised or lowered by the screw, which is turned by mean%>of a gear on the ratchet shaft engag- ing with the gear on the sfcrew, and operated by a reversible ratclj«r aja^J^ver having the up and dowu, or "pump-bahdU** motion. This is the only screw Jack made haviitg this motion of the lever. The sleeve at th"^ lower end is provided with a " stop-dog " or pawl, whicfr preveniti the screw f roM being tun out of the nut. The advantage of this sliding sleeve cannot^be mer estimated. It takes all the sid* strain off the screw, preventing it,from bending, and also prptic«ing all the working parts from sand, coal-dirt and vtattr, mtking it tht onljf Jack suitablt to cAity oj^hcomotives. ^; All the Norton" Railroad JaAfJfre sttel and malleable iroPftlroughout. %'. !l A. O. Nortoa, Boitoa, Ma»t., V. 5, A., and Coatlcook, P. q„ CaniUbi. "^ Why we claim the^ Norton Jacks are Superior to "ail otii<^ri ^ r^^^^^^ e^ Railway service. 2 * • »■ Because of their simplidty. durability and cheapness. . They are the liffiiteat Ratchet Jacks in the world of same capacity. ^ 0)st less for maintenance, are always safe and reliable, even in the hands of careless and un- skilled workmen, as the screw holds the load without blocking, and cannot drop or run down. This is » very important feature in a Railway Jack and should not be overlooked. — ' The screwy ju-e self-lubricatins* ^hey can fcie operated by ordinary Ball-bearings never wear, and seldom need toiling or attention, workmen without previous instructions. They can be left standing in tool car or shop, or carried on locomotive^ for months at a time Without any attention whatever, and be found ready for service when needed, as there is no alcohol, packing or valves to keep in order* »^ were is no ^ All parts are interchang^le, and can be replaced in a few minutes by ordinary workmen at trifliag cost without rstuming to factory. ^ 1 wli /" n and un- This is ttention. it a time re is no cmen at ^ A. O. Nortoo, Boston. Mass., U. S. A., arid Costlcook, P. Q., Canada. / The Norton Journal Jacks weigh about one-third and . cost, about one-fourth as much as ' Hydraulics of saihe capacity, fey: same purpose. ___^2j^,^\^_-f^_^_^ ■.-■.-. ■ : ,-.; . . All our Screw Jacks can be Jised in any position, flat for pushing or bottom up, if necessary. ° The cost for maintenance and repairs on all Jacks in use for past four year^ averages' less than I per cent. ^ per annum. -^ ■ ,,.^;-',- ./; , We will guarantee to keep our Jacks in perfect working order for five years for one*>half what, is costs for alcohOI alone, for Hydraulfc^ of same capacity and service. * Manufactured, by A. Oe NORTON, OFFICE AND FACTORY, 167 OLIVER STREET, BOSTON, MaSS. / W9 ioaat pdOiMh tes^PfblBls, Bciit bmHar tmOredM at soeb, ire wttl Ito piemMcd to taraUb AT ANY TiMB 1M» BfOBBSr I^BfiWmKBS, Mil tnm nOrmiM mad frsm oscrs sf J««Ies In all ^Uotfs of scrrlos. \ A. O. Norton, Boston, AImsmU. S. A., and^Coaticook, P. Q., Cana^ \ \ --"-^v A. 0. Norto^f Boston, flaM.; U. 8. At and Coaticook, Pi Q., Caaada. I^EPORT OF tOOVfeRNMENT TESTS * ^ OF NORTON aALL^a^RINQ JACK5^ irlfig