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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre raproduit en un seui clich*, ii est film* * partir de I'angie sup*rieur gauche, de gauche * droite, et de haut an baa, en prenant le nombre d'imagas n*cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iilustrant la m*thode. 32X 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 mw V, /'^«" ;«•• til: "^^ ^^^ |i1&^?$ -■v-_s=*-,---* ..; i ''«■■<- J :^- /? ^^'■-■;-r::rA\ "^T f .«::■ ■*> ■VX/''^* Mb LjLr>c-. '■ J^-v ^ M. >.'■! '■'■•■ ;CITY OF KINGSTON,. Mlic Notice is lierBbr |i?6i Ill •Mdtenee to Her M%|esty 's Writ, to me directed^ and I 1854, I require the pre§eiice of (Ik ■■i-hr. 00741 IP * **f^^..'* . • %y ^ -' 'iA^-v<-v> R ^ ■'■ '■ -».^'«^x m ^' 'p. -'^-':"'-TST- ^ ^' .4«^: M'i irebj fiTen to ^ Electors of tiio City of Kingston; Irected, and bearine^date the Fourteenth day of Septembel', *esence of the said Electojr§9 at the fv^-i* .i^r-' 0(€. 'hi>^c^^M'C i m^*- 'WV: 'i^. :■ ••J ^".i ;>{•;!>.; r.!,«. «.i. px-l ^■'■■'(/. ''^i:^M'.^ ^"l ff y^h'^^i ■..'^'■■>yr^'^ 'M '*•^ A*V".'J W' 1 lAI© ©Sllf '/:* ■ iik;.; v,,A,}>'r!i, OH. THDfiSDiT, THE MJAT i OF^iHl ^^mi J ^.| , ,..,, :m ¥m fn'-fHi ■ HOUR wjOIL-X WEi;^ Ibr the p|arfNDi§e of electing si ^erlivn io repreieiit tneni in th( fiii !> In ea§e a Poll §liall be demanded^ and liliow iilsrl f ®tt W5LL f 3 ^>W According to Liaw in the §eyeral ^ar CATABM, IKONTmC. IIA Of all of which every per§on i§ hereby req[nir^ ia tal ■t. ■■««.., C^ITEII muier oiy hand at the €3lty of Kingston, this iitli d (J. M. CREIGHTON, PRINTER.) .VI ^vi: ry ' oi^ir ®F m \^.:^^M"1i^:, 7;),. OF jm HORTH SEFTEHBER, )IL TWELYB. (MCIXIGK N9ON, *. it them in ttie IjegislatiTe Asseitibly of thi§ ^d^ and alto wed i^ manner by liaw prescribed^ 1894, y. 1.4, ■\,.,.,/ ^ ^■''\- fev''<*«*l ,^? aiid that tober, ID. 1 sey^ral ^ardte of said City 9 as follows : ft mTem tm !)qnir^ to take notice and goTcrn himself accordingly, i, this liilh day of the Month of September, X. D. 1854. RETURNIJWO OFFICBIt RINTER.)