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 J^aluFal j^ifioFy: 
 Special Keference to tho.<e of New Brunswick. 
 Prepared for the Use of Schools, 
 L. W. JiAILKY, M. \., I'lul)., F.R.S.C. 
 Professor of Natural History in the University of New Brunsivick. 
 J. ^ A. :McMillan, 98 Prince William ^Street. 
Q H l-l 
 Fredericton, June 1, 1887. 
 The Board of Education, under the authority of the "Common Schools 
 Act, 1871," has presoribed this edition of Ei.kmentary Natural History as 
 a Text Book for use in the Schools of this Province. 
 WILLIAM (^R<)( Kirr, 
 Chief Superintendent Education. 
 Entered according to A(;t of Parliament of (•;m:,di», in the year 1S«7, 
 Bv J. ,t A. McMillan, 
 In the Otfice of the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa. 
 This work lias been written to meet a special want, and therefore 
 in a spe<;ial way. The want is this; namely, that while many ad- 
 mirable text books exist which present the facts connected with the 
 natnre, strncture, and history of minerals, plants, and animals with 
 a (;onsiderable degree of scientific fnlness and accuracy, there are 
 few in which the mere imparting of information is made subordi- 
 nate to the direction of the thoughts — more especially of young 
 pupils — towards the consideration of the objects themselves with 
 reference to which such information is given ; while such as do 
 exist, besiits being too advanced for the lower grades of schools, 
 contain no information whatever as to the natural productions of 
 our own Province. In endeavoring to meet this want the author 
 has had constantly in view the requirer ents of the course of in- 
 struction in the public schools as prescribed by the Board of Educa- 
 tion, and trusts that, while enabling the teacher or student, as the 
 case may be, to meet those requirements more readily, he may at the 
 same time succeed in awakening an intelligent and la,sting interest 
 in the subjects themselves. To promote this object, and to adapt the 
 work to the comprehension of comparatively young minds, he has 
 avoided, a.s far as possible, the use of purely scientific terms and 
 phrases, though he has not, he hopes, thereby sacrificed either true 
 scientific method or scientific acciiracy. He may also ht.e refer 
 to what is emphasized throughout the vohune ; namely, the desira- 
 bility of making the study a thoroughly pradical one : for iu no 
 other way can it be made of real ami lasting l)enefit. Mere descrip- 
 tions are of very little value unless the pupils have the opportunity 
 of seeing the objects described ; and ever, then they should not be 
 told what their characters and relations are, but by judicious guid- 
ii Pkkkace. 
 anco be lod to dediico tlu'in for tliemsclves. Tliia will ho found to 
 be especially easy in the ease of plants, and, by the aid of these, 
 useful haltits of ()l»servatlon and eoni])ari8on may be awakened and 
 developed even in very youn^ minds. In the ease of mineral sub- 
 stanees the same metliod may be pursued, so far as the ordinary 
 metals are eoncerned, a col he! ion embracing one <'f eacb kind being 
 easily made ; and though it may not be so easy to obtain sj)ecimens of 
 their ores «ind of the less common minerals, svstems of interchange — 
 sueli as mav be originated in cojmectlon wilh the various Teachers' 
 Institutes — will go far to supply even this want. In the ease of ani- 
 mals, appeal nnist be made to the more obvious features of likeness 
 and of difference observable in such familiar forms as eome daily 
 imder our observation in tlie woods, in the llelds, in the barn-yard, 
 or ]»y the fireside. The work of study, in the ease both of plants 
 and animals, will be found to })e facilitated bv the use of sucli 
 diagrams and cards as are issued in Prang's Natural IFistory Series, 
 though these shoidd by no means be allowed to take the place of 
 the objects themselves. 
 The thoughts of young i)Upils having been directed, by the 
 means here advocated, towards the contemplation of natural objeets, 
 and the i)r()per methods of their study, a foundation will, it is 
 thought, have been laid ui)on which may be successfully based a 
 more am])le knowledge in maturer years. 
 In conclusion, the author desires to return his thanks to the 
 Chief Su})erintendent of Kducati(m for valuable suggestions as to 
 the special needs of certain branches of the school service, as also 
 to Mr. (Jkoikje Ii. IIav and Mr. (J. F. Matthkw for the revision of 
 the larger i)ortion of the text, and for aid in the selection of appro- 
 l«riate illustrations. To Kdwakd Jack, r'sip, ('. E., he is also in- 
 debted for valuable information regarding the distribution and 
 eliaraeteristies of our forest trees. 
 iNTROmTOTioN — The Kingdoms of Nature; Reasous for their Study; 
 I. The Miueral Kingdom, 
 1. NATruK OF MiNKRALS — As Distinguished from T'lants and Ani- 
 mals; TJK'ii' S|»ec:al Characteristics; Their ('ompusition; Min- 
 erals as Distinguished from Kocks 
 2. TiiK RixocNiTloN OK MiNKRALS— .Properties of Hardness; Weight; 
 Form; Colour; Cleavage; .Solul>ility ; Fusihility ; etc., 
 Z. Useful Minkrals, 
 I. Metals and Their Ores. 
 Iron — Character; Varieties ; Uses; Sources, 
 Manganese — I'ropertitts; Uses, Sources, 
 Antinutny, .... 
 liarer Metals, 
 II. Minerals not Metallic. 
 1. Applicahleto Ornamental Purposes : 
 (iuart/; Mi(!a; Felspar; (Jarnet; etc., 
 2. Applicable as Sources oj Heal and LiylU: 
 Peat. — Nature; Use, 
 l^itiiutinous Coal — Character; Sources, 
 Hard ( ^oal, or Anthracite — ('haracter ; Soun^es,,.. 
 All)ertite; IJituminous Shale, 
 Rock Oil, or Petroleum, 
 3. Minerals Capable o/ Resisting Heat : 
 (Jraphitc, or Plack Lead, 
 Rrick and Fire Clays , 
 Mica ; Stiapslone; Asliestos 
 4. Mineral Paints, etc.: 
 Ochres; Karytes; Clialk, 
 5. Mineral Manures: ^ 
 (Jypsuiu ; Apatite, " 
 0. Salt and Mineral Waters. 
 Brine 'ipiings, 
 Miueral Springs, 
 4. Useful Rocks, 
 ... 20 
 .... 22 
 .... 22 
 ... 2a 
 ... 24 
 .... 25 
 ... 2J; 
 ... 26 
 ... 27 
 .... 27 
 ... 28 
Iv Table of C'onteni'S. 
 I. The BUneral Kingdom. — Continued. 
 4. UsKKUL Rocks. — Continued. Page 
 Sandstones and Freestones, 
 ^ 32 
 6. Ok tiik Rklations of Rocks to thk Earth's Surpack. 
 L How Rocks Crumble and Decay. Action of Air and Water; Re- 
 sults, 84 
 2. Jfow Rocks are Formed. Souree of the Material ; Distribution ; 
 Consolidation ; C'lassification ; Aqueous Rocks ; Igneous Rocks ; 
 Altered, or Metauiorphic Rocks ; Fossils, 34 
 3. How Rocks Tell the Past History of the Earth, Rock Records, and 
 their Interpretation ; (ieology, 3G 
 4. How Rocks Determine the History of Man : 
 \. Through their Relations to Agriculture; Origin and Nature 
 of Soils, 37 
 2. Through their Relations to Surface Features; Origin of 
 Hills, Valleys, Harbors, etc., 37 
 3. Through their Mineral Wealth, 38 
 11. The Vegetable Kingdom, 42 
 L Ok LlFK IN Gknkkai ^ 42 
 2. Pi-ANT LiKK — Nature; Purpose; I'seful Ends, 42 
 Hirth of Plants, 44 
 Seeds, their Structure and (Jrowth ; (icrmiuutitin, , 44 
 (irowth of Plants, 45 
 Experimental Illustrations, 4.')-4C 
 Parts of Plants Concerned in fir oivth, 46 
 Root, Stem, and Leaves, 46-48 
 Varieties of Roots, 48 
 Varieties of Stems 4y 
 Varieties of Leaves. 51 
 Parts of Plants Concerned in Multiplication, 53 
 Nature of Flowers, 54 
 Parts of the Flower, 54 
 Varieties of Flowers; Causes of Oitference, 55 
 Nature of Fruits, 56 
 Varieties of Fruits, 56 
 Seeds, 57 
 The Food of Plants, 57 
 The Nourishment of Plants; Nature and Circulation of the 
 Sap, 59 
 The Useful and Hurtful Plants of Xeu' Jirunsvick, 60 
 L Crowfoot, or Buttercup Famify, 61 
 2. Water Lily Family, 61 
 3. Mustard Family (Mustard, Cress, etc.), 61 
 4. Violet Family (Violets, Pansiea), 62 
 5. Pink Family, 62 
 . 6. Linden Family, 62 
 7. Vine Family (Grapes), 62 
 a. Cashew Family (Sumach, Poison Ivy), 63 
Table of CoNTtNTS. 
 II. The Vegetable Kingdom. — Continued. 
 The f'sr/ul and Hurtful Plants of New Brunswick, — Continned 
 9. Maple Family, 
 10. Tea Family (Fea, Clover, Locust), 
 U. Rose Family (Hose, Ap;)le, Tear, Cherry, Flum, .Strawberry), 
 12. Currant Family (Currants, Gooseberries), 
 i:{. Witch Hazel Family, 
 14. H.meysuckle Family (Honeysuckle, Elder), 
 15. Heath Family (Hlueborry, Cranberry, etc.), 
 Irt. Aster Family (Thistle, Dandelion, Aster, <)x-Fye Daisy, etc.), 
 17. Olive Family (VVIute and Black Ash), , 
 18. Convolvulus Family (Morning Cflory, Rind Weed), 
 19. Figwort Family (Mullein, Toad-Flax, Yellow Rattle), 67 
 '20. Mint P'amily (Mint, Catnip, etc.),. 
 21. Buckwheat Family (Buckwheat, Dock), 
 22. Kim Family (Kim, Nettle), 
 23. Walnut Family (Butternut), 
 24. Oak I''amily (Oak, Betch, Hazel, Hornbeam) 
 2.5. Birch Family (Birches. Alders), 
 26. Willow Family (Will()ws, Aspens, Poplars), 
 27. Pine Family (Pines, Cedars, Spruce, Hemlock, Hackmatack, 
 Balsam Fi') 
 28. Arum Family ^.'idian Turnip, Calamus), 
 29. Lily Family (Lily, Trillium, Hellebore), 
 30. Grass Family, 
 31. Fern Family, 
 III. The Animal Kingdom, 
 1. Animal Life — Its Nature; ITow Manifested, 
 1. Animal Movements — How PlflTected ; Apparatus of Bones, Muscles, 
 Nerves, etc., 
 2. Animal Volition and Consciousness — The Brain in Relation to the 
 Body V 
 3. Of Animal Sensation — Powers of Sight, Smell, Taste, Hearing, 
 and Touch, 
 4. Animal Xiitrition — Nature and Sources of Food, 
 Organs of Seizure; of Attack and Defense, 
 Organs of Digestion — Stomach and Intestines, 
 Organs of Circulation — Heart and Blood Vessels, 
 Organs of Respiration — The Lungs and Gills, 
 b. Animal Fa'inue and Jtesf, 
 6. Animal Reproduction, 
 1. By Direct Birth, 
 2. By Kggs, 
 3. By Buds and Branches, 
 7. The Death of Animals, 
 Architectural Comparisons, 
 2. Plans of Animal STRiTcrrRK, 
 1. The Vertebrate Plan — Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, 
 2. The Articulate Plan — Insects, Spiders, f'rustaceans, Worms, .... 
 3. The Molhiscan, or Sac-like Plan — Cuttles, Snails, Oysters, etc., 92 
 4. 7%eJ2adio/cP/an—Sea-Urchins, Star Fi:jhes,, Telly Fishes, Corals, 93 
 5. Forms Without Definite Pton-— Sponges, Infusoria, etc., 94 
-M. T-'Kr'-'- 
 Plate I. —Forms of Minerals, 
 \/ \ 
 .•"■ ■■'•;• JV 
 The above figures rpprosotit a few amoug the many shapos ast^umed by- 
 mineral siiltstanecs, atid whieh are coimuouly known as crystals. AW are found 
 in actual minerals, and are the result of purely natural operations. They are 
 also, in many instances, nearly related to each other, and to be ol»(aiiu'd, the 
 one from the other, by slight modificatioiKs. Thus, from Fig. 1, the cube (easily 
 cut by the pupil out of chalk, wax, or soaj)), it is easy to obtain, by merely cut- 
 ting off successive slices from angles or edges, or both, all the forms fi'om 2 to 6. 
 In each of these forms, length, breadth, and thickness arc alike. Tn the suc- 
 ceeding figures this is not the case, but the figures still possess their own sym- 
 metry, and may be similarly modified. Figs. lo-lS represent some of the 
 forms of snow crystals, the result of the grouping or clustering of many 
 smaller crystals around common centres, 
 vi .-. . ...■ . 
 In looking at the world around us, a jiroccss which wo begin at 
 a very early period of life, we are unconsciously led to divide the 
 objects which we see into two great groups or classes, viz.: into (1), 
 those which have I^ife, and (2), those which have not Life. 
 In the former of these classes we naturally place what we after- 
 wards leant to know as Animals and Plants both being easily 
 recognized as living beings, if not by any visib'^ movements or other 
 signs of life, at least by the fact that soom^r or later they all die. 
 In the second class, on the other hand, we include such objects as 
 stones, rocks, metals, sulphur, salt, and the like, which are essentially 
 unchangeable, and which have obviously no life to lose. A block 
 of wood, it is true, is also lifeless, as nmch so as a lump of lead or a 
 bar of iron, and so are the b( nes and meat vvhich we use as food; 
 but we know that bot' of these have once formed parts of living 
 beings, and hence we associate them with the latter, even though 
 thev now be dead. 
 If, now, we look further into the differences of things, we shall 
 find that, althou^;h both plants and animals are living beings, while 
 minerals are not, there are also between the former so few points of 
 resemblance, and so many features in which they are strongly con- 
 trasted, that we would hardly be likely, in any ordinary case at 
 least, to mistake the one for the other. Thus we are led to recognize 
 three great groups or divisions of all natural objects, to which, 
 borrowing a familiar term used in connection with the races of men, 
 we may apply the name of the Kingdoms of Nature, and which are 
 actually known as the Animal Kingdon,, the Vegetable Kingdom, 
 and the Mineral Kingdom. 
 But it is not enough to know, merely in this general way, that 
 there are such things as Animals, Plants and Minerals. An enquir- 
 ing mind will be led to seek out more exactly the points of resemb- 
 lance and of difference between them, and by so doing will soon find 
 its knowledge of each vastly increased. The more a person obee.ces. 
2 Introduction. 
 the more lie will find to sec, and the better will lie be able to see it. 
 Thus his powers of observation — his senses of sight, smell, taste, 
 touch, and hearing — will be better developed, his mind will be led 
 to make more careful comparisons, and he will l)ecome in every 
 respect a better educated man. Hence some portion of such studies 
 is very pro[)erly required to be taught as a part of our ordinary 
 school work. Again, we are brought into relation with many dif- 
 ferent animals in many different ways, sometimes beneficially and 
 sometimes not ; we emi)loy both animals and plants for human food, 
 in the making of clothing, and in many other ways; and, finally, 
 we use various mineral substances in the construction of our dwel- 
 lings, iiv machinery, in coinage, in all the arts and industries of life, 
 and the better we know the nature and properties of all these bodies, 
 the better will we be in a position to use them advantageously. 
 Thus the knowledge gained by such studies is useful knowledge, 
 capable of being applied in numberless different ways. 
 It is the wish of the author, in the following pages, to help to- 
 wards the attainment of this knowledge by pointing out, in the 
 simplest possible way, the distinctive features of animals, plants, 
 and minerals, respectively, with special reference to such as are 
 found within our Province, and which, in one way or another, are 
 capable of serving some useful purpose. His work will be largely 
 that of a guide; but it is his earnest wish that attention should be 
 paid rather to the objects to be described than to the mere descrip- 
 tions of them, and that the statements made should, as far as practi- 
 cable, be tested by actual comparison with the subjects of which 
 they treat. 
 Methods of effecting this result, in connection with each of the 
 three great kingdoms, will be given in subsequent pages, and, if 
 faithfully followed out, will be found to present no difficulty, while 
 they will add greatly to the interest and value of the study. 
 As the Mineral Kingdom embraces objects of a simpler charac- 
 ter than are to be found in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms, it 
 is capable of being more readily understood, and will be first con- 
 1, Of the Nature of Mineral Sujistanxi-^s. 
 What is a Mineral? 
 In tlie Introductory Chapter it lias been stated that the various 
 objects on the earth's surface may all be placed in one or the other 
 of three great groups or kingdoms, termed the vVnimal Kingdom, 
 the Vegetable Kingdom, and the Mineral Kingdom. It will therefore 
 follow that whatever is not an animal or a plant must be a mineral. 
 But such an answer, even if true, would not be satisfactory, for it 
 leaves one entirely in the dark as to what are the real difierences 
 between these several groups, and still more as to what characters 
 especially distinguish mineral substances. Again, the terms " min- 
 erals," " rocks," and " stones," are of very coumion occurrence, as 
 are the objects to which they refer, and yet few persons, without 
 previous thought, have any definite idea of the difierences between 
 them.. Let us then see whether it is not possible to obtain some 
 clearer notions upon the subject. 
 If we look at any ordinary animal, such as a dog, a cat, a bird, 
 or a fish, we shall find that certain prominent features at once attract 
 attention. It will be seen to move, to take and eat food, to recogniz^^ 
 the existence of various objects around it, and in other ways to show 
 that it is an active living being. It has, moreover, a variety of in- 
 struments or organs by means of which it efTects these various ob- 
 jects — legs, wings or fins for motion, a mouth, bill, teeth, etc., 
 wherewith to eat, the senses of sight, taste, smell or touch wherewith 
 to seek and select its food, and, we may add, a stomach and other 
 organs wherewith to digest it. It is, in other words, not only a 
 living but an organized being, with parts or organs serving difTerent 
 purposes, but all needed for the well being of the animal that 
 possesses them. Each of these animals, moreover, possesses a dis- 
 tinct history. All have had their birth-days; all have attained, by 
 gradual stages, to their full growth; all in turn will die, but not 
4 The Mineral Kingdom. 
 usually until after their own life has become repeated and continued 
 in that of their young. 
 Plants, again, are living and they are also organized beings. They 
 show that they are alive in the fact of growth, in being born or pro- 
 duced from seeds, which in turn they again produce, in their power 
 of taking food from without and of converting this into their own 
 substance, as well as in a variety of other ways. They show that 
 they are organized by the fact that they also possess parts or organs 
 especially designed to meet their various wants. Roots, stems, leaves, 
 flowers, fruit, etc., are all vegetable organs, each serving its own 
 purpose, and together making up the individual herb, shrub or tree. 
 These larger organs also are made up of smaller ones, and these 
 again of still smaller, so that no matter how minute the plant or 
 fragment of a plant we may have occasion to examine, its true nature 
 can at once be recognized. 
 Now mineral substances have none of the above characteristics. 
 They are neither living nor organized bodies. They are not horn, 
 they do not grov\ in any proper sense of the word, they cannot 
 move, although they may be moved, they do not need, and there- 
 fore they do not take, anything of the nature of food. They have 
 no senses, and are wholly unconscious, even of their own exist- 
 ence. One portion is essentially like any other, and each is inde- 
 pendent, to a great extent, of all the rest. But these are only 
 negative characters. Have minerals and mineral substances no 
 positive ones? Certainly they have ; and their characters, in most 
 instances, are as definite and fixed as are those of any animal or 
 plant, serving as means by which we can at once recognize and 
 distinguish them. Thus, they often have definite forms, and these 
 forms, as seen in what we call crystals, are almost endless in variety, 
 and often of exquisite beauty. They have, in each case, a definite 
 iceight, some being heavy and some light, in various degrees. They 
 are variously affected by heat, some melting readily, while some can 
 hardly be melted at all. They have various colours, which are 
 often rich and beautiful. They may be transparent, like glass, or 
 opaque, like the various metals. They may sparkle with the bril- 
 liancy of the diamond, or they may, so far as appearance goes, be 
 dull and unattractive. In a few instances they possess what are 
 termed magnetic properties, as in the lodestone ; in other cases again 
 they may possess some peculiar smell, taste or odour. 
The Mineral Kingdom. 5 
 We may next enquire: 
 Of What are Minerals Composed ? 
 To answer this question fully would require some knowledge of 
 the science of chemistry — a science wliich treats of the nature and 
 constitution of bodies, — but it will be enough to say here that 
 minerals are made up of one or more of several distinct and simple 
 substances, which are known as the chemical "elements." Thus 
 Iron, Lead, Zinc, Tin, Gold, Sulphur, Antimony, etc., are simple 
 elements, it not being possible to obtain from either of these any- 
 thing but itself. But these are often united to form what are called 
 ** compound bodies," and these compound bodies may, and generally 
 do, differ entirely in all their properties from the elements which 
 compose them. Thus, water is a compound body, capable of separa- 
 tion into the two elementary gases. Hydrogen and Oxygen. Most 
 of the ores of the metals are compound bodies, and lience special 
 methods have to be resorted to in order to separate them. Coal, 
 Glass, Salt, Alum, Saltpetre, are all compound bodies, and from each, 
 by appropriate means, several dillerent substances can be obtained. 
 Now, all these bodies are mineral substances, that is, they belong 
 to the mineral world, but they are not all minerals, as that term is 
 usually employed. So granite, limestone, sandstone, and slate are 
 mineral substances, or of a mineral nature, but are not minerals. 
 In the first place a true mineral is always a natural, and not an 
 artificial product, though many such minerals may be artificially 
 imitated or reproduced. And, secondly, a true mineral must be alike 
 throughout, and not a mere mixture or association of various unlike 
 substances. It is in this respect that a mineral differs from a rock. 
 In ordinary granite, which is so commonly used for building or for 
 •ornamental purposes, and for tombstones, it is easy to see that the 
 material differs in its various parts, or is made up of different sub- 
 stances. Here and there are hard, glassy grains, which are known 
 as quartz, while side by side are others, usually somewhat larger, and 
 of a pink or reddish color, which are known as felspar, and finally 
 still others, usually nearly black, which may be readily split into 
 scales with a knife, and which are known as mica. Now, the ([uartz, 
 felspar and mica are minerals, but associated together they form the 
 rock termed granite. So sandstone is made up of grains of sand, 
 ■which may or may not be alike, and the same is true of many clays, 
 of ordinary earth, of slate, and many other substances. Again, 
6 Thp: Mineral Kingdom. 
 water, quicksilver, and petroleum, or rock-oil, are minerals, notwith- 
 standing their ordinary liquid state, for they are all formed by 
 natural causes, are lifeless bodies of similar nature throughout, and 
 possess nothing of the nature of organs. 
 From what has been stated, it will be evident that the nature of 
 a rock will varv with the number and kinds of minerals of which it 
 is made up. We shall, therefore, proceed now to show a little more 
 fully how minerals are distinguished and recognized, and will then 
 proceed to enumerate and describe some of thoL, which are of most 
 interest and value. 
 The following are among the features of minerals which are of 
 most service in distinguishing and identifying them : 
 (1.) Hardness. This is easily tested with the point of a knife, 
 or the edge of a file. Each true mineral has its own degree ot 
 hardness. Diamond, for exjimple, will cut glass, quartz will only 
 scratch it, while black lead, which we use in lead pencils, but which 
 is not really lead at all, is so soft as to stain the fingers. A table Oi* 
 scale of hardness, containing a number of well-known minerals, and 
 arranged in a regular series, is of much service in making such 
 Related to hardness, and depending tipon like causes, are the 
 properties which minerals possess of allowing or not allowing them- 
 selves to be cut, or bent, or hammered out into thin sheets. Gold 
 and lead can be cut (or are sectile)^ while iron cannot ; gold, again, 
 is easily hammered out into gold-leif (i. e., it is malleable), and it 
 can be drawn out into wires, as may copper and iron (they are 
 ductile), but many others cannot. Mica will bend (or is flexible) ; 
 other minerals are brittle, like glass, and will break if we attempt 
 to bend them. All these characters depend upon the variations in 
 some inward force by which their particles are bound together. 
 (2.) Weight. Every one is familiar with the expression "as 
 heavy as lead." Bodies dift'er in their relative weight, and these 
 differences, where they are constant, as among minerals, often serve 
The Mineral Kingdom. 7 
 a useful purpose in distinguishing them. Thus not only lead but 
 most of the metals are heavy, and so are their ores; but minerals 
 not containing metals are often much lighter. The differences may 
 be measured with great exactness, but the methods of doing so need 
 not be described here. 
 (3.) Form. Minerals often have a definite shape, sometimes 
 exceeding in beauty and perfection of finish the most elaborate 
 works of human art. These regular shapes are commonly known 
 as crystals, the name being derived from a Greek word signifying 
 ice. Ice itself is a good example of crystals, as freezing aflbrda a 
 good illustration of what is termed crystallization. Snow, again, is 
 often seen to be composed of exquisitely beautiful crystals, and more 
 (Plate I.) than a hundred different forms of tliis substance have been 
 observed, though all are mere modifications of a comparatively 
 simple form. So most substances are found, at one time or another, 
 in a crystalline condition, and the form of the crystal being fixed, 
 within certain limits, for each substance, we have merely to notice 
 the form to know what the mineral is. Salt, alum, saltpetre, sugar 
 (rock candy), are other examples of crystalline substances, and they 
 show well the way, or one of the ways, in which many crystals have 
 been formed in Nature. We have only to dissolve either of them 
 in water, and then allow the water to escape again by evaporation, 
 when, if the process is not disturbed, we shall obtain it in the form 
 of crystals, each with its own peculiar shape. In the case of ice, 
 sulphur, and some other substances, the same result has been ob- 
 tained by the substance first melting, and then, by cooling, becoming 
 solid again. Snow has crystallized from a state of vapour. 