Jackv ' r Report of Tests of 20-toii^ Style A, (copy.) . /. ** Ordnance DEPARTM|ti*T,".U. S. A. Rtport ofMicbatHcal TtstfmaA witb tbi U. S^Testiug Machine, capacity 8oo/)00 pomdst at Wtttit- tawH Ars0kMt Mas5.r- April ^o, i8^i, for A, O. Norton, Boston,^ Mass. , Lifting Jack* manufactured by A. O. Norton. No. X283 Bs^-Bearing Railroad 26ih. Jack, 5tyla A, 50,400 pounds were raised by operating tlie H\%r. The Jack was then removed from the testing machine, examined and found in good working condition. Returned to the testing machine and loaded, increasing the pressure with the machine to aitp.ooo pounds total. Nut disabled. Ball-bearing in good working condition. ' ' |Signed> A* Li Varjwy* - ~r^^^^^ •• Correct. (Signed) J. E. Hcvward. Capt. Ordnance Dept. U. S. A., Commanjaing. ' . < ^ i Report of Test of Cone-Besring 15-t|||i Jfck, Style 0. ^1>:I: -. -- Lifting Jack^anufactured by A. O. Norton. No. 7286* Carpenters' and "Builders^ 'jack, Style O, 31 ,Soo po^ds raised with the lever; 50,000 pounj]»4oad applied with the testing machine. Jack & good working condition after test. - (Signed) A. L. Varnby, i\. (Signed) J. £. HowAko. J !:_ Capt. Ordnance Dept, U.S. A., Commanding, .'■■■*.•,. ■ ■ ,.. ' -A. O. Norton, Bciston, mtrntf., U. S« A., and CoHtlcook, P . Q., Canada. ^tjALL-BEARlNft COMl>O.UND BRIDGE JACK5. 15 to 70 Tons A. 0. Norton, Boston, Mass., U. S. A., and Coatlcook, P. Q., Canals. BALLBEARING BRIDGE* JACKS. 15 TO 70 TONS capacity/ 15 tons.' 20 25 40 SO 60 70 Hclffht 22 in. 22 ." 26 " 21>^« J26 " 26 " 26 " RiM 12 m. 12 " »4 12 13 (t « Diaaeter of B(BM ^x9 in 8x9 " 8x9 " 8x9 " 14 " 14 •• 14 " Diameter of Head . 5Ki«. S}i !■ Weight 90 lbs.. i86 •• is© «« 300 ". 300 " Uat Price '60.00 7500 96.00 140.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 Diacoaat rff m «"■■-.•> These Jacks are designed for extra beavy bridge and other work, and are made with great care from the best material, and the capacity is fully guaranteed. When raising light load (30 to 40 tons) use ratchet on i^^^ shaft, which gives mor$ spttd. When full powsr of Jack ii raqairad, use ratchet oa Anwr shaft ■ t . " - A. O. Norton, Boston, flass., U. S. A., and Coaticook, P. Q., Canada. 15-ln. Traversifff Base. Height 4 In. LIST PRICE OP STEEL '--/ TRAVERSING BASE. TraywM ao inche*. IS " Weight 124 pounda. 60 " LtotPrtoe >40.«>' 35.00 DI«CMIllt .i.1»1 _1^ A. O. Norton, Boston, riass., U* 5. A., and Coaticook, P. Q., > BALeL-BEARlNG TRAVERSINGuJACKS, COMPLEtE. / style of CapKity Height over all Rise Traverae List Price Dtoceaat / A F A N. A. C.36fai. V- i) tons. . 30 " •» :: ao " 30 Inches. a8 " ^ I - :: 34 " 14 inches. ''I J •' 9 " ' 15 inches. ^ ". 30 " '® !! 30 " ao " ao " $ 95.00 100.00 iao.00 130.00 165.00 liaoe ~^- " ■ \ - ■ - CONE-BEARINQ TRAVERSING JACKS, COMPLETE. style of Jack nTJ Capacity 10 tons. IS " 10 Helfht over all 34 inches. 36 Traverae 15 inches. IS " »5 Ll«t Price »S9«o 55.00 Dleoo«at These Jacks can be taken off the bases and nsed separately if desired. It is the most Cotnplete^ Tool Car Ootflt fa dw nuukst. Jacks an Stlf'LubricatingvoA. requirt no attention whatever when left in car or shop tor nonths at a timt, #inlsr or i Any Sixe, Height or Capacity Jack fitted to eitlier iMse. N, 35.TON BALL^BBARINQ JACK. y-- style C. 26.iach. •UrtoC, 1 Styk '£! A. P.