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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 5 MICROCOPY RtSOlUTION TEST CHA«T lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2| rl^ i^ _^ APPLIED IM /IGE_J ^=r. '653 Eosi Mam Strwt — '^ ^crhesier, New York 146o9 USA ■,^S ("'6) *62 - 03OO - Phone SSS ^''6) 288- 5989 - Fa> CANADA DEPARTMENT OF MINES VUfSS BRANCH HOS. W. TeMPUMAN, MiNlgTER; A. P. LoW, LL.D., DiPDTT MiSlSTM; Eoai.vt Haa.vil, Ph.D., Diuctoi. 'd T H E PRODUCTION OF IRON AND STE) I N CANADA During the Calendai- Years 1907 AND 1908 BY JOHN UoLEISH, B.A. Chin; of the Diviiion of Mineitxl Resources and Statiatia 42 79 lit. 31f. 349 419 4r;8 498 529 544 OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1909 Ho. 42 (•AN.\ DA DEPAHTMENT OF MINES MINES BRANCH IIo.v. W. TtM..i.i»i,N. M,si>n, A IV f„«r. (.r..|) . OniTV Mtsi^ru; Kcr.EXK lUlNHI, I')|.|»., DlktXTOII T H !•: PKODUCTION OK IKON AND STEEL CANADA Hiirin- the ( ";tlonydney-.« producing close to 1,000,000 ton, per year. Since 1896, or .(„. ,,„«,. ,l„rt.«n yoars, we hav« im,>,rted nearly -l.OOO.OOO tons of ore ch.ofly fro„. .Newfoundland and tho south shore of Lake Superior, for u*. in our ( n>,ad,an .nudt^n-. Tho r,.,.,ns for thi« lar^ importation of ores, when wc haw appurontly .uch important and e.xtensive deposits of our owa, are, probablv cnietiy economic. > i . . In Nova Scotia the Newfoundland ores can be laid down at SvJnev more cheaply and more certainly than the local ores, white in Ontario, although 'numer- ous iron ranges are known ax^ross the northern portion of the F..,vin<^ north of Lakes Superior and Huron, questions of transportation ' ,e und„.ht^11^ deb ,1 .'JW 0f»" their develoi.ment in some cases, while in others the o- , are of to. compete with the other sources of supply. At the present time there ..e in Canada about seven or eight prod ,« m.nes, and of these, only one. the Helen mine, is ,«)ducin^ over m.n*^\.Z per annum. During the pn8t few years the Mines Branch has been carrjing on s,. vostigafor, into the iron ore resources of Canada, and the following repor already been published:— The Iron Ore Deposits of Nova Scotia, by Dr. J. E. Woodman by F Hille" m°e' ^''°'''' "^ ^''"'"^" ^"^ ""'^ ^"'''^ ^''"' ^'''''''' ^"''" TJie Tungsten Ores of Canada, by Dr. T. L. Walker. n- lS'"",?^ ^"" ^'^ ^*''^''*' "^ ^^^ ^""^^'^ Township,. Quebec, by Fr *, 5893-)'5 Inm ()ri< DipoHiln •Ii>ti«r tt'c <)tl«wa (Qiicbm iti.v V.iunr Liil'loiimn. M K, 'I'lio iiroiliicti'ti <'l in <'niiii.ln lii<-< tKN'oin.- nii iriipirtmit tnliHtr.v, ihiiiKii ilotiiiiiioM (fovcrrirm lit. rriiti«i ri-iiltoil ii 'iily a !)li(rbtly iion Tbc riipiil jrrowth of jwipnlntion. tho I'XtoiiAivo rniiwiiy ronitnn-tion iK'injr oiiilirtiikrn. tlir rrpbirrimiit of woodon liridffrfl by «tcol on obi rnilway«, and till' iiuTrn«in(f iiw nf '"tifl in biiibliiiK construction, bI! iiumii ii ^ti i' nn^o in our coniiiiniption of iron niid i*t.i'l jfOoiU, «> timl in l!»l)S, ultboM(?b ' ir own fiirnni<'-' turned ^iiit ti:)0.«.3,1 luiw of pin ir •■. w. iniportod in iidditi"ii i.vir a million tons of ini' iind Kto<>l. A nummary '. ibc • liicf Ntiiti.«lic-i if the production of iron on>, pii? iron, •nnd «tnl lire r '••n boroiindir. wbiK^ iniliiy ibfaiU will bn found in ■!iib«cqiicnt pa (TO?. Statistical Summary of Iron Ore. ^r.d Iron and Steel Production. 1907-8. Mllt.Ti:ll. I'Mn. IIIOH. Mill lit Tiinn. ' Sliiirt Tiin». trim '" I- iilit|it>t-i) (laimuum irun nrt- (rliiirp''i tu furiiaci'H ltll|«iitril .• l'ij( iniii miiili' .Sl.»i*l intents mill ciisl.ill(f!< iiukIh KiiiiHtii>i) nilltMl iron unil hti-t-l |iriNtii(-ti iiiaiIh (a) . CnniMliaii ffiki- cliartfeii tn ir.m furn.'i'>*'« . 1iii|Kirii*i) .. .... I*ii; iron iiniHirted Irnii anil iiti^l fpuixlH iniimrti'il ' :ii-.>,K-i« •-Mt.lW I l.U7.1.fiO ' (•..'■ii.tHi:; i TOIi.fW'i i B72,2O0 1 .VJl.nfW ;)-T.0S2 I (Ii)l.-i0.1.-i7 ; (1>)(B'.',«W •j;tH.iic-j I,o.-il,41."i t'i;)( ),.•<:« WH.Tia Wkj.oiKi 4',l'.',ii"l'i 32.'i,i'.7o (iOL'12.-'«» (c) (Vii.Hia (a) SutUticH I'lill.-ctfil iiivl |,ul,li» till' ipiantitiHH art' nut (tivin in tlif trade riturni-. IKON OVV. T\m total pr.«lu.ii.m (^liiprm-nts) ..f ir.,t. .to »i .,...m* i ( .um. a i.. U'ut' WBH L'Ms.OH'j f„n- v.ilu.-l Mt ♦MH.lMt at ^liippinK | ,.• ,•,,■ ,. , .1 »..|i ;iU>,M6»; ton* viilui\H.s:\\ (,,,,11 vhIu.mI ,,t 4, ,-i,2J2 ::. IWMJ.'nv provim'i« th.. i.rM|ii,ii..n .|i< inK 'In- |,i^t iliro- yvui* wjm h< /..Ikiwii:— IKON, TABLK I. Production of Iron Ore by ProvincM. 1906-7-8. rruiiiii I WW 'l'..l» Valu l!N»r. 'I'un. Vnlii IM«. r Vul,,.. Nina Sciitia . . . Uiituriii llriiinli ('•iliiiijliia.. !i,n;t;t '.Nm,n:ii lft1.;tH.i .ilT.UlM -••-'.•.42 M!t,M;)!» t--'.74H ;ti'.', J f^. ;)•-') •Dill. !l 1 1 II. .«'•-' i7.«a»t I'M";" M,001 IIIS.IWL' .MiH.tH'.l Tl... ,,r.,luWin„ ,|„rintr lOOT un.i 1!.0«. cluB.siti...l w ,nHK...-til.~-. h..,n„tit.» (^,, ores), wtrbonut.-s and \^ii oixm, was as follows:— IKON.-TABLK 2. Clg»iifled Production of Iron Ore, 1907-8. 