v^. ,v«»;^ r^^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 11.25 Ui|28 m 2.2 i IIIW 1.4 V] <^ n 7. .^>.:> .%:^'^ % J> '^ ^ '/ Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 \ •s^ \\ ^9) V V- O^ n. u 4- •3" CSi- 303 3FI. ® C3 314 X^, O- '\7\7', ^ The stock has been selected by himself, wliich, for CHEAPISrESS & QUALITY, CANNOT BE SUHPASSED I.V WESTERN CANADA. ALLAN McLEAN, DEALER IN PAPER HANGINGS, 'JRANSPARE^"1' MEZZOTINTS, , ■ PANEL, OIL, & PAPER SHADES, Fktnres, Rolkrs, Cords, Tassels, EN6B&VINGS & STATIOSERT aE]S"EllA.IL.I.Y. Ho is also prepared to take orders for Church, Shop, or .any other Iarg» Shades, with auy design or lettering ou them. ' ALLAN M'LEAN. # f ADVERTISEMENT. -/ < .%, •\./N,-S^*V/'\^^^k-"^^*.i ,T^IS House is entirely new, and fitted up for the comfort and occommo- dfttidn of travelers in a superior style. AOOD STABLING-ATTENTIVE HOSTLERa TPfifi Bar is supplied with the best Ales, Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. FAY & DEMUR, Proprietors, i^ I I o o Pi M o CO p B H. (0 ill -J < 111 w * • CO Ui U UJ bo •iH ,23 o CO ^ ^1 O ^1 Mil hi li >id .24 o o » o is 0) o a c i © £■ ^l! .14 pq -d fls ^^i © PS §«=: d ^ ^ r^ >. 'J. ^T* H > C _• (tf CQ n X ^' r r CQ < P <1 p o o » ^ Pi H H t-M MS H .fc ^< i I i "d I S = Z « H -r 1 St fci. W i H w H H ft "■■■■■--"■-1-- r.T 7 - - - ~ - ' ■*-~-~-~-' - - - ^ - ' I ' J!UkJl-fVJ»-1-»-»^"-"-'" ">• a> OO SE- P==3 I!. r- -^ J^ t - C :S Q i. 5 St) CO f ' • to CJ > 2 5 '^ .S CD 9) CO u O III -~ = i: o •-^' i ', = III = - J ^ CO u •''' "^^ ^^ hJ^ f* ^ ^ ^ ^ OJ H 91 3 O >. O fee T3 bo DhIIIq ^r^is:: -« ■■ - -- -^ Q 111 - i ^ 5 o g K » ! 02 PN yjf ^ 1- W ' Pi o c = fe 'Hi O O ^'^ << Pk*:; Q u 03 = o OQ \a ■ '. H '; H ' w ious ^i>i>E]srr)ix, GIVING A LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, THE LOCAL MAGISTRACY, WITH A VALUABLE TABLH OF STANDARD WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, ETC., ETC. PRXCB,~«1.95 CKNTS. JAMES SUTHERLAND, rUBLISBEB AND COMPILER, iisraERsqLi., o, w. 1862, '-)", / f^ '/7C J /?'/'^/^'A C/^/^^^//'^/<:^':^-^ , y^jr (Si PRINTED AT THE "TIMES" STEAM PRINTTNO ESTABLISaMEST. DUNDAS STREET, WOODSTOCK. WILLIAM WARWICK, BINDER, DUNDAH STREET, WOODSTOCK. «> *1.-. TO THE PUBLIC, The first edition of the Coc.vtv or O.iioed Gazkttf.er and General DiKKCTOKY io licro jji-csontoJ to the Public, with thai liogi-oo of ditridouco which a profound an\iety with rogaid to its thorougluiesy, acoiinicy and gonoral utility would naturally occasion in the mind of the author, and yot with tho proud coniciousne^a that every effort which long experience could supr^jest, or patient labor accomplish, hv.s bccu made to instire itj fulle-t enicioncy. Tho Com- piler hus spiirtd uo pains to make thii work reliublf, cvtni in tho most trifliug detail; — It is hoped therefore that the general urrAugeinout will be highly useful in rcrcrring to the various departments. Manv new and oriiriual features will be found to characterize i\m work throughout, that need not be here enumerated. It is not to be expected that a work of thi.s character embracing no niauy particular.s, gathered from so niony sources, can bo entirely free from (tvoi*8; perfection, so dilFicult of attainment in every department of industry, is especially so in a compilation of this kind; but, for such erroi'.5 as may bo found within these pa,:;,a^s, {hv, kind iudidgence of the public is solicited, in view of the general reliability and corrc.tuess of the work. The compiler desires to present his gi-ateful acknowledgements to the many Gentleman throughout the County who have so kindly and promptr ly furaifched him with much useful information which othcrwibe wuuld have involved both time and expense to procure. Tie is largely indebted to an excellent work, compiled by Thomas S. Sheujiton, Esquire, several years since, a work containing a vast amount of historial ma(tt.r rtlative to the early history of tho County of Oxford. He also tenders his thanks to the newspaper editors and other gentlemen for the many courtesies extended to him and hia agents daring tho canvass, and feel'j deeply grateful for the sid»stantial aid and encouragement received from tho commeucemeut, from Professional men. Mer- chants and Manufacturers. The extensive advertii-iug department of this work fully attests the liberality of the classes alluded to. and will, he trusts, be found Ho prolitablo to them as i+ wiil be useful to the tbou'^ands of readers who will have occasion to consult it. Large aa is the present edition, it is nearly exhauhted even before it leaves the Press, and a constantly increasing demand is anticipated, which wiil doabt'oKS render it nocessaiy to ifsue a new one at an early day. The work throughout, the Publisher is proud to say has all been executed within the County, upon paper from a Canadian Mannfaeturj', and token as a whole, is flattering to the capabilities and resonrcoi of this rapidly progressing section. JAMES SUTHERLAND. Ingersoll, C.W., 1862. NAMES TOO LATE FOR INSERTION, ALTERATIONS, OMISSIONS, 4e. INGERSOLL. CALLAHAN, D., dry ^oods, groceries, &c., Thames. (Sea card.) Carroll, John, at Royal Exchauge Hotel. McLEAN, ALLAN, paper ware'aouac, Thamea. (Se« card.) Parsons, John, at Great Western Hotel. PTJLE, JOHN A., with J. Sutheilaud, bds. Royal Exchange EoleL Thirkell, — , clerk at O'Connor's. WOODSTOCK. HAY ( tical list o'i re- } sidcnls IJlcnheim (North) ) " " (South) Braemar, Fu:=t Otiice of Brooksdale. P^ist Ofiicc of }3rown&villo. Village of " Alpiud)etieal list of Prr- fcssions A ■•., Burgos'sville, Village of " Ali'habctical list of Pro- fessions, Occ, Campbeirs Corners, Canada Christian Conference, Canadir.n Litcri;ry Institute Cyanudiaii Presbyteri;in ("hurch. Canning-, Villa-xo ol " Alphabetical list of Profes- sion.-, iVc, Centreviile, Villaaro of " Alph;..'-.::ticid lift of Pro- fessions, .^;c., Census of the Countv, abstract of Cbesterfield. Vill:,^.>'of " Alphaliciical list of Pro- fessions, itc.. Church of England, Clergy of the County of O.xford, County of Oxiurd, dcsc-iptioii, &c., of County Council, Couuty Ofliccr^s D Page- 23 23 25G County Roadai, Courts Page. U 2fi ID 19 2i) 'J8 lOG 106 28 30 30 31 34 31 3.S 109 109 109 no 110 111 217 28 VIII 27 1C8 168 112 112 21 112 112 27 27 1 28 26 " Couuty, 22 " Chancery, 25 '< " Clerk.'! and limits, Division Cou'ls, " Division, " Judicial Odicers, " Law Circuits, " Quart'T Sessions, " Surrc!,'at'.\ Common Srhools, Soo Soliool.s. Coiiipcndinni of Rf^iifdous, Culloden, Viilac^o of " A'phalxtieal li.st of Profes- sions, ttc. Dean's Mills Dtrehani, Township of " Aiirionltural Censu.s of " Alphabetical list of rcsi- deni;-, Division Courts Clerks and limits of 25 Drunibo, Village of 1 15 & 217 " Alphabetical list of Profes- siuMS and Trades, Eastwood, Village of " Alphabet'cal list of Profes- sions and Trades, Educational, " Statistics, Embro, Village of " Alphabi 'tical list of Profes- sioi'.oaiid Trades, Fairview, P(jst Oflico of Free Will Baptist, Goverimient of Canada, Grammar Seliool^', 14 & 17 Table of receipts and Ex- penditures, Ilagle's Corners, Ilarringt'"!)), Viilaje of " ' Alplial'Ctieal list of Pro- tions and Tradi^, irowell's Mills, Ingersoll, Vilhige of " Alphabi tical list of Profes- sions ami Trades, luucrkii', N'iilago of 25 25 26 25 23 25 22 113 lU 247 43 43 44 118 122 122 7 8 122 127 128 28 251 13 247 128 129 1C8 130 137 163 .NDEX luDcrkip, Alphabetical Hat of Pro fe^Kiona and Trudtis, Judiciary of tbo County, Judicial 01ticor>> Ju'jticea of the I'caco, KiutoiT, Post (.Uiico of Lakc'sido, Yiiiauc of " AlphabJlical li:=t of Profes- clous and Tiv.dop, Lcgi'ilativc Councii ol' Can:ula, " " CUiiccrs, " Ajccinbly ni' Canada, " " bnictra, Lyons (Jornor:-, Mctliodist Kpisi-opal, " Xcv.- Coiiiicxiou, " rrinrltivo, Military Muuiit El{.'in, Tillngo of " .\lpli;ti>eli(ral li.st of Profiis- feions and Tivid^^s Mo":!cipal oi 'Lowi.ihip Officers, Kewavk, ViU: ;;»> of Nissouri (U i:il}, L'owniship of •' A'j;rlcuil-o, .;l Cen.m^, " A!piir.beti(;:d li.-.t cf Pro- fos^ion.? and Timuols NisfSOMii, Post Oilico of IVorwich, Townshipo of, Nc-th and Sonih, " AgricuU'i\d ccn:-,u3 of (!>ovt'i) •' " " (.-oath) " Alphabet io:il list o;' reai- deuii', (Xi)iiu) " Alphabetical l;,it of resi- dents, (Sunth) Norwichv'llc V'iliag'o of " Alphabetical 111 of Pro- fossion:-' ia;d Trad'j.'. Ottorvillc, Vihajio of " Alphabi'lioal list of Pro- fcsf'ioii,^ anvl 'iVud( .j, OxfLird Coutrc, I'o: i Oihco of '• Alpiiabotical Hat of Pro- fessionii and 'ruivl".?, Oxford (J'' asl), 'L'lAvn.-hip of " A.tri-icuidiivd Coiiia;.', " Alphuli lii.'ai list of ro.idouta Oxford (Northl.'i'ovvn.Vnip i T " A'/riciduira! CciiJ-ij:-', " Alphaboti'.^'il li>f of rp^idents Oxford (Wf-I), 'rovV)is;hi[) of " A.Lrlculiural t,'cn.-;ii.-', «* Aipir.b.'tical lisl ofrciidouta Plaltsvi!!-, Vili.'p." of " Alpbubtti^'al H.H •©: Pro- Page, Page. Aissiona and Trade?, * lb2 1G3 i Plattsviiic titation. Village f 184 2* ♦' Alphabetical Hat of Pro* 26 fessions and Trades, 184 241) ; Post Ollicos in the t ..unty, 2U 1G5 j Presbyterian Church of Canada, 28 iC'j I Princeton, Village of 185 j '• Alphabetical bst of Pro- IGfi I fessions and Trade.?, ISi) 2.) I : Railway Stations in Ccuntr, 27 252; Ratho.'Villa-itof ' 187 252 ■ " Alphabetical list of Profco- 25.")' j'ioiiH and 'I'radrp, 188 248 ] Reprular Bapti.-t Ch'ucli, 28 28 I Keli'-'ions, Conipendiani of 22 28 I lliclnvood, Post Office of 188 " Alpliabelical list of Pro- fcssions and 'JVados, 189 Roman Catholic Church, 27 Bajford, Pust Ofilcouf ISO " Alphabi.iioal list of Profes- sions and Trudu'?, 183 SJiOol .'^'tati^tlc;■•, Common School Teacher?, 11 Couimon .Schools, !' 189 "' Alphabetical li.^' of Pro- fessions and Trades, 190 Sweabor?, Villas'o of 190 " Alphab' t'ie.^i li?.t of Profes- i-'miii and Tmde:-:, 192 ; Table i.-al (.'c ir<, 85 " Alphabetical I:... o<^ rf;6 Wolvortoii, Vilhij^e of 202 ; Zorra (Wcot), Tou-ii'^lup of 9-4 " Alpliiibi'liciil ii-t of Pro- j '• Agriouitiiral ('li:i!joticul iil.s &o., BR0WX8VILLE. McShorry, Goo., plot\'inaker, BURGESyVlLLE. O'Neill, Ed\vard,.Franklin Uotel, 111 CULLODEX. L-^ador. A., M.D., McArthur, Rial, Culloden not-"!, McDonald, ti., ?.t.l).. DRCMBO. Brown, S. D., foundry, D.iniols. Jacob, saddlery, Fay &: l)om:ir lIoiV30, Hiil.R. T., gi-ocor, McKonzie, Jamo.^, dru^f^ist, Mann, R. S., gi^noral atoro, Rogers, Jam"?, oarriajo maker, &3 117 Rounds, J. B.,M.D., 121 Snyder, P. iU (Juutxal liotol, 117 .'30 50 81 88 101 9J 101 107 IV infi XVi IV 110 11.") 11.1 lU 110 121 IV 121 12(1 121 i Thomas, Henry J., grocer, 120 EMBRO. Albion Tlotol, 123 Di>nt, Jnlin, general storo, 12o Duncan, Dr. Goori;."', 125 Ro3?, Goorf^s?, blacksmith, ' 123 Swan, L. 11., M.D., 123 White, Kennetii. tinsmith, 125 HARRIXGTOX. Pal^-c & Livitod. b!i!ek:snilthr., 123 IXGEIISOLL. Anglo American IJotci, 148 Barker, P^dwai-d, boot and shoo niannf.ictur; r. 261 Barraelou;^-!;, T. iJ ., bout, and shoo atoiv, 1.53 B, rry, Wm., renovator, 160 Bolo:^, Jithn. nierohant tailor, 113 BoA-er.s Thomas M.D., 1G2 Bowes, John, i:c.it';-r, 261 Brady, John, Roy.d E.xehanc!,e. HI U>'Owo(t, Jojpph, gonerai .stor.}, 157 Brown, Tiiomi'^. li'ntivor storo, 148 I3ro\vn &G.illii'urd, I)00t3 Sc fhoss, l.")8 Buchanan, Jamjs, tinware, dec, XV Ualluhan, D., drv good.', &c., II 'Jarroll, I). W..'M.n., 161 " Chronido."' J. .S., G'^-. -tt, Edi- tor and Propriet , 133 Christ jp':inr. John, u. 'ia-o., saah an. I d:n'<\' factory, lo3 Ciirk, llu'.,'h, furnitu' V IriO Clark, Thorn V.'. Barri .^ :. Szz., 15.5 Clark, G. A., M.D., 159 Elliott, Noah, farrier ■. i black- smith, 152 Fi.'thcrst'ju, Wm., cabinet maker, 153 xn IXDEX. iri8 161 1G2 159 Finlay, Mnttlicw, livery stables, 201 Gordon, Alex., merchant tailor, 155 Hall, Chas. i'.; wjitehmaker, &c, 144 liearu, H., Royal Hotel, 152 Hoyt, J. J., M.I)., IGO Kneoshaw, Robert, chemist, &■'., 142 McCi)tv.!,hey, James, L.L.B., bar vister, itc, McDonald, A. F., harness and saddlery, McDonald, James, hats &: cap.s, Mclntyre, James,' furniture, McLean, Allan, paptT warehouse, inside oi' front cover. Morgan tt Dadden, carriage makersl-K! Noxon, James & Samuel, Ibtmdry, 14ii Oliver, Adam, liuilder, sash and blind factory, &c., 155 OUard & Ilifrgins, attorueyd and solicitors, 150 Ollerenaluw, Mark, • groceries, liquors, &c., 144 Ollerenshaw, Jos., professor of music, XVni Oweus, A., hairdiesser, 159 Fuddefoot, George, billiard and hairdressing saloon, XVHI Robinson, E., steam furniture factory, XIV P.,oss, Wni., millwright & civil engineer, 162 Smith, T. M., Great Wcsteru Hotel, Springer, Wm., M.D., 160 Stuart, John, flour and feed store ^ and prop. Xoit'aStar Mills,XVIII Sutherland, James, publisher, V Wallace, Donald, hardware, coal oil and lamps, 135 Webster, Geo. II., cabinetmaker, 150 White, David, dry goods, kc, XV Woodcock, Ralph A., stationery and news depot, XTI INNERKIP. ' Clement W. D., M.D., ICi Liudsay, R., drugs, «S:c., 165 McKay, Hugh, "Rae Arms," 104 ' Walker, J. R., M.I)., 1C5 ! LAKESIDE. Lakeside Hotel, 167 Lakeside Mills, 167 Sharp, H. Fred., dry goods, &c., 166 MOSCOW, OR HOWELL'S MILLS Howell, Wealoy. prop, of Mills, 168 Page. Page. NORWICHVILLE. Bleakley, Geo., biscuit manufac- turer, 171 Bungay, L. F., tinware & stoves, 173 Cameron, Jas. veterinary surgeon, 173 Douglas, John, taimery, 173 O'Neill, Jamei?, Stroud's Hotel, 174 Palmer, II. N., dentist, 171 Pitcher, Seneca, dry good.-*, ack cover, CiMiadivLife Assurance Company, 217 Canada Fanners' Mutual «fe Stock Insurance Company, 210 Cnrder, G. W., lumber vard, XVII Cirrall, R. W. W., M.D., 227 (./arroll & Beard, barristers, &c., 237 . Provincial Fire & Life Insurance Clarendon Hotel, J- B. VauVoor- I Conipanv, his, 244 I ReviH, R. M'. dentist, Clarke, Lovi, tinware and stoves, 239 i Ilicluird.-r.n. Hugh, barrister, &c.. Close, Joseph,, brick and tile i Richmond, D. C, huts, caps and maker, 223 : Airs, Coghill, Donald, boots and shoes, 240 I Ross & Bird, ban-isters, .fee, (;;opp & Brother, foundry, 242 Royal Fire and Life Insurauce Cox, James, dry goods, &c., 211 ^ Co., John Barwick, agent, XVI Cullen, J. F., prof, of penmanship, 243 ScarfT, AV'iii., curriuire maker, 205 Graham, John, Victoria House, 239 ^ Seolield, F. B., sashaud blind fac- Grcig, John, attorney & solicitor, 233 | tory, 241 Grey, Wm., insurance i..nd general \ Sherwood, John W, bookbinder, 233 nei, Milisr, 1). G., banister at law, Murrriv, Robert, Ciirii.ige maker, Xelli.^ J. H., attorney nt law, Xiai..ira District Fire Insurance Company, Xinimo, Rob'ort, boots and shoes, 20;) Oliver, Tiiujuus, dry goods, "" JOBBING AND REPAIRING '■ - ■ PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ADVERTISEMENTS. xfn K, CH. LOUI8 ^. VL.LMAN, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, TOIiOISrXO, O. TV., Kreps constantly on hand tho colebratod PATENT ROCK CRYSTAL or ARKANSAS QUAUTZ ol»ECTACXES, adapted to any oje, and OPTI- CAL INSTRL'MKN % They uro coi.atimted and ground upon the exact principles of sph(rical syatcni, by Mr. T' Iman, which renders them cool and <'asy to the eye. l^y a mere glance oi thi eye, suitable glasses can be selected at the fii-st trial. Glanaes inserted in old frames, and satisfaction gvaranteed. Mr. U. will occasionally |)ay a liu.siiH'SS visit to the various towns and vil- latfos on the lin«s of tho RiilwajH throuirh the Counties west of Toronto, of which due notice will be given. ' Siiould his salt's not give entire satisfaction, he will exchange, or reliirn the money. Mr. U. has had TWENTY-FIVE YEARS experience a.s a practical opti- cian, and in 0])thalniir Hospitals in the United States and Europe ; and the highest references will be jriven. ;k/~NO TRAVELING AGENTS EMPLOYED. •w. G. W. CARDER, STEAM SAW MILLiS, OTTERVILLE, C. W., AND DEALER IN LUMBER. LATH & SHINGLES, 7ARS NEAR MARKET, JOITN PAKKER, Agent. WOODSTOCK. C.W. ~~WlL HAY, Saddler and Harness Maker, AND DEALER IN Saddles, Martingales, Bridles, Brushes, Curry Combs, HALTERS, WHIPS, &c., and every article in the line. South Side Dundas Street, East of Caister's HOTEL, WOODSTOCK, c m. SfOt ATmamAKHtsra. JOHN STUAUT, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Mannfadtrer of Oat Mca], and I*roprletor of ZNGERSOLL, C. W. /S^THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR OATS. GEORGE PUDDEFOOT'S Hairdressing and Billiard Rooms, IKGEKSOLL. C. W. •^«%^A^^^^'^^#^^^^^^^W^^^i^^^^^^^^^^«^i/^'^'^^l'^«««M»««^iMMM^ "Is ibe Billuurd Boom «» two first^slass marble top Tables. x;z !>■ I I |> II JOSEPH OLLEBIKHAW, ran OF nmnEHTii m. BANDS tavgbt, and fnrnisbed witb tbe latest arranged mxisic. For sale, ft few Ml«ctioQS of first-class Band Mualc, arranged for any namber of iostomenti. INGERSOLL, C. W. •p *. .*, » -' I ^,. COUNTY OF OXFORD ./•■ r '• •♦ •; r"^ GAZETTEER, ANI> (JENEllAL DIRECTOltV, l''()J{ 186;2 a. COUNTY OF OXFORD, I'ROVINCR OF CANADA. Tlii^ fill.' am] IV'itilo county, wliicli, prior to tlio year 181.', lonno^l (for jiidiciiil purjio.-'t'sj what was calloil the '• Urock J)i.-;1iitt." Iiy whii'li iiiiiiH' il was jri'iicniUy known; is of inland p'0,^'rai)liii'al jjo.^ilion, and loniprifjos. in iciiitorial fxtont, un area ol' 710 squaro iiiihs. it is houudod us follows, viz: — On thc> North, l)V llio (.'onntirs ol' I'ertli and Wad'rloo; on theSoutli, by tlio Counties of Kl;:in and Xorlbik; on tho Ka.>t, liv tlio Countv of Jirant; and on the West, liv tlie Countv (^f Middlesex. I'nder its deiioniiiuttiou tts iho above " Distriet,'' it was at mie tfme.,)-rtfi0.) been al)olished. and the formatiim of Col".ntiks declared instead, it was snlW^- (|U(!ntly — b\ statute 14 and 1"), Victoria, Cap. 5 — tuiacted that Oxford should he formed ami constituted a County, comprisiuff the Townships therein desi^-- 2 COUNTY OP (»XFORI) (JAZKTTKKU. Aritrx. TOWNsnil'S. A.ni;s. c.i.i:.] O.vlnl'.l. Kil>l. :m,022 •Jl),72.s OAl'unl. AVist. 27.t2:i 4«i,.')H;i OxIVird, Xoilli. 1:1, 0.H :{M.."!s7 /(>rt';i. ivist, r.i.nn: :{r).ii(;(i '/j>t\r::. West, .'I.(I2.S ■ N'illiu'i' of hmt'i'si *!I u;ul iint»'(l. 'I'lic County haviiijf llms been fuinlly orjiaiiizfd hm one of distiiicf dcter- [iiiiiat<^ jiirisdidioii, iiriMttiK-licil, jiiridiciiily or olIi-rwiM'. (0 any nflifr, tli(» Inllowinir arc now tlu' Miuii'ipaliHi'-i of wliicli i( i.-; cMiniH^M'd. wliicli \Vt> t'lniuuTutc witli tiio huiiiIk r of acres (ujiacsscd lor iSdL'j of which c^cii 'ruwii- .-lii|) id comprised, viz: TOWNSIIIl'S. 1'lcidjciin. I '.landlord. •NitiHouri, Mii^i, Norwidi, Noith, Norwich. Sontii. 'J'owii of Woodstock, Villayc oi" Kmltro, witii a wiiuli' pojmiatii;!!, a . \vc coiii|(ii<^ from tlic census iitnnis ol" Canada for iStil. of lorfy-.-i.\ tiioiisi.nd one liunth'cd and ( i^-hty-fivc. (iM'injif Iwciily-lhrcc liiousantl ci'/nl Innulr.'d a!i; tlnis (levelo])in;i: to a I'cmarl;- a'tlc dejrrce, ih<- very niulerial proirress of .-^ettli nienl in liie county and its concom- itant advantajiW.. and < vinclii;: l!ia1 Oxfoi'd is fniiy entitled to hear tlie pahn as the Uanner County of the J'rovinci". us excoedinj.^ its compeer.- in lapidity of growth witliin tlie last decade. On ])a.»i'e — we 'jive an accurate al)s(r;;cl stat< - luont of the ro.-alt ol' Mie ccn-.us of the ('(umty taken in If^dl, with the conipai- alive totals for iH.iI, co)nprolien<]i:iLr tlu' dilii'ienl nationalitien in each nr.uiici- pality, distincuisiiiuir tho soxos in num') •:'. ricuo.d attendance:', ; late of tlieir education, with t!ie iiirliis '^\\d dealii.-; recoi'ded in ISIld. to which is ailded a carefuliy ju'epared compendium of the v,;rious ri']i;."iiai^; denoniiiiatioiis in the to\vnsliij).5 respectively. From ihat ah-ii.ict it will lie .: Caiiadu Ka>t. two hundnd and ninely-luur ; Scothuui, lour ihou-inid iiine hiuitinMl and twoiuy-two; Kiiirhniil. foiir tlion-.uid liv<> hundnd and sI.\i.-two; hehnui, two thousand one Imndrc-d iimi ei-rhty-two : I'nited Statis. two ihous.uid two hundred and iiinily-nne; Xova Seiiiia. cue liun-wi<.lv live Innidred ;uid iwelv.' : tlevmany. nine luindr«d and ninety-one; and the ivmaindei-. I'juropean and otlnn' I'orei^n couiitric-;. A con- siderahle portion of the county is intcrsocteil V iiti'l llii'i't'. iipnii tnivcliiii:' tliriiii;j:ii the coniity, tlio cyp, in wlmtfvcr (lin'ctioii. i'l any towiisliip, it i.-t vnM. is frriH'tfd with iiiipoi-iiiL' lamlscapo scciit ry. ri'iiiiiKliii? tho ln'IioMcr more ttf nii Kiv/lish hiii(lsciip<> tliaii tint rocovcnvl IVum thi' donsc lorr.t Inil at ii coinp^irativi'Iy nrciit prriix!. 'I'hc .soil III tiic roiiiilv is (if "Tcrl dcptli ami firtiiitv, ami is altciMati-lv of a ricli. MMi'ly loan!, ami pluyoy chara'tiT iiit(MMiii.\pil vith ,',';'iivi'! ; soiii'^ tracts licinc,' of an iillr.vial iialiiic iiinI niiiilacioiis nimlity. poPs,ps.siii;^ great tV'rlilizinp proppr- tifs, all ca.-iiy worked ami yipldin.'r laij!;i' croiis of wliPat, corn and potatoes. Tlie f|iiaiitity of wheat fais -d in the county uf O.vfoid in t'^'iO was one million iV'ily fuiif thoiiSiind oup hnmlrod and thirty-six bushel-, heinjj twenly-threp iMi.-hels per ln-ad of the poj)ulatioit. Tlu' Certility ol' the soil of O.vl'ord is im'ced, siicli thai ill t'li olhclal return made in 1h;',(» l,y Aftiiiv Surviyor-Geiie- ral ('hewi'tt. wiu) was appoiiitfil under authority of I'arlianieiit to .«urvt y Ih** •■ (.iiaiitilies of lautl in the i'roviiic". " he repurtrd th;it this coiinly •• w.\s tub Mosr vAi.iAiii.K i.A.vi) TV Till; Pitov iNCF..'" Tliis opinion, g'iven Iiy an experi- enced prole.-?ioiial gentienian of known abilities, and einployeu l>y the govorn- nieiil (>r the country, and lieiii^r, beside-;, ."tii unbiassed rec.ort. c.iiinot but be accepted as the best ami most worthy tp.«timoiiy tn the superior fiuality of the l.tnds of the County of Oxford over those of any ntlier in the I'rovince, und an eiicoura.nvinent to tlie ent'jrprisiu};" a<;ricultura!i-it. and well defervim^ the atU'inion of all iiib-mliii;^- settler.; in Cauad.'i. Oxford is al.'^o an oxcoUent fruit prodminjr (.'ounly. All the vurieiied of fruit cultivated in the IVovinee. thrive here in prreat vi?:or a-id productiveness. The apple, the iieach, the pear, seem imii,rcnou.-i to ihc climate, and pirden vpg-etable.-; ilouri^h Mcll and attain a lars i,TOv.th. Vines of all kuie seen coverpd with preat yellow pumpkins, the produce of the pumpkin vine, which will run iks prowtli even over stumps and brush-heaps; and the cauta- loune vine yields pretty larfre crops of delicious melons. From the inland position of Oxford it is, of course. MithoiU those important receptacles of commerce — Ports and Harbours — and althouuh it is eminently an agricultural county, and its industry is principally applied to ajrricultural pur- suits, yet its mauufacturoH are pxteusive, and from the mimerous streams, biooks and creeks which irrigate the lands all o\'er, tbcre i:-, rxcellent hydraulic power a\ailaljle for efficient ijropalsiou of machinery for maiiufacturincr pur- poses, and there is, consequently, tho most ample scope for carrying on the milling and factory busines.s, in which, a.s weP iw iu the lumber trade (every townsliip. almost containing sm'eral grist, flouring, saw and other mills and fi;cturies,) there is ulreadv u verv extensive trallic realized, and the liusiness of each branch of these couhl bo still further greatly extended by well directed enterpri.-^e, with not only profitable returns to the parties engaging in their active operation, but with benefit to the whole conimuuity. I 11 4 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER. From lh(^ fertility and coilificd value of its soil, imd its well known lulajitu- tion for culture, both jijiriculturally and liorticultiu-aliy, the favorable cajiabilities which it posse 'scs for iidvantageously carryinji' on. within its limits, the several iiranches of industrial manufactures alluded to. and liii' many udvantajj'es otlier- wi.so which the county natundly alVords, tofrether with the f^reat railroad facili- ties for the tnuispurtatiuii of materials and produce, besides easy accessibility, iiy "rood roads, for the like purposes to any ))art of the citnnty. Oxford is ren- dered, in an eminent d(>i;Tee. an exclicnl and desirable locality for settlement, etjually for the airriculturali^t, miller, mcrcliant. manufactm-er. mechanic and opei'ntive. Ill referriufr to the early setth-ment of the county it will l)e snlVicient for tlie purposes of the present work to oive a biief synoptical account of it. without tntcrinii' upon any Icn.t'thened or ciaborat<' rcvievv o|' lht> ucner.il lii(piisite for the coni[)ilution of a County Directory. 'I'hc ori.u'inal Ibruialion and .M'ttlcmcnt of what is now the Comity of Oxford conunencetl durinir the rririmf of the first Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada--' 'oloncl dohii Craves Simcoe — whose term of Governorship was from 1792 to IT'.m;. 'j'lie 'r,)wnshi))s of Blandford. IJienheim and West Oxford a])pear to Iuim' been the lii'st opened up and surveyed for .setthmient. vhich wa.s iu the year 17IK5. 'I'he others v.-ere .-nrveyed during' the suece.ssive years up to 1820, when th.e survey of Zorra was made. 'I'he \\r<\ and i)ioneer settler in. and for a number of years, the Representative in Parliament, of the County, was the late 'J'hontas Horner. F/~i((., M. P. P. Mr. Horner was. by birth, an American, but a colonial IJritish subject. Mis advent to the "Western part of Canada wa.s under the following' circumstances: In consetpience of .services rendered to Colonel Simcoe, during the American Re\-olntionary War, by a Mr. Wat-on, an uncle of Mr. Tlorner"s. in remembrance of them, the (.'oloiiel, on his appointment as Governor of Upjx-r Canada, invited Mr. "Watson to come and settle in this Colony, and being at the same time anxious for tin' introduetiun of settlers into the Pni\inee from the I'nited States, tlii' Governor nrge(l him not only to come himself. Imt •• lo liring e.ll hi-' fritMids ami relations willi him," and as an indncemeiii and a I'v'ward for those service-;, h. was prom- iswl a whole To\vit,-!iip for them. In Nirtne of thi- ]ircmi.-e. .Mr. ^^'atson aecordiiig'ly .■^ent a son to C;>n:iil;i, v,lio, accompanied bv Ids cuusiii, Mr, llornc!'. arrived in Oxford in 1TI):1. and to liu ilitate th(ir i-peedy setllemenf, the (roveriior instantly ord(>red that three Conc(>s,>ion.> of the Township of Dlen- Leiin should be surveyed for tin in. in which, after the sarNcy Mas niade, a site was chosen for the erection of a mill, which wa.- reipiired by the (jovernor >hould be e.«tablished, as one of tln^ co'idilions of their absolute right to the lauds p-anted, and a.s an encouragjeuiont to future .settlers. After making the s(>loction for the mill site, both the cuiig'ranl.s returned to the States. jr(U'nftv ulono caiuo back to Canada, which he did with the view of settling in thi.^ county, bringing with him from Albany, N. Y., the materials and men to erect. AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. th" mill ill (|U('."tion. At tliis timo tlie locality of liis iiitemlod scttloniont. inni IIk' siiiToutKliii!^ toiritoi'V wcm umnarkod i)y a ^^iiifrlo fciitiiri' of civili-atioii. 'I'Ihti' was thoii no road cntiimuiiicatioii i'roin Niatrara (tlicn calicd Ncvark. ami llic scat of ^fovprninoiit) to Vork (now Toronto), and tlio usual mode ( f travi-l- iiiir anil fov tlio trantj>ortati»»n of fi'ooils. was liy boat alon;* llic Lake -lioro. :-i> lliat tli(^ oidy apj)roiich to tho county Mas Uy siicii route. Mr. Harncr bavin:;- coiivcyrd liis n\atmals, itc. .ill tLo way by water frori near .\ll>ai)y, drew in )iis lioat to the beaeli of Uurlinirton J'ay, in tlie neiudilioi'luux] of uli<'re tlie (ily of Hamilton is now situated. His carjro was tlience curried tn l>leiilieiin en slc in his mill speculations, for the dam of his Hrst (tlie saw mill) wiiii'h was ill workin^jf order in IT'.)."), broke down before it had bor-n in opera- tinii iit all, and the {rrist mill, which ho .subsuciuenlly erected, was ccstroyed by lire in 1809, and uever rebuilt. Mr. Horner held the first military appointment in the county, having be<'n jippointed Captain of the Oxford Militia in lT!t8. He was a!si) a l>ep\ily T.iiiiliMiant of the County, to whicli ho was, aiipuinted in 1800. The County of O.vford, which for I'arliamenlary jiur])oses. w is previous to IS'JO. incor))orated with the County of Middlesex, became entitled to have a IJepreseiitalive of its own in the Le ineant'me, by the requi- ,'ile nnml)e;- of jiopulation. attained that status which eiitill'Ml it to return two Meiiib( rs of I'arliament. Mr. Horner continued to represeiit (.)xford in I'arlia- ineiil, with a .short intermission, from the date of his first election till his death, ill the year 18IU. The career of ttiis first settler in Oxford redounds much lo th" credit of his memory, worthy of ciiudation liy presei.t and future .settlers. H 1^ was true ]?riti,sh loyali.st, of unsvvcrvinir iiatriotism, as evinced by his many ])a(riotic act.'', and .self-denial both in a military caiiucity and as a civilian, l;ie history of which is b> bo found in the annals of his a period of his entry into the c'ounty. there was no si;rn of luiinaii habitation other than tla^ ria'c wii;wain of the Mohawk Indian, he had Avitnessed the erection of substantial f.uin build- ings instead; — the jungle und tbo forest transformed into waving corn fieklsuud (i !t i I ■i 11 i III if COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER. I'ii'li, {trodu.'tivc ruriiiiiicr lands; and tlio (.'ouiity raiii'liy dnnvinfr witliiii its !)oniidan('y ;iii (Mit('ri)ri.-;i)i'r, industrious, and thrifty population; and tluit wilbiii liut a coniparativoly .short spiicc oftinio. 'i'horo is one incident in the lilV of Mr. Horner, so uiiiquo and iilustralivc of tin- times lu' lived in. tliat we (.-annoL lorliear (pioting it hore. and pt^'haps its perusal may annise our renders; hut before doinji: so, 'vvo nm.-i pr-'inise that by an Act of Par!iauie:;t, :];{ (hn). lU., cap. .> (179)5), majrislrates weroallnwed to marry any person resiinetl in matrimony." was to pve iioti(;e thereof to a ijustice of tiie Peace for the district. The justice porforininu' this Gordian-knot c'>i'emony. w/.s speclallv recpiired to do so aecordiiifj to the ceremonial rites of the Chiurh of England, but it would appear that from the impunilive nature ol" this matriii onial enactment as rt>pird3 a strict eompliauce with the prescribed fornuda, t!i(^ v. orthy justices of those days were I'ather iax ill tiie observance of the .statut'>ry re(|uiremeii(s. However, wo tlnd record 'd of .Mr. florn( '•, that " on one occa.nted to by all parties, and the bride, bridegroom, justice, and friends, proceeded in ilie woods until they had got the rer|uired 18 miles' distant from the parson's residence. 'I'he bride and Itridegroom hopped upon a log, and in a nnnutc afterwards jumped thei'efrom man and wife." Brevity seems to have charai'ter- ized the interesting ceremony, but the *' hapjn- troupie, " it is presumed, •■ looked before they lea))ed" tlie hymeneal juniji. The County of C)\l'iird is at pveeitl re])re^en1ed in I^arliaineiil. in Ihe L"gis- lative Assein!>ly, by Ih' Hon. "\\'iili:'ni Mel )migall. Commissioner of l.'rown I/inds, for the North Riding, and Ski^Hingtoii Connor, I'^'fjuire, E.L.D. (^C., fnr t!ie South Ri'ling. \i tlie last g(>neral election, Mr. McDougall (who had lieeii previously the repr'. -'iitatiNe) successfully contested North 0.x ford with Isaac J'.uchanan. Esi|uire, M.IM*. for the City of flamilton. the then Ministerial e indiilate, but having beconn', as Commissioner or(Jrown Lands, a member of l!ie jircsent G(»^'"rnnient, (which had comi! into ofRce .since his election, and llr^reiiy vacated liis seat for Ihe Riding,) he was again returned as i.('.. ind ■itli M'inI IT of ;;id >*')•, ut'i ivo wr, i(a- tlii) AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. E D U C A T I O N A L . ia iliG vt-r)' important matter of Kilucation, great prooross lias heoii pffoctod in the County ol" Oxford, and she lias now the advantafivs of a lilu'ral aiul per- uianent provision for the ••eneral aneen planted amongst the settler,*?, as had l)ee!j the blessir. ■ of th"ir earlier days and the i-iide of their fathers. There are one hundred and ten common school sections and schools iu the couniy, sixty-six of which are free whooLs, and forty partly free. (for the free system is " pronnd and l)econiin!i" ino>'e appreciated.) undi-r the tuition of highly qualified and certificated tearhtns, l)e.siranMnar sMiools and a large nuuiljer of ])rivale schools and academii's, where all the liranches of an I'liiglish and classical education are competently t;i!'.;;iii. 'I'he following tallies furnish a detailed ReporCof t!ie School Slatisiic.-; of thi- Count\ : — (BOUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEEP I 1—1 O o 5^. H O a. U Hi o o o »-; o 'papnadxanfi '0981 SniJnp Bosodjnd looi{3g uommoo nv joj ajn^ipiiadxa I'biox 'aasuadxa aaq^o puv |9iij 'jfjdaoiwg '8J[00{i looqog JOJ •sasnoH looqog JO sjiBdaj puB siuaj JOJ ■sasnojj looipg Suipiina puB sa^ig JOJ ♦J •■- o MS I- n M O C5 O O CO f-t 05 C3 CO M « CO »« -I ':!• «— ( rl (M 1^ CO 1— * «o '-0 IM CI CI ■«1< o o in CO o J- I— I 00 jod 001 3inpniouj 'sauBjqiq puu Bezuj 'siHBJBddy 'sdBi\[ JOJ CO IM m •saiJBiBg .SJaqowaj, joj •0981 Suuup Eosodjtul iooq3g UOlUtUOQ IIB JOJ s^diaaaa in^oj, •OOUBli:5o ■<-' . u -^ o _ CI CO : • 1 < < o ■* O CO ! 'I" ci o o r-1 c-i CO CJ C4 00 CO "^2 t- •* «d 00 00 o ~ C5 rM ^rt 1-^ "d f-H I— (»co © o d CO o Ift o CO CO o q d o «o q CO to CO o •^aotnsijassv' looqog .saaisiux I -paAiasaa pnB j ' poiA3i iiiarassassy ; I lOoqog iBdp::mn | •gaiJBjqKj pntt ea;:!Jj 'sniB j -jBddv 'sdnj^ JOJ [ •saijBivg ' sJoqoBax JOj j 00 <^C1 ■ »¥" m C-. y>.-0 «>'3 o 0> o o 1— t OS o >*< «l3 o o c« 00 CI CI - o o d o 00 o o q 00 o q d r- * CO 1— I CI 00 q i-H CI o q d o lO o o in 00 q d 00 :o *.o CI o CO .-0 cj CI o in d CO d o I- o> -* M to Ol CO o o q d CI CI I- 00 03 00 CI CO d CI CO o CO o XI 'J o o Hi O ,o f' o o o m (-1 bo o c ^ 5 s o w H AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 2 X CO 'B|idnd JO -jdA3)«qAi looqog iav Saipna^^B )oa aajpnqa jo -ox 00 CO o co_ "cO o o o e-i o o 'a "1 CO cc O (£> 00 'p3)J0d3.I )0a BI 90UV -paa^jB PSoqAi 'o^ 123 j • 123 JOOl. 'Mp IS5 o; OOS 00 0> «3 05 l-H l-H ling Scl •s.ip OOS o; OSI —1 1- f-H o l-H f-H »o CO to c OS a •8,^p OSI o; 001 t— o o CI o cc CO r- •co c« childre •B^f^p OOT 0} OS •BjCsp OS 0) 0'. 00 o l-H 00 00 00 1 © CO Number of CI CO 1-^ l-H l-l Oi p-4 CI ■JBsX 9q; 3ui.inp BiCBp OZ ntjq^ BB3T 2 c» lf> CO l-H 1-4 •Bijdnd ;u92ipni CO l-l g ■* o CI l-H o en •«l-«!9 1 CO CO rH c* CO 00 •siog 00 <5 00 o 1-4 l-< o to •looqog JO uwpijqo -ojiii iB^ox CI CO CO 1 1 11163 % J3q;o JO sndnj o o CO CO •93b JO BJB9if a99)XIS pUB j9Ayuo9M49q Bjidn J CO CI c o 00 to ^ 00 CO o CI o 1 -938 JO saBajf ' CO CO O O O o CO 91 puB s na9Aii9q rH 00 ■«J< CI O CO noi^Bindod looqog -' l-H - ^ u m H ^? » o O ^ K -s" o 4-« ►3 1 z 3 ^3 ^ H o V Xi © H o o t» ^■H a H 10 COUNTY UFOXFUKI) GAZK'ITEER, it o o i O a o S^ H^ o Q O J?; 3 Oh ! i O >-/: ! g r.- •saipnjjg aaq^o I -jfjoMaipaou I n CI O I »- 1 n •aisnn \voo\ in o I — r^ i 'Aqilosoiaqj ib.ui'^'b^ 1- O ■ijptuoaf) o "BjqaSiv •noi]i3Jnsii3j^ 'Sind39j^->(00{£ •ijo^siy o CI CJ l.■^ CO CO •—I ITS M ex CO 03 CI 00 C0 n 00 e-i d M r-< M M o CO lO CO CO o LT t— * M rH e-i -J CI r- Ol 00 O ■__ •iCndtJj2o3(j xn?ipcnBQ; CO CJ CJ •iflldlJiSoOO lTJJ8U3f) j g ■.TUtuoinJO bo a a' - — ■ ' .- - . lauiqjijy ' ; -ssBio n^s ; •stivia m^ ; •ssuio pjg i •ss«]o pu2 ! (•'JSSiU.Ol) I 8 m IM "oc' CO ~«~ CI 00 00 I— I Cl' CI in o O Eh 1-5 O "cj CI c CO C5 CI © .111 u o t3 O O C5 o> 00 o r-H ""co en CJ o I- CO o 00 o oo in m cq r— < CO to in r- «5 o «> c» o •»!' CO N e>» 00 fH o CI CO w ^_ % "o fO ^ u OJ > to n CO CO cv^ CO o liJ CO CO CO lO .. »-^ A OS a o M F-< 00 23 o C AXD GEXERAL DIHECTORT. n "3 a < bo u o > < Siatpwdx 'piBfl IsaijSfH •jaqoBix ouo UHq; ajoni gni.v Bq gi ootjOi:;; jo 'osf ^'pOJISSBptJfl «»'i; o — > o o o o CO CO ■«*< .^■5 -^ '-^ ■■^ S a: H >^ b- ^ tn 7: a r^ o .s r.-" -f ^-f t! a o a 11IIlf) •^siidBg •}Sipoqi3i\: •8U10JI JO qOJlUJQ I •3[Bni3J in •OIBK o o •saaqoBDj, lOoqDg uomuiog © o M i-c >a 04 >5 o Eh o m ij § l> S •- ^ bO a o o 12 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, o .-I a Q OS O y< o p>^ o H 'A O O o -«? o o O o O a a: 2 o o GO BUILT DUBINO THI YEAR. 4 m n •301 l-H I-* •euuuj£ W 1 " 1 iC H •pdviodaj ;ox 1— 1 r-* •po^noH W CI • •poRiiaq 00 1— t 1 . . . CD •pioqaajj 1 S^ IM C^ f— 1 C •3oi I' f— " •"^ I- •ouo^s 1— ( 1-1 •Jioug I—* 1— 1 rH 1— ' ' looiiog JO joquinu puox o 1— ( CI CI CI CI 1— I •qjuoui dMl 'ssaj jo Kjnoo gg ;tj KjooqDS jo -ox e< S5 re C 2 I— I Ph Ph o ^5 02 O •jkItmI Jd(I 'sq^aoui nejq; jo uiJd; i^ 60^ocI»)j sijdnj jo "OX •soj^uuoj joqio III poptwej e^^nojud osoqAv Kjidn j jo -ox ••f^iinoQ aqj iiuiiiAV \n(\ 'iluo; oqj JO jno papisaJBjuojBd oHoqAv Bitdn j jo 'ox •paymjiK st •{:! -f) oq^ ojoi{av uavoj oqj JO jno popisojK^iKUTjd oKoijAv Kjidn j; jo 'ox •09jjt Jgqunp 3inpua;;p Bn^n j jo 'ox f/> I- 1 r: « I- *-c rt M ao 1 CJ ri ^— ' IM -& 1 - 1^1 i; O C P3 "0981 'sosodand looqog .imauiTiaf) joj aanjipnadxe p^ox X •0.^ 'sJiooq 'seiouaSiii^iioo JOj •souBjqif puu 'faozud 'fciiijcaudflB 'sduin jo^^ CO •sauGpjs saajBupj aoj GO t- '0981 JOJ B^sodjud looqag amuinnjo J^j fi^diaooj i«jox © O a: S ( H •< o •jiHUf^ [ndioiuuj^ uiojj © -M u~ "© © in "Im" vjaj uioj^.x © © u •souujqii pu« eazud 'smwatjddB 'sduui joj . IM •X aj 5S S 0} -uvf ;i;x ^^jj poAiaooy; © o l- 'X 0981 -'OJ juauiuou, !j.ioddv I . © ^ © '■© © © © op '©" © •M 1— I t- © i-H SM I— I '©" © © IM B5 • o o o c w be c 3 o I! !l !l 14 11! , f ■ . I !i h fl t' I'm I:' i o o o IS &- fa © i 2j >: ! ^ >; 7^ (^OUNTY OF OXFORD (JAZKTTKKH. i a '* 7 -C 51 B •p}i->na •0!l.init(iuv "1 ' rt -T" IVS L2 I- "T: ''^ ' c- —I t- — X M -f :— I ■M ^ o — */■. X - -. ° -5 ~ -I'M = 5 '4 tt L. o -r. I's^-H-ii 1 I c v. :3 c ^ 3== n ^ 2 ^ 5 Tl >' j;. I M i ^ ''. P i g t; « « « > '■^ : - - ^ ^ 35 V O 1 — ^ Ii il ^ -1 ,a ■J — • f- / 2 lT< s SJ ^^ *.' m "5 ■A^ ?■, O -< i Ph i*« j Tt w < W ;5 AND UKNEUAL DiKEeTOHV OTIIKIJ KI)r('ATT(»XAr. INSTITUTIONS IN TIIK (MM'NTV oK 1>XIY)UI). IN TIIK VKAll 18<;(». T.)t:il, '(. OXFOBD COI'NTV. 'I'OW.VS \Vuod;jtock, Ingersoll, .-3 t ^-« 7. t^ u "? y. s 2( Total, S cts. -loO.Oo 27;-) 5643.U0 13 > • 491 6193.00 16 h o X tin O '/■■ X C r. pa w H « tii COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER. ' " U.I 1 00 9A © td :s i" ^-1 X ^H |>.C CO 1- uiu(|i'r 1—1 3 * ' I Ix t- cs ts ; ir: •soi.nuqi'j in ■X) in X • •0 H.nuniOAjo -ox l^l^x 1 rf. * ■>\ 0991 "! I'l'JS ^{^ vs5 ■£ >-• sjjooji JO d\\\a\ <»W M •09^1 -ify Jt'-Ji" 5« !j^ ' 5 -uoiMocWi! OAijni -siiiVi JO nmoiuy .^^ •-1 098I'">J">^'!).<^''J^ ■ jj ^''^' < r Ph b >• m9 NX ■< /; 65 'r-t O H^ ■^^ E- •^ •< i: O ^^ri Uj r* a ^ w ^ y— * u ■-— ' tc n H is Q ^ W s^ 1— t X H^ /; &I CO c C N Q Sz; 73 ;^ Ph 73 'H3utn[o^ ;o -o^ 2 5 ?» ?« CJ CO 00 ^ vo 4 ui) 8(1, t([ )|3rqo I ^ C9 -^ t « m ■^ •«oqo[{) 'A Cm < pUB in3ISSB[J HOJdqdi^Huaij oi^xig oy 'puBjojj 'UIBIU^J )B3J{) 'BpSUBO 'Boi-iaoi V 'B31JJV •Bisy 'adojua o 'PHOM ^Ml '1«>0X 04 £35f} •rtl>. •Huonnqujaoo IBOO^ — ooooo ©Moino-^oioo-a — **WOOOOO«0«Ot^Or"000>0 — ,« «iftOlOQO©»00>^ineO(N— inifll- 'WjJ (-1 (M ►^ f-i »* -N (N ^(74 i-i p r. Ui O C5 O «-l i-l Ol -uddy ]ooq3(;i .loqjo 1 t t . s£ « .f-i .(N . I-* <-* • -1 '«3f|0[i) > t • 1 t •s).n:iio :;:;"; Cl . (N ^ n < t— f-^ m § »-5 !S5 '•■ptJUBO j ; 1 > 1 m- I I-S >— 1 — r" r-. « O H O ai •roijoiuy i ; » • 1-^ > i-H r4 ■ ^« p^ r^ ^« 13 o 'wujv :^ 1 ; • FH • »—! P^ 1 .-1 i-< . r^ n '^ H 'Fli-V i W H H •ocloatijf r-l F-. m ; "" •" . — l-H t f— 1 Uh -._<.■>. . — 1 < 1— • • • 2 •piiOitt 9'I,L 1 I 1 1 1 ■ i » . 1 1 1 : ! - ■ , O w i *£ X It 'J O O O O O C T! 1 "J Xi i^ cc >r* c-» w o w ~ 1- n* CO o v^ •1«}"J. 1 ^tr)ooo-«'*(rjrt=c; n '^s ,<5(|k(M — O C) ■* 5J — 'M Ct — rt — »n /; c/: CO 1 ij .^ f-'eo lo c s w o s tfi (N in t~- o^ rr N ' "jiiamuoij tt^SsScj—coc-ors C£ (T< «a o o >?5 O .joddi: OAiiT3[a!3j»-j cc in 'ft o o o» «c o M i.?i «k>-. ^ *£ •- t-^cs »n o o o c. o o c «r. J- t3 w-^KSffJ — o«o = c^ «o CI w •suoijiiqunuos [liDOl €»r-. OJ ^ (M — — — «£ (?l W o ::^ ( 1 • -^ ^ ;'yj S -< XtJ F. s CD Ml x1 1 ■ * 1 1 1 -<1 < X d d c d^ d £*" S,!z5}?;i<^52iJ?!; fee , 1—1 d 5?; C. o H N ?5 ■ . t» • ' <1 • • * c « D S o 5^ t/} T ( ( f P d ; 5 si 1 s§ AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 11) APPORTIONMENT OF THE LEfiTSLATlYE SCHOOL GRANT TO THE COUNTY OF OXFORD FOR THE YEARS 1861—2. «0 M — « COl'MV OP OXl'OKO. M CJ : *' - ; "4 ^-< -_' "^ " i — 1 1—4 1 1 * • 111 CO en (o 02 CT> CI OS 186-'. niandfoK^ .$±29 (10 Blenheim, HOI on DereliaiTi, 6^9 00 Nissouri ErwI. -100 00 Norwicli Nidtu, .391 0(1 Do. Sorth. .137 00 Oxford iVortli. 203 00 Da. E.'isl. 314 00 Do. W(i.sl, 313 00 Zorra EbmI, 618 00 Z jriji WcpI . 124 00 $4562 00 WoodMwk. liigorfioll, ('oiniunii fediool. 152 00 Jfnir.fin (-'ntholic School. 44 00 Emhro, • 1861. .■I221 0(t 769 00 fi06 00 454 00 409 00 368 00 211 00 355 00 .137 00 493 00 360 00 $4.'>83 00 $348 00 196 00 80 00 $634 00 ASSESS.MENT OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. ItKroRT OF TlIK COMMITTKK OV COUNTY COCJNCH., KQUAMZiyO TIIK ASiSKfiS.MKST AS IN T!IK ANN'KXF.n .SCllEDULK. The Coiumittct' In wlunii tlip etjualization of the Asses.-0. Emhro, .1563,740. And that the alxtve vahiation form the Uavsis of asf?o.ssment for the present yoar, aH shcwui in tlie annexed Schedule. .ill which is respectfully rtul)untted. (Signed,) (.■omniittee Rooms, 24th June, 1862. Joii.v Barwk^k, Chairman. ii t ! 20 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, SCIIKDULK, Showing' the as-sosaed vahiation of Real Property in the several corporations in the County of Oxford, for 1862, as equalized by the Council, in terms of the foregoing Report, witii the amounts to be raised by assessment for t^ounty and School purposes: COBPOBATIONS. Assessed vahie of real property as equalized. Blenheim. Blandford, j Dereham. Nissouri (East) Norwich (North) Norwich (South) Oxford (East) Oxford (AVest) Oxford (Novtii) Zorra (East) Zorra (West) ! ^\"ood81o('l\■, j ■ Ingerpoll. I Embro. ! Totals, 9,908,6.55 Amount to be rai.sed for County pHr|)osc,s. Municipal assessment for vSchools. GovermneJit Grant for Schools. $ i § ' cts. '■ $ Ct,'<. , $ cts. 1,283,020 ! 1.427 50 801 00 ; SOI 00 .'iSS.lO* 595 50 229 00 ' 229 00 1.334,900 1.485 00 ' 629 00 629 00 791,911 881 00 400 00 400 00 771,740 S.58 .50 I 394 00 394 00 .')7.'),360 640 25 337 00 337 00 680,040 756 75 ; 314 00 :U4 00 .>t8,4o0 610 25 313 00 313 00 400,026 445 00 203 00 203 00 1. 020.740 1.125 00 518 00 518 00 972,r)04 1,082 25 424 00 424 00 .568.760 632 50 n62,350 : 403 25 63,740 71 25 11.014 00 4.562 00 4,562 00 ! I 1 I t Ml AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 21 rporations in terms of tho t for (\)untv CTOvernineiit (inuit for ScIiooIh. $ cts. SOI 00 220 00 621) 00 400 (10 304 01) 337 00 311 00 313 00 203 00 olH 00 424 00 4,.i62 00 r-1 •0981 ni eii%v9Q > < O o » n •0981 ni sq^Jig in i- © O 'O CO t- 00 fO 00 to •* rq ■»* f 1 ?.ir-.-»o-i- N C ^: ■* ci 'S3[T!ra0j .•^wt-ooL-ooinaidO — — "ncs OOMCOTf— 'M'X'COCO — MMMOO I '^ « CI ro CO X — t- 'O i— •* ^ ~ r^ f— II— I Cl»-«^^i— *^^C*^ CO I 'saiBK l^^l-.^T^■-l^>lfome■^■<^oo^-<-^c Tfio Ttiij SUSxaO IVXOX ki .-I • iM -H rH e«j CO M >n co .-i ■* i^ s f^ M © fti Q « O b t^: >— < o "5 ►^ Eb O rti o fc- H xn '«/ M O il3 Tti O o H •I98I i>-W'-HOs*-^©'-i'>*'^cccj»nco C^«— •OC^eO*--HOOOCOrT'COCJCi fOi.oiot-t-t-i-ocoi^-^oj-^cyjOi MM MNr-ITfCOfOeOMlOrHCO 'jjjBtauaQ 'PUBJOJ 'puBipH 'lB3n;.iO(^ 'paBI.19/)IAig 'saTpai isBg 'Bag iv ,eo 'O0DOJ0J\[ 'puBipunojAiaij l"^ 'Ba3i3H •^g 'biibk CO If) ir: 1-1 M rH rl CO e^ 'Xatjnu8[) C500'^coiti-ot-i.O'»rXwOoac r-li-i Mr.1 C5 JO—ITfO CO Tfl 'motjjv Itn r-l F— CO rl 1— I C<| 'utBdg 1^' : '!< l-l 00 cvi O t- Tjt OS n'' Cvl CO l."3 O W M — I rH CO C-I l- t; 'Bl^OOg BAOJiJ 'A « CO M » ■* ■*}" 00 o '?^ •"t o -^ n' CO I— I CI ■— I I— ( >-l F^ CO r^ CO ^^ If t- "* CO CO i-l i-l t- 00 i-Tos o CO o I-* e^ '"' I-l ■-< »-l CO CO r»i M 'pUB^OOg — Oe^co*OQO*i:*^ioc^r— oot'»<^ 0JC100lO•^O0«lO00lOt--l:--.c^1 ^ Ci 1-^ »-< C^ C4 1.0 O »0 ,— . CO 1"* 'pUBfd.II I— I O O rH O •O e^l 135 00 00 CO F- rH 'pa«l3Ha li- f-c !>• e^ o CO O i-< CO CO J^I eq CO CO M 'jSB3 WpBUBO 100 I is CO CI • t-» 00 00 ■«J< • CJ .-( CO ••It © rH ^ ■»(< o -H i-< «■> ej CO CO 00 A^ o^ I' o ; IS t o e 2 nakevH, 2; no P;ofe,ss9ion, 46. Total, 3327. ViLi.AoR OK IxuKBsoi,!,. — C. of Engluiul, 5S8; C. of Rome, 416: W. MethodistH. 301; E. Methodist.^. 406; Free Church, 249; U. Preabyterians, 121; C\ of Scotland, 30; Baptistn, 177; Lutherans, 2; Univer.salis1;=, 10; Quakers, 3; no Profession, ;">; X. ('. Methodists. 13; Tndejiendents, 7: Ply- mouth Brethren, 1; Presbyterians, l.')7. Total, 2576. Embro— C. of England. 87; C. of Rome, 11; W. Methodists. 1 : Fn .. Church, ;;62: {\ of Scotland, 32; salists, 1; no Profesfion. 10. Total, 55]. East Oxkoro (\ of England. 668; C, of Rome. 236; W. Methodists. 532; E. Methodists, 371; P. Metlindisls. 4: Free Church, 303; U. P. Clnurli. 42; C. of Scotland. 91 : na])tists. 299; Lutherans. 9; Congreirationalisls, IS; Quakers, 18; nu Profession, 89; N. C. Methodists, 9; other Methodists, 12: Bible Christians, 25; United Brethren. 3. Total, 2729. Wkst Oxkoko.— C. of Entrlaiid, 514; C. of Rome, 119; W. Methodists. 493; E. M.-thodist,s. 393; ]^ Methodist.s, 2; Free Church. 355: IT. P. (Miurch. 37; C of Scotland, 51; Baptists, 575; Confrregationalists. 5 ; no Profession. 157; NewJerusaleni, 3; Adventists, 32; Reform Presbyterians, 1. Total, 2737. North Ox KOKO.—C. of Enghmd, 437; C. of Rome, 207; W. Methodists. 264; E. M(>lhodists, 139; P. Methodists. 10: Free Church, 375; U. P. (^hurch. 109; C. of Scotlaml. 28; Baptists, 169; Disciples, 26; Congregationalists, 3; no Profession. 1; other Metliodists, 1 ; Meinionisls, 1; unknown, 1. Total, 1771. East Zouka.— C. of England. 845; C. of Rome, 124; W. Methodists. 470: K. Methodists, 58; P. Mfthodists. 4<); Free Church, 1006: U. I'resbvterians, 74: C. of Scotland. 39: Baptists. 982; Lutherans, 172; Disciples, 6; '(longre- gatioualists. 19: Universalists, 1; no Profession, 98; N. C. Methodists, 89; Advtntists, 1; Israels. 1; other Methodists, 6; Bible Christians, 16; Mor- mons, 9; Mennonists, 148: Evanuelicals, 81 ; United Brethren, 7: Armish. 7; Antipest. 2. Total. 4510- West Zokua.— C. of Enuiand. 259: C. of Rome. 137; W. Methodi.-ts. 2>^8: E. Methodists. 269; P. Methodists, 9; Free Church, 2341; U. IVesbyterians. 4; C. of Scotland, 113; Baptists, 203; Lutherans. 5; Congregationaiisls, 6: (Quakers, 1; no Profession, 45; N. C. ^lethodisl.-. 2: Tsiads. 6: Bible Chris- tians, 1: unknown. 2. Total. 3691. East Nissouri. — < '. of Eiits, 6; terians. 81; C. of Scotland, W: Baptists. 334; 34: Bible (Mn-istians. 11: Spiritualists, 2. North Norwich. — ( '. of Enuiand, 345; 5;56; E. xMethodists. 416; Free Church, S^-otland. 32: Baptists. 402: Lutherans, 6; isf.s 5; Quakers. 340; no Profession. 825; N. ('.Methodists, 8; i'lymouth Brethren. 5; Adventists. 30; Kvangeliculs, 13: Unitarians, 2; Dutch Reform- cr:-. 1. Total. 3434. South Norwich. — C. of England. 341; C. of Rome. 222: W. Methodists. 338; E. Methodists. 432; r^ec Church, 64; U. Presbyterians, 165; C. of Scotland, 30; Baptists. 627; Lutherans. 7; Disciples, 5; Congregatinnalisi^. 35: Universnlists. 8; Qiiakers, 188; no Profession, 0; N. (.'. Methodists, 279; Adventists. 12; Israi'ls, 27; other 3leth(tdists, 13; Bible Christians, 11; Evan- gelicals, 69; United Brethren, 8: Unitarians, 14; American Presbyterians, 5; other Baptists, 10; Millerires, 12; British Episcopal Methodists, 20. Total, 2948. of Rome, 3(12; \V. Methodists. Fn>e Church. 1257; C. IMvsby- T'niversalists, 3; no Profession. Total. 3484. C. of Rome, 206; \V. Methodisls. 36; U. Presbyterians, 206; C. of Congregationalists. 20; Universal- AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 2:^ 42; \V. M.tli- 823; IJ. Pie.^- !)iistiiiii Jin^lli- livcrsiilisfs, 1 ; lie, 41(5; W. Prcabytei-iaiis, tvr.Siili,-i1:=, 10: louts, 7; Ply- (lists, S2; K. ', 1;"): riiiviM- >. .MclluRli.sls. 'J. 1'. Clinirl). tionalist.'^, IS; etbodists, 12: . Alethodists. T. P. Church. Profossioi!. Total, 27:^7. . MotlKxlists. J. P. (Church. utionuliat.s, 3: Total. 1771. Hiodists, 470; I'ri'.shyteiiaus, 6; (Jonjrip- ^tbodists. 8f): IS. Ifi; Mor- Ani)isli, 7; h()dif«ts. 28H: reshytpiians. itioDulisIs, fi: I}i»)I(' Chrii^- M(>11iudi.sfs<. r. PiTshy. ) Profession. Methodifits. 20(5; ('. of ; I'liiviM^al- ; Plymontli ch llefonii- Mcthodists K)."): ('. of ?alinnalis(5. odists, 270; 1 1 ; Evan- ylerians, i); Total, 2948. JJi.AXDFORD.— C. of England, 570; C. of Konio, 40; W. Mi'thoaists 202; E. Methodist.s, 16; P. Methodists, 17; Froo Church, 487; U. Proshj-tcriand, 27G; C. of Scotland, 32; Baptists, 98; Lutherans, .58; Congi-cgationalists. C; Qua- kt.i'.-'. 1: no Profession, 8; Mo.monists, Of); Evaiiirflicals. 14; United Dri-thren, 24; rnitarianM, 4; Dutch Reformers. 1. Total, li)9.'>. Jii.KMiF.iM.— i:. of Enirland. 472; C. of Rome, 332; W.Methodists, 1747; E. Methodists, 180; P. M.thodists, 112; Free Clmrch. *J'u; U. Presbyterians. r)27; C. of Scotland, 113; Rajjtists, 840; Lutherans. 448; Conjiregationalists. 2G; Cniversali.^ts, !); (Quakers, 21; no Profession, 2bl; X. C. Methodists, 3; Swedenbourgs, 1.'); Reform Presbyterians, 2; Israels. 36; Mormons, 1; Men- nonists, 207; Evangelicals, 182; United Brethren, 291; Tunkers, 37; Xt^w Church. 3; Evangelical Associatioti, 20; Covenanters. 1; Unitarians. 5; In- grainites, 1; (Jhurch of Jesus, 123; American T*resbv1erians. 1; Dutch Melli- odists. 10; Secessionists. 6. Totjil. 6903. Dkkkham.— C. -f England. 1001; C of Rome, ;"i73; \V. Methodists, 11.V2; !•:. Methodists. 64^; Methodistii, 10; Free Church, 9.5; U. 1*. I'resln'terians, 211; C. of Scotland, 128; Baptists, 831; (."hristian Prellin^n. I; Lutherans, 4; t'ongregalioualista, 18; Uuiversalists, 7; Quakers, 9; no Proies.', "Agricultural Society of the North Riding of Oxford" has l)een in receipt of an annual government grant of S720 00. The Society numbers 145 membei-s; fee of admission as member. Si 00. At the last exhibition of the Society there were prizes awarded to the value of .^350 00. Board ok Directors. President — John Dunlop. 1st Vke-Preaident — Hon. George Alexander. Ind Vice-President — John Barwick. jDjVfC/ors— Richard Adams. Daniel Penman, Edward JIutrgins, William Paulin, James Lodihart, and William Stewart. Secretary and Treasurer- \('i\\\ixm Grey, Woodstock. ABSTRACT OP AORICULTURAJ. CENSUS OP THE COUNTT OK OXFORO FOR TIIK VEAR 1861. r 1 otal number of Acres occupied for farming purposes, Ciider cultivation. Under crops in 1860, Under j\i.sture in I860, didcr orchards or gardens, I'nder wood or wild land, l\isli value of Farm in DoHjuh, Cash vjiluc of Farming IiuplementH (or Miichineiv) in Uollniy. Total number ol acres under Fall Wheat, I'roduce, Fall Wheat in bnshels,- 406,763 U 230,789>^ 157,993|i 68.1091^ 4.68.')?/ 175,972U 13,058 014 469.6l"i t23,673V 390,868 I f il '1 i II Ml I I I • it- ' i I f I 1.' f: L 24 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEP^R, Nurabcr of Acres under Spring Wheat, Proiiiice i:i bushels nf Do. Number of acres under Barley, Produce in bushels of 1)<», iVuiuber of acres under Rye, Produce in bushels of Do. Number of ncrts under Peas, Produce in bushels of Do. Nimibcr of acres under Oats, I'i'oduce in l)U8hels of Do. Number of acres under Buckwiicat, Produce in busliels of Do. Number of acres xnider Indian Corn, i'roduce in bushels of Do. .Number of acres under Potatoes, Produce in bushels of Do. Number of acres under Turnips, Produce In bushels of Do. Number of acres under Mangel Wurtzel. Produce in bushels of Do. Carrots, bushels, F5eans, do. Hops, lbs. Hay, Ions of 2,000 lbs. or bundles of IG lb«. Clover seed, Timothy seed, or other grasa *eed, iu buHhaU, i'lax or Hemp, lbs. Wool, lbs. Maple Sugar, lbs. Cider, gallons. Fvdled'^Clotlj, y arils. Linen, yards. Flannel, yards, Jiulls or oxen, over 3 yeai-s of age, Steeis or Heifers, under 3 years of aga. Milch Cows, Hoist>s, over 3 years of age, Vnlue of same m Dollars, Colts or Fillies, ui\der 3 years of age. Sheep, Pigs. Total value of all lire stock in Dollain, Buttei-, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Hcef in barrels of 200 lbs. Pork i n barrels of 200 lbs. Fish, quantity salted and dried, Fish, quantity sold, fresh, Pleasure carriage's kept, \'^aule of i!o. ui DoUais, Produce of orchardii and gardens, in Dollars, JUDIOIARY OF THE COUNtY OF OXFORD. COUNTY COURT. 3a,l44J4' 699,748 4.32514' 132.205 209 V,; 2,836 ' 22.010J8 512,525 28,183>^ 901,533 1.1031.^ 23.C5G>!; 2,460 " 57.698 4,131 3,1; 468,180' 3,608f{ 1,250,691 821.: 27,632W 133.275 2,024;\' 17,553 V 32.276 2,050>.; 25.628 174,725>j 543,319 83,566 18,026^..' 293 68,574',; 2,487' 20,194 15,943 9,671 829,693 3,477 57,927 26,996 1,606,579 1.033,894 480,182 9.0163J; 71,288 400 60 1,676 98,744 70,409>i This Court is presided over by the resident Judge in the county. Its juri.s- (liction exttinds to all personal actions where the debt or damages claimed do not exceed £^A), and to all suits relating to debt, covenant or contract, wheri» the amount is ascertained by the acts of the parties, or signature of the defend- ant to £100, and to all bail bouds and recognizances of bail given in the AND GENERAL DlRECTORy 2.'. 35,144^' 699,748 13-2,205 '209 1^; a,836 ' 22,01 OJa 612,525 28,1831,4' 901,533 l,103^j 23.05G>..' a,460 " 57,698 4,1313' 468,180' 3.608'..' 1.250,591 831.; .'27,6321,? 133.275 2,02 4;V 1 7,553 C 32.275 2,050>' 25.628 1 74,7251. j' 543,319 83,566 18,026^.' 293 62,574!.' 2,487 20,194 15,943 9,671 829,693 3,477 57.927 26,996 1.606,579 1.033,894 480,182 9.01 6iJ; 71,288 400 60 1,676 98,744 70,409>a lis jurirf- lainied do act, when' he defend- en ia tlie Cyimty Court, to any anioiint; but uot to ouhoh iuvolviiig the title to luud.s, validity of wills oi- aetioiis for libel, shuider. crim. cou., or seduction. Au apjieal lies to either of the Superior Courts of Law. The Couuty Court also possesses Equity powers to the amount of £->0, .subject to an appeal to the Court of Chancery. County Court Terms commence on the first Monday in January. April. July and October, and end the following Saturday. Ofkiceks or Covrt. — D. S. .McQueen. Judge; James Kiutrea, Clerk: COURT OF QUARTER SK.SSIOX.S. D. S. McQueen, Chairman. — This Court is held four times a year for trials by Jury, in cases of larceny, misdemeanour and other otleuces. COURT OF CHAXOERY. Henry li. Beard, Master and Register, for County of Oxford. SURROGATE COURT. The Jurisdiction of this Court relates to all testamentary matters and causes, and to the granting or revoking of Probate of Wills and letters of adminis- tration of the elfects of deceased porson,s, having estate or elTects in the county, and all matters arising out of, or coimocted with, the grant or revocation of Probate or Administration, subject to an appeal to the Court of Chancery. D. S. McQueen, Judge; .James Kintrea, Registrar. LAW CIRCUIT.S. The Circuits are held twice a year in each County, between Hillary and Easter Terms, and between Trinity and Michaelmas Terms, and the Courts of the Oxford Circuit are held in the towns of Simcoe, Brantford. Guelph, Berlin, Stratford, Woodstock and Cayuga. Clerk of Assizes. — Deputy Clerk of the Crown, ^.r ol lew. DIVISION ( ousts. D. S. McQueen, Judge. These Courts are held in different place.? in the County, for the sum- mary disposal of ca.ses not exceeding £2o currency, in amount so far as regards mattei-s of debt or contract, and £10 so far as relates to injuries to persouai chatties and torts. A jury is permitted in certain cases. Attachments against personal property of debtors absconding from the I^rovince, leaving property liable to execution, or removing their goods from one County to another, or from the Province with intent to defraud, or keeping concealed to avoid service ol' process with intent to defraud,may be issued by the Clerk of thcDivisiou Court or by tlie Juugc or liy any Justice of the Peace. Their jurisdiction does not extend to actions for gambling debt.s, liquors drank in a tavern, or notes of hand given therefor, ejectment, title to Land, &c., or any toll, custom or fran- chise, will or settlement, malicious pro.secution, libel, slander, criin : cou ' seduc- tion or breach of promi.sc, or actions against a Ju.stice of the Peace for anything done by him in the execution of his office, if lie objects to it. Courts are held once in each Division or oftener at the discretion of the Judge. 'J'he IH vision's are established by the Court of Quarter Sessions. 4 clerks AND LIMITS OF DIVISION COURTS. I. Comprising the Town of Woodstock, the Townships of Blaudford, East 1 1 li : i i I !• it ' t |l i »> ) ! I! i .'I !l 11 ti 'Hi COUNTY UF OXFORD GAZET'I'KEH. Zona. East Oxlbrd, undtliat part of North Oxl'onl. situati'il im^t of Lot Xu. Iti, ami a.s much of Wt'st Oxlonl us lies oa.st of ijut No. 7. to the Staj^v Road, thence on tho North side of the Stage Road to where the said road intersects the 'ruwnship of East Oxford. Courts hi.'Idiu the Couit IIijusc. Woodstock. — CVcrA-,— Ed. F. Cahan, Woodstock. 11. Cuuiprising the Towushij) of Blenheim. — C7t/-A'.