- Norton, BStyle Height RiM Dlttmeter of Base Weight "'Capacity List Price Hook Extra Discoaat N. A. 26 in. 14 in. 10 in. 105 lbs. 25 tons. l9aoo I6.00 ll If you carry a Jaek on a locomotive, why not carry one that will keep In ordorr and do f he work wbetuver required f " \ The construction of the Norton Jack is such that it can be carried on lo^motives for months at a tim6, exposed to the coal-dirt and action of the weather, and be found ready fof i^rvic* whfiniieeded. -» , * WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF EQUiPPINO LOCOMOTIVES Si'flooir*** ^ith any special height or capacity required, at short notice. Estimates fiirnlslMd and contracte taken for oqulpflng entiro lines. / style N. A. Bali- BearingJacic. A. O. Norton, Boston, Mass., U. 5. A., Md Coatlcook, P. Q., Caoads. The old way. .... .'Si. JThe way the Norton Jack does itt^ _^ u I y^l^ i^g iMtt^» . -M. 5 Hi I/, i' BALLrBEARINa CAR JACKS, Styles H and 2 STYLE IJ. 20 and 25 TONS, Helsht 33 »"• 33 " Rise Dlam. of Base 20 in. ' |2 in. 20 12". 135 Weight 135 lbs. Capacity io tons 25 " List Price $90.00 95.00 Hooic Extra 56.00 6.00 OlKount "^■ STYLE Z. IS^TONS. 1 __ r20 in. i 12 in. ! 135 lbs. ^ 15 tons i $7500 \ ^^-^^ r. Z J 33 in: Style Z is tjie same pattern «• H. except it hu large gear on ratchet .haft, giving it doill>fe epeMl. These Jacks are intended for car work, where long lift is needed, f "^can be Med M th crank on empty cars or light load, which is much ^guicker^tUn^ 5tyl« H. aO and 2S tons. ■ad MjH Z. If tMW. nsed with cranK on cmpi-y v«ro "',__»' . ! ■ "' • .vV :;r ^„n i». rai.i>fl «i pumping up with lever. Aiiothw Mviiir^^nnewtbe car '-•»» J^^ ;-";*f^ ' left standing on the Jackf without blocking, while trucks are changed. A. O. iSorton. Bofton, Mass.. U. S, A., and Coaticook. P. Q.. Canada. u o cr n V X,. . A. O. Norton, Boston, nass., U. S*. A.", and Coaticook, P. Q., Cafaadk BALL-BEARING JACKS, ISLAND 20 TON A, O. Nortdn, Boston, Hags., U. S. A., and Coaticook, P. Q., Canada. 15 and 20 TON BALL-BBARINQ J^CKS. ■ \ ' ' ' In ordering^specify^ style letter, capacity and style base required. All Jaclcs furnished with squmre or routrd base at 8ani4|. DifCQant \ i DOUBLE-SPEED BALL-BEARINQ JAQK. STYLE FBALL-BEAkl^^ • I ■ 1 Diameter I ^^,^ht c«p.ity ItUt Price] DUcouS^^^ Height - R»«e of Base ;. | .' J ' . :. lo in. Volft. t "Slbs.j 15 ton; ; $60.00 j - ,trhet shaft giving \t double speed. It is malleable This Jack has large gear on ratchet shaft, g^v^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^..^ ^^^^^^ (b tiMis* with . . ■ A. O: Norton, Boston, Mais., U. S. A., aiid Coatlcook, P. Q., Canada. RATCHET SCREW JACKS WITH CONE BEARING unr y > ieable Udttts, 5tC. 1 are made on the same principle as the Ball-Bearing, except the load is rnised by the end of the screw, which rests on a hardened steel step, or hushinfr, in the head of the sliding sleeve. Up to fifteen tons they are as god as the Hall-Bearing, except they need a little more attention in (»///// ■*■■ Mii .:i' K A. O. Norton, B^ton, flMS., U. 8. A,, and Coatteoylc, P. Qo AORTON 10 TON CONE BEARING STREET-RAILWAY JACK. ALWAY9 SAFE* READY AND EFFE^riVE. ■'fW Style Helglift Over All Height of Fsaftrom around. ■• «t»B Slz9 of ' Base ^- 1 Capacity H^tPrlcii N.J.'