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I cnar, potrri'onlT* Tho fcillowin of Mdiitrc.'il ill Kngiiiocr-i, Ml" tliijii- lirintcl 1; pi.''ii|c-'il tu tlu; ^ Till' cx.'Uiiin:! pent harbour b bv rilc Uivir II:iibMiir erly diruL'ti"!! ! 4000 fL'ot ill ih lower li:iir of Si i;5(l tV'(;t SKUlh This iiliiii lias i tii'ii th.it it Well I'l- v<'ry iiiucli t rotiiiii th:' who] aniiii;iti"ii wi' ni-rr>, i''j;ii>i\,> roi|uiiv 111 be ili of 111 frecli.'iiiLr, as al If li\ thi- [liti thciv woiiM ]„■ il'""i net, ill I'Ui stati'.l, til uit : I vi'iiiciit ar.Tssil of t^ejiiiratiii',' || Ihnt the risk tn li'T in wint'T \\ lliat til,, uhole HAEBOIJE OF MONTEEAL. The fcilldwiiiL' ivinark- on tli,- prcirrt i.frxt.'ii.liii'j: tliu TTail.mu- in tliiMiv,T,'iniliii,ncr..gsiljlclivc;irtsaii.l C'lr^, rxcvpt vinl.iwcrl.ri.li,'.; Mdiitri'.'i! ill front of tlic City, were iiKi'lvritvntlv omitted l>v tln.^ i ol'L;icliiiK> Can.'il or terry -boats ;tli:it tiii' riviTaiid coast wi-^eiloiiKstic iginocrs Me-Mx, \V. T. McAlpiiif, ainl .(aines 1'. Kirkwo,..), in | '''•''l'' ''i''"Si"-iili''Ii"tely coiiiiirtc.iwitli tli,' <;on(>ral popiilatiiiii oftln^ h-printnl Report, a', 1 ar. now a.u!,ovi..,! L, tl,.ni to 1„. an- ;">■ "'''' '•"".ii-iv.' ic. -barrier, and warelion-cs ,• il!,,! lor l.v the transit, interior and firoi^rn trade. If ilie wli.'le .lonnstic and fin'iu'n trade were eoillined for some y. .iis to the pre-eiit liarbonr bv ibe deep dred;xiii:^ and expensive strueture befoiv meiilione 1. tin" tinn- will eomo when nioro space must be needed ; and at anv time tli.^ -- ^^. - - , , ... , transit t'oreij^n trade may be more favorablv detailed t ' a po-itioii ver Ila'boiir by a ]ior'nani.nt ico-b.arrier c\tendin_' in an c a-t- 1 contij^nnms to the ].reseiit liarboiir and tothe eitv than .an belli.. not no», nor r.' aa.l larir.'r a'- '..miiiii- in-ii all'onl ; bii' it is t, The exaniinati.'ii ot the pl.in for enelosiiij; the front of the pro- at liarbonr by a bn^akwater, aii.l .l.e|icninL,' the li.irbour itself (lre.li,'in_'. was also ma.b' by ih.. late (.'aptain .b dm (diiM... is view- lip in the .subject were ;is f.illou> : N. xt in or.l' r is tin' piiggeste.l plan of enc'..~ii!._' ih.' present V. r Ilaih.'nr by ,i iici-naneiit ico-barrier cxt.ii.lin,' in .an ca-t- ,._...., ,^,,....:- o. :,,,■ |.i.^.ui i..iii...u. .ue. on;..- .i, i ly .lircrti.in Irom Win.l-mill I'oint ab'.iit irt.'ii i' . !. .an.l ih, n.e i .lomestie. river an.l coa-twis.? tra.h'. Tie' 1 if. r .1. lO'i f'et in lie- .lir....t|..n ol'.M, nar.pi.. .-^ir.'. I Wh.iif opp..-it. tie- will it pr.'l.ably f.r fifty years, n.^piiiv m i ,ver half of St. Helen's Ishmd, anil terminating at a point ab.nit dati.'ii than the ri\er and its w. .stern hra id feet so'iih-east.Tly from the east in.l of th.' Vi.'t.iria j.ier. (die.apen, devidope and giianl tli.> tr;, '-it an.i fir. i,'n ir.i.l.- lh;it lis jilaii has li,..'!! i.reM'nti'.l f>r o..n-I.ler ilion witii th.' ..\p..,.ta- i .l,...per wat.'r .'in.! larger an.l bett.'r hai.!...n|. fi..ilili..s an/ e.|i'...l lor. .11 tli.it it w.iul.l in. et the wants of e.iminerce I'or many years, \\e tlnTcfire a.ivise th" .■oiistrii.-ih n of those where they will tbr very iiuieli clieaper in ■■.instruction than a .lork-harbour, ami | all time bo devote. i to the transit aii.l fireign tra.je, leavin;; the ain the whole trallie Upon the natural river h.vi'l. Hu! .m . \- j .l..me>t:e tr..idi. m!di-tuib..l wher.. ...^iiN.ni.n.'.i Ins alr-'ely pin..! liiiation we tin.l this pl'in will enelove an rir a ..fab. .ill I lo il. ,an.! w leTe it uill n; e 1 but v-tv li::hf ..xp.n litiiri - fr..m tim.. re>, e- .■lii>i\,. ..f th.. pi..s,.nt wiiarves .-in.! .l,.,.pe-i \^aler. aiel will i.i lime li.r its .■nlarg..m..nt. I'>v tli;> ....iirs,- the ull'mi'ilr e..-t ..i' p.iire I. be d...-]«ene.l to 'Jo fee' wat.r l.\ .Ir. .luring ;iii aver.'ige ^ liarbmir t'a iliti.'^ f>r .'ill sp.-eie-. of tr.i de will b.. .^ivrly hs.,.ii...| : 1(1 fe.t, gi\inu' 1.T77.O00 eiibii' \ar.|s ,,f mii.l.^and an 1 pebble.s, aiel f t th.. i,..\t t!ir,..-i cr f .iir y.'.irs. whibt the u. rk ..f .-i piMici- lieh we eslim;ite m:iy I..' tak.'ii ..at at 1-. p.-r y.ir.l, ..r t..taleo-t nent an.l . ontiL'Moa.-ii|ockdiarl...nr shall 1... in pr. .l,'1vss, h,. i, t.^inp. ±'177,700. Then a suit.ib!i. ie.. l.,iri i.r, e\p..s, i as this - tion or eiirlailm. lit (vill be i.\peri .iiee.l in tl,.- u-.