--Willia)ii II. r^andon, Drumbo. JII. Comprisinjj' the 'I'owuships of AVest Zorni and Kust Nissouri. — Clerk, Donald Matheson, Embro. lY. Comprising the Townships of North tiiid South Norwich. — Clerk — .lames BaiT, Norwichville. V. Comprising so nmch of the Townships of North and A\-esl Oxford, not iacluded in the 1st Division, the Town of lnger.so!l. and that jiart of the two 1st Conce.'^sions of the Townohip of Dereham, M'es1 of th(.' middle Town Line. — Clerk, — David Canfield, JugersolJ. VI. Comprising that part of the Township of Dereham jiot included in the nth Division. — Clerk, — C. Hawkins, Tilsonburg. Othku Judicial OKrjCER.s op the County. — i^luriJ'—Jiimos (.'arroli ; County Registrar, James Tngersoll; Clerk of the Peitrc. Vvilliani Lajjeno- tiere; JJcputy Clerk of llie Croim, Jami's ivintrea; Countij ^Hlorneij, Hugh Richardson. COUNTY COUNCIL AND OFFICER^; OF THE COl'NTY OF OXFORD. W. 0. Wonham, Surveyor. Adam Oliver, tVarden. David White, Clerk, James Kintrea, Treasurer. James Hughes, ; ^ John Gordon. S Reeves. 1) Blandford, Blenheim. Dereham, Embro, Tngersoll, Nissouri (East,) Norwich (North.) Norwich (South,) Oxford (East.) Oxford (West.) Oxi'ova (North.) AYoodstock, Zon-a (Eivst.) Zorra (West.) John Barv/ick, John G. Lindsav. Edwin D. Tilson, John Short, Adam Oliver, Samuel Towle, David E. Butterfield, Richard Talbot, William Burgess. James Harris. W^illiam S Ligh(, Homer P. Brown. John Harrington, Alex. McConpiodale, Deputy Reeves. James M. Keiniedy. Dennis Fop;erty. David J)oty. Lawrence Whelan. Tliomus Al)raham. -lames Gillard. •lacob Topping. •John ^Lc^Vhinnio. William Wilson. Ralph Feathers! one. % ; i. t C O U N T ^' R O A D 8 . The following are tiio Roads by which the County is traversed, \\v.: Thamesford and AVssonri Gravel Road. — From '^J'haniesford, through the Township of East Nissouri, due North. Ingersoll and Thamesford Gravel Road. — From Ingersoll, in a North- Westerly course. Length, five miles. AXD GEXEUAL DIRECTORY. -otXa. IG. iij^t; Rottil, TSfcts the oilstock I. Laucloii, •l—Clcrk. -Clerk— 'xlovd, iiul. A' the two ill LiiK?. — (led in the (-'arroll ; 11 Lapc'iiu- nj, liugh ?Y OF Tn^ci'noll, JVorth Oxford, East JVigsoitri and fVegt Zorra Grovct Road. — Froiii IiifTonsoll, by Ciiiiipboll's Coruers, through to the Town Lino betwocu Eiv^t Xinsouri and AVo.-^t /orra. Leiiirth, four ami u-half miles. .Vorth Oxford and /''(•.<< Zorra Gravel Road — From Beachville, Ihrotigli Embro, to the 2()th lot. 1th conce.s.^ion, on the direct Stratford Road. IVoodslork and Huron Gravel Road. — From Woodstocl<. and niiininp: on the twelfth lino of Ea->t Zorra, to the Northern boundar)' line (»l th(^ County. Inger.^oll and Jhanlford Plank Road. — From Ingersoll, tlirough Wood- stock, Paris to Dundas. London and Ilainilton Road. — I'hi.s [a an excellent Macadamized Road aixl well kept, and of siu.h breadth as to admit of the passage, side by side, of two teams. Branljord and A'oncirh Plank A'o(/r/— Runninp; North from Ott«rville to Norwich'ville, tlieiiee in a Xorth-Kasterly direction through Rurford. Woodstock and OthrvUlc l*tank and Gravel Road. — From AV lodstock, through East Oxibrd. North and South Norwich, running South to Springford. The Otfcrvillc and Port Dover Plank and Gravel Road. Woodstock and Dereham Gravel Road. — Running from Woodstock to Sweaborg. Ingersoll and Port Burwell Plank and Gravel Road. — Passin ; through the Villages of Sallbrd, four miles from Ingersoll; Mount Elgin, 7 niil.'S; (jainp- beltown, 14 and. Tilsonburg, lo. The Dereham, Ingersoll and Dorchester Gravel Road. — Running through the Villages of Culloden and Brownsville. Thamesford and London Gravel Road. — Running from Thamesford to London. RAILW^AY STATIONS IN THE COUNTY, ves. Iv. Great fVestcrn Railway — Canning, Princeton, Arnold. P. 0., Ingersoll. Buffalo and Lake Huron RaUioay- Richwood, Piatt's Station. Eastwood. Woodstock, Beachville. Druinbo, e. i-li the North- CLERGY OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. Church of England, — Diaccse of Huron. Bettridge \V. B. D., Rector Woodstock. Fisher A., Sviringford. Revel n., A.M., (Supcrau.) Woodst'ck. Fauquier ?. D., South Zorra. Hutcoinson A., A.B., Woodsiock. Vicars Johnstone, Ingersoll. Roman Catholic Church, — Diocese of Sandwich. Lewis Grilla. Residence, Ingersoll : also officiates at Woodstock, Norwich and East Oxford. Canadian Pr^'shj/terian Church. th'OPs Arciiibidd, Ingersoll. Frat^er John, Thamesford. Meldrum William, Harrington. McKenzie Donald, Embro. Straith John. Ingersoll. Twcediu G. M,D., Dereham. Donald William, Norwielivill(\ Inglis William, Woodstock. MoBiarmid Duncan, Woodstock, McMulIeu W. T., Woodstock. Tolmie Andi-ew, luuerkip. 28 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, II Presbyterian Church oj Canada, (In Connexion with the Church of Scotland. Stuart James, (Retired,) Woodstock. Weshyan Methodist. Campbell W. F., Iiigei'soll. Flt^tcber Asliton, Woodstock. Harris Jamcp, Norwich. Kennedy George, (Snp'y.) Hewitt Wiiliain J., Woodstock. McRea George. lM(!tiheim. Stephenson Wm., Woodstock. Shepley Joseph, Ingersoll. .Methodist .\V»' Connncxion. Kershaw E., Dereham. J Redyofl'R., Thamestbrd. Wilkin.son John, Ottcrville. Methodist Episcopal. Griffith A. E., Eml»ro Loiuisbury E., (Presiding Elder, 0.\lbrd District,) Ingersoll. Eastman C. S., Ingersoll. Gilray J., Ingersoll. Turner G., Ingersoll. Webster Thomii.s, Norwichville. J'ri)iiitivc ifcthodlst. Bee W., Drumbo. Canada Christian Conference. Nichols Sylvunus, Bingesvillc. Bible Christian Church. Edwards J., Dereham. Regular Baptist Church — Grand River Association South. Rev. William Smith, Moderator. I Rev W. C. Beardsall, ) /v^,.i., I Deacon J, R. Cook, ^^'^'^•'• Zorra East, South Zorra Tost Office, L Grift'eth, Licoiitiato. East Oxford, New Durham Post Office, Rev. W. Haviland. Ingersoll, Rev. W. C. Beardsall. Mount Elgin, Rev. G. Wilson. 1st Norwich, Spiingford Post Office, Rov. E. Smith. 2nd Norwich, Burgesville, Rev. W. Haviland. Blenheim, RichwoodPost Office, Rev. George Pattoii. Dnimbo, Rev. George Patton. Ottorville, Deacon J. Siperill. Tilsonburg, West Oxford. Ingersoll Post Office. Rev. G. Wilson. Woodstock, Rev. E. Topping. Donnocker G,, Salford. Elliott Isaac, Mount Elgin. Ford H, G., Ottorvillc. Pyfc R. A., D.D., Woodstock. GoiTJc J., Inncrkip. Griffin J,, Baptist. Griffin, S,, Salford. Harris J., Ingersoll, Landon W. H., Drumbo. McLellan W., Springford, Smith E., Norwich. Stewart W., Woodstock. Tree S., Innerkip, Free-will Baptist. William Taylor, Chairman, Aylmer. | J. H. Bi-yant, Sec. <0 Trcas, Woodstock. Griffin S., Salford. Tree S., Zorra East. Trowbridge Wra. H., Woodstock, Donnocker George, Salford, Do^lc M., Inneilcip. Oriffin -J., Zorra East. AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 29 LIST OF POST OFFICES IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. Post Office. Beachvillc, Bracmur, Brookadalc. Brownsvillo, Burpessvillt\ Camiiiig, Chesterfield, Cullodcn, Dereham, (Tilsonburg, ) Drum' :, Eastwood, Embro, Fairview, Harrington. Ingersoil, Innerkip, Lakeside, Mount Elgin, Newark, Norwich, Otterville, Oxford Centre, Plattsville, Princeton, Ratho, Ricliwood, Salford, South Zorra, Springford, Sweaborg, Thamesford, Washington, Wolverton, Woodstock, Tow.Nsiiii". West Oxford, Ea,st Zorra, West Zorra, Dorehani, Norwich, liienheini. do Dereham. do Blenheim, lOast O.xford. West Zorra, do do West O.xtord, East Zorra, Ea.st Nissouri, Dereham, Norwich. do do East Oxford, Blenheim, do Blandford, Blenheim, Dereham, East Zorra, Norwich West Oxford, Nissouri East, Blenheim, Blenheim, Blandford. Post Mastkk. H. J. Moorr. John ForlicH. J!-., John Imit-, E. MoDiarmiil, David Wallac, Nelson Raine.-j, George Bain!. Lachlaii McLraii. James .McKimix.Io. Henry Yan.^ittart, Donald Mutheson, George Purdy, D. L. Deinnnst. Joseph Thirkell. Robert Lindsa\ . H. F. Sharp, J. S. Woodward, . August>i8 Gary. Gilbert Moore" John If. Cornell, William Gurbutt, Samuel Piatt, J. G. Lindsay, Walter S. Elliott, J. S. Laycock, William Boon. Thomas Cross, John Wood, James II. Hill, Lawrence Whehiii, Daniel AVakefi.ld. L. B. Colo, Charles do Blaquiere. .1 . 80 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEKll. TO¥^NSHir OF BLANDFORD. Tlio Township of IJIiindford i> liouiulrd on the Ea.st by tho Township of nicnhtMin, on fhi> Xoiih l>v tho Tdwnsljip of Wihnot, (County of AVatorloo.) on the Houtli l>y tho Township of East Oxford, Iho dividinp liiip hoinjf the Co- vo'-nor's Itoiid. fonuiionly tonnod Dundas Htrect. and on the \V«'st by the Town- ship of East Zorra. Tinil»(M', (.liiofly pine, with a mixture of hardwood, in the Southern portion of tlie 'I'ownship, there are a number of pmnll lake.s or pondH from r»0 to 'J.")(> acres in size. The Township is well watered and well settled. The total po|)uliition of the Township according to the census returns for IHlJl wa.s 1095, (an inerease of (!3!) durlnp the last decade) of which there were 10(j(t nialf's and 0!i") fcniiil)'.-'. Th'" number of children attending school were 372. birtlis n-l. death:-; IL'. AURICCLTURAI, fENSCS rsou Joseph, Arnolt Michael, Avers William, blacksniitli, BAIRI) GEO, post master. iiaird Hugh, Baird Hugh, Baird Johh, Baird 'J'homas. Baker Enoch, IJARWICK JOHX, Basica John, Bate Thomivs, Banmaii Isaac, Bean Abraham, Bean Mrs, Bear David, Beattie Mns, Bell David, Bell Robert, Bell Wm, Blair John, Bond Wm, Honuar James, iJorlandJame.-;, Bradnock John, ih-adnock Thomas, Brash David, Brash Hugh, Bristow James, Briijtow John, Con. L. L.C..2 20 1 14 12 6 2 2 10 8 1 17 10 1 It 5 12 f) 11 5 a 3 2 12 9 1 3 1-4 J) 4 11 6 11 G 10 10 8 S 14 1 3 8 4 8 10 9 1 13 12 10 9 7 13 9 13 9 12 7 9 7 10 1 12 3 Buchau John, Burus John, jr.. Burns John, L., Bnrtch Reuben H., Cairncross James, Cameron John, Chambers Thomu.';, Chambers Wm., Chawcroll't Matthew, Cheney John, Clark James, Cole Wm., Cope John, Costello Samuel, Costollo Will.. Cowan John, Cowing Tlioiiias. Cowing Tiioiiuis. Cowing \\ ill., Craig Jciv'-' ;,n, Carrie Jul.n. I»luckiniitli. CuUil)(*rt. ;.n Ga'o., Cuthbertsoii Thoiiia,-, Dalgleish Charles, Dalgleish John, Danbrook Goo., Diinbrook James, Danbrook Win., Davidson John, Davidson Win., DeBLAQUlRE C. post master Dick Robert, Dickie John. 1987 419 7 101 t 217 8 13 1 107 3 7. 51 7 7 38G7 G l.-j (i 307 1304 8971 ") r»(j70f] 1.V230 1 3!) K13 100 4320 2089 Con. L. U 8 12 4 13 3 11 17 14 14 9 2 13 2 i;'. I 12 3 1 2 14 3 7 () 7 3 9 3 9 11 1 H H 11 9 8 8 10 2 11 6 !U 1 I'> ') ] .. it 13 1 14 7 3 10 3 10 3 2 11 10 13 8 •. 1 1« 14 8 10 8 82 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, I » , ! Cou.L. Con. L. Difkisou Juut't, 14 < Lancaster William, 2 17 Doiiuhue Tli(jiiias, 10 4 Lister Christina, 12 G Doyle Duiiiel, 3 12 Little Johu, 14 G Duucaii Win., 10 2 Little John, 11 8 Dunn James, 2 4 Lochead Alexander, 13 4 Karl Thomas, 2 15 Lockie Thomas, 14 2 Edinoudsou JurnoS, 2 2 Lorell Lawrence, 10 7 Elliott Johu, 10 9 Lusted John, 2 7 Elliott Waltw S., 12 7 McBeath David, 3 13 Elliott Win.. 10 1 McDonald Alexander, 14 3 Ellis James, 3 1 McFarland 3 8 Elli.s Jame.s, 8 G McGregor Alexander, 8 2 ELLISON JOSEPH B., 2 15 McGregor John, 8 2 Eutres.s Petor, cabinet-makei', 12 6 Mclnuis Daniel, 13 G Evaus Samuel, H 1 Mclnnis James, 13 5 Fairbainie John, 13 1 Mclnuis John, 13 6 Farrow John, 13 5 McKay William, teacher, 14 5 Ferguson Alexander. 2 C McKie John, 11 2 Ferguson Da, .-id, 2I 9 xMcKie WiUiam, 11 2 Fraser Robiit 3 4 McLean Robert, 7 7 ■ Gis^ar Davici. 12 9 McLean AVm. 7 7 Gire.s William, 13 3 McLelland Wni. 2 2 Gillespie James, 9 8 McMichael 3 12 (xillespio Jame.s, 9 8 McMickiug Samuel, 11 9 Gillespie Wm., 9 9 Magee Johu, 1 2 Goodal Stephen, 2 19 Manson Richard,* 7 2 (irubb Mark, 6 4 Martin Adam, 9 6 JIagan ]<^dmund, 8 C Martin John, 1 14 JIamilton Jame?, carpenter, 12 6 Martin Robert, 10 7 Ifanaell Peter, 10 4 Martin Thomas, 10 8 llardie David, 11 7 Martin Wm. 11 G Jlastiugs Jame.s, 13 2 Mathoson Joseph, 9 8 Hayward Alfred, 1 5 Mead Wm. 1 11 Hayward Charles. I 1 Menner John, 10 3 Hendensou Richard. 14 3 Middlemost George 12 3 Jlenry John, 11 3 Millbourne Wm, 10 10 1 lepworth Joseph, shoemaker. 12 7 Miller Adam, 13 1 1 ferbertson Andrew, 13 7 Miller Philip, 9 5 Jierbcrtson Win., 12 G Mitchell Thomas, / 3 Heron Alexander, 1 15 Montford James, 3 10 Hewitt ^V■m., G Montgomery Joseph, 9 7 Holton Wm., 3 1 Mordon Mrs. 9 5 Hooper Richard, senr.. 2 2 Napier John, 14 4- Hooper Richard, jr.. 2 3 NELLIS ELIJAH, 1 17 Hotson James, a 8 Oldham John, 2 1 J [otson Walter, 9 c Oliver John, sen. 12 7 Hughe.s Wm, tavern keeper. 12 G Oliver John, jun. 12 5 Hunter Robert, teacher. 14 2 Overholt James, 1 5 Jones Roljert, 1 8 Overholt John, 2 4 Jurie Thomas. 14 1 OVERHOLT MK^HAEL. I () Jurie AVilliam, U 1 PAULIN AVM. 2 20 Kerr Jame.s, shoemaker, 12 7 Payne Abel, 7 3 Kipp Richard, 1 t Peat Thomas, 12 7 Knock John, 14 7 Peat Thomas, juu. 10 5 Lake John, 14 G Perry Thomas, 1 8 Lainan James, • 3 5 Pettigrew Joseph, 12 4» Con. : L. 2 17 12 G 14 ti 11 8 13 4 14 2 10 7 2 7 3 13 14 3 3 8 8 2 8 2 13 6 13 5 13 6 14 6 11 2 U 2 7 7 ■ 7 7 2 2 3 12 11 9 1 2 7 2 9 6 1 14 10 7 10 8 11 6 9 8 1 11 10 3 12 3 10 10 13 7 9 5 7 3 3 10 9 7 9 5 14 4- 1 17 2 I 12 7 12 5 1 5 2 4 1 G 2 20 1 3 12 7 10 5 1 8 12 4» AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 33 Pratt Newman, Prentice Alexander. Ramsay John, RISK JOHN, Robinson Catharine, Robinson Richard, Robinson Robert, Robinson . teaclior. Robson Wm. ROSS HUCJH. Ross John, Rouse James. Rowell Wni. Saeket John. Sales Mrs, Scott James, Sheerer John, Sillars Thoma.s, Sim Francis, Skillings James, Slater John, Smith John, Smith Richard, Smith Thomas, .■imith Wm. waggou-makei-, Smith Wm. Spence John, Steedsman Robert. Steedsman Wm. Steer John, Stephen.son Mrs. Stephenson John, Stephenson Joseph, Con. L. Con. L. 2 16 Stewart Malby, 13 4 10 5 Strickler Michael, 10 5 2 11 Strickler Reuben. 9 4 13 8 Swulwell Robert. 1 G 2 5 Tait Donald, 3 12 2 1 Taylor James. 2 ir> 2 5 Taylor James, ] 12 11 6 Taylor John, 2 A 11 4 Thayward Arthur, 2 3 U 3 Thompson Alexander, 14 4 2 5 Thompson (jrcorge. 11 10 2 1 Thompson John, 11 t 8 5 TOLMIE ANDREW. Ministe f. 8 ti U 7 Towell John, 3 9 10 2 Twaits George, :j 2 14 10 Vance George, 12 8 11 3 Vance John, 10 G 12 6 Vance Joseph. 10 G 8 8 VANSITTART HENRY. 1 1 6 6 Vanvoorhis John B. 1 3 13 2 Waldie Walter, blacksmith. 12 6 12 2 Watson James, 3 8 1 10 West Richard, 12 1 14 3 White John, 8 11 6 WhHe Luke, () 2 7 6 White Wm. 6 3 14 5 WILLIAMS JOS. Postma-ster, 12 C 11 5 Wilson John, 6 2 11 6 Wilson John, •) 3 12 8 Wilson Joseph. 12 1 1 17 Wilson P. 12 2 9 2 Woodall Joseph, 2 11 9 10 Woods Joseph. 14 4 34 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, TOWNSHIP OF BLENHEIM. Tiiia township in bounded on the easst by the township of Dnnifrief?; ((bounty of AA'aterlooJ on tha west by the townshij) of Bhiudford ; on tlie south by the township of 6urford, ^County of Drant,) and on the north by the township of VVilmot, (County of Waterloo). 'J'hc township is divided into North and South Blenheim. The land iu this township is good, and well watered and timbered — it is drained chiefly by Horner's and Smith's creeks. The tovrnship is higlily improved. It is llie most populous township in the fmuiity, and contains a population of 6,993, (an incretu^e over tlie census of 18.51 of 1098), of which there are 3,G04 males and 3,389 females. Children attendinfr scIkxjI, 1,427 : births in 1860, 283; deaths. 57. There are eijrht TuA OHic(\s in the township, viz: Canning, Che.-^terfield. Drumbo. IMattsville, J'rincetou. Richwood, AVaJi- infi^on, and Wolverto!' AORICDLTL'R.U. CENSUS OF THK TOWNSHIP OP lU-KNUKIM FOn TUR VRAR 18G1. V ' Number of acres for farming purjxises. " under ciUtivation, under crops in 1860, under pasture in 1860, " under orchards or gardens, " under wood or wild, Caah vakie of farnvs in dollars, Cash value of farming implements or machinery in dollars. Number of acres under Fall A\'heat, Produce iu V)nshels of do. Nunil)er of acres under Spring Wheat, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Barley. Produce in btishels of do. Number of acres under Rye, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Peas, I'roduce iu bushels of do. Number of acres under Oats, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Buckwheat, Produce in Imshels of do. Number of acres under Indian Corn, Produce in l)ushels of do. Number of acres under Potatoes, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Turnips, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Mangol WurtTK^I, Produce in bushels of do. Carrots, bushels, , Beans, do. Hay, tons of 2000 lbs. or bundles of 16 lbs. Clover .se(>d, Timothy seed, or other grass seed, l)HsheLs, Flax or Hemp. ib.s. Wool, lbs. Maple sugar, lbs. Cider, gallons, 37,97.ii 26,171 ll,Ooii 753 19,161 1,871,720 76,338 7.5594 161,125'' 2,558 43,625 472i 12.527 01 996 23453 59,294 3,395i 117,806 103S 2,303 322 6,379 548i 77,144 500i 161,145 3,000 18,987 131 5,355 206 18,663 26,802 39,217 10,345 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 35 on; {('oiuity :)Utb by th<' ;owuship of li luid South id timljored lip is iiifi'hly (.'OiitaiiiM ii '), of ■which )ol, l.'i'iT : township, ood, "\\'a.;h- AR 1861. .57,316^ 37.97.ii l'r),171 ll,0.^1i 7.53 19,161 1.871,720 76,338 7.55!>^ 161,i25 2,5.58 43,625 472i 61 096 23453 .59,294 3,395i 117,806 103i 2,303 322 6,379 548i 77,144 oOOi 161,145 H 3,000 18,987 131 5,355 206 18,663 26,802 39,217 10,345 Fulled Cloth, yardn, ■ . Linon, yards, Flaiinol, yards, • Bulls or oxf n, ov(>r 3 yoar.=: of aj^o, Sttors or heifers, under 3 years of iige. Milch Cows, Plorses, over 3 years of age, A'alue of same iu dollars, Colts or fillies, under 3 years of ug*!. Sheep, Pigs, Total value of live stock in dollars. Butter, lh.s. Cheese, lbs. Beef, iu barrels of 200 lbs. Pork, in barrels of 200 lbs. Pleasure carriages, Value of do. in dollars, Produce of orchards and gardt'us in dollars, ALeUAUKTICAl, LIST OF TIIK RK.SIDENTS OF THE TOWXSHIl*. (Blenheim JVorth.) Akius, Thos. Allensou, (^onai-d Allenson, John Aminemaii, Andrew Anderf^on, Cameron and Anderson, Fergus Anderson, Ceo. ^^.uderson, 'I'hus. Anderson, AVultei* Andrew, AVni. Ash, Benlliam Auld, Peter Bacon, James Baily, Richard ]'r. — Bawtinhiuier. — ]3awtinliiiuer, Mr. Baxter, Hugh Iiaxter, James lUngorman, John Black, Geo. Black, GiMi. Black, Jolni and Roliert J{ock, Jolin Bonichier, Fjdward Bond, Thos. Boud, Wm. Con. L. Thos. 8 20 8 15 14 3 8 17 11 • 1 9 2 10 7 9 14 10 1 8 9 13 16 10 2 13 20 li ! 6 10 24 13 13 12 10 12 12 10 16 8 7 8 8 8 4 10 10 10 10 12 14 8 1 8 11 8 1 U 9 12 7 10 24 10 24 Bonham, John Bort, John Brant, Charles Brash, David Bretz, G. Bricker, Isaac liricker, Moses Bricker, Peter Bristow, John Broughton, Brown, Alexander Brown, David Brown, Geo. Brown, John Brown, John Brown, Wm. Brown, Wm. Bruce, Robert Bruudle, John Buchanan, Wm. Buckbart, Charles Bucknell, Samuel Buglas, James Bullark, James Burgers, — Caspar, Henry Gassell, Adam Cassell, A. B. Caulflesh, Lewig Chamberlain, D. G. Ohesney, James Ohesney, Mrs. Ohesney, R. 2,145 24 7.381 425 2,800 1,990 1,390 101,807 481 8,017 3,064 209,971 162,348 22,8.33 419 S 2,208 254 13,885 10,769 Con. L. 13 8 9 22 12 22 11 12 12 14 6 13 4 13 7 11 19 11 20 12 21 10 .T 12 24 12 21 8 8 8 12 12 24 9 7 13 13 12 12 8 19 9 1 9 10 11 19 8 7 13 22 14 6 14 ID 10 22 12 13 8 11 8 8 8 6 .1 36 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, 'M i' ' ■i ■ Cou. L. Con. L. Clark, Adam 9 n Fongor, Wm. 10 16 Clemens, iJavid 14 1 Frederick, W. 10 ;4 Clemens, Henry 12 8 Fried, Samuel 14 1 Clemens, Jacob 13 7 Fvostick, Henry 8 10 Clemens, Moses 13 19 Fry, Christian 8 2& Clinefield, Mi. 22 Fustney, Daniel 13 17 Coates, David s 7 Gammon, Alfred 12 8 Cockett, R. S. 13 12 Gammon, Wm. 13 13 Codlin, David 8 12 Gerold, Paul 13 i3 Codlin, Thos 8 12 Gladstone, Walter 11 4 Cole, L. B. 8 8 Goble, Cornelius 14 12 Cook, James 13 14 Qofton, John 10 18 Coxon, Gee. U 20 Gofton, Thos. 14 12 Cornell, Lucy 13 12 Graham, John 13 12 Corson, James 11 22 Graham, Wm. 12 22 Crakenbal, J. W. S. 11 12 Grant, David 9 10 Cramback, Jame." 8 12 Greaves, Enoeh 8 6 Cressman, A. 14 14 Qrie ve, Wm 9 Cressman, John 14 14 Guthrie, John 8 5 Currie, D. 9 13 Guthrie, Robt. 8 2 Currie, D. W. 8 7 Habel, Geo. 10 23 Currie, Geo. 9 12 Haften, Chas. 12 23 Currie Geo. n t 9 Hagy, Daniel 13 7 Currie, Ja. . y 8 Hall, Stephen 12 15 Curnc, J Ha. 7 8 Hall, Wm. 13 C Currie, John 8 8 ITall, Andrew 12 1 Dawson, Geo. 8 7 Hall, James 10 14 Dawson, R. 11 9 Hall, John 9 16 Dawson, Bobt. 8 7 Hall, Thos. 13 10 Dawson, Wm. 8 7 Hamburg, J. C. 11 20 Dawson, Thos. 8 7 Hamilton, P. 14 4 Day, John 12 13 Hanaberv, Fred. 13 13 Beaton, Aaron 14 16 Hand, S. 10 24 Deaton, Geo. 14 18 Harjjan, Daniel 13 IS Derstine, J. V. 14 3 Harmer, James 12 20 Dill, Alexander ■ 8 14 Harmer, Samuel 14 11 Dollar, Joseph 8 21 Harris, Wm. 8 4 Dolman, Wm. 9 6 Harris, Wm. 13 15 Dull, Christian 14 5 Hart, John 14 13 Duftie, Hugh 8 8 Har taker, H. 11 20 Dunn, Wm. 13 12 Hastings, Jas. 13 23 Easton, Andrew 10 17 Harvey, John 14 10 Easlon, J. J. 12 3 Hazle, Adam 11 2 Ebert, John 12 21 Heil, Theobold 13 13 Ebert, Philip 13 17 Henry, Hugh 13 22 Edgnr, John 8 8 Hewit, Geo, 11 23 Ehnes, John 11 22 He-wit, Henry 11 21 Elliott, John 10 i} ITcwit, James 12- 23 Elliott, Tho^. !l [} Hewit, James:, 12 20 Elliot', M'm. 14 24 Hewit, Wm. 11 19 England, Janio> 8 « Histand, John 12 1 Evaus, Cornell 14 1 1 Hof^an, Wm. 12 20 Evans, John 11 •»•> 1 Hogarth, David 8 12 Kvans, Joseph 10 •) Holman, Joseph 14 7 Farrow, Thos. 11 15 Holtz, Martin 12 22 Ferguson, Wm, 13 21 Honey man, E. S 8 Fleming, Mrs. 13 15 Hood, Thos. 8 1' Ford, Robert 10 11 Horn, Charles ;t 22 Foster, Geo 12 10 Houcb, John 9 22 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. •M Con. T>. 10 16 10 24 14 1 8 10 8 26 13 IT 12 8 13 13 13 i3 11 4 14 12 10 18 14 12 13 12 12 22 9 10 8 6 f> '.> 8 5 8 2 10 23 12 23 13 7 l;s 15 13 G 12 1 10 14 9 16 13 10 11 20 14 4 13 13 10 24 13 11 12 20 14 11 8 4 13 15 14 13 11 20 13 23 14 10 11 2 13 13 13 22 11 23 11 21 12-23 12 20 11 10 12 1 12 20 8 12 14 7 12 22 S H S 1' 22 22 (V^L. C;oti. L. Ilouch, Philip 9 22 Paamore, 8 13 Houston, James 10 15 Patton, John 14 20 Howell, Jacob 8 13 Patton, Robert 14 21 Hiibler, Jacob 13 5 Payson, Robert 11 17 Hubler, John 12 4 Peat, James 10 18 Hunchberjrer, S. 12 4 Pembleton, Nelson 8 It Himchberger, Samuel 14 11 Perry, George 13 8 Hunter, James 10 13 Peterson, John 10 4 Hunter, James 10 24 Philips, James 9 12 labister, Wm. 9 5 Pickwell, John 14 17 Johnson, E. F. 13 12 Piper, James 9 7 Johnson, Joseph 12 13 Piper, James 17 4 Joice, Joseph 3 Piatt, Samuel 13 19 Joice, Thomas 1 1 r, Poor, Joseph 12 17 Jurie, Elenor •^ 22 Potter, Daniel 11 IH Karcher, Michael 11 Ji Potter, David 9 19 Kenzic, Joseph 11 2 Pringle, John 10 3 Kilgour, Joseph 9 10 Pringle, Robert 9 10 Knox, John 14 24 Purdy, G. 10 9 Laidlaw, Robert •S 11 Rabel, David 9 20 Landreth, Geo. 9 8 Randle, David 13 11 Lautenschlager, M. 13 13 Ranks Geo. 11 7 Laurie, Andrew 9 2 Reed, Richard 8 8 Leader, Joseph 14 16 Regan, James 9 5 Leader, Wm. W. 14 17 Revel, John 13 13 Lett, D. 9 1 Reynolds, Aaron 14 13 Lillico, Alexander 11 4 Reynolds, Geo. 12 12 Lillico, Douglas 10 5 Ricker, Henry 9 19 Lillico, — II Ritchie, Thomas 12 15 Linton, Robert It « Rivcberry, John 11 24 Little, John 13 23 Rivebcrry, Robert 11 24 Long, Michael 10 21 Robson, John 8 3 Luddbury, S. 11 G Robson, Wm. 9 14 Li'tz, Daniel 12 6 Rogers, Thomas 14 3 Lutz, Jacob 13 9 Ross, Hugh 10 2 McCarthy, Charle:* 9 15 Rothar, Michael 8 23 McDonald, 12 13 Rouse, Mrs. 13 IS McEwen, Andrew 10 S Rush, Henry 14 17 McKersie, John lu 7 Schlegmelek, William 12 22 Manson, Adam 10 G Scott, Andrew 10 27 Marshall, Anthony 13 1 Scott, A. 14 21 Marshall, Wm., 10 17 Scott, Charles 14 22 Mayhorn, Fred. 24 Scott, John 13 24 Meggs, John 8 1 Scoti, Michael 9 21 Milligan, Conra,d 10 21 Scott, Thomas 14 23 Miller, John 14 .5 Scott, Walter 14 20 MITCHELL, THOMAS F., 8 7 Scott, Wr^ 14 22 Mothcrall, Frances 13 14 Serranis, Samuel 14 3 Motherall, John 13 14 Shannon, Henry 22 IG Madge, Lewis 13 7 Shantz, David 12 17 Murray, Wni. 15 24 Sharp, William 10 24 Near, Jacob 8 15 Shawsenburg, D. J. 11 1,^ Nichol, Agnes 12 23 Sheio, John 10 19 Nichol. James 11 20 Sherk, Levi 12 1.-5 Nichol, Thcm.'H 13 20 ShilTle, Frederick 12 7 Oliver, Andrew 13 13 Sho<^.nal"r, Daniel II 1(1 Oliver, James 1 2 ''■ ^-ihocmaker. .) ilm 11 2 J'.inabicker, John 12 9 Shoemaker, 1. S. 12 12 Partridge, Fletcher 13 15 Shupc, Benjamin 14 S 38 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER. ,( I i* 1 Sliupe, Moses Sillar?, James tSimpsou, Samuel Simpson, William Skil lings, Samuel Slichter, Mrs. Smith, Richard Smith, Wra., Snyder, A mow Snyder, Enoch Snyder, Isaac Squires, Henry Stanton, John Stauifer, A, R. Stauffer, C, Stauffei, Jacob C, Stauffer, J. G., Stein, William Stcmler, Henry Stciuler, Theobold Stcpler, George Stiles, William Strome, John Summit, Francis Swan, George Sword, James Taylor, Thoma.s Telford, Walter Tew, Arthur Thiimer, Henry Thomas, Robert Thompson, D. Thompson, David Thomp.son, John Thompson, John Todd, William Townley, James Traifey, Robert Tunney, Wm. Tait. George Con. Tv. 14 8 Ulvidge, Henry 14 23 Voght & Gillies, Waite, Levi 10 13 Waite, Levi 10 18 Waite, William D. \'2 3 'Wfilrrfirlfl 11 10 Wakefield, D. 14 13 Wakefield, J. 13 23 Waldie, Thomas 13 1 Waldie, William 14 24 Waldie, William, jr., 11 23 Walker, Robert 8 7 T. allace, Abraham 12 18 Wallace. William 13 14 Wallis, James 12 22 Warmer, Charle.'* 10 19 Warner, Frank 10 24 Watson, .'ames 13 13 Waugh, William 9 16 Wells, James 13 22 Whan, Valentine 13 21 Wilkins. .fames 14 5 Willett, Harriett 14 1 Willaon, Philip 11 Winegardner, Daniel 10 1 Winegarviner. William 10 9 Winter, William 10 u Witmer, Charles 11 11 Witmer, David 13 4 Wolf, Nicholas 11 18 Wood. James 12 10 Woivertou, Enos 10 12 Wolverton. Mrs. 13 12 Workman, .lames 11 11 Workman, Thomas 13 15 Wright, David 12 12 Zarm, .'ohn 12 19 Zing, J 13 3 Zing, J. jr.. 4 Zing, John Con. L. 9 22 12 13 12 2 11 13 12 8 10 2 13 10 11 7 8 IT 9 16 8 16 12 13 8 7 11 3 12 13 8 19 8 8 13 13 10 6 13 7 11 22 10 2 8 22 9 15 12 7 8 7 10 iO 12 22 12 16 8 15 10 18 8 8 8 8 13 16 12 1| 13 22 13 5 10 21 10 24 i:; 13 ( Blciihiini South.) ; i 1 1 Con. L. Cou. L. Abbott, — .") 10 liastt'tio, David 2 11 AiI;miK, Amos -I 16 Bastedo, Jacob 2 12 AiiisUo, Matlhew .") 4 IJawtinhinior, I>. (i 4 AI<'xaiider, VVrn. 1 2 Beamer, Donni.s 7 3 Vliaii. JIufrh 1 G Boanicr, Goo. 1 19 Allrhjii, SaiDuol •) 4 Bt>asolv, l^ibcrt B 22 Allisuii, Adam 4 14 Bedforrl, Mr. 1 8 Allison, Ailain, jr. 4 14 Dent. J. 1 ir> A-tluHlic, A. r. 20 Biirgor, M. 7 ^^ Baik-y, Sauiuol 2 4 Bionoy. W'ni. H. 7 19 r?ai!t'v, Z. 7 15 Blackiiioor, .lolin ft 23 liaiK'V, C. 1 3 Blackstock, Jani<>s 7 7 Balkwoli. .Taiuo?! 1 7 Bolton, Jolin .") 7 Barker, Samuel 1 1 Boltou, S. k C. 3 4 AND GENERAL DmEOTORY. :iu Jon. L. 9 22 12 13 12 2 11 13 12 8 10 2 13 10 11 1 8 \1 9 !6 8 Iti 12 13 8 7 II 3 12 13 3 19 8 8 13 13 10 6 13 1 11 22 10 2 8 22 9 16 12 7 8 7 10 20 12 22 12 16 8 15 10 18 8 8 8 8 13 16 12 1| 13 22 13 5 10 21 10 24 k; 13 Oil. L. 2 11 2 12 (i 4 ~ 1 r.) i\ 22 I 8 1 Ifi - .1 1 !'.> (i 23 t 7 .) 3 4 Con. L. Con. L. Bradley, Michael 1 "D Davis, Angiistug 1 24 BremutT, Geo. 4 8 Davison, John V 4 Brooksbanks, R. 5 4 Dean, Jivjj. 3 U Bruce, H. & F. G 20 Dickie, John T 1;-) Bruce, John 3 19 Dickson, John 1 7 Burge3fl, Andrew 6 13 Dickson, Wm. 3 7 Burgess, Frauci.Hi .') 12 Doujilas, Mnrcui* •') 7 Burgess, John ' .•) 12 D^\i(.•k, Joseph 1 i; Burgess, Richard C 12! Kdniiston, Arch. •1 It; Burgess. Win. 1 12 i] !ii;i-^ion, "Walti-r .■) i;. Burns, 0. D. 2 8 Edmonds, Isaac 3 24 Buskanl, Robert 2 12 Edmondson, Thos. 7 y ( 'unieron, Thomas 2 4 Ehiies, Thos. 7 !) Campbell, E. 4 9 Evart. Thos. I f) Can>j>bell, James 2 20 Fair, Robt. ."> 14 (Jami.l)ell, Wm. »i 1 Fallaui. John 2 23 Capron, John B. 6 191 Faucet, Wm. 1 18 Carlis, Mrs. 1 1 Fitch, J. a 3 Cavier, Geo. M 16 Foe, Samuel 5 16 CaHsidy, Dau. G 3 Folstie, Malcolm 4 1 Chambers, Patrick 1 4 Ford, John 7 2 CHARLES, LEWIS ! 13 Fr(>eman, Manuel 1 12 Church, Chas. I 3 French, M. B. •1 11 Churchill, Geo. 1 13 Friars, Alfred 7 .) {.luirchill, W. 2 1 Fritch, ('harles .") 7 Churchill, Winslow 1 1 Furtney. Calvin 21 Clarl:, Alanson 4 2 Fuitney, Henry 7 17 Clark, Angus 3 1 Furtney, Samuel 7 22 Clark, John 6 4 Galbraith, Christina I 14 Clarke, G. W. 7 9 Galloway, David 2 4 (Jockburn, G. 4 14 Gambert, C. (J 21 Cockburn, Thos. .5 18 GaiTick, Wm. 7 23 Cochrence, — 5 3 Gates & Co.. 1 If) Codlin, Elijah fi 9 Gaynor, F. 2 9 Cole, Geo. 3 1 Ghul, Christian 7 24 Collins, Wm. 1 2 Gibson, Wm. ' '7 8 Conklin, Elias 2 5 Gillespie, John 3 14 Cooper, Henry 2 22 Gissiug, Mary 7 19 Cooper, Wm. 2 24 Given, Andrew 4 16 Cooper, AVm., jr. 2 24 Given, Geo. 4 12 Cooper & Rice, 1 13 Given, John 4 12 Councilman, John 7 24 Given, Robert 4 12 Cowan, Franklin 1 16 Goblc, J. 1 19 Cowan, Jeremiah 2 14 Goble, W. L. 1 19 Cowan, Richard I 16 Graham, Allan 4 20 Cowan, Thos. 2 14 Graham, Jas. 3 18 Cromwell, Henry .") 7 Graham, John f) 17 Crosby, Samuel .) 15 Grey, Henry 6 6 Crosby, "Wm. 2 13 Griffin, Ojtus 7 14 (Jrumbach, Geo. 7 22 Griggs, John 1 18 (.lurrie, (Jeo. 8 15 Hall, J. H. i 13 Daniel, Henry 4 2 Hall, Lyman ■) 7 Daniel, John 4 4 i Hamilton, Charles 4 8 Daniel, Lawrence 4 5 Hardy, Wm. 3 10 Daniel, Thos. 4 9 Hardy, Thos. 3 18 Daniel, Win. 4 4 Harp, John G. 3 4 40 i «:i ;1 fi'i 'i ''I COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETrEER, 1 I i^i * IIiii|(or, Ben. Harper, Jas. llai'ptT, Rohort I larria, Geo. Iliirrls, Robert llarriaon, Lucv llazle, Wm. J londersoii, J unics Herbert, Jo.Mepli il<'rbert, Win. i longer, Charles JlfTc^or, Geo. llerser, llenrv Herder, John Iler.-ier, Wni. Hethorington, J. (J. Hill, F. Hill, Jai*. B. Iloag, AVni. Horner, Mrs. House, Robert Howell, (rideon Howell, Weslev 1 [ubbard. Burton Hubbard, Jesse Uuifnian, Johu Hughson, Jaine.s Hughsou, John 1). Hutchinson, -^ Inig, Jesse Inn is, Fostua Inuis, John lunis, Wni Inwood, Jas. Irving, James Irving, John Irving, Johu, jr. Johustone, Richard Kelley, Isaac Kelly, Wm. Kennedy, Alex. Kennedy, J. M. Kennedy, Robert Kerr, Thos. Key, Wm. Kingsbury, P(*t<^r Kinney, Wm. Kipp,'R. T. Kraft, Frederick Kwantz, John Kyte, David Kyte, Israel Kyte, Orlando Laidlaw, A. & J . Lancaster, Luke Laycock, H. W. (.'on. L. 3 23 Liiycock, J. M. 3 23 Laycock, J. 3 19 Lawrajion, Janies 2 4 Leslie, Wm. t 10 Lewi.s, Alonzij 1 3 Lewis, Dariu.-t t> 14 Lewis, Geo. AV. 1 13 Lewis, Richard C Lindsay, John G. 6 8 Luck, Land 3 17 McArthur, Arch. 2 17 McCarty. Patrick 6 5 Mc(Jorinick, — I 13 McfJrow. H. .t 'J'. 2 15 McCrow, Thos. McDonald, D. .') 2 McDonald, Surah •\ 3 McCaw, Gabriel 1 21 Mci^aw, AVin. I 9 McGuftlii, Aniiinda I 5 Mc(:Jaire, P. 1 10 McKay, A. & J. (> 8 ]McKenzie, AIox. 7 8 McKenzie, Thomas 7 8 McKiimon, A. ( 11 McLaughlin, John 6 5 McLaughlin, Wni. :") 5 McLean, James () 8 McLean, R. I 3 McL(!llau, John 6 2 McLcod, Edward 5 11 JIcLeod, Xorman 6 1 McXulty & Inuis, .') 11 McWhirter, Hugh 6 18 McWilliams, Henry 6 22 Madden, J. H. 6 18 Mann, Aaron 6 24 Mann, Alex. « 1 21 Mann, George 1 5 Martin, Daniel 6 1 Martin, Elam 6 8 Martin. E. & R. 5 7 Martin, George 4 7 Martin, AVilliam 4 9 Martin, W^ H. .■) 1 Mason & Clark, 7 16 Maycock, Joseph 1 24 Maycock, William 7 22 Mayuard, John ti 24 Mayuard, Peter .') Melvin, David H 5 Mercer, Josiah G C Millar, John 7 10 Miller, G. D. 1 18 Miller, Harvey 5 7 Millard, Harvey Con. I^ 7 m i G 17 14 3 2 7 I 11 I 17 G 19 7 22 3 12 3 11 1 19 2 4 ;") 9 5 15 1 4 2 24 3 9 1 19 1 10 3 4 .O 10 f) 10 ;■> 9 5 9 G .5 5 1 3 5 G 1 7 14 .5 8 1 14 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 7 1 7 3 12 4 19 3 2 1 12 2 7 3 11 a 16 (i 11 6 11 6 3 ,> 10 1 18 6 22 6 22 1 3 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 41 Con. U 5 7 .5 7 G 17 1 14 *> 3 1 2 1 7 I L I U 1 I 4 17 19 7 22 :i 12 ;$ 11 I 19 2 4 r> !> .5 li") i 4 2 24 3 9 1 19 1 10 3 4 5 10 f) 10 5 9 5 9 () .") 5 1 3 r> C 1 7 14 5 s 1 14 3 15 3 1ft 3 If) 3 7 1. 7 3 12 4 19 3 2 1 12 2 7 3 11 5 16 1) 11 6 11 C 3 ,") 10 1 18 6 22 6 22 1 3 - Con. L. 1 Con. L Milligan, Williani 3 4 Rupert, John ft 4 Milton, Charles ft 21 Rutherford, James 6 3 Milton, John 4 221 Sails, Thomas 2 2 Mitchell, Charles 3 6 Schermerhorn, Jamej) 6 10 Mitchell, John 1 14 Scott, Alex. 4 1 Mitchell, William 1 6 Scott, Jamen 6 16 Morri'h, Thoma.s 7 17 Scott, Robert 5 7 Mmlcre. Joseph 3 4 Scott, William 7 21 Muir, David 5 7 Sgott. William 4 7 MURRAY, Rev. GEORGE 1 11 Secord, Elijah ft 5 Miirniy, WiJler 4 11 Secord, Levi ft 8 Oglevio, W. f) 7 Shannon, William 6 3 OLIV'ER, ADAM 2 G Shaw, Thoma.s 1 18 Ort, Catharine 2 6 Sheik. Allan & John 6 10 Patrick, Robert 3 4 Showers, Ezra I 13 Fatten, C. 1). & W. 7 1 Showers, Mathew 1 6 Patulle, Alex. ft 13 Showers, Michael 1 7 I'earee, Reuben 2 1 Showers, William 1 ft Pelton, Hamilton 1 2 Sipes, Henry 7 7 Penibleton, Amos 7 16 Sipes. James 7 Petoraon, Garrett 4 20 Skelly, Patrick 1 4 Pickle, George 5 7 Slawson, William 2 14 Pickle, Maria 5 7 Slawson, Wni. D. 3 12 Pine, John jr. a 8 Smart, James 4 8 Pine, John 5 1 Smith, Joel 7 20 Pinkem, William 4 10 Smith. Walter 4 19 Prentiss, Andrew 6 16 Smuck, Samuel 4 3 Prior, Henrj' 1 6 Southwick, D. 1 1 Puckeridge, James 3 13 Sparkos, Alex. • 4 la Purdick, Joseph 3 ft Sparkes, G. 4 n Quirk, William 1 13 Sparkes, William 3 10 Rains, Mrs. 2 4 Spears, AVni. & Thomas jr. 4 13 Randall, David 3 17 Spiei-s, Wra. & Thomas 3 8 Rapson, Thomas 3 21 Sprague, Alex. 5 9 Rathl)un, Charles 6 11 Star, Samuel 1 14 Rathbun, Horace 5 6 Stephens, B. 3 12 Rathbuu, W. & C. 7 7 Stockton, William 8 8 Recknor, Peter 7 8 Stockton, William 7 5 Reedon, George 3 14 Strobridge, Charles 6 15 Rcnz, George 21 Styles, Thomas 2 16 Richardson, James 4 6 Swan, John 3 4 Richardson, Robert 6 7 Swarts, W. S. 1 14 Roar, Adam 7 9 Swears, B. 6 9 Robinson, George 5 i Sylvester, H. 6 24 Robinson, W. 0. 8 3 Taylor, Henry . 3 3 Rochester, James 5 10 Taylor, William 5 7 Rodgers, I. J. jr. & P. 7 3 Tenuent, Douglas 3 6 Rosebrough, Hiram 6 13 Teunent, M. & James 3 14 Ross, Hugh 6 17 Thompson, Isaac 4 20 Rounds, John 6 17 Thompson, John 5 7 Rouse, Edward 6 8 Thome, Thomas 1 8 Rouse, Sylvester Rukert, John 3 4 Thornham, J. 2 15 2 1 Tremble, Robert 7 8 Rupert, Ale.K. ft 4 Tremble, William . 6 18 Rupert, Chris. ft 4 Trinniman, George 7 7 Rupert, Henry 6 6 2 Trinninao, James 7 8 42 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETl'EER, w i: Turner, a. .J. Tuttle, Joseph Vnmxttor, CImrliM Vii'kot, Ilonrv Vickot, .Tuhii Walkor, George Walker, George A. and Wm. Wulker, JoH(>ph Wulluce & IIon<'hton, \V^applef<, James Ward, Goorpo Walerous, Jienry Weat herwax, A ndrew Wells. Marl in White, John Whitehead. William Cou. li. ! 2 4; 3 21 4 2U 3 19 3 20 3 24 U 24 1 14 1 12 5 7 5 18 2 4 2 3 1 3 4 6 Whitby, Samuel Williams. Joaejih Williamson. George Williamson, J. N. Wills, J, F., J. W.. Willson, George Willson, Obed Willson, Robert Willson, Thomas Wood, Alva W(K)d, J^'tl. Young, Barbara Young, (-harles Young', Hector Young, James Young. James & T. Cou. L. T 12 3 3 3 13 2 4 3 2 f) 17 1 18 1 1 1 10 3 4 3 4 1 4 4 10 1 4 G 2 4 >'i I Cou. L. ^ 12 3 3 3 13 2 4 3 2 r. 17 1 18 1 1 1 10 :{ 4 :$ 4 1 4 4 10 1 4 2 1 4 AND GKNKRAL DIREOTORY. 43 TOWNSHIP OF DEREHAM. This township. whi<'h wa.^ coiutitutHl ft part of the (.^nlnty of Oxford, by Act of Purliuincnt in 1798, is of hirgo lorritoriul extent, iind is l)oundHcl on fh« North by the townsliip ot AVpst Oxford, on tho South by tho townnliip of Hay- ham (County of Norfolk,) on tli« East by th« townnhip of Norwirh. and on the Wpst by Ih'^ township of Heath Dorchostor, (County of Middlosox). Its settlement, wliich conuneneod in 1799, has been very rapid, and by tliM census taken fitr IHCl, its ]M)mduti(>n 1i;h been returned at r)477, (being 2S4C Males and '26'M Fewialts,! an., 12 11> Bennett. Jacob 12 19 Arm.strong, Robert 12 13 Ben.stead, Thonui? 12 13 Astletiue, Erastun 10 17 Bergh Wm., 9 27 Astletine, Chas 8 16 Best, Tlinim 9 28 Astletiue, John l> 17 Best. Mrs. • 9 27 Bachelor, Joseph 4 28 liigham, Robert > Bigham, William J ' 7 15 Baddington, Truelock 2 22 Bain, Richard 7 7 Blackmore, Alanson 10 15 Bahner, Wm., 10 13 Blakely, R. Q., Innkeeper 9 8 Ballentine, John 12 14 Blashal, Tindal 10 23 Barker, Wright 10 8 Bodwell, Andrew I 12 AND GENERAL DmBCTORY. 45 450 200375 6* 4190 10203 554i 87 44174 118 266 19052 60648 1022 2950 9688 268 2466 2358 1171 92473 449 59C7 3581 210239 129802 204700 390 2281 156 10609 4790 Con. L. 10 17 7 6 9 8 ill. 7 27 12 12 4 16 9 26 3 3 3 4 lU 11 12 19 12 13 9 27 9 28 9 27 7 15 10 15 9 8 10 23 I 12 Con. L. Con. L. Bod well, Eliphalot A., 5 13 Cook, JoHeph Cook, William 11 28 Bodwell, Jumea .-. 12 11 2H Bodwell, Jamea V., .-. 11 Coon, M. J.. 12 24 Boughnor, John, carpenter. 10 15 Coon. Philip 12 23 BowoD. (ieorgo 9 16 Corbitt, John r> 21 Boyce, EpoiK'tus 4 22 Cornwell, John .) 1 Boyur, ("liar lea 6 12 Corrie, John 5 22 Boyor, George «... 6 12 Cortney, Alfred 8 7 Boj-er, Kobfrt 6 12 Coverhill, Wm.. 4 6 Brady, (icorge 2 11 Cragg, A, .-i 4 Bralf'y. AUrt'd 4 24 Oainer, George • 'i r> Branchflower, PMward 3 1 Crandon, C. H., 4 14 Bridleman, Tjansing 9 23 Crawford, Wm., 7 27 Brifrps, Ephruim 4 18 Cresswell, John 12 18 Brown, B, B., 9 19 Cripp.'i, Wm. S., 11 21 Brown, Boiuton P., ser., 11 22 Ci-owley, Wm.. 9 13 Brown, Edward 10 12 Crosby, Thomas G 15 Brown, Enoch B., 10 22 Cross, Benjamin 12 18 Blown, (jreor(?e n 22 Cursent, Ebenezer 4 21 Brown, Matthew 1 1 Curtis, Cogan 11 11 Brown, Walter Jl 27 Curtis, George 11 10 Buckner. Benjamin G.. 5 5 Curtis, James 11 11 Burns, Frederick 12 6 Cuthbertson, \icholut« HI 4 Burn, John 9 1 Dagiu, Marcus 4 2 Burn, Matthew, miller. 12 6 Dalrymple, John 6 4 Burn, Robert 6 1 Daniels, Joseph 6 19 Burn, Smithon C 1 Daniels. Natli 5 18 Bnrrell, Thoma^i 12 15 Darker, James, painter 9 26 Buskirk, Jonathan B.. carpenter 2 4 Darling, Samuel 7 14 But<'her, Benjamin 2 5 Harrow, George 12 8 Butler, James 7 13 Davis, David f 7 26 Butler, John 7 15 Davis, Thomas V Butler, Richard 7 15 Dean, Lewis 1 x.'/ Sutghend, William 4 25 Dogroat, Ambro.'*o 7 2 Cadnian, Thomas 3 17 Delany, Patrick 2 28 Callahan, John 2 11 Dennis. Peter 10 20 Campbell, John 11 20 Devines, Henry 9 15 CasHidy, Charles 4 17 Devline, Patrick 6 6 Castiidy, Henry 4 23 Devline, Patrick 7 4 Chambers, James 3 15 Dodgens, John 9 15 C^hanibors, Jas. & Joa., 3 14 DOXNAKER, GEO.. minister, I 15 Chamlier.'^, Morris 2 4 Dorland, Henry 5 1 Chri.stie, (Jeo.. 12 10 Dorlaud, Wm., 4 1 Churchill, Georgo 4 18 Down, Henry 1 7 Clapton, John 7 14 Dunton, James 2 9 Clark, George 7 16 Dynes, Peirce 5 25 Clear, Michael 3 25 Ea.sty, Isaac 1 20 Clear, Thomas 2 25 Edwards, John 1 '0 Clinton, Adam 11 3 Ellery, Wm.. 3 _9 Collioti, Abel 10 20 Elliott, David 5 7 Collins, Jerome 6 9 Elliott Isaac & Isaiah 4 9 Collins, Josiab 6 10 ElUott, John 11 26 Cody, Charles G., 5 17 Ellis, George 7 l-^t Connor, Henry 11 14 Ellis, Thomas 7 :s Cook, Gondon 1 20 Ellis, Wm., 6 20 Cook, George 11 28 Empty, Gordon 8 23 46 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER. 1 t Con. L. Con.L. Empty, Iro 8 23 Green, Leonard 11 5 Empty, PeU^r 9 26 (iregg, John 3 10 Krvinc, Adam 2 16 Hadcock, Amot* 3 3 Everett, Joseph . 9 17i Hadcock. Isaac 4 8 Fulls, Philip 9 10 Hadcock, Mosos 4 13 Far(iuahn.°iHoii, Henn* 6 18 Hadcock, P. 4 I Farron, Richard 9 18 Hadcock, Wm. 5 9 Fells. David 12 19 Hagle, Peter 1 16 Fewoter, Richnrd 11 23 llagle, Peter 3 17 Fewrfter. ^Vm., 3 1 Haley, Andrew 12 17 Ficldinj^ David Flaherty, John 10 9 Haley, John 12 11 2 24 Hall, Edward 11 13 Fleming, Joseph 7 3 Hall, Wm. 10 10 Flemminp. Thomu.'* 12 8 Hankins. Thos. 1 12 Flualleu, Benjamin 8 5 Hardy Thos. 11 5 Fogerty, Patrick 2 23 Harrick, Jra 8 7 Fogerty, Dennis 2 23 Harris, Clark 3 26 Fogerty, Miclmel . 2 23 1 larris, Eli 3 13 Forbes, Jacob 10 15 Harris, Ephruim 6 17 Forbes, .lames 9 15 Harris, Gilbert 5 14 Forbes. Joseph 12 15 Harris, Herbert 5 7 Forlj(\s, Ijeander 10 15 Harris, Ira 4 10 Forbes, Robert (J., 11 H 11 1^ ilarris, Ira AV. 5 19 Ford, Lynas Harris, Jas. D. 2 17 Foster, Btepben 2 9 Harris, Lafayette 3 11 Fowler, Win. 10 16 Harris, R. 3 26 Eraser, John, clerk. 11 5 Harris, AVm. 3 12 Freedy, Jos. P. 9 16 Hurri.3, Wm. 5 14 Froedy. Jos. 9 21 Harris, Wm. 3 6 Freeman, David 10 11 Ilartuett, Daniel 4 4 Freeman, Geo. W. 12 23 Harvey, G. 11 5 Freeman. James 12 20 Havens, Wm. 9 15 Gaines, John 3 21 Hawkins, Chas. 10 11 (xarner, John 1 26 Hawkins, Daniel 10 28 Garnett, Wm., laborer. 11 5 Hawkins, Francis 11 7 (iarrick, Christopher J. 10 7 Hawkins, Gideon 11 19 Gates, (xeo. 4 25 Hayatt. Elijoh 12 8 Gatty, James 1 1 Haycock, Abraham 1 8 Gav, Robert 9 19 Hays, Daniel fi 8 Gilbert, Renj. 7 1 Heath, Norman 11 16 Gilbert, Peter .1 23 Hemsworth, Jas. 2 25 Gleason. Michael 4 4 Hemsworth, John 3 25 Gnodhand, Geo, > 1 24 Hemsworth, Patrick 2 26 Goodhand. Israel. ( Hemsworth, Patrick 1 27 Goodhand, John 1 24 Hewer, John 10 13 Goodfellow. Robert 8 19 Hewer, John, jr. 11 13 Goodwin. Chvistopln r 9 4 Hiliiker, Daniel, blacksmith, 11 23 Goodwin, G. .■) 15 Hill, Alvin 1 14 Goodwin, John 8 4 Hill. Beniamin 1 17 (ioodwiu. ThoH. 9 8 Hill. Calvin G. 2 14 Gorman, Bernard 7 24 Hockey, John, Inn-keeper. 9 7 (roslin, John 9 8 Hockitt, Walter 2 27 Grandy, Mark 9 24 Hodgson, John 11 17 (jlrandy. Wui. 9 24 Hogan, Hnrvey 10 8 (Jrannen, Hubert 1 10 Hogarth, Geo.' 8 21 Grav, Michael & G^eo. 5 6 Hollands, John 10 5 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 47 Con. L. 11 5 3 10 4 3 8 4 13 4 1 5 9 1 16 3 12 17 17 12 11 11 13 10 10 1 n 8 3 3 G 5 5 4 5 2 3 3 12 26 13 17 14 10 19 17 11 26 3 12 ■) 14 6 4 3 4 U 9 15 10 11 10 28 U 7 U 19 12 8 I P. 11 2 3 2 1 8 8 16 25 25 26 27 10 13 11 13 11 23 1 14 1 17 2 14 7 27 17 8 21 9 2 11 10 8 10 Con. L. I Con. L. ilopkius, iJouj. 9 27! Leonard. Michael 1 "2;. llopkius, John 2 2 Lewis, Amaaa 1 5 Hopkins, Ni<*hola3 9 27 Lewis, Hemau 4 22 Homu, Patrick 1 25 Lints, Daniel 7 24 Uonin, Thomas 1 21 Little, Jamos 4 21 lludaon, John W. 8 19 1 Little, Thomas 12 23 Hudson, Thonius 3 11 Little, William 4 21 Huffliort, Jeremiah 2 3 ' Livingston, Edward 12 16 Huj^hes, John, school teachoi' li> 15 Liviii'X'.tiiii, Jo.siah 12 16 ihiffil. John & William 2 7| LiJihiau, Hubert 9 25 Hunehpatch, ThomuH 3 19 1 Lowrie, William 12 9 Hunter, John 6 25! McAlpin, Alex. 9 6 1 luntsloy, Charles 9 14, McAuley, Daniel 7 20 Huuslcy, Henry 7 12! McAuley, Neil 7 20 llyslop, Thonuu< 5 15 1 McBeth, John 2 14 lies, William 2 22; McBeth. Tliomas it Jione- 3 19 Jacob, Francis 3 7: McCartlay, Timothy 2 27 Jacob, Seth 3 7! McCiintock, 8 28 James. Job 9 6 , McCue, Edward .t Wm. 3 9 .fenkins, William, carpenter, 8 20 :\[c('ue, Robert & John '■ 3 8 Jen-ar, Martin H 15 McDonald, Charles & Lewis 10 3 Johnston, David 11 14 McDonald, Duncan 7 17 Johnston, Jamea H. 12 17 McDonald. Smith 5 28 .Fone8, William 4 19 [ McDonald, Wellington 5 15 Karn, John A. 10 2 McDonough, Dennis 6 19 ICarn, Sanmel 10 2 I McDowell, Joseph U 16 Keft'e, John 7 3 i McDowell, Robert, wea* . 12 2 Kelliot, William 10 1 McDowell, Samuel 11 16 Kennedy, Thomas 12 11 McDowell, Thomas 12 8 Ketluedy, William I 19 McDowell. William 10 16 Kerwin, Patrick 5 2 MoEwin, John 5 24 Kilpfore, Alex. 7 19 McCxOveru. Philip 5 2 Kilkinson, John 4 17 Mclxreggor, Daniel, mill owner, 9 14 Kimph. Jerome 6 7 McKellor, Dougald 8 7 Kinp, John 10 13 McKinnen, Thomius 10 12 Kiii[ayberry, Richard snr., blacksmith Lawson, John k Jamtw 2 3 Mnyl)ern', Richard jr., blacksmith. Layton, Willia:n 2 20 Mercer, Samuel E., 11 C Loe, James 9 26 Mercer, Thomas 10 14 Leed, Edward B. 11 18 Miller, Alfred , m m 1 1 Leonard, Aael 10 15 Miller, Ogdeu 7 7 Leonard, David 11 18 Miller, Robert H 1 Leonard, Daniel & Hu^h 3 27 Miuer, George 6 -7 Leonard, John 2 27 Minor, Jamea 7 9 1 ' n I; i. i < 1 I! . !! i 48 COUNTT Of* OXFORD GAZBrrEER, Con. L. Con.L. Minor, Josiah 7 8 Pool, Edward G. 1 14 Mitchell, Charles 7 10 Post, Albert 6 13 Mitchell, Chas blacksmith T) 22 Post, Hiram 6 13 Mitchell, Jaiiiea 3 9 Pound, John D. 9 17 Mitchell, Robert school-tejwjher 3 16 Price, David 6 17 Mitchell, Samuel 3 10 Price, Matthew 7 22 Monk, Peter 8 23 Price, Sylvester 4 23 Monk, John 8 23 Proctor, CJeo. G., carpenter, 8 19 Moore, Abraham lumberman 11 10 Pritchard, James 6 24 Moruu, Wm., snr., ^ X 19 Prouse, Thos. 1 21 Morun, Wm. jr., J Purdy, Harvev Quinn, John, blacksmith. 1 14 Morris, James 4 3 2 7 Murris, John 3 24 Quinn, Robert 2 20 ^lorris, Samuel 4 27 Ranney, Henry 1 14 Morris, Thomuf 3 24 Ranney, Hiram 2 15 Morrison, Bav d 5 8 Rauney, Homer 2 12 Morriaon, Peter & Dougla«« f, 9 Ransom, John & Wm. 5 20 Moulton, John 4 20 Reams, Thos. I 1 Moult on, Joseph 10 20 Reid, John b 21 Moultfti, Wm. 10 26 Reynolds, Michael 10 4 Moyar, Alouzo 2 1 Rice, John 1 2t Moyar, John 2 1 Richardson, Geo. 9 26 Moyur, Lodowiok 6 11 Ring, Wm. 7 14 Moyur, Peter 6 13 Riltcr, Alfred 4 26 Mugau, Patrick 7 5 Ritter, Zachariah 3 5 Mulyneaux, Richard 12 12 Rockett, Amoa 9 23 Murray, Andrew carpeiiiter Ronan, John 4 Murray, Dennia, carpenter Ronohen, Judith 2 26 Naglc, Samuel 2 13 Roughner, Henry 12 8 Nellit!, Benjamin 6 5 Rowson, Thos. -4 27 Xe\vl)ut, Hiram 1 16 Ruckle, Daniel, sr., 8 26 Xewstead, John 1 5 Ruckle, Daniel, jr., 8 27 Nutt, Bennett 2 2 Ruckle, John 8 26 O'Connor, Edn-ard 7 6 Ruckle, Thos. 8 27 O'Connor, Michael A John 6 2 Ruddford, 0. F. 11 8 Oles, Xorman L. .') 13 Rue, John 10 11 Olmstead, Simon 6 18 Russell, Oliver I 15 O'Rourk, James 4 12 Russell, Robert Ostraudor, Henry B., 9 I Rutherford, Wm. & Stephen 12 8 Ostrander, J. 6 6 Rutledge, Christopher 4 6 Palmer, George 1 25 Ryan, Jas. 8 22 Palmer, Isaac shinglo-muker 7 22 Ryan, Richard 8 22 Partle, John 3 22 Saddler, John 10 17 Peert, Samuel 11 18 Sage, Erastus 1 19 Peuuil, Charles 10 15 Sage, James 5 3 Pennil, George 10 12 Sage, Simeon 1 19 Perry, Levi 11 17 Sampey, Thos. 8 28 Pett'li, John 9 20 Sanderson, John 9 16 Pewster, Robert 9 14 Schooner, James 12 23 Phelps, David 9 21 Scott, Anthony 8 6 Phillips, David 4 18 Scott, Joseph 7 2 Phillips, Wm. 1 18 Scott, Thos., jr., 3 27 Pickering, David 8 9 Scott, Walter 6 20 Piper, Isaac 2 18 Scott, Willard 2 8 Pitman, John 10 6 Scott, Wm. 12 12 Pitman, Zachariah 10 5 Scott, Wm. 3 21 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 49 Con.L. 1 14 6 13 6 13 9 17 ti 17 7 22 4 23 8 19 6 24 1 21 14 J. 2 7 2 20 14 15 12 20 1 21 4 2t 26 14 26 5 1 2 2 1 b 10 1 9 t 4 3 9 23 5 4 2 26 12 8 -4 27 8 26 8 27 8 26 8 27 11 8 10 11 I 15 12 4 8 8 8 6 22 22 10 17 19 3 19 28 16 12 23 8 5 2 27 20 8 12 12 3 21 Con. L. Scliram, Jolm 1 15 Service, Saino3 1 3 Service, Milos 1 7 Service, Nelsou 1 4 Servicp, P^tor 1 3 Servico, Seymour 1 5 Sharp, (jpo. 11 23 Shell, llem-y Shell, Taui 6 28 Shelton, John i>. 1 17 Sheltoii, Wtii. 1 17 Sherlock, Dt'iiiiin 3 25 Sherlock, Michar-l 3 25 Sherlock, Patrick 3 25 Simmons, Franklin 10 15 Simmon:!, Joseph 10 8 Simmons, Orin G 18 Sinclair, Eiiphalet 2 6 Sinclair, U. 1 14 Sinclair, Ilazen, jr., 2 10 Siples, Jeremiah 5 23 Siples, Lewis J. 1 9 Siples, Odleii 4 26 Sitts, Peter 12 8 Smart, Andrew 8 25 Smart, Mrs. 6 3 Smart, ThoH. 7 2 Smith. Andes 4 28 Smith, Geo. 5 25 Smith, Goo. 10 27 Smith, Isaac 4 28 Smith, John, toll-g-ato keeper. 8 22 Smith, John 12 26 Smith, irohn, jr.. 1 28 Smiley, John 4 7 SMITH, JOHN & MALCOLM, U 6 Smith, Joseph tt Reuben 3 12 Smith, Orange 1 13 Snuth, Robert 9 28 Smith, Wm. C 3 Smith, Wm. 9 6 Suell, Geo. 5 1 Snyder, Joseph 3 17 Soper, Augustiis 3 2 Spougbnrgh, J. 10 8 Stafford, Martin 1 1 Stanton, Amos Stanton, Geo. ' '. 9 n Steel, Ale.v. 4 26 Stevens, Fredk. 3 5 Stevens, James 7 13 Stflveus, Thos. 7 13 Stienhoff, John 9 25 Stockdule, Robert 1 18 Stone, Edward 2 16 Stonehouse, Richard, carp. 9 25 rt Stonehouse, Wm. Stratton, K. Strouil, Francis Stroud, Jan. R., wagon-nuvker, Stroud, John Stroud, Rob(?rt Stroud, Wm. Sugh, Samus Switzer, John Syi)her, Peter Terry, Je.mes L. Thacla^r, John Thomas, Willard Thomas, Wm. D. Thompson, Jolm Thompson, ^V'm. Thoni, Joseph Tilltoa, Snnnci Tobb, Samuel Tolluirst, Alfred Topping, ITonry Torrance, Joseph Tribe, Robert, school teacher Trinity, Martin Tripp, Adam ! Turner, Ervine : Turner, James E., 1 Turner, John Turner, Mark Turner, William Tyrrell, David Utter, John White, Sandford Waddle, James Waggoner, Isaac Waggoner, Jesse Waller, Lancelot Ward, Charles Ward, William Wurdle, Josepli Wardle, Josoi)h Wardle, John Warrant, John Warren, Wm. jr. Watson, D.ivin \V(!bster, Francis Weeks, Joseph Wessenger, lliidolph Westbrook, Renjainin Weston, Henry Whe(>ler, Thomas L. White, Edward Con. L. 9 25 10 H 9 8 17 3 4 3 1 7 18 3 1 5 22 5 22 7 26 y 2<> y 23 12 14 6 3 2 1 9 1 1'! 9 8 10 6 9 9 10 2 1 2 10 G 11 5 3 4 9 11 11 9 8 H 7 (1 9 9 9 11 2 4 7 2 2 4 8 15 11 27 25 15 26 ' 3 10 13 C 5 8 13 16 13 15 18 r. 5 4 14 14 •> •J '2 4 I r> '.) 12 8 21 4 22 il !i H\i Nil Hjii f I . '- 3.' 1 *■ I I'! li ■ f K I SO COUNT! OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Con, L. Cou. L. White, Jeremiali, sen 10 10 Wilson, Charles 1 21 White, Jeremiah, jr. 10 10 Wilson, Heur}' 6 26 Whitelock, George 8 12 Wilscii, .jeonard 1 22 Whiteloek, Jainos 9 14 WiL-ion, Richard 1 23 Whiteloclv, Mathevv 8 42 Wiseman, (ieorj^o 1 15 Whitly, Stephen 1 20 Wood, Wm. 7 28 AVilkinsoii, John 8 27 AVoodrey, Francis 11 17 AVilliam.s, Davitl 7 25 AVoolov, Lewis 10 24 Williams, James 7 22 AVrijrht, John & Edwin 7 17 AVilliams, Richard 7 21 Wri.'ht, Wm. 5 27 Williams, Richard 7 8 York, Edward 10 19 Williamson, Johu 11 26 York, iStephen 10 26 AVillianison, William 10 25 Zealey, Wm. 1 3 T. DEALEK IK DRY GOODS, HAEDWAEE,&C., MANUFACTURF.R OF BOOTS & SHOES, AI-SO, MODELAND'S CELEBEATED PLOUGH, EAST NISSOURI, LOT 25, GRAVEL ROAD. BLACKSMITHING, AND GENERAL J O B B I N GJ^ . Thamesroid (ii-avel Road, EAST NISSOURI. AND GENERAL DIEEOTOET. 51 TOWNSHIP OF EAST NISSOURI. This township, which is situated in the North-weetern part of the County, and fourteen miles from Woodstock, is bounded on the north by the townships of Blanchard and Dowuie, (County of Perth); on the south by the township of North Oxford; on the west by the township of West Nissouri, (Middlesex County); and on the east by the township of West Zorra. The original town- ship of Nissoiiri l>ecame divided into two townships, as those of East and West Nissouri, and in IB.")!, the cuhteru jiortion, under the township name of Nip- Bouri (East), was declared to form part of the County of Oxford, while Nis- souri West remained attached to the East Riding of Middlesex. The town- ship only commenced settling in 1819, and is now very well settled with a pop- ulation, as returned by the census taken in 1861, of three thousand four hun- dred and eighty-four, (beinjr 18.. i males and 1630 females) shewing an increase over the census returns for 1851, of one thousand three hundred and sixty-six. There were 844 children attending school ; births in 1860, one hundred and twent^'-eight; deaths in same year twenty-seven. The soil of the township is of a very fertile quality, atid excellently adapted for agricultural and horticul- tural cultivation. It is well supplied with mill streams, and is watered by the middle branch of the Thames, which flows through the southern portion of the Township. The Thamesford atid East Nissouri Gravel Road runs through the Township. There are four Post Offices within the township, viz ; — Lakeside, Kintore, (17th lot 11th concession), Thamesford, and Nissouri P.O. An Agricultural Association composed of the Farmers of the Township, under the name of the " East Nissouri Agricultural Society," was organized on 11th February, 18."»7, and is successfully carried on, and meets at Grave's School House. The following are the HOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFlCKRS. William II. Gregory, President. \ Lawrence Whelan, Vice-President. DIRECTORS. John Johns, John Adams, E. H. Pearson, Francis Thurlow, Adam Heudorson, Luther Aldrich, •lames Thompson, AVilliam Pattei-sou, John Henderson, Secretary. POST OFFICES. Kintore Post Office, situated on 17 Lot, 11 Concession, West half. William Murray, Post Master. Mails received, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays — 12 o'clock, a.m. Nissouri Post Oflice. situated on 9 Lot, 14 Concession, Joseph Howes, Post Master. Mails roceivcid and dispatched tri-weekly. SCHOOLS, LOCATIONS AND TEACUKRS' NA.MES. Adam's School House' .'i Lot, 12 Concession. Number of pupils, 78, aver- age 26. George A. Munro, Teacher. 52 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZEITEEB. i i W > i: Aldrich's Scliool Housp, 5 Lot, 10 Concession, W. P. No. of pupils 7I>, avt'iii^e 3.x Gcorj^e 8. Kpllofrjr, Toachor. Alian's School Housf, Lot 17, M ('oncession. No. of pupils 97, averape 50. Joiiu's II. McKay, Teacbor. Krowii's School llousp, '2i) Lot, 8 Concpssion. No. of pupils 86, :ivpra;^o 59. MoiitpronitTv Wahlon, Teacher. Gravp'fl School House, 15 Lot, II Concession. No. of pupils 125, average 42. John L. Hay, Toucher. Glen.Hon's School House, 25 Lot. 10 Concesyion. No. of pupils oO, average 26, Aiiiiie Donohoe, Teacher. IIup:hea' School House, 15 Lot, 9 Concession. No. of pupils 62. average 35. ChnstinuTaylor, Teacher. fjl McKims' School House, silutited on 30 TjoI, 12 Concession. No. of pupils 186, average 72. Andrew T. Fotheringhain, Teacher. Tiiurlow's School Houst , 21 Lot, 10 ConccBsion, No. of pupils 68, average 26. John Ross, Teacher. IGRICOT.TrBAl, (;KN8US or THK TtnVNSHr.' OI' MSSOUKI KAST, FOR THE YK.VK 1661. Number of acres for farming purpose; under cultivutioii 1860, uncler croj)s m under pasture in 1860. " under orchards or gardens, " under wood or wild, Casli vaiue of farms in dollars, Cai^h vnliu' of fanning implements or machinery iu dollar.s, Number cf acres nn(itock in dollars, nutter, 1I)S. ("hefse, Ihs, Heef. in barrels of 200 lbs. Pork, in barrels of 200 lbs. Fish, quantity salted and barrelled, " " sold fresh. Pleasure carriages, Value of do. in dollars, I'roduce of orchards and gardens in dollars, 2,456 2,61)3 20 209 2,154 1,359 876 ^-7,241 353 4.160 3,081 I31,7.V.) 75,934 23,159 3,034 i 36,634J 400 60 52 2,953 5,594 I Al-PHABETlt'AL LIST OK THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWNSIIIV. Cou. L. Abbott, Ansom 10 8 Adams, John 13 1 Alderson, George 11 10 Aldrich, Jotham 10 6 Aklrich, Luther 10 5 ALDRICH, LUTHER 9 9 Allen, Abraham 11 31 Allen, Albert 10 31 Allan, Nathan P. 14 17 Allen, Simon 10 31 Anderson, — , toU-galc keeper, 5 11 Anderson, Mrs. 8 2 Ardel, John 11 19 Armstrong, Christopher, 10 14 Aimstrong, Robert 13 31 Armstrong, Wm. 10 14 baker, Soloman 11 22 Ikikie, John 14 3 BAILY, OLIVER 12 I DAILY, WM. 12 2 Bain, Mrs. 10 16 Ball, Stephen H. 14 21 Ball, Wm. 14 20 Ballou, Stephen 1 9 Barnun, Wm. 8 *l BARTINDALE, WM. L., wagon- maker 14 1 Baakins, Moses 12 22 BATES, RUBERT 9 24 9 24 11 7 11 7 Con. L. 11 7 9 22 14 19 10 24 9 30 13 34 11 33 12 32 8 27 9 22 12 27 8 26 Rates. Wm Hcattie, James BBATTIE, JOHN Beattie, Peter BEBK,J.H., Merchant, 25th Lot, Gravel Road. (See Card.) Blannerhasset, A, wagon-maker. Blow James Brazier, Edward Bridgman, John Brinnen, James Brougbton, Mrs. Broughton, John Brown, Elisha H. Brown, George Brown, Jas. H. Brown, John Brown, T. B., local Pastor, M. E. 8 26 Brown, W. W. 11 20 Buckner, Joaiah 9 21 Buckner, Wm. 8 25 Burns, Ellas 10 33 BURNS, JAS., weaver, 12 24 Buttler, Samuel 11 23 CAMERON, JOHN, Councillor, 12 3 CAMERON, JOHN Cameron, Robert, J. P., Campbell, Alex. Campbell, David Campbell, Donald Carr, John Carter, Wm. Gaspell, Richard Chamberlain, Palmer Chandler, John 13 4 « 13 3 ■i 12 17 1 11 2 ? 12 4 ! 9 5 9 8 i 8 24 1 12 19 .1 13 24 i H COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, If N 1 u J M CHANDLER, WILLIAM Chase, Nichols Chesnut, BeDJ. J. Churchill, Asa Churchill, Asa Clark, Isaac Clark, George Clark, Johu CLARK, MARK, bl'ksmllh shop, Situated ou the Thamesford Gravel Road. (See Card.) Clark, Roderick Coats, Josei ' Coffee, Stepi- :! Cogswell, A. ;', Cogswell, F. 