- 20 in. 3 in. 10 in. 8 in. • 6olbiu 10 tons $24.00^ ^^^^F ^ N.J. 1 .i ' ■ ', ^ ' - ' , ■ ^^L ■ 3q-vL Front P >o" 3 " lO " 6 X 8 in.. 60 " 10 "' 24.00 •m" Base . • > :>^ ^^H' \ - 14 " ^3 "• .-■ 7".-,- 6 X 10 in. 40^ H 10" 82.00 This. Jack is designed for Electric and Street Railway service, and has, been adopted by the W«iit End Street Railway Co., of Boston, for use on their lines. It is equally well adapted for Carpenters and Builders, Bpiler Makers, Truckmen, or for any other wrk -thatxairfae-dotte wit h Jack s ^' Thes^ Jacks are made of malleable iron and steel, and have hardenol tool steel bearing for end of sOfw. CAPACITY. nATBRIAL AND WORKnANSHIP OBARANTEED. Aay Jk^ tbt mar teMue kralwn (wtth iklr u$mgtj wtfhia one jrear, jriU he repaired free el ckwfe. «r l^lmiur away UntmrmJmek, Jlfe. \ . » !.4v fCgi^. ' j^fi- . -I- ■■If \' A. O. Norton, Boston, Mass., U. S. A., and CMftcook, P. Q., Canada. 15-TON CONE-BEARINQ JACKS. STYLE a. ■f--.- is-toa atyl* a.' without 18-wa atyw u. Poot-Lift Jack. ' H*tWi »y y-^- i A. O. Norton, Boston* Mass., U. S. A., and Coaticook, P.^ Q., Canada, IS-TON CARPENTERS' ANd BUILDERS' / CONE-BEARINQ JACKS- — ■ ' i^ ' ." ' Made from best quality Malleable Iron and Steel throughout. The cheapest and hiost effective Ratchet Jack in the world. 'Sa: CAPACITY QUARANTEED, "»T* •> ■ Price List of Carpenters* «nd Builders* Jacks. \: . In ordering, specify what style base is wanted and whether with of without hook. Style Height 22 in. Rise 12 in. Bade 10 in. Weight Capacity 8o lbs. 15 tons List Price $2S.OO Hook Extra $S.oo Discount % Foot cast on Shell 22 12 ID «5 »5 %8.oo % A. O. Norton, Boston, Mass., U. S. A., and'Coatl^ook, P. Q., Canada. CONE-BEARINQ CAR INSPECTOR'S OR JOURNAL JACKS. These Jacks will save time enough in a month to pay for themselves. No railway can afford to be without them. THa^MosT Powerful Short Lift Jacks on the Makkit. ■ * ■ ^^mi^lStMKS^ CKS. rd to be i Toils. iO-ton Track Jack. No. 8. oant Capacity . Height . Ria« at Bar Size of Bar Weight . lo Tons. . 34 Inches. . 15 Inches. •Kxi^In. . . 60 Lbs. Norton's "Sure Drop" track Jack No. 5 ^ I 10 Ton* Capacity. I 7*~~- ■ Th« body of the jack is Malleable Iron, i^ith extra strong tkse.' Lifting Bar is made from be it quality of Porited steel, and the teeth are accurately milled. Fawls of Steel. No Springs to wear or break, and no loose pins. Our lifting dev ice is the easiest, quickest working, and most perfect ever applied to any Track Jack. The trippirg device is perfect, and the only one with a £>8ltf ve trip under all conditions. It is not to lift the load before it can be dropped other Jacks. There are less parts to we^, and all interchangeable. * lecessary with parts are A. 0, MORTON, Bwtti, MiM., I 1 2 Net Price List of Track i Parts, No. a. 3- Frame, . ,' . Steei Bar, . , Lever Soclcet, -^ Jaw. I. Jack I4.00 5.00 a.oo ■■— •75 Diacount. ui CMtlcook, P. Q., CiMdi. 