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Les ditails de cet exemplaire qui sont peut-4tre uniques du point de vue bibliographique, qui peuvent rrodifier une image reproduite, ou qui peuvent axigar une modification dans la mAthode normale de filmage sont indiquis ci-dessous. n n n D D n Coloured pages/ Pages de couleur Pages damaged/ Pages endommag^es Pages restored and/or laminated/ Pages restaurias et/ou pelliculies Pages discoloured, stained or foxed/ Pages d^colordes, tacheties ou piquAea Pages detached/ Pages ditachAes Showthrough/ Transparence Quality of print varies/ Quality inAgale do I'impression Includes supplementary material/ Comprend du metiriel suppl^mentaire Only edition available/ Seule aa |nMrted owinjg iigropro8ontattons and niisapprehenaionB cimduotof the BH^ri', !lnd the rndl stato _^ « Aoadomy, Bttl t^^ewiug It at the same 4Hne ^ a direct impeachment of their irftogri- ty and capacity, cannot consent to aooe{)t fk* Grant on a joridltlott so unjust and humiliate ^'ing, but feel ooriridenl tliat on being in possos- 8}»|i of tho true state of {ho case, tho IJogia- liituM at its next sitting, tfilt authorise the Board ti restrictions. The jpafiunlMJrs of the odci«ty potitionetf. tho iJegiSUture fot an Act df Incdrporaiion; and In 1H16, the Houffo of AsBombly passed tt Bill for |hftt pur- pose, mthoxU any aJhifion to rcUgious pi- culidritics.'' This i^ the hinaliiige uaec tnisteoB of that Academy to your favorable considcrution . ' ' A grant of i'lOO was immediately pasBCil by tho As:!omhly, with only four dinscTitients ; hut ;^h« council refused concurrence. On hih return from tho Legislature in tho same your, Mr Ivhvard Mortimer, dcliverpd a speech to the first students of the Pictou Academy, in presence of many of its friends. Ho detailed tho Bteps taken by tho trustees to bring tho Academy into operation- Ho alluded to . tho Bubsoription thrn being raised in tho district of Tictou. Ho also spoke UB follows:— "I siient two days in Hali- fax after tho Apseaibfy was prorogued, during which very short time, accom- panied .\nd cheerfully assisted by a bro- ther Trustee, Jas Forman, Esq., we ob- tained in the most handsome and liberal manner, from our friends in the capital, donations amounting to nearly £1000." On referriiig to tho tito origin* sub- BcriptioiA lists, containing the su.^.icrip- tioaa mentioned by Mr Mortimer, the Pictou one shews subscriptions amount- ing to £770; tho suljscribers with three or four oxceptiona. l)eing members of the Presbyterian Church ol Nova Scotia. — Of this sum, there were collected but £538 128. 2d. as under : From 1. Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia. £500 2. Kink of Scotland, 30^ 3. Church of England, 5 4. " '* Komo. 3 £277 3 10 253 10 2G 10 IG 10 13 10 U 6 10 2 1 2 2 10 Total, £53vS 12 2 The Halifax E»t amounted to £037 lOs. of wliich there were collected £597 13., as follows : from tho Gov- ernor and Couij^l £52 lOs,— from the itaidciitB of ti:e tywin iCiSS Sii 2Ur — »»iid tho balance from HtmtigPff*. The diffuf- ont UtdigiouH Ucnuminations uohtribut- od as under : 1 Church of Scotland, 2 " •• England, 3 •• " Home, 4 Method ista, 5 Presbyterian Ch. of N. S. Baptist* " •• 7 Quuk-'ra " " 8 Suudimaniatifc " Total, £597 13 Thcanalysii'of tho Hats, wan Wftdo by tlio aid of a gentleman to whom the parties subscriljing are woU known.