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That this Meeting, fully concurring in the Resolutions, with reference to the British Navigation Laws, adopted at a public meeting held in this city on the 13th June last, and, deeming the question of the highest importance to the interest of Canada, think it advisable to repeat, in substance, and confirm, what was then resolved upon, viz : — That inasmuch as the Mother Country has seen fit to abandon her Prot ave Policy, and has, in consequence, deprived this Colony of many advantages formerly enjoyed in the markets of the United Kingdom; — advantages the loss of which we deeply regret and which cannot be fully compensated, even by a change of the Navigation Laws, as they regard Canada; and inasmuch as the restrictions imposed upon us, by those Laws, and the partial closing of the St. Lawrence against Foreign vessels, prove, in their effects, most detrimental to the commerce, and to the essential interests of the Province: — It is therefore the opinion of this Meeting that the people of this Colonv have a just claim upon the Mother Country, to be relieved from those onerous restrictious. Resolved — 2°. That this Meeting, from further experience acquired in the season just closed, see the most powerful reasons to reiterate what was urged by their fellow citizens at the public meeting already referred to, viz: — That there is the strongest ground ff/.* apprehension, should the British Navi- gation Laws (so far as they afiect this Province) continue in force after the protection to Canadian Grain and Flour in Great Britain is withdrawn, that the bulk of the produce, botli of the Western States an(' of Canada West, will be sent to ports of the United States for shipment, notwithstanding the supe- rior advantages in economy of tranjiport, which the internal communications of Canada possess, but which are fully counterbalanced by the greater cheapness of ocean freight in the United States, and that the Navigation Laws will thus be rendered inoperative as regards their main object, that of protection to British shipping, whilst they \v'ill exercise a most baneful influence over that portion of our revenue derived from Public Works, and over the interests of every individual connected with the Trade and Commerce of the Country. Resolved — 3°. That this Meeting have duly considered the Bill " To amend the laws in force for the encouragement of British Shipping and Navigation, prepared and brought into the House of Com- mons by Mr. Bernal, Mr. Labouchere, and Lord John Russell, and ordered to be printed on tlie 16th August last," — and although they desire to refrain from any expression of opinion with regard to the merits of the Bill, so far as tliey atfect the genonil interests of the Empire, yet conceiving that it fully meets the wants and just claims of the Province, inasmuch as it propo.se3 to leave us free to employ Foreign or British vessels at our option, in our commerce with tlie United Kingdom and other nations, and to concede to the Provincial Legislature the power to regulate our Coasting Trade and Inland Navigation, as it may deem most for the general good — hail the measure in this restricted sense with satisfaction; and trust that the urgency of our case will be duly appreciated by Her Majesty's Government and the Imperial Parliament — this Meeting being convinced that the provisions of the Bill, so far as they relate to Canada, are indispensable for the restoration of prosperity to this Colony. Resolved — 4°. That a liumbJe petition, founded on the foregoing Resolutions, be prepared for transmission to Her Majesty the Queen, and Imperial Parliament; and that His Excellency the Governor General be moved to transmit the same, and to support its prayer; also, that Petitions bi' prepared and presented to both Houses of the Provincial Legislature at the next Session, praying them to support the otyects of this Meetinjr, and with suitable Addresses to the Imperial Authorities. Resolved — 5°. That a Committee be appointed, with full power to carry out the intentions of the Meeting, as expressed in the foregoing Resolutions; and further that the said Committee be requested, and hereby fully empowered, to open a correspondence which our rellow-subjects, in other parts of the Province, for the purpose of inviting them to co-operate with us, in promoting the objects which we have in view, and that the following gentlemen compose that Committee, with power to add to their number: — Hon. Cieorge Moffhtt, C. S. CheiTiev, lion. A. N. Morin, John Young, John Glass, P. Beau- bien, M. l).,Jucoh DeWitt, M. P.P., L. H. IIolton,J. G. Mackenzie, D. Torrance, Hon. P. McGill, Alfred LaKocque, AV. B. Gumming, H. H. Whitney, 11. Starnes, W. Murray, James Scott, Edward Miiitland, JohiiM.Toliin, B. II. Lemoine, J. A. Gagnon, G. E. Cartier,M.P.P., Jean Bruneau, David Kinnear, P. Jodoin, A. Prevost, Louis Marchand, Damase Masson, A. Cuvillier, I. Gould, C. S. Koss, T. B. Anderson, D. L. IWacPherson, W. Molson, Chas, Bockus, James Law, II. L. Routh, W. Lunn, John Greensliields, C. Geddes, Wm. Muir, Sidney Jones, Benjamin Brewster, Charles AVilson, Win. Workman, Thomas Peck, James Ferrier, Wm. Carter, Hew Ramsay, John Glennon, David Daviilson, Alexander Simpson. ■»"»*-<* WP l « -^■r jMoNTBEALyX' UftemJcr, 1848. Sir, Wc have the honor to communicate to you herewith the Resolutions adopted at a Public Meeting of the Inhabitants of this City, duly louvcned and held on the 27th ulto., to take into consideration the subject of the Ke])eal or Modification of tlie Navigation Laws of the United Kingdom, in so far as they relate to Canada, and the opening of the lliver St. Lawrence to the Vessels of all nations; and to mention that Petitions to the Queen and the Two Houses of the Imperial Parliament, embodying the three first Resolutions, are now receiving signatures, and will be immediately placed in the hands of His Excellency the Governor General to he sent to F)ngland. These concessions on the part of the Mother Country having, in the opinion of the Meeting, become indispensable to meet the change made in the Commercial Policy of the Empire, and to restore the financial and commercial prosperity of the Province, it is of great importance that energy and unanimity should charac- terize the present appeal to the Metropolitan Authorities, in order to connteract the impression, attempted to be made in England, that thtr subject ll^lWfed with indifference in the Colony. '*" In the hope that your sentiments will coincide with those of the Meeting, we respectfully solicit, on behalf of the Connnittce named in the Resolutions, your earnest and immediate co-operation and support and that of ♦^i^ii— yi^WW^ Ill l JUU IJiUiUl . ^PlC-^lnUu^f We have I ■^.^' the lionor to he, Your most obedient servants.