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 Likr CHI Tituks, (5eos?npfjp anatcmij'o, &c. 
 John Hoskyns, V. P. R. S. 
O R, T H E 
 Geographical Grammar, 
 Being a Short and Exad 
 Of the whole Body of 
 Modern Geography, 
 After a New and Curious Method. 
 L A General View of tlie Terraqueous Globe. 
 Being a Compendious Sy^em of the true Fundamcnralsoi 
 Geography •, Digefled into various CcniiinQr.f, Problems^ 
 Theorcmti, and Faraii'oxes : With a Tranficnt Survey of 
 the Surface of the EarPbiy Ball^ as it confifts of Land 
 and V. arer. 
 IL A Particular Vievr of thy. Terraqueous Globe 
 Being a clear and pleafant Profpeft of all Remarkable 
 Countries upon the Face of the whole Earthy lliewing 
 their iimmion, Extent^ D vif.oi^Skbdiv'ifion, Cuk^, Chief 
 TownSy NanT^, Airy 5oil, Commoditiesy Haricicj^ Arch' 
 bijfjopricks^ Liillvjpricks^ Vnhcrfitiesy Slint)C[\LangHagesy 
 Governmenr, Arms, UcIij^vDn. 
 Colieiledfrnm the Befl Auth-irs^ and IlluflratcJ with divers Maps, 
 Ct)e ^tjctfj Cotttoa, Co^retteD, ant) foms»t)at Cniarg'O. 
 By p A T. G o Fv o N, M. A. F. R. S. 
 Omne talit qui mijcttit utile dulci. Hor. 
 L O N D (' 
 Printed for ]. ''r-hoUbn, ]. and ^j. Sprir.-, and :^Ji'a^rov^g!^% 
 in Little Britain j Andr . L '\ at the CrjiKeys and Bible 
 in Cornhily and Iv, ^in'f h under rlic R^yai-ExchangCy iya 
T O T H E 
 Moft Reverend Father in GOD 
 Lord Archbifliop of Canterbury^ 8cc. 
 May it pleafe your Grace^ 
 ON E who appeared for the Church in time of 
 her greateft Danger : Briskly defended her 
 Do3rwes againft the daring Aflaults of her moft 
 virulent Oppofers : Took care to eredl: a Synagogne 
 for God where He found a Synagogue for Satan : 
 And One whofe Lifk has all along been one conti- 
 mted Sermon againft Vice and Immorality^ does well 
 deferve to wear a Mitre. And the fixing of fuch an 
 One at the Helm of this National Church, did not 
 only proclaim the Royal Wifdom in making that 
 prudent Choice ^ but did alfo prognofticate to the 
 Church herfelf what ftie has feen already come to 
 pafs: Even thofe wi(h'd-for Halcyon Days^ and 
 Safety irom Danger, which by the Care of fuch an 
 Ahle^ Watchful Pilots (he has, Thanks to Heaven, 
 hitherto enjoy'd. This mighty Blejjing Q moft Re- 
 verend Father] we owe, under the Aufpicious Pro- 
 A 3 videncc 
 The Epiftle Dedicatory. 
 vidence of God, to your Grace's excellent Manage^ 
 ment of things. And, as 'twere not enough to in- 
 fluence and govern the EJiabUfied Church at home, 
 your Grace takes alfo care to enlarge her Bounds^ ^ 
 and the number of her Members abroad. Blefs'd be 
 God, our implacable Adverfaries can no longer up- 
 braid us with a Jnpim Neglect of our Heathen Atne^ 
 rican Neighbours in their Sp'iritud Concerns. We 
 may now boaft of a fettled Society dc propaganda 
 Fide as well as they : And hope to bring over, in 
 progrefs of Time, good ftore of real Converts to 
 the Truths in lieu of the many pretended Ones of 
 theirs. That mod venerable Society, as it confifts 
 of a confiderable number of excellent Perfons both 
 \n Church ^nA St at e^ foit is Angularly happy in ha- 
 ving the benefit of your Graces ready Advice and 
 Ajjifiance upon all occafions. You are indeed the 
 main Springs that animates that truly Chrijiian Bo- 
 dy, a. 't is your extraordinary Zeal for the Caufe 
 of Chrijt that gives Life and Vigour to her many 
 great Defigns. 
 Upon which account it is. That I prefume to 
 hy at your Grace's Feet this nciv Edition of the 
 following Geographical Trcatife. For having con- 
 fidered in it [under ths general Head of Religi- 
 cnli the Spiritual State of Mankind through all 
 Quarters of the known World ; and finding, by a 
 modeft Calculation, that fcarce five of twenty five 
 Parts thereof are Chrijiian : Who can refrain from 
 wiftiing, that the thick Mifts of Pagan Ignorance 
 jfrtd Error were difpell'd by the radiapt Beams of 
 :o in- 
 ;'d be 
 jr up- 
 ^r, irk 
 // to 
 us of 
 n ha- 
 le to 
 • ? 
 TU Epijlle Dedicatory. 
 the Sun of Righteoufisefs -^ fo that thofe People who 
 fit in Darknefs might know the Trne God their Ma- 
 ker : And be yet fo happy as to fee the Javhg Light 
 of the Gofpel of Jeftis Chrift. [ My Lord,} There 
 is none, I'm confident, that more cordially wifheth 
 this than your felf ^ and none more earneftly defi- 
 reth, that all human Means wereufed to effcfl; the 
 fame in thofe Parts of the Heathen World, where 
 the E^^g/i/Zj Natron is moftly concerned. To whom 
 therefore could I fo properly addrefsmy felf as to 
 your Grace ^ Being well aflur'd that you'll leave no 
 Stone unturn'd, in endeavouring to fet that mod 
 defirable Defign on foot, when you, in your Godly 
 Wifdom, (hall fee it truly feafible. 
 T^h.2Lt great Work, Tm fenfible, requires the johit 
 Ajjiftaftce of many Hands^ and calls aloud for the 
 ready Concurrence of every Chrifiian ; and truly all 
 who bear that Honourable Title may be affiftant 
 therein one way or other ? whether it be by their 
 Advice^ their Prayers^ or their Purfe. But to pro- 
 mote the fame in the moft expeditious manner, it's 
 much to be wifh'd that fuch a Glorious Undertaking 
 were made a National Concern^ and had a proper Fund 
 appointed for it in a Parliamentary way. This (till 
 remains to be done^ and all Men believe. That 
 there's none fo likely to bring That about as Tour 
 Grace^ whenever a favourable Junffure (hall offer. 
 In the mean time, may Heaven long preferve Tour 
 Grace in Health and Welfare: And blefs withfuccefs 
 your many Noble Defigns for the Church of God, 
 May it gracioufly pleafe the True God^ the Soveraign 
 A 4 Lord 
The Epijlle Dedicatory. 
 Lord of Hcaveq and Earth, to male known his Way^ 
 npon Earthy his faving Health among all Nations. 
 May the Chariot Wheels of the hlejjed Gofpel drive 
 fwiftly thro* the tphole inhabited world : And may a^ 
 the Kingdoms thereof become the Kingdoms of the Lord 
 and of hisChrift. In fine, may it pleafe God to call 
 in his ancient People the Jevps^ with the fulnefs of 
 the Gentiles : That as there is but one Shepherd^ fo 
 there may be but one Sheepfold. This is the daily 
 Trayer of the beji Church upon Earth, and the hearty 
 Wijh and Petition of every True Son thereof: Par- 
 ticularly of Him who is, with the profoundeft Ve^ 
 1. r 
 May it pleafe your Grace^ 
 f '• / 
 Tour Grace's 
 ! V 1 > 
 ' \ *! 
 -<l -1 ' ' 
 Mojl Obedient , . 
 ,••••■,•'. ■ r '■-,■■ 
 Humble Servant, 
 J r 1 i 
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 * • 
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 '■; w , 
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 -» "r 
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 P. G. 
 drive ^ 
 "i^y afl 
 to call 
 fiefs of 
 T O T H E 
 Right Honourable 
 It VCr 
 • i • ' ' 
 . i 
 •, ■! « - 
 I N 
 Wore eft er - Shire, 
 HIS New Edition of the 
 following Tra6t of MO^ 
 ( with 
The Epiftle Dedicatory. 
 ( with the profoundeft Refped ) 
 Dedicated by 
 Xour Lordjlifs 
 Moll Hmbly 
 Devoted Servant, 
 Pat. Gordon. 
 T principal Defign in publijljiifg the following Trea* 
 tife, is^ to prefent the younger fort of our No- 
 bility and Gentry, with a Compendious, Pleafant 
 and Methodical Traft of MODERN GEO- 
 GRAPHT, that mod ufeful Science, which high^ 
 Jy deferves their Regard in a peculiar manner, // 
 it he alledgdj That the World is already ovcrftockt 
 with Compofiires of this Nature :^ I freely grant the 
 Charge 5 hut withal^ Til be bold to fay^ That there t 
 none as yet pnblijh^d^ which is >!0t palpably faulty^ in 
 one or more of thefe three refpeSs. Either they are too 
 Voluminous, and thereby fright the Toting Student 
 front fo much as ever attempting that Study : Or, Se- 
 condly, /^^Compendious, a^d thereby give him only 
 a bare Superficial Knowledge of Things : Or finally^ 
 Confus'd ( being writ without any due Order or Me- 
 thod ) andfo confound him before he is aware. But all 
 thefe are carefully avoided in the following Treatife ^ 
 for, in framing of it, Tve induftrioujly endeavour d^ 
 to make it obferve a juji Mean, between the two Ex- 
 treams of a large Volume and a narrow Compend. 
 And as to the Method in which it vow appears, the 
 fame is ( / prefume ) fo Plain and Natural, that 1 
 mayfafely refrr the Trial thereof to the Impartial Judg- 
 ment of the Severeji Critic^. 

 To defcertd to partkulirs. The iphole cojijijls new of Two 
 Parts, whereof the jirjl gives a General, cind the fecond a 
 Particular View of the Terraqueous Globe. 
 Part I. In giving ^General View of the faid Globe ^ Vve 
 rfortnd thefe five Things^ viz. (l.) Ive illiijhated (by way 
 either of a Definition, Dclcription, or Deriva ion ) all 
 tbofe Terms that are any ivays iiecejfary for the right under 
 fianding of the aforefaid Globe ^ as alfo the Anally tical Tables 
 of the following Treatife. (2.) Vve fet down all thofe plea- 
 Jattt ¥ rohlcms pcrforf?jable by the Terrefirial Globe, together 
 with the 7ncinner of their perjormance, (3.) I ve fubjoin^d 
 divers plain Geographical Theorems [ or J elf-evident Truths ] 
 clearly deducible from the foregoing Problems. (4) Tve ad- 
 vancd fome Paradoxical Poiitlons in Matters of Geography^ 
 which mainly depend on a thorough Knowledge of the Globe, 
 and are equally certain with the aforefaid I'hcorems^ though 
 viany of them inay poffibly appear to fome as the greatejl of 
 Fables, Lallly, Ive taken a Tranficnt Survey of the uhole 
 Surface of the Terraqueous Globe, as it confjh of Land and 
 Water, as itsfole conjfituetit Parts. 
 This is the Suhjiancc of the firfl Part, and before I pro- 
 ceed to the Second, / muf here dtfire the Reader may be 
 pleas' d to obferve thefe tjvo Things^ viz. (i ) That in def- 
 or n 
 ell requir d here. (2.) In advanciyig thofc Geographical Pa- 
 radoxes \_7Jientio7t d Sedt. IV.] which will probabh fo jiartU 
 the Reader at firfl ( being a mcer Novelty in TraBs of this 
 kind ) as that he cant readily comprehend either their 
 J leaning or Dfign ^ let him therefore be pleased to know^ tb^^t 
 the main Drift of fuch an tnicomjnon Effay^ fj, in fiort^ To 
 whet the Appetite of our Geographical Student for a 
of TwQ 
 fecond a 
 oh\ Tvc 
 ( by way 
 on ) all 
 t under- 
 1 Tables 
 nfe plea- 
 Truths ] 
 Ive ad- 
 ^ Globe y 
 Mejl of 
 md avd 
 1 pro- 
 ^nay be 
 in def- 
 a. 1.] 
 a De- 
 ficit IS 
 '\\ Pa- 
 f this 
 r, To 
 for a 
 coniplcat Underflancling of the Globe, [j/pow a thorough 
 Knowledge of which^ thejefeemifig Myfteries do mainly depend ] 
 or incre briefly^ "tis to fet our young Students a thinking. 
 Jlthoiii^h the Sold of Man is a cogitating Beings and its 
 Thoughts f) nimble as to fur round the Univerfe it felf in a 
 trice '^ yet fo unthoiightful and Jirangely ijmnur'd in Senfe is 
 the generality of Perfons^ that they need fome far tling Noije 
 ( like a fiidden Clap of Thunder ) to roufe and awake them. 
 Nun\ as ajlravge and unheard of Phcenomenon, fuddenly ap- 
 pearing in the Natural Vorld^ doth attraii the Eyes of all Men^ 
 and raifeth a Curiofty injome to enquire into the Reafon of it-y 
 evenfo is the Propofal of a Paradoxical Truth to the InteU 
 le&ual : for it inmiediatcly jummom all the Powers of the Soul 
 together^ and fet s the Underjlanding a-work to Search into^ and 
 Scan the Matter. To awaken the Jlind of Man to its Natu- 
 ral J[l of Thought aTtd Confideration, way be jujily rec- 
 koned 7to trivial Bujinefs ^ if we confder^ that 'tis to the want 
 thereof ( or a JIupid Inconfideration ) that we may chief y 
 jjnpute aU the Enormities of Alankind^ whether in Judgjnent 
 or Pra&ice. If therefore thefe Paradoxes above-mention d 
 JIhill obtain the End propos'^d^ ( the roufing of the Mind to 
 think ) it matters the lefs^ tf fime of the?n, upon flri^ en- 
 quiry-^ llmdd be found to cmtfjl of Equivocal Terms, or per- 
 hips prove little more than a Qiiibble at the Bottom, Proceed 
 we now to 
 Part II. Giving a Particular View of the Terraqueous 
 Globe. By fuch a View / underjland a clear and exa^ Pro- 
 fpe& of all remarkable (]ouvtries^ and their Inhabitants^ on 
 the Face of the whole Earth j and that in thefe following Par- 
 ticulars'j viz. Their 
 H '! 
 Chkf Towns, 
 •j^at isfaidiipoji each of thofe Heads^ will bejl appear by 
 Extent — 
 t; J Cbief Towns- 
 Name - 
 Soil -. 
 the followivg Table 
 TheDegr.r Long.") between which any 
 oi \Lat. J Country lies. 
 Its due Dimenfions fE. to W, /in Englifli 
 from \S. to N. j Miles. 
 /" The general Parts or ClalTes 
 ^Things,) ^°/'^^h any Country is 
 ° 'y reducibJ :, 
 "^ ^* y How thofe Parts or ClalTes 
 C are mofl readily found. 
 { The particular Provinces 
 2 Things,) which any Country contains. 
 viT^, ^ How thoi'c Provinces are molt 
 C readily found. 
 ('The Wodern Names of thofe 
 2 Things, ) Towns. 
 vi:^. ^ How fuch Towns are moft 
 C readily found. 
 SHOW tcrm'd by the Ancients, 
 The various Modern Appel- 
 The Etymology of the E/i/j///7; 
 Sits Nature as to Heat and 
 Cold, (/^c. 
 t'/^. '\ The Antipodes cf than part 
 ^ of the Globe. 
 The proper Climate thereof. 
 5 Things, S res natural P. oduft. 
 1'/'^. yrhc EKccnt of Days and 
 C Nights. 
 ^ I 
 ippear by 
 vhich any 
 or C/affes 
 ountry is 
 )r ClafTcs 
 > are moil 
 of tliofe 
 re moft 
 cat and 
 at part 
 k^s and 
 C ommodities' 
 Rarities - 
 Archbifljoptlcks — 
 Bifljopricks ■ 
 Vniver fides • 
 a < 
 {Thofe in particular which the Country 
 / Thofe of Nature where ccr- 
 2 Things,^ tain. 
 '^K* I Thofe of Art, efpecially Mo • 
 *" nunicntsolf Antiquity. 
 2 Things, r "^ Number. 
 2 Things,< v'lXj' their S 
 2 Things, (^ J Names. 
 ^The Natural Tern-' 
 Things, . 
 of the 
 A The mofl noted f People. 
 C Cuftoms. 
 -Its Compofition and Pro* 
 2 Things, ) priety. 
 vi:(^. \ Pater Nofler as a Specimen 
 (. thereof. 
 Its Nature or Real Conflitu- 
 2 Things, ) tion. 
 1//^. "S The Publick Courts of Judi- 
 C cature. 
 2 Things, TThe true Coat quartered. 
 1//:^. I The proper Motto. 
 Th\n f The chief Tenets thereof, 
 i," S ^^^^" ^"^ ^y whomChrifti- 
 ^^* t, anity was planted, if ever. 
 Tie Reader cant here expeS a very large Account 
 gfall thefe fever al Heads^ it being impojjible in fo lit* 
 tie room^ as the narrow Compafs of a Compend allows^ 
 to fay the half of what might he f aid upon many of 
 em '^ however he may here find all thofe things that are 
 mofi effential : Thefe few Sheets being an AbJlraS of 
 what is more largely exprefsd in the great eft Volumes^ 
 Several of thofe Heads above-mention d^ being SnbjeSs 
 that dont much admit of new Relations^ I reckon my 
 felfno Plagiary^ to grants that I've taken th* ajfiftancc 
 of others^ efieeming it needle fs fometi me s to alter the 
 i! ';t 
 Character either of a People or Country^ vphen IfoHftd 
 it fuccin^ly worded by a credible Pen, Here the Rea- 
 der may be pleas' d to hnovo^ that in treating of all 
 Countries^ I've made their Situation my only Rule^ 
 beginning Jlill with thofe towards the North, except^- 
 ing North America, where I thought good to end at 
 the Pole. But, as touching the Analytical Tables of 
 this Treat ife, ( the main Bufifiefs of the Book } their 
 liejign andUfe in floort, is^ To pre fen t to the Eye at 
 one view^ a compleat ProfpeS of a Country in all its 
 remarkable Divifions,Subclivifions,<«W Chief Towns, 
 with the manner how all thefe are mofl readily found. 
 The Letters of the N.S. W, E. {^fig^ifyi^g the four 
 Cardinal^ and N.W. N. E. S. W. S. E. the four 
 Intermediate Points of the Compafs ] being afflxt to 
 the oulfide of the various Braces in the afore faid Ta* 
 lies, do exprefs the Situation of the Parts of any 
 Country there mention d :, as (page 45 ) where the 
 Divifions of Alrica are faid to be found from N. to S. 
 If only Cities and Towns, and no Divifions of a Coun* 
 try are fct down, then thefe Letters have the fame Re* 
 lation to them^fJoewing their Situation in refpeS of one 
 another. If a little Brace fall within a greater [^ as 
 page 45. where Egypt 4;;<^ Barbary haz3 their pecu* 
 liar Brace ^ this is to /Ijow, that thofe two Countries 
 are taken together, and confider d^ as one Divifion, 
 ir hen reckon d with t he following Countries, in rcfpe^ 
 of them Situation, exprefs d on thebackfide of the out* 
 niofi Brace^ the fame is to be faid of Cities and Towns^ 
 if only fiich are fct down. But finally , if neither Di* 
 vlfions nor Towns can be fo order d^ as to have their 
I found 
 he Rea- 
 : of all 
 y Rule, 
 ? end at 
 ables of 
 ) their 
 Eye at 
 r all its 
 'he four 
 he four 
 fflxt to 
 id Ta' 
 of any 
 re the 
 .to S. 
 of one 
 C as 
 Situation exprefs'd in a conjunS manner 5 then the re* 
 fpeSive Dijiance of fuch Towns from fome remarkabU 
 City^ is particularly declard in Englifti Miles, as 
 ( page 1 44- ) ^here thofe in the Circle of Suabia are 
 fo fet down. If it he ohje&ed, that not all hut only 
 the Chief Towns of every Country are mention d in thefe 
 Tables : To this 1 anfwer^ That to mention all were 
 needlefs 5 fir I pre fume ^ that he who knows the true 
 Situation of the fifty two Counties of England, and 
 can readily point at the Chief Towns in each of em, may 
 eafily find any other in the fame County, if exprefsJL 
 in the Map. Befides, the hufinefs of a Geographi- 
 cal Traft, is not fo much to heap up a vaji multitude 
 of Names, as to fljew the Divifions, and Subdivi- 
 fions of every Country, with the Principal Town in 
 each of *em^ and how all fuch are mojl readily foundm 
 If it be farther obje&ed, that neither the Analytical 
 Tables of this Treatife, nor the various Defcriptions 
 ^ of Countries an next to them, are any thing of a nevv 
 Difcovery in the Science of Geography, but onlf 
 the bare Crambe recofta of thofe who have gone before 
 f ;//. To this I anfwer, that the Tables are indeed 
 materially the fame with others [jtnd otherways it can* 
 I not be, unlcfs we of this Age werefo extremely fortu* 
 nate, as to make a compleat Difcovery of all the Coun* 
 tries andTowns as yet unknown ^ or fo abfurdly ridicu^ 
 lous, as to Coin new Names for thofe we know already'^ 
 fet notwithjianding this, they are highly preferable to all 
 others whatfoever. For fuch Tables, hitherto publi/h'd^ 
 (whether Engli{h,French, or Dutch) being only a hare 
 Catalogue of Names ^ confusdlyfef down mthout any due 
 B Order 
( : 
 I- I 
 Or^^r 4/?^ Method, arc of fo little ufe to the Reader 
 thiit his Paifis are jl'dl the fame as before^ to find out 
 thpfe Names in the Map : Whereas the Tables of the 
 follovping Treat ife are fo corjtrivA^ by particular Dire* 
 Qions Ofj the out- fide of their refpe^ive Braces^ that 
 he may point at thofe various Coufj tries ar?d Towns in 
 the Map ( almoft ) as fafl as he can read their Names 
 in the Table. And as touching the Defcriptions 
 of thofe Countries and their Inhabitants ^ 'twere in^ 
 deed mofl unreafonahle to expeS a Narrative of them 
 COmpleatly new, unlefs it he /%/ thofe Countries^ which 
 have undergone fuch wonderful Changes, that the ve^ 
 ry face of Things is compleatly New^ or fome re- 
 mote Parts of the World, where later Intelligence 
 hdth reSifyd former Mifiakes, Be fides, 'tis not fo 
 much my prefent Defign in the following TraS, to pre^ 
 fentthe Kesidtv with perfeSly new Relations, (ex- 
 cept in fuch Cafes abovcmentiond^ as to Abridge and 
 Methodize thofe already known. And this fufftcient- 
 ly anfwers the propofed End of the Treatife, being 
 calculated (as I already hinted } for thofe, who are 
 were Strangers to Geography, or [^at leaji^ bu^ young 
 Proficients in that excellent Science :^ 1 mean the ge" 
 neralityofthem^ who either attend our Publick Schools^ 
 or Study under the Care and Conduct cf Private Tutors. 
 And fo much for the Second Part. 
 To thefe Two parts is annexed an Appendix compre- 
 hending, (i.) A Short View of the chief European 
 Plantations abroad^ whether Countries, Towns, or 
 Faftories, (2.) Some Reafonat^le Propofals for the 
 Propagation (/ /Ae Bleffed Gofpel in n// Pagan 
 Countries. TX/V, 
 nd ofif 
 of the 
 r, that 
 wffs in 
 ere in^ 
 f them 
 the VC' 
 fMe re* 
 not fo 
 I to pre^ 
 ( ex' 
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 hj are 
 he ge' 
 IS, or 
 \or the 
 I This^ in Jhort^ is the Samixi and Method of the 
 J^//^n?r/;? Geographical Treatife, which ( as I faid ) 
 is principally defignd for the ufe and benefit of the 
 younger Sort of our Nobility and Gentry. And 
 did fuch Perfons apply their Minds, in their younger 
 Tears, to this nfoft ufefd arid diverting Science ^ tis 
 more than probable, that they might thereby avoid thofe 
 many and grofs Immoralities which abound amo}ig us. 
 For if we flri3ly enquire into the Sourfe of thefe foul 
 and loath fome Streams, ( efpecially in thofe whom For* 
 tune hath rais d above the common level, ) we may re a- 
 dily fifid, that they mainly flow from that dctejhble 
 Habit of Idlenefs, in which the generality of fuch Per- 
 fons arc bred up, during their youthful Days, arrd to 
 which they wholly give up themfelves, when arrivd to 
 riper Years, By whch means they re exposed to a 
 thoufand Temptations, and continually lie open to the 
 grand Adverfary of Souls. For the remedying of this 
 great Evil, tis highly to be wifht, that fuch Perfons 
 would daily imploy a few of their many fpare Hours 
 ( that now lie heavy upon their Hands ) in fome pro- 
 per diverting Study, which carries along with it both 
 Profit and Plea fur e, as its conjlant Attendants. Now^ 
 fuch a Study is undoubtedly that of Hiftory, a StH' 
 dy that's particularly proper for a Gentleman, and a* 
 darns him with the befl Accomplijbments'^ a Study 
 I that begets Experience without Gray Hairs, and makes 
 a Man wife at the Toil and Charge of others. If it he 
 ohje^ed, that many ha7je made attempts of the fame^ 
 and that without Succefs. Moji certain it is, 1 own^ 
 I and the reafon is ready at hand, namely^ their Omif 
 I B S ii fi^fH 

 ■' u 
 i .( 
 Jfo^f of a needful PrcVim'nr.iry Study ^ viz. That of 
 G E O G K A P H Y, wha h xc'ith fome fr.tall taftt 
 of Chronology, may be defervedly ierrrid^ The 
 Eyes and Feet of Hiftory, and ought to he arquJrd 
 by our Hiftoriafi^ either in his younger Days^ or 
 ( at leafi ) in the fir (I pi are. On which accoufit^ 
 Ive drawn up the following Treat >fe^ adapting it 
 Chiefly to the younger Sort of our Nobility and 
 Gentry ; hy the help of which^ they may quickly ac- 
 quire fnch an Idea of all remarkable C metrics ^ as 
 to Fit 'em fuff.ciently for turning over any Modem 
 Hiftory rvhatfoever. This one jiep in Education of 
 Touth ivere preferable Q methinks ] to a Seven Tears 
 Drudgery in the dry Study of bare Words 5 and a 
 Second Apprenticefl:ip that's ufually fpent in a Phan* 
 taflick improvement of the Mind^ with many ufelefs 
 Speculations. And I may be bold to fay, that to 
 exercife the Thoughts in fuch a manner as' this^ ( or 
 to be but tolerably accomplifhd in thefe diverting 
 Studies, would vafily tra/fcend mofl of thofe other 
 Accomplifliments and Diverfions, jo much in Vogue 
 among our Gentry at prcfent. And 'tis highly pro* 
 bable, that fuch a Methjd as this^ might more e/- 
 fe&ually check the Growth of Vice among *em^ than 
 the mo]} elaborate Moral Difcourfe that can bcframd 5 
 [] the very Title of fuch Compofures being enough ma' 
 ny times to fright them from the Perufut "] whereas 
 a moderate Application of Mind to the aforefaid 
 Studies^ would infenfibly wean the Thoughts of fome ^ 
 from the reigning Impieties of the Age \ and in a- 
 thers^ it might evn happily prevent an early acquain* 
 tame with Vice in general. And 
 I ca 
 'hat of 
 II tafte 
 \ The 
 ays^ or 
 ting it 
 ty and 
 hly ac- 
 'ies^ as 
 ition of 
 t Years 
 and a 
 I Phan* 
 hat fa 
 J-, (or 
 ore ef' 
 I, than 
 amd ^ 
 in 0- 
 main • 
 And thus you jee the Defign, Method, and Sub- 
 ftance of the whole Treatije. One Word now^ con^ 
 cerning this Edition, and 1 ha7je done. The kind 
 Reception of the former Imprejfions of this Geogra- 
 phical VraU^ and its ready admittance into many of 
 enr public k Schools^ gave me freflj Encouragement to 
 Revife it once more^ and to make what farther Im^ 
 provements as either the Nature of the Subject^ or 
 Bignefs of the Volume would admit of. Befides a 
 careful Corre&ion of a fevp NV flakes in the lafi Im- 
 prejpon^ I've made in this^ fome Material addition; s^ 
 and Thofe differs' d thro the Body of the Book^ whii h^ 
 I confcfs^ is a lofs to the Gentlemen who bought 
 the former Editions^ hut there is no remedy for it 
 now. In the mean time^ if it could any ways atone for 
 what is done ^ or rather to prevent, at leaji the fears 
 of any fuch Thing for the future ^ / may here ad- 
 venture to declare once for ally That this is the 
 lafi Time I ever intend to make a>iy confider able addi- 
 tions to this Treatife ; even fuppofing it fljould beav 
 a great many Imprcjfions hereafter, I may likcwife 
 take this Occafion to declare^ That^ Health and Op- 
 portunity ferving^ *tis probable^ I may publiflj^ fome 
 Tears hence ^ a Compendious Body of Ancient Geo- 
 graphy 1^ and tb^t fitted lihewifefor the Schools^ and 
 made much more Methodical and l^jeful than any as 
 yet extant. A Work extreamly wanted, and may he 
 juftly rankd amofig the Defideranda<?///w inquifitive 
 A^e. But to return to the prefent Treatife. As for the 
 Maps belonging to it ^ / have not augmented the Num- 
 ber of them, bccaufe the Analytical Tables of this 
 B 5 Tra^t 
 Tra3^ are to be read mth particular Sheet Maps \yphe- 
 tber Englifli, French, or Dutch, 3 and not vpith 
 thofe here infer ted ^ which though good enough of their 
 kind^ yet being fo fmall a Scale^ they re more for or- 
 nament than life. How far this Treatifein the whole 
 doth anfwer its propofed End 5 and how much this 
 Injprejjion is preferable to any of the former^ lintire- 
 ly leave to the Reader s Judgment to determine. Thh 
 being all I think neceffary to premife concerning the 
 following Compofure^ Ifhall no longer detain the Rea- 
 der by way of Preface, concluding the fame with the 
 Words of the Poet, 
 Vive, vale : Si quid novifti reftius iftis, 
 Candidas imperti: finon, his utere mecum. 
 ^. Hor. Epiji. Lib. T. 
ot vpith 
 of their 
 ? for or- 
 >e whole 
 uh this 
 I i/jtirc' 
 e. This 
 lirfg the 
 he Rea- 
 vith the 
 Lib. T. 
 npHE following Treatife being divided into Two Pares; where- 
 c. fFirft ? 52 Ja General View "7 r t -r ^i i. 
 S isecondl -^la Particular View s '^-"^ Terraqueous Globe. 
 Giving a General View. 
 •o f Seft. I. Containing g8 Geographical D^fimtirm, From Page i to l$ 
 *^ *uSeft. n. Contai'ing 48 Geographical Problems 15 to ^2 
 'Seft. Ill Cnv,tain'ing /^i Geographical Theorems ■ 311057 
 iSeft. IV. Containing 39 Geo^raphcal Paradoxes 57^044 
 Seft. V. Concerning Land and Wai<ir — — 44 to do 
 Giving a Particular View, Comprehends 
 Seft. I, 
 Scft. IT. 
 Scft. III. 
 Sef^. IV. 
 Sea-. V. 
 Sea. VI. 
 Seft' VII. 
 Seft. VIII. 
 Scft. IX. 
 r C Sweden — — — ^ 5 
 Scandinavia [p. 63.] containing,^Dtfn/w4r;& 59 
 ^ Norway 7 5 
 Mofcox'ta • ■ I 79 
 France •■ _ 8$'er 
 ^^ ^ ^Holland 116 
 C/er/«<i«)'[p.ic3.]dividedinte'^ '"*"*" \ Flanders izo 
 Vpper Germany-^i 2 3 
 Poland — ~ — — 1 135 
 Spain and Portugal .— — — — ' — 145 
 Italy ■ ■' -* 15 J 
 ^ Hungary 182 
 nri, in £«r»K [pay?-] as j rXTZZZTlgl 
 C Danubian Provinces 1 9 1 
 r r Scotland i^^ 
 EHrcpcanmads [p.i J7.] as.^BW*<.;fl \^f,7i',°^ 
 \^ C lyeland . 225 
Scft. I. 
 Scft. II. 
 Scft. III. 
 Sett. IV. 
 Scft. V. 
 Sett. Vf. 
 CHAP. IL Of ASIA. Pages 53 
 China — 
 Turiy in j4//^ ^. 
 The Afiatkk Iflands. 
 Sett. I. - 
 Sett. II. 
 Sett. III. 
 Sett. IV. 
 Sett. V. 
 Sett. VI. 
 Sett. VII. 
 Sett VIII. 
 Sett. JX J 
 Biledulgerld — 
 Zaara^ or the Dc/^it 
 Guinea •— ^^ , 
 '{^African Iflands 
 Sett. I. 
 Scd tl. 
 Sett. III. 
 Sett. IV. 
 Sett. V. 
 Sett. VI. 
 rNew Spain 
 Nova Granac a « 
 Florida . 
 Terra Canadenfis- 
 Terra Arnica — 
 ^ I TP^ra Firma — 
 VII. g J Fern 
 vnr > w ^ j»^^ 
 Sett. >^. 
 Sett. XI. 
 Sq(\, Xlir. 
 Sett. Xi It. I 
 Sett. XI V.J 
 ] Amazonia .i. 
 C/j //• 
 Paraguay .-._ 
 7*?rr4 MagcUanica 
 T^f^a AntariJica. 
 The American lilands- 
Page2 53 
 - 25^ 
 • 278 
 - 300 
 ■;■' r 
Cy Wo R L D 4y ^^^J^'-'^»^ 
 H I 
 ; I* 
 1 ' 
 Modern Geography. 
 Comprehending a 
 Terraqueous GLOBE. 
 Y a General l^iew of the Terraqueous Glabe, we under Jtood inch d 
 profpeft of it and all its appendages, as fufficientlv amounts to a 
 fend'ms ( yet complcat ) Syjlem of the true hundament.iU of the 
 Me. Body of Modem Geography, In taking fuch a view, we (hall ob- 
 |e the following Method. 
 l. We fhall illunrate ( by way either of Definitiony Defcripthn^ or 
 ivat'm^ efpecially the firft ) all tkofe Terms^ that are any ways nc- 
 Bry for the right underflaoding of the aforefaid Globe,, asalfoihc 
 \l)t'ical Tables of the Ibllowing Treatife. 
 i. Wc 
 "I I 
 n 1^ 
 I r,i 
 2 Geographical Defimtions, Part I 
 2. We fhall fct down in due Order and Method, ali thofc picafan 
 Problems^ or delightful Operations, performable by the Artificii 
 Globe: together with rhe manner of their performance. 
 3. VVe flrtalJ fubjoin divers plain Gc^graphkat Theorems^ or felf ev,. 
 dene Truths, clearly deducible from the foregoing Problems. 
 4. We dial! advance fome Paradoxical Pofitions in Matters of Geo. 
 graphy^ (era few infallible Truths in Mafq.uerade ; which mainly de- 
 pend upon a thorough Knowledge of the Globe j and arc equally cer- 
 tain with the aforefaid Theorems, tho'many of 'em may poffibly ap. 
 pear to fome as the greatefl ot Fables, 
 Laflly, We (hall take a Tranfient Survey of the whole Surface cf 
 the Terraqueous Globe, as it confifts of /.^n^and Water ^ as its fole 
 conflitucnt Parts. 
 Of thcfe five General Heads feparately, and in their order. There- 
 SECT. I. 
 Containvrg fome necejjary Geographical Definitions. 
 Def. I . /^ E O G R A P H Y [ ^ Sclerice^ both ^ phafant 
 V. J and iifefid'] doth mainly conjift ^ in giving a trite 
 Defer iptio ft of the exterior Part of the Earthly Globe ^ as ^tis 
 co?npos'd of Land and Water, ejpecially the former. 
 That Geography doth merit the Title of Science in feveral refpefts, 
 and that the Kn nvledge thereof is both pleafant and ufeful to Mankind, 
 is 'ruth fo univerfally granted, that 'twere altogetherneedlefsto en- 
 ter upon a Probation of it. Geography denwes its compound Name from 
 »he two GreeJ^ Primitives of yn, Terra^ and yfoi(pei>yfcr}bo vel defcr'tbo-^ 
 and differeth from Cofmogr,ipby^ [ quafi t« ;totr/>t» yfetp^ vel ojTny^etpij^ 
 <. e. M4nc/i Drfcriptio'] as a part doth from the whole j as alfo from 
 Choro^raphy and Topography, [ quafi q^ ^o^ }^ j^ totS ouTny^^qirjy i. e. 
 Regmif ac Loci Defcripth ] as the Whole from its Parts. By a true De- 
 fcription of the Exterior Part / theGtobeofthe Earth we underifland purely 
 an Account of the Situation, Extent^ Divifions and Subdiv'ifions^ of all 
 remarkable Countries on the Surface of the faid G/o6e, together with the 
 Names of their C/^/^j and Chief Towns^ and that according as thofc 
 Countriesarc already pro je(i>ed to our Hands upon particular Geographi- 
 cal Maps, and not an aftual 5«n/ey of Menfuration of 'em, which the 
 Scicnr" of Geography prcfuppofcrh, and which properly belongs to 
 (fCQdttjia^ or the Arc of Surveying Land. In giving fuch a Dcfcripcion of 
 [ift •, 
 ir CI 
 lot LI 
 I the 
 I the 
 ^ of, ^1 
 .; Ball, 
r, or fdf ev, 
 'cters of Geo. 
 i-ft mainly d^. 
 ? equally cet, 
 ^e Surface cf 
 . as its foie 
 ^r. There.. 
 I . 
 pleafaftt T 
 ^^g a true 
 *i\ to en- 
 ^e from . 
 lo from 
 P9» i- e. 
 rue De- 
 of all 
 ith the 
 5 thofe 
 ch the ' 
 >gs to 
 'on of 
 art I. Geographical Defimtiotis, 3 
 ;ountnes fas aforciaid) doth the Science of Ge\i;r.:phy properly con- 
 lift- as for other Narratives rc!ajcing either to Countries themfelvcs, 
 r their Inhabitants, and which commonly fwcll up Geographical 
 .raits, we reckon them ( tho' the more pleafanr part of thi? Study) 
 ather the fringes of Geography, than its real or elibntial I'arts. In the 
 ,oregoing Definition weintireiy reflrid the Science of Geogr.if'by to the 
 exterior Pa^ t or Surface of the Earthly Globe, and that as it's compos'd 
 lot' iWand Water^ as its foie conftituenc Parts-, defigning thereby to 
 d'ftinguifh it from Natural philofophyy which ( in its curious and plea- 
 iint Enquiries) reacheth not only the (aid Surfajeinall itsconilituenc 
 I'arts, but alfo the whole Globe of the Earth, with the whole Body of 
 the Atmofphere furrounding the fame : Yea, and even the outmofl 
 inuginable Expanfe of the r irmament it felf. We again relVift thac 
 Science mainly to one Part of the aforefaid Surface (v/^.the Dry Land) 
 thereby to dillinguifh it from Hydrography, which particularly treateth 
 of the other, namely. Water. The object therefore of Geography in a 
 large Senfe, is the whole Surface of the Ball of the Eitth, confifting of 
 Land and IVater as its fole conftituent Parts 5 or ( in a ftrid and more 
 proper Senfe ) only One of thofe Parts, to wit, the Firm Land, For 
 the more diftinftly viewing which Parts, and the better comprehend- 
 ing of the Science of Modern Geography in the true Fundamentals there- 
 of, wc (hall beg n with that Artificial Reprefentation of the Earthly 
 Ball, commonly called the Terraqueous Globe, 
 Def. 2. The Terraqueous Globe is an Arttjicial Spheri- 
 cal Body, on whofe Convex Fart is truly reprefented the whole 
 Surface of the Ball of the Earthy as it confjis of Land and 
 This Globe is term'd Terraqueous from Terra and Aqua, ( the two 
 conflituent Parts of its Surface ) or Terrejhial todiflinguilh it from the 
 Coclcflial ; or finally, the Artificial Globe as a differencing Mark from the 
 Natural or Real Globe of the Earth, are all fo nocorioufly known, thac 
 the leail Illuflration were wholly fupertluous. We reckon italfbluper- 
 fliious to (how, that there is a true Refemblancein Figure, between the 
 Artificial and NaturalGlobe, or that the Body of the Earth is truly Sphe- 
 rical: This being now beyond all difpute, and never ( at lealt very 
 rarely j call'd in queftion, be only by Women and Children, 
 But here Note, That in the following Treatife, weintireiy reflridlour 
 (elves to this Globe -, fo that wherefoever the Name of Globe is indcti- 
 nitely mention'd, we are never to undcrlland theCoelef^ial. Note, alfo, 
 that wherefoever we are upon the Surface of the Natural Globe, that 
 the Point in the Heavens exaftly vertical to us, is term'd our Zenith ; 
 and that Point diametrically Oppofite thereto, is flil'dour Nadir -, which 
 are two corrupted Arabian Tcvim in Anronomy importing what is here 
 ■ affertcd 
 i'4 ) 
 ^trecd of then S'17^""' ^^^V/W. p.., , 
 »*« South or Anfarftfck. ' «'' ArQick, ^;,^ f^, ,f^^; ■ 
 They are ca/J'd p^/^ / 
 *'Jve Pa-rrh. r ^ ' aivided into 
 Four Gc^^/^ 
 T,„„°."'^'-''''^^ divided into 
 it I 
 '^ J tiie MeridUn 
 ) ne fy/^,,^^. * Four LefferA^^^ ^^^^ Tropich 
 ^The Zodiac Jk viz. S 
 Its focali'd from jf-'r ^ 
 ^'/f^a-^m, it being™ e^oyl^'h'::"T ""' 'f'"'''"- ^"'^ «»/?r,» ,, • 
 f Ic'sl 
 |o the 
 pid pli 
 fPoles ; 
 : De 
 5 Ic'sc 
 uin cun, 
 that ch 
 I Del 
 mh t 
 fiid L 
 '"Reives to on: 
 through thi 
 h the whok 
 ^'^' As tins 
 in^'ai Globcj 
 VheeJ. ^ 
 the Axh^ 
 the other 
 Geographical Defifiitlons: 
 irt I. Kjeografnicai, uepmttons: 5 
 Ic KatiofialHoriz^on: IheSc fiqte^ is that already dcfcrib'd, bounding 
 le outmoft prolpeft of the Eye, when viewing the Heavens round 
 jom any part of the Surface ot the Earch ; but th'othcr is purely 
 )i!ii'd in the Mind, and fuppofecii the Eye to be placed in the very 
 lencre of the Earth, beholding the intire Upper Hcmifphcre of the 
 iniiament : The Circle terminating fuch a profpeft is reckon'd the 
 rue Ration J Horizon, which is duly rcprclcnted by that broad wood- 
 en Circle, ufualiy fitted for all GJobes. Upon which are infcrib'd feve- 
 1 ochu*r Circles, particularly tiiofe two containing the Names of the 
 lonchs, and Number of their Days, according to the Jitlian and 
 }rcgorian Account ^ as alfo That other divided into the Thirty two 
 foincs of the Compais. 
 Def. 6. The Meridian is that great Circle^ which^ P^ffi^^g 
 them the ihrough the two Poles ^ dwideth the Globe into two equal Parts, 
 r V'*^"^ 4rw ^ the Eallern and Weftern Hemifpheres. 
 "r n ^^^ ^ '^ * ^° call'd from Merid'ies vel med'ms dies, becaufe the Sun, coming 
 '^n'H '^'^'^ |o the Meridian of any place, is due South, or maketh Mid-day in the 
 " ^"^ ^aid place. The Meridian here defin'd is that great brazen Circle, in 
 vhich the Globe turncth round upon the two Extremities of its Axis 
 palTing through the faid Circle ; but the Meridians infcrib'd on the 
 lobe it felf, are thofe Thirty fix Semicircles terminating in both the 
 JPoks; befides which we may imagineasmany as we pleafe; only Note, 
 TThatoneof thofe Meridians is always reckon'd the firfl\ however it's 
 ^matter of indifference, which of them we take for fuch. 
 g Def. 7. The Equator or Equinoctial, is that grettt Circle 
 %r(>hich divideth the Globe into two equal Parts^ called ths 
 iiouthern and Northern Hemifpheres. 
 It's call'd Equator, becaule the San coming to this Circle, tune ^qifan- 
 iiii m^esfy dies, or £^«/n(j///rt/ for the lame rcafon, viz, xquaHtds ml}i-> 
 urn cum diebus. By others it's fimply term'd the Line j(^t' sjo^^wy, and 
 that chiefly by Navigators, as being of fingular ulein their Operations. 
 It's divided into 560 degrees, and thofe are reckon'd round the Globe, 
 beginning at the firft Meridian, and proceeding Eaflward. 
 Def. 8. The Zodiac k is that great broad Circle which cut* 
 tcth the Equifio^ial Line obliquely, one Jide thereof extend' 
 ivpt felf fo far North, as the other doth to the South of th^ 
 fiid Line, 
 It's fo call'd from ^&oi', (Animal) becaufe it's adorn'd with Twelve 
 Allcrifms, (commonly term'd the Twelve Signs) being moft of them 
 Rej3refentationj of divers Animals. The Namei aad Charadters oi 
 whivJi Signs are thcfe following. : r? ♦ 
 • Hbrrhe 
 , and the 
 ^'c ir, jioc 
 ded with 
 dcd into 
 I? the 
' ,f 
 6 Geographical Definitions. Part Art 
 ■ this 
 Aries, Taurus. Gemini, Cancer, Leo, ^'irg'). »m5 h) 
 - -^ Q n & ^ ^^)c iDetl 
 ^Libra* Scorpio, Sagittar us, CapricoriiHf, Aquarius. Pi/ces, MitC (\ 
 ** ^ 711 ^ vs xsi ^ mM 
 Of all Circles infcrib'd on either of the Globes, this a!one admits ota;^^^' 
 Latitude, and is divided in the middlQ by a Concentrick Circle, term'd J^^^^ 
 the Ec'iptick^ which properly is that Circle fee upon the Globe compre-J^ ^^\ 
 hending the Characters of the Twelve iigns above mentioned, each of If '^^'^ ^ 
 which Signs is - ' P'^'"^ ^^ ^^'^^^ Circle, and concr^ins jo degrees. i De 
 Def. 9. The Tropic ks are the two bjggeft of the four Jl^^^^^ ^j 
 L^lJcr Circles, rvhich run parallel to the Equator^ and an 
 equid'iftant therefrom. 
 They're term'd Trr^pkks from rfsTO), {verto) becaufe the Sun in his 
 annual Courfc, arriving at one of thofc Circles, doth return towards 
 die other. Tlicy derive their refpeftive Denominations of Cancer and 
 Capricorn from touching the Zodiack at the two Signs of that Name, 
 and each of them is difianc from the Ecjuator, exattly 23 dcgr. -i. 
 Def. ic. The Polar Circles are the two leaft of the four 
 Leffer Circles rminivg parallel to the Equator.^ avd at the 
 fame dijiance from the Poles^ as the Tropicks are from the 
 They're term'd Vofar^ becaufe of their Vicinity to the Poles. That 
 Circle nearefl tlie North, is calJ'd the Ar^'ick ^ and th'other, next to 
 the South Pole, tlie Antartikk Polar Circle^ and that for the leafon 
 already given, ( V:j. 4. ) when treating of the Poles thcmfelves. 
 Thcfe are the eight nccefTary circles above mention'd •, but to corn- 
 pleat the Furniture of the Globe, there remain as yet but three Par* 
 ticuljrs, v'r. the Harary Circle^ the Quadrant of Altitude^ and Semi' 
 Circle of Pcfition. 
 Def. T I . The Horary Circle is a fmall Circle of Brafs, 
 andfo affixt to the Brazeit Meridian^ that the Pole ( or evd of 
 the Axis ) proves its Center. 
 Upon this Circle arc infcrib'd the Twenty four Hours of the 
 Natural Day at equal diftances from one another ^ the XII, for Mid- 
 day being in the upper part cowards tlKZenith, and th'other XII. for 
 Midnight in the lower towards the Hmx^on -, fo that the Howrs before 
 Noon are in the Eafierrij and thofc for the Afternoon in the Weflern 
 Scmi-Circle: As for an Index to this Horary Circle, the fame is tixt 
 upon the end of the Axis, and curnech round with the Globe. TheUfe 
 )ne admits of 
 ^Tcle, term'd 
 Part Art L Geographical Dejinittovs, 7 
 this Circle and Index will fufficiently appear in many pleafant Pro- 
 ms hereafter mention'd. 
 Def. 12. The Qiiadrant of Altitude h a Jiarrow thin 
 \xte of pliable Brajs^ e^a^ly aiijwerable to a fourth fart of 
 Upon this (Quadrant, are infcrib'd 90 Degrees, each of 'em being 
 cording to the fame Scale with thole upon the Equator. Howufcful 
 be com pre" 1'^ Quadrant is, will alio appear in the Solution of feveral Problems 
 ned, each of f''^^^^^'^ mention'd. 
 agrees. I j)ef^ I ^ . The Semi-Circle of Pofition is a narrow foUd 
 f the four Mite of Brafsy exa^ly ajijwerable to one half of the Equi- 
 , and arew^ial* 
 A Upon this Scmi-CircIe are infcrib'd 180 Degrees, exaftly the fame 
 th thofe upon the Equinoftial. We may term it a double Quadrant 
 Altitude in fome relpeft, and it is of confiderable life in feveral 
 lightful Problems. 
 To thefe I might add the Mariner's Compafsy that moft neccffary Tn- 
 rument, commonly us'd by Navigators, which being duly touch'd with 
 e Loadftone, and horizontally fixt upon the Pedeflal of the Globe, 
 frequently needful for the right solution of feveral Problems. 
 The necelTary Circles of the Globe being Eight (asaforelaid ): Of 
 nem, and fome others, hereafter mention'd, are form'd the Latitude 
 ^ni Long tnJe oi Places, dSili^o Zones and Clinuites, 
 'Jes. That I Def 14. Latitude is the dijlance from the Equator to 
 r, next to fither of the Kles^ and meafured upon the brazen or firfi 
 :hereafon pyUian, 
 ^ ^^^' I No Term is more frequently us'd in Geography than that of Latitutle^ 
 vhich is two-fold , v'it;^. North and South. In reckoning of the Northern 
 .xt'itude^ you are to bcgm at the Equinoftial Line, and proceed to the 
 rftick: And the Sonthern^ivom the Cquinoftial to the Antarftick Pole; 
 tiil numbring the Degrees of Latitude, either upon the brazen, or firfl 
 cridian. The many Circles infcrib'd on the Globe, at the diftance 
 f 10 degrees from one another, and parallel to the Equator, are ccrnVd 
 nr.tUets of Latitude. But befides thofe aftually infcrib'd, vvc arc ta 
 onceive the Globe as furniflf d with a vad multitude of fuch Circles ; 
 or every Degree of Latitude, yea, and every fixtieth part of each de- 
 rce, is fuppofed to have an imaginary Parallel Circle, pafling through 
 he fime. But fmce Latitude (as aforefaid) is the DiOance from the 
 "quator to either of the Poles •, it from hence follows, that the greatert 
 atitude confifteth of 90 Degrees. N:nv correfpondent to each of thofe 
 c^recs ^or the-r^^- of a great Circle in the Heavens ) is a certain 
 of the Surface of thf Earth, wh'ch is every whereof the fame Ex- 
 e Sun in his 
 irn towards 
 Cancer and 
 that Name, 
 cgr. 1, 
 f the four 
 vd at the 
 from the 
 xt to com- 
 hree Par- 
 nd Semi- 
 f Brafs, 
 '>r end of 
 of the 
 for Mid- 
 XIL for 
 rs before 
 e Weflern 
 le is fixt 
 ?piCC I 
 : )■ H 
 " l": 
 « <b 
 8 Geographical Dejimtions, Part Vartj 
 tent in it felf, but different in its number of Parrs, according to tl; 
 ditferent reckoning of various Countries. To know the faid differen 
 number of Parts, (of what fort (oever, whether they htMUs^Lsagut 
 oi o\\itx Mcafures) correfponding to one Degree in the Heavens, 
 abfolutely necclTary for the right undcrftanding ot the true Viflar^ 
 of Places in different Countries, wc fhall therefore illuiirate the faim 
 and that by the following Table. 
 rCommon Italian^ Englifh^ and TurkifJ) Mi'es -^_- 60 1 
 Ordinary French Leagues 
 Span'iff) Miles, according to Vulgar reckoning — 
 Germany Dutchy Daiiifljy and Greaf Poland Miles 
 Miles ufual in SrvedeUnd » n 
 Miles ufual in Hungary ■ ■' 
 The Verjh of Mofcovy ■ 
 Perftany Arabtany and Egyptian Parafanga 
 The Indian Cos • — 
 The Shades of China • — — 
 The Inh of 
 But here Note, that tho' thefe are the moft remarkable Meafures oti 
 Diftance throughout the inhabited World, with their refpeftiv^e rroj 
 portion to one Degree in the Heavens ; yet, we are not to imaginej 
 that thefe Meafures are of the fame Extent in the various Provinces cij 
 the fame Country j as is evident from the different length of I eaguesl 
 in ditferent Parts of^ France j as alfo thediverficy of Miies in the^owZ/jj 
 and North of England, 
 Def. i^. LongitiiJe is the Dijlance from the faH Men 
 iian^ avdineafured vfon the Equator, J 
 In reckoning the various Degrees of Longitude (which are 5^0 inal'jil 
 you are to begin at the (irft Meridian where-ever it is, and to proceed i 
 upon the Equator quite round the Globe. Correfpondent to each oi 
 thofe Degrees in the Equator, (as to Degrees of Latitude on the Men- ■ 
 dian] arc fixty Italian Miles, or twenty French Leagues, according to. 
 Vulgar Calculation : But this is to be underflood only of Places exaftly 
 under the Equator j for the imt Diftancc between two Places lying due 
 Eafi and Weft in any conliderable Latitude, is far lefs in Miles, than be- 
 iwccn other two Places lying exadly under the Equator, and likewife 
 under the fame Meridians-, theReafon of which is mofl evident,nanie- 
 Iy,the approaching of the Meridians nearer and nearer to one another, 
 till at lafl they unite all in the Pole -y But that you may readily find 
 the true Diflance in Miles from Eaft to Wefl^ between any tvsro I'laces 
 in any Parallel of Latitude ♦, we fhall here fubjoin the following Table: 
 In which is fct down, to every Degree ofLaiitude,theexaft Number of 
 Miles, and fixticth part of a Mile, that are anfwerablc to one Degree 
 ifi the Equator ^ ftiil allowing fixty Italian Miles to iuch a Degree. 
 four i 
Part fert I. Geographical Definitions. 
 cording to tlj 
 faid differenl 
 he Heavens, 
 e true Difla^ 
 frace the fair 
 — - — 250 i 
 —■ — 400 4 
 ; Meaftjres 0; | 
 rpeftive lYo | 
 c to imagine, 
 Provinces CI] 
 '1 of 1 eaguei 
 to proceed 
 t to each of 
 »n the Men- 
 ^s lying due 
 's, than be* 
 lid likewife 
 le another,, 
 eadily find 
 two i'iaces 
 ing Table; 
 Number of 
 ne Degree 
 + r 
 Def. 16. Zones are large TraHs of the Surface of the 
 Earth, lying Parallel to the Equator, and diJUnguiJIi d by the 
 four lejfer Circles of the Globe. 
 They're terni'd Zones from ^eSvti, [Zona velCingulttm'}^ becaufethcy 
 cncompafs the Globe of the Earth in fome manner, as a Girdle doth 
 (urround the Body of a Man, and are in number Five. 
 Two Frigid y- e g ) The Polar Circles, and the Poles. 
 N*S ^ C ^^^ ^^^^^ Circles, and the Tro- 
 'Two Temperate J ^^ ^ picks. 
 y S ^ * The Two Tropicks, and divided by 
 1 One Tarrid ( ^^^ the Equator. 
 Of thefe the ancient imagm'd only thd Two Temperate to be habi- 
 table, efteemingthc fcorchingHeatofche Torrid, and pinching Cold 
 of the two Frigid, to be equally intolerable, iKcording to that of the 
 I'oec. C ^uarum 
 i|«" ■: 
 Geographical Defnltiom. Part i 
 ^ ^ ■~'~~ -Ovid Metam. 1. 
 the length of the >fl"i:[nt>''' ^f''^' '' ^orth, tha^ 
 o*ber, by half an hZ ^ ^ '" ""' ^"'^'^'^ that in tl. 
 ,i" '°'*- Not to mention whi/rt , tie equator, and indine te 
 «her as to their number or " ^''^ Ancients taught of ClimatM .i 
 vmy the Nuafber of\„°?o s^^'i'':"*'^''"'' Geographers havead 
 Day ; and fronuhe Polar Crc^''^^.'''»f'-?''ce °»:- "ourin thelongcft 
 fromthe difference of an inScM^^^^^^^^ 
 one J at 
 dns of t 
 i Def. 
 'hkh I 
 1)6 Pat 
 iJie two- 
 I Def. 
 it the h 
 The In] 
 -loftial Ut 
 ••' IM, 
 which ha 
 ihove^ a\ 
 • f^rtly abi 
 ■pllel Ch 
 ■ TheTnli 
 ■lie Globe 
 But havi 
 i-- * 
Part I 
 'art I. Geographical Definitions. 
 ecam. I. 
 rface of th, I 
 'did to tk \ 
 forth, thai | 
 that intk I 
 Climates between the l^olar Circles and the Pole? 
 d. m.d. 
 Par. Lac. Par. 
 67 7,®6g 
 I at. 
 Breadth, Breadth. 
 OO 02 
 [ Month. 2 Month 
 Par. La t. Par. Lat, 
 Par. Lat. I Par. Lat. 
 j Month. 4 Month.' 5 Month- 
 v'o]] becauff 
 id incline re Having thus taken a view oFthe chief C/rc/c/ belonging to the Ter- 
 ClimaceSjcL ttftrial Globe, as alfo the manner how L^ri/wt/f and LngU ude mxh 
 c's futficiem k^nes and Climates are fram'd : Proceed we next to the various Pofiti- 
 crs have ad- ^^^ oi the Globe, commonly term'd Spheres^ which arc three in Num- 
 hof theFo-'ler, v'l^. Parallel^ Right ^nd Oblique, 
 sIk^S^ j DeE 1 8. ^ P arallel Sphere, isthatPofiionofthe Globe, 
 'uhefirft t'-"'^^^ ^^^^ thefe three Properties-^ viz. (i.) The Poles iyi the 
 ', and in #t7/W and Nadir , (2.) The Equator in the Horizo7i : (7,.) 
 'd,x//>. thi f he Parallel Circles parallel to the Horizojt, 
 )lhU^ll^ The Inhabitants of this Sphere arc thofe (if any) who live under 
 »cnor em, ^],e two- Poles. 
 P^f. 1 9. A Fvight Sphere is that Pojition of the Globcy 
 which hath thefe three Properties ; viz. (l.) Both the Poles 
 k the Horizon. (2.} The Equator pajhig through the Zenith 
 mi Nadir. (3.) The Parallel Circles perpendicular to the 
 i The Inhabitants ot this Sphere, arc they who live under the Equi- 
 ioftial Line. 
 Def. 20. An Oblique Snhere is that Pofiticu of the Globe 
 H^hich hath thefe three Properties ^ viz. (i.) One of the Poles 
 The Inhabitants of this Sphere, are they who live on all Parts ot 
 tlie Globe of the Earth j except thofe cxad^ly under the Poles, and 
 fquinotVal Line. 
 , But having no regard to thefe Fofitions of the Globe ^ the vario s 
 Inhabicamsof the Earth arc likewifcconfidercdwichrclpeft to thclc- 
 ,' C 2 vcitJ 
 I. >(i!' ■'■ 
 'I': r 
 1 2 Geographical Defimttom. Part 
 vera! Afer:dUns and Parallds, peculiar co their Habitaftbns -, and t 
 under chcfc three Titles, viz. .In^^'d, Ferine], and Antipodes. 
 I^eE 21. 7Z>^ Ant:eci, arc thofe People cf the Earth ji v^^ 
 //I'e «wJ,T f/;^yjw£; Meridian, hut oppojite Parallels. l^)'^ 
 Pcculhr to fuch People arc thefc following Particulars; v'l^. (^^ 
 They fjavc hoth rhe fame Elevation of the Pole, but not the famcl'c 5'^ 
 (2.) They are equally difhnt from the Equator, but on ditferenc (id tl|ty 
 (g. They have moft Noon ;ind Midnight at the fame time. (4.} T J^"^' 
 tjays of one are equal to the Nights of the other, ^ vice verfa (■ fTh 
 Their Scafons ol the Year are contrary j it being W inter to one, >vi 1^ ^ 
 Summer to the other, ^c, ' icvera] 
 Def. 22, 77;t' Pemci, are thofe People of the Earth k^^^I 
 live uvder thefwie Parallels^ but oppoftte Meridians. Mtijl tl 
 Pecuhartofuch People are thefe following Particulars^ i''^. (» )0 ^^^ 
 of the Poles is equally elevated to both, and th' other equ;i Hy deprefs 
 Cz.) They arc equally diftant from the Equator, and both on the fa: 
 fide. (5 ) When it is noon to one, it is Midnight to the other, &c( 
 fra. (4.) The length of the Day to one, is the Comphr^tntofi 
 others Night, & vicevcrfa. ($,) They both agree in ^h *< 'calc 
 of the Year, (^c. 
 ^ Def. 2^. The Antipodes, are thofe People of the Earth wi 
 live under oppojite Parallels and M^:ridians. 
 Peculiar to fuch I'eople are tliefe following Particulars.!^/^. (i.)Th 
 have both the fame Elevation of Pole. (2 ) They are both equa. 
 diftant from the Equator-, but on different lides, and in oppofite Hen , _ - 
 fpheres. f^.) When ir's Noon to one, it's Midnight to the other, ^', j^ a I 
 ce vcrfa. (4.) The longeft Day or Night to the Ore, is the ftiortell ^^y^ ( 
 the other. (5.) Their Scafons of the Year arc ontrary, ^c. 
 The Inhabitants of the Earth, were likcwife confidered by the A ^^' ^ 
 dents with refpeft to the Diver lity of their Shadows, and accordii^ ' ' 
 rcduc'd to three Clalies j viz. Ampbifciiy Fnifcii, and Heterofcii. 
 Def. 24. Aniphifcii, were thofe People of the Earth r 
 Uv'din the Zom\ or between the two Tropicks, 
 They're lo term'd from dfjLipi \^iitrinque']im\ ^xja \jumb> a']jhcai 
 they call their Shadows on both fidesof em, t'/:^. Northand South^i 
 cording to the Nature of the sun'i Declination. 
 Def. 2$. Perifcii, wero thofe People of the Earth who 
 in the Frigid Zones ^ or between the Polar Cirdes and 
 They I 
 aftbns ; and t 
 he Earth n 
 culars ; v',^, ( 
 3t the fame I'c 
 n d liferent fid 
 time. f4.j)T 
 ^ vice verfa (■ 
 :er to one, wl 
 \he Earth » 
 och on the far 
 'Other, (^'cc 
 ptart I. Geographical Definitions. I? 
 They're fo call'd irom 'srse^ [C/Vt-j] and <rx^rf ['L'w/'r^], becaul'i* 
 !:y caft their Shadows round about them towards all Points of the 
 VDef^ 26. Hetero{f:ii, were thofe Peophcfthe Earth who 
 iivd in the two Temperate Zo7tcs ^ or hcttrecn the Tropicks 
 and the Polar Circles, 
 They're fo call'd from It^^Q-, [^Altcy^ and (Dud [Vmb^a'], becaufc 
 tlicycaft their Shadows only one way ^ vtz. Norths it in the N)rtb tem- 
 nlratei or Souths if in the South temperate Zone. 
 ^The Earthy in refpeft of ics Inhabitants, was likcwife conddercd by 
 l|)e Ancients as divided into the R'lf^ht-ffandtind the Left ^ and that by 
 ieveral lorts of Tcrfons-, 1;/^, (i.) Poets^ who accounted North the 
 Rigbt-Hand, and So'^th the Left, (z.) AJironomen\ who accounted ^ejl 
 f|e Right-Hand, and Ball the Left. (^,) Geographers^ who accounted 
 Jfcr/?cheRight-Handi and Well the Left. 
 , But leaving the various Inhabitants of the Earth, and to comeclofer 
 our maiH Defign^ let us return to the Globe of the Earth it felf, con- 
 ler'd fimply as a Spherical Body, whofe Surface we arc to view as 
 impos'd of Land and IVater^ as ics fole conftituent V'arti and thole 
 Parts, thus fubdivided as followeth ; to wit. 
 he Earth w: 
 Land into 
 Continents^ IJlhmus's^ 
 IjUndsy Promontories^ 
 Feninfida'Sf Mountains, 
 Water into 
 Oceans^ Straits, 
 S^afy Likes y 
 Oulfs^ Rivers. 
 cbothequa . r t x • 1 
 oppofiteHeM Dcf. 27. J Continent iLat, Contintns acontineo J 
 jc other, ^^ |^ a large attdfpacious Space of dry Land^ comprehending di- 
 Che fhortcli ^^^^ Countries.^ Kijtgdoms and States alijoind together with- 
 •cd by the A ^^^^ -^^jy vttire Separation of its ^ arts by Water, 
 d accord irij 
 e Earth r 
 th who . 
 Ics and I 
 et. 28. An Ifland L^''^' Infula, quafi in falo] is a 
 ^ ..t fdry Land environed round with Water, 
 \ \kt 29. A Peninfula[quafi pene Infula, otherwife Cher- 
 i[()neiLis from x.*?<^<3", Terra, and vntrQ , Infula] is a part 
 if the d^^ Land every where enclofed With Water ^ fave one 
 fijrrnwAeck adjoifiing the fame to the Continent: 
 Def. 30. An Ifthmus [ab£<a"«f" vel ^^1*1/^.^ ingredicr]w 
 that 7iarrowNeck of Land anytexing the Peninfula to the Con- 
 fiHCv.t ^ by which People may enter into one from the other. 
 i C ^ Dei. 3i» 
Geographical Defin 
 Land. ^"^""""""^'"-w^ c'Cape^^rHea * 
 "^"^ '4^ i.'5;r '«'*^''*-'- ^^ikS f "' 
 ^'''-^^ns ] £, , ;; JXt y^f ' 'J"'^^"" ^"° mare com. f"""" 
 ^^/'f, except r'. p,LT,,f'>? ''^»o environed witl h"' 
 -^>^o:.ri„,S. ^!;:^;^,;;'y'^'^'''''''-'''cates.itb Z fc^J 
 y^« mare pro, t;'L/;^^^^^^^^^ Pre 
 '^^&-' or occun to anSer!"^ "' ^^'''"^ "'" "'"--i'"^^ "/ '.he Ji, 
 fovea] M ^ rm,nrJin- ■^^^"'^' •' *^''- ^''''"'-©- FofT. „.l «''''''™'' 
 iJ^^ovkUle Sf/LS"^";" K^j Fluvius, a flue] 
 '^:^»-,o,„ Fountai,. and conn Ju, rr -^'"^ ""^"Z <"« «r 
 I 'Jtccci m tilt next place ro 
 By I 
 of Kijii 
 and th( 
 place \ 
 place is 
 , Pro 
Geographical Problems, 
 ; trob. ^ • Tp ^^' Diameter of the JrtijicLil Globe helv^ pi- 
 ; i I vcv^ to fijtd its Svrface in Square^ and Us Soli- 
 iity in Cubick Meaftire. 
 V Multiply the Diamercr by the Circumference (or a great Cirrle divi- 
 ding the lobe inro two equal Parts) and the Produrt vvillgivethchrft: 
 Then Multiply the laid produ^by '^ of the Diameter, and the Produrt 
 4)f that will give the fecond. After the fame manner we may find the 
 Surface and S jlidity of the Natural Globe, as alfo the whole Dody of 
 the Atmofpherefurroundingche fame, providingit bealways and every 
 where ofthe fame height; for having found the perpendicular height 
 Ihereof by that common Experiment of the afcenr of Mercury at the 
 foot and top of a Mountain-, double the faid Height, and add the 
 tame to the Diameter of the Earth ; then multiply the whole (as a new 
 piamcter) by its proper Circumference, and fronuhc Produft fubflraft 
 flic Solidity of the Earth, the Remainder will give the Solidity of the 
 Prob. 2. To Recife the Globe, 
 1 The Globe being fct upon a true Plain, raife the Pole according to 
 the given Latitude ; then fix the C^uadrant oi Altitude in the Zenith, 
 and (if any Mariner's Compats upon the Pedeftal) let the Globe be 
 ibfituatedj^as that the brazen Meridian may fland due5ow//; and Norths 
 %ccording to the two Exircmities of the Needle. 
 Prob. ^. To find the Longitude avd Latitude of any place. 
 By Langituiie we do not here underftand thnOpprohrium Kavigatorum 
 of Eijimg and Wefl'tng^hwt fimply the diflancc between the given place 
 and the firfl Meridian infcrib'd on the Sarface of the Clobe. For the 
 finding of which, bring the given place to the Eafl fide of the brazen 
 Meridian, and obferve what Degree of the I quator is juff under the faid 
 Meridian, for that is the Degree of Longitude peculiar to the given 
 place ; and the Degree of the Meridian exactly aibovc that place is its 
 proper Latitude, which is eitherSow^/^ernor Northern^ according as the 
 place is Soitb or Korth of the Equinoftial Line. 
 Prob. 4. The Lovt^itude and Latitude of any place being 
 given^ to find that place on the Globe, 
 C 4 Bfing 
!" .♦> 
 in i 1 
 Geographical Problems, 
 Part ! I Pc 
 Bring the given Degree of Longitude ro the brazen Meridian \ re | 
 kon upon the fame Meridian the Degree of given Latitude, vvhet't | 
 iiijuth or SoYth^ and make a mark with Chilk where the rcckonic I 
 cndsi the Point cxaftly under that Chalk is the place dcfir'd. 
 Prob. %, The Latitude of any place being given^ to find x 
 thofe Places thM have the fame Latitude. 
 The Globe being re^ificd (<i) according to the Latitud 
 (a) Prob, 2. of the given place, and that place being brought to t\: 
 brazen Meridian, make a mark cxaftly above the lame 
 and turning the Globe round, all thole places paffing under the fa, 
 mark, have the fame Latitude with the given place. 
 Prob. 6. To find the Sun's place in the EcUptick at a^:^ 
 T he Month and Day being given, look for the fame upon the vvoodc: 
 Horizon, andover-againfl the Day you will find the particular Sign anc 
 Degree in which the >S«/t is at that time Tobferving withal the diffcrena 
 between the Ji<lian and Gregorian Calendar) which Sign and Degret 
 being noted in the Ecliptick, the fame is the Sun'i place (or prettj 
 near it) at the time dcfired. 
 Prob. 7. The J forth and Day being given^ as alfo the par 
 ticular time of that Day^ to find thofe places of the Glok, 
 to which the Sun is in their Meridian at that particuUr 
 The Pole being elevated according to the Latitude of the given place; 
 bpng the faid place to rhe brazen Meridian, and fettingthe Index of 
 the horary Circle ^t rhe Hourof the Day, in the given place, turn the 
 Globe till the Index point at the upper figure of XII. which done, fix 
 the Globe in that fituation and oE^ferve what places are exaftly under 
 the upper Hernifphere of the brazen Meridian, for thofe are the places 
 Prob. 8. To htov? the Length of the Day and Night in an) 
 Tlace of the Earth at any time. 
 Elevate the Pole (4) according to the Latitude of the given 
 {i)Prob.z. place-, find the Sun\ place in rhe Ecliptick {b) at that time, 
 which being brought to the Eaflfideof the Horizon, fct 
 (b) Prob 6. the Index of the Horarv Circle at Noon (or the upper 
 Figure of 12.) and turning the Globe about till thcafore- 
 faid place of the Ecliptick touch ihcWejicrn fideof the Hori:fon5 lopk 
 jpon the Horary Circle, and \vhercfoever the Index pointech, reckon 
Part ! 
 Meridian ; re 
 :itude, vvhet!( 
 • the rcckonic 
 to find I 
 'ght I 
 )f thegiven 
 that time, 
 orizon, fee 
 the upper 
 the afore- 
 i?on, lopk 
 h, reckon 
 to the Latitud 
 Tought to th i 
 )ove the f jnif i 
 Jnder the fai; I 
 'Jftick at ay. 
 •n the vvoodc: 
 :u]ar Sign an: 
 n and Degre; 
 -e (or prett) 
 the Globe, 
 given placci 
 the Index of 
 ice, turn the 
 :h done, fix 
 uftly under 
 e the places 
 part I. Geographical Problems. 17 
 the Number of Hours between the fame and the upper Figure of 12. 
 for that is the Length of the Day at the time deiir'd, the Complement 
 whereof is the Length of the Night. 
 Prob. 9. To find by the Globe the Anticci, Peri^eci ani 
 Antipodes, of ajiy given phce. 
 Bring thegiven Place to the brazen Meridian, and find- 
 ing (a) its true Latitude, count upon the Equator the fame (a) Prob,^, 
 Number of Degrees towards the oppofite i*ole, and ob- 
 ferve wherethe reckoning ends, for that isthc Flaccof thcAntxcJ. The 
 given Place continuing under the brazen Meridian, fct the Index of the 
 Horary Circle at Noon, and turning the Globe about till the. fame Point 
 at Mid-night (or the lower 1 2.) the place which then comes to the Meri- 
 diaQ,(having the fame lat tude with the former) is that of the PerUch 
 As for the Antipodes of the given Place, reckon from the faid place upon 
 the brazen Meridian 180 Degrees, cither South or lHorth^ or as many 
 Degrees beyond the farthefl Pole as you are to the ncareft ; and obfervc 
 cxaOIy where the reckoning ends, for that is the place defir'd. 
 Prob. 10. To know what a Clock it is by the Globe in any 
 place in the World^ and at any time^ providing you knam the 
 Hour of the Day where you are at the fame time. 
 Bring the place in which you are to the brazen Meridi- 
 an (the Pole being raifcd {b) according to the Latitude (b) Prob» 5, 
 thereof) and fet the Index of the Horary Circle at the 
 Hour of the Day at that time. Then bring the delired Place to the 
 brazen Meridian, and the Index will point out the prefent Hour at 
 that place where-ever it is, 
 Prob. II . To know by the Globe when the Great Mogul of 
 India, andCzd.t of Mofcovia,y/t down to Dinner. 
 This being only to know when it's Noon at Agra and Mofcow^ (the 
 Imperial Seats of thofe Mighty Monarchs } which we may very eafily 
 do, at what time foever it be, or wherefoevcr we are: For finding (by 
 the foregoing Problem) the prefent Hour of the Day in the Cities above- 
 mention'd, fuppofing withal that Mid-day in thcaforefaidCitiesis Di- 
 ning-time, we may readily determine how nearic is to the time defir'd. 
 Prob. 1 2. T J find the Hour of the Day by the Globe at any 
 time when the Sun fimes. 
 Divide your Ecliptick L. le into twenty four equal Parts, and in fmall 
 Figures fi^t down the Hours of the Natural Day after the following 
 manner. At the Interfc^ioni of the Ecliptick and Equator place the 
 r igure 6 j and bring boih thefe Figures co the brazen Meridian, one 
for the /af{ °L"'*, G'obe upon wh"d, the \.T'; "''"«'>' ">« '>» 
 '." T*' /^i •"C 
 • «"«' in the Zenic^,''"'".""'"""- Afte? th s'^'fix tVo"S, '"-^ ^me to 
 thereby the Hour oj the Dly' ^"^ ^^'^^ «^ «^'y time, tifad 
 O) rrcl.. 6. the Zenith, an'd ^vS ■fL'^r'^"'"?"^ "^ ^It ude^^^ 
 "theobferv;^^KoV''i"'"'> '''-"^*"Tfed^ 
 Dy^ S gioen, to find thereby the Hour of the 
 i I 
 6 t\ 
Part I 
 here. Whid* 
 ^in this order 
 ivn die other 
 1 <^. The Eg Li i- 
 fc the Globe 
 here you arc, 
 linox to the 
 fituating the 
 t^y that halt 
 wlJy fhine ; 
 lys flievv the 
 ^ht of the 
 four of the 
 le Latitude 
 t that time 
 '^acein the 
 Jc fame to 
 ntof Alti- 
 icuJar De. 
 3ry Circle 
 itude, till 
 » obfervc 
 to find 
 iace (3; 
 Jtude in 
 the true 
 :>n, and 
 'ith the 
 le Day, 
 'Xce in 
 of the 
 J^art L Geographical Vrohlems. 19 
 ^ Elevate the Pole according to the given Latitude, and 
 ficuatcthe Globe duly S'o«r/;and North (a) by the Mariners (a) Prob, z. 
 Compafs^ thenfixa'fmall Needle perpendicularly in the 
 S n's Place in the Eclipcick, and, bringing the fame to the brazen Me- 
 ridian, fetthe Index of the Horary Circle at Noon^ Which done, turn 
 tiie Globe till the Needle caft no Shadow at it, and then obfcrve the 
 Index, for it will then point at ttie true Hour of the Day. 
 Prob. t6. Any Place behtg ^Iven to move the Globe fo 
 as that the wooden Horizon [hall be the Horizon of the fame. 
 Bring the given IMace to the brazen Meridian, and reckon from it 
 upon the faid Meridian the nuinber of 9© Degrees towards either of 
 the Poles, and where the reckoning ends, place that part of the Me- 
 ridian in the Notch of the wooden Horizon, and it will prove the Ho- 
 rizon ot the given Place. 
 Prob. 17. To find the Meridian Line by the Globe in any 
 place^ and at any ti?ne of the Day. 
 The Latitude of the Place being known, and the Globe 
 (a) elevated accordingly, obferve the height of the Sun (a) Prob, 2. 
 above the Horizon at that time, and draw upon a true Plain 
 a ftreight Line in, or Parallel to the Shadow of a Stile perpendicularly 
 erefted upon that Plain : In which defcribe a Circle at an opening o£ 
 the CompalTes, and find (b) the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick, 
 and mark his obferved height in the Quadrant of Altitude, (b ; Prob. z. 
 Then move the Globe together with the faid Qu*drant, 
 till that Mark in the <^uadrant, and the Sun's place in the Ecliptick, 
 come both in one 5 which done, count upon the wooden Horizon the 
 number of Degrees between the Quadrant of Altitude, and the brazen 
 Meridian, and fet off the fame number of Degrees upon theaforefaid 
 Circle drawn upon the Plain, by making a vifible Point in the Circum- 
 ference where the reckoning ends, (beginning ftill at the fide towards 
 the Sunt and proceeding £<</? or lit;/]^ according to the time of the Day.) 
 Then draw a Line from that Point in the Cinumference through tnc 
 Centre of the faid Circle, and the fame will prove the true Meridian 
 Line of that Place, at what time foever the Oblervation is made, 
 Prob. 18. ^ Place being given in the Torrid Zone^ to find 
 thofeDaysin which the Sun fiaU be vertical to the fame. 
 Bring the given Place to the brazen Meridian and mark what Degree 
 of Latitude is exactly above it. Move the Globe round, and obfcrfC 
 the two Points of the Ecliptick that pafs through the faid Degree of 
 Latitude, Search upon the wooden Horizon (or by proper Tables of 

 I ^l ^' 
 20 Geographical Problems, Part I 
 the Sun% Annual Motion) on what D.iys he paffeth through the afore- 
 laid Points of the Eclipcick, tbr thofe are the Days required in which 
 the S«n IS vertical to the given Place. 
 Prob. 1 9. The Month and Bay behig givcn^ to jini by the 
 Globe thofe places of the North Frigid Zone ^ where the Sun 
 beginneth then to IJnne covfta}*tly jyithout fetti7tg : as alfo thofe 
 places of the South Frigid Zone^ in which he then beginnetb 
 to be totally abfent. 
 The Day givcn» (which muft always be one of thofe, either between 
 the Vernal liquinox and Summer Solfticc, or between the Autumnal 
 Equinox and Winter Solftice) find T^) the 5««'s Place in 
 (a) Prob»6» the Ecliptick, and marking the fame bring it to the brazen 
 Meridian, and reckon the like number of Degrees from the 
 North Pole towards the Equator, as there is betwixt the Equator andthe 
 Suni Place in the Ecliptick, and feta mark with Chalk where the rec- 
 koning ends. Which done, turn the Globe round, and all the places 
 paffing under the faid Chalk are thofe in which the Sun begins tofhine 
 conftantly without fetting upon the given Day. For Solution of the 
 latter part of the Problem ; let off the fame diftance from the South 
 Pole upon the brazen Meridian towards the Equator, as was formerly 
 fet off from the North, and making a mark with Chalk, and turning 
 the Globe round, all Places pafTmg under the faid mark are thofe de- 
 iir'd, viTi- f '^'^"^ '" ""^'^ ich the Sun beginneth his total Abfence, or Dif- 
 appearance from the given Day. 
 Prob. 20. A Place being given in the North Frigid 
 Zowe, to find by the Globe what number of Days the Sun 
 doth conftantly JIme upon the faid Place^ and what Days 
 be is abfent^ as alfo the firjt and laft Day of his appea- 
 Bring the given place to the brazen Mci .dian, and ob- 
 (a)pro^. 2. fcrving its Latitude, {a) elevate the Globe accordingly, 
 then turn the Globe about till the firft Degree of Cancer 
 come under the Meridian, and count the fame number of Degrees upon 
 the Meridian from each fide of the Equator, as the Place is difhnt 
 front the Pole^ and making a mark where the reckoning ends,turnthe 
 Globe round, and carefully obferve what two Degrees of the Ecliptick, 
 pafs e:caft]y under the two Points mark'd in the Meridian, for the 
 Northern Arch of the Circle ('ufr that comprehended between the two 
 mark'd Degrees) being reduc'ct to time, will give the number of Days 
 that the Sun doth conftantly fhine above the Horizon of the given 
 Place, 4nd the oppoficc Arch of the faid Circle will give the number of 
 ' 7 
Part / 
 igh the afore, 
 ircd in wiiicfi 
 fid by the 
 ^rt; the Sim 
 as alfo thofe 
 n beghmeth 
 :her between 
 he Autumnal 
 ^//»'s I'iace in 
 the brazen 
 ecs from the 
 ere the rec- 
 ti the places 
 ition of the 
 n the South 
 IS formerly 
 nd turning 
 e thofe de- 
 Ge, or Dif. 
 the Sun 
 ^t Days 
 . and ob- 
 r Cancer 
 ces upon 
 is dirtant 
 » for the 
 the tvvo 
 of Days 
 le given 
 I'art I. Geographical Problems, 2 f 
 Pays in which he is abfenr. The Pole continuing in the fame Elevati- 
 on bring the beginning o( Cancer to the brazen Meridian, and obfervc 
 the two Degrees of the Ecliptick, which in the mean time co-incidc 
 \\\th the Horizon i then fearch upon the wooden Horizon, for thofe 
 iOavs that the Sun doth enter into the aforefaid Degrees of the 
 Fcliptick, for thofe arc the Days of his tirft and laft appearance in the 
 given Place. 
 Prob. 21. The Movtb ayid Day being given^ to find that 
 'place on the Globe to which the Sun (when in its Meridian) 
 Jhall be vertical on that Day, 
 The Sun% Place in the Ecliptick being (./) found, bring 
 the fame to the brazen Meridian in which make a fmall fa) /'raA.d, 
 mark with Chalk, exat^Iy above the Suns place. Which 
 done, find {b) thofe places that have the Sm in the (b) Prob.j, 
 Meridian at the time given j and bringing them to 
 the brazen Meridian, obferve that part of the Globe exadWy 
 under the aforefaid mark in the Meridian, for that is the place 
 Prob. 22. The Month and Day being given ^ to find upon 
 what Point of the Compafs the Sun rifeth and fetteth in any 
 place at the timegiveyt. 
 Elevate the Pole according to the Latitud. of the defired Place, and 
 finding the Suns Place in the Ecliptick at the given Time, bring the 
 fime to the Eaftern fide of the Horizon, and you may clearly fee 
 the Point of the Compafs upon which he then rifeth. By turning 
 the Globe about till his place co incide with the Weflern fide of the 
 Horizon, you may alfo fee upon the faid Circle the cxaft Point of his 
 Prob. 2?. To hioTP by the Globe the Length of the longeft 
 avdfiorteft Days and Nights in any place of the florid. 
 Elevate the Pole according to the Latitude of the given Place, and 
 bring the firfl Degree of Cancer (if in the Northern^ or Capriarny if 
 m the Southern Hemifphere) to the £<l/^flde of the Horizon; and 
 fctting the Index of the Horary Circle at noon, turn the Globe 
 about till the Sign of Cancer touch the Wejlern-Mt of the Horizon, 
 and then obferve upon the Horary Circle the number of ftouri 
 between the Index and the upper bigurc of XII. (rcc koning them 
 according to the Motion of the index) for that is the Length of the 
 Jongcft Day, the Compliment whereof is the Extent of thcj lliortelf 
 ) ':i 
 m'" 'I 
 Geographical Problems. 
 Part I. 
 Night. As for the Qio: reft Day and longeft Night, they are only th 
 revcrfeofthe former. 
 Prob. 24. To know the Climates of any given place. 
 Find (a) the Length of the longeft Day in the given 
 (a) Prob, 25. Place, and vvhjtever be the number of Hours whereby 
 it furpalfeth Twelve, double that number, and the IVo- 
 duft will give the true Climate of the Place deiir'd. But here note, 
 That this is to be underflood of Places within the Latitude of 5d,'-'. 
 As for thofe of a greater Latitude, (where the Climates encreafe by 
 intirc Months) enter the fecond Table of Climates (pag. ii.) with 
 the Latitude of the given Place, and oppofite thereto you'll find the 
 proper Climate of a place in the faid Latitude. 
 Prob. 2 5 . The Length of the longeft Day in any place bei^ig 
 htown^ to Jind thereby the Latitude of that place. 
 Having the Length of the longeft Day, you may know 
 (a^ Prob. 24. thereby (a) the proper Climate of that Place, and by the 
 Table of Climates (pag. 10.) you may fee what Degree 
 of Latitude corref ponds to that Climate, which Degree is the Latitude 
 ol the Place defir'd. 
 Prob. 26. The Latitude of the Tlace being give) alfo 
 the Sun's Place in the Ecliptick^ to find thereby the begin- 
 ning of the Morning^ and end of the fivening Twilight. 
 The Globe being reftify'd, and the Suni Place brought to the bra- 
 zen Meridian, fet the Index of the Horary Circle at Noon ^ then 
 bring that Degree of the Ecliptick, which is oppofite to the Sun\ 
 Place) to the W'^/F^rn-Quarter, and fo move the Globe together with 
 the Quadrant of Altitude, till the Degree oppofite to the SurCi Place, 
 and the i8th Degree of the faid Quadrant come both in one-- Which 
 done, obferve what Hour the Index then pointeth at, for at that Hour 
 d©th the Morning Twilight begin. As for the Evening Twilight 
 bring the Degree of the Ecliptick oppofite to the5'<n*s Place at that 
 time to the f^/^ern- Quarter, and fo move the Globe till the fame, and 
 the 1 8th Degree of the Quadrant come both in one, and the Index 
 will point at the Hour when the Evening Twilight doth end. 
 ' Pr 
fart I. Geographical Vroblems. 25 
 Prob. 27. The length of the lovgeji Bay hehtg given^ to 
 fnii thereby thofe places of the Earthy in which the loirg(-;ft 
 i)ay is of that Extent. 
 By the given Length of the longeft Day (./) find the 
 crue Degree of Latitude, where the Day is of that Ex- (a) Prob. 25. 
 cent, and making a mark upon that Degree in the 
 brazen Meridian, turn the Globe round, and obferve what Places pafs 
 «xadly under the laid Mark, for they are the Places defir'd. 
 Prob 28. A certain mmber of Days^ not fnrpaj^ng 182. 
 icing given^ to find thereby that Parallel of Latitude oJi the 
 iilobe, where the Sun fettcth not during thofe Days, 
 Take half of the given Number of Days, and whatever it is, count 
 ace being (0 many Degrees upon the Echptick, beginning at the firfl of Cancer., 
 jnd make a mark where the reckoning ends; only obferve, that if 
 Part I. 
 re only th 
 J the given 
 s whereby 
 id the PfQ. 
 here note, 
 ie of 66:., 
 icreafe by 
 II.) with 
 iJ find the 
 nay know 
 nd by the 
 It Degree 
 the bra- 
 le Suns 
 ler with 
 t Hour 
 wi light 
 at that 
 le, and 
 ^our number of Days furpafs thirty, then your number of Degrees 
 ought to be lei's than it by one. Bring then the mark'd Point of the 
 l^cliptick to the brazen Meridian, and obferve exaftly how many 
 pegrees are intercepted between the aforefaid Point and the Pole, for 
 the fame is equal to the defir'd Parallel of Latitude. If the defired Pa- 
 fallel of Latitude be South of the Line, the Operation is the fame, 
 bringing only the firft Degree of Capricorn to the Meridian in lieu of 
 Prob. 29. The Hour of the Day being given, according to 
 (pHr way of reckoning in England, to find thereby the Baby- 
 lonickHour at any time, 
 * The BabyUnkk Hour is the number of Hours from Sm riling, ft being 
 the manner of the Babylonians of old, and the Inhabitants of Norimberg 
 it this Day to commence their Hours from the appearance of the Sun 
 !n theEaJlern Horizon. For the finding of this Hour at any time, and 
 n any place, firft elevate the Pole (a) according to the 
 Laticude of the given Place, and (b) noting the sun's (a) Prob. 2. 
 f lace in the Ecliptick at that time, bring the fame to the 
 Irazen Meridian, and let the Index of the Horary Circle (b) Prob. 6, 
 |t Noon •, after this, rowl the Globe either Eaflward or 
 Weflward according to the time of the Day, till the Index point at the 
 ^(ivenHour. Then fiii the Globe in that Pofition, and bring back the 
 [ndex again to Noon, and move the Globe from PTe/? to Eall^ till the 
 >«n's Place mark'd in the Ecliptick, co-incide with the Eafiern Horizon 
 ^luch done, reckon upon the Horary Circle the Nun»bcr of Hours be- 
 ^vccn the Index Noon (or the upper Figure of 1 2.) for that is the num- 
 It f 
 ;t t 
 «| -^ I 
 GeographlCitl Vrohlems, 
 Part I, 
 ber of Hourj trom Sm-nfm.^ for that Day in die given Place, or th; 
 true Babylonici Honr defn u. 
 Prob. 30. T/;e Habylonick Hour Z'^fw^^ft/^w, to/wjf/j; 
 //bwr 0/ the Day at any time, according to our way of reckon- 
 ing in England. 
 Elevate the Pole according to the given Latitude of the Place, and 
 marking the Sun\ Place in the Ecliprick, bring the lame to the brizer 
 Meridian, and fer the Index of the Horary Circle at Noon. Theo 
 Rowl the Globe IVefttvard till the Index point at the given Hour from 
 Sun rifing, and fixing the Globe in thai Siruation, bring the Index bad 
 again to Noon,and turn the Globe backwards till the uS'wn's Place,mark'(l 
 in the Ecliptick,return to the fame Semi-circle of the brazen Meridian 
 from whence it came -, wl.ich done, obferve wl at Hour the Index ot 
 the Horary Circle pointeth at, for the fame is the Hourdcfir'd. 
 Prob ? z . The Hour of the Day being given accordiJig to our 
 way of reckoning in England, to find thereby the Italick Hour 
 at any time. 
 The Itulicl' Hour is the number of Hours from .9««-fetting atal! 
 times of the Year, to .S'«n-fetting rhe next following Day, 
 (a) Prob. 2. For the ready finding of fuch Hoars, (</) elevate the Pole ac- 
 cording to the Latitude of the Place, and (6) noting the 
 (b) Prob. ^» suns Place in the Ecliptickupon the given Day, bring the 
 fame to ihe brazen Meridian, and fet the Index of rhe Ho* 
 rary Circle at Noon. Then turn the Globe cither Eaj} or Weff^ according 
 to the time of the Day, till the index point at the given Hour, and 
 fixing the Globe in chat Situation, bring the Index back to Noon. 
 Which done, turn the G/obe about Ea'liiv.;rdst\\\ the mark of the Sun'^ 
 Place in the Ecliptick co-incidt with thclVdJlcrn Horizon, and obferve 
 how many Hours there arc between the upper Figure of 12, and 
 the Index (reckoning them Ealh\trct as the Globe moved) for thefc 
 are the Hours trom ,S'M^-fct, or the [t.tUci Hour defir'd. 
 Prob. ?2. The h3.[kk Hour being given, to pid thercb) 
 the Hour of the Diy at any time according to our way of rec- 
 koning in England. 
 This being the Rcveri j of t!ie former Problem'^') elevate 
 (a) Prob. 2. the Pole according to the Latitude of the given »'lace,and no- 
 ting the suns Place in the Ecliptick, bring the lame to tiic 
 Wtjlcrn Horizon and ferting the Index ot the Morary Circle at Noon, 
 turn the Globe IVelirvarihxW the Index po iic at (/?)the It^tlick 
 (MPro^.ji. .'fowr given •, then fixing the Globe ui t! ir Pofition, brin^ 
 the index back to Noon, aiul move chc Globe backward c\\ 
 Ibns of I 
 figot w 
 late the 
 Ind (b) 
 lime, , 
 f che H 
 ill that i 
 ibferve t 
 ler you a 
 ling, if 
 ivork by 
 the giver 
 lumber c 
 the nu 
 the Hoi 
 finding t 
 |o the £ 
 ihcn Ro\ 
 l^ours, ' 
 Index ^ 
 iviih chc 
Part I, 
 ICC, or th; 
 \0 find tiJ: 
 of reckon- . 
 Place, and 
 the brazer 
 on. Then 
 Hour froir, 
 Index bad 
 n Meridian 
 e Index o! 
 Ihtg to our 
 ick Houi 
 tting atal! 
 3 wing Day, 
 the Pole a:- 
 Inoting the 
 , bring the 
 Hour, and 
 ; to Noon 
 the Sun'i 
 d obfervc 
 iz. and 
 for thefc 
 J) of rec' 
 t) elevate 
 l«r,and no 
 me to trie 
 lac Noon, 
 he It,tli(k 
 >n, brins 
 ;ward d\ 
 fart I. 
 Geographical Problef^f. 
 1^ Mark of th*! Suns Place return to the fame Semi-Circle of the bra- 
 il Meridian from whence it came. Which done, oblervehow many 
 loitrs are between Noon and the Index, (reckoning them from Wejl 
 $> Eaji) for thofe are the Hours dtfired according to our way of rec- 
 |oning in England, 
 \ Prob. 33. The Hoinr oj the Day being exalfly given accor- 
 hn^toour way ofrecloning in England, to find thereby th^ 
 fudaical Hour at any time, 
 I By the ^«^4Jcrt///bMr we underfland the exa^ Time of rhc Day accord- 
 fig to the Ancient Jews^ who, in reckoning their Time, divided the Ar- 
 ificia! Day into twelve Hours, and tlie Nighr incoas many, which Hours 
 irov'd e/ery Day unequa' in extent (unlefs in Places cxadUy under 
 tie Equator) they flil! dccreafing or encreafing according to thcSca- 
 Ibns of the Year, or the various Declination ot the S'<». For the find- 
 fig of which Hours, obf'^rve the follov\i-ing Method, (4) KIc- 
 iate the Pole according to the Latitude ot the given Place, (a)Pro6. 2. 
 jjnd {b) marking the Sun's Place in the Eclipcick at that 
 lime, 5 bring it to the £<</?ern Horizon, and fet the Index (b)Pyob»6. 
 if che Horary Circle at Noon \ then turn the Globe about 
 ill that place mfark'd in the Ecliptick, come co the Weflern Horizon, and 
 ibfervethenumber of Hours between Noon and tine Index, tliefe being 
 hcHoursof which the givea Day doth conliff, which num- 
 leryouare to Note down, and (c) to find what Hour from (c) Prob, 
 |un-rifmg correfpondswith the given Hour,or fromSun-fet- 29. 31. 
 iing, if the given Hour be after Sun-fetting. Which done, 
 ivorkby the following Proportion. As the number of Hours, whereof 
 the given Day conftftech, {viz. thofe noted down) is to 12^ fo is the 
 umberof Hours from Sun-rifmg, (ifit bean Hour of the Day) or from 
 un-fetting (if an Hour of the Night) to a fourth proportional, which 
 the number defir'd, vi^. the Judaic tt Hur at the time given. 
 Prob. 34. The Judaical Hour being given to find thereby 
 the Hour of the Day at any time^ according to our way of 
 icchning in England. 
 Elevate the Pole according to the Latitude of the given Place, and 
 finding the Suns Place in the Ecliptick acthe time given, bring the fame 
 io the Eail:rn Horizon, and fet the Index of the Horary Circle at Noon, 
 Ihen Rowl the Globe Wejiward^ till the Sun's Place co incide with the 
 h'dkrn Horizon, and the Index will poiot at the number or equal 
 Hours, whereof that day confifteth. Which number you are to note 
 (lown. and bring the iSKn's Place to the brazen Meridi.m.and letting the 
 Index again at Noon, turn the Globe about till the V/m's Place co incide 
 Iviththc jEaftetn Horizon, and chc Index will point at the Hour when 
 ? D the 
 *', . 
 ' ' ■ I 

 ■u if 
 ^^ Geographical VroblcMS, Part I. 
 the Swnrifeth in the given pljce. Which done, work by the following 
 Proportion. As 1 2 is tothe given Number of Judaical Hohts^ \q is the 
 Length of the Day in equal ! lours (formerly found out) to a fourth 
 proportional, which is the Number dcfir'd, vii^. the Hour of the Dayac 
 cording to our way of reckoning in England, Only note, That if the 
 fourth proportional be icfe than 12, you are to add the fame to the Hour 
 of 5'w/i rifing, and the produft will give the Number of Hours before 
 Noon for that Day •, but if it be more than 12, than fubflra^ it from 12, 
 and the Remainder will give the Hour of the Day for the Afternoon, 
 Prob. ^ 5. To jind the trwr Area of the five Zones in fquan 
 Meafiire^ aUowjyjg So Miles to one Degree in the Equator. 
 The Breadth of the Torrid Zone being 47 Degrees, which rcduc'd 
 jMiIes, make 2820 j each of the Temperate 4:5 Degrees, which make 
 2 580 J and each of the Frigid zt^ Degrees -^, which make 1410 Miles^the 
 true Area, of each of thofc /?ones may be found in fquare Meafure by 
 tbe following Proportion. ( I.) For the Torrid. The Area of the whole 
 Globe being found, {per FroL. i.) fay as Rad, to the Sine of 47-, fo is 
 ^^e I the Area of the Globe to the Areaoi the Torrid Zone. (i.J For 
 each of the Temperate Zones ; fay as Rad. to the difference of the 
 Sines of 23 a and 66 a^ fo is | Arch of the Globe to the Area of one 
 of the Temperate Zones. Lajity, For the Frigid Zones, add -'-Areaoi 
 the Torrid to the whole Area of one of the Temperate, and Subflraft 
 the Prcduft from [■ Area of the Globe, and the Remainder will give 
 the true Area of either of the Frigid 2ones. 
 'art I 
 iiVoow or . 
 Bring th 
 ;he Horary 
 the Globe 
 hat Place: 
 dian, for 
 ihe Globe ; 
 hat Place 
 :'s Midnig 
 ofe Place 
 oving the 
 jing the Pi 
 Prob. : 
 fhl/e tha 
 Vertical at 
 The Sun'i 
 trough t to 
 im^ with ( 
 vvhofe M< 
 the braze 
 Tart of tl 
 .. azcn Mcr 
 ifcrcical at t 
 Prob. q5. ^ Vlace being given on the Globe to find thojt ' Prob. ' 
 which have the fame Hour of the Day with that in the given 
 Place: as aljb that have the contrary Hours, i. e. Mid-night in 
 ihe 071C when it's Mid-day in the other. 
 Bring the given Place to the brazen Meridian^ and obfetvc what 
 PLccs are then exaftly under the Semi-Circle of the faid Meridian, for 
 the People in thorn have the fame Hour with that they have in the gi- 
 ven place. The Globe continuing in that Pofition, fct the Index of the 
 Horary Circle at Noon, and turn the Globe till the Index point at Mid- 
 night, and oblerve what places arc then in that Semi- Circle of the 
 Meridian, for the Inhabitants of thofc Places do reckon their Hours 
 contrary to thofe in the given Place. 
 prob. 37. The Hour of the Day being given in av} 
 place^ to find thofe places of the Hartb where it's ^/r/;fl'^rkncfs, 
 f)td thofe 
 idly, The 
 } Find that 
 rcical at t 
 ■azen Meri 
 ^ion, obfer 
 the Horii 
 the Eafle 
 ley are aC 
art I. 
 PaTt I. Geographical PrMemi. 27 
 Joirthc iVoowor Midnight^ or any other particular Hour at tie fi?ns 
 a fourth 
 e Dayac 
 at if the 
 the Hour 
 rs before 
 from 12, 
 t fquan 
 I reduc'd 
 ich make 
 ;afure by 
 Bring the given Place to the brazen Meridian, and fet the Index of 
 he Horary Circle at the Hour of the Day in thar place. Then turnabout 
 ihe Globe till the Index point at the upper Figure of XII, and obferve 
 f\[xx. Places are exadly under the upper Semi-Circle of the brazen Mc- 
 idian, for in them it's Mid-day at the time given. Which done, turn 
 he Globe about till the Index point at the lower Figure of XII, and 
 diat Places are then in the lower Semi-Circle of the Meridian, ic them 
 s Midnight at the given Time. After the fame manner we may nnd 
 .ofe Places that have any other particular Hour at the Time given, by 
 iioving the Globe till the Index point at the Hourdefir'd, and obfer- 
 Jing the Places that are then under the brazen Meridian. 
 i Prob. 38. The Day and Hour beivg given ^ to find by the 
 ^hbe that particular Place of the Earth to which the Sun is 
 he whoklijirtical at that very time, 
 Tz\ f" The j'w/i's Place in the Ecliptick {a) being found and (a) Vrob. 6, 
 i r'S'"°"8^^ ^^ '^^^ brazen Meridian, make a mark above the 
 •^ r ^"pmt with Chalk ; then {b) find thofc Placesof the Earth, (b) Vrob.^-}, 
 \^? "^^|i whole Meridian the 5«n is at chat inftant, and bring them 
 S bft'* ft' lt)thebrazen Meridian. Which done, obferve narrowly that individu- 
 II \^^'^^ ot' the Earth which falls exaftly under the aforcfaid Mark in the 
 vviJi give g.^^pj^ Meridian, for that is the particular Place, to which the Sun'\% 
 yenical at that very time. 
 y\d thoji ! Prob. 39. The Day and Hour of the Day bdvg given to 
 )e given jhtd thofe Places on the Globe^ in wh' h the Sun then rifeth. 
 night it i^\y^ Thofe in which he then fetteth, \(\\y^ Ihofe to whom 
 ft i Mid-day, And Laftly, Thofe PLices that are a^ually en- 
 Sj^htnedy and thofe that are 7tot, 
 lian for '^'"^ ^^"^^ Place of the (a) Globe, to which thes«n is 
 n the ei- jl"'^^^ ^^ ^^^^ S^^^" Time, and, bringing the fame to the (« ]Prob, 38. 
 ^ ^ **azen Meridian,(^, elevate the Pole according to the La- 
 udc of the faid Place. The Globe being fixt in that Po- (b) proh. 6* 
 ion, obferve what Places are in the Wejlcrn Semi-Circle 
 the Horizon, lor in them the s«n rifeth at that time, 2dl} . fhofc 
 the £tfj?(rni Semi-Circle, for in them the ^wn fetteth. 9dly, Thofc 
 atare exa(i>ly under the brazen Meridian, for ia them it's Mid day. 
 id I(i/?/y, all thofe upon the upper Hemifphere of the Globe, for 
 I • 'i^^ ^^^ a^ually cnlightned, and thofe upon the lower are them m 
 t ^/tw^^rkncfs, or deprived of the Swn at iluc rery time. 
 Noon , p 2 
 :x of the 
 : at Mid' 
 e of the 
 ir Hours 
 in awj 
 !' m 
 i< :i 

 , I 
 !> ;- ; 
 I ' I 
 Geographical Problems, 
 Prob. 4:. The Month and Djy being ^roev^ a^ alfo thePk 
 of the Moon in the Zodiack^ and her true Latitude^ to j> 
 thereby th'^ exacl Haiir when Jhe Jhall r'lje and fet to^.,her m\\ 
 her Southing (or coming to the Jleridian) of the given Plaa 
 The Afooii^ Place in the Zotiiack may be found ready enough at a' 
 time by an ordinary Ahiunack, and her Latitude (which is herdifidrri 
 from the Kclij.cick) by applying the Scmi-Circlc of I'oli; 
 (a) Prob, 2. on to her Tlace in tie Zodiack. Vor tlie folution of[;_ 
 Problem, ^^) elevate the pole according to th.e Latitude; 
 {h)Frob.6. the given Place, and the Sun's Place in the Fxliptick, ; 
 that time, being [b] found, and mirk'd with Cha'k, ; 
 alfo the />/';'};?'s Place at the fmietime: Bring the Suns Place tot!' 
 brazen Meridian, and (et the index of the Horary Circle at Noon, ar 
 turn the Globe till tlie Moon's P.'ace fuccelTively co-incide with the R. 
 jlern and IVeJlem fide of the Horizon, as alfo the brazen Meriaian, ar 
 the Index will point at thofc various tim?s, the particular Hour of ht 1 n-„| 
 Uifin.;^, Setting and .Southing. 4,,^' 
 I^HjI). 41. The Day avd Hour oj either a Solar or Ivv: 
 F.clipfe being known ^ to find by the Globe all thofc Flacesl 
 ^hich the fame will be vijdde, . . 
 M.irk the Suns Place in the (?) Ecliptick for the give 
 (a] Prob. 6, al/b iheoppofite Point thereto, which is the PIa( 
 o( rli'! MyaiAt that time. Then find (b) thit Place of t^ J undcl 
 ig the fame to the Pole (or vertical Point) ot the Wo; 
 den Horizon,3nd, fixing the Globe in that Situation, obfervcwhjt Plaa 
 are in the upper licmifphere, for in Mioff of them will thv? Sun be vii; 
 ble during his Fclip'" . As for the Lunar Eclipfe, vr 
 (c)rrcb, 9. are to find (c) the Antipodes of that place which hath tl: 
 6'//;i vertical at tlie given Hour, and bringing the famei 
 the Pole ot the wooden Horizon, oblcrvc (as formerly) what Plaa 
 are in the upper Hemifphcrc of th'^ Globe, fc'.- in fuch will the M^' 
 be vi(il)le during her Ecliplc, except thofe that are very near unt;| 
 or actually in ihe Horizon. 
 Prob. 42. J Place being given on the Globe^ to find the tru 
 Sitiiatlo7i thereof from all other Places defy d or how it bearcl 
 VI rejptd offiich Places, 
 The yarious Places defir'd [which are fuppoled to be fome of thol 
 thac lie upon the intcrmcdiacc Points of the Compafs] being pitched ii[ 
 :s of 1 
 to Leaj 
Part fart T. 
 Geographical Problems. 
 yh the Fh 
 'tdt\ to f} 
 ven Plaa 
 lough ata- 
 i her diflarr; 
 :Ie of I'oli: 
 1, bring rhe given Place to the l)razcn Mcridiun, and cJevare rhe Pole 
 rcording to its Latitude, and fixing tlie Q^tudnnt of Altitude in the 
 :aith, apply the lame luccclfivels' to the Places defir'd, jtid the lower 
 li c oi the laid (Quadrant will interfcv^ the woodecn Horizon at thofe va- 
 |ous Points of the Compafs (infcrib'd upon the faid Circle) according 
 the true bearing of the given Place, in relpeft of the Places deiir'd. 
 Prob. 4^. J Place behig given on the Glohe^ to find all other 
 jces that arc fitiiated from the fame^ njjon aiiy dfiv'd Point of 
 lution oft; , 't^ Compafs. 
 e Latitude; 
 Bxliptick ; ing the faid Place to the brazen ?Jcridian, and fixing the (^Uudranc 
 th Cha'k, 
 t Noon, 
 n'ith the }.. 
 leiiaian, ar 
 Hour of h{ 
 Elevate the Pole according to the Latitude of the given Place, and 
 Altitude in the Zenith, apply the lower part thereof to the defir'd 
 Place tot: i^inc of the Compafs upon the wooden Horizon; and obfcrve whac 
 aces arc cx.Utly uiider the Edge of the faid (Quadrant, for thofe are 
 le Places thai ureiituatcd from, or bear otf, the g.ven Place according 
 I [he dc(ircd /.^oint of the Compafs. 
 J Prob. 44. Tivo Places being given on the Globe^ to find the 
 ii{! diftance between them. 
 r or / J/)/: i The two Places given mufl: of ncccfTicy lie under either the fame 
 e Places • Jeridian, the fame Parallel of Latitude; orelfeditfer both in Longitude 
 d Latitude. (\,) H they lie under the fame Meridian, then bring 
 em both, to tlie brazen Meridian, and obferve the number of De- 
 ocs of Latitude comprehended between them, which being reduc'd 
 CO Leagues or Miles, will give the Diilance requir'd. (2) If they 
 under the fame Parallel of Latitude, then bring them feparately 
 the brazen Meridian, and obferve the Number of Degrees be- 
 een them upon the Equator ; which done, enter the Table [ pag, 
 ] with the Latitude of the given Placs, and feeing thereby how 
 any Miles in chat Parallel are anf.verable to one Degree in the E- 
 ator, multiply thofe Miles by the aforefaid Number of Degrees upon 
 e Equator, and the Product will give the Diilance requir'd. But, 
 (/?/>, if the two Places given doditferboth in Longitude and Lati- 
 de, then bring one of them to the vertical Point of the brazen Me- 
 ian, and extending the Quadrant of Altitude to the other, obferve 
 )!! the faid (^.'.adrant the Number of Degrees between them, which 
 ing reduc'd mto Leagues or Miles, will give the diftanre requir'd. 
 is third Cafe of the Problem being moll confiderable, and occurring 
 d tfc^fnilnre frequently than the other two, we Ihill here annex another way 
 it bearc\% performing the fame befides the Giobe, and that is by refolvinga 
 "lerical Triangle, two Sides whereof {vtx^. the Complements of the 
 ffercnt Latitudes, or thedif\ance of the given Places from the Poles) 
 e of tho'Jenot only given, but alio the Angle comprehended between them, 
 icch'd iifjt being equal to the difference of their Longitude) by which Sides 
 or the give 
 is the P!j( 
 Place of t!^ 
 Hour, ac 
 t the Wg:, 
 Sm be vil; 
 clipfe, V( 
 ch hath tl: 
 |he fame ! 
 ^vhat Plaa 
 ill the M'^' 
 Inear unt;i 
 ' if u 
 Geographical Problems* 
 Part I 
 rl ' f 
 '/ '^'i 
 i! -I? 
 and Angle given, we may very eafily find the third Side by the notcc 
 Rules in Trigonometry, which third Side is the diitance required. 
 Prob. 45. ^ Place beivg given on the Globe ^ and its tm 
 Difiance from a fecojid place, to find thereby all other Plaai 
 of the Earth that are of the Ja?ne diftance from the giva 
 Place . 
 Bring the given Place to rhe brazen Meridian, and elevate the Po!( 
 according to the Latitude of thefaid Place ^ then fix the Quadraiito: 
 Altitude in the Zenith, and reckon up the faid Quadrant, the givcB 
 Diftance between the firft and fecond Place (providing the fame bt 
 under 90 Degrees, otherwife you muft ufe the Semi Circle of Pofition 
 and making a Mark where the reckoning ends, and moving the faii 
 Quadrant or Semi-Circle quite round upon the Surface of the Globe 
 all Places paffing under that Mark, arethofe Dcfir'd. 
 Prob. 46. The Latitude of two Places being given^ and hoi, 
 one of them beareth of the other ^ to find thereby the true Di 
 Jiance between them. 
 Por the Solution of this Problem, luppofe the firfl Meridian to Ix 
 the true Meridian ot one of the given Places, particularly that whof( 
 bearing is unknown. Upon the Upper Semi Circle of that Meridiar 
 mark the Latitude of the faid Place •, then elevate the Pole accord 
 ing to the Latitude of the other place, and, fixing the Quadrant 
 Altitude in the Zenith, extend the fame to the given Point of tht 
 Compafs upon the wooden Horizon, and turn the Globe about till thi 
 Point mark'd in the aforef aid Meridian coincide vvith the faid Quadran: 
 Which done, reckon upon that Quadrant the Number of Degrees be 
 tween that Point mark'd in rhe firft Meridian and the vertical Point 
 which Degrees being converted into Leagues or Miles, will give tin 
 pittance rcquir'd. 
 Prob. 47. The Longitude of two Places being given^ as al 
 fo the Latitude of one of them^ and its bearing from thcothei 
 to find thereby the true Dijlance between them. 
 For the Solution of this Problem, fuppofe the firft Meridian to fci 
 thctrueMeridianof the Place, whofe Latitude is unknown, Reckct 
 from that Meridian upon the Equator the number of Degrees equi 
 to 'Jie diflference of longitude of the two Places, and make a marl 
 where the reckoning ends, and bringing the fame to the brazen Me, 
 ridian, (which rcprefents the Meridian of the fecond Place) reckoE 
 upon it the Degrees of the given Latitude j and fixing the Globe i: 
 "he Gl( 
 Uce, w 
 the fam 
 pr Miles 
 from a 
 \iance } 
 Ridian, a 
 find end 
 |he Lati 
 the firft 1 
 lend the 
 lipon the 
 the third 
 /here th 
 the Pole J 
 the given 
 fervc wh 
 lade upc 
 (ir'd, wh 
 ing Prob 
 isalfo t 
 Iniore, le 
 hit have 
Part I 
 ' the notec 
 d its tm 
 her Placti 
 the giva 
 te the Poll 
 the gives 
 e fame bt 
 >i Pofition 
 ig the faii 
 the Globe 
 and hon 
 true Di 
 idian tobt 
 that whofi 
 t Meridiar 
 \\c accord 
 tine of tht 
 out till tht 
 >egrtes be 
 ical Point 
 I give till 
 w, as al 
 >art h Geographical Problems. 5 ^ 
 ihat Situation, raife the Pole according ro that Lacitufle, and fix the 
 ■quadrant of Altitude in the Zenith, cxrending the other extremity 
 ihereof to the given Point of the Compafs upon the wooden Horizon, 
 |The Globe continuing in this Pofition, obferve that Pointof the Sur- 
 Iface, wiiere the (Quadrant of Altitude interfefts the firft Meridian, for 
 Ithc fame reprefenteth thefecond Place, and that Arch of the (^ua- 
 ilranc between the (aid Point and Zenith, being converted into Leagues 
 jpr Miles, will give the Diftance required. 
 Prok 48. The Diftance between two Places lying under the 
 fame Meridian being given^ as alfo their refpe&ive bearing 
 from a third Place^ to find thereby that place with its true Di- 
 \hnce from the other two. 
 The given Difhnce being reckon'd any where upon the brazen Me- 
 ridian, and thofe places of the Globe exaftly under the beginning 
 fnd end of that reckoning being mark'd, raiie the Pole according to 
 he Latitude of one of them, (which for Diflindtion's fake, we'll term 
 fhefirft Place) and fixing the^^adrant of Ahitude in the Zenith, ex- 
 lend the other extremity thereof to the given Point of the compafs 
 n the wooden Horizon^ according as thefaid firft place beareth off 
 he third unknown, and makea Imal! Traft with Chalk upon the Globe, 
 here the Edge of the (Quadrant paffeth along. Which done, elevate 
 hePole according to the Latitude of the Icccnd Place, and fixing the 
 Quadrant of Altitude in the Zenith, extend the fame (as formerly) to 
 he given Point of the Compafs upon the wooden Horizon, and ob- 
 "ervc where the faid Quadrant interfedts the aforefaid Traft of Chalk 
 adeupon the Surface of the Globe, for that is the third Place dc- 
 ir'd, whofe Diftance from the other two may be found by the forego- 
 ng Problem. 
 Thefe are the C\i\ti Problems performable by the Terreftrial Globe, 
 IS alfo the manner of their Performance: But if the Reader defirc 
 lore, let him confult Varenius, (his Geographia Generalis) from whom 
 |we have borrowed feveral of thofe abovcmencion'd. Now followeth, 
 iccording to our propofcd Method, 
 lan tobd 
 'ees cqui 
 :e a marl 
 azen Me. 
 ?) reckoE 
 Globe i: 
 D 4 
 It l: r 
 ;,;. I 
 " !>' 
 ■ ,^ 
 :■■ 1, 
 I, ■ 
 u 41 
 part I 
 SECT, m. 
 Containing fome plain Geographical Theorems. 
 Theor. i. np f/Zi" Latitude of any Place is always equal u 
 X the Elevation of the Pole in the fame Place^ 
 & e contra. 
 Theor. 2. The Elevation oj the Equator in any Place is al- 
 ways equal to the Compliment of the Latitude in the fame Placs^ 
 & vice verfa. 
 Tlieor. 3. Thofe Places lying under the Equino&ial Line, 
 have nothing of Latitude^ it being there that the Calculation oj 
 Latitude begi7is. 
 Theor. 4. Ihofe Places lying exaBly under the two Poles havs 
 the greatejl Latitude^ it being thcrj that the Calculation oj' 
 Latitude doth end. 
 Theor. 5. Thofe Places lyijtg ex;a&ly under the fir fl Meridian^ 
 have nothing of Longitude^ it beiyig there that the Calculation 
 cfLo7igitude begins, 
 Theor. 6. Thofe Places immediately adjacent to the We- 
 &eTn-Jide ofthefrjl Meridian have the greatejl Longitude^ it 
 being there that the Calculation of Longitude doth end. .; ,;. 
 Theor. 7. All Places lying upon eituer fde oj the Equator^ 
 have the greater or leffer Latitude according to their reJ^eQivi 
 Vijlance therefrom, 
 Theor. 8. AU Places lying upon either fide of the Equator^ 
 and exa^ly tinder the fame^ have the greater or lejjer Longi- 
 tude^ according to their refpeflive Dijiance from the frji Me' 
 Theor. 9. That particular Place of the Earth lying exaSl] 
 tmdcr the Interfe&ion of the firjl Meridian and Equino^lial 
 Line hath neither Longitude nor Latitude* 
 ten cl\ 
 do eq\ 
 are eel 
 . ^^ 
 is the 
 that . 
part I iPart I. Geographical Theorems: 59 
 Theor. 10. ISJo Place of the Earth is dijlavt frc?n a7iother 
 above i o8co Italian JUiles^ allowirtg 60 to one Degree in the 
 Theor. 11. iVo Vlace of tlr Earth is dijlantfrom its pro- 
 ber Antipodes (diametrically taken) above 7200 Italian 
 Miles ^ Jiill allowing 60 to one Degree in the Equator. 
 Theor. 12. The fenjible Horizon of every Place doth as of- 
 ten change^ as we happen to change the Place it felf, 
 Theor. 19. The apparent Semi-diameter of thefenfible Ho- 
 rizon in moji Places^ doth frequently vary accordiv.g to the Re- 
 fraBion of the ^wn-beams, 
 Theor. 1 4 All Countries upon the Face of the whole Earth 
 do equally enjoy the Light of the Sun (in refpe&of Time) and 
 are equally deprived of the benefit thereof 
 Theor. 15. In all Places on the Globe of the Earth.^ (fave 
 exa&ly under the Poles) the Days and Nights are of an equal 
 Lengthy ( viz. twelve Hours each ) when the Sun comet h to 
 the Equino&ial Line. 
 Theor. 16. In all Places between the Equino&ial and the 
 two Poles^ the Days and Nights are never equal to one another ^ 
 fave only thofe two times of the Tear^ when the Sun entreth the 
 Signs of Aries and Libra. 
 Theor. 17. The nearer any Place is to the Line ^ theleffer 
 is the difference between the Length of the Artificial Days ani 
 Nights in thefaid Place ^ and on the contrary^ the farther re- 
 mov'd^ the greater. 
 Theor. 18. In all Places lying under the fame Parallel of 
 Latitude^ the Days and Nights are of the fame exte7it^ and 
 that at aU times of the Tear. 
 Theor. 1 9. Three or more Places being given on the Globe 
 that lie between the Equator and either of the Poles ^ and equi- 
 dijlantfrom one another ^ the Extent of toe longejl Day in thofe 
 Places doth not encreafe proportionably to the dijlance of the 
 Places themfelves. 
 Theor. 20. Three or more Places being given on the Globe 
 that lie between the Equator and the Poles^ in which the 
 'hcor, . Length 
 5 equal u 
 me Place^ 
 %ce is al- 
 me Place^ 
 Hal Line, 
 ulation oj 
 Poles havs 
 tlation oj 
 the We- 
 itttde^ it 
 r * 
 irft Me^ 
 '■ \ 
 <t M 
 P 3] 
 ,/., 1 
 I fi 
 ■ li 
 ( I 
 34 Qeographical Theorems. V^xt I, 
 Length of the longeft Day doth equally enaeafe *, the diftanu I 
 between the Parallels of thofe Places is not equal to one ajt- 
 Theor. 2 1 . Three or more Places behig given on the Globe^ 
 Tphofe diHance from the Equator to either Pole exceeds one an- 
 other in Arithmetical Proportion : The Length of the longejl 
 Day in one doth not keep the fame Analogy to that in the other, 
 according to the Propoition of their diftance, 
 Theor. 22. In all Places of the Torrid Zone^ the Morning 
 and Evening Twilight is leaft • in the Frigid^ greateft 5 and in 
 the Temperate ii*s a Medium between the two, > 
 Theor. 2^. To all Places lyi7ig within the Torrid Zone^ the 
 Sun is duly Vertical twice a Tear , to thofe under the Tropichy 
 once ^ but to them in the Temperate and Frigid, never » 
 Theor. 24. In all Places of the two Frigid Zones, tJ^ Sun 
 appear eth every Tear without fettitfg for a certain Number of 
 Days^ and difappeareth for the fame fpace of time. And th^ 
 nearer unto^ or the farther from the Pole thofe Places are^ the ^ 
 longer or Jhorter is his continued Prefence in^ or Abfencefrom 
 Theor. 2$» In all Places exa^ly wider the ArElick and An- 
 tariiick Circles^ the Sun ( at his greateft Declination ) appea- 
 reth every Tear for one Day compleatly without fetting^ and 
 intircly dijappeareth another^ but daily rifetb and fettettb in 
 thofe Places at all other times^ as eljewhere, 
 Theor. 26. In all Places between the Equator and the 
 l^oxth'Pole, the longeft Day and fiorteft Night, is always 
 when the Sun hath the greateft Northern Declination j and 
 the porteft Day and longeft Nighty when he bath the greateft 
 Theor. 27. In all Places between the Equator and the 
 South-Pole^ the longeft Day and ftwrteft Night is always when 
 the Sun hath the greateft Southern Declination -^ and the 
 fhoYtcft Day and longeft Nigfjt^ when the greateft Northern. 
 doth c^ 
 Sun rij 
 of the 
 ways th 
 the Sec 
 the Ci 
 very wi 
 the C 
 Part I. Geographical Theorems. 55 
 Theor, 28. In all Places Jitiiated mder the EquhioEiial 
 Lm^ the Meridian Shadow of a Style peirpe7:dicularly ere3ed 
 doth cajl itjelf towards the Korth for one half oj the lear^ 
 and towards the South during the other, 
 Theor. 29. In all Places lying under the Equinociial Lhie, 
 there is no Jleridian Shadow ov thofe two Days of the lear^ 
 that the Sun doth e^tter the Signs of Aries and Libra 
 Theor. ?o. The nearer that Places are unto ^ or the farther 
 removd from the Equator^ the fiorter or longer accordivigly is 
 the Meridian Shadow of a Style perpendicularly e^-ecled injucb 
 Theor. 3 t . The farther that Places are removed from tbs 
 Equator (yet not furpajjing 66 Degrees of Latitude ) thegrea- 
 ter is the Sun's Amplitude^ or that Arch of the Horizon he- 
 tween the Points of due Eaft and Weft, and thofe in which the 
 Sun rifeth and fetteth on the Days of the Summer ajid Winter 
 Theor. ^2. In all Places lying under the fame Semi-Circh 
 of the Meridian^ the Hours both of the Day and,l\ight are aU 
 ways thejame in one^ as in the other. 
 Theor. 3^. In all Places both of the North and Southern 
 Hemifpheres, that lie wtder oppnjite Parallels of Latitude^ 
 the Seafons of the lear are not the Jame in one^ as in the 
 Theor. 34. In all Places fituated in a Parallel Sphere^ 
 the Circle of the Sun'* Diurnal Motion runs always Pa^ 
 rallel ( or very near it ) to the rcfpe^ive Horizon offuch 
 Theor. 35. In all Places fituated in a Right Sphere^ the 
 Circle of the Sun'* Diurjial Motion is fill perpendicular ( or 
 very near it ) to the refpeBive Horizon offuch Places, 
 Theor. 36. /w all Places ft uated in an Oblique Sphere^ 
 the Circle of the Suns Diurnal Jlotion is always Oblique 
 unto^ or cutteth the Horizon of fw;b Places at unequal 
 'f r 
!» r 
 M. :v 
 :.'■ I 
 <i ';. 
 ! I 
 36 Geographkal Theorems, Part I. 
 Theor. ^"J* If the difference of Lovgitude ht two Places k 
 exaSly i^ Degrees. The People rejidivg in the Eajlmoji 0] 
 them will reckon the time of the Dayfoomr by one Hour^ than 
 tJjofe in the other. If the difference he :^q Degrees^ then they'll 
 reckon their Hours Jooner by two. If ^$ Degrees^ by three. 
 And if by 60, then by four^ 8cc. 
 Theor. 28. If People refding in two difin& Places do differ 
 exa^ly one Hour in reckoning their time ( it being only Is/oon 
 to one^ when one Afternoon to the other ) the true dijlance be- 
 tween the refpe&ive Meridians of thofe Places is exacily 1 j 
 Degrees upon the Equator. If they differ two Hours^ the di- 
 fiance is 90 Degrees. ^ three, it's 4J. And if four ^ it's 
 compleatly 60, Sec- 
 Theor. ^^, If a Ship fet out from any Port^ and peering 
 Eaftward doth intirely jurroiind the Globe of the Earthy th) 
 People of thefaid Ship in reckoning their ti?ne^ will gain one 
 Day compleatly at their return^ or count one more than thofe 
 refding at the faid Port, If Wtfward^ then thefll lofe oiie^ 
 or reckon one lefs. 
 Theor. 40. If two Ships fet out from the fame Port at the 
 fame time, and both furround the Globe of the Earthy one 
 Reeling Eaft, a7jd the other We ft ward, they'll differ from 
 one another in reckoning their time two Days compleatly at 
 their return^ evenfuppofe they happen to arrive on the fame 
 Day, If they furround the Earth twice (feering as afore- 
 faid) they'll differ four Days ^ if thrice^ thcnfx^ &c. 
 Theor. 41. If federal Ships fet out from the fame Port^ 
 either atthefame^ or different times, and do all furrouud the 
 i Globe of the Earthy foine fleering due South, and others due 
 North, and arrive again at the fame Port-, the rejpe&ive Peo- 
 ple of thofe different Ships at their return will not differ from 
 one another in reckoning their time^ nor from thofe who refide 
 at thf faid Port. ■ . . . 
 i - 
Part I. 
 Places hi 
 ^fimoft oj 
 ^ur, than 
 hen they'll 
 by three, 
 do differ 
 ily JS/oon 
 Qance be- 
 acily 15; 
 , the di- 
 ^ottr^ it's 
 Tth^ th". 
 gain one 
 *an thofe 
 lofc one^ 
 at the 
 th^ one 
 T from 
 \atly at 
 •^ fame 
 \ud the 
 ''s due 
 \e Peo- 
 (part I. Geographical Paradoxes. 
 I The are the chief Geographical Theorems^ or Felt- 
 levident Truths clearly deducible firom the foregoing Pro- 
 ]blems, and to thefe we might add a great many more 5 
 but leaving fuch Truths, we pa(s to fome others ( in pur- 
 ^fuance of our propofed Method) and fuch as are equally 
 *^certain with the aforefaid Theorems, though not fo 
 apparent, yet probably more diverting. Therefore foi- 
 ' lovveth 
 SEC T. IV. 
 Containing fome amazing Geographical 
 i Paradoxes. 
 Par. I . np HE RE are two remarkable Places on the Globe 
 Jl of the Earthy in which there is only one Day and 
 one Night throughout the whole Tear. 
 ■4 Par. 2. There are alfo fome Places on the Earthy in which 
 it is neither Day nor Night at a certain time of the Tear^ for 
 tbefpace of twenty four Hours, 
 ■i Par. ^. There is a certain Place of the Earthy at which 
 if two Men fJmuld chance to ?neet, one would ftand upright 
 upon the Soles of the others Feet^ and neither of them Jhould 
 feel the others weighty and yet both JI)ould retain their Na- 
 tural Pojiure, 
 Par. 4. Tljere is alfo a certain Place of the Earthy where 
 a Fire being made^ Jieither Flame nor Smoak woidd afcend^ 
 but move circularly about the Fire. Moreover^ if in that 
 ; ]^lace one JI)ould fix afmooth or plain Table without any Ledges 
 wbatfoever^ and pour thereon a large Quantity of Water^ not 
 one Drop thereof could run over tbefaiatMe^ but would raife 
 \ ^*^fe{f^'2 ^w a large heap. 
■' ^^4 
 I,? t" 
 I ll 
 ( ; 
 If i 
 II "If [!.' 
 11, 1 
 38 Geographical Paradoxes. Part I. 
 Par. 5. There is n certain Place oti the Globe^ cf a cofifidemble 
 Southern i^atitude, that hath both the grcatcjl and leaji Degree of 
 Loriiji^i tilde. 
 Par. 6. There are three remarl^able Places on the Globe^ that differ 
 hoth in L' ^gi'iidc and Latitude, atid yet all lie under cne and the 
 fame Meridian. 
 Par. 7. There arc th/ce remar^kahle Places en the Continent 0/ Eu- 
 rope, that lie under three different Meridinns, and yet all agree both 
 in Longitud<\ and Latitude, 
 Par. 8. There is a cjitain I (land in the /Egxan Sea, upon 
 which, if two Chiulren were brought forth at the fame i?/Jinnt of 
 time, a>id living together for fever al Tea/S, Jhottld both expire 
 on the fntm. Day, yea^ at the fame Hour and Minute of that Day^ 
 yet the fjfe of one would furpafs the Life of the ether by diver: 
 Par. 9. There ae two ohfervablc Places belonging to Afia, that tie 
 under the fame A^cridian, and cf a fmall dijiance from one anO' 
 ther J and yet the refjetiiye Inhabitants of them in reckoning their 
 time do dijfer an intire Natural Day every Weel{, 
 Par. JO. There is a particular Place of the Earth, vohere theff^inds 
 ( though frequently veering round the Compajs ) do alwny bio?? from 
 the North Point. 
 Par. II. Ti.^cre is a certain Hill intheSouxh a/ Bohemia, on 
 Vfhofe Top, if an Bquinoclial Sun-Dial be duly cre^ed y a Man that 
 is Stone-blind may i{now the Hour of the Day by the fame, if the 
 Sun /]ji?ies. 
 Par. 12. There is a confiderablc Number cf Places lying voithin 
 the Torrid ^one, in any if which, if a certain kjnd of Sun-Dial 
 he duly e'cclcd 'y the Shadow will go b:2ck, feveral Degrees upon the 
 fime, at a certain time of the Tear 5 and that twice every Day for 
 the f pace of divers l^^eekj : yet no ways dnogatingfiom that miracu- 
 lous returyiiii?^ of tije Shadow upon the Dial of Ahaz, in the Days of 
 Kjf'^ Hczckiah. 
 Par. 13. There are divers Pinces on the Continent of Africa, and 
 the IJlands cf Sumatra nnd Borneo, Xi>here a certain kind of Sun- 
 Dial b:rng duly fix t, the Gnomon thereof will eafl nojhadow at all, 
 during fevcral fcafons of the Tear '^ and yet the exat} time of the 
 Day may ba k^iown thereby. 
 Part I. 
 Par. 14. 
 nhich beinj 
 'aid Ship, 
 Coutfe for 
 md juft tti 
 Par. IS 
 c/' 4 very\ 
 frange an\ 
 mo of the 
 [mc, in 
 cf time. 
 Par. 16.1 
 Ocea?*^ whe\ 
 that ts tofh 
 fore it. 
 Par. 17. 
 ous Globe, 
 )ct 'tis imp 
 mediate Po 
 Cardinal U 
 Par. 18. 
 ip/jq/f Inhai 
 Morning bej 
 Par. 19- 
 fituated in a 
 tints therec 
 k either rij 
 Par. 10. 
 Britain, to 
 <ihout the H 
 Par. II. 
 ^iwfe Inhai 
 mojl enlighi 
 Par. 22. 
 \i feveral 
 jicperly be 
Part I. Geographical Paradoxes. 39 
 Par. 14. There is a certain Ijland in the vafi Atltntlck Ocean 
 nhich being defcryd by A Ship at Sea^ and bearing due Eaft of the 
 litid Shipf at twelve Leagues dijiant per Eftimation ; The trueft 
 Cou)fe for hitting of thejaid JJland, is tojlcerfix Leagues due Eatt, 
 nd juft (ti many due Weit. 
 Par. 1 5. There is a remarkjtbU Place on the Globe of the Earth, 
 (f 4 very pure and wholfom Air to breath in^ yet of fuch a 
 frange atid deteftable Qnality^ that it's abfolutely impofjlble for 
 two of the intirejl Friends that ever breath'd, and cohfinut' in the 
 fme, in Mutual Love and Fricndjhip for phe fpace of twj) Minutes 
 cf time. 
 Par. 1 6, There is a certain noted Place in the vafi Atlancick 
 OcMw, where a brisks Levant is abfolutely the befl Hind for a Ship 
 that K to fhape a due E«ft Courfe 5 and yet '(he p:all Jllll go be^ 
 fore it. 
 Par. 17. There are divers remar liable Places t^pon tbeTcmquC'^ 
 o\is Globe, whofe fenfble Horizon ts commonly fair anJJhene ; and 
 )Ct *tis impoffible to difiinguijh properly in it any one cf the Inter- 
 mediate Po/w/j f/ f/?e Compafs J nayy nor fo much as two of the four 
 Cardinal themfelves. 
 Par. 18. There is a certain Ijland in the Balrick Sea, to 
 whofe Inhabitants the Body of the Svn is clearly ifljible in the 
 Morning before be arifeth, and likewije in the Evening after he is 
 Par. 19. There is a certain Village in the Kingdom of Naples,' 
 fituated in a very low Valley, and yet the Sun k nearer to the Inhabit 
 tints thereof every Noon by 3000 Miles, and upwards, than when 
 k either rifeth orfetteth to thoje of the f aid Village, 
 Par. 20. There is a certai?i Village in the South of Great 
 Britain, to whofe Inhabitants the Bndy of the Sun is lefs vifible 
 about the fVinter Solfiice, than to thofc who refidc upon the Ijland of 
 Par. II. There is a vajl Country in ^Ethiopia Superior, to 
 ^i'vfe Inhabitants the Body of the Moon doth always appear to be 
 mojl enlightned when f he's Icafl enlightned ^ and to be leafl when 
 Par. 12. There is a certain Ijland, ( whereof mention is jnadc 
 iy fever al of our latcji Geographers ) whofe Inhabitants cannot 
 jrcperly be reckon d either Male or Female, nor altogether tier" 
 inrphredites j yet fuch n their peculiar ^tality^ that they re fel- 
 i..;' ,1! 
 Is 1 , > 
 • i' ' i' 
 t ii 
 ft ill 
?. II ' :j 
 40 Geographical Paradoxes, Part I. 
 dom liable unto cither Himgcr cr Thirfl, Cold or Heat, Joy or Sor. 
 row, Hopes or Fears, or any fuch of the common Attendants of Hu- 
 man Life, 
 Par. 15. There is a remnrkjihle Place of the Earth of n ccnfidc 
 rable Southern Latitude, from whofe Meridian the 6un removeth im 
 fcrfeveral Days at a certain time vf the Tear, 
 Par. 24. Ihere is a certain Flace of the Earth of a confiderahle 
 'Northern Latitude^ where though the Days and Nights, ( even vohen 
 Jhorteji ) do confijl of fever al Hews i yet in that place it^sMid-daj 
 er Noon every (garter of an Hour, 
 Par. 25. There are divers Places on the Globe of the Earthy 
 where the Sun and Moon, yea, and all the Planets, do aclually rife 
 andfct according to their various Motions, hut never any of the fixt 
 Par. 26. There is a very remarkable Place upon the Terraqueous 
 Globe where all the Planets, notwithjianding th:ir different Motions, 
 and various AfpeHs, do always bear upon one and the fame Point oj 
 the Comp/ifs, 
 Par. 27. There is a certain noted Part of the Earth, where the 
 Snn and Moon [ ipfo tempore plenilunii ] may both happen to 
 rife at the fame in ft ant cf time, and ujfon the fame Point of the 
 Par. 28. There is a certain Place on the Continent 0/ Europe, when 
 iffeveral of the ablefl Aflrcnomers ( the World now affords fhould 
 nicely cbferve the Coelcftial Bodies, and that at the fame infiant of 
 time, yet the planetary Phales, and their various Alpedts wotild bf 
 really different to each of them, 
 Par. 29. There is a hrge and famous Country on the Continent cf 
 Africa, many of whofc Inhabitants are born pcrfcclly Dcrf, and c- 
 thers Stone-blind, and covtiyme fo during their whole Lives ; andyet 
 fuch is the ama:(ing Faculty of thrfe Perfons, that the Deaf arc as 
 aapable to judge of Sounds as thrfe that hear, and the Blind of Co- 
 lours as they who fee. 
 Par. 30. There are certain People in Somh America^ who are prO' 
 ferlyfurnifh'd with only one of the five Sevfes, viz, that of Touching, 
 and yet they can both Hear and See, Tajle and Smell, and that as 
 nicely as wc Europeans, who have all the Five. 
 Par. 31. There is a certain Country in South America, wm- 
 fiy of whffe Savage Inhabitants are fuch unheard of Canibals, 
 that they not only feed uJ)on Human Fleflo-^ bnt alfo fomc of them 
 to aat 
 ; Par. 
 ihree th 
 iip in 
 %ny mor\ 
 ^ Par. 
 teirJg gc 
 that the , 
 ' Par. 3 
 ra, whcf 
 the fame 
 )ct they} 
 Heads, ' 
 ' Par. 3 
 tthcY thn 
 either Lo. 
 Par. 3' 
 the fame 
 . mnpleatl; 
 Par. 3 
 ilcr the Et 
 66 DegrCi 
 hot full ei 
 Par. 3 
 i'th in L 
 thoufind . 
 Jiiwe Poii 
Part I. 
 y or Sor. 
 s of Hu- 
 I ccnfidc- 
 oveth 7m 
 >cn vpfjen 
 ? Earth, 
 ally rife 
 the fixt 
 Point of 
 >here the 
 ippcn to 
 t of the 
 e, where 
 ant of 
 ould be 
 \ncnt cf 
 and 0- 
 and )et 
 nrc (IS 
 of Cc 
 irc prO' 
 \hat at 
 htt h Geographical Paradoxes. 41 
 if^ aclually eat themfelves ; and yet they commonly furvive that 
 f range I{epaft, 
 Par. 32. There is a remarkable I{iver on tU Continent of Eu- 
 fope, over which there is a Bridge of fucb a breadth, that above 
 three thovfand Men abreaji mny pafs alo7ig upon the fame, and that 
 ifithout crowding one another in the leaji. 
 Par. 33. There is a large and Jpacious Plain in a certain 
 Country of Alia, able to contain fix hundred thoufand Men drawn 
 Up in Battel Aray ; which number of Men being aSiually brought 
 ^jither, and there drawn up, it were abfolutely impoffible for 
 %ny more, than one fingle Perfon, to fland upright upon the fnid 
 "^ Par. 34. There is a certain Eui.pean City, whofe Buildingsl 
 \eing generally of firm Stone, are {for tlie m'ft part) of a 
 trodigious height, and exceeding flrong ; and yet it is mofl certain 
 that the IValls of thofe Buildings are net parallel to one another, nor 
 Perpendicular to the Plain on which they are built, 
 * Par. 35. There is a certain City in ^(Je Southern Part of Chi* 
 ra, whofe Inhabitants ( both Male and Female ) do obferve almojl 
 the fame Pofture and Gate in fValkJvg, as we Europeans; and 
 )ct they frequently appear to Stratigers, as if they walked on their 
 • Par. 36. There are ten Places of the Earth, diftant from one an^ 
 ither three hundred Miles and upwards, and yet none of them hath 
 either Longitude or Latitude. 
 Par. 37. There are two dijlinci Places of the Earth lying '*inder 
 the fame Meridian, whofe difference of Latitude is fixty Degrees 
 . tomplcatly ; and yet the true Difla?ice between thfe two Places doth not 
 teallyfurpafsfixty Italian Miles. 
 Par. 38. There arc a.'fo two dijlinci Places of the Earth, lyingun-^ 
 tier the Equinociial Lific, whofe difference of Longitude is compleatly 
 86 Degrees^-, and yet the true Diftancc between thofe two Places^ is 
 m full eighty fix Italian Miles. 
 Par. 39. There are three diJiinH Places of the Earth, att differing 
 irth in Longitude and Latitude, and diflant from one another tWB 
 thoufand Miles compleatly, and yet they do all bear upon one and the 
 Jame Point of the Covipafs, 
 r ! 
 I' ' '■''ill 
 *^ f 
 r ll*" 
 iii!.; i> 
 ,1 - 
 Geographical Paradoxes. P3rt|»art 
 Par. 40. There are three diftitiH Places on the Continent , | 
 Europe, equidiftnnt from one another ( they makjng a true Eju. 
 lateral Triangle, each of whcfe fides doth confift of a thouja 
 Mtles) and yet there is a fourth Place fofituated in rejpeii 
 the other three, that a Man may travel on Foot from it to an) 
 the other three, in the /pace cf one Artificial Day at a ceiu 
 time of the Tear j and that without the leajl hurry or fatigue vgh 
 Par. 41. There are three diflinH Places en the Continent i 
 £urope lying under the fame Meridian, and at fuch a difian: 
 that the Latiude of the third furpajfeth that of the fee end ^; | 
 many Degrees and Minutes exatily^ as the fccond /urpaffeth ti 
 firft, and yet the true Difiance of the firfl and third from ^ 
 fecond ( or Intermediate place ) is not the fame by a great niAi 
 Par. 42. There are two diflinH Places on the Continent of Ei 
 rope, fo fituated in refpe^ of one another, that though the ji' 
 doth lie Eaft from the fecond, yet the fecond is not Weft from ti 
 Par. 43. There it a certain European I/Iandf the Nortlmi^ 
 Part whereof doth frequently alter both its Longitude and Lai.. 
 Par. 44. There is a certain Place in the If and of Great Britaii 
 vhere the Stars are always vifille at any time of the Day, if m 
 Horia^on be not over^cajl with Clouds, 
 Par# 45. -f^ w^ be clearly dcmovjlrated by the Terreflrial GUI'. 
 That it » not above Twenty JFour Hours Sailing from the Bjver 
 Thames in England to the City of MeiFina in Sicily, at a certA 
 time of the Tear ; providing there be a brisk^ North ff^ind, a //^ i 
 Frigat, and an Azitnuih Cvmpa ft, 
 ' Thefe are the chief Paradoxical Pojttlom in matte:^ 
 of Geography, which mainly depend on a thoroiig 
 Knowledge of the Globe ^ and though it is highly pn^ 
 table, that they'll appear to fome as the greateft 
 Fables i yet, we may boldly affirm, That tney're no 
 only equally certain with the aforefaid Theorems^ hu^ 
 alio we are well affur'd, that there's no Mathematic: 
 . • Demof 
fart I. Geographical Paradoxes. 45 
 jmonftratlon of Euclid^ more infallible true in it felf 
 lan is every one of them, However, we think it not 
 to pull off the Vizor, or expofe thofe masked Truths 
 ? publick View •, fince to endeavour the unmasking of 
 m may prove a private Diverfion, both pleafant and 
 feful to the ingenious Reader, at his more vacant 
 [ours s w^ haftning in the mean time to the laft Thing 
 ropps'd, vw. 
 E 2 