'i,, (/»•(., Colburn, Wm. Conat, W. D. Cowan, Andrew Cragg, Peter Darling, Jas., blacksmith, Davidson, Hugh Day, Elmer Day, John Day, Riley Day, Wm. Devlin, Patrick Devlin, John Douglas, John Drennen, James Drummoad, James Egan, Thos. Elliott, Jas. H., carp'tr, Emigb, Charles Emigh, Wm. Fay, John, prop'r. saw-mill, Feightner, Thomas, carpenter and joiner Fellows, Joe Flannery, Richard Fletcher, JohnMcN. shoemaker FOX, JOHN, shoe shop Fortner, Andrew, jr., waggon- maker Fordan, John Ford an, John Ford/In, Allan Fraser, Simon Fraser, Alex. FRASER, ALEX., Furse, George Furse, James <}ALLOWAy, JOHN, Gilray, Barnabua Gleason, Moses Gleason, Joseph Gleason, Reuben Godfrey, Phineas Goflbrd, Simeou 'on. L. 13 2S 9 5 10 15 8 5 8 6 8 3 a 2 8 2 10 22 13 30 U 9 13 32 1 9 1 U 29 11 32 12 5 11 21 14 23 12 7 9 4 8 4 8 1 8 5 13 28 13 34 9 9 14 23 8 8 13 35 8 2 13 33 13 29 8 18 9 24 8 10 8 18 14 9 9 26 10 22 10 23 13 30 11 26 13 11 14 4 13 13 9 11 9 11 8 11 10 4 11 27 10 26 10 29 10 11 8 2 Con. L. Grace, Johu 9 22 Graham, James 8 33 Graves, Jonathan, ser.. 11 15 Graves, Jonathan T. jr.. 11 15 Giay, Matbew 10 13 Gray, Robert 13 20 Gray, William 9 14 Gregory, Gilbert 11 30 Gregory, W. H., J. P. 11 30 llallack, Mrs. 11 32 Half Way House, Gravel Road, Sturges David, 11 25 Hahnar, Matthias 12 7 Hanes, Adam 11 35 Hanson, Josepii 11 22 Harkness, George 11 4 Harkness, William 11 4 Harris, Andrew 12 26 Harris, Elisha 12 26 Harris, Elisha, jr. 12 26 Harris, Ezra 12 28 Harris, Thomas, ser., 9 29 Harris, Thomas, jr., 9 29 Hawkes, John 12 34 Hawksworth, John 13 25 HAY, JOHN S., Pearson's school 11 16 Haycock, George 9 27 Henderson, Adam 9 12 Henderson, John 8 9 Henderson, John 9 14 Henderson, Matliew 8 9 Henderson, Samuel 8 9 Hereford, John 14 22 Hereford, James 14 22 Hodgins, John 8 36 Hogg, William 10 8 Hoigt, Joel 10 34 Holaban, Lansing 10 12 Honigan, Patrick 9 34 HORSMAN, DENNIS 11 6 HORSMAN, CHARLES 10 6 HOSSACK, ALEX. 13 10 Hossack, William 13 7 Hosack, Donald 13 9 Houghton, Elihu 12 7 Howes, Francis 13 33 HOWES, JOSEPH 13 13 Hughes, Richard T. 9 15 Hughe.?, Andrew 13 27 Huut, Frederick 8 31 Huntley, John 8 3 INGLE, CHARLES, blacksmith , 12 23 Insign, James 12 21 Jackson, Thomas 14 13 Jaffrey, William, 13 5 Jerman Francis, 13 26 Jerman, Varnum 1 29 Johnston, James 9 31 JohustOD, John, blacksmith U 10 12 7 11 35 11 22 11 4 11 4 12 26 12 26 12 26 12 28 9 29 9 29 12 34 13 25 A 11 16 9 27 9 12 8 9 9 14 8 9 8 9 14 22 14 22 8 36 10 8 10 34 10 12 9 34 11 6 10 6 13 10 13 7 13 9 12 7 13 33 13 13 9 15 13 27 8 31 8 3 , 12 23 12 21 14 13 13 5 13 26 1 29 9 31 U 10 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 55 Johnston, John Johnston, William Johnston, Robert, Johnston, Robert . Jones, Orlando Judge, John, KELLEY", WM., P. carpenter, KELLOGG, GEO. S., teacher Kelly, Hugh Kelly, Thomas, teacher Kennedy, John Kennedy, Peter Eew, James Kerr, James KING, ROBERT Kirk, John Laraont, James Lamont, Hugli Law, Levi LEE, SAMUEL Leming, James Leslie, William Lewis, Amasi LEWIS, LEVI, framer LILLYWHITE, GEORGE, Liman, William Lince, James Lockery, Barnabus, Lockery, Charles Lockery, Hugh, Lockery, Robert, Lovet, John McArthur, Donald McBrayne, Archibald, grocer, McCaul, Donald McCaul, Donald McClure, David McClure, Hugh MacCorquodale, Cornelius McCorquodale, Donald McDiarmid, Hugh McDIARMID, WM. McDonald, Donald McDonald, Hugh McDonald, Jas. McDonald, John McDonald, philip McDonald, Robt. McDonald, Wm. McDonald, Wm. McGce, Wm. McGee, — McGowan, Jas. McGuire, Blakely McGuirk, Richard Mcintosh, Hugh Mcintosh, John McKay, Alex. McKay, Donald Con. L. 9 21 9 31 10 8 10 9 11 32 9 3 12 15 10 5 14 34 8 27 12 15 8 16 10 9 12 29 10 30 12 19 9 13 9 17 9 25 11 15 12 1 14 34 11 34 9 13 8 30 12 23 13 30 8 27 9 33 8 27 9 33 8 17 12 11 14 11 14 14 4 16 11 10 11 10 14 26 14 26 9 1 12 3 9 7 14 12 14 12 9 23 12 12 12 18 12 12 8 31 12 14 12 14 8 18 10 28 10 33 10 11 14 8 13 1 13 14 Con. L. McKay, Geo. 14 2 McKay, Hugh !• I 7 McKay, Hugh 1 1 22 McKay, Hugh 12 20 McKAY, JAMES H., teacher McKay, John 10 12 McKay, John 13 2 McKay, John 13 5 .McKay, Kay 12 8 McKay, Murdoch 11 22 McKay, Thos. 9 10 McKay, Thos. 14 4 McKAY, WM. 13 2 McKENZIE, HECTOR, grocer, 9 12 McKenzie, John, sr., 9 12 McKenzie, John, jr., 9 12 McKenzie, John, shoemaker, 11 9 McKenzie, Wr l.i 18 McKenzie, M . 14 27 McKenzie, Miu loci 14 27 McKinn, Ar ew 12 30 McKinu, V m 12 30 McKnee, ' "u 10 5 McKnee, jpci" 8 ti McLaren, Jas. 13 28 McLarke John 13 32 McLarty, . aid 12 35 McLarty, JMues 12 35 McLarty, Robert 1 2 :13 McLean, Chas. II 18 McLean, John II 18 McLean, Patrick 1 2 4 McLELLAN, ANDREW, black- smith, 1 5 McLeod, Angus 10 |0 McLeod, Donald 1 4 30 McLeod, Hectoi' 9 15 McLEOD, HENRY, carp. & join'r 8 7 8 8 8 7 9 15 12 20 8 15 10 10 8 34 8 10 12 25 12 5 14 7 8 18 8 18 11 8 i| 34 12 34 11 16 9 30 12 17 13 I 8 J3 McLeod, Jacob McLeod, Joel McLeod. John McLeod, Kenneth McLeod, Wra. McLeod, Wm. Mc Master, John McMillan, Alex. McMillan, Hugh McNee, Wm. McNeil, John McPheraon, Alex. McPherson, Alex. McPherson, John Madden, James Malcolm, Thomas Marshal, John Martin, Geo. Matheson, Angus Matheson, Mrs. Matheson, Peter 'n I S6 1 1 ifi! COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETl'EER, Melville, Alex. Morcer, S. J. Mitchel, Burley Mitchel, Oharlea iVIitchel, Edw. Mitchel, John Mitchel, Mortimer MITCHflLL, PETER Moore, Michael MORRISON, ANGUS, agent Sutherland, MORRISON, GEORGE- MORRISON, GEORGE Morrison, George Morriaon, Hugh Morrison, John, stone mason, MORRISON, JOHN MORRISON, WM. Munro, George Murray, John, blacksmith, MURRAY, WM. Murphy, Jeremiah Murphy, Lawrence jMurphy, Michael Nash, Fran< ia Near, Andrew Neil, Robert , Nelson, Geo. Nixon, — NOBLE, FARQUHAR Nutt, Horace . Nutt, Mile3 Nutt, Robert OBRYAN, JAMES Obryan, Morris Obryaa, Wm. Papineau, Ensign Patterson, Jas. Petterson, Jas, Patterson, Jas. Patterson, Wm, Pattison, Wm. PEARSON, THOS. H. Pearson, John Peasly, Albert Peasly, Leamon Philips, John Potter, James Purdy, Alfred Purdy, Ghauncy Purdy, Hiram Purdy, Lyman Purdy, Wm Quinn, Daniel Quinn, James RATHBUN, HORACE Reavely, Amos B. Reavely Thomas Reid, James Con. L. 8 12 12 9 n 24 12 26 12 24 12 36 12 24 10 n 14 33 12 5 12 14 12 16 11 17 13 22 12 1 14 28 12 15 12 20 14 10 11 17 13 10 14 36 13 29 10 6 8 23 8 21 10 4 10 36 13 8 13 28 12 33 J2 33 11 12 9 6 9 6 8 2 9 23 9 23 11 3 11 17 14 23 11 15 8 20 9 23 9 23 10 15 10 17 9 26 8 22 8 25 9 27 9 26 10 9 10 9 13 31 9 6 9 6 14 10 Robins, Levi Robinson, John Robinson, Thomas Rady, James ROSE, LEWIS Richardson, George Richardson, Robert ROSS, ALEX. ROSS, ALEX. Ross, Alex. Poss, David Ross, Finley Ross, George ROSS, GEORGE Ross, John Ross, John Ross, Richard ROSS, WALTER Ross, William Rounds Jeremiah Rounds, Spafford P. Rounds, Sylvester Rouse, James Scellen, William Scott, George SCOTT, GEORGE Seaton, Jacob Seaton, John Service, John SERVICE, PETER, boot and maker Shannon, Edward Shannon, James Shaw, Mrs. Alex. Shaw, Andrew SHAW, ANGUS SHAW, JOHN SHAW, Mary Mrs. SHAW, HUGH Sheldon, John Sherlock, James Shratrand, Joseph Siggins, George Sinkins, William Sims, Henry Sims, Mrs. J. Skinner, Charles Slater, Alex. Slater, Henry Smith, Charles Smith, James Smith, John Snell, WlUiara Snetsinger, C. J. Snetslnger, George Speck, James Stafford, James STAINTON, THOMAS Steele, Robert Con. f 8 10 f> 12 9 12 12 14 9 12 10 13 12 14 9 13 14 14 14 14 JO )1 to 10 11 11 11 shoe II 9 9 11 13 12 11 13 14 10 8 9 8 11 11 9 8 9 9 II 12 14 13 13 9 8 L. 21 15 14 :u G 32 31 G II 13 8 10 10 15 10 22 22 1« 10 31 30 31 18 7 7 8 23 24 12 12 3 3 20 8 21 19 18 28 32 4 30 11 14 14 25 12 35 19 5 3-" 24 5 5 32 32 8 14 9 35 AND OEXKllAL DIUKCTORV. ft? Con. L. I 21 15 14 31 C 3*2 31 C II 13 8 10 10 13 10 22 22 1« 10 31 30 31 18 7 10 10 11 11 11 11 9 9 II 13 7 8 25 2t> 12 12 3 3 20 8 12 21 11 19 13 18 14 28 10 32 8 4 9 30 8 a Steritt, Wni. Stevens, Charles Sltirgea, Ersstus riTURGBS, David, llalfWay Sully, Robert Sutherland, Alex. Sutherland, Alex. Sutherland, Andrew Sutherland, Ebenezer Sutherland, Hugh Sutherland, Hugh Sutiierland, Hugh Sutherland, William Swan, Andrew Swayze, Benjamin Swayze, I-^liui Tail, John Talbott, Mrs. Talent, Thomas Taylor, David Taylor, .)olin Taylor, .loseph Taylor, William Taylor, William, jr. Tobin, James Thomas, W. J., toll keeper Thompkins, James Thompson, Alex. THOMPSON, James Thompson, John Thompson, Robert Thornton, John THORNTON, REMEMBER Thornton, William H 12 8 30 12 23 11 25 House. 14 35 13 22 14 5 11 18 13 21 10 26 IS 11 14 3 12 21 13 9 10 13 11 13 9 4 8 21 8 22 10 27 11 27 10 35 10 27 10 27 J3 35 10 20 8 4 13 12 11 31 13 29 11 33 11 11 12 n Thurlow, Francis Towle. George Towle, Hozcki.ih Towle, Joiin TOWLE, SAMUEL, Roc vo Towle, William Towle, William Tracy, John Trueman, Trueman, Samuel T'ren, James Uren, John Vansickle, John Viinsickle, .lohn Walker, Charles Weil', George Wells, Jonathan Wells, Thomas F. Western Horace WHETSTONE, JOS! AH Whetstone, William WHITE, HECTOR Whit ten, James Wickum, .lohn Williams, G. Wilson, .Vlathew, ser. Wilson, Mathew, jr. Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Wm. YAKE'S WILL, Daniel Yake Young, John Young, Robert , Zurbrick, Christian Con. L. 10 21 11 It 11 23 11 23 11 24 10 20 12 13 H :i2 1 1 2tJ 8 24 8 2<> >j 25 11 I!» 14 19 10 19 12 8 •» 29 » 29 11 34 12 31 13 .^a ].i 2» •J 2 8 32 10 19 10 29 10 29 9 23 10 29 rop.ll 8 JO 21 !» 12 y 28 '.11 1 i 3 11 14 II 14 9 2.') 8 12 9 35 9 19 11 5 12 3' 14 24 13 5 13 5 9 32 8 32 8 14 9 35 8 58 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, I J I t i .1 i i u ■J ; « f ft H n % TOWNSHIPS OF NORWICH-NORTH & SOUTH. Tlicsf TowrthipH under the ori^tial nanio of the Townsliij) of Norwicli, forni- t'll II imrt of the County of Norfolk, but V»y Act of Parliiiiiunt in l'i\)H, thut Township was detaclied therefrom autl declared to bo one of the Township.-J form- ing the County of Oxford. The boundurit s of the orijrinul Township are us fol- lows — ()n the North l)y the Township of East Oxford ; on the i^DUth Ity the Township of Middlotoii (in Norfolk:) on the Ka«t hy the Township of VVind- liiun (in Norfolk); and on the West by the 'I'ownship of Dcreimni. it bocauie for .Municipal purposes, divided into North and South Norwich. Their jii-neral aspect is that of a, plea.sant rolling country, having land of a rich ilcscription, and prffductive (pialities for generi"! (•uhiviition. a> » vinced by the many «pleiulid farms whidi they contain. Each Township ha.-*!in iimnt use growth of timber, — oak, olni, beech, maple, ridges of pine, kc, ami beside well watered l) of on(> thousand one hundred and forty-three. Children attending school, in North Norwich TGI, births in 18(30, 9 of same in dollai-s, Colts or Fillies under 3 years of age, Sb I'p. Total value of live .stock in dollars. Butter lbs. Cheese " Beef in bis of 200 lbs, Pork in bbls of 200 lbs. Pleasure Carnages kept, Value of do in dollar;?. Produce of Orchards and gardens in doUam, 7387J 839^ 9699 12697."» 40723 1731J 17700 28715 .'31173 77GJ 26512 31 363 2313 56475 23421 93035 232i .5455J 460 10078 307 25763 77735 6i 3986 23702 99i 3307i 136 380 15284 71497 26.540 1206^ 6523 148 1893 1519 J 026 75550 409 5423 2432 157613 117345 75372 165 103?4 234 15330 13377 60 ft COUNTY OB' OXFORD (iAZK/lTEER, M.ril.VIlKTirAT. UST OF TIIR RKPIDKNTS OF N'ORTII NORWICH Aiiriiliani, Thomas Acklaiid, Henry Auiir, Joseph Aikiiiuii, y.ikirmii, John Ahnus, ("hrisfopher A ndrrson. Sanuiol Arnisiron Karkor. Isaac H. Barker, ^V■m. V. IJarkei-, Wm. S. Barnes. Elizaliotli Karl (in, \Villiain Boico, Abraham Bonds, ('. BnuUv, David f Bradlv, Darius \ Bradly, Nicholas K. Branch tlo\ver,JMrs. Brearly, William Breeii, Tatiick f lireen. James \ Brow, Joseph JSrown. Alfred ISrown, John BuckluMiT, (ieorge, Idacksniil Bnrch, Thomas BTr,',i>'(\s;;. Kdward ^\'. Bnru'css, Joiiii Biii<,fess, Jolm .1. r>urkliold(T, Henry Bnrliss, Sainnel S. J!n.:|!(], An^-nslus I5nshel, Thonias, sen. IWi :liel. Thomas, Jr. i>niteri'iel(|, Daviil S. ( 'iide, Jolin, pi'dlrr, ( 'amp1)ell. Alirah-am ( ';un})lH>lI, .lolin ( 'amwell, James ('amwell. Xoxon Cauiwell, Thomas ( 'ano, John < ARDEK. JAMES ( 'arlaw, 'I'honias CARKOLr.. JAMES, Physic ( Ah'ROLL, WM. 8t'U. (.'ou. L 6 2 )0 1 26 6 3 1 14 f) a a 2:1 4 19 •) 22 .'» 20 2 5 ■1 .") f) 12 ■i 2 1 ■') •1 4 4 3 4 26 5 24 :; 20 6 14 L 18 I 15 6 2i Carroll. Thoma.s Carroll, Wm. J. Cham'iers, Benjamin, pedloi Chambers. Jolin '41 I BERS, ROBK (.'hapin, James Chapman. James F. Clare, Francis f Clare. Albert \ Clark, John Cohae, Frances ( Cohae. Andrew ^ Cohap, Andrew f Coh.ae. William ( Cohae. Mrs. Cole, llamillon. joiner. Cole, Jonathan Collard, .John f Collard, Robert S Collins, .lohn Collson, Jam(?H Coltson, .Tamos, joiner Comer, .lohn Cooper, Wm. Corbin, Joslnia / Corbin, .lohn ( Cornwall. Michael i Costler, James (i. i Cowley, Owen 6 19;Crabh', Charles 2 25 ' Cranl .lohn .rl2 Cros,s. Wm. .") I ' Davi.s. John RT Con. L. 5 4 .") f) .") 4 I 21 2 24 5 16 1 6 6 20 (i .") 1 .) ^ Ti i; i; Davis. Th omas W 2 14 1 DeLonf!', Oarry V 2 16 : DeJiOnjr, Stephen 1 27 DeLini!:-, Wm. W. '> \>:. Denni.r, Iienrv 2 i;» ' Deimis, Jarvis. s(M). 6 18 Dciini-. .larvis 6 10 ' Demiis. John (i 1:1 Dennis. I'latl ;'. 2 Dennis, Wm. 2 I \ Dennis, jj. A- |. (i :'■ Deincr, .lol), blacksmith, (1 II Dirkson. .loseph 11 Dii rlim 'Id. amnel. mcrchaul •1 l!»i Doaiie, !•: 4 27 6 2» lan.) .1 Do\ic. ,\dam Drc'l.'re. Eliza DntlV. .lames Dnfiy. I'atri.-k Dnnkin, Charles, joiner, Duukiu, (jrilbert 2 '.) •) 'J •s 26 1 14 6 11 6 .0 1 15 1 14 2:5 6 28 1 11 21 19 12 16 18 9 I I 10 •1 11 17 21 22 24 17 20 19 22 22 21 1 14 U 26 28 8 .1 la 'oil. L. 5 4 .) 4 I 21 •) 24 f) 16 1 6 fi 20 •) 'J ;5 2G I 14 (') 11 5 1 lo 1 14 5 2P. G 2H L U 4 21 •> 19 T) 12 2 1« 2 18 6 9 5 1 ."> I 4 10 1 I •1 11 1 "■ 1 1 1 1 21 1 22 1 24 2 IT •_) •Jit 'J V.) 2 22 2 22 2 21 ■1 1 •> 14 1 U (', 2G C. '>.H 1 .S 4 13 AND GEXIOUAI. DTRKCTOUY. (11 V on. L. 1 Cull. L. J'.ilstull, Will. 1 U ITillikor, Henry J. () 12 Ivhiiuiuls. Ja.>^. v.. I uin|iniakcr. 1 1") Hillikcr. JdX'iih G 21 JMlliji'll, .20 Kiiiigli, R. U. 1 11 Holmes, Janie.s ■t 1,1 i\tk'oii('r, (.Toor^o W ^ 1 8 Holme,-, Leonard 3 21 Ficht, :Micba('i :? n Hopkins, Win. 5 19 [•'Icmiiifr, AiTliil)al(l 2 21 Horiiiiif;', James C. 1.-) i''lfinin<;, KoIktI 3 21 Howie. Wm. S. 1 3 J-'iain, John 1 22 Hii.u-lies, ('. i 21 I'lirioiip, (tarrcf G 22 HuuIk^s, ]{iclianl 3 27 • Inicy, Au^uslu.'^. podltT, 4 23 Huiet, (:iiarle.s r, 1.-) (Iiivy, Patrick .=) 2" Hulet, David ;■) IG (iiirvv, Patrick 6 25 Hunt. Levi 4 3 (iill)ort, Abraham G 28 Hunt, Sarah Jane (lore (iilltort, J( hri G 21 Hunter, Harvey 2 1.'. (iillani, Alfred 2 7 Hussoy. Walter G .■) (iillam, Jnnics 3 11' Hunter, Wm. 1 2G (ilLLAM. JOHN, sen. 2 7. Jacob, Frances .•) 18 (iilhuii. Join), jr. 2 7' Jacob, W'm. F. 3 13 (iiilain, .loshua 2 7 James Samuel ■1 22 (iillaiii. !\!ichat'I 2 8 Ja({Ues, Moses I IG iiiUaiii, Wc.slcy 2 G Ju(jues, Oliver 1 17 Cilianl, Philip G 20 Jetl'rey, James 2 19 (Joodwiii, AViii. G 28' Jones, Heiirj" .-) 13 (Iiiiiil. AViii. G 17 Kelly. David 1 2(i :, I 'at rick 1 24 Leonard, Moses 4 25 llralc, Dciijaniin 1 15 liCtherby, Jumo3 4 2.T J b alli. ^lalU(^^ 2 21 Losee, Henry S. ;i 8 llcatli, Jolm. wajfjTon-ninkcr, 2 21 liOsee, J. .^. :'. IG Hi'iidcrshol, i'lnlii) W. I 10 Lossin/,;', Den.-jou \ II) Ibiidcrson. Ilciiry .■) 23 Lossiiii!-. (ieorg-e (1 IG lli'iidcrHon. .li.iscph .biackismith, .". 23 Lossiiiir. Henry r- 2 Ib'vlaiid. [I. 3 22 LossiiiL', M. :i !i lli'viaiid, John 3 23 Lothain, iiicliani. l>M|eher. 1 1 1 llick<\v, J times 2 28 Lyues, Thoimus, jr. .■) 14 62 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Lynes, Tliomaa } 5 10 Lviies, Stophou ( McANDREW, AVM. toaclicr, 2 21 j McAulov, Thomas 4 28 : -McDonell, David 6 25 1 McDowell. Iliram Gore 1 McDowoll, Jolin Gore; McKay, \Vm. a 241 McLcese, E. 2 14! McLoese, Egbe.t 1 9 McLeeae, Jame.s 1 8 McLeese, John 1 6 McLeod, Jlcnry 1 28 McNalh-, Owen 6 26 McNally, Petor .") 24 McSlov, Edward (lore MADGWICK, ELI AS, trimnici ,2 21 Manson, John 2 6 Marsh, Joseph 2 1 Martin, 6 15 Mason, Wni. B. I 2 Merrill, Jackson 2 3 Moore, /Vlexander 2 26: Moore, Daniel -) 23 1 Moore, Francis 3 26: Moore, Gilbert 4 14 Mooro, Gilbert 11. 3 8 Moore, Wm. S. Gore More, John 2 16 M(jr(>ll, Fost(>r / ".Morell, Samuel ( 2 11 Morjjau, llufjh 1 16 Morson, Edward, jr. 3 26 Morson, Frederick 2 21 Molt, Elias 1 2 Mott. Henry Gore ^lolt, Reuben 4 1 Moyer, Ryersijn 4 24 .Mulholhiml. Joshi.a :■) 21 ! Murphy, M iehael 1 24 Nesbilt, Eliza 2 23 Xieholls, Ilarniau 2 12 Xicholls, Sylvanu.'^ 1 13 Nobles, Wm. (i 16 Oakh'y, Nehemiah (i 24 I'allard, Wm. I 14 Falmer, Enoch 3 6 Talmer, John D. 4 10 Fainier, John ]). 3 12 I'ahiier, John / Fi.lmer, Albert ^ 3 11 J'arker. James 1 7 Fiir.-ions, Mark 6 7 Talton, John 4 17 i'earcej.'J'homa3 6 25 Fcarcc, Wm. 6 23 3 y 2 2 2 2 6 19 Con. h. ] Con. L. FearBon, John 3 14 Feckham. Isaac, wap^on-maker. Peckham, Jane Feckham, Feter Fiptr, Thomas Fratt, Abel W. 4 23 Fratt, Daniel 6 23 Fringle, Wm. 1 3 Fullin, Walter Raymond, John Rice, George Robbins, John f Robbins, Wm. ( Ross, Hopkins Sackrider, A. Sackrider, C. Sackrider, John Saxton, Jas., waggon-maker, Scott, John Scott, Mathew W. Scott, Robert Segner, R. St^arls, Alfred Searls, Wm. B. Sears, Wm., shoemaker, Shannon, John / .Shannon, Robert '\ Shelian, John Sheruuvn, Alden ) Shermai', David ) Sherman, J. Sherwood, llenrv* Sherwood, Wm. Shimmel, John Simpson, E. B. Siples, Elias Sii)les, Hem-y W, Sij)les, Jackson Siples. vSchuyler Slaugh, (jcorge 1 Small, vStephen. waggon-maker, 4 Smith, A. .") 2.) Smith, Henry 5 21 Smith, Nathan .t 3 Smith, Re\iben Smith. Seneca, shoemaker, broil, X. Snyder, Elias II. Snyder, M. Suyder, Fhilij) J. Speare, Richard S. Spencer, Dennis Spenser, 1 shorn ) Spenser, Lyman V Spuuger, John .i 28 Squires, Joha 1 17 1 28 6 3 2 12 1 1 1 18 2 16 5 7 2 13 5 23 Gore 3 25 4 24 5 24 3 5 4 14 1 14 3 27 6 27 3 2 3 20 5 23 5 23 6 11 6 I 5 23 G 7 .") 22 G " 12 28 G 15 4 22 5 22 1 15 2 5 1 13 3 27 1 15 1 G AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 63 23 3 28 3 12 I 24 5 14 14 27 27 2 \ 20 23 j 23 11 1 23 7 22 7 12 28 2.) 21 Stovens, Honry, jr. .StcvcMis, Stophen Streets, John, laborer. Stover, Adam Stover, Albiii ( Stover, Albert I" Stover. All)ert C. Stover, Enoch Stover, Win. H. Stover, Jessie Stover, Wni. jr. Strin^hani. Kdwiii Strinfrhaiii, Joisii Stroiul, 1 leiiry Stubbs, IJet.sey Stubbs, Georire Sutton, \ lenry Sutton, John Swart\v(Mit, Alpheus. pedler, Swartwout, A. jr. Swartwout, Thonia.-^ Sweazv, ( 'alel) Tapley. Thomas O. * TIn-aekmartin, J. 11. Thompson. Jarvis, laborer, Thompson, Joseph, tailor, Tiiompson, P. Thompson, V. 'I'liorn, K. Thorndycraft, .John Tu\', lienry W. Tinnns, Thoma.s Titus, J. D. Tompkins, Mrs. Topham, lienry ) Topham, Edward *»" Turner, Mary Underwood, Edward Vanvalkenburgh, 11. Con. K 4 19 3 14 3 17 5 10 4 12' 1 231 -I H :! 1 1 7 1 \ t 5 14 ti 2 f) G 3 17 2 22 2 22 4 13 3 12 f) 21 4 24 .■) 20 1 14 C 2 3 10 2 22 2 15 1 22 1 21 1 27 1 8 3 20 4 2(5 4 11 3 8 2 18 1 15 1 9 4 5 W'aggoner, David W'alkt'r, Tiioinas Wallace, Daniel C. Wallace, John Wallace, John S. Wallace, Thomas, merchant, \Valla''e, 'I'liomas Wr.nd. lienry / Wand, .Iiihn <)' Ware, .John Warren, Sai-ah Warren, W^m. Warring', Joseph AVaston, Isaac, joiner, Waston, Joseph S. Waston, Josc]th AVcbster, Lindley Weir, Rol)eri V/esley, A. AS'eslin-, Henry Wesley, Henry AVesley, .John W(>ston, S. B. Welch, Martin White, Michui'l Will. James F. AVilliams, .Tohn. I)!acksmith. Wilson, Andrew Wilson, David D. Wilson, John If. Wilson, Sanniel Wilson, Murray Wilson, Wm., painter, Woodard, Daniel Woodard, Dyer Wooilrow, .James P. / Woodrow, .Tosoph \ Young, Daniel Zimmerman, Adam Coti. L. •) 2.-i 1 4 4 12 3 13 1 1!) «» 2 2.") 1 1 3 19 1 15 3 25 •1 24 I 14 1 10 ] 12 3 (> 3 25 3 12 2 11 3 1 1 1 '» • > •) 17 f) 27 ;") (i 2 15 3 10 3 8 3 5 4 4 5 4 ,") 7 i; 2(5 1 4 1 t 4 2 2 3 22 15 5 13 27 15 28 17 •M COUNTY OF OXFORD aAZETFEER, SOU'l'H XORWICIT. ,liiia<'II,TrVl.\L iK.VriL'.S OF THE TOWNSHll' dP' SOL'TFI NOUWICII, FOR THK YKAR ]H(il, pill-poSi'S, lit' I .Ntiiii'tcf (.[u'.'n.'s lor lariniu;. under cultivation, uruliT LTopr* in 1800, '• under pasture in 18(10, " under orcliard.s oi" <;ardt'iis, under wood or wild, Cash value of larnis in dollars, Cash value of larmiug' iuiplpuieiils or niaehiaerv in dollai'3, Nuoiher ofaeres under Fall Wheat, I'rodiiee in bushels oC do. XianlxM" of acres under Sprin<>' Wiieat, Produce in l(U-;hels of do. Nunil)er of acres under Barley, Troduce in )iuls of do. Xunil)er of acres under Potatoes, I'roduce in bushels of do. X'uniber of af;re.« under Turnips, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Mangel Wuiizelj Produce in bushels of do. Carrots, bushels, Beans, do. Hops, lbs. Hay, tons of 2000 Ibg. or bundles oi l6 lbs. Clover seed, Timothy seed, or other gras,-i seed, bushels, Flax or Hemp, lbs. Wool, lbs. Maple sugar, Ilia. Cider, gallons, Fulled Cloth, yards, [iinen, yards, Flannel, yards, Bulls or oxen, over 3 years of age. Steers or heifers, under 3 jears of age. Milch Cows, Hordes, over 3 years of age, ,, V li le of same in dollars, (Jolts or lillies, under 3 years of age, ^iheop, ?5gB, T,)tid II ue of live .stock in dollars, l->utter, lbs. Pi.HDU 9.80O 2,C)(1'.» Tl,H-i:iii 72i,r.(;o 19.84;") 1.;5(>TJ, it.k;:! l.liCi 21,(>t:5 •It; 4^)7 l,12(i 2-1,8 1, s l.O^i a-Lo."'.') 2',)i) 5.8(12 !),9().") ;}27.', it8,:')82 i:u=} 40,344 •I- l,T4(l.i 12,919 173-i 20 1,910 * 74 290 6,64.> 32,018 8,695 1.087 J 3,507 172 983 879 .")41 122,5 If) If).-) 2 ir> 1.3(]G 66,27;") 60,226 AND G^ENERAL DmECTOBT. Cheese, lbs. Beef, in barrels of 200 lbs. Pork, in barrels of 200 lbs. Fi.sh, quantity salted and barrelled, " " sold fresh, Pleasure caiTiages, Value of do. in dollars, Produce of orchards and gardens iu dollars. 6i 17,602 784 8231 109 6,809 4,046 ALPHABETICAL LIST OP THE RESIDENTS OF SOUTH NORWICH. Con. L. Coo. JL Addison, Edward 11 9 Cooper, John Wesley 8 16 Addison, Peter iO 7 Cooper, Henry 11 H Addison, Richard 9 7 Corles, Hiram 10 1 Ad» B.>]rf Michii-l 9 22 Dildino, J. 0. & Wm. l\) 8 ]5c'll, Wm. U 22 Dodge, Lutlier 12 7 lJors3, Edward & Nelson 9 18 Do.iley, Mary Ann i.2 4 Blow, Samuel Donley, Patrick 12 2 Boughuer, G. W. 9 2 Dow, P(>ter i: ri Bowerman, Elias 12 8 Duhig, Martin 10 Jt Bowermau, Ichabod 10 3 Durkee, M. J. 11 iO Bowerman, Joel 10 3 Durphy, Isaac 7 m Bowerman, S. D. 11 14 Durtenger, Sebastian u » Briton, M. J., ahoe maker M 7 Dwyer, Danii ' "i 2 Brown, Nelson,* miller. 7 20 Dwyer, Mie' A 7 1 Buckberry, James 9 19 Elliott, P. 11 9 Bunce, Benj. 10 20 Erb, Abraham 8 14 Burkholder, C. B. 9 5 Erb, Henry 9 U Burkholder, Christopher 9 5 Erb, Jared 9 1& Burkholder, Wra. 9 Erb, Joseph L. 9 15 Burn, Henry 10 11 Erb, N. '^ >n 8 14 Butler, Norman 12 2< Erb, S; .mel » 8 14 Cain, Michael, tailor, 9 13 Fettick. Wettam 10 7 Calvert, Joseph 10 22 Fisher, Andrew 8 24 Clark, Freeman 10 22 Fletcher, Thoa. & E. 8 28 Clark, James H. 10 22 Flouten, Jacob iO V Clark, John 9 3 Flouten, 0. E. 10 7 Clement, J. P. 12 8 Flouten, Samuel 10 7 Chohoe, Francis 10 21 Floyd, Wm. 12 5 Coll)Ourn, Sylvester 7 15 Flueallen, .' D. 9 19 Collingworth, John 8 3 Foreman, » ime» 11 2 Comfort, Francis 9 8 14 Fysh, James 8 1 I 1 (> »1 I I ! ill i €6 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETl'EER, Gannon, Jeremiah Geary, Charles Gillard, James, sr., Gillard, James, jr., Gillard, Robert Gillmore, Thos. Glover, John Gould, Benj. Gould, Ellen M. Gowan, James Graham, Jos. & Robi Graham, Thos. Graham, Wm. Grey, Isaac Griffin, Wm. Haokel, Edv/. Haley, Benj. Haley, Chas. Haley, Ebenezer Haley, John Haley, Wm. Hamilton, Harrison Hamilton, J. C. Hurdy, Wm. Haruer, Hugh W. Harrio, Agnes Harris, Calvin Hnriis, Eli & Danl. Harris, Gibson Harris, Mai tin Harris, Sylvester Havwood, Joseph Hele, J. C. Hemburg, John Hermis^^on, Mark Hicks, Dennis Hicks, Martin Hill, J. B. Hiilier, John Hilliker, Alfr^nl Hogarth, Wm. Holland, Tnes Howt'i, P-^ter Hi:,;.''^ii :■", DdvlCi HUi'lmri, Martin Hu ^y, Ghas. Hussy, iiibt Imrie, Jas Inglesby, AV. ".' Inijle^^by, Cai b Iii£r!rsby, E. C, I'l'.is, Isaac Ti'iis, Ja«. .nnin, Monies Innis, Sanil. Ireland, John, ttticher, Con. L. 7 A 9 16 7 7 7 11 9 9 24. 24 24 6 14 13 11 21 7 9 11 21 10 25 9 14 12 7 7 8 3 9 t 8 9 4 7 2 23 26 26 27 22 17 10. 19 10 14 10 16 11 3 10 7 8 25 10 7 8 23 8 24 8 1 10 21 7 1 8 13 10 20 9 20 7 13 10 9 8 27 7 2 7 11 7 1 10 7 11 7 12 26 8 24 8 24 8 24 10 4 10 4 11 1 10 4 Con. L. Irwin, Wm. 10 10 Irwin, James 10 10 James, Wm. 9 24 Johnson, C. S. 10 11 Johnson, Henry 12 18 Johnson, James • 7 21 Johnson, Jeremiah 12 17 Johnson, Peter B. 10 26 Johnson, Philip 7 21 Johnson, Robert 9 21 Johnson, Wm, E. 7 7 Joiner, Chas. 7 15 Joiner, J. T. 7 15 Joiner, Lovejoy 7 15 Joiner, Js'ancy Ann 7 15 Joiner, fc-amuel 7 14 Joiner, Stephen V 15 Joiner, Thad. 7 15 Jones, H. P. 8 13 Jordji,n, Moses 9 23 Kalor, Samuel 7 20 Kale", Squire 7 20 Kay, Geo. 9 16 Kellett, Henry 9 23 Kclley, Uriah 8 5 Kenard, Abraham 8 22 Kenler, Gordon 8 16 Kennedy, John 12 17 JJudrie, Danford 7 17 Kingsford, Alfred 10 21 Laing, Robert 10 23 Lawrence, James 8 2 Lcaoh, Henry 7 19 Leader, John 9 13 Lees, Wm., jr., 11 15 Letler, Fredk. 12 18 Lewis, J. R. 9 13 Lougstreet, Richard 11 9 Lopsiug, Solomon & Stephen, mill.owners, 1 1 Lyons, lymau 10 25 LVous, Robt. 10 25 MoAvoy, Wm. 11 9 MoCollow, James 10 20 McCurdy, '1 lios. S. 8 1 Mclllratli, James, cabinet-maker 8 5 McXiimara, John 8 3 McNamaru, Michael 7 3 McNam.nra, Ro'lger 8 3 McXight. Rio.'tard 8 ft Mabep, Gabriel 9 C Macklen, S . 1 LO 25 LO 25 8 8 8 7 8 8 9 1 5 3 3 3 5 6 8 13 11 2» 7 11 Con. L. Con. L. Martin, James 8 16 Rool, Henry H. 7 27 Martin, Wm., gardnecr, 7 •7 Rowe, Jeremiah 11 1 Mason, John 9 3 Rowe, Robert 7 22 Mason, Wm. 9 3 Russell, Winson 9 26 Madough, Abraham & Jared 8 17 Scott, Jacob 8 18 Miller, Wm. 7 21 Seamans, G. D. 8 12 Mitchell, John 10 24 Soamans, Thoa. 8 12 Monk, Ephraim 8 28 Seater, Samuel 7 18 Monk, Laviuia 8 22 Sliattuck, Hartwell & Jos. 9 25 Monk, Nicholas 12 20 Soper, Geo. 11 27 Pettinger, Joseph ) Southwick, Geo. 11 1 Pettinger, Wm. 11 1 Southwitk, Henry H. 10 1 Potter, E. H.. mill-owner. Spencer, Adam 11 21 Proctor, Richard 10 5 Spencer, Jacob 11 22 Randle, James 9 1 Squance, James 7 1 Panson, Wm. & James 12 5 Squance, Moses 7 1 Ready, Geo., carpenter. 7 7 Stagoid,Wm. 9 28 R<-avoly. Walter 11 6 Stanton, Joseph Stevenson, Jonn 8 2 Reynolds, Mordecai 10 26 11 15 Rhodftft, Caroline 10 1 Stewart, Sophia 8 11 Rodger'fl, James 12 26 Stoves, Chas. Ed. 7 8 08 COPNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, . Con. L. Con. L Qtover, David 11 22 Wallace, Samuel 7 14 Stover, Egbert 10 211 Wallace, Thos. 7 14 Stover, Mary Stover, Michal, «en, JO 20 Wallace, Wm. 7 13 i 7 8 Waller, Samuel 8 28 Stover, Wm. 7 4 Weaver, .Toscph 8 5 t Swift, Win. 7 25 Weaver, Peter N. 9 23 i TALBOT, R., Reeve 9 13 Webster, H. D. 10 17 ' Tatton, Wm. 9 18 WebHter, John ('. 1 Terwulger, Abraham 10 13 Whitfipld, Geo. 7 4 Tiius, H. A. 10 7 Wilcox, Jamea 7 22 Titas, Jouathan 11 7 Wilco.\, Ti'umau 7 22 1 Titus, J., jr. 10 9 Wilkins, John 7 4 1 Topp, Abraham 12 8 Wilkerson, Wm. 11 5 i Tracv, Thorn R8 8 22 Wilkorsou, Wm. A, 10 1 1 Troffry, C. J. 10 2 Williams, Robert 7 6 Treffrv, Mary Ann 11 4 WiLson, David 10 :^ Treflrv, R. S. 7 4 Winn, John 10 8 i Treffry, W. H. TuflFord, Adam 10 2 Wilson. Wm., 10 20 1 10 1 Wil.son, Wm. 12 3 , Tufford, George lu 1 Wiltiiee, Harrison 9 13 TurnbuU, John s 22 Wiltsee, John 8 18 t Vammere, Henry 7 21 Woods James 10 9 1 Wade, Wm. 7 19 Woodard, R. 'J 19 Wulcott, Wm. 8 2 Wright, Thomas 8 7 Walker, Levi 9 13 Yiiirinplon, Alonzo 7 26 Walker, Oliver U 22 Yjirrinpton, Chauncy 7 28 i Wallace, James 7 13 Yarringlon, Leonard 7 28 s AND GENERAL DIREUTOEY. fif) "on L. 7 14 7 14 7 13 8 28 8 5 TOWl\Sllll' OF EAST OXFORD. Till' fowuship.i t)t' Nuilli, Ivi.-'t, and West Oxford, ultliouph .sojniiiitt'ly Known Ity Iheir distinct names, wcrt' oria;inally combined for municipal purpdics \\\u\vr thn dcsijijnation of IIh- Townshii) of Oxford, or Oxford Upon Tiif Tliainrn, hnt ••iwii havinf» attained that htutii-i providt'd for by the Act of Parlianicnl X\ (Jeo. III., caj*. I{, (170^5,) wliicli entitled a township to a mnnicipal povc rnincnl of it,^ own, they became divideil into separate municipalities accordingly. Tiic pre- nent township of Ea,st Oxfoiii is lionuded on the north l)y the fuwnship of lilaiidford; on the south bv that of North Norwich; on the east l)v the township of Hurford, (County of IJranl); and on tlie west by that of West Oxford, it i- ciiisidered one of the best cultivated townships in the County; is waten-d 'ly trjliutaries of the Thames, havinir also an al)undaiit supjily of water from streams and lirooks for mill i>urposi's. If affords pxcelleut mill sites, and cun- lains several laru'e mills driven tiy water power, besides .saw mills Ity powei-ful f'ti^am enpine.«!. Jt has likewise a heavy growth of timljer, principally of hardw neil. The population of the townshij) wa.s, by the hist cen.sus. (ISOl) rolurned at two thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine: 1881 males and 1348 feniides, iieini? an inerea.se of five hundred and nineteen over its population in l^v")!. ( 'iiildn>n attendinu^ school in 18G1, live hundred and eighty-two; births recorded in 18(iO, one hundred and thirteen, and deaths fourteen. The " Woodstock and Ottervilh- riank and Gravel Road " runs through the Township, as also the Great AVestern Railway, which has a station (Eastwood) within it. Eastwood and Oxford ( V'utre are the Post Offices situated in the Township. There is an excellent Agricultural Association in the township, named the "East Oxford .A-gi'icultural Society. ■ Tt was organized in 18.")1, for the ad- vancement of agricultural interests, and is succes.sl'ully carried on. L'lKler it.^ auspices there i.s an annual exliibition of. and prizes given for, neat cattle, hor.-es, slieep, swine, farm ])roduec, field roots, and dairy produce. Residents in the township are admissililo as members of the Society, on payment of an annual s\ibscription of on(^ dollar. The following members compose its present BOAUl) OK DIRKC'TORS AND OFFICERS: James G. Pettit, President. \ Robert Vandecar, yice-Presidcnl. directors: tl allies Park, James Beard, Joel Canfield, William Peers, AVIlliam Chambers, Valentine Ficht, John Watt, James McCallum, Joseph Mighton, James Scarft', Sec. and Treas. AORICULTUR.U. CEXSt'S OF TIU: TOWX.SHIP OF EAST OXFOED, FOR THE YE.A_R 1861. Number of acres for farming purposes, " under cultivation, " under crops in 1860, " under pasture in 1860, 31,63.-) 19,531 12,21 2 i 6,788| I 70 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, No. of acres under orchards or pardens, under wood or wild, ('ash value of farms in dollars, ('asli valufi of farniihi,' iinpltMnonts or rauchiuery iu dollatH, Number of acres under Fall Wlieat, Produce in hushels of do, Nninl)er of ac 'S under Sfirinp Wheat, Produce in liu^iids of do. Number of arres under Barlcv, Produce in bushels of do. Numi)er of acres under Pye, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Peas, Produce in bushels of do. Number of aeres under 0:\U, IVoduoe in liushels of do. Number of acres under Buckwheat, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Indian Corn, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Potatoes, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Turnips, Produce in bushels of do. Numl)er of acres under Mangel Wurtzel, Produce in bnshels of do. Carrots, bushels, Beans, do. Hops, lbs. Hay, tons of 2000 lbs. or bundles of 16 lbs. (Jlover seed, 'IMmothy seed, or other grass seed, bushels, Fla.x or Hemp, lbs. Wool, lbs. Maple sugar, lbs. Cider, gallons. Fulled Cloth, yards, Linen, yards, Flannel, yards, Bulls or oxen, over 3 years of age, Steers or heifers, under 3 years of ago, Milch Cows, Horses, over 3 years of age, Value of same in dollars, Colts or fillies, under 3 years of age, feneep, Pigs, Total value of live stock iu dollars. Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. V,M, in barrel.^ of 200 lbs. Pork, iu barnls of 200 lbs. Pleasure carriages. Value of do. in dollars, Produce of orchards and gardens in dollars, 532| 12,101 1,263,510 42,827 1.938i 24,328 3,427 67,45.') 614 22,497 7 42 2.248 56,402 2,20.'i5 86,607 97J 2,319 164 3,895 369i 41,879 3031 114,217 83 2,421 17,020 1434 25 2,186 218 444 18,324 50,341 7,351 ^30 12 5,950 194 1,710 1,282 894 66,813 302 5,582 2,293 169,768 86,442 13,354 279i 1,406 176 10,908 7,568 mi j&M# AND GENERAL DIREOTORT. 71 341 351 30 12 950 194 10 282 894 ,813 302 ,582 ,293 ,768 442 354 79i 406 176 908 568 AI.PHABETIOAI. LIST OP THK RKsri)E.\T.S OK KAST OXrOKD. foil. L. C on. 1... Ackley, Hugh 7 6 Case, Caleb 8 C Ackley, Samuel 7 6 Case, Jonathan 8 a Ainslie, Andrew 7 6 Case, Wm. 8 7 Aling, James 4 4 Case, Wm. 8 Aliug, Wm. G. 4 4 Cawfey, liiiJget 3 5 Allen, James 6 10 CHA.\IBEilS, JAMES 8 19 Allen, Joel 5 10 CHA.MBKKS, JOHN 5 14 Anderson, John 3 9 CHAMBERS, ROBERT 7 16 Arnell, James 7 13 CHAMBERS, WM. 7 20 Arr.ell, Thos. H, C 4 Clark, Wm., sr. 4 1 Arnell, Wm., wagoir-maker, 4 12 Clark, Wm., jr.. 4 1 Baigcnt, John 2 4 Clark, Henry 1 15 Ball, Thos. 2 1 Clark, John 3 21 Barber, Wm. 5 9 Clement, Thos. « 2 Bartley, .lohn 3 20 Clendennen, VV^alter W. 4 16 Bart ley, Wm. 8 3 Clifford, Thoj. G. 2 14 Baskville, Wm. 4 5 Collins, Patrick 3 4 Bass, Robert 7 G Cook, Stephen 8 5 Bates, Hy. W. 7 4 Corbin, Chas. & Bro., rakemakers , 8 12 Bates, Robert 7 4 Corbin, Geo. H. G 8 BEARD, CIIAS. 2 15 Corner, Robert, sr., shoemaker. 4 18 BEARD, JAS. 2 IG Corner, Robert, jr., " 4 18 Bell, Thos. 2 11 Corner, Wm. J. " 4 18 Bell, Wm. 2 11 Costin, John 4 4 Bennett, Thos. 3 1 Costin, Thos. 7 5 Bennett, Wra., sr, 3 1 Cox, Joseph 6 12 Bennett, Wm , jr.. 3 1 Crawford, Wm., blacksmith. 4 12 Bertram, Daniel 5 S Crosthwaitc, Peter S 10 Bertram, Wm. 5 4 Cunnibre, Jas 5 8 Biggins, Jno. 5 13 Carrie, Geo. G 19 Bliitchford, Thos. 2 21 Currie, Robert G 19 Blow, John 3 18 CUTHBERT, ALEX. 8 20 Blow, Joseph 3 17 Cuthbert, Charles 7 21 Bolsum, Chap. 1 11 Cuthbert, John 8 21 Bowtell, Geo. 1 12 Cuthbert, Robert 7 21 Briggs, Daniel W. 8 17 Cuthbert, Wm. 8 21 Briggs, Wm. •S 17 Dake, Lyman 7 11 Broders, Thos. 2 19 Daly, Alex. & Fred. 4 6 Brown, Daniel 4 12 Daly, Geo. A. 2 3 Brown, Thos. 3 15 Davidson, Ale.x. 5 11 Branchflowei, Abram 6 "4 Davidson, Andrew 5 11 Bunting, John- 2 18 Davis, John 5 1 Burgess, John. 5 17 Davis, Jane 1 4 Burgess, Wm. 5 18 Davis, Richard 1 15 Bursee, Andrew 3 15 Davis, Wm. Jas., painter. 5 2 Burtch, Wentworth 10 Dayton, John 5 12 Butler, Wm., blacksmith, 9 Dayton, Reuben 8 I Byron, Alex. 14 Derrick, Patrick 3 4 Cain, John 1 Deviny, Ulick 3 5 Cameron, Finley 2 Doyle, Wm. H. 8 21 Campbell, Robert 15 Downey, Wm. 2 15 CANFIELD, EARL 12 Drake, Daniel 7 9 Canfield, Ora 11 Drake, Phineas G 7 CANFIELD, JOEL 6 Drake, John C 7 Canfield, Wm. 7 Drake, Vincent G 7 Carr, Rachal 3 Duniont, Samuel G Itj Carroll, John 4 20 Duun, Wm., miller, 5 4 l*"*!S«*- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I Uim |2.5 S "^ 12^2 LiO IIIII2.0 I.?") 1.4 III 1.6 < 6" ► /] Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4^^ 4^ ■'\ :\ \ iV '<<^.1^ 6^ '^ '<*> 72 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEJJR, Eakins, Maria Ede, David Ede, Geo. Edwards, Abraham Edwards, James Edwards, Wm. Ekias, James Elliott, Mrs. Sarah Fahhy, John Falconer, .Jas. Falconer, Ralph B. Fallen, John Fatith, Francis, maaon, Ferguson, Yates Ferrington, James Ficht, Valentine Flood, John Foreman, Joseph Fountain, Elisha Foiin ain, Embry Fowl».r, L5artholomew Frazer, J. G., teacher, Fredenburg, Anson FrizoU, John Frizpll, Sfunnel FitzStephens, Thomas Gainer, .'ames Galbraith, F. J., mill?r, GARBUTT, WM. Garthwaite, Geo. Gurthwaite, Joseph Gayner, Thos. Gibson, Thos. & John (Joble, Wm. Gordon, Andrew Gordon, Donald Gracy, Robert Grant, John Gray, Wra. Green, Aaron Green, Allen Green, Henry Green, John Green, John, jr., Greenaway, Wm. Grey, Thos. GU13W0LD, H. C, store- viunn, John (iiinn, Margaret llahall, Hugh llaball, Jonali IJayne, Mrs. Hall, John Hallam, Samuel Haly, Patrick Harrison, Jane Harrison, John Hart, John Hart, Wm. Con. 1 3 5 5 5 4 2 L. 4 12 12 20 20 20 19 6 19 2 3 8 3 8 3 2 2 K 10 1 r, 4 2 3 7 7 4 Section N. 6 1 4 2 12 3 2 r. 13 12 10 4 14 12 14 10 14 4 14 14 IG 21 12 2 17 5 15 5 15 2 J6 5 10 4 20 8 8 keeper, 4 12 7 12 7 11 ') k> •w 2 2 1 18 7 1 1 18 1 7 3 7 3 7 3 17 3 17 Hartsell, Elias Hartsell, Francis T. Hartsell, Geo. Hayward, John Hay ward, U'm. Hendershot, Henry Hendersaot, Isaac Hy. Hickey, James Hider, Peter Hilliker, John Holdswortli, Ijenjamin Holdsworth, John Hopkins, Geo. Hopper, Jolin Howden, John, jr., Howell, .lohn Hughe^, .lames Hugill, Thos., tailor, Hunt, James Hunter, Jolii H. Hutchinson, Wm. Innis, John Irwin, John Jaques, Daniel Karney, Patrick Kennedy, John Keyes, Sylvester W. Kipp, Anis Kipp, James, teacher Kipp, Reuben Kipp, Wm. Knaggs, John Liickie, lioberl Laing, Robert Lampman. Peter Lampman, Philip Lampman, Wm. A. Law, James, carpentef Lazenby, Thomas Leak, John > Leak, Robt.D S Lee, Francis Lee, James Lemon, Wm. Lewis, Edwin Lewis, Evan Lindsay, John Lighthearl, James Losea, Edmund Losee, Lawrence Ludington, — Lumls, Hubbard Lund, James Lund, Ralph McColluni, James McDonald, Malcolm McGivern, Michael Mclntyre, Alex. McKay, Neil Con. L. 7 3 7 3 8 3 1 t 1 6 5 19 7 8 8 10 4 13 8 16 7 iO 'J 5 7 10 4 IG 2 17 6 9 8 21 4 17 •> 19 u 18 4 I G 13 6 20 8 15 3 a 7 !) I 17 1 1 8 15 1 G 1 1 7 7 4 13 4 2 G 12 2 9 6 13 5 18 5 3 8 7 5 2 11 6 11 2 1 I IS 2 19 7 4 8 15 « 13 1 17 1 3 ti 15 3 4 17 •1 2 G 13 4 18 AND GBNERAL DIREOTOBY. 73 Con. L. 7 3 7 3 8 3 1 1 1 1 6 5 19 7 8 8 10 4 13 8 16 7 iO 5 7 io 4 IG 2 17 6 9 8 21 4 17 •> 19 tj 18 4 1 G If) 6 20 8 15 3 <• 7 9 I 17 1 1 8 15 1 G 1 I 7 "7 4 13 4 2 G 12 2 9 6 13 5 18 5 3 8 7 5 2 11 5 11 2 1 I I'j 2 19 7 4 8 15 8 15 I 17 1 3 ti 15 3 4 17 •) 2 G 13 4 18 Con. L. UcKeige, Wm. 2 12 McLean, Kenneth, muoQ 1 W McLees, John 8 14 McLevy. John 6 9 JdcMillan, Wm., 1 13 Mabee, Alfrea 3 13 Mftbee, John 3 13 Mabee, Samuel 4 12 Mabee, Simon, carpenter 4 12 MacAfee, Nathaaiel A. 8 11 Magee, Edward 2 13 Magee, John 3 16 Malony, Jamei 3 6 Malony, John 3 6 Manson, Wm. 6 11 Marcle, Barney 8 11 Martin, Jamea 7 2 Martin, Philip 8 4 Martin, Wm. 8 4 Meek, Wm., jr. 4 8 Mercer, Richard 8 13 Mighten, Joseph 1 6 Miller, Asa W. 6 4 Milman, Robert 4 9 Mollins, Thos. 8 16 Moon, Tho3. 6 9 MuUery, Mary 3 6 .Mulvin, Robert 7 16 Mulrin, John 7 13 MUNRO, ALEX. 6 14 MUNRO, HUGH 6 14 Nelmes, Wm. 2 1 Nelson, John 3 11 Noyes, Jacob 4 3 O'Neil, Edward 7 13 Orth, Daniel 8 18 Parker, Samuel 8 7 Parks, Archibald 6 17 Parks, Jamea 6 13 Parrett, Wm. 2 16 Parsons, Wm. 4 20 Patrick, Wm. 4 5 Peers, Mrs. Henrj 5 8 PEERS, JOHN 2 18 PEERS, JOSEPH, set. 3 14 PEERS, JOSEPH, jr. 1 16 PEERS, WM. 2 20 Perking. Philip 6 9 Pettit, James G. 8 9 PIERSOy. JOHN i PIERSOK, ROBERT, , 6 17 Piffers, Adam 3 2 Pike, Abraham 8 12 Pollard, Alfred 8 13 Pope, Ghas. 3 20 Potter, Armer 3 3 Potter, David 1 7 Powell, AmbroN 4 15 Powell, Geo. blaekfmith 2 11 10 Powell, Henry Pratt, John Pride, Mary PuUcj, Robert Ranger, Thomas Rankin, Samuel Rankin, Wm. Rice, Alfred Rioe, George Rice, John Rice, John Rice, Jamea Rice, Roger ROBB, ALEX, teacher Ross, Donald Ross, Hugh Ross, Wm. ser. Ross, Wm. jr. Rounds, Ghas. Butledge, Edward, blackamilLb Rutledge, Alex. Rutledge, James SACKRIDER, ABRAHAM SAGKRIDER, ROBERT Sage, Dechauah Sage, Seymour SGARPP, JAli^S ScarflP, George Scott, John S :;ott, Michael Scott, Thomas Sebum, Stephen Shaw, Francis Shaw, Wm. SHELL, ABRAM. SHELL, HIRAM SHELL, JACOB Shell, John SHERRED, JNO. Sberred, Thomas Siple, John Slattery, John Sleightholm, Wm. Smith, Gatharine Sprague, Clark Sprague, Henry Sprague, Hiram Stephenson, John, wearer Sturgeon, John, school teacher No. SUMMERVILLE, THOS. SUTHERLAND, GEO. Swayze, John Taber, Absolom Taber, Henry Taleston, John G. Taylor, John Templar, Geo. Templeton, Admiral N. Coo. L. 2 10 i U 6 31 8 1ft J 10 ft « 6 7 18 7 le 7 18 6 2 7 19 a 13 4 11 6 1ft 5 16 ft 15 ft IS 8 6 1 6 1 S 1 8 11 » 18 6 6 4 7 2 19 2 19 1 3 a 10 I 2 4 3 2 7 3 7 6 7 6 16 4 18 2 « S 8 3 4 8 17 *» -* 7 6 4 t 6 8 1 7 1 8 1 I 7 sec. 7 5 2 S 13 1 13 « 30 6 31 • 3 1 11 6 8 7 11 74 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, 1 i! ii l! 11 Templeton, Daniel, jr. Thompson, Qeo. Thompson, Henry, blacksmith Thompson, Hiram Thompson, Wm. Thornton, Richard THORNTON, REMEMBER Tincknew, Chas. Topley, Joseph Topping, Edward, minister Trumble, Robert Tucker, Geo. Turner, Charles, innkeeper Tuttle, Hezekiah Tattle, Samuel Twohy, Micheel Tyler, John Ulman, John Ulman, Peter UPPER, JOSEPH VANDECAR, ISRi EL D. VANDECAR, L. VANDECAR, R. Vandoser, Robert W. Cod. L. 8 8 Yromao, John 6 4 Vroman, Nelson 4 18 Wallace, Anthony 8 12 Washington, James 7 14 WATT, DAVID 4 21 WATT, JAS. 3 21 WATT, JOHN 1 5 Webster, John 7 21 WEIR,.)OHN 3 22 Welch, J. T. 6 12 Whale, Thomas 8 19 Whiteside, John 1 12 Will, John, teacher 7 7 Wilson, James 7 7 Wilson, Robert 2 3 Wilson, Levi C. 2 19 Wood, Eliphalet . 3 3 Wood, Herman J. 3 3 Wood, James 2 6 Woodrow, Smith 5 4 Wooley, Enoch 4 3 Wright, Hugh 6 8 Yuile, W. P. 7 16 Con. L. 3 12 3 14 8 7 6 6 5 18 6 18 6 i9 6 21 4 2 1 11 2 1 7 20 8 8 3 18 8 16 8 6 4 9 7 8 8 8 5 7 6 ] 2 13 6 17 I I ? > 1 ' •■c«^ AND GENERAL DmBOTOBY. 75 Con. L. 3 la 3 14 8 7 5 6 6 18 B 18 6 19 6 21 4 2 1 11 2 1 7 20 8 8 3 18 8 16 8 6 4 9 7 8 8 8 5 7 6 1 2 13 6 17 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH OXFORD. Ab stated of f]ast Oxford, tho above lownship, though known by ita district name of North Oxford, waa united with the former and West Oxford, under the designation of " Oxford Upon The Thames," for municipal purposes, until they respectively acquired the requisite number of fi-eehold and household resi- dents to entitle them to separate municipal governments. Having so acquired this status. North Oxford was municipally detached from its adjacent neigh- bors, and booamp, in the year 1822, a st>parate township accordingly. It is di- vided from West Oxford by the river Thames, and is bounded as follows : On the north by portions of the three townships of East and West Zorra and Nia- Bouri; on tho south-east by the township of West Oxford; and ou the west by the township of North Dorchester, (in Middlesex.) The township, in teiTito- rial extent, is the least in the County ; it commenced its settlement in 1799, and its population in 1861 was, by the census returns for that year, one thou, sand seven hundred and seventy-one, (943 males and 828 females) shewing an iucreafie over the population return for 1H51, of three hundred and ninety-three. Children attending school in 1861, thrw hundred and ninety-seven ; births in 1860, fifty-seven, deaths in same year, twelve. The soil of the township is gen- erally vei^ fertile, and well adapted for cultivation, and it contains a number of first-class farms; it is supplied with ample water throughout for the purposes of mills and factories, several of which of different kinds are in full operation in the township, where other excellent mill sites can be had. It is likewise heavi- ly timbered, with hardwood principally. The " Ingersoll, North Oxford, East Nissouri, and West Zorra Gravel Road,' and the '« North Oxford and West Zorra Gra\ el Road " pass through this township, and the Great Western Rail- way runs through it. The Agricultural Association with which the township is connected, is the the " Ingersoll and West and North Oxford Agricultural Society," of which the following gentlemen form the present BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS : Thomas Brown, President. \ John Bothwell, Vice-Preiident. DIRECTORS : David Irving, James Chapman, R. H. Carroll, R. A. Janes, G. Wiseman, James Henderson, T. Hislop, C. H. Wilstead, John Chapman, David Paine, Sec. and Treas.. AGRICULTURAL CENSUS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NOBTH OXFORD, FOB THE YEAR 1861. Number of acres for farming purposes, " under cultivation, " under crops in 1860, ■< acres under pasture in 1860, " under Orchu^s or Gardens, " under wood or wild, 1977H 9326^ 69421 2154) 229 104451 ii Ii a COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZEITEER, Cash value of Farms, id Dollars, 614028 " " of Farming ImplementR or Machinery, kc, 20235 Number of acres under Fall Wheat, 376 Produce in bushels of Wheat, 4J26 No. of acres under Spring Wheat, 1659i Produce in bushels of " 40807 No. of acres under Barley, 181i Produce in bushels, 4560 No. Of acres under Rye, 2i Produce in bushels, 32 No. of acres under Peaa, 873J Produce in bushels of " 18996 No. of acres under Oats, 1231) Produce in bushels of «' 41430 No. of acres under Buckwheat, 32| Prodi: o in bushels of " .5071 No. of acres under Indian Corn, 85 Produce in bushels of 1205 No. of acrea under Potatoes, 250i Produce in bushels of '• 30505 No. acres under Turnips, 195J Produce in bushels of •' 65573 No. of acres under Mangel Wur/el, 3J Produce in bushels of " 1023 Carrots — bushels, 3081 Beans, " 125 Hops, lbs, 17079 Hay, tons of 2000 lbs or bundles of 16 lbs. 1 130 J Clover Seed, Timothy Seed, or other Grass Seed, bushels. 51| Flax or Hemp, lbs, Wool, lbs, 9300 Maple Sugar, lbs 33275 Cider, gdlons, 711 Fulled Cloth, yds. 603 Flannel, yards. 2334 Bulls or Oxen, over 3 years of me, 145 Steers or Heifers under 3 years of age 1048 Milch Cows, 772 Horses over 3 years of ag^ 435 Value of same in dollars, 29010 Colts or Fillies under 3 years of agp, 168 Sheep, 3047 Pigs. 1221 Total vahip of live «toCk in doUarp, 75530 Butter, lbs, 57995 Cheese " 10265 Beef in bis of 200 lbs, 2697J Pork in bbls of 200 lbs. 20319 Pleasure Carriages kept, VftWeof do ibdoHat-B, 75 .^l78 ftod^<» of Orchards and gardens in dollars, i 1599 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 7^ 614028 20235 3T6 4J26 1659J 40807 IBli 4560 2i 32 e73j 18996 12311 41430 32J 507 J 85 1205 250i 30505 195| 65573 3J 1023 3081 125 17079 I130i 51i 93G0 33275 711 603 2334 145 1048 772 435 29010 168 3047 1221 75530 57995 10265 26971 20319 75 3178 1599 ALrilABETICAL LIST OK THE RKSIDKNTS OP NORTH OXFORU. 'V Con. L, ' (^on. L. Alexander, John 1 27 Dundas, Wm. 1 20 Allen, Geo. 2 11 Dunn, Michael 3 9 Allen, John 2 11 Dunn, Nicholas 3 9 Allen, Samuel 3 12 Dunn, Wm. 1 13 Bain, Murdoch 1 24 Dutton, John 3 13 Bain, Roderick 1 1 Dye, Wm. 1 4 BHrnett, Jos. 2 & Elliott. John 4 6 Barnett, Tho8. 1 21 Elliott, Thos. 3 15 Basford, John 2 12 Elliott, Wm. 1 3 Bennett, Robert 1 21 Erwin, Stephen f> 21 Brown, Geo. 2 11 Evans, David 4 23 Brown, Jas. 4 1 Fallon, John 3 to Brown, Jas. 3 21 Forbes, John 3 23 Brown, Jeese 1 5 Foster, Edward 3 5 Brown, Thos. 1 5 Foster, John 2 5 Brown, Thos. 1 2 FRASER, JOHN, REV., Presbyte- Buchanan, Jamee O •J 22 rian, I 23 Carr, John 3 10 Fuller, Leroy 3 14 Carroll, Alpheus J 20 Galloway, John C. 2 )6 Carroll, Jacob 1 24 Garey, Wm. 1 13 Carroll, Hy. G. 2 16 Garvey, John 1 10 Carroll, Isaiah 2 )6 Gemmell, Andrew ■ 3 8 Cnrroll, Nelson 1 15 Gilbert, Richard 1 21 Cass, Joseph 1 19 Godfrey, Geo. 1 19 Chapman, Edw. 4 6 GOLDING, EBENEZER 1 23 Chapman, Jas. 4 7 GORDON, ADAM 2 24 Cliapman, Thos. 4 1 GORDON, DONALD 1 24 Chapman, Robert 4 4 GORDON, ROBERT 1 24 Chapman, John M. 1 2i Graig, Janes 5 5 Clark, Armon, 5 19 Green, Hiram H. 2 19 Clark, Jas. 3 23 Green, Lothrop 2 19 Clarkaon, Andrew 1 23 Gray, Jas. 2 20 Cogswell, Edwin H. 1 21 Gunn, Robert 2 2 COLIER, JOHN 2 4 Hacker, Wm. 1 25 (.•onnaway, Patrick 4 8 Hatpin, Jaa. 2 21 Connolly, Brian 2 15 Halpin, John 2 21 Connor, Jas. 3 21 Hantson, Joseph' C. 2 19 Coulter, Th?fl. 2 15 Harris, Edward 4 8 Cove, Nathaniel 1 24 Harris, John 4 8 CRAWFORD, CHAS. 2 14 Henderson, Andrew 3 8 CRAWFORD, JAS. A. 3 14 Henderson, Jas. 3 10 CRAWFORD, RICHARD T. 1 14 Henderson, Jas. M. 3 10 CRAWFORD, WALLACE 1 14 Henderson, John 3 10 Cronck, James 2 23 Henderson, John 3 23 Crystal, Wm. 5 23 Henderson, John 2 6 Cumskey, Edward 2 10 Henderson, Wm. 3 6 (^umskey, James i 10 Henderson, Wm. 3 8 Cunningham, John 3 8 Henderson, Wm., jr., 2 6 Dark, John 1 22 Hennessy, Lawrence 2 19 DAY, RICHARD 2 24 Herron, Wm. 5 3 Douglas, Charlei 6 24 Hillsdon, Abraham 3 3 Douglas, James 6 24 Hockridge, Richard 5 21 Downing, Thos. 2 18 Holmes, Alex. 2 2 Drines, Benj. 3 9 House, Augustus 1 19 Dundas, David 3 23 House, Fred Hull, Jas. 1 19 DUNDAS, EDWARD 3 20 3 12 DundM, Robert 3 20 HUTCHISON, DONALD 1 1 7a COUNTT OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, ni ill 4) ii 'I Con. L. Innis, Geo. 1 21 Irving, David 4 3 Jarvis, Jonathan 4 2 Jenkinson, John & 20 .lessop, Richard ■i 13 Johnson, Hy. 1 2 Johnson, Sydney 1 18 Johnston, Matthew I 3 Karn, Christopher 1 19 Karn, Ellas 1 21 Karn, John 1 18 Karn, Orrin 1 19 Karn, Samuel 1 19 KENNEDY, GEO., Wesleyan Minister, 2 9 Kerr, Robert 2 4 Lacy, Jas. 3 23 Leslie, Benajah 3 19 Little, .lames 2 23 Lowes, Joseph 2 7 McCarty, Lewis 1 20 McFADDEN, WM. 5 19 McKAY, DONALD 1 1 McKAY, WM. 1 8 Mc! ENZIE, ALEX. 1 5 McLeod, Neil 1 3 NcNames, Hy. 1 17 McNames, Peter 1 17 Martin, Wm. 5 22 Minklor, Benj, 5 22 Minkler, Chillion 5 22 Minkler, Marshal 5 23 Monday, A. 2 16 Moore, Colin 2 22 Moore, John, sr., 2 24 Moore, John, jr., 2 24 MORRISON, DONALD 1 2 Mott, James 2 18 MUIR JAMES, carpenter, Murray, John 3 10 Muturer, Alex. 1 12 Nacpy, Joseph 1 2 Nelson, Sal ford 3 21 Nichol, Elam 1 16 Oakley, Chas. 1 U Oliver, Andrew 3 -2 Oliver, Francis 3 4 Oliver, James 3 4 Oliver, Robert 3 4 Palmer, John 2 12 Palmer, Stephen 2 12 Palmer, Thos. 2 12 Palmer, Wm. 3 12 Park, Allen 2 3 Con. L. Patterson, Jas. A. 3 9 Patterson, Thos. a 1 Pool, Wm. 5 Renton, John 1 f. Revell, Hy. 6 6 Revell, James 3 i Rice, Richard 2 15 Robinson, Archibald 8 23 Rogerson, Thos., book agent. 1 21 Rose, John 1 10 ROSS, .lEPTHA 1 24 ROTHWELL, JOHN 3 13 Ruddick, John 8 a Ruddick, Lawrence 3 1 Russell, .'ames 3 19 Saudick, Chas. 2 e Sandick, Fred. 2 8 Sandick, Joseph 2 9 Scoffin, Wm. 5 24 Seldon, Wm. 3 7 Sheard, John 3 11 Sheron, Hy. 2 10 Shields, John 1 21 Shrapnell, Elijah 1 11 Sifton, Glias. 2 20 Simpson, Jas. 6 23 Speding, Wm. 5 20 Stevenson, John 3 6 SUTHERLAND DONALD, Sylvester, Wm. 3 1 Tannen, Geo. 5 3 Tannen, Martin 5 3 Taylor, Geo. 1 16 Telfer, Geo. 3 3 Telfer, Gilbert 3 24 Telfer, John . 3 24 Telfer, Robert 3 3 Telfer, Wm. 3 3 Thorp, David 5 1 UREN, JOHN 3 16 Walker, Daniel 2 9 Ward, Wm. 1 23 WARREN, JAMES 3 13 Weir, Geo. 1 6 Whaley, Samuel 2 15 Whelan, John 2 23 Whelan, Joseph 2 22 Whelan, Stephen 2 22 Wickens, Joseph 2 6 Willnrd, Geo. F 1 9 Willidms, Jeremiah 1 20 Williamson, Robert 4 4 Wilson, Geo. 1 11 Yates, GeorgP • 2 18 . .. w-U. v'— .:• AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 79 TOWNSHIP OF WEST OXFORD Is bounded on tho uorth-worft by the township of North Oxfonl ; on the south by the township o^ DerehuiiK :iiid on the caft by the lownsliip of Ea-^t Oxford. As already mentioned in refert'iu'c to Xorlh and Kast Oxford, this towusliip, conjointly with thtm, formed for imwiiripal pin-iioscs the ori.u:inal township of " Oxford Upon The Thames," until it became a separate municipnlity, with u mu- nicipal govornmetit of its own, which was in 1842. It is divided from North Oxford by the Thames, by branches of which it is wat(?n?d, as well as by nu- merous streams within its area. There has been for a considerublc time a inun- hcr of saw mills in tho township, and more recently several frrist and other mills have been erected and in operation, while at present there are two or three more in course of ere( tion. The soil is very good, and well adapt«Hl for ag- ricultural and horticultural cultivation, us shewn by the highly cultivated fiuni.-i which the township contains. It is also well timbered with ouk, ash, din, beech, maple, &c. Its population in 1861, according to the census returns for that year, numbered two thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven: (1422 males, and 1315 females), being an increase over the population in IB.'il of eight hun- dred and forty-three. Children attending school in 1861, five hundred and twenty-nine; births in 18G0, one hundred and thirteen ; deaths in same year, fourteen. The township is traversed by the "London and Hamilton Road,' and the " IngersoU and Brantford Plank Road," and the Great "Western Rail- way has two stations .(Ingei-soll and Beachville) on its north-western bounda- ries. The Post Offices within the township are those of IngersoU, Beachville, and Sweaborg. The agricultural association with which this township is also connected, is the " IngersoU and West and North Oxford Society," referred to under the head of the " Township of North Oxford." AORICULTURAI, CENSUS OF THE TOWXSHIP OF WEST OXFORD, FOR THE YEAR 1861. Number of acres for ftirraing purposes, " under cultivation, " under crops in 1860, " under pasture in 1860, " under orchards or gardens, " under wood or wild. Cash value of farms in dollars, Cash value of farming implements o^' machinery in dollar*, Number of acres under Fall Wheat, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Spring Wheat, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Barley, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Rye, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Peaa, Produce in bushels of do. 21,131 11,953J 7,857 3,752i 344i 9,177i 780,227 2'M77 i.inj 13,197 1,6093 67,441 253 9,379 228 1,458 27,449 h ^1 V 80 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Number of acres under Oata, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Buckwheat, I'roduce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Indian ('orn, rroduco ill buHbela of do. Number of acres under Potatoes, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Turnips, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres under Mangel Wurtzel, Produce in bushels of do. (Jurrota, bushels, Beans, do. Hops, lbs. Hay, tons of 2000 lbs. or bundles of IG Iba. CMover seed, Timothy seed, or other grass seed, bushels, Flax or Hemp, lbs. AV^ool, lbs. Miipio sugar, Iba. Cider, gallons, Fulled Cloth, yards, Liueii, yards. Flannel, yards, Bulls or oxen, over 3 years of age. Steers or heifers, under 3 years of age, Milch Cows, Horses, over 3 years of age. Value of same in dollars, Colts or fillies, under 3 years of age, Sheep, ^ Pigs, Total value of live stocH in dollars, Butter, lbs. Cheese, lbs. Beef, in barrels of 200 lbs. Pork, in barrels of 200 lbs. Pleasure carriages, Value of do. in dollars, Produce of orchards and gardens in dollars, ALPHABETICAL LIST OP THE RESIDEMT8 OF WB8T OTFCBD. Allen, Abraham, miller, Ammennan, Isaac Anderson, John, sawyer Arnold, Wm., tannery, Ayres, Charles BAIN, ALEX, miller. Bain, Ora Ball, Samuel Baldwin, Wm., gate-keeper, Bark, Oliver, carpenter, Barker, James Barker, Wm., shoe-maker, Burtl^tt, WiUard, tailor, Con. L. B. F. 15 B. F. 12 4 4 3 B. F. B. F. 3 A. Gore. 3 13 1 6 2 18 1 6 1,6554 34,150 (i3 1,224J IbUJ 4,9TG 218 25,359 181^ 61,929 10 3,051 7,216 157 i 24 2,05:54 :{7i 11,9:50 37,705 12,303 5M8J 3U 2,396 57 861 816 485 34,9:Vi 154 3,347 1,169 84,701 46,128 39,345 1801 6204 128 8,443 5,173 9 5 13 16 16 12 Con. L. Barton, Wm. '^ 2 BEARDSALL,WM. C.miuister, 2 22 Bennett, Jane Bigham, Jonathan Box, Francis Box, P. J. BREMBNER, ALEX., keeper, Boxall, Wm., oragg, Wm. Brice, Charles Brickham, Isaac BRINK, C9A8. 3 6 4 B. F. 28 B. F. 28 gate- B. F. U N. Gore. 5 3 1 26 6 7 1 10 ANT GENERAL DIREOTORT. 81 Con. L. 3 12 3 13 4 18 2 17 3 4 6 9 1 24 3 18 3 19 3 14 3 13 G 9 Gore. Brown, Calvin Brown, Chas. II., carpenter, Brown, John, shoe-maker, Brown, Verucu Bucklaud, Hy., teacher, Badd, James Bullis, Daniel Burues, Jaraea Burnett, John Burtch, Abaolom, Burtch, Levi "But lor, Wni. Campbell, Elizabeth CANFIELD, JAMES, student- at-law, 1 CANFIELD, STEWART B. F. 10 Cannon, John 3 21 Carr, J amen CaiT, John, lumber-meichant, Carr, 'I'hos., jr., Carr, Thos., lumber-merchant, Carr, Wm. Carrick, Andrew, & Co., tannery B. F. 16 Carroll, Abraham Carroll, Dennis Carroll, John Chalker, Wm. Chamberlain, John Chambers, Geo. Chandler, Peter Chenoweth, — Chenoweth, Wm. Choate, Christopher Choate, David 1 4 4 5 1 18 B. F. 11 B. F. 9 N. Gore. 4 10 3 5 2 19 N. Gore. 11 11 1 25 Choate, Jacob Choate, Nathan Clark, Chas. L. Clark, David CLARK, M. J. W. Clark, Shadrick Clark, Thos., tailor, Clarkson, John Clifford, James Cloar, Henry Cody, Franklin Cody, John Cody, Warren, carpenter, Collie, John Cook, Elery A. Cook, Eliaa Cook, Joseph L. Cook, Lewis Cook, Solon M. Corey, Qeo., shingle maker, CoDuer, Stephen, teacher, 11 B 27 24 1 F. B. F. 26 3 5 2 22 B. F. 15 3 B. F. 1 3 5 3 3 3 B. F. B. F. 6 15 3 19 7 5 4 4 4 5 6 10 2 18 B. F. 29 2 9 6 11 3 12 CornweU, Samuel Cottingham, Adam Cotton, Robert Coveutrj', Wm. J. Crawford, Richard Creighton, Alex., carpenter, Crocker, Thomu.s Cross, Archibald, minister. Cross, Eli Cummins, John Curry, Goo. Curry, Thorn iia Curtis, A.shbfl Curti.>», David, sr., ('urtis, JonuH W. (Juthbert, George, carpenter, Cuthbert, James Cuthl)ert, John Cuthbert, Peter Cypher, Rufus Dardy, Wm. Dalton, Wm. IX vis, Richard, painter, Dees, Jamef, sr., Decs, James W., jr.. Dees, John R. Deuel, William S., Dodge, Adam Dodge, John Dodge, Wm. Doyle, Thos., carpenter, Drake, Darius Drake, Geo. Dufly, John Duncan, George Dygert, Herkimer Dygert, Isaac Dygert, Joseph Edwards, James Edwards, Wm. Eggerfield, Thos., carpenter, Elliott, James Elliott, Richard Elliott, Thos. , Elliott, Wm. Eshelby, James, aboe-maker, Eshelby, Robert, carpenter. Eyres, John, lime bmrner Facey, Edmund Fairbottom, James Falosick, Frank Farnsworth, Thos. Fafver, Lewis Finlayson, Hugh Fish, John Con. L. 6 6 3 7 Oor\ 6 J I 24 B. F. 11 1 6 1 20 B. F. 15 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 14 1 12 1 14 6 4 2 8 6 5 C 'i 1 15 1 1 N. Gore. 1 2 B. F. 10 B. F. 10 B. F. 10 blacksmith, B. F. 15 1 4 1 5 1 4 3 5 B. F. 11 1 26 1 24 N. Gore. 2 8 2 9 1 9 1 12 1 12 4 10 B. F. 17 4 9 B. F. 15 B. F. 15 3 12 3 4 B. F. 11 1 20 1 2 N. Gore. 3 7 2 11 3 21 B. F. 15 82 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, •I > FLinVHEl{. ASnTON, isttT, Flel'lnT, Ashtoii, jr., Flouil, lliirvry, cnrpfiiter, J'luoil, Jmiiod FojXtty, Will. Fonli'ii, Henry Fowler. J oil 11 Fox, I'Liiip Frairy, Holjert Fniiili, Diivid S. Fniieli, Siiiiint.l T. Fullock, 'i'iios. Gainer, iieiiry (JaiM'l, .John (ialluwuy, (."hurled (.jallowiiy, George Galloway, ifaine.s Galloway, .loliii, 8r. Galloway, John, jr. (.jaiic. \Vwi. I!., gate-keeper, G<'t\ Wni. (i' rinan, Levi Gil'lirist, I'eter Gray, Michael Gray, Wm. (joultl,Wellingtou, ehairmake Greary. Bradeihaw Greer, riarah Groves, John Gi'over, Peter GL'STLV, JAMES, miller Guthrie, George liniues, Charles Haines, Jaiiies Hall, Hezekiah, cooper Hall, Mary Ann Hall, Samuel Hall, Thomas Hall, "\Vm., pate-keeper Hainiltoii, Alex. Hai'fiS) Daniel nankins, Thomas • Harris, Benjamin Harris, Charles Harris, David Harris, James Harris, Squire R. Harris, Walter Harris, "Warren Harris, Wellington Ifarris, Wm. Haskins, Dolly J. HU'^kins, Sophia Xla}-, Mrs. I^jaycock, Chas. W., teacher Con. li. Con. 1.. uiin- ire>kelli. ThomoiJ 3 19 B. r. r. Hill. lleliK'li 2 IS B. F. .'