 (4.) Cleavage. This is the property which many minerals 
 possess of splitting or cleaving more or less read.^y in jiarticular 
 directions. It is similar to what, in the cjise of wood, we express by 
 saying that it "breaks with the grain." Some minerals, such as 
 quartz, have no cleavage, breaking much like glass ; mica, on the 
 other hand, splits indefinitely into thin sheets, often (but inappro- 
 priately) known as isinglass. Between these two extremes there is 
 every possible variation, but the feature is constant for each parti- 
 cular substance. 
 (5.) Relations to Light. These are manifested in two ways; 
 first, in the nature and extent of the light which minerals reflect from 
8 . The Mineral Kingdom. 
 their surface, and secondly, in tlie corresponding nature and amount 
 of liglit wliicli they permit to pass througli tiiem. It is througli 
 the former power, cliietly, that tliey acquire their colour, varying 
 tlirough almost every i)ossible shade in different species, and often 
 subject to wrrh diversity even in a single one. To the same cause 
 also we are to describe their peculiarities of lustre, which may be 
 either brilliant, feeble, dull, or altogether wanting, or on the other 
 hand, may vary in character, sometimes resembling the lustre of the 
 ordinary metals, sometimes that of glass, resin, mother of pearl, wax, 
 or some other familiar substance. To the second cause and its varia- 
 tions are to be ascribed the i)roi)erty possessed by many minerals of 
 being transparent, or of allowing objects to be readily visible through 
 them, or of being only translucent, merely allowing light to pass, as 
 through ground glass or oiled paper; also the internal colours of 
 gems and i)recious stone?-', and in some instances the ai)parent 
 doubling of objects over which the mineral has been placed. 
 Finally, many minerals intercept light altogether, and are then 
 (6.) Relations to Heat. Some mineral substances, like ice and 
 sulphur, melt very readily; others, like iron, with more difhculty, 
 and others again, like black lead, not at all. Some again, under the 
 influence of heat, may, like water, be readily converted into vapour. 
 For the better appreciation of these difierences, a special means of 
 applying heat in the form of what is known as a blow-pipe, is very 
 desirable, but even without its aid the test is often a very valuable 
 (7.) Relations to Magnetism and Electricity. The com- 
 mon magnetic toys of the shops illustrate the first of these properties 
 in their power of mutual attraction. It is a property confined under 
 ordinary circumstances to certain ores of iron, and especially to that 
 known as tlie lode-stone. To the old Lati:^ name of this mineral, viz., 
 magnes (derived from the town of Magnesia, in Lydia, whence it was 
 obtained) the words magnet and magnetism owe their origin. 
 Electricity is a related property which is developed in a variety of 
 substances as tiie result of rubbing and other causes. There are 
 several minerals which become electric and attract light objects 
 when thus treated. From one of these, ordinary amber, of which 
 the Greek name is electron, comes the familiar word electricity. 
The Mineral Kingdom. 9 
 (8.) Relations to the Senses. Salt ami nlum nre readily 
 recognized by their taste; sea-vvaier is slightly bitter; many mineral 
 waters have offensive sulphurous odors. Such features are of com- 
 paratively rare occurrence, but when found, constitute usef il guides 
 in the recognition of t)^e mineral? ^vhich exhibit them. 
 A Description of the More Useful ]Mixerals, with 
 Special Keference to such as Occur in 
 New Brunswick. 
 General Ciiaracter. Every one is familiar with the general 
 appearance and qualities of iron, for among all mineral substances 
 there is none so generally emi)loyed, and so generally useful, as this. 
 Hard, firm, and unyielding, and yet capable of being fashioned into 
 almost every conceivable shape; possessed of great strength, and yet 
 in many instances flexible and elastic; not easily affected by heat, 
 and yet capable of being melted and run into moulds ; having little 
 tendency to change, unless when long exposed to damp air or 
 moisture, when it is found to rust; and, finally, occurring in enor- 
 mous quantities, and capable of being obtained at a comparatively 
 trifling cost, it answers far better than any other metal the ordinary 
 requirements of life. 
 Varieties and Uses. Three principal varieties of iron (or, 
 more accurately, of a compound of iron and charcoal), are known in 
 tlie arts, viz. : Wrought Iron, Cast Iron, and Steel. The first, thcjugh 
 hard and tough, is flexible and malleable, i, c, it can he bent with- 
 out breaking, or rolled out into sheets, as in ordinary sheet iron. It 
 can also be drawn into wire. It cannot, however, be readily melted, 
 its several forms being given to it by various processes of hammer- 
10 The Mijieral Kingdom. 
 ing and working. Cast iron, on the other hand, containing much 
 more charcoal, is also more fusible, and hence better adapted for the 
 making of castings. Cast iron stoves afford a good illustrition of 
 its characicr. It possesses little or no flexibility, and, unless thick, 
 is easily shattered by a blc.v. Steel, again, both in natnre and 
 properties, stands between the other two, and further varies in 
 quality, according to the methods of making it and the use foi 
 which it is designed. Thus, in razors, knives, chisels, and cutlery of 
 all sorts, it is made, by a process termed (I'mperhw, extremely hard 
 and brittle, while in swords, saws, and wat i springs, by a moditica- 
 tion of the same process, it becomes pliant and elastic. Enormous 
 quantities of an inferior variety of steel are now emi)loyed in the 
 making of the rails of railways. Some idea of the extent to which 
 iron is at present used, in all its various forms, may be had from the 
 statement that the world's consumption of this metal, in the year 
 1883, amounted to more than twenty-seven million tons. 
 Sources. The sources from which this vast supply of metal is 
 derived are very numerous. In almost all countries it is found to a 
 greater or less extent, but there are a few whicii may be especially 
 referred to as the iron producing countries of the world. One of 
 these is Great Britain, where iron ores occur in large beds, and are 
 extensively worked, especially in South Wales, and in the :;ounties 
 of Stafford, York, and Derby. Large quantities are also obtained 
 from Norway and Sweden, and from Germany. The iron mines of 
 Spain have also been worked since a very early period. In America 
 iron ores occur abundantly in various parts of Canada, especially 
 in Nova Scotia and Quebec, and in the United States. 
 The ores of iron are somewhat various in quality and appear- 
 ance, but all are essentially compounds of the metal with the gas, 
 oxygen. To obtain the metal they are accordingly heated in large 
 furnaces, called " bLost furnaces," with charcoal, which removes the 
 oxygen and sets the iron free, combined, however, with a portion of 
 the charcoal. Pure iron is never found as a natural product of the 
 earth (though shooting stars, compo-sed of this metal, sometimes fall 
 ui)on the earth's surface), and is also never used in a pure state, its 
 various forms, as above stated, being all the result of a combination 
 with charcoal. 
 In New Brunswick, the chief localities for iron ores are St. John 
 county (in the vicinity of Black River), and Carleton county. In 
TlIK MiNKUAL KlN'CiDOrr. 11 
 the latter the })e(Is are extensive, and were formorly largely worked 
 in the vicinity of Jaeksontuwn, near Woodstock. Over 40,000 tons 
 of ore were raised and used in the blast furnaces at tiiis place, and 
 for certain j;.irj)oses tlie iron produced was of excellent (piality, but 
 of late years it has been found impossible to carry on tlie business 
 profitably, and the Avorks have been abandoned. 
 The ores of Carleton are of a brownish red colour, and easily 
 recognized by tiieir weight and the colour they exiiibit when 
 scratched, this being eitlier reddish or brown. They are mixtures 
 of red iron ore {/lemalite) and brown iron ore (limonile). In the 
 rocks of the southern counties veins and crystals of magnetic iron 
 ore are often met with, but they are not in sufficient (piantity to be 
 of value. 
 Another compound of iron, known as Iron Pyrites, should also 
 be mentioned here, not that it is of any value in itself, but because 
 itbears some resembhmce to gold, and, being of common occurrence, 
 is frequently met with and mistaken for the more precious metal. 
 It is, in fact, often known as "fool's gold." From true gold it is. 
 easily distinguished, by being nuich iiarder, not yielding to a knife 
 like gold, and not beating out under a hammer; also by giving, 
 when thrown on hot coals, the well known fiame and odor of burning: 
 sulphur. It is a very common impurity of ordinary house-coal. 
 This metal, which in its properties bears much resemblance *©■ 
 Iron, is rarely seen in a pure state, and in this form has little or no 
 value. Small quantities of manganese are sometimes associated 
 with iron in the manufacture of certain kinds of steel, or may, as in 
 the Woodstock iron ores, be already present in the proper amount; 
 but the chief value of manganese, or rather of its ore, arises from 
 the indirect use to which it is put in the process of bleaching^ and for 
 this purpose it is almost solely employed. Small quantities are used 
 in the manufacture of glass, both for giving and removing colour 
 from the latter. 
 Manganese occurs in large quantities in New Brunswick, and ha» 
 been successfully mined for many years. The most important 
 deposits are those of Markhamville, about twelve miles south of 
 Sussex, in Kings county. The anhual production from these mines 
 varies from 500 to 1,500 tons, being valued, according to quality. 
 The Mineral Kingdom. 
 from $15 to ^oO per ton. Other localities, not now worked, are 
 Shepody Mountain, (^luico, and theTattagouclie River, near Batlinrst. 
 The ore, which i8 of a dark colour, very heavy, and usually crystal- 
 line, in chieHy exi)orted to the United States. 
 Beds of very impure manganese ore, known as "wad" occur in 
 Tarious parts of tiie Province, and may usually be readily recogriized 
 by their very black colour. One such bed, of considerable extent, 
 may be seen on the ))ank of the St. John River, just above Govern-- 
 ment House, in Fredericton. They are of no value. 
 Of foreign localities, those yielding the chief supplies of manga- 
 nese are Spain and Portugal. It is also obtained from various 
 localities in the United States and Irom Nova Scotia. 
 General Properties and Use.s. Several of the more im- 
 portant qualities of this metal, such as its peculiar reddish colour, 
 metallic lustre, hardness and durability, are familiar as seen in the 
 smaller denominations of ordinary coins. In addition to these 
 properties, copper is in a high degree malleable and ductile ; that is, 
 it can be readily rolled into thin sheets or drawn out into long wires, 
 ■which are at once strong and flexible. It is not easily melted, while 
 at the same time it gives easy i)assage both to heat and electricity. 
 Lastlv, it unites readilv with other metals to form what are known 
 iUJ alloys, such as brass, bronze, bell metal, and the like. As a result 
 of these qualities, it is largely used in the manufacture of utensils, 
 in the sheathing of ships, for electrical purposes, in engraving and 
 -electro-plating, as well as in coinage. Even ordinary gold and 
 silver coins contain a certain proportion of copper in order to add 
 to their hardness and durability. Copper also gives rise, by chemi- 
 cal means, to several important compounds, such as Blue Vitriol, 
 Verdigris, Paris Green, etc. Introduced into the human body in 
 any form it is highly poisonous. 
 Sources. Copper is a very widely distributed metal, and is found 
 in nature in several different forms. In some instances it is found 
 quite pure, and large masses of such pure or native copper occur 
 about the shores of Lake Superior, where they have been mined 
 from a very early period. More commonly the copper is united 
 with more or less sulphur, forming either a rich brass yellow mineral 
 (Copper Pyrites), or one of darker and somewhat variable colours, 
The Mineral Kingdom. 13 
 known us Variegated Copper ore. A bright green variety of copper 
 ore, known as Malachite, in addition to being used as a source of 
 the metal, is also valuable for ornamental purposes, lieing readily 
 polished and sdhiewhat largely used in jewelry. 
 The chief foreign sources of supi)ly for copper are the districts 
 of Cornwall and Devonshire, in England, portions of Russia, 
 Franc^, Hungary, and Spain, the Cape of Crood Hope, Australia, 
 and New South Wales. In America, in addition to the Lake 
 Superior region, there are very rich mines in Colorado, Arizona, 
 and other parts of the Rocky Mountain region, with some, of more 
 limited extent, in the Province of (Quebec. 
 In New Brunswick cop[)er ores occur at many localities along the 
 southern seaboard, in Charlotte, St. John, Albert, and Westmorland 
 Couiuies, as well as near Woodstock, in Carleton County, and near 
 Bathurst, in (iloucester County, and attem})ts have been made at 
 many diftcrent points to remove the ore, but as yet none of them 
 have resulted [)rofitably. All the varieties of ore above named are 
 occasionally met with. 
 Character and Uses. Lead is a metal remarkable chiefly for 
 its great weight, for its whitish colour, bearing some resemblance to 
 silver, and for its great softness, which admits of its boing readily 
 cut, bent, or hanmiered. It is also very easily melted. When freshly 
 cut it is bright and silver-like, but soon tarnishes by exposure to the 
 air. Its effects on the human system are highly injurious. 
 The principal uses of lead as a metal are in the making of pipes 
 for the conveyance of water, in the lining of cisterns, in shot, in 
 plummets, and, by union with tin, in the making of alloys, such as 
 plumbers' solder, and pewter. Combined chemically with other 
 substances it is the basis of several important paints, such as White 
 Lead, Red Lead, Chrome Yellow, and others, and, as "Sugar of 
 Lead," is employed in medicine. Several of these substances are 
 dangerous poisons. 
 Sou] CES. In the old world, lead is chiefly obtained from Eng- 
 land (especially Derbyshire), Spain, and Prussia. In the United 
 States, large and valuable deposits of the ore exist in Missouri and 
 Wisconsin, but the most remarkable mines are those of Colorado and 
 Nevada. From a single locality, that of Leadville, in Colorado, 
' ^ . 
 14 TnK MiNKUAi. Kingdom. 
 there were obtained, in 1884, over 3o,000 tons of lead. It is not 
 mined to any extent in Canada. Jn New I>rnnswick, lead occnrs at 
 a nund)er of })()int.s, among which may be mentioned the island of 
 Ounpobello, in Charlotte eonnty ; Mnsqnash, in St. John eonnty; 
 ^Norton, in King's eonnty; and the neighborhood of P.atlun-st, in 
 <iloneester eonnty. Ihit from none of these localities has it yet been 
 removed in profitable quantities. 
 The i)rinei])al ore of lead is a brilliantly lustrous, very heavy 
 mineral, looking nmeh like lead itself, and often breaking readily 
 into little cubes. It is a compound of lead and sulphur* aid ia 
 known as galena or yalenite. 
 Properties and Uses. Zinc is a metal of bluish -white colour 
 rather brilliant wlien quite clean, and not very liable to tarnish, 
 easily melted, and when made very hot, taking fire and burning 
 readily, with a peculiar bluish flame. Owing to the slight change 
 l)roduced upon it by air or water, it is very largely used for rooting 
 purposes, as well as for the covering and protection of other metals 
 which are more easily changed. Thus what is known as "galvanized 
 iron" is simply sheet iron which has been >vered over with a thin 
 protecting coating of zinc. 
 The metal is also very largely used in the production of electri- 
 city. It may be readily united with other metals, and one of these 
 compounds (or alloys), a mixture of zinc and copper, is familvar as 
 ordinary brass. Bronze, so largely used in early times, before the 
 general introduction of iron, is a compound cf zinc, copper and tin. 
 German silver is brass, to which a small quantity of nickel has 
 been added. 
 Some of the compounds of zinc are of service as paints, and 
 others as medicines. 
 Sources. Zinc is never met with, in nature, in the pure state, 
 but combined, most conmionly, with sulphur. It then forms the 
 mineral known as blende^ which the miners, from its dark colour, 
 sometimes call "blackjack." It has a peculiar lustre, recalling 
 that of resin, and, like true resin, will become electric by rubbing. 
 Zinc ores are found and profitably worked in many parts of 
 Europe (especially Belgium), and America. In the United States, 
 the most productive works are those of Kew Jersey, Illinois and 
The Mineral . .nodom. 15 
 MiHSOuri. In Canada, deposits occur in tlie vicinity of Lake 
 In New Brunswick, zinc ore (blende) is found associated with 
 lead ore (galena) at several jioints (chielly on ('anipol)ello Island) 
 along the soutliern coast, but the (piantity is loo small to be of much 
 General Properties and Usrs. Tin is one of the oldest 
 metals used by man, and possesse. many valuable qualities. It is a 
 ■whitish metal, having some ret?: lance to silver, but with a less 
 brilliant lustre, and becoming somewhat dulled through long ex- 
 posure. It is quite soft, and i)ossesscs but little strength, but may be 
 beaten out into very thin sheets, then known as tin-foil. It is readily 
 melted, and much of what goes under the name of tin is merely 
 thin sheet iron which has been covered with tin by dipi)ing it into 
 the latter when in the melted state. IJy proper treatment, the surface 
 of this tinned iron may, owing to the highly crystalline character of 
 the tin, be made to assume » very beautiful frost-like appearance. 
 Tin unites readily with other metals, and a certain amount of it is 
 contained in bell-metal, bronze, Briitania-metal, plumbers' solder, 
 pewter, etc. 
 Sources. Tin is rarely, if ever, found pure in nature, but 
 rather combined with oxygen, to form what is known as tin-stone. 
 This mineral occurs abundantly in the district of Cornwall, in 
 England, where it has been mined from the earliest ages.. The 
 British islands were indeed known to the ancient Romans as the 
 Tin Islands, and it was partly with a view to obtain this metal that 
 England was invaded and conquered by that people. A certain 
 amount of tin is also obtained from Asia, and from Australia. It is 
 of rare occurrence- in the eastern United St'ites and Canada, but is 
 more abundant in some parts of the Rocky Mountain region. It 
 has been mined, to a limited extent, in the state of Maine. 
 In New Brunswick, tin ore was reported many years ago as 
 occurring about the Pokiok River, in York County, but the quantity 
 was small, and no similar discovery has since been made. 
 General Properties and Uses. Antimony is a substance of 
 decidedly metallic aspect, having a bright, somewhat silver-like, 
 16 Tjie Mineral Kingdom. 
 colour and lustre, winch does not readily change. It is a very 
 brittle metal, which, by hammering, is easily reduced to powder. It 
 also melts very readily. Owing to its brittleness, it cannot well be 
 used for many of tlie purposes to which tiie ordinary metals are ap- 
 l>lit'd, but certain quantities of it are often added to other metals to 
 make them melt more readily, or for other purposes. It is thus, 
 found in the metal of which type "s made, as well as in Ihitannia 
 metal, Babbit metal, etc. An inceresting application is in the 
 manufacture of rubber goods. A certain quantity is also used in 
 medicine, as the "wine of antimony," and "tartar emetic." It» 
 action on the human system, like that of arsenic, is highly in- 
 Sources. Antimony is found both in the pure state (Native 
 Antimony), and combined with sulphur (Antimony Glance). The 
 chief foreign localities from which the metal is obtained are the 
 Island of Borneo and New vSouth Wales. In the Dominion of 
 Canada antimony ores occur in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and 
 Of the New Brunswick localities yielding antimony the most 
 important is that of Lake George, in the parish of Prince William, 
 York County. The first mines in this vicinity were opened in the 
 year 1802, since which, at various periods, considerable quantities of 
 ore have been removed. The latter is partly pure or "native" an- 
 timony, and partly a compound of sulphur. Expensive works for 
 the separation of the metal from the latter were erected near the 
 mines, but they have recently been destroyed by fire. When in full 
 operation they yielded about fifteen tons of metal every six weeks. 
 More recently the ore has been exported unchanged, and used chiefly 
 in the manufacture of rubber goods. It is said that not less than 
 $400,000 have been expended at the locality since the first com- 
 mencement of mining operations. ■ 
 Properties ani> Uses. Gold is the most precious of all the 
 metals, its value dej)ending partly upon its rarity and partly upon 
 its well-known qualities. Of a beautiful yellow colour, it is soft, 
 malleable and ductile, receiving readily a high degree of polish, and 
 retaining its lustre unchanged under all conditions of temperature 
 and exposure. A very high heat is required to melt it, and the 
The Mineral Kingdom. XT 
 only substances whicli will readily dissolve it are quicksilver or 
 mercu . .nd a combination of tlie stronger acids. Its chief uses are 
 in the making of coin, in gilding, in dentistry, and in the manu- 
 facture of gold plate. In coinage it is associated with a certain pro- 
 portion of copper to render it less soft, and therefore more durable. 
 As gold leaf, the metal may be beaten out so thin that 280,000 leaves, 
 placed one upon another, would not exceed an inch in thickness. 
 Some of the compounds of gold are employed by photographers in 
 giving a more desirable coloar or "tone" to photographic pictures. 
 Sources. Though somewhat widely distributed, and found in 
 many different countries, the larger part of the gold of commerce 
 comes from California, from Australia, and from llussia. From the 
 United States, in the year 1881, there was obtained an amount valued 
 at over ^34,000,000, and an amount nearly as large from Australia. 
 In the same year Canada furnished gold to the valre of between one 
 and two millions of dollars, most of which was obtained in Nova 
 Scotia and British Columbia. 
 In New Brunswick gold has, as yet, been found only in very 
 small quantities, usually in the bed of streams. No veins of the 
 metal are known to exist, and all search for profitable quantities 
 have so far proved unsuccessful. Reports of its discovery are, in- 
 deed, frequently made, but it is seldom that these reports can bo 
 traced to any reliable source, and in most instances they originate 
 from other and wo^'thless minerals being mistaken for gold. The two 
 minerals most likely to deceive in this respect are mica and iron 
 pyrites (or fool's gold), but the former is easily distinguished by 
 splitting readily into thin sheets, and the latter by be'ng hard and 
 Properties and Uses. Silver, like gold, is a precious metal, 
 valued alike for its comparative rarity, its beauty of colo»* and lustre, 
 especially when polished, and its fitness for the manufacture of 
 jewelry, plate, coins and the like. Like gold, it is also malleable and 
 ductile, quite soft, but readily hardened by the addition of a little 
 ct)pper, not easily melted, an^'. unaflfected by exposure to air or water. 
 Dissolved in Nitric Acid, it forms the substance known as Nitrate 
 of Silver, so largely used in the taking of photographic pictures. 
 Its extensive application in the arts is well shown by the statement 
 E . 
18 The Mineral Kingdom. 
 that the quantity thus used, in 1884, and not employed for coinage, 
 amounted in vahie to five and a half millions of dollars. 
 Sources. The chief silver-producing countries are the United 
 States, Mexico, and South America. In the United States the 
 richest mines are those of Lake Superior, Nevada, Montana and 
 Colorado. In Canada, considerable quantities have been obtained 
 in British Columbia. 
 In New Brunswick, some of the ores of lead have been found to 
 contain silver, but the proportion is usually small, and attempts to 
 obtain it have not as yet given satisfactory results. 
 Properties and Uses. This singular substance stands alone 
 among the metals in being a perfect liquid at ordinary temperatures, 
 a fact which, in connection with its beautiful colour and lustre, re- 
 sembling those of silver, led early writers to mistake it for that 
 body. Plence its common name of quicksilver. 
 Owing to its fluidity, in connection with the fa^^t that it freezes 
 only at very low and boils only at rather high temperatures, it is 
 admirably adapted for measuring various degrees of heat, and is 
 thus employed in ordinary thermometers. Its weight, again, is so 
 great that a comparatively small amount of it (a column of about o() 
 inches) is sufficient to balance the weight of the air, and it is thus 
 used in the construction of barometers. Owing to its power of dis- 
 solving gold and silver, it is used in large quantities as a means of 
 separating these latter from their ores. Finally, one of its com- 
 pounds, Vermillion, is a valuable paint, and others, like calomel, as 
 well as the metal itself, are employed as medicines. 
 Sources. Mercury is found to a slight extent in a pure state, 
 but chiefly combined with sulphur, forming a bright red mineral 
 (cinnabar) resembling Vermillion. The chief mines are found in 
 Spain, Austria and California. It has not been found in New 
 Brunswick or other parts of Canada. 
 The following are a few additional metals, which are either 'of 
 comparatively rare occurrence, or not often seen in the metallic state, 
 but which find more or less extensive applications for useful pur- 
 The Mineral Kingdom. 19 
 Platinum. A metal bearing some resemblance to silver, but of 
 inferior lustre, is used ehielly in tlie m:ikin<i^ of vessels for chemical 
 purposes. It is obtained from nearly the same sources as gold. 
 Nickel. This metal, of wliitish colour and rather brilliant 
 lustre, is but little affected by the air or water, and is" often spread 
 over other metals to protect them. It is familiar in American 
 coinage and in nickel-plated goods. It is also a constituent of Ger- 
 man isilver. It comes chieliv from Germanv. 
 Cobalt. This metal accompanies nickel in Germany and else- 
 where, and is chiefly valuable from the power possessed by some of 
 its compounds of imparting a deep blue colour to glass and china. 
