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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ II 2.8 ill 2.5 |50 'I =^ 11111= 1^ iiilM 2.2 !: iiiiM If i:iO 2.0 ^ u lUUk. 1.8 1.4 .6 = A APPLIED IM/1GE S; 1653 East Main Street r*^ Rochester. New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 Phone (7 '6) 2fiB - 5989 - Fax ^^r ^-^ ^ r^gyj^y m:W^ I2IST op PREffiiams -firKKiiiai i!v iiiK- Fruit Growers' Association PROVINGE 9F BRITISR COLUMBIA. C3PEi-T 'TO T'lrS T.V::3:OILE ZTZZC'^TZZ.TO'E:. GTH and tTH R'dGUSr, 1590. Entries close Four Daus before Exhibitioq, OFFICERS: President: W, J. HARRIS, - Port IIammoxd. 0. D. SwKET, 1st Vice-Pres. A. C. Wells, ..'nd Vice-Pres. Secretary- Treasurer : A. I[. B. Macoowan, - Viinoouver. Committee on Prize List: G. W. Hknry, Port Hammond. E. HuTCHERsoN, Ladncr's Landing. A. C. Wells, Chilliwhack. Committee on Exhibition: Mayou Brown, Ald. Sinclair and Peter Latham, Xew West'r. ILxhibition to be held in tli- City ul' Xew Westminster, '¥f^ rf U ^6# m jn 6ii3ij#-- -h S^^i^SiJ^^^^^^^-'*^'^^^-^^ ^>.!r<-^^__— : I \iimM». ' JU4. "U-i*. % ■■wti ! *«W*^'*r'**^*T^ y I2IST 9F PREffliaffiS — OCFBRKD UT TIIK — Fruit Growers' Association -OK TIIK— PReVINCE QF BRiriSR eOLtiMBIA. OE'EiT TO THE "WTHOI-E FI^CVIITCE. Exhibition to be held in the City of New Westminster, ■OS TIIK- eTH AND TtH AaetlSr, 1S90. Entries close Four Days before Exhibitioq. OFFICERS: President: W. J. HARRIS, - Port Hammond. 0. D. Sweet, Ut Vice-Pres. A. C. Wells, iiml Vice-Pres. Secretary-Treasurer: A. H. B. Macgowan, - Vancouver. Committee on Prize List: G. W. Henuy, Port Haininond. E. HuTCHERSON, Ladiier's Landing. A. C. Well.s, Chilliwhack. Committee on Exhibition: Mayor Brown, Ald. Sinclaiu and Peter Latham, New West'r. Vancouver, :©. C. : news-advertiser: printing and bookbindino, 1890, o 1<G?, NOriGE. It is the intentioq of the Directors to ^old two rrieetings during the Exhibitioq for the discussior] of subjects relating to Fruit Growing, T^e time and place of rrieetings will be announced througl] the press previous to the 6tl] of August. The success attending the Exhibitioq last August, and the importance whicl] the Associatioq F|as obtained, F|as led the Directors to somewhat extend their prize list P|oping thereby to increase the interest iq this important industry, and niake this, their second Exhibition, superior to anything of the same descriptioq ever before F|eld iq the Province, The co-operatioq of all is cordially invited, RULES AND REGULATIONS. *' 1. All specimci.H ,,lun,l {„ romiH'itioi, for prnninm^mmt h,- huna tt.h v.m>v,-s BV TMK compktitok; a.i.l if proved not to In, Hueh, l,o to bo .lis.,,u;iilk..l from receiving any pioniiuni wluitovcr at tlie Exiiil.ition. 2. All plants, ilowern, fruits and vegeUibles must be carefully labelled with their proper names. Botanical names to bo added as far hh po.ssiblc. 3 In awarding' premiunm on plants in pots, special reference will be had to the beauty of the specimens, profusion of bloom an.l evidence of superior cultivation. ' 4. The term "Dissimilar" shall in every instance be hel.l to mean distinct varieties of any plant. 5. Any deviation, more or less, from the exact .juantities or numbers specified in the schedule may di.s<|ualify a competitor at the di.seretion of the Judges b. All exhibitors in the classes for bou.,uets must have them of .such a size that they can be shown in vases provided by the Association. 7. Pot-idants must have l>een grown in pots at least two n.onth.s previous to the hxliibition, ami have also been the property of the exhibitor for a similar perio.1. If proved not to be such they will be (lis(pialilied. 