^ i!i^'lop, .lames 2 20 4 .'» lii.'-luj), Thomas 2 20 4 .') Ilod.'on, John Usher 4 U B.F. IT Ilojjaii, .'^.•ynioiir, carpenter 3 JH 1 10 llopkiiH, 2 4 B.F. U IlcpkiiiiJ. I'eter 2 4 B.F. I) lloiiuliton, Stej)hen 1 24 B.F. 2!) [loMuliton, Stejihen 2 7 4 1.-) INGLKS, Rev. CHARLES V>.1\ .'i 4 l.j ln;:!es, Henry B.l'. 4» 3 5 Iiij;rani, Koiiert B.F. 29 1 2-1 Janes, David 3 13 1 H Jam .-I, lienian 2 12 4 5 Jam s, Reiilii'n A. 3 12 5 11 .Tarvin, Charles 4 14 2 15 Jarvis, .Joseph ■1 U 2 14 Jillis, Jtohert 2 3 5 U Johnson, James 15.F. 1.) 1 20 .lohnsoii, Ji.iiui^ B.F. 27 3 .-. .fohn.suii, lievi B.i . L") B.F, 29 .Johnson, Thomas, caipenler J!. J', i.l 5 4 .Johnson, Wm. 1 ;.]••. IG 2 k; Knin, Freeman B.F. 7 2 10 K;\vi\, Georue 1 24 r,B.l\ 10 )\;i."ii, .Jaetib B.F. 1 r, 9 \invn, Joiii) li.F. 1 C 7 Karii, Willard I 1 1 13 Kin;r, Samuel B.F. 2 3 () Kyle, Aie.\. i 23 1 13 Lambert, .John ;") t) 2 13 Liimpman, S'.inou, cooper 13 3 IT Langdi.n, Richard 2 14 3 IT Lawrence, Denajah 3 10 .5 13 Lawrence, Fiaueig .O 12 3 ;-) Lawrence, John 4 12 B.F. IT liuwrence, Simon 5 J 2 3 f) L/iui, Roliert. mason 3 12 B.F. 2T Leiah, Samuel, jr. 2 23 14 13 LEWIS, ABNER, cooper (; 11 2 It; LEWIS, BEN. cooper 4 18 4 IT Lt.'wi?, Edtrar 1 17 3 22 LEW j.>^, MARSHALL, cooper 11 2 22 Lewis, Nelson 1 14 1 23 LEAVIS, SENECA ' 1 1.-) 1 19 Lick, John 1 5 B.F. It) LIGHT, ALEX. X., C. E. X Gore 3 20 LIGHT, Col. WM. S. N Gor.-i 1 18 Liltl.', John B.F. 3 3 IG Long-, Enoch 4 4 B.F. 23 Lon;r, John 4 4 1 7 Lowes, Joseph B.F. IG 1 C Lo-Wi's, Wni. f) 10 3 19 McCarthy, Archibald f) 23 2 11 McCarty, Orson 3 4 AND GENERAL DIRECTORT. 83 Con. I- •A 19 2 IS 2 20 2 20 4 11 3 Irt 2 4 'j: 4 1 24 2 "t KV. r> 4» '29 ];i 12 12 14 U L") 2T 15 ir» l(j 7 24 1 1 I 1 B.F. 2 i5.1\ ii.F. 3 4 • > V..V. {5.1'. li.l. J?.l\ i;.F. IJ.F. 1 15. F. H.F. ooper 1 f) 2 o ■ J 5 4 ;") 3 2 (■) 4 1 G 1 1 1 X 23 () 13 14 10 12 12 J2 12 23 U 18 17 11 14 1.') 5 Goro 13.F. 4 B.Y. 3 3 4 4 ir. 10 4 Coil McCanlpy, ITuph 3 SlcCuonib.-', Hiruiii, carj)f»nf»M* B.F. McCKAE, DUNCAN, ntoam.^aw mill McCRAF, IIECTOK, lumber niorchaiit. and saw mill 6 McDonald, Jainos 3 McDoiiiikl, .Jolm B.F. MoDoimId, Wm. 3 >l.GOVERN, JAS., postmo-ster 3 MeHciiry, Man Mc'Ialosh, Jolm, uiiller McKay, Cluii-jcs jilcKf'nzie, John, tailor MoLood, Thomas Mr.MiillL'ii, Daniel McNiimo-i, Ani03 2ilc'l'agi'rt, Donald Mal'cc, L''vi ^laboi". f^iiu'^'on MAUEi:, ^V ALTER B Mabtu', Wnltor ^Macrs, Tlionja3 Mail/.**!-, Janii'H MARSH, J^■v. AV. MARTIN, JIAllRY F. MARTLN, .JAMES MAVr.ERRV, R., blacksniitli Mi.\il<'y, Daniel Mtnii'H, IN'tcr Mocks, Wni., lunibt-r merchant Mcliicr. Daniel, pumpmaker .Miller, David Mills, Archibald Moore, Wni. Myers John, tanner Myers, Robert Newburn, John Niciiolls, James Nielioll.s, John Noonan, Jamo.s Nann, Charles Oyer, John Palmer, Parnell, Jno. N. Parnell, U. S. Peck, Liness Poirce, Samuel, miller Perkin>!, Josiuh N., carp. Perry. Stephen phinglemaker Phelps, Joel Phelps. Sylvester Phillips, Gea. Phillips Richard Pickard, Phineas piper, Euooh B. . . 4 4 4 B.F. B.F. B.F. B.F. 6 4 4 2 1 NG 3 1 U.F. R.r. 4 4 3 4 B.F. B.F. (i 3 B.F. B.F. B.F. 1 1 B.F. 3 4 2 B. T. B. F. 1 B. F. B.F. 3 B.F. B.F. 4 2 1 1 . L. 11 n IT 10 IT 5 13 5 3 IT 1.5 2T lr> 6 12 11 13 13 ore .") 14 n IH 11 14 <) 15 (] I 2 IG IG 17 IG 15 11 8 5 21 29 29 5 15 16 9 15 15 15 20 19 12 Piper, Joseph B. Piper. R. A., student at law Pollard. Wm. Pool. . H. A. I'oo), Thomas Pool". Wm. A. Front, Abram Ranii-re, Thos. Raymond, Walter Reyulds, David Reynolds, Harvey Reynolds, Justus Reynolds, Wm. ser. Reynolds, W. E. Rice, (}eo. Rivers, Wm. Roach, John, carpenter Rolterts, Win, tanner Robi.ion, Wm. Ros;>, Alex, gatekeeper Ross, (r'o. carpenter Ross, Hugh Ross, James Rowe, John, Plasterer Ro'.ve, Wm. Rus'!, .-Samuel Ru-!i, James, wagon-maker Rusii. Thomas liutii. rlbrd, Lunsden Sailler. Robert, bricklaver Sage, Allen Sage. Comlbrt Sagt , I'Inech Sage, l^evi Sage, Simon Sage, Sylvester ! Sage, AV'ilbur i Sage, \Villard ' S.ige, Zachariah : SL'ott. (Jhas. W, i Scott, .Foseph j Scott. Richard, cooper i Scott, Silas s.ott, W'illard Scott, Wm. I Seeper, Wrn., carpenter ; Seldon, Wm. ■ S»'rvice, Lester ' Sharp, John P., teacher Shearer, Wm, i Shell, Solomon '. ShisUitre, John j Sibbald, James Sibbald, John, carpenter ' Simmons, John iSloat, Ebenezer Con. L. ') 12 I 11 2 18 4 13 B. F. 15 3 13 2 3 5 4 1 24 2 15 3 7 2 U ] u 1 15 2 7 5 9 3 15 B. F. 16 '1 12 B. F. 23 N, (4 ore. B. F. 7 B. F. 25 N. (iore. 2 10 B. V. G 3 10 2 6 I 9 B. F; 2 2 11 3 11 5 8 3 10 G 9 2 11 2 U 1 13 1 13 1 13 1 21 5 13 5 9 B. F. 14 2 25 B F. 23 B. F. 15 6 11 3 19 1 10 4 2 1 26 3 17 3 17 2 7 3 5 84 COUNTT OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, :<5 Smart, James Smith, Daniel Smith, Jesee M., carpenter Smith, Nicholas Smith, Peter Smoyester, P~yce Spoar, Joseph Sprague, Emanuel Stephenson, James Stonebouse, Geo, Stuart, .A.ngua Sutherland, Wm. Tate, Thomas Taylor, Daniel THORNTON, BEN. THORNTON, BLEEKER .Thornton, Hermon Thornton, John Thompson, Joseph Todd, David Topping, Jacob Topping, John Toi)ping, Timothy Tree, Daniel M. blacksmith Tree, Elijah Trijjp, Amoa Tripp, Jacob Tripp, Moses Tucker, BenUmin Turner, Mark, W. B Con. 1 1 F. 5 6 6 3 4 3 B. F. 4 3. F. 5 4 2 L. 17 8 16 13 14 9 3 10 19 16 18 9 13 12 2 3 1 2 10 B. F. 23 4 4 2 1 2 1 2 5 3 .5 5 3 2 21 2 21 1 16 6 7 5 12 Con. Upfold, Ambroso B. F. Upfold, James B. F. Uren, John B. F. VICARS, REV. JOHNSTONE L. 28 28 13 17 K w 12 15 13 5 3 3 6 minister C. of E. B. F. "Waddington, Richard 4 Wallis, John, sawyer 3 Walters, Charles B. F. Walton, Robert B. F. Warden, Thomaa 4 Webster, John 4 White, Andrew 3 White, Edward 3 Whittaker, John B. F. 2&3 Wilkinson Wilson, Hannah Wilson, Robert Winn, Wm. ) Winn, Robert ) Withrow, Benj. carpenter Wood, James Wood, Jacob Woodfork, Isaac Wright, Beriah Wright, John Youngs, John, ser. Youngs, John, jr. Young, Lewis, blacksmith 1 Youngs, Thomiw 3 20 15 2 2 24 3 1 1 B. F. 2 1 B. F. 4 13 14 17 13 20 8 8 11 9 CUMBERLAND INN, 12th Line, Gravel Road, East Zona, JOHN DOmM)N,>roprietor. Every attention will be paid to travelers calling at this House. The Bar is always well supplied with the best of Wines, Ales, and Liquors. JOHN DONALDSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, "CUMBERLAND iNiV/* EAST ZORRA. AND GENERAL DIREtlTORY. 89 TOWNSHIP OF EAST ZOREA. The present Townships of East and West Zorra, were originally united for Municipal purposes, under the name of the "Township of Zorra." East Zorra became a separate and distinct Municipality in the year 1845 ; it is bounded on the North by the township of Wilmot, (County of Waterloo,) on the South by portions of the Townships of Blandford and North Oxford ; on the East by Blandford, and on the West by the Township of West Zorra, It is watered by tributaries of the River Thames which forms part of its eastern bcundary, and is well supplied .vith water power for mill purposes. There are, grist, flouring, oatnieal, saw, carding and fulling mills in the Township. It is excellent laud throughout, and contains a number of superior farms. Its settlement com- menced about the year 1820, and it has now a population, according to the census returns for 1861, of four thousand five hundred and ten, (2345 Males, and 21t)0 Females,) being an increase over the population in 1851, (which was 3200) of one thousand three hundred and ten. Children attending school in 1861, nine hundred and one, births recorded in 1860, one hundred and sixty- eight, deaths in same year, forty-six. There are throe post offices in the Town- ship, viz : Braemar Innerkip, and South Zorra. It is traversed by the Wood- stock and Iluion Gravel Road. The Township has a fanners Association named the "p]ast Zorra Agricultural Society," of which the following gentlemen compose its Board of Directors and Officers : KAST ZORRA AGRICUI.TTRAL SOCIETY. . . R. W. Sawtell, President. \ John Duulop, Vice-Preiidenf. DIRECTORS. ''ohn Wel)ber. R. TruBcott. John Hatch. John Irwin. William Walton. Grafton Smith. James Thwaites. J Lockhart. William Stewart. R. Campbell, jr., 6'fr. cf« Treat. j ioricultuba:. census of thh township of east zorra, vor the year 1861. 1 Number of acres for farming purposes, 4910H j " under cultivation, 27862^ | " under crops in 1860, 18719} i " acres under pasture in 1860, 8844| ! " under Orchards or C ardens, 298 | " under wood or wild, 21239 ! Cash value of Farms, in Dollars, 1464949 " " of Farming Implements or Machinery, *<", 61267 ' Number of acres under Fall Wheat, * 2689| j. Produce in bushels of Wheat, 40430 ; No. of acres under Spring Wheat, 4r)67 1 Produce in bushels of " 91815 { No. of acres under Barley, 359i !| Produce in bushels, 9619 'i 8G COUNTY d^ OXFORD rAZEITEER, \% No. rif acres nnder Rye, Pro'lnce in bu.«li<-lri, Is 0. of acres under Foas, Frouuoo in bushels of " Xo. of acres niiilor Oats, FroiJiice in bnsbelB of " No. of acres under Buckwheat, Produc'.; in bns-"bi !.s of " No. of ijcres under Indian Corn, Prodnoo in bushels of " No. of acres uiider Potatoes, Produce in but^hels of " No. lucres under Turnips, Produce in bushels of " Ni. of '-cres under Mangel Wurzel,* Proi!nc<3 in bushels of ' '• Carrots — bushels, Beans, " Ho})s, lb.s, Hay, tons of 2000 lbs or bundle.^ of 16 Ibp. (;lo\-(T Seed, Timothy Seed, or othei- Grass Seed, bushels, Flax or Jlenip, lbs, Wool, ibs, MapiO Sugar, lbs CJdt r, jj-allons, Fulled Cioth, yds, Lin< !i, yards, Fi:"inel, yards, Piui;-: or Oxen, (>ver 3 years of ajje. Steers or JJeifers nnder 3 }t'ai's of ago Milch CoAvs, l!o!s«'8 over 8 years of age, Yahie of same in dollars. Colts or Fillies under 3 years of ago, Sheoj), Pigs. Totrd value of live stock in doHars, Bntler, lbs, Ckec."G " Beef in bis of 200 lb.s Poilc in bills oi' 200 Ib^ Phnisure Carriages kept, Valu," of do in dollar.^ I'roducG of Orchards and g.irdeiis in dollars, AUMI.VHlOTICAr, 1, 1ST OF THE RKSIDENTS OF KAST ZORHA. 1." 31l;u 70458 3r)95 121965 32i 2127 451) 59714 o21i 228223 not .'5571 19725 214J i;;o 393G 832 1(583 22!;S.J 49820 4774 217 73i).> 331: 2422 21ti3 111)2 fc'3:)20 47 r. 8790 4004 19f )91 IJ7123 11740 21MJ 13.UI 11.^09 r)159j Abel, Rieharrl Adii' .,, Ricliard Ale: ;auler, Ahwander j\ltei:kaieh, Charles Ardiibald, Robert A.niii!r;>oii, James Anderson, William An'i-'eiaian, John Armstrong, Arthur ( 'i'H. I.. K) 20 9 (> 10 1 11 3(i 12 2(5 15 S Con. L. r.ADDEN, WILLIAM 14 15 Bailey, George 9 Bain, Peter 13 Ball, John P. Ki I Jail. Richard H IJall. William S. 10 Balzar, Weyand ] 7 15 28 Balzar, Wm. U 35 i Barbour, David 14 17 13 IG 3(3 14 28 1 30 AND GENERAL I)IRE(rrORY, 8T IfiJ l.^T 31oli f 0-153 3595 21965 324 Til m 2127 45 (J 59714 521i 28223 5571 19725 2Mi i;:o 3930 832 1683 22'.;S5 49820 4774. 2759J 217 7395 331 2422 2163 1192 ^3929 476 8790 40i)i: 19-; )9i l';!:\5 i:m:> 1::'9 ! 15(19 ^•."■5911 Con. L. 14 15 9 6 i:'. 36 16 U n 28 10 1 n 30 13 35 14 17 Uarfir!,'ii', Jaeol) Barthv, X. 11. Bartlby, Noah Buit'cT. 'ri:oma3 lJ>f-, lliiid* Beartlsall, John Beam, Heury B(^!l, Jobu Bl'II, R. Bf^il. \Vm. Bell, \Vm. Boliiic,'er, G. M., saddler Bomler, David Beiid'T, Jacob Bic'kc!, Edward Bick"], lli'iiry Birkt'I, Richard Bi,'j;'p:ar, John * lii^'ham, Jaiufs Bono, AVm. jdiotli, Jacob Buoiiait, Peter E. Boit, T. Bun, Jos. Bouiccr, ]3owcr, John ikivh, A. H., school teacher Br;u!h, David Bi-ay, Abram Broiieriuaii, Jacob BreiHM'inaii, Daniel Bi'eckciiready, Mathew Biitt, Jaine,^ 11. BiHuln-rio'ht, Frtderick Brodwri^iiit, Jacob Brown, Jeremiah Bi-oT.n, John Blown, John Brown, Josiah Brown, Joseph Brown, Wni. N. Bn.'wn, Nelson BRUCE, ALEXANDER Bi nc.o, Doua'kis BRUCE, GEORGE Bru'o, Janiea BRUCE, ROBERT BRUCE, WILLIAM BRUCE, \VM. Bruce, Wm. Bnkhum, John Buckol, Johii l-Ju^lcel, Thomas Bniiiburgher, John Burg'csi;, John IT. Bara'ess, Thomas Con. L. Con. L. 15 32 Burke, Wi.i. l!) 17 12 (; Burpee, Bwan l;. 17 11 11 3 Bn iiiin, Chri-iliau 17 35 12 5 Burl on, Jn!:n 12 24 9 35 Brvi.af, Ji.hu 10 27 17 25 Bryant and Ulcndcuuing, 15 17 LI 21 (Jaii-tor, <'liarips 16 21 11 33 C-AlSTER, l.S!iAKL 10 n H 11 ("ai:!{.".', James 11 ::i ('visii r, .lobn 10 34 11 33 (.'aister, 8te))heu 12 29 13 36 Caldwell. ^Vnu 13 10 15 35 Ctii.uTon, James 18 27 15 35 Ca;.!niK'!!, Donaid 10 26 11 26 Cain[)bell, James 9 25 11 26 Canipbe]!. Roljort 18 30 16 23 Caiiipi )-'!!, Roberc 11 17 13 7 Camplirii, W'm. 11 17 ■10 26 Carter, Jool 15 22 12 t Car('>r, Xs'iw. 15 22 15 32 Caslic. J aims 14 18 16 35 Chad\\ick, 1 lirauj 12 19 10 2 ( 'hadwick, Philip 12 17 li^ 2 (■lianihers, E'lward 10 25 9 9 t'iiapriian, Richard 9 7 15 29 (Iharhs, Daniel 14 12 11 31 CUirk, 7^irI-.'W 1 1 5 14 26 Coad, John F. 12 4 15 21 (oil ins, Ceorji'e 13 1 19 35 Coon, Benjamin 15 11 18 32 C'ook, Alfred U 20 12 18 Cook, Xewtou 11 18 15 13 Cook. Th'Mua.s 17 11 16 29 Coorah, .John . . 16 23 10 36 Copp, Alexander ^ 9 23 16 14 Coj);>, David 12 19 13 ^15 Copp, J'olii\ U 9 16 15 Couitor, jJarg-aret 11. 6 13 26 Coulter, J'. 12 10 18 13 Coulter, S. 12 10 17 14 Cowing, John 13 36 17 13 Cowiuf;;, John . 16 19 12 C'owiu'r, Joliathau 17 14 13 IG Cowinif, W'm. 17 15 13 15 Cox, Wm. 11 U 13 11 Cracky, Wui. 17 27 13 15 CraclPH. John 19 34 10 9 Ci'aiir, Jolm 10 32 9 13 Crawl'ord, Wm. 9 31 17 24 (.'ror-Vty, John, teacher 14 7 16 24 Cro.->^. Thomas, teacher 12 14 16 33 (^'iiiinninu-, .1 jhn 12 25 11 IB Cuiimiinii';:, Tboniarf 11 1 16 29 CUM.MINCS, ROBERT 12 25 12 7 (^unninj;liaui, jlnyh 11 32 13 10 Dauby, ^V'm. 10 8 m .'tlOUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Con. L. Con. L. Darke, Daniel 12 29 Delton, Gibson 17 11 Davis, James 15 7 Dench, Conrad 17 27 Dawsou, Wm, la 16 Denver, Thomas 13 28 Day, George 14 18 Deniais, Thomas A. 9 33 Dean. Israel 18 13 Dennis, Thomas 9 33 Delauty, Daniel 13 27 Denuv, David 9 5 Delbridge, Georgo 12 21 Dibble, Cyrus 11 6 Dell, Joseph 13 5 Dibble, Darius 13 17 JOHN FORBES, Jr., DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CHINA, CROCmi GLiSSWARE, Sec, Sec, Sec. ^^The highest price paid for all kinds of country produce. EAST ZOHRA. Con. L. Con. L. DIBBLE, DR. 17 10 Dunster, George 14 12 Dibble, Hervey 13 6 Eckstiue, Henry 12 36 Dingwall, Alexander 9 6 Elduly, Mrs 15 12 Dogharty, Daniel 16 11 Elliott, James 16 25 Dolson, Abram 13 17 Emerson, Andrew 16 10 DONALDSON, JOHN, propne- Everett, Wm., 15 24 tor Cumberland Inn, & Auc- Facey, John 17 31 tioneer 11 10 B'ohr, Henry 13 3d DONALDSON, WM. 11 U FORBES. J( FIN, ser. 9 16 Downs, Alfred 12 15 FAUQUIER, FRED, REV., C. Drumms, John 13 23 of England, 12 13 Dryden, Thomas 13 36 FORBES. JOHN, jr.. merchant DUNLOP, JOHN 12 14 Braeraar, P. 0., (S ee Card.) 9 16 Dunn, Daniel 12 19 Foster, Charles 15 11 DuDD, James 11 3 Fox, Thomas 12 18 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 89 ]!on. L. 17 11 17 27 13 28 9 33 9 33 9 5 11 6 13 17 — Con. L. 14 12 12 36 15 12 16 25 16 10 15 24 17 31 13 36 9 16 C. 12 13 int d.) 9 16 ^15 11 12 18 Con. L. Fmiicis, Feter 12 18 FraiK'i!^, Samuel 10 2 Frafior, Ijuuchluii 14 26 FlJAl^ER, WILLIAM y y FKIZELLK, SUTI'ON 12 4 Fuiiock, Cliark'S 14 y Fuimoulioxisor, Courad IT '^^i Fye. Francio E. 10 28 Gerbill, Chridloplier IG 3.t l;Ict),ifenob, Philip 14 25 Geiig'eiT, (-hricitiuu A. 13 30 Gt'i'iiardt, Ikiiiy 11 35 Ocrhai'dt, John 13 35 (^hi\it, AilRTt 11 34 Giloy, Isaa-J 14 4 GiiU'HJJV, Jidin IT 12 Gi;-!il:.'r, llom-v 10 35 Gluvo.s lloiiry 12 23 Gliclclcck, Autliony 13 3(1 Goodall, George 9 2U Gooiivci-, Jaiac'd 14 15 <;^uiil'l, Julia 10 30 (Juiiid, William 14 G Graham, Ma!'ji,aivt 'J 15 (;i!Mil8lR'ck, Vul. IT '.W Grant, Wm. 22 3 Grayson, John 12 30 Grt.'gory, A. \V. 10 IT Grc'g'ory, John 10 IT Gricc, Jusiah 15 10 Grice, Samuel L. • 15 10 (Jriiilth, William 9 12 Gripston, Frinla-ick 10 29 (Tfuiiy, Hcniry 11 35 HACK, HENRY 12 9 I-Liisi.c, Barnhart Ki 2T Hallock, Aljram 11 T ITallock, Charles 12 11 Hallock, John 11 23 Hallock, Nellis 11 23 Hallock, Theron 11 7 llallowell, James 12 23 llantzell, Conrad 10 35 Hantzell, George 10 31 Hautzell, Kern 13 34 Hapercote, Frederick 13 30 Harrington, G 'orge 14 3 Harrington, Hiram 11 23 Harrington, Jared 11 24 Harrington, John W. 10 20 HARRINGTON & ROBINSON woolen factory, and carding mills, 11 8 Harrino-ton, Paul 11 22 Ilarriusrton, Wui. Hart, G. > Hart, Thonu-i ( Hart, Wm. ilarwood, Alfred li.irwood, Henry Harwood, Henry Hatch, JaniL'S Hatch, John Henneller, I'eter Hiiderlv, John Hill, Albert- Hill, A!e\. Hill, Ihivid Hill, Jleury Hill, James Hi>l(ip, John I loij^uii, liobert f I olden, Henry Holmes, Donahl lliiltley, Viekerman Hoodless, John Hooper, (.-harles iJuniing, shoemaker I luiitsl)ury, Alexander I luu-hinson, Archibald llutcl.in.son, Hvde, Heiu'v F.^ Imaii, John Imi/elc, Richard Roger Harrington, Trumau 12 11 27 Inae-J, Andrew > liiivj.s (Jharles ) l.itzey, Daniel Irwin, John Jackson, John .lackson, Joseph Jacques, John Juehl, John Karns, Christopher KARNS, JACOB Karshes, Nicholas Ivaull'man, Courad KaulTnian, Dedrich KautVman, AVerner Kauffman, Nicholas Kennedy, James Kennel, John Kernes, John King, George King, James King, Thomas Kirkpatrii'k, John I Knight, Ebeuezer : Knight, Ebeuezer I Kuott, Chaa. Con. L. 11 8 IT 7 U 4 ■ 11 25 11 25 17 10 12 22 11 4 10 22 11 10 10 18 16 12 13 6 13 10 11 IC) U 9 18 1 14 14 10 23 10 3 10 20 12 18 k; 21 U 22 14 13 IT 22 9 4 12 34 10 3 10 28 Ifi 21 10 33 14 6 13 11 10 21 12 34 10 6 10 2 9 29 15 29 15 26 16 24 15 26 9 34 IT 33 15 28 13 21 13 21 13 3 15 15 16 14 16 14 11 27 ii 90 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEEB, Con. L. Korn, Ellon 16 25 Korn, John 16 25 Laing, S. W. 15 19 1 Lakemuii, Edward 13 o; LAPPIX. JAMES 10 18, Lazaru3, (jri-iffith 11 is: Lee, John 13 30 [.eriit'l, John 16 30 Luriiel, Nicholas IG 34 J.'.-lio, William It 10 Liiiipes, (.Join-od ii: 2S Li:,, Janio.^ W. 11 19 Loi.tli. John IH 31 Lo 20 Lovoll, Thouias IL 22 LovovH, Thomas 11 27 Lot::<. Hcniy 17 32 IjOwc. Christian 14 23 Lu'lington, Alex. 11 IS Ludiiiulou, J(i;;iah 12 lt< L'luiugtoii, Si'th 12 10 Ludiiigtoii. iSpL'UCor 12 20 ilcConib, Jaiiiea 1^ 2(i McCullv, Joseph 10 33 McDonald, Alex. 11 24 McDanald, David 9 13 McDonald, Donald 10 3 McDonald, DoUi-ald 16 :mcdoxald, John 11 10 .AIcDOXALD, ROBERT 10 9 ;Mc Donald, Wni. 10 13 MtUiuiuiiion, Peter 32 IH ^Iclntosh, Benjamin 9 19 Mclutyrc, Joseph 15 6 M< Kay, Alexander 11 28 McKay. Alex. IVaraer 10 12 McKaV. Dinji'wall '1 26 .AlcKAY, DONALD 9 15 MeKav. D. W., blacksmith 12 18 McKAY,GEO. iO 12 McKay, George, jr. medical stu- dent. 10 12 MclCay, (Jeorge 9 10 McKay, Hugh, school teacher 12 18 McKay, James 10 12 McKav, James 9 18 McKAY, JOHN 10 14 McKAY, PETER 9 10 McKAY, WM. 9 17 McKAY, WM. 9 1 McKee, James 17 31 McKi'lIer, John 11 31 McKelligan, John 17 23 McKenzie. Alex. 13 l!S 13 fi JudiTi? 'il 13 18 12 15 36 33 27 Con. L. McKENZlE.ALEX, 9 1 MoKenzio, James 9 11 McKenzie, John 9 21 McLean, Colin 17 12 McLean, Thomas 13 36 McLeod, John 9 8 McLeod, John 10 12 McLcod, John 9 1 McLeod, Lawrence 15 18 McLeod. Peter 9 1 Mt.Mahon, James 13 9 McMahon, James V McMahon, Nicholas S Ml ()rEEN, D. S., County McTavish, Charles Majde, Casper Major, John Malcolm, Francis F '( Malcolm, James \ Manly, (Jeorge ?J:iric, Alex. Mar.^hail, Adam Martin, Jesse Martin, Jesse Martin, Richard Mi'ther, Ruyce "^.lathcson, Angus Mead, Ira Meadows, Charles Mendov/s, Francis Meadows, John G. Meadows, Joseph M( 'ville, John Mi]>r, John Millinan, Mrs. I\lodeland, John Moon, James More, Jo.seph Morelock, AV'illiam Morelock. Wm. Morton, DaA-id Mov.sav, Richard MUNROE, BARCLAY Munroe, Hugh Murner, Jacob Murray, Alex. Murray, Alex. Mnrrav, Alex. 9 MURRAY, DAVID 10 Murray. Donald 10 Murray, George 9 Murray, Hugh 10 23 Murray, James 13 11 Murray, John 11 18 16 15 11 18 13 20 11 11 12 21 12 5 12 4 13 12 9 26 18 34 15 24 14 7 12 9 14 7 9 28 15 19 12 12 12 31 12 17 lii 11 11 34 17 29 16 25 12 12 10 11 12 15 16 28 9 8 10 22 20 6 29 AXD GEXERAL DTREC10RV. n Cod. L. 1 9 11 9 21 IT 12 13 36 9 8 10 12 9 1 15 18 1 13 9 13 ndiio 11 13 18 12 15 36 33 27 16 15 11 13 "11 12 12 12 13 9 18 15 18 20 11 21 5 4 12 26 31 ') z* 14 12 14 9 15 12 12 12 li) 11 17 10 12 10 12 16 9 10 9 10 10 9 10 13 11 7 9 7 28 19 12 31 •17 n 34 29 25 12 11 15 28 8 22 20 6 29 23 11 18 Con. L. Con. L- MrRRAV, PAUL 10 IS i Risk, George 18 28 Murray, I'etor 10 24 i Robert.son, Brnry 11 a Murrav, Peter 10 25; Rose, Wm. 15 15 MURRAY. ROBERT 9 8i Ross, Alex. 9 26 MURRAY, ROBERT 10 7l Ross, Goo. 9 21 Murray, AVilliam 9 29 ROSS, HUGH 9 18 Xo!>-'un, Cleniout 10 33 RO.SS, HUGH 12 13 Xichol, Andrew 17 16« ROSS, HUCil 9 17 Nichol, Robert 17 16 Ross, HughG. 15 5 Nicholas, Goor-je 18 33 Rc-^s, Janica 16 9 Nii-holas, John 17 28 Ross, J times 16 9 Nurri?, John 12 33 Ross, Janet 9 12 Nuv>-t'll, Wni. 11 25 Ross, Johu I'J 9 Oniiiston. John 13 24 . Ross, John 16 9 O.-burn, Andrew 11 17 Ro-s, Robert 9 19 Osburn, Jacob 9 33 Ross, \Vm. 9 7 Osbouru, John 10 22; Ross, Wm, 9 18 O^bourn, Win. 10 22 ! Rowe, Samu(l U 20 Paine, Henry B., 16 8! Rov.e, Thom;i.s 14 20 Paine, Huuh B., 16 8 Rowe, Thorn, IS 12 23 Palisto, David 13 13 Ro\v"l!, Abram 15 13 Pa river. John 15 20 llowol, Strat'on 15 12 Parlv, J. S. 11 4 Rowland, Thomas 11 19 Patterson, James 9 31 Rolh, Heiu-y 15 35 Palter.<;on. George 9 31 Roth, John 16 30 Pa\eT. Eli 12 24 Roth, Michael 15 36 Pnvey, William 12 25 Ilotii, Wm. 15 36 Pearson, John 15 21 Roy. Lewis 13 26 Pearson, John jr. 15 22 Paido![)!i, Henry 9 36 Pe;ir3on, Wni. 15 21 !iudy, Daniel 15 33 Pelton, James 10 13 l^Uj)" rt, Wm. 10 32 Pell an, Ink? 10 13 :;n.-'ell,.T! oii;as 11 34 Pelton, John 15 11 lln-.sert, Giorgo 17 35 Pflron, J^t!>phen 10 12 Rutherford, Johnston 13 36 P.rrv, I). K. 11 5 Sawtell, John 14 8 Perry, ]). M. 12 S Sawtiill, Rowland 14 10 Perry, Juliu;^ 11 7 Sehlezel, Nici:(iia.s 10 30 I'l'ter.^, John 15 20 Schreder, Fn deriok 13 20 Petiirrew. Roljert 10 10 Scott, John 9 5 Plas'ket, Timothy 12 20 Selteer, Coun.d 10 26 Plelcli, Servis 15 20 Seltger, Jacob 15 30 Popjte, Charles 14 25 Sewel, Samuel 17 Pn ailer. I>anie1 15 27 .Sliadwick, Adam 11 16 Pringle, John 9 20 . Shannon, Thomas 10 32 Proin', Samuel 13 30 Siiarp, John 10 26 Pu'.lyblank, George 10 9 Sbnrpnell, Jos'^j)h 12 34 Rand, Mrs. 15 23 Slieron, James 13 12 Randall, John 10 11 Sherwood, R. R. 9 2 Rankin, David 9 35 Shrock, Mrs. John . 18 36 Reynolds, James 12 30 Shutt, John 15 25 Reynolds, Thomas 12 30 Sipple, Adam 17 35 Rennie, Geor;?e 9 2 Skeltou, George 11 32 Rice, John 13 14 Skelton, Joseph 11 i: Rif^hardson, Benj. 12 9 Slarbone, Francis 15 31 Ricker, John 15 36 i Sloan, Irving U 13 Ridley, George 13 23 I Smith, Anthony 18 3^ 92 COUNTT OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, \''i Con. L. Smith, George 18 31 TowerP, Robert Hniith, George 11 15 Trc(>, Alexiuider Smith, Graftou U 20 'I'ree, Bradford .Smith, Henry, surgeon 11 J 8 Tree, Daniel Smith, Heury 11 35 Tree, Ezckiel Smith, Jnmes 13 It 'I'ree, Horace Smith, t^ohn 15 15 ^I'ree, RiifuH Smith, John 17 35 Tree, Samuel Smith, ^Vva. 17 9 'I'ree, Stei)hen B. Snyder, Henry 15 r,i Tru.-.cott, Robert Sonimer, John 15 33 TuObrd, John Sommer, John, jr. 15 31 Tidtord, Philip Spark, Yipend 13 36 Turnlmll, Wm. Stabler, Jacob IG 2(i Turner, Joseph Steiiiacre, Adam IT 29 Vance, David Steine, Werner 12 U Vance, Robert Stephens, Keens 14 9 Vance, Joseph Stewart, George 11 20 Var.decar, StouclM Conrad IG 31 Vandecar, George Strong, John 14 Jl Vmidecar, J. W. Sutlii'rland, Alexander - 9 19 Wacnrter, Jacob Sat!;orland, Alexander 9 5 Wa'.;ii."r, Jacob Sutlicrland, Andrew 10 10 AValker, Adam Sutlierlund, JJouald 9 22 AV'alton, 'i'homj)you Sntlierland, Donald 1*1 28 ^Villton, Wm. Sutherland, Fitzgerald, teach er 15 15 "WiU'd, Tlioma.^ Sutliorland, I fugh 10 12 Wiiterl^ury, Silas Sutherland, Jame.s 10 18 Watt, John : utlierland, John 9 14 Watt, Mrs. Sut!ier!and, Mrs. 9 3 ^^'ebber, John Suthcrlaud, Peter , 14 10 Wtl)b('i', Robert Sntlierland, Robert ' ; 9 22 ^Vcieker, Hv. Swalm, Christian ' 17 35 AV^eir, Donald Swidni, "Wm. 17 32 Weir, Joseph Swatlbrd, Augustus 12 18 Weir, Wm. Swatsentrauer, John 18 33 Welch, Allen H. Swatseutrancr, Christian IH 33 Wells, Thomas Sykes, Wni. 10 21 ■\VpI1-, Thomas Tavlor, Thomas • 11 2 Wesley. Jacob Te'lui!, Henry 17 33 WvM, ]']dward Thompson, Andrew • IS 13 ^^'ettolt.'^. Adaii) Th(i;nj).son, David !> 2 Wettofer, ChaHes Thomp.soR, David 13 9 Wettoler, Hem-y Thompson, John 16 12 \\'<'ttufer, Joseph Thompson, John 15 8 \\'(^ti:ofer, i'eter Thompson, Josiah 15 8 \Mi(>a]y, Hugli Th^mp^;on, Roltert • i:^ 9 Wlieriiv, Joseph Thompson, liobert 13 1« ^^'h.^al■v, Thomas Thompson, ThomaS 12 Wl'.itp.' Hy. Thompson, Wm. 14 11 WWUty, Samuel Thwaites, Joseph 12 11 Wilkinson, John 'I'hyne, John D) 23 Wilson, Alexan <> k; 6 10 30 14 8 15 30 16 27 15 23 15 27 16 34 14 17 13 18 14 13 IT 28 16 34 10 16 15 16 15 14 16 14 16 J 3 G Wilson, John Wilson, John L. Wilson, John M. Wilson, Will. Wint'rinou;;h, lleury Wingt-r, Christian Winson, Jiuiu's Witzell, llenrv Witz'>ll, Il'iiry Wittovcr, Conrad Wodolind, Timothy Woof!, Ali'xandor Wood, Euos Con. L. 1 Con 10 IM ' WOODBCRN MllJiS, .Iciin For- 15 17 , rost, proprii t;ir 10 16 16 ; Wood?, Win. 18 15 16 1 Woolscott, John 13 11 36 ' Woun, John 12 19 36 i Wri.L'ht. Tli., 1855. Cost 8500, (iinu'Msions, 26 x 36. No. that ran bo Si'atwl 300. Ur-v. M. Doylo. Viut Z()!Tii,13a)>tist CiiuiTh, 16 Cuncv-'-sion, on Francis V. Malcolm's Lot. Bailt A.U., 1850; cost s9600; dinipusionri 26 x 36; no tliat can Ija .^~nted 300. Naniu oC iniiii.^trr, Rov. John GiM-ic. SCHOOLS. Auiiavilii^ School, no 6, Lot IS, Con 13. Xo. of pupils 1*0. avcrap? 53. Hugh M. McKay. Teacher. TEMPERAXCi: ORDJ-IRS. SCOTCH TUI.-^TI.?: I.OlXiK, r>. \. <>, OK (!. T.. .\0. .)■'. Moct/; oij Oth Loi, 10 Concp.-'f?ion. Organiz»jd Auj,n'.st 12,1659. lowinjr y a list of olRcert^. T!io fol- W. C. T.. .V!cx Murray, •• C, Jani"-; MclCay, " .M.. Rohori xMcKcnzit^ •• F. S., John (iiillitb. ]). T., John (.'Iiatman, W. I. a.. .Mavuaret MrKav. " A. M., ry. " T.. John Snthi-Vhind, •• (>. 0.. V.iii. Way. P. W. C. 'J'., Hu^h Ros.^, W. R. H. S., Ann McKav, •' L. H. S.. Janet McKav, W. A. S., Lilly Sutherland. H COUNIT OP OXFORD GAZETTKEU, TOWNSHir OF WEST ZOIIKA. 1^' This township became a Bcparate ami ilistinct iimnicipulitj' in 184fl, on the division of thi.' oriijinnl township of Zorra, for nmiiieiptU piirpoHes. It is botnulc'l on tli*- north by po^tion^5 of tht* townshipn of Downic and Eusthope, (Ck)'inty of i'crtli) ; on the south by tho towinhip of North Oxford ; on tho «'ast by that of Eaist Zorra; and on the west by the towtihihip of East Xissouri. It may be termed a Scotch settlement, for tho jtredoniinatinir nationality of its 6etfl(T.^ is that of Scotland, and principally llii^Iiland. It-i poinilution, by thrj census of 18(51, numbered three thousand six Imndrod and nitioty-one, (iKlng VJyi males and 1739 feinales), and an increase over that of 18.il, of thr-e Imn- drod and eijrhtj'-nine. Children attending? school in 18G1, cii^Hit hundred and two; births recorded in 1800, one hundred and thirteen: deatlis in same year, ninc'leon. This township is also watered by tribal :u'ii'-. uf the Thames, and Ht. earns and brooks supply ample water ])ower for mill purposes. There are sav, Hour, and barley, oat, and cardinfj and fulliuT mills in tho town?hip. Its general aspect is roUin.t;;, and the soil rich and fertile, producing oxcelleat crops of y tin; " ingci'soll, Xorth Oxford, East Xi-'souri, and West Zorra Gravel J.load," and the "Xortli Oxford and West Zorra Gravel Road." This township has also a farmers association, styled "The West Zorra Ag- ricultural Society,'" under whose auspices an aiuuud exhibition is hold of, and pri'/.es given for, horse.-;, cattle, sheep, swine, dairy produce, grain, veTretablc.'., domostic manufactures, fi\rming implements, and other mechanical works, fruit and field roots. WEST ZOKKA AGBTCrLTt'RAI, SOCIETY — IXAL'GCll.VTKn IS. J 1. Place of meeting, Albion Hotel, Embro; Show Ground on the green, oppo- site the riotel. BOARD OK I)IRF;CT0U3 AND oiFicr.u.s : John Young, President. danv.^s Paws, Wiliiiim Loveys, J. 13. Wilkerson. Thomas Mc(\mib. .Vngus Mathe.sou. I RoVtert Forbes, Jlce-Presidcnt. nmiiC'TORs : William Oliver, E. Ifuggins, William Stewart, Charles Ketinore. John Frn.'^r, Sec. and Treas. AOniCri.TlTRAIj CEN'STJS OF THE TOWNSHIV* OF WKST ZOKIIA, FDR THE VKAR JSCl. Number of acres for farming purpose.^, under cultivation, " under crops in 1860, " under pasture in 1860, under orchards or gardens, under wood or wild. .)0,620J 21,705J 17,993 G.224 488J 25,915 AND GENERAL DIRECTORT. fft Cash value of fanii-i hi dollar.^, Cash viiliu' of fariuiiiij: iiiipk'iiK.'iitsi or machinery iu doUara, Numbi.r o\' aciv.-i uudi.T Fall Wheat, Produce in l)ii.-»ho!H ol" do. Xuinl)':r of aci-OH undor ripiiiig Wheat. Produco ill l)a.i;i«'ls of do. Num'jor of acns uiuIit Btirlev. Produce in Inisluds ol" iln. Nunibor of acre;* undor lly.'. Produce in buslu'l.-t of (io. Nuiiiltcr of acres under 1\m, Produce iu busheb of do. NuinlxM' of acrcH under Oats, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres und;'r Buckwheat, Produce in bushels of do. Number of acres ui; lor Indian Corn, Pro luje in Inishels of do. Number of acres und'-r Potatoes, Produce in bii.-;hels of do. Numljcr of acres uucb'r Turnips, Produce in bush' Is of do. Numbt'i' (jf acres under Mangel W'urtzel, Produce in busliela of do. . Carrots, busliels. Beans, do. Hopy, lbs. Hay, tons of '2000 lb':, or bundles of 16 lb?. Clover seed, Timothy seed, or other grass seed, bushels, Flax or Hemp, lbs. " Wool, lbs. Maple sujjar, lbs. Cider, pal Ions, Fulled Cloth, yards, Linen, yards, Flannel, yard.s, Bulls or oxen, over 3 years of age, Steers or heifer?, under 3 years of age, Milch CoWi, Horses, over 3 years of age, Talue of same in dollars, Colts or fillies, un^J 3.),T.^0 .i,(;o8| 132.2!)2 018 479 50,820 3713 108,91)0 3J 1.0 'JO 5,281 28J 31 3,2-l3i 2^7 2,307 19..");)5 50.025 3,9.52 2,094 6,911 335 2,7iU l,9.-^3 1,083 92,035 3.^7 6,'.!02 3,300 202,001 121,.)1'9 40,:. 19 4C7J 0:>5i 150 10.323 8,305 i»C CUUiNTY OF OXFORD GAZEITEER, ri I k i S'.UIOOLa. 13aiu'>J School Houso. aituutt^ii on 10 L-jt, 2 Couccsdloii. Vumberof pupilj, 130. Avi r.iLi'e Oi). Hugh Frubtr, 'lyuchiT. Biuokiilulo S'houl lluuiv, 2Gth Lot, i (.'ouciMaiu;!. No. of pupils 80, aver- u^i^ 4;'), lluU'it 11. hluthcrlautl, Tcuciiir. • (.\)tiv".i ;5( liool lIoii-,o, Xo. i), sitnutc'l on 5th iiOt, -Uh Cuucesmuii. XuriibtT oi'liupilj. Bo. AvtTuijH '13. Kli/.ubeth Koao, 'I'cacher. Innis" Scliuul Iluuse, No. 18, situated on Lot Ul, 7th Concessiou. No. ol' j»ii|)il» T'l. ^\ vt iMfTc I'JiJ. Hugh llosri, IViiclica. Uoiiluii".-; fc>i'h'>ol lloi!-c, yituuteil 'M Lot, 5th Concf.-xiou. No. ol'pujiiis 5H. Avcragi' '2\. \\'illiimi Aluuro, 'IVuclur. MelutcshV Scliool JIou,(\ Mtuated on ICth Lot, Tlh C'oucLv.iiii. No. of pupils 112, uveruuv TiO, J. L. Murray, 'IVtichtT. Mfivay'.s t^i.-ho.)! llouy.f, OthLot, Stii Concossion. No. ol' pupil:; 40, iiveru^'* '2'J. Ciilin'riau llu.i6, TeuoluT. IMtoirs BcJiool IToUHO, jituutcd on 20th ivjt, 'M'd Cuiict ,-,sion. Xo. ul' pupils 1 ir>, iivi'iitgv t)2. liauics Jool, 'IV'tvclKi'. Turuor'M SiJhool llon.-.o, situatctl on Ui Lot. 2uil (.'ouccrtriioii. No. oi" pujiiirf 42, avc!':ij;p 17. Laehlin t^uthcrlaiu], Tt':ichri. AValkcv's Si'i.ooi iLni.Jc, softiou oth, .-ituated on olii Lot, l-a ()(JUceH.«ioii. Xo. o!' pupils TiO, i'.vi'ragi' 2'J. Andnnv ]\IcKay, Toufhcr. 'l1v\irKRAX(;L ORDERS. BKXXIXOTo:; TKMl'LE, I. O. OK O. T., NO 299. Orparii/.od l!-;th Dcccnibrv. I80H. Mcd^* on Friday EviMiinfi', at Pelton's School llouro, 20lh Lot, i5nl Conrci^siou. The following is a li.s!. of officers. D.T.. Jamos Polton. W. V. T., Robert McKay, Yi. v., Lvdia Ann Couke, \V. T., ZoL'hariali Flcnun^', W. F. S., Thomas Grov. \V. M., John I'leniiupr, \V. 1. G,, Jane Hub;*, VV. 0. G., Duvid Cmnpboll. AV. C, Ilusrh Matlu'son. W. S., J. li. Matheson W. A. S., Ruflu'l Yonr.gs, \V. D. M., Rhoda Peliou, W. R. II. 8., Amelia J. Youngs. W. L. 11. y., Sarah Kent r. W. C. T., Charles S. Fleming. Enibro, Poist Office. KOSE UILI, TEMPLi:, I. 0. OF G. T., Meet on 8lh, Con., 19th Lot. Organiiicd X'ovember 2ud, 1859. The following isla list of Officer;!. Post Office address, Braemar. W. C. T.. James McKay, W. v., Jane Anderson, W. S., Gilbert Andersun, W. T.. Mary Melvill, VV. F. S., GV'orjre RoP3 W. M.. Daniel Ros.s, W. 1. G.. Betsey Ross, W. A. M.. Betsey Farnswortb. W. O. G., John Fletcher, W. R. H. S., Elisabeth Leed, W. L. H. S.", Grace Ro.s3,- P. W. C. T.. V,'m. McDonald, AV, D. T., Iluoh Ross. W. C., Hugh Ro.«s. W. A. S., Christina McDonald. AND GENERAL DIBEOTORT. 97 , ftver- iuiuber No. of No. of , uf \>VL\n\^ . oi' iiu))iU lat Pelton's officers. 'oungs. ke following leed, [.nald, )oaald. ROSE LODOE, B. A. O. OP U. T., NO. 53 Organized Aogast 10th 1859. Bouse, Feat Office Address, Embro Auguat term. D. T., J. T. R Brown, W. C. T., " v., Melissa Tait, " F. S., Wm. Carroll, S., Robert Greig, T., Caroline Seely, M., Dennis Carroll, Meets ou Mondays at Cody's School The following is a list of officen for II W. I G., Isal)ella Seely, " O. G., James Tait, " D. M., Jane Tait, " R. H. S., Marrion Hutchinson. " L. Ii. S., Matilda Tait, II j^^ g^ P. W.*C\T., M.Cody. W. C, George Riley, SCOTIA LODOE, B. A. O. OF O. T., NO. 70. Meet oil 8th Concession, 19th Lot Organized November 1, 1859. The following is a list of Offic^ts. Post Office address, Braemar. W. C. T., John McLeod, W. M., John Caulder, " v., Janet McLeod, " I. G., Morgaret Caulder, " T., Jane Murray, " 0. G., John Morrison, S., Angus McLeod, " A. 8^, Janet McDonald, " P. S., Christina Caulder, P. AV. C. T., Donald Caulder, 1>. T., " D. M., Margaret Murray, " R. il. S., Sarah McDonald, " L. H. S., Catharine Sutherland. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE BKSIDENTrt OF WEST ZOBRA. Con. L. Abernethey, Robert 3 9 Adair, Samuel 2 32 ALEXANDER, WM. 3 12 Anderson, Gilbert 8 19 ANDERSON, HUGH, plasterer 8 19 ANDERSON, JOHN 8 19 Andison, John 2 24 Avery, Alanson 4 2 Avery, Daniel 4 2 Avery, Orion 2 10 BAGNIE, JOHN, blacksmith shop 5 26 Bailey, Wm. 1 1 Bain, Donald 1 10 Bain, Duncan 1 22 BAIN, JOHN, carpenter 1 10 BAKER, JAMES A. 1 12 Baker, James 1 21 BARCLAY, JOHN, ' 4 7 Bartley, Job 5 2 Bean, Wm. 7 29 Beattie, John 1 17 Belcher, Thomas 2 26 Bell, Wm. 4 34 BENNETT, JOEL 3 9 BENNETT, JOHN 1 8 Bennett, Robert 6 4 BENNINGTON SAW MILL, R DUNCAN, proprietor 13 Bland, Luke Bossence, Henry Bowie, James ' 4 Braby, Wm. 1 Brooksdale Store, J. Innes general Con. L. a 18 3 23 la 31 merchant Brown, Alex. Brown, John BRUCE, JOHN BROWN, J. T. R Brown, Joseph BROWN, MATTHEW Brown, Wm. Bullous, Wm. Burdick, Mrs. Buttler, Ervin Cameron, Kenneth 2ft 3 10 7 30 8 12 5 1 8 31 5 1 7 30 4 29 3 9 5 4 3 23 CAMPBELL, ALEX., carpent6r6 8 - ^j, 3 CAMPBELL, ANGUS 6 Campbell, Charles 2 CAMPBELL, DONALD 6 8' CAMPBELL, GEO. 6 8' Campbell, James 2 I Campbell, John 6 8 CAMPBELL, JOHN 6 8 Campbell, John 4 31 CAMPBELL, MUBDOCE 8 6 Campbell, RS. 3 7 CAMPBELL, WM., cMp«iiter 6 21 $d COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, Si ' i i Oon. L. 1 Con. L. CAMPBELLS CORNER'S Dingman, David 6 35 HOTEL, Robt. McDonald Dixon, James 1 28 proprietor, (See Card.l Dixon, James 6 36 Carroll, Andrew 5 3 Dow, George 4 8 CARROLL, EDWIN R. G 3 Duncan, Robert, carpenter DUN(iAN, ROBERT, Benning 1 33 Carroll, Jacob B ) '. CARROLL, JOHN, J.P. G 1 ton saw mill 2 20 Caulder, Donald, plasterer 8 18 Duudas, Charles 3 5 Caulder, Janios, plasterer 8 20 Egan, Patrick 3 35 Caulder, Jolm 8 IS Ellor Thomas 8 25 Caulder, Jolm 8 18 ELLIOTT, SAM'L., dairjmau. 1 7 Clialcraft. Mark 1 5 Elwood, J ames 1 32 Chenoweth, Johu 3 26 FEATHERSTON, RALl'H, Chenoweth, Thomas 3 26 Reeve 5 5 Chisholni, Donald 2 2 Fleming, Charlefi 2 19 Cbisbolni, Goorgu 5 8 Fleming, John, weaver 2 19 Chisholni, Tms. 5 8 Fleming, Robert 2 19 CHISIIOLM, JOHN 5 22 Fletcher, Edward 2 34 CD 18 HOLM, WALTER 4 22 Fletcher, James, joiner 7 18 CLARK, ALEX. h 17 Fletcher, John 7 18 Clark, Alex. 8 17 Flynn, John ''. 4 17 CLARK, ARCHUJ^XLD 7 12 Flvnn. Richard 4 17 CLARK, DONALD 7 17 FORBES, JOHN, ser., 8 16 Clark. Matthew 7 12 FORBES, JOHN, jr., postmaster. CLARK, ROBERT 7 12 Braenuir.and gen'ral merchant Clifford, John ? 35 (See Card) FORBES, ROBERT 8 16 Clifton, John, brickmaker 4 7 8 16 Cody, Harrjpon S. 4 6 Foster, Edward 5 9 CODY, MERA^IN 4 6 Fowler, Alex. 2 13 Colburn, Iliram 2 15 Eraser, Alex. 3 9 Connor, (Toorgo 3 17 Eraser, Andrew 2 27 Connor, Potor 3 17 ERASER. DUNCAN, toll kepr 5 4 Conwajv John 3 33 FRAISER, J NO., fanners home 1 11 Codington, Joseph 2 35 ERASER, RODERICK 1 33 Cook, 'Edward 8 1 FRASER, HUGH, teacher 1 12 COOK, FRED. 3 b Full(>r, Ira 8 2 COOK, JOHN 4 6 Funnel), George 8 26 Cope, Alfred 8 4 Gammage, Wm, 2 31 Cope, Thomas 7 5 Gibson, Wm. Robt 2 10 Cormack. George, ser. 7 26 Glendenin, Thomas 2 21 Corinack, George, jr. 7 26 GORDON, ALEX. 6 11 Cormack, John 7 25 Gordon, Alox. 3 21 Cotreul, Samuel 1 36 Gordon, Charles 4 33 Couke, John 5 18 Gordon, Colin 6 24 OOUKE, THOMAS 6 18 Gordon, Donald, mason 8 13 CRAIG, JOHN 8 2 GORDON, GEO. 4 11 Carr, George, shoemaker 4 25 Gordon, Geo. * 8 3 Darling, Adam 2 24 GORDON, GEO. G 4 Dawfl, Janu's 1 11 Gordon, Hugh 5 a DAWSON, CHARLES 1 36 GORDON, PAUL, carpenter 4 33 DAWSON, BEN J. 1 35 GORDON, ROBT. 4 15 DelloW, John, shoemaker 2 30 GORDON. AVM., mason 7 23 Dennis, Johu 7 3a Gould, George G 5 Dennis, Joseph 8 33 Goulding, Thos. 4 I Dennis, Wm. 8 32 Gouldiug, Wm. E. 4 1 Dickson, Juniea 6 36 Grant, Alex. 3 3 AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 99 Jon. L. 6 35 1 28 6 36 4 8 1 33 2 20 3 5 3 35 8 25 . 1 ' 1 32 5 5 2 19 2 19 2 19 2 34 7 18 7 ly 4 17 4 17 8 16 ister, :haut 8 16 8 16 5 9 2 13 3 9 2 27 lepr 5 4 ome 1 11 1 33 1 12 8 2 8 26 2 31 2 10 2 21 6 11 3 21 4 33 6 24 8 13 4 11 8 3 G 4 5 8 4 33 4 15 7 23 6 5 4 1 4 1 3 3 ter 1st Lot, 2nd Concession, West Zorra, Robt. Mcdonald, Prop. THIS aOUSE IS SITUATED AT THE TEBMIIOJS OF THE North Oxford, Ingcrsoll and West Zorra Gravel Road. » — ■♦- SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATlOjy FOR DROVERS ; AND AVM^. MANTFArTUBEB OF 9 7th Lot 4th Concession, GUIA.'VEL. :R0J^T>^ 177'EST ZOI^HA.. 100 00T7NTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, HP Con. L. Con. L. ■In J < Graat, David 3 3 Kent, Ralph 5 19 ■^m U Qrant, Junee, carpenter 3 4 Kerr, Alex. 5 94 mM R Grapes, George 8 34 Kerr, Donald 7 36 n t , Great Western Hotel, J. Mitchell KERR, KENNETH 5 34 KM u proprietor BB 1 Green, Adam 4 20 KERR, JOHN, wagon maker 5 34 4 25 Kerr, John 7 ?.j n ^ GBEEN,JOHN 4 25 Kindness, Alex. 4 20 ^9 : j Gregory, Josiafa 2 16 King, John 8 4 WM- • Greig, James ■H Vjrreig, Matthew ^M f ; Grigg, James 6 4 Kitmore, Charles 1 Id 6 4 Laud, Wm. 4 4 3 30 LAND, WM. 7 12 Hi ; Gonn, Alfuc. 5 8 Leonard, George 4 15 ni Gnnn, Donald 4 30 Leslie, James 2 14 ■H Guon, John 5 35 Leslie, Peter 1 32 mm 'i Gunn, Wm. 6 12 LINDSAY, JOHN 6 27 ra i , HATJiOCK, ALEX. 4 10 LOGAN, JAMES 1 35 HI ?I 1 Hallock, Asa ^H 1^ Handlin, Jeremiah 4 10 Logan, James 7 9 4 8 LOGAN, WM. 7 9 mt 1 Handlin, John, brickmaker 4 7 L( ve, David 1 24 WM Harris, Elam J. 2 7 Lovers, Wra. C. 3 10 H Harris, George H. 2 7 Ludington, Israel 7 28 M . Henderson, Robert 2 19 Ludingtoii, Samuel 7 27 H Heudersou, William 3 1 Lupton, George 8 33 H > Heron, Thon s, tailor shop 2 20 Lupton, John 8 31 n ! Hodgkinson, Ir^Yancis, toll gat'.-! Macallum, Angus 1 10 fa keeper 4 15 MacAuley, 6 10 II ' 1 • Hoodless, Wni. ^ 30 Maclntee 2 32 1 1 \ HOSSACK, ALEX. 1 4 MACKONKEY, THOS. 1 20 il 11 '. HOSSACK, DUNCAN 1 4 McBuruey, James 5 24 1 / ij HUGGINS, EDWARD 4 10 McBuruey, Mrs. 5 24 Jm p I'.uggins, Thomas R. 4 10 McBurney, Hugh * 5 24 Mm j Huggins, Wra, 4 .10 McCaul, Archibald 1 14 1 1 Hutchinson, Andrew 4 5 McCarthur, Archibald i 12 1 t Hutchinson, Geo, 4 5 McCaskcl, Kenuoth 2 28 1 J Hutchinson, Mrs. 1 1 McComb, 2 27 H 1 Innes, Alex. 4 26 McCOMB, THOS. 6 31 1 Innis, Alex. :5 28 MoCORQUODALE, ALEX . 1 INNES, DAVID 3 10 Councilman 1 15 1 r luues, James 1 Innes, James 4 25 McDonald, ad am, teacher 7 8 6 25 McDonald, Alex. 2 5 1 i Innes, James 4 26 McDonald, Alex., blacksmith 6 26 1 i INNES, JOHN, geu'ral raerchant4 25 McDonald. Alex. 8 8 ■ In..es, Robert D. G 2 McD07>^iLD. DONALD, maeonl 15 Innes, Wm, 6 23 McDonald, DONALD, black- j It, les, Wm., 4. 27 smith shop 5 21 { Jameson, Alex. 3 29 McDonald, iiacket 8 20 1 1 Johnson, John 8 2C McDonald, John 7 8 ij Johnson, Levi, painter 2 30 McDonald, John 28 i Jordon, John 6 12 McDonald, John 8. 1 18 '[ I KARN. DANIEL 5 7 McDonald, john 1 18 i|| 1 Kara, Leonard 6 1 McDonald, Lexey 8 8 i i Kara, Peter 5 4 McDonald, Robert 3 6 1 ' Kara, Samuel 4 22 McDonald, Robert 7 8 ' Kennedy, Dcndd 3 21 McDonald, Robert 8 8 1 Kennedy, John 2 35 McDonald, Robeii, carpenter 6 12 1 1 Kemiedy, Wm. 1 : 4 20 McDonald, Wm. 2 5 y » AND GENERAL DIIIECTORY. 101 3on. 5 5 7 5 5 7 4 8 1 4 7 4 2 1 6 1 7 7 1 3 L. 19 94 35 34 ?4 ?>j 20 4 13 4 12 15 14 32 27 35 9 9 24 10 7 28 7 27 8 33 8 31 1 6 10 10 2 32 1 20 5 24 5 24 5 24 1 14 i 12 2 28 2 27 6 31 15 8 5 26 8 1 7 2 6 8 son4 15 ick* 5 21 8 20 7 8 1 28 1 1 8 3 7 8 6 2 18 18 8 6 8 8 12 5 JOHir McKAY, CONTRACTOR, AND MAIL CONTRACTOR EHBRO AHD BEACHVILLE. EMERO, WEST ZORBA. SCOTIA ^kOLLS FL0URIN3, OATMEAL, AND 9th Lot, 5th Concession, Gravel Road, ISAAC WALLACE, Propnetof. •tta McDonald, Wm. McGiivray, Duncan Mcintosh, Colin Mcintosh, David McINTOSH, DONALD H«INTOSH, QEOBGE Con. L. 8 20 1 24 4 34 • 8 24 2 11 1 26 <^u. L. MclNTOSII, GEOIKiE, Calc doniaHonso 2 11 McINTOSH, GEO. 7 17 Mcintosh, Iloctor 1 26 Mcintosh, John 1 26 McIntoBh/J'bos. 6 31 p 102 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, »:i M McKAY, ALEX. McKay, Alex. McKay, Alex. McKay, Alex. McKay, Alex. McKAY, ALEX. McKay, Alex. McKay, Alex. ' •' McKay, Alex. McKay, Alex. McKay, Angus McKay, Angus McKay, Angua McKAY, CHAS, McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, Donald McKay, George McKay, George McKay, George, carpenter McKay, George McKay, George McKay, Hugh McKay, Hugh McKay, Hugh McKay, Hugh 8., teacher McKay, James, shoemaker McKay, James McKav, James McKAY, JAMES McKav, John McKay, John McKay, John McKay, John McKay, John McKav, John McKay, John B., rsrpenter McKay. John McKay, John S., McKay, Jol.n McKay, John McKay, John McKay, Joun McKay, John, c»ri>euter McKay, John McKay, John McKay, Peter McKay, Peter McKAY, REMEMBER McKay, Robert Con. L. 8 3 7 15 7 16 McKay, Robert McKay, Sopor McKay, Thomaa 6 34 McKav, Walter 8 17 McKay, Widow 8 9 McKay, William 5 15 ! McKay, William 8 16 McKay, William 5 15 I McKay, William Con. L- 3 28 6 20 6 22 7 15 8 34 1 6 2 27 2 3 15 4 24 . McKAY, WM., general merchant 6 22 ' and shoe shop 3 21 8 13 : McKay, Wm. 8 13 2 23 I McKay, Wm. 7 11 7 11; McKay, Wm, 8 17 6 20 1 McKee, John 8 35 2 20 i McKenzie, Alex. 2 25 3 28 3 30 6 19 McKENZIE, ALEX. McKenzie, Alex. McKenzie, Angus 7 22 McKenzie, 2 18 I McKENZIE, REV. DONALD, 6 20 ; Glennoss farm 6 19 I McKenzie, George 6 21 j McKenzie, George 6 20 McKenzie, George 7 11 1 McKENZIE, JAS. 2 17 3 15 3 25 6 14 7 5 7 5 8 19 2 25 4 34 8 15 6 20 .'t 9 « 18 2 23 2 17 2 25 8 15 8 16 1 22 3 27 .". 27 2 2.^ .5 15 3 28 6 18 6 15 5 23 5 23 « 34 8 15 4 3 2 12 6 33 2 34 5 33 6 33 1 6 4 3 2 30 8 29 McKenzie, Malcolm McKenzie, Roderick McKENZIE, THOMAS, Glrnnees farm McKenzie, William 5 33' McKim, Sylvester 1 31 McLean, James 3 23 McLean, James R. 3 26 McLean, John 3 27 Mcljeod, Angus 8 18« MoLEOD, ANGUS 3 8 McLKOD. DONALD, carpenter 8 18 McLeod, Donald 7 32 McLeod, Donald 5 2? McI-Pod, George 8 12 McLEOD, HECTOR 3 34 McLEOD, HUGH M., physician and surgeon 3 34 Mclieod, James, stonemason I 30 Mclveod. James, medical student 8 18 McLeod. John, tailor 3 24 McLeod, John 3 24 McLeod, John, 8 18 McLeod, John T 32 McLeod, John 1 32 McLeod, John 1 31 McLeod, Peter 6 29 McLeod, Roderick 2 29 McLeod, Roderick 3 25 McLEOD, WM, 'A 19 AND GENERAL DIREUTOttV. 103 Don. L- 3 28 G 20 fi 22 7 15 6 34 1 6 2 27 2 3 15 lant 3 21 8 13 7 11 8 17 6 35 2 25 4 3 2 12 6 33 2 34 .D, 5 33 6 33 1 6 4 3 2 30 1 8 29 nnees 5 33- 1 31 3 23 3 26 3 27 8 18i 3 8 iter 8 18 7 32 5 2!" 8 12 3 34 cian 3 34 \ 30 ent 8 18 3 24 3 24 8 18 7 32 1 32 1 31 6 29 2 29 3 25 •2 19 i Con. L. Con. L. McLeod, Win. 6 29 Mott, Isaac 4 7 McXeil, Duncan, brickmaker u Munro, Alex. 5 25 iL?Xeil, Malcolm 4 5 Munro, Alex. 7 3 McPherson, Alex. 3 13 Munro, Angua 2 7 MoPheraon, Andrew 3 12 Munro, Charles 3 11 McPherson, George 3 14 Munro, David, miller 4 15 McPherson, Wm. 3 li Munro, Donald ; 3 Mc(iuoeu, Angus 8 2 Munri), Fai-quhar, tailor 8 22 McRae, Wm. 2 2r) MUNRO, HrOHjr. 3 30 McWILLIAM, JOHN 2 13 Munro, Hugh, 3 30 3Ialong, Mrs. 1 31 Munro, Hugh 7 13 Manson, Donald 4 32 Munro, James 3 11 Marn, John 1 36 Munro, John 2 17 Marshall, Joseph 1 27 Munro, Johu G 3 Marshall, Win. 8 9 Munro. John 8 15 MATHERALL, WILLIAM. Muiiro, Mrs. 3 11 blacksmith .shop 2 11 Muuro, Mrs., Proprietress Spring Matheson, Ale.\. 8 25 Oeek Mills 4 15 Mathohon, Anirus 8 27 Munro, Murdock 5 25 Matheson, Angus 5 31 Munro, Neil .' 34 Mathesou, Donald 8 24 Munro, Win. 8 3 Mutheson, Forbes 8 27 ^Turray, Alex. 3 6 Matheson, George 2 22 Murrav, Ale.x. 8 6 Matheson, Heinan S. 4 6 MURRAY. ALEX., jr. 7 10 Mathesou, Hugh 5 8 MURRAY, ALEX., sr. 7 10 Matheson, James 2 18 Murray, Andrew 8 7 Mathesou, James 3 28 Murray, Andrew 7 22 Matheson, John 3 16 Murray, Andrew 4 9 Mathesou, John 4 29 Murray, Angus 8 5 Matheson, John H. 3 16 Murray, David 7 19 Matheson. Mrs. 3 25 Murray, Donald 7 25 MATHESON, Sergeant NEIL 6 27 MuiTay, Donald 4 24 Matheson, Neil M. 3 16 Murray, Donald 8 11 Mathesou, Robert 8 27 Murray, Donald 7 25 MATHESON WM., merchant 8 6 Murray, Donald 7 6 Matheson, Wm. 8 24 Murray, Elizabeth 8 7 Matthews, Robert 5 1 Murray, George 3 5 Meadows, Charles 7 29 Murray, George 2 16 Meadows, Philip 7 27 Murray, Hugh 2 16 Meadows, Thoma-s 7 27 Murray, Hugh 3 15 Meadows, Wm. 7 29 Murray, Hugh 8 7 Melannev, Mrs. 1 31 Murrav, James G 7 MELDRUM, Rev. WILLIAM f MURRAY, JAMES 7 10 Presbyterian 3 31 Murray, Jamea 7 24 Methodist Episcopal Church, 1 21 Murray, John 2 16 Middleton, Neil 6 13 Murray, John 7 24 Miller, James 1 35 Muiray, John 7 6 Milner. Johu 6 11 Murray, John 3 22 Mitchell, John, Innkeeper 4 20 MURRAY, JOHN L, teacher 7 10 Mitchell, Mrs. 3 26 MURRAY, KENNETH 3 5 Moment, James 4 22 MURRAY, b-ETER 2 3 Monaghan, Matthew 2 34 MURRAY, ROBERT 2 16 Morris, John 3 34 Murray, Robert 7 19 Morrison, Angus 1 25 Murray, Robert 8 8 Morrison, James 2 11 Murray, Robert 2 26 Morrison, Joho 1 27 Murray, Robert 4 2i 104 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, Murray, Wm. Murray, Wm. Murray, Wm., masou Murray, Wm. Murray, Wm. Murray, Wm. Murray, AVm. Mutch, Alex. Nimock. James Nimock, William Northy, John O'Doud, James Oliver, Thomas Oliver, Wra. Omara, Michael Palmer, Thomas Paradiue, Thomas Pattei-soD, Aritus Patterson, Aritua Pelton, Benson Pelton, Jatnori Pelton, Peter Perry, Wm. Pitt, John, stone-cutter Pitt, John Pool, Peter, toll-keeper RICHARDSON, ANDREU RICHARDSON, JOHN REID, DUNCAN Reid, George Reid, Israel Reid, James Reid, John REID, JOSEPH B. REID, JOSEPH C. Reid, Reid, Wm. Roberts, Daniel Ross, Alex. Ross, Alex. ROSS, ALEXANDER Ross, David ROSS, DAVID Ross, Andrew Ross, Angus ROSS, DONALD Ross, George, blacksmith Ross, George, carpenter Ross, Hector Ross, Henry ROSS, HUGH Ross, Hugh R. Ross, James, carpenter ROSS, J. B., B. A., ROSS, J M. Boss, John Con. L . 8 7 8 6 4 34 C 33 7 23 5 17 3 15 6 28 28 28 26 27 22 22 3 1 20 26 20 20 20 20 22 30 30 1 18 4 31 24 22 31 34 23 23 8 12 5 28 6 28 5 15 3 3l 8 10 Con. L. 8 14 3 19 3 19 7 20 2 13 1 9 3 31 6 18 3 31 7 14 7 14 7 15 5 36 4 18 27 U 8 14 8 13 7 4 3 7 5 7 3 5 6 5 6 13 30 31 14 15 11 24 15 10 10 16 Boss, John Boss, John Boss, Joseph Boss, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Boss, Bobert Boss, Sullivan Boss, Thomas Boas, Wm. BOSS, WM. BOSS, WM., sr. Ross, Wra. Sagmiller, Frederick Sanders, George Sanders, Joseph SCOTIA MILLS: Flouring, Oat- meal & Pearl Barley, ISAAC WALLACE, Prop'r. (See Card.) 5 Selles, Duncan 7 Sellers, Alex. G Servis, Wm. 6 SHABP, WM.. brick-vard. (See Card.) ' 4 Shaw, David 5 Simpson, Wm. 5 SMITH, JAMES 2 Smith, James 3 Smith, Wm. .5 Snider, Wm. ^ Spring Creek Mills, MRS. MUN- BO, Proprietress. 4 15 Stewart, Charles 7 34 Stewart, Hugh 2 16 STEWABT, WM. Jr, Kirk Val- ley STEWART, WM., Kirk Valley Suggitt, Leonard 6 9 Suggitt, Richard 6 9 SUTHERLAND, ALEX., build- and contractor, Kirk-hill farm. SUTHERLAND, A. R., medical student. Kirk-hill Sutherland, Alex. Sutherland, Alex. Sutherland, Alex. Sutherland, Alex. Sutherland, Andrew Sutherland, Angus, plasterer Sutherland, Angus Sutherland, Colin ; SUTHERLAND, DAVID, book keeper. Kirk-hill Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald Sutherland, Donald 2 32 21 28 12 33 27 1 2 4 15 3 23 4 14 4 16 7 6 13 22 10 7 22 6 16 2 9 Con. L. 8 14 3 19 3 19 7 20 2 13 1 9 3 31 6 18 3 31 7 14 7 14 7 15 f) 36 4 18 AND QKVnEtAL DIREOTORT. m 2 32 5 9 t 2 c 1 6 8 4 ^ 1 5 21 5 28 2 12 3 ^ 1 n 33 5 27 4 15 1 34 2 16 6 9 6 9 Oon.L. Con. L. SatherlaDd, Donald 7 6 Toll Gate No. 2, Doncao Fraser 1 Satherland, Ebenezer 4 19 toll-keeper 4 5 SUTHERLAND, FRASER 4 16 Toll Gate, Francis Hodgkinson 4 15 Sutherland, George 3 31 Turner, Robert 2 14 SUTHERLAND, GEO., carpen- URQUHART, DONALD 7 8 ter and joiner 5 17 URQUjHART, JAMES 7 6 Sutherland, Hugh 8 8 Yannatter, Abrshim 4 29 Sutherland, James 8 11 Vannatter, Benjamin 4 28 Sutherland, James, pensioner 8 13 Vanatter, James 6 20 Sutherland, James 2 6 Vanatter, Mrs. 6 17 Sutherland, John 1 9 Vanatter, Nicholas 4 30 Sutherland, John, sr. 8 10 Vanslyke, Nicholas 5 17 Sutherland, John 1 2 Wadland, Henry 8 22 Sutherland, Lachlin 2 2 Walker, George, dairyman 2 5 Sutherland, lin^hliu, sr. 2 2 Walker, liiram 2 3 Sutherland, Mrs. 1 1 WALKER, JAMES 1 5 Sutherland, Mrs. 2 6 Wallace, Alex. 3 7 Sutherland, Mrs. 5 14 WALLACE, ISAAC. Proprie Sutherland, Robert 7 6 t< r Scotia MiUs 6 9 Sutherland, Robert 1 1 Warren, John 1 8 Sutherland, W. A. G. 7 23 Warren, John 1 36 Sutherland, Wm. 2 10 Weir, James 8 23 Sutherland, Wm. 8 13 Westuut, John 5 35 Sutherland, Wm. 4 15 WHITE, JOHN Swanson, Daniel 7 29 WHITE, JAMES 5 29 Swanson, Wm. 7 28 WHITE, ROBERT 5 29 Symmors, Joseph 5 23 WILKERSON, JOHN B., sr. 5 16 Symmons, Josiah 4 23 Wilkerson, John L. 5 16 Symmons, Joseph, miller 4 27 Williams, Jeremiah 4 2 Tait, Walter 5 5 Williams, Mrs. 6 1 Tetzel, David 5 15 Wilson, Alex. 1 24 Thistle, John 4 5 WILSON, AUGUSTUS 1 23 Thistle, Robert 4 35 Wilson, Wm. 1 23 THOMSON, ALEX. Youngs, Daniel 4 21 Thompson, Angus 6 28 Youngs, Edwin 1 26 Thompson, Wm. 8 30 Youngs, John 4 21 Thornton, Remember 1 3 YOUNGS, JOSHUA P. Youngs, I^ant S. 4 21 5 26 lical 1 2 4 15 3 23 4 14 4 16 bok 1 13 3 22 7 10 7 22 6 16 2 9 14 106 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, TOWNS, VILLAGES AND POST OFFICES OF THE li '{ BEACHVILLE. This Village is prettily situated on the bauks of the River Thames, about five miles west of Woodstotik, and on the line of the Great Western Railway, of which it is a station. It is in the midst of u rich Agricultural dis- trict, being surrounded by splendid cultivated farnin. There is ample water power in its vicinity, for mills and factory jmrposes. The London and Hamil- ton Macadamized Road passes through the Village. It has a daily mail, and contains two Churches — Episcopal and Presl>ytoriiin, oth'jr denominations use the School House. It also contains a flouring and gri.st mill, two saw mills, foundry and machine shop, two blacksmith shops, a wagon and carriage factory, fanning mill factory, vinegar factory and taimery, four hotels, five general stores, tin shop, and cabinet shop beside other representations'of the various mechani- cal trades. During the last summer this village suffered a serious loss in the des- truction by fire, of a large and extensive barrel factory, where a number of opera- tives were kept employed. The proprietors design its re-erection. Population 400. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, dcc. ALLEN, ELI, farmer. AMES, ENOS, repairer and dealer in clocks. Appleton, Richard, laborer Ashelby, William, laborer. Beath, Robert, pedlar. Black, William, blacksmith. Bowie, John, laborer. BREMBNER, ALEX., toll keeper. BURTON, GEORGE, shoemaker. Can'all, Dennis, farmer., CARRALL, IRA, farmer. CARRALL, REUBEN, shoemaker. Case, Harrison, carpenter Ohalcroft, John, farmer. Oleraonadale, Nathaniel, blacksmith. Collier, Benjamin, plasterer. COLLIER, JAMES, proprietor. Ox- ford House. (See Card.) Cook, Silas, gentleman. CORBIN, JAMES, M. D. Courtnay, Charles, shingle manufactu- rer. DARK, JOHN, farmer. Davis, Joseph W., stove merchant, bda O.xford House. Dcas, James, farmer. DICKIE, JAMES, wagon maker, n. side river. Ditchburn, Robert, carpenter. DOWNING, THOS., lime dealer. Downs, Ziua, carpenter. Drake, Ira, shingle maker. I Eddie, Joseph, weaver. ELSEY, MRS., merchant Ernest, Hiram, farmer. Fairbairn, James, grocer. Fisher, Augustus, plasterer. Fitzgerald, Wm., laborer. Gilchrist, J. D. fanning mill maker. Greig, George, farmer. Grey, James, sawyer. PICES ID. [liver Thames, Great Western gri cultural dis- .s ample water loii aiul Hamil- ilaily mail, and ominations use two Haw mills, arriao-e factory, general stores, rious mechani- loss in the des- imber of opera- opulatioa400. AND GENERAL DIRBOTOBY. 107 Harper, Wm., baker. HAkT, a., dealer in drr goods, groce- ries and general merchandize.( See Card.) Hay, George, gentleman. Henry, John, shoemaker. Henrv, John, tailor. HENRY, WARREN, shoemaker and tanner. Hill, Wm., wagon maker. HOOK. WM., miller. Karu, James, Railway Hotel. Lovering, James, butcher. McCombs Hiram, farmer. McDonald, John, merchant. McDonald, Thomas, clerk st John McDonald's. McFee, Donald, tailor. McLean, Robert, millwright McLEOD, FIX LAY, blacksmith. McNAMES, ABRAM, shoemaker. McNeil, James, mason McVee, Angus, laborer. MARTIN, CALVIN, J.P. Martin, C. 1)., farmer. Martin, C. S., farmer. Martin, Earl I)., carpenter. Martin, Harry F., gentleman. Mjusou, Charles, miller. Millar, David, farmer. MILLAR, THOS. D., wheat merchant. MOORE, HEi>RY J., post-maater. Moore, W. S., gentleman. Muirhead, Darid, iron founder, North Oxford. Munro, Angus, laborer. NELLES, E. A., merchant. Nelles, H. W., gentleman. OXFORD HOUSE, Jas. Collier, prop. (Sec Card.) Pel ton, Samuel, prop. Royal E.^chang«. Phelps, Joel, teamster. PHELPS, URIAH, blacksmith. PHELPS, URIAH, vinegar factory. PLAITS, JOSEPH, Cricketers Hotel RE ID, JOHN tin shop. RICH, JNO. G., M. D, res at O.xford House. ROSS, GEO., general merchant Ryan, Joseph, tailor. Shearer, Wm., laborer. Slater, John, tailor. Tiiomas, James, miller at Hooks. THOMSON, ROBT., iron-founder. Ultay, John P., laborer. Wals, Alexander, millwright Wiley, Richard, laborer. Williams, Aaron, laborer. Williams, Abel, shoemaker. Williamson, Charles, laborer. Wilton, Richard, farmer. Woodman, W. B , night porter, G. W. R.W. ■le manufactu. merchant, bda OXFORD HOXrSE, :on maker, n. Dter. le dealer. JAS. COLLIEB, Prop. ill maker. This Hotel having been recently fitted up, now affords excellent accommoda- tion for the travelling public. Good stabling and attentive hostlers always in attendance. CHARGES MODERATE. Bl i< . I li I 11 i! '^\ II l! i! It D ! i 106 COUNTT OF OXFOB& (kAIWmVB. NEAV' DRY HOODS STORE » — » ALEXANDER HART, FiC! S DEALKR IN PI I? R! GOODS, QROCERIES, &c., &c., m TW sToiqi owN^D BT MR. W. HENRY, nkar the RAILWAY STATION, ^JUb stock cofisists of a fresh and complete atssortitient of goods, purchased in the MONTREAL MAHEET, which will be sold at moderate prices, for CA9H OS? COUNTRY PROOUQK. jHT* A share of public patronage is respectftilly solicited. 4V0 (ifiNRiUX DIBE<^OItT. 100 BRAEMAR. A Post Office in the township of East Zorra, e8tabli«hed about 1860, on 16th Lot, 9th Conceasion. Mails are rocoived at 10 a. m., on WfidneBcLiys and 8aiardays, and diaputclicil at 8 a. m., suine days. Distance from Woodstock 9 miles. JOHN FORBES, Jr., General Merchant and Poatma.ster. (.Soo advortiaa. ment) BROOKSDALE. A Post Office in the township of West Zorra, or. the 25th Liot, 4th Conces- sion. Maih received on Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 10 a. m., and dispatched same days at .') p. ni. Distant from Kraliro, .^J miles ; from AVoodstock, 14 miles. John Innes, Postmaster and General Merchant. Robert R. Sutherland, Teacher. J, Rose, Clerk with J. Innes. BROWNSVILLE. A Post Office in the township of Df^reham, on the line of the Dereham, In- gersoU, and Dorchester Gravel Road, 13 miles from IngeraoU, and 22 miles from Woodstock. Mails are received on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 12 noon, and dispatched same time. The village contains a school, one i-hurch, (N. C. Methodist), one general store, one carriage and wagon factory, one plow factory, two blacksmith shops, 5 saddlery and harness shop, and a shoe shop. Ewen MoDiarmid, Postmaster. . CHUBCHJJS. New Connection Methodist Chapel; built A. D., 1659; cait^ 411,100; dimetw Bions, 34x46; No. can be seated, 300. Rev. HENRY WILKINSON, Pastor. Worship held in same church by Episcopal Methodists, Rev. Mr. Graham. SCHOOL. Scl)0«l Section No. 12; op Odd. ]tO, Lot 22 ; No. of pupils, 196 ; avm^e, 75. NameofTeasher, Abrt^uu S]w>r]fi^ nai7i|. 