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I r date 4«la M VM MM pOQ9 MWI O pfinlBB SMIlt Of tRO BOOK fwOt pO(0 MMI O pilllMo Of pof M piOMNOT piM ot on tonMMont Mit pof lo MitporM porta Otai. mMh ta 000. Touo Mo M OOVMOfO PO^O OM TiMtaot alMiooi TINUOaortiM oyoMMl w V "COM- INOa Ufi opponnni tuf M ■ ■Jtw Hi i^A suivnr*. M flWofont fowMitaii fODoo* nMoo too taf|po to bo ki tho uppor toffi ono top to kottoNit M nMMO A dOO tOlM 'ta on un ooul ofloM. H ioi nHno ■ poftv 41 OfOltO* M nomofo 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i VAJf $TOIf V I In pursnaiice of a Decree in this came, blkring dat( anurobatioo of Jam— Wi— ^. liq„.ll«it» «C ttit-llwttt rt twen, «lwr» i mU lUilir. at Ui 'i'*^^' ''f ' T$» $TOW* bttifiiig date th« Sizteeatli day of May, A. D. 1877, and vith tht ^ >iii4|||pdi] At the honr of 2 o'clock p.m., the following land Lot No. 29, on tKe east aide of that pwt of Bielmumd St: of London, according to a enrv^ and rei^tered plan made by William Robinson, P.r thereof heretofore conveyed to ifars. Carrie Leys by Deed dated the lOth day of An( This property has a frontage on Bichmond Street of aboi 218 feet 6 inches to Alma Street, with a frontage thereon of 67 feet 8 inches, or ther f There is a two-story concrete house on the lot, also a bam, Tailing well of water, and a large garden to the north of the honse, with frnit trees 1 The Street Railway runs to within a few yards of the pro; ness part of the city. The purchaser shall pay the taxes for the current year. The lot wiU be pat up snlgect to a reserved bidding, fixed ^ The purchaser shall at the time of sale, pay down a depc the Vendor's Solicitor, and shall pay the remainder of the purchase money into Oou In ot)ier respects, and except as aforesaid, the conditions Conrt of Chancery. i Further particulars may be had at tiie pffice of Messrs. Cr ^f the Vendor^ Sriiei«er,Tfcibof Street, Und at the OhamMite dl the said Hatter. 4¥1.¥, f "Vendor's SolxQitor. Dated this 23rd day of Kay, A.D. 1877. [Free Press Priatii >iii^ JhdUiipii ^foKSHKKKIfy'f ^HHM^ ^^■,^^.-^i,:. &ytiwfl»F«ftiiiii^ ^■'^^^^M ^■B^^^V* e Mowing land and premiMB. in one parcel, viz. : • ■ ■ ■> Uclnaoiid Street fonadii^ called Burlington Street, in the Gity un Robinson, P.L.S., for David Smith and others, save and except the southerly part lOth day of August, 1870, and now owned by Mr. Oeorge Jackson. ^eet of about 106 feel^ and the northerly portion extends back 8 inches, or thereabouts ; thejdepth of tiie southerly part being alent 124 feet. , also a bam, a large soft water cistern, a ^xm^ with a never- with fruit trees thereon. Is of the property, and brings it within easy access of the biui- - • ■ 1 ■ "entyear. dding, fixed by the said Master. own a deposit of $10 for every $100 of the purchase money, to money into Court within fifteen days thereafter, without intereat conditions of sale are the standing conditions of sale of the i ■ I . \ • ■ ^ Messrs. Cronyn, Martin & Eew, Richmond Street, at the office said Matter. ,. t or. ree Press Printing|Oo.] Master in Olpuicery