5- 6. Holding Fliwl, Lifting Pawl, . 1.00 •SO .tf A. O. Norton, Bostbn, Mliss^XJ. S. A., and Coatic^k, P. Q.^ Canada. NORTON'S AUTOMATIC LOWERIN<| JACI^ No. 1. ^>\ CAPACITY 18 this Gar Repairer's and General purpose Jick is lighl portable,. easily and quickly operated. Lifts and lowei^ with absolute iafety. and the direction can be ?nstantV Reversed at will of operatW. It works eqjally Wl <>|l»»«?do'r ground Wt^ The frame is malleable iron with extra strong bas4 Raising Bar is of best quality of forged steel, with accurately milled teeth. Ps|wls are stjeel, and all parts are interchangeable. Style Capacity No. I 15 tons Height with Bar Down Size of Bar Raise ( Bar 3d in. 2\ i^in. 20 in. WelKhl 95 l^s* Price $28.00 Discount •fc tS-ton Aatomtlc Lowertof Jack \ A. O. Nortoii, Boston, Mass., U. S. A., and Coatlcook, P. Q., Canida Riepai rs for Norton Ratchet screw Jacks. No I. Shell. No. 2. Standard. No. I B. Bottom Part of Shell. No. I T. Top " " " LIST r^t)MBERS FOR PARTS FOR REPAIRS. ^''' ^' No. 1. 7 b0 aboM Cms r$fmr wjUi tatums of Hatcbit Sertw Jacks. In ordering Kepaifv, give the SMi Lttkr W Jack, and Ct^aaip of th«' Jack with the Nmnbtr and Nauu of part required. I^rices of Repaira vary ac- cording to aixe of the Jack, and may be had upon application. #■5 f: .1' i- A./0. Norton, Bopton, ,Miisi.f U^ S. A.» imd Coatlcook, P. Q.# Canada. RepllirS for Nortoti Ratchet-Screw Jacks: a'' v. i .- No. I *< « « 3> 5! Lever Socket 15. PawlBpU 16. Cap Stud and Nat 31. Inside Ring 37. Stpp Dog a8. Stop Dog Boll 3a. Steel Bashings osed in Cone- . Baariag Jacks 6. GearnddiHab 7. Gmt with Shaft No. 9. Ratchet 10. Bawl 11. Cotter 13. Handle ^ 13. Reverting Pin 14. Spring 18. Bottom Bearing Pl«te 19. Top Bearing Plate 30. Adjustinf Screw 34. StMlBaU The above cuts refer to all patterns of Ratchet-Screw Jacks. In ordering repairs give^uie Style LetteTt and Gapadty-ef 4*6kr-with th e Niiwb e r aa4 Nam e o f part r e quir e d. Pric e s oT parts vary •coording to the aiae of Jack, and may be had upon apjplication. .^ ^ " -..i m V I - -- , « ■ .■ ■:3 ^ I^P ■4 ^ - /; •■ f ,' » ■'^"■>- ■ ' ■ J '# ' ■ ;■*' ■ T- / ( IngPin ' I Bearing earing Screw Style tt vary ^ X "•I z*^* / ^ . » V 1 ■\-. . i ' x/.' ■'-'.v:..?x x - - . , ' .-- ; f : : ^y ' ■■; ' ■ - . ■ .w/ ■ / ./■ -T .- • -^ / '^ ' ■ M ■ . ■ n _;■ 'h^^i:}- ■ /. / \ * . ■ / ^■:i ■■■■■;'- /■■^■■^■-.^' i -i ■ * ^ '■■ . '■/ i ■ ', ■ ■ ■" : ' ■ ' ' '■ ■- . / ■ ■■' ' • '•' y yf-^*\\ . /; f > ■•,\ "■ • - - / / ^ / . ^ ,■ / • / , / ' ' - 1 ■ ' ■ - ■ - ' / ^ \-. ■' ■ .; ■ • ■ '> ■:' y -■"•'"■- ■ ■ ■ • ■ - ■ ■■ f ' -» - ' ff^ * ■•*.\ " ■■ . • _,. < . '-^-.- / ' ' I ' -, ... ■ ■. ■ ■ , ■ ■•-.." ' ■ > ■"^■^ i£ ;/■' "V ' / v^. ■ .^ \ " ■ ; - ■ ■ /. 1^,; ■ ■■*■ ■ ; .-., . ■ *. / V -• '■■' ' ■■■ ' . * / ' ' ''t^ffi'. -.-; ^' \ > • ■"<;"■■- ^ .^ ■ '■ 1 . ' .^Rr V- %i-"--' . <'"■ ■ . - / i * ■ ■■'/■' .' ' ■ :if' , .,^^.: / ' ■ > - ^. 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