110 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, jit Alphabetical Liat of Profea»h>na, Trades, &o. Andrews, Charles, carpenter. McSIIERRY, GF^C, blacksmith shop, Brown, Ovid P., saddlery and shoo shop ' nnd plow maker. Brown, Samuel Nelson, haruesHmnker. i Pearson, Simon, E^oemak«»r. Fursman, John, carriagcH, wagons, bug- Royal K.xchaugo, A. D. Glover, pro- pios, and sleiglis. priotor. IT all, John, carpenter. Seott, AJox., apprentice blacksmith. Helnika, Henry, o(irj)entor and bnilder. ; Sponenburj?, William, carpenter aud McDIARMID, EWEN, drj' goods. | builder. groceries, crocker}', hardware, &c. ' Thompson, Irving, blacksmith. PREMfui TPLOW^ ACTOiY. GEOEGE M'CSHERRY, FLOVT MANUFACTURES, AND aEiSTERA-L BLACKSMITH, BROWNSVILLE. Gold Medal received at the Provincial E.xhibition, and first cla.ss premiums at the County aud Township e.xhibitions. BURGESSVILLE. Thift is a post village situated in the 1st Conces.sion of ti." township of North Norwich, and on the line of the projected " Woodstock a ". Lake Erie Rail- way." Had this line of railway been completed, it woulu have advanced the growth of the village considerably. Tiiis Hoction of the C?uuuty was first set- tled by one Aaron Corbin. about fifty years ago. It is distant from Wood- stock, 11 miles, and from Ingorsoll, 13 miles. It is located amongst highly cultivated farming lands. It has a tri-weekly mail, (on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). Contains two churches, viz: one Christian, and one Baptist. The Union School Section No. 3, North Norwich and Ea.st O.xford, is here situated, with an average attendance of 70 pupiln. It has one good hotel, two stores, and wjorkshops. INDEPENDEN^r ORDER GOOD TEMPLARS. Burgessville Lodge, No. 249; organized in 1858. Meetings held every Sat- urday evening, in Good Templars' Hall. M. Mellon, W. V., J, Corbin, W. T., E. W. Burgess, W. S., D, Wallace, W. F. S., R. Emigh, W. M., James Halow, S. AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. Ill Alphabetical List of Profeaaiona, Trr aa, &o. Alinus, Christopher, carpenUT. Kurgcss, E. W., blnoksmilh. liurjress, E. W., J. I*. Code, John, wutch-iniiker. Coultson, Jaiiios, carpontor. Doxsie, Ailam. boot and shoi* maker. •Edniond-s, J. P., jmmpinaker. FRANKLIN JIOUSE, EDWARD O'NEILL, proprietor. Oriswold, Ilurvey, carpenter. Ilarri.s John, imstler Franklin House. IIAZLOW, JAME.-f, hhuksniith. Johnston, A., Jannet Thompson, " A- S., Jannet Allan. Meeti Friday evenings at Chesterfield. orncBii. "W. C, Eobert Pettigriew, •« D. M., Ellen Thompson, " R H. S., Margaret DalgleMb, " L. H. S., Margairet Oliver, P. W. C, Robert McKie, T. D., " " O.G., Thomas Stewart, P. 0. address, Chesterfield. i ...rfM. ••- *l*«0-| AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. ill CULLODEN. A port Village iu the Township of Dereham, and situated on the IngenoU and Dorchester " Gravel Road". It is distant from Woodstock, 20 miles, from Ingorsoll, 11 miles, and from Port Burwell 18 miles. It baa a tri- weekly mail, and contains two stores, two wagon shops, two saw mills, (doing ftu excellent business,) and a shoe shop, with a good hotel. There are two Churches, viz : the Canada Presbyterian, built in 1857, at a cost of twelrf hundred dollars, and a Wesleyan Methodist, built in 1861, and coat $960 There is alao a Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 648, organized 22nd September, 1856, also a Good Templars Society, under the name of the " Culloden British A. 0. of G. T., organized 18th Noveml^er, 1858. IVo Physicians reside in th« Vil- lage. Population about 200. CULLODEN POST OFFICE. Mails received, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 12 m., and dia> patched at 2 p.m. Malory McKenzie, Post Master. CULLODEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OP CANADA. Built A.D. 1857, cost $1200, size 30«48, seats 400. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL, Built A.D., 1861, cost $950, size 30 h 50, can seat 400. Name of minist«r, Rev. Mr. Reed. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE. CULLODEN* LOYAL OBANOK ASSOCIATION, NO. 648. (Organized Sept 22nd, 1855.) Time of meeting, first Friday on or afl«r Mch full moon, at 75 a.m. Post Office address, Culloden. Richard Bolton, W. M., Charles Conrad, D. M., Abraham S. Harris, Secretary. William Lothian, Treasurer. TEMPERANCE ORDER. CULLODEN B. A. 0. OP O. T., (Organized November 18, 1858.) Meets on Tuesday evenings at Btsm»'» House. OFFICERS. W. C. T., Jolni Hall, " v., Mrs. Hall, " S., James Smart, " T., Benjamin Hopkins, " F. S., Andrew Smart, " M., William Spoonaburg, 15 W. D. M., Sarah Richison, " A. S., Thomas Smart, " S. H. S., Mrs. Freedy, " L. II. S., Nancy Bolton, P. W. C. T., Benjamin Freedy, D. T., Benjamin Hopkins, ' fi i f ii »' » I 114 COUN'rt OF OXFOEi) GAZETTEER, Alphabetical. List of Professions, Trades, &c. Barnes, W. G., tailor. BEACH ir CARNEY, blacksmitL ebop, carriagps, bnguies, and wap- goiis made to order. Beach, Jacob B., (of Beach & Carney) blacksmitli and wagon maker. Boltan, Abraham, head sawyer in Bol- ton's mill. Bolton, Jamea, engineer. BOLTOX, RICHARD, proprietor, west mill, (steam saw mill. Bower, Henry, sawyer. Brunt, Mrs. Brembner, James, tbroman and saw- yer. Brown. B. I'., medical student. Carney, H. \\ ., (of Beach & Carney,) blacksmith and wagon maker. Conrad, Charles, cabinet maker. Courser, IJ.. prop. National hotel. CreEiiA.a:E. L _ .__ adunto of »ijto,C.W. 3. (See :r. CuUoden I. I.D. (See ; mistress )roprietor. iilder. :ini. MILL, J. team saw Siiv; mill, nitli shop, L aggies '•f NSOLL. 38 1 -iff AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 115 A. LEEDER, M. D, Reference, Dr. B. McDONALD, CULLODEN. 1»:K4 CULLODEN HOTEL, lAL McABTHUB, Frop. Good Accommodations for travellers. Good Stabliug and attentive Hostler, in attendance. CHARGES MODERATE. GIVE US A CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. DRUMBO. A post village in the township of Blenheim, on the line of the BufiFalo and Lake Huron Railway, 18 miles from Woodstock. This village wa.=! laid out on the completion of the railroad line. Tlio sale of lots in this place was very ra- pid, and although but comparatively of a recent date, it soon became a village of some pretensions. A larpe grain and mercantile business is carried on, and the railroad facilities now afforded this section of the county by the 13. & L. H. R. \V'., cannot I'ail to make Drumbo a village of considerable importance. The country surrounding it is very rich and f'rtile — the farms are all well improved. The village, during the present summer, was almost entirely destroyed by fire, and the loss to merchants and others was very serious ; however, the village is Qeaiiy rebuilt, and that with a much better class of buildings. Ito btuiAess wai 116 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, t I i only interrnpted a few days. The enterprise of its business men received no check by their severe losses, but rather incited them to p-eater exertions. It has a daily mail, and the second Division Court is held here, and contains ten stores, a good foundry, machine shop and pluninf:^ mill, blacksmith, wagon, shoe, cabinet harness, and carpenter shops, sftverul agencies, good hotels, and has three churches and an excellent school. Population, TOO. DRUMBO POST OFFICE. Mails daily. From the West at half-psist 1 o'clock, and from the East ftt half-past 2 o clock, and despatched at same time. Received frouiXew Hamburg and intermediate offices, half-past 12 o'clock, and despatched at half-past 3 o'clock. James McKenzie, postmaster. DRUMBO BAPTIST CHURCH. Built A. D., 1860; cost 81,000; dimensions. 36.x50; No. that can be seated, 300. Name of Minister, Rev. George Patton; residence, Dumfries. PRIMITIVE METHOl'IST CHURCH. Boilt A. D., 1857; cost $800; dimensions, 30x44 ; No. that can be seated, 200. Name of Minister, Rev. Wm. Bee; residence, Drumbo. WESLEY AN METHODIST CHURCH. Built A. D., 1861; cost $1200; dimensions, 36x48; No. that can be seated, 350. MASONIC. BLCNHZIM LOOaE, NO. 108 — 0. R. C. FREE AND ACCEPTED MASOKS. (Organized A. D., .'>858— 18th August.) Meets Wednesday on or before full moon, each month, at Masonic HalL — P. 0. address, Drumbo. W. Bro. S. D. Brown, W. 'SI Thomas Cowan, J. W. J. B. Rounds, M. D., Treaa. Wn. Motheral, S. D. George Veitch, D. of C. Charles H. Slawson. Tvler. OFFICERS. Alex. Murray, S. W. Francis Motheral, Chaplain. James McKenzie, Sec. John B. Capron, J. D. Lewis B. Cole, I. G. BLENHEIM AGRI (CULTURAL SOCIETY. (OrgauJzed A. P.. 1854.) Held in Village of Drumbo. OFKtt'KRS. Fergtis Andereton, President. Francis Williamson, Se*. and Trcaf. Fraucia Burgess, VircPretidenU PIRECTOns. David Dastedo, Arthur Tew, John Irving, Edward Bo^r. Adam Oliver, William Patton, Thomas Cowan. -jjji^MamKii.i-iw; AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 117 TEMPERANCE. PKlMnO TEMPI.K, NO. 552. (Organized 28tli iluy of November, 1861. Time of meeting — Friday, in the Masonic Hall. P. O, adilieA^, Drunibo. OFFI.;idf.i (.vcr l»y a Rv^eve, who is at present John Short, Esq. The {\>urt« of the Third Division are here held, of which ])onM Math: son, Esq., J. P., is the Clerk. The Villuge has excellent hydraulic power for mill purposes, and conlain:^ tlnve flouriuu' and grist mills, and one saw niiil, a woollen factory and tannery. Its general business consistH of several mercantile f;t:»res, and workshop- in the various I)ranches of trade and industry, with a goml In'ick built li(«tel, at whic'a the "West Zorra Agricultural Society" meets, having their show groiind on the larg*; green opposite the hotel. There are five Churches in the Village, viz: Canada Presbyterian, (better known in connexion with the "Free Church of Scotland," a large and substan- f AND GENERAL DrRECTORT. 123 Muui- iii tho Con- )in tbt; iii.-tra- is at Id, of collent )i)slstrt :le and ilturul hotel, better bstan- III. . II. I Graduate of the Universitf of Victoria e. OFFKUO AND RErilDEXCE, 3b^ A.I3Sr ST., EIwfllBIiO. /^ GEORGE ROSS, BLACkSMiTH, MANUFACTURER OF E M B R O. ALBION HOTEL, EMBRO, ■ BY HENRY 6AMM0ND. Good StabliDg, and careful hostlers in attendance. , .^-:^^ ! i ii 124 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, tial structure of brick, with u hnndsorae spiro, recently erected by the congrega- tion at u cost of $9,000, and of which th«' Kov. Dc^mld McKenzio is the highly roHpected pastor; another connected with the Old EHtablishod Church of Scot- lftn«l, two Methodist Churches and a Huptist. There are also two Schools, at which the utteudance of pupils in 18G2, numljered one hundred and seventy ■even. The North Oxford and West Zorra Gruvol Road passes through the Village. Population as by census taken in 1801, five hundred and fifty one, (being 284 males, and 267 females). EMBRO POST OFFICE. Mails received from Beachville at 2 o'clock P.M., and despatched daily. From Stratford Tuesdays and Friday? at 6 P.M., aqd despatched at 9 A.M., aerving Brooksdale and Fairview. D. .Mnthcson, Esq., Postmaster. (COURTS. Third Division Court held si.x times a year. The Division is composed of West Zorra and East Xinaouri; place of meeting, Town Hall. Clerk, D. MathesoQ, Bailiff, Frenklin Folden VILLAGE COUNCIL. JOHN SHORT, REEVK. CoDNCiLMK.v. — D. R. McPhcrson, James Adams, John Gunn, Alex. McKay, John Eraser, Clerk, George Adams, jr.. Treasurer. Place of meeting at the Temperance Ilall, first Thursday of ever}' month, at 7 o'clock, P.M. CHURCHES. West Zorra Presb}'t€rian Church, in Embro, built in 1861, size S5 m 80, cost $9,000, number that can be seated is 1200. Minister, Rev. Donald McEei)i(ie, Glenness. Presbyterian Church of Canada, in Connection with the Established Church of Scotland, built in 1834, cost l?2,400, number that can be seated, 700. Mini- ster, Rev. William Miller. .Methodist Episcopal Church, built A.D., 1853, cost $583, size 30 h 40, num- ber" that can be seated, 250. Minister, Rev, B. Bristol. AVesleyan Methodist, place of worship in the Old Temperance Hall. Minister, Rev. George Kennedy. Regular Baptist Church, built 186'.*, coist .*700, siiie 33;-- 43, number that ran b* seatoo'; 250. Minister, R^.-v, Ciorgf Wi1e>on. who bas.sleo cbargbof the West Oxford Church. SCHOOLS. The Embro School i.s now undor tha charge of John G- Rose, as Principal, and Miss McDonald, as sissistftnt. No, of i)upi|s in Mr. Ros^s department, 115 Misa McDonald's .6 2^ TotaN 177. .Xvora'.'e atfendance, Mr. Rose's department 70, do in Misa McDonald'rf, depurtme;it, 28, Total, 98. ••--'«••-" t |i :i . ^ BENEVOLENT AND OTHER SOCIETIES. UNITED BRETBRBN, FRIENDLY SOCIKTY OF WEST ZORRA. (Organized, February 2859.) Located in Embro, time of meeting, firat fti* elaj of every quarter. Post jg^ja4dt^ JWtiro. Ami (4ENERAL DIRECTOBT. 136 Dr. GEORGE DUNCAN, lICEmilTE Of m PROYIIICIIl BOtRD, TORONTO. BMBRO. CANADA WEST. JOEClSr DEISTT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ALBION HOTEL BUILDING. EMBRO. KENNETH WHITE, MANUFACTUBBB OF TH. CIFFIL mil MET IIDI Will ALSO, DEALER IN I i I il i 126 COfrSTT OF OXFORD GAZEfTEER, , - . OFFICERS. r. Q. M. M., Donald Sutherland, I G. W. S., Alexander McKay, G. W. C, William Geddes, ' G. W. T., David Ross. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE. LOYAL TEMPEKANCB ORAXOK LODQK, NO. 999. (Organized April 1st, 1859.) Post Office address, Embro. OFFICERS. M., Isaac Wallace, D. M., John Blair, Sec. L. H. Swau, M. D., T., John Rutherford, C, Kenneth Mann. 1. Cora. James Barclay, 2. <• E. Cody, 3. " W. Hugging, 4. " William Jameson, 5. " James Campbell. HIGHLAND SOCIETY. (motto.) Clann nan Gaidheal an guaillibh a cheile. Embro Highland Society, i-rganized the 18th day of March, A.D., 1856, by John McKay, Presideni, anvj .^ames S. Muuro. Rec. & Cor. Secretaries. Char- ter transferred from London Society, England, and Hamilton Society, C.W., September 1st, A.D., 18.56, to Embro Society. The Society holds four quar- terly Meetings iu the year, namely, on • the 2nd Monday of February, May, August, and November, and a directors meeting every first Monday of each month, at 8 o'clock, p.m., and t'ae Annual Meeting on the 2nd Monday of February in each year, for the election of office bearers for the ensuing year, fourteen^ in number, five at least to have a conversational knowledge oi the Gaelic, language to serve from the day of election till the annual meeting of the following year — the gathering of the Society takes place in (September), each year at Embro. John McKay, Pregident. James S. Mcxko, Rcc. ^ Cor. Sect. TEMPERANCE ORDERS. rr cy * HARMONY LODOF, NO. (Organized August 5th, 1859.) Meets on Friday evening at the Temperance Hall, Adam's Buildings. DFFICERR. W. F. S., Ale:. McAuley, W. C. T., Robert Murray, " V-, Anna Powell, " C, James Henderson, " T., Hanpah McDonald, " M., Geo. Campbell, P. W. C. T., John Eraser, KMBRO TKMPLK, NO 242, L O. OF G. T., (Organized July, 1858.) OFFICERS. " I. G., Jciise Munro, " R. H. S., Catharine Laycock, " L. H. S., Jane Elbec, " 0. G., John McDonald. 1 /^ W. C. T.. L. H., Swan, M.D. " v., Elizabeth Callahan, " S., George Adams, " F. S., Thomas Iluggius, " T., Ellen Ross, " M., Wm., Anderson, " L G., Barbara Ross, \V. 0. G., George Gordon, , " C, Rev. Wm. Bristol. " A. S., Elizabeth Anderson, " R. H. S., Ann Brewer, " L. H. S., Flora Sutherland, T. D., James Adams, Bep resentatlve, L. H. Bwaa. AND GENERAL DIREOTOBT. 127 BRITISH AMERICAN OBDRB. - '* , ■ (Organized Angust 5th, 1859.) P. 0. address, Embro. OFFICERS. J'. W. C. T., Jolm Fraaer, ^V. C. T., Robert Murray, " v., Ann Powell, " C, James Henderson, " S., Jas. Munro, " T., Hannah McDonald, " M., Geo. Campbell. W. F. S., Alex. McAuley, " I. G., Jesse Munro, " O. G., John McDonald, " R. It. S., Catharine Laycock, •• L. H. S., Jaue Elbec. *■ . . MILITARY. EMBRO AND WEST ZORRA HIUHLANO RIFLE COMPAKT. The Company numbers 55 privates. OFFICERS. Isaac Wallace, Captain, Neil Matbsson, Lieutenant Hugh Ross, Ensign. L. H. Swan, M. D., Surgeon. . NON COMMISSIONED OKFICKRS. Hugh Matheson, Col. Sergeant , Alex. McKenzie & Wm. Ross, Sergeants. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Adams, George, shoemaker. ADAMS. JAMES, shoe shop and , furniture wareroom. Adams, Robert, shoemaker. Anderson, Mrs. Brewer, Charles, ambrotype artist. Brewer, James, bakery. * BRISTOL, Rev. B., E. M. Brophey, Michael, lightning rod agent CALLAHAN, D., general merchant Campbell, James, carpenter and joiner. Codv, Elijah, clerk. DENT, J 01 IX, merchant (Sec card.) DENT, JOHN D., J. P. DENT, R, R.. goiitlomun. DUNO.\X, GEORGE, M. D. (See card.) DUNCAN. JOHN, farmer. Embro Iloti'l, Asa Sauuders. Enibro Milln, Jo,^oph Lavo(»ck, prop'r. EMBRO WOOLLEN 'FACTORY, John McDonald, Hr., propri*'tor. Forgusrm, (ioorgt', lal)oror. rOKRKST, JOHN, dry goods, gro- corioH, A'c. ERASER, JOHN, convevancer, kc. GAMMOND, IIEMRY, 'Albion Ho- tel. (See card.) Geddes, Robert plasterer. GeddeH, Wm., wagon shop. Gordon, Wm., laborer. Graham, Hugh, grocer. Grant, Wm., tailor shop. Gunn, Alex., farmer. Gunn, Alex., laborer. Gunn, Hugh, laborer. Gunn, James, shoemaker. Gunn, JohL, farmer. Henderson, James A., tannery. HODGKINSON, JOHN, farmer. Innes, John, farmer. Jamieson, Wm., miller. Knott, AVm., miller. Laycock, Joseph, prop'r Embro Mills. LODGE, JOHN O., farmer. Loucks, Daniel, millwright McAulay, Alex., clerk. MoAulay. Angtis, blacksmith. McDonald, andre w. aJ-Donald, Alex., ciiriumter. McDonald, Charles, general workm.^n. McDonald, Colin, wagon shop. McDonald, David, carpenter. McDonald, Danid, l)lack.smith. McDonald, Donald, prop. North Em- bro Hotel. McDonald, JOIIN, bakerv. McDonald, JOHN, Woollen Fac- tory. McDonald, John, general workman. Mcdonald, miss, teacher. I ^ IM coDimr OF oxF(Ma»^AzwrxvEB. Mcdonald. B. & son, blacksmith shop. McDoQsJd, - Bodeirick, carpenter alad joiner. McKAY, ALEX., blacksmith shdp. McKAY, ANGUS, grocery. McKay, Anja^s, carpenter and joiner. McKay, Evander, painter. McKAY, JOHN, livery stable. (8ee card.) McKay, John, tailor shop. McKAY, JOHN, wagon-maker. McKay, Wm., plasterer. McKeuzic, Alex., shoemaker. McMicken, Alex., laborer. McNEILL, JAMES, shoemaker. McNeill, Neil, shoe shop. Mcpherson, D. R, boot and s* store, and fire insurance agent. Mann, Alexi, clerk. Mann, James, dry goods and groceries. Mann, Kenneth, clerk. MATHESON, DONALD, J. P., post- master. Matheson, George, farmer. Mathesou, George, farmer. Midglev, George, shoemaker. MIDGLEY, WILLIAM, boot and shoe maker. Miller, George, stone mason. MILLER, Rev. WM., Baptist. Munro, Daniel. Munro, Donald. Munro, Jftoles, ctUfpitAiHt. Munro, James S., tailor. Murray, Donald, carpenter. Murray, James, stone mason. Murray, John, grocery. Murray, Wm., carpenter and joiutt. North Embro Hotel, Donald McDon- ald, proprietor. NORTH EMBBO MILLS, JOHN SHORT, proprietor. Ross, David, carpenter. ROSS, GEORGE, blacksmith and wa- gon maker. (See card.) RUTHERFORD, JOHN, shoe shop. Sanders, Asa, Embro Hotel. ~iHORT, JOHN, proprietor North Embro Mills. STRAUBEL, CHARLES P., saddler shop. Sutherland, John, shoemaker. SUTHERLAND, W. E., cabinetma- ker, undortakei' and upholsterer. SWAN, L. H., M. D. (See card.) Tate, Donald, carpenter and joiner. Thorn, John Henry, carpenter & joiner. WALSH, WM., cooperage. WHITE, KENNETH, tinware and stoves. (See card.) White, Nicholas, farmer. FAIRVIEW. A Post Office Station, located on Lot, Ist Concession of the Township of West Zorra. George Purdy, Postmaster. HARRINGTON. Thia villngo was at one time called Springville. It is a post (Mce situated in the township of West Zorra. It contiiius a church, (Presbyterian) built in 18.>7, and cost 03000, and seated for five hundred ; a school, with an average attendanee of 60 pupils, saw, flouring, and oatmeal mills, general stores, shoe, carpenter, cabinet-maker, wa*on and oilier work-shops. Mail tri-weekly, re- ceived Tuesdaya, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 3 p. n\., and despatched at 12 noon, to Lakeside. The village is distant from Woodstock, 20 miles; from St. Mary's, (J miles; from Stratford, 16 miles, and from London, 32 miles. Popu- lation about one hundred. m ANB GBXBBAL DIRECTQIIT. ^^» HARRINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Bailt A. D., 1857; dimensions, 60x40; cost $3000; No. that can be Matod» 600. Manse in connection; dimensions, 30x40. Minister, Rer. William M«U dram. BAKBINGTON TEMPLE I. O. OF O. T., NO. 338. (Organized March 29tb, 1859.) Me«t8 on Tuesdays, at the School House. P. 0., Harrington- OFFICERS. W. 0. a, R. Meldrum, D. T., John Pitt, W. C. T., Hugh Munro, jr., W. v., Mrs. Brabv, W. S., R. Paigh, * W. F. S., R Heron, . W. T., Sister K. Hutchinson, W. M., a Mathesou, W. 1. G., Sister E. Matheson. W. C, Rev. Wm. Meldrum. W. A. S., Wm. Munro, D. M., Sister M. McLeod, L. H. S., Mrs. Prockter, R. H. S., Mrs. Meldrum, P. W. C. T., Roljert Parsoni. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Dellar, Wm., laborer. DEMUREST, D. L., post master and saw mill owner. GRIGU, GEO., prop., Harrington Hotel, HARRINGTON MILLS, Richard Puige, proprietor. HARRINGTON OAT MEAL MILL Sutherland & White, proprietors. Hams, John, carpenter and joiner. HAZELTON, LEWIS, painter. HERON, ROBERT, tailor shop. Honck, George, cabinetmaker. HUTCHINSON & SuN, general merchants. Hutciiiiisou & Son, shoe shop. Johijston, Levi, chairmuker. Kenny, 'i'homus, lal)orer. Knight, Thomas, cooper shop. Lawrie, Thompson, tailor. LUSTED, THOS. wagonmaker. McKay, Jame.s, mason. McKeuzio, John, laborer. MELDRUM, REV. WM.. Presbyte- rian Church. Morris, Matthew, cabinet shop. PAIOE, RICHARD, prop. Harring. ton Mills. PAIUE & LUSTED, general black- smiths and wagon makers. (See Card.) Parsons, Robert, teacher. Reid, Donald, shoe shop. Ridley, John, I'arue'. ROSS, H L G 1 1 , ge . eral m* r -hant Sutlierlaiid, Alex., cabinet maker. SUTHERLAND & WHITE, props. Harriiiiis<'d from ('Itvcn hundred inid iiiu''ty in the latter ye>,r to two tiiou-und seven hniidiiHl ;y th.' eivi tion <>f a v[arki( j louse, (: minounted In' a nrat bdlVy and ^yiire). ; nbst nitie.lly built of brick. Tliore nro also several fine large blocks of Iwo iuid tln-oo story i)rick (Hlilices for business purposes, on thi' jiriminn! stveots, which would be a credit to ])lac.'S ol' greater jiretensions, with large tirst-cliiss Hotels. The law and medical prolessions are well represented in the village. There is a weekly newspaper, (the oldest in the County), ]Mii)li3hed in it, — principle.^, Reform — and issued ou Tuesdays, of Avhich Mr J. S. Guruett is the editor, West and TU branch ery in the miles west om ^Vi^cl- ue village Proclama- B52}, with boundary ion of tho tweeu lota v.i bctwooa ' tho depth 31" llio suii 3 mrnSsrs er^ 22 and i ; tiieupe to a point 19, iu tlia thtvly ,'im- ' the towu- owanco lor V limltfi of I'iy, to tbfj a point in 17 r.ud 18, i:5 tiiu said Las boon iid tlio ('X- iiowii t!>.:!t AND GENERAL 1) [RECTOR Y. m rcii -!i;iv- tli'i'.i-itiid '■^jie'ct lias or i'l.i-.-i of n .sh'iidiiy uiu! pro;- i-i.Ic'iMl.ly lull and V built of UViy i);'il'k )0 a credit There principloa, 10 editor, proprietor, and publishor. The London tuid Uaniilton road pusses thronurli the vi!ln,'' other jrood ]i!ank and irravel roads. It lias an ex eel! rut market lor the sale of i.roduce. A-r. ite., winch is lar^'ely at- teii I'd. From its elijrible situation, its easy accessibility lioth by rail nn in the (,'uniity. The staple Inisiness ami industrial trn'le of the village and neiald'orhood is in wheat and sawn lumber. Tt is well sn|.idied with manufacturin£>- I'Lcilitios, — havinp;' nnlimiled water ])ower in its imino'iiato vicinity, which at ju'esent gives power to two irri^t and two tionring niiil.-;, (one of each belon;ring to K. H. Carroll and J. R. JJMison, by whom an c.vtonsive busiuesa is done in the manu- facture of flour for the Montreal and export markets, and an oatmeal mill nam- ed the "North Star Mill, ' carried on by Mr. J. Stewart. Besides these there is a larQi' flouring mill impelled by steuiii, belonsiiif? to the •' Oxford Steam Flour Company." It also contains a steam saw mill, fanninji' mill munid'actory, aash. door, and blind factory, with two jthininf? and one flooring' machine, be- longing to Adam Oliver, E^q., who carries on a larire general business as builder, lumber merchant, null and factory owner, employing 24 men, and hiiving a SOdiorse power engine in operation. IncrersoU has also another sash, door and blind factory, with two ]>laning and ov.o flooring machine, of which Messrs. John Christopher and Brothers are proi'i-ietors, who have also a very exten- sive business as builders and lumber dealer?, with 14 men in their employment, working a 16-horse power engine. It likewise contains 2 large foundries, on6 carried on by W. Eastwood, in which he manufactures threshing, reaping and mowing machines, agricultural implements, "Mt. oflF King, Street; u brick building, ami erected in 1857. Cost $1000; seated for -150. Rev. W. C. Beardsall, Pastor. John Bower.-), Clerk. ROMAN CATHOIilC OHIJRCH. This is a large and substantial frame buildinsr, with a spire, sltaat«don John Street Bervioos even,' second and fourth Sunday in the month. R-iv. L?wis Griftu, Minister, it ia expected by the year 1863, to have an as-sistant clergy- man at IngersoU. There is a good School (Separate) in connection with the Church, with about an average attendance of 40 pupils, under the charge of Miss FMr.a Higgina, a first class teacher. BRITISH METHODIST EnSCOPAL CHCRCH, (COLORKD.) Rev. Mr. Whopper, Minister. Henry Duke, Mana^nif Director. MASONIC. KINO HIRAM LODGE, NO. 37. Stated meetings, Tuesday on or before the full moon. Meet in Masonic Hall, Taylor's Block, Thames Street OrPlCERS. W. M., Elisha Hall, S. W., John Wells, J. W., Gteorge Allen, Treas, Mark OUerenshaw, Sec, John Poole. S. D., James Chambera, J. D.. — Sherlock, I. O., Alvin Hill, Tyl^, G. B. Brice. ST. johkVi toocns, ko. 68, o. b. c. Regular meetings, first ThWt^fl^ onorbefoM' tbe fnU fliioOiQ. Masonic Hall, Taylor's Block, Thames Street JEe«tul«» OFFICERS. W. M., R. A. Woodcocfej P. M., J. Gilliford, S. W., Thomas Bowers, J. W„ W. J. Allison. Trdfi, Jobo Md)otAld, Bsc, Xhf^ Bt*!tol, S. D., John HeatheringtOD, J. D., H. Woodhouse, I. G., Thos. Hanlya, T]f\0r, John Lawrence. SAMARITAK LODOE, HO. 35. This Lodge was organized in 1855, aind.now nuntberts 25 members, on Monday evenings, at Odd Fellows' Hall, weat aide Thames Street Meets OFFICERS. N. G., Thos. Venton, V. G., James Mclutyre, Sec., Abel Bristol, F. S., H. H. Rpss. Treas.. ^mm Sfelteiuai Warden, A. F. McDonald, O&nductor. A. N. OhrfitdplttI', I. a, J. Begf , 0. a, W. C. BelL ATftb &tiiftttAt Mtt8t5T61t1^. ■ -*• - ■ ■' tzs mmmi mmm iTABLnENT. D. WALLACE, OXMERAL DSALXB IN HuitiiKE, mis, mm, OOX.ORS, OU^^SS, E>tTXT-^, COAL OIL, LAMPS, &c., &c. THAMES STREET, X 3>a' Or £3 xt. s o Keeps constantly on hand every description of Hardware, including Iron, Steel, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Tin, cut and wrought Nails, Window Cxiiias, Putty, Paints, Colors, Oil, Turpentine, Tarnish, Rope, Twine, Machinery & Tuiniers Oil, Coal Oil, and a verj- largo assortment of Coi.I Oil Lanipa; Mill Saws, Chains, Carriage Trimmings, Gun Powder, Coffin Furniture, Carpenters Tools, Bench Screws, Counter Scales, Bruohee, Horse Shoe3, Door Mats, FLOOR OIL CLOm and every other article usually kept in a Hardware Store. ' " BUSINESS DONE ON THE ONE PRICE SYSTEM. D, WALLACE, THAMES STREET, IlJOEBSOLL, C.W. ( r j i 1 i 1 1 1 ! { m i •'■"■ . 138 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTBEB. LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION. IiraiRSOLL L. 0. L., NO. 606. MMtings, first Wednesday in each month. • Rev. G. KeuD«dy, Worahipful Master. * INOERSOLL PUBLIC LIBRARY. Number of volumes, about 1000. Joseph Barker, Librariao, King Street BANKS. COJOfERCIAL BANK OP CA.VAUA. A. II. Campbt;!!, Agent. OfBce hours, 10 a. m., to Agency at lugeraoll 3 p. m. HIAQARA DISTICT BANK. L. A. Clark, Accouotant Asrency at IngersoU. C. E. Chadwick, Agent Offico hpurs, lU 0. m., to 3 p. m. BOOK AND TRACT SOCIETY. Depositary of the Religious Tract and Book Society. Agent, Geo. Dennis, Thames Street. Rev. W. C. Beardsall, President of Committee of Manage- ment. 0. B. Caldwell, Secretary. Has a good circulation throughout Uia Village. SCHOOLS. There are several Schools in the Village, in connection with the different de- nominations. The principal and public one, styled the Union School, bei"ij the Common and Grammar S:jhools united, is an excellent institution. It m a handionij two story brif k, with ample play grounds, well fenced. Average at- tendance, 181). John Wells, Iliad Teacher; F. Atkins, 2nd Teacher; Simuel Schell, Si-d Teacher; Sarah Ilovendou, 4th Teacher. MUSICAL SOCIETIES. INOERSOLL PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. This society was organized in 1862, and is composed of ladies and gentlo- mou of g)od musical taste and talent. Meetings for practice, every Wednes- day evening, at the residence of E. Robinson, James Street. OrFICERS. E. Ribiiison, President and Conducto;-, Dr. Thomas Bowers, Vice-President. Thos. H. Riwlings, Treasurer, James Sutherland, Secretarv. INOERSOLL MUSICAL ASSOCIATION. Organized in 1862. Meets for practice every Friday evening, at 7 o'clock; room^ in rear of Chroxicle oflTu^e. The society is composed exclusively of instrumental performers. OFFICERS. A. S. G .'tfielJ, President and Conductor, Thomas Veaton, Vice-President. Jamos Sutherland, Treasurer, • Thos. II. Rawlings, Secretary. AND QEXERAL DIRECTORY. It? Dg Str«et a. m., to ccoQDtant o. Dennis, f Munage- ghout Uio iffereiit de- sol, bejn;j D. It 1:^ a verage at< r; Bamael ,nd gentle Weduea- urer, arv. 7 o'clock: wively of rer, tary. , TEMPERANCE. INOXMOLL TEMPLE NO. 1U9, I. O. 0. T. OrriCERS. P. W. C. T., Bro. E. Barry, W. C. T., Bro. T. Crawford, W. V. T., Sister M. Henderson, W. S., Bro. W. Sherman, W. T., Sister I. Tower, W. F. S., Bro. M. Aldrich. W. C, Rev. W. C. Beardsall, W. M., Bro. A. Clunn, VV. D. M., Sister E. Clunn, W. 1. a, Sinter F. Cleman, W. 0. O., Bro. J. R. Tftft. Alphabetical List of Professiono, Trade*, &o. Abbs, James, cooper, Queen. ; BAILEY JAMES, laborer, res. Car Abbs, John, cooper. Queen. roll. ADAIR, SAMUEL, bar teuder.AdaJr's; BAILEY, JAMES, laborer, Charles. BAILEY, DANIEL & GEORGE, carriafje and waggon manufacturew cor. Ring and Carroll. BAIX, ALEX., miller and farmer, res. Centrev;''(>. Baiubridgo, William, carpenter, res. Thames. Baker, William, gentleman, Nort]i ' Thames. Balmer, Thomas, merchant, Thames. Balleutine, Letitia, widow, n. Queen. Barber, Robert, apprentice at D. & G. Bailey's. BARK.EH, JOSEPH, book-keeper at Joseph IJiowett'y. BARKER. EDWARD, boot and shoe manufacturer, iio.th side King bt Currnll and 'I'hames. Barker, Wm., senr., Thames north. BARRACLOUGIL T. H., Montreal boot and shoe store, Thames. (See Canl.) Bartlett, George, (col.) laborer. BEARDSALL, R1':V. W. C., regular Baptist, res. 2 miles south of Vil- lage. Beavius, Washington, laborer. Hall. Bedford, Francis, laborer, (Jherry. Bedford, John, gunsmith, Charles, res. Cheiry. Boll, James, carpenter and builder, res. cor. Mill and Queen. Bell, Robeit. cabinet maker, bds King. Bell, Willipii, carpenter. Market. Bent, Levi, shoe shop, cor. Thames and Charles. Bent, Miiss Elizabeth, teacher of private school, Carroll. Hotel ADAIR'S HOTEL, John Adair, prop. North Thames. Adair, James, carpenter, Mutual. Adair, John, Adair's Hotel, North Mutual. Adair, J oseph, carpenter, cor Carnegie and Tha.nes. Adams, Edward, painter. King. Addison, Barrus, laborer, Carnegie. Adkins, James, dealer in stoves and . agricultural implements. King. Adkins, James, shoemaker, Carroll. Adkins, Henry, painter, t'an-oU. ALDRICH, L. MARVIN, composi- tor Chronicle office. Allen, G. W., mechanic, Queen. Allen, Mrs. Mary, res Carroll. Allethorn, John* gentleman, N. Queen CD E. limits. ALLISON, W. J.,butcher, stalls, 1&2, Market House, res. Catharine. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMP'NY Office, cor King & Thames, Edwii Doty, agent. Armour, David, sawver, u A. Oliver. ANDERSON, JOHN, Connnissioi agent, grain merchant, store al Railway Dopot.res, North Thames. Anderson, John, carpenter at J. Chris- topher, it Bro. ANGLO A:MERIC AN HOTEL, Wm Douglas, prop, cor. Carroll, and Qu(>en. (See Card.) Badden, Geo., apprentice at Morgan k Baddcn. BADDEN, JAMES, (of Morgan & Badden,) res. Ciicrry. 1 alley, George, laborer. Cherry. 18 V iti ;i 'IT ^ a* i» If I I ] II ii .1 I 138 COUNTY OF OXFORD oa:^:tteer, HRSOLL mn AND DOOR FACTORY, JVORTHOF THE G. Jr. RAILWAY DEPOT. Builders and Contractors for nil kinds^ of Buildings. ESTA.BLISHE3D IIS 1844. " < f^ » BUILDING MATERIAL Corstantly on linnd, an oxtcnsivo slock of roujrh lumber of every description thorougblv seasoned and planed ready to fiil oraors of every kind for building purposes at greatly reduced prices. SASH, DOCiRS, BLINDS BASE FRAMES, CORNICE, &c., Constantly on hand and made toordor on 1bo9borte.siuoUceand newest designs. Contracts entend into for the erection of Wood, Brick k Stone Buildings, in all the variou:^ ("epartinontH. incluling PLANS AND SrKCIFICA'riON.i^.| IliiUliY. JOHN, cooper, riM, 'Ihiuncs I?twood'rt l5i:OWN A' (J ALL! FORD, boot and shoi' manuru'turer-J, Iviiig cor. Mill. (See Card ) Bl'ilKART, ANSKLM, ^sholeHale di'uU r in Win. n lii|Uor.-!. cordials and svrups, Thami'-s n. Andrew. (See 'Card.) r.URKART. WM., agent: for A. Burkart. BUCHANAN, JAMES, tinsmith and stove dealer, Thames. irj(JHANAN, JOHN, dealer in coal oil and Lumps, and manufacturer of tinware, King. I'.urkley. Richard, jiorter at Dalv House. r.LTLER, PETER, plasterer,' Hall u. P. B. Road- Liyrue, James, harness maker. King. I>yr-iie, Thonia.i, harness maker and saddler. King. Call, Thomas, grocer, Thames. Cairns, Richard, tailor at Cowie's, res. Cheery. CALDWELL, O. B., drugs, medicines books and stationery. King. CA MPBELL, A. H., accountant Com. mercial Bank, res. Tliaines. Campbell, Elspet, widow, Carnegie. Caiiipbell, George, res. J. Campbell's, George. CAMPBELL, JNO. eent'man, G'sorga CAMPBELL, HOMER, grocer. King. Cwmpbell, Homer, moulder at East- wood's, bds. King. CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO., C. E. Chadwick, agent Canfield, David, farmer, King. C A XFIELD JAMES.law student with J. MoC-iughey. CANFIELD STEWART, clerk fifth Division Court, King. Carnegie, William, faimer, Carnegie. Carnegie, Mrs. Isabella, Carnegio east of Thames, Carroll, A, H., harness maker at Mo* Donald's. CARROLL, D. W., M.D.. office cor. King and Carroll (See Card.) I •I 140 COITNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, HON s mmi THAMES STREET, I ]>3' Gr ES fl. S O MANTTACTURERS OT SA^v^I]^Ta AND nu THRASHING MAC! C5XT Xji T ITT ja. T oil. s , PLOWS, HOOT SLICERS, SEE]D DRIL.LS§;, AND GENERAL. J. & S. NOXON, AND GENT5RAL DmROTORY. 141 CARROLL, DANIEL, gentleman,. King east of Carroll. ' CARROLL, DAMEL, feed Htore and restiiraiit, King. | Carroll, Francis G., book-keeper at Car- roll's Mill, Queen, bds. R. H. Car- rol !>, CARROLL'S HOTEL, cor King and Carroll. i Carroll, John, G.W.R Hotel. 1 CARROLL, REUBEN IL, prop. Car- roll's Mills, cor Queen and Carroll. CASSWELL, EDWIN, with Joseph Browett. Cavanagh, Mrs., taioou, Charles. CHADVVICK, CUALES E., agent Niagara District Bank, and Lisur-' ance agent, Thames. , CHAMBERS, JAMES, law student.: with T. Clark. i Chapman, J. M., chemist and druggist,, King, res. West Oxford. j Charters, Wm., tailor at Win. Berrv's.j CHILDS, JAMES, teamster, res.; King west. | • CHRONICLE •• NEWSPAPER, I BOOK k JOB PRINTING OF- FICE, Thame .% over Wallace's Htore, J. S. Gurnet t, proprietor, i Clark, Geo. F., cabinet maker, King. CLARK, HUGH, manufacturer of, and dealer in furniture and under- taker, King. (Sf e Card.) Clark, J oseph, tailor at Cowie's, res. ' Cherry. Clark, N. S., clerk at Balmoi'e, lids. Royal Hotel. CLARK. THOMAS, barrister a< law Taylor's Block, Thames. (>See Card) ' CLARKE, G. A., M.D., plnsicitmjand surgeon, Daly Uoune. (See Card.) Clunn, Augustus, ladies' shoemaker, (nien-y. Clunn, Augustus, carpenter at East-, wood's. Clunn, Edward, shoemaker, at J. Mc Corkindale's. Clunn, Philip, shoevnaker at J. McCor- kindale's. Cobben, Chiiiies, stone mason. Ossian Terrace, Ingersoll and Thamcsford Gravel Road. Colclough, James, clerk at Balmer's. Colons, James, laborer, G.W.R., Queen. Colraer, W. G., clerk at Crawford's. Comiskey, Edward, carpeater. north Thames. Comstock, Henry, machinist, Ossiau Terrace. C^onrad, J., prop., Conmiorcial Hotel, Thames. Cook, Simeon, merchant, Anne. Cook, Wm., can'iago maker, at Morgan & Badden's. Couse, George, labourer, G.W.R., Hall, P. B. Road. Cowie, James, merchant tail.ir, Thames. CRAGG, CHARLES, j^addler and harness maker, north east cor. King and Thames. Craig, John, wood tumor, cor. Georg'e and Catharine. Crawford, George E. S., carpenter, north Thames. Crawford, George, (J. B. Crawford & Co..) res. Carri.JK Crawford, J. B., (J. B. Crawford, & Co.,] res. Hall. Crawford, John, rarpenter and joiner, at A. Oliver, bds. Thames. Crawford, Lambert F., medical student at Dr. Spri tiger's. Oawford, Thomas, moulder at East- wood's, res. Clutrles. CRAWFORD, J. B.. &: Co., merchautf. Thames. Crellen, Maiy, widow, west Oxford. C!ronk. David, carpenter, King Hiram. CRONK, WM, carpenter, shop and res. Queen. Cronk, William, engineer at J. Chris- toplier & Bros., res. Charles. CROSS. REV. A!U.'H., Presbvtcrian Minister, n-H. CliurltM. Cross, Thomas, laborer, King Hiram. CROTTY, HENRY, J.V., farmer and dealer in real Estate, north Vic- toria. Ootty, Richard, farmer, north Thames. Cunningham, Peter, carpenter and joiner, Ciuniegie. CUTHBERT, WM, soap and candle maker, Charles. DALY, A., proprietor Daly House, comer King and Oxford. DALY HOUSE, corner King and Ox- ford, A. Daly, proprietor. David, John, laborer, King. Davidson, David, clerk at John An- derson's, north Thames. Davie, Robert, laborer G.W.R., Uuiou. Davis, William, carpenter, Oxford. Dolane}*, Wm, A., blacksmith with D. sod Q. Bailey, I Ua COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER. ROBERT KNEESHAW, .\«ront. DEALER IN Oils, Colors, Dye-stuffs, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONKRY, SCHOOL BOORS, LAW BLANKS, &c.. EiLISHSfRlittPERfOlER!, HOAFt^. IT AIR, XAIL. TOOTH, & PAINT BRUSHES, SURC9CAL INSTRUMENTS, &C. PHYSTCIANS' PllESCRIPTIONS Carefully Proparod. He trusts aftor au experience of upwards of oigliteen years in a first Cl.nsa Druj^ Establishments, and strict attentioti to busiuess, and tie ijuality of his Drugs, Ac, to merit a eharo of public patrouage. N.B. — A coustaut supply of pure Coal Oil, on hand. AND GENERAL DIBEOTORT. U3 'f I Ifuid Dempster, JiimoH, carpenter G. VV. R., r«!3. north Queen. Dtumun, Job, engineer with Eastwood, res. King Hiram. Devlin, John, shce:nuker at Dutton'e, William. Devlin, John. 8hoemaker with Veetch, rcfl. William. DEVLIN, A. v., law stndont with T Clark, boards at Royal Exch>in;jjo. D'uol, Miss Caroline, privalo school touches, corner Wonham & lunee. Deuel, Kiky, farmer, corner Boll and Wonham. DIN W WALL, ALEX., manufacturer of and doivler in furniture. King. Donelly, Diiniol, t.iilor at Boles', res corner Gcorpre and William. DOUGLAS, W.M., proprietor Anglo- AniM'i'.'un Hotel, corner Carroll and Queen. (See card.) DOTY, DARIUS, res. Victoria. DOTY, EDWIN, agent American Ev press Co., off corner King and Thnmes. Dugind, Robert, laborer, Caruogie. DUNDAS, EDWARD, constable, res. corner Cathi..ine and Thames. Duuda^j, E., medical .'student with Dr. Scott. DUXX, JOHN, boot and shoe shop. DUTTOX, J. M., shoo and leather di'aler, Thames. Duti on, .JoHoph N., shoemaker, Carroll. Dyk..', Mr^>. Jane, njdow, Oxford. Dvnes, Richard, laborer, north Catb- cart. Dynes, J(.hn, jt.. King. Dvne.s. V.'m., laborer. William. Driscoll, Jolm, (''"rk witli L. 1). Lyon. EASTWOOD, WM., iron Ibunder'an.lj maeliiiiist, Thames. Eckcr, Michai'l. carpi'nfer. William, i E'lmnuil, Al.uy, widow, ( 'ai-nriri,'. ; Eihvanls, Eiiwunl, tainitT, Mill. j Edwards, Eiijali, carjienler, east King.j ELLIOTT. JOHN, gentleman. Joh:i., I ELL'.DT'I'. J. \.. grocer. Thames. I ELLIOL'T, XOAM, blacksmitii. far 1 r\''v, Si, veterinary sm'genii,Thaini'.'.j iie;ir [{ailwav Slalioii. (Si>ecard.)| ELLlO'i'T. SEALV A., butcher i;i! market, res. (^ueeii, near Mill. ! Elliolt, Ricliani, lultorer, Oxford. i Ely, John, teamster, res. Cant(>rbury. Ewart, Willianj, clerk, s, Thamet?. i Fagan, Ann, wiiiow, grocery and com- Uii:;sion store, tjueen. FAGAN, ROBERT, carpenter, Qu ?cn Fallon, Matthew, blacksmitii at Eaot* wood's, bds. J. Rrady's Hotel. Faulkner, Charles Henry, blacksmith, G. W. R., Carnegie. Farnsworth, John, wood worker Nox- on's foundry. Faweott, Thomas, gentleman, John. Fawcetl, 'I'liomis, car;jenter at Adam Olivers, .John. FAWKES, T. v., watchmaker and jeweler, Thames. FERGUSON &KERR, dry goods, groceries, clothing, &c., Thames. Ferguson, Alex., clerk P. & K. Ferris, Thomas, gentleman, Cherry. FKTHERSTON. WM.. cabinetma- ker and undertaker, u. e. cor. of Thames and Charles. (See card.) Finch, Mrs. Sophronia, tnilorcss, north Queon. FINLAY, MATTHEW, proprietor Livery Stables, Charles bet, Ox- ford and Thames. Finlayson, Hugh, laborer, Victoria. FITCH, LEWIS R., agent for Clover street Rochester Nurseries, res. Thame.s. Fitzmorris, Rich'd, wajron-maker. King. FLETCHER, W ILLIAM, grocer and provision mercliaiit, north Thames. FOLDON.FR AN K,bailiir, ros.Thame8 Forbes, Donald M., clerk at O.B. Cald- well's. Forbes. H. G. O., cabinet niaker, Anne. Forsyth, (George, moulder at Noxon's foundrj'. Forsylhe, William, la'ooicr, King, Foster, Geo., blacksmitii shop. Thames. FowI'M". Ja'ii-'s, carpenter, res. (^ueen near Carroll, Foy, AVilHam, paiii*e/at Adam Oliver's re.s. rni')n. Fri/.rll(\ Catliariih'. M'i low. C.^th:lrin•^ Fri/.elle, ,Iol;ii, lalioi'er at T. IJrown's. •'rize.re, Wrn., pla.-d rcr, re-i. Water. Galiiftrd, Jame-, cii'r!< a) T. Brown';-!. (J A LL! FOR 1), J( H I N. ( Hi own ,V.' ( ial- lit'ord), H'-. Kin;.;', w. of Oxford. (Jallivor, lli-nry. carp'nter and joiner :it A. Oliver's. Ganlner, William E., oa''p<'nter, Cath- arine. GEI'FIELD, Ard-:X.S., carriage and fancy paintjr at D. & G. Bailey's. I i I^ COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, MARK OLLEESNSHA'W, DEALER IK AGENT FOR ¥. & J. CAELING, City Breweiy London, INGERSOLL. u i i-LJ i fl i . j.j.^ .ir i ttjiisj nafmsms'ms^esr i O. 1P» EC A LL, I DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, FLUTINAS, GUITAR & VIOLIN STRINGS, Flutes, Fifes, Music Books, Razors, POCOyr AND PEN KNIFES, SCIS.SORS, WA.LKING STICKS, BRIER ROOT PIPES, &C., &C. THAMES STREET, INGERSOLL, OPPOSITE T. BALMER'S AND THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE. AND GENERAL DmECTORT. Ui S .s. [on, I I JNS, irs, IKS, 'ICE. Qetman, A. K., clerk at O'Connor's, bd3. W. Getman's, north Thames. Getman, Warner, shoemaker, north Thames. Gibson, Joseph, blacksmith. Hale. GIBSO.V, JOSEPH, dealer in fruit and toys, Thames. GIBSON, JOSEPH, jr.. fruit and toy shop, south Thiimos. Gilbreth, G., clerk at N. AVaite's. Gilchrist, F., clerk at Robbs, Carroll. Gilchrist, John, coopev, res. Thames. GILRAY, Rev. JAS., .M. E., Cherry. Gleeson, John, shoemaker, at Looby's. Goble, Benjamin, res. Charles. Goblo, Henry, carpenter and joiner, Charles. Goble, John, wagon and carriage ma- ker, Charles. Goble, Ezra, blacksmith, res. Charles. Goble, John, res. Charles. Goble, Robert, carpenter and joiner at A. Oliver's. GORDON, ALEXANDER, merchant tailor, clothier, and dealer iu gen- tlemen's furnishing goods, King. (See card.) GORDON, DONALD, tailor at A.i Gordon's. Gordon, James, clerk at D. Wallace's. Gordon, Margaret Agnes, private school for children, Carnegie. Gorham, Aaron, farmer, res. Catharine. Gorhani, JamcJ, clerk at John McDon- ald & Co's. Grace, Paiorson, head sawyer at Adam Oliver's, rey. Queon. Graham, Jolin, well dijrger, Henr}'. Grant, AU^x.. tailor ut Cowie's, bds. Anglo-.Vmerican Hotel. Grant, Charlen, joiner, bds. Roval Ho- tel. GRANT, JAMES M., carpenter and joiner, bdn. Royal Hotel. Greig. Miohatl, lalinrer, Catha-ine. (jrreenaway, I.^aafi 11., shoemaker at E. Barker's. Greenaway, Jas, currier at T. Brown's. GllIFFA* Uev. LllWIS, J'astor R. C. (Muiroh, John. GUIINETT, .J. S., editor and propric-! tor oC Inu-crsiiU Chronicle, Thames, (Soi> canl.) Guthrie, Robi>rt, tailor, res. Thames. Hadilon, David, laborer, (.)xford. Hj'iiiing, Robert, at D. Wallaces. 19 HALL, CHARLES P., watchmaker and jeweler, Thames, res. Oxford. (See card.) riALL, ELISHA, J. P., farmer, east King. Hall, James, laborer, Catharine. Hamilton, John, foreman miller Car- roll's mills, rcF. Queen. Hamlyn, Thomas, carpenter, G. W. R, John. Harmon, Edward, broom maker, Cath- arine. Harnden, Charles, chair mak«r aod painter at Dingwall's. Harper, Charity, widow, sewing and washerwoman, Hall. HARRINGTON, E.S. Spt. G. W. H'tl HARRIS, Rev. JOHN, Baptist, re*. King. HARTFORD NIRE IXSURANCB CO., C. E. CHAD WICK, Ag«nt Hayes, Solomon, apprentice at D. and G. Bailey's. Hayward, William, house painter, east * King. Hayward, William, jr., clerk at Shmp- neil's. HEARN, H., proprietor Royal Hotel (See card.) Henderson, John, shoemaker at Brown and Galliford's, res. Cherry. Henley, William, laborer at A. Oliver's, res. King. Hempswell, Joseph, farmer, John. Henderson, Edward, foreman laborer G. W. R., John. Henderson. John, Bhoemaker at Brown and Galliibrd'.'*. Hoiidei'iion. Samuel, harness maker at .M<' Donald's, res. Thames. HENDEI«?ON, THOMAS, machin- ist at Eastwood's. Hext, John, wagon maker at D. and G. Bai lev's. IHGCilNS, CILVS 1'., (Ollard &Hig- tfin.-.), Thames. Hi^cgins, MJK.s Elizabeth, teacher R. C. Sclntol. north Thames. Hi[flev, Nelson, res. James Rowley. HILL. Major CHARLES, bds. Daly House. Hillniiui. TliOH., laborer, north Thames. Hiiltnaii, Thomu.s, tail sawyer at A. Oliver's, bds. Thames. Hillman. Wni., farmer, north Thames. HopiM, Patrick, at Eustwuud'e, Car- nejjie. I I i il 146 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZI^TTEER, INGEESOLL KING STREET. MOKGAN & BADDEN MANUFACTURE Oarriiges, Buggies^ Wagsns SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, &c, &c. ]N THE LATEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES, f AND OF THE VERY BEST IWATERiAL, Cheaper than ever before manufMClurod TEEMS VERY LIBEUAL, And satisfiictioij i'Uariiiit'.Kd in all cuhos. Repahs, Painting and Trimming. of '.iVfi'v kiiiii])ro!ii])tiy atl'Midi'il to. 'i ho )>iili!ic an^ nvp; cti'iiily j^'iiicidMl to call uiid cx.iiii;!!', ami jii:l{^-i' fur Uiciiiu'lvcj, ))ff i>iirclia.sin«' ('l.";o\vl.: re. ?.-PJ' Tl> iiiciu!;t'r till' place i'or 'rood wvA cheap S'cliii ics. oi; Ki;)i''Hti('ct Hiist, Bfarl} II] ; 'j-itc Hrowrir-: uld h-taiid. * MORGAN & Bx\l)L)EN. AND GENKRAL D1UF.CT0UY. U7 Ilolinc^^ II. I;., laborer, Hall, 1'. B.i lldiiiltly, W'ri!., lil:ifksinilli at Wallare's. lloplcias, S;umi('l, tt'auistor, Qiiireii. i-a.-^tcrii limits. IIOMM IXSrilAN<'R CO., Xtnv Vork.t'.K. ('il.\ I > WICK, agent. Ifow, Patrick, shoemaker at DuttDn's. lIi)V('!iiii';i, .Mrs. Sarali, wiMow, Kinjr. Udvcp.iIcii, Tiioiiias !!., saicsi.;a'i a1 1). Whiti'V. HOY r, J. J., M. D., ofr Kintr, mar P. O. res. .Mill, below King. Hub' ort, IFenson, laborer, n. Queen, on eastern limits. Huifman, Napoleon Bonaparte, fanning mill ])e(ller at A. Oliver's, res. Charles. Hull, Robert, carpenter and joiner at J. Cliristopher anri Brothers. Hull, Samuel, at J. Christopher and Biothers. HUNTER, GEORGE P., commission merchant. Insurance afreut. Huntsman, James, medicine dealer, Thames. Huntsman, Wm. V., school teacher, Kin jr. Husband, Thomas, blacksmith. Jackson, Peter, laborer, Oxford. James, John, cooper, Charles. Jeffrey, Jacob, laborer, west Kinj?. Jiggeus, Henry, clerk, res. over P. 0. Johnson, Bu''r, Lilio:or, Hall. JUt)D, ERASTUS T., Wood& Judd, res. cor. Anne and O.'sford. Keariis, John, warehouseman at D. M. R3bertHon'.s, Victoria. Keating, Mr?.. Ann, grocery and fancy .store, Queen. Keating, John, bricklayer, Carnegie. Keating, Robert, boot and shoe store, King. Keating, Simeon, plasterer. Queen. KEITH, WM. P., proprietor Com- mercial Mills, Milk Keith, Chas., niillor, Commercial Mills. Kelly, D.uiiel W., boot and shoemaker, John. Kelsoy, Rafus M., cooper, King. Kemp, Mrs.. King. KEMP, THEOPHILUS, painter, fan- cy goods, toys, and restaurant, res. King, bet. Mill and Thames. ICENNEDY, NEIL, book agent, bds. Canterbury. KENNEDY, L. p., painter, glazier, and pajdT hanger, King near Thames. Kennedy, Midiael, farmer, cor. Ilarri.-? and Hall. Kennedy, Mi^s, dressmaker. King. Kennedy, iVt"r. proprietor Hurp and Crown, cor. King and Oxford. Kennedy, Richard, .switchmim (jS.W.U. Cathariii.'. Kenney, 'I'honias, la!)orer, Carnegie. Kenuey, Wm., Iilacksmitli, King Hiram Kerr, Daniel, Magon and carriage ma- ker, 'J'haines. Kerr. Daniel, jr., clerk at Fergu.son & Kerr's. Kerr, Hugh, (f'erguson & Kerr), bds. 'J'hames. Kerr, John, carriage maker at Daniel Kerr's. Kerr, Miss, milliuer and dress maker, Thames. Kingsbury, Thos., apprentice at Mor- gan & Badden's. Kinney, Stephen W., harness mak^r at ^IcDonald's. ■. Kuechtel, Daniel, shoemaker at Bent's, res. Charles, KNEES HA^V^ ROBERT, agent, chemist and druggist, Thames.— (See card.) Kydci, James, shoemaker at Barra- clough's, res. south Queen. Laa, John, laborer, Helen, ofif Mou treal. Lacey, Michael, shoemaker at Dennis', Thames, res. east King. Lockey, David, shoemaker at Brown and Galli ford's. Lampart, E., watchmaker at Hall's. Lawrence, Alex., laborer, res. Carroll. Lee, E. K., clerk at Crawford's. LEIGH, JOHN, builder and contract- or, Thame?. Leonard, James, apprentice at D. & Or. Bailey's. Livings, Edwin, teamster at A. Oliver's TiOvings, Hen'-y, teamster, east ('berry. Lfwings, Jam.'S, blacksmith at Elliott's. Little, J. C, clerk at O'Connor's. Logee. S. P., pump, straw cutter, and lightning rod maker, factory and res. south Queen. Looby, James, boot and shoo shop, Thames. I . « % 148 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, 1ft ill U It ft^ifti SOUTH WEST COu. CARRALL k QUEEX STS., I IN G^^E R S O L L . This Honf*' irf pleiusiantly situated, and oouvoniont to the Inisino.ss part of th« Village. Every attention will, ho paid to giu'sts .stj)pping at the house. Charges moderate, and pood stal)ling. WM - )UGLASS, Prop. THOMAS BROWN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'EALER W mi, CURRIERS' TOOLS, SHOE FINDINGS, &c., NORTH BIDE KING STREET, NEAR CORNER OF MILL STREET, INOERSOLL, C. ^W. SGH.'S BOLES, Nearly Opposite the Royal Exchange. KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS ANI) EEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured on the premises. Qartueiits made to prder on the shortest notlc«^ N, p.— A ^ood fit warranted. AND GENERAL DraECTORl". 149 LYON, L. I>., grocf-r and haniwaro miTchaiit, for. Thain»>3 atul King, res, west King. McUurnic, John, carpentor and joiner at J. ChristoplKT and HrothorH. McCarthy, Cdrnelius, gentleman, Cath- ai'iue. MoCAllTllY, J. F., M. D., res. Ox- ford. MoCaskiil, Mrn. Ellon, res. Water. MxCAU(iHEy, JAMES, L. L. B., barrister at law, off Thames, res. Carroll. (See card.) McCAUGHEY, S. O., law stude-it with James Mc(Jauphey. MoCorkindale, John, boot and .shoe- maker, Thames, near cor. King. McConrt, Peter, stone mason, Hall, P. B. Road. McCrae, II. L., luiliber merchant, Vic- toria. McCriun, James, shoemaker at Brown and Galli ford's. McUOXALD, A. F., harness manu- facturer, and saddlery, Thames. — (See card.) McDonald, George, wagon maker at D. and G. Bailey's. McDonald, JAMES. dealer iu hats, caps, and furs, west side Thames, north of Pomroy'a Block. (See card.) McDonald, John, laborer, G. \V. R., Carnegie. McDonald, Peter, King, McDonald, ROBERT. cor Charles and Oxford. McDonald, JOHN & CO., dealers in hardware, groceries, dry goods, paints, oils, glass, &c., Caledonia Buildings, Thames. McDowell, James, laborer, Hall, P. B Road. McDowell, WILLIAM, Market Clerk, res Town Hall. McFarlan, John, blacksmith, Victoria. McFarlau, William, blacksmith, Vic- toria. McGoffin, Mrs., north Thames. McGOVERN, JNO, comp'tor, Croni cle otfice. McHenrv, John, plasterer, Victoria. McINTYRE, JAMES, manufacturer and dealer in furniture and under taker. King. (See Card.) Mclntyre, Joseph, laborer, Catharine. McKeuzie. Donald, laborer, Metcalfe McKenzie, Goo., railroadman, Canter- l)ury. MoKouzie, John, Itiboror. ('atbarine. McLean-, John, wjirt'lifMi-Jcnian, ('.irnc- gio. McLood, William, writing master, res. Quoon. McMillan, Jamos, sulesman at I). Whitof. McMurray, William, ashory, res. Ckar- les, McVenn, Andrew, ambrotvpist. res. Hall, P. B. Road. McSloy, Matthew, laborer, Metcalfe. Macanlcy, Elizabeth, widow, Metcalfe Macanley, Micliao], laborer, Metcalf»'. Macniven, Hope, auctioneer and com- mission agent, Thanien. Macniven, Mrs, milliner}' and mantle store, Thames. MADGWICK, ELI AS i, , riage trimmer, Kintr. MANSION HOUSE, J t.^. '^rauy.prop cor. King and Th' s. Martin, Joseph, Oxford, Matheson, Angus, cai'nentr. A: joiner, at A. Olivor'ti. Matheson. John S., s'u .i, iker and con- stable, res. Catharine. MAXWELL, JOHN, printer, Chroni- cle oflice. Mealy, Frank, shoemaker at T. H. Bar. raclough's, Oxford. MeaJey, Jo&nston, laborer. Meginity, Robert, jiensiouer and labor- er, King Hiram. Mercer, Alexander, carpenter. MERIDAY, GEO., laborer. King west. Merigold, Arthur, planing mill at A. Oliver's. Merigold, Edward, gentleman, King west. Middlemasp, Alex., laborer. Millar, Matthew, tailor at Bolea. Montgomery, Daniel, superintendent dry goods dep't, at John Mc- Donald & Co's. Mooney, Nickolas, blacksmith shop, rear of Mansion House. Moore, Joseph, carpenter and joiner, at A. Oliver's. Moore, Mary, widow, Carnegie. Moore, Peter, tailor at Bole's. Moran, Edward Henry, baruesa maker atCragg. r ISO BirilARD OU.ARP. COUNTY OP OXFORD OAZETTEKR, rr?.VRi.T:s p. Htr.oiss. OLLABD & HIGfllHS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS, Conveyancers and Notaries Public. OPFICE.-TAYLOK'S BLOCK, THAMES STREET, LYGERSOLLr C.W. HUGH CLARK, PKAt-ER i.V. AND MANCFACTUREK OF FURNITURE, AI^O Kl?fG STREET, IJ\'GERSOLL, C.W. C. H. WEBSTER CABINET MAKER, KING STREET, OPPOSITE DALY HOUSE, XNGEBSOLL, C.W. AND GENERAL DIRFCTOUY. 151 King MORELAXD, J. I)., manufacturer of washing inachine.^, King. (.Set Card.) Morgan, iJaviil. oarpouttr ami joinor ul A. Oliver's, res. 0\ruriJ. MOKGAX, JOHN', (Morgan & Bad- don, re-i. Cautcrbonry. MOBGAX i- JiAItDKN', wngon and carriage manufacturci-s, cor and Jami'H. (rice Card.) Mon-ison Miss Diana, res. King. Morrison, \Vm., carpenter and joiner, at A. Oliver's. Morroy, J. F., ol Eastwood's, ro9. Cher- ry. MoershfeltT, Jacob, clerk post office. Munroe. Georgi.', head sawyer at A. Oliver'^. Munroe, George, school teacher, bds. Oxford. Munroe, John, foreman, carpenter at A. Oliver'.-J. res. Honry. Munroe, John, ton man at A. Oliver's, re3. Bell. Murdoch, Jame?=, wagon and carriage maker, Thames south of King. Murdoch, Matthew J., wagon maker, at Jamo3 Murdoch's. Murphy, D. & Co., grocers, Murray, William, Kin? Hiram, OLLAUD & lUGGINvS, attorneys and solicitors, olliee Thame:.'. (.Sop Card.) OrXEBKXril [ .A W, M XlVi, dealer in groovries, wines, li(jHor3 and cigars and agent for W. x J. Curliug, city brewery, London, market pquart'. (Set.- Cuul. O'Xcil, William, hibortr, pouth Queen, on e. iiuiits. Orr, Wiiiiam, carpenter. King Hiram. OWEXS, A., I)arber shop, Thames, (See Card.) Owens, Thomas, os-tler Daly House. Paine, C. C, travelling agent for Logee jiunip maker, Oxford. Paine, David, gentleman, CaVnegie. Paine, 'I'iioa. L., salesman, at D. U'hite'a Parkhcuse, James, car))enter at East- wootl's, res. llall, 1*. B. Uoad. PARlvIlUKriT, CHARLES, eardlnjf and fulling mills, Queen, res. south O'liM.'n, PAkKHCRST, JAMES, at Charles Farkhuret. Parsons, John, at T. M. Smith's. Patterson, John, clerk Daly House. Peirce, Josiah, cooper, Hall, res. King east. Nelson, Chirles, blacksmith ut East- Poltoa, Dani.'!, clrrlf, north ThamoJ. wood's, res. John Nivens, Heurv, miller at William P. Keith'.s. Noe, Louis, confectionery, toys and fancy goods, Thames. NOXON, JAME.S & SAMUEL, iron founders and machinists, maimfac- turers of reapers an J mowers, sepa- rators, ttc, Thames south of King, (See Card.) O'COXX'OR. A., grocer and grain dealer, 'l'h:\nie.s. O'Connor, U., uu'n-haiit, Tiiame.'^. O'Hanley. Air^u.'^, currier at T. Brown'.s. O'Hanl.'V, Xeil, [abor,'r, H;iil. O'Hanley. Neil, port;'r at O'Connor's. O'Hanlev, Malcolm, laborer. Hall, near P. H. R.nul. OLIVER. AD A.M. Ijuild. r, contractor and gi'nnral dealer in lumlier. «.tc., T'l-. Virtwi.i. (S>o Card.) Oliver, Atuir.ns-. driver a^ Finlay's. Oliver, llobcrl, juvinter, Bi'll. Oliver, Riibert, ciirpi ntor and joiner at A. Oiiver's, rei. Y.ctoria. Pdton, Maria, north Thames. Pelton, Phoebe, widow, north Thumei Perkins, George E., clerk at Jos. Bro- wotl's. Pete.'son, Samuel, groer and eating hoiv-ie Thames. Phillips, (Ti.or'io, foreman bla^-ksniitb, G.W.R., Catharine. Pickard, Elia-;, house carpenter, north Queen. Pickurd, Hii'.un, carpenter and builder, re.', O.KJ'ord. Pickard, James, brewer at iiixel's. Piner, G''ortr'', laborer. 'I'uni.-. •M-, Jura li Ul". . moulder at East- Pool Anna Sjum-! POOL. HEXiiY wood's ri'.i. Cai-negie. Pool, Auieiia, .';j>in-ter, Jura L'lno. Poole, Saraiiel, .s-.nu'., res. Tunis. I'oiile, Saiuuoi, jr., general inerchant, res. 'i'hame.-. Potter, J>m:it)i:in. sawyer at Adam Oliver's r".;. Tlinnics. Prooter, (jeor^ri*. ('arpenter and jo'ner, at J. Chri.sioph'.'i's & Bro.