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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la methods. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Koini 1). 75. Hon S. H. Blake, Q C. PKSSIDSNT A M ROSEBRUCH. M D SECRBJARY Zbc prisoners* U\b association of Cana^a. ^ccrttarns (•)ffii.c, 02 Ojuccn iilicet £.K-t, ToKoMO. January iSth, 1897. THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY. Dear Sir. — In making our annual appeal to the County Councils of the Province for the annual grant, and in the interests of prison reform, we would take the liberty of asking you personally to kindly favor this appeal. The County Clerk on account of his long e.xperience is naturally looked to for advice in matters of this kind, and we thankfully acknowledge that in several of the Counties a grant has been made and steps taken in the direction of prison reform through the per- .sonal influence of the County Clerk. As the year 1S97 will be memorable, firstly, on account of the celebration of the long reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria ; and. secondly, on account of the inauguration of the County Councils under the new Municipal Act. we would respectfully suggest that it w , :ld be both fitting and timely to mark the event, firstly, by increasing the annual grant to our association, and, secondly, to appoint a committee to report upon what steps should be taken during the year in the direction of prison reform. In this connection I would respectfully remind you that Mer Majesty has expressed the desire that the commemoration of the completion of her 60 years' reign shall be marked by the inauguration of better methods of dealing with the helpless and the unfortunate of her subjects. By a happy coincidence, the National Conference of Charities and Cor- rection which has nn^t annually for twenty-three years in various Cities of the United .States, will hold the next Conference in Toronto, in July next, the particulars of which are announced in the January number of the " Municipal World." We trust the County Councils wiK send delegates to this Conference and assist in forming a Canadian Association of a similar character. The Ontario Goverment is very strongly in favor of such an organization. I beg to enclose a memorial from our association for formal presentation to the County Council. In addition to the action therein asked for I would repeat the suggestion made a year ago that it would be well to ask the Ontario Goverment to either make Industrial Schools free or at least to relieve the County Municipalities of part of the burden of maintaining children in these institutions. On behalf of the Prisoners' Aid Association of Canada, Very respectfully, (2. m