19117. -.nut. 1 "f On-. — i;w«. .Short Ton«. j Vul,.e. IVr T™. Short T,,,,,. ; v-,.hie. | P.r Tu„ Mi4fn«'tit»- Hciiiatiti-. ♦ 'arlionatt l! f)0,ll73 a05,71>5 42.7 Ml H,2l-< 31L>KJ4! tr;t,.'j;i2 47,701 tkKi.'IU * ct». •-' 12 2 ;t(i 1 a - "^ 2 i:< i t!M)46 i:;).iii4 io,io;i I 23«,0H2 I2l,.\'tl 4111,127 .■■>,4:i4 .">»w, » I. 2 4'J 2 411 1 i:; 2 111 2 S'.i The .leeron.s..d ore, in H.Os. «, oom,.nn.,l v ith I-.OT, «„.- .hiWlv n, l^matito „n,l ...,..,.,.. „.. Th. lot... ... ,„.,a ,..t. ,iv..,, ... . „,... at ,;: Ix.nJon,l..rry furna,.... which was in operation for thirt ,.ight day. only, in 1008 thlfr^ ""■"""• "•■•■■ ^-"^"■■'•-■^ ^ what.. 6 I i The magnetites represent shipments mainly from eastern Ontario, but inehide in 1907 shipments from Atikokan, as well as small shipments from tlw Barai-lmi-* mine. Capo Breton, and Texada island, B.C.; while in 1908 a small ^hipmrtlt of mairnetito was made from the depo.'^it being developed at Mon-.e niouiitiiiii, Ontario. The hematites include the «res mined nt Tnrbrook and Acadia mines, Xuva Scotia (from the latter of which the carbonate ores are also nbtaiued), and tlie Helen mine. Michipicoten. The bojr ores are obtaine07. a snuill shipment from Quatsino sound in Vnn- couver island, B.C. A nfcnrd of the production I'f iron ore in past venrs is -liown in Tables :; nnd 4 following:- lUOX. TABLi: .1. Production of Iron Ore by Provinces, 1886-1908. Ctl'iidar ^ t Nova Scotia. Qiic1h-c. Oiitiirio. Uritii-h Cohiiiibiii. Tntftl. ! Tons. 1 TOIIK. TllIIH. Tons. Toils. 1S80 44,.388 43,.W2 10,032 .3.941 04,301 18S7 13,404 lfl,r)98 2.790 70,330 1888 42,011 10,710 10,894 8,372 78,.W7 IHMl .M.lOl 14,.W.t ir.,4.S7 84', 181 18(10 ! 4(1,2(M> 22, 30.^. 70,.511 18i)l ! 53,049 14,380 (tr>0 08.97(» J81I2 78,2,'W 22,090 2,3110 103,248 18!»3 102,201 22,071) 1,32.') 12.\i;o2 1S<^ 8(» 379 19,492 1,128,810 17,030 1.-1,270 190 9l.90 12.03i") 209,e;i4 2.2011 2(i4.294 1((04 01,2(l.'t 1«,1.')2 141,001 219,040 v.m 84,9.52 12,081 l(t3,404 291,097 inoo i 97,820 (t,933 12.748 141,078 207,709 248,831 1007 89,839 2.5O0 3lL',.S;->6 1908 11,802 10,103 210,177 j 238,082 lUON.-TABLE 4. Production of Iron Ore in Nova Scotia, 1876-1885. Calendar Yi'ar. Tons. 1 ■ Calendar Yiar. Tons. 1870. . . l.'>,274 10,879 30,000 29,S89 .->1,193 i 1881.. 1882.. 1833.. , 1884.. ■ 1885.. .39,843 1877. . . 1878. 42,13,'> 52,410 1879. . laso. . . 54,886 48,129 Nova 6'condomlerr>-. and the Torbrook mines in Annajwlis county, both operated by th.' I^n.ton.lerry Iron &• Mininp Co., Ltd. The total shipments in 190S were only ll.sOi tons, as coin- paiTd with Sn.SnO tons in IflOT. the Tx.n.loiid.rry furnace having been shut down the preater part of the year. Tn 1907 sbipuKiits were made the mine and from Harachois. Cape lireton. in addition to the niine^ already men- tioned. A comprehensive n^port on the iron ores of Xova Scotia, by Dr. ,T. K. \V I- mnn, has recently been publi-^bed by the Aflnes Branch. (Jiirh,'r.—lu tliis Province Ijor ores are mined in the counties of Champhiiu, Joliotte. Drummon.i. Xicolet, St. Maurice, an.l Vaudrcuil, and ."melted in small charcoal furnaces at Radnor Forces and Drummondville. In inox, there werr 10,10.3 ton.s of these bog ores shipped to the above-mentioned furnaces, as com- parwl with 12,748 tons in 10i»7. MaRnetite ores from Ontario are used with these ores in the Radnor furnaces. Onlarin.~ln this Province the production was obtained from four mines in lOOS, and five in 1907. The largest output is secured from the ITelen mine at ' Michipicoten. This ore, which is mainly a red hematite, is shipped to the blast furnaces nt Snult Ste. Marie, Midland, ami Hamilton, and to the rniteout i.'>(H> tons of bog ore were shipped from Quatsino sound according to the provinoinl mineralogist. No shipments were made in 1908. Following is a list of the principal producers of iron ore: — Name of Owiht. .V.ldn-. NiiiiK' of Mine. Ijocation of Mine. Nova SiK>tia Steel & Conl Co., . . JNew Gl!i!.(t(iw, N..S. . I BaraclmiK I ; I .\CiMii;i . . Londonderry Iron & Mining Co l.Montnal, i^ue ... p BnK.ktield . ) I (.Torbrook. . I_. McI )ougall & Co Montreal, ( Jui- . Bog ores 'Canada Iron Furn-acf Co. . 'Canada Iron Kurniice Co. Wilbur Iron Ore Co.. Ltd Mineral Range Iron Mining Co., Ltil. The Lake Sujierior Cor|xirHtion.. MooBe .Mount.iin, Ltd .Montreal, ijiie. . . ;l5og ores f .Montreal, i Jue JRadnor .\tikokan Iron Co., Ltd I'uget Mound Iron Co. . . Toronto. Ont. . lief.!., N.S. Colchestf r Co., N.S. Annnr-iliH, N.S. Dru'iimond, Nicoht and other counties, (iratton tp., Renfrew I eounty, Ont. iLevant tp., Lanark j county, Ont. Mayo tp., Ha.Htings county, Out. Michipicoten, Ont. Huttx)n tp., Nipissing, Ont. Rainy Kiverdist., Ont. Texada ixland, B.C. Ijuntsino mund, B.C. ' Consolidated under the Canada Iron Cortxiration, Limited, Durii IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. the tVirtecn years the iron smelting industrj- iu Canada has hud to draw more and more upon implies of iron ore, a large ix)rtion of these supplies I'.