- ..fthe present ■ uli I... t.i tl... aeti..n of th.' wa'.r an.l i...., w..ul.l .■..>! li.-ii!...iir. w.. estimat.., n.it, le-^ than Xi'.i) per lineal t'.)..t, an.l l'..rlhe In .'lK i.-in.j-, ther.^-e, .a-ain-t the thir.l s,.h..n..\ w,' turn w itli ml.. enelo.^ure of :, ouiel, .■■.;!,'.iMi...| l',"-.' I .iiimi m,,!.. (.oiili.leiiee t. Be. ,•;.('/■/// .-111.1 'as! p.)sili..n at T.-int Sidi! ■edging, as ..ibove 17 7,70U ( hail.-. ] The nii.lersii^ne.l a'.' ..f opinion ih.'it ilii~ plan ..t' i nlargiieg aiei ■\ loi.'d of <; l!is,7oo , partially protecting lie priseiit harbour wouM 1... iiia.l...piat.' t.> l.\ this pl.m tin- I'liinr.. wants ..f e..mmi ;ce eoull be aiisworeii, meet tlio i'Cipii'-(.m..n!s .d' tho commere.. which will be aitri.t. 1 r._. w.Hild be some r.'asoii Ibr it-- abiption ; but such a li:irbour ; t.) the St. Lawrence r.aite, when it sli:il| hav,. be.n imi.r.ivi .1 in .s n..1, in our jii'lgmeiit. meet th.. h'a.ling re. juir>.tnents bef.iro i the manner herein c..iiteiii]ilati..l. Ihi^ plan w.mld only .a.^coiu 1'. I. t.i "it : sal.' an.l conveiii. nt ~!..r.iLr.' at all .-.'asons ; con- I iiioiiate a limiie.l aiii..iint of tra.h', and w.^nll be onlv a Summer nienl accessil.ilily b\ c.iits an.l raiiroa.l cars: and the facility ' Iiarbour, .■in. 1 wa.ul.l n..t atVor.l .-iitri. a n( r. I'lii:.' f.r vess.ls win i separating ih,. tr.in-it l'r..m the .jiviriliuting ir.i.l... We think at the risk t.p pr..p, rl\ s|..r. .1 iip..ii or e.mtigiious t.. -.icii .■! Ii.ir- T in winter will be e;r,.at..r than at an\ .-ther p.iint prop..-e.l ; at the wholestrn.tnre, without piers an.l w arch. iu>es, will b,. out thu ice i: d'.iving in the river. w. ,1. Mi.M.riNi-; j.^\s. r. KiUKWtton. N O T E Tli;it it slimiM ntVonl cspoii:il fiicilitics to flic transit Ir.i ,. ., , ,■„,, 1 otlh Tlwvt it ^^lmlM MVor.l cspoci:.! ti.ciiitKs to I nc I ran mi ir.i.U> Tl„- ,;,ll.>wi„. ,.iv.,e ,„...- .n,l "'-^^^'^"7;'„;|;"^;;^,„.„,'„f ,,v l,rin,i.., tl,c l^ko an.l M-a-.^in, vessels m.!- Uy si.l. „r .„ ,1„ , ,■ ,,, the imi'rovcineiu 1)1 1110 iiriri)iiiii I'li".- .-.---.-- .I.,„s t r.i:.i, inM.'Mii- i.Mh. imi ^^ ^^ .,, , „f' „,,,,osit- si.l-s -f tho !>aino wnrclioiisv, that ....,■ mku .l.- TraJo on thu -Jlst u»ta>,t, the !larl...ur Co,n>M,ss„„„.rs ,1, ,„, t that the saiiiosl,oiuJ;.>>c'nininni.U'atr,l m tull t.. th. UK-iuhors of lliai I'udy. arLjc t..rcv n'liiioul tlu' .■xpfiiso, lU'hiy, or wastr ot\-aitap\ Anl Tth. |Th ■ iM-.ve.lini; conditions ..t'.-ivirr h.iriu' t'ullillr,]), It slu.nhl Ik'Su >ituat.'.l as t.- ..Main, witii rvisonahU (A|vnsr, an aiiii'h' Mipj.U of wator for dork usim, nml in conti.rtion thnvwilb, brini: to th.- U iilioiir an.l to its viciriit\ tVoiii tho La. liiu. rai^i^s ! a hif.'i' ain..unt of watir IVt milling' \\h. at int ) Ih.iir ami toi ■J;^■w- lial Miaimf.iotiiriiiir (.nrjio^-.s. i\.'i'(>inK those important objects aihl u-.- in inin.), «.■ pa-^s to ii'in.' j.n -.ri'i .1 f n' llaihonr n;. that pi..!...-.-! t.r 1I..cIil- I'r.oM Caim. CiiiLULs Noli: Hook. M..Miii;\i Hahuoik. The fore^oiiijr colisi.lcrations bring ns to tho conclusion tliat tin Harbour Cumniissioners ar.> ti-ht in th.ir views ropce-ting th. need of oarlv extoiiMon of th. ll:nl...ur ..f Montreal. Asn...^ ., , f _ ,., . . situated, it is' at best onlv a summer harh..ur, sniled to the- do,ne>- j ^' l-'tfular exanunat on ot ,■ . h . tie, eoasl^visc an.l river Ua.le. an.l alb.r.lin..' in all res,.,.,t> very ; .mi.r..v..ment. And hr>t «.■ t. iua.lc.iuate facilities for the few sea-goiti_' vessels of lai^'e >■■ ... ■ ■ .- • ■ it ■ i i i '"'^"•1 ,,, ,, , . ", , i^fivf ,„..,,„r-i Welin.l here a siillh-ient area ot tinning alhivi.il Ian. 1 a]. pa- which reach Montr.a bv the iinpr..ved eliannel of IS te.'t "atcr ^teimii ,• , , , ,• ■, ,. , , ", M 1 • , . 1 ,1 fonC t 'r,.i,tlv fre.. tVomr...-kN an.l situat..! Ill th. d.pie-se.l p..iti..n ..tiho an.l when th s ehanneWhall be carrie.l t.i a de )th of 2iJ feet, a- r. nu_\ n. i . ""' , , ,. . ,. ,T 1 1 ICril.r street vah.vab.m three miles II.. it h tr.. ill the l-.xrlian^'.- and niav S.I lea.liv be ..lie, the deiicielicv ol Harbour ace. miiioda- '-'•"- ■"'^"•'■"' .\' ,„ , , , , . ,, ,, '"• "-""-' ' .,•.,,. , , riistoin ll..iise. A d.).-k Harbour ..t anv n L.! mz.- an.l .lei.lli lion will be more and more seriously telt :,- the size an.l number '"■''""' ' • i,'i i ,, ,„ ,• ,i i i. , . , , 1 .1 1 .••111 hrie be excavate.l some rods, anl tlu l.olt..ni ..t tie- .l..eli of such vessosn.