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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd 6 partir de I'ancle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. rata eltire. 3 2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 B': \fui -\M^ rrXT#Tkl5X3lX' JRt- /^/> T.^-^ Victoria & Vancouver. XJnLl/JKJrXi.cK \yli«9 JuXCl. k. o. box irs. Tei. 435. !S .? #3 OFFICIAL! PROGRAMMED- S^l <^/i CO vx> CO Er^y^^ >Jt> 1894 TKursday, "Friday aad Saturday, MAY 24TH, 25TH & 26TH. Onder the Patronage of His Honor Lieut. -Sovfcrnor Dewdney, Rear Admiral Stepbenson, and Oiiicers of H. M. Army 4 Navy, "VICTORIA, B. C. BEAUMONT BOGGS, Secrhtary. CHAS. KENT, Hon. Treas. JOHN TEAGUE, Mayor, Chairman. T T T- DF ALL KINDS. B.O. VISITORS SHOULD TAKE HOME A BOX OF OUR TEA. BEST VALUE IN THE PROVINCE. V Xeu SAS I E A GPP. P.O. rtrthalAfter^e-CekMioiiFeeliiig (Always Open) 36 Government St. . !- • ^ l^'v ** p^EE^P COOL If you have to stand on ice to do so, try drinking SODA WATER first though. Our 8o(ia Water is particularly cooling and refreshing — All flavors PURE FRUIT JUICES. The Gentral Dpug Stope, Cor. Yates and Douglas Streets, VICTORIA, B.C. T. B. NORGATE, CONSULTING ENGINEER ARCHITECT. MAPS, plans & designs, inventions perfected, Engrossing and Illuminating, Etc. fancy photograph mounts and mats, PHOTOaRAPHS COLOURED AND LETTERED, ETC. F IRST PREMIUM at the COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION TUB ijiiigerinaimfaciMiiiB CB.BEciiiveii S4 Fltsi flwams Being the Largest Number of Awards obtained by any Exhibitor, and More than Double the number received by all other Sewing Machioe Companies. THE SINGER MANUFACTDBIM CO., "All ovep ihe World." OFFICE, 38 BROAD STREET. 110 Yates Street, Victoria, B. C. ^11 Kinds of French and ^anoTUf QUcining and J)^efng J)one. The only fully equipped establishment in the Province. J. ALLISON, Proprietor. . ■/ ^m? <» ,B* ./ JOBNBARNSLEY&CO./(^ii I lo Government St.. t im ^ VICTORIA, liC.W//-;? The Leading ^porting (qood^ Dealei^? in tslje Ciiij. Visitors would do well to inspect our stock when in town. REPAIRS BY SKILLED WORKMEN. Prograirjirje^^^ Tll^rsday, M^y 24tl^ 1894, AT BEACON HILL. 9 A. M. BASEBALL MATCH, Seattle Athletic Club vs. James Bays of Victoria. 10.30 A. M. TEAP SHOOTING between Tacoraa, Union, and Victoria Gun Clubs, at Beacon Hill Bluffs. ^roQtninme of Hcgatta at tftc C»5orgc, MAY 24TH, 1894. > REGATTA OPENS AT TWELVE o'CLOOK NOON. All races to be called by Bugle. Two minutes after bugle sounds the race will be started by gun. All amateur boat races under auspices James Bay Amateur Association. All Peterboro Canoe races under the rules of the Americar Canoeing Association. OKRICIALS. St.T ■ s : Oapt. J. D. Warrbn and Capt. Gaudin. 'Co-starters: M.\ . . C. H. Rawstorne, R.M.A.. Lieut. G. E. Barnes, R.M. A. anu two Officers from H.M.S. " Royal Arthur." Judges : Two Officer.s of H.M. Fleet. Clerks of the Course : Mr. Hayden, H. M. Dockyard, and D. Carvmel, Esq. Measurers: Mr. Haydbn, of H.M. Dockyard, J. H. Seeley, E.sq. P WILLIAMS & CO. M CLOTHIERS & HATTERS 1^1 •v=?!ti --;^ 'n.r;-irt) i w aMt w J^MILY # GTioCERS Telephone 448. FINE TEAS AND COFFEE 55 Yates St., Victoria, B.C. Provision Store, DEALERS IN Hams, Bacon, Vancouver R. C. : (i. Alexander, F. Alexander, J. H. Sinkler, A. Baker, c Burrard Inlet II. C.: A. i:. He. iderson (stroke), H. H. Watson, H. W. Kent. F. R. McL) Russell (bow). 8. INDIAN CANOE RACE. -Single paddle, course round buoy and I'eturu. Prize, $10. 9. JUNIOR FOUR OARED RACE.— In best and best outrigged lap- strenk boats, open t i all Amateur Clubs, course straight away from Point 'Ellice Kridge to Siarte'-s' barge. Prize, four gold medals. Entries— a J. B.A..