 Arsenic. The name of this substance is most familiar as that 
 of a deadly poison. What is commonly so called, however, is not 
 really the metal arsenic, but a wliite compound obtained by roast- 
 ing the ores of th etal. It comes mainly from England and 
 Germany. Considei.jle quantities are also obtained from a mine 
 in Ontario. In New Brunswick it is of rare occurrence. 
 Bismuth. This metal is used, to a limited extent, in making 
 soft solder and other easily fusible conn)ounds ; also to some degree 
 in medicine. The supply comes chiefly from Hungary, England 
 (Cornwall), and Australia. Small quantities have been found in 
 Canada and in New Brunswick. 
 Chromium. This metal is used only in the form of certain 
 compounds, which are valued for their colours. The most c-jmrnon 
 of these is the bright yellow paint known as chrome yellow. They 
 are obtained from certain ores of iron found in the United States, in 
 Turkey, and in Russia. 
 ' Aluminum. This metal can only be described as rare in the 
 sense that in the pure metallic form it is comparatively unfamiliar. 
 In reality it is one of the most wide-spread and abundant of all 
 metals, as indicated by the fact of its entering hirgely into the com- 
 position of many minerals and nearly all rocks. It is especially 
 abundant in common clav, and fullv one-twelfth of the solid crust 
 of the globe is believed to be composed of it. As a metal it pos- 
 sesses many valuable qualities, especially those of strength and light- 
 ness, but its separation is difficult and expensive. Its more important 
 compounds will be again referred to. 
20 The Mineral Kingdom. 
 1. Minerals Applicable to Ornamental Purposes. 
 Quartz. Tliis is one of the most common, and, tliongh exhibit- 
 ing much variety, one of tlie most easily recognized minerals. In 
 its simplest form it is clear and colourless, like glass. It is then 
 known as Kock Cry^stal, and under various titles, such as Rhine- 
 stone, etc., is largely used in jewelry. Not unfrequently it is coloured 
 of a rich purple tint, from the presence of a small amount of man- 
 ganese, and is then known as Amethyst. This, also, is highly prized 
 in jewelry, being especially suitable for brooches. Other varieties 
 are Chalcedony, Carnelian, Agate, Bloodstone, and Jasper. All 
 of the pbove, except Bloodstone, are occasionally found in New 
 Brunswick, but much finer specimens are obtained from Nova Scotia 
 (Nortii Mountains) and from Lake Superior. All varieties of quartz 
 are too hard to be scratched with a knife, and are also destitute of 
 Quartz is an abundant constituent of rocks, such as granite and 
 the like, in which it is easily recognized by its hard glassy grains. 
 Owing to this hardness, and the fact that quartz is unaffected by air 
 or water, it remains unchanged when these rocks decay, and thus 
 originates the grains of sand found in ordinary sandstones and soils. 
 Quartz, alone, is also essentially infusible, but when heated with 
 certain other substances may be readily melted. Ordinary glass is 
 thus made by heating and melting together clean sand with either 
 soda, potash, lime, or lead, or mixtures of these latter. At a certain 
 temperature the material becomes soft or waxy, and may then be 
 blown or pressed into any desired forms. Quartz is also the most 
 common filling matter of mineral veins, and hence the most fre- 
 quent associate of metallic ores. 
 Felspar. This very common mineral, a compound of Alumi- 
 num, is chiefly interesting from the fact of its entering so largely 
 into the composition of ordinary rocks, and its relations to the soils 
 which result from the wear and decay of the latter. It is the pink 
 or reddish constituent of ordinary granite. It is, like quartz, very 
 hard, but, unlike that mineral, splits or cleaves in two directionSr 
The Mineral Kingdom. 
 nearly at right angles, and thus forms bright, lustrous surfaces. By 
 the action of air and water it " weathers," or decomposes, and thus 
 originates the different varieties of clay, which, besides forming an 
 important part of ordinary soils, are used extensively in the making 
 of bricks, tiles, earthenware, pottery, china, and porcelain. 
 It is found in all the granites of the Province, associated with 
 quartz and mica, and often forms also the larger part of many prom- 
 inent hills, especially aroimd Passamnquoddy Bay. 
 Mica. This mineral, also an aluminous compound, is most 
 readily recognized by its power of splitting almost indefinitely into 
 thin, flexible and elastic slieets. When these are sufficiently large, 
 as they are found in some parts of Quebec, they may be profitably 
 mined and used for the windows of stoves and similar purposes, but 
 in general they are too small to be thus employed. As one of the 
 elements of common granite it is of frequent occurrence in New 
 Brunswick, and is also found in other rocks and in soils. Owing to 
 its brightness and silvery lustre it is frequently mistaken for gold, 
 another instance of the fact that " all is not gold tliat glitters." 
 Garnet. This mineral, in its finer forms, has a rich cinnamon- 
 red color, and a high lustre, and is used in jewelry, both under its 
 proper name and that of carbuncle. 
 In New Brunswick, small garnets are found in some of the rocks 
 near Moore's Mills, in Charlotte county, and in the parish of Can- 
 terbury, York county, but they are too small to be of value. 
 Tourmaline. This mineral is also occasionally found in clear 
 transparent crystals, of green or red colours, but is more commonly 
 black and opaque. The latter variety is sometimes found accom- 
 panying garnet, in the localities given for this mineral. 
 Fluor. This mineral exhibits rich shades of colour, including 
 green, yellow, and purple varieties, and, being rather soft, is often 
 used in England for the making of articles of ornament. In New 
 Brunswick, it is found somewhat abundantly in Ilarvey Settlement, 
 in York county, also on Frye's Island, in Charlotte county, and in 
 Westmorland. The mineral, however, as occurring at these points, 
 has little or no value. 
 Hornblende. This mineral deserves mention chiefly as one of 
 very frequent occurrence, being often found taking the place of 
22 ~ The Mineral Kingdom. 
 mica in many granite-like rocks, and sometimes making u[) the 
 larger part of tlie latter. It ditiers from mica in not splitting into 
 thin sheets as that mineral does, as well as in being much harder 
 nnd heavier, features which it imparts to the rocks of which it forms 
 a portion. It presents many varieties of form and colour, one of 
 them being the mineral asbestoSf valued on account of its long, 
 flexible fibres, and its power of withstanding heat, in the manufac- 
 ture of fire-proof fabrics, the lining of safes, and for roofing purposes. 
 It has been found at a few localities along the southern coast. 
 Serpentine. Tliis name is given to a compact and massive 
 mineral, of pale yellowish green or dark green colours, and which 
 is so soft as to be readilv cut bv a knife. In its finer forms, and 
 when mixed with limestone, it often forms a rock of considerable 
 beauty, known tis verde anti(]ue marble, and is tluis found at a num- 
 ber of points in 8t. John county, including Musquash, Pisarinco, 
 and Portland. S[)ecimens of large size are, however, difficult to 
 obtain. A dark green variety occurs in rocks in the vicinity of St. 
 Gems. A few of the minerals already n*ientioned, such as 
 garnets, tourmalines, and some varieties of quartz, inay properly be 
 included under this head. \\\ addition to these, the following are 
 the gems most highly valued, viz.: Diamonds, Rubies, Turquois, 
 Sapphires, Emeralds, and Topaz. Excepting diamonds, which are 
 varieties of carbon, they are all more or less nearly related to 
 Felspar. Their value and use depend upon their beauty and bril- 
 liancy of colour, in connection with their rarity. None of them 
 are known to occur, in available forms, within the limits of the Do- 
 2. Minerals Used as Sources of Heat and Light. 
 This name is given to the masses of half decomposed vegetable 
 matter, consisting largely of branching mosses, often found bordering 
 the shores of ponds or lakes, and sometimes covering extensive 
 tracts. It is especially abundant in Ireland, where, after drying, it 
 is largely used as fuel. It has also been so employed in Canada. In 
 New Brunswick, it is not uncommon in the southern counties, and 
 sometimes — as in parts of Charlotte county, near the liue of the 
The Mineral Kixciinnr. 
 New Brunswick TJailway — covers large tracts, Xo use has liere 
 }>een made of it. Many small streams orij.nnate in peat bogs, deriv- 
 ing therefrom a dark colour and swainpv taste. At the same time 
 these bogs, by their spongy character, tend to retain the water, and 
 to prevent its too rapid removal. 
 Nature. Coal is, like poat, of vegetable origin, but, unlike peat, 
 is not now to be seen in process of formation, and dKrers further in 
 many important particulars. It has been shown to be the proiluct of 
 a far distant period of the earth's history, when not only did vege- 
 tation of a widely diflerent kind flourish on the earth's surface, biit 
 with a luxuriance which has not since been equalled, and yet under 
 such peculiar circumstances as led, from time to time, to its general 
 overthrow and burial beneath vast quantities of sand and clay, now 
 hardened into rock. As a result of this burial and the enormous 
 pressure thereby produced, the vegetable matter has been greatly 
 changed, and in this changed form, hardened, compacted, and dark- 
 ened in colour, it constitutes our ordinary eoul. 
 Varieties. There are two principal varieties of coal in com- 
 mon use, viz. : Bituminous, or Soft Coal, and Anthracite, or Hard 
 Coal. The former, as indicated by its name, is rather soft, easily 
 broken, takes fire rather readily, and burns with a bright but 
 somewhat smoky flame. The latter, on the contrary, is hard, 
 brilliantly lustrous, difficult to ignite, and, in burning, produces 
 great heat, with little or no smoke. In this respect it is like coke, 
 such as is formed in gas works from the heating of bituminous coal, 
 and it is altogether probable that it has been similarly formed from 
 such coal by the heating of the latter, through natural causes, while 
 still within the earth. 
 Uses. In addition to its employment as fuel, soft coal is the 
 direct source of illuminating gas and of various burning oils, such 
 as Paraffme, Kerosene, etc. Indirectly, it is also the source from 
 which are obtained the rich and varied Aniline dyes. 
 Sources. The chief coal-producing countries are Great Britain, 
 the United States, Belgium, and Canada. In each of these countries 
 coal-bearing rocks cover extensive areas, and enormous quantities 
 are annually removed. In Great Britain alone tliere were raised in 
 the year 1884 nearly one hundred and seventy million tons of this 
24 The Mineral Kingdom. 
 «iibs-.ance, wliile tl)e amount raised in the United States was bi 
 less. This (piantity is about one-fourth that of the total proc 
 of the world. Hard Coal, or Anthracite, is almost solely tl 
 duct of the Pennsylvania mines, and from the latter the qi 
 removed in 1883 amounted to over thirtv-one million tons. ) 
 a rate is the mineral fuel of the earth being consumed ! 
 The coal fields of Canada are confined to the Maritime Pro 
 chiefiy Nova Scotia, and to some portions of tlie North',vest. Ii 
 Scotia the coal beds are numerous and thick, and are largely w 
 especially about Pictou, Spring Hill, arid Sydney. Single co: 
 occurring here are sometimes as much as thirty feet in thickn 
 In New Brunswick the coal-bearing rocks cover a very ext 
 area, embracing large portions of the counties of Queens, Su 
 York, Kent, \Vestnu)rland, and Northumberland, in all aboii 
 third of the entire Province. But though seams of coal 
 been observed at many different points over this great tract 
 are for the most part very small, the only ones which have j 
 capable of profitable working being those found in Queens C 
 about the head of Grand Lake and the streams connected w 
 Even in this last-named region the seam is thin, not exc( 
 twentv-two inches, and were it not for its nearness to the si 
 and the consequent ease with which it can be obtained, it woi 
 of comparatively little value. As it is, considerable quantiti 
 removed every year, and sent to the Fredericton and St. Join 
 kets, where it is especially valued for blacksmiths' use. The 
 amount of coal originally present in this coal field has bee; 
 mated at 150,000,000 tons, of which probably not over 100,0C 
 have as yet been removed. 
 Beds of impure anthracite occur at Lepreaux, in western St 
 county, but have not repaid the cost of working. 
 This name has been given to a peculiar mineral first foi 
 Albert county, New Brunswick, and which was there mined for 
 yeai*? with great profit. Though often called by the name of . 
 Coal, it is not in reality a true coal, being rather of the natui 
 mineral pitch, and probably resulting from the chemical altt 
 of mineral oil or petroleum. It does not occur, like coal, ir 
 but in the form of irregular and branching vei»^.s, of whic 
The Mineral Kingdom. 25 
 largest, when first discovered, had a thickness of eighteen feet. Be- 
 tween the years 18()3 and 1874 over ir)4,()00 tons were removed, 
 having a vahie varying from $1') to $20 a ton, Init in descending 
 the vein was found to diminish greatly in size, and after reaching a 
 deptli of over 1,")()0 feet it was found necessary to ahandon the mine. 
 Numerou.5 attempts liave been made to discover other veins, hut so far 
 as known to the author none of workable size have vet been found. 
 The Albertite, a black, highly lustrous, pitch-like substance, was 
 never nsed as an ordinary fuel. Its great value resulted from its 
 employment in the manufacture of oil (Albertine) and gas. 
 This is the material in which the veins of Albertite occur, and 
 from which the Albertite itself was probal)ly derived. Jt is a rock 
 rather than a mineral, and is found in thick beds extending through 
 a large part of Albert county (from Elgin to Ilillsboro'), and i)ortion8 
 of Westmorland (about Memramcook). It is of a dark grey colour, 
 very tough, with a strong bituminous odour, and in some places 
 contains so much oily matter ji« to yield oil in considerable (quan- 
 tities when heated. Works for its separation were at one time 
 established near Baltimore, in Albert count v, but the discoverv of 
 the great i)etroleum wells of Pennsylvania prevented the work from 
 being prof" table, and it was soon abandoned. Portions of the shales 
 contain large quantities of fossil fishes, and the oily matter contained 
 in the rock has probably, in great part, been derived from this 
 In addition to the oily matter spread through the Bituminous 
 shales last described, fluid oil, or Petroleum, is sometimes found 
 oozing from these shales in small quantities. It has been thus ob- 
 served in the Albert Mines, and at several places about Memramcook, 
 where it is accompanied by inflammable gas. Ail attempts, how- 
 ever, to obtain it in profitable quantities have so far failed. 
 Petroleum, in large quantities, is found in Pennsylvania, the 
 Russian provinces on the Caspian Sea, in British Burmah, and also 
 in Ontario. After being refined, it is employed chiefly as a burning 
 oil, but has also many other applications. Single wells in Pennsyl- 
 vania liave in some instances yielded 6,000 barrels of oil a day, 
 '*- while the value of the yield in the United States for the year 1884 
 I was upwards of twenty millions of dollars. 
 Ma>**.»»w«-nii.i.iyiiJMii rifi 
26 The Mineral Kingdom. 
 The ai)pcaran('e and some of the }»roi)ertit's of this substance 
 are made familiar by its iisse in connection with ordinary friction 
 matihes. The first ignition of the hitter is (hie to a small quan- 
 tity of phosphorus with which the match is tipi)ed, })ut })ehin(l this 
 is Ji (piantity of sulphur, which, taking fire from the phosphorus, 
 in turn ignites the wood. The sulphur is a bright yellow substance, 
 very brittle, and very indanunable, i)roducing, when burning, dense, 
 suflocating fumes. In addition to its employment in match-making, 
 sulphur is used in enormous (piantities in the manufacture of gun- 
 powder and lire-works, as well as in the making of suli)hurie acid, in 
 medicine, in bleaching straw goods, and for many otlier purposes. 
 The supidy for these uses comes chiefly from Sicily and other vol- 
 canic countries, where it is found in a nearly })ure state. No such 
 pure sulphur is to be found in New Brunswick or P'astern America, 
 but many ores of the metals are com])ounds of sulphur, and from 
 some of these the sulpluir may, if desired, be profitably extracted. 
 A compound of sulphur and liydrogen is sometimes found dis- 
 olved in the water of mineral springs, which are accordingly known 
 as "sulphur springs." They are readily recognized by their ofieiisive 
 taste and smell, but are often considered as serviceable in the cure of 
 certain diseases. 
 3. Materials Capable of Resisting Heat. 
 Graphite is probably vegetable matter greatly altered by intense 
 heat. It is therefore now but little afiected by the latter, and may 
 be usefully employed where the effects of lieat are to be resisted. It 
 is tlius used for "facing" the moulds in which stoves and similar 
 articles are cast, as well as for giving to iron a bright, glossy surface. 
 But its most important application is in the manufacture of lead 
 pencils, for which it is especially adapted both by its softness and its 
 black colour. It lias not, as its name would seem to indicate, any 
 relation to ordinary metallic lead. 
 Graphite is obtained from many different localities in Great 
 Britain and the United States, as also in Caiuida. In New Bruns- 
 wick the mineral is found at several points in St. John county, and 
 i j iiiiiii j llpii i i - p ii p i 
The Mineral Kingdom. 2T 
 has been mined to some extent in the vicinity of the Snspension 
 Bridge, in Portland.. As here fonnd it is somewhat impure, and htis 
 been chiefly used for foundry purposes. 
 The dillerent vjirieties of Chiys are not properly minerah^ but 
 result from the decomposition of the latter, especially from felspar 
 and mica. Thev are most commonly found in the valleys of the 
 larger streams and rivers, but Jire also to be met with in other situ- 
 ations. Their most important quality is tliat of their plaaticitij, or 
 power of being moulded into any desired form. In consequence of 
 this property and the })()wer which they ac(juire, when baked, of re- 
 taining their form and of resisting heat, they are largely employed 
 in the manufacture of all kinds of bricks and tiles. They also con- 
 stitute the basis of the manufacture of all varieties of earthenware. 
 Brickyards are of common occurrence in the Province, but the 
 two of most importance are those at St. John and at Marysvllle, in 
 York County. From the latter there were produced, in the year 
 1884, not less than 8,000,000 bricks. 
 Fire brick differs from ordinary brick in being made of a purer 
 clay, and one better adapted to withstand high temperatures. It is 
 generally of a whitish colour. Clays suitable for such use are fre- 
 quently found beneath seams of coal, as at Grand Lake and else- 
 The first of the above minerals has already been referred to a& 
 being frequently employed in the making of the windows of stoves^ 
 being adapted to this use by its transparency, by its splitting readily 
 into thin sheets, and by not being acted upon by heat. 
 SoAPSTONE is, as its name indicates, a stone of a peculiarly soft,^ 
 soapy feeling, and is sometimes used in the making of stoves, mantels^ 
 etc. It does not occur in any available form in New Brunswick. 
 AsBESTUS. This substance is a variety of the mineral Horn- 
 blende, or sometimes of Serpentine. It is remarkable chiefly for its 
 fine fibrous character, resembling cotton or flax, and its power of 
 resisting heat. In consefjuence of these properties, it is largely used 
 for roofing purposes, for packing fire-proof safes, in making fire- 
 proof garments, and for kindred purposes. The mineral is of rare 
 occurrence in New Brunswick, but has been found in some parts of St. 
 John County. It is much more abundant in the Province of Quebec 
28 TnK Mineral Kingdom. 
 1. OCHRES. 
 Oclires are clays variouHly coloured with compounds of iron. By 
 their colour and softness they are adapted to the manufacture of 
 certain kinds of j)aint, and in some parts of the I'nited States are 
 largely so used. They are found in New Brunswick, both as yellow 
 and red ochre, at a number of localities, especially iu Albert county, 
 but little has as yet been done with them. 
 2. BARYtES. 
 This is a white and very heavy mineral, sometimes known as 
 Heavy Spar, and used somewhat largely, both alone and in connec- 
 tion with White Lead, in the makin;^ of paints. It is found in 
 many i)arts of the United States, in Canada, and in P'ngland. 
 In New Brunswick it is found chieflv on Frve's Island, in Char- 
 lotte county, and near Memramcook Station, in Westmorland. 
 ; 3. CHALK. 
 This is the familiar material employed for writing purposes. It 
 18 a variety of limestone, and consists largely of the remains of very 
 minute animals, at one time living in the sea, at the bottom of which 
 similar material is now believed to be accumulating. Chalk is wide- 
 ly spread, and in large deposits, over the continent of. Europ*^ 
 (especially in England and France), but in America is confined to 
 some small beds in the Rocky Mountrin region. 
 1. GYPSUM. 
 This mineral occurs in very large beds f>otli in New Brunswick 
 and Nova Scotia. In New Brunswick the chief localities are in 
 Kings county (in Sussex and Uplmm), in Westmorland county (near 
 Petitcodiac station), in Albert coMnty (near Hillsboro and Hope- 
 well), and in Victoria county (on tflJe^Tobique River). Near Hills- 
The Mineral Kingdom. 9^ 
 boro it hoH l)een very extensively ([narried for ji number of years, 
 and large works iiave l»een erected for grinding and burning it. 
 When simply groinul, ( fy[)sum is found to be of much service in 
 adding to the fertility of certain soils, and from several of the 
 localities above mentioned it is reujoved in large (quantities to be so 
 employed. On the otiier hand, when heated, it loses water, and be- 
 comes converted into Plaster of Paris, a nuiterial largely used in the 
 making of cements, in the interior linishing of houst*s, in the 
 stereotyping of books, and for 'uany other purposes. From the 
 ilillsboro beds the total amount rc/noved during the last year (188()) 
 was 20,1)21 tons, of which the larger part was exported to the United . 
 As a mineral, (ryj)sum presents several varieties, being some- 
 times wliite and opa<iue or slightly translucent, being then known as 
 Alabaster, sometimes granular, sometimes fibrous, and sometimes 
 crystallizing in large, Hat, transparent slabs. It also varies much in 
 colour, that of Ilillsboro being pure white, while that of the Tobique 
 is of reddish and chocolate colours. 
 This mineral is not known to occur in New Brunswick, but is 
 mentioned here as being one of the important mineral products of 
 Canada. It is often known as " Canadian Phos])hate," being in 
 reality a IMiosphate of Lime, and, like bone-earth, which has nearly 
 the same constitution, is highly valued as a fertilizer. Immense 
 quantities are annually removed from mines in difierent parts of the 
 Ottawa valley. 
 1. SALT. 
 The Salt of commerce is obtained from three sources; viz., from 
 sea water, from beds of solid ro k-salt, and from salt-springs. The 
 two last may occur together or separately, and are thus found in 
 many parts of the world, notably in England, France, Spain, Austria 
 and Hungary ; also in the United States and in Canada (Ontario). 
 In New Brunswick no beds of rock-salt have as yet been dis- 
 covered, but salt springs or brines issue from the rocks at several 
so The Mineral Kingdom. 
 points, as near Sussex (Dutcli Valley), Upham (Salt Spring Brook), 
 and the Tobique Valley. Near Sussex the brine has been employed 
 as a source of salt, and from sixty to seventy bushels per week have 
 been at times manufactured — an amount which might easily be 
 largely increased. 
 These are springs containing mineral substances in solution. 
 In addition to those containing salt, already noticed, there are 
 springrs containing compounds of sulphur, iron, magnesium, and 
 the various alkalies. Owing to the presence of these dissolved 
 bodies, they acquire more or less of a medicinal character, and are 
 often resorted to for curative purposes. In America the best known 
 are those, of Saratoga, in New York, and the Sulphur Spriags of 
 the Southern States. 
 Sulphur springs, so called, have been observed at a number of 
 places in New Brunswick, especially in Carleton county, and have 
 acquired some local celebrity, but none of any great value are 
 known. AVhere waters contain iron it is usually indicated by the 
 formation of colored films upon the surface, and, eventually, of a 
 reddish brown sediment in the brooks which they originate. An 
 alkaline spring occurring near Apohaqui Station in King's county, 
 lias been recently brought to notice as possessing valuable curative 
 The relations of rocks to minerals have been pointed out on a 
 previous i)age. Among the substances already noticed there are 
 some, such as rock-salt and gypsum, which, though true minerals, 
 occur in rock-like masses, often of great extent, and otlicrs, such as 
 coal and iron ores, which are rather rocks than minerals ; but we 
 have now to notice a number of substances, largely employed for 
 useful purposes, about whose rock nature there can be no question. 
 On page 5 this substance was referred to and described as afford- 
 ing the best illustration of what a true rock is — an association of 
 two or more minerals in considerable masses. These minerals are 
 The MiNERAi. Kingdom. 31 
 quartz, felspar, and mica, each distinguisliable by its own peculiar 
 features, but distributed very regularly and in nearly equrd quantity 
 through the granite formed by their union, and hence giving to the 
 latter, in any particular instance, corresponding uniformity. One 
 granite, however, compared with anotlier, may difler in the propor- 
 tion of these parts as well as in their size and colour ; and hence 
 diflerent varieties of granite originate, adapted and used for a variety 
 of purposes. 
 Owing to its hardness, firmness and durability, granite of almost 
 any kind is well suited to the making of the foundations of build- 
 ings, and is larg(dy so employed. In many instances, also, it is 
 favorably employed in the construction of entire edifices. Granite 
 for such purposes is very abundant in New Brunswick, especially in 
 Queens county, in Charlotte, in York, and Gloucester, in each of 
 which it covers large areas and rises into prominent hills. At many 
 points, also, it is suitable for ornamental and decorative purposes, 
 taking readily a high polish, and possessing shades of colour which 
 are highly valued. The principal quarries are those of Long Island, 
 or Hampstead, in Queens county, and the neighborhood of St. 
 George, in Charlotte county. At the former locality the rock is 
 mostly gray, and is chiefly employed in the rough state for ordinary 
 construction. That of St. George, on the contrary, has a rich, warm 
 reddish colour, derived from the felspar which it contains, and is 
 largely polished both at St. George and at Carleton, St. John. 