-rease, as thev are sure ■. (1.., until th.\ reach '•'"'"""- '■^^'"" . , i i •• -.i oa . . , , ■,.,,.•., I , ,1 '.,l..,ut 17 fc't above the river at h.w wai.r level, l:imii,' \Mtli 20 the maximum wilted t.. the eompieled 20 teet.-h:iiiiii.|, an.l t.. til., .n ' ui i - ■> , i, ,,- , -, i , , , , .. ., . 1 ■ 1 .1 I , ,, ,. f,.,-! d.'l.th of water, 3. feet lockag.. t.. th. 1 1\ .i, an.l \ .i \ ^'..o.l vastlv exten.l.'.l trade from the west, wli-h the .nlarg.-m. lit ..t "' ' " 1 ' ' ,, . , . , ,, , ,".. ,, , . , -o- . \, 1 1 .1 ■ ImiMiii.' i'r..iin.ls on all si.les of the ll:iii...nr. tiie \\ .han.l Canal, milling j.ower at M .ntreal. and otl.."' ""■ ouu ini. -■ provenietits betbre spoken of, must in. vitably .Iravv f.. Moiitrea for sforacco and export to foreign coutitri.-s, or distribiiti.ui U> tin liovlh-.'a^t. Ill st:ites. The eonne.'ti.jn with the river is MiitaMy i)r..p..,-.'.l at lli.' iiioutli .)f the brook, a little north of the New 11... liel.iga wharf, wii. re a narrow belt of deep and nearly .still water i- foun.l between th. Tlie practical .piestion for us now to arrange is tlieref..ro, wli, re ' bank an.l strong riv.^r .•urrcnt, favorable for bringing vessels t.> and how can the llariiour be exteti.le.l ii,.,ft ii.lvantag.'.nisly, all tin; .-ntrance of the h.cks. things consi.lered, to meet the present aiil fiifui.' want- .. tic (ami foreign) comtnerco via th.' St. !.;i.,vri.n.'.. i.mt... But before proceeding t.> an-.wer tr. i ;i ..ompHii-oi several ].rop.3ie.l sit. s. w.- will >tai.' : 1st. Th.at any a.| liii..ii.-.l Harl. 'iir ..e'c. ill pla.. ■ aii'l form a.Iaj.l.'.l '" tii.' u'.'n.-r.tl will, h its f;iei!iliis inav }>■ ii..|ui|-. .|. 2.1. That it shouhl h- a llarb-eir ..f buil.ling of vessels, aiel I' .r -at'./ ai AS well as in .summ.r. ..lati.iii oti. ular li-:il!i. t'. .1- _|-ill.i.'t..n for .Iiv4. i.n' -l..rii..i.. The river ehann.l a's.j is deep .-nough her.r f..- any vessel that can erne up from tLh' water, but is mii.li narrower than Mb..ve or b.l.iw th.. islaii.l. an.l .-..n... |uently tli.. iuit. iit is v.-ry str.-ng. Thus far consi.l.-r.-.l. tie- ilo.he!a.,'a >it.. is mtv pra.ti- ,.;ibl.., but. f.. obtain a supply of wai.r t..r it, is :i far iik.i.. >..r;..Us nial'ir. Th.' .luantlly r...]iiir.' 1 I't ..ne Lnkago ,'\r\\ ihive- n.iiiili- ..f .111 h..iir i- ir,.-, .iibi.: f.-.l |...r s.con.l. This ciinn.ii be ,,U.n ....111 111.. I.ii. hill.- .■:"i;il hv |.ii..- llir..iiu'li Cr.-.iL' -to. t. th.- ill wiiit.r '■•" b.in-ninele.-t, with, ul iii.T.'a-sii.L.' th,- v. lo.'it v ..f 'I... .iiir.nl ■l..trim.iit!illy f.i the navigation, miles- th.' .-anal is iiiii.l.. wj.l ■]■, .h.m.s- ..f the ■ nlil I... I . ,„.r from the tail ra.a- of th.. wal.T w.iiks, b...ause th.. siufacc .if .d. That it shouhl I. apait.,t.,rneirto.l,epr , -,in,,i,.. ^ " ^ l,,.,,,^, ,,., „„„, ,„. ,, ,,, ,,;,,,.., ,,,„ Harb..ur, an.l cmmumcate conv..nien,ly tlierewitl I ab., wuh ^';! ^1 ' .j -^^^ _ __ ^^^^_^^.^_^ ^^^^^^ ^ ,^^^^^^ .__ ^^^^^ _. ,^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ the I,.achme can.ah ,„,,,pn.hl conduit fr.im tie. h.ad ..flhe La.hnie r:»pi.i-,a.listan.e..f 11 .J mih.s, „h. liiat ,t shouM be .a., n..ar as pia.tical • L. - ■; ■ - n n . 1 ^^^.^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^, . I_ .^ ^^^^ noiti.m of the citv. f..r the c.mv..nen..o ot the .lisliibuti..n tra.l.' •'""•'•"'■'" ' i ' . • po, ,.,n Of tnc .n\, , . , , ,,„ .,•,,,...„,.. „,,„),. M„„t. or to fnrni-h the ■•.•.iiincl supply from ,!ie river at the nearest which must b..c.m>o very extensive, a el ha* ..l-ci.lj m.i.l. -M ^_^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ 1_ ^^^^^^^ ,.^,^ _^^^,. ^^,.,^ ^^., .^.|_ ^^.,, ^.^^^ ^_^^ veal the ehi...f imp-irting city of ( .ui.i.la. , , „ „ 1 .. ixe.l pumpin-,' muchinerv i;;J4,.5CO, an.l llie annual expense, for r„h. That it sh.,id.l be aces-ible by railr.a ears, an.l flu- be - 1 T ;^ ^^.„ ,, .„,,„,. ,^, • ,„„.^.^^ ^,„,, ^^ brought at all seas.ms, c.peci:dly in winter into convenn-.t ......^ - - ^ ^^^ ^,^^^^ __^^^,^^ ^^^ >.^ ^_^_ „e..tionwith th..west. with ..l the \ NOTE. , , f w.rlinr. in.l .'SP.- I !i(Tes, cx.'lusive of tbe present wl.arves an.l .leepost « at-.r, hihI w "■••;;"•';•■: T:;;n:;;:r:: :"::,;: ,■ i::r,::L:,, ' ,.,,.i™ •■■ >- ■ « •« =» ;«■' -r '?■ ■";■•'>';■ », »>";' r"L:: ,, , ;, ..„.L. ..li.-- -■<:,...<:. ,,, „r,«f...,gi.i.s>.