-ing. however, derived from Newfoundland, which can hardly be looked ui«iii a= ii foreign source. Still for purposes of commerce it ha* to bo so consideri of Canadian ore and 1,051,44.5 tons of imports! ore. The Canadian production was, thrrefore, only about 19 per cent of our roquireurents. Previous to 1,S9() the furnaces were supplied altogether by Cana- dian ons. The quantities of Canadian and imported ores ajinu.illy charged to Mast furnaces since 18S7 are shown in Table 10. The Department of Customs •Iocs not separately publish statistics of iron ore imports. Since the opening of the Helen mine at Michipicoten considerable quantities of iron ore have been exported to the United States. The statistics of exports for both calendar .■; .d fiscal years are shown in the two tables following, the statistics for the fiscal year having been added, to compare with the record of imports of iron ore into the Fnited States from Canada, as published in the ' Foreign Com- merce and If..vigPtion of the Fnited States.' Washington, B.C., and shown in Table 6a. It so happened that from 1901 to 1906 the figures in the Canadian reports were inaccurate, owing tn ren.sons explaineX>. . l.S:Mi. l.s!»7. . IX'.fX . 2,4111 i.-'.Ti l,o;t:i l.SU' 4,U.-) 6,5^7 Caleiula \'.ar. I Tun 7,".1>0 ' 19«>1' L'l.-J!14 .'(.'.Kill •-•7s !i,.">;w 13,.-.ll iiMtr, I'.HK). I'.ili7. . 3(t(;.iit!P 4-'S,!Hll 7l,T7.s L'.">,l«il (■.s.« l,'"ri.tii!) '.iL'2..-.7l 4"i,7as 4ii7,S,sl ll!t,177 l.-.,!PO- • 'Ih 'N5. . \X>»i. . 1SS7.. IfWS., 1««9. 1890. . i.sni. . IS»2.. lS!t3. . fun. X:,i\2 Valii.-. Kiscal \'ear. To,,-, IS'.ll, :!ll,.">L'4 711.474 l.H!>.-,. 44,ii77 lll,.S.() l.ylti. i:f.s:(.-> 1 :).■., in:! ls;)7. 44.m 1 i:<.s.77."i \s::x. L'.-|..SOS iliv")4!i lS!i;i. r.4,;i(;7 i:!2.n74 liHHI 7.."i4l' L':',(i.v.i I'.iii!* ■S-i.-.W 71. '.«4 iriML'" 13,544 3'.l,!ll.-| i!K';r 24.7.")2 (W.2M) i;ki4' IH.sil .■n.:t7(; I'.f.V ll.iil.S ■.i-:.-,s-2 I'.Hlti" 7.707 M.<.m I'.Hfft. r.Hii 2(i,114 IIMIS. I.N"i!l 2.;2."i,!l83 2!W,, 2.'>;i,s",o,74;t X> 2,4112 402 4,'.i(iK 7.IWH i.")0,(ir>7 i,:i;J5 1,313 i 2,585 ■ 4.477 i \alu I7,18fi 7.'>« 10,114 142 5,243 2,904 5,120 5.550 I Vear i-nding .June .'{0. UKIl... 1902. . . 190.S. . . 1904. . . 1905. . liKJfi. . . 1907. . . 1908... For..i(fn Conimeree and .Vavijation of the UnYted'sute^. .Short TonK. Value. $ .34.4.'i.'? 76,1.^9 30f',.)27 085. ,540 144.725 320,2ta 12(;,995 28.'!,7«5 120,241 245,023 11.1,809 220,112 34,731 .52,-05 .12,124 .5,5,017 10 PIG IKOX AND STEEL. The total productioii of pig iron in Cmiudiaii funiuces iii lOOS was G30,8;!5 short toils (503,246 long tons) valued at the furnace at 18,111,194, as compared with a production of 651,902 slx.rt Ions (5^iM()!) loriK tons) valued at $9,125,226 in 1907, and 5!)s,411 short tons (534,290 long tons; valued at $7,955,130 in 19(iii. The year 190" was a year of inaxiniuni output in the Caradian iron industry. The business depression of liiOS, following the iinaneiid panic of that year in the UnitCHl States, resulti'd in a falling utf of only 21,127 tons, or 3-2 per cent in the output of pig iro-i in Canada in 190n. This decrease is insignificant com- pared to that which took place in the Enited States, wliere the pig iron production in 1908 was over 38 per cent lesd than the production in 1907. Th(«o figures of production do not include tho output from two electric fur- nace plants making ferro-products, situated at Welland, Ontario, anil Bucking- ham, Quo., of which returns were not received. Of the total output of pig iron during 190S niiout 0,709 tons valued at $171,383 were made with charcoal as fuel, and 024,120 tons valued at $7,939. Ml with coke. In 1907 the quantity made with charcoal was 10,047 tons valued at $232,004, and with coke 041,915 tons vali'od at $8,)s9:!.222. According to the American Iron and Steel Association, which has collected and publishofl statistics of iron and .stwd prodiu'tion in Canada, the production of basic pig iron in 190S amounted to 37.",fi59 short tons, as against 382,208 short tons in 1907; and the production of Bessenier pig iron was V",.'?' short tons in 1908, a? against 173.499 tons in 1907. The total production of pig iron in 1907 and lOOS is .,hown by provinces in the following tabic, the average values per ton being also indicated. In the case of Nova Scotia a largo proportion of the pig iron is directly converted to steel, and in largo part the value is ^^stimated and does not necessarily represent a market value. The Quebec production 1=^ entirely charcoal iron of a high grade. lUOX.-TABLE 7. Production of Pig Iron by Provinces. 1907-8. Nova .Scotia ; .'566,406 14,211,913 <;iiebef , 10,047 2.'i2,004 Ontario. 27."),4r)9 4,W1,30!I Total . 651,962 | 9,125,226 11 lonj'v '"■"'«"'""* "^ ""■ ""■''"'" '•""'■•"'"t^-' ''.V ""-■ «''vcral provinces were. i„ 190S: Jsova S,.ofn, M „or cent; Ontari.,, 4:! ,.,- ow.t ; a„,| Quebc: nlnrnt 1 p.r .-nt. Th.,. pr.,v„, l.avo, ,1 this n.|,„iv.. ..,!,. of i,u,K,rtnncc i„ pi,, .r.,„ prclu.. -.„ ,l„n„K .l,e past ,1,^1., ,,.an,. I)„ri,„, ,1,,. p..f f,„„ ,,ars ,j' l-"l.."t.on l,.,.s ,.x,...o,|,.,l half a milli,,,, ,.,„« a„n„>,lly; whil,. fr.„u l^.^ to 10(M t!io pro.lM,-tio„ rans,.,! fm,,, l(,(.,,„„) tons to ;!00.