— With tfic Money thus subscribed and col- lected, and with an additional sura of £500 granted by the Leirislature in 1819, the trustees were enabled to proceed with the building, and to import through the agency of Mr G. Smith, Philosophical apparatus to the amount of £200. ~ Of the seven members of Council who sub- scribed, five were members of the Church of England, and two of the Kirk of Scot- land. Lord Dalhousio himself was v|C- uliarly attached to tho Kirk of Scotf^d his motive for subsciibing, willbo '^t understood by an extract from a 1( 1|[r in his own wrii,ing, addressed to Mi .«). Mortimer, on tho 12th March, 1819.— **I have expressed my full approbation and consent to tho establishment of an Academy at Pictou for ♦he education of the youUi in that Eastern portion of the Province." In 1819, tho trusteei) were Bucoessfnl in their apjdication, and obtained as has been already shown, a grant of £500; and in compliance with their aimual petition, gnvnts were made in 1820, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, amounting in all to the sum rf £2,100, In 1825, the trustees »Ibo petitioned «' to be relieved from tests, for an enlarge' mcnt of powers, and a 'permanent endow- ment.^'^ Drafts of the several petitions Jn-esented, in the handwriting of Dr HcCulloeh are on file ; and tho burthen of them aJl may be judged of from tho first, from which tho following extract is taken :■ — " But your memorialists would res- pectfully rcjjresent, that by tho unneces- sary tests to which thev are wibjected, the Pictou Acudemv labors under dis „..J mnnlernct the v istob/ishrd.''' In 1825, tho tccn o( the A' meeting, woro rity of tho BtJ minutes, whic of Mr Jothum! of tho Board, McCulloch K\ very |»oworful for making a congregation tlie Academy; gutions spring conneoteu wit bolonf!;ed. Th idontitiod t)in a Ic mt jd to Ml .®. eh, 1819.— ipprobation inent of an iduciition of jrtion of the ■0 BHCOCSSfnl ainad as hn» it of £500 ; iicir annual in 1820, 1, . to the sum "i petitioned r an enlarffc- anctit endow- ral petitions iting of Dr tho burthen of from tho ving extract B would res- tho unncces- re sahjected, } under dis- ronnhrnct the very rudt for which it was i3t.ihrd.'^ in 1H25, tho proceedings of the tru«- toea of the Aca'lomy, at thflir annual uiocting, woro published l)y the autho- rity of tho Board. From tho original minutOH, which are in tlio handwriting of Mr Jothum Bhiiiehard, then .Secretary of tho B<»ard, wo copy as follows, Dr McCulloch said : " There was anotlier very jtoworful inducowont which ho had for making a total separation of tho con;rregation in which he lulxired, ond the Academy ; there are other congro- j;iuionB springing up in the district not fonnccted with ;ho Synod to which ho belonged. The porsonH composing those, identified t)art of thorn, did not luako sncli distinctions as rcasiou would have dictated. For these reasons ho had considered it his duty to surrender up to tho Presbytery his miuistorial charge, a/idhe nmo wished il lo hi ^perfectly vndcr- slood by the meeting, and by (he community penerotiy, that the Pictou Academy was a Provincial institution, connected tvith no particular principlex of religion. It was equally free to ail classes and denomina- tions c* Christians, and they could all de- rive ct/ual advantages if they c/w.se." In this year, it wonld appear Tiom tho minutes of the Trustees, that a pe- tition from tho County of I'ictou, which in tl'cir opinion had injuriously affected the interests of tho Academy, had boon forwarded to His Honor tho President then administoriiig the government. It is also apparent, that from the increased difficulty which thoy annually experi- enced, in obtaining their grant from tho Legislature, they fait it incumbont on them to seek aid elsewhere : according- ly, the following resolutions are on re- cord: Resolved, "That Dr McCulloch be paid £100 al)Ovo his usual salary for this year, ending Ist May