-;'.»»o-^"^v"•'<»'■»"■^■» ""ii-; ' ■ ill ■h iii:nhin(;rv riMjuiro i" utj nwy-n,,,: ,.', -v ...v. j ■^■- ..^ -^ erago ^;''"; - ■ , r •, • 1 ■ t ,r„«t of 10 fuel (riviiiL' 1,777.000 cubic variU of inu'l,. -ami an.l pcl.Mfs, " "'";",. a rl':; ..> .1.. ,„.:.l :. tin. w.uM ^''''^"■^" "" '"' ' ;, , , ,,„.,,„ ,„,,l,iu,.rv' i 1- 'o the aHiou of the water an.l .,-.., woul.l c.-t, ,.s w.. .Munut,., often interrnj,. M,.. w.„l,n. ';' j'-. |'-^;" ;'"; •^;" I';.'.;;" ! ;„ .- not less .ban £00 ,kT lineal loo,, an.l U .he whol,> enclosure of groun.l, 53 JO feet, t,-'- 1 .'j'J'J Dre.li^iniT, .is above, 17 7,700 L'l'.i-*,7lJ0 7I„. „Kwt f;no,, ible <;r..un.l f.>r the H...'h..la-a .|...'k vmU ear it, centre tbne muK- t. n. lb- Mer,bant.V Kx.ba.i-.., ..r, by v.ry -reatly inereM-ii,,: tb.. ain.Mnit ;,n 1 .-si ..f excavali.M,, U mi-bt be bron.^bt balf a n,ile nearer by ^u.^ balf its l,„.,.b s..n.b an.l ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^. -^■' ■'--• '-^^ :"■ ' ''■■''■;.;;'''''\:''\:; t l^r^:';;^:;;^^ '.1- ^v.,,.;, l. .,.« reason i;. i,s a,l„,,i.,n; b„t h a barb.,ur T'' "Vu. 'i ; ,. 'r b'!n^^ 1 . 1."'. b^i^^hi char.,. n,h>,„l t;,r .oo .!.„. n.,,, in our ju,l:.ent, n.cet the Ica.li,,. r,.,,uirement. bcbre ah.n,-at K. ,■.■..!. ]., 1..umI t ~ ,,,,,. ,,„,„,,.: .,:^„„|, f wit : s.afo ,',n.l onvenient M,.ra-o at ah s,.;,,..n- ; ,..u- ,„;,,„, .,, ,., , , „, ....an „a„.,. V. - ' ; | ^.,., . , '^ ^^,.^^^,,i,i ,.,.,,, ,„,, ...roa.l ,■.. ; an.l ,1„. .a.ility ,,-,,,...,,.,n..h,h,.l.a,.u.,.anal.v,.,. > k t a^^^^ ^^.^. „,,,,,^ tl,e riv.r, ..r a„y r..aM,nab!y - leap uay ■ Lmcm _^ uat., 1 ^ ^^^ ,„„,i,,„„u. t„ M„h a l.,■u- f-- -'"• '- '- -l^'^ '-"'"""^ ■"■ "'-'"- " ' ' ' |i.;;:; i;I;i;.,:/Jllb ;;.atcr,hanat any .th.-r ,,..„. ,,r„ 1; I'""""- . , ., , ,-,,., l>„.k Ib.rbouru.ar that the whole stru.frre, uith,.iit l.i.rs an.l «ar,h.,u-,.,, «;llb.. ^^■•- "■"'•'' ;:":;;';• "';';" :'■■;•,:',:'. scr-m the nver an,l mac^iUe by car,, an., .ar. ....,.,„ .ia Man.l H,„.h,.la,'a I'.ay lulhU ..nl> tb,. -I ... t .. . v u c ., 1 kybarf or f..rrv.b..at. ;.b.at the riv, r an.l ....twls.,. .b.nestie tra.lo - '■ '"■'^•^•' ^'^'""'- ■■-' ;: r' ;'■"""• .'^"' ;; ,;;,;: ; r l. bci,)- nnn,e,li;t..|y ,.„u.ctod .i,h ,be ...neral ,,„pulati„n .,f the conM.lcratiun, an.l ».■ .■vU,-,. „s r,.jec. ,..n . . • ■ ^^_^ ^,„ __^^^ ,^,.,, , ,,„, ,j.,„|, „^,,,,, ,„. ..TheexlenM.,n,.. tl... l.aclun,. . anal .,„n,.h, "''I'" - : ' ; ,„,^^^ ^,,^„,^,, ,, , „„ ,„,,i,, <•- ^'- ^•-' '"'^ ••"■"■^'' '';• •■;> • ', ';;■ :!:::;:; il, , a ,..brei.,,;,a,le. If tl b.,le ti.. an.| t:,r,.i,n s,ni,.l..... .'A.n ,„. at^,.n,.. nib..rl..»..r i.„n.,.n ..l ta U,n_ l in | .-..r «.,me ve.us t.. tl... ,.r. -. nt harb.,ur by the --'■-■■^:rrT\t;:^^:z^^^^^^ '''"'-- s:;;:!':^:::;;";-;^:.;::;::;::....^ -^--^rzc^^^^^^^^ t„tallvln,,ra..,i.abl , a..c„nnt of tl. ,r, at .Ic^tru.-ta ' 1-'''V'! ,;';',.,,, J,,,, p,,„,.b ,,, „;, „„„., ,,an,a,,.- that nn.st a.-.ru..." ns ,eben>e wonl. !"";''; •;;',i ,,, ,,.„., „„, ,;..,„ tvel- that ^,.,,,.,,.wa,,.r.UV.nf...t,...e,.atti,cl.avM:uk,.^.....v...M.^^^^^^ ,,,. h,>lt .;.et .1..C,, at St. ..e..r,,A >tr..c,. nn,-., u, 1.1 ^t '^^ ^ ^ J^.^^^^^ ^,.„,,,,„,i„„ ,, „.-,. .h..e they w.ll tbr .lee,, at S,. I ...nuni-k S.rct.an.l b-tc., an.l abal. t.- .Ice, t^K ,' ' '\,^,.„„, ,„ „„. ,,a,.it an.l .V.r..i.n t.a.l... leavin. the Denis stre,., : tin- In.b 1..V..1 b.in, tl ..ly -'V'"'''"^ V , ' : . tr. e u .iMur'.,..l ub..r nvui.- ha- alr.a.ly ,,Ia. cl . ,,i,,.,.anai „. ,b,. U.cr at lb., b.la.a luy. .1,,!,. tb.. n,,,.,.r .vol '"'";"'' .',";, ,.„ ,,.,, ,;,„ ex^.n-liturc fr tin.e o^ '>' - • ■-- '"'■'; '";vr; ""V'. ;::l'' "■' '■ '"" : -' -- ^-^ --i-- ■=>■ "- -'r; "■'■ "r 1 ■ ' ' ;' l.,wt\.ratw,.n!y t...t,b.l.ib..tl...-ka;,.l.anal. , ,.,,..,;,,,„ ,;„,., i sp,...ic. ..f tra.f. w,ll be -reatly l..ssen,..l ; " Tin. .btU.'ul,,, th-.n, (a,.ar. i, , th.' .l..-trn.-h..n au.l .lan.a,.. ha,b..u a, , ,.u^ [^'-'(...r v.a,-, «l,il-l t!>e u..rk ..fa ,.,.rn, ,- ,„ ,a,v in,,,,„^en■...,.-,) i- .bat the ^...un.l M..ub..l \ i^.r >.iuar.. a,,.. ... " ^ ^ 1» ,,^,,,„:„, ,,,,1; 1,, in i„-,.,r..-. n., int,..': up- ,,„u,l,,.... h.w t^.r the ,analex,en-,..na,.he,...pu,...|l.vela-.n..ntan.l,..nt u.,us.,» „._^,„, ^„, „ ,,,.. , f th.p:e-..nt e.nni.are.l with tb.. hi-her i:r..un.l ai an.l n..itl ..t taat -.pi.,., h. where ,leep-wat,.r a., nu..la.l..n i- r,. pni...l.-' , """k.; ;„„ ilurelbrc a-ain-t the thinl scln^ni.., ne turn uilh N,.U in .,nl..r ,- -In. -n,,. -t.