-i. Ij \n M ii i ' I I t 162 COUNTS' OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, ROYAL HOTEL INOERSOT^L, H. HEARN, Prop. SAMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Vienna and Port Burwell Stage Office. Livery attached. Free Oinnibua to and from the Car.9. BLACKSMITH NOAH ELLIOTT, INaERSOLL, o. ^., Bops rcHpoi'tfulIy to inibnn tho public tliiit lio parries on biisinr.s.s in the above line ill all itn brancliPH, :\11 orders executed with aeeuracy and despatch, and Surgical calls promptly attinid'Hl to at all hours. Hljop on T H -A. P/E E! S STJFL3E3E5T', CLOSE TO TTIE RAILWAY STATION, IJNGERSOLL, t.W. ■ i^lessrs. John McFadden, Farmer, Xortli I)orche.-:ter, and Levi Lone^', Far- mer, Xissuuri, for whom N. E. has thorouf^hly turi'd casos of serious Bone Bpuviu, uud lliag Bone, where other \''eteriuury rfurijooua have failed. A T, [e above ch, and [y^, Far- Boue AND GENERAL DmECTORT IM MONTilEAL BOOT & SHOE STORE. {Tim LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST SIOCK OP BOOTS, SHOES, In the Coanty are to be fouud at the Montreal Store. CALT^ XnT> see. ^UNDERTAKING !. rs'Saaii WM. FETHERSTON, CABINET MAKER, UIPHOLSTEKER AND UNJ^ERTAKEK. OLD ST^IA'jD— Corner of Thames ^ Charles Streets. INGBRSOLL, C W. 20 SENT TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. ^"I 154 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, 5' Proctor, George, carpenter, north Cath- cart 13^^^^:. Proctor, John P., carpenter, cor. Cath- arine and Gt'orge. Proctor, John, foreman, IngersoU sec- tion. G.W.R., bt. Kiiig Hiram and Carnegie. PUDDEFOOT, GEORGE, hair dres- sing and billard saloon, Dalv House, res. north ThanittJ. (Sec Card.) Pntnam, George, grocer, Thames. Quirk, George M., sawyer and engi- neer at McKay's. • Quick, Sarah Jane, widow. RAWLIXGS, THOMAS H., cabinet maker, res. King cor. Water. Reid, Alexander, clerk tt Balmer's, Reid, Colin, carpenter at A. Oliver's, res. Mill. Reid, Colin, carpenter and joiner, at A. Oliver's, res. Henry. Relfe, Charles, enginee'r at A. Oliver's. Reunett, Mrs. A. M., rts. Charles. Richardson, Jehu, carpuuter and joiaei at A. Oliver's. Riley, Jane, widow, tailoress, Cherry. Robb, A., general merchant, Thames. ROBERTSOX, D. M., dealer in pro- duce and lumber, south side Vic- toria, adjacent to G.W.R., Depot. , Robertson, Wm, clerk at Kneeshaw's, bds. Victoria. Robertson, W. S., clerk at D. W.' Robertson's, Victoria. | Robinton, Charles, laborer at A. 01i-[ ver's, bds. Inkerman. ' ROBINSOX, EPHRAIM, steam fur niture factory and uudertaker,Kii.g ■ 1st door, east of Jarvis Hall. (Ses Card.) Roche, R., Thames. Roduherst, William, clork at Walley's. Roddv, John, tailor at J. Bole's, res. Oxford. ROMVX CATHOLIC CHURCH, John. ROM AX CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL, Johu, Miss Higgius, teacher. Ross, I)(Miak1, farmer, cor. Catharine and George. Ross. I)(ai:i!('. moulder at Xoxon's foun- dry. Ross, Duniild, planer at Oliver's steam saw mill, Ciiraegie. Ross, George, salesman at John Mc- Donald & Go's. ROSS, GEORGE, lumber and coal merchant, yard and res. A^'ictoria. KOSS, HUGH, H. salesman at Balmer's. Ross, Mary, widow, dress maker, Car- negie. Ross, William, engineer at A. Oliver'a, res. south side Vict 01 ia. ROSS, WM, millwright and civil engi- neer, Canterbury. (See Card.) Rowley, James, tin pedler, res. Oxford. Ryan, John, shoemaker at Brown and Galliford's, res Carroll. Sanders, Aaron, barber, Thames. Schofield, Flora, widow, dress maker, Cherry. Scofield, Henry, blacksmith shop and res, King. Schofield, Oscar, apprentice to Hugh Clark, cabinet maker, bds Clark 8. Scott, H. H., physician, surgeon, &c., 'Thames. Sheedy, Roderick, laborer, Cashel. Sharp', Richard, res Oxford, Sharp, Thomas A., fanning mill pedler at A. Oliver's, res Cherry. SHELL, DANIEL, gentleman. King. SHELL, SAMUEL, teacher in Uuioa School. Shebrecer, Martin, at Christopher & Bros, res King. Sherman, Jonathan, cooper. King. Sherman, William, < oper shop, Char- les. Sherman, Wm., cooper, Charles. Sherman, AVilliam, cooper. King west. SHARFXELL, G. J., f-rocer, Thames. ^iinclair, James, at J. Buchanan's. Slat(.>r, George, tailor, res Cherry. SLATER, THOMAS, merchant tailor Thames. Smith, Andrew, groceries, tobacco and cigars, King, bt Mill and Thames. Smith, George, farmer. Smith, John, boot and shoemaker, King. Smith, Lovina, widow, dress-maker and tailoress, Catharine n Thames. SMITH, T. M., prop, Great Western Hotel and livery stublo, cor Vic- tory and Thanios. (Soo Card.) Smith, Thomas, ashery, Charles. Smith, William, butcher, Oxford. ' Suelgrove, i*.briihani, paiuler, res Mill. Suowdoi), William, laborer, HalL AXD GENERAL DIRECTORY. IM aud Item [ill. ■^•"'"■r^Mffijnninii ALEXANDER dOIlDOH, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. KING STREET, O0. BROWETTS BLOCK, AND THAMES ST., WEST SIDE. ITS'aERSOLL, O.W. A complete stock of cloths of the best manufacture, whicli will be mada np to order, at short notice and at low prices. ' THOMAS CL.'VRKT BARRISTER, AND ATTORNEf-AT-lAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC, &o. Office, Taylor's Block, Thames St., i ,">»•! m n % I 156 i COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Sparrow, James, tailor at Slater's, res. Oxford. Sparrow, W., tailor at Slater's, res Ox- ford, SPRINGER, WM, M.D., office King Browett'a Block, res same. (See Card.) Stewart, Traacis, tailor, Queeu. Stimsoii, G. G., grocer, Thames. Stimscn, J. D., grocer, Thames. STUART, JOHN, flour and feed store aad proprietor North Star Mills, bt Mills and Thames. (See Card. Sutherland, Alexander, laborer. King Hiram east side. Sutherland, Ebenezer, carpenter and joiner at A. Oliver's. SUTHERLAND, HUGH,book keeper at A. Oliver's. SUTHERLAND, JAMES, publisher aad compiler of Provinci; 1 County Gazetteers, and Directories, office, Thames (See Card.) Swajze, Nelson, gcntlemanou, Ingersoll and Tnaraesford Gravel Road. Swayze, William, gentleman, Thames- ford Gravel Road. Taft, Joseph, agent Rochester Nurse^ ries, bds Ann. TAYLOR, JOSEPH, fish and fruit merchant. King near Market, res. King east THIRKELL. JOSEPH. Postmaster, P.O. cor. King and'Thames. Thompson, Mrs. widow, washerwoman. Cherry. Thompson, John, copper-smith, bds, Mansion House. TOWER, J. N.,fruittree agent, Moore & Bro., Rochester, N.Y., Hull, P. B. Road. Tripp, Moses E., medical student at Dr Springer. Tutty, James, farmer, at H. Crotty's, Victoria, Turner, Cornelius, carpenter and joiner at A. Olivers. Turner, George, corner Thames and Catharine. TURNER, JAMES & BROTHERS, stoves and tinware. King. Turner, Jeremiah, carpenter at East- wood's, Thames. TUTTLE, A. T., bds. Daly Housa. Vance, Robert, luker and confectioner, Thames. Vannater, Jftwes, reg. Charles. Veetch, William, boot and shoe maker, Thames, res. Metcalfe. VENTON, JOHN, operator in Tele- graph office. Railway depot, bds, with S. Venton, Hall. Venton, Stephen, Hall. VENTON, THOMAS, operator in Telegraph office, Railway depot, bds. with S. Venton, Hall. VINE, JAMES, notary public, con- veyancer, commissioner Queen's Bench, land and general agent, of- fice Caledonia buildings, Thames. Waite, Edward B., Thames, s. of King. Waite, Howlin, teamster at J. Chris- topher & Brothers. • Waite, Johij, carpenter and joiner at J. Christopher & Brothers. Waito, Nelson, grocer, McCarthy's block, Thames, res. Oxford. Walker, A ngus, tanner at T. Brown's. WALKER, JOHN, cooper, shop and res. Queen. Walker, Joseph, house painter, &c., cur. Catharine and George. WALKINGTON, SAMUEL, teller Conmiercial Bank. WALLACE, DONALD, hardware merchant, Thames, res. Queen. — (See card.) WALLACE, JAMES, blacksmith, corner Thames and Queen, res. Carroll. Wallace, James, laborer, Metcalfe. Walley, G«orge W., importer of crock- ery, King. Walsh, Henry, medical student at Dr. Scott's. Walsh, Henr^-, teacher, north Oxford. Walsh, Michael, law student with Mc- Caughey. Walsh, 'Thomas, teacher, north Oxford. Walton, Luke, second miller Carroll's millH. bds. with R. H. Carroll. WARNOCK, JOHN, machinist it Eastwood's, res. Charles. WASHINGTON, ALEXANDER, laborer, Carnegie. WATERS, GEORGE, horae farrier. res. Thame^ford r-" ad. WEBSTER, GEORGE H., cabinet maker, King, opposite Daly House (See card.) WHITE, DAVID, importer and deaU er in dry goods, carpets, groceries, boots and shoes, cor. King and MiU. ^. tr AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 157. ER. rier, inet 3use (eal- j-ies. JOSEPH BROWETT, INGERSOLL, C. W. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Gaps, Hardware. Farming Implements, House Furnishings, Ladies' and Qents' Furs, Paints and Oils, Carpets and Druggets, Lamps, and Lamp Oil, Room Paper and Window Shades, BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS. . CHOICE TEAS, FAMILY GROGEBIES, AND TOBj?lCCO©, The Public may always depend on finding a large assortment of the above goods. Being bought in the best markets, the subscriber will be able to sell a good article at a low figure. JOSEPH BROWTTT. I ^' ll i 158 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Whittaker, Jaa., pumpmaker Queen. Whittaker, John, pumpmaker, Queen. "Wilford, William, laborer, King Solo- mon. Williams, Goorfrc, woodworker "Nox- on'a Foundry. Williams, Tliomas, laborer, Carnegie. Williams, AVm., farmer. King Hiram. WILLIAMSON, JAMES, agent lor Alex. Dingwall, manufacturer and dealer in furniture. King. Wilson, Robert, laborer, Carnegie. WOODCOCK, RALPH A., dealer in books and stationery, and general news depot, P. 0., corner Thames and King. Wood, Benjamin, clerk at Shrapnell's. WOOD, WM. A., res. Anne. Wood, Wm. G., Wood & Judd) res. Duke. WOOD A JUDD, Railroad contractors WONHAM.W. G., P.L. Surveyor and County Engineer, res. corner Ox- ford and Anne. WORTH, H., butcher Market House, res, Oxford corner ^^aZETTEER, *' i- \ J. J. HOY T, M.D., Physician, Surgeon, to OFFICE— KING STREET, OPPOSITE JaBVIS HAIX, EESIDENCE AT THE HOUSE OF THOMAS BROWX, ESQ., MILL STREET, INGERSOLL, C.W. WILLIAM SPKINGER. M.D. HOMIflMT&JBflm CORONER WR THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. OFFICE— BBOWETT'S BLOCK, KING STREET EAST, JJVGERSOLL, C. W. WM. BEERY, \ COR KING & JAMES STREETS, CEiK'-"^ OLL, C. W. Gentlemen's Garments of f v^iy dv-s-rlntion. reun-'atefrand made to look ae good 03 now. ■ arlii.aki'" attention given to By this procesa traoca of a rent in olota can never be seta . AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 161 D. W. CAEEOLL, M.D, •9 OFFICE.—NORTII EAST CORNER KING AND CARROLL BTREKT3, A. F. McDonald, MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN TRUMS, VALISES, TRAVEL'G BAGS, HORSE BLANKETS, SLEIGH BELLS, WHIP LASHES, HORSE COMBS, ^ BRUSHES. CURRY COMBS, REIN SNAPS, TASSELS, And all other articles in the business. t 'i 08 British American Silver Plate Can be bud cheap at tlie NO. ONE STORi:. opposite T. BALMER'8, TIIAIIKS STKEET, l.^'GERSOLL, CW. 21 ■K. tea COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, THOMAS BOWERS, M.D., I OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, THAMES STREET, OPPOSITE EASTWOOD S FOUNDRY. PARTICULAR ATTENTION^PAib TO SURGICAL CASES. LYGERSOLL, C. W. JAMES Mcdonald, liLALEn IN HAT CAPS .4.\D f iiHi' WEST SIDE OF THAMES, NOHTR OF POiliROY'S BLOCK, INaEKSOLI., O. AV^ i;7ILLIAM HOBS, II iinriiii:; A N n CIVIL ENGINEER, i.xaERSoLL. an. AND GKNERAL DrRECTORY. wm INNERKIP. K. A post villape in thi! town^bip of Ea-t Zovru, and .-lituatorl on flio western V>ank of the river Thames, and oasteni 1-oundary line of tiic townsliip. The pnrroimdinfr country is chiofly a tJaiidy loivm, and cxtn*nu.'ly ffrtilc. The villago contains one store, one church, one print mill, two hotels, two hlncksmith shops, a wn^'on and curriaj^e j-liop, coop"'r rJhop, and lour lirMokihiri. I'opulation 200. POST C»1-F1(?E. Mails despatched on Tuesday.*, Tliursdays, and iSaturdajs, at 9 o'clock, fu ni.. and received at 4 p. ni. Robert Lindsay, J'ostnia.ster, OIUTRCHES. CA.NADA PKKSBYTKRIAN CHURCH. Built A. T>., 18.i3; cont $600; dimensions, 30x50: number that can be seat- ed, 200. Minister, Uov. Andrew Tolmie. KAST ZOKRA BAPTIST CHURCH. On 17th concft.<.-:ion. .Minister, Rev. John (rerrie; residence, Inuerkip. FUEKWIM, H.VPTIST CHAPKL. On 16th couce.s.siou, Ea&t Zorra. Pastor, Rev. Michael Doyle. '"- SCHOOL. Union School Section No. 10, lunerkip. Number of pupils, 147 ; average, 60. James Bell, Teacher. TEMPERANCE. I.VNRRKIP RErORM TEMPI,K, I. O. (;. T. Meett? on Wednesday evening, at Temperance Organized May 22ud, 18.^)8. flail. P. 0. address, lunerkip. W. ('. T., William Davidson, W. v., Sarah Ann Vincent, W. S., Thomas 0. Burpee. W. (1, Rev. Michael Doyle, W. T., Elizabeth Laing, W. F. S., James Belle, W, M., James Pelton, I. S, G., Abigail Peltou. *. OFKIi'KRS. O. S. a, John Gould. D, M., Augiista PeltOD, A. S., Harriet Doyle. R. H. S., Emily Vincent. L. H. S., Anzonctte Swan, P. W. C. T., Jinks Peltou. T. D., James Pelton, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Adams, Benjamin, stone mason. Adams, Ilenrj-, apprentice shoemaker. "Barney, Henry, carpenter. Begg, Mrs. Bell, James, teacher. Bowman, John, mason. Bowman, Thomas, mason. BROWN, A, L., carriages, wagons, ond buggies, and general jobbing. Browu, Miss. Burpee, Thomas 0„ farmer. Callan, Jamo.^, blacksmith. Callan, John, lime manufacturer. Callan, Patrick, lime kilns. CLEMENT. AV. D., M. D., graduate of Toronto University. (See card) (>ulver, Clark, carpenter. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM,, boot and shoe store. Day, James, geutlecaaVAN, JOHN, gentleman. Teeple, Alanson, fiitrgeou dentist. To'.vn, Edward, plastertr. Turner, George, carpent»T and joiner. Vincent, Charles, farmer. WALKER, J. R., M. D., graduate of Michigan Ciiiversity. (See card.) Wallace, William, farmer. White, AVilliam, laborer. TV D. CLEMENT, M.D., INISTERKIP, EAST ZORRA, CANADA WEST. RAE akm:s, INNERKIP, EAST ZORRA,. HUGH McKAY, Proprietor. No paioa will bo spared to keep the tabic well supplied with the beat tha Mwket afford*,— and the bar vrith choice wiaes, ales, liquors and cigars. M )r, |th» AND GENERAL DIRECIOUY. 165 INNERKIP, fiENEKAI- llEAI.p:a IV DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PAINTS, OIL S, T UR V K.XTLVK, DRY GOODS. GROCERIKS. HARDWARE. (tLASSWARK. CROCKERY FANCY ARTICLES, STATIOXKUY, .to. ALSO AOKNT ran tiik sai.i; or' Nc'Iipan's Euglisb Worm Camly, Biirt«^f';-* rill,-. Mr.-. Edwanls' Motlure" aiidln- fauts' friorifl, and Robert Bliirk's Cheiry Ba]!'i, .Magical I'aiii Puiil"-. and Mecca Horse Cure. J. R 'WALKER, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACIUCHER, N. B.— Ordei-s left at >Ir. J. Swau'n, Punctual!} attended to. KINTORE. A Poat Office of East Nissoiiri, on the tenth Conccaaion, and neveutecnth Lot. Mails urc received tri-weekl;.', viz: Tues^davt*. Thursdays, and Baturdaj-3, at noou, aud dinpatched at same time. William Murray, postmaster and gen- eral nierchaut LAKESIDE. A Poet Nallage of East Nissouri, situated on 26th lot, 13th coucpeaion. In tno vicinity of Lakeside is n very beautiful Luke, with an arna of about one hundred and ten acres. The surrounding country is well improv«,"d, mid has a gently undulating surface. It contains a store, saw and grist mills, brick yard, tin shop, blacksmith shop, shoe shop, and au hotel. II. Fred. Hharp, postmas- ter and general merchant *1 11:1 M ^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I IM 12.5 |50 ■^ Uii |22 1.8 ^ I L25 1(114 11.6 P> */a W > Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 \ iV •^ \ \ '">%^^ <^^^ Ht COUNTY OP OXFORD aAZETIEKR. LAKKSIDK ORANGE ASSOCIATION. (Organized 18th Murcb. 18')8.) Time of raettiiifr, Koconrl WtHlneBday of each month, at David Sturgess', 25th lot, llth oonrrssion. W. M.. Willium Batoj>, D. M., Mathow Wilbon, Boo., David Sturno.-^s. Treas., Arthur Blanarhassett, orrioKRS. I 1st Com., Wni. Wilson, j 2nd Com., Donald Lauiout, I 3rd Com., Richard Rosh, 4th Com., MF.thftw Datea. Alphabetical List of Profewlons, Trades, io. Brazier. Georpe, carpenter and joiner. Burdick, Enoch. biarKsmith shoj*. Eshelby, Uielianl, wajron shop. LAKESIDE HOTEL. John I^^w. jiroprietor. LAXESIDE MILLS. Jame.s Inter- pol!, proprietor. (See card.) LEE. JOHN, proprieioi Lakeside Ho- tel. (See <".iril.) Mnrphv, Charli'S. SHARP, H. FRED., dealer in dry goofls, frroceviea, hardware, crock I cry, boot«< and fihoe.s, and ready- i made clothinL'. (See card.) ; Sharp, 11., clerk with H. F. Sharp. I Shnibsole, Thomas & Brother, brick- Stevens, Peter, .'-hoe shop. Sweeney, Henry, teamster. H. FRED. SHARP, IDE^AcLEIi IlSr DRY GOODS, fBiwcrii^s, H?«Mlw«iri^, Pateiil Medicines, BOOTS & SHOES, And Clothing made to Order. ALLLINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN BXOHANaE. Mails receirod and dispatched every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sattmlay. U. FBED. SHARP, Foatmaitw. rgesa, AND GENERAL DIRECIORY. 1«T LAKESIDE MILLS in dry >, crock A ready- »■) aarp. ', brick- - ^ S, !S, s, CE ly. laitor. rii JAMES mGERSOLL, Pi^r. LAKESIDE HOTEL, LAKESIDE, EAST NISSOUIll, J0H^4 LEE, Prop'r. Evpry utteiitiiin will be paid to tnivclerA fulling- itt this lluiis". The Bar will b«> kept aln-ays supplied with tin* ln'?*t Ales, W'iiii'.-* ;uid Liipior!*. MOUNT ELGIN. A Post OfHco of the Township of Dereham, sown inilos from Inpersoii. It contains two Churches, u School, one store, one largo wtigou and carriage fac- tor)', two blacksmith shops, two hIioo s-hop?. and an iini. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. BODWl-lLL, E. v., .1. P.. general Mo viir, (', niorehant. MVLKS. ROliKKT, wagr.n and -^ar- lionser, Cifo.. hot 1 ket.'pcr. riagc iiiaki-r. Comfort, Anelnilker. Dooniin, Thos. .^hoi'inukcr. Iloperts, Sfi-plifn. p.iinter. Dairy, John, bluckymith. 1 WOODAKD. JIOSSK S., postmaster. Henry. Francis. bluckHmith. t Woodard. .Je*?rt> ^V'.. clerk. 9:1 ■i4 I Ci, I 168 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, MOSCOW OR HOWELL'S MILLS. bituat«d on llic 6th Concepsiou. 8th Lot, of the Towoship of Bleoheim, one milo and a-hulf from Diunibo. Wosloy llowcil, llourinp mill. Archibald Ilughton. miller. Juhn Rosr^, coopor shop. . . f- fi '..I HOWELL'S MILLS, Grist and Flouring, Clh CONCESsJION. 8th LOT. BLENHEIM. About one mile aud a-half East of Drumbo, also, one mile AX 3 A-HALF NORTH OF RICHWOOD. WESLEY HOWELL, Proprietor. MUDGE HOLLOW, (I'ROPERLY, CANNING.) A Post Villagti of iJlouheiin Township, on the 2ad Lot, 2nd CoDce.<»ion, aud noai- the South Eastern ooriivr of iho (!'niuity. The Village was first settled in 1812. find one time it bid fair to becojnt' i), and seated for 200 persons; a pood Common Schdol, with an average attendance of 60 pupils ; a large tan- nery, wooUtMi factory, flouring mill, saw mill, wagon and blacksmith shop, one store and a tavern. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. Arthin^'tuu, teacher. Dailev, .'^amut'l, farmer. CA^iEROX. TIKKS., currier. CAXXIXti HO'l'EL, R. Pierce, prop. Fray, .lohn, ]taiiiter. Gulioway. David, wagon shop. I Galloway, Jolin. wagon maker. I Harris. George, tanner. ■ Lee. Robert, spinner at J. Munro. I McFarlnntI, David, weaver at J. Munro. j Martin, Charles, butcher shop. Munro, James, carder at J. Munro. AND GENERAL DIRECTORT. 16t l1 MUNRO, JOHN, woollen manufac- turer. Palmer, Edmund, shoe shop. Palmer, Edward, sboemakor. Parry, Henry, shoemaker. Raines, Mrs., postraistrebs. RICHARDSON, GEORGE, general dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c. Richardson, Alex., clerk at George Richardson's. Bayiight, William, weaver at J. Munro. isherrick. Rev. Mr., United Brethren. bimpson, James, miller at T. VVright'd bpecht, Frederick, weaver at J. Munro. Taylor, W. H., trader. Turner, A. J., blacksmith shop. Wetberwax, Andrew, boot and shoe mannfacturer. WILLIAMSON, JAMES N.. tanner and currier. Wood, Alva, saw mill proprietor. Wood, Joseph, sawyer. Wood, Wilkes, sawyer. WRIGHT, THOMAS, miller and flour merchant, prop'tor Canning mills. I ill Oil NEWARK. A Post Oflace of the Township of North Norwich, situated on the 4th Con. cession. It contains a i-tore, blacksmith and wagon shop, — distant four miliS from Norwichville, and 13 from miles from Woodstock. GARY, AUGUSTUS, postmaster. HARDY, MICHAEL, merchant. Henderson, Ueury, blacksmith. Sexton, James, wagon maker. NISSOURI. A Post Office of the township of East Nissouri, on the eighth lot, four- teenth concession, (town line), establishe«l about five years. Joseph Howes, postmuter. NORWICHVILLE. A flourishing post village of the township of North Norwich, 17 miles from AVoodstock; 18 miles from Ingeraoll, and 2.'> miler, from Brantford. It con- tains three churches, a largo school, a Masonic Lodge, literary society, a Bible society, two Brass Bands, a number of stores, two large wagon and carriage factories, numerous other workshops, mills, and two foundries. It is sitnated in the midst of one of the richest and most fertile sections of country in West- ern Canada — .surrounded by farms in the highest state of cultivation. Popu- lation 800. MASONIC. ,ST. JOHNS LODOE, NO. 104. Stated communications everv Wednesday on or before full moon, at Masonic Hall. CFriCERS. W. M., John A. Tidey, jr., | S. W., A. P. Miller. 22 • m\ m ^ I iiil 170 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZEITEER, CHURCHES. CANADA PRESBVTERIA.v CHl'RCH. ' A'neat frame building, built at a cost of j$800. Rev. William Donald, Min- ister. COXCREOATIOXAL CHURCU. Built of frame, at a cost of $700. Rev. Solomon Snider, Minister. WESLEYAN METHODIST. A neat and elegant briok structuro, erected in 18C1, at a cost of 83,500.— Rev. E. Peake, Minister, assisted by the Rev. John X. Hewitt LITERARY SOCIETY. Meets every Thursday eveuinga at 8 o'clock, p. ni,, in Tidey's Building. Hugh McKee, President, | Joseph Bearss, Vice-President, A. P. Miller, Secretary. BIBLE SOCIETY. Depositary — John A. Ti.ley, jr„ j President, John McKee. Alphabetical List of Professions, Ttlades, &c. Adams, Henrj' J., hrrne.s shop. Addison, Wm., cabinet maker and un- dertaker. Anderson, Edward, shoe shop. Allen, John, baker with Bleakley. Avey, Chai'les, brick and tile maker. Avey, George, carpenter. Bagnell, Humphrey, cabinet maker. Bardley. Robert, painter. BARR & CO., (James Barr, George Barr, Alex. Wataoii), iron foun- ders and machiuistd. Barrett, Wm., baker and confectioner with Bleakley. BEARD, GEO. L., M. I)., surgeon,i'c. Bearss, Joseph, wa;ron maker. Beaton, Wni., laborer. BLEAKLEY, GEORGE, wholesale Carlton, Mathew, shoemaker, ('arter, Samuel, carriage maker. Cattou, Henry, grocer. Cheswell, Daniel, shoemaker with Hand & Co. Cheswell, Wm,, shoemaker with Hand and Co. Clark, Frederick W., travelling agent Clifford. Charles, cabinet shop. Clifford, Daniel, cabinet maker. •Coker, AVni., clerk Stroud's Hotel. CoUinri, Charles, painter with W. S. Scarf. Congdon, Joseph P., laborer. Couk, Ephraim, M. D., coroner, and agent for uiarritige licenses. Crane. Stockton, cari^eiiter and joiner. DYlvEMAX, A., earjienter & joiner. baker and confectioner. (See card) j Dieks(»ii, Beiijaniiii, a])i)reiitice with Brown, Jolui, prop'r l•^^untain Head Hof<'l. Brown, Robert, cooper. Bryant, AVm., shoe uiakrT with Hand anil Co. BUNGAY, GEORGE W., harness shop. (Sei> card.) BUN(4AY, LEWIS F., stoves and tinware. (See card.) Cameron, Duncan, ma.sun. CAMLIU^X, JAMES. ina,'.' :,»« 5- ^^0 r« SENECA PITCHER, ^i^i^^lii* "^^Y GOODS, ^wi iMi^^'""^*'"^'''' ^'■ockcry, Hard- en jjmwSjci ware, Paints and Oils, ; I JVOR WWHVILLE H N PALMER SURGICAL & ictiANICAL BENIiSI & 'gOLDSMIIH, Teeth inierted upon Gold, Silver or Vulcanised Rubber, Extracting, Scaling, Pilling and all operations upon tke Teeth performed in the best possible man- ner. From 20 years jjractice, H. N. P. can warrant all operations to be eatlsfao* torv. 172 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER. Hi ft, Fonnan, George, apprentice with IJan- Pugsley, Josiali, cal>inet maker with guv. AddieiMi. FOSTER, MORGAN & CO., general ■ Rawliiigs. Ricliard, wagon maker with merchants. ! W. S. Scarff. Gentle, Wnlter, brick maker. 1 RobinHon, II. W. P., Hchool teacher. George, W. II., tailor. ' RobinflOJi, NV. A., nhoeiraker. Graham, Alexander, tinsmith. i Roddy, David, tailor shop. Gray, Joseph, carpenter. ; Rurtficii, John, blacksmith with Scarff. Green & McCausland, (Jamea Green, SACKRIDHU, CllAS., general mer- E. McCausland), gen'l nierchanls. chant. Hagerman, David, farmer. j Suckrider, (yonwell, farmer. HAKIN & WOOD, shoe shop. i Sackrldcr, Linderman, laborer. HAND & CO., (Wm. Walter, and I Sackridor, Nehemiuh, gentleman. John Hand,) shoe munufacturers > Scarff, Thomas, trimmer with Scarff. and tannera. j SCARFF, WM. S., carriage and wa- ll arp, Elijah M.. laborer. ! gon nuumfacturer. (See card.) Uuntington, G., ironfounder and pa- Sloan, James, la])orer. tentee. Smiley, Jame.<5, tinsndth with Bungay. Jennings, Solomon, bailiff 4th Division | Smith, Wm. L.. laborer. Court. i SMITH, WM. L.. clergyman. Kelley, E. L., clerk with Sackrider. I SNELL. N., proprietor Elgin House. Kenney, Daniel, jr., chair maker. ; S.NYDER, SOLOMON, clergj'man. Knowls, Chas., tanner with Hand & Co. 1 Stevens, Alfred, cabinet maker with Lane, Henry, harness maker. { Addison. Leatherby, Robert, apprentice with Stevens, Hance, joiner. lileaklev. Steven.son, David, carpenter. Lewis, Wm. II., watchmaker and pho- j STEVENSON, JAMES, carpenter tographer. j and joiner. McCAULAY & CAMPBELL, car- ' Stewart, John, blacksmith with Scarff. riage and wagon makers. McCauJav, W. H., butcher. McCLELLAN, WM., general mer- chant. McClellan, — , clerk. McKEE, THOMAS, painter and gla- zier. Mann, John, laborer. Mann, ThoB., moulder with Barr A Co. Miles, Benjamin, butcher. Miles, W. W., A. M., gentleman. Stover, Enoch, farmer. 1 Stroud, Henry, clerk with Foster, Mor- i gan & Co. ; Stroud, William, gentleman. ' Strode, John and AVilliam, butchers. ; SUTTON, G. C, watchmaker and ! jeweler. (See card.) j Swartwout, Loreu^o, carpent'r & join'r. I Switzer, Amos, chair maker. I Switzer, Tobias, millwright with Barr and Co. MILLER & CO., (David and Abraham i Tidey, Claudius, student with J. A. P.,) dealers in groceries. ! Tidey, sr. Moles, Edward, wagon maker with W. ' Tidev, George W., carpenter & joiner. S. Scarf. ! TIDEY, JOHN A., sr., P. L. S., con- Montroas, Joshua, wagon shop. veyancer, Ac. MOORE, GILBERT, postmaster, res. j TIDEY, JOHN A., jr., druggist and North Norwich. I stationer. Muir, John, appren. with Hand A Co. ; Tidcy, Joseph A., school teacher. Nicholson, Peter, apprentice with Ad- i Tinney, John, laborer. dison. ' Vanvalkenburgh, Trueman, laborer. PALMER, H. N., dentist and gold- j VauWiuklin, Perry, apprentice with smith. (See card.) Addison. PBAKE, Rev. E., Wesleyan Minister. WALKER, GEORGE, cabinet war*. PITCHER, SENECA, 'general mer- rooms. chant. (See card.) WALLACE, THOMAS, J. P. Poldon, Wm., blacksmith ahop. WEBSTER, Rev. THOMAS, clergy. Potniir, Andrew, millwright. -inaD. AXD UEN'KRAL DlllKCIORY. 173 GEORGE BLEAK LEY, WUOLKSAU: AND KKTAIL BISCUIT AND CRACKER NORV/ICHViLLE, CANADA WEST THE sr».;rRiiiKi; visits INGERSOLL, WOODSTOdi AND BRiMFORD Every wfM'k wlirii ho will he plcascil (<» nifipiy, (IrortTS. lloti-l Krcpois and others with any doscription of Crui'kcrs ami IJiscuil % r^jitisfaction Guaranteed, ALSO, DKAI.fR IX GEORGE BLEAKLEY. MAIN STUKKT. NOKWICHVIl.LE. EW TANNBRT IN NOEWICHVILLE. THE 6ubscrih»^r begs leave to announce to the inhabitants of this place, and the country generally, that he has thoroughly r^titted thi.' Tannery formerly oc- cupied by Mr. Killmore, and that he is now prepared to execute all orders in his line with PROMPTNESS AND DESPATCH, for those who may favor him with a call. The highest niirUet price iu CA3H paid for HIDES *aud SKINS. Also, Tanning done on f-hares. East side of Chorch Street, and south of Front Street. JOHIi.DOUilUUannef&Cyrner. JAMES CAMERON, VETERINARY SURGEON AN'O HORSE TRAINER, - NO RWICHVIL LE, C.W. J. C, tnuDfl horses no matter bow wild or vicioua by the celebrated ■' Barcy System." . 174 COUNTY OP OXFORD OAZl-:rrEi:R, WhitfioM, Asaph, rlork with John A. ' Wilson, Stpphon, wajron shop. «T-ii ^,y . 1 , Wood, Edward, moulder. Will, J(Wf>h, shoe shop. Willianis, Michael, blarksmith with ^ "*"■'• '"'''" ^^ ''^''"'■• IJnrr*('o. /iinmiM'inan, Pliilip O. O. SUTTON, DKALKR IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER SPOONS AND FORKS OF ALL KINDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. Call and test our prices auXD GENERAL DIRECTORY. ITS WILLIAM S. SCARFF, uumi 1 ' J the btfully Irticu- part larao* 8up« \l\avir Constantly on hand, at my warerooms, a good asaortmeut of :CA.RRIA.C>ES of every description), made of the best EASTERN TIMBER. ALSO, Make to order any Htylc called for, at short notice. NEXT DOOR TO FOSTER & MORGAN'S STORE. NOIlA\^IOHVIIL.LE, COUNTY OF OXFORD. 176 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, OTTERVILLE. S A Post Villnpp of the Township of South Norwich, situated ou the Oltw Creek, 20 miles from Woodstock, 20 miles from Simcoe, and 26 miles from Brantford. Il bns u lurge trad*^ in suwn lumber, and farm j^roduce, and cout.dns eight stOK'3, two Churchc, Church of Euyljind, — u frame building erected at a cost of about one thousand doilurs, uud the Kvungelicul Association, a frame build- ingrrectcd at u coA of six hundred dollars. It also contains atiouring and grist mill, four saw mills in the \icinity; A woollen factory, an iron foundrj-, a wag- gon and carriage factor}', a large cooperage, and a large school, well attendsd and under the charge of first clos^ teachers. Popalutiou TOO. MASONIC. RIDOt'T LODGE, NO. 95. Meets at the Misonic Hall, on Thursday on or before the fall mooo of each month. P. 0., Otterville. OFFICERS. W. M., John Wood, P. M., Charles Lewis, 3. W., Robert Miinii. J. W., Ambrose Wilcox, Treas., A. Durkee, Sec. Jnrvis Goodwin, S. D., W^illiam Fonnan, J. D., Wra. Parker, 1. G., James Leadbenter, jr., Tyler, Peter M. Weaver. TEMPERANCE. OTTERVILLE DIVI&IO.S SONrf OF TEMPERAN'CE, NO. 257. Meets on Saturday, every two weeks at 7 p.m., at the Temperance HalL OFFICERS. W. p., A. Dnrkee, P W.. ll.A. Titu-?, "W. S., Elia.s Bowcrman, Sec, James Kay, Assist. Sec, Edw.ird Creton. TreaH., AVilliara Griirm, W. V. S., Andy McLim, C, John Ililliar, Assist. C, Joseph Stuart. I. S., Augustus Pnrsoii, O. S., John McFarland, Chaplain, John Foy. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Appley, Sylvcstor, lal»cror. Baker, C. It. laborer. Britain, M. .J., shooniakcr ut Durkoo, BULLOCK, EDWARD, mill owner. Bullock, .rallies K., uslu'ry. Burfjar, Mary, grocery and licpior store. Burnham. J. \'. constable Carder, D. D., olerk at Carder's. Carder, F A., agi'iit at Carder's gore steam mill. CARDER, G. W., M.D. (See Card.) Carder, .1. M., fanner. CLARK, E. B., anibrolypo artist. Cleveland, John, prop Cleveland House CLEVELAND. JOHxV F.. prop.. Otterville livery stables. Comfort, Stephen. Conklin, Wni., druggist. Cook, ('. D., prop. Exchange Hotel. Cooper, John, carpenter and joiner. C(.)UNELL, WILLIAM, gentleman. C^ourtlaiuU, IL N., school teacher. Creaghton, Edmoiid Alex., shoyniakor. Creaghton, William, shoe shop. Cromwell, R. B., merchant. (,'romwell, J. C, clerk. Davis, James, laborer. Delong, Theodore, laborer. AND ttRKERAL DIKKCTOUT. 177 from t.aas at s luild- griBt wag- each ,IL prop., Hotel liiior. kloman. Ut. tmakcr. DURKEK, ASA. J.P., tamwr and currier. Durket', Mrlhouru",'. Uurkio, ^Vurren, hanioss maker. Elf .'munii, llemy, mao.'H. £RU, X. k A..' rardiu^' aud fulliDg mills. Erb, Henry, farmer. Erb. J., farmer. Erb, Joj«?ph L., farmer. Erb, Samuel, f?i'ntlt'm8n. Fink, II. C, M. 1». i'\ir'n.H, Gt'uri4e, coc>;>ir ut Furlonj^ Foy, John, sboPiiiakir. i'r.iuk, (.Teorjfe, laboni'. Fmuk. William, tinsmith. FUULOMi, JOHN, UturvilW cooper shop. Ooodwiu, Andrew, clerk ut Goodwiu's. Goodwin, H. W., t.iilor. GOODWIX, G., dealer in dry goods Sroceries, ire. (See Card.) , Benjamin, farmer. HELDEUKANU. JUII.N' F., ouoi^er. \ HEU.MISTON, ANDUEW. farmer, j llillier, Thomas, p'^dliT. lilLLlKEH A BL'C ;K.( U. \V. Jliiliker i K'lht'rt iJut.'k,) ii..';i f-iUiidt-ra and' i;iariii;iiAt:<. ^ UilllkL-r, Henry, carriaf^'e maker. | Hisluj), Tiiomas, weaver. ' Johnston, (i. E., rooiKT. Rit^'hen. Jost-ph. blucksm;t!i. LEADBEATEU, .lAMES, senr., woollen factory. L"a(ju, Muth* w, miilt-r. Munn, R. 6., tailor. MAri'ESON.J. P., ,)rop, Olterviao Hotel. (See Card.j Middleton. Arthur, ^-entlcmnn. .Mitchell, Jame!", carpenter. Morris, Robert, hsracss maker ul l)ar':e«''i. Norton, Lulic, c(>oi>er. PuUn('^ H., ambrotypist . Pupioii, Auijustiis, waguu maker. PARSON, WM., wiigou nud onnuge nml.or. Penrose, Jof;se, carpenter. RciiVi ly, < Jeorge, clerk at Schooley's. Sable, JoLu, labon-r. Salmon, John, M.D. Sranlon. Win., wit^ron maker. SCHUOLKY, E. .v., lUL-rcbaut aud po;tina-ii'r. Slu'.'.v, l'raiici"», in<*chanio. ,ST':r'\ R. L., tin-hop STkVKXS. HKl'Ml-.N C. A., cooper. ST(»VKli, GILBERT, J. P. TALlUrr. K.. R..'iv.', Souiu Norwich, TrriMlBURX, Robert, sho-. maker. Watt.-, .lohn, ci'Tk ai R. B. CruiaweH'a \Vwkiii>o:i, Rov .loan, Ntw Oouucc tijn .Methoilisl. Wills, SannU'l, cooper. Wilusoe, llarriaoii, tanner and currier. Wiii.-^'M', IliMirv, tanner and rurrior. \VnTlNGT«>X. REV. WILLIAM Evantrelical .Vssi.ciation. 1 J. P, M.'VrrESON, PROP. The proprietor havinjj returned to his old stand, arid thorouj^'hly reiilled it, and furnished it in n(aiiif> three church organ1zati()ns, Iwk of whom have chun-hes. — The Cliunli of Enjiland congro gation meets ty prestuit in the Schottl ifousf. where sci'vic.'S are held evfvv al- ternate S.ibbath, by thi- ilev. Mr. ('lut'.vurfhy. The Wesleyan Meliiodists havo a neat frame buildini,', erected in lfc!.")J, at a oust of eigiit hundred dollars, and tho river from tho lilos from M> cliurch il coiifirc!- cvt'vv al- ii sti^ luivo liars, and AND GENERAL DJRECTOllT. 179 WILLIAM MOTHERAL, MANUFACrUllIvR OF DBOCI^TC-S ja.l>JX> sxxosss. Tlif very hc>\ inntoriixl always on liainl. All ortlors jiromplly attcudod to ; iili^o, rcpairiiitr doiio on the i^liortest notiof. A^LL AVOHK A\ A.RRA.JSrTEI>. GASH FOR HIDES AND SKINS. MICHAEL FORD, MANUFACTURER OF BOOTS & SHOES. A stock always on hand, and made to order, of the very best material. Repairing of all kinds attended to. BRITISH ARMS HOTEL, JAMES . DONALD, Proprietor ^.•^y'^'N^**.. '"\.^*.:'-V**.^'.*-V^V^*V.,-S.. TERMS, Seventy-five Cents per Day. i^E HM 180 COUN'IT OF OXFORD OAZE'lTKER. capaMe of soating three liuiiilrod prisons — Rev. MftHsrs. Fo;ir ar.d Chalmers, of Washington, offioiutiii^-. Tho (iorniun Lutheran Chnrch, a frame structure, wru^ erectoil in 1860, at a cost of liv(! huu.lred dollars, nnd is seated for two hundred and fifty prnn.sivo woollen factory, own ni by Warnock, Farrand &, Co. Thoy employ 40 operatives^, have an '^ngiue of 40-horfie power, three spinner?, three sets of carding machine?, twelve looms*, mx fiillitjg miiia, two raising gign, one shearing ni.iohine, one napper, and have « capacity of finishing and turning out twelve hundred yards per week. It con- tains a yfii-y extensive cabinet, ciiuir, and pail lactor}', the machinery being d''vcn I y a twonty-hor.se power engine, and employing about 15 hands. The factory is owned by N. Fried & Ci». It has also a large foundry, owned by A. McArthnr & Co., who employ a number of men, and manufacture, raowiu;,' and reaping machines, and all kinds of agricultural implements. Beside these, it contains two flouring and grist mill;i— one of four, and the other two run of Btouf-s— a large tannery, .saw rnd planing milln, vagou and carriage factoried* blacksmith shops, boit and shoe fhopa, and nnmerou.T other workehopa, two hotels, dailj mail, two .'cmperance lodges, and eight stores of various kinds.— Population 500. PLATtSVILLE POST OFFICE. Mails received daily, at 10 a. m.. and 5 J p. ra.. and despatched at same tim«. Samuel Piatt, postmaster. TEMPFBANCE. FLATTSvnXK EXCBL8I0B LODGE, SO. 114, B. A. O. Organized April, 1859. Meets on Tuesday evening. orvicztis. W. 0., Daniel Neal, W. V„ Jane Collins, W. C, Samuel Rutherford. P. W. C, Benjamin Shanf;. W. S., Roland Crock'it, W. F. S., John O'Neal, W. C. Mary Hall, W. L G., Miss Wakefield, W. O. G., John Davie, I>. G. W. C.. David Kilbora. OPriMUM TFMri.K, MO, 492. Organized February 1, I8ul. Meets ou Monday, at Temporauco Hall orruT.M. W. 0. T., James Hayward, W. v., Martha Hayward, W. S., Ephraim Motheral, W. T., Ann Ford, W. M., William potter, W. P. S., John Bird, I. 8. G., Mary Riddle, O. H. G., Jose^h'Kfcufman, D. M., Anatbers Anflslrong. A. S., Jessie Oliver, W. C, William Burton, R. Jl. S., Mary Spear, . L il. S., Elizabeth ttJirnbt;li. P. W. 0. T., J. W. Bv-mdle» T. D , William MothersU. AND GENERAL DIKECTORY. 181, FLATTSVILLE FODRDRY. '-«i-'*./*wM./' McARTHUR i CO, MANUFACTURERS OF Mowing&ReipingMachines CULTIVATORS, ITorsfi and Hand power Sfraw Cutters; Gang Ploucrh and Poed Drill combined; Clover Thrashers; Ploncrli;-; Stoves; Wood-Sawis'ir ^^ac!lipe^', itc. Repairing done on the shortest Notice. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PLATTSVILLE, C. W. EGBERT THYNNE, Dealer in English, Ammcan & German EiEHicms, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, SOHOOX. BOOKS. STATIONERY, Ferfiimeiy, Glass and Brushes, Fancy and Toilet Ariirlcs, clc, etc., etc. IU;SD.mTIIIFOIlilitFllTIIIiTlIIIIM PhysioianB' Prescriptions carefully compounded. ^2 CODNTV OF OXFORD GAZETTKER. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. I " : t i Aniistrong, Duiiii!l, at liu'loiy. Armstrong, Koliert, at woollen fartoiy Avi.ion, Jumoi", at woollen factory. Baker, lly, laud ])i'opri(tor. Baker, Nelson, hind projjrietor. Battye, J)avid, at wooilmi laetory. Bird, John, wapon nialcor. ^LENIIKni MILLS, flourinj,' and prist, and tannery, Samuel Flatt, proprietor. BRITISH ARMS HOTEL, James Donald, pron'r. (.^oo card.) Brundle, J. W. k Uru., tin Hhup. IJulloek, Suuniel, !ui>urer. Burton, \'. illiam, tiiilor i-hop. ('adzaw, Wiilium, at. woolKn fui tory. C'allighan. John, at woollen factory. Oann, John, laborer. (!ntzlIocie.s, farniei-. CLEMEN'S it VEIT(MI, (Aaron Cle- mens and Georpe Vritch). general merchairts. Cramp, William, butcher .^hop. Dany, John, labon r. Dukes, Mr.s. ir'airgnxive, John, at woollen faofoiT. Farrand, Walter J., (^^''arnock, Far- rand k Co.) Ford, John, shoemaker. FORD, MICHAEL, boot and shoo manufaotun r. (See card.) Ford, Thoinas', shoemaker. Fralie.k, George S., at woollen factory. FRIED A; CO.. (Noah Fried and AlL^u Kauffman), cabinet nnd chair fac- tory. (Si-e c:!!'d.') GARDNER, i'ETJ":i;, fl^i1 dealor. Oauut, John, at woolh n factory. Gofton, Roger, fajiner. GROSSE, ANDREW, .shoemaker. Hayward, James, painter Hopkins, Richard, groceries, &c. Holtz, John, tailor shop. Jonefi, Henry, general trader. KILBORN, DAVID & CO., general merchants. (See card.) KofTman, Joseph, turner. Laraway, Edward, at woollen faoloij. Larimer, John, mouluer. ^ I/'van, (/yrus, apprentice saddler. Lvvan, Samuel, pump shop, and job- binj^. Levan, .lacob, blacksmith .shop, and f,ener:d jolibing. McAli)iMt\ llujrh Fulton, hoi-se-nail maker. McAiiTUUR, .V CO.. founders, and manufacturers of reapers, mowers, and agricultural implemeut.s. (Seo eard.) McLean, John, mason. McLeod, Alexander, fireniftii- McLefxl, Hugh, turner. MAI'LE GROVE MILLS. Stauflfer and Co. Miifon, W. F., etiair maker. Morcum, John, laborer. MORISON, dOHN, M.I)., graduate of Dublin College. MOTHERAL, AVILLIAM, boot and shot! :-itore. (See card.) • Murray, AVilliam. Noal, Daniel, laborer. Norfolk, Jo.seph, currier. O'Neil, John F., shoemaker. PLATT, SAMUEL, flouring mills, Piatt'sville House. Mrs. Phoebe Dodge. POPPLETON, WM. H., book-keeper at woollen factory. Quant, John, engineer. R.vel, John, mason. Reynoldrt, Alfred, tailor shop. Riddle, George, at wooUeu factory. Robinson, Wm., sr. Saunder.'', James, at woollen factory. Seigler, Isaac, cabinet maker. Seip. William, shoemaker. Hhu} e, Jacob, ..-abinet maker. Sbupe, John, carpenter and joiner. SM.VRT, dOHN, general merchant, and assistant postmaster. Sheare, Henry, laborer. STAUFFER & CO., flouring mill?. Taylor, John, blacksmith, and wagon shop. Taylor, Thomas, carriage and wagon phop. THYNNE, ROBERT, drug store.— (See card.) TurDDull, R i!ph, at woollen factoiy. Turnbull, \\ illiam, at woollen factory. WARNOCK, FARRAND & CO., manufacturers of woollen good:^, carding and fulling mills. Wesley, Joseph, at woolen factory. Workman, Thomas, farmer. AND GENERAL DIRKCTORV. 183 wagon wagon store. — ptoiy. jfactory. CO.. goodd, D. KILBORN & CO GENERAL DEALERS IN IMAIDISE AID P[ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND M A N U F A T U H E R S O F Soap & Candles. ' V.' '.../**_' *—'*\#'*,/"-s*'*-".y**.'\^"**'\.i ^ Vy*N:' ^. /■•».'■ \. /»(!>•%., '*^"\./'*^-V. D R Y G O O D ^ , . .GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Boots and Shoes, HATS, CAPS, FUKS, PAINTS, OIL, DYE STUFFS, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, &c., i^ V ' \Bi OO0NTT OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, VICTORIA u. 1 t • i 1 ; '■m ) 1 ■M m m i m ! 1 -1 i I m ! 1 I^Xj-A^TTS^V^IXiIjE, o. *t^. ..^w*^.'**V%^».v**. '».'••***,'»,/*»>**. '>.#'**'*.^ N. FEXISD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF CABINET WARK, PAILS. &c., WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. « ALL V^OBK. "WARRANTBD. OUDEiitf BY MAIL, UR OTIIERWI.-E, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. PLATTSYILLE STATION. A Post V'iliiiuc iuiv.1 Slutijii of ih-.' IJuiriilo and Lu!i" Huron Railway, ia the To\vtwh\p3 of Blonhehu oud BlauuiVird. it coutaiiB a kvi-gt? si^vo factory, lately <-rec'ied by (TOoriro IJaird, who employ!; iibout -10 haiids, the machinery^? pro; ptllou Viy :> twelve lioreo power cngino. 'liu' V^illage also coiituln-: two generiJ fitoros, b!;irl.;jini(Ii shop, saddlery and luriio.s;? nhop. two tuvonw, — ciishmt from Woouirouk, 13 milt'.s, r.nd iJiri iiiilort from lluinillotj. Mail diiily. Popuiatioa Aiphabetical List o? Professions, Trades, &.c. Amoricaii \\<>U\, Wi;i. Ciitlibort.sou, .ronr-i. J.. immjxM-, R. &. L. H. R. propri'-'tMi-. L(), .JOilN, saddler .shop. RAIUl), (}|]0., pi'ii'M'd inr'rv'hatil. Mi'Audrv'v,-. .Ii;!,ics. sidc-niu!;. 1/. A:. Lake liuruii Rai!.\ay, and >.1um- ]\b.\vat, dolin, fiiric. trral 'iMcj'Tapli i.tVicc. OVKl^KLL, ■). ('., p:;ir'ral uion-haut. (.'()NVAN. dOIi.V, pvo!». r.:;r!o\v Pvowo I't llcchliiiL'. .-■lio(> ;di»)p. Ilou-t'. >">■•> itf, .\!('x., book kt'i'pcr. .lK)yh'. I'atiiclc, puiapi>r and woodnuni. SllAliP ^V. A., HAprvss agent. Ebi'iiai!, P.. .-lation nia.-tc!'. l'' arrow, F. N., .'*1hh! s-diop. Frasor, Alt'x., euttvr. (JriHTi, S. S., .«(alt':;nian. (irt'Pii, Wni.. sail r^Maii. Hunter, Areliil»ald, biai-ksniilh. Ilunt'V. Jarac'!', blaek-^niith shop. i^uiitli, Juhn, tiulor. Sti'ln, Wni., carpi'iitrr. Mi'i'i'ts, Jarvis, .>!», bhu-k.-iiiilli siliop. I /ingLj iV TiiMDipsot;, wayfoii shop. AND OKXKKAL DIRRCTOKT. 189 PRINCETON. A Post Village of the Township of Bleubeiai, aud Station of the Grent Western Railway, 12 miles from Woodstock, and 39 miles from Hamilton. It contains several stores, a shingle and stavo factor}-, three hotels, aud several workshops. There are two Churches, viz: Church of Eugland, built of frame at a cost of $800, and seated for 150 persons, Methodist Episcopal, a frame structure, erected at a cost of 81200, aud seated for 300. Mail daily. Popula. tion, 400. POST OFFICE. Mails rectived daily, J. G. Lindsay, P.M. S. Yale, Deputy P.M. SCIJOOLB. School SectioQ number 17, Blenheim, Tith Lot, 2nd Concesaion, number of pupils 75, average 45, Thomas Bolsten, Teacher. mat. B. & Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. I Murray, Daniol, porter, G.W.R. I Nagle, Williivra, .stone masou, Bailey, Norton, blacksmith. Bates, (Jeorgel butcher shop. BEAMER, B. M., soap candle and potash manufacturer. Bolster, Thomas, teacher. Bugbee, Wm., carpenter and joiner. Cheeswright, Fred., nicrchaut tailor. CLARK. DANIEL, M.D., graduate ■Bee of Victoria College, Toronto. Card.) COWAN, THOMAS, BailiCF und lumber merchant. DAVIDSON, JOSEPH, luraW mer. chant. Davis, Jacob, blacksmith shop. Davis, Wm., blacksmith shop. DUNLOP, JOHN, baker. Elliott, Frederick R , wagon maker. Fry, Miss Barbara, day operator at Telegraph office, G.W.R. Gibbins, George, brickmaker. Gilmore, Robert, shoe shop. Goodwin, Wright, night station master and operator. Grant, Robert, jilasterer. (Jriggs, Charles, shingle maker. Griggs, James, shingle maker. Griggs, William, shingle maker. Grigga, William, jr., shingle maker. HAVILL, H. J. & H. S., carpenters and builders, snsh, do«r and blind factory. (See Card.) HYMERS, F. W., carpenter and joiner LLOYD'S HOTEL, Jos. Lloyd, prop. McLEOD, CHARLES, blacksmith. Moore, James, pump«r, G.W.R. 24 Newcombe, Nelson, salesman, i NOTT, HENRY, groceries and manu- j fiicturer of boots and shoes. j Oldridge, Isaac, shoemaker. Oxford Hoiel, Thomas ll. Edwards, propri;:t<»r. PRINCE! ON HOTEL. Geo. Lavery proprietor. Quirk, William, wagon shop, Si'adc -f, Jolin, apprentice shoemaker. SCO'l L\ J. W., dry goods and groee- ries, crockery,' hardware, &c. Shaw, Snowden, porter G.W.R. Slawson, C. H., salesman. STIIT, ROBERT & JAMES, stave and shingle factory. (See Card. Swindle, Thomius, woodman, G.W.R. Swindle, John, woodman, G.W.R, Thorapson, Wm., blacksmith. Walpole, James, fanner. Watt, William, blacksmith shop. WHITLNT4T0N, H., drj- good*, grocerie.-*, crockery, hardware, liquors, watches, jewelry, lumber and shingles. (See Card.) Wiiiteiv. Henry, blacksmith shop. WOOD, G. (;.,'statio!i master, G.W.R. Wood, William, engineer. WRIGHT, SAMUEL, M.D., graduate of Montreal L. C. college of sur- geons. Yale, S., drj- goods, groCgries, crockery hardware, &c. 186 COUNTY OP OXFORD GAZETTEER, ROBERT & JAMES STITT, MANUFACTURKK8 OK 61 XI X ISr G^ ILj £3 IS , FLOUR BARREL STAVES, HEADING, WA601, M\m m CARRIAGES, Done to order on the shortest notice, and lowest prices. H. whitincton" DRY GOODS, CfiOCK[i)!JI(ii)WliB[.W&Kil'ESy[||fELR! AND DEALER IN LUMBER AND SHINGLES, PRL\CETO,X, CJy. DANIEL CLARK. M.D.. M.B.L, FHimN. SMBON FORMERLY rilARM.iCEUTIST IN THE ROYAL PUBLIC DISPEN- SARY OF EDINBURGH. AND GENEEAL DIRECTOEY. m E J. & H. S. HAVILL, COISTTRACTORB, SASn, DOORS, BL NDS, MOILDINGS, BASE FRAiMES, CORNICES. &C., Constantly on hand' or made to ord»>r of tbe newest dcalgne, nnd at the ahortcst notic'o. PRINOETOlSr, O.AV. RATHO. A Post Village in the Township of Bliinuford, on the 12th Concession, and a Station of the Buffalo and Lake Huro:! Railway. -It contains ono Church, and a store, two blacksmith shops, shoe shop, tailor f^hop, and a tavern, — dis- tant from Woodstock. 11 miles. Poriiilalion about 1<'0. I'OST OFFICE. 12 CoLocssion, (ith Lot, Muiis recrivrd Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*, at half-past one o'clock, p.m., and despatched at half-past one o'clock, p.ni. Walter S. Elliolt, Postmaster. (.MlUR(jriES. Ratho Canada Presbyterian Church, built A.D„ 18r)2, cost 3S00, dimensions 40 H GO, number that can be seated, 350. Rev. Andrew Tolmie, Pastor, re* 8th Concession, 9th Lot, Bhuulford. TEMPERANCE ORDER. RATUO RECLAIM I.ODriE, I. 0. OF O. T., Meets every Tuesday evening at Temperance Hall. P. 0. address, Ratho. OKFKKRS. W. C. T., John Morton, " v., Christina Buchan, " S., Henry Arnot, " T., Mary Beard, " F. S., Andrew Hcrbeson, f' M., John Davidson, jr., I' C, Joseph Petecrow, »• I. G., Eliza Robertson, W. O. G., Hugh Beard, •• R. H. S., Jesse Cauchron, " L. H. S., Agnus Petecrow, P. W. C. T., John Mclnnea, D. M., Margaret Beard, W. A. S., Margaret Couchrou, T. D., Joseph Petecrow. Hi Rl III *\ - I i\ I P i\ ■•{ ''1 188 COUNTY OF OXFORD OAZETTEER, Alphabetical Li»t of Alsbine, Thom»8, carpontor. Andreas, IVtor, cabinet maker. BROWN, W., station master. CMneron, Roh«rt, blacksmith, (•nUllE ic KVAili, fJobn Curri« James Kerr,) blncknmiUi sliop. Hamilt(m, Jnmesi, carpenter, liopworth, Joseph, shoemaker. Kerr, George, tailor shop. Kerr, James, shoe shop. Mclntyro, John, blacksmith. Profaaaiona, Tradea, &o., FEAT. THOMAS, farmer. Wood Side IJill. RATUO HOTEL, W. Huffhes, prop Robinson, James, teacher. Saanby, John, plasterer. SMITH, WM., carriiipes, waggons and Ituguies made to order. Waldie, Walter, blacksmith shoj). WILLIAMS, JOSEPH, general mer- chant. & RICHWOOD. A Post Tillage of th»^ Townsliij) of IMonlicim. and Station on the Buffalo and Like Huron Railwiiv, distant from Woodstock, 18 miles, from Paris 8 m'les. It contains a store, two Chnrche.s, a good School, Omnge and Temper- ance Lodges, hotel and several mechanic .ihops. Mail daily. Population, ISO. POST OFFICE. Concession 5th, Lot 8^b, mails received daily, viz; from west 119, from east 3 20, and despatched at snniH time. Joseph H. Lavcock, P.M. Robert Scott, Deputy P.M. CHURCHES. Weslcyan Methodist Chui-cb, built A.D., 1861, cost, ^1500, dimensions 30 M 40, number that can be seateil. 200. W. Griffin, Paris, and T. Bartlett, Richwood, Pastors. Freewill Baptist Church, built A. I)., 18.)0, cost SIOOO. dimensions. 28 si38, JElev. Stephen Griffin, Pastor, rt'S. Eastwood. TEMPERANCE ORDER. RICHWOOD rVMVLK. I. (). Of (i. T., NO. 553. OrgaAized 15, Doc. 18G1. .Meetrf on ever*- Tuesday evoninOf, at the Village. P. 0. addres.-*, Richwood. on i» i'i;r:. W. C. T., Matthew F.. Ainsiie. " v., Barbara Brown, " T., Emma Kennedy. " S., Robert McLean, '• F. S., William Taylor, " M., Lyman Hall, " I. O, Bessie Brown, W. 0. G., Hcnrj- Munroe, " R. H. S., Clarisa Lewis. " L. H. S., Mrs. Hall. D. M., Caroliiit; Rochester, W. A. S, William Brown, P. \V. C. T., William Ogilvie, T. I)., Robert Harris, LOYAL ORANGE LODGE. ItlCHWOOD LOYAL ORAXGK LODOK, .\0. 393. Meete at Richwood Exchange, on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.. AND GEXEBAL DIRECTORY. orFicns. W. M., JauMfl Hughson. D. M., William Grubayi, \V. S., Marcus T. Douglnw. [ Tyior, CbarleH llaniilton. HCHOOL Richwood School, (see. no. 14,) Concession r»tli, Lot Otb, number of pupils. 171, areragu 71. Robert McLean, Tencber. Alphabetiotl List of Professiont, Trades, &o. Pickle. (Miurk'S, carpt-uter. RirilWOOD EXCHANGE. John l>. llufrbson, prop. Scott, Robert, genera' .ercbant. Taylor, William, shoe shop. Thomson, John, blacksmith nhop. Bolston, John, carpenter. Hall, Lyman L., carpenter. Ilughson, John D., hotel. LAY COCK, JOS. II, P.M.. Township Clerk and J.P. Manro'e, Henry, shoemaker. Ogilvio, William, tailor shop. SALFORD. A Post Village of the Township of Dereham, on the IngcrBoll and Port. Burwell Plauk and Gravel Road, 4 miles from IngersoU, 14 miles ftom Woodstock, and 2.5 miles from London. It contains a store, several workshops, and has a daily mail. Population 200. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. BOON, WM., mer'hant & po^tm'ster ; Lewi.^, C, cooper. Bloor, Charles, shoemaker. Fells, John, carpenter. Griffin, Rev. Stephen. Hogg, Charlc8. Id ale, John, carpenter. Kennedy, James, carpenter. Mayberrj', Franklin, blacksmith. Mayberry, John, wagon maker. Miller, John. Robinson, Patrick. team-sttT Russell, Thos, laborer. Withey, Erastuij, laborer. SOUTH ZORRA. A Post Office of the Township of Eaat Zorra, distant 5 J miles from Wood- stock, and situated on the llth Concession, 14th Lot, on the Woodslock and Huron Gravel Road. Cross, Thomas, postmaster. f SPRINGFORD. A Post Village of the Township of South Norwich, distant from Woodstock 17 miles. It contains one store, pump factory, carriage and wagon shop, two blacksmith shops, boot and shoe shop, n tannery and one hotv.1. Mail daily. Popnlatiou. 150. !ii 190 COUNTY or OXFORD GAZETTEER, LOYAL ORANGE LODGE. ORA.VUE LOViii:, NO. UL ' Meets «t Springford on TuoHduy, on or Mom full niouii in each mouth. OKKK'KR.S. W. M., Gilbert StoM-r. D. M., William (.'omfoit. Sec. Stephen Comfort, Trews. Georffo Ijcanionn. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &c. in; g Anstico, ChiiilcH. Anstice, Fn'tleviok. Ansticft, M. K. I3ARNKS, I'llO.M AS. ro,.per. Bell. Mii'hufl, fiinner. 7if»n.-i, Kdiuond, slioemnkor :unl farmer. yowlhy, T. A., fiirnirr. Bowlliy. , fanner. nowlin-, Jo?ialt, farmer. Uowlhv, Wrttsuii. i'armer. Cameron, Kraneis, M.D. Cliiswell, Saniuel. tailor. Color, William, -^hoeniaUer. (Vossett. John. Mlioeinaker. nSlI, .r. W. k J. D., pu, ,> manufne- turers. Grahan), Willium, oaiijentor. Hall, AVilliam, j)miip maker. Jillard, James, laborer. MeFarland, Pev.^r, blacksmith shop. MeFarland, Alex.; blacksmith. ' Merchant, James, pentleman. Mndije, A. J., wap-on maker. Mudjire, Philip, cari)enter and joiner. Oatnuin, VV., shoemaker. Knssell, Windsor, clerk at Wilcox's. SfPLE, EZRA, jiroj). farmers inn. Siple, Francis. Scriv«;n, Samuel, tailor. 'I'racy, Thomas, laborer. Van Unskirk, — fanner. Walton, John. Wilcox, A. L., merchant. Wilcox, Dyer, farmer. ' Wilcox. Cornish. I Woodard, Butsey, farmer, i Woodard, G. W'. , wheelright. i Woodard, Lucius, blacksmith. SWEABORG. A post vilk-ico of the township of West Oxford, on the Woodstock and Dereham gravel road, .';| miles r.uutii-\vest of Woodstock. It contains one church, two steam saw mills, one gri-?t mill, several shingle makers, and one steam shingle factory, one store, one tavern, and a post office. Population 150. TEMPERANCE. BWEARORG TKMPKE, NO. 396, I. O. O. T. Time of meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m., Temperance HalL OFFICERS. W. C, Orson McCarthy, W. v., Warren Cody, ' W. F. S., James McT^od, T. v., W. a Doylo. W. 8., Joseph Withrow, W. T., Mary Thornton, W. M., Robert HalL ' AND GENERAL DIREfrTORV. 191 CROLY & MANZER, MANUFACTURERS OF SAWED SHINGLES. SHINGLES OONSTANTLY ON HAND. Farmers^ Prod ace taken in Eiehange. BWEABORO. SVTEABORG ""^ ii Hi ,.._ JOHN CARR, Proprietor. -.,^-«i.->./-N„*\^V**\.*^*^'-V."'%'-\*'' f LUmeiROFALLKHALWAlSONHAl. Bills cut to order on the shortest Notice. GRISTING PROMPTLY DONE. JOSEPH WITHROW, Prop'r. This mill is capable of sawing 10,000 foot in twentv-four hour?-'. ALIRIISOFLUMBERALWAISONHAI, AND ORDERS PROMl'TLV ATTE.^'DE » TO. ! ! •4 • 192 COtTNTT OF OXPOED 6AZBTTEEB, .•,.| Vi v.. %\ 5'' ' ;■' I ti ! Alphabetiool List of Professions, Trades, &o. AKNQLD, WM. BKAGG, WILLIAM, farmer. (-•ARR, JOHX, pro^'r steam saw and grist mill?. (Sw card.) Cbamberlin, David, cooper. Chamberlin, Ilarrisoi), sawyer. CH.\MBERLIN, JOHN, farmer. CltOLY & -MAXZER, shingle mauu- fa<,'turer8. (See card.) Crosfl, Erwiii, nawyer. CROSS, JAMES," sawyer. Doyle, Thomas, carpenter. Eehelby, Robert, cooixr. Flood, Jamps, laboror. Gee, Frederick, shingle maker. Goddard, Geo'ge, blacksmith Hbop. Hal), ilre. Ma.y Ann. Lester, Joseph, fanner. McCalley, Hugh, shingle makar. Mcintosh, John, miller. McLEOD, JAMES, sawyer. Manzer, Ilenry, Laborer. Manzor, John, farmer. MANZER, VINCENT, laborer. Schrara, Robert, laborer. TEETZEL, JOHN M., Sweaborg Ho- tel. WADDINGTON, RICHARD, shin gle maker. White, Andrew, farmer. White, John, laborer. Withrow, James, carpenter. WITHROW, JOSEPH, proprwtpp steam saw mill. (See card.) THAMESFORD. A Post Villnf.'<; sitiiatrd on the hanks of the middle branch of Ihu River Thames, and on the lino of the Governor's Road, which passes through' it, ia the Townships partly of East Xissouri and North Oxford, distant from Wood- stock, 14 miles, from Loudon 14 miles, and from lugersoU 5 miles. It is con- nected with Ingersoll aud London by the Ingei-soll and Thamesford Gravel Road, atid also with St. Mary's by the road leading from it to St. Maiy's. There is excellent water power in its immediate vicinity for mill and factory purposes, with good mill sites. It contains about half a dozen general stores, three blacksmith shops, two carriage and wagon factories, one woollen factory, a flouring mill, and a saw mill. . There are three Churches, viz: Church of Eng- land, Presbyterian, and Episcopal Methodist, and a good Common School, well attended. , There is also, an Orange Lodge, aud a Lodge of Good Templai-a iu the Village. Tl» nearest Railway depot is Ingersoll. Mails tri-weekly. Population about 650. ,^^.^ , POST OFFICE. .., , Situatoil on Duudas Street, mails received and dcHpatohed Tuesdays, Thurs- days, aatl Saturdays, at 10 o'clock, a.m. Lnwreuce Whelan. Postmaster. , _. CHURCHES. St. John's Cliarch of Euglami, j^iruuted on Dundas Street, West. Rev. Wm. Brook man, Pastor. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Free Church, situated on Delatre Street, East. Rev. John FniRer, Pastor. Episcopal Methodist, situated on IX>latro and George Streets. Rev. Jame^i Gilrav, Pa6ti)r. ' THAMESFORD COMMON SCHOOL. Situated in East Nissouri, pai-t of the Village. Numljer of pupils, 150, average utteudauce, 79. Douald SutUerlaod, Teiioh^r. .) I Thurs- AXD GEN'ERAL I>n{KC'tV3RY. «3 LOYAL ORANGE ASSOC I ATIO.V. I.OYAL ORAN'iK l.iHUiK, SO. t)90. Meets ou Tufstlay, niouthly, ou or liefon* full moon. »t the Orange Hftlt„ Thamesford. P. O. adrlresH. Thaniei=t'or(l. 01TH KB«. W. M., David Judge,, I). M., E. U. Swibev, T., D. Quinn. S., TliomaH Longhpedt 1st Com., R. .)olni9»>u, "iiul Com., J.. Brown,. TKMrKIJANCi:. •• TJICK »LUE TEMPM:, NO. 1*21," I. 0. (i. T., Was orgauizt'd on the 26th of April, !?<.')♦>. Meets on Monday oigbt. in tb9 Temperance Hall, 'I'liauie.^foid. i'. < >. n]' (CANADIAN TWEED, FLANNELS, SATINETTS, PLAIDS, &o. ALSO. CUSTOM CARDER, CLOTH DRESSER, Ad TlMMtlSFORD, C. H'. ' ^ J 194 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZE'ITKER, !!