ney*,, and that ho go t» Britain tho ensuing spring at the expense jf the Academy for jiro- moting its interests." . In l«2t) the usual vote of £4W) passed tho Legislature. A^^aia there was an annual meeting of tho trustees iu tao Academy at Pictou sn the ist Jany., 1827. An account of this meeting wus B^lii^l «irt> I ^ w tr ti «. K,, n« \T/>r.nUopli and WiiS F 'V pnblishod in tho Acadian Uecordor of 27th Jany. Tho ipcechos woro reported to the Bomc ! ',»er by Mr Ulanchard on tho 24th Feby. TJitprintcd iMvpcrs and tho originaJ manuscripts are now Itcforo UB. Tho fdJowing Uomdutiou im moved by the Rev. Duncan Rosa, ia in U»o handwriting of Dr McCulloch. "1, That as tho Pictou Academy was not intend)^ to be a Sectarian i^kminary, and as contmnr to tho wish of its trus- tees, several denominations of Christi- ans in the Province, have lioen by tho Act of incorpomtion excluded from tho office of trustee or tonolior, tin- trustocB consider its present umstitution ns col- ctthted to disaffnct its friends, and injuro its intercsls, and therefore tlioy will ot tho ensuing meeting of the Legislature, renew their appHootion to he roliovad from restrictions, wluch hy an infringe- ment of natural rights, attach degradation lo any deserving class of Her Majesty's suhjet.ts." The effect x^f this resolution was en- hanced by tlio mover, wlio spoko thus : •That the Pictou Academy originated among men of the most l)I)em,l eenti- mont, and whoso strongest ojiinion was that knowledge should l)o Ireo as tho light of Heaven. Tho unjust and mono- poliuing spirit of King's College had first produced the idea tiuit a Seiuincry for ail denominations of Nova Scotians might 1)0 established with honor to tho enlightoncd views and judicious condnct of tho government, and also with im- mense utility to the interesta of tho province. Unfortunately tlie scheme in its progress did not accord with the origin- al plan. There were introduced into the charter, in opposition to the wish of the friends of tUe institution, restrictive clavs'.s which have not only dyawn an unmerited odium upon them, biU have proved highly injurious to their interests. The clauses to wUeh he alluded were thxtse which exclud- ed anylnit Episeopalkins or Vrcsbyteriann from the offted their appliaition to fi^vora- mont wouM onivhlo them to oxterminate ■uch blots fruiu tbeokhorwiMe fair dtivnd- in gof the inntitutiiui." Dr MuCuilooh ttlmt t^p^^ke ae I'oliows :— ^ ••Ho had ^my t«oen in Britain by tho appointu^ent of tho tpuiteca, fur the purpoRu qf laying the state qf tho in> Dtitutior^ bofqro Ike ^itish public. ThiH ho hod dqqe, aqd iuB atatoniunta in Scotland met with the mqat favorable consideration from the highest ^iterary authority. The conductors of the prin-j cipal pcriodictil works— ?the Principjils and Profe3!) w*s put to the truK,i.coi*, iq roferonoe to tho oonncoll^n qf the Pro»- bvtcrian Church of Nova 8coti« with tnfl Academy, and the education of Tliu- oiogicai .Students. Th<) reply is ig thn handwriting uf Dr McCulloch, as fol- lows: "Tho trustoon would further observe, that the odqcation of these is so con- ducted, «M lo itr^renl all intn-ferenn vtitk the fund.