-.l p:an ,.f enel.-in, Jc pr. -. n, In -'-;"; "^'; ;„,,, ,„ , p„; ,„„i.„„ a. l>..int S.,int K.,,.lla,l ,.l.vap,.:n..anen,i,.ebar,i,.r,.x.en,lin.inanh,-t.,- n..,r.._, Icb.n^ ...... . 1, ,lireeti.,n f,..n. N\ unl-n.iU I'on.t ab„nt KiOO ,eet, an-l tneu.e "',;'■';, ,^„^ ,,, .,^,..,. „„, „a,urally nnavMable ar.^a .,f -ha'- ,•„„„ ,,.,, ;„ ,,„. .;i,...-.i,.n ..f M.,nar.pn. S.r..e. \\ harl, ..l.po-.tc the lb ' ^ ' - .^^ ^^^^_ ^^,^_^,_^,„,^, ^^,„, ,,,„^ .,f ,)„, . i,an.l ,„.,.,. ball ,.f SK li..l..n-- Man.l an.l .,.rn,inatin, at a p-nt abont i:;^'", ;.,; 'J ',,,. '.i, ....ncnts an.l .lown.a.l .Lw .,f G5.. .... Mn,th-ea>terly U the ea.t en,l of the N ....„>:. p.er. Irunk !.a, « v ^,. a ^.^^_^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^,__^ ^.. ,. Thi- plan has been pr.>..n.e,l tbr .■..n.i,b-ra.i..n with th.. evpeeta- Mvcr n-e -- '' ' " *\ ^ ^,„„ .„„ ,,^„,., ,,, „,e hi.h-wat.T n.,n ,1„U it w..n!.l „!..,.t tl... want, .f c, r-e tor n.any years ...rn. l.r. .e aMn^, , n r n , ^^^^^^^ ^^ ___^____._^ ^, . ^ _ ,_^_,^ „,„,,.,,,„,,„, ;„ ,.,„.,,,..ti„n thana.lock-haH.ou,-,an,l em-rent aU.ut 4000 f^U -^^ ^^^ ^^^^ __^ ^^,^ ^^, ,^„ retain ,1„. ul„.l. „atHe .,, .1... nata.al river hvcl. lUU on ev tben.-e to he -^"- 1^ ;' ^ ,^^ ,^^^i„„, , n. en- ■t an.inatn.n .e lin.l tb.- plan will enel,.-. an area ..f abunt .10 acres vvnl be eon.en.en.U s.u,...l 1 s'OTi:. cloMTi" brink ^vill W mndn w.tertl'.'l.t l,v a vertical pu.l.lK vraH, and covcrci on th. out.M. sloj.o by -V- rook «..vHt.vl tVo.n tl,,- in.i.lc und bottom. At the cn.re of t'.^ noH,. sulo a .»„,-, ..k. r. l>v 400 feet .hiunbor. will coimM th. ^uclo. :,1 spn..,. will, tl,. prc-int Imrt-our an-l river clwmnel. Tims by a l.K-k-hfl nf -0 f..,., and the sl.cltor aff.r.lel l-v the rnilw-.v. y„u w,ll aci-nr. mr tust- cla.s .ca-"nin- vci'sels as much ir.oful orea as is now funnshe.l l.y tho unpro'tectca river harbour f.r riv.r and coastwise tra.. Im.i.ln..! tms so;i- Coing vessels .aM tVon> tl,o sun-' ,,..it, aiM with UaiKva,, from th.. ."lork VHt Vu-!oria liri'u- to ail l^rts ofil,,. K:iM.ti, Stutt.>, it ,. vvrv clear that the nrllii.- [-".'r- ...-ily hroiijiht iVom the rapi.l^ to the pr..|.o-e,l ,ioek aii.l its vieii.ity will .ervo to ren.ler M..„irealoiie ot' the laru'esl uheata.ul Ih.ur in.Mrkets i:. North America : and secondarily, for irenoral iM.iiiiitacturin^' purposes, tho Harhour t'onimisMoncrs. statesmen and ea] ilalists ran confer no tho ^^'^^'^^I'l^Zl^^u. .itnateH, will he perfeeth greater henCi, upon tlie ProM.u of Canada .an.l .ndiMr,: pop,.- Ui.hehcvcth.lt a dock l..arf our im 1 ■ ,■ m„„„... .1 ,h,u, 1.^ .i.vel^^Mi.-' this «ater in-wer, and leiisiuff t to :i. i.p'v. ,:„in„ of Montiv.d than U ,1 ■vel^t"':,' tl'is «.'ter in.wer, and Iciisincr it to entorprisiuiritidviduals uIiovmII therehy o.vate a .liversity of lalior and liirnisl, omi'loymeiit to thousateN «ho «ould -thcwise he idle. •• Water for the dock f ne and tlie same point, and nn.ler the Urand Trunk Kailw.ay hy a very sliallow S\ pll'Il. Montr.'al «U1 then . njov the .idv.anta^'e not possesse ! hy any other sea-port within our kiiowledire. of deli',erin? wh.at from tlie lake vessels to the mills ..ii one si le, and of p. din- the tlour from the other side into s.'a--..iiii: v.-e!- t'.r eNpori. ..r int.. .ar- tor rOHMimption in \ew-Kii-land. d'I.e Mirplii- water nvIII pay in- tc'i. -t n|K.u three time- it- cost. "From all these (-onsidenttions. and fr -111 !li.-\a-t ain..iiiit of Wostorii trade likely to tiike tlic St. I.'uv renee i-..iite. ue are united in opinion that a dock harhotir of ...- .nindivl and ten, to one hundred .and thirty acres. i> the hest form f-ra permanent iiieretvsc of a.vommodation. and that I'oinl St. Charles is \ ry min h tho best site therefore. "The cost of construction, inchidiner the I'sn.io.r, f. ;■ an inde- peudant supply of water, as before exidained, i< e.tima'.d by the .•nu'ineer. Mr. Forsyth at .C.MO.Oik). •■ It is not necessary that the whole wikshmd! h- e\, euted at ,,i and betoreany part could be broinjit int- n-e. The en.--ary f 'r u* in thi- rep..rt to cntiT upon ll..' d. tails ofcnstructiou. We -iiiipl. alvl-ethat tie !ar-. -t ar. a, shell, l-d . A„ u,Oel,e„-,\,y the raiUay «e. I.e etlelose^ ; lliat ..ne 1 t!ii^ i- liappilv hull; loo f.-. t l.\ 7.". in lie- .l.-ai, uitl. an ml. •nn. dial- pair . .f L'al.-s . , .V ...,.• . ■• ' .1 1 ... 