(H)o ,ons ,..,■ ar.num laON.-TAHLK 8. Annual Production of Pig Iron by Provinces, 1887-1908. Y..« 1HS7. iXH'<. . INiHI. 1 HI. 1W2. . iwi;t. LSii). . 18<)-). l.S!Mi. . 1«!'7. . l«w. wm. . IWHI. vm.. IIKII'. l'.HIl. }'.»>■>. . . \'Mi;.. i9<>7... A A >C(ni.\. T'lIlK. l!l,;!2li 17,5r>(i 21.2H!I ;'!,.'«! |il,IM6 . ."15.3,41 Wi. 44»,.');«;. 417,(W3 . 40 140,078 00 575 1.. 501. 008 140,493 274„370 3,512,02" 181, .5(11 .3.57,002 4,243,.541 21(J,il73 297,885: 3.742,710 241,729 3o:!,4.54 3,(i87,fl85 I(iO,207 525, 30() 0,47.5,18« 177,044 598.411! 7,9.Vi.l36 2,32,004 (1.51, !Mi2 9.125,220 171, .'WS t>,30,8.35j 8,111,194 .5893—2' 12 The quiintitie» of iron ore, coko, charuonl, limestone, oto.. ■•nisuiucd in bla>t fiirt'i'jes in 1007 inid lOOS nro !*iiown as foINnvs: — lliOX. TAHI.i; '). Ore. Fuel, and Flux charged to Blast Furnaces, in years 1907-8. 1IKJ7. IWW. liuaiititv N'liluf. and .t^mmtity. I riiipurtiKl.' Valu. CaiiaUiiin IiniMH-tttl . (*aii.'i(liiiit lion ort' aipl tiiill (-iiKier tttnr*. ltii{K>rtc'ort*!(i ! .* •.M4,lOl' Till.IKU l,117,L'iiO L',4:i;i,'.PJl rc'i.ody i,i^"hi,u7'.i .fjT.twa i,7;ii,ii!is lm»ln'U l,6M-.',0nr) . . tc.ii-> .iii."i,ri(i3 9L','.tr>!i 12N,4ltr. "7,7:i>'' I'.i Cut. IS) ■111/ SI I LMP'.i,j.,(i rii.iiH i,ii."ii.)ir. -j.iiiL'.j.-ii 4!ll',(i7<> 1,1104,411 »L',"i,(170 i,5i"i,71i !,llil,',l!Ml ,S,-).7:'kH . U«,(iiil l'S!l,7n,', tit, 4114 ,'>:<,4:u: I'lr Cint 17 I s;i| (101 4U/ «7'l i;nt of the lime-tone were iinjHirted, This condition i<, of course, duo not to non-existence of the raw mnteriiils in llie country; but rather to questions of costs and transportation ntfecting inu-li fur- nace. Thus at Sydney, N,S,, the ore used is praeticully nil imiHirted from Xeu- foundland, while the fuel .T,id flux are of Canadian origin. At Londonderry tlie industry is based entirely on Canadian materials, as is also the case in Quebec provinee, Tn Ontario a )xirtion of the ore is inii>orte(i — 05 jx,- cent of the charge in 1!>08 — rhe coke fuel i* all imiiortcd, and in tlir ca-rs of thi' fnrnacis at Sault Ste. Nfirie and Port Arthur the flux is inii}'irtrj. I I statistics «l,owin« tho quantities „f f,„ 1. ,„.! ll„x. ..ImrK-d tr, Tanndian biMt fiirnaoos since 1887. are shown in tho following table :- IKOX. TABLi; 10. Iron Ore, Fuel, and Flux chargred to Furnace* lince 1887. IHIIN OlIK CMAHIlKn. ''ill' n.\:m , tl.-.:' H,H44 ».'i, ■-'7 .'^lii .'iii,4o; r,4.ti4> ,■)!», .•f4.-. ii.\»;7 ii-.'.;1(. l»i.L'l" ;to4,(17ii| .•f27,a> l.t:i '•Mti. 'r> iriH. 17,171 1«,.S,W 1H47K ii,:<77 22,367 i7,7ii7 ;vj,iiii .■t7,4«:' .■ti,L'7;( :t;i,!ii;f r,2,Wii\ iti!t,:ta<» a!i;t..sn4 •-•77,4,',.; ;tl'.!l,7Ih 4r.t!,('-'t»' l.<.S,4fi2 4«:!.(I(k-, t ti-l[ >V.irs Slliull l|i|:IIUit,V l.f cci:.'. In tl,o tabulated statement showing the'total nuneral production of (anarh t'"' !'-".„.„o„ „f pi,, iron fru„, Ca„«di.„ ore only i. ,iv,.„. Tl.i.. I.. l„vn arnved nt by .Separating tho total production at KU-h furn.,.. i„,„ ,„■.. da..r< ■u., p.-r Ton fn.u. Canadi.n ore ano pig iron fro.u iu,portod orn, tho separation I'.-.n.^ nuuie on ,!„ bas,. r he Canadian and imported o,^^= entering int.- th. pro- • UuMon f,t ,,ig iron nt en respective furnace. 14 Till- ppiMlui'tiuii (liiriiitr till' |m>t thirteen .vi'iirs Mimratol in itiis wn.N liii-i Ik in ns fnllows; — I'ilf inm y'lg inin ( iiliiiclar Viiir. fi.nn frmu < 'iinii.liiin ore. IiiiiMirtt*il on- Uhki. 411,7'Jfl 34.21) :("),: is; .h:i,1(j I'.M.jrn ( ';iI»'!i'Ur Vi'ur. I'iif IP in fniin ( aiiiuiiun urt- liKi:; ■'••"t ; i;"i.". - ... .1 1!»n;. . , I imc IIIOK •rmi.. 4'.',l^iL' iw,L>;i7 IIM7II 1114, (KUl Iii7.."i!t!t '.ID, r.ii rifr irim f p nil liii|Kirtcd ore. Ti.n.. •ri.i.Hna •j;t.M.-.7 4.-.7,i;iti tii:t.TM r.4»,:«w .">;ii,4ir. Of si\tiiii I'.Mipletwl funiiiocs fifteen wtTf in Ma-t in lfK)s, fdr vnrjliii^ pcridd^ lit' iiii;i. i'lic iiiirniliiiK cDiiipmiic-', with niiiiiliiTs iiml ciipncitiis of fiir- Uilcc-, Url'i- il- t'oiliiw.s: — Iduiiiiiiiiii Irmi ami Stfd, Syilmv, CI!.: four i-h, with tliv exception of "no ftiriince which was idle during nine and a half months of ItMls. Xova Seutiii Steel and Coal Coiiipany, Limited, Xew (ilasgow. N.S. : one fur- nace at Sydney .\lin«'3, C.l!., of 200 tons capacity; operateil throughout I'JO", and eleven rnonth.^ of U0><. Londonderry Iron and Mining Co., Limited. Londonderry, X.S. ; one fur- nace of 100 tons capacity; ojierated about nine montli^ in 190", and thirty-ci^iht days in l(M)s. John McDoiigail «& Co., .Montreal, Que.: two small furnaces of seven a:id lif-dit t<'ii-^ i-iipacity a* Drummiiiiilville, (^ue. : one furnace operated throughout 100". and for ahout half of 1908. Canada Iron Furnace Company, Limited, Montreal, Que.: one furnace nf lift y tuns daily capacity at Radnor Forges, Que.; operated throughout IDoV, and six months of 1008. One furnace of 150 tons at iliiHand, Out.: oi>erated nine and a half months in 1!M)7. and el.ven months in lOOS. Deseroiito Iron Company, Limited. Doeronto, Out.: one furnai'c with a ihilly capacity of ,")0 tons; oyxTated tlir<-.