 In a sandstone the particles of which the rock is made are 
 not, as in granite, crystalline particles, but simply, as the name 
 indicates, cemented grains of sand. The grains may be large or 
 small, and either firmly or loosely compacted. They may also vary 
 in colour. Thus sandstones also present many difterences, and be- 
 come fitted for a variety of uses. 
 Sandstones which are rather fine, and at the same time not too 
 hard, and having an even texture throughout, are connnonly known 
 as freestones. Such stones are highly })rized for building purposes, 
 and they have been very largely employed in the construction of all 
 the Atlantic cities. They are commonly known as Nova Scotia stone, 
 but a very large part has really come from New Brunswick. The 
 most important quarries in the Province are those about the head of 
"tBIWthHa ifBl l lw ii .; ii •• ..iiiiiti 
 32 The Mineral. Kingdom. 
 the Bay of Fiindy, near Hopewell and Harve}'", in Albert County, 
 and Dorchester and Westmorlahd ; also on the North Shore, at New- 
 castle. Stone from the last-named locality is now being used in the 
 construction of one of the large public buildings at Ottawa. It i& 
 readily cut into ornamental forms, and is quite durable. The 
 colours vary from olive gray to purple. 
 Sandstones which are of a very uniform texture, and which 
 possess a clear sharp grit, are adapted to the manufacture of mill- 
 stones and grindstones. Such roc!:s are found with ordinary free- 
 stones at the localities above named, and are often removed for such 
 uses. Grindstone Island, off the coast of Albert County, derives ita 
 name from the o(;currence here of rocks of this character. 
 3. SLATES. 
 As sandstone is composed of cemented grains of sand, so slate is 
 only a hardened bed of clay. It is thus much finer than sandstone, 
 of more uniform texture, and, owing to the pressure which it has 
 undergone, exhibits a tendency to split or cleave into thin slabs. 
 It also does not allow water to pass through it readily. Owing to 
 these properties it is largely employed for roofing purposes, as well 
 as in the manufacture of writing slates, slate pencils, etc. 
 The best slates in America come from, quarries in Maine, Penn- 
 sylvania, and Vermont. In New Brunswick slate rocks are common, 
 covering a large proportion of the entire area of the Province, but 
 little has been done to test their quality. The area which affords 
 most promise in this particular is that of northern Charlotte County 
 and southern Queens. 
 Limestone is the rock from which ordinary lime is derived. It 
 is found in beds, often of great thickness, and extending over con- 
 siderable tracts of country. It varies much in colour, though usually 
 tending to pale ^ey, bluish, and whitish tints, and may readily be 
 recognized by its softness, and usually by the facility with which it 
 effervesces or froths up upon the addition of an acid. It not un- 
 frequently contains shells, the relics of former life, and much lime- 
 stone is almost wholly thus constituted. 
 In New Brunswick limestones are found in beds of great extent 
 and purity along either side of the St. John river, in the county of 
 the same name, and large quantities of stone have been thence re- 
The Mineral Kingdom. 33 
 moved and burned for the making of lime. Quite recently this 
 business has assumed very large proportions, and in the last year 
 (ISSG) over 1 50,000 casks of lime were manufactured here. Lime- 
 stone is also found, and lias been to some extent burned, at iMuscjuash, 
 in St. John county, and at L'Etang, in Charlone county. Smaller 
 beds occur along the valley of the Becaguimic river, and at Wind- 
 sor, in Carletou county ; near Ilillsboro, in Albert, laid elsewhere v 
 and from some of these beds considerable quantities of lime have 
 been manufactured, but only for local use. 
 5. MARBLE. 
 ' larble is of the same nature as limestone, but is harder and 
 more crystalline. It occurs in the same way, and exhibits similar 
 differences of texture and colour, but owing to its firmness, durabili- 
 ty, and capability of being worked and polished, it is better adapted 
 for ornamental purposes. It is hence largely employed in the manu- 
 facture of tombstones, monuments, mantels, statues, and the like, and 
 at times for the construction of large public buildings. The best 
 foreign marble comes from Italy, but some varieties of American 
 rock are also extensively employed. 
 In New Brunswick portions of the limestones of St. John county 
 are true marbles, and in small specimens are often quite liandsorae, 
 exhibiting, in addition to pure white varieties, shades of blue, pink, 
 green, and dark grey. It has, however, been found difficult to obtain 
 rock sufficiently free from cracks and flaws, and as yet has been but 
 little used. At present there are no marble quarries in operation 
 in the Province. 
 In the description of rocks and minerals in the preceding pages, 
 and of the uses to which they are applied, they have in all cases 
 been supposed to be removed from their natural places, and often 
 subjected to various artificial operations. But even in their original 
 positions, rocks at least often affect our well-being, and that not less 
 than the ores, gems, ornamental or architectural materials which we 
 may obtain from them. A few of the rocks already noticed will 
 34 The Mixerat Kingdom. 
 enable us esisily to underatand tliis point, while they may also serve 
 to convey some Idea of how rockx are made, mhen tliey were made, and 
 in what way they tlirow light on the earth's history. 
 (1.) How Rocks Crumble and Decay. We commonly look 
 upon rocks and stones as unchangeable and everlasting ; but one 
 has only to go into some old church-yard to find proof of the fact 
 that this is not the case — that these, like everything else in nature, 
 are liable to cliange and decav. While some newlv erected tomb- 
 stone will present a surface which is clear and bright, otheis by its 
 side, and which liave been longer exposed, will be found to be far 
 more dull, while in still others, evidently the oldest of all, the in- 
 scriptions which they once bore have become well nigh illegible. 
 These changes result from the action of the air, which, partly by 
 variations of heat and cold, partly by frost and moisture, and partly 
 in other wa s, tend sooner or later to alter the character of the sur- 
 face and to hasten its decay. Ordinary building stones are liable to 
 similar changes, and many beautiful buildings in various parts of 
 the world, erected at enormous cost, have had their beauty sadly 
 marred by this cause, or have fallen into utter ruin. So in general 
 all rocks exposed to the action of air and water, whether in large or 
 small masses, whether on mountain sides or in tlie more level plains, 
 and whatever their nature, tend eventually to break up, crumble, and 
 to fall to pieces. The power which water has of dissolvimj many 
 rocks and minerals, especially those containing lime, aids in this 
 process, as does also the constant wear produced by the How of this 
 water in streams and rivei*s. We have next to emjuire " What be- 
 comes of all the material (has set free?" 
 (2.) How Rocks are Formed. Rocks, ns we have seen, by 
 "weathering" crumble and decay. But in so doing the materials 
 composing them are not lost; they are only changed in character or, 
 it may be, removed to some new position, and thus they are made 
 to contribute to another important result; viz., iha formation of veiv 
 rock. In some instances the material is merely added to the soil, 
 and there is reason to believe that all soils have to a large extent 
 been produced by similar agencies. Some of the varieties of these 
 will be noticed presently. In other instances the loosened materials 
 are taken up by flowing waters and borne away, it may be only for a 
 few feet or yards, but not \uifrequently for scores or hundreds of 
 miles. But, whatever the distance, sooner c r later the material must 
 The Mineral Kingdom 35 
 find a resting phuc, and tliere lieapcd up it in time becomes rock 
 again. If the material transi)orted be sand, a bed or beds of 
 8and will be deposited; if mud, a "lay; if jiebbles, a bed of gravel. 
 Moreover, as quickly moving waters have more power to bold nj) 
 and carry along solid matter than those which How more gently, and 
 jis dillerences of this kind are found along the whole length of 
 streams and rivers as well as upon the sea coast, pebbles will accu- 
 mubite at one place while sands are forming at another, or mud-beds 
 at still another. Or, by changes in the condition of the stream at 
 various seasons, as in times of drought or freshet, very difierent 
 kinds of nuiterials may be dei)osited in the same place, one above 
 another, in successive beds. 
 Nc V it is true that tlie materials thus deposited differ from our 
 ordinary ideas of rocks in being loose and uncompacted, rather than 
 hard and solid. But we nuist not attach too nmch weight to the 
 diflerence. Hardness is a very variable characteristic, and compara- 
 tively slight changes are sullicient to determine it. Snow, by mere 
 pressure, becomes as hard as ice, and so clays and sands, by the mere 
 pressure of their own weight, tend to become more compact and solid. 
 So sand and lime become compacted into mortar, in time becoming 
 as hard as many rocks, and as lime is often present in the waters 
 which penetrate sandy and clayey beds, these in similar manner may, 
 by its agency, also become cemented, and thus aojuire firmness and 
 solidity. And thus it is that a large part of the rocks of the earth 
 have been produced. A sandstone, as lifis been described, is only a 
 hardened bed of sand, and so a shale or a slate is but a hardened bed 
 of mud ; or where the material is coarser, consisting of rounded and 
 various pebbles, we have what geologists call a conglomerate. Such 
 rocks, as their nature at once -shows, have all beeiTTormed by the 
 action of running water, and for this reason are often called Aqueous 
 or Water-formed Hocks. Again, such rocks successively laid down 
 in moving waters are usually in layers or beds, and are sometimes 
 known as Bedded or Stratified Rocks. Finallv, iis most waters con- 
 tain or may receive different forms of vegetable and animal life — 
 tree-trunks, leaves, insects, shells, etc. — portions of these often be- 
 come imbedded in the forming deposits, and there entombed and 
 preserved constitute what are known as fossils. In the rocks accom- 
 panying coal beds, such as those of Grand I^ake, fossils in the form 
 of leaves and trunks of trees are exceedingly abundant, though they 
36 The Mineral Kingdom. 
 have probably been entoinbed for thousands of centuries, and so at 
 the Albert mines nianv of the shales were found to contain mvriads 
 of fossil fishes, wholly unlike anything now living, while in the north- 
 ern part of the province (and similarly over much of America and 
 Europe) we have large tractt?, and even mountain masses, almost wholly 
 made up of shells, corals, and other forms of marine life. But while 
 water has thus been the great agency both in the destruction and 
 building up of rocks, there is also another, that of heat, which may also 
 operate in the same direction. Thus enormous quantities of melted 
 rock are at times poured out from volcanoes, and overflow extensive 
 tracts, carrying destruction with them. Or they may be thrown from 
 volcanic craters high into the air, and, falling, build up a high cone 
 or volcanic mountain around the point of their discharge. Such 
 rocks, of course, will not be stratijicd in the same way that we have 
 seen water-formed rocks to be, nor will they, in general, contain re- 
 mains of living beings. They are what are known as Fire-formed 
 or Igneous Rocks. Lastly, igneous rocks, on their way to the surface 
 from the bowels of the earth, may bake or alter the rocks through 
 which they pass; or the heat from the earth's interior, spreading 
 through a great mass of rock without actually melting it, may 
 greatly alter its character, either simply hai dening it, or, it may be, 
 giving it a crystalline character. This is probably the way in which 
 granite and many related rocks have been produced. Originally 
 formed by the action of water, as the stratified structure in some of 
 them clearly shows, they have since been acted on by subterranean 
 heat, and thus made to assume their present form. Such rocks are 
 accordingly known as Altered or Metamorphie Hocks. 
 (3.) How Rocks Tell the Histoi ^ of the Earth. From what 
 has been stated, it will be evident that in the various features which 
 rocks present we have not only an indication of the special circum- 
 stances under which each was formed, but also of the various 
 changes which at different times have affected the regions in which 
 they were formed. They enable us to tell the former sites of lakes 
 and rivers, the former different distribution of land and sea, the former 
 frequent changes in the surface level of the continents, and the depths 
 of the ocean, and — most interesting of all — the former existence of 
 whole tribes of plants and animals which liave at various times 
 peopled the earth, but of which we would have no knowledge what- 
 ever were it not for their remains which the rocks reveal. Thus 
Thj: Mineral Kingdom. 37 
 the earth becomes n great historical recor(1, tlie events of which are 
 to be unfolded and read througli the careful study of the rock forma- 
 tions wliich constitute its successive leaves. This study is the work 
 of the science of Geology. 
 (4). How Kocks Determine the History of Man. Besides 
 constituti'.ig t!ie solid foundation on wiiich all human structures^ rest, 
 rocks have a most important bearing on tlie welfare and develop- 
 ment of man in many other ways as well. 
 First, Theu Originate and Determine the Character of All Soils. — 
 These are directly t!ie result of the breaking up and decay of rocks, 
 as previously noticed, and their character and productiveness are di- 
 rectly dependent upon tlie nature of the source from which they are 
 derived. If the materials rctpiired for the healthy growth of plants 
 are not contained in a particular rock, the soil resulting therefrom 
 cannot contain them, and will be correspondingly sterile ; if it is 
 rich in such materials, the soil will be fertile and productive. Thus 
 some rocks weather easilv and others scarcelv at all, so that the one 
 will be covered with a deep soil, the other with little, if any. Soils 
 resulting from the breaking up of sandstones are themselves sandy, 
 and therefore generally poor, lacking firnmess, and not readily keep- 
 ing the moisture which plants require; while those resulting from 
 the decay of clayey rocks are apt to remain cold and wet. By 
 ploughing, and various other agricultural operations, the natural 
 conditions of soils may be greatly altered and improved, or, by bad 
 agriculture, they may become impoverished ; but the general char- 
 acter of all soils is originally and chiefly determined by the rocks 
 on which they rest, and from which thy have been derived. 
 Secondly, Rocks Determine all the Distinctive Features of the Land. 
 — Some rocks are hard and some are soft. The latter accordingly are 
 readily washed away, while the former are but little aflected. Thus, 
 in part, originate hills and valleys, highlands and lowlands, and 
 with them the general aspect of the country and all the details of it •> 
 scenery. The course and length of rivers, the position and depth of 
 lakes, the i)lace and character of water-falls, and, upon the coast, the 
 occurrence of bnvs and headlands, of rock -bound shores and sandv 
 beaches, of islands and harbors, are other features, all of which are 
 largely determined througli like differences. And these, in turn, de- 
 termine the origination of commerce^ the sites of cities, the construe- 
vJ8 TiiK Mineral KiNc;i>o>r. 
 tion of railways and canals: in general, all those factors upon which 
 the character and growth of nations depend. 
 Lastly. Rocks and their contents afford or produce a large 
 part of the wea.ih of nations. From them we derive the greater 
 portion of the materials employed in the construction of our dwell- 
 ings, much of the material of which all our tools and machinery 
 are constructed, a large part of our fuel, the substance of our coinage 
 and plate, and all of our gems and precious stones. 
 Being thus intimately connected alike with the present and the 
 past condition of our earth and the beings which inhabit it, the 
 study of rocks in their various relations nuist ever be a source of 
 profit as well as pleasure. It is hoj)ed that the few simple explana- 
 tions and statements contained in the preceding pages may contribute 
 to this result. 
 Figs. 1-5.— Stagks of Growth. L The Seed; 2. The Seedling; 3-4. The same 
 more advanced ; 5. Th» Plant with fully formed Leaves. 
 Figs. 6-10. — Tiiic Branching Plant. G. Showing position of Buds (Linden); 
 7. Nature of Buds as undeveloped Branches; 8, 9, 10. Forms of Trees. 
 Figs. 11-20. — Forms of the Stem and Branches. 11. Prostrate Stem or 
 Runner (Strawberry) ; 12. Underground Stem, forming tubers (Potat(j) ; 
 13. Stem with Branch forming a tendril for climbing (Vine); 14. Sec- 
 tion of "Exogenous" Stem, showing bark, pith, and rings of wood. 
 Figs. 15-20. "Endogenous" Stems; 15. Grain of Corn germinating; 
 > 16. Same more advanced ; 17. Leafy Stem ; 18. Underground Stem or 
 " Root-stock " of Iris ; 19. Grass ; 20. Section of Endogenous Stem. 
 Figs. 21-26. — Forms of Roots. 21. Toung Seedling forming root and root- 
 lets ; 22. Roots branching for absorption ; 2;i-2G. Hoots thickened by 
 deposited food : Carrot (23) ; Turnip (24) ; Radish (25) ; Dahlia (2G). 
Plate II. Plant Life. 
 p. 39 
 Thi: Vkgp:table Kingdom. 
 Fios. 1-10. — Forms of Leaves. 1. A simi)le and complete Leaf; 2. Leaf 
 M'ith cleft margins; 3. Loaf with throe-lohed margin; 4. Three-cleft 
 Leaf; 5. Three-divided Leaf; 6. Compound Leaf, with seven Leadots. 
 The above arc Leaves of " Exogenous" Plants. Figs. 7, 8, 9. Leaves of 
 Endogenous I'lants. Fig. 10. Leaf of Feru. 
 Figs. 11-21. — Forms and Groups of Flowkrs. 11. Solitary Flower (Bluets); 
 12. Flower-cluster of Lily of the Valley ; 13. rmbrella-likc clusters (or 
 Umbels) of Caraway ; M. Heads, or " Compound Flowers"; 15. Hare- 
 bell, showing Calyx and Corolla; IG. Flower of Stone-Crop, showing 
 Sepals, Petals, Stamens, and PisliKs ; 17, Flax-blossom cut thr. nigh, and 
 showing — in addition to Calyx, Corolla and Stamens — the Ovary or 
 interior of the Pistil, Avith contained Ovules. (The above are Flowers 
 of Exogenous Plants.) 18. Adder's Tongue; 19. Trillium; 20. Indian 
 Turnip — a form of flower cluster in which the small and imperfect 
 flowers are near the base of a central fleshy "spike," and concealed by 
 an enveloping flower-like leaf; 21. Flower-clusters of Grass. The 
 above are Flowers of Endogenous Plants. 
 Figs. 22-28. — Forms of Fruits. 22. Stony Fruit of Plum; 23. Fleshy Fruit 
 of Cranberry; 2-1. Nut or Acorn; 25. Strawberry — the true Frujts 
 being minute and buried in the thickened stem ; 26. Winged Fruit of 
 Maple ; 27. Pear, divided to show the core, or ripened ovary; 28. A Pea- 
 Pod. . 
Plate III. Plant Life. 
 Tk tlie first portion of this work tlie attention of the student has 
 been directed, almost exclusively, to what may be termed dead 
 Nature. The various rocks which constitute the substance of the 
 earth, together with the minerals of which they are composed, or 
 which are contained within them, however liable they may be to 
 certain kinds of change, never manifest in any way the possession of 
 what we term Life. Plants and Animals, on the other hand, are 
 livir\(j beiiujs. They are produced, they grow, they move, they take 
 and digest nourishment, and finally they die, their life having, how- 
 ever, in the meantime, been transmitted to their young. Now if we 
 reflect upon these characteristics of living things, as compared with 
 those of rocks and minerals, we shall see that the diilerence lies in 
 this one thing; viz., that the former are capable of doing some- 
 thing, while the latter are not. Mineral substances may be used in 
 a variety of ways; they may be made the implements wherewith to 
 do something, but they cai do nothing of their^^lves. Plants and 
 animals, on the other hand, are always doing '»ing by powers 
 of tlieir own, and as soon as th'^y ceusc to f' ^ die, and return to 
 the earth from which they sprung. 
 What we have to study, then, in the case of Plants and Animals, 
 is, WhatTiiey Do, and How They Do It. As the work of Plants is 
 far simpler than that of Animals, and as the agents or organs by 
 which it is effected are also much simpler, we shall find it most con- 
 venient to take up tlieir study first. 
 It seems somewhat odd at first that we should look upon a plant 
 as a living thing, and should attempt to describe its life. In an 
 ordinary herb, shrub, or tree, there seems at any one time but little 
 to suggest vitality. The trunk of the tree apparently diflTers but 
 little from the boards into which it may be sawn: the leaves flutter- 
, TlIK VKfiKTAHLK KlX(il)OM. 41^ 
 f ing in tlie bree/.o yecni no more alive than wlien, tletarheil by the 
 same breeze, tiiey are scatten*! over the ^Mound. We Kee no motion^ 
 except such as tlie wind i)rovokes. Tlie tree lias apparently no 
 (trgans wherewith to take food, or to digest it when taken. It seem* 
 neither to eat, nor drink, nor sleei>, nor breathe, nor climb; and 
 though we know that it grows, it is far from being obvious at first 
 how this growth is ellected, or by what agents it is carried on. And 
 yet a plant docs all tiicse things and a great deal more, after its own 
 peculiar fashion; and so it is a real living thing, as much so as we 
 ourselves are, having a regulurly allotted term of life, having a 
 definite work to di?, and dclinite instruments or organs wherewith to 
 do it. 
 The study of this peculiar life of Plants, systematically pursued 
 and in all its varied relations, constitutes the science of IJotany. It 
 is both an interesting and a valuable study for many reasons, of 
 which a few only can here be stated: 
 (1.) Plants supply us directly or indirectly with all our food. A 
 knowledge of vegetable growth and structure therefore assists us in 
 obtaining from the earth the greatest possible supply of such food 
 and of using it to the best advantage. The whole science of agri- 
 culture has for its immediate object the promotion of the growtl of 
 plants, and its successful prosecution may be very largely afiected by 
 our knowledge or ignorance of the laws of Plant life. 
 (2.) Plants furnish us witli much of the materials wherewith we 
 clothe our bodies and build our houses. Their suitability for these 
 purposes depends upon peculiarities of structure and growth wbich 
 it is the part of the botanist to work out and understand. 
 (3.) Plants supply us with many important drugs and medicines, 
 with valuable perfumes and dyes, with the materials for tanning, and 
 with much of our fuel. Their capability of being so used or not can 
 in many instances be directly inferred from a knowledge of their 
 botanical character and relations. 
 (4.) A knowledge of plant-life — of "What Plants Do, and How 
 . ' They Do It" — adds a ten-fold interest to the contemplation of the 
 plants themselves. With such knowledge they cease to be merely 
 the pretty things they were before, valued only for their beauty of 
 form, or colour, or perfume ; they become things in which we can 
 take an intelligent interest, as being constructed according to some 
 44 The Vegetable Kingdom. 
 plan; as hitving everything about them with a meaning and a pur- 
 pose ; in short, as being so many manifestations of Creative Wisdom. 
 To understand fully all that is embraced in the life of plants 
 "would, of course, require a very lengthy course of study, even on the 
 part of those of mature years, and with all the modern aids to assist 
 investigation. But much may be learned from the mere observation 
 of the most familiar plants, and wc shall now proceed to sliow, in 
 i* very simple way, some of the facts which tliese are capable of 
 teaching us. 
 The farmer, in order that he may obtain his crop, sows his seed. 
 The dandelion and tiie thistle by the wayside, despite the farmer's 
 wish, scatter McjV seeds broadc < by entrusting them to the winds, 
 and again n crop is sure to foL^vv. In all our woods, seeds in large 
 numbcis fall at certain season (- the ground, and from them again, 
 sooner or later, springs up a lot of young seedlings, some to gi^ow 
 iigain into trees, but a larger number to perish. So all ordinary plants 
 spring from seeds, and this springing from the seed (commonly 
 called germination) is the first obvious act in the plant's history. 
 Obtain now a number of seeds, as many as can readily be pro- 
 cured, and compare them one with another. Probably some will 
 be large, others small ; some heavy and others light ; some of one 
 colour and some of another; some smooth and others wrinkled or 
 having various appendages attached to portions of their surface. 
 Put these are only outside differences. Amid them all this one fact 
 remains, that each one, provided the seed is good, contains in the in- 
 terior a living plant, which is at least capable of growth, and which 
 will grow as soon as it is placed under suitable conditions. Even 
 •within the seed thi» little plantlet can generally be discovered, with 
 its little stem and leaf or pair of leaves, but, from want of room and 
 other causes, generally so crumpled u»> or otherwise mis-shapen that 
 -we are ai)t to overlook its true nature. Thus, even from th« inspec- 
 tion of a few seeds, if attentively considered, we are led to recognize 
 this important principle, that amid r.U the apparent variety of nature 
 there is unity and harmony of design — one general plan which 
 may be recognized amid an infinite divei-sity of detail. 
 These statements will tind other and more interesting illustra- 
 tions as we now trace the df'velopment of our seeds into lull-grown 
The Vegetable Kingdom. 45 
 Let the pupil take a number of sucli seeds as have been above 
 named — lliose of the Bean, Pea, or Morning Glory will answer 
 well — and sow them, a few of each kind, half an inch deep or 
 more in clean sand placed in a small flower-pot or saucer, ap.d to 
 which a little water has been added. After an interval of two or 
 ihree days let him repeat this process with other seeds of the same 
 kind in other jars, and yet again a third time, after :i similar inter- 
 val, if in the meantime all the pots or saucers have been kept in a 
 moderately v.arm place, Jind also kept moist, it will be found that by 
 the time the seeds last planted begin tc peep above the sand, those 
 which were planted first will have attained a considerably greater 
 growth, and thus, by com{)arison Avith the former, will enabM us to 
 ascertain in wliat that growth consists. To make the comparison 
 more complete it will be well to have, in addition to the growing 
 plants, a few actual seeds which have simply been soaked in water 
 in order to soften them. 