8. Canls correspon.ling with the entries will be furnished the exhibitors who alone wil be responsible for the placing of ti,em, and are requested to satisty themselves that the cards correctly describe the objects exhibited. The Association cannot be responsible for any mistake arising from the .um- observance of this or any other rule. 9 In order to allot the space rerjuired in each section, all entries must be made mwritu.g and subscriptions paid not lacer than the Saturday previous to the opening of the Kxhibition, after which date no entries will be received 10. 1 he Secretary shall not be ohli,,.,, to receive any entries not made in writing, blank forms for which will be furnished on applieation. Parties at a distance may send their entries by mail. ^ 11. AH articles to bo exhibited for premiums must be in the building by three o clock pn,., on the ,lay of the opening of the Exhil>ition, at which hour the door will be closed, and no further exhibits admitte.l. One hour will be yiven thereafter for exhibitors to finish placing a:.! Mcketing their articles, at the close of which time they must be prepared to k-ave the building, in or.ler that the Judges may make their awards. Exhibitors are requested to second the ettorts ot the Association in enforcing this rule. 18. The .Tudges shall have the discretionary power of withholding pre.nlu,ns; If. 1„ their opinion, the articles exhibited do . 1^;^ them and they are particularly requested to keep this rule In ,„,nd U. (gratuities may be awarded by the Judges for any new or rare fruits flowers plants or other objects of particular interest, for which no special pre- mium has been offered. ' 14. The Judges shall not be competitors in that class for which they arP to award premiums. ' ' •» "%,■ TOR I A. c. t O rv mi ISO ^ Rt'I.Ks AND ;iK<;ri,ATI(tNS. ir.. On rcfommcD.lutlon ..f tlio J.i.lgcs, or of n com.. iUeo api)oii,t<.,n.y the AmntUm, tho Directoi- „uiy uwur.l a <li|.Ioina for exctptionttl excelkM.ce, if ill their opinion it is dueni'd iulviHahic. 1(5. 'i'hf .lfoihi<,n of tlie .1 . liics, us ifgivnlH tliu l.mnil^n^ must he conni.lcred bniil, an.l n., protent will ho ont.i taino.l, except whon the avvurcU are not nm.le in conformity with the rules of the AHMociiition. 17. No iiulivi.lual, except the Jii.lge.i, will he allowed to touch or handle any fruit, flower or other article exhihitod, and any exhihitor jirovcd guilty of havmg tampered with any article on exhiliition, or section cards, will ho liahle to he deprived of all premiums he may have heen awarded, at the option of the committee. 18. While thci Judges are making thei.' awards, nf) person shall he present except parties not in any way interested. 19. Committees may he appointed hy the Association to assist in naming fruits and plants ahout whicli exhibitors nuiy he doubtful, hut the Association does not assume any responsihility in tlio matter. 20. The Association will not he responsible for damage done to plants dur- ing or after the Exhibition, but all ordinary care will Ihj taken of them. 21. Parties will not he allowed to compete for more than one prize in the sanie section, and no article that has already been awarded a prize will be entitled to another. 22. The Association, v, ill under no eircumstaiiceB, pay charges on plants sent for competition. Nor can they assume the responsihility of looking after such until placed in the building. 2.S. All articles exhibited shall remain in the building nntil the close of the Exhibition, when they will he delivered to tho contributors, unless otherwise directed. 24. Any person residing In the Province may become a member of the Association on payment of an annual membership fee of Two Dollars, for which payment lie will receive a Ticket of ArtmUslon to the Kxhlbl- tlons for his own use, and be entitled to the privilege of competlne at all Kxhibltlons of the Association. 