 * »< ; 
 Part I. 
 SECT. V. 
 Concerning Land <i»^ Waten 
 TH E Surface of the Terraqueous Globe [ to which we intirely re- 
 drift ourfelves both here, and in the following Parts of thisTrea* 
 tife 1 being always confidered by Geographers as a Superficies com-, 
 pos'dof LandzvA. Water, as its fole conflituent Parts, and chefe Pans 
 being fubdivided ( page 13. ) as followeth, vt^» 
 land into 
 Continents, Ifthmus's, 
 Iflands, Promontories, 
 Pcninfula's, Mountains. 
 Water into 
 Oceans, Straits, 
 Seas, Lakes, 
 Gulfs, Rivers. 
 Of all thefc fcparately, and in their Order. Therefore 
 Commonly reckon'd Four, 1;/^. Thofc 
 Nortli i^^""^'"''^!-^ ..T^ T-'lfoundfromW.ioL 
 \Mufcovta L or Kuffit J — j 
 Middle < Germany ■ Mound from W. to E. 
 Rmpe,< \p,land J 
 I r Spain ■ 5 
 I South < Ital) y. Mound from W. to E. 
 [^ \THriy in Europe ■ J 
 North, comprehending the vaft Country of Tartary, 
 f China 
 found from E, to W. 
 ■South ^';f:i 
 \Turly in Afia 
Part I. 
 Laud and Water. 
 Barbary j 
 Biledulgerid ■■■ 
 Zaara or the Dcfarc— , 
 •J 1 Land of the Neiroes^ > found from N. to 5. 
 i^ Guinea ■ — _- 
 Nubia • — 
 jr*L' ^- ^Interior — 
 .^Mthiopi4 I Exterior-^ J 
 Mexico or Kew Spam ■ 
 New Mexico or Nova Granadal 
 ^Flmda «. J* 
 \Tena. Canadenfis ■ ■ ^- 
 Terra Arnica 
 cTerra Firma 
 Land of the Amazons 
 Chyli — ■> 
 Paraguay — — ^j 
 Terra Magellanica, 
 \J['erra Antartika 
 >from N. toS. 
 §. 2. Of ISLANDS. 
 They belong either 
 The Scandinavian Iflands- 
 |Thc Ifland of Ice-land — 
 'The Britannici Idands — 
 (The Axpres ^— ^ — 
 Tlie Mediterranean Iflands- 
 in the N. and BaUick Sea, 
 j^u^W. oi Scandinavia* 
 N. of France, 
 W. of Spain, 
 ,S. of Europe, 
 i •'^>. 
 • i'*m 
 M m 
 Land and Water. 
 Part I. 
 The Japan Ifland . 
 The PhUippin — 
 The Ifles des Larrons ^ — 
 The Moluccoes ..—^—^ 
 The Iflands of the Sund — 
 Ceylon and the Maldives — 
 C Madagafcar 
 I' ''More Re- J The Ifles of Cape Verde 
 markabley The Canary Iflands - — 
 C.The Madera 
 ^ The Ifles of Comoro — 
 « /I D \Sr. Thomas's Ifland • 
 L 3 St. Helena 
 C Ifle of Afcenfion> 
 rE. of China. 
 S. W. of Japan. 
 E. of the Phiirpptn. 
 S. of the PhUippin. 
 \W ,oi the Moluccoes. 
 E. of Ethiopia, 
 W. of Negroland. 
 W. of Biledulger'id. 
 W. of Barbary, 
 N. W. of Madagafcar, 
 W. of ^^/;/op/\i,Lat.oo. 
 w) I W. of /Ethiopid^zt, 2. 
 >^-S ^ s. W. of Sc. 7/;o/W4j. 
 "North ^California - 
 arc 2 Newfoundland 
 h4 ' 
 5 *) Hifpaniolz—^ 
 ^ C Fortorico — 
 i ^ are the^ 
 ''^ Antiles, \ ^Caribees — 
 fc J Lucayes — 
 «j J Sotovento 
 L \, Bermudas - 
 Part F, 
 L South is Terra del fuogo 
 l^.E.o( St. Helena, 
 W. of Nova Granada. . 
 E. of Terra Canadenfu, I 
 E. of New Spain, 
 S. E. of the greater /In- 
 S. E. of Florida. 
 N. of Terra Firma; 
 E, of Florida. 
 f^S. of Terra Magellanic^, 
 ^< More a — 
 §. s.OfPENINSVLA's. 
 I Greece. 
 I LfV^/e Tartary. 
 tS (Taurica Cherffmefus — - , 
 m • f 1 r J' lintraGangem \ © i The Continent") , .^.^ 
 • <^ ^'"'"f''^^^''^'^-} extra Gangem] ? | The Continent ^^ ^^^^ 
 ,. i r^» . / -^. J, .., . I ^ Peninfula Indit intra Gan- 
 In i4//rf 1 
 In i4/r'c^ 
 In i4/wer/( 
 . (Capi 
 ^i Cape 
 ^ [Capi 
 t J ^^tra 
 Malacca [Cherfonefa d^or] 
 In Africa is none but Africa it felf I "^ 
 ^ CMexicj or North Amir tea -n . 
 ^ X^Peru or 5()«^A America > 
 . . The W. of i4/i4. 
 > America. 
 §. 4. 0/ 
Part r. 
 Land and Water. 
 §. 4 OfISTHMVS% 
 In Europe are t\{t\Corinth "»^ rMorea to Greece. 
 TaurkaCherfonefmio Lit- 
 tle Tartary. 
 7 S '^ irf r<i Gar gem, 
 Africa to i4j7<«. 
 lflhmHt'% oi" ^Taur'tcA. Cherfonefus 
 In yf/z^ IS the Ifthmus of Malacca 
 In v4/r'C;t is the Ifthmus of Sue^, — — 
 In America, is the Ifthmus of Fanama j 
 [^Mexico and pertt» 
 rCape Nord 
 Cape la Hague ^. 
 The Lands En^i — 
 The Lizard 
 W ^ The "itart 
 Caie de Fmifterra. 
 Cape de Hocca — 
 ^Cape St. Vincent ■ 
 , rCape Ningpo '— 
 ^2,< Cape Comer m^-^ 
 rThe Norchmoft-part of Norway, 
 The N. of France, 
 The ^\ W.^ 
 The S. >of Englaid, 
 The S. J 
 The W.^ 
 The W Sof Spalru 
 The W.J 
 Cape SparteU 
 Cape Verde 
 ^) Cape of Goad Hope. 
 ^ (^Cape of Guard] fen - 
 Cape de Flvrida - 
 Cape de Cariente 
 Cape Fraward 
 Cape ffoorn 
 The E. of China. 
 ^ Peninf, Indidi intra Gangem, 
 5 . S. E. part of Arabia. 
 The W. of Barbary. 
 The W. of Negroeland. 
 The S. of Mtfyapia exterjoK 
 The N. E. part of Ethiopia exterior* 
 Cape de S, Auguftine^^ 
 The S. of Florida. 
 The W. of New Spain. 
 The S. of Tfrrd Magellanka, 
 The S. of re/T<i t/e/ Buogo. 
 LThc E. of Brtf/?/. 
 f •: 'i 
 $. 6. 0/ 
 Laftd and Water. 
 Pan If part L 
 §. 6. OfMOVNTAINS. 
 ;^J AU 
 w • 
 S3 < 
 ' «"The Volfrine Hills 
 Boglowy .^.^ _»_ 
 Hyperborean Mountains 
 The Sevennes 
 Auvergne —. , 
 The Vaugue m, 
 Fitfljtelberge » 
 The Carpath'un Mouir. 
 The Pyrensan Hills — - 
 The Appenn'ws Hills — 
 Vefuvius r a Vulcam 1 
 The Jioly Mount 
 The Grampion Hills — 
 The Cheviot Hills 
 Mai vein Hills — 
 The Feaie - 
 Sntwden ...^^ ■ 
 Plinlimmon ■ 
 StromboU [ a Vulcano ] 
 ^^tna [ a Vulcano ] — , 
 ^Between Sweden and Korway* 
 In the Southern part "7 ^, ,. , . 
 In the Northern par t/°*^^^^/"^'^ 
 ^ In the South-pare ot i^V4/;ce. 
 In Lorrain, 
 Incirculating Bohemia, 
 In the S. oi Germany f viz. Suabia- 
 In the South-parts of Poland, 
 Between 5'/>4/« and Prance. 
 Between /^^/y andl!!!''''"^''^- 
 ^ Dividing /^^/y into|^2}. 
 In the Kingdom of Naples, 
 In the N. of Afacedon, 
 In the E. of Macedon, 
 Ret ween Theffaly and Afaredon. 
 In Scotand, i/^. S. of the River Dff, 
 Bctwcr- Scotland and England, 
 In £wi 'f^, v\z, Worcefler/hire, 
 In England^ viz. Darbyfljire, 
 In IValesy viz. Caernarvanjhire, 
 In If<t/f J, viz. Cardiganfljirc, 
 In helandyiz. in the C. of Limerick. 
 In a little Illmd W. of Naples, 
 (^In thclHiind oi Sicily. 
 I Caucafus^ 
 ^ ^ Sardonyx 
 \ Gvaco •— 
 /'In r^iK^^ry 
 [Between l^^^^-**:^-. 
 I Taurus 
 . _ . 3 iW(?g«/'s Empire. 
 ^ o 4; 0*1 '^he N. of Ff nm. in^rrf Gangem, 
 ' "^ '.In PeninfuU India intra Gangem, 
 I Reaching from E. to W, of all Afu. 
 S^In the Illand of Cf;7on, 
 ^ r 
 ^' TThe 
 i^i \The V 
 Tart a 
 "^ } Per fid 
 n C Orients 
 ^< Ethiop 
 ^ {^Atlant 
 Vaft 1 
 ^ /The F 
 The Sea 
 the Ocean 
 astbey lie 
 Part I. Land and iVat err 
 "Atonies L'lbyci ^ r between Zaara and Egypt 
 AtUs . 
 2 I Bafil'i 
 Monies Lun£ 
 •r<^Thc>I/»4/4C^m Hills 
 'i^^ The Andes • 
 In the N. of the Abyffine Empire. 
 Under the Eq. in the fame Empire. 
 i^i Between /f.#"^ Empire. 
 In the Ifland ot Tenerife, 
 Between <{ ^^'"^'^'^' . - 
 l./c'rr^t Canaaenfis, 
 In S. America rnnning from S. to N. 
 J, 7. Of OCEANS. 
 i JThc ffyperboreanl.. "^ 
 i^J IThe vafl W'e/?er/i/ 
 China -^ 
 Indian — 
 Per pan — \ 
 2 f Oriental *) 
 |^< Ethiopick SOcean 
 ^ {^AtlantickJ 
 '£«>.;. on the{Nor;;h. 
 Africa on the<^ South. 
 America on the 
 5*. 8. Of SEAS. 
 JM^/'cl Sea 
 German Sea 
 r CSwedeland . 
 vfith< Poland mpsLtt 
 {Germany in pare 
 vvith/f ^"^'''^^'^ - t on the ^'^ 
 \Britain ■ j * ''"*^ ^ \V; 
 -1 rW. 
 — >on the^E. 
 /r//^ Sea 
 ^ l^with J ?'>'"; 
 Mediterranean Sea 
 ^ Ireland . 
 } on the I ^^ 
 } on Che {5^ 
 e^^^"lpartof>iy/rf J the Is. 
 . ^ ^ and W. 
 *^^Euxine Sea J '^ 1 part of >{//<« j^the ^ S. and E. 
 The Seas in the other three Parts of the World, are different Parts of 
 the Ocean' [except .V4re Cajpium in i4//<i^ varioufly nim'd accordioe 
 [is tbey lie adjacent CO different Countries. 
 7 < «, 
 '"."J ■ it 
 L ( V'' 

 ,t ;< 
 Land and Water. 
 §. g.OfGVLFS. 
 Part I, 
 ^ Sinus Botnicus ^^ 
 Sinus Pinnicus- — I 
 Sinus Adriat'icus 
 hi j Gulf of Lions — 
 I Gulf of Tarentum 
 \(j\xl{ o£ Lepanto 
 ( GxAioi Bengal' — 
 In Africa \it\{tAr a. 
 bian Gulf 
 Gulf of Mexico — 
 g <BMtton*s Bay 
 ■^ Baffin's Bay 
 N. W. betweenjg ;„ g^^^,^ 
 N. into the S. of France, 
 N. W. into the S. of Italy, 
 ,N.W.b«ween {^"t. 
 N.W. between {;jj«;^, 
 W. between {J^^-^f >;,,,. 
 S.W. between {5:-f-^f- 
 'v^N. W. into Tirrrtf Arnica, 
 jr. 10. Of STRAITS. 
 I ''Straits of Dover — 
 Straits of the Sound 
 ^ . Straits of Cajfa 
 ^ I Thrac'an Bojphorus 
 ^ I The ffellefpont 
 I Veer of Me0na -*.- 
 {^Bokeof Corftca 
 ^ r Straits of the Sund 
 X (.Straits of Or mm — 
 Jo Africa is Babelmandel 
 ^5 r/r«<</(»»s Straits 
 £ N f^ePum Davis — — 
 ^ (^^4!^e//4nw* Straits 
 ''The Germ. Orean to the Eng, Channel 
 The Dani/h to the Bahici Sea. 
 Tlie Afedit. to the Jf^^ern Ocean, 
 Falus Mceotis to Pon^^x Euxinus. 
 Pontus Euxinus to the PropdnPis. 
 Propontis to the Archipelagus. 
 One part of the Mediter, to another. 
 One part of the Mediter, to another* 
 The /rtiwn and Eafl Ocean. 
 The Fery/4n Gulf to the S. Ocean. 
 The Red Sea to the E. Ocean. 
 Button's Bay to the E. Ocean. 
 Baffin s Bay to the E. Ocean. 
 The vaft E. and W. Ocean. 
 ^. II. (^ 
 Part L 
 Veter - 
 cCorus . 
 Piex - 
 Tai — 
 1^ ^ Chiamy 
Part I, 
 Ltndand Water, 
 S. If. Of LAKES. 
 > Eaftcrn pare of SwcdeUnd^ 
 Wlnander-mere . 
 Wittles-mere - 
 Foyl — 
 Neagh - 
 £4rn — 
 Verge - 
 fCorus . 
 Hex - 
 Chiamy ^- 
 Aflamar — 
 Bttrgtan — 
 Libya — 
 Bvr/io — 
 IH^*^ Aqnilunda< 
 Zare • 
 Weflern part of Swe:(eUp.d^ 
 eftern pare of Afofcovia: 
 ^Southern part Germany. 
 North oiEtglandy viz, WefimwUnd* 
 Middle of Eng'andyVh. Hmtingtonflnre, 
 Northern i ^^ ^^^^^ ^ 
 Soutnern j '^ 
 Northern \ 
 Northern C . ^ , # . 
 NorthernrP"^^^ ^''^^^^^ 
 Middle 3 
 ^ North •) 
 I North >partof Tartary. 
 ! MiddlcJ 
 iEaflern p^rtoi China, 
 Northern part of India, 
 Northern ^ 
 • Northern Sparc of Perfia. 
 Middle J 
 South part of Paleftine* 
 Weflern part of Egypt. 
 Middle part ol Zaara, 
 North ■) 
 Middle Sof Ethiopia Interior 
 f South J 
 I >Souch pare of Ethiopia Exterhri 
 ' V 
 ( .' '. 
 11 \l\ li fffljJr „;< 
 U t.i '1^ 
 > ;i 
I'1 ,. <i 
 1 ill ' ■ 
 .1 iS i 
 I*' ■i'>' 
 r Nicaragua ■ 
 •^ J Par'tme . 
 5 ] Tuicaca .. 
 "^ / Eupana or Xaxaius 
 \ Iroquois ■ 
 irf^rf <i»fif W^^i/er. 
 Part ij 
 South ") , ,, «^ . 
 Middle .r^ ^'^ ^^'''"• 
 fcafl part of Terra Firma, 
 South part of Peru. 
 North part of Paraguay, 
 South pare of rfrr^i Canadinfts, 
 Thofe of Europe, 
 "J Dalcarie" 
 ScarJinav'ia C Kinii — 
 are r Torw? — 
 ) Elfe — 
 De/iw<jr/&'? None re- 
 Uorway j markable 
 .2 (Volga 
 g ^ Don - 
 "* \ Garonne 
 Macs " 
 5 Rhine - 
 ^ < Elm - 
 I Unknown 
 Rha - 
 ^^ } , Unknown 
 ! G 
 Oder - 
 Sequana 1 
 Ligeris . 
 RhoUm * . — — 
 Danubks or 7/?fr 
 Scildis ■ - 
 RhecMs — 
 E, turnings. 
 E. turn. W. 
 N. W. 
 A/nafiifs — . — . 
 Odera or Viadrus 
 Borijlhenes — ■ — 
 Part I. 
 Tago - 
 Douro - 
 (Po — 
 "^ ^A:no -. 
 ^ VcW — 
 ( Volturno 
 In European 
 the Danube, 
 f/ypan'is — 
 .N. W. 
 o* E* 
 I. W. 
 f Thames - 
 e Humbert 
 ^ //«ff — 
 i^ Twede — 
 i^Cam — 
 shannon - 
 |Z^f « — 
 \ Barrow — 
Part I. 
 Ldfid and Water. 
 c jQHadalqu'tvl) 
 ^ Ydige — 
 ( yolturno « 
 Iberus *- 
 Sucro — 
 Bjit'is — 
 Anas — 
 Tagks — 
 Durius - 
 In European Turkey is 
 the Danube, 
 "^ "" Clyde 
 EridanusoT Padus 
 Athefis •- 
 Arnus . 
 Tibris . 
 Vulturnus • 
 Danub'tMsoT Ifler 
 f^ Thames . 
 Severn *- . 
 Taus - 
 Is. w. 
 W. in its ma'n 
 S< Ttne 
 <^Cam - 
 ,Lee - 
 'BUiiwatfr ^^ 
 \ Barrow — 
 Bovnc * 
 Dea, D'lva^ Ocafa 
 Dona ~~. 
 T.mefis — 
 Tina . 
 Tuefis • 
 yaga • — 
 Caffius — 
 ^ J N. W, 
 c< N. 
 S. W. 
 Sinus — 
 Sai^fdnus • 
 Birt^us — 
 Buvtnda, Bina-^j 
 E. Body. 
 N, turning E« 
 S. W. 
 , E. turning 5. 
 !> I 
 1 ff 
 La/fd and Water. 
 Thofe of Afia. 
 Is jPaiifanga 
 Chefel . ^ 
 "^Margus — . „ 
 Unknown - 
 La^artus — 
 M f Ganges — 
 *§ < Guenga * — 
 ( Idem — 
 "g I Not remarkable 
 ^ I Idem .. >. £ >s. W. 
 fW. turning N. 
 E. various 
 Part r. 
 5 CSrveri, 
 In ^»3/4 is 
 > ^ < 
 \ Palimalon 
 ^ S Bendimor 
 / Tint! 
 K^Syri — . 
 Not remarkable . 
 Arabs ■ — - 
 Bagradas, Agradatus. — 
 EkleuSj ChaofpeSfffidiifpes 
 Araxes, Arafer, — <— 
 Tygris — 
 >S. E. 
 In New Spa, 
 (N, Gran 
 In Egyypt is the iV/7e 
 Thofe of PSxiC2i. 
 ^ r mus- 
 ^") Guadilbarbara 
 Rubric At us ^ 
 Guadilbarbara \ c ( Not remarkable ^ 
 \jor < c *< Not remarkable*^ g "^ 
 Branches of Gir 
 In Z(i4r4 is t lie Body of Gir 
 In Nfiroelanda is the Ni^er^- 
 Gir as 
 S. E. 
 ^ ' The gre 
 I \ The Co} 
 I ) //udfon'i 
 ^ ] Rive re , 
 ;: /The Sef 
 ^ \ The Fa 
 In Terra Aril 
 \%) Slope . 
 ^ Parama 
 [In Amazonia 
 With id Br 
art I 
 Part I. 
 Land and IVater. 
 ing N. 
 2 CSvper'm de Cofta 
 o iRiveredeVolta 
 Not remarkable 
 Not remarkable 
 N. W 
 la Nubia is the Kiver Nnba — | 5^ 
 1 "g 
 Zaire ■ >.ii '< Unknown 
 ExtemrJR, de Infant 
 IZambre — - 
 K,de Spirit hS.. 
 Interior is ^/Ve its main Body J 
 Not remarkable I m v 
 I .S 
 Unknown — 
 Unknown — 
 Unknown — 
 Unknown — — 
 S. E. 
 TAofe of America* 
 In New Spain none remarkable "> *^ 
 CN, Granada is il/o del Nort. 
 l^Florida is A. <^c/ Spiritu S, 
 (| ' The great River Canada — - 
 I \ The Connecticut . 
 5 J mdfon's River. . 
 |t / The Sefquahana » 
 ^ The Patomeck .. 
 } Unknown 
 111 Terra Arliica none. 
 c\K R»de Faria or Orinoquo 
 ^■■l iR.ftef Madeline 
 c "S 
 \s, Martha 
 JMiary — 
 Slope — 
 rt »»^i 
 In Amazonia is the /imaxpr>t 
 with i(t Branches — 
 • Unknown ; 
 ^Unknown J 
 Land a^d Wafef. 
 Part I. 
 ' 1 
 Peru none remarkable 
 ^Paraguay is Rjode la PUta( "^ 
 In JchiH none confiderablc 
 \TerYa. Mj^eLanical \ c 
 Terra Antartka^ r°"^ J < 
 Thcfe are the mod: Remarkable Rivers in the World, as alfo their 
 old Names, and how they run •, which Rivers will be found very cc« 
 ceffiry for the better underftandin^ of the Second Part of thisTrcatife, 
 wherein we defign to view ail Remarkable Countries in their SitnatmA 
 Extent, Divifion, and Subdivifions^ and more efpecially thole of fwrope.] 
 But fincc moft of thofe Rivers above mention'd belonging to the Con- 
 tinent of Europe do confift of feveral confiderablc Branches very nc- 
 ccfTary to be known ^ we fhall rehearfe fuch Rivers, and annex tol 
 each of them their Principal Branches, all which may be readily found 
 by Travelling Irom the Mouth of the Rivers towards their Heads. | 
 Volga arc < ^^ 
 * I Occareca - 
 rV Oyfe 
 Seine are < Mam 
 Le Sarte 
 Le Loir - 
 Loire are -< yienne — 
 *j Indre — 
 I Lc Chcre 
 lAUicr - 
 Rhone are 
 ( Duran 
 ^ Jfcrc 
 r V.nd nnc 
 Garone arc <^ lot — . - 
 N. E. 
 Is. W. 
 \ N. W. 
 . W. 
 s. w. 
art I. 
 Land dnd Water. 
 rPruth — 
 ilanta ~ 
 Morarvd — 
 Danube arc < Drave . 
 El me arc 
 I Rhine are 
 Mixcfe arc 
 W'lfer arc 
 Ruppel [running W.] aug- I ^;' " 
 mententcd by 
 SihelJ^iTC ^J\ndcr 
 Lis — 
 Soil - 
 Lahn . 
 S. E. 
 , Aoer - 
 /IZ/e^fW.] augmented bv[^;i7, 
 fiiid ■ . m, — . 
 *" N.E. 
 s. w. 
 ' T\ 
 '• ' 1 1 
 Land attd Water. 
 Part I 
 r Wart a 
 Oder are ^ BBher 
 Nteperzre -f^'^"-*. " 
 L^^VP^^^Ky ^r Pereptus^ 
 Viflul is the Bugg . 
 Nkmen is the K///w 
 is '< 
 ) (jatiega — 
 ' i Guar dame flit 
 Guadiana are none remarkable 
 * y Guadarran 
 Douro are 
 Jfa arc 
 - Tormes 
 J re//«a — ■ 
 . Tanero [running CBormida 
 ^ E. turning N. < 
 augmented by {^Stura 
 \Jiora Baltcd 
 Adlge is Bach/giione — 
 \Sieve — 
 Arno are 
 /oifkritff its ciiicf firiinch is ^^^^^^o 
 s. vv. 
 N. turn W. 
 S. E. 
 S. W. 
 N. E. 
 S. \V. 
 ^ N. W. 
 Is. E. 
 I ].S. E. 
 ' S. 
 E. turning S. 
 S. W. 
 S. E. 
Land and Water. 
 'art !• L,and and Water. 59 
 Thefe are all the Remarkable Branches of the Chief Rivers on the 
 ;;ontinent of Europe. And thus we arc come to a Period, not only of 
 [his Sertion, but alfo of the Firft Part of this Treatifc, having now 
 ncrform'd thofe five things at firft propos'd, which was to entertain 
 [he Reader with fome Geographical Definitions^ Problems^ theorems^ 
 ind Paradoxes \ as alio a Tranfieut Survey of the whole Surface of the 
 Terraqueous Globe, as it confifls of Land and Water, And fo much 
 lor a General View thereof. Now followeth. 
 ■■■ -M 
 F 2 
f L4 ^r1 
 lii|2£ 12.5 
 sSf I- 
 Vi Hi 
 U_ 11.6 
 «> '> 
 (1\(.\ S72-4S03 
 ■,1 ■ 
 . ii;^ii 
 ting eith 
 (iuc'd CO 
 In tal 
 |{lin witi 
 lljiiic or 
Part II. 
 Modern Geography. 
 PART 11. 
 Comprehending a 
 Terraqueous GLOBE, 
 Y a Particular View of the Terraqueous Globe, we under- 
 hand a clear and exaft Profpeft of all remarkable Countries 
 on the Face of the whole Earth, according as they are re- 
 prefented by particular Geographical Maps t, as alfo a true 
 and compendious Narrative of the chief Obfervables rela- 
 ting either to them or their Inhabitants : All which may be briefly re- 
 duc d to thcfc following Heads j i;;>;. their 
 Chief TownSi 
 In taking fuch a Profpeft of all remarkable Countries, wc fliall bc- 
 kin with Europe, and travel through the various Divifions thereof in the 
 lame order as they are fee down ( pag* 44. ) Therefore 
 • 'I .'. 
 i -' !i 
 Part 11 
 CHAP. I. 
 The Continent of Europe being divided 
 ( P^g^ 44- ) into Vlll. great Parts. 
 ( S wedel and ^ ^Stockholm. 
 1 &CCinliittal3ta S Denmark 
 C Norway 
 ^orcoUd or Rudia 
 • I 
 > ^ ©ecmanp 
 " •S ^ Vienna. 
 y Cracow. 
 Cur&j) in Europe 
 To thefe add the European Iflands. The Chief of which 
 »af '" "^ -d jTh»re of }^,SJ,, 
 i^belmti. 5 53 ithat of Dublin. 
 Of all tihele in their proper Places. 
Part II 
 '*" V- 
 T ^ 
 F whichl 
 h Ni' 
:lf ;j^: 
 , Smdei 
 \ ^ com 
Pnr/: 11. 
 Concerning g)CanWna5)l(l* 
 d. m. 
 •§ (becween |^^ J^'lof Long. 
 I ^becween |^4 lo j^^ ^^^^ 
 i«e ^Length is about 1030. 
 5 C Breadth is about 840. 
 fSwedeland^ • C Stockholm, 
 Divided into the Kingdoms of< Denmark y\ < Copenhagen. 
 {^Norway J'Q {^Bergen. 
 ! Gothland . ■ ■* 
 Swede! and prop, 
 upland ~ 
 fLunden — 
 Calmar — 
 ^^ J Nottebofrg or 
 n ..h SJifftiand \ Slefwick 
 DsnmMk ^D^n/y/jlflands J ^yCopenbagen 
 from S. to N. 
 from S. to N. 
 from W, to K. 
 IJorway comprehends five Governments. Of which hereafter. 
 More particularly, 
 Scml, contains the S^f!i''"''\ru t . f^f'^/^'ril-W. to E. 
 Provinces of < BM'ng \Ch.Tom^ Chrfanfiat^ • 
 C^^c^owe/i J {^Luuden^ Southward. 
 r VermeUndU 
 (/o^fe/^n^ contains the jSjJ/ff.TT" 
 Provinces of ^mrogoth^ 
 Carollfadt "^ N. to S. in 
 b \ Daleburge > the Wcft- 
 Gottenburge J part. 
 ^(?/?rog9^W<i— C .jj yATor/to/j/nig— 7 N. ro S. in 
 i Smalandia^j^ (^ Calmar — J the E. pare. 
 r ! ■ 1; 1 
 'i ♦ 
-' *> I 
 rSitdermania - 
 Wejlmania — 
 Vplandia - 
 f Ntkopln 
 " Orebra ■ 
 Arofen ^ 
 Smdeland [proper- 
 ly fo call d1 con. : ^ a - 
 tains the Provin.<^ ^'^'^''f. 
 CCS of ?f ^/''^'^ 
 Medelpandia — 
 Jfemptia"-—^ — . 
 \^Angermannia — 
 irfft'dMrfcontains the ) Pj^ha-l.apmark 
 l>rovince6of K^^/'^.-^^p/w^r^ 
 'Torma Lapmark 
 thoicJVpfal and 
 of \ Stockholm 
 Part II Ipart II' 
 •-\ I, r^hrt\ 
 Hedemore - 
 Selanger — 
 Hernofand •— 
 Finland contains the 
 provinces of 
 N, Finland — 
 Tavaflia — 
 J Savolaxia — 
 - Kexholmia^ 
 Crelia - — 
 Nylandia — 
 ^^5. f inland - 
 1 -2^ 
 Tornitt - — ( 
 Kimi — 
 The Cl 
 -from S. to N. I hereafter 
 — I 
 ngria preprh- 
 Ingria contains the > 
 Provinces of S Jngcrmanm — 
 Cajaneburgh upon thc*!^/;:] 
 Biorneberge ^ 
 Tavaflus / 
 Niflot > 
 Kexholm J 
 Borgo — ^E, toW.I 
 Abo ^ 
 Orefca^ or Not 
 Caper'w • 
 Riga - 
 Divided ii 
 This va 
 three difl 
 Of each o 
 ]»S. toN,| 
 livonia contains ^hc J Lettenland 
 Provinces of XEftiand 
 §. 2. DENMARK. 
 rXhe PeninfuU of Jwtland, 
 Being divided ini:o< 
 l.The Damlh Iflands. 
 LP, of Holflem [ of which in Lomr Saxoti)'. 
 and Nori 
 by the Ft 
 Sweden 01 
 Suevi^ 01 
 too nigh 
 Part njpart II. Scandinavia. 
 ^ rSorthcom-'^Aalborg — "^ ♦'Idem — 
 ? prehends (W'lbrg-^ Idem — . 
 the Dio- r'Arhufen — ■ 
 cedes of J Ripen — 
 n S. to N. 
 I thtVk 
 N. to 
 S. W. 
 .5. toN, 
 Idem — 
 »fro:Ti N. CO S. 
 rffederfljvc \o\ j^^^ 
 I At\t\amv M J a ?■ ^ 
 prehends ) Flensborge ' ;| 
 the Prefe- -< GotoYp: U 
 Ifturesof 1 Tonderen 
 I Idem. 
 fromN. ro 5. upon the 
 B.iltic/i' Sea. 
 Idem 'l Tsi. to S. upon the 
 Idem V o>rw.i.Se3. 
 The Chief of the D^n///; Iflands are Zealand, Funen, 6ic. Of which 
 hereafter when we come to treat of Iflands. 
 S. 3. NO R WA r. 
 Divided into the 
 Goyernments of 
 Bahus • 
 Bergenus -— 
 Dnnthemus — 
 Wardus — . 
 Idem— — 
 "^ ^Bergen — 
 5 V Drotithem 
 (J J Idem — 
 S. toN. E. 
 Thisvad Continent of Scandinavia comprehending (as aforefaid) 
 three diflinft Kingdoms, i/i;^. thofe of Sweden, Denmark and Norwaj^ 
 Of each of thefc feparately, and in their Order. Therefore, 
 §. I. SWEDEN. 
 fiamc.] OVeden formerly Suecia, part of ancient Scandinavia \ 
 k) and now bounded on the Eaft by Mofcovia on the Weft 
 and North by Norvray j on the South by the Sound and part of the 
 Baltick'] is term'd by the Italians, Sue:(ia •, by the Spaniards^ Suedia , 
 by the French, Suede ; by the Germans^ Schweden \ and by the Engli/f:^ 
 Sweden or Swedeland ', fo called from i:s Ancient Inhabitants the i';rf/ion« 
 SHCviy or Suethidiy with the Addition of Land for Termination. 
 ilttr.'] The i4ir of this Country is generally very Cold, but (ifnoc 
 too nigh fome Lake or Marfti; very pure and wholfome^ yea, fo 
 healthful to breach in, thac many of its Inhabitants do frequently live 
 |l<U ' 
 66 Scandifiavia. Part li 
 to an hundred years, cfpccially they who ahflain from cxceffive driniJ 
 ing, a thing too much prailis'd by many of them. The /I/jr/pjjej J 
 this People, or the oppofice Place of the Globe zo sn>e del an J ^ istlj 
 Part of the vaftpacifi.k Ocean, comprehended between the 22orhaJ 
 230th Decree of Longitude, with 50 and 70 Degrees of South Latiudel 
 §0tl. ] The Sj/V of this Country (it lying in the ptli, 10th. iitJ 
 and 1 2th Northern Climates) is not very fruiciul, but yet w^cre icii 
 fertile in Corn, that difadvantjge is re ompcns'd with t )lcral)le pJ 
 ftunige: However it produceth as much Grain as f tficiently fcrvetlil 
 its Inhabitants: Its numerous Lakes are very well flor'd with virioj 
 kinds of Kiihcs. Irs Mountains arc generally covered over wich 
 Trees, and (evcral of lin'd with confiderable Mines of Tinl 
 Erafs, Iron and Copper, cfpccijly the two lair, and that beyond anjl 
 ctlicr Country in Europe ; befidcs in Welimanlt is a Mine of Silver] 
 The longeft Day in the Northmofl part of this Country is about two| 
 Months (the Sun being fo long without fetting when near the Sum- 
 mer Solflice.) The Ihorreff in the Southmofl, is about 6 Hours !, and 
 the Nights I'roportionabiy, ' ' 
 Commot)itfC0] The Chief Commodities of this Country are MetaJjJ 
 Ox hides. Goat skins, Buck-skins, and coffly burs, Pinottrees, Fir- 
 trees, Oaks, Tallow, Tar, Honey, aad fuch like. 
 IRarttfCflf.] The Chief ^ri>7^/>.f of this 'Country may be re kon'd 
 thele following , vi^. ( i. ) Two publick Cloch of admirable 
 Workmanfh'p j one belonging to the Cathedral Church of Vpfali 
 the other to that of St. Lau :nce in Lundetiy efpecially the latter, 
 which (fuppos'd to be the Work of Gafper Bartholinus)(i\cvist\ot onlA 
 the Day, Hour and Minute, but alfo all the remarkable Motions ot 
 the Coelcflial Bodies, with all Feftivals, both fixt and moveable, and 
 feveral other pleafant Curiofities. (3.) A few Leagues from Gtff;en« 
 burg is a dreadful Catara^^ where a confiderable Current, which 
 runs a long way out of the Country, and coming at laflto a hideous 
 "Precipice, rulheth down from then e into a low Pit, with a mighty 
 force and a terrible noife ; and whereas the Natives ufually bring down 
 their Hoats of Timber by that Current; fuch is the Height of the 
 aforefaid Precipice ; and fo deep is the Pit into which the Water falls, 
 that large Mafts, when hurried down by the impetuous Stream from 
 that Precipice into the Pit, do frequently dive fo far under Water, that] 
 'tis a confiderable time before they rife up to the Surface thereof again j 
 fome of 'em being 20 Minutes, others 40, and fome upwards of a 
 whole Hour under Water. If it be alledg'd that the Mafis may proba- 
 bly flick fad into the Mud for fome time. To take off that Objeftion ; 
 the Pit into which they fall has been often founded with a Line of ma.j 
'art If. 
 []v I undrcd Fathoms long, but never couK! they reach the bottom. 
 h: fov ards th.e Souti.crn ,3arc o^'^'othliirJ '■» i remarkable Slimy Lake 
 JJvh' 'i un%t:s fu h rh' nr? :-:« ^rc p'.ir 'vv.j '.r. '4.) '■"• feveral pares of 
 Is^Jc'i i- tf^-'*^'^ ' crcin Sronc, which, bcui^^t a Y 'low Colour, in- 
 Ifermisc vvufi Icv'^ral -Srrr?.!ks oi .....'r, {i^'-{ c^mp^' d of Go'dand Sil« 
 vii) arToids both Sulphui, vitro), a'tim and Minium. (5 ) Some 
 write of a lake in Lapland^ uliich hach as many Iflands in it, as there 
 |are Days in the Year. 
 3rcI)bifl)0p;iCfetf J Archbifl?opricks belonging to 5'»'t'i/t'fl, are Two, 
 |i,^. thofe oi 
 15id)OWiCb0O Bifliopricks in this Kingdom are eight, 1/;^. thofe 
 IGottenburg^ IVexiac^ 
 \strengties^ Lundcn^ 
 MnitttUtit^,'] Univerfities cfhbliflied here, arc Two, v/^. thofe 
 fanners ] The Smdes ffor the mod part) are Men of big and 
 Arong Bodies-, Men, whofe very Conftitution doth fie them to be 
 Soldiers. This Nation has been noted in the World for feveral Warlike 
 Atchievements, and is ftill able to endure the Fatigues of a Military- 
 Life; yet their Military Affairs in former times were but very indiffe- 
 rently ordered, their chiefefl Korce confifting in the Boors, till Gujiavus 
 and his SucceiTors with the affiffanceof fome Scotch and German Officers, 
 introduc'd good Difcipline among the common Soldiers. Their Gen- 
 try are much given to Hofpitality, very arable and Civil to Strangers, 
 and many of them become confiderable Proficients in feveral Arts, and 
 Sciences. The Commons are generally efleenVd good Mechanicks, buc 
 iookt upon by all, as too much addifted to Lazinefs in Point of im- 
 proving their Country, by not cutting down many unnecelTary Forefis, 
 and improving their Ground to better advantage. 
 I HangaagcJ] The Swedes fpeak a Dialeft of the Tetitonk, which is 
 fomcwhat different from that us'd in Denmark and Vpper Germany. 
 Pcrfons of quality underfland and fpeak the Ifi^h German Language in 
 its Native purity. The F'mlanders have a peculiar Gibberifh of their 
 own. For a Specimen of the swedifl} Tongue, we (hall here fubjoin 
 I the Lord's Prayer in that Langwge, intending to obfervc the fame Me- 
 I '•; 
 ■ • m 
 - r ' ,■'• " 'si 
 S 'V:i'' 
 .f k\ 
 Part ig 
 '.f' '<*! 
 liM .'' 
 « I' 
 thod in treating of all other Languages in F.uYtpe, Their Pater k^iM 
 runs thus, Fadher war- fum e!} i himlcm ^ belgh.xt w^rde tiett namyn^ till 
 komme t'ltt ricke^ sk^e thw'ilie (j, co'tii himmeleny fa ock pa jordenn^^ 
 n'art d.fgiiha brod giff)jz i da^h-^ och fir! at ofz^ war a skuldy fa fom 9d 
 n^forlate them ofs^ skyldiglje aro) Ock in Icedh o'r^ ickci frcflelfe utbanfril\ 
 oj^i fra ondo. Amen* 
 <I£»ot)ernment.] The Kingdom of SwcdelarJ having fuffered varioy 
 turns of Fortune, being ''re<quenc!y dillurb'd by the adjacent Nation 
 atlaflgot rid of them all, and, becoming terrible to others, fprcadi 
 felf over a confiderable I'art oi its Neighbour's Territories. At prefer 
 'tis fub;cdlunto, and govern'd by its own Monarch, who, f nee the laft 
 Age, is not only Hereditary, but by the late turn of Affairs in his] 
 Country, hath alfo attained unto, and now exercifeth fuch a Power' 
 over the SubjeiJf, chat the fame is really aftonifhing to any confiderirj; 
 Terfon, who looks back unto the State of that Kingdom, only a few 
 "Years ago. He is indeed a powerful Prince both by Sea and Land, (e- 
 fpccially the latter) and always keeps in pay a great number of Forces-, 
 and that with a very fmall Charge to himfelf : For the Common Soldi- 
 ers and Seamen arc maintain'd by the Boors, and Officers (for the 
 moft part) are put in PolfefTicn of fome farms of the Crown Lands, 
 whofe Revenues ferve for their Pay, his Guards only are thcgreateft 
 and moft immediate Charge unto him, they being pay'd out of his Trea- 
 fury. He is ftil'd King of the Srredcf^ Goths, and Vandals : Grand 
 Prince of Finland^ Dukeoi Eilm'ia and Ca elia, and I ord of Ingr'ia^ 5cc. 
 The different Orders in this Realm are Six, i//^. Princes oi the Blool, 
 the Nobility^ Clergy^ Soldiery, Me, chantry^ and Commonalty. Thcfeby 
 their Reprclenrativcs being aOlmblcd in Parliament, make four diffe- 
 rent Houfes, !'/>. C'O that of the Xobility, where the Grand Afarfid 
 prefides. 2. That of the Cl<^y..y-> where the A':cbbifl)np of V^fal prefides. 
 5. That of the burgefjex, where one of the Conjuls of Stockholm prefides. 
 And laft, Thar ot the Knights of the shin\ where one of their own 
 Number clefttd by theiufcives prefides. Chief Courts cftablilli'd in this 
 Kingdom, arethefc Five, 1' >• (i) That commonly called the K/w^'s 
 Chamber y defij^n'd for the Deciiion of all Cafes happening between the 
 Nobility, Senators, or any of the Publick Oifieers, and here the Kini 
 is (at leaft, ought to fit as) Prc'iden-. (2.) The Court Martial^ in 
 which all Matters reliting to War aredetermin'd, and here the Grand 
 JVfarjhal of the Army is Prefidcnt. (:?.) The Court ot Chancery, m 
 which Ed idils, Mandates, CommilTions, and fuch like, are made out in 
 the King's Name, and here the Chancellour of the Kingdom is Prcfideir. 
 (4) The Court oi' Adtn rulty^ in which all bufmefs relating to Mar:- 
 tine Affairs are tranfailed, and here the /iii^h Admiral is Prefidciir. 
 Laftly, the Court ot F.xihcaev. in which all Matters concerning the 
part II. Scandinavia. 69 
 Ipublick Revenue arc manag'd, and here the Grani Tret fur er is Prefi- 
 3rm9'l The King of Sweden bears quarterly. In the Firft and 
 Fourth, Ax,uye^ three Crowns, Or, two in Chief, and one in Bafe, for 
 iw^deland. In the fecond and third, Barry, Ar,,ent and A^ure, a Lion, 
 /r, Crown'd Gules, for Finland, Over all quarterly, in the firft and 
 lourth, Sable, a Lion, Or, Crown'd, arm'dand languid, Gules for the 
 Palacinate of the Rhine, In the fecond and third, Lozenges, Bend- 
 Lfe of twenty one pieces >Ir^f«^ and AT^ure, {ot B-i'varia. For the 
 Xrcft, a Crown Royal, adorn'd with eight Flowers, and closM by as 
 nany Demi-circles, terminating in a Mond, Or^ The Supporters arc 
 jtwo Lions, Or, Crown'd of the fame. And his Motto in thefe words, 
 \Vomms Prote^or mem, 
 IReUgiOtl't Luther apifm is the eflablifh'd Religion of this Country, 
 eing univcrlally profefs'd by all Orders and Degrees of Men, (except 
 |in L/i'onw, where is a confiderable number of Papifts intermixt j and 
 lAfUndy manyof whofe Inhabitants are meer Heathens, ufually wor- 
 rtipping the Sun, Fire, vSerpcnts, and the Like) and that ever fince 
 \)\t Days of the Reformation, which was happily effefted in this King- 
 dom by Gufiavusxhc Firft, upon his AccefTion to the Suvedijf) Crown, 
 Ifmce which time their Religion hath not been difturb'd from abroad but 
 loncc, and fince that difturbance, never diftrafted at home by Non- 
 [Conformity ^ for Perfbns of all Ranks adhering to the Tenets of Luther, 
 give conftant attendance on Divine Service, and join in the fame man* 
 ner of Worfhip. Which uniformity in Religion, fome are pleas'd to 
 bpute to that effectual Method commonly believ'd to be here taken, 
 m lately proposed in Enfjand^ to deter all Romilh Priefts from en- 
 hmg Sweden, [^eorum k. Cajiratiol and fowing the Seeds of DilTention 
 Imong them. Cbriftiatiity was firft planted in this Country, A. C. 829 ; 
 land that by the careand diligence of Anfgarius (a Monk of Corvey, and 
 laftcrvvards Archbifhop of Breme) fent thither lor that end by the Em- 
 Ipcrour Lewis the Pious, 
 i 2. DENMARK. 
 Umc ] y\Enmark [formerly Cimbrica Cherjmcfus, a part of An- 
 \ _J cicnt Scandanavia ', and now bounded on the Eaft, by 
 J!3rto( the B.tltick \ on the Weft, by part of the German Ocean \ on 
 jhc North, hy x.\\q sound \ and on the South, by part oi Germany'] is 
 Icrm'd by the Ittlidns^ Dania j by the Spuniards^ Dinfnarca j by she 
 1 1 m. 
 •'I : 
 Part II 
 French Dencmark\ by the ///^/j Germans^ D:memArk., and by the Cn^'/iyi* 
 Denmark ; fo called trom the Bounds and Marches of its Inhabitants the 
 D.tnes, whole Country, bordering on the Ancient Batavi and Saxons 
 was thereupon call'd D.we-maychy which Name in proccfs of time did 
 turn into thaf of Denmark. 
 3IirO The i4'> of this Country is much the fame with that in the 
 Southern Part of Swedeland^ it being extrcamly Cold, but in n^oll 
 places, very wholefpnie. The oppofitc place of the Globe to Dcnma)i 
 is that part of the Tacifick Ocean lying between 21© and Z2o Degrees 
 of Longitude, with 50 and 60 Degrees of SoHth Latitude. 
 ^otlO The Soil of this Country (it lying in the loth and nthl 
 North Climates) is very good for Grain and Pafturage. Here isabun. 
 dance of Fifli, dpecially Herrings, as alfo many wild Fowls, and mod 
 kinds of wild Beafts. f he longell Day in the Northmolt partis ij 
 Hours ;, the Hiortell in the Southmoft is 8 Hours ■:J and the Nightj 
 CommotJ(tieff-l The CMcf Commoditks of this Country are Fiili, 
 Tallow, Furniture for Ships, Armour, Ox-hides, Buck-skins, Fir-wood, 
 and Wain-fcor, (fy'c, 
 18ai'ftiC0. 1 Near to Sfefwici (Southward) are yet to be fecntlicl 
 Remains of that famous Wall and Trench^ made above 880 Years ago by 
 (jotric'ms (then King of Denmark) to hinder the Incurfions oi the Saxons^ 
 refcmbling fomcwhat the Fief's Ifall in Great Britain. Between F'.enf^ 
 b^rg and Slcfwkk is a fnull village, which goes by the Name of Anglen^ 
 remarkable in fo far, that from the faid Village and Country adjacent, 
 came our Anceftors, tbe Ancient Angles into Great Britain, In Gottorf 
 is an admirable C/Zo^f of Copper, 10 Foot [. Diameter, fo contriv'd 
 by one of the Dukes of Hdde'm^ that (by certain Wheels turn'd about 
 by Water) it rcprefents exaitly the Motions of the Coeleflial Bodies. 
 As ahb another of fix Foot Diameter, fram'd by Tych-> Cr<i/j<j that famous 
 Vanifh Ailronomcr, now to be feen with a lively Reprefentation of the 
 Tychnbraick SylUm Mechanically contriv'd, and feveral curious Aftro- 
 nomical Inftrumcnrs in the Rf^und Tower at Copenhagen: Which Tower 
 it felfis likewifc Obfcrvable for its manner of Afcent, being fo con. 
 triv'd that a Coach may drive up to the Top thereof. But whereas the 
 chief Cminiitii-'s of Denmark may be julily reckon'd, rhofe treafured up 
 in the Afufjtum Regium at Cpenhagcn ^ and having had lately oh Ocra« 
 fion to view th.* fame, I humbly prelume it will not be altogether un* 
 unacceptable to the Kcadcr to give fome account thereof. 
 This excellent Repofitory confifls of eight dirl'crcnt Aparrmfn's,an(l 
 thofc well ftockc wich wliat dcfervcs the Obfervation of an inquifitive 
rt II. Scartdiftavia. 71 
 riveller. To run over the Contents of each Apartment, would re- 
 urea Volume : I (hall therefore reftriit my ifelf to fuch Cmioiittes as 
 remoft Obfervable; and thofc I ni'ght fitly reduce to twoCIaires, x//>. 
 '^rxl and Artificial. Oi Natural Cmiofttics, there is indeed iii 
 his MuUivn as good a Colleftion of all lorts, as in moft publick. Re- 
 (icorics in Euope; there being to be fecn in it all remarkable ^z;/- 
 ils, Birds, FijJjes, Plants, Minerals, &c. brought thither from moft 
 rts ct'the known World. But my prcfcnt Dcfign is not todefcend 
 lo particulars here, fince the Reader will find an account of fuch Cu- 
 fitics, as he Travels through the various Countries from whence they 
 ime, and to whom they Originally belong : Suffice it therefore in this 
 ace to take notice only of the Artificial Rarities of this Mufxum, the 
 oft Remarkable of which are thefe following, v'lr^. (i.) The Tmr 
 nd Arteries of the Human Body curioufly reprelented by LonlVare, all 
 fern appearing in their natural Situation, Bignefsand Colour. (2.) An 
 rtificial Human Skeleton, of Ivory, admirably well done by a certain 
 i<tni/& Mechanick. Its right Hand Grafps a large Sythe, the left holds 
 Sand-GUfs, and upon the out-fide of the Cafe containing this Curio- 
 ity is a Commendatory Copy of Verfes compos'd by the celebrated 
 natomifl Thomas BarthoUnus. (3 ) A lively Hiffory of our Saviour's 
 ■ilTion cut out in Ivory. (4.) An Exaft Model of a Ship with her 
 ,Iafls and Sails, all of Ivory. (?.) An Ivory Clock aftually agoing. 
 (5) A Cabinet of Ivory and Ebony very beautiful to look upon, and 
 dmirably well contrived within ^ and remarkable for being the work 
 la Z)<i«//7jMechanick Stone-blind. (7.) A well polifh'd Table of Mar- 
 e, in which is a natural reprefentation of a Crucifix* (8.) Several o- 
 her large Marble Tables curioufly adorn'd with inlaid precious Stones 
 aturally reprefenting Birds of divers Sorts. (9.) A pretty turn'd 
 Vooden Cup, which confills of no fewer than an hundred Cups puc 
 ntoone another 5 each of which is fo thin, that they'll hardly admit 
 fa (light Touch of one's Hand without harm, (ic.) Several Tankards 
 ups, Boxes, and other Veflels of Beach- Tree, neatly made and adorn'd 
 ivich Variety of Curious Figures by a Pcafant of Norway; and all with 
 other Tool than an ordinary Knife. (11.) Two curious drinking 
 cffels, one of Gold, the other of Silver in form of a founding Horn. 
 hac of Gold weighs lox Ounces ;, is in length 2 Foot 9 Inches, and 
 )ntains about two F^ngiifli iMncs, and an half. This Horn was found 
 ntheDiocefs oi Ilipcn, Anno 1639 ^ has in rai fed work on its out- 
 ide fuch a number of Animals, with Men in ffrange PoRurcsanJ Di- 
 ets Hieroglyph! cH' Figures as fuHfi oiently evince it to be of .1 Pagan Ex- 
 lalion, and to have beenus'd by the Heathens in their Religious i'er- 
 brmances. The other of Silver wcighsalmoff 4 Pounds, and isterm'd 
 mu Oldenburg! cum, of which a certain Chronologer Hjfr.elinaiws gives 
 ftrangc Relation, rwus prefcntcd 10 OtbiX, (one of 
 he Dukes oiOldcnbhrg) by a Ohoji chat appeared to him }n \ U'ood a> 
 I • 
 Part II. 
 he was a Hunting : But in the Judgment of the beft Cricicks, 'cwas 
 miAthy Chr I iii an \. of Denmark, (12.) Many Roman Urns, togedier 
 with a Stilus Romams /Eneus^ which is four or five Inches long, and 
 about the bignefs of an ordinary Goofc Quill \ it's (harp at one end 
 and the other h fitted to fcracch out what has been faldy Written.! 
 (13.) Afachina Plamtaruw^ an excellent Mouern Engine ^ by turnin? 
 the Handle of which,one may readily fee at any time, either part, prcfenr 
 or to come, the true 5tate of the Ce/e/?/^/ Motions according to the C ' 
 pernicl S\ Item ; the Longitude and Latitude of each Planet ; their Api- 
 gjium and Fer''gaum\ and true Place in the Heavens; with feveral other 
 plealant Cunofities. (14.) Atachina Eclipfium, another Modern Engine! 
 lo contriv'd that by turning it Round, one may fee both the Tear, and 
 Day, and Quantity, of a Solar or Lunar EcUpfe for any time defir'd either] 
 part or to tome. Both thcfe curious Engines wereprojcfted and com- 
 pleated by theirefeat I'rotelTor of Mathematicks at Copenhagen the In- 
 gemom Olaus Rcnsr, (15.) Afachina In^ens Coj-ernicanay a lively Re- 
 prefentation of the Cofernick Syflcm, beinga pretty Mechanical Enginei 
 mov'd l-y Clock-work, which having the Sun immoveable in the Ccn. 
 tre, Hiows the true Motion of the Earth both Diurnal and ArnualJ 
 asalfothe Moon's Motion about the Earth in 29 Days and 12 Hours, 
 with her various Pbafes, and the refpeftive Motion of each of theo- 
 ther Planet?. (f6.) h'mny Frifms, AUcrofcopes^ Barometers^ and BurniniA 
 Glaffes, particularly one of a prodigious Bignefs, being 32 Inches Dia. 
 meter. (17.) A curious Cylinder of well poliflVd Metal, by which 
 fome Colours on a Table that appear monftroufly confus'd to the naked | 
 Eye, do clearly rcprefcnt the true Elfigiesof Frederick I, of Denmarh^ 
 with his Q^Lieen Sophi.ina Ainalia, fiS.) Various forts of Arms andl 
 Habits of a great many Nations ^ with a curious Colleftion of Pidurcs 
 done by fome of the bed Maftcrs. (19.) Some Indiamnd. Egypfun 
 Idols of Wood, Stone and Ivory ^ with a few of Porcelline Earth, and 
 one of F>;als from Egypt m form of a Hog. (zo.) Some Pages of 
 writing oil I'alni free Leaves from the Coaft of Malabar, being done 
 by the Natives of that Country, with an Iron Stile. Laflly, In thii 
 MHjdtum is a great number ot Medals both Modern and Ancient. Tliel 
 Modern arc all £)4M///;, beginning with ChriflianX, and defccnding to| 
 the prefv lit Times. The Ancient are all Roman (except $ Greek) Ar^i 
 thofe cither of Gold, Silver or Brafs Of (jold are fome ol j, f .f/>,. 
 JiHguJlns^ Tiberius, Caligula^ Nero, l^efpajian, Domitian, Nerva, Tra]M\ 
 Adrian, Antoninus FiusySeptimiusS-'verusy^inA fome others. Of.S7/wrl 
 aredivtrsof t!ie foregoingEmperouis, and thofe that folIow,viz. O'.i/iuJ 
 Otht, Vitdliui, TitUi I'ejpajian, Antonius yhihjophus , Anrelins I'ou^X 
 Akreli'^i Commodus, L, Scptimius Sevcrus,'A\\& nioll of the followiii^l 
 Emperourhdovvn to M. AureliusViilorinny Of Brafs are Medals of j! 
 the Emi^cioursabnvi; uicntioned and feveral others bcfidcs, 
[part If. Scafidinavla. 75 
 3[rcl)btCl:op?icl\0. 1 h^ioi Archbijhprkls in en's Kingdom, thcre'i 
 D3h one:, vi^' that of 
 :i5ifl)0p;ticUff. ] Bijlj'^pric.l'S in this Kingdom, are rhofe of 
 Slefwkk^ ArhyfeiiyAlburg^ Ripcn^ Wibiirg, 
 Clnlbcrfittcff- ] Vnivcrfittes in this Kingdom, are thofe of 
 CopenhA^en, Kiel. 
 fanners. ] Tlie Danes ( a very warlike People of old, having 
 ionltramcd many of the Northern Nations to fubmit to the force of 
 [their Arms at foine time or other) are now aimoflof rhe fame Temper 
 Ivirh their Neighbours the Swedes dnd Ge>mans'^ but that they are gene- 
 iTJlIy efteem'd a I'eople more given to Pride and Cunning, than either 
 [of the former. So cxtrav.igantly vain are they of their own performan- 
 Ices, and fo much addii^ed of late to fulfome Flattery of their IV in- 
 Ices, that upon almofl every undertaking of their King and Country do 
 Ithey u(e to (Irike Medals \ and fuch as exprefs the Adion done in a 
 jTioft Hyperbolical, manner, tho' fometimes tlie Matter in it feif is of To 
 fmalllmportance, that no Nation of fwn^e, (but the DanifJi) would 
 brdly deem it worthy of a place in their Weekly Ga^etU'^ mucii lefs 
 [he Honour of the Medal. T\\t Danes are indeed Induftrious and frugal 
 tnoiigh, bur the Trade of their Country is at prcfent very Low, Mer- 
 Jchandizing being much difcouraged by the Severity of the Civil Go- 
 Ivernmcnt. They are alfo confiderable Lovers of Learning, butgene- 
 Irally greater Lovers of Excefs, whether in Drinking or Eating, efpe- 
 Icially the former ^ and that ever fincethc Juice of the Grape was re- 
 Icommendcd to them by the High-Germans^ v</hom they now equal (if 
 Inoc exceed ) in a!I manner of Caroufing. 
 Hanguasc "I The Modern Language of Denmark^ is originally a 
 JD':jle''t ot the Teutonic, The Court, Gentry, and Chief Burghers, com- 
 (monly ufe the High German in ordinarv Difcourfe, and ftench when 
 Ithey talk with Strangers. How the D^m/?j Tongue differs from the 
 hiih-German^ ana the Modern Language in Srvcdetand will befl appear 
 Itrom their Fater A'o//er, which runs thus, lUder vor dujom ejl him^r.elen-^ 
 mligt vorde dit naffn tilkomme dit nge^ vorde din vilie faa paa forden^ 
 \mhitnder i himme'en. Gift oJt^ i dagh vort daglige brod \ oc forlad oJ't^ 
 m slyld^ font wi forladi vore skyldener j ock Iced ojx, ichdi jrijlelfe : 
 \Men frets ojx^ fra ont. Amen. 
 G dPoVcrni 
 '4 ^w^ 
 'i r' 
 Part ll part I 
 <lB'OtJCrnment- ] This Kingdom was formerly Eleftivc { although th{, 
 ufually advanc'd the next Heir to the Crown until the Year 135- 
 that Frederick the I! Id. having bravely rcpuls'd the Swede i^ befiegiil 
 the Capital City, Copenhagen, it was then rendrcd Hereditary to his Fa 
 mily. "1 he Nobilicy here had hitherto a confideiable Stroke until theff 
 our own Days, that this Kingdom is lo (Irangely Frenchifyd in Point 01 
 Government, that the DaniJJ) and French Monarchies are now alnioli 
 of the fame Mould. The King aflumes to hinifclt the Power of df, 
 pofing of all Heirs and Hcirefies, ot any Note, as 'tis praftis'd in Franc?.] 
 The Daniji) Law is liighly to be priz'd in that it's Ihort and perfpicuou; 
 furpalfing the like of all other Nations in that refpcft. It's whollv 
 |j,l founded upon Equity, and Compriz'd in one Qjiarto Volume in the 
 Dan'ifJj Tongue, and that 16 plain, that any Man may underftand and 
 plead his own Caufe without the Aid of either Counfel or Attorney , 
 and no Suit is to hang in Sufpenfe beyond one Year and a Month. 
 This is indeed a mighty Advantage, and a fmgular Property of the 
 Vanifl) Law upon one hand, but the fume is attended with a vafUn 
 convenience on the other ^ for the firrt and prmcipal Article thereof 
 runs thus, That ^ke King huth the Privilege refeyv'd to h'lmfelf ton 
 plahj nay^ to altev and change the fame as he fliaU think good. Chit 
 Courts for Adminiftration of Juftice, both in Civil and Criminal Affairs 
 arc four, t/;^. Byjought's^ Heredsfought's^ Lanftag, and High- Right. Tl: 
 firfl is peculiar for dec ding Matters wliic:h happen in Cities and Towns 
 The fee nd for thole of the Country. Thethrd is the High-Court ot 
 the Prov"nce, to which appeals are made from the tv o former. And 
 the fourth ib the Supream of ull the red, held commonly at C"o/)e/j/;.t^efi 
 and condffin'^; of the Princ"pal Nobility, in which Curt the Kirg him- 
 felf fomeiinies fits in Perfon. Ecfides rhefe, rlcrc is the Court of Ad- 
 n)iralty for Maritime Affairs-, asalfo a Ucnc-Chamber (refembling our 
 Court ol Exchequer ) for managing all Mactcrs relating to the Publick 
 ^rmcr. ] The King oi Denmark bears Party of three, and Covp:ot 
 two wlii(h makes twelve Quarters. In the firft Or, Scm. of Hearts 
 Oule , three Lions ValVant guardant /1^«>e, crovvn'd, Langucd and 
 Arni'd of the hrff, for Djn'naik. 2. Giifes, a Lion Rampant Of, 
 Crown'd and Armd of the (irl\, in his Paws a Battel- Ax Argent, hiked 
 of the fecond. for Norway. 3. Gules, a L'on PafTant-guard.tnt C)\ 
 on Nine Hearts of the fame in Fcffe, for G^itbi-:i^rd. 4. Gules, a Dragon 
 Crovvn'd Or, for Schoncn, 5. A^ire, three Crowns Or, for Swe-ia 
 6. Gules, a Pafchal Limb, Argent, fupportinga Hjgof the fame, m.nk'd 
 with a Crofs Gules, tor JmtLtn.i. 7. Or, two Lions Palfant-guardint, 
 Av'-^c, tot Slefwick' 8. Gules, 2 Fi(h crown'd Argent, for Icelml 
 Ov?r thcfc ci^ht C^uarters, a great Crofs Ardent, ( which is the ancient 
part If. Scandiftatia, 75 
 Deviie of the Kingdom) on the Centre of which are plac'd the Arms 
 ot Dithmarch^ viz. Gules, a CavaHcr Arm'd Argent. 9. Gulesj a Ncitlc- 
 ieif open, and charg'd in the middle with a little Efcutcheon, the 
 whole Argent for f/olllein. 10. Gufes^ a Cygnet Argent^ gorgd with 
 i Crown 6>/-, for Storm ar/fj. ir. Gnl<;SyZ\^o b'ei{es Or^io^ Pelmenljorjl, 
 \i. Gules, a Crols Pattree-fitchrec Argent, for OUenburgh. The Shield 
 lurrounded with the Collar of the Order ot the Elephant. The Creft 
 IS a Crown Or, Hower'd, rais'd with eight Diadems, terminating in a 
 Mond of the fame. For the Motto are thefe words, Fietas fy J'^fii' 
 tU coronant, 
 IRcIigion.] The Errors and Praftices of the Roman Church being 
 grown at length fo intolerable, tnat an Univerfal Reformation became 
 expedient, this Kingdom, among the other Northern Crowns, threw 
 off that infupportable Yoke, and cordially embrac'd the Doftrine of 
 Luther, which being allow'd ot by Frederick the Firit, about the mid- 
 dle of the laft Century, was fo firmly and univerfally eftablifh'd in Deit' 
 innrk^ that in all the Damfl) Dominions there is no other Religion buc 
 Meranifm profels'd, except fome French Refugees, who are aliow'd a 
 Church at Copenhagen; and a few Popilh Families, who were lately 
 permitted to perform their Worfhip in a Chappel at Giuck(}at, The 
 Dmfl) Clergy do ftiil retain the Practice of Confejjim, which all Perfons 
 are oblig'd unto before they participate of the Bleflcd Sacrament of 
 the Lord's Supper ^ they li^ewife retain Crucifixes, and feveral Cere- 
 monies of the Rofnan Church. Chriftianity was fully Eflablifh'd in this 
 Country about the middle of the XII. Century, and that by the means 
 of Pope Adrian the IV. (an Engli flyman ) who before his AflUmption 
 ot the Popedom, was term'd Nicbolaus Breakfpear, 
 §. 5. TSJORWAT. 
 fiamc. "VT^>'w<y/ (formerly A^'or'ue^u, apart of ancient 5cWm4vw, 
 L\l and now bounded on the Eaft by Sweden ; on the Wcft| 
 North, and South by part of the main Ocean ) is cerm'd by the Ita* 
 I'hms, Neruegia ; by the Spaniards, Noruega ; by the french, Norwege ; 
 by the Germans, Norwegen; and by the Englijfj^ Norway, fo call'd fron* 
 its Northern Situation ( Nort being for North, and Weg, Way, ) feeing 
 ic is the way to and from the North in refpeft of the reft ot Europe^ 
 Mix. ] The Air of this Country is fo extreamly Cold, efpecially to- 
 wards the North- parts of the Kingdom, that 'tis buc thinly inhabited, 
 and that by the meanef^ of People. The oppofite Place of the Globe 
 to Norway, is part of the Pacifick Ocean between 200 and 250 Degrees 
 i of Longitude, with do and 70 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 G 2 ^oil.] 
 t ' 'r 
 : .#(1 
 • • i»V'i' 
 ;l1tf ) 
 Part II, I Part 
 ,^o«. ] By rcafon of the exceniye Coldnefs of the Country (\z 
 Tl'"^ in the nth, i2ch, and 15th North Climate) the Soil is very bar- 
 not having force enough to produce the very neccfiaries ot Life 
 common Peop.e being forc'd to ufe dry Filh inftead of Eread! 
 In ft)^rr, this Country is over-lpread either with vad Forefts, barren 
 Wounraiiis. or formidable Recks, fn the Northmofl-parts of it, the 
 IV ii above two Months, the Sun not fetting for that time; 
 ^, and the Nights pro- 
 lon^tjt Da^ 
 the fhorteft m the Southmofl about fix Hours 
 CommotJitiejff. ] The Chief Cotnmoditks of this Country, are Stock- 
 tiin, Rich Furs, Train-OiJ, Fitch, Marts, Cables, Deil-boards, and the 
 iiKc, which rhc Inhabitants exchange for Corn, Wine, Fruits, Beer, 
 ind other ncceffaries of Life. 
 Ifiarities ] Near to Drontheim is a remarkable Lake, whofe Waters 
 never freeze even in the dead of Winter, nocwichffanding the excef. 
 live Cold at that Seafon. (2.) Upon the Coaft of Norxvay, near the 
 \}^,9[^^^^"^'^ in fhe Latitude of 68, is that reinarkable and dangerous 
 'ooniy and by Navigators the Navd 
 in all probability, occafioned by 
 _ . _, , and proves fatal to Ships thatap- 
 proach too nigh, providing it be in the time of FI00.1 : For then the 
 Sea, upwards of two Leagues round, makes fuch a terrible Vortex^ that 
 the t'orce and Indraught of the Water, together w'rh the Noife and 
 Tumbling of the Waves upon one another, is rather to be admir'd 
 than cxprefK But, as in the time of Flood, the Water is drawn in 
 with a mighty Force •, fo during the Tide of Ebb does it throw out 
 the Sea, with fuch a Violence, that theheaviefl Bodies then caftinto 
 It can't imk, but are toffed back again by the impetuous Stream which 
 fuftr^rh out with inci edible Force. And during that time is abundance 
 pf Fuhcs ought by Fifhermen who watch the opportunity ^ for being 
 iorc'd up to the Surface of the Warer, they can't well dive again, io 
 violent is the rifmg Current. (3.) In feveral parts of Nsrway were 
 difcovered fome Years ago, divers Silver Mines, particularly two, 
 whereof one was term'd Benedick Divinity {vw\g\x\y SegenGottes) and 
 the other Bandi Spef, but both of 'em were quickly exhaufled ^ however 
 in the f ,rmer of thefc An, 1650. was found a Mafs of Silver, valued at 
 Thr-i'e Thoufand Two Hundred and Seventy Two Imperial Dollars. 
 And in the other was taken out a Mafs qf Silver, valued ac Five 
 Thoufand fuch Dollars. Both which Maffes and fome others of pure 
 Sil^'cr frpm thefe Norveg'^an Mines, are now to be (ccn in the Mufjiuni 
 '^p^hm a? Copfnh.igen, ' ' . 
Part II. Scandinavia, 77 
 ?l[;rcbbtfl)Op^(Cl$S(. ] Archbi(J)oprkks in this Kingdom, only one, v/X* 
 that ot 
 StiI)Opzicb0 3 Bifl^oprkks in this Kingdom, are thofe of 
 An/Ioi Bergen^ Staffanger, 
 ^|n(\)CtritiC0. ] VwverfitJer in this Kingdom. None. 
 £^nnnerflf'] The AVve^/<«nx ( being notorious Pyrares of old, be- 
 came very formidable to leveral of the Norchern Nations ) are now 
 lookc upon as a very mean, fimple, and ignorant fore of People j a 
 People however that's very hardy, much given to foiling and Labour, 
 very juft in their Dealings, and abundantly Civil (after their own 
 Manner) to the few Strangers who come among them. In the North- 
 mod Parts of the Kingdom they have no Towns, but generally Iwc in 
 Tent?, and ttavel in great Companies from one place to another in 
 llanfittagC. ] The Language now fpoken in this Country, ( efpeci- 
 ally in all the civilized Parts thereof ) is little different from that us' d 
 in the Kingdom of Denmark^ a Specimen of which is already given 
 in the foregoing Paragraph. 
 d^otjernment. ] This Kingdom was formerly a diflinft Body by it 
 ftif, and independent of any other, but ( being incorporated with 
 Dcn/nar^j Anno 1387. ) is now fubjeft to his Dan /J) Majefty, who, be- 
 fides particular Governours in places of grearefl (mportance, doth ordi* 
 narily keep a Vice Roy there for the better managing of the whole j 
 his Place of Refidence is commonly at Bergen^ and his Power is extra* 
 ordinary great. 
 3frmaf.] See Denmark, 
 IReKgfon. 1 The eftablini'd Religion in Norway, is the fame as !n 
 dmnarJ^y only that in the Northmofl P.irrs of the Kingdom, the know- 
 ledge of Chriftianity (which was at firft planted in this Country much 
 about the fame time with the two other Northern Crowns ) is fo dc'* 
 cay'd, that on the BorJcrs of Lapland they ditfer but little from meer 
 G 3 
 ■i. 'I ... 
 t -1 , •, 
 ': . 1 
" m 
 ( ' I 
I — 
Pa^e yy. 
 ^^^z*' f^ V/^"^"'^" '^^- 
 : 4 ^J.^O..^ ^^A-K ^^^^H-Oril 1« ,^ 
 ^ - ■^ ZtiiiojUi'i 
 <V"t i>u 
 Pa^e yy. 
 t (bet 
 Trhes — 
 Dw'ma — 
 Condora. » 
 Siberia * 
 03iorrf — 
 Vologda ' 
 Kifi Novoi 
 Mofcow - 
 Novngrod , 
 yieskorv - 
 S:veria - 
Part ir. 
 SECT. ir. 
 Concerning ^ofcOUia. 
 a. m. 
 I ^becween ^,4^ °°^of Long || ^^"8'^ is about 1630. 
 (. 71 00^°^ ^"* J 5 (.Breadth is about 1500. 
 Divided into(^o"n Chief Town J !^^'''V^v'^Jr• '^''^''- 
 ^Soutli J ^ Mofcowy Capital City. 
 More particularly. 
 North contains many Provinces, but chiefly thefc of 
 Kargapol'ia I f, Kargdpol 
 _ ; S ! S.. Michael, Arch- Angel I ^ ^ 
 — • i .il I Tohot — 7 
 ^ I Bere:(pn> — 3 
 ld'"m, upon the Upper-part of the Dwlna. 
 South containing many Provinces, but chiefly thefc of 
 1^ ■ fV,;V 
 MordowH^i -«— 
 /C//? Novogrod- 
 Vohdim'ir — 
 Mofcow — ■" 
 > '^<^"^^^\ffom E. to W. ajf. 
 Novogrod iVeiiki-— 
 yieskow — — 
 Ssvejia — — , 
 ^i;: -< Idem 
 .ii , Idem at the Mouth of the Volga* 
 7 Between the I ake llmeht 
 X and Peipus. 
 l^Novogrod'Servaski S. W. of Mofcow, 
 C 4 
r 'il 
 Part II, I part 11 
 M S C F I A. 
 S^MM' \ yl<'^;(')i/\/ or /v //]//./ [containing much of S.mnatia Eumps,:^ 
 L V j with p;!rc vi Su'matia Afuxtica^ and now bounded onl 
 r]ic Eafl hy Tjrtuvy ^ on the Wei^ h^j Sweden^ on the North by thcvaf|| 
 Northern Ocean, and on the South by Little Tartary^ Georgia, and 
 tlic Cufpian >ca J is termed by the Italiansy Mofcovia ^ by the Spaniards 
 M^jcovhi\ by the French^ A lofcwie or Ruffic HLinchc \ by the Germans, 
 uMufcau., and by the E^glijh^ JVIofcoviu or A-hfcovy^ io cali'd from its I 
 Cliiei Province of that Name, whole Denomination is deriv'd iron 
 Mnfch'i or Moici^ an Ancient l^eople firil Inhabiting that Part of the 
 Country. The Name of Ruffia is generally agreed upon to come fromj 
 anotjier Ai:cient Teoplc of that Country, cali'd R'ffi or Kuffu 
 3tr. 1 The A r o^ ths Country is very Cold, particularly towards! 
 the N( rth, wiicre Snow and Ice are ufual for tiiree (Quarters of the 
 Year^ but in the Southmod I'rovinces they have very fcorching Heats 
 in the Summer lor the Spvicc of fix Weeks. Theoppofite Place of the 
 Globe to M)jcnv\r^ is chat part of the vafl Pacifick Ocean, between 2:0 
 and 2C0 Degrees of Longitude, with 45 and 71 Degrees of iiouth La- 
 ^Oil. ] The S:)il of this Country ( it lying in the 8, 0, 10, 1 1, i:, 
 i'Tc. Nortiurn Cliniarcj is very ditTerenr, according to the difftrcnr 
 Situation of us Tarts. Here arc many Plains, hut generally full ot 
 MarlTics. Towaids the North arc vait Forefls •, ancl even wlicre the 
 Ground is clear d of Wood 'tis ( for the moit paic ) very Birrcn, and 
 to cNtrcamly Cold, that what chey fow doth leldom come to due Per- 
 icCV.on. In the South well Parts towards FolanJ^ the Soil is tolerablv 
 good, file Ground there producing fcveral forts ol Grain in Great a- ; and 'tis reported bv many, that their Corn is ready for 
 rt aping abcjuc two Months after it is Ibwn. The longeft Day in thf 
 NorrhnKfl Part of this Country is above two Months, The Sarmi 
 letting lor that time when near the Summer SoKficc^ the fliortefl in the 
 Scut'mioff is about 9 Hours ;, and the Nights proportionably. 
 Commot)ltif£r. 3 The Chief Commodities of this Country, are fiirj, 
 s.ibies, Martins, 'Wax, Honey, Tallow, Train-Oil, Cdvicrc, Hemp, 
 k'ax, Slad, Iron, ^c. 
 ?fif rt tes. ] As one cf tl.c Chief Rarit'es of this Country, wc mav 
 rcv^kon that llrangc Ibrr ot Afjon^ found in or near to Allrac^f^y Ca'An 
 aiid Sitmarn. Sumc ot the Natives term it /iart:rtV/.,'( i.e. The littlt 
irt III part II. 
 ndcd on 
 ' thcvaO] 
 gi(t, and 
 Irom its 
 ''d iron 
 •c of the 
 mc from 
 rs of the 
 ng Heats 
 ;c of the I 
 ween 220 1 
 outh La- 
 full of 
 ere the 
 rcn, and 
 due Per- 
 Great a- 
 cady for 
 in the 
 Su n not 
 11 in the 
 arc fiirj 
 , Hemii 
 itmb) other Zoophyton, which fignifies the Animal Plant. The firfl 
 Title would fcem moft proper becaule in Figure it refcmbles a Lamb, 
 and fuch is its vegetable Heat, that according to the vulgar manner of 
 expreiTion) it Confumcs and Eats up all the Grafs, or other Herbs, 
 within its reach. As the Fruit doth ripen, the Stalk decays^ and is 
 covered with a Subflance exaftly the fame with Wool that's fhort and 
 curling. A part of the Siiin of this remarkable Plant, [vulgarly rcckon'd 
 a Plant, but difown'd by our Modern Botaniftsy'] is to be feen in the 
 King of Denmark's Publick Rcpofitory of natural Rarities at Copenhagen- 
 the infide of which Skin being Drefs'd, as Tanners ufuully do the Flefliy 
 (ide of Lamb Skins without taking off the Wool, no Man can di- 
 llinguifh between the Skin of the Boraretx,^ and that of an ordinary 
 Lamb. Whereupon, it is that many of the Mofcovites ufe the Skin 
 of this rare Vegetable, (if we may allow it to be fuch) inflead o£ 
 Furs for Lining of their Vefls. As another remarkable thing of this 
 Country, we may here add, that ftately Church in Mofcow, call'd Jeru- 
 JAlem, which feem'd to John Bafilides I. (then CT^ar) fuch a ffatcly 
 Pile of Building, that he ordered the Eyes of the Archireft to be put 
 cut, that he might never contrive, at leaft, behold its fellow. 
 Eccleflafiicks in Mofcovia are, One Patriarch, Four Metropolitans, 
 Seven Archbilhops, and feveral Bifhops. 
 The Patriarch is he of Mofcow, rcfiding in the fame City. 
 f Novo^oradsl'i and Welikoluskoi, 
 Metropolitans are J Koftoufska'i and Haroi^ausko'u 
 thofc of J Cafaml'oi and Sunatsko'i, 
 X^Sarskotaxidi Pondosku 
 .Wolodoiko'tJin^ Weliko'Premskoi, ' 
 Refamkoi and MornmskoK 
 \Snsdalsko'i and Turroslo'i. 
 Trvcnkni and Caffinsk)}. 
 Sihirsioi and Tobolskoi. 
 Allrachansloi and Tersloi, 
 Flcshousloi and ^bdrsko'u 
 Aichbif})opncl's are 
 choi'e ot 
 115(fl)opi(cUof. ] As* to thcexad Number and Names of Eifiiopricks 
 iiithis Country ; the fame is but uncertain at befl. 
 we niav| illnfljfrfiticflf.] Here we can hardly expert the Seats of the Mufcs 
 t\tMn|^vhcic i\\G Lihcijl Arts and sciences have been fo long haniftlt, and the 
 ic Zjrf/f|^uidying ol them inliibitcd by PubLck Authority. 
 ■ ^ ■'■! 
 Part j! 
 ^^mif rfif-l The Mofcovites (Men of a vigorous and healthiul Cod- 
 flitutiou) arc generally reckon'd a ide, deceitful and ignorant fort q( I 
 I'coplc; and muchaddirtcd to cxccifive Drinking, as alfo unlawful and I 
 bcallly I'Jcafurcs. And lb fond ot ignorance have they hitherto been, 
 tliat 'tvvjs lookc upoH as ( almofl) a piacular Crime for any of theJ 
 to jppiv hinilclt to a learth after Knowledge But things are now niigh. 
 tiJy altered in this Point, and that by the Encouragement of his pre. 
 lent tiJriih Majcfly, who gives leave to his NobiJity to acquire the Li- 
 beral Arts and Scitnces, particularly the Mathematicks ; and toacqua ntl 
 ihcnirdvcs with foreign Countries and Languages And that the 
 Learned Languages {Greek awA Latin^ maybe no longer ftrangers in 
 th'S Ccuntry, he iiath already erectccIPublick Schools in Mofcow lor the 
 ttajching of tl.em. By whi^h means it is to be hop d that the Brutilli 
 Temper and Stupidity of this People, may be much rctorm'd in fome 
 time. And whereas the prelent Eanperour hath already villted fbmcoi 
 the bcft Nations of £//)(5/)/', purpolely to improve himfelf in Warike 
 Atfiir?, both by Sea and Land, (^cfpecially the former) and fi nee this 
 Lindcrtjk'ng is lb ^uncommon, that the Mufcovitif}) Story can't .iff rd a 
 Faiailel ; 'tis alfo to bchop'd, that the Effe^'ts thereof will be equally 
 aflonifning, and that in humbhng (if not cruihing) hothTrks and 
 Turt.irs, h:s dilturbing Neighbours, and profelled Enemies to thcCrofs 
 ofChrilt. With fuch bii^ hopes as thefe were many thinking Men 
 m Euroi'C tirmly poliefb'd for fomc years bygone: But the r;^^i>^'s late 
 Attempt upon his Chrillian Neighbour the Swec^e^ and the Unchriliian 
 Circumffanccs of that Attempt have very much dalh'd all hopes of| 
 that Natiirc. 
 lansuflSC. 1 The Lati^;,u,ife uid in this Country, is a Dialed of thfi 
 »<'c/.a'on'»i/f, i^ut lo corrupted and blended with other Languages, that 
 'tis hardiy undcrflood by thofe whofpcuk the pure ScLivmiiW, whichl 
 nevcrthclcfs is Itill us\i by the/ljrfj[^.<wj in their Divine Service. The 
 yatcr-mller (which I find only in a corrupt Diale!l of their Tongue) 
 runs thus, Aif.atielihen ]')ki} oledh tainahijfa', Pyhetta olhn fiunn>;tkM 
 lnta\ ftolk^bm fiintbAtofi /cwim taiiuihiJJ.iayn nia^t palla. Meiciben'i kipMl 
 n\'n Ic'ipa .t/i/M mahdlen tanapuiwana^ j.i anna me'idem fynMa: Kwin moil 
 ar.n^j'fhi meuicn \\tl]adhin ykko'illen-^ ja ala fata meita kin fauxen fnutti\ 
 pUiiJt.i iiicitd p.tjjla, 
 ■ (Ciobcrnmtnt.l This great Body is under its own Prince, wliol 
 afi'unieth th.e Title ot r^i^r, (which in the Rujjun Language fignities 
 Emperor) \ct more ccmiiionly he's tcrm'd the Great Duke, He's an 
 Hereilirary Monarch, and his Government truly Dcfpotical. The Lives 
 and Fortunes ot his Subjects arc wholly at his difpofal •, and the 
 greatcit Km'i or Lord within his Dominions, doch acknowledge 
lart n« Mofcovla, ^5 
 jnifelf his Galop or s/41/?. As he is a Prince of uwcomroulabic Power, 
 mKo he's poflcfs'd of vaftly extended Dominions, from whence (tho* 
 iich oi 'em be very barren) he draws prodigious Revenues •, and thofe 
 ^ only that accrue from Publirk Taxes, but likewifc from his Mo- 
 Dpoly of . "tables, and farming out of publick Jnns^ Taverns, and Ale- 
 Uy, [he himfelf being firfw'er General'] which rifes to a very high 
 [m, elp( cially in a Country where the »*eopIe is extreamly addifted 
 I drinking. The C;^<tr not only exercifeth an uncontroulable Power 
 verhis llavifh Subjerts, but alfo pretends to a kind of Omnifcience a^ 
 Jong them, and hathfo fucceedcdinthis bold Pretence, that the main 
 udyofthe People doth really believe that their Great Duke know- 
 |h all things. To fupport which Opinion, The Mofcovitiflj Zm^crors 
 )veindurtrioufly endeavour'd to keep their People in grofs Ignorance, 
 tor that end have hitherto banifh'd out of their Dominions the 
 [beral Arts and Sciences, and forbid the ftudying of them under the 
 vcrcft I'enaltics. But the prcfent C^^tr by his proceedings (already 
 Intcd at) would fcem toreftifie that grofs Abufe. He fuffers none of 
 I Nobles to retire from Court without his fpccial Permiflion, and fcl- 
 Ini, or never, to vifit Foreign Countries, till thefc our own Days: 
 nor fo snuch as to talk with Foreigners at home. The Publick 
 airs are chicHy maiiag'd by his Great Council, (call'd Dummy Boy av en) 
 Infifiing of rhc IVincipal Noblemen of the Empire. Here alfo are 
 Ivers other Co«/?c//j-, or vjuhc^ Chambers zndi Courts of Judicature, to 
 licli bdong their rcfpcrtiveBufmefs, and each of thefe hath its pc- 
 prrrcfident^ they're in number Six, whercot the firft is appointed 
 AniI)aliadors and Foreign Negotiations. The fccond for managing 
 Military Atfjirs. The third for the Publick Revenues of the Em- 
 re, The fourth for en' ouraging of Trade and merchandizing. And 
 itwoochers for hearing and determining of all Caufes, both Civil 
 iCriminal. One Laudable Cuflom obtains \n Mofcoviay (and per- 
 Js the only one that's worthy of Imitation in other Countries) which 
 J That the Mofcovit'i/J) Emperors feldom, or never, make Foreign 
 Itches ; but ufc to chufc for thcmfclves a Confort from among the 
 yghrcrs of their own Nobility. 
 Irms.] The Arms of M)fcovta arc. Or an Eagle difplay'd Sdhle^ 
 m\\\ on it:s Brcait a S!iie!d Gules^ charg'd with a Cavalier Agent 
 'tnij^ a Dnigon •, on and between the Heads of the Eagle are three 
 ^»vns for Mofcovy^ C.izaiu and A/iracan. According to others, the 
 IS arc 6\tb!cy a Portal open ot two leaves, and as many degrees, O". 
 pclicifon. 1 The M[fcov}tcs boaft that they profefs Chriftianity, 
 plingcothc Docirine of the Grec/- Church in its Ancient purity, 
 indeed rhcvh v niixt with the fame, a great many ridiculous Cc- 
 Niesand foolilli iupeiflicions ol their own. They render Divine 
 1 »"! 
 V (' ■ <' 
 1' , 
 ■1 .- a 
 'I it ■ 1 
 ■»" I 
 Part I 
 Wor/hip to the Virgin Mary^ and other Saints^ as alfo to Crofles, ao 
 never commence any thing of Moment unlels they firft fign themfchfl 
 with the Sign of the Crofs. In Baptifm they ufe Exorcifm, ands 
 ways Confeffion to the Priefl before they receive the Sacrament of tii 
 Lord's (upper. All above feven Years of Age receive that Sacramcrt 
 \n both kinds, and they give it in one kind to Children under tJ 
 Age. They ufually adrainifter the fame (as alfo extreme Un rJ 
 to perfons part all hopes of Recovery j but they neither adore A 
 Sacrament, not believe the Arange Dodlrinc o\ TranfubftantiatioJ 
 They obferve fifteen great Feftivals, befides a great many Days decj 
 cated to particular Saints. Sermons they never ufe, but only real 
 fome Portions of Holy Scripture, with St. Bafil*% Liturgy, and divej 
 Homilies of Sz Chryfojiome. The Chriflian Faith was firft planted ij 
 this Country towards the latter Part of the Tenth Century, andtli( 
 by the Preaching of fome Greeks^ fent thither, by the then Patmi 
 I I Im 
 ' w.i 
 'K ■'■• 
 I ,\- ■' 
 |;':iiiJ i 
 If ^ 

 :3ffl iia— .. .. iiB ' jR 
 [iiii m i 
 T '7^- 
 'J. Catdff 
 irt If. 
 fcrr^ comprc 
 lends the Go 
 Kinmencs of 
 lends theG( 
 rernmencs ol 
 .(//i compr^ 
 bends the G< 
 Nrnmcnts oj 
 [vided into 
irt ir. 
 Concerning f tatlCC* 
 d. m. 
 Length is about $39 
 Breadth is about 450 
 ^ North. 
 Being divided into Three Clafies, vix,. > Middle. 
 J South. 
 trtk comprc- 
 hinmencs of 
 lends theGo- 
 Jernmencs of 
 \nth compre- 
 hends the Go. 
 rernmcnts of 
 Pkardy ' 
 The Ifle of France 
 '^Am'tens^ Northwards. 
 Paris — J»from W. to E, 
 Tmye j 
 \0rleamis . 
 Lionois — - 
 rGuienne & Gajcony 
 ) Languedx 
 ^ Dauphine ■ 
 y^Frovence ,^ — j 
 Rennes — 
 Orleans — 
 I' Tholoufe 
 ^Aix ^, J- 
 Of all thefe in Order. 
 ff. t.PlCARDr. 
 l^Lomr, towards the Wcft-j \Abbeville, 
 Part II 
 But more partjcularly. 
 Ticrafche . 
 Higher conmn^^^ S antene •^. 
 ,Amieno}s — 
 Pais Ketonquit 
 Lovper contains ^/jr^^j , 
 \Bon'ognois ' — 
 ■ £ ■ 
 'Curfc- -. 
 S. i^itisnfin — 
 Perome . 
 Amiens — — ^ 
 .E. CO W, 
 CaLiis — 
 Idem - 
 Boulogne * 
 .N. to S. 
 To Pkardy wc fubjoin the Archbilhoprick of Cambray, lying Nol 
 Peronne. Chief Town Cambray. 
 ^. 2.N0RMANDT. ^,,,^,,„^^ 
 ) Roven 
 Higher contains S Qjj-gy^ . 
 Lower comains< Cacn 
 More particularly, 
 fPais dux -^ "> cCaudebeck ^ 
 Idem — J>N. to S.E. 
 Idem . — J 
 Idem, S. of Roven. 
 [Lmr cont 
 ^Idem, S. E. of Caeiu 
 §. 2. IJleofFKKN C E. 
 fvided into J 
 More particularly, 
 PontOyfe — 
 •IS — Jl 
 to W. 
 to E. 
 fLaom'is r 
 I Soijfono'is 
 J Beauvo'Jes 
 rS':rth the Seine i Vexin Francois 
 contains J I), of Vabis 
 I Jfle of France •- 
 ^mth the Seine J Murepoix . i j^eiin — -> 
 contains IGaflemis — [ ^^fontargis-^}^'^^^^ 
 §. 4. CHAMP AIO NE. 
 '^^' ^"-}^C;l;:^fc}chief Town{j;^- 
 More particularly, 
 , Paris — - — 7 ,,, ^ 
 n'lihcrcoTitimi) ^\ of I<^heims 
 ^ ^. . ^, . - ^^^''^^ — >N. to S. W. 
 ^ /^/^6 Champaigne . ^ [ S. D/\/>>' — J 
 Lchallonois -j^jS ^ Chalon on the River J/^rre. 
 \Lwer contains*? Low Ch.impaigne 
 -;- Troyes 
 es ^ J 
 to E. 
 vided incol^'^*^*'' Eaftvvard > f ;lMn^^ 
 viaea mcoj.^^^^^^ Weft ward ^ f ^^^^^ Towns <^q^^j^^ 
 V- 1 

 ) ' 
 Part II J Part II, 
 More particularly, 
 ^Higher comams/ S. /yfah 
 the Tenko\ Brieux . 
 ries of ( Rennes 
 Sr. Pol de Leori' 
 ridem "> 
 Idem ^E. to W. 
 Idem J 
 Idem 7 . , 
 Idem t^-'"^- 
 Lower contains ^Comoaile . 
 Vaimes — 
 — Ivv. 
 > W. to E. 
 Hiiher^ [ 
 tiie To 
 \Uwery [\ 
 I i tains i\\ 
 S. 6.0RLEAN0IS. 
 rXorth^ "^ Char tret 
 Divided inco<J upon SThe River lo/r, chief Town ^Orleans. 
 jPoiaiers. ftvided into- 
 f North contains ) Perche 
 More particularly, 
 • c 
 J the Loire, ^«-*'M- 
 •>- Iw. 
 to E, 
 Vendofme S. of f crc^'t' 
 End comp 
 /<«^er — 
 o , Tours- 
 ^ B/o/. 
 C i4«w// 
 Or'eans — \ 
 Never s - 
 W. to I, I W comp 
 South contains^ ^"^r''"' 
 i 9- G 
 lOchelfe — _ 
 Pwr,A,.A ;r.^/^7 ff'gher. Northward 7 ^, r ._ rP/; w. 
 ividcd mtoj.^,^^^; southward 1^'"^^ ^^^^nlBir^V « Br^^ 
rt III Part II. 
 More particularly* 
 . toE. 
 pro- J Dijon 
 Higher, [viz. Burgoigne 
 pcrly To caird] contains *< Chdhn 
 the Towns of . 1 Mafcon — 
 I Autun — 
 lower., [viz. la Brejfe'j con- CBourgeen Brejfe 
 tainS) the Towns ot < Belly < 
 ._ Iw. to S, 
 N. toS. 
 §. 8. L 10 NO IS. 
 divided into<|^^^^^ ^- 
 Chief Town 
 I. to L 
 £<t/? comprc- ) called] 1 
 Vmk ■ ^^"^* / Beaujolois J 
 More particularly, 
 / I/ono/V properly fo '^ r L/onj-- 
 ' is. to N. 
 r jQ p;^ I W^f/? compre- J '*^^'^^"^ ^ lower 
 hends j Bourbonmh — — ~ 
 Feun - 
 Clermont 7 
 S. F/owr 5 
 Bourbon (or) Mou: ins J 25 
 •(^ G.^erg^ .Weft ward* 
 " f ft 
 Mouitns J 25 
 . to EJ 
 MfGuknne T Northward] ^H ^Bourdeuix. 
 |:oto ^G^/cofj.'tf J Southward] 3 j ^.4/rf,viz. the chief ofGafcoigni^ 
 properly fo called. 
 tl I 
 I y 
 I I 
 More particularly, 
 IV Gu 'enne f proper-"^ 
 j ly fo called >-^ 
 fGuieme In 8 r^ South ^BaT^adois- 
 Provinces, j jAgenois 
 j (^ Rover gue 
 j ^Staintoigne 
 j J Perigort — 
 ^4 North f Umofin'X 
 fmnh the 
 Les Landes^ 
 ^Albert ^— 
 \ArmagnAc - 
 Bourdeaux . 
 Rhodes . 
 PerigHettx — 
 Limoges - — 
 Cabors . — 
 , Idem 
 Gafcoigne in- | r Labour — 
 *C to 3 pares. <^ Upon the ^ Gafcoigne prop, 
 Adoui ) EJtarac 
 South the 
 (^Comminges •»- 
 I.ojj'er Navarre 
 iC, of 5o«/c 
 \Bigorre - 
 Conferiint — -. 
 H "^ Condom - 
 Verdun - 
 Ay re 
 Myrande ^ S-iJeu 
 S. r<i/4/j — ^ ta 
 MauUcons — /^ 
 (^S. Bertrand' 
 tecr conr: 
 [enl Towni 
 r'licf of vvhil 
 ^'^er cental 
 h'TJl Town 
 cliiefof whif 
 More particularly. 
 ■fj'i^her contains the Ter- ) Tholoufe — 
 ricories of «i Alby 
 S. Papoul — J g 
 Idem \ 
 fdem 42 m. 
 N. E 
 S. to N. on 
 the Garonne 
 ! >34 
 Idem 55 m. CCI-^ 
 S. E. 
 I^'^"^>w. to £. 
 ■s Narbonne • ._ 
 /'Territories /Be:(iers — | § 
 \ of r MotitpeHer 
 1 Lnver con- ) J Nif/nes 
 tains the "S Country of^Givakdan — 
 / Sevcnne} di- yelay Le Puy 1 ^^ ^^ g^ 
 V. vided mtoj ^ivare^ — j '^J'lviers J 
 \ I. „» '^Higher, towards the Eafl "> ^, . , - ") Grenoble. 
 ^'-■^'^ "*• rioter, towards the Weft }<^'"«* TownJ., 
 More particularly, 
 f Grenob'e upon the //ere 
 |//;^l)fr contains fe- \Gap 
 leral Towns , the ^Ertibmn 
 pcf of which arc /BrUncon or Briarfm 
 V. PigncYoly S. E. of Brianfon 
 unto or upon 
 he Durance, 
 f'-'C \!'alence W to S. 
 i' ' N ^' Paul de Triciden — .- J 
 wer contains fe- .^^ J-^/Vme 
 Ivctal Towns, f'"*: 
 ■r/j5lo!"lchiefof which; 
 .^'^"f^ ^ ?>;?, S. E. of f'^i/mf. 
 11 ' *"< !! 
 H ^ 
 i f2. PRO 
 Part II, I Part I 
 I > 
 ;' •'. 
 §• 12. PROVENCE. 
 . . fH'gher^ Northward 
 Divided into^ Middle part 
 l,Z.ower, Southward —J 
 More particularly, 
 f Orange — 
 *) CS'iflerim, 
 >Chief Town^ Aix 
 ^Higher, whofc chief Vj'^'"'''" 
 Towns are K'y^ r- 
 Csijieron — 
 W. to E. on the 
 North of D«- 
 rance River. 
 Middle psLTty whofcJA/x — 
 chief Towns arc \Rier ^ 
 I Toulon — 
 jLow^r, whofe chief J ^''^''7 "" 
 Towns are 1^^'^"^^ - 
 I l^ence — 
 ,W.toE. oniheS. 
 of the Dnrancc' 
 I W. to E. nigh unt^ 
 >► or upon the 5(^ 
 i Coaft. 
 Aifo thoi 
 Divided into 
 After thefe Twelve Governments we may here fuj;^^/;^;. j^^ 
 join two other Countries adjacent to the Ea 
 part of France. 
 »^• 'J J ... r^^J'^t?"? properly fo called— -7 ^..fT^^^rA'rfMty. 
 MiMe, its 
 ^wer, its 
rt 11, 1 Part 11. 
 More particularly. 
 Uxmi properly fo called 
 D. of5<«K ■ — 
 Principality of Pha/tTibourge 
 ■) Toule ^^ 
 ' TheTerritor.of We/ "> 
 Clermont -• 
 .Bitch . 
 Salme . 
 "i f Nanc} towards the Middle, 
 Bar le Due, Weftward. 
 Idem, Eaftvvard. 
 o , Idcm^ 
 L i^ J Idem") 
 r-H ^ Idemj' 
 _ Is. to N, 
 Idem, I $ Miles W. of Verdun. 
 Idem— ,"\ 
 Idem— / N, to S. upon the E. 
 Idem-, r part of Loraine. 
 , Idem — J 
 Udem, 1 8 Miles S. E. of Tw/. 
 ^ . J . ^^'^^f^ Northward—") C Montbel'iart. 
 Divided into<J Middle pan ^Chie£Town<{ Befanfon. 
 iLower^ Southward ^ J {^Salins, 
 More particularly, 
 ere kmffi^her, its chief Towns are ^5'"^^^'^''* 
 to W. 
 MUdle, its chief Towns are ^ ^^-/J*"^"" <^r Bc/^n/bn 7 E. to W. upoB 
 CUude'ZirZ^ }n. to S. 
 iwer, its chief Towns arc-{|''f!7^ 
 - «!<• 
 \H 4 
 Part II. I Part If, 
 jRame.] X^Rance [formerly G({Uia. from its ancient Inhabicanrs the 
 J Gals^ othervvj-ys the Celr£: and now bounded fn the 
 Eaft, by Germany^ on the Weft, by the Bay of Bifcay, on the North, 
 by the £-^///Z) Channel and Flanders-^ on the South, by Spain., and 
 part of the jyfiditerrant'anSta~] is termd by the Italians und Sp.ini- 
 ards^ Franchia-^ by its Narive^, la F ance ^ by the Germans F>ankre ch\ 
 and by the Englij})^ France :, (o caJIed (as mofl Authors agree) from 
 the Franks^ a German Nation, inhabiting that Part of Germany ftill call'd 
 FrancQnia\ who invad ng Gaul^ and by Degrees fubduing a great Par: 
 of it, gave it a New Name from its New Mafters, who (in the Opini. 
 on of fome Judicious Writers) I'ad theirs from certain Fanchifa 
 granted them by the Roman Emperors beyond what the Neighbour. 
 ing Nations enjoyed -, or (according to others) from the GermM 
 word, Fraen ^nd Anfetij the iorrher fignifyiHg Fi^e?, and the other an 
 MiV''] The Air of this Country is very Temperate, Plcafant, and 
 Healthful, being in a good Medium between the great Excefs of 
 Heat and Cold, which ordinarily attends tlofe Countries of a more 
 Northern and Southern Situation^ yet fo healthful is it, that this 
 Kingd ^m is generally obfcrv'd to be lels fubjcit to Plagues and Sick 
 nefs, than molt other Nations ofEuropey and the Air about M^"^pt'/'t's| 
 in particular, is Univerfaliy cftecm'd Medicinal for Conlumption!. 
 The oppofue Place of the Globe to France, is that part ofthevaflj 
 Pacifick Otean, between 190 and 207 Degrees of Longitude, vvidi 
 42 and 51 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 feotl] The Soil of this Country (it lying in the 6, 7, and 5j 
 North Climate) is extraordinary fruitful, particularly in Coml 
 Wine , Fruits , Hemp, fyc. TiiC Fields being here both large 
 lod open, are generally inccrmingrd with Vines and Corn ^ asalfd 
 bordered and interlin'd with variety of Fruits : Here are many vjl 
 Forefts, and thefe well (lor'd with moll forts of wild Bcalls fit loj 
 Hunting, fcveral Mountains, and thefe covered over with nunicl 
 rous Flocks, and fome of them lin'd with rich and valuable Mines 
 here alio arc divers excellent Pits of Coals, and Quarries of StoiK 
 The longefl Day in the Northmoft Part of this Country, is aboii 
 1 5 Hours -{. The ftiorccft in the Southmoft, is 9 Hours \, and tli| 
 Nights proportionably. 
 CommotlitleB.j The Chief ro;«wjiV?V/>j of this Country, are5a| 
 Fifh, Corn, Wine, Almonds, Coral, Canvas, Oade, Linen, Vm 
 Wood, Skins, Alamodes, Luflring, and rich flowcr'd Silkf, Vcr(iigr| 
 Crcmor Tartaris, (^c, 
 ' ■••''' letfltitlfol 
 ioii'ic rema 
 in til at G 
 w<. (i.) 1 
 a yet ent 
 figures an 
 jrc alfo thi 
 S>tmtes in 
 ereftcd by 
 nin'd over 
 iiis of a R 
 tivelve Mil 
 above anotl; 
 krs-^ as tl 
 at perigneux 
 n Aries in 
 all is thaf a 
 ivith Icvcra 
 KrrMlns and 
 Heathen Tcr 
 the Jcnetoye] 
 Ferif^ueux in 
 (j.) The Ru 
 ^urgUH./y; tl 
 tliole at Tho. 
 kliofe Ancic 
 |inorc efpecid 
 I'jles in Pro 
 Itwo Foot hi^ 
 ptone. Amc 
 |riic large P 
 llfagiies froi 
 of Work 
 puring it fo 
 may add th 
 the Rime 
 m weighing 
 [virh Scipio Aj 
 icers attend 
 lihe fame be 
 (loring a bc;i 
 ^poii.s'd her 
 Thefe bei 
 i^^'jle in this 
Part II. 
 are Sa 
 I5arit<e0 ] Among the cliief Rarities of France^ we may reckon 
 foflic remarkable remains of the Roman Antiquities as ycc to be leen 
 in [hat Country. And they arc reducible to thefe following Heads, 
 ;;/^. (i.) Triumphal Arches^ particalarly ^A<j/^ in the City of Rheims, 
 as yet entire, compos'd of three Arches, and adorn'd with many 
 Figures and Trophies, but uncertain for whom erefted : There 
 jre alfo the Ruins of feveral others near Autun in Burgundy •, one ac 
 Si'mtes in Guienne-, another almoft entire at the City of Orange^ 
 erefted by Cains Afar'ius and Lu^atins Catulus^ upon the Vidory ob- 
 tain d over the Cimhri and Jeutones ^ (where are likewife the Ru- 
 ins of a Roman Circus.) To thefe we may add that ftately Bridge, 
 twelve Miles off Nifmes^ confifting of three Stories of Arches one 
 above another, the laft of which was an Aquedudt. (2.) Amphitljea- 
 Urs-f as the Ruins of a ftate!y one at CWonj in Burgundy, another 
 at perigueux in Ouienne ; another at Tboloufe in Langnedoc •, another 
 II Aries m Provence ', another atViemiein Dauphme-, but the chief of 
 all is that at Nifmes, of an extraordinary bignefs, and as yet adorn'd 
 with leveral Pillars, and divers Roman Eagles, as alfo the Fable of 
 ^^tmIus and Remus lucking the She. wolf. (3.) The Remains of fome 
 Hmtbcn Temples ; particularly thofe of Templum J ant (now tall'd 
 \kJenetoye) at Autun \n Burgundy -, thofe ot the Goddels Venns ac 
 ym^ueux m Guienne-, and that of Diana near N'lfmes m Languedoc, 
 (|.} The Ru nt of fome Ancient Aqaedu^s, as thofe near Coutance in 
 hr^m.'y •, thofe at Dole in Bretaigre-y Ibnie at Antun in Burgundy •, and 
 [\]ok ^t Tboloufe m Languedoc, (^s.) Remarkable Pillars, particularly 
 thofe Ancient Columns and Pyramids nejr Autun in Burgundy, but 
 more efpecially is that famous 7^ o/w.«/i Obelisk of Oriental Granate ac 
 Mis in Province, which is much admired by the Curious, being fifty 
 two Foot high, feven Foot Diameter at the Bafe, and yet all but one 
 Stone Among the Monuments of Antiquity, we may mention 
 u large Pallage cut through the Middle of a Rock about two 
 Leagues from B iaiifon in Daupfjine, which being a ftupendious piece 
 of Woikj, gives occafion to various Conjectures, (ome Ferfons im- 
 puting it to y. Cxfar, and others rather to Hami'ibal. To thefe we 
 may add that large and round Buckler of Mafl'y Silver fiflvd out of 
 Itlie Rhone near Avigniony 166$. being t.venty Inches in Diameter, 
 land weighing twenty one pounds-, 'tis 1900 Years old, and is charg'd 
 |w;th Sc'ipio Afric.mus half Mantled grafping his Pike, and Reman Of- 
 ficers attend ng with the Spaniards fupplicating for a fair Virgin ^ 
 ihe fame being confecrated to that Virtuous General upon hisre- 
 oring a bcautilul Captive io AlluciuSy Vrlncc oi Celt iberia, who lud 
 fpous'd her. 
 Tht (e being the principal Remains of Reverend Antiquity obf^r- 
 jble in this Country •, nexttefuch Curiofitics, we may fubioin fome 
 H 4 Rarities 
 Rarirics of Nati^re^ the moft noted of which are thefe following, 
 (i.) Wafers of rcm.itkable QuaiiUes\ particularly Thofe nigh to Dai 
 or /)' Acque in Oajco'igne, lo reputed of old for Bathing, tliat from 
 them the whoW I'rovince of Aijuita'mc &\d derwc its Name. Asa!. 
 fo the Mineral Waters of Botttbon much rclbrtcd unto, even in time 
 of the Romans together with the famous fountain near to Orcmbk^ 
 which appcareth as if covered with P lames and boileth up in great, 
 Bubblcj^, and yet is never hot. Likewilc another boiling Fountain aJ 
 bout a League from MmPieUier^ much obfcrv'd by Travellers ^ and 
 finally, that Oily Spring near Gabian, in the Road from Afont^-eHkA 
 to Bc:(iers. Add to ihele a Spring near L.oches in Orleanois^ and thA 
 at Clermont in Mferpne^ whole Waters are of a Fetrilying nature; 
 and i\kevvifc another nigh '^o the City of Afans, which maketh Silver 
 look exadly like Gold, (i.) Chfervablc Moimtitms^ particularly th A 
 nigh to Rhoaes w^G^'tcime^ calld the Mountains o{ CarJac^ which burnl 
 whenever it Raius, (3 ) Stne h deoiis Subterranean Holes or Pajfci^tsl 
 as that in the Vcid\ of S. Anbm du Conner in Eretaign, thiough wiifij 
 ffovvsa migl ty Torrent of Water •, and another nearAVoni in DanptkA 
 from which proceeds h a violent V\ ind. Tliefe are the chief RaritJ 
 m fr.ince, both Natural and Artificial, efpecially the latter. Asioj 
 Artificial ones of a modern date, this Country affordeth leveral, par] 
 ticularly that famous Caral o{ Languedoc^ and fplendid Talacc cf Keri 
 failles, with divers magnificent Buildings, (efpecially Churches) bij 
 thefe are either too well known to need, or too numerous to admit ol 
 any particular Relation here. 
 Srcl)btCbo|);fCfc0.] The Arcbbip^oprkks oi Fiance are thefe fcllowj 
 ing, vi^. 
 S Count and Primate of /^rf/rc^ 
 Primate ol prance and Germany. 
 Duke and Fcer, of tie Realm. 
 Z)uke and Veer, and Lcgat of the Holy S«,| 
 Primate of Normandy, 
 Part II, I Part If. 
 whofe Arch 
 b;fliop is 
 As a!fo thofe, 
 Bur get 
 li5(G;op?fc!i0.] Thercfpeftive Suffragans of thefe Archbifhops a| 
 is lollovvctli. 
 .1 \\T^''' - \>Auxerre '^ Kor leans 
 ^&L ^S^^-crs ^;.)/e.«. 
Part ir. 
 't i Beauvais 
 I Amiens 
 I Senlii 
 Eu> eiix 
 I ^ Vannes 
 \^ S. Mih 
 S Brieu 
 S. Vol de Leon 
 \ Limoges 
 'S. Flour 
 Ue Puy 
 'C aft res 
 ^ 'Cahors 
 f Poitiers 
 , j Bayonne 
 "S ! Comminges 
 ^ Conferans 
 f Afirepoix 
 ^ }Montauban 
 ^ </ Lavour 
 S )S, Papokl 
 ^ / LombeT:^ 
 S A Lodove 
 § I MnntpelUer 
 *< J Nifmes 
 S. Pons 
 V J Orange 
 5 / £: ^'^"^ ^^ 3. Chateau 
 ^ ' Toulon 
 ^ CBelley 
 LaufanneS'^ '^^* 
 Nice in Savoy, 
 ^niterfitiesf. ] Vnherfities belonging to this Kingdom, are cfla- 
 '■Ti'd ac thefe Cities following. 
 I i. -i ''i 
 Pointer s^ 
 P9nt 4 man/on, 
 ■(■■ '^l 
 Part II. 
 ^atincrtf.] The French arc generally a Civi', Quick and A^ive 
 fort of People j but extrcamly given to talking, efpecially thofeof 
 the Female Sex, who nevertheicls are not only very pleafing indif. 
 courfe, butalfoof a graceful and winning deportment. This People 
 is thus cliarafteiiz'd by fome ; That tliey are Aieryy AmiroHs^ full of 
 Ailm^ compleat Mafters of the Art of VijfimuUtim^ and above ai! 
 things Contentious^ being fo univerfally given to Lavv-fuits, and that 
 even amongfl ncareft Relations, that Liiwyers, Judges, and orher 
 Officers of Jufticc, arc obfcrv'd to be the richelt Body of the Kin?. 
 dom, excepting the Churchmen. Many of this Country in matters of 
 Learning, are biefs'd wich a clear Conception, and ready Exprelfion, 
 and of late they have advanc'd the Rcpublick of Letters to a very 
 confiderable height \ this Age having produc'd feveral of that Nation 
 (and even fome of the Female Sex) who arc now famous through aj 
 the Learned World for their fingular l^arts. 
 3langaage. ] The French Language (ccmpos'd chiefly of the Latin 
 together with feveral German and Gothic^ words intermixr) being late- 
 ly much refin'd by the Royal Academy at Farjs, ii fo admir'd for n 
 elegancy and fweetnefs, that it hath wonderfully fpread it felfabrojd 
 in the world, and is now become the chief Tongue that's commonly 
 us'd in mofl Princes Courts of Euyo^c. Pater-Nofter in the fame run's 
 thus, Notre fere q-ii es anx Cieux, Ton Nnn foit fan^iifie \ Ton Re^m 
 'v'lenne ; Ta Volente foit faiie en la Terre, osnine an C'lel ; Donne nius .v. 
 purdhuy rotrepa'n qHot'idien ; Piirdom^e nous ms cifences^ comm: nous p.^- 
 donnonsa ceux qui nous ont ojfence:^^ \ Et ne mus induit pint en tentatm\ 
 mats delivere nous du muf. Amen. 
 <lB»0l3ernm£nt. ] This Kingdom, being formerly a pjrt of th;i 
 Roman Empire, was in proccfs of time over-run by Franks^ Goths an 
 Buriund'iansy efpecially the firfl, by whom was rais'd a Monarchyjvhere Appe 
 which continuing in the Succclfton of Kings of three feveral RacejBid difcufs'd. 
 {yiX' f^'C Merov'ing'un^ Carlovintan and Capet'mc) is now as great imkie Depofi 
 any in Chri'tendom \ and at prel'ent labjcut to one Soverei;',n (enPficrmin'd 
 titi'd the ^'lOl}'uin King^ and eldeH Son of the Church ] whole G" 
 vernment is Monarchical and Crown Hcredit.iry in his Heirs Ma^ 
 all Females being excluded by the Sulique law. There were anci 
 ently in this Kiii;.;dom many potent Dukes^ Earls ^ and L')rds^ w 
 generally claun'd, and currently exercifed, great Authority in fV.m 
 but, by the Kndcavours and Policy of Ibme grand Minifters 
 Part \l 
 not liavin, 
 non of mi 
 tjforc ro 
 been uui 
 /imgcly ( 
 polal '.vhic 
 chy is nov 
 or noriiing 
 And irs p 
 v.ith the E 
 dom being 
 a Governou 
 Wmg the 
 liad in their 
 lick Affjirs 
 dom, here 
 cula/iy the) 
 Cm ts of Ah 
 liiments (ti 
 fifteen in r 
 f'le Cities oi 
 y>v:ncs, Pau 
 Tliefe ParliJ 
 Iflividcd into 
 'no lefs tha n 
 ^ the Rcah 
 he Tournelle 
 5 exceeed a 
 Wncery and 
 Ws vvhere 
 !■ Chambers 
 pmin'd, an( 
 ^'tiv'd, Trea 
 P 'ike are 
 State, the Tower and JurifdicHon of the Nobility was fo ftran^elBe.'d at the Cit 
 iimpair'd, th.K now tlic'y appear as fo many Cyfheys in the NatioiJ'i, rau^ Bl 
 th.K now tlicy appear as fo many Cyfheys in the Nation 
 The Adembly of the three Eflates (vii^^. the Clergy^ Nohility snj 
 Citi-^ens (was likcwifc in great Veneration of old, and the ^td 
 Authority it fell was thereby very much limited j but thac A(rcmb| 
 ^Jufes reJa 
 "iijles) are 
 P oi^ Paris 
 H. I Part IL France. 99 
 not having been conven'd fincc Anno 1^14, their Authority is now fup- 
 prefs'd. Finally, the Parliament of Paris was likewilc a Conven- 
 iion of mighty power and many Privileges, and it often ufed iiere- 
 tjforc to oppofe the Defigns of the Court ^ but that AiTembly has 
 been tjught other things of late, and its Wings arc now fo 
 flrngcly dipt, that it dares not appear in the leaft, againflany Pro- 
 polal '.vhich is or.ce hatch'd at I'crfaillcs, So that the French 
 (hy is now skrew'd up to fuch a pitch, that it diffcreth but litdc, 
 or norhing, from any of the moft abfolute Empires in the W orld : 
 And irs prefent Monarch, for defpotick Power, may now vie even 
 witli the Emperours of Mofcov'ia, China^ or Turkey, The whole King- 
 dom being divided into 12 Governments; over each of rhem is fee 
 aGovernour, flyl'd the King's Lieutenant- General ox S uper- Intend ant ^ 
 having tl:e like Power as the Lords Lieutenants of England formerly 
 had in their feveral Counties. For the better management of the pub- 
 lick Affairs and Adminiftraticn of Juflicc in ail parts of this King- 
 dom, here are eftablifht a great many Courts of Judicature, parti- 
 culaily thefe following, o;/;^. Par laments ^ Chambers of Accounts ; 
 Cou ts of Aids '^ Prefidial Courts-^ Generalities-^ Eleilirns, &:c. L P^tr- 
 liments (the highefl and fupream Courts of the Nation) were 
 fifteen in number , reckoning the late Conquefis, and held at 
 the Cities of Paris^ Tholoufe, Rouen, Grenoble, Eourdeaux^ D//ow, Aix^ 
 Wv.msy Pau, Mets, Befancon, Tourney^ Perpignan, Arras, and Brifuc. 
 Thefe Parliaments, (according to their refpeftivc Bufincfs) are 
 jdividcd into feveral Chambers, efpecially that of Paris, which hath 
 ntiitm\^Q Ids than Ten, vi:^. (i.) The Grand Chamber, where the Peers 
 f the Realm being accus'd of any Crime, are ufually Try'd. (2-) 
 of thijli^ Tournelle Civile-, where they take cognizance of fuch Civu Caufes 
 i)f/;j- andpsexceeed a thoufand I/Ve/ in value. (^) The JburnelleCriminelle; 
 ^narchJl^^r^^ Appeals from Inferior Courts in Criminal Matters are heard 
 il Racesl^ difcufs'd. Eefidcs thefe three, there are five Chambers of Inquefl ; 
 here Depofitions of WitneiTts are fet down, and Caufes thereupon 
 eccrmin'd ^ being almoft the fame with our Bill and Anfwer in 
 vncery and Exchequer. And laftiy, There are two Chambers of Ae- 
 w/?-, where Caufes of Privileg'd Pcrfons are heard and difcufs'd. 
 ''Chambers of Accounts-, where Accounts of the Treafury arc 
 famin'd, and Homage and ValTalage due from the Royal Feifs are 
 ceiv'd, Treaties of Peace, and Grants made by the King, and 
 ch like are recorded. Thefe Chambers are 1 2 in number, and 
 d at the Cities of P^inV, Rouen, Dijon, Nantes, Afontpelier, Grenoble^ 
 I, Pau, Blois, Lifle, Aire, and Dole, III. Courts of Aids, where 
 Caufes relating to the King's Revenue ( particularly Aids, Tallies^ 
 '".lies) are determin'd, and that without any appeal to a higher 
 idicatory. The Courts arc in number Eight, and held at the 8 Ct» 
 5 of ParU^ Montpeli^r^ Rouen, ClermonPy Monjerrand^ Bourdeaux^ 
 ve al! 
 d thac 
 :crs ot 
 a verv 
 jgli a,l 
 ng late- 
 ne run's 
 nws .v. 
 WAS p.ll' 
 M- li 
 lOO France. 
 Jixy GtenobUy and D'l'pn, IV. Prefidial Courts (compos'd of feveral 
 Judges) where Civil Canfes in matters of fmaller importance, as 
 alfo Appeals made irom Subaltern Jufiices in Villages, are heard 
 and decermin'd. V. Generalities , whofe Office (they Being the 
 Treafurers general of France) is to take care of affeffing the Taxes 
 proportionably in their relpeftive Diftrifts, according to the Sum 
 propos'd by the King and Council to be levied. Thefe Courts are 
 23 in number (each confifling of twenty three Perfons) and thefe 
 conveniently fituated in feveral parts of the Kingdom. They do al. 
 fo judge Matters relating to the Crown-Land, the King's Revenue, 
 and fich like. Laflly, Ele^ms-^ which are fmall Courts fubordinate 
 to the Generalities, and their OITice is to caft up how much every 
 Parifh in their refpeftive Divifion muft raife of the Sum propos'd by 
 the Generahty •, and accordingly they iffue out their Orders to e. 
 •very Parifti, whereupon one of the Inhabitants being chofen Col- 
 kftor, he proportions every one's Quota •, and colledting the fame, 
 returns it to the Generalities, and they again to the publick Excht- 
 quer, Befides thefe, there are a vaft number of inferiour Courts for 
 fmaller Matters, whether Civil or Criminal: And a great many pub- 
 lick Officers, or Provojis^ Senefchals, Bailljfs^ as alfo Intendants de U 
 JuftkCy Police, and Finance, 5cc. But our intended brevity will noc 
 admit of a farther Relation. 
 HItmtf.] The King of France, for Arms bears A^ure three Flower 
 de Luces Or, two in chief, and one in bafe-, the Efcutcheon is env:- 
 roned with the Collars of the Orders ot St. il//c^4e/ and the Holy GhojIA 
 For, Creft, an Helmet Or, entirely open, thereon a Crown clos'd, 
 after the manner of an Imperial Crown with eight inarched Rays, tope 
 with a double Flower de Luce. The Supporters are, two Angels ha- 
 bited as Levites -, the whole under a Favillion Royal, feme of Frmu 
 lin'd Ermines, with thefe words, Ex omnibus Floribus ekgi mihi Lil\m\ 
 Jjita neque laborant neque nent, 
 URtli^iotl' ] The only Eflablifli'd Religion in France, is that of 
 the Church of Rome-, for all the Decifions of the Council of Trent \n 
 Matters of Faith are there receiv'd \ but thofe that relate to Poinc}| 
 of Difcipline, and infringe the Rights of the Crown, with the Liber 
 ties of the GaUican Church, are rejefted. The i'roteffants (com 
 nionly call'd Huguenots) were formerly allow'd the publick profelTi 
 on of f/Wr Religion by feveral Edifts granted by the French Kings ^ 
 particularly that of li antes. An. 1598. by Henry IV. and confirm'dj 
 by all his SuccefTors ever flnce. But the prefent King, by his De 
 clarationot Otlober 1685. abolifh'd the faid Edift, and inhibited th 
 Excrcifc of the Reform'd Religion, enjoining the profefTion of thi 
 |lff/i?^n, and that under the fevcreft Penalties. Whereupon follow 
 Part 11. 1 Part 11. 
part 11. trance. loi 
 the Deftruftion of their Churches, and a violent Pcrfecution which 
 forced great Droves to leave the Kingdom, and feek for flielter in 
 Foreign Countr' As to the Romanifts themfelves -, there are great 
 Divifions amoHj, ciiem at prefent, notvvichdanding of their fo much 
 boafted Unity : For befides the hot Difputes between the Molmfls 
 and Janfemfts about Predeii'mathn and Grace (in which the pretend* 
 cdhitallible Judge at Rome dares not interpofe hisDecifive Authori- 
 ty for fear of difobliging one or the other Party) we find that the 
 Scft of Qiikt'tfm has lately crept in among them j as appears from 
 the late Book of the Archbiftiop of Cambray concerning the Internal 
 Lifcy which has been cenfured by the Archbilhop of Paris, and the 
 Eilhops of Meaux and Chanres, and complain'd of by the French 
 King in his Letter to the Pope, and at laft condemn'd, tho' the 
 Author profer'd to maintain his Doftrine before the Papal Chair 
 ifpcrmitccd to go to Rome. The Chriflian Faith was firft planted in 
 this Country by fome of St, Peter's Difciples ( as is moft probably 
 thought) fcnt thither by him at his firfl coming to Rome, 
 ' i.i- 
 ,'r i 

 vn ' 
 '^~' 1 
 Vi u 
 V '"i' 
Part II. 
 h rbetvveen 
 - \ 
 Concerning (Secmaiip, 
 d. m. 
 Length is about 540 
 5 V^Ereadth is about $i« 
 •^ North. 
 Being divided into Three Clades, vtTi. > Middle. 
 } South. 
 The Circle o£ Belgium 
 'The Circle of Weflphal'ia 
 (The Circle of the Lower Saxony. 
 The Circle of the 'L'p^e. Saxony, 
 'The Circle of the Lower Rhine. < H 
 The Circle of the Vpper Rhine, 
 The Circle of Franconia, 
 r fAmfferdam 
 'The Circle of Suabia, 
 The Circle of Bavaria, 
 The Circle of Au(\r\a, 
 Hamburg _ 
 Wittenburg — — ^i 
 -< Heidelberg 
 '1 Munick - 
 \J/ienn{t — 
 Of all thefe in Order. 
 ■ i #^: :•! 
 li' ^'! 
 S. I. Bf 
 .1(1 • "M 
 5. I. The Circle ^/Belgium. 
 Part iIPsJ'^ W- 
 The Chie 
 Ipropcrly fo 
 l[.^ciTi, by m 
 Divided into|North, vj^, mlU-^d ^ "> ,^j ^ 'Xo^s:i^i^^'rd,rr.m'^doxc, 
 ^' " LSoutii* 'viK.* Flanders — J iBruxelles, 1 
 Holland contains fcven Provinces, 
 / Holland properly foTi 
 \ caird 
 4 towards J Zeland 
 the South 
 L ofC?e/ 
 and a part ^ i^ . 
 G elder land. 
 3 towards rOver.IJfel 
 the iVar//j < Frkflani - 
 Flanders contains Ten Provinces. 
 r G elder land 
 r^ Dutchies^ Brabant 
 ^ Luxembourge 
 ^Llmboiirge -— 
 Flanders ^Toipcrlyio 
 ;] \ call'd 
 ^'^4 Counties^ i4) /?//<! 
 ^ I jHannonia > 
 Namur ■ 
 The Marquifate of the Empire 
 1 VThe Scignory of Malines, 
 o I 
 h> jBru£es. 
 "X Arras, 
 (South arc 
 iWh are 
part 11. 
 fhe Chief of thcfc Seventeen Provinces being Holland and Flanders 
 properly fo called, with Brabant -, we (hall more particularly confider 
 Lm by mentioning the mod remarkable Towns in each of them« 
 ,;^,(ni, by mentioning 
 HolUnd properly fo called, being divided into< 
 rGoree in the Ifland Goree, 
 I Rotterdam ■ — 
 I Dort 
 (South arc -< Gorcum 
 I Hague 
 -1 •)!« t 
 Nigh unto, or upon 
 the IHdTie from W, 
 to E. 
 In the Wefteon-parK 
 from S. W. to N. 
 mh are '^ 
 'Amflerdam upon the Channel Amftel, 
 Miman J ffomS.toN. 
 Hoorn '^Upon the Zuyder' 
 or South-Sci, from 
 N. to S. 
 Nasrden » 
 11' t* f 
 « " 
 Pa^t II. I p^rt ir. 
 flandersjpro^CTly fo call'd, being divided into<^ 
 I Alhoji 
 INinoven • 
 ' 'i Ghent 
 I Oudenard 
 r r£<«/? arc ^ toitmay « 
 5f. Am.ind 
 Courtray — 
 Armentiers — 
 f Graveling 
 Oflend — 
 , V.lf</? arc ^ //«//? 
 Upon the Dendre^ fromN. 
 1 Upon the 
 \ Scheld xAU found from 
 J r N. to s. w, 
 "7 Upon the 
 Nigh unto, or upon the I;;, 
 all found from N. to S. 
 .Five remarkable Ports from 
 S. to N. E. 
 Mound from W. to E. 
 Rupelmond w^on the Scheld, 5 Miles S. ol Antwetf. 
 turtles ■ ") 
 Dixmude ■ Mound from W. to E. 
 Thyelt J 
 i ^''&' ^' ^^"'' I from W. to r, 
 I Tpres S 
 \C^J]<^^, fartfceft South, 
 C North: 
 The Dutchy of Brabant being divided into<q 
 107 fi "^^r^ff^' 
 cKrthdLXcJsteenbergvn . ^ 
 Bergen op i^oom , \ 
 Antvperp upon the Scheld, 
 Mech.ln upon the DcnUre, 
 \ \ found from E. to W, 
 'iJoHth are 
 Sic! em ^. 
 Deti — 
 Ti/nnnt -*- 
 the Denier from W. to £. 
 found from W. to E. 
 jHdoJgrenhoui 12 Miles S. E, of Louvain. 
 Gemblo' rs . ^ 
 Gernt^e » > found from E. to W* 
 ^'^Mielle J 
 §. '2. The Circle of Wcdphilh. 
 .., . rNorth-Eafi,hct\W€cntheWeferandElm ^h COfnaburg, 
 ; < Middle between the Eim and the Rhine S^ \ Munftcr, 
 '^^ C Soitth'WeJ},het\wxhe Rhine and Cir, Belg.J u {^Liege. 
 More p.irticularly, 
 C Oldenburg "^ 
 fThe Coun- ^ Hoya — 7 
 ty of "^ Dicpholt-J " 
 (^Schomberg — 
 The Principal . of Afinden, 
 compre- . t-, ^ C^mbdcn 01 "^ v^ 
 lends ^ ThcCoun. \ ^ p,:;,,,„^} ^^ 
 The Bifliopoi Ofnaburg — 
 Tiie Conn, f Tecklenburg 
 ^ ry of \RuveHibnrg j 
 ^ « fldcm 
 ^'^ irdem 
 I Idem - 
 I 7 
 Idem ^ Nigh unto, or 
 Idem / upon the 
 I Idem y Elm, from 
 ^.IdemJ N. coS. E. 