 Xow, if the pupil will take one plant from each of the jars which 
 have thus been successively started, and place them side by side in 
 the order of their growth, adding finally the unaltered seed as the 
 starting point of the series, he will be in a position to recognize a 
 number of things wliich, if he were to confine his attention to any 
 one period, be would probably fail to see. Thus, in addition to the 
 fact of growth, he may, if he cares to do so, form something like an 
 estimate of How Long it Takes to Grow, lie may see more clearly 
 the direction of the growth. He may, by a few trials, see also what 
 circumstances may promote and what may retard their growth. He 
 will see, for example, how they turn to the light (that portion, at 
 least, which is above the ground), and if he allow tliem, by care- 
 lessness, to get dry or to become chiiied, he will be led to recognize 
 their need of warmth and moisture. Finally — and this is a point 
 to which he should pay especial attention — he ought to be able to 
 see wherein, if at all, his more advanced seedlings differ from those 
 which liave but just sprouted, or even from the plantlet in the Beed 
 which has not yet sproutec at all. The growth of the same plants 
 in gardens aflbrds admirable opportunities for further profitable com- 
 parison. The culture of beans, acorns, or grainr, of corn, allowed to 
 Bprout and then suspended in tumblers or glass vases filled with, 
 water, also affords good illustrations of the subject. 
46 The Vegetable Kingdom. 
 Having now hecome familiar with the facts of growth in any 
 on3 of the several kinds of seeds with which he started, if the pupil 
 ■will fiirllier take tlie rows or series of specimens illustrating that 
 ^rowtli, and i)lace them side by side, he will he in a position to make 
 further comparisons, and to see wherein one plant in its growth 
 rescn.bles or dillers from another. By so doing he will again find, 
 4is he did in the co:n})arison of seeds, that amid many ai)i)arent dif- 
 ferences, there is one conim(mplan; that, however unlike various 
 plants may be in the rapidity of their growth, in their form or 
 <3olour, they are composed of essentially the same i)arts, having the 
 same relations to each other, and doing the same kind of work. 
 We have next to consider what these parts are. 
 It will not be possible, nor is it desirable, within the limits of this 
 little work, to describe in detail all the various parts of which a 
 Plant consists, with the more minute structure and mode of opera- 
 tion. If, however, the i)ractical experiments which have been above 
 reconmiendcd have been faithfully performed, and the comparisons 
 suggested by them have been carefully thought over, the pupil will 
 probably have already learned for himself all the main facts of the 
 case. lie will, for example, have recognized in each of the plants 
 examined an obvious distinction between that portion which re- 
 mains beneath the ground and that which rises above it into the 
 light and air. In the former he sees the Root> in the laiter the 
 Stem and Leaves; and though he may find when he begins to com- 
 pare, as he should do, one stem and its leaves with another, or one 
 root with another, very considerable difTerences, he will again l!nd 
 that among these seeming differences the main idea is never lost, 
 and that Stem and Koot respectively have certain constant features 
 by which they may always be distinguished. 
 In the case of the Root or Roots (for even on the same plant 
 there may be one or many) the first common feature is that of their 
 xlownward growth. They seem to be attracted towards the earth 
 and to avoid the light. In the second place they have no ai)parent 
 regularity of growth, turning here and there without any obvious 
 reason, and, though branching freely, having the branches also 
 disi)osed on the root without order or synunetry. Finally they are 
Sp» . 1 W ^ M^ 'i " m tm 
 The VKfiETABLL Kingdom. 47 
 "wliolly destitute of leaves. A little reflection will |trobably suggest 
 tluit this, after all, is what might be expected; for, buried in the soil, 
 a root is obliged to take its chance, and grow this way or that as 
 circumstances may determine. Again, the roots being (as will 
 presently be shown) the parts concerned in drawing up moisture 
 from the soil, they will naturally turn or form branches wlierever 
 such n\oisture ha})[)ens to be most abundant. But they have no 
 leaves, for, even if they liad, they would, underground, be of n(» 
 service whatever. 
 In the Stem, on the other hand, we have, in most of our })lants. 
 at the beginning at least, a single upright shoot looking towards 
 the sun and skv. 
 Along the sides of this shoot, and upon its summit, it is clothed 
 with leaves, but these are found to be disposed with great regularity, 
 either in pairs or one after another up the stem, so as to give to the 
 latter the appearance (and it is more than mere appearance) of 
 being composed of a succession of joints. If, now, we further com- 
 pare together any one of our series of experimental seedlings, we 
 shall see that the whole growth of t)*e stem, from the beginning, 
 consists merely of the successive formation of new joints, each one 
 growing, as it were, out of the preceding one, and each having at its 
 top a leaf or pair of leaves, which are necessarily left on the sides as 
 new joints are formed above them. It would seem as though it were 
 the object of the joints to increase the number of the leaves, and at the 
 same time to place each of the latter where it shall have the greatest 
 possible amount of light and air. And this is indeed the ease; for it 
 is the main purpose of leaves to digest the plant's food, and this 
 they can only do when freely exposed to the warmth and light of 
 the sun. 
 It may here be added that if we extend our observations to 
 plants of longer and larger growth, we shall find no different parts 
 or organs concerned in that growth. A seedling Maple may, in 
 time, become a tali forest tree; but whatever its size jr age, its 
 growth is merely a repetition of the same process, and is effected 
 through the same organs — roots below and stem above, the latter 
 bearing leaves on its newly-formed joints or twigs. It is true that in 
 this and similar cases the original stem naturally sub-divides at 
 quite an early period into what we call the branches, but these are 
 evidently mere repetitions of the main stem, consisting of the same 
48 Thp: Vegetable Kingdom. 
 parts and growing in the same way. They may produce flowers 
 also, but (as will be shown farther on) these are in no way concerned 
 in ordinary growth, iueir purpose being the formation of seed, by 
 which the plant is to reproduce itself. 
 Root, Stem, and Leaf, then, are the agents or organs of Vegetable 
 Growth, and eacli has its own peculiar part to fullil, — the root that 
 of binding the plant to the soil, and of absorbing therefrom a por- 
 tion of its food ; the stem and branches serving to carry up this food 
 to the leaves, wliich are at the same time spread to the liglit and 
 air, and the leaves serving, under the influence of the sun's ruys, to 
 so change or digest this food as to flt it for the nourishment of 
 plants and animals. 
 But Root, Stem, and Leaf are subject to numerous modifications,, 
 and are made to serve many other than their ordinary purposes^ 
 becoming, as a consequence, so disguised that we may at times have 
 difficulty in recognizing them. As some of these modifications 
 play a most important jiart in the life-history of the plant, a few 
 of the more prominent may now be noticed. 
 Let a pupil or a school devote a half holiday to the collection of 
 Roots — entire ones in the case of the smaller plants, and portions 
 of the extremities in the case of ihe larger. The specimens having 
 been collected, place them side by nde and compare them one with 
 another. Such comparisons are veiy suggestive, and the student 
 should endeavor, /or himself, to find a meaning for all the differences 
 which lie sees. A few examples only can here be given. 
 (L) Roots Designed Mainly for Absorption. These are 
 usually thin and fibrous, branching freely, as they thus increase the 
 number of points as well as the extent of ground available in the 
 taking of food. They are especially common in annual plants, which 
 have to do all their work in a single season. 
 (2.) Roots Serving as Depots of Food. Many plants do 
 not become sufficiently mature to flower and form seed in a single 
 year, but require two or more for the purpose. In these the root is 
 often made a receptacle in which a portion of the food prepared in 
 the first season is stored away under ground to be drawn upon for a 
 second season's growth. Turnips and carrots are examples. What 
The VEGjrrABLE Kingdom. 49 
 is food for tlie plant is food for man and beast as well. Ilcnce the 
 value of such root-crops in ordinary farming and gardening. 
 (3.) Roots Serving as Holdfasts. This is to some extent the 
 case wit!i all rrots, but besides those which grow directly downward 
 from the seed, otlicr roots are often seen higlier on the stem which 
 would seem to have tlils as a more special olKce. It is to some ex- 
 tent the case with the roots developed from the second or higher 
 joints of the stem in common Indian corn, v. hen earth is heap.ed up 
 around the latter, and so it is in many vines and trailing plants; but 
 there are other eases, like that of the English Ivy, in which this 
 would seem to be the sole i)urp(!se. the whole stem being thickly 
 covered with little rootlets by which the plant is enabled to cling 
 for support to various objects, and thus to reach heights which would 
 otherwise be unattainable 
 The Stem, as might be expected, presents a -imch greater num- 
 ber of varieties than does the Root. Thev mav be studied in the 
 same wav bv the collection of as manv diflerent kinds as can con- 
 «' ft «. 
 veniently be got, and then, remembering what has been said of the 
 proper nature of the stem and its mode of growth, endeavoring to 
 recognize that nature amid all the possible variations. These all 
 have their purpose, and to seek it out in each special case is a most 
 entertaining study, but our space will only allow us to mention a 
 few of the more striking examples. 
 Stems, then, differ in lemjth, from that of the tiny seedling to that 
 of the tall forest tree, and with increase of length there is generally, 
 but not always, increase of breadth, thus giving the necessary 
 strength. Stems ditfer in firmness and solidity; some, like our ordi- 
 nary herbs, being soft, juicy, and ettsily injured or destroyed, while 
 others, like our shrubs and trees, are woody and not so readily affected 
 by outside influences. Even among woody plants great differences 
 exist, as seen in the contrast between our hard and soft woods, and 
 the uses to which they are applied. Again, stems differ in duration, 
 those of herbs either dying altogether at the end of the summer, 
 after the seed is ripened, the plant being then an annual ; or dying 
 down to the surface of the ground, as in many biennials and peren- 
 nials. They may differ also in the method and extent of their branch- 
 ing, some (like our Spruces) sending off only small side branches, 
80 The Vegetaiii.k KingdOxM. 
 >\'hile tlie main trunk continues to grow upward like a spire, or (as 
 in Klnis and Willows and Maples) the main stem may, at no great 
 <listan('e from the ground, lose itself in the branches. Stems, again, 
 <lif}er in pnsilioii and direction of growth, some being wholly above 
 giound and standing erect, or nearly so, while others, like those of 
 Mayilowers and Strawberries, recline or lie jjrostrate on the ground. 
 They may even lie below the ground, in which case they are apt to 
 be mistaken for roots, as in the subterranean stems of Couch Grass, 
 j\lint, etc. In the latter instance they are often used, as was the case 
 with some true roots, to serve as depots of food, and become greatly 
 thickened as the latter is deposited in them. Some varieties ot 
 hulbii, and what are knov.n as tubers, as in the ease of the connnon 
 Potato, are thickened stems of this sort. In the case of under- 
 ground stems, the leaves borne by them are generally only in the 
 form of small and useless scales, but the i)resence of the latter, with 
 their arrangement on the stem, and the occurrence of buds develop- 
 ing into leafy }>ranches, usually remove all difficulty in recognizing 
 their true character. 
 The only other kind of diflference presented by stems which can 
 be liere referred to is one connected with their interior structure, 
 and which results from their different modes of growth. To under- 
 stand tlie difference, cut with a sharp knife a slice from off a stem of 
 Indian corn, a Lily, or a Grass, and then a second similar slice from 
 a young Beech, Maple, AVillow, Grape Vine, or Elder. In the latter 
 ease, as every one knows, there will be revealed to view a separable 
 bark on the outside, enclosing one or more hiyers of wood, and, it 
 may be, a quantity of soft pith in the centre. The cut end of a cord- 
 wood stick exhibits similar rings still more strikingly, and in very 
 old trees they may be very numerous. In the plants first named, on 
 the contrarv, there is no distinct bark, nor is there anv yerv distinct 
 wood; for, though the latter is really present, it is so scattered in 
 irreguhir bundles, here and there, that some search is required to 
 ihid it. Now it has been found that plants possessing these two dif- 
 ferent kinds of stems differ quite as markedly in the character of 
 their leaves, in the nature of their seeds, and in the peculiarities of 
 their flowers, and hence the distinction is of much importance in 
 the grouping or classifying of plants. The figures and explanations 
 of Plates II. and III. will serve to make these differences more 
The Vegktable Kikcjdom. 61 
 It may be well in this place to observe, further, that it* our ordi- 
 nary powers of vision be assisted by the aid of a strong magnifying 
 glass, or, still better, })y a good mieroseope, such a view may be 
 obtained of wood, jiith, and bark (as well as of other parts of the 
 plant), as will serve to show more clearly their real nature and rela- 
 tions, as Avell as to give a better understanding of the i)rocesses by 
 which vegetable life is carried on. Whatever be the i)art taken, 
 such an examination, by means of a thin slice •^nfilciently enlarged, 
 will show that it is not, as we might su})pose, absolutely dense and 
 solid, but is really made up of a vast nuiltitude of little cavities, 
 each bounded by its own proper walls, and which are A'ariously 
 associated together, as they also present many diflerences of form 
 and size. These cavities are known as cpUs, and tlie masses formed 
 by their association as Cellular I'issue. In the case of pith the cells 
 are either round or, b} mutual i)ressure, many-sided, looking much 
 like honey-comb, while they are at the same time thin and easily 
 destroved. Similar tissue forms also the edible portion of ordinarv 
 fruits. In wood, on the other hand, many of the cells are found to 
 have been lengthened into tubes, and tiiese being arranged side by 
 side, spliced together, as it were, as well as thickened, help to give 
 strength to the rising stem, as they also serve to form the fibrous 
 framework of the leaf. It is from diflerences of this kind *hat we 
 have the familiar distinctions of "Hard" and "Soft" Woods, of Sap 
 Wood and Heart Wood, etc., as well as the adaptation of each kind 
 of wood for some particular use. Finally, cellular tissue may, in 
 certain cases, become so dense and thick as to acquire almost the 
 solidity of stone. This occurs in die so-called Stone Fruits, as the 
 Cherry and Plum, and again in the outer portion of luits. 
 Let the student again collect as many different varieties of leaves 
 as he can conveniently find. The mere search for such varieties 
 can hardly fail to suggest many instructive comparisons. The 
 leaves having been collected and arranged before him, let him 
 then endeavour to see what they have in common, and wherein 
 they differ. One part, the Blade, he will be pretty sure to find in 
 all, it being the most im[)ortant part of the leaf, and, as evident from 
 its form, so constructed as to expose to the sun's rays the greatest 
 possible extent of surface. In many he will tind a second part, the 
 52 The Vegetable Kinc4Dom. 
 leaf-stalk, by wliich the Blade is attached to the stem, and he may 
 find a third in the form of two little appendages, often resembling 
 miniature blades, and atta(!hed at the base of the leaf-stalk on 
 either side. These are the parts of which a complete or pattern 
 leaf consists ; but now for some variations of the pattern. 
 In the first place there m ly be variations due to incompleteness. 
 The leaf-stalk, for example, not being absolutely necessjiry, may be 
 very small or (with the appendages at its base) may be wanting 
 alto<?etlier. Secondly, in the blade itself there mav be an endless 
 variety o^ form and size. Tiiirdly, tliere may be great variety of 
 colour. The prevailing tint is, of course, green ; but, as seen in many 
 foliage plants, and again in our autumnal woods, leaves often assume 
 colours almost as rich and varied as those of flowers. Fourthly, 
 they may differ in their Viuniiic/; ?". c, in the way in which the deli- 
 cate little tubes or vebis of tiie leaf, forming its more solid frame- 
 work, and serving to carry through it the sap wliich it digests, are 
 spread through the blade. In those plants which possess a true 
 bark and rings of growth, these veins generally branch irregularly 
 through the blade, much like the veins of our own bodies, while in 
 grasses, corn, lilies, and similar plants not possessing a bark, they 
 commonly run i)arallel from one end of the leaf to the other. 
 Finally, leaves differ through being emi)loyed for various and 
 unlike purposes. Their ordinary purpose, that of assisting the 
 plant in the processes of digestion and breathing, is best effected by 
 having the leaves broad, thin, and deli<?ate ; but leaves, like roots 
 and stems, may be thickened by having nourisliment temporarily 
 deposited in them, as in ordinary Onions and most bulbs; or they 
 may become thin, narrow, and flexible, as in some tendrilsy then 
 enabling the plant to climb; or they may become hard and woody, 
 as in the outer leaves or scales of buds, when they serve to protect 
 the more delicate leaves within. 
 It will be of service to the pupil at this point to look again at 
 his series of experimental plants, and, beginning with those which 
 have attained the largest growth, to trace the parts of which they 
 are composed backward through the different members of the series 
 to the earliest seedling. If he does this carefully, and notes how 
 the parts, without altering their essential character, become reduced 
 in size and number, he will probably have no difficulty in tracing 
 the succession even into the seed itself, and of thus proving what 
.» .iA 
 The Vp:getable Kingdom. 53 
 has been before stated, that a true plant with stem and leaf (or 
 leaves) actually exists in the latter, even before it begins to germi- 
 nate and grow. 
 So, alsQ, lie may with advantage compare c .le of the leafy twigs 
 formed early in the spring on many of our common shrul)s and 
 trees witii some of the still unfolded buds on other parts of the same 
 plant. He will thus see that a liud is nothing but an un(k'Vc'loi)ed 
 stem or branch, thickly clothed with leaves, which, as the branch 
 grows, simply separate from each other by the lengthening of the 
 joints, at the same time that tiie leaves expand to their full size. 
 So the seed may be regardetl merely as the first bud, compacted and 
 protected by external coatings, so that it may remain uninjured until 
 its life is awakened bv suitable conditions. 
 The Koot, Stem, and Leaf, which have so far engaged our atten- 
 tion, have been described as concerned in f/rowth only, and as being 
 the only parts or organs actually needed for this purpose. But 
 sooner Or later in the life of all ordinary plants^' these are found to 
 produce what seem to be new parts in the form of Flowers, which 
 by a process of ripening become converted into Fruits, within 
 which again are contained the Seeds. As the seed contains a new 
 plant which may grow independently of that which produced it, we 
 may regard such Seed, with the Fruit which holds it, and the Flower, 
 out of which the seed was formed, as Organs of Multiplication or Me- 
 Before considering these organs further, it will be well here to 
 draw the attention of the pupil to the fact that the ordinary stems 
 and branches may and often do serve the purpose of multiplication. 
 For example, nothing is more common than to multiply such plants 
 as common Geraniums by slips or cuttings; i. e., by portions of stem, 
 bearing leaves, and which, when placed in water or damp earth, 
 grow into new plants. So strawberry plants, by sending out long 
 slender branches or runners bearing a bud at the end, and there 
 *No account is here taken of certain forms of plants, such as Ferns, Mosses, 
 Lichens, Sea-Weed, Mushrooms, etc., which never form true flowers. The be- 
 ginner will do well not to attempt their consideration until more familiar witU 
 higher forms. 
■ffwii %r^^' ' 
 64 The Vkoetablk Kingdom. 
 striking root, soon spread over large areas, and sooner or later 
 l>eeonie independent ()lants. Finally, the great ditticulty met with 
 in exterminating such weeds as couch grass from our gardens arises 
 from the fact that their underground stems, full of ahundiuit nourish- 
 ment, branch in all directions, a!id each being largely independent 
 of all others, each will grow into a new plant and throw out more 
 branches, even if all the other i)arts shall have been destroyed. 
 The sowing of potatoes, in which the so-called eyes are nothing but. 
 little buds on a greatly thickened piece of stem, is another illustra- 
 tion of similar facts. But it would seem as though plants could not 
 indelinitely nudtiply in this way. By d(nng so they are likely to 
 become weakened and would eventually be destroyed, so that, sooner 
 or later, we have to come back to the other method, through the 
 formation of Flower, Fruit, and .Seed. 
 Flowers may be studied in the same way as roots, stems, and 
 leaves. Let some comparatively simple flower — that of a Geranium 
 (so called), the Flax Plant, the Rose, or the Apple will answer well 
 — be first taken and carefully examined as to the parts of which it 
 consists. These will be found to be, (1) on the outside a circle of 
 green leaves, smaller, it is true, than the ordinary leaves of the plant, 
 but not unlike them in colour and appearance. These are known 
 under the name of Sepals, and together they form a sort of cup 
 around the rest of the flower, which is known as the Calyx. Next 
 within them is another circle, also composed of parts which are 
 somewhat leaf-like, but much more delicate than any ordinary leaves, 
 and either pure white or, like the leaves of many foliage plants al- 
 ready referred to, possessed of some gay and brilliant colour. These 
 are the Petals, and together they make up the showy part of the 
 blossom, called by botanists the Corolla. If these be in turn re- 
 moved, we And, standing just inside of them, a number of curious 
 organs, which seldom bear much resemblance to leaves (though the 
 botanist stiU regards them as representing the latter), and which are 
 more especially concerned in the formation of seeds. Of these the 
 outer ones, known as Stamens, consist of a long narrow stalk (//a- 
 . ment), bearing upon the top a sort of sac or case (the anther), from 
 which, if the flower is ripe, there will fall, when shaken, a yellowish 
 powder, known as Pollen. The inner ones, on tlie contrary, which 
 The VE(iETABLi: Kingdom. b'> 
 are known as P/W/As, and which occupy tlie very centre of the flower, 
 are usually largest below, forming a second sort of sac (the Oranj), 
 usually lar^'cr than the anthers, and havin<^ within it what appear 
 to be small seeds, and which will reallv become so if in anv wav the 
 j)olk'n shed from the anthers can reach and act u[k:\\ them. To 
 facilitate this the u})per part of the pistil is usually lenf^theiied out, 
 and either on its to[) or side is left bare and moist, so that thei)ollen 
 grains (either falling by their weight, blown by winds, or carried by 
 insects), if they happen to touch it, readily cling, and thus gain 
 access to the interior. As soon as the ovules have l>een acted u[>on 
 by the pollen, the office of the llower has been accomi)lished, and 
 soon after all parts of it, except such as are needed for the protec- 
 tion of the seed, fall away and perish. Those which remain, how- 
 ever, become greatly changed, and these changed portions, with the 
 seed which thev enclose, eventuallv become the Fruit. 
 The varieties of flowers are almost endless, and no more interest- 
 ing or delightful study can be engaged in than that of tracing out 
 the one common plan amid this infinite diversity of detail. The 
 total number of (lowering plants now known to botanists will not 
 fall far short of 120,000, yet in every one of these the only parts 
 present will be one or the other (or all) of those which have been 
 referred to above, and which, by sufficiently careful study, may be 
 recognized and distinguished. The variations are due to a number 
 of causes, a few onlv of which can here be mentioned. 
 Differences may arise, (1) from unequal growth in the several 
 parts of any one circle, producing corresponding irreyularity of size 
 and shape, as in Violets and Pansies; (2) they may arise from the 
 total failure of certain parts to grow, thus interfering more or less 
 with the si/mmelry of the blossom ; (8) they may arise from the dis- 
 appearance or suppression of entire circles, three, two, or only one, 
 being sometimes left, as in some Maples and in Indian Corn; (4) 
 they may be due to the growing together or union of the different 
 members of any one .net or circle, as in the calyx of Fuchsias or the 
 corolla of Bluebells; or (5 those of diflerent circles, as the petals 
 with the stamens (Morning Glory), or the calyx with all the parts 
 within it, as in the Apple or the Hawthorn ; (6) they may differ in 
 the interior structure of the ovary, and in the number and arrange- 
 ment of the seed-like bodies (ovules) which it contains, but for the 
 examination of these a good magnifying glass is required ; lastly (7) 
M' The Vegetable Kingdom. 
 flowers differ in their mode of attachment and distribution 
 stem, sometimes ocrnrrinj^ «>"gly, sometimes in numbers; soi 
 wide apart, })ut more eoajmonly chistered; sometimes wi 
 sometimes without little stalklets of their own. All of th 
 features are pretty constant, not only in individual plants, b 
 in whole groups of phnits, and are among the means by wl 
 recognize their family relationships. 
 The parts of a flower which are commonly lost in the Fi 
 the Corolla and the Stamens, these having served their purp 
 perished. The Calyx may also disapi)ear, but it conunonly i 
 giving a degree of protection to the parts within, and is su 
 so where, as in the Apple, it has grown into union with th( 
 The latter, however, is the essential part of the Fruit, ai 
 ripening, becomes a seed vessel, in which the seeds are niatui 
 this process various changes take })lace, determining as man; 
 ent varieties of fruits, but only a few of the more common c 
 be indicated. 
 In ordinary berries (such as currants and cranberries) wt 
 seed vessel or ripened pistil, which is soft and fleshy throng 
 is also the case with tomatoes and grapes. Orangjs and len 
 similar, only here the outer portion forms a thick and leatiie 
 which becomes still harder in cucumbers, pumpkins, ajid 
 In stone fruits, on the contrary, such as the clierry, plum, ant 
 it is the inner part which becomes hard or "stony," while tl 
 portion becomes soft and edible. In our common grains 
 rye, Indian corn, etc.) the whole fruit becomes dry, the seec 
 here also clinging closely to the seed. It is nnich the san 
 nuts, only liere, as in chestnuts, beechnuts and tlie like, the 
 free within. The seeds are also free in ordinary pea-pods, or 
 the seed vessel, when ripe, splits down one side, and thii 
 something like the leaf of which it is really only an alterc 
 In the scales of a pine-cone, which are also ripened pistils, I 
 quite numerous and crowded together, this resemblance to o 
 leaves is still more evident. Where the calvx remains as a 
 of the fruit, it may also form the larger part of it, as in th< 
 portion of apples, pears and quinces, where it surrounds a 
 €ore within, containing th*» s^jeds. Finally, much of what 
 The Vegetable Kingdom. 5T 
 the fruit (though it is not properly so called) may be only thickened 
 stem, with the true fruits resting upon or imi)odded in it. '"he 
 strawbe;rv furnishes the best illustration of the latter kind. 