25. Any person residing outside the Province, on payment of an entrance fee of One Dollar, will be entitled to a Ticket of Admission to the Exhibitions for his own use. 26. Prize lists and all other information may he obtained by applying to the Secretary; and all persons interested in Horticulture are invited to contribute articles for Exhibition. A. H. B. Macgowan, Secretary- Treamirer, Vancouver. r.tST VV I'UKMII Ms. OPEIi TO ALL MKMHERH OF THE AHSOCIATIOX. (tioi liuh ..K'f.j No entries will be receive-! Inter than the 2ii«l of AiiKuit. (Hn Kule. a.) Class fl. PLANTS. Pot Plants must have been grown in Pots at least two months previous to the Exhibition, and have been the property of the Exhibi- tor for a similar period. If proved not to be such, they will be dis- qualified. ARTICLES TO BK KXHIHITKD. Section. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Collection of decorative and flowerinc plants, not less than If) or more than 2i Collection of decorative and Howering plants for amateurs only Begonia.s, 3 in bloom (shrubby) M 1 Rex Carnations, 3 in bloom Coleus, 3 plants Ferns, G distinct species Foliage plant.s, G dissimilar (Culeus ex- cluded.) Fuchsias, 3 in bloom 1 Geraniums, double, 2 in bloom, dissimilar. II semi-double, 2 n i, II single, 2 .t „ Hanging baskets frame not to exceed 1 2 in. in diameter, inside measurement Heliotrope, in bloom Hydrangea, in bloom Mignonette, 2 pots in bloom Petunias, double, 2 in bloom Palms, best collection, distinct varieties, . . Plants, Vase of Tuberoses, 3 in bloom Prize. 2 1 o 9 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 00 1 50 2nd. Prize. !$ c. !? c. 4 00 2 00 3 00 1 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 No entries will be received Uter thiin ti.e Saturday previous to the opening of the Exhibition (See Rule 9.) * LIST OF I'UKMIl'MS. car-Bbeo/n BeaaaETs, etg. AHTICLES TO BK EXIIIIHTED. Section. 22. Annals, host collection, 23. Asters, Ijest collection . 24. Bouquet Hand*, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Cut Flowers, Basket of, not more than 1 2 in. in diameter Cut Flowers, Vase of, not more than 12 in. in diameter Cut Flowers, Collection of, not more than 20 in. in diameter Dahlias, double, best collection M single, II II Dwarf Pompon Gladioli, best collection Pansies n Petunias, double, best collection " single, ,, Phlox Drummondi, n Phlox, Perennial, best collection Roses, Hybrid Perpetual, 6 dissimilar name( " Tea, G „ Stocks, G spikes, dissimilar Verbenas, collection Zinin'as, h •In awarding prize.s for Hand nouquets, the tallowi,,!,' points of excellence will be considered 08 of first iinportnnce: Composition, with rosard to .-race and ele'-anoe ; quality of flowers; contrast of ..olors ; mifflciency of foha^c ; s./.e will not he consider^ a n.cnt, and overside will be considered a de' The use of paper round the bottom of any Bouquet as a bordering will disqualify. No er.trieswill be received later than the Saturday previous to the openln-of the Kvhibition (See Rule 9.) LIST OF PKEMIUMS. Class B. FR^dlTS. All Fruits enterei for co.npetition „u,st have U-en ;,.ow„ ,,, the Exhibitor and properly nau.ed , 01' they will be disqualified. ARTICLKS TO UK KXIIIJilTICD. Section. 42. Apples, 5, Yellow Transparent , Asti'achan •*o. ri 44. II 45. II 46. II 46a. 47. 48. 49. 50. 61. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 5, lied 5, Duchess Oklenburgli .] 5, Gravenstein 5, Any other variety Summer Api)le (named) Best Collection for commercial purposes, 5 of each variety, nam'^'l. . . . M 12, Crabs '.'.'.'.'.'.'. Pears, 5, Bartlett " 5, Cla]){)'s Favorite II 5, ]\Ia(leline " 5, Any other variety Pear (named) |< Best Collecti(jn, 5 each named Plums, 10, Bi'adshaw .....'...'. '. 10, Coe's Golden Drops II 10, Any other kind Peaches, 5, Early Crawford ., ,[ II 5, Any other variety Grapes, best collection, named, 2 bunches each variety Currants, dish. Red •• II White 'I II Black Blackberries, one dish Collection, best and greatest variety, Fruit Summer variety Lst 2nd Prize. Prize. 8 c. S c. 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 50 50 50 50 3 00 ?fo entries; will be rpreivod later th:i xn *"^g|^tur(ia.v^ previous to the oi)eninK of the Exhibitlpi), I ■MfeilitMa AMMMMUMIlMa ■jimwia LIST OF PKKMIUMS. PACKAGES er fRair. * ARTICLES TO BB EXHIBITED. Seotiofi. C4. 