^.: (i. K. JorKPiison (stroke), T. ('. Boulton, C. INI. Roberts, J. D. Taylor (bow). '> K. E. BilhnKhurst (stroke), Haines (bow). W. P. Perkins, B. Wilson, H. B, gHEFFIELD CUTLERY Razors, Pocket Knives, ^ Table Cutlery, Scissors, Shaving: Outfits & Materials, Fishing* Tackle in larg-e variety ^^ FOX'S, 78 Government St. ,., * 4 PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER & JEWELER NexT York Hotel Building*, Yates St. Watches cleaned, 75 cts. ; Best Muiiisj)rings 75 cts.; Pivoting Wheels 75 cts.; Staffs and Piuious $1.25; Clocks Cleaned 50 cts. Jewelry Repaired on Short Notice on premises, at Very Low Figures. J)r. ^. ^. J^umher, DENTIST All Work Guaranteed* 9^ Douglas Street, next to Odd Fellows' Hall. Telephone 527. P. O. Box 220. FOR THE FINEST PHOTOS -GO TO THE- 56 FOKT STREET. O. C. HASTINGS is now Conducting it. Gcreat Fire Sale-^3i -AT- THE WESTSIDE. Opens Every Day at lO o'clock. Grreatest Bargains Ever OfPered. 1' TWO THINGSi^^s-- You want Good, your SODA WATER and your DUUGiS. VVe have them l>oth all ready for you at The Central Drug Store, Clarence Block, cor. Y'ates nncl Donj^las StreetH, OPEN ALL NIGHT. VICTORIA, B. C Ist PROGRAMME— Co7i«inwed. 10. NAVV RACE. — 12 oared cuttera, couisp round islaud and return. prize 848 ; '2nd, $12. Entries— tt Royal Arthur (white), 6 Royal Artliur (red). 11. INDIAN War CANOE RACE.— 40 foot canoes, courso round islaud and return, let prize, $5 per paddle, 2nd, 82 per paddle. Entries -a Nanaitno b Cowichan, c Kuper iHland, d Saanich, e Songhees. / Pott Mad- ison (American), g Lumy (Am«rican), h Ladners 12. JUNIOR SINGLE SCULLS.— Open to all amateurs. Course : start from barge, round buoy and return, 2 miles. Ist prize gold medal. Entries— a J. Watson, b F. Mallandaine, c S. D. fcjchultz, d J. Aden. 13. JAMES BAV CLUB FOUR OARED.- -Lapstreaks, course straight away from Pt. Ellice Bridge to starters' barge. Prize, 4 silver medals Entries—a J. Hutchinson (stroke), J. Wilson, J. H. Austin, J. Aden (bow). 6 F. Widdowson (stroke), W. Mackay, T. Geiger, W. H. Wilkenson (bow). 14. PETERBORO CANOE TANDEM.— Course from sti.rters' barge to buoy and return, distance about three-quarters of a mile. Prize, 2 gold medals. Entries a H. C. Macaulay and J. (j. Shatcross, 6 G. F. Askew and J. Watson, c B. Wilson and J. II. Austin, d H. O. Alexander and J. H. Henkler, e Arthur Gore and E Munro. 15. KLOOTCHMEN'S CANOE RACE.— One mile and return. 1st prize, $20, 2nd prize, $10. 16. NAVi' RACE.— Single banked, 6 oared, course round island and return. 1st prize $25 ; 2nd, 815 ; 3rd, $5. Entries— a Royal Arthui- (white), 6 Royal Arttiur (red), c Royal Arthur (blue), d Royal Arthur (yellow). 17. PETERBORO CANOE RACE.- Four paddles, canoes of anj^ length, course from starters' barge round buoy and return. Prize, four silver medals. Entries a D. Sullivan. G. F, Askew. J. Watson and D. Jones, b E Finlaison. B. Wilson, R. Munro and J. H. Austin, c E. Monro, A. (iore, F. Mawdsley and E. Marshall. 18. PETERBORO CANOE UPSET RACE.— Open canoes, paddle to strike the water at starting shot, paddler upsets cpnoe at second shot, tows or pushes canoe until third shot, when he enters canoe and pad. gARGAINS^ Base Ball. Foot Ball, Lacrosse Shoes, Bicycle Shoes, and our En- tire Stock of Boots and Shoes to be SOLD OFF AT COST. iEverythins^ Marked Doivn to Actual Cost. GAVIN BROS. Boots & Shoes. 94 YATES STREET. Dn S. G. Clenience, DENTAL SURGEON SPECIALTIES :- Dark aud Discloioil Ttctli UfHtorcd to their Nutimil Color, Porcelain Priced Crowns at tuf^hablo to old roots and haying the appearnnof of natural teeth. INIetiil IJaHed Plates made especially for i)ersons with shrunken tfumn, vvhen no other plate can be U!