1 ,..,..,, 1 i.....,..l . ..1... il.... - i: 1 ,...;!. safe from water an.l ice lloo.ls, and i.'c.t fully an.l substantially Of the requirements before stated :-M. As a depostMry tor -lam. flour, and pr.pare.l lumber from the wc-l and north, .an.l for c.u goes of torei-n merchan.lise ; 2n,l. As a safe place for slora-.', f..r ship-buildins, repairs, and for millin!: or manufacturing purp..-. - ; 3rd. As most .■onveni Mer. hants' ]\- clmiiu'e), and of more convenient a.-cess by carts an.l ears tl,.aii any erections coul.l be, for cnel-ising tlf present harl...ur; and Ctii. As peeuii.arly well adapt.'.l by absence of currents i^.r brini;- iuil the lake and sea-p.r .h'.'k an.l in.lling purpos..,, cannot be applie.1 to .any of other locations witli.vjt costing' m .r.'lhan it i- worth. •■ Thrive modes i.f supplying water for dock ])urp.i.;.'- at tliis point are s'lg^oste 1. First, fr.MU the La.li ne Canal, by in.reasing the .s.jetion of said caniil every where t .its full wi.lth. whi.h wouhl aft'.ji-d enough surplus water to stipply the .!..ck, and wth Ic-s current probably to obstruct iiavigati'.'i than is n.'W cxj eri.uice.l in the narr.iw rockv reaihes ab'ive. "Secon.l, from tlie lail-raee of th'. \^■ .tcr-"\V..rk-. whiidi w..ul.l give an iimido su].ply as lon:r as the pimps .-hall be worked by water-power, the lN>ttom of the wheels !.-iag four feet above the surface of tt.ater in the proposed dock: .n.l the distance bei'g IJ miles, i^ives fall suffi.dent to prevent ha k water upon tho wli-els. " I'.iit n.-iilier of these .sources will bis constantly reliable as is desire. I. At I>esf, I.oth .are but s.'c. .:.|irv to ..th.r an.l prior uses; while ih.3 r.'irular w.irkinc of thol;arboiir 1." ks is .,f th.' 11(111 .-f iiiijiortan.'.-, an! -le.iiM in t he subjl t to a.K.i-.. .-..iilr..! nee'. lent-, whi.-li nii_:tit at tiiu.'s cut lak(. wal-rl l.-,0 tVet fr.,iii the he.ad Rates hu a.|..pte . , ... from the hea.l of the Lower Lachine Itapids ah. ve Kii.ix's mill by j w..rk be used for inshle walU from the bottom of the .lo.k to an open cai-.al ,5 J miles Ion..; with a mean «idth of 2't feet an.l within tlir.-e fi.et of w titer surface, an.l siir depth of 7 teet, all. I a fall of ir?\ fiet, which will deliv.r al I'oint of w, ll-lresseil st..n.- work. St. ''harles three times .as mueh water as tie- dock will require, .nil. in.le,, or en als.i that SI. of tl Mi'.unt.'.i l.v s ,,r u f^.i-t tV.r the estimated cost of €«0,12.-,, including right of way for a canal three times wider and ten feet deep, which may be male to brini; down a very h^rge umount of water f.tr manufeluriiig purposes, b yon.l what will be needed for tie? .lock. '• In fi.t tln-r.' i^ n legilimat.- relation between the manufa.ture ..ftloiir and th.' v.ry ext.'iisiv. trallic inwleit an.l iLnr whi.h the n.-w .lock is .le-igne.l t.) !ie...immo.late : an ch .ap freights of seven t The ].rei"eding consideiations bting tis t.. the coii.dusion that the Harbour ommis-i.mers are riirht in their vi.'ws rcspcetiiif the need of an early exti'ii^-ion of th<' Harbour of .Mi.ntroal. In its present condition it is .at best only a summ.r harbour .1. v.te.l to the domistic, coistwi-.e ami river tia.le, .and .atb.rdin^' in .all res- p.-'cts very inalcjuatc facilities for the f.-w sea-(Toin._' ve-sels of las- tthii h iiow r.-adi M..ntreal, bv lli.' iiuiir.iM'.l (hannel ■iisiv. trallic inwn.ii an.l tl'.nr \\ In. Ii iai_"- . I.'.s- » linli now r.-.i-li .M..ntreal, l.vlh.' iiuiir.iM'.l cliaiinel ) !ie...immo.late : an.! uhen join.' I t.. the i.f 1 7 le.-t water; aiel v here this chann.d^ shall b.. rarric.l to tho ..) niiv' hundred t.ni vi-^cls west from | .hpth of 'JO feit a- may so readily be .lone within the next twO \«»Ti-; yrnr^ bv tlw moliTii'i- n-M'tion;!! ••\j>.'ii.liiiir(> rf f'.M.noii, i 'li'ti. i.'ii.v (.fh.itl'oiir n h< .|Wi.i..„,v..lh;.tl.oi,rnr.omhH..!Mli..M Willi,, innrc an.! i.i..i-.. h..- -anie lim.- tilfy pn- . .m ' """ •'■•"'ir^'ni incronv.l i.t i|,n rionKlv toll as tl... >izp ni,.l mmil..-r ..fMi.li v s-.-U inrrenso :m ll,.-y m-orm.l ,m t\u- fir • \., '' '^ '! ''"''. ""■'■'••^••"' ••'I'l'-'-'f" •" l"»v.^ i>f all iiiijiorf-*. ^ I th :tr.' siiro to ilo, tiiiiil tiny na. !i tlio iiifixiniiiiii Miiti.l U> ttn ••oiiiiitif.,1 'JO <;•, t . jiatiii.-l un.l to till' vii»:ly ixtcmlol trailf whli (lie ««■>.( whiih (lie .•lil:irj-"lliciit of tlu'A\'.'liaii,l("ii|i,il, llii-lililliiii; powi r i.f flio l,:i. Iiiiie rapiilN :iti(I lln- railw.