■ h jii Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Ill $l| Jii, ^^11 I ti (i'M r M if :• I i\ V i Baker, James, cooperage. BJgley, Mra, Uo89. Wesley, laborer, Jirock, John. Brock, Mrs. Brown, Jumes, weaver. C'barlosworlh, William. Cogswell, Erastus, paiutor and glazii r. ' Davidson. Andrew, blacksmith shop. | Davidson, James, cariiai^e and wagon | makor. ! Davidson, John, wajrou maker, Dundi.s. Davidson, Rol" ■;, blai'K.^mith shop. DAWE.S, 'i aoMAS, M,I». Dav, Israel, laborer. DONAU)Si)N, GEO., blacksmi'.!). ^seo Card.) Dr}-din!r, David, tinsmitli. F01M<:N, 0. 13. F., dru-gist. Fountain, Jame:::, carpenter. Garner, Feter, prop. Royal Hotel. Gilray, Bamuel, laborer. lleadVick & Sbewau, b.oot and bhoc- n -'kers'. Hicks. Ale.\., farmer. Hull, Hazz.'ird, machine .-li'>p. JOHNS, JOIIX, prop. Thame^f..id mills, giist and saw mills. Johns, William, millt-r. McCarthy, Joel. McCarthy, X. C'., dry goods and groce- ries. McKAY, JOHN, tailor shop. .McLelliin, John A\'., farmer. McMillan, Bnclianan, carjit-ntf !'. McMurray, James, cabinet shop. Mabee, J. 11 , laborer. MARTIN, JOHN, general merchant. Mills, J. T., liiishcp. Morri-on. lintih, laborer, MORKiyON^S HOTEL, Mrs. Moni- fou. proprietrc>-, (.See Card.) ' Neely, James, miller. Orchard, Nathaniel, tin peddler. Orchard, liimon, laborer. , OLIVER. WM., Imtcher shop. ; Favsuiis, J olif), laborer. ' Royal Hot< 1, P> ler Garner, prop. I oears, Joseph, furpentcr. i Shapland, Richard, laborer. JSHAFER, 0. F., general agent and ! patentee. \ bi7.e, Goorjrf, shoemaker. I Si.M', J. G. v., shoemaker. Stevenson, John, laborer. tfUGDEN, JOHN, woulkn factory and I urdinjr mill. (See Card.) Snrbev, Edward, shoemaker. KEYS, JAMES, macliino shop, Dme Sl.THERLAND, DONALD, teacher da.s Leonard, Rnscel. LEFAIVE, K/.RX, shoemaker and potasii nnnmfaclurer. Linch, James, lal'orei'. LOCGHEED, THOMAS, dry goods groceries and commission mcr- chanl, ttc. /Sec Ccird.j Mccarty, DAVID, boot and shoe maker. McCarthv, Elezar, contractor. iTHAMESIORi) .V'lLLS, J. Johns, pru].. 'J'ibliPts. Alva, tannorv. TEKTZEL, WILLIAM, prop, Cross Keys H.,tel, (Sec Card.) Cnpihart. I'linuld, laborer. Wiilerlnmse, .Idlin, spinner. W II ALEN. LA WR-NCE,postmaster AVOODLANU, WM., dry goods and "iroccrii'S. MORRISON'S HOTEL MRS. MORIUSO?', J'ROI'RirTUKJJS. — •♦' — ■ This House atlbrds <>uod and cumrni'fiible accommudation fur the travelling public. N'isitors will always find ihe talile substantially supplied with delica- cies in their st'a.-:on. The bar is furnished with wines, ali- aiid other litpiors of the best brands with choice cigars. Good stiibiiu'ruud an attentive hostler. AND GENERAL TtlRErnORY. 195 d gi'occ- loiT'haiit. i. Moni- ,'aid. ) T. P- )rop. tront and 1 factory Card.) ), teacher J. Johns, >ostmaster oods and L, tiavclliiig th dcliou- li(|nors of ostler. I GEOIIGF. DOIVALDSOxN, CKNERAt, :o iLi .^ o is: ss A/X 1 1? xx .\ M I WAGON MAKER. REPATRTNG DONE AT SHORT NOTICH THAMES FORD, C.W. THOMAS LOUGHEED, COiilSSIOi iERCHMT, AM) VICTORIA BUILDLVGB. VICTORIA HOUSE. Dnndns Street, N<»rth Side, Thaniesford, i'ount} of Oxford. TILSONBURG. (P. 0., DEREHAM.) A i^oat village of the township of Derohani, situated ou the Otter Creek, aiid on the IngersoU and Pcit Eurwdl rf^\-:\yc\ road, distant from Woodstock 2r» milcf, from IngeraoU 15 miles, from Vioniia 14 miles, and from Port Burwcll about 18 miles. Lumber is the principal business of the place, in which there is a very exton^sivf' trado, and by the facilities afforded l\v the Otter Creek for propelling machinery and rafting lumber and timber to J'ort Bui'Wfll, Tilson- bi'rg enjoys the largest trade in this In-nnch of busine:^' of any other point in the Couiity. Its general business consist? of ten or twelve general stores, sev- eral saw and grist mills, a planing mill, f'Miudry and machine shop, .sash, blind, and door factory, pump factory, two wasliiivi; ma U 8> !l Hi '^ ■■!■ in I' Hi 7" : ;;i * 'f 1 id« COUMT OF OXFORD GAZKrTf:^^. and other profi-s^ionf arc iilso wi-ll rfpresotitM]. Tim viilat^o likewise ooiitaiua two dmrches, uiul one lurg^ •■(iininDn school, bt-sidi-s two juivato ouc■^. It in favorn- Uy situated fur busiiioss, and from tlie txtelK'nt Iiydiimlie power wLicli it pos- w-»8«H, Hitt 9 »\v avuiluMe for otli<>r luil!.^ .'itid t'adori(-8. Cotd oil has recently Ijefn discovered in llie iieig}il)orlu»(>d, jind wdls tpcted {h«t Pre long tiie oil liUHiiie,->j v.i!! l,i<.-c-<'inf h ii'iiiun«'r..liii;i: uiid Hin|)l<' one in the dis- triit. The \ illnno is nipidly i>ro:er>4oil and l'«vt linrwcll. MsiiB daily. J'opuliUion about 8.'»(>. MASONIC. Ki.si; iiiKVM i.oiMiK, .NO. IS, o. ;i. i. Rfgului' communications, Wfdnpsday lui or holore lull moon. Lachhiu Mc- Jiean, Secretary. R. xx. BTjxvxL£]i, MANUl'MTlRKlt OK AND DKALKR IN TIN, COPPER, SHEET. IRON WARE. .V. LARGE STOCK OF COOKIi, PiRLORi BOISTOf ES, And Japanned Ware always on Hand. Ordfre for f^ave trou; h^ promptly jiUrinleii to nithrr in tUv villain*:- ur country. NORTH AMEIIICAN HOTEL, MACAULAY BOYCE, ProD. This hoaae will continue fo hv nu|d*? 'i comfortuble home for the trav<«l[ing public, Rud gneets will receive every atteution. ANT) GENERAL PIRECTORT. 1»T intrv. op, 'lling xB[£]i HERAT < T)y AND GKNKRAI. ADVKUTISKU FOR THK MM OP OXFORD, NORFOLK, & IILGIN, 18 injHLI.SHKI) EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, AT THE OFFICI-: IN TILSOISTBURO^, BY JL ■ JaLu jMLCJN jniJMiiHiJbSi**^ Editor and Proprietor, nnd forwarded bv the oarliost mails to all part^ of the I'rovinep. Terms. — %\M per aiinuni in advance : iC not so paid. $3.00. T. A. McNAMARA, PLAIN AND FANCY BOOK AND JOB PRllNTER, Is prepared to execute every dpflcription of Printing, such ns • BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, - CARDS, ■ ' CIRCULARS. BILLHEADS, NOTES, CHECKS. , POSTERS. * PROGRAMMES. H ANDBILLS, JLc, IN THB VBRT BEST STYLE of the ABT, AND AT PRjOES TO SUIT THE TIMES, US- COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, Ac, J a I 111 ml III m 11 5 ; If! V: •t * 'f >i AULT, J. M.. physioinri anpn, Tlionui.-', shoomakiT. Hiuik. N. I"'., tanniTv. BoiiiiLr. Jithn. BOYLE .MACAULAV. propriotor of North Anu'rioan Hotfl. (c^oo card.) Biirko, U. C., carjMiitfr. BURKE, R. H., inaimfacluror of tiu- wart», and dealer in stoves. (See card.) Calvert, W. J., watchinaker. Cameron, Danifj. liuiibirman. Carpenter, ». B. W., clerk. Clin.se. .Tolin. Clinton, James, carpenter. Colbourn, Erastus, laborer. Cope, John, blacksmith, ('owell, Lambert, laborer. Cram, Augu.s, blacksmith. '" Crandall, Aaron, mason. Crandall, Charles, mason. Crandall, Joseph I'., mason. Crocker, J. W. Dalrymple. Robi-rt, cabinet maker. Darrow, (Jeorge. blacksmith. Danow, William, blacksmith. Dewan, John, tailor. FERGUSON, C.W..geiier'l merchant. Foote, A. J. Franklin, Benjamin, physician and sur- geon. Goodwin, Thomas. Gurnett, John, clerk. Graham, Mrs., select school. Gregg, James, laborer. Harris, Thomas, harness maker. Harvev, \\ illiam, oarponter. Hill, Charles. JACKSON, WM. T.. livei-v stables. JOY, SYLVANUS, M. D., physician and surgeon. KELSO. DAYID, cabinet maker. Kimpton, Mrs. Lighton, Thomas. Lunnen, William, watchmaker. McDonald, W., tailor and clothier McDonald, William. McTnlyre, Peter. McLit'yre, R., tanner. M.clntvre, Sarah J, • -^ McLaren. Duncan, lumberman. * McLEAN, LACllLAN, postmaster. McNAMARA, T. A., editor and pro- prietor Herald, and book and job printing office. (See card.) MATIIESON, WM., general mer- chant, No. \'i liroadway. Mathews, James, carpenter. MA RETT, FRED., dry goods, milli- nery, crockery, &c. Mantt. Mrs., millinery and dress goods. NESBITT. \V. E., conveyancer, no- tarv ])ublic, and township clerk. NEWi'OMB. SIMON BOLIVAR. attornev-at-law. OLMSTEAD, R., general merchant. ONEIL, JAMES, innkeeper. Palmer, James, sr. ! Palmer, James, jr., toll-gate keeper. I'atton. Henry. ' Pease, Lewis B. i Rauney, James. j Sanderson, Courtland. ! SCOTT, AARON H., patentee of new I lever power. \ Shup, Frederick, laborer. I Slaght, Silas, general merchant. ' STILL WELL, —, hotel and stage proprietor. ! STONE HOUSE, EDWARD, attor- ney-at-law, and conveyancer. Taylor, George, shoemaker. ; Taylor, Peter, shoemaker. "THE HERALD,' [weekly], T. A. ! McNamara, edi*or and pi'oprietor. (See card.) Thompaon, John, harness maker. TILSON, EDWIN D.. lumber yard and aaw nulls. Tilson, George, gentleman. ' Tilson, Gec"ge B., turner. Turner, Wm. E., tailor. Usher, William. ; VAN NORMAN, A., groceries, dry ! goods, ifec. i VAN NORMAN, BEN J., lumberm'n j YanNonnan, Johnson. I Van Norman, Lewis B. Watkins, Joseph. 1 WEST, WILLIAM, gener'l merchant. Wheeler, Samuel, shoemaker. Whittaker, John, pump maker. Wilson, Alexander, butcher. Wilcox, Reuben. Wilson, William, laborer. « AND OKNEttAL DIRKO'IORY. VAMIECAR'S MILLS. 199 A small Village of the Township of Nortli Oxford, on tho '1th Concw^sion, 4lh Lot, on lhiii'k, orecied in IP."-*"., and co>-t •':r;i,r>00, there ia uo resident pastor, tho Rev. Mr. Lund uf Wood-.t->('k, oflicint* s or -a^ipionnlk. The School ha» au awrage attendanct of 40 impil.'-. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades. &c. Arnold, Thomas II., general morchunt. Burdick, Samuel, blacksmith. Clark, A., boot and shoemaker. Dean, Solomon, engineer. Dibble, David, M'., M.D.. phy.siciaii and surgeon. Galbraitb, T. J., saw and grist mill. Kate, George, mason. Pierce, Hamuel, miller. Tiiley, Miss Martha, teacher. V'andccai-. Israel D., mill owaer. riea, dry iberm'n lerchant. WASHINGTON. A Post Village of Blenheim Township, situated on north halfof Lots 12 and 13, on the 12th Concession, and south halfof 12 and 13, on the J3th Conces- sion. Th(- fust survey was made by -lauu'S Black, P.L.S.. Xovember ISol, for Arthur John Robertson, and Mr. Street of Niagara, It contains two stores, one Wesleyan Methodist Church, one Srhool, averHge aiiondanee, "."), one lirst class cabinet and chair factory, propelled by water power, also, one tannery, a wagon and two blacksmith shops, two shoe shops, and a tavern. Population about 100. ciiunciiEs. AVesleyan Methodist Church, i'nH'ted in l^Otl, and dcilicated i>t January, i860, wa.s built at a cost of ^'2,."»00, and seated for 400 persons. Kev. Samuel ^ear, and Rev. David Chalmers, Pastors. Trlstkks. — James Watson, John Brundle, seur., Daniel AVaketield, Mos»'s Reynolds, Wni. Baldwin, Abrahum B. Stauft'er, Elias G. (-hamberlin, Andrew Oliver. TEMPKR.VNCK ORDER. WA.SUIXGTO.N I.OD(iK, .\0. 120, B. A. O. OK (J. T. Organized on the 23rd May, 18^9. Meets over Mr. C'hamberlin's Store, every Monday evening. P. O. address Washington. OFFICERS. W. C. T., Joshua Brundle, " v., Eliza A. Chamberliu, " C, Nelson Reynolds, '• S., James Winterburn, " P. S., Edward Boucher, jr., " M., James Ritchie, '• T,, Hannah Trouse, W. O. G.. James Battye, " I. G Margaret Thompson, " A. S., Ann E. Thompson, '■ A. M., Martha Brundle, •' R. H. S., Martha Johnson. " L. 11. S., Emilv Dav, P. W, C. T„ AMT EL. ^\ ">l<>.van l Vo,.t, Geor-.^N (Vogt i GilleH). MethOUliit. I ■ ■:> \ o / Fisher, Christian, cnliinet maker. WAKEFIELD, DANIEL, farmer Gammon, William, rarriaae and wagon •. and postmaster. mnlicv. " I Walker, Robert, farmer. Gilles Michael, i Voift * (iilles.) cabl- Wallace, William, painter. net manurucmrii-. ■ Wallis, Jame?, blacksmith and hor%«- Oraham. John, carpeutt-r and builder, , shoer. Orahbuhl, David, upholsterer at Vogt W A ISDN. RK\ . JAMEb, Metho- & Gilles'. ' fl>J»t. VOGT & GILLES, Prop'rs. Keep conBtantlv on hand, and are manufacturing to order all kinds of FURNITURE of the best makers and latest style!?. BLACK WALNUT, MAHOGANY, MAPLE AND CHERRY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. l AM* GEXKRAL DIRECTORY. Wl >f " LIVE ANILLf T LIVE." EG. CHAMBERLAIN, n£AI.KR IN DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, &c, &c., iuferior to none for ha'g iit U.e ibeim, "W" -^ suae I KT <3r T? O 3>flr. A (iOOU &TOCK OF FAMILY MED1CINE8 Always on hand. Dried fruits for sb!c. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AND FARM I'UODUCE BOUGHT & SOLD. Brwicli Bible Society's Depository at E. G. Clianiljerliu',s. .^sf .YOKTH BLE.XIIEIM. WILLIAM DUNN, PKALEB JI* DRY GOODS, rA;niLY ■:» ^'-z The stock ia well selected, and the be=it of goods will nlwny* be ."oM ut liviag profit'. OOA.L OIT. A^jSrX) LAMPS. PRODUCE TAKEN /.V EXCIUA'GE. CASH FOR PEAS, OATS AND TVOOIi. AT POST OFFICE, ^ WASHLKOTOW, htUVUBlM. 2Q ■nr^ 202 OOUTOT Of OXFORD OAZETTEEft, WIND FALL MILLS. Situated on the 7th Concession, 19th Lot, of BItnhcini. Thorc 'n also a School Soctioij number 12, hall' a mile IVoin the Mills, with an average attend- ance of 40 pupilt*, Aiphabe'ical List of Professions, Trades, &c., CAPROX. JOHN iJ., prop. Wind , Herbert, Wijljatii, laborer. Fall Milla. j McCuity, Putricli, sawyer. Dunn, 'i'liomaa, laborer. ■..^- Martin, 'Miss Jane, leachtT. Fcrriby, Robert, tcanutcr. . , '; ' Wosibrook, John, foreman at ntill. Flewgard, rJdwurd, head sawyer. i WOLVERTON. A Post Village of the Township of Blenheim on tho 8th Couceesion, 8th Lot, and situated oil t!;o river Nilli, 2J miles fast of l»runibo, 20 niilea from Woodstock, 10 miles !rom Paris, and 5 miles IrDin A} • It was settled by Enos Wolvorton in 18 18, and the Village plat was surveyed in 1851 by Thomos Alchin, P, L. S.. — Now it contain" two (.'hurchefi, Methodist, a frame building cost &400, i.iid the liapti-it. a IVunie cost 5-600. The number of pupils at school average 40. Mail, tri-weokly. Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. i " Alex, U., tailor. • - ALLISUN, "\V. &. J., lumber dealers, bda Aleggs Uott 1. ANDREW, VVM., out meal mill. Armstrong, Wm., cooper. Baiu, Peter, millwrigi.t. Bawtinhimer, Absoloni, wagon maker. BAWTINUIMEU, C 11 li 1 S 1' V- PIIER, black'milh and hori^erilioer .Brown, James, laborei-. Brown, John 11., tlax factory. Buckberr)-, Hugh, laborer. Burgess, Wm., luliorer. Chesuey, Henry, cooj)or shop. Chesney, Robert, saw mill owner. CHE8XEY k ENGLAND, saw mill proprietors. COLE, L. B., merchant and postmaster (Sec Card.) CouliiO)), , ashery. Currey, James, & Bros.', grist mill and saw mill proprietors. David. on. Robert, laborer. Duwsun. Robert, laborer. Dawiou, Geo. W., I'atmer. Dawson, George, builder. Dawson, Thomas, farmer. Daw»on, William, farmer. Duffy, Hujfh, laborer. Edgar, Julin, boot and shoe manufao tur(>r. England, James, saw mill owner. Forsyth, Elijah, carpenter. Gear, Levi, leiiinster. GROVE, JOILN WM., sawyer. Ilalstead, David, lumber dealer, llerman, Fred.. (Kaiser & Herman.) Hoggarth, David, farmer, lluueymaii, Eben, farmer. Hunt,' Riibcrl 13., book agent. KAISKR k HERMAN, cooper shop. Kaiser, Jolin G.. (Kaiser & Herman.) Luughliu, John, at tlax factory. Lovett, Julin, schoolteacher. McKAY, AVM., euopcr at Kaiser A Herman's. MALONE, WM., cooper at Kaieer & Ilerinau's. MEGGS, JOHN, prop, Meggs Hotel MiltoQ, Isaac, carpenter. A?n) GENERAL DIRECTORY. 203 ;r6hop. jrmaD.) Mitchell, Thomas, farmer. Mitchell, Wm , cooper. , MONTGOMKUY, JAMES, nt Kuisor & IlanimnV. Montgomery, James, cooper. Moxley, Win., laborer. Orr, Ale.x.. laborer. Phillips, Elijah, laborer. Printer, Robert, blacksmith. Reid, Richard, lumberman. I Simpson, Saraa-'l, farmer. Sipes, Henry, farmer, cooper' .Sipes. JamcB, firmer. St.uidon, John, ohairmaker. Tiianomaii, Geor>re & James, farmers. Turner, Stephen IT., cooper at Kaiser & Herman's. Wpllnce, Abraham, farmer. WARNER, F.. steam etave factory. Wulverton, E'l >9, gentleman. L. B. COLE, GENERAL DEALER I.N DRY GOODS GROCERIXSS, HARDWARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, PATENT MEDICINES, Which will be sold cheap for Cash. Produce taken in exchange. MEGGB HOTEL, A^OT-iVEIiTON, JOHN MEGGS, Proprietor. I — *~ The table will be always supplied with the best the season affords. Tlie Bar with the best Ales, Wines, Liquors aad Cigars. 104 OOJTSTT OF OXFOBD OA^ETTKEB, WOODSTOCK. i«i la the County Town and Judicial sent of the County of Oxford. It wm in- corporated OS ft town by Act of Pnrlitinenl I'J inid 20 ^'ictoria, cap. 98 (dnto of incorporation, 1st Jaii'mry, IB.')?.) with llu' fdlov.ini^ corporate limits, vit: " Conim' lu'iiiir on tiie nortlt«'rIy liuit iif Inmili;; ^tri ft, nt n jmiiit wLore »■ " post hoH bH»»n plnnttvl at llif H0uih-wi*5it aiiirlc of lot number IH, m the hit con- " ct'Kyion of the township •.•i' Hlnmlford ; tli'.nr.' in a northerly direction along " the we.ftern boundary of the baid lot, to the al'.tiwanct} for road between iho "first and Hccond concessions of tiio .«-aid towi.^hip of Blandford ; thence con- " tinning the same eourse to tlif noith; riy limit of the paid road allowance; " thence wc>-terly along the said northerly liniic to the river 'rhamcs; thence iu " continuation of the last nientiont-d oonise, across the aaid river to the water's " oilge, on tlie woMerly bank ilier* of, to a point opposite the southerly bank of " Cedar cie>'k; thcn of ('• thir crook, on the ."outhern " nido tlKTcof, to the ea^t* rii limit of tlie &1I'>wh!.( e fur rodd between lot nnm* " bcr 21 m the fuft concfs-^ion of the townnhip of Eii'-t Oxford, and the Goro " between Ka.xt and Wc.-t Uxtbi'd: thoii"'" (■o\itii( r'y along the said eastern limit " to the Ho:ith(!ru limii of the dIIouki!*'*' for road between the first and second '• co!ice«siony of iheHui'l loWiiHliip of Kurt U.vford ; thence easterly along tho •' Mail] Kouthern limit to a point oppo«!ite to llu- cei.fre of lot number 18 in tho " first conccfi-fion of tie- said township; thenco on a lino e(jui-distant from tho " eastern and western side lines of tiie said lot ntnnber IH, on a course about •'north l.'i* 40m. west, to DimhIhs ^Itcm: tlieme cohtinninj!: the s.'ur.e course to " northern limit of Duiults str.M t; nnd then'U-:t!;d -ix hundred and forty-three raale.s , and one thousand six hinuhvd and eii'iity-four females), and that of 1851, two thousand one hundred and tv,e!i!y-0:"^. Manufactures of various kindi^ and jjencral commerce, — but more par- ticularly the buying, selling, and forwarding of wheat, — form the prin- cipal business o, tha jiloce. Its getierid business comprises numerous stores — wholesale and retail— work.'ihoiw of tho various branches of mechani- cal industry. Especial mention muy be mudo of the " Woodstock Iron Works," established in 1842, and owned and carried on by H. P. Brown, where stovep, tlireshiug machines, plows, cultivators, mill gearing, tin and sheet iron ware» are manufactured, and material turned out of the annual value of $30,000. It» ih'w «.<(tAbU3hiueQt thero i* a lO-hor^ie power cngiu« in operation, and 18 nieu AXD GENERAL DIREiTTORT. 305 OLD ESTABLISHED OARRW FACTORY. ,»"w*».*N***«'»***v^«,^*fc>'\«»*^*v/" *,*>»/**.'•.* WM. SCARFF, Oomer of Perry and Simcoe StroetB, J^^IIas coDJtaatly on band a large and varied as^tortmout of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &€., wbicb for Btylp, durability, and cbcapues.", cannot be snrpasRod. All articles in tbe above line made to order on tbe sbortcht notice. Job Work and Blacksmilhing execiitrd in , and is eelel)rat<.'d in the New York market for its superior brand of flour; it is capable of maimfiicturing 250 barrels of fiour per day. Henry Frizelle owns and carries on a steam gri.^t and flouring mill, situated on Dundas street, Enst Woodstock, where he manufactures 100 bar- rels a day. Another mill, by Clarke & Co., turnn out 50 liarrela a day. There is likewise an extensive barrel and stave factory, owned by Thomas J. ClarK. In the manufacture of heather, Drown & Wilson havo a very extensive tannery, situated no:ir Cedar creek on Slill street ; this firm have been doing business over twenty years. Lately they suflfcred a vory heavy loss by the destruction of their premises by fire. New buildings are, however, now erected. Another tanner}' is carried on by Wni. Wilson, on Burtch street. East Woodstock, who is doing a large busines.^. There is also a l'at<-'iit Medicine factory, of which Robert Stark, cliemist and druggist, is proprietor, where 650,000 worth of medicine is annually manufactured. Also a large wholesale and retail book and pa})er warehouse, and extensive blank book manufactory and general book- bindery on Dundas street, AVest lind, and another bindery establishment ou Graham street. In the immediate neighborhood of the town, and on the Lon- don and Hamilton road, there is the best oil refinery in the Province, owned and carried on by the following gentlemen as a firm : Jordan Charles, Jarass Kintrea, and William Spencer, turning out 400 barrels of refined oil per week. There is also an extensive hrewery carried on by S. Collins. The principal buildings of the town are of brick. It possesses an excellent Town Hall with Market House uoderneath. and surmounted by a belfry and weather guage. The Courts of Liw are held in a large and commodious building situated ou Hunter street, and tlio oflicej of the County Clerk, County Court, and Deputy Clerk of the Crown, and Uivi.sion Court Llerk are in the same building. Close to the Court House, and Iol *tod on the corner of Light and Hunter streets, is the Registry ofiice for the County aiid County Treasurer's office, built at an expense of 83,200. In rour of the C/Ourt House is the new jail erected in 1854-5, at a cost of $26,000; during the last year an additional expenditure of $6,000 was made toward its improvement and more comfortable accommodv tioa. The town also contains seven churches, viz : one Church of England, one Presbyterian, in connection with the established chnrch of Scotland, three Presbyterian, formed of the union of the Free Church of Scotland and original United Presbyterian, one Wesleyau Methodist, one Regular Baptist, and a Ro.Tian Catholic Church, whose services are conducted in the Town Hall, pend- ing the erection of their new church. The Canadian Literary Institute is located at the east end of the town, and \)a9 a very pleasant site qu & rising ground, comtnaading splendid scenic views, r are blish- 30wer '. This are.— stories d. It ict for f fiour g mill, )0 bar- Thoro ClarK. anucry, lusiness ruction Another ek, who f which k'orth of il book al book- inent on hi Lon- owued Jamss week. )riucipal all with uage. iintod ou Deputy Closf xeets, is ilt at au ected iu 3iture of )mmodv iigland, |d, three original and a ill, pend- I'Q, and ic views. iV ANT) OBT^RAL DrRECTORT. 207 D. W. BOSS. UOIJERT BIRD. ROSS & BIRD, "i! conveya.ncp:]hs, &o. 9 OFFICES, -OVER PARKER & HOOD'S STORE. WOODSTOCK, C.fV. E SILVESIEE, AUCTIONEER, A.COOUNT^NT, INSURANCE & GENERAL AGENT. WOODSTOCK, C.W. THE fOODSTOGE HOTEL, AV^OODSTOCK, O. AV., W. BISHOP, Proprietor. '*,'%,/'k***,'^»/'%.'<,'**/'«.,**.'"»/'*."^."*^j' *.'•«-•' ^. '*»''». ' THE Subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he has leased and rc-opeueJ the VTOODSTOCK HOTEL. The deserved popularity of this Ilonse (first under the management of the lato Mr. Matflon, and lately under Mr. V. Xortoii), loaves little ueoessury to bo aaid a!i to its comfortable internal arrangements or its Itu-intss position; while the purpose of the Proprietor will be to maintain that excellence. He there- fore hopes for a share of public support. An OMNliJUS will run to and from the Statiou free of charge. WILLIAM BISHOP. I 208 COUXTT OF OSFORD GAZETTEER, Hi It is a noble structure, (reflecting great credit on its architect, Duvid White,) of tlirce wings or compartments, surmounted by a handsome dome, having five large entrance doors, spacious halls and school rooms, with comfortable and well \'entiluted dormitories I'or the resident pupils, together with ample play grounds and all the '• means and appliances to boot," for their healthy recreii' tion and amusement. With the preat advanUiges which it possesses, coupled with the eiriciencv of its staff of Professors and Teachers, this educational es- tablishmcut is rendered one of the best scholastic institutions in the western part of the Province. The present structure has been but recently built, and on the site of the original one, which was erected at a cost of about i?30,000, but which was destroyed by a disastrous fire in January, 1861. The Institute is under tiie control of the Regular Baptist denomination. It has three differ- ent departments, viz; Primary, Higher, and Theological, the average attend- ance on which, coDbibts of fully 100 students. The Primary school is attended by pupils over eleven years of age, who study the various branches of an ordi- nary English education. In the Higher Department the students are prepared for the study of Theology, or for matriculation in Arts, Law, or Medicine.— The fees for attendance in these dopfirtaionts vary from 820 to $28 per year. In the Theological Department, attended by about 30 students, the tuition i» gratia. Woodstock is a chief Station of the Great Western Railway. Stages run from the Town, noith, south, cast and west. TOWN COUNCIL. CoQDcil meets second Monday in every month, at the Council Chamber, Toym Hall. MAYOR, WILLIAM WILSON, | IlEEIVB, HOMRR P. BROWN, PEPUTY REEVE, JOHN M'WHINNIK. COUNCILMEN. St. Andrew's Ward. — Thomas Oliver, Jordon Charles, and James Hay. Sr. Patrick's Ward. — William Scarff, John McWhinnie, and Henry Parker. St. George's Warp. — HomorP. Drown, Wm. Grey, and Henry Silvester. St. David's Ward. — Thomas Cottle, Dr. John Turquand, and Robert N. Light St. John's Ward. — John Bain, F. B, Schofield, and John Beard. MEssENf;r..t. — John Harrison. Chief Coxstasle, — William Oorrio. Treasvrer. — Thomas Scott. Clerk. — John Greig. POST OFFICH Go Dundas Street, between Wellington and Victoria Streets. Office open from half-past e'?ht a.m., to six p.m., not open on Sabbath days. Mails twice each way, from East and West, daily. Charlos de Blaquiere, P. M. George We^ks, As,-;istant, P-M. William llargrave. Clerk. CHURCHES. CHURCH OF E.KOLAXD. Situated on I)unda.s Street, East, brick, built in 1833, cost twelve thoumud two hundred dollars. Rev. William Bettridge, B.D., Rector. Church WARDFNi — John Beard, and Charles do Blaquieie. John Beard Secretary and Treasurer. John Deverall, Sexton, V ) ) i, O 1 Y o X )avid White,) e, having five fifortaVjle and h ample play kealthy recrva- iesses, coupled ducational es- n the western utly built, and jout S^30,000, The Institute as three differ- iverage attend, lool is attended ;hc3 of au ordi- ts are prepared or Medicine. — ) $28 per year. i, the tuition i» y. Stages ruu Chamber, Towa IWN, James Hay. Henry Parker, nry Silvester, and Robert N. eard. >rrison. 'illiara Oorrio. 18. Office open rs. Mails twice P. M. George welve thottmod If. John Beard INViilSTED i'UNDB, | £1,311,905. » Increase in Fire Revenue in Year 1861 £46,000. ^ / ' ' r/^ Addition to Life Fund in 1861 ,. . £54,477^> "^^ ■0^*0 0»-<^' !»'t-r^^-5Va- '%»^W:y*3>>^r^ I'i JOHN BEARD, agent. Woodstock. I 1 1 THE /^Eifiprjiool anb Eonbon Insuranrp (Jompng*^ DiRECTORS IN LIVERPOOL. Clmlnnim— Oeoboe Qbant, Esq.. DeiJUty-Cbalrmeu— Oiufi. 8. Pa&ker, Ksq., aiid J. A. Tobik, Eai. Samcrl Asmo.N, Esq. .InliN B. nrtANCKf:it, Esq. Tll(I.MA.1 JillmlKl.KD.lXK, Esq WlM.lAM KaHI.H, EwI. J. C, KwAUT, Esq., M.P. ir. B. GlI.MOVR, E'q. TiioMAH IIaii;ii, Esq. KoBt.Itl IlKHilK, E-^q. llL'4ill IloaNJJV, Esq. EnwABD Moos, Esq. C'HARLHM HAlNDhltS, El Francis Siiand, Es^i. JuUN BWAIHSON, Esq, I JosKPIl HUBHACK, Esq. OhXIKdK H. LAWBhJiCK, ESQ. llAKllU) liln I.KDAI.K, Esq. JuiiN MABKim-r, Esq. Secretary — Bwinton Boult, Esq. Assistiiut SB.;retiii-y— W. fi. Wii.Ks, Esq. | Auditors— C. T. Bowrwo, E.q., and Daniel James, Esq. MiUic:il Rofcieua— Jamm R. W. Vohk, M.D., and Thomas Insian, Al.D. B:Liilier9— Bank of LrvEiiPOOi, aiul UsioN Bank ok London. Solicitors— Messrs. IiACe, Mausuai-l, Gii.i., & Clay. | Suiveyur— Toun Stewart, Esq. DIRECTORS IN LONDON. Chairman— Sir J. MubiiRovK, B.irt. aiid AUlunuMi. Ueimty-C liairiuen— F. HAr.rusoN, Esq., and W. Schot.kfiei,d, Esq., M.P. JoHM Aduis, Ei.s there is committed. (». t< (M MANCHESTER BOARD. Office, 61, KINO STEEEX. Chiiirinaii~-SAMt;LL Akuidn, Esq. E. R. Lakoworiuv, Esq. I Thomas Wiuulet, E;q. EnwAHD Tix>TAj., Esq. I SwimoN BoLLT, Esq., Secre- Ja-Uuj A. luiNEr., Esq., M.P. f tary to thi' Company. Kesident Sec— It. A. KuiKi^uv, Esq. SCOTTISH BOARD. Office, 128, INQilAM 8TREEX, GLASGOW. Cii;.iriiiaii— J. Rkid Siiavakt, Esq. Dep.-Chair.— 11. Steele, Esq. | R. F. Khaw Stewart, Esq. J. CAjirBKLL, JuN., Esq. j SWIKTON BouLT, E8(.., Socfe- Jauku J. Orikvk, Esq. I tary to tlie Coinii^uiy. Ites. Sees. — D. Stewart, Esq., and D. K, Crawford, Esii. kl ^x S '3 y» V PHOGiM'iSS OI' Til.*- '.'OMPANY The following Table exhibits in an authentic form the Progress of the Company's Business in both Departments, from its commencement in 1836 to the end of 1861, the last date to which the annual accounts are made up, previous to this publication. Year. Firo. Life. Year. Fire. Life. Year. Fire. Life. 1837 *ll,t'80 £1,764 I 1847 £41,402 £19,840 I 1857 £889,851 £101,928 1818 23,805 3,182 | 1862 98,654 60,79B | 18C1 300,130 135,9^4 This Large Kevenue is rapidly increasing. Its settlements of lo.sses have unitornily been liberal and prompt. Its well-known resources, te.sted by claims amounting in the aggregate to Two Mii.lion.s and a (Ju.\i< ikk Sterling, afford the most undeniable security. c_5.cr^FIRE DEPARTMENT.^^:>^ The influence of THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON is uniformly given to such an arrangement of the Premiums, in all ca.ses where piaoticable, as shall indicate and induce improvement in the character of risks, so as to keep down the permanent cost of insurance. EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR IMl. ■ Tlie Premlnrnft received for Insurance agalast Fire amount to £360,130 19a. SU., whilst tJ»o»e lor ISflO wot.. .lcn3,nB 12b. 7a. ; 3howin,T an increase in the Yew of £46,40,^ '/a. 2d." ■ c..e<::^LIFE DEPARTMENT.r:^^^ Its system of LIFE BUSINESS is based on the principle of knowledge and certainty. The Policy-holder, when he effects his insurance, knows th.it he is to acquire LARGE BONUSES if he adopt tliat TabI ;, when they wiU'accruQ, and what they will amount to, EXTRACT FROM THE ANNUAL REIGRT FOE THE YEAR 1861. •' The Number of Life Polic'ea issued is 754, Insuring £418,562, mxi producing In Premiaic, *13,793 13». 6(1, "The account sliowa that tiic Uital roccivetl from this source was X.VM,9~-l 'M. M, and the amount of Cl.iims paid "tT-OlSi 93. 2d or the Anmiitant.s, 13 have died, to whom €2V3 7b 4d. v.T-s ai-nually payable , anU 61 new "Bonds have Iwen Issued, under which the Annuities are -tl.'JtO ISs. 11).'. XUe total oum now j.ayable m Aauu;- " ti,'s Is ezi 271 17s. Zd., and the Balance at the Credit of : he Bepartment at the closo ot li)61 is *:7ft2,262 li)» »a , 'aKilnst that of 1860, .«70T,780 7r 3d ; showing an addlUoiv ot «04,4.V 8b 6d. to the Life Ktoerve, »» the rewut "oi (-he BusUiess of th^? Yiar" Annuities are granted upon terms which arc found to be satisfactory in all respects. The Amount paid in Annuities is over .£21,000 per Annum. , FOREIGN AND COLONIAL BOARDS AND AGENCIES. In these est-iblishments care has been taken to make such arrangements as will meet the convenience and secure the confidence of the various communities amongst whom they are planted Ample provision is made at the same time, to protect the Company from Losses consequent on Internal Dissension or Foreign War. \r.STK.\l-ASl '. C( : ai CJ O tC SYDNEY BOARD. Office, WYVrARD SQUARE riialnn.in— .T. ScAirK Wilms, E.^q. "1 CBAKAK, K.q, nr.N.TAWIN O. K. Iloi.Dts, Et.n- KuwAfiu Knox, Esi. tJiiRiHToPHFn Koi.Tjitfnw, Esq. Hou. E. D.TiioMs.,N,Ksq„C.B John H. Watt, Es.'' Reiug fully impressed with the ncccwity of accuracy and prccisioD iu the im- portant dutit'3 connoctctl with ]>roi)m!Hf,' and Ui^poiisiijg Medicine*, pledges himself that every potssiblo atteiitiou slni 11 be paid to the nquirementa of the public in these essential particulars; and th«t tlio same luideviating regard to purity in the selection of Drugs and Chemicals that has made the reputation of this cHtablishmeut, shall be faithfully coniiiin^'d. Ilo ha.s imported direct from two of the firHt ^Mi^H^h iJrug Jlousox. u very large stock of pure Drug*, Chemical.--, and Drugg. 's' sundries, P:ii:it-i, (XiU. and iJyo StuffH, which ho can sell as low as any one iu the trade. The vast quantity of impure and worthless drug.9 imported into this country from the United .States, for the m«ro Hake of being able to sell them cheap, has brought many of our best ].>rugi5 into bad repute, and disappointed tho expec- tfttious of Medical men and others. There can be no doubt but that impure drugs can be sold clioaper than pure, af* for e.Kample: If I powder a pound of pure ginger, and mix with that a quarter of a pound of tine «aw-dn.st, I can afford to sell the ginger mixed with saw-dupt at a much lower rate than I can sell the same quttiitity of gingt^r witlioul any mixture. Very often a medical man orders the proper dose of a drug, and when the time cornea for it to pro- duce effect, it fails almost altogether. Nirice. We swallow ejutucrh dirt in our lives, without eating saw-du.st. No man of s<:n?e will buy, above all things, a drug or chem- ical because it is cheap. It is better to pay a little more, and get a good ar- ticle. . Then again more than a mere sujierficial knowledge of the uses and qualities of Drugs and Chemicals is necessar}' in the Drug business, having nerved a re- gular apprenticeship to one of the first Chemists and Dmggipts, and aloo pur- sued a course of study at the Celebrated University of Glapgow, Scotland. 1 think I can with safety say that 1 understand my business. 1 may state that I have st cured the services of a first class English Chcmiat and Druggist, to take charge in my absence of tho retail store. I have coming from England a very large stock of Field and Garden Seeds, grown by Dawbaru & Son, and have always on hand a large stock of Coal Oil and Lamps, Medicines, Chemical.-, Dye-^tufls. Drugs, Fancy (Joods, Per- fumery, Imported direct from soniu of the first Engl'^u Drug Houses. My stock of Paints, Oils, Dye-Stufts, ('ulor.?, A'arnishes. Zinc Paints, Artists Mate- rials, Essences, ic, is very large, as well as very low in price. Medicines re- quired at night can be had by application over the store. Country store keepers are requested to take notice of tho large stock of good;i my Hue which are now on their way from England. ROBERT 8TARK, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, WOODSTOOK, O.W. ■M ii JIO COUNTY OP OXrORD GAZETTEER, M > \ f 1 ! U H« . . H9 HJi t 1 rUAI.MKHS CHURCH. Locfited on Delatre Street, brick, Vmilt in 1642, dimensions 44»3, dimensions 30k.'»4, cost $1000, seated for 250. Kev, William iiiglis, Tastor. John Bain, Chairman of Board of 'J'rUHtocs. John Dick, Seoretaiy. Get.t^'ft White, 'I'reaaurer. KN'OXb cin.-Rcir. Situated on Elgin Street, brick, buiit in 1849, dinion? ions 40^60, cost §6000, seated for GOO, galleries and three ^id(s roi'nd, ai;d batrenient. Rev. W. T. MoMullen, Pastor. Alex. McKay, Cliairniiin of Board of Trustees. Andrew Jetfrey, Secrolaiy. John Douglas, Trrasnrer. WESLETA.V CHURCn. Situated on Graham Street, brick, built in ]8.')4, dimensions 40 m 70, co&t $8000. Rev. William St<{'henson, Prstur and Chairman (ex officio) of Board of Tru.steos. James Scarff, Financial :i.ud Recording S<.'eretary. George Parr, Sexton. REGCLAi: riAI'TIST. Situated ou Adelaide, Street, built of l>riok. Xo slated minister at present, supplied by Dr. Fyfe. and Rev. W. Stewart. James Cox, Church Clerk. C. Carryer, Treasurer. R. Godfrey, Sexton. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHUKCH. Church in course of erection, cost of building about $1600, brick services in the Town Hall at present, the thinl Sunday in the mouth, alternatively with iSost Oxford. Rev. Lewifi Grifa, Prist. CHURCH SOCIETY. Church Depository for Bibles, Testum-nits, Prayer and ilyniu Books Church Music, &c., in connection with the British and Foreign Church Society. Geo, Bowditch, Depositary. BIBLE SOCIETY. The Committee hold their quarterly meetings at the Depository, iuthemonthf of April, July, October, and January. * . . OFFICERS 0." THE WOODSTOCK BRANCH BIDLE SOCIETV. President, Hon. George Alexander, Vice-Pre=iident, Rev. Dr. Fvfe, Meets at tU^ } Treaeiurjr, George N'asmjth, ; Sec. Sc Dopoi^itary, H. Nasmyth- MASONIC. KINO SOLOMONS LODGE, NO. 43, 0. R. C. Regular communications, Tuesday ou or before full moon Masonic Hall, Dundas street OmCKKS. W. M., George Forbes, B. W.. Roderick McKay, J. W., John Chalmers, Treaa., John Hay, Sec, H. Bryant, S. D., John Hislop, J. D., Alex. Pelham, 'J'yler, Henry Brown, P. M., AIox. McCleueghau, AN© OBNBRAL DmEOTORT. ni DEVONSHIRE HOUSE JAMES COX, urrORTER OP BRITISH, FRENCH. GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. NORTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET, IMPORTER OF Fancy Dresses, Prints, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Laces, Flannels, Mantles, French Delaines, Satinetts, Broadcloths, Plain and Cobonrgs, Merinos, Alpaccas, Fiincy Tweeds, Drills, Orleans, Challies, Blondos, Ribbons, N'estings, Regattas, Shirtings, Cotton*, CLOTHLYG MADE TO ORDER, AND A LARGE VABIETV OV FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS AM) G. & J. WHIT£, IMPORTERS OJfc- AND DEALERS IN BRITISH AND FOREIGN READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTIS & $iHOi]{§{, FAMILY G ROC E HIES, &C., f;ORTB SII>R OF DUXDA9 STREET, A FEW DOORS EAST OF THS MARUT, •\^ooiDsxoaK:. - . M! li > : ; H ri; ill lii 1 * ^: \ , L 21« COtJNTT OF OXFORD OAZETtEFR, oxFonn i.opGK, no. 76, o. b. c. Regiilar communications, second Wednesday of each month. Meota at thft Masuuic Hull, Duuda.s street. OPFICKUa. "W. M., John Turqumid, 8. W., Francis Beii, J. W., Robert W. Canal!. Treaa.. C. W. Whitehead. Sec, John G. McKay, Tyler, Henry Brown. ROYAL ARCH CHAPTKR. Stated CDnvocBtiona, first Monday of the month. Election, first Friday in Jannarj'. Meets at the Masonic HhII, Duiidx^ street. OrriCBBS OF CUAPrER. J. S., J. Charle.1, Trens., II. P. Brown, Janitor, II. Brown, Ut Veil, F. Bell, 2nd Veil, Thomaa Bowors, Steward, Henry Hack, Ale.\' Pelhnra. Z., G. W. Whitehead, II., R. A. Woodcock. J., Georjre Forbes, E., W. F. Ross, N., C. L. Board, P. S., R. W. W. Cairall, i 8. S., J. Tunjuand, LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION. OBANOK LonoK xo. 93. John Lindsay, W. M. Deputy Master, Secretary, Treasurer, five Commit* t«cmeu. Stewards, and Tyler. TEMPERANCE ORDERS. CHKTSTAI. FOU.NT TKMPLE, I. O. O. T. Meets ea<;h Wednesday evening, at Lodge Room on Wellington street — Fifty membere. OKKK i;ks. W. D. M., Helen Hewit, " I. G., Mies M. Pitman, " 0. G., J. Kelly, W. C T., George Hadskiss. " V. T., Eliza Edwards, " S., Greorge Copp, " F. S., S. Steven?, " T., Mrs. Stevens', '• M.. J. Pern-, " A. S., Maria Shaw, " R. H. S., Miss M. Deverall, •' L. H. S., Eliza Hadskiss. W0OP61O K ',V,»?\,Y., NO. 2 (ft. Night of meeting, each Fiiday evening', a'. Lodgt; Room on Wellington street. Forty-five mcmbetc. OKFICKilS. W. C. T.. Richard White, j W. C, Thomas Henry. " V. T., Mrs. Chamborij. " M., Martin Barney, " F. S., J. Falconer, | ".D. M., Miis E. McLeod, ,. . " S., Nathan Bouchner, '- <: ; •• 0. G., J. Harrison, " T., Mrs. Frizelle. * - i " I- O., Miss M. McLeod. i . EQaiTABLE BUILDING SOCIETY. Organized la 1859. Meets first Monday in every month, at James In^raoU'l office. Shares, £50, payable in monthly instalments of $1.00. OPriCRRS. Proaideat, Wm. Grey, r i-'-H- Vice-President, Wm. ScarfC AND GENERAL PIRECTORT. US ts at thd Friday iu e Cornvnit* \ Htreet — rail, la. R'eUiugton d, . f t I IngeraQU'f DAVID L PHILIP. M.D. i( Tit OIIIEIISm OF M'tlll CeilESE. OFFICE,— DUNDAS STREET. WOODSTOCK. HUGH RICHARDSOiN, 1^ VUI<1< NOTARY PUBLIC, &,C. CORNER DUNDAS AND LiaHT STREETS. WOODSTOCK. J. H, NELl.IS^ ~^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. CONVEYANCER. *c. « — » OFFICE,— THREE DOORS WEST OF THE MONTGOMERY HOUSE. WOODSTOCK. a W. WHITEHEAD, J. P7 IVOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner in B. R., Land and General Agent, Orrioe,— Light Streeti One Door North of H. Richardson, Esq's, Offio«, JTOODSTOCK. Kverjr descriptioQ of OonvcyaDciog douc at Rbort notice. Cbarges moderate. i r i ! i \ t I \ 1 iU COtJNTY or OXFORD OAZBTTBER^ James Ingersoli, Hagh McKinnon. Oeorge Forbes, Jonfttban Martin, DIRRCTORS. Jamos Martin, V. B. Schofield, Martin Shiners, John Gordon, Sec. SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY AJ«D MECHANIC'S INSTITUTE. The stibscriptiou library wa« first established ou the 12th Febraary, 1835. The Dbrary and Mechftuic's Institute were incorporated on the 28th of June, 1863. The libray now numbers twelve hundred volumes, and is open on Mon- day evening faom 7 to 8 o'clock, p. m., and on Saturdays from 1 to 3 p, m., at the Mechanics Hall, east side of NVellingtou street. Entrance fee, 50 ceata.— Yearly subscription, $1.2-'>. , President, Thomas J. Coxtle, OFFICEKP. I Vice-President, James SimpsoQ, UIRECTOnS. William Edwards, Roderick McDonald, Thomas Oliver, John Dingwall, Corresponding Sec, John Greig, Sec. and Ti-eas. John McWhinnic, Andrew Jeffrey, Thomas Henry, William Wilson, Librarian. ^ WOODSTOCK VOLUNTEER RIFLE COMPANY. Organii^ 1861. Meet for drill twice a weok, at the Town Hall. OFFICERS Captain, Wui. S. Light. I Lieutenant, H. P. Brown, Ensign, Robert Nimmo. N0X-C0MMIS8I0XED OFFIOEBS. 1st Sergeant, — McMnllin, 3nd do. — Deverall, 1st Corporal, V. N. G. Graham, 2nd do. John Budd, GRAMMAR SCHOOL. The Grammar School was establislied in 1843. The present building was ftrected in 1848 — MfSsrs. AVhite & Dixon, contractors — at a cost of about two thousand four huiidrod dollars, and is situated on the corner of Hunter and Graham streets. The school has been under the charge of Mr. George Stranchan, the present efficient and much esteemed gentleman, over sixteen years. A thorough classical, mathematical, and higher English education can be here acquired. The number of pupils attending, varies from thirty-five to fifty. * ^ GORE BANK AGENCY. ' Office on Duudas street, corner of Wellington. Edward Ambrose, agent; C. R. Turquand, teller; J. G. Eddington, accountant ; J. B. Wetenhall, clerk. Office open from 10 a. in., to 3 p. m. BANDS. WbOPSTOCK BRASS HAND. Organized about IB years ago. Seventeen members. Meet on DundA.s street, Opposite Woodstock Iron Works, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 'UTE. ry, 1835. I of June. u on Mon* J p. m., at centa.— apsoq, i.ND &E>TERAL DmECTORT. Hi ■*■■ .ii l i i* I I I . I ll .jL ' lllM^IWT^i^— W^i^ -^ JOHN BEARD, AGENT FOR UNDERMENTIONED COMPANIES. LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. (Ser Page 217.) a. BRITANIVIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. {See Page 219. | raham, lilding was about two [unter aud [r. George )ver sixteen Incation can lirty-five to )8e, agent; aball, cleric LIVERPOOL AND LOINDOIV FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO. (See Page 221} HARTFORD (See Page 221.) -0- CANADA WESI FARMERS' MUTUAL Ai STOCK (See Page 219.) Indas street, ALSO, AGENT FOB CANADA LANDED CBEDrf eOMPANY. t m COTTNTT OF OXFORD CAZETTEER. •* t • m OPFICKRA. Thomas Scarfl', Vice-Prcsidunt, 'I'homaw Brooks, tiocrt'turj*. Wm. Wilson, Troasnier. Herr Straubol, Musical Director, V*'jn. Atlain-!, Leailor, Daviil Clyde, I'roaideut, TTOODflTOCK riKI-E URASd UAND. Organized March, 1862. Number of members, niuc. shoe ubop, Enni ettd, on Monday and Thursday evuniuga. OrKICEBS. MiHjt over Grant'* Thos. Snarey, President, and muaicul director, John Dcverall, Vice-President, Enoch Iluggius, Sec. and Treas- CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Yonng People's Christian Association, in connection with the Wesleyan Methodist Church, lieguhvr meetings, every Monday evening from Ist of Oc- tober to Ist of April, at T o'clock; from Ist of April to Ist of October, at T| o'clock. TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, COUNTY OF OXFORD. Organized Aiigust 186?, — Number of members, 40. The object of the Asso- ciation is Mutual Improvement. Meetings are held every three moniha in dif- ferent parts of the County. OfFICKKS. President, Robt. McLean, Richwood; 1st Vice-President, Rev. William Stephenson, Woodstock; '2nd Vice-President, G. J. Fraser, Woodstock; Secre- tary and Treasurer, J. F. Cullen, Woodstock. COMMON SCHOOLS. There are two very large and handsome school buildings in Woodsiock,— ' the one on the corner of Beale and Princes, and the other on the corner of Hunter and Delatre Streets, — these buildings were erected during the years 1853 and 54, at a cost of (land, fencing and buildings included,) ten thousand five hun- dred dollars. R. N. Light, A.M., Town Superintendent. SCHOOL BOARD. The Board of Trustees meet on the first Tuesday in each rooatb. Cburtiuo lliomas J. Cottle, Hon. Secretary, H. Silvester. Trustees. — ^T. J. ('ottle, J. Douglas, W. Scarff. S. Irvin, D. Peacock, H. Silvester, J. Bain, A. Munro, G. Gurnett, R. Hall. EAST END SCHOOL. Corner Beale and Princes Streets. Total number of pupils 450. Senior Boys' department, average attendance, 88. J. F. Cullen, Teacher, salan* 8500. Senior Girls' department, iivorago attendance, .'iO. Miss Adams, Teacher, salary !^280. Junior department, average nttendance, 100. Mrs. Byer, Teacher, salary, iill220, and Miss Scarff, ^120. ... , WEST END SCHOOL. Corner Hunter and Delatre Streets. Total number of pupils, 400. Setior Boys' department, average attendance, 55. Alexander Dick, Teacher, salary 8500. Senior Girls' department, average attendance, 50. Miss Kennedy, Teacher, salary, it5280. Junior Department, average attendance, 100. Miss Losran, Teacher, aalaiy $220, and Miss Sutherland, $120. ANT) GENERAL niHECTORT. * flT iirw INCORPORATED BY SPfXIAL ACT OK PARLIAMENT, CAPITAL/ $1,000,000. HEAD OFFICE-HAMILTON, C.W. Presidknt : JOHN YOUNG. Esf. Manager : A. O. RAMSAY. Mei)Ii";al AnviRKR : W . CRAIG IE, M. D. Vice-Prmide.nt : .JOHN FERRIK, Esq. Skcrktary : THOS. M. SIMONS. Gknkrai. Aokmt : AMOS F A Y R A M . EVERY Bf-nirity, ailvantuge ami facility which prudenco or liberality cao nuggeat, are offtTod by ihis Company. The rutos, which are fouuded oa the higher interest obtaiiiuble in thiu country than in Great Britain, are lower than those of Britlah Ofllces. The folicwing are specimens of the Annual Rates for Assurance of $1000, payable at death. ORDI.NA With RY eYBTKM. WITH PROVITS AKTKK FIRST FIVK YKAR8. WITHOUT PROFITS. 1 Without First five Uemuinder of Life. First five Retnuiader of Life. Profits Profits. Yeara. Years. ^ ^ 20 16.40 15.00 9.60 18.80 9.10 17.00 20 25 19.00 17.30 11.00 22.00 10.50 •19.80 25 30 22.30 20.10 12.80 * 22.70 12.30 22.90 30 35 2.'>.70 23.20 14.60 30.00 14.20 26.90 35 40 30..'iO 27.40 16.80 35.90 16.40 31.50 40 45 35.90 32.00 19.90 41.60 19.50 37.90 45 60 42.60 39.00 24.20 50.80 23.80 47..50 50 Tables of rates for any other form of Life Assurance may be obtained upon application. Loans pi'anted ou security of improved farm property, at 8 per cent interest, and" Life Assurance by borrower. The Company has agents in all the principal towns throughout Canada, and a coiTespondent in London, (England), authorized to accept premianis when that may be convenient to the assured. Every information may be obtained at the Ileud Office, ia Hamilton, C. W., or at any of the Agencies. 28 Agent in Woodstock, - - JOHN BEARD. MEDICAL ADVISER, DR. TLTEIQUAND. Il« OOTTNTT OP OXrOBD GAZETTEER if 11; 1 W 1(1 i NEWSPAPEBH. Skntinrl — A Weekly, established Ist January, 1854, by Hay AMcWhinnie. In the same year Mr. Iluy sold out liia interest, and the paper was conducted until 1858 bv John McVV^hinnie & Sou; since tliat time by Robert McWhin- uie — Mr. Jobu McWliiuuie as edittjr. Terms ^l.iyO per annum. Politics, Re- form. .. , , . , - . .V The Times— a Weekly paper of larg(f size, establ'shed March, 1855, published and edited by Alexander McCloncghan. Office, Dundas street, near corner of Graham street. The Times is the official paper of the County. — Terms $1.00 a year. Canadian CoNSEnvATiTE — A Weekly Quarto sheet, established December 1862, by Alexander Hay and Steplion Lusted, as proprietors and editors. Of- fice on the north side of Dundas street, opposite Caister's Hotel. Terms, $1.25 per annum in advance. Politics, Conservative. Alpha!}et!cal List of Professions. Trades, &c. Abbott, Hudson, cai;iage maker, Tnn- 1 DARWICK, JOHN, insurance agent, I Dundas. Bass, Ethelbort, carpenter, res. Hun- ter. BAYNE & McKENZlE, carpenters and builders, rear of Dr. A. Scott's ! residence. (See card.) BEATT1E,J0SKPH, gram merchant. Fiiikle. BEARD, JOHN, fire and life insur- , ance agent, Y ictoria, near Dun- (Ins. BEARD, HENRY B., barrister-at- law, office, corner Dundas and j Vunsittart. j Beason, Thomas, livery stable, Dundas. I Bell, John, blacksmith. I Bel!, John, blacksmith, Wellington. I Bell, '^honiiis, machinist. Riddle. j Belshar, Willian-., taimer. Mill. Bendvshe. Nelson, farmor. Huron. sittart Adams, Thomas, bricklayer, Grace. Adams, Wm., blacksmith. Railway. Adams, Wm., cooper, rrs. Main. Addison, Barras, overseer, G.W.R\\'. res. near Depot. .iiTNA INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, Wn). Grey, ag*nt. AgroIT, John, laborer. Mill. Allan, G«crge, laborer, Chapel. Allan, Mrs. Huron. AMBROSE, EDWARD, agent Gore Bank, cor, DuudiK-« and Welling- ton. Anderson, John, tailor, ]?ishop. Anderson, Wm., miller, res. Park R(.tw. Appleton, Mi's., res. Norwich. Arbhuster, Thomas, gentleman, Graham ARNOLD, E. S., billiard saloon, Dundas. AUCHINLECK, SAMUEL, geollo- Bent,* Levi, cari)enter. Cedar. AverrMark"eolmer Adelaide P.ETTRIDGE, Rev. WM., B. D.. Baglev, jivmes. laborer', Mary. " j J*;^"*^'" ^'''"'•^'' ""^ ^^"g''^"'^' l^""' BAIN, JOHN, cabinet manufacturer, ; „ ' ' w . , , ,, Dunda-s Eeist End. ^''i'''^ ^^''■' """^'^ ^'^'^'-•*^^''' ••««• "«'•«"• BARCLAY, JAMES, carpenter en-.i I BICKLE, JAMES, butcher shop, joiner, Winniett Barney, Martin ]"]., grocer and butcher. Duni'ftJ. Barnes, Mr?., Adelaide. BARREL. FACTORY, Mill, Thomas J. ( 'larke, proj). Burr, David, watchmaker and jeweler, Duuilaa street. Dundas. Bickle, John, genth?man, Bealc. BICKLE JOHN, butcher shop, Dun- das. BICKLE, JOSEPH, butcher shop, Dundas. BICKLE, ROBER'!\ butcher shop, Dundas. ], carpenters )r. A. ycott's ,in merchant. d life insur- near Duu- barrister-at- Dundas and AND GENERAL DITIECTORY. ► -a 219 BRITANNIA ESTABLISHED IN 1837, Empowered by Special Act of Parliament CAPITAL £1,000,000 STERLING. ANNUAL LNCOME, J80,000 STERLING. CHIEF .iaE,^T FOR CAXADA, J. H. MAITLAND, . . Place d' Amies, Montreai,, JOHN BEARD, Agent, TVoodstock. CANADA WEST ~~ FABMEBS' MUTUAL AND STOCK mSUEANCE COMPANY ! HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, O. W. R. 1>. STREET, ESQ., SECRETARY. Tho business done by this Company ia entirely conlinod to the insurance of Farm or Lsolated Building.s, and being coiiductod on tb"^ Mntual pi iuoiple, the Company ia, with safety, enabled to insure buildings of that description atmnch ]ower rates than proprictnry Companies doing a general businosp mn. The rates in tho Mutual on an Isolated frame building being about two thirds cheaper (han in proprietary Companies. JOHN BXSARD, Agent^ Woodstock. i I t I ' t; 220 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Biggins, William, carpenter and build- er, Wellington. Bird, Robert, groceries, liquors, and crockery, Dnndas. , BISHOP, WM., proprietor Wood- stock liotel, Eiuit End. (See card.) Blake, Roboit, laborer, Wilson. Blomoley, Mrn., grccery, Dundrts. Blooraley, Edward, brewery, Fiuklo. Boosey, William, miller, Finkle. Bonnuiny, T. P., ornamental painter, &c., Adelaide. BOWDITCH, GEORGE, dealer in tinware, stoves, &c., Dnndas. 'S'--' card.) Broy, Mrs., Jamra. Brearley, William, gontlcnian, Tecple. Brian, John, license iuppector and con- stable, Wilson. Brickrrton, Ralph, carpoiiler, Liundas. BRIMACOMBE. Mrs. DOROTHY, North American Hotel, corner Dundrts and \ unsittart. (See card.) BRIMACOMDE, G. O., Norlh American Jlotol. BRITANNIA LIFE INSURANCE VjO., John Beard, ngont. [See card.] Brooks, Mrs., Centre. Brooks, Thomas, saddler, Dundas. Brooks, William, laborer, Huron. Brotchie, John, tailor, Adelaide. BROWN, A. B., & J. H. BRYANT, denti.st8, Dundaa. BROWN, H. P., prop. Woodstock Iron Works, Dundas. (See card.) BROWN, HENRY, gentleman, res. with H. P. Brown. Brown, Mrs. J. G., seamf^treas, re?. Victoria. BROWN & WILSON, (Thop. Brown and William Wilson), taimery, and leathf^r dealers, Dundas. Brown, William, .swit(;hmaii, ren. Diiii- das. Brown, AVilliam, laborer, res. Dundas. Brownrigg, James, tin peddler, res. Hi neks. Bruce, Robert, seed store, Dundaa. BUCHNER, NATHAN H., printer. bds. Finkle. Budd, John, blacksmith, r^s. Mary. Burgess, Maronus. deputy clerk, res. Brock. BURGESS. SAMUEL, Auctioneer and Bailiir, res. Brock. BurnesB, Miss E., teacher, res. Wilson. Burns, Matthew, teamster, Riddle. Burke, E. Photographer, Dundaa. Burwell, Richard, res. Woodatock Hotel. Burwell, W., res. Woodstock Hotel. Burtcli, Archibald, gentleman, WilsoQ Burtch, II. T., farmer, res. Wllsou. Butler, William, laborer. Caister, Caleb, scnr., gcntlomau, res. Brock, CAISTER, CALEB, Caiater'a Hotel, Dundas. Campbell, Angus, blackamitb, res. Chapel. Campbell, Angus, cooper, Main. CAMPBELL, E. G., book and job printer. Times. Campbell, Gibson, book binder, bds. North American. Campbell, John, laborer, Dundas. CANADA LIFE INSURANCE CO., Jx>lm Beard, agent, office Vi^oria. (See Card.) C.VNADA LANDED CREDIT CO. Ji)hn Beard, agent, office Victoria CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL & STOCK INSURANCE CO., John Beard, agent. [See Card.] Cardns, William, wagon, maker, Dun- das. CARRALL, HENRY, clevk in Sheriff's office, res. Raglan and Park Row, (J ARRALL. JAMES, Sheriffof Coun- ty of O.xford, res. West Woodstock CARRALL, R. W. W., M. D., res. with James Carrall, Mill (See Card.) CARROLL & BEARD, barristers at law, office Dundas cor. Vansittart, (See Card.) Carroll, Mrs, widow, res. Light. (\\RRYER, C. C., saddlery, Dunda* CHALMERS, JOHN, groceries, winos and liquors, Dundas. Chance, John, brickmaker, res. Ed©- laido. ('ha|>man, Henrv, wagon maker. CHARLES, JORDAN, collector of Customs, and President Wood^ Oil Refining Company, res. cor. Bixley and Hunter. CHERRY, JAMES, printer. Riddle* Clurkson, John, night station master^ ret. P«rry. A.KD GENERAL DIRECTORY. 221 llflRFOOHm FIRE ASTD LIFB INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL £2,000,000 STERLING. ACCUMULATED FUNDS. INVESTED IN CANADA, DAILY INCOME 0? THE COMPANY, $6,.540,130 250,000 7,500 ALL Premiums recoivftd iu Canada are retained aud invested in Government or other Provincirl Bonds. All Loses are paid in Canada, without reference to the Home Board, imiue- diately on proof, without deduction, interest or discount. There is uot at the present time one claim in dispute. JOHN BEARD, Agent, Woodstock. THE HA^KTFORT) OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICLT. r LYCORPORATED, 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. WITH ▲ SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS EXPRRIKNCK OF MORB THAX FIFTY VEARS. ASSETS, NEARLY $1,000,000. InBoraoce effected on bb favorable ttrms as in any other responsible Comp'ny. JOHN BEARD, Agent = WOODSTOCK. 222 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETfEER, I CLARENDON HO' i I., J. B. Van Voorbis, proprietor, l)iui(la8. (See 1 Card.) Clarke, Alexander, fliilcpiiiuti, bds. Dun- • das. : ('lark, Byron, bliicksmitli, V'ansitturt. Clark, George, cooper, Dnndaw. Clark, Jaino3, Biilcsinun, Dundas. '• Clark, John O., anibrotypiHt. Diiiidiis opp. Market. (/lark, Patrick, grocery, Dundas. CLARKE, LEVI, tin and elieet iron ware, Finklc. (See Card.) (Jlarke, Walde)i. Hulesniaii, bds. Dundas CLARKE, THOMAS J., proprietor of steam barrel factory. Mill. Clark, William, carpenter, Delatro. Clear, Miss, millinery, Dundiis. (Mement, Jay., wa^^on maker, Norwich Close, Henry, hrickmaker. Chapel. CLOSE, JOSEPH, brickyard nnd tile manufacturer, potasb, Boap and candle works, Wilson. (See Card.) (Jlose, William, hrickmaker, Wilson. Clos"V. -^ -'^ rf-<» - . RESIDENCE WEST WOODSTOCK. RODERICK MACDONALD, NOTARY PUBLIC, CON VE Y A NCER "WOODSTOCK. \^>.'^/-*^^,r\J^J'%,r\.rsWK^'s.r',^\,r\,^x^sy^y AGENT FOR The Provincial Fire Insurance Company of Canada, AND THE Niagara District Mutual Fire Insurance Compani of Canada. iDTestmeuts of Money made on the most favorable terms. THOMAS OLIVEE, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c., 228 OOFVTT OF OXFORD GAZETTEER. tntnan, Jospph, ahoemnkcr, iv.-s. Dun- Lang.stair, Robert, shoo shop, ree. Met- das. ciilf.' International (Jri^t ami Floiiriiiir Mills, . LANKTREE, Dr. VV., vegetable nie- DundaH »;aHt, Henry Frizelln, }.;o- prietor Trvin, Robert, salesninii, lni.-<. Riddlf. Irvin, Snmucl, carpenter and builder. Riddle. Iziird, MisH ('. II., tele^n-apli opcnitvir, dicines, DiindaH. liiipenotiere, Edward, clerk, Dundw. I.APENOTIllRE. FRED. JOHN, iittornry, nnd deputy clerk of the IViice, 'offiec, (,'ourt House, ren. Dundixj. oHiee, Dunda.^, oppo.-it.- Brcwn'.