«ed with satisfaction. All Dental VVoi'k (riven Greatest Attention. Charges Moderate. W. T. FRANKLIN, (Latw Cullin &. FrankMn) 84 DOUGLAS STREET, genp:ral dealer in Fpuit, Fish, Vegetables Game & Poultry. r)9A Government Street. Tl}cWilsoT> Hotel Gate Restaurant, YATF-S ST., VICTORIA, B.C. Uiulortli'- nblo iniina},'i'm<'iiti>f Jno. Spear (lately omploypdat the Hotel Victoria.) SsplarM, Includes Soup Si Fish, 3Sc Heals a la Carts, from 25c. up. Estimates chnprfnlly t-'ivPii for '^'aterinu for Picnic Parties, BoatinK Paul' h, cts. 'f I ft HE JAPANESE J{ ew Oriental Bazaar. .s CHEAPER THAN EVER. Lacquered, Porcelains, Metal Ware and Curios of Every Description. A\A/ A Kl I 13 CT JAPANESE MERCHANT, . W MINI DC., IMPORTER AND RETAILER. 90 Douglas Street, Victoria, B. C I fipoeeries at Half Priee- ^ -AT THE- ■N ( DOUGLAS ST. 165^ DOUGLAS ST. Second House from Chatham Street. I 8 lbs. Sugar for .81 00 1 Tin Pratfs Coal Oil 1 45 1 Sack Hungarian Ogilvie's Flour, Patent 1 20 1 Sack Snowfiake Flour 1 CO 1 Sack * * * Flour 1 10 4 lbs. Smith's Soda Crackers 25 6 Bars Pendray's Elpctric Soap 25 1 Tin Colman's Mustard 15 1 Large Sack Brackman & Ker's Rolled Oats 30 5 Pounds Rice, Beans ' 25 1 3-lb. Tin Pure Lard -15 1 lb. Java Coffee 20 1 lb. Choice Congo Tea 25 9 Tins Tomatos, Peas and Beans 1 00 1 lb. Freeman's Star Hams and Bacon 15 1 Packet Durham Corn Starch 10 1 Paaket Pearline 10 1 1-lb. Packet Washing Starch 10 7 Tins Reindeer Condensed Milk 1 00 3% lbs. New Raisins, Currants 25 1 lb. Choice Candy 15 1 Jar (Tonbridge Kent) Jam 20 ] Large Loaf First-class Bread 05 Spices, one tin 10 1 Bottle Pickles (not Victoria's) 25 1 Fiist-class ±Jroom 15 All Goods are Warranted to be of First-Class Quality, Good Weight, and will be Delivered Free of Charge. How I can do it — because j I Buy Only for Cash. 1 1 Sell Only for Cash. H. STADTHAGEN. \ We Have Talked Priees to You Time and Time Again, And it would seem as though you might get tired of it, but our experience has been that Prices are what You want, So liere goes f Boys' Grey and Blue Flannel Shirts 50c. ' Men's Union Check Shirts - 50c., 75c. Men's Print Shirts - - Mer's Grey Flannel Shirts L Men's Navy Flannel Shirts - 50o. 75c., $1 - - U Cameron, THE CASH CLOTHIER, 55 Johnson St. PROGRAMME— Continued. Friday, May 25tl^, 1894, AT BEACON HILL, 10 a. M. -.^^ OFFICIALS : 3k^_ Starter— JOHN BKADEN. Judges- WM. LORRIMER, W. K. TULLOCH. Referee— LIEUT.-COL. WOLFENDEN. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL MATCH for Championship of Pacific Coast. Seattle vs. Victoria Wanderers. 10 A. M, CRICKET MATCH.— Victoria (Albion) vs. New Westminster. 11 A.M. SAILING MATCH, opposite Finlayson Point. A— Boats over 26 feet; prizes $50, $30 and $20. B— Boats over 22 and not more than 26 feet; prizes $50, $30 and $20. C — Boats over 17 and not more than 22 feet; prizes $50, $30 and $20. D— Boats under 17 feet; prizes $20, $10 and $5. THE RACES ARE STARTED AS FOLLOWS: 11 a.m. Class A. Starting flag Blue. 11:15 A.m. Class B. Starting flag, Red. 11:30 a.m. Class C. Starting flag. Yellow. 11:45 a.m. Class D. Starting flag. Blue and White. STARTING REGULATIONS. Fifteen minutes before the starting of each race a preparatory gun will bo fired from the starting point and a white flag with the class letter be hoit^ted. Five minutes before the start a second gun will be fired, the class 's In all events 4 to start or no second prize. All races under "Sheffield Rules." Rules of Canadian Amat Mn'Ass.)ciation togovern all Amateurevents. All Amateur Competitors must produce credentials of arnateurship or sign declaration before startin.,'. Post Entries. 