> and a half months in 19il7, and two montlis ill 1008. iramiltiin Steel and Iron Company, Hamilton, Ont.: two furnaces, one of 200 tons capacity; operated throughout 10O7. and forty-nine days in 1008; a second fur- nace of ."00 tons capacity, operated tifty-two days in 10O7. and throughout l!i08. Algoma Steel Company. Limited. Sault .Sti'. ^farie, Out.: two furnaces at Steelton near Sault Ste. Afarie, of 2."iO tons capacity each; operated ten i:nd a half months in 11M17. and seven and a half months in lOOS. The Atikokan Iron Company. Limited. Port Arthur. Ont.: one furnace of 100 tons capacity; operated for alxuit five months in 10'"7, but idle throughout 1908. Tlie total daily capacity of the sixteen furnaces is ahout iAOii tons. The numbi>r of men employid in 1008 was rejiorted as 1.380, and wage.s paid. $7.';0.224. Of the sixtren completed furnaces ten were in blast and six idle on December :51, 1908, IS Tho furnan.. plant-* oporat...! i.y tl„. r.uuuh Ir.,„ tunmri- Co.. „„,! John M.-I>..„gall & Co., ha.-,, h.-.-,,, l,.r ,„.,. ^....oral'.nent. Known flH tlio Cnnudu Iron (Virp tisoni voar 11)07 („!„,.' ' '♦'" ''"J'"^' •^'"••'•'" "■'■■•»-• '••"•1-'" t""-^ "f ..nlinarv pi.., valu,.,| at *:!,-2Mi,sr,o. .nial .W tons of rliarfoal piff. valiioil nt iilii7,-.. Tiio annual i.npnrt. of thr.-,. two rhuMs .,f pi;, |r,.„ -i,„-,. |,m> aro ,i,own in tlio f..Ilowinp Tlic .liily on pi^ iron i-^ .*J.r,i> por ton. n;o\. TMii.i. 11. Annual Imports of Pig Iron since 1880. Fiscr' ^'ca I'll. IlioN. f'llMM.'M I'l., 11.,,; ToT.H. Tims. , V.ilu... Ton^.. V.ilii,.. Ton-. Va!. ., IMWl ISKl ISH'i lS".:t liwt . 18K.->. . ItWfi.. 1»«7 ItWB.. IWtl IS'NI l«ll . lS'.t2.. lS!t3. 18!M.. 1895. . lS(Hi. . ]«•:.. I«!t8.. mm. . 1!K"1 . 1!«1 . . 11102 . l!X):i . I'Jin . 1!M)3. . lOtXi.. l'.K)7*. I!t0«.., (al (1.1 (t.) (!■) II.) L'.' 4,f,i;;io ,'>;..■.!)» 7."i.'j;i.'i 4:1,1111 ■1J.'_'7!I 4'J,4(i:f H!,L'!I.'. 4S !l7:i 72.1 1.-. .s7.tii;t >*1,317 IM, ; 71,IM).'i 0«,"!17 j i-'.o.ia? 2i(i,(ira 371,:i.Vi 7i.\:'it7 "^ll,".".'! 1,"h.\7.v. ImS,7I)H ."■t."i,4L>i; '••sx.\x:i .'"):"l4,:>MS <;4.H,(ii2 I .sti(,7.V.> ' 1,14H,07M l.os,5,irj;i MH(i,4-,-« 4-<.,Kf7 2,i:w 2,Hli:t 1,1I!I 3, is.-. ;;.:tiit ,'>,!I44 •j,mit) 2,7.'vO in 7 •J.'xii; 2,2."0 l.'C.-. l.Hlli 4:h) ;is I 8H2 i ,-10 2,j:i7 * Nine iiKiiiths eniiiiiu Miircli. (a) Cimpriscs pig iron of ;i|l kiinl,... (I.) These figures api^-ar in Customs reiH.rts un.lcr lie cast-iron. 211.7!tl •■.--,!l'4 lli'i,liil2 27, 3; « i;ii,s :)4,!lfW .'tl.171 11,7211 3.",373 23, .".,33 1!>,I23 ,3s,73(i 7,121 72(1 i2,1S| t,3,3:ts 4.'.,i;4N ,50,21 1 4S,II73 72,11.-. 87,111.3 81,317 tW,!ll8 <12,7ti3 4.-|,2S2 34,417 37,018 2s, 7112 3II,4»1 4l.,21tl .M,ris3 3.-,,7.H3 40.0111 !l2,t!12 I12„->l,'. 71, Oil.'. 'I»1,7!I7 l.".0,l.-.7 212, 2! 10 I 37'. 'CO 71.\:i:i: I. It 1,7 I'.. 7211. Mn .'.7 2. 7. VI 6.>'8...i;|. IWl.-HS Ot.s.i IJ 8ill,7.-.-_' 1,1 Is, I. :s l,'is,-.,t'i';i KSIl.fs.-, iriii,.-i' 7 -.l-'.7.""i 372, l.'lo 4(K;.3ir .327,101 4ii.-..rsj(! 472,031 8,-.o.22ll ,-.,-..-.. l.-.l .-.sri,,.ii3 1,:C.I.'I2H .8!I4.728 •S.V,, 70 1,401,(147 2,281..-.:!.-, 3,4:i,'!.iiiHi ling iniii in pigs, iron ki'ntle.l gi- and i 't! Worhl't proifurtion. The iiroiliii'timi i.f pijf irnn in otlii-r c ■uiilrio* U |ii\ , horeutii|«T for the post four .vinr«, in onlor to »hi>w tin- nlutivc o.-cni.itfd by C«n«rl(i in tho produptioii of thin motal. IUO\ TABLE 12. Production of Pij Iron in Principal Countriei of the World from 1905 to 1908: netric torn 2,204 62 Ibi. IfKl.-l. VM*\. I Hi; IIKH. .Mrtrii- 'I'l.nK. M. trie Tmi,«. Mrtrir Tmii» M.'lrii- Tnii.. l'iiit. i'i,7l)fi,Nv.' Lli.liW.Ma Itl.I'.MMim i...riimii.v i()/'.s-.iij.i ij,4:N,i)tir i:t,iu:i.7(ki ii,m;i,.-,ii l; klllKcl ■.l,rili,-.-.'l tll,.lII,T:s i(MffsN,)ii!t ;Oi!m!i:ki 7"""'" :, •.•.ii;:i,'«»> i'.;i.-ni,'KHi iTtii.L'Jn :;,r)«oi»i Aii.TM iiiuiK»py i,:(7-.',:><«i l.iii;t..ijiitCn .V.I1,44M .•.7-,i;Kl ?l'-;'" .-ix:*.!!*! .W7.:i<»l IKViniii 37.\ilii,UHO,MI» \ i»«,'.>7I,l!.'ift V '0^ 'I'' ''* '"'"■"I'''""' "f t'i"M' f'"- Cunaila il,, ■«• li^i.r. . aiv faki-ii (rr, liavc nut fiirni.-|.artt)iciU with any returns of iiroduction. .\t I!iic]dn( Vuliim KiM-al VtHr. .43.^ tlHiW .HVl j tlWHt IIIH J t twill 711 !i:iii WW HH'i 4IM Mil za MiKia tllKIU tiwn timift. MllOtl. tl!«l7 tllHW (II tiiimtlix) Ton*. 1,41)4 1,1'Kl i.l4!l l.ftU' «,ftl.1 lt,.Viil 2,!i7.'i iL',!i.r. l.\o-.':i 1 ..v,i 24>1,H|.-, 4ii'.'. r:l'i •iio.Nr, lllL',lll):> i.r..|,,ii,li. STEEL. Returns for he your 1908 fron. eight .,mpani.« „,„kin^ .s,,.] ..h,.«, ,1 „ ,.,tal -..put of ,„«ots an-1 easting, of 588.7fl:. «hort ton. valu.l at *lo,.M. . i... .•o.„^.ro.l w,th 706.9^2 ton. valued at $1.'.,612.5I«) fron. ..on ..„„„!„.;•.' i' nu These figures are made up as follows:— IRON.-TABLE 14. Production of Steel, 1907 and 1908. DeKfiption. ino7. laos. Short Ton». Value. Ingiita, ofien hearth (baiiic). . '■ U<"i«'nier(»ci(l).. CastingH, openheorth Other i>t«pla Toul 4,t9,240 225,989 2l(,(i02 I.ISI 9,157,7aS t.:'»3,7'.ll 2,o;ii,:wo Il"J,71ti Short Tnn». 443,442 i;«,5.-.r 9,031 713 706,982 ^ 15,«1',;,590 j .IMH.TBS Valii 7,W4,:77 2,."».r),L>H7 «I7,126 79,912 10,916,(X(2 and published by th. African ll.:!:^!::.