 ^c8 Germany, 
 I^The County of Bcnthem 
 The Bilhoprick of Munfter- 
 ^ The County of Lip 
 compre- ^ The Bilhoprick of Paderborne ^ 
 ^ hends j The Dutchy of fVe lip ball a-^ o 
 [ThcCouncyof |^-fz>| 
 Southmft rThc SucccfTion oilCleves^ 
 compre.,,^ the Dutchies of^fuHefs- 
 L hends (,The Bifhoprick of Liege 
 Part IF. I Part II 
 Idem ( from N. \v. 
 Idem^ toS.E. 
 Arensberg ^ from 
 ^ Ham ^. E. to 
 Duffeldorpj W. 
 Clcves 7 . . - 
 Julicrsi^ '° ^' 
 'i^Liege W.of 7«/,>y;| 
 ff. 3. The Circle of Lower Saxony. 
 Divided into^ Mddle 
 Chief To\vn< Lunenburg 
 More particularly. 
 D. of 
 Holiiein rDttmArfl)^ '^, 
 compreO Holjldn prop. 
 hending^ Stormar'nt — 
 the D. of (jVagerland— 
 ' Laxvenburg ■ 
 Mecklenburg . ■ ■■ ^— 
 .Tf/\/ii/e r Bremen — - — 
 the D.< i^^'i.'n 
 of {^Lunenburg — •— 
 f flilderflieitn^ a Biflioprick 
 , ) Brunfwicl\ a Dutchy—-. 
 S3«r^ V ffatberjiat, a I'rincipahty 
 (^ .Mdgdcburg^ an Archbilli. . 
 f Me! dorp- 
 Kiel V u t 
 Lubeck - 
 are thofe ^ Lawenbur^ 
 of JlVifmar — 
 Bremen — 
 {^Lunenburg ^ 
 Fs that of f/ilderflje'im 
 Brunfppick & Wolfenbuttel 
 Is that ot halberflat 
 ,Is that of Magdeburg — . 
 i tilns the 
 Befides th 
 k<iup anddc 
 'f'lefe follow 
 The Princ 
 D. of i ' 
 I The E. of< 
 The BiHio 
Part II. 
 W ! 
 Eefides thcfc arc, 
 fHamvcr — 
 The D. of< Gruppenhagen/ | 
 Idem, i6 m.N. VV,") r .,.|j /? • 
 Idem. 37 m. S. }o£ f^tlderfljem 
 Idem, 14 m. S. of Gruppenhagen, 
 ^ ^fReinlfeln — \j=! 
 ^^(^0 oi\f^,rhigen — ^^ 
 5 / BUckenberg^ lo m."|S. W. of Hxlbe^ 
 Blackenberg, lo m,") S. W, 
 Elbingeroda^ 12 m. j flat. 
 ff. 10. The Circle of Upper Szxony. 
 Divided into J ^,^^^,_, 
 > Chief Town< 
 More particularly, 
 D. of Saxony y properly 
 (South con- 3 ^o call'd 
 tains the i Marq. oiMifnta 
 Landtgr. of Thur'ing 
 North con- 
 i tims the 
 Erfurt, Wcftward. 
 Berlin b^Berlin 
 Guftrin J 
 Cam'in 7 „^ . 
 Befides thefe, are many little Princes of the Houfe of ^^xow; fcattcr- 
 jed up and down (or nigh unto) the Landtgrave of Thurm, particularly 
 tliefe tollowing ; 
 The Princip. of Anhalt, 
 I The D. of<^ Gothct 
 l^Eifenac ■■ 
 I The E. of< Beichtingen — 
 The BiHiaprick of Hall 
 [South to Magdeburg] Ch.Town ISernburg 
 ^ ridem, 13 Miles E. 
 . I I Idem, 14 Miles W. 
 1 o I Idem, 26 Miles W. 
 >]2 < Wem, 24 Miles S. 
 . 1 *i I Idem, 20 Miles N. E. 
 •Is Idem, $$M. S.W. 
 J Lldem, 56 M. S. W. 
 »of Erfurcf 
 of Witten- 
 '1 i • 
 I 9 
 §. 5.77n 
 iC t; 
 Part III Par^" 
 ^. 5c The Circle of the Lower Rhine. 
 Divided into ^Fi^^ "" 
 More particularly, 
 Bifhoprick of Cologne — 
 The Palat. of the Rhine. 
 Arrhbilho- C Triers 
 prick of \ Mentr^ 
 ^ Biliioprick of Worms — 
 ^ I D. of Simmer en 
 ' Rbinegrave — 
 ^ yV/ewr/ 
 I— « 
 Counties J Sponheim — 
 of 1 VedcntT^ — 
 W"e between {/««^^^. 
 He'dclberg upon the Keeker. 
 Idem upon the Myfel e. 
 Idem upon the Rhine. 
 J Idem upon the /5/j/«e. 
 Idem 3(^ m. W. of Afentz. 
 Kirn ii m. S. of Sim merer.. 
 Idem 18. m.S.E.ofC/e^ejinUVI 
 CveutT^nach 2o.m.S. W. oiMav 
 Idem 17 m. N. E. of Triers. 
 !^Idem 12. m. S. W. of Iforw;. 
 Divided into 
 §. 6. Ke Circle of the Upper Rhine. 
 North IchiefTownl^^-f^'; 
 More particularly, 
 f D. oi ZneyhrHcky or De;/:c^. 
 Landtgr. 5 ^eje C^jje/ ^ 
 of J Darmflat , 
 Territories of Francfort 
 ( Solms 
 I Ifenburg _ 
 '1 CatT^enelbogen 
 I Hanaw 
 [^Erpach j 
 Idem, 44. m. ah W. of Worms. 
 Cajfcl farther North. 
 Idem bet w. the Rhine znd Mm 
 Idem upon the Maine, 
 Idem 7 from N. to S. on the W.c 
 Idem 5 the Landgr» Hejfe Cajji. 
 {^^"'C from W. to S. E. oni^i 
 Idemf ^^"^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^'■'^'"^' 
 .^' 7' A 
part .II: Germat?j. 
 S. 7. The Cicle of Franconia. 
 Divided into ^^^^^j^ 
 ; J Chief Town J ^«;^^^^^^^^^^ 
 More particularly, 
 The Terrif. of Nurenbarg "j ^ ■ Idem on a branch of the Maine, 
 ^Onfpach / ^ vidcm, 33 m. W. of Nurenburg. 
 |CMarq.of ^c«/'n6^c)^-,Vi2 ^Idcm-} 
 ? J (Bamberg — jT "tJ Vdem Sfrom E. to W. 
 2 JBiOiopr.of^ Wartsburg-. V^ ^ IdemJ 
 :i C lAichftat '^ ^ Idem, 34. m. S. of AT; 
 Befides thefe are 
 The State of the great MaRer of the Teutonjck Order, chief Town 
 MAtgentheim^ 57 Miles W. oi Nurenburg, 
 As alfo feveral Counties, but chiefly thofe of 
 txenberg'^B / 
 f I \ldem Mrom N. 
 \ H Joringen J this ( 
 . to S. in the W. pare of 
 Idem 12 m, "w. of the Biihoprick of Aichftaf, 
 Idem 51 m. N. W. of Nurenburg, 
 Idem 23 m. S. W , o( Bamberg, 
 '■ ^ '■! 
 ff. 8. 7^c 
 it' I 
 Pa« Illpart 11. 
 §. 8. T&e Circle of Suabia. 
 Divided into 
 S LSPugurt, 
 t«/Iorc particularly. 
 ' ''D. of WhUnhurg 
 Biniopr. of 1^^^,^,,^ _ 
 Marq. of < Burgaw — 
 {^Ortnayv — 
 Prmc. of \ff,i^^,iJ^ 
 Count, of < Reckbery — 
 fWalburg — 
 Baroa of < Limpurg -^ 
 Abbacy of Kempton'^"^^^ 
 {5'^«^dr^ \Nighoruponti,c| 
 TubingenS Nectar, 
 Idem upon the Lake Conflance, 
 Idem upon the Lech. 
 Idem 98 m. W. from Stngurt, 
 Idem 10 ni. W. from Ausbux!,, 
 Ojfenburg 20 m.S. from B^.^tB. . 
 Idem 7,6 m.N.W. fromCon/?4/icJ 
 Idem ii m S. from Tubingen. I 
 idem g8 m. N. W.from i4«jittrj 
 Gemund 43 m. W. from Otting, 
 Idem 18 m. N. fromC9n/?4ncf. , 
 id. or Wald/ee, 50 m. N.E. fr.Coni' j 
 Idem 37 ni. W. from Ottit^g, 
 Idem 28 m. S. E. from Stugitrl , 
 Bahenhaufen 30m S. W. fr. Auiil 
 Idem 3C m. W. from Ausburg, 
 Jdcm $0 m. S. W. from .4«iii<rJ 
 To the Circle of Suabia wc add Alfatiay chief Town is J^r^xft.vr^' 
 It's dividfld into4 ^^'^^^ ^°^'l!''*'^' 
 (^Loirtrr, Northward. 
 f Freiburg " .^ 
 i/*^^?r contains the Towns of -^ Kri/^c^ >From VV. 
 Lower contains the Towns of.^ Nu^cr^iw 
 {^^akcrn^ Wcfhvard 
 S. to N. 
 ^. 9. Vy. 
 %. 9. The Circle of Bavaria. 
 Divided lato^g^^^j^ ^ \^^'^^ ^'^''^^XMmkb QiMmchen. 
 More particularly, 
 KoYth contains NortgorPf or the Palatinate of Bavarta^ 
 ^Landtgr. of Leuchenherg 
 IComprchcnding jrcmtor.oi ^^j^berg^ 
 y Abbacy of [Valthaufen — 
 ( County of Chambe — 
 Idem ^N. to S. W. 
 Idem"! N. to S. 
 "thcon, f ^'^"^ Ek(^. f Higher^ Southw.^ H C Munich or Afunchen. 
 ■" '< of Bavaria I Lnwer^ Northw. s ^^ Ratkb, or Regensp, 
 ^^'"^ (,Arch-Birtioprick of Salt^bHrg J 5 l.Wc"'# Southward. 
 Eefides thefe are fevcral other Dominions, as particularly 
 [The Dutchy of Newburg, [ Chief Town, Idem ] 10 Miles S. of the 
 \ Biflioprick of Aichftat in tranconia, 
 [The Bifiiopr. of \^freifw^en J o V^^^ lom.N.of Mi^.nicfj. 
 S*. 10. The Circle of kxx^ixlz. 
 Divided into|t;"r' Eaftvyard -^ chief Town [ ,^''^"''^' 
 X^Highcr^ Well ward' j ]^Inf}>rkci; 
 More particularly, 
 I ("Arch D. of Aujhia |^'" "^ •^';'.'' ■'"' l'^'''"'"'- 'i''''^f <" ' 
 n \ -^ (^Weft LfntT^ J whole. 
 ^ J / c*- • fhigher, W. Judenburgl ^ , , ^r/ 
 ^.< V,^""" ilower,E. | a«f ^-l } ^''''"'''^^ 
 S /'S J^ • ,;• Thiehcr.V.' ,0 Willach — ) ^, , v. 
 Tliefe C. 
 Ders; eacl 
 ft'duccd to 
 {Wcjl o 
 r- -f Thiehcr, N. .y ' Laubach — ? , t t 
 iY/^^fj' con- CCountv of 7)^•o/ — 
 tains the ^Bilhour. of Brixenj 
 ^^Idem — 
 "rom N. to S. 
 Eefides thefc arc fome other petty Sovereignties, cfpccially the 
 two following j 
 ^u i^ r^OoYit'Lt — 7 • ^ •/ r4oMiIcsW.7 J. ^ I 
 The D. of|^;/^^^ f'" '^'»""''' 1 56 Miles E. ^"f^-""*^] 
 Under this Circle is ordinarily comprehended Bo/;^/^/^/, containing 
 The K. of B->heniht^ prop, fo r.tird"^. f Prague — > 
 fhij^licr, Northward — j F: I 50MWV— *) , 
 '? lower. Southward ~- ' o J P.intT^rn ]*'*"'K^" 
 C [•-.aflrni ■ — ' ^ ' 
 ^ Wc'r- rn 
 D.of«;<-/Mlj'*s!KT Sou.Iuva.a 
 (^ lower, Northward 
 ^£7/? cor 
 [;.) The chii 
 lederatcs ( 
 Sw'itxers a| 
 \) Thechi 
 leftures o 
 Sw'it^ers a 
 To the (;er; 
 K it bein^ 
 ren we com 
 Afror rfic rr- Circles ol" r»(?rw./«v followctli ,<5'wvV^tY/,/w/, compn J 
 tliiig 15 Ca.iron>, with levcral Contcderatc Cities and rrclctturt!. 
 ( I.) Tlie Thirteen Cantons arc thofc of 
 /TW)7<(', .S'nl^r, Gfarisy Solr>tJmn, 
 tkrn^ VnAC>n\ilJi H.t/il, 'Sch.ifh.tufciif 
 jMicrUy ^lig^ yr'tbi'r^^ /p}'Cir(cl, 
art ! 
 f of ti 
 . toS. 
 :ially tlid 
 I Part II. Germany. 115 
 Thefe Cantons are fee down according tc their Votes in the general 
 ipersi each of them hath a capital City of its own Name except 'L'r/ 
 ^hieWown i4/ror/) and 'L'/i^trrw^/^ (chief Tossii Stant ) and arc 
 Lduccd to three Clallcs. 
 ^Wejl comprehending 
 J Solotburn 
 ^ Bern 
 from N. to S. 
 j Zug . 
 Middle comprehending -< Lucern ^from N.toS. 
 I Vnderwald 
 ^Eafl comprehending {oulh^ 
 ' i from N. to S. 
 :,) The chief Con. CGrifons^ ch. T, Co'irey ^ . fCounty of TtroU 
 iederates of the< > ; < 
 if l4«6 J Swltxsfs are the (^City of Geneva 
 r the 
 Lake of Geneva, 
 )ntainingj,) The chief Pre- /" Baden 
 tenures of the ) Bremgarten— > on the 
 ^witTSYs arc ^ MelUngen 
 K^Sargans N. orthe Grifons. 
 — '^ 
 To the German Empire we might here annex the Kingdom of //un- 
 W it being now almoft intirely under the Emperour 3 but of 13 
 1 we come to Tio'ky in Enropc, 
 '■ m 
 THIS great Body being divided ( js aforcfaid ) into Ten C/rJ 
 des'^ and the firfl ol' thefe (viz. Belgium or the Net her Unds 
 being moft oblervable upon (everal accounts, we fhall take a particJ 
 Jar view of the fame, as it confifts of Holland and Flanders^ and thj 
 treat of all the rell conjuntUyj under the General Title of VppcrQ.^\ 
 WAny. Therefore, 
 .5. I. OfHOLLANLD. 
 ^tnc* 3 TjOUand [ of old Batav'ra or part of ancient Bel^k 
 tl and n ;w bounded on the Eafl by Upper Geymnji 
 on the Weft, and North, by part of the German Ocean j and on ti 
 South, by Flanders ] is tcrm'd by the Italians and Spaniards, HoUnL 
 by the French, Hollande ^ by the Germans and Englifh, H^lUi 
 fo call'd fas many imagine) from Hoi and Land, two Teutonic wor 
 fignifying a low or hollow fort of Land : But others chufe rather 
 derive the Name from Oeland ( an Ifland in the Baltkk Sea ) wh 
 Inhabitants, being great Pirates, and frequently ranging thefe Se, 
 at lafl did feizc upon, and fettle themfelves in this pare of the Com 
 afir. ] The Air of this Country is generally thick and moid, 
 rcafoa of the frequent Foj^s which arifc trom the rhany Lakes a 
 Canals with which this Country abounds. And to this Moifiri 
 of the Air it is, that we may impute the Caufc oi the frequcncv 
 Agues, to vvhirh the Inhabitants arc lb fubjcft. The oppofice P 
 of the Globe to Holland is that part of the vaft Pacifick Ocean, 
 tween 205 and 210 Degrees ot Longitude, with 31 and 54. Degrees] 
 South Latitude. 
 4^0U' 1 "^i^is Country lyin^ very low, and in the Tenth North 1 
 mate J its Soil \s naturally wet and fenny, but the induflrious Iniial 
 tants do fo drain it by .1 vail Multitude of Artificial Canals, thjci 
 Ground is made very (it both for Pafture and Tillage, eipecially 
 former, they imploying the grcarcft part of their Land in Grazing 
 Herds of Kinc. The Length of the Days and Nights is the famel 
 in England, !South of the HumhcY* 
 Cotnmo'DltiCO' ] Akliouj^h the fofnmaditiet of this Count! 
 proceeding fronrirs natural Growrh, (may Ari^fly fpeaking) 
 reckon d only Hntter and Chc^^c, yet by reafott of the nimy ufd 
 ManufaiUires which this People em ouragc at home, ( the v 
 Materi.ilf. of w'lirh 4re bronglii from other Nations) and t!iJt wJ 
)art n* Germany, 117 
 Lfjl Trade which they manage abroad in mofi Parts of the known 
 Ivorld, we nvjy reckon it as a Publick Warehaalc ot the nchefl and 
 [.ft Commodities of all Nations. 
 iSsrlticfll The chief Remarkables in /fo/Z^ni arc thefc fo lowing, 
 ff. (i.) Tlie vaft Multitude of Artificial Sluces and Canals ^ beii.g 
 Work of prodigious Expence and great Convenience both 
 r Traffick and Travelling. (2.) The firft Book that ever was 
 jpnted in Europe, to wit, a Copy of Tully's Offices carefully pre- 
 >rvd, and now to be leen at Harlem^ where that ufeful Ar^6f Prin- 
 g was at firft invented, or at leaft improv'd. (^.) The Curms 
 %nttim (efpecially t}3at call'd the Bafin oi Venus ) and the two great 
 ■mdis or Water-falls in the pleafant Gardens belonging to Loo, 
 g The braien Font in St. Peters Church in Zutihen^ Remarkable for 
 i admirable Workmanfhip. (5.) The two brazen D'if}}es in the Vil* 
 ^toi Lofdun^ in which were Baptiz'd ( Anno 1216.) by Don W'tU'tam, 
 iuifragan Biftiop of Treves, ^6$ Children, [ whereof 182 wcrefaid to 
 leMales, and as many Females, and the odd one an Hermaphrodite 1 
 lilbofH at one Birth by the Countefs ot Henneherg^ Daughter to Flo- 
 xt the IV. Earl of Holland, One of which Children ( at Icafl an 
 i)ortivc given out for one of them, the whole Matter of Faft being 
 jid in queftion ) is to be fccn in the Afufxum Rectum at Copcn- 
 \i;cn. {6.) The Remarkable Stone Qiutr^ near Maeftticht, which 
 ks like a vaft Subterraneous Palace, it reaching under a large 
 I, fupported by feme Thoufands ol fquare Pillars [ commonly 
 10 Foot high, ] between which are fpatious Walks, and many private 
 mrements ot great Ufe in time of War, they fcrvingasa furc Rc- 
 ge to the neighbouring Country People, who touimonly reforc 
 [her with their Goods when alarm'd by an approaching Enemy. 
 ,) The /loow where the Synod oi l):irt wis held /1/mo 161 9. with 
 k Seats as they then flood, is (hewn to Strangers as another Curio- 
 ty of this Country, (d.) The Stadt f/oufe ot Amjlerdam is fuch a 
 tc!y Edifice, founded upon fomc Thoufands of large Piles drove 
 :othe Ground, that the fame dctcrvcs the particular View of every 
 nous Traveller. 
 I :.) The Brazen Statue of the famous Defid. Erafmus in the City of 
 iUchiam is likewife obfcrvable, with the little obfcure Houfe where 
 jt great and eminent Man was born-, which is lignify'd to Strangers 
 aDiftich over its Door in Lathy Dutch and Spanjh. Laftly, among 
 e principal i?<ir/^/fi- of lloHund wc may reckon that noted piece of 
 ptiquity the Burg in Lcyd:n, with the many rate Curiofities ia 
 e famous Univerlity there ^ the moft remarkable of which arc thefc 
 llowing. (i.) The Horn and Skin of a Rhinoceros. (2.) The 
 jd and Back of another with the I'ertebrji ot its Neck. (3.) A 
 odigious Oyftcr llidl weighing one hundred and thirty Pounds, 
 (t) Two 
 V ' 
 \ ., 
 i ir 
 1 .1 .'I 
 (4.) Two Humane Skins, one a Man's, rhe other a Woman's, purdy, 
 tann'd and prepared like Leacher, with a pair of Shoocs made of fuchl 
 Leather, (j.j Another humane Skin drefs'd as Parchment. (5 
 The Etfigies of a Peafanc of rrnfjia who f wallowed a Knifeof tci| 
 Inches length, and is faid to have lived eight Years after the fame waj 
 cut out of his Stomach. (7.) A Shirt made of the Entrails of a Man! 
 (8.) A curious Shield made of a large Sea-Tortoile-fheli. (9) ThJ 
 Stomach and Bladder of a wonderful fliape taken out of a monftrouil 
 Fi(h brought from Sheveling. (lo.) Two Egyptian Mummies, being 
 the Bodies of two Princes, of great Antiquity, (n) Two Subcr.| 
 ranean Roman Lamps, with divers Roman and Egyptian Urns oil 
 great Antiquity. (12.) The Limbs of fevcral Sea- Monflers. (m 
 All the Mufcles and Tendons ot the humane Body curioufly fet upbyl 
 ProfefTor Stalpert Vander WieL (14.) A Wooden Effigies of the ceJ 
 Icbrated Egyptian God Ofiris now almofl confum'd with Age. (lA 
 Another of Brafs with three Egyptian Idols of Stone. (i5.) An Image 
 of Ifts giving Suck to her Son Or. (17.) Another Effigies of Ifis uport 
 a little Egyptian Corfer containing the Heart of an Egyptian PrincJ 
 embalm'd. (18.J A Piece of Rhubarb that grew in form of a Do4 
 Head. (19.) A Cup made ot a double Brain pan. (20.) A Loaf oj 
 Bread petrcfy'd. (zj.)The monftrous Skeleton of a Man with crooked 
 Hands and Legs. 
 3Ircl)bi(bop?icU0'] Here is but one Archbiihoprick in this Countn 
 (v'i2,Vtrecht ) and that only Titulary. 
 ^ffl)Op?<Cfe0« ] Under the Archbilhop of Vtrccht are Five 
 Titular Suifragans, i;/:^. 
 jf/jirle;??, Meddleburgh* 
 Leu warden. 
 Thofe of < ^^ . ' 
 ^ Groningen^ 
 ^nitcrfitf CS. 3 Lnivcrfities in this Country are thole of 
 I n 
 n^anncrff. ] The Natives of this Country are reckon'd none of" tl.l 
 Politclt Ibrt of People cither in Thought or Behaviour, efpecijlr 
 the latter; in which they fo little endeavour to tollow tli 
 various Modes, and nice Punctilio's of Ceremony in Ufe amoi 
 their Neighbours the Frercb, that they chufe rather to runtotJ 
 other cxtream. The Chief Quality of this PtopL, (bclidestlr 
 fingular Ncatnefs of their Houfcs ) is chat wo derful Genius to 
 laudable Indullrv, \Jicrcwich they fcem to be Unwcrlally inipir'ii 
 ■ . ' ' fcrlo 
p^rt IF. Germany. H9 
 krforts ot all Ages, Sexes and Stations, being fomc way or other 
 Ifetlilly imploy'd. So induftrious are the Dutch both at home 
 [nd abroad, that Holland maybe fitly refcmblcd to a large Bee-Hive^ 
 iftiereol: the City of Amjlerdam we'll reckon tlie Entry ^ where the 
 ilukitude of Ships that one fees daily going out and in, doth 
 lively reprelent the fwarm of Bees thronging out and in at the door 
 If the Hive when bufie at work in a hot Summers day. By which 
 nduflrious Hands, in carrying on feveral profitable Manut'aftures 
 [t home, and managing a prodigious Trade abroad, they have of 
 ^t advanced themfelves to fuch a height of Fower and Treafurc, 
 Is CO become even terrible to crown'd Heads. 
 language.] The Language h^re fpoken is the Low'T>:<tch (a Dialed 
 j the German having Icveral corrupted French and Latin words in- 
 frmixt: a Language that hath nothing to recommend it to Stran- 
 lers. How it differs from the H'ljj-German will bed appear by their 
 W Mer^ which runs thus •, Ov/e Vader die in de hemelen [_ Ziit 1 
 Wn ^'i-^ wcrde geheylight, Vw' kminckriiche kome. Vwen wilfe 
 \(khkde geliick in den kernel [atfoo ] oock op den aerden, 0ns dage licks 
 rf)tgeefont haden. Ende vergeeft ons onfe fchulden geliick oock wy ver^ 
 ^m onfe fchyldenaren, Ende en lepp ons nkt in verfoerkinge maer verlofl 
 \i viin den boofeen. Amen. 
 (Scbcrnmcnt.] The Seven provinces of Nollan.-^^ being under 2 
 iiocratical Government, are ( as it were ) feveral Common -wealths j 
 ach Province being a diftinft State, yea, and every City, having 
 »^dependent Power within it fclf to judge of all Caufes, whether 
 or Criminal, and to inflift even Capital Punifhrnents : But all 
 ing together, make up one Republick the moft confiderablc in 
 [eWorld^ which Republick is govern'd by the Affembly of the 
 tii'Gcneral^ confining of Seven Voices, each Province having 
 nc. To this Aflembly ( whofe place of Meeting is ordinarily ac 
 k Hague ) bclongeth the Power of making War or Peace ^ receiv- 
 jigand difpatching of Ambafladors; inlpehing into the Condition 
 frontier Towns, and afligning what Summs ot Money mull 
 levied for the publick Service. Matters are not determln'd 
 fie in this Afiembly by Plurality of Voices, but all the Provinces 
 |iift come to an unanimous Confent; and each rtprefcntativc re- 
 Irning to his refpeftive Province, muit propolc the Matter in a 
 [ovinciai Afiembly, confifting of Deputies Irom all Cities of thac 
 rovince ^ which Deputies muft alfo return, and receive the Con- 
 |it of rhcir Principals, orherways nothing can be concluded. In this 
 Iffembiy of the States-Genera!, the Seven Provinces have fli 11 given 
 icir Voices in order following ^ y\z»Oiielders and Zut phenyl (iy(hecAuCQ 
 \tidtrs \i the cldcii, and her Plcnipocentiarict) tJid firft ^Yopofc the 
 Up ion} 
 !.;* II 
 •;^ 1 
 ■'I*-', i 
f 20 Germany. 
 Union then /^o//W; 3dIy,Ze/<inrf-, 4thly, 7^/rfc/jf j jchly, Fr/V/?^;^ 
 (5thly, )Over-TjJlel •, and laftly, Groningen. Aififtant to this AffembJy u 
 the Council of State, compos'd of twelve Perfons, whereof Gueldtr 
 land fends, a ^ Holland, ^ 5 Zeland, 2 ; Vtrecht, 2 5 Frte^Und i .1 
 OverTjfely 1 ^ and Groningen, i •, ) whole bufinefs is to dclibe*ratel 
 Prcvioufly upon thofe Matters which are to be brought before the! 
 States-General •, as alio to ftate the Expence for the fucceeding Year] 
 and to propofeWays and Means how to Levy the fame. Subfervid 
 cnt to this Council is the Chamber oj Accounts ( compos'd of two Del 
 puties from eacli Province ) whofe Office it is to examine the publiclc 
 Accounts, and difpofe of the Finances. And whenfoever the States 
 do Order the fitting out a Fleet j the Care of the fame, and OrderJ 
 ing of all Marine Affairs do rely ipon the Council of the Admiralty 
 to which arc Subordinate five Colleges in the three Maritime ProvinJ 
 ces; viz. Holland, Zeland, ^nd Friexland, who take care to execute 
 all Orders of that Council accordingly as they are lent to them fron 
 time to time. 
 Stmsf ] The Enfigns Armorial of the Seven united Provinces oJ 
 States of Holland are Or, a Lion Gules holding with one Paw a Cutleas] 
 and with the other a Bundle of Seven Arrows clofely bound togetherj 
 in allufion to the Seven Confederate Provinces, with the followin/ 
 Motto Concordia res parvji crefcunt. 
 IRcliglon.] No Country in Europe can boaft of more Religions, and 
 yet perhaps no part of Chriftendom may be truly faid to be lels Re 
 ligious than this is. Here indeed we may fee all Sefts and Parties II 
 the open ProfeiTion of rheir refpeftive Tenets ( all Profeffions bein] 
 tolerated lor Tradings fake ) and yet that which the ApoftlcSt,yJ 
 (chap. I. V. 27. ) calls the pure and undefiled Religion before God and tli^ 
 farher, is as little (if notlefs) known here than in any Chriftu 
 Country whatfoever. That publickly profcfs'd and generally receiv'l 
 is the Reformed Religion according to the Tenets of Judicious Cali'i 
 Chriftianity was firft planted in this Country about the fame time witf 
 ^J'per Germany, of which afterwards. 
 phciv to< 
 ginning of 
 [from Fland 
 ad Grand Fc 
 |ir. ] The 
 TCDt healchf 
 thick Fogs 
 if Inhabitant 
 unfle the Air 
 ofite Place of 
 lean bctvveer 
 M' ] Th< 
 Imiate ) is noi 
 than others 
 many forts 
 Ground in cl 
 )a and Lead, 
 i TheLen 
 Fmce and S 
 iuft of thci 
 ^l Wrough 
 §, 2. FLANDERS. 
 mttitsi. 3 
 ^ting Iflandj 
 fl to ftrong 
 rch with a 
 Miles Nortl 
 'fnt Temple) 
 'lately CatI 
 'frs than 6c, 
 'A^^ in whil 
 "d. (5.) rI 
 ts an Ech( 
 F Landers [ the ancient (/4//m Belgict : And now Bound 
 on the Eaft by part ot Upper Germany, on the wfc) is famo 
 by part of the German Ocean ; on the North by Holland, i^ul Watcrs.i 
 on the South by France ^ is tcrm'd by the Italians, Flandra-, by tl 
 Spaniards, F/rfn</f« -, by the French, Flandres -, by the Gcrmzm, Flandm 
 and by the Eoelilh Flanders^ fo call'd (as feme imagio) from Flandelxi 
'inces I 
 )ns, am 
 leis Ri 
 )3f( IL Germany. 1 2 1 
 phcvv to ClodUn the 2d King of France^ who flourifh'd about the 
 'inning of the fifth Century. But others are wilhng rather to derive 
 [trom Flandrina^ Wife to Liderkk the 2d, who was Prince of B«c, 
 ad Grand Forefter of Flanders-^ and govern'd ic according to the Or- 
 i^^QiChAYlemaigne and Lewis Debonnaire. 
 I(t.] TJ^c ^'^ of thefe various Provinces is generally efteem indif- 
 irent heahhful, yet the Moiftnefs of the Soil doch frequently occafi- 
 thick Fogs in the Winter, which would prove very prejudicial to 
 [J Inhabitants, did not dry Eafterly Winds from the main Continenc 
 inficthe i4/r, and occafion hard Frofts for feveral Months. Theop- 
 cfi[C Place of the Globe to Flanders, is that part of the vaft Pacifick 
 Icean between 20$ and 210 Degrees of Longitude, with 4.9 and 51 
 Agrees of South Latitude. 
 I Soil] The 5o// of this Country (it lying in the 9ch Northern 
 mate ) is not the fame in ail Parts, being in fome confiderably bet- 
 [ than others, but yet good in all *, So fertile is it in Grain, Roots, 
 I many forts of Fruits, that 'tis hardly to be parallell'd by any Spot 
 [Ground in the fame Climate. In the Counties of Hanmnia and Na^ 
 T, as likewifc in the Bifhoprick of Liege, are found fome Mines of 
 pn and Lead, with Quarries of Marble, and feveral Pits of excellent 
 il. The Length of the Days and Nights is the fame, as in the North 
 Unnce and South oi England, 
 CommoDitiefll.] The chief Commodities of this Country, being the 
 Wuft of their Manufaftures, are Tapeftries, Worfted-Scaifs, Linen- 
 m beiofciij Wrought-Silks, Camblets, Lace, ^c. 
 5t, 7'|'"U 
 |8atctie0. ] Near to St. Omers is a large Lake in which are divers 
 (ting iHands, mofl of them inhabited, and moveable by Ropes 
 d 10 flrong Poles fixt fafl in the Ground j and in one of them is a 
 irch with a Monaftery of the Order of St. Bernard. (2.) At Tongres 
 Miles North- Weft trom Liege ) are to be feen fome Monuments of 
 ienc Temples, and other Buildings, ercfted by the Romans, (9.) In 
 liately Cathedral of Antwerp (dedicated to the Blefled Virgin) are 
 lefs than 66 different Chapels. (4.) At Ghent is a Tower call'd 
 fjrf, in which hangs a Bell nam'd Roland, which weighs iiooo 
 nd. (5.) Remarkable is the Sounding Gallery in Brujfels, which 
 eats an Echo 1$ times; and Spau or Spaw (a Village in the B. of 
 'i^ ) is famous all the World over, for its curious Springs of Mc- 
 inal Waters. 
 d and t 
 r receiv 
 IS Caht\ 
 ime vvii 
 the NV 
 and., a 
 *" \Ai rt 
 ' I 
 •* V 
 liflpf M 
 3?rc^lj<lIjotJ;^cU0.] Archbiftiopricks in this qoiMitry arc ihofe of 
 Mal'mes, Cambray, 
 2£^<n)op;tc60.] BiOiopncks in this Country ajre thofc of 
 Bruges y 
 Bab le Ducy 
 S OmeYy 
 31lniljciffit(e0. ] UniverHiics in this Country arc thofe of 
 il?anncr0. ] The Inhabitants of thefe various Provinces being (fo 
 the moft part) a mixture of Spmijhy Fre/icft and Dutch y their Charaftei 
 in general will be beft Icarn'd by confidering the refpeftive Char^ften 
 }^^^^^ three Nations ( which may be fc^eh in their proper placcj] 
 and comparing them one with another. 
 3Lcinstiq[ge' ] The Language vulgarly us'd in f landers is thatcall'i 
 the Waloony cexcepting thofe Provinces which border on Hollftndy whc^ 
 the D;^^cA prevails) which is a corrupt Frenc/j, with an intermixture 4 
 levcral Dutcby and many Spantfl) words. Ho\V it ditfereth from th] 
 pure Frenchy will beft appear by their Patf^r Noftery which runs ik 
 ^s peer qui H au Cieux : fan^tfie foi t^. Nom^ adveen ton Rejam,^ 
 Volonte je fait en tcrre cotnwe es(^ieux\ Dotwe nay aprdhuy no pa'm^ 
 ttaten ; ^ par dome no det comme mn pardomion a nos detteux \ fy ne 
 indH en tentathn-y mats ddivre nos des maux, Anfefo'ttil; 
 ^'^xnmnt* ] This Country ( vtr,* all thofe Provinces bclongii 
 to the Spaniards before the late War, and fince reftor'd by thePeacej 
 Refwtck ) doth acknowledge his ^atholick Majefty as Supream Lorj 
 who ufed hitherto to rule the fame by his Subflitute ftyrd Govermia? 
 neral of the Netherlands : For whofe aiTiftance were alfow'd three Coi 
 ci)s, i;/;^. (i.) T\\^ Council of St ate ^ in which were tranfaflcdtl 
 weightieft of the Publick Affairs ^ fuch as thofe that relate to Pd 
 and War, Leagues and Alliances. (2.) The Privy Council, whichdf 
 termined the Limits of Provinces, pubiifhed Edifts, and decided MJ 
 tcrs brought thither by appeal fromother Courts of Judicature. (3.)T| 
Part If. Germany. 125 
 Cmcil oU Finance f, to which bclong'd the care and management of the 
 Fublick Revenue and Taxes, lupervifrng the Accounts of Receivers » 
 and proportioning the Expence and Charge of the War. As for Levy- 
 ing of Money, and Enaf^ing of new Laws. That was the Bufinels of 
 the Convention of the F.ftatcs (confifting )f the Nobility, principal Per- 
 Ions of the Clergy, and Deputies of the chief Cities) who ordinarily 
 affemblcd at Bruxets, when call'd by the Governour General. For the 
 betrer maintaining the Peace through all the Provinces, and taking due 
 Care of the Standing Forces, each Province had its particular Governour 
 appointed in Subordination to the Governour-Gencral. And for an 
 Univcrlal Adminiftration of Juflice, every Province had its peculiar 
 Provoft, whole power in Criminal Matters was reckon'd very great. 
 This was the fettled Form of Civil Government in thefe Provinces, and 
 thus have they been rul'd for many Years *, but what mighty Alterati- 
 on are lately made, and how publick Affairs are now manag'd in 
 them, fince the Acceflion of the D. of Anjou to the Crown ofSpain^ i 
 need not fay. 
 2lnn0.] Sec Spain, 
 IRcUgion. 1 The Religion predominant in all the Provinces of the 
 [Hitkrlands, oefore the dawning of that happy day of our Reformation, 
 wasintirely the Doctrine of the Roman Church. But the Errors and Ab- 
 kdirics of that Doflrine being openly expos'd to the World by our 
 wife Reformers^ the King of Spain ( to hinder a farther Progrefs in 
 that matter) fet up the moil fevere and barbarous Court of Inquifition, 
 which occafion'd no fmall Difturbance, and at laft a bloody War, that 
 {flded in a total Alienation of the Seven United Provinces, the other 
 Ten ftill remaining in the Profeffion of the Romifly Religion ( as at this 
 day ) and that in its grofiefl Errors. Chrijlianity was planted in this 
 Country about the fame time with the United Provinces. 
 k!4 I I 
 .4 '.* 
 |83mc] r ^fp^^ Germany ["containing only a part of Anc'\cm Germa^ 
 I U «)', as alfo a litt e of Gaul and Illyricum, with fome of old 
 \hl) :' And now Bounded an the Kafl by roland ^ on the Weft by 
 Y'luncs; on the North by Denmark witiia part of the B.iltique Sea ^ and 
 the South by Itafy ] is term'd by the Italians, Alta Allemagna •, by 
 : Spaniards, Ale.rania alta •, by the French, Haute AllemannJ •, by the 
 frmans, Ovc teutfchland\ and by the Englilh, Germany: Why fo 
 Wld, is much Controverted by our Modern Criticks, {oxwcOerman Au- 
 prs being willing to derive its Etymology from words in their own 
 [Uni^uagc as ijaav memwn^ i. e. very much Men* Others from Gere fig- 
 K 2 oitying 
I^fl < 
 It ' , ' 
 124 Germany* Part II, 
 "ifying to Gather^ becaufe the Germans fcem'd to bean Ajjemblage of 
 many Nations ^ others from Oar and Man^ to denote that they were a 
 Warlike people . Some ( tho' with little ground ) would fain allow it an 
 Hebrew Derivation. But the moft probable Opinion of all is, that the 
 inhabitants of this Country were culled German} by the Romans^ either 
 becaufe they were a fincer'e and honeft fort of People, or thereby to de- 
 note that they were Brothers to their Neighbours the Gauls, 
 ZiV' "1 The Air of this Country dilfereth confiderably according to 
 the Situation of the varioas Parts of this large Continent. Towards 
 the North, it's geneirally very Cold, but in the Southmoll Provinces, 
 it's of the fame Temper as in thofe places of France which lie undet the 
 fame Parallels. The oppofite Pla* e of the Globe to Germany, is that 
 part of the vaft Pacifick Ocean betwixt 215 and 225 Degrees ot Lon- 
 gitude, with 45 and 55 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^otl. ] The Soil of this Country ( it lying in the 8th, pch, loth, and 
 1 ith North Climate ) is very different according to the Situation of its 
 different Parts. In the Southern Circles, as alfo thofe in the middle 
 Part of the Continent, particular'y the Vpper and Lower Rhine^ there is 
 hardly any Country in the World can excel them for plenty of Fruits, 
 Corn and Wine .- But towards the North, namely the two Saxonies and 
 Wel}phaHa, the Soil is nor near fo fertile, efpecially in Wine (Grapes 
 never coming to full perfection there ^) however, as for Corn and Pa* 
 ifurage, they are abundantly furnifti'd vvitii them •, and the whole Coun- 
 try in the main is tolerably pleafant, healthful and profitable, abound- 
 ing not only with all things necelfary, but alfo with many of the Com- 
 forts of humane Life. The longeft Day in the North-moft Partis a- 
 bout 17 Hours ;. The (hortcll in the South-moft, 8 Hours |, and the 
 Nights proporcionably. 
 Commotiftffgf- ] The chiof Commodities of this Country are Corn, 
 Metals, aJlom, Salt, Win«, Fleih, Linen, Qiiickfilver, Armours, and 
 Iron- Works, fyc. 
 lHaretfC0. ] Wh3t things do moffly Merit the Epitliet of ^.r»e 
 and Curious in this vafl Counrry, are reducible to thcfe followingi 
 Heads; vi7^. (k) Some very objhvable Springs i, as That near Gecsb(ici)\ 
 in Alfuce^ vvhofe Top is covered with a foul fat oily Subffancc, ordi- 
 narily us'd by the Peafants thereabouts, as common Wheel Greafc: I 
 Another near Fader bom in PTcl^haliUf call'd jyiethorn, which hath 
 three Streams very different from one another, both in Colour, Tallc 
 and (Qualities ; and a Third in the Diocefs of FaJerborn^ obfervable in 
 tiiai ii {ofcth it fcif twice every 24 Hours, returning always back at the 
 Tntcrval of 6 Hours, and that with fuch Violence as to drive three 
 r, ordi- 
 Greafc : 
 :h hath 
 able in 
 :k at tke 
 vc three 
 Part II. Gcrmaffy. 125 
 Mills not far from its Sourfe. Here alfo arc many Salt ^prln^Sy parti" 
 cuUrly chat near Lunenburg^ in tlie D. of Lunenburg-^ another at HaU m 
 L'pper Saxony, and a third at SalT:!:wedel\n the Marquifare of BrarJen- 
 tHr^. To thefe we may add a vaft multitude of Springs, whofe Waters 
 are highly rriz'd both for Purging and Bathing, efpecially the latter; 
 as particuKirly thofe at Stugartm Wirternhnrg -^ thofe at Aix le Cbaielle 
 in fft'/f,/'/j;i//\t ; and thofe in the Marquifate or Buden, from whence the 
 wh )le Country derives its Name. (2.) Some flrangc kind ot Lal-a ; 
 parei.uiarl) 'hr.t in Carnioia^ call'd the ZhchnUzer Sea, in length about 
 two German M'les, and one broad \ Oblcrvable for its many fubtcri ane- 
 oas Caves and Paifages, into which both the Water and li(hcs of die 
 lake do yearly retire in the Month of /.v/j?, and return again about 
 September, As alfo another in Suablt-^ the Nature of whofe Waters is 
 fuch, that they aftually fingc Fifhing-Nets, when funk to the bottom. 
 (^.) Remarkable Caves^ particularly that near Blakerbnrg in Lower 
 Smny. commonly cali'd Bumans Hole •, of which none have yet found 
 the End, tho' many have travelled a vaft way into it: on purpofe to 
 come at the fame. Another calfd Gfott') Propetfch'm, with many other 
 fubterraneous Caverns in Carniola, near the Zrchmtxer-Sea. abovemcn- 
 tion'd. And finally that near Hamelen (about 50 Miles from Hanover) 
 at whofe mouth ftands a Monument expreffing the Lofs of 130 Chil- 
 dren, who were fwallowed up alive in that very place above 400 
 Years ago. But according to a certain Tradition in Tranfylvan'ia, thofe 
 Children were tranfported thither, there being many Perfons in that 
 Ceuntry, who, to this very Day, do own themfclves for their Pofterity. 
 (4.) Stately Edifices^ efpecially fome famous Cathedrals, as particularly 
 thofe of Strasburg and Magdeburg^ fin the latter ofwhich are 49 Altars) 
 as alfo that of Vim, remarkable for its curious Organ, fo much talked 
 of, it being 95 Foot high, and 28 abroad ; being iikewife furniflVd with 
 i5 pair of Bellows, and having Pipes of fuch a prodigious Bignefs, that 
 the largeft of them is 15 Inches Diameter. (5.) Some Ohfervable Rocks 
 and Stones, particularly thofe two Rocks nigh to Blackcnbur^, (above- 
 mcncion'd) which naturally reprefent two Monks in their proper Ha- 
 bits, afld that as exaftly as if defign'd for fuch •, and near to Blackenburg^ 
 arefcveral Stones dug out of the Ground, having on them the Repre- 
 fentation ot divers Animals, efpecially Fillies in a neighbouring Lake ; 
 and fometimes the Refcmblance of a Man. In another Lake, in the * 
 [Earldom of Mansfield, are Stones exaftly fhap'd like Frogs and various 
 ores of Fifhes. Add to thefe the Remarkable Stones commonly found 
 pen Mount Calenberg ( about two German Miles from Vienna ) having 
 he lively ImprelTion of Trees and Leaves of Trees upon them: As alfo 
 Quarry in thofe Parts, out which are dug feme Stones equally 
 nnfparent with refin'd Sugar-Candy. (6.) Many choice Cabinets of 
 "arcties, efpecially That in the Palace of Infpruc^, with another atDref- 
 fij but the chief ©fall is that in the Emperour's Palace at Vienna, 
 K 9 whole 
126 Gerwdfiy. Part H. 
 whofc Curio»>ies are fo vaflly numerous, that a bare Catalogue of them 
 iT.akes a compleac Volume in Folio. (7.) Ac Ment^^ is a Modern Cu- 
 I'iofity which is carefully kept, and onur.only (hewn to Strangers v'l^. 
 a LeafofF/irchmcnt, on which arc fairly written twelve differentVorts 
 of Hands, with variety of Miniatures and Draughts, curioufly done with 
 i Pen, and that by one Thomas Schuviker^ who was born without 
 Hands, and perform'd the lame with his Feet. As for the faninus 
 Tun of Heidelburg (being 31 Foot long and 21 high, before 'twas de- 
 ftroy*d by the French in the late War ) the fame was fo well known that 
 I fhould hardly have faid any thing of it. Lajily^ To thele Remark^ 
 ables in Germany we may here add the D ominic arts -Chz^cl in the City 
 of Bertii tho' belonging to Sw trerland^ in which is ftill to be fcen an 
 Artificial /fo/e, or a narrow Fafiage between that Chapel and one 01 
 the Domimans Cells, which Me is ftill fbown to Strangers, as a laft. 
 ing Monument of one of the greateft ChfaPs that was ever yetdifcover- 
 cd in the Church of Rome: I mean that notorious pretended Miracle 
 which the Dom'mkans impos d upon the World, towards th«? beginning 
 of the 1 5 Century, to confirm their part of that Controverfie which 
 w?5 hotly toffed between them and the franc'ifcans concerning the Im. 
 maculate Conception of the BleiTed Virgin. The paffage is fo well known 
 that I ftiould hardly defccnd to Tarticulars, even fuppofirg this were 3 
 proper place for fuch a Narrative. 
 31rcI)W(I)o»?lCfejff. ] Archbilhopricks in this Country are thofc of 
 } '/ague 
 IBifbop^iCfejy. ] Bidiopricks in 
 this Country arc 
 thofc of 
 iMetT^^ Brandenburg^ 
 Touly //avelbergf 
 Verduiif Spire, 
 Lkge, Worms, 
 Atuni^er^ Strasburg, 
 Mindeny Wurtxpurg^ 
 Ofnaburgj Akhflat^ 
 Me'ijfen, Vaden, 
 Maesburg, Ghur, 
 Naumburg, HViejhe'im^ 
 K oninifgrati 
Part II. 
 i. '^m 
 {BnltcrfiHcfl" ] Univerfities in tliis Country are tliof;^ of 
 Rofl ck, 
 Fravcfort on Oder, 
 Mar pur g, 
 ^anner0.] The Hii'h Germans arc generally reputed a very folid 
 andhonelt fort ot' People. The trading; part ot 'em are found to be 
 cxtreamiy fair in their D alings, and ambitious to keep up the fo much 
 renowned Sincerity of their Worefathers. Thofe who betake themfcjves 
 cither to Mars or Minerva ( clpccially the former ) prove commonly 
 very worthy Difciples This I'eople hath likewile a mighty GcnijjjL- 
 for Mechanical fort of Learnings and feveral cf themsK ^ ^n ^ n^ iov 
 fome fingular Inventions, particularly that of i^^cf^sri) Intirumcntthe 
 C»«, accidentally difcovtrcd by one i^at^-^hins Siv.irt a Frier, when 
 making a Chymical Experimef?f \Tith a Crucible fee over the hire, ha- 
 ving L It-pctre and Sulphur, and other fuch-like Ingredients, intcrmiKt, 
 They arc alfo faid to have found out that mo(\ ufelul Art of Frinting:, 
 hnhc //oil angers do eagerly deny them the honour of f/;.zr Invention, 
 afcribing the fame to one Laurence Cofter of f/nlem-, and upon i\r\t[ 
 [enquiry, it appears that the Germans had indeed the firll hint of this 
 Arc from //olland-, and that they only improv'd and perfected the fame 
 jat MentT^, The moll noted of the many Mechanical Operations of this 
 People of late, is that curious Watch of the Emperor Ch-vles the Fifth, 
 fet in the Jewel of his Ring ; as alfo that Clock ot the h\\et\(jr of S^x. 
 m, fixtin the Pommel of h's Saddle. As for \ he Iron Fly and 
 jv/oodcn Eagle of Rcg'iomontanus^ they are fo well known, that it's fu- 
 ll crtluous even to name tliem^ only tins i may add, that the firfl Inven- 
 tior.and Contrivance ot rhd latter ( r'lo' commanly attributed to Ilegi' 
 \mmtanus ds well a^ rlie former; ,5 deny 'i hirh by A.Gellius^ wlio 
 hunbts tfic honour o^ that curious piece of Mechanifm tothc Ingenuity 
 \^i Arch)tai» 
 language, j The I anguage here us'd is that call'd the High Dutch 
 3 Language very Ancient, Jifi6 generally efleem'd both Noble and 
 Manly in the Pronunciation , more becoming a General than a Courti- 
 er. None of the Weftcrn faropean Tongues hath Icfs Affinity with the 
 Urin than it has. The Maternal Languages of feveral Kingdoms and 
 different States in Europe, are Originally from the German. It's nov« 
 divided into a great many Diale^fs, very different from one another: 
 K 4 The 
 : H 
128 Germany. Part II. 
 The purefl of which is generally efteein'd thxt fpokenof in Mifn'u.Pitir 
 Noficr in the High German runs thus : Viifcr l^atter der du bij} in bimmil I 
 geheyliget we^de deinNahim. Zukomm uns deinRUch ; dcin wille gi(ck\\i\ 
 uferden, wieim bimmel. Vnfer tczglich brodt g'lbbuns heut : und vergebut}! 
 unf>'r fchuldty a!s rvir vergoben iinfem fchiiLl'Kern und fuchr uns wcht in\ 
 Veriuchung •, fonder erUfe uns vom ubd. Amen, 
 dPotJCrnment ] This great Body comprehends above three hundred! 
 different Sovc.eignries, but all (or moftof them) are Homagers to ont I 
 Head, own d as Suprcam ^ vii:. TIic Emperor oi Germany. TheEm^ 
 pire is cicftive and Govcrn'd by Dyets, almoft like the General Eftates 
 of Fiarce Tiieftanding Law of the Kmpire ( whicii bindeth all the 
 feveral vScates as the various mcmbersoi' one Body ) is t\\cCivil ox h- 
 ma.n^ mix'd with tl;c Cinin; to which add the ancient Cuftoms of tlic| 
 Germarr^ and the various Statutes of the Dyets made from time to time, 
 The feveral States luive their peculiar Laws obligatory with'.n rheni- 
 fci'ves. The whole Kmpire being divided into Ten Circles, eachotl 
 *em ( excepting Belgium^ or the Circle of Burgundy^ which now is aj. 
 low'd '^ Vore in the Dyet ) hath one or more Dirc^ors who prefideat 
 their Alfemblies; vit^. ¥or Wel}phaHa^ the Bifhopof Munfter indDuk] 
 ot A/t'n'Ae^'^g are Dire^ors. VorLoia^crSaxfinyzrcthcMarqucfsoi Bnn- 
 denburg ( now King of prujia ) and Duke of Brunfw cl^ by turns. Fori 
 Vf'per S.,xony is the Eleftor of Saxwv late King of Poland, For the 
 Lower Rhine is the Archbifhopof /»/!?«rr. For the Vpper Rhine are the 
 Eleftor Fdlatne and Biihop of H'nrms, For Franconia, are the Billiop 
 of Bawbergy and Marquefs cf Culemback. Vox Six'abia^ are the Duke 
 of Wirtemberg^ and BiOiop of Co'i}ance. For Bavaria^ are the Elcftor] 
 of Bavaria, and Archbifliopof Saltrburg. And \dLii\y Auilria^ it s Di- 
 redor is the Arch Duke of Auftria^ or his Imperial Maiefly. Two orl 
 three Circles may meet when one of them is attack'd from without, or| 
 in any Confufion within. The General Dvets confift of three Bodies, 
 ▼iz. Efecforut princer^ other Pr;nces^ and I 'nperijl Cities. But more par- 
 ti ularly; In this great Body wc may rcdu-.c all Soveraigntics to rhefc| 
 FivCj namely, 
 1 he Fmpcynur^ The FccIefiafticX- Princes^ 
 The Elecforj, The Secular i'rincesy 
 The Fret: Cities. 
 I. The Em^er'iur^ who C being of the Houfe of Auflria ) doth i\jiv:^ 
 three forts of Dominion, i^/r. that of ><////>•/*« as Hereditary -^ B^hem 
 as his Ki{»,ht •, and Hingayy by F.Iet'fion. In his Life time he raufah 
 his own Son or Brother, or ( failing of chcfe) one cf his ncareO Knf- 
 men to be Crowned King of H'AhgAry^ afterwards King of Bobcru; 
 and then ( if the Elf-e^ors arc willing ) he is Chofcn King of rhe 
 ^ mats., whereby Jic is iJucccfTor rrcfumptive to the F.nipirc. T'fl 
Part 11. Germany. 129 
 Port'cr of the Emperour is much im|[)air'd by levcral Capitulations be' 
 twixt him and the Princes of the Empirf:. It's true, that only he can 
 confer Honours, create Princes, affranchifc Cities, inflitute Univerli- 
 ties, and fuch like: Yet as to the Lcgiflative Power, and that of Levy- 
 ing Taxes upon the whole Empire, that is wholly lodg'd in the Gene- 
 ral Dyec conjunftly with him, and by a late Capitulation, he is not to 
 enter into Alliance, or make War with any Foreign Prince without 
 Confenc of the Electors. However, if we confider only his own Here- 
 di ary Dominions, he is a Powerful Prince \ and to fupport the Gran- 
 Ideur 01 the Imperial Dignity, he is ferved by the greateft Princes of the 
 Empire j is addredcd unto by the Auguft Title of Cje/<<r ^ and the Am- 
 biiTidors of all Crown'd Heads and Free States in £/(r^/>e, give place to 
 jihofc fent by him, at what Foreign Court foevcr it be. 
 li. Ele^orfy who are now Nine in Number, vix_, thefc following : 
 I'r.) The Archbilhop of Mayence^ who is Great Chancellor of the 
 tiiipire in (/t?r/w4«y 1 fits on the Empcrour's Right-hand in the Dyer, 
 (anHd'd formerly Crown the King of Bohemia. (2.) The Archbimop 
 Tr s or Treves^ who is Great Chancellor of the Empire in France-^ 
 duns the firft Vote in Elefting the Emperour •, and fits over-againfl 
 |liimii the Dyet» ^g.) The Archbifhop of C«/o^n, who is Great Chan- 
 cellor of the Empire in Italy, claims the firfl Vote in chufing the 
 ving of the Romans \ fets the Crown on his Head^ and fits next the 
 Emperour. (4 ) The King of Bohemia (who hath only a Seat in the 
 :ehon ) is Cupbearer, and in the publick Proceffion, walks next the 
 Emperour or King of the Romans, (5.) The Duke o( Bavaria, who 
 fs Greic Steward ; and in time of the publick Proceffion, carrieth the 
 jlobc before the Emperour. (5 ) The Duke of Saxony, who is Great 
 Ijrihai of the Empire ; and at the publick Proceffion carrieth the 
 baked Sword before the Emperour. (7.) The Marquefs of Bran- 
 p^'ur^.^ f now King of Pm^ix ) who is Great Chamberlain, and at the 
 nblick Vroceffion, carrieth the Scepter before the Emperour, (8.) The 
 [rinre Palatine of the Rhine, who is Great Treafurcr-, and in the Pro- 
 rfion at Coronations, f actereth Medals among the People. (9.} The 
 ^inch Eleftor is Ertielhis Augullns Duke of Brunfwick^ Lunenburg, Hano- 
 k who was added to the Elcftoral College in the Year 1595. Thefc 
 rnnres have much greater Authority, and enjoy more ample Privi. 
 p than the other Frinces of the Empire. To them belongcth not 
 K a Right of F.Ieding the Emperour and King of the Romans ( as 
 jtofcfaid ) butalfo fome allow them even a Depoling Power. When 
 Jc Emperour calls a Dyer, he is obliged to ask their advice •, and du. 
 pnan Intcrreign, two of them ( vit^, the Elcftors of Saxony and Ba^ 
 m ) have Power to govern the Empire ; the jurifdirtion of the 
 [rnicr extending over the Northern, and th^it of tl>c other over the 
 phcrn Circles of the Empire. 
 '1 ''m 

 a ! 
 ^30 Germany. Part flJ 
 IIF. Ecclefuflick PYiHces who (bcfidesthe firfl three Eie(^ors)ard 
 chiefly thefc following, 1//^. Archbifhop of Saltthurg [ Great MafteJ 
 of the Teutonkk Order ] the Bifliops of Lieg e, Munfler^ Spire, Woms] 
 WuYt:^btirg, Strasburg^ Ofnahnrg, Bmberg, Paderborn, &c. and many 
 Abbots and AbbefTcs who are AbCoIute over the Temporality of theii 
 Benefices 5 The Eleftion to their various Dignities belong*^ wholly td 
 their feveral Chapters, and they govern the People in lubjeO.on ta 
 them as Sovereign Princes, without any cognizance of a highe 
 IV, Secular Princes^ who are chiefly the Dukes of Lunenburg, W{r\ 
 tembiirg, Mecklenburg, Sax laHenbuyg,6cc, Marquefiof Baden, a/evjj 
 tach, &c. The Landgrave of Hefsy Princes of Eafl-Prkxjand, A/^jfaa 
 Anhalt, &c. Counts of Solms, Avers burg, &c, and many other Duke 
 Marqueffes and Landgraves t, as alfo fome Karis and Barons who cxercii| 
 a Sovercigu Power over thofe irt their own Dominions. 
 V. Ptree Cities, wliich are either Imperial or Hans Tov^nt. Impcri 
 Cities are thofe who bear th^ Eagle of the Empire in their Arms, am 
 have right to fend their Deputies to the Dyet uf the Empire. Hm 
 79wns are thofe, which, about the End of the 13th Century, ..itrcl 
 into a firm League of mutually affifling one another in • ime of Dl 
 llrefs; as alfo in carrying on fuch a Kegular Commerce as might unf 
 verfally tend to their advantage, and the publickgood of th' Empir^ 
 "Which Society e ncrtafed to the Number of eigh'-y Cities, who en 
 ;oy'd great Privileges, rtnd exercis'd a peculiar Jurifdittion amon 
 themfclves. For the bcrtcr Adminiflration of which, they were dl 
 vided into four Circles, diftinguiflrd by the Names of lour principj 
 Cities, in which were citablifh'd their Courts of Judicature^ vi7(^. Lubec\ 
 Cologtty Brupfivick, TiwAD ant tick. But this Society hath been on t!i 
 declining hand almoft two hundred Years, and is now become very ij 
 confiderable ? 
 Chief Courts in Germany for hearing and determining the Grcl 
 Caufes of the Empire, are two, v)X' The Imperial Chamber^ and Cki 
 her ai Vienna, (I.) The Imperial Chamber ( confiflng of fifty Judgd 
 ralfd Affejfors, whereof the Emperour appointcth the Prelideiit, d 
 four of the Principal Officers-, each of the Eleiftors chufing Onj 
 and the rcfl being nominated by the other Princes and States of til 
 Empire ) whofe bufmefs is to determine all Difpurcs which arife froj 
 time to time between the Princes j as alfo other Caufes brought thithj 
 by Appeal from Interior Courts. The Seat of this judicature wa^ to 
 merly at Spires^ but now at Wetflar in Heffe, (k.) Tht Chambit \ 
 Vienna^ whofe Office ic is alfo to decide all Caufes brouf^ht to it! 
 Appeals from Fnferifjr Courts, and claims the fanrie Authority wirh tj 
 Chamber of Spires* The Scat of this Court is the Emperors Palace, aj 
 cither he himfelf, or his Deputy firs as Chief, being affifled bv a coj 
 petenc number of Judges, whereof feveral are Profcllors ol" tbc rj 
 t Maftcj 
 id man^ 
 of theij 
 holly tq 
 i<y'-m to 
 I highe 
 »-^, Wirl 
 :r Duke 
 I exercul 
 13ft If. Germany. 151 
 kf Religion. In both th fc Courts the Empcrour ( as Sovereign 
 ^.c, and Prefident ) pronounceth Sentence when there in Pcrfon ; 
 ' ^'n his Abfence, thofe deputed by him, who reprefenting him- 
 areallow'd to carry the Imperial Scepter as a Mark of their Dig- 
 ,., In particular Courts they follow chc Laws ot the Empire, which 
 ,nfi(t in many Ancient Conllitutions ^ ihe Go'den Eull^ the Pacifi- 
 itionof Paffitw •, as a To the Treaties of Weftphalia in the SaxoiuLivv 
 |jf)|ifh'd by Charlehah ; and the Roman by the EmperoMT J u/fini an ; 
 ,,;h !aft they obfervc whenlbever the Saxon has not been received. 
 IPrinces, States, and Members of the Empire have ( and adlually 
 crcile) a Sovereign Power, within their own Territories; except in 
 fliepirricular Cafes, wherein People may Appeal either to the Im- 
 y Chamber of Spiresy or that ac Viennay commonJy call'd the 
 (ic CounciL 
 After the Government of Germany^ Switzerland^ 
 y/!fj ^^ ^'^y ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ Geneva, 
 y, -Ktrei 
 e of 
 light unl 
 ■ Empir^ 
 who en 
 )n amon 
 were dl 
 ^. Lubec\ 
 en on t^ 
 le very 
 :he Grcj 
 ind Cki 
 ty JudgJ 
 idenc, a! 
 fing On^ 
 tcs of tl 
 arife froj 
 ht thithj 
 e wa^t( 
 ht to it 
 y vvifh il 
 'alace, n 
 bv a io| 
 I))' [be 
 ll, SwttT^erland ( a large Common-wealth, confining of feveral h't- 
 1 ones, 1'/^. Thirteen Cantons, every one of them being abfolute 
 Jhin their own Jurifdiftion ) is under a Popular Government in the 
 [ini yet not ftriftly fo in refped of every particular Canton, thofe 
 Wff, Zurich^ and Lucern, being more properly under an Arijhcra- 
 than any other j fmce the Authority of the Gentry doth moft 
 |vail in them. However, the whole Body of the State confi- 
 [das one Complex Republick, confiftcih of three diftinft Parts, 
 [. The Swit3^ers -hemfelves, diftributed ( as aforefaid ) inro Thir- 
 Cantons. Secondly^ Thofe States Confederate with them for 
 lir common Liberty and Proteftion. And Thirdly, Tiie Prc- 
 Ws fubjefted to them, whether by Gift^ Purchafe, or Chance,, 
 The Body of the Cantons, is govern'd by each Canton having 
 particular Magiftrate of their own chufing •, by whom ( with 
 landing Council confifliig of Perfons ele^ed out of the People ) 
 I particular Controverfies of the Canton are heard and determin'cf. 
 when any publick Caufe occurs, which relates to all the Can- 
 then each of them fends its Commifiioner vo the general Dyer, 
 liich ordinarily meets at Baden ) where every Canton hath one 
 ^, and Matters ''» determined by the major part. (2,) Cffrfcdc- 
 iStates'j The Chief of which ( befides Gent?ui ) are the Cri'^>rti , an 
 Iccnt Common-wealth, govern'd in like manner as the Sxvit^ers, 
 III the /* ilies of the Swfitiers, there's none more Potent than 
 le. Thev f^ntred firft into a League one with another. Anno i^yi, 
 laftcrwards vikh the Smt^ers in 1491. Their Country lies a- 
 \l ^nacccffiblc Mountains, and hideous Precipices, and they di. 
 ■ m 
1^2 Germanf. 
 vide thcmfelvcs into fix Parts, v'it^. The Grey League. TJie u^ 
 of the Houfc of God. The League oi the fen Jurifdu^hns, ji 
 Valteline, And laftly. The Countries of Chiavana and Bormio.' Sc 
 believe they deriv'd the Title of Grifons from the Cuitoni of wearil 
 Grey Scarfs^ when firft they entred into che League togecher. (1 
 Prefe^ures of the Switxers^ particularly thofe Countries and Cities 
 Bdden and Sargans^ with many other Towns and Villages fituatcdnis 
 unto, or among the Alps, 
 W, Geneva being a Free Republi-k, is govern'd by its ownMI 
 giflraces, and is in Confederacy wich th * Onri.r of Vn;-f:^er.M 
 whom itrcfembles very much in tiie Conflitution -f itsGo^enmel 
 The Sovereignty of the State is lodg'd in d Cr unr:; iA Two HundrJ 
 out of which a lefler Council confiding o' - wenty t ive is ci: [J 
 (both which being for Life, ferve for Checks one to another) J 
 finally out of thefc Twenty Five, are eleried f ,ur Princ 
 V 'lom they call the 5>n^/c-fj-, who havr ^he fol'^ Manageir.cnc ofilj 
 Common-wealth; except it be in lomcgreat Matrcr, as makiiij;! 
 Peace or War; Offeniive or Defcnfivc Lea^iU'^s ; hearing Appeals an 
 fueh like General Concerns, which ib the Buiincfs of the Great Cou) 
 cil CO confidcr and determine. 
 2lrmflf-l The Emperour of Germary for Armor'id Knfignsh(izxi()m 
 i^ i terly, i. Barwife, -.^r^^n^and Gates of cigHt P<cccs, for Himgary\ ;.\J 
 gent^ a Lion, Gulcs^ the Tail novcd, and paJTcd in Sa!t:er, Crownej 
 Langed^ and Armed, Or^ for Bohemia. 5. (////ex, a Fcfk .4r^enf, fj 
 A%ftrta» Party and bcndwife, Argent and A^ure. a border Qnlt 
 for Ancient Burgundy, 4. Quarterly in the firfl and lafl Gula 
 Caflle triple towered, (7r, purHed S^ble^ for Ca'^ile. In the fecoij 
 and third Ar/]enty a Lion purple, for Leon. The Shield crcAed withi 
 Imperial ffrown, clofcd and raifed in ftiape of a Miter, having bj 
 twixt the two Points a Diadem furmownted with a Globe and Ciolj 
 Or. This Shield environed with a Collar of the Order of the C^'j' 
 fleece, is plac'd on the breaf^ of an Eagle difplayed ^'^Wd.'in a bid 
 Or, Diadem, mcmbred and bcak'd Gutes, holding a naked Sword i 
 t'^e right Talon, and a Scepter in the left. The two Heads figPif 
 the ft ftjhrn 2nd IVedern Empire; and for the Motto are tliefe \voi(l| 
 U'n .ivulff) non deficit alter. But the Empcrour's peculiar device 
 f.tx fy falus Europe. 
 IRrng^Ott. ] The laws of the Empire give free Toleration ton 
 public k K.Mrrcifc of rliree Religions, i'/>. the Lutheran^ C<i/t «' 
 and F$pifl\ and in lomr PIjccs all three Parties celebrate Dvj 
 V. orfliip in one and the lame Church, at dirTereat times o\ ti 
[art II. German). 133 
 as among others, at Manhe'im in the Patatwat?, before it 
 ij: ruin'd by the French. The Reformation of Religion was begun 
 ,^i^:^ Martin Luther about 1517. and embrac'd by the Eledlor of 
 .'ny^ Brandenburg^ Prince Palatke of the Rhine^ Landgrave of //ejfe^ 
 J Duke oi Brunfvp'ick, and moft of the Free Cities. Whereupon 
 lilowed contuiu''! V.'ars and Troubles about Religion and the Lands 
 the Church, till the Year 1525. when a Peace was Concluded at 
 Ln»;- where the Proteftant Religion was fecured, till Matters could 
 ibecccr fettled at the next cnfuuig Dyet. At length the Religious 
 jjce mGerntAny was eftablilh'd at the Dyet ac Ausburg in 1555; where 
 L provided that neither party fliould annoy one another, upon the 
 Lnt of Religion; and that fuch of the Church Lands and Rerenues, 
 [the proteftants had polTefs'd themfelvesof, before the Peace ac Paffaw^ 
 uld from thenceforth remain in their PofTeffion. The Proteflant 
 [ligion was llkewife eftablilh'd by the Weflphalian Treaty in the Year 
 y. And much in this Pofture did things continue till of late, chat 
 pjwi^ King broke in upon the Empire, and took fomany Towns 
 Cities of it: In all which he difpoffefs'd the Proteftants of their 
 tbjand eftablirti'd the Exercife of the Roman Religion. And this 
 harh endeavour'd to confirm by the lafl Treaty at Refwkk^ where 
 i Plenipotentiaries in Conjunftion with the Emperor's, prevaiPd to 
 [ert into the faid Treaty a Claufe, whereby 'tis agreed. That the 
 L?i Cacholick Religion Ihall remain within the Places reftor'd by 
 \[ii to che Emperor and Empire, in the fame Condition as 'tis ex- 
 datprefent. And though the Proteftants long contefled, and ac 
 Ifign'd rhe Treaty, with a Protcftation, that the Claufe in difpute 
 old not be drawn into precedent for the future ; yet there's too 
 htReafon to fear that the Popilh Party hath gain'd a confiderable 
 (vantage in this Point. The various Parts of this Country receiv'd 
 ij&.hc of the ble ied Gofpel at various times, and that by che preach- 
 n" various Apoftles, efpccially St. Ti(>o/nrff Simamcd Didymus^ one 
 I Twelve. 
 V < 
 ' ! :-' \ 
V I 
 ' 1 
 4 <> \ ^ 
 I H! 
 •; <■ 
 i^ m 
 b>ki» *•.«••* 
 !£>' f-^f^ 4M£g: \ 
 (i: ^r^'iJiuftA . . , 
 'r/i*^' ^^Sw^JTfiT^ 
 ^ 4 fM^ '< 
 ■J'ttXei* '''.-fC 
 tUMVU ' 
 •Xg^v n.-art: '' 
 ■-» ^^ ^ — 
 :^ U£ 12.0 
 '^'W*^^ '■ 
 — - l'-"^ lllll'-^ 
 VV(»STBR,N.Y. M5I0 
 (/1>S) 872-4503 
Part ir. 
 Being div 
 \bl} Clafs c 
 im!e Chi 
 M Clafs cc 
 D.of J/* 
Part II. 
 SECT. V. 
 Concerning PoIauD* 
 {48 00 1 
 58 2oJ^ 
 4 ■ ' " 
 :■: / ( :^ j 
 ^ 5^ iff 
 •(between {^J ^^of Long. ")! C^^»g^'^ ^^ ^^°»^ 78o. 
 Breadth is about ^00, 
 Being divided into three ClalTes^ t//;^. < Middle, 
 preheads < ^''* "'^ 
 SCkrland — 
 Samogttm — 
 PoUquia — — 
 preheads \p,ii^^ p„p. 
 ^ Rofime 
 Idem -I- 
 i ^ 
 Of all thcfc in Order. 
 S* I • LithHania^ a Dukedom* 
 CTrokl - 
 BraflaTi»en,tc of. j^g«;» 
 fid em— 
 Idem — 
 Novogrodeck .-^ >^ ^ Idem— «. 
 D.of j/w^/f 
 Idem— - 
 Idem— — 
 •W. to E. 
 ;1 W.toE, 
 S I. (V 
 kP '■« 
UBLI I «- ■# 
 Poland. Part II, 
 ^. 2. Volhwia, a Province. 
 Contains C Palatinate of L«c*a, W.-) ^j^-^^ Town^ J^^"jlw. coE. 
 the iTcrritoryof /Cwjtp, E. J ildcmj 
 §.3. Podolia, a Province. 
 Contains the Pala-f/C^m/ii/ec^-) chief Tovvnll^^^jlw. to E. 
 tinate of XBracklaw J Uatmj 
 §. 4. Curlandy a Dukedom. 
 contains {^ifr±:}^'>'^f To.„{^«r i^.toE. 
 §. 5. Samogitta^ a Dukedom. 
 Contains the Tcrrit. of < ^//<^nrc*— >Chief Tovvn^ Idein>S. toN. 
 \Schmndenj ^Idcm^ 
 §. 6. Polaquiaf a Province. 
 contains 'hcPa-^^gl;— Jchicf Town{«;^^}s. .oN. 
 ^. 7. L/>//e 2Jftr/^if , a Province. 
 ^ ^ rid em ■. , ") I 
 ^']]^ Idem = mtci5. 
 J 5 CWem, or Lwontj or Leopolis — J 
 Jatinate of 
 Containi the CChelm - 
 Palatinatc< flf/^ — 
 of {^Lcmberg 
 5*. 8. PrfiJJia^ a Dukedom, 
 Diridcd rRo>4/, Weflward ^rhj^u t...«« J'^'^w^^'f*— 1 w ..« e 
 into 1d/c./, Eartward J^^^^^T«^^"lK.wn^x^erg}^- ^°E. 
 -J. 9. im 
art II. I Part IT. Poland. ij7 
 ij 9* WarfovUy a Dukedom not divided. 
 Its Chief Town is Warfgw, upon the WetJTeL 
 . coE. 
 §10. Polomay properly fo call'd. 
 -r»» M J '^^^J Lower. Northward. 
 Divided mto-^i;^^^; Southward. 
 Pfiia 1 
 \imf con- f Palat. o(]Plo^skein 
 tains the i ^Siradis 
 Upper contains the Pa-C Luilm 
 lacinate of ^Sandomiris 
 \ iQrstw 
 "Idem - 
 Idem - 
 Idem - 
 Idem - 
 Idem - 
 -W. to N. E. 
 •> W. to E. 
 XfUdiJlMV N. of Lanficia, 
 Idem *— 
 ON. to S. 
 > the W 
 •3 /'/. 
 i* . 
 9. r<ir 
 Part. II. 
 POlar.d [a confiderable P.irt of Ancient Sarmatia Eumsc.i' 
 and now bounded on the Laft by LiitleT-ntaryyu\A p;,fj 
 of Mojcovia ; on the Weft by Upitr Germany ; on the North by part of ' 
 Mofiova, Liv WM, and the Baltick Sea ; and on tlie South by Uung(iyj^\ 
 Tranfilvania and MoUavia ] is tenn'd by the Italians and Spafiigya^ 
 Polonta ; by the Frevch, Cologne ; by the G rwanf, Pokn ; and by the I 
 Etiglij]\ Poland' So calTd (according to the beft conjeftuies) from 
 Pou or l^ole, which, in the Sclav nic Language, fignifie a Plain or] 
 Champagne Country fit for Hunting, there being none of old morel 
 efteemed for that than it was- 
 Ijtc 1 The y^ir of this Country is of a different Nature,accordingi 
 to the Nature and Situation of the different Parts of that Kingdom J 
 for in the Provinces towards the North- Weft its very cold, yet witlJ 
 al very pure anr' wholfom ; but towards the North-Ealt, particii.l 
 larly Litl)<ania, its not only cold, but alfo very grofs and unwhol.l 
 fom; wliich chieriy riles from the vuft number of Lakes in that 
 part of the Country^ whofe standing Waters fend up Infcfticusl 
 Vapours, which intermixing with the Air, do eafily corrupt the! 
 whole Mafs thereof. The oppofitc Place of the Globe to PoUnd, isl 
 that part of the vaft Pacifa Ocean lying between 215 and 234 Degrct$| 
 of Longitude, with 48 and 58 Degrees of South-Latitude. 
 ^0:1 ] The Nature of the Air having ftill a great influence on tli; 
 Soil', the North- Weft Pro^^inces of tliis Kingdom (it lying in tin 
 ^t1>^ lotfi and I ith North Climate^ are abundantly fcrtil, affordlngl 
 many ibrts of Grain and I-ruits, not ofjiy enough for tlie InhabL^nts 
 but alio to fupply the wants of their Neighbours. In the middle parq 
 of this Kingdom are fome Mountains, and thofe well ftor'd withfcJ 
 vera! Minev of Silver, Copper, Iron and Lead. The Provincc<; toj 
 wards the Nortli .^nd North Eaft are vci y barren in Frui'ts and Corn] 
 being full of Woods, Lakes and Rivers. The longeft D^y in the 
 Northmoft Parts of this Kingdom is 17 Ilours.-J ; the Ihorteft ir 
 the Southmoft is 8 Hours ^^ and the Nights proportionably. 
 ©oiinnoCittctf.l The chkf Cof»mditics of this Country, are VV.ivl 
 Linen, Boaids, M.ifts for Ships, Pitch, rich Furs, Salt, Amber] 
 Pot-alhes, Soap, Corn, Uutcer, Chccle, Kofin, Tlax, Cord;ige] 
 BrimilonC) &c. 
 H'irittfa''] In the Cathedral of nefna \s kept an ineftlmable Treal 
 fure of Gold, Silver and enamel]^' Veffels, given by divers Kings o| 
 Paliifid^ and Prelates cf that Sec'^Under the Mountains adjacent rj 
 »d pare 
 part of! 
 by the! 
 ) from 
 'lain or! 
 d morel 
 |,,j 3re divers Grottos, wherein are prefcrvM a great number of 
 nan Bodies, Itill inrire, altho' buried many Years ago, being 
 Uhcf 1'^ black nor hard as the I giptian Muoimies; among tliele 
 L\wo l^rinces, array'd in the fame llabir rhcy ul'ually woix vvlieii 
 [it who arc fhown to Trav Hers by the Ruffun Monl<.s. The pKice 
 t^rffhofe Bodies are prefervM is a dry laruly Ground, mucli of the 
 LjN'.'iture vvith the Catacombs at Rome. In the Southern j). tr^ of 
 I,W.ire divers Mountains, out of which is dug S^lt \i\ Jarge M.ii- 
 [, 2, Stones out of a Quarry ; and out of otheis they dig natural 
 '•\\\\y~\\ Cups, which bemg expofcil for fome rime in rhe op( ji Air, 
 k;pme as hard as a Stone In the Dcfarts of Pod I a i,-, .1 tAc, vv.'iOle 
 liters condenfe into folid Salt, and that purely by the licit (^f the 
 ta Near toCrJCO'via are the Minis of 5<s.'-G. Wi»>;(?, vviiich b^!ng 200 
 jithoms deep, do conlbntlv employ <.bove icoo Me,'» and yjej'd a 
 IftRevcnue to the King. Near to ( ulrn, in tlie I). Pruj a, is a i'oun- 
 (in which conftantly fends forth a mighty fuJphurcouj Stciiu, jnj 
 It its Waters are never hot. 
 5 in that! 
 ife6\iousBg{(j)ijjf|j0p;[{ck0.] Achbif^o^ricks In this Kingdom arc two, viz, 
 *"'*"«» >s| Cncfna^ Leopol. 
 ~]SifI]op;iick;8 1 BijUpricks in this this Kingdom are thefe following, 
 ice on the 
 g in tliel 
 Q withfcfctbeifitic^.j Univcrpties in this Kingdom are thofe of 
 linces to<l 
 Konnshergy Pofna, filna. 
 raufumhtrg , 
 ind Cornj 
 ly in thd 
 lorteft i 
 m\tx% ] The P landers are generally Men of handfom, (all and 
 l-proportion'd Bodies, Men of a good and durable Complexion, 
 offo ftrong and vigoious ConiHtutions. that many of *em prove 
 are VVrixHb^ii of Soldiers, being able to endure all the Fatigues of a Mi irary 
 Ambt» The Nobility and Gentry mightily aifecl: the greareft I'omp and 
 Cordag-Ji^cur they can, whether in Diet, Apparel or I'lqnip.ige. Many of 
 aieof fucli a generous Temper, that we may rather reckon thrrn 
 faff than Liberal The Art oi' DilTiinulaiion is of no gieat vogue 
 )le Trcatf"^ them, mofl of the better fort being of a fair and ilowmiglit 
 ||r»j^ j^BvcrHition. They expcd ;\ great deal of Ref|:.e£f, nnd \>.'hcre 
 iacent rH''S'^'*^"' thfjy never fajJco m^ikea fuinbk Rcuun. They arege- 
 I H» 
 ■■* 'iB- 
 ' I' '■''4 'VIh 
 !;■' ■•" 
 ••.■ \M 
I « , 
 <l« f 
 ■' 1 . 
 140 Poland. Partlij 
 nerally reckon'd very affable and courteous to Stangers, cxtrcmelj 
 je lous of their Liberties and Privileges, but moft Tyrannical tc 
 wards the meaner fort of their own People, treating the Peafani 
 no better than meer Slaves ; and in feme Places they excrcife a Po3 
 er of Life jnd Death upon their Domeftick Servants: Which aj 
 folute Power and fcverc Ufage of the Nobles towards the Comml 
 n:ilry, together with the many Feuds between one another, haj 
 produced not only many lamentable Difo- ders in this Kingdom,bj 
 alfo occafion'd the final Revolt of the Coffsch. One remarkable qJ 
 lity of this People, is their fingular Care in Inftrufting of Youl 
 in the L»tin Tongue, which Perfons of moft Ranks do ufualj 
 fpeak very fluently ; yea, and even many of the Female Sex area! 
 good Proficients therein. 
 I^angaafe.] The Vaks being originally defcended from the SclA 
 do ftill fpeak a Dialeft of the ScUvonian Tongue ; but the Povcif 
 and Barrennefs of their Language, has oblig'd them to borrow 
 ny Words from the Germam^ efpecially Terms of Art. It is h^ 
 for Strangers to learn the fame to perfcftion, the Pronunciation! 
 ing extremely harfli, by reafon of the vaft multitude of Confonaj 
 they ufe. The Lithuanians have a particular Language of their o\i 
 which mightily abounds with corrupted Latin Words. In Im 
 they have a Language peculiar to themfelvcs, which is a Dialed 
 the Lithu nian ; however, the German Tongue doth moftly preJ 
 in fcvrral Cities, and the Ruffi^^n in others. Pater Nojier in the 
 lijh Tongue runs thus : Oyeza nafz ktory tejics vp nicbijjich jmc 
 jmie twoie : Trzydz kr4 ^vco towie^ badz wola twM jake w ntie, tt 
 waziani. Chle^a n^fzego povcs red'He day nam dz'fziajf. Vodpaft 
 fiafze winy^ jackoy^y odpuf{czan-y r/afzym rvimwayzom* Tnie wwodil 
 na na ^okufzcnie: a le nas zabw ode zlcgo. /Imen* 
 eoijernment.] The large Body of Voland is fubjeft unto, andl 
 vern'd by its own King, who is Eleftive, and that by the Clcj 
 and Nobility alone, the Commons having no hand in it. The 
 in clefting their King, ever fincc the days of 'Jagello a lithu 
 ( who united UthuauiA to Poland) have commonly obferv'd thisl 
 xim, viz. not to chufe a King from among their own Nobil 
 but rather out of fome Foreign Princely Family; thereby tof 
 fcrve the better an Equality among the Nobles, and prevent DJ 
 ftick Broils. However, of all Foreign Princes, theyinduftric 
 avoid the Houfe of y^uftria, left a King from thence ihould finJ 
 ways ro treat them in the fame manner, as that Hpufe has alrj 
 done the Hungarians and {Bohemians* The Folijh G'Vtrnmcnt is te 
 Monarchical, but ( if rightly condder'd) wc may reckon it rj 
 a Real J'tjkiracy ; the Nobility in their EleCkions having fo lir 
m II 
 part n. 
 nical t 
 fe a Po 
 icr, ha' 
 able Qi 
 of Youi 
 lo ufua 
 ex arc a 
 the Scli 
 he Povc 
 It is h 
 In Li 
 lilie King's Power, that without the Confent of the States-General, 
 i'lny neither make War nor Peace, nor do any thing of Impor- 
 ice that concerns the Publick. Confidering the true Nature and 
 cnftitution of this Government, we may eaJily imagine, that 'tis 
 :.{quently liable to Inter-reigns, whether by De/tth, De; option or 
 ,i,.niitiotJ, a$ alfo intcftine Broils and Commotions ( witnefs the 
 ^iiUtlion) when the Parties elefting jar in their choice. During 
 Infcr-reign, or when the King is abfent from his Kingdom (as 
 jmttimes in the Field againft the Twh ) the Archbilhop oiGnefna 
 o(li ordinarily officiate .-is King j but if no Archbiihop of Gnejm, 
 ;n the Bilhop of Ploczh cxcrcifcth that Power; ind in cafe that 
 e be alfo Vacant, then the Bifhop of Foftia undertakes the fame. 
 !)e whole State is commonly confidefd as divided into two prin- 
 3jl Parts '^'^- fhe Kingdom of Poland^ and Grind Diitchy of Litbui' 
 > The great Wheels of Government in both of thefe are the 
 \^ni^nAGene^»l Diets* TliQ Senate is compofed of Archbifhops, 
 lliops, Palatins, Principal Caftellans, and Chief Officers of the 
 ingJom. The General D^t confifts of the fime Members, together 
 ith Delegates from each Province and City, both of the Kingdom 
 Dutchy J which Dyet is either Ordincry^ as when fummoned 
 liccording to Law) once every two Years ; or Extraordinary, a? 
 lien call'd by the King upon fome emergent Occafion. The cal- 
 In Injjugof this Dyet is always perform*d by the ('hancellor's Letters, 
 la DialeQKrni'cl Liters InJ^rutlionii to the Palatmes, acquainting them with 
 3ftly pre«atthe King defigns to propofe to them, and the time he would 
 f in the fcthem come to Court. Having rcceiv*d the King's Propofal, 
 h /w»^'«fh of them hath full liberty to cxamin the fame in its own Na- 
 nt'ie, Wreand Confequenccs, and to return their Thoughts about it with 
 rW/»/i/cMthe freedom they can defire. The King's Letters are likewife 
 e wWiJ^tto the Gentry of each Palatinate, to chufe a Nuncio to be their 
 Itprefentative in the Dyet; in which Elcftion the Candidate mufl: 
 unanimoufly pitch*d upon ; for if the Suffrage of only one pri» 
 f^» ^"^K Gentleman be wanting, the Eleftion is void, and the Province 
 ^"^^'•^■depriv'd of its Vote in the approaching Dyet. The Lleftions 
 ^'j'^ Wing over, and the various Senators and Nuncios come to Court, 
 ^'i u" ■ ^"^* arrayd in his Royal Robes, and attended by the Chan- 
 ^ V iw" '^' f^^^ws the Propofal in their Publick AiTembly. The Pro- 
 " ^°"Wal having been duly weigh'd by each of them aforehand, they 
 rcby tojjjg ^q ^ fpeedy Refolution in the Matter, cither Pr9 or Co^i. As 
 aforefaid Eleftionofthe various Nuncios requires an unani- 
 Ills Aflent in all Perfons elefting, or elfe the Eleftion is void ; 
 info the thing propos'd by the King, in the General Dyet, muft 
 ilFented unto by all, otherwife the Propofal was made in vain ^ 
 ifthcy differ, (which frequently happens) then the Dyet breaks 
 without doing any thing, and each Member returns to his own 
 L 3 Home* 
 event Dij 
 ^uld find 
 has i\i\ 
 Unt is te 
 Lon it \\ 
 ig fo U 
 V •*''! 
 ) . 
 :• M 
 ■ 1, 
 ■! ■ \ 
 • ] 1 .'it 
 I ; 
 Part 1] 
 Home Subordinate to the Senate and Dyet, are a great m-m 
 Courts of Jujjcarure, whether Ecclcfiaftical, Civil, 01 Milit^p! 
 for Jettfrminipg all Caufcs in the various parts of the Kingdr^' 
 which Courts are much the Tune with the like fuborduistc judic ' 
 foi ic^ in other civilizM Countiics oi' Europe , particularly thole hci 
 in l-nglan '■. > 
 <art:ts. Yf^e ^^^j of the Crown of Poland^ are Quarterly, in r'd 
 fin't ^.nd fouith Gules, an Eagle Jrient^ Crown'd and ArmM (>, jj 
 Polind In the fccond and third Gulcs, a Cavalier arm'd 
 y^rp^ent, in thc^ Dexter, a mkei Sword of the fame ; in the Sini ::rj 
 a Shield Jzurs, charg d with a double barr d Crofs, Or, mounted, 
 a Courf:;r of the ftcond, barbed of tlie third, and neil'd of rli, 
 fourth, for Lithuania. For the Creft, a Crown, heightcn'd wirj 
 eight Flu rets, and closM with four Demi-circles, ending in ^ 
 Monde, Or, which is Crefi: of Poland. For the Motto are thcfJ 
 Words, Hahnt fua /ide^'a Reges» 
 Kclijton.] The Inhabitants of this Country areCfor themoOparr 
 ProfefTors of the Doctrine of the Church of Row^; yet all Keligtom 
 being tolerated, here arc m.iny of theGrr.te Church, as d]fo ylrmmn. 
 LuPhcTMns, Socinieins, Calvimih, Jews, f'^'ak^fSy Sec. Thofe of thi 
 Church of %«^ are difpersM over all Parrs of tlie Kingdom, bm 
 tnoft numerous in the J'roviiiccsof Cfj-^ix'U and lV<irfe'Via : The 1% 
 therans are moftly to be found in Pnijji^ ; the Amiemam in Rtt/<r, an 
 all the rellanP'^M' in great Droves thro rhc various Parts v.'i Litl.n 
 nia. Bc/ides, ^mogitin is a foi t of People, who differ litrle or n 
 tiling from niter Heathens. The Reformation of Religion bt' 
 this Country, j^rnio 15:35. but did not meet with due Fncourj^; 
 ment The Chriftian Faith was planted in the various Parts of p 
 land at fcveral timet, and by fevera! Perfons ; it being cftabblli'd i 
 Pohvr-'i, properly fo called, Jr.7:o c^f^:;. in the time of rheir i'riiici 
 MicciflaU'^, vSon of Hcmomijlaus . In Livonidy j^nm 1200. by the /Veacsl 
 ing of one )^//'/?;;?rrt.'/.f. \n. Lithuania, not until the Yeai 1-586". atr!i| 
 Admidion of j^gcllo to theCrownof PoAjwrf, and then done (aslbmi 
 aflirni; by Thomas i'f'nUcnfiS', an EngUPvan. In ^awogitia and rolhin. 
 at the fame time with Livcvia. In the 'cIV, at Other times, and u 
 on other cccitficris- 
 S £C1 
<>. i: 
 'f : 
 \' I ' 
 , ^ _ ., ,„ M« -^. >>■ ,- - 
 • • • •. « •• 
 lA-: yuf* J 
 . lire 
 I'erJmti ' 
 J(SfrerJ\\ .r^ 
 '■'StVv-''. -*■' .• 
 ''■•■'•'•''•■■ji^jul^ ': 3tareti>\ 
 Zmtte • • 
 .. Ilautaki 
 , CxftntxiiAr 
 .tintrt* I' 
 -■^r- " 
 VA ^.» 
 tA'fcir A" 
 .^M'41 /. 
 flJTf u 
 7>3«d s'tliHtrU, 
 ' 4UGMtt 
 [Hi i PA MIA 
 «i •} 
 Toitlou^ip ) Fjt A x c jt 
 Carbon e o^ 
 > t^Htttltfim/ 
 1. ^ ^^^^i^^?^X?%^^ 
Part II. 
 'Concerning Obpaltt with pOJttlffal^ 
 d. m. 
 -iff . *« S°8 o$\^cr^ ^:S ^Length Is about 610. 
 "^yctween ^^^ 30 p' ^°"g' (^ g^ 
 44 30 
 f I.' 
 It being divided into 3 ClafTes, i/^^.-s 2. 
 ]^N. to W. 
 r, r tAfturia — - 
 I Clafs comprc. J»^^^;^^ .^„ 
 ^Breadth is about 480. 
 uTowards the N.and W, Ocean 
 Towards the Mediterran.Sea 
 3. Towards the Mid-land Parts, 
 " Bilboy or Bilboa 
 I/;^,„.- jE.toS. 
 :, Clafs compreO^''*'''^'^' — " ^H <! 'dem- 
 hends j^i»/^wf/^—- u- ' Idem- 
 Arragon — 
 I [ Idem S VV. to E. 
 H. to N. W. 
 N toS. 
 Lidem S. of Ajhritt. 
 Of all thcfe in Order. 
 § i. Bifctiy^ a tordfhip. 
 |Conta!ns< Bi/iii> properly i 
 4 Alava 
 L 4 
 • '. 1 
 ^W -jE-toW, 
 Fifttria Southward 
 2. JJlrU'^ 
 :\^ I 
 Spam with PortugaL 
 §. 2. AfiurtAy a Principality. 
 Contain? f^JJi^^'^ ie Ovledo 2 ruuf Town S ^^iVitf, Weftward. I 
 §. J. GaSiciay a Kingdom. 
 /Archbiniopr.ofCowpo/?<r/^4N £ f*Idem7 - „. ., J 
 \ QMondonedo-^ } I \WemP-^'^oN.E. 
 Contains thccBifhopr.of-^lMgo >£;; ^Wem^K.E.toS.wJ 
 2orenfe — .— \ .!> yidem' 
 •Territory ojjuy J g C Wc»! 
 §. 4. Portugalj a Kingdom. 
 Upon the 
 Tr^f/oj Montes ^ | 
 TheProvin.of^BezV^ vh 
 Eftremadura l^'tJ 
 The Kingdom oFyilgarve' ■ -^^ 
 I Lisbone 
 •N. to S 
 Contains tl 
 §. 5. Andalufia^ a Province. 
 To thefe 
 ' S. of l^arb n 
 I CBifhoprick of |g;» - 
 ^ \ Archbifhopr. of .ftv/T/e 
 O I D, of Medina, Sidonia 
 Idem -. E, to S. W. upott| 
 Idem r^ the Gduddl^uw 
 Idem ^ vir^ or nigh w 
 Idem 3 it. 
 Idem, Southward. 
 §p6f GraHada^ a Kingdom. 
 5 C n;ainn,.:rir «p J AlmerU 7^! r Idem, Southward upon theSral / 
 J ' C uuaatx 
 ^ S Archbifhopr. of Gran Add. 
 (J ( Bilhoprick of i\A4/»{^4 •— 
 tj r Idem, Southward uj 
 C J Idem 7 
 •I^IdemSE. toS*W. 
 U Q Idem^ 
 ^f BIlliopi 
 §♦7. MtifciH 
irt II, I Part n» Sfitin with Portugal. 
 § 7. Murcia^ a Kingdom, 
 Idem J E. tow. j^^^^ 
 Idem, Southward upon the Sea 
 . tMurciii, properly fo call'd^ ^ C 
 § 8. Valemidy a Kingdom, 
 Contains the CMiV/jra^ Cr/7/<i Herm9fMf 
 Provinces <Xuc0r S-Chief Town-^ I'aleneia Sn. to S. 
 of li>tzura J COrigvelU \ 
 § 9. Catalomaj a Principality. 
 ° UfmdV>gch 
 ^ Lerida 
 ^ <> Tortofa 
 Girona • 
 Barcelona ■ 
 W//^ Frarrca de Pan ''des 
 r Idem- 
 j Lldem- 
 N. E. to S. W. upoa 
 * the Eho. 
 E. to W. nigh unto,or 
 upon the Sea-Coaft. 
 To thefe add the Country of RcuJ/tllon f Chief Town Ptrpignan ) 
 Is. of AV^ nne in Lower Langu die. 
 §10. Arrixgon^ a Kingdom. 
 ^f Biftioprick of\ Hmfca 
 Archbilhoprick of ^ara^ol 
 2^ fay or Car Jgoca • 'J/ 
 c ^ SyTaracova 
 |u /Bifhcprick oi KMhorazin 
 [^ (JLrvcl 
 g y Idem 
 I ydem 
 '^ -^Idem, upon the Uro 
 •^ yfdem- 
 N. W. to S. E 
 S-N. toS. 
 §11. Nx" 
 ;1U 14-A 
 1 i Spft ':! 
 !> 1 
 i ^ 
 , ( itl 
'' Hi 
 S/^ai// with Portugal. Part I[l Part H. 
 § II. Navarre^ a Kingdom. 
 - - ^ KTu-^ela — >Cniet Townr Idernx 
 V Sanguefn J \ Idem y ^* ^^ ^• 
 § 12. 0/^ Caple^ a Province. 
 ikips of 
 r ic^d — 
 Contains r\\ £ Tei- \ Son a - - 
 xitorks t>f ^ O/w^ ' 
 Lcgroyifio ^ \V. tO S. l\ 
 ^^ J hU-m ^ 
 ^ IJeni >E. to W.on the Do^^i 
 Id fin v' 
 Idem, <;6 m. -S.E.l^j. ,_ , ,, 
 Lldt'm, 63 m. >. S 1 
 §13. New Caflile^ comprehending Ejf/rmW/^a 
 f N'rfA, the Titg\ 
 Being divided into% Mirdle-, between the Ttfgo and Guadiana, 
 L'^O'ith of Guadiana. 
 ih^th contains 
 Towns of 
 / Ctfr/»— - 
 \ Pi c 71 I a- 
 s the J'ldlcda 
 •W. to E. 
 Madrid^ - 
 y^kah de 'Icnarcs VAII 3 N. E. ofTokdo, 
 Guadalaxara — J 
 SAlcan'ara upon the T^^a. 
 ,, M^ndu upon the Cuadiava 
 Towns of 
 ■jti upon the A'«c r. 
 ^^TnriUo, 26 miles N. E. of MCrids. 
 C,iue jti \\\ 
 SBadajos • 
 ^iiith contains the jEiwmra ■ ^ From W. to E. 
 Towns of ^ ividfid R al-' C 
 §14. 1 A 
irt III PJrt I^' S^iin with Portugitl. 
 §. 14. Leofj, a Kingdotn. 
 the On 
 •0 ./ 
 / Valencia. 
 in s7o>o- 
 are sZ^wor^ 
 / Leon—— 
 E. to S. W. 
 on the 
 C.T. in. 
 N. are 
 Cividad Rodrjgo, S- W. of 
 he Doij^ry t ii i s large Conrinenc bting now fubjeft to two diftinft So*' 
 j veieigns, T;/iz, His Catholick Majefty, and the King of Port«- 
 lil, I Hull Icparatcly confidcr thcfc two Sovereignties. Therefore, 
 Jn:E.]] ^P j4 I N [formerly j'cria, Hefperia, by feme Spam'a ; and 
 i3 now bounded on the fait by part of the Me'^^te)'raneMn 
 i; on the I'i eif by Portugal ar.d part of the vafl: /^tlantick Ocean ; 
 n the A'()>'f/; by the IJay of Bll /^y ; and the Stuth by the Stjeighc 
 \Q:hrakair] is tenn'd by the Italians Sfagna ; by its Natives EfpSna^ 
 phcFrctich^ Ejp^gne; by the Gcrjnatis, 'parieji:, and by the Enghjht 
 mm ; l"o called (a;, fomc fancy) fi om a certain King nam'd Uifffltius ; 
 jthcri* from (JT^ rirf, ( raritaf vel pt.nHria ) bt'caule of its fcarcity of 
 mhabirjnt.s. But the moll: received Of>inion i.<;, That it came from 
 Ifpilis (now Sivi'Ui) the chief City of the whole Country in former 
 %x ] The yiiy of rh's Conntry \s f-.encraily very pure and ca!m, 
 iing leldom infelled wiih Mifts and Vapours ; but in the Summer 
 Vxrremely hot, trpeci.illy in the Sonthmofl: Provinces, that 'tis 
 fcthdiingero'is and inconvenient fo«- tht: Inhabit.mts to ftir abroad 
 lout Noon, trom the middle of h'ay to the laft of ^ugvft. Tlie 
 Ippofire phice of th« Globe to Spjiin , is that part of Zelandia nova, 
 lorfome of the ill Ivoown (!ontifient ) lying between I90 and 202 
 Agrees of Lcngitudf, with ;.6 and 44 Degrees of b'outh-Lati- 
 Spain with Portugal^ 
 Part III 
 ^oil-J The iSb// of this Country (lying in the 6th and 7rh North 
 Climate) is in many Places very /5r;and Barren^ feveral of the in. 
 land Provinces being either overgrown with IVooh^ or cumbred withl 
 iandyand rockyMtf«wri/wj,and others (whod' Soil is naturally fertiljl 
 are for the moft part wholly reglefted, lying wafte and uncultiva- 
 ted for many Years, and that by reafon of the Fewnefs (or rather) 
 the deteftable Lazinefs of its Inhabitants. But this defeft of CornJ 
 and other Grain (which arifeth partly from the Niture of the Cott«, 
 try^ but more from the Temper of the People) is fufficiently fuppiied 
 by various rortsofexcellencfrM/fjandrr/>;t'5, which with little Art 
 and Labnur are here producM in great Plenty. The longeft Day ir 
 the Northmoft part of ihisCoMw^^, is about 15 Hours;*: > thefliortl 
 eft in the South, is 9 Hours ^, and the Nights proportionably. 
 CottimoDtrienf.] Thechief Co^ww&i/i/V^ of this Country, are Wincsj 
 Oyls, Sugar, Metals, Rice, vSilk, Liquorifh, Honey, Flax, Saffron] 
 Annifeed> Railins, Almonds, Oranges, Limons, Cork, Soap, An] 
 chovies, jumach, Wool, Lamb-skins and Tobacco, ^c» 
 K'TttU^.] Nigh to the City of Cadix, is an old ruinous Buildlni 
 (now converted into a Watch-Tower) which fome would fain perl 
 fuadf* themfelvesto be the Remains of Hercules his Pillars, lb muq 
 talk*dof by the Ancients. (2) In the City Granadi is thelargj 
 fumptuous Palace of the Moorijh Kings, whofe inlide is beauiifiej 
 with ^afper and Porphyry^ and adornM with divers Arabick and Mofi 
 ick Infcriptions. (3.) Ar Terragom in Latilovu^ are to be feen thl 
 Ruins of an ancient Cirrm in the Street, call'd U Placa de U TumA 
 and ^tSegovU in Old Caflile, are the Remains of a noble Aquedutj 
 built by the Emp.^ror trajarij and fupported by 177 Arches! 
 double Rows, reaching from one Hill to another. (4.) Withoi 
 the Walls of Toledo was an ancient large Theatre, fome pat 
 whereof is yet ftanding. Herealfo is an admirable Mod Tn Aqu 
 du£^, contriv'd by ^vmcllm TurrUnM (a Frenchman) according d 
 the Order of Pbilip 11. (5.) At Orenje in GdUicia^ are feverj 
 Springs of Medicinal hot Waters, wonderfully efteem*d of by tl 
 ableit Phyficians. ((50 At the City of Toledo is a Fountain, who 
 Waters near the Bottom are of an Acid Tafte, but towards tl! 
 Surface extreamly Sweet. (7.) Near Giudalaxara in Nerv Caftik, 
 a L,ake which never fails to lend forth dreadful Howlings betorej 
 Storm. (8i.) The Cathedral Church of Mm*^/^ (containing abo^ 
 400 Chappchj is remjrkable for its curious Steeple, which is 
 built that a Chariot m,iy eafily pfcend to the Top thereof. {9 
 Many talkof a Ship of Stone, with Mafts, Sails and Tackling, 1 
 be li'on la the Port odMorjiu in Ga^idx. As to the River Guini^ 
its diving under Ground, Cfrom whence 'twas formerly caird^W4*} 
 ihcfameisfo notorious, that we need fay nothing of it. 
 artWcpjtikia.] Archbijhpruks in this Kingdom, arc thofeof 
 TJif()0p^icili8f.] Bijhopruks in this Kingdom, arc thofe of 
 Tampon a, 
 Cividad I^ealCf 
 antiJttacwf.] Vniverfities in this Kingdom, are thofc of 
 AUala de Heni' /luefca^ 
 re St SaragoffXy 
 Siguen^iy Tudela, 
 Valencia, OJfuna, 
 Leriday Onu, 
 S^anncW ] Thetrueft Charafler of the Spaniard, I any where find, 
 \tbit of Dr. Hey\in%, which in the main runs thus : The Spaniards 
 [fays he) are a fore of People of a Swarthy Complexion, Black 
 llair, and of good Proportion ; of a Majeftick Gate and Deport- 
 ncnt, grave and ferious in their Carriages, in Offices of Piety 
 lery Devout, not to fay Supei ftitious ; Obedient and Faithful to 
 Iheir King, patient in Advcrfiry, very temperate in Eating and 
 Irinking J not prone to alter their Refolutions nor Apparel; in 
 war too deliberate; Arts they eftecm dilhonourable, univerlally 
 liven to Lazinefs, much addii^ed to Women, unreafonably Jea- 
 lous of their Wives, and by Nature extreamly Proud, 
 w- w 
 :M' ' 

 Spam with Portugd 
 1 1 
 . t' 
 l.ingltaje.3 Of all the living Tongues dcriv'd from the Latin tf,. 
 Spanip) comes neareft to the Original, tho' no Country has bctnrnord 
 harral's*d by the Irruption of barbarous Nicionschim ichas ; Yet they 
 have borrowed feveral Words from tlv^ Goths and Moors, tfytciAWy^i^^] 
 latter. The beft i^patiijh is generally eirccm'd that fpoki^n in t^ev.l 
 Ca(iile ; and in ValeHcia ?.nd CatalotiiaW'i inoft: corru pted. Their P/if^y.] 
 Nojicr runs thus ; Padye nncjiro, que ejha <w los Cichs, SantiJicaiQ f,^ 
 /« Nombre ; f^ffiga a nos tu Rcpto j hagafe tu Volant ad, ajji en la tierra 
 €omo en le Cielo. El pan nueUro de cada^ua da vos hoy ; y perdo}ia mt] 
 vuiiiras deudas^ (tfji cumo nos otros ferdenawos a nne^ros deudons y ^4 
 Ttos dexi's caer en tentation ; mas libra nos del mal. /imen* 
 <£JOt)ernmcnt.J This great Body did formerly comprehend nolefsl 
 than fourteen different Kingdoms, which being at length reduc'd tol 
 three; viz Thofe o£ y^rragon, Caflile and Portugal^ the two formerl 
 were united, j^nnO i^j-^. by Marriage o£ Ftrdinand o£ ^tragon wlm 
 Jfabely Heircfs o€ Cattle ; and Portugal afterwards added by Cotig^cftl 
 y^vno 1578. But it revolting, (of which afterwards) the wholeCoriJ 
 tinent of Spain^ excluding Portu^aU is at prefent fubjefted to one SoJ 
 vercign,tcrna'd \\'\s CathoUckM^jcily, whoi'^^ Government is MonarchtJ 
 cal and Crown Heredit.4ry. The Dominions of which Prince are fo firl 
 cxrended, that the Sun never fcts upon them all; and as his Terri- 
 tories are very numerous, fo alio are the Titles which he common!/ 
 aiTumeth, being ilil'd King of C/iiTv/V, Leon, Aragon^ Sicily, Naples, Je\ 
 rujalent^ Portugal, Nitvarrc, Granada, Toledo, ralc?icia, GaUicia, MajorcA 
 Seville^ Sardignia, Cordova. Corltea, Murcia, jaen, y^lgarve-, j^Igczire Gi- 
 braltar ; the Canaries, Kail .ind rfi// hidies ; Ar-jh-Duke of /Jujhia ; Duk\ 
 of Burgundy, Brabant and Milan ; ( o?mr of I landers, Tirol and I'arcdona 
 I erd of Biicay and Mcchelin, ^;c» The numerous Cities and Province! 
 of ^/>^/« are rul'd by particul.^r Govern-TS a •pointed by his Cifho^i 
 lick Alajefty. as alfo tin; Durchy of A//7<r>7, th.ti Kingdoms of N^ phi 
 Sicily, Sardigniat &c and the virions Parts ( f his vaft PoficlTions iiJ 
 the Easl ^nd l^f^ifl-hdUs, are govern'd by their refpeftive ^/f^R»7;| 
 who are generally very fvn'ere in ex.^^lmg of thcSubjedt what polfij 
 bly they can during their lliort Regency, u hich is commonly limit] 
 ed to three Years ; t!u' King appointing others ir^ their room, thai 
 he may gratifie as many of his Gr^judecsas may be with all Convej 
 niency, there being rtill a great Numbei- of them at Court, as C nj 
 didates for a Government. For the better Muifgemenr of publicH 
 Affairs in all the Spanijli ^^omintuns, there are rffablifh'd inthivKingj 
 dom no lefs than 1^ different Councils, ^7.'i. that called the^cwi 
 €il of itate. (2.) The Co::n:i! !y.(iyal, CT th:xr of Cajlih. (3.) 7/;*'.* ol 
 H'ar. (4) The C<J ,'..>?<:// of .'hya.;on. (^.) That of Italy. (^J TIij 
 Council of the Indies ( ) Th^tt of the C.iA>7. (8.) The CoH^ici! 
 », the 
 brtll' S^.iin \v\i\i Portagd. 151 
 ^fnifury* (g. ) That cf the Chambn. ( lo,) The Council oHhc 
 /..I -ri... ^f r».r,;....^.,, (12.) Tht Cotouil oi h^q^iiifitioKm 
 ■> '-'.i 
 )li;idi^ (11.) n^t Cf Dlj'rh.irges. . ^ 
 ,.)jhdt of S'avdyrc. (14-) 'I' ^t Council oi Cotifuicnce, And laftl}', 
 t theJlifcallM, The of Poihy, 
 Iv tH? ^H 
 ^^'^^■jtmff.j The King of spahi bears Quarterly ; The firft Quarter 
 p^^,^"M||jtef quartered j in the fiiTtand fourth Cul^Sy a Cattle tripple- 
 i*er'(1»^-^"^'^> "^^'^^ ^'^^^ tliree Battlements, <'>'/-, purfltd Sabkyiot 
 Jil^In the feconrl and th'ir^Argevt^-A Lion pall'ant Gw/d 5, Crown'd, 
 ,-oiitM. and ArmM, ^^', for Leon. In the tecimd ^reat C>aarter, Or^ 
 L Pallets, c;»/c'5, ii.)r^rr,j;;w. Parrv, Or^ four Pallets aUb 6'm/c'5, 
 l;«ixt two Finches y/^^;t7^r. cliarg'd with as many E-^gles Jj/)/e„ 
 rownM ^:^wrt?, for J/t/'/y. Thefe two great 
 071a vt){ 
 tmber'djbeak'd, andcr 
 le Con 
 one So 
 •e fo fit 
 les, ji 
 ire Gi 
 ; Duk 
 lions i 
 tit poifi 
 y limit 
 'n , tha 
 as C n 
 ^.; Thi 
 il;j, aFt'iTe Argjrt, for /.u (hi. t, Coupie and fupported by Ancient 
 mdh which is Bendy of fix Piece?, Or and y1:(urc, border'd Cuks. 
 Ithefourth great Quarter J^urd, Seme of FUnvcr de Luces, Or, 
 ba border Compovy Arg^m and Culcs^ fcr M( dirn Burgundy ; cou- 
 Ldr, fupported 6'^/;/^, a Lion, Or^ for J' dhint, Thcfe two great 
 Lrterscharg'd with an Efcutcheon, Or^ ,\ Lion Sjbk and langued 
 p,for FluncL-rs, Pr.rtly, Or, cinE^^le SjoL-^ (or Antwerp, the Ci* 
 tiCity of the Marquifateof the Holy Empire. For Crefi^ a 
 Vn, Or, raisM with eight Diadems, or Semi-circles terminating 
 \Mid, Or, The Collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece en- 
 jpaifes the Shield, on the fides of which itand the two Pillars of 
 iks, on each lide one ^vitli this "Motto, Flui ultra. 
 lligton.] The are very pnn^nal followers of, and clofc 
 lerers to the Church of Rome, and that in her grofTJl Errors and 
 pptior.s, taking up Religion on iliC i\-p.'b jluihority ; ar,d 
 Itlk'rein fo tenacious that the King futtVrs none to live in his 
 \mns^ who profef^ not tht'ir Belief (>f (he Voilfjve of the Rorn^n 
 [rch. For whole Coire (i;r rather Bigoirv* in fhisMutcr, the 
 Ihath confcri'd upon liim the lit h of \\\sCuhollckNi^)cjly. All 
 krProft-ffions are ex\)eird by that ^ij/r/V/v. 7/ /.iw Tyranny of the 
 m hh[v.ifition^ at hrfc advil'ed and iet up by Vfd'o (^ov files de 
 \h{i, Archbp. of Ulcdo, and that ng >inl» i";.ch converted ^t-r^^f 
 llHoon as return'd Jg^.in to {\vS\t Sup^rjlhicf: -, but of late it hath 
 ichiclly returji'd upon thofc.cand others,) of the Proteflirt Com- 
 t'u So indultrious are the Ecclclialiicl-s in rids Country to keep 
 k whole Body uf the People in the tiiick: ft Mill ot Ignorance, 
 # ■ 1^^ 
 w m 
 !! Ill 
 Spai/f with Portugal, 
 hbling N 
 liicat the ( 
 hm Coimbr 
 L*s in wl: 
 L- an E 
 trunks of ' 
 Li for theli 
 ( , 
 and fo little is this Nation enclin*d of thcmfelves to make any En 
 quiries after Knowledge ; that confidering thefe Things upon oj 
 Hand, and the Terror of the Inquifition on the other in cafe of Air 
 Enquiries, (efpecially if they have the leaft tendency to Innovatio 
 in Points of FaithJ we cannot reafonably expert a Reformation! 
 Religion in this Country, unlefs the Hand of Providence Jhallij 
 tcrpofe in a wonderful manner. Chriftianity was planted here (a] 
 cording to the old Spttnifi) Tradition; by Sz.fitnei the Apoftle, wij 
 in four Years after the Crucifixion of our Bleff^d Redeemer. 
 ^ (H^T U G A L. 
 ^xm.^ 'portugal [[containing a great part of old LufiUnh, wid^isliOp^if^J^ 
 fome of ancient Gallecia and Bcetica : And now Bound 
 ontheEaft by Spiin, on the North by Galliciay on the Weft a 
 South by part of the vaft AtlanuckOctin~] is termM by the Mk 
 JPorto Gallo ; by the Spaniards, French^ Germans, and Etiglijh, Portu^i 
 fo called by lome from Porto and Gale, (the firft a Haven Town,a 
 the other a fmall Village at the Mouth of the Vouro) but by ot'ht 
 from Portui GaBorum, that Haven (now Pono) being the Plai 
 where the Gauls ufually landed, when moft of the Sea.port Towi 
 in Spain were in the Hands of the Moors, 
 Sir.] The Jir of this Country is much more temperate, efpej 
 ally in the Maritime Places, than in thofe Provinces of J^^w.w' 
 lie under the fame Parallel, it being frequently qualihedby 
 fterly Winds, and cool Breezes from the Sea. The oppofite Pli 
 of the Globe to Portugal, is that part of the vaft Pacifick Oa] 
 between i88and 194 Degrees of Longitude, wiLh36and42 
 grces of South Latitude. 
 ^otl.] The5o/7of this Country Cit lying in the 5th anddthAi 
 Climate) is none of the beft for Grain, it being very Dry and Moj 
 tainous, but yet very plentiful of Grapes, Oranges Citrons, Almi 
 Pomegranates^ Olives, and fuch like. The longeft Day in theNorl 
 moft parts of this Kingdom is about 15 Hours, the (horteft in I 
 Southmoft is about 9 Hours ^, and the Nights proportionably.| 
 CommctJittenf ] The chief Omwoim'w of this Country, are 
 Honey, Oil, Mom, White Marble, Salt, as alfo variety of Fruits,] 
 Oranges, Almonds, Citrons, Pomegranate Sy &c. 
 Raritie*.] In a Lake on the Top of the Hill S'tella, In Portugik 
 found pieces of Ships, though it be diftant from the Sea morctl 
 twelve Leagues. Near to Heja, is a Laltc obfervable for its hidff 
 their own 
 good Qua] 
 lining will 
 em'd a Peo 
 y have the 
 to Thievi 
 be very M4 
 ' the true 
 »'i?ue, whi( 
 h ^orno va te 
 inikor M yjoj. 
^artlmrtll- Spaw with Portugd. 
 ipon 01 
 e ihall i^ 
 here (ad 
 ftle, witi 
 ••^bling Noife, which is ordinarily heard before a Storm, an:1 
 JjUt the cliftance ol' fire or fix f.:;agucs. About eiaht Leagues 
 u^ Coimbra. is a remarkable Fountain, vviiich Iwailows up^ or 
 ji^s in whatfoever thing only toucheth the Surface of its V/a- 
 ■f,. an Experiment of which is frequently made with the 
 [unks of Trees. The Town of Bethlem (nigh to Lisbon) is no- 
 for the lumptuous Tombs of the Kings of FonugaU 
 tnu, mi 
 I Boundj 
 le Jtiliii 
 , Portugi 
 ; by othe 
 , the PlaJ 
 ort Towl 
 Stti)lJiJS(l}OP?fck0.] j^rMjhopricks in this Kingdom arc thofe of 
 Lisbon, Braga, Evora^ 
 |5isl)0p?irk^ ] Bijhpricks in this Kingdom are thofe of 
 |QniDtrfit«jf.] Univerpties in this Kingdom are thofe of 
 Lisbon^ Evora, Coimbra* 
 bannctjsfO The Portugueje (^formerly much noted for their Skill in 
 |avigation, and vaft Difcoveries which the World owes to them ) 
 ; wonderfully degenerated from their Fore-Fathcrs, being now a 
 |ople whom fome are plsas'd to Charafterizc thus ; That take one 
 [their own Nnghbours (a Native i]pim>4 ) and iirip him of all 
 sgood Qualities (which may bequickly done) r^itPerfon thenre- 
 tining will make a compleat Portugtiefe. They are generally e- 
 [em'd a People very Treacherous to one another, but more efpe- 
 |lly to Strangers •, extraordinary cunning in their Dealings,migh- 
 faddi^led to Covetoufnefs and Ufu'^y ; barbaroufly cruel where 
 |ty have the upper Hand; and the meaner fort are univerfally gi- 
 to Thieving. Bcfides all thefe, fome will alfo have this People 
 [be very Maliciom, which they fay is the Remnant of the Jemjk 
 p intermixt with that of the Portugueses Nation. 
 alienage*] The Lwguage usM in this Kingdom is a Gompound of 
 are ll^rxhwdSpunifii efpeciaily the latter. The difference between ic 
 f FruitSiP the true spanijht will belt appear by the Pater Nojler in that 
 lo^ue, which runs thus : Padre rojfo que eflofi 7?os Ceos^ Sanflificado 
 ten nome: vcrih.t a vos o tea rey?}0 : feia feita a tua vontade^ afft vos 
 , como Vd terra, paonojjb dc cadatia dano-lo oie neflodia* E perdox 
 hhor as noff'^s diiud.vs, affi corno nosperdoamos a os nojfos dcvedores* E 
 'J^ (^fxci (djr f-^ tematfOy tna/?, libra vos do mal. Amcv* 
 ■ M ■ 
 ite, efpel 
 tied by " 
 jofite Pli 
 fick Ocej 
 and 41 
 id 6th M 
 and M01 
 w;, Alm\ 
 the Noti 
 irteft in 
 1 morcti 
 ir its h 
 ^y 4 
 •^ 'iM:^ 
 .\ i"' 
 Spiiin with Portugal. Part. II I 
 (PobernmetK. ] This Kingdom, after many Revolutions of For, 
 tune, was unjuftly feiz'd upon by Fhilip II. of Sp^iin, and derain'd C 
 him^ and his two SucceiTors from the Dukes of Bragan^a, the lawfj 
 Heir, till the Year 1640, that the Fortuguefe^ being unable to b^a 
 up any longer under the Tyrannical Sovereignty of the Spin'urU\ 
 threw off that intolerable Yoke, and fet the Crown upon the Hea 
 of jfo/w Vl. Duke of Brxgav^x, (afterwards John IV. burnam'd th 
 Fortunate) notwithftandingall that rhilip co\i\d do to the contrary, 
 "Which Enterprize of theirs was happily brought about by the Ai 
 fiftance of romeFrewJ:* Forces fent into this Country : And tisver 
 remarkable how cloH^ly this their D fign of Revolting was carry'i 
 on, though known to above 300 Perfons at once, and in agitatioi 
 for the fpace of a whole Year. Ever fince which Revolt of p(jr, 
 galy it hath continued an Independent Kingdom, fubje^t unto, a 
 govern'd by its own King C being of the Family of Bragav^^) who 
 Government is truly Monarchical and Crown Hereditary. 
 ^tm^O He bears Argent, five Efcutcheons A^iiret plac'd i 
 wife, each charg'd with as many Befants of the firrt,plac'd in s^lu 
 and pointed Mle, for Portugal. The Shield border'd Gules, chard 
 with feven Towers Or, threct in Chief, and two in each Planch ; i? 
 Creft is a Crown Or, Under the two Flanches, and the Bafe of tj 
 Shield, appear at the ends of two Croffes, the firlt Flower-de-lud 
 VertCi which is for the Order of Avis , and the fecond Puttee Guii 
 which is for the Order of Ckrift, The Adotto is very changeabj 
 each King affuming a new one, but frequently thefe Words, 
 ^tliiion.'] What was faid of P^eligion in SpiWy the fame almoft 
 be affirm'd of that in this Kingdom ; the Tenets of the Churcn 
 J(gms being here univerfally embrac'd by the Portngtie-^e^ only w 
 this difference, that they tolerate J^toj, and allow fe vera 1 Str 
 gers the publick Exercife of their Religion, particularly the 
 gUf) Fadory at Lisboyu This Country receiv'd the Bledcd Go 
 much about the fame time with S^m, 

 • !< 

 B .J?untont- . 
 r J*urntu . 
 Q ,/nani BcnijJjiu 
 H . P5/if.v . 
 I .Jjiria . 
 TH Jiitt* of V church . 
 i J i* iJ c 
 .s e a 
 liAIN^IAJSr ^;, 
 I r ALY. 
 _ Xttjltih mild J 
 > Jotttuto 
 - /bctwe 
 [Tl^e Vpper 
 ^'^^ Middle a 
 Kiins the 
 ^e ^rjnjt'r col 
 I'-iiiis the 
Fart ir. 
 Concerning Jtillp* 
 d. m. 
 -/, fjc 2o7 fr "^ *^ '■ Leni'th from N.W. to S.E. 
 : (between ^^^ ^^CofLon.^-v js^about 760 Miks. 
 = V JqS 15^ rr ^r "^i Breadth from S.W to N.E. 
 r ^between 1 3^ ,^^ofLaf.y^^ is about 134 Miles. 
 C Upper. 
 Being divided into three ClaiTes, viz.-^Middl:', 
 I The l'/)/?er [OT 
 Imbdrdy'] con.<^ 
 tiins the 
 f Dukedom of savoy 
 Princip. ofPiedmom 
 ' Mont f err xt — 
 Moiaiii ~ 
 Rep. of < (^ o 
 I (Getioua — '' ^ 
 (_Bifhoprickof TVcfwr ^ 
 ,' *-^ 
 r Land of the Church 1 ^ 
 .e Middle con- ^ Dukcd. of 7My'•4^/>' 
 '''''''' /^ I'm ■— ' 
 C ^ 1 ^ . Martno 
 1:2 I ewer con- f ^. . . r ,. , 
 ;iinsthe | Kingdom of A ^/)/cfi 
 [ Chxmhery --' 
 Turin — — 
 Idem • — 
 [dem, N. to ModenA 
 Idem, on the bot. of 
 the yidrutid Gulf, 
 <J Idem, S. to lAiim. 
 Id.S. to Tyrol in ylujlrla* 
 florencc ^^^-toN. 
 Idem, S, to Modetiji* 
 Idem, Southward. 
 Of all thefe in Order. 
 ()u In 
; m 
 If .1 
 Part III fart 11. 
 ^ I. In the Upper-part, or Lombard), 
 s A V r. 
 Containing feveral remarkable Towns fituated upon, or nigh iint 
 four fmall Rivers that water this Country. 
 ?mC Weft ward in the Main 
 .5 \W. turning N.W. 
 r" = ^ N. W. in the Main. 
 -.3 g(N. W. 
 ... )The yirc 
 CThe Jr've — 
 llcre are thofe of< ^ ^ 
 M M Hah- 
 from E. to VV. 
 jirc are thofe 
 of l^-f'* 
 fl^tf Mauricnne 
 Sfrom E. to W.] 
 5cr4» are thofe of^ ^'""'^^ 
 Annacy — 
 ' Salanchef — 
 S. to N. 
 . yfri/e are thofe of<S^''-^^ 
 Bomie ^ilU 
 Lit Roche - 
 »from E. to W. 
 w /-Dukedom oiAoufic 
 *^ \ ,# T. cXJurea 
 g JCounty of y^i?l— , . ^ . ^, r7^ r , 
 ^ xSeianory of A/?rf*^/ ^,'' "tS \Idcm 1 1 m. N. of C/,/4/. 
 *- ^-^ • ^- 13 Jidcm upon the Sea-Coalt. 
 V Thrij) upoo the River Pi 
Fart 11. 
 — 1 PIEDMONT, properly fo call'd. 
 the Tcrri-<J 
 tories of 
 Carignan — — 
 Carmagmla — 
 Caviglidno •" 
 Mi: rlcv'' 
 CevA ' ■■ 
 Tojfano *-' 
 Idem- — 
 'ji Idt^ni s m. S. of Pipurol. 
 ,N. to S. upon 
 the Pfl. 
 to S. upon 
 the Teua o. 
 \N CO S upon 
 the Stiira. 
 the Terri- 
 loiies of 
 N. to S. 
 ihe Terii- 
 wries of 
 M N T F E R R J T. 
 Trim ^ gridem ^ 
 Cafal / £ \ldem C 
 Jlba \f^^Idem 
 j^ccfui C_c /^^^""^ 
 S/>/»— — ' • J u t»Idem 8 m- S. W- of y^ 7«^. 
 M I L u4 N. 
 Idem— - 
 t ijcvam 
 Pa via — 
 Lodi — 
 Anglers — ' 
 P^igevanafco — 
 Pavefe ■ 
 MiUneze ' 
 Tortonefe ■ 
 Jrom VV. to 
 S. E. 
 f'altnza — 
 ^ 2^ ton » — 
 — *' «J 
 ii\i'i\ i!'uL i!- 
 P ./ R- 
 ..,•*••» - 
 Part II 
 Fart II. 
 P A R M A. 
 fc -^ ^ 
 ;Terr. of {^"f)'^, C^ ;;;^"^^ ;^- ^ 
 ' Idem- 
 ^t. fo VV 
 Dorrivo "7 \' 
 D. of. 
 Modcfhi prop- fo c^iH'd 
 Principality q{ Cjirpi 
 M A N r ' 
 f "7 M.nnoui prop, fo call'd ^ 
 JPrinci;)alitV of 7^o^^.9/ 
 t Marqiiifate of 0///^»' 
 Idem Eaftward 
 Idem Wcftward 
 Idem Noithward 
 idem II m. ^N. E. cf 
 Idem 14 m. 5 j^cp^ij 
 Mavfoiu North '.vard 
 Id. 8m.S. W.^ ot 
 Idem 18 m. S.>M;;!i 
 Id.i8 m.S. W.Vo«,;.| 
 C\:ltilLin de ^iivi')\6 
 CN.H.of Mdntoui 
 the lerrito- 
 iits of 
 l\ldn:,}}0 — 
 Viccmir.o — 
 Vcioyicfc — 
 oi'cjc'uvo — 
 ii.'rgj,mdfiO ~ 
 — ( 
 roh'jui de 
 [^i^^iircj. Jrcvigij,no 
 5 from 
 t'vh'J.!vj C Trevifjdno pro*;'-. 
 'oiUdins the ylcliihio • 
 (j'Cd> im 
 i eiritorits 
 Vance — 
 Padud — 
 Vetofu - 
 Brefiiii ~ 
 Vddin 7 W.toE. 
 Cdbod'lJhijS {lliinl 
 Idem in Friuli 22 m. S. I'-i 
 Crerru 24 m. S. of BngxM 
 Jiovigo 22 m. S, of Paduj. 
 I'revigio 17 m. N.W. of rt;;/| 
 Codore - 
 Prov. of 
 D. of Vr 
 Marq. o 
 C. ofC/ 
 I; 'I Terr, oi 
 ^ ^Ubino 
 (.0, of 6'/J0 
 S. to I 
Fart II. 
 G E N V J. 
 /-Principality of Mo>uco ■ 
 ^ Territory of Vemimi^lix 
 \Principality of Ondglij, 
 Coinpre- J^^rqmi'ditQ ai Finale - 
 bends -^ ^ ■• 
 Noli - 
 Terrr.tory of«<,.^„„„^ 
 T R E N T. 
 W. to E. 
 ComprehendsC Bilhoprick ofZ^j^j^^ ^ Udem, upon 
 only the "j Trent J C /Uigs, 
 § 2. In the Middle Part. 
 The Land of the Church, or PAP AC T. 
 <• Bologneje — 
 Prov. of J^nugn^ 
 D. of Vrbine 
 Marq. of Anconx — 
 C. of Citta de Cjflello 
 ff (."''' <«^^ - 
 I Bologna- 
 Vrbino - 
 N. W. toS. E, 
 (ti!iJ^Terr, of^;;^^;^:^!^'^ 
 V ■• ■; lOi-uistjino .« 
 '^'1 ■=' f>. of CW^o ■ M 
 St.Peters Patrimony 
 C^mp.ignii di R^rtut 
 !:abino - 
 Cntx de Caftello' 
 <j Perugjii- 
 N. to S. 
 Viterbo 14 m. S. E. cf Orvieto, 
 J{ome ■ 
 Nligliano 10 m. N. of J{ome 
 , ■ !) 
 '; i 
 M 4 
 r ^' 5. 
 i < ■' ■ 
 : t 
 I -) 
 i '' 
 ,.- 1 
 T V S C J N r. 
 Part. II I part H. 
 (J Fforence 
 Terr, of > Pi fa — - 
 i Siefna 
 Prlnclp. of PiorrMno 
 IfliC of glbai 
 .._- LH 
 D, of<^arra'a and M<»^* 
 Scate of Prejidii 
 — >N. E. toS. VV. 
 I -^ j a;.?/7^ =4 m. N. W. of Pifa. 
 K.Orbtnh'0 $ 5 m. E. of Cofmo;>oli. 
 The Republicks of{ s^Marim, 
 r C8 m. N. E. of Pifa, 
 Comprehend only thtCz.i/f^ — 
 Territories cf thtTe^ 
 two free Cities of c^. Mavim 
 § J. In the Lower Fart, 
 o r 
 The Kingdom of NAPLES. 
 Aoru'{'{o the farther- 
 Ab>'u\\o the nigher* 
 C/!? ithuitK\ or PuTjin 
 Ttirra di D.iri" 
 r<''rr/» a'/ Otranta — — — — ^f-i 
 ' 7V;'r J di 1 avaro 
 Further Prhicipate 
 N'gher Pi\n:i^ate 
 Bajilicnte '— ' 
 C/i/j^r/^thenigher — 
 'j.'alakiathc farther— — j 
 Civitta di Chie 
 PojJno ■-■■•*■ 
 ManfredQiiia — 
 Ban ^^^— ■ 
 Or /into ^— 
 Bcncvenfi — — 
 Sal fiv— — 
 •f FromN.W 
 y to S". K. upj 
 >f on the At.' 
 atick Gulpll 
 'From N, \Vj 
 to S'. li. I! pi 
 on thw "y\ 
 rhenian Sci| 
 XTJLT Q known of old by the Nnmes oi" IJ'fperia, Satumifi, 
 LiitiuWy y^uJoTsia, OemWia and "J^nicula ; and now bounded 
 iP^all fides by the Mediterranean Sea, except the North-Wed, Avherc it 
 .QJns xo part oi trance and Germany'] is term'd hy its Natives and i>fatii^ 
 |.m; Uh^^'* j hy the french. Italie ; by the drrnans, fta'idi ; and by the 
 ll^^lijh, -iiaiy; lb cjll'd Casmoft Authors conjefture) fioin Itahtj, zn 
 h^icisnt King of the Siculiy who leaving their liland came into this 
 ICointry, and poirelTing themfclvts of the middle part thereof, cal- 
 led the whole ItaliiXf from the Name of ilieir Prince. 
 a'fJ The Jir of this Country is generally Pure, Temperate and 
 iHcaithful to breath in, except the L^nd ofthcChrch, where *tis or- 
 dinarily reckon d more grofj, and ujiwliolfom, as alfo the Southern 
 li'ircsof xV/» / ;, where for fevcral Monrhs in the Summer 'tis fcorch- 
 hd hot, being of the like Quality with the Air of thofe Provinces 
 hSfnin, which lie under rl.e fame Parallels of Latitude. The oppo- 
 Iti Place of the Globe to Itah^ Is char part of the vaft Vaclfick Ocean, 
 lying becwem 105 and 220 D-grccs of Longitude, with 38 and ^3 
 l)^grees of South Latitude. 
 §011] The So;7of this Country (it lying in the ■-'th nnd 7th North 
 imat^ ) is very fertile, generally yieldini; in grent abundance the 
 Ihoicefl: of Corn, Wines and Frulr. Is Woods aie (for r!u^ nuiif 
 m) continually green, and wti] jlor'd with tlie belief wilu s/\! 
 taelicdds Its Mountr-ins do aft'ord feveral kinds o^' Meral, part'C.'- 
 Irly thole in Tufcany and Napl s, wliich are laid ro yield Tome r'c'j 
 iinesof Silver Be Gold.IIeie's alio a grertt qiiantiry c frnie Alabaficr, 
 lid the pureft of Marble. In Ihort, this ('ounrry is ji;. jiJ/'JiIy citetn.'j 
 iiGjrden of Europe ; and {o (htely and magniiicen!: are its numeroi, ^ 
 |lt;es, that I cannot Ojnit the fuilowing Epithet.^ commonly bel}rv.v.. 
 on divers of them ; as Row^, rheS^^"c^; N<i/?'t?;, the Noble ; /•.'>- 
 \nce, the Fair ; rmice^ the Rich ; Genoa, the Stately ; MiLwy theGrcvr.'.. 
 iV'ilna, tht y4uc tent ; Padita, the. L'^arucd ; Bono;:ia, the htt \ L^'Z' 
 k the Mcnh-inhzing \ f^Lrona, the>/.ing ; Luca, li.j 7-7 » ^^^^ 
 !>, the Stnng. 
 pmmoDitiCJff.] The chief Cmmm les of this Country arc Wine-v, 
 pn, Rice, Silksi Velvets* Taifaties, Sartins, Grograms, Fuilian^, 
 iil-wirc, Allom, Armour, Glalfes, and tuch like. 
 I, ! 
 til . r-n: 
 I f 
 Part 11 
 Vi^liich inefrc'M:arc moft worthy ofour regarr!,!lie:y '''Cing vcryui 
 t!il in j^iviri^^ luinc Lij^hc to fcvernl pjris ofLhw- z;/?-/?^?/ lliftoiy. jj 
 vicwingof wliicli Aiiticjuities, i fijall reduce them all to tlireeQ 
 ole that are to be feen in the City K)i P-imt it fclf. 
 In the Kini^dum <}\ Naples, And laftly, In all other parts of/t 
 The moft remarkable lAomnitnts of A',itquity in /"^orj?" it fclf, ai 
 thcle following, (i ) AiuphhkejLires, \\irtii.U;arly iJut, callM i\\c c 
 jhnphitheatrc (now term'd the Coiij'dOy becaufe of a CoJoffdun Stati 
 that ftocd therein) begun by Vcfpxjixn^ iind finifn'd by VoniiuJ/^^'^^^ 
 ('-.) Arches^ as of Co/.lt.uiihr^ theCr.'.it (ni^h to t 
 iUJ. /irnphhhcutre) er. cled io him in V^z Mcrnjry ot his '^-^iitoiyo 
 tain'd over the Tyrant Mixt'/.-r/^/f, wi:h this InCcription. Uh 
 4 !■ 
 is, Fioii-iwi r.i.U, Ihjt of T. Vc(} (iheancienttit of all 
 f Tiiiunphal Arches in rso,i;<:) ereiled to him upon his taking jIijC 
 I ty, and fpoilirg the T-mpIe of ycruf.kni. ot' S.:pti;y}'iM S:.vcr:ii,_ 
 ' be feen nigh the Church i f Sr. M.n tin ". Add to thele, the ]>iiih:i'h 
 |; Bridgt', whofe Ruins are ftill vilihle niah Tout /uwdo^ fo muclui 
 j, putedofold, that by a Decree of the Sjnare, none of the meai 
 ■ forr of People were Vuffer'd to tread upon the fair.c. ( 3.) lkrrn.i 
 fi B.nhs\ as th(>re of tlie b^mperor j-^mor.iir.n riuu which were of a pr 
 I tligious Bigncfs, according to that of Jriirauv.yA lA-iriellirrM^ w! 
 tj tfpea king of em) la^ % Livxcr.t i)j Frovini i.irim cxjl) uHa. fi. J 
 of .i/c';c.:.',\f('r,SVw'.'r;:'.^, the goodly Ruins whereof are to be feen n 
 th.e Chu:th ofSr. EufiAikio; And laillv, the Ruins of Ihirmxi 
 l}imivi.itLc^ itill vilii)le in Momc CvjiillOy formerly h^r>;js Oj({> 
 (4) Several remarkable riX.v-j, particularly, //it cairdCb^wul 
 .Amnnino, creded by /!/. ylurclius /hr.oninici^ the Emperor, in Honoj 
 of his Father, y^vtouiyiu-^ Pim^ and flill to be feeM i;i the Corfo^ b^ 
 as yet 175 Foot high. czWW CvAovnx J'rdji/hi, i^f.t up in Hono 
 of Tr. {j.w, and now 10 h: found in MorJtc^o. Thtt call'd Col^j 
 i;^/??.vTi (ft n extant in the Capito!) ereOed in Honour of ;ii,'/j 
 2nd dcckt with Stem: ofShips. upon his Victory over the Cinl: 
 ■^Mc fame rhe tirft Naval Vidory obtained by the I^ 
 To thefe we may add the two great Obaluks (one before Ponoi 
 I'OpiiJo^ ard the other before the Church of St. fohri de l.iterayi}^ 
 jnerly belonging to, and now the chief Remainders of the fame 
 Circus Alaxiriiui, whicli was bejiun bv'M rrifcm, augnienr| 
 hv j, CtJ'.ir ^nd Atipuihui, and at Lift adorn'd with Pillars and S 
 tues by Tr.i\.w zt\d^'h'diog:ba'rM. We m;.y alf'j add thofe 'Thr<f.c V'{^ 
 of admirable Stiuihire (nowto be fecn in Cimpo Vucdno) which fj 
 anerly l)elongM to the Temple of fupiter Suitor^ built by l{Gmil 
 upon his Victory over the S^ibivis \ together with lix others cm 
 \\dQ of the Hill mounting up to the Capitol, three of which 
 Iqiv^W once to the T<^mplc of Concord^ built by CamiUm \ An;' 
 pjrt II. 
 Ur three i 
 Harrow tk, 
 Ijjjllars we m^ 
 fjpitol) whi 
 [•: irstop, e] 
 ilirnce the / 
 itfd Pi'ces 
 [jnr.^r Clafll 
 ;/•(', or 
 edover the 
 \i^lum Vdiit 
 \inip Vdccino, 
 inie of the i 
 fjimh'ov^ I 
 hole 5:atue, 
 i;re as a Pa, 
 [car S.J{Oi-L*i 
 kvery PU. 
 nttcn, is iii 
 erhefe foil 
 iit-way ab( 
 lounrain, r( 
 ■miins oj J j 
 ijalfv) rt,e 
 ree Miles 1 
 hich Build 
 xeth thatE 
 iiWf} of B.tij: 
 ry Streets, 
 .) The EliJ 
 holden to ' 
 round Iii 11 
 ) The nj: 
 ,h the Eliji 
 allies, who \ 
 |ilace,with t 
 v/ff.z jasalft 
 noted of ol 
 iphurous G 
 'hrgilm Mar 
 the CrotiQ ( 
 »h ncc the J\ recla n\l rluir Vsik-s to all parts of Jtaly. Otlier 
 ted Pieces of Antiquity ir /{cmc, and not reducible to any of the 
 HcrClaff-s, are chiefly tlitie ; (i.) The ftateiy Ruins oiT^ilu^^o 
 Vutrino) built by T.Vcfiy.t{iir.^ who adorn'd the fame with 
 ii'eofthe Spoils of r.he Temple Q^'^cmjakm, (3.) The Kptundii, 
 fmh.'ov^ built by j1i>/ippa, and dedicated to all Gods *, many of 
 ofwScatLes areiiill exrant in rhePaiJce c^ Jujlifiiiriy rcferved 
 If re as a ViUddium of thatFjmih. (4 y The Maufoleum ylupufii^ 
 itarS. /(fli's Church, but n^w ex^renif ly decavM. And laltly, 
 fhe very Plate of Br jfs on which the Laws of the Ten Tables were 
 ten, is Hill to be feen in tii-.:' Capitol. 
 Remarkable Moniimans of yb/tiiuiity in the Kingdom of K,:\>Usy 
 rethefe f(dlowing ; 0) 'i'i'.e G'Vyffc of Panjillpur^ being a larjj^e 
 rt-wav about a 1\\\\^ P'-ns^ cut 
 under Ground, q 
 Liite thro' a 
 [icuntain, nenrtheCify of K.:pJes, and made (as Ibme imagine) 
 |;'Im(1v //>'.<; but according toothers, cocccius Nc:rva. (2.) Some 
 mins of J j.iir j^,ripbi[hc:itrey and C/cfro's Academy, nigh lunuolo'^ 
 alfv) rt,e Arches and Ruins of that prodigious Dridge, (being 
 ree Miles long) built by CaV'^uLi l)t.-r,ween FuxYiOiO and I'aix ; to 
 [hich Building ^';it^fo;//.«, the iliivorian, feems to allude, when lie 
 pth that Emperor with his S'.ibihuflirrit's ih'fnu. (3.) ^^>^ ionr." 
 t of 5.^/.c it I'clf, and fome Aichvs with the Pavement of the 
 ;ry Streets, all vilible under Water in a clear Sun-lhiny-daVc 
 ).) The Elifwfi Fields ; fo famous among the Poets, and extremely 
 polden to 'em for their Fame; bv-ing only an ordinary Plat cf 
 (round ftill to be feen nigh the Mace where the City oi' JUi.^ ftocdc, 
 .) The Piphht MirabilU ; which is a vait Subtenarean Building 
 'h the Elifui'/i I'idlds^ dtlign'd to i<evp fiefh Water fur the Kijmau 
 [allies, who us'd to harbour thereabout^. (6.) The r\ith:s of iV<fyo's 
 place, with the Tomb of//^?//)///>/i2his Mother, nigh to the aforefaid 
 'dnx ; as alfo the Baths o{ Cu<^ro a nd Tritohi j and the lacx^ A'j^rvuty 
 noted of old for its infedUous Air. (7,) Tlie Grotte of the famous 
 hU Cimcea; nigh to the Place where Curnxa, ftood ; as alfo the 
 Grottx del Ciwc", nigh to the G'Otft? or JV/'/////'^ above- 
 LafHy, The obfcure Tomb of that well-known Poet, 
 'irgil'^Maro, in the Gardens oLs. S'^verhio, nigh to the Entrance 
 c;l|the Crctte of raufiUpm. To all chcfe we may here fubjoin than 
 •er three to the Temple of ■^■upiti-r To7Uvs, huilt by Auiiiifl:n upon ( 
 ,sarrow efcape from a Thund-ri)oIr, And finally, In the rank of 
 Ljars we may place the famous Miuirhimy (Hill refervM in the 
 ipirol) which is a lictlr Pillar of Stone with a round Brazen Ball '' ^ 
 stop, erected ar fiifl- by yi up ujh! f C.t fur in Poro l{nrna,yw. Pom 't\\ 
 >, I,. 
 i'-.i, 'i 
 'H\ } 'Ti' 
 Xgijr.'f or the great Palace of tlie F^oirti^',? Emperor?, onceexcen- Ig^j , |', ,,f|'[v 
 [edover the greateft part "of the i'<z/.rr/;;d Hill, fi.) The Ruins ot 
 falum VjlcU (which are nigh the Church of St. Fracefct J{Qmdva in 
 li ! .■'] 
 " •\i 
 i ^•' 
 I1 l|^ 
164 Italy. Partlj 
 noted and mod remarkable Prodigy of Nature, tlic terrible I'uhm 
 yefuvius, about 7 Miles from the t.ity of Naples 
 Remarkable ATonnments of Antiquity in all other Parts o^ItaUi^, 
 chietiy thefe ; (i.) The Via jlppia, a prodigious long Caufway of fivl 
 days Journy, rci^ciiing from Kcmeto Bruudufum, and made atthefol 
 Charges of y^ppius Claudius during his Confuhte. (2 )^yia Flajmnin 
 another Caufway of the fame length, reaching from A' owi^ to /?/;,j„; 
 and made by the Confnl FUminim, who impioyM the Soldiers there 
 in during the time of Peace. C>) Vut /Emlia, reaching from Rim:a 
 to Bologn'f and pav'd by Mmilv.i Lei^icns, Collegue oi Haminm. (, 
 The old Temple ani Houfe oi Sibylla Tjhytina, to be fcen at Tivo'i, 
 Town about fifteen Miles from Rome* (<, ) An Ancient Triumpha 
 Arch yet ftanding near /Wwo, a Town in the Dachy oiVrbine. f(j 
 The very Stone upon which /»/;;/ C^f^ir ll:ood, u-hm he made a: 
 Oration to his Men, perf.vading cliem to pafs the Rubicon, ind 2(1 
 Vance ftrait to Rome. The fam" is to be fecn upon a Pedeftal In th 
 Market-place of l^imni. (7.) A rare Amphitheatre in ^erona^ ereft 
 tfd at iirft by the Conlul rlammiiti^ and repair 'd fince by the Citizens, 
 and now the intiiefl of :iny in turc^e ; as alfo another intire at Pola'n 
 Ijhia^ being of two Orders ofTufcmt Pillars plac'cl one above anotlie 
 (S ) The Ruins of an Amphithtane in P.riv*T_, part of whofe Cour 
 ( being oi an O^al Form) doth ftill retain the Name oi yirem%, (^ 
 Many ftately Tombs oi famous M*'n ; p.irrJcularly that of .-Intmr] 
 in P.idti.t'y St.PenrU in J{oT?ie ; of St. Jr/ih'f^ in Mih.n, an 
 iii^ny others, together widi v.ifl multitudes of Statues both of Bra! 
 and Marble in mod parts cf Italy. 
 Thefe are the mnft remarkable Remains of tli^' Rovja?i Antiquiriei 
 no.v extant throughout all tiiis Country, As for Mod-rnCwkfii;^^ 
 and other forts of Parities (which are obvious to the Eye of every or 
 din iiy Traveller) a bare Cat.tloL^ueof 'em woul;^ fwcll up to a conll 
 denble Volume. ' rvvereendlcfs to difcourfe of magn^licent CuilJ 
 ing (partlcnlirly Churcfies) ancient Infcriptions, rare VV?ter-uo;k?| 
 ^nJ many bold Pieces of Painting and Statuary, to be feen almod j; 
 ^s'/cry corner of 7.m//. Every one is apt to talk of the bendinij Towe 
 o^' V'fa^ the VVhifi.ering Chamber i-^VCaprarola^ the renown'd iloufj 
 vtiLorettOj with the rich Treafury of S. Mirk in yeuice ; not to mcncioi 
 the famous l^ati'tin ^ahxce and Lih^ry^ with the glorious r.nd fplendii 
 l-'urniturc of the Rowan Churches. To thefe I may add the Several 
 Maj^izines, or large Colleftions of all forts oi Rarities kept in feveraj 
 Parts of ltAly\ pirticularly thofe in Vilix Ludovifiay belonging ^1 
 Prince Ludov'Jio ; as alfo thofe in the famous Gallery of Can^nia Sit:, 
 ill Milati: But abo/e all, are divers Rooms and Cabinets of exotic 
 CnriolitIe>i and precious Stones (among which is the fam-:>us Oia 
 mond that weighs 158 Carats) all belonging to the Great Dukcol 
 Tufrany, aiid inuch admii'd and talkM of in all Parts of the Civiliz'l 
 World. Ecckli 
 part II. 
 The rcfpc 
 [iilhops of 
 As alfo 
 k refpefliv 
 Lclcfiafticks of the higlieft Order in this Country, are his Volhiej) 
 the to^e^ and the Patriarchs of ycnice and Ajuikia. 
 ar:|)bi^|;op;iuk5.] Next to thefe are the Archbilhopricks of 
 Ca ua, 
 Ka^arcthy or 
 P cffam, 
 ( ofifenxa^ 
 San ScverinOf 
 The refpcftlve Suffragans of thcfe Ecdefiafticks are as followeth, 
 ru:jop?icftsf. ] § 1. Immediately fubjca to the Pope, are the 
 Icahops of 
 I orett9, 
 Rf analif 
 A\c li, 
 Mq^ te FiafcOne, 
 As alfo thefe following, being ex>^mpt from the JurlfdiQIon of 
 |!ie ref^jcftive Metropolitans. 
 Citta di 
 U'l-i'if 1 
 citta de 
 Citta Cnjl llana^ 
 Civita yc'cfhiay 
 terra' ay 
 At el' ay Rnp^^Ia, 
 Cavdy Monte pelo^o, 
 Sea la and ^vd- Trivaito, 
 lo, Aqtiilay 
 Melfiy Mar[ica, 
 San-MarcOf Mvnteu'oue* 
 § :. Suf' 
1 66 
 I S, 
 §. 2. Suffragms to the Patriarch of Ft'^;/Ve, are only thofe of 
 7oY\eViOy Chiop.:. 
 §. 3. To the Patriarch of J^iuikiji^ arc thofe of 
 Trieftt'^ Pet in, Vi cniiy 
 Cibo d' Jfiria, Citta NuQvX^ Verona^ 
 PoLi, Padua, Como* 
 Pardtj^Oy ■• 
 §. 4. To the Archbifliop of M/7^>/, are thofe of 
 §. 5. To the Archbifliop of Turnip are thofe of 
 TorcCy Mo?jdovi, I'oJJam, 
 %. '5, To the ArchbiiTicp of Turaitaife, are thofe of 
 ylojio^ Siort^ 
 % 7. To the Archbifhop of BrJogviy are thofe of 
 S. DominCs 
 (;. 8. To the Arcbifhop of Gcr.ox, are thofe of 
 §. 9. To the Archbifhop of I'kraice, are thofe of 
 J'ijjoli , 
 Borgo fiiH Sepiihho, 
 Cm A di Sole^ 
 §. ic. To the Archbifliop of Pifuy are thofe of 
 S\\wa, Pimbifjo, Mont'^lchio.^. 
 To the Archbifllop of Urhm^ are thofe of 
 S. Leon. 
 (;. 12. To the Archbifhop of rermoy are thofe of 
 §,13. To thj Archbifhop of /^ix/t'wwi, are thofe of 
 For a, 
 §, 14. To the ArchbiHiop q{ Naples ^ are tliofc oi 
 5. 15. To the Archbifllop of Crnu^ are thofe cf 
 (i. 16. To the Archbifljopof S^tcy}io, are thofj of 
 ALvfiiO 7:110-', 
 Kocerji di p.tgyiij 
 k: 17. To the Archbifhop 0^ Jn^ilfi^ are thcfe of 
 Mi nor i. 
 k. iS. To the Archbifllop of Ccn^a^ are thofe of 
 Cjfii'l .7 Mare di Stdhh 
 h-i^. To tlie Archbifiiop of i'orewt^, are thofe ci 
 . f^'*.f 
 Iff I ■'iilN 
 :' i' 
 ' •Jir^n. 
i6S lulj. 
 § 2o. To tlic AicIiblHiop oi B^u-ifCniB, arc tliofe of 
 /I ( 
 Monte f^^lrano. Povi 
 ^. ^hdth.i di Gd- yh- 
 Fricmti . 
 Tor l'olcvz/1, 
 H' a. 
 Gu.%r ditty 
 §2 1. To tlie Arclibiniop o^Thictiy are tliofc of 
 Crto)iH di M,Vi- 
 Civita di rcnna. 
 § i:. To ilij ArthSiHiop vi' La^'cia7io, »irc none. 
 § 23. To tiic ArchbiiUop d^ M'tufrcdonu, arc thofc ol 
 5:4, Vo tiif Arclibillioj) of Bitri, arc thofc of 
 ( onvefja:to, 
 RifOfjfo , 
 f,^o. To 
 <;, 51. To 
 §. 52, To I 
 SJ3- T0I 
 Wlh Tot) 
 ■■-' im 
 It C' lie* foil 
 5 25*. To the Arcliliiliop of Cirerza, are tliofc of 
 Tricar ice. 
 § 2<^. To the Archbifiiop of is'''{areih, are nonf. 
 § i *. To the Archbiiiiop of irayti, are thofc of 
 ,S '/p/ 
 § :S. To the Aichbiihop of Jnrcnto, arc thofu of 
 § 2^. To t.'ic Ai'chbliiiO,! Q\ nrtnd:fi, arc thofc of 
 1 r\ 
 kisdnct Co 
 [War, and M 
 i«evcr the 
 (I'Hyapp:. i 
 (hc/ht of 
 I'iors, (:i)urr( 
 ''^> ilimpui 
m n* 
 f,^c. To the Archbifhopof Otramoj are tliofe of 
 S. /iluriu de LciiCiit 
 (;. 51. To the Arclibifhop of ^,'o/)^/w^, none. 
 i^. 52, To the Archbilhop of COfiJl?iiu, ace thofe of 
 i. n» To the Archbifhop oi Sjvfcjcrino^ are tliofe ot 
 k ]4. To the Arclibifliop of J{t^^gio, are thofe of 
 • ■■ ■'itfP ) Vriherfitics in this CouiiLry, 
 liC'Lics tolluwing^ 
 arc thofceHabillhM it 
 Si c tin J ^ 
 P.i> m.i. 
 mmtt&:] 'I'hc Nntivfs of thisCourrry (once the Triumphant 
 )rU and Conquerors of the Woi hl)ar.' now 1 \\ ^iv'-n to tiie Art 
 War, and M'llr.iry l.xploits, than niift other Nations ot /-.'/foptf. 
 jwever the 'Aoaov It.ilrivs are generally rcpuud a^f{tfp^dlul 
 li/'U^cvioio* '■'' ••: People •, elp. ciaily in thole things to wlncli they 
 Ji.tiy appiy 1 .'-nvVlves now-a-;tays, vi^, stutii.wy ll'u)k<;^Arihiu'liiite, 
 jjtlic/// 1 of i'»/ :m'?'^. They're alio rjckon'cl Obedient tu rlit ir 8u- 
 liiors, ( lourteons to ln^'c:riors,Civil U) FqualS'if^d very Aifabk- to 
 piger;;. They're likcwife in Apparel veiy niudclr,in I uniitLireot' 
 I'jjlumpfuous ; an^! at thiir 7'<i7f'i extraordinary /^^'./tand cUc'nt, 
 \a\\c\l' good ^aliii^s of this /Y'(S/)/(.' are nii:'.!uiiy itaiiiM by many 
 lorious^'/Vti wliich rei;^n among tiiem, parcicularly cholV: of /(e- 
 [;cand ':(//, JcuIokJh: iXnd Sm.i>ifigy toiid of whicu th<-y're Ibex- 
 N cclilvely 
 1:1 *ll:li 
 i i' 
 170 Ju/j. Parti 
 ct'lFirely pven.tliat even n Hu.d ft Narrative would feem incredih 
 As tor the Fenulc .SVx,a vulj^ar Sayinji goes of 'em, that they're /U 
 /'/fiat the Odots, ^7/?;f.v in the Cliurch,Gflit^ in the Garden, i)^-^ 
 in tlie Houfe, ylr^^ch in the Streets, and Syf cries at the Winduws' 
 laiipanr. ! The prcHnt I .ivyu.tgc of It^ily is a Diilcfl o{ tlici.n/i 
 whicli was the ancient r.ari'.uage of this Country : Almojttvci 
 Trovince and City hath its jvculiar Idiom, but tliat of ht}ir,i\ 
 reckonM the j urelt and bc^ft j)()linrd of all others, and is that win 
 TerCons of (Jualiry and Learning ufually fpeak. Vatcr No}}cr\r\]^ 
 lidtj runs tliiis ; }\idrc 7!nf}rn, ihc jl'i tie CiclOj fufniUifiAio il iiioyjoon 
 yc}:y^i il tuo ^\'^il7)0 : fid j lii.i l.i tu.i volovti^ fi come hi rielo, cofi t'?;<o/,; 
 ten. I. P.hJ l:'\i[!i il v.ollro lunw co\idLi7U)\ t' remctt'ui i vojlri dchiu^ 
 lOhiC ni.or '/:ori;!i rcmctii.ivo d i voihi dcLitori. I', non ci hiduirc /?; ijjj 
 tAiioiu-, vi.i lihcy.ici rule, Amni. 
 CoUciiimnU.j The Govcnmcnt of It.ily can*t be duly crMidl-i 
 without looking; back unro the cliief Divifions of that Coinu 
 abovemeiuionM ; thuT being fo many ditKtrent Sovereign 
 therein, indepcndrn*" (>n one another, and not fubjeded to 
 Head. The whole b^ < Serefore divided into I'j'/'cr, h\iLik;\ 
 l.QVxr^ accoidini;, to the jrefaid Analyiis. 
 T. The Upper (or lomh.irh'- bi-ing again divided in one Princi 
 I'lV, Hve Ourcliies, two Repuldicks, and one iJdhtjprick. 'i'hati 
 i'lincip-ility, 'fz-f. liidmG}!t^ li urider the Duke of X/v^;y. 1 he 
 Diitchi^'s, z'i^ rhofe of Ak?/f/t/rjf, Aiihv^ I'lVm.i, M(A';7/.i, arul .1 
 I'.n^M'c under fevcTal ^o\eieigns : For Mw/'ijcrrji is i^ar rly umki 
 i->t'7,\^ King, anil j^aify nndei the Dukti vf Xivny^Dd Mantiu. i\\\ 
 js u d^r the Kingt/t Sriin^ for whicli he is dci)enilent on ihc 
 peror. pjnv.i is moltly ui.der ics ov^n Duke, wliu i^ feuihuoiy tol 
 Top , piyng veai ly iroco C.'rowrs Modem i^ under its own Dii 
 who is ilep.e; d -r.r on tlie Lmperor. And /\.j)itu.i is niolllv iii'>!-ii 
 o'.vn Puke, who is feudarcrv to ciie Lmperor. 'I'he two Reini!,',! 
 being ( ; o;'e of Vefiice and Cevnu,t, ( >f whom particularly arti luj 
 ar.- ^M-v m'd !>y >enateand Magiftraie';. Tliconc liifhuji 
 being that of Irexi, ia fubjcd to the Houle q^ /hijhii. 
 Part If. Itdly. lyi 
 commonly ftil'd by I{or,hvi Ctthnlids, the (l]\ic( rcij'.fi.i/iirl of aW 
 iHlin^^lom'^ the l\itnjrrh of /(omc*, and the l/V// ; flu- iV/w.^/6' anil 
 vipreani Governor ()f'/r.?/v; the Metropolitan oFtfiole J'>ini(^ps btitlVa- 
 ^]n to the S^eof /(cm.', and Jiijhop of the niidi f,im<uis b' . johti oi /./- 
 iruu The Duiednm ot't\i),y is» tor the molt pirt, und. r its <)\An 
 M'.c, except the Towns of .V/V»;j, (for which he is TrihutJry to 
 \ai\iw) '\v\i\Oyhhcllo^ which belon^eth to rhi: Sp.uii.irJ, This Duke is 
 fikrm'd the llicheft and moll ]\)werfid ot'all iht- /taliun l^rirces, 
 LHit his manner of Governu'.enr is jjencrally recl'.on'd too prefhng 
 landiincalV to the Siibjed. 'J'he Towns and Ke|)ti!)licks of Lmj, 
 U(l St. Mirhho, a.Te govcrn'd by their own Ma^iltratcs as free 
 Ijtates. But of the'', afterwards. 
 III. The Lower Partof /f.r/y being the Kjrgdcm of A'^/'/^-y, is fuh- 
 jfrt to the Sp.nih>\i, tor whieli he is H.-inager to the Tope, and ac- 
 Icordingly fends liis Holinefs yearly, a White liorfe and 7000 Du- 
 |c3ts by way of Acknowledgment. It is ^ov« rn'd by a Virc-Iyoy^ ap- 
 pointed and fent thirher by Ids Catholick Mij llv, wlio is ufualiy 
 |onc of the Chitt Grandeesof Spxht^ and is connnouiy renewM eve- 
 ry third Year. Thefe Vice~l{oys (as in molt of the Sparijh *" 
 iGovernments; during, thv-ir fliorc Kegency, doinduilrioidly endca- 
 jvciir to lofe no time in filling their own CotK-rs, and that by moll 
 :rievous Exadions on the poor S-abjccl:. So fevere indeed arc the 
 >;u"'.''iii' upon tlie Nc:ipo!it.i>is, that the King's OHicers are com- | 
 |r,oniy (aid tofnd in the Outxhy of MiLntj and to I'Icers the iHaiu! 
 ".V/V//y, but to llej rtf' t!ie very Skin in the Ivingdom of .V.//.'/ff ; 
 that the IVopI:.' of this Country (which is one of the belt in 
 krcp:') arc molt niu'eiajjly hanafs'd by thefe hungry and lapaci- 
 tus Vultures. Deluloa elb Princes in Jtiily abovcmentionM, there 
 re fcveral others, who arc under the l*rot(Clion of fomc higher 
 fowler, particularly i/-;»if of the E/vpt^ror^ thQ Tope ^ or the Kingt.t* 
 To thefjovernment of ftjJyy we may add the four following Rc- 
 publicks, vi{. thof:; oi 
 .he (M 
 I Vevire, This Repubjick is under an Ariftocratical Governmcnf, 
 f:S'>iicri.'i(T}jty of the Srate being lodg'd in the Nobility, or certa.ri 
 umber orHamilies enrojl'd in the CoUkfi Bcrl^ calfd the n^egijler of* 
 ki ycKCti.t?! A'('/7c.>. Th.;ir thicl Ouiter is the Duic, or v;ri;,t.', whole 
 "'' "V'.Buthority is a meer Chim.rj^ and he no better than a A-e.rt'n^f Sh^. 
 •^""^^''Ir, PrU;J<-i'cy b. 'n^-i: hecan julily Oai.t; above :hf other Magi- 
p^ Italy. Part 11^ 
 frfcUc^^;. Here are eflahlifh'd five principal Council?, 'w^. (i.jThat 
 fcrnvl tY,t Crjni Couyicil^ comprriicn Iinji tii'i whole Body of the 
 i\ob:{iry, Dy w-hom a;-,- elictcd all Magirtratcs, and enacLd aH 
 L-ivv^ which thr-y judge convenient fur ;he Publick Good. (^ \ 
 That cerin'd the Frcg^di, ( commonly call'd the ^enxte ot VenhV) 
 confiJHng cf above an hundred Perfons, who determine "Nhttrrs 
 of the higheil Importance, as thofc relating to Peace or War 
 Leagues and Alliance^-. ("3.) The U/Z.-'f/ conhltiug rf tweniy fuur 
 Lords, Vv'lude Olfice h to give Audivoce to Am&ITudors, and to 
 report their Demands to the Senate, which alone ha'h Powtr to 
 return Aidvvers. (,>) The Co inici I of Ten, (co.-.filMr;^ of ten No- 
 blemen^ whoTe Office ir is to hear and decide a!l Ciii'iinal XUt- 
 ters : ThisCourt (whofe Jurirdiaion is extraordinary ^rt-at) isi 
 yearly renew'd, and three ot thei'e NobUnien, calPd th^C^pi, or 
 ^''iuif.toriof St:iti\ are chofen Monthly; ro which Triumvii ate is 
 pfligh'd fach a ?o«'er in judging of Criminals, that their dtfjnitej 
 •■entLncereacheth the chieft-it Nobleman of the Stdt.', as weiuj 
 the m.-ariclt Artuicer, if they are unanimous in their Voices. 
 otherua)b ail t.'ie Ten are corifulLtd with. 
 n a;;75«.r is un kr an Ariftocratical Government, very like tc 
 tiiaf;of p\v//tv; for its Prjnri;/al M<ij"ilf rate hath the Name or T. 
 tlv* ot _.P/ /.t', (i)ut ccn'inu.^th mly lor two Years) to whom therj 
 rre v\fT]i|,-^t^ , i,:'ht Principal OfBcers, who with the Duke^are cal, 
 ied the* jc/|^;.7,'7,'j', v;]iich in Masters of tlie greateft Importance, ;^ 
 cii!o/uoor!!!.,jL-ro theGiand Council, ciuilifting of 400 I'eiiom, 
 adl Gencle-}fvn of tlie '..ity ; which Council with the Seigniory, d( 
 coniiiruc t':e wh Ic Body (>f thi, CommonweaPh. This State ii 
 puch moi\' famous for whir 'C hach been, than for what it ib, be. 
 H;g now on : h.- d'.cayinii, i. At piofent it's i'.bjwd unto k\-t\ 
 r?.l Sov.'rjigM^, varoUi l'lac>-s wi. bin its Territories belongir;; t^ 
 i\ : Dak:'S -j*' ..Viv^yand TufAvy, iome free, and others lately takei 
 by the f >•,'.';; /.. 
 IH. I//i r ('i^MUg a fmill pree Commonwealth, enclos'd withii 
 tlie TerrifKries of the Grand Duke of lufcv/iy) i- iir!d.t:r the (iovcrnl 
 lasnt of Of:e Principal Magifiraie, caiTd the Govj\U(mh->\ chjr)c;cj 
 able every lecond Month, iilhffjd l)y Counldiurs, namVuJ 
 ■.[htniy whom rliey alfo change every lix Months, du mg which tinif 
 they I've \v. th' PaPueor Common-hall ; and Sup iiwr to themil 
 the c;; niiConvcil, which conliltif g of a!)'.)ur 240 Noblemen, m 
 heiin^, ec'iK. IP; div/iP d inttJ rwo Podics, rake their turns every luj 
 Yeii, This Stace is under the Prottition of the li.mpcri>i iJi'iCi^ 
 \,uvj3 uLid payeth him yearly Homage accordingly. 
 'f^ors of rhl 
 ''ors and .si 
 iquilition :[ 
 irous thin^til 
 M» as is g 
 nt. But 
 courfe of 1 
 o.rm?*] It being too tedicu'; to exprcf;, the Knilgns Armorisl c^f 
 I-;;! the Sovereign Princes and Slaves in this Counrry, ardiOijiu- to mention thofe of (-necnly; we Oii; 11 there fere (as a 
 ;:de?vlediu m) nominate the cluci Sovereignties of Jtdly [vi^. the 
 Jif-'i&w, the Dukcdoui of liifc.ivy^ and the Republicks of V^rnicz 
 jp.J Gcioui'] and alfix to each of thtfc their j-eculiar Arms« 
 Tiiercfore, (i.) The Pope, (a^ Sovereign Prince over the Land of 
 [■-Church Of Papal DoF.inioiis) iK'ars for his E cutcheon, Guln^ 
 Iconliftii'g of a longCapf, or Head-piece Cr^ ru;-mounced wiih a 
 Crolspcaird and garniih/d with three Royal Crowns, togo her 
 hich ihe two Keys of St. Teur placed in SdU'nr, (:.) The Arms 
 wkfiUiy \r^^ 0>t live Roundles, Guh's, two, two, and one, and 
 Icne ii Chief /.^we^ cliarged with three Flo wcr-de- Luces Or\ 
 {],] Thole of Vtnict; are, /liwe, a Lion wingtd, Sejant <^r, hold- 
 lir.g under one of his Paws, a Bot)k covered, /h-ojnt, Luftly, Thofe 
 |(iG-'?'o«/ Jie, Arppit^ a Ciois Guks^ with a Crown ch s*d by rea- 
 pot" the liland of Co/zfi belonging to it, which bears the Tide 
 cfKingdom, and for Supporters arc two GritHns Or, 
 H:Ii:ton,] The ItjAiuis (as to th.eir Fxi'Ihin:) are Zealous Prr- 
 [lelTors of the Dodfrine of the K^rnj)! Church, even in her grclVJl 
 l"ors and S;tpcrjiitions ; and that either out of Fear of the ourhiycy'^ 
 nqiiilition : Or in llelxrence to their Ghoftly Father, the Pope : 
 )rclnedy, by bein^ induilrici:[ly kept in weful Ignoi.inceot the 
 I'^tcfl^m l3o6irine, of which th^y are taught many talfetind nion- 
 Irous thintis. The yc? km are here tolerated the Pablick ExercJi".' 
 kti(>t/> Religion, and at J\pme tiiere's a weekly Sermon for their 
 -unverlion, at which onn- of each Family is bnund to hz prcieur. 
 "hcChiiftian Faith was firft preach'd here by S\ i\'t'.'y, who wear, 
 either in,or about th':; b.ginningof the U>vign of the Etnp:ro! Clju- 
 p, as is g-p.erally tellihed by lume ancient \Vi iters of good Ac- 
 [oiint. But whert'as this Country is theSeatof the pretended infal- 
 ]!)le Head ot ! he Church of liorr.c,. no .'lice can be more proper lo 
 courfe of the Do^rim o(il.\it Church than this i:-. And wh jicms th j 
 [•'•:;b of the Romijh Church ( w ht reby ih: dilTers fi u.n all oLlu r Ch>i- 
 " 1 ' ■ ' ', -1 lift 