3.00 p. M. BICYCLE RACE8. Preceding the races, the first of which will be started at 3 o'clock sharp, there will be a "Butterfly Parade" of decorated wheels, to start from the city market hall at 2 o'clock, and proceed via the chief business streets to Beacon Hill Park, the scene of the afternoon's sport Suitable prizes will be awarded for the most artistically decorated wheels. The following is the Programme of Races, all for amateur wheelmen; entries to be made to the (Starter at the Market Hall prior to 2 o'clock of the day of the meet, and all starts to be from the scratch. One mile [novice], prize Gold Medal. One mile [open], first and second prizes, value ;^25. Two miles [for full roadsters, 85 IT) J, first ai.d second prizes, value 820 Five miles [opeuj, three jn-izes. value 835. Note. Intending competitors will please bring credentials of amateur standing; this only -will be required. 8 o'clock FRIDAY EVENING, In Institute Hail, View' Street. THE OlOBt Bestaupant and Chop Hou se, 42 YATES STREET. fllenis at c^U l-lours* Sbort Orders a Specialty. Ice Creams at the Begatta ! ^ VKTORJA ^ Ice C r e £i m K a c tt3 ry , 38 Vancouver St . Cor. Coilinscn. ^VlLL SuPi'LY Ur. Ckka.m, I'.tc, f::o:,i Tiim;: Boat. L. ACTOM, Fnopn\E~OR. W^ ^R.-- VICTORI A STEAM L AUNDRY Laundry Work of all Descriptions Executed in the Best Possible Style. LACE CURTAINS, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, OUR SPECIALTIES. GOODS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED FREE. 152 YATES STREET. Telephone 172. m F RIDAY EVEN ING, M AY 25TH. A Subscription Fancy Dress or Calico Ball will be given iimler the auspices of the Victoria Cricket Club, at Mount Baker Hotel, Oak Bay, at 8 p. m. Tickets may be obtained through any member of the Club. Saturday, May 26tli,i894, YATES STREET. 9 A. M. FIREMEN'S RACES. Ist. Wet Test— consisting of teams composed of 12 men, includ- ing Captain. 500 ft. dash to Hydrant ; lay 200 ft. of hose ; break and put on nozzle. Time to be taken when water leaves nozzle. 2nd. Speed Race, 300 yards straight away, hub and h'lb. All races are governed by the rules of the North- West Firemen's Association. 10 A. M. CANOE SAILING RACES. 1st Race — 16 foot canoes and under — course from club house round outer buoy and return — two prizes. Entries-T. S. Gore. D. C. Kirby " Nymph," W. J. H. Holmes (red & white), C. A. Godson (blue aud white), J. P. Hibben "Nautilus." T. N. Hibben "Janet." 2nd Race — 16 foot and under, without centre-board — same course — two prizes. Entries— Wm. Christie " Electra," (red), F. Mawdsley, Arthur Gore, D. C. Kurtz •' Nymph," C. A. Godson (blue and white). f1 ** The Tailor Makes the Man* IF YOU WANT A Stylish Suit, Overcoat, op Nice Fitting Trousers, GIVE US A TRIAL. "We Treat Our Custoiners Riglit. T. W. Walker & Co. 22 Trounce Avenue, VICTORIA, B.C. JESea^d.? 3 "THE PROVINCE" The New British Columbia Weekly, Price 10 Cts, Annual Subscription, $3.00 Offices k) Broughton Street, - VICTORIA, B.C. PROGRAMME— Oon 'h-jO-5- GRADUATE OF PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COLLEGE. Formerly with Dr. T. J. Jones. "painless Q'ictraotion of ^oeth or J77oneif Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dental Parlors: Cor. Yates & Broad Sts. B. C. Steam Dye Works, 141 Yates Street. Telephone 200. The Largest Dyeiug and Cleaning Establishment in the Province. Ladies' and Gents' Garments Cleaned or Dyed equal to New. Dry Cleaning a Specialty* C HEARXS, McCANN & RENFREW, Proprietoks. ^Ig JlARAXGE SALE •.^=^-8|i^^ -OF- ^a-panosQ ^ilk ^ieoe Qoods^ HANDKERCHIEFS. DRAPERIES, ALL KINDS OF CURIOS, -.r^^-::^:.,,,. ^ Japar^ese Store, ■}"■ ''■■^-tb?-^ ■ iryi) Government Street, • Near Victoria Hotel. ^l^alloi^er ^ Mitcl^ell, ~\ -^THE LEADING JEWELERS^- SOUVENIRS & XOYEL-TIES. 47 GGVERNMENT STREET. ^^> ^.^