 13. SEEDS. 
 The general nature of seeds, and some of their differences, have 
 already been i)ointed out. (I^'ee page 44.) It only remains to say a 
 few words iiere as to the means of their dispersion, and tlie con- 
 ditions which determine their growth, or otherwise, when once 
 spread abroad. Tlieir escape from the seed vessel may be effected 
 either by tiie splitting of tlie latter or by its decay, and sometimes 
 the very act of tluis opening, if sudden, may serve to jerk tlie seed 
 to considerable distances. More commonly this is efll'cted by the 
 agency of the winds, and to facilitate it many seeds are furnished 
 with tufts of hairs, a:; in Milk-weed, or long woolly hairs, as in 
 Cotton-plant, or by various other contrivances, in many cases, 
 however, as in Dandelions, Thistles, and similar plants, these appen- 
 dages are attached to the fruit, L e., the ripened pistil, rather than 
 to the seed. 
 The subsequent growth of the seeds will depend upon a variety 
 of causes, as, first, U})on the length of time they have been kept. 
 Good seeds will, in some instances, retain their vitality for many 
 years, but the period i« usually quite limited. Even when good, 
 iheir growth will usually require for its beginning a certain amount 
 of warmth and moisture. It may also, to some extent, be affected 
 by the presence or absence of light. But once started and brought 
 up to the surface by the employment of the materials which the 
 mother-j^lant has provided for its use, it now enters upon a career of 
 its own, rising higher and higher above the ground, developing 
 more and more joints of stem, and more and more leaves, as the 
 roots, simultaneously produced below, continue to supply it with 
 more and more material for the purpose. 
 This brief review of the life of plants may now be closed with a 
 very few words as to the sources from which their food is derived, 
 the way in which this is worked up by the plant into its own sub- 
 stance, and a few of the products which are thus formed. 
 Plants derive their Food mainly from the Mineral 
 World. — Of the substances thus taken, one of the most abundant 
 is Water, as indicated by the necessity for the frequent watering of 
 phmts, the effects of prohmged droughts, and tlie entire absence of 
 vegetation in rainless regions. But with this Avater various otlier 
 miner? i substances, in a state of solution, are taken in as well. 
 These *'..'liide compound of soda, potasli, lime, iron, etc., which are 
 found in the ash wlien the plants are burned, and sometimes so 
 abundantly that wood-asli is a common source of lye or potash. Of 
 course these mineral substances can only come from tlie soil, and 
 their presence or absence in the latter may determine the difference 
 between a good soil and a poor one. TIence the importance, in 
 some cases, of supplying the deliciencies of the soil by the addition 
 of suitable manures. Hence, also, the ini})ortance of various well- 
 known agricultural operations — such as plougliing, harrowing, fal- 
 lovving, etc. — wliich have for their object the speedy restoration (by 
 the action of the atmosphere chiefly) oi the fertility of sods which 
 may have been impaired by excessive cropping. As different crops 
 require different forms of mineral food, an obvious advantage is 
 sometimes attained by a judicious "rotation " of crops. 
 Another mineral substance absolutely required for the growth of 
 plants comes mainly from the air, and is known as carbonic acid, 
 being one of the substances formed when coal (or carbon) burns. 
 A few 2)lants possess the power of capturing and using animal 
 food, such as insects and the like, but though very curious, they are 
 exceptional, and cannot be further noticed here. 
 Plants take in their Food mainly by their Roots and 
 Leaves. — This is obvious, as regards the roots, from what has been 
 already stated. Any common garden plant plucked up by the roots 
 during the active period of its growth soon begins to wither or decay. 
 That the leaves are concerned in the saihe i)rocess1s not so obvious, 
 but yet the fact is one which has been placed beyond all question. 
 Plants Take in Their Food by Mere Absorption or 
 Soak AGE. — The surfaces of plants, so far, at least, as the stems and 
 roots are concerned, exhibit no openings by which food may be in- 
 troduced, and Ihough, in the case of leaves, when highly magnified, 
 they are found to contain numerous little apertures, chiefly on the 
 lower side of the leaf, these are merely the openings of little tubes 
 or winding passages by which (as in the case of our lungs) air is 
 freely carried into the interior of the leaf. Nothing of the nature 
 of true mouths is found iu either. But openings are not required 
 where tlie food consists simply of li([ui(ls and ^ases. It may and 
 does pass in by simple soakage, much as water would pays througli 
 Plants are Notrisiied ry the Circulation of the Sap. — 
 Tiie food, us we have said, passes in, but into what ? As there are 
 110 mouths, so (in ordinary cases, at least) there is nothing of the 
 nature of a stomach. There are not even cavities or tubes visible to 
 the eye. But just as water spreads through i)aper (itself a vegetable 
 substance), so it spreads with ease through the material of the root, 
 and from the root to the stem, and finally from the stem to the 
 leaves, meeting there with other food which may have been imbibed 
 more directly from the air. In the leaves much of the water whicli 
 has been concerned in this process (the rise of the sa})) passes oft 
 into the air, but a portion of it is retained, and out of it, in connec- 
 tion with carbonic acid, a variety of new products are formed, which 
 are now suited, as the original or raw sap Wiis not, to 8upi)ly the 
 plant's wants. These products are only formed in the leaves, and 
 there only under the influence or through the power of the sun's rays» 
 But it is not in the leaves that the material is required. It is needed 
 elsewhere, either to be used for immediate growth, or, where occisioii 
 requi/es, to be stored up for future use. In the one case it is carried 
 directly to the growing parts (chiefly in he form of mucilage and 
 sugar), and there employed ; in the other, as we s:iw in previous pages, 
 it is carried to some place, root, bulb, tuber, bud, or seed, and de- 
 posited in a form (chiefly that of starch) in which it will be removed 
 from ordinary sources of injury, and not be liable to change until it 
 is again needed by the plant itself. The employment of common 
 potatoes and wheat as sources of starch, and the similar employment 
 of sugar cane, beet root, and maples as sources of sugar, are good 
 illustrations of the facts above stated. So the sweetish taste of pota- 
 toes which are beginning to ^.prout, the similar change of hapd (i. e> 
 starchy) unripe fruit into what is soft, mellow, and sweet, or, on the 
 other hand, the formation in certain portions or kinds of fruit (nuts^ 
 etc.) of very hard material, show the readiness ' h which the plant 
 converts one of these substances into another as need may arise- 
 By what power the plant effects these changes we do not know, any 
 more than we do how the sap is directed from the roots to the leaves^ 
 and from these back again to the roots or other parts. It is simply 
 one of the faculties which plants possess as living beings. 
60 The Vegetable Kingdom. 
 Having now learned something of tlie nature and life of Plants, 
 yre may proceed to notice very briefly those forms which, occurring 
 within our own Province, may, in one way or another, be regarded 
 -either as serviceable or as a source of injury to its inhabitants. In 
 so doing we may at the same time learn something further of their 
 botanical relations 
 The Useful and Hurtful Plants of New Brunswick. 
 All the plants of this series are possessed of true flowers, con- 
 taining stamens and pistils, and formiug true seeds; i. e., seeds having 
 within a true, though usually minute plantlet, or embryo. As these 
 latter differ, however, in possessing either two or only one seed-leaf, 
 so the whole structure and mode of growth of the plants springing 
 therefrom present corresponding differences, and lead to the sub- 
 ■division of all flowering plants into two great groups or classes, the 
 Outside Growers (or Exogens), and the Inside Growers (or En- 
 Class I. Exogens. 
 The plants of this group possess two seed-leaves in the embryo, 
 and in growth form stems embracing a true bark, wood, and pith, the 
 wood increasing by annual zones or rings on the outside next the 
 bark. (See Plate II., and Page 50). The leaves are iietted-veined ; 
 i. e., their veins form an irregular network, and their flowers have 
 the parts usually arranged in fours or Jives. 
 In the greater portion of the group, the seeds, while ripening, 
 are enclosed within and protected by an external cc/ering or "seed 
 vessel" (either a berry, pod, nut, or core), but in the Pine Family 
 the seeds remain uncovered, being borne upon the inner side of the 
 scales of cones. 
 Again, while many plants have flowers in which all the several 
 parts are present, and the leaves or petals of the corolla quite dis- 
 tinct and unconnected, in many others these are more or less united 
 into one piece, while in others again they are wholly wanting. 
 Tliese characters are taken advantage of in the further classification 
 ♦For the features of the latter group see page 73. 
The Vegetable Kingdom. 61 
 of plants. In the following groups, forming the natural orders or 
 families of the Vegetable Kingdom, the first thirteen, as far as and 
 including the Witch Hazel Family, have both calyx and corolla, the 
 petals being at the same time distinct. They are therefore termed 
 Polypetalous, or Many-Petalled Flowers. The next seven, from the 
 Honeysuckle to the Mint Family, inclusive, usually have the petals, 
 more or less united into one, or are Monopetalous ; while after these 
 are a number of other plants in which the corolla, and often the 
 calyx as well, is wanting, they being therefore known as Apetalous, 
 These all have flowers witii covered seeds. The naked seeded plants 
 include in this part of the world but one family only — that of the 
 Pine and its relatives — often known as Cone-bearing Plants. The 
 various families of Flowering Plants may accordingly be arranged 
 as follows : 
 Crow-Foot or Buttercup Family. 
 The most familiar representative of this family is the common 
 Buttercup. To it belong, al'<o, the Clematis or Virgin's Bower, the 
 Anemone, the Goldthread, and the Columbine. Witli the possible 
 exception of the Goldthread, whose yellow bitter roots are some- 
 times employed in curing sore moutlis of children, their value restn 
 solely in their beauty. From an agricultural point of view, butter- 
 cups can only be regarded as weeds. The Aconite or Monkshood^ 
 often cultivated in gardens, and the Baneberry of our woods and 
 meadows, are noticeable as dangerous poisons. 
 Water-Lily Family. 
 Water-Lilies have no direct utility, nor can they be regarded as 
 noxious. As the ornaments, however, of our inland lakes and 
 streams, they well deserve a passing notice. Yellow pond lilies 
 are common everywhere. The far more delicate, beautiful and 
 fragrant white lilies are less frequently met with. 
 Mustard Family. 
 The members of this family, of which the wild Mustard may be 
 taken as a type, are, so far as our native species are concerned, 
 noticeable onlv as noxious weeds. This is seen in the Wild Mustard 
 itself, and again in the common Shepherd's Purse of the gardens. 
62 The Vegetable Kingdom. 
 Introduced and cultivated forms are, liowever, of more value; in- 
 cluding, as they do, Nasturtiums or Water-Cresses, Cabbages, Tur- 
 nips, Mustard, and lladish. 
 Violet Family. 
 The Violets are valued only for their beauty. There are several 
 Icinds, of which some are common and cithers rare. To the same 
 family belongs the Pansy of the gardens. 
 Pink Family. 
 The w'U^ •Members of this family, including Corn-cockle, Chick- 
 weeds, anu the like, are noticf able only as troublesome weeds. The 
 *!ultivated members include the Pinks and Carnations of the gardens. 
 Linden Family-. 
 Two kinds of Linden or Lime Trees exist in New Brunswick; 
 viz., the American and the European. Both are handsome trees, 
 -with tall trunks, branching freely, and densely clothed with foliage, 
 making them admirable shade trees. They are also noticeable for 
 their conspicuous flowers and fruit. They are, however, apt to be 
 infested with insects, which often lead to their premature decay. 
 The native si)ecies is far from common. 
 The wood of the Linden, sometimes known as Basswood and 
 AVhitewood, is of considerable value, being soft, white, and of a tine 
 close grain. It is also very tough and pliable, with little tendency 
 to split from change of temperature, and is hence largely used for 
 making the curved fronts of sleighs, panels of carriages, etc. It is 
 also used by stair-builders. It is readily carved and turned, and has 
 been employed in the making of figure-heads of vessels, also in 
 domestic utensils. 
 Its inner bark is tough and fibrous, and hence adapted to the 
 manufacture of rough conlage, but is not often so used here. 
 The Vine Family. 
 AVe have apparently but one native species of Vine, the Winter 
 or Frost Grape. It has been observed at a number of localities 
 along the St. John River and its tributaries, but in tiie wild state is 
 far from common. It is often cultivated for the shade which it 
 affords to arbours and verandalis, as well as for its fruit. The latter 
 is small, with a tough skin and decidedly acid tlavour, but yields a 
 juice from wliich may be obtained a wine which to many is not un- 
 The Vkoktaulk Kingpom. 53 
 Cashkw Family. 
 The representatives of this family in the Province are the 
 Snmach and the Poison Ivy. Tlie former is not nncommon along 
 the borders of liehis and gardens, wliere its leaves and fruit, especi- 
 ally in autunm, are quite conspicuous and ornamental. Its bark and 
 lea'^es are also said to be serviceable in tanning. The Ivy, on the 
 contrary, is a plant to be mentioned only as one to be avoided : its 
 long vines, creeping orer rocks or climbing upon trees and shrub- 
 bery, being highly poisonous to the touch, thougli more so to some 
 persons than to others. 
 The Maple Family. 
 Five kinds of Maples are to be found in New Brunswick, four of 
 which are conniion. Of these the most valuable in everv wav is the 
 Rock or Sugar Maple. Not only is it a majestic tree, beautiful alike 
 in form and foliage, and serving admirably the purposes of shade or 
 ornament, but its wood is also one which is highly esteemed. Hard, 
 dense, and compact, it takes readily a high polish, and in the several 
 varieties of Curled Maple, Birds-Eye Maple and others, is highly 
 valued for interior decoration, especially of railway carriages. As 
 fuel its value is unequalled. The Rock Maple is also the source 
 from which maple sugar is obtained, holes being bored for this pur- 
 pose into the trunk, and the liquid sap which escapes being boiled 
 down until it assumes the sugary condition. Large quantities of 
 such sugar are annually manufactured in the Cc unty of Madawaska, 
 and but little of any other kind is there used. 
 The Red or Swamp xMaple is next in importance to the Rock 
 Maple, but is usually of smaller size, and with a wood which is 
 weaker and less durable. It is, however, capa})le of being readily 
 turned and polished, and finds useful application in the making of. 
 furniture. It is also sometimes used in house-building. Similar 
 remarks apply to the rather rare White or Silver Maple. 
 The two remaining varieties of Maple; namely, the Striped 
 Maple and Mountain Maple, are both much smaller, not often ex- 
 ceeding a height of fifteen or twenty feet, and, though not devoid of 
 beauty, are of no special interest. The Striped Maple is sometimes 
 known as Moose-wood, it being said to l)e the favorite food of that 
 animal. » . 
 The cultivated Morse-Chestnut is closely related to the Maples. 
64 The Vegetable Kingdom. 
 The Pea Fa:mily. 
 The members of this family, one of the "roval families" of 
 plants, are readily distinguislied in most cases bv tlie resemblance 
 of their blossoms to that of the Common Pea, and of their fruit to 
 an ordinary Pea-Pod. Their most imjjortant representative, next to 
 the Pea itself, is the Common Clover of our fields, so highly valued 
 bt)th by bees and cattle. Locust Trees, frecjuently planted for orna- 
 mental purposes, belong to this group, as do also the diflerent kinds 
 of A'etcli, often found in garden? and trailing over bushes along- 
 river banks. 
 The Eose Family. 
 The characters of this family are well exemplified in an ordinary 
 Kose, but it embnices also many other forms which differ widely in 
 size and general ap[)earance. 
 Among tliese we have first the diflerent varieties of Cherries, of 
 which several kinds (the Dwarf Clierry, the Wild l\ed Cherry, the 
 Choke Cherry, and the Wild lilack Cherry) are foun<l in the Prov- 
 ince. With the exception, however, of the Black Clierry, whose 
 wood is sometimes used for cabinet work, they possess but little 
 value. Choke Cherries are jjrized by children, but, especially if not 
 quite ripe, at the risk of stomachal disorder. 
 Next to the Cherries stand tiie Thorns, or Hawthorns, noticeable 
 alike for the feature to which their name alludes and for their bright 
 red berries in autumn. There are two species, both of which are 
 often employed for hedging. A related tree is the Shad Bush, or 
 Service Berry, of common occurrence in the Province, and which is 
 quite attractive, but has not as yet been brought under cultivation. 
 Still another tree, belonging to this family and valued for orna- 
 mental purposes, is the Mountain Ash. It favours low, cold and 
 moist giound, but will grow almost anywhere, and is often cultivated 
 for the beauty of its foliage and its groups of bright red berries. 
 The common Apple and the Pear also belong here. 
 Besides the above-named trees, the Rose family includes a num- 
 ber of important Berries, including the Strawberry, the Kaspberry, 
 the High and the Low Blackberry or Dewberry, and the Swamp 
 Blackberry. Of these, by far the most abundant as well as the most 
 valuable, are the common Strawberry and the Raspberry, which 
 abound in all parts of the Province, and especially about newly- 
 cleared settlements. In the peat bogs of St. John and Charlotte 
TiiK Vkcjktaijle Kingdom. G5 
 countii's, especially near the coast, a little berry known as the Cloud 
 Berry oceiirs abundantly, and, under the designation of liaked Ai»[)le, 
 is highly prized for tlie making of preserves. The Thini))ie J'erry, 
 found in some parts of tlio Province, is also a delicious fruit. 
 Three species of Kose grow wild in New IJrunswick in addition 
 to the Sweet Brier, which is common about gardens. In the valiey 
 of the ui)per St. Jolni tlie banks of intervales and islands, during tiie 
 latter i)art of July, are often gay with the blossoms of the J']arly 
 Wild Kose. 
 CrKRANT Family. 
 This family embraces both the Currants and the (J oosel terries, of 
 which several varieties grow wild in the l^rovince. They are, in 
 some instances, not tnipleasant to the taste, and may be advantage- 
 ously used, either alone or with otlier fruits, in the making of pre- 
 serves but are greatly inferior to the cultivated varieties. 
 The Witcii-IIazel Family. 
 The AVitch-IIazel deserves inention, partly as being worthy of 
 cultivation as an ornamental shrub, and jtartly as being the plant 
 from wiiicli Avood is often sought for the mar.ufacture of the so- 
 called ''mineral rods," sometimes used in the search for water, 
 precious metals, and the like. As the practice of using such rods 
 still prevails in some portions of the country, it may not be out of 
 place here to say that, for the purpose refer lhI to, they have, and 
 can have, no value whatever. 
 Ho .\ E Y.S LX'K LE F A M I L Y. 
 This family embraces several fl(VAers which are deservedly es- 
 teemed for their Iteauty, including the fragrant little Twin Flower, 
 several varieties of Honevsuckles, some of which niav be used for 
 hedging, and the two kinds of Elders, as also the High Bush Cran- 
 berrv. The latter is not a true Cranberrv, but its large red and 
 handsome berries have a flavour not altogether unlike the latter, 
 and are regularly brotight to market in considerable Cjuantities. In 
 its cultivated state this plant is the Snowball of the gardens. 
 Heath Family. 
 The true Heaths are wanting in Xew Brunswick, but many mem- 
 bers of the family are found here, some of which are valued for 
 their ilowers and otliers for their fruit. Amon<^ tlie former stands 
 out proniinently the well-known Mayliower, the much-prized and 
 beautiful Inirblnger of spring; also the dilierent speeies of Laurel, 
 Khododendron and Labrador Tea, wliich, blossoming almost simul- 
 taneously, for a ft'W weeks in spring, add sueh a richness of red and 
 purj)le colour, mingled with white, to the surfaces of bogs and 
 Of the fruit-bearing species, the most important are the Cran- 
 berry and the IJlueberry. Cranberries grow in great abundance in 
 peat bogs and marshes near the coast, and thousands of bushels are 
 annually gathered there. Blueberries are also common on rocky 
 and swampy tracts. Winter-green berries may also be mentioned 
 here as affording a familiar flavoring extract. 
 Tup: Aster Family. 
 Tliis family, as represented in a wild state, embraces but few use- 
 ful forms, but is worthy of mention as embracing many which, 
 owing to the ease and rapidity of their nniltiplication, are apt to 
 become pernicious weeds. Pre-eminent among these stand the dif- 
 ferent kinds of Thistles, wliich, once that they have gained a foothold, 
 are found so difficult to eradicate. Llere, also, be'.ong the Ox-Eye 
 Daisies, Burdock, Fire-weed, and the Yarrow, all common weeds. 
 Here, too, belong the Dandelion, the Michaelmas Daisy, and the 
 Golden-rod, though in these latter cases the beauty of the flowers 
 make some atonement for more objectionable qualities. Dandelions 
 are also valued for "greens." The Thoroughwort, common along 
 streams, has some useful medicinal qualities; as have also Arnica, 
 Chamomile, Wormwood, and Tansy, all members of the same family. 
 The common 8un-flowers of gardens also belong here. In all tlie 
 plants of this family wliat seem to be single blossoms are in reality 
 composed of many flowers, closely clustered into more or less dense 
 heads, and by this feature, among others, the members of the family 
 may generally be distinguished. 
 Olive Family. 
 This family is represented in New Brunswick only by the Ash, 
 of which two spe(,'ies are conmion. Of these the most valuable is 
 the White Asli, which is found i'.i most parts of the Province, and 
 forms, nnder favorable circumstances, a tall tree, fifty or sixty feet 
 high. It is most abundant in rich loamy woods, and in the vicinity 
 of streams. Its wood is strong, tough and elastic, and is extensively 
 employed hy sleigh and carriage makers, as well as in the manufac- 
 ture of furniture and agricultural implements. It is well adapted 
 for the making of oars. 
 The Black Ash is a less valuahle tree, but still yields a wood 
 possessing remarkable toughness, strength, and durability. It has 
 been employed to some extent in the manufacture of furniture, in 
 the panelling of railway cars, and largely in the construction of 
 sleighs and i>ungs. It is generally employed by the Indians in the 
 making of basket-work. It may be seen in great quantities along 
 the bordei-s of the larger streams which are tributary to the upper 
 St John. 
 Convolvulus Family. 
 The plants of this family deserving mention here are the Hedge 
 Bind-weed, often called Convolvulus, and the Dodder. The former 
 is noticeable for its handsome and conspicuous flowers, to be seen in 
 great numbers along the banks of the St. John, and often cultivated 
 for ornament; the latter only as a worse than useless weed, destitute 
 of any foliage of its own, but twining its long yellow and leatless 
 stems around those of other plants, and living at their expense. 
 The common Sweet Potato is the imported root of a plant of this 
 family. The ordinary Potato, on the other hand, is not a root, but 
 the greatly thickened underground stem of a })lant of the nearly 
 related Night-shade family. Tobacco is composed of the dried 
 lenves of a plant of the Convolvulus family. Ked or Cayenne 
 Pepper is also derived from the same group. * . 
 FiGWORT Family. 
 This group is noticeable only as containing several very common 
 weeds. Among them may be mentioned the Mullein, the Toad-tlax 
 or " Butter and Eggs," several kinds of Veronica or Speedwell, and 
 the Yellow Battle. The latter has spread widely turough the 
 southern counties, giving a yellow colour to the fields, but is rarer 
 in the interior. 
 Mint Family. 
 The members of this large family, embracing only herbs, are 
 usually readily recognized by their square stems, opposite leaves, 
 and the two-lipi)ed character of their tiowers. Among them the 
 Mint itself is one of the most common, to which mav be added the 
 Catnip, which sometimes escapes from gardens;, and both of which 
68 The Vegetable Kingdom. 
 are valued for their medicinal properties. Here ixho belong several 
 weeds, such as t!ie IJrunclla or 1 leal-All, common in field, and 
 pastures; the Hemp-Xettle, equally common, and the Motherwort. 
 Amon,t( cultivated })iants the Thyme, Marjoram, and Summer 
 Savory, all valued tor culinary purposes, belong here. 
 The llower.s in tliis grouj) arc without ]>ctals, the flower-leaves, if 
 present, representing the calyx, but often wholly wanting. 
 Buckwheat Famii.y. 
 The onlv important member of this familv is the Buckwheat it- 
 self, one of our most valued and reliable crops. The otJier, or Avild 
 species, including several kinds of Polygonum, and the Dock or 
 Sorrel (liumexj, are only pernicious weeds. 
 Elm Fa^iily. 
 As an ornamental tree the Elm has probably no equal among 
 the native trees of the Province. ( irowing to great heights, branch- 
 ing freely and gracefully, and often featliered with drooping branch- 
 lets, it is a conspicuous feature in the landscape wherever it occurs. 
 It is especially noticeable about islands and intervales, and much of 
 the beauty of the St. John river vallev is due to the manv fine 
 specimens of Elms which skirt its banks. Trees are occasionally 
 met with girthing twenty feet. On uplands it is comparatively rare, 
 and is wanting where tlie soil is poor. 
 The wood of the Elm is strong and elastic, and is used to some 
 extent in connection with the furnishing of ships; but owing to 
 peculiarities of grain, is somewhat ditiicult to work. 
 The Nettle, a i)ernicious weed, well known for its stinging prop- 
 erties, is, though only an herb, nearly related to the Elms. The cul- 
 tivated Hop and Hemp also belong here. 
 Walnut Family. 
 The sole representative of this family in New Brunswick is the 
 Butternut, and this is found only in certain portions of it, including 
 parts of the southern counties and the valley of the St. John, es- 
 pecially above Woodstock, where it often forms beautiful groves. 
The Vkoktablk Kingdom. 60 
 The wood of the Butternut is liiglily ei^teemed in cabinet mak- 
 iui,' and for purposes of interior decoration, liaving a rich reddish- 
 yellow colour, which deejiens with age, and hears some resenihlance 
 to that of the Knglish Oak. It is especially well titte<l for the in- 
 terior of churches, jnul has been so cmi)loyed in the Cathedral at 
 Fredericton and elsewhere. It is also valued, owing to its lightness 
 and durability, for the making of carriages. The young nuts are 
 often em})loyed in the making of pickles. 