 174 Pope Pius'i Creea. Part II 
 fli.t>j Churches, efpecially thofe of the Preformation) are fuch, as s^, 
 by her pr-r^-nded G> n/ral Councils ^particularly ^^j.zr of TrojC: 
 lusJuueracUl.-d to the Chr'^flijiv Faith ; and endeavoured to imnoir 
 the bclit-f uf 'cm, as fo inanyvVcTP y1rtiiieso( F^itb -, upon the reft 
 of the World : The belt Summary of her Dodtrine, as a 
 true .»n1 iinqn. fi-ionaol - Body oi Popery, mjy be fitly reckoned that] 
 noted Crctd oiVvy^c Fir.i IV. ch^' various Articla\ji whkh arc theie 
 folio win;^. 
 holy At 
 the true 
 iret thet 
 l):v. / do 
 of the ri^ 
 'Uftu CI 
 c.^rs^ a.-nc 
 that of ti 
 te repeati 
 the receiv 
 uA^rt' I. I believe in one God the Vather Almighty^ makfn 
 Heaven and Earthy and of all things vifihle and invifhU. 
 II. And in one Lord Jefiis ChriH-^ the only begotten Son (^ 
 God^ begotten of his Father before all worlds^ God of God. 
 Light of Light^ very God of very God^ begotten not madem ,;^^ fnief^i 
 being of one Subftance with the Father^ by whom ^H thtmmyi ' j ^^ ^ 
 ivere made, ^ \ken defim 
 III. Who for Its Men ^ and for our Salvation came down from cer/u^j^ q 
 Heaven^ and was incarnate by the Holy Ghosf of the Fim\ii /^^. 
 gin A'1ar}% and was made Aian, \tit Cod 
 a ti 
 IV. And WM crucified alfo for us vnder Pontius Pilate, j^^Mmd the d 
 fered and was buried. \Eucharisi 
 V. A^id the Third Day rofe a^ain according to the Scripture^_,jj^ Blood 
 VI. And afcended into Heaven, audfitteth on the right h'^iijefus Chri 
 of the Father, I -j^ijole f^y 
 VII. And he fl]a!l come again with Glory to judge both ^Wubfi ance" 
 quick and the dcad^ whofe Kingdom flj all have no end, h'oe CatholL 
 VIII. And I believe tn the Holy Ghoft^ the Lord and CrMj\\l^ j ^^1 
 of Life, who froceedeth from the Father and the Son, mchriff an 
 With the Father and the Son together is wor flipped andglom, / ^^ r 
 fied, who fpake by the Prophets, \the Souls fc 
 IX. And I believe one Catholick^ ^nd ApoftolickChurch, hes of the 
 X. J acknowledge one Bapttfm for the remijfon of Sins» 
 XI. And I lock for the Refurrefiion of the Dead, 
 XII* And the Life of the World to come. Amen. w--jj^fin 
 XIII. I mo fir firmly admit and embrace Apofiolical andmbe had if 
 clefiafical Traditions, and all other Obfervations and Cll. I dom 
 Jlitutions of the fame Church. wffcd fi 
 I dolil^X 
 pjnftj ar 
 r ^ffer Pr 
 i reft 
 , as a 
 A that 
 pjit ir. Pope PIusV Cree^. 1 7 5 
 gV. / ^(> admit the Holy Scriptures in the fame fenfe tha^ 
 ijoh Aiother-Church doth^ who/e hufinefs it is to jud^re of 
 the true Senfe and Interpretation of them •, and I will inter- 
 tret them according to the unanimotu ccnfcnt of the Fathers. 
 pV. / do pro/jfs and believe that there are Seven Sacramenfs 
 of the new Larv^ truly and properly fo caWd^ inftitutedby 
 'tefi'J Chrili our Lord^ and necejfary to the Salivation of 
 .\Unkwd^ tho^ not all of them to everyone^ viz. B.'iptifm^ 
 Confirmation^ Eucharift^ Penance^ Extreme ZJnclion^ Or-' 
 I^ and Afarriage^ and that they do confer Grace \ and 
 I that of the fe^ Baptifm^ Confirmation and Orders^ may not 
 I I'f repeated without Sacrilege. I do alfo receive and admit 
 I *M received and approved Rights of the Catholick Church in 
 J 1:CY fnlsmn j4dminiflration of the above faid Sacraments. 
 I thin^\l\, I do embrace and receive all and everything that hath 
 I ksn defined and declared by the holy Council of Trent co?'- 
 vnfromcernhig Original Stn and Juf^ification, 
 he Vim^W, I do alfoprofefs^ that in the A'fafs there is offdrednn- 
 _ I til Cod a true J proper and propitiatory Sacrifice Jor the cjuic'i^ 
 te, j^'jl W the dead *, and that in the most holy Sacrament of the 
 Eucharist- there is tridy^ really and fubflantially the Body 
 riptur(^,wd Bloody together with the Soul and Divinity of our Lord 
 ht i^^'^'ijefiis Chriif^ and that there is a converfion made of the 
 whole fubftance of the Bread into the Body^ and of the whole 
 oth tMl'.ibfiance of the Wine into the Bloody which convcrfiod 
 nd, whe Catholick Church calls Tranrabllantiation. 
 d 6VJ\HI, / confefs that tind:r one kjnd only^ whole and entire 
 ]on.^ i^lC/jr/'i?j and a true Sacrament /v taken and received, 
 nd g^'^WL' ./ do firmly believe that there is a Pur(ratory^ and that: 
 the Souls kept Prifcncrs thsre^ do receive help by the Sujfra^ 
 as of the EalthfnL 
 . I do likewife belizve that the Saints reigning together with 
 Chnfi-j are to be worfljipped and prayed unto^ and that they 
 '0 offer Prayers timo God for pts-^ and that their Rcliclis are 
 I arjdm be had in f^cneration. 
 and(^\. I do moB firmly affert^ th'^t the Images of Christr^ of the 
 Uejfcd Fir r in ti 
 Mother of God^ and of other Sat 
 '■♦■i^ V* 
 I ,.'Hil 
 f H 
 H J 
 * ' 
 . & 
 ^ ii 
 f 'I 
1 -jG Pope PIus'j Creed, Part Il.| 
 ou^rljt to he had and retained^ and that due Honour anil 
 f^tne'y^aUon ouaht to beoivcn them, 
 XXI I. I doajfinti^ that the Power of I'ldwgences was left l;y\ 
 Chrifl- in the Chvrih^ andti'jat theVje oj them is very Ijc. 
 7iefli'iiil to Chnflian People, 
 XX III. / an acktiowledfe the Holy ^ Catholick and j^pofiolnlA 
 Roma 1 1 Churchy to be the Aluther and Aliftrefs of (ii\ 
 Churches *, and I do promt! e and [wear true Obedience to] 
 the F.jhop .7/^ Rome, the Succcjfrr of S't, ?ct^v^ the Pmc? 
 of the ylpoflUs^ and Ficar of Jejm Christ. 
 XX I v. / do undoubtedly receive and projefs all other thir.rd 
 which have been delivered^ defined^ and declared by tM 
 facred Canons and Oecumenical Councils^ and e [pec: ally lA 
 the holy Synod of Treat *, and all thinj^s contrary thereurA 
 to^ and all Herefies condemned^ rcje^edy and an at hem A 
 tiz^ed by the Churchy J do Itkewife condemn-, rejeB^ iDiJ] 

 ■ :'.':!.'^' 
 r', ,vi 
 , '"-m 
 1 !■ 
 11' : 
 hti n. 
 t 'i 
 h.n'j In Euf 
 I'.nh compr 
 ..';f^ compi| 
 ^art H' 
 SECT. vir. 
 Concerning Cutfep in Europe, 
 d. m. Miles, 
 r between <[ 5^ -?«f Unr^yK"-^""""' '' "'"'"' "^^- 
 /between s ^ ' ?.of Lat.V ,^ /„ , i • i 
 (•^^'' L49 ioi J. '5 C Breadth is about 6^:>c^ 
 k ) In Europe being divided Into two Cl^rTess ^•the Dan: h. 
 C South 
 Hum It ry- 
 — ~| {'B'tda 
 J Mo! a 
 \ Liffcr 
 (pr T rtary 
 J Henn.inpat 
 J Tergowuk - 
 G ■ Crim 
 iW. toE< 
 e'via — 
 \,:ith com pre- jBofma, -- 
 heads "x '^davm'a'- 
 C'oatia — 
 Cireccc *** 
 \ H 5 Conjlantimph 
 15 . Eelgrx^c SE. tO W. 
 ^ f oina ScraH i 
 I-'offrga J 
 \ SpnlJtr't ^ W. to S^E. 
 \ Salonuki"' j 
 Of all thcfc ill Order. 
 « '^ 
 i > /!. 
 , I' 
 . 1 
 •A V a '1 
 }\ It 
 l'^ i^' 
 1 urkj in Europe. 
 Hungary divided into 
 Upptr \ 
 Tin TJi-p r 
 New bat! I I ■ 
 Pest —- — 
 CoIgc^t -- 
 ( W. to S. E. 
 upon the 
 1. 1 
 eivrr i 
 iuuth ! 
 > t 1 // 
 . J 
 N. to S. upon the 7,v 
 Great It j)\tdin --V "N. to S. on the E. of 
 a r 
 in Lovrcr 
 Cfja ' 
 VV. toS.E. on i[\LDahi 
 VV.toE upon the /}/-.r. ' 
 l'l'-'<ifc>bhrg^ ahtcr ^Iha lU'^alis iipor. ■ The Chici 
 la Trd^'jfiivdni.i. 
 U'itvef — 
 v to N upon t [le Sa 
 The Cliicf Towns :\iQi^t^nx»nark '\yr c 
 the Ue 
 rms- sUit upon the Aloula, 
 In Fa Ltd 
 The Chi'.r To.vas arcl ^^''^^^'f "J^'.oin N to S^ 
Turk) in Europe. 
 In Moldavia, 
 ; ' ' r 
 1\\i Chief Towns are 
 }-From W toS. 
 ^^Ro7^/4nn Wi-ioar Southwar<^' 
 In Little Tartar). 
 He Chief Towns a»*«^^;,-^;^:;. 
 The Chief Tcv/ns are 
 In Row a /J id. 
 < Co- J!aiitimpl 
 In Bulgaria. 
 Sophi :— 
 T!ie Chief Towns ^xc^Sii'jhi.i- 
 From N. to S. 
 I Co' flaiitimph " "^ 
 ) j^ in Ample — 7 ( , . 
 )Phtl:ppopoli, alircr 5 / ^ 
 om L. to W 
 M-rom S. to N. 
 i n 
 • ' f i» i 
 I ■ i ■ 
 In Serz'ia. 
 The Chief Towns are 
 \ridiin — 
 From S. to N. 
 From vS. to N. W. uprn 
 the Marown, 
 — ? From N. to S. 
 .rnfrm — 
\i ; 
 T^'rl^j In Europe. 
 In Bofnia, 
 The Chief Towns ^x^^ijaycza 
 From E. to VV. 
 l^ D'>miahich^ S'outhwai d. 
 In ScLivcrJa. 
 CPoPfa 7^ 
 The Chid Towns ZY^<Percr-M'ara(l:n %^'^^ 
 C//a(^upon the Drave. 
 m VV. to E. 
 In Croatia. 
 The Chief Towns are 
 C IV: hi f: I J ? , - 
 i^arcVi.t, VVcfiw-irJ. 
 In D aim Alia, 
 •rom S. toN. 
 'I'hna — 
 The Chief Towns arc 
 ; From \V. to S'. i: 
 Scoihatii — ) 
 Ca tar a - <— — ^ 
 Lailly, Greece [by llic Tf^rk^^ RumdLi'] compii 
 hcnds the iollowing Div ifions. 
 W//* >:.'/* — " • - ■-■ 
 h pints — 
 / ij 
 Idem - 
 ^ 'jann.i 
 ^ / Mem 
 ^ Xoithward. 
 u ' ->.v...- . Til the MlcKi'lc. 
 "2 \ Livadia > 
 ijV Mof'cflt b'Jng -outliward of J!/ 
fart II. 
 Turk) in Europe^ 
 SilotUci — 
 { lltKidini^^ are ^Zcu ria — 
 Fiorina ■" 
 Ccgni -~" 
 Alhani^ are 
 I TkfjUa are 
 I pi f us are 
 Ahaia are 
 A/iirCi are 
 N. E.toS.W- 
 Croia — - 
 yalloHi* — 
 >N. toS. 
 -^ 'nrala 
 •Vfi. toVV. 
 But> i7ito 
 I rcvcfa - 
 Larta — 
 N. to ?. 
 J" Lcp.njto 
 Ca::yi ( oliin Di'lpl.t ) 
 y^.'/wiTi (olim ^//^f'W.rj MV. CO E. 
 Maraton "V 
 S:i-j:s ( olim Ihchx) ' J 
 'Corhify — 
 ^\:poli fit Roma'. i a 
 'i oUchina' ""- 
 \ Nit'li I 
 gli the ?ea-Coa(T, aH 
 ruunj the Pinif^fnh' 
 'I' at (^(Jq-^ 
 Turkj in Europe, 
 ^r^H I S vaft Complex Body, comjjrehen ding thefc various CoJ 
 j^ tries above-mention'd, and the moll rcm^.ikable ot 'cm bc:nl 
 J/ungajf Greece, and Lit fie Hioigary i we lh:i]l iiill: treat of thcfctlir:] 
 feparatcly, and then conjun£l]y of all the reft> under the General ]] 
 tie of the Dan^bian Provijt es. Therefore, 
 § I. H V N G A R r. 
 pM\\t.~}X^lTngary (which, for Method's fake, we dill con^l.T:] 
 x\ un.lcr the Gencr.1l Head oi European Turky, tho'ajir,'. 
 jntirely under the Emperor of Cerwatiy) contains a part of Punmi. 
 wit hfome of ancient Gc>'^?^/J7?>' and Vana: is now bounded onih.I: 
 by Tranfilvania ; on the Weft by ylujtriJ. ; on the North by i ow,: 
 j'ropria ; on the South by S^lavon''i ; and term'd by the I^^lians, f/J 
 gharict) hy t\\tt y^atuards, huvgrici-, by the French, Uungric ; by thj 
 Gerfna?is, Ungcrv ; ;'.nd by the Englijh, Hungary j fo caird from llic.J 
 cient Inhabitants, ihtlltmr.i or t'Uns. 
 Qk\X~] The y^/r of this Country Is generrilly eHteni'd very i;i 
 v.lioHom to breath in ; which ib chiefly occafion'd from much Mj 
 i'-(ii Ground, and L.-^keSj wherewith this (.'ounrry abounds 
 Tlte oppofite Place of the Globe to I-migary, is that part of the 
 Facilick Ocean, between 218 and 21, Degrees of Longitude, witl 
 4.3 and 49 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^^it ] The .^o/.'of this Country (^r lying in the 7th and Stli N' r;| 
 rjiniate) is very fruitful in Corfj and Roots, and various ibrts olpb 
 fuu l^Vuif, aftbrding nifo exccller.r PaOurage; and feveial cf 
 M")Untains produce Ibme valuable Mines of Cop(;ei-, Iron, Quirk'! 
 vei, Antimony and Salt. Yea, (V» nor^id is this Country for Mii::j 
 tliat no lefsthan fcv^n remarkable Towns gv) by the Nameol'' 
 TuT\vi(^ the chief of which is Ch 7>ni iX, ^vhofj Mine h-nh been wrouLliI 
 in about 900 Years. The Lengrh of the Days and Nigijts in llm'p\^ 
 is much the fame as in the Southcri; Ci/clcS of Gtmn.jiy. 
 Commrti'tC-Jl This being an Country, and thtriby h.iv 
 no lettl'd Trade with Torclgn Parts, we my reckon the Prii:^ 
 of the Soil the chief Cotiimoditics with which the Inhabitants c 
 with their Neighbours. 
 l\ni'itie'?.] Here are many Ntural Ciths. efpeclally thofe at f» i 
 which are rtckon'd the nob'efV in Europ", not only for th-.-ir variety 
 /lot Springs, but alib tht cf their lluildings. There y\ 
 'art. II 
 cm bt;?,] 
 hefe tl;r 
 part II. 
 Turk) in Europe* 
 1 con ^1:1, J 
 f Panvdn 
 ■)n tlu'L 
 by loktl 
 iiians, [/if 
 c; bythi 
 m\ the : J 
 \ very i;ii 
 much Mj 
 / sbounii 
 of the v.i| 
 uJe, will 
 Stli Nrr:| 
 rts oi p'caj 
 •cial ff 
 , Quirkl 
 for Mii;:J 
 inc of 
 II wroui;!! 
 . in Hur.p\ 
 ( bv hav, 
 likewife two hot Bagnios near Tranjchin, upon the Confines oi Mora- 
 .,4- and othsrs at ch^nniti in Upyr H'-ngary. Tii:{\a^s which, there are 
 \V,iters in feveral Parts of tliis Country of a petrifying nature, and o- 
 thersthit corrode Iron to fnch a degree,that they'll confume a Horfe- 
 jliooe in 24 Hours. Near Efperief in U,>per Hungary^ are two deadly 
 fountains, whofe Waters fend forth fuch an infeifious Steam, that 
 -killscither Beaft or Bird approaching the fame; for the prerenting 
 of which, they are wali'd round, and kept always covcr'd. 
 gvc!jti?!)'P^t'^-^ ] y^rch' iJ})o;rkks in this Country, are thofe of 
 Granj Colicza. 
 t^isIjOpjitfe?.] Bijhyich in this Country, are thcfe of 
 Great i^'aradin* 
 Ik Tr 
 amUptRtie^ J Wh:^t U,:rjerpies are e^.^blifliM in this Country, 
 jiiicc the rc-taknig it from the InfidcJ.s, is uncertain. 
 f;"jj[nn:r0 ] The Hnii^nriayts (irorc addifltd to ^'ars x\n\\ Mlner^j^) 
 V:\t generally lookM upon as gooj Soldiers, being Men, for the 
 Xmo'X part, of a ftrorr,; .md wjII proporrion'd Bod*/, valiant and da- 
 rng ill their Undcrcaking'^, but reputed crucJ and iniulting when 
 I'nSinje.l TIk' U'mgan'auf hn-e a p'.rculiar I-anf»iMg'* of their OWHf 
 IvhicK hatli htrle 01 no Atfmity with rlioll: of tlic Neighbouring 
 |Narion«?, five only the S-l'^'o ic, from wl^.ich it hntli borrow d feve«. 
 \n] Words and which is alfo fijolci^n in f'-^nvj Parts ofrhis Country, 
 lasth-; German is in orlv/rs. Pater A'o//.r m the llu g^rifin Tongue runs 
 Itiius : My afya'-'c h 'Vtis.y a\ nnnni'^lbrf, i{cinch jf c m gn te n njcci: jojon 
 hi ^ tc orJiJgod ; !tgv n r,icg.% 'e akii'.'t'oi^ wuc ,%{ Wt'ttyk'', uiy itt e{ 
 y'do is ; a^ niimijhirintdjn kenyirunhit a i >ug ' 7na : es hoc\.'4fd meg 
 \%ir av:c a7^ mi vt L i^ikjt, 7nik'ppi:w niiis tn:'hoc\jt!iHc a^'knacy a\ kic 
 Y' (llnmnc njet hc\lc7i:c: <:S nc vi^i >i-ink.t ii[ k^jlrtit e, dc l\abaMf{m^'g 
 hixkct a\ gomj'i'cl. A>:'nn. 
 bitancs cmH /^'OtJci'iimrnt. ; This- Kingdom bdntj :\h\v>^ wholly recovered from 
 t;ic f/rowT^w Slavery by the late l\icc> f ful ProgreCs C)f the Imperial 
 Arms, is now dependent on the JiirililK.iioi^ ot the i"mptr'->r, who is 
 liii'J King thereof. The AlK'inbly oftli- States conlills cf the Clergy ^ 
 ofe at h 
 variety ^ 
 . Th«.^rc /I 
 ii'''()«;, NobLmcfi and Fr e C/.\Vj, who iir'jijly nuer once every three 
 |Ve,irs} which AlHinbly hah Powci co llUi <i Talttin, \\\\o (by 
 ' Afm 
 » * 1 
 m I 
 fi 'i>-i,i' 
 Ttdrky in Europe, 
 Part Il||PartII* 
 the Conftltiitlon of the RL*alni ) oimiit to be a N.-.tlve of llura ' . 
 jiitl to him belongs the inaiKigeiiKHC of iill Aiilitary Concerns, -j 
 •^Ifo the Adminiftiacion of Juilicc in Atr.iii5» both Civil iuij C:j^ 
 ann^.] See Gcrmnny. 
 Iflclijion.^ The prevnillnff RcUciov In this Coiintry Is rlu^r of tli 
 Churcli of Ko;/;r, cfpccially fiiice the liite ('onqucils ni.ulc by the i;n^ 
 perial Arms. Next t'> it is t!ie Oodrine of L«i/;(rr and C^/v';;, whicii 
 is zeabnilly nuint.iin'J by grtr;it nmlritiulcs of People, -iAwd mmyfij 
 ^cm are Pcrfons of coniicici.ibic ?>Jore. Eciidcs thele, are to be founj 
 moft: Sorts itnJ S'c^iv r)f rhriitianS) as .ilto m:iny 'jcws^ and hlahort]anA 
 not a few. Tliis Kuigdom rccciv'd the Knowledge of the Vi\^[\d 
 CJofpel in the bc<'.iiining of the Llcvrnth rentury> and that by thi 
 "indulhious rictclun-^ ot' yJlkrr, Aichbilliop oi Tiff^uc* 
 X.f- I 
 § 2. G REE C E. 
 n'-iiv" /^"^ f-JrtV^, [^ formally G'.tt:^ a n d f /. ///^ ; and now BounJcj 
 Vj" on tlic ILill- by the .i>\hi cl.igo-, or .Egian Sea ; n:i ;| 
 Nv)Uh by the Dtvm'i n Piovincts ; oji rh^' Well: and South by pi 
 t)!' tiie Mc^ifirrr:>::a?i ^ca'^ is teriVi J by the Itniians ami ^*^,.''.i /.rjj 
 Craiui \ by the IVtJuh, Li C ccc ; by the Gerriia' s, Gricch^' hind; -A 
 by the Er:c;l;j^), Cr-.cce : Why to c.d)'J> is Vcuioullv conjcctui \1 bi 
 our Modem Cnrick.s: bii: tl, 
 nioll rtceiv 
 l)inion IS, 
 Niine derive;* iti Oiiginal fioni aa AJicicnc Prince of thac Cou;;:!)! 
 C.dl'd Gr*CH5» 
 ^aU'.J The /i r of this Country Icln;'; generally Piirt' and Tcrpa 
 rate, is reckoned very ple.ifmc and healthful to brC'th in. Vi 
 «)pp(;(*ire Pi ice of tlie Globe to Crcc e, is that Part of ch.e vad P;i:| 
 fick Ocv'in, between 22S '<n<\ 2;^ D> grecs of Lo.igitude, wiih jj 
 iUjd 42 I.)egrec,s of Souili I.acicuue. 
 'S'Cl! ] Tfic Sc'il of tliis Cdiinrry ( it ly'ng under the 6:\\ Nntj 
 Ciiinate) is not only \'cry fir f<n" Pallinx', ( tliere being much fcnil 
 ('hampaign Ground ) bur alfo it oil'ords guod floie of (ir.dii. whd 
 duly manuied ; .wul abouoils witli txccHenr Grai es, and o'^herdj 
 licious I'rnits. The loiigeO O.-y in ths- NorrhnuyfV pair of c:'V.Yf,[ 
 i<!nnif is-ll(;urs; tin- llioitcft i:i the Souihinoll, 9 Hours 'l'. 
 clis' Ni;;hC5 proportionably. 
 rt llllPartn- 
 Turky in Europe. 
 ContmoDitif;8f.] The Ch'xti Commoiitus of this Country, are rec* 
 ,,on'd Raw Silks, Pernocochi, Oyl, Turky-Lcather, Cake-Soap, 
 Inoney, Wax, ^c. 
 Kanti«;8'.] At Ca/Iri (a little Village on the South oiM, famajfiyf, 
 h^Lucurat by the Turks) are fome Infcriptions, which evince it 
 luhave been the ancient Ddi^hij fo famous all the World ovr:r for 
 htOTiide oi j^poUo* (2.) On the aforefaid Mountain is a pieafant 
 Ijpring, which having feveral Marble Steps defccnding to itj and 
 Lny Niches made in the Rock for Statues, give occalion to think 
 |(!iatthis was the rcnown'd Fom Caftalim, or CabAllivwiy which infpir'd 
 |(as People then imagin'd^ the ancient Poets. (^.) In Livudia Cthe 
 ljDcicnt^t/»;«/^j is a hideous Cavern in a Hill, which was very fa- 
 mous of old for the Oracles of Trophomut, (4.) Between theJarge 
 Lake of Livadii and the Euboean Sea, (whofe Ihorteft diftance is four 
 |\lilis) are upwards of 40 wonderful Subterraneous Paffages hewn 
 ijt ot the tirm Rock, and that quite under a huge Mountain, to let 
 llie Water have a Vent, otherwife the Lake being furrounded witb 
 [Hills, and conftantly fupply'd by feveral Rivulets from thefc Hills, 
 Iwuldftill overflow the adjacent Country. (5.) On M. Oneim, in the 
 Ifthmus ofCorhithy are the Remains of the Jjihmian Thaavcy being the 
 ^lace where the Jflhmian Games were formerly celebrated. (6 ) 
 iereare alfofome Veftigia of that Wall built by the Lacddamonians^ 
 lotn one Sea to the other, for fecuring the Pcninfula from the In- 
 iiirfions oi the Enemy. (7.) Thro* moft Parts of Greece, are ftill 
 pant the Ruins of many Heathen Temples, efpecially that of the 
 boddefs Ceres at Eleufis (about four Hours from Athens) a part of 
 Mt Statue is yet to be feen. And at Silonichi are feveral ttately 
 Ciiriftian Churches (particularly thofe of S. Sophiii, Gibrkl^ and the 
 lirgin tAxry) now converted into Mahometan Mofques, the laft of 
 (hich is a Noble Strufture, environ'd on each fide with 12 Pillars 
 if .fi//^£?r Stone, and as many Croffes upon their Chapiters re- 
 taining as yet undefaced by the Turks. But the Chief Rarities of 
 hricce may be reckon'd thofc various Monuments of Antiquity to 
 [e feen at j'Jtkns : The Chief of which are thefe following^ (1.^ 
 Tie AcropolUy or Citadel, the moft ancient and eminent part of 
 lie City, (a.) The Foundations of the Walls round the City, fup- 
 ttfed to be thofe erected byThefem, who enlarg'd the fame. (3.) 
 Jhe Temple of M/»erv,t ( now a T«rit//]j Mofque ) as intire, as 
 let, as the Estonia at Jiome^ and is one of the moft beautiful Pieces 
 i Antiquity that's excant this Day in the World. (4.) The Pana- 
 \i^0otijf.t^ or Church of our Lady of the Grotto. (5.) Some mag^ 
 liticent Pillars, particularly thofe commonly reckon'd the Re- 
 lain? oi Mnitn*^ l\ihceg of which there were formerly fix Rows? 
 186 Tr^rky in Europe. Part I[| 
 and 20 in each Row, but now only 17 ftand upright, and ar« 
 52 Foot high, and 17 in Circumference at theBafc. Here l.kt^," 
 is n Gate and an Aqu^\1u:t of tlie faid Emperor. (6.) The Staiiun 
 or Phce wh^re fhc Ciizens us'd to run Races, tncounter Wi 
 Beafts,and celcbntcd the f^unous Games, term'u rdvathim, ,- 
 The W\\\,Mufa.iim fnow call'd To S:f^i\io by rhe In> abj-anrs) fo raiv 
 from the Poet, MiifjiMy the DifcipleoF(?r//^f«4, who was wont ther 
 to recite his Verles. (8.) Some remains conj^.^tured to be fholeo 
 the AreopAgm and Od^um^ or Theatre of Mufick. (9.) The Ruins 
 many Tempks^ erpeci:illy o( Auguflmy whofe Front is ftiil in ir, 
 confifting of four Dorick Pillars ; as alio thof^- of Thefem, Benuk. 
 Jupiter Olyrrfpii/jy Cuftor and Volluxy i^c. (10.) The Tor^^er o\: A-iihorl 
 cvA Cyrrhdjlis^ or Temp'e of the Eight Winds ii-ill intire, (u, 
 The P/i^wuri, or Lanthcrn of Z?ew(?/?/'^wf55 being a little Edificeci 
 "White Ma.ble, in Form of a Lanthorn, which is alfo intire. For 
 particular Defcription of all thefe Rarities, both zt Axhtm, arj 
 other Parts of GVea-e, with many remarkable Infcriptions, buthi 
 Cre& and Lmn^ Vid, Wheeler's Travels- 
 5trcl)bi0ljop?ick)af.] Anhbifropricks in this Country are chiefly thofcul 
 %xi\muik^.'\ hJfljGp^uks in this Country, are chiefly thofe of 
 Argiro Cajiro, 
 C^iUDcrlUtesf J No Vniverfnics in this Country, tho' once thefe 
 cfth. Mules; bjr in lir'u i)f rhcni are 24 Moiiaftcriesof O/^^/jcu 
 Creek Monks, of the Ov<Ui of St. Bajil^ who live in a Collegiiti 
 man.ier on the famous Al.Athos^ (now rcrni'd o^Q- ccyiov, on: 
 Holy Mountain; whore the younger Sort are iiifti uiled in the He 
 ?y Scriptuics, anj the various Rices of the Creek Church; andosi 
 of thele Coilegcs, ^rc uiuilly ciiofen tlioib Bilhops who aie iub;(l 
 to the Pat) larch ui ConihnunGple, 
 Cr^flriRci'iX 1 The G'c'c'h (moft famous of old, both for Arms j: 
 A^irts, aiiii rvery tlungcUc tiiar's tiuiy "Valua;>lejarefo wondeii'd 
 •i;r^eiK'rated from thcii- i:'orcf«ichtrs, that inftead of tliofe cxce!k!| 

 I part ir. Turky in Europe, 
 malities which did fliine in 'em, pirficularly K^-owh'Jgc, Tniii:r.cej 
 j;.j Vxlour^ thtre's nothing row to b-.- (cen amor.i;, 'cm, bur the v^ry 
 |[(everle or Contrary of there,and thnria the hi^l.t ft .Ugrcf. iuch 
 i; the Prfjfurd of the Ottoman Yoak, unclear v^hich th^ \ -'.roan at pre, 
 i;nr, that their .S/u'r/n- arc quite funk witiiin Vm, and their very 
 I \fp(.ft doth plainly declare a difconfulate and d< j^-cled A'ind. How- 
 U': ST, the unt!:i): king Part of 'cm do lolicth; c-.nrkler rh: ir pr-.-fent jLi' 
 \:!ii^SuL]eLlicn, thdt there's no l-'eoplc movc^oz'ijl and Merrily-iifposd, 
 b:ing fo much ^iven to J/V;^^/>_^and Pancingj that 'ri? now b;.coi.;e a 
 iProvcrbial Saying, yls mary qa a CrteL The Trading, Pain ot 'cm 
 ire generally very Cunning, an! To inclinM to over-rejch (if they 
 lean) in their Dealings, that Striv^i^i^rsdo not only meet with nuicli 
 poreCandour amon^ the t'urks ; that if one Tjol'L-eni in tlic Ijafi to 
 difcredit another's IVord or Pre;/;;// 1', his I{epiy is Itill at hand, I hope yon 
 Um't take me for n Chnflian : Such is that JUot, w hich ' helc Impru- 
 dent Pfofcffors of chrijiiunity have caft upon our moii: Hoiy Religi- 
 on, ia the Eyes of its numerous and implacable Adverlarits. 
 ynjiUSf-j The Languages here in ufe, are the Turkifi^irA Vulgar 
 ~ ~ - ^ _ o o — — J — -- - J- o 
 'cck (the firft being peculiar to the Tu>l:s, and the orrer to the 
 bifli^ns) a Specimen of the former (hall be rjven ir. the lalt Par^im 
 |^rj/(i? of this Section. As for the other, I cm't oniit to mention 
 the mighty difference there is betwixt it and the ancient 6';et'/l', 
 not only in refpedl of the many lurhijh Words now intermixt, but 
 alfo in the very Pronunciation of thole which yet remain unjUer- 
 eJ; as I particularly obferv'd by convening with levcral of the 
 Gr-:d ClerjjjV in the Idand o^ cyvruiy and ellewtiere ; and being pre> 
 fent at fume of their publij k Prayerr. Yea, the Knowledge of the 
 ancient Oefil in its former Purity, i^ not only loli among the vul- 
 gir fort of People, butallb almoli extinguilh'd even among thofe 
 lofthe higheit Rank, few or none of their Hcclefiafticks themfelves 
 pretending to be Mafters of ir. And at A(L')u (once io renowuM for 
 Learning and Fdoquence) their Tonj:',ue is now more corrcpt and 
 barbarou'5, than in any other part of c7/ce:c?, P;itt'r-A'(?/?er in the 
 bill Di decl of the modern Greek, runs thus : Vater hernjA, opios if^ 
 Jivj tos Oii}\mom hjgUjrhito to OnonLifou, 7li erti he b.ijili.i fou ; to tkelanz 
 wii ti.tiin^te:^ it:^on en tc Ce, os U ton Oitrxnon : To pfom: her?j.i^ doje be- 
 hi^funeron* h^cficborjfi he^hOi ta t.yi/) hemon it^onj kje hemMjifhon- 
 hmn cLino'ciopou, mia ddikomkx men t:rn:s henus U to pirafino, alU 
 yojhi hem^ii ap to k.iko. Amen, 
 (?olurnment.] So iTiany brave and valiant Generals did Greece for- 
 neiiy breed, t\\uSv\i',igcrs ufually reforted thither to learn the Arc 
 ('fWar; and fuch were the MHhj.ry Atchievements af thhVto^X^^ 
 both at homo and ahro^iy and fo far did the force of their Arms ex- 
 Itend, that under ilv/nO^'^iit /Ucjct^^der wa5 ercded the tliird Potent 
 Q i Monarchy 
 \'-i '1 
 1 88 Turk) in Europe . 
 Monarchy of the PFoWi^. But alas! fuch hath been the fad Caufiro^];^ 
 cf /Ifjairs in this Coamry^ and Co low and lamentable is its Conditioa 
 at prefent, that nothing of its former Glory and Grj.niair is now to 
 be feen. For its poorand miferable Niitives, are now ftrangely cow'd 
 and difpirited ; its (once) numerous and flourifhingC/t/ei, arcnojir 
 depopulated, and meer heaps odiiiins ; its large and fertile Vrovinc.-j 
 arc now laid wafte, and lie uncultivated. Ana lately, the whole,and 
 -ftill a great part of the Country, doth now groan under the heav/ 
 Burden of the Turiijh Yoke ; and its various Divilions are rul'db/ 
 their ref^e^^ive Singiacs in Subordination to the Gr^iHci Signior. 
 ^mi.^ See the laft Paragraph of this Seftion. 
 Kelision.] The eftablifb'd Religion in this Country, is that of M^> 
 bometanifm-y but Chriftianity (for its number of Profcffors; doth fa: 
 more prevail. The chief Tenets of the Mahometan JS^Ugion may be! 
 feen § 4. of this Seflion (to which I remit the J^ader.) As for Chrifti.j 
 anity, 'tis profefs'd in this Country, according to the Z^o^nweof thej 
 Grceli^Ckurck, the Principgl Points of which, as it differs from tliej 
 t^ejiern CbriJiUn Churches (whether rrotejlafit or I{oman) are thefe 
 following, vi^, (1.) The Greeks deny the Proceflion cf the Hoi/ 
 Ghofl from the Son, aflerting that he proceedeth only from the Fa- 
 ther thro' the Son. (1,) They alfo deny the Vodrine of PurgmnA 
 yet ufually pray for the Dead. (^) They believe that the Souls of 
 the i-Wt//^/ departed this Life, are not admitted nnto the F.cjiufAl 
 yi^^on till after the J{efiirre^iofj, (4.) They celebrate the Bhjfcd S^cri,] 
 iriL-ht of the Eachxrift in both Kinds, but make the Communiam take 
 three Morfels ofleavcn'd Bread, and three fips of Wine, in Honour 
 of the Three Perfons of the Adorable Trinity. (5.) They admit Chil.; 
 dien to participate of the Sacrament of the lord's Supper, when only] 
 feven Years of Age, becaufe then it is (fay they) that they begin toj 
 Sin. ((5.) They allow not of Extream Vnflion and Cotifirmation, and 
 difapprove of fourth Marriages. (7.) They admit none into Holy 
 Orders but fuch as are married, and inhibit all fccond Marriages, I 
 being once in Orders. (S-) They rejed all carved Images, but admiL| 
 Gfriilurcs, wherewith they adorn their Churches* Laftly, They oh. 
 ferve four Lents in the Year, and efteem it unlawful to Fail: upon 
 'Saturdays, In their Publich IVorJjjip they ufe four Liturgies, vi^' ^ bat 
 commonly cail'd St,fames\ St.Chryfo/lom's, St. Bafil% and St.Crego^j 
 the Great's, together with Leflbns out of the Lives of their Sainti, 
 which makes their Service to be of fuch a tedious indifcreet length, 
 that it commonly lafts five or fix Hours together. The Fafts and Fe. 
 ftivals yearly obfervM in theC,Vc';l' Chiirtb are very numerous; ani 
 were it not for 'em, *tis probable that Chrijiianity had been quite 
 <'xtjrp-ited out of this Cmvtri long *cre now ; For by means of the 
 Sole ni nil i-"^^^ 
 Part 11 J fart IL 
I Fart n. Turky in Europe. 189 
 I jolemnities (which yet are celebrated with a multitude of ridiciilou^ 
 2:id faperltitious Certmonies) they ftij] preferve a Face of /^-/jfg/fl» 
 jnder a Patriarch, j^who refides at Conflammopk~] and feveral Arch- 
 |t,f;-fl/;jand Bifiops, particularly thofeabovemention^d. But did we 
 vi,'W thofe EcckfidjHds in their Inte lie cluaJs^ as alfo the lamentable 
 |j:ateofall7't?r/(;?/--rommitted to their Chirge, we (hould find both 
 jrjcft ^nd TtfopU labouring under fuch grofs and woful Ignorance-, 
 hhatwe could not refrain from wifhing, that the ^viftern Churches 
 Wchrijiendom [_by their Divifions, Impieties, and Abufe of I^or^led^c^ 
 |r:ay not provoke the Almighty at laft to plague 'em likewife with the 
 ■Me Darknefs znd Defoldtion, This Coumry was water'd with the 
 iBlelTedGofprl in the very Infancy of chiftianity^ and that by the 
 I powerful Preaching of St. P^m/, the Apoftle of the Gentiles, 
 § J. Lutle Tartary. 
 P.jme.] r Itletartary Q anciently T^nr/V^ Cherfojiejia, or Tartar ia, 
 \"j ProcopetjjiSf being the Leffer Scythia^ and a part of Old 
 \SxmiiiUy and now Bounded on the Eait by Georgia, and the River 
 \]im\ on the Weft by roiolia\ on the North by Part of Mofcoviai 
 and on the South by the Black-Sea'^ is term'd by the Italians^ Tar- 
 Uirii Minor'y by the Spaniards^ Tartaria Me?wr'y by the French, La IV- 
 uiti Tartaric \ by the Germans^ jQeine Tartary • and by the Erj£lijl)y Lit- 
 \\k Tdrtary ; fo call'd to diftinguifli it from Great Tartary in Jfia ; as 
 \i\[o Crim-Tartary from Crim, the principal City of the Country. 
 Sii" The Air of this Country is generally granted to be of a 
 I very temperate Nature, but yet unheaithfiil to breath in. The 
 cppofite Place of the Globe to Little Tartary, is that part of Terra 
 Uiiflralif incognita. Between 240 and 250 Degrees of Longitude, 
 |wiih48 and 52 Degrees of South Latilude. 
 M.] The i'o/7 of this Country (it lying in the 8th North Cli. 
 Imate) is very ditferent in ditferent Parts, feme Places abounding 
 with Grain and Fruits, and others,pefter'd with undrainableAiVjjI.vy, 
 and barren Mountaivs. The length of the Days and Nights here, 
 [isthe fame as in the Northern parts of Trance* 
 CommotitiW.] The Commodities of this Country are reckoned 
 ISlaves, Leather, Chalcal Skins, and feveral forts of Furs, which 
 they exchange with the Adjacent Turks for other Commodities 
 |they want. 
 H3rit(t8f.] Some Travellers relate of this wild and barbarous Part 
 lof the World, that few, or no, ravenous Beafts are found therein, 
 O 3 And 
 :i ',» X 
 1 V' 
 i ^' 
 V ifl 
 1^ ■' 
if 'I'M 
 Kit < < ! 
 I go T^trkj In Europe. Part HJ 
 AndotliCrs tell u-;, That many of its Fens and Marfnes about ij 
 mi-hiily wl Ii S lit, Wiiich is naturally there prcdut'd in ^jrudi^i^uj 
 ir(?j'i:n^vp?i'^3] JrchbiPjcprids in this Country. Non-^. 
 ^:ilj.\ ?;.l;,<i.] B'fiopricks in this Country, are thofe of 
 O/.?, GQthia, 
 C,'nil3C''^ticr.] v?nvcrfities in this Country. None. 
 •"Mnn.r:.;! T;j r>'/-/7 7>rMrv are generally MwTi of vigorous 
 o1>'.j1 ou(li.'-, tible lotn'iU! ail fhe Mardlhips of a Miiirary Lit, J 
 au:: .ii '.n. o(' '?'n (being m •uM wiiii CoUriigc and Vi^ourt^f Mi';;! 
 c. •!'.>; 11) ':o h i Sirciiiith of Body) prove the birlt of ScldicT-.l 
 T'l^y aie ii'.pur.ed to In vtrv jail in their Dealings ui^h one ani.) 
 th.-r, biu f:r otlurv^ile vrir.h Scr^ng'rrs. Mary of 'cm are n.ucii <..;• 
 dieted '■0 Pillage, and they Uiiially feed up'jn :lor:e-Flclh. 
 T "no,trf:c. i The i.njguJ re of rhe Crlm-ljrtnrs is the i'ryr/v./?/, (.n 
 purf 7irfj>!'/'^;/t.% which hath !uch a r^^f^mhlanc-^ to r.hj /.v/i/ tr.e 
 SpDi'Jh 10 I he- yt •/•■.n/ ; thirPj l.i t irs ant lurks unci rft.indlng one an- 
 oti' 1, as !.ii():e ot Itily and 6'/;a;V;. The Wrj^/' (' is l^.cre u arnM A 
 .Scho;)I, as in iroft I'.irtsof Jmly, Vatcr-Noiicr in \\^ Lirt.ire^j^d^^ 
 I'lms tJur. \ y'.'.fh.i vj?nyd C'.yhoUj. f:^ ^'F-,''f ^% ^'^o>' /Vp^wn ruii ukfl /.(o?;:,; 
 chmluilov^ Ifcl I'uv /■■> wiip^ drkl)'^^ akigidr dn 'vkd'huvc'r vifum v^nr,ii.\ 
 luih 01 mA' till wiifcK vOiU'Oii kit vifiim uifuch:v^ doi bffdichx i: •]:ll;^riy, 
 bijum j.ifoih h'UiniJifi^ d.itci:>a kcti):.t "jifu jUinUfUtt^, illu /i^irtj i'ijhni,^\-\ 
 tiu^idutii. /hiii^i. 
 Co.:a"n ' nir.j 'i'hii, Country i.s govcrn'd by ifs own Prince, coir. 
 m.ifiJv term"d thc(V/;.;r/Z of futvy^ wlio is uad'rr the i-roudion (.ft'.:.'| 
 i'i:t'M r.iii, 'AhofcSovercii^ncy h--' acknowledjj-. tii by the ul'ual Or. 
 mony or r^'C'vivin!/^ a .Siaridard.The (7>\j?;j jV/^;///ci>- aduiliy poif. iLiiil 
 Jbm^.' VmI of tlii:» Country, an.l maintain!* on- B^glicrbt^^ ami two 
 ^■iv^'j.hy in ile I'iaccs of !^:cntcft Importance; As alfo, le d^ 
 tains as Ho!l>i^ , li-.* apparent Sncccfloc of the C/ur/;, wiu) is ir- 
 fiiiiarily cither liis Son or Brother. To all which, the Turt^rs r^^d,,'; 
 yield upon the Account of an anci^nc Compad ; whereby tliij 
 i'lrhfi Lmpiic is laid io flcl-.end to 'em, wJienever the Heirs-nuu' 
 ct the Ottoiun Line Ihail fail, 
 avnio. ] The Cham of Tuft.ry boars for iiis Enli^ns Annoiial;. <' 
 three Gritiiub ^'^^7:, aimM uuia. 
'^'^ Illpart 11. 
 Turk) in Europe. 
 Sc!i5Jon.] The Crim-Tartars (for the moft parf) are zealous Pro- 
 ;. -ars of the Ma ho met Lin Do till nQ^ except f.-m- who continue itiil 
 ■ Kin; and intermixt with therm arc many Cbilj-iins, efp.cialiy 
 (;,-^i'h ZindyhmenianSy beiidcs a coniidtTAble number ot Jinmur! ' ]cL' 
 v'ulick';. When this Country was Hrft watcrM with the Biclled 
 oo'pel, IS not very certain. 
 § 4. Dtnubian Provinces, 
 'pHE remaining Part of Turky in F.urope [ bounded on 
 the Eaji by ruxifiui an.l 'h^ Prop'jutu y on the 
 iWfi h\; Hmgiry 'y on the North h)' roUr.i \ and un the Sow.h b^ 
 G'-Jcfitfj is here conlidei \\ under the alTum'a i'itlc of Djivnbun i^io- 
 vifices. This we chufe to do upon the Account of chtir Situation, 
 b.Hng near unto or upon the Banks of the Ddnu'u., Buf lince eacfi 
 ofchvfe Provinces requires a pLCuliar Etymohfiyy take the fame as 
 foHoweth : (i, TravjilvavtA (the .incicVt D.icix Nitiiitc^rxnc.i) 10 
 cali'd by the I[o:yiA>is, ^iiifi travs fylvA^^ it;.', formerly ci^con^paf- 
 i;d with vail mighty Furtlh. ( .) Vdluhli, fp^'"^ ^" ^''■' ^-'^'^'^^ <^^^" 
 niptedly fo call'd for Fhccij^ which Ti:.l' came trom onf FLiccui, an 
 a- cient General, who made tha^:. part of tl;e Counrry a ^'7?n;tw Co- 
 lony. (3.) Mohiavia, (the Seat of the ancient Getx) fo call d from a 
 litrle Ri\^erof the lame Nam?. ^J F^-m.iv,ui, (iha chi^'fcit Part of 
 Old Jhracc) fo cali'd fiom 7^;??7i Nov.:, viz. Covj}.ivv.r.op]>:. {<:.) ihil- 
 fir'uy or rather WolgvU, ( th" Old ?<h:ju h:\aior ) io call'd from 
 \'Q'gty it bcin^ formerly fubdu'd and p'nTcfs'd by a Pcoplu^ which 
 C'lme from the iianks of thar Kivcr. (6.) ^Vrvi.^ (of Old Mtc/a Su- 
 I'rior) wliy foca'.l'd, is not v.'jry C'-rrain (7 ) o'ifhU^ t part of the 
 ancient Va^ywvi.i) fo cahM from a River <d the lame Name, (j.) 
 S Irjoriit) another Part of VAmiov.ii) ivi ciUM from iij ancient Inha- 
 biiants, the Schvi. (9,) Crosti.i^ (hcretolore known by the Name or 
 L'/>;(/7;u) fo call'd fiom its In ha !)i tan r?, the C>oitcs, L.^ftly, DiU 
 r,iiti,t, (inucii ot the ancient /A)/ i.;«w) l)Ut ai for the Etymology ot 
 that Nam 
 it's not yet ti^reed upon among Ciitic 
 «k Jt 
 ^ii*'"! The /;V of thefo various Provinces doih mightily vary, 3C 
 cordina,to their Situation and Nature of the Soil. The opj)or)Lr 
 Place of the Globe to th^m, is that PaiLof the vaft PaciHck Oce- 
 an, between 22; and 255 De£,recs of Longicude, with 42 and 48 
 Degrees o( S'cuth Latitud;. 
 •^rOfl 1 The Soil of thcfe various Piovirces (they lying in the 7th 
 and Sth North Climjic)c:innot reaibnably be exptded to be the fame 
 in all. (rcAiix U Cuhl and Mountainous, yet pioducin^ a\\ Kccefjinc . 
 O 4 ^^'•: 
 192 Turky in Europe. Part. II, 
 for the Life of Man. ServtA much more Pleafant and Fertil. Bulgmi 
 Unpleafant and Barren, being full of Defarts, and ill Inhabited! 
 MoliavU more Temperate and Fertil, but the greateft part of it) 
 iinculrivated,'i^W(t»M affords great quantity of Corn and Fruits,anclj 
 feveral of its Mountains produce ^omc Mines oi Silver, lead, ani. 
 y//«nr. The longeft Day in the Nortkmofi-^^rt is about 16 Hours J 
 the Ihortt'ft in the Southmofl is 9 Hours,and theM^git^f^proportionably! 
 CommoDfticf.] Moft of thefe Provinces being Inland Barren 
 Countries ( except /^m(zw/j ) and therefore little frequented byl 
 Strangers; the number of their Cowwo^mw can't be very great ;j 
 lave omy tliof- exported from Stamboul, which are chiefly GrogrnA 
 CawblJts, Mohxir, c^rpetsy Annifeeisy Cottons^ GillSf and moft other 
 rich lurkifi) Commodities. 
 Karttifff. ] In one of the Mines of Tranfilvmitvi^. that at J^miln 
 Vominurdti, are found fometimes large Lumps oi Virgin Goldy fiCfor! 
 the .W/wf, without any purifying. (2.) Other parts of this Country 2i\.\ 
 ford fuch vafl quantities of Stone-Salt, as to fupply all the Neighbour.' 
 ing Nations with that ufcful Mineral. ^3.) Near to Engueiine^ in the 
 Ume Principjlityt (the ancient ^ww/hj??) are fever Jl Monuments oij 
 JIntiquityt efpecially the Remains of a large Military Way, or long 
 Caufway made by one Aymim^ aCaptainof a I{pmin Cohort. (4) At 
 Sp/jLitro in Ddmatidi are the Ruins o^Viockfians Palace, in which he 
 took up his Reiidencc when he retir d from the Empire*. (<,.) Here 
 is alia an intire Temple confecrated to Jupiter^ which is of an O^o-i 
 gi^nal Form, and adornM with feveral ftately Pillars of Porpliyiv. 
 {(>') At 7irii in the fam' Province are many Ruins of /^m^?; Aidii- 
 leaure, and fcveral Heat, ^/fin, iiill to be fccn. But what ncftiy 
 defcrves our regard, are thofc Monuments oi Ami ({uity^ as yet extant, 
 in or near to CorJhntinopJc^ the chief which are thefe following,, vr^, 
 (r/ Th-' /lippndromc (now call'd Atmiian^ a word of like Signihcat'- 
 on) in which remains Comf {{^te\y I:iieroglypkiial rillivs, particuiailv 
 one of i-rypf/.;;; dianlre, 50 Foot long, and yet but ont Stone; 
 ar.!^ another ofBralSj only 14 Foot high, and in Form of three $c\- 
 \x nts wr( ati'Vl tof.ethcr up to the Top, where their Heads fcpaiMte, 
 ixwn !i)ok three diflcrent wavs. (?.) South of the JJippodronie, is that 
 C>ol^nin commonly callM ih^ I/iJioriiul Villtr," curioully carv'd tror.i 
 I'op to lk)ttom,^ c-preifing variety vf If'df tile Aclions, C3.) Weftot 
 tiie Jj!p;nJromi,', .d another Colimin of Vorphyry, brought hither Mor.i 
 f\Oirie by Cwlfanti):r the Grcdt, which having IntTerM much Damage.* 
 hy Fire, is now cnlTd the l\ii>nt rilLir, (4.) Ni>L)i the Mouth of tht; 
 ^Itrl: Scdy isaPiDar of the Conrthia7i UviUr, aiiouc 10 Foot high, 
 v/uh an imparled /;;/I'7/'t/r»;on its Bale, vulgarly callM rcvipr/i lt'< 
 /?.^',which hiih. b'vcn probsbly crcdcdlor a St.i-m^i^k by Day, aj, ti;;: 
 Larit 1)011 
't. II. 
 great ;} 
 i I<lmili 
 fit for 
 ntry af. 
 pj'bour. j 
 in the 
 ents oti 
 >r long 
 '4 J At, 
 I Here 
 Ifartll. TuTky In Europe. 195 
 pthorn at rhanari is by Nighr. C5.)Froni the ^/jrl .?(?<« to the Ci- 
 toi Covjfaminoph^ reacheth that Uob\c Jquedufl^ made by the 
 pmperor Valeminian, (whofe Name it rctaincth) and repair'd by 
 mmn th: Great. To thefe we may add, that Noble Pile of Build- 
 Jjr^, S^'fifliSophiai formerly a Ckriflian Temple^ but now a Mahnmetm 
 |'i/^«?i for a particular Defcripcion of which, with the other Re- 
 Lrkables abovemention'd, fee Sundjs, iVkccUry spon, with other 
 (jlodcrn Travellers. 
 gtcI)l3ii6ljop?tcft?.;] Here is one Patriarchate, i;/:^. that of Cot?/} ami- 
 f^lCy as alio feveral ArchbijloprUhy efpecially thofe of 
 J{agufa or F^guJJ. 
 Mop^uM.;] Chid Bijhopricks in thefc Provinccfj are thofe of 
 Bclgrj, de. 
 K^ircfi:^ ty 
 3iitDCint:efif.] vniverfitks in thefe Provinces. None. 
 O'aiiiiCt^ J Thefe various frovincest are inhabited by various foits 
 iJfficopIc, particularly theScUvo^ia'fjSy who arc generally Men of a 
 Tohult and Rton^Corifliiutiorif and very tit to be SoLikrs. Next, the 
 \mu, whoare elteem'd to be Perfons fo Vdliivt and Faithji'.l, that 
 lityare entertained by manycJcvr/uw Princes as tl.eir G/uy^i.Laft'y, 
 J'^\(^ St'rviuns 2ind Bulgaria>iSy who are reckoned very Oucly and uni- 
 hrldlly 2,ive(i to I^Lberj, But as for the naturalT«/h, they aie thus 
 Piaraftcriz^.l, t'/^. Men of a fwarthy Cowp/i/xiow, Yobui[ Bodies, o^ 
 j^ood Sfuture, and proportionahly compae'tcd : Men who(tho* ge- 
 bally addicted to fomc horrid V ices not co btf nam d among Chri- 
 hm) are yet Perfons of great hnegnij in tlitir Deulirg^, lb id Oh- 
 rrvei> of their If'ord'j abundantly civil to otrd>!gdrs, extraordinarily 
 tk>ii,ih!e after their own way, and fo ^<fj/^;^3c;blcrvcrs of the various 
 -..~» V..».l >..... ..- T , -~ ^-- 
 p./'/c'venjoin'd by th<iir J^ligioti (efpecially that or Prdjcr) tliat their 
 bqucncy in the lame may juiily reproach the general Practice of 
 "i-ms now a-days. In their ordinary Salucations they lay their 
 on their Boloms, and a little incline tiieir Bodies, but accoft- 
 — J _ 
 ga I'erfon of (Quality, they bow almolt to the- Ground, arilkifs tlie 
 lull of his Garment. They account ic an opprobrious thing to '^r: 
 mn their Heads ; and as they wait; in the Streets, th^rv prefer the 
 '1'-b''U before Uw l^^ht, as bcin^g thereby Malkr ot'his Cvw/tu;-, 
 ' Ml' 
 'I I ■ i ' j/N • * 
 '■ *> 
 I'lr '1 
 jf*, i* 11 «i 
: ( 
 ^ t 
 Turky in Europe, 
 Part. llpa^'t H- 
 with whom they walk. Walking up and down they riv^ver ii'e, a?] 
 much wonder at that Cullom o\ Chrii^iarr^. Their cliicf Ktcrc] 
 tions -dieShoGthig with the Eorv^ and Jhrovntig of Lances^ at bochi 
 which they're very dexterous, 
 tiinjaage.] The Sdrjonuin Lang'jage (being ofa vaft Exrent^ 
 us'd not only in all thcl'^ I'rovinces, tho' with Tome variation ;] 
 Di-;, Iwfl:, biif nl:o in a £rc2t l^art of EicGpe befides; the purcit Di 
 lect ot wl^ich Tonfj^uf* is generally ejteem'd, peculiar to D^h] 
 tiji. A'l for the Turk'jh, ( wiiich is originally Stlivonim, and row tL 
 prevailing Lanf^uage of thefe Province^ ratcr-KojUr intheHimJ 
 runs t'lus ; B^ba;nu;^ kans^hj ru'cjelj''j'f! : ( hudufs olijum fiChiivgh akn 
 Gelfo'n firjnmi^ mcmkchitiir. . Olf'urn l^-.vuyip liUpuvkvy-'jj'i gupthruk ^^nii 
 eih.ime pur'W:^i hcrpunc'-i vdrc h:>* bu \^iit\ h-m b.i'ijJ. ui:(d borjlygomo^-j^rs-'^ 
 bi\'(e bujlj.rux boyfetighni'.mofi, km i'/\e f/ hcn^mc^ J.i th>",;, • 
 bi-^J) yinu't:, , 
 if^obernirfUN] Thefe various Ccuntric; confiderM under theTi:lJ 
 of Ddfud'i.iv provinces do acknowird^':: Subj.'di.jn to fcvcral fov 
 reigns, particulariy as tclloaeth ;'n is fuhji-d to irsov 
 Prince or fr.jyn-/}.ic', fv^<rmerlv Tribntccv to \hQ Turks, hut now u 
 der the Protidion of the Enip ror lince ti;f Year 169-^ VdU,\ 
 being *ubjevt to its ly.iyw^oik (lonr^tinies ^AW Jiofpndir^ fignifvi 
 Chitf General of the Militi^i) is Tri'ou'-ary to the fuik. Mol.d: 
 is fuhjed to its lK;ynw,ii\ who is untl-.r ihc Irotedion oftieE^j 
 peror iince .>'^r«{? 16S.S. I^i/r, .v,ji j ^ tulgxrit. and i'L'rt/j, are whc 
 under the Titrl:^ and goveruM by rh.-ii- rdp-dive Jk'ojifrbcgu scJ 
 'DOtii.i and F'of/iix (\q o\yii the t'.niperor. And laftiy, /^///«ir/j, i( 
 partly under the, and p.iitiv i:n 1 r the7/i>h To rhcGo 
 vernment of theie Provinces wc may fui)); in the /{t^publick ^f Rj^^ 
 \vii(»!c [nhabi'anfsare Co afiaiilof lolin^ 'h.-ir R;i;h:s and Liiv.rtv 
 kit every Monih they clunge their Rcdor or <i!prcain Magi 
 fhare, aiHeverv Niglr. the (iovernor (;f their (•)c-'.iil , wliocner 
 i'th i:ito his Comma r.vl blind-fo'd; vl, and all Military Otfic/rs wha' 
 ib.Vv'i.:r are not to ke^ p rhe \^ms Polls above lix Vvcks, leli, : 
 long contina'd they Ihould eith-r gr^idually or tre-Tcherounv b^' 
 reave 'em of their Piivikges, or make the ll'.pjl lick it fclt.i Prcyj 
 either to the Turis or Veticti.v;^. whom tlicv equally {\rci{\ ; ho'Ar 
 it payofh Tribute to beth ot 'cm c«t prcU.Mit. a. lifo j c rraiii AcJ 
 knowledgmcnt to the Kmperor. his Cath dick M ij iU', aai t; 
 ropi'yby Virtue of a nuuual Coriipact ratified between 'cm^ 
 flrira^l The Sc:-n,iny (ar. Supteam Sovereign ov< r all f': 
 Tie* ','0 Dominions, and Abfolure trnptTor of tic (Htorinv Pir.iii 
 otai^rtr/rt'-a Crcfteut /i>'gnn, crcittd wiih a Tuiba'u, thdr^Vi w • 
Ifjitll- Turk) \n Eur Of e. 195 
 |tiire-BUckriumesorHeron=; Quills with xWi^^iotto^ Donee totum 
 \:l-:gtOthi'rii, As tor thtr anclcn: Arjns of the Edjierti Emperors be- 
 L-ofls lil'^ ^-^'^^ ^^^^ Oiiomdfi rjiriiiy. They were, M.-^ry, a Crofs i't?/ 
 ftecAixt tour G>'S!^k Ih'u'Sy ot'ihe Icconci : The tour Bct£s fignifyir.g 
 \.:'iKiii Ba.-Jihic-r,>t hciJiMuaov Hu-TiAiC^iy i.e. R^x ^{^gumj K^^timn 
 ilrliSi^'i*'] The fnhal^itsnts of tliefe diiTcrent Province<?, are very 
 ii.'fcrent in I'oint ot Reli^ijion, but reducible to tlirce Clalfes, vi\. 
 \(:^^'j]iivsy Jews and AUhomexdns The ChrifU an Sj for the greareil 
 |r;rtdcihi-re to the Tentts of the C^c'c'iL- Churcii, (already mcntion- 
 L ^2.) loir.e to tiie Church of RomCi and others profefs the Ke- 
 Ifjin'd llelijiion, both acccrdini; to the Doftrine of Luther and C2I- 
 The 5Fert'^ (as in all otiicr Couatrits; are zealous Maintain- 
 our Ni^!ahb>:ur. It enj-.^ns 
 lence troni S Amines Flt:jh and 
 [.'i.W^ and fuch Animals as die ot tlicmlelv^ii. It promifeih to 
 y.ujjuitr.en ('or true Believers) <\[] mainicr offcn'u 1 Pledluresina 
 ijiiireScitc. Itallows of an unavoidaLde Fatality in tvcty Thinji,, 
 isiid favours theOpirdon of TutJ-r An;.^r:l':>. ]>ut to be more par- 
 LUldr. The Followers of M.ih/nct do readily (;r<^nt. That the 
 Writings both of the Prophets and ApoiU-.s were divin- ly Infpii'd, 
 bur alhdge that they're To corrupicd by -/c'Tri and chilUaKs, that 
 they c^n'c b^^ admitted for the PvUlc of Faith. Th.y further be- 
 llieve and all^rr, That of all llevcaf 1 Imiifution:; in the World, 
 iofe in the AUorrn are only O. vine and PertVch Thit God is both 
 lE'L-ntidly and Perfonally One; and thvit the 5on of God was a 
 i^'cr Creature, yet without Sin, and miraculoully Eovn ofa Vir- 
 l^in. That Jtfxi Chrijl was a Great /-'rophei, ardti-at having end- 
 uihis Prophetical OiHce ujuin Earih, he acqaainted his Follower^; 
 d'thecoirin/, i^{ Nijibornet. Thar C/.r.jr rJcencte 1 into Haven with- 
 iJtfiiticrinLi, I7earh, another b:in(7, iubliitut; d in his place to Die. 
 Tea Man is not jiirtih-d by F.iirii in Chrift^ bu*: by Works enjoin- 
 tlin the \iof~uil l..iw and i\\c Ahor,iy:. 'i'hat Poly,'i,amy (accord- 
 ing to the Eximple of the Anci' nt Patriarchs) is Uiil ro beal- 
 io.v'd(>t •, ris aliotoDivorcr the WiNr upi n any Occalion. In fhorr, 
 Mximictdnifni \^ a IsUdly ot l\if{.wifm, '^'uJuiffiy dindc!:n(i iutiny \ by 
 •diich means, th:r Grand lnipv)l+()r ('its Founder) did cunningly 
 .:i.i;j,in(- f.o gii'i t^rolelytts ot all profeHionj'. But wlxreas the j-U- 
 'Kin'is tlu- JutUJh Kuleof Faith and Manfiers, lc>r us more particu- 
 I^uly conlidirr ils Frtcepti, and that chiefly as they relate to thtt 
 '■'rincipal Headi thereof, v/,;. Cirnmrijiov^ fiiUrk^ Irjyers^ /llm^y 
 » *^ 
 .1 "X -I 
 ^ of the Aio/j/Vjl' Law ; and the Mahnietdvs ftick clufe to their '5 
 \')r.m'^ bv which they are tau^JiL t\w Ackno\^l. dement of One \ 
 JGoi, and t\\d.i Mdhoma is his Great Prophet, In alio commandeth 
 Ciiihlren co be Obedient to their Parenc^ andan!)ro\eth of Love 
 T 'A 
 'if n 
 Turky in Europe. 
 i\ I 
 Tilgrimdgry and Mfltnencj; from lVine*{i.) €ircumci/ton, of the varioj 
 Sacraments in the Old and Nc^rv Tejhment^ they admit only of Cli 
 cumcifion. This they reckon a bfolutcly neceiTary to every A^«/r^ 
 man, efteeming it impofTible to obtain Salvation without it ; whcrj 
 upon they are very careful to perform the fame, and do celebrat 
 the Performance thereof with great Solemnity. (2) Fafiirg^ pari 
 cularly that extraordinary Faft, or yearly Lent, call'd kt^mudan oj 
 fervM every 9th Month, and of a whole Month's Continuance ;'(ii| 
 ring which time, they neither Eat nor Drink *till the Sun goes dowil 
 they alfo abftain from all worldly Bufinefs, and from fmoakingthei 
 beloved Tobacco, yea, even from innocent Recreations ; and iivin] 
 referv'd aurtere Lives, do fpend moit of the rime in their A/o/jJ 
 frequenting 'em both Day and Night, They believe that durinj 
 this Month, the Gates of Heaven ftand open, and that thofe of ifej 
 are fliut. (3.) Prajeri This Duty is of mighty requeft among thenr 
 their Prophet having term'd the fame the l(jy of Paradife^ and thi 
 very Pillar of Religion, whereupon they are frequent and ferrenj 
 at their Devotions. They're oblig'd to pray five times every Da;; 
 and never fail of that number, let their worldly Bufmefs be ncvej 
 fo urgent. C4.) Jlmst Every Turk is bound to contribute the hun^ 
 dredth part of his Wealth towards the Zagat or AJms^ for MainteJ 
 nance of the Poor. Befidcs which, they frequently make large vo. 
 luntary Contributions ; yea, their Charity doth not only extend ic. 
 Self towards their Fellow-Rational Creatures, but even the IrratiuJ 
 na!, as Dog*;, Horfes, Camels, ^c, whom they carefully maintain ial 
 a kind of publick Hofpitals, when thro' Age they become urelefstol 
 their Mafters. (5.) Pilgrimjge^ vi^. That to Merr^, which every 
 MufiuJinan is bound to perform once in his Life-time, or, at leaft, to 
 lend Deputies for him. Thither theyrefortin vaft Multitudes, be- 
 ing commonly 4'> or 50000 in Number, over whom the Sultan ap. 
 points a Commander in Chief to redrefs Diforders that may hap- 
 pen on the Road. Thi-? Officer isfollow'dby a Camel carrying the 
 Jirora?? covevW with Cloth of Gold, which fan£^ified Animal upon 
 its return, Is adorn'd with Garlands of Flowers, and exempt from 
 any farther Labour during the remaining part of its Life. The rmJ 
 tto likewife vifit tht City of ^erufalem, but that more out of Curio. 
 fity than Devotion. They liave alfo a great Veneration tor the 
 V'\\kyofjekofjphatt believing it fhall be the particular Place ot the 
 CJenerdl ]iid?;mcnt. Laftly, Abflinance from Wine is likewife a Pre- 
 cept o\ t\\c /^\lcorjiv. But of this they are lefsobfervant than of any 
 of the former, for many of therichcft iort of 7Mrh are great Ad- 
 mirers of the Juice of the Grape, and will liberally tafte of the fame 
 ^n theirpiivaLeCeibals. Thefe various Provinces were atrtrttin- 
 ftnictca in tu^ ChriiUan Faith at ditFerent times, and upondifli- 
 rc n: Occaiious, 
fart II* 
 Concerning the CutOpean 31flantIjS. 
 A V I N G hitherto TravellM througli 
 the various Countries on the Continent 
 ^ikurope^ let us now leave the Continent, and 
 |c[ Sail for its Ijlands. And whereas the Chief 
 3f fiich Illands, are thofc term'd the "Britan- 
 h|ic(3 ^^^ "^ fi^*^ ^^^^ ^ particular Survey of 
 Ihcm, and then a more general View of all 
 \k reft. Therefore, 
 ' ■ m 
 : ' ■ M 
 ill! riih^l' 
 L Of the Britamick Ijlands. 
 rH E S E lOands being always confi- 
 der'd as divided into Greater (] V/^. 
 Ifhole oi Great (Britain and Ireland ] and Lejfer 
 [namely thofc many litde ones furrounding 
 pitain ) I fliall begin with the former^ com- 
 prehending in them Three diftind Kingdoms, 
 [and One Principality. And fince our manner 
 )f Travelling througli the various Countries 
 #'^8 European Iflarids. Parti! 
 on the Concinent of Europe^ harh been fi:ill:( 
 proceed from ISiorth to iuonth^ I fliall t!iercfo;i 
 continue the aforefaid Method in SurvcviiK 
 the Ide of Great Sritainy having no odier R:| 
 gard to the Tuo Grand Sovereignties theren 
 than the bare Skiiarion of them : Begin \\( 
 therefore with the Northern part of the llland 
1#M- h^fli 
 m n. 
 Let wet r 
 lbs ^'^ 
 t{yU — 
 Clin ill >! 
 llles c 
 Z 1 ^Vl 
 c J ■^^'^'^ 
 "S I '^'^ 
 Eurobean l/hfids. 
 yetween J',^ ^t]"f Long. ^j|^ 
 "^rLt'DStfi fiom N. to S. is 
 about 2V^ 
 ; 55 CO 
 159 C: 
 J3rcadtli from E. to W. is 
 about 180 Miles. 
 Bring 'divided into two K South, the fr/r/ 
 Clafi-S, x;/^. 
 \sonky tlici>/r 
 < i ■' 'H 
 >: 'K\ 
 •i -u 
 '/ i « ' I* I 
 ;i , ■ %\ 
 ■?Jft j 
 ■ .-■ *. 
 In- , 
 Lochabar • 
 F.iickj.n — 
 Bamfe — 
 Murrdy •» 
 European IJlands» 
 {' /iberdetin-' 
 SittherU}ui - 
 t Petc'rhsad ' 
 J Idem 
 Tvr/^/e — — 
 Dorvoci — 
 to W 
 — >E. tow 
 •S. to N. 
 J L^^^^'^'^'j lying N. E. of Snatbjjt-:, 
 Thcfe are the various Divifions oi Scothvd, according to the kit) 
 Maps, and the manner how they are found. But lince that K\i:\ 
 dom is ordinarily divided inuo SheritFdoms, Stewarties, Bailiaric' 
 and oneConftabuIary, we fhail alio coniider it in that refpedj 
 and iceing each of thole Sheriffdoms and Stewarties, ^^c cumprc 
 liend either a parr, or one, or more of the aforefuid Divifions ;ve| 
 ihajl here fubjoin all the Sheriffdoms and Stewarties, ^c, or the 
 whole Kingdom, and ann;rx to each of them tiieir whole Contu:,' 
 whether more or Icfs. Therefore, 
 (■ Ederjburg- 
 Berwick - 
 PeeblU — 
 Shclkirk - 
 IHrton "^ 
 f(e?/jrcrc — 
 Bute — 
 ^ <J t^ hilitbguw 
 K^hjrofs — 
 ( oiipcr — . 
 [Middle Lo:hht7* 
 The Merj and UaJiary of L^dah 
 1 weed. tie* 
 The Foreft o( Ett^-rhh, 
 The N. and W. Parrs of G^IIotvjy, 
 The Barony of /(cvz/rerv. 
 llles of 
 tri-jcUtjgyon both fides the River fon^ 
 - t ''i'] ^^'\li Loihun 
 A little of the E.partsof 5fr/-jr://w£j(l;/>^ 
 A little of the W. parts of lijl'. 
 The reft ofi-V/Jr. 
 yifjs;u6^ with its Pertinents. 
 The Faflern parts i^r ., 
 The IfVy^^r;; parts r°^^^' 
 IHes of 
 EuropeAn ijhnisr 
 CA/jr-r with its Pertinents. 
 /{htrkoi con tain ing«?/^M<:/?j«. 
 r Penh- 
 o ^StrathardcU 
 Pdrth containing 
 GiTory yTS y J{-imach. 
 Broii'Albin { ^jjBalhikr, 
 Ak7]t:;ifh "^^^ / Gkrmrcihay' 
 Strathvern — -^ ^Stormo?}t* 
 imier.^ra containing < i^ivAire. 
 :j hmfi containing 
 le River /'on M 
 liles W. of i 
 r B^devoch. 
 hivernejs contaming^ ^j^^ ^-^^^j^ partof/^)/y. 
 t A part QfNl:i>ray beyond Kaimf^ Weftwr.. 
 tyn, containing l^,ra, 
 Roxburgh containing*^/./^//^^/^. 
 'lire contaming. <' irncii. 
 Oo./*f7!^^''^'"'"^^ little of /;o/;, 5. of O 
 'V .i 
ft i 
 "l ». 
 European Ijlands. 
 BcLides thefe Sheriffdoms, there arecBaylieries. 
 lone Conftabulary. 
 Part'H I Part IL 
 5rewarties are 
 Str^tthern "^ g fStrathertj, 
 Mevtehh (^^ ) Me?}tcith, 
 Kjrkudbright — >CJ ( E. and S. parts of G.j/iWjv,| 
 r S. Andrervs p T F//t?, 
 As alfo-;. I^/Ifmure > in< Argwiy 
 Bailieries are 
 J Cumjivpham — ^ 
 K^Liuderddle — — jCJ (^Ls.udcrdak, 
 The Oae Conttabulary is that of I/addington, containing £j/?.| 
Part ir. 
 European IJlartds, 
 i^\m'}QCotUni [the famous ancienr t^/c'jor/.r; and bounded en 
 ^ rhe Eaft by part of the G^rmni Uccan ; on t\\^ Weft 
 :nj North by the Zinf/JJ? Sea *, and on th.- South hy E>yl■lrd^^ is 
 [crnied by the/u/z.j^;^, j-iOf/,: ; by the Sputjuirds\ t'f,i>:Lu.'^ \-\ ihe 
 f;r«t^/i, Ef:oj[^ ; by the C^rmiyiSy Scntlnid'^ "bv thf E>fjijh and irsowii 
 Natives, SiOtlj}il ^ fo called, as fonic fondly inuainc, hcuii Scor.if 
 (Daughter CO an Egyptian rhurjoh) but moic j)!ol)jbly fi oin jfa;r/, 
 ^vfyrn, or^SVyr/;/, a \'eop\^ vi Conhwy (ovc r the Northern Parrs of 
 which the Name ofSrythij did once prevail) who fcizc-don a pare 
 o[Sp.ihh ntxc to /rt'/jwt^, and from thence came into theWeficiu 
 Pares of this Country. 
 air. J The ^/V of this Country is generally very pure, and fo ex- 
 traordinary uholefome to breath in, that hveral I'trlors in the 
 Xorth-meft J'arts of tliat Kingdom do frequently anive togrcarer 
 Ai^esthan is ufual in other Nations of Europe. The opp^ lire VUc^ 
 oUhe Globe to ScotUrJ, is that part of the Fac.tick Ocean, be- 
 tween 190 and 196 Deji,rees of Longitude, with 56 andeo Degrees 
 ofSuu.h Latitude. 
 ^5cif 1 Notwithftanding this Country is of a Situation confidera- 
 bly Northern, (ic lyini^ in the iith, 12 h,and b.^inning of the i y.h 
 North Climate) yetic producethall NecelTarics, and ir.anyof rhe 
 Comforts of Humane Life. Irs Seas are wor.derfully liorM wi'ii 
 ir.oft kinds of excellent FiiTi ; do mightily abound \fcirh 
 the choicefi: of Salmons ', its J-lains do fulHci. ntlv prr.c'uce nu.ft 
 kinds of Grain, Herbs and Fruits ^ and many of irs Mountains arc 
 not only lin'd with Vuluable Mines, and the belt of Coal% but alio 
 Icvetal of them are fo cover *d over with numerous Flocks, that 
 i^rat Droves of Cattle do yearly pafs into the A'y^f/) of Lvghr.d, 
 Thelongeft Day in the North-molt Part of thi^ Counri y is about 
 cijihtcim Hi urs and a half, the iLorteft in rhe Souch-moft lix 
 Hours and a half^ and the Nights pronor:ioaably. 
 CimmoUitieu ] The Chief Commcditi:s of this Country, are moft 
 forts of Fifh in great abundance, much Linei. -Cloth and Tallow^ 
 vift numbers of Cattle and Hides ; as alfo excellent Honey Lcud 
 Oar, Iron, Irain-Oil, Courfe-Clochs, Fiizes, ^c 
 llirt'rii'ff.] In ay.ifJ.ih are yet to be C'.:t:n, for feveral Miles tke 
 Remains of a large /(^/^./^jQ/'/iv/)', or Military- way, which com- 
 [inonly goes now by the Name ol ir.:r/;\r;.//K'e«, And \n Jiiiotd^L\ 
 arc fome Vijf.giaoi l\o,)\.in Lr.campments, and another Miliniy- 
 ^uy^ vulgarly tcrm'd tht Tupi\id C.iujw.ij* (1.) In the Su-- 
 i* 2 warty 
 ^ ^ m 
 *3 n' 
 f :!i 
 I. )•. 
 1 < ' ' 
 European Ifltnds, 
 Part II. 
 V ■ 
 . .. « 
 warty of StrAthcm, are vifible Tr.ids of feveral Fimr^i Camps, efpe. 
 cidWy that lit ylrJoch. (3.) \n Sterlnigfijtrt ire divers Marks of the 
 iimc Roman Wall, (now commonly call'd Graham's Dyke) whicii was 
 extended over the IJihrnm^ between the Rivers of torth and Cljdn- 
 Its Form and "Manner of Building will beft appear by a Draught 
 thereof J for which, Vid. CatnJen':' Brita7ir]id UteEditioD, P'^")?. 
 (4.) In Sterlir.fjr.irc ^ were likewife found Tome I, criptions upc^i 
 Stones relating to the R^man Wall ; particularly Two ; one where. 
 of is now at Calder, and informs us, that the Icgio ficioiJa /lu^^iiij.1, 
 built the faid Wall upwards of three Miles ; and anotiier in' thft 
 Earl MarJ})ai*s Houfe at Vunvotyr^ which hints that a I'arry of th: 
 lt'g/9 Vicefma v/Jr/x, continued it for three Miles more. As lor 
 the Infcriprions thcmfelves, V'.d. Camlhi. p. 920, and iici (r.; 
 Hard by rhe Trad of the aforefaid Wall in Sterlw^^jhire, are yet tu 
 be fcen two pretty Mounts, term'd by the Ancients^ Duyii pacpc^ as 
 alfo the Remainr of an ancient Building in form of a Pyramid (noA 
 caird by the Vulgar Jnher's Ovai) which many reckon (0 have been 
 a Temple of the God Ttrmbi.n. ('^.) Near Vajlcj/:xn(\ J{t'};jrtrvy arc 
 the Vcjiigia of a large I{oman Camp; the Foffcs and l\kes about 
 the Trxtoriumy baring ftili viiiblc. Here is alfo to be Icen a remari^a" 
 ble Spring which regularly Ebbs and Mows with the S.-a. fy.) Nigh 
 to the City of Edivbwght is a noted Spring, commonly CJlPd thc 
 Vily-WcU, The Surface of its Waters being cover'd with a kind or 
 Oyl or Bitumen, which is frequently u^'d, witli good Succefs, in 
 curing Scabs and Pains prr^teLding from CoKi. (8.) Near the fani: 
 City ib another Fountain, which goes by the Name of the r^oivth:^^ 
 Wdh beciufe it ufuafly makes a Noife b^forj a Storm. (9.) Near 
 Bfiichin in M'gus (where rhe Danes icctlvcd a mighty Ovtrthrow 
 is d high Stone ereOcd over their GeneraPs Grave, called C^mi 
 Crofs ; with another abont ten MiUs diftance, both of em havir^ 
 an':iqae Letters and Figures npon 'tm. (10.) At SI airjs \n yili'>- 
 deoijhir'e^ is a remarkable petrt tying (!^avc, commonly called tic 
 Vrcpp'yig-Crje^ where Wactr ciizirg thro'a jpangy porous Uoikii] 
 the Top, d')th quickly confolidatc after it tails ni droiistoihr' 
 borrtnn. (u.) Near i^>rc;1i in Mufrjy, is to be fien an Ob^'mk^'. 
 one Stone, let up as a Monument ot a Fight between KingAl..«| 
 culm, Son of IQ:}icth, and Sut}:o the Da?:c. (12.) On the Foid It. 
 a'ct*5 Fands in Straherr'ukt is a Lake which nevei free/eth all ovu 
 before the Month of Ftlrui>y \ but after that time, one Ni^i: 
 Froft will do ir. There's al'o another, callM louu^h Monar^ (!) ■ 
 longing to the late Sir G<r&'^<r AUiktv^) jult of the lame Naru'c 
 with the formtr, and a third ^ CUtha<iighin Stratf-fl.ijh, w]:icli:i^ 
 ver wants Ice upon the Middle-part of i^,' even in die hottctt U.. 
 of Summer, (13) Towards the Nurrluvc ft paitof Munayt hv^ 
 lamgui Louph'^t:]\ whi^h never ff.ezcth \ but rtiaincih its nufuini 
 y j7' 
 Fart II. European IJlands, 205 
 Hear, even in the extreameft Cold of Winter; and in many 
 i';acc'S this Lake hath been found.d with a Line of 500 Fathoms, 
 -^: no Bottom found. (14.) Ni^h to LO'k-Ntfi is a large round 
 Mountain (caW^Cl M::al'juor'VOuvy) about two Md.sot p.-ipeadicu- 
 jr height from the Surface of tlie AV/} ; u^ion the viry "p of 
 Ahich Moi'iitain is a Ldke of cold ficlh Water, otr^a l''"'dt:d 
 -Aith Lines of many Fathoms, but never could they reacn theBot- 
 ;oni. Thi„ Lake, having no vifible Current running either to it, 
 crfro"! it, is eqiiiily full all Sealbns (»f the i and it never 
 ireez^'th. (15.) On the top of a Mountain in /(o/i (call'd 5fwre-/«- 
 iipph'h) is a vail heap of large white Stones, molt of 'em clear like 
 (^nryi'tal ; as alio great plenty of Oylter-Qiells, and Shells of other 
 ^.'a•dHimals, yet twenty Miles from any Sea. (16.) In Lennox is 
 ■,u^h Lomor.i^ wliich is every whit as famous among the Vulgar, 
 r.-'t only for its Floating-llland, but alfo as liavinif, Fifh without 
 i-iro, and being frequently Tempeftuous in a Calm. (17O ^"^ ^^- 
 \ers parts of ScoiUr.X are Ibme noted Mineral :5prings. particularly 
 [liuieat ^O';(^0/7; and />i/^/7/^7 ij f//(.' ; as alfo /Ibdrdetn and Petir^ 
 \U,.i in yJiJdr.idenjUre ; fevcral of which come little ftiort of the 
 hmous SjatV'Wjter in the Bilhoprick of ! ciiit; (18.) In molt 
 ICountiies of this Kingdom, «re nnny Circular Stone Monuments, 
 (being a company of prodigious long Sto'.es fet on end in the 
 iGround, and that commonly in form of a Circle) which are pro- 
 iably corijeitured to have beL-n either Funeral MonumcntSi or 
 Ipiaces of Publick Worfhip in times of the ancient Druiics^ or 
 bjth. l-^ji'yy Southweli of 'Jnnnnx ^one of the Oiciiis^) are two 
 Idrcadful Whirlpools in the 5ja, con'monly term d the ll^'ells of, with another between 7/.i and jurj, (two of the Weftern 
 |liiand.\) during the firft three Hours of Flood , all of 'em are ve- 
 ry ter" ble to Pa ilengcr:-, and probably occalion'd by tome fab- 
 I:;'riancan Hiituu 
 ?.ccl)ln3ljopn£k;?- ' Anhiijhopricis in this Kingdom, are Two, vi^ 
 Ithofe of 
 St. .Attdrcrvs, GJ^fiow, 
 '&i^\J%^ Ai.} Bijl^opricks in this Kingdom, are Twelve, i7^. thofc 
 ,(:[•! " 
 "^ ^m^i 
 ,, . ^ 
 1' 1 
 1, .r'-^^B 
 < '>•! 
 IS t;\ 
 ( dihnefs^ 
 lh€ IJk'U 
 V ? 
 CI 11! 
^ ■ < 
 !,■ 1 
 Earopea;: IJlands, 
 Part III f^^^ "* 
 C^lmJjerfittf?,] Vmvcrf.tics of this Kingdom, are Four, vh, thofe 
 fr.tiinerflf.7 The .Tr/9fj (for the mcft partj arean AOive, Priider,:| 
 and [Icligicn? furt of People. Many ahcminablc Vices, too cuir- 
 mon in oJur C' unrri..', arc not ['o much as fppcularively krn;\^n| 
 amo' g *em. They ii.'-ncrany abhor all kind of Exccfs in Drir.k- 
 ing, rn! elfmiinatt DLlicscy in Dier, chuiing to iniprovel 
 the Mind, than pampc.r the Bi.dy. Manv ot 'em make as giu:| 
 Advances in ail parts cf ingenious and folui r.earnir.^i, as any Ka. 
 tion in Eu>t<p:; And ds for their lingular Fidelity (altho' llandcNl 
 oully fpokcj of by fomt*) 'tis abundantly well-known, and expaiJ 
 enced abroad; fv)r an undoubted Demorftration thereof, is puKi 
 lickly given to fhe whole World, in that a neighb; urin^ Trircrj 
 and his Predece[rv)rs (for almoft 300 YearO did corrmit the itr. 
 mediate Ore of their Royal Pcrfons to them, wiihouc ever ljavini| 
 the leafl: Caufe to repent, or real Ground to change, 
 %m^iivc.'^ The L,tvguige commonly fpoken in thf" Kor^hzw: 
 Nor\hli'efl <jf tills Ceuntry, is a DiaUt^l of the Irijb, corruptly cal,'; 
 Erfe (a Specimen of which (hall be given when we come to JreLir^.: 
 In all other parts of the Kingdom they ufe the Erpjif) Tonguc 
 hucthatwitii conlid.rable difference of Pronunciation in dilicrcr: 
 Counties, and all difagreeing with thn in £rg/.z^c'/ ; except th 
 Town of Inv rtirfs, whoPe Inliahitanrs are the only People \\! 
 tome nearelt 'o t<\c true E>j:'Jifb, however the Gentry and P.: 
 Ions of good Education, ufiiilly fpeak FrpJiJh, ('-ho' nor with th:| 
 fame Accent as i.) /jr^/^j/il; yet according to its true Propriav, 
 and th-. ir of Writing is much the* lame. The vulgar Lai- 
 ^uag? (commonly c2[Vd'otfl-) is indeed a very corrupt k:: 
 o\' Ergl'fi), ana iia:li a great Ti.-.durc of lever?! Foreign T<'nLii;ri 
 parriculr. Iv th f/^^•G:''w«?^ Itv-Duirb, ard J>t77i7.', elpecial'.y th; 
 jiff, a great many Words frill in Ufe among the CommonaUy,l:e'| 
 Originally fiOiH tint Language. For a Specimen of a hie: 
 Tongue, rd:u-'Xojicr in it runs ihu. : Vre Tuder rvbiJL art in th 
 ktlhn'd be thy AVwi.'; tly KjiigdoGjn cumm^ tbylful! be doon it: E:<nh 
 its door< i}i /Jt'vt'}]' Ccc u/'s ii.h d[> »«''t' daily Vy.etd, an /■?;^,<?(f i>j) u 
 S/rt!s^ III v::' j'Q.f^ec them J: 't Siun agii.^fi uff ^ ard Is i\i i*/i ndiih: 
 tcrnptaiofif batt deljver ufsfrac evil, jimec;:, 
 <5.'\j«rrmwr. I Thi.. Kingdcm hath hitherto had the good Forfurj 
 tocn.vy an Hereditary liunteJ Monarchy j tho' many tunes t' 
Part II. 
 European I/lands. 
 immediate Heir, or next in Blood, ha^h been fet iCidSt ard ano- 
 ther nu;re remote hath mounted lMc Throne. Since i:s Union 
 \fi\ih E^'gbrd, ')o*li Kingdoms are under one Rir^g, wi is ftiled 
 \ht [^'ioriiyih o^ C'tat Intiin, The Government of i his kingdom 
 j, chi^riy manaii,ca by j Council of S ate, or Privy-Council, con- 
 iiltinji ol" thof: calico properly Officers of St2te, and others ot the 
 Nobiliry qnd G"nt:y, wht^m th. Kmg pk-afeth to appoint. The 
 Cmcttrs of St jxf are o^'ht in numbt-i, vi^. the Lord Hij/h-Cbanccl- 
 lor, L* rd Hi^ii Trcaiurer, Loid Prcliacnt of the Council, Lord 
 St^cretary (if Siarr, Li)rd Treafur^r-D. puty, Lord RegilU-r, Lord 
 Advocare, and Lord Juflice Cic-^rk. The Adminiltratiun of Ju- 
 liice in Civil Atfairs i^ lodg'd in the Lords of the Scffion, who are r*; 
 j;i Niiinhjf, whereof One is Prelident, and to ihele are join'd 
 fume NohLmen, under the Name o^ extr.iordinvy Lords of the Sej- 
 im. Tins Court is clleemMone of the mo<t An '..ft and Learned 
 Jalicaturic's in ^»r(;/)e ; From it th^re lies no A'p^'al but to the 
 Failiani -nt, which is now made up of the Peers, th.c ConimilTion- 
 ers ot CouuLi.'S, and thole o' Free lloroughs. The Ring's Pcrlbn 
 is al^vays reprefented in Parliament by fome N oblemer, who the Title of Lord ILii[hComr,ufjmKr, The Dil\ri!.ution of 
 Jultice in Criminal Matters is committed to the C»/urt of Juf^ice, 
 which ii compolcd of the Lord Juftice General, tlie Lord Jultice 
 Cleik, ar.d five or fix other Lords of the Seilion, who in this 
 Bench are callM CommilTioner'^ of Judicatory. Over and above 
 thi'fe two Supreme Cou:ts ofjuflicc, there are a great many Su- 
 bordinate Judicatories, both for Civil and Crlmipil Atlairs thro' 
 the Ivin^^dom, as ShcritF-Courcs, Courts of R'^gality, and the 
 Qimu.] The Royal Arms of this Kingdom, together with thofe 
 of Kvgiivd An(\ lre.lxnd^ (as they compofe the Enligns Armorial of 
 the Monarch of cT/ctt Britxiu) (hall be paiticularly cxpreO/d \^hen 
 ws come to Enghnd, 
 Udmon] The Lnhabitants of tliis Country (excepting a fev, 
 who ftill alhere to the Church of I{pme, and an inconliderablc 
 numb'T ot Q>ia!^<^rs) are all of the RetormM Religion, yet with 
 confiderable Variation among tnrmfelves in fnm-: private Opini- 
 ons and various Points of Church Di.cipline: However the nu- 
 merous ProfelTors thereof are very finccre in their Principles, and 
 do generally pradife conformable to their ProfeiTions. NoChri- 
 ftiin Society in the World excels them for their exa^ Obfervation 
 of the Sabb.itii-day ; and few tan equal them, for their lingular 
 Scridnefs and Impartiality, in punilhing Scandals : But l-.mtnta- 
 bicare their Diftrattionsof late, m Macteri rciauii^j to jC'ckfiajh' 
 P 4 (.ii 
 1 1 
 ! t^ 
 208 European Jjlitnds. Part. H] 
 ^i/ ro//f)/; and how fatal fuch Heats and Divifions, both inthijl 
 andth. Neighbouring Kingdom, may prove at laltj is alas! b.:| 
 too wifll known, to all thinking Pei Tons among us. The fmalitfrl 
 Privatfi-r, belonging either to Preft or Sr.A/^/o's, mayeatilyA-l 
 tack, B'>ard, and Sink the Brinnvia her felf ; if Ihe chancJ 
 only to Spring a T.eak under Water, whv n her whole Crew area: 
 Bows between Decks. The Chriiiian Faifh (according to th? 
 be ft Accounts) was planted in this Country, during the Reign c:| 
 Diorlefun'^ for by reafon of that vioK-nt IVrfecuticn he railed 
 the Church, manv Chriftians are faidto have fled from the Cor. | 
 tinent into the Hie of C7^ejt y?y/ ; and particularly (as an an. 
 cit^nt Author expreGy teftiheth) into that Pare thereof, ;« ^;/;i:| 
 I{onnnj. Armx vioiniUM p^mvanint'j which (without all dcubr) jJ 
 Scoiivd'y efpecially the Northern-parts of that Country, they b^ 
 ing ftill poiFer.'d by the Sfots, and never fubjecf to the jlmsn 
 Power. St. ]{uk, or .I{i-^ului, is faid to have brought over with hin 
 the Arm i or (as ibme arHrm) the Ic^ of St. Afidrcw the Apolt'., 
 and to have buried it in that Place where now the City of St. .■:■<. 
 drews Itand?. Thcic firft Propagators of Chriftianity lecm to have 
 been a kind of Monks, who afterwards, by the Bencricence of the 
 firft Chriiiian Kings of ^Voi/j?,'i, came into the Scats and PolTcin. 
 ons of the Pj^j« VruiJes, (a. fort of Religious Votaries to the 
 Heathen God>>) and had their principal Relidence, or rather M(. 
 nalteries, in the lllands of Man and Jc;w, and palfcd under tk 
 F. N (. 
 .i ' 
 ' 'If 
 1 r 
 ' •>^**^, 
 UiK» §2.5 
 |5u ■^~ M^H 
 1^ 112.2 
 '716) ^/a-4503 
 N- <^v'^6\ 
 1 IV^ 
 ¥k Wm'^ 
 I \ 
iFart IT. 
 Euro^cAn If.Ands. 
 d. in. 
 - (between ^ ' ' ""lolLon.? 's \ '"T''''' '"'' 
 Len[',rh from N. to S. is z* 
 'between \ '^^ ^^^V of Lat.C !"/ ^^'f^''^ ^^'^"^ ^^ ^° ^' ^^ 
 C.55 5^5" 3.tiv^ about 290 Miks, 
 Wcflern Circuit 
 Oxford (jrcuit 
 ;ing JIviJt'd inroJ'H(.'//2f Circuir Cp_, 
 ^xCii'Cuics, 'Viz.\^o*fulk Circuiff u-i 
 M/.; lan.i C 1 1 c u 1 1 \s l^ 
 A'ori/; Circuit J'-^ 
 t- Z' ^ all bury. 
 7 c/-/> 
 :' ^ \ Dcvonjh 
 t" '5 /' ^"'/f/// ;r^ — 
 ;: c \Hatr,pJi t'e . 
 1:; t mifjhire 
 'C^r/jJ ire 
 {^ LauucePon- 
 Exit it 
 VV. to li. 
 O /(; aj\)iyc 
 Vrloucijic'-jl) re 
 -: yhhnwQ thjUre 
 M c \^€rtjord)Urc 
 }o hVonijlcrjUrc 
 Dorchtf]cr »— — 
 Briflol 1 _. - 
 /=:./7y/>r^ N. of pp-./ys, 
 0,\fjrii "} 
 ■■■'luiicHtr ■ ^-I:',. to \V\. 
 Mon^fQuth -— S 
 I i-: ll'ur 'jjicr - 
 V- t/i 
 ' l-l jl L ' J' 1.1 a I r* tr Ul I ji Lf — — ,• 
 .../I '■'' ^ «'.". /. II,' -I.-'.,. 
 -S'S.foN. r. 
 \i nir^x 
 \ ".'' 
 : 5 \ iuvtfirdlhiye- 
 rnvsLury VV, ot' iifjfor'jhire. 
 H^rrforJ — 
 i ( ''''/^• 
 Southivark - — 
 Ch-cfjtA.r South of < 
 }i:. to W. 
 ^ arfibrititjlii^e ■ 
 .lluntiiigtiiuyi ire — 
 '^ / B.dfo' — • 
 C/<.it ri^hiitrjhin — J 
 l'u7ifir ztO)>' 
 L. to S. VV. 
 ■ I 
 '1 t'i 
 .'is : ( 
 I Mi 
 , i 
 European Jjlinds. 
 To ffig'ixnd we here rj.'bjojn the frincip.ilify of- If^il^s, divided int 
 Four Ciicuirs ; eacii Circuit coniprcliending Tiiitc (Jountic. 
 1. Thofj of 
 f D. 
 .^ \D 
 ir. — — 
 2. Thofe of< c 
 v.- .',v 
 .irnarvcvii < t 
 Thofc of-^ c 
 lunt onurj 
 B\iu /r is 
 \'a>'7:n^ . or. 
 Harlnh - 
 flr77:a>tiJc^jl)i>'C — 
 i t 
 4f, Thofe c\'^Bycclvod'\hivc 
 RAi\fior\i ire "-—- 
 ar /J>t'jc7l 
 i iin'nki 
 N. to S. 
 Hcii.lcs the Six Ciicuics of I vg]ii7:>\ (conrjinin^j tliiity el^hf f 
 ties) and tlioCc I our ot ll'ulcSy cc.-tupicli.ndin'i rucive; t, c f^m-d 
 ias yet two Counties uniTK'ntio,,'d ;ii,(! win li . ic n" c • jm r y lef 
 eluccd ro any oF thtfc (j'lcuirs, ^ ;^. !\lial fx :^\\a Chejh.n , the firl| 
 becaufc of its Viciiiiry to L n/ion, .^nd rhv' ot icr as lieing a C<' 
 Pahitine, h:ivini; its ovviijudt^fs ,ind Counllllfrs pcculMi to ic Icl;, 
 Thefe two Ccunri^;,',-, with rhe thlity eij'Jir .r > -^i-r.itMci" . .i tu '«<• 
 U?id, and rwcjv'<i in IV/j, 
 ke l^i 
 ry two in 
 «nd WVi'<j arc two diiHntl Sovcrtii^nrits (<'iie hciii[! a iviugdoni, .>ii 
 the other a Principajny ) we duli fep.irattly treat i-f thtiii boih- 
 Euro^exn IflA'/jas. 
 n'^- i 
 E N G L A N D. 
 •i I 
 hiimc j YJ ^,<^rind [ the Ancitnr yfftgUa, which, with the reft of the 
 I r V ill.iiul, made vp xbc rci:ovvn'd B itami'd, or yUhio?:; and 
 |r,o'A' Bouiutcd on the Eaft: by part of the Gamari ; on the Wed 
 Tcv S* G:o ^e's Channel ; on ihc North by ocotlavd -^ ?nJ <n the S'oqth 
 krh; Ew^//)/) Channel J is tcnn d by the Itjliinis-, h[.hiitcrrit ; by the 
 hmr.rds, hgla^icrra \ by lUc J rench^ y^ughurre ^ by tht Germans, En' 
 - y»i;/V • ^ni] i\\f flip Wifivi c Ptir / *,/j'' ■wliicK Mimr' Ic (lerii/rl frnm, 
 Ft Igbcr' ( dtlcciidcd ncm the JrgUs) hiiving united this divid 
 |\' iion, ;nul bcinir the fifll: Mon.ich oi f ng a?!il. :'frer the i'^.vj;? Hep- 
 n chy, order d (by rpt'C'.il [idit^l, above 800 Years after the Incar- 
 Inrinn) th it rhe whole Kingdom fxiould be term'd }-rigle-h7id, which 
 iTirle, in procefs of time, hiith turn'd into the prcfeni Nameof £>5- 
 I l>v.i. 
 ^tlii* ] The y^/r of thij- Country is far more Mild, Sweet and Tem- 
 perare, than in -^ny p:!rt of tlie Continent under the I'lme Patallel. 
 ihe Cold d ning the li' vter is not i'o piercini», nor the Hear \n the 
 J7;„w?'' fo f^orching, a-; to recommrnil ( much lefs to inforcc) the 
 ileof vStoves in the one, or Grottos in 'he orlier. The oppolite Place 
 ct'thc Globe to England^ is that part of (he Pr.ciHck Ocean, between 
 1:0 and 210 Degrees of Longitucif, with 50 and 56 Degrees of 
 Siuth Latitude. 
 •©Oil] This Conntry (1;. in^ni t!ie 9'h, lotb, and iithNortFi 
 Climate) is generally 10 lein), ujid jno.hiccth tuch plenty of Grain, 
 liiiits, Roots, Heib^', &-C. x\\i\x t!:e Excellency of ic.v Sci is bci^ de- 
 cliicd by thofe TranUendenr filcr^'cs delervedJy beftow'd on her, 
 both I V Anri'rnt ard Mooern Wiittrs, who call frglatid the Granary 
 cj tic Wc' i'7i VVcYid, the Scat of C res. &c that her VaJlies are like Edcn^ 
 her Mills lik'/ Lehimon her Springs as Pifgah, rnd her Rivers as Jordan , 
 th^t llie\s a l^ta i(c of riettfrrc^ and the Gardtn oi' Cod. The longed 
 Diy in fhe Nnirjimofl Parts is about 17 Houis •', the ftiorteft in tho 
 ^outlinudl is aln*o(\ 8 Hours ; ind the Nights proportionably. 
 Conimotitirtf] The chief C v:n:Q'iUes of thi', Country, are Corn, 
 Ca'rlc, Tm, Copper, Iron, Timber, Coals, ^ibundance of Wi? 1, 
 Clod), ScuiFs, Linen, Hides, Tallow, Butter, Cheefc, Beer, &e. 
 n- '-i 
 I* ill 
 . I 

 Eiirope.:?7 ljli?7^s. 
 Part i: 
 IMtriCv- 1 In rnod: Coiirules of this K'ngcom ?.re H-ill extant fo 
 ori;d Circular .///?// M.ji i.itnts { like rholl- in 6' ore 
 .ma aDovc-menti 
 neJ, p. 205 J parriculjii) , die fcvcnty iVvcn 5for.cs at Salseds inr«wjj 
 bii>hnd^ commonly rcrm'J L'mi M ^7, aud her D.^uohterN ; Thole call' 
 RO He-rich St '71CS in Oxjo^'tijUre ; Thole nciir Ew'jL-im in Northinnbcrlmin 
 Thofe upon the River i.cder in li\(i7,io^'la7id ; Thofc nt-ar Burroiv 
 in iorii)lire 
 in Scm rfetj 
 lole near Exinoe \n DcvovpUr. 
 c at Stivaon-Dr 
 anJ fiojlly^ the: Ixur e's, and thofc; :5C Bijlaw w 
 jun i[ 
 [art II 
 and NJ 
 v:ch talk'] 
 (ta mii;ht| 
 lilFJ from 
 ttiun clary 
 If tliolc ll 
 Incur fionsj 
 ,igh to tl 
 ^wf-f ; f'i 
 Hflier i^t C 
 ■i:,.^;« in . 
 teing tm 
 winch ir.a 
 p',;t theret 
 iiuntion d in /.</jhi\s .!v1S. ht^inning -nf Dii-utr, ;ind pafTinu thro' A': 
 to London^ frnm iht nrr to ^t. yi/vjns, D mW U, ^tratfoni^ Toucelftr, iii- 
 :l.huni, Sr. Cuihyt\ lUd ~hrav bur', t!v n by StraUov^ and lb thro' 
 t'le midJli" of t»';j/ ; to C]rd:gan. {'3 J [n thii Countiy arc .ibund^uicc 
 of iskiiicinal It'dten ; whether for Bathivg ; as ihofc wfpecially in im,r- 
 icoyjju ) or rurg:,ffr ; particularly thol 
 f:;fl'irj (call'd tlie /-'^r'/j;, 
 rorwTPii/, ^:^^<;. But moft oblervjble of all \s Stons h^vge (ii\<^ Chore dQ. 
 gantam oi \:\vc AiK'itnts) on ^ ah bury Plain; which Monuments iir 
 thought by fome to cojifilf of Narnrai Srones, by others, of Scenes 
 i\rtificia11y compounded of pure S.ind, Lime, Vitriol, ami (>thcr ui 
 ^luous Mirrer But if i.'ie Keadcr defue to fee the various Corijcfturis 
 (i)f the Curious, concerning the n.icurcand deluTn of all fuch Monii 
 juents, together wirh the I^iauj^ht of Stoat- bjefurt, in particular, Itthiii 
 confulr the late Edition of C'rf;/<,u;/'<> Er//i»w;/';T, png. 23, 9", ic S, irty ■O'ln, tlie 
 (2.) Ill inany Paits (i{ h^land are yet fo be ieen the I'tjf/giu^ and Re-Bo 1 fgf^s 
 liiains of divers lUnan Miliinry Ways; tlur piinripal of which is th.t ■/•'■'• ^''"^' '' 
 Hwere 3 ot 
 \k Ivoot 
 livM}' and 
 [ever moft 
 |zd and b 
 cA being 
 .,Mf.>r ll 
 ■\\ feme 
 T.cther V 
 i-e llrlt o 
 i":na11 di 
 : i;f; hot! 
 ItiKita Mi 
 'T.c in h 
 .'-•tnt oi 
 *il Eiliti 
 o;:rhit S 
 icrcain ! 
 And at I 
 Izw's, an 
 ■hich b 
 lurly i 
 of the Sp^ws iij y'si'l'jlirc ; Tunbridgc in K'nt; I'tpifhivn and Dn^ei^gein 
 6''>ry; ^'Qnh'id, j^thit and IJ.vyJon in Midd' Jtx. Here alfo are many 
 other very re^-Dti.kcdile >Sf/w?f J whereof j'tnie are m-^^'htily impreg- 
 jr^teJ either with S^i'^ tiS thdC at Durtwtch in ll'orccsicrjl ie ; or iiii- 
 /\w, as the fonous Wi-ll at l^ipgi'^ \i\ L^iucajhire (of which afrtr. 
 wards) or Bituvdhtnf Ma'ttr, as thjt at Pitihford in Shropjlire* Ofhcii 
 hive a Pitrefyifig Qua''ry^ as particularly that near LuUcrrycrth, or La.- 
 cit'-yjhire i and the lemai liable Drop;ji(i^^j-Well in the H\i'i' Riding o(' 
 To^'kjlirc* Ajid finally fome Ebb a.nd I low, but that tjcncr lly in .1 
 very Irregular manner, as thjfe iji Pculi-Tcrcft in Derbyfdre, and La)- 
 M'!/ near Torbay, whole Waters rife and f-ll levcral times in an hour. 
 To thefe we may add tliac remarkable I ountain near Rubard's-( afih 
 in Uerefordi'hirc, commonly calfd BcnrJf\d^ which is nlways full of 
 fmall Filh or Frog-bones (or fuch resemblances) though ftequrntly 
 empty'd and cleai'd of them. (4.) Many aie r ha Roman Jltars which 
 fioni time to time are 6vj^ \}\) in this Kingdom, cfpcci<illy rhe Nor- 
 jhern Parts thereof. A:, for their particular Shapes, and remarkable 
 Infcriprions, with the FLces where now to be ieen, 'vhU < ambd n\ 
 btte Edition, pag. 56S, s-7o, 734, 782. 785,826, 8* , 844 and 
 fjoiii b.xS to 8>2, inclullvely. («5.j In fcveral Places between C 
 Europe a /I ljLi?ids^ 
 ok. I 
 d l^iii}caf:Ie, are fome Remains of the famous p'uU-l^'eU ( io 
 ^ch ralk'd oi by our rr.gUjh Iliftoriaiis) which did \\\n thro'Ct'w 
 ';>«/^ar.(l l^orthutrLerlanci, beginning at 7'/«'/ oftf/.' / ^i", ;ind ending at 
 jj;j)-frzV^ (6./ (jelling t'le middic ci li'ilt^.'iye ti oni liitO ro VVtO: 
 a rnii;lity Ditch, commoniy tejm d WavUike, or lVod£?ifi iky. ( i'o 
 illJ from (he S^xc; Cj(,d ^o^^f?;) rnd dtlign d, it fecms, eitht;r as a 
 dary to diltiiif'uiili 1 crntories, or as a ience to guard agai 
 hhc iir;ng Kntmy. There aie alio in C vikrirl<T^(PM-e plain Tracks 
 [f tliofe large Ditche thrown up by tiic Ea^l- A;:rUs, to prevent the 
 Incurlions oMhe .Vr>v/^Hj-, u ho frtquently ruin'ci ail before 'em. And 
 tIi to the Town of Carnbridgp^ are f me I'^J^'gia of two fp^cioilS 
 ifM^s \ v,i\Q Rov:cin AX j^>i/Q^o"gh ( a Mile N(;rvh or ('/?^/7;j*/(»^) and th? 
 Ic'iier iit Gogtrm^of^ Ih^s, (n the ot!)^:r lulc (,f ri;e Town. (;.) Near 
 ^in in LaJicirjhire, is the rcm?ik 1; e Weil abovcnu ntion'd, which 
 Ihing tmpry'd, there j(rcf.nrly breaks out a li.ipinirniis Vaponr, 
 ]\i;iich jnakcs the Watt r bi;bble up as if it loii d, a/;d a Candle being 
 |p;;t thereto, it inflantly t^kcs fire ind burns like Ijrandy. During a 
 lOiin, the I'lame will contiiuie a whole d;,y, and by its Hear thty can 
 lloil f^JRS, Meat, &c. and yet the V\'arer ir l^'lt is co'd. (8 J In M'J:ni- 
 \f,:ii I'ark in Wcf^in rit ci.]'. the Thn'c-n>o(hcr 'L-cc, fo caii'd, becriufe rh.ere 
 rere 3 of 'em (the Jeaj} wh.ereof is this ) uhicl. a ['nod way from 
 Ithellootis 15 Vaids and h^lf in CircumfcrencL'. {()) At Byoje/y 
 V * 
 'iv.tlj and Pit hfoni^ wifh other Places adjacent in h'- ijh'rc, is found 
 ver nioO: of the (Joal pits, a Stratum (f II ackilli poious Stone, nuicfi 
 {inipre^natcd wjth bituminous vMjrtirr ; which Scoi^e being pulveri- 
 |ztd and boilVI in Water, the bituminous .'Mibflance rifeth to the top, 
 id being g:.tfit.rM iSl!, it comes to the conHilrncy of Pitch, and is 
 ,'ij f «r lucli with good liKif ( 10.) in D:-rl')p'ire is the famous Peah^ 
 :J feme hideous Cnvitics^ as thole call'd f col's- hid-:, EhhyiHol"^ and 
 nether which goes by tlje indecent N.^me of the D 'vil\-Ari(* la 
 eilrlt of thefe is drop[)'ing Water or a pt.ficfv'ing N.iture; and at 
 idiall diilancc from it, a Jirt'e cL'ar Brnok, remarkable for corjfi- 
 iig botliof both hot and cold Water, fo j'^yned in the fame S'freani 
 njt a Man may at fuicc ).ut the lir^ger and 'JhumI) of the fame Hand, 
 rx'm hot, and tf-e in cc>ld. lor a fall and fatisfaftory Ac- 
 'MHt of the Fccik, and t'lc rri.Hny l^ovdrs thrtcof, fee (befidesth*: 
 *il Lulirion of (Vj?/./7/i'»yj fncli Authoj s as h ^ve p.irticularly treated 
 ';:T!nt Siihie'i, efpcci.illy Cotton and Hol'h\wiih the late Hook of Dr. 
 •,.t/.'- (11.) Ni:;ar lyhicyy in lUc J oyth-Ruin.f ni' To'hjh'rr^ are found 
 rcain Stoms refmbliog the I t^lds i^nd W/caths of a Serjitnt. 
 And at l'v7itly-KoLl> in the lame Ridmr;, are rahf^r Sroncs of IVveral 
 'js, and fo exaeUy round, as if aitilicialiy m:«dc for Cannon If-dls, 
 hicli being broken, <\o commonly corit-iin divers floiiy Serpents, 
 rcrithcd up in Circles, but generally withniif Heads, (I 2.) Near 
 '"'(rly inClcucrpirjlire, and on tlie ivps cf Mounruns nor far from 
 '•; ii' 
 2 I /i 
 European Klaridi 
 n ; , 
 'J 'II 
 '9* ttt 
 iralr * 
 u ? 
 M 1 
 I -^'^ ■' 
 Rickwnd, with fcveral other Pirts of i vL'JaKci, are Stones rtTcmbli., 
 <r)uckles, OyfterS) and divers other Wntci-Aninials, which, itonceli 
 viiig Creatures, or the ludicrous I uncy ot Nature, is not now invbi 
 iincis to enquire, f i 3.) In Mcndippe-hi.'-s in ^'omc^lctjUre, is a piodioir,.^ 
 Ca've, call'd Ochy-ho e, which btii,g of .1 confider.iblc length^ in it - 
 ciilcoverM lome WelJs and Rivulets. ( ? 4.) At Glnljlnbury m Sonicr^: 
 fhirfj aie I'everaJ ancient l'yra7,7ins^ mentic^n'd by William oi Ma'msbw 
 with imperfcft fnfcriptions ; but why, wiien, and by whom erc^tcj| 
 is merely conjeftural. (ly.) In tlic Clarhedral of Exeter is an O^jr. 
 which is reckoned the largtU oKiijiy in England, the greateft Pipe be 
 longing to it being 15 Inches Diameter, wi)ich is more by twoth, 
 the celebrated Organ of Uhn. (i^j In Eovr-Cajle is an olJ 7.1! 
 hung up, which imports', that Julius Cjfar landed upon that p.nrc 
 the Er.giijh Coafl:. (17) Near to Frje>-p am in Knit, and Tiibiry in F.j^-: 
 are valt artiiicial Pits, Ibme cf them narrow at the top, but very hf<-_\ 
 v/ithin ; and tliought to be divers of thofe out of whic'i the aiic 
 Bi'itai7i< commonly us*d to dig Chiilkj to mix with their Grounds 
 (18.) About Bih ir-Caf^h in Lm^o'f/P'.i e, r.nd thughtiry'm lVaw!ck''::ri 
 is found the yjliroit s, or Stai'-jlcm^ rcre;ni)ling iitde Stars witii 11. 
 Hays. (19.) In ShroplUre iv that Jjrge Mil term'd Cai'-Car ^do:k, h 
 mous in former times for being t!ie ir'cene of that memorable Aciir 
 between O'.''o>'/.vj tlie iUrna'^, and Caratai.!s thi Britahi, whereof C ■ 
 cittLS has given us a particular Account. C'-^'O Near to the City 
 IVinchtfiLr^ as alio in 
 the N 
 01 th of rVt/i 'orhjid, is a round Iintri 
 inenr, with a pl.iin piece of Ground in the middle, commonly tc 
 ned K. ^rthii>\ ro:iniTabk^ and mucli ralk d of by the Vul;.>ar 
 for their Original and Dclign we need go no farther thin thole A; 
 when Tiltvi; was in vogue in Eni^lmtd, Laftiy, In the County of S;<»^n| 
 is the Engllh Anas, or t!ie River /\.o/r, wiiich Jofeth it fclf wwk 
 Ground, and ariilth :-.gaIn at fome conliderable difl-uice ; as doth ;'';< 
 Recall \x\ the N^^y'-lrRiuji:;; of Vj ljhi*-e Caytibdcn, p. i <?5, ^' 7 Si^ Ti 
 riuTe Rariites above-mention'd, I might here add U)\nc i^ul'Chdcus F:. 
 l/'icks'u\ tliis Kin-:,dom, which may he titly term d Jrts MA'je^-iHC{'. 
 Jiuc to deicend to particulars, would fwell this Paragraph to a Jil 
 h' o 
 !^rcljIJtPt)3p?ick^.] Archbi[l)opruh in this Kingdom are Two, t;.*J 
 thoi'c of 
 Canterbury t\n<\ Votk. 
 tart II. 
 ioie of 
 \i\h ind i' 
 In Poln 
 IhjitT, an 
 [of the .M 
 [which for 
 Itges, as a 
 Iferior to i 
 [The Nam 
 The Archblfl'.nn ^^f Canterbury Iiath the Precedency ofToi'k, and isHG.'oKf/?^r, 
 ftiTd Piiw.jte of rf.'/ EpfJ-niil^ the other being alfo Primate of £:?/^/.r;i,B^t. Edmu 
 but not of ^1// Iv^Uud A (."omi overlie hotly debated between rl',i'kH''^'«i?</<i/fn 
 TWO Archieplfcop.)! Sees > bur .;t lafi detcnuia'd in favour of tliip^iVf, 
fart II. 
 European JJl.wds. 
 ^sijSlpyjtCfeSf. 3 HP^eprcks In this Kingdom (including Wa'si) arc 
 loie of 
 Salisbury J 
 Sc y^ja^h, 
 St. Danji i^s, 
 I andajj't 
 Lichfield and Coventry. 
 h Point of Place, after the two Arclibifhops folloWech the Bjho^ 
 tiUndofh next to him the Bijhjp of Ditr\im ; 3^/>', the B jI)(»/> of /^V«- 
 :tjitT, and then all the rcit accordintj to rl?" Seniority of their 
 QmtJfrfitifSf] Univcrfitics of this Kingdom, are rhnfe famous Seats 
 loftlie Mufo, or two Eyes of E71 larid^ term d Oxford and Ca7nbridg8^ 
 Iwhich for magnificent Building«:, rich tndownicnts, ample Privi- 
 leges, as alfo number of Studcncs^ Libraries and l's.\iriicd i\'icn,are in- 
 Iferior to none, or rather, not to be parallcTd by any in the World. 
 [The Names of the rejpeftlve Colleges and Hdlls in each of t^efe 
 Univeifities, (the moft of which do furpafs m-iny of our Foreign 
 Univerfities) are as followeih. 
 In Oxford are 
 ^,, Magdalen, 
 . Brazen Nof, 
 Corpus Chrijti, 
 Chriji Church, 
 St. -Johns 
 Halls are Seven, vlx. 
 yl Edmund^ 
 St. Mary, 
 In Camhr'.dge are 
 CLtr: Hajy 
 Permit, or Corluf.Chriflf\ 
 Gjn Jl <ind Gaim, 
 Kings Co"fgey 
 'jelm College, 
 Chr-if's College, 
 Sr. johuS''Colleg\ 
 Mag 'alc7i-Colle^e^ 
 Etna' ttel-C lleg(, 
 iiidmy Siiffx, 
 W , 
 ' ,1; 
 . -w. 
 Europcd?? JfLVfas, 
 Part III Fart II 
 ^3xnncl'J?. ^ Tiiel-Vc'j''^ ixMng oriH;inany a mixture of divers Xor. 
 them and Southern Nations, doliilJ retain in tlicir Humour, a juiti 
 /It'.??;, betwixt thofv! two Bxtrednis ; tor the ciuil Sxiurvrn:^ Gc;nuiL\\ 
 the one, and the hot /Wc'r^z/r/,;/ ZL'/KyX-r of the othtr, meeting in theirf 
 Conjlitutiov^, render 'cm l7\^^';7ikvA and y?,7/i;(.', yer j6;//\'/ and V^if':-ji. 
 7ivg\ which nourifhM under a fuitdble liberty y[\\[\)'\'ics d. Courage boLh 
 generous and lairing. This iiappy rempjramt'nt of J/vr/f, whcrewitrj 
 this Pc'19/v/t^ iscndu'd, doth eminenrly ap')edr to the World, by tha: 
 mighty hiclhtJ.tion they always had and iliii have, both to an.l 
 ^"irrs, and that wonderOiliVoi^rt;/} they have hitherto made in eaciil 
 i)f *cm : For the marchlels V.ilour and Bravery, the lingular Prudr,;:: 
 iind Covduft of ths E'fipJ'fi Nation both by Sea, and L^xkJ, is fo univer- 
 ' ially known, and harh been [o frequently manifeited in molt Parrsl 
 of the World, that many Potent .SVift'j and K^yifioms have felt the 
 Dintoi ihch' Sword ^ and been conllrained to yield to the Force (it] 
 their yhrns. They have alio fo elFetlually apply'd themlclves to z\[ 
 forts of hiQ^'ir/io'ji Literature fince the happy Days of our Keformari.l 
 on and are advanced to fuch a Fitch of true ^nd fviid Learriyip^ ; tha:l 
 they may juftly claim a true Title to the F.mpire of /y«?/7.?w/(?;onV:4'J 
 Finally, their manner of IFritirg^ (whether for Solidity ofMattcrl 
 Torce of Argument, or Ekgr^ncy of Srile) is indeed fotranlcenJ 
 dently Excellent, that no Nation hath yet furpalVd the Ertgliji'] 
 and none can juftly pretend to equal them. 
 .. l/iliiSiM^C] The E>'C[!iJl: Idv^uige being a mixture of the old SmiA 
 znd. Sorman^ ('one a Dialed of the Teutonic^ and the other of the! 
 frenc' ' iving alfo ;bme TiyiJure of the ancient Eritifn I\om.i>?, and! 
 V^ni\h much retiird of !ate,and now defervedly reckon'J 
 as Copiouif Expfe'jjivf'y^nd hluriy a. Joiigue,^^ any in Europe. Harangiicsl 
 in this La?igiags ^"^^ capable of all i lie delightful Flowers of /^/;f!0- 
 rick, and lively Strains of the ini. \\ Ehiuenre^ nothing inferior tol 
 the'moft tluenc Orations pronounce ^1 of old by the beftof the l{or!\ 
 Orators : in a woid, 'tis a Language that's riglitly calculated fori 
 the Mafculine Genius of thole who own it. P ret .r-Kojier in t\\Q Eii^-\ 
 lijh Tongue, runs thus : Our Euthcr^ rvJ:i< h art i'n EJeroen, &c, 
 <I?oi3Ei'nmcutl The i^^vgdom- of England is a famous Ancient andl 
 Hereditary Monarchy \ a Monarchy which can I'eldom admit of any! 
 Iy>.:er'reg>iion, and therefore is free from many Misfortunes, to whicil 
 ElcvUve Rin^dom ., are llibjcd • yea,ruch a Monunhy (in the Wordij 
 of tha: worthy (jentlenuin, Dr, Cl-jnibcrltin, Author of the Prf/c^J 
 Stite of England) as that by the nee. Ifary fubordinate Concurreiuc of 
 tholordi^ndComrnov^ in making and repealing of Statutes or Ad^ 
 of l\irl!ime>:tt it harl: ih^ main Advantages of diti Jrijlocracy stnd Di- 
^^art II.jFart IL European IJlands, 1217 
 mdcyy and yet free from the Difadvantages and Evils of either. 
 ers Xor- 
 Gcr.i'M cf 
 S in their 
 iTdgri buLh 
 i, by tha: 
 Arr.u and 
 le in eacii 
 r Prudr,}:^ 
 fo univer- 
 nolt Parrs 
 'c tele the 
 e Force ct 
 ves to all 
 ??/>7^ ; tha: 
 if Matter, 
 ) tranlcen- 
 le EngU}r\ 
 old S'lxm 
 lier of the 
 ow.z^7, and 
 V reckon d 
 s of I{kioA 
 inferior to 
 the }^ir,.in\ 
 u la ted fori 
 n the £?;^ 
 micof any] 
 ,to which 
 he Wordil 
 he Pri-Zc;; 
 •urre'fhi o 
 :es or Ad 
 m ihorty *tis a Monarchy (continues the aforefaid Author) as by 
 nioft admirable Temperament, affords very much to the Induftry, 
 Liberty and Happinefs of the Sub]e£^, and referves enough for the 
 Majefty and Prerogative of any King, who will own his People as 
 Subje^s, not not as Slaves. Chief Perfonsof thisReaim, after 
 the King and Princes of the Blood, are the Great Officers of she 
 Cfiwn, who are commonly reckon'd Nine in number, v/^. (i») Lord 
 }{igb Stsrvard of Englznd i an Officer indeed fo great, or whofe 
 Power was efteemedfo exorbitant, that it hach been difcontinued 
 ever fince the Days of ^oi^n of o^«wr, Duke of lancaflerf (his Son 
 jitnry of BuUirtgbrookj being the laft who had a State of Inheritance 
 in that high Oiiice; and is now conferred by the King upon fome 
 of the chief Peers only, pro ilia vice, as upon occafion ofthe Crown- 
 g ot'a new King, or the Arraignment of a Peer of the Realm for 
 Treafon, Felony, or fuch like* (i-) The Lord Nigh Chancellor^ whofe 
 OfBccis ro keep the King's Great Seal, to moderate the Rigor of 
 the Law in judging according to Equity, and not according to the 
 Coromon-Law. He alfo difpofeth of a I) Eccleliaftical Benefices m 
 he King's Gift, if valued under ao/. a Year, in the King's Book^ 
 ocafe there be no Chancellor, then the Lord Keeper is che ume 
 Authority, Power and Precedence, only different in Patent* 
 j The Lord High Treafurer ; whofe Office (as being PrxfcdwiJE.rx'^ 
 •\i) is to take charge of all the King's Revenue kept in the £x- 
 hequer; as alfo to check all Officers imploy'd in coIleOingthe 
 [ame, and fuch like. This Office is frequently executed by feveral 
 erfoas conjunctly in Commiirion, (term'd Lords of t\iQ Treafury*) 
 4.) The Lord Prefidem ofthe Council, whofe Office is to attend up- 
 i the King, and Summons the Council, to propofe Bulinefs at 
 ouncil-Tablc, and Report the feveral TranfaiUons ofthe Boards 
 <) The Lord Frivy-Sealy whofe Office is to pafs all Charters and 
 rants of the King, and Pardons iign'd by the King, before they 
 ;oine to the Great 5eal of England 5 as alfo divers other Matters of 
 finallerMomenr, which do not pafs the Great Sea L But this Seal 
 inever ro be affixt to any Grant without good Warrant under 
 lie King's Ptivy-Signet, nor even with fuch Warrant, if the 
 fling granted be againft Law or Cuftom, until the King be firft 
 quainted therewith^ (6.) The Lord Crdat Chamberlain of England^ 
 liofe Office is to bring the K\i\$\Skirt,Coif^ndlVearingCloaths,oa 
 |iiCCoronacion»Day ; to put on the King's Apparel rhat Morning^j 
 pcarry at the Coronation the Coif, Gloves, and Lineuy which are 
 lobeuled by the King on that Occaiion j iikewife the .yrror^ and 
 'Miini^ as alfo the Gold (to be offcr'd by the King) together with 
 e H^ihe F^yjl and Cronn j to Undrefs and Attire the King with 
 5Roval Robes; to feryc the King that Day with Water to walh 
 ■' i 
 ■I, i . 
 ' <m^ 
 1> ' fl 
 ''; ti 
^'8 European Iflandf. Eait 11. 
 his Hands before a'nd after Dinner. -Cy.; The Lord Hhfi Conjhhk o\ 
 Fna^Uni, an Officer, whofe Power is to ^reat, that 'twas thouah 
 inconvenient to lodge the Hime in any Subje^ fince the Ycari^-u 
 and is now conterr'd' on fome of the chieteli Peers, pro re vut.^ ^ ai 
 upon occafion o^ Coronation s^ or Solemn Trixu by Combat, (s.) The 
 £arl Marfiil of Englmd, whofe 0(1ice is to take cognizance ot all 
 Matters of War and Arms; to detcrmiiic Contrads concerning 
 Deeds of Arms oat of the Realm npon [/and, and Matters touch- 
 ing Wars within the Realm, which the Conimon-Um^ cannot dtter. 
 mine. C9.; The Lori High Admiral of Fjiphiui, whofe Trult'and Ho 
 nouris fo great, that thisOjfice harh been Ufually given either to 
 iome of the King's younger Sons, near Kinfmen, or one of the 
 Chiefeft Peers of the Realm : To him is committed the Management 
 Of all Maritime Affairs, the Government of theKing^s Navy, a 
 decifive Power in all Caiifes Maritime, as well Civil as Crimirjal He 
 aifo Commiflionates Vice-Jdrnirals, J^ar'/ldmirals, Sea-Captiws, ^q, 
 and enjoys a number of Privileges, too many here to be mention d. 
 This Office is commonly executed by feveral Perfons conjunctly in; 
 Commilfion, (term'd Z.oyrffofthe^^»j/V.2/t>; 
 After the Officers of the Cro^jn, we might here fubjoin the vario 
 Courts oi Judicature eftablilhM in this kingdom, efpecially the/i'/£, 
 Court o(rarliame?ity which is Supreme to all others, and to whom a 
 laft Appeals are made^ I might hereiikewife mention all theSuhc 
 dinate Courts of tliis Realm, particularly that of the K^ngs-^iknchp 
 Court of common- ric AS y the High Court ofCkavcery, the Exche^iuer^ an, 
 the Court of the /?«ff^ of Lavcafl''.r^'i<^Q, as alfo the £cckfu(}}i:, 
 Courts in Subordination to the Archbp. oi Canterbury ; as the Cowno 
 Arches^ the Coun o^ Audience^ the Prerogative Court, the Couttoi L^Km 
 ties, and that 0^ Peculiars. But to declare the Nature and Cofiltiniwji. 
 the ample Privileges and manner of Procedure in each of then: 
 would far exceed the narrow Boundsof an A.bftra£f. I fhallm 
 therefore defcend to particulars, only adding to thisParagraji 
 that, befides thefe various Courts abovemention'd, the King, c(»i 
 fulting the eafe and welfare of the Subjeft, adminifters Juftcei: 
 his Itinerant Judges, and that in thdr yearly Circuits thro' u 
 Kingdom ; and for the better governing of^ and keeping the King 
 Peace in particular Counties, Hundreds, Cities, Boroughs 2nd yilli^t 
 of this Realm, Counties hdive their refpe^ive Lord Lientenan: 
 Sheriffs, and Jufticesof the Peace; Hundreds, their Bailiifs, HigB.Mej^jfQj 
 Conftables,and Petty-Conftables. Cities, their Mayor, Aldermeathan /he 
 Sheriffs, ^c Boroughs and Totvns Incorporate, have either a Mayo||^^.^,/^.^ ^ 
 or two Bailiffs, or a Port-reeve, who in Power are the ^^^^^mmlforthc 
 Mayor and Sheriffs ; and during their Offices, are Juftices oftjthe Refor 
 peace within their own Liberties. And laftly, Villages are in SDbjfcjj-j. ^^ 
 ^.liofl to the Lord of the M4?7o/-,under whom is iheConftabJc o:^^^^%mnv 
 I parr) 
 I tally tau 
ait 11. 
 tjUbk o\ 
 part li. European IJl-i/jas, 219 
 rough to keep the Peace, apprehend Offenders, and bring 'em be- 
 fore the Juftice. Of fuch an admirable Conftitution is the £r?pjip 
 Government^ that no Nation whatfoever can jaftly pretend to Inch 
 a Model, and no People in the World may live more happy if they 
 pleafe; fo that it may be juftiy afifirmM of 'cm, what the Poet faith 
 in another Cafe, only with change of Pcrfons, 
 f^' fortunntos nlmium faa JJ hov.ii r.urir.t 
 ai'msf.J The Enfigns Imperial of the Monarch of Great Britain^ 
 are in the firft place ^^wre, Three FJow:'r~de Luce<, Or \ the Royal 
 Arms oi France quartered with the //-/^pjr/^/ Eniigns of £wg/j«^i which 
 zre Gules, three Lyons Paffant Cardam in Tale, Or, In the iecond 
 Place, within a double treffure Counter jlovoer'i de lj> Or, a. Lyon J^m-- 
 tmt.Gulcsy for the Royal Arms oi Scotland. In the third Place y^^«r<r, 
 an H^) flarp, Orjlrir.p^ed, Argent, for the Royal Enfigns of Ireland, 
 In the fourth Place as in the hrfb. Thtfe Eniigns Armorial are 
 qiiarter'd after a new manner fmce the late Revolution, the £ng^ 
 ^lijh Arms being put before the Frcvch^ and the whole charged with 
 anEfcutchconof the Hoiife oi Na[f:u, which h A^ure Semt-biUets^di 
 Ipn I^ampinty Or^ Languid and Armed Gules ^ all within the Garter, 
 the chief Enfign of that moll Noble Order; above the lame, art 
 Hdmet anfwerable to K. U'iL' Sovereign JurifdiiUon ; upon the 
 fame, la rich Mantle of Cloth of Gold, doubled Ermin^d.dQvr.\i with 
 in Imperial Crown, and furmounted for a Creji by a Lyon Fajjunt Gar^ 
 knty Or, Crowned, iks the former, and an Vr.icorn Argent Gorged with 
 iCrorvn, thereto a Chain afiixt, paffing between his Forelegs, and 
 reflex^d over his Back, C'rjboth handing upon a Compartment placed 
 underneath; and in the Table of thAt Compartment is exprefs'd 
 ike King of England's Motto, which is, Dieu'^ mon Droit \ but ot' 
 \\iie, Je Maintien dray. 
 KeliSton] The Inhabitants of this Country are (for the moft 
 Ipart) of the tzuc I^eformed I^Hgion publickly profefs'd, and care- 
 tally taught in its choiceft Purity. In Reforming of which, they 
 were not IbhurryM by popular Fury and Faihon, (as in other Na- 
 tions) but proceeded in a more Prudent, Regular, and Chriftiaa 
 Method 5 rcfolving to feparateno farther from the Church of L^^me, 
 than fhe had feparared from the Truth, embracing that excellent 
 Uhice of the Prophet, ( Jer. 6. 16.) Standye in the ways and fee, and. 
 Uiifor the old Paths, where is the gcodw.iy, and walk therein. So thac 
 MQ liefonnd Church oi England^ is a true Mean or middle Way be- 
 Itwixt thofe two Extreams, oi' Sup jrflition und Thviaticifyn, both 
 Iqwlly to be avoidcrl. The Vo'clrine of which Church thus r.^finM, 
 \ h 
 t ' 
 , ■• , 
 ■••If ■ 
^ % 
 220 European I/lands. Part II. 
 is briefly fumm'd up in the 39 Articles, and Book of I/omilies ; and 
 her Difcipline and Worjhip are to be feen in the Liturgy, and Book of 
 Canons. All which being ferioufly weigh'd and confiderM by a judi- 
 cious and impartial Mind, it may be found that this National 
 Church is for certain, thecxaftcft of all the Reformed Churches, 
 and comes neareft to the Primitive Pattern of any in Chnfleniom, 
 For her Doftrine is intirely built upon the Trophets 2iW^ A^oiiks, 
 According to the Explication of the ancient Fathers, her Govern- 
 ment (rightly conlider'd) is truly JpofloIicaJ\ her Liturgy h 2i no. 
 table Extraft of the beft of the primitive Forms ; her Ceremonies 
 arc few in Number, but fuch as tend to Decency and true Devoti- 
 on. In a word, the Church of England doth firmly hold and maintain 
 the whole Body of the truly Catholich Faith^ (and none other) ac- 
 cording to Holy Scripture^ and the Four firft General Councils j fo that 
 her Sons may truly fay, (in the Words of an Eminent Luminary of 
 the ancient Church) In ea J^egiila inceiimm quam EccUfixab Apoflolis^ 
 jlpofloli a Ckriflo, ^ Chriftus a Deo accepit. At prefent all Se6ts and 
 Parties are tolerated ; and it*s truly as melancholy to confider, as 
 *tis hard to determine, whether our Heats and Divifions on one 
 hand, or Open Frophanencfs and I> religion on the other, be moft pre- 
 dominant. In the mean time, this is moft certain, that they're 
 both equally to be lamented j the neceffary Confequence of them 
 both, being moft difmal and dangerous in the End. But that it mi) 
 pie afe the Almighty to gr Ant to all Nations Vnity^ Teace and CGncori\ w 
 bring into the way of Jrutb all fuch m have Erred and are Deceived ; to 
 ftrengthen fuch as do Stand \ to comfort and help the lVeal'hearteJi\ to 
 fAtfe up themthat Fall', and fnally, to heat down Satan under our jVer,; 
 is the daily and fervent Prayer of the Church of Chrift ; and tbe^ 
 hearty WilhandDefire of every true Son thereof. The Chrij{m\ 
 Faithh thought to have been planted \n England, tempore {utfcimui]\ 
 fummoTiberiiCafariff according to ancient (?/7i^ ^ but afterwards 
 more univerrallyreccivM,y*/wwo 180, it being then openly profe^Vd| 
 by publick Authority, under King /Mt/i^s; who isfaid to have been 1 
 the firft Chrittian King in the World ; yet feveral doubt whefherj 
 there was ever fucli a Man in the World, In general, this is cer- 
 tain tl\At Chriftianity was propagated here in the earlieft Agesof| 
 the Church. 
 fim.t.'] WJ ALES ['the Seat of the Ancient /)^/fi;>J, andl 
 V V lioundfd on the Eiijl by a part of England ; on thej 
 ;/''/?, vorfjf" anJ.!>Vf/r/s by St. (Jc-ore ':; Channerj is termed by thei 
part II. European Ijlands. 221 
 •ttians, lVaUin\ hy tllQ Spani/ircit, Gales; by the French ^ GaUes ; by 
 the GertnanfjlVMlies ; and by the EnglipyJ^Mhs j fo called Cas fome ima- 
 mt) from Idwal/e, Son to CadwaUadcr, who retired into this Coun- 
 try with the remaining BritMinr. But others rather think, that as the 
 Britain: derive their Pedigree from the Gauitf fo they alfo retain the 
 Name, this Country being ftill termed by the French^ Galles ; which 
 ufmg W for G (according to the Saxon Cuftom) agrees pretty well 
 with the prefent Title. 
 Siir.] The Air of this Country is much the fam^^ as in thofe Coun- 
 ties of England which lie under the fame Parallel of Latitude. The 
 oppofite Place of jhe Globe to Wales ^ is that part of the vaft Pacific 
 Ocean, between 190 and 200 Degrees of Longitude, with 56 and 
 ^0 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 $ci!.] The Soil of this Country (it lying in the 9th North Cli- 
 mate) is generally very Mountainous, yet fome of its Valleys are 
 abundantly fertil, producing great plenty of Corn, and others are 
 very fit for Pafturage. Its likewife well ftored with large Quarries of 
 Free-Stone, as alfo feveral Mines of Lead-Oar and Coals. The longeft 
 Day in the Northmoft Parts, is about 16 Hours i, the Ihorteft in 
 itbeSouthmoft 7 Hours ^, and the Nights proportionably. 
 CommotiitiCf.] The ch\c£ Commodities of tlils Country, are Cattle, 
 1 Butter, Cheefe, Welch Frizes, Cottons, Bays, Herrings, Hides, 
 I Calves-Skins, Honey, Wax, and fuch like. 
 . Unities.] In feveral Parrs of this Princip.illry, efpcciiilly Derbigh- 
 l/irf, nre ftill to be Cccn the Rcw,vrjs of that famous l^'allj commonly 
 icall'd King Ofas Dykc'^ made by Ojj)i the Xtcria", as a Hotindary be- 
 tween the i'<i.rowy and Er tains. (1) At a fmalj Villaije, called NeKtjrt 
 hn Glamorg.vijhire, is a remarkable? S/'r///j rucrli the Sea, which ebbs M\d 
 hows contrary to the Sea. O ) ^n f^^'- 1^"^^ County, as alio Ci^rw/jr- 
 (iw;/Jji»v, are feveral Ancient Sciulchml Mo^jumcnts, and divers nofid 
 Stone Piliart, with obfcrvable Inlcripticns on them. (4.) In Brcck- 
 ^nik^ire are fome other remarkable Pillars, particularly that called 
 mmy Maryunion (or the Maiden Sront) near the Town of brecbmk : 
 Another ac PeiHrc Ts'ytbrog in Lba7i S. /Ercd Parilh : And a thiiii :n 
 Ipoim of a Crofs, in f^anor Parifli. i"^') In G'a?fiorganllv'c arr the JU> 
 Iniainsof C^f' Phyli Caffl({uki:n by fome for the PulUutnSiliiyvff'iwhiih 
 larc Generally reckoned the noblefl Kuins of Ancient ArcluteO.ujt oi" 
 Inyin hritai'i. (6) In Merionct''!hiye is Kadcr I ins, ?. jMor.iuaii: it- 
 Imaikable for its prodigious height, h^ini^ rj.nv.norAy reckoned the 
 lliigheft of any in IntMn ; as an Argi'm-a: lor which, tisuij^td l>y 
 |lbme, that the faid Mountain affvi d;. Vo'-iuty of Aqmc i ■jn-;. [-; ) lii 
 "'Wfifw , 
 ■ '.ii'!:l 
 :-^ r : 
I: ^ 
 I > ' ■' a 
 rl< 1 
 nr ^ 
 ( ri; 
 222 European Iflands. Fart IL 
 ^arenarvMJkire is a perpendicular Rock of a great height, thro 
 which the publick Road lies, and occaiions no fmall terrour to nia. 
 ny Travellers J for on one hand the lofty impending Rock threa- 
 tens (as 'twere; every Minute to crufh 'em to pieces, and the pro- 
 digious Precipice b^low is fo very hideous and full of danger, that 
 one falfe ftep is of difmal Confequence. (8.) Near Bufingwerkk 
 Jrlintjhire is that remarkable Fountain commonly called Uoly Wdl^ 
 ■which fends forth fo confiderable a Stream as to be able immedi- 
 ately almoft to tarn a Mill : But more obfetvable for its pretended 
 Sanftity of old (and f/iif derived from the fabulous Story of S. IVim- 
 frii) asalfothe wonderful Vertues of its Waters; andthofe were 
 chiefly owing to the Forgery of the Monh o^ Bajhjf^voeri, ^9.) Iq 
 Tembroht^fiire is MUford Haven^ which, for Largenefs and Security 
 can perhaps be outdone by none \n Europe^ it having 16 Creeks s 
 Bays, and 1 5 Roads. And may thereupon be defervedly reckonM 
 among the J^^nties of this Country. L^Jily, In Monmornhjliire are 
 many l\nm,in j^lltars dug up with Variety of Jnfcriptiotis upon 'em ; 
 Fov which, and many others, 7/ii. Camden' j Br ft/?ww/^, late Edition, 
 from page6i^, to 620. as alfo from 623, to<5iS. with page 59:^^ 
 594, eoo, 6oiy6cK, But if the curious Reader would fee the chief 
 Jiirhiis of Wjles ar one View ; let him confult the aforcfiid An. 
 thor, fpafi. 697.) where he will find the Remarkables of this Prin- 
 cipaiiry repreicnted in Sculpture*, particularly thcfe following, ^7\\ 
 a cur iou'^^ carved Pillar, called hUcn-y-Cbwyan^ on Mo/?v« Mountain 
 .in riimfiire.. Two remarkable Pillars at ^ler PhyJi Cifile in Glmor- 
 y^ii>(l)ire. An Ahihjiffer Statue found nesiv Ton h- Shin i-K^r, in 'm Mm- 
 Tnoutbfoire. And finally, fomc /(omrrz Armour and Medals, withva. 
 riery of Coins, both /{omin ^nd Britijhy dug up atfeveral times ia 
 feveral Parts of /; 'i/cj. 
 Srcljbinicrn-^-fl.l /Irckhihpricks in this Principality. None. 
 :5lvJ)')r?i'-ft^.'l Pilhcp' JB.irtg'r, 
 //:hv;. v/>. thofe of \,S. Jfiph^ S, Ddvid 
 arr:c*'r.tu\3.] None. 
 landaff,7 already men 
 f,? already n 
 's,J tion'd. 
 Mj-anncrsi.'', Tl*?^?^//?? are a Pcnple gen'=:r3ny reputed very fditlj 
 ful and lovm^^ i'> one another in a Itrangc Country, asalfo to Stran 
 gers in their own. The Commons (for tlie moft part) arc cxtraorJi 
 nary S.npie and J<^aorant,but tln!ir Gentry are efteem'd both Brav( 
 and Hofpitable. They're univ^::rrally inclinM to a Cholerick Ti?w/' ' 
 and extravai^anrly value themfelve: en their Pedif/u's and Familia. 
 H rnau.^GM The IVt'Jjl) (being the Og-fprhg of the ancient vyitmy 
 do ftili retain their /V/w/»ive J.aveuape^ which yet remains more free 
 ' ■" fror 
part II. 
 European l(liinds. 
 • om a mixture of cxotlck WonU than any modern Tov^gue in Europe ; 
 ■ Lvi^n^ip.^ which hath nothing to recommend it to Strargirs, it bc- 
 i:!! both hard to prommice, and unpleafant to the Ear, by reafcn of 
 ^vraft multitude of Confonants. Their faternojler runs thus : Ein 
 : i^r Imn ivyt pj y yiefocdd^ fev^icdier dy tnvo : Veued dy deyrnnys ; bii 
 ;; cK'/Uys ar yddaiiir megii y mac yn neofodd dyre i ;;/ heddyw eir bara 
 • m-idiol : (I vnddeu i rii ein dyledion.fel y waddewn ni in dyledwyr : 
 ur arwain mi broj'e dingnh^ either gwared in rhag drwg. Amen. 
 (Jrotievumfnt.] This Principality was anciently governed ' y its own 
 Kinjj; or Kings (there being frequently onefor i'oMrif), and another 
 ir North'WakSy and fometimes no lefs than five did claim a Regal 
 ;\)'.ver; but was fully Conquered, Jmw \2?>2. h^ E.dxv.ird\, who 
 'iving then a Son brought forth by his Queen ^tCaervir-junCM^ 
 \-\ V/dles^ and finding the iVelf) extreamjy averle c^gainft a Foreign 
 (lovernor, profer'd 'em the young Child (aNativeof their own) 
 be their Lord and Matter, to which they readily yielded, and 
 :ccordiiigly fwore Obedience to him ; fince which time, the King 
 ciKviihfid's Eldeft Son is ttiTd Prirce ofir^Us^ and all Writs in thac 
 Principality are iifued out in his Name. 
 anr9^ ] The Arms of the Prince of W:ilcs diifer from thofe of 
 '>g/iwi, only by the Addition of a I^Z?j/of three Points. Bur the 
 proper and peculiar Device, commonly (tho' corruptedlyj called 
 tiieJVwre's JrmSi\^ a Cr^rowft beautified with three Ojhitch n^d' 
 \:krs, with this Infcription round, hf? dicvn i.e. I fervi'. \ alluding 
 !o that of the Apoflle, The Heir ivhilchen n Child ^ differ etb not from 
 ^i\\^m\] The Inhabitants of this Country (at Icaft the inoft In- 
 ffl!iL;ent; of 'em) are of the I\eforni'd ^('//:;7<9>r, according to the Plat- 
 iftrni of the Church oi Evpjutid; butni.iny of the meaner fort arc lo 
 C'odv ignorant in Religious Matter.s, that rhey differ nothing from 
 |i";;er Heathens. For the remedying of which, the late inrcmpara- 
 ,,,;.' Mr. Cintge wasat no I'niall Pains and Charge, in Preaching the 
 lilefud Gofpcl to 'em, and procuring and dillributing among 'em 
 func confiderable number of ljibles,and Books of Dcvccion,in their Language. Which noble Defign was afterwards rcviv'd and 
 iVflier'd by the f Amons J\ohcrt Bcyle^ Ei'q^ and I'everiil other well- 
 .iipofert Pcrfons, (particularly chat much lamented Fmiuent Di~ 
 vine', D\\ Anikory llcrr.cck) and we're willing to iiope, thac tli',- 
 fjinewill be kept llill on Foot, and happil;,' promoted, by the Ai:'. 
 ird Kncouragement of Ibme fcrious Chriitiani amongfr u>. "" ' 
 | Faith is faid to have been planted in this CouiUiy 
 \m'\% t'le end of the f.^cond Century* 
 .r\ ru 
 '"if-.'. ' 
i 't 
m (ri 
 f fi ^ 
 ' 'li 
 .« n|^n 
• * 
 part IT. 
 ; : 
 Pro V in 
 <! Mea\ 
 '5 Mo; 
 d I Cav 
part It 
 European IJlandt. 
 K between J^7 00 J ,„^,„g 
 ?) between ^5! ^°| of Lat. 
 55 25 
 ti r Length from S. to N. is 
 5 J about 265 Miles. 
 So*S Breadth from E. to W. is 
 i ^ about 150 Miles. 
 Lewfler - 
 iDividcd into thQ_)vifler^ 
 Provinces of jConnaught- 
 L o}ido7iJisrry, 
 (Louth County 
 Dublin — — 
 Longford — 
 ^ Meath County — 
 KJfig*^ County 
 §lueen'% County 
 }(ilkenny — — 
 CDovon County 
 ^Armagh' — 
 Idem — 
 Idem — 
 Idem — 
 from N. to S. 
 Caven — 
 <! Antrim — 
 Molingar^ / 
 rkilipjione — Vrom N. to S. 
 Mari'biirrow \ 
 Idem J 
 Idem-) c _rfK. County. 
 idem <'^'^^\Kilkenry, 
 Londonderry — 
 Tirons County 
 I I(ofcQnon 
 ^ JMaio County 
 Down — 
 *i Armagh 
 Idem — 
 Idem ■ C , _ -. ,.^ 
 Inni4killing'" 3 
 Idem, Wo of Londonderry, 
 Idem — 
 Idem — 
 Maio — 
 from N. to S. 
 Weft ward. 
 !i^i i 
 ' ■ 1" 