* and gnyntl Innuntst of I he in- ilitutton. For tlu» branch of inetruc- tion, tho teacher's omuliiments are do- rived froii^ those an^ong whutq the stu- dents (vro pr«pi^ring tq labor as preachers of the 0<»»im4. Even the Thoologiml library, which has l)ocn pri>vidocl fop their improvuiuont, is the result uf do- nations expressly) appropriated by Jte da- jwrs to this use. Tho trustees therefore, aware of the chi^rjije of perverlin^ the Academy to sectarian u^rpoxes, which hai. boon urged against tnuiq, would bo under atood,aj exprer .ly stafintf that no part of (he funds intrusted to their iqanagement,/uw toer been deooted lo the benefit of any iiMA«< vidual sect or party. *^ Tq the favorable report of the oom- itiissiqn, the Govurnur replied, by in^ «tantly issuing his warrant for the pay- ment Qf tho £400. Nqtwithstandiug this, and though the Assemhly ountinued to vote the usual allowance iq the years 1828—29—30—1 , the votes were negatived by tho Council, and ouring ^hese four years the trustees had tq struggle on, wholly depi'ndent qr^ the Uberauty qf thoir friends. (in tho 2nd Ixhy., 1H31, tho trustees couin^issionod "Ajr Jotham Blanchard to proceed w^thqut delay to London, aa agent of the I^ictqu Academy, and ta forwacd a n^onMirial and petition to the King, with a view to promote its intor- esta. " The sum qt £250 borrowed front tho Halifax Insurance Company yfOM placed in A^r B^auchard's hands, ta defray his o^pensoa. Qn r^ferrin^ tq the statement present- ed by ft^r BJanohard to the Colonial Sieopetary, it will he found in strict ao- cordanca with the testimony now pro- duced Qn referring to the printed memorial addressed to the Scottish pub- lic in 1831, by Drs Hall, Paxton, and Miteholl, on Behalf qf tho Pi'itou Aca- demy, wo find they say, that it was established "by the cordial co-operation ot dia^onters ot all classes in tlio colony, uuu^iaL^ug ui i~i'OoUylcii&uo from tltw ^^ (Jhureh uf Sc< as well aa of both of whom able." ThisH tho recqmmei Conference &r Mova Sctjtia i licate of tw«i Pruvinoial "a ropresf>nting tho cordial f< by all sects iq I to the list of McCulloch al find it contai distinguished tho Kirk of Church, tho ^ The aevcnil and Mr BUr 1.cun'<%Ty cxhi counts uJ. • ' Acadc;ay. '*'! alsc lo-* m! & < Soe:*tt4?j ^0 to comit4D)^ lency , tha ti parties \n f 'i followed by tl and the enaol After the ] which was foi all denoininoi distinctiqn qf' in additiqn t( morly taqgl branohea qa Bchoola," nn< the restr. 'y teaching v,:' Preabytori^n took the su thoir con«id( llevds. Jqhn Robert I|ouj a comn^itteo tho con§r<3gi Church of 5 was priqted Synod, and we make th< '« Tho Aai A Bectaeias nents have s aliice open i conducted o ciliatory pr ; txTi/ reason ■'■-WSBJI; ■I m }( thfl Pro»- Ijootii with tlon of Tlio- )iy iH iq tho kich, MS ful- ifiT «l»»«rve, s is Hu con- rferenee mn/A jM o/" /A« in- of initruc- BiitH aro do- uti; tlie Htu- iH prettoheri Thoologiinvl >rovided lop rt5Hult (if do- !ii by Jie da- rn thereroro, rwrt'm^ the I, whiun hai^ aid ho uiuIgp no part of (he agemoiit,/uw of the oom- lied, by in- for tlje pay- i thou{;h the 6 the UHual -29— 3(»— 1, tho Ouuncil, the truateea y depi'ndent iends. tho trustees I Blanchard > London, as liny, and ta tition to the >te its inter- ne borrowed 36 Company I'g hands, ta lent present- he Colonial in strict au- ay now pro- the printed loottish piib- Paxton, and Pi'itou Aca- that it was co-operation I tho colony, 13 liOiil i'u^ Church of StMitland and tho Soo««.ilon, UN well an of Baptiitts and Mi-thti'lirttrt, both of whom aro numeroun and respct- ahle." This statamout tjeiiig baiikod by tho rooQinmondiitions of tho Wenl<»yan C«)nferonco und l).i|)titit aH«o(!iiilir McCuUooh at the public mooting, we find it contains the names of the most distinguished clergymen and lavmen, of tho Kirk of Scotland, tho Kpisoopal Church, tho Con^r-^giU.onalistH, Ac, *"• The sevcml mtb^>'»»'' .>t' Op Mc'JuUoch fttr thii rrry rtam>n iPf ptttrimh* it H'e wiiuld iM! unworthy the nam and Mr 3Unc%-t» ' ^. •iz-'i'icod certain 1.cun'«,Ty I -K Ui«, hiioh will honnif»er cxhii »v.', in an atTsti't^ct of He ac- counts ouJ. ■ «'♦♦.'