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I r.rk. ■lo y 4 TU£ MANAGERS of the RQXAlt (^ORK INSTITUTION have great pleasure i announcing tbat they have made aitrangemeitats with tto DiRflGT6RS tirthe ATHENiEUM, f& {!« dcUv^ THE GREAT HALL, . of tlie follotdng SEBlllS 6F tEC!$tjPBt!]^S EMB^ACINd tAb most titnKBBTVKQ mrijUctt COMNBOl BD WITH AND THEIR AMCATIOX TO THK USEFUL ARTS, I TO BE DELIVERED BY PR<|fESSOE PARflNGTOK, ioF London; er to the Royal Panopticon of Science' and ArtfiLondon ; Professor of Experimental Iritish Cyclopadia i"^ and Author of an extensive $Mriesof works on General Science. ck each day, and to be re-delivered at 8 o'Clock lach evening. PULAR ILLUSIONS AND DELUSIONS EXPI LINED. Introduction. How the Eye and Ear have been deceived by scientific ingenuity. Musical Maryela. Sympat^ of Sound. Experiments of Chladni. Enchanted Lyre. Vision no certain test of reality in Physics. Spectral Illusions. Spirit of the Brockcn. Extraordinary effects of Chemical Change. Illusions of gaseous compounds. Lecture 2.— Wednesday, Get. 7th. Ancient r- '--dern Witchcraft. Powers of Electricity and Magnetism in their connection with the wonders of Science. Apparent imena of Life after Death. Extraordinary modes of producing magnets. Aids lent by Mechanical Magic in carrying «,_^ .narvellous Illusions. MARVELS OF EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE IN CONNECTION WITH IMPROVEMENTS IN THE USEFUL ARTS, lecture 1.— Friday Oct. 9th. Introduction. Day dreams of the Early lUuminati and Alchemical Philosophers. Lost Arts. Restored Progress of Scientific discovery. Oreat advantages found to arise from Men of Science going to the I^aboratory of the Great Architect of Creation. What Optical Science has accomplished. Best modes of assisting Defective Vision. TelescQpc of the Earl of Rossc — its va^t superiority to all preceding instruments. Lecture 2,--Monday Get. I2tii. Ingenious Apparatus devised by the Acoustical Philosopher to assist those \Yho laboup i|qder deafness. Transpiission of the Human Voice facilitated. How musical Instruments have been improveid« and their construction simplified. What Science has efiected for facilitating loconiotion. Imptovements lately introduced in America. Screw Propeller applied to Aerial Navigation. Apparatus for travelling under water, feuccess of M. Payenne's Iron Fish. Conclusion. TRIUMPHS OF MODERN SCIENCE. Lecture 1.— Wednesday Oct. 14th, Ancient and Jlodern Science compared. fx)rd Ashburton's view of the " Science of Common Things." Great N-alue of Experi- mental Illustration. How Science may be turned to most useful account. Its value to guide us in the us^e and abuse of Food. Importance as a beacon in our most rcfnied enjoyments. Wonders of Scott Rusj>ell*8 New Ship. Ocean Telegraph. Lecture 2i— Friday Oct. 16tli. Importance of Modern Science in explainmg the phenomena of the Natujral Kingdom. The Air we breathe. The Waters- we drink, and the Globe Wi- inhabit. Mode of Illu8tralion adopted by the Lecturer in his work published umler Uoyal Patronag* WONDERS OF THE MATERIAL UNIVERSE AS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE BEING AND ATTRIBUTES OF THE CREATOR. Tbifl Course of Lectures is rendered clear and intelligible hj a series of Scientific Experiments and Drawingfs. Monday Oct. 19th Introduction. Scientific Truths in harmony with Holy Writ Discoveries since the publication of Dr. Pale/s work con- firmatory of this view. Proofs drawn from the Structure of the Universe, as well as that of the Globe we inhabit. Truthfulness ot Geological deductions, as illustrative of Creative Benevolence. Striking Exhibitions of Design, drawn from various periods in the History of the World. God's Providence displayed in the adaptation of Structural Arrangement in the Animal and Vegetable Kingdom. Egregious mistakes made by Lord Monboddo, and the Author of *' Vestiges." The latest discoveries in Physical Science opposed to the doctrines of Materialism. Illustrations of tliesc important truths drawn from the Atmosphere that bathes :and surrounds our globe. The Waters that beautify and irrigate its surface, and the Mineral Treasures so abundantly pro- vided lor the use of man. Conclusion. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE EARTH. Wednesday Oct. 2l8t Irregularity of the Earth's Sur&oe produced by tlie combined agencies of Fire and Water. Volcanoes. Character of the Earth's Surface at diflcrent altitudes. Improvements arismg from a knowledge of Physical Gcographjr. Great advantage derived by ithe Geologist and Miner ^om a correct knowledge of Stratification. Vast importance of the Mmeral treasures that abound in •Great Britain. Best modes of working Mines in this Country, as compared with the Continent of Europe. Conclusion. WONDERS OF THE EYE AND EAR. Friday Oct 23rd Introduction. Nature of Light. Refraction and Reflection. Prismatic Spectrum. Cause of the lluinbow — under what cir- cumstances it may be seen to most advantage. Optical Illusions. Fata Morgana. Mirage. Structure of the Eye, and Wonders of Viuon. Improved Instruments for remedying defective Vision. Construction of Optical Instruments. Wonders of the Mechanism of Audition. Best means of remedving defective Hearing. Immense distance to which sounds imay be conveyed. Acoustics applied to Medicine. Stethoscope. Invisible Girl. Conclusion. THE STEAM ENGINE, AND ITS APPLICATION. Monday Oct. 26th Intro<]uction. Wonders of the Steam'^lnginc. Nature and operation of Elastic Vapour. M^cl of the Engine 2,000 years ago. Most important improvements by James'Watt and otiiers. Consumption of Smoke and Economy in Fuel. Safety Valve and 'Governor. Wonders of Steam Locomotion. Increase of speed in Carriages and Boats. Best means of Protecting Passengers .from Explosions and other accidents. The foUomng Testimonials have been received by Professor Partington : — • LONDON LITERARY SOCIETY. Tiesolved. — " That the Thanks of the Managers and Members of this Society be presented to Mr. Partington, for his admirable Xectnre on the Structure and uses of the Steam Engine." — Joun Wilks, Secretary. EXPOSITION OF ARTS, DEVONPORT INSTITUTE. Resolved. — " That the Council avail themselves of the opportunity of a parting farewell to Professor Pabtinqton to express :the high gratification which they have derived from the Course of Lectures, which that GenUemau has delivered before this Institution." — RicuABB C. Smith, Hon Sec. POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, NORWICH. '*