 ; ) '! 
 European IjLtnds, 
 Part II 
 CUr^: County - 
 Cork County 
 > N. to S. 
 ^. fo 5 
 Weft ward. 
 Ii5.imc.] 'THIs Ifland (Turrounded by the BriciJI) Ocean, and r- 
 kon'd the Britannia Purvt oi PtoJemj \ mentionMsi", 
 Tiy other ancient Writers under the Names o{Jcrr,d, Javcmj^ j(, 
 ike, and by modern Authors, J-IiU'rnij) is term'd bv the iu/k 
 Jrhnd.i\ by the Sp:inidrds, hUnd:i\ by the French. •■, by tj 
 Cci'm.77!Sy Trhrd ; and by the Er^^^lijh, Jrehi)]d\ fo call'd, (is fom, 
 imagine") ah hihcrno iicre^ trom the Winrci. like Air : Buc rathej 
 (\u,cording to others) from Erinltvi, which in the /;///) TongU;;|'r 
 rsirij^-rh a H'cflt^rti Lh-aX^ it being ib in refpeft of Grcjit Briiain. 
 P.a'.? The /Jir of this Country is ajmo/l of the fame Nature wit'i 
 T-haC of tliofe Partsof Biiuin, whitli lie under the fame Parallel; 
 only diiFcientin this, that in feveral Places of this Kingdom, '(is 0' 
 ii rnote f^rofi^ dJsd impure Temper ; by realon of the many Lakes am 
 r*\ian'hes, wliirh wdCi up fuch a quantity of Vapours, and thereby d 
 rorriipt the whole MaCsof Air; as to occafion FIuKts, Rheums, arc 
 luch like Diflempcrs, to which the Inhabitants arc frequently Tub 
 ]-'ti. T)ie o;)poiit£ Place of the Globe to Jycljjul, is that parto 
 vl)e Patii-ick Ocean, lying between 180 and ico Degrees of Lon«! 
 tune, with 53 and <6 Degrees of South Laritude. 
 '^-ml] The Soil of this Country Cil lying in the 9th and lotl 
 I'Jorrh Cli;na;e) is a'nndanfly tl-rt:!; but natijrally more ^iti^: 
 <^;rafs and Pafturnge, than Tillage. Mucii of ti.' - Kingdom is fli 
 overiirown with Woods, or incumhred with vaft Bf^r> and unwhole 
 t'orne Marfhe^; -, yielding neither Profit nor Plcafurc to the Ink{3, but not near fo much as fi^rmerly : There beingagrta 
 ileal of v;ood cut down, and many luge Ma rib '^s dram'd in tiii 
 Age, and the Ground imploy'd fr,r- v-jrion-s ri)rts of Grain, whid 
 r: produceth in great Plenty. The longefi Day in the Northnu 
 part of this Country, is about 17 Hours and a hair ; the fliortefti,! 
 tl)e :>outhmort,7 Hours J; j and the Nights proportionably. 
 art II. 
 Haritie« ] 
 'ountv of 
 )ttomof a 
 low rvate 
 y 120 in 
 laces 96 F 
 roving th< 
 filofoph 7 
 the fa mo 
 luality ; b 
 fy ought 1 
 bke, rath 
 firtsof thi 
 [be Tip of 
 ion to appi 
 fas former 
 of frehr} 
 hofe of y^r 
 ugh being 
 iighlin ani 
 CO'.nmoDUieiS^.^ ThecliiefCrtwmci/t/r^ of thii Country, are Cattb 
 Jlides, Tallow, Butter, Checie, Hcni^y^ Wax, Svjlt, Hemp, Lind 
 Cioth, Pi>pe ^jtavcs, Vv'ooJ, l/rieze>, '.'^V. I 
 \k, that of 
 pMrnj)ea72 Iflands, 
 kat!tie«3 About eight Miles North-Eaft from Cohmit in the 
 [oiincv of Antrim^ is that Miracle (whether of Art or Nature^ I fhall 
 acdifpute) commonly cali'd Giants Caufvo ay -, which runs from the 
 3ttomof a high Hill into the Sea, none can tell how far. Its length, 
 ilov) rvater, is about 6cq Feet ; the breadth, where broadett, 240, 
 id 120 in the narroweft ; 'tis very unequal in height,being in fome 
 laces 36 Feet from the level of the Strand, and in others only 15. 
 confilHof many thoufands of Pillars perpendicular to the Plaia 
 fltheT/on^ow, and of all different Shapes and Sizes, but moftof'em. 
 jentagonal or Hexagonal, yet all irregularly placed. A particular 
 Jraughtand Defcription of thii wonderful Caufwayy with an EfTay 
 [roving the fame to be rather the Work of Nature than Art, Vid, 
 hilofoph. Trill fact. N. 212 and 112. (2.) In the Province of 'l"//f er 
 ithe famous loM^^i Neaph, hitherto noted for its rare petrefying 
 )aality ; but upon due Examination, 'tis found that the laid Qiia- 
 fy ought to be afcribed to the Soil of the Ground adjacent to that: 
 hke, rather than to the Water of the Lake it ftif. C^.) In feveral 
 lirtsof this Kingdom arc fometimes dug up Horns of a prodigious 
 lignefsjone Pair lately found being ten Feet and ten Inches from 
 [he Tip of the right Horn to the Tip of the left) which gives occa- 
 Ion to apprehend that the gvc:it Americayi Deer, (called the Mcofe) 
 Jas formerly common in this Ifland. As for that excellent Qiiali- 
 Q^ Ireland in nourifhing no Venomous Creature ; the fame is fo 
 (otorioufly known, thatl need fay nothing of it. 
 arfl)ht$l}0p;itcl{j3f.] Archbijhoprids in tiiis Kingdom, a rc^ Four, *!;/->■ 
 [hofe 0^ Armagh ^ Dublin^ Ciffil^ and Jujrn. The Archbifhop of Ar-^ 
 'i;^^ being Primate of all helavi, 
 Zmm'^i-'] BiJl:Opricks in this Kingdom, are thofc of 
 y^hlin and Ferm 
 Limerick^ Ardfttrt and Clonferr^ 
 Aghadoy ElpUr:^ 
 Waterfordf Pyipho, 
 CVt and I{oJ'Sf Verry, 
 cloyne, ICjlmort' and Arj[,tgK 
 CJoghcr, ifroi-'iyncre, 
 Down and Conner, 
 anibctfitieut.] Here is only one LWvdf;://tr, .-v/v That oi Duilhr, 
 mnnmi The/r///;(accordingtothebeftCharaaerl find of em, 
 ^z.thdt o( Dr. Bey lins) are a People, that's generally ilrong anril 
 finible of Body, haughty of Spirit, carelefs of their / ?um\ patient in 
 ; * ■ ' 'j 
i M Mi 
 MM ' 
 ■' i 
 228 Eurofedn Jflanis. Part II 
 Cold and Hunger, implacable in Enmity, conftant in Love, ligh 
 of Belief, greedy of Glory. In a word, if they are bad, you (halll 
 no where find worfe \ if they be good, you can hardly meet with! 
 language.] The Lin^uige here ufcd by the Natives being the /rz/J- 
 feems to be of a Bnrz/fe Extraftion, by comparing the fame with] 
 the irtf/jJi. The £»g////j and Scots here refiding retain their own. pJ 
 i^r-No^dr in the Iri^ Tongue, runs thus: Air mthir atdgh air m\ 
 ■Hcib^fer hxmmxi \ tigiuhdariatiatche : deantur da hoilamhicoilairnimh] 
 agit air thalamki. Air naran laidhthuil tabhair dhuin 4* niombh ; agu\ 
 math diiin dair Jhiaca ammil agU mathum viddar fentcbunnim j agU vA 
 trihic aflochjay inaufsn'-, ac farfmo ok. Amen. 
 Co^ttnmcnt] The Government of this County is by one Supreme 
 Officer, who is commonly term'd the Lord Lieutenant^ or Lori dA 
 puty o{ Ireland. No Vice-Roy in Europe is invefted with greater 
 Power, nor Cometh nearer the Majefty of a King in his Train and 
 State, than he. For his Afliftance he'sallow'd a Privy-Councllto 
 advife with upon all Occafions. As for the Laws of the Kingdo J 
 (which are the ftanding Rule of all Givil Government) they owe 
 their Beginning and Original to the Englijh Parliament and Coun- 
 cil, and muft ftrft pafs the Great Seal of England. In abfenceof 
 the Lieutenant, the Supreme Power is lodged in Lords ^uflicest who 
 liave the fame Authority with a Lieutenant. The various CoumI 
 of Judicature, both for Civil and Criminal Affairs, and their man- 
 ner of proceeding in each of em, are much the fame as herein] 
 ^m$'] See England, page 219. 
 EelifftOK.l The Inhabitants of this Country are partly ProteflmfJ 
 partly Pjp//iPi. The beft civilized Parts of the Kingdom are of the 
 Reformed Religion, according to the Platform of the Church ot| 
 England. But the far greater Part of the old Native Irijh do ftilll 
 adhere to Popifh Superftitions, and are as credulous of many Ri.| 
 diculous Legends as in former times. The Chriftian Faith was firft 
 preached in this Country by St. P^tnV;^, {Anno ^'^<^.) who is gene- 
 rally affirmed to be the Nephew of St. tAartin of Tours, 
fart II. 
 Eurofean IJlands, 
 Having thus travelled thro' £r;u/n and Ireland^ [[the GrcMcr of 
 VtBritAnnick Illands] proceed we next to the i.ej/t'r, which in refpeft 
 [fCjrfif Britain, arc lituated on the Eafty if^'eft, North and South* 
 »The NoJy yjland 
 ifeam JJlands 
 h'oker fflavd 
 )sheppy Jjlatjd 
 Jhdnet Jfland 
 fThe Lewes 
 Sly ' 
 ^ J Jura • • 
 Arran — 
 [Scilly IJlands 
 of which the^ Mainlain 
 chief are )Sapinlha 
 (jVeflra — 
 iThe Shetland^ C Mainland 
 of which the^ 
 chief are ^rcJl'— 
 nhc Old Fort 
 The Old Tower 
 All E. of Nor* 
 Quinborougb — 7 On theKemi^ 
 ^Kjljaarick I 
 I K^lvorie"' f 
 found from 
 J K^lconan-" ^ ? N . to S. 
 )> M<\ Caftle mgh . — J 
 Portland JJl and- 
 Jjleofmght ^ 
 \l J Port-Sea Jfland- 
 Jjles of <^Guernfey ' 
 Aldcrmy ^ 
 iQrkvtaU I 
 Elwick — • 
 Perivoa •— rfrom S. to N.N.E, 
 Gravelland . 
 Portland Caftle S. of Dorfetjhire, 
 Newport ? S. of Hatttp- 
 Portfmouth — ' J jhirc* 
 St. Hilary O 
 St. Peter*$ Town ^ W. of Nor^ 
 [^Aldernej- ■-J mandy* 
 The chief of which Leffer Iflands being thcfe following, v/j. 
 iWit Of cades y 
 The Schethndy The Ifie of^ Anglsfey, The Ifles of < Guernfey, 
 fThe Hebrides^ 
 Somewhat of all thefe, and in their Order* Therefore, 
 ' "If 
 ^ni : 
 ^ ''a 
 ?' .'I' 
 S I. The 

 European Ifla^ids* 
 § I The Orcxdes or Orkney IjUnds, 
 TH E number of thefe lOands is indeed very great, and otel 
 26 are attually inhabited \ the reft being call'd Holms^ are us| 
 onivr for Pafturage. Malt of 'em are blefs'd with a very pure at 
 healthful Air to breath in, but their Soil is very different, beingi 
 fome extreamly dry Dry and Sandy, in others Wet and Marf 
 Iiowever they're indifferently fruitful in Oats and Bary, butdef, 
 tutc of Wheat, Rye, and Peafe. Many ufeful Commodities areyea] 
 ly exported from them to divers Foreign Parts. In thefe Illandsat 
 feveral Foor-fteps of the P/t^t//!; Narioiv, from whom Pit'? /i?;7(i-rritM 
 commonly thought to derive its Name. The inhabitants doltilhj 
 tain many Gothict: and Teutonick Terms in their Language; an 
 fome ancient: G^rmau Sirnames ( as yet in ufe ) do plainly cvinc 
 their Fxtradion. Being as yet great Strangers to that elteniinac, 
 of Living in the Southern Parts of £nr.z/>;, they common-ly arrivl 
 to very conliderable Ages ; and feldom it is, that they j9/e o/fj[ 
 FhyficintL Thefe Illands have been vilited by the J^cmtm, poUdsi 
 by the ritls, and fubjedt to the Vanes'^ bvit Chrifiianiy. ofm 
 tnark having quitted all his Prctenuons to 'em in favour of Kin] 
 yames VL upon the Marriage of that Prince with his Sifter, the] 
 have ever lincc acknowledged Allegiance to the Scottijh Crowij 
 and are immediately govern d by the Stewart of Ormy^ orhf 
 § 2. The ShetUnd. 
 UNDER, the Name of Shetlutii, arc commonly comprelienl 
 ed no lefs than 46 Illands, with 40 Nolmsy betides manl 
 Rocks. Of thefe Illands, about 26 are inhabited, the reftbeinj 
 ufed only for feeding of Cattle. They enjoy a very healthful An 
 and the Inhabitants do generally arrive to a great Age. In feve 
 ralof*em are fome t^M/U-rftillftanding, with divers old Fabricksl 
 JTiade (as is commonly believ'd) by the PiBs. The Gentry, wlij 
 removed hither from the Continent, ufually, fpeakasin the Not] 
 o^Scotland \ but the common fort of People (who are defcendej 
 from the KorvegUns) do ftill retain a corrupt Norfe Tongue, call'] 
 Norv, All thefe Illands belong now to the Crown of i'cor'uw^ an^ 
 arc reckon 'd a part of the Stewarty of(?rl'w«{;. 
 § J. TI)( 
PartlP^^ I^- 
 § J. The Hebrides, 
 IrHis tnighty Cliifier of I Hands (rhe hhdti of PtoJeniy, SoUr.w.^ and 
 *'- Tlirjy) au coinmonly tcrm'd the Wejiern IJla from their Situa- 
 jon in lefpect oi' .S'ioil.tnd, to whicli Crown tliey belong. In Sni! 
 fhey'rc very diilerent, but gerier;H)y blelt with a pure and healths 
 iilAir. They fiirpafs 300 in A^/rW;rr, tho' reckoned byfomebut44. 
 [Xheir Inhabiiants ufe the hiji Tor.jiue, yet with difference of Dia- 
 left from that in Ireli?ii'y and are much the lame with the High- 
 landers on the Continent of iy^or/jwcf, both in Habit, Cuftoms, and 
 niinner of Living. Die moft remarkable of all thefe lllands, are 
 Two, v/^. '^ovjf and St. KjLIj. The former fnow called Lolumb^ 
 1::,, nigh the Hie oi Mull) is noted for being of old the Bi'rying- 
 j'laceof the Ivings of Siotlind^ and the chief Refidence oi- the c.n^ 
 cicnt Cw/^('e5. The other (rerm'd by the JHanders, ///Vr; \rf 
 liichava?: /Jina ', and aftei wards St, iQIdi oi' jQlhr) isthercno- 
 ^-ftofall zhe l/ebtides^ and fo obfervable for Ionic Remarkable^ 
 therein, and feveral uncommon Cuftom; peculiar to its Inhabi- 
 nnts, that a Defcription thereof was of late thought worthy of a 
 partirilar Treatile, intituled, A Voj:igs to St^hyida., to which I 
 mm the Reader. 
 § 4. The Ijle of Man. 
 THisIfland (called Mjwot'rf^z h^ TtoUmy \ and hy Tlhy^ Mo7tihiu) 
 ^ enjoys a verv told and fliarp Air, being expofed on every 
 lide to the bleak piercing Winds fiom the Sea. Its Soil oweth much 
 vi'its Fertility to the Care and Induftry of the Husbandman. The 
 Inhabitants) a mixture of £w^////;, i>coxs, and /;-//];, commonly called 
 Mwhwew) have in general a very goon Charatter. The ordinary 
 fort of People retain much of the irijh in their Language and way 
 of Living j but thole of better Rank Itrive to imitate the Englijh. 
 In this they're peculiarly happy, that all litigious Proceedings are 
 bmiflied from among 'em, all Differences being fpeedily determin- 
 ed by certain Judges, called T^t-d/rt/i'eM, and that without Writings 
 or Fees: If the Cafe be found very intricate, then 'tis referr'd to 
 12 Men, whom they term'd the K^eys of the liland. This Ifland be- 
 longed once to the Smsy and in it the Bifhopof the Jfles hadhi& 
 Cathedral; bur now the whole, together with the Advowibn of 
 the Biflioprick, belongs to the Earls oi Derby ^ who are commonly 
 ftil'd Lords of AiiVf tho' I^tigs in effv'd; they having all kind ot 
 Civil Power and Jurifdittion over the Inhabitants, but ftill under 
 (lie Feif and Sovereignty of the Crown of £»gUvJn 
 I', ■ 
It • .' 
 / .' I 
 III, wL , •; i 
 European If.ands. 
 § 5- ^^g'^feh 
 Part, ijfsrt IT. 
 'pHij lOand (the celebrated Afo?/^ of the F^matiSt and ancient 
 Seat of the Z>r«/itf5) is blefs'd with a very fruitful Soil, pro] 
 ducing moft forts of Grain (efpecially Wheat) in fuch abundance] 
 that the IVcJjhf conimonly term it, Man mam Gymryj i.e. MontUi 
 NurjcryoflVakSy becaufe that Principality is frequently fupply'j 
 from thence in unfeafonable Years. 'Tis commonly reckon'dai 
 one of theCounriesof A^ortfe.fr4/^5, and acknowledgeth Subjeitioc 
 to the Crown of EvgUthi* 
 §6. Thtip of Wight. 
 'THis Ifland (term'd by Ttolemy^ OviKJmrig ; and by the iigmm, 
 Vecldi Vediu or Viilefis ; enjoys a pure healthful Air 5 and isge. 
 nerally rcckon'd a very pleafanr and fruitful Spot of Ground. 'Twasl 
 once honoured (as tht^ UkofAlw) with theTitle of I^rgdoniy fori 
 I/etjry licmctump^ Earl oilP^drwuk, wasCrown'd King of ^f/gh byl 
 JIai'ry\'\, y4mw 14.4.^. bur that Title died with himfclf about t«o| 
 Years after ; and 'tis now reckoned only a part of Hampfhire^ andij| 
 govern'd in like manner, as other of the Lefler Illands. 
 § ?• J^^^f^h Guernfey^ and AUerney, 
 nrHtfj Illands wicli Sirk (another fmall adjacent Ifle) are all cf 
 WiUum the Conqueror's Inheritance, and Dukedom of/Vo>mi«- 
 iy, that now remains in Poireirion of the Evglijh Crown. Their] 
 Soil is iuiiiciently rich, producing in great abundance both Corn 
 and Fruits, efpecialiy Apples, ot which they make plenty of Sy- 
 der i and the Air is fo healthful to breath in, that the Inhabitants! 
 have little or no ule for Phyficians among 'em* They chietiy im- 
 ploy thcmfclves in j4gn culture' y and Knitting of StockinSi and (la* 
 ring War with l-r.iyu:e^ they're much givqc to Privateering. It'^j 
 oblervable of Guem ty, that no venomous Creature can live in i:; 
 and that the Natives generally look younger by ten Yearsthanl 
 they really are. The lilands bi-ing annext to the hfiglijh Crown.l 
 Mko 1 180. by l/airy \. have (to their great Honour) continu'd firiiil 
 in their Alegiancc to E)igU}^ic\(tt lince that time, notwithftaading 
 offevcral attempts made upon em h^ ih: Vraich. And To mucii 
 for tlw LciL-r BrUxmiuk Jjl.inds But it the Readc r dcllres a lai^^r 
art. III?^^^ ^^' Efiropea^ IJlands. 22 g 
 Account of 'em, let himconfult the late Edition of CmhUn^Bri" 
 rvfjij, from pag. 1O49 to 1116 inclufively. 
 If . m Having thus particularly furvey\l the Britdmiick JIhvdSf both 
 I ?^cien(|Q,^.^{.grand LeiTer, proceed we now faccording ro our propofcd. 
 ►oil pro«:^|(3[.j^Qd^ tQ fhe Second Part of this Section, which is to take a 
 '^^^fBfiewof all other Klands belonging to Europe ^ whether they lie on 
 r\,m\\^ North, Wtji or South of the main Continent. Therefore 
 ckon'd li 
 II. Of all Other European IJlands. 
 e ^mm, 
 ind isge-l 
 nd. 'Twasj 
 giow, fori 
 iVigh byl 
 re^ andiJ 
 Jre all of 
 f A^O>wi.i«.| 
 I. Their 
 oth CornI 
 :y of Sy. 
 liiefly im' 
 i and (la- 
 ing. It'^l 
 live in ii: 
 ears thani 
 '; Crown, 
 s a laigcr 
 .European Jjlxnds be fituated on the^I^cy? ^o{ Europe, 
 North J are the Scandhmvun Iflmds, 
 I CThe JjJe of Ice-landt 
 lOnthe^ffV/?, are ^The Britannick Qof which already.] 
 ( The Azores, 
 South, arethofe in the Mediterra?iean SSito 
 Of which in their Order. 
 § I . The Scmdina.vian IJlmds. 
 Such lilands are thofe belonging to< Denmark^ 
 ^ Norma). 
 P^igen — 
 •"] [Bergen — 
 . 1 § j J{ottomby 
 ■ ^ o Borhholm 
 iJo Sweden jO eland 
 lare chieRyy Gothland ^^ j IViJiiby 
 'thole of yOefal , 5 Arnsberg 
 Dago ' g 
 Aladd 1 
 J-'aJileholmy Northward* 
 J Zealand, 
 9 yo C *^'^mmn^ 
 ^ '■'(.■. I 
 .. r.i 
 : ^ 
 i '':li 
 |1 ' ■ 
 I . 
 European Ijlands. 
 Part 11 
 To Den-mrk Y^righrii 
 arc chieHy ^h^^^''^ " 
 W. to 
 / femeren 
 Nykopi7}g •—■ 
 Stege — — 
 Sortierborg J 
 To Norwxy 
 are chiefly 
 thofc of 
 }Sdnien - 
 ,Suroy • 
 ^ /"W. of Jr^viwger 
 .5 ) VJ » of Vronthem 
 J ^Adjacent 
 to Wurdhm 
 |5ime]nrHefe Iflands are term'd Scandhtavian, from the vaft Temu 
 fula of Scajidix or ScindhuvU^ nigh unto whofe Coafls 
 thofe Iflands do generally lye. The Peninfula. it felf (mentionM both 
 by P/iw^and j'o/iw/w under the fame Name) is probably taken from 
 the fmall Province of .SVt^iew, call'd Scania^ now more commonly 
 Schoijen. As for the chiefcft of the Scandinavian lH^ndSy vi^» Zeji.\ 
 land [^ the ancient Cadononia of VomponiuA lAela^ our modern DM 
 Geographers would fain derive its Name from the great plent^of 
 Corn it produceth ; alledging that Zealand or Seeland, is only a 
 corruption oisedUni or Seedlavd, But others, with greater fliewci 
 Probability, will have its modern Denomination to denote only a 
 plat of Ground or Ifland furrounded with the Sea. 
 ^it''} The Sfandinxvian Iflands being ftrangely fcattered npar,i 
 down the -Bi/tq«eSea, and the main We.flern Ocean, and thofe ofa 
 very different make, (fome being high and rocky, others low anJ 
 plain) the temperature of the Air can't be expected to be the fame 
 in all of 'em, efpeclafly as to Aloifiure a.m\ Drymfs, As touching //« 
 and Cold^ it's much the fame with the Air of thofe Places on the Ad- 
 jacent Continent that lie under the fame Paraflels of Latitude. 
 ^oil. 1 The Soil of the Scandinavian Ifland is wonderfully difFerent,! 
 fome of'em being very Fertile, and others extreamly Barren. Thel 
 Fertile Iflinds are thofe ^(Zealandf Gothlandy Bornholm, Ftinen^ hl'_ 
 fler, LaUndy and the Ween* In all, or moft of 'em, is good plenty cf| 
 Corn^ not only enough for their Inhabitants, but alfb a confulcia^ 
 ble quantity for Tranfportarion. They likwifc abound with cicod 
 Paftarage, and breed vaft numbers of Cattle. The length or tlic| 
 Days and Nights in the 6't•<^Wi/;>;i^'/■iW /yJi/?;^/f, is the very lame wir'i 
 thofe Parts of Si\indi?uvia it felf, that lie under the fame parallel) 
 of Latitude, 
Part 11. 
 European Jjl^ndsi 
 CommoBittf?.] The chief Ccwwoi/f/Vi exported from the bcft of 
 t\\o[is J/lands are i-///?, Ox-BUss, Bud-Skhn, and Corn, particuldrly 
 iVksaty Barley^ Hys and Oats. 
 )Xaritit3f.] In the Ijldnd U^sen are yet to be feen the Ruins of an 
 ancient Oofervatory.cieded by Tycho Brabt: tbat famous Vjitiijh J(ho- 
 vomer '^ one part whereof being formerly an high Tow^y wasterm'd 
 Irmburg^ and the other a deep Dwgion, befec with Locki}}g~Gljf]l's, 
 was named his Stelliburg. How neat this Obfirvatory was, when in- 
 tire, and how well ftocl^t with AUxhsmatical hijhumsntsj is now un- 
 certain ; but this, methinlis, is pretty certain, that the Jjlarni Wctyi 
 (;vith lubmiffion to better Judgments) was none of the rictclt for 
 Ai\ronomicd Vbfervations oi all forts [^fuch as the taking the exa^t 
 time of the riling and fctting o^iCccleftial Bodies, together with their 
 Amplitudes^ becaufe the ///.twi lies low, and is Land-lock d on all 
 Points of theCompafs iavt three ; being hemm'd in by the Swedijh 
 and Vanijh Coalts from S. to E* quite round to 5. S W. as I particu- 
 larly took notice of Annoi'joo. (having then occahon to be upon 
 the/yZ^wi) befides thefcniible Land Bonbon of the Wcoi is excrtam- 
 Imneven and ruggid J the AVt^and EajUm Parts thereof being 
 [mt riling Hills in the Province oiSchoven^ and thcU'efiem Part is 
 mcftly overfpread with Trees on the JjUnd Zsahndy from the re- 
 inoteltof whofeCoalts the IVecji is not diftant above three Leagues. 
 Nigh to the Jfli of H'nteren on the NorvagianCodiW is that dreadful 
 Whirlpool, commonly called the ]<lavd of the Sea : But of it al- 
 , ready when treating of iVorw^_y. As for the J{urities of the Jfu^ui 
 Zaiimi (particularly thofe in the t/[uf(Xim Reghm, 3,zCope77hag<;r:0 
 Vid. Dc?imark» 
 fitc!)bi0l)opjiick8f, &c.] Vid. Swedai, Demurk and Norwaj, 
 S'^nners.] The ScavdivAvia7i Ifiinds that are aclually Inhabited, 
 lare generally Peopled from the nearcft Part of the Continent, and 
 lare therefore itockt either with Sweda^ Dunes or Norvegiavs. What 
 the particular Genius of each of thole Nations is, has been already 
 pdared, when treating of the various Kingdoms oi'Scundhuvia, to 
 [Which 1 remit the Reader. 
 Idnjiiacc.^ What hath been juft now faid of the Inhabitants of 
 t^f:S(:,r,jdi7i.r.ij)! Iflttnds in reference to their Manners, the fame may 
 |hea;iirmcd of them with relation to their Language, 
 (f'olirrnmfjit.l T)\^ Scavdhinvl.ifi ]]].i7}.Uht\(:Mig\\)^ to Sweden, Dm- 
 -'ii' or A'c'ir/v, .Jo own >']bj-tlii.)n cirhtr to \)\% Sv":d'^) ov D.niijh 
 \K - Maielh- :; 

 256 European Illands, Part II 
 Moj^fty; and the moft conllderable of 'em are accordingly ruki 
 hy pjrticular Govemours, either appointed in, or fcnc to 'eiTi b, 
 the two Northcin Courts o^ S%vei^n and Dtnm,irk* 
 ZU\\} ] Vid. ScxrJinjiv'u* 
 IR^I Sicn J Thofe of the ScmdhuvUn Iflands that are a^^ually k.\ 
 habircdjheingPeopied (as aforefaid) either from ^'jTfid?/, Vcnni.v' 
 or iVornvf)/ ; ^wa uukernyjijm being the only cftjblilh'd Religion i:i 
 thofe Kingdom?, '.he Iniiabitants of thofe Ijhnds may be gentral!; 
 reckon'd to prot'efs tiie fame Religion. The particular Time when! 
 each of 'em receiv'd the Light ot the bleifedGofpel is uncertain. 
 § 2. The Ifie of Ice-la/nd. 
 i?M\\z.]'-r''ii\s jjland (taken by fome for the much controvertt. 
 Thulii of the Ancients) is term'd by the Jtaliavs, JJIdndvA 
 by the Spaviurdsy Ticrra eUda ', by the Fretjchy JfUvde^ by the Gcrmi'/uA 
 Jjlmi ; and by the E/jgliJh, Ice-iand, fo call'd from the abundance 0: 
 Ice, wherewith 'tis environed for tlie greateft part of the Year, 
 2ii'-] By reafon of the frozen Ocean furrounding this JJUvd, arn! 
 tlic ^^reu quantity of Snow wherewith 'tis moftly covered, the Air 
 inultofnccclfity be very (liarpand piercing, yet abundantly heaUl,- 
 ful to brca.h in, efpccially to thofe who are accuftomed with thai 
 cold Climaie. Tlr.^ oppofite Place of the Globe to Jcd-land, is tha: 
 part of the vdfi Antraitick Ocean, lying between 180 and 190 D.:- 
 grees of Longitude, with 60 and 70 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 <§.il.] Confulering only the Situation q^ Ice-Und (it lying In tk| 
 18th, 19th, 2Dth, and 2 lit North Climate) we may eafily imngi; 
 the Soil is none of the befi'. In fome Parts where the Ground i:| 
 level, there are indeed fevcral Meadows very good for Paltuic,| 
 but elfewhere the IJlwd is incumbred either with vaft Defart?, 
 barren Mountains, or formidable Rocks. So deliituteof (arain isl 
 it, that the poor Inhabitants grind and make Bread of dryM tif^j 
 Bones. In the Northern Parts they have the Sun for one Mont;.| 
 without Setting, and want him intirely another, according ablie| 
 approachcth the two Tropicks. 
 €cmmntJiti£tf ] From this cold and barren Jflmdy are yearly ex- 
 ported Pilh, Whale-Oyl, Tallow, Hides, Brimrtone, and Wlnrt-i 
 1 ^xcs Skins, which the Nativcij barter with Strangers for Nccella- 
 lies of Human Life. 
Part 11. 
 European Ifla/sdi. 
 l\mttf9^.1 Notwithftanding this lj].md dcth lie in fo cold a Clinnte, 
 lyctin it are divers hot and ftalding I'cuntains, with fkcl.i a teiri- 
 He Viiharw, which Tho* always coverM with Snow up to the very 
 Top) doth frequently Vomit forth Fire and Sulphurous Matter in 
 [great abundance; and thdt fometimcs with fuch a terrible roaring, 
 that the loudeit Claps of Thunder are hardly lo formidable. In the; 
 WcJlern Parts of the Ijl,i)jd is a [.ake of a putrefying Nature, and 
 towards the Middle, another which commonly (ends up iuch a pe- 
 jiMentious Vapour, as frequently kills Birds that endeavour to fiy 
 fverit. Some alio write of Lakes on the Tops of Mountains, and 
 liiiofe well ftored with Salmon. 
 arcI)bis1jopjit:ft?, &C.;] In this //7iwi are two /^jw/j/; Bifhopricks, 
 |;i.>. thole of SchMholt and flou. Archbifhopricks ai.d Univerfities, 
 a3^nners^.1 The Ice-landcrs (being Perfons of a middle Stature, 
 Ibutof great Strength) are generally reckonM a very ignorant and 
 jiiiperftitious fort of People, They commonly live to a great Age, 
 n.lmany value themfelves not a little {^i their Strength of Budy- 
 Both Sexes are much the fame in Habit, and their chiet Imploy- 
 |nent isFifhing, 
 UHjiiitrt] xhe D.rne:i here rending, do ufually fpeak as in Da:- 
 \!.'h As for the Natives, they ItiU retain the old Gothid Tongue. 
 6ot)crnmnU.j TK\^ Ifimd being fubiea to the Awd/? Crown, is 
 [ovcrn'd by a particular Vice-Roy, fent: thither by the King of 
 Murly whole place of Refjdcnce is ordinarily in ikfiodc-Cdjik. 
 For Arms, Vid, Demnuri:, page 74. 
 fieliSfon ] The Inhabitants ot this //7^»ii, who own Allegiance to 
 tDamJhQrown^ are generally the fame in Religion with that 
 Irotcfb'd in Devmark ; as for the uncivilized Natives, who com- 
 loaly abfcond in Dens and Caves, they ftill adhere to their an- 
 ient Idolatry as in former times. When Chriftianity was hrlt in- 
 oluced into this //7^?/;/, is not very certain. 
 V? Th 
' 1 *■ ' 
 ' i1 
 Earopea;j Ijhrjds, 
 § J. The Jzores. 
 Part II, I Part II 
 f St Michiel — 
 St. AUria 
 They are in 
 Numoer 9.*^ St, George- 
 Found from W.Chief 
 Town of all, isyingn in 
 Floras - 
 l^amc. ] 'THefe Iflands (taken by fome for the CatHterides ofTtok. 
 rny) are termed by the ItaJiavsy Fhfiderice JJoU ; by the 
 Spifihris, Los ^^ores ; by the Frevjch^ Les Azores ; by the Germim^ 
 Flmitrfche hifulm ; and by the Englif^y the J^^nres \ fo called by their 
 Diicov rers (the Portuguese) from the abundance of Hawks found 
 in thtm. By others, they're termM the Tcrceres from the Illand 
 Jcrcer.j^ being chiefof all therein 
 0tr. 1 The Air of thefe Iflands inclining much to Heat, is tolera- 
 bly ^ood, and very agreeable to the Portuguese, The oppofite Place 
 of tht* Globe to thw^ Jiorts, is that Part of Terra AuflralU Incognni^ 
 lyinjU>t.'tween the 16$ and 175 Degrees of Longitude, with 3$ and 
 . 41 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 't?)o'tl.'] Thefe It). inds are hlefsM with a very Fertile Soil, prodi> 
 cinp, abundance of Grain, Wine, and Fruit, befides great plenty 
 of Wood. The length of the Days and Nights in the Axores^ is the 
 fame ab in the uiiddle Provinces of Spairij lying under the fame pa- 
 rallels of Lntitudc. 
 Commotrac^'.] Tlic chief thing exported from thefe Jflatids, v. 
 (>.id tor Di-rs, anvi that in great abundance, together with variety 
 of choice Singing Birds. 
 ll'ai'iticfi] Here are fcvcral Fountains of hot Water, and onelii 
 'Jt'rjertzof^ petrefying Nature. The Illand Tercera is alfo remarka. 
 ble for being the Place of the firft Meridian, according to ibme 
 Alodern Geographers. In the Ifland Pico is the Pic of St. Ceo>pt 
 (from whence the //7c? derives its Name) which is a Mountain ofa 
 prodigious height, being coiHinonly etteem'd almoft as high as the 
 famous n, of'fcujyijf, 
rt II, I fart IL 
 Eurofean Ipnds. 
 accIjbiiBf!)opMcfc«^ . &:c.3 Here Is one Bifhoprick, viz> Thatoi j^ngra, 
 under the Archbifhopof iw^owtr. 
 c^zmttp.^ The Inhabitants of thefe ^4wii being Portuguese, are 
 much the fame in Manners with thofe on the Continent. 
 taiiSua^e-] The Fortugueie here refiding, do ftill retain and fpeak 
 their own Language. 
 <5o\)crnment] Thefe JJJavds being inhabited and poffeffed by the 
 fomgue^e^ are fubjeft to the Crown of Portugal, and ruled by a 
 particular Governour fent thither from that Court, who ordinarily 
 irefides 3LtJngrA in Tercera* 
 Ueligton.] The Inhabitants of thefe JJlands being Portuguese (as 
 liforeiaid) ftickclofe to the /^wiaw Religion, and that in its grofleft 
 Errors, as univerfally profeffed, and by Law eftablifli'd, in the 
 I Kingdom oiPortugah 
 § 4. Mediterraman IJlands. 
 N the South oi Europe are the Ijlandsofthe Mediterranean Sea : 
 the chief of which are thefe following. 
 Tvica — 
 Citadella - ^Lying E. of Valencia. 
 '^^ Sardinia j>H <{ Cagliari — j*Lying S. of Genoua, 
 j* Lying S. W.o^ Naples. 
 Palermo — 
 — It • c r^The Archipelago, 
 „]^LyingS.of-J^„^jo//,; ^ 
 ij ''■; 
 ■ S- 
 Of all which in Order, beginning with 
 MajorcMj Minor ca^ and Tt'/V^ 
 |/5amc.] T^ Ach of thefe Ifiands hath almoft the fame Modern Ap- 
 I Py pellation among the Italians, Spaniards^ French, Germans 
 and £;/£///)) i and were all known of old by the Name of Bakares, 
 ' R 4 which 
 \ "■ 
 1; ,1^ 
 i r. 
 240 European I/lands. 
 which Is derived from nd^j.Hv fignifying to Van or 7horv, becau!"- 
 their Inhabitant's were famous for their Dexterity in throwing 
 Stones with a Sling. 
 ^ir.] The Jir of thefe IJlavds is much more temperate to breat'\ 
 in, that any where on the adjacent Continent, bting daily fann'l 
 by cool Breezes from the Sea. The oppofite Place ot the Globe to 
 the Baleares, is that part of the Ocean, between 200 and 
 20s Dcgr.cs of Longitude, with 35 and 40 Degrees of South Lati 
 ^oil.] The two former of thefe //?j?;Ji are foirewhat Mountair. 
 ons and V»'oody, but the laft is more plain, and extremely fertile,! 
 both in Corn, Wine, and divers fort ot Fruits: It likewife ij 
 aboundeth with Salt;, that divers Ncia,hbouring Countries are (up. 
 ply'd from thence. 
 mmotiitics? 3 From thefe IJhnds are exported to feveral Parts 
 pe,Salt, VS ine, Brandy, Coral, with variety of Fruits, ^c 
 Parities.] On theCoaftsof /W-^jorr.^ is found abundance of excel] 
 lent Coral, for which the Inliabitants frequently tidi withgo;;J 
 Succefs. Tvi''ii is laid to nourifh no noxious Animal, and yet foi- 
 menter.i fan Adjacent JJJdnd, and one of the B^/e^irtfi) is fo infcftd 
 with Serpents, that the fame is.uninhabited. 
 Grcl)t!i'£l)0}!;tck3.] In thefe Jfl^tjds is one Bifhoprick, vr^. thatci 
 Mj]orc.i (under the Archbiihop i^i' Terr.ip^ov) where is alio a fame:] 
 ^Fanners^.] The Inhabitants of thcCc I/lavds ht'ing Spmards, r.\ 
 niuch the fame in Manners with thofe on the Continent. 
 iLau^Uftge."! What was juft now faid of the SpxnUrds on M 
 Jjlmds, in refpedt of M^n?jers, the fame may be aVurmM of 'eraij 
 Vo'int of La7?gu^gc, 
 <S5oDCi'nnunt.] Thefe IfJxnds being annex 'd to the Crown oL^pA 
 are ruled by one or more Governours, fent thither by his CatlJ 
 lick Majslty, and generally renevv'd every third Year. 
 IReliSton."! The Inhabitants of thefe Jjlxvdshewg Spaniards, areaj 
 r){ the J^ma-fi Communion^ and as bigotted Zealots for thePopii 
 Doctrine, as ellewhere on the Continent. They receiv'd the Lis^i 
 *)* the BUjfidGoJpel much about the fame time with %(w. 
European Ijldnds. 
 |^.',me]nnH E former of thtfe Iflands ( callM firft by the Grcch 
 X Terce'ne^ and afterwiuds Tp'rwe from Cymts, reckon'd by 
 home a Son of Hercules) is now termed io^'Jtca, from Cor/« BubuUa, a 
 Urtain Woman oi Lignriay who is faid to have led a Colony out of 
 thar Countiy hither. And the other ( according to the Opinion of 
 !r5 Inhabitants) is calTd Sardigriia^ from Sardus, another Son of Her- 
 i,,(/t;, who, they fay, was the Hi 1\ that fettled a Colony therein, and 
 nive it this Name in Memory of himiclf. 
 GU'.jThe /'.r of thefe Iflands is univerfally reckon'J to be very im- 
 iicaithful, tfpecially that of Corjlcaj which is the reafon of its being 
 f.) thinly inliabited. The oppofitc Place of the Globe to them, is thac 
 ia:t of Nova '/.elandia, or adjacent Ocean, between 210 and 215 De- 
 ll IjirtSL^grees of Longitude, with $7 and ^3 Degrees of South Latitude 
 ^■)Ci!-] Thefe Iflands differ mightily in 'oY, the former being Cfor 
 the moft part) very flony, full of VVood*;, and lying uncultivated ; 
 but the other very fertil, rtffording abnnJance of Corn, Wine and 
 Oil, &c. The length of the D.iys and Nights in thefe Iflands, is tlic 
 fame as in the Middle and Southern Parts o{ S'^air.. 
 CommorntieS.j The cWitf CcfnnorUt.cs exported from thefe Iflands, 
 Mt Corn, Wine, Oil, Salt, Iron, and fcveral forts of Fruits^ efpeci- 
 >illy Figs, Almopds, Chefnuts, &c. 
 I?antiei5"' In fevcral parts ox Cor (Jc a \s found r Sronc, ^^cnmm^fl]y 
 calTd C^nochhe) whicli being handled ilick* to the Fingers like (ilue. 
 ^a'dignia is laid to harbour no vtncmous Creature, no, nor any no-^ 
 xioiis Animal, fave Foxes, and a little Creature nam'd Solifuga, which 
 jcfcmhles a I'rojj. Thofe Animals cal]*d Mafroncs, or Ma(i io e, are 
 peculiar to this Ifland. 
 r r*g 
 .r.ljbtsl)Op;iCkJ. 3 ^rchb;[l:0^rUk', are Cagliari,;:;-^, 
 i^'Ugni^ all in SA'-'dignia, 
 and Or;- 
 ";I5{SljOrJick5.] Bijlifr.-ch, are tliofe of Kdl^io, y^ja>^o, Mariana. 
 Altcriuy Sugova^ ?ini\ A^cia, A\ in Ccrfica, (whereof the four Idft are 
 now ruin'd ) together with I iHa alghfia^ Bofa, and ^Ugheri, in S£r- 
 t — 
 J i 
 European IJlands. 
 dniberfitica;. 3 Here is only one Univerjitj^ vix- thit oi Cagliari. 
 ^anmtss.'] The Inhabitants ofCorfca are reputed Cfor the eenerali 
 ty of cm) a cruel, rude, and rcvcngful fort of People; a People 
 given to Piracy in former times, that many think the Name of Corftu 
 is derived from them. As for the Inhabitants of Sardigniay they be] 
 ing maftly Spaniardst are much the fame with thofe in H^ain. 
 ^an(jlUJe] Lang'i^es here In ufe are the Spanijh and Udiany tli^ 
 former in Sm-digma^ and the latter in Corfaa, but mightily blcndeij 
 one with another. 
 eoMsVimm.] The Ifle of Corfica being fubjcft to the Gcnoefc, ij 
 rul'd by a particular Governour ( who hath for his AHilbncc, on« 
 Lieutenant, and feveral CommifTirics) fent thither by the Rcpublicfe 
 of Genoa, and renev^'d once in two Years; and Sardigma ( being ia 
 the PoirclTion of the Spaniard) is governed by a Vice-Roy appoint] 
 ed by his Catholick Majefty, and renew'd every third Year. 
 IRelision.] The Inhabitants of both thefe Iflands adhere to the R. 
 fnxn Church in hergrofleft Errors, and receive, with an implicit Faith, 
 ■whatever flie teaches ; and correfpondent to their Principles is their 
 PratVife, efpecially in Sardigniay where the People are fo grofly Immo- 
 ral, as ufually to dance and fing prophane Songs in their Churches im- 
 mediately after Divine Worfiiip. The Chriftian Faith was planted 
 here much about the fame time with the Northern Parts of Italy. 
 s I c I L r. 
 |5aJtlf.'T~^His IHand ( of old Sicaniay Trinaeria^ and Triquetra)\ 
 X termM by the Italians and Spaniards^ Sicilia ; by th 
 French, Sicih ; by the Germans^ Sicilien ; and by the Englijl), Sicily. Its 
 Name is deriv'd from Sicuii (an Ancient People in Latium) wlio 
 being driven from their Country by the y^bongines, were forc'd to 
 fcek for new Habitations, and accordingly came over to Stcaniu, 
 (headed, as fome alledge, by one Siculus) which from them acquif J 
 Wnew Name, 'vi^. thatof 5;V /y. 
 Sit] No Ifland in thefe Parts of the World enjoys a purer and 
 more healthful Air than this does. The oppofite Place of the Globe 
 to S'cilys is that part of Neva Ze'an^ia, between 21$ and 120 Dt^grees 
 of Longitude, with 34 and 38 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^oil] Fi 
 itility of 
 1^ even tc 
 (It is the 1 
 under t 
 ^> Sug. 
 RaritifjB^. ] 
 ss, where 
 ities was 1 
 oke amor 
 twccn th 
 ock, and 
 akes fuel 
 'ords and 
 Ifo is a lar 
 nown all 
 pmous M( 
 ive; wit 
 , /tfW. 1 1 
 iHn-iHi's P 
 iiofc of 
European IJlands. 
 24 J 
 ^oil] Fully anfwcrablc to the Healthfulnefs of tlie Jir^ Is the 
 Ltility of the Soi7, fevcral of its Mountains being incredibly fruit- 
 I even to the very tops. Tlie length of the D^ys and Nights 
 re is the lame as in the Southern Provinces o£ Spaitif they bothly- 
 under the fame Parallels of Latitude. 
 jloUtntOtiittcs.l The c\\\t^ Commodities of this Ifland arc Silks, Wine, 
 Honyj Sugar, Wax, Oyl, Saffron, und many Medicinal Drugs, &c. 
 RtUittCJB^. ] Near to ancient Syracufe, arc fome Subterranean Cavi- 
 les, where Dionyfus the Tyrant Ihut up his Slaves. Over thefe Ca- 
 nities was his PaLce ; and being anxious to over-hear wh?.t his Slaves 
 poke among themfelvcs, here is ftill to be (<:Qn a Communicatioa 
 mvccn the aforefaid Cavities and his Palace, cut out of the firm 
 lock, and refcmbling the interior Frame of a Man's liar, which 
 fekes fuch a curious Eccho, that the leaft Noife, yea, articulate 
 Vords and Sentences, when only whifpei'd, are clearly heard. Here 
 llfo is a large Theatre of the fame Tyrant, cur out of the firm Rock. 
 Inown all the Wor'd over is that hideous Fo'ar.o of rliis Ifland, the 
 Inious Mount TJna (now M. Gibel) whofe fudden Conflagrationf, 
 y fulphurous Htuptions, are fometinies moft terrible and dcftru- 
 ive; witnefs thofe which hapned in the Year i6C^. and more late^ 
 L Ann. 169 u For a particular Dcfcription of this remarkable 
 Mfuntain, and all otlier noted P'olcanos in the World, mid. Dottoni 
 \m-iHi's Pyrokgia Typogra^hica. 
 9rt!)bi,8!)0p^{cft.^-] In this Illand are Three JrMjhprickf, 'v;■^ 
 Ihofs of 
 Palermo f McJfiiiX^ Mnt-RcaU 
 i^iPljopjttCft^f. ] Here likewife are feven Bij})oprickst v z^ thofe of 
 Cefitledi, St. Marro, 
 Pati, Gergenty, 
 Cimtjcvritic^ ] Here is only one Un^'verfityy viz. that o£Catana. 
 Qjjanner^ J The Siciliam being moflly Spaniardt, are much the 
 fine in Manners with thofe in Spain, only with this Difference, that 
 [ley merit < according to fome) a blacker Charaftcr thiin a Native 
 * j.i 
 I in 
I [ 
 I i 1 
 • i" 
 i! ;ii 
 EuropsAn IfiU/.^ds. 
 !LanS^3SC.] The ore? J nary L^vguage o{ tliJ SiciUa7is is Sam^] 
 Nvhich is commonly usM, not only by tiK Spunia)^!^ but alio Per] 
 fons of all otlicr Nations, jellJing in the I'i.nd. 
 <30\)ernmcnt J This lihr.d be]onf;Jng to the Si^.^niari ( for wluci 
 lie does Homage to tli:: Pope) i, ruJ d by a particular Vice.Roy 
 appointed and fent thither by his ('arholick A'LijcOy, whofe Go-i 
 vcrnment (as mr.^ other cf r-K' 5;^?."/L Vice-Roys) is Triennia! 
 and PJaCe of Rclidcncc Ij'Ur'/v 
 For /?y>w;, rjid' S^a.n^ pjg. \^i. 
 IPvttiSicn J The Religion here eilablifirj and puliickly profefs'J, [i 
 the fame as in Jta'j and ^Jain. This ilhnd recclv'd the Lii^ht ot'th:;| 
 Qkflld Gofpel in the e^ilitll -Ages of the Church. 
 M A L T J. 
 .T^nmC.;^ ^"T^W T 9 Ill-nd i Icnown formei fy hy tlie fame Njme, oi 
 X MMta) i*^ tc;ni'd by the rrcncl}, Mahe; by the %;| 
 C.crwmiSi ^ ahha ; by tlie Halian^j Spaniards rmd I^JJglijh, Malta : Wiiy 
 lb caird, i:; nor fully agretd Dpcn omong Criticks ; yet mofi: alTirm, 
 \A\M its Name of hklit^t c:^me f om Wt/, u^^on the Account of a greai:| 
 rienry of llony in this li'huid. 
 9CfJ The Air of this Is extremely hot nnd ftiflinf , them.v 
 ny high Rocks towards rh'; Sei, obfl-nitiing the benefit of cf)ol liict- 
 zes from rlv.' lunoanding Ocean. The ojipohte I'hice of the Globe 
 to Milt0, is' \)■^^x.()if''ova'/.i''.r,ldi(t, between. 215 and 220 Degrccs| 
 of Longitude, with 32 and 34 Degrc s of ^outh Latitude. 
 "xol.l This IHind can J.)y no jnft CMm to ati Fxcellency of^c//; 
 k being extremely diy ?.nd janen, and miidi tncu»nbr''d \\n\\ 
 llocks. It affordeth iirile Orn or Wine, bur is lupply'd from S.- 
 cily of borli. The lengrli oF U^iys and Night in ^ai/;^, is the fame 
 as in the Southnioil Part of S,^;;;, 
 Co '^»ll0^ift'flf I Mxta beinf^ a PInce no iv.-iy*; remarkable for Trade, 
 Its Com 'iiodi tics are very few ; the chi<;f Produft of the Khmd being 
 only Camminf'ied, Annil'etd, nnd Cottoii-\''oo]I. 
 HiiriflfO' 1 Wortliy of Obfervrtion, is Sr. 'Uhns Church, Avlrh i'S 
 rich MjJ m ignifkenr N'.(l»"v ; ns alfo the Obler/atory, Treafury ^"d 
 fart II. 
 Paiaceof t! 
 |j,5rh entert 
 h\\o (they 
 bcr from h 
 [■;fj, or Cf 
 Slaves) are 
 jcis ; ?'nd 
 le'emble t 
 Iremely Je 
 ing hi the 11 
 tr.:)Ught in 
 iNote, VI n( 
 IhV the // 
 k?xtd by 
 j-ww of II 
 iince the 1 
 ler, fti 
 id Princ 
 flUf Li! 
 hs the S 
 JTionly cai 
 3f Row-?, 
 |tcciv~d t 
 chief T. 
 fcnvn g; 
p^j-tll, European Ijlu^as. 245 
 Palace of the Gr:nJ Maftei. 1 he InhAblr:!nts pretend rfi.^t Malt.i 
 y\\ entertaiiiM no venomous Ciearurc fince the D^ys of St. P.^«/, 
 L\\o (they fay) blcficd this Ifland, upon the ibaking off the Vi- 
 from his Hand into tai; liie. 
 '3ifl)0p-tcit5 ] Here are two Plpjol^ncks, ^vli- tliofc of Malt.i, and 
 Mm or Ovitsi l\ccbui. Ar.hbiyj^'^ri'.ks aiid Univirfiiiesi none 
 n;3:.nnCvSj Tiia Inhabitants of this lH.inJ ( nor reckonirjT the 
 Slaves) are for the mnft pa:t very civij and co iitcous to Scran- 
 Ls • and fellow thci ]Mr)de of the '^t / «' in Habit. They alio 
 teinble the Sicilians \n Tome of tlicir woifl Qualities, Leing tx- 
 Lfyiely Je.4louSj Tieachcrous, a'ld Cruel, 
 'ht ot'th:: 
 sTame, ot 
 j the Ihifn 
 ta: Wiiy 
 ofi: affirm, 
 of a great 
 L% tnem.v 
 ool I'rci" 
 liuf^iUO;?.] A cor; lilt /I'^a^-ick doc'i IiJfc mi^.jhti!y prevail, be- 
 Li hitheiro preierv'd by the fieqiient j\j; j)]ics of Ti(n:s taken imd 
 tpuiiht in fiom time to rin.e. but the Kniohrs, and I'copic of any 
 ,ioti^ underhand ard fpok feveral Euf'opc^u Lanjt;ua«^cs ; partici:- 
 Llv the ItrJ a7i, which is authorized by th.e Government, and us'd. 
 tnTublick Writings. 
 I CoHcrnirent.l Tlils lila lul, afrer m?ny Turns of ^^■rrlJne,\x^^,";pre- 
 ^intt:d by the limperor ChnyJcs V* to r'u- Older of the Knights of St. 
 le Globe 
 :y of So;/; I 
 r'd wirli 
 from 6;- 
 the fame 
 or Tr.iile, 
 and being 
 Avirh i'S 
 afury HPd 
 i;rm5- 1 For y^^,,;; tlie Grnncl M;^fler benrerji a White Crofi, (com- 
 :m\y call'd the Crofs ctVjeyujalt?^:) wiih Four Points. 
 ucUxi-n.] The Rrcablin.\l Rchri n in A/,t/;'^ is that of the Churcli 
 }f Kow^-, wjiich is made cUctinal to rl:e Order ; no Peifon of.: 
 ilTercnt Perliiallon beinj^ capable to enter therein. Thi.^ Kland 
 Itcciv d the Ijleifed Gofpej in i\\<i A[)o(lol:ck Tiines. 
 C A N D I A. 
 mt.\ -pn 1 S^ in.nd (the f.mnns Cvcri of the Anctents ) !c 
 tein/d by the ircv h^ (■,t>ii^ie; hy tiu- {.hrnian<^ i ay.Mi 
 ytiio Uallans, .\//»?'//t''./ , aiul l.ig!rh^ c^ia .,j; So eali'd fiom its 
 chief Town CarJie, built by the iVfrj.r?;;, w!)o fVum their rew 
 [rown ga'e the Ifland a luw N^me. 
9.',fi.> . I 
 : > 
 European IJlands, 
 SifJ The Jir of this IHifid is generally reckonM very Temi 
 rate and IlcaJthfuI to breath in ; but the South-Winds are foui 
 times ib boilterous, that they much annoy the Inhabitants. Tl 
 oppolitc Place of the Globe to Camiia, is that part of the vail P.i( 
 fick Ocean, between 231 and 136 Degrees of Longitude, wuh 
 and 37 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^O.f.] This Tfland is bled with a very rich and fertil Soil, prod] 
 cing in great abu/idance, both Corn, WJrc, Oyl, and moit loitii 
 f'xccllent 1 ruirs. The lenofh of the Days and Nights in Cn7t'Jiais[i 
 lame as in the Northnioll Parts of Barba'y ; of which afterwards.] 
 Cosr.momticff.] The chief G,»wo^//*:/ of this Ifland, are Mufcadc 
 Wine, Maimfey, Sugar, Siig;ir- Candy, Hony, Wax, Gum, OlivMrnt-']^ 
 Dar;\s, Railins, &c. ■ j 
 l^ailU'i'tf ] North of Mount TfiJo^/li (the famous M. Ida) is a A\»diCy 
 tnaJk^b'e Grott^ du^ out (^f tlie firm Rock ; which divers of ourMBic Gerwt 
 deiH Ir.n elitr.s would fain perfuade themfclves to be foine ]«Tpof [ 
 mains of King A incs\ L h)r:nthi To much talk'd of by the Ar^ritnipirmer til 
 X^ilrrp;ickiy, 3;c ] l^tfoie the Turhjl^ Conqueft of this inarul, rhe^ 
 ivas one Aichbiilio;-, who 9 SiiftVagans ; but {luce they cli^ 
 ged their Alalleis, ihc immbcr of fuch Lcclcfiafticks is neither lijj 
 nor certaiii. 
 !i' ^\ 
 n3.*mici*iLi," The Ir.h.iMr.ints Li'this Ifland were formerly given tl 
 Piracy, Debnuciicry, and Lying, efpecially the laft ; and fo noted wcri 
 tliey for the laint, a noroi lous Lie was commonly term'd M:n..\ 
 €iu7>i Crctc7ifc. \or this deteftable Vice were they reproach'd by ohlm 
 their own Poets, Epn^i-fiiihs^ ouz of whofc Writings ApoQlccirerl 
 th fe Words, Kp^j ;-.••; dA '^l^M'^fcu, Tit, 1. 12. Their Experience inAI( 
 ririme Affairs was indeed very great, and they're rcprefenred as a ve 
 jy confiderablc I'eoplf among the Ancients for their Skill in Navii 
 garion The prefent Iijh.ibitants being lurks and Greeks^ thtir alpsl 
 itive Charadcis are aljcady given, l^ag. 18 •, 193. 
 imcii:!?!:'.'] ' aupLip;es here in ufe are the Vulgar G^'^^' and Turhp 
 cfjx'ciallv llie former ; (he number of Gra/t.r on the llland bcingt. 
 greater th.ui that of tlic Turin: b'or a Specimen of which Laiitjuj 
 ge^, I'lii pii^. 187 and 194. 
 COiicrmiCliM This IH.uid, afrer a bloody and tedious War 
 Twenty I'oui Vrais, bwUvccn die Tw':! and Vimtinns^ wj$ atl.dU' 'j 
 ilraiii I 
 ery Tem| 
 is are foi^ 
 rants. T| 
 he vaft I>,c 
 i«ie, wirh 
 Soil, prod 
 moit ioitii 
 CanHia is th 
 re Mufcadfi 
 art II. 
 European Ijlands. 
 lain'd to fubmlt to the Ottoman Yoak, ^hn. 1669. under which ic 
 I[h ever fincc groan d, and is now govern'd by a Turkijh Sangiack, 
 thofe Place of Rcfidence is ufuaJly at Candy ^ the Capital City of 
 le whole liliind. 
 ^m^-l See the DmuUan Provinces, />. 194. 
 'l^eligion ] ChriSiianityy according to the Greek Church, Is here pro- 
 l^^ by Toleration ; but Mahomet anifm is the Religion edabliflied 
 ■I Authority. This Ifland received the Light of the BleiTed Gof- 
 lin the Apoftolick Age. 
 C r F R'O s. 
 ium, OlivtB^''^^'^ Trills Ifland ( known anciently by divers Names bclldes 
 J, the prefent ; particularly tlofe of yf;^wa«r;i Aathufa^ 
 !flia, tryptos, Setaftis, Macmria^ And ^Eroja) is tcrm'd by tUtltAhan^^ 
 \indiCyi>ro', by the Spani a' ds Chy^re ; by the Irench, (yp e\ and by 
 t Germans and EnglijK Cypr:ts^ lo called (as moft imagine) from 
 :Tpof [ i e. Cyprus]^ wherewith this llland did mightily abound ia 
 irmer times. 
 Ida^ is a rl 
 r.s of our M 
 be fome Ri 
 he Ai.f^'Ln:! 
 Ilia fid, rhefj 
 e they cImH 
 s neither li)i 
 erly given tl 
 'o noted vvlJ 
 f;rm'd Mni.\ 
 :h'd by oikm 
 rieiicc inMjf 
 L-nted as ave 
 ikill in Navi 
 ', tht'ir rclpil 
 ek an J Turh]' 
 and being t,' 
 liich Laiigii.' 
 Sif'l There being feveral L:^kes, and fome natural Salt-p'tsinC/- 
 (;, from which abundance of noxious Vapors daily arire^thcfc in- 
 fmixlng rhcmfelvcs with the Body of the Atmolplurc, render the 
 — "ry grofsand unhealthful to breath in, trpecially during the ful- 
 ;Heat of Summer. The oppofite Place of the (ilohe to this Iflandl 
 that part of ihe Pacifick Ocean between z-^s and 2^0 Degrees of 
 longitude, with 3 3 and 35 Degrees of South LatitU(le. 
 I^oil] Cyprus was formerly blefs'd with fo rich and fruitful a Sotl^ 
 [at from its Fertility, and feveral Mines found thennn the Gretks 
 Cftc • <I upon this Ifland thedchrable '-»ithct ofi^ct}ia.[ict, i, e. eata. 
 '■r lis remarkable for neither of thefc, efpecially the foimcr, 
 I <oft Parts extremely bairen, tho' commonly reprefcntcd 
 IherWi ( . The length of the Days and Nights in Cyprus is the fame 
 in the Northmofl Parts of Barlury (of which afccrwards) they 
 Cth lying under the fame Par illel of Latitude. 
 IconmioDitie^t ; The cUkf Cvw7>^oJhi,'i of this Ifland are Silk, Cot- 
 n, Oil, Honey, Siffion, Rhubarb. Coiruiuiiitida, Scanimuny/- ur- 
 |;uiae, black nnd white Allom, &i\ 
 ous Wu 

 Earopcdf2 If^ands, 
 Part. I 
 llftmcj? I On the EaQern part of this Hlarul Hands the famous H 
 ffiagoujfa, remarkable at prelent for its AloJern Fortifications : 
 ererni/d in l\-inic lor the unlortun.itc Valour Oi'the K 
 neti.''7is, /. 
 J5"i* under the C(>inniand of S;unioi Eya^radir.o, a^ainfb the fui 
 fcrt. I 
 tdcr wh 
 lar 54 
 Afiaiilts of Sclyrrjus II. with his nunieroiii, Army, condii6ted by /'isBirrrtff.l 
 and Mii!}aPh'f. (^.) Not far from rhe fimous F magcj^ti^ are tl^- ]{™ 
 ins of an Ancient Lity ; gentnilJy effctm d to have been that cnll] 
 formerly S^lamiua, ajul afterwards Cow 777;??^? ; which was ranJ':iCA- 
 Dy the ;tiv;, in the time of the Emperor 'Ir^j.m, and finally dellroy 
 hy ihc ■ irrjc^'f, in the Reign of Ucra lins. (3 ) Nigh that Promor.t 
 ry, commonly caD'J, The dipeofCits ( but formerly Curias) aiet; 
 Kuins of a Monaflery of CrccL Cij/o;'cr;, which gave the Cape its X^nij 
 from a remarkable (AiHom to vvhirli thcfe Monks were oblig'J. 1 
 Their keeping a certain number cf Cats, ibr rhe hunting and dcfm^ 
 ing f,f many Serpents that infeflecl thofe Parts of the Kland; t| 
 whicii Fxercife thoie Creatu-es are fliid to h.tve been fo nicely bic 
 that att!i2 lirll: found of- the Bell rh;y would give over their Cm 
 and imnudiatcly return to the Convent. (4 ) In the Maritime V 
 hgc of SaUnc!, is a »-'i'nous Greek C^hurch, wliere Srr;ingers arc 
 b of th 
 ftter Ma 
 jrticies ( 
 ley mak( 
 fom whe 
 ked G 
 into a iitrle obfcure J 
 which the jModern Crak^ a[]ii m to be t 
 i'hice of /-/T^vrr'f/'s fecor. _ p.tcrment. (<f.) Adj.tcent to S.'^/Z^/jj 1^ 
 remarka-'le Lake, or natural Sa]t-;:ir, of ,1 confiderable Exrent»\vholi 
 Water congeals iiUofolId white S'.lz by the Power of the Suivbe;inij 
 ?/j.i7.V, In this Ifl.ind is' a high Hill Cthe Ancient Oljjjipus of Cy ','..• 
 Called by the F^^?;/'.ci 'Ih' Motuita'.jt f the HIj Crofs ; remarkable tl 
 norliing at preicnf, fave fevcral iMonalleries oi'G cck Caloyers^ oft!: 
 Order of St. Bj;!!. 
 ini;ii)I)!S'!).DV;ttcft?.&c ] liiivc IS one GnA' Archh!p)o\ who comnv- 
 ly rchJeth nigh to ls\cc;;i ; and tlircc liilhops, whofe Phices of 1 
 lldence are P^pbos, L.vnica, and Ccritus- 
 r>-Hii!!Cr3. 1 This lilmd being inliablted by Gech and MahomctM 
 efpecially t!\e former, they being far fu[)erior in number to theTW' 
 ti!':ir refjiedtive Characters are already given, (j^jg. 186, and 1^3.; (| 
 whiclil remit the Reader. 
 LinciMiT. 1 J avvi-tgcs here in ufe, are the Turk'P^ and ral(rar G i: 
 efpecially t!ve latter ; but Liirj'.a i'>Mx\i is the Tongue they coiiil 
 modly with Srrmgc?rs, it being underftood and ufed by 
 trading Pe(>ple in the L'v.vtt. 
 mr oh 
 Scio - 
 I. Negri 
 have be 
 jromby ai 
 loted for < 
 \h, Ti 
 Bled by a 
 id Is Adt 
 Covcvn.licrt. I This Illmd hull b-rn fiibjca at dlHer nt timestoin, stali 
 jgreAC many difU'rviir b'ovcieigns, parties!, rly th.' GHciirt!) ^r'-'-'WOfubjeii 
Part. 11 
 itions ; : 
 the furioi 
 ted by /-j»| 
 are tilt: ill 
 \\ that cnl!] 
 IS ranf/iCA-l 
 y dtllroyj 
 at Promo;:. 
 as) are til 
 pe its Nj.-ij 
 blig'd. ^i 
 ind dcfiKj); [| 
 licely b)C( 
 :heir dm^ 
 uitinic Vil 
 ^ers arc IJ 
 111 to be t.ij 
 ) Salines i,s 
 • of C;;) 
 lark.iblc ti 
 ^'e-rf, of till 
 »ces of ks 
 nd 193." 
 I^rt. 11. European If.Ands. 249 
 ,»iMJ, once the EngUjh, (when conquerM by /(/r^^r^ T.) and laft^ 
 t the Venetians^ from whom 'twas wrefted by the Turks ^ A>irio I*)?'* 
 Lr whofc heavy Yoak it now groaneth, and ruled by its parti- 
 Elar Bajfa, who ordinarily refideth at Nicofu, 
 latflt.0.] See the Vanuiian Provinces, pige 194* 
 lEeliStow.] The Inhabitants of this Ifland being Greel^j and Turks, 
 laforefdid) the former profels Chriltianity according to the Te- 
 itsof the Gretk Church [^which may be feen, pige i88.] and the 
 lier Mahometanifin, according to their ^i/:orj>; j for the principal 
 [tticles of which vid. pag. i^l. As for the Franks here reliding, 
 L make Profeliion of the refpcaive Religions of the Country 
 L whence they came. This iQand received the Light of the 
 Med Gofpel in the Apoftolick Age. 
 per obfervable IJlands in the Mediterranean Sea, (^re 
 N'egropom *) 
 Tenedo J 
 Metelino — 
 Scio 7 
 Sdelle — S 
 <j SamO" 
 Lango — 
 (Idem, adjacent to the E. of Greece, 
 f Idem '"X - 
 Idem - 
 >^ <^ Idem 
 'id^^ar G i 
 they con 
 Lifed by 
 time'; tn 
 , %)'''-'^'''' 
 Cephalonia, — ' 
 iCorfti J 
 Idefti, lying between ^'^«i/<i and theMorea^ 
 j^^fl ~'^' 7\nthe lonUn Sea, from 
 S. to N. W. 
 Somewhat of each of thefe, and in their Order. Thercforcr, 1 
 I. Negropofit (formerly Eubita. and Chahif) is generally thought 
 ohave been annext to the main Continent, and feparated there- 
 omby an Earthquake. Its ^oil is very fruitful, and M. 0(/?o is 
 oted for excellent Marble, and the famous Stone Amimtos or Af" 
 f|?oj. The whole liland is fubjecl at prefent to the Turks, and 
 Died by a particular Bxfft^ who has alfo the Command oi AchxU^ 
 id is Admiral of the Turki^ Fleet. 
 n. Stdimene (the ancient Lemnos, Co famous among the Poets) h 
 Ho fubjefci to the Great Turk ; and obfervable onl'/ fcr a kind of Me- 
 ^ ' dici;i<ii' 
 " 'M 
 ■*: :\ '.i. 
 « i«l 
 EuropeAn IJlands, 
 Part II 1 Part] 
 dicinal Earth, called formerly 7tm L(^mr/u, but now Tcnasi^iuji, 
 becaufe yearly gatherM, and piu up in li'-'Je Sacks which arcfcal^; 
 with the Graiid ^c'lgnin^'^ Sea!, cthcrvvays not vendible to tht.- 
 Iir. Tt'fiedo or TzrcJos._ an j'P.a?hi much noted of old, as being dcdi. 
 cated to j^polloy and the place where the c^tf/^w^ hid themfclw 
 when they fcignM to havehjlt all hop',^s of taking Ty<?/. It's nowi-l 
 Poflefhon ol the Turi:s^ and rer.:.rkabie for nothing at prefent, ex. 
 cept its excellent Muicadine Wine. 
 IV. MttoUhn), [now fcarcely obfcrvable for any thing, fave iJ 
 ancient Name oi Lesbos, ~] which was the Birth-place ofSappho, thJ 
 Invenrrefs oi' Supphi.k Verfc. 'Twas for fome time under the Vey.A 
 i'uns^ but now the lurks ^ to whom it pays yearly the Sum of iSc:( 
 VI. S.klk isalfi) in the Hands of -the Twrt, and famous for no] 
 thing at prefent, lave only its ancient (now corrupted) Name J 
 DcloSi and fome ftatcly Ruins o? Apollo's Temple, fi-ill vifible, wi:!| 
 t ho fe f a 1 a r j^e Jkn t r e , a n d a Marble Port uo. 
 VII. Si/no. There's fcarce any y//^z»^ in the >4rf^/pe/j^o more fre| 
 quently mentioned by the Ancients than this oiSiLmo^ formerly 
 mos. It went alio by the Names of P<irf/;t'w/,2, Ambemofa^ A4(:lm'\ 
 los^ Dtyuj't^ Cyparijfiiy und feveral others. 'Tis now fubjed tot: 
 Turk, and hath reafon to boaft of nothing fo much, as having bed 
 the Birthplace of the famous Philofopher P/f/v^oru^. 
 VIII. LingOi formerly known by the Name of Co,, Co.r, or Cos, n 
 remarkable of old for the Temple oi /Efcnhipiu^ , and being the Bir: 
 place of the renowned BippocraUs and Apclks* It belonged toCj 
 Knights of /(^gi^'i, but now to the Turks, 
 IX. Emmies. TYxkJJJAfid is famous all the World over, forth 
 huge B: azen Cohjfia of rhe Sun, formerly here created, and deferve 
 ly reckcn'd one ot' the World's Woyidcrs. The Inhabitants were lik 
 wile To famous for their Skill in Njvigjtio'iy that fcr Ibme Ages thcl 
 Were Sovcrtri^nis of thefe St'Mj and male lb jufl and excellent Laws 
 Al'aritirtKf yiffdirSyis were afterwards elteem'd worthy cf being inc 
 po rated in chc koman Pandetls. Xhii> JJknd (after the lots {)\'Jin\ 
'art II. 
 'i Sigiujii.i 
 ^e to the 
 t's now i: 
 ■efent, ex.] 
 fave its! 
 Sappho, the 
 : theTd?;: 
 a of iSc: 
 I the 7w\i 
 by the Su!. 
 'twas late'rj 
 lous for n 
 ) Name 
 ifible, wi:i 
 bjetl tot: 
 laving bee 
 , or Cos, a: 
 gthe Bin 
 iiiged to t 
 X. Cerigo (the Cytheraofthe Ancients) being a confiderable Ifuvd^ 
 inhabited by Grt-els, and fubject to the I{^piiblick oi' rtfiicsy'is govcrn'ci 
 by a noble Vd^ietian, in Quality of a rrov^ditor^ who is renew 'd every 
 two Years. This lUe produceth Ibme excellent ^r/?/t', but in no gr&ac 
 Q:iantity. It's alfo ftockt with ftore of good Vcnifo'n, and a compe- 
 t.'Rcy oiCorn and Ojl^ fufficientfor its number of Inhabitants. The 
 Creeks here refiding, have the greater Veneration for this PIjcc, 
 upon the account of a vulgar Opinion now current among them, 
 which is, that Sujohn the Divine began here to write his /Jpoialjpfc. 
 XI. Ziwt (formerly Zicymh-M) is another Ifland belonging to the 
 ''crjetians^ and one of the rjcheft In the Strdghts^ abounding with 
 iVhii and ^j'/, but mofily noted t^or Currants , of which there is fuch 
 plenty that many Ships are yearly freighted with them for divers 
 Ports of Europe. And fuch Advantage is that Currant-Trade to the 
 Republick of Tcfw/Vc", that the Profits redounding from thence, do 
 lerve (according to the Teftimony of a late Traveller) to defray the 
 Charges of the Venetian Fleet. In this liland are feveial remarkable 
 Fountains, out of which there bubbles up a pitchy Subftance in 
 great quantities. In the Monaftery oiSanil:a Maria de k Croce, is the 
 Tomb of M. T. Cicero and Teremia his Wife, with two feveral Infcrip- 
 tions (one for him, and the other for her) found upon a Stone,whicli, 
 feme time ago, was dug out of the Ground, nigli the Place of the 
 aforefaid Tomb, The Inhabitants (reckoning both Greeks ^ind Jews) 
 amount to about 20 or 2 "5 000, and are govern'd by a noble Ve?ieti- 
 dii, fent thither with full Power f/om the Senate. 
 XII. Cephilonia {ovoid Me U7:a^Tap!:osj oi- Teleho.i) is like wife un- 
 der the State ot Venice, ana chieliy abounds in dry Kailins, (which 
 the Venetians turn to good Advantage) andexcelLnc Wine, el'pc- 
 ciaily I{cd Ahifadels, which many call oy the Name ot Lukc-Sherry. 
 It ha:h its particular Proveditor^ whole Goveinment lalterh 39 
 Months. This Ifland w^s beftow'd upon the Kepublick ot Venice^ 
 Anno 1224. hy CaiOy then Lord thereof, but mafter'd by the Turks 
 in i47c^. and polfel'sM by them »-il! 1499. »vheii driven thence by 
 l\^tVoietians^ who re-peopleil it with Chi iftians, and afterwards 
 fortifying the lame againlt future Invalions, hdve hitherto cou- 
 tinu!;d Milters thereof. 
 S % Laftl/, 
 ' v- 
 European IJlands. 
 Part II. 
 Laft^Iy, Corfu, (formerly Cory'r^) is Mefs'd wUh a very healthful 
 A'^, and frutful Soil for Wine dnd Orl, but not for Corn, of which 
 the iiUidDi«ants are fupply'd froir» t\\t Covtinem. Jt belongs to the 
 . ^ m R „. lick ot /e?; /':(?, and ij, dcTirvedly tcrm'd, 7ks Tort of the Gulf, 
 ana jjyrrier of Italy, The Gcvtrnjnent thereof is lodgM in fix no. 
 ble Ver.^ti.tns, w'lof. Power lafteth for the fpace of two Years. The 
 fir«i vjf t'nefe noble Men hath the Title of Bailj, The fecond, of 
 ProvcHtcr and Cuptain. The third and fourth, of Counfdlors, The 
 fifti:^ t;f Crsat Ciptain. And the fixth, o^CaJielan^ or Governor 
 cf ^- J I \ itle de /^ Campina in thr o!(! Town The Greeks are ve. 
 r . •.Ui.'erous in this Ifland, w^ nii-c ii ♦ itar-G^ntral, whom they 
 flfiJ'- Vrr^opApa. In the Time ct Solymm II. no lefs than 25000 7}/fh 
 did Jdnd in C(;r/i<, unaer the Coirir.nnd of the Famous BArbarofjx\ 
 yet fucn was the Conduft of the wife Venetians, that they forced 
 him to make a fhameful Retreat. 
 To fpeak more particularly of each of thefe Ij^ands, and many 
 others, reducible to the two ClaiTes ofCyclades and Sporades, would 
 f2r furpafs our defign'd Brevity. Conclude we therefore this te- 
 dious Seftion with the following Advertifement. That, whereas 
 in treating q{ JfJinds (after we took leave of the Continent of £«- 
 rope) lefteem'd it moft methodical, to bring all thofe in the A/e- 
 djterranean Sea, under the Title of European IJIands ; yet the Rea- 
 der is hereby defir'd to take Notice, that all of 'em are not ufually 
 reckcn'd as fuch ; the Ijle of Malu being generally accounted an 
 African \ and C>;>r«j with ^/jo^ef among t\it ApAUc}i\ asarealfofe. 
 vera] others on the Coaft o£Ntttolia» 
 And fo much for £urops and the European I/lnnds, Now folio weth, 
 C H A P 
art II. 
 of which 
 is to the 
 the Gulf, 
 n fix no- 
 irs. The 
 xond, of 
 'ors. The 
 s are ve. 
 lom they 
 OOO TurU 
 trbaroffj, • 
 ■Y forced 
 nd many 
 s, would 
 J this te- 
 I the Me- 
 the Rea- 
 •t ufually 
 unted an 
 e alfo fe. 
 *r ^, ■ 