! '•f the tr-'stees of the Acadcnj. i'mniasicii if Mr Ulanchani also lo-* ■'•> ad.6^'a*'h frjm %he Jolonial Soc:*tta?j ^c V,p Uei\tenkiat ' /ovcmo: ; to comi 'anioftk <)»;» botit'3«J«l U'j >5xco1- loncy, tha ttus-^jfe*, Mi»i i.ertt»'^ o^W- njvrtiesia f'lctou; and was ultiin^tely lollowed by the revision of the Acuta .^y, and the enootmont of the Act of lK32. After the passaffo of the Bill of 1832, which was for the benefit of " jtermni of all dcnominationf of Chmtiana, withotU (Hstinctiqncfsect,'' and which introduced in addition to the higher brr ches for- merly taqght, "all tho elementary Iminches Msuaily taught in grammar Bchoolfl," und in which, yfnn introduced the restr. *ve clause in reference to tho teaching v,: 4Wnity, the Synod of tho Presbyterian Churph of Nova-Scotia, tm)k the subject of the Academy into their consideratioQ, and appointed the lievds. John Waddell, Thomas IVottor, Robert Iliouzlaos, and John MciJurdy, a committee to prepare an address ''to tho congregations qf the Presbyterian Church of Nova-Scotia." The address was priptod under the authority of the Synod, and widely circulated ; from it we make the following soleotions :— o '* Tho Academy is not Noa Kver. was A Skctarian Institution, as its oppo- nents ham sometimpx affirmed; for it is aliiio open to all denominations, iind is conducted on tho most liberal and con- ciliatory principles ; and it is for this txrsj reason lata ; » —J U^ f4(*i/tf Hi//. _ _ name of I'pesbytorians, and of havitig the iuler- osta of Prasbytcrsjflis entru.st«Kl to m", did wo not endeavor to nlano edncation on A lilMsral and r«s))ontame ftMiting ; and dlflfuso a tante as extensively as |>oNBiblo tlirouah tbut cimuiumity of whiidi Pros- bytermus form an im|>«rtnnt part." " A liberal i^ueatlon Is t)ac'» 4 £11)01 5 G Tho iialanco of L.IOCO 3i*. 5d., wi\8 received from twouty-thptjo othor places in Novtt-Sootia, Now-UruuBwick, audi'. E. iHland. It dooH not appear that any foes, if charged, woro ever collected ; thoro ia also no lotura of papiix. EXl'K.VnnVIRE. Land and Building, £IG40 I'iuloBtjphical Apj)iira- tus and Library, Incidental Charges, Dr McC'ulloch and As- sisittnt'a Salary pd., ExponHoa to Britain, Mr Blanuhard'ft du do paid, 1. 3. a. 4. 6. 923 180 U 4527 4 152 7 7i 554 12 6 17077 4 li It is also shewn by a minute, of date 7th Juno, 1H32, that tho trustees owed at thai date, tp.MriCgUa MoKuy, money borrowed in 182H, with interest dno, l.JAH lis. ; to tlio Fire Innurauce Co., L.1H7 13*. (id. ; balaniio duu on inonujr 'Mnrowud for Mr BUiuMHird, which dm* not appear to bo inclodod in iho hJt'A r2i?. u«l., paid him; to Dr McCuUocli, balanco« cm salary duo, Ii.24t» Hs. 7d. ; t(. Mr M. .McCuUooh ilo. do. d«>. L.315 IHs, 2d., not inuludowrv of Xowowtlo, L.32(), being money ad- vancotl by him to Mr Blanoliard, and iiiuluilod m the citargo of Ti-oU 12i. 3d. Total amount owed by tlui trustoos, L.IW0 4«. 3d. Thuri apjMiared to tho credit of trustees. L.300, u\ the nrovin- cial treasury, beiug part of the lo^iHla- tivo grant of 1831 ; and L.200, iKjing t!ie {wrtion of tho logislativo grant for tho lialf-yoar ending Int July tioxt, on. suing— total (^.500, making tho actual balance against the trustees, L.IOHD 48. 