1st Prize. 66. 66. 67. 68. 69 70. 71. For best assorted and packed 501t) box of Apples, for sliipping t. best assorted and packed 251b box of Pears, for shipping H best assorted and packed 25n) box of Plums, for shipping II most attnictive pkg. of fancy Apples not containing more than 25It)s II most attractive pkg. of fancy Pears not containing more than lOlbs . . . II most attractive pkg. of fancy Plums not containing more than lOlbs . . . II most attractive pkg. of Peaches not' containing more than 10 lbs | " best and most tastefully arrangedi basket of assorted dessert fruit' containing about 251tjs { S c. 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2nd Prize. ^ c. 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ♦ In awarding prizes on above the style of pacltajfe and brand will also be take sideration . 'i into con- No entries will be received Uter than the Saturday previous to the opening of the Exhibition. (See Rule 9.) 2nd Prize. $ c. 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ake.i into con- e Exhibition. MST OF PREMIUMS. Clars C. VEGE , A3LES. All veffetables entered in tliis class must have been grown by or under the direction of Ihe Exhibitor. Section 72. 73. 74. 75. 7G. 77. 78. 79. «0. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. t95. 96. 97. ns. 99. 100. 101. 102. »03. Beans, green, one dish Beftts, for table, 6 Brussels Sprouts, 2 sprouts Carrots for table, 6 Horn M M 6 long Celery, white, 6 heads II red, 6 n Corn, sweet, 6 ears, named Cucumbers, 2 best . . . .^ Cabbage, winter, 2 best heads M summer, 2 n n red 2 n II Savoy, 2 m Cauliflower, 2 best heads Lettuce, 6 best heads Onions, collection, 6 of each II white, 6 II red, 6 i II yellow, 6 n Parsnips for table, 6 Potatoes, 1 peck, for table use Potatoes, collection. 6 of each, named Rhubarb, 12 stalks Radishes, long red, 12 II stump rooted 12 Salsify, 12 roots •• Squash, 2 summer Squash, 2 winter • Turnips, white, 6 II swede, 6 • Tomatoes, 2 varieties, and 6 specimens of each named grown in open air Vegetables, best collection displayed on table not less than 40 ft. area c. 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 50 1 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 ? 00 1 50 1 50 I 50 1 50 2 00 .3 00 00 00 09 50 50 50 50 1 50 1 50 5 00 00 00 00 50 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 seo SPECIALS. •feest Box of Hondy . ■u Bee ifive 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 V» stttrt**!? Will he rereK'ea'liUerthanthe Saturday previou'* f" the qpnning df the Exhibition. .'(See Rule Oi) The Committeenpe' Indebted to the following residents of ISTew Westminster for assistance i towards making the Exhibition suc- cessful : — G. D. Brymher, manager Bank Montreal. The Columbian newspaper. Major & Pearson, real estate agents, etc. Woods, Turner & Gamble, real estate agents. Rand Bros,, real estate agents. J. C. Brown > postmaster. Campbell & Anderson, hardware merchants. ■ Z. S. Hall, stationer. C. J. Robson, fruit and confectionery dealer. H. B. ShMwell, dry goods. W. & G. Wolfenden, grocers. M. Ross, fruits arid crfectionery, McLean &• Morrison, giocera. W. Teitjen,icigar manufacturer, . . , A. Ewen, fish cajiner. McPherson & Thompson, druggists. W. McCoU, grocer. Mowatt & vSloan, real estate agents, etc. E. H. Port, fish eccporter. Cunningham Bros., stoves, etc. McDonald Bros., groceries. R. J. Armstrong, grocer. W. Johnson, boot and shoe dealer. Geo. H. Grant, boot and shoe dealer. W. J. Walker & Co., real estate agents, etc. George Mead, barber. H. T. Read & Co., hardware merchants. L. F. Bonson, liquor dealer. James Phillips, dry goods and clothing. W. E. Fales, furniture dealer. T. J. Tr; pp, hardware merchant. Ogle, Campbell & Co., dry gooils. Queen's Hotel. Hotel Douglas. Colonial Hotel, . . James D. Rae, grocer. D. S. Curtis & Coi, druggist. w \