^;^' ""T" T" "'"'"^«' ttWS, being as above. ^--u.iat,<;n. rh,,,,, f, 1&07 a„^ J»S-S lun.s T\ 111,1^: 1% Annual Production of Steel Ingoti and CaitinKt, 1884-1908. ^ *ikli-ii«. CntMixlttr \vnr. ■JIl.tMM I'.NKt 2t,12.'> IIKU T..I... < 'uli'iiditr Year. '.'I.iilii l!">l 2ii, (mi l!»i;. I'.HUl L1t;t.iwl UNIT -.IKt.'JtNi ItKM. .Hhort Ton*. im.:wi i'olliiwiinf is u list iif tiriiiH makiiitc ntw;!:- Domiiiiiiii Inm iV Sit'il C.i., Syiiiiey, C.B. Xiiva SiMitia Stol iV Cunl ('d Tlollrd Iron and Stcpl.— The prodiiction of tinisliod roUoil iron and steol in Canada in \Ws nniountcd to alioi.i t!»i;,."ilT loutr ton*, as compared with about 600,170 Ions tons in 1!K)T, n decrra* of In3.fifl2 t(1.'; tons wci, iron, and about 431.012 foas wore steel, ii)/:imst about si, 00:1 toius ot iron and about 619,086 ton* of Rtoel in 1fl07. • Thv following tiildo (jives the pro.Inotion of londinR nrtieles of finished rolled in)n and stool in Cai ada in the last five .vears: — I'rofhirU — (ironH Tnn^. 1904. inor>. W^KR. ,i I T- IWT. 1908. f**''" sfi.aifl i7R,8>c. .ii-.'.ht; 3ii,4ni aftSfira Structural ohBiH's and wirn rfxls H.!!!-''' I 4^.R%3 4.'<.35l 8.5,.'>41 41 "I'Jd IM.itHs »nH nliPftM 3,102 1 4,il41 liVW,! 18 49:1 llfiSfi ^"'' (''"t'' 5,a»l ! 4,11(> 2,1«.S 1.721) 21211 -All other Hniilivd tolli>. r.llin I ." ""' '^•"'•'-^'"' •""'' Pro.l,u^i.,u of f„r«,..| iron ..n,| .....,1 ,,v r.ll..K uMlU „„.l .t«.l work, in C.n.,!,. i,. .,HN „„.o,..,.,, ,.„., , ,.,„ ,„„; ..f ^Wu-i. «U..., -«H. to.. «„.. iron. „n,l „l,„ut >.>4:.s ,o,« were ,t..,.| Hbout .U.J.20() k.-K, ,n 1))(.7, aii.l al.ont ;U7.(XM» k./n i„ vm •A.'t.y,. Rolling .\fiIlH .„„, Sf.vl Works.- I„ l-HW ,h..r.. won- tuvn.v Hv •r;;i::; r"^' ^""" """•'■ -^■' - '- - n....: i:::r.r, Ml .>f>w |.r .,,wi>'k. unci one in .\„i.' BOUNTIKS. B.n,ntJ,. o„ iron an,| ..t..l n,n,i,. in , ana.l^ were provide^ for l„ thr '"'".."" .ov..rnn,ont. in ..nv "-,.,„,,... ,;, Statut.. of '•„„„,,; ,.;;/•'''" ... 1003 (Chapter ... Statnt. ^HZ;,. ^ '^,:;^, I: l.tT'-Z'/^^'r «'»rr 24. ,Kt„t„t.. „f ,•„„„,., ,.;-,;' -"'"'; " '""■ '^" ^'^ "«"-' "■ "^- '•'-- -^ ^ '- °e..n.....r .. .Oil ' ^ A<.;";:r f:^:;:":^" t% l< 20 An Act Respecting Bounties on Iron and Steel made in Canada. (Assfiited to, 27th April, 1007.) His Mujtsl.v, li.v iind with tlif advice aud cousiiit of the Senate and House of Commons of Ciinuda, enacts as followa: — 1. Tlie (iiivcnior in Uouucil may authorize the payment out of the Consoli- dated lievcmiv Fund of the following bounties on the nndcnnontioned articles when manufiU'tiirod in Canada for consumption therein, viz.: — (a) In resiK'ct of pig iron manufactured from ore, on the proportion from Canadian ore produced during the calendar year: — 1907 $2 10 per ton. lOOii 1' 10 " 1909 1 70 " 1910 90 " (6) In risixfct of pig iron manufactured fmni ore, ou the proportioa from foreign ore produced during the calendar year:- - 1907 .$1 10 per ton. 1908 1 10 " 1909 70 " 1910 40 " (c) On puddled bar iron niiinufactured frnni iiif.' inm nuidc in Canada during tlic yoar:-- 1907 $1 65 per ton. 1908 1 65 " 1909 1 05 " 1910 60 " (d) In respect of rolled, round wire rods not over three-eighths of an inch diameter, manufactured in Canada from steel produced in Canada from ingred- ients of which not less than fifty per (H-nt of the weight thereof consists of pig iron made in Canada, on such wire rods made after the thirty-first day of Decem- ber, one thousand nine himdred and six, six dollars per ton. (f} In respect of steel manufactiired from ingroflients of which not less than fifty per cent "^if the weight thereof c ists of pig inm made in Canada, on such stool made during the calendar yoflr:- 1907 $1 65 per ton. 1908 1 65 " 1909 1 05 " 1910 60 " 2. No bounty shall be paid under the foregoing provisions in resiiect of iron or steel made in Canada by electric process after the thirty-first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and eight. 1. The Governor in Council may authorize the payment out of the Consoli- dated Revenue Fund of the following bounties on the nndemiontiorod articles when manufactured in Canada for constunption therein, viz.: — k- W5: 21 (a) 0„ „ig ir„„ manufactumi from C,u,a,lin,. or. l.y tl,. proc.,. of electric siiicItiMR ciiiniijr tlio calendar .year:— 1010 * 10per,on. 1911 ; ° •■ lOlo.. 1''^ •• 90 •■ (I') On .-Iccj lliuliMt;!. iilliil liv ili^-lr;,. ..-. ,.<.,.■ ■ • (,..,.„];, 1,, ,.l,..,n..,ty ;,•,.,„ Cn^lin,, „n. ,|„riuK th,.™,lar vvar-- """'■ ■ ■ ■ 1910. *' •'•■^ '"■'• •°"- 19U..:;;: ;«^ '■ X012... ''" ■■ oo •■ ji. Bm.nty. a« „u ,.1^ in,,. „n,lor this ....,io„. ,„ay l„. ,.ui,l ,„..„ ,1„ ,„„!„.,. ron .n the ..loctric furnace enU.. in,o the n,a,n,faotu>v of „t,.el i,v th<^ .i>rect ,,ro-<.ss. the weight of tlw st...] .so nK,Mufa,..„re'OX.-TAl!I,i; IG, Bounty paid during the Calendar Years 1907 and 1908. I 1-"1.! ..1, «in,l, l'..iu.,'> ^,;., |,;„,|. ■ ' ' ■"•■ i "iitity. ''■■■""''^'' '--'^"'^ 7.:;.,...: - ,;,,„:, ,..,U :; ^'■•■1 i,ipii.-< ... ,...-„. .-.-., «t..,.lw,„. ,.„,ls....; i-s'-^, ']', '■"•'■'•^oi :i7 ;,n,;,-sii '.ir s-i; .;■■ _^--''^^ 4iL',)ir-j.; .