3d. In tho Treasurer's account toero is a charge,— eanh paid for books in 1:^^18, £133^ Oa. 8d. ; and again, in 1820, a like charao of £180. At tlio last meotinf, of tho Board, oa 7th Juno, 1832, when the accounts woro arrangad, there were present, Dr Mc- CuUoch. Messrs Duncan Boms, Ro'mon, Smith, Matheson, Patterson, MuLinvn, (Jrant, and McKinlay ; and tho follow- ing minute appears : — " Tho murtourn in tho Academy is tho prop'jrty of Dr McCullooli sololy ; tho Thooiogical li!»rary belongs to the Pros- byterian Church of Nova-Scotia, ai.d is dep>).sitod in tho building, merely in t!io meantime ; various articles belonging to tho Philosaphical appartitu.s, a list of which is afterwards to be made out, are tho property of Di McCulloch." Tho petitions presented annually by the trustees, wore supported by tho Presbyterian Church of .N. Scotia; thoro are on the lilo, records of the meetings of the individual cougrogatiuns.atVhieh resolution? woro adopted in accordance with tho petitions, and forwarded t<.> the county members, for thoir iustvuctiou and guidauoti. ■T". d It has hM arw .Aeadens p'o'tution of teri»n Chun up every olfic MoHi of all d mlh'iui diMtn ia addition I merly taugl bramdies u«< schools;" ai tive clause ii of Divinitv. It may bo Boiinl consis l)r MuCulbx K inlay, and \ from tho forn Biv. DrFrai Beds. MeM» McCrao, ami teen named i With tho c sent a lottet men met in 1 appear from 1H82, . engag spirit to ma mentR for re in conform! t It is mat! more than a standings wl intrator of t jKiint a visiti unanimous ' appears fron tor, Judge S tho 30th Oc tlio consider Academy." Tlie visltai honeflt to thi again found in 183(5 Dr I tion to the li . tho followini titionor woi opinion, its not afford a isting arranj I iho means • [even continu In 1838, i lDrMcCullo( |him L.2nO c PICTOU ACADEMY UXF)Kn TIIK ACl' OP iHW. u, MuLuan, It haa hocn alremlj itattnl that tho sow A(sn!f!uy A'!t, which !»«t th« aj>- p»ot»utiim ol'tho Hvtioil of the Fronbjf- tori»n Churoh of Kovft 8ootiii, opoiitxi up every \Mm and tleportmcut to **prr- BOHi of all denatninatiouM of VhthliaM, iBiihiiid iliitinction of M^t ;" lntr<>tliu3cd, ill a Ulitioii to tlio hij^hor hrunohfn for- morly taught, " uU tho eleiucntiiry branuheH imuuIIy taught tn gruiuiuar •chooli;" and aliw contained a rentric- tiv)' ohiuHO in roforouco to tho teach!n;.<; of Divinity. It iiuiy r»o well to Btato that tho now l«o:iril oonsintedof l)i- Archilwld, Uevdfl. I)r Mit'ulloeh, Uolmon, IIobm and Mc- Kinlay,and MowrB (irant and Uiokion, from tho former truHtuon ; an insure the tMi*«Hg« of tho hill, Dr Mcil'uUueh ami liitt frifiiU, met at the huuM of Mt HolH*rt McKa/, iu iMctuu, ou thfl 24th March, aiid di«- legiiti'd ^Ir A. P. Kon8» to iirtMseod t*t llaliliu UH tbuir advooftta 'i«foro tho t'ouiieil. Mr Uiidfl Waa furul.ih<-d with A brief, vvhit;h aiiiong other iiicnioran- dum« for hilt guidance, C4n*4iiiic4l oiio to this ofl')ut.--'l'h« Uov. D. A. Fr«««>r, having on tho prnvioits aoMion, preannt- ed a iKitition to tho A**iiisiiibly. ailirniiiig that t^ wan a ccHiaeieutioua Iwlief, "thul tho anxiety of the r>Id truattsea, origina- ted (Uiiofly in a doairo tu have it convert- ed into a neclnrhin inttitutionfor thf jnir- posfi if troininif vp i/nunif men to thf ihi- lies and I ailing ifAnth'mrnherdergymm—' that this was. iln orifrinaldrsifpt, and wau openly avowt;d by tlie lie. Dr McCul- loch, tho rrineiifial of the Araidemy.'* In denial and explanation, Mr Uohh i^ requeated to priHluco to tho Ccuncll, Ukj >»tatcmontH of Dr McCuUooh, an rpp^yft- ed in the Nova ikoiioHf and already re- ferred to. Tho tiSgialatnM w»n {ndttefld to m- T^y with the solieitationa of Dr McCul- loch anrt which nhowi thitt "»» prouont nu ■ysieui of fldMmtton \» eunduotail. Th«*ra U ooniequeBtly ml I'sporl to bo madu in r«>lati«n to ^alnrUii, f«i#«^chi ■•>.