?af. 1ST- 
part ir. 
 ' mm 
 Cdma - 
 Pekin or Xuntit)^^. 
 t^CutfeJ? In ^]/J 
 To thefe add the Afiatick IJlaadf. 
 Of all which in Order, Therefore, 
 J ■ 
 '■ i« 'I ■ 
 1. I|l 
 S 3 
 .if? . . 
I: '■* ' ■ 
 11 • ?^ 
 Fart IL 
 SECT. I. 
 Concerning Enrtann 
 d. m. 
 |yKt.v.en<j ^^^ ^^^^otLong.^^^^ about 3000 Miles. 
 2*^L ^ . ^ 17 007 ^r, .^ C" '^Breadth from N. to S. is 
 C. d y-J-CJ-l-J .^^ C about 2250 Miles. 
 Tartir}' comprehends five great Parts. 
 Ihibet" • ^ From E, to W. 
 r ^ \"/^^M>' — 
 ^; South <.7i(ril/.v/f;t/..' - 
 (Z.7gutl:.iy -- 
 , 2 North 5 'i"^- 
 rf;zr/ij! propria \\-^ ^ Movf^ul, or Tc'w^f«( T 
 ruo'theDefartJ s^Cumbalicb 3 
 From R. 
 to W. 
 ''VJnayy [the greatellp^rt whereof is reckonVI the ^Vy- 
 tbii y^.fLnicz of the Ancients ; and nov, !jounded oa 
 the Eaft by p:irt of the Main Ocean ; on the Wcftbv Mufcovi.i '^{)n 
 the North by the Jdnxnaji Ocean ^ and on the South by Cbi?i,i and 
 h'di.z'y'] is term\i by the /ta//ir;;i ^nd S p. 17; i.udi, Idrtiri.i^ by the 
 Trench LiTurt^n'w '^ by the Germans , 'Tart:uJr{efi\ and by the E/;^j//j?\ 
 l\:rnryi, fo call'd from 7izrr.rr or T.ifar, a kiver of tiut Counnv, 
 which is (aid to empty it R-If into the vaft Northern Ocean. Bul 
 others chufe rather to derive the Name horn T^tdr or Jctar, which 
 in the Syriad- Language fignifyi.ig a R^mumt, inKK^inini^ that the 
 Tjrr;zr i-are the remainders of thofe Jfrxclites^ who were car ' \l by 
 .'^.;/;;?,i7;.r|'/?>- into Mc\i/u. It's term'd furhirytheCreuty to diftin^uilli 
 it from' the Lt-JJcr in. Europe* 
 il I' V The j4ir of this Country is very different, by rcafon of W, 
 vaft F\'tont fronU('.'<?/' to I\o>tb :,'t.he .Southmoll Parts thereothavinj, 
 the lame [/atmi-le \vi:h the midd'c I'rovinces of .S/u/;;, and tliu* 
 Northmoii- reaching beyond tiie Ar^tick Polar (Circle. VNha: its 
 real pAtent irom A'jff- to f/V// may be, is n^^t certainly known ns 
 yet; onlv tliis we "iJI afRrm in general, thit 'cis much lefs tlun 
 conimonlv (..jppofed, jf the Account j,^iven us by a late jndicicnis 
 nte P 
 an, as 
 and tf 
 (the , 
 the fh 
lit II 
 3 W, is 
 to S. !S 
 . to W. 
 rom H, 
 to W. 
 th^ Sep 
 ulcd on 
 vii 'yon. 
 i?!.i and 
 by the 
 11. But 
 , which 
 hat th: 
 '■\l by 
 n of it,' 
 ind tl)L' 
 k'lia: i!5 
 Part XL Tartarj, 255 
 Millenary /'who fravflied jrom Mofidy to Lhmx, and markM the 
 fevtra I Stages > Ih II • t h-uiuI dkti\^artU to hold true. The oppc- 
 lite Place o! the G.ob- to Un iry^ is part of the vail l-scifick Oce- 
 an, as alto the- Cv.untiits ot c./;///, Vurjgtuj/y and T(^rrj, AhgcUarJcu. 
 '^oil-j This v^ft Country towar'-, ihc North (it lying in the 6th^ 
 ?th, Srh, yth, lorh, nth, 12th, ot. x\'orth'Ciinuit;) is exrrc air.Iy 
 Barren, being every where encunibeiM with unwholefbin ^:arl"hes•, 
 and nninhc-^'iited Mountains; but in the Scuthen'-pirts, the Soil \5 
 indiiTerei-tly good for Tillage and Grazing, erpociaily ti.e f.atter ; 
 and towards rhc Ejji 'tis reported ro be ai^undantly fertil in Corp, 
 (where duly nianur'd} and feveral foi tsof Herbs, efpetlally Fj.:t 
 hxrh. The iongell Day in the Konhmojt Parts is about two Month.?, 
 (the ^/o; not Setting \r,v that time when near ihc Sumr>t:rSoUhtc) 
 rhe fhorteft in the Souchinojf, is ahcut nine Hours and three quar- 
 tersj and (.he Nights proportionably. 
 Comutotitic?.^ Tlie chief Ccwwo^f/r/Vf of this Country, are Sabl^, 
 Martins, Sdks, Camlets, flax. Musk, Cinnamon, and vaft quanti- 
 ties of Rhubarb, ^V. 
 I^aritiU.] in lieu of tlv;^ r^irhks of this barbarcu.^ and little frf- 
 quented Country, wc may mention that prodigious Wall aividing 
 firtary from chinXf created by the Chi^ejcs, to hinder the frtquenc 
 Incunions of their unwelcome Neighbours, the f'artjr^ • 'twas com- 
 monly reckoned ^00 G::yriLt?i Leag'ies in length, 3 ; Cubits high in 
 molt Places, and 12 in breadth. The time of its building is com- 
 puted to be about 200 Years before the incunation of our jileiTed 
 Saviour. By our lateft Ivelations of the State and Nature of this 
 Country, we find that fome remarkable Vulciuo's are ro belecn m 
 the North and Ealk^rn Parts thereof. 
 9.tCl)lJt0ljOp;Ul??, &c.] Jrchbijhprids , hijhopncks , VrJvirp^tics , in 
 tliis Country \ noue. 
 n^amiccS ) The tin^trs are a People of a fwarthy Complexion, 
 itrongBodies, and middle Stature. T'he generality of 'em are Per- 
 Ions of broad Faces, hollow Hyes, thin Beards, thick i^ips, flat 
 Noes, and ugly Countenances. In Behaviour they're very Rude 
 and Barbarous \ commonly devouring tlie t!elh of their Enemies, 
 .md drinking their Blood, To loon as they are in rhrir Power. Their 
 ordmaTV Food is Horfe-llefh, which they greedily tear and eat up 
 like lu many Ravenous Vultures. Their manner of living is com- 
 monly in Tents in the open Fields, which they remove from 
 Place to Place, according to the time of the Y ear, and conveniency 
 S 't of 
 i' ; V 
 ij ■* i 
 • .1' 
 .(■ ' 
( 1 
 I I,' 
 256 Tarfary. Part II. 
 of Grazing. Many of 'em make excellent Soldiers, being not only 
 ■willing and able to endure great Fatigues, but alfo very dexterous 
 and daring in time of Engagement. When tiiey feeni m^ny times 
 to fly before their Enemies, they'fl unexpeftedly fend back a (\rcdi\- 
 ful Shower of Arrrtws in the Facesof their Purfuers, and frtijucnt- 
 ly turning abv)uc do give Vm a violent Charge, and all witliout the 
 lealt Ditbrden Vv he f, tl^i^ir great C^jw dies, 'tis reported, That 
 many of his chief Oificers are immediately killed^ andintetM with 
 hini; that (hev may alfo attend him (asrhcy imagine) in the other 
 World, according to their refpe^tivePofts here. 
 IC An5,n.;Ciff» ! The L.mudjre ufcd by the Jfutuk Tartars y i-. not much 
 ditferent from the /i/'ure/^.'it?, fuoken by thofj of Crim T.ntary^ (a 
 Specimen of which is already given m Europe) ard both have a 
 great Ailinity with the Tmkijh, 
 eo^fmmm-.] The vaft Body of lartary is faid to be fuljjefi toie- 
 vera! Princes, who are wholly accountable (in their Governmenf) 
 TO one Sovereign, who is commonly terioM the Grsiit, whole 
 Government is moft Tyrannical, and Crown Hereditary. The 
 Lives and Gocvl:^ of his People are altogether in his Power. Hi^ 
 Sabjf£l3 ftile him the Sint ^nd Shjdew of the immortal God, aid 
 renrlcr him a kind of Adoration ; never fpeaking untoliim Facero 
 Fice, but failing down on their K.nees with their Faces toward; 
 the Ground. lie looks upon liimfelf as the Monarch of the who'.: 
 World ; and from that vain Opinion, isreported to caufe hisTium. 
 pets to found every Day after Dinner j pretending thereljy to givj 
 leave toallotJier Rings and Princes of the Earth to Dine. Fortlir 
 better Nianagt-ment of publick Atfair-;, he's faid to appoint f.^;/ 
 Councils, each coniitting of 12 Perfons 'th?? wifeftand beft exp:- 
 ritnccd of any thit he can ritch upon) of which one dorhconitant- 
 ly attend the Affairs of State, and the ofher thoje which relate to 
 tiie War. Vet af'er all, there be many Things related ofrl'is migh. 
 ty Chiinj which (rho' hitherto current) are lookt upon by fome judi- 
 cious Per'.uns as Narratives that have a near Aiiinicy un'.o the /•:• 
 zoidi juin\i of the l\<rtn.i?i Church. 
 Jaims. 1 Th; molt r.^celved Opinion about the ylrnis of the 
 Part II 
 And tow 
 ^iVDSy the 
 ■ way (..'a I 
 \t:r<il Par 
 the City 
 M St. 
 I C/Vzmis, that (as Emperor of /'.^i/fr/ry) he bears, ^r, an Owl Kibl.. 
 j Uut what as King of .-l;,v.i, fee the following Section. 
 KfUS'on ] T;ic Iniiahirants ot this Country are partly Pj(;.w, pan 
 i Jv iWAh'VniUVK and partly Lhnjl'Lw, Pagmijm doth chietly prevail in 
 |, Chi .NorthmojT Parts t he Vcoplt bring gcoerally grofs Ihiitcrs in thole 
 (»J,Ue?. \i\ th'j SouthfH Provincc'i they're (tor the mnft part) 
 ! follow':^ 
 y times 
 I dread- 
 out the 
 I, That 
 M with 
 le other 
 Dt much 
 ■tuyy, (a 
 have a 
 :^ to le- 
 ', whole 
 /. Th 
 L-r. Hi, 
 iod, ai.d 
 Face to 
 le who'.;: 
 to give 
 For tlir 
 int t'.^.) 
 ft ex;\'- 
 o nit ant- 
 elate to 
 >me judi- 
 the /f. 
 Part II. Tartayy. 257 
 followers o{ M>.homct\ Doftiine, efpecicilly fince the Year 1 2,(5. 
 And towards the La)]i^>7i Sca arc found a confiderable number of 
 livosj thought by fomc to be the Ofl'tpiiog of the Teu Tribes, led 
 .uvay Captive by Sa!vi,vt,jffcr, Thofe oFthe Cliriftian Religion ( o- 
 vcfgrown of late by Is^^lonamfyn) are fc.itter'd up and down in fc- 
 \eiMl Parts of this v<ilt (Country, bur moll numerous in Cathjy^ 'and 
 the City o^Cai^.halu The (^liiilliui I'aith WoS firft planted in this 
 Country (as is generally believ'd ) by the LaboufJ of St. yindnw 
 .0(1 Sc rbiUp^ two of the Ai'oftki, 
 <tf ~Mi iir i^a »a> ■ 
 — »i- 
 •i t:, ^ 
 .1 h.. 
 he G'cM' 
 |\'l SxhU. 
 S ^ C i*. 
 ?;;, pan 
 revail in 
 in tliotV 
 i^rt part) 
 Hi? '. . 
 1 -! 
 Part 11 
 SEC T. li. 
 Concerning CFjUUl. 
 Part il 
 ■; ?.nd 
 •.3'' in in • 
 t: V 
 Lcnf-r/] from N. E. ro S. U 
 ]N;;bout .80 Miles. 
 yre.idf/i from N. .^ <^ 
 iibcut j:„o Alii- 
 ■ s. 
 '6 North J ^^''^'« " 
 C/J/M.^ contains Sixteen Provinces. 
 H' au- 
 I ( ' 
 t7i.l- k.ifl(r -.. 
 V /r//7/i — 
 'oki n^ — 
 fdcm afirc;r;'tt?;f,;7; 
 I'ayvan — — 
 E. to Uj 
 ,10 South ^ y^iiy^tuhg" 
 M. allr K:iiy}p7i/jn I "] 
 r * 
 N fJL/J.JJl'r '^ 
 : cch.'U ■ 
 ("^i/ >;.? C reckojiM by mo(^ Cecgr^ph-rs the Tountry ofr: 
 ^ niicii-nt ^<!>;rt', nu'iirioned by Ptohwy; :uid now boumlcl 
 iH2 tht^ Eall by the Cb vcj!.in, on tlie W.ft by ji.ut of /« .:, 
 rfie North by piirrofrwr /i;-;, iuid 0:1 the Soiith by {);ut ot the Orla: 
 Ocejii ) istcinrd by the Frrch, la Chne-, and by tlie Itidi m, 5;;; 
 .ir,i!, Crynans M\d KtipJ/jh, Chiva ; fo called (.icco. ili ng to the befl: m." 
 jedlure; from one of irs iincitnt Monarclis, nnnicd tnia, who is l' 
 fo have livd .Tboiit hfry Vcjr'. before the Nativity ofour 131ellLd>.ri 
 tmr. Many orfier Njin^^s it ihath had fmce that time; for wlieiir'ii 
 Government falls fom one family to anoi ler, the iiili PrinceofrWicter, am. 
 N.ime is fiid to jjive a new Nime to the wliole Counti y ; the bue!l.«"J Di;ime 
 •• !iic!) Modern Niine*;. .'ire Tawifi, I'^jnifymg the Kingdom of h-:W^^^^ of 
 v: .•icd the c 
 by 'ow?: 
 i th.ic h 
 opS .1 ! e ( 
 :hc Sou I 
 koil.] T 
 ifi^r the n 
 l'I)iM/it,s ii 
 lljrvcfls ir: 
 b Lakes a I 
 aliens kif 
 inaiy /]r 
 M^virli all 
 efrteiifd ^ 
 \.o(^is aboi 
 tL^ul,;]nd V 
 rhc Tj//o) 
 niL'is liav 
 to Colou 
 m, m.,ke;i 
 allow it 1 
 one o'[ \ 
 ro k, pre 
 g Rell, wl 
'"■f I-lart n. C^'"--^' 259 
 and ChuhKjUC, i e. The KiDguoni of the Middle ; x\v '^h nefes 
 v'inin", ihat tlic Earth is IqiMic, and that tlicir Couni. is ll- 
 ^ctd cx.ictly in the middle of it. 
 ■ -S.i' 
 mrj Tlie y'/ ^ of this CcLrtiy is gen: rally vtry TcmpernteXave 
 |"ly row uds the North, \\h:ic 'tis ioiDLtinus iiitoler<ibIy Cold, 
 ,j th.u bec.uilc of fevtral j\louiuain.s of a prodigious Iiciglit, whofe 
 opSaie ordin.nily covt-.M with Snow. TJii oppollrc Place toChiva 
 fo S. U'K.jie South part of Bxafl^ toi^cthcr with tiie taii of Paragiiiy. 
 VD S. 
 _ \ 
 nrry ofr 
 w bouiiil^l 
 f In ■■ .i, A 
 he 0»/t«:« 
 who I"" I 
 Idled ^^l 
 r when r'! 
 he Luell- 
 1 of ' '-■ 
 ^oil.] Tills Country (it lying in the 4th, >th,6Lh North Climate) 
 for the mod: o-'iC of a very rich and fertil Soil^ infomuch that its In- 
 jirants in iV, f:;ral Places are faid to have two, and fometimes three 
 i iveds in a Y' It abounds with (.orn Wine.and all kind of Fruits. 
 vL'das and Rivers aic very well furvnilit Vvith liOijand ronicalforcl 
 iciis kinds of Pea» Is and Bezoar of g^cat value. Irs Mountains are 
 chlylin'd wi hfeveral Mines of G(dd and SiiVv^r. Its Piajnsare extra- 
 Jinaiy fitfoi PaOurage.and its pie.d'int PoreiTs are every where {lo- 
 dwith all Ibrts of Venilun, In a word tiie whole ('ountry in general. 
 edceniM one of the beft; in die World. Tiie iongeft D. y in the North 
 I'd paits is about i4lIoursand 3 tjuarters, ti^e Ihoi rclHn the ^outli- 
 oft is about loHjursand ^ quarters, and the Nightj proportionable 
 Comm:tittC5 ] Tlie CmmnoditUs of this Country are Gold, Silver^ 
 rcious Stones, Quickfilver, Porcclane Difl.cs, Silks, Cottons, 
 iiubarb, Sugar, Camphire, Mujk, Ginger, Chw^-wood, &c. 
 KaritiCiJ.] Peculiar to Country is a fiiort Tree, with a jound 
 k,iil,;ind Very thick, which in rtip( £r of its Fruit ni.<v bear tlieNaine 
 the TallQw-'Dcc , for at a certain Seafbn of the Year 'tis full of Fruit 
 nt.iining divers Kernels about the bignefs of a final! Nut, whicii 
 ..rneis have all the Qualities of Tallow, being the very Hime, both 
 to Colour, Smell and Contiiiency, ;<nd by mixing a little Oil with 
 m, m.«ke as good burning Candles, as Euro^cayis ulually make of pure 
 ;.llow it felf (2.) Here is a 1 trge Alounuun full of terrible Cavern'' 
 one o'f which is a Lakeoffucha nr.tuic, that if a Stone be thrown 
 :toit, prcfep.tly there's iicard a hideous Noife ns of a frightful Clap 
 Thunder, and fometimes there rifes a grol's Mill, which immedi- 
 ciy dilfolves into Water, (vj In the City ni Pain'g is a prodigiou': 
 g Bell, weighing iicooo Pound, furpafiing the noted Jieil of Er- 
 li'm Upper t^axo'')\ by 94000 Pound ; in Dimenlion its 1 1 Foot Di- 
 meter, and 12 high. f4.) In N'}ik.ivg is another of 1 i Foot high. and 
 in Diameter, and fweighing 50000 Pound, which alio furpafletli 
 e Bell of ^-V/MrA weighing only 2<i;4co Pound, yet hitherto fup- 
 fed the gveatefl; in the World) by aiinvll double its wtighr. (f ) In 
 ' 1" ■ 
 fill !• 
 260 ChirLi. Part. I 
 C/;;w<^ arc fevcral l^'ul J.n'5 (particiilirly th^t Mountain calTd Z:»| 
 fjing) which vofT)irs our liif and Afhes ib furioufly, as fitqusntl 
 to raifc i'ft'nt' l]i(Jct)iis 'JV-mtjcHs in the Air. {C ) Here are fome R 
 vers whole VV^trcf, wit cc! ! . r the top, bur ^^'arnl beneath ; as alfof 
 veral remarkable i'ounUiins vvliich lend forth fo hot a Steam, th 
 People ui'uaily boil over them, f; ) In this (Country are f<;v 
 ral Lakes, remarkable for thanginij; Copper into Iron, or mr;king 
 juft of the I. me rtremblancc ,: as aUb for caiillng Storms when aj 
 thing is thrown into thtni. (8 ) In the Illnnd Hutjan there is faid , 
 be Water (unceic.tin whether in Ldce, River or rountain) of fuc 
 a irrange Qiialiry, that it petrifu-s ibme fort of l-illie<j, when the 
 unfortunately chance to enter into ir. (9 } ^t.>ny are thole TnuvX- 
 J>\hcs (,ro be icen in rnoH-of rhe noted ('irics of this Empire^ ctlcI 
 ed in Honour of fnch Pcrfons as have either done fomefi^^rKtl pice; 
 of Service to the Srate, or have bci'n confpicuous in their tijiies fo 
 their lingular Knowledge. (lO,'' In this Country are fevcral reinar 
 kablt^ /jr/.iVt.f, pirricularly that over a ]{\>ftr calfd Saff'any^ vvhic! 
 reaches from one- Mounr.un to another, being fcur hundred Cubir 
 loii'T, and five huiidrt<l high, and all bur one Arch, whence ti 
 called by Travellers, Ti)'/.! njolavs- Here lik^wlfe is another of fi, 
 Jiuadi'ed and fixty Pcicltes in ifUgth, nndoneand half broad, ftanJ 
 jni; upon three hundred Tijlars without uny Arches. L^^^lyA 
 i:hi-''ti are many very oblVrvable Pl.^tnts, .Animals an<l J'ojJ'ls^ efpeciallj 
 the laO, among which is the /JiU'flof. I>at for a particular AccQun 
 tf tiieui, 'L^^f Kir:hcyn}\ China ilhijlrata. 
 Qrdjl)iSlj01)ri'^i>' ?v':.~l /tnh^} jhpr'cks, !-:Jly)pr-uh,ar Trniverfitics, are 
 liar^^^y to be expciied here; however this Country (according tothe 
 Teftlmony of i^oi.'ifii Mi^li'uiiries) isfcirniflit with fome of thefe, Pc- 
 lin lUnfwn and M^cr.o, hwing each of 'em a particular Bi(hop,nomi' by the K of VnytuiriJ, .md the orhcr Provinces are under theju- 
 rifdic^ioii of three Apoiinlicil \'icTis Uider which EccJefiaftical 
 Superiors, thsrc are (by their relations) above two hundred Churches 
 cr private Chapeii dedicated to t!ie Tiae God. 
 fart II. 
 [j;s '^^^^ 
 lorld noH 
 iyof 'Uicrj 
 lors to otl 
 iiik bet' 
 Jquir'd b] 
 ure, Proi 
 |io Alphal 
 Letters w 
 j^lit^u of 
 {own the 
 leded to 
 ligioifs m 
 Jlriginal U 
 lice, yet: 
 Ime Terrr 
 ling to th 
 Imts ther< 
 longue t( 
 lerfon cai 
 |.iKWt?r of I 
 ff right I 
 K Page ( 
 f^ttmurs^ : The Chhw: \ P.-; Ibns f )r the m-ofl p.irt of a fair Corn- 1 
 ^)lexion, Ihort Nos\i, blfck'd I'yM, and of very thin Beards ) are 
 jijreat Lovers of Sciences, aiid geperal'y rllecm'd a very ingenious! 
 iViit of i'eop.'e. Th.ey're laid ro hwe ha«i th- li'" of Printing, Gun- 
 powder, aad the Mariners, Cotiipals Ion-' I ^^rt. any of them was 
 known in Unrobe: but fnr v/ant of due Impiovement, thtfe uft^ful 
 /nvenrinns have not turn'd to near fo good an Account among them, 
 )l as in Europe. Diveis of 'em are intleed con(ide»ahIe Proficients in fe- 
 1 veral Parts of tU^ Mathem iticks efpecially Anthnnuk, Geometry, and 
 "i| jfh'ouow)' ; and fo conceiced are they of th.?ir own K^owlege in thefe 
 si ^hii-i^'S .md fo nicin a.rc iLoir Thoti[j(its of ottitrs, that 'tis gener;il'V 
 (nee to 
 [the Or 
 R feen 
Part II. 
 'art. I 
 fome rI 
 as alfoll 
 :e«m, thi 
 { arc frv 
 when aji 
 ' is laid tl 
 ) of fuel 
 vlitn the' 
 ; Triuv:n}A 
 ire; cri.ct 
 ;nal pi^ce 
 tijnes fol 
 ral re marl 
 I'^jy, vvhic!J 
 'tii Cubi'l 
 'lK"n:e 'ci 
 ther of fi> 
 oad. ftanJ. 
 r Accoum 
 'rfitics, aie! 
 pin a to the 
 Jer the Ju- 
 Lpoitc-il of them, tliat (fpeaking of ihemfelve.*;) tlicy commonly 
 |jv That they h^vc tvpo t.jes^ the European cfie^ and the refl- of the 
 lorlil none at all. '1 hey wlio wholly apply themfclves to the Stu- 
 |y of 'Sciences, make fuch Proficiency in 'em, as to become Uo- 
 cors to ochcis, are dilVinguifii'd by their long Nails, fufFering *cin 
 Lnctimes to grow as long as their Fingers, that being e{leem*d a 
 TitTular Chara^leriftick of a profound ischolar, and a differencing 
 lark between them and Mechanicks. 
 tansuSi!^-^ The Littjguage of the Qhmois is extremely difficult to be 
 Luir'd by i>trangers, and differs from u]I others, both as 'to its Na- 
 ure, Pronunciation, and way of Writing, (i.) Its KatHr4. They ufe 
 10 Alphabet, as Europeans do, and arc iiAonifticd fo hear that by 24 
 Letters we can exprejs our Thoughts, and fill Libraries with Kooks» 
 lnli<;u of an Alphabet, they forriierly ulcd Hieroglyphicks, letting 
 town the Images of things for the things themfGivcs ; but this being 
 trremely tedious, -nd like wile defcitive (there being i]o iuch Re- 
 Imblances of pure Ablhaitsj they then made Characters tofigninf." 
 iVords, numbring ti>cm according to tiie number of Words they 
 leeded to exprtfs their Ideas ; which Chai alters arife to fuch a pro- 
 ligious multitude, th^.t not only Strangers, bur even the Natives 
 femfclve*, find it a very dilHcuIt m.Ttter to ;4cquiie <*n intimate Ac- 
 Laintance with them afl. ('.) Its I'rOmiriCiation. Although AX the 
 [Iriginal Terms of this Tongue are only three h'lndied and thirty 
 iiiec, yet fuch is their peculiar way of pronouncing rht-m, that the 
 ImeTerm admits of various and ev'n contrttry S'igniiic.nions,accor- 
 Ing to the various Accerwt in pronouiKinj^ it. And of th-^fe Ac- 
 cnts there are Mve applicable to nvery Term, wkicli extremely 
 Ignients the ditliculry of either fptakin.g or underflanding this 
 longue to perfection; liefides, the Prcnunci-^rion thereof is ac- 
 [ompanied with fuch variety of Metier^"* of r';e Hc^nd, tha^t a mute 
 lerfon can fpe^k almofl intelligibly' by his I'-i.ngers. And as to the 
 \nnirofWrni>g, they ililFer from all other N.ttions ; for whereas 
 Ihriftians write from ih^ left Hand to iVx riglir, and the 'jcvo; fioni 
 bright to the left, they ufually make their Lines from the top ci 
 IvPage down to tlic bottom. 
 Ifair Com* 
 ards] are 
 ig, Gun- 
 Ithem was 
 Itfe uffiful 
 Mig them, 
 tnts in k- 
 if try, and 
 in thefe 
 1 reported 
 CODenuntnt.] This great Kingdotn was formerly under its own 
 Krticulaj- King or Knipcror, but of bte o\/ej-run and conquered by 
 h lartars, to tv'liom itj at (jrefent fub/efl, ^icknnwkilt.'irig due fii]W- 
 Vice to the Gifat Chuiiy whole Cinvcrnrncnt is as Dt^fpoticd .tsanv 
 Ifthc Oriental Monarclis ; for he hath lull powrr over the Lives nf 
 I^Subjefts, the Princes of the Hlood not exccpred. His hire Word is 
 TLaw, and his (jlwuminds admit of Jio di.)iy nornegl^-^V llcislU- 
 pfccn, and never fookc with, bur upoji the Kn:^$ (.'j^on h'\K 
 ..i : 
 Death-bed he may dioofc his Succ(dior out of w Iiat l^'.miiiy h 
 ^' P't' 
 or the better managir.g tlie great Aiiaiis ot tliis niii fuy \i 
 iPart I] 
 |;:gns Ar 
 hour, t, 
 ho [IS. 
 pire, he's aililted by two .Scnercigii CouDcils ; Oiie t'xtrairdinay) 
 cornpos'd of i'rinces oftlic Blood only; ;.nii the orlicr O-i/.-r; J 
 which bcfides the Piinces, doth eonfift of Icvcral Miiihlers oFSt;it] 
 calfd Colaos. But over ynd iibove tiKlctwo Councils, there -rt 
 Pekin fix Sovereign (]oiirrs_, wliofe Authority extend over all theGj] 
 pire, and to each of them bciong diiierent Mutters ; ^iz. (/J 
 that Court cali'd Lupoit, whicii pi elides over all the Mandarins, r,r 
 confers upon, or tikes fiom them their Offices. (2.) Honou, whi,; 
 jooks after tlie i'ubhck Treafury, and takes caie of raifing tne T 
 (^j» lipoUj wliich ini'petts jnto Ancient CuUoms ; and to it is cor 
 mitred tlie Care of Religion, Sciences, and i'oreign Affairs. 
 finj'ou, which hath charge of tile ."ioKljery, and other OlTictMs ( 
 tUnjpQUj which inquires and pdies Sentence in all Criminal Alatrn 
 Ladiy, CofKpott, vviiicli looks .ifcer ;11 PubJick Buildings, as the E; 
 peror's i*a!ace-., ami fuch like. In of thefe Courts t.he F-m; 
 ror h:-ith one who may be tern^'d a ■ mate Ccufor; it being his BuBcf M.-n 
 finefs to oblerve all that palieth, and to acquaint him fiithfu 
 therewit.h, wliich makes all Perfons very caution.', in their A^ti 
 ■.'t CWO ( 
 other is ( 
 of their ( 
 Vears be] 
 look upo 
 to teach 
 Over each Province is ;5ppointcd a Vice Koy, and under him a grq 
 many Publick Oliicei s. Vo Ihun OpprelTion of the Subject by thtlj 
 ^'arious Minillers, the Emperor before the Tartarian Conqueft, had! 
 certain number of fecret J>>pies in every Province, to have a watct 
 fal Eye upon rlie Actions of every Publick Otficer, and upon anj 
 vifible Aft of I.ijurlice in difclr.u ge of his Office, they were to pro 
 duce their CommifFion, and by virtue thereof did feize fuch anO:; 
 cer, tho'of the higlicil Station ; but this is laid nfide, thofe Perfo 
 having mightily abus'd their Power, Vet in lieu thereof) they (}i| 
 retain one CuAoni, vvliich is certainly very lingular, njiz,. That 
 ry Vice-Koy and i'ublick Otllccr is bound to take a Note of his 
 jMifcarriages in the Alanagcment of Publick Affairs from tiir.ei 
 time, and humbly acknov.'iedging the fime, is bound to fend tli: 
 in Writing to (]ourt. Which Task is undoubtedly very irkfomcl 
 one llandj if da^y rerfnrm'd ; but yet more dangerous on the othti 
 if wholly neglciiied. Very rem.irkuble arc Three jMiixims of Sr'tj 
 carefully oblerved by the Chincfiaii Emperors, 'viz* ifl. Never to 
 any MajidarhiA I'ublick Oilice in his Nativ/e Province, left beingof 
 mean Defcent, it miglit contribute to Difparagement; or I ;:! 
 Well defcended and beloved, he Ihould thereby grow too powcrfii] 
 I'X. To rettin at ('ourt the Children of the Mandarins imployeJ 
 Publick 0!lic.:s, and t!iat under pretence of giving tliem good LJ 
 cationjbut its, in tlF* d', as Homages, lell their Fathers fhould c'nr 
 to forget tiieir Duty to tlie Emperor. La'Hy, Never to fell any I'l; 
 Jick riffice, but to confer the (.ww^:^ according to Perfons Merit? 
 I pretend J 
 Im ny Tt 
 la Man, V 
 ):ing up; 
 hvI;o u ; o 
 Ills room 
 pus in all 
 tliem, vi 
 kad t'lul 
 ill this (1 
 pre lent 
 kit a!l ti 
 of the VJ 
 •V an an 
 fdit 11. 
 y lie; 
 ithry In, 
 r OrdirLv 
 rs of St..; 
 here ' r: 
 'z. (i.j 
 iarins, r>n 
 , OUy whi,; 
 flnns. j The Great C/;jw, as King cf China, is fai J to benr for En- 
 I Mib Arn-iorial, Jrgcnt, Three Blcick-moors Heads, place! in the 
 llrcnr, their liuft \elied ui:hs ; but (according to cchcrs; two Dra- 
 rel'iliion.j The prevailing Religion in Chna, is Poganiini, or grof*;; 
 l^oLtry ; and in 1'omt Pairs the Doctrine of A'.'? /.'owi't is entertained.. 
 if rhe Icveral Id^ls to wiiom the Chtncjcs pay their Devotions, there. 
 l^re two of chief Ncte, i/.r. One in Form of a Drnc^on, whom th.e- 
 - , —Emperor with his Mandarins do religioully worlhip, proftraving 
 tne Trixc«thcml"elves frequently before it, and burning Inc^nfc unto it. The 
 oitis ccfTiBcthtr is call'd lo, or ice, fet uj) C'^'- i^ conjedtur'd) jn favour of one 
 airs. ''4Bcf their own Natioi^ who is thougli': to iiave llourilh d about loco 
 lliicers (;HVears before our lil'.lied S iviour, and for his wonderful Parts and 
 al Matrer«Ai:lions was eftcenit;d worrh.y of being Deify'd at his Drath. They 
 as the EJlook upon him as the Saviour of the World, and tliat he was fcnt 
 t!ie f.m;Mto teach the way of Salvation, and make an Atoncnnnt for the Sin',, 
 ng his BuBcf M-H. They miglitily piize feme Moral Precepts v.-hich they 
 1 faithfuilBpretend he \*:\\^ and wlilch tfie Bo7iics (or Pritils) do frequencly 
 eir AttionBinculcate iipon the Tvlitids of the People, To this God are cre6lcd 
 himagreaBmny Ttmple.<c, and h.e is worfljipqed not only unvler the Shape of 
 \cQ. by thclBiMan, luit in the Perfon of .1 real ]\!an, who, rliey fay, r.everdies^ 
 iqueft, hadBli;ing upheld in that vain Opir.lon by the Lawa, ; or Titrtarian PrieiT-.s; 
 vc a w.ttcHwho u; on the Death (f that Immortal Maii, take due care ( as the: 
 d upon anB£T)pr/(T« Prices did tht:ir A^ii) to put one of their (uvn number irp. 
 were to projliis room, and that of the fame Fearures and Proportion, or as near 
 'uch an Or. 
 ofe Peifon! 
 )fj they ft 
 :,. Thatev 
 Cc of hi sow 
 Tcm timet! 
 ro fend th. 
 ry irkfomc 
 on the othc 
 ims of Si't 
 slever tog 
 eft being 
 ;nt; or b;:ir.| 
 00 powcrfJ 
 m good L^'j 
 hould chii 
 fell any Tiiij 
 m% Mt'iit^ 
 Words, I'tr D Thcvmm Rcg'-iu^'^ C<vh'um vo'avit & t^fo-ndit ad ^inus' 
 ■'.n '1j 
 m .;)! 
 rl »■; 
 'r } 
 Part II jFart 
 M 'M' 
 Concerning %l\X}iH, 
 between < 
 between -4 
 d. m. 
 92 CO' 
 31 c6, 
 f Loil: 
 40 00^ 
 1-^ r Length from N. VV, to S 
 g ) E. is about 1680 Miles 
 iBieadth froni N. to S. 
 about 1690 MileS' 
 India Qt;/^. all between C^jw.: and FerJIa^ comprehends. 
 The Great Mogul's Em- CDe/^i — '] 
 little Kingdoms, hut jCambaia 
 chiefly thofe of (j^en^aU 
 ridemZ in the maijj 
 Idem) Land- 
 Idem ion the Sea- 
 Idem I Coaft. 
 Tetiinfulci Jnd a e^tra 
 Ga7igemy containing- 
 the kingdoms of 
 Tt^ninfiih Ind'a cxtr.i 
 GMfigem^ containing 
 the Kingdoms of 
 Dec:n ■— 
 ^Gohoni - 
 I Bifnagar- 
 Pegu • 
 Tunquin — — 
 ^Cochinchin — 
 Si aw 
 Idem in the middle 
 Cdicute Southward.] 
 Idem ? ' 
 Idem 5 L 
 Idem"^ vfromN.rol 
 Idem \f S. 
 Idem 3 ' 
 ""T^H IS vafl: Complex Body, confider'd here under the Title otj 
 X Indiif^ [_v\. all between Perfin AtxA China romi^rehends (A 
 yforefaid ) many diftin£t and confiderable Kingdom:, ; but all redu-l 
 cibleto the Three great Divilions abovemention'd, t6 wir, thcAVl 
 gul\ Empire^ and the two Fcnmfuhs of India^ one within, and rlie| 
 other without t\\t GMtge;. Of all which ieparatciy and in their Or- 
 der. Therefore, 
 ^ I, 
Partlljpart IL 
 § I. The MoguV s Em fir f. 
 P:mc.] T^His Country [Bounded on the E:.ll by Chir.t:, on the 
 X Weft by Perfij, • on the Nui th by p.ut vt Ijjtdn \ and 
 nthe Souih by tlie Gulf of Jkr^il] is a grtac jmiC ul" zr^c V«' 
 r,d Anci-nt /wJu, rrmarkablc in tlie Hiftory of Akx^r^r ths 
 iTrt-jt, and :eim'il /wi/i from the Hiv.-r /v./y^, but now r!- ofil'^ 
 Imirey asb-ing lubjd unto thar ini^hiy Eiltcra M..i:c;rc.i, c\ni- 
 Eonly knoun by the Name of the GVtfif ^l o^w/. 
 Sir ] In the Northern par's cf thi Empire/ he Air i? r^.If' ♦o \ye 
 |ev*remcly cv)kl and piercing about the time of the Sun\ gr' atelt 
 IViiithern D-clmation ; but in ihc Souihern Provinces true!; mc)-*; 
 Iteniperate, The oppolite Place of the Globe to the AcgulsEm- 
 [-;;:■, is that part of the vaft P^cijick Ocean b Jtween 270 and 3 ,:; De- 
 crees of Longitude, with 25 and 39 Degrees of iouth Latitude. 
 foil.J The Soil or this vaft Country (it lying in the 3(1 end 4th 
 sorth Climatt) is extraordinary barren in feveral Parts, being 
 tacumber'd with formidable dry Tandy Mountdin^, buiclfcwhere 
 verv plentiful efpecially in Cotton, Miilet, Rice, and moft forts 
 i)f Fruits. The length of the Days and iNights in this CdUntry is 
 Ihsfanieasin the Kingdom of Cbiridj they'both lying under the 
 tme Parallels of Latitude. 
 Comir.oDiti'ecf ^ The chief ro^^n^ii/t/'; of this Country, are Aloes, 
 lubk, Rhubato, Wormil-eds, Civirs, Ind'<.-o, Laiquc, Boiax, Ogi- 
 1111, Amber, Myrab<dans, Sal- Arn'-oniac, Silk, Cwffons,Callicoes, 
 atcins, TatTaties, Carpets, Metals, Porceiiine tlarth, and molt 
 rts of Spices, Cl?r. 
 KiTitic?,] In feveral Parts of the Mo/jwA' iT^wp/Ve, particulariy the 
 vingdom oi'Cumbiiix, are divers noted Vu}iar:o\,wh\ch ufually Imoke, 
 ndlometimes break out in terrible FruiJiicns oi Fire ar 1 Sulphurous 
 lUttcr, In and about the Imp' rial City 0^ u^gra^ are the fplcndicl 
 '0M/t/T^5 of the ;^(^y.t/f"i«''/;//)'of the Moguls ; pa.iicularly that glori- 
 Uj Monument of the Em})rers t<i C/:i-Gc;/;.u/, tr^ctcd nigh to the 
 Srand B^ir^ which is reported to be a very ftately Structure, and 
 ffo valt a bignefs, that iocoo Artificers were un^)!oy'd in cre^^ing 
 tit for the fpacc of 22 Years, buz what moltiy d^rferves our re- 
 ard, in the whole Kingdom o( hidofiati^ is that rich and glorious 
 "hroiie in the Palace of W^r^, on which th^G^f^^r ^logul duth ufu- 
 ly appear daring the Feftival of his Bi, th-day, where he receives 
 r.e Compliments and Prefents of the Grandees, after the yearly 
 T Cere» 
wm ■ 
 m ' 
 1 ■ 
 II .' 
 26/5 7W/^. Pare if 
 Creniony of weighing his Perfon is over. Thi''> ftately Throne ( 
 notttt among Travellers in thefe Fnrts) is l.iicl lo ftaiul iipoi Tc 
 and Kar.. over-laid vvitli cnameird Gold, anil adorned with fc. cr 
 large Diamonis llubies, ind other precious Scones. Thr C^fio-, 
 over the Tlirone is fer thick with carious Diamonds, and ruriou'l 
 ed with a Fringe of Pearl. Abn'e the Canopy is the lively V-j] 
 giesofa Pejroil^ whof:." 'I'ail fparkles with blue Saphires.and od::j 
 Stones of ditf- rent Colour? ; Ids Body is of enamellM Cold ietwi 
 Jewels, and on his Bre.iit is a lArge Kuhy, from whicli hangs a If.-. 
 as big as an ordinary Pea." On both udes ot the Throne are r^ 
 Umbrella's of curieiij red Vflvet, richly emoroidcred with Gol: 
 and encompalTed with a Fri-^e of I\arl ; the very biicks whcri( 
 are alio cover'd wifh Ptf.:rls, Rubies and Dian.orcls, Over Dpaii 
 the Emperor's Seat is a ciioice J.-wel with a ho'e bored thro' i^, 
 which hang^ a pro.ligious big Diamond, with many Rubie:^ , 
 Emeralds round aboniir. Thefe, and reverc'l otliers noth-r ,: , 
 tioncd, are the coltly Ornaments of Throne, whicii ( 
 all related of it be true) cannot be matchLd by any oths,r Mondrcl 
 upon tiieFace of the whole Farth. 
 (l-<inncto 1 The Inhabitants of the variou:^. Parts of this vaft h 
 pirCj are various Tempers and Cultoms. W iut thofe of the In! 
 'Provinces are, is not very t.Ttain (cur Intelligence of ' m bci.i 
 yet very ll.nner) but tlie People of the Southern or "M '.n: 
 ri.ices of the: AP;^«/'3 Dominion":, are Perfon-. (for the moft t,: 
 very tail ofSraturt', ftrongofBody, and inCompUxion inciir; 
 f^">mewhat to than of rhe N'cgroes. In Jjchavidur^ Civil; in tl 
 Deilirig., pretty Juft; and many of thj Mechanical fort 
 wonderful hn\enious. 
 I Part 
 ion ol 
 ry'j by 
 rally ^a 
 and' A 11 
 ICourt ; 
 all his 
 would I 
 ':ude of 
 oblig'd I 
 Were ii 
 !Lr;n:iui:c.] Both here, and in the fwo P^;j/>/;//.f s hereafrern^E|[^^^^^^-^| 
 tioned, are various L.iri^ujges^ anil thcle again d^-ided into di 
 leve a 
 Diileds; but t\\Q /n\ibick is ftill ufed in their RUigious Oifaff°."^"^'| 
 Among the feveral Lutigu^iges Ipolan in th? Aio^^it/'s Dominion 
 C-i^i^a^'i lOKi 
 lie is reckoned the chief and is tv ffiv ided it 
 prive a I 
 Kingdoms of C:nnbjy.i and Bcvgah \ but the rerj'u}i is faid to be; 
 tavgujigt' of the Court. 
 C5ol>cvii:J!"iit..i This vaft Body comprehends a great manv '' Ijeving i 
 doms, fome of which are free, fome iabject ?o orhers, and i: ,.P''''ide d 
 pey frej 
 mns th( 
 cm Tributary tJ one Sovereign, namely tne G>e:it Mog- 
 Govcrnm;:nt is moft Tyra;nnicul, for he hath bo-Ji the 
 I i'afons of hii Subje^U wholly i^.t his Difpufa), and iiLoru-i^') Per\ 
Part ill 
 fhronc (in 
 upo-; Ft 
 fitU re'.\.'ri| 
 lit' C'lno'.i 
 i '."iKlUi' 
 lively rifij 
 I, and on. 
 old let vvi 
 ir^sa it;. 
 jiic are m 
 with GolJ 
 cks uhcrr. 
 3ver affair! 
 thro' i^ i| 
 jth-r ;: , 
 le, \*hicn 
 I'^r MoDdrcl 
 this vaftti 
 of the In! 
 of ' m he 
 or M.'.rr. ' 
 le moft 
 :iun inciin 
 ivil ; in ti 
 :al fort yroj 
 into ditT^; 
 ^ious Ornc 
 y ulVd in ii 
 fa id to be: 
 t manv ^' 
 s, and r 
 the > ' 
 ii Lore 
 Fait IF. I/! Ma. 267 
 p-in:Hc:'ir of every Mans Fftjte. His Imperial Sf.-at i> ordinary at 
 /;; 7, which i:; a vc;y rich and populous (Jity, lying in the Province 
 |(,f rhe fjmj Name, and rhc Metrnpolh ot the wliolft Empire. If he 
 ill(nvs pucrnni Inh-rit nee any wliere, the (ainc is rcyc^liable ac 
 liisPleafuic. His bare Wi!l is the f^^iw, and his Word a fin^l Deci- 
 sion of ail Controverfics. The Indian Diadem is not entailed by 
 primogeniture or the Sons, but is either ravifht by Force, or car- 
 r\'a by C'^ifr, of iuch who ftand in Competition fur it; lie gene- 
 rally fut ceeding to the Throne, who hath moftly gainM the Favour 
 hnd AlTiltai ce of the Omrahs ii^d l^Uhobs, \A'i:hoLhtr '"Jrandcesat 
 Court ; and upon hi fnltilm at therein, he commonly facrificeth 
 all his Rivals and nearcft Relations, reckoning his Throne to be 
 hue Tottering, unlefs its Foundations be laid in the Blood of fiicli 
 perfons. His Revenue is indeed ib vaft, that a bare Relation 
 would fe^m incredible; but proportionably to the fame, are his 
 rieccflary ways of imploying ic ; for to awe the prodigious multi- 
 tude of People within the valt extent of his Dominions, he*s 
 oblig'd to keep in daily Pay, many Legions of Si Idiers ; otherways 
 Were impoifible to command the turbulent /(ij^ih, ^vho (as it is) 
 ej frequently make Infurreftions, anddiftuib his Government. 
 flrtriBf ] The Enfigns Armorial of the Gredt Mogul, are f^id 10 be 
 hfl^tn , Seme with Befancs, ^r. As for particular Coats of Arms, 
 [peculiar to private Perfons, as in Eurcpi^ here arc nom ; no Mjn 
 Iwitiiin the Mopul*s Dominions being Hereditary, ciihcr to his 
 lEltate or Honours. 
 raltston.] Thelnhabitantsof this Country are moftly Pagan jand 
 Kit to Pagayiifm the Religion of M^i-owet prevails ; it being chiefly 
 embraced according to the Comm( nraries of Morf/V //(^/j'. Of the 
 |Fugj»x, here are various Sedsand Orders urn. aig 'cm •, particular- 
 ly the Baniatis^thc Ferpcs and l-dciuirs. (i.) The Bxtiirns^ who bi^.-' 
 lieve a //c']4/^.4v;/w!r/<, or Tranfmigration of Souls, and thereupon 
 ioufually build Hofpitals for Bealis, and will upon no account de- 
 prive any Creature of Life, lell thereby tht-y diilodgc fas they 
 [in<iginej the Soul of fotnc departed Friend But of all living 
 .rtdtures they have the grcntcli Veneration for the Cqw, to whom 
 [hey pay a folemn Addrels every Morning; and at a certain time 
 Dfthe Year they diink the Srale of chat worlhipful Animal; be- 
 lieving it hath a fingular Qiiality to purifie all their Defilements* 
 Jdide their conJiant Abftinence from the Food of any Animal, 
 Ihey frequently refrain from all Eatables till Nighr. Of thefe Bi- 
 livzw; there are reckon'd in 7?;^/^ about 24 different Cafts or Se^s, 
 2.) Perfees, (the Pofterity of the ancient Perfutis) who worlhip 
 jheElemencof Fire; for which reafon they're alfo called Guurcs^ 
mi :> 
 ■ i 
 268 hi^Lt. Part II. 
 z. e, Worfhipp>?rs of Fire. Belides the Fire, they have a great W. 
 nerar.i.'jn for ch; Cock. To kill the one, or extinguifh the other, i- 
 eft -emM Dy 't.n a Crim? unpirdonablc Their High Pri.ft is call" 
 Dejhoor, an.lfh:. 1: arciinary P nW^ Daroox i)T H.irhoods, Laftly^ tr.: 
 Fdluin^ (a kind ot' Pv^eligious Monks) who live very aiifterc Live? 
 b.'lng much given to tailing, and leverdl Ads ot" Mortihcation ;ar.:! 
 forne (iS a voljnrary Penance) make iokmii Vows of keeping ilicir 
 Hands claTpM about thtir ; orhers held ont- ('and ic me bo:'; 
 Arms} Itreicht out in the Air \ and a tht^ufand luch ridicuK;us Pc. 
 fttires, and all during Liie. Which Vows once nude, th-y racr.vJ 
 ly obferve - noLwithitandir.g the Oblervatibn < t" 'cm is atten'.el' 
 with exquiite Pain. Molt uf liie Jyiiur.s believe that the Rive- 
 Givs,''<; hach a fa nttify ins Qi^ialiry ; whereupon they tiock thi hirA 
 certain Seafons irj v.^il Mudiitud; s, ti. ) 1 -nae thtniiclvcb thcrtirJ 
 Difperfcd thro' the ;Vj9^u/'s Dominions i>> a torhderai)le number cil 
 j^erpj ; and upon the Sr-uCoail^ are many Europ'j)? Chnftid7is, li 
 upon the account oF Traiiiek. ThoV parrsot/wd// ^ hich rccfiudl 
 the iiltrlTed Gofpel in torm-r ntncs, were inAiutt.d therein (aii 
 gc icrally believed) by the Apoftle St. Ihoma^. 
 6 2. Tie Peninfula oj India muhifx the Gciiigcs. 
 I-Jame] 'X^His large Country [comprehending the feveral Kir^^ 
 X doms above-m --ntiond ; and now bounded on the En 
 by the Guifof M'fxr'o ; and on the Welt by M.irs yinlhu^ -^ on'h 
 North by part ot the A,V{j;</'s Empire ; and on the .^outh by 
 /Wii/.mOcean^ was ttrm\l i'enniJuU Indnv intrj G.ivp/m by the A' 
 cients, parntularly the J^cmars, and that up* n the cTccountot i; 
 Situation; being, or on this tide the River 6'u«^t'i, in 1: 
 ipeit of the Empire ot fe'/zi, or W'eltern Parts of y///i. 
 5Sir.] The ///> of thi, Country is generally very nof, yet in mnft 
 the Maririme places, 'lis fretjucntly qualiri.d by ccdH HreiZcshc 
 the S.a. T'le oppoiirc place ot the Giwbe to this Vciiirfuh. is t 
 part ot ih*. Pacitick Ocean, becwet-n i^^ind 
 gi^ude, with 17 and 25 Degrees of 5ou!h Latiiude. 
 '*rmM The Soil of this P'-virfuU i, {U>r the muft part) exfraor,, 
 iiJiy. F^-^Tll, pro^luting all dcinablt Fraits, Roots ana Grain, b: 
 fidji vaft quanti'-i'S Of Xledlcinal Herbs. TIil* longjH Day in tl; 
 Northinoft Par^sof tlii-. Country is about: 13 Flours and a half, t!' 
 fhorteli in ih-' Southmo)^ i^ u Flours and a half, and the Ni^^r: 
 v;amm«n:tifff j The chit fC^mwjoi/uf^ of this Country, are 
 Sdk, Cottons, Pv.'aris^nrugs,Datt\5,Coco's, Ricc/iir^er,Cinnjni ' 
 4^ D grees ot Lt; 
 Fart II 
 Xrcw, ca 
 ;n r,:e N 
 Rock, o 
 lull Sea ru 
 i/ons, <Sc 
 rhen Tt r 
 I Hock ; V 
 I.'.-' (iff; at 
 I'.er adja 
 |(j.;c: upor 
 ''ji^zrefs c 
 |(.cn on 
 |:,rc- H' 
 re r.^t 
 • eig! 
 [l.', muc 
 fDan*. c 
 /.;, <ae II 
 ot the A 
 t'.vn, viy 
 which is 
 I me CO 
 who acki 
 not can 
 :nto var: 
 ^n the C 
'art 1!. 
 ;rcaf V-, 
 other, '.I 
 ft is call' 
 ^ftlvy tr:| 
 It.- Li v. 
 ^Jng Uicir 
 feme bur: I Po. 
 y lacr. ,,| 
 rhc Ilivc- 
 thi htra:| 
 -> ihcTti 
 lumber cil 
 ifl'iins, a ll 
 1) rcCfr.idl 
 rein (aii( 
 fart I r. 
 K.Uitie-5.] In feveral Places of tlic* Klngd'-mof Dicx^i^ isano^ed 
 Ticw, caliM l)y Trav -Ikrs ih-- A';r:' Z/r^'., wliolc X.Hur; is liich, that 
 every Mo' nin;j 'ii>, lull oMh-in^\ i :\], \\!',ich indichcttof 
 :hL' l)>iy t'*ll down in Sho^t.-rs to clu Gii ui;-! ; ard hi Homing a^ain 
 ;n r.;e Nighr, it daily appears in a fu w f.iveiy. rr.) In [he Kiard 
 .Vj/jc^i^» adjacent to Cox, arc v^ift K. » t.ei.'tacles cut » u. ot the \\\d\\\ 
 ;-,olI:, one tiboveanotli.r, fi nie'tF'.ni bei g cq '.M in l)igncls .o d 
 Vilhfc,-^ of 4<jO Hcules, ani ddi)( nM rhrouj^hout wi h ftrarge f. i^ht- 
 ::ilS:arues ot Idols rtprelentin^ El-fpl.anrs Tyc^Ts, Lions, Ama- 
 , )ns, vlTr. (-;;.) In theilland '.'mjorciu, Uf^i' Domb.ij (b^-ion^iiig to the 
 ii,nus,ii-^\"') 1^ ^ City of the fau'e Name, having divc is large H^^a- 
 f';enTt niplcs, .md many other Apartni'-nrs, all cutout of the fii in 
 Kock ; wldwh iiupendous Wok is atrrihutul by fume to Akx-indcr 
 Ki (irtiit^ bur ihii without any Hicw of J^robability. ('4 ) In ano- 
 i:.;'r adjacent Ulan I (belongi.ig aid) to i\\c Vo>tugut'-^yy and called 
 /,;;/;j?;rc?,f!om a liu^c atLihciil bIepha'.;tof Stune, !x : ^ng a young 
 ij:;c upon its liack) is anodicr IdMlatrous Temple of a prodigious 
 I;/rciS cutout of the firm Rock. *l'is luj^ported by 42 I'^iilars, ai.d 
 (,cn on all lules, except rhc Laid, where liaiKis an Image wirh 
 :.,reL* H'.'ads, adom'd wiih ftrange Hiorrog'yphicki', and tlie \A jI.'s 
 re l>t round with monltroiis (giants, whereof fome have no Kl:* 
 \:ir, eight Heads (5.) At a City in the Kingtom of Dt;ca}:, known 
 :oTrav. ilers by rhc Name of Purgcv-'f^y is another Heathen Tem« 
 [1 ■, much the linic with that a^ovc-mcjitioird. 
 eral KirjjJ 
 )n the Eal 
 i^ 'j on 'i 
 uth by t J rirdjtu.-.djoi'^ick", &c.^ .'hLl:biji:oprit.ks, Dijlrprith^Vnivfyfiti^^St^one 
 ly the A' 
 DUnt of l': 
 igcs^ in r 
 : in moft 
 e- z.stic: 
 lih. is t! . 
 C3 ot Lc; 
 Grain, b- 
 Day in t: 
 a halt, ti- 
 the Niji",: 
 re McM'J 
 V)Mv.t\:s 1 The Natives of the various Provinces of this Pentrpu- 
 /.;, ,^re much the lame in Mufrf7t'n with thofe in the Sou Jit ra Parts 
 ot the .LV;.'/i/'3 Dominions already mention\l. 
 L HTiianc] The chief of the hdiati Ton^^ues in this iefii)ifuJx^ ire 
 two, vi^, the Cinbirii: moftly i 1 ul> dboui ou/, and the G^arita 
 which is rpoken in Uijnjgar^ and in the CoaiiJ oi LororiurdtL 
 Co'JCinir.rnt I In this /Vw/Vj/u/j are a gre-a: many Princes, who af- 
 i'.ime to themfelves tiie Title of Rings; the chief of 'em b ing thofe 
 \CilhUty Cochin^ (.\l*utlor^ Crxrpxtwr^ Irx-jxrjor, ar.d 1 Vior \ b-Mid'r?:^ 
 'hich, aic feveral fo'ts of People in variv:.Ui IVirts ot this Country, 
 ho acknowledge Sut)je^hon to none of theie, nor to anyotrier 
 |nur can they accord among themfelves, being cf^mmoniy divided 
 nto various Parti^'S, who pifitiiDy hanh one another \ and thole 
 •1 r 
 he Coaft ^^itAAlibnj are much adiictcd to Pyracy 
 i: i 
! , 
 i I 
 Part 11.1 
 What arc the true Enu^ns Armoilal of thefe IndLmi 
 Princes, [or if any] is mofily conjcdural ; all we fird of 'cm is 
 tbit fome iii IJecan and Cambjiu bear IVr^', enconipaffcd wich a| 
 Collar oMarge precious Stones. 
 ii\tlig(OK.] The Inhabifanrs of this Tevirifuli are g^enerally Mdomt 
 Urts^ efpecially thofe who li^e near the Sca.Coalts, I ur People re-l 
 liding in the 1 rd.ind Parts arr grofs Idolaters, woi ihippirg not orly 
 the Jttw and /Mew, butalfoininv Idilsot'moft ugly and horribiel 
 Afpefts; and in fome Parts of Pc-aw they look upon the firfl Crea.l 
 turc rhey meet with in the Morning, as the prop-r Objeil of theirj 
 Worfhip for that Day, except it be a Crow, the very ligHtcj 
 which will confine them to their Houfes the whole Day. In mo\\ 
 of the Sea-Port Towns and Places of Trade, are fev^f in coniider- 
 able Numbers, and many European Chriliidfjs^ efpecially thofe of car 
 Ff'gliJ}? ¥;i(\o:Ws. Chriiiiaiiity was firf^ planted in this Country 
 much about the fame time with the Mogul ii Empire. Of which al 
 § 5. T/je Pcninfula of Indid hejondthe Ganges. 
 /^aUK.] "PHis laft Divifion of Jndh [Bounded on the Eaft hyl(\i:iji;i3f 
 Cl:hht\ on the Welt by the Gulf of 7^ew£4/ ; on thel 
 North by part of the Mo^jm/'s Empire j and on the South by fornelniiniW 
 of the Indim Ocean]) is term'd Pctihifuh Indite extra Cavgem^ or A 
 dii beyo'fid th?. (hvges^ becaufeofits Situation; it lying beyond rha. 
 famous River, in refped of the other Pemnfulat or the Weftern 
 Parts of^//4 iii general. 
 SirJ The /iir of this Ven'mfHh is fomewhat different^according to 
 the Situation and Nature of the various Parts of that Country, yt: 
 generally efteem'd indifferent healthful and temperate enougli • . 
 .con'-dering the Latitude of thofe Places. The oppofite Place ci 'oi'.cn in 
 the Globi^ to t'.is rtnivfiihy is that part of M)vj ZeUniU^ between ^3gc tiic 
 110 and 230 D grecsof Lon^itudtjWith i to 24 Degrees ot Suutli 
 '^"Of." The ^(il of this Country (it lying under the ift,adnnd^ 
 Nortli-Climat^'j is extrao:ilinary lertil, producing in great Pkn 
 ty all fo^^s of deiirable Fruits and Grain-, befides 'tis well ftocl' 
 with invaluible Mines, rind great (juanrif y of precious Storic>; yei 
 To vdftly Rich is this Country, that the Suuthmoli part the ccl 
 (viz. i'jperfjncj'e iCor) is eitjeni'd by many to be the Land of OriM 
 to which ii\n^Sjlou;on fent his Slups for Gold. The longcitDjj 
 d Kingc 
 bje6t toi 
 vers och 
 e Ancle 
 indy as t 
 11. He 
 li Coclfim 
rt I 
 d of 'cm is 
 iffcd «»ich al 
 people re- 
 ^g noc only 
 nd horribiel 
 ? firft Crea.l 
 jeilof thei 
 ^ry light cj 
 /. In mtftl 
 n con(ider-| 
 is CountrvP'"""^^^* *'^ ^^^'' ^"^'^ ^'"^ ^^'^ \'^(^\it the two famou, Cjf7t':iif^s, i. c. 
 >f whichal'B*^ llubies of proc'.i^ious Value, ab(u: which the Ne"g;iDcuiing 
 " "incts frc(|ir.:nily coitcnding, have draAn Seas of ijlood frum 
 i.hothers Subjects, and all from a vaia Opirjor., 'Ih:it the Pof. 
 ;;ion of Lhofe Jcwc^; carry altng with 'cin a juft Claim of Dou.!- 
 jiiover the Neighbouring Princes. 
 he Eaft hy| $\i-ijt'i3{joy?i:K?, S;cO ^^'''■^-'^(/'^■^P'-'^i^'^ 'Lmvcrjitks. None, 
 ii/ ; on thel 
 ith by forfle|r}3J".nct0 j What was faid of the Natives of the other PdT^ifijlU ia 
 the Northmofr Parts is about 13 H( ursan'1 an half ; the fhorteft 
 »:;'heSouthmott, near about 12 Hours, and the Nights propoi,-- 
 CommoHitictf.] The chk( Commoditi^-s of this Country, are Gold, 
 ;;,er, prcciou, Ston-js, Silks, Poicelline Earth, Aloes, Musk, Rhu- 
 iibf Alabarter, ^c, 
 '^.intitg.'] Among the /^/>'mV; of this Country, we mav reckon the 
 hj^ii Houlis in the City of Arrdc:iv^ being a large Hill in the 
 r.g's Palace, whoft? iniide i-intirely overlaid wiih Gild, haviiii'' 
 itaccly Canopy of \la(Ty Gold, from the Pdges of which han^ 
 }.ve ic:^CQmbdkvghi\ or large Wedges of Gold in form o^jugar- 
 |,0ave-. Here alfoare feven Idols of Mjffy Gtd 1, (.f tlie heigirc f.i" 
 ,1 ordinary Man, wh^fc Fjiehcads, Jii:eafh,^nid Arms ^re adurn'd 
 I'.h variw^ty of precitUi S:cne^, a^ Ru ;ics, Eir.jr^, Saphires ^nd 
 or A' 
 )cyond that 
 le Weften 
 xordirg to 
 nintry, yt: 
 te enoug 
 ite Place 
 iy between 
 es ot Soutli 
 ft,adnnd ; 
 ^reat Plcn 
 well ftocl^ 
 torit'>; yejj 
 art the coj 
 (t of nt\:[\ 
 lint {)i NiamicYSy the fame may beaiiirm'd of ciioll- inhabuing this. 
 '.,? various Europeans here reliding, are much the lame in Man* 
 with the refpedtive People of iiwro^d fiom whence they came, 
 l3n!Xu32M The chief of the /w^uw Tongues in this PfwrV/w/i. is 
 lat called the lAjUje^ molliy uled in lYiJacca', but beiidcs tl.e Vd.- 
 ous/wi//jn Tongues, bo'li in the Mo^iil^ Umpire, and rlie tv/a 
 rmfiiU\^t f-'^t^ rortugiie^s LiU'^Uigc is cummorly undei flood ard 
 loi^en in all Mariiime Towns of Trade, It bemg the chief> 
 jagc that's nCcd in daily Commerce bjCweea the fr^'.>;ili- diid Ki- 
 ves of that Countryo 
 Ooiientmcnt.] In this Vemnfnlx are a great many diff^r^ru S^atc; 
 d Kingdoms, particularly that of Pcj^m, (a very ruh kingdom) 
 bje^t to ic^own Monarch, whofe Sovticignty is acknu^vLdged by* 
 |v'crs other confidcrubje States, as Af^m, /h-jca-fi and ///;/./, bclides 
 Ancient -fcrariiwj.r/;;, and other People living on the Wcfv of 
 bi, as the Ljfes, Jimocuss^Cufysi and Cioca>if/.es, all 'i'ributary to 
 |ni. Here alio are the rich and HaurilhingKiiigdams of /'f<V(^M/: 
 ^^Coclfinchi?j, efpeciAlly the former, whofc Rin^ h clteeni'd a 
 T 4 
 >i 4- 
 272 hidia. Part 1] 
 mighty potent Prince, able to brin^ into the Field vaft Muhir; 
 •01 i.\.-i\ u;'> n .ill otcafions. An I L.ijtly, 'J'h; Itingof .s;ur/j (to uhoi 
 a ^reat many Piinccs are Tiibutaiy) iS'.ft 'cmcd one of the nchtl 
 and moft potenr Moaatch^ ot" all rhe frialt, and aflurnes (as fori 
 alledjv-) theTitlj(>.t the Rin^ ot //t\rj:'w and Eirth'y and yctn,:] 
 withltandin^ his mighty Force and Trcaiure, heisfaid to Ws T: 
 buary to the lunufij and to pay Lntm Yearly a certain kini 
 9rmi.] We find no Hiti^faOory Account of what Fnfiijns Armci.j 
 are born by thcfe Eaflern Princes ; or if any at ail. 
 ttelijon,] The Innahirants of this /'f"?;i'://</i are generally gr^ 
 Idoiaccis, Tiiole of.9/i)/i au (aid to maintain Fythafi^orM^s Mettu.^ 
 chnfiSy a!id famm»»n!y adore tlie lour Elements. VVhereibever M 
 ri'itinifi.-i prevails 'cis ^',vrnera!ly intermixt with manyPi^.jH 
 and CereiV' nics, as p-uticularly in C'-imboiii^ on the River lA:;:. 
 in vvliith Ci^y arc al;n(dt ;^oo liately Mofques, not only welln 
 nifht with excellent BeJib (contrary to tiie/w^jLv/liCuftom eirewhc: 
 bat alio wirh a great many iJols of all fortr. In the Iviugdo;: 
 TuiHi. they have a jireat Opinion of the Sanctity of Apes and Cr: 
 dilt'if belier'niji thofe Fcrlons wry ha^py v; ho are devoured by c: 
 They obitrve vcarly <, folemn Fcllivals, (called in tlieir Lang,u]^ 
 S.ip.iMy) and Jift'ngnMhi'd by th" Names of 6/it7;/V, C\iteu7io Ginr 
 Sfgidnouy Tliiihf and V'.im-n. Their Prielts are called E^ulini^ i\ 
 are dividetl inro three Order*;, diltin^,uifhedby the Names otl'n 
 grini, I\irgi.iin and .\'>xo-n, Tliey have aUb many Hermits, wh: 
 they divided into G'^f/'', A'lnigrr'in and T.iligrepij who are all 
 jireat Hrteeni amon^. the Pc'ople. Chniiianity was \)lanted heiJRaiJit ] 
 n^uch about the lame time with the other Vcmrifnl.i already r: 
 (' >'. 
Part iMart 
 \ Multim. 
 m (to vaIkii 
 filie richti 
 les (as fo 
 ind yet njj 
 d to bs T: 
 tain km J u 
 ;ns Armoi.J 
 erally gri] 
 [bevc^r A'.; 
 Pjg.m II :i 
 Liver iMr;..: 
 nly well :„ 
 n el,evvhc: 
 es and Cr:. 
 jured by c 
 rir Lan^U2 
 ledtio G'uir 
 emits, \vh. 
 arc all; 
 \)lanted he; 
 licady r:,t 
 SEC T. IV. 
 Concerning JJccfuT^ 
 d. 1" 
 f 7^'^ 3^^?rar ^ t^ C L^^m^t'i from E. to W. h 
 between ^ ^^ 00^'^°"/^ about .440 M.le,. 
 f)between/ '-^ +°?.of Lat.V^/^'V"'' ^T m', '" ^- " 
 into many 
 North, f/'v- ' Gdand -• 
 Rrai h 
 Provinces, i MidJIc','v'^ < ^'-tZ' </?<iv -. * ^ 
 burchiefly C^'S J^^ff^ "' 
 Ithoie to- 
 re /J-i/^w— 
 G'''ar. -- — — 
 VV tot. 
 wards the 
 (^ , 1 1'll' i ' 
 I oouth, viz.--^.,, 
 ^ yxirvtan- 
 Mac an - 
 If -) 
 lo^i .^W. toE 
 .s. hiras 
 G:>ynhrcon - 
 i Tit^ 
 ■ VV. to L". 
 5anie]'r)/^?/7,» r known ro tlie Aficitnts by the furx Name, aiiuL 
 X ionic others, but of a inoch iMv;^^ Extent at pre- 
 cnt ; bctni^ now bounded on the t^ft by the l<!ogul\ Enipiit, <;n tlic 
 iVcftby /4 ati^Turky;ofy the North by the CntpiauSca and p.nt (jfTar^ 
 <7; ;nd on the St)urh by the l'£rfiauGu]i' .^nd p.m (d the At.;in Oce- 
 nj is»-erm'd by the Ualiaiis :\\\d SpantardSy Piy(ia-, by the h\)uL,l\)jc:, 
 'V the G rt'ans^ Ferjuu, and by the Emjt)}\ Fc'f.t ; j'o tjlTd '.as mony 
 I'egcJ from one of its ancient Provir.ccs, nain'd Pcrfh, or (accor- 
 ing to others) from Pe>'les^ an illuftrious Lr)id in the Country of 
 l»m^ who for his Merit is faid to have obt un'd tlie Government ot 
 he People, and to have calTd both Country and Iiduibitants after 
 lis Njme. But finally, oth'-TS do eagerly plead for an He'rciv I^tyino- 
 ogy, deriving tlie Name from the Word, CD'ti;'^,^ :. f. Equ tes» 
 -or 'tis reported of the Inhabitants of this Country, that before 
 be Reign of C)rvf the Great, they fcldom us'd to Ride, or knew very 
 ttic how to manage a Hoi ' 
 -rwards in nun.iging Hoi 
 oile;and tliaf fiich was thtir Dexterity at- 
 Jifcs- thi't this Country is faid to nifumeics 
 ri I-' 
 / ■ 
 274 ^ Perju. Parti] 
 Name fiom tint Animal. lor the ftrengt'inlfig of which Oijunoij 
 they farther obltive, ri^at the TnJc of * .r//.^ is iiOt ro(.,id n, ,, 
 liooki otiloly Scriptuic^which were wjitrcji bttoie th:; tunc c^Cypru 
 .'\v - 
 Sir.] The ^.'J* of tins Country is very tern: era-% efpec 
 wards the Nort!i, btyoiv! the vad Mouiiraifi of /:?.'.';.< ; bur in {] 
 Southern Provinces 'crs fcoichiji*; hot for icveul Mo.;rns f in 
 pofitc Place of tiie Glebe to Peyfta, is part ci Mare del /io\ btti'. . 
 250 and 280 Dc:j;iccs of Loiii^ca 'c, v.iAx 23 and 40 Dv ijicci 
 South Latitude. 
 <?vOiK.] The»:c/7orrhi.>, Country C it^ Ivinr; in the 3d and 4th N" 
 riiniittc) isveiy difllrciii: j for in tiu Wm them Pai 15;, adjacent 
 T.iTtury and the C-*l'pia>} Su., riic GrouiKJ [•i vtry barren, produci;,^ 
 but Jictlc Corn, and few i-ruirs. i?ur wSourh of Mount ir.urusr'o 
 Soil is fai'l to bc(-::rraordi!:-jy ferri), the Countiy pleaiant and pjcai 
 tiful of Coin, I'liiirs. Wnits, L,' c. aifo.dn ^ ,:l!'. loaie rich MinJ 
 of Gold and Silver. J iic loiigei} Day in tlic Norrhmoil \\\n^, 
 about 14 Hours and tlire. oii.Ti ttrs. r!u: iliortef} in the Southnioll ;| 
 ^3 Hours iiad ."> tfuArctr, liiid tiic N;g!iis proportionably. 
 C0!ni110"Dit{cs.J The tbi r ('G:j-,7nodiiics of tliis Country, <^rc c; 
 rious Silks, CiUpers, TmIucs, M^nuFrfituies of Gold, Silk and ^. 
 ver, Seal-Skins, Goat bkins, Aj^baQci, and all forts of Mciah, 
 Myrrh, Fruits, 6"--. 
 r:li ; cm 
 [a lo ib 
 ,Mi'es I 
 |:!es Noi 
 [oJ agair 
 ten who 
 lie are fc 
 [certain 1 
 llmtic!^.'] This Country (.imong ir? cln.,f /w;!-..?*:;) doth yet bo'i' 
 of the very Ruins of rhc once proud of Ptrf'po is, fo fnno 
 of old, and now call'J by the Inh.ibit.inrs (^hil-yK.iuQr, iignifyir, 
 Vorty Pillars ; which imports, tliitio rn my were fl-:inding fon: 
 /Vges ago ; but at ptefent theie's only nineteen remnining, togeth; 
 with the Knins of about ei-^Iuy more-. Tiiofc I'librs, yel" ft.indini] 
 ?re of excellent M u Lie nud about fifteen Toot high ; for a particu 
 h,x Draiiglu of Vmh, v^ irh rlie Opy of feveral Infcription:, in m 
 Icnov. n Characters, niid* Pkihj'. Tranj t>o 20:, & - lO. (2.J In the Cin 
 u( Ifpahfin IS. a larg^ Pillar lixty let high, confilting purely oi tii 
 Skulisof D.jHs-, ercded !)y i/'iixp //hai fhe Great (upon a Seditioiio 
 iiis Nf'bles ) who vowM fo rear up a CoLnnn of their Heads, as 
 onumtrif of their Obloquy to after A^es, if they pcrfilled in Di( 
 ;cli giv 
 llncfs tc 
 ky are 
 b very 
 iry, Paa 
 d Coffee 
 ry rcfpc 
 iy and 
 kc the 
 las Silks 
 (obedience, but they furrendr inn upon Difcrction, he orderM cat 
 of 'em to briog the decollated Head of fome Bead, and lay jt hi| 
 I'eet ; which was ;icco'dingly done, and of them he made the; af 
 Uid Pillar in lieu of a Colunui of their own Heads, (jr) Qhp. of rhj 
 I but i« 
 illy /i'r\ 
 the PeHi 
 all tht 
 o^i^ns d 
lift II. Ptrfia. 275 
 peior's Gardens at Ifpahati Is Co fweet anc^ Helicarc a Place, that ic 
 liTimorjly ^oes by the N..nic of hcjie Bth(i^ i c. Paiadifc upon 
 [ill ; itnU the Royal SepuJch.cs nt the Pcfian Monaichs, are iii- 
 .;j Id llately, that tlicy dcl'civc to bt mentioned here. (^.) About 
 Mi'es NoiLh-tift ot G^miroon is a moil hideous Cave, which for 
 toiniidiible Alptft, ib termed Hell*> Gateh)' our Englijh Travellcrsj 
 (have paft tliat way. (5 >) A Gcnoe, about twelve or fourteen 
 jesNoith of Gomkoon, aie lonie excellent iiathS) efteemed very 
 oJ againft moft Chronica) Diftcnipcji, .ind much frequented for 
 |invctcr.<te Ulcers, Aches, and fuch like. (6 ) Within five 
 i;.'Uts of Damoarty is a prodigious hij;h l^ipe of the fune Name, 
 ,f;;i whole top (cover d all over wirii Sul hur, which (parkics in 
 |;NJ^:ht time like Fire) one ni..y clearly fee the Cafiian Sea, tho' 
 huruhed and eiy,lity miles dift..nt ; and nigh to this fulphurous' 
 ikeare fome fimous B-.ths, wh ic there's a great refort of People 
 certain times of the Year. Lailj, In leveral ''arts of Perfia mo 
 'ountains of curious bhick Marble, and Springs of the famous 
 utha^ with variety of other Minerals. 
 Art1)btf!)0p;i>ft^- See] Arch'jijhprckf,ryiJhoprtikSfOiU'niverptict, are 
 b^anner^] The Per/tans are a People (both of old, and as yet) 
 Inch given to Aftrology, many of them making it their chief 
 Jilinefs to fearch after future Events by Aftiological Calculations. 
 Ihey are naturally grtat Diiremblcrs,*Flatterer$ and Swearers ; as 
 To very proud, palFionate and revengeful ; exctdive in their Lu- 
 Iry, Paftnncs and Expenccs ; much addiQcd to Tobacco, Opium, 
 IdC'cfFce ; yet with^L ihcy are faid to be ( for the moft part) 
 fry rdpe^iive to their Superiors, juft a!'d honefl in their Deal- 
 5^. and abundantly civil to Strangers. And mod: of thofc who 
 Lke themfelves to Trades, prove very ingenious in making cu- 
 ps Silks, Cloth of Gold, and fuch like. 
 |lan5uarc.^ The Pcrf^an languitgue ( having a great Tin£lure of 
 Ardick ) is reckon'd not only much more polite than the Tur- 
 I but is alfo cfteem'd the mcdifli Language ofjjia* Its divided 
 [0 many particular Di.ikt^s, and the Characters they ufe are 
 )(}ly /h'abuk. As for pure y^'rabick, that's the School Lnguage 
 Ithe Perji.ftst in which not only the Myfteries of the jilcoran ; but 
 [oall their Sciences arc written, and is Icarn'd by Grammar, as 
 \^i»ni do Lain, 
 Ot'' .J'' 
 in T 
 ^ Mm 
 lOoMttnmtnf] This large Country is u holly fu^jc-acd ro ontrj 
 ycreign, namely, its own i:n»peror, commonly ihl d. -ihGrea] 
 fbt of ^trfia\ wuofe Governmenr is truly Dcl',oriCuI, .md Ci( 
 Hereditary, the Will of rlie Kmg bung a Law to the IVople, ^ 
 iie Mafterof all their Live and Eft.ttcsi his numerous Subj. (^ts.i 
 der him a kind of Adoration, anil ncvci Ipeak of hmi but wich 
 grt'ateft rclpcft. As moH of the Jfi tic Princes .ifFt£t very Vdii) 
 exorbitant Titles, fo docs the I'erjian Mon;irch in pjiticuhir, I- 
 ing generally OiTJ King of T-trfa^ Pttnhia, MtJ.iay fa/i 
 Choraiont Cottciahrt dixdHe-i^ of the O^'Z-bii] Trrta", of:h;;Kii 
 donis of Hyrcania-, Dracorjia, Ev€ g^-'a, J'anncnia Hj/i'^'fia aiu] SA 
 a7iai, of yiriaj raropaniz^t Drawe^iava, W*- ik-^fla, A' t^s,iaha .md cA 
 man^a, a«- far as lldtcly InStus. Jjnlt.ui of Orniics, imr^ --''ti^ia, o.(l 
 a7itj ChaUea, Aji/Opot m a, Giorgia^ Jritieniiiy Lirc^j a ami Ian, L( 
 of tliC Imperial MoiintJins <ji ^rarat^ Taurus^ ^ nuC'^jhs ^nd l^i)..\u 
 ComnanJcr of all f'le^tures from tlie Sci of ( horaz.tiyixoxbx (A 
 ot Verfi-t. Of true Drfccnt fiom Mcrtis-j^Jy. Fr .nee of the { 
 .Rivers, Euphratis, Tygris, Jray:ii rnd Indus. Govcinour of a!!,. 
 ^^ultans Emperor ot A/r'//7</;/. £7/. Bua ui iioriOur. Mj)iorct\j 
 cue, and Roic of Dcligiic. 
 ^vms. j Many aiul various are the Opinions conccri/ing the K 
 oi ViTi'la's Arms; It bemg LiHini'd by fon.e, jhat he in-arc'rh 
 Sun Or, in a Field W.-.'/J'^ ; By ^"'thers, a Cicflcnt (>i<s tlu Zy^kiihl 
 perors^ with this difllience thu ir jp.'h a Hand jJ'l-d to ir. 
 otherS;0>',wirh a Dragon G«/,.<-. By othe's, c/r, wirh a UuffJoN 11- 
 Sable* But the moft receivM 0,jinion is, that lie bearcih the Kiil 
 Sun on the Back of a I. ion, with a Ciefcenc 
 K(I 21011.1 The )[nhibit..nts of this Country (for \lv. mod p. 
 cxait Obfervers of Mwonnt's Dextrine, .iccordi.ig to the iixpli 
 tloM and Commenta !ts made l,y Mcrus Jly They dilF-rr m nij 
 coniidcrable I'oiiifs f:o;n the 7«;A:.% and borh Parties ^re fub-J 
 dzd into Vdr'ons Sr-£t">, between whom are toiVd tnany ("oncrov 
 Ties, with llimitig Ze-1 on either llde. The main Point in del 
 berwetn thtni, is, concernin«» the uiimcdiarfi SucccKors of A/a 
 njct' Tlic 'flicks reckoning them thu*, ^'.^^homcU Ahoubckiri Oin 
 0/w*»Wi and Mortis j4'y» But the ' irfinis will hw/^:. their yl'y to be 
 immediate Succtlfor, and fome efteem him eqiKilly v>lth hi 
 ynet himfcilf^ mm! call the People to Pr lyers wirh thefe Wor 
 Jjala y !,iia Murtis Aly veU lula \ for which the I'.rks obhor tiK 
 calling them Rafa-iiy and C/ffars^ i. e» Schifmaticks, and rhemfe! 
 i^inui md xhifulmcv. which is, true Brlic vers. They diiTcrj 
 1 fo one 
 '■ll:e Qrea\ 
 ■Old CiOl 
 ut With 
 -'■y v^in 
 ulnr, h\ 
 '« 'I I id til 
 i / W?/, L 
 d I>(> 
 to rlic (A 
 of rhc lol 
 ir of?.!' 
 in or ct\1 
 rc II' Pirfa. 277 
 Irj.cir Explication cf the /iJurn'' -, beficfes. the Tirfans have con- 
 LcJ it into a Iciltr Voluiiie than the y^Irahlaris^ i-iter GKWff'i Rc- 
 -,,r.on, prefftving the ^nmanian Sc£\ btfoic iht Mdchian, Jnep- 
 Eincfi^n, O; Xcfagans^ broachrd by Abmhtkir^ 0?»«r, andO/>«««; 
 n which lour ^.re j'piupii above fcvriity I'cvcral Ibrts of Reiigi- 
 Ordcr>, iis ^'orah ta, j^idals, L<.rvijes, ^apft/i, Rajadi\ &c. Here 
 Irriany ^ejiorfiin ChriOians, ;is alfo fevcra) jtluits, and many Jevs^ 
 \: Clinil!..n Religion wai fufr planted in this Countrey by th« 
 citlc St, Jho".ar, 
 ' Mi. 
 ' ■» 
 ng tlic K 
 1 to ir. 
 r.i-'s 11- 
 h r.!ic Riil 
 rhc ILypli 
 iFcr in nii 
 ire Wih-d 
 fit ill deb 
 )rs of Mi 
 d'y to bc[ 
 with M.I 
 icTe Won 
 rtbhor thf 
 J r hem fell 
 y dilTcr 
 ■ *• i 
 'k ' 
 i. '1 \i 
 SECT. V. 
 Concerning Curfep in Jp. 
 dt m, 
 •SC between J f ^^l of Long.?^ N Vr'^' f'""" ^ ^'^L 
 .-§ ) between ^ ^^ 3o/ p Lat. C ^^^)^'^'^^^^^ f-"""^ ^'- r" »c, ' VT- 
 *^C C 4$ 303 JiC abouci740 Allies. ■ |\j 
 Comprehending Cixjsiria-' 1 _V H V ^^^/'o i 
 gicitc Parts, v/^. SD/>^t'f/t J ^ 't ( ^^?^ ^S 
 Turcontama — \ 15 \ W/* r«»» • 
 Each of the foregoing Parts comprehends fcveral Provinces; 
 'Nat oh a iropria' 
 ) Caramania 
 C Bcriara ow^ra^ia dcjlr. 
 -i BariTaboTyJrabial'clrc.t 
 C. Apnan or jirabia /V/..v 
 Syria propria- 
 Vhoniicia — 
 Palefiine "— 
 Bur fa- 
 Id' u- 
 ^nna — 
 H rat-' 
 -1 Norrhw.irl 
 •I VV.toli.[ 
 } South warl 
 'N toS. 
 ' Diarheck 
 . D ma k 
 /crufaUm ~ 
 :n. tos. 
 N toS. 
 yurconia' 7Turcotnama prop'ia 
 nia J Curdes 
 r: ir. 
 Tu-ly in Jfi. 
 •f r 
 J s 
 vaPJy cr- ' led Body being divided (as aforef^ld ) in- 
 r'^ 11 X great P: . , -vji. Natohs, iirahia, Syrta^ Diarbeck^ Turco' 
 ,;ic~,tia, \xnCi Ge/'gia-, \vc ih.ll pai ticulaijy treat of the lirft 
 . , ni iliar lip- ,.ct!y (t;.cy i-cing moftiy lemark^^ble ) j and 
 ■jiikJ « gci^cia- view of . !i (he itlt conjunftJy, and that under 
 "ijil- of the Euphatian Provincej. Thticfore, 
 ^ T. NJ T L 1 J. 
 I'Tc. V T^^o//^ f foiTneily /'fa Mror^ in contrndlftinQion from 
 L^ y^Jii* t^^t-' Greater ; nnd now boundfd on the Eaft, by 
 vni.iTua ; on the VVril, by ihz yJnhipe''^~^o ; en the North, by the 
 j; y.a; .md on the Suuth; Ly part of the i-kditerrnnetm^ is ter- 
 :.. by the Italians and -pani-iyns^ i^itolia] by the hench, Natolie i 
 .w Gnmaji:, Natoliat ; and b) th. hvghjht i^atoha, or y^natolia ; 
 ca i u :'t 111 ft by the Grecian's, bec.iulc ol: its Eaftern Situation ia 
 :pt:5l of Greece, c-'to th^ 'At'tf-ToA>i<. 
 *'ir1 The j4ir of this Counfry is very di^crenr, being in feme 
 [Tvificts very pure and lieaitlifu! in ocherv cxfiunely grofs and 
 lliltr.rious. The opp(v(ne I'iace rf tliL Globe to /^rintalia, is thas 
 pircf the I'ac'fick O t.j>/, between 235 ;ind 250 Dcgites of Lcngi- 
 pde, with i^ .:iid 58 Djrrees of South Latitude. 
 ^.Oii.] The So// of this Coiinrry Cir lying in the 5th nn:1 (^th North 
 iT tc) is t-xfr.ioiJir,ai V f'-i'il, abouiifiiii},' wuhOilitnil Wine, and 
 "cll ibits of Gi ,iin 111 d liuits: liut much of the Inland Pro. inces lie 
 rcii!ti\',,red, a rh'np i( o amnion in moll ^ ounnies lubjeft to the 
 'ihyrictan WVk- Tin K-ii|M )i of 1 lie D ryv and Nighi s is the fiimc heie 
 t'iri G tr f, rh; y loth lying under the fiuie i\»raliels of Latitude. 
 Co.'nm ti.'t'f 5 1 Th'r chief Cowv o//;f/^; cf tins Country arc raw Silks, 
 .U'.-fljir, fwiOcd Corron, Cordov.^ns oi feverjl Colours, Caliturs 
 'lire M)d blue, \Vo(d for ^T,^tre(les, T:iptfiiits, quilted Ciovcrlwts, 
 Cip, Riiubaib, Gil , Valkneed, Scammony, Opium, &c* 
 uari'ifs ] Notfar f. om Si'^^rn/.o (bythcrv'j, [fmy ) is a certain 
 ind of Earth, conunonly c-tlfd by the />/!?;(:;, Soap-t^arthy which 
 rh up out of rhe Ground, and \s always «^athei'd bef)re Sun- 
 iiig, and rh;it in fuch rrodigious Qmnriry^ that many Camels 
 rcd.iily imploy'd in carrying Loads of it to divers Soap-Houfei at 
 i'le diftance, where being mix'd with Oil, and both boil\l toge- 
 'it for fevera) days, ic becomes a: bll an exceJI-int fort erf So.p. 
 h 'f 
 ' ;f| 
h: i 
 7V/;/y in y/y/^. 
 (2.) Nigli to Sn.yrJia nre x\\t I fllgifi of a Ponftt Circ:is ami Tib ,, 
 and thtre;^bours is ficqnenrly t(jur)d VMritry oi Ror/./tn Medals. 
 Aboiir 2 e :fic clc«ys Journy L.'W fVoni .^w>r«^,3>e l(Ji:;cKcni .ms ofi 
 ancient '//:»;■ iir/r^, as appeais ft(^m 10 (m i2 remai k;»h)c Inlcnpti 
 ftill to be Iccn (for which vid ^' I e^ier's Ira -f/s fiom ; ^r^ .0 ro 2 
 anfl therefore 7)rt'f^ (a linall V'illtge 20 jMiJes S(.uth cf £pir, 
 h f.ilfly taken for it by the ii;noranj Greeks* (4 ) At S ylaja , f 
 m in 
 <i?7aj iire no 
 blc K 
 cDians <'.t- AntKjuiry^pi.iticulctrly ;i nj 
 nifict-nt Tcmp.''j ofMublc-, built m Honour ot ^ugyjlns ' rCr,- 
 the GodiJch ot i-ojo*", hs appears froTi an IiiTcription on the I-i 
 •\vh'c': is ftill inrire:. Here <i][\) is a ftitely (.olumn, call'd rhe Y 
 ft If. 
 lubleof t 
 u^^h the 
 'him of 
 ^h refidetl 
 iihlia ; ) 
 nonly at , 
 of A'er.tvidtr. wirh 2 liitic curious 1 
 uncerrain for v, 
 ifl'i dl Ro 
 or by wiioin elected. (>J At Ephcfus (now call'd yijt Sa!oveh\ 
 Turks) are yer ro be fccn ibmc jjicicMt Chnflian Chuiches, pain 
 Jarly tl'.iC of Sr. /c/;«, the t ntireft of 'em all, and now converted: 
 a Mnkoinvtan Mo'cjuc : as alio the ' c/hgia of:i Kowan '?/>ppjithcatre,C 
 and qiicdufi, to<;t-rlier with ;! large ileap of iKtv-iy Ruins, gencial 
 reckon d thofe of the (oncej inai;i.iliccnt Temple of D/Vi»<!»,rlif ^r 
 GoJJcfs of rhe I phijian^. ( .) At Laodice-l { by rhe Tu k , E.'.ki^ 
 "U'hich is utterly foriaken of M n, and now the habitation of 
 lieafis) are Hill thiw Theatres of w;iire Marble, and a l^-itBlu chief 
 Circus, all lb entire a^ ver, fh-r fh>. y would ft.<.m ro be only oi ar 
 dern D..te {-u) Ar5^'- is (i\v the 7«r(';Sjrr, ov Sjrds^ now;* little 
 fly bengarly \''illai;c, t!io' once the Royal Seat of rich K. trains) 
 the Remdr.s of Ibme ffarcly ancienr Architediiure, with fcveral 
 perftft Infcriptions. (S ) At I rrganms (which ftill retains theNi 
 <r>f Perga fo^ and is oblcrvable for brini; the place where Parclim( 
 was tlrll inventedy are rhe Ruins of rhe Palace cf the A ■lick Kml 
 Here is alio the ancient Chnflian Church of oanHa Soph a, t]0\v c^Jcedort^ 
 verted inro a M.fkoynetan Mclque. As fir Philadelph a, tiic laft 
 rhe famous Seven Churches of yiljia (now calfd by rhe 'lurks^ Al 
 Sih)r^ ;■ e. Tkc C ty of God ) 'tis icmn? kable for nothing fo much] 
 the copJlder.ible nuoiber of Chnflians dwelling in itj they amoi 
 ting to two Thoufand, and upwards* 
 $irn)!;icIjppM-CkJ. 5cc ] The Strife of Chriflianlry belnfj vevy dspl 
 rable rhrpuf^h mof} pairs (d'the OttoTran Dominions, and nor orj 
 the chief Lcc!e(riO-!cks of the ChriOian C'hurclics (^■;>., raTiarcl 
 Archbiihop?^ and Difiiop ) bur alio their very Secsbeinjw fieqiirnl 
 alter'd according as their Tyrannical Mafl-cr, the 7«ri{:,prcpolcrh .'j 
 vanti'ge by ^azh Alterations ; and whereas a great marvy Titul: 
 fhop«, Vea, Archbilhops, and ibme Patriarchs re often created 5 ij 
 equally vain to expe8-,as impoflible to give an exatt Lilt of all chc 
 cichaflical Dignities in tliofc Parts, whether real or nominal Ltij 
 cheiefore fuffice ( once for all ) to fubjoin in this place the mofl 
 I Enemies 
 ltd by the 
 iof theMi 
 [rsof the 1 
 fd for tha 
 ritle of U 
 Turky in AJial 
 23 T 
 ^^ lie of the ChriHiati Ecclefiafticks through alJ Parts of the AfiAtkl:^ 
 '[nfricanTurky ; Hill referring the Reader ro the fame as he travellcth 
 u;h the various Parts of this vaft Empire. Tlicfc Ecclcfiafticks 
 yntnarcksy Archbi/Jjopf, and Bipsops, The chief Patriart hs (be- 
 him of Ci^nflartimpl^y already mentioned in Europe) are thofe of 
 ilcm, Alcxjudriiiy and Antioch ; a^ alfo two Armeuiatji (one of 
 threlidethat Ecmeafan, a Monaftery in Geor£/<x, and the other at 
 piulia •, ) and laftly, one Neftomn, whole Place of Refideuce is 
 nonly at Moful in Diarbecfi, 
 chief Archbtfliops ( together with the European ) are thofe 
 \i^'li d't Romania^ 
 lie chief of the many Bifhopricks (befidcs the Europ'!,ir) arc thof^ 
 Nova C£farea, 
 S, John UAcre, 
 Bnibctfities/J As for Vnlverfitks in this Country, the7«>i(:i arc 
 (Enemies to 'Letters in general, that they not only defpife all hu- 
 iLiterature, or acquired Knowledge, but the very Art of Printing 
 [inofteffe^ual means of communicating Knowledge) is exprefly in- 
 Rd by their Law ^ fo that the Reader muft not expert to find the 
 iof the Mufes among them. It's true, the Jefuits, and fome other 
 |rsof the Roman Church, (where eflablilVd in thefe Countries) do 
 [lyinftruftthe Children of Chriftian Parents in fome pubiick Halls 
 ed for that purpofe ; but thefe fmall Nurferies of Learning are ib 
 lifiderable, that they dcfcrve not the Name of Colleges, much lefs 
 Title of Univerfities. 
 pncrc,n The Inhabitants of this large Country being chiefly 
 fM Greeks J a particular Charaflcr of *cm both h already given in 
 {< ; !^l 
 ) - *l 
 ' "i-i 't-y* '! 
 '-' "M'A t'- Is 
 ■ mi 
 2^2 Turky in 4ft a. 
 Hurnpe, when treating o£ Greece and the Danubian Provinces, to wlvj 
 refer the Reader. 
 ILatuxu-ige/l The prevailing language*- in this Country, are the 
 1^///; and Vulvar Greel:, a Specimei' jf which is already given when J 
 in^ ol Turh) in Europe* 
 (Bobcrnmcitt.] This lar^e Country being intircly fubjeft to the 
 vy Eurrhen of the (9;fo?;ii?i Yoke, is govern'd by Four Beglertegsm 
 crdina.i n CO the Gr^m(/.S/^;iJr)r ^ the fird of rhem refideth at oA 
 abcut thirty Leagues from Byrfa ; the fccond at Cogni^ formerly 
 urn., the third atAmafta, m the Province of the fame Name; juj 
 laft at Marjt, the Principal City of Aludulta* 
 ^rmoil See Tutl^j In Europe^ page 194. 
 IRcllgion*! The eflablifh'd Reh'gion of this Country, is vhatcfi 
 hnwctanii'm ^ but Perfons of al/ ProfciTions being r derated in 
 Parts, as elfewhere throu,g,h the Turl^^'ifl) Dominions, here are 
 Multitudes of CkrWidns (particularly OreeJ^sJ and thofe r 1 all 
 as Armenians^ Jacobites^ Afaronhes, Kejhrians , Mckbttei\ lxc, an 
 termixt with thcfe is a confidrrable Number of Jews. Chriilumf 
 planted betimes in this part of the World, and th2 bv the I'ruc 
 and Writinj^s of the Infpir'd ApofUes, efpecially Sr. John the Dy 
 here being the Seven famous Churches to which iie wrote, ;/>, j 
 nf FphtfiHj Sm)uUj lh):itirj^ Laodicea^ Fcrg-VftWy rhlLuiclil:b\ 
 §:. ARABIA. 
 ^i^am'Ctj A RAh'i.1 [known formerly by the fime Name : andi 
 ./V Bounded on the Kail by the Arabutn Gulf, and pj( Arah'i'iw ; on the Well by the RcdSea ; on tiie N.orth jV 
 j'.'m and S\)ia propria, and on the S uth by part of the main 0\ 
 ii tcrmd hv rlie/r»j//.rnjT.nd Spumurcls^ Arabia^ by the French^ a\ 
 hy \\\Q(jC)tm'vs, Arabicn \ and by \hc Ergitfh^ Arabia:, whyfoi 
 is not iiillv avTced upon among Authors; but the realonof the vi 
 Appcllat.jnb oi its three Farts, |_i/^. Deferta^ Petr£a^ an^^ Ftli 
 mod evident, t.'icy being f.> lerm'd from the Nature of thci refp 
 "Sl'ir/J The Air of the Two Ninhern Arabiai is very hot durini 
 Summer, (the Heavenr, beinj^ fcldom or never ovcrcaft vsith ClJ 
 bur ia iluc tov,',irdi the 5'uutii 'lis much moic temperate, being ""-j 
Turky in ^/ia. 
 yifi'd by refrefhing Dews which fall almofl every Night in ^'•eac 
 We. The oppofite Place of the Globe to thefe Counrrics, isthac 
 ■{ tlicPacifick Ocean between 245 and 27$ Degrees of longitude, 
 :;and 31 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 oil,] The very Name of thefe Three ArahtcC<> (they lyinj^ in the 
 ji. and 4*'' North Climate) do fufficiently declare the'-Naturc cf 
 ['5j/; the Northern being extremely barren, one enrumbrcd with 
 ,^ib'e Rocks, and the other overfpread with vaft Moiinrainsof Sand, 
 jfSourhem fdeferved!^- tcrnVd Fn?//.t) is of an excellent Soil, be- 
 nordinarv fertil in many Places. The longell Day in the North- 
 part of thefe Countries, is about 14 Hours i the fliorteft in the 
 koft, II Hours and a quarter-, and the Nights proportionably. 
 LmoDittCS*] The chief Commodities of thefe Countries, efpccia/- 
 L*fifa?//ac, are Coral, Pearl, Onyx Stones, Balm, Myrrh, Inccnfc, 
 CafTia, Manna, and fcveral other DrUj^s and Spices. 
 bntiCS*] In Arahia, Petrjia is the noted Moiniiin of Sin.u ^ 
 jH'd by the Arabians O:bol Afoufa^ i, e. The Mouvtajn rf Mofes) 
 i\ch were many Chapels and Cells, poliefs'd by the Orrc[' and 
 iM^nt^s; fcveral of which are ftill remaining with a G'rdpn ad- 
 |i£ to e-'ch of cm. At the Foot of the Mountain in a p!f?aranr 
 nt, from whence th.Te was formerly a way up to the T>p by one 
 [jodtnur hundred Step?, cutoutr-f the firm IV^ck, at the Ci.argc 
 Ireftion of the Vrrcuous Helena^ ' Murhcrof (>n(\arfinci\\t Trrar) 
 kirks of which Srtps ar'* vi.lbit to this very Day. rr.e Relij^'ious 
 Irtfidifig, pretend to (li'."'.v Pi!.:,rim;i the vc^ry I'iace w'-cre Mjcs 
 ri Forty Djvs, during liis abode on r!ie Mount, .;nd wlier;* he 
 Id the Tables of riK' Law, ant' dcflred to Ire the K';'C ct r- c?, 
 Ia: Medina in yirubii hxlix, is a llately M Ict'C, f ipporrcd l)y 
 fiundred Pillars, anJ fumifh'd with Three h,undrcd .»ilver Lamps, 
 i!.d by the T';v>'^^, Ahs a Ijlhi^ l: Moft JJj/y : becautc m it lies 
 cSn of their Greac Prophet < its han-'iir; 'n rr,c Air by two Load- 
 xm a mere Pable) i ivti'd ovf r * Cloib of Gold, under 
 cp\ ot Cloth ot Silver ruruillvtmbi red, ^^flich r'f h,?)/.* of 
 s bound to r^ncw yciriv 'v the Gran . "Jor'sO-'' (-;.) Ar 
 in the fame Arabia. ( tr^ Lir^t- place 01 MJyomv j fur^ifh 
 |f, fu^iuriouj^ that 'ti:,acf >nied i;y mmy, the luielielf of any 
 World. Itiloftv Hoof 'jein,^ r Jib d in lafiiion of a Uome, with 
 Utiful Towers 01 exrracrilinary Htyht and Arcl.itcrture, makt- 
 lid Shew at the firfi \\>\>f^xdi.(:, and arc all confj i( uous at j 
 iliicce. The Mo(c;ue is Uid to have above an Fiundred Gate?, 
 jWmdowovcr ea* n f»f cm-, and within 'tis ad(rnd with Ta- 
 iiid Gildingi fMraorduiary The numbcj- ol Iril^nins who 
 U .4 yearly 
 P !l 
 ITS' ?f' '1^ (•■ 
 ill: ! 
 284 ^^^^^J' in -^^^^' Part 
 yearly vidt this place is almoft incredible ^ every Muffnlman being oi 
 by his Religion to come hither once in his Life-time, or to fend 4, 
 puty for him. (4.) The Country about ZibiP in Arabia Fel'tx (w| 
 many reckon to be the fame with the Ancient Saba or Sabaa^ s^ 
 Sheba^ mcnuoned in i Kings 10. and Matth. 12.) isflill famous foi 
 beft Frai)k}f^cenje in the World, which grows hereabouts in gre] 
 bundancc ^bciides good plenty of Balfom^ Myrth^ Cajia, and A 
 with leveral other Drugs and Spices. 
 3(trcl)biil3OpzicK0, &:c.] Archb'ijlopricJ^s ^^ Bifljopul^t^ Wvirji 
 See Natoiia. 
 ^anncva. ] The Arabs (great Proficients of old in Mathcml 
 Sciences) arc now an ignorant, treacherous and barbarous kind off 
 pic. The better and mare innocent fort of *em live in Tents, and 
 ploy their time in feeding their Flocks, removing from place to 
 according to the conveniency of Grazing-, but the greater part 01 
 are idle Vagabonds, and fo extremely given to Robbing, that ml 
 the f'ublick Roads in the /l/z^r/cilS: iHrk)^ are pitifully pertcr'd with) 
 they travelling commonly in confidcrable Troops, ( headed by o{ 
 their number, whom they own as Captain) and aifaulting the Carj 
 as they pafb and repafs the Mountains. Thofc near Mi^fcat in 
 .f^lix, are abfolutely the belt of the whole C(>un cry, being geaj 
 rhaiac'teriz d a People of a very civil and honcit iJeportment towjif 
 forts oi Per Ions. 
 'ilanS"'^5C • ^^^c Vulgar Language in the Throe AYah'uCi, is the 
 hefque^ OTcoiXix\>tArabhw, which is not only ulcd here, but (wij 
 jriaiion oi DialciU is fpokcn over a great part of the FaRcrnCuj 
 As for the Ancient, Pure, and Grammatical Arabian, 'tis now Ic-iii 
 Scho'il, (as EM^o/eunj- do Gretk and Lath) and is chicMy usd A 
 Mahometans in their Rsligious Service. 
 (I&'o^frumciuO The various Parts of this vafl and fparious 
 try, ac knowledge Si^bjeftion to various Sovereigns, and fometonj 
 all. Divers forts of People in thcfe Countries are willingly fub'a 
 to, and rul'd by fcveraJ Bf^lerbegs lefiding among them by the I 
 /^pp Hirir.enr of the Grand Signior-, others are govcrn'd by thti 
 indt pendent Kings or I'jince?, the chief of whom are thole of /. 
 ,/V..j/ ' and Anunyrtldln • and fomc others do yield Obedience 
 taiM X(rif> or Chief Governors, (who arc only Tributary to the 
 7i<r(: ; the m ^\ honourable of cJiem is he at M'cca^ \\\\o is ot til 
 fttri V ot Mihmct, but latei>' in Rebellion againl^ his Mailer. J 
 thefo, hv-.'re.irc. leveral forts of People who live altogether freely, I 
 iu^ !5iubjcttiua 10 any j tlie chief of whom are the Bcn^cbra^ ^i 
IrtlL Turkji in AJJa, 285 
 fj'fjinf^ who refide moftly in Mountains, and .re much imploy'd 
 l;bbi:'g» efpeciaily the Bedu'ws, they ufually travelling in great num- 
 iear Meccd, on purpofe to aitault the Pilgrims in their way thither, 
 are always neceffitated to fend valuable Pfcfents to tlic Xcnf ol 
 Flice, that he. may order Ibme of his Troops to mcec the various 
 iv3n5, and defend tliem againft all Attempts. 
 Ls,] For ArmSj fee the En/igns Armorial of the Grand Signior,' 
 5:lig?ioi1.3 Many of the wild Arabs know nothing of Rd'igioii^ h. 
 kefo many Savage Beafls hunting after their Prey, and frcqufnc- 
 ;;vcuring one another. But the more fober fort of cm profefs the 
 ^rntoi Mahtmty that Grand Impoftor, and Native of t!;eir own 
 t;ry. The principal Points of which Doftrinc may be fcen, page 
 f to which I remit the Reader. This Country was formerly illumi- 
 \i wich the Light of the BlclTcd Gofpel, having received the fame 
 p Apoilolick Age. 
 §3. STRIA, IhyXhQTurh^SnyiJ^c.n. 
 (Okia SyrU comprehends SpU^ properly fo caiPd- (2.) Phxnu 
 \ act or Phrnke. (i,.) Palejliue or Jiuist. Thefe Divifions of 
 (efpeciaily thefirfl and laft) being rtmarkabic Counrrlcb, ^omc- 
 |i:of each of them dillinftly and in their Order. Tiietcfore^ 
 Syria, proferly fo calWl 
 pitc.j -r^HI^ Country ["knovn fcrmeily by the fame Mame of 
 ] S)r'ia^ bur dilTienr ui Extent, being no.v Bo\indcd on 
 lEafi '>y Uitrb'cli , on the Welt by part oi the MeMtcrrarhwi Sea . 
 J:rN 'ifh by f^meof i^atolia-., ancf on the South by Atab}.i De,'erta] 
 hmd by ti.'p Italians, Sr.ut j by the iip.whircff^ Ssria , by the 
 p, SoarJe ; by t\£ (Jomans^ f>)r\cu , JJid by the f'Uf^lifh^ S^riu , 
 I'^vhv lo ralrd/:; aiuili contiovirttd among cur modern Cricirks, 
 little (hew of prob.iliility for the Tiiuh of their various OiMiuons 
 I' ucr hdQd. 
 ^'.r.] The Ah of ih.i? Conorry is pure and fcrcnc, the Sky bang 
 •ij i.vcrcaft with Clouds, and itt mol^ paits very hcaltnli:! to 
 •fiie in , only in the Month? of Jure^ July^ /Mj^N/f, 'tis cvtr.?or« 
 ^rv hot, if 11 prove cirhcr Calm, or a grnric U ind from the Dc- 
 t)u!; '.IE 1 rcp.K(d Miracle ot Providence") thclc Months arc ge 
 LI -^ ii?;rjily. 
 !• it 1 
 M' ' 
 Tiirh in Jljh. 
 nerally ^-'^nd^d vvkn cool Wcflcrly Cicczes from rlie .V^c^/Ve^^J 
 Tiie oppop/e plicc of tlic Globe '"o Syvi^t^ is thar rait of rhe vaft 1 
 ■fid: Ocean, bcuvc^ri i -jo jnd 2«;4 Dt^rees oi Longitude, with ^^l 
 9 3 Degrees of SouJi I.atiiudc. 
 ^Oi't/] The .9-/7 of tills Country (it lying in part of the 5^n| 
 6''' N irrh Ciimatc) i,scytraurJui.r.v fcriil, where duly -^lanur'd pr 
 cinp, ni {\ Ions ot Grain and Fruits in great abundance. Hcrearl 
 dcC'^ kvcf.i! P^:!' V and barren Mountains, yet no Country itithe\\ 
 can boaR of rnjrc plealant, large, aad lertil Plains ihan this j Plaio 
 IulIi a fac and tender Soil, thiir the I'calaiKs, in many places, dj 
 'em lip with wooden Culters , and that commonly by the Affiftjnc 
 one Horfe or two Bullocks, todraw the Plou;h. Eur the Ecau:y| 
 Excellqiicy of ti\is Country i^ mightily eciips'd by various, fad and) 
 lancholy Objedis, that pre fent thenifelvcs to the E\c rf the Travfl 
 1^/:^. Many Cities, Towns and Village*, formerly well llockc vvi:h 
 bitanrs, and compirtly built, but now quite depopulated and hj 
 Ruins ; as alfo many Ancient Chriftian Churches, once very fplendi 
 magnificent Scrurturcs, but now mere heaps oi Rubbi(h, and the 
 nary Refidence of Wild Ecafts. 
 ^Quji'jue ipfe miferrlma lUt, 
 The longeft Day in the Northmoft Part of this Counrrv, is ab^uj 
 Hours and an half-, the fhortelf in the Southmofi is 9 Hours and i 
 quarters, and the Nights proporti onably. Here it may not be imprj 
 to rettific a grofs Miftake of our m'^dcrn Geographers, who rreann| 
 6>r/.i, make the River of Aleppo i^as i. ey call it; to fall intj the £«; 
 tcs, and lilcrt it to be NavinalJe up to the City; whereas it 1-wt: 
 Comiiiunicaiion vvirli F.phr.tts it all, but is (aim: ft; of a ouue 
 trary Coiiifc ro tha: in the Ma, s, and fo far from b:ing a Navi^ab'ei 
 vcr, that f:s little beirer il'.i;i 4 incrc Erook ^ c- at belt, buta vcj 
 rcjnliderablc Uivi:lcc, h iving irs rilea ii'cle way South Kail from /l.'.j 
 and plidiug gently niong by the City, fjlcch it lelf under Ground 
 few Miles difcaiicc on the other 
 Com!UO"DitlCS. J The chief C<iiirrrdHks oi this Counrrv, dyA 
 l!iofe of /^icppo, (vvhii.h is the fecond City in the Turk'jh £m inA 
 * rje t)t ilic grcateft Tiade of any in the LevAvt^ bein^:; the Ccntrl 
 Cnnmerrc baween ilic MaiitcYidncr.ii -^wdi rhc J'.t\]-hu'i:s, as alio 
 iicat ot one ol the mofl tlourilhing of ^11 our I-'ngH/h fait ^rics jbrd 
 aic Silks, Chamlets, Valanerd, Galnuts; Cociun, Moluirs, Sup, Ctj 
 J^'welsj S] iccsj and Drugs cf all Icrts^ ^"c. 
It If. 
 Tiirkj' in /fa* 
 itiC6«] About fix days Journey. S. S. F. from Alcpi\ h the 
 a-?^lm)raor Tadmor^ now wholly I** ^ m^-^ \c furh Remains of 
 f.Fcrphyry IMIIars and remarkable Infcriptions, arc ^'i'' "xtant, as 
 I f.r:ly evince its former State and Mdgnificencc. hor .irrjcu- 
 fU'ju^htand Defcripiion of ir. Vlie Pb'tl. Tran[all. N^ 217, ii 3. 
 ibcut one Hour's Riding from the a^orcfaid Tad?mi\ is a large 
 ifv of Salt, which i'., more probably thought to be that mention'd 
 fff, 2. 15. (where King D^zi;/i fmore the Syr'unsJ than the other 
 F; ur Hours from Aleppo, though ccmmonly taken for fuch. 
 On the fide of a Hiil, nigh to Aleppo^ is a Cave or Grotto, re- 
 ble among the Twr^j, for being (as they fay) the Refidence of 
 j;;)/!/; For feme Days j where is alfo the rouj;h ImincfTion of a 
 in (he hard Rock, which they believe was made hy him. (4.) 
 bone of the Gjccs of Aleppo^ is a Place for which the Th)\s have 
 [tit veneratit n, keeping Lamps continually burning in ir, becaufe 
 :;ding to 2 receivd fiadition among 'cm ) the Proplict El'ij})a did 
 [rcrc for fome lime. (5.) In the Wall of a M (que in the Sub- 
 sit Aleppo, is 1 Sroiie of 1 .vo or riiree Foot Iqiiarf. which is won- 
 |i^'!yrep,ardfd by the moic fupcrfiifi-^us f^icct Chriduns , becaufe 
 sa natural (but obfcure ■ Ucfcmblancc of a Ch-ilicc, envirf^ifd 
 ivere) with iome faint Rays of Liahr.. Such ftrange Apprelitii- 
 do the /v^woi//?j in thcfe Parts entertain concerning this Scone, 
 |;tTthe Turchafe of it vail Sums <'f Money have b-.'en proftrd by 
 CO [he Turi^f; but as grolb Superflition in the former did hatch 
 t'ropofal, fo the fame in the latter piodiic'd the Reful'al, the lurl^s 
 h inexorable when requcflcd to fell or give rhar, which was once 
 (ijcred as to become th.e conlticuentpart ot a Mofque. . 6.) Belong- 
 to the Jacobite i'atriarch in Aleppo, are Two l:iir MSS. of the 
 Ipds, written on large Parchment fhcets in Syrian Ch -rarters, (and 
 lleeithcr Gold or Silver) with variety of curious Miniature. (7.) 
 keen /i/ef/'O an'^ ^IcxurJretta, (or '^CinJero^n) are the goocHy Ruins 
 icvcral fracc'y Chrtft'Lin ^-hurches, 1 ; h variety of SiGDC-CofTir.- Ivin^^ 
 -.'^Toundin divers Places, and manv Rcpoftcrirs for the Dead 
 Rtii out of the firm Rock-, but no pcrfctit Ir.jcriplions to be Icen, 
 ig actually made a particular fearcli for tlu m my fclf feme Years 
 (8.) in the large Plain of ^l/'/'/oc/;, 1 being Fifteen Leagues long, 
 I Three broad) is a f)attly Cawfey croifing almnll the breadtii cf 
 li'iin, and pafTmg over leveral Arches, [under which lomc plea- 
 |;Kivu!ets do gi.n. ::;liden all which wa;- begun an ■ finiQi'd in Six 
 fnthstime, bv the C/^./m/ <'///fr, in the Rcigri oi Ai-rnot^ ind thac 
 i iVccdy Pillage « f the Grand 6/^n/or's Forces t<' lupprefs the trc- 
 trulu'volr- in the Eallcrn parts of his Empire, t p.) in fcverai Ca- 
 \i^ ct Rocl.a among £^;/.;>ufMountains (a tew Hours f r«Mri Srjrder(.on) 
 :T.ccimes found '^< od ftore ol Rain-Waici con\plc4tly /^fO'/iV by 
 LI I |h« 
 » t 
air .^' 
 frV,' < ! 
 J) ■ 
 ^g.g Tx/rfey in 4fia: 
 ithe excenivG Heat of the Sun-Beams.^ (lo.) Nigh to the Faftory] 
 rinc ;{i Scmderoon isa large (bucunfinifh'd) Building, commonly J 
 ;!>canderberg\Caftle\ being vulgarly fuppos'd to have been ereOed by j 
 valiant l^rince of Albania, in the Career of his Fortune agaitill therwi 
 but 'tis more probably thought to be of an ancienter Date, having tu 
 on the Arms of Godfrey of BnUoign. Laftty^ In the Ealtmoft pa] 
 Scandercon-Bay, is a ruinous old Building, known commonly by the U 
 of Jonuh'sFULir, ereftcd (as the modern Cr^d:/ aliedge ) in that 
 place where the Whale did vomit him forth. It's indeed much 
 not utidefcrvedly) doubted, whether that Monument wasereOedtl 
 upon fuch anOccafion; but 'tis highly probable that this individual 
 of the Bay was the very Vlace of the Whale's Delivery, it being 
 nearcft to I'ineveh of any in the Levant, Which Conjerture, I hui; 
 fuppofe, is fomewhat more reafonable than that of fome dreaming 
 cients, who vainly '.magin'd that the monftrous Filh did morethanl 
 round one Quarter of the World in the fpace of Seventy two Ho J 
 mofl \ and that too when big with Child. 
 ^rcl)bifl30piicUSj &c.] Archbiflioprkks, Btfl)0prkksj Vnivtrji\ 
 See Nutolij. 
 £^amtcrfi/] The Inhabitants of this Country are moflfyT«r('ii 
 Gree\s^ [whole refped^ive Characters are already given in Turl^)!}f 
 rope^ page 1 8(5 and 19^.] asalfo many Jew/ and Awe«/\rn^, withoB 
 jTorts of Chriflians iiitcrmixt, of whom the Reader may find fomci 
 count toward? the latter part oi this Sedtion, when we come to trcj 
 i^alejimc and the Euphratian Provinces, 
 ILansuagc] The chief Language of this Country, U the Turl^^ifJjj 
 a Specimen of which, 'vide page ip^.) the ancient Syrtac being Ion 
 mong 'em. The various Europeans here refiding do commonly ufe| 
 Lingua Franca. 
 (IB^otJcnimcnt. J This Country being fubjeft unto, and fucceif.^ 
 I'ul'd by the Scleucidj:^ the Romans, the Saracens, the Chrilfi.uu, 
 ^Miltans of E.gypt, was at laft conqucr'd by the T«>(:j' in the tim! 
 Selimus I. Anno 1517. under whofe heavy Yoke it hJth ever 1I 
 ^roan'd, and is at prcfent govern 'd by its particular Bajj'a^ apprii 
 hy the Grand Signinr, whole place ot Relidencc is ordinarily at Ali 
 tlie principal City of this Province, and thought to be the /^rrf;w5J 
 mention d in Holy Scripture, But the whole Country of Syria [acoi 
 j,ng to its modern F.xtcnt] is fubjcrt to Three Bjffas .; the firlUl 
 iTionly refiding (as atorelaid) n Aleppo; the fecond at DaTn/>/ii> 
 yhyfiice-, and the third at Jipoli of Syria, Subordinate to cacd 
 r';c(c liMjai^ both here and in other Parts of the Ottoman U'^n;! 
y\L Turkym AJi:U 289 
 {Various Cad]\ or Judge?, who hear and dcrcrniinc tlie fevrrjl Cau- 
 whechcr Civil cr Criminal , which at any t:mc happen bcrwcen 
 jand Man. And here I can'r omit one particular, ('which as 'ris a 
 jchty difparagenienc to this People, fo I wilh 'twere peculiar to them) 
 K their Mrcenary Dijh'ibution of Jnflke •, for not alwavs the Equity of 
 ■ Ciuie, but the Liberality of the Party does ordinarily dcrcrmine'rhe 
 Ijrier: As fomc of our Erglifl} Faitories in thtfe pairs of die World 
 ive csperienc'd more than once. 
 bitmsO See the Enfigns Armorial of the CrAnd Sigr.'ior, pa^c 194. 
 llSdigion.] The Eftablifh'd Relighn of this Country, is tliat of Ma- 
 mtirffm •, the Elfential Tenets of which are already fct down, Cpjg: 
 L) to which I remit the Reader. But fmce one thing eninjn'd by 
 !it Religion is the moft excellent and ncccflary Duty of Fruyer^ I 
 DC omit one laudable Praftice of this People in chat Point , I mean 
 tonly their inimitable frequency in performing this Duty, (wiiich is 
 [it times a Day J but alfo their moft commendable fervency and feri- 
 ilkfs in the performance of ic. For whenever they fee al^nut the 
 J,ie, they addrefs themfelves to the Almighty with all profound Rc- 
 <ftand Reverence imaginable, and in the humbleft Poflurc they can ; 
 fiecimes ftanding, often kneeling, and frequently prcflrating rhem- 
 |iv« on the Ground, and kiffing the fame-, and during the whole 
 Wormance, their verv countenance dr th plainly declare the inward 
 rrvcurand Devotion of their Mind. Yea, fo exaft and pun^ual are 
 [ryin obferving the various Hours appointed for Prayer, and fj fcri- 
 ind devout in performing that Duty, that the generality of wy 
 yXms have too good Rea Ion (in both thcfc Rcrpe<!ls) to fay with 
 jit Poet, Pudet kdc ofprobria mb'is^ &c. Ihc Mucians ox MitYdhHwds^ 
 ting thofe Perfons who call the People to lYaycr?) ufe commonly 
 kfe words, Allah ekber^ allab clibcr^ allab el^^l'ci \ ejcbidQu in la illah 
 \\hh • /;/ die [alia, hi alle [alia, alia e^f^er^ alUh el^her^ allah cl^bcr^ 
 lil/rf, ilUlah^ i. e. *' God is great, God h great, Gcd is great •, give 
 iTenimcny that there is but one God: Come, yield ycur Iclvrs 
 ip to his Mercy, and pray him to forgive you ycur Sins. G d 
 isgrear, God is great, God is great, there is none otlic-rGnd hue 
 JOod. Difpers'd over all this Country, and intcrmixt with the Tuil-i\ 
 |e nuny yewx, and various forts of Ch,i [Hans, particularly Grcclf, 
 )nmAvs, Afannitefy &c. but mnll lamentj()lc is rhat State of thole 
 (Indians at prcfenr, not only in refpcf'. of that wotul Ignorance 
 dcr which they univerfaliy labour, and the Tur\ijh Slavery and 
 jfolcnce to which thry are cxpos'd ; but alfo in point of thofe 
 jlmal Hears and Divifions thofe numerous la^li^ns and Parties now 
 Hong 'em: hor fo bitterly inveterate arc they againft one another, 
 lucha hei^^Jit do their Animofincs Ircijucutly come •, as to give 
 . i 4 
 ' ^'M 
 ' \y 
 ' fi'Plll 
 "' 'i'il 
 1 I 
 '•'! i 
U'l {: 
 290 Titrhy in Afia. ' V-\v\ 
 frefh Occafinn to the Common Ent my, to harraf- rhem more md nr 
 Chujilunity \\^% planrcd very early m tbefe parts of the World- 
 of this Country being watered with the BlcjJ^d G(fpdm the Af,jl\ 
 riduicia or Fl&nice, 
 THIS Country fvcry famous of eld, but now of a vcrv fad 
 melancholy Afpe^, and ^-roaning under the Tnrkijh Yoke; hi 
 undergone fuch difma! Devaftations by the dcftroying /i.v'/)y ^ 4 
 there's nothing now remarkable in ir^, jfave a few Ancient Muidl 
 Cities, (m:)OIy in Kuios) which yet maintain fomething ot Tr-dc w 
 Strangers, as particularly Damafcus^ (call'd by the Thvl^s^ ochjm) 
 John d'Acre^ (formerly FtolemaitJ and U{\\y Sure and Said, which w 
 the Ancient T)re and Sidon. Leaving therefore this dcfolace Cuuni 
 we pafs 00 to 
 Palejftne or JncUt, 
 U^iamCf^TT* *^^ ■ '*^ Country [mofl m- morable in Holy S.riptiirc, 
 JL f:jincrimes Itil'd Cav.i:iv Ir-'m (\;n.ian, tl t Sr>n ot Ci\i\ 
 fometimes tiic J^uivi of Vrnmiji'^ b':rju(c pi ^•r.i^,'d to Al' and 
 Seed ^ and forriCLimcs Jtid-HA, irm thelN'^t'Oii of the J'fn\\ or I'coJ 
 of the Tribe o.i Jud.t^ and nv.v b undcd oi; the h\ift and Nirrh 
 part of Syr] I propna ■, f n the Wdf by put of the A-feiitL'rr^ S^ 
 and on theSvuh by Atabia /V^j? ] ;:■ rcrrm'd by the Jtidi.ns and VI 
 nUrds, Palfdini., by tiic /'r.;/i;7j, i'Jejtmc-^ by the <'jt">-m.j«.f, Fu/di/j 
 or dm Gelohte i.rJ \ by xhc Eiiglilh^ i\i'cf}ine or Ike linly iMid. 
 calFd F.ilejline qu.ifi , hUiflint, from the Phtli.litis^ once a miihrv!^ 
 tion therein ; and //o/; Z-inc/, h.':c:jufc 'twa? rhc Scei'ie of the i.itc 
 Sufferings of ih'- ever bUjjcd and moil Ji)ly J^'f'-i^, the gloncub Rcd| 
 jmcr of Men. 
 31tt.] The An of this Country, ci'ccprintJ, th ofe Parrs adi.irrnr 
 «he Lake of Sod m^ (of whirh after vards) is fo c^traordinarv pii 
 fant, ftrene ^r,d licau-lilul ro breatfie i), that many of its p';M:n:(n'j 
 bitants do fiCt^ii.-'nrfv arrive ro a coiiliiiaable A ;c The opp^dre i.'j 
 ot the Globe tn i'.ilcJiUic^ is ihac part of tie valt raclficl^ Oiwan^ betuc 
 54$ and 250 L'c^rccs of UnJ[u^c, wiih 2paud 32 Ue^rces uf S..i 
 S)Oil*] This Country (Tiruared partly in the 4*'' and <i,'^'Soi 
 Climate, and j\oc exceeding Icveoty Lc:4;^U'fs in iciu'.r.h from N:^ 
 World •, tr. 
 ;he Ai'^ijii 
 vers Tid 
 Yoke; h 
 Ardbi ^ c 
 *nt Mi rid 
 I: Trade w 
 , which wi 
 ace Cuun( 
 i.\im jnd 
 '.' , or \':o\ 
 d N ;rrn 
 rrav.cun ^ 
 r.s and .S'l 
 '^ /.';?('/. 
 I mi ;hrv 
 :'"ie i.itc 
 )ncub Rcdj 
 5 3(l),irrpr] 
 •dii.arv fi: 
 p-tM: r.r fiij 
 Uir. T//r^ in /^^. 291 
 Ljiiih, and thirty in breadth from Eaft to Wefl) was blefTed wich 
 [jxtraordioary rich and fertile .Sj/7, producing all thinps in fuch abun- 
 hce, that the Scripture terms it a Land flowing with Mill^ ^ind Honey ; 
 f) wonderful was the Fertiliiy thereof, and fuch vail mulciitdcs of 
 Kp'e did it maintain, that King />ui7c]^ numbred in his rime, no lAs 
 l;i I ROCOCO fighting Men, bdiJts the Tribes of Levi and I' fijt- 
 Y But alas 1 Such were the crying Sins ot irs Inhabitants, tliari; not 
 I, fpcwd them or.t, nr. it bad doner th)'e w'lod'.vcit before: tlum- 
 tdit.' Almit^hry being highlv prov' ked by their many and re p jr.- ^ 
 [oininations, hath turti'd that fuitful Land into haricrr.:fi\ fir the n /, (^- 
 i>]r,f them Yf ho dwelt therein. For fich is the dilmal Siare ^-f ri,is 
 Ltry at prefent, that (befides the TurkW^ Yol<e, under wlii^h ic 
 lies) the greateft part thcreotis not only laid walte, bu: even w! crq 
 Ivmaniir'd, 'tis generally nbferv'd, that the Soil is not near To fertile 
 jijfmerly. The longeft Day in the NorthmoA part of this Country, 
 lii)Ouc 14 Hours and a quarter ^ the fliorteff in the Southmod, is abouc 
 [Hours j and the Night proportionably. 
 fommoDtticsO Such is the mean and depauperated Siarc of this 
 Mcry at prefent, that we may now reckon it deflirute ofallCow- 
 iitm for the Merchant ^ its Jnhabicants, now-a days, being mere 
 jngers to all manner of Commerce. In irs rlouriflning Condition, 
 liier the Kings of Judah and Ijraclj the People thereof did indeed 
 oage a very confiderabie Trade abroad, and that chietly by the two 
 ms Emporiums of T\rc and S)dn abovc-nieiuiond, bendL. the Ships 
 Ihrfl.'ifh, which Solotmn fent yearly to the I and of Ophir • and fo 
 ;ed were thefe two maritime Cities of old for Merchandizing, that 
 Evangelical Prophet, Jfai^h 2?. 8. denouncing the O.erihrow of 
 K alls n The Crowning fwVy, whoje Alcn-hants an- I'rinces, andwhofe 
 <fil(i>rs are the Honour able of the Earth : And, I'er'e ;. he tcrme th 
 tii;r,', a Mart of Natiom. E\ii(o fully accompli HVd is the Pioph:^:icaI 
 ounciacion againlf 'cm both, and fo low and d^lp'cable is their 
 ",di:i~n at prefent, that I hcartiiy wifh all tioutifhing Cities of 
 ijtmm might be in wife, as feiioully to rcticfi on the fame^ 
 to take linelv warning by them , tipcciaily confidering, that 
 ;il uf oitr ^'c'pulo's and '1 riding Cities, ;:re now fuch Dens of 
 liquitv, that theii nhabitanrs may jufllv d'ead , Thu 'twill be m:)re.' 
 h. lilt! for T)Ye and S)don in ti:c day rfjudg.r.crj^ thanfr them. 
 "Cf^M.-t S.^'n/t-y, (lo term'ti 
 ^d ^" y 
 IBiirittCS/] In the Southern Parrs of Falcfiive^ i^. /yphiUis or Af^ 
 '){',', ^<7^^'a7©- , i. e. Bitumen ) tl'.at noted 
 Ikc ;,f 7:/c/.^^t, where the a'f.mirable Ciiies of Sid^m aw^ G mirrah 
 pitr!y Hood, otherwife calFd the Dead Sea^ :\r6 remark. '!)'e at pre- 
 Bt for abundance of 5'ulphurcu'i Vapour? wh'cii U.IJ aictnj in fo 
 i'} »'; I '1(1 
 . \ 
 it:*' \ 
 • *> i < 
 *. ' ' 
 I'M '■' f 
 Ti " ^i 
 I I ^ 
 , } 
 ^92 Tnrlcy in /^^/. p^^,.^ 
 preat a meafure, chat no Eird is able to fly from one fide of the I 
 to the other. Tis alfo obfervab!e for good ftore of Appier oxq^^-. 
 retries Bank?, which appear very Jovcly to the Eye ; but bciiip tow 
 and cut up, prove mere naughty being nothing clfe but a heap 
 iiaufeous matter. {2 ) Nigh to the place of the Ancient ^^jiYept,t a 
 many Caves and Apartments hewn cut of the firm Rock, \v!iich fod 
 vainly^ine to have been the Habitation of Men in the G )lden Ai 
 before Cities in thefe pares of the World were well known; But othc 
 with grv-atcr fhcw of probability, take 'em for the Caves of the Si 
 nians , mentioned in the Bock of JoJJma, unde the Name of Mcari 
 (^.) Not far from the (once) norcd City of 7)rf, are fcvcral lar 
 fquare Cirterns, which fliil go by the Name of Solomons amons 
 Cliriftians oi' that Country ; but why fo call d, they can give no oil 
 Reafon than bare Tradition. (4.) At St. John d'Acre (the Anci^ 
 Ptdcm.i'is) are yet to be fcen the Ruins of a Palace, which ackiic 
 ledgcth Kkhard I. King of Fngiir.d^ fr its Founder, and the Lii 
 pafTant is Qill vifible upon feme of the Stones. ($,) On Mount Qr^ 
 are fome Remains of a Monalicry of Carm^lhc Friars, with a Tenii 
 dedicated to the ElefTcd Virgin , and under it is a private Cell or Caj 
 which Travellers allerige to be the ancient refiding Place of the Prcji 
 Eliaf. On the iame Mountain are found a great many Stones chat hi 
 the lively Impreffion of Fiflics Bones upon 'em. As alfo abundance! 
 pctrity'd Fruit , particulariy Plumbs, cr Stones of that rc(emb!an| 
 (6.) Njt f-r from the Brook Cedron ilinds a part of thePillarot 
 fil.m^ which he erected in his Life-time, out of an ardent Defire to] 
 ternize his Name -, and nigh to ic, is a great heap of fmall Stones, uhi 
 daily encreafeth, becaufe ciri;cr Jerv or Makowetan paiTing by, feld] 
 fail CO thrjw one at the fame, and thatout of abhorrency of :he S" 
 Rebellion againfl the Father. (7.) In the Mountains of J:lUI) ]\ 
 remarkable Spring, where Philip is (aid to have baptized the Ef/;r;j 
 Eunuch, whereupon tii call'd by the Name of The Ethiopian Fmt 
 and hath a Church adjacent, ereftcd ('tis probable) cue of Dcvoci] 
 in honour of the Place, and Memory of that Fait Yet (by the 
 ■f'.vould feem that this were not the place of the Ethiopian'^ Baptil 
 becaufe thofe rocky and declining Mountains arc hardly paiiablc 
 Horfeback, much Icis in a Chariot. (8.) Nigh to the afortfaid Fo 
 tain is a confidcrable Cave, where 'tis reported, St. John the Bap 
 did live from the fcvcnth Year of his Age, till he appear'd in the V 
 dcrnefs of Jiidsa^ as the promis'd Elm^ (9.) At Bethlehem is 
 goodly Temple of the Nativity, erefled by St. Helena^ (Mother of 
 ilantine xhtQxcAi) who call'd it S^, Murfs of Bethlehem, *risnow 
 fcfs'd by the Prancijcans oi' Jerufalem^ and is lUll intire, having lu 
 Chapels and Altars, but thole little frequented, except it be upon 
 traordinary Occafions. (10.) In the Mountains oi Juddta are the 
 mains of au Auuent Church, built by Si. //elena, and dedicated 
irtlL Turky in AJia, 293 
 Vhn the B^pt'tl^, and that In the phcc where Z.uhir\ the Proplicc 
 JiWn. And nigh to it (where the BlelTed Virgin did viiu her Coulin 
 f.x:dh) is a Grotto^ in which 'tisfaid, that the Eody of Elj:^abeth 
 interr'd. (11.) Upon the left hand in going out of the City of 
 pMiffy W f'^c G^te of j^oppa^ is Mount 5/on, on wliofe top are ftill 
 [be fecn the Rains of the Torvcr of D.n'id^ which was once a Build- 
 of wonderful Strength, and admirable Beauty. (12.3 Upon Mount 
 ,;;r; is the ftately Temple of the Holy Sepulchre^ built by the atore- 
 lil virtuous Si, Helena^ and hitherto vifited by multitudes of Cliri- 
 U3S, who fleck to it from all Parts of the World, cither out of De- 
 im or Curiofity. It's divided into a vaft multitude of Aparrmenrs, 
 :otaining many Chapels and Altars, which, for themoft part, receive 
 fx Names from fome remarkable Circumftance of our Saviour's Paf- 
 ;a- befides thofe, peculiar to Chriftiansof ditfcrent Nations at Jerufn- 
 )f, particularly the ^/)>^/if/, Armenunsy Georgians^ Cophtes^ Jacobites^ 
 ^jsmtes^ &:c. and at the entry of one of thofe Chapels is the Sepul- 
 wtoiOodfrcy of Boulogn on one hand, and that of his Brother Baldwins 
 the other. But LajUy, In and about Jernfalem (befides the Ob- 
 nhks abovemention'd) arc thefc following Particulars, x/;^. a Mofque 
 iM in the very place where once flood the Cocnaculum , the 
 iurch of St. Savmr, and that of the Purification of the Blefied 
 irgin, with her fplendid Sepulchre y all three built bv the incompa- 
 iole St. Helena. Add to thefe the decent Tcmb of Zachary^ near 
 liookCedron^ with the Sepulchre of Laz^arw, at the Town of B^^/^jfj/, 
 lere likewifc are fhewn to Pilgrims all other noted Places in or 
 iwutthe City, which are frequently mentioned in the Sacred Volume i 
 M.unt Olivet y the Garden of Gethjemane, the Valleys of Jehfaphut 
 id Oehi.inon, the Fool of Siloim, the Field of Bloody &c. They morc- 
 er (hew em the Places where formerly flood the Palaces of Cui- 
 i/, Pilate and Hcrodf with the Houfes of M.irtha and M^ry^ and 
 taj the High Priefl; as alfb the particular Place where Si.Feter wepc 
 ipon the denial of his Mailer, and where Judas the Tray tor hang d 
 iimfelf for the betraying of hiim.^ And finally, The Pilgrims are on- 
 ufted unto, and vifit the refpeftive Place of each particular Sc;:ne of 
 )ur Saviour's Sufferings, with that of his Afcenfion at lafl. All which 
 ire fully defcri bed by G. Sund)s, Tbevenot, and other later Travellers. 
 bthc //j/> Land, To thcf:: Rarities oi Paleltine, I might alfo add thofe 
 iJQy fcmarkable Creatures, (whether Bcafls, Birds, or bifhcs) that are- 
 lention'd in Holy Writ, and formerly more plentiful than ar prcfent in 
 Ms Country. But having drawn out this Paragraph already to fo great. 
 I'ength, I ihall not venture upon fovall aSuhjedf-, remitiiny the Kca 
 dcr to that incomparable Work of the Learned />^f/wr^/(/, t/c' Animu!iiiif\ 
 ^'iicripthn, where he may bv- hjliy fatisly'd in due matccr. 
 P I 
 i *u ■ 
 \,\J |30 * 
 78 125 
 - ^ I." 
 ^ US, 
 1-25 1.4 III 1.6 
 WKbSTin NY. 14580 
 (716) n72-4S03 

 Tiirkj in /{/?//. 
 Part IljPar 
 ^tCljWffjOtJMclJsO Ai for ArchbiJhoprkliSy Bifl}cpric\sy Vnmrfitks\ 
 See Natolia, 
 3 Cr( 
 Janncrg,] The mountainous Parts of this Country are moflly 
 polTefsM by the Arabs, (of whom in Arabia J the Valleys by the Mo')r!^ 
 (of whom in Africa. J Other People here reiiding, are a few Juries, and 
 n)iny Chr iff ians^ particularly Gr«(:x, (of whom in EnropeJ and inter- 
 mij^t with all thcfe, are fume Jen?/, and of them here in particular. 
 The Modern Jenps^ to fay nothing of 'em in former times, are gene^ 
 rally Charafteris'd ihus, 1;/^. a Vagabond, Perfidious and Obftinate fortfr^^" 
 of People i a People now living as mere Aliens, not only in mofl PartsW'^ " 
 of the Earth, but alfo in this [once] their own Country \ a People inAW/'^ 
 deed univerfally given to Trading whereever difpers'd , but as uni'li'i^i'e ] 
 vcrfally addicted 10 Cozening and Ufury where-ever they find ocoJCouncr 
 fion \ a People fo fingularly ftigmatizcd by Heaven, that (according to 
 the Prophet's Prediftion) they're now become an AJ}omfl}ment and Hi;'^ 
 fing to all Nations. In a word, The Modern Jevos (being extreme- 
 ly blinded in Judgment, and pervcrfe in VVillj do not only remain 
 moft obftinate in denying the Mcjfus already come, notwithfiand- 
 ing the cleared Demonftraiion to the contrary -, but alfo they re a 
 People that's univerfally corrupted in Morals ^ and that in the high-Rff^nc 
 eft degree, the generality of 'cm being addiftcd to the blackefl ofBiowlci 
 kir : 
 i cheii 
 Hattguagc.] This Country being under the Turk'ifl) Yoke, its In- 
 habitants do generally ufc the Turkifl) Tongue. The various C/;nf?/.ir;l 
 here refiding , (whether European or Afiatul^) do comcnonly fpeakPf ("'« 
 ith afj 
 thofe Languages, peculiar to the Countries to which they Original)] 
 dDfotJCnimcnt*] How, and by whom this Country was govern'd,|eir La\ 
 till it became a Roman Province, is beft learn'd from the Hiftorical PartP^fl re 
 of the Sacred Volume, and the Writings of the noted Jevr'ijh Hiftoppli^i 
 ri in, Jnfcphus. The Land of Palefline being brought under the RomnW^^ni:e\ 
 Senate by Fompey the Great, continu'd fubjeit to that State till the bc-lpears, 
 ;ip ginning of the Seventh Century, when 'twas iavaded by the Pcrjlm^rnhk^ ; 
 and afterv\ards made a Prev to the Saracens^ yet refcu'd from them byicc Sub 
 the Chriflians, under Godfrey oi BmUorij Anr.) 1099. whole Succcf-itioiis t; 
 fors I. eld it about eighty Years , but being taken from them by .9j/.u//flrs wit 
 [King of .SVuand C.g)pt\ itremaiii'd lubieft to the tu///i.'j of C^kJ'^ f^of 
 till conquer'd Ann') 1517. oy Sciimus the (\\{\^ Kmperor ot the 7'«r(;/,P of 2 r 
 who fubjertcd the fame to tlic Ottoman Yoke, under which it groamp. who 
 to this very Day, Porer '. 
 "nk chat 
 w."7 m 
 y are mnftly 
 by the A/oitJ 
 3;nU5*') The Ami of the Chrifliao Kings rf Jernfjfem were Iftn^r, 
 J Crois CrolTet crnffc^ ^o/, commonly call'd the Cfcfs of Jerufalem, 
 Eucchis Country bcin^ now a pjrr (a* aforcfald) of the Ottman Do- 
 :ni'n% is allotv'd no particular Arms ar pre>nr, and can only claim 
 vi,v .r..-,-, ih.iroof the Enfigns Armorial of the Turkjfl) Empire in general. What 
 jvv r«r^7, andf'^'^^ ^^^» ^^^ Twr^;- in £«rj/e, p. 194. 
 in panicular.l JRcl^SJon*] The prcfenc Inhabitants of Pj/f^/V, are, in Point of 
 les are penc-fr^'^'''"i reducible to three ClafTes, v/>. ChrijUans^ J^^^^ ^nd M>tho' 
 Obftinate fortB'^^^^"-^- ^^^ chief Tenets cmbrac'd and maintain'd by the firft ancf 
 in mod PartsW'^ "^ thcfe, may be leen in their proper places, when treating of 
 • a People in*-'^'.''^"^'"" and 7/0(7 '^ Europe, As for the Jew j, [think no pljce 
 ' but as uni«l''''f^ proper to difcourfe of fheir ReHgion, than in this their Ancient 
 i*eY find occ3«fr"nt'"y. Know therefore that the Modern Je^i , b >th here and 
 -ing extreme--- j o . v - 0-0—: 
 ■ ^igethcr wich various I'rayers, which they perform with HrtlecT no ap- 
 KiNHce of Devotion. Sacrifices they ule not fince the Dertrudtioa 
 )f their Temple ;it Jerufilem. The chief Articles of their prefcnt Bc- 
 [.ffand Prattice^ are thele following: (r.) They all agree in the ac- 
 inowlcdgment of a Supreme Being, boifi Elientially and Perfonally 
 loe; but entertain Tome ridiculous Apprehenfions concerning him, as 
 ,wticulariy the great IMeafure they vainly iniagine he takes in Reading 
 Yoke its in'Pf'r ^'''''''^« (2.) They acknowledge a tvvoKldLawof God, ^/\. a 
 ous Cbri^lirnW'^^'^'^ 2nd Vimritten one : The Written is that delivered by God to 
 only fpcakPf ^"■'^^^'^^•f> and recorded in the tive Books of Af-cf. The Vnwrit- 
 icy Ori'^iiial^yf"^^*'^ ^'^"^ (^s they pretend) delivered by God to Mnfe^^ and hand- 
 Id down from him by Oral Tradition, and now to be recciv'd p^rt pie- 
 mtis affcih, with the form:^r. (^.) They alTcrc the Perpetuity of 
 povern d, 'f''" I avv, together with its FetfiWon ; believing there can be nothing 
 „„,„^^^ re, adhere ftill as clofely to the Mo^uhi^ Difpenfation, as their 
 and. /// Arf^cnr Circumfiances in a difpers'd and defpis'd Condition wilJ allow. 
 xtreme-P'if''" Service chiefly confifis in Reading of their Law in the Synagogue, 
 : only remain 
 alfo they're a 
 in the high 
 he blackcft of 
 lot (he 'luik^i\ 
 tiich It groani 
 Hiftorical Part ^^^^ r^^ it» or taken from it. (4.) They unanimoufy deny the ac- 
 JewUh Hirto impli'^TTienf of ^he Promifef, and Frop!iccics concerning x.\\c Mffus ; 
 ier the Komxn )flinacely allcdginj, that he is not yet come, and thar whenever he 
 ce till the be- 'P^ars, 'twill be with the grcatefl worldly Fonip .^nd Grandeur ima- 
 the Perfuw^ liblc, fubduing all Nations beicrc him, and m-kuig them acknow- 
 Ifrom thcmby l;;cSub)ertion tc the Houfe of /wc/^/?. For cvatli;,^: the e^prefs Pre- 
 hofe Succcf- ^Hotis of iheTrophets, concerning his mean Concition and Sufferings, 
 m by ^*).i/^'''' ^V» ^^^^'^""^ ''">' ^Adow of Divine Authorirv, d^ confidently talk 
 lifcs oi HlfU ^ twofold Mffius •, one Hen Eph\ihi^ whom tiiey grant to be a I'er- 
 " ot a mean and afflirted Condition in this World ^ another. Hen D./- 
 , who they believe fliall be a V-f^ori. u% I'owcrful Tri c , an*' the 
 fer ox 'cm to their former Liberty and Poile^Ti )ti'. ($,) They 
 nk that the Sacred Name ot Gnd can't be blaiphcii: d by M^n, if he 
 ^Jlltmpl a only 
m n 
 i. ? * 
 >N ' < 
 296 Tnrkjf in JJia, p^j.^ 
 only refrain from exprcffing the adorable Tilp^.fpdiJLyLctlov, (6.) T[ 
 condemn all manner of Images, though only defign'd as a bare 
 prefentation of Perfons to after Ages. (7.) They imagine that 
 Sabbath-day is to be fo ftriftly obferv'd, that Works even of Necef. 
 and Mercy are to be neglefted. Lafih^ They believe a Refurrcft'il 
 from the Dead at the end of Time, and expett a General Judgment 
 thelaft Eay. Thefe we may reckon the chief Articles of the Jert 
 Creed at prefent •, but befides them, they admit of many other thir 
 which only Ufe and Cuflom have authorized, and thofe are very dif 
 rent, according to the different Countries in which they now refii 
 They are ftill obfervant, (according to their Circumftances) not or 
 of the various Fcflivals appointed by God in the Jevo'ifl) Church • v 
 alfo feveral others of Human Inftitution, particularly thctt which'th] 
 yearly celebrate in Memory of their Deliverance from the proiettj 
 Ruin of wicked Human. During which Feftival, the Book of Ei}hd 
 thrice read over in their Synagogues •, and whenever the Name of fl 
 tnan is mention'd, they all with one accord, beat furioufly with Hal 
 mers upon their Desk, as fhewing thereby their abhorrency of til 
 Perfon who intended fo bloody a Mafiacre of their Forefathers. Tl 
 joyful Tidings of the Bleffed Gofpel were proclaim'd in this Country f 
 rArii? hi mfelf, and hisApoftles; but the obftinate ^ewj did (hut thj 
 Eyes againft the Light, and ftill perfift in their inflexible Obftinacy 
 this very Day. 
 §. 4. The Eitphratian "Provinces. 
 JlPamc.j'T'HE remaining Parrs of the Afiat'tcl^ Turkjiy hrngGear^ 
 1 TurJ^omaiiia^ and Dtarbeck' Thefe Provinces are boui 
 cd on the Eaft by Perfia. •, on the Weft by part of NatoUa and Syria p\ 
 pia ^ on the North by a little of Alofccvia-y and on the South by Ai 
 bUDcfcYta, Georgia (formerly Iberia J is focall'd from Geor^r, aP^ 
 pie anciently inhabiting thefe Parts. Turl^omanU (formerly Armei 
 Major J fo call'd from the TioJ^i", a Scythian People who broke throuj 
 the Cajpian Straits, and poflefs'd themfclves of thefe adjacent Provl 
 ces. And Laftly^ Diarkck, (formerly Meiopotamia and Fadan-ArA 
 ot the Scriptures} but why fo call'd, I find no fatisfaftory Account. \] 
 chule to confider all thefe three under the afl'um'd Title oi EuphnA 
 Frmnces^ becaulc they lie near the Body and Branches of that [one] 
 lamous River cf Euphrates, 
 3lirt] The Air of thcle Countries is generally very pleafant, heal 
 ful, and temperate, elpecially in the firft and laft, TheoppofitePI 
 of tlic Globe to thefe Proviaccs, h that part of the vaft faciJicl^^Oct 
Tttrky in J/ia. 297 
 iflj between 15$ and 2^5 Degrees of Longitude with ^7 and 4$ De- 
 of South Latitude. 
 ^oilO The Soil of thefe various Provinces, (they lying in the 
 p^and 7'''Norih Climate) is generally reckon'd very fie for Paflure 
 [he Banks of the Tigrif and Euphrates-, aiid in many places it produ- 
 j[h abundance of Fruits with variety of Grain. As alfo Georgia [<, fjid 
 ijfford great plenty of excellent Wine. The longell Dj- ^n the North- 
 oft part of thefe various Provinces, is about 1 5 Hours and an half; the 
 orceft in the Souchmofl is 9 Hours and three quarters 3 and the Nights 
 |CommoDitie0/J Thefe being Inland Provinces, do not manage any 
 liskor confiderable Trade with Foreign Parts, and therefore their 6'om- 
 \iiues are not very numerous, thofe they export or barter with their 
 tiglibours, being chiefly Pitch, Fruits, Silk, and fuch like. 
 IRaritiesO At Ourfa in Dlarbeckt is a large Fountain well flock'c 
 pFilhes, call'd by the Turks t Abraham'^ Fountain andFifhes-^ and of 
 [great a Veneration among 'em, that the Banks of it are cover'd with 
 Uus Carpets for above Twenty Paces in Breadth, (i.) Nigh to the 
 icfaid Ourfa^ is a Mountain remarkable for feveral Grntto\ in which 
 itobefeen very ancient Sepulchres cf many Primitive Chriftians. 
 J.) Adjacent to Crfr^/TM, (another Town in DiarheckJ are many lit- 
 [Rooms hewn out ot the firm Rock, which were probably (bme 
 bte Cells for ar.cient, who affeikd fuch Betirtments : 
 Khof 'em having as 'twere a Tabic and Bench, with a Repofing Place, 
 Jirtificially cut out of thehaid Stone; and over each of their Doors 
 ji lively [mpreffion of a Crols. (4.) On the Eaft of Tygrls, over- 
 ling Mofulf are the Ruins (and thefe hardly difcernable) of the once 
 p and famous City of Nineveh -^ ;he very ProfpeO: of vvhich, may 
 jikethe Beholder wiih jufl Apprelicnfions of the lading Glory cf ali 
 liunary Magnificence, and that ti:e largeflof Cities are not too big 
 fbrfel for devouring Time to cntume. (5.) Abou: a Day and 
 Its Journey from BAgduty is the Sepulchre of the Prophet Eze\iel^ 
 [ivh is yearly vifired by the Jews of Bit^dut with great Devotion. 
 [) About the fame Diflauce from^ but between the Euphrates 
 \T)^nsy ii 4 prudiir,u)Us heap of Eartl^ intcrmixt with a multitude 
 iBncks bak'd in the Sun, wh.-rrof each is Thirty Inches fquare, and 
 p thick, the whole bein j Three hundred Paces in Circuit, is call'd 
 Iw by the Chril}ians and Je»^ in tliole Parts, and cotnmonly be- 
 yd by the Vulgar fore ot 'em, to be the Remains of the renowned 
 Iver ol Babti; but others rather loll nv the Opinion of the Modern 
 pj, who calls it Agmouf, and believe it to have been rais'd by aa 
 inl'rincc, as a Beacon or Watch Tnwer to call his iubjcits t'ogc 
' -^ 
 298 Tm-ky in Jfia. Parti] 
 thcr upon all Occafion?. (7.) Nigh to Carklcquen (a Town of Tmccn 
 nJa) is a vaft Rock in which are divers artificial private Appartmen] 
 generally reckon'd the retiring Place of St. Chryjojiome during his Exi' 
 as the Chriftians ot thole Parts alledge. 
 1|l?cl)bifl)OpricU0, &:c.] For Archb}(}}opricl:^Sy Bifl^oprkJis^ Vmvirfit'n 
 See NatoUa, 
 ^anitcts,] The Inhabitants of the fe different Provinces, are 
 different in their Tempers and Manners. The Armenians (or thofe| 
 Turcomania) are Perfonsof a good Behaviour, and Juft in their hi 
 ings^ and fome of them (addifted toTraffick) are difpers'd thr 
 moft parts of the Trading World. But the People of Georgia arc 
 to be extremely given to Thieving, Drunkennefs, and moft fbrrs otl 
 ther Vices. Thofc of the Female Sex are generally reckon'd the ni 
 beautiful Women of any in all the Oriental Ccuntr'es •, and fo higj 
 cftflcm'd *e they by the Grand 5/^w/or, and King of PerfiUy thai t? 
 rcfpeftive Seraglio'sitc well ftor'd with them. 
 Ilanguagc*] The Turk'fl^, Per fun, and Armenian Tongues, are| 
 underflood and much us'd in thefe Provinces, especially the Turliijh 
 Diarbeck the Armenian Tongue is chiefly made ufe of in Divine jJerv 
 and in Georgia the corrupted Greel^. 
 dPolJcrnment*] The Weftcrn Parts of thefe Provinces do oj 
 Subjcftion moftly to the Gtand Signior^ and the Eaftern to the \\ 
 of Perfia, and that purely as the Neceffity of their Affairs requir 
 Thofe fuhjeft r.) the Great Sigiiior^ are govern'd by various Be^bi 
 of his Appoinrmeni, and thofe in Subjeftion to the Perftan Power; 
 rul'd by feveral Princes, fome bearing the Title of Kings, (as one in 
 Eaft of Georgia) who are eleftcd by the King of Ferfta, and Tribuc 
 to him. Neverthelefs, there are in thefe Provinces feveral Kings 1 
 Princes, who fear neither the Ottoman Slavery, nor the Perfian Pow 
 bur eagerly maintain their Freedom, and keep all the PalTes ct 
 Mountains, nocwithfl.;nding many Efforts hitherto made to the 
 ^tuip, 1 See iheEnfigns Armorial of the Grand Sigtiior, page i^\ 
 IBcltgton*"] The prevailing Religion in many parts of this Cl 
 try, is that of tlic Armenians -^ The principal Points whereof are til 
 Three: (i.) 1 hey allow the Apoj\olicli and A'/cene Cree^j-, but 3^ 
 with the Greek^s in alfcrting the Proceffion of the Holy Ghoft fronil 
 Father only. (2.) They believe that Chrift at his Defcent intoHJ 
 treed the Souls of all tlie Damn'd from thence, and rcpricv'd thcmj 
irtll. Turkjf in Jfa. CJ99 
 cdof rhe World, when they fhall be remanded to Erernal Flames, 
 jiiey alfo believe that the Souls of the Highteous are not admitted 
 re Beatifical Vifion until after the Refurreftion 3 and yet they pray 
 Ijjnrs dej.aried, adore their Pit^ures, and burn Lamps before them- 
 ng likewifc for the Dead in general. They u(c Confeffion to the 
 \ and of late have been aught the ftrange Dortrine of Tranfub- 
 [adon by Popifh Emilfaries, difpers'd thn ugh moft parts of this 
 Country, but they ftill give the Eucharift in both Species to the 
 ^ and ufe unleavened Bread foak'd in Wine. In adminiftring the 
 jmenrof Baptifm, they plunge the Infant thrice in Water, and ap' 
 the Chrifm with confecrated Oyl in Korm of a Crofs, to feveral 
 of the Body •, and then touch the Child's Lips with the Eucharift, 
 are the chief Tenets and Praftices of the Armenians in Religious 
 m: Eut to tliefe we may add that vaf\ multitude of Fafts and Fe- 
 (, which they punrtually obferve j (one fourth part of the Year 
 fuch) and truly it is in the Obfervadon of *em that the very Face 
 ^,e Chriftian Religion is as yet kept up among this People. Chriftia* 
 s planted in thefe parts of the World in the earliefl Ages of the 
 [ill, Bartholomew the Apo(\le being generally reckon'd the chief (if 
 il) Propagator thereof. 
 J I 
 f fi 
 ^ E c T. vr. 
 Concerfjhig the Afiatick Iflands, 
 r The JapAn Iflands. 
 \ The Fhilipin Iflands. 
 Reducd (paie 46,) to Six ClalTes, J The Ifles des Lamns, 
 */:^, S The Moluccoes. 
 • J The Iflands of the Sund. 
 y^Thc Maldives ind Ce)lon» 
 The chief of the Japan 
 C Japan— -^'^' fAfeaco — "^ 
 ^yjonfa Saniqut S 
 {^Eongo Idem —J 
 l'm^<: ImmL: „ Mem- 
 In the Iflands des Lanons' 
 The chief of the ^^^'j^fj" 
 luccoes are 
 iCeram — 
 S Borneo — 
 of tiiC 5;i..d 41 e *) 
 The cl.'ef of me juuUives is ^^^4/? 
 In the Ifl.r ' '"^-♦/'^n 
 Idem J 
 Idem — 
 Achem - 
 •W. to 
 — *7 Under ti 
 J quatorj 
 . s. of {f r 
 Thefe Ulunds (as aforefaid) being rcduc'd to Six Claffes j of ea 
 thcfe Clafles fcparately, and in their Order. Therefore, 
TJoe Aftatkk IJlands. 
 § I. The Japan I/lands, 
 iiiticO TpHESE Tflands (thought by fome to be the JahAdit of 
 J. the Ancients J are term'd by the Italians^ G'lapwe j by the 
 {urdSi T/las del Japon 5 by the French^ les Ifles du Japon •, by the 
 ymns^ die Japan'ifche Infuln ; and by the EnglijJ)^ The Japan IJlands -, 
 civhy fo caird I find no facisfaftory Account among Criticks. 
 I|ir,] The Air of thefe Iflands doth much encline to Cold, but is 
 trally cfleem'd very wholefome to breathe in. The oppofite Place of 
 JiGlobe to Japan^ is that part of the Paragueyan Ocean^ lying between 
 land 3$o Degrees of Longitude, with 30 and 40 Degrees of Sou- 
 I Latitude. 
 miW] The 5*0/7 of thefe Iflands is reckon'd abundantly fertil in 
 ]iiD, Roots, and divers forts of pleafant Fruits ^ as alfo the Ground 
 jhmuch overfpread with Forefts, and encumbered wich vafl Moun- 
 |3<)isvery fit for Paftu rage, and well ftock'd with multitudes of Cat- 
 The length of the Days and Nights in thefe Iflands, is much the 
 b as in the middle Provinces of China^ they both lying under the 
 V Parallels of Latitude. 
 ICoinmot)itics.] The chief Commodities of thefe Iflands are Gold 
 }cr, Elephants Teeth, and moft forts of Minerals. 
 Sarities.] There is in Japan (according to the Teflimony of 
 \tmsj a very remarkable Fountain, whofe Water is almoft equally 
 nvith boiling Oil; it breaks forth only twice a Day for the fpace of 
 (Hour, during vvhich time the Eruption is fo violent, that no- 
 jtgcan wichftand the Strength of its Current ^ for with fuch a migh- 
 (iorce doth the Water burft out, thac 'tis faid to raife up, and throw 
 py the greatclt Stone they can lay over the Mouth of the Fountain, 
 idiat with fuch a Noife, that it frequently refembles the Report o£ 
 ■reac Gun. (2.) In the fame Ifland is a prodigious high Mountain, 
 erally fuppos'd to equal (and by fome to furpafs) the famous Pike 
 \Jimifey being vifible almoft Forty Leagues off at Sea, though eigh- 
 idiftant from the Shore. (3.) In this Cluftcr of Iflands are com- 
 oly reckon'd no lefs than eight different VHlcano^ whereof fome are 
 /terrible. Here alfo is great variety of Medicinal Waters, and ma- 
 [hot Springs befides thac moft remarkable one above-n^ention'd. 
 I In the City of Meaco is a mighty Coloffw of gilded Copper, to 
 fch People pay their Devotions. Of fuch a prodigious bignefs is chat 
 |5(/, that being fee in a Chair, which is Eighty Foot brojd^ 4nd Se- 
 X 3 vcuiy 
 '*' ••'*'i 
 \l ' !: 

 i « 
 TZ?(? Afiatick JJlands. 
 venty high) no lefs than rifceen Men may conveniently n.ind on 
 Head. His Thumb is faid to be Fourteen Inches about, .md proporj 
 able to it is the reft of his Body. In this City arc reckon'd ab lu: 
 venty Heathen Temple?, and one of them i; faid to be furnifhM 
 no fewer than 5533 gilded Idols. 
 3(lrcl)bin)Ot)rtcU05 &:c.] Archhtflioprkk,s\ BijJs^prkksy Z)mxcyfi( 
 flpannctd.] The Jap inner s (bein^ a People of an Olivc-colrj 
 Complexion) are generally of a tall Stature, flron^ Conftirution, 
 fit to be Soldiers. They're faid to have vaA Memnrics, nimble Fa'nl 
 and folid judgments. ' They are abundantly Fair and jurt in tl 
 Dealings, but naturally Ambicious, Cruel, and DifdainfuJ to al! Srj 
 gers, cfpecially rhofeof the Relighn, admitting none ' 
 llanguaSC. ] The J^iponefe Tongue is faid to be very Police andl 
 pious, abounding with many Synonimous Words, which are ccmn 
 us'd according to the Nature of the Subjcft ; as alfo the Qu.iliiv. 
 and Sex, both of the Speaker, and the Perfon to whom the Difcc 
 is direfted. 
 (IPo^'»****ncnt«]| Thefe iHands are Govern'd by (cvcka Pettv 
 and Pi \(orTancs) who are all fubjeft to one Sovcrcii^n, Ail 
 Emperor 01 Japan. His Government is alfo Def pctical, and his Suh 
 adore him as a God ^ never daring to look him in the Face, and 
 they fpeak of him, they turn their Countenances doun to \.\\t 
 Peculiar to the Emperors of Japan^ is the following Cuflcm-, t/^.l 
 they efleem it a kind ot Sacrilege to fufFer either Hair or Nails to b^ 
 after Coronarion. 
 %tm^P\ The Emperor of Japan (according to the Relation ol 
 Ambaffadcrs of the Dutch Eaft- India Compariy) bears (9r, Six Sr,irsj 
 gent^ in an Oval Shield, and bordered with little Points of Gold. 
 according to others, his Arms are Sables, with Three Trefoils -''h^ 
 IRcligion.] The J^/'.tMr^'ri are grofs Idolaters, having a mu 
 Idols, to whofe pariicilar Service great numbers b^thot Men and 
 men do confccratc themfelves. The chief of thcfe Idols are 
 by the Names of Amida and Foqueux. The Votaries of the fuiirel 
 luid to affert the Soul's Immorrality, and the P)tha^nre^n Mtcm^f)('i 
:i-tir. The AJiatick ]Jla7uh, 505 
 rhofeof the latter imagine. That the frequent Repetition of certain 
 fds will atone for all their Mifdoings, and procure to 'em the Enjoy- 
 jtof compleat Felicity at laft. Great was the Multitude of Con- 
 rjro Cbnftiunity once in thefe Iflinds, if we might fafely credit the 
 niimony of our Roman Miffionaries, who. Anno i ^96. rcckon'd no lefs 
 13 600000 of the Natives, then aftually profeffmg the Chriftian Re- 
 jon. But how many foe'er were really brought o'er to the Knowledge 
 the Truth, moft certain it is, that they quickly Apoftatiz'd from the 
 j'.e; and that no Perfbn dares openly avow the Doftrine of Cbr'ifl fincc 
 Year 1514. all Europeans (fave the Dutch) and others profelfmg 
 funity, being then expell'd thofe Iflands, and not likely to have 
 n more Accefs there for the future. 
 <?: ' t 
 § 2. Tbe Philippin IJlands, 
 ante] npHESE Iflands (difcovcr'd by MagdUn, Anno I $20.) 
 JL are term'd by the Italians^ Philippine \ by the Spaniards^ 
 Je Philippe J by the French, Philippines -^ by the German/, Philips 
 ick Injuln ; and by the Englifl), The Philippin Iflands ■ fo call'd from 
 [.;/p II. of Spain^ in whole time they began to be inhabited by SpA- 
 pir.] The Air of thefe Iflands is very moderate, notwithftanding 
 lye fo near the Line. The opp:>(ice Place of the Globe to them, 
 Ik North mofl part of Brajil, 
 miW] The ^0// of thefe Iflands is generally very fertil, producing 
 \§cu abundance moft forts of Grain, Herbs, and Kruits. They are 
 ) very fit for Paflurage, and feveral of 'em are well furnifti'd with 
 nerich Mines of Gold, and other Metals. The length of the Days 
 INightsin thefe Iflands, is much the fame as in the Southern Parts 
 \Chinu^ they lying under the fame Parallels of Latitude. 
 CominoDittC0.J The chief Cmimdities of thefe Iflands, are Rice, 
 lie, Wax, Honey, Sugar-Canes, Gold, Cotton-Wooll, fyc, 
 llSatitiCG.] In the Stu furrounding thefe Iflands, is frequently feen 
 moi Kilh or Sea-Monlter, about the bignels of a Call, which in 
 ppe d til much relemble the ancient SireneSy fo tanious among the 
 «s-, whence our Englifl) Navigators term it the Woman- Fiji), becaufe 
 'Head, Face, Neck, and Breaff are fomewhat like thofe of the Fair 
 |ii. In feveral of the Fhilippins are feme little r«/f,ino's, cfpecially 
 keot the Ifland Tandaia, 
 f life 
 ■ "'lir 
 )' 'i 
.• t 
 The Afiatick IJlands. 
 2lrcl)btn)0P?icfeS,] Here is OD'^ SpAhiJl) Archhifhoptck^ iir^^ ^^^^^ 
 15irof^?'*»fUf?/'j ^-.'id f'lbjcft to him arc fcveral fuffragan Blfhop^ HsiifcO 
 thei/ Number and Titles are uncertain.- wt 
 3iJmt:er(lttC??t] Vn'tverfities in thcfe iHaiids. Non^. 
 J919anucr0« j The Natives of t'lcfe Ifljnds are genep.lly a Coura^t, 
 and Valiant fcrt of People, maintaining ftill their Liberty in fevd 
 places : Th. y're faid ro be Civil and Honefl enough in their Dealij 
 wiib rhe Chmfes and Europeans ^ but moft of V.m have a £^re,ii Averfj 
 to t' t Sp Miiardsy having been extremely ill us'd by that Nution in dii 
 lUirtguagC.] The prevailing Language in thefe Iflands, is the . 
 r'tp.K \v:tich is, not only in ufe among the 5/4mWjr themfelves, bi 
 'Tv^errtood and fpoken by many of the Natives. As for the 
 . culiar to 'em, we can give no particular Account thereof, 
 . near Affinity to the Malay Tongue. 
 >d5oljernmcnt.3 Thcfe Iflands being mofUy fubjeft to the King] 
 Sp^in^ arc rul'a ')y a particular Vice-Roy appointed by his Catholick 
 jcfty, vvhofe Place f)f Re'Mence is in Luconia^ the biggeft of *eml 
 Tiie Natives (as afotcfiid) Cv ilill retain their Liberties in (everal 
 ces, efpecially in the Iflc of iTf/«rfumi, where thofe People call'd 
 rnorier, (/. e. Mountaineers) Sohgues and Alfoores^ acknowledge notli 
 of Subjeftion to the Spanifl) Power. 
 - IRcIigiott*] Many of the milder fort of the Natives are inftruMJ 
 and make Profeffion of the Chriftian Religkn -, and that by the Care 
 Diligence of Roman MifTionaries fent thither from time to time, 
 reft being of a favage and intraftable Temper, continue ftill in the tl 
 Mi(t of Paganifm. The Spaniards here rcfiding, arc the fame in 
 gion with thofc in Spain* 
 §. 3. JJl^s des Larrons, 
 THESE Tflands were difcovcred by Magellan^ Anno 1520. an( 
 nam'd by him from the Nature of their Inhabitants, who wcre| 
 cefTively given to Thieving, This being all that's remarkable of ' 
 we pafs on to 
The Afiattck JJlands 
 §. 4. The Mohicques^ or Moluccoes, 
 itwO npHESE Iflands, unknown to the Ancients, are term'd by 
 J. the Italians, MolucchCy by the Spuniards.^ Molncco's j by 
 french^ IJIes Moluques-^ by the Germans ^ dk Moluccifche Infuln • and 
 ithe Englip}, the Molucques or Moluccoe- Iflands ^ fo call'd from the 
 id iWo/cCj which in the Language of the Cotinrry fisjnifieth the Head-^ 
 Ufe thefe Iflands properly call'd the Moluccoes ^zxc ficuaced, as 'twere, 
 ([he Head or Entrance ot the Indian Aichipelago, 
 Sir,] Thefc; Iflands lying under, and on cither fide of the Line, 
 \r\r '/extremely hot, and generally efleem'd very unwholfome. The 
 "ofite place of the Globe to the Moluccoes^ is the Northern part of 
 I^otl.] The So/7 of thefe Iflands is not rcckon'd fo fertile as that of 
 'M'tppin, efpecially in Grain, but for abundance of Spices and rich 
 ofG^Id, they far furpafsrhem. The Days and W'ghts do noc 
 Ichvary in their Extent all the Year round, thefe Iflands being fo near 
 t, and partly under the Equinoctial. 
 |CommoDitlC0<1 The chki Commodities of thefe Iflands, arc Gold, 
 kon, Spices of all forts, efpecially Cinamon, Pepper, Cloves, Ginger, 
 pegs, Mailick, Aloes, (fyc, 
 teatitiCSt] In the Ifland of Timor and Sohr^ grows a Tree which 
 Wth exattly like Human E}<crements : A conlidcrabk part of an 
 p of which Tree, is to be feen in the Publick Mufdmm of Grefljam 
 kge^ London. (2.) In feveral o£ the Moluccoes are divers fulcam's^ 
 kiiculifly th2t call'd Gmmng-apy in Banda^ which lome Years ago 
 Ide a dreadful Eruption, not only of Fire and Sulphur, buc alfo of 
 p a prodigious number of Stones, that caey cover'd a great pirt of 
 : Ifland ; and fo many dropt into the SeHy that where 'twas formerly 
 b Fathom Water near the Shore, is now a dry Beach. (9.) In Ter^ 
 p (one alfo of the Moluccoes J is another Vulcam^ reckon d by many 
 p yet more terrible than the former, for a particular Defcription 
 'which, Vid. Philo[» Tranf. N, 216. (4.) In the Moluccoes is a Bird 
 n'd by the Natives Mamcodiata^ i. e. Avu Dei j and by the Euro^ 
 |iw, the Bird of Paradife. He is indeed a Creature of admirable 
 amy, and being always feen upon the Wisg, 'twas currently be- 
 ^'d that he had no b'eec. But that Opinion is now found to be a 
 fcfs Miftake (as every noted MuJAum of Natural Rarities fnfficiently 
 pcech) notwichflaadtng the fame was noc only received by the un- 
 ■"'■., »,-;iil 
 M '.. 
 The Afiattck IJlands. 
 thinking Vulgar, but alfo embraced even by fome confidering (yetth^ 
 indcceiv'd) Naturalifts^ among whom the great SaUger [Exerc. 2\ 
 §, 2. J was one, and likewife Gefner [the Pliny of Germav^^ being 
 into the fame Error, hath piftur'd that Bird accordini^ly. To thi 
 Remarkablesabovemcntion'd, I may here add that rare Quality o{cin 
 (one ofthe chief Spices produc'd in thefe Iflands,) x*?^. their Aran:! 
 traftive Virtoe when laid near any Liquids, being able ro drain a ! 
 ftiead of Wine or Water in a fliort time : whereby fome unwary Cc 
 manders of Ships have been moft unexpeftedly depriv'd of their belot 
 3lrcl)bi(ljopjicfe0, &c.] Archbijlaprkks , B'ifl}OpY]c\i^ Vi\mY[it\ 
 iSPartnerS.] The Natives of thefe Iflands, efpecially fuch as inhj 
 the midland Parts, areby mofl^ efteem'd a trcacherou«, inhuman, 
 bafe kind of People ^ much given to beaftly PJeafures, and ^enerj 
 walking naked-, but thofe upon, or near the Sea-Coafb, wlio \\\ 
 Commerce with Europeans^ are pretty well civiliz'd, and feveral of '1 
 prove very ingenious. Their manner of Dealing is all by Bartcrij 
 they being Strangers as yet to Money. 
 ilano(uasc;3 All we can find of the language peculiii to the 
 tivcs of thefe Ulands ; is, that 'tis as barbarous as they who own ir. 
 Trading Perfons among 'em in their Dealings with Strangers ufe 
 Fortuguexe Tongue. 
 <£>0l)CtUtttettt,3 Thefe Iflands arc fuhjeft to mary Sovereign"^ of thl 
 own, and fome (particularly Celebes and GihhJ have eacli of cm 
 vera] petty Kings, whom they own as Sovereign fords and Govern: 
 The Portuguese formerly had got confiderablc fooring in rhefe Iflanc 
 but now the Dutch^ who fend thither many of their condemned Crr 
 nalsto be there employ d as perpetual Slaves. 
 IRcUgioil.] The Native-^ of the Mtlutofs are, f-r the mod pi 
 igrofs Idolaters-, and intermixt with rhcm arr mjny MAhomNunt, u 
 fome who know a Vmk of Cht iff unity -^ wliich Know'edf^e h.irh natb 
 improv'd very briskly in thole poor Creatures, ever fiixe they \upvd 
 50 change their Malkrs. 
 §. 5. 1 
The Afiatkk Ijlands. 
 §. 5. The I/Ia>2Js of the Sund. 
 p.Ct] *TpHESE Iflands funknown to the Ancients) arc termM by 
 J. the Italians^ Ijola d'l Sunda -, by the Spaniards^ Iflns del 
 ■4 ^ by the Vrench^ ies If a de la Sonde ; by the Germans^ die Infuln in 
 Us y by the Englijh, The IjJands of the Sonde or Sund ; fo call'd from 
 ; Straits of the Sund^ between the Iflcsof ^^f^'^^and Sumatra, 
 3ir,] The Air of thefe Iflands is extremely hot, (they being fitu- 
 U under the fame Parallels ol: Latitude with the MoluccoesJ and m 
 Imtra 'tis mighty unvvholfome, by reafon of many Lai<es therewith 
 (jt Ifland abounds The oppofite place of the Globe to the Ifles of 
 \iSund^ is pare oiTerraJirmay and the Land of the Ama^^onSy inSoutb 
 iPcil.] The Soil of thefe Iflands is generally very good, efpecial- 
 lin Java and Sumatra, affording great plenty of Corn and Fruits; 
 ii^htily abounding with the chietcll of Spices ^ well furnifh'd with 
 I'ious kinds of Fowl •, and wonderfully ftor d with rich Mines o£ 
 'd, Tin, Iron, Sulphur, and feveral other Minerals. The length 
 lithe Days and Nights in thele lOands, is much the fame throughout 
 |e whole Year, their Latitude either South or Northern being incoQ- 
 CommoUitics*] The cliief Commodities of thefe Iflands, are Gold 
 i^reac quantities, moft forts of Spice.% plenty of Wax and Honey, 
 re ot Silks and Cottons, fome precious Stones, and the beil kind of 
 liirttiec* 1 In the Ifland of Java are Serpents of a prodigious 
 b^th and bi>^nefj; one being taken ^t a certain time, that was thir- 
 :cn Yjids and a halt long •, and fo big, that they found a young Boar 
 ihis Belly. In the fame Ifland is a remarkab'c Vulcam, which fomc« 
 iriCi burns with great Rage. (2.) Towards the middle part of Suma- 
 f.', is another burning Mountain, ca'l'd Mmi Balulvanus, which vo 
 its forth Fire and Alhes in like manner as Mount Aitna in Sicily, or 
 'i!nin< m Naples. (5.) In the fame ifland is a very obfervabic Tree,, 
 "d Sangaliby the Malayans -^ and by the FoYtuguexPy Arbor trifle de; 
 '•lifortimd from its remarkable Property of putting forth abun 
 Jiiceot lovely Buds every Evening, (Which look very pleafant to the 
 "ve, and till the places adjjccnc with a mofl fragrant Smell) but thefe 
 ifling and falling to the Ground when the Sun arifcth, it appears in g 
 dancKoly and mourning Drcfs all Day long. (4 ) In the Ifland of 
 ... ^ 
 >> ,-, *' 
 The Afiatick IJlands. 
 ICorn, w 
 Kar, the I 
 BoYne(^ is a Creature ufually known to our EngUfh Navigators, by 
 Name of the Savage Man ^ being of all Brutes likeft to Man, 'both] 
 Shape, Stature, and Countenance, walking alfo upright upon his t 
 hinder Legs, and that frequently, if not always. He is a Creature 
 great ftrength and extremely fwifc in running. Many reckon him 
 Ape peculiar to Borneo^ and the hunting of him is efteem'd a Priac 
 UlrcljbifljOpjieUli, &c.] AYc}3bifl)opicks^ Btjhopk^s ^Vnmrfi\ 
 ^hnwtx^*] The Natives of thefe Iflands do confiderably di, 
 in point of Mjmers •, thofe of Borneo being generally elUem a Men 
 good Wits, and approved Litegrity: Thofe of Javx very trcachcrc 
 proud, and much given tn lying : And the In!i...:>icancs of Sumatra 
 affirm'd to be good Artificers, cunning Merchants, and fcveral of 
 expert Mariners. 
 Itanguagc*] The Language in thefe various Iflands is not the far 
 at leaft ic doth mightily differ in variety of Dialedts. The Trading Pi 
 pie who have frequent Dealings with the franks^ do underftand 
 ipeak the PaYtuguexe Tongue^ 
 <lB»obcrmncntO In each of thefe Iflands are feveral Kings. In Ri 
 neo tvvj, one MAhometan^ and the other Pagan, In Sumatra and Ja\^ 
 are many Princes, fame Mahometan, and fomc Pagan, The chief L 
 thofe in Sumatra is the Kino; oi Achem, and Materan is the chief] 
 ^ava^ The Hollanders and Portuguese have cilabUflVd feveral Faftor 
 in thefe Iflands^ eipecially the former. 
 IBcligioil.] The Natives of thefe Iflandf, who refide in the Inlaj 
 Parts, are generally grofs Idolaters •, but thofe towards the Sea Coa 
 are, for the moil part, zealous FrofefTors of the Doftriae oiM^hoi 
 in feveral of its Fundamental Points. 
 §. 6. The Maldives a?id Ceylon. 
 I^amr.] npHESE lilnds (unkno^vn in former times, except ^^'yB^annct 
 X which IS chonc^ht by fome to be the Oph'ir of Sobmm, aA]| and ftra 
 the Taprobane of the AncictKi) arc term'd by the Italians^ ■'1^^^'^^'^fPeopIe > 
 Ceylon-^ by the Spam r s^ AUld'tvaSy Ccyion; by the French ^ IflisMt^f^ ^^ '^j 
 Mddms ^ Cc)lQn j >'j the Germans^ die MMivijche Jnfuln iy CVy/cBem to co 
 lid Soldiers. 
The Aftatick IJlajids^ 
 jby the EngUflj, the Maldives and Ceylon. They are cailed Maldives 
 k Male, the chiefeft of 'em 5 and Dwe, which in their Language 
 pifies an /y/4n</: Bac from whence Ceylon derives its Name is not very 
 lir.] The Air of thefe Iflands (notwuhftanding of their nearncfs 
 theLine) is very temperate, there falling a kind of Dew every Night 
 rjch mightily helps to qualific the fame, yet frequently mortal to 
 jangers. But in Ceylon 'tis fo pure and wholcfome, that the Indians 
 im [his Ifland, Temarifin^ i.e. ^ Land of Pleafure, The oppofite place 
 [the Globe to thefe Iflands is part of Mare del Zur, lying between 
 !o and 290 Degrees of Longitude j with the Equator, and 10 Degrees 
 South Latitude. 
 miU] The Soil of thefe Iflands is extraordinary fruitful, except 
 (corn, whereof the Maldives are faid to be fcarce. The length of the 
 ys and Nights in them, is much the fame throughout the whole 
 k, the Latitude of the Northmofl of 'em being inconfiderabie. 
 |CommoT)itiC0O The chief Commodities of thefe Iflands, are Ci- 
 uon, Gold, Silver, moft fort of Spices, Rice, Honey, Precious 
 boes, ire. 
 15atitiC0.] In Ceylon is that remarkable Mountain, commonly call'd 
 m\ Pik^, which is of a great height, and reported to fend forth 
 Inietimes from its top both Smoke and Flame. In many of the Maldive 
 Mt grows that Tree bearing the Cacoa^ or India Nuts, which is very 
 Lrkable for its various ufcs*, for out of it i« yearly drain'd a large 
 Lntity of Juice, which being drawn at certain Seafons, and prepared 
 Icr different manners, do tafte exaftly l:I:c excellent Oil, Butter, Milk> 
 alfo fome forts of Wine and Sugar. Of the Fruit they ufually make 
 icad, and the Leaves ferveas Paper to write upon. And as for the 
 [rank of the Tree, they employ it either in building of HoufesorShips. 
 Me Iflands likewife abound with varie^y of pretty v.hite Shells, which 
 tmuch admir'd, and pafs current as Money in many parts of ihc adja- 
 Irc]()bift)opjtcll0, &c.] Archbifl)opi(,\s ^ BiJJjopricks , Vniverfities, 
 ^(annctfit] The Natives of thefe Iflands (being for the m -fl parr, 
 illand flraic of Body) are eftcem'd a lazy, proud and effeminate fore 
 people, yet fome of 'em are reputed to be good Artificers in Metals. 
 M of 'em go ftark naked, except what Natural Inflinft prompteth 
 p to cover. To wear long Hair, is the only Privilege ot the King 
 NSoIdiers. S itatv 
 310 Tbf Afiatick IJlands. p^^t 
 iUltSttag^« J The Inhabitant* of the Maldives have a peculiar tJ 
 gon of their own. Thofe who refide on the Sea-Coafls of Cejlon undJ 
 fland a Hide Dutch , and fome thing of the Portngue7^9 Tongue. ' j 
 €?0ternment«3 The Maldives arc moftly fubjedl to one Sovereij 
 who hath his ordinary Refidence in Male, the chief of all thofe Iflan 
 And Ce>/on is governed by its own King, refiding at Candea^ to who! 
 feveral little Princes are Tributary ; but much of the Sea-Coafts is pc 
 fcfs*d by the Dutch, The Matdive Sovcreij>n is faid to alfume the Title t 
 Sultan^ King of Thirteen Provinces, and Twelve thoufand Iflands,d 
 thofe of the Maldives, their number being generally accounted fuch. 
 IRclision*] The Natives of this mighty Clufler of Iflands, are par 
 I'i Mahometans^ partly Idolaters, cfpecially the latter, Paganiimh^i 
 the moft predominant of the two. 
 And fo much for Afia and the Afiatick, Iflands, Now fonoweih 
 :U < .-I 
 C H A P. 
 ;; S'' tl 
 peculiar ^^ 
 'O/on, uiidj 
 e Sovereij 
 thofe Iflar 
 M, to wh 
 Coafts is pc 
 e the Title I 
 Iflands, vi 
 Kcd fuch. 
 ds, are j 
 g4n/jwi beir 
 ■■ -i 
 . '.1 ■•*■ 
 ( « 
 \ TAP J 
 » m 
 I ii. 
n II. 
 5^aati1, or the Defart- 
 n ■ 
 L*^. The Land of the Negroes — 'y^ <; Tomhutt 
 (Exterior or Inf. 
 C Interior or Sup.^, 
 To thele add the African Jflands. 
 Of ull which in Order. Therefore, 
 r '^ 
 '.,1. jv 
 ' mil 
 ■' . I ji" 
 I'art li 
 A, ^' 
 Concerning CffPPt* 
 d. m. 
 52 c6' 
 62 40^ 
 ,}of Long 
 ' '^"lofLatic 
 ErifCf or the Lower Egypt 
 Beckrta^ or Middle Egypt- 
 Sabld, or Upper Egypt- 
 •^ ^ The Coafis of the Red Sea 
 Length from N. E. to S. W 
 is about 650 Miles. 
 Breadth from E. to W. is, 
 bouc 310 Miles. 
 Alexandria — ' 
 l^amc.j'T^HlS Country [much the fame with ancient Eg^pty and noj 
 X bounded on the Eafl by the Ifthmus of SueTi and the A( 
 Sea-, on the Weft by Burbaryy Bildulgerid znd Za^ra-^ on the North! 
 part of the Afediterranean Sea ; and on the South by ^Wta and Ak 
 was varioufly n^m'd of old, as Mifraim, by the Jews ; Angujtanka^ 
 the Romans «, Oceana^hy Bcrofits-y Ogygia^ by jCenopkn ^ Potamiay byiJi 
 rodotus'^ and Hefefiia^ by Nomer, &:c. It is now term'd by tlie Itallm 
 Egytto', by the Spaniards y Egypto; by the french^ E,<^ypte'^ by the cJ 
 mans^ Egypten'y and by the Engl'iflj, Egypt-, focall'd j^asmany imaging 
 from Egyptusy Son of Belks^ and Brother to Damns, 
 %\xr\ The Air of this Country is very hot, and generally eflecirj 
 extremely unwholfome, being ahvays infeftcd with naufeous Vapoif 
 afcending from the fat and flimy Soil of the Earth. That ic never m 
 in Egypty as fome have boldly affirm'd, may defcrvedly chiim a p'i 
 among the Vulgar Errors of the World. The oppofite phcc of the Gil 
 to Egypt^ is part of Mire Fadficum, lyingbctween 252 and 242 Dcgi' 
 of Longitude i within 21 and 31 Degrees of South Laticudc. 
 ^OiL] Egypty (lying in the 4^'' and 5*'' North Climate) was, an 
 fliil accounted, as fertile a Country as any in the World ^ the Soil bd 
 wonderfully fatned l)y the yearly overflowing^ of tlic Nile. It's cxref 
 ing plentiful of all forts of Grain •, and for its vart abundan:-: of 
 informer times, ' commonly term'd Nji ream roNili R.m.itu. 
 iongeft Day in the Noitlunoll Tarts, is about 14 Hjurs and Ix-h 
Part lljp.rt II. 
 lliorrefl in the Southmofl is lo Hours and a half j and the Nights pro- 
 ComtnotJittcs,] The Chief Comrmdities of this Countrv, are Sugar, 
 IF!jk, Rice, all forts of Grains and Fruits, Linen-Cloth, Salt, Bjlfam, 
 |:cnna, CafTu, Butargio, fyc. 
 ;^n' M 
 N.E. toS.W 
 50 Miles. 
 n E. to W. ii 
 Eg)\>ty and 
 tRaritics«] In and near to ancient Alexandria^ (now term'd by the 
 Jurks, Scandcricli or Scanderk) are many ronfiderabic Remains of An- 
 iguity ; particularly the ruin'd Wallsof that ancient famous City, with 
 confidcrablc number of Towers j feveral of which are almoft intire. 
 re alfo are divers ftarely Porphyry Pillars, and feveral curious Obe- 
 9 fcks of pure Garner, (efpecially that which bears the Name of Pompeys 
 pNorthwar(i,|r,//.j,^) fome of 'em ftil! (landing, others thrown down, and all 
 dorn'd with variety of Hieroglyphicks. For a particular Account ci 
 !ch Pillars, with a curious Draught of divers of 'em, reprefenting both 
 .dr true Dimenfions and Hieroglyphick Charaftcrs, Vid. PhUof.Tranf, 
 ii6i and 178. To zhefc Curhfities we may add the [once] proud 
 j!3ce of Cleopatra, now wholly in Ruins, being fo defac'd, that 'tis 
 irdly difcernable if ever fuch a ftacely Strufture was in that Place. 
 :) In the ancient Caftle of Grand Caire^ are feveral Remarkables wor- 
 yuet andtheR*,y obfervation, which Strangers (with fome difficulty) obtain leave to 
 on the North m.. jj^^ ^.j,,,^^ whereof are thele Three-, Firff^ The Arcane y which 
 t^uh'ta and /» a frightful dark Dungeon, and that (as they tell you) into which the 
 ^ AngujldnicA, fttriarch Joj^ph was thrown down. Secondly^ A very large ancienc 
 Potatnta^ ^y^woin, with about Tliirrv Pillars of Thebakk Scone as yet If anding, which 
 by the Ualimw K^ars the Name of jofeph's HaIL Lajily, In this Caftle is a prodi- 
 pte-^ by the Gfcas j^c^p Pi^ with a' Spring of good Water in its bottom, (a Rarity 
 Ismany imagm* e^ vj,;) ^vhich the Natives term Jofeph's Well, From this Pit, fome 
 I Inve'lers are pleas'd to talk of an Artificial Communication under 
 Jiound, between the Pyramid? on one Hand, and the Town of Srve^ 
 nierally efteetrE ^^e otlier. For a farther Account of chcfe Particulars, vid. Theve^ 
 lauteous Vapo*.'s f^^ae//, part i. c. 9. (5.' A few M\kiWc{{ of Grand Caire, arc 
 |hat u never n|e E^\pt!cw 'pyramids, (call'd by the TurJ^s, Fhuraon Va^lary , and by 
 lly cl.nm ^)]^AKi'bs, Dgebel Fbaraon, i.e. ^f^hjrailfs Mills) thofe famous Monu- 
 ents of Antiquity, which 'twou!d fcem devouring Time could noc 
 Inlume. The biggeff of 'em hath thefe Dimenfions, vi^:* Five hun- 
 pd and Twenty Foot high, up-^n a Bafe of Six and Two Foot 
 lire ^ Two hundred and fifty Steps fr jm cop to bottorr, each Step be- 
 ; Two Hands broad, and almoft Four high ^ and its Top being tiar, 
 [able to contain Thirty Men. (4.) Adjiccnt to the biggeli Pyramid 
 b monflrous Figure of a prodigious grcatnefs, calTd Sphinx ^ and by 
 [r^dotw Andrcfphinx : The Bu(f (being ail of one Scone) reprefenrs 
 Face and fcreafls of a Woman, whoff: Ikdd according to Pliny 
 tiundrcd and twenty Foor in Circumferencej and Forty three long . 
 Y 1^5 
 [ace of the Gl 
 late) was, an[ 
 • che syU be: 
 \L\ It's c-/;r;} 
 Jundan::-: oi 
 \ii Rjn.wi. 
 [3 aud ii-h 
5 14 ^^gyp^' ^^"^^ J'j 
 it's alfo a Hundred fix'-y two from the top of the Head to the lowcj 
 part of the Belly. But thefe Dimenfions are different from thnfe of fomj 
 modern Travellers, who fay, That 'tis but twenty fix Foot hi^h, ani 
 Fifteen from rhe Chin to one of tlie Ears, and the refl proportionab 
 ''$.) Near toGr»?;:iO/V?, are feveral deep fubterranean C<«i^/^/ex (Hewei 
 cut of the firm Rock, and having variety of Hiero^lyphicks infcrib'd oJ 
 the Walls) in which rcpofe feveral of the famous Egyptian Alummk^ 
 and in feme of thofe Repofitories of the Dead it is, that certain Lamp 
 are ("aid to have been found, which conftantly burn without confurain^ 
 till expos'd to the open Air. (50 In the famous River of Nile^ m 
 abundance of Crocodiles, thofe terible and devouring Animals, \vhic| 
 BochartM (de Animalibus S.S. Part 2. Chap. i6, 17; 18.) endeavours: 
 prove to be the fame with that Creature mentioned in the Book of Jj 
 under the Name of Leviathan, thought c mmonly and hitherto taken fc| 
 the Whale. A compleat Skeleton of this Animal, about Four Yard 
 three quarters long, may be feen in rhe Repofitory of Grefl.'am-Co\k^\ 
 being prefented to the Royal-Society by that truly worthy and ingeaicii 
 Genileman, the Honourable Sir Robert Southwell. To thefe Cm'vfnA 
 of Egypt, I might here add that fupernatural (but fiftitious) Prodi;] 
 that's reported to be yearly feen near to old Laire^ i'/<. The AnnJ 
 Refurreftion of many dead Bones on Holy Wcdnefday, ThurfJay, andlfj 
 day, (according to the old Calendar) which both Turt^s and ChriJiiM 
 thofe Parts do firmly believe, and that by means of fome pious tnuj 
 cf a few defigning Santos among them. 
 4llrcl)li{bopricHd, &c.] Archbtfl)opY'ic\s^ Bifiopricksy Vnherfit'i'l 
 See Natolia, page 280. 
 i^i^anncrisO The Egyptians now-a-days (being Perfons of alowSJ 
 tufc, tawny Complexion, and of fpare Bodies) are generally reckon] 
 Cowards, Luxurious, Cruel, Cunning, and Treacherous ; they mf 
 dcgem-rate from their Anceftors in every thing, favt only a vain AM 
 tiou ot Divining, which feme as yet pretend unto. 
 llaiTSUnge*] The chief I.'rr^K^^^ commonly us'd in this Country, 
 the Turkijh and vulgar or Morisk, cfpecially the latter. T 
 Arabs brought in their Language with their Conquefts, which hath bJ 
 prefervcd here ever fince ; hut the C:phii\ {\\\\ retain the ufe of j 
 ancient Egyptian 'Ycv.^wc^ (which is very diife;ent from all the OriciJ 
 Languages) efpecially in their Religious Performances. In Placer> it I 
 confiderable Tratfick, many of the Europ'j.w Tongues arc underitood 
 d&'obCVlimmt.] This Country ('very famous of old, both in SjcJ 
 iiud Prcphane Hiilory) being a fioviari; ot the Tuy\jP) KnirirJ 
irt IL 
 Ivern d by a particular Baffa. or BegUrbeg, who commonly refideth ac 
 \id Cairo, which Poft is generally cftcem'd the moft Honourable Go- 
 Lment of any belonging to the Port ^ ha.vii,^ under him no lefs than 
 [fteen different Governments ^ as alfo a powertui Militia, commonly 
 koa'd the moft confiderable of all the Ottoman Empire. 
 |ntl0O StcTmky in Europe^ page 15)4. 
 iScUgion*] The Inhabitants of this Country, ("being Moors^ Turi^s^ 
 ViArabSy befides the Natural Egyptians) arc for the moft parr ftrifter 
 Servers of Alahowet's Do^rine, than any People clfewhere through all 
 Ottoman Dominions. Here alfo are Jews in great numbers, as alfo 
 liny Chriflians call'd Cophti^ vvho follow the Errors of tutyches and 
 hcms^ yet not concurring with them in every Poinr. The Cbriftian 
 lith was firft planted here by St. Murk, who' is univerfally acknow- 
 jli CO have been the (iril Bilhop of Alexandria* 
 1 2 