|:,:,l:io -'r'^fsrls ^J!!!!*::- '■^"'"■""^ ^--^:^^^ -,,,,,,„, ,,,-,^- 22 Tlic .ini'Muit iif Imniitins pnld to thp =ovptii1 poinpaiih'.-^, an^l tli'' (iuaiititie> of tl'L- ililTerent ]>i'oiliu'ts on wliicli tin- iHHiiitios were pa'v\, iis cnnipilivl from the r |)orts of tlic A\i(]itor (icncnl, iirc --liowii in tlio aci'oinp;iii,viiiK taliK-* for th- tlsi'al i)('riii(l of iiiiii' iiiontli~ I'lulintr .M;ii'rli. 1007. atu] luclvc iiKinllis iiulinfr M:noh. IW'*. Bounties paid on Pig Iron manufactured in Canada during nine months ending March. 1907. C'liiiipaiiy. Oil Vifi Iniii from (';iii- On I'i^^ Iron from Im adiiin ( )rf. icrtfl Ore. Tons. r.oiiiitif>. Tuii-^. IV illtltic.v. Tot,;,l lioiintic;- St.vl Co.. Lfl t ':m;i'i;i Troll Knriiact' f 'o.. Ltd.: Mi.nMii.l. Out ii:tdiior I*'iux*---^. '^nt- Discioiito Iron Co.. Ltd Dominion Iron ;niil Stii I Co., Ltil. Klfctric liiilnction Co., Ltd.. II:imiltonSti-.-l mhiI lron(^i.. Ltd, Lo!i(tondtTrv Iron and MiniiiL' > Co., Ltd ■ •lolm MiDoufalKt Co Xo\ii Scotia Sti' I and Coal Co. . . >< cts. ' .< ct>. .« Its. ir>..-)ii7-4(i;!; .-ni ii!t, ."..'<:) (i."! .^iii.nsr 14 idi.i;.-,.-, ;h I.C^THH 2,ri4n 71! I't. I(:7:U L'".:!'.! .M :'.'i.:r..i -.M '.',7('o i»ti .'i.iisc < ■ i.i;.T) :« i,4.Mi 1,-j .-..-Mil 11 :;«."> CK> (IM ) .'j.i:;ri i«i 2.1'.m oh 'J.."iI« 75 Ii;i.7."i4 4'.' l.'C.iwi L':i i:r.,ii-!l 2.1 ii-j('ii L':i."i L'li -j:!."! 'JO •" '.l.". ,'!'< ,f2.0-.'7 42 24.;i7t 71 21,714 4,s .">:!,741 !tO .iKi'.IS 2S..-,0.", 7!l 1,412 la 2.iit;2 .W 2M,.'.iiri 7!» 2,iiC,2 n.S :«.i;iMi i;(i 2'.i,o(ic; .",4 2'.i.iwi('i .")4 (!7,22H !I2 :il,4.'tiy3 .'?4'.i,Oirii2 2l«,SiKI .Y) :VS.-|,231 2S Bounty paid on Steel Ingots and Puddled Iron Bars, during nine months end- ing March>, 1907. Company. ! Tons. Limnty. [ .? cts. .MRonia .Stc.-I Co.. steel ingota ! llll,7:'.4 (12 2nXM TA Iron and .Steel Co., Kteel iin?ots lhH,H2.") .")2 234,844 2S Hamilton Steel .'vnd Iron <'o., .steel in^Mt.■< Wl,u.-t2 43 ."if >, 22" I 47 piiddlefl irin Ivars 2!)C, S2 311 «!« No\ a Scotia Steel and Coal ('(P.. steel inj.'ots 34.7»!» UH 4ii,r)."<7 S4 , 45,"),22,S 48 r)7."i,570 79 Bounties paid on articles manufactured from Steel, during nine months ending March, 1907. Ton: I'onnties. Dominion Iron and Steel Co.. Ltd., Sydney, C 11., 8teel wire rij.7(>l ' 17") 2!W,5(i7 (15 Hamiltiiii Stc-el anil Irun Co.. angles. rtL.. at ?3 7,134 710 2l,lt>i 22 Montreal Kolling Mills Co., anffle hars, at *3 | 2!t3 730 , ,S,H1 lit Nova Scotia Steel anil Coal Co., Ltd., angle.s and plates, at 8.3 | 11,048 HMJ ! 18,14t! 51 338, WIH 97 mm H ■l?"^ l=£n:^ r3]i.cV^~.-^i ■ Its. Bounti es^aid on Pig Iron manufactured in Canada. Fiscal Year 1907-8. Cninpany. ! On V[i; Iiion kiii.m Canadian (Ihk, On I'll: Iii.iv fK(,M Imiiiiitkh ()i:k. Tdtftl I»*nmtu's. Ti in». lli.iintip- Tons. Alconia Stcrl C'.i.. l.t.l In.ii ('.p., l.til, Cin.-icli.H. In>n I-'iniiai-.' (',,.', \^u\ ■ -Micllanil. Out Hadiinr Knri^t's. (^uf, IlfsiTcuitii Iniii (•,,., 1,.,|' llimiiiiicii li',,n ami Sti-cl Ci.., f.ti' lluiiiiltiin.Stc.l .111. I Iniii (•,,.. I.fil I.iMi.lcii.lcrry In.i. aiu! Miniii- Co., r.t.l •rnliii .Mcl).iii>:,ill.i(: Co. .. Nova Scotia St..,.] an.l Coal Co, l.t-i 2ii,ir,2 07 >*,'2M 22 111.. 7" .Sfi 17.2111 411 I2.-,H!p'.i .-12 i:'.4,ii:t!t 211 iiw.riii') (12 17.210 4(1 l!.5!ll (!,S ."•.211 111) |i:i.s III) ;« 111) :i7.o.s;t i») i:t..- .■!7. 141 .-,2 .■>.:iil.s 12 .■!7,4)1 .-,2 .").:ii.s 12 4o.siJti UDl ,sii .■i7.fi7:i n i'.;;,44ii 42 : (14, |o2 22 llif.121 71 227,.n.V( 7,si •"i7s,42ii .>7 ii.'W,2ll2 !I7 ' .><(W.Mil 7o Bounties paid on Steel Ingots and Steel Wire Rods, Fiscal Year 1907-8, Colii|»any. Algoina .StHil Co., f.til . . Dotninioii liun aii'l Si.-,i (;„ Hiiuiilton .Sti-ilaml Iron (Vi., Lnl Lakf.s .,., ,.,r h,,,, an I St.c'l Co >ova ,1 Steel and (Joal Co. Ontario iron and Sti-el Co Stfi-1 in({ot> at •:<1 Tons. lloUlllV. .Sl.-el «ii.. rods at .sil. Tons. Iloimty. 204,.V,-,0H :«7,-il.-, K.-i ;i22,7i;'.i .-^i .■:;2,.-i7o 20 ;VJ.!I2(1 20 .s7 ;;*«,.< .»■» lO.ilOll 42 17.'.-.i"io llo 711,(1211 7.S 117,ii;t4 04 _1")2 .-.:), 2.-.177.., (i(ii,:i;«p ,s.-i i,o(i2,2iK) 71 et. 7,N.'ioMl .'U7,l",4 n'j ■..S.V, ,m ,'i47,i;u t-o 24 Total bounties paid to each company for the nine months ending March 31, 1907, and for the Fiscal Tear ending March 31, 1908, ('(ir(Kji.iti'iii^. -A iKuniu Still Cij., Ltd Atlkokaii Irnn t'oiiii>aiiy. Ltd Cunudii Iron Kiifniie** Co., Ltd. . . DcKerimtd Inm Co., Ltd. . . . Dominion Iron imd Stiil Co., Ltd Klectric Kfdiiction Co., I*td Hamilton rite,l)7« 28,.f)a"i '2,W,2 IIIOK. » CtH .'■>34,02.'> 60 17,210 40 fd,2i:! 12 7,2!m ;«t ,22X,!tl5 :«l .SXI ;i3,7iii l,29lt,H()l 04 222,490 SI 37,441 62 .■),:iC8 12 17,500 W) 181,43fi 2tl 251 77 !, .SI 13, 152 35 KXPOllTS AND IMPORTS OF IRON AND STEKL (lOODS. Til. value of the ex;,.,ifc, of iron and stct'l products frwii Canada in 1908 wa.* if2.on.>:,i;?.S. as compar il witli «1,(^07.:!flS in 19fC. Details are cl,, wn in Table 17 below. IRON. -TABLE 17. Exports of Iron and Steel goods the product of Canada during the Calendar Years 1907 and 1908. r.