%<, or l(H<' donti." B«»r«>r* IIm Aaatfemy wa» v\tm^ \hr tnmUNM w^tfi •ii»hlw» hy a jsruia of i<. ('»*>.), aiKl MulMiriptiona aiiutintiii); to \,AU lUa. Hd to p«/ off th« baiaiMS« of thtfif tifibt. . TS« Accm pfinying tahle will fnniiah a't othef di'Xiraolii InformatUtn on »h« dtfttifff iM .V.ni«l«iny from J«ly, IH.'lS, till AugMht, l«4;». ft ia well to not«, that th«lf« l» intlutWHl in thu ^n^wsrip- ttonl for I'«a4, a l.a»Mi»«a inlwHalfofit^ Were heartily r-: siek of it, and ardtd the givinc np of ih|i property in favor of any scheme hat oflil- ed the alightaat proapect of being ao e ilM ft' '' After ae^eral prelimlnarjr tteetingi.tnd itonie neceisary correapOodencfe With p«f- ■ona at a diatauee, 'he Sheriff bn reijuisl- lion, called a meeting of the inhabilanta df the couity The result ifr^a (J*e of the largt'si ahd at the «ame tiino pcr- hapa tlio ih-3di batooniou^ a»«emblit»a ever «!onve'^cd in thfe Pmtdn Cour,t House. The refctilutionri were piit seri' fim and discuMsed giaveljr and eiii'hcst- )y* ^4f teiuijera^^ly, by men represent- ing nil porties, interests, ahd aeiitii i|t the coiinfy, and were pi'ssed ai\ani. niously. And on these rcsojutioni tho proHcnt Act was jwssed with the cx- iiressad sanction of the Into Board of trustees. But let the truatees speak for themselves. (c6ri]| Pictou, 6th March, IBM. OtNTlEJiEif. — Wo the uadefsi^nedj iru«(ee^ of the Pictoti Acadcm'v, having been made acqaaint^d with the result Qf the public meetings lately held In Piotou, in referpRto' to tho subject of education, t»ut more pairticulurly as re- gards the said institution, and having httd ah opportunity of examining rcso* iutions passed at the said meetings, he^ loavo throtigh you to intimate to thrf J l^jr»l Aiiia mHivaMNi, our yield upottt I tiuo, if the Le to |MUM aa A« rtudgoftlioa in l««wed wiahM mooity «M th* no imuhtioiu i< prinnj>lf!t of ifvHulmnit, Hhii i« I)tt8hUl^ i.hn in cuiioluMio object In view we trust that of raukin^tho to In, tho lui nioann of giv country tho Houud. useful Wo have Yourfi To O. R You Holmes Cm for Count' Bishop Fnj ing letter. Antij Dear Sib. letter of tho to !)tato, tha to resign my domy ; and that I again the moat eat tl'.o l)enefit o I am You Wm. F Wm. J. Anc Tho trupti Tolinquishod on tho 14th 'jurryingout of the. union lions ; " and Board mot, work to rop arrangemcn luenta, and The arra: H was settled with the asi "■jswi =i8s«»™'» 7 wmcIomhI y A grant uf lu^iititi^ tu vritt rnntiiih al**ii un th« jMly, 1M.*»S, rell to notu, \,M^ from o«« of 1840, kve Iwen ru- iM Rom, thu }m th« (uiiiv live ntaduuUi rt. mc tip nf ih4f leing MMBMM> Meelinirt.tnd icfe i^ith per- fl" bn requiwi- 9 inhabitants t i^^fi ore uf ne tiino por- ip aRnemblicfl ictK8ed ai\anu 8(>]utinnA tho witli the cx- *to ftoard of tees ftpcak for arch, IBM. unaefsij^nedj demy, having th tho. reduli atoly held In ho suhject of culuriy us rc- , and having imining rcBO* meotingB, he^ imute id thrf lion >nX Aw«rnMf of th« . TJeld ttp on* truat u>. iha mkk 'MtilM- So, if tho Ugi«i»lur« .h*n b. plmatd to |»aa ftB Act t.> «rry ouU/l« r^nn- pUimiMiti in tH0Ht*MhUtoni. Thi» Uiftoatloa in •owrd^ "'i'lv * nreMKKl wfahen and feejingn of %a»ootu- monity mm ihrnj^lln "^«-. «^««'^ •«<* no ctt,uHtuma um thai the trut tf.nt md antuipltt of the uni. n 4« Rmrei^ted tn tfv r-Wtt/i.m», ahall m faitMully aMud upon j« iMiBhing iho no«5ea«wjr ooActmentii. In cuuolusion, wo hate to sav that -ho o'>>JCt In viow luiH our Um wlahoa, and w« truHt that guided hjr "• aioocre dciiro of mulling tho institiitifjn what it ought to b-), tho luturo tTBHtooa may be the rooanrt of giving to the youth of tho country tho inostinuiblo bksBinga Ot uouud. uHofiil and libemt education. Wo have t^o honor to be, Your Most Obt. Servants, Thomas DicKanjr, JkMtn tARUK'tlABL, JOUM McKlMLAY. Jamu Rors, Davir Oaioirrow, (jfOKOK SmITQ, S. G. W. Archibald. To O. R Young and John J Holmes Lsqrs. Me'ubcrs S for County of Pictfju. ) BiBhop Privet rosigued in tho follor- laa letter. Antigo lish, 24th Feby. 1«45. Dear Sib.