^ ; LAPENOTIERK. WnXlAM, ot- foundry. toriicy, tind eli>rk of the Peace, IZARD. IlEXRY, teacher, Lijrht. oihcoi Court Hou.w, res. Dunda* TZARD, JAMES, auctioneer iind pen- 1 1'^^' '[''''"'"iS sriet(ir. Jones, Walter, gentleinan, rei^. Huron. Kahn, Charles, dami.^l, Wuod.stock I LUSTKD. STEPHEN, (HAY and Hotel. t LUSTED), Canadian Conserva- Kellogg, Mr!«., Oxford. ' j tiuc, Dundas. Kelly, Mrs., Grace. Lu.xton, Jame.^, res. Woodstock Hotel. Kennet, Isaac, laborer. Riddle. j Lyon?, Timothy, gardener. Light. Kilborn, W. F., photographic arti.:tt, ; MV Allan, William, shoemaker, Teeple. Dundas. ^ McBetli, ^\xx Young. King, Thomas R., cabinet shoji. X^wv M'tJabe. Patrick, cooper, bda. Dundas. sittart. ' MrCLENEGflAN. ALEX., editor King, William, veterinary surfroon, and )iroprietor Times, Dundas. — John.- (.See card.) KINTREA, JAMES, couu(y t-c;'..- McCulloch, Donald, laborer, Simcoe. urer, deputy clerk of the crown, McCummins, Joseph, shoemaker, rec and clerk of the County Court, Simcoe. res. corner Centre and John. i McC'urrio, Islvs, Beale. Kollmyer, Sovereign, manufacturer and : McDonall, Alex., bricklayer, Winnttt dealer in furniture, Duudos. ; McDonald, Archibald, laboier, W}«. Lamport, Edward, grain merchant, res. ' nett. Peel. ; McDonald, Donald, laborer, Reeve, Lanaway, James, laborer. Light McDonald, Donald, laborer. Hunter. Lanaway, Joseph, carpenter. Light. I McDonald, Jomes, shoemaker, Oivins, Jiancnster, Stephen, apprentice black- 1 McDonald, James, salesman, Dundas^ amitb, res. Bay. j McDonald, Norman, laborer, Albert AND GENERAL DIRECTORY. 229 HAY & LUSTED, AND Job Printers, WOODSTOCK, C.W. ■ ♦ OFHCE, OPPOSITE CAISTER'S HOTEL, NORTH SIDE OF DUNDAS STREET. Orders Punctutilly Attended to, and Charges very Low. «illl'.M»»i I. ...... A WEEKLY^ Political, literary, AND COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPER .^ /•^^\,'''^''*^»» /•»**»-'**/■ w**.'Xy*\,'>./*v/ Terms, — One Dollar Twenty-Five €ts. per Annum in advance, OR, S2.00 WHEN NOT SO PAID. Offic^'-Opposite Caister'a Hotel, JVortk 'Side of Dundaa Street HAY & LUSTED, PROPKiETORS. WOODSTOCK, C.W. 230 OOTTNTT OP OXFORD GAZETTEETl, r I McDON'ALD, RODERICK, notary public, convoyancer, &c., Dunda^. (Sfi« C;ar.l.) McOmnis, Donald, laborer, Givios. McGregor, Grogor, shoemaker, Brock. McGregor, .lumes R., salesniau, Duu. daH. Mc(}uinu, John, laborer, Delatrc. Mcliiborney, Michael, moulder. Brock. Mclniiis, Angu."?, labon-r, Uuntcr. Mcintosh, Alex., blacksmith, Vansit- tart. Mclntoali, Alox., plasterer, Dundan. McINTYNE, JOHN, groceries.wincs and liquors, Dundan. McKAY, ALEX., tailor, Dundas. McKay, Andrew, grocery, Dundas. McKay, Angus, blacksmith shop, Dun- da3. McKay. David, carpenter, Winnett McKay, Donald, saddler, Dundaa. McKay, George, tailor, Dundas. McKAY, JOHN, American Express agent, Dundaa. McKay, John, laborer, Dundaa. McKay, John, shoe shop, Dundas. McKay, John G., salesman, bds. Ade- laide. McKay, Mrs., res. Buller. McKAY, AV. G., Hour and feed store, Dundas. McKay, W. H., Bailiff, Princes. McKAY, RODERICK, tailor and clothing store, Dundas. McKenzie, Alex., gentleman, bds. at M. Fullers opp. Market McKenzie, Angus, gentleman. Light. McKenzie, Hector, shoemaker, Dundas McKenzie, Mr3. Hector, milliner, Dun- das. McKenzie, Hugh, snlesmau, Queon. McKenzie, Kenneth, salesman, Light McKenzie, Mrs. Mary, boarding house, Brock. McKenzie, Malcolm, student, Graham. McKINNON, HUGH, & Co., dry goods, crockery and groceries, hardware, Duntks. McLean, Archibald, blacksmith, Dela- tre. McLean, Hugh, bakery, Dundas. McLellau, John, cooper, bds. Finkle. McLennan, Alex., laborer. Bishop. McLEOD, ALEX., shoemaker, Givins. McLEOD, ALEX., watchmaker and artist, Dundas. McLsod, Roderick, carrier, res. Mill. McLEOD, WM. C, wholesale and retail dry goods and hardware, Dundas. McNaughton, Alex., (talesman, m. Goorge. McNaughton, Mrs., George. McPhorson, D., bakery, Dundas. McVee, Alex., tailor, Dundas. McWHINNIE, JOHN, editor weekly iHentincL McWHINNIE, ROBERT & CO.. booksellorw and stationers, Dundp.9 McWHINNIE, ROBERT, proprietor Senthitl, Duuiiiia. Macklin, John, book keeper, bda. Dun- das. Maddiflon, Mrs. F., r«>8. Bay. MANSION HOUSE, cor. Finkle and Main, Thomas Tallman, prop. Marr, Joseph, laborer. Peel. Malcolm, James, res. Victoria. Marshall, John, collector, Brock. Marshall, William G., cooper, bda. Finkle. MARTIN, JJ^a, commission merchant Dundas. Martin, Jonathan, bakory and confoc tionery, Dundas. Martin, Lycurgus F., medical student, res. Dundas. Martin, Richard, constable, Winnett. MATHESON, GILBERT, proprietor Farmer's Hotel, Dundas. Matheson, John, gentleman, Delatre. Matheson, John, student at D. G. Mil- ler'fi, res. Mill. M.1THE30N, JOHN, marble and stone cutter, Dundas. Mathe.v, Daniel, bricklayer. Riddle. Mathew, Henry, bricklayer, Light. Maycock, Joseph, painter, Dundas. Mayer, Charles Edward, moulder, bds. Adelaide. Maynard, William, gentleman, Wilson Mead, Robert, salesman, bds. Welling- ton. Mechan, Edward, carriage maker, bds. Chapel. MERIGOLD, FRED., in Registry office, res. Vansittart. MIDGLEY, JOHN, -shoe shop, Dun- das. MIDGLEY, JOHNW., compositor and pressman, Times office. Midgley, Thomas, shoemaker, Dundas. 9 and ilware, 1, rpf. weekly : CO.. Dundas Dpriftor is. Duu- ikle and rop. ck. per, bds. merchant id confoc- student, Winnett. roprietor )elatre. . G. Mil- l-blo and JLiddle. fight, mdas. Ider, bdB. I, Wilson IWelling- Iker, bds. JRegistry 3p, Duu- (ipositor ce. iDandas. AND ORNERAL DIRECTOIIT. 231 VTIIiLIAM GREY*, FIRE AND UFE INSURANCE, ISSUEE. OF MARRIAGE UCENSES, NOTARY FUBLIO, &c„ &c. •^t^ooidstook:- JA3IES H. WA IRI^S, MANUF.vrTURER AtiV DEALER IN » QUE ■1U& MmY, M... DU N DAS S T R K K 'i\ WOODS T O (J K. 0. W . Coffins made on the shortest rotice, and at the LOWEST POSSIBLE CHAllGE. R. Wl. REVELL OFFICE : Over Mr. JeiiVtiy's hardv/are store, M'EST WpODSTOCK, D E IST T I ST, Ib prepared to insert ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one Tooth to a full set, on any of the materials used in Dentistry, among: which may be mentioned Gold, Silver, Continuous Gum Work, and Vulcanized Rubber. The Rubber Base IB the latest improvement in Dentistry, and is equal, it not superior, to any other material, combining Strength, Lightness, Beauty and Durability, la a creater dejrree than any other article now in use, whilo it costs biit half the price of Gold work. Specimens of the different styles of work may be seen at Mr. R's office?. Special attention paid to the preservation of the naturul Tctth. Irregulari- ties of Children's Teeth corrected. Teeth extracted by the application of Electricity, in many c&sej with but very Blight pain. Charges moderate, and all T^ork Warranted. 232 COUNTY OP OXFORD OAZETTEER, MILLER, DAVID G., barriater, Ac, I NIAGARA DISTRICT FIRE IN- office, Miller's block, Duudas. I' ! (See Card.) Miller, Mrs., Reeve. Milne, Thomas, book keeper, Welling- ton. MONTGOMERY HOUSE, George Montgomery, prop. Moore, James, blacksmith, Duller. MOREY, JOSEPH W., foreman Times office. Morris, Richard, tailor shop, Dundas. Morrish, John, book keeper at War- wick's, bds. Yansittart, Moorish, Wm, H., salesman at War- wick's. Morrison, Alex., porter, Winnett. Morrison, Matthew, carriage maker, Vunsittiirt. Morrison, Samuel, Iiiborer, res. Mot- ealfc. MoiTow, Jamos, laborer, Nelson. Mosier, Matthew, cooper, Siuicoe. Moulds, Edward, wagon maker, res. Chapel. Munro, Ale.\., millwiight, Mill. Muiiro, (Jeors^c, c;irpenter, O.vJbrd. MUNRt), W.\l., chairmaker, PuudaH. MUNKO, WM., laborer, Delatio. Mm ray Ale.\., fanner, Finkle. ! MURRAY & i''\, (John Murray and \ Donald Douj^las,) saddler shop, ; Duiiday. I Murray, Mr^, i ^s. Mctcalle. Murray, xMrs., Light, MURRAY, ROBERT, carriage and wagon factory, N'ansittart. (See Card.) Murray, Robert, contractor of roads, Oxford. Murphey, Miss, res. Reeve. Myei'8, Peter (,\, cnoper, res. Perry. Napp, Joseph, teani.ster, Simcoe. NASMYTII GEO., merchant tailor, D and as. Nasniyth, Henry, at (ioo. Nasmyth's, NAS.NIYTII, VviLLIAM., groceries, eioekery, &(\, Dundas. N ELLIS, J. II., attorney at law, Duii- da.^. (See (Jard.) Nellis, I'ilijah, gentleman, Dundas East. NEWTON & SM AIJ.A( 'OM HE, ( A. Newton and J. Smailacombe, tailor shop, Dundas. SURANCE COMPANY, R. McDonald, agent, cor. Dundas aod Victoria. (See Card. Nicholson, John, carpenter, Princes. Nicholson, William, salesman, bds. Wilson. NIMMO, R., Montreal wholesale and retail boot and shoe and leather store, opp Market, Dundaa. (See Card.) NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL, Mra 1). Brimacombe, cor. Dundaa and Vaasittart. NORTH BRITISH & MERCAN- TILE, FIRE * LIFE INSUR- ANCE CO. OF EDINBURGH, John Coghill, agent OLIVER, THOS, Commercial Hall, dry goods, &c., Dundas. (Seo Card.) or>io:tt mills, eavon & WUOD, (Andrew Eaton and Charl.3 L. Wood,) flouring, Main. O'Rorke, Jame.s groceriefi, Duudas. Pade Card.] Rutherford, James, moulder, Dundas. Salford, WiHiara, hoop maker, res. Priuirose- Scarff, Frederick, salesman, bds. Perry. Suvrff, T. H., carriage trimmer at Wil- liam ScarfiTs. AND GKWBRAL DIBEOTORT. 239 luDdas. Ho«l, 38. Wil- potash County •r. Dua- ap and Market Bay. las. J. oot and imcoe. jigbt Her. ind hard- res Ade- mgineer, 3imcoe. Sheriff, indoa. )ry and ttart. h\3 west lam. lit law, }d.) IINSUR. In, John 1 Dundas, Works, )undas. ker, rc8. U. Perry. fttWU- I CORNER DUNDAS AND V ANSITTART STREETS, "SA^OOD STOCK, MRS. D. BRIM&COKBE, Prop's. WM. PUTNAM, SUPERLNTENDENT. « — t This well known hotel has been opened for the last eleven years, and every effort will be made to merit a continuance of the same liberal patronage bestowed on the house, and to keep established the reputation it has hitherto enjoyed. Will be kept supplied with the best the MARKET affords, and DEUCACIES IN THEIR SEASON. With Wines, Ales, Liquors & Cigars, OF THE BEST BRANDS. IN CONNECTIOV WITH THB HOUSE IS THK Largest and most Comfortable Stabling in the Connty* » mm » A CAREFUL f* ATTENTIVE HOSTLER m ATTENDANCE, MRS. D. BRIiVIACOMBE. ; OOtTNTT Of OXf OftD OAjSBtlXI^S, Bcarff, J. S., carriage painter at Woo, ; SuelgroTe, AV. S., cabinet maker,' Dan* Scarff'8. I d&s. SCABFF, WILLIAM,carriage manu- I Soaers, Benjaul::, cooper, bds. Daa4a8 facturerand general blackEmit'iing jSpinks, Charlies, conitable, rea. Oxford. cor Perry and Simcoo. (SeelSPIXKS, KICHARD, printer, bdfc Catd.^ I Finkle. Schrara, John, cooper, Duodas. | ST. GEORGE'S HOTEL, David Gold. SCOFIELD, F. B., sash and bliid thorp, prop, Dundas. (See Card.) facton', and Planing Mill, cor. STARK, ROBERT, Chemist and drag* Wilson & Cedar. (See Card.) gist, Duudas. (See Card.) Bcofleld, Francis, machinist, Winniett. 'STEPHENS, SAMUEL, groceries, Scofield, John, machinist Winniett Dundas. Scott, S. A., M.D., Vansittart. SCOTT & WHITE, Drugs and medi- ciim Dundas, Scott, William, M.D., Dundas. SCOTT, WM. & S. A., physicians, surgeons, &c, Dundas. Sharp, John, laborer. Butrch. Sharp, Mrs., Duudas. Sharp, Mrs., res. Huron. SHAW, JOHN, graduati) Univer- sity College, res. Duudas. SHAW, JOHN, watchman, G.W.R. W., res near Cedar Creek bridge. Shaw, Thomas M., gunsmith, Dundas. Shepherd, John A., druggist, bds. Wel- lington. Shepherd, Mrs. M, res. Wellington. SHERWOOD, JNO. W., bookbinder, Graham. (See Card.) Shinners, Martin, clerk at D. G. Mil- ler's, res. Huron. Sidney, George, cabinet maker, Dundas Silcox, John, potailx manufacturer, res. Hamiltou. SILVESTER, HENRY, gene'l agent and auctioneer, Dundas. (See Card.) Simpson, James, turner. Riddle. Simpson, Thomas, laborer. Riddle. Simpson, William, baggage master, res Pefl. Smale, Jacob, engineer, Duidi «. Smale, James, shoemaker, res. Duudas. Smart, Thomas, teamster, Fiukle. SMART, W.L., solicitor and attorney, Simcoe. Smith, Alex., miller, Dundas. Smith, Andrew, general merchant, Dundas. Smith, Churles, well digger, Hincks. Smitli, James, tailor shop, rea. Dundas Smith, John, butcher shop, Dundaa. Snarey, Thomas, moulfler, Welliogtou Snelgrove, William, ^binet maker, ret Korwich. Stewart, David, weaver, Oxford. Stewart, Duncan, laborer, Dundas. Stewart, Donakl, laborer, res. Anna. Stinson, Richard, salesman at Parkar & Iluod's, bds. Simcot. STOKVER, J, M., gentleman, res. Primrose. STRAUCHON, GEORGE, Principal Woodstock Grammar School, res. Graham. Su'Jworth, Abraham, shoe shop. Dun- dan, opp. Market. SUD WORTH, JOSEPH, shoe shop, Dundas. Sudworth, William, shoemaker, res. Finkle. Sullivan, George Washington, grocery Dundas. SULLIVAN, JAMES, blacksmith * carriage maker, Norwich. (See Card.) Sutherland, Alex., miller, Finkle. Sutherland, Al'^x., blacksmith, ree Dun* das, Sutherland, Benjatpin, |hoemaker< Canterbury. ' SUTHERLAND, HECTOR, carpen- ter and joiner, rea Vansittart. Sutherland, Hector, with Express agent bds. Dundas. Sutherland, John, carpenter, Delatre. Sutherlnud, Mrs. J., boarding bouse, les. Bay. Sutiierland, Roderick, merchant tailor, Duudas. Sutherland, Thomas, gardener, Light Buttle, Henry, painter, res. Simcoe. Swan, Robert, cooper, bds. Simcoe. Svkts, George, finisher, bds. Adelaide^ TALLMAN, THOMAS, proprietor Mansion Housq. Taylor, Charles, tinsmith, Vansittiri Teeple, Mrs., res. Teeple. Teeple, Nelson, blacksmith, Teeple. Thompson, A. J*r foaadiymaD, uureo. 1 (b€9 ittauri pie. Lttreo. AKD CfiBNfSRAt DIRECTORY. «fi .f' DAVID WUITJJ, 11 And many jears General Builder in this Town, gives notice to those about to build, that he is prepared to furoiah DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, J. Also, if desired, to superintc able terms. WOODSTOCK, C.W. tor any style of Building. Also, if desired, to superintend the same on reason' able terms. D. G. MILLER, Barrister, Attorney At Law, SOLICITOR IN CHANGERr, &C. ♦ • Ofllcf, Second Story of (!ordoD'!« Buildiog. avoopstook:. ' CAEEOLL & BEAED, Barristers, Attorneys At Law, OOlSrVEY ANGERS, &C. Office-SECOND FLAT of McINTYRE'S BUILDING WOO^STOOIC- inSB OXFORD HOUSE, (LATB TURNER'S OLD STAND.) aOY£RNOR'8 ROAD. The Undersigned having rented and thoroughly repaired the above House, b^ to iuforiQ the travelling public that he can afford them every accooimodatioD at very moderate rat^. GOOD STABLING AND AN ATTENTIVE HOSTLER. D. fflllRRAY, Proprietor. I 336 OOTJNTY OP OrFORD ftAZETTEEll, I I THE BRITISH AMEBIC A ASSUR ANCE COMPANY, Ja.me.i\ Izard, ugeiit, olHre Diuidas. THE EDINBURGH LIFE ASSUR- ANCE (JOMl'ANY, I). W. I RodH, agent, office, DuikUh. i Thompson, Georgt?, plow maker, Huron | Thompson, Tuonuis, briL-kiayer, na. \ Victoria. | THOMPSON, WILLIAM, pnmp- niuker, Bay. Thompson, John, manufaoturer of farminjr iniplomonts, Huron. Thornton, Jon»thin, frumtM', Diuidas. Tisc'ale, Jo)in K., merchant. Centre. Toop, John, tinsmith. Chapel. Toop, Joseph, mason and briclihivor. Chapel. Toop, Mark, apprentice blacksmith, res. Bay. Townsend, J., gi'Ocorios, wines, and Uqnors, Dundas. Turner, Janr^n, stone mason. Riddle. TURNER, JAS., compositor 7'imes oHii'c, Turner, Joseph, laborer, Fi'ikle. Tnrquand, C. hi., teller Gore Bank apencA', Dundas. TURQUAND, JOHN, M. D., ro.s. Dundaa. Tye, Edward, cabinet maker, Weliiujij- ton. VANSTON, CHARLES S., carpen- ter, res. Adelaide. Vanvalkenburjr, John, cooper, Dundas. VAN VOORHIS, J. B., propriotor Clarendon Hotel. [iHx card.] Vatcher, Stephen, baker, Svdeuham, VICHMANN, CHAS., tailor shop, re5*. Dundas. VICTOtilA HOUSE, John Graham, proprietor, Finkio. Walker, Charles, moulder, bds. Ade- laide. Walke:*, John, bricklayer, res. Dundas. Walker, Thomas, bricklayer, res. Dun- da?. Walkinshaw, Mrs. M., teacher of pri- vate school. Light. Ward, Robert, carp'nilcr. Mill. Wurman, Barnard, farmer, Dundas. Warner, John, lumber merchant, res. Delatre. WARWICK, WM., bookseller, sta tioner, bookbi'ider, and blank book manufacturer, Dundas, [See card] Warren, John, teamster, res. Dundas. WATKINS, JAMES H., cabinet ware, Duuda?. (See card.) Wf.'akley, William, bricklayer & plas- terer. Young. Webator, David D., Kalesman, bds Dun- daa. Webster, Hugh, dry goods, and livery stable, liujidas. Web>ter,, ,John, laborer, O.xford. Wel)ster, William, farmer, Dundas. WEEKS, GEORGE, assistant post- master. WEEKS. HEVRY, grocery & crock- crj' store, Dundas. We(ka, John, cal)inet maker, Dundas. Weekki, John, blacksmith. Railway. Weeks. William, blacksmith, Bay. Weir, Mrs., Bav. West, Henry, bricklayer, Edward. West, William, laborer, Hincks. WESTERN FJRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Toronto, John ' 'oghill. agent. WctLcrall, Francis. salesn\an, rea. Ado- la;.k>. Wetenhall, J. E., accountant. Gore Bank, Dundas. Whaley, William, laborer, Huron. Whier, George, stone cutter and build- er. Queen. ,. White, Arthur V., salesman, refi. Light WHITE, DAVID, clerk county coun- oil, office, Court House, res. Light [See card.] White, l>avid, salesman, res. Light. WHITE. G. & J., dry goods, &c. [Se« card.] White, James, carpenter and joiner, res. Victoiia. White, Ricliard, bricklayer. Princess. Whitehead, Charles, constable, corner Duller and Graham. WHITEHEAD. CHARLES deputy register of County, Vnnsittart. WHITEHEAD. G. W., J. P., veyancer, notary public, and com- missioner for taking affidavits, office, corner Light and Dundaa, res. Perry. [See card.] Wilkinson, George, framcr. Bay. Wilkinson, John, miller. Bay. ' Wilkinson, Robert, cooper, bds. Van- • sittart. WILSON, GEORGE, dealer in grain, Yoosittart H., res. con AND OEXERAL DmRCTOnT. 389 Dundas. cabinet : & ploa* bds Dud* nd livery rd. ndas. iint post- & crock- Dundaa. ilway. Bay. vard. :k8. RANGE to, John rca. Ado- nt, Gore uron. ftiid build- refi. Light nty coun- [res. Light .ight. [ifec. [See joiner, "rincess. |e, corner ES H., 3ty, res. coa bid com- litidavits, iDundaa, ' Van- In grain, ' " MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN m lit m MMiDi will. ALSO, DEALER LV COOKIl, BOX, & PARLOR STOVE Repairing promptly executed in all its branches. ALL WORK WARRANTED. I S7AND "^^^^ AVt J N. IROli ic COfiPER PLATE WORKER /i K*i^.- . -- . DONE ATK^tORT-NOTICr •• ■-* ^^-^ •>. DUNDAS ST, >. ■(.,■' v/ VVODnsTOCV:.-Y^ ^r VICTORIA HOUSE, WOOQST.OCK, C.W. JOHN GRAHAM, Proprietor. The Subscriber has completely renovated his establisbniout and supplied his cellar with an abundunt supply. The fanning community mid the public gene- rally will find the Victoria House comfortable aud convouiont. Charge? moderate. Excellent stabling and attentive hoitler. Bemem- b«r, firat bouM aoatb of the Market. i S40 eOUNTT OF OXFORD OAXETTEBR, ) Willii, Alfred, cabinet maker, Dundas. WiUwD, Jamed, watchmaker, res. Don- das. WILSON & CO., (J. ' Wilson and James Lakemau), cabinet shop, Dundafl. Wilson, John, accountant, Dundas. WILSON, JOHN T., merchant tailor, Dtmdas. Wilson, Owen, V'ansittart. Wilson, Robert, cooper, bds. Dundas. Wilson, T. J., carriage maker, res Van- WILSON, WILL M, .,age :nar ker, Vausiltail WILSON. WILLIAM, blukunith, Bav. WILSON, WM., boot and Bho« mta- uracturer, and tanner, Dundas. Wood, Mrs., fancy store, Dundas. Woodland, Thomas, laborer, Finkle. WOODSTOCK HOTEL, W. Bishop, prop'r, Dundas. [See card.J Woodstock Mills, gristing and flouring, Thomas Clarke, proprietor. Mill. Wright, Hugh, blacksmith, Wilson. Wright, Mrs., Dundas. Yates, Joseph, laborer, res. Hincks. Yokom, Jesse, cooper. Mill. Young, George, shoe shop, Dundas. Young, Henry, gentleman, Simcoe. A. JEFl^REY, Jr., IMPORTER OF AND DEALER IN Bar, Rod, Hoop, Band and Swecdes IroD, Sleigh, Shoe, SPRING AND CAST STEEL, BLOSBURG COAL. OlMS and Putty, White Lead, Dry and ground. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Paints and Brushes, Machinery Oil, . Rock Oil Lamps, Trace and Logging Chains, ' and Water Lime. ALL AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. A. JEFFREY, JR. ~" D. COGHILL, BOOT & SHOE, MA^ISrUFA.OTXJREIl, * IiCTNDAS STREET, .WEST END. Keeps constantly on hand a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES, mftDUfactorwl oa th* premises Also, made to order on abort notice. ALL WORK WARRANTED. *f jime. AND GENERAL DmECTORT. 341 1 I (ESTABLISHED 1842.) THRESHING ]Nd:AOHINES, AGRICULTURAL SMPLEMENTS, Btraw Cuttors, Stoves, Tia and fcrhoet-Ircu ware, Mill Gearing and Machinery. Castings of every description mads to order. H. P. JmOWN. (SEi: LX^IDE P.iGE OF lUCK COf R • ■•i ■■ F. B. SOOFffiLD, Mini K a ANn ma.m:i".\cturer ok 1 1 MOULDINGS, &o., PLANING miLL. WILSON STKEKT, WOODSTOCK. JAMES HAY, MANUFACTURER OF CA E, AND nilOLRSAM: AND RKTAIL DEALER IN FUBMTUKE of EVERY DESCRIFnON. Dundas Street, West End, Woodstock. 81 I /r-^C 24^ COUNT V OF OXFOitD GAZETTfillR, VULCAN FOUNDRY WOODSTOCK. cWl IrWher, Manufacturers of Cooking, Hah and P.irlor Stows ami Furnaces, Potash Ket- tles, Sap-boilers, Hollow ware, and Cast Iron Toa Kettles, ACIRICILTURAL LMPLEMEtTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 16 differeiit sizes and pattern?, viz: Pea •einaKer, Black Prince, 4 sizes, Advance 2 sizes, Hirculcs 2 sizes, Champion 2 sizes, Bride 3 sizes, Cupid and California. HALL' mF BOX STOVES, 17 different sizes and patterns, viz: Polar i sizes, Era, 4 do, Fluted, 5 do, Ch^iu- "^^ piuti, 2 do.; 3 feet Panel and ."Weet Gi;iiit, wtighinij 700 lbs. PARLOR STOVES, Open and Tight Front, Vi.>la 3 sizes, I'eruvian, Orient, Ilua.-iia Iron, Coral, Par- lor Cooking Stovea, and Wood Grates. AGRICULTURAL FURNACES, V -ivU 3 sixes, viz: I Barrel, U Barrel, and 2 Barrels. ■ ■ ■■ ■ Wagon Boxes Sleigh Shoe , Doj^ Irons, Coffye P.oaaters, Barn Door Rollers, Ac. cismus OP ALL D«RinioN$ mm to order. 11 different patterns and sizes, Cromr.rty, Ayrshire, Morley, 2 sizes, Stuart, Highland Mary, Thompson's improved Vulcan. Iron Beam Pioneer, or sub-soil, and Double Mould Board. Webber's Patent, Large 2 Wheel, with cast and wrou'^'lit iron, st'jel pointed. - -■■ teeth V. Cultivator:;", and lloise Hoes. •' Uoatl 8craperKS, two Sizes. ' stove Furniture, Copper and Tin, Have Trough, Conductor Pijjos, and tin work of every description. Stove piping and general sheet Iron work. COPP & BROTHER, thanking their IViendd for tlio very liberal support they have received, beg to iissurc them, that every effurt will bo made to merit a continuance of their favors, and to moot tiie doniands of our rapidly improv- ing Ci)uuty. AND OENERAL DlRrClORT. ^f .1 n ^i m^tmtim*> itt J. F. CULLEN, TEACHER OF I'LALV, FANTV, ANU ORNAMENTAL PENMANSHIP, VICTOIIIA STREi-T, WOODSTOCK, C . W. CO»IMKR('IAL HOTEL, CORNER iiuNDlS AND rANSIlfmi' STREETS, WOODSTOCK, a A, HICKS, Proprietor. This House is situated iu tlie principal basiiieas part of the Town, and no eSTort will be spared to make guests tomfortable and feel at home. IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST ALES, WINES, LIQUORS AHD CIGARS. • ROBERT MURRAY, MANUFACTURER OF RRIAGES, BOGGl, WAG CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS, REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NuTICE. VANSITTART STREET, WOODSTOCK, C.W^. 341 OOUNTY OF OXFORD GA^ETTEEH. R. McWHINNIE, & Co., STATIONERS AND BOOKSELLERS, SENTINEL BRICK BLOCK. DUNDAS STREET, "VXTOODSTOGK, Keep couataiitly on haud n caiofully koK (led btock of the choicest Literatur* oftlieday. School lJoo!->, Miscellaucoiis Books, liAW STA1^)NERY. INKS, PENS, E.NVEL03»E.S,\R.Un'IN(i PAPEIIS, &c. New Publications recoived direct from tiio Pul)iiyhci3. Ministers and School Toiicher.s dtnilt with on the njo&t favourable terms. VrALL PAPEJtS OF ALL PA'H'ERNS. And a fine assortment of Fancy Articles sold clicap for Cash. DOOKIilNDLNG DONE IN THE NEATEST STYLE. THE CLARENDON HOTEL, -- DUNDAS STREET, J. B. VANVOORaiS, Prop. This esLiblishnient hofl boon furiiii^iiod and f!U"d up in a superior style, and rendered very conifuvtalilo for the at;cov!iti!od;ttiijii of vi-sitors, and the travelliniDf public. A bub.staut 1 bill of fare alwaya supplied with all the delicacies in their Seusou. The Bar is well supplied with Liquors of the best brands, and genuine cigars. There are also commodious BILLIARD ROOMS attached, and the ou\f ones in the Town. GOOD STABLING AN» ATTENTIVE HOSTLEE. I AND GENERAL DIUK(:TORY. 1 kd Is THE WOODSTOCK SENTISEL. PUBLISHED BY ROBERT MoWHlNNlE, Every Friday Afternoon, '■■■■■ THE ONLY REAL REFOKM JOURNAL IN THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. DEVOTED TO Politics. Agriculture, Commerce, Cenera! News and Family Heading. R. McWHINMI Having a large and varied assortmoiit of n«nv iv,!.! )M:a.utifxiI BOOK, FANCY, AND JOB TYPE, And having everj- facility for oxecutiug, WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, ALL KINDS OF PRINTING He is now prepared to do any work iu his line at vory rcasonablo prices. Orders from the country attended to at once. TERMS FOR SENTINEL, $1.00 A YEAR. IT IS THE BEST MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING IN THE COUNTY. IS hi iSIf: U6 C6XTSTY or OXtbRD I^A^BTTEER, ■jl'l"''"'" """ OF CANADA. l.jRHi*?ft';\'^V); THE GREAT CENTRAl ROUTE r HUM New York, Boston & Milwaukie. CLOSK CONNECTIONS »T Express Trains East and West. 4, SPEED, SAFETY AXD COMFORT SECURED. LUXURIOUS CARS. EXOELT.K.NT REFRESHMENT ROOMS ! SUSPENSION BRIDGE, HAMILTON, i.o]srr)oisr. And on board the Company'a SPLENDID FERRY-BOAT, "UNION." OX DETROIT IIIVER. GOOD MEALS & SUFFICIENT TIME GUARANTEED. TICKETS isSOED Tfl CHiGAGO. MILWAUKIE, BT. PAUL. HT. LOUIS, BUFFALO, NEW f ORK. BOSTON, KIXOSTOX, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, Aud all other I'liiioipal Points East and West SUPERB SLEEPIIVG CARS THOS. SWINTARD, Oeneral Manager, Gi^at We.steru Railway Offices, Ilamiltou. FTE lukie. /est. tUS CABS. B ! flON." fTEED. Llo, new 30, IIS [anager, [amiltouu AKD QKKERAL DIRECTORY. 247 APPENDIX. -Hrf* >»**»>•>» ^'>. cTampbell's corners. Situated three miles north of Ingersol!, at the present terminus of the Inger- BoH, North Oxford, and West Zorra gviivei road. It contains a store, hotel, and blacksmith shop. . . Alphabetical List of Professions, Trades, &o. Campbell, .lames, farmer. ' >Jol>ONALD, ROBERT, farmer, and „., ,,. ])ronr Campbell. s Corners Hotel Gihnore, A\ m., grocer. j [^J^ ^.^^.^^ ^^^^ yg j McDonald, Alexander, farmer. | wjHard, George, farmer. DEAN'S MILLS. Situated on the 13th lot, ISiU concession, of the Township of East Zorra. David and Israel Dean, proprietors. Burton, Jol DRUMBO. (See page 115.; Alphabetical List of Proresslons, Trade*, &o. .n, boot and shoe maker. | HCTTOX JOSEIMI A., d«ul»r i general niorohaudise. EAGLE'S CORNERS. . On the Ingersoll and Port Burwcil plank and pravel road, tlu'efl miles from Ingersoll. Alphabetical Liat of Professions, Trades, &o. Brown, Jooti, shoemaker. Lriwis, Beujatnin, oooper. Carroll, Patrick, watron m.ikcr. Mayberrv, Rioliard, tdacksraith. FARMERS" EXCHANGE, Stephen Maybeny, Rioh:inl, jr., wagon makw; Saudo, proprietor. Saudo, John, Imtt-hiT. Hill, Alva, physician and accoucheur. WISEMAN, GEORGE, faft^iet. i ; I 248 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZEITEER, ■ LYONS' CORNERS. Two rniks west from Korwichvillc, contains an hotel, blackwnith shop, aad Bb oe eliop. Aipliaboticai Liiit of Professions, Trades, &c. Thompson, Wm., shoemaker. Bu'-krail, JanicH, block.«niith. llilliker, Lewis, prup'r Ililliker'3 Inn Benevolent Society of West Zona. * l-NITKD BRETHKEX, FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF WEST ZORRA. (Organized, February, 18.'>9.) Time of meeting, first Friday of every quarter. Post Office RtitireBS, Enibro. OFFICEr.3. G. V . M., DonaUl Sutiierlar.d, | G. W. S., Alexander M-;Kav, G. ^V. C, William Gcddes, | G. W. T., David Rosa. * Through mistake, the names of th«^ officers of this society were printed under Emb: o. Tiie Society is a Townsliip organization. The Grand Wor- ehipful iMuirtor very kindly iufoimed us of the mistake. Municipal and Township Officers. Blanoiord.— .lolin Barwiik, Reeve; David McBeth, Deputy Reeve; Henry Vansittavt, AViliiam Stecdsmaii, John Risk, Councillors. T. F. Mitchell, Town Clerk; J. B. Ellison, Treasuier; William Hewitt, John Oliver, Assessors. Blkniieim. — John G. Lindsay. Reeve ; James M. Kennedy, Deputy Reeve ; Henry Mnma, Arthur 'l\'w, JamcH Masters, Coiinoillors. Joseph H. Laycock, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Thomas lOlliott, William Key, Assessors. Dkkkiiam. — E. D. Til^on, Reeve ; K. V. Bodwell, Deputy Reeve ; Robert Adamson, John Marka;i, B(.'njamin llopkiny, Councillors. W. E. Nesbitt, Town Clerk; Charles Hawkins, Treasurer; John Ruckle, Assessor. East Xissouki. — .Samuel Towle, Reeve ; L. Whelan, Deputy Reeve ; John Cameron, William Ilt^nderson, Jof^iah Wlietstono, Councillors. Robert Arm- strong, Clerk and Treasurer; William L»arnum, Assessor; Wm. McKone, Col- lector. North Norwi!--!!. — David Butterfield, Reeve ; Thomas Abraham, Deputy Reeve; John J. Burgess, Benjamin llohnes, J. B. Parmer, Councillors. M. Mott, Town (;ierk and Treasurer; Samuel Birtus, As-sessor. South Norwich. — Richard Talbot, Reeve ; J. M. Gillard, Deputy Reeve; Hiram S.iadwiolc, Myron Durkce, Steward McCurdy, Councillors. Charlea Lowis, Town Ckrk; Elihu Schooley, Treasurer; Charles TrefTry, As-sessor. East. Oxkoup. — Wm. Burgess Reeve; James G. Pettit, Wm. Peers, Wm. Lemon, James McCallum, Councillors. James Scarff, Clerk and Treasurer; Edward Topping, Asseasor; Neleou Vroman, Collector. ANT> GKNTRAL DIRECTORY. 249 Bhop, aud ra. ry quarter. ay. e printed md Wor- k ; Henry ell, Town aora. Reeve ; jaycock, Robert tt, Town e ; John ■rt Arm- ue, Col- Deputy rs. M. Reeve; Charles !8or. i, Wm. easurer; North Oxfokd. — W. S. Light, Recvp ; John ITondorson, Deputy Roovo ; Ebt'iiczor(ioldiii|r, llohort Korr, 'I'liomn'j Owoiis, Couiu.'nior.'^. Abmbam IlilU-. don, Town Clfik; J.-nnes Hendevhou, Troasuror. West OxFOiiO. — .hancs J fan-is, ll<^, Connrillors. Charles Mason, Clirk; Juiiies Galk Ti i: r.. n )epiity Reeve ; Daiiivl I'errv, lown East Zoiira. — John Tinrriiitrton. lleevo ; William Wil-ion, John Wilkinson, .Tohii Ihowu, .'; j)n.'.i M.'Ko,', ruiuu-illurH. Clerk; Jaml .McLimo, A.-.~\'ssor. WesiT Zoku.v. — Alfxr.ndor McCovqnodalt', K^ ove; Raipii Fethorston, Dopufy R«eve; Chams ]\I<'Kay, John Mathcjon, Al'wantler Mv Donald, Coni,(ilior.s George Gordon, Tuwn Clerk; ,1. .M. Ross, Treasurer; AugU'^uis Wilson. Assessor. , WoonsTOf.'K. — William Wiis'^n, Mayor; liomer P. Brown, Reeve ; John McWIiinui'', Dci/rity Reeve. 8t. Aiidnvv's Wuru — 'i'homas OliviT, Jordan Char);'.'-, dame,-; liny. hi!:. Patnck's Wr;;d — AViliiani ^i'-aili', John McWliinnif, . Henry Tarker. St. Ci'orge's Ward — Honvr J'. Browp, Wm. Grey, Henry Silve.-ter. F^*, D.~.^■i^l"1 Ward — Tbumao ("uttic, l>\\ .yulin Turcjuanfl. RoJiort N. Light, i-'i. John's Ward — John Bain, F. B. Pcof'eld, J.^im Board. Thomrs Scott, Treasurer ; Jidm Greig, (.'Icrk ; JoiiU Uarn?on. Mcsaenger ; T\ illirm Corrio, Chi^f Constable. I.NGERSOtx. — Adam Oliver, Reeve ; Darius Doty, Deputy Reeve ; John Ga!- liford, Arthur O'Connor, Robert McDonaM, CuimeillorH. * R. A. Woodcock, Clerk, E'i'.vin Doty, Treopunn-; J iimt!= MrDcinaU, Assessor; Wm. Featherson, Collector. Embko. — John Short, Reeve; D. R. MoPherson, James Adam, JohnGuun, Alex McKay, Councillors. John Fraher, Clerk; George Adam, Treasurer. LIST OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR THE COUNTY OF OXFOiU). David S. McQueen, Woodstock, George W. Whitehead, do. John Carroll, Beachville, Edmund Deotles, Simcoe & Woodstock, John G. Vausittart, Quebec, Benjamin YauNorman, Tllsonburg, Calvin Martin, Beachville. Archibald Burtcb, Woodstock, John Harrington, do. James Bodwell, Mount Elgiu, Gilbert Stover, Otterville, David Canfiekl, IngersoU, Robert Cameron, Thamesford, James IngersoU, AVoodstock, Walter M. Mills, do. Henry (Jrotty, IngersoU, Charles Hawkins, Tilsouburg, Thomas "Wallacp, Norwic'avillo, "NVilliam Carroll, do. Henry Root, do. George W. Carder, Otterville, Moses Mott, Norwichville, Jared Kilborn, Plattsville, William Dickson, Canning, Jeremiah Cowan, Princeton, 12 AViHiam L. Goble, Goble's P. 0., Frani.'is Malcolm, Innerkip, Robert McDonald, South Zona, Angus Munro, Embro, Donald Mathesou, do. AA'illiam Sutherland, Stiatford, Seneca Lewis, IngersoU, John McKay, Embro, Dennis Horseman, Thamesford, Nathan P. Allen, East Nissouri P. 0. John Bayne, Embro, AValter B. Maybec, IngersoU, Benjamin Thornton, AVoodstock, Daniel Phelan, IngersoU, Andrew Bodwell, Mount Elgin, William Smith, Dereham, Charle-j E. Chadwick, IngersoU, AVillium Burgess, AVoodstock, William AVilson, do. .\lichael Overholt, Eastwood, AA'illiam II. Landou, Dn -bo, James Kintrea, AVoodstock, Reuben }1. Bnrtch, do. Donald McPherson, do. Joseph Sud worth, do. 1 ' I il il 250 COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, John Douglass, do. Duvid White, do. John Clark, Port Dover, Jordan Charles, Woodstock, George Forry, Washington, Henry Miinro, Drun.bo, Walter 11. Martin, Princeton, JaniL-s Kennedy, do. John G. Lindsay, do. Samuel Piatt, Platlsville, James N. Williamson, Canninf^, .Joseph II. Layoock, Richwood, Francis Pickle, jr., Canning, George Alexander, Wood.-tock, John IJarwick, do. Francis Malcolm, jr., Inncrkip, John I<''aiil)airn, Kallio, William ^\'il&on, lunerkip, John Wilkinson, bouth Zorra, Angus Murray, do. Alexander Wood, do. A. 11. Farmer, London, llugland, Benson Pelton, Embro, William Oliver, du. Mervin Cody, do, John M. Ilof*3, do. James Sutherland, James Adam, liinibro, John D. Dent, do. Alex. Gordon, do, Joseph Laycook, do. JohnB.Wilkeraon, do. Alexander Clark, Braemar, William Ros?, Em!)ro, Alex. McCorquodale, do, Robert S. Mann, Drmnbo. Robert Mathews, Beachviilo, James G. Ross, ('lifton, John Mathepon, Embro, William McKay, do. John ;MoIuto^h, East Niisoiu-i, William II. Gregory, Lakt'side, Franklin H. Cogswell, Tharaesford, William McKenzie, Embro, Elenzer McCarty, Thamebiord, : William N. McKim, Lakeside, ; J ohn McKee, Norwich ville, : Ephraim Cook, do. I Hiram A'anvalkenburg, do. ! Gustavus BinoliJim, do. ; Edward Burgess, Burgessville, 1 A'lriun Swartwort, Xorwichvillc, j Robert Chambers, AVoodstock, ; .Michael Stover. Otterville, i Charles 'I'reffry, do. : Asa Durkee, do. I John Smith, Til?orjbnrg, lEbcnezer V. Bodweil, Mount Elgin, I Thomas Hardy, Tilsonburg, 1 William PeiM-s, Woodstock, ' William Garbutt, Oxford Centre, ; IloltLit Pearson, Woodstock, : Joel Canfa'ld, Oxford Centre, I James McCallum, Woodstock, I (,'harks Ma.-,on, Beachyillc, Thomas Hokroft, Ingersoll, j Peter Smith, do. ; John Galliford, do. [James G.alloway, do, I Abram Carroll,' do, i Elisha Hall, do. j Thomas Brown, do, j William lIo()k, jr., Beaehville, ! John McDonald, Injjersoll, 1 John Johns, Thamesford, \ John Armstrong, do, ! Donald Ross, Ingersoll, j Jas, Henderson, do, ; Garry V, DeLong, Norwichville, [ Jame- !l; -. do, iHovvcy I?, .an, Tilsonburg, j Cha.ii;^'' (J Jody, Mount Elgin, I John W. Nesbitt, Burgessville, ! (/harles Picklo, Blenheim, iOrin Avery, Tilsonburg, ' .lames G. Pettit, Burgessville, . I'^iijah Nellis, Woodstock, ' Wni. Chambers, do, ■ Wm. Grey, do. AND GEJTERAL DIRECTORY. 251 THE PEOVmCIAL GOVEMMENT. GOVERNOR GENERAL. His ExccUfiicy the Right Hon. Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Goreruor General of British North America, and Cuptain-Cicueral anJ Govcrnor-in-Chief of the Trovincps of Canada, New Brunswick, Novu Scotia, and ihe Inland of Prince Edward, &c., &e., &c. Denis Godley, Go^•er^or Generula Secretary; Capt. Retallack, 63rd Regiment, A. 1). C, Militiay Secretary and Principal Aide de-Camp. Colonel Irvine, Provincial Aide-de-Camp; Lieuteuaut-Colonel Duchesnay, extra Provincial Aide-de-Canip. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Attorney General West, Hon. J. S. [ Commissioner of Pnbl-c Works, Hon. Macdonald. ; Ulric J. Tessier. Attorney General East, Hon. Loui.^ V. '■ President of the Council, Hon. T. D. Siootte. McGeo. Receiver General, lion. James Morris. Minister of Agriculture and Statistics, Provincial Secretary, Hon. Antoine A. Hon. Francois Evanturel. Dorion. | Solicitor G i-neral West, Hon. Adam Postmaster General, Hon. M. H. Foley. Wilson. Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hon. Solicitor General East, IIou. J. J. C. Wm. McDougall. j Abbott. Minister of Finance, Hon. Wm. P. i Howland. ' e, LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF C/ VADA. , Speaker, (Quebec LIFE LEGISLATIVE COUNCILLORS. NAMES AND RESIDENCES. Hon. 11 II II «i 4< J. Hamilton, Kingston. A. Ferrie, Doon. P. H. Knowlton, Brome. P. H. Moore, Phillipsburgh. G. J. Goodhue, London. W. Walker, qucbcr.. J. Morris, Brockville. J. Gordon, Toronto. J. Ferrier, Montreal. R. Matheson, Perth. G. S. Boulton, Cobonrg. James Leslie, MontreaL \ Hon. Frederick A. Queanel, Montreal " G. A . DoBaujeu, Coteau du Lac. " John Ross, Torcn'n. " Sir K. P. Tache, Mmitmagny. " S. Mill?, Torou'.:, " Loui^ Panot, Q^vrhiC. " Sir Narcisse Bell"iiii. Quebec. " C'harles Wil .■.\ .Montreal. " Benjamin Si, imnr. Port Hope. " David M. Armstrong, Sorel. " Ebenozer Perry, Cob"in-g. •• Walter H. Dicksou, JYiagara. I * i • j'2 25? OOUXTY OF OXFORD GAZEITEEB, ELECTIVE LEGISLATIVE COUNCILLORS, C.W mvisioNS. mVISIO.NS. NAMES. Btithurat, Hon. James Shaw. Brock, " A. J. Fcrgusson. Burlington, " Iluimanua Smith. Calaraqui, " Alox. Cnmpbcl!. Eastern, " T. Bennett. Eric, " David Chiistio. Gore, " Georgo Alexander, Home, '> J. C. Aikins. King. " David llecsor. Malalv'cfe, •' E. Li'oiiard. Midland, «« W McMaster. JVitccaitlc, " A jJrew Jeffrey. ELECTIVE LEGISLATIVE COUNCILLORS, mvisio.vfl, XAMKa. divisions. Alma, Hon. J. Armand. Bedford, " A. B. Fostor. De la Durant. " F. Lemicu.v. J. B. G. Piouk, L'\joie, XAjres. Hon. J. G. CiiiTio. " J. Simpson. " — , Road. " J. Skoad. " JoIju McMun-ich. " Malcolm Cumeron. Gno, (J raw ford. Donald McDonald. Oliver Biako. Sidney Smith. Walter McCrae. Gforge W. Allan. ;.E. NAMES. Laruntidcf, Hon. M.P.de S Laterrier® J\riagara, Q^ueciis, " Q^uinte, " Hi den u, " Saugeen, " S'l. Clair, iS'. Lawrence, " Tecinnselh, " That.es, " Trent, Western, " York, Dc la Falliere, " De Lanudic.ir, " De. Loriin'crc, " Dc tSalahcrry, " Grandville, " Gulf, Inkcrman, " Kennebec, " La Satlc, " J. 0. Bureau. L. 11. Ronaud. Luc L! d(." St. Just. Ulric J. Tessiei'. Juhn Ilamiiun!. — . (,'ormicr. A. J. I.>ueheHnav. Lauzon, Mil/e Islc.i, Montarvillt, Ile.pvntigny, Rigavd, Ruvgf.nont, Sotinl, Shawcntgan, i^tndacna, I'irhtria, Wellington, E. II. J. Ducht'snay- E. Maason. Louis Lacosto. P. U. Archambaalt Rubt. N. Harwood. L. DcssauUea. J. B. Gucvremout — . Maliiiot. Francois Baby. L. H. Holton. llclli.s Smith. Picp.MAXK.vT OrrrcERfi. — J. F. Taylor, Clt.'ik of ilie House and Master in Chancery ; L, R. Fortier, (Jlerk of li 'I'ranslator, and Clerk of Com- mitte(>s ; J. K. Doucet, Additional A.-.ijitant Clerk, and Afisistant French Translator ; \V. j\ Mainly, Additional A-s-sistiint and 2nd Otlice Clerk ; James Adamsod, Clork oftlie Eii'irllsh Journals; R. (.1. Ri'lleau, Clerk of thft French Journal;: Juhn M. McTi'a'i, Junior Cjcrk: R' i.o Kimber, GoQlleman Usher of tiie Hlark Rod; Olivier Vallei'and, SviJeiuii-at-Aruis; Rev. W, A. Adiimsoij, D. C. L., Chaphuii aii'i Lilirarian; Michael Keuiin.^i', Chief Mes-cnger and Ilouso- koejiir; Sainu"! .-"'kiiiri-T, Meyyenger and Asiistr.nt llour-^ekeoper; Ed, Botterell, Doorkeeper Aritoi:i(> Lt ■'aaiice, J. Dolurlv, Joliii Ifai'l'-v', J. Younf,', F. Boul.-t, P. ]>(.iir:, J. Cn.-sjsll, J l'a,'reau, J.' J{. Mi-vrivH 1, Iiielt:iru Orier, and Peter Ratte;-, M,'?:-.*'nf;'(rf?-. A " Douaire, anl Johtj C. Young, Piiges. LEGIjSLArj7E ASSKMiiLY (»F CANADA. FION. Jv Ei*H vj, rUKfOTlK. SPEAKER. NAMKS. P. 0. APDRESil. Hkd. J. J. V. AbliOit, Montreal. Maurice Liifrnaiboise, St. Hya«intha lleuri ]•]. Tasfiiereau, Quebec. P;inl Denis Montreal. Edwuixl Eeu)illard« Qaebcu CONPTITC .:>CE8, Argcnhul, Bagof, Biuuce, B'auhdiitnit, Bt llediassCf AND GENERAL DIRECTORr. 293 Berthier, Bonaventure, Brant, E. R., Brant, fV. R., Brockville, Town, Brome, Carhlon, Chambljf, Ckamplain, Charlcvois, Ckateattguay, Piorre E. Dostaler, Theodore Kobilaille, Jolin Young Kown, William Rycrsoii, IIoB. Geo. J^hcrwoofl, Christopher Dunkiu, William F. Powell. C. B. do Bouchervillo, John Joues Ros?', Adolphe Gagnon, Henry tStarnes, Chic'jut. ^ Saguen,\)iW\A E. Price, Compton, John llenay Pope. C'jrnwaU, Town, Hon. J. S. Macilonald, Dorchester, Hector L. Lin:;'eviii, Drum'd S'.J?., Jjoprariv, Jj.lssomption, Laval, John Sylvester Ross, John Shuter Smith, Henry Munro, Leonidoa Burwell, George Macbeth, Arthur Rankin, JaniOH Morton, John LoBoutiller, Donald A. Macduuald, William Patrick, Georpe Jackson, Michael Harcourt, John White, Isaac Buchanan. George Benjamin, Lewis Wallbridge, Hon. A. A. Dorion, Robert B. Sommerville, James Dickson. Alexander J^ufre.-'n", Francois Z. 'rasse, Joseph 11. John, Je:in (.'barlcs Chapals, Archibald McKrllar, Hon. John A, Macdonald, AlcAander Ma^'kenzie, RolHTt 15.11, Alexander Morris, Hon. T. J. .1. Lcrauger, Ale.vander Archambault, Hon. Louis S. Morin, Leeds i)'* Grrc»t,.Y/?.F'raneis Jc les, Leeds, S. R., Bi-njamin Tett, Lennox ^ »'it/rfinton, Placo, Montreal. Montreal. L'A&oomption. Montreal. Keniptville. Newburou^rh. Camden East. Levis. St. Catherines. St. Jean, Port JoU. London. Quebi'C. St. Leon. Ste. Sophie, N. Ilttlifax. 254 00T7NTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Middleter, E.R. Hon. M. B. Portman, London. Middlesex, W.R. Thomas Scalchenl, London. Missf'squof, James OMTalloraii, Cowanville. .Montcalm, Joseph Ptifrosue, St. Alexia .Montmagny, Joseph 0. Beaubien, Montmagny. Montmorency, Hon. Joseph Cauehon, Quebec. Montreal East, Hon. G, K Cartior, Montreal. Montreal, Centre, Hon, J. Rose, Montreal. Montreal fVtit, Hon. 'rhornus \). McGfle, Montreal. JVnpiervillc, Jacques 0. IJuroan, St. Rorai. J\'iagaru; Town, John Simpson, Niagara. •V/co/e/, Joseph Gaudet, Gcntiliy. .Vor/o//t, A<|uila Walsh, Simcoe. ^'orthumh'land, R. H,\. L. Biggar, . Miirny. A'nr thumb' land W. W.Fanies Cockburii, CoMOUrg. V tario, A*. R., Matthe'.v C. (.,'anieron, Toronto. Ontario, S.H. Hon. Oliver MowTt. Toronto. Ottawa, City. Kiehard \\. Scott. Ottawa. Ottawa, County, VVni. Mt'D. Dawson, Three Rivers. Oxford, .V. ft., Hon. \Vm. .McDougall, York Mills, Torontoy Oxford, S.Ii. Skeffington Connor, Toronto. Peel, Hon. J. H. Camorou, Toronto. Perth, Hon. Michael H. Fol«y. Simcoe, Norfolk. Peterborough, F. W. Haultain. Peterborough. Pontiuc, Jolm Foupore, Cliichcster. Portneuf, Jean 'P. Broussoau, Quebec. Prcscott, He\iry \\ . McCann, Vankleekhill. Prince Edward, Wm. Andenson, jr., Mountain View. Q^uebec, East, FjtMie G. Hont, Q\iebec. Quebec, Centre, George H. Siniard, Quebec. quebec, JVesl, if on. Charles Alleyn, Quebec. • Quebec, County, ] Ion. F. Evanturei, Quebec. Renfrew, Daniel McLachlan, A.rnprior. Richmond ^ 'Volfe, (Charles do Cazcs. Danville. Rir.he.licu, Joseph Beaudreau, St, Aime. Rimouslci, George Sylvain, Bic, Co. Rimoaski. Rouville, }[on. L. T. Drunimond, Montreal. Rui^sell, Robert Bell, Ottawa. Saint Hyacinthc, Hon. L. Victor Siootto, St. Hyacinthe. Saint Jolrns, Francois Bourasaa, St. Jean Dist.Dontreal. Saint Maurice, L. L. L. Desanlnicrs, Yamachiche. Shefford, L. S. Huntington, Shefford. Sherbrook, Toicn, Hon. Alexander T. Gait, Sherbrooke. Simcoe, JV. ft. Angus Morrison, Toronto. Simcoe, S.R. Thomas R. Fergusson, Cookstown. Soulanges, Jean B. J. Prevost St. Polycarpe. Sanstead, Albert Knight, Stan stead. Stormont, Samuel AiUt, Aultsville. Ttmiscouata, Michael William Baby, Quebec. Tcrrcbone, L. L. Vigev, Montreal. Three Rivers, City, Hou. J. E. Tarcotte, Three Rivers. Toronto, East, John Crawford, Toronto. Toronto, West, Hon. J. B. Robinson, Toronto. Two Mountains, Jean B. Daoust, St. Eustache. Vaudrcuil, J. B. Mougenais, Rigaud. Vercheres, A. E. Kierzkowski, St Charles, RicheU Victoria, James W. Dunsford, Lindsay. AND GETnSRAL DIRECTORY. 259 Waterloo, JV.R., Waterloo, S.R, Wtlland, Wellington, J\\ R. Wellington, S.R. Wenltcorth, *A'. J?., Wenlworth, S.R., Yamaska, York, A". R, York, RR,. York, W.R. Hon, Michael H. Foley, .laino3 Cowan, Thomas C. Street, AVilliain Clark, David Stirlou, AV illiiun Xotniua, Joseph Kyraal, Mnyso Fortier, llou. Adam Wilson, Aivos Wii'.Mit, IIou. W. V. iJowlaud, Simcoe, Norfolk. Sooth Waterloo. Chippawa. Guelpb. (juolph. Duudiis. Bartou. Bt. David, C, E. Toronto. Richmond Hill. Toronto. ita treal. Spink, Routine and Iiccord Clerk, (ioniral Department — k. ClaorOflice Clerk; 11. llartnev. Assistant Oflice Clerk and Permanent Oiiickks. — Chief Department — W. B. Lindsay, jr, Clerk; Geo, M. Muirand A. Patrick, Clerka Assistant; Law Clerk's Department — George W. Wicksteod, Q.C., Clerk; Frank Rad^ley, B.C.L., and Eug. P. Dorion, As- sistant Clerks. Accountant's Dcpartnunt — Tliomas Yaux, Accountant; J. Stansfield, Assistant Accountant ami Bookkeeper. Department of Routine and Records — Wiliiiun - - William P. Patrid Clerk to Printing Counnittee: lienrv B. Stuart, English Writing Clerk; P'. Denechaud, French AVriting CJerkiA. G. D. Taylor, Theodule Blais, H. H. Smith, O. ('. do Lach'vrotiero, N. Gingra-t, If. Lindsay, J. S. Sloane, Paul E. Smith, John Xotnian, Junior Clerks, (.'omniittee Department — Alfred Patrick Chief Clerk of Committees and of Controverted Elections ; J. P. Leprohou, First Assistant do; F. X. BUmchet, Second do. Private Bill Department — Alfred Todd, Clerk of Votes and Chief Clerk of Private Bills; T. Patrick, As- sistant Clerk of Private Bills and Clerk of Railway Committee; Herman Poetter, Assistant Clerk of Votes. Translator's Department — Euirene P. Dorion, Chief French Translator ; W. Fanning, French 'I'ranslator of the Journals and Votes of Prtceodings; T. G. Coursolles, Assistant French Translator; J. G. GingraH, Joseph Royal. A. Alondelet, Junior Assistant do; F. Badgley, Chief Engii.sh Translator; W. AVilson, F. Hayes, AA'illiam Wilson, jr. Assistant English Trans- lators. Journal Department — W. IL LeMoine, French Journal (5erk; Pierro Rivet, Assistant do; Wm. B. Ross, English .Journal Clerk; Henry J. McCarthy Assistant do. Library Department — Alpheus Todd, Librarian; A. G. Lajoie, Assistant do; A. liuperricre, Clerk. Sergoant-ut-Arms Department — DonaUl W Macdonoll, Sergeant-at-Arms, W. C. Burrage, Deputy do; R. Defries, Post- master; Joseph Blais, Assistant do; John O'Connor, Doorkeeper; R. Bailie, Assistant do; A. L. Cardinal, Chief Messenger; M. McCarthy, Assistant do; 0. Vincent, Messenger of Liljrary; Pierre Luiiberte, J. Lenionde, E. Pelletier, W. Graham, James Hoy, J-ldward Stacy, Joseph Asselin, Messengers. Ed. Storr, Assistant Doorkeeper. TABLE FOR FACILIATING CALCULATIONS. The product multiplied by the decimals in the table is an approximation to the capacity in gallons, weight in pounds, bushels, square fe«t, cubic feet, miles and yards. Lineal feet multiplied by '• yards " Square inches " •♦ yard* •< 000 19 000568 0U7 0002061 • equal milM. " square fiet. " acre*. . 3ft« .« COUNTY OF OXFORD GAZETTEER, Oircular inches Cjlindrical inches «• feet Cubic inches " feet " inches CylinUrical feet " inclics, Cubic feet " inches Cylindrical feet " iuclica Cubic feet " inches <( II Cylindrical feet II II Cubic inchea tin, 2.8 zinc, 2.15 lead. Bath Metal. — 32 parts brass, 9 parts zinc. Blanched Covper. — lU parts copper, 1 p.art arsenic. Briltan'.a Me'al I part each — brass, tin, bismuth, antimocy. Petong, or Chinese white Copper.-^20.2 parts copper, 15.8 nickel, 12,7 zinc, •nd 1.3 iron. German silver. — 2 parts copper, 1 nickel, 1 zinc. When this compositioQ is intended tu be rolled into plate.n, it is composed of 60 parts copper, 25 parts nickel, 20 of zinc and 3 of lead. Manheim Gold. — 3 parts copper, 1 of zinc, and a small quantity of tin. Mock Gold. — 16 parts copper, 7 parts platinum, 1 part zinc. ^ Mock Platinum. — 8 parts brass, 5 })arta zinc. Spt'culum Metal.— 1 parts copper, 3 zinc, 4 tin; or, 6 parts copper, 2 of tin, and 1 of arsenie. Tombac or Gilding Me'.al. — 9 parts copper, and 1 part zinc. Mock Iron — expanding alloy. — Lead 9 parts, antimony 2 parts, bismuth 1 part. This composition expancls in cooling, and is used in filling small defects in iron castings. Ring, or Jeiveler's Gold. — 150 parts pure gold, 30 parts copper, 22 parti pure silver. Queen's Metal. — Tin 9 parts, aniimony 1, lead 1, bismuth 1. Petvter, common, — Tin 4 parts, lead 1. Pewter, best ^Tin 100 parts, antimony 17. ISteel, alloyed with l-500th part of platinum, or to the same extent with ■ilver, is rendered harder, more malleable, and better adapted for every kind of cutting instrumeniL. In making an alloy the rule should be observed to melt that metal which fhses the least readily first, and to add the others in order successfully, until all are added, when the whole should be thoroughly incorporated and poured without delay, taking care that the mass be not too hot 1, and V*»*.'»fc^"v,'">.'S.^"*. ''»/•»•• '•*■*. ">./*^.'x ,'•»*•*, '*»/"». .•w^*^^,'** MIUTAEY ORGAMZiHON. THAMESFOBD CAN'ADIA.V RIFLE COMPANT. Organized Oct. 1st, 1862. Meets for drill on Friday and Saturday in each week, at 5 p. m. Number of members, 50. CFFICERS. Captain — Thomas Dawes, M. D., | Lieutenant — John W. McLellan, , * j^_^ Sergeant — James Keys. - ,^ H .*:x IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 /. 4^ 1.0 1.1 Hi 125 tii 1^ ■ 2.2 US 140 |2£ L8 III 1.25 1 1.4 III 1-6 .< 6" — ► V] 7 r ^;j // •t^ 7 Urs, dii oes, cents, and mills. TABLB. * 10 mills (m) equal to 1 cent 10 cents equal to 1 dime 10 dimes equal to 1 dollar 10 dollars equal to 1 eagle marked. ct. d. %. E. ATOIRDCPOIS WEIGHT. marked. 16 drams {dr.) equal to 1 ounce oz. 16 ounces • qual tc 1 pcund L. 25 pounds* eqnnl to I quarter qr. 4 quar's or lOOlb equal 103 w'gt cut. 20 hundred weight, or 2000 pounds rqual 1 ton T. 14 pounds make one stone, and 8 stone 1 hundredweight of 112 lbs. This weight is used fur bread, meat, grocery, U>v goods in general, and fur all the metals except guld and silver. TROY WEIGHT. marked. 4 grains equal to 1 carat 24 grains equal to I penny w( igbt dtet. 20 pennyweights equal 1 ounce oz, 12 ouncf;s equal to I pound Ih. This weight is used for go!d, silrer, jewels, and liquors. apothecaries' weight. marked. 20 grains e^ual to I scruple «er. 8 scruple equal to 1 dram dr. 8 drams equal to 1 ounce oz, 12 ounces equal to 1 pound Ih. Apothecaries use this weight in mix- ing their medicines ; but they buy and mU by areirdup.U weight, STANDARD MBA3tlKES. 1IEA8UBB or SURFACE, Oil S^CABt iOX" 8DRB. 144 square inches 1 square foot. 9 rquure feet 1 square yard. 30i square yards 1 square yard or pol«. 40 square' rods I square rood. 4 square roods oi.e square acre (or 4S,- 560 feet.) 640 square acres 1 square mil«. The square of any number is obtain- ed by multiplying it by itself: 12 mul- tiplied by 12 equal to 144, the square of 12. MRABUBBS Ot UMQTB. 12 lines 1 inch. 12 inches 1 foot. 3 feet 1 yard. 16) feet I rod or pole. 40 rods I furlong. 8 furlongs (or ^,280 feet) 1 mile. 60 geographical milei 1 degree. ROPBB A.ND CABLES. ~ . 6 feet I fathom. • 120 fathoms 1 cable's length. weight of a BCSHat, OF TABIOCi ABTI* CLBS. 1 bushel of common potatoes, 60 lbs. " sweet potatoes, 5t> lbs. '* corn, 66 lbs. " hemp, 48 lbs. " wheat, 60 lbs. " barley, 51 lbs. " oats, 34 lbs. " rye, 5tf lbs. " timothy seed, 48 lbs. " beans, 60 lbs. " clover seed, iO lbs. " peas, 60 lbs. " buckwbeat. 52 lbs. *< castor oil beans, 60 Iba. '* dried apples, 21 lbs. " dried peaches, 23 lbs. " blue grass seed, 14 lbs. " red top, 11 lbs. The weight of seed depends on the dryness of the article. 1 bushel of bituminous coal, 2,688 cubic inches, 76 lbs. Sione coal, 80 lbs. to the bushel. CUBIC MRABDRB. 1 728 inches equal to 1 cubic foot. 27 cubic feet I cubic yard. 40 cubic feet of round timber 1 ton. 50 cubic feet of hewn timber 1 ton. 8 feet of wood (or 1 28 cubic feet) 1 cord 1 chaldron of Newcastle comI, 5,936 IbB I perch of stone equal to 24.75 cutl« Diet. A?fD OBNIBItAI, DIRECnOltT. m TABLE OF DISTANCES FROM THE COUNTY TOW:: TO THE POST OFFICES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY. r. 0., lOWNSniP, MILES. p. 0. TOWNBIIIP. lin.B9. From Woodstock to — Iiinerkip, East Zorra, 7 Beachvillc, Oxford 5 Lakeside, East Nissouri, 20 Bmemar, East Zorra, 9 Monnt Elgin, Dereham, 17 Brooksdale, West Zorra, 15 Newark, North Norwich, 12 Brownsville, Derehatti, 23 Nissouri, East Nissouri, 13 Burgessville, North Norwich, 11 Norwichville, North Norwich, 16 Campbell's Cor- Otterville, South Norwich, 19 ners, West Zorra, 9 Oxford Centre, E vst Oxford, 5 Canning, Blenheim, 16 Flattsville, Blenheim, 16 Chesterfield, Blenheim, . 13 Piattsville station, Blenheim, 12 CuUoden, Dereham, 21 Princeton, Blenheim, 12 Dean's Mills. East Zorra, 11 Ritho, Blandford, 14 Dereham, (Til- Richwood, Blenheim, 15 Bonbnrg) Dereham, 25 Salford, Dereham, 14 Drumbo, Blenheim, 12 Soath Zorra, East Zorra, 5 Eastwood, East Oxford, 4 Springford, South Norwich, 15 Embro, West Zorra, 10 Sweaborg, AVest Oxford, 5 Fairview, West Zorra, i: Thamesford, North Oxford & Harrington, West Zorra, 20 Ei\st Nissouri ,14 Howell's Mills , Blenheim, 13 Washington, Blenheim, 18 IngersoU, N.& W.Oxford 10 Wolverton, Blenheim, U| GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, NEift aREAT WEsTElUf RAILWAY DEPOT, INGERSOLL. C. W.. T. M. SMITB, Proprietor. »%.'*.<"fc*-K-'».r*%rf"w'»»^*w*v-'V#"i-'»,/*fc<'*.''»v^"^.*«./'*^"*.'>. This house is convenient to the Railway depot, and travelers will meet with evcij attention. Carefnl and attentive Hostlers always in attendanoe. In connection with the Hotel is a first-class ^ ILIVERY STABLE. TralVeil«n taken to any point in the coontrj, on tbe arrival o( Trains. M OOTTNTT OF OXFORD OAZETTEER, DENTAL NOTICE. 4BSSS& J. BOWES, DENTIST, May still be consulted at his office in Taylor's Block, Thames Street, «£«.: In ell cases rdatinjr to the Teeth and gums. The introduction of Vulcanized Rubber ns a base for nriificial Teeth, lias caused quite a revolution in dental operations. — to a great extent superdeding all other materials for that purpose, and reducing the prices so low tlmt none need go without those necessary organs Filling done with p"vr« gold or silver, and warranted. Irregularities correct- ed, Ac, &c. Teeth extracted with the least possible amount of pain. Ether administered when required, under fa\orable circumstauceH. Office in Taylor's illock, Tlianios Street, over the Store of J. B. Crawford & Co. EDWARD BARKER, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IX Boots and Shoes, KING STREET, I ]>J GIr £3 XI. iS O MATTHEW FIN LAY, IIVaERSOLli, c. w. AND GENERAL DIRECTOBT. 361 GRIIII mU RUIM. :A^;;il . - THIS GREAT CANADIAN LINE SXTEXDS FROM Portland, Maine; (joebec & River du Loup, Lower Canada, I3iT TUB EA.SX, To London, Upper Canada, and Detroit, Miciiigan, IN" TUB "WEST, PASSINO THROCOn MONTREAL, BROCKVILLE, KINGSTON. BELLEVILLE, COBOURO PORT HOPE, TORONTO, GUELPH AND 8ARNIA. CONNECTS WITH BAILWAYS IN CANADA FOB Ottawa Oity. Perth, Peterboro*. HamUtoo, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, CoUingwood, Port Stanley, Goderloh, dec, AVO rORlIS WRB SOADa BCXKIXO FROM Detroit Jnnction, Ogdeoabnrg. Danville Junction PortUmd. TBI MOST DIBBOT ROCTK BETWBIV Oinoinnatti, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul, AXU tttt MOBTH-BASTEBN PABT Or The States of New England and Maine. m cottmr (»f 03rf6«ii ^kt^frfvER, THROnaH EXPRBSS TRAttJS, E.-A-SX A.Nrr> "S^EST, I5A.IIj-5r, -yp MAKIXn niRKOT CONNECTION WITH TRAIlGOmMT,WEST,lRTH&SOIlTH ! 9 SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS. WITH THE GREAT "VICTORIA BRIDGE," SPANNING THE ST. LAWRENCE, AT MONTREAL, THK GRAND TRUND RAILWAY OFFERS Uneqaalled facilities for the transmission and delivery of F-REIOHT: .■ THERE BEINO BUT ttV'O tt4!f Sfftl^AE^rt^ ketWMB i'lndmatl dr Chlrag* ami l&t Efsttra 8(«tM ni Eirope ; mi 03(LT OXE Wtwrea the Wcsteni States aii4 Canada. i^ THE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIPS OF THK '•.^' -^ ^'■"-> MONTREAL OCEAN SIEiMSHIP COMPANY'S LINE, •• CANADIAN" AND " UNITED STATES" MAILS, SAILS EVERY SATURDAY, far FORTLIND In the WIKTEK, and QrEBEC In thr SrnHER, for LOKrOKDElKT aal LIVERPOOL, tc the arriral af TraM« ffraili ttt East and WtaU ^i»i . iB#* For Full Particulars and Tickets apply at Offices of Connecting Lines, and Qbakd TamrK Depots. omuAL MAjTAon I ANT) OIBXISlt AL DIRRCmmT. m i ?fS i ESTABLISHED 1842. IMPROVED rG mac: :■* ;*:■• lUriNO ADDEP SEVERAL USEFUL IMPROVEMENTS s, To them, they will be found superior to any mode in the country. The main carrier of this Machine is forty-two inches in width, with extra straw carriers if % required. I am also Manufacturing u new DOUBLE GEAR HORSE POWER. This Power is much more simple and easier worked than the Double-Gear Powers heretofore in use. Manufactured of the l>e8t American Iron. Call and see them before you order Machines elsewhere REP^RIJVG DONE AT LOIV PRICES. AGRICULT URAL IMPL EMENTS. IMPROVED WeEbEL CULTIVATORS, With wrouffht-iron teeth, which give perfect satisfaction to parties using them THE BEST SUBSOIL OR POINTER PLOUGHS IN USE, Also, the Improved Ayrshire and several other kinds of superior pattema, Harrows, Horse Hoes, Root Cnttcrs, &c., &c., AJ^D ROAD SCRAPERS. S a? O "V ESS, ST? O XT' JE3 S. COOKING, BOX AND PARLOR STOVER OF THK MOST APPROVED PATTERNS. MAXITACTUREB AND AGE.NT FOB RUTTAN'S AIR WARMERS. Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLI) AH Eave Troughs always on hand and put up to order in Town and Country. H. p. BROWN. i: :, . Woodstock Iiok Woxxs, Dtr«OAs, St.