«i7. 190H. .Mov.^ Ca.lintrs, N.K.S I'lir it'cii -Macliiii<-r\ ilinotvbf niactiint-s). . .. .N K S .Si'witl;,' llliulmifs 'j'>l't\\ritrl-^ S^-rai' ii-oti and stetl Ilai-.l«.o.-. t....U, ,.t,,, N.K.S St, 1-1 ami iit;oiiifaLturf> of. . N... . Ton.... " No'. [ Cvvt. I l^tiantltv. I ■_ I i3!l V.,1... Totals. 4.r.i;i ."-. i:;o -•J'.i.L'21t 1 Vain .* s.t)77 li.M s,'S2 l:i,.".o4 2!MI lo.CiU .Ti.'.iL'U l-.'ii,5:Hi i;ii;.7'i:t l',-."..-j."i7 77. 'Je- '>.IV7 I0.i,;i(i2 i(.:!.7i!i 3,7-0 itHi,'.i:«i l'^'i.■l:iO ',l2,.'iii(; 'i3..So7 A-.W.> .">7.I131 1L"<. 117 .".!>.:io4 I77,7r.ti : I,l(l'.i,i;r4 ].ti07,»i,H j 2,()!IS,138 KLiuL^-<'rwi4ar'. ■^rs^^^rr?! M The tot,.l imports -f iron „nd .UiU j,nK.,t, u« .vinpil,,! f, , [l«. aunual re,>.,rts ..f an.l Xavigatio;,. are k.v.-u in TmI.I,. l;., ,h„ui„. ti„. i,„|.,ris SMbjei-t tu -iiity, aii.i Tiibl.- _'<), -Imwinjjr tli,. i.„)K,rU tre... ,,f ,iul>. 'IV total valu.- ..;• ,1„. i,„,H.r,s ,|iiri„(f .1,,. HvhI year vimIImit Maivh i;m.> was |61.Sl!..0!.s. a. c..m,,a>v,( with ., val,,.- „f *l:!..- .1.'.; ,|„rin;:- ,1„. ,„,.,■ ntlu.' March. li.OT, and a vala- -i ,mv:i.-,:!>., .|u,iMir ,1„. t.^Kv ,„..„. h- , ,„lin^. June 30, 19(Hi. ^ The weights or quautitifi are iu many ua^v- n..l j^i-.,.,,, .,, that it i. u,,i ,„. sible to .t.-U.. ,h,. total , ,_.. „■ i,,„. a„.l -t...] i,„p,rt..l. A minimMu, ...stima- of tla^ tnnnagf import.-.j can. lunv, vr. 1,.. „•■•,,,., 1 at hy -,.!,.,.tin;; thoso items |..r whi.h the weipTht U siven. Thi, has 1 ee„ .l-n.- au.J , ,.s„lts are wiv.n in T.'il.l- 1v It u apparent that th,- imiK.rt. „f in. a,,,! .h-el .JnrinK tl„. nino nnmlhs ,,,.hnfr March,,] 7*;1.02:, ,on- : while during the uvelv month- endin- March. lltiK. the inir>.,rt< eNcee<2 ;«l,!>45 107,701 lot!,17r) 17.'!,411 . 7S,L'.'.s,2;t9 i3,2ii;f I T(,u.s. •ii-.'.L';)!! 17,ttil; 6!t,2];! 12li,17l' !2,7iif. 2."i,0Hc . 2,741 .">7,atr. 22,;»7 7*3,025 I l,otH.l:i3 ;:--J^i^ ■■ ihh &■ -'-' ^1 "'r'^U Mt-^^^M ■fl s ^"^1 jt' H ^mI ^^^^^1 26 ^ Ef9 - "g - C5 t ^ = t > ^ X — — — / .» -f ^ I- — « "7 •- '" .* c r. t.-w -^ ?i -i"i- T 2^ L' ' - '" ■? - V* ■" ^ "^ * ' % "^ — "• '"^ ■»■ "^ * ' - "'^ r. ?i« .- i-i^ T- :(! t- ^i c « i- x — .- — — x ac ?) -*■ — -^ ? I X X >. I ??i = 7i''/r!'^S52 C* "J 2 '■ I - r. - f: fi ?i 7 -i ^ ; J I - -^ I-. /: 3^ = § I 11' if. 5 > ^'5 ii?. ^ u «■ 1, *- — ^ SB £ ? i ? . ^ c c «^^r JS 7. 5"= 27 X l."^ iS iS ^" X c- s -r ^' -^ — 2'"" « i:. C- ?J 'i. X - :.■! «i ?. ;:; 1^ — i ; i ;i • ~ S . ,^ •c !.■; r: a N r. ri ■ ■ : .-5 s ■'. ; r ■; /.. : J 5 : - - 8^ = ».. j;^* . O ■ S : >, '. z o — -f ;^ '.'^ ■ is ■ rt ■ t*. ^ "" ' E ".■=. ,;§ ■^5 : - u ^ i s>^' i i- i i; ' 3C •2 t s '^ : 111! !'*'? ■ I i"!;-^ c^- ■l 3 " !U .-' ^ r ■^ ^.2 z c 1^ i~ ^ *i ■/. r s ■~ r, — _^ '-I tS,,; I ■r t S r> . r c '. *>-: C Sc £ tt = : ".ST — I Jl mmt^'^^p^m Tyrai 29 1*2 Li- ti a CO •r' s O S S.! S ! ri"s ""pr:^ 5 Ig.q I ^ 1^ ?( ■ X « « -2 lA 5 r "• * 1^ ^ fi ■;> r-^ ,:? S 5 J. = 3C* ^' •.- iJ; -•-55 t^ fc = £ 2 f 1^ r- 1 - : "^'^''■■y. — i ■ T it— .^ 5c- : 3 ■■'• = « V. t. = 2 : 3^ -r J i 7 = / " ;. r 2m ■— X « «. £■2 = 1 ._ i 5 £ I 3 5 'x ?£| ~ -— ^ i; *" 5ii ai - = = 5 5 is - •^ '' g t IS: 1? C-3 O 5 llllMlfll = S- = -§ S 5 lj_2 := 3 s a- 1 UMiMi i i i -a S' I - i — / X itii A : pi zt - i^ — ff ■"' i ^ 7 5l f^ • .^ r. •= ; 7 I ■«; 5 T J - :f- r — n:iv-2 M n i 15 1 H at ■a 9 ■a '-' J I I a ■iii'^ ~ -'V h IsfT: 'B. ^-J «> * » S I- / »- J T 3 j:j:-z J^ J! 31 t • e »i fi 5!| i i — n « •/ Ji iSi : U f:? 5 L 3 S ■!- ! S! I ^ ^ i :■« i2 * k s t! ;- « <• i. .n it m ^ n 3 .5< ^Ij J 2* a !• ? 5 X :■» it :rl I s :*|| . : i '• t ; ■ "TJ : 11- ■ ■• ~ ?, E f - 3 :|* ■ i .■I ,2? i. 1. if'i"'. t s X u = i • T w £ t :r .^t^i^i i^'f :^;i - E ■■1 :.=i; : ■£ ■ t S~ si. ''■7 it il I V— £ - 3 « s ■ - ~ L. - si t^-ei---r -isj:;: 5 « "^ , s - > « ■", ^ - i 5 j^ii i £i i''' Si- jtI I ^ "i i I J if S'Tn- = '•■n.S— ' - >-^ z 't z - • ; = - T^rnvst-rf^imau ismB&kJK^. 7 A s -^ , 1^ ,1 11 ' ^ ' * ' I 4-» r 1 ri : : : : ; . ; ; ; ; i 1 P 1 : ■ ; ■ ; : i « 1 ^ CO C "W •- a 2 o 1 I 1 I i C 9 I -! ■Im 41 .11 = i i • := li :-■£ :^l = 2 - Si: ^ "5 3 i! i i C -r^^ 1 s y. ca c •s I CO s = I I n ii ll S I 8 \ •3 > c I. i^ Sr ■:« I > Ti 'r,' V 5 7 ; I 5« •*-f i t » : i ■ e r i - rr i ■ ^^ . - ; = — : . 7 5 "f i r.a : '3 ''* ^' ■ « ■ i J3— i. < ~ '■ S 5 - £ 5 f^ ii-^l I., ■=_ i - i, i i r i s'^.ii- r\ f ^ i i H i H = ->■ = lift : s !■ ~ ' ' ; - >. ri Ii— -J — iZ 5 i 1. i £ 5 ± -» ^v 84 t- 5 X^ X « X 3 == §2 g in 1^ 9 P o 0) o o o 5 3 2 r 5 i !f s § ;:^ '- f? ?f __ «;: «? 5 r =_ . U>_^ if 5f3.s t'is*:; -=||S^|3|i| :t£ S ^"i '^c ? if i J ; J ' iill ? -i A ^ C 5 -J ■ £ * — o ::: - t- V ea ■Ob --^-i ■^ •« • « = E * 5 i - u2 i ' T. X - ;/. r-— T '' ^ ^ ^.= 5 l^-~r- ^ '■• 2 >,5':.2 c ;,'3 < 'f ^y, ~. < 7, Oi — il P. r. 2 35 y, z: £ S oca « ^ Si f! 7i •- « ?. .». ; Oi hm n J =" a r f— tr X 6i m S 1 ?i -3 ^^Is it* e = -^ S ; «. *;. — 5 j; ■ •* . ii - ^ -J- ! f '^ - J = ■ § ^i ; ;i ijj -j^ ■''<-£ ■51 'if ^sS :2j-5 i'^if :S^-5 = = .5?-J .'^^ '"-^i ' i J ? ' •- -f- X y. •/. >: v. r. ■r. -7. r. 17. t --sisi: J