— I have just r»icoivcd your letter of tho 20th inst. and in reply beg to state, that I somo years ago offorort to resign my trust in tho Pictoa Aca- demy ; and permit me to assuro you, that I again most cheerfully do m, with tho most camtjc:* and fervent wishoa tor the benefit of thoTnstitution. I am Your most t)bt. Servant, Wm. Fraser, E^. IlalifaxicnBis. Wm. J. Anderson, foq. Tho trustees having thus voluntarily relinquished their trust, the logialature, on the 14th April, 1845, pcssod the act -carrying out 'Hhe true npirtt andprmctples of the union, as exnresssd m o disttactiou luid U on mado iu tdociiig » h<» l»<)ok*i on the eholvoa ; bu '. the truateoa Ijeinir ^••iroaa of mooting the wishoB of thv. 'f f^' '" ^*' "*''" Klnlay acted, dii«i vboir .Vscrotury, Dr AndorBon, t'j ' .^ >»pco tho ULrary, and for a Mrtioa oi t'nro dty* the Kof . McMra. McKinlay and llo«« wore b ft In poaaeaaion of tho 'iLrary, ivnJ were thus iJbrdad an c^^ -rtunity oi' makuig a aolection without ri.. inro. Dr Anderson 8ul)t!oquontly dolivcrod to the agent of tho faratlj of Dr Mci^ul- loch every tiling oUined by theai. I'i wiU bo unneceawtry to say anything further «f tho progrcsi of tho Act btmy uuder the proaout trust, but to roior t j the subjoined abatract. They found the building in a state of dibpidation ; thoy expoiMijd nearly ii.250 in roiwlrs and ncess-rv alterations. Out of their Burplus funds thoy also puro'ioeod and improved a lot of land and cottagn ; wrhich fact was duly ronortcd to Ilia Excel'oncy and published for the mtor- mation of tho public. It was hoped that this would havo boon a porraanout invoaoment, for tho benefit ol the Aca- demy, but circumstancoo rendering it nessary, L.lOO were rosun^od last year, the trustees giving a mortgage c- their property to that extent. 'm trusi'.^ -i named in the resolutions of the county meeting, and -.loatiHl by the Act of the Legislature, wore chosen uminimouely. In IMi another pubho meeting similarly expressed continued confidonco in tho trustees, and o oproL^i- tion of the principles on which tiie Aca- demy had been eatablishod — and in 1849, a like vote of a county meeting was obtained. In 1»50 the petition ot tho trustees to the Legislature was backed by the reoommendations ot 4i out of 48 Justices who a'.tendod tho Sessions. -knn /tutlflil iimm. or if ^ >>. ■■anp .Mr ./"■ 10 they shall deem it expedient to lay dotm made to the Hhrary and api«ratii8 ; am the trust, will have the satisfaction of with a very efficient and aj)proved sya- kriowiiig. that they leave the property torn of Education in operP.tion. in good repair ; with val-..^ble additions I ■f' \ .9^ i!i £>^ i- O0D'^0>Cn»»>.Cl9hSt-' <5 (D f.^.'^ to «-• I 5 to OC-JO» Year. MOO^tOcOOeOCTiOi Low«r Free o $ 1^ c> I iso CO en 00 -J en w_p„ I i-iO a>o tt>Wi-'CCO>0*0^i{ >-'^ o til »0I SI 1 C 'J» C Cn ( 70000< 3SS S S ^ 00 o t a S»^o S III en H* Oi 00 iff ib o ?"■ ^» F" if) ^ ooopoo 05 «i to *. o. )*». to c P. 00 ee i-i CT -J S- CO rt!t CO 3 H «^ H> M h-l H-i ►-' CO H^ t— • H^ OT o o *■ c> to -»T H- ' hi SM d O 05 C5 Ol 05 Qi Qi -^ -^ H*. tC tC p» CD oa a> COCO f oo*- X^Ko. ^ g hStv5CO»(^OilCI-'C> -4 0»O»0000OOt-0Cn OJ >- c> en 0» en OP »^ (-> to CO 06 A/i > > O h3 11 < so 00 O CI to QO O S o 9 o\ piud snoiseiaiuioQ l- t »-< i-H 33 I 5^ I f. SrCO I Sg88SSS ^^5 I-* I— < r-4 r-l r-t !-!•-< «o 1 ^ •^ C^ J?5SSio»5>ou5S5S"St" A >0 i3 ^ S uS CO 1^1 »» C* IN IN W ^4 I— i-i gt^OO uaoo uopdijosqtig 0>-iij3co(00oao >a>-i>oc4(Nooa> <4i ^«> r-^ CO -4 Coco(rqi-(r-i cst-coio ;o i-< 00 CO (NO «*< a. CO eo CO •JTOA eo'^ocoi— aDCi©>-