 Oak Family. 
 The chief members of this family in the New Jh'iuiswick woods 
 are the lied Oak, the Beech, the I/azel, and the Hornbeam, known 
 also as Iron- Wood and Lever- Wood. 
 The Red Oak is a rather connnon tree to be found in most parts 
 of the Province, and, owing to the beauty of its trunk and foliage, 
 deserves a place among ornamental trees. Its wood, however, is of 
 little value. White and (irey Oak also occur at a few points, but 
 are comparatively rare. 
 Lumbermen and others distinguish several kinds of Beech, but 
 these are regarded bv botanists as onlv accidental varieties of a 
 single .species. This is an abundant tree throughout the Province, 
 especially upon the southern coast, and where the conditions are 
 favorable, attains a vigorous growth, trunks being sometimes met 
 with seventy feet or more in height. Its wood is highly valued as a 
 fuel, being second only to that of Bock Maple. It is also durable 
 when kei)t dry, or, as in the holds of vessel?, permanently wet, but 
 decays readily when these conditions are frequently changed. It has 
 been found to answer well in the manufacture of car[)enters' tools 
 and farm utensils. Its ashes yield large quantities of lye, available 
 in the manufacture of soap. 
 The Hazel is rather a small shrub, two to five feet high, and of 
 no great value. 
 The Hornbeams are both comparatively rare, but the hardness 
 and density of their wood, to which the name of Iron-Wood alludes, 
 makes them well suited for certain kinds of work in Avhich compact- 
 ness and solidity are required. 
 Birch Family. 
 The important members of this family, which is sometimes com- 
 bined with that last noticed, are the Birch and the Alder. 
 Five kindi of- Birclu's are found in New Bnmswick, ol wliich 
 four are quite common. Tiie first, in point of value, is the Rlack 
 Kircli, which is found in all j)arts of the I'rovin^'e, hut especially 
 ahout the deep and shady hanks of rivers, and on gravelly ridges 
 along the shores of the IJay of Fundy. Its principal use is in the 
 manufacture of S([uare timher for export and for shi[)-huil(ling. It 
 lias a line close grain, is readily iiolishcd, and, having a rich 
 mahogany colour, is weU suited for chair and cahinet work. 
 Carriage-makers employ it for panels, and shoe-makers for lasts. 
 It also makes an excellent fuel. 
 The Yellow Birch is also a large and valuable tree, attaining 
 sometimes a height of seventy feet, and a diameter of two or more 
 feet. It grows in rich, moist lands, in company with spruce and ash, 
 and is used for the same purposes as the Black Birch. 
 The Paper Birch is nearly as large a tree as those last mentioned, 
 but is easily distinguished by its tough and sei)arable bark, the latter 
 being the material employed by the Indians in the manufacture of 
 canoes. The wood is line and glossy, soft, and of a handsome color, 
 but lacking in durability and strength. It answers moderately well 
 for fuel, and is said to yield ar excellent charcoal. 
 The White Birch is a much less valuable tree, growing chiefly 
 upon the poorer classes of soils, and not often exceeding thirty or 
 forty feet in height. Large quantities are cut for fuel, but for this, 
 as for other purposes, its quality is greatly inferior to that of the 
 other Birches. 
 The Alders are common everywhere along the banks of streams, 
 and should be mentioned, if for no other reason, that they help to 
 protect these latter from being washed away. When dry they make 
 good fire-wood, though of small size, and ako yield excellent charcoal. 
 Willow Family. 
 This family is represented* in New Brunswick by ten or twelve- 
 kinds of Willow, two Aspens, and as many Poplars. Of the Willows, 
 only one, an introduced species, is of large size, and is not unfre- 
 quently planted as an ornamental tree. Its wood, owing to its 
 pliancy, is well suited for basket-work, and is often so used. The 
 Balsam Poplar or Balm of Gilead also thrives well under cultiva- 
 tion, and is frequently planted. The Aspens are common forest 
 trees, readily noticeable for the continual agitation of their leaves, 
 and possess some beauty, but are otherwise of little value. : ^ 
The Vkgetaule Kinguom. 71 
 The Pine or C'oxe-Beaking Family. 
 No group of plants found within the rrovince is better charac- 
 terized tiian tiiis, or contains more forms of economi'.; value. Thin 
 will be at once a})parent from the simple Htatement tinit it contains . 
 the Cedar, the Hemlock, the Si)ruce, the Fir, the Pine, and the 
 Hackmatack or Larch. These include the greater part of what arc 
 commonly known as "soft-wood" trees, and also of "everi^reens,"' 
 while from the i)eculiarity of their fruit, consisting of many opt ii 
 jdstil-lcaves closely crowded together, they are also often known a.s 
 "cone-bearing" plants. 
 The Pines. — Of the true Pines we have three species — the 
 White Pine, tl e Kcd or Norway Pine, and the (Jray or Northern 
 8crub Pine. Of these the first is bv far the most valuable, and its 
 exportation at one time constituted one of the most important 
 sources of revenue to the Province. Large trees of this si)ecies 
 have, however, now become very scarce, the extensive forest liies. 
 which have at times devastated the Province having removed it 
 from large areas in which it was formerly abundant. 
 The Bed Pine, improperly known as the Norway Pine, is also a 
 valuable tree, its wood being strong and durable, and was formerly 
 largely employed in the construction of vessels. It lias, however, 
 like the White Pine, become greatly reduced in numbers, and large 
 trunks, such as were at one time abundant (with a height of eighty 
 or ninety feet, and a diameter of three feet or more), are now rarely 
 met with. 
 The Scrub Pine, known also as Banks Pine, is greatly inferior to 
 the other pines both in size and value. The wood is very luird, full 
 of pitch and free from sap, but is apt to be full of streaks. It is 
 especially abundant over [lortions of the mountainous country bor- 
 dering upon the South -West Miramichi River. 
 The Cedars. — The so-called Cedar of our woods is properly 
 the Arbor Yitje. It is a common tree in the Province, being 
 especially abundant in low boggy grounds, where it often grows in 
 almost impenetrable masses, forming what are known as " cedar 
 swamps." The largest and best trees occur intermingled with liard- 
 wood. Very large tracts of land are thus covered in the counties of 
 Victoria and Madawaska, is well as about the head of the Resti- 
 gouche, many of the trees being three feet or more in diameter. 
 The wood of the Cedar is soft, light and fine grained, having a 
 slightly reddisli tint, and an agreeable aromatic odour. It is used 
 in wvy large (|.iantlties for tiie nianulacture of railway sleepers and 
 shingles, the fact of it being iniaflecled by changing conditions of 
 dryness and moisture ej^}>ecially suiting it for such uses. It is also, 
 from its durability, especially suited to the making of fences. 
 Wliut is known as Red Cedar, but more properly as Juni})er, is 
 found, oceur'-ing si):'.ringly, along the southern coasts, and on the 
 bea«!ies of IJestigouche county. It is liere, however, only a low 
 prostrate shrub, of little or no value. 
 The Spruces. — These are very valuable trees, and their v*'ood 
 constitutes one of the most important exports of the Province. 
 There are two kinds, the A\ hite, or Single Spruce, and the Black 
 Spruce. The latter is the most valuable. At one time it covered 
 vast areas of the Province in dense forests, but fire and the axe of 
 the lumberman Jiave now greatly reduced its supply. It is most 
 abandant in the southern and middle counties, growing usually 
 around lakes and in low situations. Its wood is strong, light, elastic, 
 and durable, and is extensively used .' ' shipbuilding, especially in 
 the making of yards and topmas-ts. Very large quantities are manu- 
 factured into deals, clapboaiV-;, and battens for exportation. It is 
 also used to some extent in the making of shingles. 
 The White Spruce is a larger but more slender tree than the 
 Black Spruce. It is also of less frequent occurrence. Its wood is 
 white and soft, and generally free from knots, but it possesses less 
 strength and elasticity than the last naiued variety, and is therefore 
 less vahiable. Tlie spruce deals shipped from the northern counties 
 are largely made from this tree. 
 Hemlock. — Another important tree is the Hemlock Spruce, or 
 Hemlock. It is one of the most abundant of our evergreen trees, 
 and is found on almost every variety of r>oil. Under favorable cir- 
 cumstances it reaches a height of seventy or eighty feet, '";i*H a 
 circumference of from six to nine feet. It is ot more frequent 
 occurrence in the s<Mithern and middle than in tlie northern portions 
 of the Province, and Is rare north o' the Grand Falls. Both its 
 wood and its bark are of value. The former, being delicient in 
 resin, decays readily under exposure, but is well fitted for the con- 
 struction of dwellings, out-buildings, and the )ikt, and is largely so 
 employed. The bark is valued for tanni.ig purposes, and enormous 
 numbers of trees are annually stripped with this object in view, the 
The Vegetable Kingdom. 73 
 bark being partly used directly, partly exported, and partly era- 
 ployed in the nianulacture of bark extract. A large proportion of 
 the trnnks felled for this purpose have been left in the fore:^t8 to 
 decay and to help tlie spread of foiost lires. 
 Hackmatack, Tamauack, or Larch. — This is another of the 
 more valuable trees of New Brunswick, easily distinguished by its 
 numerous horizontal and irregular branches, and by its bright red 
 flowers or "atkius. Its favorite place of growth is near the banks 
 of sluggish brooks and around the borders of bogs, and here it some- 
 times attains a height of forty or fifty feet ; but on the bogs them- 
 selves, though abundant, the trees are generally nuich smaller. In 
 such situations the trees have, within the last few years, bc^n subject 
 to a disease or blight, the work of insects, and over large tracts along 
 the upper St. John they present an appearance as though they liad 
 been blasted by lire. 
 The wood of the Hackmatack is valued on account of its dura- 
 bility. It is very resinous and compact, as well as stro:ig, and is 
 therefore admirably adapted for i\ui requirements of the shipbuilder. 
 From its trunk he obtains timbers and beams, and from its roots, 
 knees. It is al^^o well adapted, on account of its hardness and dura- 
 bility, for floor-boards and door-steps. The su})ply, however, is now 
 greatly reduced as compared with ihat of former years. 
 Balsam Fir. — This tree, more commonly known under the 
 simple name of Fir, is only mentioned here as a tree of rather fre- 
 quent occurrence. It is a handsome tree, and one of rapid growth, 
 but is short lived and rarely attains a large size. Its wood also is of 
 little value, lacking the desirable qualities of hardness, strength, and 
 elasticity. It is most abundant in the nc thern counties. From it 
 may be obtained the substance known as Canada Balsam, used in 
 medicine and in the nuiking of varnishes. 
 Class II. Endoger*^ as Flowering Il^ints. 
 The plants of this class have a stem which is not distinguishable 
 into bark, pith, and successive zones of wo'>d, vhe latter being irregu- 
 larly scattered through the stem, and mosily near the centre; lience 
 called Endogens, or Insid;^ Growers. The leaves have thi? veins 
 usually arranged in parallel lines ratlier than branching, are not 
 toothed, and generally clasp *he stem, The parts of the flower are 
 usually in threes, and the embryo possesses but a single seed-leaf. 
74 The Vegetabi.e Kingdom. 
 The group embraces quite a number of families, of wliicli, liowever, 
 only a few tan liere be noticed. 
 Arum Family. 
 This family derives its name from the "Wild Arum, or Indian 
 Turnip, commonly met with along the borders of brooks and in 
 hhady woods. Its tuber, or thickened underground stem, is remark- 
 able for its intensely biting taste, and when grated and boiled (when 
 it loses its acridity), is a popular medicine in the cure of coughs and 
 consumption. A plant of more real value for its medicinal proper- 
 ties is the Sweet Flag, or Calanuis, not unfrecpiently employed in the 
 diseases of children. It is found in river intervales, and about the 
 borders of lakes and ponds. 
 Lily Family. 
 But fcAV members of this family are noticeable as useful plants, 
 but many are deserving of mention for their beauty: one, the Onion, 
 constitutes an article of food, and another, the Hellebore, is a violent 
 poison. Among the forms noticeable for their beauty may be men- 
 tioned the ordinary Yellow or Orange Lily; the true Canadian Lily, 
 the ornament of intervales and meadows ; the Belhvort, common 
 also in similar situations ; the Adder's Tongue, or Dog's Tooth 
 Violet ; and the Trillium, whose flowers, especially of the white or 
 painted variety, are among the most common and beautiful blossoms 
 of early spring. All of these plants are capable of successful culti- 
 vation. The cultivated Onion is of course familiar to every one, 
 while wild Onions abound along the banks of the upper St. John 
 and its tributaries. The Hellebore, on the other hand, is l^ss widely 
 distributed, but is not uncommonly met with along the banks of in- 
 tervales, where its broad green leaves and luxuriant growth can 
 hardly fail to attract attention. The poisonous qualities reside 
 cliicfly in the root. 
 Okchis Family. 
 This family is hero alluded to simply for the reason that it in- 
 cludes some of the most beautiful and curious, though not the most 
 abundant, of our wild flowers. One of the most familiar forms is 
 the Lady's Slipper, whose flowers, including both white and })ink 
 varieties, are among the choicest ornaments of our vernal woods. 
 Iris Family. 
 The two representatives of this family here ibund are the com- 
 mon Blue Flag, occurring everywhere in wet places throughout the 
The Vegetable Kingdom. 75 
 Province, i\nd tlie Blue-Eyed Grass, iibundant in fields. Both are 
 noticeable for their beauty. Cultivated species of Iris, with large 
 and showy blossoms, are common in gardens. The Crocus and 
 Gladiolus are related forms. 
 Rush Family. 
 The Rushes are only noticeable as weeds. Five or six species 
 are of common occurrence, but are for the most part homely, worth- 
 less, and trG;:blosome. 
 Cat-Tail Family. 
 The Cat-Tails, or Flags, are common in wet and nuiddy places. 
 They have no important applications, but their dried spike-like 
 fruits and long sword-like leaves are often employed for interior 
 house decoration. The leaves are sometimes made useful for weav- 
 ing the seats of chairs. Family. 
 Though usually of small size individually, of simple structure, 
 and with inconspicuous flowers, no group in the vegetable kingdom 
 is more deserving of mention than that of the Grasses, for this, if 
 for no other reason, that it affords so large a proportion of the food 
 both of man and beast. Thus, within this family are included not 
 only all the ordinary grasses of fields and pasture lands, which,, 
 either in the green state or as hay, form tiie chief xneans of subsist- 
 ence of all our domesticated cattle, but here also are found such in- 
 valuable plants as Rice, Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Indian Corn, and 
 Sugar Cane. 
 The plants referred to this great division of the Vegetable King- 
 dom differ from those previously noticed in that, though they con- 
 form to the general plan of vegetable growth, they fail to fornL 
 either true flowers or seed, multiplication being effected by spores,- 
 i. e., minute seed-like bodies borne upon the leaves, but which con- 
 tain within no ready -formed plantlet or embryo. 
 To this series belong (1) the Ferns or Brakes; (2) the Club- 
 Mosses or Ground Pines; (3) the Mare's Tails or Scouring Rushes; 
 (4) the true Mosses; (5) the Mushrooms ; (G) the Lichens; and (7) 
 the Sea-Weeds, with a multitude oi related forms. 
 The Ferns are especially noticeable for their abundance and their 
 beauty, being unexcelled in the whole vegetable kingdom for the 
76 The- Vegetable Kingdom. 
 delicacy, variety, and elegance of tlieir foliage. Tliey are also well 
 iidaptcd for garden and house cultivation. The Club-Mosses are 
 iilso beautiful })hints, well adapted, by their trailing stems and spruce 
 or pine-lilve leaves, for interior cultivation and decoration. The 
 Mare's Tails are connnon about ponds and wet situations, but are of 
 no special interest. Tiie Mosses, the Fungi or Mushrooms, and the 
 Sea-Weeds (better known as Algae) all embrace many beautiful 
 forms well worthv of consi<leration bv the lover of Nature. Their 
 study is, however, too ditiicult for the young beginner. 
 Figs. 1-21. — Vertkbratk, ou Back-Boxed Animates. Figs. 1-10. Mammalia: 
 1. Man; 2. Monkey; 3. Lynx; 4. Cow; 5. Bat; 6. Bear; 7. Rabbit; 
 8. Star-nosed Mole; 9. Seal; 10. Whale. Figs. 11-17. Birds: 11. Hawk, 
 and 13, Owl, birds of prey ; 12. Wood-peeker, a climbing bird ; 14. Fowl, 
 or scratching bird; 15. Heron, a wading bird; 16. Wren, a perching 
 bird; 17. Duck, a swimming bird. Figs. 18-20. Reptiles: 18. Turtle; 
 19. Snake; 20. Frog. Fig. 21. Fish (Smelt). 
 Figs. 22-25. — Akticulatk, ok Ringed Animals. 22. Spider; 23. Butterfly; 
 24. Worm ; 25. Lobster. 
 Figs. 2G-29. — Moixuscan Animals, or Shkll-Fish 26. Squid; 27. Peri- 
 -:.ikle; 28. Snail ; 29. Clam. 
 Figs. 30-34. — Radi.\te, or Rayed Animals. 3U. Sea-Urchiu; 31 and 32. Star 
 Fishes; 33. Jelly-Fish; 34. CoraL 

 24 "^''"'^^^/a.i^'''^"^"^*"^^ 
 Plate IV. Forms of Animals. 
 In .an earlier portion of this work referring to the general char- 
 acteristics of living beings, some of the main features of distinction 
 between these and the lifeless objects of the mineral world have 
 already been enumerated ; and in the study of the life of plants 
 these distinctions have found illustration in the various kinds of 
 work performed by the latter, as well as in the various implements 
 or organs by which it is accomplished. But animals also work in 
 many more and in much liigher ways than plants, and the organs 
 possessed by them are, as a consequence, also far more varied and of 
 liigher and more complex structure. We have now to consider, 
 somewhat more fully, what these organs are, how they are consti- 
 tuted, what is the special work performed by them, and what are 
 some of their modifications in different animals. 
 In studying this subject the same method may be followed as has 
 already been employed in the study of plants. That is to say, the 
 student may first make himself acquainted, as far as is possible, 
 witli the general structure of some one animal with which he is 
 familiar, and then, taking this latter as a standard or pattern for 
 comparison, ascertain wherein others difier therefrom. By so doing 
 he will very soon find that, as was the case with plants, there are 
 certain connnon features in which all animals agree, certain kinds of 
 work which they all perform, certain general plans of structure, few 
 in number, in accordance with one or the other of which thev are 
 all constructed. The difTerent.'es arise from the several ways in 
 wliich the required work is done, and the various modifications of 
 their organs which thus result. A summary of the common features 
 referred to will not only serve to illustrate these principles, but to 
 exhibit more strongly the features both of resemblance and of differ- 
 ence between animals and plants. 
 It makes but little difference what animals we choose, but select- 
 ing the following ;is being familiar, and at the same time of somewhat 
 varied structure — viz., a dog, a cat, a horse, a cow, a bird, a snake, 
 ■. 78 , , 
. TTAf . » " ■ » '■ »! . -»« ». ■#» .j J* , I ■ wi B i.M II. iX 
 The Animal Kingdom. 79 
 a Lutterfly, and a snail — a little observation will suffice to show that 
 they possess, each and all of them, tiie following features: 
 (1.) The Animal Moves. It is by this power of motion that 
 the existence of an animal is most commonly recc-njni/.od. But 
 plants, as we have seen, also move; and tliis j)owcr, taken alone, will 
 therefore not always suffice to distinguisli tiiem. To say nothing, 
 however, of the difference in the two cases as to the amount and 
 rapidity of the movements, there is this essential diilerence ; namely, 
 that animals possess, what plants evidently do not, instruments or 
 organs which are constructed and adapted for this si)ecial purpose. 
 These are as various as are the animals in which they are found — 
 taking the form of legs, wings, lins, etc., and determining, as the 
 case may be, an equal variety of movements, as walking, running, 
 leaping, flying, crawling, gliding, and swimming; but they are in 
 general accomplished by a special machinery, of which the follow- 
 ing are the most essential parts. In the first place there are certain 
 hard parts, through which the force producing the motion is applied, 
 and which are jointed or hinged togetheif much as in ordinary ma- 
 chinery. These are what are termed the bones, or, in some instan- 
 ces, the shell. Secondly, there are between these movable pieces 
 fibrous cords, which, much like ordinary cords of elastic, have 
 a peculiar power of contracting, and thus of j^ulling upon the bones 
 or other parts with which they are connected. These are the 
 Muscles, the appearance of which is familiar in ordinary lean meat. 
 The muscles are commonly connected with the bones or other hard 
 parts through the agency of Tendons, which act nuich like the straps 
 and belting used in mills to convey the power of the engine to 
 various distances and in various directions. Oily matter is also pro- 
 vided about the joints to prevent friction. Lastlv; the power of 
 contraction on the part of the muscles is called into pbiy through 
 the agency of what are termed the Nerves, which, starting from the 
 Brain, the great centre of life and power, extend, in the form of 
 delicate cords, to all parts of the body, and especially to the muscles, 
 which without their control can do nothing. How the Brain and 
 Nerves act upon the Muscles we do not altogether know, but in many 
 particulars the action is very similar to that exerted by an electric 
 battery in ordinary telegraphy. 
 Nothing in any way resembling the apparatus of nerves and 
 muscles is ever found in plants. 
80 The Animal Kingdom. 
 (2.) The Animal Directs and Controls Its Motion. This 
 is obvious from tlio nature and purpose of tiie motion itself. Iii 
 plants tlie source of tlie motion is in general from without; j'. r., it 
 is (h'lKudent on tlie action of the sun's rays. In aninjals it comes 
 from within, and is used for a definite purpose. 
 (:^ ) The Animal is Conscious of External Objects. With- 
 out such consciousness the jtower of motion would only be a source 
 of dan<;er. It would also be totally useless even if, under such cir- 
 cumstances, it were possible. This power of recognizing and dis- 
 tinguishing objects outside of the animal's mvn body resides in what 
 wc term the Saues ; vi/., tliose of Touch, Taste, Smell, Sigb.t, and 
 Hearing. Each of these is constructed in its own special '/ay, and 
 in ditlerent animals i»rcsents great dillerences of detail, in form, 
 number, complexity, etc.; Init their general mode of operation is 
 much the same in all, depending u})on a second power possessed by 
 the nerves, and througli wliich certain })eculiar impressions are con- 
 veyed to the brain. 
 (4. 1 The Animal Seeks, Selects, and Seizes Food. In the 
 case of plants, their food — the earth and air — are everywhere, and 
 everywhere essentially the same. Hence they do not require, and 
 are unable, to make any selection. "With animals the case isdifler- 
 ent. Their food must be sought, and a choice must be made between 
 such kinds as are, and such as are not, suited for the purpose. This 
 they do through their organs of locomotion and their organs of 
 sense. In addition to this, however, their food must be seized; and 
 in many cases, where such food consists of other animals, these have 
 to be attacked and overcome. The limits are JJie organs most com- 
 monly used for this purpose, being armed with claws, talons, hoofs, 
 etc., but many other parts of the body — lips, tongue, 'teeth, nose, 
 tail, etc. — may be similarly employed; or, as in some snakes, the 
 body itself. 
 (5.) The Animal is Nourished by Food Taken Into Its 
 Interior and There Digested. l*lants, as we have seen, take in 
 their food by mere absorption over their outer surface, and chiefly 
 through their roots and leaves. Some animals of very low organiza- 
 tion and simple structure also subsist by mere absorption through 
 the surface ; but in all the higher forms the food is never thus taken, 
 being first introduced into an interior cavity, where it becomes sub- 
The Animal Kingdom. 81 
 jected to a variety of changes whieli render it better titted to serve 
 its purpose. Tiiis interior cavity is the stomach. In some animals 
 it is a mere sac or bag connected with the moutli, but' in many it 
 foyms only one portion of a lengthened tube — the food canal — 
 having connected with it a variety of accessory organs, such as the 
 liver, spleen, etc., which add to its efficiency. To facilitate the pas- 
 sage of food througli tliis canal it is lirst cut, torn, or otherwise 
 divided (in the case of man it is also often cooked), and when intro- 
 duced into the mouth is further subdivided by the action of the 
 teeth. These are very various in number, form, and structure ; but 
 always exhibit the most exact adaptation to the kind of food upon 
 which the animal subsists. The final result of the process of diges« 
 tion is the formation of blood. 
 (6.) The Animal Possesses a Heart (or some Related 
 Organ) and Blood Vessels. Blood is to animals what sap is to 
 j)lants — a nourishing Huid; hence it requires to be conveyed to all 
 parts of the body where growth or change is in progress. In plants 
 the sap flows by mere soakage ; but in most animals a more complex 
 machinery is provided, consisting of a central reservoir, the heart, 
 and of a system of pipes or tubes, termed blood vessels, by which the 
 blood is more rapidly conveyed from one part of the body to an- 
 other. The heart, besides being a reservoir, is also a sort of force- 
 pump, by whose action the blood is constantly kept in motion, being 
 drawn from one portion of the body and driven to another. The 
 tubes conveying blood from the heart are termed arteries, and those 
 which carry blood to that organ are known as the veins. The entire 
 movement is called the Circulation of the Blood. 