-iv* iiitij't iiuvitaMv ilrnw lo Mi.ii(r.':il. "It ]fH l).cii iilnaly ^ll<'^vn t!iai iIm- slioit.si ni),| dicapist rnnfc (Vein Clii.-au'.. to ti.jf.w.ilcr in via tlic St. Lnwniiri., iiihI it i^ luliiiiri.-.l l.y all rntiiiinrc al m.'it thai iii;..|.stini|i.il traii^i-ort tiaili- will alH.i\< laki' tli.- hln.rti-m iin>! ihialWht roilti-. As a i|iii-sliiin cit|.rai-ii.al i',-a-._'oinj.' Vl■vu.I^ |„. MiitalilL' fur tliecaiiiiln and sltall.nv |.art« of the rivtr aii(• prnvi.!.-il. Tin- natural course ..f ('ana- na.liiiii ira.li- ami po] ulation h!U- QiipImt aii.l .Montreal pioininciit r.'ii'ris of h.itli iipm tin- ri\.'i, 'I'lios :t«i int.) .Montronl iiicroavil at ihn I I ho rwipriH-ily Irmli.. wiih the I'liitrd iiii|i..p!g hy tho river an- .'•tilti-K Ipolts. . . . nil Js'lI.+rM/i'.'S '-'o.«2.-,,4;)i; '• III I8.")5 tho t..t» i*(nt(. — ~~" '<( w hi,.-ii Moniivui ahi ' , ■■■;:: ; : *3j..(io.4t)(i un.I *.:..... „.or. thJ*;:' ^'--^l-.^^^'. '- -or > of ,h.. ,vl,ol..; Tim. Kho«i„K Montr" ';' '"" ""':""" 'f •""' ''•' '' ■"■ •tamli.,,. ,1... di er^ion/; ,"\'"' "'f '> "," ''"' ""■'-■'- '"''"'- ^•' j>i;w- lork. " liiit th.. true intJ ^H of <'aiiu.la, an.l of tii.- Xorlli-wc-t- .'in J.ake Siatu*. reiinlL .1 . .1 . . , si. all be restore.l to (L, 1 . it I . 1 _*• "''"""'CI' ••••111 <-h.npi?r route via tl.o Si. Lawrenci-, not hv restrL. , ' i'.j.^i. ,. , , , ,• iWveifoveinnienlal exjvtinenish'it l.v r>.T- f<'(.te 1 canals, iJeopeiK'JI.i 1 ,• , . • ' ' ' ehanne.s, lumi. rons liL'lit-hoUM> an.l well li;strMote.| pilots. .> " •tions point to Montreal m the s-a-port of '■< > luT loi'rtl consiil^ ••...••.■...;. ..r..,,M„M„t .en n.so,„.,in n,on ti,,- n^.•l, li.es,. ' " ' " , ,'l«tions point to Montreal a. the *.a-port of .nes on,. I., the nv..r Ua.:.., an,l are to^-etl,er .•ap.l.le of ador.ii..;; ''"; ^^ ^■'"; '.""' •"^ ""lt.per puint of transl.ip,„..nt I.-uven se.v Hil Ihe ta.ihlirs tliai I'l.- fiitniv c.mni.jrco of tlie river m.iv le.piire ' -"""- "'"' "'*"''""" ''■'«■- 'I he tliileivn.-.-s pi.,iili.ir ti eaeh, miim to >prin;r s./ely fn-iu natural '•auses, lo wit ; ai- Quel...,- tie river liarlniar is deep an I l.rua.l, the .iiannel from ih.n.-. t.. t!ie o, .an ha> .•.Kv;iys Ivm iinol.strnete.| ni..| Mil!iri,.nt i:.r th.. larii.st el.ivs of v,-m.|<. The .hai ;,'.s ..f tilal l.'vel (13 an.l |Kf,...| ivspc.tively lor suuiiiier nn I sprln;.') woul.l be .h-triiiiental i.> i;..ner;il tnitlic, but ar.> of very rrreat a.|- • vantaL'.- in the l.-in.linu', I-'vparati an.l shipment of tiiiib.-r •li.-ll .{oin.^ an.l int.ri.ir l:il^ St l?eeau*e th voyn^^o from (^u"i. at le>s eosf per I'lii tl vessels fr.iiii M..ii:ri' ii teel .■hannel, :iii.l con there is n.> r.'ar-ou t.^fl "l''..r install. ■.', a >t..; Vi'ssels. 11;.' r s..a-g.)in;,' vessels can continue their M.. Clival, on." hun.ire.l aiul eiirhty nii!es, w.'iiM att. :i.| Minniiiifthe sinaller interior <2ii. li....; for with the. phli'.! iw.-ntv r9p..ii.liMir hail.iiir eNf.Misioii at Montival, Ipi.ji.ri.l .'vtra ri-k ..r n. ■•.,1, , , ., , n. rot'in..linni -iz.. airives iit (^u.-hec fullv . I iou.i..ii Willi rj'>in..ii> t T.-, .• ,. , , . .. ■ 'to. Tl; :s, :2oi> t..ri^ueb..e ami OJiM..r Mon- wln.ji IS ehi.lly lr:.ii-p..ri.M| in rafts from the uj.per e.-.iinlry ..., ♦Met,,,.. For >u.-l, iv:. s .1... immense timber an.l l.,mb..r tra.lo ''""' "'"' "'" ^^'■~'' ^^:h au :n,.,i^.., of 100 i>as.s..a 'e.s \|u., liseliariiinsj ill.. i^»iiebo r • ,, , . , ' " I. ' , , , .,, , . ti'iu'lit-, lier a.-tual expenses to M..ntr .1^ f . . ' of the pr..viii<-..s will .Joubiless eontimi.- 1-.. b..- transa..!.-.! at t^u.-bec "(^u.'U.. .-.ihl M..n;re:,l iinwi ei.j..y a v..ry la'ix.. iner.-ase of i;eneral t.alli.- by the in.r.a-. .,f p..piilation in their res, live' .listi-ict.-. an.l al>.. by .all |.ubli.. woiks wbi.-h s..rve to expeili'e an.l ' eheapen th Il..(ti..n. I,an>p..rtali..ii an.l .listiibuli..n ..f pi,„|iiee| an.l ,n..ivhan.ii/... wli..ih.r iiiwar.l ..r ..iilwai-.| boun.l via tli.- St. | Lawreii.... I'ont... ' '• It is appaivnt that the p.^tion ..f M.,nteal. a! ih.. heal of! ...■.•an navi^Mtion ai.d at th.. loot ..f th- h.west rapi.ls, p..-sesNes ' . .Main a.ivanta-es p,.,u iar t.> itself. It is snrr..iin.leil by a mor.. p..pul..us an.l feitil.- ,-..^ri„„ ,,f .-..iintry. at '■... .■.),illuen..o ..f th.' St. Lawrence. Otl.nwa an.l Lak.' ('liaiiip!,.»in loul.'s of tra.l.., anil Ih,. f.x-us t.