 Concerning TSi1tb«ltl?» 
 4. m. 
 ?i I 
 ■« Cbetween| °* |^ j-of Long 
 »of Lac. 
 'Morccc: - 
 B^y&riKy comprchenc^s J^'//."{'""" * 
 the Kingdoms of \rmU^ 
 Tripoli — 
 Bare a — -< 
 « / Length from W. tj eJ 
 about 2300 Miles. 
 ^ 1 Breadth from N. to 
 about 580 Miles. 
 I Videm j" 
 o Jldcm 
 ^J^ i>'ldem 
 .!:! J Idem 
 tj ff Idem 
 ^ Idem 
 From W. to E. 
 Barhary being the mofl confiderable (at lead, the bed kncnM^^>^^ 
 Country o£ all /ifrkay I (hall in particular confider its Divifio*^^^ ^ 
 Taradunt •••*> 
 ^''iWoKocco are« 
 Elmdin • 
 Found fromS. toN, 
 Fex arc 
 Ft?^ in the main Land. 
 Bem!( _ 
 Larac ■ > — 
 7rt/>;ger [novvdenoliftiedj 
 - V^From S. to N. E. u{X 
 the Sea-CoafI, 
 ._ ?FromW.toE<, 
 '3rt IL 
 ^ ^ Gtgtart 
 From W. to Er 
 lomW. tj eJ 
 koo Miles. 
 horn N. to 
 l8o Miles. 
 Tunis are 
 Tunis -^ 
 ^From W. to E. upon 
 she Sea-Coafl, 
 ' rom W. to E.I 
 ^ Tripoli — 
 Tripoli are < Lcbida — 
 C Atifurata- 
 Bare a are 
 Zudrd - 
 •From W. to E, 
 From S. to M. 
 ''^"'^•] "JDArbary [comprehending Mauritania of thi.* Ancients, as 
 x3 alfo Africa Propria and Lyiw ; now bounded on the Eaft 
 he bed Un(j\sm^i)P^ i o" ^hf Veft by part of the Atlantic^, Ocean ^ on the North 
 r its Diviljoj^^^ Mediterranean Sea • and on the South by Bildulgerid'] is term'd 
 ^\\t Italians^ Barbaria., by the Spaniards ^ Bcrberia\ by the French ^ 
 in\ms ;, by the Germans^ Burbarjen j and by tlic Engl'tfl}^ Barbary ^ lb 
 ild by the Saracens from Barbw^ (which fignifieth a murmuring 
 [und) bccaufe this People feem'd at firft to their Conquerors, to pro- 
 unce their Language after a Grange murmuring manner. Others do 
 her imagine, that the Romans^ upon the Conqueft of this Country, 
 it BurLtria^ and irs Inhabitants Barbarians, bccaufe of the Rude- 
 and Barbarity of their Manners. 
 from S. to Nv 
 . to N. E. ur 
 *. to E, 
 [JCiv.] The Airo( this Country is indifferently temperate, and gcne- 
 V ellecm'd very heathful to breathe in. The oppofitc part of the 
 labc to Bdrb.iry^ is part of Mayc del Zur and Mare Pacijicum, lying 
 pvecn 184 and 232 Degrees of Longitude, and 24 and 3$ Degrees of 
 phcrn Latitude. 
 l^'Oil^J This C'juntry lying in the 4"' and 5"' North Climate is very 
 rni'o in Corn, and moll kinds of Fruir, .jlthough 'tis full ot Mountains 
 ja VVoods, efpeciaily towards the Mediterranean .Sea. It brecdeth many 
 dsof Beafts, particularly Lions and Leopards, with many Apes, and 
 rnc Elephants, bcfuies abundance of Cattle. The longed Day in the 
 lirtlim if Parts, is about fourteen Hours and a quarter ^ the fliorteft in 
 Soiuhmoll, 10 Hours and an half ^ .ind the Nights proporcionably. 
 I n^ 
 * ;■ I' 
 V' ■>'. 
 1 I *"i.?ri 
 ■ *<; 'ITS'' 
 !l '*<■] 
 » ' 
 Commot)itic60 ThechiefCowworfrV/Viof this Country, areH^a 
 Wa%, Oil, Sugar, Flax, Hemp, Hides, Cordevanrs, Dates, Almoi 
 Mantles, i^c, 
 IRarttiCS*] On Mount Zagm^ (about Six Miles Sputh from Im, 
 arc many Uui^sof an old Caftle, built by the ancient /lomitnj, with 
 veral Latin fnlcripn ns, as vet to be feen upon diver*; Marble Sti 
 (^.; From theaf reiiid ''^, untain to the Cirv of Carthjge^ wasonq 
 curirus Aq^eduH : And upon Mount G«fj7:-f (in tbe fam-' Neighb 
 ho^>d^ arc loiV" ulain t/edigia o( Roman Magnificenre, ftill vifiblc to 
 Dav. v3 ^ ^" ^'•■- City of uMorocco dre two ma^^nificent Temples, 
 built by Alt, and the other by Adul Mumen, which deferve the pariil 
 lar re|:^ard of a curious Traveller- (4.) In the Palace Royal of the \ 
 rofc^ Emperors (a Building of n vaft extent, and term'd by tli?Niti| 
 Alcacave or M'ich'iHart) is a ftarely Mofque, with a very high Turi 
 on whofe Top arc Four Apples of fulid pure Gold, which alcojjc 
 weigh Seven hundred Pounds Weighty and in another Court of i!,c 
 palace is a prodigious hi^^h Tower, fo contriv'd, that the Emperor 
 mount up to the Top of it on Horfeback. (§.) In the City of k 
 that famous Mofque call'd Caruven^ which is faid to be almofl hJ 
 Mile in Circuit, and furnifli'd s\'nh Thirty Gates of a prodigious bignj 
 It hath abjve Three hundred Ciflerns to wafh in, before they g^ 
 Prayers ; and in it arc upwards of Nine hundred Lamps, which aren 
 monly lighted, and burn every Nighr. (6.) A few Miles from the 
 ins oi'Tatiger is a narrow dcfcent of many Fathoms deep, (rcltin'j 
 that of a Coal-Pit) wliich lead:^ unto a large Subterranean Aparfm 
 from whence are Paffagcs into feveral other Apartments, all oi Vmdi 
 with good Marble; and no ways to be doubted but that they were 
 fign'd by the Ancients for (cveral Repofitorie^ for their Dead, there 
 ini> found in them as yet many Vm^ and StMucs^ with fbme In'cm] 
 in the Fwucl^ Languaiic. (7.) Over a ccrt.iin Uiver call'd S,ihu {w 
 runs between two Hills, term'd Benj-jajgit and SHego) is a remark 
 Bridge^ or rather a ready way of pafTing from one fide of the Rive 
 the other-, and that by the help of two l.irf,e Stakes fiKt fafiin 
 Ground (on either fide one) between which arc extended Two Itri 
 Ki pes and to one of them is ty'd a kind of a b'g Basket, able to 
 tain Ten Men, into which the I'affcnf^ers hcin.^ cncrcd, and pulling 
 of the Ropes, (which runs by a Pulley) they waft thfrnfelves 
 much fooner, than we Europeans can pafs cither by Bridge tr 
 Vide DapperV late Defcriptknof Aftka, 
 |try, areH:a 
 ith from 7wg 
 Marble Stii 
 ^.TtmetO*] The B.irh.triatis [thus charafteri/d ol old oy IfdrJi^ir^ 
 mi (inquit ille) Genus funt hom'wum juapte naturii cxda AxiiVfjimnTv... 
 M]ue mn fjc'iL' akdens iy defperjtin fimiles, contempt u fcilicet m.rtK ;^ 
 l!.///or//w] are now a People that's generally very Incondant, CraUv, 
 k Unfaithful, Aftiveof Body, Impatient of Labour, and Covetous of 
 Icnoiir. Some of 'em are fiudious in matters of their Law ^ and others 
 ;inc!in'd to the Liberal Sciences, efpecially Pbilcfoph) and the Mtthe- 
 uti(b- The Inhabitants of Sullt\ Tripoli, and Alg'icr.^-, are migluily 
 '''*^^' M^-^^^'w^" "-^ Piracy ; and many of the M')rocco't^ arc much addifted to Mcr- 
 .l^f^'lj^'^^f^Mjndizing Difpers'd throuah all thefc Countries are the /^>\t/'j-, who 
 fiiJ viijbic toM[-pj(.jjiiy in Barca) exercife their common Trade of robbing and mo- 
 t Ternples, M^^qp Travellers on the Highway. 
 erve the pariM 
 Pi^ 1 /^"•l l3i^5Wagc.] In mofl of the Sea-Port Towns, and over all the Coun- 
 by t,ie NitiB,'j5 bQrjjerJng on the Sea, the prevailing Ltrgu^ge is Ar.ikique^ or cor- 
 pt Ar.ibicl^. In the City of Mcr:;cc\ and feveral other liaces, they 
 !1 retain their ancient Language, or rather a corrupt Diaiett oi t!ie old 
 |'ro«. The Trading People, efpecially in their Dealing with Stran- 
 tfi, do ufe a certain /.ir^'!/! compounded cliietiy of Sp.ii:i!h and Fez- 
 (jW:^?, not unlike to the Lingua IVunu among the Tari^s, 
 cry high Tun 
 which alco^etl 
 Court of li; 
 he Emperor 
 c City of ftj 
 be afmof} hall 
 ["^^'S'^H^^Jll^obCtnmcntt] This large Country (comprehending feveral King- 
 , 5. ^nflrmsi'nd Provinces) is chietly undc the Great T^'cii:, and Emperor of 
 )^(!CCo : To the latter belong the Kingdoms of Morocco and f'c':^, and to 
 :m are afcrib'd (or rather heafiumeth) the following Tides, 117^. Em- 
 leror of Africa^ King of Afjrncco, R':^, .SVw, and T,ijT.det j Lord of digo^ 
 ff.i^ and Guinea -^ and Great Zeritf of Malrmet. Tlie other Kingdoms 
 r Provinces of this Country, are moflly fubjedl to the Great ri//(', and 
 s, which are 
 iles from the 
 eep, Crelciii'^ 
 nean Apar^m 
 5, all of Vrndi 
 lat they werelfg govcrn'd by his particular B.iffdi fet over 'cm-, only Tumi and Al- 
 r uc ad, there t^j^ (Two confidtrabl" Commonwealths, or rather diilinft Kingdoms) 
 ' iiv?^^/r''''ff°"^ ^^^^^ ^^ '^"^ ^^^^ ^^''^^^ rcfpj^tive BAff.t i-ppointcd by the Grand 
 alia Sdbu iJlignjor, yet they're (o eager in maintaining their Liberties and Privileges^ 
 \ ^r ^ /^"''^'I'^'it thofe B.iffd's are little m:Tc than mere Cyphers. For in the former 
 ^ (; ( n ■ T ^^^^^''^» ^^^^ Inhabitants have a Power ot chuhng their own Governor 
 ^A ^'^^ '^f^'^P^'n, termed the IVv, who rules the Kingd-jm, coniUcuces Caifs 
 ^ iT' "i"^ pjffeth Sentence in ^11 Affairs, whether Civil or Ciiminah Tlic Di- 
 sket, able toljiKjf 7-^^,,^ \^ compos'd of one ^^'.£, oneC7j./y^/, twelve Olib.ichi^ twenty 
 ! ?, "fjy"! "^fo"r Bmloubacbi^ two Secretaries, and four Chia^nx^ wlio judge in all 
 tetcrs after they have heard the Sentiment of the Dcy, who may ac- 
 cptorrejert their Advice as he thinks fir. As lor Algiers^ Tiie Go- 
 ernment thereof is lodgM in the Hands of the Army, pjrticularly tlie 
 >lficers of tlic Jamx^Avies^ ot whom the C Muicil L.)t Srace is compoL'd, 
 c';j/'i.tV||ndof it the Agt ot the Juni:(Ar}cs is Prchdeiu. It's true, the Grand- 
 i^nior keeps always in this Place a B<_(f>fy with the Tiilc of I'ice-J^oy^ 
 r Bridge tr 
 ■Mi' '1 
* \ 
 520 Barhary. Part' 
 but he's at beft but a meer Shadow ^ for he may not io much aui 
 the great D7u<«, unlcfs invited by the whole Council, and when ari., 
 ted, he hath but one finale Voice, and can only Advife in Marr^ 
 Befides thele Two potent Republicks of this Country, rhere's anorjj 
 v'tx^. That o( Tripoli -, but it is iDtirdy fubj^^t to the Grand Sign'iy^ 
 governs the fame by a particular Bijfa. fcnc from the Ottnmxn Cjur-.^ 
 renew'd every third Year. He is lionour'd with the Scandart of T:<«i; 
 and the Title of Beglerbeg, 
 3tmsi*] The chief Independent Potentate in thefe Countries bei 
 the Emperor of Vex^ and Morocco^ he bears for Arm«, Three Whel 
 Argents As for the refl of Bxrbury. Vid. Turk) in Europe^ page 1 9 J 
 lRclig(on«] The eftablifht Religion of this Country, is Makmei 
 iiifm-^ but the Inhabitants of Moroco differ from other Mahometans in 
 vera! confiderabl. Pointf^ •, particularly thofe maintain'd by the Follo.v^ 
 of Hjmet, (the firft of the prefentRace of the Morccco Emperors) w 
 was at fii ft a kind of Monk, and quieting his Retirement, A.C,ii,\ 
 began publickly to preach to the People, that the Doctrine of Hji'nt 
 Omar, and other Interpreters of the Law, was only Humane Trad inoii 
 befides feveral other chings of that Narure, which occafion'd luch ki 
 mofities between other Turi^s and tlie Morocco's^ that a Turl:^'ijl Slai 
 with them, is no whit better treated than a Chriflian. There are 4 
 many Perlons in and about Algiers, wh.. likcways differ from the othj 
 Mibumentam in divers Particulars. Some of 'cm maintain, that to fi 
 Seven or Eight Months doth merit Eternal Happinels : That Ideots 
 the Eleft of Gcd : That Sins a^ainft Nature are Vcrtues : That t^ 
 JMarahouis among 'em are infpir'd by the Devil, and yet they sccou^ 
 it an honourable thit.g to be dcfil'd by one of 'em. Thefe and man 
 other fuch ridiculous Follies do they believe and avouch. The ClmiYii 
 Faith was firfl planted in this Country by fome of the Seventy Difcipk 
 and St. Simon the Apoftlc, furnam'd Zclotes, 
 S E ( : 1 
 Concerning 'BlJQufgcnU, 
 * ■ 
 d. m. 
 02 00 
 22 g 
 32 40 
 ■of Long. 
 f Latir. 
 Length from W. to E. is a- 
 bout 2040 Miles. 
 Breadth from N. to S. is 4* 
 bout 300 Miles. 
 Dara — 
 iklger'tcf com- 
 Iprehends rhe« 
 provinces ot 
 iSegelmefs - 
 Tegorar'm — 
 EHJulgerid prop, fo calJ'd 
 Defarc of Barcd 
 Idem — 
 Idem — 
 Idem ^^From 
 Idem ^W.toE 
 None confiderable. 
 pic« ] TyJldulgertd [theancientA^z/w/V/^, and now bounded on the 
 Xj Eaft by tg)pt'^ on the Weft by part of the vaft AtUntkk, 
 lean ; on the Norrli by Barbary j and on the South by Zaara ; or the 
 ui] is term u by the Ital'iavs^ Spaniards^ French^ Germans^ and £n- 
 i, 8'ildu!gerid; fo call'd from the vaft number ot D,itcs it produceth, 
 pMamcin the Arabicl^ Tongue fignifying a Dute. 
 |2lir,] The Ah of tliis Country is very hot, bur generally cfteem'd 
 liindantly wholefome to breathe in. Tiieoppofi re place of the Globe 
 Bildiilgerid is dut o^ J*4nre del Zitr snd Mnc Pacificum^ lying be- 
 fecn 182 and 235 Degrees of Longitude, with 22 and 32 Degrees of 
 phcrn Latitude. 
 *ioi!>] The 5;/7 of this Country (it lying in the g"^ and 4'*' North 
 .mute) is fomc-vhat barren, the Ground, for tlic moil part, being vc- 
 landy, yet in furne low Valleys is found Corn, and great quantity of 
 litcs. ' The longeft Dav in the Nortlimofl Parts, is about 14 Hours j the 
 lortcfl in theSouilimjfl, m Hours ami a quarter, and the Nights pro ■ 
 CoMimoliiticc*] The CommoJ'uief of this Country are very few,' 
 [cychictiy conliilin^ in t'^fti) Cactcl, U^tcs, and Indigo. 
 tM '^ ^m 
I'' i 
 the main Ocean, between B-jadnre ar d ciic Town of knn\ wliirh in ch^ 
 Winter-time, (when other Kivers do ufually fvvell over their Eanksl 
 grows commonly dry. and j^cs 'hereupon by the fr^:'h Name iUl 
 vere Scche. C^O ^^^^ ^^ ^'^- af ^rcfnd 7>^' - b.i is a I.tde Village, cal 
 Deufen^ which is of great Anriquitv, b'";.a 'Jiilr ov the -'"' -w -m , as 
 pears by the Remains oFfeveraIScru(:i:ure., md (.mcR.'>. 'j 5c^:u!chr, 
 beiidcs variety of Medals, (found frequently after a Rain") having coi 
 monlv a Head upon one fide of 'cm, with Latin lafcriptions, and U 
 phics on the other. Vid. Dappcr'x late Defcription ofAfrica. 
 3lvcl;bt2)0J):t.tlS5, &c.] Archbijhprkks , B/pjoprkl 
 ^annct0.1 The Tnhabituius of this Country (befides the Na;i. 
 bein^chierty 'Arabs, are generally ignorant, cruel, lecherous, and mi 
 given to robbing. 
 Ilaujuagc,] All we cm Icarn of the Language commonly us'd by ti 
 Natives of this Country, is, that 'tis as rude and barbarous as they the! 
 felvct,. The Arabs here rciiding, do rtill retain their own Tongue. 
 dHoljerumcitt/J This great Body is fubjeft unto feveral little Kings 
 Lords, who (for the mof\ pirt) are tributary to the Great T«r(', i\ 
 Emperor of Morocco. Sime places are govera'd in Form of Indepcndc 
 Commonwealths-, and cihcrsarc without any kind of Government, 
 Order amons thcni. 
 IRcltgioiu] The Aeligion piofefs^d bvtrc \\iv<\ge. Tnh:ibitant.j.of J 
 Country, is that of Mahometanijm ^ but many of em are funk into | 
 grofTed Stupidity as to Religious Matters, either not knowing what tJ 
 profefs, or profelfing as good as none at all. Here are feveral Jews fcj 
 ler'd up and down in thofe Places beff inhabited. The Chrijtian M 
 was firft planted in this Cour.try much about tiie fame time with Ei 
 ^Mry, Of w'^'-^h already. 
;rt 11. 
 Concerning ^ilflta, or the Defart. 
 di m. 
 lCbc<.vccn5 °' °°l.of Long. C^ Length from W to E. is a- 
 IV c 50 ooj •/ 3 > "'^" ^54^ Miles. 
 ^■of Latir "^^C^^eadrh tromN. to S. 
 bout 330 Miles. 
 IS a- 
 pYjclif^ Vmvsyfitil 
 pifity or the Defart, 
 comprehends the, 
 Provinces of 
 \B.ndia — 
 Letnpta — 
 From W. to E.,'] ^ Aara [a part of ancient Lyb'ui, the Sea^of the Getuli and 
 X ^ Gar tm,:ntes'^ now bounded on the Ealt by pare of Egypt 
 y KuhJa ^ on (he Weft by the vjft Atlanticl: Ocean ; on the North by 
 fMgerJd, and on the South by Negroe-land] is cenn'd by the Jtalianf^ •, by tlie Spaniards^ Zaarao Ikfierto -^ by the French, Zahara on 
 \M.irt, by the Germans, Zaara^ or M^j//"-, and by the Etiglij}), Zaara, 
 ahe Defart -y (ijcall'd by the Arahmm, (the Name fignitying a DefurPj 
 kmk 'tis a C unrry very barren, and thinly inh..biced. 
 %iv,^ The Air of this Country is much the fame as in BilJulgerid, 
 cnly ahrrle more hot, but very vvhoi:on.e to brcache in- The opp' fite 
 Place of the Globe to Zaarn, is that pare of Mare del Zur^ and Mare 
 l\icipenm, lying between 182 and 243 Degrees of Longitude, with 21 
 and 28 Dcj^rees ot South Latiiude. 
 Spoil*] This Country lyingin the 7,^ and 4''' North Climate) being 
 gener.illy very dry and landy, is not fertile either for Corn or Fruits -, 
 yea, 'tis generally fo baricn, that its Inhabitants can hardly live. Such 
 are thofe vaft Defarts, and terrible Mountains of Sand in this Country, 
 that Travellers are frequently reduc'd to great Extremities, being liable 
 either to be overwhelm d wiih the Sand, (if a Tempcft of VVind arile) 
 cr to perifli with Thirft if it chance not to Rain. To prevent the laftof 
 tilde (the firft being unavoidable in cafe of Wind) they commonly 
 kill one of their Cameb, and drink the Water in his Sconiach \ thofe 
 J . »t. 
 Crejrurff txk\n^ \\\ fo Urge a quantity at ono tim^, a? fufficeth Nature 
 tor tourtcen or fitrccn Days together. The longeft Day in the Norths 
 niofl Part, is about i^ Hours and a quarter-, the fliorteft in the South] 
 mof), is lo Hours three quarters, and the Nights proportionably. 
 Commot)itirs,1 The Cf^mmodUies of this Coumtyare very inrinj 
 Cdcrable, they cluerty confifting in a few Camels, Dates, and Cattel. 
 l^atitics,] Nigh to C. B'].td^rc^ on vhe VVeflof ^^^4r<r, are cert i; 
 Banks of Sand flrcrching along that y:\n of the Coaft •, towards which ( 
 ftrong a Current fees in, that the Water being in a mighty agitation, 
 buh Waves and Sand mixing together, do not only refemble a boiljn 
 Salcpan, but aifo they frccjuently nijunt up to a prodigious heights 
 (2.) In the Dcf^rt of A)\i(\un^ are two Tombs with Infcri prions upo 
 *eni, importing that the Perfons rliere intcrr'd, were a rich Merclun 
 and a per Carrier, (who both dy'd of Thirfl) and the former had ^^ 
 \tn ten thoufand Ducats for one Cruife of Water. (5 ) North of Q^\ 
 are lume Velligui of the ancient Cyrene^ the chief City of Lybia Ont 
 ca^ and formerly one of the famjus Fentapotis. 
 32Ci;t)l(IiupncI;0, &c.J Aycbhipj'pncl^s ^ Eifl^opYk^s^ Vnhcrfiu\ 
 ^AnnzttJ] The Inhabitants of this Country, being m.offly Ay A 
 are an ignorant, brurifh, and favjge kind of i'cople, rcfembling rathj 
 ivild Bt-iih thin raci-nal Creatures. 
 ilangtjacTC.^ Wli.^r xvis Gid of x\\c L.iniUAge fpokcn bv the Nativj 
 &{■ Hildulicnd^ riie iiuTJc may bcafyirni'doi f6«f romr.i in'y usd mq 
 Councry, i/~. its as rude and bjrbjrcus as they whofpeak it. 
 (Jr*oViCntmcnt.'] Thi- j?rear Country is fubie^^ to frvcral p^rliciii 
 lords, whom they icrm Xcqucs -^ hw- many ot rh-rni wander upi 
 down , hunting in great. CompinicG , accounting tlicmfdves indfP| 
 '^tws j 
 KKcJiffjot!,] Thi? Country being ftr.lct -virh .1r,?3.f, the only KcuX 
 licre profcfs'd. it> thai .'.(' Mih-)U]^t's-^ bur to ijarbircus:iiKi brutilh \A 
 j^ciicrafirytjf tins I'c-.-plc, tlvu many vA \m live \vit!;Out the Icafl rig!i[ 
 £\chgi()Li amon^^ tlicm. The Chrijiiun l.iith was t n;*c planted here, 
 quite c:;u:r!nin>iied to.v.u'cis the bcjjinirn- ct the Eijuh Century. 
Part Hi 
 Ificeth Niturc 
 n the NortaJ 
 in the South 
 re very inrin« 
 and Cane! 
 tKrf, arc certi; 
 wards which \i 
 »hry agitation! 
 :mble a boilinl 
 ligious heightil 
 [criptions up^f 
 rich Merchant 
 ; former had 
 North of 0.vA 
 i Lybia C)r^Mi 
 Part II. 
 SECT. V, 
 Concerning the Land of the Negroes, 
 d. m« 
 between {°° J°^ofLong. 
 ■ of Latic. 
 ? Length from E. to W. is a- 
 bout 2280 Miles. 
 o/:^Breadtli from N. to S. is a^ 
 £ J bout 600 Miles. 
 he Land oftheNe 
 ^Genohoa — ^ 
 Gelata — 
 Tombut — 
 Agades — - 
 Cano— — 
 Cajjena — 
 Itl.c Provixices ot 
 |ng mollly Au^^ 
 ■cfembHng rat' 
 ^Idem . 
 Idem- — 
 Idem- — 
 Idem' — ^- 
 Idem V 
 Idem — 
 Idem — 
 From W. to E. up- 
 on the North of 
 the A'/^er, 
 From W. to E. up- 
 on tl-.e South of 
 the A'ker. 
 {^Zavfara- j 
 ■nbv t^^cNativ|gg|-j^gg ^j^^^^ 1^ ^1^^ Countrv of the Jahfcs upon the Mouth of the 
 lame,] f^Egroe-lavJ^ or Land of the 'Scgrocs, ("unknown to the An- 
 frveral p^rtid 
 1]\ cienrs, and bounded on the Eaii by Kubht-^ on ihe 
 h mnder "P^feft by part of the JlLintick Ocean on the North by Zaura ; and on 
 liifclves ^^^^V-WSoMth by Guinea) is term'd by the It dliuns, Facf^ Hi Mori:, by the 
 imi.irds, T'lerra de los l^egros -^ by t\\t Vrercb^ Fays dcs Kj^res -^ by 
 Germans, Morenland ^ and by the Englijl^y Seg^oi^-land^ or Yhi Land 
 \k Negroes ^ fo call d eitlier from the vCulour oiits Inhabitants, or rhe 
 ^er Niger, 
 rhc only P^<' 
 hid brutilhib: 
 u the k-aO (\g\ 
 tpidutvd here, 
 \\\ Ccatury. 
 lit^'^ The /I?rof this Counrry is ve>y warm, yet gen; rally efkem'd 
 kvhol^lome fo b'-i.^'^e in, that Tick Perlbno are reported to be l-trcuj-ht 
 ther rom fever c i -^ he adjacent Countries^ and upon their liay in 
 :r any coniidcrable time, arepcrfeftly reftor'd to their former lleakh. 
 : opp.ifue F'iace of the Globe to Ne^rot^'lard^ uparc of the Well A- 
 '. ii 
 526 'Fegroe-Land. Part 
 mencan Ocean, lying between 180 and 220 Degrees of Longitude, wi 
 10 and 23 Degrees of Southern Latitude, 
 ^odO The Soil of this Country, lying in the 2** and g** Nor 
 Climate) is very rich, efpecially towards the River A'/^er, which ov< 
 flows a confidcrablc part thereof, as the Kile doth Egypt* Here is gr^ 
 (lore of Corn and Cartel, and variety of Herbs. Here are ma( 
 Woods, and thofe well furnifli'd with Elephants , and other Eejf 
 both wild and tame. Here alfoare feveral Mountains, and thofc rich 
 lin'd with valuable Mines of Silver and Gold. The longefl Day in tj 
 Northmoft part of this Country, isabont 13 Hours and a quarter; rj 
 Ihorteft in the Southmoft is 1 1 Hours and a quarter j and the Nigt 
 CommoTJttiCS.] The chief Commodities of this Country, 
 Oflridge-Feathers, Gums, Amber, Gold, red Wood, Civtt, and EJ 
 phants Teeth, fyc. 
 ISartticsO In Jfuala (a little Kingdom in the Country of the JukfA 
 is a fm^li River, call'd by the Franks^ B<io de la Grace t, oppolice 
 whofe Mouth is a confiderable Bank of Sand, out of which there , 
 fueth, at low Water, a gentle Stream of curious freOi Wiitcr, nioft pie 
 fant to the Tafte. (2.) Next to Sanyertg (a Village in the fame Cou, 
 rry) is a Well of ten bathom depth, whofe Water is naturally fo vel 
 fweet, that in tarte it comes nothing fhort of ordinary Sugar, fg.) L 
 the Province of Gago^ the fandy Defart is of fuch a nature, that Hw 
 man Bodies laid in the fame, (for many Perfons perilh in endcavourii 
 to crofs it) don't in the Icaft corrupt, but become hard like the E^ 
 tian Mummies. 
 2|Itcl;biO[)Ot)ncUi6, &:c.] ArchbtfmpYu\s ^ BiJJjoprichs , Vnlverlitic^ 
 ^^aitncrs.] The Kegms (having their Denomination from the blacli 
 nefsof their Complexion) are a People very ignor3nr in all Artsar 
 Sciences. In Behaviour extremely rude and barb-irous, niuiJi ^:,iven 
 Luxury, addifted to beaflly Plcalures, and tniverfiilly great Idclaier 
 In the Maritime places they trade in Slaves with the Europeans, id' 
 to them not only what Captives they take in V/ars with one another, by 
 alfo (many times) their ncaref\ Relations, even Wives and Children nc 
 ilnnguagcO In this vart Country there are vivk^y oi Lan^^^a 
 and very different tjrcm one another. The principal of which, are [ii| 
 Sargai and Citber j that ot QuaUta^ and what they crdiuarily ufe 11 
 Dgitude, wi 
 and ^^ Nor. 
 ", vvhich ove^ 
 Here is gr^ 
 ere arc mai 
 other Eeal 
 id thofc rict 
 :ft Day in tj 
 a quarter; rj 
 id the Nigli 
 Country , 
 VLty and El 
 )f the Jukfn 
 f, oppofjte 
 'iiich there 
 tcr, nioft pi 
 he fame Coui 
 iturally fo vei 
 ugar. (5.) 
 ure, that Hb- 
 ike the E^^^ 
 j jt II. t^egroe-Lajid. 527 
 0r(ty In the Country of the Jfalofesy are thofe call'd by the Names 
 ?/ff) and Timna j the firfl being a Language that's exircamly rough 
 ijfoniinciation, and hard tc be learn'd ; but the other is generally 
 Wd very fweet and eafie. 
 koDcnimcnt.] This fpacinus Country is fubjeft to many King*, who 
 jbfolucc over their own Territories-, but all, or mofl of 'em are tri- 
 jry to one Sovereign, vir. TheKing of T^mbute^ who is reckon'dthe 
 [ftpowcrCul ot 'cm all. Next to him are MMdwg')^ 0'.?^i,and Cam, 
 EcUgiciu] The numerous Inhabitants of this vaft Country, arc ei- 
 'yuUmetans^ or grofs Idolaters-, and lome in the Midland Provin- 
 ve without any fign of Religion or Worfliip among them. A faint 
 "viedge of the Mojukd Law, was once introduc'd into fome parts of 
 p land j and the Marabouts of Cambea and Caffan give flill a con- 
 j Account of the Hiflortcal Part of the OldTejl.itnent. They ac- 
 jwledgethc Exiftence of One God, andnevei adore him under any 
 iporeal Reprefentation, They alfo own ourBlefTed Saviour as a migh- 
 jPrpher, and Worker of Miracles. They generally ufe Circumcifion 
 liilier Mahometans do. ChrijUanity got once feme footing in thefe 
 liof the World, but was wholly over-clouded by AIahomePani[m, iQ' 
 ids the middle of the Tenth Century. 
 rom the blacky 
 all Artsar 
 iiUi:h ;:,iven 
 rcat Idclaier 
 }peans^ id'n 
 ". another, bi 
 Children nc 
 '•• li 
 of Lm^^.ti;:\ 
 hich, aret! 
 iuarily ufe i 
 'art I 
 Concerning iStlUtcn. 
 d. m. 
 ? ^Cbetvveenf "' '=°\oi Long. ")% i^'??^] f'°'" "■';," £■ 
 ii J c 5^ 003 C 3 </ '?^° Miles. 
 w (^ in 40 J J .S C oouc 560 Miles. 
 The Coafls of At^degHette- 
 .- Tiwan- 
 (* IvoryCoa(\,V/. ( S ] T^^^o 
 l^Goii Coait, fc- \ 2 J S*Georgede Mina 
 > W. to E 
 S^The Kingdom ofBinhi- 
 /^ Vmccu 
 "unknown tr> the Ancients, and properly a 
 of KegrcC'land ., now bounded on tlie Ealt by pare of 
 thioplu Exterior ; on the Weft by Tome of the vaft Atlanikk Ocean;] 
 ihe North by Kegroc-land'^ and on the South by part of the Ethh 
 Ocean] u term'd by the Italians and Spaitiards, Omned •, by the f>4 
 and Germans^ Giiitiee-, and by the EngUp}^ Guinea-^ lo call'd (js 
 imagine) from the Nature of the Soil, and eKceSfivc Hcac of the Cc 
 try, the Name fi^nifying JJot and Dry, 
 '.i ■ 
 *lttr.] The Air of this Country is extremely hot, and very unw 
 fome, efpeciaily to Strangers, with whom \i ih difagreech, that 1 
 Jive but a Ihort time after their Arrival in it. The oppofite place ut 
 Globe to G/</;ie*r, is that part of Nerv Gkinct^ and adjacent Ocean 
 tween 186 and 210 Degrees of Longitude, with 4 and 11 Degrees 
 Sjuthern Laiitude. 
 ^oi!«] The .So/7 in many Places is wonderful fertile, prod 
 di the choiceft of Grai^^ and Fruit. This C'-'Untry is \i 
 ifor'd wit!i Elephants, wholf: Teeth bring great Gain to the Iiij 
 bitants, when cicher fijid or bartei'd for other Goods of th^fc >j 
 chants who trade with them. Here alio are ieverai inc.s;iaafi!| 
 W. to E. 
 ) Miles. 
 hN. toS. ii 
 - >W. toEl 
 roperly a 
 by par: o£ 
 kk Ocean;] 
 the Ethi- 
 by the f>4 
 caird (as ' 
 at of che Coi 
 TtlL Guinea. 529 
 Lot Gold ; and in many of Irs Rivers are found fome Pearls of 
 Jvilue, with abundance of Gold Duft. The iongeft Day in the 
 Arnold I'art is about 12 Hours and three quarteis^ the rtiorteft in 
 [xjuchmoll II Hours and three quarters j and ihe Nights proportio- 
 very unwhd 
 ch, that ni^ 
 ite place ot 
 ;ent Ocean 
 II Degrees 
 ;oinmot)ttics/] The chief Commodities oi this Country, are Gold, 
 k, H'des, Wax, Amber-Gris, Guinea-Tepper, Red Wood, 
 irittcs.] Soimpetunus is the Current ot [ik da V'oka^ that tlie 
 tor abrjut a Mile near the place where the River dilgorgeth it (elf, 
 iiw.iysof a \vhir.ih Colour, and is faid to have a fweetifh Tafte 
 [iniJi ten Fathcms deep, (2) In fcrveral partf of Guhwii grows a 
 Tree, (commoniy calld Migr.oioJ which having an inciri:,u 
 |; in its Body, doth yield an excellent ( iquor ot much rcquefl among 
 I'utives •, proving to them more pleafanr, ftron^, and nounihing, 
 |[he choiceft of Wines. ( ;?.) In fcvcral InUnd Provinces of Guinea j 
 |(he Countries adjacent, isiomctuTits lecn that rcmarka' leCnature, 
 liiSuViige by the Fortuguexc^ [and by the Natives, si^nia jVliirow^^ 
 \w}\\ ufually found in Angola^ fund there call d Ourarg Outangj from 
 rceone was lately bnught to Ehjr.nd^ and view'd by iMultiru-'es of 
 |:c at London. Such Creatures walk trtqucntly uv^ri^hr as ci- at 
 Jr limes, on all four*, and fo near is their rcfemblance to Human 
 I tlut many of the f^egroes either take them for real Men, inu- 
 j that by long crntinuance in the Woods they're become D^'W)- 
 |i), or look upon them as the fpurious llTue of unnatural Commix- 
 y Some of our Modern Travellers would fain perfuade the World, 
 ph Creatures are the genu iii Off (pring, either of the ancient Su- 
 \)\y)gmies, (o famous among the Poets, and ib frequently men- 
 Id by /'//«;', (who fp:ke much f,>f them by i:ear-lay.) Eut otlurs, 
 niore fhcw of Probability, do reckon them Specifically the fame 
 ic Ji'cs of BorneOy already niencion'd, p^tge 508. t-or a full and 
 Uiory Account of this remarkable Creature, with a nice Exami- 
 [noi the various Conjerturcs about it, 1 refer the Reader to a 
 Uur Treatife on that Subjtti^ lately publiOicd by the Learned 
 (IjbliljCpiicUs, &c.] Archbifjopricks, Bi/Jjopyiil^s y Vnwerfitks, 
 <1 I 
 I ' 
 ertiie, proil 
 uatry is •uiictG.j The Natives oi this Country arc great Idolaters, 
 to the liiB'iuperltitious , and much f;.vcn to fiealing. in Complexion 
 t of the bUckeft fore , and moil cf 'em walk auitc naked 
 of th-ic i 
♦ 1 
 55<^ Guinea. Part 
 without the /cafl (hamc. Some of *em on the ScaCoafts are givpni 
 Trading , and underftand Commerce tolerably well : But geneJ 
 they're a cheating, proud, lazy, and fluttifhkind of People. ReJi,, 
 able is one fundamental Law (or rather an ancient Cuftom)am4 
 fome People upon the Huaquii-Coitfi , r/:^. That every Fcrfon isi 
 liged to betake himfelf to the fame Trade or Employment, which 
 Forefathers have folloiv'd. Upon the Death of a Husband in thcKii 
 dom of Benw^ the Widow becomes wliolly fubjeft to her own Son 
 any) and may be reckon'd among his number cf Slaves ^ only with' 
 difference,' that fhe can't be lold without leave obrain'd from theimj 
 diatc Prince of the Country where they live. To kill a confidcrableni 
 ber of Slaves at the Funeral of any great Perfon, was a Cuftom (almj 
 univerfal through all Pagan Countries, and particularly here, buc nil 
 worn out in thefe latter Ages. 
 3Lansttagc«] The chSti Language in this Country, is thxt calFd 
 gx't, which is alfo underftood and fpokcn in fevcral adjacent Cnun^ 
 particularly Tombut and Mdlh Of the fevcral Tongues in ufe upon! 
 Golden-Coafl^ that of the Acanifies is mofl univerfal •, being current ali 
 all Guinea over, except Anten^ Acara^ Ningo, and Sinco, which have k, 
 their particular Dialefts. The Trading part of 'cm underftand and fj 
 dPoberiimcitt.] This Country owncth Subjeftion to f everal Sovereif 
 the chief of whom is ordinarily ftil'd the Emperor of Guinea^ to w| 
 divers other Kings and Princes are fubjeft. Next to him is the Kinj 
 Benhy who is cfteem'd a powerful Prince, having feveral States fuM 
 and tributary unto him. 
 iBeliSton* 1 Pag^^nijm is the Religion of this Country, the Profci 
 whereof is attended with many ridiculous SuperHitions \ and in (1 
 places on thaGolden-CoaJf, that Diabolical Cuftom of offering up 
 man Sacrifices is iWli in ufe, but not lo current as formerly. The Pi 
 gorean Opinion (embrac'd by a great part of the Heathen World) pra 
 mightily here. Thole of the Kingdom of Benin do own a SupreamB^ 
 whom they call by the Name ot Otifa^ acknowledging him as theCrj 
 of Heaven and Earthy but think it ncedicfs to ferve him, bccaule 
 they) he btitig itifinicely Good, will be fure not to hurt them, 
 the very contrary Account, tlieyVe very careful in paying their I 
 lions, and cff^'ring Sacrifices to the Devil, or fome badSpirit,| 
 they think is the Caufe of all their Calamities. They likewife 
 up a ye.irly Sacritice to she Sea, rcckoaiog thereby to appcafe the^ 
Ipjrtll. Guinea. 331 
 Ud procure calm and peaceable Weather; In federal othct parts of 
 cis Country, are neither Idol nor Temple, and many of the People 
 M to entertain but very (lender hopes of a future State ; and wholly 
 L the Refurreftion of the Body, except thofe who are kill'd in the 
 tjfj. Which Exception hath been undoubtedly inculcated upon *em 
 vfome of their Princes, and that 'tis very probable, out of a Political 
 ■T I i 
 ■ <'^A ',' i 
 Concerning jOtlbUl 
 *^ \ between 
 d. m. 
 \1 00 
 57 oo 
 ^ >of Long. \ g ^ • ■ 
 • ^ /becwcen-j J^ ^^^ 
 fo ^ ^ 25 00 
 is about 840 Miles. 
 b CI 
 r' ' 
 Us ^ 
 ("North — ~ — 
 Kv.h'm I 
 •chc River A'w^z, chief Towns are 
 ipaaiic/] "V T'o'3m [know.i formerly under the fame Name ; andij 
 iN bounded on che Eaft by part of Ethiopia /'xit-rki 
 the \Vf:i\ b\> ^ aura and Kcgne-lui,.' , on the Noreh by Pgypt and pjrf 
 UUdulgCYhi^ and on the S:.>uth bv Eth'rp'n InUrir^r'] is tcrrn'd by t'sej 
 lians dtid Spatuardi, l^Htiit-, by the f'M'rr^', Nub'ie:. by {ht Gemiati^^ 
 b'tcn^ and by tlie Eng!tfl.\ Kuhiu \ fo calld from its aiicienr li/'^abiul 
 ihe Kubi or Kub'ii^ or (arcording to orhersj the finbAc^£ and A':^ 
 and finally fome would iti ^4anlc from NrnibLi, (once) chc Qp 
 City of the whole Country. 
 ^tr.^ The A*/*- of this Country is cvrry-whcrr' eycrer.clv hor, ir| 
 mg feld/.m qualified with Showt.:- of Rain. 1 he f ppofr.e place cf 
 Globe to Nuhi.j^ i^ p-:rt v '• ''■^ay i/e! >:;,», jyinj^ between ?. :o and 24. 
 grcesof Longiiude, with 9 Jiid 25 Dcc^rtes of Southern Laiicudc 
 ^Ollv] The Soil of tills Country (it lying in the 2'^ and 5'^ NJ 
 Climate is faid to be very fertile in tho/b Par^s adjactnt to thel'j 
 A'/'?i but clfewhcre 'ris generally vtry barren, Ixinj^ cumbered 
 manyformid' jIc Mounra:nM">f 5and. Htrre is ^ood firre c.f r-^hyli 
 tornc Sugar-Cancs, nnd (j.s fevcral rcforr) a few Mines of G'.ld. 
 longcfl Day in the Norrhnioli Tarts, is about 1:5 Hours and hJf;, 
 lliorrcff in the Southmofi, i J Houjs and half, and tliC Nij^htc yr; 
 he a lb 
 U ^^' 
 [iCfl hi!! 
 Furs, c. 
 if^^d in 
 liheif 1 
 CoinmoDinc0*] The chief C-'mm)c::t''?i of t'ut ^'UDtry^ zk 
 C'ver^ i'l'-^ar, fvcry^ Arms^ ^ti. 
 ^ N- F- to S.I 
 ?4o Miles. 
 'iTi F.. to VV. ij 
 vns are 
 ;Namc; and I 
 i'iput i'Xit:Yh 
 Pgyl't and pir 
 rcrrn'd by tliej 
 rhe Germam^ 
 icienr lir'^3hia| 
 .r^d? arid Ncbd 
 (once) the 0: 
 •en;c!v hor, ir| 
 )U.c place ct' 
 7. :o and 24-. 
 ri i-Jiicudc 
 y' and 5' N 
 act nt to thei' 
 ij^ (.umbered; 
 ■ore of RIc'i'lij 
 's of G';ld. 
 :s 'itld llu'f; 
 :nrry^ arc 
 ft II. 
 |^;.\ritiC6.] In divers parts of Nubht are ftill extant the Ruins o£ 
 Chriltian Churches, (beini;^ reckon'd one hundred and fifty in all) 
 [^feveral Piflures of our Elelfed Saviour, the Vir^'Jn jytary, and many 
 (its. Mofl ohfervable is that ftrange fubtle Poifon produced in this 
 [0)', one Grain thereof being able to kill ten Men in a quarter of an 
 ijr. It's commonly fold at an hundred Ducats an Ounce, but never 
 Mgcrs, unlefs they promife by Oath not to ufe it in thefe Parts of 
 World. RemarJwble is this Country for being the Birth-place of the 
 |ious SHbhn Geographer. 
 h:cljbi(f)OpvtcU0v Scc.] Aychb'ifhoprklis ^ B}(J}Oprklis , Vmverfipks* 
 ItBamwro.] The Nubians (of a Colour extraordinary Black) are faid 
 Leirtronp, courageous, and cunning fort of People, much given to 
 j;r, very laborious, and manv of 'cm exceeding wealthy, there being 
 lijiini'd a confiderable Tratfick between them and the Merchants oi 
 y Cair in E^)pt, 
 UitquagcO The Nubianf have a particular Language of their own," 
 iich hi?'h r vc affinity with the Arabkli^ and Chaldean t, as alfo fome 
 leiutrf ■' ae old £^;p/ /.in Tongue. 
 p^^jcnimcut,] This Country is govern'd by Its own independenc 
 ,^, is faid to be a very powerful Prince. One of hi> Predc- 
 fnrs, call'd Cyriacw, upon Information of the Chriftians t>eingcp- 
 if^d in Egyptf is reported to have raised one hundred thoufand Horfc 
 their relief. 
 ileUsiou.] This fpicious Countrv was once Chriflian ; but chc Mini- 
 tailing, the Iiihal '.'I'Drs, for want of Pallors, fcllolfl itomChrifiia' 
 , jnd in proccfu >'" Tinir became either ilrift ^./^JwWff^tib- or ^'K)/> 
 liters. The Co\i^\ .'' v •• Blcjied Gofpel did reach the Nubi ix, and 
 cordijilly recciv'd by \.\r\ jn the earlieft Ages of the Churdi. 
 '1 3 
 ,1' > 'I' ' .( >; 
 If I 
 i /■ m 
 ': i^ ■ 
 Concerning CtfjIOpii!* 
 d. m* 
 between^ f | ^°}°^ ^*"S- Sl 
 between! II °° |of Latit. ^| 
 Length from N. E. to S. 
 is about 5600 Miles. 
 Breadth fromW. to E. is| 
 bput 2180 Miles. 
 It being divided into Ethiopia< 
 '^Barnagajj'o — "^ 
 'f Interior compre 
 hcnds many^ Fatig^ 
 Provinces, the j Angote - 
 chief of which Amur a 
 j BelegHati^e--' 
 l^Bagamedri — ^ 
 >"» « 
 King' J Loango- 
 doms of p row^i — 
 Empires riWonopmkn^/ ' o 
 of \MonQmotapa f^ 
 Dobas — . 
 J Idem") 
 ^ Idem /" 
 Idem — 
 ridem — ^ 
 Idem — 
 Idem •— 
 . CamHY- — 
 *^. Idem — 
 CojoU — 
 Aklinda - 
 Erava. — 
 .N. to S. 
 ■S. toN, 
 '/N. to S. 
 J;- tllcW. 
 S. of i| 
 Ah^lfm. I N. on [j 
 E. of tf 
 THIS vaft Complex Body being generally confidercd, as divid( 
 into thcfe two ClalTes, vj^. Upper and LovFcr ^ or rather tthi.^ 
 Intsr'm 2nd Exterior : 1 Ihall feparately treat of them both. Then 
 I' I 
 ; i 
 \, \ . Ethiopia hiterior^ or the Land of the AhyJJins, 
 ,C,] TpHIS Country [badly known to the Ancients, and now 
 JL bounded on the North by Nubia-, on the Eaft, Weft, and 
 ^th, by Ethiopia Exterior~] is term'd by the Jtaliatrs and Spaniards^ 
 |nii j by the French, I' Empire des Ab)ffins 5 by the Germans, Abyf- 
 i; and by the Englifh, Ethiopia Interior ^ or the Land of the AbyiTms. 
 IjCaird Interior, becaufe of its Situation, in refpeft of the other £- 
 [u, being encompafs'd bv the fame on three fides -, and AbyfJiMa^ 
 er from the River Abai^ or its Inhabitants, whom the Arabians call 
 ^j|)i, a People once rcfiding in Arabia t'jtlix. The Name in the E^yp- 
 I Language fignifieth fcattered Nations, 
 ljir»] This Country being wholly within the Torrid Zone, Xt^Air is 
 lerilly very hot, bur yet in f me Valleys extremely cool and tempe- 
 [e; by reafon of the many and prodigious high Mountains, fo ficuated 
 Jiivers Place?, that at certain times of the Year they intercept the 
 t beams from low Valleys lying between them. The oppofite place 
 [[he Globe to the Land of the Abyfjins, is part of M<tre del Zur, and 
 fir? racificum, lyine between 21 $ and 252 Degrees of Longitude, with 
 |;and 25 Degrees ot Southern Latitude. 
 l^otM The Soiloi this Country (it lying in the i'\ 2**, g** North, 
 ,ft^ 2'', ?*^ South Climate) is very different ; for in fome Places ad- 
 pt to the numerous Branches of the A'/'/e, the Ground is fit to pro- 
 ice m ft forts of Grain, Fruits, and Herbs, in great plenty ^ but in 
 p that are mountainous and remote from the Nile, nothing is to be 
 b, but vaft Defercs, fandy Mountains, and formidable Rocks. This 
 Imdisaifo faid to produce great ftore of Siigar-Cancs, Mines of Ironj 
 hreac quantity of F'ax, and plenty of Vines ^ but the Inhabitants eithci 
 BOA' nor, or care nor to mjke ufe of thcfe things to any confiderable 
 hiuage. The longeft Day in the Northmoft Part., is about 13 Hours 
 k(l hah^ the fiiorteft ia the Southmoft, 10 Hours and half, and the 
 Mits proportionably. 
 ConimotJittcc*] The chief Ccmwodit'ies of this Country , are 
 told, Metals, lome Gem?, Corn, Cattle, Salt, Flax, Wines, Sugar* 
 Waiitjco.] Many are the Natural Silt-Pits of excellent Rock- 
 i: in this Country -, and in the Confines of Vancala and Tigra, 
 Ao adjacent Kingdoms ) is a large Plain, of f^ur Days Journey, 
 Z 4 
 i i 
 i' , ih If 
 ' "li 
 ii . 

 t i \ 
 Ethiof/ta. Par 
 one fide whereof is entirely crufled over with pure whire Sa!r, v 
 •ferves the Inhabitants of the Country, both far and ncir ; 
 hundreds of Camels, Ailes, and Mules, being daily employ- 
 tarrying of if. (2) In the Mounrains oi Gnjame, is a pjeat nj 
 hollow Rock, oppofite co vvh'ch is another, fo fituared, that 
 cording to Travellers Accounts of thofe Parts) a Word 
 whifpered on its top, is heard at a confidcrabie diftanco; and 
 )oint Voircs of fevcral Perfons fpeaking at once, appear as loui 
 n great Shout of a numcious Army. (3.) Of the many Chri 
 Temples in this vaft Empire, there are ten (lately ones 
 of the firm Rock, which arc reported to have been all perfe(>e 
 twcnty four Years ^ and each of 'em are faid to be proportir-n 
 in all its parrs •, with Gates and Windows in a rnoft regular i 
 ner : For the Jchncgraphy of one of ihofe Temples, Vid. Cmmi 
 y. Ludnlphi in NifinrhAm fuam Ethiopicatn^ lib. 2. cap. $. page i 
 (4.) In feveral i,akes of this Country, and the River A'/7e, is 
 quently fcen that amphibious Creature, call'd by the Etbir^i^^l^Ani 
 BibM \ and Hippopotami^ by the Gnek,^^ becaufe of its havin;; loj^^'^^y 
 refemblance to a Hcife in feveral parts of the Body. This is 
 Creature which gees by the Name of Behemoth in the Book 01 
 according to the Lcarnc-d Uoih.irtw [De Anhnal'iha^ S. S. Part 2. 
 j^.J who therein diitcis extreamly from the Vulgar and (form 
 recciv'd ) Opinion in this matter. ( 5. ) In other Lakes and Riv 
 is Ibmetimes taken the Ihpit h'ijh^ whofe Nature is fucfi, that i 
 Vcrlon only touch it , he^s fuddcnlv fcizd with an exceffivc C 
 and Trembling. The Natives arc fuid to allay the violent Heat 
 burning Fevers by tcucb.ins; the Patient therewith. (6.) Of tMUn^U 
 many curious Birds in this Country, the Pipis is moft cbfervabB'i the 
 as being the ready Conduftor of Hunters to find out their Gan 
 for having dilcovci'd any Eeafi in his lurking place, he's faid r:> 
 towards the Hui.ciine;!, and ca'Iing inceiiantlv Fjiiton Kctre^ (> hi 
 imports that th.y fticu d tolluw jiim ; he tiles fofily betbre the 
 and is furc to ccndud tlu'm to their dc fired Prey. (7.) Great is: 
 variety ot ftrans^c Animals to be t^ren in various Provinces oi this v 
 I':.<npire 3 the nj';fl n- red cf which aie ihefe three, /////, Tit 
 Creature commonly calld bv tl;c Native?, ArwehavH j [and by tl 
 Ar\wi-^ ILiYijh or H.<rfhi:?}''] which luih one long Horn in its ff. 
 hcvid : Whereupon Icme conrkidc, il;at this is the famous Unirc 
 of the AiKicnth, SeconJly^ Tlie C.wcIeopArd-^ (To term'd frcm I 
 vin;; a Head and a Neck like a CjhuI, and a fpotted Body as a Icj 
 pard ) which is laid to h.;vc f.> lonii^ ' c^?, tli^Jt a Man mounted 
 an ordinary Hoilc, may cJhly pafi under his Belly, without fo 
 as toucliing him, Lu;//|, fjie ^ecnya^ which \l generally rccM] 
 the m()fl cor?>.:ly Crc.aure i/f all (Quadrupeds whatfucver. 
 J particu'iir Accuunc (.f chel'j, und many more in ihib Ciunn 
 •' tl 
 Hid as I 
 tog 'al 
 'e ini 
 pre ; 
 ,v o'hJ 
 tc ((he 
 is th( 
 , Tha 
 In, 1 
 Vi '^ r 
 :d as 
 lito ' 
 \ I 
 \lLudo^l>hus above-menrioti'd , IJ^. I. C^iP. 10. And the Ic.jrncd 
 }tus his /-/ifrczoicun, Fjrt i. Lib, ^ To thcfc Rarities oi ihti'c 
 ,nrrv, i rni^'.ht here add the thrice famoui> Mountain of Am.ira, 
 I ch uu.-;;!!! indeed to lead rhc Van, rarher than bring up the H^ar, 
 ni, atcnrh pure if what hath bcin rel.iced of it, vvcre really true, 
 ,t''rthc Sabhaticjl Pyiver^ (mentioned both by rlhjy and Joi'cpLii^ 
 [-.■.liich forne (,i tiic ModcTn Jeivs wculd fain peiluadc tiie Worldj 
 ;ff now to be found in this Cuuntry, bein^^ tormcrlv faid to be in 
 \,'n) 'ris jufrly look d upon as one ot tiie many Ratbinic^l l-iUioriS 
 :n,i; them. 
 ?;r i)bilnoin-k!iG, &:c.] Although the ^^^jJj/L^i- allow of an Er- 
 i'licjl HiLr.Mchy in tiic Alcx.ind\iM Cl.uich, (v\lu)fe Kirriarch is 
 y as their Head) vet they don'r now admit of any other Order vi- 
 log 'em fupcrior C) thac of a Fresbjtcr, fave only their Abbur^i. 
 It^.iimciy.] The Inhabitants of this Cnunrry (being Perrons of 
 li.vny CJour ) are generally cfietm'd an ignorant , lazy , and 
 MJiUS fore of People ; no': to be credited unleis they fwear by 
 iile of tlieir Emperor. Oi f'Lveral ridiculous Cuftonis amon^ 
 , one is > That they gcncrah'y iiare a Smir'i as the Devil. 
 vk in 2r\i. about Ck.ixumo ^ are reckon'd the beft of the whole 
 Irire; divers of therm beinp, accounted very in-'enious , befides 
 Bv o'hers, who bet-ke themfclves to a dcvcuc and religious fore of 
 Il.incjuage. ] The Al^lfiiie Tcn-;u2 fc^^ms n hr-c fome ArTmity 
 •i rhe Hebrew and Ci}.;icLticli. it's divided into a great many Dii- 
 h ([\\c chief and mort Kiin'd of which, is the AmarisJ and thole 
 JiDditfcrenr [.anguages wirlii.*? the Limits of this Empire. Rcmarka-' 
 is the /4it/J/"/;t' Torgue for one (hing truly finguLir, and p:cu!iarro ir. 
 That \v;icrcas rhe letter A is reckon'd the firil, by the Ab}(Jir,cs 
 ccmmonly accounted the thirjecnch, aecoidiug co LuJolphus his 
 kovcvnnicir T'"'s Spacious Counciy is fubjeft to one Sov;,. 
 V fbl'd in (he Eihivpian Lnngunge, Sai^^ifi (which fi^nihc? 
 ti or Rii/cr ) orhcrways, N^gujelj A' ^ viVA*, i.e. Rex Re gum : As 
 (■the Enrof^'jn 1 ide ot Prener or rfeA>>ter JvfjHy that's now rec- 
 :d as one of the many vub',ar Eirois in tiie World. Ir's n nv 
 bjllv aj.^recd I'pon . That this /'ihi)pian Monarch fancicrh him- 
 I: to be iprung fr(^m Sjlomor nod M.-.quedii ^ (or Siz^aule^ acccrdini? 
 I? rf.'.'/Mj Queen ot ilie South. lleV. hid lu alL v,e a great many 
 4: i. 
 .•'1 "? w^ 
 vain and exorbirant Tirles, cxprefTing all thofe Provinces by Nj 
 comprehended within the Circuit of his Dominions ; and ftil 
 himfelf, The Beloved of (jod^ fprnn^ from the Steely of Judah : The 
 of David : The Son of Solomon : The Son of the Column o/Sioni 
 Son of the Seed of Jacob : The Son of the Hand of Mary : The sj 
 Nahu after the FUfh : The Son of St, Peter and Paul after the Sbi 
 ^c. His Government is altogether Defpoticai , his Sobjefts hi 
 treated as the woril ot Slaves. He is fo reverenced by the greatef 
 'em, that at his very Name chcy bow their Bodies, and touch 
 Ground vviih one ot their Finger?. The Empire doth not defccnc 
 the EldeftSon, but to him whom rhe father upon his Deathbed 
 be pleas'd to name. 
 2|lnns.l Ti:e y^'\yjjjne tmperorb, for EnHsins Armorial, bej 
 Lyon holding a CroJs, wiih the following Motto, '/'icit Leo de 
 iRatlties.] Within rhe Limits of this fpaciaus Empire, is a gj 
 mixture of People, a^ Pag:ins^ Jews^ and Mahometans^ of varj 
 Nations^ but the main Body of the Natives is Chrijiian. TJ 
 hold the written Word of God to be the only Rule of Faith \ 
 that the Canon of Holy Scripture confifts of Eighty five Bod 
 whereof Forty fix , they fay , are in the Old^ and thirty nine 
 the Nevp Teflament. They're not well acquainted with the Ap^j]i 
 Creed, but in lieu thereof do ufe the liicene, or rather Conftant'ml 
 tan. As to the grand Dodtrine of the Incarnation^ they're gene 
 ly Eut)chians, being formerly kd into that Detcftable Herefy, by! 
 cfcorw. Patriarch of Alexandria. In the Perfon of their Empel 
 they lodge the fupreme Authority in all Matter?, as well EccI 
 aOical as Civil • and do thereupon wholly deny the SupremacJ 
 she Bifliop of P.ome, allowing him indeed to be the tirft Pjcriaj 
 but cfteeming it Antichrillian in him, to pretend to a JurifdicJ 
 over the whole Church of ChrijU As they diiown the Pope'tj 
 premacy, fo alfo do they difclaim moft Poinrs of the PopiOi 
 ^rinc; particularly thofe of Tranjub'jiant'utttony Purgatory, Serxk\ 
 an uniinorvn Tongue, Auricular Ccnftjfi:n, hrittges in Churches, CeldA 
 the Clergy, ExtreamVn^ion, &;c» They make ule of different brj 
 in Bapiilm, and keep both S.itkrday and Sunday as Sabbath. TJ 
 punftually obfcrve Circumcifion, and abftain from eating oi S.vJ 
 hlefh, nor out of any regard to the Afofakk Law, but purely ail 
 Ancient Cuftom of their Country, They're much enclin'd to gij 
 of Alms, and vijfiting the Sick. Their Divine Service doth whj 
 confift m reading of the Holy Scriptures, Adminiflrations of 
 Euchariit,, and hearing fomc Homilies of the Fathers. ThcyreJ 
11, Ethiopia. 559 
 urch betimes, and never enter with their Shoes on, nor tic 
 unlefs upon the bare Ground. They caretully cbferve the 
 r,red Hours for Fublick Prayer, and perform that Duty with 
 Devotion. In a word , many ot the Abyjjines exprcfs in Ic- 
 refpcrits a deep Senle of Rehgion. For a particular Accounc 
 15 People, both as to their Rehgion and other Remarkable?, 
 I LMphus\ Ethiopkl^ Hiftory. The Roman Miffionaries did 
 vail about Seventy Years ago, that the Popiih Religion was 
 (0 have got lure hooting in this Empire •, for they had once 
 d (he Emperor and Court, and obtain'd a Proclamation in their 
 THir, enjoyning the whole Body of the People to embrace the 
 fiiie of the Roman Church. But the Ab)jfincs were fo loth 
 Lift with the Religion of their Forefathers, that the Emperor's 
 jvour to propaj^ate the Roman Faith, occafion'd many dreadful 
 leftions in his Empire j which could not be quell'd without 
 iing a Sea of Blood. Finding therefore his Endeavours to be 
 i;n, and dreading the Confequence of making any new Attempr, 
 iholly gave over the Defign^ and not only return'd to his for- 
 Belief himfelf, but alfo gave leave to all his Subjefts to do the 
 , And that he migfit regain the [almoft loH] Affedion of his 
 f, he forthwith banilhed out of his Dominions all Komun Miffiona- 
 ivhatfoever, together vviih Aipbonfo jyierde^y a Jel'uic, who having 
 confecratcd Patriarch of Ethiopia, at Lisbon, and approved by the 
 , had been honourably received by the Absjjine Emperor under chat 
 after, and rtfided at Court in a peaceable di (charge of his Oifice 
 i'cvcral Years. As for rhe plantation of CbriiVianity in this Country, 
 cojiltant Tradition among the Inhabirant?, that the Eunuch bip&i'd 
 %lip rhc Deacon, was Steward to the Emprefs of Ethiopia ^ and 
 upon his return he converted the Court and whole Empire to the 
 (lian Faith. But (following the Opinion of other?) this Councrv 
 defiitute of the BleiTed Goipel till the Fourth Century, when firlt: 
 ■yfted therein by Frumenthis^ (the Son of a Tyr'ian Merchant) who 
 confecrated Biihop by St. Athanafin^, and is commonly reckoned thn 
 Muna of this mighty Empire. 
 .. *. ■ 
 !,' '^i'-r "f\ 
 §*. 2. Ethiopia Exterior 
 line,] "Tp HIS Country (or rather a CcmplcK Body of fcvcral 
 J[ Countries, and thofc unknown to the Anciciits} is 
 ded on tne North by Ab)[fjni>ty on the Ealt, Well and South by 
 Ethiopich Ocean. Which Country , together with the Abjffihe 
 ire abovemcntion'd , is term'd by the Italians and Spaniards, 
 'l^if'i by the Irenih^ Ethiopie -. by il c Germany^ I'fhicpien-j and 
 1 ' ' 
 M ■;■ 
 ''■ -.1 
 El bio pi a. 
 :h. '1 
 h' . • 
 by the Eng!:fl.\ EthUpli ; f ) r.iH'd from aJ'^u, Vro, and <y'4, kJ 
 upon the accnunt of its exccirivc Hear, the grearcll pare thereof 
 in the Trrid Z-nc. This Fthi^fti is flil'd Exterior ^ bccaufe of it^ 
 tioD, in relpett -of t!ic ot'icr. 
 Utir.] ThisvaH Cxi v. comprehending feveral Kingdoms, Empj 
 and Soverei,?ntie5, and th )re mightily extended from South to Ai 
 can'c reafonably be fuppos'd to enjoy the fame Nature of Air i[ 
 its parts. In Biafna and Corgn^ 'tis extreamly hot and would 
 tolerable to the !nhabiranrs, were it not qualified in the firf 
 thefe Kingdoms, by dai'y Showers of Kain, and in the orhej 
 violent Winds, whicli frequcncfv blow from the Weftern Ocean.] 
 Monomotapa and Momemungi, as alfo the Coaih of Cafres^ the Air is i 
 more temperate ; in Zur)gnehur^ very unwhulfome ; and in AJAnl 
 AbeXy extreamly hor. The oppofite Place of the Glebe to Ethi 
 Exterior^ is thatpatof Afare del Zur^ lying between 210 and 25c 
 i^rees of Longicude ^ wich 10 Degrees South, and 2$ Degrees NJ 
 :^Cilv1 The various Divifions of this G^rear Body being {m, 
 in different Clinures, Crarcicularly the firlt, fecond, third Northi 
 and the nrli, fecond, third Southern) the .S'o// mull of neceifity be 
 differenr. B't fira is (aid to be lefs fertile rhan Covgo. The Empire 
 Afonvfiot.'xpj and Momemungi^ do produce abundrince of Grain, and 
 generally e/teem'd verv ht for raituraj'C. The other Divificns on the 
 and South Eaft o(rhe/i:';^(7z/;^y, arc for the moft parr, very barren i 
 forts of Grain, vet produfti'-'C en"u;>h of fome Sugar Cane;, fe 
 kinds of Fruit:, and Spices ; are alfo fisrnilh'd with fome confider; 
 Gold and Silver Mine?, and every vvliere abounding with Eleph.ant 
 Lyotis. So rich were thefe Mines found by the Fortuguer^e^ in 2d 
 /Mr, and feveral purrs of the Cafres^ that the Country about Sf 
 hath been lo )kt upon by fome Modern Geogr;!phers, as the miu: 
 troverted L^nd of OpLur. The longcft Day in the. Northmoft p]:;i| 
 1:5 Hours and an half; the lliortcff in the Southmoft, 9 Houisancr 
 quarters •, and the Nights prop jrcionably. 
 Comnio:)ttic£!,] The chief C''ww5^/7/ex of this Counrry, areG 
 Silver, f-.mber-Gns, fon.e Pearli and Mu.k^ Kicc, Mill, Catile^lini 
 Citrons, Ivory and Oyl, fyc, 
 IHantiCo,] Jr. the Kinc^dom of Angola is found the Q^v'u'i 
 row, chat remarkable Creature, cf whom already in OuifieUy i] 
 (2.) Moi\ ions ci Crearurc- in Congo are to be flen alfo in Ar, 
 particularly, a Serpen: (call ;! .■yinia by the Inhabitants of ^: 
[;tll. Ethiop'uL 341 
 llmhAmm.t by the Angohis ) which is reported ro be of fuch a pro- 
 [ij]5 bij;nefs, that lurs faid ta 1 wallow a voung Deer at one MorfcJ, 
 In divers Lakes of Angola^ i particularly thoie nt i;^{//;,z/f(? and Angn- 
 \) are frequently feen lome Water- Monilers, ternVd Ambifurgulo and 
 W"'i by ^^^ Natives-, but Euy'iKjvs ^ive them the Title ot Syrenes^ 
 hit Tvvhen taken) they fetcii heavy Si^hs, and cry with a dolorous 
 le ref>;rnbling very much the mournful, yet charmin^^ Voice of a 
 Ln. One fhnd of that remarkable Creature 1 have lately iccn in 
 hepofuory of Natural flarit'ies at Leya'en : And two Hands in the 
 Im Regium at Copenhagen. (4.) In the Iflar.d Lexando is a remar- 
 [eTrec, lall'd by the Inhahicart? Eujada^ and Arbor de Rai^ (i.e. 
 ■KAukumJ by the Portuguese, ft derives this Name Irom the Na- 
 jctics Branches, which fpring forth on all the (ides from the Trunk, 
 J-erc'tis generally three Fathoms in Diameter) and many of 'em bow- 
 fjjow as to tcuch the Ground, rake Root and Ipiin^ forth a nev, 
 JiiVCiKir v^eir^lit they bow down attain, and rake Root the fecond 
 Land fo on till they cover a th;.»;l".md Pace? in Circuit, and able to 
 Ic under its Branches three thouljnci armed Men, who may find De- 
 |e not only from Hear, but alio Hain ; fo thick and numerous arc 
 (ic hiiamenrs, and fo well lin'd with Leaves. (5) In Icvcral VAn% 
 Q,jnd South of the River fodnza^ are confiderable Mines otRock-Salr. 
 ihefe, and fevtral odicr Rcniarkahles of this Country, I'ld. Dapper 
 frdjbinjOpJlcUwj 5u^J Archl'ijlpr'icl^i^ B}fl:,p)'hhy^ Vnivcrfitki. 
 JaunCtiS*"] The vjricus Inhabiranrs of thcfc many and vafllv 
 bded Countries, are generally a bull. Savage, and Swarr!iy 
 of People , among whom a ;:^reat many remarkable Cnftoms 
 ail. To indance only in a lew : ii's repc:tcd of tl'.e Empe- 
 \cA Monorr.itapu ., th^r whciKcr he drinks in pubiick^ the whcic 
 itdorh j iintly put up their r-r-tyeis in his behalf, and that with 
 by Icud Vv^ice, \^hicn Va:\v^\ iicara i;.i the Neighbourhood , a!l 
 ions tiicre living are bound to d.) lii-^ i\\mQ -^ as likewife others 
 ;ng them , and lo on j whereby rhe wliolc City or Countrv 
 kciit i-> always Icnfiblc when the Emperor takes liis Glafs. In 
 |lvingd'»ni L'f l.\ivgo wxi maisy C.innib.:ls, and in feveral places 'tis 
 tiu^l CO ie.'l Humane v"kOl pabli'wkly in S'i:iUTibles, us other Na- 
 do commonly Beef and Mutton. In the lum-j Kingdom 'tis efta- 
 id by An ancient Cultom, iji^t when e'er a bathicr deceafeth , 
 iGccds belong not to rhe Chi-urtn , l>uc );'";• own Erorhers or 
 Iri, who are bound to r.vke c.irc 01 fuct) ot r/ic litflc Ones, as 
 are not able ^0 care tor c!i(,mitiv<,:. 
 To add no mcrCj 
 \i ^M i 
 ' i'' , 
 - \- 
 \ \ if 
 i i 
 . ^k^^. 
'■'> r 
 M^ f 
 542 Ethiopia. Pan 
 We read of another Cuftom yet m )re uncouth, among a certain pp 
 inluh'inngthe CafreSy vvhicli is, That whene'er a Father deceafcthi 
 Children, both Old and Young, are oblig'd to lofe the little KingcJ 
 ihr.T Left Hand, and to bury it with him. For deferring the h] 
 mince of that painful Duty, they're commonly very tender of their 
 rent's Health, and rake all care imaginable to prolong his Lite ■ wj 
 was probably the Original Ciufe of fo ftrange a Praftice. Bui 
 all the Inhabitants of thcfe various Countries, there's none 
 obfervable for their nunner of living than a certain People 
 unto , and upon the Cipe , and commonly calPd by the Namj 
 Hott.intots. They're lb termed from a frequent Repetirion ot 
 or fuch like Word •, and may hi reckon'd the moft Nilly and 
 t'(hofaIl rcafbnable Creatures, having nnrhing fave the Sha^J 
 I^hin that can lay claim to that noble Charafter. Their Bodieil 
 ufDally bcfmcar'd with common Greafe , or Lome worfe ftml 
 Sruff, which occafions a very loath fome Smell. Their ordinary] 
 hh is a 8hccp-Skin, juft as 'tis pull'd off from the Carcjfs;! 
 ihcy ufc (as Ornaments) the Guts, c«/»j puris NAtural'tbus^ wr.ipc a!| 
 their Legs and Arms two or three Inches deep, on which they Ireoy 
 Iv feed when fcarce of frefb Provjfnn?. Notwithftanding ihe u^ 
 falJeU'd Naftinefs of this People ; yet fome Travellers talk 01 a cen 
 Inland Canibal Nation (i(^rm'd Cobonai J who make frequent lncur(| 
 into their Neighbouring Cjuntries, and fparc none they c.uch, no, 
 the Swinilh //^ofi- themlclves, who, ('twould fcem) fhouidi 
 bu: a very unlivery Kepall. 
 IL^ancjiiajTC, j There is a wonderful variety of Langu.tges m thafe 
 fious and valily extended Countries, which go under the Nameot £ 
 pi<t Exterior. The Inhabitants of Con^o and Angola have each of e 
 peculiar Language of their own. In the Eaftern Divifions, particul 
 ^;7,m and Abcx, the Arab'uin^ with Variation of Dialert dinh chicflv 
 va:I ; but the Language in ufc among thofe of the Cafres^ efpeciall; 
 JH-'tranioh-, .loth fecm to be on'y a confus'd and inarticulate Nxic 
 (Hjo^crumcra. J The various Divifions of this great Ejdv, 
 fubje^tcd to various Sovereigns ; particularly the Kingdoms of 
 fir it end Ccti^:\ are rul'd by their own Kings, to whom lev 
 i*t inccs are fub)eif. The Empires of MoW'mjtapa and Monoemnn^!^ 
 i;ovcrn'd by their rcfpeftive fcimpernrs, (win arc reckon'd powe 
 t'tincfs) and to them feveral Kings are Triburury. The People 
 iKibicinti the S:iinh and Siuth-Eaf^ Coaffs of tliis great Body, (ex 
 thofe of tie rrt/le.r, who know little or notljinc^ of Government) 
 j-:>;etl to feveral Piiccet, a? Zari^uekn is aovcru'd by fome r 
 u E 
Ijrtll. Ethiopia. 545 
 jjof its own ; and many P!jce5 on the Sea Coafts are Tributary to 
 ^f^rtuguer^e. The Coaft of Alex dorh principally belong to the 7«ri^. 
 ilaftly, AJAtt is p? under the Txr-^, and partly its own Kings. 
 Ijcligiotu] The nnmercus Inhabitants of thefe many Countries, are 
 rally grofs Idolaters, excepting iho(ccf2:./r^j<eK.r, A).ir.^ and Abexy 
 incline to Mahomet am jm., and feme en rlic Coaft of the Lafres 
 rticularly the //off<jn^ofx above-mcniicn'd) do live wichcur any fit^ti 
 Religion, being deftitute both of Frieit and Temple r, and r-evcr fhcw 
 Token of Devotion amcng 'em, except we reck' n thtir Daicin^ ac 
 Full and New Moon for fuch. In the Kinjzd.-m of Loargo^ the gc- 
 ility of People entertain a certain faint Idea of God, (whom they 
 v\Samb'unPcngoJ but being funk into the blackeft Idolatry, theyad- 
 [of many ridiculous Superftitions in their way of Worfnip. Howe- 
 , the Inhabitants of Afatemba^ in the fame Kingdom, do vaf^Iy fur- 
 IIS their Neighbours, and by fomc wonderful Marks of Natural Religi- 
 , do publickly baffle their grofs Stupidity ^ for of them we're credi- 
 inform d that they fct apart every fifth Day for Publick Worfliip; 
 -vhichtime one of reputed Integrity makes a Publick Oration, deter- 
 them from the CommiiTion of Murther, Stealth, Impurity, or fuch 
 c; and to enforce his Exhortation, he backs the fame with the pow- 
 Topicks of Rewards and Punifhments in a Future State; -ffright- 
 5 [heir Confcience with a miferable State in the Society of Benimbe 
 t. th evij) on one Hand, and folacing their Minds on the other 
 th the .s of enjoying Zammawpnarfgo^ by which they mean God^, 
 the Maker of this Vifible World. They likcwife ufc Circumciiion, 
 Imitting their Children into their Religion by that Ceremony, v;hich 
 perform' by one of ihemfclves fee apart for that Office. 
 SEC i 
 '■■ I 
 Conserwug ths African Iflancls. 
 i 11 ■■• 
 'Mjrc remarki- 
 biC, as 
 The .^fh^n T-J 
 T/./r/, 'g 'far 
 HI'S o J Cape IVrt^'e 
 Tiic CuihiY) i (lands. 
 The AUdCia 
 Illtf. of Ccrn'Ye, 
 Sc. Tho/nas. 
 <. The Frinccfs Iflaiid. 
 ^ The likci'Afccnfrn. 
 Af:j\ig>tf::ui-, [containing many Frovinct^s, l>uc very unccruinl 
 Chici Town is I'^nflicfej upon vhc S. F.. patt of tlie Illind. 
 St.. i^'ihicnt / 
 Sr, Luiia >'.V. co E. 
 Illinds of Cap 
 leyde are 
 St. Nil ho'iti — 
 Infill u de Sat — ,'ijia 
 7-^^^— - - 
 In ilia del i'U't; 
 - Lavcrr'tii 
 y^Furtc rer.rnr^i-- - 
 Chief To^'fi f,i 
 'is Sc. Jji^i in t!j 
 file St. 74^0. 
 .N. E. t.g. W. 
 From E. to W. Chief To^ 
 ol all is Cana^ia, m f' 
 11 land Camviu. 
 .V.uA'r.r, U-'uv^ in ;}2 Dc|^. ^oMin. Norch l.urudc, its ChKj' r.) 
 African Ijlands. 
 H E moft remarkable of the Afrkan Ifhndi being here reduc'd to 
 Kour Claffes, v]\, Mtdagafdir^ Capd Verde IjUndSy the Canaries^ 
 l^idera^ we flidll particularly conlider them, and then take a Gene- 
 View of all the reti Therefore, 
 ^iiiCf] 'T^'^^IS ffland (unknown to the Ancients) is term'd by the 
 I Spaniayds^ Iflade S,in Loretiz^Q\ by the Fretich^ St. LaU' 
 k othf-rwile Daupfj'ine , by rhe Italians^ Germans^ and FrglifJ}^ Afada- 
 \:if; wliici '-l (Tie was uf'd by the Natives, and flill retained. As to 
 Title of S'. Lanrenci'^ the fame was given to this Ifland by the Portu^ 
 , it bein[^ on St. Lnnrence'h Day that ihey made their firft Difcove- 
 t ir. 
 fcir,] The Air of t!iis iHand is generally very temperate, and by mod 
 I'l'd to be ey reed'nfi wivjlcfomc to breathe in. The oppofite Place of 
 iGiobe to Mada^afcur^ is the South part of California, 
 boil.] The Soil of this Ifland is extraordinary fruitful in many 
 t;: thereof, affording all things ncccdary for the Life cf Man in 
 lit \'kniy. The length of the Days and Nif>;hts in Atadugafca>\ is the 
 ti^'m Mnioernurgi^ they both lying under the fame Parallels of 
 CoimuoDtticn,] The chief Cmmcdities of this Ifland, are Rice, 
 Wax, Gums, Ciyfial, SlccI, Copper, Ebony, and Wood of all 
 \vuma. Hi (' 
 Janttcc*] Towards the Eaflern Part of this Ifland is a pleafant 
 t.inl Valley, call .1 t-mboufe , which is Oockt with feveral ricli 
 es of Iron and Seed, and yields pfcat Score of the Oyl ot 
 «". (2.) Nigh to the atoreHiid Valley is aii cKCcIlent Medici- 
 Wfll (.f hot WrtC^M , which proves a ready Cure Icr cold 
 [cmixrs in the Limbs. V?. ) In the fame Neij^hbourhor. i is a 
 jiMcunraiii, on whofe top is a rcn^ari<able Spr'ng ot very Salt 
 |:cf, though upvv,irds cf thirty Lcap;ues from tlie Sea, (4.) in 
 nijnd ( efpectiliy the Scurhcrn Provinces) are moll forts of 
 era! Waters, very diH.-tnt both in Colour, Tafte, and Quali- 
 ; and f^me pLuYs afford large Pits ot iMtimetu ( $. ) In 
 lll.ind ii jMi) a River, wh jfe Gravel 'm fo exceeding hot that 
 A 4 thcre'^i 
 African Iflands. Part ft^?^^'^ ^ 
 there's no tre;iding upon ir, and yet the Water of that River is 
 trcamly Cold. 
 fanner©*] The Natives of Afjdagafcar are reported to be a 
 cherous. Ignorant, Inhofpitable, and Treacherous fort of People , t 
 hate Polygamy, and ftill punifh Murther by Death. Divers imp\^ 
 Cuftoms prevail in feveral Parts of this Ifland, particularly chefcf^..) 
 f/V/f, If any Woman be fafely dclivtfcd of a live Child, and afrerwardj 
 die in Child Bed, the living Child is buried with the dead M;[(-,ef. 
 being better (fay they) that the Child fhould die than live, having 
 Mother to look after it. The other is, The expofing of their Child 
 to wild Bfifis if brought forth upon an unli'cky Day, (as they t 
 it) or dunng fome unfortunate Afpefts of the Planets, as tlkr 
 tiajjes, or Priefls pretend to tell them. So numerous are thole 
 they reckon imhicliy^ that almoft one half of the Year is accou 
 fuch', and hence it is that this Ifland is fo thinly (tockt with 1 
 HiUiguagC*"] The Lafigmige here coinmonly us'd, is as !)arbarru[ 
 they whofpeak it. Almoft every Province hath its peculiar Dij| 
 yet not fo different but that they underfbnd one another- fo thatl 
 Natives of this lOand may be faid to have but one Tongue in conn 
 among 'cm all. 
 C^olJCrument.] This Illand is fubie<^ to m.iny particular Lord?, cj 
 monly called Rohandr'ians^ who are continually at War among thenif 
 about their Cattle and .Slaves,yet unanimous enough to defend thcmlc 
 againft the Invafion of Strangers. Some formerly rcckon'd Six Sj 
 reign Princes or Kings in MAdagakar^ others Four j but now every 
 vince has its particular Governour, having under him various Vili 
 (r e. Governours of Villages and Caltle?) who (land accountable toi 
 in every thing. 
 3Irm0.] Armu None. 
 IRcHgion*] The Inhabitants ot this Ifland arc eitlier l\ti>w 
 Mah^itiLtans ^ except thofc People living upon the Eartcrn C 
 between Fifteen and Eighteen Degrees and an half ot South 
 tude, term'd ZajfebiLraint, [/*. e. the Race of Abr,iham~] \ and o 
 on the adjacent llland , call'd A'#/ Nibra'iWy ['/. e. The I' 
 Abrufum] who differ extremely from their Neighbaurs in Ktl 
 X River IS 
 :d to be a 
 ■ People, c 
 Divers fin^iiJr> 
 rly rhercf\ib: 
 md afterwards 
 I dead M i[',cr 
 live, having no 
 their Child, 
 (as they tel 
 5, as their 
 are thoU- 
 ar is accon 
 ickt vsich 
 fjri IL African I/lands. 547 
 i0.n. For many of 'cm are ("aid to obfcrve the Jeivifl) Sabbarh, and 
 ,emt only a iainc Account of the Creation of the World, and Fal! 
 Man :, but alfo a few broken Tallages of the Sacred Hiftory concern- 
 ) Soah and Abr^ihim, Af:<jes and David. Whrnce divers Travellers 
 i-iitCtuic that they're originally defcended of ionicjtwi^ who mighc 
 jve been droven upon that part of the Ifland, none knows how, nor 
 as barbarcui 
 ;ieculiar DiJ 
 cr-, to tliac^ 
 ue in con.i 
 long themleS 
 ;fend tlicmld 
 lon'd Six Sj 
 now cvcrv 
 various Vili 
 .)untabtc to I 
 §. 2. Cape Verde IJlands. 
 ^iiiur. j '-r-'H ES E Iflands fthe //ejperides of the AncFents) are ter- 
 .1 mcd by the Italians., Ijola di Capi I erde j by the Spani- 
 iy, Ijlii de Cubo lerdc-^ by the f'lencb^ la Jfles du Cape Verde ^ by the 
 rwjnr^ Cape I'erd Infuln:, and by the Erglijh, Cape Verde Jjlandi-^ fo 
 idtrnm the oppofjtcCape in Kcgroe-Land., which bcareth ihatNamCj 
 j tluL becaufe it is, or appcarech always o4 a Green Colour. 
 Iir, 1 The A',r of thefe Ifbnds is generally reckoned very unvvholc-*' 
 :,iic, efpccially in 8c. Jag), thebiggeft and chief of them all. The 
 l;poJite Place of the Glebe to Cape Verde Iflands^ is part of the Weff 
 Wi/uin Ocean, lying between 170 and 180 Degrees of Longitude, 
 ;fh 10 and 20 Degrees of Southern Latitude. 
 I^oil."! The 5^// of thefe various Iflands, is not the faire in all, feme 
 iir. being very fcrri', and ethers extreamly barren. The length of 
 [: Uavs and Nights in tlieni is the fame as in the Land of the Negroes^ 
 h bocli lying under the lame Parallels of Latitude. 
 Ccmmotntics*] From thefe Iflaris, the Portuguex^e tranfport in- 
 kible Cjuancities of Salt, ;;'- alfo great numbers of Goat-Skins /'of which 
 |iv mike excellent Cordevants) ^ and likewjife from thence may be 
 lOL'^iu mofl forts of plealanc Fruiih, particularly Limons, wi-rons. 
 tlier Vm>w\ 
 Eallern C: 
 of South 
 n'] ', and ot 
 e. The 111 
 «rs in Kcli 
 Coco's, higs, and McIgiis. 
 kiant:CG.J The moH remarkable of thefe lOands, is the Ijk de Fi'ego 
 li-i', i.) cali'd as being a noted VulcanOy ccntinually fending upful- 
 Jurous Exhalations, and (fomecimes the Flame breaks out f.^i-Jna or 
 hnii4 like) in (uch a terrible manner, and vomits f^rth fuc'^ d ni n- 
 l:ot Pumice ffones, that it annoys all the adiaccnt Parts. In Injuh de 
 tare many Natural Salt- pits, which yield a prodi[Moa5 Qumcity ot 
 If'vm v/hcnce tiic illand derives its Name, 
 i^! ?■ 
 A4 2 
 nil ' x 
 African IJLmds. 
 Part I| 
 3frcl)bt(bO|)Mcfe^> Sic.] Archb!fl}opYhks , Bilhprhks, Vnlv^rflti^ 
 flJJannGrs.J The Inhalirancsof thefe lOands being fortngiiere, 
 much the fame with thole on che Continent. 
 Ilanguagcl The Inhabitants of thefe Ulands being Portu^uerc 
 aforefaid) do (iill retain their own Language. 
 (BobemmcntO Thefe Klands at their firft Difcovcry being dcftin 
 of Inhabuants, were peopl'd by their Dilcovcrers the Portugueze^ ai 
 at prefent belong to the Crown of Portugal, and arc rui'd by a par^ < It] 
 Governor, who ailumeth the Title oi' T/te-Ao/, and commonly retMcj 
 in the Jlland ot Sujagc', 
 iReltgionO The Portugimt here rcrtdmg, are of ihe fame Rili^\ 
 with thole in Fortngal- 
 §. c;. The Canary Ifl^yuh, 
 jQ^amCtJ "T^^H &SE Illands ^the hfuU i^ortrnttx of the Ancients 
 X term'd by the Italians^ Ilota di ( uiurta •, bv the Span'uu 
 IJIits Can(tri(ti\ by thcfremh, les Ijks Canaries-^ by the Germans, Cm 
 rijihe Infuln , and by the Englif}\ the Camry Iftwds ^ io call'd from tl 
 chief Ifljnd Canaria^ which dcriv'd its Name from Can^ [i. e. Dog, 
 Spantfl)^ bccaufe a vafl number of Dogs were tound thereon by the ^ 
 m'hirds at their firft Difcovcry of it. 
 Six*] The Ah <i thefe Iflands inclinir;^ to heat) is gcnffj 
 elleem'd f^ytrarrdinary whiJef me. The nppofire place of thcGlc 
 to the Catury Ijlands, is that part of thr vjff Cccukntal Ocr;:n^ lying! 
 tween 1 80 and 190 Degrees of LoP[',icudc, wirh 25 and ^$ Pegrces] 
 Soiuh Latitude. 
 g)Oil,] The Soil of moO. of 'em is wonderfully fcrii!. In thelll^ 
 Canariii they have commonly twx) Harveifs in the Year. Tenenjfe ^ 
 ted not only for his high Pike (of which alter rvards) but alio d 
 laurel and DragonTrecs, v.,here the Iweec Singing-b;rds do daily «J 
 ble their plcafanc Norcs. Thefe Ulands, ^bcridcs cbcir great plenrv 
 Fruits and Grainj arc famous for producing die bell Wine q dicVVoj 
Part It 
 ocing dcftiti 
 by a parr'r.Jif 
 iiionly relMi 
 in 11. 
 Jfrkan Ijhmds. 
 ; length of Days and Nights in them, is the fame as in Bi I dulger id on 
 Continenr, they both lying under the fime Parallels of Latitude. 
 fiimt BeM 
 the Spiiniun 
 lermans, Cm 
 aird from tj 
 [i.e. Doa, 
 ;on by the Si 
 IS gcnfr 
 - of thcGI 
 kriw, lying 
 ^5 Pegrees 
 111 the If! J 
 ) hue alioni 
 h do djilv «' 
 ommoUit:c0»J The chief Commidities of thefe Illands, are 
 Honey> Wax, Sugar, Oad, Plantons, Dragons-Blood, Canary- 
 •rds, ^<^- 
 B«iretiCS. ] Among the Rarities of thefe Illands, is reckon'd a cer- 
 [:n Tree in the middle of Fero^ (term'd Garoe by the Natives •, and by 
 ji Spaniards^ Santo) whofe Top is faid to be encompafs'd every Night 
 [■[h a thick mifty Cloud, wh'ch condenfing into Water, doth drop from 
 Leaver the next Morning ; and that in fuch quantity, as fufficiently 
 |;[ve[h all the Inhabitants, the Ifland it felf being dertituteof Springs. 
 [ifor the Ifleof Tcnerijfi, 'tis famous all the World over, for its pro- 
 Jiious Pike, which (appearing to the Eye as a large Mafs of many 
 cks, promilcijoufly heap'd up, in form of a rugged Pyr.?mid) is thought 
 |;iome curious Naturalifts, to liave been rais'd en a fudden by a mighty 
 ntijgr^rion of much fubterra» <fous, fulphMrous Matter, whofe forcible 
 [(liption the ve»y Rocks ther-',felves could not withftand, but were 
 [freby pil'd up in the manner they now appear. For ftrengthning of 
 Conjefture, rhcy alledge the great quantity of Sulphur with which 
 tijllland doth ftill abound, (efpecially nigh the Foot of the Pike) and 
 feCoiOur of the Rocks themfelves, many of 'erafcemingtoSpcftaiors, 
 long burnt in a Fire. 
 ltci)bi(l)opnth&y &c.] In thefe Iflands is only One Bi(J.^oprick^ vi^, 
 U of Canaria. 
 ^cimtcrc] The Inhabitants of thefe Iflands being moftly S[>aifiarctf^ 
 [emuch the fime in Mat^tiers with thofe on the Continent. The few 
 [Kives yet remaining, (term'd Oudtichits) do moltly refide in Mountain.*^ 
 m^ and Caves. 
 Latiguagc] The Spaniards here rcfidmg do ftill retain their own 
 i>oDcrnmcnt.] Thefe iflands belong to the King of Spain, who for 
 It better ordering of Afiiirs in them, doth always keep a Governor in 
 wru, the chief Town of the chief Ifland. His Power eKtcndeth over 
 [hefc iflands in Atfiirs both Civil and Ecclefiafiical. 
 ItlcUgiou.] The Inhabitant? of thefe Iflands (as aforefaid) being 
 Vreat plenrv ^"'y Spanhirds, arc of the lame Rcligim with thofe in Spain, 
 A a ^ <^ 4. Madera 
 > -fi 
 I •',.'! I 
 ■|. . • 
 It: vJif 
 ifi ' 
 African IJh/nJs, 
 ^. 4. Madera or Madera s. 
 Paa if 
 lf)aim»] "TpHIS Ifland (not obrervable of old } i- rfrm'd by ui 
 X If't'finr and Spaniards^ Madera-^ by r!ie M'rc^, .l/.z^^J 
 by the Germans^ M ■ 'rren ; and by the Er.gUp^ the Afadera or Jr^i-r,, r 
 fo calld bv tht Ponufj'r^e at thtirfiifl Dilcovcry of it, Anno 1429. a^. 
 caufe wfiolly overgrown with Trees ; the word /^ladera fignityin;' 
 'SHirO The //rot . ''/-;.' .j be- ng very Tcmperar", confidering tl^ 
 Latitude of the lH^ind, is generally eficcili'd very he.u'thful to hrai 
 in. That Place of the Globe oppoiire to Miderj, is part of the vj 
 Occidental Oce.ui, between 180 and 182 Degrees of Longitude, with 
 and 35 Degrees of Southern Laiiiude. 
 ^Oli.l The A>,7 of this Ifl-ind is very f.rril, producing in ^re| 
 plenty moft forts of excellent hruit;-, and a kind of Wi-ie that', muc 
 cfteei^n'J of, being tic to keep for a long time both by S.' ind land 
 The length of the Days and Ni?Jits in this Ifland, h much :!i idm 
 in 2:aaY\i on the main Continent, they both lying under the (anie^ 
 !c!s of Latitude. 
 CommotJittccl The chid Comrmditia of this Ifland are exc( 
 lent Wine, au\ ..ofl forts of dcfirable Fruits, as alfo Honey ac 
 Wax, ^n'c. 
 tl^aritiCO. j What moftly deferves the Epithet of Rare on rf 
 lOjud, is that excellent Quality, either of ics Air or Soil^ or liori 
 \v}^,ich, like our Neighbouring Ifland, [Ireland'] proves mortal r">i 
 Venomous Animals 5 none fucli being touiid here, or able to ' 
 brought thither from abroad. In the fide of a Hill, nigh Pcnr^ti^ is] 
 remarkable Fountain, whofe Waters do fometimes iifue forth in fuc 
 jbundancc, that the adjacent parts of the Ifland are then fubjcct to| 
 terrible Inundation. 
 '^VCl)diniopncfeG, &c.] Archb:fJh-)pr}cks^ None. One Bifhopyi(k,xl 
 that of i'on:(at or louchale^ which is Suffragan to lUhm, 
 il^anncrs.] The Inhabitants of this Ifland being Portuguerj, 
 much the lam: in AfMwers with «'ofe on the Continent, but more m 
 oufly enclin'd, (if that c.n It Ar.i fuppos'd) being mighty r^Uul 
 In their common Crinjcs of Theft aiid Murtlier. 
Part if 
 Irt II. 
 :f rm'd bv t 
 a or M.idcr.{%, 
 '""^ 1429. 3C- 
 t fignityingi 
 African lfla?jds. 
 Ltiti^uagc] The Portu^ueze here rcfiding do ftill retain their ovva 
 )nridcrir!^ rif 
 "'iul to brta^} 
 rt of the V.J 
 tude, wicii 
 jcing in ^,re| 
 e that':, muc 
 V'" ind 
 ch 'ii I'diin 
 :hc (aiiK-^ 
 and are exes 
 fa Honey an 
 Rayc on '1 
 So'il^ or '/ -tj 
 s mortal r^; 
 able to liv" 
 h ['cnz:tl, i^l 
 forth in fiiC 
 sn fubiect tal 
 5otJCmincilt, J This Iflard belonging to the Crown of Portugal^ is 
 ')V 4 particular Deputy, whjfe place of Kefidence is commonly at 
 LiCligtou,] The Inhabitants of this Tfland beitig Portuguer^e, (as 
 r.iaid) aie of the (ame Religion with that publickly profelb'd in the 
 :;dom of Portugal, 
 flr'ing thus confidered, in particular, the moft remar\Me of the 
 .in Ijl.mds ^ proceed we now (in purfuance \ our p-' pos'd Me hod) 
 :.kea general View of all the reft, or thofetiiac are Icjs 1 emaYk,.ible, 
 !u:h lllands (to be vcy brief) being ftraneely fcatier'd up and 
 „n the /£f/j/:)p/V(' and Ati.intic\ Oceans, do mightily differ in their Air 
 iS^U, acccording to the various Climates they lie in \ and in none of 
 1 is any rtmarkuble Place, except only the Ifle ot Z-iotora^ in which 
 J Town of the fame Name. As for the chict oblcrv iblcs relating to 
 :;ir Inhabitants, [particularly their Manners^ Lingu.tgf, and Religton^] 
 my fufficiendy learn the fame, only bvRamiDg th )fe feveral States 
 Sovereigns on the Continent, to whom thefc ^flauds belong (they be- 
 iaenerally peopl'd and portefs'd by fome of them). Their prcfeoc 
 iicifors then [in (hort] are as folioweth ; 
 Comore — 
 i's rem.irk- 
 lae Iflands 
 \St. Thomas — — •• 
 The Princes Ifland 
 Aniiobon — — 
 St. Helena _~ 
 Afcenfion Ifland, not inhabited. 
 "^the Arahiam^ 
 the Natives, 
 the P'rtug^uerj:: 
 the PortngucT^e. 
 the Portuguese* 
 the Efiglifh, 
 .-.nd fo much for Africa and the African Iflands. Now folioweth. 
 1 !"' 
 ' ■ rji 
 I: .^i' 
 If ^ .' I . I- ' -iiM 
 but more mI 
 ^hty rroticif 
 A a 4 

■f<' J V ^ o t o 
Part II. 
 1^ rs^ctico or ji5. spam— 
 15. ^cf. or (S?cina5n~- 
 !<; mm 
 Carta CanaUcnfis- 
 '^ iCcrra atctica- 
 rCerra jTi'tma 
 c Mexico, 
 S, Fee, 
 Land of the StmajOniS 
 ^ is<; 
 Cerra ^affenanica- 
 Ccrta antatctica— 
 iS". Fi?^ deBagota, 
 S. Salvador, 
 To thefe add the American Iflands. 
 Of all which in Order. Therefore, 
 rt"r •!' 
 Part M. II. 
 SEC T. I. 
 Concerning OdttitO or jOeto @)pa(lt* 
 '^ \bccvvccii< 
 d. m. 
 297 CO S 
 °« ^^lofLaw. 
 Length frc ; S. E. m K, 
 is about 2',jo Mi.'=5. 
 Bread I '^ from i \\', \^ 
 bout 840 Miics. 
 (Audience of G uMialajura — 1 ■ C Idem ) 
 Audience oi Mexico > . < Idem > 
 lidiciice ot On At J a ma — j ^ 
 CinaloA ' 
 Gu^tdaU^^u com- j ^,^,,,,,,_ 
 prebends tlie-^ GuaduUpra- 
 ITcvinces ot i r^r.rm./^,.-. 
 {^XalifcQ — -~ 
 ^ ■ J 'g'i de Gnat ) \ ■' ""^1 
 n cn<: 
 ivers n 
 .\fexic3 compre- 
 hends the Pro- 
 viQces 0^ 
 Los Angelas- 
 Anteque^a — 
 »u he Mif* \i 
 fr m N.toSj 
 Id- .11- 
 6. 'iebajhan '.On tlic SeaC 
 Comp')J}ella--'J frcHi N. toS 
 ]>.^<J Idem 
 Idem — -— ■ 
 Idem— -^ — 
 iiuatmaia ccm- 
 preliend: the<| 
 Vruvinces ot 
 On 5i/t//x .Wf 
 ^ Cijn«i" troni 
 W. to S. E 
 Nicaragua — 
 Veragua — 
 I'vra F^x-- 
 Fori Royal- 
 Leon ^ S. E. cnt 
 Carthago V South Sa 
 Concept icn- 
 New Valladnlidf From 5. F, 
 Idem > N. W. up 
 ^Cividud rtat ^ Sinii\ M<: 
 J nil a 
 1:8 an( 
 ;:d wir 
 lunie r 
 'to;;, Sl 
 dlaw J 
 ii'c.'i cc 
 i] com" 
 1 Trre 
 :;c, Ho 
Keiv Spain 
 Elf'] np HIS Country (difcovcred at lirfl hy J jhnOrijjhe, but 
 X more exaftly view'd, and ac h\\ conquer'd by the Valiant 
 y^jnclo CcrtcT^, Anno i$i8.) is bv-iundcd rn the Eaft by tl.e Gult oi 
 V. ; on the Weft by AUre Jet Znr ; on the N jrth by A'.tm Granada, 
 :n the South by Terra firma, it is icrm'd by the Jtaliim, Spagna 
 I'U'^ by the Spaniards, Kun'O. Ejpana ■, by th.e h'rench, SmveLt 
 ^tr^ by the Gfr/wrfMj-, A>m Spjtven ; nnd bv the EngHfh, Mcxici or 
 SpJ'"^ taird Mexico from the chiei'Cicy thereof- and AVn? .V/'z/n, 
 [•ftinguilh it from the Kingdom ol Spuin in Europe. 
 Iir.] Norwithftanding this Cuiurrv (for the moft part) Heth within 
 W^rrid Zone, yet the Air is veiy tcmfer.ue, and generally reclcon'd 
 Jjirdinary wholfumt to breailicin, brin", quaiined with rctrcfhing 
 (ivers in the hottelt Month, and cold Ercezcs from the Sea all the 
 The cppofjte Place of the Globe to Nnr Spain, is part of the 
 jjjndia Ocean, lying between Round 117 Degrees of Longicudc,^ 
 18 and yj ue^recsot South Latitude. 
 Sioil.l T!iis Courrry fying in the 5'^ and 4*'' N')rth Climate) is 
 :d w:rh 3 very ferile 6'-)//, producing; many forts of Gm/o, as Wheat, 
 L'v. Pulfc, ana Maize, (everal kinds ci i'ruiti\ as Pom^ranatcf, 
 L."s. jmons. Citrons, M.ilicjtons, Clicrics, fears, Apples, bis:?, 
 H-[\i...5-, and ^jreat plenty of Herbs, Plant% And Koors. Here alio 
 lloine rich Nines of G«:.ld and Silver, and ^afl and fpicic^us I'lains, 
 (rJingtiie bcllot Pafiurage. The lon>f,tit f>j; in the Northmofl Tart 
 iriis Counrry, is about i-j Hours and tiuee quarter*; the (horteft ia 
 [jouchmoft 12 a'ldan half ^ and the N;[;iifs proptfrtiouably. 
 IfommoiiJtiCS.] The chief roww^V/7/V>ol ihis Country, are Wocl', 
 pi,, Silk, Cocheiieei, Heather?, ILiuv, lialm, Amber, Salt, 
 pa'. Hides, "iub.icco, Ginger, and divers Medkinal Dru^s. 
 Parities. J About three Lear^ues from O/uv-rr./, is the Stump of 
 Icilow i ree. (cali'd TLioChiXJ^uJ w.'iich was o( a prodi^;ious big- 
 uhcn int''-,% bein^^, t^cil reckun'd fixtccn bathonib m compals near 
 1V."C, and l'..mewhathi;^rier, twelve. Cclore iwas Thunder-flruck^ 
 cccaiion'd the tioll i.vrcis) no fewer t!:an a thouland Men ['tis 
 ■' couid con^'er.icntiy iiielter tlicmieives from Rain, under its wide 
 [ei.dcd Hjij^Hi. (2.) in fevcrji parts ot r'ns Counrry tir.iws a cer- 
 Free (caii'd Ma^u^) } which may be laid to \;cld Water. Oil, 
 |;;c, Hone;, and Vine{;ar. Kor the I>x'" . I the free b.:inj^ big and 
 '^v , c r.rauT: a goc d quantity of l.iciuar as limpid 4S the bell 
 dar^in-warer, and ilie S.:rtacc thcrcoi is c vcrd with a pure Oily 
 i-iunav L'"/.rjr beJ.ip, a htde bjil'd,*i;s like a good pa- 
 ■V ; 
 556 Vew Spam. p^^j 
 Jatable wines If iriuchboil'd if s extremely fweet,and if long kcirr 
 boird) no Vinegar is fowrer. (^.) In the Audience oiOuatimAlt 
 fevcral remarkable ^«/c4no's, parcicularly that near . Rfa-Lc]-) 
 towers up like a Sugar-Loaf to a great height, and always Imr/Kcs.l 
 alfo the burning Mountain of Leor^ Well ot the Lake Nicer, '^uu, I 
 frequently evacuares l^ire as well as Smoak. (4.) Nigh to (JifatulA 
 the Weftcrn Coafl is a great hollow Rock, (call'd by the Sp^/i/./c'] 
 f dove J whichhavinj^a large Hole in its top, makes a hideous Noi 
 every Sur-^^e of the Sea, and fpouts up Water fas a Whale) to a p] 
 g,ious height. In f^me parts of this Cjuntry, are feveral Spring 
 W.iter, fo impregnartd with certain Minerjis, the Cujient if 
 from them is of fodarkifb a Colour, that it refembles a Stream of! 
 (6.) Remarkable is the Lake of Akxtcf) ioi feveral Particulars: As| 
 Its hiiving two forts of Water, vir. FrefJiind Suit, Secondi)^ Thj 
 Frcfli is ufually Calm, and aboundeth with Fifties ; whereas the SJ 
 for the moft parr, Boifterous, and breedcth none. Thirdly^ m 
 middle of this Lakeia a pleafaut Rock, out of which doth ilTueacI 
 tferabfe Stream of hoc Water, much eiteem'd of for fcvera! Dinenij 
 JLaJfly^ Upon this Lake are feveral delightful artificial Gardens, 
 Hockt with variety of Herbs and blowers, and moveable from one i 
 to another, being fupported by large Floats of Timber. I iJ. J. A 
 his Natural and Moral H'ljhry of the Indies. 
 31tcl)bifli01?nc^.] Here is one Spatu(h Arcbbifliiprkl^y t/^. Tlia 
 2il?ifl)opucU0*] SpMyjl) Bifl:^pr:cl:^s^ erefled here, are thefeoi 
 I era pa::^ 
 Vuebb df los 
 St. J ago de hs Cavull 
 Leon in Nkurj^ud^ 
 ^ilmtjcrflticc 1 
 iJi^nimcrc,] The Natives of rliis Country, are now eflccm'd a Tci 
 very Civil and D;)rile, and extraordinary baichlul co thole they ! 
 Some of 'cm arc Id wonderfuliy iugeiii>us, cfpecially in PaintiH!;, 
 making m >fl lively Pioiurcs wifh various colour'd feathers ot 
 tain litilc Birds c.ili'd Cwcona. O hers arc laid ti» play^ 
 well upon divers Infliuiricnt«^. In fliort, the gencrility nl 
 Tcople is lo civili/.'(i, tl,at they live alter the nunnerot the Si^ma 
 favca lew, comm-mly rcliduij; intiic Mountains, who coruiriuc as^li 
 jnd Savage as ever. Tlic Spmards horc reiidjni^ arc much the !J 
 with ciiolc la 5/.(.'«. 
't II. 
 Keiv ^~ 
 ^;i5Ua;^C.] The prevailing Language m this Country, \b the Spa- 
 \[ being not only if« I'le amon'», the Spanu^rJs^ but alio the Natives 
 |ic!veb, '.no generally unnerOaiid and fpcak the fame. 1 he various 
 [ftsol their ancient Jargon do daily dccrtale, and in a lew Genera- 
 ■ ivill be quite extinguiflid. 
 fflllcrmucUtO Tlii? large and pleaDnt Country, was of old fuhjeft 
 .rid rill'"' hv itb ;uvt, Suv^-ici;:,.' I'r'ncf;^, call'a Kings oi Mexico^ 
 lid contii u(.l (according to probable Cnnje^uTs) a mighty and 
 ■■iii^ M"n.!icn V f'^r r':'vt.,'-rtl Ages, before iwas in ^ 'd d by Spaniards : 
 %'\\>. tL.;lv cv 'u ucrd by them with only a handful of Men, Anna 
 \. ;;u^; T ih*; v.iliv,v Ferdin.wn: Ccitez^y it hath ever fince remained 
 ttcuthe Crc/v..i r,\ Sytir^ h. ing govcrn'd by a P'ice-Roy commonly 
 jinga'' yvf(.'v»f3, nhd t.. inn* is iarruilcd th^ overfight of the G^ver- 
 Icfrhe various Prcvince^ belonging to hisCatholick Majefly in North 
 Bcltgion. 1 Tlie Inhabitants of rhis Country arc partly Chrifiian^ 
 [y ^'agun^ and (as 'twere) a mixture ot the two. The Spaniards arc 
 iPapilts, .'vo r..:in^ to the A:i^i l^rotcffion ut Popery in their own 
 IKry. Of ■ Native*;, mr* do llilJ retain their HeatheniQl Wor- 
 jnd indceo i.iuliicudes arcconvrted roCliriflianitv, according to 
 iJjrtri'-e of t'lc Church o{ Rrmc ; but (by our laccft Accounts) 
 re hardly pcrfuadcd as yet of chc Truth of thoJe Doftrincs taught 
 '1™ *' 
 .. 111! 
 • ■'.,'." 
 ,8 'it 
 S h 
 C T. 11. 
 Concerning BclU ^ZKiCO or B05jil «SfaitntS.1. 
 This Country '^^ of no ccrc;iin Extent nor Divifion, its cliirf To\^ 
 S. Fee or Sew Mexico^ upon the Bivcr h'in-th. 
 H^amc] TpHlS Country (difcovcr'd by the Span'hir.'{<^ /^nr i 
 1 and bounded on the EaO by f'/or /./.;• oiithcWr 
 part of C.i!ifirni:t ; on the North by Zi-Tv^ A\^lka\ ;ind on the SojrJ 
 Mex'uo or Sex(> Spn'm) istemi'd by the Itdl'hws^ Grun.idiiSnvilA 
 the Sj^afuarc/sy Sucv,iG^an.:d,i-^ by the I'rcmh^ N melle (iravid.i^hA 
 (jenmrs^^ and (n the Eu^!i(l.\ A'^-w /Vftwao or Sovui 
 nad^. It Ajs cal!'d Mcxic\ after the Empire of thjc Name, dekrihl 
 the f"orc.:;0:n^ SVrtiori ; :\m\ the Epicnet Kun.i (or KewJ uasaddd 
 the S\ui'Lirds, to diftinguifli it Irom the laid t'mpire, its OilcovcrJ 
 in.^ poflerior to tharol Mexico. The Title of KovaGrainda, \vn| 
 given it by the Spanlirds^ and chat trom a Province of the lame 
 in their own Country. 
 ♦Sitr.l The A:r of this Cnuntrv r.ircordin^ to the Climate) isal 
 <?antly temper.itc, and fxnerallv eOeemd very vvholl..nie to breath 
 })Ut attended with the great Inconvemenry if frequent Hurricane; 
 fides Thundei .ind Lii^htning. TIk' oppofitc Place of ilie Gljbe r. . 
 (Jrar.adA, is partoftiie E//;i6/;/((' (;rcan, lyinabccwccn 7 . and 
 Degrees of Loncjjtude, with 20 and 40 Degrees of S;uth Laiicudc. 
 ^:Ctl«] This Country is but badly known, aid the S'/7of tliofc. 
 already diicovcr'd, very ordin iry ; being ^^ener.illy a dry, tindv, bij 
 Ground, far infcri'or to mTtotlitr Countries in --i.wj/Li/, behni^iaj 
 the Sp^nu.irdi. Irs bounds bein^ undetermin'd ;elp'jcially in tlicNonhi 
 Parcsj wc can fay nothing ot the true extent ot its Days and Nij^hr:] 
 CoinmotitiC0»] This Country being none ofthcbcO, and bur 
 frcqurnttd b\ S-ran^jers, it.- Com//;5(a'///t'j- arc very lew, Cattle bcmJ 
 chict r on'y thing they trade in. 
 lRnnt;cc/J what chinas in Kov.t Gran.tdj do truly merit the K 
 of liure and Cin'om^ wc innfl reter to cliC better Difcovcry ol A 
 Ages, our Knowledge of this Country being 45 yet but very ll:nu' 
at II. 
 JrcbbifliopzicfeS:, &c.] ArcfMnprkkf, Bipjoprhksf Viiiverfincf, 
 UauucrsO The inhabitants of this Country Cey.cepx. thof< 'I'd 
 ki'fx in the Snuthmoft Parts) are laid co be of i much lefs Sjv^g- 
 kperthan moft ot the wild Americans. Thty are much given to 
 uting, and feveral of 'em underftand Agriculture tolerably utll, 
 kiirtOjaagcO The Spaniardi here rciidin?^ do commonly ufe the 
 hah Tongue. As for the Natives of this Country, they retain their 
 [iiJ(jr^o«, (jf which we can give no account. 
 polJCvmiiem.] The ^'ew AUxkans ?re Hill govern'd by cerriinCap- 
 Iq^ ot their own, c.iil'd CAnqua ^ but the Spariards licre refiding, 
 Jrhofe of the civilized Natives, aic rui'd by a particular Governour, 
 li thither by the Kino oi' Spain., whofc place of Hciidencc is ordinaii- 
 ll(i'<fn^i Fee, upon the River Sort, 
 lRcUgiOtt»J The Natives of this Gunrry are generally v^rofs Idola- 
 !, and many of 'em have litrle or no Sign of Religion at al!. Th<^ 
 siurdf here rcfiding, arc the lame in Ueli;^K)n with thole in Ei!ro['\ 
 ' '< 
 ;■ r 
 J ; 
 Concerning JflOjUia* 
 d. m. 
 betweenj ^„ ?° >of Lacir. 
 ■^ "N lengrh from W. to E. 
 ^ / bout 1000 Miles. 
 ^tj f Breadth from N. toS. 
 .£ J bcut 5oo Mi!es. 
 The large Country of Florida bein^ of no certain Divifirjn?, m 
 CCoc<t, in the nuia Lund. 
 Chief Towns are< 5, Augujlive, } . „ • , , r-r n 
 ^amCt] "Tp H I S Country (tirll difcover'd by Sehaflhn Cakt, .^ 
 X MP7. hut more particularly atccrward by 7''^" ^-^I'f^ 
 ^ Spam.ird^ vvhotouk Poiletfion tiicreof in the Name of his Cadiolj 
 Majcfly, Amo 1527.) is bounded on the Ealt by the main Ocean ;< 
 the Weil by AVa-' AL'xicn ^ on the Nfjrth by Carolina^ and part ot Ici 
 Arliica ^ and on the South by S'lna^ /i/cxicavw. It is term'd bv the ^ 
 Hans md SpanhuJs, Florida-^ by the /'Vt-nc/j, Fh'hle \ by tl ic Gt?r;/ 
 znd Engl i/J}^ Florida -^ fo calTd by the 6*/) ,in/.0(/y, either becaufe thcv 
 riv'd ac icon Palm-Si<nda}\ f wiiith tfiey term r.u'cba Florida J or bcc. 
 they found the Country full of Floncrs at their An ival. 
 3ir.] The Air of this Country is faid to be Co eKtraordinary teirJ 
 rate, that (according to our latclt Accounts) the Inhabitants live r3 
 great Age. The oppofnc Place of the Globe ro Fiirida if that par^ 
 the Eaft- Indian Oc.tdi], Iviiig between i?6 and iio Degrees 01 Lonjiu^ 
 with 16 and 40 Degrees of .Smith I atirude. " j 
 ^oil«] The .Vo//of this Country (itlyin^in tl:e e,^^ and -5'^ Nc( 
 Climate) is wonderfully lertile, a!)nundin;;ia m lAfjrcsor GiaM,'>'rf 
 and Fruit. It'salfo well ilor'd with Vcnifon and lo • " •, cnrich'd aJ 
 confiderable Mints oi G-^ld and ^ib-er. efpC' ial'y ciuic cf O.t 
 palachine Mountains, and here f!-ey lifh vafl numbt'rs of valuab'c \\.\ 
 The lon^cft Day in the Northmolt Part of thib Courrry, iSa'Douc 
 Hours and a quarter ; die fliuriefl in the 5oi!t!inv)fi, is ^j Hours; 
 nhc Nights pr)portiouab!\. 
 CoimnotJittcS.] This Country being noncicrly known i i the 
 laud l*art&, aiid even thoic next the .u-a , bi.: htcle frttjucpr't^ 
 2 SrrinJ 
 1 W. to E. 
 \m N. to S. 
 Irjn?, irs 
 Win Cakt, 
 ringers, its Commodities are very few, yet very coftly, ^r^. Gold, 
 rcr, Pearls, and Furs. 
 lilarittcs.] In thefe Parts of Florida, grows a certain Tree, about the 
 . efs of an ordinary Apple-Tree, the Juice of vvhofc Fruity the Na- 
 ^« 5 ufe to fqueeze out, and therewith anoint their Arrows, being a 
 Wfcrt of Poifon. If there be no Fruir, then they break off a Branch, 
 tout of it do prefs a milky Subftance, equally poifonous with the 
 \:t of the Fruir. So ftrong a Poifon is this Tree, that if a few hand- 
 Lof it; Leaves are bruifed and thrown into a large Pond of Standing- 
 liter, all forts of Beafts that happen to come and drink thereof, do 
 Jdenly fwcll and buril afunder. Furchas his Pilgrims, Part 4. Lib. 8, 
 ?.i. .Tn B.:h.imay (an Ifland near C. Florida J is the famous Bahama 
 [;fr, the bi^:geft oi all the Species, being two Inches long, and defer- 
 jv term'd rhuLwgium Maximum Jndicum, He luth nx Eyes, and thofc 
 :' bi^ ai the fmalicfi Pin's Head. Some o{ thefe remarkable Infcits 
 [:o be leen in the publick Mufmm of GreJJum-Colkge^ London, 
 by J^>hn lh't<imulMd)Op:ichS) &c.] Archbip:oi?rtLi^s, Biffjopricf^s, Vniierfities^ 
 ~i^ his Caiholjjje. 
 njin Oaa!i 
 nd pare ot /.•|Ji^,ittncrsO The Floridins arc naturally White, but by anointing 
 rnVd bv ti.e Miiidvcs (both Men and Women) with a certain Ornament, they flill 
 by tiic Gt?rmM.jj-of an Olive Colour. They are tall of Stature, well proportion'd, 
 becaufe thcvBers of War, and ordinarily go quite naked, except a (mall piece of 
 idaj or bccaJr-Skin, which many wear about their Middle. 
 ordinary ceirj 
 iiajKS live re 
 that papf 
 :s 01 Lori.y:u^ 
 and 6'^^Qi 
 cnficii'd AJ 
 vie ct v.t 
 va!uai''c \\\\ 
 :ry, is ubou: 
 I ) Hours ; 
 own n vne 
 LnsUiigc] The Lngu.tge of the Natives doth very much differ in 
 left, acordin;: ro differtnc pjrcs of this Country. The few Spaniards 
 [irdiding, do (1:11 retain the S'l^anifh. 
 ;0l3ermncut»] The Nitivcs of this Country are fubjert to fevcraf 
 ^5 of their own, (term'd Furjuihs or Caciques J one ot whom is faid 
 liuve the Precedency, and is i;enerally rcfpeded by the reft, as an 
 Jpfror. Tlie Spitiijh Colonies on rhe Sea Coalts, have their peculiar 
 pnors appointed by his Cachoiick Mjjefty. 
 EcUgion.] The Natives of this Country, aregrofs Idolaters, wor- 
 bnt; tne whole Holt of Heaven, efpecially the Sun, to whom they 
 [aucc the gojd Fortune of all their Viftories, nad rcrura him Thanks 
 rdingly. They mighrily refpci^ their Priefts, ( who are generally 
 pers) and call them by the Name of Joarna, and in fomc places 
 \h. Several Miffionarics were lent into this Country in the Da} s of 
 knhe Fifth -, but the Savage Inhabitants quickly dciiroy'd them. 
 ' Bb SECT. 
 - -r/ 
 » 'I 
 ' 'i Y 
 SEC I. IV. 
 Concerning Cemi CiluntCllfl^. 
 d. m. 
 u. ««J"2pc 00? r, „^, f^'pLength from E. toW. ilJ 
 between I ^^^ 00 ^^ ^^"S* ) § C ^Sut 1 500 Miles. F 
 ;,i to 
 h ^between ^ ^^ ^^ ^of Lam. (^ V^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ M ^ 
 It being divided into- 
 die River Canadx. 
 L°cJ to 
 AV^/; com- 
 'Tiryci Canadenfis propr'ut 
 Sova Britanka 
 Nova Franda — 
 ^"Nova Scotlt^ 
 South com- 
 The EngUp) Termer, vi^. 
 "New England — . 
 Nen> Torli '^' 
 5 Eafl 
 ^ c 
 ^ Penfilvama 
 yirgifva — 
 ^Carolina — 
 Fort Roy al-^ 
 Eli7:^abtth — 
 P hi lade I phi a 
 Baltimore ~ 
 James Toix'n 
 ^Charles Tow>n_ '> 
 1 m 
 tnf, Fc 
 lere rcf 
 tver, I 
 From *^^ 
 ERR A Canadetifis (fo call'd from the River Canada J bei 
 J, vaft Complex Body, confidin^:*, of fevcral large and confidcil 
 Countries, and particularly tliofe in which the Englif- Nation isrh] 
 concern'd ; we lliall diHin^Uy confidcr iis various Divifion (efpcd 
 thofe of the Englijh Kiiipiic) and thai in the fame Order laid dov 
 tiie foregoing Table. Tlurcfore, 
 §. I. 
 fctary ( 
 if rlie ( 
 |tf Acca^ 
 Bur !c 
 I'ttic kn! 
 p-Iy cc 
 k iorc^ 
Terra Canaclenjis. 
 §. I. Terra Canadeyijis propria, 
 ^ -p H I S Country being the Nnrthmoft of all the rtfl, is efteem'd 
 none of the be ft. But being fo flenderly known as yec, we pafs 
 §. 2. Nova Britannia* 
 1 E. to \v. i| a. 
 » Miles. 
 I 1s\\\q^ '?**\\ r ^ ^ ^ '^ Country is likcways of a very ordinary Soi\ bv wLac 
 VV ^ve find, r.iid almoO as c)iin!y inhabii-ed and littK- ' fuu.nccd 
 al:e former. We fiull therefore make no ftay therein, but yio- 
 id to 
 §. ?. A^ova Francia. 
 vFrom :^, Jt* H \ S Country is reckon'd to be much colder than mofl others u\ tho 
 { S. 11 fame LatiruHc-, however 'tis faid to be blefs'd with a SoH abun- 
 ) — 
 > ___ 
 fintj'v bruittul ^ and is chiefly furnifht with Stags, Eeajs, Hares, Mar- 
 , Fo>es5 Conic s, and great f^ore of Fifh and FleQi. The Irench 
 fere rcfiding, (about fix thoufuud in Number) do commonly trade ini 
 ever, Moufe Skins, a^id Furs. This being all that's remarkable of ir^ 
 ;£ continue our '«"'rogrers to the next DivifioD, f/^. 
 * toS. 
 § 4. Nova Scotia, 
 H Country (firfi difcover'd by Sebaflian Cabot, at the 
 "Canada J beiij 
 and confidcij 
 Nation is rhi 
 vifion (efpccj 
 dcr laid dowf 
 §. I.' 
 . , Charj^e of //t ,';n tlic Seventh) was cnce inhabited by a Scotch 
 Jonv, fent jver .^nno 1622. by Sir H'tHiam Alexander [then Lord Se^ 
 pary of Scjt!u?}d'] to w'.om King James by Letters latent made a 
 pation thereof^ but tliac Colony failing, the frencb became Maflcrs 
 Jf the Country, and fetlcd iljemfelves therein, calling it by the Name 
 |tf Accadie. 
 Bur leaving thcfe Northern I^arts of Terra Canadenfn^ as Countries 
 itl. known, and of Icfs Note unto us : Proceed we to that which more 
 ply concv rn- uj, i/r. u peculiar view of the various Parts of the W't'- 
 hn ^.ti^'ijl Empire; ai'd that according to their Order, asiheylieiti 
 tijre^oiu^ Table. The firft whereof is 
 Bb 2 
 §. 5; A'civ f 
 Terra Canadenfts. 
 Part If Hi I 
 §. 5'. "New England, 
 0ame.]*TpHlS Country, difcover'd firft by the Ew^/t/J;, under th| 
 I. Conduft of the twoCttbots^ Amn 1497. and aFterwardi t| 
 ken PolTerrion of for Queen Eli :(a''etb by Sir Fhilip Am-idas, Anno 1 5^3 | 
 Bounded on the Eafl by part of the main Ocean ^ on rhe Well b\ fomj 
 of Terra Ar^rca., on the North by Accadieoi t^ovx Scotia ^ and Vn thi 
 South by AVw Tbr^:. It is term'd by the Italians, highilterrd Komil 
 by the Spanitrds, Nuevu Inglaterra ^ by tfie french, NrArjellc Anglcterrei 
 by the Oerwans^ Nen EDgeland-^ and by rhe Englif}, New England-^ 
 call'd by the Difcoverers, after the Name of their own Country. 
 %iV*^ Notvvithftanding tliis Country is of a Situation confiderah!! 
 more Southern than Old Ev^Jand, yet tlic Ah oi boh is rr.uch the lama, 
 the Heat thereof being al'ay'd by cjoling Breezes, which frequentlfl 
 happen. The oppofite Place of the GI ;be to Sew England, is that pj||j 
 of the vi{i At lantichOctan^ ^yi^S between 120 and 150 Degrees 
 longitude, with 41 and 45 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^oii.] The 5*0/7 of this Country is in mofl Parts very fertil, prodi 
 cing in great Plenty moft forts of Englij}} Grain, Fruits, and Roots, b^ 
 fides Indian Corn. It's very well ftockt with Fi(h and Fowl, as alfo vari 
 ty of tame and wild Beafts. In flinrr, '• s not only furnifht withcl^ 
 NecelTaries, but likeways many of the Cci.. forts of Humane Life; an 
 the Colony (now upward of an hundred Thoufand ) doth flourirndrilj 
 more and more. The length of the Days and Nights in Sew\ 
 ts much the fame as in the Northern Provinces of Spain, they boch !j 
 tng under the fame Parallels of Latitude. 
 {[his < 
 CcmmoT)itiC0.] The chief Commodities of this Country, are Fiill 
 Grain, Marts f )r Ships, Deal-boards, Iron, Tar, Bever, Moufc-Skioj 
 Furs, ifyc. And 'tis o!)lerval)!e of thofe in Se<v E.njund, that rhey hjj 
 Annually, for l^-me Years, imported and exported to and from OldErj 
 Itndy as many Comm^.din'es in Value ab they carry "d out at firfl. 
 IRavitieOf] in fevcral parts of AV)v Engltnd pjow^ a certain Fruij 
 (term'd th.- Butter- Nut) i'o call'd from the Nature of its Kernel, wh:c 
 yields a '.:i;jd t fweetOil, tli^r hath the cxac^ t?.ftc rf ordinary Buc:c| 
 (2.) !n B,il^cr'< Czvc, a!)out fifty League? F'aft from B\lhn^ is found t!i 
 Sctrlrt Mufdc, wliofc Piijpic Vein being piickr uitli a Needle, yields] 
 juice of a puic Piuple Coiour, which ^ives (0 deep a Die, tha: 
 Wat-'r 'J. abif to vvMJh it rut. (^.) Abjut c\\\\\i^ Miles Norih-Eafv 
 5'';/{rVrji7, Is a [Uri^-^of Mounriiiuin Icng'Ji about an hundixd L^^m 
 \m m 
 fiole in 
 m thi 
Part U •'^rtlJ* Terra Canadenjis. 565 
 jd known commonly by the Name of the Wh'\te Miuntairs^ because 
 icirTops are covcr'd with Snow alJ the Year round. Upon the higheft 
 j rhete Mountains is a large Plain, and at the fartheft end of ir, a na- 
 jril Rocky Pyramid, (vulgarly cali'd the 5«^.?r Lo<j/'J to the uppermort 
 [jrc o( which one may eafi'y afcend by a continued Set of inartificial 
 vjpt, winding about the Rocky Mount up to its very Top, where is 
 ijother Plain of about an Acre of Ground, and in the Middle of it a 
 ;!fp I'ond of clear Water. (4 ) Upon the Sea fide, near Kew-Huven^ 
 ,3 large Bed of Sand of a perteft Black Colour, with many Grains of 
 Ldand White intermixr. (5.) Upon the Coaft oiKcw England is fomc- 
 ;ines taken that remarkable bi 111, which the £ng///fc Inhabitants call by 
 •eName of x.\\c Motli-fif})^ becaufe he hath, as 'twere, a Hood much of 
 tfamc Fafliion with a hier's Cowl. (6.) In divers parrs on the Coaft 
 !chis Counrry, is found the Stella Marina Arkrcjcens^ or Branched 
 )',ir-fifl} : A rare kind of which, taken in the Bay of Matachufet^ is 
 ; be feen in (/rf/Zj^im College, and defcrib'd in the Philofop. Tranfa^, 
 N.5g.] under theNameof P//CK £c/j;ono|^e//^rM Vifciform'K. (7.) Of 
 jny rare Birds in New England^ the mofl remarkable are the Trocu- 
 ti, and that call'd the Humming Bird, The former of thcfe (being 
 iDOUC the bigncfs of a Swallow ) is nbfervable for three things : 
 irj?, Having very fhort Legs, and hjrdly able to fupport himfelf, Na- 
 re hath provided him with Iharp pointed Feathers in his Wings ; by 
 iirting of which into the Wail ot a Houfe, he fticks faft and refts fe- 
 "jrely. Secondly^ The Manner of his Ned, whicli he ufeih to build (as 
 ivaliovvs) in the Tops of Chimney 1, bur of luch a Fafhion that it hangs 
 iown about a Yard long. Lajlly, Such Birds are remarkable for their 
 remony at departing', it being always obferv'd, that when they re- 
 ive, they never fail to leave one of their Young behind in the Room 
 here they have nelfed, miking thereby (as 'twere) a grateful Acknow- 
 lid^ment to the Landlord for their Summer's Lodging. As for the 
 Mming Bird, lie is obfervable for being the leall of all Birds. The 
 jnaer of his Neft refembles a Bottom of foft Silk, and the Egg ia 
 liich he'shurchc, is not larger than a white Pea of an ordinary fizc. 
 j:of him elfewhere. For thefe and fome other fuch Remarkabies, 
 1,'i. that fmall Treanfe, Entituled , New England's Rarities, per/. 
 ijil}ny Genr. 
 'A under thfc 
 afterward; t^ 
 Anm 1553. I 
 Well b\ foml 
 ! i and ( n thj 
 ierrit Gondii 
 lie Ai}glctt;rre\ 
 ' Ehgt.ind ^ 
 m confiderahlj 
 iuch the lan^.ej 
 ich frequently 
 «^, is that part 
 ;o Degrees 
 feriil, prod; 
 and Roots, b{ 
 1, as alfo van 
 •nifht withthl 
 lane Life-, an] 
 h flourirnd:: 
 I New Ev^Lm 
 , they both !] 
 nry, are F;i 
 , Moufc-SkiDi 
 that rhey hav 
 from Old Erj 
 \ firfl. 
 certain Fru; 
 Kernel, wh: 
 rdiriiiry But:e| 
 }/), is found t' 
 lecdle, yiclcsl 
 a Die, tha:i| 
 North- Eafi 
 ndixd ic^igw 
 2ircI)btfl;op^tcfes, &c.] Arcbhifljopricks and B'ifl}npricl:^s^ none. As for 
 mverfities^ here are two Collei^es ercfted at New Cambridge, which 
 li Conjunftion with other fuch Nurfcries ot Learning, her-rafter efta- 
 liifh'd m.ay, we hope, dcferve that Title in prccefsof Time. 
 gamier©.] The Englifl} here rcfiding, are much the fame with 
 kole in Old England. As to the Natives, thty are generally cliaraftc- 
 pd thup, vix,* a People chat's Crafty, Timerous, as alfo barbaroufly 
 B b :^ Cruel 
 t ' !!f 
 : i 
 1 !'"^i 
 ' W'? 
 ■ . V 
 Terra CanaJenjis, 
 Part 11 rtllJ 
 Cruel and Rcvengetul when they find Opportunity, But feme of ,i 
 are of a much milder Temper, bein^ likcways very Ingenious and quu 
 of Apprehenfion. Their Number (cfpecially within the Evi^lifl Terr;t, 
 ries) is mightily diminifh'd, the grtatert parr of Vm being Iwcpr awj 
 by the Snull Tox, about the firft Settlement of the Erglifh •, others t 
 Tumults among themtelves, and moft ot the rcil by the lace treacheroi 
 Wars with the Englijh* 
 Hansuagcj The Eng!'ilh [nhabitanrs of this Country ufe their ow 
 ianguagc. As to that of the Natives, ii's divided into a great mjny Di 
 lefts, and reckon'd very difficult to be leanfd by Strangers ; rhcp,en< 
 rality of its Words being extreamly long, and of an inarticulate I' 
 d^oVCVUmcut. 1 The Natives of this Country, arc divided into mar 
 Bodies, and arc fubjeft unto their Sjchims and Sagaw'res, who oej 
 Life an abfolute Jurifdiftion over them ; the Will of their rcfpert/i 
 Governors being all the Law they pretend to. The Ev.glifl) here ret 
 dinfz, are govern'd by their own Laws, and have feveral Courts 
 Judicature ercfted for hearing and determining of Caufes, both Civl 
 and Criminal ^ as alio for making and repealing of Taws that conccr 
 the Plantation. The Management of Publick Affairs, is in the Hand 
 of a certain number of Magillrates and Affifiants, dctermin'd by thcii 
 Parent j and our of thefe do the People annually chule a Governor, anj 
 IRciriticSt] The Etigli(J) here refiding are ProfefTorsof the Fnfe/b 
 Religion in general, hue greatly divided (as too common elfewherc) \i 
 to different Parties. The Native continue Pagan^ except thofe few ac 
 quainted with the Principles of CbHiianit)^ by a lace Serious Diving 
 Mr.yo/jH £//of, who [by tranflacing the Holy Bible, and feveral Books af 
 Devotion, into a certain Dialed of the Indian Ton^iue, and by frequentlj 
 preaching among them in their own Language] laid fome Foundation fd 
 a more general Converfion-, did fuch a generous Spirit poiTefs the Min(f 
 of Chriftian Benefartors, as to extend their Chariry that way (th,ij 
 which none can be more exrenfive) or ro mortifie feme part of theij 
 worldly Effatc for that noble Undertaking, (which might probably 
 ids i\ih}cti CO Abufes, ihanerefting and endowing of Hofpirah, Alm^ 
 hcufes, and fuch like) that in procefs of Time, fuch a Stock of ^lone1 
 might be fetl'd in a fure bund, as yearly to afford a defirable Compa 
 tcncy to a continued Set of Men, wlio Ihnuld be found furticiently abl| 
 -jnd willing to labour in that moft Chriiiian Defigu. 
 ^,on thl 
 ;ii Dukf 
 •ton th 
 :is thenl 
 It, tro 
 §, 6- A'cii 
I'art [| 
 t l^^me of 
 i'^^s and quic 
 '^■' ; other 
 ct.' rreac'icroi 
 Terra Canadenfis^ 
 i^t-' their v 
 cu m.'ny Di 
 ; rhc p^fni 
 trciculatc I'r] 
 U'rcO ""pHFS Country, (difcovcr'd Amo i5o8. by Mr, Mudfon^ 
 JL and bounded on the Eaft by part of the main Ocejn ; 
 I'leWeft by (bme of rt?rr<« Arnica; on the Norrh by Nexv England-^ 
 :on tlic South by New Jerfey) is term'd by the Italians, Yorke Nouella ; 
 :he SpMUiirdi, Siievo Yo\\ \ by the French, Nouvelle Torl^e \ bv the 
 •7Mrj, AV/< /or^'C- and by the Englifl), New York '-, io call'd from the 
 ;ij Duke ot Yorl( : tor it bein^ fold by tAr,Hudfon to the Dutch, vvuh« 
 [leave from his Waiter, the King of England; and they keeping P f« 
 lion thereof, under the Name of New Netherland till the Year 1664. 
 isthcn reduc'd to the EngHjh Crown -, whereupon King Charles If. 
 fpccial Writ, made his Royal Brother [the Duke of /or<|j] Proprietor 
 ir, from whom (asatorefaid) it derives its Name. 
 III*.] The Air of this Country is commonly reputed to be much 
 I'lame with that of New England. The oppofitc Place of the Globe 
 I^Vw Yorl:^, is that part of the Eafl-Indian Ocean, lying between 120 
 130 Degrees of Longitude, with 40 and 42 Degrees of South La- 
 ftioiL] The Soil of this Country, as alfo Long Ifland, is (by general 
 lljdon) fo rich, that one Bufhel of Bwrope^n Wheat, doth ordinarily 
 [jduce an hundred in many Places. It aboundeth likeways with moff 
 Iftsof EngUP) Gnm, Herbs, and Fruits; and produceth excellent To - 
 icco, as alfo Melons, Pumpkins, fyc. The length of the Days and 
 [jhcs in this Cauntry, is the fame as in the Kingdom of Na^Us, they 
 Kh lying under the fame Parallels of Latitude. 
 ^eral Books oF 
 by frequenrl jConimoDitiea. J The cK\d Commodities of this Country, are To- 
 oundation fAco, Bever, Otter, Ractoon, Deer and Elk-Skins, and other coftly Furs j 
 (efs the Min(J: which the Evglif} and Dutch trade with the Natives. 
 ic way (th,ii_ 
 toitics.] In divers parts of New-York, (efpecially thofe nigh 
 to and upon the Banks of the R\vct Conneilicutj grows a fort o£ 
 \ukc-weed, whole Root is much cfieem'd of for the Biting of the 
 itde Snake. Being pulveriz'd, it hath an excellent Fragrant Smell, 
 able CompMda good Aromatick Taife, but fecms ditfertnt from the Serpentariu of 
 ^iciencly ablpeShcps. 
 ^.-rcIjbifljopiicUc, 3*;c. ( Aichb'ipKpyidis^ Bipjopriclis, Vniverfities, 
 k(\ into mar 
 fi, who cyei 
 icir rclpert; 
 [liffj here rcf 
 ral Courcs 
 ', both Civl 
 that conccr 
 in the Han^ 
 nin'd by [hc^ 
 jovernor, anj 
 'lii I' 
 I ,t 
 I , 
 ' mi 
 lib 4 
 Terra Canadenfis. 
 ^anttet0.] The Natives of this Counny fefpf rially thofe cf u 
 7/?«Wj are, by mortal Difeafes and frequent Wars among themfeli 
 reduc'd to a fmall Number. Some ot cm are now fcrviceable to 
 Englifh ; and the reft fpend theii time commonly in Hunting, Fowii] 
 and hifhinj^ -, efpccially the Men, who remove from place to pljct 
 leave their Wives f ^r tillin;^ the Ground, and planting the Corn. Th'c\ 
 much ^ivcu of late to Drinking, and frequently intoxicate themldl 
 with ftrong European Liquors. 
 Jlanguase.] The Inhabitants of this Country bein,^ ^fgli(J>, m 
 few Dutch, do ufe the L,wf,uages pecuh'a: to their refpcilive Ccutitri 
 The Natives fpeak a veiy unpicafant Dialcft of the Indi^^n Tongue. 
 (SotJemment.] Tlie Natives cf this Country are r.^vern'd by thl 
 peculiar S.icbems^ who arc faid to advife with their chief Counccll/ 
 in Matters rf Imporrance, but ftill to pronounce the definitive S-nrec 
 rhemfclves, which their l^eopie commonly receive with ^rtd'c iL 
 plaufe. The EtiglifJ? here rcfidinr,, are fubjoft unto, and ruld by thl 
 own Governor, authoriz'd and fcut over by his MajcQy ths: King 
 Great Britain. 
 IRcltgtottvl '^^^ Englifl} here rcfidin^;, are rr.dch the fame in pij 
 of Rclifjon with th*»(e here in tv^LmJ : But the N.itivcsareftill in t) 
 Dark, and addifted to the blawtteft Idolatry, the generality of 'em biif 
 faid to vvorOiip the Devil, under the N?me of 7>/onef/o, towhomthj 
 frequently addrefs rhcmltlves, wuh a kip.i of Mai;ical Rites, and rh< 
 Pricfts (call'd Fuwaws) do ad as fo ir/^ny Conjurers. 
 ^. 7. New Jerfey, 
 f^amc] ^I^UIS Country (difcover'd hy nhc Englijl)^ under chc 
 .1 durt of the iVidCahots^ Anno 1497. lately divided in| 
 E^y? and Wefi Jeriey, and Bounded on the Eart by part of the mi 
 Ocean ; on the Well by fome of Terra Jr^ica\ on the North by M 
 Tork \ and on the South by Per^filvaniaJ is tcrm'd by the I( Huns, Jt 
 feia Nouella-y by the S pant aids, Nuevojerfey., by the Frctich, A'jtttl 
 Jcre[ey\ by the Germanfy Nsujajeti-^ and by the Englijh^ Sewjvu 
 fo cjIPd fr^m :he Ifland Jerfey in the Briti/l? Channel -, but w ly 
 rerm'd is fomcwhat dubious. 
Terra (^anadenfis. 
 lit,'] The Air of this C-untry iseOeemM abundantly healthful to 
 ;jthc in, and agreeable enouj^Ii to EngUp) Conflituiirns, as fufficiently 
 learstVom the long Kxperience ol many iManters. The oppDfKe Place 
 ;.ie Globe to AVw> Jerjey, is thac part of die vafl Indian Ocean^ lying 
 fween 120 and 150 Degrees of Longitude, with 39 and 41 Degrees 
 jouihera Latitude. 
 gioil.] The Soil is not every where the fame, being in fome Parts 
 jaordinary good, a :.d in others very indifferent. But 'tis generally 
 :'cv'd ro prove much betrer after the felling of the Timber, and 
 ;inn^ the Ground, in which the Colony begins now to make a good 
 jirels. The length of the Diys and Nights in this Country, is the 
 seas in the South of Ual)^ they both lying under the fame Parallels 
 CommotJiticcJ The chief Commodities exported hence for Eng^ 
 •i. are WhaleOil, Whale bins, Bever, Monkey, Rattoon, and Ma«r- 
 r>kins : As alfo Beef, Pork, Corn, Butter, a.ici Cheefe to the Adja- 
 :[ Uljnds. 
 iSantieo.") As the principal Obfervables of New Jerfey, wc may 
 %o"- Ibme rare Plants growing in divers pans of that Country, and 
 iy found by the curious Bitanij}^ it only at the pains co make a fcarch 
 iop^rti:)nableto his Cunoiity. Here alfo is rhat huge Creature call'd 
 kyhoji'^ of whole Skin they make excellent Buft. 
 l$l-cbblfl)OlJ?iLCb0, t^c] Arcbbijhpricks , Bijlnprulis, Vniierfities^ 
 p9anncr0.] The Native? of thisCounr.y ^'fewrr in Number than in 
 lltof the adjacent Colonics) are generally rcck^n'd a very (impleand 
 innocent fort of People, and many ot cm are now become very fcrvi- 
 bleto the Plan rcrf.. T!ie /^n^'//^> here rciidmg, arc much ihc fame 
 \Munners with thole in England. 
 Ilfluguiijc,] All rl";c can be faid of the Language of the Natives of 
 Country, is, in ge^^r.-l, that 'us one of the many different Dialcdti 
 t Indian Tongue, 11 Ac ot the Plantation retain and ule their owa 
 n^uage. • 
 potcuim^nt.j Thi* Covrntry being divided into a certain number of 
 »^Jor Proprieties-^ out of cuch i^yopyisty is annually chofcn a hrec- 
 ^;!er by the Inhabitanrs thereof, 1 hefc Kreelioldcrs meet at a cer- 