 (7.) Animals Breathe. The animal body has been compared 
 with a machine, but, like a machine or engine, it? povvers can only 
 be kept up by the constant use of fiiel, which is as constantly con- 
 sumed. The fuel of the body is the food, converted into blood, and 
 then into the various organs of which the body is constituted ; its 
 consumption is effected, as in an engine, by air taken into the in- 
 terior and there made to unite with the blood or other parts. The 
 apparatus for this purpose consists in some animals of lungs and in 
 others of gills ; but the purpose is the same in either case, and leads 
 to the same results. One of these results is the production of power, 
 either nervous or muscular, or both ; the other is the production of 
82 The Animal Kingdom. 
 heat. Those animals which, like our ordinary boasts and })ird3, 
 breathe pure air and have good lungs, are warm-blooded ; those 
 which have poor lungs, like reptiles, or only gills, like fishes, have 
 blood which is cold. The former also have a body covering, con- 
 sisting of hair, fur, wool, or feathers, by which the warmth of the 
 body is preserved ; while reptiles and fishes have only scales serving 
 the piu-pose of defence. 
 (8.) The Animal Rests Portions or the Whole of its Body. 
 The nutritive processes described above require time, and when 
 material is consumed more rapidly than it is renewed, derangement 
 follows, producing the sensations of fatigue and pain. Rest is re- 
 quired. This is attained, as regards separate parts of the body, by 
 ceasing to make use of them ; it is accomplished for the entire body 
 through the medium of sleep. Even plants have periods of inac- 
 tivity, determined by alternations of light and darkness, the varying 
 seasons, and other causes. In the case of certain animals, such as 
 the bear, bat, etc., a considerable portion of the year is passed in a 
 dormant state. 
 (9.) The Animal Grows. This is not directly obvious, but, as 
 in the case of plants, it becomes so when we compare together the 
 body at periods more or less apart. In most cases the change from 
 any one of these periods to another is gradual, and no difference is 
 observable other than that of she; but in other instances the change 
 is more abrupt, and the animal, in successive periods, presents 
 features of a wholly unlike character. Thus the fish-like tadpole 
 becomes converted into the frog, and the worm-like caterpillar into 
 the bright-winged butterfly. 
 (10.) The Animal gives Birth to Young. This it may do 
 either directly, or indirectly through the egg. The former is the 
 case with all our ordinary quadrupeds, as well as bats, seals, and 
 whales — in other words, with all Mammals, or animals which 
 suckle their young; all others, whether birds, reptiles, fishes, in- 
 sects, or the like, are born from eggs. The egg is with animals 
 very much what the seed is with plants ; and as from the seed 
 :i new plant is developed, so from the egg a new individual is 
 hatched. The important part of the egg is tlie yolk, for out of this 
 the new animal is directly made. The white of the egg and the 
 - shell when present merely afford nourishment and protection. 
The Animal Kingdom. 88 
 It is interesting to notiee tliat, besides forming eggs, correspond- 
 ing to seeds, animals may, like plants, in some instances multiply 
 also by a process of budding, and thus build up a sort of community 
 of animals, all bound together as are the separate branches which 
 make up a conunon shrub or tree. The most noticeable example of 
 this kind of growth is furnished by the coral animals of tropical 
 seas, and it is by their i)ower of so multiplying that tliey come to 
 build the extensive reefs which skirt many tro[>ical islands, or even 
 themselves form islands in the midst of the ocean. 
 (11.) The Animal Dies. The duration of all living things is 
 limited. Subject at all times to internal change, subject also to acci- 
 dent and disease, as well as liable to be attacked and destroyed by 
 other animals, each kind, or rather each individual, having served 
 its purpose, and having given birth to new individuals, becomes the 
 subject of decay, and, dying, becomes resolved into the elements out 
 of which it was made. 
 In the study of natural objects, as in all other kinds of study in 
 which comparisons are made, the mind is naturally led, as the re- 
 sult of these comparisons, to group or classify tlie objects or ideas 
 thus considered according to their features of resemblance and of 
 diflference. We classify familiar objects as houses, churches, barns, 
 and the like ; we classify words as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. ; in 
 the first part of this work we distinguished rocks from minerals, 
 and metals from bodies which are not metallic ; and, finally, we 
 grouped or classified plants in a number of distinct families, each of 
 which had some repi'esentative member and some peculiar features 
 of its own. 
 The classification of animals has the same object in view, and is 
 effected in the same way; viz., by bringing together into distinct 
 groups those animals whicli have conmion features or which stand 
 more or less nearly related to each other. The classification of 
 animals, however, is not nearly so easy as that of minerals or plants, 
 becfiUse they are of a far more complicated structure, and the 
 grounds of comparison are at the same tim^ mucli more numerous 

 If 1^ lid 
 1^ !■■ 1 2.2 
 t lis 12.0 
 1.4 il.6 
84 The Animal Kingdom. • 
 and less thoiouglily understood. Hence naturalists are not altogether 
 in accord as to the number and relative importance of the groups to 
 be adopted, but certain general principles are, nevertheless, recog- 
 nized by all. Tiiese principles will be best understood by a few 
 simple illustrations. ► 
 If we were called ujton to classify the books of a library, we 
 might, as a matter of convenience, do so with reference to their 
 relative size ; or, as a matter of taste, from tlie character of their 
 binding ; or yet again, with reference to the dates of their publica- 
 tion. But such classifications would be of little or no vahie for any 
 one who wislied to know wh;;i sort of books the library actually con- 
 tained. For this purpose he would need to go beneath the surface 
 and know something of the subjects of which they treat. So with 
 the different varieties of buildings; we distinguish and group them 
 together with little or no reference to their size, colour, amount of 
 ornament, or other unimijortant features of like kind, but with ref- 
 erence to the plans of their architecture and th.e purposes for which 
 they are to be employed. 
 It is the same with the classification of animals. The first and 
 most important feature to be determined is that of their })lan of 
 structure. According to what general pattern are they built? In 
 the Vegetable Kingdom we found but one such plan, but in the 
 higher Animal Kingdom this number is considerably increased; 
 four, if not a greater number, of distinct patterns being here recog- 
 nizable. The first of these patterns finds illustration in the case of 
 our own bodies, as well as in all ordinary (juadrupeds, birds, reptiles, 
 and fishes, the common feature which they all possess being that of 
 having an internal bony skeleton, with a back-bone for an axis. The 
 division or branch of ihe Animal Kingdom possessing this common 
 feature is hence called that of Back-Boned (or Vertebrate) Animals. 
 The several groups referred to may be regarded simply as repre- 
 senting so many modes of carrying out this one idea or pattern, and 
 they make up so many classes into which the Vertebrate Branch may 
 be subdivided. So each class may, with the varying complexity of 
 its members, their form and mode of life, be subdivided into smaller 
 groups, known as orders and families, genera and species. The plan 
 is the same in all, but is variously expressed. 
 In addition to the Back-Boned or Vertebrate plan, three other 
 plans are recognized by most authors, known respectively as the 
 The Animal Kingdom. 85 
 Articulate or Jointed Plan, the Sac-like or Molluscan Plan, and the 
 Ray-Formed or Radiate Plan — plans which are equally to be found 
 in all the various animals which belong to each, however much they 
 may vary in individual peculiarities. These, therefore, make three 
 more branches of the Animal Kingdom, and they in similar manner 
 are subdivided into classes, orders, etc., according to the varying 
 ways in which the one common plan is executed. 
 Finally, it has been found necessary to adopt a fifth branch 
 (Protozoa) to include a number of forms, mostly of minute size, the 
 structure of whose bodies is so simple that they can hardly be re- 
 garded as being built upon any definite plan. 
 Referring once more to our architectural comparisons, we may 
 regard the four main types of animal structure as corresponding to 
 the difierent styles of building distinguished by architects — the 
 Grecian, the Gothic, the Norman, the Elizabethan, etc. The em- 
 ployment of any one of these styles, such as the Gothic, for building 
 a castle, a cathedral, or a house of parliament, as the case may be, 
 is paralleled among vertebrate animals in the adaptation of some to 
 life on the land (Quadrupeds), others to life in the air (Birds), and 
 others again (Reptiles and Fishes) to life which is essentially aquatic. 
 Again, a cathedral or a castle, built upon any one pattern, may be 
 large or small, may be simple or complex, and may have various 
 relations to its surroundings; and so any one class under any one 
 branch of the Animal Kingdom may have members presenting 
 similiar diversity. Finally, to complete the same comparison, the 
 members of the fifth branch, which are not constructed iipon any 
 particular plan, may be regarded as corresponding to rude huts and 
 hovels, which, in like manner, cannot be referred to any particular 
 architectural method, though they necessarily exhibit many of the 
 more essential features upon which all edifices are built. 
 The following systematic but simplified classification of the 
 Animal Kingdom will afibrd further illustrations of these simple 
 principles, as it will also give opportunity for reference to some of 
 the more important wild animals of our own woods and waters. 
 Branch I. Back-Boned or Vertebrate Animals. 
 This branch embraces all animals possessing an internal, usually 
 bony, framework or skeleton, having the back-bone as an axis, en- 
86 The Animal Kingdom. 
 dosing distinct organs of sense, of digestion, of circulation, and of 
 respiration, and supporting externally two pairs of limbs, variously 
 modified. The right and left sides of the body correspond, and the 
 head is distinct and well defined. .. v 
 The branch embraces four classes, exhibiting adaptations to as 
 many disdnct conditions of life, as follows : 
 Class I. Mammalia. Vertebrate or Back-Boned Animals 
 bringing forth and suckling a living young; adapted in most in- 
 stances to life on the land, and hence having their limbs developed 
 into legs and fee!, for walking, leaping, running, etc. ; possessed of a 
 four-chambered heart, with a double and perfect circulation,* and 
 lungs inflated with air ; warm-blooded, and having the body more or 
 k.s protected by a covering of hair. In addition to ordinary q ad- 
 rupeds the group includes also Man, Monkeys, Bats, Seals, Walrus, 
 Whales, etc., which, though not all four-footed, and in some instan- 
 ces not inhabitants of the land, are yet true Mammals, possessing all 
 the essential features of the group. 
 Omitting Man, the following are the chief orders in the Mam- 
 malian class, with some of their Provincial representatives : 
 1. QuADRUMANA. The Monkev Tribe, including Apcs, Monkeys, 
 Baboons, et<;., only seen in imported specimens. 
 2. Carnivora. Flesh-Eating Animals, or Beasts of Prey, hav- 
 ing usually strong, well-knit bodies, keen senses, and active 
 movements ; having also mouths provided with sharp-pointed 
 and cutting teeth, and feet armed with claws. Their entire 
 structure adapted for the recognition, pursuit, capture, and 
 digestion of living prey. 
 In addition to domesticated dogs and cats, this group is 
 represented among the wild animals of the Province by the 
 Wild Cat, the Canada Lynx or Loup-cervier, one or more 
 species of Fox, the Weasel, the Raccoon, the Sable, Mink, 
 Otter, and Ermine, highly valued for their furs ; the Skunk, 
 * A perfect and double circulation is where the whole of the blojod, in ad- 
 dition to traversing the body, is driven through the lungs, and thereby purified. 
 The heart, in such cases, always consists of four cavities, and the blood is con- 
 •tantly and thoroughly renewed. 
The Animal. Kingdom. 8T 
 the Bear, suul one or more Seals. Wolves were at one time 
 common in the Province, but seem to have entirely disap- 
 8. Herbivoua. Plant-Eating Animals, adapted externally and 
 internally for subsistence upon vegetation ; iiaving bodies 
 often large, but weaker and generally less active than those 
 of carnivorous animals ; their senses often acute ; their teeth 
 adapted for cuowing rather than for tearing or rending ; and 
 their fee' ^rmed with hoofs instead of claws. 
 The domesticated representalives of this group are our 
 common and most useful animals, the Horse, the Cow, and 
 the Pig. Among wild forms we have in the Province tlie 
 Moose, the Caribou, and the Red (or Virginian) Deer. The 
 two former are becoming lessened in numbers by the whole- 
 sale slaughter to which they are subjected by huntei's, but 
 the last named appears to be upon the increase. 
 4. Whales. These very peculiar forms of Mammals, which, 
 with the closely aUied forms of porpoises, are generally 
 mistaken for fishes, are not unfrequently seen upon our 
 coasts, and are of several different kinds. Their main pecu- 
 liarities' are their enormous size, tlieir water residence and 
 fish-like form, the absence of hind limbs, and the imperfect 
 development of their teeth. 
 5. Bats. These are another exceptional group, being adapted^ 
 though true mammals, to life in the air. They are possessed 
 of powers of flight; but these, instead of being effected 
 through a true wing, composed of feathei-s, as in birds, are 
 the result of a mere expansion of the skin, stretched upon 
 and moved by the greatly lengthened fingers. They are 
 small-sized, feeble animals, living in dark situations, flying 
 only by night, and passing the winter season in a state of 
 inactivity. We have three species, but only one of common 
 occurrence, in the Province. 
 6. Insect-Eaters. The only reprerentatives of this group with- 
 in our borders are the Shrews ai :i the Moles, of which there 
 are several kinds. Both are very small and feeble animals, 
 subsisting upon insects, burrowing under the ground, and 
88 The Animal Kingdom. 
 rarely seen by day. Their feet are adapted for digging; 
 ri eir fur is very soft and fine, and tlieir eyes remarkable for 
 their small size ; features all connected with the conditions 
 of their underground life. 
 7. Gnawers. These include the Rats, the Mice, the Squirrels, 
 the Woodchucks, the Muskrats, the Beavers, the Rabbits, 
 1 and the Porcupine. They are all plant-eatei-s; but in ad- 
 I dition to being of small size and feeble structure, are pecu- 
 liar in having their jaws and teeth (especially tlie two front 
 teethineither jaw) adapted for gnawing. The three animals 
 ; firstnamed, as well as Rabbits, are common everywhere. The 
 Porcupine, remarkable for its covering of quills (really modi- 
 fied hairs), is also not uncommon, frequently coming even 
 into settlements. The Beaver, on the contrary, though once 
 abundant, is now rare, being confined to the least frequented 
 and most inaccessible portions of the Province, where the 
 occurrence of their dams and houses attest the results of 
 their activity and singular habits. 
 The other groups of mammals met with in foreign countries need 
 not be noticed here. 
 Class II. Birds. Vertebrate animals, developed from eggs, 
 and adapted for flight. The fore-limbs formed into wings, and the 
 body covered with feathers. The circulation double and perfect, 
 the respiration aerial, and the blood warm. This class may be 
 divided into several groups, distinguished by peculiarities of their 
 bills and feet, of which the following are the most important : 
 1. Birds of Prey. Hawks, Eagles, Owls. 
 2. Climbing Birds. Woodpeckers. 
 3. Perching Birds. Sparrows, Warblers, Swallows, ThrusheSj 
 Humming-Birds, Crows, Blackbirds, Blue-Jays, etc. 
 4. Fowls, Etc. Including Barnyard Fowls, Pigeons, and Par- 
 6. Wading Birds. Heron, Snipe, Woodcock, Curlew. 
 6. Swimming Birds. Ducks, Geese, Loons, Gulls. 
The Animal Kingdom. I 
 Class m. Reptiles. Vertebrate animals, developed from eg^ 
 and adapted for land life, for water life, or for both. The limbs a 
 short, rudimentary, or altogether wanting; motion being slow, 1 
 creeping or gliding. Circulation douWe, but imperfect ; the bio* 
 being only in part conveyed to the lungs (or gills), and but partial 
 renewed. Eet:piration either through air or water, or through bot 
 but inactive, with development of little power, and leaving the blo< 
 cold. The body covering is composed of scales. The following a 
 the subdivisions of this group : 
 1. True OR Scaly Eeptiles. 
 • - 
 (1). Turtles. Having tlie body enclosed in a shell made 
 the back -bone, ribs, and hardened skin. The mou 
 bird-like, without teeth. 
 (2). Lizards. Having a lengthened body, not enclosed in 
 shell, but covered with scales; limbs present. Tl 
 mouth provided with small teeth. 
 (S). Snakes. Having bodies greatly lengthened and destitu 
 : of limbs, motion being effected by gliding. The mou' 
 is provided with small teeth. In venomous serpen 
 these are replaced in part by fangs, connected wi 
 poison-glands, but none of this character are to be foui 
 - • ' in New Brunswick. About four species of snakes oce 
 in the Province, all of which are harmless. 
 2. Amphibian or Naked Keptiles. 
 ''1). Frogs and Toads. Keptile-like animals, which in ear 
 life live, as tadpoles, in the water, being fish-like 
 form, and breathing by gills, but subsequently chanj 
 to land-life, acquiring limbs and lungs. The body 
 , short, with distinct head, and soft membranous skin. 
 i 2). Newts and Salamanders. Lizard-like animals found 
 I cellars, wells, and similar situations, but, unlike lizarc 
 having a body without scales, and breathing more 
 less by giUs. 
 Class IV. Fishes. Vertebrate animals developed from eg 
 (roe), and adapted exclusively to a water life ; the body lengthene 
 horizontal, and cylindrical, without marked inequalities, and coven 
 with scales ; the limbs developed into fins ; the circulation perfe< 
W) The Animal Kingdom. 
 but single, the blood passing but once through the heart, and re- 
 newed by gills instead of lungs. 
 . The tliree principal groups of fishes, all of which have repre- 
 sentatives on our shores, or m our lakes and rivers, are : 
 1. Bony Fishes, including nearly all food-fishes^ such as Trout, 
 Salmon^ Perch, Herring, Mackerel, Pickerel, Cod. 
 2. Cartilaginous Fishes, destitute of a bony skeleton, and 
 mostly injurious, as the Sharks and Rays. 
 3. Sturgeons, having the body more or less covered with bony 
 - _ plates. They are often of large size, and are common in 
 the St. John river, where they are captured in considerable 
 numbers for the oil which they yield. t i 
 Branch II. Jointed Animals or Articulates. 
 The animak of this branch are without an internal framework 
 or bones of any kind, the hard parts of the body being external. 
 The body is usually lengthened, and more or less conspicuously 
 divided into rings, which are articulated or jointed tcqfether, and 
 which, on the outside, have attached to them the organs of locomo- 
 tion, seizure, respiration, etc., variously modified. The right and 
 left sides of the body correspond. The branch embraces the follow- 
 ing classes : 
 Class I. Insects. Terrestrial or Aerial Articulates, having the 
 horny body divided prominently into three distinct parts (the so- 
 called head, chest, and tail), living in and breathing air, and usually 
 provided with wings for flight. They pass through several stages of 
 growth, of which the first (as grub, caterpillar, or maggot), is worm- 
 like. The principal groups are the following : 
 1. Bees, Wasps, and Ants. Social insects, living in communi- 
 ties, and working for common ends. Of service iis affordiug 
 honey, but also often injurious to growing vegetation. 
 2. Butterflies and Moths. Four-winged insects, the tribe 
 of beauty, and of service in connection with the fruiting of 
 plants, but as caterpillars often highly injurious. 
The Animal Kingdom. 91 
 3. Beetles. " Ilard-shelled " insects, with four wings, of which 
 two only are used for flight. Tlie mouth is provided with 
 jaws. They include — besides all varieties of Beetles — June 
 Bugs or Cockchafers, Potato Bugs, etc., many of them working; 
 incalculable injury. 
 4. Fltes. Two-winged insects, including the common House- 
 fly, Bot-flies, etc. ; in part beneficial as scavengers, but apt 
 to become pests by their numbers and habits. 
 Fleas are related wingless forms. 
 6. GRASSHOPi»ERS, Crickets, AND LocusTS. Winged insects,, 
 having the framework of the wing arranged in straight 
 continuous lines. They are highly injurious to vegetation. 
 6. Dragon Flies. Four-winged insects, having the framework 
 of the wing exhibiting numerous branches, and the mouth 
 provided with jaws. Though formidable in name and aspect,, 
 the dragon-flies are wholly harmless to man ; affording, on 
 the contrary, much service by preying upon and therefore 
 reducing the number of injurious insects. Though not con- 
 fined to such situations, they are most commonly found about 
 ponds, lakes and rivers. 
 ClclSS II. Spiders. Air-breathing, articulate animals, related 
 to the Insects, but destitute of wings, and having four instead or 
 three pairs of legs. The body, which is soft, is usually divided inta 
 two distinct parts. They live largely upon insects, which they cap-^ 
 ture with the assistance of their webs; but some forms are plant- 
 feeders, and very destructive to vegetation. 
 Class in. Crustaceans. Jointed animals, having a body cov- 
 ered with a hard and rigid shell, the pieces of which are so united 
 as to divide the body into two prominent regions. They are con- 
 fined to the water, and breathe by gills. Of familiar forms there 
 are but two groups ; viz., (1) the Crabs, and (2) the Lobsters and. 
 Cray-fish. They are largely employed as human food. 
 Class IV. Worms. Articulate animals, with a soft body con- 
 sisting of an indefinite number of similar rings, with or without 
 external appendages. They are confined to water and damp earthy 
^2 The Animal Kingdom. 
 breathing either by gills, or by the general surface of the body. Be- 
 sides the ordinary earth, or angle worm, they include also the 
 Leeches, often found in ponds, and many marine forms. Earth 
 lyorms are of service as helping in the formation of isoils, and leeches 
 for medical purposes. . , 
 Branch III. Soft-bodied, Sac-like Animals. 
 Animals destitute of a bony framework, consisting essentially of 
 «, soft fleshy unjointed bag, containing the stomach and other organs, 
 and usually protected externally by a limestone shell. The num- 
 •erous (over 20,000) distinct forms are mostly referable to three 
 groups, as follows : • * • . 
 Class I. Cephalopoda (Head-Footed). The Squid and Cuttle 
 tribe, having w'ell defined heads, surrounded by long arms, 
 employed for seizure and locomotion, and (in our species) 
 destitute of a shell. The species of our coast are mostly 
 small, but some in the North Atlantic attain a length of 
 ^orty feet. 
 Class II. Gasteropods (Belly-Footed). Molluscs, enclosed 
 in a shell usually composed of a single piece (univalve) and 
 coiled spirally, as in the Snail. The body consists of a dis- 
 tinct head, with eyes and feelers, and of a soft, fleshy disc, 
 containing the stomach, etc., by which motion is effected. 
 Class III, Bivalves. Molluscs enclosed in a double or two- 
 valved shell opening by a hinge, as the Oyster and the Clam. 
 They are destitute of a distinct head, and, in most instances, ® 
 of locomotive organs. Kespiration is effected by plate-like 
 gills (the combs of the oyster), or by a system of water 
 Eelations or the Mollusca to Man. These are varied and 
 important. In the first place they yield, as in the case of the oyster, 
 clam, and some other forms, valuable articles of food ; some of them 
 are available as bait ; and many animals of importance to man, in- 
The Animal Kingdom. 9S 
 eluding varioua food-fishes, and even the gigantic whales, obtain in 
 them a large part of their subsistence. Their shells, from the lime 
 which they contain, are valuable as fertilizers, and owing to their 
 beauty, for the making of ornaments. Mother of pearl is a portion 
 of the inner layer of sliells of this group, and the pearl itself is 
 similarly constituted. On the other ha.'l, they may also be injuri- 
 ous, partly as preying upon other animals, as in the case of the 
 cuttles; or by preying ui)on plants, as with the slug and snail. 
 Finally, by the power which they in some instances possess of boring 
 into wood and stone, they may work immense damage to such human 
 structures as are exposed to their attacks. The ship-worm (not 
 really a worm, though conmionly so called), is one of this character, 
 and produces incalculable injury. 
 Branch IV. Ray-Formed Animals, or Radiates. 
 Animals destitute of a bony framework, but often possessing a 
 calcareous skeleton, with the organs of the body, external and inter- 
 nal, arranged radially around a central axis. This brunch includes 
 two main divisions, mostly marine, and several subordinate ones, as 
 follows : 
 Class I. Echinoderms. Having generally an external body- 
 covering, composed of many calcareous pieces, and bearing more or 
 less prominent spines. Their most familiar forms are the Sea 
 Urchins and Star-Fishes, abounding on the coast. 
 Class II. Jelly Fishes (£,nd Belated Forms). Having soft, 
 jelly-like bodies, of very simple structure, growing and multiplying 
 much like plants. 
 Class III. Corals (and Related Forms) . Having the simple, 
 sac-like body divided by radiating partitions, which, with the body 
 itself, generally become hardened by stony material into an endur- 
 ing skeleton. Growth and multiplication resembling that of plants. 
 Relations of the Radiates to Man. Except that these, in 
 various degrees, eat and are eaten by other animals, they are — at 
 The Animal Kingdom. 
 least in our waters — of little direct importance to man. In warmer 
 latitudes, however, they play a part of the first importance in the 
 building up of limestone reefs, such as surround many tropical 
 islands, and mov even form the bulk of the islands themselves. 
 Branch V. Protozoa. 
 These are systemless animals, having the simplest possible struc- 
 ture, possessing few, if any, disUnct organs, and not built upon any 
 definite plan. They are mostly of very small size individually, or 
 even microscopic; but, by a process of budding, build up large, some- 
 what plant-likip, communities. The mist familiar example is ordi- 
 nary sponge, varieties of which are common in our ponds and upon 
 the coast. The best sponges come from the Mediterranean. Ordi- 
 nary Chalky which we employ as a writing material, has a somewhat 
 similar origin. 