>w.ir.ls whi.-h the conlinu.ms iiilhiene.-- of lailwavs an.l Ihe natural an.l aitili.ial wat..r-.|iann.'!s ..f th.. \V,.,t ami 'N.>rtli- W..SI will m..n; an.l 111. .le , .■.ntrat. the tr.i.l.- ..f the Lake e.mn- liif.-. These ...untri.s n..w ii..inib,.r ,.i.^lit niilli.ins of peopl,. : at fi..! i!..vi. of another century they will jiivbably ...me ,ip i,. tw, n- l> millions. •• We n..liee aU,-), as a proof of the -liijiblo comm.T.ial p.wition ..f Montreal, that in ihe y.-ars pr,- liii;,' l,S5(i. .luiiiif: wiii.-h the . ..Ill law> ..)' Kii^laii.l an.l all .|ilb.r,.iitial duties favoriii:,' t|ie di- i,'.l exp..rl an.l imp..rt tra.le with th,. I'ana.las ha. I !..>.. 11 rep..ale.l. aii'l the bon.lintj sy>teiii of tin- I'nit.'l Stales an.i tli.' f. ipineitv Ii.;il\ with tliat ....iintry establish.. 1, the p..rls of the liiit.-.l Stali.> l....-,iiin. \irtually/'/ir to Canadian tra.l.', ther..bv .livertiu" fn.in • le- Si lum.n.' ii.ul. j^ ..f llie CiiiH.iian .-ereal exports and i ows. . xiliisive uf lake .lues, which ought ami back will I... is f. t.» l'is.ind...l oil the C.I „i ,; .■., , ... , . ipl..li..ii el Ih.. new cliai.n.-l. it 11. ,t bcloro Pilmaife ini ;iii.i .I.iv «■, ,^... '...., J'> SI07 Wliart'uite at .M.nitre ,', , , t .iiil.s I'oiisiiiiie.l, av .iiil.s ..onsniiicl, avi _ , ,. ir»ge .u toui (.y^sii) .... iiiuis ,.xin'uJ,..l in II . , , . la»inB up an.l uioeriiii' ai wlmrves two .lavs, lor I . . , , . . ... ■ , H" ' 111" I'liv iiu.1 sul.sistencc I.f (.tlie.rsiiii.l ni.'t Interest nii.l iiHiiriu iTill ■^cni.'nt?, :9 (- Jay?) on coH of ...lii|., . Total (lisl.urspni.'ntj,^ , Ailil ci.ntingeiil i'XJ'Mjjj '' ir «.. .■.•iml .'a.-Ii 1 to two tolls, an.l l!i;it • five pa-ssenurers nn.i li c tuM.iriiri...il an.l Lack 101) ■.!sO t l'> 755 $t(JO ii--..iMal in ra'.^ an.l nioasnreiii..nt tai-c.. ai M.nitreal I'..,- .-ar.,;.. ,w..iilv th.' t..tal ni..v,.nu.nt up ami .l.iwi\ wliicli w ill 1... eipiivaK'nt t.i 2 J »(l l..iis, nelt cost per ton 3SJ cciit> is 25 mills per ton per die. ..r ;!.i; cents per b.-irrel for flour l'i.,m M .!itr,.al I.. p.mati..n |.\ iw.. i;i. .liiiii, r,ize.l ii,;ori.)r Mealuers fiili\ lo.a.l.'.l with .^iMl ions .•a.li, vsiih passenger a. ■omniodations, will be a.s follows: I'ilotftge for l.otli, u|. .111.1 il.iwn Whaifat'eal (Jiicbec .I.I.i.V;'. i ct C'jul wuuiiiiued iO tuUJ 10 cin;li=iO. .■Jill! 3'.'0 $482 'Tri'tDinoiit iii(>r<1ir(nt!i lariroly onia! no>< lii-twci'ii tlic ii|i]>.T l.ikci nii.l tin' ji Ih'I', olijeot to (n'li'liiij; llioir •itcniii'TH r wliii'Ii iliiTi- pxi>'< :iii niltiiirnMc sito on tap iiorlli-wos I'liy si.k- ot'i'int citv, i]ut»(i<>n!«, till' j^oierul normniilntion of i tri'ril, :i» the toriiiiiiiiii of I.MIO niilus of ii tx'tlov M'ciiritv !i!;nin«t ilctenti.m of vrt w' or irHoliarjiin:. t'liin can he Iia 1 nt tlKToIi>ri; mako uliowaiice of otu' dav Montreal, aiiU ^tate : in I'l. f'lrn-ariiii'fjlui'i- loi M.iitical iiii.l t^iii- |4)ti. I" (■ on iiiTonnt of f«I'.i. i>. from llu' li.lil «t low w.tu-r nt ill.' rtnii' liy liiiiljiiii; more r, an. I liy a li.liil do.k ke iiiMiiili ,,f tln» criik it !i[ irt from all lo.-al mrt 1 mlnciK at Mon- Inavi.'atiot;, is niii,!, [tlion,' titliiT for loal- PrcvioiM «n-oiint hronKlu f.irwnnl '''"■ '">"' ''""• in runiiina »i'i i.i.M.tiiiK iit'w ftii.i oi|ifr Tiilal liy inlaiiil strnnirni "NVhi.h .livi.h.l l.v •:•>..„„. I,-, ns l„!;'.ro,' ,ii, •-',•', inilN |.,.r (,.,! j...r i.i;|, un.l I • ..-tih j .r The al.ove ^h.l^vs ihr , ,,ari«oi, ih1«,i„ M-a-jr,,;,, IlOO t..ii. an.I |,k,. x,-,-,|s „t;,.jo tons Sf..ain..l,i •nv nott l.,:i!i forth;, rout... tho ..»t ..f tlnnsi.ort at any titiip. W.. 1 1 '="■••'' «illi Iho |jirc..»l Ink- « r.-ifi (son ti.|,>). woi iftili Iriji in fav,.|- of j '"';•-.'"'■ " >"'' ii' liivor ,.( I rineiii;; ihi- o..;.i, su'uiwU '*''"''■•" "i"'I'.iii...n .r^.,i-^..,i„;j ..,,,,1 i„|.,|,,] s!u•«^a.nH.•l. h.r-.r ,liir..,vnoc ih favor of>,.n.iiii t.> -M..iitrial." IImiho' I! O: .M')NTi(J;AI, 'J4'// , //^ $4«2 liliMirinit m wharrr* I till' |1.IV lltl 100 1f»H9 » lit iMrc, sjivtM 4:> ci'nis |«T •«! r''iit< jtr Imi'ifl Ml ilii'ir, »< III ►<■«-•;. .iii>f«t ■ «lii|i« of IS S!c!iiiisl,ii» of -J K.o toiH of tlilll^]■oIt li_V Wllii'li, coiii- 1" tci*), woiil.l !tli..« n itiill i».Mi sti'iili^IiiliRtiiMotilrc.-iI. r iitiil iiilamJ Kiilitijj m»mI or ot r.i-ii.liii:; oiiiin vl•^.«l•I^ II Mip.o' I! Ofkk >:, i!i:.M. 'J 4 'A .1/.///. ls.-,M.