 Tt^rra Canadenjis, 
 tain riincot t' c Vc^r, as a general Aillmblv, rr cr'.mpleac Reprclei 
 tivc Bcdv of tlic- vviiole Cr lony : in due AiTcnthly, (rogerher wich , 
 Govern r, orliis Drputv) is Jod-'d the Lp'fli.ive Power, in makil 
 or rcpeil rj, <-f laws rclarir;; to the wlv.;lc I'rcvirjcc \ but \\v\ u| 
 this Hcrtri/tion, th:c they iiO \v.:ys infringe rhac Liberty ot Co.ilcien< 
 at tirll ellablilll'd \ zixdi thir by an iiTf^vrcable fundjmcnral Cjnl 
 tu'i -n , never to b-? -i e-'ci by any fubfcqucnt Law what! ever \ 
 Tax or 5ub::d;, , Harts .r Scrvirco , are to be imposd up n tl 
 People, but by and vvitb i\\^ C /iill'iic of thsir Rtprcfcniatives in t[ 
 lilclmiou, I Tiic E;;^//'//-' ber:.* rrHdin^^, ;» re of different rerfu-irKPsj 
 PoiiKot isd'i^v.n^ thvpr bcfi;^ a Liberty ot Confcicncc aJlo^v'd ro a ll 
 the Cole;"! y. Bi'C the pior Njrivcs (to our great Shamcf) ate fiill gJ 
 pin2 in tl.e T\'/i!ighc ot I'aganilin. I 
 ^ 'o. Tcnfih:a::ia. 
 Jl^amc/] ""T^HrS Country r«;ir''ovcr'd at t!ie fime time with t 
 .1 r^^^ o^ ^Ite aciiacent Continent, and bounded on t 
 Fart bv p.irr oirlie main Ocean j on the Wert by Lome ot taY,i A^'Wi 
 on the North bv Hexv'Jcfky -^ and on the South by Mir)l.u\d) is tcrni 
 by I'^f i''i'ih^\ rcnfilvanit! ^ by zhefjernhins^ l\'r,filvanien ^ by the ItAliA 
 .V/'.:«/u><''', ao'-^ Engl]jhyr:i)fU\:,inli \ to ciii'd iiovwWiU'.^m I'^im^u 
 whom King 0\iyIcs II. made lirrt Proprietjr thereof by Lctrcrs l'a:ei 
 Anm ir8o. 
 %\x, ^ T';c A'lv of this Cnunrry i' generally ^jantcd to 
 i-lear and f'.vr!.r , the Tieavens \yc\\\^ reidoin overcafi with Cijiij 
 Tile length ui the Days and NI^Ikj, is much tiic fume here as in A'^ 
 £ot(.l Tie .S'v/of tliii C'juntry is rokrab!v g''^nd in m.iny Par 
 h\\\ Ml ioii',0 Place:- exncamly baiTcn. The opp (ire Place ol the GIol 
 {) l':'tu'.ii:in'n, !!> -hat port ot tUq Hji.hlnJij ().:ean, lyinp, ber.veon i 
 and i::'') L"?;^!(.ib of Loni^iiude, with 40 and 45Ucgreesof >.uai 
 (rciUsiiuBUiCC. ; T K'vc being no confidtr.bic Trade as yei fett'l 
 r\ '..\t;.ii th'j ^nd borc'.gT C'.'untiies ; t le cliiet (:vnm\i\tki hv.herroi 
 ic Reprclcr 
 Jthcr wiih 
 ■r, in nukil 
 l)iit ll:i| uj 
 ^t Co.ilcienl 
 'onral L mi 
 itl ever 
 'J^d up n c| 
 tivcs in t[ 
 :rll. Ti^rra CdyiaJenJis, 571 
 j, jre mjftly Horfes and Pipe-Stave?, commonly lent to the Illand 
 Saritiec.] In fcvcnl pjrts a{ Fcnfilv^nLty are Sprinp.s of good Mf- 
 .; W Iters, pa-ricularlv tiiole .ib ur two Miles trom Philaddljhia, 
 ■\ t r Operation, are accounted much the lame with our Purging 
 . : at BAinet. 
 O'^v'ci to all] 
 ate ftill ^i 
 ime with tj 
 iindcd on t| 
 ferrj Arli 
 ndj is (crr 
 the lul'uii 
 m /'lv;/?, tl 
 ctrcrs P4;ei 
 Sunncvc* ] The Narivcs of this Ccuntry bc'n^ Pcrfons of tall Bo- 
 '. ,ind f.viirth.y CompIeKiors^ arc generally reckon d m)rc mild and 
 •!; inc!in'd, than moil ccht^rs ot t!ic Jnc('h:n Naiions. The U.umpeans 
 I'ffcfiding, bcinr; moftly Etjjijl\ witli a few Duuh and Srvedes^ are 
 che U'^'2 with cholc in Europe. 
 liiijuagc] The I.m^.v.T^f oi- the Natives, being a Dialeftof tl;? ^^ 
 Tongue, is faid to be very lottv, Iweet, and cmphatick, in rcfpt^t 
 [wny others in thcfe Parts of th.c World ; as alio very ealK^ no be ac- 
 red by Strangers. The Eur'.pe.^us here refjding, retain the refpedtivf 
 l-ujgcs of their own Country. 
 ^obcinmcti .1 This Countrv being L'ramed 'as aforefiid) ro WiU'ritft 
 k by hii MajJly King Chairs II. f'lc Pubiick Atfairs thereof are 
 bd by ft'veral Court« of jiiftirc, tiierc eliabiilh d under liim as 
 biecor, who (or his Deputy} rules ^hc lame in Subordination to ^ 
 Kot Gieat Brit Mil, 
 ere as in Ai 
 ,in:cd ro bef 
 with c!ju(Mkcli3ion. ' Ti.e Bugl'ifl: iicrc refiding, arc rf il'-tfacnt '^Lfh m6 Vci 
 1011b , but I'.nthi'fu'im chiefly prevail?, tiiis Country being ftockii 
 .i^uai-rrs by thcr Govern >ur, ^ViHi.irn raw. Ihe Nauvcb arc Uva* 
 JVC a i^rcrt) clear N:>ii.)n of a Sapieme lAin/,, tlic Immortality of 
 Tui, and a l^ururc State. Their Worfnip chicHy couiilis in 84crif'. • 
 ,!iid S.n)^> 
 II many Par 
 oi the Glo' 
 be I ween i 
 of S ,uch 
 intcrmis'd with Dancing. 
 as vei fort' 
 'J hv.hcrrcx 
 ^. 9. Mary Lan.l, 
 rfllS ('.uniry ;dif^ )vcr'd by \l\i. Pr^lijl , under liicCrn.. 
 {\uf\ vi th'.' two dbots^ Anm i^oi. and bounded on i!u; 
 • part ot the iiuin OinAi^ ; .n tiie "Aefl by lorre of hrra Artl'i- 
 itlie N'nrrhbv /'t7i/.'/r.H;/7- and en tlrSourh by Virj^lnltJ i? term'd 
 " liHh'ivs^ Miryl.vh{'>t \ b\ rlic Sfitjiiidsy Turru < e M.iu.t j by the 
572 Terra Canadenjls.^ Terre du Mark-^ by the Gerwans, MufienL^pi -^ and by the 
 ^///Z>, Ataryland -^ fo call'd ac lal\ m Honc>ur ot Queen -V./rv, WifJ 
 King Charles I. who ^ave it by Lctrer Parcnr, under rbai Name tc 
 Right Honourable Cdcilws Cahcrty Lord ^ultimore^ Anno i 
 1tit«3The ^Ir of this Country is much more heal'hful now, and 
 agreeing to £>/^//y7j Conftiruticns ihan forntK rlv, wh i the Wood -^^ 
 entire: And the better ic flilJ frow?, the prciter Prop^rtls tliev mai 
 fcMing the Timber. The oppaficc phceot the Ghhc. to Mar)- 1 am 
 that part of the Eujl-Jndian Ocean, 1; irif? bcrvvccn 120 and 1 30 Dq 
 of Longitude, with 57 and 40 Ucgrecs of Sjutli Latitude 
 5>0ll.3 The 50// of this Ounrry is generally rrckonM vav fcrtil 
 rich, producing in great Plenty the famr things with S^ewftl. 
 Length of the Days and Ni^Jitb in M.iry-LwJ^ is much the fame a^ iii| 
 Southern Provinces of 6'/'».'7;j, they both Jving under the Lmc Para 
 of Latitude. 
 CoiUinoDlties.^ '^^^^ chief Cfjmwidiiks of this Cot" -v, jre 
 bacco, Hemp, tUx, Wood, Hops, Rare Seed, Madder, btJis, 
 Skins, ^c. I 
 iftarittCG.l Of ffvcra! rare Cruff. tee ih*- At'nul.i found in tliisCc 
 try, That call'd the 5/^rioe or Siiticji'i:, is incti oblcrvable, and that 
 ticuIarJy for the admirable Coiirnvance of his Eyes. For they b^ 
 plac'd under the covert of a thick Shell, Nature (whofc Operation 
 \vond,erful in every thing) hath lo erdcr'd, that thole Parts abovel 
 Eyes arc fo trsnfparcnr, as to eonvcy a competency of LiH,ht, whcrj 
 the (otherwife benij^lired) Animal Cun cleariv fee its way. bor K 
 ral Other remarkable Creatures, v. uh a Catalogue of rare Piants iii 
 r)'lanJy Vid. Fhilof. Tranf. N. 245. 
 ;^anncr0,] The Natives of this Country T^^onftdercd in themj 
 are generally nckon'd the fame with thole ol Kew Tcil>^ or the ncaj 
 to them in iheirTemper and Cuff ms cf any other (>f the American 
 'tions \%h;Klocvt'r. iiie Eti^lijh hcic refidin^^, are much the fjni:' \K 
 ii\ok in Ei^Liifd, 
 3Laugua3C.] The I^r^iv^f of the Native? in ilis C'^untry, is 
 ro con hit c-f uivers Idicmj, vcrv different trom one anouier , and n 
 0^ 'cfn either lo plcalaac to the tar, or fo calie ro be ncquir-jj 
Terra Cantichnfis. 
 infers, as thofe in Pcnfiivan'u. The Er^lifj here rcfiding, ufe their 
 'fOternmcnt."] The Righc Honourable Crff/7/;/^ Culvert, Lord Balti- 
 his Heirs and AffignSj being by Letters Patent [Anm i6^2.']cm-^ 
 rds and I'roprietors of ^ e>:cepcing the Sovereign Do- 
 ;:[i and Allegianr:, with a fifth part of the Gold and Silver Ore re* 
 d to hisMa'Mty. The Qoxernment of the Colony by their Lord- 
 :i Care and Frui-'encc, is fo model'd, tl'at we may reckon it a Dimi- 
 pcof thacot EngLinii. For tlie Supreme Ciurt (cnll'd a General Af* 
 ■;)J rclemblef, in lome meafure, our fir^Z/pParHament , being di- 
 '(iinto an 'L'/ij-aand Loner f/infe. The upperconfifls of the Governor 
 ill, with his Council, and luch Lords of Manners, and others, as his 
 |;iliip or Lieutenant ihall by Writ call thither. The Lower is made 
 j.! Delegates elcfted and lent up by each County of the whole Pianta- 
 rhis Alfembly is ccnvcn'd, proiogu'd, or diiVolv'd at pleafurc, 
 |isLordl>iip or Lii.utenant; and whatever is agreed upon, and ena- 
 by borh Houlcs, and aiVented unto by his Lord (hip, hath the 
 lion of a Law, and can't be rcpealV? but by the fame Authority. 
 bo this Lcgillative Alfjmbly, is the Provincial Court, generally 
 fac St. Mar)\^ to which Apj^cals arc made from all Inferior Courts 
 f.c whole Province. 
 kligion.] The En^lijJj here reiuling, are of various Perfuafions in 
 bol /if/z^/'^n, there bcini> a tolcfaiioii cn;jiM'd tor all .Sith of Chri- 
 pity. The Native^ know notliinj-:; ae^ yet cf the trie God, frtvc what 
 oblturcly Ice byiiic ^^limpdn^ Li^^hc oiNarure. 
 1 o. Virginia, 
 1 '\ 
 '** IN' 
 ;,v. '^i 
 p. 1 
 \m 1 
 tinc.j "Tp H IS Countrv (difcovci'd fiift by Cil-^t^ Am9 
 X M97- bu*- af;Ci-wards m re pcritilly by Sir ^l'.^//.'.••/ 
 :. Am' » '^2.\ wi'jcn .^'('to-k ;olie!Ticn thererf in Qrccn t.li7!.tktb's 
 ':i) is b.'U'.uicd on th." r.';.fl by p.irc of the m.iii] Occi.i , en the 
 ]'■:)■ }• ri'.r ')t Ti!yra />t7/f.i^ on tiie N )rth by MaryLvJ., and on the 
 ribyC.j'Y' .'•./. It is :em"db\ zh'^t'rcnchj'ii^'r^ie -., !)y liie Gcviruvis^ 
 \fin ^ by '•he 'rAliatis. S;\tri iU\ .ml Lr^li(f\ Virp^auu • f*^ cnll'd 
 sncar or 'V.-iuufti/T./^tV/;, t.'i.u Mabuiinc vijjiu Queen, of happy 
 Tdrra Canadenfis. 
 %\xr\ The /4;> of this Counrry, ar, to Hcur ;jnd Cold, Drynef^ 
 Moiflure, is variable according to th.c Winds- thole troni tlif^ N rrhj 
 North-Weft bein^ univerHilly cold and picrcirgi '"'r th fc ir mj 
 South and Souch-Eaii, do c-'mmonly brin^ alor.j> with t'.tm ;, re ir 
 in the Summer, which is frequently fucceeded in Septettibcr h\ \>, 
 fuch quantity, that it harh fcvcral occafi ;n'd an Kpidtmiidj 
 nefs among the rcop'e. The oppodre Place ot the Globe to J - 
 is that part of the EaiJ-IrJhtn Ocean, ly in,', between 120 and ipl 
 grccs of Longitude, with 53 and 40 Dcgrtcsof Sjurh Laiitude. 
 ^Oil.] The5o?7of this Countrv, ftrangcly intermiyt (with ava^lj 
 bcrof Oylter-Shells) is generally Sandy, yet abundanly tern! in G 
 where cmpk'Y'd chat w.iy. I: affcrdeth a'fo nv.A\ fores <.f R.ic;, 
 defirable bruits, witii Piiyfical Plants and Herbs in ;.ucat plen-v ■ [)u 
 hove all, it produ^x-Lii a v/ondctful quantiry of Tobacci), that bcwircl 
 Weed fo accounted of ail the World over. The len^'jii of the Ur ; 
 Nights in l^irgin'i.i^ is the fame as in the Soutlurn Provinces ot 1 
 they bothlying under the lame Parallels of Lacuude. 
 Commodities.] The chief rom/;?ci/r/>j- of thi* Ccuntry, in 
 the Natives tratfick wuli tho Evg!'ijl\ are S'Kins ot" Drcr, Lcvci, j.^ 
 ther wild CcaHs ^ for which the Lv^hjh rtiurn them Gim^, i' » 
 Shot, Iron-Tools, Drand>, ^t". bur the chief thii'g cyp>rc<;d lui.i 
 England, is Tobacco, ther^ beinf', above an hundied and tiUv Nr 
 Ships commonly that load therewith every Year. 
 IRarittecO Such is the prr.dii^iou^ 
 s mul'iinide 
 rev ^' 
 \:k \ 
 |r( as 
 jelp oi 
 pd c 
 :vn l.a 
 mixt vvith the Earth in V'lrgwviA^ that in func place:. thw\'re t. and 
 or four Y'ardsdcep in the Gr 'und , where- Ivinu cl-fo t.^^''tf:ei :hc 
 f^iid to petrify, and Teem to mike a Vetn ot fuc.'i a Ucck. Luc w cl ^^y, 
 the parts of that Hock, are really the Slielis of OyOcr-., there IdiJ ^i 
 the Sea, (which Ibmc fupp(;fe to have over llow'd tliis Tra^t o) 1 a 
 l..(pUe\- jui Generis, fuh Judkc lis ejl. (l.) In fome hticianiks d ^^rtiVul 
 arc f')und Teeth, (about two or three Inclica lonj:, j'.ul btt^av!' 
 pos'd to be thole ol l-ifliuCij and in other part;, are ihi^iip ihc ho 
 Whales feveral Yards deep, and that many Lcaj^vi^; t^.m '^ca. (' .;. 
 tlie Uivcr Fatutnak '' ^ ^'^^ ^^ K.!rJh, of ^m Alii ^ 
 very foftand Ii^ht, anil ot an acid afhinj^cr.t 'faHf almoi'l hi^c . 
 Atlum. (4.) In mmy la ts of this (Joiintrv ivtound ac«:rt*in !.• 
 can itivn.ii out i!:e vSl 
 n ot 
 Squirrel, wlio, iit hii. \)k^ 
 Thighs and Le^',s about an Inch in brtJiith ( like tiu. vVi,,. 
 Ear)* by the lielpoi which, lie leap- firrher, and j!t^hf^ 1 lote 
 liian the oidi.ury loir, and*, rh- fl'.>rc ralld H:e i '•';- "^ juird. 
 m, a 
 it k 
 ft tor 
 f c\ re r 
 pr( i\ 
1 tStm irc 'r 
 C'ciiritrv, in 
 Terra Canaddiifis. 
 3JrcI)bifliopitcI\6, li3ifliopucU0, 2vc.] ^Anhbiilopr'ni's, Eijlcpricl^^s, 
 1 PC. A« tor Vnivcrfit'ies, here ii a confldf^rahlc S niiiiary ot Lcarn- 
 Lbrely eftablirh'd ac S:.yames''s Town, which already merirs the Title 
 k//t'^c% and we hope it will in pfjccls ot Timcdcfcrve tlie N;iiie of 
 \^mmV5.'] The Natives of this Counrrv being Perfrns generally of 
 ^!and i'lcnder Codies, black Hair, and oi a tawny Com pi ck ion, are 
 hch given to Revenue, and very exatl:^ in vindicating the Death oi a 
 Jicnd, it they can bv any ineans polfi[)]e. They Ipend moflot their 
 he in huntinij; wild Bv-aftf, pait'ciilarlv Deer and Ecvcr, vvhnfe Skins 
 l]i aforefaid} they interchange with ihic FtigHJh tor what Necclfaries 
 lev want. Natives of ti.e Inhnd Parrs arc laid to burn their Dead , 
 [id lay up their Allies ncr their Cabin?. Thnfe wh m they own as 
 ■;e(]«, are look'd upon us fo many C)n)urcrs, bccaufe by their Invoca- 
 j:Ds in a private Cabin, 'tis rep' rted that they frequently caufe abun- 
 Irce of Kain to fall. 1 he Evi^l'ifJ) here rcfiding arc much the fame with 
 :'k in Ef.glanJ. 
 tanCiUagc, J The Largua^e r^f t!ie Narive? of this Country is re- 
 [iirkablefor its vaft variety ot Dialers, andchole ib different from one 
 other, that People of twenty Miles diihnce fand fometimes lefsj 
 has quire different Nations, neither ot them being able to com- 
 kehend the full mcaninj^ of one another's Jargon\ without the 
 Idp of an Interpreter. Of luch People or Nations are chieHy rec- 
 In'd the Chuwrnul^s^^oags, At'ii(ic.:iu\ .V/.t/.avQWe/^fy, Mur^nahKl^s^ 
 hxehAtan^ fyc. 1 he Erglijh 1 ere rcfiding retain and ufc their 
 );vn Language, 
 ilDObCVniUGUt* 1 The Natives (efpecially thofc in the Fn-land Parrs 
 If this Lounrry ; cvwi SubieAion to certain Governours of their 
 kn, call'd Waoiinu The hrgl'ijh are lubjcft unto, and rul'd by a 
 wrtiruhr Go: ernor, appointed and fcnt linrlRT by his britjimiil^ 
 llaicftv- Tile various laws \^hic:ii i-rnicdMtJy relate ro the Colo- 
 it lelf , are made by the Governour, with the Ciinfent of his 
 Ijincil, in Conjunction with me Buriellcs cLiteri by Freeholders. 
 lit tor Decifion of Mr.trers (^whether Civil --.r Ciiniinal) in general 
 jevrethe very fame with thofehere in Et^gl.wc^. The chief Court of 
 ludicature, being held Quarterly, is call d the Qjuottr Court : In it the 
 tovfrnour ar.d Cnuncii are Judges, who dertrniine in Affairs ot the 
 pfd} moment: and to it Appeal are made from inicri r Courts, 
 ptiilv kept in cverv County j th^^iC being SiKnrtb, Juffices of 
 • rl 
57^ Terra Cancidenjis. p^^^ 
 the Peace , and other Officers appointed for that cud by the 
 IRcligion.] The Hn^///7; here refidinc; are (for the moft part) P| 
 fcrtbri ot the Proteftant Doitrine, and Obfervers of the Forms of i; 
 vine Worlhip, according to the Model of the Church ot hniUi 
 But the Natives continue Vagan^ e:<cept a few of the younger fore k 
 ready taught the Element of Humane Literaiure, and irJlrurtcd in t| 
 Principles of Chrirtianity by the Members of our lately ereftcd Sen 
 nary of Learning at St. Jamts Tmr\\ of wliofc happy and defired Pr 
 grefs in this matter, we have all Reafon in the World to wilh, and 
 Imall Grounds to hope the bcft. 
 §. IT. Carolina, 
 l^ameO TpHIS Country, (difcover'd at firfl abont the fame ti 
 £ wirh ('/r^/«/^, and afterwards, Ar\m iddo. granted . 
 Patent to feveral Nubiemen as Proprietors thereof) is bounded on t) 
 Eaft by part of the main Ocean-, on the Wef\by fomeof Tarci Jrl 
 ca i on the North by Virginia •, and on the South by part oi iHoridn. 
 is tcrm'd by the French^ Caroline \ by the Ualians, Spaniards^ GerniA 
 and Engliflj, Carolina ^ i'o call'd in Honour of his Britamicl:^ Majcfij 
 King Charles the Second. 
 ^irO The Air of this Country is reckon'd very heahhful 
 breathe in, and fo tempenre, that 'tis a good Medium between tr 
 Extremities of Heat and Cold , that are mjll fenfibly felt in dii 
 Parts of the World. The oppofire place of the Glube to Caroling 
 IS that part of the Eall-lndian Ocean , lying between 120 and 1^0 DJ 
 grccs of Longitude, with 29 and 36 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^Oil.3 The5o/7of this Country is for the moft part veryfruitfy 
 producing in great Plenty moif Ibrts of l^ruits, R>ocs, Plants, Kcibs, i^ij 
 befidcs variety of Englijh Grain. The length of the Days and Niglui 1 
 Carolina^ is much the fame with ihoie in the Scuchmoil part rf Sp!ii\ 
 and Northmoft oi Barbary^ they both lying under the fame Parallels 
 Terra CanadenJU. 
 romnioDittCG.1 The chief Coww^?f/Vx exp'^rred hffice, are Skins 
 i):tc:ts, Btrirs and Leopards ; as air> Oil, Ohvci, C crjii, Indico, 
 .iT, Tobacco, J^arfapaiilla, rurrnerick, Siiukes-Roor, '^tc. 
 janticc] Wb .[ chiert detti .-es rhe Epithet of Karc in C^rolmcL^ is 
 4111 Herb, which 'ioca'-y fh('N:nic of cheCouiivr} ; and icmarka- 
 ;trr its lon^rtd K /.t, which draws upon I'apcr good red Lines, buc 
 ,vcrsnociii DyiUj^. 
 i^amicrs.] The Nanves of this Country, being naturally Men of 
 J Coiiragc, and fc r a long time at Wars Mniong themfclves, are 
 fc'-.rily d'.miniHi'd in th.cir Nunibcr, to .vhat rhcy were. Bu«- rhofe 
 jriining are gerierall) Perf^ns if a p,ood aj^reeabJc 1 tmpcr, and main- 
 Eafirm briendlhip v.iu'i our Col'^ny. The Engiifl) hctc refiding are 
 !l.ime in AUnriers wii!i tliofe nere io England. 
 [lin^uagc] i'he Natives have a particular yarg^n of their own, 
 jell I'junds very harfh to the Ear, and feems to Strangers extreamly 
 k it not impcfiibic to be acqu^r'd. The Engltjl) ufe their owB 
 pctcnimcnt.] King Cb.-.rles TI. having granted Carohnlt by Letters 
 pK, ill Prcpricty :o O't'ri;^ Duke o^ Allef marie, EJwar.i\ of CU* 
 |;n, ^c. by thofc Letrcre, the Lawsot Evglatid were to be always ia 
 leui [his Country , only the Lord's Proprietors arc impower'd (coge- 
 tf with the Ccnf^nt ct tlie Inhabitants) to make or repeal fuch By- 
 k a^ (hall iicn-; time to time be thought cKpcdicnr, lor the better 
 piling of the v\holc Colony. 
 kcUjioiu] Tiic F-iighp) here rc;ridin,^i,are of many and different Per- 
 lions in Matceis o^ RvligiiUy there being u Liberty ol Conlcience 
 p'd by the very ConHitution of tluir Government. The Natives iia'C 
 let no revcal'd Krow ledge of the True Gc;d, but tollovv the vain Ima- 
 |j(uii') of their own Minds; however, they are faid to adcoowledge 
 ItSiipienie Ecin.!, whrm they wnrliiip under the Name of Okct\ and 
 Inim their Pricll^ do ircquently Saciince, but they believe that he 
 pnoCarc ot Humine Aftair5, committing them to lelfer Deities. 
 p atkno'.vl'^dgc isho a Traulmigraiion of Soub, and a iuiurc State of 
 fchat^ei this Liie. 
 C c SECT, 
 flL. £ I 
 Part ■ : rt JL 
 SECT. V. 
 Concerning Cctta ^taiUV 
 UNDER the Title of Terra ArUka, we comprehend all \]\i 
 Northern Countries, lying cither intirely (or moftly) wiihin 
 Arlikk Polar Circle. The chief of which are thefe following, x/>. 
 Spits berg. 
 Kova Zembla^ 
 Terra, de Jtjfo, 
 Ken' Dcr^mr,il^ 
 A'ew North Wales. 
 Of thefe we know little more, as yet, than their bare Names. I 
 very fenfiblc, That in treating of them, (yea, and that iudividual 
 of the Earth cxa^^ly under the North Pole) f( me Writers are pieas'd] 
 Ipeak as particularly, as if they were dilcourfing of the Fifty two C )i 
 ties of Ergland. But leaving (uch Gentlemen to divert therafclves wi 
 their own Chimeras-, and leaving thefe Countries to the better Dilcov< 
 of future Ages, I pafs on to the various Divifions of South Americl 
 chufing rather to fay nothing of the aforefaid unknown Countries, tl{ 
 to relate things of them fatisfaftory neither to my felf, nor the< 
 being wilHng to have due regard to that excellent Saying of the Ri 
 Orator, Qifam beUum ejl velle confiteri potiu4 nefcire quod ncfciin^ ifU^ 
 ifta effutientem naujearcy atque ipfum fibi difplicere / Cic. de Nat. Dej 
 lib. I. Now folio wcth 
 E C 
 Concerning VLttU JFltma^ 
 id all :t, 
 ng, vk. 
 ^th Wales, 
 imes. I 
 lividual pi 
 ire pleaj'd] 
 cy two C' 
 nafclves wU 
 :er Dilcove 
 tb Americi 
 jntries, ell 
 the Rcjdj 
 f the Ror 
 ncfc'itii^ (jut 
 Ndt. Dc( 
 d. m. 
 tween^ ^? ^°*lofLatit 
 V4« ■■!« 
 i »' 30 J 
 Length from E. to W. h ^- 
 bout 1260 Miles. 
 Breadth fromS. coN. isa^ 
 bouc 480 Miles. 
 " ina A\\,; Uf^ \t^rr.S^'*^^ ^^^ ^'^^^ Onnoqudj call'd Guiana, 
 ■MUg Giviaea into^j^,^^^ ^j^^ j^.^^^ Orinoque, term'd Caflelh del Oro, 
 e Provinces 
 dsC Car 
 oti (JHI 
 HI ana — 
 ' "Morefhega 
 jManhoa — 
 ''Panama, or 
 Terra f'trma 
 Carthagena — j § 
 Na to & 
 Idem — 
 • romprehendf^ 
 c Provinces ot^ 
 St. Martha — >H <[ Idem 
 I Idem- 
 Rh de la hacha 
 I'enez^ula ■ 
 Ana'aluT^ia — — 
 f^ar'ia — 
 \^ Papa) an 
 Maluregvara — 
 St* Fede bagato - 
 St. Fe de AnticL'^a 
 *W. to E, 
 .] 'npHIS Country, (diTcover'd by the Spaniard s^ and con- 
 X quer'd Anno 1514.) is Bounded on che Eaft by parr of 
 «main Ocean ^ on the Weft by Mar delZur-^ on che North by Mar 
 iVorf and the Bay ol Mexico ^ and on the South by Pera^ Amaxonia^ 
 jpart ot Cr.'///. Ft is termM by the ItaHaj.i^ ferra Firma ^ by the 
 p^irt^x, Tierra Firma-, by the hench^ Terre Ferine •, by th.e Germanty 
 tfuaj} Lard ; and by the Engl'ijh^ Ttrrc Firma % fo call'd hv the Dif- 
 leries thereof, as bein^ one part of thcf;rm Land^ or M. > -acineot,) 
 Iwhich the Spaniards ftrft touch'd in their Wc-ftern Difco CiU** 
 ::■/ ^ 
 Cc ;r 
 ■50 "^^ iniB 
 ^ 1^ III 2.2 
 [r 1^ 12.0 
 1.4 |,.6 
 4 6" 
 VV;^e!iTER,N.Y. 14580 
 (716) ^72-4503 
 Tetfa Firma. 
 3,«.l The a: of this Cou^ry Is eKcremdy hoc, ,ec ,e„e.„v | 
 counted very wholcfome, fave in the Northmoft Parts adjacent to \^ 
 Jfthmui oi Panama^ where the Ground is full of Lakes and Mariih 
 which by their afcending Vapours do render the Air very ^Tofs, a 
 confequenily lefs wholelonne to breathe in. The oppofite pLce oi t^ 
 Globe to Terra Firmn, is that part of the Eaft-Indian Ocean, Ivin^ yf 
 tween 107 and 1 50 Degrees of Longitude, with 5 Degrees of Njrthj 
 and 1 1 Degrees of Southern Latitude. 
 S)OilO This Counrry (lying mof^Iy in the firfl North Climitc 
 faid to be blcfied with an excellent 60;/, producing a great pktuv 
 Corn and Fruits where duly manur'd. It mightily abounds in Vcn.f 
 Fifh and Fowl. A great part of it is planted with Cotton, jqd 
 others are very productive of Sugars and lobacco. Here are alfo vcfy 
 confiderable Mines of Gold, Silver, Ikats, ^c. many precious Srong, 
 and in fevcral places, good fifhingof Pearls. The Jongeft Day int 
 Northmoft part of this Counrry, is 1 2 Hours and an half ^ the (horr 
 in the Southmoft, is 1 2 Hours or thercaboucs ; and the Nights propor: 
 CoinmoDitieC*] The chief Commodities of this Country, are G 
 Silver, and other Metals, RiUam, Kozin, Gums, Long Pepper, tr 
 raids, Saphirc, Jafper, {fy-c. 
 [..iour, '. 
 iople t 
 i; other 
 V the la 
 uny Cat 
 jilh'd E 
 ,vo Nati 
 lRatttiC0/J Upon the Coaft of Terra Firma nigh Surenam, is 1 
 quently (een, and fometimes taken that Kilh, ufuaily call'd by Mumi 
 the OldWife^ but otherways, th.e Sqiutre Acaratwa ^ lb tr.m'd trom 
 figure, being almoft a compleat /^M^^tMirkw. (2.) ^n fevcral parrs 
 (Juiana, arc certain Trees, call'd Totuk, remarkable for their Fru 
 which is of fo great a bulk, and wiihal lu hard, that People can't u; 
 fafcty walk among 'em, when the Kruit is ripe, being in danger evci 
 Moment to have their Brains knockt out. (^ ) In one of the Branrhl^oljer 
 o{ Oronoq^e \Mvcr, is fuch a hideous Catararf, that the Water fai!;B [he K 
 down, makes as loud a Nuile as it a l"h. ufand Iklls were knocked oHhom ar( 
 againft another. Vid. /■/c}lintCDjm'-^g. lait Kdition, i\Jge ioS6. (4.) (aiaemeni 
 cs, anc 
 re fcttl 
 the top of a high Mountain, call'd Conoby is a confiderable Lake, (a 
 cording to tlic Keport of the Natives) and that well Ifockt with m( lufes, v 
 forts of Fi Hies. (5.) In IbmeHivcrs of Gw/,;nu, is a certain little hi leMidla 
 about the bif:ncfs ol a Smelt, and remarkable for having Four Eyt ainrain'< 
 Two on each fjde, one above the other- and in fwimming, 'tisobl(^iv ;vern'd 
 to keep the uppcniioff Two above, and the other Two under v\. in 
 (6.) In the Illand of Trinidado, Qnear the Coart of Terra t^irnu] 
 rcniarkablc Foinuain ot I'itch, winch buileth ou. of the Eurth in hk 
 here, il 
Part i. p.irt II. 
 Terra Firma. 
 I ^-jodance, and is eyporccd thence to various Places in thefe parts of the 
 t generally a| .orld. C?.) Near C. B>m, on the Continenr., is another fountain of 
 djacent to [^ .-rhy Subflance, much us'd in trimming of Ships with good Succefs, 
 and M<iri:i,|i -d preferable to the ordinary Pitch in thofe hot Countries, being able 
 'cry grofs, .i|l refift the fcorchin^^ Heat of the Sun-Beams. Vid. Furchof his F//- 
 ^e pUce 01 cl| i vfj Part 4. Lib. 6. 
 ean, l^in^ t* . 
 ^recsof Njrl, '3lrcI)bifliopncfeG, iStHiopzicfeS, &c.| Here is one Spawjh Arcb- 
 •op, v/':^. that of St. tec de Bagota. 
 th Climitc'^ 
 rcat plciuv 
 ids in Vcr,:fii^ 
 Cotton, jqil 
 e are alfo ve» 
 recious Srnne^ 
 geft Djy in t: 
 i the ihorn 
 ghts propor: 
 fiifllopucU0.] Bijhoprhks FourC Fofay.Wy 
 vix,. thofe of i Panama^ 
 ambcrOttcc] None. 
 St. Martha, 
 nrry, are G 
 Pepper, hr 
 retiam, is 
 I'd by Mar' IK 
 . m'd trom li 
 veral parts 
 Dr their Fruj 
 )plc can't uil 
 danger evcj 
 f the Branr! 
 Water fai:;| 
 ; knocked ol 
 386. (4.) 
 hie Lake, (a| 
 Dcki with mo 
 tain little h 
 ig Four Eya 
 'tis obl( 
 under ^ .K^ 
 Eufth in ad 
 tlSattnctsO The Natives of this Country, being Perfons of a tawny 
 lour, and fforthe moft part) of very robufland proper Bodies, are 3 
 tople that s very healthful, and generally live to great Ages, notwith- 
 nding the Air they breathe in is none of the beft. They fpcnd mofl 
 their Time in Hunting, and fuch like Diverfions, as the generality 
 other Amerkiins do, and commonly walk naked above their Middles, 
 1 thelateft Accounts of this Country, there are ftill in Guiana a great 
 jny Cannibals^ the Eating of Humane Flelh (efpecially that of vaa- 
 ;ilh'd Enemies) is fo relifhing to the Palate ot thofe Savages, that 
 n Nations of tliem, by mutual Devouring, are now reduc'd to Two 
 ndfuisof Men. 
 I language] Here is a great Diverfity of L^n^w^i^ex among the Na- 
 es, and each of tl.efe divided into feveral Dialeds. The Europeans 
 \iQ fettled retain the feveral Languages, peculiar to their rcfpeilivc 
 cuntries from whence they came. 
 ©oticrumcnt.] This fpacious Country, is, in a great part, fubjeft 
 the King of Spain^ and govern'd by the Vice-Roy of Mexico, under 
 [horn are leveral Deputy-Governors in divers Parts, for the better ma- 
 i^ement of the whole ; and for an equal diftribution of Juftice every 
 lliere, there are eftablilh'd many Courts of Judicatory, in which alf 
 iufes, whether Civil or Criminal, are heard and determined. Some of 
 Midland Provinces areas yet free from the A>.<n//?; Power, being ftill 
 bintain'd by the Natives, who acknowledge Subje^ion unco, and arc 
 ;vern'd by the Heads, or Eldefl of their families. 
 Cc ^ 
 I (, 
 Terra Firma, 
 Part li 'irt IJ. 
 lSeligton«] The Natives of this Country, efpecially in the N:i( 
 land Provinces) arc grofs Idolaters. Nigh unto, and upon the Rn 
 Wiapoco^ is a certain Nation, (call'd MarajhewacasJ vvhofc Objei'i 
 Religious Worfliip, is a monftrous Idol of Stone, fet up in a mo| 
 frightful Polture. For it is fafhion'd like a very b\^ Mm iiciin^ una 
 his Heels, reftinghis Elbows upon his Knees, and holding foiwarc 
 the Palnis of his Hands, and looking upwards, doth gjpe with h 
 Mouth wide open. The different Europeans here refiding, arc cF tl 
 fame Religion with that cftabliftit in the refpeftive Countries froi 
 whence they came. 
 k I'rovi 
 ^ :hr del Z 
 ■ ;/, Spm. 
 B r,e bell oi 
 ippg the i 
 jys from 
 ^e Tropic 
 there i bi 
 i!l along tl 
 Sj ye 
 \hies , it 
 e Globe 
 10 and I 
 ['imarej ( 
 t:,;h and 
 l-Aatds th 
3% ^If 
 Concerning ^ttlU 
 i* m. 
 ifbetwecnl^^^ ^° j> of Long. 
 nf S. Lac. 
 'of N.Lac. )£ 
 Length from N. to S. is 
 about 1440 Miles. 
 Breadth from W. to N. is 
 about 480 Miles. 
 lui comprehends 
 L -he Province of ' 
 Lof Quixos— 
 Fac.imores — 
 Los Cixrccn — 
 ^ C Pojlon - 
 § \ Baef4~~ 
 ^° J Vall.tclolU 
 ^M ^ Idem 
 ■^ / I'lm.i 
 From N. to S. 
 lliltllC.3 "TpHrS Country (difcovercd by theSpmards^ Anm i^2§. 
 JL and Bounded on the Eaft by Amai^onia, on the Weft by 
 ^ del Zur ; and on the South by Chili J is term'd Pern by the Ital't' 
 ti, Spaniards^ French^ Germans^ and UK^lijh', io call'd (accordi." » to 
 jiebcfl of Criricks) from a certain Kivulec, which bore that Name a* 
 long the Indians y at the Spaniards firfl: arrival. 
 idir.] The Air of this Country is of a very different Nature, being 
 ifome Places extremely hot, and in others extraordinary ftiarp and 
 fcercing. The Wind upon this Cojft (acci rding to /. Ac^li » J Mows al- 
 jjys from the South and South-Wcfl, (contrary to whar'sul'ual becweca 
 le fropicks) and is not violent, tempefluous, or unhealthful, as elfe- 
 [hcrej but very moderate and agreeable. He farcher obferves. That 
 along the Coafl, call'd Lanos^ it never Rai»^s, Thunders, Snows, nor 
 kjils •, yet very frequently a little out at Sea; And that among the 
 Mes y it rains in a manner cominually. The oppcfice Place of 
 fe Globe to Peru, is that part of the Gulf ot Ben^ale^ between 
 10 and 127 Degrees of Longitude, with i and 2$ Degrees of South 
 ^01!.] This Country (lying in the 1^', 2'*, and 3'^ South 
 imare) confilteth of many large and plcifant Vailies, vvith divers 
 kh and lofry Mountains. The Valiies m Ibnie Place*, cfpecially 
 tAaids the Sea- Coal Is, are very Sandy, and frequently fubjeft to 
 C c 4 Ear ill- 
 if Ml?.! 
 V ■ 
 ,i* ;f 
 Earthquakes ; in other Places they are very rich, and the Air extrc 
 fultry. The Mountains, (particularly the Andes J are, for the 
 part, continually Cold in their Tops, yet exceeding fertil, and '^^ 
 rally lin'd with mofl coflly Mines beyond any Country in the WoJ 
 vvitnefs the famous lofty Hi!l of Fotoxj, in the' Province of Los cA 
 before 'twas funk by an Earthquake, which .happened in the time] 
 0. Cromrvel'f llfurpation. It is univcrlally eftecm d the richcf^ 
 the boreign Plantations belonging to the Spanltrcis, The loni^tfi 
 in the Norrhmofl part of Peru^ is about 12 Hours and a quarter-, 
 fhorteft in the Souchmofi, is 10 Hours and a lulf j and the Ni^lics 
 CommoDitiCS,] The chief Cmimditks of this Country, arc GJ 
 and Silver in vaft quantities, coftly Pearls, abundance of Cotton, 
 bacco, Cochcneel, Medicinal Drugs, ^c. 
 iSariticO*] There's a liigh Mountain in Perw, (call'd Pe 
 ta\aj to whofe Top if any Perfon afccnd, he's fuddenly u 
 with a terrible fie of Vomiting. And many Travellers cndcjvouri 
 £0 pafs over the Dcfart of Pmas^ have been bcnum'd on a fudd 
 and fall'n down ckad ; which makes that way wholly nej^id 
 cd of Jare. ( 2. > On the Tops of the higheft Mountains in iVf 
 (;t.s in other parts of the World ) arc frequently found fome c 
 fidcrable Lakes, feveral ot which are very hot. ( 5. ) In the Vail 
 of Tarapaya^ near to Fotox^i, is a very hot Lake of a Circular I'or 
 whofe middle part (for above Twenty Foot fquare} continut 
 boils up ; and though the Water is fo extremely warm, ^ yet ; 
 Soil about the lake is extraordinary cold. (4.) At ihe Ea hi 
 o{' Ingua, is a Sr^-eam of Water almoft boiling hot; and hard by 
 it doth iliue forth another Stream which is as c;ld as Ice. (;,) 
 In the Province of Los Carccts is another Spring of Water fo vc 
 hot, that one can't hold hif hinger in it for the Ihore fpacc of one A 
 Maria, And fomewhere elfe in this Country is a L'cuntain, out 
 which there ilfueth a confiderable Current, of a Colour almoft 
 red as Blood. (6.) Among the Quick-Silver Mines in Onm 
 v'lhca, is a Fountain of hoe Water, wh<ife Current having run 
 confiderable way , turns at laft into a foft kind of Bock , whic! 
 beng eafily cut, and yet very lifting, is ufually isnploy'd t 
 building of Houfcs thereabouts. ( 8. ) Nigh C. S, Hclenc, and i 
 along the Coalf, are many Fountains of Coppey^ (a Subftance r' 
 fcmbling Pitch, and frequently us'd as furh) or Oultrun Rozc 
 which flow in fuch abundance, that Ships at Sai (out of fight 
 Land) can give a ftuew'd guefs where they arc, by the very Sm 
 Air extrer 
 fcr the 11 
 til, and i^, 
 in the VV'oj 
 of Los Car] 
 " tfie time] 
 1 quarter; 
 lie NVJks 
 "fy, arc g| 
 )f CotCGD, 
 (call'd A 
 iddenly tj 
 5 cndeavoiiri^ 
 on a fuddi 
 holly ne^Io 
 ■ains in iVn 
 nd fame c 
 In the Vd' 
 ircular Ko 
 m, yer 
 ihe £a hs 
 as Ice. (5 
 ater fb ve 
 c of one >1 
 ntain, out 
 lur almoll 
 ock , whici 
 L'/c/?f, and ai 
 Jubftance r 
 Itrun RoztM 
 ; of fight 
 e very .Sjiif 
 Pirt 11. Penf. 585 
 •ifuch Fountains, providing tl ere he a ji,cntle Breeze from the Shore. 
 :,i In divers parrs of /Vrw, a:c Hill f xrant the Ruins of many flatcly 
 di-m Temples, particularly tluit call'd the Piuhamuna (about Four 
 leagues from Lima :J And another in the City of Cafco^ which might 
 :avf been formerly ace unted the Amerkun Fniitbeov^ lor tlie Idols ot all 
 ,jrions conquer'd by the Inguas, were always brought thither, and 
 ;;ae let up. (lo.) In Ft-fW are divers ancient Caufways of a prodigi- 
 ous Icngrh, f:mc beinp, rcrk n'd uliove twelve hiindi'ed Leagues-, Works 
 lilt fjr fur pais thofe of nacure among the Kcw.r/u, even the fa- 
 31 us i'ia Apf'ir^ ^^jml'n jnd i'laminju in Italy, (i i.) Among the C«- 
 'ifiiies of this Countrv, wc may alio reck ;n the Cucujui Feruiianns^ or 
 Untk-rnl'ly : An Inleft of a confiderable bigncfs, and rem likable for 
 [flliining l^ropercy in the Dark, (appearing as a little L^nthorn at a 
 iifi-nce) whereupon the Natives when obliged to travel a-Niglus, do 
 iually faft.n a icw of 'cm to a Stick, and by their Light can clearly 
 I'jetheir way. We may alfoadd ihofc extraordinary little Birds of this 
 Country, call'd Tmire'ics^ [of vvhem in Er.ifile] being of fo fmall a 
 tuik, cha*: they furpals not ccmmcn wild Lees in bignefs. And finally, 
 r.ole prodigious great Birds [nam'd C mdores] whj arc fa large and 
 liroiig, that they'll fet upon and devi ur an c rdinarv Calf, lor all thefe, 
 ad leveral other Remarkabks oi Fau^ VU. ]. Accfta, his Natural and 
 I'm/ H'ljior)' nf the Indies. 
 31rcl)bifl;cp:icU0.j Here is one Sp.juJJ) Arckhijl^opthki r'^ that d 
 j '£'ilT)C|)2tcUsO BifJ.-'^^rkl^s are thofe of 
 ilniUcrfiticoO Vnherfitks in thii. Country, iNonc. 
 iTtJanacriG.] ThcNuivesof this Country are reported to be a People 
 ars (for the mA\ part) very Simple, and groOy Ignorant. Thofe 
 wards the Equator, are generally efleemVI more ingenious than the 
 |f(l, but witiul much addif'ted to Two molf deteflablc Vices, vi?:. Dif- 
 iniulation and Sodumv. ilic Upaiuiircis iiere rcfiding are much the 
 Uc with thofe in Sjuia. 
 ilan^unfjc] The /,i^/;^^//./^? of the Natives, did formerly confift of 
 perjl t|uite different DiaicCts (or rather l^j many riiflintt Tongues, 
 py being unintelligible to one another) but thele arc much diminilh'd, 
 p daily grow fewer : for the People in the I jwer part of this Country, 
 ■ .4 I 
 '! V 
q8^ Perrf. Part 
 being now fafmofl) encirelv civilized, have left their ancient Jarc 
 and rominonlv ufc the SpAiufl) Tongue. 
 dpoljeninient.] Thi* rich Country [by niofl probable Conjeftur< 
 was govern 'd by irs Incas^ or Hereditary Kings, above Three hundr^ 
 Years before t!ie^i got any footin.; thertin • bur being rui 
 mafter'd by them, y/rnoi?^^ under the Conduft of Virarro^ ic l,aj 
 been ever fincc accounted a confiderable Part of ihe King oi V;i.//| 
 American Dominions, and is c;overn'd by his Vtce-R)v, who ordinarj 
 rcfidctli at Lim^. In levcra! places, ti;e Natives (elpeLijIIv tiiMir, 
 the Mountain?) maintain as yet their Liberties, and arc rul'd by f,r 
 IScltcjtoit.] The FcYuvlir^s (except thofe converted to ChriHianici 
 are grols Idolaters, worfhippinjMhe 8un , Moon, 8uis, Lijr^hrair.j 
 Thunder, (;[yc. To each of fuch Di:ides were formerly eiei*^ed in tf 
 Country very flately Temples, wh-fc remains are llill exrant in mjij 
 Places, befides oneahnofl intire, r/'^, that at C///co. Tiiis Temple wl 
 dedicated to the Sun, but is now a pucof rhe Monaftery o^ St. Dotim\ 
 Irs Walls were over-laid with Dates of Gold from top to b ortom, and 
 It was fet up a glorious Re prefcntation of the Sun, being a lively Hguj 
 of that Celeliial Body in pure malVy G ^!d. Near to this Temple wcl 
 Four others. One whereof was dedicated to the Mooi?, whom they calll 
 HuULty reckoning her eitht r wife or Siller to tlie Sun. Another co i\ 
 Planet Venm , which they tcrm'd C'hufca. A third to Thunder aii{ 
 Lightning, which went by the common Name of Ttlapa, And a fnurt 
 toChuychu, i. e. /^^, or the Rain-bow All of them were wondcrfuii 
 cnrich'd w/rh either Gold or Silver-, and befides tliefe, were mar 
 others, through the various i'rovinces of this [oncel mighty Riupire 
 but the rnoft m:!gnificent Temple of ;;11 /Vrw, was that Iplendid piccc! 
 Indian Archiredlure in a certain Ifland of the Lal<e r/r/<<, in vvhicj 
 the Inca.f are believ'd to have liid a great deal ofTrealurc, when ti^j 
 tSfanmds invaded their Country, 
 E C 
 SECT. Vill. 
 Concerning the Land of tlie 3nU"l?On0* 
 rhisvafl Country is cf no certain Extent nor Divifion, neither hath 
 i!iy remarkable Town. 
 ainc] Tp H I S Country, (difrnver'd by the Spaniards, Anno i «i4T. 
 L and bounded on the Eaft by Erafil \ on the Weil by Veru-^ 
 :ho Nirth bv JerYa firma, and on tiie Sourh by F'iYagHity) isterm'd 
 •xl[.dians\ Paee di AniAi^ina ; by ihe Sp>tnii^ds, Ticnude las AmU'- 
 •0; by the French, Ftu des Amn^one -^ bv the Gcrm.tns^ Tlandvan 
 t'miones • and by the Englif}\ Tbi Land cf the Amar^on^ ^ fo call'd 
 :i rhc many warlike Women, (rcf^mblintf the ancient Amazons J who 
 ar'd in Arms upon the B^nksof ihe River Ama^^'nCi at the Europe- 
 rirft cntring into this Country. 
 Iir»] The^fVof this Country, in Place? ?.3 yet difcover'd, is repor- 
 Uio be very temperare, confidering the Laurude of the Country. The 
 fofice Place of the Glob.? to the Land of the Amar^ons^ is partly the 
 t'ph of Bengal, and partly (he PcnhjuU or Malacca, 
 ^otl«] The Soil of this Country, it lying in the firfi, fecond, and 
 |fdSou[h Ch'matc, where yet difcover'd, is very fertile, producing 
 rat variety oi Fruits and Grain. Here alfo are abundance of Mines, 
 har-Canes, Cocao, and Tob,?cco. The Ir.r.'^ed Day in the Northmoft 
 p,is about 12 Hours and a little more ^ the ftiorteft in the Souchmoft, 
 II Hours, and the Nights proportionably. 
 ICommoliitics.] The CommodU'i^soi this Country arc reckon'd Gold, 
 Iter, Sugar, Cocoa, Ebony, Tobacco, ^c. but •'his Part of che World, 
 m as yet very flenderly known, an't little frequented by Strangers, 
 Idemay be rather reckon'a the Product, than Staple Commodities of 
 |:s Country. 
 llSeUjint*") In the River Amazone^ i? a dreadful CararasJl, a confide- 
 s'e way from the Sea-, f^or the Water being penn'd up bcrv/een two 
 kp Kocks, (under w.hich is a hideous Precipice) the Scream falleth 
 'n with great violence andNoife. Yet notwithftandin^ thisfoterri- 
 ta Fall, there be* many of the Natives, who, 'tis reported, are fo bold, 
 todefcend that Stream in their liccle Cancos. In falling, they are 
 'iw to turn topfic-imvy many ti.Tics, and arc fcvtrcly plung'd in the 
 f ■ 
 '. « ( 
g88 Jma!ZO}is. PartJI'.rtlL 
 Deep when down , yet fuch is their Care and Nimblenefs, that tbtv 
 quickly recover their Canoos, and forthwith proceed on their Vo-j2^ 
 J. Acojia. 
 ^rc!;bt flicp vicU0,, &:c.] Archb'jfJjoprkks^ BiJf^oprkl^Sy Vnheri.Aft 
 None. * 
 :39anncr0,] Upon the Bank of the River Amaxone^ (as is hinted 
 already) were difcovered about fifty different Nations, who fcemd 
 nerally to be a fierce and lavage Ibrt of I'cople \ all, both Men and V. 
 men, appearing in Arm?, at the firft approaching of the Spanhtrdi - x 
 they ftiii continue as fierce and favage as formerly, and many of 'cm 
 reported to be Anthropophagi^ or Earers of Humane FleOi. 
 3Latigua5:0 Our Knowledge of this (as yet) ill difcover'd Couni 
 js fo (lender, and the Commerce between Europeans and this People, 
 little, that we can make no Obfervations of the Nature and Numb 
 of their Languages, 
 <0OtJCtnment,] How this People isgovcrn'd, (or ifany Formof G 
 vernmcnt among them) is not yet very certain. A farthfr Enquiry ii 
 die fame, muft be rcfcrr'd to the better Difcovcry of future Ages. 
 iRcUgtOrt.] That the Inliabitanr^ of this Country, are in general ^rc 
 Idolaters, '> t'^" moil that can be laid of them as yet. They are rcporte 
 to make th 'nages of Wood, and to fet them up in the Corners 
 their Houfes, i^having no Temples) and da firmly believe. That thoj 
 |)oIi(h'd piecesof Timber are really inhabited by fome Divinities d\ 
 fcended from Heaven, being taught the fame by their Priefls. 
 'ifil [of n 
 Towns are 
 I the Weft 
 [emain Oc 
 [crm'd Br 
 k why To ( 
 I'ance o 
 bvs in thii 
 le inatcer. 
 m,l ri 
 (irt- already 
 fiiilpin I/lii 
 boil.] T 
 ph Climat 
 ps alrcad 
 m 1 2 Hoi 
 an half: 
Part I 'rt II. 
 that tliey 
 eir Voyage. 
 is hintec 
 :n and W 
 i of 'cm 
 'd Counc 
 id Numd 
 orm of G J 
 inquiry iino 
 Concerning 'B^afll* 
 ^ between 
 'between - 
 d. m. 
 522, 00 
 345 ^0 
 °' ^^'lofLatic. 
 23 ooj 
 {122. 00 7 
 345 30 s 
 of Lung. 
 Length from N. E. to S. W- 
 is about i5ooMiIes. 
 Breadth from N. to S. is a- 
 bout 1380 Miles. 
 rs, V'msnt- 
 Angra dos Rejes- 
 if?/ [of no certain 
 rivifion ) i':s Chief«^ Sf^hitu San^o 
 [owns are thole of Forto Seguro ~- 
 S. Sdvadore- 
 Ferniimbuco — 
 — Found upon the Sea 
 — !> Coafl from S. to 
 iimcj npHIS Country, difcover'd bv the Fortuguere, Anno i$or, 
 J. and bounded on the Ealt by part of the Main Ocean , 
 the Weft by Am.izorua •, on the North by Terra Firma^ with fomc of 
 lemain Ocean :, and on the South by Faraguay, and the Main Ocean, 
 tcrm'd Erafil hy the Italians, Spaniurds^ French^ Germans and Engl'iflj^ 
 : why To call'd is not certain. Thofe who derive the Name from the 
 undanceof that Wood rerm'd by the Europeans, Brafle-lVood) which 
 ows in this Country, do give (methinks) no fatisfartory Account of 
 l! maicer. 
 plitr.1 The Air of this Country is generally very vvholfome ; and not- 
 phftandinjH; BrafU is almoff intirely within the Torrid Zone^ yet in thofe 
 Irc' already difc'iver'd, ci^ exceeding temperate, being daily qualify'd 
 iSta-Breezs's about Noon. Oppodce on the Globe to Brazil^ are the 
 [;;%/« IjLwdsy with part ot the Eafteru Ocean adjacent to them. 
 *)oil.] The 5c// of this Country (h lying in the ift, 2d, 3d, 4th 
 [lith Climate) isreported to be fxtraordinary fertile, clpecially in thofe 
 Ices already difcover'd. The lougert Day in the Norrhmofl Parts is 
 bt 12 Hours and a quarter :; the liiorteff in the Southmoff, jo Hours 
 pa half :, and ilie Nights proportionably. 
 S i,> 
 ti *! 
 CommolJitiCS*] Ibe chief Cr-mwoV/V/Vf of this Country, are r] 
 wood (other Aile Erafil-wood, mucli us'ci for Dvin^) in f^reatquantiti 
 abundance of Sujjar, as alio Ambn, Roiin, Bahn, Tobacco, traind 
 Confefturcs, ^c. j 
 IRaritlCS/] As thepiincipal Rarities nf Braftl^ wc may fitly 
 kon the confidcrable number of very Itrange Creatures found in t| 
 Country: The chief ot which I fhall here menrion, and thofe redi 
 ble to Four general Claffes, vi::^. Beafls, Serpents^ Hirds^ and Fiji 
 J, Of Beafts, The moft remarkable of them are thefe follovvi 
 (i.) Monkeys^ particularly that fort call'd by Europeans^ the King\ Ai 
 l(ey^ thebiggeftof the whole Spec'cs, and obfervable for having a tl 
 hollow Thrcttle-Bonc, near the upper end of the Larynx^ by thcliclp] 
 which he makes a great Noiie. Here alfo are many Monkeys (off 
 yellowifh Colour) that fmcU like ordinary Musk. (2.) The 5/94 
 fterm'd by the Natives from his Voice of a like Sound] hutl 
 moft Europeans^ Igiuvtpf or Pigritia ; and corruptedly FereT^a^ by t| 
 Spaniards-^ (o call'd from the Nature of that Animjl, being of foflc 
 a motion, that he requires three or four Days to climb up a Tr 
 of an ordinary height, and twenty four Hours to walk fifty Pac 
 on plain Ground, his Fore feet are alm)ft double his Hinder 
 length; and when he climbs a Tree, his hold he takes is fa furi 
 ihat while he hangs by a Branch , he can lleep fecurely. (:?.) T 
 Tamanduo Guacu, [which is a great Bear] fj term'd by the Nativl 
 but commonly by Europeans ^ the Ant-Bcar, becaule he ufually feel 
 upon Ants , at leafl deftroys thofe Creatures wherever he fini 
 them. His Tail is fo big. that [Squirrellike] he can cover his whol 
 Body therewith. (4.) The great Shelf d Hedg-hog^ cjlfd by the NJ 
 tivcs Taiu^ and Armadilb by the Spaniards^ becaufe he gathers hii( 
 felt up, Head, Feet, and Tail, within his Shell, as round as a BjII 
 and that as a fure Defence, when either he goes to Sleep, or I 
 aftualiy aflauked by any deffrudtivc Creature, with whom he dar^ 
 not grapple. II. Of Serpents, The mod remarkable of thcnj 
 are, (i.) That call'd by the Natives Ibibaboca^ which is about thrd 
 Yards and an half long, and of a crnfiderable Ei;!nefs •, his CoIdu] 
 are originallv White, Red, and Black, of all kinds; an 
 his Bite is mcfl pernicious of any , yet Wv rkcth the flowef 
 (2.) The Boiguacu , which is the bi^geff of the whole Species , bcin 
 half a Yard in Ccmpafs about the Middle , and alm:>ft Seven YM 
 long, (g.) The Boicininga, otiierwife the Rattle-Snal(^e^ io calll 
 by Europeans from a Rattle in the end of his Tail, composed of 
 number of dry Bones, from Eight to Sixteen, which are hollo\^ 
 thin , hard , and very fonorous. Thofe Perlons , whofc Misiortuti 
Brafil 591 
 ;, to be bitren by him, arc tormented wi'h eyquifice Vd'm , 
 Xi[ whole Body f!e.iv\ng into Chops) and Irequrnrlv die with- 
 [VMuy f:ur H iirs in a moil fad Condition. Ctic fas a re- 
 iikable Aft of the Divine rrovidence) this noxious Animal gives 
 jely vv.irnin;^ to Travellers to avoid him, by makin^^ a great 
 jfe with his Rattle , how foon he h«'ar5. any Perfon approaching 
 ;jriis him. III. O^ Bra file BirJs, the mofl remarkable are, (i.) 
 ■i fhnnn'ing Rird ^ which is lo calFd frr ni the humming Noile 
 :makes v;ith his Win^s hke a Bee, when he feeds by thruft- 
 : his fm;ill Fiiil into Hovvers. The y.r.^filiam term him Cm4- 
 1^/, and fome Writers Oitrijji^i^ i.e. the Sun-Beam ^ bccaulc of 
 ^ radiant colr-ur'd hearhers, with which the Ind'uins ad rn their 
 :iges \ but the SfaniArds call him Totr.irx'ui^ , bccaufe lo fmal], 
 j[ One of th.em wirh its Ne(l weighs only two Tom'in>\ -^ a 
 :dght in Spyin confiliing of Tvvelvc Grains. (2.) The Anhima ^ 
 caird by the N.Kivcs, but by Europeans the V morn-Bird ^ be- 
 k he Iiath a kind of Horn growing one of his Forehead 
 ;cut two or three Inc nes long of a brittle Subliance , and blunc 
 the Top; and is therefore neither detenfive, nor offcrnfive to 
 ill, (at.) That cai I'd (JuaYA by the Brafiltins^ anu by Europeans 
 t Sca-Cur!c\v -^ ^hc f.une with Kuwnum /•■.■/f.'.j , ard Arcu.taCoc' 
 •u&momf^ Liii in Authors, and remarkable tor its Aif ' v- of Co- 
 is; being at firfl BLick , then Aih-colour'd, next vVi.u' , .'rer- 
 irds Scarlet , and lalf oi all Crimfon •, uhir'^ grows the lit'/jr 
 ;e the longer he lives. IV. 0£ F'ljles taken upon ;iiv Cf ;f|[ are 
 hfil , tlie moft remarkable are, (^ ) Orb'is Muvr^ rr ch.e G'/a.'e*- 
 f;, fo cjll'd from his Oibicular Form \ rd remaik»b*e f .r being 
 i-oi'd with many long, roui.a , haiU, a';u ■'■:'^o Sp'k^s and 
 fjedles all over his B'dy , almoft iikc thofe c. Hcdg-hog. 
 hen he fwims, 'tis b. irv'd , he draa--, rholc . . • ' s in, 
 brefting them to his Body , to tacilicate i'.is w^^y thi.ti^r the 
 jrer^ and that he advances them at any time l.c happens to be 
 pfu'd, bidding (as 'twere) the Enemy to ccme at his peril. 
 ;.) Upon th s CoaH is frequently Ifcn the Icheneis rr htfn ra, 2 
 [(h very famous among rlie Ancients f r irs fiupendcur I'ower 
 [(lopping a Ship (as they irnagin'd) vhou^;h under Sa'l, and before 
 [brisk Gale of Wind. Which llrange Accounr was gencj'ally be- 
 pd for many Ages , and not a few have labour'd to afliga 
 [eCaufe^ but it is now look'd upon as a ridiculu? Stcry, anj 
 |tlervcdly exploded by everv ordinary Traveller. Theic are the 
 sil remarkable Creature?, whec'.er Beafts^ ye^pents^ B'nds^ cr FiJJes 
 [longing to Brafile ., and ail (or mofl) of ihim, are co be feen in 
 publickRepoiitory of Cr!?/?.'<iw CoUe^Cj London As alfo the Mu- 
 Part I 
 f£um Reghm at Copsnljageti^ and feveral other celebrated Kepofuorics 
 1|lrcl)bi(liopticUs, &c.] Here is one PoHugucre Archbi(liop-jc 
 •t?:^. That of St. Salvadore , to vvhofe Incumbent arc (ubieft levj 
 Suffragans, but their Number and Names art unctrtain. Vnherful 
 539anncV0,1 The Err.fil'um are reported to be generally 
 cruel, ti.ievilh, aiJ revengeful fort of People ^ yet feme on rheSe 
 Coaft being civiliz'd , prove very ingenious. This vaft Eo^ 
 comprehends leveral different Nations , the chief of \\\\\i 
 are the Topinamhow, the M^rgajas, the Tapuyes^ &c. who are ord'ii] 
 rily diftinguifh'd frome one another bv the wearing of rh 
 Hair. They generally go quite naked, and in many Places 
 the main Land are Mujrirudes of Cannibils. Their mannei 
 repofing a-Nighrs is in a )<ind of Ncc , gathered at each end , ait 
 ty'd to two Poles fix'd faft in the Ground. This Net is made 
 the Rind of a certain Tree call'd J-L-imack^ , and hence is deri*' 
 the Vulgar Appellation of Sea-Bedding , commonly us'd in the £| 
 gl'ijh Fleet. 
 llangimgcO The diverfity of Langu.iges among the Nativi 
 of thofe Places already difcovered on the Sea-Coafls , doth lu; 
 ciently evince, that their Number mufl be much fireater , in til 
 In-Iand Parts of this vaffly extended Country. The only thu 
 obfervable of thofe Languages upon the ScaCrjafts, is, thjt t 
 Natives can't pronounce the three Lctiers or L. K. R. and that tlici 
 mnnner of Pronunciation is much through the Thrca . Tlic roitu^uc^ 
 here refiding retain and ufe their own Language. 
 dEfollCtmnent.]. The Br af Hans being divided (as aforefaid^ inj 
 many different Nations, leveral of them chu'e certain Captains or G( 
 vernors, by whom they arc ruled ; others wander up jnd down, ;inj 
 live without any Order or Government am ng them. The F^rtu^u,: 
 being Mailers of almofl ail the Sca-C ;ails fince the Year 15c 
 and having divided them into certain Prct tenures, over cjch of thcj 
 is fet a particular Governor , which Governors arc all accou u./ 
 to the Vice-Roy of r<jrti,tnly whofc pljtc of Rcfidence is oidin^iiil 
 at St. SalvitJore. 
^rt IL 
 acUgiottO The Natives of Brafil are reported to entertain but « 
 ,oc Notion of a fupream Being, and a future State: and imnv arc 
 ak even beneath Idolatry it felf, having neither Idol, nor Temple tci 
 ifcen among them. Others are fail to bdieve the Soul's Iiinor. 
 aiy ; and to give feme obfcure Hints of an univerfal Deluge.' 
 iny of thofe who live nigh unto, and upon the Sea-Coafts. are 
 averted to Chriftianity, and that by the commendable laduftrv of 
 tPomgHe:^^ who are of the fame Religion with that cftablilh'd in 
 i in 
 SECT. X. 
 Concerning CfjlfU 
 d. m. 
 between < ^^ ^^' >of Latit, 
 I 44 CO 5 
 C/;i//com-r Ch'iH (^roi^rli-- 
 prehends J C^/// Imperial' 
 the Pfo-*^ 
 vinces of L ChucuHo 
 Length from N. to S. is] 
 hour 960 Miles. 
 Ji ('Breadth from W. to E. is| 
 bout zoo Mill's. 
 = CStJago 
 § J Batvidia 
 }N. to S. u] 
 ^j {^Mandofa, Eaft of ^ C/j/7/ Imper'iali 
 i^atnc] 'T'HIS Country (difcovcr'd by the Spaniards, Anno 15; 
 X and Bounded on the Kali by Paraguay ^ on the Weft 
 Mire Pacificum ; on the North by Peru -, and on the South by Terra .\ 
 geUanica) is cerm'd Chili by the Italians^ Spaniards, fretich, Germd 
 and EvgUO) ; i'o called (as moft imagine) from a large and fpacious vj 
 fey of that Nume. 
 3iil\] The Air of this Coumry, during the Summer, is much o( tj 
 fame equality as in Spain, or rather more Temperate, being trequenf 
 fann'd by Wefterly Sea Breezes : But in the Winter^ the C)ld is h 
 ccffively piercing, that both Man and Bead do perifh in great numhel 
 The oppofite Place of th.e Globe to Cfjili, is the South part ot 2",;rM 
 between 122 and i25 Degrees ot Longitude, with 25 and 4^.^ Degrj 
 of North Latitude. 
 ^Oilt] The Mountainous parrs of this Country (it lying in 
 > 4*^ 5^''> ^^^) South Climate) are generally Dry and Barr 
 but m the large Valleys towards the Sea, the So/7 is exceed! 
 fcrtil , producing great plenty of Maize , Wheat, and moil 1j 
 of other Grain, as alio Variety ot Herbs and Fruits; and tl 
 Vines brought hitiier from i'pain , do prolpcr extraordinary \^ 
 This Country afifordethlikcwilc f)mc rich Mines of Gold and S:h 
 i'hc longeft D.iy in the N'inhnuiU I'jit^, is about 13 Hours an' 
 ,:, [he fhortcft in the Southinoll, is 7 Hours and an half, aad che 
 .a[S proportionably. 
 CoiumoDitfCSt] The chief Commodities of this Country , are 
 id , Silver , Maize , Corn , Honey , Oftridges , and feveral 
 lals. ••.•.;•.'•>,..' . . 
 SavitiCfl/] In Chill is a very remarkable Bird, call'd (?i<nf«r, (cor- 
 ;tcdly Condor by the Spam.ndi) which is of a prodif-Jcus Size, and 
 temely Ravenous. He frequently fets upon a Sheep or Calf, and 
 jes down with fuch Force, rhat his Blow is always mortal, and not 
 ; kills, but is alfo able to eat up one of 'em intirelv. Two of em 
 dare to affaulc a Cow or Bull, and I'fu.illy maOer them. The 
 jbitants of this Country are n )t free from fuch Attempts i but 
 are hath fo crder'd, that this deilru^ive Creature is very rare, 
 uhole Country affording only a very fmall Number, otherways not 
 tie Inhabited. V'ld, J. AcoHa, his Saturul and Moral H'lftory of ths 
 Ircl^bifljopiiCfeS, fiec] Archb'i/l;oprhl:s ^ B'l/Jjopicks , Vniverf't'n 
 i0auncrs.] The Natives of this Country, being of a white Com- 
 j:\ion, and call of Stature, are a very warlike and couragious fort of 
 ;!e, efjpccially the Arauques^ who are as yet unconquer'd by the 
 mds. For Cluaihing, they ufc noiiiing elle than the Skins of wild 
 Liiguasc.] The prevailing Language of this Country, is the 
 tiihj which is ncjc only in ule among the Spani.trJs themlelves, buc 
 lis currently fpqken (at leaft underflood ) by the Plurality 01 t!iC 
 pes. Thofe ot 'em who entertain liale Commerce with the Spx* 
 J, retain ftill their own jargon as in ancient Timt^s. 
 tommcut/] The Natives (where thev maintain their Freedom 
 let) are rul'd by ccrtviin Captains of their own ctmtuig; but this 
 pry bcins invaded, and taken P iVclfion ot by tiie Spaniards^ above 
 iundred Years ago, is moftly fubjcil to the Crown ct Spa'tn^'And rul'd 
 ^particular Governor, rcliding at Conception, in Subordinacion to the 
 tlvjy of I'eru, 
 ^ f 
 IBeligtonO The Natives of this Country (excepting ihofc cc 
 verted to Chriftianity ) arc generally reckon'd the grolTeft idolatd 
 of all the Americans^ the chief Objedt of their Worlhip being the I 
 vil, whom they term Eponamon^ which fignifies Strong^ or Power/, 
 The Spaniards here refiding, are Roman Catholicks, as in the Kinedc 
 of Spain, ^ 
 SECT. X. 
 Concerning l9awg;Map. 
 d> nit 
 bet<veen< ^^'^ 
 r 12 
 C 37 
 - }ofS.Uc. ^1^ 
 ?jr4^M<<> divi- r Guayra — 
 icd into fevc-\ Paragaia propria 
 fal Provinces,^ CA;ico— — 
 ihebeft known y Tucoman --~ 
 jf which arc C Aw de la PlataL 5 
 ^ ( Length from N. to S. is 
 about i$5o Miles. 
 Breadth from W. to E. is 
 about I $00 Miles. 
 CtvidadReal TE. to W. on the 
 yiOaRka-^< Er.ofRtode 
 Conception — (. Plat. 
 St,Jago — rw.ioE.ontheB. 
 AJJumption^ \ of Rh de Plat. 
 5ame.] "TpHIS Country (difcovered firft by /oftn ViasdeSoltt^ 
 X and afterwards taken PonefTion oi by the Spaniards^ 
 ' no I $46, and bounded on the Eaft by part of the main Ocean j on 
 lie Weft, by Chili ; on the North by the Land of the Amazons 
 Ind part of the main Ocean) is term'd by the Germans^ Paraguaii ; 
 [y the Italians^ Spaniards^ French^ and EnglifJj^ Paraguay ., fo calKd 
 bin a River ot the fame Name, it's alfo call'd Rio de la Plata 
 ly the Spaniards y becaule of the abundance of Silver they found 
 3Iit#] The Air of this Country is generally reported to be very 
 Imperate, and abundantly healthful to breathe in. The oppofite Place 
 It the Globe to Paraguay^ is that part of the Kingdom of China and 
 p/fo^«/'s Empire, between 127 and 157 Degrees of Longitude, with 
 ]i and 37 Degrees of North Latitude. 
 ^Oil^] The Soil of this Country (it lying in the 2'', 5*^, 4*'', 
 ad $-^ South Climate) is efteem'd to be very fertil in moft Places, 
 bducing abundance of Corn, Wmc, Fruits, and Herbs, and here alfo 
 pe fcveral confiderable Mines. The longeft Day in the Northmoft 
 prcs is about 19 Hours : the fhorteft in the Souchmoft, is 10 Hours 
 m an half j and the Nights proponionably. 
 • h 
 Part ■ ort I 
 Commol)ltie6.'^ Iht chief C'^mmr.ditks nf rhis Country, fat !o^ 
 the Product thercot ) arc reckon'd co be Ibmc Gold, Silver, ErJbj i^ 
 Sugars, A mc thill 5, i^c. 
 iRatittes.l Upon Kh de la. Plata are frequently fcen, and forr 
 times kiil'd divers kinds of Serpents of a prodigious bignefs. {2.) 
 wards the Northern parts of Paraguay^ is a certain Champaign Countj 
 about Six Leagues fq uarc, vvliich is all overfprcad with an excelle 
 fort of Salt, and that to a confiderable l.eight. (5.) In the WeO< 
 parts of Tucomjii, is a prodigious liigh and large Mountain, wh'ch 
 its wonderful Gliftering in a clear Sunlhine day, is call'd the Chridi 
 Mountain, Under it is extended a hideous Cavc-Paflage , throul 
 which dot'i glide a confiderablc Current of Water, wich fo mj 
 Windings ^nd Turniogs, that from the time of its entry under 
 Mountain, to irs ilTuing forth on the Qther fide, is almoll the fpace 
 TwfiKy f jur or Thircy Hours, according to the Computation of for 
 Pcrti'gH.^es who wer^ fo adventurous, as to make the Experiment, ai 
 "thai oy hazarding their P^rfors upon a Kair made of Canes. Vid. F* 
 chas hi4 Fikums. Pare 4- 1-^'-^ ^^ 
 ■iii, wl 
 -ev SO 
 jing an 
 jrs, ye: 
 ■sis an( 
 ; a Tra 
 :)me ini 
 :v they 
 ' ^rcljliidiopjiclis.] Here is one S.umfl} ArMflmprkki v'n^. that |f 
 Rio de Li FLtu, 
 '3I5:n)0piicHc,l To the Archl'^ft))pYkl:^ of ^/o dc U Platan arc fcvci 
 Suffragans, ih> Thofe of 
 St. Jagi dc Lejlero, Affuwption^ Panama^ FuY;tg\(a\\, ■ 
 £59umicrs«] The Paraguayans^ though Pcrfons of very hfa'*^ ^*"^ 
 and rail llotiics, are neverthelefs reported to be very nimble, ;iij|'^^i" ''"&' 
 much given t) Running. They are fiiid to be foniewhu Lji)oriciBf^"''\'y 
 and lels Savatc than many others of the adjacent Nations, yet a luflnhabira 
 inclin\I to a revengeful Humour againft thofe who chance to wroij^f, but 
 ' 3lanc(ua5C.1 All we can learn of the Language moftly in ufc amc;i| 
 the Natives, is in general, that 'tis a very harlh and unpleafant ^w>^ 
 as the iMiuality af the Indian Tongues arc. The Spaniards here reliUu 
 ^0 commonly ule their own Language. 
Part 4 ■ rt II. 
 LJOtry, fat !cj 
 ?n, and for 
 paign Counti 
 I an excdle 
 n the Wefit 
 in, wh'fh 
 d the r./;n/fl 
 »ge, throuj 
 vvjcii fo mj 
 cry under 
 ft the fpace 
 ation of for 
 pcrirnent, aj 
 es. Vid. f- 
 d^oUcrumciU.] Th« Natives of this Country (according to our la- 
 id Account) are in a great part fubjeft to their own Captains or Cac'i- 
 >fj, whom they chufe among themfelves, and under whofe Condudt 
 ,ev go cue to War. A confiderable part of this Country doth belong 
 )the King of Spain^ who ordinarily kecpeth one Governor at Si. Jaga 
 ]Tncanian, and another at Affumpt'm in Rb de la Plata^ both of 'cm 
 {ing anfvverable to the Vice-Roy of Fenr. .....,„ ... ; , {\^ 
 iRcUgicnO The Natives of this Country are generally grofs Idola- 
 ;rs, ye: 'tis reported of 'em, that they're more capable of learning our 
 [rts and Religion, than mofl of the other Jmerkuns, And fome fpcak 
 ; a Tradition fpread among 'em, importing that certain Pricfts flialJ 
 nc into their Country, and inftruft them of a new Religion, wherc- 
 ythey Ihall be mofl happy in another World. The Spmards here 
 ending, are (as in Spain J rigid Papifts. 
 t^/>.. that |f 
 *<«, arc fcveol 
 ruri(gihij. I 
 of very 
 nimble^ at 
 u Ljborio 
 I?, yet a iitii 
 ICC to vvr .^r 
 Concerning CetiM 99iin;cHanica. 
 rn I S Southmoft part of the Continent of South America (call'd 
 nKoRegio PatagonumJ derives its Title irom Ferdinand Magellan, a 
 \)tugue7ie^ who made the firft Difcovery thereof, Anno 1 51 9. as alfo of 
 ,ic iamous Streighc which fiill bears his Name, he being the firll 
 for ought we know) that ever pafs'd through the fame. Many things 
 equally frivolous as ridiculous) are related of this Country and its 
 abi rants, with which I (hall neither trouble my fclf, nor the Rea- 
 per, but proceed to . 
 r • 
 Dd 4 
 Part I ?art 
 Concerning Certa aittattfiCcl. 
 BY terra Antar^ka^ we undcrftand all thofe unknown or flcndej 
 difcovcr'd Countries towards the Southern parts of the Globe j 
 chief of which do bear the Names of ISevp Guinea^ New Zeland^ Ni 
 Holland^ and (which may comprehend thefe and all the reft) Terra 
 firalH incogntu. Which Southern Countries, tho' they belong not 
 the Continent of i4menc<t, yet we chufe to mention 'em in this PU^ 
 lincc the Southmofl part of the Continent of South America doth exte^ 
 it felf farther towards the South, than any Part or Head-land of the 
 Continent. What was faid of the Northmoft Countries, [Se^» $ J 
 dcr the Title of Terra Arlika^ (w^. that our Knowledge of them 
 teach little farther than their bare Names) fo the fame may be afihrm] 
 of thofe that bear the Title of Tein Antartihtt, Leaving them ther 
 fore to the better Difcovery of future Ages, we pafs on to 
 DV Sir f\ 
 pirts :he 
 ]dry, b.l 
 [ives : A| 
 ;t, we 
 Concerning the American Iflands. 
 I :|i/fc Titl( 
 A'or//;, XIX, thofe of -- 
 Middle, v'lX^. the Ant^Ues 
 ' Cuba. 
 J Lucaycs. 
 J Sotovento, 
 I 1583. a 
 f 3y the It 
 ; frenc/j, I 
 ,[^South, v'r^. The Ifland of ttrra del fuogo. 
 Of which Iflands diftia(Wy and in their Order. Therefore 
 ^ ,- /;/ 
 §. 1. CaliU' 
 ?art II 
 American IJlands, 
 I or flcndej 
 ; Globe 
 t) Terra 
 >eIong not 
 I this PU^ 
 doth exte< 
 i of the 
 "ieli. 5] 
 of them 
 I be aflfinnl 
 ; them ther 
 §. I. California, 
 rHIS Ifland was formerly efteem'd a PenJnfnla, but now found to 
 be intircly furroundcd with Water. Irs North Part was difcovercd 
 )\ Sir Francis Drake, Anno 1577. and by himcall'd Nevp Albion^ where 
 freeing a Pillar, he faftned thereon the Arms of England, The In-Jand 
 pirrs Thereof were afrerwards fearch'd into, and being found cobe only 
 )dry, bj i^n, cold Country, £«rope<iwi- were difcourag'd from fending 
 Colonies to the f me, fo that it flill remains in the Hands of the Na- 
 nves : Ard ther being nothing remarkable relating either to them or 
 :, we fhail to 
 ^. 2. Nei^' found' Land 
 3ame»] npHlS ifland (difcover'd firft by the Two Cahctf, at the 
 JL Charge o£ Henry the 7*'' of EngUnd^ Anna 1497. but 
 ^ more particularly by T/wnand Elktoi Brijloly Anno 1527. and the En- 
 ;!///; Title thereto being renew'd in the Name of Queen Eiix^ibctb^ Anna 
 1585. a Colony vcas fettled therein abo'.t 5c Years uftcrwards; is term'd 
 5y the Italians^ Terra l^Jovelta -, by the Spaniards^ Ticrra Nueva ; by the 
 ^rencby Ttrre tJeuve , by the Germans, Sevp-funden Land ^ and by the 
 hgl'iO)^ K ew' found- Land -^ the Derivation of which Name is fufficiencly 
 ixprefs'd in the Name it felf. 
 3tir,] Notwithftfinding this Tfljnd is (irujred between the Parallels 
 hat pals through the Scuchern part ot England, and Northern of i^V^incf, 
 let the Air thereof doth extremely differ frcm that in cither of thefe 
 Countries, it being fubjeft to 3 greater cxcefs of Heat in the Summer, and 
 more pinching Cold in the Winter, than commonly happens in them. 
 The oppofitc Place of the Globe m New -fAuid- Land ^ is that pare of 
 lirra Auftralis incognita^ between 140 and 150 Degrees of Longitude, 
 ith45 and 53 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^oii,] This Ifland, for the mcft part, is overfpread with Woods» 
 vhich are but flowly cur rio'.vn , bccaufe the Country is very 
 iHnly inhabited. Where the Ground is already clear'd, the Soti is 
 jot altogether delpirablc ^ affording variety of Roots , and feveral 
 l.rrs of our ^f^gUp^ Grain-, and thotc Parts poiVel's'd by the trench, 
402 American Ijlaiids, Part It 
 produce fome plenty of Vines. This Kland is fufficicntly rtockc wit! 
 Deer, Hares, Ocrers, Foxes, ^c. Here alfo are abundance of Lan^ 
 and Wacer-Fovvl ^ but above all things, irs Coafts are furrounded wicl 
 incredible muhi:udes of Cod Fifli. The length of the Days and Ni^hi 
 in Kew found- Land ^ is the fame as in the Southmoft parts of £/;^/.i/;^ 
 and Northern of france, they all lying under the fame Parallels of Lj 
 Commot)itlC0.] The commodities of this Ifland are principal] 
 Furs, Whale-Oil, and Cod-hiih, efpecially the latter, whereof there i 
 fuch plenty, that the Filhing and bringing of them to Europe (pu 
 ticularly the StreightsJ is now grown to a fettled and very advaotageoi 
 ISanttes.] Nothing here deferves the Epithet of Rare, unlefs w 
 reckon thac prodi'^ious lar^^e Bank ot Sand upon the Souch-Eaft of th( 
 Jfiand (abcuc ?oo Miles in length, and upwards of 75 in breadth 
 where brcadeftj remarkable for ihofe vaft multitudes of B,{ca!a^js (c 
 Cod-Fidi) and Fo^r John, which are taken in great numbers by diver 
 European Nations, who yearly refort hither for that end. So thick dc 
 thofe Fififies fometimes fwarm upon this Bank, that they retard thf 
 Palfjge of Ships failing over the fame. | 
 ^rcl)bi(hopucfe0, Sec] ArchbifJ^nprick^s^ Bifjopricks, Vnivirfitisi 
 j^anncrs.] The Natives of this Ifland are (for the Plurality o| 
 'emj PcTlons of a middlc-Srature, broad-fac'd, and thofe of the Maf 
 cuiine-Ses are ufually Beardlcfs. They generally colour their Face! 
 wirh Oker , and for Cloaihing ufe Skins of Wild Bt..!ls. They livi 
 by ten or twelve Families together, in poor Cabins made of PolesI 
 in form of our Arbors , and cover'd witJi Skins. They ordinariljl 
 employ themfelves in Hunting , as moft of the Americans ufually 
 do. The Engitjh and tyench here refiding, are much the fame withtholcj 
 in B.urope, 
 1lan3Ur.5C«] All that can be faid of the Language here commonly 
 us\l among the Natives, is, tfiat 'tis a certain Diaieit of the IidiM 
 Toni^ue wnich prevails among all the Indian Inhabitants, with little Vari* 
 arion of Accent in the various Parts of the Iiland. The Europeans' 
 here rcfidini>, do flill retain the Maternal Language of the relpedive 
 Countries from whence they came. 
 dpo^ci'n ^ 
'art 11. 
 ArncTican Iflands. 
 ^f, unlefs w] 
 Eaft of ch( 
 in breadth 
 BauIuos (c 
 rrs by diver 
 So thick dl 
 ' retard thd 
 Plurality oj 
 of the Mai 
 their b'aces 
 Tiiey liv^ 
 c of Poles* 
 )' ordinaril| 
 ans ufuallji 
 i with thold 
 the IndlM ' 
 little Vari- 
 : Europe^ih- 
 cC^olicrii ^ 
 (^oternment.] In the 162^. Sir George Calvert, Principal Se- 
 erary of Stare, havino obt^in'd a Patent for a part of Newfound- Land, 
 fcfted the fjnie int?) a Province [^call'd Avalnv^ and therein fettled a 
 Plantation ; which after him, was enjoy 'd by Wis Son CdicU'tus Lord Bal- 
 more. This Iflard was fet upon, and miAer'd by the French in the 
 jre tedious War, but fpecdily retaken by the Englifh^ who are now in 
 ;iill Poffctfion of what they formerly en joy 'd. 
 IScligion.] The Natives of this Ifland (upon its firft Difcovery) 
 vere found to acknowledge a Supreme Being, whom thty own'd as the 
 Creator of all things •, but err'd extrcamly in their Apprehenfions a- 
 30ut the manner of iheir Creari )n : allc(lii;ing that Men and Women were 
 ]t firft made of a ccrraiu number of Arrows ftuck fa(t in the Ground. 
 Ihey generally believe the Immortaiiry of tlie Soul, and that the Dead 
 20 into a far Country, there to make merry (as tliey think} with their 
 ^, ^. Cuba, 
 0anie,]-TpHlS Idand difcovcred by tlie'iards, Anno 1494. is 
 1. term'd by the Italians, Spaniards, French, Germans , and 
 hgU/J}, Cuba. Which Name is the fame it had when firif difcover'd, 
 iieing Ibcall'd by the Natives and nei:;hbouritig llluiders j what may be 
 I'.e Etym:)logy of that Indian Appellation, we know not. 
 '2^iV*'] The i4/Vof this Kljnd (confidcring itsfmal! Latitude) is very 
 temperate, being niij^htily qua!ii'v"d by V.ipours that daiiv aJcend from 
 (he F.3rth. The oppofuc Piace of tlie' Gl be to Cuba is tnat part of the 
 Eud- Indian Ocean, ]\ing between ijoand 120 Degrees of Longi- 
 iiide, with 20 and 2; LVgrccs of South Latiiudc. 
 j^Otl.1 This Climite (lying in the fame Climate with the Northern 
 Part of Ni^n? Spain) is net fo Icrtiie in Grain as Weed, being i^cnerally 
 cover'd over with Trees, (ome oi vvhich CiO drop the purcrt Rozin : 
 Here is freat plenty cf FiOi and licih -, and in feme puts are divers 
 Liiids of evcellent hruus The lengrh of the Days ar.d Nights in Ciilhiy 
 15 much the fame as m the North ol Ativ 6;<i//?, they boih lying under 
 :he lame Para'icls ot Lacitude. 
 I ; 
 American Iflaiids, 
 CommoWttC0»] The chief 
 Calfia, MafUck, 
 Commodities of this lOand, arc Golj 
 , Cinamon, Sugar, fyc. 
 IV freftl 
 at S! 
 1EUrttte0«] The moft remarkable thing in this Ifland, is a noti 
 bituminous Fountain, out of which there flows a fort of Pitr'.jr Su 
 fiance, commonly us'd for calking of Ships. Here is alfo a Valley L 
 of b'lint-Stones of different Sizes, and thofe by Nature fo round, thM° ^^^^ 
 they may ferve as Cullers for mjlt forts of Cannons, l^id. Heylin'i cM^ '"^V 
 mog. Page 1079. ■"* ^^^ 
 ■acions a 
 Klrclbbi^pricfes , &c.] In this Ifland is One BiJJjoprick , tffc^l'y ^' 
 that ot St. ja£o ^ Suffragan to the ArchbiJJ)op of Si- Domingo in 
 J^anncwi,] The Inhabitants of this Ifland, being for the mo 
 part Spaniards , are the fame in Manners with thofe on the Coi 
 ILangiiagc.J The Spaniards here refiding, do rtill retain, and con '^y^cal 
 monly ufe the Spanifl) Tongue. 
 (Sober txmciit^l This Ifland was formerly govern'd by certain Caciciw 
 or Captains, but is now wholly fubjeft to the King of Spain^ who fti 
 keeps a particular Governor in it, whofe ordinary Refidence is in th 
 Great and Populous City Havana, 
 IRcligion.] The Spaniards here refiding, are of the fame Relin 
 with that eftablifli'd and univerfally profefs'd in Spain. 
 §. 4. Jamaica* 
 Slobe to 
 10 and 
 tucing gi 
 ugar, C( 
 nd fprin 
 vhich ar 
 vcral R; 
 !S in the 1 
 ugar, Ii 
 )rugs, <t 
 l\ Water 
 icher Salt 
 lace. (: 
 ifidmc.]-Tp H I S Ifland (firfl difcover'd by Columbw, m his Secon ^achinel 
 I. Voyage to America, and brought into Polieifion of tl ;'^icll and 
 Mnglijh by i'O'n and Vcnables , in the time of Oliver CromwellJ ie Apple, 
 terin'd Ja'fuiica by rhe Italians, Spaniards, trench, Germans , n ppearing 
 Englifi). h was a: (irft call d St. J ago by Columbus, which Nan Jight wit 
 Wis ^fcerwJidi c'lang'd co that oi Jamaica, (altei Ku)^ James, ik 
Part iflfaf t IL America^i 1 (lands. 405 
 ike of TorliJ when it had been fubjefted for (ome time to the Crown 
 d, arc Gollf^"^'^'"'- 
 3ir.] The Air of this Ifland is more temperate than in mod 
 it the Neighbouring Iflands , the Heat thereof being much aJlay'd 
 fv frefh Eafterly Breezes that blow in the Day-time , and the frc- 
 cnt Showers that fall in the Night. Hurricanes and Earthquakes 
 [fo frequent in the CaribbesJ are leldom heard of here ^ whereupon 
 ]rc may juftly impute that terrible Earthquake [_Anno 16^2.] rather 
 I a Moral than a Natural Caule, vi^^. The many and horrid Abomi- 
 itions abounding among the Inhabitants, which [without doubt] did 
 oudly call for Judgments from Heaven. The oppofitc l^lace of the 
 Slobe to Jamaica^ is pjrt of the Eaji-Indhn Ocean , lying between 
 iio and 120 Degrees of Longitude, with 17 and 20 Degrees of South 
 1, is a not^ 
 a Valley 
 round, thj 
 Heylin'i d 
 '}oprickt vf\ 
 mingn in 
 for the mil 
 on the Cod 
 [in, and cor 
 rain Caciquil 
 ain^ whoM 
 ice is in th 
 ^oil«] The Soil of this Ifland is extraordinary rich and fertil, pro- 
 Icocing great quantities of Corn, Herbs, and Fruits; abounding alfo in 
 fugar. Cotton, Tobacco, various kind of Spices, with divers forts of 
 jhy^cal Drugs and Gums, ao Sumach, Guiacitm, Alces, Benjum'Wy Sar- 
 \ipiir'iUa, tfy'c. The large and plcafanc Fields appear conftantly Green 
 id fpringing, they being well ftcck'd with variety of Trees and Plants, 
 ihich are never difrob'd of their Summer- Liveries. Hcrelikewife are 
 [everal Rivulets, and thofe affording many excellent bilh, efpecially 
 JTortoifc. The length of the Days and Nights in Jamaica^ is the fame 
 is in the middle Provinces of AVw Spain, they both lying under the fame 
 Parallels of Latitude. 
 CommotJttics.l The chief Commodities of this iHand, are Cocao, 
 "ame Af/'i'Bl'S^'*? ^"^^^^^ Corton , Tobacco, Hides, Copper, Piemcnto, or 
 \tmaica-?CTppcT, Tortoile-Shclb, Wood for Dicrs, and fevcral forts of 
 rugs, fyc. 
 IRarittes,] This Ifland is furnifhd with feme Springs of Mine- 
 [alWaicis^ particularly Two, whercol: one is Sulphurous, and the 
 ther Salt; but both approved of tor the common Dirtcmpcrs of the 
 Jlace. (2.) In divers parts of Jamaica grows that Fruit, cali'd the 
 his Scc^rf'^^fj'f^^^ ^PP^^t which is very beautiful to the Eye, of a pkafanc 
 ifion of tl'nell and Tafte , yet Mortal if eaten , whence fome term it the 
 ZromwcHjW^'^'^Ppl^' (3) Here are many fliining Flies (a kind of Caniharides) 
 ermans ^ alppearing of a green Colour in the Day-time , but fhinin^ in the 
 which Nanfight with fuch a Lwte, that one may fee to read by their light. 
 Jarney, chl ' 14.) Of 
 : I, 
 Jmeriam IflanJs, 
 Part \i Fart I 
 ('4O of all Creatures beloni^ing ro this Ifland, the moft remarkable i 
 the AUegat or y that deflruftivc Animal, commonly hjrbouring in or nei 
 to Rivers and large Ponds, and may vtry liriy bz reckon'd the Jajn.;':iu, 
 Crocodile, Although he be a very big Crtjture, and about ten, fitteen 
 or twenty Foot in lengrh, yet he's hatcl.'d of an Egg mt larger thai 
 that of a Turkey. His Back being full of hard Scales, is impenetrable, 
 whereupon it is a difficult matter to kill him, uiuLfs he receive a Wounc 
 in the Eye or Belly. He is an amphibious Animal, and t > enable him 
 cither to walk upon dry Ground, or Iwim m tlic Water, N:«cure hal 
 furniOi'd him both with I'cct and Fins. In moving on the Land he — 
 very fwift, (providing his Courfe be ftraight forward) but extremely 
 flow in turning, and therclore eafily avoided. Laftly , fn Jum.iic.t 
 are producd fome rare Plants, much regarded by the inquifnive B't.t' 
 mfl. But for a particular account of them, and all others, found both 
 in this, and fcveral of the Car'ike Hlands, I refer the Rcadei to a curious 
 Catalogue, publilh'd feme Years ago by that great Promoter of Natural 
 Knowledge, the ingenious Dr. Sloane. 
 1Jlrc!)bin)Op?icfe0^ &c.J A)-ckb}jl)opncl:'s , B'iP;opriclis , Vniverfuks. 
 jS^tluncrS*] The Inhabitants of thi^ Tfland being Engliflj^ are muchf 
 the lame in Manners with thofe in tlie Kingdom of England^ onlvj 
 with this Difference, that the generality of 'em is fomevvhat more] 
 vicioully inclin'd, a thin^ too common in moff of our Weftern l'lan-| 
 Ilangu.ige.] This ifland being fntircly inhabited by £«^///7.', they re- 
 tain, and Aill ufe, their own Native Lupgnagi. 
 dBiobcmtUCnt.] Jumiica, is wholly fubjcrt to the Crown of £/?^/.if?.'/, 
 and rul'd by a particular Govtrnour, luit thither by his Majefly, the 
 King of Greai Bi'itivn. The Laws i)y which they are governed, arc ^ 
 (as near as can be) tliole of Er.gLind. Here they have leveral || 
 Courts of judicar^Tv tor hearing and determining ot all Caufes | 
 between Man and Man 5 and tor tnc better Alfiflancc of the Go- 
 vernour, he h furnilh'd with hisCouneil to cjnlult with, when Occaficn 
 ah tha 
 opting t 
 le Eiigii 
 iich Ma 
 ■pi fed S 
 I himle ; 
 :v the fii 
 ;ivn Cgu 
 ■t intole 
 ] the A 
 i chat 
 ii?o Deg 
 le SdtL 
 Yx)' trui' 
 id to ri 
 furf, tha 
 icre is i 
 kefs , in 
 tliencc d 
 ig kept 
 litre is 
 fiufe th 
 |isd as li 
 pod flor 
 [ngth 0} 
part II. 
 American IJlatiJs, 
 iRcligion/J Tliclnhabi rants of this iHand, are of the fame Religion 
 trh that publickly profels'd, and by Law cfUbUHi'd, in England-, ex- 
 tpting the Negroe-Slaves, who, (both here, and in other Illands of 
 'e£n^//p Plantations) are Hill kept in woful Ignorance ^ which is un- 
 ijubtedly a grievous Scandal to our Holy Frofeffion in general, and an 
 ,5ornin2bIe Shame to their refpeftive Mafters in particular: But let 
 lich Makers know that the time is coming, when the [nowj de- 
 pifed Souls of thofe toiling Slaves will certainly be required at their 
 , are muchi" 
 gUnd^ only I 
 Iwhat more 
 ftern Plan- 
 7.', they re- 
 )f England ^ 
 iiefly, the 
 'crn'd, arc ^ 
 ve Icverul 
 all Ciules ' 
 the Go- 
 1 Occaficn 
 §>. 5. Hzfpaniola, 
 Bamc] TpHlS Tfland (difcover'd by Columbus, Anno 1492.) is 
 i term'd by the Spaniards, EipanioU -, by the French, E- 
 hgmJe ', by the Italians, Germans, and Engl'ifl), /ijp.:niola; fo cali'd 
 :v the firft Planters therein, r/:^. the Spaniards) a? a Diminutive ot cJieir 
 .vn Country. 
 '^iv,2 The Air of this Ifland is much inferior ro that in 
 Imiucj. J being much infcfttd with Morning Heats , which w^uld 
 e intolerable , were they not allayed by fome cooling Breezes 
 ] the Afternoon. The oppofite Place of the Glebe to Hiipaniola , 
 i chat part of the Enlt'Indian Ocean , lying between 120 and 
 :^i?o Degrees of Longitude, with 17 ajad 21 Degrees of South Lav 
 j ^oil.J This Ifland is !>lcfs'd \vith an extraordinary rich and fer- 
 |lc .*)('//. The Trees and Meadows in ic are Hill (0 Green, that we 
 ny tru.y fay, it enjoys a continual Spring. Herbs and brtits arc 
 fiid to ripen in eighteen Days, and fo rich and fruitful is the Native 
 [iirf, that of fevrral Grain, thcromrtjon Increafc is an Hi)ndred-iold, 
 licre is abundance cf S'alm-Trees o-f a prndipjous hciji,iith and b)g- 
 sels, in whofe Body an Incifion being made near the Top, from 
 ;liencc doth <law a,uor , ulually caild FalmWiiie, which bc- 
 ig kept tor feme time , icnricnteth , and btccmcs vrry fircng, 
 alio abundance oi; tholc Tree? ccrm'd C.iLb^g'; Trees , bc- 
 American Jflands, 
 Part I] 
 middle Provinces of New 5/)4;>i, they botli lying under the fame Para] 
 lels of Latitude. ' 
 CommoDitteS*] The chief Commodities of tliis Ifland, arc CatrlJ 
 Hides, Caflia, Sugar, Ginger, Cocheneel, Guiacum, (fy-c, 
 IRatities,] in this Ifland is fome (lore of Genippa-Trees ^ whoi 
 Fruit (about the bignefs of a Man's Two Fifls) being prefs'd befor 
 thorow ripe, affords a Juice as black as Ink, and fie to write vvithi 
 did it not difappcar iatirely in nine or ten Days. (2.) Here gmv 
 anotherTrce, cali'd Mixn.wUlx or VwArf AppU-Tree^ wliofc Fruit is of , 
 venemous a quality, that if any Vcxim eat thereof, he's inftanri! 
 feiz'd with an unquedionable ThirO, a:id dies raving Mad in a fhoi 
 time. (5.) Of the many Infefts belnni^ing to this iOand, the Glow 
 worm (term'd by tlie Sparurds Cjcbinillas) is mail remarkable, ant 
 that chiefly for two little Sp^t ks on his Head, which by Night give (4 
 much Light, that it a Pcrfonlav three or four of thoie Creatures to 
 gethcr, he may fee to read tlie riiulicil Print. (4.) In Hij'pamjU ari 
 Spiders, about the bignefs n' an ordinary Hen's Kgg, having Legs a] 
 long as SeaCrabs of a middle Size. They are Hairy all over, and h3v( 
 Four black Teeth like R^ibbcts, and coniinonlv bite very fliarply, buj 
 are not venomous. ($.) Moll renurkabicof all Creatures in tiiis Iflanc 
 is the Caymctn^ Ccomm jnly reckon'd the Crocodile of HifpanioU) whicJ 
 being an Animal ot a prodigious bignefs, is much noted for his rari 
 Subtilty in catchinp, his Prey ^ far lying upon a River fide , he fo gal 
 thercth his Body together, that, in Form, he rcfemhles exadlly thi 
 large Trunk of an old Tree. In which Pollure he continues till Cac] 
 tie, or other Crearures come to the River to drink, when to their fur] 
 prize, he fuddcnly fprings up and aifaults them; And ( to enhauncd 
 the Woflder) this ftrange Creature is (aid to ufe yet a more llrange SirJ 
 tagemto cffeft his End ^ for Travellers generally affirm of him, That bel 
 fore he lays himfelf (as aforefa'd) upon the River-fide, he's employer 
 for fome time in fwallowing down feveral hundred weight of fmall Pec^ 
 bic Stunes. By which additional weiglit -if his B^dy, he can keep a h\ 
 (let hold of his Prey, and be the fooner ble to draw ic into, and divJ 
 ivith it under Water. Vid. Late hijlory f the Buccaneers i/i America] 
 Part 1. Cap. 4. 
 3rcl)biri)0p;tcU6 , &c.] Here is One Archjifrnpric^ , v'lx^. that o( 
 St. Domingo. >^uifragan to whom are S:. j a^o in Cnba , St. John A^\ 
 t^ort-ricoj 3nd Coro in Terra fnm.i. 
 '^11 ilJfrd 
Part I J lart II. American IJlands. 
 fame Paraf 
 UnitJCtfltics*] Vniverfitks, None. 
 are Cattid 
 yees^ whol 
 refs'd befoi 
 Tice withil 
 Here grn^ 
 e's inftantl] 
 I in a fhor 
 , the Glow 
 irkable, an^ 
 lighc give 
 rearurcs tof 
 ij'paiujlu ar( 
 ing Legs aj 
 r, and hav( 
 fliarpiy, but 
 n this Iflanc 
 joU) whicf 
 "or his rarj 
 he fo gaj 
 exaftly ihi 
 les till Cail 
 to their furl 
 Irange S;n| 
 n, Thac be] 
 :'s employ I 
 keep a faj 
 , and dive 
 in America] 
 ^anncrsO The Inhabitants of &h in<ird (being mofily spa- 
 JdSy with Ibme French) are the fdnie in Minnen v.i.h thule on the 
 ilanguagc^l The Inhabitants of this Ifland being Spaniards^ and 
 jme fretich, as aforefaid) do ftill retain and ufe their refpe^ive matcr- 
 'i\ Tongues. 
 ^otJCnimcut.] This Ifland being wholly fub)eft to the Crown of 
 jdm, (except the Wcftern Parts now poflefl by the French) is ruPd by 
 particular Governor, appointed by his Catholick Majefty, whofe Power 
 otfi extend it felf over all the AnUttes belonging to Spain, 
 iRcligion*] The Inhabitants of this Ifland, whether Spam^ 
 mds or French^ are of the fame Religion , with thofc on the Old 
 §. 6. FortO'Rico, 
 rH I S Ifland vvas lermM S. Johannii Injuh by ColumhM^ at his firft 
 Difcovery thereof, and Boriquen by ^xhc Natives, but now PortO" 
 \/i5, from its chief City and Haven of that Name. The Soil is tolc- 
 ibly good in many parts, and Air abundantly temperate, except thofe 
 fenths immediately before and after the Summer and Winter Solftice, 
 rom hence are exported Sugar-Canes, Ginger, CafTia, and good ftore 
 f Hides. Here grow divers remarkable Trees, and fome poyfonous 
 jhrubs upon the Sca-fide. The whole Ifland belonging to the Crown of 
 b.tin, isrul'dby a particular Governor fenc thither by his Catholick 
 lajeily j and the Inhabitants thereof being Spaniardf^ are the fame ill 
 pnnerj-, Language^ and Religion, as elfcwlicrc, either upon the Old op 
 rew Continent, • 
 . thac 0^" 
 Si, John (tdi 
 §. 7. Th 
 American IJlands, 
 Part II 
 §. 7. The Carihee IJlands, 
 TH E Car'tbees are reckon'd that goodly Company of Iflands, begir, 
 ning at the Eall of Porto-R<co^ and reaching Southwards almoj 
 to Terra Pirma. They deic cneir Appellation from the Nature 
 their Inhabitants, \v!l ( -.hen firft difcovcr'd ) were generally Ca 
 vib.ils ^ the Niiie dmees being of the fame Importance. Takej 
 all lugether, they ccme neareft (in Form) to the Segment of 
 great Circle, and are in number about Thirty •, the chief of whicj 
 fproceeding from North to South] with their prefent Poffelfbrsj arc 
 I I 
 ''The ^ngltffj^ but little efteem'd. 
 The French and Dutch, 
 The trench. 
 The EngUflj^ but of fmall Account. 
 The Englifl) and French* 
 The Engitfl). 
 The Englifl). 
 The Engitfljy but moftly inhabited by Infli 
 <^ The French, 
 The French. 
 The £n^////; and Natives. 
 The French, 
 The Engl'ifl), 
 The French, 
 The £n^//7/j and D«^c^, cfpecially the latte 
 The French, 
 The Englifl}, 
 Of all the Caribee Iflands belonging to the EngUflj^ the moft rJ 
 markable (upon fevcral Accounts) is B^rWo's. Of it therefore il 
 Anguila ' 
 St. Martin 
 San^a Crux — 
 Burbada - 
 St. Chriftophers 
 Kievis or Mevis 
 Antego — — 
 St. /-MC/<i — 
 St. Vincent 
 inrs, ani 
 maica , 
 . in tho 
 •Tp H 1 S Ifland is term'd by the Spaniards, B^irbadm 
 by the French ^ B.irbade or Barboude ^ by the Ituliufi 
 OermanSf ard t.n^lifl)y Barbdo's : Cue why fo call'd we can giv 
 fio build I 
 KVall of 
 hi of an 
 Jlity of 1 
Part II 
 nds, begir 
 ards almol 
 ncrally Ca 
 ce. Take! 
 ^mcnc of 
 t of whicl 
 [brsi are 
 tart I L American IJla7ids. 41 1 
 10 Account, the Name being an Indian Appellation. It was difcovered 
 n the Reign of Kmg Jamas \, by Sit William Curten, driven upon its 
 :oaft by ftrefs of Weather. Meeting with no Inhabitants at his Arri- 
 ]1, and finding the Nature of its Soil to be inviting, the Engitf})^ upon 
 IS return, fent fome IManters thither, who, for want of Trade, were 
 fduc'd to great Extremity, till about the Year iCi-j, when they began 
 J plant it to purpofc. 
 3iir.] The Air of this Ifland is very hot and moifl, efpecially for 
 iight Months, yet in fome meafure qualified by cold Breezes of Windj 
 thich rifing with the Sun, blow commonly from North-Eafl by Eaft, 
 ulefs there happen a Turnado^ and grow frefher as the Sun mounteth 
 p. The oppofite Place of the Globe to Barbados^ is part of the Ea(l' 
 \im Ocean, between 1 50 and 140 Degrees of Longitude, with 12 and 
 3 Degrees of South Latitude. 
 ^oil^] This Idand (not above Eight Leagues in length, and Five in 
 :eadth, where broadeft) is blefs'd with a5o/7 wonderfully fertil. Ge- 
 :ra!!y taken, 'tis not above One or Two Foot thick. Yet that fmall 
 icprh of Earth refembles, in a manner, one continued hot Bed, being 
 molt every where grounded with white fpongy Lime-Stones, which re- 
 in and refledl the Solar Heat piercing through the over-fpreading Mould. 
 hereupon the Ifland bcarech Crops all the Year round, and its Trees, 
 jnts, and Fields, appear always Green. But in this and the Ifland 
 •mAiCA 5 were formerly Mountain-Cabbjge-Trecs of a prodigious 
 :ighth. The length of the Days and Nights in Barbado's, is the fame 
 in thofe parts of New-Spain, lying under the fame Parallels of 
 y the lattel itif"^^- 
 ed by Ir'm 
 e mofl rd 
 the Itulm 
 iwe can giv 
 CommoDiticS.] The chief Commodities of this Ifland, are Sugars,' 
 ico, Cotcon-Wool, Ginger, Log-wood, Fuftick, Lignum-Vit£^ i/^c» 
 thofe in fuch abundance, that fome Hundred Sail of Ships do year^ 
 I receive their Loadings here. 
 Il^arttieo*] in the ifland of Barbados are Ants of a very big fize^ 
 (10 build their Nelh with Clay and Lome, againft the Body of a Tree, 
 Iwall of an Houfe \ and that to the bignefs of ordinary Bee-hivej and 
 (jle divided into a great many Cells. (2.) Here are fome Snakes of a 
 iiiiderable length and bignefs, that frequently Aide up and down the 
 j;I of an Houfe, and out of one Rjom into another with wonderful 
 Jity of Body. (3O The Water of that Rivulet ( commonly call'd 
 \^hliiveYj hath upon its Surlace in many Places a certain Oily Sub- 
 H c 2 flance, 
412 American Jjlands. Partl[i 
 (lance, which being carefully taken off, and kept a little time, is fit ^^ 
 bum in Lampilike crdinary Oil. (4.) Here are divers large and hide-i 
 ous Caves, Cfome of which arebi^^ enough to concain hive hundred Men] 
 and feveral remarkable Trees, particularly the C^Z/M^J, Falmetey Roucoui 
 and that which goes by the Vulgar-Name of the Poyfon-Tree. ( 5.) Amont 
 fome rare Infee>s to be feen upon this Ifljn<^, we may reckon thofj 
 fmall Flics, (tcrm'd diyouyoHj nioft obferwable , and that chiefly foj 
 their Wings, which give a mighty Luftre in the Night-time whilj 
 they ily. 
 7I^XC\)biU)0pikh^y &c.] Arcbb}ftjOi)rkks^ B'ifljoprkks, Vnherfitki 
 fanners*] The Inhabitants of this Ifland (excluding iheNegroes 
 being muAIy Eng/ifJ), arc much tiie fame in Behaviour and Manner o| 
 living, with thole here in England* 
 llanguage,] What was faid of the Inhabitants in refpeft o£ ^tumerA 
 the fame may be affirra'd of them in Point of Language- " ' ' 
 Vegroes^ the generality of them (if any confiderable ti 
 Ifland) do alfo underfland and fpeak Engliflj, 
 As for th 
 time upon thj 
 As for 
 ferve f 
 for tht 
 when ( 
 fuch a 
 it's but 
 no Law 
 oor an) 
 of the 
 that vvi 
 n. Pah 
 ftian L; 
 d^clJCtumCilt.^ This Ifland, belonging to the Crown of England, 
 rul'd by a particular Governor appointed and fenc thither by His Maje 
 the King of Great Britain. He vmh his Council do d'lcufb all Matters 
 Importance, and the better to quell any Infurrcftionrhar may be nia 
 (efpecially by the Slaves) he ftiil kreps a Standing Militia, confiAinj; 
 Two Rc^'.iments of Horfe, and Five uf Foot, always in readin(fs up 
 4 call. The Law^ by which this Ifland is governed, (cxcep: lome B} 
 A^s which immediately concern the Plantarion) are cne f me wii Are the 
 thofe of Eigland. The Ifland be-np divided into tour Circuiis in ejcfcj 
 of them is eflablifli'd an Inferior Court of Judi'eJrory f <r hearing mk 
 manner of Civil Caules: From whici. Courts, Appeals may he ma 
 to the Supreme Court ^ and for duo AdminiHraiifn of Jufiicc 
 Criminal Matters, here are yearly held t-ive Scfnoiv. when t'nerea 
 peats a real neceiHtv of making new Laws, (whicli muft never contradi 
 th'<feof£f?^/.i»^J or abrogating, old ones, the Guvernour calls an 
 fcmbly for that end. ThisAffem;.?y refembles in lomc manner our 
 ^///^ Parliament ^ tor the Governour being reckon'd Supreme, thole 
 his Council are as iQ many Peers ^ and Two BurgelTes ehoien out 
 each rarifli, rcprefcnt the Body of the People. 
 Of tl 
 that chi 
 Main, tl 
 Mexico I 
 to the I 
 flain'd t 
Part III part II. 
 American Ijlands, 
 nc, is fin(^ 
 : and hide-.' 
 (5.) Amonj 
 Eckon ihofS 
 chiefly foj 
 [•time whili 
 id Mmwc)' oI 
 As tor th 
 mc upon chl 
 if Engldvi^ 
 r His Majef 
 II Matters 
 may be nuc 
 adin^fs upc 
 tp: lomc BJ 
 c r me wu 
 cuivb incj 
 Iftcligton. J The EngUpj here refidinp;, make Profcfflon of the fame 
 Keligm with rhat generally own'd, and by Law eflabliih'd in England. 
 ^i (or xht Negroe-S laves ^ their Lor hath hitherto been, and ftill is, to 
 fervc fuch Chrij^fan Mafters, who fufficiently declare what Zeal they have 
 for thcii Cottverli n, bv unkindly ufing a lerious, Divine fome time ago 
 when cnlv propofmt^ to endeavour the fame. I'm very fenfibie of a 
 vulvar Opirr.«n hitherto current among our Englipj Pi inters, ^/^. That 
 Slaves do ceajt ti be Slaves when once baptii'd. But how current foever 
 fuch an Opinion ha'h hitherto born, and mav fijli obcain with feme; 
 it's but a gfdundlefs Imagination, and ■^. l ulg.xr Error at befl. Kor there's 
 no Law either in the Old or New Teflamenc againfl Slavery in genera! ^ 
 norany inhibinon of C/?r///^irt ^/iivej inparricuiK, in r' p whole Body 
 of the Civil Law^ fo far as \ can learn fiom thofe, whole Studio's b^r.d 
 that way. hefides \i One fimns \v;ii> :i Slave (^as all agree) w -u'd noc 
 jc. Paul in his Epiftle have told Philem^n^ That 'cwd: asaiuft the Chri- 
 jtian Law to keep fuch ? But we find that the Strain ot that EpiOlc run? 
 § 8. The Liicayes. 
 THE Ludyes (f > call'd from Licayone^ the biggefi of 'em all ) are 
 thole leveral lUands lyiu^ North ot Cuba aod Hifpaniola , They 
 belong moflly to the Spaniards y aad the chici of chem 
 Are thofe of I 
 lay be mj 
 ')f Jufticc i 
 icn tnerea 
 vcr contradij 
 calls an 
 anner our 
 Erne, thofe 
 hoicn out 
 I Tuma 
 't? 'J u Sl ^ew Providence 
 ) >.J «^ F.lutheria ^1 
 an'i J ^ I S:, Salvador — 
 Extended from the 
 v.. of Tegeft am Flo- 
 rida^ t J the N. of 
 Of thefe Iflands, Bahama mav be reckoned the mifl remarkable, and 
 that chiefly for the famous rapid Channel between that Illand and the 
 iMain, through which the Spanijh Fleets ufually pals in their return from 
 A/tfx/co to Europe. A PalVage equally fatal to the Sparhrd^ as fortunate 
 !0 the EngUjh. Kara! to the tormer for fom^ dreadful S.iipwrecks Ui- 
 flain'd therein •, and fortunate to the latter, for valt Quanticics of Flate 
 recover'd by skiltul Divers. This Illand is al-ooblcrvab c tor feveral un- 
 common Infeits found upon ir, particularly the bahawa-Sjider already 
 rncation'd, Page 3^1. 
 §. 9. The 
 American IflanJs. 
 §. 9. The Sotovento, 
 TH E Sotovento I/lands^ are thofc lying along the Northern Coafl of 
 Terra Firma, They belong moftly to the Spaniards y and recti v'| 
 the Title Sotovento Cquafi fub ventoj from them, becaufe they appear te 
 the Leeward of their Fleet coming down before the Wind to enter tl 
 Gulf of Mexico, The chief of fuch Illands 
 Are thofe 
 of * 
 fTrinidada — 
 Orchilla — 
 Found frcm E. 
 * w. 
 iDd feri 
 md pJe 
 jpon th 
 ifhich i 
 kir Ce 
 jhich h 
 part of I 
 k fami 
 ;jine Pa 
 Trmdada (term'd by the Natives SamfonateJ is obfervable for bein|, jes, Co( 
 !iid very 
 .'ilk, anc 
 ulcor b 
 •^•ith the 
 i"iat rem 
 a noted place of Battery between the Inhabitants of Sew Spain^ n 
 thofe of Peru. And Margarita is much frequented upon the account 1 
 Pearl Fifliery, from whence it derives its Name. The reft are noc 
 any great moment. 
 §. TO, Bermudas, 
 l^amc] 'TpH IS little Clufter of Iflands ( lying about Five hundrc 
 X Leagues Eaftof florida) is term'd by the Italians^ Be 
 tnuda ; by the French^ Bermudes^ by the Spaniards^ Germms^ and I 
 glif\.\ Bermudas. So cali'd from one John Bermudas^ a Spaniard^ w 
 fnade the firft Difcovery of them. They are otherwife term'd the 5«4 K ^^Js B. 
 wer Iflandsy from Sir George Summers^ an Engliflman^ who futfcr'd Shi^ 
 wreck near to them. Anno i6op. 
 %ix*'] The Air of thefe Iflands is reckon'd extraordinary healthful 
 breathe in, the Sky being almoft always ferenc and fmiling. But wh< 
 overcaft at any time, then they're fure of a terrible Tempeft, attend^ 
 with frightful Claps of Thunder, and Flafties of Lightning. So healtl 
 ful are thefe Iflands to breathe in, that their Inhabitants (now in numl 
 about Four or Five thoufand) are feldom vifited with Sicknefs, and gc 
 ucrally arrive to a good old Age. The oppofite Place of the Glol^ei 
 nucli th 
 tfpcef o 
Part III i?art II. 
 American Ijlaiids. 
 rn Coafl oj 
 md recti v'J 
 y appear t^ 
 [0 eater il 
 frcm E. 
 ]:rmualat, is that part of the raft Eafl-IndiaOcenD, lylog between 1^4 
 ifld 138 Degrees of Longitude, with 52 and 55 Degrees of South La- 
 ^Oil.] The Soil of thefe Iflands has been hitherto reckon'd v?ry rich 
 13d fertil, yielding the Labourer Two Crops a Year ^ and me Arable 
 jfound is of fuch an excellent Mould that it affords neither Sand, Hints, 
 Peebles, nor Stones fo hard as are fit to grind Knives. Bur how rich 
 ind pienriful foever thefe Iflands have been hererofore, they are now 
 ipon the decHning Hand, and gr^winji a pace both poor aud barren. Kor 
 xhich is commonly affign'd a tw" told Keafon, i;/:^. (i.) The Fall of 
 leir Cedars which formerly did flficlcer their Fruit from hurtful Winds, 
 vhcrcas now they're continually blafled. (2,) A certain Worm r r Anc 
 jhich ha§ lately bred fo much among them ao 10 confume the greatell 
 le for bemj 
 J Spain^ at 
 ie account I 
 lare not 
 [art of their Cnrn. The length ot the Days and Nights in Bermudof, 
 :he fame as in the Northmoft parts of Florida, they both lying under 1 
 ;jine Paralkls of Latitude. 
 five hundr 
 Italians^ Si 
 mSy and £ 
 )antard, w 
 rd the 5«4 
 I fuffer'd Ship. 
 But win 
 left, attends 
 So healtl 
 )vv in numl; 
 Inefs, and g? 
 Ithe Globe 1 
 CommoDttics.] The chief Commodities of thefe Iflands, are Oran- 
 ges, Cochineel, Tobacco, Cedar-Wood, fome Pearls, and Amber-Gris 
 a confiderable quantity, iyc, 
 iRariticS*] Obfervable are thefe Iflands for nourifhing no venomous 
 Creature, none fuch being found upon them, nor able to live it brought 
 :hither. Here indeed arc many Spiders, but thofc no ways poyfon 'Us- 
 !iid very remarkable for their Webs, having the refcmblance oi Raw- 
 ;ilk, and woven fo ftrong, that little Bird-^ are fomevi:^.es incan^Ied ia 
 :aem. (2.) If Wells are dug in Bermuda^ above the Surface of rhe 
 furrounding Ocean, the Wjter is fvveer and frclh ; hut ii V'.ver, then 
 laltor brackifh ^ and all of them have fome f'^niiDlc KIux and Reflux 
 i'ith the Sea. (3.) Upon the Coall of thefe Ifljnds, h 1 ..mcrnnv s taken 
 liat remarkable bifh, termd the F'/^-f//?; j being ib calld from a pare 
 i his Back-Bone, which hach the exait refemulai.ce of a File. 
 11lrcl)bifl;opiicfe0, Sic] Archbifkopricks , Bijhprkl^s, Vniverfitks^ 
 fanners.] The Inhabitants of thefe Iflands being Etiglijh^ are 
 nuch the fame in Manners and Way of living, with thole here in 
 llcinguagc] what was faid of the Inhabitants of Bermudas in 
 ^fpeft of Manners J the fame may be affirmed of ihcm in I'oint of 
 E c 4 d^oDcnt^ 
 f 1 
 American Iflands^ 
 Part If IPart 
 dPobcrnmCHt.] Thcfe if and?, being wholly fubjeft, and of right ^ 
 longing to the Crown of h rj rn.y, arc rul'd by a particular Govcrnc 
 appointed and lent thither by luc Kiogot Etigland. 
 IRcligion*] The Religm here eftablifti'd, and publickly profefs'd, 
 the Frotejiatitf according to the Reformation of the Church of En^And} 
 §. 1 1. Terra del Fuogo, 
 THIS is a large Triangular Ifland (or, as fome think, feveral) It 
 ing on the South part o^i Amerkit^ and feparated from the mat 
 Continent by the Streighrs of Magellan. It's call'd by the Name of Teh* 
 radel Ft'o^o, becaufe (it feems) the firft Dilcoverers thereof did obferlp 
 fome particular Vulcam'^ upon ir. Our Knovvledge of this -fland and ii 
 Inhabitants, is, at beft, but very uncertain ; and almoft every new A( 
 venturer in thcle Parts of the World, give us a new Relation of thin^ 
 Whi foever therefore defiresa cerrain or fatisfaftory Account, muft 
 fcr his Enquiry to the better Difcovery of A Iter- times. 
 And fo much for Amenca and its Iflandso 
Part Iff 1 Part 11. 
 3f right 
 • Govcrnc 
 A N 
 feverdl) I 
 11 the ma' 
 lame of Te\ 
 did obfer 
 (land and 'i 
 cry new Afi 
 n of thin 
 nc, mufi 
 brief Account of the European 
 Plantations in AJia , jifrick ^ and 
 America : As alfo fome Rea-# 
 fonable Propofals for the Propa- 
 ^s;ation of the Blefled Gofpel in all 
 Pagan Countries. 
 IN running over the various Divifions of Afut^ Afrkk and Armrkay 
 I have under vhc Title l^ Government tranfiently mention'd chofe 
 Principal Kingdoms or States in Europe^ who arc moflly concern'd. 
 in thofe Countries , but fince a more particular Account of the Tame is 
 defir'd by feme, 1 fhall endea\^our to do it in thefe following Lines, 
 — — jand then by way oi Conclufion to tlie whole Treatife, fliall fubjoin 
 I , fome Propofals for the Propagation of the BlelTed Gofpel in all Pagan 
 Counrries. To return to the firft. 
 The chief of the European Nations, who have any Footing in Afi.i^ 
 Af'jcli^ and Aincrku^ are thcle following, xi^. 
 The Evgl'iih, 
 The .Spaniards^ 
 The Portninei-jy 
 The French, 
 The Dutch. 
 The Danes, 
 Of all thefe in Order. 
 §. I. To 
 An Appendix. 
 Part II. 
 i I 
 §. I. To the Englijh belong 
 rVort St, George [alicer Madraffipatam] on Coaft CormancfeL 
 Bombay Caftlc a. d Ifland, on the Weft Coaft of Decan. 
 f'Carac.l ^ 
 Trim!) Watch .— 
 Triml)-Bafs ■ 
 Port Nova 
 fort St. Davids- 
 Cud ulor 
 J>On Coaft Cormandeh 
 A Trade . 
 or Fafto- | Man/da 
 J lories at <( Daca-^ 
 Ar:^apore -^— ... 
 Maffalipatam — 
 Madapollam — 
 Vkeagaparam — 
 Bengal > 
 Hugly .— 
 CaffumbeT^ar — - 
 >»In the Gulf of Bengal 
 Tutta Nutta 
 Amadarad — 
 Barocb .— 
 Carnar — *-- 
 Gujfarat . 
 Cambdia — 
 BattkklLy — 
 Tull) Cherey - 
 •la the Mogkh Empire- 
 — I 
 >0n the Coaft of Malabuf. 
 j B: ingon 
 : {JDdbul in Vccan* 
 A • 
Part II| 
 Part IL 
 A Trade 
 Mocha — 
 Shahare - 
 Durg£ — 
 Doff are— 
 Aden • 
 Ifpahan ■ — 
 Qombroone < 
 Smyrna in Njtolia, 
 Aleppo in Syria. 
 Indrapma • 
 Bengalis — 
 Jamhe — I— . 
 Eyer Banna 
 An Appendix. 
 i>ra Arabia FxUx, 
 ?•<; or Fadto.< ^>'' ^'''^<^^'' 
 Ties at I I'y-f^'^r^g, — 
 Mn the Ifland Sumatra. 
 Bancokla ■ 
 Peque — 
 Cudda — 
 .On the AUlay Coafl. 
 Tunqueen ^ 
 I Erroy ^m China, 
 Tefiampoo-Coid — 
 Siam • . . ^ , , 
 Camboida 5^" ^"^ Kingdom of Siam. 
 Mindano in the Ifland Mindano, 
 Borneo in the Ifland Borneo. 
 Judda upon the Red Sea. 
 I Afacajjur in the Ifle Celebes, but now cKpcU'd. 
 .^Bantam in Java, till expell'd by the Dw^c/;, 1^82. 
4.20 yin Appeyidix. Part irf 
 ^Tangier on the Coaft of Barbary near the Straits^ but now dcmol 
 The Iflaad of St. Ndena, Weft of Ethhph^ S. Lat. i^ Degr. 
 rart . 
 ^"Charles Fort upon an Ifland in the River Gambia, 
 Sierra. d'Leon upon Bence Ifland, Lat. 8. d. lo m. N. ( 
 Scrber a River -7^ i *- n -^ » 
 _ >0n the Coaft Malgudte, 
 Drurvyn — 
 Rio d: St. Anciro- 
 Jeaque Jeaque- 
 C. St. Appolonia 
 Axym'm CotrnrC'Bay. 
 A Trade J Succundc 
 or Fadto- 
 On the Qiiaqua, Coaft. 
 jics at 
 Of ho Cor j\ chief of all- 
 Fyeder'ickshurg formerly Dani/h 
 but fold to die Englijh >0n the Golden Coafl. 
 Ann?j%.:m unforificd -k 
 Amam :bou-- > -\ 
 Aggitu^ of no defence ^ 
 loxnjo ■"^ 
 M'lem'M ^In the Kingdom of Loargo. 
 \_Cubendu > — ^ ■ 
 fKetv Epglmd- 
 Nerv Torl^' 
 Penfilvaniu •-. 
 "^ » Alar/lutid 
 I irgntia 
 L Parcicu'irly mentioned from Page 
 ^ to '^y8. 
 i^As alfo they pofTefs Port ^tlj>n in Nudfon's b.iy. 
 i ( ^:" 
 ' I Ml 
 '" S Th 
 U Th 
Part irP'art II. 
 It now dcmoi 
 Ati Appendix, 
 lo m.N.i 
 ^I^evofoundUnd in parr. 
 Jamaica^ one of the greater Antilles, 
 BemHdas, lying F. o{ Fhric/a, 
 New Province, one of the Uca'ps, 
 Long JJland, lying S. of AVk^ rori^. 
 Angu'ULi- ^ 
 parricu- <{ St.Chr'iJhpher 
 thofe of 
 3lden Coaft. 
 Alonjerrat - 
 Dominicii — 
 St. Vincent- 
 - — t Ten of the Citribee 
 '^ Iflands. 
 Some Settlements C Surinam 
 at y Af,iyAri/> 
 Alardne — 
 On the Coaft of r^rr^ 
 f Loitngo^ 
 §.2. To the Sfa7iiards belong 
 / Lucmj , 
 .;■ '^ Tandaya— ., 
 ^J Mindano— - 
 l\'S. Juan 
 ' / MindoYe 
 r reft 
 Six of the Pbjlipp'in, and moftof the 
 i ^ The Trade on the Weft Coaft of Africa. 
 ^i The Canary Iflands, particularly mention'd, Page 544. 
 ^Nen^ Spain, whofc Parliafnents are -^^OuadalaUrx. 
 I . _ , , , COuatimala^ 
 I A confiderable Part of New Mexico, 
 _ , St. Matthews 5 ^" ^^^'^'''^''- 
 Terra Pirnta, vvhofe Parliaments are^^ ^^^Awa. 
 ; ^ Grunada, 
 i^t?n/, whofc P.iiliamcnts are —- ^ — ^ Z/w^. 
 Chili. (- ^' ^'' ^'''^*'' 
 A great part of Paraguay, 
 I. Several Iflands, particularly thofe of ^ /^p'lnioU 
 §• ^. To 
 An Appeyulix. 
 §. 5. To the Fortngueze belong. 
 Part n| j?art 1 
 I: \)^ 
 ' ["Several Faftories in Perfia. 
 Chaul, a aonfiderable Town 
 AfafigAn, a little Village 
 The Fores'? iWorra ^*" ^^^^^• 
 of J'Caranga - 
 Ekphanta Uland, near rhac of Bombay, 
 Goa, with her FortrefTes and adjacenc Iflands j n«,!l* 
 Dii4 Ifland and Citv, nc^r Gujarat, 
 ^ I Macaco, upon the Coaft of China. 
 c<J The Fort Larentoque. in the Ifland 5o/or, E. of Flores^ 
 Much of T/zwor, one of the Molucca Iflcs. 
 r Arcan ~ 
 j PegH 
 Tan^icerin — — 
 { The C^mbodia 
 I Trade or ' Golconda 
 { Faftorics*^. Agra . 
 ^at ' Amadabat — 
 Bi^roc^— — — 
 I ^ Bengala— J 
 -In Pen'wJitUlndix extra Gartgem. 
 Already mcritioaed. 
 ' ^M.tT^agan, in rlie Kingdom of Morocco, 
 Some Foits on the River S,Domingo, in the Country of the Jakfas. 
 ^ \ Some Fores on the Coartb oi'-^Corgo, 
 2 1 
 Bay J 
 The Trade ot the E. Counr. from the Cape Good /hpe to the Sen. 
 Several Iflands. \ 
 the A 
 I lie ac Prune — 
 N. K. of Sc. Thomof, 
Part irj 
 '^"■^ "• -^n Appendix. 
 le Jahfcs. 
 :IiL S'f.t. 
 §• 4- To the French belong 
 i^New Surat J^'^ the Mogun Empire. 
 KThe Ifl.nd of Sr^.w. lying South- Wert of G,.. 
 -/Some Forts in< ir '^^"g^lom of Siam. 
 ^ (.The Ifland of Java. 
 ' Fort Drfi///,/n in Madagafcar, 
 Senega (N. of Cape Verde) ,h. chief F..«c^ Faftory in Afnc 
 U A Trade upon the River/^^"^^^- ^ "^ ^' 
 : ) r D rr \Oambia. 
 ^ ir ) ^ W«^ near Cape Ker<^?. 
 .As alfo at ^GreaP Sefire -,_•» 
 I Ardra ^. . ^In Guinea, 
 r Montreal — — .— . , ^^ 
 The Three Rivers \jn r. j 
 Ouebeck Z|^" ^''"'''^^' 
 Tadonfack, and fome other Place.; nn tu^o- a 
 And great part of Nova Scotia ' ^^' ^"^''''' 
 Bay Placenfa — •% 
 Bay Blacco — — . — J ^" Newfoundland. 
 Fort St. Louis in the Ifland Cavene Jvin« it i r- 
 Several Forts on the Coaft oS'J„?^ ^* '^ ^''^'''^ 
 ^St. Bartholomew^. 
 \ Santa Cru^, 
 ' Sr. Martin, 
 ^ Ouaduhupe, 
 ^'i De/iree, 
 Among , Maria Galants 
 the i4w-^ /.c. S-r^z/i/ej. 
 titles, Martmico, 
 St. /iioifia, 
 I fi Tortue- 
 '^ in parr. 
 §' 5' Ta 
 An Appe7ul2X. 
 §. 5:. To the Butch belong. 
 Part III Ipart 
 Fort Gelders 
 Pellecate — 
 »0n tlic Coaft Cormaucfel, 
 n I 
 Several Forts in-^ Java 
 la Aft 
 Ill Afrl 
 III Ame 
 And moft of the Moluccoes^ though of right the* The 
 belong to the Engl'tfl), ? hmk 
 The Moguii Empire 
 :i)e Scoi 
 difmal J 
 , Malacca, 
 "••"''" I Chm, 
 Gora — 
 -near Cape Uerdei 
 Many Forts in Congo, 
 Some near the Cape of Good Hope: 
 St. Maurice in Madagafcar. 
 Boutrou — ' 
 L- >>«.- \ Commendo formerly Englijl} 
 •n r •"/ St. George del Mina, chief of i 
 **'" ^ Maurea or Fort M#« 
 ^jiea, yvi.J ^orm^nO;' formerly Erghjh 
 Crevicoeur — ■ 
 ■ The City of Coro in the North of Terra Firma, 
 Some ^^'^rts on the Coafl of Guyana. 
 On the Go'd 
 ;.icly ap 
 :thcr5, V 
 Jur more 
 ie fclfoi 
 y^ueri] i 
 Aruba — 
 I Bon Airy- 
 Three of the Sotovento 
 l Two of the Caribecs ntar S, Cmt* 
 prn'on to 
 ^is nielai 
 ifilfcft ol 
Part Il| iPart IL 
 Si Appendix, 
 §. 6, To the Danes belong. 
 " "^^Sr;: 
 >on the Coafl of CortmndtU 
 In Afrka is Chriftianburg or S. Frandfco X^vjer in Guinea, 
 III America is A^ew Denmark in the North part thereof. 
 right ihcl Thefe arc the chief of the European Planradons in Afix, Afiicl^^ and 
 f America : And to chefe we might have here added the lateSetdement of 
 ;hc Scots at Darien, had not that Unfortunate Colony met with repeated 
 iifmal Difafters. Now follows the Utter part of the Appendix, contaiaing 
 thme Reafonable Propofals for the Fropagation of the 
 Blejjed Gofi)el in all Pagan Countries : efpecially 
 thofe adjacent to the Englifli Plantations in North 
 the QM 
 S- 6 . 
 BY what hath been briefly faid in the forego! np;Treatife, concerning 
 the State of AeZ/^/o/i in all Countries of the World, it may fuffici- 
 ;!idy appear in general, That the ChrHHan Rclighn is of a very fmall 
 txtcnr, if exaftly compared with thole many and vafl Countries wholly 
 iverfpread with grols Idolater s^ numerous Mahomet anSy and many 
 ;iherf, who either know nor, (or at lead) own nox^thcEkiXedMeffiis, 
 Jut more particularly, this grcar and fad Truth may farther appear by 
 le following Calculation, in^',cnioufly made by fome, who dividing the 
 jihabited World into thirty Parts, do find that 
 of 'em are polfefs'd by 
 Blind and grnfs Idolaters, 
 JfewSy Tkilis and Saracens, 
 Thofe of the Greek Church. 
 -ri r^,.c u^ y Church of ^omc. 
 Thus67jr//lMn;/>' taken ill its larf^efl Latitude, bears no greater Pro- 
 prtion to the other prolly falfe Religions, thau ¥\vc to Twenty five, 
 i!iis melancholy Confidcration doth force me to bewail that woful 
 fijicft of the bc^l k'jrc of the Chriftian Church, for not being fo 
 ^^6 A7i Appendix. Part Hf |Pa 
 diligent as others arc, in endeavouring to alwUfli fleathcnilli Ido^ 
 larry, and that mod lan»entable Ignorance, which as yet oycr-ihadow^ 
 eth lb great a rart of the inhabrtcd World. It's undrubrfi);| 
 well known, that t',: effedtual rcrfbrmance of fuch a Wrik a| 
 this, wouM require no inconliderahie Steck of Money (it beinj" 
 now impraftiuhlc to make Solemn Miffions, or qualifie Men for rhcm 
 without confiderable Charges) and yet a fuflficieiit V'und mii;hr be { 
 eafily rais'd, that none could rcafonably comphin of the Burdcr 
 Ihould the following Tropofals be fo happily made, as to n^ect \vich| 
 due Reception. 1 
 " Did every Free-holder of the Three Kingdoms advance only fo ? 'j^ * 
 *' One Year the five hundreth p^rt of his Yearly !n.\:mcs . Did rhof y^ ' 
 Merchants of this great City (who are particularly rcncern'd inoi '^^^" 
 Foreign Plantations, and daily imploy great Multitudes of Pa^;i| ^^^^ 
 ** Slaves in their Service) allow the Two hundreth p<rt of One Year '"'t 
 *• Gain : And finally, did the Clergy of the Three Kingdoms (whol "J^" 
 ** Zeal in fuch a Matter would probably tranfccnd others) approprui 'Jf" * 
 to this pious life, One hmdredib part of their yearly Revenues. 
 " 01 
 " ci 
 " T 
 " (ay, did Vrkd gnd People thus unanimoufly combine together ina| =1^^'^^ 
 •'• ryin-^ on this mofl Chriftian Defign ; what an caf^e matter were t *^'^" , ^ 
 '' in a Ihort time, to raile luch a Fund of Money, that the Annuj 
 ** Inrereft thereof might fufficiently ferve to fend yearly fome Pi 
 and Able Divines into all Quarters of the World ? And fmce Baiior 
 Methods might be taken, to have fcveral Pagan Tonjjucs taught 
 *' our own Uland j a confiderable part of the aforefaid Money mi;; 
 *' be likewife employed to educate a competcnc number of young Scl 
 ** dents of Theology in thefe Foreign Languages, whi^h number bfia 
 *' Hill continued, would fcrvc (as a choice Nurfery) to afford a ccf 
 ** ftantfupply of able Mm, who might Yearly go abroad, and be fu 
 *' citndy qualified at rhcir firft arrival, to undertake that grMcW 
 " f'T ^vhicli they were lent. 
 But fince the latter Part of the foregoing Prcp-fa! (which impoi 
 (h?x Bir ' mi^,ht learn fome of the prefent Ind'un I^t^csj do 
 ieeni unprarticablc to Icveral, by realon of the prodi^iou-, multituj 
 of thou Pagan Tongues, and their vaft variety of quire diffcrc 
 Di^lciits : (tlpccially thofe now in ufe among the tnciviliz'd Na:ii 
 of i'vV//; Anicr'icA) *' Then wc may follow tlie Example of tl 
 "' Ancient Ran.ins.^ wliofc Endeavour and Jnterefr ic was to cytcf 
 " their own l,arK;ua.;c with their ConqueH^ and lb extingujli 
 pro;:cfs of Tinu% thic very Dialed ot the Conquered. Did "we t| 
 in ill] Pins of our WcfUrn Empire, [whicli mij^iit ptobab.y 
 ^' acconiplid;!: va »i few Generations , by duly 
 (\d m 
 ;:iem ( 
 hie n> 
 :u6h U 
 ."lole \ 
 p you 
 t his 
 pur tc 
 |ur ncv' 
 the i 
 llind, i 
 lies of 
 irtb^ < 
 Vones J 
 hich V 
Part III 
 !3theni(li I(|q# 
 h a Wci'k j| 
 -y ( it bcin(' 
 len for them 
 mii;hr be 1 
 the Burdc 
 meet wichf 
 MHce only fo| 
 s . Did rhof 
 ncern'd inoi 
 udcs of Pa^iil 
 of One Yeai 
 gdoms (who( 
 rs) appropnji 
 1 Revenues. 
 ogechcr inc.ij 
 macter were 
 lat the Annul 
 ■ly fome Pia 
 I fince Ratior 
 iues taught 
 Money mi^ 
 of young Scl 
 number bfij 
 o arford a ccj 
 and be fjf 
 at grfic WlI 
 which irTipo 
 r^ua^csj do 
 iou5 niuhitu 
 I] nice difTcK 
 iviliz'd Nadi 
 (.1 IT. pie of c 
 was to OJc 
 I extingu:ih 
 Did we t 
 ic ptobabiy 
 *•' HuiuirJ 
 Part II. An JppemUx. 427 
 " Hundreds of Clifiilians to live among the Natives, and thofe to 
 " endeavour in the moft allurinc; manner to inflruft the younger fore 
 " of the Indians in the Eng'ifh Tongue. J Then in the next or fol- 
 " lowing Age we might addrcfs our felves to chofe blind Gentiles in 
 '* our own Language, and lb inflilling in them by degrees, the Prin- 
 " ciples ol:" Chriftianity, might thereby in a fhorc time, bring in many 
 " Thoufands of Souls to the Sheepfold of the Paflor and Bifhop 
 " of our Souls. I think it needlefs to exprefs how commendable 
 (uch a Defign would be in itfelf; and how dcfirable the Promo- 
 lion thereof (hould be to all who ftile themfelves ChriflianSj of what 
 Party or Profcffion focver they are. And I humbly fuppofe it mighc 
 be a Work (if unanimoufly minded by Chriftians) m re becoming 
 the Followers of the Prince of Peace , than to be Abettors of the 
 frequent Jarrs and Broils of Chrijlendom. Befides, there's certainly 
 nothing that could prove more beneficial to the PubJick Good of 
 this Nation, and particular Intereft of the Crown of England ; for did 
 mofl (or many) of the Natives underftand or fpeak our own Language, 
 [hen might we not thereby more exadlly difcover the In-land Parts of 
 ihefe Countries , and with greater Security improve them to the 
 ;reateft Advantage? Might we not thereby make Multitudes of idle, 
 ivaudring Indians^ very ufeful to our En^///?; Colonies ; and then chiefly 
 tmploy Europeans for the Guard and Safety of the Country. Yea, 
 iid many ot the Natives but tolerably underiland and fpeak the 
 £«^////j Tongue i then might we not (in all human Appearance) civilize 
 ;hem entirely in a (Tiort time, and lb add many Thoufands of new 
 £r^/i/7; Subjefts to the £n^////; Empire? All which are morally impof- 
 iible now to be done^ fmce the numerous Dialedls of their barbarous 
 Jargon^ together with their own B^nbarit), are asfo many Barrs againft 
 '.ueh Undertakings. 
 Great Sirs, 
 Pardon thdc Propofals here offered to the ferious Confideration of 
 lofe whom they chiefly concern \ and give me leave to declare un- 
 10 you how infinitely it would tend to the Glory of God, the Good 
 f his Church, and Honour of our Nation \ did we finccrely cndea- 
 our to extend the Limits of our Saviour's Kingdom, with thofe of 
 ur new Dominions; and to fpread the true Reform d Religion j as far 
 s the EngUfl} Sails have done for Tr^flfick , with what Anxiety of 
 lind, and Fatigue ot Body, do we pierce into the remotcA Coua- 
 ies of the World ? And all to heap up a little White and Telhw 
 irtb^ or to purchale fome things (call'd frmoMX by Man) which 
 bflratting humane lancy] do differ nothing from common Fibble 
 tones ; and yet what a fupine negled doth attend us, in doing thac 
 hich would bring more Honour to oui Holy Religion, nnd prove ac 
 Ff2 Uft 
4^8 , , An appendix. Part 
 laft more profitable to our fclvcs, than the aOual PoffclTion of 
 thcJreafures in the Univcrfel What a lamenrable thing is it ! T| 
 ihofe very. Indians who border npon the Engl'ifh Pale (not to mer 
 fome thoufands of AV^roey who flave in our Service) fhould ftill coj 
 nue in moft wretched Ignorance, and inftead of Knowing and \\ 
 shipping the True God^ (hould as yet reverence not only Stociii 
 Stones i but aifo adore the Devil himfcif ! Chriftians / Shall we cc 
 and thirft after their Talents of Gold, and yet keep hid in a Nap| 
 that Talent entrufted to us ? Shall we greedily bereave them of i[ 
 Prec'tQtis Pearls, and not declare unto them the Knowledge of the Pe 
 of Price ^ No \ no I let us not aft as others have done, in making G| 
 our Gody and Gain the folc Defign of our Trading. But let us cffeSua 
 improve thofe choice Opportunities (now in our hands) for the fingv 
 Glory of our great God, and of Jefus Cbrift., our BlefTed Redcen 
 And let our Planters duly confider, That to extirpate Natives, is rati 
 a fupplanting than planting a new Colony ; and that it's far more 
 nourable to overcome Pagam[m in one, than to deftroy a thoufand 
 gans. Each Convert is a ConquejK 
 Advertifement to the Bookbinder.' 
 TThe World- 
 ■before Page 
 Scandinavia^ htrngSweden^ Denwarl^^6cc,' 
 jMojcQvia ' . 
 Frarxe -^ * 
 Cermarj — .. . 
 Poland . ■ 
 ^ . Spain and Portugal 
 ^<; Italy 
 Turhy in Europe- 
 Scotland — - 
 Africa — — - 
 — 2 
 ! Tl 
 f t[ 
 \ Pe 
 — 2 
 — 2